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7 Kerusakan Hati Akibat Pemberian Parasetamol pada Mencit Swiss (Liver Damage Caused by Paracetamol Therapy in Swiss Strain Mice)/Poppy Lintong et. al.-Maj. Kedokter. Univ. Samratulangi, Samratulangi, 2 (2) 2000 : 209-218
1 Analisis Senyawa 06-Metilguanin dengan Metode Voltammetri Pulsa Diferensial (Analysis of 06-Metilguanine Compound by Differential Pulse Voltammeter Method)/ Eriawan Rismana; Kosasih Satiadarma.-Bul. Penelit. Kesehat ., ., 28 (2) 2000 : 409-419
8 Perbaikan Cara Pencairan Asetaminofen dalam Sediaan Tablet menurut Farmakope IV yang Ditetapkan Kadarnya dengan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi/KCKT (New Extraction Method of Acetaminophen in Tablets, According to 4th Indonesian Pharmacopoeia, Analyzed Using HPLC)/ Effendy De Lux Putra.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., Indon., 11 (3) 2000 : 181-187
ABORTION 2 Perlindungan Hukum bagi Dokter yang Melakukan Abortus Provocatus Medicalis (Legal Protection for the Physician's who did the Provocatus Medicalis Abortion)/ Masruchin Ruba.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw ., ., 16 (1) 2000 : 21-24 3 Preliminary Study : Sensitivity and Specificity of Immunocytochemistry Diagnosis for Toxoplasmosis on Spontaneous Abortion/ Umayah et. al.-- Indon. J. of Clinical Epidemiol. & Biostatistics, 7 Biostatistics, 7 (1) 2000 : 16-18
ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME 9 Keberadaan Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat dalam Penanggulangan AIDS (The Contribution of Community Participation in AIDS Prevention)/Latuihamallo.-Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, Perkotaan, 7 (1) 2000 : 27-35
ACANTHAMOEBA 4 Observation on the Restriction Digestion Patterns of the Genomic DNA of Acanthamoeba Castellan II/Noenoek Poerwaningsih; Widiastuti S. Manan; Zulhasri.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., Indon., 28 (3) 2000 : 176-179
10 Perilaku Masyarakat dalam Penanggulangan HIV/AIDS setelah Mendapat Pendidikan Sebaya (Peer Group Education) melalui Kelompok Dasa Wisma di Kecamatan Tuntungan 1999 (Community Attitude in the Prevention of HIV/AIDS after Peer Group Education by Dasa Wisma Group at Tuntungan Sub District by the Year 1999)/Syarifah.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., Indon., 28 (5) 2000 : 278-283
ACCIDENTS, OCCUPATIONAL 5 Kecelakaan Kerja di Bali Dilihat dari Waktu Kejadian Kecelakaan Tahun 1995-1998 (Working Accidents Associated with the Time of Onset)/D.P. Sutjana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, Udayana, 31 (110) 2000 : 221-225 6 Keluhan Sakit Punggung & Kecelakaan Kerja pada Pengrajin Sepatu (The Sign of Back Pain and the Occupational Accident among the Shoes Maker)/Kusnindar; Supraptini; Sri Irianti.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., Indon., 27 (12) 2000 : 672-675
11 Rumah Sakit dan Pengobatan Penderita HIV/AIDS di Jakarta (Hospital Role in the Therapy of HIV/AIDS Patients in Jakarta)/ Zubairi Djoerban.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (7) 2000 : 327-331
Koosnadi Saputra.-- Meridian, Meridian, 7 (2) 2000 : 93-95
12 Surveilens dalam Penanggulangan HIV/AIDS di Indonesia (Surveillance in the Prevention of HIV/AIDS in Indonesia)/Myrnawati.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 725-731
19 Akupunktur untuk Terapi Gangguan Pembuluh Darah Perifer pada Diabetes Mellitus (Acupuncture Treating Diabetic Peripheral Vascular Diseases)/Hendromartono.-- Meridian, Meridian, 7 (1) 2000 : 17-22
13 Telaah Kasus HIV/AIDS pada Pemakai Narkotik Suntikan di Rumah Sakit Penyakit Infeksi Sulianti Saroso, Jakarta (Case Study of AIDS/HIV Infection in Intravenous Narcotics User at Sulianti Saroso Infectious Hospital, Jakarta)/Sukiman Rusli.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., Indon., 50 (9) 2000 : 413-417
20 Akupunktur sebagai Terapi Dismenore Primer (Acupuncture Treatment in Primary Dismenorhoe)/Kusmaryati.-- Meridian, Meridian, 7 (1) 2000 : 40-46
ACRYLIC RESINS 14 Kekuatan Impak Resin Akrilik Heat-Cured dan Self-Cured setelah Direndam Larutan Teh Hitam (Impact Strength of Heat-Cured and Self-Cured Acrylic Resin in Immersion of Black Tea)/Elly Munadziroh; Muslita Indrasari.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (3) 2000 : 95-98
21 Akupunktur sebagai Terapi Paralisis (Acupuncture for Paralysis)/JF.Kushardjito.-Meridian, Meridian, 7 (2) 2000 :100-105 22 Aplikasi Akupunktur Anjing yang Menderita Narkolepsi : Studi Kasus (The Application of Acupuncture on a Dog Diagnosed with Narcolepsy : A Case Report)/Anita Asali.-Meridian, Meridian, 7 (2) 2000 : 119-122
15 Porositas Resin Akrilik Rapid Heat-Cured dengan Proses Kuring yang Berbeda (The Effect of Curing Cycles of Rapid Heat Curing Cycles of Rapid Heat Cured Resin on Porosity)/Intan Nirwana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (3) 2000 : 112-114
23 Manfaat Obat Bahan Alam dan Akupunktur pada HIV/AIDS (The Advantage of Natural Herbs and Acupuncture as an Alternative Therapy for HIV/AIDS)/Suprapto Maat; Agustin Idayati.-- Meridian, 7 Meridian, 7 (2) 2000 : 82-92
ACUPRESSURE 16 Akupreser untuk Meningkatkan Stamina (Acupressure to Increase the Physical Fitness)/RTS Adikara.-- Meridian, Meridian, 7 (1) 2000 : 33-36
24 Manfaat Perlakuan Akupunktur Laser untuk Rhinitis Alergika pada Anak (The Contribution of Laser Acupuncture against Allergies Rhinitis in Children)/Eko Suyanto.-Meridian, Meridian, 7 (1) 2000 : 23-27
ACUPUNCTURE 17 Akupunktur pada Cancer Cachexia (Acupuncture Treating Cancer Cachexia)/ Koosnadi Saputra.-- Meridian, Meridian, 7 (2) 2000 : 76-81
25 Sepuluh Tahun Pendidikan Akupunktur di LP3 Akupunktur (Ten Years of Acupuncture Education in Acupuncture Research Laboratory)/Agustin Idayanti.-- Meridian, Meridian, 7 (1) 2000 : 7-12
18 Akupunktur untuk Kondisi Kebal Obat (Acupuncture for Drug Resistance Condition)/
Koosnadi Saputra.-- Meridian, Meridian, 7 (2) 2000 : 93-95
12 Surveilens dalam Penanggulangan HIV/AIDS di Indonesia (Surveillance in the Prevention of HIV/AIDS in Indonesia)/Myrnawati.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 725-731
19 Akupunktur untuk Terapi Gangguan Pembuluh Darah Perifer pada Diabetes Mellitus (Acupuncture Treating Diabetic Peripheral Vascular Diseases)/Hendromartono.-- Meridian, Meridian, 7 (1) 2000 : 17-22
13 Telaah Kasus HIV/AIDS pada Pemakai Narkotik Suntikan di Rumah Sakit Penyakit Infeksi Sulianti Saroso, Jakarta (Case Study of AIDS/HIV Infection in Intravenous Narcotics User at Sulianti Saroso Infectious Hospital, Jakarta)/Sukiman Rusli.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., Indon., 50 (9) 2000 : 413-417
20 Akupunktur sebagai Terapi Dismenore Primer (Acupuncture Treatment in Primary Dismenorhoe)/Kusmaryati.-- Meridian, Meridian, 7 (1) 2000 : 40-46
ACRYLIC RESINS 14 Kekuatan Impak Resin Akrilik Heat-Cured dan Self-Cured setelah Direndam Larutan Teh Hitam (Impact Strength of Heat-Cured and Self-Cured Acrylic Resin in Immersion of Black Tea)/Elly Munadziroh; Muslita Indrasari.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (3) 2000 : 95-98
21 Akupunktur sebagai Terapi Paralisis (Acupuncture for Paralysis)/JF.Kushardjito.-Meridian, Meridian, 7 (2) 2000 :100-105 22 Aplikasi Akupunktur Anjing yang Menderita Narkolepsi : Studi Kasus (The Application of Acupuncture on a Dog Diagnosed with Narcolepsy : A Case Report)/Anita Asali.-Meridian, Meridian, 7 (2) 2000 : 119-122
15 Porositas Resin Akrilik Rapid Heat-Cured dengan Proses Kuring yang Berbeda (The Effect of Curing Cycles of Rapid Heat Curing Cycles of Rapid Heat Cured Resin on Porosity)/Intan Nirwana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (3) 2000 : 112-114
23 Manfaat Obat Bahan Alam dan Akupunktur pada HIV/AIDS (The Advantage of Natural Herbs and Acupuncture as an Alternative Therapy for HIV/AIDS)/Suprapto Maat; Agustin Idayati.-- Meridian, 7 Meridian, 7 (2) 2000 : 82-92
ACUPRESSURE 16 Akupreser untuk Meningkatkan Stamina (Acupressure to Increase the Physical Fitness)/RTS Adikara.-- Meridian, Meridian, 7 (1) 2000 : 33-36
24 Manfaat Perlakuan Akupunktur Laser untuk Rhinitis Alergika pada Anak (The Contribution of Laser Acupuncture against Allergies Rhinitis in Children)/Eko Suyanto.-Meridian, Meridian, 7 (1) 2000 : 23-27
ACUPUNCTURE 17 Akupunktur pada Cancer Cachexia (Acupuncture Treating Cancer Cachexia)/ Koosnadi Saputra.-- Meridian, Meridian, 7 (2) 2000 : 76-81
25 Sepuluh Tahun Pendidikan Akupunktur di LP3 Akupunktur (Ten Years of Acupuncture Education in Acupuncture Research Laboratory)/Agustin Idayanti.-- Meridian, Meridian, 7 (1) 2000 : 7-12
18 Akupunktur untuk Kondisi Kebal Obat (Acupuncture for Drug Resistance Condition)/
26 Pengenalan Teknik Analgesia dengan Menggunakan Titik Akupunktur dalam Kedokteran Gigi (The Introducing of Analgesia Acupuncture Technique in Dental Medicine)/Achmad Mufid.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (4) 2000 : 163-166
mg Regimen Singkat dan Regimen Baku [The Comparison between the Effectiveness of Short Regiment of 100 Mg Doxycycline and Standard Regiment of Doxycycline for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) Caused by Chlamidia Infection]/Endang R. Sedyaningsih et. al.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., Indon., 24 (2) 2000 : 97-103
32 Komunikasi yang Efektif antara Orang Tua & Remaja (The Effective Communication between Parents and Adolescence)/Siti Purwanti B.-- Seminar dan Workshop Bebaskan Anak Bangsa dari Ancaman Narkoba, Narkoba, 2000 : 1-12
27 Embryonic Correlation between Genital Organ, Intestine and Kidney towards Human Accupoint/Bambang Purnomo S.-- Meridian, Meridian, 7 (1) 2000 : 37-39 28 Nilai Diagnostik Keseimbangan Biolistrik Titik Akupunktur Tubuh pada Kondisi Organ (Diagnostic Value of Electrical Voltage Equilibrium Acupuncture Point to the Healthy Condition)/Suhariningsih.-- Meridian, Meridian, 7 (2) 2000 :106-114
33 Perawatan Ortodonti pada Orang Dewasa (Orthodontics Therapy in Adolescence)/ Niniek L. Pratiwi; S.K. Poerwani B.S.-Medika, 26 Medika, 26 (10) 2000 : 661-663 ADRENERGIC BETA-ANTAGONISTS
34 Tempat Beta-Bloker dalam Pengobatan Penyakit Kardiovaskular pada Lansia (Betablocker in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease in the Elderly)/Budhi Setianto.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., Indon., 25 (1) 2000 : 34-39
29 Pengobatan Penderita Pencandu Narkoba di Surabaya dengan Akupunktur (The Management of Narcotics Dependence by Acupuncture in Surabaya)/IGN. Darmawan Budianto.-- Meridian, Meridian, 7 (1) 2000 : 13-16
AEDES 35 Analisis Perbandingan Densitas Vektor Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue di Daerah Kumuh dan Elit di Kotamadya Surabaya (Analysis of the Comparison of Dengue Density Vector in Slum and Luxorius Areas)/Rosmanida.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., Indon., 11 (1) 2000 : 26-32
ADHESIVES 30 Jembatan Adhesif dengan Retensi Teknik Anyaman pada Bagian Pelekatan Kerangka Logam (Adhesive Bridge Construction by Mesh Case Technique toward Sketch Fixed of Dental Alloy)/Dewi Maya Sophia; Deddy Firman; Aprillia Adenan.-- Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi : Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), (TIKEGI), 2000 : 31-44
36 Evaluasi Dua Jenis Tumbuhan, Buah Kelerak dan Daun Orang-Aring sebagai Insektisida terhadap Nyamuk Aedes aegypti di Laboratorium (The Evaluation of Two Type of Plants, Kelerak Fruit and Orang-aring Leaf as an Insecticide against Aedes aegypti in the Laboratory)/Nunik Siti Aminah; Chairul.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., Indon., 28 (7) 2000 : 382-385
ADNEXITIS 31 Perbandingan Efisiensi Pengobatan Penyakit Radang Panggul (PRP) yang Disebabkan oleh Infeksi Klamidia dengan Doksisiklin 100
43 Gambaran Hemostasis dan Viskositas Darah pada Lanjut Usia: Beberapa Parameter yang Berhubungan dengan Risiko Trombosis (The Profiles of Haemostasis and Blood Viscosity in the Elderly : Several Parameters Related to the Risk of Thrombosis)/Rahayuningsih Dharma Setiabudy; Inggrawati Komala.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (4) 2000 : 173-182
37 Uji Toksisitas Isolat Bacillus thuringiensis yang di Isolasi dari Tanah terhadap Larva Nyamuk Aedes aegypti L. (Toxicity Test of Bacillus thuringiensis Isolated from the Soil through Aedes aegypti Larvae)/Joseph Atasiati Pagaya; Idajadi; Subagyo Yotopranoto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 11 (1) 2000 : 17-25
44 Gizi bagi Manusia Usia Lanjut (Nutrition in the Elderly)/Sihadi.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (7) 2000 : 400-403
AFFECTIVE DISORDERS, PSYCHOTIC 38 Pendidikan Kesehatan Jiwa Keluarga untuk Mencegah Kekambuhan Penderita Gangguan Afektif Berat (The Education of Family Mental Health to Prevent the Relapse on Patient with Severe Affective Disorder)/ Aris Sudiyanto.-- Jiwa, 33 (4) 2000 : 331-343
45 Karakteristik Lansia yang Dirawat di Rumah Sakit Kelas A dan B (The Characteristically of Elderly which Cared in Class A and B Hospital)/Sarjaini Jamal; Pupus Hestining; Raharni.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 28 (1) 2000 : 370-376
AFLATOXIN B1 39 Pengaruh Senyawa Antihepatotoksik dalam Infusa Herba Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.) terhadap Efek Toksik Aflatoksin B1 (20 ug/ml) pada Hepatosit Tikus (Rattus norvegicus) Terisolasi [The Effect of Antihepatotoxic Substances through the Toxic Effect of Aflatoxin B1 in Water-extract of Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.) Herbs in Suspension of Rats Hepatocytes]/Sri Suharmi; Wiryatun Lestariana.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (2) 2000 : 91-95
46 Kelainan Mata pada Usia Lanjut (Eye Anomalies in the Elderly)/PA. Dewi.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (2) 2000 : 57-59 47 Manajemen Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Zat Gizi bagi Lansia (The Management of Nutritional Intake in the Elderly)/Noor Edi Widya Sukoco; Puti Sari H.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 31 (63) 2000 : 36-43
AGED 40 The Effect of Ramadhan Fasting on Kidney Function among Elderly Patients/Siti Setiati et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (1) 2000 : 23-28
48 Masalah Terselubung pada Wanita Usia Lanjut (The Hidden Problems in the Elderly Women)/H. Yunizaf.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 24 (2) 2000 : 117-120
41 Exercise Testing and Cardia Rehabilitation in the Elderly with Heart Failure/Dede Kusmana.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (3) 2000 : 137-145
49 Pengaruh Latihan pada Perbaikan Kecepatan Berjalan para Lansia di Panti Werdha (The Impact of the Exercise on Speed Walking in the Elderly at Panti Werdha)/A. Penny Kusumastuti.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (4) 2000 : 136-144
42 Farmakologi Klinik pada Usia Lanjut (Pharmacological Clinic of the Elderly)/I. Nasution.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (3) 2000 : 159-162
Patient with Microalbuminuria)/IG. Raka Widiana; A.H. Asdie.-- Medika, 26 (12) 2000 : 764-768
50 Pengobatan Penyakit Jantung Koroner pada Lansia: Konservatif atau Agresif (Coronary Heart Diseases Therapy in the Elderly: Conservative or Aggressive ?)/Asikin Hanafiah.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (1) 2000 : 40-44
ALCOHOLS 56 Interaksi Obat dengan Makanan, Rokok dan Alkohol (The Interaction of Food and Drugs, Cigarette and Alcohols)/Wakdi.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 255-258
51 Penyakit Kardiovaskular pada Usia Lanjut : Gejala dan Tanda-tanda Umum, Perubahan Anatomik, Fisiologik dan Beberapa Data Epidemiologik yang Ditemukan (Cardiovascular Disease in Elderly : the Symptoms and General Signs, the Anatomical and Physiological Changes and Some Epidemiological Data Collection)/R. Boedhi Darmojo.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (2) 2000 : 92-99
ALLOPURINOL 57 Disolasi dan Penetapan Kadar Alopurinol Sediaan Generik dan Sediaan dengan Nama Dagang (Dissolution and Determination Level of Allopurinol in Generic and Trade Mark Forms)/Sukmayati Alegantina; Ani Isnawati; Kelik M. Arifin.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (127) 2000 : 45-48
52 Tempat Beta-Bloker dalam Pengobatan Penyakit Kardiovaskular pada Lansia (Betablocker in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease in Elderly)/Budhi Setianto.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (1) 2000 : 34-39
ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 58 The Decision Making Process in Health Seeking Behavior in Rural Java, Indonesia/ Naniek Kasniyah.-- Indon. J. of Clinical Epidemiol. & Biostatistics, 7 (1) 2000 : 22-24
53 Tuberkulosis Paru pada Orang Tua (Lung Tuberculosis in the Elderly)/Priyanti ZS Ratnawati.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (1) 2000 : 38-45
ALZHEIMER DISEASE 59 Alzheimer's Disease : Disorder of the Third Millennium ?/Jurnalis Uddin.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi , 8 (3) 2000 : 1-12
AGGLUTININS 54 Validitas Pemeriksaan Uji Aglutinin O dan H S.typhi dalam Menegakkan Diagnosis Dini Demam Tifoid (The Validity Examination of the Test of Aglutinin O and H, S. typhi to Diagnose of Typhoid Fever)/Sylvia Y. Muliawan; Lucky Hartati Moehario; Pratiwi Sudarmono.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti , 19 (2) 2000 : 82-86
60 Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan Penyakit Alzheimer (The Diagnosis and Management of Alzheimer Disease)/Martina Wiwie S. Nasrun.-- Jiwa, 33 (1) 2000 : 49-68 61 Penghambat Asetilkolinesterase Selektif Donepzi l : Efikasi dan Prospeknya pada Demensia dan Penyakit Alzheimer (Selective Donepzil Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor : Its Efficacy and Prospect in Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease)/Muhammad Totong Kamaluddin.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (9) 2000 : 436-441
ALBUMINURIA 55 Pengaruh Captopril terhadap Albuminuria pada Penderita DM Tipe-2 Non-Hipertensi dengan Mikroalbuminuria (The Effect of Captopril through Albuminuria on Nonhypertensive Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus
(The Bacterial Resistance Caused of Maxillary Sinusitis against Ampicillin at Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang)/Muyassaroh; Suprihati.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (2) 2000 : 73-76
62 Terapi Farmakologi Gejala-gejala Psikosis pada Penyakit Alzheimer (Pharmacological Therapy of Psychosis Symptoms on Alzheimer Disease)/Nurmiati Amir.-- Jiwa, 33 (1) 2000 : 81-96
68 Penatalaksanaan Amputasi Traumatik PraRumah Sakit Rujukan (The Management of Traumatic Amputation Pre-hospital Referral)/ Gwendy Aniko; Theddeus Octavianus Hari Prasetyono.-- Medika, 26 (12) 2000 : 800802
63 Perbandingan Efek Asam Amino Rantai Cabang dan Diet Konvensional terhadap Perbaikan Fungsi Intelektual pada Ensefalopati Hepatik Subklinis (The Comparison of the Effect of Branched Chain Amino Acid and Conventional Diet to Improve the Intellectual Function in Subclinical Hepatic Encephalopathy Patient)/Hadi Israweli.-- Medika, 26 (10) 2000 : 631-638
AMYLOIDOSIS 69 Amiloidosis Jantung (Cardiac Amyloidosis)/ Nahar Taufiq et. al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (1) 2000 : 45-48
AMOXICILLIN 64 Uji Daya Antimikroba Secara In-vivo dan Studi Farmakokinetik Amoksisilin Generik dan Merek Dagang (Antimicrobial Test Invivo and Pharmacokinetic Study on Generic and Patent Names of Amoxicillin)/V. Hosiana; M.H. Mukhtar; N. Wahid.-- J. Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi , 5 (1) 2000 : 5-10
ANALGESICS 70 Indeks Terapi Perasan Rimpang Bengle (Zingiber purpureum Roxb) sebagai Analgetika pada Mencit Betina (Therapeutic Index of Bengle (Zingiber purpureum Roxb) Rhizome Squeezing as an Analgesic in Female Mice)/Arief Nurrochmad; Imuno Argo Donatus.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 76-80
AMPICILLIN 65 Hubungan antara Waktu Kadaluarsa Ampisilina dengan Daya Hambat Pertumbuhan E. coli Secara in Vitro (The Effect of Expired Ampicillin Product on the Growth of in Vitro E. coli)/Raharni; Sugeng Riyanto; Koesniyo.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (127) 2000 : 41-44
ANDROGENS 71 Pengaruh Diet Berbeda pada Spermatozoa Monyet Jantan Macaca fascicularis yang Mendapat Kombinasi Androgen dan Progesteron sebagai Kontrasepsi Laki-laki [The Influence of Male Hormonal Contraceptive on Spermatozoa of Macaca fascicularis (Cynomolgus Monkey) at the Different of Diet Status]/Sutyarso.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (2) 2000 : 63-70
66 Uji Daya Hambat Beberapa Sediaan Ampisilina terhadap Bakteri Ercherichia coli (Inhibitor Test of Several Ampicillin against Ercherichia coli)/Raharni.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (3) 2000 : 157-158
72 Kebutuhan Ibu Hamil akan Tablet Besi untuk Pencegah Anemi (The Need of Iron Tablet on Pregnant Women to Prevent the Anemia)/ Fitrah Emawati; Yuniar Rosmalina; Susilowati
67 Resistensi Beberapa Kuman Penyebab Sinusitis Maksila terhadap Ampisilin di SMF Kesehatan THT RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang
Herman.-- Penelit. 2000 : 92-98
Gizi dan Makan., (23)
Supplementation through the Change of Hemoglobin Level in Anemia School Children of School Feeding Program Participants in North Semarang)/Purwanti Susantini; Hamam Hadi; Sri Suparyati Soenarto.-Berita Kedokter. Masy ., 26 (2) 2000 : 103110
73 Prediksi Peningkatan Kadar Hb pada Anak Bawah Tiga Tahun Anemia setelah Mendapat Intervensi Zat Besi di Desa Pagelaran, Ciomas Bogor (Prediction of Hemoglobin Elevation on Anemia after Iron Intervention in Under Three Years Children : A Study at Pagelaran Village, Ciomas, Bogor)/Sri Muljati et. al.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 86-91
