KillZone - Errata (wip)

March 31, 2018 | Author: Karol Zigmunth | Category: Unrest, Armed Conflict, Leisure, Violence
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DISCLAIMER: This is a not-for-profit rules supplement for Warhammer 40,000 by Games Workshop plc. None of the authors, distributors, contributors, editors, or commentators have participated in this project for money; they have done so purely for the love of the game. This ruleset demands that its users own and refer to the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and relevant codices in the use of these rules. All content within these pages is user-created and is derived, without permission, from Warhammer 40,000 intellectual property owned by Games Workshop Ltd. This ruleset is completely unofficial and is in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Ltd. Astartes, Battlefleet Gothic, Black Flamer, Black Library, the Black Library logo, BL Publishing, Blood Angels, Bloodquest, Blood Bowl, the Blood Bowl logo, the Blood Bowl Spike Device, Cadian, Catachan, the Chaos device, Cityfight, the Chaos logo, Citadel, the Citadel device, City of the Damned, Codex, Daemonhunters, Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Dark Future, the DoubleHeaded/Imperial Eagle device, ‘Eavy Metal, Eldar, Eldar symbol devices, Epic, Eye of Terror, Fanatic, the Fanatic logo, the Fanatic II logo, Fire Warrior, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Genestealer, Golden Daemon, Gorkamorka, Great Unclean One, the Hammer of Sigmar logo, the Horned Rat logo, Inferno, Inquisitor, the Inquisitor logo, the Inquisitor device, Inquisitor:Conspiracies, Keeper of Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, Kroot, Lord of Change, Marauder, Mordheim, the Mordheim logo, Necromunda, Necromunda stencil logo, Necromunda plate logo, Necron, Nurgle, Ork, Ork skull devices, Sisters of Battle, Skaven, the Skaven symbol and devices, Slaanesh, Space Hulk, Space Marine, Space Maine chapters, Space Marine chapter logos, Talisman, Tau, the Tau caste designations, Tomb Kins, Trio of Warriors, the Twin Tailed Comet logo, Tyranid, Tzeentch, Ultramarines, Warhammer, Warhammer Historical, Warhammer Online, the Warhammer device, the Warhammer World logo, Warmaster, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations, and images from the Blood Bowl game, the Warhammer world, the Talisman world, and the Warhammer 40,000 Universe are either ®, TM and/or Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2010, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission.

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Building a List Codices:


Blood Angels


Black Templars


Chaos Daemons


Chaos Space Marines




Dark Angels


Dark Eldar




Imperial Guard






Space Marines


Space Wolves


Tau Empire




Witch Hunters

SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - ERRATA In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war –and that war has many faces: epic battalions wage endless conflict throughout entire star systems; mighty Titans stride the continents of virusravaged worlds; grand heroes set themselves on a stage no smaller than the galaxy itself. But there are times when the Universe turns on a much smaller stage. The blade in the dark… the forlorn last stand of a motivated, desperate few… the efficient, brutal business behind the closed doors of a darkened Strategium… the hushed footfalls of a stealth team as stifled, fleeting protests mark the only trace of its presence… To be a man in such times is to be one amongst uncounted billions, but there are moments when the quiet actions of just one man can recalibrate the entire merciless Universe. This is the story of those deeds.

Special Operations: Killzone is a set of fan-designed rules created with the intent of enabling players to run skirmish games within the Warhammer 40,000 Universe. Killzone is intended as a supplemental way to play the game, which was inspired by the suggestive Kill Teams game mechanism offered in the third and forth edition of Warhammer 40,000, and in the most recent Battle Missions supplement. Killzone hopes to explore and to refine those suggestions and make them more generally playable. To use these rules, you must own and refer to your copy of the Warhammer 40,00 rulebook and the relevant Codices. USING THIS BOOK This book is the companions guide to the core rules alterations found in the Special Operations: Killzone Rulebook. This book is intended to be a living document that outlines and adapts the varied Warhammer 40,000 codices for play in a Killzone dynamic. This book cannot be used without a copy of the appropriate codex from which you wish to build your Special Operations Group.



