Key Lagerquist, Lisa Renard-The-Complete-Idiot's Guide-to-Numerology PDF
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"One of the cearest books o numeology I have ead . I did't want to pt t dow, eve though I know the sject we! I elt as i te authos wee chattg wth me y the feside. -Carol Adriene PhD master numeroogst an coathor wth James Rediel of T Ci opcy: Expa Gd
Release the power of spirtual nmerology in your life
Kay Lagerquist PhD and Lsa Lenard
Dear Reader, \as n a nmber? We beee nmbers ar aree he cosmc code of he n erse Undersandng he hgher and oer braons he nmbers 1 hrogh 9 (0 oo!), as e as he Maser Nmbers andofarmc Nmbers and ho o se hese energes o or benes ha nmeroog s a abo. d a o need o ge sared s he dae of or brh and he e ers of or or name Use nmeroog o nock he secres of or e Core Nmbers. Wheher s he bes career choces reeaed b or fe ah Nmber, he prpose n or fe fond n or Desn Nmber, he secre ongng has od b or So Nmber, he mage o projec reeaed n or ersona Nmber, or he mdfe drecon oered b or Mar Nmber, nmeroog ges o an eas gde for ndersandng h hngs go he a he dd for o and he bes drecon for ng ne h he nmbers Yo aso dscoer he energ of or ersona Year, ersona Monh, and een ersona Da Nmbers. From nme nmeroog roogs s Major Cces o earn he nara mes of naon, prodc, and hares And b nder sandng nmeroogs nnace and Chaenge Nmbers, o be pre pared o ake he bes adanage of or poena for sccess and mee an possbe dces head-on h ees open f ore ookng for an eas, fooproof, and, mae, sccess ss em of mprong or fe b knong orsef, ook no rher han nmeroogand hs book oo, can aphe hehghes secresbraon of he grea cos mc code, and e or fe nYo, harmon h of he nmbers. h gh,
Ka agerqs, hD
sa enard
c l O T ' S \ D D G U G IDEs ro ro
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Th book b ook dedicated to all of you who ng r meaning and want to undeand how to live l ive your l with conscioess and move with th ow. As our e st itu l jou to "ow Thyse manted the Orace o Delphi in thagoras' tme, I o r the wm of numero a ght on the path. May you be i d to the t he ig est and best exres exresszon szon your soul' puose puose through the numbe. numbe. Ky Apl,
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Senor Pruco Edito Biy Fies Cop Edito San Auje uto Kth Eards Coverk Desgne Trina Wu Idexe Brad Hn Hn
Deelopment Edto Lynn Nohp
Layout/P fading: Ayanna , Dona Main
(ontns a a 61anct 61an ct
The Intuitive Power of Numb Nuerology andYour andYour rh rhday day The sdom of Nuerology Number Numerolo elores your energetc essence as revealed through your brth name and bh te Numerology gy 2 The Phlosophy of Numerolo A quck tour of numerolo 3 Numbers Have Meanngs Plus Calculang he Numbers A quck rrence gud gudee to th thee numberspl metho r ang and redung numbe, and conveng letters to numbers
The {ney {ney of Thugh Plus Master Numb and Karmi( Numbers 4 The 2 3 Independence Harmony Numbers and Joyl SelfExpresson All about the unque energetc vbraton of o fthe numbers 1, 2, and 3 5 The Numbers 4 5, 6 Sably Change and Responsbly All about the unque energetc vbraton of the numbers 4, 5 and
6 The Numbers 8 Inuon Power and Transformng Compasson All about the unque energetc vbraton ofthe numbers 7 88
and 9 The Maser Nubers 22 3 3 and More The ecal meanng and resonance ofthe Master Numbers.
8 The Karmc Nubers 0 3 4 6 and A oser ok at the lessons nherent n both the oppountes and dcultes cultes presented the Kc Numbers.
Your Rve ore Numbers: Ufe th Destiny Soul, Personality, and Maturity Your fe Pah Number The road to puose and per; cautedom the numbers
of your brth te.
Your Desny Number Wy you are here, your msson n l, and the drecton r hghest potental; calculated om the numbers of your brth name
Your Soul Number ur hea' desre, your nner motvaton, and deep nner longng; calculated om the numbers r the voels ofyour bh name
Your Personaly Number ur prerences and ho others see you; calculatedom the numbers r the consonan consonants ts of your brth name
3 Your Maury Number ur e se and the theme r the second haof l; cauted ang together your L Path and Destny Numbers
Dvi nng the tre with Nmerology Dvinng CalculanggYour Pnnacle and an d Challenge Numbers Calculan Fng your Pnnaes and your Chaengesour potental r achevemen ac hevementt and your potental potenta l dcultes cult es haYour Your Pnnacle and Challenge Numbers Mean 5 ha The meanng ofPnnaes ofPnnaes and Chaenges 1 through 9 Numerologys Maor Cycles The three l es es ofdevelopment: of development: atve, productve, and haest ces PersonalYear Number 7 Your PersonalYear
59 73
The expected even of ener of each Personaleven, a , lessons, and natural o ofener
8 Your Personal Monh Numbers Usng the ener of your Personal Month Numbers to your best potental
Living by the Nmber 9 Relaonshps by he Numbers Numerolo r lovers anden, en, and anyone ho an to reveal the energetc connectons n relatonshps
309 3
Names by he Numbers Choosng the name that' rght r you, your chld your companyanyone or anythng youd lke to name!
House or paren, Is he Number ha Couns "at your address reveals about your home.
3 47
Appdi Furher Reading B Your Numerology Prole Index
369 3 73 377
Contns Pa : Th ntuiti ntuiti Pow Pow o umbrs u mbrs I Tht Wisdom of NumtroY ad our Bihday Bihd ay Numbtr
The Intuive Power of Numbers . ... Wat Numerolo Ca Dor Dor Y Yuu 4 4 Pred Pr edic icti tig g th thee Numb Number er 4 A Pla r L 5 Not So Ancient History ..... ...5 The Father ofMathad ofMathad Numerolo Pythagora Pythagora dea of o fNumber ad Vbratio Mr. L. D Baiett . . D Juo J uo Jorda 7 Numerology Today ......8 Looking for the Light . ...... 8 ur Five Core Number Five Poi ofLi ofLigh ghtt ... ..... ... ... .... .... .. 9 Yur Coic Code. . . ... . 1 0 Your Birthday Number .. .. . ! Wat Yur Birthy Number Reveal About You . . 12 Birthday Number ( Through 9) ... 12 Birthday Message for Friends, Famiy, and Special oves 8
Th t Phiosophy of NumtroY Z Tht
Numeroogy Works ike Feng Shui ... . Numbers and Our Lives .... . .. . . Dret Stroker Dret Dret Folk21 Spiritual Numerolo-t' Our y ..22 More Than Mere Numbers .... . . . .......... The Ed A-Be A ... . . 25 Number a Mior . 25 The Nine-Year Growth Cyce . . ....7 te Numerolo Number 1 Through 9 . . .27 Niear Cycle . 27 The Uiveral Yar ... . . . .28 Zero n't for Nuthin' .... .. .....8
diots uid ui d to umooy Scod ditio v h (ompt diots
Numbt Havt Havt tais Pus Cacuai ht Numbtrs
Pick a Numbe Ay Numbe 3 3 Aitio Ai tio Meth Method od #1 #1 Aig Aig Aoss Aoss .. ... . . ... .. ........ ......... ........32 .32 Aitio Method #2 Reducig Fi Aig gether 3 3 Aitio Method #3: Aig Dow ..34 Method #4: DoubleDigit Aig . .37 36 Reducig s Not a Diet Pa 37 The Lowest Commo Deomiator.............................. ............................................. ................37 .37 rkig with Double Digi..38 The Meaig of Numbes 39 39 Alphabet Soup: Lettes ito Numbes Lette ad Their Numbers ... 41 Oprah a 4 . . ... ..... .... ..... ... ... ........ ........ ..... .. ... ... ... ... .. ...... .... 42 The Name u re Bo th ..42 Adopted Ad opted Names ad Name Chages ...43 Wat Yur Bihy ad Fir Name Numbers Say 44 About Yu
Pa h o houh Pus Ma ums um s ad Kaic um dtptdtct ct Haoy ad Joy Tht Numbtrs , Z, ) dtptdt Stf-psio
5 Numbe Leade of the Pack The Eer Eer of o fth thee 1 . .... .... . ... ..... ..... ....... .... . .... ....... ..... ... ..... ...51 51 The Timig ofthe 1 . . .51 L with the 1 ..52 The Blessig ofthe 1 52 The Challe Chal lege ge r the 1 52 The Lesso ofthe 1 . . 52 Relatioships with the 1 ..53 mpoat t to the 1 .53 at mpoa at Cosmic Coeco 5 Spiritual Spiri tual se sece ce of o fthe 1 . 54 Higher Groud 54 Raig the Vbratio r the Number 1 ..55 A Meditatio r th thee Number N umber 1 .56 The Numbe i You Numeoloy Poe 56
Cotts Nme Two Heads e Bette Ta Oe ..... ...... 5 7 The Eer of the 2 58
The Timig ofthe ofthe 2 58 L with the 2 58 The Ble Bleig ig of th thee 2 58 Thee Challege Th Challe ge r the th e 2 58 The Leo of the 2 59 59 Retiohip with the 2 Wat' mpot to the 2 ..59 Cosmic Coeco ....................6 Spiritual ece ofth ofthee 2 ................................. ................................................. ........................... ...........60 60 Higher Groud ............... ................................ .................................. .................................. ......................... ........60 60 ii i ig g the Vbratior the Number 2 ...................................... ......................................61 61 A Meditatior the Number 2 61 Tee Nme T Nme iYo iYo Nmeooca Poe .6 Nme 3 Te Ssie Nme . ................6 The Eer ofth ofthee 3 .............................. ............................................. ............................... ....................... .......663 The Timig of the 3 ................................... ...................................................... ................................. ..............63 63 63 L with the 3 The Ble Bleig ig of the 3 ................... .......... .................. ................... ................... ................... ................... .........64 64 The Challege r the 3 ............................... ............................................... ............................... ...............64 64 The Leo of the 3 ......................................................................64 ......................................................................64 Retiohip Retioh ip with the 3 .............. ............................... ................................. ............................... ............... Wat' mpoat to the 3 ............................... ............................................... ........................... ...........65 65 Cosmic Coeco ... .........6 5 Spiritual ece ece o fthe 3 ................ ................................. ................................. ........................... ...........665 Higher Groud ...................................... ......................................................... .................................... .................66 66 Raiigg the Vbratio Raii Vbratio r the Number 3 ...................................... ......................................66 66 A Medita Meditatio tio r the Number Nu mber 3 ............... ................................ .................................. ...................66 Te Nme 3 iYo iYo Nmeoo Poe ......6 7
5 Tht Th t Numbt Numbt I 5, 6: 6 : Sbii Sbii (hat (hat ad a d Rposibi Rposibii i
Nme Staiity Mattes .. ........7 The Eer of ofthe the 4 ................................ ................................................. .................................. ..................... 71 The Timig Timig of the the 4 ... ................... ............................... ............................... ............................... .................. ... 71 L with the 4 .................... .................................... ................................ ................................ ........................ ........ 71 The Blei Bleig g of the 4 .................. ......... .................. ................... ................... ................... ................... ........... 71 The Challege r the 4 ................................. .................................................. ............................. ............ 72 The Leo Leo of o fthe 4................. ........ .................. ................... ................... .................. .................. ................ ....... 72 Retiohip Retiohi p with the 4 Wat' mportat to the 4 .................................. .................................................... ........................ ...... 73
h (ompt diots diots ui uid d to u umooy mooy Sco Scodd ditio ditio Csmc Cnnecn ........... .................7 3
Spitual sece of the 4 ............................... ............................................... ............................. .............4 4 Higher Groud ................ ................................. .................................. .................................. ........................ .......4 4 Raisig the Vbratio r the Number 4 ...................................... ......................................4 4 A Meditatio r the Number 4 .................................................. ..................................................5 The Numbe n nYu Yu Numelgy Ple .............7 5 Numbe 5 : Eveybdy Changes ...... ......... ....... ....7 6 The Eer Eer ofthe ofthe 5 .............................. .............................................. ................................ ...................... ...... The Timig Timig of the 5 ............... .............................. ............................... ................................ ...................... ...... L with with the 5 The Bl Blessig essig of the 5 ................................ ................................................ ................................ ....................8 8 The Challege r the 5 ............... ................................ .................................. .............................. .............8 8 The Lesso of the 5.. 9 Retioships with the 5 .. .9 Wat' mportat to the 5 ................................. .................................................. ......................... ........80 80 Csmc Cnnecn ........ .......... .........8 Spitual sece of the 5 ..................................... ....................................................... ....................... .....88 0 Higher Groud ............... .............................. ............................... ................................ ............................ ............88 0 Raig the Vbratio r the Number 5 ....................... ...................................... ...............81 81 A Meditatio Meditatio r the Number Nu mber 5 .................................... .................................................. ..............82 82 The Numbe 5 nYu nYu Numelgy Pe ..........8 Numbe 6 The Numbe Lve ...... . ..............8 3 The Eer ofthe ofthe 6 ............... ................................ .................................. .................................. .....................84 84 The Tim Timig ig of the 6 ...................... ...................................... ............................... .............................. ...............84 84 L with w ith the 6 ................................... ................................................... ................................ ......................... .........84 84 The Blessig of the 6 ............... ................................ ................................. ................................. ...................86 The Challege r the 6 .................................. ................................................... ............................ ...........86 86 The Lesso of the 6 ............................... ............................................... ................................ ....................... .......86 86 Retioships with the 6 .................................. ................................................... ............................ ...........886 Wat' mportat to the th e 6 .............................. ............................................. ............................ .............888 Csmc Cnnecn .......................8 8 Spitual sece se ce of the 6 ................................. .................................................. ........................... ..........888 Higher Groud .88 Raisig the Vbratio Vbratio r the Number 6 ...................................... ......................................89 89 A Meditatio r the Number Nu mber 6 ................ ................................. .................................. .................89 89 The Numbe 6 nYu Numegy Pe .....9
(otts 6 Tht Numbt , , Inuiion, Powtr, P owtr, and Transformin Transformin Compassion
Nmber 7 Lookg to the Ier Sef 94
The Eer of ofthe 7 95 The Ti Timig of ofthe 7 95 95 L with the 7 95 The Bl Blei igg of of the 7 9 9 7 The Ch Chaege r th the 7 9 7 The Leo oft ofthe 7 9 9 7 Relatiohip with the 7 97 97 at m mportat to the 7 98 98 osmic oecto 99 Spiritual Eece Eece ooffthe 7 99 99 Higher Groud 99 99 Raiig the V Vbr brat atio io r the Nu Numb mber er 7 00 A Me Meditatio r th thee Num Numbber 7 00 The Nmber 7 iYor iYor Nmeroogy Proe Nmber 8 Persoa Power ad Excelece The Eer er of ofthe 8 0 The Timig ofth ofthee 8 0 0 L wi with the the 8 03 03 The Ble Bleig of the 8 03 The Cha Chaege r tthhe 8 The Le Leo o of the 8 04 Relatiohip ad the 8 04 at m mpo porrtat at ttoo tthhe 8 06 osmic oeco 6 Spiri piritu tual al e ece ce ofth thee 8 06 Higher Groud 07 iig i ig the Vbratio r the Number 8 07 A Me Medita tattio io r th the Num Numbe berr 8 07 The Nmb Nmber er 8 Yor Yor Nmeroogy Prole 8 Nmber 9 ompe ompeo o of the yce 9 The Eer oft ofthe 9 0 The Tim Timig ooff the 9 L wi with the the 9 The Bl Blei igg ofthe 9 The Chaege r th the 9 3 The Le Leo ofthe 9 3 3
Th (omp (omp t diots uid to umoO umoO Sco Scodd ditio Relaionships wi wih h hee 9 114 114 aa' Impoan o hhe 9 115 115 Cosc Connecon 6
