Ketu in 12th Houses

April 19, 2017 | Author: Sanket Mishra | Category: N/A
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Ketu Ketu is a potential malefic planet in Vedic astrology and it is a south node of Moon. Illplaced Ketu also provides many bad results in the life of native just like Rahu but the intensity of the bad results are lower in comparison to Rahu. Ketu is milder in comparison of Rahu. Ill placed Ketu creates many hurdles and breaks in the life of natives. But there is a positive side also in it. Ketu is considered to be a great provider of spirituality. Strong influence of Ketu leads the person towards the detachment with the worldly matters and leads him or her towards salvation. Ketu induces strong religious feelings in the native and provides ultimate peace to the soul. Here in this section, we are presenting the results of placement of Ketu in all the 12 houses of the horoscope or the Vedic birth chart

Ketu in Ascendant | Dragon's tail in Ascendant | Ketu in 1st house The placement of ketu in ascendant would bestow the native with most of the Ketu impacts which would be both pleasant and adverse as they would bring both positive and negative effects to the native’s life. Besides this, the presence of Ketu in 1st house is the most explicit expression of difficulties in life. The native having Ketu in first bhava would reach good heights in the professional arena and would attain good affluence but he/she would require to work very hard and would need to put much endeavor as there would be much impediments in the path throughout the life of the native. The native in first house would receive growth but his/her life would lack the presence of peace as he/she would be compelled to distress. These natives would confront much perspiration. The natives of Ketu in Ascendant are perceived to possess weaker composition of mind besides which they would carry fragile personalities. These people would lead a tensed life as they are prone to unreasonable stress due to variant reasons besides which they would require to struggle for almost everything they would wish in their life. Apart from this, Ketu in 1st house would bring health problems to the spouses of the natives and there will be some ups and downs in the conjugal path of the native which would bring anguish to the person.

Ketu in 2nd house | Dragon's tail in 2nd bhava | Ketu in second house The shadow planet Ketu is another most malefic planet in the astrological arena besides which the placement of ketu in second house would provide variant impacts depending upon the other planetary placements in the horoscope chart as the benefic position of Ketu could take the native towards financial and professional heights while the adverse placement could bring malefic effects of ketu. The second house is ruled by Moon who will also give results according to the placement of Ketu. The benefic placement of Ketu in 2nd house would bestow the native with good affluence along with benefits of paternal affluence and property but Moon will bring adverse impacts. He/she would be needed to travel a lot and most of them would bring benefits to the native. Apart from this, the malefic placement of Ketu in 2nd house would take the native towards wandering to places without any benefit from the same besides which, the native would have a good income but the expenditures will also be high and lavish. On the other hand, the placement of Sun in twelfth bhava will make the native begin to work after twenty four years at a good phase of life besides which the exalted placement of Jupiter in the second bhava along with Ketu would brings really high income to the native. Besides this, the placement of Moon or Mars in the eighth house would bring shorter life span to the native along with serious problems at the age of 16 or 17yrs while the empty eight house would also bring malefic effects from Ketu. These people having Ketu in second house should follow some remedies to reduce the malefic impacts of ketu which comprises visiting temples and worshiping deities with true core and putting the tilak of turmeric and saffron over the head. He/she should stay away from adultery and should not get much involved in worldly pleasures.

Ketu in 3rd house | Dragon's tail in 3rd bhava | Ketu in third house Though the shadow planet Ketu is perceived to be a malefic planet, the placement of Ketu in third house will bring both pleasing and adverse impacts while on the other part, third house also gets affected by the planet Mercury and Mars while the Ketu is a natural enemy to them. So on the impacts of this placement entirely depends upon the other planetary placements in the horoscope chart. If the placement of Ketu in 3rd house becomes benefic in the third house then, the native would be blessed with good children and would be a generous and kind person from the core. He/she would be spiritual in his/her beliefs. Apart from this, the placement of Mars in the 12th bhava will affect the Ketu in 3rd house house and will bring a son to the native before his/her 24yrs of age, who would become a reason for the good life and that is for the long period of life of the native. The placement of ketu here brings a profession including much traveling to the native while the malefic placement of Ketu will make the native wander & travel useless and pointless. Besides this, the malefic placement of Ketu in 3rd house will bring some financial losses to the person with some part lost in legal matters. The native could go apart form his/her spouse or sister-in-law/brother-in-law besides this, the native would receive troubles from his/her brother’s side and will possess much distress and agony as there would be much difficulties in his/her life path and lack of peace would prevail. In the end, the native should put tilak/mark of saffron everyday over his head, he/she should wear something of gold and should offer jaggery and rice in flowing water to the almighty. These rituals will help the native win over the malefic effects of this placement to a good extent.

