Kelloggs Marketing Mix
Short Description
Kelloggs Marketing Mix...
Marketing Marketing Mix Katherine Mulhall 20041462
This assignment has been prepared with the highest standards of academic integrity
Katherine Mulhall
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Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................................................2 TABLES AND FIGURES............................................ FIGURES...................................................................... ....................................... ............... 3 COMPANY COMPANY HISTORY/BACKGROUND........................ HISTORY/BACKGROUND.............................................. .................................... .................... ...... 4 ELLOGG-BROTHER..........................................................................................4 JOHN HARVEY K ELLOGG ELLOGG$% ORN#LAKE%............................................................& THE A!"ENTAL REAT!ON O# K ELLOGG OR'ORATE !MAGE..............................................................................................................&
MARKET SEGMENTATION SEGMENTATION & TARGETING..................... ARGETING...................................................... ...................................... .....6 6 MARKET %EGMENTAT!ON.......................................................................................................( TARGET MARKET!NG............................................................................................................) MARKET POSITIONING...................................................................................8 TRATEG!E%.....................................................................................................* 'O%!T!ON!NG % TRATEG!E%
PRODUCT......................................................................................................9 NE+ 'RO",T "EVELO'MENT .............. ...................... ............... .............. ............... ............... .............. ........................................... .................................... New Product- ‘Special K’..........................................................................................10 'RO",T L!#E YLE........................................................................................................ Introductory Stage...................................................................................................11 Growth Stage...........................................................................................................11 Maturity Stage..........................................................................................................12 ecline Stage...........................................................................................................1! PRICING......................................................................................................14 !NTERNAL / E0TERNAL #ATOR%.........................................................................................4 Internal "actor# $%ecting Pricing eci#ion#.............................................................1& '(ternal "actor# $%ecting Pricing eci#ion#.............................................................1) PLACE DISTRIBUTION!.................. DISTRIBUTION!........................................ ............................................ .........................................1" ...................1" TRATEGY....................................................................................................) "!%TR!B,T!ON % TRATEGY ONL!NE MARKET!NG..........................................................................................................* *hat +u#ine## +ene,t# can the Internet proide...................................................1/ Kellogg’# nline Mareting.......................................................................................1/
PROMOTIONS..............................................................................................2# A"VERT!%!NG...................................................................................................................12 In#titutional $derti#ing...........................................................................................20 Product $derti#ing..................................................................................................20 CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS........................ RECOMMENDATIONS.............................................. ................................... ............. 22 ONL,%!ON% ............................... ................................................................. .................................................................. ...................................... ............. ........... .... 11 REOMMEN"AT!ON% ..........................................................................................................13 REFERENCES...............................................................................................24
Katherine Mulhall
Tables and Figur #!G,RE -+!LL!AM K E!TH K ELLOGG............................................................................................4 #!G,RE 1-J OHN HARVEY K ELLOGG.............................................................................................4 #!G,RE 3-%NA' RAKLE / 'O'..............................................................................................) #!G,RE 4-K ELLOGG5% %'E!AL K.............................................................................................2 #!G,RE &-%'E!AL K BL!%%.....................................................................................................2 #!G,RE (-N,TR!-G RA!N.........................................................................................................3 #!G,RE )-%'E!AL K LOGO.................................................................................................... #!G,RE *-"RO' A JEAN %!6E.................................................................................................. #!G,RE -R,NHY N,T.......................................................................................................1 #!G,RE 2-K ELLOGG5% LOGO.................................................................................................1&
