Karakamsha Profession

February 26, 2017 | Author: Pavankumar Ravinuthala | Category: N/A
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People are more anxious to seek guidance, well in advance about the profession and careers of their children. Soon they attain a particular stage in their education. It is the ignorance of the parents, guardians and the teachers who contribute considerably to the miserable failures of careers of the children. We have often come across people, whose lives are a failure just because they chose an unsuitable vocations. In other words, what we call aptitude is completely ignored with the result one’s talents are suppressed and one is made to suffer apparently for no fault. One of the most important uses of astrology is the guidance it gives to the parents, who are more keen to know about the future of their son or daughter’s educational career well in advance. Astrology can guide a grown up man who is still undecided about the occupation in his life. If a study of astrological principles is taken up seriously, a more valuable guidance can be given to an individual as to what vocation would be suitable for him to achieve success. Required level of accuracy in prediction of this subject is still awaited as it needs to be strengthened with more research. I shall endeavour to show in this article how far astrology enables one to choose a successful vocation consistent with his aptitude. The important considerations are (a) In what occupations the child would take interest. (b) what are the occupations in which the child can display his / her ability and knack in a brilliant manner. To begin with, consider Karakamsha chart as a pivotal point. A planet in Karakamsha becomes the key planet. The dominant planet having been thus discovered notice must be taken of the blend, it makes with other planets, which is aspected, or with the sign in which it is placed etc. In considering the blends care must be taken to note which is stronger of the influences blended. According to Jaimini the planet with highest longitude becomes the Atmakaraka. The sign in which the Atmakaraka is situated in the Navmansha becomes the Karakamsha. Association of various planets with Atmakaraka either in the Rashi or Navmansha, we can get a clue for the vocation of the native. Here are some of the astrological combinations of planets, which shall give a glimpse of the profession of the Native. SUN :

Sun is responsible to give more power, ability to rule and command, will make the native to gain fitness for a Government employment, or a high profile business executive with status and dignity. (a) If Sun occupies the Karakamsha lagna, the native will be fond of public work, and will take interest in political activities. (b) If Sun and Venus aspect Karakamsha, the native will be employed by Royal people or Top Class politicians. (c) Sun occupying 10th house in Karakamsha chart and aspected by Jupiter, the native will be a successful Trader of Cattle. (d) If Sun occupies 5th house in Karakamsha chart the native will become a Philosopher or a Musician. (e) If Sun is in conjunction with Rahu and occupies Karakamsha, and Sun being located in benefic vargas, the native will become a Doctor treating poisonous afflictions. MOON : Moon is responsible for fluctuations in occupation or business, but encourages the native for business in aqua products, Marine produces, Liquid chemicals, Restaurant, Dairy products etc. (a) If full moon and Venus joins Atmakaraka in Navmansha money will be earned by education. (b) If Moon is conjunct with Jupiter in Karakamsha or in 5th from Karakamsha, the native becomes a author and earns his livelihood by authouring books. (c) If Moon is alone in Karakamsha or in 5th from Karakamsha, the native become a musician. (d) Moon in Karakamsha aspected by Venus makes the native an Alchemist. (e) Instead of Venus if aspected by mercury he will be a Doctor. MARS :

Mars denotes employment in the field where courage is required and a need to be skillful, brave. Dentists, Surgeons, Engineers are also part of this group. (a) If mars occupies the Karkamsha the native earns his livelihood by meta llurgy. (b) If mars occupies the Karakamsha with benefic aspects, the native will be a Judge. (c) If mars occupies 5th place from Karakamsha under the aspect of Saturn, the native will become a Mechanic. MERCURY : Mercury is solely responsible for the field of literature, arts and occupations requiring study, skill and intelligence. (a) If mercury occupies the karakamsha the native becomes Merchant and well versed in social and political matters. (b) If mercury occupies 5th place from Karakamsha, the native will become a Vedic Scholar. Jupiter : Usually Jupiter gives the profession of physicians, lawyers, ministers, bankers, authors, journalists, philosophers etc. (a) When Jupiter occupies the karakamsha the native becomes a philosopher, religious head and will have good knowledge of Vedanta. (b) If Jupiter occupies 5th place from karakamsha, he will be a scholar in Vedas and Upnishads. VENUS : Venus is responsible to gain financial assistance through marital sources, jewellery pleasure and luxury. (a) If Venus joins Atmakaraka in Navmansha, the native will become a big politician. (b) If Venus joins karakamsha or the 5th from karakamsha, the native will become a great poet.

