Kettlebell Finishers

March 28, 2017 | Author: charlesperez | Category: N/A
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Kettlebell Finishers

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

DISCLAIMER: You must get your physicianʼs approval before beginning this exercise program." These recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You must consult your physician prior to starting this program or if you have any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity. This program is designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older only. The information in this report is meant to supplement, not replace, proper exercise training. All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. The editors and publishers advise readers to take full responsibility for their safety and know their limits.Before practicing the exercises in this book, be sure that your equipment is well-maintained, and do not take risks beyond your level of experience, aptitude, training and fitness. The exercises and dietary programs in this book are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regimen that may have been prescribed by your physician. Donʼt lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or fatigued. Donʼt perform any exercise unless you have been shown the proper technique by a certified personal trainer or certified strength and conditioning specialist. Always ask for instruction and assistance when lifting. Donʼt perform any exercise without proper instruction. Always do a warm-up prior to strength training and interval training. See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are taking any medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise program, including Kettlebell Workouts. If you experience any lightheadedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop the movement and consult a physician. You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. If your physician recommends that you donʼt use Kettlebell Workouts, please follow your doctorʼs orders. Copyright © 2013 Athletic Fusion Fitness & Performance Consulting Inc

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers



Layer 1: Strength through Density "


Layer 2: Balance & Symmetry through Supersets"


Layer 3: Conditioning through Finishers"


How To Use This Manual"


Single Kettlebell Finishers"


50 Shades of Swings"


Bye-Bye Body Fat"


Down The Vanilla Ladder"


Dominant Overload"


Old Faithful"


99 Pro(KB)lemz"


Locked & Loaded"


Kettlebell Abdominal Finishers"


The Gut Check"


The Downtown ABby "


Get Up, Stand Up"


Washboard on the Shelf"


Kettlebell CHALLENGE Finishers"


Manhattan Beach"


The Pat Stream"


Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

I Got 5 On It"


Kettlebell Upper Body Finishers"


Suns Out, Guns Out"


Jersey Show"


Shoulder the Load"


The Minimalist Series"


Simple, NOT Easy"


Snatch Test"


The Armour Builder"


Clean & Press"


Double Kettlebell Finishers"


I Got It Made..."


You Know My KBz"


The Iron Man"


Double Down"


Double Domination"


Double Dan"


The Master Plan"


Comfortable with Discomfort"


Advanced Kettlebell Finishers"


The Wolverine "


The Isaac Rojas"


Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Punks GET-UP to Get Beat Down"


Flex And Extend"


BONUS: Kettlebell-Bodyweight Hybrid Finishers" 51 Single and Complete "


Metabolic Stimulation"


The Scenario"


Rucker Park"


Bo Knows Squat"


Push It Along"


BUTT, It’s So Simple"


The Mark Tyson"


The Exercises"


Clean, Squat & Press"


Kettlebell Rack Walk"


Kettlebell Overhead Walk"


The 2-Arm Swing"


The 1-Arm Swing"


The Snatch"


The Get-Up"


Bear Crawl"


Spiderman Crawl"


Double Rack Hold"


Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Double Overhead Rack Hold"


Double Suitcase Rack Hold"


Double Suitcase Hold"


About the Author"

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT



Kettlebell Finishers

INTRODUCTION I’m going to blunt... I DON’T BELIEVE IN “WORKOUTS”. I think workouts are random acts of randomness that serve no purpose other than to get a sweat and to make you feel like you’ve done something. What I do believe in is PROGRAMMING and Practice. That is, having a goal and a clear and proven roadmap on how to achieve that goal. The problem with random “workouts” is that there is no goal. (Other than maybe the general phrase, “I want to get fit”. But then, that’s different for everybody.) There is no progression. There is no mastery or practice. You’re just “working out”. And while that’s all fine and good that you’re actually off your butt and moving, If you have a goal that you want to achieve, how do you know what you’re doing is working if you’re constantly changing what you’re doing everyday, or every week, or even every month? Most overweight people - and I’m not saying you’re one of them - didn’t get that way in a course of a week or a month. So why is it that people think that if a program doesn’t work after 28 days, they give up on it and move on to something else? Then after another month they move onto something else and before they know it, they look the same and nothing about their body has changed. Now in saying that, I am a realist and being married, having 5 kids and running 2 businesses and coaching “on the side” I know that sometimes things don’t go as planned. I’m also aware of boredom. I am going to assume that you are training/practicing with a regular, goal-oriented program at least 3 days per week.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

I filmed a video that irked a lot of people because I basically said that “random” throwing a bunch of exercises together for the sake of variety - doesn’t work and there is no place for “random” in Goal-Oriented Fitness. I called it “The enterTRAINment Trap”.