Special Weapons: A Team may contain no more than 5 special ranged weapons upgrades; only 2 may be a Heavy ‘type’ weapons upgrade. Special ranged weapons upgrades are those that can only be taken in a limited number. Ranged weapons upgrades that all models in a squad may take do not count toward this limit.

Team Structure: Each Team has a 175-250 points limit and can contain anywhere between 5 to 20 models in total. Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. A little basic mathematical skill will be required to figure out some individual points costs

For example, marine scouts can upgrade every model to carry a sniper rifle or shotgun; these upgrades are not limited by this rule. Pistol upgrades do not fall under these restrictions.

For example, the cost of a tactical marine sergeant can be determined by subtracting the cost of the 4 standard marines (16 points each x 4 = 64) from the squad’s base cost (90). So the cost for the Marine Sergeant is 26 points (90 – 64 = 26).

Toughness Cap: No model may have a base Toughness statistic greater than 5.

Both players build a Special Operations Group using this book in conjunction with the Codex for his/her army of choice. A Special Operation Group generally contains one or two Teams. Again, we leave the decision regarding the number of Teams up the players on the day.

You may only take one squad leader upgrade for each unit choice taken and only after you take one member from the squad entry. You may not take a second squad leader choice for a unit type more than once. So, for example, if you take one tactical and one assault marine, you could then take an assault sergeant and a tactical sergeant. Once these are chosen, you may take no further tactical or assault sergeants in your Team. A team may contain no more than two models with: -2+ armor saves. -3 wounds. -3+ invulnerable saves. -Jump Infantry designation. -Bike, Jetbike, or Cavalry designation. Team Leader: Pick one model from your team to be the Team Leader, preferably the model with the highest Ld value. The Team Leader may not be equipped with a heavy weapon. All models within 6 inches may test on his Ld. This model gains +1 Wound if he only has one in his base statistic; if the model has more than one Wound already, he gains +1 Attack instead. Unique Models: Models listed as Unique in their unit composition may not be used.

3 Wound Models: No model may have more than 3 wounds in Killzone.

Vehicles: No vehicles are allowed with the exception of a single Walker per Team, and only if it has an armor rating of 33 or less. Armor rating is determined by adding the 3 armor values (FA/SA/ RA) for your vehicle together.


A few of the preceding restrictions can be lifted by purchasing the appropriate ‘theme’ upgrade listed below. A team may only select one theme. Armored Might: This theme allows you to take as many models with 2+ Armor saves in your team as you desire. You may select this theme for 10 points, and are required to spend at least 75% of your points on themed models. Death From Above: This theme allows you to take as many Jump Infantry models in your team as you desire. You may select this theme for 10 points, and are required to spend at least 75% of your points on themed models. Swift As The Wind: This theme allows you to take as many models that are Bikes, Jetbikes, or Cavalry/Beasts in your team as you desire. You may select this theme for 10 points, and are required to spend at least 75% of your points on themed models. Behemoths: This theme allows you to take as many models that have 3 wounds in your team as you desire. You may select this theme for 15 points, and are required to spend at least 50% of your points on themed models.


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - ERRATA CODEX: BLOOD ANGELS Rules Changes: Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options (For example, you could choose 2 tactical squad marines and arm one with a Multi Melta and the other with a Flamer). Any upgrade item that affects an entire unit (for example, the Wolf Banner) will use the standard 6 inches Area Effect Rule in the basic Special Operations: Killzone rulebook. No model may Deepstrike or Teleport unless the specific Mission explicitly allows an exception. There are no free weapons upgrades for tactical squads; these weapons must be purchased from the following points list. Special Weapons: Flamer...............3 points Melta gun..........5 points Plasma gun......10 points

Heavy Weapons: Heavy Bolter...................5 points Missile Launcher.............10 points Multi-Melta......................10 points Plasma Cannon..............15 points Lascannon......................25 points

