Key Lagerquist, Lisa Renard-The-Complete-Idiot's Guide-to-Numerology PDF

October 10, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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"One of the cearest books o numeology I have ead . I did't want to pt t dow, eve though I know the sject we! I elt as i te authos wee chattg wth me y the feside. -Carol Adriene PhD master numeroogst an coathor wth James Rediel of T Ci opcy:  Expa Gd

Release the power of spirtual nmerology in your life

Kay Lagerquist PhD and Lsa Lenard



Dear Reader, \as n a nmber? We beee nmbers ar aree he cosmc code of he n erse Undersandng he hgher and oer braons he nmbers 1 hrogh 9 (0 oo!), as e as he Maser Nmbers andofarmc Nmbers and ho o se hese energes o or benes ha nmeroog s a abo. d a o need o ge sared s he dae of or brh and he e ers of or or name Use nmeroog o nock he secres of or e Core Nmbers. Wheher s he bes career choces reeaed b or fe ah Nmber, he prpose n or fe fond n or Desn Nmber, he secre ongng has od b or So Nmber, he mage o projec reeaed n or ersona Nmber, or he mdfe drecon oered b or Mar Nmber, nmeroog ges o an eas gde for ndersandng h hngs go he a he dd for o and he bes drecon for ng ne h he nmbers Yo aso dscoer he energ of or ersona Year, ersona Monh, and een ersona Da Nmbers. From nme nmeroog roogs s Major Cces o earn he nara mes of naon, prodc, and hares And b nder sandng nmeroogs nnace and Chaenge Nmbers, o be pre pared o ake he bes adanage of or poena for sccess and mee an possbe dces head-on h ees open f ore ookng for an eas, fooproof, and, mae, sccess ss em of mprong or fe b knong orsef, ook no rher han nmeroogand hs book oo, can aphe hehghes secresbraon of he grea cos mc code, and e or fe nYo, harmon h of he nmbers. h gh,

Ka agerqs, hD


sa enard

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Th book b ook  dedicated to all of you who ng r meaning and want to undeand how to live l ive your l with conscioess and move with th ow. As our e st itu l jou  to "ow Thyse  manted  the Orace o Delphi in thagoras' tme, I o r the wm of numero  a ght on the path. May you be i  d to the t he ig est and best exres exresszon szon your soul' puose puose through the numbe. numbe. Ky Apl, 

ALHA Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Group (USA) nc., 375 Hudson Seet, New York, New York 10014, USA Penin Group (Canada), 90 Eginton Avenue East, Sute 700, Toronto, Ontao M4P 2Y3, Canada (a division of Pearson Pengun Canada nc) Pengun Books Ltd, 80 Sand, London WC2R England Penguin reland, 25 St Stephen's Green, Dubl 2, Ireland (a division of Pengui Books Ltd) Pengun Group (Ausalia), 250 Cambeell Road, Cambeell, Vctoa 3124, Ausalia (a diision of Peaon Ausalia Group Pty Ltd) Penguin Books ndia Ltd, 11 Communi Cene, Panchsheel Pak, New Del-110 017, India Penguin Group 67 Aollo Drve, Rosedale, Noh Shore, Auckand 1311 New Zealand (a divsion of Pearson New Zealand Ltd.) Penguin Books (South Aca) (P.) Ltd, 24 Srdee Avenue, Rosebank Johannesburg 2196, Souh Aca Pengun Bks Ltd, Regstered Oces: 80 Sand, London WC2R England


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(ontns a a 61anct 61an ct  

The Intuitive Power of Numb Nuerology andYour andYour rh rhday day  The sdom of Nuerology Number Numerolo elores your energetc essence as revealed through your brth name and bh te Numerology gy 2 The Phlosophy of Numerolo A quck tour of numerolo 3 Numbers Have Meanngs Plus Calculang he Numbers A quck rrence gud gudee to th thee numberspl metho r ang and redung numbe, and conveng letters to numbers


The {ney {ney of  Thugh  Plus Master Numb and Karmi( Numbers 4 The   2 3 Independence Harmony Numbers and Joyl SelfExpresson All about the unque energetc vbraton of o fthe numbers 1, 2, and 3 5 The Numbers 4 5, 6 Sably Change and Responsbly All about the unque energetc vbraton of the numbers 4, 5 and 




 4


6 The Numbers  8  Inuon Power and Transformng Compasson All about the unque energetc vbraton ofthe numbers 7 88


and 9  The Maser Nubers   22 3 3  and More The ecal meanng and resonance ofthe Master Numbers.


8 The Karmc Nubers 0 3 4 6 and   A oser ok at the lessons nherent n both the oppountes and dcultes cultes presented  the Kc Numbers.


Your Rve ore Numbers: Ufe th Destiny Soul, Personality, and Maturity  Your fe Pah Number The road to puose and per; cautedom the numbers


of your brth te.





 Your Desny Number Wy you are here, your msson n l, and the drecton r hghest potental; calculated om the numbers of your brth name


 Your Soul Number ur hea' desre, your nner motvaton, and deep nner longng; calculated om the numbers r the voels ofyour bh name


 Your Personaly Number ur prerences and ho others see you; calculatedom the numbers r the consonan consonants ts of your brth name


3 Your Maury Number ur e se and the theme r the second haof l; cauted  ang together your L Path and Destny Numbers


Dvi nng the tre with Nmerology Dvinng CalculanggYour Pnnacle and an d Challenge Numbers  Calculan Fng your Pnnaes and your Chaengesour potental r achevemen ac hevementt and your potental potenta l dcultes cult es haYour Your Pnnacle and Challenge Numbers Mean 5 ha The meanng ofPnnaes ofPnnaes and Chaenges 1 through 9  Numerologys Maor Cycles The three l es es ofdevelopment: of development: atve, productve, and haest ces PersonalYear Number 7 Your PersonalYear

Z39 

59 73


The expected even of ener of each Personaleven, a , lessons, and natural o ofener

 5


8 Your Personal Monh Numbers Usng the ener of your Personal Month Numbers to your best potental


Living by the Nmber 9 Relaonshps by he Numbers Numerolo r lovers anden, en, and anyone ho an to reveal the energetc connectons n relatonshps

309 3

 Names by he Numbers Choosng the name that' rght r you, your chld your companyanyone or anythng youd lke to name!


House or paren, Is he Number ha Couns   "at your address reveals about your home.

3 47

Appdi  Furher Reading B Your Numerology Prole Index


369 3 73 377

Contns Pa : Th ntuiti ntuiti  Pow Pow  o umbrs u mbrs I Tht Wisdom of NumtroY ad our Bihday Bihd ay Numbtr

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The Intuive Power of Numbers .  ... Wat Numerolo Ca Dor Dor Y Yuu    4  4 Pred Pr edic icti tig g  th thee Numb Number er                       4 A Pla r L     5 Not So Ancient History  ..... ...5 The Father ofMathad ofMathad Numerolo      Pythagora Pythagora  dea of o fNumber ad Vbratio      Mr. L. D Baiett  .     .    D Juo J uo Jorda      7 Numerology Today  ......8 Looking for the Light . ...... 8 ur Five Core Number Five Poi ofLi ofLigh ghtt  ... ..... ... ... .... .... .. 9 Yur Coic Code. . . ... . 1 0 Your Birthday Number .. .. . !  Wat Yur Birthy Number Reveal About You . . 12 Birthday Number ( Through 9)  ...    12  Birthday Message for Friends, Famiy, and Special oves 8

Th t Phiosophy of NumtroY Z Tht


Numeroogy Works ike Feng Shui  ... .  Numbers and Our Lives .... . .. . . Dret Stroker Dret Dret Folk21 Spiritual Numerolo-t' Our y  ..22 More Than Mere Numbers .... . . .  .......... The Ed A-Be A  ... . . 25 Number a Mior .          25 The Nine-Year Growth Cyce  . .  ....7 te Numerolo Number 1 Through 9 . . .27 Niear Cycle  . 27 The Uiveral Yar  ... . .  . .28 Zero n't for Nuthin' .... ..  .....8


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 Numbt Havt Havt tais Pus Cacuai ht Numbtrs


Pick a Numbe Ay Numbe    3 3 Aitio Ai tio Meth Method od #1 #1 Aig Aig Aoss Aoss .. ... .  . ... ..  ........ ......... ........32 .32 Aitio Method #2 Reducig Fi Aig gether 3 3 Aitio Method #3: Aig Dow ..34   Method #4: DoubleDigit Aig . .37 36 Reducig s Not a Diet Pa     37 The Lowest Commo Deomiator.............................. ............................................. ................37 .37 rkig with Double Digi..38 The Meaig of Numbes  39 39 Alphabet Soup: Lettes ito Numbes    Lette ad Their Numbers ... 41 Oprah  a 4 . . ... ..... .... ..... ... ... ........ ........ ..... .. ... ...  ... ... .. ...... .... 42 The Name u re Bo th  ..42 Adopted Ad opted Names ad Name Chages ...43 Wat Yur Bihy ad Fir Name Numbers Say     44 About Yu 

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Nme   Staiity Mattes .. ........7  The Eer of ofthe the 4 ................................ ................................................. .................................. ..................... 71 The Timig Timig of the the 4 ... ................... ............................... ............................... ............................... .................. ... 71 L with the 4 .................... .................................... ................................ ................................ ........................ ........ 71 The Blei Bleig g of the 4 .................. ......... .................. ................... ................... ................... ................... ........... 71 The Challege r the 4 ................................. .................................................. ............................. ............ 72 The Leo Leo of o fthe 4................. ........ .................. ................... ................... .................. .................. ................ ....... 72 Retiohip Retiohi p with the 4       Wat' mportat to the 4 .................................. .................................................... ........................ ...... 73  

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Spitual sece of the 4 ............................... ............................................... ............................. .............4 4 Higher Groud ................ ................................. .................................. .................................. ........................ .......4 4 Raisig the Vbratio r the Number 4 ...................................... ......................................4 4 A Meditatio r the Number 4 .................................................. ..................................................5 The Numbe   n nYu Yu Numelgy Ple .............7 5 Numbe 5 : Eveybdy Changes  ...... ......... ....... ....7 6 The Eer Eer ofthe ofthe 5 .............................. .............................................. ................................ ...................... ......  The Timig Timig of the 5 ............... .............................. ............................... ................................ ...................... ......  L with with the 5       The Bl Blessig essig of the 5 ................................ ................................................ ................................ ....................8 8 The Challege r the 5 ............... ................................ .................................. .............................. .............8 8 The Lesso of the 5..   9 Retioships with the 5 .. .9 Wat' mportat to the 5 ................................. .................................................. ......................... ........80 80 Csmc Cnnecn ........ .......... .........8 Spitual sece of the 5 ..................................... ....................................................... ....................... .....88 0 Higher Groud ............... .............................. ............................... ................................ ............................ ............88 0 Raig the Vbratio r the Number 5 ....................... ...................................... ...............81 81 A Meditatio Meditatio r the Number Nu mber 5 .................................... .................................................. ..............82 82 The Numbe 5 nYu nYu Numelgy Pe ..........8  Numbe 6 The Numbe    Lve  ...... . ..............8 3 The Eer ofthe ofthe 6 ............... ................................ .................................. .................................. .....................84 84 The Tim Timig ig of the 6 ...................... ...................................... ............................... .............................. ...............84 84 L with w ith the 6 ................................... ................................................... ................................ ......................... .........84 84 The Blessig of the 6 ............... ................................ ................................. ................................. ...................86 The Challege r the 6 .................................. ................................................... ............................ ...........86 86 The Lesso of the 6 ............................... ............................................... ................................ ....................... .......86 86 Retioships with the 6 .................................. ................................................... ............................ ...........886 Wat' mportat to the th e 6 .............................. ............................................. ............................ .............888 Csmc Cnnecn .......................8 8 Spitual sece se ce of the 6 ................................. .................................................. ........................... ..........888 Higher Groud      .88 Raisig the Vbratio Vbratio r the Number 6 ...................................... ......................................89 89 A Meditatio r the Number Nu mber 6 ................ ................................. .................................. .................89 89 The Numbe 6 nYu Numegy Pe  .....9 


(otts 6 Tht Numbt , ,  Inuiion, Powtr, P owtr, and Transformin Transformin Compassion


Nmber 7 Lookg to the Ier Sef                   94



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Thee ThngsYou ThngsYou ant to Know bout Maste Nubes    I' I' No No a a Bei eing ng a Mase aserr Num Numer er                     122 Spirial G 123 a Mas Maser er Nu Num me ers rs Sha Share re in in Comm Common on                124  124 The Maste Nube Nube  The Sptua Messenge Messenge     5 Lea Le ain ingg o Suen uende derr o High Higher er Id Ideeal alss                  126  126

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Co Numbrs: Li Pat, Pat, Dstiny, Soul Soul,, Pa: Your i Co Prsonali Pr sonality, ty, and Maturity Maturity  Yo Lift Pah Nmbt



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Your r Diy Di y Numbtr  You 4 W hats Desed Des ed frYu? frYu?          ... .  ..  ..... .. .....  .. .....   .  .. ...  7 74 Wat the Destiny Numbe Re Reveals veals About u  ...............  ..    ..174 Finding Yu Destiny Numbe .  ...  ....  ....................... ...............1 75 Wat Name h hou I Use? se?              175  175 Adopted Ad opted Names .......................... .................... .  .............. ...... 176 I Neve Use That Name ...............  .  ...................... ..  .............177 I Had That Name  On a F Days ........ ...........................177 aed Names ............... ............................... ............................... ............................... ........................... ...........177 Moe oe Than Thee N Naames               177  177 nio enio o The Thid........ ................. .....  .....................177 Maied Names         178 178 Calating the Destiny Numbe  .  ..... ..... .......................  ... ..178 Reviewing the teps  Finding Yu Destiny Numbe ..............181  Wa Thrugh the Desy Numbers  ....  ... ...  ... ...   .  .  8 Numbe 1 Destiny .....  ...... ............................................. .  ....183 Numbe 2 Destiny ........  ........... ......................... .....................1 83 Numbe 3 Destiny ... .   .   .. ..  .......... .......................................183 Numbe 4 Destiny .............................................. ..... ...... .......184 Numbe 5 Destiny .................. ...................... .........................184 Numbe 6 Destiny ...........  ...................... ...... ..... ......... ..........184 Numbe 7 Destiny ....  ............  .......................... .....................184 Numbe 8 Deiny  .....................  .......... ................................1 85 Numbe 9 Destiny 18  185 Maste Numbe 112 Destiny ........................... ......................185 Maste Numbe 224 Destiny .....  ...........................................186 Maste Numbe 33/6 Destiny ........   ................................ .  ...186  Fa Nte but the Desy Number  86 86

  Your Soul Numbtr


The Heart f the Matter    9 Advanng the oul ............... ............................. ....................190 Watt Yu oul N Wa Numbe umbe lls Yu ..... ................  ....................190  

Contnts The ong of the oul ... ....................19 Using oul Numbe Ination .......................191 FidigYour Fidig Your Sou Number..   9 The as a el .............................192 W Not to Use the the as a el ..................194 Cauting Cau ting the oul ou l Numbe ....................194 ynchonizing ynchon izing the oul  oul Numbe and the Destiny Numbe Numbe .19 195 5


 96 Your Sou adYou adYou . aYour a YourNumber Sou Number Reveas bou bouYou You ..97 oul Numbe 1 ............... ............................... ................................. ................................. ........................ ........197 197 oul Numbe 2 ............................... ................................................ ................................. ........................ ........197 197 oul Numbe 3 ............................... ................................................ ................................. ........................ ........197 197 oul Numbe 4 ............................... ................................................ ................................. ........................ ........198 198 oul o ul Numbe 5 ............................... ................................................ ................................. ........................ ........198 198 oul Numbe 6 ............................... ................................................ ................................. ........................ ........199 199 oull Numbe ou Numbe 7 ................ ................................. ................................... .................................... ......................199 199 oul Numbe 8 .................................. .................................................. ................................. ...................... .....199 199 oul Numbe 9 ............................... ................................................ ................................. ........................ ........2 2

