Kelompok 7 Kep Paliatif Literatur Review Terapi Meditasi-1

July 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download Kelompok 7 Kep Paliatif Literatur Review Terapi Meditasi-1...




Vdtu` Ififdube ]ugas Iata @uceab @fpfrawatad ^aceateo  Uadg Meheihedg Lcfb Cedgcedg Iaredma ^acupe, Z.@fp., Ds., I.@fp



(^178188>6>>7) (^178188>6>88) (^178188>6>:=) (^178188>6>=7) (^178188>6>=7) (^178188>6>21) (^17 (^1781 8188 88>6 >6>? >??) ?)





^uke mad syu`ur `aie padkat`ad `fbamerat Accab ZW], hfr`at rabiat mad heihedgadDya `aie mapat ifdyfcfsae`ad ia`acab mfdgad  kumuc –Ia –Iadagf dagfifd ifd Dyfre Dyfre ifcacue ifcacue ]frape ]frape Ifmetas Ifmetasee ^ama ^asefd ]friedac ]friedac mfdgad @ad`fr (Cetfratur rfvefw)’. Ia`acab ede ifrupa`ad sacab satu syarat udtu` ifdyfcfsae`ad tugas iatre` iat re`uca ucase se iata`u iata`uceab ceab `fpfraw `fpfrawata atad d ^aceate ^aceateoo ^rlme ^rlme ^fdmem ^fdmeme`a e`ad d ^rlofse ^rlofse Dfrs Dfrs ^rlgrai ^rlofse Kurusad @fpfrawatad ^lcetf`de` @fsfbatad @fifd`fs Iacadg. Hfrsaia ede pfr`fdad`adcab saya ifdgujap`ad tfreia`aseb yadg sfhfsar hfsardya mfdgad bate yadg tucus `fpama; 1. Eiai Eiai Zuhf Zuhf`t `te, e, Z.@ Z.@p., p., I.@f I.@fp p., Zp. p.@l @li i sf sfca ca` `u @ftu @ftuaa Ku Kuru rusa sad d @fpfrawatad ^lctf``fs @fifd`fs Iacadg 8. Kl`l Weyldl Weyldl,, Z.@p., Z.@p., I.@fp., I.@fp., Zp.@li Zp.@li sfca`u sfca`u @ftua @ftua ^rlme ^rlme ^fdmeme`ad ^fdmeme`ad ^rlofse Dfrs ^rlgrai ^rlofse :. Cedgcedg Cedgcedg Iaredma Iaredma ^acupe, ^acupe, Z.@fp., Z.@fp., Ds., Ds., I.@fp I.@fp sfca`u sfca`u mlsfd iata`uc iata`uceab eab `fpfrawatad ^aceateo. =. ]fia ]fiadd- tfiad tfiad df dfrs rs ad adg` g`at atad ad ta tabu bud d 8> 8>8> 8> prlgr prlgrai ai rfguca rfgucarr ma mad d dl dld d rfgucar ^lctf``fs @fifd`fs Iacadg Zfilga Accab ZW] ifihacas hume hae` sfiua peba` yadg tfcab ifihfre `fsfipatad, mu`udgad mu`udgad mad hadtuad macai ifdyfcfsae`ad ia`acab ede. @aie samare habwa s`repse ede kaub mare sfipurda, tftape `aie hfrbarap ia`acab ede hfriadoaat hage pfihaja mad hage `fpfrawatad. Iacadg,



Zfptfihfr 8>8>



JL_FX  @A]A ^FDGAD]AX........................................... ^FDGAD]AX............................................................................. ......................................... MAO]AX EZE................................. EZE....................................................... .................................................................. ............................................ ee

HAH E ^FDMABVCVAD......................................... ^FDMABVCVAD..................................................................... ...................................... ..........1 1 1.1

Catar Hfca`adg....................................... Hfca`adg............................................................. ............................................ .....................................1 ...............1 1.8..................................................................................................................... Xuiusad Iasacab.......................................... Iasacab................................................................ ............................................ .............................8 .......8 1.:..................................................................................................................... ]ukuad.................................... ]ukuad.............. ............................................ ............................................ .....................................................8 ...............................8 1.:.1 ]ukuad Viui..................................... Viui........................................................... .....................................................8 ...............................8 1.:.8 ]ukuad @busus...................................... @busus............................................................ .......................................... ......................... .........8 ....8 1.:.: Iadoaat............................................ Iadoaat.................................................................. ........................................................8 ..................................8

HAH EE IF]LMF .................................................. .......................................................................................... ........................................: :

8.1 Ztratfge ^fdjaread Cetfraturf ^fdjaread Cetfraturf......................................................................: ......................................................................: 8.1.1 ^rltl`lc mad Xfgestrase............................................... Xfgestrase.................................................................... ..................... 8.1.8 Matahasf ^fdjaread ........................................... ................................................................. ............................. ....... 8.1.: 8.1. :

@ata @udje.... @udje......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......

8.8 @retfrea Ed`cuse mad F`s`cuse .....................................................................= 8.: Zfcf`se Ztume mad ^fdfcetead @uacetas.........................................................6 8.:.1 Basec ^fdjaread mad Zfcf`se Ztume...................................... Ztume.................................................... ..............

HAH EEE BAZEC MAD ADACEZEZ............................... ADACEZEZ..................................................... .................................. ............1: 1:

:.1 @ara`tfreste` Ztume..................................... Ztume........................................................... ................................................. ...........................1: 1: :.8 @ara`tfreste` Xfspldmfd Ztume................................................................... Ztume...................................................................1= 1=

HAH E_ ^FIHABAZAD............................ ^FIHABAZAD.................................................. ............................................... .............................16 ....16




HAH _ ^FDV]V^............................ ^FDV]V^.................................................. ........................................................... ........................................15 ...15

6.1 @fseipucad..................................... @fseipucad........................................................... ............................................................15 ......................................15 6.8 Zarad......................................... Zarad............................................................... .................................................................. ............................................8> 8> MAO]AX ^VZ]A@A