You can watch that rant on YouTube HERE -

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

My programming consists of 3 Elements... The foundation of this program is built on 3 layers that compliment each other and provide you with the best most efficient form of fat loss training available. This is NOT cutting-edge. “Cutting Edge” screams “unproven”. -Pavel This is based on science and has been tried and tested on real world clients.

Layer 1: Strength through Density “You can be many things, but you must be StrongFirst” We’ve talked about strength and how it is your container. It is what carries all other physical qualities that you wish to possess. If you want it all - fat loss, hypertrophy, endurance - you better grow your container to the size of a swimming pool. Using Density - doing more and more work (while maximizing & maintaining tension) in a set period of time - is how you will build strength in this first layer.

Layer 2: Balance & Symmetry through Supersets Supersets are the foundation that Turbulence Training Fat Loss Programs have been built on. Supersets allow you to accomplish more work, efficiently, by alternating between noncompeting exercises with minimal rest periods in between. Simply put, when you are doing one exercise, you’re resting from another. Supersets are done through using both density/timed sets and traditional set & rep schemes.

Layer 3: Conditioning through Finishers The final layer is the one that seals the deal and that makes you feel like you’ve done something. This is your test and how you will complete your fat loss training for the session. Your goal is to be better each and every time you attempt the same workout.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

How To Use This Manual Since the Finisher Element is where we can incorporate Variety & Fun, you can pick and choose which Finisher to use on any given day after your regular program. 1. Use any one of these Finishers at the end of you program for that day. 2. These Finishers only work as an element of a larger, structured program. You can use the finishers on their own as a “workout”, but as stated earlier, Finishers will not replace a program. 3. All of these Finishers involve the use of a kettlebell. More often than not, you’ll find using a kettlebell one below your snatch sized bell will suffice (although that will depend on the individual). 4. Just because these are now FINISHERS doesn’t mean that you sacrifice your form and go out and start chasing reps and “feeling the burn” or “the pump” or whatever phrase you want to rebirth from the 90s. Honor your art and stay true to form and practice. Don’t chase numbers. 5. Enjoy the variety.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Single Kettlebell Finishers One kettlebell. Infinite possibilities. You’ll find that I refer to weights as your “snatch size”. This is the size that you would normally perform your SFG/RKC Level 1 snatch test (100 snatches in 5 minutes). For men that’s 24kg (or 53lbs) and women it’s either 12kg or 16kg (25lbs or 35lbs) depending on your weight.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

50 Shades of Swings If you’re up with popular media then you’ll recognize the name of this Finisher. The Truth? I dreamed this Finisher up while I was lying in bed and my wife was reading 50 Shades of Gray beside me. You’ll perform 50 reps of various swing variations - the swing is the most FUNDAMENTAL and IMPORTANT of all kettlebell exercises. Your ability to master your swing will determine the success that you’ll have in any kettlebell program. Type: Reverse Ladder Duration: 10 minutes or less Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or less Protocol: Snatch Left x 5 Snatch Right x 5 Clean Left x 10 Clean Right x 10 Swing Left x 10 Swing Right x 10

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Bye-Bye Body Fat This Finisher - which was dreamt up by my friend Ray Ortiz, owner of Bye Bye Bodyfat Bootcamps in Toronto - is a single kettlebell finisher that takes into account the ratio of Push to Pull when it comes to shoulder health. It’s said in many circles that because we’re an anterior dominant society - we’re always hunched over - that in order to help our failing posture and our broken shoulders we should alway do more “pulling” movements than “pushing”. So in this finisher, we focus on doing TWICE as many rows than presses. Type: Single Kettlebell Finisher Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or less Protocol: Clean x 3 per side FSQ x 3 per side Press x 3 per side Row x 6 per side -Rest 90s -Repeat 3-5 rounds Watch this Finisher on YouTube -

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Down The Vanilla Ladder It’s known in many kettlebell circles that the RKC (and later the SFG) train with ladders to get stronger. In this session, you’ll go “down” a non-traditional ladder using 3 exercises that are the most commonly done with a kettlebell. Type: Reverse Ladder Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or less Protocol: Clean L x 5 Clean R x 5 Press L x 5 Press R x 5 Squat L x 5 Squat R x 5

Clean L x 4 Clean R x 4 Press L x 4 Press R x 4 Squat L x 4 Squat R x 4

Clean L x 3 Clean R x 3 Press L x 3 Press R x 3 Squat L x 3 Squat R x 3

Clean L x 2 Clean R x 2 Press L x 2 Press R x 2 Squat L x 2 Squat R x 2

Rest 120s

Rest 90s

Rest 60s

Rest 30s

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT

Clean L x 1 Clean R x 1 Press L x 1 Press R x 1 Squat L x 1 Squat R x 1


Kettlebell Finishers

Dominant Overload This workout is meant to overload one side of the body forcing you to stabilize while you’re unevenly loaded. In addition to testing your grip, your midsection will take a beating as well. Feel free to put the kettlebell down if necessary to complete the circuit before switching to the next arm. Type: Straight Circuit Duration: 10 minutes or more/less Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or more Protocol: Clean x 10 Press x 5 1-Arm Swing x 10 Squat x 5 Snatch x 10 -Perform all reps on the Left arm, rest for 60s then repeat on the right arm -Repeat as many times as desired within the given time frame

