Keshefoundation Online Workshops v1.5

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KESHE FOUNDATION ONLINE WORKSHOPS 26OCT2015, edited by PEARSCH, IAeSR. v1.5, Available here

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KFSSI TOC MaGrav Unit [*] Document: “MAGRAV procedure” [1.0] Coil making [1.1] Theory [1.2] Coil connections [1.3] Making "balance capacitors" for the circuit [1.3.2] Adding "capacitors" [1.4] The Law of Squares [1.5] Coil making JIG [1.6] Coil tray mounting [2.0] Nano coating the coils [2.1] Theory [2.2] Salt & Caustic [3.0] GANS coating [3.1] Theory [3.2] GANS central suns [3.2.2] Making "Paint Ball" suns [3.3] REACTOR for Space Ship [4.0] Coils and trays [4.1] Theory [4.2] Wiring (connecting) the coils [4.3] [4.4] Adding Input/Output components [4.5] Safety devices [5.0] Testing the MaGrav [5.1] Theory [5.2] Location in household [5.3] Circuit load conditions [5.4] GRID connection [5.5] Failure of MaGrav [5.6] Coil O-scope readings [6.0] Additional uses of MaGrav [6.1] Theory [6.2] Health Pen [6.2.2] Acupoints [6.3] Automotive [6.4] Levitation Reactor [6.5] Water from air [6.6] Heat; food; water treatment [6.7] Plasma battery

[6.8] Additional [7.0] Conspiracy [7.1] Theory [8.0] Additional Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26OCT2015 Workshop 1,1/5 Keshe Plasma Build Lesson 1 part 1 26OCT2015 Workshop 1,2/5 Talking necessary to understand principles of operation. Coil winding at end (2:00:05) [1.0] 27OCT2015 Workshop 2,1/5 Plasma effects on the human condition (health). Plasma pen theory at 2:18:00 [6.2] 27OCT2015 Workshop 2,2/5 Keshe Plasma Build Lesson 2 part 2 (10:45) Sharing of completed coil constructions by students. Magrav units are now being tested at 7 to 10 Kw output. If Magrav units cannot be shipped because of International conspiracy, the units will be shipped out in 3 pieces: The Blue plastic, the coils, and instructions. [7.1] Banks are closing accounts illegally, of ambassadors that have paid for the Magrav units. (20:50) Next week Magrav car units will be given to the all Italian police for FREE. Health units will go directly to the Italian police force. [6.3] (24:20) Next step: nano-coating coils. Sea water & copper plates to produce GANs material. Don't use nano-wire. It dissolves too quickly. Connect two pieces of copper plate together with wire (short them). If you see green liquid at the bottom of the container, it is GANs. (Atomic structure of free plasma) 1.5 dcv and 0.5 amps will also facilitate the transition to plasma. [2.0] (29:37-30:24) (screen freeze) The GANs will be released from a previously nano-coated plate of copper. [3.1] Too, high of amperage will change copper to dark brown or black copper oxide. This is not good GANS. Stronger plasma is what you're looking for. (36:00) Don't use certain materials (indistinguishable audio) (hemoglobin, blood?) With the development of plasma you will "see" CO2 (white looking powder). (38:40) Liters of blood have been created with this plasma. (39:20) Use a syringe to extract GANS [Gas in Nano-State] (white) from the solution and dry (to a soup like paste) with a lamp, overnight. (41:50) Put nano-coated springs in the "soup" (GANS). The springs, when dried, will not be black, but "soup" colored. (43:30) The nano-coating will now handle DC, and the copper substrate will handle AC. The "soup" (GANS) when dried will power the Magrav, not the nano-coating itself. (45:50) This super conductor is the dream of communications specialists. (47:20) The original copper springs are hollow in their center. Gigawatts can be transmitted instantaneously through the center of the springs. (52:40) Closeup of the GANS fuel (treated springs). They have to be fully saturated (white covered). (54:20) Repeat of process to obtain GANS. (Zinc is mentioned, as was previously.)

Touching any (nano coated) components with bare hands corrupts, absolutely. (56:00) Heavier elements, other than copper can be nano coated. (Titanium, Gold, etc.) (58:30) We need to shut down nuclear power stations. (1:00:00) Tomorrow, the first Magrav units will be here. We will open them up to see how they are constructed. [*] (1:02:00) Now will be the reality of two years of work. (1:42:40) Configuration of Health Pen. (in combination with Acupoints) [6.2.2] (1:48:38) Coils for Automotive use. Coils are mummified with cotton tape so that more GANS will adhere to the coils. [6.3] (1:52:00) Fire-nano-coated coils, as used in the house. (not GANS treated yet) [note: handled w/o gloves] [5.2] More theory to end. 28OCT2015 Workshop 3,1/5 Final Release over Satellite Network Keshe Plasma Build Lesson 3 part 1 (notes by PEA Research, USA) Keshe is true to his words: FREE, FREE, FREE to the world. Governments, oil companies, power companies, banks are true their nature: resistance, lies, obfuscation. [7.1] President of Armenia instructs people to test Keshe device. President of Nigeria testifies that the technology works; instructs people to start building in mass. Scientists in Italy and Nigeria confirm success of device. Libya is requesting more information. The first thousand devices were shipped yesterday. 1,000 units will be shipped into Nigeria, next week. These units will be used in homes in Africa. Alex will be teaching for the next 3 weeks in Africa. 1,000 units will go to Palestine, 1,000 to Italy and 1,000 to Africa. (1:36) Next step: Assembling these units you have made. Overview: You have a small (gravitational) coil inside the magnetic coil; (70, and 150 turns) (80:160) following the Law of the Squares. [4.1] (11:11) You have TWO sets of coils. The smaller dual-coil and the larger dual coil. You have gravitational inside magnetical, and another larger gravitational inside of a magnetical coil. (14:00) These coils become gravitational/magnetical to each other. Gravitational goes Clockwise, Magnetical anti-clockwise (not indicative of coil winding). Add the smaller coil gravitational to the bigger coil gravitational. The Larger magnetical goes to the smaller gravitational. The smaller magnetical goes to the Larger clockwise magnetical. You will have one larger magnetical and one smaller gravitational free. (view video for clockwise/ccw orientations) [1.0] (20:27) Any wires that connect to external connections needs to be NANO-COATED wires. That's why extra straight wires were nano coated in previous lab work. A nano-coated nano coated ball will be placed in the center of the smaller coil. This "sun" will be coated with GANS paste. The first "sun" we tried, using a small balloon. You can use a small plastic ball. This will guarantee plasma field flow to an indefinite period of time. [3.2] (27:40) The GANS I used has a bluish tint. It's a very rare super conductor. It works with a "transparent" plasma. The bluish GANS is SV3 (as in diamond structure).