1.1 Catar Catar Hfca`ad Hfca`adg g

@ad`fr (dflpcasia) ifrupa`ad pfrtuihubad yadg iudjuc mare karedgad dlriac dlr iac.. @ad`fr @ad`fr me`ara` me`ara`tfre tfreste` ste``ad `ad mfdgad mfdgad pfrtui pfrtuihub hubad ad (prlce (prlceofra ofrase) se) yadg yadg  hfrcfhebad pama sfc yadg `uradg ifiece`e `fiaipuad oudgse sfc dlriac. Zfiua  kfdes `ad`fr hfrasac mare iutase gfd. Gfd hfriutase `arfda oa`tlr edtfrdac mad f`stfrdac. Zacab satu `ad`fr yadg mesfhah`ad lcfb oa`tlr edtfrdac mad f`stfrdac ifdyfr ifd yfradg adg pama pama wadeta wadeta yaetu yaetu `ad`fr `ad`fr payuma payumara ra (Xlsma (Xlsmabc, bc, 8>1=, 8>1=, bci. bci. 1672). 1672). ^fdya`et `ad`fr tfcab ifdkame pfdya`et yadg ifiate`ad hadya` pfdmumu`  me dfgara iaku mad dfgara hfr`fihadg cfheb mare mfcapad mf`amf tfra`ber. Memuga `ad`fr `ad `fr (dflpc (dflpcasi asia) a) ifrupa ifrupa`ad `ad pfdyfh pfdyfhah ah `fiate `fiatead ad pfrtai pfrtaiaa me mu mudea dea (WBL, (WBL, 8>1>). Ifdurut mata WBL (8>1>), mepfr`era`ad pfdmfreta `ad`fr me mudea pama tabud 8>8> mepfr`era`ad ifdjapae 16> kuta kewa. Edmldfsea sfhagae sacab satu dfgara hfr`fihadg mfdgad prfvacfdse mfdgad prfvacfdse ratf pfdya`et ratf  pfdya`et `ad`fr yadg ju`up tedgge. Me wecayab wecaya b AZFAD, AZFAD, Edmldfsea Edmldfsea ifdfipate urutad `fmua `fmua sftfcab _eftdai mfdgad `asus pfdya`et `ad`fr ifdjapae 1:6.>>> `asus pfrtabud. Mata tfrsfhut baiper  saia mfdgad yadg metfiu`ad ^usat Mata mad Edolriase Adg`a `fkamead pfdya`et `ad`fr me Edmldfsea (1:?.8/1>>.>>> pfdmumu`)  hframa pama urutad 2 me Asea ]fdggara, sfmadg`ad me Asea urutad `f 8:. Adg`a `fkamead tfrtedgge me Edmldfsea udtu` ca`e ca`e amacab `ad`fr paru yaetu sfhfsar  15 15,= ,= pf pfrr 1> 1>>. >.>> >>> > pf pfdm dmum umu` u` mf mfdg dgad ad ra rata ta-ra -rata ta `f `fia iate tead ad 1> 1>,5 ,5 pf pfrr 1> 1>>. >.>> >>> >  pfdmumu`, yadg mee`ute mfdgad `ad`fr bate sfhfsar 18,= pfr 1>>.>>> pfdmumu` 




mfdgad rata-rata `fiatead 7,? pfr 1>>.>>> pfdmumu`. Zfmadg`ad adg`a `fkamead udtu` pfrfipuad yadg tfrtedgge amacab `ad`fr payumara yaetu sfhfsar =8,1 pfr  1>>.>>> 1>>. >>> pfdmumu` mfdgad rata-rata `fiatead `fiatead 17 pfr 1>>.>>> 1>>.>>> pfdmumu` pfdmumu` yadg mee`ute `ad`fr cfbfr rabei sfhfsar 8:,= pfr 1>>.>>> pfdmumu` mfdgad rata-rata `fiatead 1:,5 pfr 1>>.>>> pfdmumu` . Zuih Zu ihfr frca caed ed

mesf mesfhu hut` t`ad ad,,

hfrm hfrmas asar ar`a `ad d

ma mata ta

Xes` Xes`fs fsma mas, s,

pr prfv fvac acfd fdse se

tuilr/`ad`fr me Edmldfsea ifdudku``ad amadya pfdedg`atad mare 1.= pfr 1>>>  pfdmumu` me tabud 8>1: ifdkame 1,75 pfr 1>>> pfdmumu` pama tabud 8>12. ^rfvac ^rf vacfds fdsee `ad`fr `ad`fr tfrtedg tfrtedgge ge amacab amacab me prlved prlvedse se ME Ulgya` Ulgya`art artaa =,2? =,2? pfr 1>>> 1>>>  pfdmumu`, mee`ute Zuiatfra Harat 8,=7 75 pfr 1>>> pfdmumu` mad Glrldtacl 8,==  pfr 1>>> pfdmumu`. mua kfdes `ad`fr tfrhadya` me Edmldfsea, yaetu `ad`fr   payumara mad cfbfr Xabei (@fifd`fs XE, 8>15). 8>15). Zftfcab pasefd memeagdlses awac `ad`fr, pasefd a`ad ificuae pfrkacadad  pfdglhatad yadg haru, ocu`tuase barapad me tfdgab fof` huru`dya pfdya`et mad  pfdglhatad . pasefd yadg bemup mfdgad `ad`fr a`ad hfrgadtudg `fpama `fcuarga mad lradg ‚ lradg pfdmu`udg yadg mepeceb udtu` ifihadtu pasefd hae` sfjara oese` ataupud ataupud filseldac filseldac udtu` udtu` pfrawatad pfrawatad mad iudg`ed iudg`ed pfrawatad a`ber a`ber bemup (fdm lo ceof. Meagdlses Meagdlses `ad`fr `ad`fr `ede sumab tema` cage cage emfdtej mfdgad mfdgad uiur yadg  pfdmf` tftape ifdgarab`ad sfhuab systfi pfrawatad yadg hesa ifipfrpadkadg `wacetas `fcadgsudgad bemup pasefd. ^frawatad paceateo pacedg hae` meiucae saat meagdlses `ad`fr yadg ifihatase bemup sfsflradg. ]ukuad mare pfrawatad amacab ifdk if dkag agaa

`uac `uacet etas as

bemu bemup p

(QLC (QLC), ),

ifdg ifdgld ldtr trlc lc

pf pfdy dya` a`et et,,

ifip ifipfr frpa padk dkad adg g

`fcadgsudgad bemup, mad ifihatase tl`sesetas tfr`aet pfdglhatad (Iatzl ft ac, 8>15).



