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The English Week is held in conjunction with ‘Bulan Bahasa’ , 13th to 30th April 2009. The English Week, organized by the English Department, offers a number of interesting language-based activities for all the students of SMK Agama Sri Aman Saratok. OBJECTIVES: 1. To promote the use of English among students 2. To encourage participation of students in school-level competitions 3. To identify new talents for school representatives 4. To instill interest among students in activities related to the English Language ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Advisor

- Ketua Bidang Bahasa, Puan Amira Abdul Razak

Head coordinator Draupkelley

- Ketua Panitia Bahasa Inggeris, Puan Nelleyhamdra


-Miss Jakeyah Rajali


- Miss Faridah Husna Abdullah


-Madam Rebecca Jolim


-Miss Cassandra Cindy Jolim, Miss Edwina Gilmelda

Coordinators: Scrabble: (JudgesLanguage Society) Public Speaking: Essay writing: Miss Aida)

-Miss Aida Rosmayanti, Madam Rebecca members of the English -Madam Nelleyhamdra (Jugdes-Mdm Nelley, Miss Faridah) -Madam Agatha (Judges-Mdm Nelley,

Story Telling:

-Miss Cassandra Cindy Jolim , Miss Edwina (Judges-Miss Aida, Miss Azean)


-Miss Jakeyah bt Rajali


- Members of The English Language Society, SMK Agama Sri Aman Saratok


Competitio n

Coordinato Date r

Venue (s)

Categor y


Essay Writing

Mdm Agatha





Miss Aida Mdm Rebecca


3 4

Spell-it-right Story Telling

22/4/09 23/4/09


Public Speaking

Miss Jakeyah Miss Cassandra Miss Edwina Mdm Nelley

Language Lab, Form 1C Foyer Foyer

Lower/Uppe r Lower/Uppe r


Lower Lower/Uppe r Upper

Language Lab * Competitions will be held after the teaching and learning session (evening or night)

PRIZES & CERTIFICATES Competit Prizes ion Essay Writing Scrabble Spell-it-right Story Telling Public Speaking


1st, 2nd, 3rd x 2 categories 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st,

2nd, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd,

3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd

x x x x

2 1 2 1

categories category categories category

Certificates will be awarded for participation

*Prizes and certificates are provided by the English Department with the department’s allocation.



Essay Writing

Total Number of Participa nts


1st 10

Lower Dyg Narissa (1B)


Upper Mohd Izzat (5A)

2nd 3rd

Mohd. Faeez Atif (3B) 2nd Ainur Husna (5D) Nurfadhillah Zaianal 3rd Nurul Amalina Salleh Abidin (1B) (4A) Comments (Strengths/Weaknesses/Suggestions for Improvement) The participants were assessed on their ability to write original and creative essays relevant to the questions chose and their overall mastery of the English Language. The participants managed to display their talents in writing good essays of a certain standard of the English language, with the use of good grammar, meticulous punctuation and spelling and quite an impressive level of vocabulary. The judges for the competitions were Miss Aida (lower forms) and Madam Nelley (Upper forms). Reported by, Madam Agatha Abdullah


Total Number of Participa nts


Upper 1 1 Abang Shahrailey (4A) Upper-6 Lower-11 2nd 2nd Mohd Iqmal (5A) 3rd 3rd Awg Hazrin Hafizi (5A) Comments (Strengths/Weaknesses/Suggestions for Improvement)





One of the main objectives of the competition was to encourage students to maximize usage of the dictionaries to look for words and their meanings which would enhance their vocabulary. Participation was overwhelming at first as many students handed in their names. However, on the competition day, many students did not turn up. Fortunately, many other students, voluntarily replaced them. This game is interesting and beneficial, and therefore should be held every year. English language teachers also need to expose their students to the game.

Reported by, Miss Aida Rosmayanti



Total Number of Participa nts 20



st nd

Lower Nuraliah bt Kadir (3A)

Upper 1




2 Siti Nasuha bt Bedi (2B) 2 rd rd 3 Nur Atiqah Nadira (3A) 3 Comments (Strengths/Weaknesses/Suggestions for Improvement) This competition’s focus was to search for talented students who have excellent mastery of their vocabulary and with the ability to spell out words of various difficulty levels correctly. As too many students handed in their names, the list has to be shortlisted to 20 participants only. This is identified as the strength of the competituon, it was able to attract many students. However, one of the weaknesses is the difficulties if the words to be spelled out in the first round, resulting in majority of the form one students disqualified at the preliminary round. Therefore, it is to be noted that in future, these two points need to be taken into consideration:- number of participants from each class and the suitability of the level of the words for from preliminary to the final rounds. Reported by, Miss Jakeyah Rajali



Public Speakin g

Total Winners Number of Total Participa Number nts Winners of 3 Lower Participan 1st 1st ts st t (4A) 4 n 21nd Abang Shahrailey 2 h d

Story Telling


n rd 32 d

Suziyanti Azira - (2D)

t 5 r 3 h d

Upper Mohd Izzat Syafiq (5B) Dyg MohdNarissa Azdilla(1B) Amizwar (5B) Nurul Khairunissa Dayang Dayana (4A) (5A)


3 Hezret Hamani (1C) for Improvement) Comments (Strengths/Weaknesses/Suggestions d Comments (Strengths/Weaknesses/Suggestions for for Improvement) This competition was actually focused to find new talents public speaking among the form 4 students, although all upper forms students were encouraged to take The was encourage students to practice the English Language. part.main Onlyaim very fewto students handed in their namesusing but most of them had to However, mostlast contestants showed difficulty pronouncing words4 correctly, withdraw the minute for involvement in in other activities.some The form students weak grammar and lackwhen of fluency in by delivery and uninteresting presentations. On (4A, 4B) were reluctant insisted the English teacher (Mdm Agatha) to take the other hand, contestants should be praised for their courage to be able to be on part. stage and present individually. It was agreed that a lot of improvement should be done and perhaps this could be done during English period, whereby the English teachers Reported could by, ask students to present more frequently to class. Reported by, Mdm Nelleyhamdra Miss Edwina Gilmelda Miss Cassandra Cindy

Prepared by The English Language Department SMK ASAS 2009

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