(30:36) This is one tray of the Magrav unit containing two sets of coils. In the hole in the middle is where you place the GANS ball. [4.0] (32:18) You have three trays of dual sets in the Magrav unit. (33:00) THREE GOLDEN RULES: 1. at wire ends, bend (close your loop) back into themselves (connections) or they will lose plasma flow to the environment. If you see a single wire that isn't twisted, you have loss. [4.2] (34:15) 2. No screws, nuts or bolts! The ONLY way to connect nano-wires is by twisting two turns (NOT tightly). (3?) If you have extra wire to cut off, cover the cut wire with a drop of caustic solution (used from the nano-coating step; previously) let dry. This will seal the nano-coat at the cut point. (37:26) What you now have is Three Sets of dual-coils. You have Three trays (in the Magrav) with three suns. (Empty paint ball bullets are small enough.) Now you see the totality of the system. This system will last for centuries. The center tray will be the "condenser". The more the system is used, it will absorb more energy from the environment. This unit will feed itself. If you scratch your wires, be sure to re-nano-coat the scratch. [3.2] (41:20) Now connect the three trays together: Each plate has an Entry (Magnetical) and an Exit (gravitational). The "grid" is connected to the Entry (Magnetical) of the lower first plate, Exit (gravitational) of first plate, top. [5.4] (45:42) Vince's diagram of tray one. (47:05) Vince's diagram of THREE TRAYS, STACKED. (48:00) Increasing stacks to 4 or 5 will not be as effective as the three stacks. (50:00) If you don't "bone" dry the system, you get sparks. The Magrav will nano-coat your house wires AND the GRID wires. Plasma will make your house wires "super conductors". (55:10) Your house wires will have a GANS coating on them. Your house will become a power supply; a universal energy system. The MaGrav will nano-coat your house within a week. Your power usage will then go down (from the Grid). The house has to be "conditioned" gradually to increase wattage output. Plasma is DC, not AC. (1:01:00) The last step of construction is tomorrow (19OCT2015). Two pieces are still needed. (1:02:00) Soon you will NOT need a MaGrav. We have the knowledge, even today, to replace the power companies. (1:03:00) Reasons why you CAN'T go full power, yet. [5.3] (1:11:25) Limitations: 2Kw. Start at a lower wattage for the first few weeks. Would you like 1Gw? You choose. Understand the operation of the Plasma. Instantaneous travel to any point on the earth? You have it. The governments are running scared, because of this. [6.4; 7.1] They know their power systems will be GANS treated within a few months time. This (MaGrav) is free heat, free food, free power. [6.6] Now, knowledge is FREE. The monkeys will still play monkey games. By the end of this year, millions of MaGrav units will be in use. (1:16:35) The first 300,000 units income will generate FREE units for Africa. (1:18:13) Thank You. A lot of people are waiting for free energy and free food. This is the responsibility of the Keshe Foundation to benefit mankind. Use copper the wrong way (R/C circuits) results in our condition today. Use MaGrav the right way (plasma technology) and ALL of mankind benefits. (1:21:30) Principle of Operation revisited. The distance between plates (trays) have to be +/- precise in millimeters. The gap between dual-spring constructions needs to be exact. The gap between plates 2.5 cm and 2.5 cm, between plates (view diagram). This limits the size of the Plasma field. (unclear instructions) [5.1]

(1:28:30) Question from Canada: Is gap between wires critical? Please make sure to NOT cross any wires. Use the same length wires from each plate are equal. The household input wire is now 2.8 cm. The input wire has to be twist-connected to the MaGrav. No screws are used. The only point of failure is the wall plug (usually). [5.5] Gaps in wires and dual-coils aren't critical. (1:35:00) Newer Magrav unit shown: more precise manufacturing construction with easier wire routing. In the coming weeks, we are producing miniature systems. Plugins will be for water, vitamins, etc. (1:39:00) Governments won't be able to stop the Magrav. We've managed to deliver the technology world-wide. (1:40:25) Can we have "zoo" tours? We have to know who's here and why. This is not a safari park and we aren't in it. We have to know who, when and why. We aren't in business for "casual" visitors. We make advancements available in days. We are busy. (1:43:20) Do you have enough manpower to produce all these units? With over 7 million unemployed in Italy, we are using only Italian labor. Each country will use its own labor force. (1:46:00) Those accusing Keshe Foundation of money laundering are being rounded up. Arrest papers are being placed for corrupt banks. Anyone wishing to spread lies about Keshe Foundation are being investigated. [7.1] (1:46:00) We have been absolutely relentless in serving humanity. We have delivered our product. Lies, frauds and nay-sayers will have to deal with their own failure. The Italian and Chinese governments are providing us with protection. If you do anything to damage us, you will be on the wrong side of the law. If you set up Keshe Foundation manufacturing and something goes wrong, we will stand by you. You have to be of the mindset to "share unconditionally" and don't go with the mindset to "patent". (1:49:07) Next Question... (cut-off) Ans: Instructions for use of Magrav will be provided. (1:51:00) There is some confusion regarding the Magnetical and Gravitational springs. ALL coils are wound in anti-clockwise (drill spin direction) form. When connecting coils, Gravitational is clockwise, and anti-clockwise for Magnetical. (reversed, first time stated. Then this direction, second time) (follow) blue print. (14:00) Says "clockwise" for Magnetical. See Vince's diagram (47:05). (confusion sets in here. Follow the blueprint.) (1:54:00) Q. We have energy. Shouldn't we have been given the circuits for food and water? [6.6] Ans. We can never keep this human race happy. There's always something wrong. Gee, TV, games, "why don't we go to the moon?" Rick, "this work needs to be done. If not me, then who? If not now, when?" (1:56:40) Governments are talking "what are we to do?" [7.1] If we can come to an agreement with Governments tonight, I'll have a surprise for you tomorrow. If we reach agreement with the governments, we will have achieved a major breakthrough in world piece. (1:58:00) In the past 7 or 8 years, Iran has protected us completely. In the past couple of weeks, an Iranian scientist was murdered (by Israel). A number of Iranian nuclear physicists are missing. These were our good friends. It's been a miracle that we have released this technology. (2:00:00) Theory: coils [1.1] When two plasmas connect, they create a loop of infinity. (see diagram) GREEN is Magnetical, PURPLE is Gravitational (2:03:50) BLACK is background feedback (2:04:22) (2:09:13) Richard: (short conversation) (2:13:00-2:14:00) (no more comments) (2:14:00) Show and tell of parts for coil construction. [1.0]

