Key Word Transformation Exercises

December 18, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 

KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example: Example: - We have no definite  plans to go away.



We  are  not definitely  planning  to   to go away.


1. If I could work in the media, that's what I would like to do.


If, I would like to work in the media.


2. It has always been her ambition to write a successful novel.


She.......................................... She.................... .........................................a ...................a successful success ful novel. 3. Without tourism, this area wouldn't have much income.



This area............................................. area.............................................................its ................its income.


4. Why are you against inviting inviting Jackie to the party?


What's.............................................................Jackie to the party? 5. Tony demanded to complain to the hotel manager personally.





Tony............................ his complaint to the hotel manager personally. 6. He's very good at tennis and he's also a very good footballer. He's a very good footballer..............................very good tennis player. 7. Could you deliver the goods to my home?



Could I........................................................... my home? 8. Ms. Thoa won her first match easily and then she became the champion.



Ms. Thoa won her first match easily and she..............................the champion.


9. Mai Bình said that he didn't want to go out that evening.


Mai Bình said that.............................................................out that evening.


10. They should have completed completed the new road last year but they're still building it.


The new road...................................last year but they're still building it.

2 1. The previous manager manager wasn't runn running ing the club well, so he was replaced. replaced.



The club.................................the previous manager, so he was replaced. 2. You haven't mentioned my new hair cut yet.



You've..................................................................of my new haircut yet. 3. I've no idea what my feelings would be if the same thing happened to me! I can't imagine.................................if the same thing happened to me!




VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí   

4. You got lost because you didn't do what I told you.

instructions wouldn't have got lost. 5. I don't feel like sitting on the beach all day.



I have..................................................................all day sitting on the beach.


6. I sometimes regret regret coming to live in this city. city.


There are some.............................................................that I hadn't come to live in this city.


7. I took the book back back to the shop and got got a better one instead. instead.


I took the book back to the shop end..............................................that was better.


8. He reacted to the suggestion suggestion cautio cautiously, usly, but he agreed to consider it.


He treated..................................................., but he agreed to consider it.


9. There isn't enough space in this room for a big cupboard. cupboard.


A big cupboard in this room.


10. Everyone Everyone says that Đình Hiệp is a totally honest person.


Đình Hiệp.............................................................a totally honest person.


1. I met her while I was staying in Paris last summer.


I met Paris last summer.


2. I couldn't remember the name of my hotel when I got into the taxi.


I couldn't remember.............................................................when I got into the taxi.


3. We were all surprised when she suddenly left the job.


All.................................................................when she suddenly left the job.


4. "Are you a member of the club?" the receptionist said to me.


The receptionist asked.............................................................the club. 5. This is the most amusing book I've ever read.



I've never read a............................................................. one before.


6. Do shops usually stay open so late in this country?


Is.........................................................stay open so late in this country? 7. He doesn't doesn't often find it difficult difficult to earn money. money.



He seldom..................... seldom.......................................... .......................................mon ey. 8. You're like another person I've met here recently.



You remind.......................................................I've met here recently.


9. Do you think that climate affects people's personalities? personalities?


Do you think that climate............................................................. people's personalities? 10. Jack has become confident as a result of his success. Jack's success has............................................................. person.




VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí  4  

1. He didn't didn't give any reason for his strange strange behaviour that day.


He didn't explain..........................................such a strange way that day.


2. Was the film as good as you expected it to be or was it disappointing?


Did the film.....................................................of it or was it disappointing?


3. It is said that these herbs are good for you.


These herbs......................................... herbs.............................................................g ....................good. ood.


4. In spite of working until very late, I could couldn't n't complete the task.


Despite.............................................................until very late, I couldn't complete the task.


5. 'If you don't apologize immediately, I'm leaving,' she told him.


She......................................... She................... ..........................................h ....................hee apologized immediately.


6. You can't blame me for your your stupid mistakes. mistakes.


It isn't............................................. isn't.............................................................stupid ................stupid mistakes.


7. The news was such a shock to us that we all sat there without saying a word.


We all sat shocked by the news. 8. If you don't hurry, you'll miss your bus.



I'll miss your bus.


9. I learnt quite a lot of the language simply by listening to other people.


I picked........................................................the language simply by listening to other people. 10. Mike hates other people criticizing him.



Mike.........................................................other people criticize him.

5 1. She described the events of that day in detail.



She....................................................................of the events of that day. 2. As soon as I have any more news, I'll phone you.



I'll give....................................................................I have any more news. 3. This train should have left 20 minutes ago.  


