Keputihan Pada Wanita Hamil
October 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Keputihan pada Perempuan KEPUTIHAN (leukorea, white discharge, discharge, fluor albus) adalah gejala e!"akit "a!g dita!dai oleh keluar!"a caira! dari orga! reroduksi, da! buka! berua darah# Keutiha! $eruaka! salah satu alasa! "a!g ali!g seri!g $e!gaa ere$ua! $e$eriksaka! $e$eriksaka! diri ke dokter, khusus!"a dokter ahli kebida!a! da! e!"akit ka!du!ga!# %aat dibedaka! a!tara keutiha! "a!g !or$al da! "a!g tidak !or$al# Keutiha! !or$al dite$uka! ada & ' a"i "a!g baru lahir sa$ai u$ur kirakira *+ hari, "aitu akibat e!garuh hor$o! estroge! ibu terhada rahi$ da! agi!a ja!i!, saat ja!i! $asih di dala$ ka!du!ga!' .aat $e!gala$i haid "a!g erta$a kali- keutiha! aka! hila!g se!diri, aka! tetai daat $e!i$bulka! keresaha! ada ora!g tua!"a' Pere$ua! dewasa aabila ia dira!gsa!g waktu se!gga$a, akibat e!garuh tra!sudasi dari di!di!g agi!a' /asa subur ere$ua!- kare!a kadar hor$o! estroge! $e!i!gkat' Pe!derita e!"akit $e!ahu! de!ga! kelai!a! jiwa !eurosis# Pe!"ebab ali!g seri!g dari keutiha! tidak !or$al ialah i!feksi# %i si!i caira! $e!ga!du!g ba!"ak sel darah utih da! war!a!"a agak agak keku!i!gku!i!ga! sa$ai hijau, seri!g seri!g kali lebih ke!tal da! berbau# 0rga! ere$ua! "a!g daat terke!a i!feksi adalah ula, agi!a, leher rahi$, da! ro!gga rahi$# I!feksi i!i daat disebabka! oleh & (*)# Ku$a! (bakteri)# 1o!ococcus, "aitu e!"akit kela$i!, !a!ah berwar!a keku!i!ga! (sel darah utih "a!g $e!ga!du!g ku$a! Neisseria go!orrhoea, asa!ga! duadua dala$ sitolas$a sel)# 2hla$"dia tracho$atis, seri!g $e!"ebabka! e!"akit $ata trakho$a# 1ard!erella 3agi!alis, "a!g $e!"ebabka! erada!ga! agi!a tak sesifik, biasa!"a $e!gisi e!uh selsel eitel agi!a $e$be!tuk be!tuk khas clue cell# I!i $e!ghasilka! asa$ a$i!o "a!g aka! diubah $e!jadi se!"awa a$i! bau a$is, berwar!a ke abuabua!# Treo!e$a allidu$, e!"ebab e!"akit kela$i! sifilis# .eri!g dita!dai ada!"a e!"akit je!gger a"a$ di ke$alua!# (4)# 5a$ur, dari sesies ka!dida# 2aira!!"a ke!tal, berwar!a utih susu (seri!g berbe!tuk keala susu), gatal# 3agi!a ke$eraha! akibat rada!g# Pe!"akit ja$ur ba!"ak terjadi ada keha$ila!, ke!ci!g $a!is, $e!oause, kege$uka!, aksetor il K# (6)# Parasit, de!ga! e!"ebab keutiha! terba!"ak adalah Tricho$o!as agi!alis# 2aira!!"a ba!"ak, berbuih seerti seerti air sabu! da! bau, tidak terlalu gatal, gatal, ula ke$eraha!, ke$eraha!, !"eri bila diteka! atau erih bila bua!g air kecil# Pada a!aka!ak bisa disebabka! kare!a arasit lai! seerti E!terobiasis, gatal seri!g digaruk sa$ai luka# (7)# 3irus# i!i seri!g disebabka! oleh Hu$a! Paillo$a 3irus (HP3) da! Heres .i$leks# HP3 seri!g dita!dai de!ga! ko!dilo$a aku$i!ata8 tu$buha! seerti je!gger a"a$, caira! berbau, ta!a rasa gatal# 1a$bara! kli!is lebih buruk bila disertai ga!ggua! siste$ kekebala! tubuh seerti& keha$ila!, e$akaia! ko!tikosteroid ja!gka la$a da! AI%.# Pe!"ebab lai! dari keutiha! selai! i!feksi adalah & (*)# Kelai!a! alat kela$i! didaat atau bawaa!