Try not to use hemoglobin in GANS. CH3 GANS is no problem. Magnesium can be used in GANS for vegetation water. [3.0] Special water can be produced. Warmth can be produced with GANS. (2:22:00-2:24:00) bandwidth exceeded In the next few weeks we will show you how decide what the temperature of your body will be, through controlling your emotions. The governments are running scared. 28OCT2015 Workshop 3,2/5 Keshe Plasma Build Lesson 3,2/5 Theoretical use of the Magrav. (notes by PEA Research, USA) (3:00) The difference between a material field and a plasma field. (23:00-33:00) (bandwidth exceeded) UFOs are early learners, donkey time. Light type UFOs are more advanced. Triangular UFOs are early learners. With Magrav, man can use the UFO design, but will progress to a non-material UFO. (45:00) You've got to push the boundaries of Plasma. There is no limitation in Plasma technology. Only the limitations that you set upon yourself. My purpose is not to show you how the reactors are made, but to show you what will be available to mankind. (48:00) Part of the teaching for this week is to expand man's understanding of Plasma, and GANS. (49:50) The Rothchilds and the Illuminatti now want to talk. What happens next, we will let you know. (1:33:18) Magrav creates constant energy. Material objects are very lower energy and very easy to create with Plasma. (1:36:00) After long use of the Magrav, man doesn't need the Magrav to create things. The knowledge will be in the emotions as memory. (1:39:20) Human are already nano-coated. That's why we can act within the gravitational field of the earth. (1:41:00) Max has a unit to show. I've made some of these coils. I made coils from copper 14 gauge wire. I used 12mm shaft and an 8mm shaft. How can I produce more quantity of GANS? Mix sea salt with lake water. Use a potato peeler to remove the plastic from No.14 wire. [1.0; 3.0] (1:52:00) Length of wires (metric) 80 and 160 turns. Follow the Law of Squares. [1.4] (1:58:00) Jeff shows his version of winding the coils. (2:02:00) Are emotions the only way to interact with plasma in a free energy state? Yes. Everything on this planet is plasma. All is made from gravitational magnetic fields of different strengths. (2:12:00) When you start mixing metals in GANS use copper, also. [3.0] (2:13:00) (to end kind of glitchy video) 29OCT2015 Workshop 4,1 /5 29OCT2015 Keshe Plasma Build Lesson 4,1 /5





(29:27) Neg. / Pos.

(29:56) GREEN are the capacitors. AC input (bottom), Load output (top) [5.4]

(34:00) Transcription by PEA Research (Ma Grav on Facebook)

(1:04:05) [6.2]

Keshe Plasma Build Lesson 4 part 1 29OCT2015 (16:56) (start of class) You should have 3 stacks of Central and Outer rings (coils). (See diagram for connections) [4.0] (20:45) What you need to do now, is add two units across the Magrav, one across the input of the unit and across the load. (See diagram) These are called "balance capacitors". Response power won't be good without these capacitors. [1.3; 3.0] (21:37) You need to put 4 capacitors in parallel with the Magrav. This allows you to push the power and get synchronicity with the system. (22:00) You need 5 capacitors in parallel to the Line input. This way the system responds in a balanced state. Now you need to make 8 or nine plasma capacitors.

(22:50) Making the capacitors is extremely easy. Use baking fire resistant paper, and GANS paste. Put the paste anti-clockwise into the paper. Make small coils (anti-clockwise) and put the paper on the inside of these coils. The paper has to be tightly secured into these coils. Connect all the negatives together and connect all positives together. These capacitors allow AC to pass into the plasma. (28:25) This is the capacitor. (See diagram) (29:27) The 4 or 5 capacitors are connected in this manner. (See diagram) (29:56) The FINAL Piece will look like this. (See diagram) AC Hot will be connected to the "x" s. Neutral will bypass the power unit. GREEN are the capacitors. (34:00) We have added a thermometer measurement system. (See diagram) If the unit is heated this resettable thermostat will blow. You cannot pass 2 Kw. (set at 55-56 degrees C.; 131 F.) [4.5] If resonance is created, you will not need AC power input anymore. Resistive loads will be conditioned to been seen as non-resistive loads. Adapters are being built that convert resistive loads to Nonresistive. Improvements are immediately brought into production at KF. On Tuesday, people can demonstrate their units. (42:00) Capacitors have to be very tight and DRY. No moisture. Make sure the coils aren't touching each other. [1.3] (48:00) We will upload the Ambassadors USB with the blueprint tomorrow. Q. re the Car unit. I was putting coils on the starter, alternator, and battery. Ans. Mr. K.- no comment. You test this technology and share it with us. People are nano coating spark plugs. They are putting nano coated wires in air intake and batteries, gas tank, etc. A water delivering system is under development. (up to 800 liters of water/day) [6.5] (54:00) Ambassadors from Nigeria, Syria, Rome will tell us how they use the MaGrav. KF Japan is already manufacturing MaGrav. (58:30) "Cascading" coils can deliver more power in the Magrav. We will talk about that tomorrow. (57:30) Capacitor polarity revisited. The capacitor’s Plus will go to the Hot line. The capacitor coils will be up to 10 turns. The Philippine caps are 1.5"x4.0". [1.3] Vernon: we are using conventional capacitors, but we will switch to plasma capacitors for the new sets. We still use 160 and 80 turns on the coils. We are using 12 gauge wire on some units. We rely on circuit breakers for overheating. We have new recruits we are training. [1.0; 4.5] (1:04:05) Vernon: Here are the new PENS we have built. We are building 7 Kw MaGrav power supplies. Our capacitors have 30 turns, 12 gauge. [1.3; 6.2] With "cascading" you can go up to 40 Kw. Remember, when plugging the system in, acclimatize the house first, before going full blast. (Run a resistive load at 1 Kw for 1-3 weeks.) (1:12:00) Q. What type of GANS are the Philippines using? Ans. Universities aren't seeing GANS as CO2. They don't have the tools to see the nano materials. They only see the material aspect of GANS. (1:15:06) Q. Can we use different size wires for the capacitors? Ans. Try to use 14 gauge wires for the capacitors. We use 10 turns of wire on ours. In the coming days we are going to show you plasma batteries. [1.3; 6.7] (16:40:00) The biggest problem. We have to teach scientists about plasma. If you tell them to do the testing the right way, they won't have a problem. (1:54:00) In 3 or 4 months time plasma will take over the GRID. All lines will become nano coated. In Mexico, the plasma is still running without connections to the GRID in one house. Free food will be generated from the GANS. [5.4; 6.6] (1:56:30) If we get 1 million units in Italy, you won’t need to pay a cent to import energy into Italy. You won’t need to look for food or water or medicine. (1:58:00) Q. Is it advisable to move units from House to House? Ans. What are we rushing for?