Spir piriu uaal s sen ence ce ooffh hee 9 116 116 Higher Ground 116 116 Rais Ra isin ing h he eon Vra V rai ion onNum rmhe he Num mer 117 117 A M Me edgia ai ion r he he Nu e errNu 9 er 9 117 117 The Nube nYou Nueoogy Poe 8
J Tht Matr Numbtn , ZZ 3 ad Mo
Thee ThngsYou ThngsYou ant to Know bout Maste Nubes I' I' No No a a Bei eing ng a Mase aserr Num Numer er 122 Spirial G 123 a Mas Maser er Nu Num me ers rs Sha Share re in in Comm Common on 124 124 The Maste Nube Nube The Sptua Messenge Messenge 5 Lea Le ain ingg o Suen uende derr o High Higher er Id Ideeal alss 126 126
Th The Pa ahwayVraion r he he 11 112 2 127 127 Thee P Higher of2h of e 11 112 127 The aaker Vr ra aio ionn of ofh hee 112 127 127 Famo 112 112s 128 128 The Maste Nube The Maste ude 8 Maser Organizer O rganizer r Good ofA ofA 129 Mee Me e he Maer Bu Buier 13 13 The Higher Vraion ofh ofhee 224 131 131 The aker Vraion ofh ofhee 22224 131 131 Fam Fa mou ouss 224s 132 132 The Maste Nube 3 3 The Maste of Heang Enees Though Love 3 Mysic or Marr? 13 13 3 Thee Pr Th Priime Dir irec eci ie of h hee 33/6 134 134 Thee Hi Th Higghe herr Vra Vrai ion on ofh hee 336 336 134 134 The aker Vraion ofh ofhee 33336 134 134 Famous 33 33/6s 135 135 Fna Fn a Note on Maste Nub Nubes es 36 Thee No Th No So SoC Com ommo monn Ma Mas ser er Nu Num mer erss 136 136 Donn Miss Do Miss ur Mas ase err Num Nume err 137
(ontnts Tht Kamic Nmbts , B , , ad
at Is ama? Kic De 14 Kic Lessons 141 You amic essos by te Numbes
Meeing ur Lessons-No Again! 142 A Kic Lesson r George Bush 14 1422 Geing I Righ This Time 143 Kac Debt Numbes 3 Finding Kic De Numers 143 Payack Time 144 The Burdens Burdens ofKa 14 145 5 Numer 1: 1 : The Weel of Forune 145 Numer 13: A rk and No Play 146 Liing wih a 134 147 147 Numer 145: The mpaions 148 Gein eingg o he he Roo Roo of ofhe he 145 145 148 148 Numerr 167: Nume 1 67: The A A ee ofLoe 15 u Can Run, u u Can Hide 151 Numer 191: Ae ofPower-and ofPower-and u Beer 151 Paying a Lile Kic De 152 itte ama i Rea ife 5 3
Co Numbrs: Li Pat, Pat, Dstiny, Soul Soul,, Pa: Your i Co Prsonali Pr sonality, ty, and Maturity Maturity Yo Lift Pah Nmbt
eaig to ReadYou ReadYou ife Pat Map 6 16 Finding ur L Pah Numer Foowig Fo owig You O ife Pat Pat 6 atYou at You ife Pat Numbe Reveals boutYou boutYou 63 L Pah Nume err 1 163 163 L Pah Numer 2 164 164 L Pah Pah Numer 3 165 165 L Pa Pah h Numer 4 165 165 L Pah Numer 5 5 166 166 L Pah Numer 6 167 167 L Pa Pah Numer 7 167 167
di ts s uid t um umrl rly y Scnd ditin v h (mplt dit L Path Numb umbe 8 168 168 L Path Numb umbe 9 169 169 Master fe Paths.. . . .. .. .. .. . ... ... . .. .. .. . .. .. .69 Mast ste e L Pat athh Num Numbe be 112 170 170 Maste aste L L Path Path Num Numbe 22 244 170 170 Maste L Path Numbe 336 .................... .............. ............171 Few Pters fr the Rad...... ...... ...... .. . .. .. ..7
Your r Diy Di y Numbtr You 4 W hats Desed Des ed frYu? frYu? ... . .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... . .. ... 7 74 Wat the Destiny Numbe Re Reveals veals About u ............... .. ..174 Finding Yu Destiny Numbe . ... .... ....................... ...............1 75 Wat Name h hou I Use? se? 175 175 Adopted Ad opted Names .......................... .................... . .............. ...... 176 I Neve Use That Name ............... . ...................... .. .............177 I Had That Name On a F Days ........ ...........................177 aed Names ............... ............................... ............................... ............................... ........................... ...........177 Moe oe Than Thee N Naames 177 177 nio enio o The Thid........ ................. ..... .....................177 Maied Names 178 178 Calating the Destiny Numbe . ..... ..... ....................... ... ..178 Reviewing the teps Finding Yu Destiny Numbe ..............181 Wa Thrugh the Desy Numbers .... ... ... ... ... . . 8 Numbe 1 Destiny ..... ...... ............................................. . ....183 Numbe 2 Destiny ........ ........... ......................... .....................1 83 Numbe 3 Destiny ... . . .. .. .......... .......................................183 Numbe 4 Destiny .............................................. ..... ...... .......184 Numbe 5 Destiny .................. ...................... .........................184 Numbe 6 Destiny ........... ...................... ...... ..... ......... ..........184 Numbe 7 Destiny .... ............ .......................... .....................184 Numbe 8 Deiny ..................... .......... ................................1 85 Numbe 9 Destiny 18 185 Maste Numbe 112 Destiny ........................... ......................185 Maste Numbe 224 Destiny ..... ...........................................186 Maste Numbe 33/6 Destiny ........ ................................ . ...186 Fa Nte but the Desy Number 86 86
Your Soul Numbtr
The Heart f the Matter 9 Advanng the oul ............... ............................. ....................190 Watt Yu oul N Wa Numbe umbe lls Yu ..... ................ ....................190
Contnts The ong of the oul ... ....................19 Using oul Numbe Ination .......................191 FidigYour Fidig Your Sou Number.. 9 The as a el .............................192 W Not to Use the the as a el ..................194 Cauting Cau ting the oul ou l Numbe ....................194 ynchonizing ynchon izing the oul oul Numbe and the Destiny Numbe Numbe .19 195 5
96 Your Sou adYou adYou . aYour a YourNumber Sou Number Reveas bou bouYou You ..97 oul Numbe 1 ............... ............................... ................................. ................................. ........................ ........197 197 oul Numbe 2 ............................... ................................................ ................................. ........................ ........197 197 oul Numbe 3 ............................... ................................................ ................................. ........................ ........197 197 oul Numbe 4 ............................... ................................................ ................................. ........................ ........198 198 oul o ul Numbe 5 ............................... ................................................ ................................. ........................ ........198 198 oul Numbe 6 ............................... ................................................ ................................. ........................ ........199 199 oull Numbe ou Numbe 7 ................ ................................. ................................... .................................... ......................199 199 oul Numbe 8 .................................. .................................................. ................................. ...................... .....199 199 oul Numbe 9 ............................... ................................................ ................................. ........................ ........2 2
Mae oul Numbe Numbe 22 Numbe 11 ............................... .................................. ................. ................................... ........................ ......2 2 Maste oul ............................................... ........................... ...........21 21 Maste o oul ul Numbe 33 ............... ............................... ................................ ........................... ...........21 21 Othe Maste oul Numbe .............................. .............................................. ...................... ......21 21 PugYour Hear Hear ad a d Sou iio o I .. Twelve ys to Get a Pect Done...............22
IZ You Yourr Ptrsoali Numtr
Te OuerYou OuerYou 6 Figung the Pesona Numbe ...................26 ...26 Cauting the Pesonali Numbe .............26 7 a aYour Your Persoa Persoay bou bo u Yo Youu ................ ..28 Pesonali Numbey1 Number .............................. ...............Reveas ............................... ............................... Pesona Numbe 2 ............... .............................. ............................... ............................... .................29 Pesonali Numbe 3 .............................. .............................................. ............................... .................21 Pesonali Numbe Numbe 4 ..... .................21 Pesonali Numbe 5 ................ ................................. .................................. ............................. ............211 211 Pesona Numbe .............. .............................. ............................... ............................... ..................212 Pesonali Numbe Numbe 7 .............................. .............................................. ............................... .................213 Pesonali Numbe 8 .............. .............................. ............................... ............................... ..................214 Pesonali Numbe 9 ................ ................................. .................................. ............................. ............215 215
diots uid uid ttoo um umrroO oO Scond Scond di dition tion v (omplt diots Master Personali Personali Number 11 1 1 ................................ ................................................ ................216 216 Master Personali Number 22 ............................ ........................................... .................... .....216 216 InnerYou, Inner You, uter uterYou You 7
1 Your Muri Numbtr
Your Mature Mature Sef IsYour IsYour wn True True Sef Se f
Wat the Matu Number Number Ors ........220 ..220 The Matu Number Is Not Active in ar Ages Ages ...221 Fndng te Matur Number Caulating the Maturi Number .... ............221 A Sample Matu Number ..................... .....222 222 FndngYour Fndng Your Maturty Number: vngYour vngYour fe to te Fuest Intereting Intereti ng the Maturi Number ................224 Matu Number 1 ..................................................................224 ..................................................................224 Maturi Number 2 ..................................................................225 ..................................................................225 Matu Number Number 3 ............................... ................................................ ................................. ....................226 226 Maturi Number Number 4 .......................... .......................................... ................................. ........................ .......226 226 Matu Number 5 ..................................................................227 ..................................................................227 Matu Number 6 .................................. .................................................. ................................ ................228 228 Maturi Number 7 ... .................... ................................. ................................. .............................. .............228 228 Matui Number 8 ............................... ............................................... ................................. .....................229 229 Matu Number 9 ......................... .......................................... ................................. ........................ ........230 230 Master Maturty Numbers .3 Maer Maturi Number 11 ............................................ .................................................... ........231 231 Master Mauri Number 22 ............... ............................... ................................ ..................... .....232 232 Master Mau Number 33 ....................................................233 ....................................................233 .234 3 ookng for te Number Maturtyand Number n l gt. Paces The Matu Another' Soulte Number .. The Matu Number with the Personali Number .. ..235 The Matu Number with the Destin Destinyy Number . . . . .235 The Maturi Maturi Number with the L Path Number .... . .236 Mari Number to Maturi Number .............. 237 Yur Maturi Number Number aand nd the Personal Yar ... ..237 Few Fe w Words bout boutYou Yourr Matu Maturty rty Number and Mdlfe 37
(ontnts (ont nts v Pa ' Divin Divinin in t �utur �utur wit Num NumrroO oO I" Calculai Your Piat Piat ad Challtt Numbt
2) Z"l
Predicve Numeroogy 242 Your Persoal Bes 242 Pinnaes qual Attainmen Attainmen 242 Finding Yu Pinnae Numbes 243 A lk Though a Sample Pinnace Cha 244 Finding u Own Pinnaes 246
Figung the Length of the Pinnale Pinna le 249 Some Pinnaces of Yu Own 2 0 The Chaege Number 2 1 Caulating Yu Chaenge Numbe 22 A lk Though a Sample Chaenge 23 Some Challenges of Yu Own 2 The Cipher: The Zero 26 Pu g It A All ll Toge Toge her 27
15 Wha Your Piat ad Challtt Numbtrs ta
The Meaigs o Pace ad Chalege Numbers 26 Numbe 1 Pinnae 260 Numbe 1 Challenge 260 Numbe 2 Pinnacle 260 Numbe 2 Challenge 261 Numbe 3 Pinnacle 261 Numbe 3 Chaenge 262 Numbe 4 Pinnae 262 Numbe 4 Challenge 262 Numbe Pinnacle 263 Numbe Challenge 263 263 Numbe 6 Pinnace Numbe 6 Chaenge 264 Numbe Pinnacle 26 Numbe Challenge 26 Numbe 8 Pinnacle 266 Numbe 8 Challenge 26 Numbe 9 Pinnace 26 Numbe 9 Challenge 268 The 0 Chaenge 268
diots uid ui d to NNumroloy umroloy Scon Scondd d dition ition v Th Complt diots Master Number 112 Pinnae 269 Master Number 112 Challenge 270 Master Number 224 Pinnace 270 Master Number 224 Chaenge270 Master Number 336 Pinnae 270 Master Number 33/6 Chaenge271
16 Numtroo9y's Major Cyts
Majo Cyces 7 7 Geing the ming Right Right 274
Cauting the Majr Cyes 276 Sme Pred Pre dictins f ur Own 2 77 The Meanings Meanings of the Mao Cycles 78 Majr Cye Number 1: An Active Cye 278 Majr Cyle Number 2: A Slw Cye279 Majr Cye Number 3: A me fSeressin fSeressin and Jl Living 279 Majr Cyce Number 4: A Time f Putting Things in Order 279 Majr Cyce Number 5 A Freeing Cye 280 Majr Cye Number 6 A Cye r Maiage Fami, and Respnsibi 280 Majr Cye Number 7: A Cye r Delving Deeper Deep er280 Majr Cye Number 8: A Cye fMney fMney and Recitin 281 Majr Cye Number 9: A Cyce f Seess Seice and Reward 281 Majr Cye Master Number 1111 2: A Cye f Iumi Iuminati natin n 282 Majr Cye Master Number 224: A Cye f nus Ptential 282 Majr Cyce Master Number 33/6 A Cye f Cic Lve 283
1 Your Ptra Ytar Numbtr
hat sYo sYo PesonaYea PesonaYea Nmbe? 85 FigingYo Figing Yo PesonalYea PesonalYea Nmbe 86 Dayss ofYo Day ofYo ife 87 Hw the Persnal a r Fi int the Ninear Cye 288 The Rhythm fthe ars 288 PesonalYea Pesonal Yea Nmbes 89 Persnal ar Number 1 290 290 Per ers sna nall ar Num Numbe berr 2 290 290 Persnal ar Number 3 291
(ontnts XX Per erso sonnal a ar Num Nume err 291 Pe Pers rson onal al Y Yar Num Numer er 5 292 Personal Yar Numer 6 292 292 Personal Yar Numer 293 Personal Yar Numer 8 293 Per erso sonnal Yar Num Nume err 9 29 Looking Back 95 Nine Yars Yars Ago 295 Numers Are Like Cstals 295 295 Dont Miss Yur Chance 296 h g Vbraon: Vbraon: Harmonic Rsonanc . . 97
Your Ptoal Moh Mo h Numbtrs
You'v Got Prsona Month Numbrs oo ............................. ..............................3 .3 FiguringYour Figuring Your Prsona Month Numbr ................................. ..................................3 .3 Prsona Month Manings ................. .................................. ................................ ................. ...... ....3 3 ur Personal Month Numers 302 Pe Pers rson onal al Month Month Num Nume err 1 302 Per erso sonnal Mont Monthh Nume Numerr 2 302 302 Pers Pe rson onal al Mon Month Num Nume err 3 3 303 03 Pe Pers rson onal al Mont Monthh Num Numer er 303 Per erso sonnal Mon Month Num Nume err 5 30 30 Pe Pers rson onal al Mon Month th Num Numer er 6 30 30 Personal Month Numer Numer 30 30 Personal Month Numer 8 305 305 Pe Perso rsona nall Mont Monthh Num Numer er 9 305 305 Putting th Month in ontxt with th PrsonaYar PrsonaYar 35 Laing to Work withYou Yourr Natura ythms ..... ......... 3 6 MatchingYour Matching Your Day D ay withYour Numbr .................................... ....................................37 37
Pa 19 Rtlaioships ivin by tby Numbrs ht Numbt
Finding Your Sou Mat ............... ............................... ................................. ............................. ............3 3 Mastr Numbr Raonships ................. ................................ ............................. .................. .... 3 hn or Numbrs Match Up ................ ................................ .............................. .............. 3 L Matches Matches 315 Destiny Matches 315 Mauri Matches 316 Personali Matches 316
(omplt (omplt d dot ots s ud to umroloy Scond dto dtonn Comabiity by te Numbers 36 Comabiity Uing ur Derence erence to ur Advantage Advantage 31 31 7 Com Co mpa pattib ibil ili i with Ot Othher 318 Loog at at's at's Goi Goigg O i Bot Bot Your Lives 38 Persoa Comabiies 3 Cocords 3 The Number Number 3 6, and 9 In Inpirational pirational Spitual and Artitic 321 The Number 1 5 and 7 Sent Sentcc Intellectual and chnological 322 322 The Number 2 4 and 8 Buine Mon and
Management 322 322 FigurigYour Figurig Your O Comabiity Quoet 3 3 Compatibitie rk rkheet heet 323
ZO Namt by ht Numb
