Kenali Teknologi Hybrid

June 16, 2016 | Author: Bunga Bougenvilla | Category: N/A
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kenali teknologi hybrid BY H A Z L A N ON N O V E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 1 0 · 1 2 C O M M E N T S · IN S C I E N C E & TECHNOLOGY, WHATEVER

Model produksi pertama kenderaan bersifat komersial ialah Ford model T yang diperkenalkan pada era 1900. Ketika itu ia langsung tidak dijangka menjadi antara penyumbang utama pencemaran alam sekitar. Kekaguman dunia terhadap industri automotif memuncak tanpa adanya kesedaran bahawa kemudahan yang kita kecapi hari ini penyebab kemusnahan dunia.

Model Ford T Hakikatnya bahawa pencemaran oleh gas karbon monoksida hanya mula disedari 70 tahun selepas itu dengan negara maju mengambil inisiatif memperkenalkan alat catalytic converter, had pengeluaran asap dan jangka hayat kenderaan. Teknologi enjin hybrid adalah pilihan sumber bahan api bagi mengurangkan pergantungan kepada petrol dan diesel yang dimana kedua-dua bahan api fosil itu sentiasa terdedah kepada kenaikan harga.Teknologi enjin hybrid sudah dimajukan oleh beberapa gergasi automotif dunia dan terbukti berhasil melahirkan kenderaan mesra alam. Definasi Teknologi Hybrid: Teknologi hybrid ini didefinasikan sebagai penggunaan kenderaan yang menggunakan dua atau lebih penggunaan gabungan bahan api dan kuasa elektrik untuk menggerakkan motor kenderaan,sekaligus menjimatkan minyak.

Bagaimana teknologi hybrid berfungsi: •

Struktur enjin hybrid yang menggabungkan kuasa elektrik dan bahan api bertindak dalam pelbagai cara iaitu hybrid dalam bentuk selari yang mana bahan api disalurkan ke enjin tetapi pada masa yang sama dilengkapi bateri yang membekalkan kuasa kepada motor elektroniknya.

Gabungan kedua-dua enjin dan motor elektrik itu berfungsi menggerakkan transmisi enjin pada satu-satu masa,sekaligus bertindak balas menghasilkan kuasa kepada kenderaan itu.

Kaedah kedua ialah enjin bahan api tidak disalurkan terus untuk menggerakkan transmisi enjin tetapi penjana yang bertindak mengeluarkan caj elektrik kepada bateri atau kuasa motorelektrik menerusi sumber daripada bahan api itu. Antara komponen dalam kenderaan hybrid ialah enjin bahan api lebih kecil dan menggunakan teknologi termaju bagi mengurangkan kadar pelepasan asap,sekaligus tidak mencemarkan alam sekitar.

Komponen lain ialah motor elektrik sebagai penjana kuasa,bateri voltan bersaiz kompak yang menyimpan tenaga,manakala transmisi enjin sama dengan kereta konvesional lain.Berbanding enjin kereta konvesional.kadar pelepasan asap iaitu gas karbon monoksida kereta hybrid lebih 80% rendah.

Jika ditinjau situasi semasa, kereta kuasa elektrik terbukti tidak mencemarkan alam sekitar,sebaliknya hanya berupaya bergerak sejauh 80 hingga 161 km sebelum perlu dicaj semula selain kereta itu bergerak perlahan dan kesukaran mencari tempat untuk mencaj semula.

Faktor: Kebanyakan kereta memerlukan enjin bersaiz besar untuk menghasilkan kuasa bagi menggerakkan kereta dengan pantas tetapi penggunaan enjin kecil boleh ditingkatkan dengan menggunakan komponen lebih ringan termasuk mengurangkan jumlah silinder dan memaksimumkan penggunaan enjin. •

Keberkesanan enjin hybrid bukan saja meningkatkan penjimatan minyak dan berfungsi menyimpan tenaga yang disimpan di dalam bateri yang enjin akan dihentikan sementara apabila kenderaan berhenti dilampu isyarat tetapi dibantu kuasa bateri biasa. Kereta hybrid tidak memerlukan kos penjagaan dan penyelenggaraan yang tinggi kerana motor dan bateri kereta itu tidak memerlukan penyelenggaraan dan boleh digunakan sepanjang hayat.