This 20 minutes ago.


4. I'd lost his phone number so ! couldn't contact him before.


I couldn't.............................................................before because I'd lost his phone number.


5. We had a long discussion discussion about the problem but we couldn't couldn't solve it.


We discussed........................................................but we couldn't solve it.


6. We couldn't couldn't choose from the three main courses for dinner.


We...................................................of the three main courses for dinner. 7. She reaaly didn't want to upset him so she kept quiet. She was anxious..................................................him so she kept quiet. 8. I've arranged a trip around Europe next year.  


avoid arrangements

I've.............................................................. arrangements on a trip around Europe next year.


VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí   

9. When I was younger, younger, this record was one of my favourites. favourites.


This record used.............................................................mine when I was younger.


10. He seems not to care about about anything. anything.


He acts......................... acts............................................... him.


1. Why are you interested interested in taking up a new hobby? hobby?


Why..................................... Why............... ............................................ ......................................up ................up a new hobby?


2. 'Have you seen my gloves anywhere, anywhere, Eric?' asked Mrs Noble. Noble.


Mrs Noble asked Eric...................................................her gloves anywhere. 3. Suzanne was too excited to sleep.



Suzanne was.......................................... was................................................................ .............................not .......not sleep. 4. Robert has not had a job for two years.



Robert has........................................... has................................................................. .............................for .......for ttwo wo years.


5. 'I will complete the work only if you pay me £500 extra,’ said Frank.


'I pay me £500 extra," said Frank.


6. The thief ran right past you so I'm sure you saw his face.


The thief ran right past you so.......................................................his face.


7. The clients demanded to stay in a first-class first-class hotel.


The a first-class hotel.


8. I don't object object to the council building building a new road road here.


I .............................................................the council building a new road here.


9. The author wrote her latest novel while she was staying staying in Majorca. Majorca.


The author's latest novel ............................................................. stay in Majorca.


10. The newspaper offered Lynda £5000 for her story, but she refused.


Lynda...........................................................of £5000 from the newspaper for her story.


1. I don't want to discuss this subject at the moment.


I .............................................................discuss this subject at the moment.


2. A neighbour neighbour is looking after the childr children en while I'm out.


A neighbour............................................................the children while I'm out.


3. You will have to pay at least £100 to get the camera you want.


You'll find.............................................................get the camera you want for less than £100. 4. Could I stay with you for the weekend?



Could you..................................................... you....................................................................for ...............for tthe he weekend? 5. It's possible that she didn't hear what I said. She........................................ She.................. ............................................ ...................................what .............what I said. 6. My boss doesn't like us to make private calls at work.



My boss.............................................................making private calls at work.



VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí   

7. I couldn't couldn't concentrate fully because of the noise outside.


The noise outside.......................................... outside................................................................ ................................fully. ..........fully.


8 The thief wore gloves so as to avoid leaving leaving any fingerprin fingerprints. ts.


The thief wore gloves.............................................................any fingerprints.


9 People say that Paris is a wonderful city.


Paris.............................................. Paris........................ ............................................ ...........................a .....a wonderful city.


10 The workers only complain because of the unfair treatment.


If the workers.............................................................they wouldn't complain.


1. "Would you like to go out for a meal?" George asked Olga.


George asked Olga................................................................out fora meal.


2. I haven't received a reply from Rachel yet.


Rachel......................................... Rachel.................... ........................................... ............................................ .............................reply. .......reply.


3. I got the impression impression that they weren't enjoying enjoying themselves. themselves.


They.................................... They.............. ............................................ ............................................ ......................enjoying enjoying themselves.


4. I looked quickly through the newspaper while I was waiting.


I...........................................through the newspaper while I was waiting.


5. Nobody asked me for my opinion of the idea.


 Nobody asked me......................................... me............................................................... ...................................the .............the idea. 6. This is the best music I've ever heard.





I've.......................................... I've.................... ........................................... ......................................this. .................this. 7. The train timetable has been changed.

They.................................... They.............. ........................................... ........................................... ........................the ..the train timetable.


8. Elizabeth had difficulty in accepting the situation.


Elizabeth............................................. Elizabeth........................ ........................................... ...............................the .........the situation. 9. Paul is employed employed by Sony, isn't he? Paul........................................... Paul..................... ........................................... ..................................he? .............he?



10. You ought to fasten your seat-belt before driving away.


You shouldn't.................................... shouldn't.......................................................... .........................................y ...................your our seat-belt.