SATURN : Saturn is responsible to the professions, such as builders, miners, land surveyors, agriculturists, labour contractors, municipal officials etc. (a) If Saturn occupies the Karakamsha the native will adopt the profession of his forefathers. (b) If Saturn alone occupies 4th or 5th place from karakamsha, the native will be skillful in archery and will adopt the same skill for livelihood. (c) Saturn occupying karakamsha under the aspect of mars the native will become a builder. RAHU : Indirectly Rahu will give results like Saturn but some of the combination indicates different professions also. (a) If rahu joins atmakaraka in navmansha, the native earns his bread as a thief or decoit. (b) Rahu having close association with Mandi and occupying 4th place from karakamsha the native will be specialised to treat snake bites and poisonous problems. (c) Rahu in 5th from Karakamsha makes the native to be a good mechanic. KETU : Ketu will give results partially like Jupiter and mars. (a) If ketu occupies 4th place from karakamsha the native will become a clock maker Repairer. (b) Ketu occupying karakamsha makes the native a mathematician, if occupied in 5th house from karakamsha under benefic aspects the results will be same. (c) Ketu occupying karakamsha under malefic aspects makes the native a thief. (d) Ketu occupying 5th place from karakamsha under the aspect of Jupiter makes the native an astrologer.

NOTE : Combination of planets will give more than one activity with relation to the occupation of the respective planet. Apart from above there are other Methods are also available as indicated by different schools of Astrology. In the matter of determining the profession, importance has been given to the Ascendant, 10th and 8th houses either from ascendant or Moon and the planets occupying these houses, lordship of these houses can also be taken in to consideration. In this article only a glimpse on determination of profession has been taken, to give a general idea of the subject with the help of karakamsha and Navamsha etc.

How to find your upasana / ishta devatha based on your chart ?The important factor to find out one's upasana/ishta devata is Atma karaka.Atma Karaka is the planet that has the highest longitude.To find one's Ishta Devata we have to look at theAtma Karaka in Navamsa ( D9 ).Atma Karaka in Navamsa is called the karakamsa. The twelfth house from thekarakamsa is called the jivanmuktamsa.If there is a graha in the jivanmuktamsa, it signifies theDevata. If there are more grahas than one, choose thestrongest. If there is no graha in the jivanmuktamsa, takeits Lord.Here are the presiding deities for each planet who will be your upasana/ishta devata asper your horoscope. Surya - Shiva/Vishnu/Rama Chandra- Shiva Mangala - Hanuman/ Subramanya Budha – Vishnu Guru - Dattatreya/ Dakshinamurthy/ Sai Baba /Vishnu Sukra - Mahalakshmi/Gowri Sani - Hanuman/Shiva/Vishnu/Krishna Rahu – Durga Ketu - Ganesh Lagnamsa and Karakamsa Lagna The Navamsa occupied by the Janma Lagna is called the Navamsa Lagna or Lagnamsa. As the D-9 chart is based on the NakshatraPadas of the Moon, it will generally indicate the native’s dharma, marriage and psychological abilities. Therefore the Lagnamsa is also primarily indicative of the psychological abilities/inner nature of the native. The planets in trines from it may indicate theabilities developed in previous lives and manifesting in this life. The Lagnamsa will also indicate

the person’s behaviour inmarriage, while the 7th from it will indicate the nature of the first spouse. The 8th from it is the 2nd spouse (2nd from Lagna) etc.The Lagnamsa is also called Swamsa. Maharishi Jaimini gives umpteen rules for judging its effects. It is also mentioned by severalclassics that the strongest planet influencing the Lagnamsa will indicate the omplexion of the native, while the 7th from it may indicate his sex, although the final word in this is given on the basis of the Janma Vighati (refer to above). The nature indicated by the sign occupied by the Lagnamsa is sometimes much more prominent psychologically than the Rasi Lagna.The Navamsa occupied by the Atmakaraka is called the Karakamsa. Some modern astrologers have proposed the interpretationthat this same sign should be studied not in Navamsa but in Rasi, but there is absolutely no logic behind this statement and alsono reference is made into this direction by any of the classic writers. Therefore it is advised to stick to the version of theMaharishis, where the Karakamsa is studied in the D-9 chart. As the Atmakaraka refers to the soul, or indicate the way the soulwill pursue to attain the Supreme Godhead, it will havea specifically strong spiritual signification in the Navamsa chart, and will indicate the hidden spiritual potential of the native.Jaimini gives the following rules for the interpretation of Karakamsa:If Ketu is in the 12th or 4th from Karakamsa, then this constitutes a Moskha-yoga, i.e. the native will be liberated from the cycle of birth and death. Malefics in this place deny deliverance from the cycle of rebirth. The planets in the 12th house from Karakamsawill indicate the Ishta-devata of the native, i.e. the form of Deity that will lead him to final emancipation.Now let’s take an example chart for checking the applicability of the above rules

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