CHAPTER I The Haunted House NANCY DREW DREW began peeling off off her garden gloves as she ran up the porch steps and into the hall to anser the ringing telephone! "he pic#ed it up and said$ %Hello&% %Hi$ Nanc'& This is Helen!% Although Helen Corning as nearl ' three 'ears older than Nanc'$ Nanc'$ the to girls ere close friends! %Are 'ou tied up on a case(% Helen as#ed! %No! What)s up( A *'ster'(% *'ster'(% %Yes+a haunted house!% Nanc' sat don on the chair b' the telephone! telephone! %Tell %Tell *e *ore&% the eighteen,'ear,old detective begged e-citedl'! e-citedl'! %You)ve %You)ve heard *e spea# of *' Aunt Rose*ar'$% Rose*ar'$% Helen began! %"ince beco*ing a ido$ she has lived ith her *other at Tin El*s$ the old fa*il' *ansion out in Cliffood! Well$ Well$ I ent to see the* 'esterda'! The' The' said that *an' strange$ *'sterious things have been happening there recentl'! I told the* ho good 'ou are at solving *'steries$ and a nd the')d li#e 'ou to co*e out to Tin El*s and help the*!% Helen paused$ out of breath! %It certainl' sounds intriguing$% Nanc' replied$ her e'es dancing! %If 'ou)re not bus'$ Aunt Rose*ar' and I ould li#e to co*e over in about an hour and tal# to 'ou about the ghost!% %I can)t ait!% After Nanc' had put don the phone$ she sat lost in thought for several *inutes! "ince solving The "ecret of the .ld Cloc#$ she had longed for another case! Here as her chance& Attractive$ blond,haired Nanc' as brought out of her da'drea*ing b' the sound of the doorbell! At the sa*e *o*ent the Dres) house#eeper$ Hannah /ruen$ ca*e don the front stairs! %I)ll anser it$% she offered! 0rs! /ruen had lived ith the Dres since Nanc' as three 'ears old! At that ti*e 0rs! Dre had passed aa' and Hannah had beco*e li#e a second *other to Nanc'! There as a deep affection beteen the to$ and Nanc' confided all her secrets to the understanding house#eeper! 0rs! /ruen opened the door and instantl' a *an stepped into the hall! He as short$ thin$ and rather stooped! Nanc' guessed his age to be about fort'! %Is 0r! Dre at ho*e(% he as#ed brus1uel'! brus1uel'! %0' na*e is Co*ber + Nathan Co*ber!% %No$ he)s not here 2ust no$% the house#eeper replied! The caller loo#ed over Hannah /ruen)s shoulder and stared star ed at Nanc'! %Are 'ou Nanc' Dre(% %Yes$ %Yes$ I a*! Is there an'thing I can do for 'ou(% The *an)s shift' ga3e *oved fro* Nanc' to Hannah! %I)ve co*e out of the goodness of *' heart to arn 'ou and 'our father$% he said po*pousl'! %Warn %W arn us( About hat(% Nanc' as#ed 1uic#l'! 1uic#l'! Nathan Co*ber straightened up i*portantl' and said$ %Your %Your father is in great danger$ 0iss! Dre&% 4oth Nanc' and Hannah /ruen gasped! 5Y 5 You *ean this ver' ver ' *inute(% the house#eeper 1uestioned! %All the ti*e$% as the startling anser! %I understand 'ou)re a prett' bright girl$ 0iss Dre +that 'ou even solve *'steries! Well$ Well$ right no I advise 'ou to stic# close to 'our 'our father! Don)t leave hi* for a *inute!% Hannah /ruen loo#ed as if she ere read' to collapse and suggested that the' all go into the
living roo*$ sit don$ and tal# the *atter over! When the' ere seated$ Nanc' as#ed Nathan /o*ber to e-plain further! %The stor' in a nutshell is this$% he began! %You %You #no that 'our father as brought in to do legal or# for the railroad hen it as bu'ing propert' for the ne bridge here!% As Nanc' nodded$ he continued$ %Well$ a lot of the f ol#s ho sold their propert' propert ' thin# the' ere g'pped!% Nanc')s face reddened! %I understood fro* *' father that ever'one as ell paid!% %That)s not true$% said Co*ber! %4esides$ the railroad is in a real *ess no! .ne of the propert' oners$ hose deed and signature the' clai* to have$ have$ sa's that he never signed the contract of sale!% %What)s his na*e(% Nanc' as#ed! %Willie Wharton!