1. I couldn't couldn't warn you because because I didn't know about it myself. myself.


I could..............................................................had known about it myself.


2. The reason she found out about it was that he told his sister.


She wouldn't have found out about it..........................................his sister. 3. Not realizing how unhappy she was, he spent very little time with her. He..................................with her if he had known how unhappy she was. 4. I lost her phone number so I never saw her again.


I would............................................,.................I hadn't lost her phone number.


would have


VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí   

5. We're not living together together any more because because she went away to university university..


We.............................,......................if she hadn't gone away to university.


6. She didn't take the trouble to find out why so she doesn't understand. understand.


She..............................................................taken the trouble to find out why.


7. Thank you for allowing me to use your dictionary.


Thanks for......................................... for..............................................................d .....................dictionary. ictionary.


8. Excuse me, aren't you employed by the council?


Excuse me......................................... me............................................................... ..........................the ....the council? 9. You are advised not,to do that again.



You..................................... You............... ............................................ .........................that ...that again.


10.The service given by the bank has improved recently improvements.


The bank.................................... bank......................................................... ..........................service. .....service.


1. I started revising earlier so I could do more work.


I started revising more work.


2. During the Speaking exam, the examiner fills in you yourr mark sheet.

have by the examiner during the Speaking exam.


3. He invented an illness in order to avoid having to go to school.


He invented an go to school.


4. I'd better do this exercise now because there might not be time later.


I'd better do this exercise now...................................................time later.


5. He arranged for them to send him the book by post.


He......................................... He................... ............................................ him by post. 6. He was offered a job but rejected it so that he could carry on with his studies.



He was offered a job but..............................................order to carry on with his studies. 7. My watch needs to be mended before I take the exam. I ........................................................................before I take the exam. 8. They mark our written work in Cambridge.





We............................................. We....................... ........................................... Cambridge.


9. Read the instructions first in order to save time later.


Read the instructions first...................................................waste time later.


10. A member of your family can collect your certificate.

have a member of your family.

11 1. 'Will you be quiet!'she quiet!'she said to the children. children. She......................................... She................... ............................................ .......................................quiet. .................quiet. 2. "Would you like to come to my party, Mary?", the boy said. The boy................................ boy...................................................... ............................................ .party.





VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí   

3. 'Why don't you come here in the spring?', he said to them.


He......................................... He................... ............................................ the spring. 4. 'I'll ring her tomorrow,' tomorrow,' he said.



He......................................... He................... ........................,................... ..,....................................the .................the day after.


5. 'Let's go to this bar here,' my friend said.


My friend................... friend......................................... ............................................ there.


6. 'Honestly, 'Honestly, I've never met him before,' before,' she said.


She......................................... She................... ............................................ ......................................him ................him before.


7. 'Are you coming coming here this evening, evening, Julia?' said Chris.


Chris............................................ Chris...................... ............................................ ...........................going .....going there that evening.


8. 'Don't go too near the edge,' their father sajd.


Their father..................................................................too near the edge.


9. "I don't know if I believe him or not,' said Jenny.


Jenny....................................... Jenny................. ............................................ ......................................believed ................believed him.


10. 'You took it without paying for it, didn't you?' the shopkeeper said to her.


The shopkeeper...........................................................without paying for it.

12 1. It was too cold for anyone to work.



It was............................................ was.................................................................


2. It is such a boring job that people leave after a few weeks.


People who do that job..........................................leave after a few weeks.


3. The afternoon was so hot that the road surface melted.


It........................................................................that the road surface melted.


4. He had too much pride to admit he had made a mistake.


He was...............................................not admit he had made a mistake. 5. It was too foggy for us to see a thing.   There was.....................................................that we couldn't see a thing.


6. I didn't know the office was so far from the city centre.


I didn't know the office was...............................................the city centre. 7. Heavy rain caused the river to rise quickly. quickly.



The river..............................................quickly if there hadn't been heavy rain. 8. They don't give us enough time to do a proper job.



We are given.............................................................can't do a proper job. 9. The salary he got from that company was so low that he resigned.



That company................................................................. salary that he resigned. 10. He lost his job because of the serious economic economic crisis.   If the economic crisis............................................. he would not have lost his job.



VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí  13  

1. Keyboards like that are too small to use.


Keyboards like l ike that............................................. that................................................................... to use.


2. I've never seen such good graphics.


These graphics are.......................................... are................................................................ ..........................seen. ....seen.


3. I'll speak to them during our stay here.


I'll speak to


4. There will be too much data on that disk.


There........................................... There..................... ........................................... .......................................on ..................on that disk.