(2:00:00) (end of first hour) (2:28:00) (Resume class) (2:29:20) The Vatican has no power supply. They buy from the Italian government. We will meet with them next week and offer them a power supply. (2:31:36) India is a major problem. Will their priest lie anymore, or will they speak the truth. How will MaGrav change humanity? Can we see the illnesses disappear from old people? What will happen when these power supplies change the work force? No more sickness. (2:41:00) We will send 1,000 units to poor people in Italy free that need heat in the winter; that have elderly or children in their family. Starting Monday. Keshe Foundation Italia (2:43:00) When you connect the MaGrav to a house, for every kilowatt you consume, you put into the GRID 4 Kw of energy back into the GRID. [5.4] The Keshe factory is blind to the poor. (2:49:25) Our connection is being jammed by Belgium securities. [7.0] (2:50:00) We will start delivering to Palestine. (2:50:40) Start collecting names of persons to receive units, across the board (different nationalities). (2:52:03) Q. Can we buy just the casings? Ans. No need. Use your pizza stacker. (3:03:20) Q. Kelel from Texas, America: We have about 500 people that are in various stages of nano coating. (As a result of a Radio Show.) (3:08:28) Capacitors redux: connect capacitor use twist back in method. Try to keep capacitors from interfering with each other magnetically (no close contact). Always connect wires w/ a left hand turn (if you turned the drill CCW). If your system doesn’t work, 99% of the time the input wire has separated from the nano coating. Do not overload system. [5.5] (3:22:40) Jan. 1, 2016 we announce a new space drive system. 21APR2016 our goal is to demonstrate the lift system. [6.4] (3:26:20) We are looking for transcribers of older technology to put back into the system. (3:28:00) We aren’t working with banks. We aren’t looking for PhD’s. (3:29:00) Q. Will the nano coating spread to all the apartment building. Ans. Yes, all apartments will experience a lower utility bill. The nano coating will expand to the fuel rods in nuclear power stations. (3:31:00) This class is based on the material aspect of plasma. We are moving beyond the material already. Our building is now nano coated. We are proceeding in plasma state now. (3:34:20) A water generation system is very simple. We need people that can remove pollutants from water production. We are looking for new plasma scientists. [6.5] We are not looking for chemical scientists. This is the matter state. What we need are plasma scientists for earthquake prevention. As in sound dampening, so in plasma earthquake dampening. We are looking for these people to join us in January, 2016. A small nano coated copper plate in a swimming pool results in no more algae. [6.6] (3:43:25) Q. Can we use the nano copper in our fish tank. Ans. Try it. As in Fukushima, we put the copper plates in a Ziploc bags so that fish wouldn’t die. Antifungus copper might be useful in the home. In Dec. we will have 10,000 pens available. [6.2] (3:48:20) Q. from Bulgaria. Have you used silver water for your GANS? Ans. WHO confiscated our GANS from scientists. We haven’t used silver water. (Colloidal silver) Silver and copper combined doesn’t allow fields to generate energy and may be deleterious in GANS. [3.1]

29OCT2015 Workshop 4,2 /5 29OCT 4,2 /5 Keshe Plasma Build Lesson 4,2 /5 Incandescent bulbs are blowing up. They don't respond well to nano coating. (So long Edison!) [5.0] Karl: Presentation of Car unit. Using 4 coils. Showed "beads". GANS coated reactor (about 4 inch diameter). [6.3] Advice needed on how to take power from coils to reactor. A GANS pipe (health). A GANS pyramid hat (health). Each motor inside reactor unit needs to be connected with nano coated wire. Run the unit for two days, until motor speed changes and internal motors become nano coated. [6.4] Richard (Vancouver): I made bigger coils. I first had 1.0mm coils, now 1.7mm coils. Using "dark" GANS. (GANS, mixed with Ormish) Ormish is modified oxidized GANS. He dipped coils first in white GANS, then dipped coils in darker GANS. Hopefully, by Tues. we'll see results. [1.0] Next person: showing 160 turn coil. Use low current to produce GANS quickly. [3.0] Next person: How to make GANS quickly: apply 1.5dcv 0.5amp to carbon plates. Nano coat only 1 of the plates (2). You can use battery copper plates and copper for producing GANS. Negative to the nano coated plate. Next Person: Salt crystals from caustic appeared on my coils. Give the coils a quick rinse and the crystals will go away. [2.2] Questions: (none) Next person: Big pile of coils in box. Don't forget to make your capacitors. Next person (Ghana) (no comment) Next person: This is my third try at coil nano coating. What is the "blue" coating on the outer ring? I caustic coated them. Ans. Gravitational and Magnetical effects. They dried too fast. Don't use gas to dry the nano coats. Karolyn (Philippines?): higher voltage to produce GANS will produce black GANS. [3.0] When you make GANS, use nano coated copper plate and zinc plate (uncoated). With no voltage applied, you will collect GANS with CO2 at the bottom of the container. To get consistent maximum CO2 add an LED light to the cross-over connection. The LED will balance the charge between the plates. The LED may not light. When you add a battery to the circuit you'll get more zinc in your mixture. Adding external plates to the outside of the container will cause a "capacitor" effect between the plates resulting in purer GANS. (See diagram) [3.0] Theory of "caustic" and the effects it brings. Behaviors of amino acids. Reasons "organ transplants" don't work. The human body is a plasma lab. Every human is different.

