Karns and Mingst - International organizations - The Search for Peace and Security

May 2, 2017 | Author: Simon Fiala | Category: N/A
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Notes from Chapter 8: The Search for Peace and Security in Margaret P. Karns and Karen A. Mingst "International org...


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K & M – Chapter 8: The Search for Peace and Security In: Margaret P. Karns and Karen A. Mingst (Eds.). International organizations: the politics and processes of global governance/ 2nd ed. Pp. 289 - 385.

Notes: 

Changing nature of conflicts o Since the 1950s the nature of war changed along with meaning of concepts of security  Changing nature of conflicts and humanitarian disasters o Sharp decrease of interstate wars o Sharp increase of intra-state (civil) conflicts  Peaked between 1985 and 1995  Struggles for determination, collapse of week states  Civil wars in Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Sudan, …  Long-standing conflicts, which threaten to erupt in open violence unpredictably  Palestinians, Tamils o Security  In the Westphalian system it meant state security = security of borders, control of population, freedom and non-interference into government’s sovereignty  Increasing stress on human rights over sovereignty  human security  Responsibility to protect = legitimacy for an armed intervention to protect people from violence and consequences of a state failure o Evolution of warfare  Weapons of mass destruction (since the WWII)  Terrorism (since 1950s) Pieces of security governance o Global IGOs o Norms on the use of force o International conventions o Regional security organizations o Enforcement mechanisms o Peaceful settlement mechanisms o Peacekeeping o Humanitarian intervention o Peace-building IGOs and security o The idea of IGOs protecting security came from the experience of WWI and II o The League of Nations and the UN  Based on the concept of collective security as an alternative to balance of power  Article 51: SC may authorize the use of force and to obligate members to undertake sanctions  Article 53: No enforcement action shall be taken under regional arrangements or by regional agencies without the authorization of the SC


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Article 54: Regional organizations must inform about their actions towards peace and security  SC often authorizes regional org. to undertake action; regional org. often cooperate with UN forces o Regional IGO venues for security  Europe: EU, NATO, OSCE, CSTO  Asia: ASEAN, ARF, SCO  Middle East: Arab League, GCC  Africa: ECOWAS, AU, SADC  Latin America: OAS NGOs and security o NGOs vary by mode of functioning  Think tanks, aid other organizations by research and provision of information (e.g. SIPRI)  Channelling policy research and advice into IGOs (e.g. IPI)  Mobilization of effective international action, crisis alert (e.g. ICG)  Norms setting and specific issue monitoring (e.g. disarmament groups)  Humanitarian relief operations (e.g. ICRC) Norms related to the use of force o Outlawing war  UN charter bounds its signatories to refrain from the use of force for dispute settlement  Use of force to annex territories is now widely accepted as illegitimate  Use of force as self-defence is, however, an accepted principle and legitimized the military action in the aftermath of 2001 (but it must be proportional!) o Promoting human security and humanitarianism  Four 1949 Geneva conventions + 2 additional protocols  International refugee law, taboo on use of nuclear, chemical and bio weapons  The Geneva conventions  Designed to protect civilians, POWs, wounded soldiers as well as to restrict means of warfare  Legal basis for defining ‘war crime’  International human rights law  Universal Declaration of Human Rights  Int’l Covenant on Political and Civil Rights  Principle of non-discrimination enshrined in the UN charter  ICC’s Rome statute  Humanitarian intervention  Evolution of international human rights and norms along with development of media led to increased demands on preventing atrocities without regards to borders  The genocide convention (1948) – grounds for UN enforcement  But does suffering of people justify recourse to armed invasion?  ‘The rights to interfere’ 2

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‘International accountability’ But also a pretext for self-serving military intervention, deployed selectively and achieving ambiguous ends. o Undermined by the failure of missions in Rwanda and Kosovo o ICISS (2001) criteria for military intervention: right authority, just cause, right intention, last resort, proportional means, reasonable prospects o R2P issues  Who may authorize intervention? Just the UN SC?  Humanitarian intervention rejected by the G77 and the Nonaligned Movement  Gender now as part of human rights – but idea of rights of genders not shared over the board Mechanism for the peaceful settlement of disputes o Hague Conferences 1899 and 1908 – Conventions for the Pacific Settlement of Int’l Disputes: Foundations of the mechanisms still in use today  Acknowledgement of ‘dead-end streets’ – need for mediation  International community’s stake in preventing war o Preventive diplomacy  Intended to change the calculus of the involved parties and steer the situation towards peaceful settlement  Studies suggest that it is possible to prevent conflicts from spinning out of control  Therefore need for timely alert system (the UN + cooperating bodies)  The rising prevalence of “culture of prevention” o Mediation  May work only in situation of ‘ripeness’ = all parties see their cost in case of a conflict high enough to seek for alternatives  Mediators: States, IGOs, NGOs, individuals + multiparty mediations  Roles: organizer, educator, risk-taker, catalyst for change, conciliator, policymaker, discipliner (mediator with muscle)  Distinct role of ad-hoc mediators and regional organizations  Central role of the UN Secretary-general o Adjudication and arbitration  Impartial third-party tribunals  Finding the basis for settlement in the international law rather than in political negotiation and diplomacy  The Hague peace conference  Permanent Court of Arbitration  Famous arbitrations: Argentina x Chile (Vatican), Israel x Egypt (Taba), Etiopia x Eritrea (PCA)  But: issues may be deemed as inherently political and therefore inappropriate for arbitration by one or more sides  Important case: The US x Nicaragua – the US contested the ICJ’s arbitration, withdrew from compulsory jurisdiction, contested its right to judge issues in the Americas. ICJ overruled and constituted a moral victory for Nicaragua  Territorial and maritime disputes 3

