Kezia’s 10 Hook Lead System
January 23, 2017 | Author: richard2438 | Category: N/A
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Kezia’s 10 Hook Lead System The basis of the 10 hook lead system is the idea that there are “Low Caliber Hooks” and “High Caliber Hooks” which at their simplest, may be a single word she says. Kezia states that every word that comes out of a girl’s mouth is a “hook”. The difference between a Low Caliber hook and a High Caliber one is the amount of information you can take and share about it and the importance of it to the girl you’re speaking to. Obviously a Low Caliber hook is something in which does hold not much importance for the sake of keeping a conversation going and a High Caliber yields much more information and helps fuel the conversation. Ideally is making canned openers you can use on the spot or even for those who like to go natural, try to shape your opener so that it applies to one of these topics or if not, transition to one quickly because many openers while they may get a smile or a laugh or whatever from the girl, can be exhausted quickly without a good topic. Also keep in mind to not dwell on one of these for twenty minutes, cherry pick and talk about other things so that she stays interested. The better opener you have, the better Hook Leads you will produce. Quick guide to the Kezia’ s 10 Hook Lead System 1. Open Question: Exactly what it sounds like, this is the general conversation fueler in the seduction community, so you should be able to find a plethora of information on it if it’s name wasn’t descriptive enough. It is good to follow up with the opener when you’re starting out with a set or even use it as the opener itself. Let’s play out this scenario. You’re in a video shop and you see an HB standing next to you: YOU: Hey, I’m going to watch a movie with my niece. What movie do you think I should get? HB: How about “Dirty Dancing”? Ha ha. YOU: Ha ha, why would you recommend that? HB: Oh, I’m a big fan of ___! I used to watch him growing up as a kid. As you can see, she dropped some good Hook Leads here, due to you asking an open question. 2. Fact: This one is also quite self explanatory. You simply state a fact in response to or about a High Caliber Hook that the TOI gives you. Feel free to have fun with it though, you can make it up as long as it sounds legitimate. ” Oh you’re from Mexico? Did you know that 90% of Mexican girls come to America to seduce an American guy to get married and become a citizen. Then after that they leave him to be with their Mexican hubby in America legally? ( That was a playful example, but you can even make it sound more legitimate. Let’s say that the only thing you know about her is that she’s Romanian. That and she is shy. You can say: You know, I was reading in the newspaper the other day; they did an interview and it said that 80% of Romanians actually wished they were from Hungary. This will open up a shy girl, because Hungary and Romania have a bit of rivalry and only a Romanian or Hungarian would know that. This makes it feel as if you’re an insider and it helps to build conspiracy between you two. This will cause her to open up. Also, she can’t get offended at you for saying it, because you just read it in a newspaper; it’s not your personal opinion. This brings us to our next Hook Lead…
3. Challenge: A challenge not only is a good Hook Lead, but also shows the girl that you’re not a pushover and it sets the frame that you’re dominant. Most guys avoid challenging girls, because they’re afraid of getting into an argument. Luckily, there’s a technique that you can use if you get close to an argument with a girl. You say something along these lines: YOU: Stop. Me and you will never agree on this (smile). We can argue for 2 weeks and we’ll never agree on this. Am I right? HB: Yes. YOU: But you know what? I love that. Don’t you find that most other people you argue with, just agree with you and don’t have an opinion? They’re just polite and nod their heads. But you have an opinion, you’re fiery like me. You stick up for what you believe in. I love it. 4. Opinion: This one explains itself as well. It is as simple as stating your opinion positive OR negative in response to her Hook. Negative is absolutely allowable because girls don’t like a guy who doesn’t have a spine and is afraid to argue or simply agrees with everything she says. If things get out of control, you can just use the “Diffusion Technique”, I’ve listed above. 10 hook lead system Scenario: You absolutely hate the movie “Pineapple Express” but it happens to be the girl’s favorite movie ever: Girl: Oh my god “Pineapple Express” was the best movie ever don’t you think!? WRONG: Yeah I totally loved it! We should watch it together sometime! YOU: Eh, it really wasn’t what I expected. There was so much hype and it didn’t end up being nearly as funny as I expected. “Super-Bad” was great though! 5. Humor: Figure out what type of humor you have. It’s a big part of who you are and it’s a great way to screen girls to see if they have the same type. Mine personally is a mix of Sexual, Playful, and Situational humor. Find yours and look for girls with the same kind. The way that humor serves as a hook lead is the fact that it makes her more interested & you can use it for role-play too which is a big part of this. Example: ” You crack a joke or two that she just doesn’t find funny.” Simply say: “I understand that we don’t share the same sense of humor.” Then to push it into role-play you can create your own scenario but for the sake of this scenario it’s the typical relationship scenario. Girl: *Not laughing* WRONG: *awkward pause/doesn’t know what to say, maybe even tries to qualify himself because he feels unconfident* YOU: Oh my god you didn’t find that funny? This’ll never work out, if you’re not good tonight we’re going to have to talk divorce in the morning! *sexual framing In this scenario realize that they don’t click in terms of humor but makes the best out of it and leads the conversation to where he wants it to go while the most men trie to make up for their jokes not sticking.