ats i a Name? 38 Your First Name 39 Your Middle Name 33 3 3 3 Your Last Name ur Fami Name 333 Figung ur Fami Name 334 ur Maiden Maiden Name 336 336 ur ur Mae Maedd Na Name me 336 336 ur ur Ap Apte tedd Name Name 337 Nicames 339 Coosig a Name 3 3 Thing to Conide Coniderr Wen We n Changing Changing ur Name 34 3400 Naming Nami ng ur ur Ba Ba 342 Nami Na ming ng ur ur Bui Buine ne 343
Zl Hou or Aamt, Aamt, ht ht Numbtr ha (ou (ou Figurig te Numbers ofYour ofYour House or Seet 38 The Num Numbe ber r on tthe he Hoe Hoe 349 349 The Street Were u Live 350 350 No NumberNumber-On On a Name 35 3522 Fidig te Numb Number er of Your House 3 3 53 Your aret Number 3 5
(ontnts XX The Meags of House Numes 3 5 5 he Number 1 Hoe 355 he Cha Chall llen engge ofa 1 Hous Housee 355 he Number 2 Hoe 356 he Cha Chaeng enge ofa 2 Hous Housee 356 he Number Numb er 3 Hoe 356 he Chaenge Chae nge ofa 3 House Hou se 35 he Nu Number 4 H Hou ouse se 35 35 he Chaenge Chae nge of o fa 4 Hoe 358
he Nu Number 5 H Hou ouse se 358 he Chaenge Chae nge of o f a 5 Hoe 359 he Nu Number 6 H Hoouse 359 he Chaenge of a 6 House 360 he Nu Number H Hooe 360 360 he Chaen Chaenge ge of a House 360 he Num Numbe berr 8 House ouse 361 361 he Cha Chae eng ngee r an 8 Hous Housee 361 he Num Numbe berr 9 Hou House se 362 362 he Cha Chaen engge ofa 9 H Hou ouse se 362 362 Moe Numes You fe 363 363 Yur O Box 363 Yur Hometn 364 364 Yur Ph Phone Number 365 365 It's the Numes 367
Appndix �uhtr Rtadi9 B Your umtlo9y Plt dtx
69 J
Numerology, the study of the spiritual quali Numerology qualies es of numbers and letters, has been one of o f the greatest gis in my lif life. e. Using the guidance of this this ancient owl owledge, edge, I changed my life forever in 972 when I selected a new last name for myself aer my divorce. In one of those amazing snchronicies upon which you reect years later, I was guided to make the acquaintance of a woman named Ruth Drayer in Santa Fe, New Mexico In a casual conversaon, I mentioned to Ruth that I had had a persistent thought for for the ast ffew ew months that I ought to change my name I didn't want to take back my maiden name and had not made any real move to nd a new one. Ruth said, Oh, if youre going to change your name, you ought to use numerology to har monize the new name with your birth date in order to create the best Destiny for that birth date" I had never heard of his system, but I was eager for Ruth to work out my chart. We stared with my birth name and birth date, and when I saw her simple, handwritten
chart, a light literally went on in my head! I was fascinated to see that there is a blue print of our desny hidden wihin he energies energies of our name and birthda birthday. y. I selected s elected my last name, Adrienne, because I had always liked the sound of it, and I had given it to my daughter as a middle name. Spelling it Adrienne instead of Adrian happened to coincide to the total numbers in my birth dateso that was he best choice thout a doubt, the name I now have, Carol Adrienne, which totals to he number has opened up my lif lifee path in wa ways ys I could never hav havee believed pos possible sible Litle did I realize then thenbeing being a novice ttoo the syste systemth mthat at he put me on a path, while ver challenging, that has given me my livelihood, success, and insight into he mysteries of the spiritual quest. For this I am forever gratel Throughout the years, the accuracy of the numbers has been astounding Numeroog, I found, explains the various personalities within dierent families. It can also highlight the possible atacons and conicts between couples For me, numerolog num erolog has pro provided vided con conrmaon rmaon of lif lifee decisions about when to move, change jobs, start new projects, buy propert, be paent, and even nd a mate or get pregnant. Over the years, I've received many leters and phone calls om people who report that events unfolded right in line wih the adce of the numbers I am delighted to be able to recommend The Complete Idiot Guide to Numerolo, Second Edition, by Kay Lagerquist and Lisa Lenard because it is one of the clearest and easiest easi est books on numero numerology logy that I have read They obvio obviously usly love their sub subject, ject, and this book is so well writen and well laid out, that the reader will have no trouble immediately putng the information to use I didn't want to put it down, even though I know the subject well! I felt as if the authors were chating with me by he r reside eside
tout a doubt umbers iuece our lives If we ope our eyes to tis idde spirital kowledge we ave iti our grasp a priceless ituive tool For exampe oe of o f te te most uses of umerology is to add up te umbers i your ouse or aparet Il Illl ever e ver forget forget oe day durig a ver very y very callegig part par t of my lif lifee we I was beig eated for breast cacer goig troug a divorce starg a llme couselig pracce movig ad avig acial probems I was stadig i te sower ad reaized tat my ouse umber 2078 ot oly added up to 8 (moey ad legal matters) but also represeted eve umber of my karmic lessos (karmic essos are te missig umbers of your ameI ad o let-
ters for te umbers 2 7 or 8 i my ame) No woder I tougt tat tigs were a bit dicey ere y ext ouse umber was 1015, wic added up to 7 Tis ew ouse gave me a me of ealig a good place to write i soitude ad a simple life I te moved to 664 , addi addig g agai to 8 8 but also rep represe reseg g my 6 Soul Number 6 Desy ad te 41 of my birt year I ad ad icredible success i tat ouse a add ave sice moved o to aoter 8 ouse (3 4), wic co coues ues to pr prov ovide ide m mee a space to work aatt ome work i publisig (as a writer) ejoy success ad make good moeyall caracteriscs of te umbe umberr 8 Its al i te umbers Read o ad d out wat you came ere to do Caroll Adriee Caro Adriee P PD D Carol Adriee a a iteaoal worksop faciitator faciitator ad master umerologist is te autor of te bestsellig Th Puos of ur ur L, Th Numro t, Find u urr Puos, Chang ur L ad coautor wit James Redeld of Th Clstin Proph n printial Guid
Inroducion Every number ells a soryand he sory ells s he sory of you nd he bes hng abou numerology numerology s ha all you need o ow s you yourr brh name and your brh daes ha smple From hose o pees of nformaon youl reae your Numeroogy Prole Basally your Numerology Prole onsss of ve Core Numbers your fe Pah Number your Desny Number your Soul Number your Personaly Number and your Maury Number Taken ogeher hese ve numbers pan a sngular pora of who you are areboh boh he sere you and he you who ever everyone yone else sees sees The energy of he numbers s all aroud us and we'll show you how o nd he numbers for your Personal Years Personal Monhs and even Personal Days as well as how o lve n he house has rgh for you gure he numerologal synergy of your relaonshps or hoose a name h numerology o gude you you an dre your lfe by he numbers
w k You don' ne need ed a hng o go wh hs book exep fo forr he o pees of daa weve already menone men onedyo dyour ur brh name and brh br h da dae e We ow ow you won read hs book over o over a rs bu w wllll ns nsead ead gure ou you yourr ve Core Cor e Numbers and go sagh o hose hapers Thas ne wh us bu well be youll wan o lea more abou he oher numbers one you read abou your o Ths book s dvded no ve pars:
Pa "The Intuive Power of Numbers, nodues you o numerology and
how numerology works We We show you how you an use us e spr sprual ual numerology o he help lp you lve n he own harmony wh he unverse You'll also lea how o onver leers no numbers and mehods for addng and redung for aurae alulaons
Pa "The Enery of Through Plus aster Numbers d c akes anvbraon ndephof look a number he numbers 1 hrough 9 and shows W hee also hgher Numbers, and lower energe eah as well as s nerpreaon nodue nodu e he Maser Maser Numbers Numbers 1 1 , 2 2 , 3 3 and more and h hee Ka Karm rm Numbers umbers 0, 3, 4, 6, and 19
Part "Y "Your our Five Core Number Numbers: s: Life Life Path Path,, Desny Des ny,, Soul, So ul, Personality, Personality, d aturity, s where youll lea how o alulae he ve Core Numbers of your
(omlt d diot iotss ui uid d to Nu Numroloy mroloy Sc Scond ond ditio ditionn v T (omlt Numerology Prole Pro le wih accuracy accuracy. Each chaer also includes ddeail eailed ed inerr inerreaons eaons and insighs ino he meaning of your Core Numbers.
Pa 4 "Dg e Future w Numerology, reveals how o calculae and inerr e yo inerre your ur own Personal Year Year Monh and Day numbers. W Wee also als o inoduce numerology's Pinnacles and Challenges your oenal for achievemen and diculy in each siriual growh cycle of your life.
Pa 5 , "Lg by e Numbers, shows you how o aly numerology in your
everyday lifeom your relaonshis o choosing a name o undersanding he energec vibraon of your house or aaren number o deeen he meahysical
undersanding of your numbers and heir meaning.
In addiion o all his we've scaered boes hrough hroughou ou he e wih denions s warnings warn ings and fascinaing dbis o hel you undersand and lea more abou numerology. Here's wha o look for
Ml's Nts
Melin he Magcia ed umeology o chaacte aay a wel a oeelg the tue. ne theWenegy e choeoMeli Mthe elinunie un n a iee aeymo ymo and to ou uderad aderad wie wizard t t myt myteie who eie ed hee he meaphyc meaphy e oxe oxe c yo yo to to ha ha d d ig igh h and an d expanaio o mpro mproee you der de rad gg o meo meoogy. ogy.
Easy as 1 2 Wih thee imple tip eag numeoogy eally a eay a 123
By t umrs Thee oxe dene n nmeoogy meoogy tem o tha yo ca peak the aguage o me.
Sxs and vs
ake cae whe yo come aco oe o thee ca tonay tona y oxe oxe ca hep yo aod ma mang ng numeoogca o gca eo
Introduction Introducti on v
Akwm From Kay I want to thank Carol Adrienne or her wonderl oreword, her iend ship, and her connued inspiraonal work in helping others to get to the heart o their the ir lies lies purpose Thanks to isa, the consummate supportive writer, or her encouragement, or with out her sense o humor and spark, this book might have been as dull as dirt I, too, thank ee nn Cheaey o Amara Amaranth nth Illuminare o orr her he r courage in producing this book bringing the sacred inormaon o and, numerology a useriendly mat toand mainseam audiences to read, enjoy, hopelly,out beininspired to put itor to use A special thanks to my daughter nnaSna or choosing to incaate as a 3 soul and a 3 personali so that I might learn the ue essence o the creave spirit, to say nothing o an unquenchable enthusiasm or lie Further, I want to acknowledge all those who have gone beore us to blaze the meta
physical ail, especially the women o the Numerical Institute o Calioia, Dr uno ordan, and the many m any aauthors uthors who have conibuted to the current body o literature that now exists about this ascinating subject lso, I would like to acknowledge the Sparkle Sisters Kate Calhoun, Connie Dawson, PhD, and Paula Pugh who supported me through the wring o this second edion I owe a ibute to two unique groups o numerolog students who studied with me or six years A a group they willingly examined al alll aspects o numerolog For the Seattle, Washington group, I would like to thank Susie, Beth, Cherie, eanne, Theresa, and udy udy From the hidbey Is Island, land, W Washingt ashington on group, I want to thank Nancy, Betsy, ndy, Cnthia, Paula, and Charlene They have nded me with a vast resee o stories and experiences about living with the numbers astly, to my iends, clients, and amily who have been paent and understanding while I essenaly vanished or months to write this book, I extend a heartelt thanks From isa: Thanks, as always, to book producer ee nn Chearney o maranth Illumnare or her vsion and masterminding, and to the editors and production sta at lpha Booksor everthing I cannot imagine having coauthored the rst edion o this book without the wsdo wsdom m and pa paence ence o Kay agerquist, who taught me not only about numerology, but about aith and trust Once again, I also give love and thanks to Bob and to Kait
ud d to Nu Numroloy mroloy Scond dton v T (omplt Idots u
k A We wee thilled d delight delighted ed whe Col Adiee, ueologist d outho of The Celestine Prophe: eriential Guide, the bestsellig The Puose of ur L, d Fin Findd ur Puose, Puose, Change Change ur u r L, L , geed to wite ou foewod We wee sll oe thilled whe she eiled us bout he delight with ou book d tthed the fbulous foewod you see hee We've sie both begu iiguig oespodees with Col But the, ueology, s you'll soo disove, is oe
the begiig of beutil beutil iedships Col Colthk thks s
Tradtmarks All tes etioed i this book tht e kow to be o e suspeted of beig deks o sevie ks hve bee ppopitely pitlized Alph Books d Pegui Goup (USA) I ot ttest to the uy of this ifoo Use of te i this book should ot be egded s eg eg the vlidity of y dek o sevie k
Pat T nti ntitiv tiv o ow w of Nm N m bs bs Have you got a favorte number? Does one certan number keep poppng up n your lfe? Tere s a reason Numbers ave meanngs Dd you know tat eac number as a vbraon as well as a dsnct energy patte? Even your brtday and your name ave meanng Your lfe s made up of num bers wc tell te story of te jouey of your lfe Your numbers tell ow you can ntuvely ntuvely get te most out of lf lfe e It's me to earn exactly ow numerology works, and wy t can elp you lve successlly, apply, and n armony wt oters
t Wsd Wsd o of t to oO O andd YYo an orr BB day bt \hat numerology can tell you about anson and change n your
The orgns of numerology Your ve Core Numbers Numerology Numer ology and your energec cosmc co code de Fndng your Brthday Number
Tryng to gure gur e out your lf lfee ? Curous abou aboutt yo you u ture? \ho snt? sn t? There are many ways to wsdomand numerology s one of the most ngung You You may have alread already y hear heardd ooff asology asology,, the T Tarot, arot, or palm pal m sy s y whch, wh ch, lke numerology numerology,, are m method ethodss ooff knowng yourself and your tre Numerology Numerolog y s one of the metaphy metaphyscal scal scences A an accurate, easyto use system for selfstudy and dvnng the ture, numerology may prove an easy way for you to nd some wsdom of your own \hat, for example,
Pa T� ltuitiv� ltui tiv� Pow�r of Nu Numb�s mb�s if w told you your birthday mans somhing? Or hat yor nam wl ra your dsny? Th ancint mtaphysical scinc of numroogy has unlockd h mystris of lif for or 2500 yars Today, numrology connus to b a profound tool for discoring who you ar, whr your h hadd add,, and who you ght bcom.
Thtt lnu Th l nuiivt iivt Powt Powtrr of of Nu Numtrs mtrs langag gag of n numbrs, umbrs, aass wl as a s a sy systm stm of rlang num Numerolo is a symbolic lan brs and nams to tach us about th human condion. th numroogy, you can nhanc your intui powr
By t umrs Numerology i the tdy o he he ig igicace icace o ame ad me
You can hink of numrology as th scinc of num br nrgis, wth ach numbr haing its own ibratory inunc. Basd on h bif hat a prson coms into ths lif on a crtain dat, with a crtain nam, numrology uss numbrs to tll who a prson is and what th map is for his or hr if.
W Nm N m { D Y ot only dos numrology tll us about oursls, it gis us informaon about th
popl around us. um umrology rology can hlp you Undrstand ndings and chang.
La mor about th psycholocal condions at work. Mak sns of th cycs in your if. Idnti your challngs Enhanc your your intuion
Plus, numrology is asythr ar no thorms, quaons or diclt calculaons All you'll r ha to do to la what your numbrs ar is add (and, occasionally, subact).
by e e N Nmb mb According to Juno According Jun o Jordan, th grandmothr" of mod numrolog numrology y, E Ery rythng thng is namd or numbrd, but fw popl ar conscious of th dgr to which nams and numbrs inunc thir xprinc, progrss, and communicaon."
Captr 1: Te Wsdom Wsdom of Numerology nd Your Birtdy Numb Numbee
Numerology is the stdy of what ames ad umbers mea ad is based o the idea that your birth ame ad birth date pait a detailed portrait of who you are ad what your poteals ad challeges are. Oce youve leaed what your umbers have to say about you, youll have a cove iet map for your lifeboth to show you the best road ad to keep you om edig up o a dead ed.
A L You play a uque role i the scheme of thigs ad umerology is a system for kowig the path for your here oorEarth. all uaware bee give choiceto go through life aware adme coscious, to liveWeve this life ada ukog. th erology, you ca discover gems of isdom so that you ca lve cosciouslyaware By t Numrs of the pla. Feng Shui is he ancient ether its a architectral blueprit or a Chinese Ch inese at o placement ased Feng Feng Shui oor pla, we look to symbols to add on he elie hat a home o meaig ad vsio to our lives Numerology, ud ng is a denae denae map o enegy iencng ou daily es. as a system of symbols, is as simple as the umbers i your birthday ad the letters of your ame.
N o So Ancitn Ancit n HHiso isory ry The sciece sciece of ame amess a add umber umbers, s, as umerology has bee called, has its origis i the aciet cultures of Greece, Chia, Rome, ad Egpt, ad it also has es to Jewish, Chrisa, ad slamic adios. Eve Plato accepted that certai keys for solig atures mysteries are held i the umbers.
A we move forward i the quaan ge, the asological era that correspods with the ew milleum, umerology emerges as a importat tool for uderstadig ituive ad psychological selfkowledge, as you will see. But let lets start at the begiig.
