Kevin Trudeau - Mega Memory Pocket Guide

August 27, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Anlos - ant lost

Aaron - air gun

Anselm - ant psalm

Abe - ape

Anthony - ants in a tree, ant on a knee

Abel - able Abe (Abraham Lincoln)

Archibald Archiba ld - arched bald (head)

Abner - apple with fur on it (Furry Apple)

Archie - arched feet

Abraham - ape eating ham Abram - ape ramming a

Arnold - arm hold

camera Adam - a dam Adolff - a dolphin Adol Adrian - a dream Al - allergy alle rgy Alan - a lion Albert - albertross Aldous - adulterer Alec - almanac Alex - alchemist Alexander - a leg sander Alphonse Alph onse - a pine hose Aif Aif - an a n elf

Armand - almond

Art- artist, artwork Arthur - author Artle - artist wearing a tie Ashley - ashes & leaves Aubrey - auburn key August - a gust (of wind) Augustine - august stein (brown leaves Augustine on it) Austin Aust in - august tin (brown (brown tin) Axel - axle Baldwin - bald twin Bamaby - barn of bees Barney - barn on knee, bar on knee Barrettt - barrette Barret

Alfred - a red elf

Barry Barr y - berry, b erry, bury

Alger - algae

Bart - barn

Allstairr - ailing stairs Allstai

Bartholomew - barn on o n a pew

Alonzo - a long zoo AlvIn - ailing vintage(liquor)

Barton - bar weighing a ton

Ambrose Ambro se - amber rose

Benedict - bean duct (duct that carries  beans)

Amos - American moss Anatole - lower anatomy (use your imagination!) Andrew - ants’ shoe(s) Andy - android feet Angelo - angel eating jello, angel cow Angus - angry bus

Ben - bench Benny - bench feet Benjamin - bent pajama Bennett - bend a net Bentley - Rolls Royce Bentley, bend a knee Bernard - St. Bernard, barnyard



Cary - carry

Bernie - burn a knee

Casper - cast a (fishing) line, line, Cantor (in a

Bert - bird Bertram - bird & ram Bertrand - bird ran


Bill Bill - duck’s bill, dollar bill

Cecil - seal Cedric - seed on a brick

BIlly - Billy goat

Chad - chat (verb or noun)

Bob - bobbing for apples, bobcat,  bobsled Bobby - bobby pin Boris - bore us Boyd - boy doll Brad - bread Bradford - bread in a Ford Bradley -

Charles - charcoal Charlie - Charlie the Tuna, charcoal lighter Chariton - charcoal by the ton Chester - chest of drawers, jester Chet - jet chest Chris - cross, kiss, Christ

 bread with leaves

Christian . kiss tin, cross of tin Christian Christopher - kiss a fur

Brandon - branding

Chuck - ground chuck (hamburger), wood chuck, chuck, chalk

Brian - brine Brock - brick Broderick Brode rick - broad crook

Clarence - clarinet dance Clark - clock, Clark Kent, Clark bar (candy)

Brucee - bruise Bruc bruise

Claude - cloud, clawed Clayton - clay that weighs a ton

Bud - rose bud, Budweiser beer

Clem - clam

Buddy - bee on a rose bud

Clement - cement

Burt - bad burn, burnt steak

Cliff - cliff

Burton - bird of tin Bryon - brine

Clifford - cliff with a Ford going over it

Caesar - Julius Caesar seal

Clintt - canned lint Clin

Calvin - cave in, Calvin Klein jeans

Clinton - ton on lint

Cameron - Camaro

Clive - clove

Carl - curl Carios - car nose, car on the loose

Clyde - Clydesdale horse, collide with a hide

Carroll Carro ll - Christmas carol, rolling car

Cole - coal

Carter - car in a tree, charter boat

Collin - coal falling in

Clifton - cliff that weighs a ton


Conrad - con(vict) rat

Drew - drew, brew

Corey - core co re coral co ral

Duane - dug a vein, dug dug a vane

Cornel - corn elk

Dudley - deadly, dead leaves

Cornelius - corn ears

Duke - duke, duck

Craig - crack

Duncan - dunking, Dunkin Donuts

Curtis - curfew, current list (things to do)

Dustin - dusting

Cyris - cereal

Dwight - dead weight, Dwight Eisenhower

Cyruss - siren Cyru sire n on a (jack)ass (jack)a ss Damon - demon demo n Dan - den, dam Daniel - den with a bell in Danny - den on a knee, dam on a knee dance

Earl - earl (feudal), elephant w/ a curled tusk Ebenezer - Ebenezer Scrooge, sneezer Ed - Mister Ed, eden Eddie - eddy (back current in a river)

Darren - dagger, dart (hitting a wren)

Edgar - headgear, Ed’s car Edmund eddy mound (many eddies)

Darryl - rolling dart

Edward - head ward, toward Eden

Dave - dive (diving dave)

Edwin - head wind, Eden wind

David - star of David, Da vid, dive dive,, divot

Egbert - egg & bird

Davy - Davy Crockett, day to see

Elbert - elk with a bird

Dean - dean (of school)

Eli - eel eye

Dennis - dentist

Elias - eel highest, eel heist

Derek - derelict (noun), derrick (large crane)

Ellery - celery, electric eel

Dexter - deck stir Dick - deck Dlrk - dark, dirt Dom - domino Dominick Domin ick - dominoes Don - Mafia Don, down (goose down) Donald - Donald Duck, bald dawn Donny - geese down Dorian - door ran Doug - dug Douglas - dug a glass

Elliot - eel yacht Ellis - eel ass Elmer - Elmer Fudd, elk with with a mermaid Emanuel - easy manual (noun) Emery - emery board Emmet - enemy Emil - electric mill Enoch - eunuch Erasmus - erase most (of it), ear muffs Eric - earache Ernest - ear nest (birds in your ear) Ernie - ear & knee


Errol - Errol Flynn, ear roll (rolling ears)

Gerard - giraffe eating lard

Erwin - ear & wind, ear blowing in the wind

Gideon - guiding guid ing beacon bea con

Ethan - eat ham, eating, Ethan Allen furniture Eugene - ewe in jeans Evan - evening eve ning in i n a van Everett - ever green tree Felix - feel an “X”, feel eggs Ferdinand - fur in hand Fletcher - fetcher, fetch her Floyd - flood Foster - fester (festering wound) Fran - frown

Gifford - give a Ford Gil - fish gill Gilbert - gills on a bird Glen - glen (meadow) Godfrey - God is free, God in a tree Godwin - God in the wind Gordie - gourd of a tree Gordon - gourd that weighs a ton Graham - graham crackers Grant granite (rock), Ulysses S. Grant Greg - grey keg

Francis - Francis the Mule, fan kiss Frank - frankfurter

Gregory - grey gory (grey blood), grey glory

Franklin - Benjamin Franklin, frankfurter standing in line

Gruff - graph

Franny - frown with knee in it, cut off hot dog with knee Fred - frayed, fried Freddy - fried or frayed feet Frederick - fried or frayed brick Fritz - Fritz the Cat, freeze Gabriel - grab a reel Garrett - glare at a net Gary - gear free (no gears) Gaston - gas by the ton Gavin - judge’s gavel, gravel Gaylord - a gay lord Gene - blue jeans Geoffrey - chef who is free, chef in a tree George - gorge gorge Gerald - jeer that is old

Griffin - grip a fin, graph of a fin Grover - lion roaring in a grove Gunther - gunner, a gun store Gus - gas, gust (of wind) Gustave - gas stove, gas cove Guy - guide (noun) Had - head on knee Hal - hall, hail Hank - handkerchief handkerchief Hans - hands, hens Harlan - hollering, Harley (motorcycle) on land Harold - hair that is old Harry - hair Harvey - hard carving (carving in stone) Hector - heckler, hick store


 Henry - Oh Henry candy bar, a hen with a ray gun Herb – herb Herbert Herbe rt - herb h erb & bird

Ivan - eye on a van Ivor - eye & ore, ivy & ore lzzy - iffy tizzy (is the anger righteous?)