Kini teknologi hybrid muncul bagi merancakkan lagi usaha ke arah menjadikan bumi lebih hijau. Antara gergasi automotif yang telah memperkenalkan teknologi hybrid mereka ialah Toyota (Hybrid Synergy Drive) melalui model Toyota Prius, Honda (Integrated Motor Assisstant) melalui model Honda Civic Hybrid, Ford (Fusion Hybrid) melalui model Ford Fusion Hybrid dan sebagainya dan tidak ketinggalan syarikat automotif tempatan, Proton (Lotus Range Extender) melalui model kereta konsep mereka, Proton EMAS.

Malaysia juga antara negara di rantau ini yang komited dalam polisi Teknologi Hijau malah, dalam Dasar Automotif Negara (DAN) yang dibentangkan tahun lalu, ia termaktub bersama. Sejak tahun 2003, kerajaan memperkenalkan pelbagai insentif fiskal bagi syarikat-syarikat yang menjana elektrik daripada sumber tenaga boleh diperbaharui.

Syarikat-syarikat yang mengamalkan aktiviti2 penjimatan tenaga layak diberi Pengecualian Cukai Pelaburan dan Status Perintis.

Walaubagaimanapun buat masa ini teknologi hybrid masih lagi mahal. Harga sebuah Toyota Prius di Malaysia ialah RM 175 000, Honda Civic Hybrid RM 130 000 manakala Proton EMAS dijangka akan berada di jalan raya seawalnya 2012. Ketika mana dunia mengalami penyusutan bekalan petroleum, pengenalan dan penambahbaikan teknologi hybrid amatlah dialu-alukan.

Jika sekarang sebuah kereta bersesaran 1600 cc yang menempuh kesesakan jalan raya selama 45 minit untuk ke tempat kerja berjarak 12 km (penghuni Pulau Pinang Pulau Mutiara lebih memahami) memerlukan 7.0 L petrol untuk perjalanan sejauh 100 km, maka dengan teknologi hybrid jumlahnya boleh dikurangkan kepada 3-4 L petrol sahaja. Jadi bayangkan penjimatan petrol dan wang yang ditawarkan selain pengurangan asap dan bahan pencemar lain ke atmosfera bumi. Harap2 dengan

belanjawan 2011 yang telah keluar baru2 ini kita akan mempunyai kenderaan hybrid mampu milik. Ringkasan:

Namun apa yang lebih utama ialah menjadikan teknologi hybrid sebagai teknologi mampu milik untuk segenap lapisan masyarakat dan juga untuk setiap jenis kenderaan. Kita telahpun melihat bas2 di Putrajaya menggunakan NGV sebagai bahan bakar utama dan siapa tahu kita akan melihat bukan sahaja kereta hybrid bahkan juga motosikal hybrid, lori hybrid dan bas hybrid suatu hari nanti. Berusaha gigih dan bersungguh-sungguh wahai para jurutera automotif sekalian. Kita mampu lakukan.


↑ "Global Climate Change". U.S. Department of

Energy. Dirujuk pada 2007-03-03.

2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 Norbye, Jan (1988). Automotive fuel injection Systems, Haynes Publishing. ISBN 0-85429-755-3. 3. ↑ Bellis, M. (2006) "The History of Electric Vehicles: The Early Years" article at accessed on 5 September 2007

4. ↑ Mitchell, T. (2003) "AC Propulsion Debuts tzero with LiIon Battery" AC Propulsion, Inc. press release at accessed 5 September 2007

5. ↑ Setright, L.J.K. "Steam: The Romantic Illusion", in Ward, Ian, ed., World of Automobiles (London: Orbis Publishing, 1974), pp.2168-2173.)

6. ↑ Paul Werbos. "". Dirujuk pada 2007-04-10.

ereta hibrid Daripada Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas. (Dilencongkan dari Kereta hybrid)

Kereta hibrid merujuk kepada kenderaan yang tidak bergantung kepada kuasa bateri atau petro sematamata tetapi juga enjin pembakaran dalaman yang memacu generator untuk membekalkanelektrik dan juga untuk pemanduan secara langsung. Secara am, kereta hibrid menggunakan lebih daripada satu sumber tenaga untuk mengerrakkan kenderaan.