Ketu in 4th house | Dragon's tail in 4th bhava | Ketu in fourth house The shadow planet Ketu is a enemy of the ruler Moon of fourth house but the planetary placements in the horoscope chart could make this placement positive or negative for which it could provide variant impacts upon the human lives. The benefic placement of Ketu in 4th house would turn the native spiritual as he/she would deeply believe in the divine presence and would keep walking over the righteous path. The natives this placement will appear to be lucky for the father and Guru besides which, the native would have Son only by attaining the blessings of the Guru.

Besides this, the placement of Moon in 3 rd or 4th bhava will also bring pleasing results to the native and will make him/her a good adviser besides which the native would be endowed with a very strong financial stature. On the other hand, the malefic presence of ketu in 4th house will bring health problems to the person and his/her mother will also face some problems. Happiness and peace could be absent from the native’s life due to variant hurdles and difficulties. The person having Ketu in fourth bhava would rarely have a son and if he/she would have then, it will be in the 36yrs of age. Diabetes could become a serious concern. In the end, the natives having Ketu in fourth house should keep a dog at home and should nurture him. The person should offer yellow flowers in the water and should wear silver for the peace of mind. These remedies would help him/her to a good extent for the betterment in life.

Ketu in 5th house | Dragon's tail in 5th bhava | Ketu in fifth house The placement of shadow planet Ketu in fifth house would be very much affected by the placement of planet Jupiter in the horoscope chart besides which they are some other factors as well which would result either in benefic or adverse impacts for the naives life path. The placement of Jupiter, Sun or Moon in the 4th, 6th or 12th bhava would make this placement pleasant and would bring much goodness to the person. The natives of this placement would be bestowed with strong stature of wealth and would endow the person with five sons. Besides this, the malefic presence of Ketu in 5th house will make the native seriously suffer form asthma. The malefic placement of Ketu in 5th house gives adverse results till the five years of age to the native besides which it would harmfully affect the sons of the person as their would be problems in their birth and they could also have bad health till death. These natives of Ketu in fifth house should donate milk and sugar for the reduction of malefic effects of this placement and should pursue the remedies for planet Jupiter.

Ketu in 6th house | Dragon's tail in 6th bhava | Ketu in sixth house The Shadow planet ketu in 6th house is perceived to be a malefic presence but other planetary placements could even make it appear benefic at times besides which it really gets impacted with the placement of planet Jupiter. It will bring positive results and goodness to the native’s life. The pleasing placement of Jupiter would bring a long path of life to the person having Ketu in 6th house which would be a peaceful and blissful life. The mother of the native would also receive the goodness in life while the placement of any of the two from Sun, Jupiter and Mars are positively placed then, it would further enhance the pleasing impacts of this Ketu placement. The malefic placement of Ketu in sixth house would bring some problems to the maternal uncles besides which it would make the person wander without reason and travel without benefits. He native would have many enemies and foes around as people would carry much malice and ill-feelings for the native and that will be without any particular reason. The natives having malefic placement of Ketu in sixth house would confront skin problems. Besides this, the placement of Moon in the 2nd bhava would bring sufferings for the mother and the native would have a quiet difficult and harsh path of old age. The natives should wear a golden ring in the left hand for reducing the negative impacts of this placement. These people should keep a dog as a pet in home and should nurture him for attaining the good results. The natives should drink milk with saffron and should wear gold in the ear besides this, heat a rod of gold and dip the same in milk after with drinking the same milk would bring betterment in the native’s life. These remedies would bring peace and harmony in the natives lives.

