Keys of Solomon

April 22, 2017 | Author: johavenb | Category: N/A
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Keys of Solomon...


Making a Talisman 1. Relax and focus on why you want the talisman, 2. Draw those energies to you where you are successful in achieveing your cause. 3. The Burn a white candle and some sacred incense as you continue to visualize what the talisman would be that you create for the cause you want to accomplish 4. Draw this symbol that you have envisioned on a piece of plain (none lined) paper. 5. on the Reverse side of the talisman; write the Persons or Your Name Date of Birth to whom the talisman is for, 6. Also be sure to add any important information there as well 7. Add a bit of sacred Oil (Like Talisman oil or anoiting Oil) to the corners of the paper. 8. This next step is optional but some like to do it . Cover/coat the Talisman in the white candle or Bees Wax. 9. Now carry it close to your person when applicable or place it at it's most appropriate place Like I said above I would make available to you the Seals Of Solomon and here they are. Please rememebr these not offered in an attempt to persuade any individual person into the Supernatural Powers of these Amulets, Charms, Seals, Symbols or Talismans. I am not making any guarantees or assuming any responsibility for the outcome of the users who chose to use these items that I have shared. I must legally make this disclaimer here: The following Seals, talismans and Legends are taken from various sources and no magical claims are made.

2nd-Penticle-of-Jupiter 1st-Penticle-of-Jupiter The Magical Seal for acquiring A Talisman for acquiring treasure glory,honors, riches, & tranquility for gaining business of mind.

3rd-Penticle-of-Jupiter Defends & protects against any enemy & against any evil spirits which may linger near one's person or home.

4th-Penticle-of-Jupiter Serves to acquire wealth and honor.

7th-Penticle-of-Jupiter It has great power against poverty.

5th-Penticle-of-Jupiter This hath great power to assure visions. (Allegedly Jacob was armed with this pentacle when he beheld the ladder which reached unto heaven!)

6th-Penticle-of-Jupiter Protects form all earthly dangers.

1st-Pentacle-of-Mars 2nd-Pentacle-of-Mars The Talisman for gaining courage, Serves with great success against all ambition, enthusiasm & all kinds of diseases when it is applied physical accomplishments to afflicted parts.

3rd-Pentacle-of-Mars 4th-Pentacle-of-Mars This seal is of value in resisting Of great power of towards bringing one's enemies, and for exciting victory or vindication in an wrath, discord & hostility among argument or battle of any kind. others.

6th-Pentacle-of-Mars The owner of this cannot be harmed. If attacked, the foe's weapon shall turn against him.

7th-Pentacle-of-Mars The possessor pronounces the Divine Names of El and Yiai to bring confusion to one's enemies.

5th-Pentacle-of-Mars Causes all demons to obey the wishes of the possessor of this powerful seal.

1st-Pentacle-of-Moon Open's all doors and locks, no matter in what way they are fastened.

2nd-Pentacle-of-Moon Protects against all perils by water, calms one in the event of natural phenomena such as electrical storms, hurricanes, earthquakes or tornadoes.

3rd-Pentacle-of-Moon Protects against all dangers of travel, all attacks by night, and every danger from water.

4th-Pentacle-of-Moon Defends from all evil, and from any injury to body or soul.

5th-Pentacle-of-Moon 6th-Pentacle-of-Moon Protects against all Phantoms of A wonderful magical talisman, 1st-Pentacle-of-Mercury the night which may cause restless designed to bring rain. Place it in Conveys personal magnetism upon sleep or nightmares, and aids in water, and as long as it remains the owner. obtaining answers to questions or there, the rains will continue problems through dreams.

3rd-Pentacle-of-Mercury Influences the written word, 4th-Pentacle-of-Mercury 2nd-Pentacle-of-Mercury tending to make one eloquent in Assists in gaining knowledge & This Talisman is said to gain the letters, papers, or any writing. Used understanding in all things, and to impossible. granting wishes by all who wish to impress others penetrate the hidden thought of contrary to the order of nature. with there literary skills, others. particularly poets & authors.

2nd-Pentacle-of-Saturn Of great value when meeting with 5th-Pentacle-of-Mercury 1st-Pentacle-of-Saturn adversaries in business or Serves to open doors of any kind, Designed to compel others to submit competitions of any kind. It should for nothing it encounters can resist to the possessor's wishes & requests. be carried when looking for work or defeat it. or negotiating any financial contracts.

4th-Pentacle-of-Saturn 3rd-Pentacle-of-Saturn 5th-Pentacle-of-Saturn This seal is liked by those who wish Good for protection against any Protects the home, and guards all to impose their will upon others. It plots made by others & for defense treasures & possessions one may also alleged to bring good news to against evil spirits. own. the possessor.

6th-Pentacle-of-Saturn Saturn - Pronounce an enemy's 7th-Pentacle-of-Saturn 1st-Pentacle-of-the-Sun name and repeat 'Set thou a wicked This Talisman is reputed to make The 'El Shaddai' talisman which is one to be ruler over him and let others listen and tremble before the alleged to bring the possessor all satan stand at his right hand' to words of the wearer. things they may desire. cause the foe to be possessed by demons.

2nd-Pentacle-of-the-Sun This design serves to repress the pride and arrogance of those who oppose the owner's wishes & plans.

3rd-Pentacle-of-the-Sun Serves to attract renown, glory, riches

4th-Pentacle-of-the-Sun Enables the owner to see others as they really are, not as they pretend to be. When the seal in the vicinity of friend or foe, their true thoughts and secret heart will be opened.

5th-Pentacle-of-the-Sun Invokes the spirits who can transport one from any place to any place, and in a short time.

6th-Pentacle-of-the-Sun Provides invisibility to the possessor at request.

7th-Pentacle-of-the-Sun This seal reputedly releases one from prison, opening all locks & breaking all fetters which bind one

1st-Pentacle-of-Venus Brings friendships to the possessor.

2nd-Pentacle-of-Venus 3rd-Pentacle-of-Venus For obtaining grace & honor, and This serves to attract love, respect, for accomplishing all desires in and admiration. matters of the heart.

< 4th-Pentacle-of-Venus Of great power, this forces any person the owner desires to come to him or her.

5th-Pentacle-of-Venus The seal which excites great passion and desire when shown to another.

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