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Old Faithful In October 2010 when I first met Pavel face-to-face I asked him what his perfect workout, if he had no time, would look like. He said Get-Ups and Swings. In October 2012 when I was certifying for my RKC Level 2, I asked Pavel what I should do with in-season volleyball players to help stabilize their shoulder and keep them explosive while taking the pounding of playing long days 4 days per week. He said Get-Ups and Swings. If there were only 2 exercises that you should do to make sure that you stayed strong, explosive, lean and athletic, guess what those 2 exercises would be... Type: Density Circuit Time: 10 minutes Equipment: 1 KB snatch size or less Protocol: Get-Up Left x 1 Get-Up Right x 1 Swings x 10 -Rest as needed, repeat for duration

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

99 Pro(KB)lemz 99 Reps. All kettlebell. This is a Challenge Finisher which means that your challenge is to not put the kettlebell down for the duration of the Finisher. Type: Kettlebell Challenge Finisher Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or less Protocol: Snatch Left x 10 Snatch Right x 10 Row Left x 10 Row Right x 10 Goblet Squat x 5 Clean Left x 5 Clean Right x 5 Clean & Press Left x 5 Clean & Press Right x 5 Row Left x 10 Row Right x 10 Goblet Squat x 5 Swing x 9

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Locked & Loaded I love loaded carries. The name of this worked is exactly what you must master in order to get the most out of your loaded carry training. After cleaning the bell into the Rack, you must be LOCKED in place throughout the entire duration of your walk with the kettlebell. Same holds true for the overhead carry. You must pack your shoulder and focus on crush gripping the bell so that it stays in place and doesn’t waiver. Type: Loaded Carries for distance intervals Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or more Protocol: KB Overhead Carry x 20 yds KB Rack Carry x 20 yds 2-Arm KB Swing x 20 Rest 90s -Repeat 4-8 times

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Kettlebell Abdominal Finishers

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

The Gut Check One of the best things about Kettlebell Finishers is that we can incorporate abdominal training into them to get the best of both worlds. The Gut Check is one of those Finishers. Don’t be fooled by the basic “Side Plank” exercise at the end. As much as that exercise is fundamental, it’s one of the best athletic-performance based exercises and determinants of health there is. Type: Kettlebell-Abdominal Hybrid Duration: 8 minutes or less Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or less Protocol: 1-Arm Swing (Left Arm) x 15 Mountain Climbers x 20 1-Arm Swing (Right Arm) x 15 Opposite Hip Touch x 20 1-Arm Swing (Left Arm) x 15 Side Plank Left x 20 seconds 1-Arm Swing (Right Arm) x 15 Side Plank Right x 20 seconds -Rest of 90s after completing. -Repeat the above protocol 1-3 times for a total of 2 to 4 rounds.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

The Downtown ABby People don’t think that a Kettlebell Swing is an abdominal exercise, but wait until you try the swings in this Finisher. You’ll be pleasantly surprised Type: Kettlebell - Abdominal Hybrid Finisher Equipment: kettlebell - snatch size or less, ab wheel or stability ball, basketball Protocol: Ab Wheel Roll Out x 15 Reverse Ab Curl x 15 Opposite Hip Touch x 15 per side Kettlebell Swing x 30 -Rest 60s between -Perform 3-5 rounds Watch this Finisher on YouTube

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Get Up, Stand Up The Get-Up, Sit-up is one of those unassuming exercises that will train you how to use your abs properly. The fitness industry has told us that doing sit-ups to get abs is useless, but being able to get up from a lying position to a sitting position is primal. This Finisher will train your abs AND stabilize your shoulders. Type: Kettlebell - Abdominal Hybrid Finisher Equipment: kettlebell - snatch size or less Protocol: Get-Up to Sit-Up Left Side x 5 Full Get-Up Left Side x 1 Get-Up to Sit-Up Right Side x 5 Full Get-Up Right Side x 1 Snatch Left x 10 Snatch Right x 10 -Rest 90s between -Perform 2-4 rounds

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Washboard on the Shelf Don’t ask me about the name. I’m thinking that “washboard” is about how abdominal intensive this workout is and the “shelf” is what people call someone’s behind when it looks athletic. That’s all I got. Type: Density Circuit Time: 10 minutes Equipment: 2 KBs of equal weight Protocol: Goblet Squat x 10 Spiderman Push-Up x 10 Kettlebell Swings x 20 Mountain Climber x 20 Alternating Goblet Lunges x 20 -Rest 60s & repeat as many times as possible in 10 minutes