5. I'm sorry but this game isn't much fun.


I'm sorry but............................................................................this game much.


6. Nobody in the team plays as skilfully as she does.


She is.............................................. is.................................................................... the team.


7. ‘There is a slow improvemen improvementt in his condition,’ condition,’ say the doctors.


He........................................ He.................. ............................................ ............................................ .......................say .say the doctors.


8. You shouldn't go to so much trouble.


There is.....................................................................go to so much trouble. 9. He didn't didn't run fast enough enough,, did he?



He........................................ He.................. ............................................ ............................................ ..........................he? ....he?


10. I was less impressed impressed by their performance performance than I'd hoped. hoped.


Their performance was.................................................I'd hoped.


1. He hasn't hasn't got the intelligence intelligence to be a programmer programmer..


He........................................ He.................. ............................................ be a programmer.


2. The team members have never been so fit before.


The team members are...........................................................been before. 3. There is a continual rise in the number of club members this year.



The number of club members......................................................this year.


4. Although Although she was alone she still enjoyed enjoyed the meal.


She still enjoyed the meal........................................................................alone. 5. The only reason I watch this show at all is because I like the dancers.





If I didn't iike the dancers in this show, all. 6. Players are allowed to pick up the ball but they must not run with it.

Players are aiiowed to pick up the with it. 7. I bet your brother's brother's still watchi watching ng television.


You brother....................................... brother............................................................. ......................................television. ................television. 8. She started to train there over six months ago.   She......................................... She................... ............................................ ........................................ov ..................over er six months.

must training


VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí   

9. Because the sculpture weighed so much, we couldn't couldn't carry it.


The sculpture was........................................... was................................................................. .................................carry. ...........carry.


10. Do you only come here because you're on your own at home? home?


Would you come here...................................................yourself at home?


1. Playing tennis always makes me feel tired.


If I.................. I........................................ ............................................ ............................................ .........................tired. ...tired.


2. Perhaps those two women don't really like each other.


Those women…………………………………………………………… 3. I last went there when I was a child.



I .......................................................................................I was a child.


4. They were once known everywhere everywhere as the top team.


They..................................... They............... ............................................ ............................................ as the top team.


5. It seems that there is a gradual fall in the number of complaints.


The number of seems.


6. if they don't improve a lot soon they're bound to lose.


They're bound to lose unless................................................soon. 7. Please don't shout every time you want a drink. drink.



Would.......................................................................every time you want a drink?


8. 'Do you know where we are?' he asked me, as the fog closed in.


He asked me the fog closed in.


9. They are letting the well-known well-known gang leader out of prison tomorrow.


The well-known gang leader ...........................................prison tomorrow


10. It was only because of your help that I got over the experience.


If you hadn't over the experience.


1. In those days she usually stayed at home in the evenings.


In those days she....................................................out in the evenings. 2. There are too many people for so few resources.



There are............................................... are..................................................................... ......................................many ................many people. 3. They carried on climbing despite such heavy snow.



They carried on climbing......................................... climbing............................................................... ............................heavily. ......heavily.


4. They only sign agreements because they don't have to stick to them.


They wouldn't sign them. 5 In spite of the expense, the train is still the best way to travel. The train is still the best way to travel..................................expensive.


6.. If he doesn't have a break immediately immediately,, he'll end up exhausted. exhausted. He'll end up exhausted.................................... exhausted.......................................................... .....................................break. ...............break.




VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí   

7. Despite his age, he's still working.


He........................................ He.................. ............................................ ............................................ .........................despite ...despite his age.


8. Unless we get the tickets soon they'll all be sold out.


The tickets will all be sold out..................................................them soon.


9. He regrets regrets not studying studying more before the exam.


He........................................ He.................. ............................................ ............................................ .........................before ...before the exam.


10. Your hair really needs cutting.


You really............................................. really................................................................... ..........................................cut. ....................cut.


1. Angela regrets not seeing that film.


Angela...................................... Angela................ ............................................ ............................................ ...........................that .....that film.


2. "Where did you buy your dress?' Janice asked her sister.


Janice asked her sister.......................................................................dress.


3. My mother mother wouldn't give me permi permission ssion to go to the disco.


My mother.................. mother........................................ ............................................ ............................................ to the disco.


4. 'Why don't you buy a bigger bigger house, Sue?' said Amos.


Amos suggested....................................... suggested............................................................. ............................a ......a bigger house.