% Nanc' had not heard her father *ention this na*e! "he as#ed /o*ber to go on ith his stor'! stor'! %I)* acting as agent for Willie Wharton and several of the land oners ho ere his neighbors$% he said$ %and the' can *a#e it prett' tough for the railroad! Willie Wharton)s signature as never itnessed and the attached certificate of ac#noledg*ent as not notari3ed! That)s good proof the signature as a forger'! Well$ Well$ if the railroad thin#s the')re going to get aa' ith this$ the')re not&% Nanc' froned! "uch a procedure on the part of the propert' oners *eant trouble for her father& "he said evenl'$ %4ut all Willie Wharton has to do is sear before a notar' that he did sign the contract of sale!% Co*ber chuc#led! %It)s not that eas'$ 0iss Dre! Dre! Willie Wharton is not available! "o*e of us have a good idea here he is and e)ll produce hi* at the right ti*e! 4ut that ti*e on)t be until the railroad pro*ises to give the sellers *ore *one'! *one'! Then he)ll sign! You You see$ Willie is a real #ind *an and he ants to help his friends out henever he can! No he)s got a chance!% Nanc' had ta#en an instant disli#e to Co*ber and no no it as 1uadrupled! "he 2udged hi* to be the #ind of person ho sta's sta's ithin the boundaries of the la but hose ethics are 1uestionable! This as indeed a tough proble* for 0r! Dre& %Who are the people ho are apt to har* *' father(% she as#ed! %I)* not sa'ing ho the' are$% Nathan Co*ber retorted! %You %You don)t see* ver' appreciative of *' co*ing here to arn 'ou! 6ine #ind of a daughter 'ou are! You You don)t care hat happens to 'our father&% Anno'ed b' the *an)s insolence$ both Nanc' Na nc' and 0rs! /ruen angril' stood up! The house#eeper$ pointing toard the front door$ said$ %/ood da'$ da'$ 0r! /o*ber&% The caller shrugged as he too arose! %Have it 'our on a'$ but don)t sa' I didn)t arn 'ou&% He al#ed to the front door$ opened it$ and as he ent outside$ closed it ith a tre*endous bang! %Well$ %W ell$ of all the insulting people&% Hannah snorted! Nanc' nodded! %4ut that)s not the orst orst of it$ Hannah darling! I thin# there)s *ore to Co*ber)s arning than he is telling! It see*s to *e to i*pl' a threat! And he al*ost has *e convinced! 0a'be I should sta' close to Dad until he and the other la'ers have straightened out this railroad tangle!% "he said this ould *ean giving up a case she had been as#ed to ta#e! Hastil' Nanc' gave Hannah the highlights of her conversation ith Helen about the haunted *ansion! %Helen and her aunt ill be here in a little hile to tell us the hole stor'!% %.h$ *a'be things aren)t so serious for 'our father as that horrible *an *ade out$% Hannah said encouragingl'! %If I ere 'ou I)d listen to the details about the haunted house and then decide hat 'ou ant to do about the *'ster'!%
living roo*$ sit don$ and tal# the *atter over! When the' ere seated$ Nanc' as#ed Nathan /o*ber to e-plain further! %The stor' in a nutshell is this$% he began! %You %You #no that 'our father as brought in to do legal or# for the railroad hen it as bu'ing propert' for the ne bridge here!% As Nanc' nodded$ he continued$ %Well$ a lot of the f ol#s ho sold their propert' propert ' thin# the' ere g'pped!% Nanc')s face reddened! %I understood fro* *' father that ever'one as ell paid!% %That)s not true$% said Co*ber! %4esides$ the railroad is in a real *ess no! .ne of the propert' oners$ hose deed and signature the' clai* to have$ have$ sa's that he never signed the contract of sale!% %What)s his na*e(% Nanc' as#ed! %Willie Wharton!% Nanc' had not heard her father *ention this na*e! "he as#ed /o*ber to go on ith his stor'! stor'! %I)* acting as agent for Willie Wharton and several of the land oners ho ere his neighbors$% he said$ %and the' can *a#e it prett' tough for the railroad! Willie Wharton)s signature as never itnessed and the attached certificate of ac#noledg*ent as not notari3ed! That)s good proof the signature as a forger'! Well$ Well$ if the railroad thin#s the')re going to get aa' ith this$ the')re not&% Nanc' froned! "uch a procedure on the part of the propert' oners *eant trouble for her father& "he said evenl'$ %4ut all Willie Wharton has to do is sear before a notar' that he did sign the contract of sale!