79 Status Psikomotor Anak Usia di Bawah Tiga Tahun yang Menderita Anemia setelah Mendapat Intervensi Zat Besi dan Pola Pengasuhan Terarah (Psychomotor Status of Anemic Toddlers after Having Iron Intervention Together with Focused Caring)/ Sri Muljati et. al.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat ., 28 (1) 2000 : 383-391
74 Status Anemia dan Prestasi Belajar Siswi SMUN I Kuala Kapuas, Kabupaten Kapuas (Anemia Status and Academic Achievement at Female High School Students in Kapuas)/ M. Muchtar; Dodik Briawan; Emmy S.Karsin.- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 4853
ANESTHESIA 80 Anestesi pada Trauma Kapitis (Anesthesia in Capitis Trauma)/Tatang Bisri.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (5 Bag.I-suppl.) 2000 : 9-18
75 A Study on the Intervention Scheme to Reduce Anemia in Female Adolescences, in Curug, Tanggerang/Savitri Sayogo et. al.-Med. J. of Indon., 9 (3) 2000 : 175-180
81 Pertimbangan Anestesia pada Cedera Akut Medula Spinalis dan Terapi Nyeri Pasca Bedah (The Anesthesia Consideration on Medulla Spinals Injuries and Post-operative Pain)/Bambang Wiroprawiro.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (5 Bag. I-suppl.) 2000 : 20-23
ANEMIA, HEMOLYTIC, AUTOIMMUNE 76 Anemia Hemolitik Autoimun (Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia)/Pusparini; Riadi Wirawan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (11) 2000 :
82 Aneurisma Ventrikel Kiri, VSD dan Mitral Regurgitas Akibat Miokard Infark Akut (Left Ventricular Aneurysm, VSD and Mitral Regurgitation Caused by Acute Myocardial Infarction)/Paul Tahalele et. al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (4) 2000 : 198-201
77 Hubungan antara Anemi dan Status Besi dengan Status Imunitas pada Anak yang Mendapat Vaksinasi Campak (The Relationship between Anemia, Iron Status and Immune Status on Vaccinated Children with Measles Vaccine)/Susi Suwarti et. al.-Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 80-85
ANGINA PECTORIS 83 Pembentukan Trombin pada Penggunaan Heparin Berat Molekul Rendah (Nadroparin) pada Penderita Angina Pektoris Tak Stabil (Thrombin Generation through the Usage of Low Molecular Weight of Heparins on Unstable Angina Pectoris Patient)/Ronally
78 Pengaruh Suplementasi Sirup Besi terhadap Perubahan Kadar Hemoglobin Anak Sekolah Anemi Peserta Program Makanan Tambahan Anak Sekolah (PMT-AS) di Kecamatan Semarang Utara (The Effect of Iron
Rasmin; Sunarya Soerianata; Irmalita.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (2) 2000 : 68-74
Inhibitors (ACELs) dalam Terapi Hipertensi [Reviewed of Biochemical, Mechanism and the Activity of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors in Hypertension Therapy]/ Urip Harahap; Sumadio Hadisaputra.-Medika, 26 (5) 2000 : 314-323
ANGIOGRAPHY 84 Tinggi Badan dan Gambaran Lesi Arteri Koroner pada Penderita Penyakit Jantung Koroner yang Dilakukan Arteriografi Koroner di Rumah Sakit Jantung Harapan Kita (Body Height and the Pattern of Coronary Artery Lesion in Coronary Diseases Patient Referred for Coronary Arteriography at Harapan Kita Hospital)/Bondan H. Putranto; Budhi Setianto.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (2) 2000 : 61-67 ANGIOLYMPHOID EOSINOPHILIA
ANOPHELES 90 Aktivitas Larvisidal Galur Lokal Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 yang Dibiakkan dalam Media Air Kelapa terhadap Jentik Anopheles spp. di Desa Pabelan, Kabupaten Semarang (Larvacidal Activity of Local Strain of Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 Cultured in Coconut Water against Anopheles spp. Larvae at Pabelan Village, Semarang Regency)/Blondine Ch. P.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi , 8 (3) 2000 : 56-62
85 Penyakit Kimura (Kimura's Diseases)/ Endang SR Hardjolukito; Hartono Tjahjadi.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (10) 2000 : 486490
91 Beberapa Jenis Nyamuk Anopheles yang Ditemukan dari 4 Goba di Daerah Sanih, Kabupaten Buleleng, Propinsi Bali (Several Anopheles Founded in 4 Goba at Sanih, Buleleng District, Bali Province)/Mardjan Soekirno.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 211-213
ANGIOPLASTY, TRANSLUMINAL, PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY 86 Does Increased Troponin-T in Patients Undergoing Percutaneus Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty Have Any Clinical Significance ?/Dasnan Ismail.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (3) 2000 : 157-160
92 Efikasi Strain Lokal Bacillus thuringiensis H14 yang Dibutuhkan dalam Media Air Kelapa terhadap Jentik Anopheles spp. di Desa Pabelan, Kabupaten Semarang (The Efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 Local Strain Growth in Coconut Water through Anopheles spp. at Pabelan Village, Semarang)/Blondine Ch. P.; Widyastuti U.; Yusniar A.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (1) 2000 : 27-31
87 Rehabilitasi Penderita sesudah Transluminasi Arteri Koroner Perkutan (Rehabilitation on Patient with Post Percutaneus Translumination Coronary Artery)/Frits R.W. Suling.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (43) 2000 : 5-9
93 Pengujian Efikasi Insektisida Startox A dan Startox L terhadap Nyamuk Anopheles sp. (The Efficacy Test of Startox A and Startox L Insecticides against Anopheles sp.)/Mardjan Soekirno.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 27 (12) 2000 : 683-688
88 Twenty Two Years of Coronary Angioplasty Where do We Go from Here ?/Pintoko Tedjokusumo et. al. -- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (1) 2000 : 26-33 ANGIOTENSIN-CONVERTING INHIBITORS
ENZYME 94 Studi Morfologi Spesies Kompleks Malaria Anopheles subpictus di Indonesia (Morphological Study on Malarial Vector
89 Tinjauan Biokimia, Mekanisme dan Tapak Kerja Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
Species Complex of Anopheles subpictus in Indonesia)/Ruben Dharmawan.-- Nexus, 13 (1) 2000 : 20-26
ANTHROPOMETRY 100 Pemanfaatan Data Antropometri Gizi untuk Penentuan Sasaran Program Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (The Usage of Nutritional Anthropometrics Data for Targeting of Poverty Alleviation Program)/ Herman Sudiman et. al.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 25-36
ANOREXIA 95 Pengaruh Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) untuk Meningkatkan Nafsu Makan pada Penderita Anoreksia Primer [The Effect of Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb Powder as an Appetite Stimulant among Anorexia Patients]/ SW. Setianingrum; Edhie Santosa Rachmat.- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (7) 2000 : 332339
ANTIBIOTICS 101 Aktivitas in Vitro Berbagai Antibiotika terhadap Isolat Kuman Hidung dan Tenggorok di Bagian Mikrobiologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (The InVitro Activity of Some Antibiotics against Various Bacteria Isolated from Throat and Nose in Microbiology Ward, Medical Faculty, University of Indonesia)/Agus Sjahrurachman.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 90-94
ANOXIA 96 Color Vision Response to Hypoxia at a Simulated Altitude of 18,000 Feet/Corrie Wawolumaya.-- Medical J. of Indon., 9 (4) 2000 : 276-280 ANTHELMINTIC 97 Uji Daya Antelmintik Perasan Rimpang Bengle (Zingiber purpureum Roxb) pada Cacing Ascaris suum secara In-vitro (Activity Anthelmintic In-vitro of the Squeeze of Zingiber purpureum Roxb Juice against Ascaris suum)/Sri Gunarti; Erwin Mayangsari.-Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 104-108
102 Cara Genetis untuk Menentukan Kepekaan Bakteri terhadap Antibiotika (Genetically Way to Determine of Bacterial Sensitivity through the Antibiotics)/Agus Sjahrurachman.-Medika, 26 (1) 2000 : 31-36 103 Pola Bakteri Aerob Saluran Napas dan Kepekaannya terhadap Antibiotika, 19981999 (The Profile of Aerobic Bacterium on Respiratory Tract and Their Sensitivity to Antibiotics, 1998-1999)/Amin Soebandrio.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (2) 2000 : 69-74
ANTHRAX 98 Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB) Antraks pada Burung Unta di Kabupaten Purwakarta Bulan Desember 1999 dan Dampaknya pada Manusia (The Anthrax Outbreak on Ostrich at Purwakarta District on December 1999 : Its Impact to the Human)/Thomas Sursoso et. al.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy ., 31 (62) 2000 : 2431
104 Sensitivitas in Vitro Berbagai Kuman Penyebab Infeksi terhadap Sefdinir dan Beberapa Antibiotika Lain di Denpasar 19971998 (In-Vitro Sensitivity of Pathogenesis Microorganisms against Cefinir and Other Antibiotics in Denpasar 1997-1998)/IGN. Suyasa; IDM. Sukrama.-- Maj. Kedokter . Udayana, 31 (109) 2000 : 154-158
99 Mengenal Anthrax yang Berpotensi sebagai Senjata Biologik (Anthrax to be Potential as a Biological Weapon)/Krisna Lestadi.-- Ebers Papyrus, 6 (2) 2000 : 79-90
Agung Endro Nugroho; Arief Rahman Hakim.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (4) 2000 : 209-212
ANTIBODIES 105 Penelitian Status Antibodi Anak Balita setelah Kegiatan PIN I di Irian Jaya [The Study of Antibody Status in Under Five after the First National Immunization Program (NIP I) in Irian Jaya]/Gendrowahyuhono.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 98-100
111 Uji Efek Anti Inflamasi Akut Ekstrak Etanol Daun Jambu Biji (Psidium guayava L Myrtaceae) pada Tikus Putih Dewasa [The Effectiveness Test of Acute Anti-inflammatory Activity of the Leaves Extract of Psidium guayava L. Myrtaceae on Male Adult Albino Rats of the Wistar Strain]/Sri Gunarti; Nelly C. Sugiarso.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 1-3
106 Pengaruh Sanitasi Lingkungan terhadap Pembentukan Antibodi Anak setelah Pemberian Vaksin Polio Oral (The Influence of Environmental Sanitation through the Antibody on Child after Oral Poliovirus Vaccine)/Gendrowahyuhono.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 214-217
112 Obat Analgetik dan Antiinflamasi Nabati (Analgesics and Non-steroidal Antiinflammatory Agents)/Dojko Hargono.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (129) 2000 : 36-38
ANTIBODIES, ANTICARDIOLIPIN 107 Pola Titer Antibodi Antikardiolipin pada Strok Iskemik Akut Usia Muda (The Pattern of Anticardiolipin Antibody Titer in Young Patient with Acute Ischemic Stroke)/Syahrul; Jusuf Misbach; Nanang Sukmana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (2) 2000 : 75-88
ANTINEOPLASTIC AGENTS 113 Analisis Zat Antineoplastik Dakarbazin [5-(3,3 - Demetil - 1 - Triazenil)-IH-Imidazol-4Karbokasamid] secara Voltammetri Pulsa Diferensial (The Analysis of Antineoplastic Agents of Dacarbazine (5-(3.3-Dementil-1Triazenil)-IH-Imidazol-4-Carbocasamide) by Differential Voltammeter Pulse)/ Eriawan Rismana; Kosasih Satiadarma.-- J. Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi , 5 (1) 2000 : 19-22
ANTICOAGULANTS 108 Warfarin Terapi Perkembangan Pengobatan Antikoagulan (Warfarin the Development on Anticoagulant Therapy)/Maria Lesilolo.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (6) 2000 : 233-241 ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS
114 Permasalahan dalam Penerangan Obat Anti Kanker/Sitostatika (Problem on the Information of Antineoplastic Agents)/Eddy Yusuf.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (6) 2000 : 228-232
109 Penelitian Antiinflamasi dan Toksisitas Akut Ekstrak Akar Carica papaya L pada Tikus Putih (The Study of Anti-inflammatory Agent and Acute Toxicity of the Extracts of Carica papaya L. Root on White Mice)/Adjirni; Sa'roni.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (129) 2000 : 42-44
ANTIOXIDANTS 115 Aktivitas Antimutagenik dan Antioksidan Daun Puspa/Schima wallichii Kort. (The Investigation on Antimutagenic and Antioxidant Activity of Schima wallichii Kort. Leaves)/Didi Jauhari Purwadiwarsa et. al.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (127) 2000 : 18-21
110 Pengaruh Praperlakuan Kurkumin terhadap Daya Anti-Inflamasi Natrium Diklofenak (The Influence of Curcumin Pretreatment on AntiInflammatory Effect of Sodium Diclofenac)/
116 Evaluasi Aktivitas Antibakteri dan Antioksidan serta Pemeriksaan Fitokimia Daun Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava L) (Evaluation of Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity and Phytochemical Examination of Psidium guajava L. Leave)/Andini Sundowo et. al.-Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 4-9
121 Intensitas Ansietas pada Ibu-ibu yang Mempunyai Anak Usia Taman Kanak-kanak yang Belajar secara Penuh Waktu di Pondok Pesantren (The Intensity of Anxiety on Mothers who have Child in Preschool Aged and Learn Fulltime at Pondok Pesantren)/M. Sigit Wahyu Purnomo; Soemarno WS.-Jiwa, 33 (1) 2000 : 13-20
117 Peran Antioksidan dalam Penghambatan Aterosklerosis pada Tikus Wistar Diabetes Melitus (The Role of Antioxidant as an Antherosclerosis Barrier on Diabetes Mellitus Rat)/Zainal Musthafa; Gatot S. Lawrence.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (127) 2000 : 32-33
122 Perbandingan Efektivitas Terapeutik Psikoterapi dan Farmakoterapi untuk Menurunkan Skor Kecemasan (The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Therapeutics between Psychotherapy and Pharmacotherapy to Reduce the Anxiety Score)/Aris Sudiyanto.-- Jiwa, 33 (3) 2000 : 239-252
ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER 118 Korelasi Gangguan Sosiopatik terhadap Gairah Berprestasi pada Remaja Pelajar SLTP di Yogyakarta (The Correlation of Sociopathic Disorders through the Academic Performance on Yunior High School Children in Yogyakarta)/Soemarno Wignyosumarto; Sumarni DW.-- Jiwa, 33 (3) 2000 : 253-260
APHASIA 123 Kemampuan Bicara, Menulis dan Berhitung untuk Mengidentifikasi Kretinisme pada Anak Sekolah Dasar (Dysphasia, Disgraphia and Dyscalculia as a Tool of Identification Cretinism in School Age Children)/Basuki Budiman et. al.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat ., 28 (2) 2000 : 420-428
ANTITUBERCULAR AGENTS 119 Resistensi M. tuberculosis terhadap Obat Anti Tuberkulosis Bahan Baku dan Obat Generik di Bagian Patologi Klinik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran/RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung (The Resistancy of M. tuberculosis to the Pure and the Generic Antitubercular Drugs in the Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine Padjadjaran University/Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung)/Hotman Sinaga et. al.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (127) 2000 : 49-53
APHRODISIACS 124 Analisis Senyawa dalam Ekstrak Cacing Tanah (Lubricus rubellus) dan Efek Aprodisiaka [Analysis of Compounds in Earthworm (Lubricus rubellus) Extract and its Aphrodisiac Effect)/Sasmito.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (4) 2000 : 224-233 APPENDICITIS
125 Acute Appendicitis in a Child with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever/Harmon Mawardi.-- J. Kedokter . Usakti ., 19 (2) 2000 : 54-59
120 Hubungan antara Gangguan Cemas dengan Urtikaria Khronik pada Pasien yang Berobat Jalan (The Correlation between Fear and Chronicle Urticaria in Outpatients)/Dany H. Ludong; Moh Syauki; Veni Hadju.-- Jiwa, 33 (2) 2000 : 111-134
126 Pola Kuman dan Uji Kepekaan Kuman Cairan Peritoneum pada Apendisitis Perforasi di RS Dr. Kariadi Semarang antara Mei 1998-Mei 1999 (Bacterial Culture and the Sensitivity Test of Peritoneal Specimen on
Perforated Appendicitis During May 1998 to May 1999 at Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang)/ Sri Mulyono; I. Riwanto.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (2) 2000 : 77-80
132 Penyakit Sendi dan Kelumpuhan Rematik yang Berobat ke Poliklinik Rawat Jalan Reumatologi RS Pirngadi Medan 1991-1999 (Joint Disease and Rhematoid Arthritis Found at the Rhematology Polyclinic, Pirngadi Hospital, Medan by the Year 1991-1999)/OK. Moehad Sjah.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 217-219
APROCARB 127 Kajian Keamanan Propoksur dan Dietiltoluamida: Uji Efek Mutagenik Menggunakan Sistem Mutasi Balik (Reviewed of the Safety of Propoxur and Diethyltoluamide : The Mutagenic Effect Using Reverse Mutation)/Sri Endreswari; Ida Kristiani.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 750-753
ASCARIS SUUM 133 Uji Daya Antelmintik Perasan Rimpang Bengle (Zingiber purpureum Roxb) pada Cacing Ascaris suum secara Invitro (Activity Anthelmintic Invitro of the Squeeze of Zingiber purpureum Roxb Juice against Ascaris suum)/Sri Gunarti; Erwin Mayangsari.-Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 104-108
ARRHYTMIA 128 Elektrogram Vena Sentral (Semprit-Larutan Garam) Mempertajam Diagnosis Aritmia [Central Venous Electrocardiogram (SaltSolution Syringe) Enhance the Diagnosis of Arrhythmia]/Budhi Setianto.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (2) 2000 : 75-83
ASPERGILLOSIS, ALLERGIC BRONCHOPULMONARY 134 Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis Earlier Diagnosis is Needed for Preventing End Stage Fibrotic Lung/Azhar Tanjung; Asyraf; Rahmad Isnanta.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 241-243
ARTHRITIS 129 Penyakit Sendi dan Kelumpuhan Rematik yang Berobat ke Poliklinik Rawat Jalan Reumatologi RS Pirngadi Medan 1991-1999 (Joint Disease and Arthritis Patients who Underwent to the Rhematology Polyclinic, Pirngadi Hospital, Medan by the Year 19911999)/OK. Moehad Sjah.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 217-219
ASPIRIN 135 Pengobatan Tukak Lambung Akibat Toksisitas Asetosal pada Tikus Wistar (The Treatment of Peptic Ulcer Caused by Acetyl Salicylic Acid Toxicity on Wistar Rat)/Elin Sukandar; Endang Kumolasasai; Ni Made Sukamiasih.-- J. Toksikol. Indon., 1 (2) 2000 : 29-38
ARTHRITIS, INFECTIOUS 130 Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan Artritis Piral (The Diagnosis and Management of Viral Arthritis)/Edi Setiawan Tehuteru.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (129) 2000 : 25-26
ASTHMA 136 Dampak Pengobatan Rinitis Alergik terhadap Asma (The Impact of Rhinitis Allergy Therapy through the Asthma)/Heru Sundaru.-- Dexa Media, 13 (4) 2000 : 5-10
ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID 131 Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan Artritis Reumatoid (The Diagnosis and Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis)/Rizasyah Daud.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (129) 2000 : 9-13
137 Hubungan Jumlah Eosinofil Sekrit Mukosa Hidung dan Darah pada Asma Bronkial
dalam Serangan (The Correlation between Eosinophil Cells in the Nasal Secrete and in Peripheral Blood in Acute Asthma Cases)/ Dewa Artika.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (110) 2000 : 202-208
144 Modifikasi Proses Aterosklerosis, Penggunaan Preparat Statin untuk Regresi Plak (The Modification of Atherosclerosis Process through the Usage of Statin Preparate to Plaque Regretion)/Djanggan Sargowo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw ., 16 (2) 2000 : 44-49
138 Induksi Sintesa Protein Antiinflamasi sebagai Salah Satu Mekanisme Kerja Glukokortikosteroid pada Penatalaksanaan Asma (The Induction of Anti Inflammatory Protein Synthesis as One of Mechanisms of Glucocorticoid in the Asthma Management)/ Tamsil Syaifuddin; Rozaimah Zain Hamid.-J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (3) 2000 : 124-127
145 Peran Antioksidan dalam Penghambatan Aterosklerosis pada Tikus Wistar Diabetes Melitus (The Role of Antioxidant as an Antherosclerosis Barrier on Diabetes Mellitus Rat)/Zainal Musthafa; Gatot S. Lawrence.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (127) 2000 : 32-33
139 Penegakan Diagnosis dan Terapi Asma dengan Metode Obyektif (The Diagnosis and Therapy of Asthma by the Objective Method)/ Zul Dahlan.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (128) 2000 : 13-17
Pengelolaan Management Magdalena Indon., 35 (4)
146 Radikal Bebas sebagai Prediktor Aterosklerosis pada Tikus Wistar Diabetes Melitus (Free Radicals as an Atherosclerosis Predictor on Diabetes Mellitus Rat)/Zainal Musthafa; Gatot S. Mawrence; Arifin Seweang.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (127) 2000 : 30-31
140 Asma Akut pada Anak (The of Acute Asthma on Child)/ Sidhartani.-- Media Medika 2000 : 169-173
ATRIAL FIBRILLATION 147 Gambaran Klinik Penderita Fibrilasi Atrium di Bagian Penyakit Dalam RS. Dr. Kariadi, Semarang (Clinical Appearance of Atrial Fibrillation in Internal Diseases Ward at Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang)/J. Albertus; Arie Bachtiar; Soetikno T.-- Medika, 26 (5) 2000 : 290-293
ATHEROSCLEROSIS 141 Homocysteine, Vitamin-B and Atherosclerotic Disease/A.R. Inge Permadhi.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (4) 2000 : 232-239 142 Kekurangan Vitamin B12, B6, dan Asam Folat Mempercepat Proses Aterosklerosis (Deficiency of Vitamin B12, B6, and Folic Acid to Accelerate the Aterosclerosis Process)/Syarif Husin.-- Medika, 26 (2) 2000 : 92-94
148 Pemakaian Rima pada Terapi Gangguan Hiperkinetik pada Anak (The Usage of Rima in the Therapy of Hyperkinetic Disorder on Child)/Dwidjo Saputro.-- Jiwa, 33 (3) 2000 : 221-228
143 Modifikasi Proses Arterosklerosis Penggunaan Preparat Statin untuk Regresi Plak (The Modification of Artheroclesosis Process through the Usage of Statin Preparate to Plaque Regret ion)/ Djanggan Sargowo.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (4) 2000 : 192-197
ATTITUDE TO HEALTH 149 Perilaku Kebersihan Lingkungan Siswa Sekolah Dasar Dihubungkan dengan Pengetahuan Kebersihan Lingkungan dan Persepsi tentang Pengawasan Guru
(Environmental Health Behavior of Elementary School Children Related to the Knowledge and Perception of Children and Control from the Teachers)/S. Mulyono.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy ., ., 31 (62) 2000 : 10-13