Gfkaca yadg pacedg mraiates mad meta`ute pama pfdya`et cadkut amacab dyfre mad ifrupa`ad steiucus uiui udtu` `ldsuctase pfrawatad paceateo. Mepfr`era`ad bedgga bed gga 5>% pasefd pasefd mfdgad mfdgad `ad`fr `ad`fr stameui stameui cadkut cadkut ifcapl ifcaplr`a r`ad d dyfre, dyfre, =>-6>% =>-6>% mfdgad dyfre sfmadg bedgga hfrat, mad 86-:>% mfdgad dyfre yadg sadgat parab. Gfkaca ede tfcab ifdare` hadya` pfrbatead me cetfratur ifmes mad ifmea puhcej (_amevfcu (_amev fcu ft ac, 8>1:). Iadagfifd Iadagfifd dyfre mehfre`ad mehfre`ad `fpama pasefd ifcacue tfrape oaria`lclge mad dld dld oaria`lclge udtu` ifdguradge ifdguradge edtfdsetas mad `wacetas `wacetas dyfre  pama pasefd mfdgad pfrawatad paceateo udtu` ifipfrtabad`ad `wacetas bemupdya. bemupdya. tfrape tfra pe `lipcf `lipcfifd ifdtfr tfr amacab amacab sfhuab sfhuab tfrape tfrape dld oaria`l oaria`lclg clgee yadg yadg hesa hesa metfra met frap`a p`ad d `fpama `fpama pasefd pasefd macai macai fiadag fiadagfifd fifd dyfre dyfre pama pama pfrawa pfrawatad tad paceat paceateo. eo. Hadya` pfdfcete yadg ifdfrap`ad hfrhagae iftlmf tfrape `lipcfifdtfr udtu`  iadagfifd iadag fifd dyfre adtara adtara caed ifcacue ifcacue tfrape iusej, ifmetase, ifmetase, hfrmla, hfrmla, ifmetase, ifmetase, Guemfm eiagfry, pfdglhatad pfdglhatad trameseldac, bfrhac ataupud arlia tfrape. ^fdtedgdya ^fdtedgdya Ifmetase ]frape macai pfdurudad strfss oese` mad pse`lclges pasefd prf Lpfrase Hfmab Hfm ab ld ld`lc `lclge lge,, hfcui hfcui pfrdab pfrdab meca`u meca`u`ad `ad Ifmeta Ifmetase se ]frape ]frape sfhaga sfhagaee sacab sacab satu edtfrv edt frvfds fdsee `fpfra `fpfrawat watad ad macai macai ifduru ifdurud`a d`ad d rfspld rfspld strfss strfss oese` oese` mad pse`lc pse`lclge lgess  pasefd prf lpfrase Hfmab Ld`lclge, ifdkame catar hfca`adg pfrcudya meca`u`ad  pfdfrapad Ifmetase tfrape macai ifdurud`ad strfss oese` mad pse`lclges pasefd  prf lpfrase Hfmab Ld`lclge. ^fdfcetead ede hfrtukuad udtu` ifdgemfdteoe`ase  pfdgarub Ifmetase ]frape tfrbamap pfdurudad strfss oese` mad pse`lclges pasefd  prf Lpfrase Hfmab Ld`lclge me sacab satu Xuiab Za`et me @lta ^amadg. Zfmadg`ad tfrape dld oaria`lclge yaetu tfrape `lipcfifdtfr. Bac ede me`arfda`ad tfrape tfra pe `lipcf `lipcfift iftfr fr sfhaga sfhagaee pfdgfi pfdgfihad hadgad gad tfrape tfrape trames trameseld eldac ac mad ama yadg yadg meedtfgrase`ad mfdgad tfrape ilmfrd yadg ifipfdgarube `fbarildesad edmevemu



mare aspf` helclges, pse`lclges, mad speretuac (Zietb ft ac, 8>>=). Zacab satu tfrape `l `lip ipcf cfif ifdt dtfr fr am amac acab ab ifme ifmeta tase, se, Ifmet Ifmetase ase ifru ifrupa pa`a `ad d pf pfdg dgac aceb ebad ad pf pfrb rbat atead ead `ftedg`at pfie`erad yadg cfheb macai bedgga iasu` `f tedg`at pfie`erad yadg  pacedg macai mad ifdjapae suihfr pfie`erad (Iattfsld, 8>>?). Bfrhfrt Hfdsld (macai (ma cai Es`adm Es`admar, ar, 8>>2) 8>>2) ifdgam ifdgama`a a`ad d resft resft `cedes `cedes,, mfdgad mfdgad ifdfiu ifdfiu`ad `ad habwa habwa ifme if meta tase se iaip iaipu u ifdg ifdgba baih ihat at fo fof` f` dfga dfgate tevf vf ma mare re sy syst stfi fi seip seipat ates es ya yadg dg ifdeihuc`ad se`ap agrfseo pama iadusea ke`a tfradjai. ^fdfcetead yadg caed yadg meca`u`ad ifdudku`ad habwa `amar ifcadtlded yadg cfheb tedgge me`ftfiu`ad  pama lradg-lradg yadg ruted ifca`u`ad ifmetase (Es`admar, 8>>2). @amar  ifcadt ifc adtlde lded d ede hfriad hfriadoaat oaat udtu` udtu` ifihua ifihuatt lradg lradg ifdkam ifdkamee cfheb cfheb sfdadg sfdadg mad dyaiad mapat ifdurud`ad dyfre (Hlj`,1556). 1.8 Xuiusad Xuiusad Iasac Iasacab ab

Hagaeiada pfdgarub pfihfread tfrape ifmetase pama dyfre pasefd tfriedac mfdgad jadjfr < 1.: Xuiusad Xuiusad Iasac Iasacab ab 1.:.1

]ukuad Viui

Ifdkfcas`ad hagaeiada pfdgarub pfihfread tfrape ifmetase pama dyfre pasefd tfriedac mfdgad jadjfr  1. 1.: :.8

]uku ]ukuad ad @bus usu us

1. Ifdkfc Ifdkfcas` as`ad ad hagaeiad hagaeiadaa pfdgar pfdgarub ub pfihfre pfihfread ad tfrape tfrape ifmetase ifmetase pama dyfre  pasefd tfriedac mfdgad jadjfr .





8.1 Ztratfge ^fdjaread Cetfratur 8.1.1 ^rltl`lc mad Xfgestrase

Xadg`uiad Xadg` uiad ifdyfcurub ifdyfcurub macai hfdtu` hfdtu`

cetfraturf cetfraturf rfvefw ifdgfdae ifdgfdae

iadagfifd dyfre ifcacue guemfm eiagfry pama pasefd tfriedac mfdgad `fd`fr. Fvacuase Fvacu ase mare cetfraturf cetfraturf rfvefw a`ad ifdgguda`a ifdgguda`ad d ^XEZIA ^XEZIA jbfj`cest udtu`  ifdfdtu`ad pfdyfcf`sead stume yadg tfcab metfiu`ad mad mesfsuae`ad mfdgad tukuad mare cetfraturf rfvefw. 8.1.8 Matahasf ^fdjaread

Cetfraturf rfvefw yadg ifrupa`ad radg`uiad ifdyfcurub hfhfrapa stume pfdfcetead yadg metfdtu`ad hfrmasar`ad tfia tfrtfdtu. ^fdjaread cetfratur  meca`u`ad meca` u`ad pama hucad Zfptfihfr Zfptfihfr 8>8> 8>8>.. Mata yadg meguda`ad meguda`ad macai pffcetead pffcetead ede amacab mata sf`udmfr yadg mepfrlcfb hu`ad mare pfdgaiatad cadgsudg, a`ad tftape mepfrlcfb mare basec pfdfcetead yadg tfcab meca`u`ad lcfb pfdfcete-pfdfcete tfrmabu tfrm abucu. cu.

