Kaplan Root List

May 31, 2016 | Author: Nahid Hasan | Category: Types, Instruction manuals
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GRE Word Roots

Word Roots

M any English words contain letter combinations that reveal their origins and tell you something about their m eanings.These combinations are called roots. For the G RE, you don’t need to know that the root P H O N comes from Greek or that P O R T comes from Latin, but it’s useful to know that P H O N means “sound” and P O R T means “carry.”

THE KAPLAN ROOT LIST The root list that follows contains about 175 roots, selected prim arily for their usefulness as m em ory tools for G RE-level words. The root list includes both prefixes and bases. Suffixes are not included because they tell you more about the part of speech of a word than about meaning. Spellings of Roots R oots often have variant spellings. L O C in interlocutor and L O Q in loquacious are really the same root. Mutating Prefixes M any prefixes have different forms depending on the letters they attach to. For example, A D - becomes A C- in front o f c, k, and q (accretion, acknowledge, acquiesce), AG- in front o fg (aggregate, aggrandize), AL- in front o f l (alleviate, allude), and so on. In addition, sometimes two distinct roots end up looking exactly the same in m odern English. For example, P O T means “drin k” in potable, but it means “pow er” in om nipotent. Using Roots to Build Vocabulary You’ll learn more words in less tim e if you learn them in groups. One w ay o f learning words in groups is to use word roots. Once you know, for example, that the root PLAC means “to please,” you have a hook for rem em bering the meanings o f sev­ eral words: placate, implacable, placid, placebo, and com placent. Rooting Out Meanings Sometimes you can use roots to figure out the m eaning o f an unfam iliar word. Suppose, for example, you come across the word circum navigate and don’t know w hat it means. If you know that the root C IR C U M means “around” and that the root NAV means “ship, sail,” then you can guess that circum navigate means “to sail around,” as in “circum navigate the globe.” The Trouble With Roots B ut don’t get too excited. R oots offer the common heritage o f words thousands o f years old — but things have changed a lot. R oots don’t always point to the right way to go. Example:

affinity is o f the root FIN, m eaning end. B ut affinity means a kinship, or attractive force.

Sometimes, the m eaning is close, but the spelling has gone haywire. Example:

cogen t is actually o f the root, ACT/AG (to do, to drive, to lead). C ogen t means “convincing” or “having the power to compel.” These two are somewhat close in m eaning, but you can see w hat we mean about the spelling.

Verbal Reference and Additional Practice

There are other problems w ith using roots to pinpoint a definition. Looking at the etym ology o f a word is a great trick if you know Greek, Latin, or French. For example, DE M in Greek means “people.” DEM ocracy essentially means government o f the people. N eat and tidy. R igh t? Sure, but first you w ould have to know w hat D E M means. It helps if you study and learn where there are exceptions. Example:

The word venal. The root VEN/VENT means “to com e” or “to move toward.” B ut venal means cor­ rupt or capable o f being bought. A dventure, convene, event, avenue, advent, and circum vent clearly spring from the root meaning. Venal is a bit o f a stretch.


The word pediatrician has PED for a root. PED has to do w ith the foot. B ut a pediatrician is a children’s doctor. A podiatrist is a foot doctor.

As it turns out, the etym ology o f a word is m erely a good trick. It can help you to figure out and rem em ber the m eaning of a word. B ut it w o n ’t w ork every time, and it certainly can’t provide the basic definition o f a word. It m ay even put you on the w rong track. So w h y bother? Because if you don’t have a clue w hat a word means, you have to start somewhere. R oots are an efFIC acious place to begin (FIC: to do, to make).

Word Roots

COMMON ROOTS T h e com m on roots are exp lain ed here, in alp h ab etical order. For each root, w e ’ve provided definitions o f som e words co n tain ing the root. For the last w o rd in each list, w e u sed the w o rd in a sam ple sentence instead o f defin in g it. See i f yo u can figure out the m ean in g o f the w ord based on its root. A:

W ith o u t amoral: neither moral nor im m oral atheist: one w ho does not believe in God atypical: not typical anonym ous: o f unknown authorship or origin apathy: lack o f interest or emotion atrophy: the wasting away o f body tissue anom aly: an irregularity agnostic: one w ho questions the existence o f God The glob o f paint resting on the canvas was rather am orphous.

A B /A B S: off, aw ay from , apart, dow n abduct: to take by force abhor: to hate, detest abolish: to do away w ith, make void abstract: conceived apart from concrete realities, specific objects, or actual instances abnorm al: deviating from a standard abdicate: to renounce or relinquish a throne abstinence: forbearance from any indulgence o f appetite abstruse: hard to understand; secret, hidden The behavior o f M aurice, the painter, was so aberrant that the dealer felt com pelled to not show his work. A C / A C R : sharp, b itter acid: something that is sharp, sour, or ill natured acute: sharp at the end; ending in a point acerbic: sour or astringent in taste; harsh in tem per exacerbate: to increase bitterness or violence; aggravate acrid: sharp or biting to the taste or smell acrim onious: caustic, stinging, or bitter in nature M aurice, however, had a great deal o f financial acum en and convinced the dealer to accept his peculiarities.

ACT/AG : to do; to drive; to force; to lead agile: quick and w ell coordinated in movement; active, lively agitate: to move or force into violent, irregular action litigate: to make the subject o f a lawsuit prodigal: wastefully or recklessly extravagant p ed a go gu e: a teacher syn a gogu e: a gathering or congregation o f Jews for the purpose o f religious worship The dealer hoped his exacting standards w ould not be compromised by his decision to w ork w ith M aurice. AD /AL: to, tow ard, n ear adapt: adjust or m odify fittingly adjacent: lying near, close, or contiguous; adjoining addict: to give oneself over, as to a habit or pursuit adm ire: to regard w ith wonder, pleasure, and approval address: to direct a speech or w ritten statement to adhere: to stick fast; cleave; cling adjoin: to be close or in contact w ith advocate: to plead in favor o f The dealer, after w atching M aurice w ork a room, had to adm it that M aurice had no small am ount o f personal allure. AL/ALI/ALTER: other, another alternative: a possible choice alias: an assumed name; another name alibi: the defense by an accused person that he was verifiably elsewhere at the tim e o f the crim e w ith w hich he is charged alien: one born in another country; a foreigner alter ego: the second self; a substitute or deputy altruist: a person unselfishly concerned for the welfare o f others allegory: figurative treatment o f one subject under the guise o f another O f course, M aurice being M aurice, he still m anaged to find him self in a serious altercation w ith a potential buyer.

Verbal Reference and Additional Practice

A M : love am ateur: a person w ho engages in an activity for pleasure rather than financial or professional gain am atory: o f or pertaining to lovers or lovemaking am en ity: agreeable ways or manners am orous: inclined to love, esp. sexual love enam ored: inflamed w ith love; charm ed; captivated am ity: friendship; peaceful harm ony inamorata: a female lover am iable: having or showing agreeable personal qualities am icable: characterized by exhibiting good w ill It turned out, however, m uch to the dealer’s relief, that the potential buyer had also been a form er para­ m our o f M aurice’s. A M B : to go; to w alk am bient: m oving freely; circulating am bitious: desirous o f achieving or obtaining power pream ble: an introductory statement ambassador: an authorized messenger or representative am bulance: a w heeled vehicle equipped for carrying sick people, usually to a hospital am bulatory: of, pertaining to, or capable o f w alking am bush: the act o f lying concealed so as to attack by surprise peram bulator: one w ho makes a tour o f inspection on foot The dealer decided to am ble over and see if it was possible to smooth things over. A M B /A M PH : bo th , m ore than one, around am biguous: open to various interpretations am phibian: any cold-blooded vertebrate, the larva o f w hich is aquatic, and the adult o f w hich is terrestrial; a person or thing having a twofold nature am bidextrous: able to use both hands equally well The dealer still felt am bivalent about the wisdom o f organizing the show in the first place.