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Kettlebell CHALLENGE Finishers Get your timer, stop watch or Gym Boss out and get ready to challenge yourself.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Manhattan Beach Get beach ready with this timed Finisher. Each round will take you 4 minutes. Type: Timed Challenge Kettlebell Finisher Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or lighter Protocol: Snatch Left x 20s, 10s rest Snatch Right x 20s, 10s rest Goblet Squat x 20s, 10s rest Kettlebell Halo x 20s, 10s rest Clean & Press Left x 20s, 10s rest Clean & Press Right x 20s, 10s rest Swing x 60s -Rest 120s between Finishers -Repeat 2-4 times

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

The Pat Stream If you’ve never met my buddy Pat, then you should really get to know his story. A few years ago Pat was overweight and depressed. Then he found kettlebells and reclaimed his life. I’m not saying that kettlebells were the reason that his life changed, but it was a contributor to him turning things around. Pat contributed this Finisher (and you can tell that he’s been listening to me because of the minimalist approach)...

To learn more about Pat, check out and scroll down to read about his story and transformation.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

I Got 5 On It Here’s a 5-minute Finisher that takes you from HIGH to LOW with your ballistics. Type: Timed Challenge Kettlebell Finisher Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or heavier Protocol: Snatch Left x 30s Snatch Right x 30s High Pull Left x 30s High Pull Right x 30s Clean & Press Left x 30s Clean & Press Right x 30s Goblet Squat x 30s Swing x 30s -Rest 120s between Finishers -Repeat 2-4 times

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Kettlebell Upper Body Finishers For the Meatheads - and I’m guilty of doing at least one of these Finishers every week.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Suns Out, Guns Out I wrote this Finisher for your inner-Meathead. A set of great arms shows strength, confidence and that you’re not to be messed around with. It also sucks when the sleeves of your t-shirt are flapping in the wind because your arms aren’t big enough to fill the holes. Problem solved Type: Outdoor Upper Body Kettlebell Finisher Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or heavier & a towel Protocol: Get-Up Left x 1 Get-Up Right x 1 Lying Tricep Extension x 8 Towel Bicep Curl x 8

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Jersey Show Here’s another Meathead Kettlebell Finisher that focuses on both your arms and shoulders. You’ll need access to a pull-up bar as well. Type: Upper Body Kettlebell - Bodyweight Hybrid Equipment: Double kettlebells - snatch size or heavier & a towel Protocol: Close Grip Chin-Ups x Max -2 See Saw Press x 6 per side Towel Kettlebell Curl (single KB) x 10 Lying Tricep Extension x 10 -Rest 60s -Perform 2-4 rounds of this Finisher

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Shoulder the Load My shoulders have always given me problems. It started when I was young trying to throw a curveball a long time before I should have (it was self-motivated, not parent or coach driven). Then when baseball didn’t tickle my fancy anymore I chose to play volleyball (which messed my shoulder up even more). It wasn’t until I started working with KBs on a full time basis that my shoulder started to feel normal. I owe that to Get-Ups. Get-Ups are the perfect exercise one of the only ones that incorporate every foundational human movement (push, pull, squat, rotate, gait/lunge). In this workout we work on strengthening and stabilizing the shoulder at every possible angle and at various speeds. Type: Density Circuit Time: 10 minutes Equipment: 1 KB snatch size or less Protocol: Get-Up Left x 1 Get-up Right x 1 Row Left x 10 Row Right x 10 Snatch Left x 5 Snatch Right x 5

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

The Minimalist Series The Minimalist Series is by far my favourite series of Finishers in this manual. One exercise, done for time or reps. So simple and effective.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Simple, NOT Easy Pyramid training starts you at the bottom, take you up to a peak and then bring you back down the “other side”. For this session, you will start your snatches when the clock starts at :00. Then you’ll rest for the remainder of the minute and won’t start the 2nd set until the clock reaches : 00 of the second minute. Basically, you’re doing work at the top of every minute and resting the remainder of the time. Type: On the minute pyramid Duration: 10 minutes Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or LESS Protocol: Perform “on the minute” snatches using the following protocol... MIN 1 - 4 snatches L & R MIN 2 - 5 snatches L & R MIN 3 - 6 snatches L & R MIN 4 - 7 snatches L & R MIN 5 - 8 snatches L & R MIN 6 - 8 snatches L & R MIN 7 - 7 snatches L & R MIN 8 - 6 snatches L & R MIN 9 - 5 snatches L & R MIN 10 - 4 snatches L & R