Herman - her man,Hercules Hiram - hire a ram

Jack - car jack, jack in the box, jumping  jack

Hobart - hobo bird,

Jacob - Jacob’s ladder, jack up

hobnobbing with art

Jake - jock who is fake

Homer. homer (in baseball)

James - jams

Horace - horse

Jamle - jam on your knee

Horatio - horse at a t you

Jared - red jar, broken jagged glass jar

Howard - hoe forward (as in farming)

Jarvls - jar fizz, jar whiz

Howie - hoeing to plant beet, hoe one’s feet

Jason - jaybird in the sun

Hoyt- hoist Hubert - huge bird

open) Jay - jaybird, jail

Hugh - huge heart

Jed - jester

Hugo - huge glow

Jeff - jiffy, falling jet

Humphrey - hump a tree

Jeffrey - jet in a tree

Hymen - high hi gh man

Jeremiah - jet mired

Ian - ion, Ian Fleming

Jeremy - fleeing jet, my jet Jerome roaming jet, jet

Ichabad - ink on a bud Ignace - ignore taste (spirulina!) Ignatius- ignore nauseousness Igor - ignore eye ey e gore

Jasper - exasperated with a jar (it won’t

room (where jets are kept) Jerry - jar a cherry (off (off a bush)

Ingram - ink gram

Jess-jazz Jessee - jazzy jet (wings jagged) Jess

Ira - Iran, IRA (retirement)

Jim - gym, jungle gym

lrv - irate nerve Irving - ivy nerves Irwin - irked wind Isaac - eye sack, eye sick

Jimmy - my gym, jimmy a door Joe - sloppy joe, GI Joe Joel - jewel, je wel, jowl Joey - eating a sloppy joe

lsadore - eyes on a door

John Joh n - john (toilet) (toile t)

Israel - eyes on a rail

Johnny - toilet on knee


Jonah - man saying ‘ah” while using the  john  joh n (relief) Jonas - using the john with one’s ass Jonathan - john (toilet) that is thin

Len - lend, lens (eye or camera) Lenny - lend a knee, lens on a knee Leo - lion Leon - lean on

Jordan - jaw of tin Jose - hose

Leonard - lean hard, a lean yard

Joseph - syphoning a sloppy joe through a hose

Las - less

Joshua - job for department of water &  power

Leroy - leaves toll, leaves on a toy

Leslie - less leaves Lester - less tear

Juan - wand

Linus - and Lucy, blanket, lined paper

Jud - jug

Lionel - Lionel train, lion lying on a field

Judson - jug in the sun Jules - jewels

Lloyd - Lloyd’s of London, light turned on by a boy

Jullan Jull an - julienne julienne che che f salad, jewel & ant Julio - jewel that’s low Julius - jewel on an ass Justin - a justice, gust of wind

Lon - Lone Ranger Lonny - low knee, Lone Ranger on his knee

Keith - keys

Lou - low, blue (color) Louis - louvers, loose goose

Ken - can

Lowell - low well, low “L”

Kenneth - can on a net Kent - canned, tent with big “K” Kevin - cave in, heaven Kleth - key, key in teeth, teeth Kimball Kim ball - can ca n of o f balls, can on a ball King - king Kirk Kirk - kick a bird Kyle - baby crying for a ball

Lucas - low kiss, look kiss Luclan - loose shin Ludwig - load wig, lug & wig Luke - luke warm water, look, Cool Hand Luke Luther - Lex Luther, loose floor Lyle - lily on a tile Lynn - liniment, line

Laird - layered, lard Lance - lance, lands

Mac - Mack truck, Big Mac (hamburger)

Lancelot - Sir Lancelot, lance a cot

Mal - mail

Larry - lariat Lawrence - law for ants, law of France Lee - Lee jeans, Robert E. Lee Lem - lamb

Malcolm - mail come, mail comb Manny - man with big feet Marcus - mark (jack)ass Mario - mark an oreo cookie


Mark - marker, mark er, marking mark ing pen pe n

Morgan - morgue can, mortgage in a can

Marshall - marshall (sheriff), mark a shell

Morris - more rice, Morris the Cat

Martin - martian (man from Mars) Marty - ma tea, mark tea Mary - mar or mark on a vampire Marvin - mar or mark a vintage (liquor) Mason - mason, mason jar, my son Matt - door mat Matthew - mat & ewe, mat pew Maurice - more rice, more ice Maury - moray eel, more leeway, more keys, more feet, etc. Max - mix, maximum Maximillian - makes a million Maxwell - mix in a well Maynard - main yard, mane (horse) yard Mel - melt, melon Melvin - melt van, melon van Meredith - mare in a ditch Mary - make love, marvel, mercury

Mortimer - morgue timer Morton - morgue tin Moses - Moses (Bible) Murray - more ray  Nat - gnat gnat  Nathan - gnat in your your hand  Nathaniel  Nathani el - gnat tanning tanning & yelling yelling  Ned - kneelin kneeling g in front front of a bed  Neil - kneel  Nelson  Nelso n - kneel in the sun  Nero - knee row, hero with a big “N”  Newton - fig newton, newton, newtons newtons (measurement), Isaac Newton  Nicholas - nickel & (jack)ass  Nick - nickel, neck  Noah - Noah’s Ark, Ark, no air  Noel Christmas Christmas noel  Norbert - north bird, sherbet

Mervin - morbid van

 Norman - Norseman, horseman

Michael - microphone

 Norton  Norto n - north ton, ton, north tin

MIckey - Mickey Mouse

Ogden - otter’s den

Mike - microphone

Olaf - laughing otter

Miles - miles

Oliver - olive

Milton - melt a ton

Orson - oar in the sun

Mitch - match, mulch, mitt

Oscar - orange car, (jack)ass car, Academy award

Mitchell - mitt shell Monroe - man row (a boat) Montague man playing tag ta g

Oswald - (jack)ass on the wall OtIs - oat (jack)ass, Otis elevator

Montgomery - mound of gum in your hair

Otto - auto, a toe

Monty - mountie (Canadian police), mound of tea

Pat - pat of butter, lily pad

Owen - win an otter


Patrick - pat of butter on a brick

Richard - rich heart, rich yard

Paul - pole

Richle - rich feet

Pedro - paid row

Rick - brick, rock

Percival - purse fall

Rob - robe

Percy - purse with a big ‘C”, purse sea

Robbie - bee stuck in in a robe

Perry - pear with a big “E”, Perrier (water)

Robert - robber, robe & bird

Pete - peat (moss), pleat (in a skirt) Peter - peter out, pedestrian Phil — fill Philip - gas pump, filled cup or pill in a tux Phineas - fin on an (jack)ass Pierce - pierce (ears) Pierre - pea air, pea hair Prescott Presco tt - press & cot Preston - press & ton

RobIn - robin (red breast) Rod - rod Roddy - rowdy Roderick - rod & brick, rob a brick Rodney - rod & knee, rot knee Roger - rod & chair Roland - roll & land, row & land Rollo - roll with an ‘0”, polo (water or horse) Rolph - roll off Ron - run, rum

Quentin - quotient of tin Quincy - wind Quentin & sea, quotient of the sea (part of the sea)

Ronnie - run & knee

Ralph Ralp h - raft

Rory - roaring bees

Randall - ram & doll

Roscoe - Bosco (chocolate syrup), rescue

Randolph - ram & dolphin Randy Rand y- ram & tea, ram &a big ‘D” Raphael - raft fill, raft fall Ray - ray of light, ray fish Raymond - ray & mound, ray & man Regglee - red ‘G”, regiment (army) Reggl Reginald - red gold, red wall Reuben – reuben reub en (sandwich) (sandwich) Rex - wrecks, racks