Mae oul Numbe Numbe 22 Numbe 11 ............................... .................................. ................. ................................... ........................ ......2 2 Maste oul ............................................... ........................... ...........21 21 Maste o oul ul Numbe 33 ............... ............................... ................................ ........................... ...........21 21 Othe Maste oul Numbe .............................. .............................................. ...................... ......21 21 PugYour Hear Hear ad a d Sou iio o I .. Twelve ys to Get a Pect Done...............22

IZ You Yourr Ptrsoali Numtr


Te OuerYou OuerYou     6 Figung the Pesona Numbe ...................26 ...26 Cauting the Pesonali Numbe .............26 7 a aYour Your Persoa Persoay bou bo u Yo Youu ................ ..28 Pesonali Numbey1 Number .............................. ...............Reveas ............................... ............................... Pesona Numbe 2 ............... .............................. ............................... ............................... .................29 Pesonali Numbe 3 .............................. .............................................. ............................... .................21 Pesonali Numbe Numbe 4 ..... .................21 Pesonali Numbe 5 ................ ................................. .................................. ............................. ............211 211 Pesona Numbe  .............. .............................. ............................... ............................... ..................212 Pesonali Numbe Numbe 7 .............................. .............................................. ............................... .................213 Pesonali Numbe 8 .............. .............................. ............................... ............................... ..................214 Pesonali Numbe 9 ................ ................................. .................................. ............................. ............215 215


diots uid uid ttoo um umrroO oO  Scond Scond di dition tion v  (omplt diots Master Personali Personali Number 11 1 1 ................................ ................................................ ................216 216 Master Personali Number 22 ............................ ........................................... .................... .....216 216 InnerYou, Inner You, uter uterYou You 7

1  Your Muri Numbtr


Your Mature Mature Sef IsYour IsYour wn True True Sef Se f 

Wat the Matu Number Number Ors ........220 ..220 The Matu Number Is Not Active in ar Ages Ages ...221 Fndng te Matur Number  Caulating the Maturi Number .... ............221 A Sample Matu Number ..................... .....222 222 FndngYour Fndng Your Maturty Number: vngYour vngYour fe to te Fuest        Intereting Intereti ng the Maturi Number ................224 Matu Number 1 ..................................................................224 ..................................................................224 Maturi Number 2 ..................................................................225 ..................................................................225 Matu Number Number 3 ............................... ................................................ ................................. ....................226 226 Maturi Number Number 4 .......................... .......................................... ................................. ........................ .......226 226 Matu Number 5 ..................................................................227 ..................................................................227 Matu Number 6 .................................. .................................................. ................................ ................228 228 Maturi Number 7 ... .................... ................................. ................................. .............................. .............228 228 Matui Number 8 ............................... ............................................... ................................. .....................229 229 Matu Number 9 ......................... .......................................... ................................. ........................ ........230 230 Master Maturty Numbers .3 Maer Maturi Number 11 ............................................ .................................................... ........231 231 Master Mauri Number 22 ............... ............................... ................................ ..................... .....232 232 Master Mau Number 33 ....................................................233 ....................................................233 .234 3 ookng for te Number Maturtyand Number n l gt. Paces The Matu Another' Soulte Number .. The Matu Number with the Personali Number .. ..235 The Matu Number with the Destin Destinyy Number . . . . .235 The Maturi Maturi Number with the L Path Number .... . .236 Mari Number to Maturi Number .............. 237 Yur Maturi Number Number aand nd the Personal Yar ... ..237  Few Fe w Words bout boutYou Yourr Matu Maturty rty Number and Mdlfe 37


(ontnts (ont nts v Pa ' Divin Divinin in t �utur �utur wit Num NumrroO oO I" Calculai Your Piat Piat ad Challtt Numbt

                  

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Predicve Numeroogy            242 Your Persoal Bes      242 Pinnaes qual Attainmen Attainmen       242 Finding Yu Pinnae Numbes     243 A lk Though a Sample Pinnace Cha  244 Finding u Own Pinnaes  246

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Figung the Length of the Pinnale Pinna le  249 Some Pinnaces of Yu Own     2 0 The Chaege Number         2 1 Caulating Yu Chaenge Numbe 22 A lk Though a Sample Chaenge    23 Some Challenges of Yu Own     2 The Cipher: The Zero      26 Pu g It A All ll Toge Toge her          27

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Majo Cyces 7  7 Geing the ming Right Right 274

Cauting the Majr Cyes 276 Sme Pred Pre dictins f ur Own 2 77 The Meanings Meanings of the Mao Cycles 78 Majr Cye Number 1: An Active Cye 278 Majr Cyle Number 2: A Slw Cye279 Majr Cye Number 3: A me fSeressin fSeressin and Jl Living 279 Majr Cyce Number 4: A Time f Putting Things in Order 279 Majr Cyce Number 5 A Freeing Cye 280 Majr Cye Number 6 A Cye r Maiage Fami, and Respnsibi  280 Majr Cye Number 7: A Cye r Delving Deeper Deep er280 Majr Cye Number 8: A Cye fMney fMney and Recitin 281 Majr Cye Number 9: A Cyce f Seess Seice and Reward     281 Majr Cye Master Number 1111 2: A Cye f Iumi Iuminati natin n  282 Majr Cye Master Number 224: A Cye f nus Ptential 282 Majr Cyce Master Number 33/6 A Cye f Cic Lve 283

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Your Ptoal Moh Mo h Numbtrs


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Pa 19 Rtlaioships ivin by tby Numbrs ht Numbt

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Finding Your Sou Mat ............... ............................... ................................. ............................. ............3 3 Mastr Numbr Raonships ................. ................................ ............................. .................. .... 3  hn or Numbrs Match Up ................ ................................ .............................. .............. 3  L Matches Matches                 315 Destiny Matches                  315 Mauri Matches                       316 Personali Matches               316



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 ZO Namt by ht Numb


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he Nu Number 5 H Hou ouse se                 358 he Chaenge Chae nge of o f a 5 Hoe              359 he Nu Number 6 H Hoouse                  359 he Chaenge of a 6 House              360 he Nu Number  H Hooe                360  360 he Chaen Chaenge ge of a  House            360 he Num Numbe berr 8 House ouse               361  361 he Cha Chae eng ngee r an 8 Hous Housee                  361 he Num Numbe berr 9 Hou House se               362  362 he Cha Chaen engge ofa 9 H Hou ouse se              362  362 Moe Numes You fe  363 363 Yur O Box  363 Yur Hometn         364 364 Yur Ph Phone Number                 365  365 It's  the Numes                                     367

Appndix  �uhtr Rtadi9 B Your umtlo9y Plt dtx

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Numerology, the study of the spiritual quali Numerology qualies es of numbers and letters, has been one of o f the greatest gis in my lif life. e. Using the guidance of this this ancient owl owledge, edge, I changed my life forever in 972 when I selected a new last name for myself aer my divorce. In one of those amazing snchronicies upon which you reect years later, I was guided to make the acquaintance of a woman named Ruth Drayer in Santa Fe, New Mexico In a casual conversaon, I mentioned to Ruth that I had had a persistent thought for for the ast ffew ew months that I ought to change my name I didn't want to take back my maiden name and had not made any real move to nd a new one. Ruth said, Oh, if youre going to change your name, you ought to use numerology to har monize the new name with your birth date in order to create the best Destiny for that birth date" I had never heard of his system, but I was eager for Ruth to work out my chart. We stared with my birth name and birth date, and when I saw her simple, handwritten

chart, a light literally went on in my head! I was fascinated to see that there is a blue print of our desny hidden wihin he energies energies of our name and birthda birthday. y. I selected s elected my last name, Adrienne, because I had always liked the sound of it, and I had given it to my daughter as a middle name. Spelling it Adrienne instead of Adrian happened to coincide to the total numbers in my birth dateso that was he best choice thout a doubt, the name I now have, Carol Adrienne, which totals to he number   has opened up my lif lifee path in wa ways ys I could never hav havee believed pos possible sible Litle did I realize then thenbeing being a novice ttoo the syste systemth mthat at he   put me on a path, while ver challenging, that has given me my livelihood, success, and insight into he mysteries of the spiritual quest. For this I am forever gratel Throughout the years, the accuracy of the numbers has been astounding Numeroog, I found, explains the various personalities within dierent families. It can also highlight the possible atacons and conicts between couples For me, numerolog num erolog has pro provided vided con conrmaon rmaon of lif lifee decisions about when to move, change jobs, start new projects, buy propert, be paent, and even nd a mate or get pregnant. Over the years, I've received many leters and phone calls om people who report that events unfolded right in line wih the adce of the numbers I am delighted to be able to recommend The Complete Idiot Guide to Numerolo, Second Edition, by Kay Lagerquist and Lisa Lenard because it is one of the clearest and easiest easi est books on numero numerology logy that I have read They obvio obviously usly love their sub subject, ject, and this book is so well writen and well laid out, that the reader will have no trouble immediately putng the information to use I didn't want to put it down, even though I know the subject well! I felt as if the authors were chating with me by he r reside eside


tout a doubt umbers iuece our lives If we ope our eyes to tis idde spirital kowledge we ave iti our grasp a priceless ituive tool For exampe oe of o f te te most  uses of umerology is to add up te umbers i your ouse or aparet Il Illl ever e ver forget forget oe day durig a ver very y very callegig part par t of my lif lifee we I was beig eated for breast cacer goig troug a divorce starg a llme couselig pracce movig ad avig acial probems I was stadig i te sower ad reaized tat my ouse umber 2078 ot oly added up to 8 (moey ad legal matters) but also represeted eve umber of my karmic lessos (karmic essos are te missig umbers of your ameI ad o let-

ters for te umbers 2 7 or 8 i my ame) No woder I tougt tat tigs were a bit dicey ere y ext ouse umber was 1015, wic added up to 7 Tis ew ouse gave me a me of ealig a good place to write i soitude ad a simple life I te moved to 664 , addi addig g agai to 8 8  but also rep represe reseg g my 6 Soul Number 6 Desy ad te 41 of my birt year I  ad ad icredible success i tat ouse a add ave sice moved o to aoter 8 ouse (3 4), wic co coues ues to pr prov ovide ide m mee a space to work aatt ome work i publisig (as a writer) ejoy success ad make good moeyall caracteriscs of te umbe umberr 8  Its al i te umbers Read o ad d out wat you came ere to do Caroll Adriee Caro Adriee P PD D Carol Adriee a a  iteaoal worksop faciitator faciitator ad master umerologist is te autor of te bestsellig Th Puos of  ur ur L, Th Numro t, Find u urr Puos, Chang ur L ad coautor wit James Redeld of Th Clstin Proph n printial Guid


Inroducion Every number ells a soryand he sory  ells s he sory of you nd he bes hng abou numerology numerology s ha all you need o ow s you yourr brh name and your brh daes ha smple From hose o pees of nformaon youl reae your Numeroogy Prole Basally your Numerology Prole onsss of ve Core Numbers your fe Pah Number your Desny Number your Soul Number your Personaly Number and your Maury Number Taken ogeher hese ve numbers pan a sngular pora of who you are areboh boh he sere you and he you who ever everyone yone else sees sees The energy of he numbers s all aroud us and we'll show you how o nd he numbers for your Personal Years Personal Monhs and even Personal Days as well as how o lve n he house has rgh for you gure he numerologal synergy of your relaonshps or hoose a name h numerology o gude you you an dre your lfe by he numbers

w    k You don' ne need ed a hng o go wh hs book exep fo forr he o pees of daa weve already menone men onedyo dyour ur brh name and brh br h da dae e We ow ow you won read hs book over o over a rs bu w wllll ns nsead ead gure ou you yourr ve Core Cor e Numbers and go sagh o hose hapers Thas ne wh us bu well be youll wan o lea more abou he oher numbers one you read abou your o Ths book s dvded no ve pars:

Pa   "The Intuive Power of Numbers, nodues you o numerology and

how numerology works We We show you how you an use us e spr sprual ual numerology o he help lp you lve n he own harmony wh he unverse You'll also lea how o onver leers no numbers and mehods for addng and redung for aurae alulaons

Pa  "The Enery of  Through  Plus aster Numbers d c akes anvbraon ndephof look a number he numbers 1 hrough 9 and shows W hee also hgher Numbers, and lower energe eah as well as s nerpreaon nodue nodu e he Maser Maser Numbers Numbers 1 1 , 2 2 , 3 3  and more and h hee Ka Karm rm Numbers umbers  0, 3, 4, 6, and 19

Part  "Y "Your our Five Core Number Numbers: s: Life Life Path Path,, Desny Des ny,, Soul, So ul, Personality, Personality, d aturity, s where youll lea how o alulae he ve Core Numbers of your


(omlt d diot iotss ui uid d to Nu Numroloy mroloy Sc Scond ond ditio ditionn v T (omlt Numerology Prole Pro le wih accuracy accuracy. Each chaer also includes ddeail eailed ed inerr inerreaons eaons and insighs ino he meaning of your Core Numbers.

Pa 4 "Dg e Future w Numerology, reveals how o calculae and inerr e yo inerre your ur own Personal Year Year Monh and Day numbers. W Wee also als o inoduce numerology's Pinnacles and Challenges your oenal for achievemen and diculy in each siriual growh cycle of your life.

Pa 5 , "Lg by e Numbers, shows you how o aly numerology in your

everyday lifeom your relaonshis o choosing a name o undersanding he energec vibraon of your house or aaren number o deeen he meahysical

undersanding of your numbers and heir meaning.

 In addiion o all his we've scaered boes hrough hroughou ou he e wih denions s warnings warn ings and fascinaing dbis o hel you undersand and lea more abou numerology. Here's wha o look for

Ml's Nts

Melin he Magcia ed umeology o chaacte aay a wel a oeelg the tue. ne theWenegy e choeoMeli Mthe elinunie un n a iee aeymo ymo and to ou uderad aderad wie wizard t t myt myteie who eie ed  hee he meaphyc meaphy e oxe oxe c yo yo to to ha ha  d  d  ig igh h and an d expanaio o  mpro mproee you der de rad gg o meo  meoogy. ogy.

Easy as 1 2   Wih thee imple tip eag numeoogy eally  a eay a 123

By t umrs  Thee oxe dene n nmeoogy meoogy tem o tha yo ca peak the aguage o  me.