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Snatch Test The RKC and SFG are famous for this protocol. In the instructor world, candidates are expected to be able to practice what they preach. The snatch test is a testament to both endurance and power. BUT, for Finisher purposes, we will drop the weight down a couple of sizes. Don’t think that this is any easy task though. Type: Density Challenge Duration: 5 minutes Equipment: One single kettlebell - Men: 12kg or 16kg; Women: 8kg or 10kg Protocol: You have 5 minutes. Perform 100 snatches within that 5 minute period.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

The Armour Builder If you read throughout this book, you’ll know that I refer to Strength Coach, Dan John a lot. Building Armour is a Dan John-ism and a concept that he’s used with his football players to train them to withstand the impact that they face during a game. Building Armour simply means building the “meat” of your upper body so that you can take a pounding on the gridiron. Armour is also a nice thing to have when you want to take your shirt off at the beach. Here’s how you do it.... Type: Density for 8 minutes or for 100 reps Equipment: 2 equal sized kettlebells, snatch size or one higher Protocol: Perform as many Double Cleans as you can within an 8 minute period -ORPerform 100 Double Cleans in as few sets as possible.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Clean & Press This Finisher is great the day AFTER an upper body workout or immediately following a LOWER body workout. It will enhance recovery by flooding the upper body muscles with blood giving you a bit of a pump. Again, it’s simple. One exercise done at the top of every minute. Type: On the minute Duration: 8 minutes Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or LESS Protocol: Perform 5 reps of Clean & Presses at the top of every minute (when your timer hits :00) for the full 8 minute duration. Rest for the duration of the minute and repeat each time the timer hits the “:00” mark.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Double Kettlebell Finishers After Minimalist Finishers, this is the next best. Double the weight means double the results.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

I Got It Made... This finisher - another tribute to a hip hop favourite by Special Ed - pretty much sums up someone who’s comfortable with their bells and has confidence to really put them to good use. This is a Double KB Protocol that will melt fat off you like a jar of coconut oil sitting in the sun. Type: Advanced Double Kettlebell Chain Equipment: Two kettlebells of equal size - snatch size or less Protocol: Double Snatch x 1 (then actively pull the KBs down into the Rack) Double High Pull x 1 Double Clean x 1 Double Press x 1 Double Front Squat x 1 -Repeat the Chain for 3-5 rounds -Rest 90s between each round -Repeat each round 5 times

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

You Know My KBz Type: Reverse Ladder Duration: 10 minutes or less Equipment: Two kettlebells of equal weight - snatch size or less Protocol: Double Clean x 5 See Saw Press x 5 per side Renegade Row x 5 per side Double Rack Hold x 20s -Rest 90s -Repeat for 3-6 rounds total

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

The Iron Man Type: Advanced Double Kettlebell Isometric Duration: 10 minutes or less Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or less Protocol: Double Rack Hold x 20s Front Squat ATG Hold x 10s Double Overhead Press Hold and Walk x 10s -Rest 90s -Repeat 4-6 rounds

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Double Down In this session, you’ll go “down” a non-traditional ladder using 3 exercises that are the most commonly done with a kettlebell. Type: Double Kettlebell Reverse Ladder Equipment: 2 kettlebell of equal weight - snatch size or less Protocol: Clean, Squat, Press x 5 Clean, Squat x 5 Clean x 5 -Rest 90s between sets -Perform 3-5 sets depending on how heavy your kettlebells are Watch This Finisher on YouTube -

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Double Domination I call this one “Double Domination” because it’s a full body double kettlebell Finisher. It’s in a Chain - Circuit format, so you’ll do one rep of each exercise before starting the chain all over again and then do 2 more exercises to complete the circuit. Type: Double Kettlebell Chain & Bodyweight Hybrid Circuit Equipment: 2 kettlebell of equal weight - snatch size or less Protocol: 1a) (Double Clean + Double FSQ + Double Press) x 5 1b) Renegade Rows x 5 per side (alternating) 1c) Burpees x 5 -Rest 120s between -Perform 3-5 rounds Watch this Finisher on YouTube

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Double Dan This one is dedicated to Dan John, Master SFG and is a spin-off on my RKC Grad Workout back in October 2010 in Orlando, FL. For this workout you set up with a partner and did a “you go, I go” workout where while Partner 1 is working with Double KBs, Partner 2 is practicing Fast & Loose. I loved this workout. The simplicity, logic and focus on mastery of the exercises is typical Dan John. Type: Density (do as many sets as you can within the given time frame) Duration: 10 minutes Equipment: 2 Kettlebells of equal size Protocol: Double Clean x 3 Double Front Squat x 2 Double Press x 1 Fast & Loose > 60s