sentation in Brain)/Ginus Partadiredja.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., Indon., 50 (7) 2000 : 346-352 AZITHROMYCIN
150 Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan Mikrobakterium Atipik (Diagnosis and Management of Atypical Mycobacterium)/ Abdul Razak Dalimunthe.-- Medika, 26 Medika, 26 (4) 2000 : 242-245
156 Studi Perbandingan Azithromisin dan Doksisiklin untuk Pengobatan Uretritis NonGonore (The Comparative Study of Azithromycin and Doxycycline against NonGonore Urethritis)/Wresti Indriatmi B. Makes et. al.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 762-764
151 Expressive Language Impairment in Autistic Children/Sumarno WS..-- Berita Kedokter. Masy ., ., 16 (1) 2000 : 9-13
157 Studi Pembuatan Pustaka Genom Bacillus sp. BAC4 Menggunakan Vektor pHB201 dan pUC19, dan Sel Inang E. coli JM 101 (The Genomic Library Construction of Bacillus sp. BAC4 with pHB201, pUC19 Vector and E. coli JM101 Host Cells)/Pratama Jujur Wibawa et. al.-- Media Medika Indon., Indon., 35 (3) 2000 : 133-141
AUTISM, INFANTILE 152 Karakteristik Biologik dan Psikososial Penderita Gangguan Autistik Infantil (The Biological and Psychosocial Characteristic of Infantile Autism)/Mutrarsi et. al.-- Jiwa, Jiwa, 33 (4) 2000 : 321-329
BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS 158 Aktivitas Larvisidal Galur Lokal Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 yang Dibiakkan dalam Media Air Kelapa terhadap Jentik Anopheles spp. di Desa Pabelan, Kabupaten Semarang (Larvicidal Activity of Local Strain of Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 Cultured in Coconut Water against Anopheles spp. Larvae at Pabelan Village, Semarang Regency)/Blondine Ch. P.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi , 8 (3) 2000 : 56-62
AUTOANTIBODIES 153 Antibodi terhadap Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase pada Penderita IDDM di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta (Autoantibody to Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase in IDDM and NIDDM Patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta)/Suzanna Immanuael et. al.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., Indon., 50 (6) 2000 : 274281
154 Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Regenerasi Axonal (Factors Influencing in Axonal Regeneration)/Anung B. Satriadi; Satrio; Djoko Roeshadi.-- Maj. Orthopaedi Indon., Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 9-16
159 Efikasi Strain Lokal Bacillus thuringiensis H14 yang Dibutuhkan dalam Media Air Kelapa terhadap Jentik Anopheles spp. di Desa Pabelan, Kabupaten Semarang (The Efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 Local Strain Growth in Coconut Water through Anopheles spp. at Pabelan Village, Semarang)/Blondine Ch. P.; Widyastuti U.; Yusniar A.-- Media Medika Indon., Indon., 35 (1) 2000 : 27-31
155 Perangkat Konduksi Akson dan Representasi Informasi di Otak (Axonal Conduction Properties and the Information Repre-
Pengendalian Vektor Berdarah, Malaria, Menggunakan Strain
(Jentik) dan Lokal
160 Demam Filariasis Bacillus
thuringiensis Variates Israelensis [Controlled of Dengue Vector, Malaria and Filariasis Using Local Strain of Bacillus thuringiensis Israelensis Varieties]/Blondine Ch.P.; Rendro Wiranto; Sukarno.-- Medika, 26 Medika, 26 (1) 2000 : 1619
Respiratory Tract and Their Sensitivity to Antibiotics, 1998-1999)/ Amin Soebandrio.-J. Respirol. Indon., Indon., 20 (2) 2000 : 69-74 BARBITAL 166 Kinetika Transformasi Polimorfik Barbital dengan Metode Difraksi Sinar-X (Kinetics of Polymorphic Transformation of Barbital by XRay Diffraction Method)/Sundani Nurono et. al.-- Maj . Farmasi Indon., Indon., 11 (3) 2000 : 150160
161 Uji Toksisitas Isolat Bacillus thuringiensis yang di Isolasi dari Tanah terhadap Larva Nyamuk Aedes aegypti L. (Toxicity Test of Bacillus thuringiensis Isolated from the Soil through Aedes aegypti Larvae)/Joseph Atasiati Pagaya; Idajadi; Subagyo Yotopranoto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., Indon., 11 (1) 2000 : 17-25
BASIDIOMYCETES 167 Manfaat Jamur Ganoderma Lucidum untuk Sirkulasi QI Energi (Lin Zhi Mushrooms for QI Energy Circulation)/Maya Septriana.-Meridian, Meridian, 7 (2) 2000 : 96-99
BACK PAIN 162 Keluhan Sakit Punggung & Kecelakaan Kerja pada Pengrajin Sepatu (Complaint of Back Pain and the Occupational Accident among the Shoes Maker)/Kusnindar; Supraptini; Sri Irianti.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., Indon., 27 (12) 2000 : 672-675
168 Penentuan Aktivitas Spesifik Tirosinase dari Jamur Merang (Determination of Tyrosinase Specific Activity of Volvariella volvaceace)/ Wuryanti; Darmin Sumardjo; Haris Budiatna.- Media Medika Indon., Indon., 35 (3) 2000 : 113-116
BACTERIA 163 Aktivitas in Vitro Berbagai Antibiotika terhadap Isolat Kuman Hidung dan Tenggorok di Bagian Mikrobiologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (The InVitro Activity of Some Antibiotics against Various Bacteria Isolated from Throat and Nose at Microbiological Ward, Medical Faculty, University of Indonesia)/Agus Sjahrurachman.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 90-94
BCG VACCINE 169 Penularan Tuberkulosis di Lingkungan Keluarga Penderita Ditinjau dari Cakupan Vaksinasi BCG dan Faktor-faktor Lain (The Transmition of Tuberculosis in Patient Member Family : Reviewed from BCG Vaccine Seize and Other Factors)/Kusnindar Atmosukarto; Bambang Sukana; Suharjo.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 758-761
164 Cara Genetis untuk Menentukan Kepekaan Bakteri terhadap Antibiotika (Genetically Way to Determine of Bacterial Sensitivity through the Antibiotics)/Agus Sjarurachman.-Medika, Medika, 26 (1) 2000 : 31-36
BENZOATES 170 Trimeisty Benzoate : A Potent Antitumour Agent Synthesis, Structure Determination and Antitumour Prescreening Test Against Hela/Putra Manuaba I.B.;Young D.J.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi , 8 (3) 2000 : 48-55
BACTERIA, AEROBIC 165 Pola Bakteri Aerob Saluran Napas dan Kepekaannya terhadap Antibiotika, 19981999 (The Pattern of Aerobic Bacteria on
BETA-THALASSEMIA 171 Terapi Presumtif Dini Tuberkulosis pada Penderita Talasemia Major dengan Pleuro-
Perikarditis (Early Presumptive Therapy of TB on Major Thalassemia with PleuroPericarditis)/Tansil Syafiuddin et. al.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., Indon., 50 (9) 2000 : 447-451
178 Uji Efek dari Ekstrak Bakau Rhizophora mucronata untuk Mempercepat Pembekuan Darah dan Uji Efek Toksinnya (The Effectiveness and Toxicity Test of the Extract of Rhizophora mucronata to the Blood Coagulation)/Pemsi Nona Wowar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Univ. Samratulangi , 2 (2) 2000 : 239-244
BIFIDOBACTERIUM 172 Purification of Exoinulinase Bifidobacterium Breve/Pudjono; G. Barwald.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., Indon., 11 (3) 2000 : 188-193
179 Perbandingan Nilai Diagnostik Uji Anti-HCV (Core) Dipstik dan Uji Anti-HCV ELISA Generasi II untuk Infeksi Virus Hepatis C (HCV) pada Uji Saring Donor Darah (The Comparison of Diagnosis Value of Anti-HCV Dipstick and Anti-HCV EIA Method against Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Screening Test for Blood Donor)/Nik Marukah.-- Nexus, 13 (2) 2000 : 39-44
173 Kecepatan Diagnosis Biopsi Aspirasi Jarum pada Osteosarkoma (The Diagnosis Velocity of Needle Biopsy Aspiration in Osteosarcoma)/Basuki Supartono; Errol Untung Hutagalung.; Sutjahyo Endardjo.-Maj. Orthopaedi Indon., Orthopaedi Indon., 28 28 (1) 2000 : 50-60 BLASTOCYST 174 Keberhasilan Transfer Blastosis pada Program Bayi Tabung (Success Achieved of Blastocyst Transfer in the Test-Tube Baby Programme)/Nukman Moeloek.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., Indon., 50 (8) 2000 : 405-407
BLOOD GLUCOSE 180 Dampak Konsumsi Makanan Kudapan terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah Anak Sekolah Peserta PMT-AS (The Impact of Snack toward Blood Glucose Level among School Children Participated in School Feeding Program)/Hardinsyah et. al.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 92-102
BLOOD 175 Gambaran Darah Beberapa Strain Mencit (Blood Structure of Several Mice Strain)/ Rabea Pangerti Jekti et. al.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., Indon., 28 (7) 2000 : 377-381
181 Glycemic Control with Repaglinide in Fasting Type-2 Diabetes Patients during the Ramadhan Season/Raymond R. Tjandrawinata.-- Dexa Media, Media, 13 (4) 2000 : 15-18
176 Infeksi Nosokomial karena Darah dan Produk Darah (Nosocomial Infections Caused by Blood and Blood Products)/Tonny Loho; Hesyani PT. Raranta.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., Indon., 50 (4) 2000 : 188-199
182 Hubungan Konsumsi Energi-Protein dengan Glukosa Darah dan Tekanan Darah Anak Sekolah Dasar Penerima PMT-AS di Kabupaten Kupang Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (The Correlation between EnergyProtein Consumptions, Blood Glucose Levels and Blood Pressure of Primary School Children Participating in School Feeding Program in Kupang East of Nusa Tenggara Province)/Renny Fridieyanti; Vera Uripi; Rizal
BLOOD COAGULATION 177 Pengaruh Fisiologis Massage terhadap Pembekuan Darah dan Fibrinolisis (The Effect of Physiology Massage through the Fibrinolysis and Blood Coagulation)/ Angelheart Joy Maynard Rattu.-- Maj. Kedokter. Univ. Samratulangi , 2 (2) 2000 : 228-238
Damanik.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 54-61
Norahmawati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw ., 16 (1) 2000 : 1-5
183 Pengaruh Pemberian Makanan Kudapan PMT-AS pada Glukosa Darah Anak Sekolah Dasar di Desa Tertinggal Karyasari, Bogor (Effect of School Feeding on Blood Glucose toward Primary School Children in Developed Village of Karyasari, Bogor)/Bambang Triatma et. al.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 86-91
BLOOD TRANSFUSION 188 Activity of Macrophage-Lymphocyte Interaction Induced by Corynebacterium Parvum after Blood Transfusion in Animal Model/ Mochammad Hatta.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti , 19 (1) 2000 : 23-28 BLOOD VISCOSITY 189 Gambaran Hemostasis dan Viskositas Darah pada Lanjut Usia: Beberapa Parameter yang Berhubungan dengan Risiko Trombosis (The Profiles of Haemostasis and Blood Viscosity in the Elderly : Several Parameters Related to the Risk of Thrombosis)/Rahayuningsih Dharma Setiabudy; Inggrawati Komala.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (4) 2000 : 173-182
BLOOD PRESSURE 184 Hubungan Konsumsi Energi-Protein dengan Glukosa Darah dan Tekanan Darah Anak Sekolah Dasar Penerima PMT-AS di Kabupaten Kupang Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (The Correlation between EnergyProtein Consumptions, Blood Glucose Levels and Blood Pressure of Primary School Children Participating in School Feeding Program in Kupang East of Nusa Tenggara Province)/Renny Fridieyanti; Vera Uripi; Rizal Damanik.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 54-61
BODY HEIGHT 190 Berat Badan dan Tinggi Badan Anak SD di Desa Tertinggal (Body Weight and Body Height of Primary School Children in LessDeveloped Villages)/Hardinsyah; Fasli Jalal; M. Husnan.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 1-9
185 Influence of Stressor on Blood Pressure in School Children/Sudung Pardede et. al.-Bul. Penelit . Kesehat ., 28 (1) 2000 : 364-368
191 Kecukupan Gizi, Berat dan Tinggi Badan Anak Sekolah Penerima PMT-AS di Daerah Pantai dan Pegunungan NTT (Nutrient Adequacy, Body Weight and Body Height of the Children Who’s Joint the School Feeding Program at Coastal and Highland Areas of East Nusa Tenggara)/Hardinsyah; Endah Wulandari; Retnaningsih.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 177-187
186 Reaktivitas Kardiovaskular pada Individu Normotensi dari Orangtua Penderita Hipertensi Primer (Cardiovascular Reactivity on Normotensive Individual from the Primary Hypertension Parents)/Amiliana M. Soesanto et. al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 2000 : 166-170 BLOOD PROTEINS
192 Korelasi antara Panjang Depa dengan Tinggi Tubuh pada Orang Dewasa (The Correlation between Foot Length and Body Height in Adult)/Achmad Efendi.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 115-117
187 Kadar Protein Plasma Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar dengan Gondok Endemik di Kecamatan Jabung Kabupaten Malang (The Concentration of Plasma Protein on School Children with Endemic Goiter at Jabung Subdistrict, Malang Regency)/Maimun Athamin; Cholid Tri Tjahjono; Eviana
Tinggi Badan dan Gambaran Lesi
193 Arteri
Koroner pada Penderita Penyakit Jantung Koroner yang Dilakukan Arteriografi Koroner di Rumah Sakit Jantung Harapan Kita (Body Height and the Pattern of Coronary Artery Lesion in Coronary Diseases Patient Referred for Coronary Arteriography at Harapan Kita Hospital)/Bondan H. Putranto; Budhi Setianto.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (2) 2000 : 61-67
Bulan Pasca Intervensi Gizi (Bone Development in Children 12-26 Months of Age after Several Time of Intervention Left Behinds)/Edwi Saraswati; Basuki Budiman.-Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 64-71 BONE NEOPLASMS 199 Pengembangan Radiofarmaka untuk Perawatan Paliatif Kanker Tulang (Radiopharmaceutical Development for the Palliative Treatment of Bone Cancer)/ Rochestri Sofyan.-- Maj. Kedokter . Indon., 50 (10) 2000 : 472-477
BODY MASS INDEX 194 Analisis Kecenderungan Hipertensi dalam Hubungannya dengan Usia dan Body Mass Index (The Analysis of Hypertension Tendency and its Related to Body Mass Index and the Aged)/Didik Budijanto; Dwi Astuti Rahayu Anggraeni.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 19 (1) 2000 : 45-52
BRACHYTHERAPY 200 The Effect of Addition of Interstital Brachytherapy for Improving the Local Control Rate in Advanced Carcinoma of Cervix/Dillip Kumar Parida et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (3) 2000 : 204-208
BODY WEIGHT 195 Berat Badan dan Tinggi Badan Anak SD di Desa Tertinggal (Body Weight and Body Height of Primary School Children in LessDeveloped Villages)/Hardinsyah; Fasli Jalal; M. Husnan.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 1-9
BRAIN MAPPING 201 Pemeriksaan Brain Electro Activity Mapping pada Gangguan Tingkah Laku Anak (The Examination of Brain Electro Activity Mapping on Child with Personality Disorders)/Dwidjo Saputro.--Jiwa, 33 (4) 2000 : 351-358
196 Kecukupan Gizi, Berat dan Tinggi Badan Anak Sekolah Penerima PMT-AS di Daerah Pantai dan Pegunungan NTT (Nutrient Adequacy, Body Weight and Body Height of the Children Who’s Joint the School Feeding Program at Coastal and Highland Areas of East Nusa Tenggara)/Hardinsyah; Endah Wulandari; Retnaningsih.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 177-187
BRAIN NEOPLASMS 202 Hubungan antara Pajanan Timbal dengan Ensefalopati dan Kanker Otak (The Correlation between Lead Exposure with Encephalopathy and Brain Cancer)/M. Winarti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (2) 2000 : 91-96
197 Peranan Latihan Fisik terhadap Kepadatan Tulang Kaitannya dengan Wanita Menopause (The Impact of Physical Fitness through the Bone Density Related to Menopause)/Suharyuni.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 2 (4) 2000 : 148-152
203 Breastfeeding and Macronutrien Intakes of Children in Barru Subdistrict, South Sulawesi/ A. Razak Thaha.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 118-122 BREAST NEOPLASMS
BONE DEVELOPMENT Pertumbuhan Tulang Anak
204 Epidemiologi Kanker Payudara dan Pengendaliannya (The Epidemiological of
198 Umur 12-26
Breast Cancer and its Control)/ Shirley Ivonne Meningkey.-- Medika, 26 (5) 2000 : 326-329
BUTYRYLCHOLINESTERASE 210 Peranan Kelainan Butirilkolinesterase terhadap Metabolisme Suksinilkolin (The Role of Abnormally Butyrylcholinesterase through the Metabolism of Succinylcholine)/ Elly Herwana.-- J. Kedokter . Usakti , 19 (1) 2000 : 113-121
205 Peran Lemak pada Kanker Payudara (The Role of Dietary Fat in Breast Cancer)/Ekky M. Rahardja.-- Ebers Papyrus, 6 (3) 2000 : 125-136
211 Akupunktur pada Cancer Cachexia (Acupuncture Treating Cancer Cachexia)/ Koosnadi Saputra.-- Meridian, 7 (2) 2000 : 76-81
206 Pengaruh Penambahan Potassium Bromida pada Larutan Pengembang terhadap Kontras Foto Rontgen Gigi (The Influence of the Addition of Potassium Bromide in Developing Solution to Make a Contrast Effect in Dental X-Ray)/Lysy Octavia; Suhardjo; Azhar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi (MIKGI), 11 (4) 2000 : 70-72
CAFFEINE 212 Pengaruh Propilen Glikol terhadap Kelarutan Semu Teofilin dan Kofein (The Influence of Propylene Glycol on Theophyline and Caffeine Apparent Solubility’s)/Akhmad Kharis Nugroho; Suwaldi Martodihardjo; Tedjo Yuwono.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (3) 2000 : 161-167
BRONCHI 207 Pengaruh Asap Rokok terhadap Hiperaktiviti Bronkus pada Anak (The Effect of Smoke from Cigarette through the Hyperactivity of Broncho in Children)/Helmia Hasan; Sudarsono; Makmuri MS.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (2) 2000 : 75-80
CALCIUM METABOLISM DISORDERS 213 Metabolisme Kalsium dan Pencegahan Osteoporosis (Calcium Metabolism and the Prevention of Osteoporosis)/Liliana SJ.-Ebers Papyrus, 6 (1) 2000 : 33-42
BRUGIA MALAYI 208 Fluktuasi Kepadatan Nyamuk Mansonioides (Diptera: Culicidae), Vektor Filariasis yang Disebabkan oleh Brugia malayi Nonperiodik di Kalimantan Timur [The Fluctuation of Mansonioides Mosquito Densities, Filariasis Vector Cause by Nonperiodic Brugia malayi in East Kalimantan]/ Fransiskus Asisi Sudjadi.-- Berita Kedokter. Masy ., 26 (2) 2000 : 51-60
CAPTOPRIL 214 Pengaruh Captopril terhadap Albuminuria pada Penderita DM Tipe-2 Non-Hipertensi dengan Mikroalbuminuria (The Effect of Captopril through Albuminuria on Nonhypertensive Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patient with Microalbuminuria)/IG. Raka Widiana; A.H. Asdie.-- Medika, 26 (12) 2000 : 764-768
BURNS 209 Upaya Menekan Morbiditas dan Mortalitas pada Penderita Luka Bakar dengan Nutrisi Enteral Dini (The Effort to Decreasing the Morbidity and Mortality in Burn Patients by the Early Enterable Nutrition)/Theddeus Octavianus Hari Prasetyono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (9) 2000 : 428-435
CARBOPLATIN 215 Experience of Treatment of Lung Cancer Patients Using Paclitaxel and Carboplatin/ Anwar Jusuf et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (1) 2000 : 43-48
Boedhi Darmojo.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (2) 2000 : 92-99
CARCINOMA, SQUAMOUS CELL 216 Mikrokemotaksis Transfilter Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Lines Manusia Menggunakan Bisbenzylisoquinolin Cepharanthin in Vitro (The Transfilter Microchemotaxis of Human Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Line Using Biosbenzylisquiniline Alkaloid Cepharanthin In-vitro)/Supriatno.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi (MIKGI), 11 (4) 2000 : 73-76
222 Peran Endotel pada Patogenesis Penyakit Kardiovaskular (The Effect of Endothelins in the Pathogenecity of Cardiovascular Diseases)/Djanggan Sargowo.-- Medika, 26 (7) 2000 : 432-444 223 Reaktivitas Kardiovaskular pada Individu Normotensi dari Orangtua Penderita Hipertensi Primer (Cardiovascular Reactivity on Normotensive Individual from the Primary Hypertension Parents)/Amiliana M. Soesanto et. al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 2000 : 166-170
217 Papiloma Laring yang Mengalami Degenerasi Maligna Menjadi Karsinoma Sel Skuamosa (Laryngeal Papilloma Converting to Squamous Cell Carcinoma)/W. Suardana; Made Tjekeg.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (109) 2000 : 169-172
224 Tempat Beta-Bloker dalam Pengobatan Penyakit Kardiovaskular pada Lansia (Betablocker in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease in Elderly)/Budhi Setianto.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (1) 2000 : 34-39
CARDIA 218 Exercise Testing and Cardia Rehabilitation in the Elderly with Heart Failure/Dede Kusmana.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (3) 2000 : 137-145
CATALYSIS 225 Uji Hayati Limbah Katalis Industri Pengilangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi serta Efeknya terhadap Jaringan Hati dan Ginjal Mencit/Mus musculus Galur Australia (Bioassay Test of Spent Catalytic's Cracking of Petroleum Refinery Industry and the Effect on Liver and Kidney Tissues of Mouse/ Mus musculus of Australian Strain)/Yuniar Widiarini; Nani Djangsih; Titin Hartati P.-- J. Toksikologi Indon., 1 (1) 2000 : 48-57
CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES 219 Endotelin dan Penyakit Kardiovaskuler (Endothelins and Cardiovascular Diseases)/ Muhammad Natsir Akil.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (127) 2000 : 34-36 220 Hiperfibrinogenemia : Faktor Risiko Penyakit Kardiovaskuler Arteriosklerosis (Hyperfibrinogenemia : A Risk Factor for Arteriosclerosis Cardiovascular Disease)/ Ketut Suastika.-- Maj. Kedokter . Udayana, 31 (109) 2000 : 131-140
CATARACT 226 Rendahnya Kadar Vitamin E dalam Darah sebagai Salah Satu Faktor Risiko Terjadinya Katarak Senilis : Kajian di RSUP Dr. Sardjito dan RS Mata Dr. Yap Yogyakarta (The Low Vitamin E Level on Blood as a Risk Factor for Senile Cataract : A Study at Dr. Sardjito General Hospital and Dr. Yap Eye Hospital, Yogyakarta)/Wijanarto Joeniarto; Suhardjo; Agus Supartoto.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (3) 2000 : 193-199
221 Penyakit Kardiovaskular pada Usia Lanjut : Gejala dan Tanda-tanda Umum, Perubahan Anatomik, Fisiologik dan Beberapa Data Epidemiologik yang Ditemukan (Cardiovascular Disease in Elderly : the Symptoms and General Signs, the Anatomical and Physiological Changes and Some Epidemiological Data Collection)/R.