2004 Toyota Prius, kenderaan kacukan elektrik-gas

[sunting]Ciri-ciri Kereta kacukan mempunyai lebih dari satu sumber kuasa, hampir selalunya enjin pembakaran dalaman dan motor elektrik. Dalam reka bentuk kacukan enjin merupakan sumber terakhir untuk pemancuan. Kereta elektrik sepenuhnya menggunakan bateri yang dicaj oleh sumber luar, menyebabkan masalah jarak. Rungutan paling biasa ini dapat dielakkan dengan kereta kacukan.

. Teknologi

hybrid ini didefinasikan sebagai penggunaan kenderaan yang menggunakan dua atau lebih penggunaan gabungan bahan api dan kuasa elektrik untuk menggerakkan motor kenderaan,sekaligus menjimatkan minyak. Struktur enjin hybrid yang menggabungkan kuasa elektrik dan bahan api bertindak dalam pelbagai cara iaitu hybrid dalam bentuk selari yang mana bahan api disalurkan ke enjin tetapi pada masa yang sama dilengkapi bateri yang membekalkan kuasa kepada motor elektroniknya. Gabungan kedua-dua enjin dan motor elektrik itu berfungsi menggerakkan transmisi enjin pada satusatu masa,sekaligus bertindak balas menghasilkan kuasa kepada kenderaan itu. Kaedah kedua ialah enjin bahan api tidak disalurkan terus untuk menggerakkan

transmisi enjin tetapi penjana yang bertindak mengeluarkan caj elektrik kepada bateri atau kuasa motorelektrik menerusi sumber daripada bahan api itu. Antara komponen dalam kenderaan hybrid ialah enjin bahan api lebih kecil dan menggunakan teknologi termaju bagi mengurangkan kadar pelepasan asap,sekaligus tidak mencemarkan alam sekitar. Kereta Hibrid Dikeluarkan Secara Meluas Diputuskan Selepas Kegunaan Kerajaan.Pengeluaran kereta hibrid Proton secara meluas akan hanya diputuskan selepas kereta jenis itu diuji untuk kegunaan kerajaan di Putrajaya dan Cyberjaya pada tahun depan. Pengarah Urusan Proton Datuk Syed Zainal Abidin Syed Mohamad Tahir berkata pihaknya perlu mendapatkan maklum balas positif daripada pihak kerajaan terlebih dahulu sebelum memasarkannya secara besar-besaran. “Kami sekarang tengah buat persiapan untuk menghasilkan antara 50 ke 200 buah kereta yang bercirikan hibrid dan penghantaran akan bermula pada Januari depan. Ini ialah untuk dapatkan maklum balas positif dan data daripada pengguna. “Kalau terus ke mass production takut ada masalah, jadi biar kerajaan menggunakan dan memperolehi maklum balas daripada mereka. Harap menjelang pertengahan tahun depan atau hujung tahun, kita buat keputusan untuk pasarkan secara besar-besaran,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas sambutan fiesta keluarga dan Pertandingan Inovasi Proton 2010 yang turut dihadiri pengerusi Proton Datuk Seri Mohd Nadzmi Mohd Salleh di Stadium Shah Alam di sini. Syed Zainal Abidin berkata kejayaan pemasaran kereta hibrid Proton di negara ini bergantung kepada kerjasama antara syarikat itu dengan pihak kerajaan. Ini kerana beliau berkata, harga kereta hibrid adalah kira-kira 50 peratus lebih mahal daripada harga kereta biasa dan pemberian insentif oleh kerajaan secara tidak langsung boleh menggalakkan pembelian kereta jenis itu. “Di negara lain contohnya, bila kerajaan adakan insentif yang berbeza ini akan mencentus pembelian kereta hibrid kerana ia sangat mahal sebab itu kena ada insentif. – BERNAMA

Aku terbaca di surat akhbar Harian Metro diruangan Bisnes mengenai kemungkinan lonjakkan penjualan kereta hybrid kesan pembentangan bajet 2011. Pengecualian duti import sebanyak 100% untuk pemegang francais kereta hibrid dan 50% bagi kereta hibrid yang siap pasang(CBU ). Read more:

KUALA LUMPUR 22 Julai - Pengeluaran kereta elektrik oleh Proton di Malaysia dilihat sebagai satu kejayaan besar yang bakal dicapai oleh negara khususnya dalam usaha kerajaan mengurangkan beban rakyat ekoran kenaikan harga petrol. Beberapa orang pakar ekonomi ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini melihat langkah yang bakal diambil Proton itu sebagai satu tindakan yang amat

baik dan bakal memberi impak positif kepada rakyat serta industri pemotoran negara. Pensyarah Ekonomi Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Haim Hilman Abdullah berkata, pada ketika rakyat dibelenggu dengan kenaikan harga petrol yang cukup membebankan, kerajaan telah tampil dengan idea yang cukup baik dan sihat apabila mengarahkan Proton mengeluarkan kereta elektrik. Katanya, seiring dengan matlamat kerajaan untuk membantu mengurangkan beban rakyat, Proton juga perlu memastikan pengeluaran kereta elektrik itu kelak mampu memenuhi keperluan setiap lapisan masyarakat khususnya golongan sederhana dan bawah. "Sehubungan itu, Proton perlu mengkaji secara mendalam mengenai hal ini khususnya kumpulan sasaran penjualan kereta tersebut agar hasrat kerajaan untuk mengurangkan beban rakyat tidak tersasar,'' katanya ketika dihubungi, di sini hari ini. Semalam, kerajaan mengarahkan Proton mengeluarkan kereta elektrik di Malaysia selewat-lewatnya tahun depan bagi mengurangkan beban rakyat akibat kenaikan harga petrol dan diesel. Kereta yang menggunakan bateri yang perlu dicas tenaga elektrik selama enam jam di rumah itu mampu dipandu sejauh 320 kilometer. Kuasanya dapat bertahan sehingga 36 jam. Kos untuk menggerakkan kereta itu hanya 18 sen sekilometer. Menurut Haim, Proton juga disarankan agar meluaskan pasaran penjualan kereta bukan sahaja di negara ini malah di peringkat antarabangsa sebagai usaha meningkatkan pengeluaran yang akan dapat membantu mengurangkan kos pembuatan kereta elektrik itu. Jelasnya lagi, faktor-faktor tersebut diyakini akan dapat mempengaruhi harga kereta tersebut di pasaran dan sekali gus Proton mampu menawarkan harga yang berpatutan bersesuaian dengan kemampuan rakyat Malaysia. "Proton perlu ada strategi yang baik dan perancangan yang rapi jika mahu melihat idea ini dapat direalisasikan pada tahun depan,'' ujarnya. Tambah beliau, penghasilan kereta elektrik itu juga dapat memberi kesan yang baik kepada industri hiliran dan sekali gus mewujudkan peluang pekerjaan yang lebih luas kepada rakyat. Pengerusi Pusat Dasar Kajian Umum, Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam pula menyifatkan langkah yang diambil oleh kerajaan sebagai satu kejayaan yang

besar dan penghasilan kereta elektrik itu merupakan satu pengenalan baru yang bakal memberi kesan positif kepada rakyat. "Saya amat mengalu-alukan langkah yang diambil oleh kerajaan ini kerana ia diyakini akan dapat membantu rakyat berjimat cermat,'' katanya. Beliau memberitahu, kereta elektrik tidak memerlukan kos penyelenggaraan yang tinggi berbanding kereta yang menggunakan petrol. Katanya lagi, idea tersebut sangat praktikal dalam situasi negara dibelenggu dengan kenaikan harga petrol yang tinggi. Malah menurut Ramon, usaha itu juga bakal memberi 'nyawa' yang lebih panjang kepada Proton untuk bersaing di dalam industri pemotoran. Sementara itu, Setiausaha Agung Gabungan Persatuan-persatuan Pengguna Malaysia (FOMCA), Muhamad Sha'ani Abdullah ketika dihubungi berkata, pengeluaran kereta elektrik oleh Proton akan dapat membantu rakyat mengurangkan kos hidup yang semakin meningkat. "Kereta elektrik tidak memerlukan pembiayaan penyelengaraan yang tinggi berbanding kereta petrol yang enjinnya lebih kompleks untuk dijaga. "Malah pengguna juga tidak perlu mengisi minyak pada setiap hari kerana kita hanya perlu mengecas baterinya di rumah,'' katanya. Beliau turut mengingatkan kepada syarikat pengeluar kereta tempatan itu agar mengenakan harga kenderaan tersebut pada paras yang berpatutan bagi membolehkan setiap lapisan masyarakat mampu memilikinya.