5. It's possible that the building was burgled after midnight.


The building....................................... building............................................................. ........................................after ..................after midnight.


6. John's students always respected him.


John...................................... John................ ............................................ ............................................ his students.


7. 'It's your fault the cat died, George," said Lucy.


Lucy.................................... Lucy.............. ............................................ ............................................ .............................of .......of the cat.


8. Jeremy got sunburnt because because he fell asleep on the beach. beach.


Jeremy wouldn't have got sunburnt.....................................asleep on the beach. 9. A phrasebook's a good idea because you might need to ask for directions. A phrasebook's a good idea........................................ask for directions.



10. It's impossible to lend you any more money, I'm afraid.

case question

Lending you any more money ....................................................I'm afraid.

18 1. "Please come back tomorrow."



"Would...................................... "Would................ ............................................ ............................................ ...........................tomorrow?" .....tomorrow?" 2. "I don't don't want to give you a prescription prescription," ," the doctor doctor said.



"I................................................................a prescription," the doctor said. 3. It turne turned d out to be unnecessary unnecessary to perform the operation.   They found they................ t hey...................................... ............................................ .................................the ...........the operati operation. on. 4. "It would be a good idea if you didn't stay up so late," Mary said to Tom. Mary advised Tom...................................... Tom............................................................ .................................bed ...........bed earlier.




VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí   

5. "You'd better have a few days at home," the doctor told Tom.


The doctor................................................................. home for a few days.


6. Mary gave the doctor a careful explanation of everything.


Mary....................................... Mary................. ............................................ ..............................very ........very carefully.


7. They failed to find the cause of Mary's illness.


They...............................................................................out why Mary was ill.


8. It's a pity she was ill during the holiday.


I.......................................... I.................... ............................................ ............................................ .......................ill .ill during the holiday.


9. The hospital should have written to you by now.


It's.............................................. It's........................ ............................................ you. 10. No one likes her particularly.



She is.............................................. is.................................................................... .........................................very ...................very much.


1. The guests really can't stand any more of that bad cooking!


The bad cooking is too much for the guests ........................more! 2. Is there any reason to go out to eat tonight?



Can a restaurant tonight?


3. Everybody Everybody seems happy to go on eating fast food for ever.


It seems nobody........................... nobody................................................ ........................................... .fast food.


4. One of the customers left before the bill arrived.


One of the customers..............................................................for his meal.


5. If you enjoy a certain food, experts advise you to eat less of it!


Experts always want.............,................................on any food you enjoy.


6. He cancelled cancelled the dinner dinner party because everybody everybody was ill.


As everybody was ill,.............................................................the dinner party. 7. It's been so busy i haven't had time to eat today.   I've been too eat today.


8. Have we got anything if we find that some of the guests are vegetarians?


If anyone.....................................a vegetarian, what can we give them? 9. The boy's story obviously did not deceive him.



He was obviously..............................................................what the boy said.


10. They'll They'll just have to accept ice-cream if the recipe doesn't work.


If the recipe's no good, they can

20 1. "I didn't bring any money," said Michael.   Michael said that...................... that........................................... ........................................... ...............................any .........any money. 2 .They only pay well because the work is boring. boring. They wouldn't pay well........................................... well.........................................................boring. ..............boring.


forgotten if 


VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí   

3. Martha was too young to enter the competition.

enough enter the competition.


4. My father hasn't smoked smoked since he was thirty. thirty.


My father......................... father.............................................. ........................................... .......................he .he was thirty.


5. The neighbours' neighbours' ail-night parties were too much for me, so I moved. moved.


I moved because I...............................................the neighbours' all-night parties.


6. He didn't feel very well but he went to work.


He went to work...................................................................very well. 7. "Is it raining?" asked Michael.



Michael wanted to........................................... to...........................................................raining. ................raining.


8. The darkness made it almost imposs impossible ible to see.


We............................................ We...................... ........................................... was so dark.


9. By the time you get here they will have repaired the computer.


The the time you get here.


10. It isn't necessary necessary for anyone anyone to work late tonight.


Tonight.................................... Tonight.............. ........................................... ........................................... late.


1. They say that this building is nearly 200 years old.


This building................................................................nearly 200 years old. 2. That was the best dancing she'd ever seen!



She'd........................................ She'd.................. ............................................ ..................................that. ............that.


3. He doesn't want to see anybody at all for the rest of the day.


He.........................................................................anybody at all for the rest of the day. 4. "I like wild strawberries strawberries very much!" much!" said Angela. Angela.