# Ada!"a fistel esikoagi!alis atau ada!"a salura! "a!g $e!ghubu!gka! ka!du!g ke$ih da! agi!a atau ada!"a salura! "a!g $e!ghubu!gka! a!tara rektu$ da! agi!a, akibat cedera ersali!a!, oerasi e!ga!gkata! rahi$, radiasi ada ka!ker orga! reroduksi atau akibat ka!ker itu se!diri# (4)# e!da Asi!g# Terjadi akibat kotora! ta!ah atau bijibijia! ada a!aka!ak atau terti!ggal!"a ko!do$ atau be!da lai! "a!g diakai waktu se!gga$a, atau akibat karet e!gga!jal "a!g digu!aka! u!tuk $e!cegah rahi$ turu!# (6)# Ka!ker# Keutiha! juga dite$uka! ada tu$or ga!as# .el tu$buh sa!gat ceat secara ab!or$al da! $udah rusak, akibat!"a terjadi e$busuka! da! erdaraha!# 2aira! ba!"ak, bau busuk, seri!g disertai disertai darah tak segar# (7)# /e!oause# Pada $e!oause selsel da! agi!a $e!gala$i ha$bata! dala$ e$ata!ga! sel akibat tidak ada!"a hor$o! e$acu, estroge!# 3agi!a keri!g, seri!g ti$bul rasa gatal kare!a tiis!"a laisa! sel sehi!gga $udah luka da! ti$bul i!feksi e!"erta# ila keutiha! tidak segera diobati aka! ti$bul e!"akit rada!g a!ggul "a!g berlarutlarut da! daat $e!"ebabka! ke$a!dula! (i!fertilitas) kare!a kerusaka! da! tersu$bat!"a salura! telur# %ilaorka! juga bahwa keutiha! ada keha$ila! daat $e!"ebabka! ersali!a! re$atur da!
kelahira! ba"i de!ga! berat lahir re!dah# .uatu keutiha! "a!g tidak se$buh de!ga! e!gobata! biasa (a!tibiotik da! a!tija$ur) harus diikirka! keutiha! tersebut disebabka! oleh suatu e!"akit kega!asa! seerti ka!ker leher rahi$# Kiat $e!jaga kebersiha! alat kela$i! luar ada ere$ua! ' /e!jaga kebersiha! alat kela$i! luar ada ere$ua! sa!gat e!ti!g dala$ ua"a $e!cegah ti$bul!"a keutiha! da! juga $e!cegah Pe!"akit /e!ular .eksual (P/.)# Kulit daerah alat kela$i! da! sekitar!"a harus diusahaka! agar teta bersih da! keri!g, kare!a kulit "a!g le$bab8 basah daat $e!i$bulka! iritasi da! $e$udahka! tu$buh!"a ja$ur da! ku$a! e!"akit# Keadaa! i!i daat dicaai de!ga! $e!geri!gka! kulit de!ga! ha!duk atau tisu bila berkeri!gat atau setelah setelah bua!g air# ' Agar tidak terjadi i!feksi dari $ikroorga!is$e "a!g berasal dari a!us8dubur dia!jurka! u!tuk cebok dari arah dea! ke arah belaka!g# ' Terlalu seri!g $elakuka! douche ($e!cuci8$e$bilas) ($e!cuci8$e$bilas) agi!a de!ga! laruta! a!tisetik daat $erugika!, kare!a aka! $e!ghila!gka! caira! agi!a "a!g !or$al da! daat $e$atika! bakteri ala$iah di dala$ agi!a# agi!a# Keadaa! i!i aka! lebih $era!gsa!g $era!gsa!g e!geluara! caira! agi!a# ' Pe$akaia! deodora!, douche, baha! ser$isidal, atau baha! lai! "a!g di$asukka! ke dala$ agi!a daat $e!gakibatka! alergi alergi da! iritasi ada agi!a sehi!gga daat juga juga ti$bul keutiha!# ' /e!cuci alat kela$i! bagia! luar cuku de!ga! air da! sabu! $a!di biasa saja# ' Pe!gobata! i!feksi juga diberika! keada sua$i, u!tuk $e!ghi!dari fe!o$e!a i!go!g atau ka$buhka$buha!#' Bacaan FKUI catatan kuliah ginekologi obstetri !!! !!! 