Ronald - Ronald McDonald, McDonald, run old

Ross - rust, boss Roy - Roy Rogers (TV cowboy) Rudolph - reindeer, Valentino Rufus - roof fuzz Ruper - roof bird Russ - rush, rust Russell - rustle Sal - a salad

Reynold - wren old, Reynolds wrap

Salvatore - salamander, door with salve on it, salad

RIch - lots of money, sugar bowl, Ritz cracker

Sam - Uncle Sam


Sammy - Uncle Sam on your knee

Teddy - teddy bear

Samson - Uncle Sam in the sun

Terrence - tear ants

Samuel - Uncle Sam on a mule

Terry - terry cloth

Sandy - sand

Tex - Texas, tax, tacks

Saul - soul, sole

Theo - the oval office

Scott - scotc scotch, h, Scott towel

Theodore Theodo re - the door

Sean - sauna

Thomas - thermos

Sebastian - sea bass in the sun

Thurston - thirsty ton

Seth Set h - a stethoscope

Tim - timer, Tiny Tim

Seymour - sea moor

Tlmmy - tinny

Sheldon Shel don - shell s hell down

Timothy - tin tea

Shelley - shell with feet

Titus - tide & (jack)ass

Sherman - German, shirt & man

Toblas - toe buy (jack)ass

Sid - sit

Toby - toe & bee

Sidney - sit on a knee

Tod - toad

Silas - silo, silence

Tom - tom tom drum, turkey, thumb

Simeon - cinnamon

Tommy - tummy

Simon - sign & man, Simon says

Tonlo - toe & knee with a big ‘0”

Sinclair - Sinclair gasoline (dinosaur), sink & lair

Tony - Tony the Tiger, toe & knee

Sol - sole Solomon - silo man, wise man Spencer - Spencer Tracy, spend sore

Tracy - trace feet Ty - tie (noun) Tyrone - tie rowing Tyler - tire

Stan - stand (noun), stem Stanley - stand on leaves Stephen - stove & hen Steve - stove, sleeve Steven - steel van

Ulysses - pheasant under glass Upton - uptown, Lipton (tea bags) Valentine - heart, valentine card Van - van Vance - vans

Stewart - steward (airline), stew & art

Vergil - the t he virgin virg in Mary

Stu - stew Sylvester - silver in a vest

Vern - Venus Vernon - Venus on (glowing)

Tad - tadpole

Vic - Vick’s (cough syrup)

Ted - half teddy bear

Victor - Viking


Vince - vine Vincent - mint vine Vlnnie - vine with bees on it Wade - wade (in (in a pool) Waldo - wall & dough

Alexis - a leg, person with one leg running for the exit Alice - a lice, a lace Alison - a list of lice

Wallace - wall & lace, walrus

Alixe - axe, live by the axe Amanda - a man with panda

Wally Wall y - wall with bees on it

Ambrose - amber rose, ambrosia

Walt - welt, waltz

Amelia - airplane, a mealy banana, a meal

Walter - wall tear, waiter Ward - ward Warren - warden wa rden Wayne - John Wayne, weigh in (for a  boxing  box ing match) match) Will - wilted flower, well, last will & testament William - yam on a wilted flower, yam in a well

Amy - aim, amiable Andrea - andromeda, dreary anathema Angela - angel & jello Angelica - angel, noose, triangle - all with apple Angie - ant key Anita - ant eater Anna - ant, apple,

Willis - will on an (jack)ass Willy - wire, Willis wilted feet

annihilate, anathema

(tired feet)

Annabel - ants on a bell

Zach - zebra with a crack in its back Abby - a bee Abigail - a bee in a pail, a big ale Ada - band aid

Ann(e) - ant

Annette - a net Annie - a knee Antoinette - a torn net April - ape roll

Addy - abbey Adelee - a bell Adel Adeline - a dandelion Addlee - a dell, a dill pickle, a ladle Addl ladle

Arabel(la) - air in a bell Arlene - leaning aria (good exercise making one lea lea n)

Adriannee - a dry ant Adriann

Audrey - airing laundry (hanging it out to dry)

Agatha - a gate tore

Augusta - a gust of wind

Aggy - a guy, aggravated bees Agnes - aggravated nest of bees Alberta - albertross, Albany ta tan n Alexandra - a pair of legs legs made of sand sand

Aurelia - aria of august Ava - Avon lady ringing doorbell Aveline - a jar of Vaseline Avis - a wiz


Babette - bad bet

Candy - candy Care - car ah-chooing

Barbara - barber, barbed wire


Bea - bee

Carla - car with lace Carlotta Carlotta - car lot, lot lotss of

Beatrice - beat rice Becklee - bad key, Beckl k ey, peck p eck a key Belinda - bell in a window

sickles, lots of Marx’s Carlotte - car in a lot

Bella - bell

Carmel - caramel ca ramel

Belle - bell Bernadette Bernadette - burn a debt,  burn  bur n a net

Carmellta - caramel with leaves Carmen - car & a man

Bernadine - iodine bottle, match bottle

Carol - Christmas carol, coral

Bernice - burn a noose, burn, burn your knee

Caroline - carry a line, Christmas carolers drinking wine

Bertha - bath

Carrie - carry (verb)

Beryl - bear that’s ill

Case - kiss

Bess - bass Bessle - bees in the sea

Cassandra - cot with sand on it Catherine Cather ine - cat, cat with orange rind, Queen

Beth - bath, bet Bethel - bath with an L Bittina - ballerina Betty - betting Beulah - bugle Bev - bevel, be vel, beaver, beverage can c an Beverly - beaver with leaves, beverage Bianca - breath spray, bee on a car,  banker Billie - billie goat, billy club Blanche ranch with bees Bobbie - bobby pin, London policeman

Ceall - seal envelope, beach ball Cea Ceciliaa - ceiling Cecili ceiling Celeste - cedar chest Celina - seal that is lean or leaning Charlene - charcoal covered jeans Charlotte - cherry in a lot Charmaine charred mane, charcoal, toilet paper Cherry - cherry Cheryl - chair Chiqulta - Chiquita  banana, chicken with a key Chloe - clover with bees around it

BonnIe - bony, bonnet

Chris - cross, Christ on cross

Brenda - broom, branding iron

Chrlssie - cross in the sea

Bridget - bridge

Christine - Christmas tree

Camille - camel

Christina - crucifix or

Candice - candy with aces, can with aces

Christmas tree w/ apple

Candida - can full of deeds

Clcely - sis being silly


Cindy - cinder

Diana - dying ants Diane - dying ants, tie

Claire - eclair, bucket clear water, Lady Clairol


Clara - clarinet Claudette - clawed at, claw a debt, claw a bed Claudia - cloud Claudine - cloud raining dimes Clementine - clam on a valentine Cieo Cie o - Cleopatra, cling onto a cliff

Dinah - dying Dixie - dixie cups Dolly - Parton, doll Dolores- resting doll Dominique - dominoes Dominique dominoes Donna - Donald Duck, doughnut Dora - door with an axe in it Doreen - door wearing jeans

Clorls - chorus

Doris - doors

Colette - collie in a bed or tangled in a net

Dorothy - door with tea on it

Colleen - collie leaning Connie - cone on knee Constance - con dancing dancing Cora - coral Corinne - apple cores raining Cornelia - corn with nails Crystall – crystal Crysta c rystal Cynthia - cinders in tux, adult theatre, sin theatre Dagmar - dagger with magic marker Daisy - dais da isy y