A N IM : o f the life, m in d, soul, spirit unanim ous: in complete accord anim osity: a feeling o f ill w ill or enm ity anim us: hostile feeling or attitude equanim ity: m ental or em otional stability, esp. under tension m agnanim ous: generous in forgiving an insult or injury M aurice becam e quite anim ated during a conversa­ tion w ith one o f the more w ell-heeled visitors to the gallery. A N N U I/EN N I: year annual: of, for, or pertaining to a year; yearly anniversary: the yearly recurrence o f the date o f a past event annuity: a specified incom e payable at stated intervals peren n ial: lasting for an indefinite am ount o f time annals: a record o f events, esp. a yearly record “It feels like a m illenium since w e last met,” the dealer offered w arm ly as he shook Mr. R ockeb eller’s hand. A N TE: before anterior: placed before antecedent: existing, being, or going before antedate: precede in time antebellum : before the w ar (esp. the Am erican C ivil War) antediluvian: belonging to the period before the biblical Flood; very old or old-fashioned Suddenly, the dealer was inform ed that a most presti­ gious potential client had arrived and was w aiting in the anteroom . A N T H R O /A N D R : m an, hum an anthropology: the science that deals w ith the origins o f m ankind android: robot; m echanical man m isanthrope: one w ho hates humans or m ankind philanderer: one w ho carries on flirtations androgynous: being both male and female androgen: any substance that promotes masculine characteristics anthropocentric: regarding man as the central fact of the universe The dealer im m ediately recognized him as the state’s most illustrious philanthropist.

Word Roots

A N T I: against antibody: a protein naturally existing in blood serum, that reacts to overcome the toxic effects o f an antigen antidote: a rem edy for counteracting the effects o f poison, disease, etcetera antiseptic: free from germs; particularly clean or neat antipathy: aversion antipodal: on the opposite side o f the globe “Goodness, I hadn’t m eant to be antisocial,” Mr. R ockebeller rejoindered. A PO : aw ay apology: an expression o f one’s regret or sorrow for having w ronged another apostle: one o f the 12 disciples sent forth by Jesus to preach the gospel apocalypse: revelation; discovery; disclosure apogee: the highest or most distant point apocryphal: o f doubtful authorship or authenticity apostasy: a total desertion o f one’s religion, principles, party, cause, etcetera “You are the apotheosis o f graciousness,” the dealer groveled. A R C H / A R C H I/ A R C H Y : chief, p rin cip al, ru le r architect: the devisor, maker, or planner o f anything archenem y: ch ief enem y m onarchy: a government in w hich the supreme power is lodged in a sovereign anarchy: a state or society w ithout government or law oligarchy: a state or society ruled by a select group Fortunately, they were abruptly interrupted by some­ one not very high up in the gallery hierarchy. A U T O : se lf autom atic: self-moving or self-acting autocrat: an absolute ruler autonom y: independence or freedom

BE: to b e; to have a p articu lar q u ality; to exist belittle: to regard something as less impressive than it apparently is bem oan: to express pity for bew ilder: to confuse or puzzle com pletely belie: to misrepresent; to contradict A bigail was bem used by the flirtations o f the hand­ some young man to her right. BEL/BELL: w ar antebellum : before the w ar rebel: a person w ho resists authority, control, or tradition belligerent: warlike, given to w aging w ar His bellicosity belied his charm. BEN /BO N : good benefit: anything advantageous to a person or thing benign: having a kindly disposition benediction: act o f uttering a blessing benevolen t: desiring to do good to others bonus: something given over and above w hat is due bona fid e : in good faith; w ithout fraud He is either, she thought, a true bon vivant, or a benefi­ cent man w ho prefers to hide his good works beneath a tacky exterior. B I: tw ice, double binoculars: involving two eyes biennial: happening every two years bilateral: pertaining to or affecting two or both sides bilingual: able to speak one’s native language and another w ith equal facility bipartisan: representing two parties “You know,” A bigail’s friend whispered in her ear,“I have heard h e’s a bigam ist.” She paused. “Those poor wives.”

“H elp!” the underling cried out. “M aurice is dead. There must be an au top sy!” And so the gallery event came to a close.

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Verbal Reference and Additional Practice

CA D /CID : to fall; to happen b y chance accident: happening by chance; unexpected coincidence: a striking occurrence o f two or more events at one time, apparently by chance decadent: decaying; deteriorating cascade: a waterfall descending over a steep surface recidivist: one w ho repeatedly relapses, as into crim e Pierre spoke w ith a lovely cadence. C A N T /C E N T /C H A N T : to sing accent: prom inence o f a syllable in terms of pronunciation chant: a song; singing enchant: to subject to m agical influence; bewitch recant: to w ithdraw or disavow a statement incantation: the chanting o f words purporting to have m agical power incentive: that w hich incites action W hen the cantor stood up to sing, even Pierre was struck dumb. CAP/CIP/CEPT: to take; to g et capture: to take by force or stratagem anticipate: to realize beforehand; foretaste or foresee susceptible: capable o f receiving, adm itting, undergoing, or being affected by something em ancipate: to free from restraint percipien t: having perception; discerning; discrim inating precept: a com mandm ent or direction given as a rule o f conduct An incipient awe filled the synagogue as the mesmer­ ized congregation listened. CA P/CA PIT/C IPIT : h ead , h ead lo n g capital: the city or tow n that is the official seat o f government disciple: one w ho is a pupil o f the doctrines o f another precipitate: to hasten the occurrence of; to bring about prem aturely precipice: a cliff w ith a vertical face capitulate: to surrender unconditionally or on stipulated terms caption: a heading or title Immediately after the service, one woman, acting precip­ itously, threw her arms around the cantor to thank him.

C A R D / C O R D / C O U R : h eart cardiac: pertaining to the heart encourage: to inspire w ith spirit or confidence concord: agreem ent; peace, am ity discord: lack o f harm ony between persons or things concordance: agreem ent, concord, harm ony The cantor was cordial in his response, though clearly headed for a coronary. C A R N : flesh carnivorous: eating flesh carnage: the slaughter o f a great num ber o f people carnival: a traveling amusement show reincarnation: rebirth o f a soul in a new body incarnation: a being invested w ith a bodily form Though nothing o f an intim ate carnal nature had occurred, Ms. Levinsohn regretted her spontaneous display. C A ST /C H A ST : cut cast: to throw or hurl; fling caste: a hereditary social group, lim ited to people of the same rank castigate: to punish in order to correct chastise: to discipline, esp. by corporal punishment chaste: free from obscenity; decent C hastened by the cantor’s surprised expression, Ms. Levinsohn determ ined she w ould have to control her impulsivity. CED/CEED/CESS: to go ; to y ie ld ; to stop antecedent: existing, being, or going before concede: to acknowledge as true, just, or proper; admit predecessor: one who comes before another in an office, position, etcetera cessation: a tem porary or complete discontinuance incessant: w ithout stop As Ms. Levinsohn strolled home, her embarrassment began to recede.