By t Num N umr rss Asologes ee to he Aquaian Age as a time o heighening heig hening o awaeess awaeess o o a oade pespecie pespecie an d awak ening us to gea chage. Ths Age o Aqais Aqa is to as ccoe ts also caled caled is though oe the ex ex 2, 000 yea yeass and ega egann appoximaey appoximae y a the th e ew ew m mii en nium
Pa : T lntuiiv lnt uiiv Pow Powrr of Nu Numbrs mbrs
M- N my Pyhagoras a sixhcenur E Greek mahemacian and mysc is considered he faher of Wesern numeroog Based on his preceps ha naure is a se of numerica reaonships divine a is dened and accurae and ha a of his can be compued hrough numbers he deveoped he science of names and numbers" His cena hough as he idea of order: l of ife has a ssem and an ordera mahemaca musica ehca socia and cosmic order M's Ns
Pythagoa Pythagoa ddid id' ' exploe exploe oy meology. meology. e e'' alo codeed co deed he athe o mode mahematic (ememe the Pythagoea heoem? ad i epoie o he i kow expoaio o mical hamoy Iteegly, he coeced hi wo mai tee i a cocep called "The "The Mc M c o he he Sphe Sphe e" e " Accod Accodg g o th th heoy, heoy, evey eveyth thgg viae to i ow pecia hamoy which the i u ed io oe gea phee o "celetia mc."
y y Nmb N mb Vb Vb Pyhagora Py hagoras's s's phiosophy goes somehing ike his: The hgher an a n objec' objec 's vibraon hevibraon more spiri force hoever i conains more posive is naure When rae is oer hehence objeche conains ess force and so is morehe negave of
in is acon hen aken a ogeher he vbraon of everhing grea and sma creaes an absoue undivided uni I is said ha he rs o use Pyhagoras's ideas exensivey ere he Brehren of Puriy Pur iy a enhcenury enhcenury proosmai proosmaiii group group om Basra B asra nnemarie Schimme auhor of The Mste of Numbers, commens ha for he Brehren of Puri numeroog as a ay o undersand he principe of uni ha underies everhing I is a sci ence ha is above naure and ye is he roo of a oher sciences" I as Py Pyhagoras' hagoras's beief b eief ha numbe numbers rs are ar e he measure of fform orm and en energ erg in he ord hichgiven ed oby hisPyhagoras sysem of numeroog main conibuons o numeroog is he heory One ha of hehe numbers hrough 9 are symboic represenaons of he nine sages of he human ife cyce
M. L. Dw In eary 900 an arden suden of he Bibe Pyhagoras Pao and oher phioso phers Mrs L. Do Baie inoduced her on unique eaching of he sysem of
Chaptr : T� Wisdom of Num�rology Nu m�rology and Your Birtday Num Numb�r b�r
mbes Cedted with ogatg Weste meology, Ms Dow Ballett poeeed teachgs that wee sptal ate, ad ocsed o awakeg people to the kowledge kowledge o the themselve mselvess as dve begs Ms Ballett (back the days whe ths was how ades" peerred to be addessed) was a eal speake the New Age ho hoght ght Movemet ad was a po pood od ece o oe D Jla Seto (who was also the mothe o] o Jodawe get to Jo a mte) mte) hle Ms Ballett s cedted wth westezg meo meology logy,, D Seto s cedted wth modezg the ame oo the stdy o mbe mbes s to meology" A a eslt, ths ,500yeaold sstem was tegated to the movemet towad elghteed thkg Not spsgly, Ms Balletts teachgs wee ooted the thagoea theo
D D I the ealy teeth cety, a gop o wome sothe Caloa bega to exploe Pythagoass theoes eaest hese wome, led by D Jo Joda (the daghte o the esteemed D Jla Seto), omed the Caloa Istte o Nmecal N mecal Reseach ad a d stded evey aspect ad ace o meolo o o 5 yeas Accodg Acc odg to D Joda, they stded evey phase o the scece o ames ad mbes tesg, povg, povg, ad dspov dspovg g"" D Joda hesel (a docto o desy o om m Deve Detal College 905) coed to teach ad wte abot meology l she passed away, to moths beoe he oehdedth bthday, 984 Evey athoty o meology today s goded to oe degee o aothe these
womes dgs, especally the wgs oJo oJo Joda Some athoe athoess y to lbeate" themselves om the teachgs, some ae saght paty le," ad some st lat ot chage them, sag the o Easy as 1-2- mao was chaeled" om hghe soces Oe o the mot impotat We beleve that t hat Jo Joda, alo alogg wth wth he Caloa Caloa Istte o Nme Nmeologcal ologcal Reseach colleages, as wel as a mbe o modeday meology expets sch as Caoll Adeewho wote the Cao t he oewod o o or bookhave mch to oe s, ad weve od the omao to be both saghto wad ad elable
th g to ememe ao thg meoogy om the otet i that t' a ymoc yt ytem em.. Th mean that that th thee nm nme ad o themee themee do ot make thing happen. ha ppen. At the ame tme howe how ee e a a D no n o odan od an he e ponted ot " do
not i"
Pa Te Intutve Pow Powerer of Num Numbes bes
N umtroO TToday oday Numeroogy enjo Numeroogy enjoys ys a renaissance toa toay y an that shou b e no surprise surpriseit it has much to oer in the way of persona knowege we can use right now Her e in the Here t he tentyrst century century many have become aware ooff their own persona pers ona powerto isuaize create an manifestan in the esire to expan these powers they continue to search for intuive systems of knowing onesef It's no woner the science of numbers is experiencing a rebirth. er a much wisom an insight can be geane om the knowege of your persona numbers. Toay's sciensts te us everthing in the universe vibrates an has energy an that somehow a of this energy is connecte. So is it any surprise then that a system that is about the energy of numbers is ning its way into ou ourr ives We think not Nu meroogy ts our time Whie toay we ook to a therapist to sove the mys myster tery y of reationships reationships or consut a nancia asor to guie us to a secure pan for our ives there's not reay anyone to te us about ourseves. here for exampe can we get insight into who we reay are or the purpose of our ife or why we fee rawn in a certain irecon or n out if we're on the right ack Eventuay neary every one of us comes to woner if we're missing something. Is there more meaning to this ife than the aiy grin If you've ever aske if there's a pan for your ife or if there's a way to know what the ture hos our answers are yes an yes: Numeroogy hos the key Numeroogy
Easy as 1-2- Yo ae a et o nme
can hep you pace the story of your ife into a arger picture. Once you know your your own numbers you wi be
eegie that togethe ceae yo ow peca light
abe to unerstan how you t against the backrop of the harmonic universe as a specia source of ight.
ookin for ookin for ht i ih h Your own persona story is importantan your numbers hep to interpret your story Further it's not one number aone that wi aow you to see the beauty an power of your being; it' it'ss the custer of numbers that reveas the singuar br briiance iiance of who you are In the next to chapters we' show you the rst step towar iscov ering your own specia ight Your persona set of numbers smboicay represents the vibraon that comprises your essence. Not ony is your name e e with numbers your birthay reveas a
Cap C apt trr : Te Wsdom of N umeology anandd You itday Nu Number mber
wole set of n nmbers mbers telng of e temes of yor f fe e Yo mgt tnk ooff tese nmbers as components of yor lgt lgt"" or tte e ll specm of llgt gt yo yo pt ot \en yor lgt" s on yo express te posve aspects of a nmber en yor lgt" s o yo may ave te tendency to lve n fear and express e negave (possby becase yo don't know tat yo ave nmbers and at tey can elp yo!) We'l e'lll sow yo te meanngs of eac of te nmbers n yor lfe lfe a nd dscss n dept te nterpretaon of eac nmber Ten t's p to yo to let yor lgt sne!
Y v Nm N mb b v L L Yor Nme Nmerolog rology y Pr Proe oe as yor personal se sett of nmbers s caed s made of m many any nmbers Te most sgncant ones are called Core Nmbers Tere are ve Core Numbers n anyones Nmerology Proe Some nmerologs say tere are for Core Nmbers bt we say ere are ve Tat's becase we are ncldng te Matrty By t Numrs Nmber a nmber some oter nmerologss smply gnore eer becase tey arent The five Coe Numbes aware of t or peraps tey dscont ts sgnfo a numeroogy poe are he cance snce ts ll mpact snt lly operave Lfe Pah umbe, Detiny um ber, So mbe, Peronay nl aer age 3 5 However we feel te Matr umber, a Mauriy mbe y Nmber te smmaon of yor name and brtand date part of yor orgnal for fe assts rgtl pace as onebleprnt of e Core Nmbers Yo can tnk of yor ve Core Nmbers as ve ponts of lgtyor gt" or ve
energes tat make p te nqe vbraon called yo"
v Nmb N mb Y Nm N my y Ner
Lfe Pat Nmber
Yor brt date nmbers
Desny Nmber Sol Nmber Personaty Nmber Matrty Nmber
Leters of yor br name Vowels om yor brt name Consonats om yor br name Lfe Pat Nmber Desny Nmber
Pa : Te Ituitive Powe Powerr of Nu Numbers mbers
Y m m Oce you lea your ve Core Numbers youll see youve go a secal se of umbers ha are he cosmc code for your lfeme o hs Ear Your on vbraoal ae s comosed of hs unque se of umbers. We dscuss boh he calculao ad mea g of each of your Core Numb Numbers ers Par 3 Your ersoal cosmc ccode ode mgh look lke hs
Easy a s 1 -2- Easy -2- 43757 Wha ae your mber Un e a complex compe compe Or your code mgh look lke hs program or a dict d ict math cal culation, your umber code i Lfe Pa Number Lfe 4 mpe mp e A yo eed eed come come Desy Number 3 from to thng Yr ith a me Soul Number 7 Yr ate ate brt Persoaly Number 5 Maury Number
I edx B of hs hs book you ll d blank ume umerology rology or orksee ksee o creae your ow Numerology Prole. A you lea your umbers record hem o oe of he workshees we rovde for you Phoocoy he worksees o gure ad creae Num erology Proles for hose dear o you
Your Bir Bi rhday Numtr N umtr Throughou hs book youll d may exercses o el you u he umbers o ork
for you You ll robably a o beg a oebook oal for hs urose alhough eve rovded saces for you as ell. We ow youre eager ea ger o ge sa sared red ssoo er eree gog o beg a easy umber you you ca d rg hs mue: your Brhday Number or he umber of he day you were bor. Ths umber que smly s he sum of he dgs of e day you ere bo. Les say you were bo December 4 Your Brhday Number s 4 Ths oe s easy because s already a sgle dg; umerolo remember e reduce umbers o her s_led led root umbers b add hem oeher. If you ere bo o Decem ber 3 yo your ur Brhda Brhday yN Num umber ber also s 4 4 3 4 Were you bo o December ? Ts oo s a 4 Brhday Number ( 4) The 4 s he roo umber for all hree of hese brhdays ad s called he Bih Numbr
(hapt (hap trr : � Wisdom Wisdom of Num�rology and Your Bday Numb Numb�r�r O r wh wha a f yo yo were bo on he 8h? Tha Thas easy, s redce he 8 by addng he and 8 ogeher o ge redce agan o a snge dg: Add01 Now 0 1 Yo have a Brhday Nber Go ? To sly sly,, yo wan o look a wo ele ele-ens en s when consderng he eanng of yor day of brh he acal nber(s) of he day yo were bo, ke he 4h or 8h, and he Brhday Nber Nber (he s of he nbers of he day yo were bo bo) )
By t Numrs N umrs mergy a tm ber te mber et equeeque aly aig ai g umbe um ber r gehe gehe u the eu eu i a ge ge ig Bithday Numrs ae reuce t a ge ge gi gitt by by a g te i ig g tget tgeter er e um umbe be 26, f f examp exampe, e, rece a 2 6
I f yo yo were bo on he 1 h or nd, yo yorr brh brhday day has secal s sgnc gncance ance These wo brhdays are Maser Nbers and here s ch energy assocaed wh he hen calclang for for he B Brhday rhday Nbe Nber, r, a Maser Nber brhday s sll re dced o a snge dg, b yo ll wan o read abo hese Maser Nbers n Chaer Cha er 7 as well as he br bref ef descr descron on of he 1 1 and brhday brhday here n hs chaer Okay, whas your Brhday Nber? Les do one ore exale o car he gde lnes for grng hs nber Sly se he day yo were bo only he day If s a snge nber ke ke 6, ha s yor Brhday N Nbe ber r If he day yo yo were bo s a nber lke 1 8, add he 1 and he 8 ogeher o ge 9 9hen hen 9 s yo yorr Brhday Nber Wre yor Brhday Nber n he cake n he followng saon Now read on o dscover he eanng of he day yo were born Yu Bhy Numb i e numbe o s geng
you no Numo n wh n e ell llyou bou you.
Pa 1: T Tee Intuitive Powe Powerr of Nu Numbers mbers
W YY W y y N Nmb mb Rv Rv Ab Ab
Its imortant to remember rememb er that, in siritual siri tual numerology numerology,, the belief is that your soul chose your birthday because that day reected what you need in this life to hel you achieve your desny desny T Too nd the th e hidd hidden en meaning in your irthday Number, look fo forr the date of your brthday
y Nmb I 9 Your Brth Brthday day Number Number s : f your your bbr rth thda dayy s e st st or o r e th day of e month. You have an indeendent sirit, a desire to lead the ack, to be original, and usually are known to have courage More than anything else, eoe whose birthdays add u to a 1 are ioneers A 1 bihdy indica indicates tes y you ou want to be rst and here you are, eading the month Individuality is number one with you, and you are both forcel wth your ideas and good at givng ordersbut not at receivng them If your irthday Number is 1 you already ow that Innovaon is your middle name Film drector Ron Howard was bo on March 1 1954.
A 10 bihdy indicates you are ambious, orginal, determined, and have an
enterising nature. Indeendent and courageous, you love startu rojects but will not want to be saddled wth managing the details You will have diculty taking orders and dont like secondlace osions of any kind. You have a comelling nature and will. unchecked ego may lead to fanacal leadershi. Osama bin Laden was bo on March 1 1957.
A 19 bihdy indicates a tendency to be selfcentered (a ait shared with most
1 birthdays) and an inabiity to see yourself in relaon to others In this lifeme, you will be tested to resond with comassion and symathy and to conibute
to the betterment of others You have execuve abiity, athough oen uncon venonal, an excellent mind, and your ublic and rivate ife will vary greaty You do not give u easiy and usually wil have to overcome obstacles before reaching the strongly desired leadershi osion ill Clinton was bo August 19 194; Ted Turner was bo November 19 1938
A 2 bihdy indicates that like the 1 birthday youre determined and inde-
endent The 2 8 bir birthd thday ay can indicate that youre oen ghng yo yoursef ursef when it comes to layng bby y the rules, but yo your ur sense ooff determinaon never alows you to stay down for long In fact, as a 28 your ability to lead stems om clear
(hapt (hap trr 1 : Te Wisdom Wisdom of Numerology d Your Birtdy Num Number ber
thnng, and o are corage corageos os n n the wa o approach lf l fe Actor Actor Alan da was bo Jan Janar ar 228, 8, 6; com compte pterr whz Bll Gates entered ths lf lfee October 28, 155
Your Bday Num Number ber s : : you yourr brthd brthday ay s the the nd, th, , , oorr the day of the mon. o do best n parershp, lke to work n a team, and are a natral peacemaker o are consderate, sense, sppore, cooperae, and need an aesthec lfestle o loe to be wth others and prefer to work behnd the scenes
A 2 bihdy ndcates o seek balance and harmon o're a natral medator n an staon Adaptable and sense to others, or 2 Brthda Nmber means oll alwas be the peacemaker Nobel Peace lareate Mkhal Gorbache, ach e, las lastt pres presde dent nt of the So Soet et non non,, was bo bo Ma Marc rch h 2 ,
A 11 bihdy ndcates an nte, hghenerg person o hae a knd of nerosness that reqres balance as the ke to a harmonos lfe Idealsm nspraon, nspr aon, and nnoaon nnoaon are the g g of the , a Master Nmber Nmber Master nnoator Stee Woznak, cofonder of Apple Compters, was born on Agst 1 , 1 50
A 20 bihdy ndcates adaptablt and an d nderstandng T Tact act s a bw bword, ord, and
o're alwas consderate of others The 0 sggests o're nte as well Apollo asonat asonat Bzz l ldrn drn was bo Jan Janar ar 20, 0; acess Ncole Kd Kdman man was boJne 20, 67
ndcatesn o andand potenal to spare o're Ante 29 bihdy and a dreamer thehae realboth sensepersonalt of the word, so shold be carel not to et or moods swng too far n one drecon or another o se for nner peace Former S presdentJohn Kenned was born Ma 2, 7, and talk show con Oprah ne w was as bo Janar 2, 54 54
Your Brthd Brthday ay Numbe Numberr s : f your br brda dayy s the rd, th, th, st, or the th th
day of e mon. o are noted for or creat, enthsasm, good sense of hmor, and a capact to brng jo or sense of and endlness s contagos and o are blessed ith a chldlke happ sprt bihdy
blessngs If o bo onprofessonal the rd da, football lc o The A s consderedndcates the lckest nmber of allareTalented qarterback Fran Tarkenton was bo Febrar , 40 The s also the nmber of the entertaner Actor To Crse was born on Jl , 62; hoe and garden maen Martha Stewart was bo Agst , 14
Pa : T Tee Intuitve Powe Powerr of Nu Number mberss A 12 bihdy dcaes edless ehusas ad a desre o esabsh a
dvdualy of your ow. Creavy s he ae of he gae here. You are also
eooal ad aecoae Gyas Cahy gby was2bo ber 2 952socable ad rocer Ozzy Osboure was bor Deceber 948Dece-
A 21 bihdy dcaes beg socal s secod are. You have ay eds
ad eress eres s ad you ejoy people esely esely.. A your bes your crea creavy vy s a sprao o ohers. Opera sger Placdo Dogo was bor o Jauary 2 94; acess Golde Haw was bor Noveber 2 945.
