Killzone Rules v3

March 24, 2018 | Author: dracomaxis | Category: Armed Conflict, Unrest, Leisure, Violence
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This is an optional rules set for the killzone scenarios....



DISCLAIMER: This is a not-for-profit rules supplement for Warhammer 40,000 by Games Workshop plc. None of the authors, distributors, contributors, editors, or commentators have participated in this project for money; they have done so purely for the love of the game. This ruleset demands that its users own and refer to the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and relevant codices in the use of these rules. All content within these pages is user-created and is derived, without permission, from Warhammer 40,000 intellectual property owned by Games Workshop Ltd. This ruleset is completely unofficial and is in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Ltd. Astartes, Battlefleet Gothic, Black Flamer, Black Library, the Black Library logo, BL Publishing, Blood Angels, Bloodquest, Blood Bowl, the Blood Bowl logo, the Blood Bowl Spike Device, Cadian, Catachan, the Chaos device, Cityfight, the Chaos logo, Citadel, the Citadel device, City of the Damned, Codex, Daemonhunters, Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Dark Future, the DoubleHeaded/Imperial Eagle device, ‘Eavy Metal, Eldar, Eldar symbol devices, Epic, Eye of Terror, Fanatic, the Fanatic logo, the Fanatic II logo, Fire Warrior, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Genestealer, Golden Daemon, Gorkamorka, Great Unclean One, the Hammer of Sigmar logo, the Horned Rat logo, Inferno, Inquisitor, the Inquisitor logo, the Inquisitor device, Inquisitor:Conspiracies, Keeper of Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, Kroot, Lord of Change, Marauder, Mordheim, the Mordheim logo, Necromunda, Necromunda stencil logo, Necromunda plate logo, Necron, Nurgle, Ork, Ork skull devices, Sisters of Battle, Skaven, the Skaven symbol and devices, Slaanesh, Space Hulk, Space Marine, Space Maine chapters, Space Marine chapter logos, Talisman, Tau, the Tau caste designations, Tomb Kins, Trio of Warriors, the Twin Tailed Comet logo, Tyranid, Tzeentch, Ultramarines, Warhammer, Warhammer Historical, Warhammer Online, the Warhammer device, the Warhammer World logo, Warmaster, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations, and images from the Blood Bowl game, the Warhammer world, the Talisman world, and the Warhammer 40,000 Universe are either ®, TM and/or Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2010, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission.

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Grey Knights


GK: Inquisitorial Special Operations


Imperial Guard







Sisters of Battle


Blood Angels


Space Marines


Black Templars


Space Wolves


Chaos Daemons


Tau Empire


Chaos Space Marines




Dark Angels


Dark Eldar

4. Introduction 5. Building a List 6. Skill Upgrades 7. Wargear Upgrades Special Issue Limited Issue Standard Issue

SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - INTRO In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war –and that war has many faces: epic battalions wage endless conflict throughout entire star systems; mighty Titans stride the continents of virusravaged worlds; grand heroes set themselves on a stage no smaller than the galaxy itself. But there are times when the Universe turns on a much smaller stage. The blade in the dark… the forlorn last stand of a motivated, desperate few… the efficient, brutal business behind the closed doors of a darkened Strategium… the hushed footfalls of a stealth team as stifled, fleeting protests mark the only trace of its presence… To be a man in such times is to be one amongst uncounted billions, but there are moments when the quiet actions of just one man can recalibrate the entire merciless Universe. This is the story of those deeds.

Special Operations: Killzone is a set of fan-designed rules created with the intent of enabling players to run skirmish games within the Warhammer 40,000 Universe. Killzone is intended as a supplemental way to play the game, and was inspired by the suggestive Kill Teams game mechanism offered in the third and forth edition of Warhammer 40,000, as well as in the most recent Battle Missions supplement. Killzone hopes to explore and to refine those suggestions and make them more generally playable. To use these rules, you must own and refer to your copy of the Warhammer 40,00 rulebook and the relevant Codex. USING THIS BOOK This book is the companion guide to the core rules alterations found in the Special Operations: Killzone Rulebook. This book is intended to be a living document that outlines and adapts the varied Warhammer 40,000 codices for play in a Killzone dynamic. Again, this book cannot be used without a copy of the appropriate codex from which you wish to build your Special Operations Group. On each page, you will find two columns: the left column (in almost every instance) describes any amended rules necessary to make the codex apply more squarely into the Special Operations: Killzone dynamic, while the right column lists the entries available from that codex.



Both players build a Special Operations Group using the codex for his/her army of choice. A Special Operation Group generally contains one or two teams; we leave the decision regarding the number of teams up the players on the day.

Unique Models: Models listed as Unique in their unit composition may not be used.

Team Structure: Each team has a 250 points limit and can contain anywhere between 5 to 20 models in total.

Toughness: No model may have a base Toughness statistic greater than 5.

Wound Limit: No model may have more than 3 wounds in Killzone.

Vehicles: No vehicles are allowed with the exception of a single Walker per team, and only if it has an armor rating of 33 or less. Armor rating is determined by adding the 3 armor values (FA/SA/ RA) for your vehicle together.