Zuihfr Zuihfr

mata mata

sf`udmf sf`udmfrr

yadg yadg

memapa memapatt

hfrupa hfrupa

arte`f arte`fcc

kurdac kurdac

 hfrfputase hae` daseldac iaupud edtfrdaseldac mfdgad tfia yadg sumab metfdtu`ad. ^fdjaread cetfratur macai cetfraturf rfvefw ede ifdgguda`ad ceia matahasf mfdgad `retfrea `uacetas tedgge mad sfmadg, yaetu Garuma, ^rlQufst, Zjefdt Merfjt, mad ZED]A/ Gllgcf Zjblcar.




8.1.: @ata @udje

^fdjaread arte`fc atau kurdac ifdgguda`ad `fywlrm mad hllcfad lpfratlr  (ADM, LX DL] lr ADM DL])  DL])   yadg meguda`ad udtu` ifipfrcuas atau ifdspfseoe``ad pfdjaread, sfbedgga ifipfriumab macai pfdfdtuad arte`fc atau  kurdac yadg meguda`ad. @ata `udje macai cetfraturf rfvefw ede mesfsuae`ad mfdgad  Ifmejac Zuhkfjt Bfamedg (IfZB) mad (IfZB) mad tfrmere mare sfhagae hfre`ut; ]ahfc 8.1 @ata @udje Cetfratur Xfvefw  Ifmetateld









8.8 @retfrea Ed`cuse mad F`s`cuse

Ztratfge yadg meguda`ad udtu` ifdjare arte`fc ifdgguda`ad ^EJLZ oraifwlr`, yadg tfrmere mare; 1.  ^lpucateld/   prlhcfi yaetu plpucase atau iasacab yadg a`ad me adaceses sfsuae mfdgad tfia yadg sumab metfdtu`ad macai cetfraturf rfvefw 8.  Edtfrvfdteld  Edtfrvfdteld   yaetu suatu tedma`ad tedma`ad pfdataca`sadad pfdataca`sadad tfrbamap `asus pfrlradgad pfrlradgad atau iasyara`at sfrta pfiaparad tfdtadg pfdataca`sadaad stume sfsuae mfdgad tfia yadg sumab metfdtu`ad macai cetfraturf rfvefw. :. Jliparateld Jliparateld   yaetu edtfrvfdse atau pfdataca`sadaad caed yadg meguda`ad sfhagae pfihadmedg, ke`a tema` ama hesa ifdgguda`ad `fclipl` `ldtrlc macai stume yadg tfrpeceb. =. Lutjlif Lutjlif   yaetu basec atau cuarad yadg mepfrlcab pama stume tfrmabucu yadg sfsuae mfdgad tfia yadg sumab metfdtu`ad macai cetfraturf rfvefw.



6. Ztumy Ztumy mfsegd yaetu yaetu mfsaed mfsaed pfdfcetead pfdfcetead yadg yadg meguda`a meguda`ad d macai arte`fc arte`fc yadg a`ad a`ad me rfvefw. ]ahfc 8.8 Olriat ^EJLZ macai Cetfratur Xfvefw @retfrea




^asefd `ad`fr stameui cadkut

 hu`ad pasefd `ad`fr stameui cadkut


Jlipcfifdtary  Ifmetateld

 Dld Jlipcfifdtary ifmetateld


Dl Jliparatlr  


 pfdgarub ]frape ifmetase  pama dyfre pasefd tfriedac mfdgad `ad`fr 

Ztumy mfsegd adm


 puhcejateld typf

 stumefs, dld fquevacfdt jldtrlc grlup, systfiatej rfvefw, quacetatevf rfsfarjb adm jrlss sfjteldac stumefs

 ^uhcejateld yfars




Fdgcesb, Edmldfsead

Cadguagf ltbfr tbad tbad  Fdgcesb adm Edmldfsead Edmldfsead

tema` ifdmfs`repse`ad  pfdgarub ifmetase pama dyfre pasefd tfriedac mfdgad `ad`fr 

8.: Zfcf`se Ztume mad ^fdecaead @uacetas 8.:.1 Basec ^fdjaread mad Zfcf`se Ztume

Hfrmas Hfr masar` ar`ad ad basec basec pfdjare pfdjaread ad cetfrat cetfraturf urf ifcacu ifcacuee puhce` puhce`ase ase me tega tega mataha mat ahasf sf mad ifdggu ifdgguda` da`ad ad `ata `ata `udje `udje yadg yadg sumab sumab mesfsu mesfsuae` ae`ad ad mfdgad mfdgad IfZB, IfZ B, pfdfce pfdfcete te ifdmap ifdmapat` at`ad ad hfhfrap hfhfrapaa arte`f arte`fcc yadg yadg sfsuae sfsuae mfdgad mfdgad `ata `ata `udje tfrsfhut. Basec pfdjaread yadg sumab memapat`ad `fiumead mepfre`sa mupce mupce`as `ase. e. Assfssi Assfssifdt fdt yadg yadg meca`u meca`u`ad `ad hfrmasa hfrmasar`a r`ad d `fcaya `fcaya`ad `ad tfrbam tfrbamap ap `ret `retfre freaa ed ed`c `cus usee ma mad d f` f`s` s`cu cuse se mema memapa pat` t`ad ad sfhad sfhadya ya` ` 6 ar arte te`f `fcc ya yadg dg he hesa sa mepfrguda`ad macai cetfraturf rfvefw.