Available Army List: Team purchase individual models from their codex using only the selected entries listed below. 0-1 Chaplain 0-3 Priest

Marine Biker 0-1 Sergeant

Sternguard 0-1 Sternguard Sergeant

Vanguard Veterans 0-1 Vanguard Sergeant

Sanguinary Guard

0-2 Devestators (must take a heavy weapon) 0-1 Devestator Sergeant

Terminators 0-1 Terminator Sergeant Assault Terminators 0-1 Assault Terminator Sergeant Tactical Marines 0-1 Tactical Sergeant Assault Marines 0-1 Assault Sergeant Scouts

0-1 Scout Sergeant

Death Company


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - ERRATA CODEX: BLACK TEMPLARS Rules Changes: Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options (For example, you could choose 2 tactical squad marines and arm one with a Multi Melta and the other with a Flamer). Any upgrade item that affects an entire unit will use the standard 6 inches Area Effect Rule in the basic Special Operations: Killzone rulebook. No model may Deepstrike or Teleport unless the specific Mission explicitly allows an exception. Ignore the Auspex and Targeter entries and refer, instead, to the basic Special Operations: Killzone rulebook for these upgrades. Assault Cannons: Use the rules and points values from the 5th edition Codex: Space Marines. Storm Shields: Use the rules and points values from the 5th edition Codex: Space Marines. Holy Rage: If a team member dies to shooting, all Black Templars within 6 inches must make a Ld test at the end of the shooting phase; if they pass, they move 3 inches toward the closest enemy. Only a Black Templar Space Marine may be a Team Leader (Noenates need guidance).

Available Army List: Team purchase individual models from their codex using only the selected entries listed below. Sword Brethren Terminator Squad Sword Brethren Terminator Assault Squad Sword Brethren Squad Techmarine 0-4 Servitors

Crusader Squad Black Templar Assault Squad Black Templar Bike Squadron


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - ERRATA CODEX: CHAOS DAEMONS Rules Changes: Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. Daemonic Assault: Daemons Always deploy on the tabletop unless the Mission explicitly allows Deep Strike. Daemonic Rivalry: To represent this game mechanism, Deamons cannot go within 2 inches of another Power or Furies, except if that model is locked in close combat; it is, therefore, still possible to Reactive Assault or create multiple combats. Daemonic Gifts: These are not psychic powers and are used as normal -just to clarify. Screamers of Tzeentch move as Jetbikes, but don’t count toward the Jetbike limit. Available Army List: Team purchase individual models from their codex using only the selected entries listed below.














SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - ERRATA CODEX: CHAOS SPACE MARINES Rules Changes: Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. Chaos Space Marines may take a Thousand Sons Aspiring Sorcerer as a Psyker, as long as the Team contains at least one Rubric Marine. Rubric Marines within 6 inches of a Sorcerer act under command. Squad upgrade Icons use the standard 6 inch Area Effect rule for Killzone. A model may only be affected by one Icon at a time -which should invariably be the closest Icon. Cult Marines gain no bonus from Icons. Possessed roll individually for the Daemonkin ability before deployment. Lesser Daemons start on the table unless the Mission explicitly allows Deepstriking; if so, the Summoned Lesser Daemon must begin the game in reserve.

Available Army List: Team purchase individual models from their codex using only the selected entries listed below.