No model may exceed 80 points (including upgrades). Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex.


By committing to a theme, a team will ignore one standard restriction; in order to do so, the entire team must adhere to that theme. For example, if you would like more than 2 jump infantry in the composition of a team, then all models in that team must be jump infantry.

You may only take one squad leader upgrade for each unit choice taken and only after you take one member from the squad entry. You may not select a second squad leader for any particular unit type. Team Leader: Pick one model from your team to be the team leader, preferably the model with the highest Ld value. The team leader may not be equipped with a heavy weapon. All models within 6 inches may test on his Ld. This model gains +1 Wound if he only has one in his base statistic; if the model has more than one Wound already, he gains +1 Attack instead.

A team may only ever select one theme, and all the other restrictions still apply to the organization of that team. Please remember that while all models must participate in the chosen theme, these exceptions only negate only a single standard restriction for organization parameters. All other restrictions still apply.

Standard Restrictions: a team may select a limited number of models with the following attributes: 0-2 2+ armor save 0-2 3 wounds 0-2 3+ invulnerable saves 0-2 Jump Infantry 0-2 Bike/Jetbike, and/or Cavalry/Beasts designation

Armored Might: This theme allows you to field additional models with 2+ Armor saves in your Special Operations Group. Death From Above: This theme allows you to field additional Jump Infantry models in your Special Operations Group. Behemoths: This theme allows you to field a Special Operations team composed entirely of models with 3 wounds.

These characteristics stack, so a TH/SS Terminator fills both a 2+ and a 3+Inv slot.

Swift As The Wind: This theme allows you to field additional models that are Bikes, Jetbikes, or Cavalry/Beasts in your Special Operations Group (you must pick which exactly). Furthermore, any Bike or Jetbike model may add the Skilled Rider USR for an additional 5 points per model.

Weapon Restrictions: Killzone teams identify four basic type of non-standard and limited weapons. In any mission, a team may field the following number of non-standard weaponry: 0-3 Template - designated Template 0-3 Incisive - with AP2 or lower 0-3 Suppressive - with 3 or more shots 0-3 Heavy weapons - designated Heavy. These characteristics stack, so a Lascannon fills both an Incisive and a Heavy slot. Likewise, models with variable weapons and weapon types count 1 for each available or potential characteristic (thus a Chaos Obliterator tallies 1 Template, 1 Incisive, and 1 Heavy regardless).


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - UPGRADES Optional Upgrades Because Special Operations: Killzone forgoes the standard HQ choice, the following Skill and Wargear Upgrades represent a tremendous way to bring personality to the individuals in your Special Operations Group. These are designed to add flavor and uniqueness to your team, as well as to the characterful, cinematic narrative of the game itself. No model may have more than 25 points worth of upgrades (both Skill and Wargear combined). Note: for clarity, these upgrades have been articulated with an eye on the more human elements of the 41st millennium; please feel free to substitute an appropriate terminology for your own race.

Skill Upgrades An individual model may only select a single Skill upgrade; however, the following options may be taken an unlimited number of times per team. Walkers may not select any Skill upgrade. Blade Master: 10 points A team member with this ability will gain the Rending USR for all close combat attacks. The model may not be armed with a special close combat weapon.

Hard to Kill: 10 points The team member gains the Feel No Pain USR. Lightning Reflexes: 20 points A team member with this ability gains a 5+ dodge save from all shooting and close combat attacks. The dodge save is taken before his normal save; the model may use both saves to avoid damage from any attack.

Brawler: 5 points A team member with this ability gains +1S to his profile while in close combat.

Raider: 5 points A model with this skill upgrade enjoys the Hit and Run USR.

Crack Shot: 10 points A team member with this ability may re-roll any failed to hit or to wound rolls. The player must announce which will be re-rolled at the beginning of the shooting phase.

Resilient: 5 points The team member gains +1 to its Toughness.

Gunfighter: 10 points This skill increases the model’s rate of fire by one for one weapon per turn (e.g.: Assault 3 weapon into Assault 4) if the target is up to 12 inches away. This skill will also add one to the rate of fire at a target over 12 inches, provided the shooting model has not moved that turn. This skill may not be used with a Template or a Heavy weapon. (note: the skill will not affect special rules for the weapon, like Gets Hot!).


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - UPGRADES Wargear Upgrades Special Issue: The following four options may be taken once per team.

Limited Issue: The following four options may be taken twice per team.

Auspex: 10 points A team member with an Auspex forces his opponent to re-roll successful cover saves when the team member shoots. In addition, if the model carrying the Auspex did not move, it may confer the special rule to a single friendly model within 6 inches. The team member may not take an Auspex if it is carrying a Heavy weapon (Walkers may select this upgrade).

Penetrator Rounds: 10 points A model will re-roll all successful armor saves from shooting attacks made by a model with penetrator rounds. You may only use a weapon’s basic statistics, and may not stack Penetrator Rounds with other special ammunition. Models with a Heavy Weapon may not take penetrator rounds (Walkers may select this upgrade). Stealth Suit: 10 points Any infantry classed team member may take the Commando upgrade. The model gains the Stealth, Scout, and Move Through Cover USRs. The model may not have a Jump Pack, Bike, Jetbike, or a 2+ armor save.