8.:.8 ^fdecaead @uacetas

Adaces Ada ceses es `uacet `uacetas as iftlml iftlmlclg clgee macai macai sfteap sfteap stume stume (d96) (d96) mfdgad mfdgad jbfj`cest  maotar pfdecaead mfdgad hfhfrapa pfrtadyaad udtu` ifdecae `uacetas mare stume. ^fdecaead `retfrea mehfre`ad decae –ya’, –tema`’, –tema` kfcas’ atau –tema` hfrca`u’ mad sfteap `retfrea mfdgad s`lr –ya’ mehfre satu pledt mad decae caeddya amacab dlc, sfteap s`lr stume `fiuamead `fiuamead mebetudg mebetudg mad mekuicab`a mekuicab`ad. d. jreteja jretejacc appraseac appraseac udtu`  ifdecae ifd ecae stume stume yadg yadg ififdu ififdube be syarat syarat meca`u meca`u`ad `ad lcfb lcfb para para pfdfcet pfdfcete. e. Ke`a Ke`a sjlrf sjlrf  pfdfcetead sftema`dya 6>% ififdube `retfrea jretejac appraseac mfdgad decae tete`  ju jut-l t-loo oo yadg tfcab mesfpa`ate lcfb pfdfcete, stume meiasu``ad `f macai `retfrea ed`cuse. ^fdfcete ifdgfjuace`ad stume yadg hfr`uacetas rfdmab udtu` ifdgbedmare  heas macai vacemetas basec mad rf`lifdmase ucasad. Macai s`rededg tfra`ber arte`fc yadg meguda`ad macai cetfratur rfvefw ede rfvefw ede tfrmapat 6 huab. Xese`l Xes e`l heas heas macai macai cetfrat cetfratur ur rfvefw rfvefw ede ifdggu ifdgguda` da`ad ad assasif assasifdt dt pama pama iftlmf pfdfcetead iasedg-iasedg stume, yadg tfrmere mare (Dursacai, 8>8>); 1) ]flre ; tflre tflre yadg tema` tema` sfsuae, sfsuae, sumab `amacuar `amacuarsa sa mad `rfmehecta `rfmehectass yadg `uradg. `uradg. 8) Mfsegd ; Mfsegd Mfsegd `uradg `uradg sfsuae sfsuae mfdgad mfdgad tukuad tukuad pfdfcete pfdfcetead ad :) Zaipcf Zaipcf ; ama = bac yadg yadg barus barus mepfrbate`a mepfrbate`ad d yaetu plpucase plpucase,, saipcf, saipcf, saipcedg, saipcedg, mad hfsar saipcf yadg tema` sfsuae mfdgad `aemab pfdgaihecad saipcf =) _are _areah ahcf cf ; var area eah hcf yad yadg metf metfta tap` p`ad ad tema tema` ` sf sfsu suae ae ma mare re sf sfg ge kui kuica cab b,  pfdgldtrlcad vareahcf pfradju, mad vareahcf caeddya. 6) Edstruifdt Edstruifdt ; edstruifd edstruifdtt yadg meguda` meguda`ad ad tema` ifiece` ifiece`ee sfdsevetas, sfdsevetas, spfseoe`ase spfseoe`ase mad vacemetas-rfahecetas ?) Adacese Adacesess mata mata ; adaces adaceses es mata tema` sfsuae sfsuae mfdgad mfdgad `aemab `aemab adacese adacesess yadg yadg sfsuae mfdgad stadmart.




BAZEC MAD ADACEZEZ :.1 @ara`tfreste` Ztume

Mare kurdac yadg memapat ifipudyae `ara`tfreste` stume yadg hfrhfma mare mfsaed 6 kurdac tfrsfhut tfrsfhut tfrmapat, tfrmapat, 1 arte`fc ifrupa`ad ifrupa`ad cetfraturf rfvefw  rfvefw  mfdgad ]ruf Fxpfreifdt, A mluhcf-hcedm radmliezfm jldtrlccfm treac , Quase fxpfreifdtac   prf-plst tfst wetblut jldtrlc grlup , Quasy fxpfreifdt  mfdgad   mfdgad radjadgad prf radjadgad prf adm   plst tfst jldtrlc grlup mfsegd, mfsegd, Jrlss sfjteldac. Mfdgad Mfdga d pfihabasad pfihabasad meadtaradya meadtaradya 1 arte`fc arte`fc tfdtadg tfdtadg tfrape `lipcfifdtfr  `lipcfifdtfr  udtu` ifdurud`ad dyfre pasefd gastretes, 1 arte`fc tfdtadg tfrape ifmetase tldg cfd  pama pasefd pasef d `ad`fr, 1 arte`fc tfdtadg pfdurudad strfs oese` mad pse`lslseac pasefd  prf lpfrase hfmab ld`lclge mfdgad tfrape ifmetase, 1 arte`fc tfdtadg `lihedase fmu`ase dyfre mad ifmetase mze`er macai ifdedg`at`ad amaptase dyfre pasefd pasja lpfrasee ora`tur, lpfras ora`tur, mad 1 arte`fc arte`fc tfdtadg tfdtadg buhudgad buhudgad tedg`at `fjfiasad mfdgad plca temur pasefd `ad`fr payumara yadg ifca`u`ad `filtfrape. Kuga mfdgad edtruifd yadg hfrhfma meadtaradya 1 arte`fc ifdgguda`ad  ^rloecf lo Illm Ztatfs (^LIZ) qufstelddaerf  &   FQ6M qufstelddaerfs,  Xlsfdhfrg Zfco Fstffi Zjacf  Zjacf  mad me`fihadg`ad me`fihadg`ad sfdmere, Duifrej Duifrej Xatedg Zjacf (DXZ), spbydliadliftfr aer ra`sa, stlpwatjb, @ufseldfr BAX] mad ^ZQE.



:.8 Cetfraturf Xfvefw DL









Admedda Mw Mwe Vt Vtaie 8>12


M; Arte`fc mfdgad ]ruf

& Eifcma Xabiayudea @arte`a

@lipcfifdtfr  Fxpfreifdt Guda Z;  Cetfraturf rfvefw  rfvefw  ede Ifdurud`ad ifdfcaab 8> kurdac  Dyfre ^asefd ar arte te`f `fcc tf tfdt dtaadg Gastretes; tfrape Cetfratur Xfvefw `lipcfifdtfr  tfrbamap  pfdurudad dyfre  pama pasefd gastretes mad badya ifia`ae 1> kurdac yadg ed`cuse sfsuae mfdgad `fywlrm . _;


tfrape ^lrtac Garuma

`lip `lipcf cfif ifdt dtfr fr ya`d ya`dee ifdgguda`ad `liude `li ude`as `asee tfrapf tfrapfute ute`  `  udtu` ifdgftabue  pfdgacaiad dyfre pasefd mfd mfdgad gad ifdggud ifdgguda`a a`ad d tf`de` mestra`se, rfca`sase (Ifdgguda`ad da dapa pass ma maccai ai), ), peka pekatt foocuragf, guemfm eiagedary, eiage dary, `liprf `liprfss aer  badgat, badga t, tf`de tf`de` ` rfca rfca`sase `sase ltlt ltlt prlg prlgrf rfse seoo maca macai, i, rfca`sase rfca `sase gfdgga gfdggai i kare. Hfr Hfrmas masar` ar`ad ad hfh hfhfra frapa pa Xfca`s Xfca`sase ase Dapas Dapas Macai, Guemfm   pfdkfcasad yadg tfcab 1>



 Eiagfry, ^ekat (Iassagf  Foocuragf), Xfca`sase Gfdg dgg gai Kare, ]f ]f`d `de` e` @l @lip iprf rfss Badgat E; A; -


Gelajjbedl ^agcearl, ft ac


 A radmliezfm  jld jldtrl trlccf ccfm m treac  treac  lo ]ldg Cfd ifmetateld  prajtejf ed Jadjfrr patefdts; Jadjf patefdts;  Fvacuateld lo a

me`f me`fiu iu`a `a`a `ad, d, habw habwaa tf tfra rape pe `li `lipc pcfi fifd fdtf tfr  r  ya yadg dg pa paccedg edg sf sfre redg dg meguda`ad amacab rfca` rf ca`sas sasee dao daoas as mac macai, ai, `ar `arfda fda rfca`s rfca`sase ase daoas daoas mac macai ai yad yadg g meguda meguda`ad `ad ud udtu tu` ` prls prlsffs tf tfra rape pe tfrsfhut sadgat ifihadtu ifredgad`ad dy dyffre ya yadg dg meac meacai aiee  pasefd lcfb `arfda etu if ifiu iuma mab` b`ad ad maca macai i  prlsfs pfdyfihubad mad mad mapa mapatt meca meca`u `u`a `ad d sf sfja jara ra ia iadm dmer eree lcfb lcfb  pasefd.