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

The Master Plan I was debating whether or not to put this in the Minimalist section or here. The truth is, with kettlebell training - especially DOUBLE kettlebell work - you don’t need to do a bunch of fancy exercises to get the right kind of metabolic or anabolic stimulation. The Master Plan is the #truth. If you use heavy enough KBs you’ll know why. Type: Double Kettlebell Complex Equipment: 2 Kettlebells of equal size, snatch size or HEAVIER Protocol: Double Clean x 10 Double Front Squat x 5 Double Military Press x 5 Double Swing x 10 -rest 90s between Complexes -Repeat the complex 3-6 times

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Comfortable with Discomfort Geoff Neupert, Master SFG, has be my go-to resource for kettlebell training from the day I got certified with the RKC/SFG. I have yet to meet a smarter more “in the trenches” coach. Geoff’s bread and butter is teaching double KB drills. He is the master at this and is responsible for part of the curriculum in the SFG Level II Training Certification. Geoff, when teaching doubles, often has his students clean 2 snatch sized or heavier bells and just has them hold the KBs - Hardstyle “style” - in the rack for periods of time to get “comfortable with discomfort”. Here is a spin-off/tribute to my friend, Geoff’s work... Type: Isometric Time: 10 minutes Equipment: 2 KBs of equal weight Protocol: Double Clean to Double Rack Hold x 20s Overhead Hold Left, Rack Hold Right x 20s Overhead Hold Right, Rack Hold Left x 20s Suitcase Hold Left, Rack Hold Right x 20s Suitcase Hold Right, Rack Hold Left x 20s Double Suitcase Hold x 20s Rest x 60s -Repeat 2 additional times for a total of 3 rounds

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Advanced Kettlebell Finishers

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

The Wolverine This is an Advanced Finisher for those of you that have Hardstyle Kettlebell Experience. We also introduce an advanced push-up variation called The Wolverine Push-Up which will work your abs at various angles and will do a number on your triceps. Type: Advanced Kettlebell Bodyweight Finisher Duration: 10 minutes or less Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or less Protocol: Bottoms Up Clean Left x 5 Bottums Up Clean Right x 5 Goblet Squat x 10 Wolverine Push-Up x 10 Swing x 20 Star Jump x 10 -Rest 90s between sets -Repeat 3-6 times

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

The Isaac Rojas Here’s an advanced Finisher sent in by one of my subscribers. It’s pretty awesome how much you have to overload one side of your body. Using the Jump Rope is a great form of active recovery as well.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Punks GET-UP to Get Beat Down I’m a HUGE 90s Hip Hop fan. Rap music and lyrics just haven’t been the same since. This Finisher is dedicated to the classic hip hop track by Brand Nubian in 1993. In this Finisher we use “The Perfect Exercise”...the Get-Up. There is no other exercise that combines every possible human movement into one exercise. Type: Single Kettlebell - Advanced Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or less Protocol: Get-Up Left Side (and stay up) x 1 Then while standing perform... Snatch x 1 Squat x 1 Clean x 1 Press x 1 Then Get-Down. -Repeat on the right side -Repeat this protocol alternating side for a total of 4-6 rounds.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Flex And Extend Thanks to Geoff Neupert and SFG Tim Anderson I’ve been able to understand the fundamentals of reflexive stability and primal movement and how reprogramming your body to do what it was born to do is the key to gains in strength and longevity. Crawling and it’s progressions are primal and are hardwired into our system as humans. It’s rare that you’ll ever meet a human who didn’t crawl before they learned how to walk. Crawling is also an awesome metabolic activity if done properly. In this workout we compliment the hip flexion and ab work of crawling with the explosive extension and posterior chain work of kettlebell ballistics. Type: Density Circuit Time: 10 minutes Equipment: 1 KB snatch size or less Protocol: Bear Crawl x 20yd Snatch x 5 per side Spiderman Crawl x 20yd Swing x 20 -Rest 60-90s, repeat for the duration of the workout.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

BONUS: Kettlebell-Bodyweight Hybrid Finishers

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Single and Complete Want a complete workout with a single kettlebell? This is the finisher for you. If you’re ending a full body training session then this would be ideal OR if you’ve completely missed your workout and want something quick, then this is the one you should do. Type: Full Body Kettlebell-Bodyweight Hybrid Duration: 10 minutes if it’s a workout, 8 minutes if it’s used as a Finisher Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or less Protocol: 1a) (Clean + Squat + Press) x 5 per arm 1b) (Burpee + Chin-Up) x 5 -Rest 2 minutes -Repeat as many times as possible in 8 minutes for density Watch this Finisher on YouTube

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Metabolic Stimulation I use this Finisher all the time with my #TorontoHardstyleKettlebellClub. It’s a great finisher because it involves lots of abdominal work and 2 extremes of Primal Movement - crawling & sprinting. Type: Outdoor Kettlebell & Bodyweight Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or MORE Protocol: Rack Walk Left x 20 yards Rack Walk Right x 20 yards Spiderman Crawl x 20 yards Sprint x 20 yards -Rest 90s between sets -Perform 4-6 sets total