Medipack: 15 points A team member with a medipack gains the Feel No Pain USR; in addition, one team member within 6 inches of the medipack may take a single Feel No Pain roll in each player turn. Smoke Grenades: 15 points A model with smoke grenades may throw them like any other grenade. Place a large blast marker once the hit location has been determined; any shots that draw LOS through the marker grant the target a 3+ cover save. The marker is removed at the end of the opposing player’s next turn.

Suspensors: 10 points A team member with a Heavy Weapon can have it fitted with suspensors; the model gains the Relentless USR, but may only fire up to half the weapon’s maximum range if he has moved. Targeter: 5 points A team member with a targeter adds +1 to all of his rolls to hit when shooting, provided that the team member has not moved in his turn (Walkers may select this upgrade).

Refractor Field: 15 points A Team Leader may take a refractor field and gain a 5+ invulnerable save.

Standard Issue: The following options may be taken an unlimited number of times per team. Assault Grenades: 2 points Team members armed with assault grenades count as being armed with Frag grenades –or the appropriate equivalent for your race (biomass projectiles for Tyranids, etc). Models in Terminator armor may not purchase assault grenades.

Close Combat Accessories: 2 points These can take the form of bayonets, knives, short swords, and sometimes even sharpened entrenching tools. A team member armed with close combat accessories will gain an additional close combat weapon in the Assault phase.

Defensive Grenades: 2 points Team members armed with defensive grenades count as being armed with the appropriate equivalent for your race. Models in Terminator armor may not purchase defensive grenades.

Thermal Imaging: 2 points Team members armed with the Thermal Imaging upgrade gain the Acute Senses USR during any turn in which Killzone Night Fight rules operate ie: add an additional 4 inches to their LoS range (Walkers may select this upgrade).


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - MUSTER CODEX: BLOOD ANGELS Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options.

Available Army List: a team may purchase individual models from the codex using only the selected entries listed below. 0-3 Priest

Any upgrade item that affects an entire unit (for example, the Wolf Banner) will use the standard 6 inches Area Effect Rule in the basic Special Operations: Killzone rulebook.

Sternguard 0-1 Sternguard Sergeant Sanguinary Guard

No model may Deepstrike or Teleport unless the specific Mission explicitly allows an exception.

Terminators 0-1 Terminator Sergeant

There are no free weapons upgrades for tactical squads; these weapons must be purchased from the following points list. Special Weapons: Flamer Melta gun Plasma gun

3 points 5 points 10 points

Heavy Weapons: Heavy Bolter Missile Launcher Multi-Melta Plasma Cannon Lascannon

5 points 10 points 10 points 15 points 25 points

Assault Terminators 0-1 Assault Terminator Sergeant Tactical Marines 0-1 Tactical Sergeant Assault Marines 0-1 Assault Sergeant Scouts 0-1 Scout Sergeant Death Company Marine Biker 0-1 Sergeant Vanguard Veterans 0-1 Vanguard Sergeant 0-2 Devestators (must take a heavy weapon) 0-1 Devestator Sergeant


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - MUSTER CODEX: BLACK TEMPLARS Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options.

Available Army List: a team may purchase individual models from the codex using only the selected entries listed below. Sword Brethren Terminator Squad

Any upgrade item that affects an entire unit will use the standard 6 inches Area Effect rule in the basic Special Operations: Killzone rulebook.

Sword Brethren Terminator Assault Squad Sword Brethren Squad

No model may Deepstrike or Teleport unless the specific Mission explicitly allows an exception.

Techmarine 0-4 Servitors

Ignore the Auspex and Targeter entries and refer, instead, to the basic Special Operations: Killzone rulebook for these upgrades.

Crusader Squad Black Templar Assault Squad

Assault Cannons: Use the rules and points values from the 5th edition Codex: Space Marines.

Black Templar Bike Squadron

Storm Shields: Use the rules and points values from the 5th edition Codex: Space Marines. Holy Rage: If a team member dies to shooting, all Black Templars within 6 inches must make a Ld test at the end of the shooting phase; if they pass, they move 3 inches toward the closest enemy. Only a Black Templar Space Marine may be a team leader (Neonates need guidance).


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - MUSTER CODEX: CHAOS DAEMONS Daemonic Assault: Daemons Always deploy on the tabletop unless the Mission requires reserves.

Daemonic Rivalry: Daemons cannot go within 2 inches of another Power or Furies, except if that model is locked in close combat; it is, therefore, still possible to Reactive Assault or create multiple combats.

Daemonic Gifts: these are not psychic powers and are used as normal -just to clarify. Screamers of Tzeentch: will move as Jetbikes, but do not count toward the Jetbike limit.

Available Army List: a team may purchase individual models from the codex using only the selected entries listed below.

Eye of the Gods: Daemonic teams may not select wargear or skills from the Killzone upgrade options. Instead, they are awarded “gifts” below.


