Key Malwarebytes PRO
March 16, 2017 | Author: cristian andree | Category: N/A
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Download Key Malwarebytes PRO...
Serial For Malwarebytes Anti-Malware ( Pro ) Version or Next Version .
7YAL-4DY7-6YED-Q30M 9RL27 V5A5-Q4TT-UGFA-ED5D 7YI77 KY1W-N9JB-29PA-4HU4 4SH79 2BAX-W084-JQWF-MAV4 5OR21 17FW-AX0T-PVJL-DA6C 3KL19 PU93-AA9J-13TT-5EXY This serial can be help you, anytime and anywhere. And You Can Support This Progam when do you like. Please follow to Contact Malwarebytes End-User License THIS END-USER LICENSE ( LICENSE ) IS DESIGNED FOR USERS OF THE MALWAREBYTES ANTI-MAL WARE FREE AND FULL VERSIONS. IF YOU HAVE PURCHASED SPECIALTY VERSION OF THE MAL WAREBYTES SOFTWARE, SEE BELOW FOR SPECIAL LICENSE TERMS THAT MAY APPLY TO YOUR P RODUCT. By installing or running this software, you are agreeing to the terms of this Li cense. If you do not agree to abide by the terms of this Agreement, you may not install or run the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Software (the Software ) and must del ete any copies of that Software in your possession. If you agree to the terms o f this license without modification, then you may install and run the enclosed S oftware under this License subject to the following restrictions: One Computer Per License 1. This License applies to one instance of the Software, which may only be insta lled on one computer at a time. 2. Once installed onto a computer, the Software may be operated by any person us ing the computer, whether directly or via remote connection. 3. Users who wish to transfer their license to a different computer must first c ompletely uninstall the Software from the first computer, then reinstall the sof tware on the new computer and re-register the Software on the new computer with Malwarebytes. 4. You may not run the Software on a network, but must install it on only on the quantity of individual computers you are licensed for and run it locally on tho se computers. However, you may install the Software onto individual computers v ia upload or push through via a network. Copyrights and Permitted Use of the Software 5. You agree that the Software is the property of Malwarebytes and that all code within the Software is the valid copyright of Malwarebytes. You also agree tha t the Malwarebytes Malware Database (the Database ) is the exclusive, valid copyrig ht of Malwarebytes. 6. You may not use a single instance of the Software across a network; rather, y
ou may install it on only one computer at a time per license and run it locally on that computer. 7. You may not, nor may you permit any other person to sublicense, rent or lease any portion of the Software. 8. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, modify, or create derivative works o f the Software, nor may you make any attempt to discover the source code of the Software except where permitted by law. 9. You may not use the Software as part of a service provider or service bureau. 10. You may not use the Software as part of any computer repair, help desk or tr oubleshooting service, unless you have each customer purchase an individual Full License for each of their respective computers which you repair or otherwise se rvice. 11. You may not use the Software for any commercial purpose. The License is for use on the personal or business computers of its owner only. 12. You may not combine this Software with a script, application, hardware or to ol which would cause it to run on an automated or unattended basis. Updates 13. From time to time, Malwarebytes provides updates to the Software. You are a dvised to update the software regularly, or to set it to update automatically if that feature is available in your version of the Software. 14. If you are using a Full Version (paid version), you have the right to obtain updates exclusive to paid subscribers of the Software for so long as this Licen se remains valid. 15. Malwarebytes reserves the right to designate specific additional content or features as requiring separate purchase of a separate subscription at any time a nd without notice to you, however, if you purchase a subscription that provides for specific updates, you will not pay any additional fee to receive those updat es. 16. This License does not entitle you to receive any content not provided for in your purchase documentation. Warranties and Damages 17. Malwarebytes makes no warranty about the quality of the Software or its abil ity to eliminate any specific malware threats. 18. Malwarebytes makes no warranty as to the completeness of the Database or pro tection modules. 19. Malwarebytes makes no warranty concerning the comparison of the Software to any similar software or any industry standard. 20. Malwarebytes makes no warranty about the compatibility of the Software with any other software or hardware. 21. Malwarebytes does not give any warranty in relation to non-infringement of i ntellectual property rights. 22. Malwarebytes makes no warranty about the availability of its customer servic e representatives or their ability to solve any malware or other computer issues . 23. MALWAREBYTES MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDIN G THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF SATISFACTORY QUALITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PU RPOSE. 24. In no event will Malwarebytes be liable to you under any legal theory or cau se of action for lost profits, lost or corrupted data, or any special, consequen tial, indirect or similar damages arising out of the use or inability to use the Software for any purpose, even if Malwarebytes has been given advance notice of those concerns. 25. In any event, Malwarebytes entire liability for any claims arising out of thi s License will not exceed a refund of your purchase price for the Software. Customer Breach