Use of "square wave" vs. sine wave for nano coating? Purpose for coil on stove pipe flu? Experimenting with "fire". Environment (inertia of matter) adds to plasma strength. Earth has G/M in the center with Inertia in the atmosphere. Soon MaGrav won't be physically (connected) to "fat boy" reactor. [6.4] Those that make MaGrav will experience fantastic things that will be different than other experimenters. Each experimenter will have their own experiences with their MaGrav units. They will have their own "soul" interactions. Simon Templar talk: elevating effects on the human soul with GANS. (and vice versa) [3.0; 6.0] Understanding simplicity of the Space Ship. How you will affect the plasma of the reactors. [6.4] Q. What's Mithra? Ans. A female Iranian prophetess. One planet, one race. Q. G/M wiring of coils? (See previous video) [1.2] Q. How to wind a "capacitor"? My wire is probably brass. It is very hard. [1.3] Ans. What Ahmen is explaining. When you want to form the wire, heat up the wire so that it becomes soft, then nano coat. Next person (Mike): shows three completed coils. Also, next set of coils in caustic solution. Next person (Denise): Q. Indigo children. Is there imbalance with the current plasmatic balance of earth. Indigo children have a higher vibration (aura). They have a purple aura. They have higher levels of copper. Ans. Mr. Keshe doesn't know about them. My vibration is increasing as I'm on a vegetarian diet. Ans. Mr. K.: are we going to act as a vegetarian or as a meat eater as we go into space? Q. Can I work for MesheFoundation? Can I apply at the Italian factory? Ans. Mr. K., I'm inquiring for them at the current time. We don't have a say in the hiring. They are looking for people with "manufacturing" talents. Applicants should inquire in their own country. HIGHLIGHT OF THE DAY: Kris & Bill & Kelel (Louisiana): Displaying different type of GANS. We are still working on the nano coating of the coils. Using rain water, we get a very fast GANS production. We started off with a battery, but rain water gives faster results. We are taking CO2 from the passing cars by using zinc, copper coated pennies. How to contact them? Get in contact with Ahmen at KF, [email protected] (end of class) 30OCT2015

Keshe Plasma Build Lesson Workshop 5,1 /5 FRIDAY 30OCT2015 Workshop 5,2 /5 FRIDAY, final Keshe Plasma Build Lesson 5,2 /5 DIAGRAMS:





create a loop of infinity. (See diagram) [1.1]

When two plasmas connect, they

GREEN is Magnetical, PURPLE is Gravitational, BLACK is background feedback ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Equipment & Tools Potato peeler: Dollar Tree Battery Holder & LED: Lawn solar lamp at Dollar Tree ¼ inch, 3/8 inch cold rolled steel rods: Lowes 2x4 lumber: Lowes Electric Drill (reversible): Hardware store Plastic containers: Gallon ice cream container Copper material: copper plumbing pipe Aluminum material: beer/soda can Nano coating additive: plastic Coca Cola bottle Nano coating additive: Drain-O in crystal form Nano coating additive: non-iodized Sea Salt No. 14 gauge copper wire roll: hardware store Coil Trays and assembly: computer CD cases and CD rack Inner Sun of MaGrav: paintball capsules



20 foot roll XThick 14 Gauge SOLID Bare Copper Wire Thick enough to Hold a Bend (20 ft. isn’t enough for the complete project) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

LINKS Keshe Foundation: Keshe Foundation YouTube: Live stream: Documentation:

Video: Disturbing magnetic equilibrium Video: 3rd Ambassador Meeting, Rome 8PM CET October 16th 2015 Video: THE STEP-BY-STEP RELEASE OF FREE-ENERGY HAS BEGUN! October 22, 2015 Video: Keshe gives 10-DAY notice to ALL Nations of Earth (October 26th) 2015 Video: Free Energy Digest -- Oct. 31, 2015 -- GDS, Keshe, E-Cat, Orbo Video: A FREE gift to humanity... did anyone even notice? Video: US Military Rendered Obsolete by New Keshe Free Energy Weapons Video: Mehran Keshe: How World Peace can be a byproduct of Keshe Technology Video: My understanding of the Magrav Power Unit and the Keshe Foundation with a bit of Tesla Video: More VITAL insight from the M.T. Keshe plate rupture WARNING Earthquake prediction Video: Dutchsinse Update on M.T. Keshe Earthquake Prediction Earthquake prediction Video: M.T. Keshe MEGA Quake WARNING (October 17th?) Earthquake prediction Video: Free Energy - Nuclear Engineer M.T. Keshe @ ElektorLive! 23DEC2011 Spaceship Institute New Tech News Youtube New Tech News Facebook channel Spaceship Institute Youtube Channel Spaceship Institute Facebook Geert Vranckx Youtube Channel Keshe Workshops Livestream Marko Velikonja Youtube Channel Keshe Foundation Youtube Channel Vince Roncalio Youtube Channel Mrfixitrick's Youtube Channel 'KESHE' Downed US DRONE in IRAN - Mach 35 Speed with 'K' PLASMA ENERGY US Military Rendered Obsolete by New Keshe Free Energy Weapons US accepts IRAN NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY of the KESHE FOUNDATION, Nov 15, 2012 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



[1.0; 2.0; 3.0; 4.0] -------------------------------------------------MAGRAV COILS [1.0]-----------------------------------------------Video: How to make Keshe Magrav Free Energy Coils Video: Keshe MaGrav Coil Making Video: Testing a “Capacitor” [1.3] Video: Making Capacitors [1.3] Video: Making a Keshe Coil Stacker [1.6]

COILS [1.0]

COILS [1.0] -------------------------------------------------NANO COATING [2.0]---------------------------------------------Video: Keshe Magrav Free Energy - NANO-Coating Video: Unofficial Keshe Foundation Australia. Nano Coating Tutorial CAUTION: Leslie Jones I have done much stupid and touched the coils after nano coating and have found my body which was high voltage tolerant was badly affecting my heart causing arrhythmia so gloves is preferred if you want to live with safe unleeched life.