A Daemonic team begins the game with one (2d6) roll on the following chart. Every third model from a single allegiance (Khorne, Nurgle, etc) earns your team an additional roll. After you calculate your dice pool, allocate each potential roll to any individual model, then roll 2d6. You will likely want to mark your models to identify and to record each specific gift from the gods.

Hounds Bloodcrushers Daemonettes Seekers Screamers

If an entire team is comprised of a single Power allegiance, that team earns an additional 2 rolls.


If a team leader rolls, he may influence the result by plus or minus one on the chart below.

Horrors Flamers

The chaotic blessings are as follows: 2345678910 11 12 -


Player's Choice Feel No Pain 6" AoE (like Medipak) +1 Strength +1 to Invulnerable Save Scout No Effect Infiltrate Stealth and Move Through Cover +1 Attack +1 Toughness Player's Choice

Nurglings Beasts Furies

Notes: your team earns a roll for every third model allegiance rather than model type: so 2 Bloodletters and 1 Bloodcrusher will confer a team one roll. Also, you must assign each gift/roll to a model before making the roll. The Chaos gods are fickle creatures, to be sure. You may assign a roll to any model, regardless of how that roll was generated, but each model may only roll once on the chart (ie: the roll generated from Khornate allegiance in the example above could be assigned to a Plaguebearer, and so on).


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - MUSTER CODEX: CHAOS SPACE MARINES Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex.

Available Army List: a team may purchase individual models from the codex using only the selected entries listed below.

Chaos Space Marines may take a Thousand Sons Aspiring Sorcerer as a Psyker, as long as the team contains at least one Rubric Marine. Rubric Marines within 6 inches of a Sorcerer act under command.

Chosen 0-1 Aspiring Champion Chaos Terminators

Squad Icons: confer the standard 6 inch Area of Effect rule for Killzone. A model may only be affected by one Icon at a time, which should invariably be the closest Icon. Cult Marines gain no bonus from Icons.

Possessed 0-1 Aspiring Champion

Possessed: roll each model individually for the Daemonkin ability before deployment.

Plague Marines 0-1 Plague Champion

Lesser Daemons: start on the table unless the Mission explicitly requires reserves. Every third Summoned Lesser Daemon may roll on the Eye of the Gods chart described in the Codex: Chaos Daemons amendment from the previous page.

Noise Marines 0-1 Noise Champion

Chaos Space Marines 0-1 Aspiring Champion

Khorne Berzerkers 0-1 Skull Champion Thousand Sons 0-1 Aspiring Sorcerer Chaos Bikers 0-1 Biker Champion Chaos Raptors 0-1 Aspiring Champion Chaos Spawn Chaos Havocs 0-1 Aspiring Champion Obliterator Cult Summoned Lesser Daemons


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - MUSTER CODEX: DARK ANGELS Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options.

Available Army List: a team may purchase individual models from the codex using only the selected entries listed below. Deathwing Terminator Squad 0-1 Deathwing Sergeant

Any upgrade item that affects an entire unit will use the standard 6 inches Area of Effect (AoE) rule in the basic Special Operations: Killzone rulebook.

Company Veterans Squad 0-1 Veteran Sergeant

No model may Deepstrike or Teleport unless the specific Mission explicitly allows an exception.

Scout Squad 0-1 Scout Sergeant

Ignore the Auspex and Targeter entries and refer, instead, to the basic Special Operations: Killzone rulebook for these upgrades.

Tactical Squad 0-1 Tactical Sergeant Assault Squad 0-1 Assault Sergeant

Assault Cannons: Use the rules and points values from the 5th edition Codex: Space Marines.

Ravenwing Attack Squadron 0-1 Ravenwing Sergeant

Storm Shields: Use the rules and points values from the 5th edition Codex: Space Marines.

*0-1 Ravenwing Support Speeder If a Dark Angels team adheres to the “Swift as the Wind” theme, that team may also include up to one Ravenwing Land Speeder Devestator Squad 0-1 Devestator Sergeant


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - MUSTER CODEX: DARK ELDAR Power From Pain: Applies to individual models; however, only one Pain Token may be gained per phase. The team leader may share/give his tokens to models within 6 inches.

Available Army List: a team may purchase individual models from the codex using only the selected entries listed below.

Stunclaw: Can be used on any model. Think of it as a way to 'move' where a combat takes place.

Incubi 0-1 Klaivex

Beastmasters: Khymerae within 6 inches of a Beastmaster may use his Leadership.

Grotesques 0-1 Aberration

Klaivex: Onslaught has an Area of Effect, but only affects Incubi.

Wracks 0-1 Acothyst

Harlequin: All Harlequins move 7 inches and will therefore run 11 inches total; a Harlequin is never hindered by Difficult Terrain. Veil of Tears has the standard 6 inch Area of Effect on Harlequins.

Mandrakes 0-1 Nightfiend Harlequins 0-1 Shadowseer 0-1 Troupe Master 0-1 Death Jester

Phantasm Grenade Launcher: If multiple models charge into the same combat and one of them has a phantom grenade launcher, all models within a 6 inch Area Effect benefit from it.

Trueborn 0-1 Dracon

Combat Drugs: a model with the Hypex result may move an additional 2 inches when running in clear terrain.

