Kfc Final Ppt

August 2, 2017 | Author: mehwishali72 | Category: Fast Food Restaurants, Swot Analysis, Market Segmentation, Food And Drink, Food & Wine
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1. What is fast food for you?

ü. What you prefer most?

§. Which is healthier?

Î. Why you eat fast food?

å. Do you think all fast food providing hygienic food?

. How often do you eat fast food?

‰. With whom you visit fast food restaurant mostly?

D. If you consider eating fast food frequently is not advisable, then what other factor would still convince you to eat it?

r. An average how much would you expect to pay for fast food?

10. In your thinking which fast food restaurant is providing good food?

11. How do you come to know about KFC?

1ü. Is KFC giving better services then others?

1§. Is KFC giving good food then others?

1Î. What attract most to people about KFC?

1å. How do you feel about KFC food?

1. How long do you have to wait for your food in KFC?

1‰. Are you satisfy with KFC delivery timing?

1D. If KFC increase its price then you still go KFC or switch to other restaurant?

1r. What do you prefer the most?

ü0. Do you satisfy with deals of KFC?

ü1. Is KFC giving variety of food?

üü. Does KFC offer new products on demand of their customers & on changing taste of their customer?

ü§. What do you think KFC customers are?

üÎ. What do you think about the price of KFC?

üå. Does the logo attracts you?

ü. Does KFC perform social responsibility (CSR)?

ü‰. Who is the biggest competitor of KFC?



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