Word Roots

C E N T R : cen ter concentrate: to bring to a common center; to converge, to direct toward one point eccentric: off center concentric: having a com mon center, as in circles or spheres centrifuge: an apparatus that rotates at high speed to separate substances o f different densities using centrifugal force centrist: o f or pertaining to moderate political or social ideas She’d been accused m any times in her life o f being egocentric, and so had gotten used to the notion that she was often seen in an unflattering light. C E R N / C E R T / C R E T / C R IM / C R IT : to separate; to ju d g e ; to distinguish; to decide discrete: detached from others, separate ascertain: to make sure of; to determ ine certitude: freedom from doubt discreet: judicious in one’s conduct o f speech, esp. w ith regard to m aintaining silence about some thing o f a delicate nature hypocrite: a person w ho pretends to have beliefs that she does not criterion: a standard o f judgm ent or criticism Ms. Levinsohn had also suffered, she knew, recrim ina­ tions for her tendency to behave as she pleased. C H R O N : tim e synchron ize: to occur at the same tim e or agree in time chron ology: the sequential order in w hich past events occurred anachronism : an obsolete or archaic form chronic: constant, habitual chronom eter: a tim e piece w ith a mechanism to adjust for accuracy It suddenly occurred to Ms. Levinsohn that to con­ struct a chronicle o f her constant missteps m ight help to bring her behavior under control. C IR C U : around, on all sides circum ference: the outer boundary o f a circular area circum stances: the existing conditions or state o f affairs surrounding and affecting an agent circuit: the act o f going or m oving around circum am bulate: to w alk about or around circuitous: roundabout, indirect It took m any hours, as she had underestimated how difficult it was for her to be circum spect.

C IS: to cut scissors: cutting instrum ent for paper, etcetera precise: definitely stated or defined exorcise: to seek to expel an evil spirit by ceremony incision: a cut, gash, or notch incisive: penetrating, cutting Still, Ms. Levinsohn m anaged to be concise about the details o f her missteps. C LA /C L O /C L U : shut, close conclude: to bring to an end; finish; to term inate claustrophobia: an abnormal fear o f enclosed places disclose: to make known, reveal, or uncover exclusive: not adm itting o f something else; shutting out others cloister: a courtyard bordered w ith covered walks, esp. in a religious institution p reclu de: to prevent the presence, existence, or occurrence o f Ms. Levinsohn was so horrified at the num ber o f inci­ dents in w hich she had behaved inappropriately that she considered becom ing a recluse. C LA IM /C L A M : to shout; to cry out exclaim : to cry out or speak suddenly and vehem ently proclaim : to announce or declare in an official way clam or: a loud uproar disclaim : to deny interest in or connection w ith reclaim : to claim or demand the return o f a right or possession She considered calling the people w hom she’d offend­ ed to declaim her guilt. CLI: to lean tow ard decline: to cause to slope or incline downward recline: to lean back clim ax: the most intense point in the development o f something proclivity: inclination, bias disinclination: aversion, distaste B ut her inclination to think o f her own needs first got in the way.

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Verbal Reference and Additional Practice

C O /C O L /C O M /C O N : w ith , togeth er connect: to bind or fasten together coerce: to com pel by force, intim idation, or authority com patible: capable o f existing together in harm ony collide: to strike one another w ith a forceful impact collaborate: to w ork w ith another, cooperate conciliate: to placate, w in over com m ensurate: suitable in measure, proportionate She simply promised herself that she w ould be more congenial in the future. C R E / C R E SC / C R E T : to grow accrue: to be added as a m atter o f periodic gain creation: the act o f producing or causing to exist increase: to make greater in any respect increm ent: something added or gained; an addition or increase accretion: an increase by natural growth H er enthusiasm for this idea reached a crescendo. C R E D : to b eliev e; to trust incredible: unbelievable credentials: anything that provides the basis for b elief credo: any formula o f b elief credulity: willingness to believe or trust too readily credit: trustworthiness She gave no other life goal any credence. C R Y P : h id d en crypt: a subterranean chamber or vault apocryphal: o f doubtful authorship or authenticity cryp tology: the science o f interpreting secret writings, codes, ciphers, and the like cryptography: procedures o f m aking and using secret w ritin g To her few friends, however, she rem ained cryptic about her new approach to life.

C U B / C U M B : to lie dow n cubicle: any small space or compartm ent that is partitioned off succum b: to give away to superior force; yield incubate: to sit upon for the purpose o f hatching incum bent: holding an indicated position recum bent: lyin g down; reclining; leaning Shortly thereafter, Ms. Levinsohn discovered that to be generous all the tim e was rather cum bersom e. C U L P : blam e culprit: a person guilty for an offense culpable: deserving blame or censure inculpate: to charge w ith fault m ea culpa: through m y fault; m y fault She then decided to exculpate herself o f all wrong doing. C O U R / C U R : run n in g; a course recur: to happen again curriculum : the regular course o f study courier: a messenger, traveling in haste, bearing news excursion: a short jo u rn ey or trip cursive: handw riting in flowing strokes w ith the letters jo in ed together concur: to accord in opinion; agree incursion: a hostile entrance into a place, esp. suddenly cursory: going rapidly over something; hasty; superficial C oncurrently, she enrolled in a course, entitled “H ow To Get W hat You Want O ut o f Life.” DE: away, off, dow n, com pletely, reversal descend: to move from a higher to a lower place decipher: to make out the m eaning; to interpret defile: to make foul, dirty, or unclean defam e: to attack the good name or reputation of deferential: respectful; to yield to judgm ent delineate: to trace the outline of; sketch or trace in outline Ginny deferred to the director’s view.

Word Roots

DEM : people dem ocracy: government by the people epidem ic: affecting at the same tim e a large num ber o f people, and spreading from person to person endem ic: peculiar to a particular people or locality pan dem ic: general, universal dem ographics: vital and social statistics o f populations To her, he was a dem agogue. DI/DIA: apart, through dialogue: conversation betw een two or more persons diagnose: to determ ine the identity o f something from the symptoms dilate: to make w id er or larger; to cause to expand dilatory: inclined to delay or procrastinate dichotom y: division into two parts, kinds, etcetera Ginny slipped on the diaphanous gown, hoping finally to garner his full attention. D IC/D IC T/D IT: to say; to tell; to use words dictionary: a book containing a selection o f the words o f a language p redict: to tell in advance verdict: judgm ent, decree indite: to compose or w rite, as in a speech interdict: to forbid; prohibit B ut he m erely told her to move stage left, a direction she did not dare contradict. DIGN: w orth d ign ity: nobility or elevation o f character; worthiness dignitary: a person w ho holds a high rank or office d eign: to think fit or in accordance w ith one’s dignity condign: w ell deserved; fitting; adequate disdain: to look upon or treat w ith contempt Anxious to appear dignified, she moved to the spot w ith deliberate grace. DIS/DIF: aw ay from , apart, reversal, not disperse: to drive or send off in various directions dissem inate: to scatter or spread w idely; promulgate dissipate: to scatter wastefully dissuade: to deter by advice or persuasion diffuse: to pour out and spread, as in a fluid

D A C/D O C : to teach doctor: someone licensed to practice m edicine; a learned person doctrine: a particular principle advocated, as o f a governm ent or religion indoctrinate: to im bue a person w ith learning docile: easily m anaged or handled; tractable didactic: intended for instruction She had docum entation attesting to her great promise, after all. D O G /D O X: opinion orthodox: sound or correct in opinion or doctrine paradox: an opinion or statement contrary to accepted opinion dogm a: a system o f tenets, as o f a church Ginny was nothing less than dogm atic on the subject o f her own excellence. D O L: suffer, pain condolence: expression o f sympathy w ith one who is suffering indolence: a state o f being lazy or slothful doleful: sorrowful, m ournful dolorous: full o f pain or sorrow, grievous Ginny occasionally suffered from the doldrums, though, as success was not exactly knocking on her door. D O N /D O T/D O W : to give donate: to present as a gift or contribution pardon: kind indulgence, forgiveness antidote: something that prevents or counteracts ill effects anecdote: a short narrative about an interesting event en d ow : to provide w ith a perm anent fund H er best role so far had been that o f a young dow ager in some N oel C ow ard-like play. D U B : doubt dubious: doubtful du biety: doubtfulness indubitable: unquestionable Ginny w ould not allow doubtfulness into her consciousness.