Bloodbrides 0-1 Syren

Berserker Rampage: Grotesques ignore this rule for Killzone Missions (all models act as an Independent Character of a sort).

Warriors 0-1 Sybarite Wyches 0-1 Hekatrix Hellions 0-1 Helliarch Scourges 0-1 Solarite Beastmasters 0-5 Khymerae Reavers 0-1 Arena Champion


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - MUSTER CODEX: ELDAR Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options.

Available Army List: a team may purchase individual models from the codex using only the selected entries listed below. 0-1 Warlock

Eldar Teams may take a single Warlock Psyker.

Striking Scorpions 0-1 Exarch

Plasma Grenades: all Eldar may take Plasma Grenades at a cost of two points. They may be thrown just like other grenades and have the following statistical profile: S4 AP4, small blast.

Fire Dragons 0-1 Exarch

Exarch Powers: Powers that affect the Exarch’s squad use the standard 6 inch Area of Effect. All models from the Exarch’s Aspect within the Are of Effect gain the bonuses from those powers.

Howling Banshees 0-1 Exarch Harlequin Troupe 0-1 Shadowseer 0-1 Troupe Master 0-1 Death Jester

Weapons Platforms: Place both of the gun crew in bast contact with the weapon; the three together now count as a single two-wound model.

Dire Avengers 0-1 Exarch

Harlequin: All Harlequins move a base 7 inches and will therefore run 11 inches in total; a Harlequin is never hindered by Difficult Terrain. Veil of Tears has the standard 6 inch Area of Effect on Harlequins.

Rangers Guardians Guardian Jetbikes Shining Spears 0-1 Exarch Warp Spiders 0-1 Exarch Swooping Hawks (note: Skyleap is forbidden in a game without Reserves) 0-1 Exarch Support Weapon Battery Dark Reapers 0-1 Exarch 0-1 War Walker


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - MUSTER CODEX: GREY KNIGHTS In many ways, the Grey Knights are alwaysalready an idealized Special Operations force. Nevertheless, certain restrictions must apply.

Available Army List: a team may purchase individual models from the codex using only the selected entries listed below.

As usual, teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options.

0-1 Paladin Grey Knight Strike Squad 0-1 Grey Knight Strike Squad Justicar

Each Grey Knight is a psyker and may cast the power/powers listed in his unit entry.

Grey Knight Terminator 0-1 Grey Knight Terminator Justicar

Rad and Psychostroke grenades: are not available in a Special Operations: Killzone mission.

0-2 Purifiers 0-2 Interceptors 0-2 Purgators


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - MUSTER CODEX: GREY KNIGHT INQUISITORIAL SPECIAL OPERATIONS Under standard conditions, HQ models are not permitted in Special Operations: Killzone; however, we simply could not let an opportunity to have an Inquisitorial Kill Team slip past us unremarked - it is just too brilliant and compelling a theme to omit.

Available Army List: a team may purchase individual models from the codex using only the selected entries listed below. 1 Inquisitor: Team Leader (must pick Ordo for options)

An Inquisitorial Special Operations Team must include one Inquisitor as its Team Leader. The Inquisitor has his base cost lowered to 20 points, and his statistic lowered to 2 wounds.

Warrior Acolytes Arco-Flagellants

Daemonblade: a model with two Daemonblades must pick which bonus to enjoy each turn.

0-1 Psyker 0-1 Mystic

Vampyre: a model may never exceed 3 wounds as a result of this power. If circumstances arise in which a model would gain additional wounds not allowed by the above restriction, that model gains the Feel No Pain USR instead. If that model already has FnP, its value will be increased to a non-stackable 3+ FnP save; additional benefits are ignored.

0-1 Jokaero 0-2 Daemon Hosts 0-2 Crusaders 0-2 Death Cult Assassins

Mindlock: please replace the original text of the rule with the following: Servitors not within 10 inches of the Inquisitor (team leader) at the beginning of a turn are subject to the Mindlock rule. To test for Mindlock roll a d6: on a score of 4, 5, or 6 the servitor functions as normal. If the result comes up 1, 2, or 3, the servitor is mindlocked and may not perform any action this turn.

0-2 Banishers 0-2 Servitors

Rad and Psychostroke grenades: are not available in a Killzone mission. Jokaero: all buffs from the Jokaero are limited to the standard Area of Effect of 6 inches. The Jokaero may assign a buff to any two models (but only two) in his AoE for each turn. The controlling player decides which two models in the AoE get the bonus. Regardless, models buffed by the Jokaero may not exceed restrictions established for a normal Special Operations Group. For example, the Reinforced Armor buff cannot confer a 2+ save to more models in the team than would normally be allowed.


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - MUSTER CODEX: IMPERIAL GUARD Psyker Battle Squad: You may only take 1 Sanctioned Psyker. Soulstorm requires LoS and is now S d3+1. Overseers are not required, and the Ultimate Sanction rule is ignored unless a Commissar is within 6 inches.

Available Army List: a team may purchase individual models from the codex using only the selected entries listed below. Ogryn Squad 0-1 Bone Head

Orders: Each Platoon Commander can issue two orders per turn; Sergeants take a Ld test to activate an order. All models within the standard 6 inch Area of Effect (AoE) receive the orders. If a voxcaster is within the 6 inch AoE for the Commander, Sergeants may re-roll failed orders.

