Short Description
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan Bahan % 'elas 'elas % Semester Semester Bentuk Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Re(ount Re(ount % ) % 1 !ertul !ertulis is * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on Meres-on makna makna dan langkah langkah retorika retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/ha sehari/hari ri dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure
N. SA2 : 1
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 4
B3'3 B3'3
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0e 6e0elo lo-i -ing ng 5ngl 5nglis ish h 4om4om-et eten en(i (ies es 7or 7or rade )
The Football Match My rother and I 8ent to a 7ootall mat(h yesterday. yesterday. ur s(hool team 8as -laying against another High S(hool team. ur team 8ore red and 8hite shirts, 8hite shorts, and red sto(kings. !he other team MATERI 8ore orange and la(k shirts, orange shorts, and la(k sto(kings. 9!hey look like ees9, my rother said, and 8e laughed. !hey -layed like ees too. !hey ran 0ery 7ast, atta(ked 0ery hard, and -assed the all to Recount ea(h other 0ery 7ast. Soon they s(ored their 7irst goal. My rother and I shouted and shouted, 94ome on, alley S(hool; 4ome on, the alleys;< ur headmaster 8as near us and he 8as shouting too. He seemed 0ery enthusiasti(. Ho8e0er, the high s(hool s(ored another goal. =e 8ere 0ery sad. !hen, one o7 the 9ees< sto--ed the all 8ith one o7 his hands, so our team got the 7ree ki(k. ur INDIKATOR SOAL (a-tain took it and s(ored a goal. =e shouted, 9Hooray;< !he s(ore 8as no8 ":1. !hat 8as etter. No8 our team egan to -lay etter>or the 9ees< 8ere getting tired. ur team s(ored another goal e7ore hal7/time. In the se(ond hal7 o7 the mat(h, oth teams tried 0ery hard, ut neither s(ored, so at the ¤ Menentukan Menentukan gamaran gamaran umum dari teks end the s(ore 8as still t8o all. erentuk re(ount
1. !he te?t tells aout @ a. joining a 7ootall mat(h . 8inning a 7ootall mat(h (. attending a 7ootall mat(h d. the s(hool 7ootall team e. -laying 7ootall
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan Bahan % 'elas 'elas % Semester Semester Bentuk Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Re(ount Re(ount % ) % 1 !ertul !ertulis is * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on Meres-on makna makna dan langkah langkah retorika retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/ha sehari/hari ri dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure
N. SA2 : "
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : A
B3'3 B3'3
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0e 6e0elo lo-i -ing ng 5ngl 5nglis ish h 4om4om-et eten en(i (ies es 7or 7or rade )
The Football Match My rother and I 8ent to a 7ootall mat(h yesterday. yesterday. ur s(hool team 8as -laying against another High S(hool team. ur team 8ore red and 8hite shirts, 8hite shorts, and red sto(kings. !he other team MATERI 8ore orange and la(k shirts, orange shorts, and la(k sto(kings. 9!hey look like ees9, my rother said, and 8e laughed. !hey -layed like ees too. !hey ran 0ery 7ast, atta(ked 0ery hard, and -assed the all to Recount ea(h other 0ery 7ast. Soon they s(ored their 7irst goal. My rother and I shouted and shouted, 94ome on, alley S(hool; 4ome on, the alleys;< ur headmaster 8as near us and he 8as shouting too. He seemed 0ery enthusiasti(. Ho8e0er, the high s(hool s(ored another goal. =e 8ere 0ery sad. !hen, one o7 the 9ees< sto--ed the all 8ith one o7 his hands, so our team got the 7ree ki(k. ur INDIKATOR SOAL (a-tain took it and s(ored a goal. =e shouted, 9Hooray;< !he s(ore 8as no8 ":1. !hat 8as etter. No8 our team egan to -lay etter>or the 9ees< 8ere getting tired. ur team s(ored another goal e7ore hal7/time. In the se(ond hal7 o7 the mat(h, oth teams tried 0ery hard, ut neither s(ored, so at the ¤ Menentukan Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat tersurat dari end the s(ore 8as still t8o all. teks erentuk re(ount
". =hat did the 8riter and his rother do a7ter a7ter the ri0al team s(ored their their 7irst goal a. !hey shouted to su--ort their s(hool team. . !hey shouted to the headmaster. headmaster. (. !hey laughed at their s(hool team. d. !hey ran 0ery 7ast. e. !hey -layed like ees.
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan Bahan % 'elas 'elas % Semester Semester Bentuk Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Re(ount Re(ount % ) % 1 !ertul !ertulis is * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on Meres-on makna makna dan langkah langkah retorika retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/ha sehari/hari ri dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure
N. SA2 :
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 5
B3'3 B3'3
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0e 6e0elo lo-i -ing ng 5ngl 5nglis ish h 4om4om-et eten en(i (ies es 7or 7or rade )
The Football Match My rother and I 8ent to a 7ootall mat(h yesterday. yesterday. ur s(hool team 8as -laying against another High S(hool team. ur team 8ore red and 8hite shirts, 8hite shorts, and red sto(kings. !he other team MATERI 8ore orange and la(k shirts, orange shorts, and la(k sto(kings. 9!hey look like ees9, my rother said, and 8e laughed. !hey -layed like ees too. !hey ran 0ery 7ast, atta(ked 0ery hard, and -assed the all to Recount ea(h other 0ery 7ast. Soon they s(ored their 7irst goal. My rother and I shouted and shouted, 94ome on, alley S(hool; 4ome on, the alleys;< ur headmaster 8as near us and he 8as shouting too. He seemed 0ery enthusiasti(. Ho8e0er, the high s(hool s(ored another goal. =e 8ere 0ery sad. !hen, one o7 the 9ees< sto--ed the all 8ith one o7 his hands, so our team got the 7ree ki(k. ur INDIKATOR SOAL (a-tain took it and s(ored a goal. =e shouted, 9Hooray;< !he s(ore 8as no8 ":1. !hat 8as etter. No8 our team egan to -lay etter>or the 9ees< 8ere getting tired. ur team s(ored another goal e7ore hal7/time. In the se(ond hal7 o7 the mat(h, oth teams tried 0ery hard, ut neither s(ored, so at the ¤ Menentukan Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat tersurat dari end the s(ore 8as still t8o all. teks erentuk re(ount
. =hi(h statement statement is true a((ording to the te?t a. !he 8riter and his rother 8ill 8at(h a 7ootall mat(h. INDIKATOR SOAL . !he 8riterCs s(hool team 8ore orange and la(k la(k shirts. (. !he 8riter (alled his s(hool team the 9eesor the 9ees< 8ere getting tired. ur team s(ored another goal e7ore hal7/time. In the se(ond hal7 o7 the mat(h, oth teams tried 0ery hard, ut neither s(ored, so at the teks teks end the s(ore 8as still t8o all.
