Karns and Mingst - International organizations - The Role of States in Global Governance

May 2, 2017 | Author: Simon Fiala | Category: N/A
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Notes from Chapter 7: The Role of States in Global Governance in Margaret P. Karns and Karen A. Mingst "Internation...


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Chapter 7: The Role of States in Global Governance In: Margaret P. Karns and Karen A. Mingst (Eds.). International organizations: the politics and processes of global governance/ 2nd ed.

Notes:  

Despite the development of multilateral regimes, states remain central actors in global governance; the international system remains fundamentally a system of sovereign states States and global governance o States’ relative power matters o IGO’s often favour the powerful  Power  privileges (e.g. 5 permanents in the Security Council, weighting in the WB and IMF)  Funding is a powerful leverage o Studying global governance requires understanding of interaction between states and other pieces of global governance  IGOs can only exist when states delegate authority to them through agreements o Sovereignty  Unfettered right to act  But also responsibilities: State is a servant of its people, not otherwise  Domestic sovereignty – ability to exercise control over internal issues  Power doesn’t make a state more or less sovereign  limited by international law (customary and treaty) and increasingly by multilateral regimes The role of the US o A hegemon, played a central part in shaping the post-war developments o Stimulated establishment of many IGOs  Incl. UN, IMF, WB, IAEA, NATO, WTO o UN charter, for example, blatantly congruent with the US interests, served as an extension of the national politics  Used to legitimate the Gulf War (1990), the Korean War (1950), Afghanistan (the aftermath of 9/11) o But also abstained from building certain multilateral regimes  League of Nations, proposed International Trade Organization, UN convention on the Law of the Sea (1982), CTBT, ILO, UNESCO (1978-1980) o Ambiguous approach to multilateralism  Assumed a dubious stance towards the UN, especially after the failure of the missions in Somalia, Rwanda and Bosnia; caused its financial crisis by withdrawing funding  Rejection of the ICC (1998), Kyoto protocol (1997), landmines ban (1997), undermined the Geneva convention by exempting its secret detention facilities  Failure to secure consensus on the war in Iraq (2003)  The Bush government’s unilateral turn


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Often bullied weaker countries into granting the US a veto power or a proportional advantage  Undermined legitimacy of multilateral regimes, caused frustration in allies o After 9/11, acknowledgement of the need to address certain issues multilaterally  Championing of WTO and NATO, promoting Non-proliferation o Dynamic factors  US power in the international system  Hegemony  Exceptionalism, exemptionalism o US norm and values regarded as unique and universal, to be promoted elsewhere and left unconstrained in the US  Little internalization of international norms  Domestic politics  The relation between the legislative and the executive  Domestic pressure groups, public opinion  Characteristic of the pieces of global governance  The US embraced certain regimes easier than other ones o The financial liberalization under the orchestration of the WTO easily accepted o Multilateralism on the issues of economic, social and environmental policies, however, not so much o “The US has the power to act alone, but by acting unilaterally it undermines the very multilateral system it established, the system that is congruent with the US interests 95% of the time” 261  IOs act as the chief legitimizing agents in the global politics. When undermined, the whole international order is in jeopardy Other powerful states o Permanent UN security members: US, Russia, China, GB, FR o The Soviet Union/Russia  Competing hegemonic power during the Cold war  The Warsaw pact (response to NATO)  Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON – response to Marshall’s plan)  Often blocked the working of the UN  Collapse in 1991  Since 1999 (Putin) expansion of multilateralism  OSCE, G8, partnership with NATO  A distinct regional power offering alternative economic and military arrang.  Bypassing IGOs, undermining of multilateral regimes (e.g. Georgia 2008) o Great Britain and France  Both continue to occupy positions of global importance disproportionate to their size and economic resources  Major players in IMF, WB, UN, NATO  Keep nourishing their formerly colonial ties 2

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 Commonwealth, Francophonie  Britain  Key positions in ECOSOC, ICJ, ILO, WHO  France  Key positions in UNESCO, IMF, WB, IAEA  Integration of Europe  Indicated their importance by addressing the 2008 financial crisis Rising China  Nuclear state, potentially huge economy, aid donor in Africa, borrower from WB  Expected not to comply easily with current western leaning international standards  In 1977 multilateral opening in China, entering UN  Still remained relatively isolated until 1980s; 1980s – joining multiple I(N)GOs  Since mid-1990s china pioneered IO in the east Asian region  APEC, ASEAN+3 forum, ASEAN FTA, Shanghai CO  2000 on – rise in power and confidence  Personnel in UN peacekeeping operations  Has been supporting the contemporary international regime when weakened  Implementation of international norms into the domestic body of law o ‘Socialization into the int’l community’  Selective multilateralism  Human rights and labour standards  Deliberate failure to enforce certain standards (e.g. intellectual property)  Chinese multilateralism  Multipolarism  Responsible great power Germany and Japan  Defeated factions in the WWII  Underrepresented in the executives of IOs, but economically important  Large financial contribution  spend their way into political decision-making  Germany  Strong drive towards multilateralism, supporting the unification of Europe  Both dedicated to championing environmental issues India and Brazil  India + Brazil + Russia + China = BRICs – growing influence in the world economy  India  world’s largest democracy, but not a permanent member of the UN SC  founder of the Non-Aligned Movement and the G77  large contributor to the UN, but problems with Pakistan, a nuclear rebel  favours underdogs over the superpowers o together with China blocked the Doha rounds  Brazil  Oil reserves  Pan-Americanism, Free trade area of the Americas 3

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Middle-power states  (in terms of power and size)  E.g. Canada – specialized services for the UN  Nordic countries, Australia and the New Zealand, …  Specialized tasks, consensus-brokering, often well-represented in IGOs o Small states, developing states  Coalition building, issue linkage strategies  Multilateral agreements to constrain powerful states  Can have large impact in world politics if skilled enough; at the same time they often lack resources and expertise to participate efficiently State strategies o Forum shopping:  Multiplicity of forums creates overlaps, countries choose forums where they can expect the most favourable reception o Coalition building  Pooling of power of the like minded o Ad-hoc multilateralism  Usually no charter, no precise operating procedures, easily dissolve and change  Security  Groups of states often forming group to inquire into a certain issue and assist the UN Secretary-general in its solution  Finance  E.g. G20 Explaining state policies and state strategies o Systemic factors  The structure of the international system and the state’s relative position within it  Hegemonic theory (realist)  the existence or absence of international organization can be derived from interests of dominant powers  Most of the IOs crafted in the 20th century reflect US/European norms  Distribution of power explains a country’s ability to use range of policies, tools and forums  Dependency theory  Dependent states locked in the periphery of the world system  “Dependency is a condition, not a choice”  System ‘shocks’  Can encourage experimentation and new institution building  Can also lead states to withdraw from int’l commitments to protect themselves o Domestic politics  (liberals, constructivists)  E.g. authoritarian states shun interference into domestic issues, ideological congruence of policies  Mobilization of civil societies 4

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Characteristic of the pieces of global governance  Formal/informal  Autonomous/dependent  Scope of jurisdiction; (non)binding?  May induce penalty, exert authority? o Why do countries to give up autonomy and seek IO?  Predicament of functional division of labour and specialization  Expertize, information gathering, non-partisanship Challenges to multilateral diplomacy o Cultural differences  Mind-systems, modes of thought  High-context/low context o Leadership and facilitating agreement  E.g. preference of consensus-making over voting  Power-steering – agreement within a group of key states, then extension  Leadership makes a difference – favours skilled over simply powerful


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