Ratling Squad 0-1 Sanctioned Psyker (see above) Storm Trooper Squad 0-1 Storm Trooper Sergeant

First Rank, Fire. Second Rank, Fire: all models with a Lasgun add 1 to their rate of fire. This order must be given at the beginning of your own Shooting phase.

Veterans 0-1 Veteran Sergeant

Incoming: all models in the standard 6 inch AoE may go to ground and receive a +2 bonus to their cover save. Any model that does so will be pinned for his next turn. This order may be given at any point during the opponent’s Shooting phase.

Infantry Platoon Command Squad 0-1 Platoon Commander (only if an infantry Sergeant is chosen) Infantry Squads 1 Sergeant per 10 Guardsmen 0-1 Commissar per 10 Guardsmen (round up) 0-2 Heavy Weapons Teams

Move. Move. Move: is replaced by Up and at ‘em!: all models in the standard 6 inch Area of effect gain the Fleet USR; this order must be given at the beginning of the Shooting phase.

Conscripts 0-1 Custodian

Commissar: All models in the Commissar’s Area Effect use his Ld. If a model fails this Ld test, he is executed by the Commissar and removed from play. For the rest of that phase, all models with the Commissar’s AoE are Fearless.

Penal Legion 0-1 Scout or Armoured Sentinel Rough Rider Squad 0-1 Rough Rider Sergeant

With regard to a Rout test, the Commissar will execute the model with the highest Ld score in his AoE. In case of a tie, he will execute the model closest (there are no saves for this punishment). The test is then re-rolled. Veterans: Doctrines are take as normal at 3 points per model. Veterans in the same team must take the same doctrine. Penal Legion: every Legionnaire rolls individually for his skill at the start of the game/campaign. Heavy Weapons Teams: any Imperial Guard team may take a total of 2 Heavy Weapons Teams, which will fill the restriction.


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - MUSTER CODEX: NECRONS Although this codex makes one significant exception below, Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options.

Available Army List: a team may purchase individual models from the codex using only the selected entries listed below.

Under standard conditions, HQ models are not permitted in Special Operations: Killzone; however, a Necron Special Operations team must include one Necron Lord as team leader.

0-2 Lychguard

1 Necron Lord

0-3 Deathmarks Triarch Praetorians

Necron Lords: may not take the following upgrades:

Flayed Ones Warriors

Mindshackle Scarabs Tesseract labyrinth


Deathmarks: may not use Ethereal Interception in Killzone, but gain the Scout and Infiltrate USR. The Hunters from Hyperspace special rule allows each individual Deathmark model to pick its own target; subsequently, all Deathmarks wound that target on a 2+.

Wraiths Destroyers Tomb Blades

Reanimation Protocols: any Necron with the ability to do so may make a Reanimation Protocol roll may do so if there is another Necron model within 6 inches at the time of the Reanimation Roll (a model may, therefore, consolidate into range).


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - MUSTER CODEX: ORKS Waaagh!: Ignore the second paragraph in the Waaagh! rule (Codex: Orks, p.31).

Lootas: each Loota rolls individually for the number of shots when firing; regardless of the outcome, this weapon does not fill a Suppressive weapon slot.

Mob Rule!: any model testing Ld will gain an additional +1 for each Ork model within 6 inches (to a maximum of 10).

Flash Gitz: roll AP individually when firing. The Blasta upgrade will fill an Incisive weapon slot.

Bomb Squig: any Tankbusta model may purchase a Bomb Squig as a wargear upgrade for 5 points, which counts toward that model’s total.

Gretchin: in the Ork turn, a player may unceremoniously remove one Gretchin from the game; as a result, all Gretchin within 6 inches of a squig hound will become fearless for a turn.

A model with a Bomb Squig may throw it like a grenade during the shooting phase, but may target any point on the table including other models. Once active, a Bomb Squig counts as an independent unit and will move d6 inches in a random direction determined by the scatter die at the beginning of the Ork movement phase. The Ork player decides the squig’s direction on a “hit” result.

It’s a Grot’s Life: an Ork targeted by shooting may allocate any hits after the first to any/all Grots within 4 inches -as with the Killzone rule. Available Army List: a team may purchase individual models from the codex using only the selected entries listed below.

If within 2 inches of another non-squig model at the end of a movement phase, the Bomb Squig will move directly into base contact with that model ignoring terrain (owner’s choice if more than one model meets this criteria). A Bomb Squig is T3 and will explode immediately if it suffers a wound, touches another non-squig model, or contacts impassable terrain. Place the small blast template over the Bomb Squig and resolve any hits at S4 AP4.

Nobz 0-1 Painboy Meganobz Burna Boyz 0-3 Mek* Tankbustas 0-1 Nob Bomb Squigs

If a Tankbusta dies before deploying a Bomb Squig, the squig dies with him.

Lootas 0-3 Mek*

Bomb Squigs are always ignored for the purposes of any/all mission objectives. Kill Points are calculated with regard to the Tankbusta only whether a squig survives the game or not. Again, the squig counts toward his total.