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

The Scenario Type: Full Body Kettlebell-Bodyweight Hybrid Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or less Protocol: 2-Handed Swing x 20 Burpee x 10 2-Handed Swing x 20 Close-Grip Push-Up x 10 2-Handed Swing x 20 Mountain Climber x 20 2-Handed Swing x 20 -Rest 120s between finishers -Repeat 3-5 times

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Rucker Park In New York City, Rucker Park is the famous basketball court where some of the best playground basketball players in the world graced the blacktop. Having been obsessed with Vertical Jump for most of my life, this Finisher is dedicated to the art of jumping. It’s very “snatch” heavy. When it comes to kettlebell ballistics, although the swing trains hip snap you are projecting your energy through the kettlebell horizontally. With the snatch, you project your energy vertically and therefore I believe the snatch is much better for vertical jump development. Type: Kettlebell-Bodyweight Hybrid Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or less, chin-up bar Protocol: Snatch Left x 10 Snatch Right x 10 Chin-Up x Max-2 Snatch Left x 5 Snatch Right x 5 Vertical Jump x 10 -Rest 120s between Finishers -Repeat 2-4 times

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Bo Knows Squat Bo Jackson was one of my childhood idols. He was known for having massive thighs that allowed him to be a world class running back for the LA Raiders, a prototypical outfielder and leadoff man for the Kansas City Royals AND run the 100 metre dash in 10 seconds. Type: Kettlebell-Bodyweight Lower Body Hybrid Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or less Protocol: Goblet Squat x 10 Prisoner Bodyweight Squat x 20 Press x 5/side Row x 5/side Goblet Reverse Lunge x 10/side Squat Jumps x 10 -Rest 120s between Finishers -Repeat 2-4 times

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Push It Along Another ode to 90s Hip Hop as this push-up heavy finisher will blast your upper body and get your heart pumping. Focus on moving through this finisher as fast as you can WITH GOOD FORM. Type: Full Body Kettlebell-Bodyweight Challenge Hybrid Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or more Protocol: Perform the following Finisher to completion resting only when necessary between exercises. Time your first attempt and challenge yourself to beat your time each successive attempt going forward. Swing x 20 Push-Ups x 20 Swing x 20 Spiderman Push-Ups x 10 Swing x 20 Close-Grip Push-Ups x 10 Swing x 20 Off-Set Push-Up Left x 10 Swing x 20 Off-Set Push-Up Right x 10 Swing x 20

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

BUTT, It’s So Simple It’s known in many kettlebell circles that the RKC (and later the SFG) train with ladders to get stronger. In this session, you’ll go “down” a non-traditional ladder using 3 exercises that are the most commonly done with a kettlebell. Type: Reverse Ladder Duration: 10 minutes or less Equipment: One single kettlebell - snatch size or less Protocol: Snatch x 5 Clean x 5 FSQ x 5 Press x 5 Reverse Lunge x 5 -Rest for 90s between Finishers -Perform 3-5 rounds of this finisher

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

The Mark Tyson I had a Facebook contest on my Facebook Fan Page and asked subscribers to tell what their favourite Finisher was. Here’s one from Mark Tyson:

I absolutely LOVE the simplicity of this one. It can be considered an “abdominal” based finisher or a bodyweight hybrid Finisher. Either way, it’s awesome.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

The Exercises Clean, Squat & Press The “CSP” is another full body exercise that will have you really focusing on maximizing tension to get through the last few reps. The important thing to remember when you do this exercise is that you want to make sure that there is a distinct “pause” between each element of the chain. That means... 1) Clean the kettlebell, ROOT and pause; 2) Descend into a squat, push back up, ROOT and pause; 3) Press, pause, pull the kettlebell down, ROOT and pause, then repeat. To perform the Clean, Squat & Press... Set the kettlebell up in front of you as if you were about to perform a 1-arm swing.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Hike pass your Kettlebell between your knees...

...and clean the bell into the rack position

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Brace your abs hard and ROOT yourself into the ground.