D. A 8ord in in the te?t 8hi(h has the same meaning as 9leader< 9leader< is @ a. rother . goal (. (a-tain d. team e. s(ore
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan Bahan % 'elas 'elas % Semester Semester Bentuk Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Re(ount Re(ount % ) % 1 !ertul !ertulis is * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on Meres-on makna makna dan langkah langkah retorika retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/ha sehari/hari ri dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure MATERI Recount
Mene Menent ntuk ukan an makn maknaa erentuk re(ount
kata kata
dari dari
N. SA2 :
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 6
B3'3 B3'3
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0e 6e0elo lo-i -ing ng 5ngl 5nglis ish h 4om4om-et eten en(i (ies es 7or 7or rade )
The Football Match My rother and I 8ent to a 7ootall mat(h yesterday. yesterday. ur s(hool team 8as -laying against another High S(hool team. ur team 8ore red and 8hite shirts, 8hite shorts, and red sto(kings. !he other team 8ore orange and la(k shirts, orange shorts, and la(k sto(kings. 9!hey look like ees9, my rother said, and 8e laughed. !hey -layed like ees too. !hey ran 0ery 7ast, atta(ked 0ery hard, and -assed the all to ea(h other 0ery 7ast. Soon they s(ored their 7irst goal. My rother and I shouted and shouted, 94ome on, alley S(hool; 4ome on, the alleys;< ur headmaster 8as near us and he 8as shouting too. He seemed 0ery enthusiasti(. Ho8e0er, the high s(hool s(ored another goal. =e 8ere 0ery sad. !hen, one o7 the 9ees< sto--ed the all 8ith one o7 his hands, so our team got the 7ree ki(k. ur (a-tain took it and s(ored a goal. =e shouted, 9Hooray;< !he s(ore 8as no8 ":1. !hat 8as etter. No8 our team egan to -lay etter>or the 9ees< 8ere getting tired. ur team s(ored another goal e7ore hal7/time. In the se(ond hal7 o7 the mat(h, oth teams tried 0ery hard, ut neither s(ored, so at the teks teks end the s(ore 8as still t8o all.
. 9He seemed 0ery 0ery enthusiastic.< !he antonym o7 the underlined 8ord is @ a. energiEed . e?(ited (. eager d. a-atheti( e. im-atient
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan Bahan % 'elas 'elas % Semester Semester Bentuk Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Narrati0e Narrati0e % ) % 1 !ertul !ertulis is * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on Meres-on makna makna dan langkah langkah retorika retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/ha sehari/hari ri dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure
MATERI Narrative
INDIKATOR SOAL ¤ Mengidenti7ikasi kejadian dalam teks yang dia(a
N. SA2 : F
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : A
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 5nglish Gor A Better 2i7e )
R3M3SAN B3!IR SA2 : n(e u-on a time there 8as a -oor 8ido8 8ho had an only son amed a(k. !hey 8ere so -oor that they didnCt ha0e anything e?(e-t a (o8. =hen the (o8 had gro8n too old, his mother sent a(k to the market to sell it. n the 8ay to the market, a(k met a ut(her 8ho had some eauti7ul eans in his hand. !he ut(her told the oy that the eans 8ere o7 great 0alue and -ersuaded the silly lad to sell the (o8 7or the eans. a(k rought them ha--ily. =hen he told his mother aout this, his mother e(ame so angry that she thre8 the eans out o7 the 8indo8. =hen a(k 8oke u- in the morning, he 7elt the sun shining into a -art o7 his room, ut all the rest 8as uite dark and shady. So he jum-ed to the 8indo8. =hat did he see !he eanstalk gre8 u- uite (lose -ast a(kCs 8indo8. He o-ened the 8indo8 and jum-ed to the eanstalk 8hi(h ran u- just like a ig ladder. He (limed and (limed till at last he rea(hed the sky. =hile looking around, he sa8 a 0ery huge (astle. He 8as 0ery amaEed. !hen a(k 8alked along the -ath leading to the (astle. !here 8as a ig tall 8oman 8oman on the doorste-. doorste-. a(k greeted her and asked or the giantessC mer(y to gi0e him reak7ast, e(ause he 8as 0ery hungry. Although the giantess grumled at 7irst, 7inally she ga0e a(k a hunk o7 read and (heese and a jug o7 milk. a(k hadnCt 7inished 8hen the 8hole house egan to tremle 8ith the noise o7 someoneCs (oming. 9h; ItCs my husand;< (ried the giantess. 9=hat on earth shall I do
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