Kenneth E Hagin - A Common Sense Guide to Fasting

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A very good guide to fasting by Kenneth E. Hagin....


A Commonsense Guide To

FASTING Kenneth E. Hagin

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations in this volume are rom the  King  Kin g Jame J amess Version o the !i"le.

 #inth $rinting $rin ting %&&%

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' n t h e U. S . wr i t e0 K e n n e t h Ha g i n 1 i n i s t r i e s $.2. !o3 4(%+Tulsa, 2K %4()(%+-

' n C a na da w r i te 0 K e n n e t h H a g i n 1 i n i st r i e s $.2. !o3 //4 'slington 5Toronto6, 2ntario Canada, 1&A 7/

Cop8right 9 %&*% :HE1A !i"le !i"le Church AKA Kenneth Hagin 1inistries, 'nc. All :ights :eserved $rinted in USA The ;aith Shield is a trademar< o :HE1A !i"le Church, AKA  Kenneth Hagin 1inistries, 'nc., registered with the U.S. $atent and Trademar< 2ice and thereore ma8 not "e duplicated.

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations in this volume are rom the  King  Kin g Jame J amess Version o the !i"le.

 #inth $rinting $rin ting %&&%

'S!# ()*&+-)(/)%

' n t h e U. S . wr i t e0 K e n n e t h Ha g i n 1 i n i s t r i e s $.2. !o3 4(%+Tulsa, 2K %4()(%+-

' n C a na da w r i te 0 K e n n e t h H a g i n 1 i n i st r i e s $.2. !o3 //4 'slington 5Toronto6, 2ntario Canada, 1&A 7/

Cop8right 9 %&*% :HE1A !i"le !i"le Church AKA Kenneth Hagin 1inistries, 'nc. All :ights :eserved $rinted in USA The ;aith Shield is a trademar< o :HE1A !i"le Church, AKA  Kenneth Hagin 1inistries, 'nc., registered with the U.S. $atent and Trademar< 2ice and thereore ma8 not "e duplicated.

 B O O K S B Y K E N N E T H E . H A G I N  *Redeemed From Pover!" Si#$ness and S%iri&a' (ea) *)a Fai) Is *Seven Via' Se%s To Re#eiving Re#eiving )e Ho '! S%iri *Rig) and rong T)in$ing   Pra !er Se# res *A&)ori! o+ )e Be'iever 5oreign onl86 *Ho, To T&rn Yo&r Fai) -oose T)e Ke! o S#ri%&ra' Hea'ing   Pr a! in g To G e Re s& 's ' s T)e Presen(a! /inisr! o+ Jes&s 0)ris  T)e Gi+ o+ Pro%)e#!  He a'in a' in g Be 'o ng s o 1s T)e Rea' Fai) *T)e  In er#ed ing 0)ri sia n  Ho , Yo& 0a n Kn o, ) e i'' i' ' o+ Go d   /a n on T) ree (im en sion si on s T)e H&man S%iri  T&rning Ho%e'ess Si&aions Aro&nd  0asing Yo&r 0ares 1%on )e -ord  Seven Se%s +or J&dging Pro%)e#!  Fa i) i ) Fo od +o r A & &m n  Fa i) Fo od +o r in er   Fai ) Foo d +o r S %r ing   Fa i) Fo od +o r S& mm er *T )e  Ne, Bir ) *) ! Ton g& es2 *I n  Him *God 3s / edi# ine *Yo& 0a n  Ha ve )a ) a Yo& Sa !  Ho , To  rie ri e Yo& r O, n Ti# $e  i) i ) Go d 4(on3 B'ame God * ords  P'e ad Yo&r 0 ase *H o, To  Kee % Yo& r H ea' ing   -a !i ng on o+ Ha nd s  A Be er  er 0o ve na n   Ha ving vi ng Fa i) i ) in Yo&r Fa i) i )  Fiv e H ind ra n#e s  o G ro, ) in Gra #e )! (o Peo%'e Fa'' 1nder )e Po,er2 T)e Bi5'e a! To Re#eive )e Ho'! S%iri  God'iness Is Pro+ia5'e  I en  o He ''  T)ree Big ords ords O5edien#e in Finan#es  His Na me S) a'' a' ' B e 0a ''e d ond er+& er +& '   Pa& '3s Reve 'a ion 6 T )e Go s%e ' o + R e#o n#i 'ia io n  Ho , To a'$ in -o ve T)e Pre#io&s B'ood o+ Jes&s  -o ve Nev er Fai 's  Ho , Go d Ta& g)  /e A5 o&  Pr os %e ri !  -ea rn ing To F orge   T)e 0oming Resoraion T)e Gi+s and 0a''ing o+ God  Signs o+ )e Times  -e ar ning ni ng To F 'o , i) ) e S %i ri o+ Go d T)e G'or! o+ God 