Y TABLE -THE %EGMENTAT!ON 'ROE%%.......................................................................................( TABLE 1-N,TR!-GRA!N %ALE% #!G,RE%.....................................................................................3
Katherine Mulhall
Company History/Bacground Kellogg#s began on $ebruary 1%th 1%06& 'illiam Keith Kellogg was born (pril )th* 1+60* in Battle ,ree-* Michigan and he died in .ctober 6th* 1%/1&'illiam Kellogg was the person responsible for it all and was the person who signed the papers that officially incorporated the Battle ,ree- Toasted ,orn $la-es ,ompany which is now commonly -nown as Kellogg#s& 'ill Kellogg started his business entures by selling brooms* before helping his brother* ohn arey Kellogg* run the Battle ,ree- Sanitarium& 3ow he is responsible for the '&K Kellogg ,o& (lthough 'illiam Keith Kellogg is the official founder of the cereal* it was his brother ohn who had first attempted to deelop the first brea-fast cereal& ohn Kellogg failed to inent the cereal as the taste was not appealing and then that is when 'illiam stepped in and too- oer and with the addition of a simple ingredient* sugar* it became a huge success& The popularity of his new ,orn $la-es# cereal was discoered by accident in 1+)6* which Figure 1!"illiam #eit$ #ellogg encouraged 'illiam Kellogg to set up the Kellogg company* now the most successful cereal manufacturer in the world# 5Kelloggs 7&
John Harvey Kellogg-Brother ohn arey Kellogg 5$ebruary 26* 1+/2 8 9ecember 14* 1%4"7& Kellogg was a dynamo of human energy* a personification of the wor- ethic* who needed only 4 to / hours of sleep a night* went cycling or :ogging eery morning* dictated 2/ to /0 letters a day* adopted and reared 42 children* wrote nearly /0 boo-s* edited a ma:or maga;ine* performed more than 22*000 operations* gae irtually all of his money to charitable organi;ations* loed human serice* generally accomplished the wor- of ten actie people* and lied in good health to age %1 5ohn * 1%%%7& 'hilst 9r& ohn arey Kellogg wor-ed at the hospital and health spa in Michigan* his brother 'illiam wor-ed alongside him as the business manager& The hospital stressed healthy liing and -ept its patients on a diet that eliminated caffeine* meat* alcohol* and tobacco&
Figure 2!%o$n Har&ey #ellogg
Katherine Mulhall
The Accidental Creation of Kellogg’s Cornflakes The two brothers inented many foods that were made from grains* including a coffee substitute and a type of granola* which they forced through rollers and rolled into long sheets of dough& .ne day* after coo-ing some wheat* the men were called away& 'hen they eentually returned* the wheat had become stale& They decided to force the tempered grain through the rollers regardless of its condition& Surprisingly* the grain did not come out in long sheets of dough as it preiously had done& tension inoles the deelopment of indiidual offerings that appeal to different mar-et segments* but that remain closely related to the e>isting product line 5Boone E Kurt;* 1%%/7 Kelloggs already -new that women who are -een to watch their weight and shape see- a range of solutions throughout the day 8 not :ust at brea-fast& Figure !(pecial # Bliss They e>amined the accomplishment of Special K cereal and e>panded its product line by producing similar low fat* healthy snac- bars and nibbles for women to en:oy on the go& Kellogg#s was aware that people would not eat a bowl of cereal at their des- during the day so this new product was perfect for them mid8day snac-s& They brought out a wide range of Special K Snac-s such as Special K Bar 5original* apple E pear* chocolate* bliss7* Special K Mini Brea-s&
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!rod$ct &ife Cycle !roducts are li-e people* they go through stages of life& ( person#s life cycle progresses progress from infancy to childhood to adulthood to retirement to death whereas successful products progress through four basic stages@ introduction* growth* maturity and decline* this is -nown as a product life cycle&
3ntroductory (tage The firm#s ob:ectie in the early stages of the product life cycle is to stimulate demand for the new mar-et entry 5Boone E Kurt;* 1%%/7 $inancial losses are common in the introductory stage due to high e>pensie to deelop the product and heay promotion costs and e>tensie research e>penditure& (dertising is an e>tremely e>pensie component of mar-eting a new product as you hae to let your potential customers aware of this new product on the mar-et& ( negatie profit is usually the outcome as sales are low and e>pensie is high& pensie and roc-y stage there are ways to assist your product through the unpleasant stageH element that generates income& The other ariables include ma-ing the product* telling consumers about it* and ma-ing it aailable to them* all these other elements generate costs&
Internal ' ()ternal *actors !ricing decisions affect profit* olume* share of the mar-et and social stance& ternal factors& .scar 'ilde once wrote that a cynic is a man who -nows the price of eerything and the alue of nothing But the concepts of price and alue are hard to separate 5ill E .Sullian* 1%%%7