youre re charsac creave ad ougog. Y You ou A 0 bihdy dcaes ha you
aac people o dere wals of lfe ad have a e sese of ar ad haroy The 0 your brhday gves you reedous power wh words ad he aby o spre ohers Wrer Trua Capoe was bor Sepeber 30 924
usca rc Clapo was bor Dec Deceb eber er 30 975 975 bor March 30 945 ad golf pro Tger Woods was
Your Brthday Number Number ss : : yo your ur bbr rth thda dayy s e th, th, th, nd, nd, or o r tthe he st day of the month. h a srog desre for sably ad secury people who have a 4 brhday uber beleve srog foudaos ad are boh praccal ad relable as well as hoes ad far. Selfdscple s he ey word here you are ow o be hardworg ad pracca
A bihdy dcaes you apprecae boh for ad order. You wo d he
words sese of huor" are he rs qual oe assocaed wh he 4 Forgve us 4s we ow you le a good e o res ad relax ad have oo Faed fes fes Bey Freda was bor o F Febru ebruary ary 4 92
A 1 bihdy dcaes a grea lover of faly ad rado as we as a aral
orgazer Creave ad eergec you are selfdscpled ad a very praccal aager as you oe ss o accuracy. Ths brhday suggess here ay be healh probles ad he challege s o be wllg o wor hard ad apply your self spe of ay laos. The geue beaul d" sces Joh Nash Na sh was was bo bor r Ju Jue e 3 9 28
A 22 bihdy dcaes you wll be called o pla orgaze ad lead large proj ecs. 22 s a Maser Nuber ad says you are very copee ad us use your o ad praccal souos o afes hgs ha bee huad. Maser assges do ge uch bgger ha he oe uderae by he rs U.S presde George Washgo bo February 22 732
A 1 bihdy dcaes ha you are srogwlled ad deered as wel as
forae ad blessed wh orgal deas. You have arsc ale oo bu us
(hapt Te Wisdom of Numeology and You Bitday Numbe
seach fo concete fom to expess it At you best youe both paccal and gounded, a builde though and though Building he on Ha Potter iteay univese is autho J
K Rowling, boJuly 1, 1965 Your Brday Number s : H yo your ur bbr rday day s ee or rd rd day of e mon You have an innate sense of adventue and a desie fo constant change and
smulaon Paence is not you fote, but having you eedom is Commients can be had to make with a 5 Bithday Numbe Commuicave and magnetic, the 5 can be highly atacve to the opposite sex You ae fowad thinng, esoucel, highly cuious, and love movement Youve got to be quick to keep the attenon of a 5
A bihdy indicates isk taking is second natue Wed say isk taking isrst
natue to these foks Quick and cleve, numbe 5 bithdays ae excellent sales people, nonadionalists, nonadionalists, and somemes the esident ebe Batt Ba tte e up! Baseball geat Hank aon was o Feb Febua uay y 5, 1 94 9 4
A 1 bihdy indicates you ae a calated isk take, ae somewhat eac, and can get youself into ouble when you shik esponsibilit You might have a tendency to oveindulge in food, dgs, alcohol, and sexal pusuits and will need to wok had to beak these tendencies Genius and maste of the bad hai day Albet instein was o ach 1 4, 1 879 87 9 and the ulmate isk tak take, e, Donald Tmp, was o on June 14, 1946
A 2 bihdy indicates a peson whos emoonally sensive, ceave, and intu ive Quick thinking and vesale, you lea quickly and ae both adventous and estless You want both good communicaon and a lot of excitement Leo nado da nci w was as o on A Api pill , 145 music musician ian Buce Spi Spingste ngsteen en was o on Septembe , 1949
Your Bday Number s : H your bday s e or e day of e mon. A a 6 you ae devoted to ceang hamony fo you loved ones Asc and idealisc, numbe 6 bithday people want to comfot, ne, and povide, and have a humanisc nate with a ove of animals and chiden You ae exemely esponsible and familyoiented, as well as omanc
A bihdy indicates you ae emoonal and sensive, and you love deeply and seiously Y seiously You ou ae ceave and asc, and you put a high value on you home and nest Shaing July 6 bithdays ae ast Fida Kahlo (1907), Geoge Bush ( 1 946), and autho of this book, Kay Lagequ Lagequist ist ((11 94)
A 1 bihdy indicates youe esponsible but independent at the same me
Smpathetic and adaptable, yo you u can ffacilitate acilitate change in dicult sitaons sit aons You
Pa : T lntuitiv Pow Pow o f Numrs Ml's Nts
Your BBirhday irhday mbe mbe fluece fluece the mdd m ddee yea yea of your fe fe The mber m ber uder hich hic h you ee ee born play a pecia roe from he appoximae a ppoximae yea hough 56. We dic the influ ece of your Birhd Bi rhday ay u mber di ng hoe year i Chap Cha p ter ter 6.
want to sttl within th famly suctur but commnt is a suggl and rstlssnss is art of o f th Actor B Bn n Ack was bo August 5 bargain 72 Actor
A 2 bihdy indicats a ragmac aroach
that coms om you yourr uniqu bnd of hard work and faiss ou ar dtnnd, whch somms shows as stubboss, stubboss, but ar cr a and lo your hom ou mght b bttr at connuing rathr than starng and ill ick u rsonsibiis whr othrs faltr Al Comutr cofoundr cofoundr St St Jobs was bo on Fbruary 2, 155
Brday ay Numb Number er s : f yo your ur br brd day ay s e or e day of Your Brd e mon. ou look for dth and maning in al that you do Anaycal by natur, you tak longr than most to mak a dcision Thorough, rc, and riat, you nd to go to natural stngs for runaon Solitud and silnc ar dsird sur roundings for th 7 Birthday Numbr
A bihdy indicats you may aar to othrs as aoof but ar raly ry loing and on shy Howr, you most ikly wll withdraw in conict Pol with 7 birthdays nd to guard against skcism, as w as a tndncy to b scrti scr ti ou wil ddoo wl wlll whn you ust your wdod intuion Rus-
sian rsidnt Vladamr Pun was bo Octobr 7, 1 52 5 2 tl tlsion sion oaist Ka Couric was born Jan Januar uary y 7, 1 57 5 7 .
A 1 bihdy indicats you may nd your lif brings suddn (n aumac)
nts that ar ray waku calls to look at your lif mor honsty ou insist on indndnc, nd m to rst, mditat, and contmat ou may ha an unusual intrst intrst in th tchn tchncal, cal, scinc, mtah mtahysical, ysical, or siritual subcts Lik all th 7 brthdays, you may b a rfconist and may b sn as unusua or dirnt Tnnis grat]ohn McEnro was bo Fbruary 16, 15, and o dia Madonna was bo August 6, 158
unusuall aroach to sol soluons uons ou ha A 2 bihdy indicats a uniqu oorr unusua good intuion, can b xmly snsi, and ar inosc ou ha a cau ous yt curious sid and may b drawn to siritual or sychc xloraon Th 25 brthday is rc and good at daling with ol Actor Christohr R was born Stmbr 25, 12
Chaptr The Wisdom of Numerology and Your Birthday Numbe
Your Birday Number is : yo your ur bi bir rda dayy is e , , , or e day of e mon. You are caabe n he busness world, can handle money and large ro ec maserlly, maserlly, and ar aree eag eager er o have success success,, esecally w wh h maeral wealh Ambous, conden, and auhoratve, ohers may be nmdaed by your ower. Needless o say, you wll wan o be he boss n mos suaonseven n your marrage and ersonal relaonshs. characer,, good udgmen, a sold so ld value sys + bihdy ndcaes sengh of characer
em, and he ably o handle large rojecs You're ambous and have a desre for boh mae maera rall success and secury secury,, so ben bengg n charge goes wh he err errory ory.. The 3 3 rd resden of he Uned Sa Saes, es, Harry S T Truman, ruman, wa wass born Ma May y 88,, 884.
+ 1 bihdy ndcaes you are very caable n the busness world. You wll
oen ake an orgnal aroach, are ambous and can be selfcenered no-
secve andrch sometmes and New Gngrc Gng hw was as boremoe, on]une on ]uneyou 7 ,have 943;a good acor mnd R Rober ober denuon. Nro wasPolcan bo Augus 7, 943. raccaly, resonsbl resonsbl,, and a sold sense s ense of busness busness.. + 2 bihdy ndcaes raccaly, You feel songly abou home and abou suorng hose around you, though you need o lea o be a source of sengh o ohers whou akng conol of he suaon. Former rs lady and curren US senaor Hllary Clnon was bo Ocober 26, 947
Your Birday Number is is :: f your birday birday is on e , , or e da dayy of o f e mon. You are broadmnded, oleran, generous, sensve, creave, and have a unque aroach or soluon o roblems th a hlanhroc, humanaran naure, you have a soulachng desre o make he world a beer lace. humanara aran n mulse. Th Thss s he number of the the + 9 bihdy ndcaes the human
dreamer, a comassonae hear, and broadmnded thnkng. You are dealsc and can nsre ohers, ye can be a b of a dramas. Muscan John Lenon was bo Ocober 9, 940, and asonomer Carl Sagan was bo November 9, 934
b u mus resee your + 1 bihdy ndcaes you can work well wh ohers bu ndeendence You are broadmnded, oleran, and generous. Creave, mag nave, and dealsc, you nsre ohers. You have excellen oenal for
achevemen and nancal success. A bo leader, you aac money om he serceorened serceor ened work you do. Muscan Paul McCarey was bo June 8, 942.
+ 2 bihdy ndcaes someone who s both analcal and nuve. Ohers
wll nd you orgnal and creave bu you may also aear deached or secreve
Pa T� lntuitiv� Pow Pow�r�r o f Numb�rs because you like o keep your deepes feelings o yoursel yourself f Ths nuber e braces an eleen of sacrice; you are conceed for he plane, and universal love is paraoun o you Diploa and Nobel Peace aureae Henry ssinger was born May 27 948
A Birhday B irhday ts tssat sat for for ritn ritnds ds,, am amii ly, and Sptcial Sptci al ovt ovtss re you geing a sense of inerpreng he eaning of your Birhday Nuber? Your Birhday Nuber Nuber is a good place o begin your sudy of nuerology nuerology,, and i i''s a nu ber ha is easy o discover for your iends and faiy as well You ay wan o include a Birhday Nuber descripon wih he nex birhday card you send o soeone One of he rs hings o pu in your nueroloy joual is a lis of Birhday Birhday Nubers for hose neares and deares (or jus closes!) o you Then ake a few noes on heir special alens and endenciesyou wil gain new wisdo and insighs ino he birhday ener for hese people
e Le Y Y Nee Kw K w Your nubers are a vibraonal energy pae showing your essence Nubers in your Nuerology Prole You have ve Core Nubers Your Birhday Nuber reveals your unique alens and endencies, and espe cially inuences he iddle i ddle years ooff your lif lifee
Nuerology's wisdo gives new eaning o your life, and insighs ino he peo ple around you as well
t P P osopy osopy of toO
he hosohy behnd numerology Undersandng he number energy for yourself Numbers have meanngs A srual aroach o numerology he nneyear growh cycle
verhng's go a hlosohy behnd and numerolog's no exceon Once you undersand why we use numbers o exlore ourselves youll be ready o lea how o add some of your own numbers ogeher We lke o hnk of numerolog as a way of exlorng all he varous asecs of your self and your envronmen Jus as your wal mrror reveals your ouer mage he myscal mrror of
numerolog can dsclose your nner self self
Pa : T Tee Ititive Pow Powerer of Numbers
N u mtroO mtro O Work Workss Likt Li kt Shu Sh u i No number don't have power over you However t' mportant to realze there' more at work n a peron' lfe than jut what you ee Number vbratonally and ymbolcally contan to major element:
A vbratonal equency that attract certan energylke a magnet A potental for prtual attracton and connecton Jut a Feng Shu how a map of the natral ow of energy n the lvng pace of your houe and the thng you place n t your peronal number create a template for the energy n n your lf lfe. e. nd u utt a the prncple of Feng Shu gve you the ablt ablty y to change the energy n your home or oce and Easy as 12 thereby change your lfe numerology can help you
You number are ang ource our cepeonal o ttengh engh an an healing heali tha ini i nitte you o tep tep uupp o a hihigher gher le lee ell of aarene The uyy of numbe u num be one on e ey to nt n terpeing the force force of your ouer or n orer o better better unertan you you inner i nner el.
undertand howortohow lve to n change accordance natural energy t wth your own Th mean that once you become aware of the prncple of numerology and the meanng of the number you'll have a code to change the energy urroundng your lfe to a harmonou vbraton that allow you to be more uccel and reach your hghet potenal.
Numb Nu mbtr trss and ur iv ivts ts The unvere baed on the ndamental realty that all thng are related and wthn that underlyng noon of unty all thng are energy. It' our relatonhp to th energy that dene our lve. Numerology about the relatonhp of number and ther nluence on our lve. The act of gvng omethng or omeone a name n't a upercal act; t come om our nttve feel or connecon to th peron or object. Numerologt mantan that each of u carre the perfect namea name that relect our nner natre. Even f you argue that your name or date of brth are a matter of chance or even that they were an accdent you'll mot lkely agree that your name and your brthday have an eect upon your lfe. Numerology a one Numerology o ne of the metaphycal c cence ence a earch ffor or undertandng undertan dng Even
though ancent n t orgn numerology enormouly uel n t applcaon to the earch for drecon n everyday lfe today.