NANO [2.0]

NANO [2.0]

NANO [2.0]

NANO [2.0]

NANO [2.0]

NANO [2.0]

NANO [2.0]

NANO [2.0]

NANO [2.0]

#407 [2.0]

NANO [2.0]

NANO [2.0]

NANO [2.0]

NANO [2.0] ----------------------------------------------------- GANS CO2 [3.0]---------------------------------------------Video: The Keshe Foundation CO2 Capture Kit [HowTo] Video: Keshe GANS reactor (testing with water)

GANS [3.0]

GANS [3.0]

GANS [3.0]


GANS [3.0]

GANS [3.0] ----------------------------------------TESTING MAGRAV UNIT [5.0]---------------------------------------------Video: Plasma Generator M.T. Keshe MAGRAV läuft / working ver. alpha [5.3] Video: Measuring Magrav unit Only use one Watt Meter Video: Turning On my DIY MaGrav Video: Magrav unit with capacitors Video: Keshe Coil Stack Video: Keshe Magrav Power Unit Video: Keshe Replication 2 - 24 Hour results Video: Keshe Replication - 24 Hour results Video: #405 Keshe plasma reactor test 01 #405 Video: Magrav Free Energy Test Keshe Blueprint Teaching Week November 5, 2015 Video: Keshe Magrav Energy first test video Video: Magrav unit watt per hour load test – 11NOV2015 Video: MaGrav Results 2 15NOV2015 – Roald Boom ---------------------------------- ADDITIONAL USES OF MAGRAV [6.0]------------------------------------------

PENS of LIFE [6.2]

Video: Keshe Life Pen How to Make [6.2] Video: Cup of Life Video: Cup of life with Coils

PEN [6.2]

[6.2.2] ---------------------------------------------------- PLASMA REACTOR [6.4]------------------------------------------Video: KESHE TECHNOLOGY of IRAN - FREE ENERGY ANTI-GRAVITY, SPACE TRAVEL Video: MT Keshe - Mike Harris First Interview March 14, 2014 Video: Keshe Flying Cars [6.3] Video: Como ahorrar gasolina diesel Nanorecubrimiento Co2 Gans Video: Keshe Foundation Promo Intro Video [6.3] Video: Keshe Plasma Generator ~ Here is The Future ~ Infinite Energy [6.1] Video: How to make the Keshe Health Bottle – Mike Nashif (TheJSB007)

MAGRAV [6.4]






KFSSI [6.4]


1st [6.4]

78th [6.4]

#418 [6.4]


#422 [6.4]


KFSSI [6.4]

KFSSI [6.4]

[6.5] -------------------------------------------------------- CONSPIRACY [7.0]----------------------------------------------------Video: Keshe Technologies - Fact or Fiction - Part 1 25OCT2015 [7.0] Video: MT Keshe and Satanic Alchemy [7.0] Video: Keshe Technologies - Part 2 - Scam Detection Tips 2NOV2015 [7.0] Video: Keshe Saying he is the Messiah (BTW Keshe's name in Gematria=666) 3NOV2015 [7.0] Video: KESHE MAGRAV FREE ENERGY HOAX? Pt 1 5NOV2015 Video: KESHE MAGRAV FREE ENERGY HOAX? Pt 2 6NOV2015 Video: KESHE MAGRAV FREE ENERGY HOAX? Pt 3 7NOV2015 Video: KESHE MAGRAV FREE ENERGY HOAX? Pt 4 9NOV2015 Video: 20151030 MEHRAN KESHE Schizo Youtube Neo-Priest #LimitedHangout CIA Timeline2 Anti Christ Video: Shocking Reverse Speech Discovered Concerning Keshe Foundation? Video: Keshe non-replication 6NOV2015 [7.0]

CAMELOT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

KNOWLEDGE SEEKERS WORKSHOP Keshe Knowledge Seeker Workshops – 82 videos Chinese Knowledge Seekers Workshops – 17 videos

1st Knowledge Seekers Workshop Mar 6 2014 [1]

How to make plasma reactor nano layer coatings. How much vacuum condition is enough? How to open the plasma...and why. Latest news on reactor development. News about Keshe's energy generators currently being built in Italy. News about the new spacecraft construction project.

Special Knowledge Seekers Workshop Apr 18 2014 1st Spanish-Speaking Knowledge Seekers Workshop Nov 4 2014 1st Italian Knowledge Seekers Workshop Dec 15 2014 2nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop Mar 13 2014 00:00 Introduction from MrfixitRick. 01:17 Knowledge Seekers of SSI presenting current prototype spacecraft. 14:45 Detailed explanation from Mr. Kesche. 18:13 Transformation of mercury to gold. 21:40 Production of fat. 25:20 Experiment: Container with salt solution and two electrodes. (one simple metal (copper), other one coated with nano-material). 27:00 Salt energy conversion to GANS state of matter. 40:00 RNA - DNA. 46:00 Current issues with releasing this new knowledge (technology). 56:05 Further explanation of the spaceship. 01:03:30 Food: Eating through touching (GANS -> Gas). 01:12:00 Gravity, engine (attraction, repulsion ), further information about reactors. 01:33:20 Reactor vacuum, filling reactor with gases. 02:20:00 ALS, MS disease. 02:24:50 Chemotherapie. 02:38:10 Pyramid energy. 02:44:33 Paranormal skills after near-death experience. 02:48:40 Conclusion, miscellaneous.

2nd Chinese Knowledge Seekers Workshop Nov 24 2014 2nd Spanish Speaking Knowledge Seekers Workshop Nov 11 2014 3rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop Mar 20 2014 - MrfixitRick 3rd Chinese Knowledge Seekers Workshop Dec 8 2014 3rd Spanish-Speaking Knowledge Seekers Workshop Nov18 2014 4th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Mar 27 2014 00:00 Knowledge Seekers progress presentation. 23:30 Salting and sticking of nano material. 54:00 Schizophrenic (Beautiful Twin). 01:38:00 Autism. 02:16:00 Coating example. 02:34:00 Coca Cola bottle experiment.

Keshe Fourth, Part 1 - Public Teaching Workshop June 26, 2013 4th Spanish Speaking Knowledge Seekers Workshop Nov 25 2014



5 Knowledge Seekers Workshop – 3APR2014 3:00 Knowledge Seekers describing last week done experiments (reactor experience, radioactivity neutralization, computer system). 44:45 Mr.Keshe explains brain GANS computer system. 52:00 Fukushima related topics. 1:23:00 3D Control System. 1:45:00 GANS CO2 usage. 2:04:00 CH4 GANS vs. CO2 GANS. 2:14:12 Sleepwalking.

5th Chinese Knowledge Seekers Workshop Feb 10 2015

SSKSWSSI 6th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Apr 10 2014 00:00 Introduction. 03:50 Fukushima Overview. 16:00 Lecture about Fukushima experiment result. 34:50 Questions about the lecture. 41:00 Nano coating of materials. 58:50 Perfect Nano material (Mr. Keshe). 01:17:30 Salting of wires. 01:43:30 Coating of a reactor.