227 Kematian Sel pada Tubuh yang Sehat dan Tubuh yang Sakit (Cell Death in Health Body and Sick Bodies)/Sudarno.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 11 (1) 2000 : 1-5
233 Aneurisma Intrakranial (Intracranial Aneurysms)/Diah Pertiwi; Prijo Sidipratomo.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (5) 2000 : 259-268
234 Polymorphonuclear as Prognosis Predictor in Acute Cerebral Infarction/Mutia Sinta; Harsono; Samekto Wibowo.-Berita Kedokter. Masy ., 16 (1) 2000 : 25-32
228 Selulitis dan Pengobatannya (Cellulitis and its Therapy)/Syahril Pasaribu.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 232-235
235 Clinical Pattern of Hospitalized Strokes in 28 Hospitals in Indonesia/J. Misbach; A. Wendra.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (1) 2000 : 2934
229 Kecepatan Pelepasan Tenoksikam dari Sediaan Granul Lepas Lambat yang Dibuat dengan Metode Dispersi Partikel (Dissolution of Tenoxicam from Sustained Release Granule Dosage by Dispersion Method)/A. Karim Zulkarnain.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (3) 2000 : 174-180
236 Stroke in Pregnancy a Case Series in Medan/Aldy S. Rambe; Darulkutini Nasution.- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 248-250
CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 230 Tuberkulosis Sistem Saraf Pusat di RSUP Dr. Sardjito, Yogyakarta (Central Nervous System Tuberculosis in Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakarta)/Siti Musfiroh; Sekar Satiti.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (3) 2000 : 173-177
CERVICAL VERTEBRAE 237 Penentuan Individu pada Penggal Kepala dengan Kongruensi Vertebra (Individuation in Decapitation with Vertebral Congruent)/Etty Indriati.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (3) 2000 : 147-154
231 Rekonstruksi Raut Muka Samping dengan Radiografi Kefalometri (Reconstruction of Lateral Facial Contour Based on Cephaloradiographs)/Etty Indriati.-Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (2) 2000 : 83-90
238 Densitas Mikrovaskular Tumor sebagai Faktor Prediktor Respons Radioterapi pada Kanker Sel Skumosa Serviks (Microvascular Tumor Density as a Predictor Factor of Radiotherapy Response in Cancer of Cervical Squamous-cell)/Saroyo et. al.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 24 (2) 2000 : 109-116
CEPHALOSPORINS 232 Analisis Farmakoekonomik : Aplikasi pada Sefalosporin Parenteral untuk Profilaksis dan Terapi Bedah (Pharmacoeconomic Analysis : Application in Parenterral Cephalosporin through the Prophylaxis and Surgery Therapy)/Reno Rudiman.-- Medika, 26 (5) 2000 : 303-306
239 The Effect of Addition of Interstital Brachytherapy for Improving the Local Control Rate in Advanced Carcinoma of Cervix/Dillip Kumar Parida et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (3) 2000 : 204-208
240 Epidemiologi dan Pengendalian Kanker Serviks (The Epidemiological and Control of Cervix Cancer)/Moecherdiyantiningsih.-Medika, 26 (3) 2000 : 166-171
246 Aktivitas Ibu dalam Organisasi dan Paparan terhadap Media Massa dalam Penyimpangan Positif Status Gizi Anak Balita (Mother's Activities in Organization and Mass Media Exposure Related to Positive Deviation of Nutritional Status in Under Five Children)/ Sihadi; Sandjaja; Sudjasmin.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat ., 28 (3&4) 2000 : 453-459
241 Kanker Serviks Uteri dan Metode Deteksi Dini yang Efektif (Cervix Utery Cancer and the Effectiveness of Early Detection Method)/Moecherdiyantiningsih; Nasrin Kodim.-- Medika, 26 (4) 2000 : 254-256
247 Breastfeeding and Macronutrien Intakes of Children in Barru Subdistrict, South Sulawesi/ A. Razak Thaha.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 118-122
242 Ketahanan Hidup Penderita Kanker Serviks Tahun 1988 di RS. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta (Life Expectancy on Cervix Cancer Patient by the Year 1988 at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta)/Taufik Zain.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (4) 2000 : 124-131
248 Diagnosa dan Penatalaksanaan Gagal Ginjal Akut pada Anak (The Management and Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Failure on Child)/B. Susanti Dewayani.-- Medika, 26 (10) 2000 : 642-646
243 Pengaruh Derajat dan Jenis Histopatologik Karsinoma Serviks Uteri terhadap Kemampuan Hidup Penderita (The Influence of Histopathological Type and Histopathological Differentiation of the Cervical Cancer through the Survival of Patients)/Heru Pradjatmo.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (2) 2000 : 111-118
249 Gagal Ginjal Akut pada Anak (Acute Kidney Failure on Child)/Alok Adi Purnama; Adrian Umboh.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (11) 2000 : 508-515 250 Hiperkalemia pada Anak (Hyperkalemia in Children)/Sudung O. Pardede.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (5) 2000 : 245-251
CESAREAN SECTION 244 Peran Seksio Cesaria terhadap Penurunan Morbiditas dan Mortalitas Perinatal pada Ibu dengan Preeklampsia dan Eklampsia (The Role of Cesarean Section to Reduce the Prenatal Mortality and Morbidity among Women with Pre-eclampsia and Eclampsia)/ Tri Joko Winarno; Djaswadi Dasuki.-- Berita Kedokter. Masy ., 16 (1) 2000 : 15-23
251 Hipertensi Portal pada Anak (Portal Hypertension on Child)/Bambang Surif; Julius Roma.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (128) 2000 : 41-44 252 Lingkar Paha sebagai Indikator Status Gizi pada Anak Usia 6-12 Tahun di SD Anjasmoro I-II Semarang (Upper Arm Circumference as an Indicator of Nutritional Status on Child Age between 6-12 Years Old at Anjasmoro I-II Primary School, Semarang)/ Puji Leksono Putranto; Wahyu Rochadi.-Media Medika Indon., 35 (4) 2000 : 193-196
CHEMOTHERAPY, ADJUVANT 245 Concomitant Use of Sandwich Neo Adjuvant and Adjuvant Chemotherapy CAP Regimen + Conventional Radiotherapy for Treating Local Advance Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma/ Maesadjie Tjokronagoro.-Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (3) 2000 : 201-207
ginitis Gonorrhea on Child)/Junarti Karmadi; Magdalena Mardiono.-- Ebers Papyrus, 6 (1) 2000 : 43-46
253 Malabsorpsi Laktosa pada Anak (Lactose Malabsorption on Child)/Edi Setiawan Tehuteru.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti , 19 (1) 2000 : 137-142
CHILD BEHAVIOR 261 Pemeriksaan Brain Electro Activity Mapping pada Gangguan Tingkah Laku Anak (The Examination of Brain Electro Activity Mapping on Child with Personality Disorders)/Dwidjo Saputro.--Jiwa, 33 (4) 2000 : 351-358
254 Nefritis Bakterial Fokal Akut pada Anak (Acute Focal Bacterial Nephritis in Children)/ Husein Albar; Syarifuddin Rauf; Thomas Harry Adoe.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (7) 2000 : 353-357
255 Penatalaksanaan Ketoasidosis Diabetik pada Anak dengan Diabetes Melitus Tergantung Insulin (The Management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children with Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus)/Elmi.-- Medika, 26 (8) 2000 : 520-524
262 Dampak Pemaparan Kokain pada Masa Prenatal terhadap Kehamilan, Fetus, Bayi dan Perkembangan Anak (The Effect of Cocaine Exposure on Prenatal through the Pregnancy, Fetal Condition and Child Development)/Dharmady Agus.-- Jiwa, 33 (2) 2000 : 195-203
256 Penatalaksanaan Mutakhir Dermatitis Atopik pada Anak (Latest Management of Atopic Dermatitis in Children)/Siti Aisah Boediardja.- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (5) 2000 : 252258
263 Peranan Gizi dan Pola Asuh dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Tumbuh Kembang Anak (The Contribution of Nutrition and Infant Care Pattern to Increase the Quality of Child Development)/Husaini Mahdin Anwar.-Medika, 26 (2) 2000 : 104-111
257 Pengaruh Asap Rokok terhadap Hiperaktiviti Bronkus pada Anak (The Effect of Cigarette Smoke through the Hyperactivity of Broncho in Children)/Helmia Hasan; Sudarsono; Makmuri MS.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (2) 2000 : 75-80
264 Pola Pemberian Makanan Anak (6-18 Bulan) dan Hubungannya dengan Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Anak pada Keluarga Miskin dan Tidak Miskin (Patterns of Child Feeding (6-18 Months Old) from Poor and Well of Families and Their Relationship to Child Development)/Vita Kartika et. al.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 37-47
258 Pengelolaan Asma Akut pada Anak (The Management of Acute Asthma on Child)/ Magdalena Sidhartani.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (4) 2000 : 169-173
265 Tumbuh Kembang Anak Balita di Desa Bulu Cina (Child Development in Bulu Cina Village)/M. Joesoef Simbolon et. al.-- Jiwa, 33 (3) 2000 : 207-219
259 Pertumbuhan Tulang Anak Umur 12-26 Bulan Pasca Intervensi Gizi (Bone Development in Children 12-26 Months of Age after Several Time of Intervention Left Behinds)/Edwi Saraswati; Basuki Budiman.-Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 64-71
CHLAMYDIA INFECTIONS 266 Perbandingan Efisiensi Pengobatan Penyakit Radang Panggul (PRP) yang Disebabkan
260 Vulvovaginitis Gonore pada Anak (Vulvova-
oleh Infeksi Klamidia dengan Doksisiklin 100 mg Regimen Singkat dan Regimen Baku [The Comparison between the Effectiveness of Short Regiment of 100 mg Doxycycline and Standard Regiment of Doxycycline for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) Caused by Chlamidia Infection]/Endang R. Sedyaningsih et. al.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 24 (2) 2000 : 97-103
Donepzi l: Efikasi dan Prospeknya pada Demensia dan Penyakit Alzheimer (Selective Donepzil Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor : Its Efficacy and Prospect in Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease)/Muhammad Totong Kamaluddin.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (9) 2000 : 436-441 CHRONIC DISEASE 272 Infeksi Kronik dan Penyakit Jantung Koroner : Adakah Kaitannya ? (Chronic Infection and Coronary Heart Disease : Is There any Link?)/Dasnan Ismail.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (6) 2000 : 290-295
CHLAMYDIA PNEUMONIAE 267 Diagnosis Laboratorium Infeksi Chlamydia Pneumoniae pada Saluran Pernapasan (Laboratory Diagnostic of Chlamydia Pneumoniae Infection in Respiratory Tract)/ Ratna Ariantini; July Kumalawati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (4) 2000 : 200-207
CIPROFLOXACIN 273 Demam Tifoid yang Tidak Respon terhadap Kloramfenikol dan Siprofloksasin Serta Berkembang Menjadi Meningitis (Typhoid Fever Resistances to Choramphenicol and Ciptofloxacin May Cause Typhoid Meningitis)/Azhari Gani; Yosia Ginting; T. Banctiar Panjahitan.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 244-247
268 Microbiological Physiology, Structure, Diagnosis and Future Perspectives of Chlamydia Pneumoniae Infection/Ariati Safiriani.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (1) 2000 : 3-8 CHLORAMPHENICOL 269 Demam Tifoid yang Tidak Respon terhadap Kloramfenikol dan Siprofloksasin Serta Berkembang Menjadi Meningitis (Typhoid Fever Resistances to Choramphenicol and Ciptofloxacin May Cause Typhoid Meningitis)/Azhari Gani; Yosia Ginting; T. Banctiar Panjahitan.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 244-247
274 Studi In-vitro Kepekaan Kuman Penyebab Infeksi terhadap Siprofloksasin di Denpasar 1997-1998 (Study on In-Vitro Sensitivity of Pathogenic Microorganisms to Ciprofloxacin in Denpasar 1997-1998)/IGN. Suyasa; IDM Sukrama.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (110) 2000 : 209-213
CHLORHEXIDINE 270 Efek Kumur dengan Chlorhexidine Gluconate 0.2 Percent Sebelum Tindakan Operasi Molar 3 terhadap Bakteremia (Effect of Mouthwash with 0.2 Percent of Chlorhexidine Gluconate in Pre-surgery of Third Molar against Bacterium)/Soeherwin Mangundjaja; Abdul Muthalib; Ariadna Djals.-- Dari Bandung untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi : Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 : 1-8
COCAINE 275 Dampak Pemaparan Kokain pada Masa Prenatal terhadap Kehamilan, Fetus, Bayi dan Perkembangan Anak (The Effect of Cocaine Exposure on Prenatal through the Pregnancy, Fetal Condition and Child Development)/Dharmady Agus.-- Jiwa, 33 (2) 2000 : 195-203 COLONIC NEOPLASMS
276 Aspek Genetik Karsinoma Kolon (Genetically Aspect of Colon Carcinoma)/S.P. Gultom;
271 Selektif 24
Sontan Sirait.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (42) 2000 : 30-35
Persepsi Berbagai Institusi tentang Posyandu (Who Owned the Posyandu ? A Qualitative Study of Institutions Perception about Posyandu)/Purnawan Junadi.-- Medika, 26 (3) 2000 : 153-157
COLOR PERCEPTION 277 Color Vision Response to Hypoxia at a Simulated Altitude of 18,000 Feet/Corrie Wawolumaya.--Medical J. of Indon., 9 (4) 2000 : 276-280
CONDOMS 283 "Gunakan Kondom Masuk Akal'kan?" Merancang Pesan untuk Kampanye Kondom (Design for Condoms Campaign)/Danny I. Yatim.-- Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 7 (1) 2000 : 47-58
COMMUNICABLE DISEASES 278 Profil dan Perkembangan Penyakit Infeksi serta Langkah Antisipasinya (Profile and Development of Infectious Disease and its Anticipation Steps)/Yoes Prijatna Dachlan.-Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 11 (1) 2000 : 40-56
284 Evaluation of Community Participation in Health Funding/Nugroho Abikusmo; Rina K. Kusumaratna.-- J. Kedokter. Usakti , 19 (2) 2000 : 65-69
279 Komunikasi yang Efektif antara Orang Tua & Remaja (The Effective Communication between Parents and Adolescence)/Siti Purwanti B..-- Seminar dan Workshop Bebaskan Anak Bangsa dari Ancaman Narkoba, 2000 : 1-12
285 Keberadaan Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat dalam Penanggulangan AIDS (The Contribution of Community Participation in AIDS Prevention)/Latuihamallo.-Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 7 (1) 2000 : 27-35
286 Public Awareness and Participation in their IDD Elimination Program in Indonesia/ Sunawang et. al.-- Maj. Gizi Indon., (24) 2000 : 9-16
280 Eksplorasi Kegiatan Polindes (Pondok Bersalin Desa) di Daerah Terpencil : Studi Kualitatif di Jatim dan NTB [Exploration of Polindes (Delivery Home Care) Activities at Isolated Areas : The Qualitative Study in East Java and Nusa Tenggara Barat]/Ristrini; Wasis Budiarto.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 228-233
287 Upaya Peningkatan Partisipasi Keluarga dalam Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk Demam Berdarah Dengue (PSN DBD) di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pancoran Mas, Depok (The Effort to Increase the Family Participation to Dengue Control at Pancoran Mas Community Health Center, Depok)/Toni Wandra et. al.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy ., 31 (63) 2000 : 12-18
281 Kinerja Posyandu dan Status Gizi Anak Balita di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman Propinsi Sumatra Barat (The Performance of Integrated Health Service and Nutritional Status of Under Five Children in Padang Pariaman Subdistrict, West Sumatera)/ Kasmita et. al.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 1-10
Posyandu Milik
Siapa ? Studi
CONSUMER SATISFACTION 288 Opini Kepuasan Konsumen terhadap Pelayanan Apotek dan Peran Apoteker (The Opinion of Consumer Satisfaction toward the Pharmacy Services and the Pharmacist
282 Kualitatif
Role)/Achmad Fuad Afdhal; Lily Musnelina.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (6) 2000 : 214-217
kular: Tindakan Penanganan dan Pencegahan (Reactions to Intravascular Contrast Agents : The Management and Prevention)/ Ari Faisal.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 32 (3) 2000 : 209-214
CONTRACEPTION 289 Alat-alat Obat-obat Kontrasepsi (Contraception Tools and Drugs)/Busisa Gultom.-Maj. Kedokter . Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (44) 2000 : 26-30
CONVERSION DISORDER 295 Gangguan Konversi (Conversion Disorder)/ Ayub Sani Ibrahim.-- Ebers Papyrus, 6 (4) 2000 : 211-216
290 Gynecological History, Contraceptive Use and the Risk of Ectopic Pregnancy: An Indonesia Case-Control Study/Bastaman Basuki.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (1) 2000 : 49-57
CORONARY ARTERIOSCLEROSIS 296 Small and Dense Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) sebagai Faktor Risiko Penyakit Jantung Aterosklerosis (Small and Dense Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) as a Risk Factor of Coronary Atherosclerosis)/H. Djanggan Sargowo.-- Medika, 26 (1) 2000 : 20-25
291 Keampuhan Kontrasepsi Testosteron yang Menyebabkan Azoospermia dan Oligozoospermia pada Pria Subur (The Effectiveness of Testosterone Contraception Caused Azoospermia and Oligozospermia in Fertile Men)/Vivit Vidyawati; Nukman Moeloek.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (8) 2000 : 385-388
CORONARY DISEASE 297 Dari Hipertensi ke Hipertrofi Ventrikel Kiri, Penyakit Jantung Koroner dan Gagal Jantung : Perlindungan oleh Penghambat Ace (ACE Inhibitors : Covered the Hypertension, Left Ventricular Hypertrophy, Heart Diseases and Heart Failure)/T. Santoso.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 27 (12) 2000 : 703-707
292 Pengaruh Diet Berbeda pada Spermatozoa Monyet Jantan Macaca fascicularis yang Mendapat Kombinasi Androgen dan Progesteron sebagai Kontrasepsi Laki-laki [The Influence of Male Hormonal Contraceptive on Spermatozoa of Macaca fascicularis (Cynomolgus Monkey) at the Different of Diet Status]/Sutyarso.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (2) 2000 : 63-70
298 Epidemiologi Penyakit Jantung Koroner (Epidemiological of Coronary Heart Diseases)/Sri Ida Yuniarti.-- Medika, 26 (5) 2000 : 307-313
293 Pengaruh Jumlah Anak dan Keinginan Punya Anak terhadap Penggunaan Kontrasepsi di Propinsi Jawa Tengah (The Influence of Child Amount and the Willing to have a Baby through the Use of Contraception in Central Java)/Karnadi Sigit; Djauhar Ismail; Ali Ghufron Mukti.-- Berita Kedokter. Masy ., 26 (2) 2000 : 83-93
299 Heparin Berat Molekul Rendah dan Terapi Kombinasi untuk Sindrom Koroner Akut (Low Molecular Weight of Heparins and the Combination Therapy through the Acute Coronary Syndrome)/Asikin Hanafiah.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (2) 2000 : 49-51 300 The Incidence of Coronary Heart Disease and the Risk Factors among Preclinic Physicians of Faculty Medicine of University
CONTRAST MEDIA 294 Reaksi terhadap Bahan Kontras Intravas-
of Indonesia : The Results of a Five Years Prospective Study/Dede Kusmana et. al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (2) 2000 : 52-60
Bambang Budiono et. al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (1) 2000 : 16-20 308 Sindrom Koroner Akut, Pilihan Obatnya Apa ? (Acute Coronary Syndrome, What Kind of Drugs We Should Take ?)/Asikin Hanafiah.-J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (3) 2000 : 146-149
301 Infeksi Kronik dan Penyakit Jantung Koroner : Adakah Kaitannya ? (Chronic Infection and Coronary Heart Disease: Is There any Link ? )/Dasnan Ismail.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (6) 2000 : 290-295
309 Tinggi Badan dan Gambaran Lesi Arteri Koroner pada Penderita Penyakit Jantung Koroner yang Dilakukan Arteriografi Koroner di Rumah Sakit Jantung Harapan Kita (Body Height and the Pattern of Coronary Artery Lesion in Coronary Diseases Patient Referred for Coronary Arteriography at Harapan Kita Hospital)/Bondan H. Putranto; Budhi Setianto.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (2) 2000 : 61-67
302 Penanggulangan Penyakit Jantung Koroner di Masyarakat (The Management of Coronary Heart Disease in the Community)/Fadilah Supari.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (3) 2000 : 183-186 303 Penanggulangan Penyakit Jantung Koroner di Masyarakat (The Management of Coronary Heart Disease in the Community)/Fadilah Supari.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (5) 2000 : 303-306
310 Viagra: Aman untuk Penderita Penyakit Jantung Koroner (Viagra : Safe for Coronary Heart Disease Patient)/Fadilah Supari.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 243-248
304 Pendekatan Terpadu Penyakit Jantung Koroner (The Complimentary Approach in Coronary Heart Diseases)/Y. Kisyanto.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 108-111
COSTS AND COST ANALYSIS 311 Kandungan Gizi dan Analisis Biaya Makanan Kudapan PMT-AS di Desa Cibatok II dan Desa Sukamaju, Kabupaten Bogor (Nutrient Content and Cost Analysis of School Feeding Program in Cibatok II and Sukamaju Villages, Bogor)/Hardinsyah; Maria Ekawati; Lilik Kustiyah.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 119-125
305 Pendekatan Terpadu Penyakit Jantung Koroner (The Complimentary Approach in Coronary Heart Disease)/Y. Kisyanto.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (7) 2000 : 423-426 306 Pengobatan Penyakit Jantung Koroner pada Lansia: Konservatif atau Agresif (Coronary Heart Diseases Therapy in the Elderly: Conservative or Aggressive ?)/Asikin Hanafiah.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (1) 2000 : 40-44
312 Manajemen dan Analisis Biaya Kudapan PMT-AS di Desa Karyasari dan Desa Cibeber II, Kabupaten Bogor (Management and Cost Analysis of School Feeding in Karyasari and Cibeber II, Bogor District)/ Hardinsyah; Laila Asmari; Sri Anna Marliyati.- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 126133
307 Peningkatan Kadar Nitrogen Monoksida pada Penderita Penyakit Jantung Koroner dengan Perlakuan Enhanced External Counterpulsation (Increasing the Nitrogen Monoxide Level on Coronary Heart Disease Patient by Enhanced External Counterpulsation)/
COUMARINS 313 Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Kumarin dari Daun Sicerek/Clausena excavata Burn f. (The
Characteristics and Isolation of Coumarins from the Leaves of Clausena excavata Burn f.)/Elly Desni Rahman; Dachriyanus; Sanusi Ibrahim.-- J. Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi , 5 (1) 2000 : 15-18
Darah (Nosocomial Infections Caused by Blood and Blood Products)/Tonny Loho; Hesyani PT. Raranta.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (4) 2000 : 188-199 CULICIDAE
320 Fauna dan Kepadatan Nyamuk di Beberapa Daerah di Jawa Tengah (Population of Mosquitoes at Some Areas in Central Java)/ Hasan Boesri et. al.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy ., 31 (63) 2000 : 30-35
314 Peningkatan Kadar Nitrogen Monoksida pada Penderita Penyakit Jantung Koroner dengan Perlakuan Enhanced External Counterpulsation (Increasing the Nitrogen Monoxide Level on Coronary Heart Disease Patient by Enhanced External Counterpulsation)/ Bambang Budiono et. al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (1) 2000 : 16-20
CURCUMIN 321 Efek Proteksi dari Curcumine terhadap Sel Endothelium pada Hiperkholesterolemia (Protective Effects of Curcumin on Endothelial Cell in Hypercholesterolemia)/Sri Agus Sudjarwo.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi , 8 (3) 2000 : 80-86
315 Perubahan "Flow Mediated Dilatation" Darah Perifer pada Penggunaan Enchanced External Counterpulsation (The Exchanges of Flow Mediated Dilatation on Blood Peripheral in Enhanced External Counterpulsation Users)/I Ketut Rina; Hamed Oemar; Ismoyo Sunu.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (3) 2000 : 129136
322 Pengaruh Kurkuminoid terhadap Farmakokinetik Sulfamezathin pada Tikus SpragueDawley (Effect of Curcuminoids through the Pharmacokinetics of Sulfamezathine in Sprague-Dawley Rats)/ Lukman Hakim.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (1) 2000 : 65-71
CRETINISM 316 Kemampuan Bicara, Menulis dan Berhitung untuk Mengidentifikasi Kretinisme pada Anak Sekolah Dasar (Dysphasia, Disgraphia and Dyscalculia as a Tool of Identification Cretinism in School Age Children)/Basuki Budiman et. al.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat ., 28 (2) 2000 : 420-428
323 Pengaruh Praperlakuan Kurkumin terhadap Daya Anti-Inflamasi Natrium Diklofenak (The Influence of Curcumin Pretreatment on AntiInflammatory Effect of Sodium Diclofenac)/ Agung Endro Nugroho; Arief Rahman Hakim.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (4) 2000 : 209-212
CROSS INFECTION 317 Infeksi Nosokomial di Rumah Sakit (Nosocomial Infection in the Hospital)/Ketut Kusminarno.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (6) 2000 : 324-326
CYCLOSPORINS 324 Pemakaian Siklosporin dalam Bidang Dermatologi (The Usage of Cyclosporins in Dermatology)/ Indropo Agusni.-- Medika, 26 (12) 2000 : 786-788
318 Infeksi Nosokomial pada Hemodialisis (Nosocomial Infection in Haemodialysis)/ Tonny Loho; Pusparini.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (3) 2000 : 132-144
CYSTICERCOSIS 325 Cysticercosis Seropositivity in Pigs of Jayawijaya District, Irian Jaya, Indonesia/ Rizal Subahar, et. al.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (6) 2000 : 344-346
319 Infeksi Nosokomial karena Darah dan Produk
Extraction Delivery)/Abram Siregar Dulat H.; Sibuea.-- Medika, 26 (1) 2000 : 37-38