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Collective security, enforcement and sanctions o The notion of collective security relies on the idea that peace is indivisible, and that aggression may be deterred by international organizations and pacts between nations o League of Nations already laid down the grounds for enforcing collective security, but failed to respond to Japanese invasion of Manchuria (1931) and Italians in Ethiopia (1935). o UN Charter provides legal means for collective security, but restricted during the Cold War  Chapter VII provides the SC with the option to authorize the use of force  Opportunities to invoke the Chapter VII expanded with the evolution of security threats o Collective security efforts involving armed force  Korea; The Gulf War; Bosnia and Kosovo; Afghanistan; Anti-piracy enforcement o Enforcement and sanctions  International forums  enhanced opportunities to negotiate sanctions  Growing use since the end of the cold war  Used in 15 situations (1990 – 2001); 14 involved intra-state conflict, 4 terrorism, 3 proliferation  Often also unilateral sanctions by the US – embargoes  Cheap and effective, if comprehensive  Flat or targeted  Lifted when change of behaviour occurs, often accompanied by a restructuring plan; inducements for step-by-step development in the desired direction  BUT: May trigger humanitarian crises (such as in Iraq in the 1990s), may bring about state failure, may bolster the popularity of sanctioned leaders  Unsuitable in cases of failed states and armed factions. Unlikely to work unless it directly affects the leaders. Hence ‘smart sanctions’ (Iraq 2002) – targeting elites, alleviating the consequences of sanctions on civilians  Requires intelligence to identify flows of goods and capital; success depends on its comprehensibility and monitoring  Large-scale use of sanctions in the war on terrorism  Difficult to evaluate effectiveness of sanctions Peace operations o Function: to maintain cease-fire agreements, to stabilize conflict situations, to create an environment conductive for a peaceful settlement, to help to implement peace agreements, to protect civilians o Enforcement/peacekeeping  ‘Chapter VI and a half of the UN Charter’  Traditional peacekeeping/multidimensional peacekeeping/peacebuilding  Peacekeeping: impartiality, military force as a last resort  But, in contemporary inter-state conflicts it is often impossible to secure consent of the warring factions, and there is often no peace to monitor  Therefore nowadays both chapters VI (peaceful resolution) and VII (intervention) are invoked  Advantage of peacekeeping: no one is being identified as the aggressor o Organizing peacekeeping operations 4

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UN dept. of peacekeeping operations (DPKO) UN SG appoints a force commander and top officers Size of operation varies from small to major Realization relies on voluntary contribution of military and supporting personnel  Middle powers preferred, especially in the context of the Cold War  In early 2009 the UN had more than 90 000 deployed all over the world Traditional peacekeeping  First used in the 1950 in Israel, still invaluable in the Middle East  Mostly deployed in the context of inter-state conflicts  Requires consent of the host state, which can be withdrawn Complex, multidimensional peacekeeping  Intrastate conflicts, often accompanied with humanitarian crises  Military, police and civilian components laying foundations of sustainable peace  Involvement of other bodies and NGOs  Repatriation of refugees, organizing elections, monitoring disarmament, disabling landmines, … Peace-building  Namibia – the stress-test of peacebuilding. Administration of emancipation of Namibia from occupation by South Africa  Cambodia (1993) – Peacekeeping and total reconstruction of institutions of governance by the UN. The whole country administered for a period of 18 months  Former Yugoslavia (1991 – 1996) – Chapter VII invoked for the first time along with a peacekeeping mission, marking the beginning of the ambiguity of peace-making and enforcement  DRC – “Africa’s First world war”. Messy situation, little political will, danger of “Somalia repeating itself”, country levitating on the brink of a state failure, Deployment of EU rapid reaction force  Is it better to undertake a weak and insufficient operation or none at all?  Kosovo and East Timor


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