Ki Energy Manual Version 1.5 There are currently 30 Techniques in this manual.
Introduction Ki is the type of energy all around us. It eists e!ery"here. It is "hat gi!es people the po"er to do things e.g. #pea$% mo!e and lots more. &ou see Ki a lot in the 'nime sho" called ()ragon*all +,. They can do eactly "hat humans can doshape it% fire it% ma$e Ki *alls% le!itatefly. If you ha!e e!er felt tired or di//y and you see tiny particles of colour in the air That is Ki energy. &ou see this *ecause • &ou are tired and using your side!ision. • &ou are !ery "ea$ so your *ody is ta$ing the energy in. • &ou are using your thirdeye 2auric sight.
4ords Ki #ee introduction. Visuali/e Imagine something that is not there. Technique ' mo!e. Tantien 'n energy storage centre in your *ody. This is found on your "aistline a*out inches in. ' female,s tantien is near the *ac$ I thin$.
6eligion We are Christians so we didn't want to do anything that would go against god. So I check out our new found hobbie Ki training and came up to find that it was not against god because we still staying true to our creator and the bible. And I believe that I am lucky to have found out about Ki because it gives you a clearer view of life. his does not mean that you have to change your religion the least bit. Ki!"si!#ana is not magic. #agic is done by a little different means then Ki$ "si$ or #ana. What I had previously known about #agic and where #agic comes from was an ignorant and stupid mistake. Since I have done research on the sub%ect of #agic$ I have arrived to the conclusion that #agic is & evil or bad!wrong. (ut it is the intent of the practioner that denotes that it is evil or good. )*cept I do believe that
(lack #agic is always evil in some way or another. I am sorry for misleading people into thinking that the wrong$ mainstream believer way. #y apologies go out to those that have been offended also by my uneducated statement. #ay +od almighty bless you with his protection and his gifts of power.
-he Ki Sanctuary
Things "hich flare up your Ki There are things "hich ma$e your Ki stronger% li$e music and pain. ' dance or trance trac$ "ith a good rhythm and *eat normally flares flares mine up. up. 7in$in 8ar$ 9 8T#.:;.'T
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