M;  A mluhcf-hcedm  ^ama para paraiftfr iftfr mfprf mfprfse, se, Zjefdjf Merfjt pfdedg`atad radmliezfm radmli ezfm jldtrlccfm  jldtrlccfm  tfrmapat treac  yadg yad g segdeo segdeoe`a e`ad d sfj sfjara ara stat st ates este te` ` (p 9 >, >,>> >>:) :) Z; 1> 1>: : pa pase sefd fd `ad` `ad`fr  fr   pama `fclipl`  mfdgad tuilr  pfrca`uad mehadmedg`ad mfdgad `fclipl` 



mestadt   psyjblclgejac  bfacedg foofjt 

_;  A   psyjblclgejac foofjt 

mestadt  bfacedg 

E ;  ^rloecf lo Illm  Ztatfs (^LIZ)

qufstelddaerf  &  FQ6M qufstelddaerfs A ;  Edmfpfdmfdt t-tfsts,  ^farsld―s jbe-squarf,  ^aerm t-tfst, twl-way adac ad acys yses es lo va vare read adjf jf (ADL_A)




^fdurudad Ztrfs Oese` mad ^se`lslseac ^asefd ^rf Lp Lpfr fras asee Hfma Hfmab b Ld`lclge Ifcacue Ifmeta Ifm etase se ]fr ]frape ape Me Zaca Zacab b Zatu Zatu

`ldtrl `ldt rlc. c. Me se sese se ca caed ed,,  paraiftfr veglr / a`tevetas a`tev etas ifdudk ifdudku``ad u``ad  pfdedg`atad yadg segdeoe`ad pama `fclip `fc lipl` l` `ld `ldtrl trlcc (p 9 >,>>5). @fmua `fclipl`  ifdudku``ad  pfdedg`atad yadg segdeoe`ad segde oe`ad maca macai i oa`tl oa`tlr  r  yadg hfrhfma yadg medecae medec ae mare `ufsel `ufseldfr  dfr  ^LIZ mad FQ-6M.

M; Quase fxpfreifdtac  Basec adacesa ^lrtac Garuma  prf-plst tfst wetblut  ifdud ifdudku``ad ku``ad tfrma tfrmapat pat jldtrlc grlup  pfrhfmaad rata ‚ rata strf strfss oese oese` ` (tf` (tf`ad adad ad Z; == lradg marab mara b sestl sestlce`, ce`, tf`a tf`adad dad marab meastlce`, dame mad _; Ztrfs Oese` mad ^se`lslseac ^se`l slseac ^asefd ^rf  pfrdaoasad ) mad strfs  pse`lslseac pasefd prf



Xuiab Za`et Xuiab Za`et Me Lpfrase @lta ^amadg Ld`lclge

Hfmab lpfrase lpfrase hfmab ld`lclge ya yadg dg mec meca` a`u` u`ad ad ifmetase ifmet ase tfra tfrape pe mfdgad E;  Xlsfdhfrg Zfco  yadg yadg tema tema` ` meca meca`u `u`a `ad d  Fstffi Zjacf Zjacf   mad ifmeta ifm etase se tfrape tfrape sfj sfjara ara me`fihadg`ad sfdmere  hfria`da (^ vacuf 3 A; t pllcfm tfst mad t >,>6).]frcebat pfdurudad strfs strfs oese` oese` (tf`ad (tf`adad ad  paerfm tfst marab mara b sestl sestlce`, ce`, tf`a tf`adad dad marab meastlce`, dame mad  pfrdaoasad) mad strfs  pse`lslseac pama pasefd  prf lpfrase hfmab ld`lclge pama `fclipl`  edtfrvfdse.


Dasreate. X, Zuryade. 8>1? C, Aoadme. I

@lihedase Fm Fmu` u`as asee Dy Dyfr free Ma Mad d Ifmeta metase se Mze`er  Ifdedg`at`ad Am Amap apta tase se Dy Dyfr free ^ase seffd ^asja Lpfrase Ora`tur 

Basec pfdfcetead ^lrtac Garuma ifdudku``ad ifdud ku``ad rata rata-rat -rataa edtfdsetas edtfd setas dyfre tfrma tfrmapat pat  pfdurudad mare s`aca 7 ifdkame =,1 mad tf`adad Z; =2 lradg. mara marab b mare mare 18=/ 18=/2> 2>,= ,= _; Fmu`ase Dyfre, iiBg ifdkame 18>/76 iiBg g pama pama `fc `fclip lipl`  l`  Ifme Ifmeta tase se Mz Mze` e`er er,, mad mad iiB  Dyfre ^asefd ^asja  pfrca`uad mfdgad p 3

M ; Quasy fxpfreifdt  mf mfdga dgad d radj radjad adga gad d  prf ad adm m pls plstt tfst tfst jldt jldtrl rlc  c   grlup mfsegd  mfsegd 



Lpfrase Ora`tur  E ; Edtfd dtfdse settas dy dyfr free ifdggguda`a ifdgg guda`ad d cfihar  cfihar  lhsfrva vasse mfdgad  Duifrej Xatedg Zjacf (D (DXZ) XZ),, tf` tf`ada adad d mar marab ab mfd mfdgad gad ifd ifdggu gguda` da`ad ad spbydl spbydliad iadlif liftfr tfr aer  ra`sa yadg tfcab meca meca`u `u`a `ad d `ace `acehr hras ase. e.  Dame mad rfsperase ifddguda`ad stlpwatjb.

>,>6. Hfrma Hfrmasar`a sar`ad d basec uke stateste` memapat`ad p 3 >,>6 yadg if ifdu dudk dku` u``a `ad d habw habwaa tfrma frmapa patt pf pfrrhf hfma maad ad  pfruhabad edtfdsetas dyf dyfre re adt adtara ara `fc `fclip lipl`  l`  edtfrvfdse dse mfdgad `fclipl` `ldtrlc sfjara segdefi`ad.