6. Anecdote: Exactly what it says, you’ll find a lot of advice on it around the forums but here are some specific things to make sure the story sticks. 1. Explain the link to the High Caliber Hook. As long as the link is fairly relevant it’ll fit the conversation. Example: *she mentions living in Dallas and tells you a little about it, but you have only been to Houston* “Well I haven’t been to Dallas, but I have been to Houston.” (Goes into story) 2. Take a small story and blow it up into something big. Now there are 4 elements into making the Story not only more interesting but helpful for continuing the conversation. Element 1: Add Detail. (Ever think that girls gossip more than we do? Not really, it’s just that guys get to the point while the girl explains what people were wearing, who was there, the weather, the energy of the place, the environment, names, EVERYTHING. That’s what you want to do to draw her in.) Element 2: Timing. (Make dramatic pauses, build tension to make the story more interesting.) Element 3: Emotion. (Use words that give the story a feel. Instead of saying, “it was cold outside, the people were creepy, and it was really dark”, give it life! Use words like magnificent, powerful, dreadful. Be descriptive with what you say). (Also it says to not be afraid to tell sad stories or things of the like as it allows the girl to see you as more than a one dimensional guy) *Put emotion into it, don’t be crying or anything like that, but feel the vibe of the story you’re telling.* Another plus of telling a sad story is that you can get a girl to emotionally invest in you. Element 4: The fourth element that you can use is “threads”. Briefly stop your story and ask an open question. For example, if your story involves kids, briefly stop the story and ask if the girl likes kids. Make sure to not continue that thread until you finish your story or it will appear as if what she has to say is more important than what you have to say. Do this at least 3 times in your story and when you finish your story, you’ll have a lot of High Caliber Hooks to bounce back to. Example: Telling a story about going to a concert and what happened. YOU: “Blah blah blah, hey I was crowd surfing which was totally awesome. Let me get back to the story but we’ll talk about that after.” (Notice it sets room for future conversation even if you or she brings it up 20 minutes later. It’s an IOI if she does it herself) 7. Tasks: (You know how we talk about speaking with diction around here? Telling a girl to do something instead of asking for it, that’s exactly what this is. It conditions her to listen to what you say and of course keeps the conversation going.) Implementing the “Task” Hook Lead is very simple. She talks about something and you get her to tell you more by saying “tell me/show me”. Example: She tells you she’s from India and that it’s awesome WRONG: What part of India?
YOU: India, really? Tell me 3 things that make it so awesome. Most men waste a completely good hook and kill chances on getting any more information on it while the YOU have to tell her in a very alpha way to give more information on it. Also, the 3 or however many things she tells you are things she’s interested in. Why else would she bring them up? From here on, you can escalate the conversation on three brand new High Caliber Hook Leads.
8: Validation: Validation is one of the most important Hook Leads. For the validation Hook Lead to work, you must demonstrate high value and high standards. You will constantly be qualifying her to see if she’s up to your standards. There are two types of validation. There is positive validation (+) and negative validation (-). Positive validation is approval of one of her characteristics. Negative validation is disapproval of one of her characteristics.
Example of positive validation: YOU: What do you do for a living? HB: I’m a teacher. YOU: *Pause*. That’s kind of cool. Most girls I hang out with are models and actresses (higher valuue)… But I like how you help others. Tell me more.. (stay calm and don’t over-react) Once you validate a girl enough, she may start to get cocky. What you do then is give her negative validation. Example of negative validation: YOU: Where are you going this holiday? HB: Ibiza to get drunk a little bit. YOU: pause… HB: What’s wrong? YOU: Nothing, forget about it. HB: No, no! What is it? YOU: Ok, but promise you won’t get moody. I hate it when women do that. Her: Ok, ok! I promise, I promise! YOU: Ok, when you said you like going to bars and get drunk, I just didn’t expect it. You were saying all these beautiful things and then you said that. Now look, can we change the subject? By saying this, she’ll start qualifying herself again. Make sure you act as if you can leave her at any second to remain being a challenge. Then continue the cycle of positive/negative validation. 9: Assumptions: (Cold reading, palm reading, any kind of psychoanalysis would fit here. Keep in mind girls do not like vague responses, and so if you give one, will yield a vague response. Likewise, a detailed read or assumption about her will yield a much warmer response.)
WRONG “I feel like you’re a really outgoing person.” YOU: Really? Mmhmm, I knew that. Detailed: “From what I’ve gotten from talking to you, you seem like a girl who’s really open with people and when you meet a stranger, you don’t hesitate to open up to them with a really warm vibe.” (You can go on and on, the more detailed you are, the more room you have to be wrong.) What if you read a girl totally wrong? Simple. Respond with intrigue and say, “Really? Tell me about it/why that is,” It’ll get her to open up, and sooner than you think, she’ll forget you were wrong. (The big point on this one is that girls LOVE to be psychoanalyzed even if you’re wrong.) 10. Suggestion: This one is pretty self explanatory. You suggest things to her. This is especially effective when you want to bounce or set up a date. An example of this can be “Oh, you’re been to Japan? Then you’ll love this Japanese place down the street. The food there is wonderful, let’s go!”.
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