5ika a!da diduga $e$iliki $asalah "a!g berhubu!ga! de!ga! e!"akit "a!g kewa!itaa! aakah itu eriode $e!tsruasi "a!g tidak teratur, $asalah hor$o!al atau e!"akit disebaka! hubu!ga! seksual (.T%), sebaik!"a selalu eriksaka! ke dokter# I!i e!ti!g u!tuk $e!getahui gejala "a!g diti$bulka! da! juga u!tuk $e!daatka! i!for$asi $e!ge!ai $asalah kesehata! seksual "a!g ba!"ak wa!ita hadai, bagai$a!a $e!cegah!"a da! bagai$a!a $eli!du!gi diri# Kare!a $asih ada stig$a $e!ge!ai kesehata! seksual, ba!"ak wa!ita $e!ghi!dari ergi ke dokter adahal e!ghi!dara! i!i daat $e$e!garuhi kesehata! serius ter$asuk kesubura!# erikut beberaa e!"akit u$u$ "a!g wa!ita hadai da! cara $e!ja$i! kesehata! kewa!itaa! teta sehat& 9 HP3 Hu$a! aillo$airus (HP3) adalah salah satu i!feksi irus "a!g disebabka! oleh hubu!ga! seksual u$u$# .ebagia! besar e!"akit i!iu!tuk tidak test begitu !a$akali!g tidak !or$al, dokter aka! $e!"ara!ka! lab#berbaha"a tetai jika test s$ear 2ara u!tuk $e!gatetahui HP3 adalah de!ga! cerical s$ear atau scree!i!g kesehata! seksual# :aki!lah u!tuk $e$eriksa $e$eriksa secara teratur setidak!"a setidak!"a satu kali setia tiga tahu!# erhe!ti erhe!ti $erokok kare!a e!elitia! $e!e$uka! hubu!ga! a!tara $erokok da! ka!ker ula da! gu!aka! ko!do$# 9 PI% Pelic I!fla$$ator" %isease (PI%) $e$a!garuhi satu dari *+ wa!ita da! jika dibiarka! aka! $e!"ebabka! ketidaksubura!# ketidaksubura!# 1ejala "a!g $u!gki! ti$bul i!ggul sakit saat hubu!ga! seks, e!darah" a!g tidak teratur atau erubaha! bau ada agi!a# .egera eriksa ke dokter jika a!da $e!e$uka! gejala itu# Pe!"akit i!i daat de!ga! $udah dise$buhka! de!ga! a!tibiotik# Ua"a e!cegaha! PI% adalah lakuka! seks "a!g a$a! da! $e$eriksaka! secara teratur# Kada!gkada!g gejala tidak begitu jelas sa$ai se$ua terla$bat# 9 3
acterial agi!osis adalah salah satu i!feksi agi!a "a!g ali!g u$u$ dia!tara wa!ita diusia bera!ak# Pe!"akit i!i seri!g dia!gga dia!gga ha!"a i!feksi kare!a $e$iliki gejala gejala "a!g sa!gat u$u$ de!ga! i!feksi biasa# 1ejala dari ketidaksei$ba!ga! bakteri dala$ agi!a ter$asuk gatal, aro$a a$is da! erubaha! dala$ agi!a# 5a!ga! biarka! gejalagejala tersebut da! "aki!lah u!tuk dieriksa da! dise$buhka! de!ga! baik# 5ika dibiarka!, i!i aka! a ka! $e!i!gkat resiko berke$ba!g $e!jadi PI%
Gardnerella vaginalis Overview acterial agi!osis (3) is characteri;ed b" the oergrowth of certai! bacteria i! the agi!a, i!cludi!g 1ard!erella agi!alis, 1ard!eralla $obilu!cus, a!d /"colas$a ho$i!is# It accou!ts for uall" se>uall" actie, are $ost co$$o!l" co$$o!l" affected# acterial agi!osis is grossl" u!derdiag!osed because $a!" wo$e! assu$e the" hae a "east i!fectio! a!d treat s"$to$s with oerthecou!ter $edicatio!s# Causes and isk Factors 3 is caused b" a cha!ge i! the !atural bala!ce of bacteria i! the agi!a# ?acotbacillus, helful bacteria, $etaboli;es $etaboli;es gl"coge! to lactic acid i! the agi!a a!d $ai!tai!s !or$al !or$al agi!al H, which roides a !atural defe!se defe!se agai!st u!healt u!health" bacteria roliferatio!