Dot - dots Dottle - fleet of dots, teasing dots Edie - eddy Edith - frothy froth y eddy Edna - natural eddy, nocturnal eddie Effle - effortless tease (can tease effortlessly) Eileen - eye leaning Elaine - chocolate eclaire, plain indians, eels that complain Eleanor - eel landing on a door Elena - eel in a bowling lane

Dalee - daily, doll Dal

Darlene - door with beans

Elise - a lease, eel cold as ice Elizabeth Elizabe th - eels are best in bed, eels and lizards in a bath

Dawn Daw n - dawn, down do wn

Ellen - eel island, lending an ear

Debbie - dead bee, deputy, debutante

Ellis - eels lying or leaving Eloise - eels squeezing or

Daphne - dolphin

Deborah- dead boar Delia - deal you some cards Denise - dead knees Desiree - heart’s desire, desert, dessert

making noise Elsie - eels in the sea Elva - vaccinating eels Emily - empty family


Emma - empty ma (mother) Erica - ear with a card Erma - urn Ernestine - urn & a stein Essie - elfy (elf-like) (elf- like)

Gertrude - green bird interrupting (being rude) Gina - ash colored jeans Ginger - gingerbread man, ginger snaps

Estelle - eastern belle (southern belle) or  belll  bel

Ginny - bottle of gin on your knee Gisele - gazelle gazelle

Esther - Easter Bunny

Gladys - glad to tease

Ethel - ethel gasoline

Glenda - dining d ining in a glen gl en

Eunice - unicycle, united

Gloria - glow, glory

Eva - Eve with apple

Grace - grass

Eve - Christmas Eve, evoke, evil

Gretchen - groveling in the kitchen

Evelyn - evening lynch

Hannah - hand

Faith - furious wraith

Harriet - hairy chest

Fanny - fan or tan one’s feet

Hattie - hat with bees in it

Fay - failing into hay

Hazel - hazy elephants Heather - helterskelter, lying on the heath

Feuds - fleece Fern - fern plant Fill Fill - French poodle Flora - flowers Florence - floor dance Flossle - dental floss

Heidi - someone hiding Helen - lend hell,, Helen hell Hele n of Troy Tro y Helena - hell in a nut shell Hilda - a hill Hildegarde - hill full of guards

Frances - France, frantic seizure

Holly - boughs of holly, holey (full of holes)

Francesca - Fresca (soda), fanning a fresco

Honey - honey

Frelda - fried egg

Hope - Bob Hope, hopping over a rope

FrItzl - Fritz the Cat Gabrielle - a gabby

Hortense - horse that is tense, horse in a tent

(talking) bell

Ida - eye with polka dots

Gall - gill (fish)

Irene - irate scene

Genevieve - a genie in leaves

Iris - fist in an eye

Georgia - large gorge Georgiana - gorge with ants

Irma - infirm arm

Georgina - gorge with genie Geraldine - dining with a jerk

Isabel - is a bell, Istanbul, island of bells Ivy - ivy on a wall Jackie - car jack


JacquelIne - car jack leaning

Karen - care for a wren, carton

Jamie - jam on your knee

Kate - kite

Jan - jam

Katherine - cat in a latrine, cat run

Jane - jam a game

Kathleen - cat with big feet

Janet - jam in a net

Kathy - cat

Janice - jeans in a noose

Katie - kite on a golf tee

Jean - jeans

Katrina - cat running to the latrine

Jeannette - jeans in a net

Kay - key

Jeannie - jeans, genie

Kim - kimono, kimchi

Jennifer - janitor

Kirsten Kirste n - curfew at ten

Jenny - gentry, giraffe’s enemy

Kit - cat, kiss, kilt

Jessica - jester for a king

Kitty - kitten

Jewel - jewels

Kr - crucifix with apple, crystal

Jill - jail

Kristin - tin crucifix, crystal

Jo - GI Joe, sloppy joe

Laura - laurel (evergreen tree), lard

Joan Joa n - Joan of Arc, ant on a sloppy joe

Lauren - loud wren, lore of the distant shore...

Joanna - ant’s jugular vein Jocelyn  jostling  jostl ing a sloppy sloppy joe joe

Laurie - laurel with big leaves

Josephine GI Joe in a latrine

LaVerne - burning lashes, love an urn

Joy - jamming a buoy, joke in a toy

Leigh - leaf

Joyce - juice

Leona - a lioness

Juanita - one knee & toe

Leonora - Leo the Lion snoring

Judith - ditch full of juveniles, judge in a ditch (figuratively)

Leslie - Lassie (the collie)

Judy - judo

Lillian - lily with ants on it

Julia - jewels with apples Juliana Julia na - J ulienne salad Julie - jewels with leaves Juliet - jewels in a net June - June bug Justine - justice scales, tin man, pocket watch Kara - Karo syrup, care package with donut

Libby - lip with a bee on it

Lily - lily Linda - lint or window Lisa - lease a nova Lois - low flying saucer Loretta - lower it, low red Lorna - Lorna Doone cookies, lore of ornaments Lorraine - low rain


Lottie - lottery

Mary Ellen - marry a melon

Louise - low easel

Mettle - door mat

Lucia - loose shawl

Maud - mud

Lucille - loose sail

Maureen – marine marine

Lucinda - loose cinder Lucy - loose, lucite

Maxine - Mack truck scene, Mack truck in a latrine

Luisa - loose axe

Meg - megabyte, megaton, magma

Lulu - lukewarm lute Lydia - lady, ladle Lynne - liniment Mabel - maple syrup

Melanie - melon on your knee Melissa – molasses Mercedes Merce des - Mercedes Benz Meredith - mare in a dish

Madeline - mad at the line

Michelle - microphone in a shell

Madge - maid’s job

Mildred - a million dead

Madonna - mad onslaught Maggie - magpie, mad key Maisie - maze through daisies Mandy - mandolin, dying man Marcella - ma’s cellar Marcy – marching Margaret - market, margarine Marge - marring the job, march Margie - march with sore Marguerite - marguerita

Mllilcent - a million cents Millie - a mill for wheat Mimi - a mime with big feet Minnie - Minnie Mouse, minnows Miranda - mired in sand Miriam - a mirror ham Mitzl - a mitt that can see or in the sea Molly - a mole on your knee Mona - Mona Lisa, mole, monster Monica - mountain, melody Muriel - mural or Muriel coronella cigar

Maria - marriage Marlan - mare with ants Marie- mare with big feet Marietta marry a teddy (bear) Marilyn - marry at an inn

Myrtle - myrrh on a turtle  Nan - nanny, nun  Nancy - nun that can see see  Nannette - nuts in a net

Marjorie - my jury

 Naomie - nine oats in a meal

Marlene - a marlin on a fishing hook

 Natalie - gnat on leaves, gnat gnat on your knees

Marsha - marsh or marshmallow Martha - marvels of thyme Mary merry-- go-round, bride merry

 Nelliee - kneel on one’s knee  Nelli  Netta - tennis net w/ apple


 Nicole - nickel  Nicolette  Nicolet te - nickel on a net  Nina - three ships (Pinta & Santa  Nina Santa Maria), ant on a knee  Nora - Norse legends, north north pole  Noreen - no rain rain  Normaa - normal  Norm no rmal Octavia - octopus octopus in a cave Odette - owe a debt Olga - ogre Olive - olives Olivia - Oliver (Twist), old liver Opal - opal stone Pam - pan, spam Pamela - paneling pa neling Pandora - pan on a door, Pandora’s box,  pipes of pan Pat - pat of butter Patricia - roof patches, rich pastor pastor Patty - meat patty, patty melt sandwich Paula - pull her, falling pole Pauline - leaning pole Pearl - pearls, pearl necklace Peg - peg or Miss Piggy (Muppets) Peggy - elephant with pegs on it, Miss Piggy Penelope - antelope with a pen (draw on the antelope) Penny - penny (coin) Phoebe - free bee Phyllis - fill us, filled with dust Polly - pulley, parrot Priscilla - press the cellar, pass the jello Prudence - prune dancing