Chosen 0-1 Aspiring Champion

Chaos Bikers 0-1 Biker Champion

Chaos Terminators

Chaos Raptors 0-1 Aspiring Champion

Possessed 0-1 Aspiring Champion

Chaos Spawn

Chaos Space Marines 0-1 Aspiring Champion

Chaos Havocs 0-1 Aspiring Champion

Plague Marines 0-1 Plague Champion

Obliterator Cult

Noise Marines 0-1 Noise Champion

Summoned Lesser Daemons

Khorne Berzerkers 0-1 Skull Champion Thousand Sons 0-1 Aspiring Sorcerer


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - ERRATA CODEX: DAEMONHUNTERS Rules Changes: Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options . An Inquisition Team may contain one Psyker. You may choose to have your one Psyker be a Grey Knight Brother Captain Terminator. Standard Grey Knight Terminators are not considered Psykers and do not have powers. Inquisitorial Retinues: to gain the benefits from a retinue, an Inquisitor must be within 4 inches of the appropriate member of the retinue; apart from that, the members of the retinue work as written in the codex. No Allies: at the scale represented in Killzone, the operatives of the Inquisition are sufficient to complete their own tasks -they prefer to, in fact. Ignore the Auspex and Targeter entries and refer, instead, to the basic Special Operations: Killzone rulebook for these upgrades. No Orbital Bombardments of any kind. Only one Officio Assassin may operate in any Team. Available Army List: Team purchase individual models from their codex using only the selected entries listed below. Ordo Malleus Inquisitor: -may be accompanied by a retinue of 0-6 henchmen, selected from the DH codex. -may be a Psyker. -is permitted to chose wargear from the list as usual, excepting the Targeter and Auspex mentioned above. 0-3 Death Cult Assassins 0-1 Officio Assassinorum Operative:

Callidus -the Polymorphine rule operates as follows: The Callidus is not placed on the field at the start of battle. Instead, the controlling player places one additional Troop model from their army’s options. This model must be recorded and/or marked in some clear manner in order to identify the appropriate Callidus agent. The model functions as a normal Troop model (and may move and shoot with the correct profile) until revealed. -Jump Back: a Callidus may always disengage from combat.

Vindicare The Marksman rule is replaced by the following: Through and Through: the Vindicare is capable of shooting two targets simultaneously. If the Vindicare can draw a straight trajectory through two in-range enemy models, then both models take a wound on a successful roll to hit. He need only draw LOS to the first target.

-a Word in Your Ear: remains the same, excepting the substitution of the word “model” for “unit.”

Culexus as written

Inquisitorial Storm Troopers

Eversor Temple Assassin as written

Grey Knight Terminators Grey Knights

Grey Knight Purgation Squad


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - ERRATA CODEX: DARK ANGELS Rules Changes: Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options (For example, you could choose 2 tactical squad marines and arm one with a Multi Melta and the other with a Flamer). Any upgrade item that affects an entire unit will use the standard 6 inches Area Effect Rule in the basic Special Operations: Killzone rulebook. No model may Deepstrike or Teleport unless the specific Mission explicitly allows an exception. Ignore the Auspex and Targeter entries and refer, instead, to the basic Special Operations: Killzone rulebook for these upgrades. Assault Cannons: Use the rules and points values from the 5th edition Codex: Space Marines. Storm Shields: Use the rules and points values from the 5th edition Codex: Space Marines. Available Army List: Team purchase individual models from their codex using only the selected entries listed below. Deathwing Terminator Squad 0-1 Deathwing Sergeant

Assault Squad 0-1 Assault Sergeant

Company Veterans Squad 0-1 Veteran Sergeant

Ravenwing Attack Squadron 0-1 Ravenwing Sergeant

Scout Squad 0-1 Scout Sergeant

Ravenwing Support Squadron (if a Ravenwing Attack Squadron is chosen, the foce may also include up to one Ravenwing Land Speeder)

Tactical Squad 0-1 Tactical Sergeant

Devestator Squad 0-1 Devestator Sergeant


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - ERRATA CODEX: DARK ELDAR Rules Changes: Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options. Power From Pain: Applies to individual models; however, only one Pain Token may be gained per phase. The team leader may share/give his tokens to models within 6 inches. Stunclaw: Can be used on any model. Think of it as a way to 'move' where a combat takes place. Beastmasters: Razorwings, Khymerae, and Clawed Fiends within 6 inches of a Beastmaster may use his Leadership. Klaivex: Onslaught has an Area of Effect, but only affects Incubi. Harlequin: All Harlequins move a base 7 inches and may run 14 inches; a Harlequin is never hindered by Difficult Terrain. Veil of Tears has the standard 6 inch Area of Effect on Harlequins. Phantasm Grenade Launcher: If multiple models charge into the same combat and one of them has a PGL, all those models benefit from it.