3nternal Factors ffecting *ricing 5ecisions (ccording to Kotler internal factors affecting pricing include the company#s mar-eting ob:ecties* mar-eting8mi> strategy* costs and organisation 5Kotler* (rmstrong* Saunders* E 'ong* 20017 Mareting +ectie# Before setting a price* the company must decide on its strategy for the product& 'hether or not the organisation has set its target mar-et and positioning carefully will determine if its mar-eting mi> strategy* including price* will be straightforward or not& $or e>ample Kellogg#s Special K targeted towards women and carefully positioned themseles in the healthy foods section* this allowed them to price Special K a little higher than their e>isting products such as Rice Krispies or Cornflakes. ,ompany ob:ecties are general aspirations toward which all actiities in the firm* not only pricing* are directed# 53agle E olden* 1%%/7 To be effectie and efficient* the company#s pricing decisions must fit into the mar-eting strategy* and be in line with decisions on other mar-eting8mi> elements& Ceflections on appropriate prices should occur at the time the product* communication* and distribution are conceied* because the different instruments of the mi> hae a synergic# influence on the mar-et 5Blois* 20007 The company may see- additional ob:ecties* the clearer a firm is about its ob:ecties* the easier it is to set prices& A>amples of common ob:ecties are survival, current profit a!iisation, arket-s"are a!iisation and pro#uct-$uality lea#ers"ip.# 5Kotler* (rmstrong* Saunders* E 'ong* 20017 17 Surial8 ,ompanies set surial as their fundamental ob:ectie if they are troubled by too much capacity* heay competition or changing consumer wants 5Kotler* (rmstrong* Saunders* E 'ong* 20017& Kellogg#s deals with surial by producing 14 ! a g e
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new product mi>es to meet consumers eer8changing wants such as %ll-&ran. !eople became aware of their health and how much fibre they consumed and this is why Kellogg#s launched %ll-&ran to meet their consumer wants and needs& ed costs* they can stay in business& isting competitors& 27 ,urrent profit ma>imisation8 Many companies use current profit ma>imisation as their pricing goal& They estimate what demand and costs will be at different prices and choose the price that will produce the ma>imum current profit* cash flow or return on inestment 5Kotler* (rmstrong* Saunders* E 'ong* 20017& Kellogg#s Cornflakes is so well -nown that they do not hae to promote it which means costs are low& (lso it has such a high demand because of its familiarity that Kellogg#s can -eep the price of Cornflakes relatiely low and still generate profit off the freFuent sales& "7 Mar-et8share leadership8 .ther companies want to obtain mar-et8share leadership& They beliee that the company with the largest mar-et share will en:oy the lowest costs and highest long8run profit 5Kotler* (rmstrong* Saunders* E 'ong* 20017& Kellogg#s posses most of the mar-et8share as they are the ones that inented cereal so yes their costs are low and profit is high& 47 !roduct8Fuality leadership8 ( company might decide that it wants to achiee product8Fuality leadership& This normally calls for charging a high price to coer such Fuality and the high cost of CE9 5Kotler* (rmstrong* Saunders* E 'ong* 20017
3o#t# ,osts can determine the price that a company can charge for its product& ( company will want to charge a price that will coer its costs for producing* distributing* and selling the product but also that will retriee a fair rate of return for the effort that was put into producing it& (ccording to (rmstrong many companies wor- to become the Llow8cost producers in their industries& ,ompanies with lower costs can set lower prices that result in greater sales and profits 5(rmstrong E Kotler* 20007& (s < hae mentioned& Kellogg#s Cornflakes is -nown as their Lcash8cow as it e>tremely well recognised so Kellogg#s does not hae to pump much inestment into the product so costs are low& 'ith haing low costs means that Kellogg#s can set low prices but still generate a substantial amount of profit&
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78ternal Factors ffecting *ricing 5ecisions (s well as factors internal to the firm* there are factors that are e>ternal to the firm that must be ta-en into account when prices are set& A>ternal factors that affect pricing decisions include the nature of the mar-et and demand* competition* and other enironmental elements 5(rmstrong E Kotler* 20007 4he Maret and e5and 'hereas costs set the lower limit of prices* the mar-et and demand set the upper limit& Both consumer and industrial buyer balance the price of a product or serice against the benefits of owning it& Thus* before setting prices* the mar-eter must understand the relationship between price and demand for its product 5Kotler* (rmstrong* Saunders* E 'ong* 20017& The seller#s pricing freedom aries with different types of mar-et& Aconomists recognise four different types of mar-et* each presenting a different pricing challengeH pure competition* monopolistic competition* oligopolistic competition* and pure monopoly& < beliee that Kellogg#s falls under oligopolistic competition which defines as a mar-et in which there a few sellers that are highly sensitie to each other#s pricing and mar-eting strategies 5Kotler* (rmstrong* Saunders* E 'ong* 20017& & The adertisement shows that he could not wait to eat the delicious cereal and they use the slogan Lobiously another Kellogg#s ,runchy 3ut* this indicates that this man is not alone when it comes to be addicted to the cereal&
3o5petitie $derti#ing $irms use competitie adertising when a product enters the growth stage of the product life cycle and other companies begin to enter the mar-etplace& ogo
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