# 1ard!e 1ard!erella rella agi!alis oerwhel$s health" bacteria whe! the defe!se is h" weake!ed# roadsectru$ a!tibiotics $a" destro" health" bacteria, disrut the agi!a@s !or$al flora, a!d ro$ote i!fectio!# %ouchi!g, oerused or retai!ed ta$o!s, i!trauteri!e co!tracetie deices (IU%s), diahrag$s, co!tracetie so!ges, a!d roducts co!tai!i!g !o!o>"!ol $a" also disrut the bala!ce# acterial agi!osis also is associated with hai!g $ultile se> art!ers, a !ew $o!oga$ous se>ual relatio!shi, a!d a histor" of .T%s# igns and "mptoms A fish" agi!al odor, itchi!g, a!d irritatio! irritatio! are co$$o! sig!s of 3 a!d $a" $a" be articularl" !oticeable after i!tercourse or $e!ses# It $a" be acco$a!ied b" a s$ooth, stick", white or gra" discharge 7 da"s to 7 weeks followi!g e>osure# Eleated agi!al H leel is also a s"$to$# Aboout B+= of wo$e! hae hae 1ard!erella agi!alis i! their agi!al flora, but do !ot deelo deelo i!fectio!# 2o$licatio!s 3 is associated with elic i!fla$$ator" disease (PI%), i!fertilit", ectoic (tubal) reg!a!c", re$ature birth, a!d low birth weight i! i!fa!ts bor! to i!fected $others# %iag!osis %iag!osis is usuall" $ade b" isual obseratio! a!d b" s$ell# 3agi!al fluid $a" be treated with a *+= solutio! of otassiu$ h"dro>ide (K0H), which $akes the characteristic odor $ore ro!ou!ced# A sa$le is usuall" take! for $icroscoic e>a$i!atio! to co!fir$ the rese!ce of bacteria, a!d H leels are checked# A elic e>a$i!atio! is erfor$ed to deter$i!e whether the ceri> is roduci!g ab!or$al secretio!s a!d to check for other diseases# /ost h"sicia!s reco$$e!d a full .T% scree!i!g# Treat$e!t A!tibiotics such as $etro!ida;ole a!d cli!da$"ci! are ge!erall" rescribed, as oral (ill) or toical (crea$) treat$e!ts# Che! used toicall", these $edicatio!s $a" cause side effects such as sti!gi!g, bur!i!g, a!d irritatio!# %ouchi!g should be aoided# .e> art!ers $a" reDuire treat$e!t if i!fectio! recurs#
G#$%&&''# gardnerella) a) (hat is gardnerell 1ard!erella is a bacteria# Nor$all", it grows i! s$all a$ou!ts i! a wo$a!@s agi!a a!d rectu$# If too $uch gard!erella grows, it $a" cause c ause a differe!t agi!al discharge with a stra!ge s$ell#
1ard!erella i!fectio!s ca! be u!co$fortable, but the" are !ot har$ful# How ca! "ou tell if "ou hae a gard!erella i!fectio! If "ou hae a gard!erella i!fectio!, "ou $ight !otice& Co$e!& 9 %ischarge fro$ "our agi!a that is white or gre"# 9 %ischarge fro$ "our agi!a that s$ells like fish# /e!& 9 No s"$to$s# How do "ou get tested for a gard!erella i!fectio! A doctor or !urse ca! test test "ou b" looki!g at the discharge discharge fro$ "our agi!a or b" taki!g a swab fro$ "our agi!a# /e! are !ot usuall" tested for gard!erella i!fectio!s# How is a gard!erella i!fectio! treated 1ard!erella i! "our agi!a is !ot har$ful# :ou o!l" !eed to treat a gard!erella i!fectio! if the s"$to$s are botheri!g "ou# Co$e! ca! be treated with rescritio! drugs such as flag"l or cli!da$"ci!