% Co*ber chuc#led! %It)s not that eas'$ 0iss Dre! Dre! Willie Wharton is not available! "o*e of us have a good idea here he is and e)ll produce hi* at the right ti*e! 4ut that ti*e on)t be until the railroad pro*ises to give the sellers *ore *one'! *one'! Then he)ll sign! You You see$ Willie is a real #ind *an and he ants to help his friends out henever he can! No he)s got a chance!% Nanc' had ta#en an instant disli#e to Co*ber and no no it as 1uadrupled! "he 2udged hi* to be the #ind of person ho sta's sta's ithin the boundaries of the la but hose ethics are 1uestionable! This as indeed a tough proble* for 0r! Dre& %Who are the people ho are apt to har* *' father(% she as#ed! %I)* not sa'ing ho the' are$% Nathan Co*ber retorted! %You %You don)t see* ver' appreciative of *' co*ing here to arn 'ou! 6ine #ind of a daughter 'ou are! You You don)t care hat happens to 'our father&% Anno'ed b' the *an)s insolence$ both Nanc' Na nc' and 0rs! /ruen angril' stood up! The house#eeper$ pointing toard the front door$ said$ %/ood da'$ da'$ 0r! /o*ber&% The caller shrugged as he too arose! %Have it 'our on a'$ but don)t sa' I didn)t arn 'ou&% He al#ed to the front door$ opened it$ and as he ent outside$ closed it ith a tre*endous bang! %Well$ %W ell$ of all the insulting people&% Hannah snorted! Nanc' nodded! %4ut that)s not the orst orst of it$ Hannah darling! I thin# there)s *ore to Co*ber)s arning than he is telling! It see*s to *e to i*pl' a threat! And he al*ost has *e convinced! 0a'be I should sta' close to Dad until he and the other la'ers have straightened out this railroad tangle!% "he said this ould *ean giving up a case she had been as#ed to ta#e! Hastil' Nanc' gave Hannah the highlights of her conversation ith Helen about the haunted *ansion! %Helen and her aunt ill be here in a little hile to tell us the hole stor'!% %.h$ *a'be things aren)t so serious for 'our father as that horrible *an *ade out$% Hannah said encouragingl'! %If I ere 'ou I)d listen to the details about the haunted house and then decide hat 'ou ant to do about the *'ster'!%
In a short ti*e a sports car pulled into the inding$ tree,shaded drivea' of the Dre ho*e! The large bric# house as set so*e distance bac# fro* the street! Helen as at the heel and stopped 2ust be'ond the front entrance! "he helped her aunt fro* the car and the' ca*e up the steps together! 0rs! Rose*ar' Ha'es as tall and slender and had gra'ing hair! Her face had a gentle e-pression but she loo#ed tired! Helen introduced her aunt to Nanc' and to Hannah$ and the group ent into the living roo* to sit don! Hannah offered to prepare tea and left the roo*! %.h$ Nanc'&) said Helen$ %I do hope 'ou can ta#e Aunt Rose*ar' and 0iss 6lora)s case!% 7uic#l' she e-plained that 0iss 6lora as her aunt)s *other! %Aunt Rose*ar' is reall' *' great,aunt and 0iss 6lora is *' great,grand*other! 6ro* the ti*e she as a little girl ever'bod' has called her 0iss 6lora!% %The na*e *a' see* odd to people the first ti*e the' hear it$% 0rs! Ha'es re*ar#ed$ %but e)re all so used to it$ e never thin# an'thing about it!% %Please tell *e *ore about 'our house$% Nanc' re1uested$ s*iling! %0other and I are al*ost nervous rec#s$% 0rs! Ha'es replied! %I have urged her to leave Tin El*s$ but she on)t! You You see$ 0other has lived there ever since she *arried *' father$ Everett Turnbull!% Turnbull!% 0rs! Ha'es ent on to sa' that all #inds of strange happenings had occurred during the past couple of ee#s! The' had heard untraceable *usic$ thu*ps and crea#ing noises at night$ and had seen eerie$ indescribable shados on alls! %Have 'ou notified the police(% Nanc' as#ed! %.h$ 'es$% 0rs! Ha'es ansered! %4ut after tal#ing ith *' *other$ the' ca*e to the conclusion that *ost of hat she sa and heard could be e-plained b' natural causes! The rest$ the' said$ probabl' as i*agination on her part! You You see$ she)s over eight' 'ears old$ and hile I #no her *ind is sound and alert$ I)* afraid that the police don)t thin# so!