  Sxs and vs

 l

ake cae whe yo come aco oe o thee ca tonay tona y oxe oxe  ca hep yo aod ma mang ng numeoogca o gca eo


Introduction Introducti on v

Akwm From Kay I want to thank Carol Adrienne or her wonderl oreword, her iend ship, and her connued inspiraonal work in helping others to get to the heart o their the ir lies lies purpose Thanks to isa, the consummate supportive writer, or her encouragement, or with out her sense o humor and spark, this book might have been as dull as dirt I, too, thank ee nn Cheaey o Amara Amaranth nth Illuminare o orr her he r courage in producing this book bringing the sacred inormaon o and, numerology a useriendly mat toand mainseam audiences to read, enjoy, hopelly,out beininspired to put itor to use A special thanks to my daughter nnaSna or choosing to incaate as a 3 soul and a 3 personali so that I might learn the ue essence o the creave spirit, to say nothing o an unquenchable enthusiasm or lie Further, I want to acknowledge all those who have gone beore us to blaze the meta

physical ail, especially the women o the Numerical Institute o Calioia, Dr uno ordan, and the many m any aauthors uthors who have conibuted to the current body o literature that now exists about this ascinating subject lso, I would like to acknowledge the Sparkle Sisters Kate Calhoun, Connie Dawson, PhD, and Paula Pugh who supported me through the wring o this second edion I owe a ibute to two unique groups o numerolog students who studied with me or six years A a group they willingly examined al alll aspects o numerolog For the Seattle, Washington group, I would like to thank Susie, Beth, Cherie, eanne, Theresa, and udy udy From the hidbey Is Island, land, W Washingt ashington on group, I want to thank Nancy, Betsy, ndy, Cnthia, Paula, and Charlene They have nded me with a vast resee o stories and experiences about living with the numbers astly, to my iends, clients, and amily who have been paent and understanding while I essenaly vanished or months to write this book, I extend a heartelt thanks From isa: Thanks, as always, to book producer ee nn Chearney o maranth Illumnare or her vsion and masterminding, and to the editors and production sta at lpha Booksor everthing I cannot imagine having coauthored the rst edion o this book without the wsdo wsdom m and pa paence ence o Kay agerquist, who taught me not only about numerology, but about aith and trust Once again, I also give love and thanks to Bob and to Kait


ud d to Nu Numroloy mroloy Scond dton v T (omplt Idots u

 k   A We wee thilled d delight delighted ed whe Col Adiee, ueologist d outho of The Celestine Prophe: eriential Guide, the bestsellig The Puose of ur L, d Fin Findd ur Puose, Puose, Change Change ur u r L, L , geed to wite ou foewod We wee sll oe thilled whe she eiled us bout he delight with ou book d tthed the fbulous foewod you see hee We've sie both begu iiguig oespodees with Col But the, ueology, s you'll soo disove, is oe

the begiig of beutil beutil iedships Col Colthk thks s

Tradtmarks All tes etioed i this book tht e kow to be o e suspeted of beig deks o sevie ks hve bee ppopitely pitlized Alph Books d Pegui Goup (USA) I ot ttest to the uy of this ifoo Use of  te i this book should ot be egded s  eg eg the vlidity of y dek o sevie k


Pat T nti  ntitiv tiv o ow w of Nm N m bs bs Have you got a favorte number? Does one certan number keep poppng up n your lfe? Tere s a reason Numbers ave meanngs Dd you know tat eac number as a vbraon as well as a dsnct energy patte? Even your brtday and your name ave meanng Your lfe s made up of num bers wc tell te story of te jouey of your lfe Your numbers tell ow you can ntuvely ntuvely get te most out of lf lfe e It's me to earn exactly ow numerology works, and wy t can elp you lve successlly, apply, and n armony wt oters


t Wsd Wsd o  of   t to oO O andd YYo an orr BB day     bt      \hat numerology can tell you about anson and change n your


   

The orgns of numerology Your ve Core Numbers Numerology Numer ology and your energec cosmc co code de Fndng your Brthday Number

Tryng to gure gur e out your lf lfee ? Curous abou aboutt yo you u ture? \ho snt? sn t? There are many ways to wsdomand numerology s one of the most ngung You You may have alread already y hear heardd ooff asology asology,, the T Tarot, arot, or palm pal m sy s y whch, wh ch, lke numerology numerology,, are m method ethodss ooff knowng yourself and your tre Numerology Numerolog y s one of the metaphy metaphyscal scal scences A an accurate, easyto use system for selfstudy and dvnng the ture, numerology may prove an easy way for you to nd some wsdom of your own \hat, for example,


Pa  T� ltuitiv� ltui tiv� Pow�r of Nu Numb�s mb�s if w told you your birthday mans somhing? Or hat yor nam wl ra your dsny? Th ancint mtaphysical scinc of numroogy has unlockd h mystris of lif for or 2500 yars Today, numrology connus to b a profound tool for discoring who you ar, whr your h hadd add,, and who you ght bcom.

Thtt lnu Th l nuiivt iivt Powt Powtrr of of Nu Numtrs mtrs langag gag of n numbrs, umbrs, aass wl as a s a sy systm stm of rlang num Numerolo is a symbolic lan brs and nams to tach us about th human condion. th numroogy, you can nhanc your intui powr

By t umrs  Numerology i the tdy o he he ig igicace icace o ame ad me

You can hink of numrology as th scinc of num br nrgis, wth ach numbr haing its own ibratory inunc. Basd on h bif hat a prson coms into ths lif on a crtain dat, with a crtain nam, numrology uss numbrs to tll who a prson is and what th map is for his or hr if.

W Nm N m { D  Y ot only dos numrology tll us about oursls, it gis us informaon about th

popl around us. um umrology rology can hlp you     Undrstand ndings and chang.

   

La mor about th psycholocal condions at work. Mak sns of th cycs in your if. Idnti your challngs Enhanc your your intuion

Plus, numrology is asythr ar no thorms, quaons or diclt calculaons All you'll r ha to do to la what your numbrs ar is add (and, occasionally, subact).

   by e e N Nmb mb According to Juno According Jun o Jordan, th grandmothr" of mod numrolog numrology y, E Ery rythng thng is namd or numbrd, but fw popl ar conscious of th dgr to which nams and numbrs inunc thir xprinc, progrss, and communicaon."


Captr 1: Te Wsdom Wsdom of Numerology nd Your Birtdy Numb Numbee


Numerology is the stdy of what ames ad umbers mea ad is based o the idea that your birth ame ad birth date pait a detailed portrait of who you are ad what your poteals ad challeges are. Oce youve leaed what your umbers have to say about you, youll have a cove iet map for your lifeboth to show you the best road ad to keep you om edig up o a dead ed.

A   L You play a uque role i the scheme of thigs ad umerology is a system for kowig the path for your here oorEarth. all uaware bee give choiceto go through life aware adme coscious, to liveWeve this life ada ukog. th erology, you ca discover gems of isdom so that you ca lve cosciouslyaware By t Numrs  of the pla. Feng Shui is he ancient ether its a architectral blueprit or a Chinese Ch inese at o placement ased Feng Feng Shui oor pla, we look to symbols to add on he elie hat a home o meaig ad vsio to our lives Numerology, ud ng is a denae denae map o enegy iencng ou daily es. as a system of symbols, is as simple as the umbers i your birthday ad the letters of your ame.

N o So Ancitn Ancit n HHiso isory ry The sciece sciece of ame amess a add umber umbers, s, as umerology has bee called, has its origis i the aciet cultures of Greece, Chia, Rome, ad Egpt, ad it also has es to Jewish, Chrisa, ad slamic adios. Eve Plato accepted that certai keys for solig atures mysteries are held i the umbers.

A we move forward i the quaan ge, the asological era that correspods with the ew milleum, umerology emerges as a importat tool for uderstadig ituive ad psychological selfkowledge, as you will see. But let lets start at the begiig.

By t Num N umr rss  Asologes ee to he Aquaian Age as a time o heighening heig hening o awaeess awaeess o o a oade pespecie pespecie an d awak ening us to gea chage. Ths Age o Aqais Aqa is to as ccoe ts also caled caled is though oe  the ex ex 2, 000 yea yeass and ega egann appoximaey appoximae y a the th e ew ew m mii en nium


Pa : T lntuiiv lnt uiiv Pow Powrr of Nu Numbrs mbrs

     M- N my Pyhagoras a sixhcenur E Greek mahemacian and mysc is considered he faher of Wesern numeroog Based on his preceps ha naure is a se of numerica reaonships divine a is dened and accurae and ha a of his can be compued hrough numbers he deveoped he science of names and numbers" His cena hough as he idea of order: l of ife has a ssem and an ordera mahemaca musica ehca socia and cosmic order M's Ns

Pythagoa Pythagoa ddid id' ' exploe exploe oy  meology. meology. e e'' alo codeed co deed he athe o mode mahematic (ememe the Pythagoea heoem? ad i epoie o he i kow expoaio o mical hamoy Iteegly, he coeced hi wo mai tee i a cocep called "The "The Mc M c o he he Sphe Sphe e" e " Accod Accodg g o th th heoy, heoy, evey eveyth thgg viae to i ow pecia hamoy which the i u ed io oe gea phee o "celetia mc."

y y        Nmb N mb  Vb Vb  Pyhagora Py hagoras's s's phiosophy goes somehing ike his: The hgher an a n objec' objec 's vibraon hevibraon more spiri force hoever i conains more posive is naure When rae is oer hehence objeche conains ess force and so is morehe negave of

in is acon hen aken a ogeher he vbraon of everhing grea and sma creaes an absoue undivided uni I is said ha he rs o use Pyhagoras's ideas exensivey ere he Brehren of Puriy Pur iy a enhcenury enhcenury proosmai proosmaiii group group om Basra B asra nnemarie Schimme auhor of The Mste of Numbers, commens ha for he Brehren of Puri numeroog as a ay o undersand he principe of uni ha underies everhing I is a sci ence ha is above naure and ye is he roo of a oher sciences" I as Py Pyhagoras' hagoras's beief b eief ha numbe numbers rs are ar e he measure of fform orm and en energ erg in he ord hichgiven ed oby hisPyhagoras sysem of numeroog main conibuons o numeroog is he heory One ha of hehe numbers  hrough 9 are symboic represenaons of he nine sages of he human ife cyce

M. L. Dw     In eary 900 an arden suden of he Bibe Pyhagoras Pao and oher phioso phers Mrs L. Do Baie inoduced her on unique eaching of he sysem of  

Chaptr : T� Wisdom of Num�rology Nu m�rology and Your Birtday Num Numb�r b�r

mbes Cedted with ogatg Weste meology, Ms Dow Ballett poeeed teachgs that wee sptal  ate, ad ocsed o awakeg people to the kowledge kowledge o the themselve mselvess as dve begs Ms Ballett (back  the days whe ths was how ades" peerred to be addessed) was a eal speake  the New Age ho hoght ght Movemet ad was a po pood od ece o oe D Jla Seto (who was also the mothe o] o Jodawe get to Jo  a mte) mte) hle Ms Ballett s cedted wth westezg meo meology logy,, D Seto s cedted wth modezg the ame oo the stdy o mbe mbes s to meology" A a eslt, ths ,500yeaold sstem was tegated to the movemet towad elghteed thkg Not spsgly, Ms Balletts teachgs wee ooted  the thagoea theo

D  D   I the ealy teeth cety, a gop o wome  sothe Caloa bega to exploe Pythagoass theoes  eaest hese wome, led by D Jo Joda (the daghte o the esteemed D Jla Seto), omed the Caloa Istte o Nmecal N mecal Reseach ad a d stded evey aspect ad ace o meolo o o  5 yeas Accodg Acc odg to D Joda, they stded evey phase o the scece o ames ad mbes tesg, povg, povg, ad dspov dspovg g"" D Joda hesel (a docto o desy o om m Deve Detal College  905) coed to teach ad wte abot meology l she passed away, to moths beoe he oehdedth bthday,  984 Evey athoty o meology today s goded to oe degee o aothe  these

womes dgs, especally  the wgs oJo oJo Joda Some athoe athoess y to lbeate" themselves om the teachgs, some ae saght paty le," ad some st lat ot chage them, sag the o Easy as 1-2-  mao was chaeled" om hghe soces Oe o the mot impotat We beleve that t hat Jo Joda, alo alogg wth wth he Caloa Caloa Istte o Nme Nmeologcal ologcal Reseach colleages, as wel as a mbe o modeday meology expets sch as Caoll Adeewho wote the Cao t he oewod o o or bookhave mch to oe s, ad weve od the omao to be both saghto wad ad elable

th g to ememe ao thg meoogy om the otet i that t' a ymoc yt ytem em.. Th mean that that th thee nm nme   ad o themee themee do ot make thing happen. ha ppen. At the ame tme howe how ee e a a  D no n o odan od an he e ponted ot " do

not i"



Pa   Te Intutve Pow Powerer of Num Numbes bes

N umtroO TToday oday Numeroogy enjo Numeroogy enjoys ys a renaissance toa toay y an that shou b e no surprise surpriseit it has much to oer in the way of persona knowege we can use right now Her e in the Here t he tentyrst century century many have become aware ooff their own persona pers ona powerto isuaize create an manifestan in the esire to expan these powers they continue to search for intuive systems of knowing onesef It's no woner the science of numbers is experiencing a rebirth. er a much wisom an insight can be geane om the knowege of your persona numbers. Toay's sciensts te us everthing in the universe vibrates an has energy an that somehow a of this energy is connecte. So is it any surprise then that a system that is about the energy of numbers is ning its way into ou ourr ives We think not Nu meroogy ts our time Whie toay we ook to a therapist to sove the mys myster tery y of reationships reationships or consut a nancia asor to guie us to a secure pan for our ives there's not reay anyone to te us about ourseves. here for exampe can we get insight into who we reay are or the purpose of our ife or why we fee rawn in a certain irecon or n out if we're on the right ack Eventuay neary every one of us comes to woner if we're missing something. Is there more meaning to this ife than the aiy grin If you've ever aske if there's a pan for your ife or if there's a way to know what the ture hos our answers are yes an yes: Numeroogy hos the key Numeroogy

Easy as 1-2- Yo ae a et o nme

can hep you pace the story of your ife into a arger picture. Once you know your your own numbers you wi be

eegie that togethe ceae yo ow peca light

abe to unerstan how you t against the backrop of the harmonic universe as a specia source of ight.

ookin for ookin for ht i  ih h Your own persona story is importantan your numbers hep to interpret your story Further it's not one number aone that wi aow you to see the beauty an power of your being; it' it'ss the custer of numbers that reveas the singuar br briiance iiance of who you are In the next to chapters we' show you the rst step towar iscov ering your own specia ight Your persona set of numbers smboicay represents the vibraon that comprises your essence. Not ony is your name  e e with numbers your birthay reveas a


Cap C apt trr  : Te Wsdom of N umeology anandd You itday Nu Number mber


wole set of n nmbers mbers telng of e temes of yor f fe e Yo mgt tnk ooff tese nmbers as components of yor lgt lgt"" or tte e ll specm of llgt gt yo yo  pt ot \en yor lgt" s on yo express te posve aspects of a nmber en yor lgt" s o yo may ave te tendency to lve n fear and express e negave (possby becase yo don't know tat yo ave nmbers and at tey can elp yo!) We'l e'lll sow yo te meanngs of eac of te nmbers n yor lfe lfe a nd dscss n dept te nterpretaon of eac nmber Ten t's p to yo to let yor lgt sne!