 Hea r a nd Be Hea 'ed   Kn o, in g ) a Be 'o ng s o 1s *Ne, T)res)o'ds o+ Fai) *Prevai'ing Pra!er o Pea#e *0on#erning S%iri&a' Gi+s  Bi5 'e Fa i) S&d S &d ! 0o &r se  Bi5 'e Pra !er S& d! 0o& rse T)e Ho'! S%iri and His Gi+s *T)e /inisr! Gi+s 7S&d! G&ide8 Seven T)ings Yo& S)o&'d Kno, A5o& (ivine Hea'ing   E' S) ad da i  9oe 6 T)e God Ki nd o+ -i+ e  A 0 om mo ns en se G& id e o Fa s in g   /&s  0 )ri si an s S &++er &+ +er 2 T)e oman :&esion T)e Be'iever3s A&)ori!  /ini  /i ni ser s erin in g o Yo&r Fa mi '! )a To (o )en Fai) Seems ea$ and Vi#or! -os  Gro,ing 1%" S%iri&a''!  Bo di '! He a'in a' in g an d ) e Ao ne me n   E; #ee ding di ng '! Gro ,in g Fa i) 1ndersanding )e Anoining   I Be' ie ve in Visi on s 1ndersanding Ho, To Fig) )e Good Fig) o+ Fai) T)e Ar o+ In er#ession  P'a ns " P &r% os es" an d P&r s&i s  Ho , Yo& 0a n Be -e d 5! ) e S% ir i o+ Go d   A Fr es ) An oi n in g   BO OK S BY KE NN ET H HA G IN JR . */an3s Im%ossi5i'i! < God3s Possi5i'i!  Be# a& se o+ Jes &s T)e Ke! o )e S&%erna&ra' *Fai) or$e) 5! -ove  B'& e% rin  + or B&i 'di ng Srong S rong Fa i) *Seven Hindran#es o Hea'ing *T)e  Pa s Tens e o+ Go d3 s ord   Ho , To / a$ e ) e (r ea m Go d Ga ve Yo& 0o me Tr& e  Fa i ) Ta$ es Ba #$ ) a ) e (e vi '3 s S o' en 4T)e Prison (oor Is O%en  = )a Are Yo& Si'' (oing Inside24   I #) in g Ea rs )ere (o e Go From Here2  Ho , To B e a S& ## es s in -i +e Ge A#=&ained i) God  S)o,do,n i) )e (evi'  1n+orgiveness T)e Ans,er +or O%%ression  Is Yo&r /ira /i ra #'e #' e Pa ss in g Yo& B! 2 0ommanding Po,er  T)e -i+e o+ O5edien#e  /in iser is er in g o ) e Bro $en )e ar ed  God3s Irresisi5'e ord   Hea 'ing 6 F oreve r S e' ed   (o n3  :& i> i > Yo&r Fa i) i ) i'' Se e Yo& T) ro& g) T)e 1na%%ed Po,er in Praise >These titles are also availa"le in Spanish. 'normation a"out other oreign translations o several o the a"ove titles 5i.e., ?utch, ;innish, ;rench, German, 'ndonesian, $olish, :ussian, Swahili, and Swedish6 ma8 "e o"tained "8 writing to0 Kenneth Hagin 1inistries, $.2. !o3 4(%+-, Tulsa, 2 'n He"rew this means, >e shall hum"le 8oursel deepl8 "eore God inwardl8 "8 sorrow, and "8  udging and loathing 8ourselves and outwardl8 "8 asting and a"stinence rom all carnal co morts and delights.> This ast is the on'! one 1oses enoins, although the Fews did ast at other times or periods o + hours0 rom the sundown o one da8 to the sundown o the ne3t. Since the time o 1oses, e3amples o asting have "een Common among the Fews. Ater 'sraelBs deeat at AA, Foshua and the leaders la8 on their aces "eore God until evening 5Fosh. T.-6. 'n ottier words, it was rom morning until evening a"out %+ hours.