Ginny w ished to disassociate herself from the other less talented players.

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Verbal Reference and Additional Practice

D U C / D U C T : to lead abduct: to carry off or lead away conduct: personal behavior, w ay o f acting conducive: contributive, helpful induce: to lead or move by influence induct: to install in a position w ith formal ceremonies produ ce: to bring into existence; give cause to She w ould not allow herself to feel reduced by small roles. D U R : hard endure: to hold out against; to sustain w ithout yielding durable: able to resist decay duress: compulsion by threat, coercion dour: sullen, gloomy during: throughout the continuance or existence o f duration: the length o f tim e something exists Ginny only grew obdurate w hen asked to interpret a line incorrectly. DYS: faulty, abnorm al dystrophy: faulty or inadequate nutrition or development dyspepsia: impaired digestion dyslexia: an im pairm ent o f the ability to read due to a brain defect dysfunctional: poorly functioning Ginny did, however, suffer from constant dysphoria, in particular w hen playing a role she w ould not adm it was beneath her—w hich was just about always. EPI: upon epidem ic: affecting at the same tim e a large num ber of people, and spreading from person to person ep ilogu e: a concluding part added to a literary work epiderm is: the outer layer of the skin epigram : a w itty or pointed saying tersely expressed epithet: a word or phrase, used invectively as a term of abuse George was the epitom e of handsomeness. EQ U: equal, even equation: the act of m aking equal adequate: equal to the requirem ent or occasion equidistant: equally distant iniquity: gross injustice; wickedness W om en had trouble m aintaining their equilibrium w hen he entered the room.

E R R : to w an der err: to go astray in thought or belief, to be mistaken error: a deviation from accuracy or correctness erratic: deviating from the proper or usual course in conduct arrant: downright, thorough, notorious erroneous: containing error In fact, they often exhibited aberrant behavior around him. ESCE: b eco m ing adolescent: between childhood and adulthood obsolescent: becom ing obsolete incandescent: glow ing w ith heat, shining convalescent: recovering from illness rem iniscent: rem inding or suggestive of June, an aggressive wom an, w ould becom e quite acquiescent. EU: good, w ell euphem ism : pleasant-sounding term for something unpleasant eu logy: speech or w ritin g in praise or com mendation eugen ics: improvement of qualities of race by control of inherited characteristics euthanasia: killing person painlessly, usually one w ho has an incurable, painful disease eu p hon y: pleasantness of sound She w ould lapse into a state of rapt euphoria. E/EF/EX: out, out of, from , form er, co m p letely evade: to escape from, avoid ex clude: to shut out; to leave out extricate: to disentangle, release exonerate: to free or declare free from blame expire: to come to an end, cease to be valid efface: to rub or w ipe out; surpass, eclipse She w ould of course exhort George to be kind, w arm , and loving. E X T R A : outside, beyond extraordinary: beyond the ordinary extract: to take out, obtain against person’s w ill extradite: to hand over (person accused of crime) to state where crim e was committed extrasensory: derived by means other than known senses extrapolate: to estimate (unknown facts or values) from known data B ut George clearly view ed June as extraneous. And so that was that.

Word Roots

FAB/FAM : speak fa b le: fictional tale, esp. legendary affable: friendly, courteous ineffable: too great for description in words; that w hich must not be uttered fa m o u s: w ell known, celebrated defam e: attack good name of Lola was an infam ous liar. FAC/FIC/FIG/FAIT/FEIT/FY: to do; to m ake fa cto ry : building for manufacture o f goods fa ction : small dissenting group w ith in larger one, esp. in politics deficient: incom plete or insufficient prolific: producing m any offspring or m uch output configuration: m anner o f arrangem ent, shape ratify: to confirm or accept by form al consent effigy: sculpture or m odel o f person counterfeit: im itation, forgery She was quite fa cile w hen it came to uttering falsehoods. FER: to b rin g ; to carry; to b ear offer: to present for acceptance, refusal, or consideration confer: to grant, bestow referendum : to vote on a political question open to the entire electorate proffer: to offer proliferate: to reproduce; produce rapidly She could be vociferous too, especially w hen the lie was an im portant one. FERV: to b o il; to bubble ferv o r: passion, zeal fe r v id : ardent, intense effervescent: w ith the quality o f giving off bubbles o f gas Then again, Lola was also quite fe rv e n t w hen speak­ ing the truth.

FID: faith, trust confide: to entrust w ith a secret affidavit: w ritten statement on oath fid elity : faithfulness, loyalty fid u cia ry: o f a trust; held or given in trust infidel: disbeliever in esp. the supposed true religion She had but one confidant w ith w hom she was always honest. FIN: end fin a l: at the end; com ing last confine: to keep or restrict w ithin certain limits; im prison definitive: decisive, unconditional, final infinite: boundless; endless infinitesim al: infinitely or very small Lola felt a strange affinity for B rigitte. FLAG/FLAM: to burn fla m e : ignited gas flam m able: easily set on fire fla m b ea u : a lighted torch flagra nt: blatant, scandalous conflagration: large destructive fire B rigitte could be quite fla m b oya n t. FLECT/FLEX: to b en d deflect: to bend or turn aside from a purpose flex ib le: able to bend w ithout breaking inflect: to change or vary pitch o f reflect: to throw back gen u flect: to bend knee, esp. in worship She also spoke w ith an odd inflection. FLU /FLU X : to flow flu id : substance, esp. gas or liquid, capable o f flowing freely flu ctu a tion : something that varies, rising and falling effluence: flowing out o f (light, electricity, etcetera) confluence: m erging into one m ellifluous: pleasing, musical She wore diamonds everywhere, as if to announce her affluence.

Verbal Reference and Additional Practice

FO RE : before fo resigh t: care or provision for future foresh a d ow : be w arning or indication o f (future event) foresta ll: to prevent by advance action forthright: straightforward, outspoken, decisive Lola could fo retell that B rigitte was headed for trouble. FO R T : chance fo rtu n e: chance or luck in hum an affairs fortu n a te: lucky, auspicious It was, Lola believed, fortu itou s that they had met. FO R T : strength fo r tify : to provide w ith fortifications; strengthen fortissim o: very loud B ut it was fortitu d e that kept them together, as they really had nothing significant in common. FR A /FR A C /FR A G /FR IN G : to b reak fractu re: breakage, esp. o f a bone fra gm en t: a part broken off fractiou s: irritable, peevish refractory: stubborn, unmanageable, rebellious infringe: to break or violate (law, etcetera) In fact, their relationship m ight have fractured years ago if it hadn’t been for one im portant thing. FU S: to p our profu se: lavish, extravagant, copious fu silla d e: continuous discharge o f firearms or outburst o f criticism suffuse: to spread throughout or over from w ithin diffuse: to spread w id ely or thinly infusion: infusing; liquid extract so obtained B rigitte and Lola share the same blood type, w hich was fortunate; w hen Lola needed a transfusion, Britte volunteered a pint, earning effusive praise from her new best friend.

GEN: b irth , creation, race, kind gen ero u s: giving or given freely gen etics: study o f heredity and variation among animals and plants gen d er: classification roughly corresponding to the two sexes and sexlessness carcinogenic: producing cancer congenital: existing or as such from birth p rogen y: offspring, descendants m iscegenation: interbreeding o f races W alter was a gen ia l little fellow. GN/GNO: kn o w agnostic: person who believes that existence o f God is not provable ignore: to refuse to take notice of ignoram us: a person lacking knowledge, uninform ed recognize: to identify as already known incognito: w ith one’s name or identity concealed progn osis: forecast, especially o f disease diagnose: to make an identification o f disease or fault from symptoms His cognitive powers were advanced for his age. G RA T: p leasin g gratefu l: thankful ingratiate: to bring oneself into favor gratu ity: m oney given for good service gracious: kindly, esp. to inferiors; m erciful Still, one day, he was accused o f being an ingrate. G RA D /G RESS: to step progress: forward movement aggressive: given to hostile act or feeling degrade: to hum iliate, dishonor, reduce to lower rank digress: to depart from m ain subject egress: going out; way out This caused him to regress, ultim ately resulting in his inability to read until the age o f ten.