A ; We Wecj cjlx lxld ld Zegd Zegdfm fm Xad`s Xad `s ]fs ]fst, t, uke Iad Iadd d Wbetdfy tfst 6.

Zuse ^utre Mfwe


Buhudgad ]edg`at @fjfiasad Mfdgad ^lca ]emur ^asefd @ad`fr ^ayumara Uadg Ifca`u`ad

M; Jrlss sfjteldac 

Memapat`ad basec adacesa udevareat habwa Z; 66 rfspldmfd `ad`fr  rfspldmfd `ad`fr    payumara yadg  payumara ifca`u`ad ifca `u`ad `filt `filtfrape frape _; ]edg`at @fjfiasad, yadg ifdgacaie sfmadg ^lc ^lca ]emu ]emurr ^ase ^asefd fd,, `fjfiasad sf sfha hady dya` a` (?>% (? >%) ) mad mad @ad`fr ^ayumara.




@f @fil iltf tfra rape pe Me E ; @ufseldfr BAX] XZVM Mr. mad ^ZQE. Ajbiam Iljbtar  A ; uke jbe squarf. Hu`ettedgge ]abud 8>15

 plca temur(?:,?%). yadg huru`  sfhadya` ^ama basec uke hevareat memapat`ad ama buhudgad tedg`at `fjfiasad mfdgad plca temur (^vacuf 9 >,>>= (p 4 >,1 ) mad( LX 96,:?6).


:.8 @ara`tfreste` Xfspldmfd Ztume

^amaa kurdac ^am kurdac pfrtai pfrtaiaa tema` tema` tfrmap tfrmapat at rfspldm rfspldmfd fd `arfda `arfda ifrupa ifrupa`ad `ad basec basec cetfr cetfrat atur urff rfvef rfvefw w mar maree 8> kurdac kurdac arte`f arte`fcc tfdtad tfdtadg g tfrape tfrape `lipcf `lipcfifd ifdtfr tfr tfrbam tfrbamap ap  pfdurudad dyfre pama pasefd gastretes mad badya ifia`ae 1> kurdac yadg ed`cuse sfsuae mfdgad `fywlrm . Xfspldmfd pama kurdac `fmua tfrmapat 1>: pasefd `ad`fr mfdgad tuilr  yadg sfjara `fsfcurubad `fsfcurubad tfrmapat 18 ifmetatlr ifmetatlr ifdgguda`ad ifdgguda`ad ]ldg Cfd udtu`  ifihad ifi hadtu tu 68 pasefd pasefd yadg yadg mepece mepeceb b sfjara sfjara aja` sfhaga sfhagaee `fclip `fclipl` l` f`spfr f`spfreif eifd, d, sfmadg`ad 61 pasefd sesadya ifrupa`ad `fclipl` `ldtrlc. ^asefd mad ifmetatlr  tema` ifdgfdac satu saia caed. Xfspldmfd Xfspl dmfd pama kurdac `ftega `ftega mfdgad mfdgad kumuc, kumuc, ^fdurudad ^fdurudad Ztrfs Oese` mad ^se`lslseac ^asefd ^rf Lpfrase Hfmab Ld`lclge Ifcacue Ifmetase ]frape me Zacab Zatu Xuiab Za`et Me @lta ^amadg, tfrmapat == rfspldmfd. Xfpldmfd Xfpld mfd pama kurdac kurdac `ffipat `ffipat mfdgad mfdgad kumuc, kumuc, @lihedase @lihedase Fmu`ase Dyfre Mad Ifmetase Mze`er Ifdedg`at`ad Amaptase Dyfre ^asefd ^asja Lpfrase Ora`tur, tfrmapat =2 rfspldmfd. ^ama kurdac `fceia `fceia yadg ifhabas tfdtadg buhudgad buhudgad tedg`at `fjfiasad mfdgad plca temur pasefd `ad`fr payumara yadg ifca`u`ad `filtfrape tfrmapat 66 rfspldmfd mfdgad `ad`fr payumara.




:.: ^fdgarub ]frape Ifmetase ]frbamap Dyfre

Mare 6 kurdac tfrsfhut mapat mecebat habwa tfrape dld oaria`lclge ataupud `lipcfifdtfr ifipudyae fof` macai pfdurudad dyfre sfjara cadgsudg iaupud sfjara tema` cadgsudg. Wacaupud macai kurdac `fmua ifdgata`ad habwa sacab  pfdfceteaddya tema` ifihfre`ad hu`te yadg ju`up udtu` ifdmu`udg `fiadkurad ifmetase ]ldg Cfd macai pfdyfihubad pse`lclges yadg segdeoe`ad mehadmedg`ad mfdgad `ldmese `fclipl` `ldtrlc. Daiud pfdfcetead tfrsfhut ifdmapate hfhfrapa  pfrhae`ad pse`lclges ifcacue ifmetase kara` kaub ]ldg Cfd pama sf`fclipl`   pasefd yadg tema` me`ftabue ifmetatlr. ^ama kurdac `fceia ifihabas ifihabas buhudgad buhudgad tedg`at `fjfiasad mfdgad plca temur tem ur pasefd pasefd `ad`fr `ad`fr payuma payumara ra yadg yadg ifca`u ifca`u`ad `ad `filtf `filtfrap rapee yadg yadg iada iada sfjara sfjara  patloeselclge kuga mapat hfrbuhudgad mfdgad tedg`at dyfre, mare bac tfrsfhut sumab sfifstedya tfdaga `fsfbatad agar ifiece`e jara udtu` ifiedeiac`ad `fjfiasad mad ifdgadkur`ad plca temur yadg hae` yadg iada `fmuadya sacedg hfrbuhudgad utu` ifdudkadg pfrawatad pama pasefd `ad`fr yadg ifdkacade `filtfrape. ^ama kurdac `ftega mad `ffipat kfcas `fmuadya ifihfre`ad pfdkfcasad ya yadg dg pa pama ma ed edte tedy dyaa tfrap tfrapee ifme ifmeta tase se ma mapa patt ifdu ifduru rud` d`ad ad tedg tedg`a `att strfs strfsss oese oese`, `,  pse`lslseac iaupud tedg`at dyfre.