Angela said that...............................................................wild strawberries. 5. We climbed a long way to get to the top of the hill.   It get to the top of the hill. 6. Take an umbrella umbrella - it might start raining raining later tonight. tonight.




Take an umbrella............................................................raining later tonight.


7 You couldn't see the cars ahead properly because of the fog.


The fog...................................................................the cars ahead properly.


8. She never fails to support her brother when people attack his views. views.


She...............................................................her brother when people attack his views. 9. Nigel should leave soon if he's catching the 10.20 train.



 Nigel........................................  Nigel................... .........................................if ....................if he's catching the 10.20 train. 10. It's a shame nobody went to say goodbye to them at the airport. It's a shame nobody the airport.




VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí  22 1. She owns all this land now.



All............................................. All....................... ...........................................


2. Alexis has decided that he'll go on Tuesday.


Alexis........................................... Alexis..................... ............................................ ...............................go .........go on Tuesday.


3. Our neighbour says he definitely won't return the ball.


Our neighbour says he......................................................................the ball.


4. Organized activities don't interest Eva very much.


Eva....................................... Eva................. .................................,.......... ...........,.......................organized .............organized activities.


5. Our plane's departure time is 10.0 10.00 0 a.m.


Our plane.......................................... plane................................................................ ................................10.00 ..........10.00 am.


6. It you run every day, your breathing improves quickly.


Daily......................................... Daily.................... ........................................... .................................your ...........your breathing.


7. Which games is she particularly particularly good at, Mrs Kay?


Which games........................................... games................................................................. ..............................., ........., Mrs Kay?


8. I have arranged a brief meeting with him at 5 pm.


I .......................................... ................................................................ 5 pm.


9. I'll finish this job and then I'll phone you back.


I'll phone you back..............................................................this job.


10. Our team regularly loses matches here.


Our team............................................. team...................................................................


1. It's not common for women to be racing drivers. drivers.


Racing drivers......................................... drivers............................................................... .................................women. ...........women.


2. Well-known artists are regular visitors to his workshop.

Well-known artists................................................... artists........................................................................w .....................workshop. orkshop. 3. It's unusual unusual for Jane to lose at backgammon. backgammon.  

visit hardly

Jane.......................................... Jane.................... ............................................ backgammon. 4. It's rare for my sister to take a holiday.



My sister........................... sister................................................. ............................................


5. There are few weekends when Steve isn't fishing.


Steve......................................... Steve.................... ........................................... weekends.


6. It'd be a good idea for you to come with us next Sunday.


 Next Sunday................................................. Sunday.....................................................................with ....................with us. 7. Photography is not allowed in the museum.


You.......................................................... You.................................... the museum. 8. Is leaving everything here really necessary?   Does everything................................... everything.........................................................

photographs left


VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí   

9. There's no need for you to do any work if you don't feel like it.


If you don't feel like any work.


10. It isn't always necessary to be a member of the club.

need a member of the club.


1. I won't stay if you don't apologize immediately.


I'll only.................................... only......................................................... ......................................apologize .................apologize immediately.


2. You can eat sweets but you must always brush your teeth afterwards.


You can eat sweets.............................................your teeth afterwards.


3. If you don't get dressed right away we'll go without you.


Unless.......................................................right away we'll go without you.


4. We only eat there because the prices are so low.


If they....................................................low prices we wouldn't eat there.


5. I won't eat any more cake because I'm full.


If some more cake.


6. If that noise doesn't stop soon I won't feel like eating.


That noise stops soon.


7. I'll only leave the waiter some money if he's quick.


I won't....................................... won't............................................................. ...................................he's .............he's quick.


8. Take my advice and don't drink so much whisky!


I'd drink..................................... drink........................................................... .................................... .............. you!


9. They are not even allowed to wear earrings at that school.


That school........................................ school.............................................................. ..................................wear ............wear earrings.


10. We are being transferred transferred to different premises next month.

moving different premises next month.


1. Phone me tomorrow please.


Please.............................................. Please........................ ............................................ ............................tomorrow, ......tomorrow,


2. What is the subject of your lecture lecture tomorrow? tomorrow?


What are........................................... are................................................................. ...............................tomorrow? .........tomorrow?


3. There is a conference here today.


A conference............................................ conference.................................................................. 4. Do politics interest you?



Do you................................. you...................................................... .........................................p ....................politics? olitics? 5. My wife had twins last week.   Last week........................................ week............................................................. ..................................twins. .............twins.




6. I spent an hour doing this exercise. exercise.

It............................................. It....................... ............................................ do this exercise.


VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí   

7. Get in my car. I'll take you to the station.


Let me.......................................... me............................................................... the station.


8. When my mother was ill, I looked after her.


I .........................................................................when she was ill.


9. Lately I've had problems with my back.


My back................. back....................................... ........................................... ...................................lately. ..............lately.


10. There were three participants in the discussion.


Three people........................................ people.............................................................. ..................................the ............the discussion.


1. Unfortunately. I haven't got enough money to go on holiday this year.


I wish..........................................................................on holiday this year.


2. You never clean the bath when you've finished!


I. ....................................................................the bath when you've finished!


3. Pete regrets forgetting to send Sally a Valentine Valentine card.


Pete wishes...............................................................Sally a Valentine card. 4. "It wasn't a good idea to go to bed so late,' said Justin, yawning.





'I wish I......................................................................,' said Justin, yawning. 5 'I'd love to be the same height as my sister,' said Jodie enviously. Jodie wishes............................................. wishes................................................................... .............................her .......her sister.


6. I regret telling John about my plan.


If.......................................... If.................... ..........................................John ....................John.. 7. I haven't watched TV for ages, so I'm not sure what's happened in the story.



The last time I'm not sure what's happened in the story.


8. When was the last time you had a check-up?


How.................................... How.............. ............................................ ......................................had ................had a check-up? 9. It's more than six months since I went to the dentist.   I haven't.....................................................................more than six months. 10. I haven't seen Henry since 1994. The last................................................. 1994.


for time


VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 

ANSWER KEYS 1 1. had the/an opportunity to do

7. have/get the goods delivered

2. has always dreamt of writing

8. went on to become

3. depends [largely/mostly] on tourism for 

9. she'd rather not go

4. your objection to inviting/asking 5. insisted on making

10. was due to be completed OR  was due for completion

6. in addition to being a  OR  and in addition [is] a

2 1. was being badly run by

6. occasions when I wish

2. made no mention mention of  OR  OR  not made any mention

7. exchanged it for one/a book better 

3. how/what/the way I would feel

8. the suggestion with caution

4. you had followed my instructions

9. take up too much/a lot of 

5. no desire to spend/waste spend/waste

10. has a reputation reputation as/for being OR  has the reputation of being

3 1. during my stay

6. it usual for shops to

2. what my hotel was called

7. has trouble earning

3. of us found it surprising surprising

8. me of someone/somebody else

4. [me] if/whether I belonged belonged to

9. has/can have an/some influence on  OR  is/an be an influence on

5. more amusing book than this OR book as amusing as

10. turned him into a confident



1. why he [had) behaved in

6. my fault [that] you make/made

2. live up to your expectation

7. in siience siience because/as/sin because/as/since ce we were

3. are said to do you

8. you had better hurry or/otherwise

4. the fact that I worked

9. up a fair amount/know amount/knowledge ledge/bit /bit of 

5. threatened to leave unless

10. can't stand it when/if  when/if 

5 1. gave a detailed description/acount

6. had got/were given a/the choice

2. you a ring/call ring/call the moment moment

7. to avoid upsetting

3. was meant to set/move set/moved OR  was meant to have set/moved

8. made arrangements arrangements to go 9. to be a favourite of 

4. get/keep in touch with him

10. as if/though nothing matters

5. the problem at length


VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí  6 1. do you want to take

6. you must have seen

2. if/whether if/whether he/she had seen

7. insisted on/upon staying

3. so excited that she could

8. haven't any/ made no objection to

4. been out of work/a job

9. was written during during her/a

5. not complete the work unless

10. turned down the/an offer 

7 1. would rather not/would rather we didn't

6. doesn't approve of us/our 

2. is taking care of 

7. made it hard to concentrate

3. [that] it [is] impossible to

8. in order not to leave

4. put me up

9. is supposed to be

5. mightn't have heard

10. were treated fairly/were fairly/were fairly treated

8 1. if/whether if/whether she felt like

6. never heard better music than/music better than

2. still hasn't sent me

7. have made/carried out changes changes to

3. didn't seem to be 4. had a quick look 

8. found it difficult difficult to accept 9. works for Sony, doesn't

5. what I thought of/about

10. drive away without fastening

9 1. have warned you if 

6. would understand if she had

2. if he hadn't told

7. letting me use your 

3. would have spent more time

8. don't you work for 

4. have seen her again if 

9. had better not do

5. would still be living together 

10. has made improvemen improvements ts to its

10 1. in order to/in order that I would be able to

6. turned it down in

2. have your mark sheet filled

7. must have my watch mended

3. so as not to have

8. have your written work marked

4. in case there isn't

9. so as not to

5. had the book sent

10. can have your certificate collected

11 1. told the children to be

6. denied ever having met/denied ever meeting

2. invited Mary to his

7. asked Julia if she wss

3. advised them to come here/go there

8. waned them not to go

4. promised to ring her/promised he would ring her 

9. wondered whether she [really]