Available Army List: Team purchase individual models from their codex using only the selected entries listed below. Incubi

0-1 Klaivex

Grotesques 0-1 Aberration Wracks

0-1 Acothyst

Mandrakes 0-1 Nightfiend Harlequins 0-1 Shadowseer 0-1 Troupe Master 0-1 Death Jester Trueborn 0-1 Dracon Bloodbrides 0-1 Syren

Warriors 0-1 Sybarite Wyches 0-1 Hekatrix Hellions 0-1 Helliarch Scourges 0-1 Solarite Beastmasters 0-5 Khymerae 0-1 Clawed Fiend 0-2 Razorwings Reavers 0-1 Arena Champion


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - ERRATA CODEX: ELDAR Rules Changes: Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options. Eldar Teams may take a single Warlock Psyker. Plasma Grenades: all Eldar may take Plasma Grenades at a cost of two points. They may be thrown just like other grenades and have the following statistical profile: S4 AP4, small blast. Exarch Powers: Powers that affect the Exarch’s squad use the standard 6 inch Area of Effect. All models from the Exarch’s Aspect within the Are of Effect gain the bonuses from those powers. Weapons Platforms: Place both of the gun crew in bast contact with the weapon; the three together now count as a single two-wound model. Harlequin: All Harlequins move a base 7 inches and may run 14 inches; a Harlequin is never hindered by Difficult Terrain. Veil of Tears has the standard 6 inch Area of Effect on Harlequins.

Available Army List: Team purchase individual models from their codex using only the selected entries listed below. 0-1 Warlock Striking Scorpions 0-1 Exarch Fire Dragons 0-1 Exarch Howling Banshees 0-1 Exarch Harlequin Troupe 0-1 Shadowseer 0-1 Troupe Master 0-1 Death Jester

Dire Avengers 0-1 Exarch Rangers

Swooping Hawks (note: Skyleap is forbidden in a game without Reserves) 0-1 Exarch

Guardians Guardian Jetbikes

Support Weapon Battery

Shining Spears 0-1 Exarch

Dark Reapers 0-1 Exarch

Warp Spiders 0-1 Exarch

0-1 War Walker


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - ERRATA CODEX: IMPERIAL GUARD Rules Changes: Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options. Psyker Battle Squad: You may only take 1 Sanctioned Psyker. Soulstorm requires LOS and is now S D3+1. Overseers are not required, and the Ultimate Sanction rule is ignored unless a Commissar is within 6 inches. Orders: Each Platoon Commander can issue two orders per turn; Sergeants take a Ld test to activate an order. All models within the standard 6 inch Area of Effect receive the orders. If a voxcaster is within the 6 inch Area of Effect for the Commander, Sergeants may re-roll failed orders. First Rank, Fire. Second Rank, Fire: all models with a Lasgun add 1 to their rate of fire. This order must be given at the beginning of your own Shooting phase. Incoming: all models in the standard 6 inch Area of Effect may go to ground and receive a +2 bonus to their cover save. Any model that does so will be pinned for his next turn. This order may be given at any point during the opponent’s Shooting phase. Move. Move. Move: is replaced by Up and at ‘em!: all models in the standard 6 inch Area of effect gain the Fleet USR; this order must be given at the beginning of the Shooting phase. Commissar: All models in the Commissar’s Area of Effect use his Ld. If a model fails this Ld test, he is executed by the Commissar and removed from play. For the rest of that phase, all models with the Commissar’s Area of Effect are Fearless. With regard to a Rout test, the Commissar will execute the model with the highest Ld score in his Area of Effect. In case of a tie, he will execute the model closest (there are no saves for this punishment). The test is then re-rolled. Veterans: Doctrines are take as normal fro 3 points per model. Veterans in the same Team must take the same doctrine. Penal Legion: every Legionnaire rolls individually for his skill at the start of the game/campaign. Heavy Weapons Teams: any Imperial Guard Team may take a total of 2 Heavy Weapons Teams. Available Army List: Team purchase individual models from their codex only using the selected entries listed below. Ogryn Squad 0-1 Bone Head Ratling Squad 0-1 Sanctioned Psyker (see above) Storm Trooper Squad 0-1 Storm Trooper Sergeant Infantry Platoon Command Squad 0-1 Platoon Commander (only if an infantry Sergeant is chosen)