% After a pause 0rs! Ha'es ent on$ %I had al*ost tal#ed *'self into thin#ing the ghostl' noises could be attributed to natural causes$ hen so*ething else happened!% %What as that(% Nanc' 1uestioned eagerl'! %We ere robbed& During the night several pieces of old 2eelr' ere ta#en! I did telephone the police about this and the' ca*e to the house for a description of the pieces! 4ut the' still ould not ad*it that a ghost8' visitor had ta#en the*!% Nanc' as thoughtful for several seconds before *a#ing a co**ent! co**ent! Then she said$ %Do the police have an' idea ho the thief *ight be(% Aunt Rose*ar' shoo# her head! %No! And I)* afraid e *ight have *ore burglaries!% 0an' ideas ere running through Nanc')s head! .ne as that the thief apparentl' had no intention of har*ing an'one+that his onl' onl ' *otive had been burglar'! burglar'! Was Was he or as he not the person ho as %haunting% the house( .r could the strange happenings have so*e natural e-planations$ as the police had suggested( At this *o*ent Hannah returned ith a large silver tra' on hich as a tea service and so*e daint' sandiches! "he set the tra' on a table and as#ed Nanc' to pour the tea! "he herself passed the cups of tea and sandiches to the callers! As the' ate$ Helen said$ %Aunt Rose*ar' hasn)t told 'ou half the things that have happened! .nce 0iss 6lora thought she sa so*eone sliding out of a fireplace at *idnight$ and another ti*e a chair *oved fro* one side of the roo* to the other hile her bac# as turned! 4ut no one as there&% %Ho e-traordinar'&% Hannah /ruen e-clai*ed! %I)ve often read about such things$ but I never thought I)d *eet an'one ho lived in a haunted house!% Helen turned to Nanc' and ga3ed pleadingl' at her friend! %You %You see ho *uch 'ou)re needed
at Tin El*s( Won)t 'ou please go out there ith *e and solve the *'ster' of the ghost(% CHAPTER II The 0'sterious 0ishap "IPPIN/ their tea$ Helen Corning and her aunt aited for Nanc')s decision! The 'oung sleuth as in a dile**a! "he anted to start at once solving the *'ster' of the %ghost% of Tin El*s! 4ut Nathan Co*ber)s arning still rang in her ears and she felt that her first dut' as to sta' ith her father! At last she spo#e! %)0rs! Ha'es+% she began! %Please call *e Aunt Rose*ar'$% the caller re1uested! %All Helen)s friends do!% Nanc' s*iled! %I)d love to! Aunt Rose*ar'$ *a' I please let 'ou #no tonight or to*orro( I reall' *ust spea# to *' father about the case! And so*ething else ca*e up 2ust this afternoon hich *a' #eep *e at ho*e for a hile at least!% %I understand$% 0rs! Ha'es ansered$ tr'ing to conceal her disappoint*ent! Helen Corning did not ta#e Nanc')s announce*ent so cal*l'! %.h$ Nanc'$ 'ou 2ust *ust co*e! I)* sure 'our dad ould ant 'ou to help us! Can)t 'ou postpone the other thing until 'ou get bac#(% %I)* afraid not$% said Nanc'! %I can)t tell 'ou all the details$ but Dad has been threatened and I feel that I ought to sta' close to hi*!% Hannah /ruen added her fears! %/oodness onl' #nos hat the' *a' do to 0r! Dre$% she said! %"o*ebod' could co*e up and hit hi* on the head$ or poison his food in a restaurant$ or +% Helen and her aunt gasped! %It)s that bad(% Helen as#ed$ her e'es groing ide! Nanc' e-plained that she ould tal# to her father hen he returned ho*e! %I hate to disappoint 'ou$% she said$ %but 'ou can see hat a 1uandar' I)* in!% %You poor girl&% said 0rs! Ha'es s'*patheticall'! %No don)t 'ou orr' about us!% Nanc' s*iled! %I)ll orr' hether I co*e or not$% she said! %An'a'$ I)ll tal# to *' dad tonight!