Rachel - ratchet, ray shining on shell, rocket Ramona - ram Mona (Lisa), ram a mountain Rebecca - reach for a deck (of cards), rub a deck of cards Regina - reach in, reach for a genie Renee - rain on a knee Rhoda - road Rita - rotten pita pocket Roberta - robed bird Robin - robin (bird) Rochelle - row of shells Ronnie - run to pee Rosa - flawed rose Rosalie - rose on your knee Rosalind - rose on land Rosalyn - rosin (bag) Rose - rose Roseanne - a rose with an ant on it Rosemarie – rose marriage, rose in sangria Rosle - rose with elephant Rosita - a rose eater Roxanne - rocks with ants, rocks in hand Ruby - ruby, rude bee Ruth - Baby Ruth candy bar, raft, Babe Ruth, roof Sabina - save a bee on your knee Sadie - saddle Sally - salad, sail Samantha - saw a man Sandra - a sander sande r


Sandy - sand Sarah - coffe cake (Sarah Lee) Sasha - a sash Selma - sell ma

Tillie - till the fields, tiles with pictures of lilies on them Tlna - teeny weeny Toby - toe with a bee on it

Sharon - share an iron

Toni - toe & knee, hair perm (by Toni) Tracey - trachea, trace around one’s feet

Shawn - shawl sh awl on o n lawn law n

Triclaa - tree shawl Tricl

SharI - sheared fleece

Sheila - shield shield Sherry - sherry wine Sheryl - sherry tilting the brain Shirley - free shirt, surly Sidney - sit on knee Silvia - silverware

Trixie - tricks Trudy - trudging with cold feet through the snow Ursula - urn cellar Valerie - valet who reads Vanessa - van wearing a dress Vera - veer, beer bee r

Sofia - Sony Walkman Sophiaa - bee on a sofa Sophi

Veronica - veering on ice (easy to slip, change direction)

Stacy - bee on a stage

Vicky - Vicks cough drops, Viking ship

Stella - stellar, celestial

Victoria - victory

Stephanie - stuff a knee

Viola – viola

Sue - suit

Violet - violet (flower), violent

Sue Ann - suit with ants

Virginia - virgin

Susan - sew a fan

Vivian - vibrant colored colored van va n

Susannah - sustain an ant

Wanda - wand

Susie - Sioux Indian tribe, sue for a xylophone

Wendy - windy, Wendy’s hamburgers

Tammy - tan men, tame a knee

Wilma - ma’s will (legal document) Winnie - Winnie the Pooh

Teresa - trees Terry - terry cloth towel (or robe) Tesss - test (noun) Tes Tessie - test your knee Theodora - ethereal door, the door to the Theodora castle Theresa - trees, Mother Theresa

Yvette - yellow Corvette Yvonne - yellow van Zoe - zebra



Arthur - author

Aaron - air run, heir - the son

Ashbum - ashes burning

Abbott - a robot, a vault

Atkins - a tough skin (on an animal)

Abel - a bell

Atkinson Atkinso n - a tough skin in the sun

Abelson - a bell in the sun

Atwater - a tall waterfall

Abramowitz- ape ram ming a witch

Auerbach - our back, hour back

Abrams - ape & rams Abramson - ape & rams in the sun

Axeirod - axle & rod

Acheson - axe a son Ackerman - hacker Acheson man, acre of men Adams - a dam Addison - add a son Adler - adultery Albert - albany bird

Babcock- bad cook, bad cock (rooster) Bailey - bay leaf, Beetle Bailey Baird - bear with a beard Baker - baker, bake r, bakery bak ery Baldwin - Baldwin organ, bald one Ballard - ballad, mallard (duck) with a “B”

Aibright - a long kit Alcott - a long cot

Ballinger - ball & gear

Aldrich - a long ditch

Bankhead - bank & head

Alexander - a leg in the sander Allen - allen wrench, alley Altman - a long, tan man Alvares - a lot of wares

Bancroft - bank & loft, bank & craft

Barley - bark on a tree Barnett - bar with a net Barrettt - barrette, beret Barret Barry Barr y - berry ber ry

Ambrose Ambro se - amber rose

Bartlett - bar & lettuce

Amsterdam - hamster in a dam

Bartley - bar & tea

Anders - antlers Anderson - antlers in the sun Andrews - ant drew, ant drool Anthony - ant on a knee Applebaum - apple with a bomb Archer - archer (bow & arrow) Armstrong - strong arm Arnold Arnol d - ol d arm a rm Aronowitz - a runner’s wits, a running witch

Barton - bar & ton, bar & tin Bassettt - basset Basset basset hound Bauer - bow wower (dog) (dog) Baum - bomb, bum Baxter - back stir, backs tear Beck - back, peck Begley - bag with leaves Benham - bend a ham Bennett - bonnet, bend a net Benson - bend a sun


 Bentley - bend leaves, Rolls Royce Bentley Bergman - (ice) berg & man, bird man Berkowitz - (ice berg & witch, bird witch Berman Berm an - barman (bartender) (bartender) Bernard - burn yard, St. Bernard (dog) Bernstein - burn a stein (of beer) Berrlgan - bury a can Betancourt - betting a court Blrnbaum Blrnb aum - burn a bomb, burn a bum Black Blac k - blackboard, black jack Blair - baby (small) flare Blake - lake with a bee in it

Bryant - buy an ant Buchanan - blue cannon Buckley - buckles Burgess - bird chest, (ice) berg chess Burke - (ice) berg Burns - burns, side burns Burton - burr ton, bird ton Byron - a running bike Cabot - cabinet, cab & butt Cahill - cave hill Caidwell - cold cold well Calhoun - cow & home, cow & hound Callahan - cow & hand Calvin - cow & van

Blum - plum with a bee in it Borden - boarding, border

Cameron - camera

Boswell - boss in the well

Campbell - camp, camper, Campbell’s soup

Bowen - bowling Boyd - boy with a duck Braddock Bradd ock - brand a dock Bradley - bread & leaves

Carlson - curl in the sun Carmichael - car & bicycle Carmody - car moody Carrolll - Christmas carol Carrol

Bradshaw Brads haw - bread & shawl

Carson - car in the sun

Brady - braid a bee, Brady Bunch (TV) Brandt - brand

Carter - car tear, Carter’s Little Liver Pills

Brennan Bren nan - brand b rand a nun

Cassldy - Hopalong, cast of tea

Brent - bent Brewster - brew or brewery

Castro - Fidel Castro, cast of rose

Brock - rock with a bee on it

Cates - catering service service Cavanaugh Cavanaugh cave in a hall Chadwick - chat & wick, shadow wick

Broderick Broderick - broad broad brick Brody - broke a tree, broad bee Brophy - trophy with a big bee

Chamberlain - chamber in a lane

Brown - brownie

Chambers - chamber

Brucee - bruise Bruc bruise

Chandler - chandelier Channing chaining

Bryan - brie (cheese) & ant, brine

Chapman - chapped man, chop man


Charles - charred charred legs

Cunningham - cutting a ham

Chester - chestnut, chest of drawers

Curtis - Tony Curtis, Helene Curtis shampoo

Chltton - chilled ton Chisholm - chisel a ham, chisel a home ChrIstenson - cross in the sun Christopher - kissed fur Clark - clock, cloak, Clark bar Clement - cement,inclement (weather) Clinton - clean tin

Cushing - cushion Custer - custard, Custer’s last stand Daley - daily Dalton - doll that weighs a ton Daniels - dam yells Danzinger Danzi nger - dancing cigar