326 Prevalensi Taeniosis dan Sistiserkosis di Banjar Pamesan, Desa Ketewe, Gianyar, Bali (The Prevalence of Taeniosis and Cysticercoids in the Hamlet of BR. Parmesan, Village of Ketewe, Gianyar, Bali)/ Putu Sutisna; I Nengah Kaptil; Rossanna Rodrigues-Canul.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (110) 2000 : 226-234
332 Peluang Kepesertaan Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) dalam Model Pembiayaan Ibu Hamil dan Ibu Bersalin serta Faktor Penentunya (The Opportunities of Fertility Couple Participants in the Financing Model Development through the Maternal Health Services and its Determinant Factors)/ Sarwanta.-- Medika, 26 (8) 2000 : 488-492
CYTOGENETICS 327 Sitogenetika dan Genetika Molekular dalam Bidang Onkologi Orthopaedi (Cytogenesis and Molecular Genetics in Oncologycal Orthopaedics)/Errol Untung Hutagalung.-Maj. Orthopaedi Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 1-3
333 Pengaruh Kondisi Fisik dan Riwayat Persalinan Ibu terhadap Terjadinya Pesalinan Berisiko di Rumah Sakit Kotamadya Medan dan Daerah Sekitarnya Tahun 1999 (The Influence of Physical Condition and Delivery Histories through the Risk Delivery in the Hospital at Medan District and Surrounding by the Year 1999)/ Sori Muda Sarumpaet.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon, 28 (7) 2000 : 411-416
CYTOKINES 328 The Role of Cytokines in Atopic Dermatitis (AD) : An Approach for Emerging Therapy/ Kabulrachman.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (2) 2000 : 87-92 DEAFNESS
334 Pengaruh Kondisi Fisik dan Riwayat Persalinan terhadap Persalinan Berisiko di RS Medan dan Sekitarnya pada 1999 (The Influence of Physical Condition and Delivery Histories through the Risk Delivery in the Hospital at Medan and Surrounding by the Year 1999)/Sori Muda Sarumpaet.-- Medika, 26 (5) 2000 : 284-289
329 Peran Serta Mutasi DNA Mitokondria pada Patologi Molekuler Ketulian Progresif Satu Keluarga dengan Tujuh Keturunan di Singaraja Bali (The Contribution of the Mutation of Mitochondrial DNA in Molecular Pathology of Nerve Deafness among Family of 7 Generations at Singaraja Bali)/Agus Bagiada; Wayan Sudana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (110) 2000 : 214-220
DEMENTIA 335 Farmakoterapi Demensia dan Berbagai Faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Keberhasilan Pengobatannya (Pharmacotherapy of Dementia and Some Factors Related through the Successful of Therapy)/ Samekto Wibowo.-- Jiwa, 33 (1) 2000 : 69-79
DEATH, SUDDEN, CARDIAC 330 Peran Suplementasi Minyak Ikan pada Kematian Jantung Mendadak (The Effect of Fish Oil Supplement in Cardiac Sudden Death)/Fadilah Supari.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (6) 2000 : 363-365
336 Penghambat Asetilkolinesterase Selektif Donepzi l: Efikasi dan Prospeknya pada Demensia dan Penyakit Alzheimer (Selective Donepzil Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor : Its Efficacy and Prospect in Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease)/Muhammad Totong
DELIVERY 331 Gangguan Deteksi pada Wanita yang Pernah Melahirkan dengan Bantuan Ekstraksi Forsep dan Vakum (Detection Disturbances on Women with Vacuum and Forceps
Kamaluddin.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., Indon., 50 (9) 2000 : 436-441
Berdarah Dengue Dewasa (The Association between Natrium Plasma Level and Haemoconcentration in Patients with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever)/Djoko Widodo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., Indon., 50 (2) 2000 : 71-74
DEMOGRAPHY 337 Studi Demografis terhadap Penduduk yang Bermukim di Sekitar Wilayah Ekosistem Leuser Propinsi Sumatera Utara Tahun 1999 (Demographical Study in the Community who’s Living in Surrounding of Leuser Ecosystem, North Sumatera by the Year 1999)/Yusniwarti.-- Dexa Media, Media, 13 (2) 2000 : 20-24,27
343 Patogenesis Demam Berdarah Dengue : Suatu Tinjauan Mengenai Sel Target Virus Dengue (The Pathogenecity of Dengue : A Reviewed of Target Cell of Dengue Viruses)/ Firrar Artimi Rahaju.-- Medika, 26 (5) 2000 : 294-298
344 Penelitian untuk Menentukan Indikator Entomologi Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) di Daerah Endemis (A Study to Determine the Entomological Indicator of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) Transmission in Endemic Area)/Hasan Boesri et. al.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi , 8 (3) 2000 : 72-79
338 Acute Appendicitis in a Child with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever/Harmon Mawardi.-- J. Kedokter . Usakti ., ., 19 (2) 2000 : 54-59 339 Analisa Hasil Pemeriksaan Serologi Penderita Tersangka DBD Dewasa dari RSCM Jakarta, Oktober 1997-Desember 1998 dan Pembahasan Diagnosa DBD di Lapangan (The Analysis of Serological Test Result on Patient with Dengue Fever which Take Medicine in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital during October 1997 until December 1998)/Faisal Yatim; Diana Siti Hutauruk.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 736-738
345 Pengendalian Vektor (Jentik) Demam Berdarah, Malaria, dan Filariasis Menggunakan Strain Lokal Bacillus thuringiensis Variates Israelensis [Controlled of Dengue Vector, Malaria and Filariasis Using Local Strain of Bacillus thuringiensis Israelensis Varieties]/Blondine Ch.P.; Rendro Wiranto; Sukarno.-- Medika, 26 Medika, 26 (1) 2000 : 1619
340 Analisis Perbandingan Densitas Vektor Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue di Daerah Kumuh dan Elit di Kotamadya Surabaya (Analysis of the Comparison of Dengue Density Vector in Slum and Luxorius Areas)/Rosmanida.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., Indon., 11 (1) 2000 : 26-32
346 Surveilens Epidemiologi Demam Berdarah Dengue di Wilayah Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat Januari 1995-Juli1998 (Epidemiological Surveillance of Dengue at Central Jakarta from January 1995 until July 1998)/Ingan Tarigan.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 80-86
341 Comparison of Two DOT Immunoassays for Diagnosis of Dengue Infection/Agus Sjahrurachman et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., Indon., 9 (4) 2000 : 248-252
347 Upaya Peningkatan Partisipasi Keluarga dalam Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk Demam Berdarah Dengue (PSN DBD) di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pancoran Mas, Depok (The Effort to Increase the Family Participation to Dengue Control at Pancoran Mas Community Health Center, Depok)/Toni
342 Hubungan Kadar Natrium Plasma dengan Hemokonsentrasi pada Penderita Demam
Wandra et. al.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy ., ., 31 (63) 2000 : 12-18
Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi : Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 (TIKEGI), 2000 : 129-137
DENGUE VIRUS 348 Karakterisasi Protein Imunogenik Virus Dengue-3 Isolat Indonesia (Characteristics of Immunogenic Protein of Indonesia Isolate Virus Dengue-3)/Kartika Hatmisari; Fedik A. Rantam.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., Indon., 11 (1) 2000 : 33-39
353 Public Relations untuk Pelayanan Kesehatan Gigi (Public Relations Activity in Dental Services)/Soedjoko Soekohardjo.-Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 33 (3) 2000 : 123-126 354 Upaya Promotif, Preventif, dan Kuratif dalam Menunjang Pelayanan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut Paripurna pada Anak (The Promotive, Preventive and Curative Effort in Supporting of Dental and Oral Health Services on Child)/Ismu Suharsono Suwelo.-- Medika, Medika, 26 (4) 2000 : 231-236
DENTAL CARE 349 Perawatan Gigi Permanen Anterior yang Mengalami Avulsi (Avulsion in the Treatment of Anterior Permanent Teeth)/Eriska Riyanti.- Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi : Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), (TIKEGI), 2000 :8388
DENTAL MATERIALS 355 Kekuatan Bakteriostatik Bahan Tumpatan Sementara Flecher (Bacteriostatic Action of Fletcher Temporary Filling Materials)/ Dorothea Ratri Suliningtyas; Ananta Tantri Budi; Mandojo Rukmo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (3) 2000 : 119-122
DENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 350 Efisiensi Biaya Pelayanan Kesehatan Gigi (Cost Effectiveness of Dental Health Services)/Dewi Kartini Sari.-- Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi: Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 (TIKEGI), 2000 : 21-26
356 Keunggulan "Direct Gold" sebagai Bahan Tambal Pilihan untuk Lesi-lesi Abrasi/Erosi Kelas 6 Gigi Posterior (The Superior Quality of Direct Gold as Dental Patch through the Lesion Caving of 6 Tooth Class of Posterior)/ Dudi Aripin.-- Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi : Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 (TIKEGI), 2000 : 9-14
351 Hubungan antara Persepsi Kualitas Pelayan Kesehatan Gigi dengan Minat Pemanfaatan Ulang Pelayanan Kesehatan Puskesmas Perkotaan dan Pedesaan (The Influence of Perception to the Quality of Dental Services on the Willingness to Re-use Dental Services and the Differences between Public Health Care in Rural and Urban)/Julita Hendrartini.-Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi: Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 : 5463
DENTAL PLAQUE 357 Pengaruh Pasta Gigi yang Mengandung Ekstrak Daun Sirih terhadap Pertumbuhan Plak Gigi (The Effect of Toothpaste Containing the Extract of Betel Leaf Upon Plaque Growth)/Chiquita Prahsanti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (4) 2000 : 127-128
352 Model Manajemen Berbasis Korporasi dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan Gigi Perkotaan di Era Otonomi Daerah (Corporate Based Management in Dental Care Delivery System)/Avip Saefullah.-- Dari Bandung
358 Pengaruh Serabut Sikat Gigi dalam Meningkatkan Efektivitas Pembersihan Plak
Gigi pada Anak Usia 6-8 Tahun (The Influence of Briside of Toothbrush to Increase the Effectiveness of Dental Plaque Cleaning in Children Aged between 6-8 Years Old)/Iwa Sutardjo Rus Susdarso.-- Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi: Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 (TIKEGI), 2000 : 45-53
R. Irawati Ismail et. al.-- Jiwa, Jiwa, 33 (2) 2000 : 169-183 365 Prevalensi Depresi pada Wanita Postpartum di Bangsal Kebidanan RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta (The Prevalence of Depression in Postpartum Women at Obstetrical Ward, Dr. Sardjito, Yogyakarta)/Bambang Hastha Yoga; Soewadi; Moetarsi Firngadi.-- Jiwa, 33 Jiwa, 33 (2) 2000 : 163-167
DENTAL POLISHING 359 Kontaminasi Mikroorganinisme pada Lempeng Akrilik melalui Bahan Pulas (Acrylic Contamination by Microorganism through the Polishing Materials)/Sianiwati Goenharto et. al.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (4) 2000 : 136139
DERMATITIS, ATOPIC 366 Penatalaksanaan Mutakhir Dermatitis Atopik pada Anak (Latest Management of Atopic Dermatitis in Children)/Siti Aisah Boediardja.- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., Indon., 50 (5) 2000 : 252258
DEPRESSION 360 Depresi pada Penderita Migren (Depression in Migraine Patients)/Ezther Haryanto; MS. Hartono; MN. Jenie.-- Jiwa, Jiwa, 33 (4) 2000 : 305-319
367 The Role of Cytokines in Atopic Dermatitis (AD) : An Approach for Emerging Therapy/ Kabulrachman.-- Media Medika Indon., Indon., 35 (2) 2000 : 87-92
361 Penanganan Depresi di RSUP Dr. Sardjito, Yogyakarta dengan dan tanpa Pemberian Electroconvulsive Therapy/ECT (The Management of Depression with or without Electroconvulsive Therapy/ECT in Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta)/Arsanti; Soemarno WS.-- Jiwa, 33 Jiwa, 33 (4) 2000 : 345-349
DERMATOLOGY 368 Pemakaian Siklosporin dalam Bidang Dermatologi (The Usage of Cyclosporins in Dermatology)/ Indropo Agusni.-- Medika, Medika, 26 (12) 2000 : 786-788 DERMATOMYCOSES 369 Insiden Dermatomikosis di RSU dr. Abdul Moeloek Bandar Lampung (The Incidence of Dermatomycosis in dr. Abdul Moeloek Hospital, Bandar Lampung)/M. Syafei Hamzah.-- Dexa Media, 13 Media, 13 (2) 2000 : 4-5
362 Terapi Keluhan Somatis pada Penderita Depresi (Somatic Therapy in Depression Patients)/Toni Ashadi.-- Medika, 26 Medika, 26 (12) 2000 : 803-804
370 Pengobatan Dermatomikosis dengan Flukonazol (Treatment of Dermatomycosis with Fluconazole)/Made Swastika Adiguna.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, Udayana, 31 (109) 2000 : 120-126
DEPRESSION, POSTPARTUM 363 Postpartum Depression/Soemarno Wignyosumarto.-- Berita Kedokter. Masy., Masy., 26 (2) 2000 : 61-66 364 A Preliminary Report on Postpartum Depression : A Part of a Multi-ethnic and Multi-Centre Cohort Study (Centre : Jakarta)/
DESOGESTREL 371 Peningkatan Efektivitas Kombinasi Desogestrol dengan Testosterom T estosterom dalam
Menekan Spermatogenesis (Increasing the Affectivity of Combined Desogestrel and Testosterone in Suppressing Spermatogenesis)/Rahayu Yekti; Nukman Moeloek.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (11) 2000 : 516521
378 Patofisiologi Komplikasi Vaskuler Diabetes Melitus (Pathophysiology of Vascular Complication in Diabetes Mellitus)/Darmono.- Media Medika Indon., 35 (2) 2000 : 53-56 379 Penatalaksanaan Ketoasidosis Diabetik pada Anak dengan Diabetes Melitus Tergantung Insulin (The Management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children with Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus)/Elmi.-- Medika, 26 (8) 2000 : 520-524
372 Perbandingan Kelangsungan Pemakaian, Efektifitas dan Efek Samping Implan Desogestrel dengan Levonorgestrel (The Comparison Study of the Usage, Effectively and Side-effect of Desogestrel and Levonorgestrel Implant)/I. Gede Parwata; Untung Praptohardjo; Fadjar Siswanto.-Media Medika Indon., 35 (4) 2000 : 183-191
380 Pengobatan Diabetes Melitus dengan Obat Hipoglikemik Oral Golongan Sulfonilurea (Diabetes Mellitus Therapy with Oral Hypoglycemic Agent)/Darmono.-Media Medika Indon., 35 (1) 2000 : 1-5
DIABETES MELLITUS 373 Akupunktur untuk Terapi Gangguan Pembuluh Darah Perifer pada Diabetes Mellitus (Acupuncture Treating Diabetic Peripheral Vascular Diseases)/ Hendromartono.-- Meridian, 7 (1) 2000 : 17-22
381 Peran Antioksidan dalam Penghambatan Aterosklerosis pada Tikus Wistar Diabetes Melitus (The Role of Antioxidant as an Antherosclerosis Barrier on Diabetes Mellitus Rat)/Zainal Musthafa; Gatot S. Lawrence.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (127) 2000 : 32-33
374 Aplikasi Konsensus Pengelolaan Diabetes Melitus di Indonesia : Suatu Studi Berbasis Rumah Sakit (Application of the Consensus in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus in Indonesia : A Hospital Based Study)/Wilfried Herdin Sibuea.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (3) 2000 : 114-119
382 Peranan Hyperglikemia dalam Terjadinya Komplikasi Kronik Diabetes Melitus (The Effect of Hyperglycemia in the Occurrence of Diabetic Complications)/Ketut Suastika.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (110) 2000 : 182-188
375 Epidemiologi Diabetes Melitus dan Pengendaliannya (Epidemiological and Control of Diabetes Mellitus)/Shirley Ivonne Moningkey.-- Medika, 26 (3) 2000 : 187-190
383 Pola Kelainan Kulit pada Penderita Diabetes Melitus Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit Sumber Waras (The Pattern of Skin Lesions of Diabetic Out Patients at Sumber Waras Hospital)/Magdalena Mardiono; Junarti K. Setiabrata.-- Ebers Papyrus, 6 (4) 2000 : 171-176
376 Klasifikasi dan Kriteria Diagnosis Diabetes Melitus yang Baru (The Current Classification and Diagnosis Criteria of Diabetes Mellitus)/ John MF. Adam.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (127) 2000 : 37-40
384 Pola Makan Pasien Penyakit Diabetes Mellitus yang Berobat ke Pengobatan Tradisional di DKI Jakarta, DI. Yogyakarta dan Surabaya (Eating Pattern of Diabetes
377 Komplikasi Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes Mellitus Complications)/Muthalib A.-- Medika, 26 (1) 2000 : 26-30
Mellitus Patients which Take Medicine to the Traditional Inhalers in Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Surabaya)/Yulfira Media; Sri Soewasti Soesanto; Siti Sapardiyah Santoso.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (6) 2000 : 354-358
DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS 390 Penatalaksanaan Ketoasidosis Diabetik pada Anak dengan Diabetes Melitus Tergantung Insulin (The Management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children with Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus)/Elmi.-- Medika, 26 (8) 2000 : 520-524
385 Radikal Bebas sebagai Prediktor Aterosklerosis pada Tikus Wistar Diabetes Melitus (Free Radical as an Atherosclerosis Predictor on Diabetes Mellitus Rat)/Zainal Musthafa; Gatot S. Mawrence; Arifin Seweang.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (127) 2000 : 30-31 DIABETES DEPENDENT
DIABETIC NEUROPATHIES 391 Hubungan antara Lama Menderita Diabetes Melitus, Lama Gejala Neuropati Perifer, dan Kadar HbAIC dengan Terjadinya Neuropati Otonom (The Association between Duration of Diabetes, Peripheral Neuropathy and Blood Level of HbAIC with the Occurrence of Outonomic Neuropathy)/ Samekto Wibowo.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (4) 2000 : 183-187
386 What Factors Affect Glycaemic Control in Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus/ Bambang Suprapto.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi , 8 (3) 2000 : 30-37 DIABETES MELLITUS, DEPENDENT
DIABETIC RETINOPATHY 392 Beberapa Faktor Risiko untuk Kejadian Retinopati Diabetika pada Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang (Some Risk Factors on Diabetic Retinopathy Incidents Rate in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patient at Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang)/Wilardjo.-Media Medika Indon., 2000 : 61-65
387 Beberapa Faktor Risiko untuk Kejadian Retinopati Diabetika pada Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang (Some Risk Factors on Diabetic Retinopathy Incidents Rate in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patient at Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang)/Wilardjo.-Media Medika Indon., 2000 : 61-65
DIAGNOSIS 393 Uji Diagnostik (Diagnostic Test)/I Made Bakta.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (110) 2000 : 194-201
388 Glycemic Control with Repaglinide in Fasting Type-2 Diabetes Patients during the Ramadhan Season/Raymond R. Tjandrawinata.-- Dexa Media, 13 (4) 2000 : 15-18
DIARRHEA 394 Efek Pencegahan Seng terhadap Diare pada Anak Balita (The Effect of Zinc through Diarrhea in Toddler)/Adi Hidayat.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 95-97
389 Pengaruh Captopril terhadap Albuminuria pada Penderita DM Tipe-2 Non-Hipertensi dengan Mikroalbuminuria (The Effect of Captopril through Albuminuria on Nonhypertensive Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patient with Microalbuminuria)/IG. Raka Widiana; A.H. Asdie.-- Medika, 26 (12) 2000 : 764-768
395 Peran Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli (STEC) dalam Menimbulkan Diare dan Penyulitnya (The Role of Shiga ToxinProducing Escherichia coli which Caused Diarrhea)/Dewi Santosaningsih; Sjoekoer
Dzen.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw ., 16 (1) 2000 : 25-28
DIPTERA 403 Fluktuasi Kepadatan Nyamuk Mansonioides (Diptera: Culicidae), Vektor Filariasis yang Disebabkan oleh Brugia malayi Nonperiodik di Kalimantan Timur [The Fluctuation of Mansonioides Mosquito Densities, Filariasis Vector Cause by Nonperiodic Brugia malayi in East Kalimantan]/ Fransiskus Asisi Sudjadi.-- Berita Kedokter. Masy ., 26 (2) 2000 : 51-60
396 Pola Kuman Penyebab Penyakit Diare (Bacterial Pattern Caused of Diarrhea)/Dame Joice Pohan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (43) 2000 : 1-4 397 Risiko Relatif TPA Bantar Gebang terhadap Terjadinya Penyakit Kulit dan Penyakit Diare (The Relative Risk of TPA (Garbage Destruction Processing Area) Bantar Gebang through the Incidence of Skin Diseases and Diarrhea)/Bambang Sukana et. al.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (5) 2000 : 267-270
DISEASE 404 Contents of Disease Related Minerals of Foods in West Java/Hermana; Mien Karmini.- Maj. Gizi Indon., (24) 2000 : 65-71
398 Diastology State of the Art/Hamed Oemar.-J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (2) 2000 : 84-91
405 Peran Serta Mutasi DNA Mitokondria pada Patologi Molekuler Ketulian Progresif Satu Keluarga dengan Tujuh Keturunan di Singaraja Bali (The Contribution of the Mytation of Mitochondrial DNA in Molecular Pathology of Nerve Deafness among Family of 7 Generations at Singaraja Bali)/Agus Bagiada; Wayan Sudana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (110) 2000 : 214-220
DIETARY FATS 399 Peran Lemak pada Kanker Payudara (The Role of Dietary Fat in Breast Cancer)/Ekky M. Rahardja.-- Ebers Papyrus, 6 (3) 2000 : 125-136 DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS
400 Ginkgo Biloba : Efektif dan Aman ? (Ginkgo Biloba : Is it Effective and Safe ?)/Sony Sugiharto.-- Ebers Papyrus, 6 (2) 2000 : 7378
406 Perbandingan Efisiensi Pengobatan Penyakit Radang Panggul (PRP) yang Disebabkan oleh Infeksi Klamidia dengan Doksisiklin 100 mg Regimen Singkat dan Regimen Baku [The Comparison between the Effectiveness of Short Regiment of 100 Mg Doxycycline and Standard Regiment of Doxycycline for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) Caused by Chlamidia Infection]/Endang R. Sedyaningsih et. al.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 24 (2) 2000 : 97-103
DIGESTION 401 Observation on the Restriction Digestion Patterns of the Genomic DNA of Acanthamoeba Castellan II/Noenoek Poerwaningsih; Widiastuti S. Manan; Zulhasri.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (3) 2000 : 176-179
407 Studi Perbandingan Azithromisin dan Doksisiklin untuk Pengobatan Uretritis NonGonore (The Comparative Study of Azithromycin and Doxycycline against NonGonore Urethritis)/Wresti Indriatmi B. Makes
DIOXINS 402 Sekitar Masalah Dioksin (About Dioxin)/Olwin Nainggolan.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (5) 2000 : 271-273
et. al.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 762-764
415 Perbandingan Efektivitas Terapeutik Psikoterapi dan Farmakoterapi untuk Menurunkan Skor Kecemasan (The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Psychotherapy Therapeutics and Pharmacotherapy through Reduce the Anxiety Score)/Aris Sudiyanto.-- Jiwa, 33 (3) 2000 : 239-252
DRUG COSTS 408 Analisa Data Harga Obat di Asia-Pasifik (Data Analysis of Drug Prices in AsiaPacific)/Sriana Azis; Rini Sasanti; Endreswari.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 239-242
416 Profesionalisme dalam Penggunaan Obat (Professionalism in Drugs Use)/Iwan Darmansyah.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (6 Bag.2-suppl.) 2000 : 92-101
409 Analisis Komponen Harga Obat (Analysis of Drug Cost Component)/Sriana Aziz; Rini Sasanti.; Max J. Herman.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat ., 28 (1) 2000 : 399-408
DRUG UTILIZATION 417 Determination of Five Indicators for Drug Utilization in Bandung, in 1997/Sriana Azis; Muktiningsih; Max J. Herman.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (7) 2000 : 420-422
DRUG RESISTANCE 410 Akupunktur untuk Kondisi Kebal Obat (Acupuncture for Drug Resistance Condition)/ Koosnadi Saputra.-- Meridian, 7 (2) 2000 : 93-95
DRUGS, GENERIC 418 Pusat Pelayanan Obat Generik dan Obat Asli Indonesia (PPOG-OAI) di RS Fatmawati (Service Center of Generic Drugs and the Indonesia Traditional Medicine at Fatmawati Hospital)/Farida Indriastuti; Aziza Nuraini.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (6) 2000 : 225-227
411 Stability of Drug Susceptibility during Anti-TB Chemotherapy in Pulmonary Tuberculosis the Emergence of Transient Drug-Resistance during Anti TB Chemotherapy/R.A. Handojo.- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (1) 2000 : 23-26 DRUG STABILITY 412 Stability of Drug Susceptibility during Anti-TB Chemotherapy in Pulmonary Tuberculosis the Emergence of Transient Drug-Resistance during Anti TB Chemotherapy/R.A. Handojo.- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (1) 2000 : 23-26
EATING 419 Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Konsumsi Sayuran pada Anak Pra Sekolah, Desa Sicanang Kecamatan Medan Belawan Kotamadya Medan (Factors Influence of Vegetables Consumption on Pre-school Children at Sicanang Village, Medan Belawan, Medan)/Evawany Aritonang.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (7) 2000 : 394-399
413 Stability of Drug Susceptibility during Anti-TB Chemotherapy in Pulmonary Tuberculosis/ R.A. Handojo.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (3) 2000 : 120-123
420 Hubungan antara Pola Konsumsi Jenis Makanan Berisiko pada Ibu Hamil dan Kejadian Hipertensi di Unit Rawat Jalan RS. Griya Husada (The Correlation between Consumption Pattern of Risk Food and Hypertension in Pregnant Women at Outpatient Unit, Griya Husada Hospital)/Didik
DRUG THERAPY 414 Konsep Sistem dalam Peningkatan Pemakaian Obat Secara Rasional/PPOSR (System Concept to Increase the Rational Drug Use)/I. Nasution.-- Medika, 26 (8) 2000 : 526-528 36