Chaptr Te Piosoy P iosoy of N umerology
D D k DD k alll hav havee ve Core Numbers Numbers If you you ick u any any of A we menoned in Chaer , we al he numerology books in a booksore oday, youll nd he auhors calling hese e Core Numbers by oher names as imoran is ha even hough here may be dieren names for hese e Core Numbers, al of hem are gured he same way Were all really alking abou he same hingsome folks jus call hem somehing else
Neroo Ner oo Re: The mos imoran numbers in numeroogy are he Core Numbers Nu mbers There are e of hem: The Soul Number, Destiny Number, Personali Number, L Path Number, and Mari Number. So ha you don become consed by all he dieren names for he Core Numbers when you are consulng oher numerology books (and we do encourage you o use a leas hree resources o ge a ll undersanding of your numbers), wee devised a handy char o sor his ou Heres a lis of he e Core Numbers, wha heye been called call ed in various numerology numerology books, an andd a quick ref reference erence for how o ge ge hem
NNm mb b w m Core Numbers
Other Names Used
How to Figue It
Life Pah Number
Desny Number ocaona number
Mon nh h + ddaay + year of birh
Soul Number
birh force Exression number selfexression number menal number ouer self Hears desire movaon number soul urge sefmovaon number individualiy number he inner sef
Personaliy Number
Selfimage number hear self self
D esny N Number umber
Vowels owels + consonans of name Add ogeher he vowels of name
Add ogeher he consonans
quiescen sef
of name onnus
Pa : Te ntuitve Powe of NNumbers umbers
Nmb Nmb w U m
Cre Ne
er Nes Used
Hw t re t
Mary Numer
T reself res elf numer; realy numer; realaon numer; ulmae goal; poer numer
Lfe Desny Pah Numer dae of rh rh
One hng ha has remaned conssen s he name for he Brhday Numer Ever one seems happy o call he numer of he rhday jus ha! hen e al aou he Brhday Numer ere refe referrn rrngg oo only he day of he monh of your rhsuch as he 6h or Sixs ad vs he 29h 29h
You dae num be (plural ree o o hebth month, day and year you ee born You B rth rthday day umbe u mbe (nguar (ng uar i he day you ee bonu he day day (reduced (reduced to to a in ingle gle digi di gi numbbe Don't ge mxe num mxedd up
us as here are deren ves aou ha o call he ve Core Numers here are deren phlo sophcal approaches o he sudy of numerolog Numerolog as a sdy mgh e approached om a varey of ang angles les Hoever, ecause s s called he scence of names and numers" e shouldn e oo surprsed o nd a large par of ha goes on o e focused on name analyss
Here are some of he deren deren specales s pecales found n he sdy of numerolo numerology gy Names analyss
Blcal numerolog Characer analyss Sprual numerolog Predcve numerolog Numerolngscs (he language of numers)
N my- y- Wy Wy Spil num numolo olo s ased on he premse ha ere more han he physcal man fesaon of our collecve gene poole are spr Spral numerolog suggess
Chapt The Philosohy Ph ilosohy of N umerology
that the interpre interpretaon taon and an d analysis of nubers ephasizes grow growth th of o f higher onsiousness, and an d shows how to use the nubers to grow iin n your awareness and advane spiritually Spiritual awareness awareness eans bein beingg tned to the larger pie, to the idea that theres a greater plan, awareness, and soure than ourselves, and that the nubers nubers hold sboli inforaon that spell out a path of spiritual guidane Spiritual nueroogy nueroogy ebraes the idea of reinaaon; that is, that the sou is ongoing, while the physial body is teporary The idea, then, woud be that you are a sou having a physial experiene in this lifee lifee It also sug
By t Numbrs A ay to ame a ii va v a joe jo eyy o Eah a oe o meaig a prpoe, spr a umeroy i bae o he ea ha each o care a et o vibao, a blepri or or e. e. Th bep b ep ca be cov cov ere from a Nmerology Proile
gests that your sou was soewhere else before it ae here to this ifee (inarnaon) Now, if your soul was soewhere else before, what was it doing? Spirtual nuerology would say that your sou was leang and growng, getng ready for your e on Earth now This inforaon is revealed in the Soul Nuber
spirtual nuerology, we aso look to see
what kari deb you ae into i nto this llif ifee wth wth These woud be lessons you didnt lea in past ives, or even lessons you resed to lea, and represent unnshed business youve oe bak to nish We ook to the Kari Debt Nubers, speially 13 14 16 and 19 for the nature of the kar debt and inforaon about how you ght relea or nally ea what your soul needs o grow and advane The nuber 10 whie also a Kar Nuber, is not about a kari debt to be paid bak, but instead indiates that kara has been opeted
By t Numrs he Karmic Nmber 1 0 i ot realy a eb t refere o a a armic arm ic m mbe berr bt o eb og fact, he oppoe he 1 0 iii ica cae e tha armicc eb i compete. i a armi goo ama mbe, o to pea
When working with Kar Debt Nubers 3 14 16 and 19 a person is given another opportnit in ths to oplete any power debt owed wth regard to relaonshps, health issues, prev prevous ouslife abuses of ove, and These nubers give insight into prvous abuses you have oitted (failure to do the right thing) o a e
Pa : T� lntuitiv� Pow� Pow�rr of Nu Numb�s mb�s beforer, as we like to say, your kara in another life" Well be coverng the Karic Nubers in ore detail in Chapter 8 Spiritual nuerology nuerology i s only one approach to thi thiss fa fascinang scinang subject, and, a s there are dierent approaches, there are dierences of opinion about how to gure the nubers nube rs If youre intereste interestedd in exploring other approaches, you can ccheck heck out soe of the the books listed in Appendix A
orrt Than o Th an tr t rt Numt Nu mtrrs Nuerology is conceed wth the priary nubers through 9 and their ssbolic bolic eanings, whch well explore in depth in Part 2 of this book, where well also discuss the unique Master Nubers 1 22, 33 and the Karic Nubers 0 3 4 6 and 9 The science of nuerology shares certain bel belief iefss with other etaphysical sci sciences, ences, including asology, Tarot, Tarot, palst palstry, ry, aand nd handwring handwri ng analysis analysis Soe of those shared belie bel ie inc includ ludee
Your birth date has a denite eect on your life A person is bo into a certain life at a certain e with a certain nae, all of which inuence hs or her life
Nothing happens by chance People have reincaated into this life for spiritual growth You have a desny for this ifee addion addi on to all that that,, nuerology can help us discover what lessons we cae to lea in i n this lifeeand lifeeand when it its s best to take acon and whe when n it itss not
By t Numrs A th a the mea phycal ciece, umeoogy ubcibe ubci be to he cocep of rn canaton, hch he belef ha the ou i ebo to di fee feet t phycal icaao, al of hich ae iecoected arma cally
Not only does nuerology tell us about ourselves, it can illunate illunate our understanding of others in our lives as well
For parents, nuerology nuerology can he help lp you under stand why your children childr en are the way they are and the best ways to encourage their growth
For ates, nuerology explains personality
quirks, what your parer uly desires in life, his or her soul vibraon, and how best to achieve harony harony in rela relaonships onships
Chapt Te Pilosoy Pi losoy of Numerology For eahers, nuer nuerology ology is a way o
undersand your your sudens as unique in indi di viduals
For businesses, nuerology nuerology gives insigh ino eployees and parers and oers ounsel abou produve periods as well as slowdown slowdowns s
We hink h ink he value val ue ooff nuerology is how well works Bu well le you be he judge as you y do he nubers for yourself, and he people in your life
Mel's Notes
he beauty o numerology ha you don't hae to tudy long fo f oee ngh n gh begn beg n to come That' becaue of all he metametaphycal cience, numeoogy i the eaiet to lean A you ill come to ee, nu meroogy meroogy beauty in it traighfoard impicity
A- A Is our be belief liefneed ha no no one sien sieneealone of hisEah naure giv gives es he whole piure, so, nuerology be sudied eaphysial siene oersand a unique, speialized fous of selfdisovery, and, while nuerology an sand alone, i an be enhaned when used in onjunon wih oher disiplnes ll ha you are or anyone is, and how any wo individuals will do as aes, is old only in par hrough one of he eaphysi eaphysial al sienes Nue Nuerology rology is an exeen reso resoure ure if you wan insigh ino he ve Core Nubers ha represen ore pars of yourselfilluinang your hallenges, and giving you insighs for living inenonally, lly onsious of who you are, and he direon for your highes poenial
Nmb N mb M Nuerology gives us a irror ino he soul In he nubers hrough 9 we nd all Soull Number Number of eah individ he experienes life an presen We beoe priy o he Sou ual, as well as eah indiduals Destin and L Path Numbers Suh inforaon s on By t Numbrs sidered sared knowledge knowledge and an d reendously You Soul Number valuable o hose who wish o ake he jour reea hat you ong for n your ney These nubers reveal a direon, a ap hear of heart. Your Destny for ahieving happiness and suess in your life Number refer to your pupoe and direction in ie. Your Lfe We sudy nuerology o o beoe aware of who Path Number eea your nauwe are and o undersand a e of hange The ral gft g ft and talent talent that il il alo a lo nubers ar who we are and where we are you to ulfil ulfi l your deiny. in e e One ooff nuerol nuerology ogys greaes gis is
Pa : The Intuitive Pow Powerer of Nu Numbers mbers that it teahes us tolerane and aeptane of o f others as well as an explanaon ooff the ing of events events A your selfawareness inreases youll ahieve a ore obeve view of your life and o this you an ake better hoies for how to live it Nuerology is a oprehensive syste o whih you will lea the following:
Your Lfe Pa Number: The speial path that you walk in this lifee This
nuber shows the natural gis and talents that will allow you to lll your des ny
Your Desny Number: The purpose and direon of your life This nuber represents represe nts your your alling and ission in life life
Your Soul Number: This is your hearts desire and your inner ovaon what feeds your soul and reveals what you long for in the depths of your being
Your Personalt Number: This nuber shows how others see you It is the outer look you wear your preferenes and how others dene you
Your aturt Number: This nuber shows the direon for the seond half life e It represe represents nts the ue ue you" as you begin to lilive ve in har harony ony wit withh of your lif your inner and outer selves
Your Lfe Lesson Numbers: These are the nubers whih are not present in
your nae They tell of o f the lessons youre eant to llea ea now to advane your personal and spiritual growth
Your Pnnacles: These are the four phases of your life that point the way to your highest ahieveents
Your Challenges: These are the four doors through whih you ust pass to
reah your highest attainents The nubers represenng the four doors dene
the diulties and an d hallenges you ust onont Your aor Cycles: Cycles: These are the three divisions of your life that tell of the aor thees goveing your e here on Earth These three nubers help to give eaning and fous to your Pinnaes and Chaenges
Your Personal Year: This nuber tells you where to fous your energy for
eah year The Personal Year Nuber indiates what you ust fae and ao plish to live in harony with the natural ow of the year
Your Personal onths and Days: These nubers tell you what to expet and how to organize around oing events and iden the thee for eah onth or day
Your Brthday Number: This nuber indiates a speial talent you possess It also shows a parular lesson you're ing to lea in this lifee
(hat Te Pilosoy P ilosoy of Numerology
Tht N intin t-YYtar Gr G rowh owh (yclt We'll b e using nubers through 9 throughout this book Why? Beause nuerology is based on the prie nubers through 9 A nineyearyle rhyth very iportant to the num numerolo erologic gicl l e you areis urrently in he philosophy behind this is that all the experienes we an have in a lifee are sbolized in the nubers 1 through 9
By t Numrs A nu numerol merolca ca cyce is a ninine neyyear cycle that happens happe ns again an again in ones life me, wi ffee ffeent nt heme ri ng but he wih cycle cych lea each ime Pn nacle an the coresponng Challenge eine four mao phases an themes of a lifemein nneyea cyces
W W NNme me Nmb N mb I 9 this book we're using Western nuerolog in whih the nubers through 9
have denite unique syboli eanings that orrespond to the evoluon of a person'ss liliffe l of us experiene this ninestep evouon son' evouon an andd the only varia variaon on is the
level of o f onsiousness onsiousness with with whih we do it The steps are basially very siple: l Beginning 2 Conneng 3 Creang Building 5 . Changing 6 Nurturing 7 Reevaluang 8 Expanding 9.
Right now now you are soewhere in thi thiss ninestep yle f you want to learn where you are right now now you an go to our explorao exploraon n of your Personal Y Year ear in Chapter 17 The thing to reeber is we all ove through the yle of nubers o 1 to 9 over and over again throughout our lives
N Y y Nuerologiallyy your lif Nuerologiall lifee is op operang erang on epeated ep eated nineyear y yles les Ev Ever eryy year has a nuber and eah nuber has a parular eaning This eaning is your thee for
Pa Pa : ee Intuitive Pow Powerer of Numbers
By t Numr Yo Pesonl Y ide ifie hch year he eear cycle yo ae o. ' gured
that yea (alled you Prsonal ar) nne yeas you will have opleted a spei spei yle, yle, whih also has a spei lesson to be leaed addion to the Pesonal Yea, thee ae fou Pinnales to a lifee, and fou fou Challenges, tthat hat ae gued in nineyea yles
by addig add ig cure yo brh moth aad d day to he yeamoth
v YY By t Numr he Unvesl Y, he educed edu ced um umbe be for for ay g gvve caleda yea, yea, he eegy ude hch the ee arh i vbratig vbra tig for tha year year
the lage sope, besides the Pesonal Yea Nu-
be, we want you to be awae of the Univesal Yea Nube The Unival ar is the atual yea we ae in, like 00, whih bates to the nutuing enegy of the 6, o 006, whih vibates to the expansive enegy of the 8 The Univesal Yea is, quite siply, the alenda yea If the yea wee 0, all of the Eath would opeate unde the 5 , indiang aplanet e of hange
To gue the Univesal Y Yea, ea, ust add the nubes togethe Fo exap exaple, le, llet' et'ss loo lookk at the yea 008, o 0 0 8 0. Redue 0 and you will nd it is a ( 0 ). Ts eans that the whole planet is noning unde the vibaon of the nube Univesal Yea Atually, beause this Univesal Yea Yea nube ae o 0, we ae einded again that the 0 is a Ka Nube (see Chapte 8 fo a disussion of Kai Nubes), and is witten as 0/, epesenng both the ll value of o f the 0 and its edued nube ( 0) Theefoe, we ight say the Univesal Yea 008 is a 0/ yea, a yea of kai ebith and a e of a new beginning wthout the buden of pe pevious vious kai kai debt What does it ean to be in a Univesal Yea? Its a e of new beginnings, a e fo stang ove and planning fo the tue Its a e to stand up, to feel ondent, pesevee, be asseve, take hage, and get esults We would say, then, that ts is what would inuen inuene e all ooff us at a olleve level, globally and loally, loally, in a Uni vesal Yea, and epesents the enegy that would suound us Howeve, dont onse this wth you Pesonal Yea, beause that's anothe stoy
Ztroo Ain' for Ztr for Nuhi N uhin' n' The nube 0 shouldn't be ignoed It epesents an enegy thats unfoed and pegnant with potenal: e all, it's ll and epty at the sae e The 0 is the sy sybol bol of o f an open hannel ha nnel to highe foes foes
(hatr 2 T Pilosoy P ilosoy of Numroogy We see the zero in nubers like 0, 40, and even 000 000 hen you have a 0 behind a nuber, the idea is that this ag nies the nuber ahead of it If, for exaple, you have a 30th birthday, the 0 agnies the 3 This birthday birthday ght e e phasize learnng to speak your uth, to express yourself, ake good iendships, or to use your reavee energy and all ooff these will be agn reav agni i ed by the s vibraon
Easy as 1-2-3 Remember, e l veral Year e ir yea yea of a eyear cyce Ay amp e efec of e umber ey accompay accompa y So yo ca ca ave a 0 Uveal Yea or eoal Yea, eve if ee le
The year 000 ha The hadd thr s Huanity won't see three s for another thousand years The presene of the the if ifold old energ energyy of tthe he s iin n year 000 000 heralded the oinous new beginning beginn ing of a new vibraon The s, three in suession, suession, ephasized that this new e of living under the inuene of energy is yet to be fored and is open to the inuenes of the great ystery of life and its unseen fores l through the years 00 through 009, and in subsequent years 00 through 090, the presene of s enhanes and agnies the qualies and hallenges of the vibraon: vibraon: resoluon of dualit duality; y; pe peael, ael, uned oinhabitaon of planet planet Eart Earth; h; a deeper sensitivity and loving ndness for all; liing a slower rhyth that is ore in tune with nature; honorng the feinine; and highlights the need for ooperaon, relaonship, and onneon The 0 in any nuber signals an intensiaon of the vbraon and energe properes of o f the nuber it follows follows
I the next hapter, we wll take you through how to alulate nubers and a loser
look at the eanng eanngss of nubers thr throug oughh 9, ar ari i Nubers Nubers 0, 3 , 4, 6, and 9, and Maste Masterr Nu Nuber berss , , 3 3 , and be beyon yond d
L Y N N Kw
You a an n le lea a ttoo understand your own energy through nuerology nuerology Spiritual nuerology ephasizes growth of higher onsiousness Nuerolog Nue rologyy is based on nubers thro through ugh 9 and their syboli syboli eanngs You have a nneyear growth yle The Unversal Year is a nuber that everyone on Earth vibrates to
bts bts Havt Havt Mt M ta n ngs, Ps (a P (a aang ng ht bts I How to add a dd thos thosee nubes nubes toget togethe he Quik efeene gide to the nubes Leanng the eduing plan thats best fo you Lettes have eanings too You Nueology Pole Enoug h histoy and philosophy Enough phi losophy We know you eally eall y want to know what nueology an do fo you Nueology an teah you a seet ode fo unloking the ystey hidden in the nubes suounding you life n this hapte hapte well be showing you how to ddoo ust that by pef pefoing oing the siple alulatons youll need to disove what you nubes ae Wel show you how nueology woks and disuss dieent ethods of
Pa : T lnuitiv ln uitiv Powr of Nu Numbrs mbrs
adding and reduing the nubers, and then well look at your birth nae and begin the proess of opiling your personal Nuerology Prole
Pick a Numtr, N umtr, Any Any Numtr Nu mtr Calulaons for nuerology are really quite siple: You either add or subat The ain idea behind the anipulaon of the nubers is to nd the single base nuber This base (root) nuber is usually a redued nuber that oes o a doubledigit nuber, but the single nuber will tel the storyuess of ourse, its a Master Nuber (ell get to that in a few pages) The ethod for adding the nubers is indeed the ost onoversial question in nuerology The k is h you add the nubers together
Numerolo Rule: Redue nubers to a single digit Add the nubers together to get a single root nuber
Youve already alulated your Birthday Nuber in Chapter by using nuerologys rule of reduing For exaple, if your birthday is on the 4th day of the onth, add + 4 togeth together er to get tthe he redued nuber 5 Youve got a 5 Birthday Nuber Nuerologally, there are essenally four ways to add the nubers:
Add aross 2 . Redue as you go
3 Add down 4 Add double digits Lets look at eah of these individually, so you an see the dierenes for yourself
A I A A A A One way to add the nubers nubers is to add saigh saightt aross Here Heress a qui quik k exaple Lets use the birth date exaple of ofJuly July 6, 9 If youre adding the Date of Birth Birth Nubers (were talking about a of your birth nubers), you ight think to add the like this: 7+6 + +9+4+43 3 +
Chat Numbers Nu mbers ve Menings, Plus Clculting te NNumbers umbers
The single nuber 4 is the t he root nube nuberr (also alled al led the redued redued nuber nuber)) The reason we don't don 't like to use this ethod for for using Date of Birth Birth Nubers Nubers is ta tatt w when hen the addsaigh add saightaro taross ss ethod is used, you lose the hane of nding Master Nu Nu bers, whih is the ase in our exaple, as you'll see
Numerolo Rule: Don't add all the nubers saight aross! The nubers within a nuber are iportant as well, as you'll nd out when we aluate your ve Core Nub Nubers ers in Part Part 3
Let's look again at the July 6 , 1 944 bi Let's birth rth date wen reduced before it's added When we do tis, it reveals a Mas Master ter Nuber Nuber To To do his for July 6, 1 944, 944, you'll redue 944 uly is a 7 and the day is a 6, so no redution is neessary for alulang the nubers of the onth and dayonly the year needs reduon in this birthday) To nd the year's redued redu ed nube nuber, r, add the nubers together: 1 9 18 Now, you'll redue again, to arrive at the singledigit nuber 9 (1 8) One you have redued the year nuber, add all the redued nubers togeher (but reeber, in ths exaple, 7 and 6 an't be redued) Add: 7 6 9 Ou Ourr new way of wring the su of ts ts date of o f birth will be /4
Easy 1-2-3 W e edoe edasoe Addion Addio n Metod #2, redcing a yo go t ene en e he d icoey icoey o Ma Mae e Numbe
Voila! /4 reveals a Master Nuber You would have ssed it using the addsaightaross ethod
A A 2 2 R R , , A A nother ethod for adding nubers is to redue as you go along Here's an exape to illusate this ethod The date of birth Deeber 16 197, ight be written like this: 1 1 6 197 If redued rst, it looks like this: 3 7 1 11 Reduing before you add is fast Soe nuerologists swear by this syste, and it's ertainy the easiest ethod for beginners Noe in our exaple that we have unovered unover ed yet anothe anotherr Mas Master ter Nuber, he 1 1 W We'll e'll be explaining what tthat hat eans in a few paragraphs We reoend reoen d reduing redu ing as you go It's faster fasterand and you arry less weight (soet (soething hing we all desire)
Pa : e Inuiive Powe Powerr of Nu Numbers mbers Nuerolo Rule: Wath for Master Nubers when reduing to a nal nu
Nue o o Ru e
ath for Master Nubers hen redu ng to a na nu ber Reeber the Master Nubers , , and 3 3 have speial eanings
A A A Dw Dw A third ethod for for aluang nubers nubers is to set it up like a siple ath proble For exaple to gure oposer singe singer r and songwrit songwriter er Paul Sion' Sion'ss date of birth 94, we would write it like this Otober 3, 94, 94 + 3 + 0 964
Then we'd redue 964 to the root nuber ( + 9 + 6 + 4) = 0; + 0 = ) This ethod reveals that the Life Path Nuber (the su of the birth date nubers) one of the ve Core Nubers for Paul Sion is , intensied by the presene of the 0, the etea irle of life (See Chapter for everything about the Life Path Nu ber) We use this ethod as a e breaker when ing to deterine if we are realy dealing wth a Master Nuber We would use Method # rst then Method #, and last of al Method #3, to see if two of the three ethods gve us the sae answer Here is an exape: ngela thinks she ight have a Master Nuber birthday Her birthday is February February , 94 Let's see how to use the dierent ethods to deterine whether her birday nubers add up to a Master Nuber Using Method #, adding saight aross for for ngela we nd: + + + + 9 + 4 + = 0 +0=
Not a Master Nuber though the presene of the 0 intensies the energy of the for ngela as it does for Paul Using Method #, reduing rst then adding together we nd: + 3 ( + ) + 6 + 9 + 4 + = 5, or 6) =
Nuber a Master Nuber
Chatr Numbers Nu mbers Hve Menings, Plus Plus Ccultin Ccultingg te Num Numbe bersrs
Using Method #3 , adding do down, wn, w wee nd: 94 + 955 + 9 + 5 + 5 0; + 0 Again, not a Master Nuber for Angela Therefore, we would onlude that Ange Therefore, Angela la doesn't have a Master Nu Nuber ber aer all all,, and neither does Paul Sion Adding aross for Paul Sion, Otober 3, 94: + 0 + + 3 + + 9 + 4 + 0; + 0 Reduing rst, then adding together for Paul, we nd: ( + 00)) + 4 ( + 3) + 6 ( + 9 + 4 + ) , or ) We an only o nly be sure of a Master Nuber result if we use all three etho ethods ds to veri Reeber ant o ou outt oof fthr mth m tho o to a a to gt g t a tt Mastr Mastr Numb Numb Going bak to our original exaple of the July 6 944 birthday, let's y the third ethod to onr our Master Nu Nuber ber result of /4: /4: 944 7 957 + 9 + 5 + 7
M's Nos
ee naure o Mat Mater er u m be be uchh ha hoe o carry hem uc are uuallyryexremely entie o exr exraeno aenory percept perception ion, , nuion, and Higer Hige r Guidance. hey alo cay a peca peca repon reponbi bilty lty to to mannd o leae te ord a bete pace by elping te ace o eol eolee o a h h ghe concou conc ou ne.