Word Roots

H ER/H ES: to stick coherent: logically consistent; having waves in phase and of one wavelength adhesive: tending to remain in m em ory; sticky; an adhesive substance inherent: involved in the constitution or essential character of something adherent: able to adhere; believer or advocate of a particular thing heredity: the qualities genetically derived from one’s ancestors and the transmission of those qualities The figure skating club was a cohesive group. (H )ETERO : different heterosexual: of or pertaining to sexual orientation toward members of the opposite sex; relating to different sexes heterogeneous: of other origin: not originating in the body heterodox: different from acknowledged standard; holding unorthodox opinions or doctrines The heterogen eity of the group’s members, oddly enough, contributed to its harmony. (H )O M : sam e h om ogeneous: of the same or a sim ilar kind of nature; of uniform structure of composition throughout h om onym : one of two or more words spelled and pronounced alike but different in m eaning hom osexual: of, relating to, or exhibiting sexual desire toward a m em ber of one’s own sex anom aly: deviation from the common rule hom eostasis: a relatively stable state of equilibrium The club physician practices homeopathy, the practice of using m inute dosages of substances that produce the symptoms of the disease being treated.

H Y PE R : over, excessive hyperactive: excessively active hyperglycem ia: an abnorm ally high concentration of sugar in the blood It w ould be hyperbole to claim that the members of the club never disagree, but it is true that their dis­ agreements are infrequent and swiftly resolved. H Y PO : under, b en eath , less than hypoderm ic: relating to the parts beneath the skin hypochondriac: one affected by extreme depression of m ind or spirits often centered on im aginary physical ailments hypocritical: affecting virtues or qualities one does not have O f course, the hypothesis of the club members as to w h y they get along is sim ply that they are all equally devoted to skating. IDIO: o n e’s own idiot: an utterly stupid person idiom : a language, dialect, or style of speaking particular to a people Paris’ habit o f w earing bright green shoes could be described as highly idiosyncratic. IM/IN/EM/EN: in , into em brace: to clasp in the arms; to include or contain en close: to close in on all sides intrinsic: belonging to a thing by its very nature influx: the act of flowing in; inflow im plicit: not expressly stated; im plied incarnate: given a bodily, esp. a human, form indigenous: native; innate, natural Paris would attempt to ingratiate him self by behaving in ways o f w hich he felt others w ould approve. IM /IN : not, w ith o u t inactive: not active innocuous: not harm ful or injurious indolence: showing a disposition to avoid exertion; slothful im partial: not partial or biased; just indigent: deficient in w hat is requisite He w ould occasionally suffer indignities because of this approach.

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IN T E R : b etw een , am ong interstate: connecting or jointly involving states interim : a tem porary or provisional arrangem ent; meantim e interloper: one w ho intrudes in the domain o f others interm ittent: stopping or ceasing for a time intersperse: to scatter here and there W hen asked, “D on’t you have an original thought? D on’t you think?” Paris w ould quickly interject “Yes! O f course! W hat do you think?” JE C T : to throw ; to throw dow n inject: to place (quality, etcetera) w here needed in something dejected: sad, depressed eject: to throw out, expel conjecture: formation o f opinion on incom plete information abject: utterly hopeless, hum iliating, or wretched B laine’s arrow followed a dangerous trajectory. JO IN / JU N C T : to m eet; to jo in ju n ction : the act o f join in g; com bining adjoin: to be next to and joined w ith subjugate: to conquer rejoinder: to reply, retort ju n ta : (usually m ilitary) clique taking power after a coup d’etat. H er conjugal relationship, you see, was unsatisfactory. J U R : to sw ear p erju ry: w illful lying w hile on oath abjure: to renounce on oath adjure: to beg or command This is w hy she ended up in front o f a ju ry. LECT/LEG: to select, to choose collect: to gather together or assemble elect: to choose; to decide select: to choose w ith care eclectic: selecting ideas, etcetera from various sources M idge had a predilection for tall men.

LEV: lift, lig h t, rise relieve: to m itigate; to free from a burden alleviate: to make easier to endure, lessen relevant: bearing on or pertinent to inform ation at hand levee: em bankm ent against river flooding H er friends noted this fact w ith considerable lev ity . LO C /LO G /LO Q U : w ord, speech dialogue: conversation, esp. in a literary work elocution: art o f clear and expressive speaking p rologu e: introduction to poem , play, etcetera eu logy: speech or w ritin g in praise o f someone colloquial: o f ordinary or fam iliar conversation grandiloquent: pompous or inflated in language W henever M idge m et a tall man, she w ould display a scintillating and loquacious side. L U C /L U M /L U S: lig h t illustrate: to make intelligible w ith examples or analogies illum inate: to supply or brighten w ith light illustrious: highly distinguished translucent: perm itting light to pass through lackluster: lacking brilliance or radiance lucid: easily understood, intelligible H er countenance would, in fact, becom e lum inous. LU D /LU S: to p lay allude: to refer casually or indirectly illusion: something that deceives by producing a false impression o f reality ludicrous: ridiculous, laughable delu de: to mislead the m ind or judgm ent of, deceive elu de: to avoid capture or escape defection by p relu d e: a prelim inary to an action, event, etcetera Ultim ately, the conversation w ould lead to a roman­ tic interlude. LU T/LAV/LU V: to w ash lavatory: a room w ith equipm ent for washing hands and face dilute: to make thinner or w eaker by the addition o f w ater p o llu te: to make foul or unclean d elu ge: a great flood o f w ater antediluvian: before the biblical flood; extrem ely old Afterwards, M idge w ould engage in a ritual ablution, so as to be ready for her next tall paramour.

Word Roots

M A G /M A J/M A X : b ig m agn ify: to increase the apparent size o f m agnitude: greatness o f size, extent, or dimensions maxim um : the highest amount, value, or degree attained m agnanim ous: generous in forgiving an insult or injury maxim: an expression o f general truth or principle

M IS/M IT : to send transmit: to send from one person, thing, or place to another em issary: a messenger or agent sent to represent the interests o f another interm ittent: stopping and starting at intervals rem it: to send m oney rem ission: a lessening o f intensity or degree

C. J.W arn er’s m agniloquent m anner put off all o f his employees.

It’s safe to say all who worked for C. J. prayed for his dem ise.

M A L/M A LE: b ad, ill, evil, w ro n g m alfunction: failure to function properly m alicious: full o f or showing m alice m align: to speak harm ful untruths about, to slander m alady: a disorder or disease o f the body m alfeasance: misconduct or w rongdoing often com m itted by a public official m alediction: a curse

M IS C : m ixed m iscellaneous: made up o f a variety o f parts or ingredients m iscegenation: the interbreeding o f races, esp. m arriage between w hite and nonwhite persons prom iscuous: consisting o f diverse and unrelated parts or individuals

O f course, his m alodorousness, w hich made it difficult to stand near him , didn’t help. M A N : hand m anual: operated by hand m anufacture: to make by hand or m achinery em ancipate: to free from bondage m anifest: readily perceived by the eye or the understanding m andate: an authoritative order or command Oddly, however, C. J. W arner considered it m andatory that each o f his employees w ear cologne. M IN : sm all m inute: a unit o f tim e equal to one-sixtieth o f an hour, or sixty seconds m inutiae: small or trivial details m iniature: a copy or m odel that represents something in greatly reduced size dim inish: to lessen dim inution: the act or process o f dim inishing A m inim al am ount w ould do.