Budijanto; W. Dwi Astuti; Watum Mu'inah.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 234-238
426 Pola Makan Pasien Penyakit Diabetes Mellitus yang Berobat ke Pengobatan Tradisional di DKI Jakarta, DI. Yogyakarta dan Surabaya (Eating Pattern of Diabetes Mellitus Patients which Take Medicine to the Traditional Inhalers in Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Surabaya)/Yulfira Media; Sri Soewasti Soesanto; Siti Sapardiyah Santoso.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (6) 2000 : 354-358
421 Karakteristik Konsumsi Energi pada Keluarga Miskin untuk Identifikasi Cepat Keluarga Defisit Energi (Characteristic of Energy Consumption in Poor Family for Rapid Identification of Deficit Energy)/Sri Prihartini et. al.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 58-63
ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, TRANSESOPHAGEAL 427 Peran Pemeriksaan Ekokardiograpfi Transesofagus pada Penderita Kritis di Ruang Perawatan Intensif (The Role of Transesophageal Echocardiography Test in Critical Patient at Intensive Care Unit)/Nahar Taufiq et. al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon. 25 (2) 2000 : 111-114
422 Konsumsi Makanan di Desa Tertinggal Bogor, Tanggerang dan Bekasi (Botabek) sebagai Dampak Krisis Ekonomi (Food Consumption in Poor Villages of Bogor, Tanggerang and Bekasi Regions as the Impact of Monetary Crisis)/Djoko Kartono et. al.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 1-7
423 Pendapatan dan Konsumsi Pangan Keluarga Peserta dan Bukan Peserta Program PDMDKE di Kotamadya Bogor, Jawa Barat Tahun Anggaran 1998/1999 (Income Rate and Food Sufficiency Level of Participant and Non Participant Families of PMD-DKE Program in Bogor, West Java 1998/1999)/Novita; Cesilia M. Dwiriani; M. Rizal M. Damanik.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 69-78
428 Faktor Prognosa dan Risiko Kematian Maternal pada Pre-eklampsia-Eklampsia (Prognosis Factor and Maternal Mortality Risk in Women with Pre-eclampsia and Eclapmsia)/Heriyono; Djaswadi Dasuki.-Berita Kedokter. Masy., 16 (1) 2000 : 33-39 429 Prediktor Klinis untuk Kematian Perinatal Kasus Pre-eklamsia–Eklamsia (Clinical Predictors of Prenatal Mortality in Preeclampsia-Eclampsia Cases)/Heriyono; Djaswadi Dasuki.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 32 (3) 2000 : 165-171
424 Perilaku Makan Murid Sekolah Dasar Penerima PMT-AS di Desa Cuheukeut dan Pasir Gaok Kabupaten Bogor (Food Consumption Behavior of Elementary School Pupils Participating in School Feeding Program at the Cuheukeut and Pasir Gaok Village District of Bogor)/Hermina et. al.-Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 72-79
430 Preeclampsia-Eclampsia as the Single Disease and the Reproductive Risk Factors/ Djaswadi Dasuki.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (2) 2000 : 97-103
425 Perubahan Pola Konsumsi Pangan Keluarga pada Sebelum dan Sewaktu Krisis Ekonomi (Changes of Household Consumption Pattern Before and During the Monetary Crisis)/ Yayah K. Husaini et. al.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 8-17
ECONOMICS 431 Dampak Krisis Ekonomi terhadap Aspek Demografi Kesehatan di Sumatera Utara (The Impact of Monetary Crisis through the Health Demography in North Sumatera)/Heru
Santosa.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 205-209
(Cost Effectiveness of Dental Health Services)/Dewi Kartini Sari.-- Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi: Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 : 21-26
432 Dampak Krisis Ekonomi terhadap Konsumsi Pangan dan Non-Pangan pada Rumah Tangga Berpenghasilan Rendah (The Impact of Monetary Crisis through the Food and Non-food Consumption in Low Income Households)/Handewi P.S Rachman; Wahida; Mewa Ariani.-- Maj. Gizi Indon., (24) 2000 : 53-64
ECONOMICS, PHARMACEUTICAL 438 Analisis Farmakoekonomik : Aplikasi pada Sefalosporin Parenteral untuk Profilaksis dan Terapi Bedah (Pharmacoeconomic Analysis : Application in Parenterral Cephalosporin through the Prophylaxis and Surgery Therapy)/Reno Rudiman.-- Medika, 26 (5) 2000 : 303-306
433 Dampak Krisis Ekonomi terhadap Pendapatan dan Konsumsi Pangan Pokok Rumah Tangga Berpendapatan Rendah (The Impact of Monetary Crisis on Income and Staple Food Consumption in Low Income Households)/Mewa Ariani; Sri Hastuti; Herman Supriyadi.-- Maj. Gizi Indon., (24) 2000 : 43-52
439 Pharmacoeconomics : A Primer to its Basic Principles/Raymond Tjandrawinata.-- Dexa Media, 13 (4) 2000 : 26-31 EDUCATION
434 Dampak Krisis Moneter terhadap Pola Pengeluaran, Status Gizi dan Kesehatan (The Impact of Monetary Crisis through the Expenditure Pattern, Nutritional Status and Health)/Hendra Budiman; Liling Pudjilestari.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 27 (12) 2000 : 693-699
440 Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Pelatihan Ketrampilan Kegawatdaruratan Obstetri dan Neonatal bagi Bidan Desa di Kabupaten Wonosobo, Jateng (Evaluation of the Implementation Training of Neonatal and Obstetrical Emergency to Midwifery at Wonosobo, Central Java)/Agung Suhadi; Mohammad Hakimi.-- Medika, 26 (3) 2000 : 148-152
435 Dampak PMT-AS terhadap Ekonomi Pedesaan dan Pendidikan Anak Sekolah di Kabupaten Bogor (The Impact of School Feeding Program in Rural Economics and Academic Achievements at Bogor District)/Ali Khomsan; Katrin Roosita.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 108-112
441 Masalah Kesehatan Masyarakat di Indonesia Ditinjau dari Aspek Pendidikan, Penempatan Tenaga Kesehatan dan Hukum (The Problems of Public Health in Indonesia : Reviewed from Educational, Physician's Recruitment and Law Aspect)/Mindo E. Sinaga.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy ., 31 (62) 2000 : 33-38
436 Pengaruh Krisis Ekonomi terhadap Kasus Kematian di Bangsal Anak RSUD A.W. Sjahranie, Samarinda (The Impact of Monetary Crisis through the Mortality Case at Pediatric Ward A.W Sjahranie, Samarinda)/ Indra Tamboen.-- Medika, 26 (1) 2000 : 3941
442 Penerapan Metode Pelatihan Berdasarkan Kompetensi pada Pelatihan Teknis Kesehatan (The Implementation of Training Method Based on the Competency in Technical Health Training)/ Nasrin Kodim.-Medika, 26 (1) 2000 : 46-50
ECONOMICS, DENTAL 437 Efisiensi Biaya Pelayanan Kesehatan Gigi
443 Strategi Belajar Mengajar Student Centered Learning : Proses Belajar Otak Kanan dan Otak Kiri dalam Mempersiapkan Sumber Daya Manusia di Abad ke 21 (Strategy of Learning and Teaching in Student Centered Learning : Learning Process of Right and Left Brain to Prepare the Good Human Recourse in 21st Century)/Arjatmo Tjokronegoro.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (12) 2000 : 527-532
Mohammad Hakimi.-- Maj. Obstet. Ginekol. Indon., 24 (2) 2000 : 69-76
444 Eksistensi dan Pemberdayaan Pusat Pelatihan Klinik Primer (P2KP) di Sumatra Selatan (The Influence and Existence of Primary Clinical Training Center in South Sumatera)/Rizani Amran.-- Medika, 26 (10) 2000 : 664-670
450 Kebugaran dan Produktivitas Kerja Tenaga Kerja Wanita selama Berpuasa Ramadhan (Fitness and the Productivity of Female Laborers during Ramadhan Fasting)/U. Soetrisno et. al.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat ., 28 (2) 2000 : 447-452
445 Humaniora di Dalam Kurikulum Pendidikan Dokter (Humaniora in Medical Education Curriculum)/Muh. Arif.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw ., 16 (2) 2000 : 50-55
449 Problem-Assisted Learning dalam Pendidikan Anatomi di Unika Atma Jaya (Problem-Assisted Learning in Anatomy Department of Atma Jaya University)/Liliana Sugiarto.-- Ebers Papyrus, 6 (3) 2000 : 111116
451 Common Emission and Ejaculation Disorder/ Susilo Wibowo.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (3) 2000 : 101-111 452 Induksi Ejakulasi dengan Vibrator atau Elektrostimulator Transrektal pada Penderita Lesi Medula Spinalis yang Mengalami Anejakulasi di RS. Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta (Ejaculatory Induction by Vibrator or Transrectal Electrostimulator on Medulla Spinals Lesion Patient with Unejaculation at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta)/ Satrio Tjondro.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (5) 2000 : 157-169
446 Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas sebagai Satu Cabang Ilmu dalam Pendidikan Kedokteran di Fakultas Kedokteran dengan Tinjauan Khusus pada Pendidikan Dokter (Medical Community Science as a Science in Medical Education at a Medical Faculty : Reviewed in Medical Education)/Gottlieb Sihombing.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 27 (12) 2000 : 658-666 447 Introducing a Problem-Based Anatomy Course in Indonesia's Traditional Curriculum/ Liliana Sugiharto.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi , 8 (3) 2000 : 114-119
453 Physiology of Ejaculation/Susilo Wibowo.-Media Medika Indon., 35 (1) 2000 : 33-49 454 Problema Seksual pada Ejakulasi (Sexually Problem in Ejaculation)/Ridwan Harahap.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 230231
448 Kebutuhan Evidence-Based Medicine untuk Pendidikan, Penelitian dan Pelayanan Obstetri-Ginekologi di Indonesia (The Need of Evidence-Based Medicine through the Education, Research and Obstetric and Gynecology Services in Indonesia)/
ELECTROCONVULSIVE THERAPY 455 Penanganan Depresi di RSUP Dr. Sardjito,
Yogyakarta dengan dan tanpa Pemberian Electroconvulsive Therapy/ECT (The Management of Depression with or without Electroconvulsive Therapy/ECT in Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta)/Arsanti; Soemarno WS.-- Jiwa, 33 (4) 2000 : 345-349
EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL 462 Evaluasi Proses Penyusunan Indikator Kinerja di Instalasi Laboratorium Rumah Sakit Islam Klaten (The Evaluation of the Process of Performance Indicator Development at Laboratory Instalation of Islamic Hospital, Klaten)/Arida Oetami; Laksono Trisnantoro; Ali Ghufron Mukti.-Berita Kedokter. Masy ., 16 (1) 2000 : 41-47
ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS 456 Medan Listrik dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kesehatan (Electrical Field and its Effect to Health)/Yunardi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (8) 2000 : 393-398
EMPYEMA, TUBERCULOUS 463 Pembedahan pada Empiema Tuberkulosis (Surgical Intervention in Tuberculoses Empyema)/Ismid D.I. Busroh.-- J. Resirol. Indon., 20 (1) 2000 : 27-31
457 Teratogesitas Embrio Tikus setelah Paparan Medan Listrik Frekuensi Rendah (Teratogenesis of Rat Embryos after Exposuring by Low Frequency of Electrical Field)/Arief Tq Moch; Okid Parama Astirin.-Nexus, 13 (2) 2000 : 62-68
464 Penyakit Sapi Gila (Mad Cow) dan Negaranegara Tertular (Mad Cow Disease and the Infected Countries)/Thomas Suroso; Widarso HS.; Wilfried H. Purba.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy ., 31 (63) 2000 : 3-7
EMBRYO 458 Kebutuhan Glukosa pada Kultur Embrio Manusia (The Need of Glucose in Human Embryo Culture)/Nukman Moeloek.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (10) 2000 : 453-455 459 Pertumbuhan Gonad pada Embryo (Gonadal Development in Early Embryonic Life)/IGNP Sana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (110) 2000 : 189-193
465 Penyakit Sapi Gila (Mad Cow) dan Negaranegara Tertular Lainnya (Mad Cow Disease and its Infected Countries)/Thomas Suroso; Widarso HS.; Wilfried H. Purba.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 27 (12) 2000 : 679682
460 Persepsi, Motif Berprestasi dan Problem Emosional Pelatih Palang Merah Remaja (Perception, Prestation Motive and Emotional Problems of the Cadres of Palang Merah Remaja)/Sri Woroasih et. al.-- Jiwa, 33 (2) 2000 : 143-149
466 Kasus-kasus Endokarditis Akibat Penyalahgunaan Narkoba (Endocarditis Cases Caused by Narcotics Abuse)/Anna Ulfah Rahayoe.-Seminar dan Workshop Bebaskan Anak Bangsa dari Ancaman Narkoba, 2000 : 1-4
461 Fisioterapi pada Emfisema (Physiotherapy on Emphysema)/Suharto.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (128) 2000 : 22-24
467 Berbagai Faktor yang Terlibat Dalam Patogenesis Endometriosis (Various Factors Involved in the Pathogenesis of Endo-
metriosis)/Jeanne Adiwinata Pawitan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (2) 2000 : 97-100
Indah Subdistrict, Medan Labuan, Medan)/ Ida Yustina.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (6) 2000 : 331-335
ENDOTHELINS 468 Endotelin dan Penyakit Kardiovaskuler (Endothelins and Cardiovascular Diseases)/ Muhammad Natsir Akil.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (127) 2000 : 34-36
ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 474 Telaah Keracunan Makanan sebagai Salah Satu Dampak Pencemaran Lingkungan (Study on Food Intoxication as One of the Environmental Pollution Impact)/Katharina Orginawati; Irma Gusyani Taib.-J. Toksikologi Indon., 1 (1) 2000 : 20-25
469 Peran Endotel pada Patogenesis Penyakit Kardiovaskular (The Effect of Endothelins in the Pathogenecity of Cardiovascular Diseases)/Djanggan Sargowo.-- Medika, 26 (7) 2000 : 432-444
475 Peran Uji Serologis ELISA Kp90 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis terhadap IgA dalam Diagnosis dan Evaluasi Respons Pengobatan Tuberkulosis Paru di RSUP Persahabatan (The Role of ELISA Serological Method with Anti Kp90 Immunoglobin a (IgA) Antibodies in Diagnosis and Evaluation of Tuberculosis Treatment Response at Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta)/Dwi Syanthi Andiasari et. al.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (4) 2000 : 138144
ENDOTHELIUM 470 Efek Proteksi dari Curcumine terhadap Sel Endothelium pada Hiperkholesterolemia (Protective Effects of Curcumin on Endothelial Cell in Hypercholesterolemia)/Sri Agus Sudjarwo.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi , 8 (3) 2000 : 80-86 ENTERAL NUTRITION 471 Upaya Menekan Morbiditas dan Mortalitas pada Penderita Luka Bakar dengan Nutrisi Enteral Dini (The Effort to Decreasing the Morbidity and Mortality in Burn Patients by the Early Enterable Nutrition)/Theddeus Octavianus Hari Prasetyono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (9) 2000 : 428-435
EOSINOPHILS 476 Hubungan Jumlah Eosinofil Sekrit Mukosa Hidung dan Darah pada Asma Bronkial dalam Serangan (The Correlation between Eosinophil Cells in the Nasal Secrete and in Peripheral Blood in Acute Asthma Cases)/ Dewa Artika.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (110) 2000 : 202-208
ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 472 Pengaruh Pencemaran Pb (Plumbum) terhadap Kesehatan dan Lingkungan (The Effect of Plumbum (Pb) Exposure through the Health and Environmental Health)/Satmoko Wisaksono.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 203-205
477 Korelasi Jumlah Eosinofil Darah Tepi dan Mukosa Hidung pada Penderita Rhinitis Alergika (The Correlation of the Total Amount of Eosinophils in the Blood and Nasal Mucose in Allergic Rhinitis Patients)/Dwi Arini Ernawati; Sudarman; Sugeng Purwoko.-Nexus, 13 (2) 2000 : 53-57
473 Tingkat Penerapan Kesehatan Lingkungan Nelayan di Permukiman Baru : Studi Kasus di Kelurahan Nelayan Indah, Kecamatan Medan Labuhan Kotamadya Medan (Health Environmental Application on Fisherman in a New Housing : A Case Study at Nelayan
EPIDEMIOLOGY 478 Epidemiologi dan Pengendalian Kanker Serviks (The Epidemiological and Control of
Cervix Cancer)/Moecherdiyantiningsih.-Medika, 26 (3) 2000 : 166-171
coli (STEC) dalam Menimbulkan Diare dan Penyulitnya (The Role of Shiga ToxinProducing Escherichia coli which Caused Diarrhea)/Dewi Santosaningsih; Sjoekoer Dzen.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw ., 16 (1) 2000 : 25-28
479 Epidemiologi Penyakit Jantung Koroner (Epidemiological of Coronary Heart Diseases)/Sri Ida Yuniarti.-- Medika, 26 (5) 2000 : 307-313
ESOPHAGITIS, PEPTIC 486 Refluks Esofagitis (Reflux Oesophagitis)/ Muljadi Hartono.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (128) 2000 : 33-36
480 Landasan Epidemiologi Penentuan Cakupan Imunisasi (Basic Epidemiological of Immunization)/Nuning MK. Masjkuri.-Medika, 26 (1) 2000 : 51-53
ESTROGEN REPLACEMENT THERAPY 487 Pengaruh Pemberian Terapi Hormon Pengganti Estrogen terhadap Indeks "Stiffness" Arteri Karotis pada Wanita PascaMenopause (The Effect of Estrogen Replacement Therapy through the Stiffness Index of Carotial Artery in Post Menopausal Women)/Susi Herminingsih et. al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (3) 2000 : 122-128
EPILEPSY 481 Penatalaksanaan Medis dan Pembedahan Epilepsi (Medical Treatment of Epileptic Surgery)/Hot Asi Napitupulu.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (42) 2000 : 23-29 EPILEPSY, PARTIAL 482 Sklerosis dan Atrofi Hippokampus pada Epilepsi Parsial Komplek Intraktabel (Sclerosis and Hippocampal Atrophy in Intractable Temporal Lobe Epilepsy)/Zainal Muttaqin.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (4) 2000 : 213-218
488 Pengaruh Pemberian Terapi Hormon Pengganti Kombinasi Dosis Rendah terhadap Kadar Nitric Oxide pada Wanita Pasca-Menopause (The Effect of Low Dose of Hormone Replacement Therapy through the Nitric Oxide on Post Menopausal Women)/Muharam Bastari et al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (4) 2000 : 177-183
EPOPROSTENOL 483 Kadar Prostasiklin, Tromboksan A2, dalam Tonus Vaskular Arteri Umbilikalis pada Bayi yang Menderita Pertumbuhan Janin Terlambat (Prostacycline and Thromboxane Concentrations in Vascular Tones of Umbilical Artery on Baby with Intra Uterine Growth Retardation)/Muhammad Ma'mun et. al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (3) 2000 : 115-121
489 Tinjauan tentang Terapi Sulih Hormon/TSH (The Reviewed of Hormone Replacement Therapy)/I Wayan Agung Indrawan.-Medika, 26 (8) 2000 : 510-514 ETHYNYL ESTRADIOL
490 Pengaruh Etinil Estradiol per Oral terhadap Memori Spasial pada Tikus/Rattus norvegicus (The Effect of Ethinyl Estradiol Administered Orally on Spatial Memory of the Rat/Rattus norvegicus)/ Cahyani Ratna Sari; Soedjono Aswin; Marsetyawan HNE Soesatyo.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (2) 2000 : 69-76
484 Determination of the Specific Fragment-Ions of Erythromycin and Spiramycin by Pyrolysis Mass Spectroscopy/Umar A. Jenie.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (3) 2000 : 127-133 ESCHERICHIA COLI 485 Peran Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia 42
491 Dampak Latihan Jasmani yang Berat pada Masa Pubertas Atlet Muda (The Impact of Hard Physical Fitness in Young Athlete on His/her Puberty Aging)/Charles Darwin Siregar.-- Dexa Media, 13 (2) 2000 : 6-11
498 Rekonstruksi Raut Muka Samping dengan Radiografi Kefalometri (Reconstruction of Lateral Facial Contour Based on Cephaloradiographs)/Etty Indriati.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (2) 2000 : 83-90
492 Exercise Testing and Cardia Rehabilitation in the Elderly with Heart Failure/Dede Kusmana.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (3) 2000 : 137-145
FACIAL INJURIES 499 Penanganan Trauma Wajah (Management of Facial Trauma)/Asep Jajuli Arwana; Alwin Kasim.-- Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi : Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 : 95-99
493 Pengaruh Latihan pada Perbaikan Kecepatan Berjalan para Lansia di Panti Werdha (The Impact of the Exercise on Speed Walking in the Elderly at Panti Werdha)/A. Penny Kusumastuti.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (4) 2000 : 136-144
FALLOPIAN TUBES 500 Tinjauan Fungsi Tuba Fallopi Uterina Manusia (Reviewed of the Function of Human Fallopian Uterine Tuba)/Marisi H. Siregar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (42) 2000 : 36-42
494 Peranan Latihan Fisik terhadap Kepadatan Tulang Kaitannya dengan Wanita Menopause (The Impact of Physical Fitness through the Bone Density Related with Menopause)/Suharyuni.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 2 (4) 2000 : 148-152
FAMILY PLANNING 501 Laporan Penelitian Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keikutsertaan Masyarakat WNI Keturunan Cina dalam Program Keluarga Berencana di Kotamadya Tanjung Balai Tahun 1989 (Factors Influence the Participation of Indonesian Chinese in the Program of Family Planning in Kotamadya Tanjung Balai, 1989)/Aman Nasution et. al.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (3) 2000 : 159-163
EXOTROPIA 495 Laporan Kasus Eksotropi dengan Divergence Excess (Exotrophy with Divergence Excess : A Case Report)/Fifin L Rahami; Paramanawati.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (3) 2000 : 163-165
502 The Effect of Ramadhan Fasting on Kidney Function among Elderly Patients/Siti Setiati et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (1) 2000 : 23-28
496 Trauma Ekstremitas (Extremities Trauma)/ Soelarto Reksoprodjo.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 2 (5-Bag.I-suppl.) 2000 : 30-37
503 Glycemic Control with Repaglinide in Fasting Type-2 Diabetes Patients during the Ramadhan Season/Raymond R. Tjandrawinata.-- Dexa Media, 13 (4) 2000 : 15-18
EYE ABNORMALITIES 497 Kelainan Mata pada Usia Lanjut (Eye Anomalies in the Elderly)/PA Dewi.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (2) 2000 : 57-59
Growth and Development)/Vita Kartika et. al.- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 37-47
504 Kebugaran dan Produktivitas Kerja Tenaga Kerja Wanita selama Berpuasa Ramadhan (Fitness and the Productivity of Female Laborers during Ramadhan Fasting)/U. Soetrisno et. al.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat ., 28 (2) 2000 : 447-452
FERTILITY 510 Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Akar Bikat (Gnetum gnemonoides Brongan) terhadap Fertilitas Mencit Jantan (Mus musculus L) Galur Swiss Webster [The Effect of Gnetum gnemonoides Brongan through the Fertility of Male Mice/Mus muculus L]/Hari Santoso.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (5) 2000 : 288-291
FATTY ACIDS, OMEGA-3 505 Manfaat Suplementasi Asam Lemak Tidak Jenuh Omega-3 pada Penderita Osteoartritis (The Benefits of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Supplementation for Osteoarthritic Patients)/Rawan Broto; Poerwono Rahardjo.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (2) 2000 : 105-110
511 Proportional Hazard Model : The Precision in Estimating Return of Fertility among Post IUD's Users/Djaswadi Dasuki.-- Indon. J. of Clinical Epidemiol. & Biostatistics, 7 (1) 2000 : 3-7
FATTY ACIDS, UNSATURATED 506 Kadar Asam Lemak Tidak Jenuh Rantai Panjang Plasma pada Pre Eklampsia (Long Chained Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acid Level in Pre-eclampsia)/Rini Pramesti et al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (4) 2000 : 171-176
FERTILIZATION 512 Fertilisasi dengan Teknik Injeksi Spermatozoa Intra Sitoplasmik Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection = ICSI (Fertilization with Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection Technique)/Julius Chandra Yapri.-Ebers Papyrus, 6 (1) 2000 : 23-32
507 Manfaat Suplementasi Asam Lemak Tidak Jenuh Omega-3 pada Penderita Osteoartritis (The Benefits of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Supplementation for Osteoarthritic Patients)/Rawan Broto; Poerwono Rahardjo.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (2) 2000 : 105-110
513 Proses Fertilisasi pada Manusia (Fertilization Process in Human Being)/I.G.N.P. Sana.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (109) 2000 : 127-130
FEEDING BEHAVIOR 508 Hubungan Pola Makan dan Pola Aktivitas Fisik dengan Obesitas Primer pada Anak (The Relationship between Feeding, Physical Activity Pattern and Primary Obesity in Children)/Dedi Subardja et. al.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 123-131
FEVER 514 Pengobatan Simtomatik dan Kausal Demam yang Rasional (Rational Therapy of Symptomatic and Causal Fever)/Toni Ashadi.-- Medika, 26 (7) 2000 : 462-463 FIBRINOGEN
509 Pola Pemberian Makanan Anak (6-18 Bulan) dan Hubungannya dengan Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Anak pada Keluarga Miskin dan Tidak Miskin (Patterns of Child Feeding (6-18 Months Old) from Poor and Well of Families and Their Relationship with Child
515 Hiperfibrinogenemia : Faktor Risiko Penyakit Kardiovaskuler Arteriosklerosis (Hyperfibrinogenemia : A Risk Factor for Arteriosclerosis Cardiovascular Disease)/ Ketut Suastika.-- Maj. Kedokter . Udayana, 31 (109) 2000 : 131-140
516 Pengaruh Fisiologis Massage terhadap Pembekuan Darah dan Fibrinolisis (The Effect of Physiology Massage through the Fibrinolysis and Blood Coagulation)/ Angelheart Joy Maynard Rattu.-- Maj. Kedokter. Univ. Samratulangi , 2 (2) 2000 : 228-238
521 Peran Suplementasi Minyak Ikan pada Kematian Jantung Mendadak (The Effect of Fish Oil Supplement in Cardiac Sudden Death)/Fadilah Supari.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (6) 2000 : 363-365 FISHES 522 Peranan Konsumsi Ikan dalam Kecukupan Gizi dan Pencegahan Penyakit Bayi dan Balita : Studi Kasus di Daerah Rob Semarang Utara (The Contribution of Fish Consumption on Nutrition Adequacy and Disease Prevention on Underfive Years Old : A Case Study in Rob Area, North Semarang)/SA. Nugraheni.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (3) 2000 : 127-132