 A 0ommonsense G&ide o Fasing 

Fudges +(0+- spea#ow i 8ouBll ast or a wee< or two or ast three or our  da8s .. . .> The devil might ta talor 8our incontinenc8.> ThatBs plain enough, isnBt it HereBs something else a"out sel)control and asting. ;rom %&& through the late B4(s, 'Bd sta8 in parsonages when ' was traveling in the ield ministr8, and ' noticed something0 The pastors who shouted and hollered the most in the church 'ived )e ,ors and asted the least at home. 'n 'Bm  ust not eating toda8. ' want to spend a little time pra8) ing.>

Chapter + Fasting in ,! Life hen ' was pastor o a ;ull Gospel church in East Te3as, ' was preparing to go one all to a !i"le conerence. The Spirit o God said to me, >;ast the ne3t two da8s,  "ecause the8Bre going to as< 8ou to pra8 or the sic< at the meeting.> ' laughed and said, >h8, dear @ord, i the8 do that, itBll "e a real switch, "ecause the8Bve got hundreds o   preachers. The8Bve never as!rother Hagin, how do 8ou li ' stopped and said, >ou Then ' said, >That restaurant is closed down. There is a sign there that sa8s BClosed.B > He said, >2h, we intended or 8ou to eat there. hat have 8ou "een doing a"out eating> ' said, >' never thought a"out eating until 8ou men) tioned it.> hen he said something a"out eating, ' got hungr8. Until then, ' had "een so ta#ow, @ord, 'Bm going to leave o watching television and spend that time pra8 ) ing.> 5?aniel said he gave up eating %'easan 5read. So wh8 wouldnBt it "e all right to leave o other things that might "e pleasant to us6 A well) #o"od8 "ut "elievers would come, and we would minister to the @ord. 'n one church ' pastored, we usuall8 had ust our own  people in the Sunda8 morning service. Sunda8 night was our evangelistic service. e illed the "uilding at night. $eople would even "e out on the street loo she said, >and told the @ord ' 2ne night ' was ministering ater ' preached, and ' had a revelation concerning her. ' "egan telling her what was wrong with her, "ecause ' saw it in the spirit the @ord told me e3actl8 what was wrong with her. The ord o Knowl) edge was in operation, and she received complete healing.

Setting ;ree the 2ppressed


Although asting in itsel will not "ring a"out healing, it can prepare the wa8 in some instances or healing to tae wouldnBt "e surprised "ut what God would lead 8ou down to ales to raise up our @aIarus,> the8 told him. The8 e3plained that @aIarus was a man who had spent his da8s wor?id 8ou send this> the man as?o 8ou thin ;rom the natural standpoint, this was true. The man was helpless. He was nothing "ut a mass o s As he said that, the power o God went through him, healing him. @aIarus got up and dressed himsel without an8 assis) tance. Then he and Smith walFust miss two meals.> ThatBs all. ?id that change God #o. God had alread8 told him to raise up @aIarus. ou see, it gave igglesworth a 'i'e more ime o ,ai on God insead o+ 

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