% The callers left shortl'! When the door had closed behind the*$ Hannah put an ar* around Nanc')s shoulders! %I)* sure ever'thing ill co*e out all right for ever'bod'$% she said! %I)* sorr' I tal#ed about those dreadful things that *ight happen to 'our father! I let *' i*agination run aa' ith *e$ 2ust li#e the' sa' 0iss 6lora)s does ith her!% %You)re a great co*fort$ Hannah dear$% said Nanc'! %To tell the truth$ I have thought of all #inds of horrible things *'self!% "he began to pace the floor! %I ish Dad ould get ho*e!% During the ne-t hour she ent to the indo at least a do3en ti*es$ hoping to see her father)s car co*ing up the street It as not until si- o)cloc# that she heard the crunch of heels on the drivea' and sa 0r! Dre)s sedan pull into the garage! %He)s safe&% she cried out to Hannah$ ho as testing potatoes that ere ba#ing in the oven! In a flash Nanc' as out the bac# door and running to *eet her father! %.h$ Dad$ I)* so glad to see 'ou&% she e-clai*ed! "he gave hi* a tre*endous hug and a resounding #iss! He responded affectionatel'$ but gave a little chuc#le! %What have I done to rate this e-tra bit of attention(% he teased! With a in# he added$ %I #no! Your date for tonight is off and 'ou ant *e to substitute!% %.h$ Dad$% Nanc' replied! %.f course *' date)s not off! 4ut I)* 2ust about to call it off!% %Wh'(% 0r! Dre 1uestioned! %Isn)t Dir# going to sta ' on 'our list(% %It)s not that$% Nanc' replied! %It)s because+ because 'ou)re in terrible danger$ Dad! I)ve been arned not to leave 'ou!% Instead of loo#ing alar*ed$ the la'er burst out laughing! %In terrible danger of hat( Are 'ou going to *a#e a raid on *' allet(%
%Dad$ be serious& I reall' *ean hat I)* sa'ing! Nathan Co*ber as here and told *e that 'ou)re in great danger and I)d better sta' ith 'ou at all ti*es!% The la'er sobered at once! %That pest again&% he e-clai*ed! %There are ti*es hen I)d li#e to thrash the *an till he begged for *erc'&% 0r! Dre suggested that the' postpone their discussion about Nathan Co*ber until dinner as over! Then he ould tell his daughter the true facts in the case! After the' had finished dinner$ Hannah insisted upon tid'ing up alone hile father and daughter tal#ed! %I ill ad*it that there is a bit of a *uddle about the railroad bridge$% 0r! Dre began! %What happened as that the la'er ho ent to get Willie Wharton)s signature as ver' ill at the ti*e! 9nfortunatel'$ he failed to have the signature itnessed or have the attached certificate of ac#noledg*ent e-ecuted! The poor *an passed aa' a fe hours later!% %And the other railroad la'ers failed to notice that the signature hadn)t been itnessed or the certificate notari3ed(% Nanc' as#ed! %Not right aa'! The *atter did not co*e to light until the *an)s ido turned his brief case over to the railroad! The old deed to Wharton)s propert' as there$ so the la'ers assu*ed that the signature on the contract as genuine! The contract for the railroad bridge as aarded and or# began! "uddenl' Nathan Co*ber appeared$ sa'ing he represented Willie Wharton and others ho had oned propert' hich the railroad had bought on either side of the 0us#o#a River!% %I understood fro* 0r! Co*ber$% said Nanc'$ %that Willie Wharton is tr'ing to get *ore *one' for his neighbors b' holding out for a higher price hi*self!% %That)s the stor'! Personall'$ I thin# it)s a sharp deal on Co*ber)s part! The *ore people he can get *one' for$ the higher his co**ission$% 0r! Dre stated! %What a *ess&% Nanc' e-clai*ed! %And hat can be done(% %To tell the truth$ there is little an'one can do until Willie Wharton is found! Co*ber #nos this$ of course$ and has probabl' advised Wharton to sta' in hiding until the railroad agrees to give ever'bod' *ore *one'!% Nanc' had been atching her father intentl'! No she sa an e-pression of eagerness co*e over his face! He leaned forard in his chair and said$ %4ut I thin# I)* about to outit 0r! Nathan Co*ber! I)ve had a tip that Willie Wharton is in Chicago and I)* leaving 0onda' *orning to find out!