W h ile it is true that emotions are generally m iscible, w hen it came to the staff o f C. J. Warner, there were no m ixed feelings. M O N /M O N IT : to rem in d ; to w arn m onum ent: a structure, such as a building, tower, or sculpture, erected as a m em orial m onitor: one that admonishes, cautions, or reminds sum m on: to call together; convene adm onish: to counsel against something; caution rem onstrate: to say or plead in protect, objection, or reproof C. J. him self had a prem onition one day. M O R P H : shape am orphous: w ithout definite form; lacking a specific shape m etam orphosis: a transformation, as by m agic or sorcery anthropom orphism : attribution o f hum an characteris­ tics to inanim ate objects, animals, or natural phenom ena C. J. changed from an endom orph to an ectom orph w ith in a few weeks.

M IN : to pro ject, to h an g over em inent: tow ering above others; projecting im m inent: about to occur; im pending p rom in en t: projecting outward p reem in ent: superior to or notable above all others Still, no m atter how he or his employees smelled, C. J. had a m inatory effect on everyone he met.

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M O R T : death im m ortal: not subject to death m orbid: susceptible to preoccupation w ith unwholesom e matters He grew m oribund shortly thereafter. M U T : change com m ute: to substitute; exchange; interchange m utation: the process of being changed transmutation: the act of changing from one form into another perm utation: a complete change; transformation U pon his death, it was agreed that C. J. was better off, as he was im m utable, and would have driven everyone crazy forever. N AT/N AS/N AI: to b e b o rn natural: present due to nature, not to artificial or m an-m ade means native: belonging to one by nature; inborn; innate n aive: lacking worldliness and sophistication; artless cognate: related by blood; having a common ancestor renaissance: rebirth, esp. referring to culture At four years old, N icole had an innate sense o f her own power. N IC /N O C /N O X : h arm innocent: uncorrupted by evil, m alice, or wrongdoing noxious: injurious or harm ful to health or morals obnoxious: highly disagreeable or offensive innocuous: having no adverse effect; harmless She could also be a tad pern iciou s in her demands. N O M : ru le, order astronom y: the scientific study of the universe beyond the earth econ om y: the careful or thrifty use of resources, as of incom e, materials, or labor ga stron om y: the art or science of good eating taxonom y: the science, laws, or principles of classification B eatrix loved her au ton om y.

N O M /N Y M /N O U N /N O W N : nam e syn on ym : a word having a m eaning sim ilar to that of another word of the same language anonym ous: having an unknown or unacknowledged name nom inate: to propose by name as a candidate nom enclature: a system of names; systematic nam ing acronym : a word formed from the initial letters of a name She was, in fact, becom ing somewhat ignom inious in her play group, as she had a nasty habit of grabbing toys. N O V /N EO /N O U : n ew n ovice: a person new to any field or activity renovate: to restore to an earlier condition innovate: to begin or introduce something new neologism : a new ly coined word, phrase, or expression n eoph yte: a recent convert nouveau riche: one w ho has lately becom e rich Hers was a n ovel technique. N O U N C /N U N C : to announce announce: to proclaim pron ou n ce: to articulate renounce: to give up, especially by formal announcem ent She w ould denounce the other four-year-olds in her group and declare the toys hers for safekeeping until they m ended their ways. O B/O C/O F/O P: tow ard, to, against, com pletely, over obese: extrem ely fat, corpulent obstinate: stubbornly adhering to an idea, inflexible obstruct: to block or fill w ith obstacles oblique: having a slanting or sloping direction obstreperous: noisily defiant, unruly obtuse: not sharp, pointed, or acute in any form obfuscate: to render indistinct or dim; darken Jerem y was obsequious in the presence of his spiritual leader.

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O M N I: all om nibus: an anthology o f the works o f one author or o f w ritings on related subjects om nipresent: everywhere at one time om nipotent: all powerful His leader, he was convinced, had great powers o f om niscience. PAC/PEAC: peace appease: to bring peace to p a cify: to ease the anger or agitation o f pacifier: something or someone that eases the anger or agitation o f p act: a formal agreem ent, as betw een nations George considered him self a pacifist. PAN: all, everyone panoram a: an unobstructed and w ide view o f an extensive area p an egyric: formal or elaborate praise at an assembly p a n op ly: a w ide-ranging and impressive array or display p a n th eon : a public building containing tombs or m emorials o f the illustrious dead o f a nation pan dem ic: widespread, general, universal The pandem onium that typically accompanies w ar made him cringe. PA R: equal par: an equality in value or standing p a rity: equally, as in am ount, status, or character apartheid: any system or caste that separates people according to race, etcetera disparate: essentially different He disparaged all those w ho supported aggressive action overseas. PA R A : n e x t to, beside parallel: extending in the same direction parasite: an organism that lives on or w ithin a plant or anim al o f another species, from w hich it obtains nutrients p a rod y: to im itate for purposes o f satire parable: a short, allegorical story designed to illustrate a moral lesson or religious principle paragon: a m odel o f excellence paranoid: suffering from a baseless distrust o f others G eorge’s best friend joined the paramilitary, mistaken­ ly assuming he w ould never see battle.

PAS/PAT/ PATH: feelin g, suffering, disease sym pathy: harm ony or o f agreem ent in feeling em pathy: the identification w ith the feelings or thoughts o f others com passion: a feeling o f deep sympathy for someone struck by misfortune, accom panied by a desire to alleviate suffering dispassionate: devoid o f personal feeling or bias im passive: showing or feeling no em otion sociopath: a person whose behavior is antisocial and w ho lacks a sense o f moral responsibility He was badly hurt in action, w hich only served to fuel G eorge’s antipathy for war. PAU/PO/POV/PU: few, little, poor p o o r: having little or no money, goods, or other means o f support p o v erty: the condition o f being poor pa u city: smallness o f quantity; scarcity; scantiness pauper: a person w ithout any personal means of support pusillanim ous: lacking courage or resolution George felt that wars could im poverish a society o f its resources. PED: ch ild, education p ed a go gu e: a teacher pediatrician: a doctor who prim arily has children as patients en cyclopedia: book or set o f books containing articles on various topics, covering all branches o f knowledge or o f one particular subject He w ould behave as if he belonged on a pedestal and becom e quite pedan tic w hen he explained his ideas. PED/POD: foot p ed a l: a foot-operated lever or part used to control pedestrian: a person w ho travels on foot ex pedite: to speed up the progress o f im pede: to retard progress by means o f obstacles or hindrances p od iu m : a small platform for an orchestra conductor, speaker, etcetera antipodes: places diam etrically opposite each other on the globe There w ere m any im pedim ents to G eorge’s happiness.

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PEN /PUN : to p ay; to com pensate p en a l: o f or pertaining to punishment, as for crimes p en a lty: a punishm ent imposed for a violation o f law or rule p u n itive: serving for, concerned w ith, or inflicting punishment p en a n ce: a punishment undergone to express regret for a sin p en iten t: contrite repine: to fret or complain B ut he continued to think he could rail at others w ith im pu n ity. PEND/PENS: to h an g; to w eig h t; to pay depen d: to rely; to place trust in stipend: a periodic paym ent; fixed or regular pay com pensate: to counterbalance, offset indispensable: absolutely necessary, essential, or requisite appendix: supplementary m aterial at the end o f a text appendage: a limb or other subsidiary part that diverges from the central structure Finally, the pen du lu m began to swing in another direction. PE R: co m p letely persistent: lasting or enduring tenaciously perforate: to make a w ay through or into something perplex : to cause to be puzzled or bewildered over w hat is not understood peru se: to read w ith thoroughness or care perfu n ctory: perform ed m erely as routine duty pertinacious: resolute N atalie, a perspicacious young wom an, entered his life and quickly got the picture. PERI: around perim eter: the border or outer boundary o f a two­ dimensional figure periscope: an optical instrum ent for seeing objects in an obstructed field o f vision peripatetic: w alking or traveling about; itinerant George, she realized, had only a peripheral under­ standing o f his own beliefs.