# The i!fectio! ca! be treated b" taki!g a $edicatio! b" $outh, or b" i!serti!g a $edicated crea$ i!to the agi!a# ?actobacillus (the bacteria fou!d i! "ogurt) ca! hel co!trol the s"$to$s# :ou ca! ut o!e or two "ogurt casules i! "our agi!a before bedti$e for o!e week# :ou ca! bu" these these lactobacillus "ogurt casules casules at the health food store# store# :ou should kee the$ i! the fridge# /e! are !ot usuall" treated for gard!erella# %o "ou !eed a followu test If "ou feel better, "ou do!@t !eed a!other test# How do "ou ree!t a gard!erella i!fectio! 9 Alwa"s wie "ourself fro$ fro!t to back after goi!g to the bathroo$ 9 %o !ot use deodora!t ta$o!s or ads, erfu$ed soas, bath oils, or fe$i!i!e h"gie!e sra"s# 9 Cear cotto! u!derwear duri!g the da"# It@s better !ot to wear u!derwear whe! "ou slee# 9 Cear loose fitti!g a!ts# 9 Aoid douchi!g# 9 2ha!ge out of "our wet bathi!g suit or sweat" e>ercise clothes as soo! as ossible#
Bacterial *aginosis +Gardnerella *aginitis, It) (hat Is It) acterial agi!osis is a g"!ecological co!ditio! caused b" a cha!ge i! the t"e of bacteria fou!d i! the agi!a# U!der !or$al circu$sta!ces, bacteria belo!gi!g $ostl" to the ?actobacillus fa$il" lie har$lessl" i! the agi!a a!d roduce che$icals that kee the agi!al e!iro!$e!t $ildl" acidic# I! bacterial agi!osis, these !or$al ?actobacillus bacteria are relaced b" other t"es of bacteria that !or$all" are rese!t rese!t i! s$aller co!ce!tratio!s co!ce!tratio!s i! the agi!a# This shift shift i! bacterial oulatio! awa" fro$ ?actobacillus results i! bacterial agi!osis# .cie!tists do !ot full" u!dersta!d the reaso! behi!d the cha!ge i! co!ce!tratio! of agi!al bacteria that causes bacterial agi!osis# Fisk factors that see$ to i!crease i!crease the likelihood of bacterial bacterial agi!osis i!clude a histor" of $ultile se> art!ers, a se>ual relatio!shi with a !ew art!er, the use of agi!al co!tracetie roduct that co!tai!s the che$ical !o!o>"!ol a!d freDue!t agi!al douchi!g# acterial agi!osis is the $ost co$$o! cause of ab!or$al agi!al odor a!d discharge# Gor $ost wo$e!, bacterial agi!osis is si$l" a !uisa!ce, a!d the goal goal of treat$e!t is to reliee reliee s"$to$s# acterial agi!osis co$$o!l" is diag!osed duri!g reg!a!c"# acterial agi!osis has bee! i$licated as a risk factor factor for re$ature labor labor a!d delier", re$ature re$ature ruture of $e$bra!es a!d ostartu$ uteri!e i!fectio!s# This is wh" reg!a!t wo$e! $a" be checked for bacterial agi!osis ee! whe! whe! the" hae !o s"$to$s# s"$to$s# "mptoms "mptoms
U to B+ erce!t of wo$e! diag!osed with bacterial agi!osis do !ot hae s"$to$s# I! others, it causes a! u!leasa!t agi!al odor a!d a white agi!al discharge# Gor so$e wo$e!, these s"$to$s are eseciall" botherso$e duri!g or after i!tercourse# The white discharge see! i! bacterial agi!osis te!ds to to hae a thi!!er co!siste!c" tha! tha! the chees", thick thick discharge see! i! agi!al "east (2a!dida) i!fectio!s# .ig!ifica!t irritatio! irritatio! of the ula or ai! with