Kiln Migration and its effect on Brick lining.docx

May 6, 2018 | Author: Junaid Mazhar | Category: N/A
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 Case study for Kiln Migration and Effect on Bricks lining

Production Team

1. Ovality and Brick Lining

The Lining life of kiln is significantly influenced by mechanical conditions of kiln. The difference in diameter between kiln shell and tyre leads to a gap between tyre and kiln shell which decreases under hot conditions. The relative movement of the tyre and kiln shell is known as creep or slippage. The higher the gap the higher will be the ovality and also the creep. The relation is as under  TyreGap [ mm ] × π =creep [

mm  ] sec

Due to direct relation between creep, tyre gap and ovality the tyre creep can be used for  assessment of the gap between kiln shell and tyre and consequently also the kiln shell ovality

2. Tyre Migration and Gap

Clearance is important in order to allow the kiln shell to expand when heating up without getting damaged by the tyre. The higher gap under cold conditions is reduced during heating up to operation temperature, in order to guarantee

 !peration without damages of the brick work from overdue mechanical stresses.  "void risk of constriction of kiln shell and damages of the refractory lining during heating up or due to process instabilities such as flame change or coating falling

. Tyre Migration and Gap !2"

#ut once the cheat plates worn down the clearance between the kiln shell and tyre becomes too large. This leads to

 $ncreased ovality and mechanical stresses. #. $eco%%ended Creep

%ule of thumb &under hot conditions'  Kiln Diameter ( mm ) 1000

= Recommended clearence[ mm ]

Clearence [ mm ] × π = Recommended Creep[ mm ]

BCL C&ak'al Kiln (ia%eter ) #.* %eter

%ecommended (ap &hot conditions' ) *.+ mm %ecommended Creep ) - mm The clearance should never become  /mm0 &1 2 mm3sec tyre creep' This rule should be followed in particular strictly when firing alternative fuels. " brick structure  per4damaged by infiltrated alkali salts, looses flexibility and is therefore much more sensitive to higher mechanical stresses. +. Conse,uences for &ig& Ovality

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Consequences for the lining 5igns of increased mechanical stress 6ot only can be damaged


%egular maintenance can prevent from increased or pre4mature wear of refractory lining due to increased mechanical load. -. Case study of C operation on average te%perature to reduce fuel consu%ption 7. /e' cord rope and its &olding pins for kiln inlet seal

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