7th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Apr 17 2014


00:00 Introduction. 06:40 Non-nuclear state of reactors. 47:45 GANS creation. 01:01:15 Fire vs. Plasma. 01:08:00 Discussing reactor related topics. 01:14:00 GANS (Mr.Keshe). 01:25:00 Reactor positioning explanation. 01:35:00 Example of gold production. 01:40:20 Cobold, Vitamin B12 in body of the men. 01:46:22 General things about the SSI. 02:11:28 Copper plate samples nano layer + orange oil. 02:27:40 Structure of fruits. 02:34:00 Keshe Powercell. 02:37:05 Sleeping and going barfoot on the ground. 02:39:50 Walking on sand. 02:41:00 Medidating experience. 02:46:10 Bacteria and Viruses. 02:51:35 Trip to Belgium. 03:00:05 Planet Saturn. 03:03:40 GANS. 03:09:00 GANS usage possibilities. [Last indexed workshop]

7th Spanish Speaking Knowledge Seekers Workshop Jan 20 2015


9th Knowledge Seekers Workshop May 8 2014 9th Spanish Speaking Knowledge Seekers Workshop Feb 10 2015 10th Knowledge Seekers Workshop May 15 2014 10th Chinese Knowledge Seekers Workshop May 12 2015

11th Chinese Knowledge Seekers Workshop May 26 2015 11th Spanish Speaking Knowledge Seekers Workshop Feb 24 2015 12th Knowledge Seekers Workshop May 29 2014 12th Chinese Knowledge Seekers Workshop June 9 2015



13th Knowledge Seekers Workshop June 5 2014 14th Knowledge Seekers Workshop June 12 2014 14th Chinese Knowledge Seekers Workshop July 14 2015 14th Spanish Speaking Knowledge Seekers Workshop Mar 17 2015 15th Chinese Knowledge Seekers Workshop July 28 2015 15th Spanish-Speaking Knowledge Seekers Workshop Mar 24 2015 16th Spanish Speaking Knowledge Seekers Workshop Mar 31 2015

17th Spanish Speaking Knowledge Seekers Workshop Apr 7 2015 Special Knowledge Seekers Energy Teaching August 11 2015 18th Knowledge Seekers Workshop July 10 2014 19th Knowledge Seekers Workshop July 17 2014 19th Spanish-Speaking Knowledge Seekers Workshop Apr 28 2015


KSWSSI 20th Knowledge Seekers Workshop July 24 2014 21st Knowledge Seekers Workshop July 31 2014 21st Spanish Speaking Knowledge Seekers Workshop May 12 2015 22nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop Aug 7 2014 22nd Spanish Speaking Knowledge Seekers Workshop May 19 2015 23rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop Aug 14 2014

KSWSSI 24th Spanish Speaking Knowledge Seekers Workshop June 23 2015 25th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Aug 28 2014 25th Spanish Speaking Knowledge Seekers Workshop June 30 2015

26th Spanish-Speaking Knowledge Seekers Workshop July 7 2015 27th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Sept 11 2014 27th Spanish-Speaking Knowledge Seekers Workshop July 14 2015


28th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Sept 18 2014 28th Spanish Speaking Knowledge seekers Workshop July 21 2015 29th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Sept 25 2014 29th Spanish-Speaking Knowledge Seeker Workshop Sept 24 2015 31st Knowledge Seekers Workshop Oct 9 2014 32nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop Oct 16 2014

KSWSSI 34th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Oct 30 2014 35th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Nov 6 2014 36th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Nov 13 2014

38th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Nov 27 2014 39th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Dec 4 2014 40th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Dec 11 2014 41st Knowledge Seekers Workshop Dec 18 2014 42nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop Dec 25 2014 43rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop Jan 1 2015 44th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Jan 8 2015 45th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Jan 15 2015



48th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Feb 5 2015 50th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Feb 19 2015 51st Knowledge Seekers Workshop Feb 26 2015 52nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop Mar 5 2015 53rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop March 12 2015 54th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Mar 19 2015 55th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Mar 26 2015 56th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Apr 2 2015


57th Knowledge Seekers Workshop April 9 2015


58th Knowledge Seekers Workshop April 16 2015

KSWSSI 61st Knowledge Seekers Workshop May 14 2015 62nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop May 21 2015 63rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop May 28 2015 64th Knowledge Seekers Workshop June 4 2015 65th Knowledge Seekers Workshop June 11 2015 66th Knowledge Seekers Workshop June 18 2015 65th Knowledge Seekers Workshop June 11 2015 67th Knowledge Seekers Workshop June 25 2015 68th Knowledge Seekers Workshop (Day 1) 68th Knowledge Seekers Workshop (Day 2) 69th Knowledge Seekers Workshop 70th Knowledge Seekers Workshop July 16 2015 71st Knowledge Seekers Workshop July 23 2015 72nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop July 30 2015

July 2 2015 PM July 3 2015 AM

76th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Aug 27 2015 77th knowledge seekers workshop - Keshe Foundation 78th knowledge seekers workshop Oct 09 2015 - KSWSSI 79th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Sept 17 2015 80th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Sept 24 2015 80th Chinese Knowledge Seekers Workshop 81st Knowledge Seekers Workshop Oct 1 2015 82nd knowledge seekers workshop OCT 8 2015 - KSWSSI 83rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop Oct 15 2015 84th Knowledge Seekers Workshop – 23OCT2015 Blueprint Teaching Week – am26OCT2015 Blueprint Teaching Week – pm26OCT2015 Blueprint Teaching Week – am27OCT2015 Blueprint Teaching Week – pm27OCT2015 Blueprint Teaching Week – am28OCT2015 Blueprint Teaching Week – pm28OCT2015 Blueprint Teaching Week – am29OCT2015


Blueprint Teaching Week – pm29OCT2015 Blueprint Teaching Week – am30OCT2015 Blueprint Teaching Week – pm30OCT2015 85th Knowledge Seekers Workshop – am4NOV2015 85th Knowledge Seekers Workshop – pm4NOV2015 86th Knowledge Seekers Workshop – am5NOV2015 86th Knowledge Seekers Workshop – pm5NOV2015 87th Knowledge Seekers Workshop – 12NOV2015 maggie #1 after capacitor changes as per 87 workshop - remove all insulation - following config #3 as per blueprint but using 6 capacitors instead of 3