PET/PIT: to go; to seek; to strive appetite: a desire for food or drink com pete: to strive to outdo another for acknowledgm ent p etition : a form ally drawn request soliciting some benefit im petuous: characterized by sudden or rash action or em otion petu lan t: showing sudden irritation, esp. over some annoyance N atalie decided this was a propitious tim e to deter­ m ine w hat was really bothering George. PH IL: love p h ilosop h y: the rational investigation o f the truths and principles o f being, knowledge, or conduct philatelist: one w ho loves or collects postage stamps p h ilolo gy: the study o f literary texts to establish their authenticity and determ ine their m eaning bibliophile: one who loves or collects books He seemed honest and so N atalie did not suspect George o f being a philanderer. PLAC: to please placid: pleasantly calm or peaceful placebo: a substance w hich has no pharm acological effect but w hich acts to placate a patient who believes it to be a m edicine im placable: unable to be pleased com placent: self-satisfied, unconcerned com plaisant: inclined or disposed to please N atalie, not even slightly interested in placating George, simply asked “W h at’s really bugging you? It can’t just be war.” PLE: to fill com plete: having all parts or elements deplete: to decrease seriously or exhaust the supply o f supplem ent: something added to supply a deficiency im plem ent: an instrum ent, tool, or utensil for accom plishing w ork replete: abundantly supplied George sighed and replied, “I suppose there are a plethora o f reasons for m y rage.”

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PLEX/PLIC/PLY: to fold; to tw ist; to tan g le; to bend com plex : composed of m any interconnected parts replica: any close copy or reproduction im plicit: not expressly stated, im plied im plicate: to show to be involved, usually in an incrim inating m anner duplicity: deceitfulness in speech or conduct, double­ dealing supplicate: to make humble and earnest entreaty He lowered his head and added, “I choose not to be too explicit.” PO N /PO S/PO U N D : to p ut; to place com ponent: a constituent part, elem ental ingredient ex pose: to lay open to danger, attack, or harm ex pound: to set forth in detail jux ta p ose: to place close together or side by side, esp. for contract repository: a receptacle or place w here things are deposited “I am a prop on en t of speaking honestly,” N atalie replied encouragingly. P O R T : to carry im port: to bring in from a foreign country export: to transmit abroad portable: easily carried deportm ent: conduct, behavior disport: to divert or amuse oneself im portune: to urge or press w ith excessive persistence “You pu rp ort to be a pacifist, but I suspect there is more than just that at w ork.” PO ST : after posth u m ou s: after death posterior: situated at the rear p osterity: succeeding in future generations collectively p o st facto: after the fact

PR E : before precarious: dependent on circumstances beyond one’s control precocious: unusually advanced or m ature in m ental development or talent prem on ition : a feeling of anticipation over a future event presen tim ent: foreboding p receden t: an act that serves as an example for subsequent situations p recept: a commandment given as a rule of action or conduct “M y prerequisite for helping you face your true prob­ lems,” N atalie responded haughtily, “is that you crack no pathetic jokes.” PREH EN D /PRISE: to take; to g et; to seize surprise: to strike w ith an unexpected feeling of wonder or astonishment enterprise: a project undertaken reprehensible: deserving rebuke or censure com prise: to include or contain reprisals: retaliation against an enemy apprehend: to take into custody “Fine, go ahead,” George smiled. “Conduct a com pre­ hensive investigation into m y psyche.” PR O : m uch , for, a lo t prolific: highly fruitful profu se: spending or giving freely prodigal: wastefully or recklessly extravagant prodigiou s: extraordinary in size, am ount, or extent p roselytiz e: to convert or attempt to recruit propou n d: to set forth for consideration providen t: having or showing foresight “P rovidence at work,” N atalie replied dryly. “I just received the text for Psychology 101 in the m ail.”

“W ell, it’s certainly not postpartum depression,” he joked.

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PR O B : to prove; to test p rob e: to search or exam ine thoroughly approbation: praise, consideration opprobrium : the disgrace incurred by shameful conduct reprobate: a depraved or w icked person problem atic: questionable “I w ill participate w ith p rob ity,” George answered sar­ castically. PUG : to fight pugn aciou s: to quarrel or fight readily im pugn: to challenge as false repugnant: objectionable or offensive “I believe you are turning into a pu gilist,” N atalie snapped. PU N C/PU N G /PO IG N : to p oint; to p rick p o in t: a sharp or tapering end pu n ctu re: the act o f piercing p u n gen t: caustic or sharply expressive com punction: a feeling o f uneasiness for doing wrong p unctilious: strict or exact in the observance o f formalities “E xpunge that thought from your m ind,” George shook his head angrily. “Perhaps you have forgotten that I am a pacifist.” Q U E/Q U IS: to seek acquire: to come into possession of exquisite: o f special beauty or charm conquest: vanquishment inquisitive: given to research, eager for knowledge q uery: a question, inquiry querulous: full o f complaints perquisite: a gratuity, tip Jane made an acquisition o f w hich she is quite proud. Q U I: quiet quiet: m aking little or no sound disquiet: lack o f calm or peace tranquil: free from com motion or tum ult acquiesce: to comply, give in quiescence: the condition o f being at rest, still, inactive The log cabin has given her a long-sought feeling o f tranquillity.

R ID / R IS: to lau gh riddle: a conundrum derision: the act o f m ockery risible: causing laughter Paulette was subjected to ridicule w hen she arrived late and sloppy. R O G : to ask interrogate: to ask questions of, esp. form ally arrogant: m aking claims to superior im portance or rights abrogate: to abolish by formal means surrogate: a person appointed to act for another derogatory: belittling, disparaging arrogate: to claim unwarrantably or presumptuously “It is m y prerogative to arrive w henever I want and to w ear w hat I please,” she responded. SAL/SIL/SAULT/SULT: to leap, to ju m p insult: to treat w ith contemptuous rudeness assault: a sudden or violent attack som ersault: to roll the body end over end, m aking a complete revolution salient: prom inent or conspicuous resilient: able to spring back to an original form after compression exult: to show or feel trium phant jo y Harrison moved in a desultory fashion from career to career, never really growing interested in anything. S A C R /SA N C T /SE C R : sacred sacred: devoted or dedicated to a deity or religious purpose sacrifice: the offering o f some living or inanim ate thing to a deity in homage sanctify: to make holy sanction: authoritative permission or approval execrable: abominable sacrament: something regarded as possessing sacred character sacrilege: the violation o f anything sacred He took sanctuary from his relentless m eandering in his w riting.