Re: Apa pandangan tentang penggunaan kereta elektrik???? siewMei on Sun Aug 10, 2008 7:04 pm

memang penggunaan kereta elektrik dapat mengurangkan beban rakyat memandangkan harga petrol semakin meningkat. namun,adakah kereta elektrik ini akan menghadapi masalah seperti "short-circuit"?sebab kereta ini menggunakan elektrik,iaitu tenaga elektrik ditukarkan kepada tenaga kinetik untuk menggerakkan rodanya,dan bukannya pembakaran petrol yang

menghasilkan tenaga haba dan ditukar kepada tenaga kinetik. maaf ya sebab saya tidak tahu perkataan "short-circuit" dalam

siewMei wrote:memang penggunaan kereta elektrik dapat mengurangkan

beban rakyat memandangkan harga petrol semakin meningkat. namun,adakah kereta elektrik ini akan menghadapi masalah seperti "shortcircuit"?sebab kereta ini menggunakan elektrik,iaitu tenaga elektrik ditukarkan kepada tenaga kinetik untuk menggerakkan rodanya,dan bukannya pembakaran petrol yang menghasilkan tenaga haba dan ditukar kepada tenaga kinetik. maaf ya sebab saya tidak tahu perkataan "shortcircuit" dalam BM..

Kereta hibrid merupakan kereta yang digerakkan menggunakan dua (2) punca kuasa iaitu kuasa bahan api (petrol/diesel) dan kuasa motor elektrik. Kelebihan kereta hybrid berbanding kereta biasa adalah ianya menjimatkan bahan api dan seterusnya mampu menyurangkan pencemaran alam sekitar. Advantages of Hybrid Cars Hybrid cars carry with them a bundle of advantages. •

Hybrids combine clean energy of the electrical motor with the power of the gas-powered engine which results into lower emissions and better mileage.

Thanks to the ever improving technology, hybrids perform at par with the normal gapowered vehicles, if not better.

Hybrids are reliable and comfortable as any traditional car and they have a tax benefits(only till 2006).

There are purchase incentives for Hybrid vehicle owners (varies by state).

Hybrids are much cleaner cars than normal vehicles with lesser CO and other greenhouse gas emissions.

Hybrids provide a better mileage.

The future for hybrids looks bright with rapid developments in hybrid technology to improve engine efficiency.

Due to the Regenerative Braking technology, the batteries need not be charged by an external source.

Special warranties are provided for the battery pack, the electric motor other costly items.

Hybrids help reduce the dependency on fossil fuels which directly affects fuel prices.

Hybrid cars are often refered to as the 'car of the era'. The unique advantages of the hybrid car will be sole basis for such recognition in the market. The motor industry was always in the effort to develop most beneficial model and the disadvantages of the conventional model might be the triggering factor for the formation of advantageous models. Usually, anything to be considered as advantageous will make benefit only to its owner, and to the maximum, the family of the owner. The specialty of the hybrid car enhances in this situation since its advantages can attribute benefit to not only the owner or his family, but to the entire society, nation and the mankind. The advantages of the hybrid car start right from its difference in the basic pattern. Hybrid car is type of car that utilizes two energy sources for its movement. The popular hybrid cars in the market are manufactured in such a manner to combine the benefits of an internal combustion

engine and electrical motor. The shortening level of gasoline in the world as it is a non-renewable energy was the major drawback of the conventional cars, which was rectified in the electrical cars, but it also had its own disadvantages. The advantage of the hybrid car is that it can rectify the complaints in the both systems and balances the use of electrical energy and gasoline engine, in their optimum levels. In the hybrid car, the electrical energy is used while starting up of the car and its low speed ranges, which will help to impart a check to the tail pipe emissions. As the automobiles is increasing, world is at the threat of toxic pollutants and global warming, due to their exhaust ingredients. The decrease in the tail pipe emission will be a great advantage for the environment as well as the society. However, gasoline engine will take up the transmission, when the speed goes up since, it is essential to attribute the pace for the drive. While the traffic stops and steep slopes the electrical energy will be again activated, which will help to reduce the gasoline utilization. The aerodynamic design, lighter materials and smoother tyre will help for better energy consumption. The striking technological advantage of the hybrid car is that the energy loss, while braking is re-channeled for the electrical battery charging, called as regenerative braking, and a separate energy for battery charging is not required. The advantages of the hybrid car are multifaceted since it attributes economical, technical and economical benefits. Despite of the owner, the country as well as, is benefited from the gasoline saving as the oil prices are steeping very high, and its effects the country's whole economy. This advantage is also a benefit to the customer as government has decided to give reductions and tax credits for the hybrid car buying. In addition to Federal exemption certain states also provide local exemptions to promote the use of hybrid car. Hybrid car is thus an advantageous car, which helps to over come much of the crisis related to the motor world.