Infantry Squads 1 Sergeant per 10 Guardsmen 0-1 Commissar per 10 Guardsmen (round up) 0-2 Heavy Weapons Teams Conscripts 0-1 Custodian Penal Legion 0-1 Scout or Armoured Sentinel Rough Rider Squad 0-1 Rough Rider Sergeant


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - ERRATA CODEX: NECRONS Rules Changes: Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options. Necron Teams ignore Phase Out in Killzone games. Wraiths and Scarabs move as Jetbikes, but don’t count toward the Jetbike limit. All Necrons that are able to make a We’ll Be Back roll may do so, as long as there is another model with the Necron rule within 6 inches. We’ll Be Back and Feel No Pain: If a model has both We’ll Be Back and Fell No Pain, he may only take the Feel No Pain roll; he does not get a second We’ll Be Back roll. Should he later lose access to Feel No Pain (by moving out of the radius of the model generating the rule, for example), he may revert once more to We’ll Be Back.

Available Army List: Team purchase individual models from their codex only using the selected entries listed below. Pariahs





Flayed Ones

Scarab Swarms


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - ERRATA CODEX: ORKS Rules Changes: Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options. Waaagh!: Ignore the second paragraph in the Waaagh! rule (Codex: Orks, p.31). Mob Rule!: any model testing Ld will gain an additional +1 for each Ork model within 4 inches (to a maximum of 10). Tankbustas: assign a controller for each bomb squig. If the controller dies, another Tankbusta within 2 inches of the squig may take control. Lootas: each Loota rolls individually for the number of shots when firing. Meks: a squad of Burnas and/or Lootas may select Mek upgrades as stated in the codex (ie: up to 3 per squad); however, any Kustom Mega Blasta upgrade, or other weapon upgrade, count toward Special Weapons restrictions (ie: no more than 5 per Team -p.8 rulebook). Stormboyz: Rokkit Packs count as Jump Packs, and still grant the extra D6-inches of movement (Codex: Orks p.47). Replace the sentence that begins, “On the roll...” with the following: Models with Rokkit Packs must re-roll successful dangerous terrain tests taken during the Movement phase. Gretchin: ignore the squig hound. Flash Gitz: roll AP individually when firing. Available Army List: Team purchase individual models from their codex using only the selected entries Nobz

0-1 Painboy

Meganobz Burna Boyz 0-3 Mek Tankbustas 0-1 Nob


0-3 Mek

Stormboyz 0-1 Nob

Kommandos 0-1 Nob

Warbikers 0-1 Warbiker Nob

Ork Boyz and ‘Ard Boyz 0-1 Nob

0-1 Killa Kan

Gretchin 0-1 Slaver per 10

Flash Gitz


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - ERRATA CODEX: SPACE MARINES Rules Changes: Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options (For example, you could choose 2 tactical squad marines and arm one with a Multi Melta and the other with a Flamer). Any upgrade item that affects an entire unit (for example, the Wolf Banner) will use the standard 6 inches Area Effect Rule in the basic Special Operations: Killzone rulebook. No model may Deepstrike or Teleport unless the specific Mission explicitly allows an exception. There are no free weapons upgrades for tactical squads; these weapons must be purchased from the following points list. Special Weapons: Flamer...............3 points Melta gun..........5 points Plasma gun......10 points

Heavy Weapons: Heavy Bolter...................5 points Missile Launcher.............10 points Multi-Melta......................10 points Plasma Cannon..............15 points Lascannon......................25 points