Y v   Nm N mb b v     L L  Yor Nme Nmerolog rology y Pr Proe oe as yor personal se sett of nmbers s caed s made of m many any nmbers Te most sgncant ones are called Core Nmbers Tere are ve Core Numbers n anyones Nmerology Proe Some nmerologs say tere are for Core Nmbers bt we say ere are ve Tat's becase we are ncldng te Matrty By t Numrs  Nmber a nmber some oter nmerologss smply gnore eer becase tey arent The five Coe Numbes aware of t or peraps tey dscont ts sgnfo a numeroogy poe are he cance snce ts ll mpact snt lly operave Lfe Pah umbe, Detiny um ber, So mbe, Peronay nl aer age 3 5 However we feel te Matr umber, a Mauriy mbe y Nmber te smmaon of yor name and brtand date part of yor orgnal for fe assts rgtl pace as onebleprnt of e Core Nmbers Yo can tnk of yor ve Core Nmbers as ve ponts of lgtyor gt" or ve

energes tat make p te nqe vbraon called yo"

 v   Nmb N mb   Y Nm N my y  Ner


Lfe Pat Nmber

Yor brt date nmbers

Desny Nmber Sol Nmber Personaty Nmber Matrty Nmber

Leters of yor br name Vowels om yor brt name Consonats om yor br name Lfe Pat Nmber  Desny Nmber



Pa : Te Ituitive Powe Powerr of Nu Numbers mbers

Y m m  Oce you lea your ve Core Numbers youll see youve go a secal se of umbers ha are he cosmc code for your lfeme o hs Ear Your on vbraoal ae s comosed of hs unque se of umbers. We dscuss boh he calculao ad mea g of each of your Core Numb Numbers ers  Par 3  Your ersoal cosmc ccode ode mgh look lke hs

Easy a s 1 -2- Easy -2-  43757 Wha ae your mber Un  e a complex compe compe Or your code mgh look lke hs program or a dict d ict math cal culation, your umber code i Lfe Pa Number Lfe 4 mpe mp e A yo eed eed come come Desy Number 3 from to thng  Yr ith a me Soul Number 7  Yr ate ate   brt Persoaly Number 5 Maury Number


I edx B of hs hs book you ll d blank ume umerology rology or orksee ksee o creae your ow Numerology Prole. A you lea your umbers record hem o oe of he workshees we rovde for you Phoocoy he worksees o gure ad creae Num erology Proles for hose dear o you

Your Bir Bi rhday Numtr N umtr Throughou hs book youll d may exercses o el you u he umbers o ork

for you You ll robably a o beg a oebook oal for hs urose alhough eve rovded saces for you as ell. We ow youre eager ea ger o ge sa sared red ssoo er eree gog o beg  a easy umber you you ca d rg hs mue: your Brhday Number or he umber of he day you were bor. Ths umber que smly s he sum of he dgs of e day you ere bo. Les say you were bo December 4 Your Brhday Number s 4 Ths oe s easy because s already a sgle dg;  umerolo remember e reduce umbers o her s_led led root umbers b add hem oeher. If you ere bo o Decem ber  3  yo your ur Brhda Brhday yN Num umber ber also s 4 4   3  4 Were you bo o December ? Ts oo s a 4 Brhday Number (    4) The 4 s he roo umber for all hree of hese brhdays ad s called he Bih Numbr


(hapt (hap trr  : � Wisdom Wisdom of Num�rology and Your Bday Numb Numb�r�r O r wh wha a f yo yo were bo on he  8h? Tha Thas easy, s redce he 8 by addng he  and 8 ogeher o ge redce agan o a snge dg: Add01 Now  0  1 Yo have a  Brhday Nber Go ? To   sly sly,, yo wan o look a wo ele ele-ens en s when consderng he eanng of yor day of brh he acal nber(s) of he day yo were bo, ke he 4h or 8h, and he Brhday Nber Nber (he s of he nbers of he day yo were bo bo) )


By t Numrs N umrs  mergy a tm ber te mber et  equeeque aly aig ai g  umbe um ber r gehe gehe u the eu eu i a ge  ge ig  Bithday Numrs ae reuce t a ge  ge gi  gitt by by a g te i ig g tget tgeter er e um  umbe be 26, f f examp exampe, e,  rece a 2  6  

I f yo yo  were bo on he 1  h or    nd, yo yorr brh brhday day has secal s sgnc gncance ance These wo brhdays are Maser Nbers and here s ch energy assocaed wh he hen calclang for for he B Brhday rhday Nbe Nber, r, a Maser Nber brhday s sll re dced o a snge dg, b yo ll wan o read abo hese Maser Nbers n Chaer Cha er 7 as well as he br bref ef descr descron on of he 1 1 and  brhday brhday here n hs chaer Okay, whas your Brhday Nber? Les do one ore exale o car he gde lnes for grng hs nber Sly se he day yo were bo only he day If  s a snge nber ke ke 6, ha s yor Brhday N Nbe ber r If he day yo yo were bo s a nber lke 1 8, add he 1 and he 8 ogeher o ge 9 9hen hen 9 s yo yorr Brhday Nber Wre yor Brhday Nber n he cake n he followng saon Now read on o dscover he eanng of he day yo were born Yu Bhy Numb i  e numbe o s geng

you no Numo n wh  n e ell llyou bou you.



Pa 1: T Tee Intuitive Powe Powerr of Nu Numbers mbers

W YY W  y  y N Nmb mb Rv Rv  Ab Ab 


Its imortant to remember rememb er that, in siritual siri tual numerology numerology,, the belief is that your soul chose your birthday because that day reected what you need in this life to hel you achieve your desny desny T Too nd the th e hidd hidden en meaning in your irthday Number, look fo forr the date of your brthday

 y Nmb I  9 Your Brth Brthday day Number Number  s :  f your your bbr rth thda dayy s e  st st   or o r e th day of e month. You have an indeendent sirit, a desire to lead the ack, to be original, and usually are known to have courage More than anything else, eoe whose birthdays add u to a 1 are ioneers  A 1 bihdy indica indicates tes y you ou want to be rst    and here you are, eading the month Individuality is number one with you, and you are both forcel wth your ideas and good at givng ordersbut not at receivng them If your irthday Number is 1 you already ow that Innovaon is your middle name Film drector Ron Howard was bo on March 1 1954.

 A 10 bihdy indicates you are ambious, orginal, determined, and have an

enterising nature. Indeendent and courageous, you love startu rojects but will not want to be saddled wth managing the details You will have diculty taking orders and dont like secondlace osions of any kind. You have a comelling nature and will.  unchecked ego may lead to fanacal leadershi. Osama bin Laden was bo on March 1 1957.

 A 19 bihdy indicates a tendency to be selfcentered (a ait shared with most

1 birthdays) and an inabiity to see yourself in relaon to others In this lifeme, you will be tested to resond with comassion and symathy and to conibute

to the betterment of others You have execuve abiity, athough oen uncon venonal, an excellent mind, and your ublic and rivate ife will vary greaty You do not give u easiy and usually wil have to overcome obstacles before reaching the strongly desired leadershi osion ill Clinton was bo August 19 194; Ted Turner was bo November 19 1938

 A 2 bihdy indicates that like the 1 birthday youre determined and inde-

endent The 2 8 bir birthd thday ay can indicate that youre oen ghng yo yoursef ursef when it comes to layng bby y the rules, but yo your ur sense ooff determinaon never alows you to stay down for long In fact, as a 28 your ability to lead stems om clear


(hapt (hap trr 1 : Te Wisdom Wisdom of Numerology d Your Birtdy Num Number ber


thnng, and o are corage corageos os n n the wa o approach lf l fe Actor Actor Alan da was bo Jan Janar ar 228, 8,   6; com compte pterr whz Bll Gates entered ths lf lfee October 28, 155

Your Bday Num Number ber  s :  :  you yourr brthd brthday ay s the the nd,  th, ,  , oorr the  day of the mon. o do best n parershp, lke to work n a team, and are a natral peacemaker o are consderate, sense, sppore, cooperae, and need an aesthec lfestle o loe to be wth others and prefer to work behnd the scenes

 A 2 bihdy ndcates o seek balance and harmon o're a natral medator n an staon Adaptable and sense to others, or 2 Brthda Nmber means oll alwas be the peacemaker Nobel Peace lareate Mkhal Gorbache, ach e, las lastt pres presde dent nt of the So Soet et non non,, was bo bo  Ma Marc rch h 2 ,    

 A 11 bihdy ndcates an nte, hghenerg person o hae a knd of nerosness that reqres balance as the ke to a harmonos lfe Idealsm nspraon, nspr aon, and nnoaon nnoaon are the g g  of the   , a Master Nmber Nmber Master nnoator Stee Woznak, cofonder of Apple Compters, was born on Agst 1 , 1 50

 A 20 bihdy ndcates adaptablt and an d nderstandng T Tact act s a bw bword, ord, and

o're alwas consderate of others The 0 sggests o're nte as well Apollo asonat asonat Bzz l ldrn drn was bo Jan Janar ar 20,   0; acess Ncole Kd Kdman man was boJne 20, 67

ndcatesn o andand potenal to spare o're  Ante 29 bihdy and a dreamer thehae realboth sensepersonalt of the word, so shold be carel not to et or moods swng too far n one drecon or another o se for nner peace Former S presdentJohn  Kenned was born Ma 2, 7, and talk show con Oprah ne w was as bo Janar 2,  54 54

Your Brthd Brthday ay Numbe Numberr s  : f your br brda dayy s the  rd, th,  th,  st, or the th  th

day of e mon. o are noted for or creat, enthsasm, good sense of hmor, and a capact to brng jo or sense of  and endlness s contagos and o are blessed ith a chldlke happ sprt bihdy

blessngs If o bo onprofessonal the rd da, football lc o The  A s consderedndcates the lckest nmber of allareTalented qarterback Fran Tarkenton was bo Febrar , 40 The  s also the nmber of the entertaner Actor To Crse was born on Jl , 62; hoe and garden maen Martha Stewart was bo Agst , 14



Pa : T Tee Intuitve Powe Powerr of Nu Number mberss  A 12 bihdy dcaes edless ehusas ad a desre o esabsh a

dvdualy of your ow. Creavy s he ae of he gae here. You are also

eooal ad aecoae Gyas Cahy gby was2bo ber 2 952socable ad rocer Ozzy Osboure was bor Deceber 948Dece-

 A 21 bihdy dcaes beg socal s secod are. You have ay eds

ad eress eres s ad you ejoy people esely esely.. A your bes your crea creavy vy s a sprao o ohers. Opera sger Placdo Dogo was bor o Jauary 2 94; acess Golde Haw was bor Noveber 2 945.

youre re charsac creave ad ougog. Y You ou  A 0 bihdy dcaes ha you

aac people o dere wals of lfe ad have a e sese of ar ad haroy The 0  your brhday gves you reedous power wh words ad he aby o spre ohers Wrer Trua Capoe was bor Sepeber 30 924

usca rc Clapo was bor Dec Deceb eber er 30  975 975  bor March 30 945 ad golf pro Tger Woods was

Your Brthday Number Number ss :  :  yo your ur bbr rth thda dayy s e th, th,   th, nd,  nd, or o r tthe he  st day of the month. h a srog desre for sably ad secury people who have a 4 brhday uber beleve  srog foudaos ad are boh praccal ad relable as well as hoes ad far. Selfdscple s he ey word here you are ow o be hardworg ad pracca

 A  bihdy dcaes you apprecae boh for ad order. You wo d he

words sese of huor" are he rs qual oe assocaed wh he 4 Forgve us 4s we ow you le a good e o res ad relax ad have  oo Faed fes fes Bey Freda was bor o F Febru ebruary ary 4  92  

 A 1 bihdy dcaes a grea lover of faly ad rado as we as a aral

orgazer Creave ad eergec you are selfdscpled ad a very praccal aager as you oe ss o accuracy. Ths brhday suggess here ay be healh probles ad he challege s o be wllg o wor hard ad apply your self  spe of ay laos. The geue beaul d" sces Joh Nash Na sh was was bo bor r Ju Jue e  3  9 28

 A 22 bihdy dcaes you wll be called o pla orgaze ad lead large proj ecs. 22 s a Maser Nuber ad  says you are very copee ad us use your o ad praccal souos o afes hgs ha bee huad. Maser assges do ge uch bgger ha he oe uderae by he rs U.S presde George Washgo bo February 22 732

 A 1 bihdy dcaes ha you are srogwlled ad deered as wel as

forae ad blessed wh orgal deas. You have arsc ale oo bu us


(hapt   Te Wisdom of Numeology and You Bitday Numbe


seach fo concete fom to expess it At you best youe both paccal and gounded, a builde though and though Building he on Ha Potter iteay univese is autho J

K Rowling, boJuly 1, 1965 Your Brday Number s : H yo your ur bbr rday day s  ee      or rd  rd day of e mon You have an innate sense of adventue and a desie fo constant change and

smulaon Paence is not you fote, but having you eedom is Commients can be had to make with a 5 Bithday Numbe Commuicave and magnetic, the 5 can be highly atacve to the opposite sex You ae fowad thinng, esoucel, highly cuious, and love movement Youve got to be quick to keep the attenon of a 5

 A  bihdy indicates isk taking is second natue Wed say isk taking isrst

natue to these foks Quick and cleve, numbe 5 bithdays ae excellent sales people, nonadionalists, nonadionalists, and somemes the esident ebe Batt Ba tte e up! Baseball geat Hank aon was o Feb Febua uay y 5, 1 94 9 4

 A 1 bihdy indicates you ae a calated isk take, ae somewhat eac, and can get youself into ouble when you shik esponsibilit You might have a tendency to oveindulge in food, dgs, alcohol, and sexal pusuits and will need to wok had to beak these tendencies Genius and maste of the bad hai day Albet instein was o ach 1 4, 1 879 87 9 and the ulmate isk tak take, e, Donald Tmp, was o on June 14, 1946

 A 2 bihdy indicates a peson whos emoonally sensive, ceave, and intu ive Quick thinking and vesale, you lea quickly and ae both adventous and estless You want both good communicaon and a lot of excitement Leo nado da nci w was as o on A Api pill   , 145   music musician ian Buce Spi Spingste ngsteen en was o on Septembe , 1949

Your Bday Number s : H your bday s e   or e  day of e mon. A a 6 you ae devoted to ceang hamony fo you loved ones Asc and idealisc, numbe 6 bithday people want to comfot, ne, and povide, and have a humanisc nate with a ove of animals and chiden You ae exemely esponsible and familyoiented, as well as omanc

 A  bihdy indicates you ae emoonal and sensive, and you love deeply and seiously Y seiously You ou ae ceave and asc, and you put a high value on you home and nest Shaing July 6 bithdays ae ast Fida Kahlo (1907), Geoge  Bush ( 1 946), and autho of this book, Kay Lagequ Lagequist ist ((11 94)

 A 1 bihdy indicates youe esponsible but independent at the same me

Smpathetic and adaptable, yo you u can ffacilitate acilitate change in dicult sitaons sit aons You



Pa  : T lntuitiv Pow Pow o f Numrs Ml's Nts

Your BBirhday irhday mbe  mbe fluece  fluece the mdd m ddee yea yea of your fe  fe The mber m ber uder hich hic h you ee ee born play a pecia roe from he appoximae a ppoximae yea   hough 56. We dic the influ ece of your Birhd Bi rhday ay u mber di ng hoe year i Chap Cha p ter ter  6.

want to sttl within th famly suctur but commnt is a suggl and rstlssnss is art of o f th Actor B Bn n Ack was bo August 5 bargain 72 Actor

 A 2 bihdy indicats a ragmac aroach

that coms om you yourr uniqu bnd of hard work and faiss ou ar dtnnd, whch somms shows as stubboss, stubboss, but ar cr a and lo your hom ou mght b bttr at connuing rathr than starng and ill ick u rsonsibiis whr othrs faltr Al Comutr cofoundr cofoundr St St Jobs was bo on Fbruary 2, 155

Brday ay Numb Number er s :  f yo your ur br brd day ay s e     or e    day of Your Brd e mon. ou look for dth and maning in al that you do Anaycal by natur, you tak longr than most to mak a dcision Thorough, rc, and riat, you nd to go to natural stngs for runaon Solitud and silnc ar dsird sur roundings for th 7 Birthday Numbr

 A  bihdy indicats you may aar to othrs as aoof but ar raly ry loing and on shy Howr, you most ikly wll withdraw in conict Pol with 7 birthdays nd to guard against skcism, as w as a tndncy to b scrti scr ti ou wil ddoo wl wlll whn you ust your wdod intuion Rus-

sian rsidnt Vladamr Pun was bo Octobr 7, 1 52 5 2 tl tlsion sion oaist Ka Couric was born Jan Januar uary y 7, 1 57 5 7 .

 A 1 bihdy indicats you may nd your lif brings suddn (n aumac)

nts that ar ray waku calls to look at your lif mor honsty ou insist on indndnc, nd m to rst, mditat, and contmat ou may ha an unusual intrst intrst in th tchn tchncal, cal, scinc, mtah mtahysical, ysical, or siritual subcts Lik all th 7 brthdays, you may b a rfconist and may b sn as unusua or dirnt Tnnis grat]ohn McEnro was bo Fbruary 16, 15, and o dia Madonna was bo August 6, 158

unusuall aroach to sol soluons uons ou ha A 2 bihdy indicats a uniqu oorr unusua good intuion, can b xmly snsi, and ar inosc ou ha a cau ous yt curious sid and may b drawn to siritual or sychc xloraon Th 25 brthday is rc and good at daling with ol Actor Christohr R was born Stmbr 25, 12


Chaptr   The Wisdom of Numerology and Your Birthday Numbe


Your Birday Number is :  yo your ur bi bir rda dayy is e ,  ,  , or e    day of e mon. You are caabe n he busness world, can handle money and large ro ec maserlly, maserlly, and ar aree eag eager er o have success success,, esecally w wh h maeral wealh Ambous, conden, and auhoratve, ohers may be nmdaed by your ower. Needless o say, you wll wan o be he boss n mos suaonseven n your marrage and ersonal relaonshs. characer,, good udgmen, a sold so ld value sys +   bihdy ndcaes sengh of characer

em, and he ably o handle large rojecs You're ambous and have a desre for boh mae maera rall success and secury secury,, so ben bengg n charge goes wh he err errory ory.. The 3 3 rd resden of he Uned Sa Saes, es, Harry S T Truman, ruman, wa wass born Ma May y 88,, 884.