Kommandos 0-1 Nob Ork Boyz and ‘Ard Boyz 0-1 Nob

0-3 Meks: Burnas and/or Lootas may select Mek upgrades as stated in the codex, but any single Ork team may only ever take 3 Meks in total (not per squad).

Gretchin 0-1 Slaver per 10

Stormboyz: Rokkit Packs count as Jump Packs, and continue to grant an extra d6 inches of movement (Codex: Orks p.47). Replace the sentence that begins, “On the roll...” with the following: Models with Rokkit Packs must re-roll successful dangerous terrain tests taken during the Movement phase.

Stormboyz 0-1 Nob Deffkoptas Warbikers 0-1 Warbiker Nob 0-1 Killa Kan


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - MUSTER CODEX: SISTERS OF BATTLE Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options.

Available Army List: a team may purchase individual models from the codex using only the selected entries listed below. 0-1 Priest

Faith Points: Due to the specific nature of Special Operations: Killzone, we have created the following changes to the generation of Faith points roll:

Celestians 0-1 Celestian Superior Sisters Repentia 0-1 Mistress

At the beginning of a turn roll 2d6 and subtract 2 from the result in order to determine the amount of faith points you have generated for that turn. A player will always generate 1 faith point as the minimum result for a turn, even if the deduction suggests otherwise.

Battle Sisters 0-1 Veteran Sister Superior Dominions 0-1 Dominion Sister Superior

Acts of Faith: Due to the specific nature of Special Operations: Killzone, we have implemented the following changes to the acts of faith roll: please disregard the modifiers listed in Codex: Sisters of Battle and replace them with those listed below:

Seraphim 0-1 Veteran Sister Superior 0-2 Retributors (must select a Heavy Weapon) 0-1 Retributor Sister Superior

+1 if there is a Sister Superior within 10 inches +1 if there is a Priest within 10 inches Righteous Rage: all models within 6 inches of a Priest may re-roll failed to hit rolls in assault.


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - MUSTER CODEX: SPACE MARINES Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options.

Available Army List: a team may purchase individual models from the codex using only the selected entries listed below. Terminator Squad 0-1 Terminator Sergeant

Any upgrade item that affects an entire unit will use the standard 6 inches Area Effect rule in the basic Special Operations: Killzone rulebook.

Assault Terminator Squad 0-1 Terminator Sergeant

No model may Deepstrike or Teleport unless the specific Mission explicitly allows an exception.

Sternguard Veteran Squad 0-1 Sternguard Veteran Sergeant

There are no free weapons upgrades for tactical squads; these weapons must be purchased from the following points list. Special Weapons: Flamer Melta gun Plasma gun

3 points 5 points 10 points

Heavy Weapons: Heavy Bolter Missile Launcher Multi-Melta Plasma Cannon Lascannon

5 points 10 points 10 points 15 points 25 points

Techmarine 0-1 Servitor per Techmarine Tactical Marine Squad 0-1 Tactical Sergeant Scout Squad 0-1 Scout Sergeant Space Marine Assault Squad 0-1 Assault Marine Sergeant Vanguard Veteran Squad 0-1 Vanguard Veteran Sergeant Space Marine Bike Squad 0-1 Space Marine Bike Sergeant Attack Bike Squad Scout Bike Squad 0-1 Scout Bike Sergeant Devestator Squad 0-1 Devestator Sergeant


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - MUSTER CODEX: SPACE WOLVES Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options.

Available Army List: a team may purchase individual models from the codex using only the selected entries listed below. Iron Priest

Lone Wolf: may not be chosen as team leader the explanation is in the name.

0-1 Lone Wolf 0-2 Fenrisian Wolves (upgrade)

A Lone Wolf may never interact with Secondary or Tertiary mission objectives for either player. He cannot claim objectives, and will not confer Kill Points to an enemy if slain.

Wolf Guard Wolf Scouts

A Lone Wolf may purchase 0-2 Fenrisian Wolves as wargear upgrades for 10 points per model. These points count toward the model’s total.

Blood Claws

A wolf will act as an independent unit on the table. As a wargear item, a Fenrisian Wolf may not be targeted by mission objectives, and so on (exactly as for the Lone Wolf as above).

Fenrisian Wolves

Grey Hunters

Sky Claws Swift Claw Bikers

Fenrisian Wolves test for a Reactive Assault involving the Lone Wolf, if in range, on his Ld.

Thunderwolf Cavalry

Saga: a team leader (only) may choose from the list of sagas.

Long Fangs

Any upgrade item that affects an entire unit (for example, the Wolf Banner) will use the standard 6 inches Area of Effect (AoE) rule in the basic Special Operations: Killzone rulebook. Blood Claws, Sky Claws, and Swift Claws within 6 inches of the team leader may ignore the Headstrong rule. There are no free weapons upgrades for Grey Hunters and Blood Claws; these weapons must be purchased from the following points list. Special Weapons: Flamer Melta gun Plasma gun

3 points 5 points 10 points


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - MUSTER CODEX: TAU EMPIRE Drones: Gun Drones selected from a squad count toward standard restrictions (jump infantry, etc); however, any other drone will take the attribute of its controller and will not count toward standard organization restrictions as such (see below).