i!tercourse i!tercourse is u!co$$o! with bacterial agi!osis# .o if "ou hae these s"$to$s, "our doctor will check for other ossible causes# $iagnosis $iagnosis I! additio! to aski!g "ou to describe the agi!al odor a!d discharge, "our doctor will ask "ou about "our $e!strual histor" (last $e!strual eriod), !u$ber of se> art!ers, reious agi!al or uri!ar"tract i!fectio!s, histor" of se>uall" tra!s$itted i!fectio! a!d elic i!fectio!, $ethods of co!tracetio! a!d reg!a!c" histor", a!d erso!alh"gie!e issues such as douchi!g histor" a!d "our use of fe$i!i!e deodora!ts, deodora!ts, tightl" fitti!g u!dergar$e!ts u!dergar$e!ts a!d ta$o!s# ta$o!s# :our doctor also $a" ask if "ou hae a!" other diseases, such as diabetes, or if "ou hae used a!tibiotics rece!tl"# :our doctor ca! diag!ose bacterial agi!osis agi!osis based o! the results results of a g"!ecological e>a$i!atio! a!d laborator" tests of "our agi!al fluid# There is !o erfect test, but if "ou hae three of the followi!g four criteria, there is a erce!t cha!ce that "ou hae bacterial agi!osis& 9 Chite, thi!, coati!g o! "our agi!al walls duri!g the elic e>a$ 9 H test of "our agi!al discharge that shows low acidit" (H greater tha! 7#B) 9 Gish" odor whe! a sa$le of "our agi!al discharge is co$bi!ed co $bi!ed with a dro of otassiu$ h"dro>ide o! a glass slide (the whiff test) 9 2lue cells (agi!al ski! cells that are coated with bacteria) isible o! $icroscoic e>a$ of "our agi!al fluid :our doctor also $a" order other other laborator" tests tests to rule out other causes causes of agi!al discharge# Prevention Prevention %octors are !ot e>actl" sure wh" bacterial agi!osis deelos# ecause it occurs $ore co$$o!l" i! eole who are se>uall" actie, bacterial agi!osis is co!sidered b" so$e to be se>uall" tra!s$itted# Howeer, bacterial bacterial agi!osis also occurs i! eole who either are !ot se>uall" actie or hae bee! i! lo!gter$ $o!oga$ous relatio!shis# Treat$e!t of $ale se> art!ers does!Jt !ecessaril" ree!t rei!fectio!s i! wo$e! who hae had bacterial agi!osis# .cie!tists curre!tl" hae !o e>la!atio! for wh" so$e wo$e! hae roble$s with recurre!t i!fectio!, but i! so$e cases treati!g the $ale art!er $a" be helful# Accordi!g to e>erts, hai!g bacterial agi!osis $a" $ake it easier for "ou to be i!fected with HI3 if "our se>ual art!er has HI3# If "ou alread" hae HI3, the! the rese!ce of bacterial agi!osis $a" i!crease the cha!ce that "ou will sread HI3 to "our se>ual art!er# -reatment -reatment %octors co$$o!l" treat bacterial agi!osis usi!g $edicatio!s# 0tio!s i!clude $etro!ida;ole (/etro1el3agi!al) or cli!da$"ci! (2leoci!)# Either ca! be take! b" $outh or alied as a agi!al crea$ or gel# Howeer, Howeer, oral rearatio!s rearatio!s are the referred treat$e!t# The The U#.