
April 30, 2019 | Author: Adi | Category: Recreation, Physical Exercise, Human Anatomy, Sports
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Karate Training Programs: How to build striking power on a shoestring budget  Authored and published by Owen Johnston For more details on the progressions, view my full guide, which is also available for free at my website: www.bodyweight.bi website:  www.bodyweight.bi

Owen Johnston ! https:""ww https:""www.youtube.com" w.youtube.com"bodyweightbi bodyweightbi


Owen Johnston ! https:""ww https:""www.youtube.com" w.youtube.com"bodyweightbi bodyweightbi #opyright $nformation %arate &raining 'rograms Fitness $nstruction  Authored and published published by Owen Owen Johnston ( Owen Johnston, )*+. -icensed under the Attribution on#ommercial o/erivatives 0.* -icense 1 http:""creativecommons.org"licenses"by1nc1nd"0.*"  2ou are encouraged encouraged to share the book, book, print it out, and and upload it to other sites. sites. $ want to change the world one life at a time, and help people ditch the gym3 2ou can build muscle and strength with bodyweight. 4ork out for free anywhere3 /on5t buy the scams and misinformation misinformation sold by the fitness industry. 67very day, we change the world, but to change the world in a way that means anything, that takes more time than most people have. $t never happens all at once. $t8s slow. $t8s methodical. $t8s e9hausting. 4e don8t all have the stomach for it. 1 ;r. isit my site for more information, free downloads, and strength training playlists: http:""www.bodyweight.bi"


Owen Johnston ! https:""ww https:""www.youtube.com" w.youtube.com"bodyweightbi bodyweightbi


Owen Johnston ! https:""ww https:""www.youtube.com" w.youtube.com"bodyweightbi bodyweightbi /isclaimer &his guide is intended for people of good health and physical condition. &he training methods and advice in this guide may not be for everyone. Always consult your physician  before starting starting a new e9ercise e9ercise program. $ am not a physician, physician, and as such, nothing nothing in this guide should in any way be taken as medical advice or a substitute for medical advice. advice. Also, this guide should not be used to replace advice from your personal physician. physician. 'hysical activity always carries with it a risk of in?ury. 4hen you practice the training methods in this guide, always practice proper safety precaution, use proper techni@ue, and apply common sense. &he author can not assume any responsibility for any in?ury, illness, loss or damage that may result from following the training methods in this guide. -astly, this guide is not a replacement for formal instruction. e sure to seek out a competent, @ualified instructor who may carefully observe your progress and provide feedback. &his guide is intended primarily primarily to be a supplement to, not a replacement for, formal training.


Owen Johnston ! https:""www.youtube.com"bodyweightbi


Owen Johnston ! https:""www.youtube.com"bodyweightbi &able of #ontents %arate Approach to #alisthenics %arate Approach to #alisthenics, part ) Ho?o Cndo 1 =upplementary training e9ercises for karate  4all mounted car tire makiwara board pro?ect %arate &raining 'rograms

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eginner %arate &raining 'rogram ! Full ody $ntermediate %arate &raining 'rogram + ! Full ody $ntermediate %arate &raining 'rogram ) ! Cpper " -ower =plit  Advanced %arate &raining 'rogram + ! Cpper " -ower =plit  Advanced %arate &raining 'rogram ) ! &hree 4ay =plit =hort and rutal %arate &raining 'rogram Eabbreviated advanced program

1 1 1 1 1 1

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Owen Johnston ! https:""www.youtube.com"bodyweightbi


Owen Johnston ! https:""www.youtube.com"bodyweightbi  A %arate Approach to #alisthenics &o view my video on this sub?ect, visit my 2ou&ube channel, where you will find my playlist titled 6%arate &raining. https:""www.youtube.com"bodyweightbi -ike many of my generation, $ grew up watching movies like The Karate Kid ,  Kickboxer, Enter the Dragon, Drunken Master, and Rocky. &he larger1than1life characters from these films wowed us with their fighting skills and never1give1up attitudes.  A common theme they all share is that the main character is an underdog who must train hard to become a better fighter and overcome his seemingly invincible opponents. &he training methods employed often include some tough calisthenics skills. $8m sure we all remember seeing arious )10 rounds of +10 minutes )10 sets of K1+* reps 01G sets of D1Q reps )10 sets of +*1)* reps )10 sets of Q1+) reps


Owen Johnston ! https:""www.youtube.com"bodyweightbi


Owen Johnston ! https:""www.youtube.com"bodyweightbi $ntermediate %arate &raining 'rogram ) ! Cpper " -ower =plit 7ach workout should be performed ) or 0 times a week on non1consecutive days. =tart  with once a week if necessary. 4arm up and stretch for at least D minutes before each  workout. 'erform light stretching of the muscles you worked after you finish training. &ake at least one rest day each week. &he other days may be used for calisthenics only, sports practice, or an activity of choice. For the progressions, start with a beginner or novice e9ercise from each of the progressions that you are new to. ;ove to a harder e9ercise in that progression when you can perform the set and rep " time range given, using good techni@ue. &he e9ception is the front kick power progression. 2ou will be ready to move up to the ne9t e9ercise in this progression  when you are able to consistently perform a skill with confidence, improved power, and little to no technical flaws. $n the ?umps and bunny hop, you may measure your performance by the height of the ?ump or hop. arious ;akiwara work )10 rounds of +10 minutes, or 01D sets of +* strikes per techni@ue, or 0*1D* combinations /ay )  4armup sets #ardio and general mobility " stretching Hold lunge

'erform D minutes each +*1+D seconds each side

 4orking e9ercises =tance training progression =hadow bo9ing Ilute " hamstring progression Front kick power progression #alf raise progression =@uat progression =ide kick progression ag work or kicking a tire setup

'erform 01D sets E>arious )10 rounds of +10 minutes E>arious E>arious E>arious )10 sets of Q1+) reps E>arious )10 rounds of +10 minutes, or 01D sets of +* roundhouse kicks"side, or 0*1D* combinations


Owen Johnston ! https:""www.youtube.com"bodyweightbi


Owen Johnston ! https:""www.youtube.com"bodyweightbi  Advanced %arate &raining 'rogram ) ! &hree 4ay =plit 7ach workout should be performed once or twice a week on non1consecutive days.  4arm up and stretch for at least D minutes before each workout. 'erform light stretching of the muscles you worked after you finish training. &ake at least one rest day each week. &he other days may be used for calisthenics only, sports practice, or an activity of choice. For farmer8s walks, you can hold a brick, cinder block, weighted bag, or other heavy ob?ect in each hand. $deas include weightlifting bars, kettlebells, and filled buckets. For added difficulty and motivation, add a +* pushup penalty every time you drop the bagEs or blocks during the farmer8s walks or lunges. ;ove to a harder e9ercise in a progression when you can perform the set and rep " time range given, using good techni@ue. &he e9ception is the front kick power progression. 2ou will  be ready to move up to the ne9t e9ercise in this progression when you are able to consistently perform a skill with confidence, improved power, and little to no technical flaws. $n the ?umps and bunny hop, you may measure your performance by the height of the ?ump or hop.
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