Ketu in 7th house | Dragon's tail in 7th bhava | Ketu in seventh house The placement of shadow planet Ketu in 7th house is perceived to be inauspicious in general while on the other hand, the other planetary placements can bring variations in the planetary impacts upon the native’s life. Besides this, the seventh house placements gets strongly affected with the positions of Mercury and Venus and the positive appearance of Mercury, Venus & Jupiter would save the person from most of Ketu’s malefic effects. The benefic placement of Ketu in 7th house would bless the person with good affluence and early growth as he/she would attain the financial heights of 40yrs of age in his/her twenties. Besides this, the growth of income at the native’s house would truly depend

upon the number of children at home. These people would carry very dominating and powerful stature in the social arena and would be surrounded by foes around till 30yrs of age but no one would be able to harm them in true. The malefic placement of Ketu in seventh house would bring harshness and hardness in the native’s life. The people born with malefic placed Ketu in the 7 th bhava would be somewhat untrue from the core and would be quiet disloyal in his/her approach towards everyone. They would rarely posses strong relations around and could even be hypocritical. These natives would confront problems in getting married for which they would marry late and would also face hurdles in their conjugal path. This placement would also effect the spouse of the native in an adverse manner. Besides this, the presence of more than one planet in Lagna would lead towards loss or destruction of one child and the placement of Mercury along with Ketu would vanish all the enemies of the person after the 34yrs of his/her age. These people having Ketu in seventh bhava should never pursue deceit and treachery and should keep some trueness and respect in their words for attaining the betterment in lives. They should put Saffron tilak upon head and should pursue remedies of Jupiter till the possible extent.

Ketu in 8th house | Dragon's tail in 8th bhava | Ketu in eighth house The Shadow planet Ketu is one of well perceived malefic presence though some placements makes it appear benefic for the native but it will always arrive along with some difficulties and hurdles for the person. The arrival of Ketu in 8 th house would provide the blend of both positive and negative impacts upon the native. The presence of Ketu in eighth house will definitely bring some hurdles as making his/her life quiet difficult for the native but if the ketu would be placed benefic in this house then, it will bestow a son after 34yrs of age to the native or after the marriage of any girl form his/her family like sister or daughter. Besides this, the absence of planet Jupiter & Mars from the 6th and 12th bhava would reduce most of adverse impacts of Ketu here while placement of Moon in 2nd bhava will bring pleasant impacts. On the other part, the malefic placement of Ketu in 8th house would bring some adverse impacts upon the native’s wife as she may suffer form bad health. This won’t let the native have Son or if he/she would have then, the son won’t live longer. Besides this, the native will also suffer form diabetes and urinary problems. The placement of Saturn or Mars in 7th bhava would bring more misfortune to the natives.

This placement will highly effect the family life of the native after the 26yrs of his/her age. The natives of this placement of ketu in eighth house should keep a dog at home and nurture him for the reduction of malefic effects. They should donate a black & white blanket in a sacred and worshiping place and should worship and adore Lord Ganesha with true devotion. These people should wear gold in the ear and should put a saffron tilak over the head to reduce the misfortune and to stay safe.

Ketu in 9th house | Dragon's tail in 9th bhava | Ketu in ninth house The placement of Ketu is a well perceived malefic presence but it could also appear somewhat positive at times as it becomes here in the 9th house as here Ketu becomes exalted in this position for which the native will receive positive impacts upon his/her life though some difficulties would surely be there for Ketu being a malefic presence. The presence of Ketu in ninth house would keep the Ketu surrounded by positive energy for its being in pleasant relation with the ruler of 9th bhava that is Jupiter and for the same reasons, here in this position Ketu in 9th house would emerge high with most of pleasing results for the native and reduction in its adverse shades. This will bring good life and goodness in life to the natives. The natives of this placement of Ketu in ninth house would receive great fortune through this position and would be bestowed with good affluence and success in life but that will come only though his/her own hard work and efforts. They are obedient and sincere beings who would attain great heights upon land and would possess good social & professional position of respect. The natives of this placement would attain higher affluence if he/she would keep a gold brick within the house. The natives of this placement of Ketu in 9th house would be blessed to have son who will be capable of predicting the future while they can have three sons in life. These natives could spent most of their life in foreign lands due to variant reasons. The positive placement in 2nd house would further enhance the positive brilliance of Ketu here. Besides this, the auspicious placement of Moon will keep the person devoted towards the mother and mother’s family while the malefic placement of Ketu here in the 9th house would bring urinary problems, back aches and problems in leg to the person. This would also bring consequent deaths of sons. The natives of this placement ketu in 9th bhava should pursue some remedies for the adverse impacts of ketu for which keeping a dog at home would be really beneficial for the native. He should establish a rectangular piece of gold somewhere in the house and should wear gold in the ear. They should always pay respect and services to their fatherin-law.