Keshe Foundation - Magrav - Livestream von Tom WhoKnows am 31.10.2015

HEALTH TEACHING WORKSHOP 1st KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 12SEP2014 2nd KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 19SEP2014 3rd KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 26SEP2014 4th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 3OCT2014 5th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 6th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 17OCT2014 7th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 24OCT2014 8th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 31OCT2014 9th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 7NOV2014 10th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 14NOV2014 11th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 21NOV2014 12th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 28NOV2104 13th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 5DEC2014 14th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 12DEC2014 15th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 23JAN2015 16th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 27JAN2015 17th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 3FEB2015 18th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 10FEB2015 19th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 17FEB2015 20th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 24FEB2015 21st KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 3MAR2015 22nd KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 10MAR2015 23rd KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 17MAR2015 24th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 24MAR2015 25th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 31MAR2015 26th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 7APR2015 26th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – (see 37 th Workshop) 27th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 14APR2015 28th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 28APR2015 29th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 5MAY2015 30th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 12MAY2015 31st KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 19MAY2015 32nd KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 26MAY2015 33rd KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 9JUN2015 34th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 16JUN2015

35th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 23JUN2015 36th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 30JUN2015 37th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 7JUL2015 (& 26th) 37th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 7JUL2015 (& 26th Spanish) 38th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 14JUL2015 39th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 21JUL2015 40th KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 22SEP2015 41st KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 29SEP2015 42nd KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 6OCT2015 43rd KFSSI Health Teaching Workshop – 13OCT2015

KKSW – Teach Them Well! Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop / Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute – 23 videos 1st Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop Oct 4 2014


4th Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop 5th kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop 6th Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop 7th Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop 8th Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop


Oct 29 2014 Nov 5 2014 Nov 12 2014 Nov 19 2014 Nov 26 2014


10th Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop Dec 10 2014

KKSWSSI 11th Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop Feb 17 2015 12th Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop Mar 3 2015 13th Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop with Mike Harris 14th Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop Apr 7 2015

Mar 17 2015

15th Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop May 5 2015

17th Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop June 16 2015 18th Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop 19th Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop July 7 2015 20th Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop July 21 2015 21st Kids Knowledge Seeker Workshop Sept 22 2015 22nd Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop Oct 6 2015



Footnotes [1] Solomons Words This IS ALL ABOUT creating a single point that can constructively interfere with itself creating a vortexual motion in increments of phi inward. The inward movement continues in this manner into infinity, and in doing so that point now has negentropic(increases in order) effects. It also exhibits Phase conjugate geometry (a Fractal). To sum up what I just said: The creation of a man made Black Hole of magnetic fields with plasma made from excited gases. Acting as a substrate to react and interfere with these fields in a constructive way. That's what they are talking about creating! Use what I said to help Researchers further this technology! it took a great deal of research and time to come to that conclusion. I hope I saved some people a lot of research, Good luck everyone! George Day I have built Nobel gases generators in 1980 but my work has been suppressed in the antigravity fields from unknown forces... you can create hydrogen from plain water for energy plasma reactor with a low dc voltage... I use name Pleiadian. There are bad people that tried to stop my work... because I have had contact with people from another universe they teach me as a child what you call advanced technology. .I am happy to see others working and sharing peace to all... the Pleiadian.


class 5, part 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------CO2 and CH4 absorption - Rex Research Atomic Carbon coated cables and wires - Keshe Foundation 9th Keshe Public Teaching Workshop - Solutions for Fukushima SDGR (Single Dynamic GANS Reactor) – For Automotive use Attempted murder of Mr. Keshe Tavakoli for announcing the cure for Ebola Co2 is the magic gas that makes plants grow [email protected] PDF An Insight into the Future of Man on Earth PDF WORLD PEACE TREATY PDF The Status of Scientists PDF Signing of the World Peace Treaty and World Peace Conference


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------KesheFoundation map: • Home o Your Profile • Technology • Intro o Mehran Tavakoli Keshe o The Keshe Foundation  Website info o Objectives • New horizons o A new horizon o First concept o Keshe neutron model o Fields o Dynamic reactors o Gravity o Teachings o Peace Roadmap • Applications o Space  Space exploration  Flight technology  Gravitational technology o Health  Foreword - Introduction  Health applications  Diseases  Diseases open for Research  Other diseases  Testimony Videos o Materials  Diamond Layering  Graphene production  Carbon treated  New materials o Energy  Power cells  Energy opportunities  Energy technology

Transportation Environment - Agriculture Nanotechnology - ICT Defence Other applications Licensing / Patents • Media / papers o Interviews / Presentations o Scientific papers o Video presentations o Keshe News • Webshop o Products o Your Cart o Terms of use • Forums • Contact o Health appointments • Links --------------------------------------------------------------------------------We are exiting R/C technology and going to plasma technology. o o o o o o

The R/C power usage can be measured, but we don't have equipment for measuring the plasma, other than "the unit is suitable for 2 Kw use". Unfortunately for Mr. Westinghouse price gougers, this technology will feed back to the power grid and cause super conductivity in ALL the world grid. Wattage tests, nano tests are there. The media isn't showing this. Hundreds of thousands of persons in many different countries are getting this technology.


Comments from Readers M.M.

It is just plastic (the downed US drone in Iran). Big deal; (there are dozens of ways of shooting it down (the drone). EMP, laser, rifle, jammer rifle, visual sighting they expect it anyway. The flying saucer stuff is crazy. No need. This is scare tactics to get a few to think they are ahead or have a super weapon. No way, too much misuse of terminology. They are after a small susceptible slice of population. They did not even try and hire a engineer/real science type to insure proper use of language and technical terms. No effort at all, but they (the Iranians) blast internet with obvious nonsense. Maybe they are using young folks to do the media blitz; very low sophistication. A: Google "carbon nano coating" and you'll find there is no common terminology for plasma technology. J.D. You sure seem to want to believe in that fraud Keshe... I think he's a liar so I looked AGAIN on YouTube for real verifications and found none that make sense, blaming it all on corrosion, battery effects... the very material he uses are acidic and alkaline... lemonade, baking soda, etc... every 10 year old has made a battery from a lemon or lime by putting two dissimilar wires into it and hooking up some low power LED or other effect. Replication failed, just copper; Glorified battery; Galvanic corrosion; Debunking Keshe's Nano coating Scam; Still bullshit... and lots of misdirection. Where is the YouTube video of the guy who provided you with that chart??? For what THAT’S worth... ... Keshe is a fraud. I'd think with so many now joining his cult in their desire to believe, that SOMEONE, ideally MANY DOZENS would be throwing up all kinds of YouTube’s showing Keshe’s fantasy devices powering fans, heaters, lights, motors, electric cars, etc. What do we see (just like the QEG hoax)... NADA which is Mexican for N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Keep looking, but for me, no more oxygen for Keshe... I hate cults!

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