Ken Dyne - MR Golden Balls 2.0 (Presentation and Angles)

March 1, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Ir Cghdem Lohhs Jreot`ve Vresemtot`gmoh Omches argi Kem Dyme

@‐ve jreoted tbe aghhgw`mc presemtot`gmoh omches agr tbe Ir Cghdem Lohhs rgut`me. Zgie ga wb`jb @‐ve peragried iyseha, sgie @‐ve jreoted agr gtbers omd gtbers ore nust `deos argi iy mgtelggk tbot @ bgpe w`hh `msp`re gtbers.  ?. Tbe Coie Zbgw  Tb`s `s tbe gr`c`moh presemtot`gm agr Ir Cghdem Lohhs wb`jb `s tbeied h`ke o coie sbgw. @m iy peragriomjes @ dg mgt johh `t Ir Cghdem Lohhs omy hgmcer os @ dgm‐t womt oud`emjes seorjb`mc agr tb`s gmh`me omd ﬏md`mc tbe rgut`me.    ?. Sbg bos tbe cghdem lohh.    Tbe ﬏rst `s gut hgud. Zg eojb persgm bos tbe`r lohh, omd tbe :rd persgm `m tbe rgw `so bghd`mc tbe cghd gme, os per usuoh.  Pgu cg gver tg tbe ﬏rst persgm `m tbe rgw omd osk tbei tg iemtohhy semd e`tber tbe wgrd ‒P ‒ Pes‐ gr tbe t be wgrd ‒mg‐. ‘Ore ygu bghd`mc tbe cghd lohh7’  Pgu store ot tbei `mtemthy, dg`mc ygur i`md reoder aoje, omd soy sgietb`mc h`ke…’wgw ygu bove o hgt cg`mc gm’.   Omd prgjeed tg reoh g# sgie tbgucbts. Bere ygu cet tg exerj`se ygur jghd reod`mc iusjhes o h`tthe l`t, omd toke sgie l`ccer r`sks tbom ygu usuohhy i`cbt le jgiagrtolhe w`tb lejouse tbrgucbgut tb`s ygu dgm‐t osk agr jgm﬏riot`gm ga tbese aojts, ygu prgjeed stro`cbt `mtg soy`mc ‘ygu‐re tb`mk`mc, ‒mg‐ orem‐t ygu7’ omd tbey t bey w`hh ocree.  @m ocree`mc tg tb`s, tbey ohsg oppeor tg le ocree`mc tg ygur gtber stoteiemts - o pgpuhor ietbgd `m iemtoh`si tbese doys.  Tbe sejgmd opprgojb `s su`tolhe agr peragriomjes ygu c`ve wbere tbe oud`emje dgm‐t kmgw eojb gtber sg wehh - sujb os tbeotre.  S`tb tb`s ygu use o wr`t`mc pod, omd ygu sbgw tbe oud`emje tbe tbgucbts ygu opporemthy reje`ve (omd tbey jom le aummy, aummy, spej`﬏j etj) omd tbem ygu turm tbe poce omd wr`te ‒mg‐ - leagre osk`mc tbe port`j`pomt `a tbey bove tbe cghd lohh.   Oco`m, tb`s jouses o buce ossuipt`gm lytbe tbergut`me oud`emje tbot tbe tbgucbts ygu p`jked up gm tbrgucbgut tbe rest ga were ojjurote tgg, lut `m reoh`ty tbe gmhy tb`mc jgm﬏ried ly tbei `s tbot ﬏moh tbgucbt, tbe Jbejk Gut Ir Cghdem Lohhs Bere


wgrd ‒mg‐.  ??. \eoh Tehepotby   @m tb`s presemtot`gm ygu reveoh ojtuoh `magriot`gm tbot `s true olgut eojb persgm os ygu cg ohgmc tbe rgw ﬏cur`mc gut wbetber tbey bove tbe cghd lohh, gr mgt.  Tbere ore o aew woys ga dg`mc tb`s, t b`s, tbe igst d`rejt `s ttg g pre-sbgw tbe 4 pegphe omd retr`eve sgie spej`﬏j `magriot`gm olgut eojb ga tbei tbot ygu w`hh tbem use dur`mc tb`s rgut`me.   Omgtber opprgojb `s tg bove tbei tb`mk ga gtber `magriot`gm `m prev`gus rgut`mes omd bghd lojk reveoh`mc tbot `mag umt`h umt `h tb`s rgut`me - tb`s c`ves tbe rgut`me om extro pumjb.

Ir Cghdem Lohhs `s ovo`holhe bere>  bttps>//iemtohumdercrgumd.jgi/prgdujt/ir-cghdem-lohhs-
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