Ketu in 10th house | Dragon's tail in 10th bhava | Ketu in tenth house The Shadow planet Ketu is a well perceived malefic presence in the astrological arena for which it could be either positive or negative depending upon other planetary placements in the horoscope chart. The results of Ketu in tenth house would highly depend upon the position of planet Saturn in the birth chart. The positive placement of Saturn in the horoscope chart would also keep the Ketu in 10th house in the pleasing appearance and that will bless the person with great fortune in life. The natives of this placement would carry a serious approach towards life and would be very concern about themselves. They would be bestowed with good opportunities in their life but his/her father would have a quiet short life span. Besides this, the placement of Saturn in the 6th bhava would lead the native towards heights in sports arena. The natives born with positively placed Ketu in 10 th house would be generous in attitude and would be truly benefited if they would keep their character true & pure. These people would always forgive their brothers for their misdeeds and that will keep them growing throughout. Apart from this, the malefic presence of Ketu in 10th house would bring difficult and harsh path in life as especially with the aspects of finance & career. They will confront health problems associated with urinary system & ear and would face body aches. There will be high stress & lack of peace in the professional as well as personal life of these natives. The native’s three sons could die. The natives of this placement of Ketu in tenth house should stay away from adultery and immoral deeds and should keep a dog at home as especially after the forty eight years of age. They should keep a silver pot filled with honey within the house. Following all of these remedies and the remedies associated with Moon & Jupiter would reduce the negative impacts of this placement.

Ketu in 11th house | Dragon's tail in 11th bhava | Ketu in eleventh house The shadow planet Ketu is one of adverse presence in the astrological arena which would bring difficulties for most of the times and would keep the path harsh and difficult for the native. Besides this, these natives having Ketu in 11th house would be blessed with good wealth and strong position in the social arena. The arrival of Ketu in eleventh house would bring goodness of finance & social stature to the person though the results would be impacted by the planet Jupiter & Saturn as well which would bring variations in result depending upon their horoscope placements. The presence of Ketu would bring some difficulties in the social & financial path as it won’t be a easier path for them. The benefic placement of ketu in 11th house along with Saturn in the 3rd house would bring high affluence to the person and he/she would attain wealth more than the paternal one. These natives would confront much stress and worries throughout life in this placement. Besides this, the placement of Mercury in the 3 rd bhava would bestow Raj Yoga to the native as taking him/her towards supreme heights of success. The malefic placement of ketu in eleventh would bring harshness in the social arena and difficulties with finances to the person. The malefic ketu could also bring problems in the abdomen of the person and mental stress would be high. This placement of Ketu in 11th house would also bring adverse impacts upon the grandmother & mother of the natives. The malefic placement of Saturn along with malefic Ketu would not let the person get benefited from the son and he/she would not be able to have a house. The natives of this placement should keep a black dog in house and should wear emerald for reducing the malefic effects of this placement.

Ketu in 12th house | Dragon's tail in 12th bhava | Ketu in twelfth house The shadow planet Ketu is one of the most malefic planets in the celestial arena which provides harshness and difficulties to the natives of this placement but as Ketu is exalted here, the natives of this placement would be blessed with strong wealth & achievements in life. The natives of this placement of Ketu in 12th house would walk through a path of hurdles but they will get paid for their hard work and endeavor as this harsh path would take them towards admirable heights of profession and finances. These people would make good utilization of their intellect and time. On the other part, the placement of Rahu & Mercury in the 6 th bhava along with this placement would bring more pleasant impacts to the native’s life. The natives of this placement of Ketu in twelfth house would possess comfort and luxuries in life and would lead a satisfying and happy life. The malefic placement of Ketu in 12th house would make losses to the person and worthless expenditure. These natives having Ketu in twelfth house should never slay or harm dogs as it will bring malefic impacts upon them. Besides this, the placement of Moon, Venu or Mars in 2nd house would further enhance the malefic impacts of this placement. They should worship Lord Ganesha and should stay on the moral and true path upon life. It would be beneficial for them to keep a dog in house and to keep saunf & khand under the pillow during the nights.

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