Of ourse, it's neessary to all three addition ethods only if you're working to onr a Master Nuber result
Pa : �� lntutiv� Pow� Pow� of Nu Numb�rs mb�rs
M # # D Db bD D A A This mehod is almos he same as Mehod #2 because i reduces rs hen adds o-
geher. When doing numeroogica geher. numeroogicall inerpreaons ha inole inole add adding ing you yourr Dae of Birh Numbers or Name Numbers hold ono he doubledigi number when adding. For example les look a h hee birhday ffor or Jos Joshh Groban he young singing singin g phenome non known for his specacular operac enor/romanc balladeer oice who was dis coered a he 1 999 Gr Gramm ammyy A Awar wards ds dress rehearsal rehearsal while singing a due wih Celine Dion. Joshs bi birh rhday day is Feb Febru ruar aryy 2 98 . In he doubledigi mehod we reduce a doubledigi numbers o heir single digis and hen add each singedig number ogeher for he combined number oal. The combined number oal will will be b e wo digis or o r a doubledig number. I his mehod we hold ono he doubledigi numbers for addional informaon. To sar we need o reduce o numbers numb ers in hi hiss birhday o singledigi numbers before we o gure ou he oal doubledig number. Firs we reduce he year number in his bir birhday hday:: 9 8 o 1 9 ( 1 + 9 + 8 + 1 ) and connue oo redu reduce ce 9 by adding 1 + 9 o 10 and reduce a nal me for he singledigi number: + 0 1 . Nex we reduce he day of birh number 2 because i has wo digis: 2 + 9. The monh in his birhday birhday doesn doesn need o be reduced because ii is only one numbe number r 2 . Finally Finall y w e add aallll ooff he singledi singledigi gi (reduced) numbers nu mbers ogeher ffor or our nal oal: o al: 2 + 9 + 1 1 2 . The numbe numberr 1 2 is he doubledigi oal ffor or Josh Groban Grobanss birhda birhdayy. To make hings more clear ii migh hel helpp o wrie ou he seps like h his: is: 2 + 2 + 1981 2 + (9) + (9) 2 + (9) + (0) 2 + 9 + 1 2 If we were o reduce reduce he 2 we wll nd a singedig o oal al of 3 . In using his doubledig mehod i is i s impora impora o consider boh he doubedigi number and he re duced oal number so we would wrie he oal 2 separaed by a and hen wrie he 3. The birhday oal wil hen look ike his: 12/3. e can hen say Joshs Dae of Birh Numb Number erss add up o a 3 . By holding ono ono he doube di dig g we can se seee wha nu number mberss lie behind he oal (he 1 and he 2 are wha are inuencing he reduced number 3 in oher words) I our exampe here is is prey imporan because Josh has a 3 Life Life Pah he pah ooff enerainmen drama dram a and expressing onesef in a creae way way.. Howeer Howeer he doubledigi doubledig i inuence suggess ha he will hae o asser his independence and song principles
Chat Numbers Nu mbers ve Menings Plus Clcuting te NNumbes umbes () in using his natural arstic, rhhmic gi (2) to oercome tendencies of shyness, sensity and the desi sensity desire re to please pleas e others (2 (2)) as he pursues a lif lifem emee path of entertainment and creae selfexpression (3) So here we can see that the doubledigit
numbers (12) tell more ofJoshs story than just the 3
Rtducin Iwhich s No N omethod a DDit itaddion Planyou choose, youl hae to add your numbers No matter Is of together and then reduce The reduced number gies the simple, root number om which an interpretaon can be made Choo se the method Choose met hod that tha t feels feels ri right ght ffor or you Tr Try them all and see whi which ch one gie giess you the most informaon Dont be dismayed by all of these choices Your method of calcula calculaon on iiss on onee of the most important decisions youll make in your study of numerology If youre not sure, start w with ith Mehod #2 and reduce rst t tss our faorite faorite mehod The more you work with the reducing methods, the easier it wil bbee to nd the one that works for you Jus like diesooner or later, you nd one that reduces perfectly!
Lw mm Dm Youe already seen us refer to Master Numbers using two numbers: for example, 2 2 /4 or 1 1 2 2 en wri wring ng a Master Number, Number, youll ha haee two numbers to consider: he Master Number and the reduced number Theref Therefore, ore, it he heps ps if you write Master Numbers like his so you wil be conscious of working with both of the numbers inoled: or the Mas Master ter Num Number ber 1 1 1 12 ffor 22/4 for the Master Number 22 for the M Master aster N Number umber 33 3 3/6 for The same would b e ue ffor or all ooff the Master Numbers IIn n a Master Number, Number, the lower, or reduced, number is equally as important as the higher number and it is important to read he meaning meani ng of boh numbers numbe rs If you se seee a Master Number written as 1 1 or 22 or 3 3 it is sll a Mast Master er Numbe Number, r, yo youu just arent arent as conscious conscious of both numbers numbe rs and the their ir i ibraon braonal al quality when it is writte written n as 1 1 2 2 22/4 2 2/4 3 3/6 3/6
Pa : e Intuitive Powe Powerr of Nu Numbers mbers \heher youre working wih wih a Maser Number or any oher double doubledigi digi number youll be inere ineresed sed in he meaning of boh numbersi jus gives gives you more inf informa orma on If your resul is he Maser Number 22 /4 for example youll wan wan o inerpre boh he 22 and he 4 In he advanced sudy of numerology numerology you migh wan o con sider inerpreng he meaning of oher double doubledigi digi numbers iin n your cchar har much like
we did in he exam example ple ofJosh Grobans birhday birhday..
Wk W k w w Db D b D D Some numerologiss give a lo of credence o he doubledigi number. This is because a number wih wo or hree digis giv gives es ad added ded informao informaon n o he ro roo o number in consideraon consideraon Double or mulple digiizer digiizerss wrie hese numbers numbers as 2 1 /3 1 /8 or 1 03/4 Boh he sing single le roo number and he ddouble ouble number are considered ffor or numerological analy analysi siss For example le less look a he 1 5 \hen we re reduce duce 1 5 we add h hee 1 5 o nd he roo number 6 Now le le ss say you waned o know he Life Pah Number for your son You would add up he numbers of his dae of birh sa say y Feb Februar ruar 1 8 2 002 002 and reducing aass you go nd ha i adds up o a 1 5/6 2
9 (1
8) 4 (2
0 0 2) /
The number 6 ells us ha his young man will have a pah o walk in his life ha brings responsibiliy du nururing and care for ohers However if you look a he 1 5 yo youu noe ha boh he 1 and he 5 are o be considered considered hey show how hel helll go abou his Lif Lifee Pa Pahh 6 ddues ues.. In oher words he may be facing responsibili and du duyy bu will wan wan o be independen (he 1 ) abou he Easy as 1-2-3 way he goes abou hese dues and will also demand eedom om me o me (he 5). Yo' ga ga gh n n o the
delyng cocern o he d recton tha gen to the merologca tepetaton of a nge root, o educed, number, by loong at the doble dg mber dg mber aa el el n h ay a y you ca e eee the ull eergy motat mot atng ng he bae num n umbe ber.r.
Geng he ll numerological energ of he roo number is acually much easier han i migh appear a rs glance. Firs look o he reduced number for your inerpreaon Then look a he doubledigi number o see wha oher inuences are inv involv olved. ed. If working wor king wih he doubledigi number is oo much oo soon and youre no ready for i jus concenae on he single roo or reduced numberheres plen here!
Now ha youve go he basics of how o gure your numbers i iss me o ssee ee wha hese numbers can ell you
Nu mbers Hve Menngs Pus Clculting t Numbers (hat 3 Numbers Numerolo Rule: Don reduce Maser Numbers! The ell of special aibues
Tht Mtanin Mtani n of Nu Numbtr mbtrss The ke o numerolog numerolog is: Each number has a specic meaning e inoduced ou o he numbers in Chaper 1 and wel gie our indeph analsis of he disnc mean ing and message of each each number in Par 2 of his book as well as he special meanings of he Maser and armic Numbers or now now hough hhere eress a deailed deail ed hand guide ou can use u se for quick reference reference o he mean meanings ings of he numbers
M M Nmb Qk Q k R R Number
Key Words and Concepts
umb 1 thgh 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9
Beginning independence innoaon leadership masculine principle Harmon uni relaonships cooperaion feminine principle Sang ones uh imaginaon opimism plalness creae expressn Building formaon hard work endurance seriousness praccali Change ansion progressie hinking resourcel eedom ersali promoion Balance Balan ce nururing serce oriened responsibili and du du famil famil focus marriage and diorce number domesc and work issues Analsis research science echnolog soliude wisdom spiriual focus inesgae m mscal scalbusiness meaphsical Auhori power nances success maerial wealh organizaion selfmaser Endings ision olerance ransformaon spiriual consciousness cosmic eaching global awareness perfecon
M umb
Maser of Illuminaon he inspiraonal messenger he number of ligh one who raises consciousness reformer of world problems wans o upli ohers inspires b eaching own uh onnue
Pa : �� lntuitiv� Pow�r of Numb�rs M M Nmb N mb Qk R R
Key ords and Concepts
Maser Bulder sonary; knows how o plan and execue large projec;; wans o rher conscousness of humankndespecally projec fem emnn nnee conscousnes conscousness; s; powerl sk sklls lls of manf manfesao esaon; n; he human aran
Teacher of Teachers maser of compasson maser of healng hrough loe use of creae energes o sere ohers
Kic umb
10 13 14 16 19
Renewal rebrh karmc compleon comple on maser maseryy begnnng agan wh conscusness Reworking Rewor king karmc karmc lazness hro hrough ugh dscplne dscp lne Reworking Rewor king karmc abuse of o f eedom hroug hroughh order ord er and sably Reworkng Rewor kng karmc abuse of responsbly and loe hrough sprual rebrh Reworkng karmc karmc abuse of power hrough leang o show com passon and sacred use of cosmc wsdom for he greaer good
The mos mporan numbers o ow are your e Core Numbers whch we no duced o you n Chaper 2 , and are he subjec of all of Par 3 of hs book book Y You ou can nd he meaning of your name and dae of bbrh rh usng numerology numerology Y Your our bih nam alone s composed of hree of he Core Numbers: he Soul Number Desny Num ber and Personaly Number Your Dae of Brh Numbers ge you a wealh of nformaon A you wll see hey ell you wha lesson youre worng on a a parcular age wha your poenal s for acheemen wha he heme s s for for each year of your lf lfee and wha whass nluencng you as o you do sle addou each year To undersand hs nformaon abou yourself all you hae Nex les Nex les look a he name and see ho how w adds up Ho How w yo youu ask can I add up my name? There are no numbe numbers rs n my name yes bu here are
Alpha Alp habt bt Soup: Sou p: Lt Lttr trss ino i no Numbtrs Nu mbtrs In ese numerology or Pyhagorean numerology wheneer we calculae a word such as your name or he name of he see you le on or when we wan o dscoer he meanng of a word we assgn numerical alues o leers of he alphabe
Nu mbers Have Meanings, Plus Plus Calculating te NNum umber berss (hatr Numbers Remember ha when agoras rs deised deis ed h hee sysem of numerolo numerology gy,, he no noed ed ha eeryhing in he world is made up of numbers, and so appied numbers o he Arabi alphabe Using he numbers 1 hrough 9 he ame up wh a har ha allowed hm o deipher he meaning of any name
L L N Nmb mb Her e is a handy one Here onersion rsion har youl youlll nd usel as yyou ou alula alulae e h hee numerial numerial energy of leers an andd words.
L L Nm Nmb b A
L u
D M v
E N w
You may wan wan o ab his page o refer oo as you read his book book Bu, hard as i may be o beliee belie e righ n now ow,, eenually eenually,, youll youl l mem memoriz orizee he number ffor or eah lleer. eer. II jus akes prae! One Pyhagoras had he numbers o g ure a persons name, he had a emendous ool for seeing ino he hidden essene of ha person, and so i was hough hough ha anyone who ew his mehod of deoding a name ould see ino he soul. Thas why his numerologial informaon was arelly guarded and an d aug augh h only in he My Mysery sery Shools o deoed sudens swo o serey serey
Eay a 123 A you o from glih ca, ca , he h e ete ete y y may be coiee a oel or a co oa, epeig o the or o ame For a fl i i cio o the ue of the leer y, refer to Chapte 1
Bu now you ow he sere! M's Nts
aciet me, eoteric chool, cale Mytery School, tae eaer of hmaity io ay of og the la o iea cpe Thee chool trae iiiate i he h e he meag o h hee my myee ee of life t a a tee tee pual rra a g. g . Pythag ythag ora oue hi Mytey School appoxmaely 500 hee he aught elelpefecto, phoophy, ciece, ocal refom, mc, arology, atroomy, umeoogy, uito, hygiee, mece, a eaerhia myee o the time.
ntuitiv Powr of Nu Numbrs mbrs Pa Pa : ntuitiv
O way to start is to look lo ok at how to caculate a rst name Do we know any easy way Oprah's? Let's say your rst name is Oprah Using the letter chart, we nd the corresponding numbers for for each letter of her name: =6 P7
R=9 A 1 H=8
When you add up all of the numbers, you will see that 3 is the total for Oprah. Unless you arrive arrive at oone ne of the Master Numbers, as we've said before, before, you reduce any twodigit sm by adding the numbers together In this case, the sum for Oprah is 3 1 , or 3 = 4 so the name Oprah is a 4 neroogy, it's thought that a person's rst name reveas her or his most personal lessons We ll discuss more about the meaning of names names in i n Chapter 10, when we tak t ak about your ll name as your desny desny.. No Now w let's look at the meaning of the name Oprah. The name Oprah adds up to a 4 so we know that certain things are ue about this name For example, because the 4 is symbolic of the builder, you can expect that a woman ith e name Oprah will want to build her life around security and perma nency ll that she undertakes is done to build toward something. She can work hard, but has a high need for security, and somemes can be more controlling and rigid than she would like to be She has excellent abilies to organize and manage projects and as a 4 she will use a praccal, honest approach to anything in her life. You can trn to Chapter 5 for a detailed analysis of the number 4 We get to ow all that and moreom just one number! Sound like an Oprah we know?