+  1 bihdy ndcaes you are very caable n the busness world. You wll

oen ake an orgnal aroach, are ambous and can be selfcenered no-

secve andrch sometmes and New Gngrc Gng hw was as boremoe, on]une on ]uneyou  7 ,have  943;a good acor mnd R Rober ober denuon. Nro wasPolcan bo Augus 7, 943. raccaly, resonsbl resonsbl,, and a sold sense s ense of busness busness.. +  2 bihdy ndcaes raccaly, You feel songly abou home and abou suorng hose around you, though you need o lea o be a source of sengh o ohers whou akng conol of he suaon. Former rs lady and curren US senaor Hllary Clnon was bo Ocober 26, 947

Your Birday Number is is :: f your birday birday is on e ,  , or e    da dayy of o f e mon. You are broadmnded, oleran, generous, sensve, creave, and have a unque aroach or soluon o roblems th a hlanhroc, humanaran naure, you have a soulachng desre o make he world a beer lace. humanara aran n mulse. Th Thss s he number of the the +  9 bihdy ndcaes the human

dreamer, a comassonae hear, and broadmnded thnkng. You are dealsc and can nsre ohers, ye can be a b of a dramas. Muscan John Lenon was bo Ocober 9, 940, and asonomer Carl Sagan was bo November 9, 934

b u mus resee your +  1 bihdy ndcaes you can work well wh ohers bu ndeendence You are broadmnded, oleran, and generous. Creave, mag nave, and dealsc, you nsre ohers. You have excellen oenal for

achevemen and nancal success. A bo leader, you aac money om he serceorened serceor ened work you do. Muscan Paul McCarey was bo June  8, 942.

+  2 bihdy ndcaes someone who s both analcal and nuve. Ohers

wll nd you orgnal and creave bu you may also aear deached or secreve



Pa   T� lntuitiv� Pow Pow�r�r o f Numb�rs because you like o keep your deepes feelings o yoursel yourself f Ths nuber e braces an eleen of sacrice; you are conceed for he plane, and universal love is paraoun o you Diploa and Nobel Peace aureae Henry ssinger was born May 27 948

A Birhday B irhday ts  tssat sat for for ritn ritnds ds,, am amii ly, and Sptcial Sptci al ovt ovtss re you geing a sense of inerpreng he eaning of your Birhday Nuber? Your Birhday Nuber Nuber is a good place o begin your sudy of nuerology nuerology,, and i i''s a nu ber ha is easy o discover for your iends and faiy as well You ay wan o include a Birhday Nuber descripon wih he nex birhday card you send o soeone One of he rs hings o pu in your nueroloy joual is a lis of Birhday Birhday Nubers for hose neares and deares (or jus closes!) o you Then ake a few noes on heir special alens and endenciesyou wil gain new wisdo and insighs ino he birhday ener for hese people

e Le Y Y Nee  Kw K w  Your nubers are a vibraonal energy pae showing your essence Nubers in your Nuerology Prole  You have ve Core Nubers  Your Birhday Nuber reveals your unique alens and endencies, and espe cially inuences he iddle i ddle years ooff your lif lifee 

 Nuerology's wisdo gives new eaning o your life, and insighs ino he peo ple around you as well


t P P  osopy osopy of toO        

he hosohy behnd numerology Undersandng he number energy for yourself Numbers have meanngs A srual aroach o numerology he nneyear growh cycle

verhng's go a hlosohy behnd  and numerolog's no exceon Once you undersand why we use numbers o exlore ourselves youll be ready o lea how o add some of your own numbers ogeher We lke o hnk of numerolog as a way of exlorng all he varous asecs of your self and your envronmen Jus as your wal mrror reveals your ouer mage he myscal mrror of

numerolog can dsclose your nner self self



Pa : T Tee Ititive Pow Powerer of Numbers

N u mtroO mtro O Work Workss Likt Li kt   Shu Sh u i No number don't have power over you However t' mportant to realze there' more at work n a peron' lfe than jut what you ee Number vbratonally and ymbolcally contan to major element:

 A vbratonal equency that attract certan energylke a magnet  A potental for prtual attracton and connecton Jut a Feng Shu how a map of the natral ow of energy n the lvng pace of your houe and the thng you place n t your peronal number create a template for the energy n n your lf lfe. e. nd u utt a the prncple of Feng Shu gve you the ablt ablty y to change the energy n your home or oce and Easy as 12  thereby change your lfe numerology can help you

You number are ang ource our cepeonal o ttengh engh an an  healing heali tha ini i nitte you o tep tep uupp o a hihigher gher le lee ell of aarene The uyy of numbe u num be  one on e ey to nt n terpeing the force force of your ouer or  n orer o better better unertan you you inner i nner el.

undertand howortohow lve to n change accordance natural energy t wth your own Th mean that once you become aware of the prncple of numerology and the meanng of the number you'll have a code to change the energy urroundng your lfe to a harmonou vbraton that allow you to be more uccel and reach your hghet potenal.

Numb Nu mbtr trss and ur iv  ivts ts The unvere  baed on the ndamental realty that all thng are related and wthn that underlyng noon of unty all thng are energy. It' our relatonhp to th energy that dene our lve. Numerology  about the relatonhp of number and ther nluence on our lve. The act of gvng omethng or omeone a name n't a upercal act; t come om our nttve feel or connecon to th peron or object. Numerologt mantan that each of u carre the perfect namea name that relect our nner natre. Even f you argue that your name or date of brth are a matter of chance or even that they were an accdent you'll mot lkely agree that your name and your brthday have an eect upon your lfe. Numerology a one Numerology o ne of the metaphycal c cence ence  a earch ffor or undertandng undertan dng Even

though ancent n t orgn numerology  enormouly uel n t applcaon to the earch for drecon n everyday lfe today.


Chaptr  Te Piosoy P iosoy of N umerology


D D  k  DD  k alll hav havee ve Core Numbers Numbers If you you ick u any any of A we menoned in Chaer  , we al he numerology books in a booksore oday, youll nd he auhors calling hese e Core Numbers by oher names as imoran is ha even hough here may be dieren names for hese e Core Numbers, al of hem are gured he same way Were all really alking abou he same hingsome folks jus call hem somehing else

Neroo Ner oo Re: The mos imoran numbers in numeroogy are he Core Numbers Nu mbers There are e of hem: The Soul Number, Destiny Number, Personali Number, L Path Number, and Mari Number. So ha you don become consed by all he dieren names for he Core Numbers when you are consulng oher numerology books (and we do encourage you o use a leas hree resources o ge a ll undersanding of your numbers), wee devised a handy char o sor his ou Heres a lis of he e Core Numbers, wha heye been called call ed in various numerology numerology books, an andd a quick ref reference erence for how o ge ge  hem

 NNm  mb b  w     m Core Numbers

Other Names Used

How to Figue It

Life Pah Number

Desny Number ocaona number

Mon nh h + ddaay + year of birh

Soul Number

birh force Exression number selfexression number menal number ouer self Hears desire movaon number soul urge sefmovaon number individualiy number he inner sef

Personaliy Number

Selfimage number hear self self

D esny N Number umber

Vowels owels + consonans of name Add ogeher he vowels of name

Add ogeher he consonans

quiescen sef

of name onnus



Pa  : Te ntuitve Powe of NNumbers umbers

 Nmb Nmb   w   U m


Cre Ne

er Nes Used

Hw t re t

Mary Numer

T reself res elf numer; realy numer; realaon numer; ulmae goal; poer numer

 Lfe Desny Pah Numer  dae of  rh rh

One hng ha has remaned conssen s he name for he Brhday Numer Ever one seems happy o call he numer of he rhday jus ha! hen e al aou he Brhday Numer ere refe referrn rrngg oo only he day of he monh of your rhsuch as he 6h or   Sixs ad vs he 29h 29h

You dae num be (plural ree o o hebth month, day and year you ee born You B rth rthday day umbe u mbe (nguar (ng uar i he day you ee bonu he day day (reduced (reduced to to a in ingle gle digi di gi numbbe Don't ge mxe num mxedd up


us as here are deren ves aou ha o call he ve Core Numers here are deren phlo sophcal approaches o he sudy of numerolog Numerolog as a sdy mgh e approached om a varey of ang angles les Hoever, ecause s s called he scence of names and numers" e shouldn e oo surprsed o nd a large par of ha goes on o e focused on name analyss

Here are some of he deren deren specales s pecales found n he sdy of numerolo numerology gy Names analyss

    

Blcal numerolog Characer analyss Sprual numerolog Predcve numerolog Numerolngscs (he language of numers)

   N my- y-   Wy Wy Spil num numolo olo s ased on he premse ha ere more han he physcal man fesaon of our collecve gene poole are spr Spral numerolog suggess


Chapt  The Philosohy Ph ilosohy of N umerology


that the interpre interpretaon taon and an d analysis of nubers ephasizes grow growth th of o f higher onsiousness, and an d shows how to use the nubers to grow iin n your awareness and advane spiritually Spiritual awareness awareness eans bein beingg tned to the larger pie, to the idea that theres a greater plan, awareness, and soure than ourselves, and that the nubers nubers hold sboli inforaon that spell out a path of spiritual guidane Spiritual nueroogy nueroogy ebraes the idea of reinaaon; that is, that the sou is ongoing, while the physial body is teporary The idea, then, woud be that you are a sou having a physial experiene in this lifee lifee It also sug

By t Numbrs  A ay to ame a ii va v a joe jo eyy o Eah a oe o meaig a prpoe, spr a umeroy i bae o he ea ha each o  care a et o vibao, a blepri or or e. e. Th bep b ep ca be cov cov ere from a Nmerology Proile

gests that your sou was soewhere else before it ae here to this ifee (inarnaon) Now, if your soul was soewhere else before, what was it doing? Spirtual nuerology would say that your sou was leang and growng, getng ready for your e on Earth now This inforaon is revealed in the Soul Nuber

 spirtual nuerology, we aso look to see

what kari deb you ae into i nto this llif ifee wth wth These woud be lessons you didnt lea in past ives, or even lessons you resed to lea, and represent unnshed business youve oe bak to nish We ook to the Kari Debt Nubers, speially 13 14 16 and 19 for the nature of the kar debt and inforaon about how you ght relea or nally ea what your soul needs o grow and advane The nuber 10 whie also a Kar Nuber, is not about a kari debt to be paid bak, but instead indiates that kara has been opeted

By t Numrs  he Karmic Nmber 1 0 i ot realy a eb t  refere o a a armic arm ic m  mbe berr bt o eb  og  fact,   he oppoe he 1 0 iii ica cae e tha armicc eb i compete.   i a armi goo ama mbe, o to pea

When working with Kar Debt Nubers 3  14 16 and 19 a person is given another opportnit in ths to oplete any power debt owed wth regard to relaonshps, health issues, prev prevous ouslife abuses of ove, and These nubers give insight into prvous abuses you have oitted (failure to do the right thing) o a e



Pa  : T� lntuitiv� Pow� Pow�rr of Nu Numb�s mb�s beforer, as we like to say, your kara in another life" Well be coverng the Karic Nubers in ore detail in Chapter 8 Spiritual nuerology nuerology i s only one approach to thi thiss fa fascinang scinang subject, and, a s there are dierent approaches, there are dierences of opinion about how to gure the nubers nube rs If youre intereste interestedd in exploring other approaches, you can ccheck heck out soe of the the books listed in Appendix A

orrt Than o Th an tr t rt Numt Nu mtrrs Nuerology is conceed wth the priary nubers  through 9 and their ssbolic bolic eanings, whch well explore in depth in Part 2 of this book, where well also discuss the unique Master Nubers  1 22, 33 and the Karic Nubers 0 3 4 6 and 9 The science of nuerology shares certain bel belief iefss with other etaphysical sci sciences, ences, including asology, Tarot, Tarot, palst palstry, ry, aand nd handwring handwri ng analysis analysis Soe of those shared belie bel ie inc includ ludee   

 Your birth date has a denite eect on your life  A person is bo into a certain life at a certain e with a certain nae, all of which inuence hs or her life

 Nothing happens by chance  People have reincaated into this life for spiritual growth  You have a desny for this ifee addion addi on to all that that,, nuerology can help us discover what lessons we cae to  lea in i n this lifeeand lifeeand when it its s best to take acon and whe when n it itss not

By t Numrs  A th a the mea phycal ciece, umeoogy ubcibe ubci be to he cocep of rn canaton, hch  he belef ha the ou i ebo to di fee feet t phycal icaao, al of hich ae iecoected arma cally

Not only does nuerology tell us about ourselves, it can illunate illunate our understanding of others in our lives as well

 For parents, nuerology nuerology can he help lp you under stand why your children childr en are the way they are and the best ways to encourage their growth

 For ates, nuerology explains personality

quirks, what your parer uly desires in life, his or her soul vibraon, and how best to achieve harony harony in rela relaonships onships


Chapt  Te Pilosoy Pi losoy of Numerology  For eahers, nuer nuerology ology is a way o

undersand your your sudens as unique in indi di viduals

 For businesses, nuerology nuerology gives insigh ino eployees and parers and oers ounsel abou produve periods as well as slowdown slowdowns s

We hink h ink he value val ue ooff nuerology is how well  works Bu well le you be he judge as you y do he nubers for yourself, and he people in your life


Mel's Notes

he beauty o numerology  ha you don't hae to tudy long fo f oee ngh n gh begn beg n to come That' becaue of all he metametaphycal cience, numeoogy i the eaiet to lean A you ill come to ee, nu meroogy meroogy beauty  in it traighfoard impicity

  A- A Is our be belief liefneed ha no no one sien sieneealone of hisEah naure giv gives es he whole piure, so, nuerology be sudied eaphysial siene oersand a unique, speialized fous of selfdisovery, and, while nuerology an sand alone, i an be enhaned when used in onjunon wih oher disiplnes ll ha you are or anyone is, and how any wo individuals will do as aes, is old only in par hrough one of he eaphysi eaphysial al sienes Nue Nuerology rology is an exeen reso resoure ure if you wan insigh ino he ve Core Nubers ha represen ore pars of yourselfilluinang your hallenges, and giving you insighs for living inenonally, lly onsious of who you are, and he direon for your highes poenial

Nmb N mb  M Nuerology gives us a irror ino he soul In he nubers  hrough 9 we nd all Soull Number Number of eah individ he experienes life an presen We beoe priy o he Sou ual, as well as eah indiduals Destin and L Path Numbers Suh inforaon s on By t Numbrs  sidered sared knowledge knowledge and an d reendously You Soul Number valuable o hose who wish o ake he jour reea hat you ong for n your ney These nubers reveal a direon, a ap hear of heart. Your Destny for ahieving happiness and suess in your life Number refer to your pupoe and direction in ie. Your Lfe We sudy nuerology o  o beoe aware of who Path Number eea your nauwe are and o undersand a e of hange The ral gft g ft and talent talent that il il  alo a lo nubers ar who we are and where we are you to ulfil ulfi l your deiny. in e  e One ooff nuerol nuerology ogys greaes gis is



Pa : The Intuitive Pow Powerer of Nu Numbers mbers that it teahes us tolerane and aeptane of o f others as well as an explanaon ooff the ing of events events A your selfawareness inreases youll ahieve a ore obeve view of your life and o this you an ake better hoies for how to live it Nuerology is a oprehensive syste o whih you will lea the following:

Your Lfe Pa Number: The speial path that you walk in this lifee This

 nuber shows the natural gis and talents that will allow you to lll your des ny

 Your Desny Number: The purpose and direon of your life This nuber represents represe nts your your alling and ission in life life 

 Your Soul Number: This is your hearts desire and your inner ovaon what feeds your soul and reveals what you long for in the depths of your being

 Your Personalt Number: This nuber shows how others see you It is the outer look you wear your preferenes and how others dene you

Your aturt Number: This nuber shows the direon for the seond half life e It represe represents nts the  ue ue you" as you begin to lilive ve in har harony ony wit withh  of your lif your inner and outer selves

 Your Lfe Lesson Numbers: These are the nubers whih are not present in

your nae They tell of o f the lessons youre eant to llea ea now to advane your personal and spiritual growth

 Your Pnnacles: These are the four phases of your life that point the way to your highest ahieveents

 Your Challenges: These are the four doors through whih you ust pass to

reah your highest attainents The nubers represenng the four doors dene

the diulties and an d hallenges you ust onont Your aor Cycles: Cycles: These are the three divisions of your life that tell of the aor thees goveing your e here on Earth These three nubers help to give eaning and fous to your Pinnaes and Chaenges

 Your Personal Year: This nuber tells you where to fous your energy for

eah year The Personal Year Nuber indiates what you ust fae and ao plish to live in harony with the natural ow of the year

 Your Personal onths and Days: These nubers tell you what to expet and how to organize around oing events and iden the thee for eah onth or day

 Your Brthday Number: This nuber indiates a speial talent you possess It also shows a parular lesson you're ing to lea in this lifee


(hat  Te Pilosoy P ilosoy of Numerology

Tht N intin t-YYtar Gr G rowh owh (yclt We'll b e using nubers  through 9 throughout this book Why? Beause nuerology is based on the prie nubers  through 9 A nineyearyle rhyth very iportant to the num numerolo erologic gicl l e you areis urrently in he philosophy behind this is that all the experienes we an have in a lifee are sbolized in the nubers 1 through 9


By t Numrs  A nu numerol merolca ca cyce is a ninine neyyear cycle that happens happe ns again an again in ones life me, wi ffee  ffeent nt heme ri ng but he wih cycle cych lea each ime Pn nacle an the coresponng Challenge eine four mao phases an themes of a lifemein nneyea cyces

W W   NNme me Nmb N mb I  9  this book we're using Western nuerolog in whih the nubers  through 9

have denite unique syboli eanings that orrespond to the evoluon of a person'ss liliffe l of us experiene this ninestep evouon son' evouon an andd the only varia variaon on is the

level of o f onsiousness onsiousness with with whih we do it The steps are basially very siple: l Beginning 2  Conneng 3  Creang  Building 5 . Changing 6 Nurturing 7  Reevaluang 8  Expanding 9. 


Right now now you are soewhere in thi thiss ninestep yle f you want to learn where you are right now now you an go to our explorao exploraon n of your Personal Y Year ear in Chapter 17 The thing to reeber is we all ove through the yle of nubers o 1 to 9 over and over again throughout our lives

N  Y y Nuerologiallyy your lif Nuerologiall lifee is op operang erang on epeated ep eated nineyear y yles les Ev Ever eryy year has a nuber and eah nuber has a parular eaning This eaning is your thee for



Pa Pa  : ee Intuitive Pow Powerer of Numbers

By t Numr  Yo Pesonl Y ide ifie hch year  he eear cycle yo ae  o. ' gured

that yea (alled you Prsonal ar)  nne yeas you will have opleted a spei spei  yle, yle, whih also has a spei lesson to be leaed  addion to the Pesonal Yea, thee ae fou Pinnales to a lifee, and fou fou Challenges, tthat hat ae gued in nineyea yles

by addig add ig cure yo brh moth aad d day to he yeamoth

 v YY By t Numr  he Unvesl Y, he educed edu ced um umbe be for for ay g gvve caleda yea, yea,  he eegy ude hch the ee arh i vbratig vbra tig for tha year year

 the lage sope, besides the Pesonal Yea Nu-

be, we want you to be awae of the Univesal Yea Nube The Unival ar is the atual yea we ae in, like 00, whih bates to the nutuing enegy of the 6, o 006, whih vibates to the expansive enegy of the 8  The Univesal Yea is, quite siply, the alenda yea If the yea wee 0, all of the Eath would opeate unde the 5 , indiang aplanet e of hange

To gue the Univesal Y Yea, ea, ust add the nubes togethe Fo exap exaple, le, llet' et'ss loo lookk at the yea 008, o   0  0  8  0. Redue  0 and you will nd it is a  (   0  ). Ts eans that the whole planet is noning unde the vibaon of the nube  Univesal Yea Atually, beause this  Univesal Yea Yea nube ae o 0, we ae einded again that the  0 is a Ka Nube (see Chapte 8 fo a disussion of Kai Nubes), and is witten as 0/, epesenng both the ll value of o f the  0 and its edued nube  (  0) Theefoe, we ight say the Univesal Yea 008 is a 0/ yea, a yea of kai ebith and a e of a new beginning wthout the buden of pe pevious vious kai kai debt What does it ean to be in a  Univesal Yea? Its a e of new beginnings, a e fo stang ove and planning fo the tue Its a e to stand up, to feel ondent, pesevee, be asseve, take hage, and get esults We would say, then, that ts is what would inuen inuene e all ooff us at a olleve level, globally and loally, loally, in a  Uni vesal Yea, and epesents the enegy that would suound us Howeve, dont onse this wth you Pesonal Yea, beause that's anothe stoy

Ztroo Ain' for Ztr for Nuhi N uhin' n' The nube 0 shouldn't be ignoed It epesents an enegy thats unfoed and pegnant with potenal: e all, it's ll and epty at the sae e The 0 is the sy sybol bol of o f an open hannel ha nnel to highe foes foes


(hatr 2 T Pilosoy P ilosoy of Numroogy We see the zero in nubers like 0, 40, and even 000  000 hen you have a 0 behind a nuber, the idea is that this ag nies the nuber ahead of it If, for exaple, you have a 30th birthday, the 0 agnies the 3  This birthday birthday ght e e phasize learnng to speak your uth, to express yourself, ake good iendships, or to use your reavee energy and all ooff these will be agn reav agni i ed by the s vibraon


Easy as 1-2-3  Remember, e l veral Year    e ir yea yea of a  eyear cyce Ay  amp e efec of e umber ey accompay accompa y So yo ca ca  ave a 0 Uveal Yea or eoal Yea, eve if  ee le 

The year 000 ha The hadd thr s Huanity won't see three s for another thousand years The presene of the the if ifold old energ energyy of tthe he s iin n year 000 000 heralded the oinous new beginning beginn ing of a new vibraon The s, three in suession, suession, ephasized that this new e of living under the inuene of  energy is yet to be fored and is open to the inuenes of the great ystery of life and its unseen fores l through the years 00 through 009, and in subsequent years 00 through 090, the presene of s enhanes and agnies the qualies and hallenges of the  vibraon: vibraon: resoluon of dualit duality; y; pe peael, ael, uned oinhabitaon of planet planet Eart Earth; h; a deeper sensitivity and loving ndness for all; liing a slower rhyth that is ore in tune with nature; honorng the feinine; and highlights the need for ooperaon, relaonship, and onneon The 0 in any nuber signals an intensiaon of the vbraon and energe properes of o f the nuber it follows follows

I the next hapter, we wll take you through how to alulate nubers and a loser

look at the eanng eanngss of nubers  thr throug oughh 9, ar ari i Nubers Nubers  0,  3 , 4,  6, and 9, and Maste Masterr Nu Nuber berss   ,   , 3 3 , and be beyon yond d

 L Y N N   Kw     


You a an n le lea a ttoo understand your own energy through nuerology nuerology Spiritual nuerology ephasizes growth of higher onsiousness Nuerolog Nue rologyy is based on nubers  thro through ugh 9 and their syboli syboli eanngs You have a nneyear growth yle The Unversal Year is a nuber that everyone on Earth vibrates to

   bts bts Havt Havt Mt M ta n  ngs, Ps (a P (a aang  ng ht bts I    How to add a dd thos thosee nubes nubes toget togethe he  Quik efeene gide to the nubes  Leanng the eduing plan thats best fo you  Lettes have eanings too  You Nueology Pole Enoug h histoy and philosophy Enough phi losophy We know you eally eall y want to know what nueology an do fo you Nueology an teah you a seet ode fo unloking the ystey hidden in the nubes suounding you life n this hapte hapte well be showing you how to ddoo ust that by pef pefoing oing the siple alulatons youll need to disove what you nubes ae Wel show you how nueology woks and disuss dieent ethods of



Pa : T lnuitiv ln uitiv Powr of Nu Numbrs mbrs

adding and reduing the nubers, and then well look at your birth nae and begin the proess of opiling your personal Nuerology Prole

Pick a Numtr, N umtr, Any Any Numtr Nu mtr Calulaons for nuerology are really quite siple: You either add or subat The ain idea behind the anipulaon of the nubers is to nd the single base nuber This base (root) nuber is usually a redued nuber that oes o a doubledigit nuber, but the single nuber will tel the storyuess of ourse, its a Master Nuber (ell get to that in a few pages) The ethod for adding the nubers is indeed the ost onoversial question in nuerology The k is h you add the nubers together

Numerolo Rule: Redue nubers to a single digit Add the nubers together to get a single root nuber

Youve already alulated your Birthday Nuber in Chapter  by using nuerologys rule of reduing For exaple, if your birthday is on the 4th day of the onth, add  + 4 togeth together er to get tthe he redued nuber 5 Youve got a 5 Birthday Nuber Nuerologally, there are essenally four ways to add the nubers:

 Add aross 2 . Redue as you go

3 Add down 4 Add double digits Lets look at eah of these individually, so you an see the dierenes for yourself

A   I  A A  A A One way to add the nubers nubers is to add saigh saightt aross Here Heress a qui quik k exaple Lets use the birth date exaple of ofJuly July 6,  9 If youre adding the Date of Birth Birth Nubers (were talking about a of your birth nubers), you ight think to add the like this: 7+6 +  +9+4+43 3 +    

Chat  Numbers Nu mbers ve Menings, Plus Clculting te NNumbers umbers


The single nuber 4 is the t he root nube nuberr (also alled al led the redued redued nuber nuber)) The reason we don't don 't like to use this ethod for for using Date of Birth Birth Nubers Nubers is ta tatt w when hen the addsaigh add saightaro taross ss ethod is used, you lose the hane of nding Master Nu Nu  bers, whih is the ase in our exaple, as you'll see

Numerolo Rule: Don't add all the nubers saight aross! The nubers within a nuber are iportant as well, as you'll nd out when we aluate your ve Core Nub Nubers ers in Part Part 3 

Let's look again at the July 6 , 1 944 bi Let's birth rth date wen reduced before it's added When we do tis, it reveals a Mas Master ter Nuber Nuber To To do his for July 6, 1 944, 944, you'll redue 944 uly is a 7 and the day is a 6, so no redution is neessary for alulang the nubers of the onth and dayonly the year needs reduon in this birthday) To nd the year's redued redu ed nube nuber, r, add the nubers together: 1  9      18 Now, you'll redue again, to arrive at the singledigit nuber 9 (1  8) One you have redued the year nuber, add all the redued nubers togeher (but reeber, in ths exaple, 7 and 6 an't be redued) Add: 7  6  9     Ou Ourr new way of wring the su of ts ts date of o f birth will be   /4


Easy 1-2-3 W e edoe edasoe Addion Addio n Metod #2, redcing a yo go t ene en e he d icoey icoey o Ma Mae e Numbe

Voila! /4 reveals a Master Nuber You would have ssed it using the addsaightaross ethod

A A   2 2 R R  , , A A    nother ethod for adding nubers is to redue as you go along Here's an exape to illusate this ethod The date of birth Deeber 16 197, ight be written like this: 1  1 6  197 If redued rst, it looks like this: 3  7  1  11 Reduing before you add is fast Soe nuerologists swear by this syste, and it's ertainy the easiest ethod for beginners Noe in our exaple that we have unovered unover ed yet anothe anotherr Mas Master ter Nuber, he 1 1  W We'll e'll be explaining what tthat hat eans in a few paragraphs We reoend reoen d reduing redu ing as you go It's faster fasterand and you arry less weight (soet (soething hing we all desire)



Pa  : e Inuiive Powe Powerr of Nu Numbers mbers Nuerolo Rule: Wath for Master Nubers when reduing to a nal nu

Nue o o Ru e

ath for Master Nubers hen redu ng to a na nu ber Reeber the Master Nubers  , , and 3 3 have speial eanings

A     A A  Dw Dw A third ethod for for aluang nubers nubers is to set it up like a siple ath proble For exaple to gure oposer singe singer r and songwrit songwriter er Paul Sion' Sion'ss date of birth 94, we would write it like this Otober 3, 94, 94 + 3 + 0 964

Then we'd redue 964 to the root nuber  ( + 9 + 6 + 4) = 0;  + 0 = ) This ethod reveals that the Life Path Nuber (the su of the birth date nubers) one of the ve Core Nubers for Paul Sion is  , intensied by the presene of the 0, the etea irle of life (See Chapter   for everything about the Life Path Nu ber) We use this ethod as a e breaker when ing to deterine if we are realy dealing wth a Master Nuber We would use Method # rst then  Method #, and last of al  Method #3, to see if two of the three ethods gve us the sae answer Here is an exape: ngela thinks she ight have a Master Nuber birthday Her birthday is February February ,  94 Let's see how to use the dierent ethods to deterine whether her birday nubers add up to a Master Nuber Using Method #, adding saight aross for for ngela we nd:  +  +  +  + 9 + 4 +  = 0 +0=

Not a Master Nuber though the presene of the 0 intensies the energy of the  for ngela as it does for Paul Using Method #, reduing rst then adding together we nd:  + 3 ( +  ) + 6   + 9 + 4 +  = 5, or 6) =   

Nuber  a Master Nuber


Chatr  Numbers Nu mbers Hve Menings, Plus Plus Ccultin Ccultingg te Num Numbe bersrs


Using Method #3 , adding do down, wn, w wee nd: 94  +  955  + 9 + 5 + 5  0;  + 0   Again, not a Master Nuber for Angela Therefore, we would onlude that Ange Therefore, Angela la doesn't have a Master Nu Nuber ber aer all all,, and neither does Paul Sion Adding aross for Paul Sion, Otober 3, 94:  + 0 +  + 3 +  + 9 + 4 +   0;  + 0   Reduing rst, then adding together for Paul, we nd:  ( + 00)) + 4 ( + 3) + 6 ( + 9 + 4 + )    , or )     We an only o nly be sure of a Master Nuber result if we use all three  etho ethods ds to veri Reeber ant o ou outt oof fthr mth m tho o to a a to gt g t a tt  Mastr Mastr Numb Numb Going bak to our original exaple of the July 6 944 birthday, let's y the third ethod to onr our Master Nu Nuber ber result of /4: /4: 944 7 957  + 9 + 5 + 7  

M's Nos

 ee naure o Mat Mater er u m be be  uchh ha hoe o carry hem uc are uuallyryexremely entie o exr exraeno aenory percept perception ion, ,  nuion, and Higer Hige r Guidance. hey alo cay a peca peca  repon reponbi bilty lty to to mannd o leae te ord a bete pace by elping te ace o eol eolee o a h h  ghe concou conc ou ne.