Disadvantages Of Hybrid Cars Hybrid cars, though useful, have some disadvantages. The point to be noted here is that the advantages far exceed the disadvantages. •

High cost: hybrids cost anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000 more their non-Hybrid versions.

More weight due to battery packs.

Some states charge additional fees for registration.

In the event of an unfortunate accident, there is a risk of exposure to high voltage wires.

They have a complicated system which needs to be taken care of by experienced mechanics only.

Spare parts maybe hard to find and may be costly.

Usually, hybrids have a lower acceleration than that their normal counterparts. Hybrid Electric Cars

Honda Civic Hybrid


Toyota Prius Hybrid


Honda Accord Hybrid


Honda Insight Hybrid


Ford Prodigy Hybrid


Toyota Highlander Hybrid


Ford Escape Hybrid


Lexus RX 400h Hybrid SUV


Lexus GS 450h Hybrid SUV


Chevrolet Silverado Hybrid


Dodge Ram Hybrid

What are Hybrid Cars? Hybrid cars are the cars, which run on at-least one alternate source of energy and gasoline. Most of the time that other alternate source of energy for hybrid cars is electricity (rechargable batteries) hence those are called electric hybrid cars. These new hybrid cars are innovative, efficient and affordable. Why Hybrid Cars Here are the reasons why you should choose a hybrid car instead of conventional gasoline car: 1.

A Hybrid car is environment friendly. It can reduce pollution by 90 percent.


Hybrid cars are economical in medium and long run than normal gasoline cars.


Hybrid cars are more reliable than electric cars, as they have gasoline as an alternate fuel.

4. Hybrid cars makes you less dependent on fossil fuels (gasoline). 5.

Hybrid cars are more efficient, as they have smaller engines.


Hybrid cars help in "Greenhouse Effect", as they lower the fuel emission.


Hybrid cars improve mileage to a great extent.

8. What are Hybrid Cars? 9.

Hybrid cars are one among the promising types of new generation cars. In the present era, the motor vehicle industry is going through a transition phase, which is to meet the pace of the growing world. Cars are now become inevitable assistants for the travel and it is not uncommon to have 2 or 3 cars in a home. And, motor vehicles are now facing the next generation problems of the conventional cars. Moreover, many environmental and energy utilization issues are coming cross. Hybrid cars are developed with an intention to answer




13. 14.

much of these questions, and the success of it in the road make it a favorite choice of many. Although any car, which has a combination of two different ideas can be called as a hybrid, but the cars, which combine two energy sources for its running is popularly named as hybrid car. To be simple, the conventional cars run on a single fuel source such as gasoline, petrol and diesel. The energy efficiency of the cars was insufficient to meet the future needs, in the highly energy depleting situation. The search for alternative resources is intensive and one of them, electric cars were a success, but its limitation was the inadequacy for a long drive and difficulty for frequent recharges. Hybrid cars were a better solution since it combines the benefits of both types of cars. Now, most of the hybrid cars use the engine that work in combination of gasoline and electricity. Hybrid cars are much appreciated by the experts because of its energy efficiency. As the car has two energy sources, the car will in effect, use up only reduced energy and the most beneficial attribute is that the batteries in the car for electrical transmission will be spontaneously charged, along with the working of the car. However, the success of the hybrid cars among the motorists relies on mainly on its performance on the road. Despite of the great fear, whether the new car could give out the performance as of a conventional car, hybrid car gave out adequate performance, with aid of its sophisticated technology and aerodynamic design. The utility of hybrid cars for the society was proved, when Government adopted particular measures for its promotion. Now, as part of its preferred usage, tax credits are available, which are changed yearly, according to the prevailing market conditions. Government was impressed with the two important advantages such as improved mileage and reduced tailpipe emissions, which can attribute low environmental pollution and reduced non renewable fuel consumption. Now many companies such as Toyota, Ford, Honda and Lexus are competing in the market of hybrid cars with their latest versions. Any how, a comparison of different models is advised before the purchase. Hybrid cars are thus the present phase of car industry. The advancements are going on continuously in its fuel selection and structure, to persist it to a future car, and motorists are looking forward to the best out of it.