26. Any breach of the above terms by you shall give Malwarebytes the right to te rminate this License immediately upon notice to you. In the event that you cure whatever breach caused such termination, you may petition Malwarebytes to reins tate the License but Malwarebytes shall be under no obligation to do so. If Mal warebytes terminates your subscription as a result of your breaching this Licens e, you will be liable to pay for the full duration of your subscription. 27. If you sue anyone over patents that you think may apply to the Software, you r License to the Software ends automatically. Any patent rights in the Software granted by this License apply only to the Software and not to any derivative wo rks you create. 28. This License contains the only rights associated with the Software and Malwa rebytes reserves all rights not expressly granted to you in this License. 29. You agree that any breach of any provision of this License regarding Malware bytes confidential or proprietary information or intellectual property would cons titute irreparable harm, and that Malwarebytes shall be entitled to injunctive r elief in addition to other remedies at law or in equity. 30. In the event that Malwarebytes sues you for breach of this License and is su ccessful, you will be responsible for Malwarebytes reasonable attorneys fees rela ted to that suit. Privacy Policy 31. By agreeing to this License, you agree to the terms of Malwarebytes Privacy P olicy which can be found at More information concerning wha t data is tracked by Malwarebytes and how it is used is available in the Privacy Policy. 32. Specifically, you agree that Malwarebytes may track certain information it o btains from your computer including data about any malicious software or other t hreats flagged by the Software, data about your license, data about what version of the Software you are using and what operating conditions it runs under and d ata concerning your geographic location. 33. Malwarebytes will not track any personal information about your computer oth er than data which is specifically related to operation of the Software. Geogra phic data collected by Malwarebytes tracks country and region, but will not obta in data about your specific address. Miscellaneous 34. Malwarebytes agreement that you may use the Software is expressly limited to if you agree to use the Software under the terms of this License. Malwarebytes hereby rejects any different or additional terms you may have proposed when pur chasing or downloading the Software unless Malwarebytes affirmatively accepted t hose terms in writing and made specific reference waiving this paragraph of this License. 35. The Software is subject to U.S. export jurisdiction at the time it is licens ed to you, and it may be subject to additional export or import laws in other pl aces. You agree to comply with all such laws and regulations that may apply to t he Software after delivery of the Software to you. 36. You will not have the right to audit or inspect any Malwarebytes records for any reason except that you may request a copy of the documents executed for you r purchase of the Software or a copy of this License. 37. This License shall supersede any other terms and conditions except where oth erwise provided herein. All conflicts between this License and such documents s hall be governed by this License. The rights granted to you by this License sha ll be construed narrowly. 38. No provision of any purchase order shall shorten the statute of limitations of any claim Malwarebytes has or may have in the future against you or any third party arising out of this License or your use of the Software. 39. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as precluding Malwarebytes from
licensing its software to any other third party, including your competitors. 40. This License shall be construed under the laws of the State of Illinois, USA , without regard to its principles of conflicts of law. Any and all legal action s relative hereto shall be in the courts of Illinois and all parties consent to the jurisdiction of the Illinois Courts. 41. By installing the Software, you warrant that you have read and understood th is License and agree to its terms. Provisions Related to Specialty Licenses 42. Educational License. If you purchased this License at a reduced price becaus e you are a school or other educational institution, or if your purchasing docum entation states that you are purchasing an Educational License, then you warrant that you will only use the Software for educational purposes. Educational purp oses can include any use which furthers the educational goals of your institutio n and does need to include educating computer users about the Software. 43. Not-for-Profit License. If you purchased this License at a reduced price bec ause you are a Not-for-Profit institution under US IRS Provision 501(c) or simil ar legislation, or if your purchasing documentation states that you are purchasi ng a Not-for Profit License, then you warrant that you will only use the Softwar e in the furtherance of your Not-for-Profit purposes. Not-for-Profit purposes c an include any use which furthers the Not-for-Profit goals of your institution a nd does need to include educating computer users about the Software. 44. Corporate License. If you purchased this License as a corporation or if you r purchasing documentation states that you are purchasing a Corporate License, t hen you may additionally install this license on computers throughout your Corpo ration, or which are owned by employees, contractors or other agents of your Cor poration. Corporate users may use the Software for commercial purposes to the e xtent that such purposes do not primarily derive revenue from the Software s funct ionality. As such, using the Software as part of a help desk or computer repair service is still prohibited to Corporate License users, but you may use the Sof tware to protect your hardware and software products from malicious programs pri or to sale.
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