Kingdom Plantae (Gymnosperms)
Short Description
Detailed Lesson Plan in Science for Grade VIII Prepared By: Raslia P. Ronda I.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, the Grade VIII students will be able to: a. Identi Identify fy the the plants plants belo belong ng to Gymno Gymnospe sperms rms.. b. Discuss the characteristics of 4 divisions divisions belong to Gymnosperms. c. Appreciate Appreciate the the economic economic import importance ance of some plants plants in Gymnosperm Gymnosperms. s. Learning Content: . !opic pic: Gymnosperms. B. Refe Refere renc nces es:: . !e"t#oo$s: !ariano, "an "ason. #$%$& 'cience (in)s II #*iology&. 'ampaloc, !anila: +e *oo) 'tore, Inc. Learner%s &odule: -ampo, ia, #$%/& 'cience Grade 0 (earner1s !odule. asis -ity: Vibal ublishing 2ouse, Inc. '. (e#: a& 3Diversity 3Diversity of Gymnosp Gymnosperms. erms. *oundless *oundless *iology *iology.. *oundless *oundless,, %/ "ul. $%4. +etrieved %5 !ar. $%6 from https:77www.boundless.com7biology7tetboo)s7boundless8biology8 tetboo)7seed8plants8$57gymnosperms8697diversity8of8 gymnosperms85$/80447 b& 3Gin)go ree. reewal). reewal). +etrieved ;eb. $%%/ fromhttp:77www8 from http:77www8 pub.naconomic 3>conomic Importa Importance nce of Gymnosperms Gymnosperms. . +etrieved +etrieved from 406d4ec6495/d?e@full8answer C. Instruc Instruction tional al &aterial &aterialss : Visual Visual aids #ictures&, !anila paper, !ar)er. D. Scie Scienc ncee Ideas Ideas:: a. Gymnosperms Gymnosperms are plants plants that that have seeds seeds but but no flowers flowers.. hey referred referred to as 3na)ed seed. he seeds of these plants are on cones or in cups. !ost gymnosperms are evergreen. b. he 4 phyla of gymnosperms are cycadophyta, gnetophyta, gin)gophyta, and coniferata.
Learning Strategies
eacher1s Activity Activity . Pre)a Pre)ass ssess essme ment nt
'tudent1s Activity
*. Prayer
3>verybody, please stand for the
#he students will stand and pray&
prayer. 3a)e your seats.
#he students will sit down&
'. Greetings
3Good afternoon class 32ow are you doingB
3Good Afternoon !a1am +as 3Ce1re doing fine !a1am.
+. C,ec$ing of ttendance
3I1m glad to hear that. Cho are absent todayB
3Eobody is absent today
3Very good -. Recapitulation
3Chat was our topic yesterdayB
3Fur topic yesterday was Eonvascular plants.
3es. Chat is nonvascular plantB
3Eonvascular plants don1t contain tissues to transport water and nutrients throughout the body of plants.
3Very good Give the three divisions of nonvascular plants.
3he three divisions of nonvascular plants are bryophyta, hepatophyta, and anthocerophyta.
3hat1s right . &oti/ation #he teacher will show picture of cycads.& 3Chat can you observed from the picture presentedB 3hat1s right -ycads have cone8li)e in the center. hat cone is the seed of cycads.
3I observed that the plants have cone8li)e in the center and its leaves resembles the palm leaves.
3Chat are GymnospermsB
3Gymnosperms are seed8bearing vascular
plants in which the seeds are not enclosed in an ovary. 3Very good Gymnosperms are referred to as 3na)ed seeds. hey do not produce flowers. Chat are the four divisions of GymnospermsB
3he four divisions of gymnosperms are cycadophyta, gin)gophyta, gnetophyta, and coniferata.
3hat1s right Pre)La# cti/ity:
#he teacher will show different plants of Gymnosperms. he students will identify the plants if it1s -ycadophyta, Gnetophyta, Gin)gophyta, and -oniferata.&
#he students will perform the activity&
La#oratory Proper: Post)La# cti/ity:
3Although classified as a single group, gymnosperm plants are actually comprised of four different phyla. Chat are the characteristics of cycadophytaB 3hat1s right hey have a distinct trun) with a few functional leaves atop. hey are often mista)en for palms. And have large, compound leaves. Fne of the eamples of cycadophyta is the cycads. -ycads bear large cones. Chat are the characteristics of gin)gophytaB
3es. he only living member of the phylum Gin)gophyta is the !aidenhair tree, better )nown as Gin)go biloba. It has fan8shaped leaves, uniue among seed plants because they feature a dichotomous
3-ycadophyta are characteriphedra has small, scale8li)e leaves.
3he stem of Celwitschia is shaped li)e a large, shallow cup that tapers into a taproot below the surface. It has two strap8shaped, leathery leaves that grow continuously from their base, splitting as they flap in the wind. Chat are the characteristics of >phedraB 3es. >phedraHs small, scale8li)e leaves are the source of the compound ephedrine, which is used in medicine as a potent decongestant. *ecause ephedrine is similar to amphetamines, both in chemical structure and neurological effects, its use is restricted to prescription drugs. he last genera is the Gnetum.
3he seeds of Gin)go biloba are usually used for food they can be roasted or put into a soup.
3Chat is the economic importance of Gin)go bilobaB 3-onifers are used in timber and paper production. 3hat1s right he wood is sometimes used for religious furniture. he wood from the female tree can be made into paper. he leaves and JnutsJ are used for medicine all over the world. his medicine has been used to treat asthma, coughs, bronchitis, digestive aid and urinary incontinence. Chat about the conifersB 3es. Gymnosperms provide the entire worldHs softwood timber, the maKor construction wood of temperate regions, and about 46 percent of the worldHs annual lumber production. 1. Generali2ation
3Chat have you learned from our topic todayB
3hat1s right IV.
!ultiple -hoice. Direction. >ncircle the correct answers. . In which of the following group would you place a plant which produce seeds but lac)s flowers. a& *ryophytes c& teridophytes b& ;ungi d& Gymnosperms $. All are not characteristics of Gymnosperms
3I have learned that the gymnosperms are very important because they are widely used in construction, furniture8building, paper8ma)ing and urban planning, as well as providing important solvents for industrial and home use, cleaning agents, and food.
34C3P!, a& 2aving fruits b& 2aving seed enclosed in an ovary c& roduce flower d& 2ave na)ed seeds
/. All are belong to Gnetophyta >L->, a& -ycads c& Gnetum b& >phedra d& Celwitschia 4. Chat division of gymnosperms which has a fan8shaped leavesB a& -oniferophyta c& Gin)gophyta b& -ycadophyta d& Gnetophyta 6. All are belong to Gymnosperms >L->, a& Division -ycadophyta b& Division Gin)gophyta c& Division Gnetophyta d& Division 2epatophyta V.
*ring Gumamela flower tomorrow
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