Available Army List: Team purchase individual models from their codex only using the selected entries listed below. Terminator Squad 0-1 Terminator Sergeant

Space Marine Assault Squad 0-1 Assault Marine Sergeant

Assault Terminator Squad 0-1 Terminator Sergeant

Vanguard Veteran Squad 0-1 Vanguard Veteran Sergeant

Sternguard Veteran Sergeant 0-1 Sternguard Veteran Sergeant

Space Marine Bike Squad 0-1 Space Marine Bike Sergeant

Techmarine 0-1 Servitor per Techmarine

Attack Bike Squad

Tactical Marine Squad 0-1 Tactical Sergeant Scout Squad 0-1 Scout Sergeant

Scout Bike Squad 0-1 Scout Bike Sergeant Devestator Squad 0-1 Devestator Sergeant Thunderfire Cannon


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - ERRATA CODEX: SPACE WOLVES Rules Changes: Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options (For example, you could choose 2 tactical squad marines and arm one with a Multi Melta and the other with a Flamer). Any upgrade item that affects an entire unit (for example, the Wolf Banner) will use the standard 6 inches Area Effect Rule in the basic Special Operations: Killzone rulebook. Blood Claws, Sky Claws, and Swift Claws within 6 inches of the Team Leader may ignore the Headstrong rule. There are no free weapons upgrades for Grey Hunters and Blood Claws; these weapons must be purchased from the following points list. Special Weapons: Flamer...............3 points Melta gun..........5 points Plasma gun......10 points

Available Army List: Team purchase individual models from their codex only using the selected entries listed below. Iron Priest

Blood Claws

Sky Claws

Lone Wolf

Grey Hunters

Swift Claw Bikers

Wolf Guard

Fenrisian Wolves

Thunderwolf Cavalry

Wolf Scouts

Long Fangs


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - ERRATA CODEX: TAU EMPIRE Rules Changes: Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options (with the noted exception of Sniper Drones, see below). Drone Controller: Drone must remain within 2 inches of the model controlling them. They count as wargear. Kroot Shaper: if a Team includes a Kroot Shaper, then any Kroot Carnivore may purchase a 6+ save for 1 point. Markerlights: A model with a Markerlight may lay a counter on a target model, this marker may be used by up to 2 friendly team members within 6 inches of the model with the Markerlight. Declare which models will shoot the target then remove the counter. The model tagged with the Markerlight loses any cover save that it may have. Sniper Drones: you must first purchase a Spotter in order to select a Sniper Drone. Each Spotter may have up to three Drones. Spotter...............20 points Sniper Drone.....20 points Available Army List: Team purchase individual models from their codex only using the selected entries listed below. XV8 Crisis Team 0-1 XV8 Shas ‘Vre Stealth Team 0-1 Stealth Team Shas ‘Vre

Pathfinder Team (no requirement/no option for Devilfish) 0-1 Pathfinder Shas ‘Ui Vespid Stingwings 0-1 Vespid Strain Leader

Fire Warrior Team 0-1 Fire Warrior Shas ‘Ui

XV86 Broadside Team 0-1 XV86 Shas ‘Vre

Kroot Carnivore Squad 0-1 Shaper

Sniper Drone Team

Gun Drone Squadron


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - ERRATA CODEX: TYRANIDS Rules Changes: Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options. A Tyranid Team may have one Psyker: either a Zoanthrope or a Broodlord. Disregard the Instinctive Behavior rule for Killzone games. Hormagaunts may move an additional 2 inches when running in clear terrain (which is a functional compensation for their usual Bounding Leap special rule). Lictor and Ymgarl Genestealers gain Stealth, Scout, and Infiltrate USRs, provided that the Mission does not allow Reserves or Deepstriking. If a Mission explicitly allows Reserves and/or Deepstriking, these models act as normal.