Word Roots

SC I: to kn o w conscious: aware o f one’s own existence conscience: the inner sense o f w hat is right or wrong, im pelling one toward right action unconscionable: unscrupulous om niscient: know ing everything prescien t: having knowledge o f things before they happen H arrison wrote conscientiously in his diary every day. SC R IB E /SC R IP : to w rite scribble: to w rite hastily or carelessly describe: to tell or depict in words; to give an account of script: handw riting postscript: any addition or supplement proscribe: to condemn as harm ful or odious ascribe: to credit or assign, as to a cause or course conscription: draft transcript: a w ritten or typed copy circum scribe: to draw a line around One day, because his hand was tired, he decided to hire a scribe. SE: apart select: to choose in preference to another separate: to keep apart, divide sedu ce: to lead astray segregate: to separate or set apart from others seced e: to w ithdraw form ally from an association sequester: to remove or w ithdraw into solitude or retirement sedition: incitem ent o f discontent or rebellion against a government The scribe needed to w ork in seclusion. SEC/SEQ U: to follow second: next after the first p rosecu te: to seek to enforce by legal process sequence: the following o f one thing after another obsequious: fawning non sequitur: an inference or a conclusion that does not follow from the premises

SED/SESS/SID: to sit; to be still; to p lan ; to plot preside: to exercise m anagem ent or control resident: a person w ho lives in a place sedim ent: the m atter that settles to the bottom o f a liquid dissident: disagreeing, as in opinion or attitude residual: rem aining, leftover subsidiary: serving to assist or supplement insidious: intended to entrap or beguile He was assiduous about word usage and wanted to be sure the scribe worked w ith care. SENS/SENT: to feel; to be aware sen se: any o f the faculties by w hich humans and animals perceive stimuli originating outside the body sen sory: o f or pertaining to the senses or sensation sentim ent: an attitude or feeling toward something presen tim ent: a feeling that something is about to happen dissent: to differ in opinion, esp. from the m ajority resent: to feel or show displeasure sentin el: a person or thing that stands watch insensate: w ithout feeling or sensitivity Harrison expressed his feeling, creating dissent between him self and his hired scribe. SO L: to loosen; to free dissolve: to make a solution of, as by m ixing in a liquid soluble: capable o f being dissolved or liquefied resolution: a formal expression o f opinion or intention made dissolution: the act or process o f dissolving into parts or elements dissolute: indifferent to moral restraints absolution: forgiveness for wrongdoing Both were irresolute as to w hat decision should follow.

H arrison did not view this as inconsequential.

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Verbal Reference and Additional Practice

SPEC/SPIC/SPIT: to lo o k; to see p ersp ective: one’s m ental view of facts, ideas, and their interrelationships speculation: the contemplation or consideration of some subject suspicious: inclined to suspect spectrum : a broad range of related things that form a continuous series retrospective: contemplative of past situations circum spect: watchful and discreet, cautious perspicacious: having keen m ental perception and understanding conspicuous: easily seen or noticed; readily observable The scribe, growing frustrated w ith their indecision, accused Harrison of hiring him for specious reasons. STA/STI: to stand; to be in p lace static: of bodies or forces at rest or in equilibrium destitute: w ithout means of subsistence obstinate: stubbornly adhering to a purpose, opinion, or course of action constitute: to make up stasis: the state of equilibrium or inactivity caused by opposing equal forces apostasy: renunciation of an object of one’s previous loyalty H arrison stalwartly insisted that he had hired him w ith the purest of intentions, but that he simply wanted to stand over the scribe’s shoulder as he worked. SUA: sm ooth suave: smoothly agreeable or polite persu a de: to encourage; to convince dissuade: to deter This did not assuage the scribe’s fury. SU B /SU P: b elo w subm issive: inclined or ready to submit subsidiary: serving to assist or supplement sublim inal: existing or operating below the threshold of confidence subtle: thin, tenuous, or rarefied subterfuge: an artifice or expedient used to evade a rule supposition: the act of assuming H arrison could no longer suppress his annoyance.

SU P E R /SU R : above surpass: to go beyond in am ount, extent, or degree superlative: the highest kind or order supersede: to replace in power, as by another person or thing surm ount: to get over or across, to prevail surveillance: a watch kept over someone or something “I do not need you,” he announced in a supercilious to n e,“as you are superfluous to m y jo yful endeavor. I shall manage on m y own.” T A C /T IC : to b e silent reticent: disposed to be silent or not to speak freely tacit: unspoken understanding H erm an seemed so taciturn that few sought his com­ pany. TAIN /TEN /TEN T/TIN : to hold detain: to keep from proceeding pertain : to have reference or relation tenacious: holding fast abstention: the act of refraining voluntarily tenure: the holding or possessing of anything tenable: capable of being held, m aintained, or defended sustenance: nourishment, means of livelihood B ut H erm an was pertinacious in his belief that he appeared more mysterious than unpleasant. TEN D /TEN S/TEN T/TEN U: to stretch; to thin tension: the act of stretching or straining tentative: of the nature of, or done as a trial, attempt tendentious: having a predisposition towards a point of view distend: to expand by stretching attenuate: to weaken or reduce in force extenuating: m aking less serious by offering excuses He grew m ildly contentious w hen told he was wrong.

Word Roots

TH EO : god atheist: one w ho does not believe in a deity or divine system theocracy: a form o f government in w hich a deity is recognized as the supreme ruler th eology: the study o f divine things and the divine faith Herm an felt he was the apotheosis o f a “masked man.” T R A C T : to d rag; to p u ll; to draw tractor: a powerful vehicle used to pull farm m achinery attract: to draw either by physical force or by an appeal to emotions or senses contract: a legally binding docum ent detract: to take away from, esp. a positive thing abstract: to draw or pull away, remove tractable: easily m anaged or controlled Eventually, people ceased to argue w ith him, because any discussion w ould have become a protracted affair. T R A N S : across transaction: the act o f carrying on or conduct to a conclusion or settlement transparent: easily seen through, recognized, or detected transition: a change from one w ay o f being to another transgress: to violate a law, command, or moral code transcendent: going beyond ordinary limits intransigent: refusing to agree or compromise H erm an’s self-image was, unfortunately, not transitory; eventually, there was no one left in his life w ith w hom he could have any conversation at all. U S/U T : to use abuse: to use w rongly or im properly u sage: a customary w ay o f doing something usurp: to seize and hold u tility: the state or quality o f being useful

VEN/VENT: to com e or to m ove tow ard con ven e: to assemble for some public purpose venturesom e: showing a disposition to undertake risks intervene: to come between disputing factions, m ediate contravene: to come into conflict w ith She then proceeded to circum vent the day’s visiting schedule, heading straight for the library. V E R : truth verdict: any judgm ent or decision veracious: habitually truthful verisim ilitude: the appearance or semblance o f truth “The verity o f the situation is that I hate guided tours,” she announced. V ER S/V ERT: to turn controversy: a public dispute involving a m atter of opinion revert: to return to a form er habit diverse: o f a different kind, form, character aversion: dislike introvert: a person concerned prim arily w ith inner thoughts and feelings inadvertent: unintentional covert: hidden, clandestine avert: to turn away from Linda, being an extrovert, happily trailed after her mother, inviting other students to jo in them. VI: life vivid: strikingly bright or intense vicarious: performed, exercised, received, or suffered in place o f another viable: capable o f living vivacity: the quality o f being lively, animated, spirited jo ie de vivre: jo y o f life (French expression) T hey made a convivial group.

Linda’s mom took one look at the huge cork board hanging in her daughter’s dorm and exclaim ed, “H ow utilitarian!”

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Verbal Reference and Additional Practice

VID /VIS: to see eviden t: plain or clear to the sight or understanding video: the elements o f television pertaining to the transmission or reception o f the image adviser: one w ho gives counsel su rvey: to view in a general or comprehensive way vista: a view or prospect Linda’s m other considered herself a visionary. VO C/VO K : to call vocabulary: the stock o f words used by or known to a particular person or group advocate: to support or urge by argum ent equivocate: to use ambiguous or unclear expressions vocation: a particular occupation avocation: something one does in addition to a principal occupation vociferous: crying out noisily convok e: to call together invoke: to call on a deity This is w hy she made the p rovocative suggestion that they all join hands and dance in the library lobby. VO L: to w ish voluntary: undertaken o f one’s own accord or by free choice volunteer: one w ho offers his or her services o f his or her own accord m alevolent: characterized by or expressing bad w ill ben evolen t: characterized by or expressing goodw ill Linda, o f her own volition, decided it was tim e to say goodbye.

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