Hybrid Car Pros and Cons The pros and cons of hybrid car is one of the widely discussed topics since hybrid car is a trend among the new generation vehicles. Hybrid car is the type of car, which utilizes two different energy sources to meet the energy requirement. Even though the hybrid technology was prevailing for many purposes such as train engines and submarines, its well-liked use among the people was begun only with the incorporation of the idea in the motor vehicles. Hybrid car became soon accepted among the customers, however, its increased popularity arise the need for a cross analysis since it is a fact that every factor will have two sides. To start with the pros of the hybrid cars, the basic technology itself seems to be advantageous. The common hybrid cars use the combination engine of the gasoline and electrical energy, which strongly emphasis on the reduced use of gasoline. In the working, the starting up and low pace of the car is used up with the electrical energy and the gasoline engine will come to the scene in the higher speeds. The effective computer programs will efficiently balance the switching over process between the gasoline and electrical energy. This really attributes two benefits, gasoline use will be minimum and enhances the energy efficiency, but the required pace can be gained, with comfort. To boost up the efficiency factor, the engine size is minimized and the body is made with light weight materials in an aerodynamic drag reduction design. The appropriate electrical use in the system helps to avoid the environmental pollution by reducing the tailpipe emissions and also assist the energy in maintaining the accessories and backing up in steep slopes. But, the real advantage is that the electrical energy does not require a recharge since it is automatically recharged with regenerative braking. But, as usual, cons exist for hybrid cars also. The practical viability of the energy efficiency is considered as the major question among the cons. The proficiency to attain high speed is also checked in most cases. The battery life and the cost for the battery change is considered to be an inevitable con associated with the hybrid car. The security factors raised due to the light weight body is also a risk for hybrid cars. However, government seems to be impressed with the attributes of hybrid cars such as less pollution and higher energy efficiency. Government allows tax credit and reductions for the

promotion of the hybrid cars. It is also often added among the pros for the hybrid cars. The cons have to be considered as motivating factors for the improvisation of the hybrid cars.

History of Hybrid Vehicles The history of hybrid cars dates back to the late 1800s and 1900s. In 1905, Mr. H Piper filed a patent for a gasoline engine-electric motor powertrain. According to him, the electric motor would augment a gasoline engine, allowing a vehicle to accelerate from zero to 25 miles an hour in 10 seconds, much faster than the gasoline engines of that time. Ironically, when finally Mr.H Piper was granted the patent a few years later, normal engines were capable of producing the same kind of acceleration. Due to rapid advancements in the gasoline engine, the popularity of a hybrid car slowly diminished until again in the early to mid 1970s, the time of oil crisis. Many companies poured funds to build experimental Hybrid Electric Vehicles. But as the oil became available again, the surge for HEVs died down immediately. The Europeans and Japanese researching on reducing production costs and making HEVs more salable. Companies like Toyota, Honda, Volkswagen, Mitsubishi came up with ways to reduce emissions and better the mileage. Toyota introduced the Prius in 1997 (in Japan and in 2000 in the US) which proved to be a huge success. Recent sales figures indicate that well over 300,000 units of Toyota Prius have been sold the world over justifying the concept of a clean family car. In 1999, Honda introduced its first production hybrid car, the Insight and then the Civic Hybrid in 2002. Ford came up with the first hybrid SUV, the Escape, which hit the road in 2004. Quick on their path are several other contestants such as Dodge with their hybrid pickup, the Ram, and chevrolet's Silverado.

Future Hybrid Cars When the entire world is facing the scarcity of petrol and the gasoline prices are touching the sky, Hybrid Cars have come up as a promising and a feasible option to cope with the situation. These are indeed the cars of future. An exceptionally fuel efficient car equipped with the electric motor as well as the gasoline one, the hybrid car proves extremely economical in the long run. The leading car manufacturers in the world are launching the hybrid versions of many of their popular makes and the use of hybrids is being encouraged by many governments in the world. I felt it necessary to give some vital information regarding the future hybrid cars. Here it follows. 2011 Ford Fusion The 2011 model of Ford Fusion is the carryover from 2010. It is an elegant 4 door family sedan

