Karuppasamy the Performer God.en

April 9, 2017 | Author: zenzei | Category: N/A
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For those of you who have been following my teaching about Karuppasamy, I want to give you some additional information. Perhaps a recap on Karuppasamy h imself. He is a God who has been acknowledged as a performer. It's very interesting that I came across a very small book a few days ago. You want to know about Karuppasamy, this is the size of the book. I haven't read it. It will take a few years for anyone to read, at least for me. This contains everything about this God. He has been around for a long time. But he's currently emerging. This is a phenomenon. He has been often considered, historically, as a village God. So, people who are educated don't want to bother and worship him. He doesn't even have a temple, a decent temple. Often, he has a statue and a horse to represent him, statues. And villagers go and then, pray to him. But there are accounts by villagers, even today, that they're able to see him in the night, guarding their house, guarding their paddyfields, their cattle and so forth. And this is very common in Indian villages. I accidentally came across this God when I was driving. I think I had mentioned this before. I saw his temple on the roadside and he drew my attention and I stopped the car. And then, to make a long story short I happened to be in a session when the prie st was channeling Karuppasamy. And he was healing people like Jesus would heal. Like making the dumb to speak and deaf people to hear and solving problems like this instantaneously. And then, I got curious about this God. There are hundreds of thousands of temples by human villagers. So, I began to experiment with him and I found that he was a performing God. Because I've always been looking for results.

And in my experiments I found that he was really performing. That's how I had a guy to go get trained and he was giving the reading. And people have had miracles. And now he has gone on further training, so he won 't be available. My own intention about Karuppasamy is to give you, to give to the world even an understanding of what this new phenomenon of this God represents. He is not just unique to the Southern India particularly, Tamil Nadu. He is an archetype. I would call him a Bodhisattva. A bodisatva is an enlightened person, who was once a human being and became enli ghtened. But wouldn`t want to leave the Earth plane and remained in another form to help people. And until all the people are helped out he is not going to go to heaven. That's the kind of dedication the bodhisattvas within the Buddhist tradition rep resent. So, he is, Karuppasamy is one of the bodhisattvas, with tremendous amount of power, who knows the human problems and he is out there to help people to solve the problems and he is a righteous G od. He is intolerant towards injustice, towards diseases and things like that. And he insists on results and delivers. Now, the reader is being on more training. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise because now we could serve more peopl e. And introduce them to Karuppasamy. And all that you need is develop a personal interest in Karuppasamy. So, what does that mean? That means, you know, you pray to him at a certain time, like 8:20 p.m. You can give any offering that you can if you are...whatever you like, you can o ffer him, incense and fruits and put your prayer. This is the minimum you can do. And then, you have to do it every day and be sincere in your approach to him and your request to him.

And say, "this is it. I need divine guidance. I have done everything on a human level and beyond that I cannot do. And I need divine intervention." And then, he will come an intervene, in your efforts and get things done to you. So, you make a personal relationship with Karuppasamy. You can download a picture of Karuppasamy statue that is in our ashram and use i t. There's a story about the statue that is very special. Someone who was trying to exploit me in making the statue and Karuppasamy made s ure that he doesn`t collect even a penny from me. But after a few months, I had to go and find the sculptor and pay. It's a long story, you don't have to know about that. But it's a very powerful statue, so you have to keep a picture. And those of you who want to do more than doing your own worship can have services performed to him, to the statue that I have commissioned to do and which we are using here. Prayers will be done on your behalf and that's one thing. And there are hundreds of Karuppasamy temples. I showed you the book. I have been researching the most powerful Karuppasamy tem ples, where we can do remedies for you. That also will be available to you. So, the most important thing is to understand Karuppasamy as someone who is a universal archetype, you know, I've been myself thinking about him, he's someo ne like Eliahu in the Jewish tradition or Saint George in the Christian tradition, in Ch ina is Guanyin, in SouthAmerica, he is Quetzalcoatl, names are different, but they all have one thing in common: They deliver. They deliver. And they deliver because they are close to the earth plane. And they are concerned about the problems of people of lack of money or lack of relationship

or diseases or litigations and so forth. And Karuppasamy runs to solve the problems. So, take advantage of this service. Although, there is no reader available, it d oesn't mean much. You can directly talk to him and do the service yourself or you can do it throug h the ashram and also perform rituals in any of the hundreds of thousands of temples here.

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