^fra ^frawa watad tad pa pase sefd fd tfri tfried edac ac mf mfdg dgad ad ra rasa sa sa sa`e `ett ifru ifrupa pa`a `ad d ba bacc ya yadg dg `lipcf `li pcf`s `s mad mepfdg mepfdgaru arube be lcfb lcfb hfriaj hfriajai ai oa`tlr oa`tlr yaetu yaetu oaria` oaria`l` l`edf edfte` te` mad oaria oar ia`l `lme meda daie ie`. `. Dyfre Dyfre `r `rld ldes es ifce ifcepu pute te sfrad sfradg` g`ae aead ad `l `lip ipld ldfd fd sfdsl sfdslre ressmes`reiedateo, iltevaseldac-aof`teo, mad `lgdeteo-fvacuateo yadg `lipcf`s. @arfda `lipcf `li pcf`se `setas tas ede, ede, hae` hae` pfdmf` pfdmf`atad atad oaria` oaria`lcl lclges ges mad dldoar dldoaria` ia`lcl lclges ges barus barus mepfrteihadg`ad udtu` ifdglhate rasa sa`et/ dyfre yadg merasa`ad. Mare hfhfrapa cetfrat cetfratur ur mad kurdac kurdac meatas meatas tfrias tfriasu` u` : cetfrat cetfratur ur yadg yadg ifdgai ifdgaihec hec tfia tfia tfdtad tfdtadg g ifmetas ifm etase, e, mapat mapat `eta `eta habas habas habwa habwa actfrda actfrdateo teo tbfrap tbfrapee ifmeta ifmetase se mapat mapat ifihad ifihadtu tu ifdgatase decae aihadg dyfre pasefd, sfcaed mare tfbde` mestra`se rfca`sase yadg sfredg `ace `eta ca`u`ad pama `asus kurdac yadg pfrtaia ifdurut (Admedda Mwe Vtaie & Eifcma Xabiayudea @arte`a, @arte`a, 8>12 ) . Ifdurut (Macajlrtf, Xegl, & Macajlrtf, 8>11), tfrmapat buhudgad suihfr  maya dld oaria`lclges mfdgad pfdglhatad oaria`lclges yadg mapat ifihadtu ifdg if dgur urad adge ge pf pfdg dggu guda daad ad ad adac acgf gfse` se` ma mad d ifie ifiede deia iac` c`ad ad fo fof` f` sa saip iped edg g ma mare re  pfdglhatad kadg`a padkadg. Macai sfhuab hu`u yadg hfrkumuc –Ifmetase Kacad Ifduku Ifd uku @fsfihu @fsfihubad bad Caber Caber mad Hatbed Hatbed’, ’, `arya `arya ]kepta ]keptamed medata, ata, ifiuat ifiuat tfdtad tfdtadg g rfa`se mad rfspld rfspld tuhub yadg iudg`ed teihuc macai ifdkacadedy ifdkacadedyaa mad hfrhagae jara yadg yadg pacedg pacedg iumab iumab udtu` udtu` ifdgat ifdgatased asedya. ya. Zfbedg Zfbedgga ga mepaste mepaste`ad `ad mfdgad mfdgad ifipra ifip ra`t `tf` f``a `ad d ifme ifmeta tase se sfsua sfsuaee tu tudt dtud udad ad ya yadg dg me mehf hfre re`a `ad, d, a` a`ad ad me meras rasa` a`ad ad iado ia doaa aatd tdya ya sfjara sfjara ifdm ifdmac acai ai,, sf sfrta rta ifih ifihfr fre` e`ad ad de deca caee taiha taihab b ha hage ge pa pasef sefd d  pfdya`et tfriedac udtu` ifdurud`ad aihadg dyfre yadg hfcadgsudg caia. Macai  hu`u `arya ^auc Wecsld yadg hfrkumuc –]f`de` Bfdedg Ifmetase ]adpa Ieste`’, ifdudku``ad hagaeiada jara ifraeb cfheb hadya` macai bemup ede, ifdgatase  hadya` mfreta mad tf`adad-tf`adad `fbemupad ilmfrd. Edecab yadg ifipfrtfgas  haha` haru ifmetase udtu` hfrsedfrge `f hfrhagae meifdse mad sf`acegus puca sfhagae steiucase udtu` me`fihadg`ad plca-plca tflrete` ifmetase sfjara cfheb `liprfbfdseo 




6.1. @FZEI^VCAD @ad`fr (dflpcasia) ifrupa`ad pfrtuihubad yadg iudjuc mare karedgad dlriac mfdgad `ara`tfreste` pfrtuihubad (prlceofrase) hfrcfhebad pama sfc yadg `uaradg ifiece`e `fiaipuad oudgse sfc dlriac. Meagdlses `ad`fr `ede sumab tema` cage emfdte` mfdgad uiur yadg pfdmf`  tftape ifdgarab`ad sfhuab systfi pfrawatad yadg hesa ifipfrpadkadg `wacetas `fcadgsudgad bemup pasefd. Gfkaca yadg pacedg mraiates mad meta`ute pama pfdya`et cadkut amacab dyfre mad ifrupa`ad steiucus uiui udtu` `ldsuctase `ldsuctase pfrawatad paceateo. ]ukuad mare  pfrawatad amacab ifip if ipfr frpa padk dkad adg g

ifdkaga `uacetas bemup (QLC), ifdgldtrlc pfdya`et, `fca `fcadg dgsu sudg dgad ad

bemu bemup, p,

ma mad d

ifih ifihat atas asee

tl tl`s `ses eset etas as

tf tfr` r`ae aett

 pfdglhatad. Iadagfifd dyfre mehfre`ad `fpama pasefd ifcacue tfrape oaria`lclge mad dld oaria`lcl oaria`lclge ge udtu` udtu` ifdguradge ifdguradge edtfdsetas edtfdsetas mad `wacetas `wacetas dyfre pama pama pasefd mfdgad pfrawatad paceateo udtu` ifipfrtabad`ad `uacetas bemupdya. Iadagfifd dyfre dyf re adtara caed ifcacue ifcacue tfrape tfrape iusej, iusej,

ifmeta ifmetase, se, hfrmla, hfrmla, ifmetase ifmetase,, Guemfm Guemfm

eiagfry, pfdglhatad pfdglhatad trameseldac, bfrhac bfrhac ataupud arlia tfrape Ifmetase ifrupa`ad pfdgacebad pfrbatead `ftedg`at pfie`erad yadg cfheb macai mac ai bedgga bedgga iasu` iasu` `f tedg`a tedg`att pfie`e pfie`erad rad yadg yadg pacedg pacedg macai macai mad ifdjap ifdjapae ae suihfr pfie`erad sfbedgga metfiu`ad habwa ifmetase iaipu ifdgbaihat fof`  dfgatevf mare systfi seipates yadg ifdeihuc`ad se`ap agrfseo pama iadusea ke`a tfradjai. Ifmetase kuga mapat ifdedg`at`ad `amar ifcadtlded macai tuhub yadg iada mapat hfriadoaat udtu` ifihuat lradg ifdkame sfdadg mad dyaiad mad mapat ifdurud`ad dyfre. Ifmetase tfrape mapat ifdurud`ad strfs oese` mad strfs  pse`lslseac pama pasefd.

6.8. ZAXAD 15

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