wherein 5 passengers can merrily travel. The model is available in 7 trims: I-4 S FWD, I-4 SE FWD, I-4 SEL FWD, V6 Sport FWD, Hybrid, V6 SEL AWD and V6 Sport AWD. The Hybrid trim of 2011 Ford Fusion is a fine blend of supreme fuel efficiency, elegant looks, affordability and driving enjoyment. Spacious interiors, useful Sync system, ample luxury and comfort, engaging handling for a hybrid version and superb fuel efficiency can be counted among a few pros of the make. 2011 Ford Fusion Hybrid comes with a 2.5-liter four-cylinder gasoline engine which can churn out maximum 156 horsepower and 136 pound-feet of torque. The car is mated with an electric motor that lifts up the numbers to 191 hp and 166 lb-ft respectively. As per the EPA estimates Fusion Hybrid will give 41 mpg in the city and 36 mpg on highways, which are indeed better stats than many others in the race. As regard the MSRP, the Fusion Hybrid will come for $28140 but is going to be a good value for your money. 2011 Toyota Camry Hybrid The Japanese auto giant Toyota is bringing the hybrid model of its popular make Camry soon. Smart key system, Multi information display with eco drive, auto dimming rear view mirror with compass and level and energy flow monitor are some of the most prominent features of the make. The car is a regular Camry sedan having a gasoline electric hybrid powertrain. The system consists of 2.4 liter 4cylinder gasoline engine which churn out the maximum of 147 horsepower and 138 pound feet of torque and a 45 hp electric motor. The car is coming for $ 26,575 and considering the exterior, interior and performance features of the make, I must say, it's a great deal in the long run. 2011 Mercury Milan This is America's most fuel efficient midsize sedan which combines gas and electric power and delivers an amazing 41city/ 36 highway miles per gallon. Moreover in the electric mode, it can give up to 47 miles per hour which is the highest top speed for hybrids so far. An innovative Dual LCD Smart Gauge Cluster and the Eco-guide sport a four level display giving you the info useful for more fuel efficiency. 2011 Nissan Altima Hybrid This beauty comes with an advanced technology partial zero emissions vehicle (AT-PZEV). EPA estimates that the car will give 33mpg both in cities and on highways. Altima Hybrid is equipped with 158 hp 2.5 L 4cylinder engine mated with 40 hp electric power motor. The all new Nissan Altima Hybrid will be available from $26,780. 2011 GMC Yukon Hybrid This is a green alternative from the General Motors for those who want a full size SUV which will do something towards environmental conservation as well. The vehicle comes with a 6.0 liter engine which can generate a maximum of 332 horsepower at 5,100 rpm and the torque of 367 lb-ft at 4,100 rpm. As regard the fuel economy numbers for the two-wheel drive SUV you get 21 mpg on the urban roads and 22 mpg on highways, while the 4WD version offers 20 in either cycle, as per the EPA estimates. 2011 Honda CR-Z Hybrid Pretty this is going to be the cheapest hybrid in the market posing a threat to Toyota Prius. The car comes with the MSRP of $19,200 and the destination and handling charge of $750; in short, in less than $20K. As per the EPA estimates vehicle with the manual transmission will give city /highway 31/37 mpg. With the help of automatic continuously variable transmission, CR-Z Hybrid will offer 35/39 mpg. 2011 Chevrolet Tahoe Hybrid The Chevrolet Tahoe Hybrid is the first full-size SUV wherein a hybrid drive system has been introduced. It offers 33 percent improved fuel economy as compared to the standard Tahoe in city driving. EPA estimates that the vehicle will give 21/22 city /highway for two wheel drive models and 20/20 for the four wheel drive models.

2011 Toyota Highlander Hybrid The 2011 Toyota Highlander Hybrid comes with all new 3.5-liter V6 engine and as per the EPA estimates the vehicle gives 28 mpg in the combined scale. It is available with standard features and a third-row seat. It has electrically operated 4WD. Highlander Hybrid consumes fuel at an average pace of 19 mpg. 2011 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Hybrid This is a full-size pickup which boasts of the awesome 22 MPG freeway fuel efficiency. The car is powered by 2-Mode Hybrid system and a 6.0 liter gas V8. The vehicle provides all-electric driving at low speeds and has the maximum torque of 6,100 pounds. Moreover GM Sierra, Dodge Ram, Toyota Sienna Hybrid, Hyundai Accent are some of the other important hybrids coming up soon. The fact that so many hybrid makes are being brought to the global automobile market proves the fact that even the car manufacturers are becoming more and more conscious about the environmental issues. The use of hybrid vehicles is being promoted in many of the countries. The next age of automobiles is going to be the age of hybrid cars for sure.

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