Of ourse, it's neessary to  all three addition ethods only if you're working to onr a Master Nuber result



Pa : �� lntutiv� Pow� Pow� of Nu Numb�rs mb�rs

M # # D Db bD D  A A  This mehod is almos he same as Mehod #2 because i reduces rs hen adds o-

geher. When doing numeroogica geher. numeroogicall inerpreaons ha inole inole add adding ing you yourr Dae of Birh Numbers or Name Numbers hold ono he doubledigi number when adding. For example les look a h hee birhday ffor or Jos Joshh Groban he young singing singin g phenome non known for his specacular operac enor/romanc balladeer oice who was dis coered a he 1 999 Gr Gramm ammyy A Awar wards ds dress rehearsal rehearsal while singing a due wih Celine Dion. Joshs bi birh rhday day is Feb Febru ruar aryy 2   98  . In he doubledigi mehod we reduce a doubledigi numbers o heir single digis and hen add each singedig number ogeher for he combined number oal. The combined number oal will will be b e wo digis or o r a doubledig number. I his mehod we hold ono he doubledigi numbers for addional informaon. To sar we need o reduce o numbers numb ers in hi hiss birhday o singledigi numbers before we  o gure ou he oal doubledig number. Firs we reduce he year number in his bir birhday hday::  9 8  o 1 9 ( 1 + 9 + 8 + 1 ) and connue oo redu reduce ce  9 by adding 1 + 9 o 10 and reduce a nal me for he singledigi number:  + 0  1 . Nex we reduce he day of birh number 2 because i has wo digis: 2 +   9. The monh in his birhday birhday doesn doesn need o be reduced because ii is only one numbe number r 2 . Finally Finall y w e add aallll ooff he singledi singledigi gi (reduced) numbers nu mbers ogeher ffor or our nal oal: o al: 2 + 9 + 1  1 2 . The numbe numberr 1 2 is he doubledigi oal ffor or Josh Groban Grobanss birhda birhdayy. To make hings more clear ii migh hel helpp o wrie ou he seps like h his: is: 2 + 2 + 1981 2 + (9) + (9) 2 + (9) + (0) 2 + 9 + 1  2 If we were o reduce reduce he  2  we wll nd a singedig o oal al of 3 . In using his doubledig mehod i is i s impora impora o consider boh he doubedigi number and he re duced oal number so we would wrie he oal 2 separaed by a  and hen wrie he 3. The birhday oal wil hen look ike his: 12/3. e can hen say Joshs Dae of Birh Numb Number erss add up o a 3 . By holding ono ono he doube di dig g we can se seee wha nu number mberss lie behind he oal (he 1 and he 2 are wha are inuencing he reduced number 3 in oher words) I our exampe here is is prey imporan because Josh has a 3 Life Life Pah he pah ooff enerainmen drama dram a and expressing onesef in a creae way way.. Howeer Howeer he doubledigi doubledig i inuence suggess ha he will hae o asser his independence and song principles


Chat   Numbers Nu mbers ve Menings Plus Clcuting te NNumbes umbes () in using his natural arstic, rhhmic gi (2) to oercome tendencies of shyness, sensity and the desi sensity desire re to please pleas e others (2 (2)) as he pursues a lif lifem emee path of entertainment and creae selfexpression (3) So here we can see that the doubledigit


numbers (12) tell more ofJoshs story than just the 3

Rtducin Iwhich s No N omethod  a DDit itaddion Planyou choose, youl hae to add your numbers No matter Is of together and then reduce The reduced number gies the simple, root number om which an interpretaon can be made Choo se the method Choose met hod that tha t feels feels ri right ght ffor or you Tr Try them all and see whi which ch one gie giess you the most informaon Dont be dismayed by all of these choices Your method of calcula calculaon on iiss on onee of the most important decisions youll make in your study of numerology If youre not sure, start w with ith Mehod #2 and reduce rst t tss our faorite faorite mehod The more you work with the reducing methods, the easier it wil bbee to nd the one that works for you Jus like diesooner or later, you nd one that reduces perfectly!

 Lw mm Dm Youe already seen us refer to Master Numbers using two numbers: for example, 2 2 /4 or 1 1 2 2 en wri wring ng a Master Number, Number, youll ha haee two numbers to consider: he Master Number and the reduced number Theref Therefore, ore, it he heps ps if you write Master Numbers like his so you wil be conscious of working with both of the numbers inoled: or the Mas Master ter Num Number ber 1 1  1 12 ffor  22/4 for the Master Number 22 for the M Master aster N Number umber 33  3 3/6 for The same would b e ue ffor or all ooff the Master Numbers IIn n a Master Number, Number, the lower, or reduced, number is equally as important as the higher number and it is important to read he meaning meani ng of boh numbers numbe rs If you se seee a Master Number written as 1 1 or 22 or 3 3  it is sll a Mast Master er Numbe Number, r, yo youu just arent arent as conscious conscious of both numbers numbe rs and the their ir i ibraon braonal al quality when it is writte written n as 1 1 2 2 22/4 2 2/4 3 3/6 3/6



Pa  : e Intuitive Powe Powerr of Nu Numbers mbers \heher youre working wih wih a Maser Number or any oher double doubledigi digi number youll be inere ineresed sed in he meaning of boh numbersi jus gives gives you more inf informa orma on If your resul is he Maser Number 22 /4 for example youll wan wan  o inerpre boh he 22 and he 4 In he advanced sudy of numerology numerology you migh wan o con sider inerpreng he meaning of oher double doubledigi digi numbers iin n your cchar har much like

we did in he exam example ple ofJosh Grobans birhday birhday..

Wk W k w w  Db D b D D  Some numerologiss give a lo of credence o he doubledigi number. This is because a number wih wo or hree digis giv gives es ad added ded informao informaon n o he ro roo o number in consideraon consideraon Double or mulple digiizer digiizerss wrie hese numbers numbers as 2 1 /3 1 /8 or 1 03/4 Boh he sing single le roo number and he ddouble ouble number are considered ffor or numerological analy analysi siss For example le less look a he 1 5  \hen we re reduce duce 1 5 we add h hee 1  5 o nd he roo number 6 Now le le ss say you waned o know he Life Pah Number for your son You would add up he numbers of his dae of birh sa say y Feb Februar ruar 1 8 2 002 002 and reducing aass you go nd ha i adds up o a 1 5/6 2

9 (1

8)  4 (2

0  0  2)  /

The number 6 ells us ha his young man will have a pah o walk in his life ha brings responsibiliy du nururing and care for ohers However if you look a he 1 5  yo youu noe ha boh he 1 and he 5 are o be considered considered hey show how hel helll go abou his Lif Lifee Pa Pahh 6 ddues ues.. In oher words he may be facing responsibili and du duyy bu will wan wan o be independen (he 1 ) abou he Easy as 1-2-3  way he goes abou hese dues and will also demand eedom om me o me (he 5). Yo' ga ga gh n n o the

delyng cocern o he d recton tha  gen to the merologca tepetaton of a nge root, o educed, number, by loong at the doble dg mber dg mber aa  el el  n h ay a y you ca e eee the ull eergy motat mot atng ng he bae num n umbe ber.r.

Geng he ll numerological energ of he roo number is acually much easier han i migh appear a rs glance. Firs look o he reduced number for your inerpreaon Then look a he doubledigi number o see wha oher inuences are inv involv olved. ed. If working wor king wih he doubledigi number is oo much oo soon and youre no ready for i jus concenae on he single roo or reduced numberheres plen here!

Now ha youve go he basics of how o gure your numbers i iss me o ssee ee wha hese numbers can ell you


Nu mbers Hve Menngs Pus Clculting t Numbers (hat 3 Numbers Numerolo Rule: Don reduce Maser Numbers! The ell of special aibues


Tht Mtanin Mtani n of Nu Numbtr mbtrss The ke o numerolog numerolog is: Each number has a specic meaning e inoduced ou o he numbers in Chaper 1 and wel gie our indeph analsis of he disnc mean ing and message of each each number in Par 2 of his book as well as he special meanings of he Maser and armic Numbers or now now hough hhere eress a deailed deail ed hand guide ou can use u se for quick reference reference o he mean meanings ings of he numbers

 M M   Nmb Qk Q k R R    Number

Key Words and Concepts

umb 1 thgh 9

1 2 3 4 5 6  8 9

Beginning independence innoaon leadership masculine principle Harmon uni relaonships cooperaion feminine principle Sang ones uh imaginaon opimism plalness creae expressn Building formaon hard work endurance seriousness praccali Change ansion progressie hinking resourcel eedom ersali promoion Balance Balan ce nururing serce oriened responsibili and du du famil famil focus marriage and diorce number domesc and work issues Analsis research science echnolog soliude wisdom spiriual focus inesgae m mscal scalbusiness meaphsical Auhori power nances success maerial wealh organizaion selfmaser Endings ision olerance ransformaon spiriual consciousness cosmic eaching global awareness perfecon

M umb


Maser of Illuminaon he inspiraonal messenger he number of ligh one who raises consciousness reformer of world problems wans o upli ohers inspires b eaching own uh onnue



Pa : �� lntuitiv� Pow�r of Numb�rs  M M   Nmb N mb Qk R R      



Key ords and Concepts


Maser Bulder sonary; knows how o plan and execue large projec;; wans o rher conscousness of humankndespecally projec fem emnn nnee conscousnes conscousness; s; powerl sk sklls lls of manf manfesao esaon; n; he human aran


Teacher of Teachers maser of compasson maser of healng hrough loe use of creae energes o sere ohers

Kic umb

10 13 14 16 19

Renewal rebrh karmc compleon comple on maser maseryy begnnng agan wh conscusness Reworking Rewor king karmc karmc lazness hro hrough ugh dscplne dscp lne Reworking Rewor king karmc abuse of o f eedom hroug hroughh order ord er and sably Reworkng Rewor kng karmc abuse of responsbly and loe hrough sprual rebrh Reworkng karmc karmc abuse of power hrough leang o show com passon and sacred use of cosmc wsdom for he greaer good

The mos mporan numbers o ow are your e Core Numbers whch we no duced o you n Chaper 2 , and are he subjec of all of Par 3 of hs book book Y You ou can nd he meaning of your name and dae of bbrh rh usng numerology numerology Y Your our bih nam alone s composed of hree of he Core Numbers: he Soul Number Desny Num ber and Personaly Number Your Dae of Brh Numbers ge you a wealh of nformaon A you wll see hey ell you wha lesson youre worng on a a parcular age wha your poenal s for acheemen wha he heme s  s for for each year of your lf lfee  and wha whass nluencng you as o you do sle addou each year To undersand hs nformaon abou yourself all you hae Nex les Nex les look a he name and see ho how w  adds up Ho How w yo youu ask can I add up my name? There are no numbe numbers rs n my name  yes bu here are

Alpha Alp habt bt Soup: Sou p: Lt Lttr trss ino i no Numbtrs Nu mbtrs In ese numerology or Pyhagorean numerology wheneer we calculae a word such as your name or he name of he see you le on or when we wan o dscoer he meanng of a word we assgn numerical alues o leers of he alphabe


 Nu mbers Have Meanings, Plus Plus Calculating te NNum umber berss (hatr  Numbers Remember ha when agoras rs deised deis ed h hee sysem of numerolo numerology gy,, he no noed ed ha eeryhing in he world is made up of numbers, and so appied numbers o he Arabi alphabe Using he numbers 1 hrough 9 he ame up wh a har ha allowed hm o deipher he meaning of any name

L L      N Nmb mb Her e is a handy one Here onersion rsion har youl youlll nd usel as yyou ou alula alulae e h hee numerial numerial energy of leers an andd words.

L L        Nm Nmb b  A 



 L u

D M v

E N w

F 

G 





You may wan wan o ab his page o refer oo as you read his book book Bu, hard as i may be o beliee belie e righ n now ow,, eenually eenually,, youll youl l mem memoriz orizee he number ffor or eah lleer. eer. II jus akes prae! One Pyhagoras had he numbers o g ure a persons name, he had a emendous ool for seeing ino he hidden essene of ha person, and so i was hough hough ha anyone who ew his mehod of deoding a name ould see ino he soul. Thas why his numerologial informaon was arelly guarded and an d aug augh h only in he My Mysery sery Shools o deoed sudens swo o serey serey

Eay a 123  A you o from glih ca, ca , he h e ete ete y y may be coiee a oel or a co oa, epeig o the or o ame For a fl i i cio o the ue of the leer y, refer to Chapte  1 

Bu now you ow he sere! M's Nts

 aciet me, eoteric chool, cale Mytery School, tae eaer of hmaity io ay of og the la o iea cpe Thee chool trae iiiate i he h e he meag o h hee my myee ee of life t a a tee tee pual rra a g. g . Pythag ythag ora oue hi Mytey School  appoxmaely 500  hee he aught elelpefecto, phoophy, ciece, ocal refom, mc, arology, atroomy, umeoogy, uito, hygiee, mece, a eaerhia myee o the time.



 ntuitiv Powr of Nu Numbrs mbrs Pa Pa :  ntuitiv

O     way to start is to look lo ok at how to caculate a rst name Do we know any  easy way Oprah's? Let's say your rst name is Oprah Using the letter chart, we nd the corresponding numbers for for each letter of her name: =6 P7

R=9 A 1 H=8

When you add up all of the numbers, you will see that 3  is the total for Oprah. Unless you arrive arrive at oone ne of the Master Numbers, as we've said before, before, you reduce any twodigit sm by adding the numbers together In this case, the sum for Oprah is 3 1 , or 3   = 4 so the name Oprah is a 4  neroogy, it's thought that a person's rst name reveas her or his most personal lessons We ll discuss more about the meaning of names names in i n Chapter 10, when we tak t ak about your ll name as your desny desny.. No Now w let's look at the meaning of the name Oprah. The name Oprah adds up to a 4 so we know that certain things are ue about this name For example, because the 4 is symbolic of the builder, you can expect that a woman ith e name Oprah will want to build her life around security and perma nency ll that she undertakes is done to build toward something. She can work hard, but has a high need for security, and somemes can be more controlling and rigid than she would like to be She has excellent abilies to organize and manage projects and as a 4 she will use a praccal, honest approach to anything in her life. You can trn to Chapter 5 for a detailed analysis of the number 4 We get to ow all that and moreom just one number! Sound like an Oprah we know?

 Nm N m Y Y W  W Later, when wh en you wil willl be gurin guring g four four of th thee ve Core Numbers of your your Numer Numerology ology Proleyou Pro leyourr Des Desny ny,, Soul, Persona P ersonality lity,, and Matrity Numbe Numbers rsyou'l you'l be working with some aspect of the name you were bo with We're talking about the ll name appearing on your birth cercate, even if you don't like it or never use it


Nu mbes HHve ve Meigs, Pus Clcultig e NNumbers umbers (hat 3 Numbes


Nmeroogy is working wih yor e Nmeroogy ery ry essenc essence, e, which means yor original, pr pree ibraon. e e can ge ge ha ony wih yor origina name nam e There are a o ooff wonder wonderl l sories abo names gie gien n o a birh, sch as Carol s Carole, where he "e was le o he birh cercae and she wen hro hrogh gh 50 5 0 year yearss of her ife ife hinking she was so someone meone oher han who she realy was or a baby in a hospial gien anoher baby's name The philosophy behind sing he name gien gien a birh is ha here are no misakes I follows ha he name gien o yo a birh was no no a misake. mis ake. Howe Howeer er,, clerical errors do occr and if his is he case for yo, se he original birh name ha was

inended for yo when yo are doing nmerological calclaons. calcl aons. Js be sre o check he spelling on yor birh cericae The nmerology schoo of o f hogh goes somehing ike his: Yo were gien he ery name yo go becase i is he correc se of ibraions yo wi need o achiee yor desiny,, o work on yor kar desiny karmic mic lessons, and for yor yor sol o express iself  lly lly in his lifeme I's I's al also so hogh ha yo seec seeced ed yo yorr parens when yo were back in "s "sol ol a and, nd, and hey agreed o be a channel for yor birh and life on Earh. The name decided for yo mean o beexising as anLeopod iniieII, momen mome ffor or is yo yor r parens. yo werewas named aer yor grea ncle he n poin Yor nameEen is noifa misake.