# 2e!ters for %isease 2o!trol a!d Pree!tio! curre!tl" reco$$e!ds that all reg!a!t wo$e! with s"$to$s should be treated with oral $edicatio!s because the" are safe a!d work better tha! agi!al rearatio!s# Preg!a!t Preg!a!t wo$e! who are at high high risk of reter$ labor a!d delier" should be tested for bacterial bacterial agi!osis a!d receie treat$e!t treat$e!t ee! if s"$to$s s"$to$s are abse!t# Fouti!el" scree!i!g all wo$e! for bacterial agi!osis is !ot reco$$e!ded# Howeer, wo$e! who u!dergo certai! hosital or officebased surgical rocedures $a" be treated if i!fectio! is ide!tified# acterial agi!osis has bee! associated with uteri!e, elic, a!d agi!alcuff i!fectio! i !fectio! i! wo$e! who hae had certai! rocedures rocedures e!do$etrial e!do$etrial bios", h"sterosali!gogra$ h"sterosali!gogra$ (uter (utero o tubogra$), IU% i!sertio!, dilatio!such a!das curettage (%2), h"sterecto$" a!d 2aesarea! sectio!#
2urre!tl", doctors do !ot reco$$e!d a!" routi!e treat$e!t for the $ale se> art!ers of wo$e! who hae bacterial agi!osis# agi!osis# (hen -o Call # Pro.essional Pro.essional 2all "our doctor whe!eer "ou !otice a!" ab!or$al agi!al odor or discharge, eseciall" if "ou are reg!a!t# Prognosis Prognosis .tudies show that a see!da" treat$e!t with oral $etro!ida;ole or a fieda" treat$e!t with $etro!ida;ole agi!al gel is eDuall" effectie i! !o!reg!a!t wo$e!, a!d cli!da$"ci! agi!al crea$ is slightl" less effectie tha! either rearatio! of $etro!ida;ole# Feeat eisodes of bacterial agi!osis occur, but the" ofte! i$roe with with retreat$e!t# retreat$e!t# Bacaan FKUI catatan kuliah ginekologi obstetri !!! !!!
Keadaan normal vagina flora do$i!a! aerobik, roduksi lactobacillus H !or$al asa$ (L 7#B) sekresi !or$al M ko!siste!si flokuler M ke!tal, tidak e!cer, tidak le!gket ju$lah sekresi sedikit, seolah terse$bu!"i di for!iks osterior
Keputihan +leucorrhea / .luor albus, Ada!"a caira! "a!g keluar dari agi!a# 2iri keutiha! !or$al & war!a keutiha! jer!ih tidak berbau tidak $e!i!ggalka! !oda ada akaia! dala$ tidak la$a $e!i!gkat ada $asa sesaat sebelu$ 8 sesudah haid $e!i!gkat saat oulasi (daat sebagai ta!da deteksi) $e!i!gkat sela$a keha$ila! $e!i!gkat setelah sa!gga$a $e!i!gkat akibat e!garuh hor$o!al terdaat ko$u!itas flora !or$al agi!a (2a!dida albica!s dala$ keadaa! !or$al dite$uka! ada 6+B+= agi!a da! seriks)# Keutiha! ala$i & ba"i wa!ita baru lahir a!ak wa!ita ada awal ubertas 8 $e!arche wa!ita dewasa & $asa subur, keha$ila!, aksetor K $e!oause & agi!itis se!ilis Fada!g ula 8 agi!a berdasarka! e!"ebab acterial agi!osis (3) %isebut juga agi!itis !o!sesifik, agi!itis gard!erella
%ie!garuhi roses alkali!isasi agi!a, $isal!"a sa!gga$a seri!g, e$akaia! obat e!cuci agi!a (agi!al douche)# Pe!i!gkata! faktor risiko 3 & e!"akit rada!g a!ggul ascaaborsi sitologi ab!or$al keha$ila! ketuba! ecah di!i, korioa$!io!itis e!do$etritis asca sectio cesarea %iag!osis 3 & *) sekret berbau a$is, 4) sekret war!a abuabu keruh, 6) H 7#B Terai 3 & $etro!ida;ol 4 > B++$g oral (O hari) atau dosis tu!ggal 4 g oral# kli!da$isi! kri$ 4= alikasi i!traagi!al $ala$ hari sela$a O hari
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