Nm N m Y Y W W Later, when wh en you wil willl be gurin guring g four four of th thee ve Core Numbers of your your Numer Numerology ology Proleyou Pro leyourr Des Desny ny,, Soul, Persona P ersonality lity,, and Matrity Numbe Numbers rsyou'l you'l be working with some aspect of the name you were bo with We're talking about the ll name appearing on your birth cercate, even if you don't like it or never use it
Nu mbes HHve ve Meigs, Pus Clcultig e NNumbers umbers (hat 3 Numbes
Nmeroogy is working wih yor e Nmeroogy ery ry essenc essence, e, which means yor original, pr pree ibraon. e e can ge ge ha ony wih yor origina name nam e There are a o ooff wonder wonderl l sories abo names gie gien n o a birh, sch as Carol s Carole, where he "e was le o he birh cercae and she wen hro hrogh gh 50 5 0 year yearss of her ife ife hinking she was so someone meone oher han who she realy was or a baby in a hospial gien anoher baby's name The philosophy behind sing he name gien gien a birh is ha here are no misakes I follows ha he name gien o yo a birh was no no a misake. mis ake. Howe Howeer er,, clerical errors do occr and if his is he case for yo, se he original birh name ha was
inended for yo when yo are doing nmerological calclaons. calcl aons. Js be sre o check he spelling on yor birh cericae The nmerology schoo of o f hogh goes somehing ike his: Yo were gien he ery name yo go becase i is he correc se of ibraions yo wi need o achiee yor desiny,, o work on yor kar desiny karmic mic lessons, and for yor yor sol o express iself lly lly in his lifeme I's I's al also so hogh ha yo seec seeced ed yo yorr parens when yo were back in "s "sol ol a and, nd, and hey agreed o be a channel for yor birh and life on Earh. The name decided for yo mean o beexising as anLeopod iniieII, momen mome ffor or is yo yor r parens. yo werewas named aer yor grea ncle he n poin Yor nameEen is noifa misake.
Uve Uve Law: l hings happen according o a Maser Plan or Maser Design e all hae ee will o make cho choices ices ffor or how we lie he Maser Plan
A Nm A Nm Nm hen yo don' know yor original name, yol gre he nmbers of yor Nm Nmer er ology Prole wih he name yo were gien a adopon, becase his name is he essence or ibraonal paern yo grew ino So wha if yo don' know yor birh name? name ? Yo wi simply gre a pro proee ffor or he adoped name Howeer name Howeer,, if yo shod ha haee boh a birh name and an adoped or changed name, hen se he original name for he pre essence of
Sxs and Svns
. l
en f you'e chne yo birth nme roppe it or one to ret lenhs to he the "corec "co rect"t" nme pt on your brth b rth certice, yo'll still nee to use your oiin ntene nme if you he ccess to tto fi ure your Nmerolo N meroloy y ofi ofi le
Pa : � lntuitiv� lntu itiv� Pow�r of Num Numb�rs b�rs you numbs Thn gu anoth po fo th nam you cam to iv by. This scond po wi show who you hav bcom Not supising supisingy y,, th qustion qust ion of a maid maid nam is on bought bought up Th maid nam is gud spaaty om you oigina bith nam, and shows what ngy o ssons you addd to you if duing th piod you caid that nam. of you v Co Numbs main th sam as thy w at bith Th maid nam is what ngy you dw to youthat you ndd to a th nt stp. ways gu you maid nam spaaty om you bith nam It is not pat of you oigina Numoogy Po. You' nd out mo about a th amicaons of naming by th th numbs in Chapt Chapt 2200
W Y Y y y F F Nm N m N Nmb mb y Ab YY A you and in Chapt 1 , you Bithday Numb is th numb of th day of th month you w bo ik th nam on you bith ccat, it cannot b atd, athough you can choos to go by a dint nam o ag in you pubic if Phaps you bith nam is ic but you aways go by i, and ys, you giv you bith ya as 1969, no 1959and most of th m, you actay gt away with it! But that won't wok in you Numoogy Po, wh you nd to us th nam and dat codd at yo bith Not that you Bithday Numb is not on of you v Co Numbs, but its inunc is potnt a of you if, and it's paticuay potnt btwn you 28th and 56th bithdays. Th numb fo you st nam is ony on pic usd to intpt th who ngy of you Dsny Numb So what a th numbs fo your Bithday Numb and Fist Nam Numb? t's bgin th pocss of vaing vaing you numb numbs s an andd what thy man. W' stat with you Bithday Numb, Numb, which you idnd idn d in Chapt 1 My Ponal Infation fation
My st nam as it appas and is spd on my bith ccat is Th dat of bith on my bith ccat is M n th :
D ay :
Yea r :
My Bihd Bihdy umb
Th day of th month upon which I was bo is (cic th appopiat numb fo th day) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 27 2288 29 3300 3 1
Nu mb�rs Hv� M�nings, Plus Plus Clcultin Clcultingg t� Nu Numb�rs mb�rs (hatr 3 Numb�rs
From calculaons you did in Chapter to determine your Birthday Number, ll in you Birthday Number. you My Birthday Number is
My Birthday Num Number ber reveals (trn back to Chapter 1 to lea eeach ach number' number'ss signi cance and write in a few key words here) My Fi Fi Name Name Numbe Number r
Write the letters of your rst name, as it appears on your birth cercate, using the spaces below. If there aren't enough spaces, write in more (and what a long rst name you have!) have!)
Letters of your rst name:
Corresponding number for for each letter
um of the numbers for for the let letters ters in your rst name . My First Name Number reveals (use The Meaning of Numbers Quick Reference Guide in this chapter to get an ial interpretaon) about my personal lessons
Now, you're oon Now, n your way to understanding how numbers can reveal so many things about you, leading to insights about your core essence and life purpose. Before we connue to help you use numerology to rther illuminate your path, let's look, in Partt 2 at the energies of ea Par each ch num number ber,, the through the 9, as well as the special import of the Master and Karmic Numbers
Y N N Kw
Numerology believes that all things are related
Rememberr to reduce the number Remembe numberss rst, aand nd then add ad d them across across The letters in your birth name and the numbers in your birthday have meaning Use the name you were bo with and your precise birth date to gure your Numerolog Nu merology yP Prole role It' It'ss easy to create creat e a Numerology Numerology Prole of your own
nr nry y of 1 r ro o 9, ls ls str st r N Nm m brs brs n n Krmi rmicc NNm mbr brss Numerologiss believe ha each number has is own special meaning The number 1 for example being rs narally likes o lead, whie he number 5smack in he middleis oen a uing poin and change
caalys while he 9 signals compleon and he end Then here are he Maser Num Number berss 1 1 2222 , and 3 3 ha resonae resonae o sll highe higherr e equencie quencies, s, and he he ar armic mic Num Number berss 1 1 3 1 16 and 1 9 ha ha prese presen n some lessons all heir own
b bs 11,, 2, 3: 3:
ndpn nd pnd dnc nc, H a mony, mony, a n d Jo J oyf Sf- S f-xp xpss son on e e
Number 1 is sefsuient and wants to lead Number 2 is sensive and gentle and wan to support Number 3 is entusiasti and energe and wants to reate Te spirit spiritua ua essene essene of te 1 , 2 and 3 Te energy energy of numbers numbers 1 , 2 and 3
If you wa want nt to ligt a re under a projet, get a 1 on board If you wa want nt a paent, supporve, detaied team player, get a 2 on your sta If you want a quik, lever, ontagiously person to ligten up te sene, get a 3 Ea of tese tree numbers as learly idenable qualies and is unique in its energy energy.. Te 1 , 22 and 3 reve revea a a sared yle: yle: te number of re aon; 2 te number of assimi assimilaon laon and 3 te number of exp expre ression. ssion. Tis iad reates a treestage aon of te mind or way of tougt
Pa Pa : Te T e [ner [nergy gy of Troug 9, Plus Mster Num Number berss nndd Krmic NNumbers umbers formation: 1 , the number of impression; 2 the number of reimpression, and 3 the number of expression expression In this chapter, chapter, we examine various ffacets acets of the number numberss 1 , 2 , and 3 incuding the energy ener gy of each numb number, er, a pee at if ifee with each of the number numberss (shoud you be iing with one of these three), as we as the spiritua essence, specia abiies, and paces of growth for each number W Wee a aso so thought you woud wan wantt to now some ey words associated with each number, as we as the asoogica equivaent, the matching Tarot card, the eters, and the poarity, coors, gems, and owers, so we've created a chart for each number tha shows i correspondences
Numbtr Lt Ltadt adtrr of ht Pack hat maes a eader? Knowing what one wants, having the courage to go to the head
of the pac, having sength of i, and haing the wit, inteigence, and quicness to execute the pan Independent and headsong, the 1 is both ambious and determined Never aaid to try try somehing n new, ew, the 1 wi b body ody go where no on one' e'ss gone bef before" ore"but but sedom goes with the o ow" w" He or she wi begin it ith are and a burst of enthusiasm. The 1 assesses what needs to be done with the speed of ight and then executes the pan in about the same amot of time, a the whie ordering everyone around He or she means no harm he or she is just into the power of his or her 1 energy The drive and focus he or she wi bring to the jobany jobare hamars of the number 1
Easy as 1-23 The he he nu mber o o iiaton ii aton and acio, a cio, the selfmoti selfmotiaed aed eade
Maybe you won't be abe to te a 1 what to dobut you won't nd him or her waing for anyone to te him or her what to do either hie you may s be tang, the 1 wi be ong gone, aready into the thic of the acon
he Nuer : Independence Pioneering spirit, songied, innovave, Key ords soogca Equvaent arot Card Equvaent
courageous, determined, and smboizes the beginning Aries The Magician and the Aces of each Minor rcana suit
Chat � Numb�rs Num b�rs 3 lnd��n lnd ��nd�nc�. d�nc�. Harmony and Joyfu S�lfr�ssion Leer Polari Color Gem Flower
A and S Yang Rd, am, cardinal, burgundy Ruby or gat Lily for purity, purp ilac for rst moons of lov, sag for stm, all rd owrs for boldnss
Ms Ns
Taro cad, another meaphycal too, peet a ymboc pcture o the elemen of ie The Th e TTaot aot dec de c i dided di ded t to oo pat: he Mao Arcaa Arcaa ad a d h hee Mi Mio o Acaa Acaa The Magica Magic ann card, cad of he aro aro'' Majo Majo Acaa, ha the ab y to create create hi o he o realiy, realiy, a nd ometime epre epreen en the need to id a e di rectio in i n e e Si Simi milary lary,, the act of ceating oe' on realy ey mch he doma o the dependen,
edected . The Ace edected Ace al our o the ut u t of the ao ao ae epeeed epeeed by a pepedicula Cp, Wad, Penacle, or Sod The meaig eman the ame or a four A ne begning i foretold
y I Th nrgy of th numbr is intnsly acv, with a driving dtrminaon to gt ahad Thr's a mntal vigor hr, and it rsul in th goalorintd, masculin xprssion of acv, forcl, couragous nrgy It is a dirct and dirctd nrgy Th basic maning of th 1 is nrgy in a stat of prptal moon Th has th powr to crat, dvlop, and gov all things prtaining to this arthy lif, lik th Tarot card, Th Magician Th how howvr, vr, rquirs a complt ovrc ovrcoming oming of o f slf bfor bf or it attains i highst succss
m m I Th is th numbr of nw bginnings It always signals a nw m is about to bgin, that nw opportunis can b xpctd, and that all will b don with courag and th intnt to gt th job don This is th numbr of iniaon I its driv to gt things don, th 1 will iniat, mov on it," and is on impant to gt going Waing isn't th 's fort, unlik th 2 . You can think of th 1 as nrgy that that bgins al acon, ac on, who lads th way to a n nw w dircon
Pa : Te [nergy of Troug 9 Plus Mser Numbers nd Kmic NNumbers umbers
L L w A wi ll e numbers life wi e cn bring bo blessings nd cllenges Te s insisence on con cn men i won olere ny dillydllying nd i song opinions cn somemes mke i conry. A owe owever ver won won cre muc if oe oers rs nd im or er conry or forcel becuse bo of ose re very muc pr of wo 1 is
I Te blessings of e 1 re is condence creiy nd l energy s well s is feisy eisy selfsrer spiri. eop eople le song inuence in eir umerology roles ro les will nd i esier n ny oer number o inie ings nd o ge resul. Is is independen sprk of e s so inving
Te wek side of e is lck of selfeseem selfeseem self selfconsciousness consciousness n ndd e sggle o believe in e iger self Te needs o le o believe e or se is cpble of meeng he cllenges of life o ve courge nd o be deerminedeven wen heres doub wiin.
L Te lesson of e number 1 is is person will be reuired o overcome e negve expressions of self o in is or er iges success Tis is mos promi nenly seen in e opinioned wo oends oends ever everyone yone wi cless cless songly sed opinions. Te s ggr ggressiveness essiveness for exmple is oen cover for iis s lonenes lonenesss nd nd lck of self self condence Te lesson ffor or he 1 is i mus seek he rig environmen environmen in wic i sengs cn rive. rive. Y Youve ouve go o pu e s in wi e grounded or e edonco 8s rer hn e mid 2s or e idelisc dremer 9s. o pen emselves s need o le o surround surround emselves emselves wi people more p pen en n emselv em selves es (6s ve lo of pence) pence) wo e sme me me will no be id o snd up o he 1 wen necessry. Individulisc innovve nd originl originl noings go going ing o ge bby y e nder snding he s need o be rs rs goes long wy owrd undersnding undersn ding is endency o pus everyone else ou of e wy o ge ere. Similrly undersnding ll e nunces of e 1 cn elp you le o live wi is forcelnessweher youre e or someone you you lo love ve (or don!) is.
Chat Th� Nm�r N m�rss 3 lnd�p�n lnd �p�nd�nc� d�nc� Harmony and Joyfl S�f-pr S�f-prion ion
Re Re w e Despite its ability to sta aloe, the ca make a goo ie, a oe uses its sese of humor to get oer the rough spots (quickly!) he is aso a goo coersatoalist, oe usig wit, itelligece, a isight to spice up faorite topics Like the oeooe relag is its preferece. Howeer, i groups, the 1 will sta apart, it oest realy like people it oest kow the e, the remais a loer at heart, because the 1 cosiers him or herself ieret ieret om om the others \he seekig relaoships, the looks for attraceess i others, as well as a sog persoaity, persoaity, stregth of character, a a self se lfcoece coece that ca match its o. he oest boreom, aythig oriary, or ayoe who emas too much of itthe likes ike to be the perso oig the emaig! At the same me, the is ery sesie to others approal or cricism, a if it seses ay is approal, o matter how mior, it may become agry a resetl. A litte praise will go a lo log g wa way y with with a 1but the 1 ees to
Sixs ad Svs A people h a 1 Life ath Numbe Nu mbe ll e yo,
remember that praise is a toway seet, ot a oeway alley! he 1 likes to be i charge, so it ca appear bossy, warm, a it ees a mate of a strog character whos paet, a capable of staig o his or her ow. Loe a aecto are ery importat to the 1, a i fact the 1 wot reach its potetal uless its uerstoo at home.
tend to jmp ft and then he to ee if hee' hee' aer aer iinn the pool pool f f yo you're u're a , you probably o abo bungee jumping projet, miment,ino or ne ine i net tmen. men. om
W m W m e 1 Approal, acty acty, a ambio are of primary importace to the 1 . a aio io,, the 1 prefers to work aloe a likes to be the oe exporig a tryig out ew thigs he 1 ees to be creae a is oe the esetter or ture forecaster he 1 also alues obeiece, the ew, iepeece, a matters of priciple Not a physical laborer, the 1 lies o the metal plae he creatie 1 sies for orig iality i its thikig a has the courage to be origialthe pioeer" Acooriete 1s are also goo i busiess, a ca o wel with aces whe it itss about the goo of others rather tha persoal presge. he 1 is especially qualie to hea up just about aythigas log as there are oth ers there to keep the ball rollig oce the 1 has got it starte: 1s like to start it, but ot to sck arou a maage it
Pat he nergy of Tho Thogh gh 9 Pls Master Nmers Nm ers and and Ka Karmic rmic N Nmers mers A a hihpord ibraio h 1 is h hir ad plar quiid ad rady o sar no!
(osmi (os micc (onntcio (onntcionn o ha a umbrs umbrs ry raslas o r r als alsoo aar o h umroloial ib" r om somo or somhi Th bs you mih pi up om a prso ih sro 1s i hir Cor Numbrs ( disuss h Cor Numbrs i Par 3 or om a 1 hous umbr ( disuss h umbrs or your hous ad aparm i Par 5) or i a 1 Prsoal Yar ( disuss h Prsoal Yar umbr i Par ar as oos
diidualisi ad ioa Sris ou alo adsro impai impulsi Symbolially dos a sar
I Spiriual umroloiss bli ha ah umbr rprss a uirsal priipl hih is a sp i h y ylial lial oluo o al alll his. ry um umbr br ibra ibras s o a ir mai ad i should b o surpris ha h ibras h spiri o all his as i h 1 r r h spiri" o h ora oraiao iao or somhi as do ih h rih spiri"
G G Th umbr 1 smbolis h spiri a h r o all his. I sads or spiri" hih should o is o h sam as h soul" Spiri is h masuli spiriual priipl h r or h spar ad soul is h mii spiriual priipl
Easy as 1 23 Easy n numerology, o numbers as consiere to be be yan yang g hile hi le een numbers are consiere to be be yin .
Th rh say i is 'esp de coeu o r h spiri spiri o h har" ad i mria say h or sh is a spirid o" Th 1 is h ss o h ial pulsai impri o bii ry hih pas al his hi s hih ar abou o b brouh io raliy raliy This bii oms omp ih a spar o spiri.
Chat h Nmrs N mrs 3 lndpn lnd pndn
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