FIBROSARCOMA 517 Uji Antikanker Ekstrak Metanol Akar Phyllanthus acidus terhadap Kanker Fibrosarcoma Mencit Hasil Induksi Benzo(a) Piren (Anticancer Test of the Extract of Phyllanthus acidus Root through the Fibrosarcoma Induced by Benzoa(a) Pyrene on Mice)/Sukardiman et. al.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (1) 2000 : 1-9
523 Pengobatan Dermatomikosis dengan Flukonazol (Treatment of Dermatomycosis with Fluconazole)/Made Swastika Adiguna.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (109) 2000 : 120-126
518 Polyostotic Fibrous Dysplasia/Ruyandi Hutasoit.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (44) 2000 : 31-37 FILARIASIS 519 Fluktuasi Kepadatan Nyamuk Mansonioides (Diptera: Culicidae), Vektor Filariasis yang Disebabkan oleh Brugia malayi Nonperiodik di Kalimantan Timur [The Fluctuation of Mansonioides Mosquito Densities, Filariasis Vector Cause by Nonperiodic Brugia malayi in East Kalimantan]/ Fransiskus Asisi Sudjadi.-- Berita Kedokter. Masy ., 26 (2) 2000 : 51-60
FLUID THERAPY 524 Terapi Cairan pada Hipovolemik Syok (Fluid Therapy in Hypovolemic Shock)/Oloan SM Siahaan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 236-240 FLUORINE 525 Penentuan Konsentrasi Fluor dalam Air dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Fluorosis Gigi (Determination of Fluorine Concentration in Water Related to its Effects on Dental Fluorosis)/Indah Rachmatiah S. Salami; Juli Soemirat Slamet.-- J. Tosikologi Indon., 1 (1) 2000 : 26-32
FILM DOSIMETRY 520 Penelitian Pemanfaatan Film Badge sebagai Alat Monitoring Dosis Radiasi pada Pekerja Radiologi di Rumah Sakit Umum di Jawa Tengah dan Bali (Study on the Advantage of Badge Film as a Toll to Monitor the Radiation Dose through the Workers at Radiology Unit in General Hospital in Central Java and Bali)/I Ketut T. Riyasa; R. Mulyono Notosiswoyo.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 745-747
FOOD 526 Analisis Sikap Multiatribut Fishbein terhadap Produk Biskuit Sandwich Coklat (The Analysis of Fishbein Multiattribute in the Product of Chocolate Sandwich Cookies)/
Ujang Sumarwan.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 79-85
533 Konsumsi Makanan di Desa Tertinggal Bogor, Tanggerang dan Bekasi (Botabek) sebagai Dampak Krisis Ekonomi (Food Consumption in Poor Villages of Bogor, Tanggerang and Bekasi Regions as the Impact of Monetary Crisis)/Djoko Katono et. al.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 1-7
527 Beberapa Metoda Penetapan Kandungan Iodium dalam Bahan Makanan (Several Methods to Determine the Iodine Concentration in Food Preparation)/Suryana Purawisastra; Sihadi.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 27 (12) 2000 : 700-702
534 Mempelajari Pembuatan Brem Wortel (Daucus carota L) sebagai Alternatif Pengolahan Pangan Sumber Beta-Karoten (Study to Processed the Carrot Brem as an Alternative Source of Beta-Carotene Products)/Triyan Lilik; Yuliati; Damanik.-Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 17-22
528 Contents of Disease Related Minerals of Foods in West Java/Hermana; Mien Karmini.- Maj. Gizi Indon., (24) 2000 : 65-71 529 Dampak Krisis Ekonomi terhadap Konsumsi Pangan dan Non-Pangan pada Rumah Tangga Berpenghasilan Rendah (The Impact of Monetary Crisis through the Food and Non-food Consumption in Low Income Households)/Handewi P.S Rachman; Wahida; Mewa Ariani.-- Maj. Gizi Indon., (24) 2000 : 53-64
535 Perilaku Makan Murid Sekolah Dasar Penerima PMT-AS di Desa Cuheukeut dan Pasir Gaok Kabupaten Bogor (Food Consumption Behavior of Elementary School Pupils Participating in School Feeding Program at the Cuheukeut and Pasir Gaok Village District of Bogor)/Hermina et. al.-Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 72-79
530 Dampak Krisis Ekonomi terhadap Pendapatan dan Konsumsi Pangan Pokok Rumah Tangga Berpendapatan Rendah (The Impact of Monetary Crisis on Income and Staple Food Consumption in Low Income Households)/Mewa Ariani; Sri Hastuti; Herman Supriyadi.-- Maj. Gizi Indon., (24) 2000 : 43-52
536 Perubahan Pola Konsumsi Pangan Keluarga pada Sebelum dan Sewaktu Krisis Ekonomi (Changes of Household Consumption Pattern Before and During the Monetary Crisis)/ Yayah K. Husaini et. al.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 8-17 537 Status Gizi Anak Sekolah Penerima dan Bukan Penerima PMT-AS yang Diukur dengan Dinding/Wallchart (Nutritional Status of School Feeding Program Member Compare to Non School Feeding Program Member on Primary School Children Measured by Wallchart)/Rita Y. Reviyanti et. al.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 30-36
531 Interaksi Obat dengan Makanan, Rokok dan Alkohol (The Interaction of Food and Drugs, Cigarette and Alcohols)/Wakdi.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 255-258 532 Karakteristik Konsumsi Energi pada Keluarga Miskin untuk Identifikasi Cepat Keluarga Defisit Energi (Characteristic of Energy Consumption in Poor Family for Rapid Identification of Deficit Energy)/Sri Prihartini et. al.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 58-63
FOOD ANALYSIS 538 Penelitian Makanan pada Beberapa Restoran Disekitar Asrama Haji DKI Jakarta
(Study on Foods which Served in Restaurants Surround the Asrama Haji DKI Jakarta)/Noer Endah Pracoyo et. al.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 69-73
Kudapan PMT-AS di Desa Cibatok II dan Desa Sukamaju, Kabupaten Bogor (Nutrient Content and Cost Analysis of School Feeding Program in Cibatok II and Sukamaju Villages, Bogor)/Hardinsyah; Maria Ekawati; Lilik Kustiyah.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 119-125
FOOD, FORTIFIED 539 Aspek Gizi dan Keamanan Pangan PMT-AS di SD Melati dan MI UIi, di Desa Cibeber II, Kecamatan Leuwiliang, Kabupaten Bogor (Nutrition Content and Food Safety Aspects of School Feeding Program at Melati Preliminary School and MI PUI, in Cibeber II Village, Leuwiliang, Bogor District)/Dwi Retno Handayani et. al.-- Media Gizi dan Kel uarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 172-176
545 Kinerja Kelembagaan dan Manfaat Program Makanan Tambahan Anak Sekolah di Desa Situmbuk, Kabupaten Tanah Datar (Organization Performance and the Advantage of School Feeding Program at Situmbuk Village, Tanah Datar)/Herlina et. al.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 146-154
540 Dampak Konsumsi Makanan Kudapan terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah Anak Sekolah Peserta PMT-AS (The Impact of Snack toward Blood Glucose Level among School Children Participated in School Feeding Program)/Hardinsyah et. al.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 92-102
546 Kinerja Pengelolaan PMT-AS Tingkat Kecamatan dan Desa (The Performance of School Feeding Program Management at Subdistrict and Village Levels)/Retnaningsih; Hardinsyah.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 58-72
541 Dampak Pemberian Biskuit Multigizi pada Pertambahan Berat Badan Ibu Hamil (The Effect of a Multi-nutrients of Fortified Biscuits on Weight Gain of Pregnancy)/Hardinsyah; Dodik Briawan.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 132-137
547 Kinerja Pengelolaan PMT-AS Tingkat SD/MI (The Performance of School Feeding Program Management at Primary School Level)/Sri Anna Marliyati; Hardinsyah.-Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 73-85
542 Dampak PMT-AS terhadap Ekonomi Pedesaan dan Pendidikan Anak Sekolah di Kabupaten Bogor (The Impact of School Feeding Program in Rural Economics and Academic Achievements at Bogor District)/Ali Khomsan; Katrin Roosita.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 108-112
548 Kinerja Penyelenggaraan PMT-AS, Status Gizi dan Prestasi Belajar Anak Sekolah Dasar (The Management Performance of School Feeding Program, Nutrition Status and School Achievement of Primary School Children)/Dina Leovita Titisari; Diah Krisnatuti; Retnaningsih.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 190-197
543 Evaluasi Kinerja Penyelenggaraan Kudapan PMT-AS (The Performance Evaluation of School Feeding Services on School Feeding Program)/Lilik Kustiyah; Hardinsyah.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 52-57
549 Konsumsi Kudapan PMT-AS Anak Sekolah di Desa Tulehu Kecamatan Salhutu, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah (Consumption of Snacks in School Feeding Program at Tulehu Village Salahutu Sub District, Central Maluku)/M. Latumahina.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 168-171
544 Kandungan Gizi dan Analisis Biaya Makanan
Program through the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Child Nutrition)/Dadang Sukandar; Ikeu Tanziha.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 113-118
550 Manajemen dan Analisis Biaya Kudapan PMT-AS di Desa Karyasari dan Desa Cibeber II, Kabupaten Bogor (Management and Cost Analysis of School Feeding in Karyasari and Cibeber II, Bogor District)/ Hardinsyah; Laila Asmari; Sri Anna Marliyati.- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 126133
556 Studi Evaluasi PMT-AS terhadap Kesehatan dan Status Gizi Anak (Evaluation Study of School Feeding Program due to Health and Nutritional Status in Children)/Ali Khomsan.-Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 103107
551 Pemahaman Anak Sekolah, Guru dan Orangtua tentang Konsep PMT-AS (The Comprehension of Primary School Children, Teachers, and Parents about the Concept of School Feeding Program)/ Diah K. Pranadji; Hardinsyah.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 43-51
FOOD HABITS 557 Kebiasaan Makan Pagi dan Jajanan Anak Sekolah Peserta Program Makan Tambahan Anak Sekolah (PMT-AS) di Kabupaten Bogor (Food Habits of School Feeding Benefiaries in Bogor District)/Rosinta Harmoni Meiyana Tampubolon; Hardisyah; Ikeu Tanziha.-Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 23-29
552 Pengaruh Pemberian Makanan Kudapan PMT-AS pada Glukosa Darah Anak Sekolah Dasar di Desa Tertinggal Karyasari, Bogor (Effect of School Feeding on Blood Glucose toward Primary School Children in Developed Village of Karyasari, Bogor)/Bambang Triatma et. al.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 86-91
FOOD HANDLING 558 Analisa Hasil Pemeriksaan Rectal Swab Food Handler pada Beberapa Tempat Pengolahan Makanan di DKI Jakarta (The Analysis of Test Result of Rectal Swab Food Handler in Several Food Processing at DKI Jakarta)/Noer Endah Pracoyo.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (6) 2000 : 317-323
553 Penyelenggaraan PMT-AS di Cibatok II dan Desa Sukamaju Cibungbulang, Kabupaten Bogor (The Implementation of School Feeding Program at Cibatok II and Sukamaju Cibungbulang Villages, Bogor)/Maria Ekawati; Lilik Kustiyah; Hardinsyah.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 134-145
FOOD HYPERSENSITIVITY 559 Diagnosis dan Tatalaksana Alergi Makanan (Diagnosis and Management of Food Allergy)/P. Sjawitri Siregar.-- Dexa Media, 13 (3) 2000 : 22-27
554 Penyiapan dan Daya Terima Makanan Kudapan Lokal, untuk Mendukung PMT-AS (Preparing and Acceptability of Local Snack to Support the School Feeding Program)/ Sulasmi Sengut; Clara M. Kusharto; Dewi S. Slamet.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 159-167
FOOD POISONING 560 Telaah Keracunan Makanan sebagai Salah Satu Dampak Pencemaran Lingkungan (Study on Food Intoxication as One of the Environmental Pollution Impact)/Katharina Orginawati; Irma Gusyani Taib.-J. Toksikologi Indon., 1 (1) 2000 : 20-25
555 Studi Evaluasi Dampak PMT-AS terhadap Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Gizi Anak (Evaluation of the Impact of School Feeding
FOREIGN BODIES 561 Laringoskopi Direk sebagai Sarana untuk 48
Mengeluarkan Benda Asing Ditrakea pada Anak-anak (Direct Laryngoscopy as a Method to Expel the Traceal Foreign Body in Children)/Wiratno.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (4) 2000 : 205-208
Sumarno; Kustiwinarni.-- Nexus, 13 (2) 2000 : 45-47 GASTRIC ACIDITY DETERMINATION 567 Mekanisme Inhibisi H+, K+-ATPase Lambung (The Mechanism of H+, K+ ATPase Inhibition on Gastric)/Sontang Simamora.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (43) 2000 : 10-14
FORENSIC MEDICINE 562 Pelacakan Tindak Kriminal melalui Pemeriksaan Entomologi Forensik (Detection of Criminal Crime by Forensic Entomological Examination)/Amri Amir.-- Medika, 26 (12) 2000 : 773-775
GASTRITIS 568 Hubungan Infeksi Helicobacter pylori dengan Profil Lipid Penderita Gastritis Kronis (The Association of Helicobacter pylori Infection and Lipid Profile in Chronic Gastritis)/ Hantyanto Noriswanto; Siti Nurdjanah; Suhardi.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (3) 2000 : 185-191
FRACTURES 563 Deteksi Fraktur Kondilus (Detection of Condylar Fracture)/Asti Arumsari.-- Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi : Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 : 77-82
569 Analisis Kecenderungan Gingivitis pada Perokok (The Analysis of Gingivitis Tendency in Smokers)/Niniek L. Pratiwi; Didik Budijanto.-- Medika, 26 (12) 2000 : 760-763
564 Abses Subkutan pada Angulus Mandibula Akibat Komplikasi Molar Pertama Rahang Atas Kanan yang Gangren (Subcutaneous Abscess at Right Angelus of Mandible Caused by Complication of Gangrene at First Molar of the Right Maxilla)/Bambang Surjanto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 33 (4) 2000 : 133-135
GLASS IONOMER CEMENTS 570 Pengaruh Bleaching Intrakoronal terhadap Kebocoran Tepi Semen Seng Fosfat dan Semen Ionomer Kaca Tipe III pada Pengisian Akar (The Effect of Intracoronal Bleaching through the Microleakage of the Interface of Zinc Phosphate Cement and Type III Glass Ionomer Cement in Root Canal Obscuration)/ Wigyo Hadriyanto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi (MIKGI), 11 (4) 2000 : 67-69
565 Infeksi Mikroorganisme Patogen pada Penderita Kaki Diabetes (Gangren Diabet) dan Terapinya (The Infection of Pathogenecity Microorganisms in Diabetic Foot (Gangrene) and its Therapy)/ Misnadiarly.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (7) 2000 : 417-419
GLUCOCORTICOIDS 571 Induksi Sintesa Protein Antiinflamasi sebagai Salah Satu Mekanisme Kerja Glukokortikosteroid pada Penatalaksanaan Asma (The Induction of Anti Inflammatory Protein Synthesis as One of Mechanisms of Glucocorticoid in the Asthma Management)/ Tamsil Syaifuddin; Rozaimah Zain Hamid.-J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (3) 2000 : 124-127
GARLIC 566 Pengaruh Ekstrak Bawang Putih Secara Intra Peritoneal pada Spermatogenesis Tikus Putih : Suatu Studi Pendahuluan (The Effect of Garlic Extract by Intra Peritoneal on Spermatogenesis of White Rat : A Preliminary Study)/Jarot Subandono;
Dasar dengan Gondok Endemik di Kecamatan Jabung Kabupaten Malang (The Concentration of Plasma Protein on School Children with Endemic Goiter at Jabung Subdistrict, Malang Regency)/Maimun Athamin; Cholid Tri Tjahjono; Eviana Norahmawati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw ., 16 (1) 2000 : 1-5
GLUCOSE 572 Kebutuhan Glukosa pada Kultur Embrio Manusia (The Need of Glucose in Human Embryo Culture)/Nukman Moeloek.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (10) 2000 : 453-455 GLUCOSEPHOSPHATASE DEHYDROGENASE 573 Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency Variants in Small Isolated Island in Eastern Indonesia/Suhartati Soewono et. al.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi , 8 (3) 2000 : 87-92
574 Antibodi terhadap Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase pada Penderita IDDM di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta (Autoantibody to Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase in IDDM and NIDDM Patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta)/Suzanna Immanuael et. al.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (6) 2000 : 274281
579 Vulvovaginitis Gonore pada Anak (Vulvovaginitis Gonorrhea on Child)/Junarti Karmadi; Magdalena Mardiono.-- Ebers Papyrus, 6 (1) 2000 : 43-46
578 Pertumbuhan Gonad pada Embryo (Gonadal Development in Early Embryonic Life)/IGNP Sana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (110) 2000 : 189-193
GOUT 580 Pemanfaatan Obat Asli Indonesia untuk Pengobatan Hiperurisemia dan Gout (The Advantage of Indonesian Traditional Medicine through Hyperuricemia and Gout Therapy)/Suprapto Ma'at.-- Meridian, 7 (1) 2000 : 47-64
GLYCOSIDE HYDROLASES 575 Aktivitas-Glikosidase Fraksi Protein Daun Carica papaya L. pada rRNA Yeast (The NGlycosidase Activity of Protein Fractions from Carica papaya L. Leaves in Yeast rRNA)/ Rumiyati; Sismindari; Sudjadi.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (1) 2000 : 25-30
GRAVES' DISEASE 581 The Outcome of Pregnancy among Graves Women Treated with PTU/Ali Imran Mukhsin et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (4) 2000 : 258264
GOITER 576 Defisiensi Selenium Menghambat Absorsi Iodium pada Penderita Gondok (GAKI) di Kecamatan Srumbung Kabupaten Magelang Jawa Tengah (Deficiency of Selenium Inhibit the Absorption of Iodine on Goiter Patient at Srumbung, Magelang, Central Java)/ Jasmaini Iljas et. al.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (6) 2000 : 336-338
582 Penatalaksanaan Penyakit Graves (The Management of Graves Disease)/Poltak Hutagalung.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (42) 2000 : 43-51 GYNECOLOGY 583 Aspek Klinis Kelainan Kongenital Ginekol (Clinical Aspects of Gynecological Congenital Anomalies)/Yanis Samsul Muarif; Bambang Suyono.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 24 (2) 2000 : 93-96
GOITER, ENDEMIC 577 Kadar Protein Plasma Anak Usia Sekolah
and Externality Sector)/Bhisma Medika, 26 (3) 2000 : 182-184
584 Gynecological History, Contraceptive Use and the Risk of Ectopic Pregnancy: An Indonesia Case-Control Study/Bastaman Basuki.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (1) 2000 : 49-57
591 Paradigma Sehat (Health Paradigm)/Farid Anfasa Moeloek.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (5) 2000 : 217-218
HAY FEVER 585 Korelasi Jumlah Eosinofil Darah Tepi dan Mukosa Hidung pada Penderita Rhinitis Alergika (The Correlation of the Total Amount of Eosinophils in the Blood and Nasal Mucose in Allergic Rhinitis Patients)/Dwi Arini Ernawati; Sudarman; Sugeng Purwoko.-Nexus, 13 (2) 2000 : 53-57
592 Situasi Pembangunan Kesehatan di Asia Tenggara Tahun 1993-1996 (The Situation of Health Development in Southeast Asia by the Year 1993-1996)/Max Joseph Herman.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 198-202 HEALTH BEHAVIOR
586 Manfaat Perlakuan Akupunktur Laser untuk Rhinitis Alergika pada Anak (The Contribution of Laser Acupuncture Against Allergies Rhinitis in Children)/Eko Suyanto.-Meridian, 7 (1) 2000 : 23-27
593 Perbaikan Perilaku Hidup Sehat Keluarga di Pedesaan (The Improvement of Healthy Life Behavior in Rural Families)/Nino Yayah Sa'diyah; Emmy Karsin; Lilik Noor Yuliati.-Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 86-92
587 Hubungan antara Besar Lingkar Kepala dengan Volume Otak (The Correlation between Magnitude of a Head Circumference with Cranial Capacity) / Djakobus Tarigan.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 210211
594 Pendidikan Kesehatan dengan Ceramah, Buku Modul dan Kombinasi (Ceramah & Buku Modul) Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Kepala Rumah Tangga tentang Taeniosis dan Sistisbbosis (Health Education by Lecture Module Books, and Combination of the Two Methods to Increase the Knowledge of Household Heads about Taeniosis/ Cysticercosis)/Dewa Putu Widjana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (109) 2000 : 163-168
HEALTH 588 Dampak Krisis Moneter terhadap Pola Pengeluaran, Status Gizi dan Kesehatan (The Impact of Monetary Crisis through the Expenditure Pattern, Nutritional Status and Health)/Hendra Budiman; Liling Pudjilestari.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 27 (12) 2000 : 693-699
HEALTH EXPENDITURES 595 Kajian Informasi Dana Sehat untuk Pengembangan Model Pembiayaan Hamil dan Bersalin (Reviewed of Health Fund toward Developmental Models of Obstetric and Gynecology Expenditures)/Sarwanto et. al.-- Medika, 26 (10) 2000 : 624-630
589 Medan Listrik dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kesehatan (Electrical Field and its Effect to Health)/Yunardi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (8) 2000 : 393-398
596 Peluang Kepesertaan Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) dalam Model Pembiayaan Ibu Hamil dan Ibu Bersalin serta Faktor Penentunya (The Opportunities of Fertility Couple Participants in the Financing Model
590 Mekanisme Pasar di Sektor Kesehatan dan Eksternalitas (Market Mechanisms in Health
Development through the Maternal Health Services and its Determinant Factors)/ Sarwanta.-- Medika, 26 (8) 2000 : 488-492
Advantage of Physician Family on Health Services in Indonesia)/Azrul Azwar.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 713-720
597 Sistem Pembiayaan Kesehatan melalui JPKM (Health Cost System by the Health Insurance)/Azrul Azawar.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (5) 2000 : 253-259
HEALTH SURVEYS 604 Survei Pemahaman dan Penerapan Praktik dengan Pendekatan Preventif di Tiga Propinsi di Indonesia (Survey of the Practice of Implementation and Understanding by the Preventive Approach at 3 Provinces in Indonesia)/Dhanasari V. Trisna.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (6) 2000 : 311-316
HEALTH PERSONNEL 598 Profesionalisme Personil Petugas Kesehatan (The Professionalism of Health Personnel)/ M. Saleh Lubis.-- Dari Bandung untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi : Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 : 100-104
HEARING LOSS, FUNCTIONAL 605 Pengaruh Pajanan Timbal pada Fungsi Pendengaran (The Influence of Lead Exposure on Hearing Function)/Siswarti Adnan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (3) 2000 : 153-157
HEALTH POLICY 599 Could the Minister of Health Control the Policy Process of Health Sector: A Critique on Normative View of Policy Process/ Siswanto.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (3) 2000 : 136-139
HEARING LOSS, NOISE-INDUCED 606 Pengaruh Pajanan Toluen pada Pendengaran (Toluene, Induced Hearing Loss)/M. Winarti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (10) 2000 : 478-485
600 Could the Minister of Health Control the Policy Process of Health Sector ? : A Critique on Normative View of Policy Process/ Siswanto.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 27 (12) 2000 : 668-671
HEART ARREST 607 Peran Dokter Keluarga dalam Penatalaksanaan Pasien Serangan Jantung dan Otak (The Role of Physician Family in the Management of Heart and Brain Arrest Patients)/Azrul Azwar.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 76-79
601 Evident Based Medicine in Health Policy Development/Nugroho Abikusumo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (8) 2000 : 369-371
602 Perbandingan Beberapa Indikator Kesehatan dalam Beberapa Kurun Waktu Sebelum Krisis Moneter (The Comparison of Some Health Indicators in Several Times before Monetary Crisis)/Sarjaini Jamal.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy ., 31 (62) 2000 : 18-23
608 Aneurisma Ventrikel Kiri, VSD dan Mitral Regurgitas Akibat Miokard Infark Akut (Left Ventricular Aneurysm, VSD and Mitral Regurgitation Cause by Acute Myocardial Infarction)/Paul Tahalele et. al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (4) 2000 : 198-201
HEALTH SERVICES 603 Pemanfaatan Dokter Keluarga dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan di Indonesia (The
609 Tukak
Lambung Perlu Dipertimbangkan adanya Infeksi Helicobacter pilori (Acute Gastritis and Stomach Ulcer : it Should be Considered Cause by Helicobacter pilori Infection)/ Between Lutam; Faisal Yatim.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (6) 2000 : 351-353
Penatalaksanaan (Haemochromatosis : The Classification, Diagnosis and Management)/ Riadi Wirawan; Stefanus Lembar.-- Maj. Kedokter . Indon., 50 (6) 2000 : 296-303
616 Infeksi Nosokomial pada Hemodialisis (Nosocomial Infection in Haemodialysis)/ Tonny Loho; Pusparini.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (3) 2000 : 132-144
610 Hubungan Infeksi Helicobacter pylori dengan Profil Lipid Penderita Gastritis Kronis (The Association of Helicobacter pylori Infection and Lipid Profile in Chronic Gastritis)/ Hantyanto Noriswanto; Siti Nurdjanah; Suhardi.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (3) 2000 : 185-191
HEMOGLOBINS 617 Manfaat Sari Buah Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava L) dalam Meningkatkan Kadar Hemoglobin, Jumlah Eritrosit dan Trombosit Darah pada Tikus yang Dibuat Anemia (The Advantage of Psidium guajava L. Juice to Increases the Hemoglobin, Erythrocyte and Blood Thrombocyte Level in Anemia Mice)/Azizahwati.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 36-39