Cochran - cock (rooster) ran

Davenport - dancing port, diving into a  port

Cohen - (ice cream) cone

Davies - days of ease

Colby - colby cheese, coal & bees

Davidson - divot son

Coleman - coal man, cold man

Daviss - divots Davi

Collier - collar

Dawes - dogs, doors

Collins - Tom Collins drink

Dawson - dog sun, sun , doors sun

Colon - coal in

Delaney delay a knee

Compton - camp tin

Denjam - den & jam

Connolly - con(vict) & leaves

Denton - dent ton, dent tin

Connor - con(vict) door, condor

Detweiler - dent whaler

Cook - cook

Deutsch - touch, deuce, deuc e, German

Cooper - copper

Devlin - devil inn

Cortes - cord on a (jack)ass (ja ck)ass

Diaz - dais (podium)

Cosgrove - cost a grove

Dickerson - man named Dick in the sun

Costello - cast made of jello Coughlin - coughing

Dillon - Marshall Dillon (Gunsmoke), dill land

Cowen - cow in

Dixon - man named Dick in the sun

Craig - crack

Dodson - dodge in the sun Dolan - dole  banana with with an ant a nt on it

Crandall - crane & doll Crawford - crawfish Crawley - crawl leaves Cronin - groaning, cronie

Donahue - Don (Mafia) with a hoe Donald - Don (Mafia) on a wall, Donald Duck

Crosby - cross & bee, Bing Crosby

Donaldson - Don (Mafia) on a wall in the sun, Donald Duck in the sun

Crowley - crow leaves, crow lay

Donnelly - Donald Duck on leaves


Donovan - Donald Duck on a van

Ehrlich - air lick

Dooley - duel with leaves, Tom Dooley (Hang Down Your Head)

Eisenberg Eisenber g - eyes on o n (ice) berg

Doran - door doo r ran Dougherty - dough in tea, door in tea Douglas - dog glasses

Eldridge - elf on a ridge, elk on a ridge Elias - eel highest Elliott - an L-shaped yacht or lot

Dowling - ring going down

Ellis - L-shaped (jack)ass Ellsworth elf’s wart, elf’s hearth

Downing - down ink

Emerson - every sun

Doyle - doily

Endlcott - end of a cot

Dilscoll - dress in coal

Engle - angle, ink gull

Drummond - drummer drumme r

Epstein - epileptic stein

Dudley - dead leaves

Erlcson - earache in the sun, a ring in the sun

Duffy - duffer (on a golf course) wit h a  bee

Esposito - “S’ shaped potato

Dugan - dew on a can Duncan - dunking, Duncan Hines

Ettlnger - a finger injured with tin Evans - a van v an in an a n oven

Dunlap - down lip, dunk lip

Everett - ever green in a net

Dunn - down (goose), well-done steak

Ewing - ewe & wing, chewing

Durant - door & ant

Fagan - fake can, flake can

Durham - door & ham

Fallon - felon, fall on the lawn

Dutton - ton of dots

Farber - far bear, far bar

Dwyer - dryer

Farley - far leaves, far bee

Eagan - eagle

Farrell - far rail, barrel with a flea in it

Easley - easel with a bee on it

Faulknerr - fork near Feinberg Faulkne Feinberg - (traffic)

Eastland - yeast on land Eastman - yeast on a man

fine on o n an (ice)berg Feldman - felt man

Eaton Eato n - eat a ton

Felix - feel legs

Eberhardt - ebony heart Ecksteln - egg & stein Edelman - easel & man Edelsteln - a bell with a stein in it

Fe Fergu rguson son - fur gust in in the su sun n Fernandez - fern & ant with with legs legs Feuer - foyer Finch - finch (bird)

Edwards - head warts

Findlay - finned hay,

Egan - egg in a can

finned lei


Finney - fin on your knee

Gerber - baby food

Fisk - fist, frisk

Gibbons - green ribbons

Fitzgerald - fist chair old

GIbbs - green bibs b ibs

FitzpatrIck - fist pad brick

Gibson - green bibs in the sun

Fleming - flame ink

GIlbert - gills on a bird

Fletcher - lecher with a big “F”, fetch chair

GIllespIe - gills on a pea

Floyd - flood Flynn - flying, Errol Flynn Foley - foal Forbes - four bees

Gilligan - kill a can Ginsberg - gin on an (ice) berg Giordano - gore a piano Gladstone - glad (bag) on a stone Gleason - grease & sun, Jackie Gleaso G leason n

Forman - boss, four men

Gomez - comb & (jack)ass, comb legs

Forrester - forester, forest tear

Gonzales - guns & jello

Foster - frosting Fowler - foul law Franklin - frank (hot dog) playing playi ng a violin, Ben Franklin Frazier - freezer FrederI Fred erIck ck - frie fried d br ick, red brick Freedman - freed man Freund - friend Fried - freed Friedlander - freed land Fuller - full barrell Fulton - full ton Galbraith - gull breath Gallagher - galley of fur Garcia - car cedar, garr (fish) cedar Gardner – gardener Garrison - chair in the sun, cherry sun Gaynor - 1/2 gaynor dive Geller - gala Gelman - kill man

Goodwin - gold twin Gordon - garden, Gordon’s gin Gorman - gore a man, doorman Gould - gold, cooled Graham - gray ham, graham cracker Granger - green ranger Grant - granite Gregory - gray quarry Griffin - grip fin Griffith - grip fish, grip a fifth (booze) Grover - grow fur Gulliver - gull over, giant (Gulliver’s Travels) Gunther - gun tore, gun fur Haber - hay bear Hagan - hay can Haggerty - hay girl tea Hahn - hand hand Halpern - hall perm, hall fern Hamilton - ham melting, ham & ton


Hammond - ham mound, Hammond organ Hanrahan - hen ran Hansen- hand in the sun

Hirshfleld - Hersbey bar fell Hobartt - hobo art Hobar a rt Hobbs - hops Hodges - hedges hedge s

Harper - harp with ‘R”, harpoon Harrlngton - hair ink ton, herring ton

Hoffman - half moon, cough man

Harris - hair “S

Holden - hole in a den, whole den

Harrison - hairy sun Hartley - heart & leaves Hartman - heart & man Harvey - heart shaped like a “V”, heart fee Hastings - hay stinks Hathaway - hat flies away

Hogan - hole in a can, whole can

Hollis - holster, hollers Holt - halter (top), hold a bolt Hooper - hula hu la hoop Hopkins - hop & cans Hornsby - horn with bees coming out Horowitz - horror witch, harem witch Horton - hair ton, hurting

Haupt - hopped Hawkins - hawk inns

Houlihan - hold a hand, hula hand (Hawaiian dance)

Hayden - hay & den

Houston - house & ton

Haynes - hay & nose, Hanes hosiery Healey - heal feet, Austin Healy Hecht - hacked Heller - hello & raising hell Hellman - man in hell, helm & man

Howard - hold a coward Hoyle - hurl, oil with a big “H” Hubbard - a hubcap with a beard Hughes - hues (of color)

Henderson - hen & doors in the sun

Humphrey - hump free, Hubert Humphrey

Hendricks - hen & bricks Henry - hen

Hutchison - hutch in the sun

read, Oh Henry candy bar Herbert - sherbet,

Hutton - hut & ton

her bird

Hyman - high hig h man

Herman - hermit man Hernandez Hernan dez - hen ant doze Hess - hiss Hicks - hiccups Higgins Higgi ns - hug riggings Hirsch - Hershey bar

Hyatt - high hat, Hyatt hotels

Ingersoll - ingot & sole Ingram - ink ram Irving - iridescent ring lsaacs - eye sacks, ice axe Israel - ice rail, Star ofDavid Jackson - jack (car) in the sun, Reggie or Jesse Jackson


Jacobs - Jacob’s ladder, jay (bird) with a cob (corn) Jacobson - jays with cobs in the sun Jacoby - jays with cobs c obs in the sky