Seeker Missile Strike: A model equipped with a Markerlight may purchase a Seeker Missile Strike as wargear for 10 points. The seeker missile strike may be triggered immediately upon scoring a successful hit on a target with a Markerlight. The Seeker Missile Strike is a shooting attack at BS5 S8 AP5. This is a one use only item and may only be purchased once per model.

Drone Controller: A model with a Drone Controller must select 1-2 drones for wargear. The combination of controller model and drone(s) is treated as a unit as per the normal 40K rules (including shooting, cover, and wound allocation) with the following exceptions:

Sniper Drone Team: Sniper Drones can only be selected by the Sniper Drone Team Spotter. The Spotter may purchase up to 3 Sniper Drones. All other rules for Drones and Drone Controllers apply. Spotter 20 points Sniper Drone 20 points

If a drone is ever more than 2 inches from the controller model, the drone’s programming instructs it to return to base and it is removed from play.

EMP Grenades: EMP Grenades can be thrown like Anti-Armour Grenades (see Codex: Tau Empire for effects).

In assault, a drone moves with the controller model, but must be in base-to-base contact with an enemy to participate in close combat; regardless, wounds inflicted on the controller model may still be transferred to the drone, even if the drone is not in the combat.

Kroot Shaper: if a Team includes a Kroot Shaper, any Kroot Carnivore, Kroot Hound, or Krootox may purchase a 6+ Save for 1 point. Available Army List: a team may purchase individual models from the codex using only the selected entries listed below.

If the controller model and drones fire at the same target, this fire can be grouped into a round of Killzone shooting.

XV8 Crisis Team 0-1 XV8 Shas ‘Vre

Only the Drone Controller will confer Kill Points, though the drones contribute to his total.

Stealth Team 0-1 Stealth Team Shas ‘Vre

Markerlights: A unit with a Markerlight can use it to target an enemy during the shooting phase. If a successful hit is made, the unit with the Markerlight can elect to either trigger a Seeker Missile Strike (see below) or provide one of the following effects to all Tau models and drones within 6 inches of the shooting Markerlight model for that shooting phase:

Fire Warrior Team 0-1 Fire Warrior Shas ‘Ui Kroot Carnivore Squad 0-1 Shaper Gun Drone Squadron

- re-roll misses - re-roll Scatter Dice - force the target to re-roll cover saves - gain Acute Senses (+4 inches LoS range)

Pathfinder Team (may not take Devilfish) 0-1 Pathfinder Shas ‘Ui Vespid Stingwings 0-1 Vespid Strain Leader

Any model may only benefit from the effect of one Markerlight per shooting phase. Models with a Drone Controller and their drones gain no benefit from their own Markerlights unless they are using a Networked Markerlight.

XV88 Broadside Team 0-1 XV88 Shas ‘Vre Sniper Drone Team

Markerlights may not be placed on Overwatch.


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - MUSTER CODEX: TYRANIDS Team Leader: any Tyranid team must be lead by a Warrior or a Shrike unless that team is comprised entirely of genestealers (including the Broodlord).

Available Army List: a team may purchase individual models from the codex using only the selected entries listed below.

A Tyranid team may have 0-1 Psyker: either a Zoanthrope or a Broodlord.

Lictors Venomthrope

Instinctive Behavior: please disregard this rule for Killzone games.

0-1 Zoanthrope

Bounding Leap: to compensate for the absence of this rule, Hormagaunts may move an additional 2 inches when running in clear terrain.


Lictor and Ymgarl Genestealers: gain Stealth, Scout, and Infiltrate USRs, provided that the mission does not allow Reserves. If a mission explicitly allows Reserves these models do not receive this bonus and must follow the Killzone reserve guidelines for that mission.

Tyranid Warriors

Ymgarl Genestealers

Genestealers 0-1 Broodlord Termagaunts Hormagaunts Ripper Swarm Tyranid Shrikes Raveners Sky-Slasher Swarm Gargoyles Biovore


CONTRIBUTOR’S CREDITS: The following people have contributed to this document for no reason other than their love of the hobby and their desire to make a skirmish game the way they would like to play it. We would like to thank everyone for their boundless energy and enthusiasm for this project. Authors: Big Jim from Galaxy in Flames ( Brian from A Gentleman’s Ones ( Skarvald the Troll-faced and Frozencore Joe from Wolves for the Wolf God (

Karitas from Excommunicate Tratoris ( Menzies from the 512th Cadian ( Jabber Jabber from Warpstone Flux ( Sons of Taurus from Sons of Taurus (


Counter Fett from All Things Fett (

Magilla Gurilla from Table Top War (

Geoff from The Independent Characters (

Justin Morgan

Tim from Tau of War (

Merlin Havlik AJ/Bestia from the Imperial Truth podcast (

as well as... Jefffar, Craig H,Ty T, Josh C, Troy W, Angus S, Greg D, Travis F, Sam W, Luke L, Master Bryss, Entropomancer, War009, and Marko

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