% 0r! Dre ent on$ %I believe that Wharton ill sa' he did sign the contract of sale hich the railroad co*pan' has and ill readil' consent to having the certificate of ac#noledg*ent notari3ed! Then$ of course$ the railroad on)t pa' hi* or an' of the other propert' oners another cent!% %4ut$ Dad$ 'ou still haven)t convinced *e 'ou)re not in danger$% Nanc' re*inded hi*! %Nanc' dear$% her father replied$ %I feel that I a* not in danger! Co*ber is nothing but a blo,hard! I doubt that he or Willie Wharton or an' of the other propert' oners ould resort to violence to #eep *e fro* or#ing on this case! He)s 2ust tr'ing to scare *e into persuading the railroad to accede to his de*ands!% Nanc' loo#ed s#eptical!! %4ut don)t forget that 'ou)re about to go to Chicago and produce the ver' *an Co*ber and those propert' oners don)t ant around here 2ust no!% %I #no!% 0r! Dre nodded! %4ut I still doubt if an'one ould use force to #eep *e fro* going!% :aughingl' the la'er added$ %"o I on)t need 'ou as a bod'guard$ Nanc'!% His daughter gave a sigh of resignation! %All right$ Dad$ 'ou #no best!% "he then proceeded to tell her father about the Tin El*s *'ster'$ hich she had been as#ed to solve! %If 'ou approve$% Nanc' said in conclusion$ %I)d li#e to go over there ith Helen!% 0r! Dre had listened ith great interest! No$ after a fe *o*ents of thought$ he s*iled!
%/o b' all *eans$ Nanc'! I reali3e 'ou)ve been itching to or# on a ne case+and this sounds li#e a real challenge! 4ut please be careful!% %.h$ I ill$ Dad&% Nanc' pro*ised$ her face lighting up! %Than#s a *illion!% "he 2u*ped fro* her chair$ gave her father a #iss$ then ent to phone Helen the good nes! It as arranged that the girls ould go to Tin El*s on 0onda' *orning! Nanc' returned to the living roo*$ eager to discuss the *'ster' further! Her father$ hoever$ glanced at his rist atch! %"a'$ 'oung lad'$ 'ou)d better go dress for that date of 'ours!% He in#ed! %I happen to #no that Dir# doesn)t li#e to be #ept aiting!% %Especiall' b' an' of *' *'steries!% "he laughed and hurried upstairs to change into a dance dress! Half an hour later Dir# ;ac#son arrived! Nanc' and the red,haired$ for*er high,school tennis cha*pion drove off to pic# up another couple and attend an a*ateur pla' and dance given b' the local :ittle Theater group! Nanc' thoroughl' en2o'ed herself and as sorr' hen the affair ended! With the pro*ise of another date as soon as she returned fro* Tin El*s$ Nanc' said good night and aved fro* her doora' to the departing bo'! As she prepared for bed$ she thought of the pla'$ the e-cellent orchestra$ ho luc#' she as to have Dir# for a date$ and hat fun it had all been! 4ut then her thoughts turned to Helen Corning and her relatives in the haunted house$ Tin El*s! %I can hardl' ait for 0onda' to co*e$% she *ur*ured to herself as she fell asleep! The folloing *orning she and her father attended church together! Hannah said she as going to a special service that afternoon and therefore ould sta' at ho*e during the *orning! %I)ll have a good dinner aiting for 'ou$% she announced$ as the Dres left! After the service as over$ 0r! Dre said he ould li#e to drive don to the aterfront and see hat progress had been *ade on the ne bridge! %The railroad is going ahead ith construction on the far side of the river$% he told Nanc'! %Is the Wharton propert' on this side(% Nanc' as#ed! %Yes! And I *ust get to the truth of this *i-ed,up situation$ so that or# can be started on this side too!% 0r! Dre ound a*ong the *an' streets leading don to the 0us#o#a River$ then too# the vehicular bridge across! He turned toard the construction area and presentl' par#ed his car! As he and Nanc' stepped fro* the sedan$ he loo#ed ruefull' at her pu*ps! %It)s going to be rough al#ing don to the aterfront$% he said! %Perhaps 'ou had better ait here!% %.h$ I)ll be all right$% Nanc' assured hi*! %I)d li#e to see hat)s being done!%
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