5 suggested going to that/we should go to that

10. accused her of taking it


VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí  12 1. so cold that nobody could

6. such a long way from

2. get so bored that they

7. would not have risen so

3. was such a hot afternoon

8. so little time [that] we

4. so proud that he could

9. gave/paid him such a low

5. so much fog

10. had not been so serious

13 1. aren't big enough

6. the most skilful player 

2. the best I've ever 

7. is slowly getting better 

3. while we are staying

8. no need for you to

4. won't be enough space

9. ran too slowly, didn't

5. I'm not enjoying

10. not as impressive as

14 1. isn't intelligent enough

6. provided [that] they don't

2. fitter than they have ever been

7. must still be watching

3. is continually continually rising / is rising continually continually 4. in spite of being

8. has been traing there for  9. too heavy for us to

5. wouldn't watch it

10. if you weren't by

15 1. play tennis I always get

6. they get a lot better 

2. might not really like one

7. you mind not shouting

3. haven't been there since

8. I knew where we were

4. used to be known everywhere

9. is being released released from

5. is gradually gradually falling

10. me I would never have

16 1. didn't use to go 2. not enough resources resources for so

6. unless he has an immediate OR  unless he immediately

has a

3. although it was snowing so

7. hasn't retired yet / still hasn't retired

4. if they had to stick 

8. if we don't get

5. even though it is

9. wishes he had studied more

17 1. wishes she had seen

6. was always looked up to

2. where she had bought her 

7. blamed George for the death

3. woudn't let me go

8. if he hadn't fallen

4. (that) Sue should buy

9. in case you need to

5. may have been burgled

10. is out of the question


VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí  18 1. you mind coming

6. explained everything to the doctor 

2. would rather not give you

7. didn't succeed in finding

3. didn't need to perform/do

8. she hadn't been iis

4. to try going to

9. time the hospital hospital wrote

5. told Tom to stay at

10. not liked by anyone/anybody

19 1. to put up with eny

6. he called off 

2. see an any y point point in

7. to have a bite

3. ever gets fed up with

8. turns out to be

4. cleared off without paying

9. not ttake aken n in b by y

5. you to cut down m

10. make do with

20 1. he had forgotten forgotten to bring

6. in spite of not feeling

2. if the work wasn't/weren wasn't/weren't 't

7. know if it was

3. wasn't old enough 4. gave up smoking when

8. could hardly see because 9. will have been put right

5. couldn't put up with

10. no one/nobody has [got] to

21 1. is said to be

6. e in ca case se it starts starts

2. never seen dancing better than/better dancing than

7. made it difficult to see

3. would rather not see 4. she was [very] fond of 

9. e always always stands up for  for  9. had better better leave leave soon soon 10. to see them off 

5. m was a lo long ng climb climb

22 1. this land belongs to her 

6. running quickly improves

2. is planning to

7. does she play particularly particularly well

3. is definitely keeping

8. am seeing seeing him briefly

4. isn't very interested in

9. as soon as I finish

5. takes off at

10. is/are always losing matches

23 1. are seldom

6. you ought to come

2. regularly visit his

7. must not take photographs

3. hardly ever loses

8. really have to be left

4. rarely goes on

9. you don't have to

5. nearly/almost always goes fishing

10. cten'fc always need to.


VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí  24 1. stay as long as you

6. put me off eating unless

2. provided (that) you brush

7. tip the waiter unless

3. you put on your clothes/ you put your clothes on

8. less whisky if I were

4. didn't charge [us] such

8. doesn't even let them

5. weren't / wasn't full I would

10. are moving us

25 1. give me a call

6. took me an hour 

2. giving a talk about

7. give you a lift

3. is taking place

8. took care of my mother 

4. take an interest in

9. has been giving me trouble

5. gave birth to

10. took part in

26 1. I could afford going

6. only I hadn't told

2. wish you would clean

7. watched TV was ages ago

3. he had remembered to send 4. had gone to bed earlier 

8. long is it since you 9. been to the dentist for 

5. she were as tall as

10. time I saw Henry was

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