Uve Uve  Law: l hings happen according o a Maser Plan or Maser Design e all hae ee will o make cho choices ices ffor or how we lie he Maser Plan

A Nm A Nm   Nm    hen yo don' know yor original name, yol gre he nmbers of yor Nm Nmer er ology Prole wih he name yo were gien a adopon, becase his name is he essence or ibraonal paern yo grew ino So wha if yo don' know yor birh name? name ? Yo wi simply gre a pro proee ffor or he adoped name Howeer name Howeer,, if yo shod ha haee boh a birh name and an adoped or changed name, hen se he original name for he pre essence of

  Sxs and Svns

. l

en f you'e chne yo birth nme roppe it or one to  ret lenhs to he the "corec "co rect"t" nme pt on your brth b rth certice, yo'll still nee to use your oiin ntene nme if you he ccess to tto fi ure your Nmerolo N meroloy y ofi ofi le



Pa : � lntuitiv� lntu itiv� Pow�r of Num Numb�rs b�rs you numbs Thn gu anoth po fo th nam you cam to iv by. This scond po wi show who you hav bcom Not supising supisingy y,, th qustion qust ion of a maid maid nam is on bought bought up Th maid nam is gud spaaty om you oigina bith nam, and shows what ngy o ssons you addd to you if duing th piod you caid that nam.  of you v Co Numbs main th sam as thy w at bith Th maid nam is what ngy you dw to youthat you ndd to a th nt stp. ways gu you maid nam spaaty om you bith nam It is not pat of you oigina Numoogy Po. You' nd out mo about a th amicaons of naming by th th numbs in Chapt Chapt 2200 

W Y Y y y  F F Nm N m N Nmb mb y Ab YY  A you and in Chapt 1 , you Bithday Numb is th numb of th day of th month you w bo ik th nam on you bith ccat, it cannot b atd, athough you can choos to go by a dint nam o ag in you pubic if Phaps you bith nam is ic but you aways go by i, and ys, you giv you bith ya as 1969, no 1959and most of th m, you actay gt away with it! But that won't wok in you Numoogy Po, wh you nd to us th nam and dat codd at yo bith Not that you Bithday Numb is not on of you v Co Numbs, but its inunc is potnt a of you if, and it's paticuay potnt btwn you 28th and 56th bithdays. Th numb fo you st nam is ony on pic usd to intpt th who ngy of you Dsny Numb So what a th numbs fo your Bithday Numb and Fist Nam Numb? t's bgin th pocss of  vaing vaing you numb numbs s an andd what thy man. W' stat with you Bithday Numb, Numb, which you idnd idn d in Chapt 1  My Ponal Infation fation

My st nam as it appas and is spd on my bith ccat is Th dat of bith on my bith ccat is M   n th : 


D ay :

Yea r :

_   

My Bihd Bihdy umb

Th day of th month upon which I was bo is (cic th appopiat numb fo th day) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 27 2288 29 3300 3 1  

Nu mb�rs Hv� M�nings, Plus Plus Clcultin Clcultingg t� Nu Numb�rs mb�rs (hatr 3 Numb�rs

 From calculaons you did in Chapter  to determine your Birthday Number, ll in you Birthday Number. you My Birthday Number is



My Birthday Num Number ber reveals (trn back to Chapter 1 to lea eeach ach number' number'ss signi cance and write in a few key words here) My Fi Fi  Name Name Numbe Number r

Write the letters of your rst name, as it appears on your birth cercate, using the spaces below. If there aren't enough spaces, write in more (and what a long rst name you have!) have!)

Letters of your rst name:

Corresponding number for for each letter

um of the numbers for for the let letters ters in your rst name . My First Name Number reveals (use The Meaning of Numbers Quick Reference Guide in this chapter to get an ial interpretaon) about my personal lessons


Now, you're oon Now, n your way to understanding how numbers can reveal so many things about you, leading to insights about your core essence and life purpose. Before we connue to help you use numerology to rther illuminate your path, let's look, in Partt 2  at the energies of ea Par each ch num number ber,, the  through the 9, as well as the special import of the Master and Karmic Numbers

  Y N N   Kw     

Numerology believes that all things are related

Rememberr to reduce the number Remembe numberss rst, aand nd then add ad d them across across The letters in your birth name and the numbers in your birthday have meaning Use the name you were bo with and your precise birth date to gure your Numerolog Nu merology yP Prole role It' It'ss easy to create creat e a Numerology Numerology Prole of your own



 nr  nry y of 1 r ro o  9, ls ls str st r N Nm m brs brs n n  Krmi rmicc NNm mbr brss Numerologiss believe ha each number has is own special meaning The number 1 for example being rs narally likes o lead, whie he number 5smack in he middleis oen a uing poin and change

caalys while he 9 signals compleon and he end Then here are he Maser Num Number berss 1 1  2222 , and 3 3 ha resonae resonae o sll highe higherr e equencie quencies, s, and he he  ar armic mic Num Number berss 1  1 3  1  16  and 1 9 ha ha prese presen n some lessons all heir own



 b   bs 11,, 2, 3: 3:

 ndpn nd pnd dnc nc, H a mony, mony, a n d Jo J oyf  Sf- S f-xp xpss son on    e e     

Number 1 is sefsuient and wants to lead Number 2 is sensive and gentle and wan to support Number 3 is entusiasti and energe and wants to reate Te spirit spiritua ua essene essene of te 1 , 2  and 3 Te energy energy of numbers numbers 1 , 2  and 3

If you wa want nt to ligt a re under a projet, get a 1 on board If you wa want nt a paent, supporve, detaied team player, get a 2 on your sta If you want a quik, lever, ontagiously  person to ligten up te sene, get a 3 Ea of tese tree numbers as learly idenable qualies and is unique in its energy energy.. Te 1 , 22 and 3 reve revea a a sared yle: yle:   te number of re aon; 2  te number of assimi assimilaon laon and 3  te number of exp expre ression. ssion. Tis iad reates a treestage aon of te mind or way of tougt



Pa Pa  : Te T e [ner [nergy gy of  Troug 9, Plus Mster Num Number berss nndd Krmic NNumbers umbers formation: 1 , the number of impression; 2  the number of reimpression, and 3 the number of expression expression In this chapter, chapter, we examine various ffacets acets of the number numberss 1 , 2 , and 3 incuding the energy ener gy of each numb number, er, a pee at if ifee with each of the number numberss (shoud you be iing with one of these three), as we as the spiritua essence, specia abiies, and paces of growth for each number W Wee a aso so thought you woud wan wantt to now some ey words associated with each number, as we as the asoogica equivaent, the matching Tarot card, the eters, and the poarity, coors, gems, and owers, so we've created a chart for each number tha shows i correspondences

Numbtr   Lt Ltadt adtrr of ht Pack hat maes a eader? Knowing what one wants, having the courage to go to the head

of the pac, having sength of i, and haing the wit, inteigence, and quicness to execute the pan Independent and headsong, the 1 is both ambious and determined Never aaid to try try somehing n new, ew, the 1 wi b body ody go where no on one' e'ss gone bef before" ore"but but sedom goes with the o ow" w" He or she wi begin it ith are and a burst of enthusiasm. The 1 assesses what needs to be done with the speed of ight and then executes the pan in about the same amot of time, a the whie ordering everyone around He or she means no harm he or she is just into the power of his or her 1 energy The drive and focus he or she wi bring to the jobany jobare hamars of the number 1 

Easy as 1-23  The   he he nu mber o o iiaton ii aton and acio, a cio, the selfmoti selfmotiaed aed eade

Maybe you won't be abe to te a 1 what to dobut you won't nd him or her waing for anyone to te him or her what to do either hie you may s be tang, the 1 wi be ong gone, aready into the thic of the acon

he Nuer  : Independence Pioneering spirit, songied, innovave, Key ords soogca Equvaent arot Card Equvaent

courageous, determined, and smboizes the beginning Aries The Magician and the Aces of each Minor rcana suit


Chat  � Numb�rs Num b�rs   3 lnd��n lnd ��nd�nc�. d�nc�. Harmony and Joyfu S�lfr�ssion Leer Polari Color Gem Flower

A  and S Yang Rd, am, cardinal, burgundy Ruby or gat Lily for purity, purp ilac for rst moons of lov, sag for stm, all rd owrs for boldnss

Ms Ns

Taro cad, another meaphycal too, peet a ymboc pcture o the elemen of ie The Th e TTaot aot dec de c i dided di ded t  to  oo pat: he Mao Arcaa Arcaa ad a d h hee Mi Mio o Acaa Acaa The Magica Magic ann card, cad  of he aro aro'' Majo Majo Acaa, ha the ab  y to create create hi o he o realiy, realiy, a nd ometime epre epreen en the need to id a e di rectio in i n e e Si Simi milary lary,, the act of ceating oe' on realy  ey mch  he doma o the dependen,


edected  . The Ace edected Ace  al our o the ut u t of the ao ao ae epeeed epeeed by a pepedicula Cp, Wad, Penacle, or Sod The meaig eman the ame or a four A ne begning i foretold

 y   I  Th nrgy of th numbr  is intnsly acv, with a driving dtrminaon to gt ahad Thr's a mntal vigor hr, and it rsul in th goalorintd, masculin xprssion of acv, forcl, couragous nrgy It is a dirct and dirctd nrgy Th basic maning of th 1 is nrgy in a stat of prptal moon Th  has th powr to crat, dvlop, and gov all things prtaining to this arthy lif, lik th Tarot card, Th Magician Th  how howvr, vr, rquirs a complt ovrc ovrcoming oming of o f slf bfor bf or it attains i highst succss

 m m     I Th  is th numbr of nw bginnings It always signals a nw m is about to bgin, that nw opportunis can b xpctd, and that all will b don with courag and th intnt to gt th job don This is th numbr of iniaon I its driv to gt things don, th 1 will iniat, mov on it," and is on impant to gt going Waing isn't th  's fort, unlik th 2 . You can think of th 1 as nrgy that that bgins al acon, ac on, who lads th way to a n nw w dircon  


Pa : Te [nergy of  Troug 9 Plus Mser Numbers nd Kmic NNumbers umbers

L L w   A wi ll e numbers life wi e  cn bring bo blessings nd cllenges Te  s insisence on con cn men i won olere ny dillydllying nd i song opinions cn somemes mke i conry. A   owe owever ver won won cre muc if oe oers rs nd im or er conry or forcel becuse bo of ose re very muc  pr of wo  1 is

       I Te blessings of e 1 re is condence creiy nd l energy s well s is feisy eisy selfsrer spiri. eop eople le  song  inuence in eir umerology roles ro les will nd i esier n ny oer number o inie ings nd o ge resul. Is is independen sprk of e  s so inving

      

Te wek side of e  is lck of selfeseem selfeseem self selfconsciousness consciousness n ndd e sggle o believe in e iger self Te  needs o le o believe  e or se is cpble of meeng he cllenges of life o ve courge nd o be deerminedeven wen heres doub wiin.

 L    Te lesson of e number 1 is  is person will be reuired o overcome e negve expressions of self o in is or er iges success Tis is mos promi nenly seen in e opinioned  wo oends oends ever everyone yone wi  cless cless songly sed opinions. Te  s ggr ggressiveness essiveness for exmple is oen  cover for iis s lonenes lonenesss nd  nd lck of self self condence Te lesson ffor or he 1 is  i mus seek he rig environmen environmen in wic i sengs cn rive. rive. Y Youve ouve go o pu e  s in wi e grounded  or e edonco 8s rer hn e mid 2s or e idelisc dremer 9s. o pen emselves s need o le o surround surround emselves emselves wi people more p pen en n emselv em selves es (6s ve  lo of pence) pence) wo  e sme  me me will no be id o snd up o he 1 wen necessry. Individulisc innovve nd originl originl noings go going ing o ge bby y e   nder snding he  s need o be rs rs  goes  long wy owrd undersnding undersn ding is endency o pus everyone else ou of e wy o ge ere. Similrly undersnding ll e nunces of e 1 cn elp you le o live wi is forcelnessweher youre e   or someone you you lo love ve (or don!) is.


Chat  Th� Nm�r N m�rss   3 lnd�p�n lnd �p�nd�nc� d�nc� Harmony and Joyfl S�f-pr S�f-prion ion


Re Re  w e  Despite its ability to sta aloe, the  ca make a goo ie, a oe uses its sese of humor to get oer the rough spots (quickly!) he  is aso a goo coersatoalist, oe usig wit, itelligece, a isight to spice up faorite topics Like the  oeooe relag is its preferece. Howeer, i groups, the 1 will sta apart, it oest realy like people it oest kow  the e, the  remais a loer at heart, because the 1 cosiers him or herself ieret ieret om om the others \he seekig relaoships, the  looks for attraceess i others, as well as a sog persoaity, persoaity, stregth of character, a a self se lfcoece coece that ca match its o. he  oest boreom, aythig oriary, or ayoe who emas too much of itthe  likes ike to be the perso oig the emaig! At the same me, the  is ery sesie to others approal or cricism, a if it seses ay is approal, o matter how mior, it may become agry a resetl. A litte praise will go a lo log g wa way y with with a 1but the 1 ees to


Sixs ad Svs A people h a 1 Life ath Numbe Nu mbe ll e yo,  

remember that praise is a toway seet, ot a oeway alley! he 1 likes to be i charge, so it ca appear bossy, warm, a it ees a mate of a strog character whos paet, a capable of staig o his or her ow. Loe a aecto are ery importat to the 1, a i fact the 1 wot reach its potetal uless its uerstoo at home.

tend to jmp ft and then he to ee if hee' hee' aer aer iinn the pool pool f f yo you're u're a  , you probably o abo bungee jumping projet, miment,ino or ne ine i net tmen. men. om

W m W  m  e 1 Approal, acty acty, a ambio are of primary importace to the 1 .  a aio io,, the 1 prefers to work aloe a likes to be the oe exporig a tryig out ew thigs he 1 ees to be creae a is oe the esetter or ture forecaster he 1 also alues obeiece, the ew, iepeece, a matters of priciple Not a physical laborer, the 1 lies o the metal plae he creatie 1 sies for orig iality i its thikig a has the courage to be origialthe pioeer" Acooriete 1s are also goo i busiess, a ca o wel with aces whe it itss about the goo of others rather tha persoal presge. he 1 is especially qualie to hea up just about aythigas log as there are oth ers there to keep the ball rollig oce the 1 has got it starte: 1s like to start it, but ot to sck arou a maage it  


Pat  he nergy of  Tho Thogh gh 9 Pls Master Nmers Nm ers and and Ka Karmic rmic N Nmers mers A a hihpord ibraio h 1 is h hir ad plar quiid ad rady o sar no!

(osmi (os micc (onntcio (onntcionn   o ha a umbrs umbrs ry raslas o  r r als alsoo aar o h umroloial ib" r  om somo or somhi Th bs you mih pi up om a prso ih sro 1s i hir  Cor Numbrs ( disuss h Cor Numbrs i Par 3 or om a 1 hous umbr ( disuss h umbrs or your hous ad aparm i Par 5) or i a 1 Prsoal Yar ( disuss h Prsoal Yar umbr i Par  ar as oos

   

diidualisi ad ioa Sris ou alo adsro impai impulsi Symbolially dos a  sar

        I Spiriual umroloiss bli ha ah umbr rprss a uirsal priipl hih is a sp i h y ylial lial oluo o al alll his. ry um umbr br ibra ibras s o a ir mai ad i should b o surpris ha h  ibras h spiri o all his as i h 1 r r h spiri" o h ora oraiao iao or somhi as do ih h rih spiri"

  G G Th umbr 1 smbolis h spiri a h r o all his. I sads or spiri" hih  should o is o h sam as h soul" Spiri is h masuli spiriual priipl h r or h spar ad soul is h mii spiriual priipl

Easy as 1 23  Easy n numerology, o numbers as consiere to be be yan yang g hile hi le een numbers are consiere to be be yin .

Th rh say i is 'esp de coeu o r h spiri spiri o h har" ad i mria  say h or sh is a spirid o" Th 1 is h ss o h ial pulsai impri o bii ry hih pas al his hi s hih ar abou o b brouh io raliy raliy This  bii oms omp ih a spar o spiri.


Chat  h Nmrs N mrs   3 lndpn lnd pndn
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