Available Army List: Team purchase individual models from their codex only using the selected entries listed below. Lictors

Tyranid Warriors

Ripper Swarm


Genestealers 0-1 Broodlord

Tyranid Shrikes

0-1 Zoanthrope Pyrovore Ymgarl Genestealers

Termagaunts Hormagaunts

Raveners Sky-Slasher Swarm Gargoyles Biovore


SPECIAL OPERATIONS: KILLZONE - ERRATA CODEX: WITCH HUNTERS Rules Changes: Teams purchase individual models from the Elite, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support unit selections in their codex. There is no minimum number of models required to unlock special or heavy weapons options (For example, you could choose 2 tactical squad marines and arm one with a Multi Melta and the other with a Flamer). An Inquisition Team may contain one Psyker. You may choose to have your one Psyker be a Grey Knight Brother Captain Terminator. Standard Grey Knight Terminators are not considered Psykers and do not have powers. Inquisitorial Retinues: to gain the benefits from a retinue, an Inquisitor must be within 4 inches of the appropriate member of the retinue; apart from that, the members of the retinue work as written in the codex. No Allies: at the scale represented in Killzone, the operatives of the Inquisition are sufficient to complete their own tasks -they prefer to, in fact. Acts of Faith: are described in detail on the following page. Ignore the Auspex and Targeter entries and refer, instead, to the basic Special Operations: Killzone rulebook for these upgrades. No Orbital Bombardments of any kind. Only one Officio Assassin may operate in any Team.

Available Army List: Team purchase individual models from their codex using only the selected entries listed below. 0-1 Elite Inquisitor 0-6 Henchmen

Seraphim 0-1 Veteran Sister

0-1 Officio Assassin

0-2 Retributors (must select a Heavy Weapon) 0-1 Retributor Sergeant

0-3 Deathcult Assassin Celestians 0-1 Celestian Superior

0-1 Penitent Engine

Sisters Repentia 0-1 Mistress Arco Flagellants Battle Sisters 0-1 Veteran Sister Inquisitorial Storm Troopers 0-1 IST Sergeant




-Only Veteran Sisters Superior may use Acts of Faith

Hand of the Emperor Cost: 3 faith points Effect: Each model within 4 inches adds +2 to its Strength, but will strike at Initiative 1.

-Any choice from a unit with the Adepta Sororitas special rule is worth 1 faith point. -Any Veteran Sister is worth 2 faith points. -A model may activate one Act of Faith per turn. -A model may not attempt to use the same Act of Faith more than once per game, though models may be affected by combinations of several different Acts. -Acts of Faith remain in play until the Veteran Sister Superior uses another Act of Faith, falls back, or is killed. -Acts of Faith are unaffected by special rules that work on, or against, psychic powers. A model using Acts of Faith are not counted as a Psyker.

Divine Guidance Cost:3 faith points Effect: Each model within 4 inches will gain the the following benefits: when shooting, any roll of 6 to wound counts as AP1; in assault, any roll of 6 to wound counts as a power weapon. The Passion Cost: 2 faith points Effect: Each model within 4 inches adds 2 to its Initiative. This Act may not be used in the same phase s Hand of the Emperor, and neither overrides weapons that always strike last or at Initiative 1, nor changes the effect for any type of grenade. Light of the Emperor Cost: 2 faith points Effect: Each model within 4 inches becomes Fearless. Spirit of the Martyr Cost:3 faith points Effect: Each model within 4 inches gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save.

CONTRIBUTOR’S CREDITS: The following people have contributed to this document for no reason other than their love of the hobby and their desire to make a skirmish game the way they would like to play it. We would like to thank everyone for their boundless energy and enthusiasm for this project.

Authors: Big Jim from Galaxy in Flames ( B. Smoove from A Gentleman’s Ones (

Contributors: AJ/Bestia from the Imperial Truth podcast ( Karitas from Excommunicate Tratoris ( Menzies from the 512th Cadian (

Jabber Jabber from Warpstone Flux ( Sons of Taurus from Sons of Taurus ( Counter Fett from All Things Fett ( Geoff from The Independent Characters ( Luke Licens Master Bryss Entropomancer War009 Marko

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