Descend into a squat by pushing your hips back and pushing your knees apart. Push into the floor and go back to standing. ROOT yourself and pause in the rack again.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Maintaining tension in your entire body, press the kettlebell by imagining that you are pushing your body away from the kettlebell. Visualizing this will keep your joints aligned and will lock everything into place keeping your shoulder safe and healthy

Kettlebell Rack Walk

Watch it on YouTube -

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Kettlebell Overhead Walk

Watch it on YouTube -

The 2-Arm Swing The swing is the foundation of all things kettlebell. It’s the exercise that made the kettlebell popular among the Big Box Gym crowd and probably part of the reason what kettlebells are so popular today. The problem with the kettlebell swing is that hardly anybody does it right. Now, we are talking about the HARDSTYLE Kettlebell Swing for which I am familiar with and am very comfortable teaching. There is also a SoftStyle swing which is meant to conserve energy, minimize tension and allow you to perform reps of swings until the cows come home (or for a very long time). This style (softstyle) is not the style or type of swing that I teach. To learn softstyle, you will need to consult and AKC coach or one that is more versed in Kettlebell Sport (GS). Back to Hardstyle... First, let’s understand what the swing is NOT. The swing is NOT a sumo-squat, front delt raise hybrid of an exercise. It is a hip hinge exercise - and a very powerful one at that.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

What that means is that the Hardstyle Swing is likened more to a deadlift than it is to a squat. If you’re able to understand that concept, then you’ll be better equipped to swing properly - at least the way that I will teach you. To perform the Hardstyle Swing... Place a kettlebell on the floor in front of you. Now stand and “root” yourself (there’s that term “root” again - REMEMBER IT!) approximately 1-3 feet away from it (1 foot if you’re short, 3 feet if you’re tall). The kettlebell should be an arms-length in front of you. Now you are going to bend (or hinge) at your hips and reach for the kettlebell with your hands. You are doing this without flexing at the spine. That means that only hips allow you to bend forward, not your back.1 Most of us with less than ideal flexibility (notice how I said “us”...I’m part of that “less-than-ideal-flexibility” group) will have to bend our knees slightly to reach down for that handle. This is perfectly fine and in most cases necessary. So now you should be in what’s called a “Silver Back” position. Your knees are slightly bent, your hips are pushed back (waaaaay back) and your back is arched (not flexed) while you are holding onto your kettlebell with both hands. Now we’re going to pull your shoulders away from your ears and “tilt” the kettlebell towards you. By pulling your shoulder blades down and away from your ears, we’ve actively engaged your lats.


Nine times out of 10, this is why people hurt their back kettlebell training. You don’t actively “use” your back when you train with kettlebells. It’s when your back becomes involved and your spine starts to move that people get hurt. Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

You will now “hike pass” the kettlebell through your knees - think about American Football and getting the ball to the quarterback as you snap the ball back. Doing this will load your hamstrings even more like elastics bands. Once the kettlebell reaches its furthest point back, you are going to STAND UP by forcefully extending your hips. Your goal is to find your “root” position at the top of each swing.2 This creates float in the kettlebell and will drive it up.


Remember you are trying to stand up straight, NOT lean back. Finding the “root” means understanding that the kettlebell is a part of your body and NOT some form of external resistance. Rooting yourself means that you have perfect alignment when you finish each swing. Many people have a tendency to hyper-extend at their lumbar spine (lower back). This will lead to a back injury. Remember, your back isn’t involved. All movement occurs at your hips. Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

The peak of the kettlebell should be guided such that it goes no higher than your chest. Therefore, you must imagine that if you were to let the bell go (please don’t do that though), it would make a hole in the wall directly in front of you. You are directing the energy of the kettlebell horizonally. As the kettlebell starts to descend, you are again going to hinge at your hips (and NOT bend from your back) and “hike pass” it between your knees. Repeat the movement for the required amount of repetitions.

The 1-Arm Swing I don’t think I need to explain the significance or importance of the 1-Arm Swing. Much like the 2-Arm swing, mastering the 1-arm swing is essential especially if you plan on following up this program with The #28DayShred. So here are the nuts and bolts of the 1-arm swing... You’re going to set up your kettlebell on the floor much like you would before doing a 2-arm swing. You’re also going to grab the kettlebell with both hands. “Wait, I thought this was a 1-arm swing?”, you may be asking. It is, but there’s a reason why you grab with 2 hands.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

We want to make sure that we’re balanced and parallel and therefore NOT leaking energy. So starting off by grabbing the kettlebell with 2 hands ensures that our shoulder and spine do not rotate allowing us to stay compact. Now, keeping your shoulders parallel, let your left arm go of the kettlebell and bring it off and away to the side. You should now be in your “silver back” position.

Hike pass the kettlebell through your knees. Remember doing this will load up your hamstrings with potential energy like 2 slingshots.

Chris Lopez, SFG2, CTT


Kettlebell Finishers

Once the kettlebell reaches its furthest point back, you are going to STAND UP by forcefully extending your hips. Your goal is to find your “root” position at the top of each swing. The most important thing to remember when you’re doing a 1-arm swing is to make sure your shoulder stays in its socket. That is, don’t let the kettlebell project your arm forward pulling your shoulder out of alignment. Keep your lat engaged and fired.

The Snatch If I only could do ONE single exercise, it’d be the snatch. There’s a reason why we test it in the SFG - it is the single, most-perfect exercise known to man.
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