Keith - keys, wreath shaped like a “K” Kelleher - color fur Keller - color, Helen Keller Kelly - kelly green, kill “E”

Jaffe - a bee on a giraffe Jamess - chains, cane Jame

Kemp - camp

Jamison - chains in the sun

Kenny - can knee

Jansen - jam sun s un Jarrett - chair rat, jar & rat Jeffers - chef hairs, chef furs Jefferson - chef furs sun

Kennedy - can can of tea, John F. Kennedy

Kent - bent key Keough - key hole Kern - kernel, coin Kerr - car, curve

Jeffries - chef fries, chef freeze

Kessler - a killing wrestler

Jenkins - chain chain cans

Kimballl - can ball, gamble Kimbal

Jennings - chain inks Jerome - jar roam, r oam, chair roam Jimenez - gym & (jack)ass Johanson - giraffe’s toe in the sun Johnson - john (tiolet) & sun, yawn sun Jonas - show (jack)ass Jones - bones shaped like a jay (bird) Jordan - jaw dam Joseph - hose off Josephson - hose off sun

Kingsley - kings lea, kings leaves Kirby - curb bee, Kirby vacuum Kirk - kick Klein - climb, (Calvin) Klein Knapp - nap, knap (sack) Knowles - knolls, knolls, noels Knox - knocks, Fort Knox Koenig - king, coin nick Kolodny - clogged knee Kornfeld - cornfield cornfield

Joyce - juice Kagan - case of cans, cake can Kahn - con(vict), can Kaiser - geyser Kantorr - can door, Kanto doo r, can c an tore

Krakauer - crack hour Kramer - creamer creame r Kraus - kraut (sauer) Krieger - creeper, cry girl Kroger - crow girl, Kroger supermarket

Kaplan - cap land

Krug - crook, croo k, rug with wi th a big ‘K” ‘K ”

Kaufman - cough co ugh man m an

Kruger - Kruggerand (gold coin)

Keams - kernels, coins Keating - kiting, heat heat ink Keegan - key can

Lafferty - laughing tea Laird - layered, lard Lambert - lamb bird


Landau - land dough Lang - long Langer - long girl Larkin - lark inn, lark can

Llndstrom - lint strum (a banjo), lint strong Livingston - living stone, living tin Lloyd - lard, Chris Everett Lloyd

Latimore - ladder more

Logan - low can, log can Loomis - loom mist, looms

Lawrence Lawre nce - lower ants

Lopez - low pass, low pest

Larson - little arson

Lawson - law sun Lawton - law ton, law tin Lazarus - laster “S’ Leary Lear y - Lear (jet) with a bee on it

Loring - low ring, lowering Loughram - laugh ram, lock ram Lovell - low veil Lovett - low vette (Corvette)

Lederman - letter man

Lowell - low well

Lee - lea, leaf, Robert E.

Lowenthal - low ant thaw, low & tall

Lee (general) Lefkowitz - left cow witch, laugh cow witch Lehman - lei man, layman Leonard - lean yard, Sugar Ray Leonard Leopold - leap pole, Leo(lion) pole Leslie - less lea, lessleaves Lester - little jester,

Lubin - loop bin, low bin Lund - land Lynch - lynching or noose MacGregor - Mack (truck) or (Big) Mac crater MacLeod - (Big) Mac cloud McAllister - (Big) Mac holster Mccarthy - (Big) Mac cart tea

Listerine (mouthwash)

McClellan - (Big) Mac yellin’

Leventhal - loving thaw

McCormick - (Big) Mac core mike (microphone)

Levin - “L” shaped vine Levine - lea vine Levinson - lord of heaven and the sun Levitt - level vette (Corvette), love vette

Mccoy - decoy of a (Big) Mac McDonald - Ronald McDonald, (Big) Mac with Donald Duck

Levy - levee, Levi’s

McElroy - a (Big) Mac fell on a (Rolls) Royce

Lewis - loose witch, Jerry Lewis

McGee - (Big) Mac Ma c key

Lelberman - labor man

McGrath - (Big) Mac rat

Liebowitz - lea bow witch

McKay - (Big) Mac hay ha y

Lindsey - lint sea

McLoughlln - (Big) Mac laughing


McMann - (ftg) Mac man

Mitchell - miff shell

Madison - medicine, mad at sun

Monahan - man & hand

Mahoney - ma (mother) honey

Monroe - man row, Marilyn Monroe

Malone - ma (mother) along

Montgomery - mound gum hairy

Maloney - ma (mother) loony

Moore - moor, mower (lawn)

Manning - man ink

Morales - moral less mural

Marcus - mark kiss, mark “S’

Moran - moor ran ran

Marlow - ma (mother) low

Morgan - morgue can, moor can

Marshall - marshal (sheriff)

Morris - more rice, Morris (the Cat)

Martin - martian, Dean Martin

Morrison - more rice in the sun, Morris in the sun

Martinez - mark a net, martinets Martinson - ma (mother) tin sun

Morrow - marrow (bone), narrow

Mason - mason (jar), May sun

Morse - moss, Morse Code

Matheson - mad at sun, mat in sun Matthew(s) - mat ewe(s) Maurer - more air, mower Maxwell - mix well, Maxwell (House coffee) Mayer - mayor Maynard - mane yard Mead - meat, meet (track) Mercer - mercenary Meredith - mare & dish dis h Merrill - mare ill, mare roll Metcalf - meat calf Meyer(s) - mirror(s), my ear(s) M - bicycles, mike (microphone kills) Michaelson - bicycle sun, mike (microphone) kills sun Middleton - metal ton, middle ton Miller - mill, miller, Miller (High Life Beer) Milton - melt ton, melt tin

Morton - mutton mutto n (chops), moor mo or ton Moskowitz - mask on a witch Moynihan - man & hand Murphy - mercury, morphine Murray - more (sun) (sun) rays rays  Nash - naked, but with a sash  Nathan - gnat tan, knot tan  Nathanson  Nathans on - gnat tan sun  Nellll - kneel  Nell k neel  Nelson  Nelso n - kneel k neel sun  Newman - knew man man (wearing (wearing sales tags)  Nicholas - nickel (jack)ass (jack)ass  Nichols - nickel nickelss  Nicholson  Nicholso n - nickels sun  Nixon - nicks & sun, Richard Nixon  Noonan - new nun (wearing sales tags)  Norman - North (Pole) man, gnaw ton  Nugent - nugget (gold), new gent  Nussbaum - nose bomb


O’Brien - oak brain

Pawley- pulley

O’Connell - oak con(vict) oar

Paxton - pack tin

O’Donnell - a donor fell

Peabody - pea pe a body b ody

Ogden - egg den

Pearce - pierce

O’Hara - oak colored hair

Pearson - pear or pier in the sun

Oliver - rotting olive

Pendleton - petal ton, pedal tin

Olsen - old sun

Perez - pear (jack)ass

O’Mailey - home alley

Perkins - perking

O’Neal - kneel low

Perlman - pearl man

Opperheim - open home

Perimutter - pearl mudder

O’Reilly - oar oily

Perry - pear with a bee, bury, Perrier

O’Rourke - oar rake

Peters - pea tears

Ortiz - oar trees

Peterson - pea tears in the sun

Osborne - orange tissue

Phelan - failing, falling

Osgood - ostrich being born

Phelps - felts

Oswald - a bald b ald ostric o strich h

Philby - fill bee, full bee

Otis - oats, Otis (elevator)

Phillips - full lips, Phillips screwdriver

Otto - a toe

Pincus - pink (jack)ass, pin cush(ion)

