King Mau Wu vs Sycip

November 28, 2018 | Author: Suri Lee | Category: Legal Concepts, Public Law, Private Law, Judiciaries, Virtue
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KI NG MA MAU WU WU v.FRANCI SCO SYCI P GR No.L5897Apri l23,1954 Do c t r i ne  A : nonr esi dentmay sue a r esi denti nt he c our t s oft hi sc ount r y wher et he def endantmay besummoned andhi spr oper t yl evi abl eupon exec ut i oni nt hecaseofa  f avor abl e,final ,andex ec ut or yj udgment .

FACTS:Thi si san act i on t ocol l ectfil edbyKi ngMaw Wu agai nstFr anci scoSyci pf or t heamountofP59, 082. 92,t oget herwi t hl awf uli nt er es t sf r om 14 Oct ober1947,t he dat eoft hewri t t endema mandf orpayme ment ,andcost s. Ki ng Mau Wuu,agentofFr anci sc o Syci p,s ol d and del i ver ed 1, 000 t ons of coconutoi lemu mul si on t o Jas Maxwel lFasset .Fasseti nt urn assi gned i tt o For t r ade Cor porat i on.Underan agencyagr ee mente xe cut edi n New Yor k,whi ch wasaddr es se and accept edbyFranci scoSyci ponNov emb mber22,1945,Ki ngMa Mau Wu wasma madet he excl usi ve agentofSyci pi nt he sal e ofcoconutoi land i t s der i vat i es out si de t he Phi l i ppi nesandwast obepai d2½ per centon t heact ualsal epri ceofsal esobt ai ned t hruhi seffort s,i naddi t i ont o50per centoft hedi ffer encebet weent heaut hori zedsal e pri ceandt heact ualsal epri ce. Ki ngMa Mau Wu cl ai mst hatf ort hesal et oFasset ,hei sent i t l edundert heagency cont r actt oacomm mmi ssi on of2½ per centon t het ot alact ualsal epri ceof1, 000t onsof coconutoi lemu mul si on and 50 percentoft hedi ffer encebet ween t heaut hori ze d sal e pr i ceof$350 pert on and t heact ualsel l i ngpr i ceof$400 pert on.AsSyci p al r eady madeprev i ouspayme ment s,Ki ngMa Mau Wu i sj ustcol l ect i ngon bal ancepayme ment sduet o hi m. Syci p,on t heot herhand,cont endst hatt hesal est r ansact i on wasnotcover ed  byt heagencycont r actdat ed Nov ember22 ast hesal eswasagr eed upon on Oct ober 16 and t hati twasan i ndependentandse par at et r ansact i on f orwhi chKi ngMa Mau Wu hadbeendul ycompensat ed. Lowe werCour tRul i ng:   Render edj udgme menti nf av orofKi ngMa Mau Wu and deni edbot h t he mot i on f orr econsi der at i on and new t r i alfil ed by Syci p.Syc i p fil ed an appeal , cont endi ngt hatt heCourtofFi r stI nst anceofMani l ahasnoj uri sdi ct i on overt hecase ast heagencycont r actwasexec ut edi nNew Yor k. I SSUE : et  Wh herornott heCour tofFi r s tI nst anceofMani l ahasj ur i sdi ct i on. RATI O:   CFIhasj uri sdi ct i on.A nonr esi dentmaysuear esi denti nt hecourt soft hi s count r y wher et he def endant ma may be summoned and hi s pr oper t yl evi abl e upon execut i on i nt hecase ofa f avor abl e,final ,and execut oryj udgme ment .I ti sa per sonal act i on f ort hecol l ect i on ofa sum ofmoneywh whi ch t heCo Cour t sofFi r stI nst ancehave  j ur i sdi ct i ont ot r yanddeci de.Ther ei snoconfli ctofl awsi nv ol vedi nt hecase,because i ti sonl yaquest i on ofenf orci nganobl i gat i on creat edbyorari si ngf r om cont r act ;and

unl esst heenf orc ementoft hecont r actbeagai nstpubl i cpol i cyoft hef orum,i tmust  beenf or ced.  The pl ai nt i ffi s ent i t l ed t o col l ectP7, 589. 88 f orcommi ssi on and P50, 000 f or onehal foft heoverpri ce,ora t ot alofP57, 589. 88,l awf uli nt er est st her eon f r om t he dat eoft hefil i ngoft hecompl ai nt ,andcost si nbot hi nst ances.

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