Owen Owe n - owning ownin g a hen he n

Platt - plate

Padgett - patch it

Poindexter - point egg stir

Paige - page

Pollock - pole lock

Paley - pail with a bee

Pomerantz - bomber ants Powell - towel Pomerantz with a big

Palmerr - palm with a fur, Arnold Palmer Palme Papadopoulos - pap topple us, papa adopt us Pappas - pa (father) pass Parker - park with a fur, parking meter Parkinton - parking a ton Pasternak - paste her neck Pastore - pastor, paste store Patrick Patri ck - pet trick Patterson - pad in the sun Paul - pole

 bee, pa (father) well Powers Powers - power power (tool), towers with a bee Preston - pressed ton Pritchard - pitch yard Proctor - Doctor with a bee Quinn - Quinella (race track bet) Rabinowltz - robin & witch Rafferty - raft tree, raft tea Raleigh - roll lea, raw leaves Ramirez - ram ear (jack)ass


Rand - ran, rammed, Rand McNally (atlas) Randall - ram doll, ran doll Randolph - ram dolph(in)

Ross - rose colored rust Rossiter - rose sitter Roth - rat, wrath RothschIld - rat child

Raphael - raffle Rappaport - rap on port

Rubin - Reuben (sandwich) ruby bin

Ratner - rat on knee Raymond - ray mount, rain mound

Rudolph - red dolph(in), Rudolph (the Reindeer)

Reagan - ray gun, gun , Ronald Reagan

Rupper - robe bird

Reeves - far away leaves

Russell - rustler, rust cell

Reinhard - rain hard, rain yard

Rutledge - rat ledge

Reiss - rice

Ryan - rind

Resnick - rest neck

Samuels - sand mules

Reynolds - rain knolls

Samuelson - sand mule sun

Rhodes - roads, Rhodes (scholar)

Sanchez - sand chess, sand chest

Richards - rich yards

Sanders - sanders

Richardson - rich yards in the sun

Sanford - sand Ford

Richter - bricked tear, Richter scale (earthquakes)

Santiago - sand tea auto

Rigney - rig knee kn ee Riley - rye lea, rye leaves

Rubinstein - Reuben (sandwich) & stein

Satenstein - satin stein Saunders - sauna doors, sun doors Sawyer - saw yard, Tom Sawyer

Riordan - rear dam, rear down

Saxon - sacks sun, saxophone

Rivera - river, Riviera (Buick)

Sayres - Zayres (store), (sooth) sayers

Roberts - rope birds, robbers robb ers Robertson - robbers in the sun Robeson - robe in the sun Robinson robin in the sun Rogerss - rod jars, Roy Rogers Roger Romero Romer o - room arrow, roam arrow Rooney - ruin knee, Mickey Rooney Rosen - rose sand, rose inn

Scanlon - scan line Schechterr - shack tear, shack tore Schechte Scher - share (stock), chair Schlesinger - sled singer Schmidt - shy mitt Schneider - shy bird Schoenberg - shine (ice)berg Schultz - shoots, shields

Rosenberg - rose on (ice)berg

Schuster - shoe stir, shoe shoe store store

Rosenzweig - rose & wig

Schwartz - shy warts


Scott- Scott towels

Sloan - silly loan (silly investment)

Sears - Sears Robuck

Slocum - slow comb

Seaton - seat tin, seat ton

Smith Smit h - blacksmith, blacksmith, anvil

Sedgwlck - sled wick, sludge wick

Snead - sneeze, Sam Snead

Selden - sign den Seward - steward

Snyder - shy door Solomon - solo man, wise man

Sexton - sacks ton, to n, sexy se xy ton to n

Sommers – summers

Seymour - see moor Schaeffer - shaver, shave fur Shannon - chaining, shy cannon Shapiro - shy pear with a piece of gold in it

Spaulding - spoiled ink, scalding Spector - spectator, (in)spector Spencer - pen sore, pen store Sperry - spare bee, spear a bee Squire - square, school choir

Shaw - shawl, shore

Stacey - state with a bee in it

Shay - shade

Stafford - staff Ford Stanley - stand lea,

Sheeham - shoe ham Sheldon Shel don - shelled she lled on, shell down

stand leaves Stanton - stand tin, stand ton to n

Shelley - shell lea, shell leaves

Sterling - sterling silver, starling

Shelton - shell ton, shell tin Sheridan Sheri dan - share a den, Sheraton (hotels) Sherman - shirt man, Sherman tank Shulman Shulm an - school man Siegel - sea gull Silvera - silver Simmons - summons, mattress, cinnamon

Stern - stern (of a boat) Stevens - stove fins Stevenson - stove fins in the sun Stewart - steward, stew art Stoddard stood in the yard Strauss - straw house Sullivan - sold a van

Simms - seams, shins

Sumner - summer Sussman - shush man

Simon - sign man, Simon says

Sutherland - other land

Simpson - shrimp in the sun

Sutton- sudden, setting Swanson - swan in the sun, Swanson (TV dinner)

Sinclair - sun chair, Sinclair gas Sitron - sit run, Citroen (car) Skidmore - skid moor Slade - slate, slate, slayed Siater Siat er - slate tear, te ar, slate tore

Sweeney - sweet knee Taft - taffy Talmadge - tall midget, tall badge Tannenbaum - tanning bomb Tate - tight, tea ate


Taub - tub Taylor - tailor Teitelbaum - title bomb bom b

Victor - winner, victory, viking with a torn muscle Vincent - vintage costing a cent, fins costing a cent

Terry - terry (cloth towel) Thatcher man who thatches roofs Theodore - having tea near a door Thomas - thumb (jack)ass Thompson Thomas Thompson tom-tom drum in the sun

Vogel - vocal cords Wagner - wagon wag knee kn ee Walker - baby walker Wallace - wall lace, wall ice

Thorndyke Thorndy ke - thorn dike

Walsh - waltz wa ltz

Thorpe - tore up

Walters - wall tears, waiters

Tipton - tip ton, tip tin

Walton - wall ton, wall tin tin

Tobias - tow bias, toe buy us

Warner - war knee

Todd - toddle, toad

Warren - war wren

Tompkinss - thumb cans Tompkin cans

Warrlngton - war ring ton

Torres - tore (jack)ass, Taurus

Washington - washing machine, George Washington

Tracy Trac y - trace trac e “E”, tray sea Travers - travel Treadway - tread (tire) weigh Trent - bent tree

Wasserman - water man Watkins - watt cans Watson - watt in the sun, wet sun Watts - watts, lightbulb

Trowbridge - draw bridge

Waverly - wave fur lea

Trumbull - drum bull

Wayne - walking through water with a cane

Tucker - trucker

Weber - web bar

Tuttle - turtle Tyler - tiler Udall - “U” shaped doll, yodel Ullmann - old man Under - under an udder (cow) Valdez - vault with a jackass in it Van Buren - van & bureau Vance - a man dancing in a van Vargas - far gas Vaughn - a van with a john (toilet in it)

Webster - web stir, dictionary Weeks - calendar week Welnar - weiner (frank) Weintraub - wine tub Weiss - weasel Welch - grape grap e juice, wino’s belch Wellington - ton of ink in a well Wesley - wet lea, wet leaves West - waterproof vest Wexler - wax law


Whalen - whale inn Whitman - wet now whale inn Whetman - wet man Whitneye knee Whittaker, wet a car Wilkes - wilts, milks with a big “W” Wilkinson - wild kin (son) Williams - will yams WIlliamson - will yams in the sun WIlson - will in the sun Winston - Winston Churchill Winthrop - winter throb Woolsey - wool sea Worthington - word ink ton Wright - write Wrlghtson - write in the sun York - yellow fork Young - young yellow y ellow sun Zachary - sack hairy Zeigler - sick law Zimmer - simmer (cooking) Zimmerman - a man simmering (cannibals’ pot) Zucker - sucker on a zebra Zuckerman - suckered man on a zebra

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