611 Pengaruh Konsentrasi Kuman terhadap Kecepatan Hasil Tes Urease dengan Media Solid (The Effect of Bacteria Concentration through the Time Urease Test Using Solid Media)/Harijono Achmad; Saniah.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw ., 16 (2) 2000 : 35-38 612 Sakit Mag yang Menahun dan Tukak Lambung Perlu Dipertimbangkan adanya Infeksi Helicobacter pilori (Acute Gastritis and Stomach Ulcer : it Should be Considered Cause by Helicobacter pilori Infection)/ Between Lutam; Faisal Yatim.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (6) 2000 : 351-353
618 Pengaruh Suplementasi Sirup Besi terhadap Perubahan Kadar Hemoglobin Anak Sekolah Anemi Peserta Program Makanan Tambahan Anak Sekolah (PMT-AS) di Kecamatan Semarang Utara (The Effect of Iron Supplementation through the Change of Hemoglobin Level in Anemia School Children of School Feeding Program Participants in North Semarang)/Purwanti Susantini; Hamam Hadi; Sri Suparyati Soenarto.-Berita Kedokter. Masy ., 26 (2) 2000 : 103110
HELMINTHIASIS 613 Intestinal Helminthic Infections in Primary School Children in Matraman, Jakarta/Sri S. Margono et. al.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 27 (12) 2000 : 676-678 HEMATURIA
619 Prediksi Peningkatan Kadar Hb pada Anak Bawah Tiga Tahun Anemia setelah Mendapat Intervensi Zat Besi di Desa Pagelaran, Ciomas Bogor (Prediction of Hemoglobin Elevation on Anemia after Iron Intervention in Under Three Years Children : A Study at Pagelaran Village, Ciomas, Bogor)/Sri Muljati et. al.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 86-91
614 Hamaturi : Dari Ginjal atau Saluran Kemih Bagian Bawah (Hematuria : Original from Kidney or Lower Urinary Tract)/Sudung O. Pardede.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (7) 2000 : 340-345 HEMOCHROMATOSIS 615 Hemokromatosis : Klasifikasi, Diagnosis dan
Wahjoedi.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 2 (6) 2000 : 218-224
HEMOPTYSIS 620 Biomolekul dalam Proses Biokimia untuk Pertahanan Tubuh (Bimolecular Role in the Biochemical Processes for Homeostatic)/ Zainal Arifin Nang Agus.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi , 8 (3) 2000 : 120-124
HEPATITIS B 626 Hepatitis B dan C pada Anak dan Remaja dengan Strata Ekonomi Rendah (Hepatitis B and C Virus Infection among Children with Low Socio-Economic Level)/Widjaja S. et. al.- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (4) 2000 : 169172
621 Jamur Paru sebagai Penyebab Batuk Darah (Pulmonary Mycosis as a Cause of Hemoptysis)/ Ismid D.I. Busroh.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (3) 2000 : 109-114
627 Kegagalan Vaksinasi Hepatitis B Massal pada Neonatus dan Peran Infeksi VHB Vertikal pada Kegagalan Tersebut (Immunization Failure in Mass Hepatitis B Vaccine on Neonatal and the Contribution of Vertical VHB Infection in its Failure)/ Stephanus Gunawan et. al.-- Nexus, 13 (1) 2000 : 9-13
HEMOSTASIS 622 Gambaran Hemostasis dan Viskositas Darah pada Lanjut Usia: Beberapa Parameter yang Berhubungan dengan Risiko Trombosis (The Profiles of Haemostasis and Blood Viscosity in the Elderly : Several Parameters Related to the Risk of Thrombosis)/Rahayuningsih Dharma Setiabudy; Inggrawati Komala.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (4) 2000 : 173-182
628 Pengaruh Imunisasi Massal HB terhadap Prevalensi Infeksi VHB Anak dan Remaja di Kodya Mataram (The Effect of Mass Immunization of Hepatitis B through the Prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus Infection on Child and Adolescence in Mataram)/I.G.G. Djelantik et. al.-- Medika, 26 (4) 2000 : 226230
HEPARIN, LOW-MOLECULAR-WEIGHT 623 Heparin Berat Molekul Rendah dan Terapi Kombinasi untuk Sindrom Koroner Akut (Low Molecular Weight of Heparins and the Combination Therapy through the Acute Coronary Syndrome)/Asikin Hanafiah.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (2) 2000 : 49-51
629 Perbandingan Tanggap Kebal Imunisasi Hepatitis B pada Bayi yang Diimunisasi Hepatitis B Dosis ke-1 Umur 0-7 Hari dan Umur 3 Bulan di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah (HST) Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan (The Comparison of Immune Response of Hepatitis B Immunization on Infant whose Received the First Dose at 0-7 Days and 3 Months of Age at Hulu Sungai Tengah District, South Kalimantan Province)/Idi Sampana; Sutaryo; Suharyanto Supardi.-Berita Kedokter. Masy ., 26 (2) 2000 : 67-72
624 Pembentukan Trombin pada Penggunaan Heparin Berat Molekul Rendah (Nadroparin) pada Penderita Angina Pektoris Tak Stabil (Thrombin Generation through the Usage of Low Molecular Weight of Heparins on Unstable Angina Pectoris Patient)/Ronally Rasmin; Sunarya Soerianata; Irmalita.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (2) 2000 : 68-74 HEPATITIS 625 Manfaat Tanaman Johar (Cassia siamea Lamk) untuk Penyakit Hepatitis [The Advantage of Cassia siamea Lamk for Treating Hepatitis Infection]/Bambang
HEPATITIS B VIRUS 630 Lamivudine pada Infeksi Virus Hepatitis B (Lamivudine against Hepatitis B Virus
Infection)/L.A. Lesmana.-- Dexa Media, 13 (3) 2000 : 17
(Herpes Disease, Influenza, Chicken-pox and the Consumption of Salycilate and Risk Factor of Reye's Syndrome : The Enchepalophaty on School age Children)/ Faisal Yatim.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 74-75
631 Kegagalan Vaksinasi Hepatitis B Massal pada Neonatus dan Peran Infeksi VHB Vertikal pada Kegagalan Tersebut (Immunization Failure in Mass Hepatitis B Vaccine on Neonatal and the Contribution of Vertical VHB Infection in its Failure)/ Stephanus Gunawan et. al.-- Nexus, 13 (1) 2000 : 9-13
HERPESVIRUS 4, HUMAN 636 Tipe Epstein Barr Virus Berdasarkan Analisis Molekuler Gena EBNA pada Penderita Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma di Yogyakarta (Type of Epstein Virus Barr Based on Analyzed of EBNA Gene Molecular in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patient in Yogyakarta)/Harijadi; Aris Haryanto; Wijayanti.-- Berita Kedokter. Masy ., 16 (1) 2000 : 3-8
632 Pengaruh Imunisasi Massal HB terhadap Prevalensi Infeksi VHB Anak dan Remaja di Kodya Mataram (The Effect of Mass Immunization of Hepatitis B through the Prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus Infection on Child and Adolescence in Mataram)/I.G.G. Djelantik et. al.-- Medika, 26 (4) 2000 : 226230
HISTAMINE 637 Pengaruh Ekstrak Kulit Buah Citrus aurantifolia Swingle terhadap Kontraksi Trakea Marmot Terisolasi yang Diinduksi Histamin in Vitro : Penelitian Pendahuluan (The Effect of Citrus aurantifolia Swingle Pericarp Extract on the Histamine-induced Contraction of Isolated Guinea Pig Trachea)/ R. Irawan.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (128) 2000 : 25-32
HEPATITIS C 633 Hepatitis B dan C pada Anak dan Remaja dengan Strata Ekonomi Rendah (Hepatitis B and C Virus Infection among Children with Low Socio-Economic Level)/Widjaja S. et. al.- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (4) 2000 : 169172
638 Efek Anti-Histamin Daun, Kulit Batang, Kulit Akar dan Buah Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava Linn) pada Ileum Marmot Terpisah [Antihistamine Effect of Leaf, Steam Bark and Root of Psidium guajava Linn on Marmot Ileum]/R. Sumastuti.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 158-171
634 Perbandingan Nilai Diagnostik Uji Anti-HCV (Core) Dipstik dan Uji Anti-HCV ELISA Generasi II untuk Infeksi Virus Hepatis C (HCV) pada Uji Saring Donor Darah (The Comparison of Diagnosis Value of Anti-HCV Dipstick and Anti-HCV EIA Method against Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Screening Test for Blood Donor)/Nik Marukah.-- Nexus, 13 (2) 2000 : 39-44
639 Efek Anti-Histamin Rimpang dan Daun Bengle (Zingiber purpureum Roxb) pada Ileum Marmot Terpisah (Anti-histamine Effect of Rhizome and Leaf of Zingiber purpureum Robx on Marmot Ileum)/R. Sumastuti.-Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 153-157
HERPES SIMPLEX 635 Penyakit Herpes, Influenza, Cacar Air dan Mengkonsumsi Obat Golongan Salisilat, Faktor Risiko Sindroma Reye : Enceophalopati pada Anak Usia Sekolah
Infeksi Sulianti Saroso, Jakarta (Case Study of AIDS/HIV Infection in Injection Narcotics User at Sulianti Saroso Infectious Hospital, Jakarta)/Sukiman Rusli.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (9) 2000 : 413-417
HIV 640 Manfaat Obat Bahan Alam dan Akupunktur pada HIV/AIDS (The Advantage of Natural Herbs and Acupuncture as Alternative Therapy for HIV/AIDS)/Suprapto Maat; Agustin Idayati.-- Meridian, 7 (2) 2000 : 82-92
HLA ANTIGENS 647 The Role of HLA-Antigen in Prurigo Hebra/ Siti Aisah Boediardja et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (4) 2000 : 223-231
641 Perilaku Masyarakat dalam Penanggulangan HIV/AIDS setelah Mendapat Pendidikan Sebaya (Perr Group Education) melalui Kelompok Dasa Wisma di Kecamatan Tuntungan 1999 (Community Attitude in the Prevention of HIV/AIDS after Peer Group Education by Dasa Wisma Group at Tuntungan Sub District by the Year 1999)/Syarifah.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (5) 2000 : 278-283
HOMEOSTASIS 648 Biomolekul dalam Proses Biokimia untuk Pertahanan Tubuh (Bimolecular Role in the Biochemical Processes for Homeostatic)/ Zainal Arifin Nang Agus.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi , 8 (3) 2000 : 120-124
642 Rumah Sakit dan Pengobatan Penderita HIV/AIDS di Jakarta (Hospital and Therapy of HIV/AIDS Patients in Jakarta)/Zubairi Djoerban.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (7) 2000 : 327-331
HOMOCYSTEINE 649 Homocysteine, Vitamin-B and Atherosclerotic Disease/A.R. Inge Permadhi.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (4) 2000 : 232-239 650 Homosistein sebagai Faktor Risiko ? (Homocysteine as a Risk Factors ?)/Budhi Setianto.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (4) 2000 : 184-187
643 Surveilens dalam Penanggulangan HIV/AIDS di Indonesia (Surveillance in the Prevention of HIV/AIDS in Indonesia)/Myrnawati.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 725-731
HOOKWORM INFECTIONS 644 Tuberkulosis dan HIV (Tuberculosis and HIV)/ Eddy Surjanto.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (1) 2000 : 46-50
651 Hookworm Infection in Rural Population of Bali and its Relation to Age, Gender, Geoclimatic Conditions and Anemia/Dewa Putu Widjaja; Putu Sutisna.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi , 8 (3) 2000 : 38-47
HIV INFECTIONS 645 HIV Infection and Leprosy : Serological Study for Detection of Antibodies to GP 41 (HIV-1), GP41 (HIV-1 Subtype G), GP 36 (HIV-2) and Phenolic Glycolipid-1(PGL-1) Mycobacterium Leprae from Leprosy in South Sulawesi, Indonesia/Mochammad Hatta.-Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw ., 16 (1) 2000 : 12-16
HORMONES 652 Kerja Fisik dan Respons Beberapa Hormon (Physical Work and Hormones Response)/ Wigati.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (3) 2000 : 146-152 653 Kerja Fisik dan Respons beberapa Hormon (Physical Work and Hormones Responce)/ Wigati.--Medika, 26 (2) 2000 : 112-117
646 Telaah Kasus HIV/AIDS pada Pemakai Narkotik Suntikan di Rumah Sakit Penyakit
654 Hubungan Stakeholders dengan Manajemen Rumah Sakit (The Relationship between Stakeholders and Hospital Management)/ Remmy J. Leimena; Poltak Hutagalung.-Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (43) 2000 : 22-27
660 Hubungan antara Kadar Kortisol Plasma dengan Tingkat Keparahan Penyakit dan Risiko Kematian pada Penderita Syok Septik (The Relationship between Plasma Cortisol Levels with Severity of Illness and the Death Risk on Patients with Septic Shock)/Paulus Wiyono; Suharjo Pardjono; Suharjo Broto Cahyono.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (3) 2000 : 155-159
HOSPITALS 655 Rumah Sakit dan Pengobatan Penderita HIV/AIDS di Jakarta (Hospital and Therapy of HIV/AIDS Patients in Jakarta)/Zubairi Djoerban.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (7) 2000 : 327-331
HYPERBARIC OXYGENATION 661 Keracunan Oksigen dalam Kesehatan Penyelaman Hiperbarik (Oxigen Toxicity in Hyperbaric Diving Health)/Francis Silloy.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti , 19 (1) 2000 : 13-22
656 Rumah Sakit sebagai Unit Pelayanan bagi Kepuasan Pasien (Hospital as a Services Unit toward Patients Satisfaction)/Poltak Hutagalung; Remmy J. Leimena.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (42) 2000 : 5-11
HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA 662 Efek Proteksi dari Curcumine terhadap Sel Endothelium pada Hiperkholesterolemia (Protective Effects of Curcumin on Endothelial Cell in Hypercholesterolemia)/Sri Agus Sudjarwo.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi , 8 (3) 2000 : 80-86
HUMAN ENGINEERING 657 Aspek Ergonomi Faktor Risiko Nyeri Pinggang (Ergonomic Aspects of the Risk Factors of Low Back Pain)/K. Tirtayasa.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (109) 2000 : 114-119
HYPERGLYCEMIA 663 Peranan Hyperglikemia dalam Terjadinya Komplikasi Kronik Diabetes Melitus (The Effect of Hyperglycemia in the Occurrence of Diabetic Complications)/Ketut Suastika.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (110) 2000 : 182-188
HUMANITIES 658 Humaniora di Dalam Kurikulum Pendidikan Dokter (Humaniora in Medical Education Curriculum)/Muh. Arif.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw ., 16 (2) 2000 : 50-55
HYPERKALEMIA 664 Hiperkalemia pada Anak (Hyperkalemia in Children)/Sudung O. Pardede.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (5) 2000 : 245-251
HYDROCARBONS 659 Studi Pemisahan Senyawa Hidrokarbon Poliaromatik Secara Kromatografi Gas Kolom Kapiler (The Study of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbon Separation by Capillary Gas Chromatography)/Endang Lukitaningsih; Sri Noegrohati.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (1) 2000 : 31-38
HYPERSENSITIVITY 665 Insects Allergic Reactions/Hoedojo.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti , 19 (2) 2000 : 75-81
666 Mekanisme Hipersensitivitas dan Kaitannya pada Patogenesis Panyakit Kulit (Hypersensitivity Mechanisms and its Related to the Pathogenesis of Skin Diseases)/ Sudigdo Adi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (4) 2000 : 208-215
672 Perbandingan Keberkesanan Terapi Kombinasi dengan atau Tanpa Diuretik pada Hipertensi (Comparative Study in the Efficacy of Combination Therapy with or without Diuretic in the Treatment of Hypertension)/ Mohd. Nasir Sulaiman; Abdul Rashid Manan; Abdul Rahman Noor.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (10) 2000 : 460-465
667 Peranan Fexofenadine pada Kasus-kasus Alergi dan Perbaikan Kualitas Hidup (The Contribution of Fexophenadine in Allergy Cases and its Related to the Life Quality Recovery)/Ariati Safiriani.-- Medika, 26 (5) 2000 : 299-302
673 Reaktivitas Kardiovaskular pada Individu Normotensi dari Orangtua Penderita Hipertensi Primer (Cardiovascular Reactivity on Normotensive Individual from the Primary Hypertension Parents)/ Amiliana M. Soesanto et. al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 2000 : 166-170
HYPERTENSION 668 Analisis Kecenderungan Hipertensi dalam Hubungannya dengan Usia dan Body Mass Index (The Analysis of Hypertension Tendency and its Related to Body Mass Index and the Aged)/Didik Budijanto; Dwi Astuti Rahayu Anggraeni.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 19 (1) 2000 : 45-52
674 Risiko Hipertensi Kehamilan pada Ibu Hamil di Unit Rawat Jalan RS Griya Husada (The Risk to have a Hypertension in Pregnant Women at Outpatient Unit of Griya Husada Hospital)/Didik Budijanto; W. Dwi Astuti; Watum Mu'inah.-- Medika, 26 (12) 2000 : 769-772
669 Dari Hipertensi ke Hipertrofi Ventrikel Kiri, Penyakit Jantung Koroner dan Gagal Jantung : Perlindungan oleh Penghambat Ace (ACE Inhibitors : Covered the Hypertension, Left Ventricular Hypertrophy, Heart Diseases and Heart Failure)/T. Santoso.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 27 (12) 2000 : 703-707
675 Tinjauan Biokimia, Mekanisme dan Tapak Kerja Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACELs) dalam Terapi Hipertensi [Reviewed of Biochemical, Mechanism and the Activity of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors in Hypertension Therapy]/ Urip Harahap; Sumadio Hadisaputra.-Medika, 26 (5) 2000 : 314-323
670 Hubungan antara Pola Konsumsi Jenis Makanan Berisiko pada Ibu Hamil dan Kejadian Hipertensi di Unit Rawat Jalan RS. Griya Husada (The Correlation between Consumption Pattern of Risk Food and Hypertension in Pregnant Women at Outpatient Unit of Griya Husada Hospital)/ Didik Budijanto; W. Dwi Astuti; Watum Mu'inah.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 234-238
HYPERTENSION, PORTAL 676 Hipertensi Portal pada Anak (Portal Hypertension on Child)/Bambang Surif; Julius Roma.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (128) 2000 : 41-44 HYPERTHYROIDISM 677 Aspek Klinik dan Penatalaksanaan Hipertiroidisme (Clinical Aspects and the Management of Hyperthyroidism)/Eppy.-Dexa Media, 13 (2) 2000 : 25-27
671 Hypertension Optimal Treatment (HOT) Study/Djoko Soemantri.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (4) 2000 : 160-165
Plasma Seminal pada Pria Pasca Vasektomized Men (The Immunologically Effect of IgG in Sera and Seminal Plasma from Vasectomies Men)/Bambang Wasito.-J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 8 (3) 2000 : 19-29
HYPERTROPHY, LEFT VENTRICULAR 678 Dari Hipertensi ke Hipertrofi Ventrikel Kiri, Penyakit Jantung Koroner dan Gagal Jantung : Perlindungan oleh Penghambat Ace (ACE Inhibitors : Covered the Hypertension, Left Ventricular Hypertrophy, Heart Diseases and Heart Failure)/T. Santoso.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 27 (12) 2000 : 703-707
684 Peranan Pemeriksaan Antibodi IgG terhadap Pathozyme-TB Pathozyme-Myco untuk Diagnosis serta Evaluasi Pengobatan Tuberkulosis Paru (The Role of IgG Antibody Examination against Pathozyme-TB and Pathozyme-Myco to Diagnosis and Evaluation of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Treatment)/Syarifuddin Hamdi et. al.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (1) 2000 : 13-22
HYPNOSIS 679 Penelaahan Trans dan Hubungannya dengan Hipnosis serta Manfaatnya dalam Psikiatri (Trans Study and Its Related to Hypnosis and the Advantage through the Psychiatry)/Stevanus Ingwantoro.-- Jiwa, 33 (2) 2000 : 185-193
IGM 685 Semi-quantitative DOT Immunoassay for Detection of IgM Anti-Dengue Antibodies in Human Sera/Agus Sjahrurachman et. al.-Med. J. of Indon., 9 (1) 2000 : 9-12
HYPOGLYCEMIC AGENTS 680 Pengobatan Diabetes Melitus dengan Obat Hipoglikemik Oral Golongan Sulfonilurea (Diabetes Mellitus Therapy with Oral Hypoglycemic Agent)/Darmono.-Media Medika Indon., 35 (1) 2000 : 1-5
IMMUNITY 686 Aktivasi Respons Imun di Dalam Traktus Reproduksi Pria : Penyebab Azoospermia (The Activation of Immune Response in Male Tractus Reproduction : Caused of Azoospermia)/Arjatmo Tjokronegoro.-- Ebers Papyrus, 6 (4) 2000 : 151-169
HYPOTHYROIDISM 681 Difficulty in Diagnosing Hypothyroidism : A Case Report/Lusy Erawati et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (3) 2000 : 164-167
687 Hubungan antara Anemi dan Status Besi dengan Status Imunitas pada Anak yang Mendapat Vaksinasi Campak (The Relationship between Anemia, Iron Status and Immune Status of Children Vaccinated with Measles Vaccine)/Susi Suwarti et. al.-Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 80-85
IGA 682 Peran Uji Serologis ELISA Kp90 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis terhadap IgA dalam Diagnosis dan Evaluasi Respons Pengobatan Tuberkulosis Paru di RSUP Persahabatan (The Role of ELISA Serological Method with Anti Kp90 Immunoglobin a (IgA) Antibodies in Diagnosis and Evaluation of Tuberculosis Treatment Response at Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta)/Dwi Syanthi Andiasari et. al.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (4) 2000 : 138144
688 Penelitian Aktivitas Biologik Infus Benalu Teh (Scurulla atropurpurea BI. Danser) terhadap Aktivitas Sistim Imun Mencit (Study on Biological Activity of Scurulla atropurpurea BI. Danser Infusion through the Activity of Immune System on Mice)/M. Wien Winarno; Dian Sundari; Budi Nuratmi.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (127) 2000 : 11-14
IGG Efek
683 dalam Serum dan
Campak WHO di Wilayah Asia Tenggara (The Development of WHO Measles Immunization Program in Southeast Asia)/ Sriana Azis; Sri Endreswari.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 739-743
689 Pengaruh Perasan Daun Ngokilo (Gynura procumbens Lour. Merr.) terhadap Aktivitas Sistim Imun Mencit Putih (The Effect of Ngokilo Leave (Gynura procumbens lour Merr.) through the Activity of Immune System on White Mice)/Djoko Hargono; M. Wien Winarno; Ayu Werawati.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (127) 2000 : 22-29
696 Peranan Imunisasi Mukosa dalam Imunisasi Mukosam (The Role of Mucosal Immunity in the Mucosa Immunization)/Rabea Pangerti Jekti.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 218-220
IMMUNITY, MUCOSAL 690 Imunitas Mukosa : Hubungannya dengan Kelainan Kulit (Mucosal Immunity : Its Related with the Skin Anomalies)/ Marsetyawan HNE Soesatyo.-- Dexa Media, 13 (4) 2000 : 11-14
697 Perbandingan Tanggap Kebal Imunisasi Hepatitis B pada Bayi yang Diimunisasi Hepatitis B Dosis ke-1 Umur 0-7 Hari dan Umur 3 Bulan di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah (HST) Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan (The Immune Response among Hepatitis B Immunized Infant whose Received Their First Dose at 0-7 Days of Age Compare to 3 Months of Age at Hulu Sungai Tengah District, South Kalimantan Province)/Idi Sampana; Sutaryo; Suharyanto Supardi.-Berita Kedokter. Masy ., 26 (2) 2000 : 67-72
691 Peranan Imunisasi Mukosa dalam Imunisasi Mukosam (The Role of Mucosal Immunity in the Mucosa Immunization)/Rabea Pangerti Jekti.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 218-220 IMMUNIZATION 692 Assessment of Uniject Training Curriculum and Device Performance During Student Immunization Sessions in Yogyakarta, Indonesia/Muljati Prijanto; Jane Soepardi; Asmaniar.-- Bul. Penelit . Kesehat., 28 (3&4) 2000 : 473-480
IMMUNOENZYME TECHNIQUES 698 Aplikasi Pemeriksaan Immunoperoksidase (Application of the Examination of Immunoperoxidase)/ Sontan Sirait; Hertati Siahaan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (45) 2000 : 1-6
693 Landasan Epidemiologi Penentuan Cakupan Imunisasi (Basic Epidemiological of Immunization)/Nuning MK. Masjkuri.-Medika, 26 (1) 2000 : 51-53
IMMUNOGLOBULINS 699 Hubungan Status Gizi Ibu dengan Kesehatan Bayi yang Disusui melalui Pendekatan Imunoglobulin (The Relationship between Nutritional Status of the Mother and the Baby Health whose Breastfeed by Immunoglobulin Approach)/Saleh Alkatiri.-- Medika, 26 (2) 2000 : 80-91
694 Pengaruh Imunisasi Massal HB terhadap Prevalensi Infeksi VHB Anak dan Remaja di Kodya Mataram (The Effect of Mass Immunization of Hepatitis B through the Prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus Infection on Child and Adolescence in Mataram)/I.G.G. Djelantik et. al.-- Medika, 26 (4) 2000 : 226230 695 Pengembangan Program Immunisasi
IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY 700 Preliminary Study : Sensitivity and Specificity of Immunocytochemistry Diagnosis for Toxoplasmosis on Spontaneous Abortion/
Umayah et. al.-- Indon. J. of Clinical Epidemiol. & Biostatistics, 7 (1) 2000 : 16-18
(Dadih) for Children Under Three Years Old)/Uken S. Soetrisno et. al.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 99-105
IMPOTENCE 701 Pengobatan Disfungsi Ereksi Secara Intrakavernosa dan Intra Urethra (Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction by Intracavernous Injection and Intra Urethral Application)/ Wimpie Pangkahila.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (110) 2000 : 175-181
INFANT MORTALITY 706 Peran Seksio Cesaria terhadap Penurunan Morbiditas dan Mortalitas Perinatal pada Ibu dengan Preeklampsia dan Eklampsia (The Role of Cesarean Section to Reduce the Prenatal Mortality and Morbidity among Women with Pre-eclampsia and Eclampsia)/ Tri Joko Winarno; Djaswadi Dasuki.-- Berita Kedokter. Masy ., 16 (1) 2000 : 15-23
INCOME 702 Pendapatan dan Konsumsi Pangan Keluarga Peserta dan Bukan Peserta Program PDMDKE di Kotamadya Bogor, Jawa Barat Tahun Anggaran 1998/1999 (Income Rate and Food Sufficiency Level of Participant and Non Participant Families of PMD-DKE Program in Bogor, West Java 1998/1999)/Novita; Cesilia M. Dwiriani; M. Rizal M. Damanik.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 69-78
707 Prediktor Klinis untuk Kematian Perinatal Kasus Pre-eklamsia – Eklamsia (Clinical Predictors of Prenatal Mortality in Preeclampsia-Eclampsia Cases)/Heriyono; Djaswadi Dasuki.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 32 (3) 2000 : 165-171 INFANT NUTRITION
708 Status Gizi Balita di Kabupaten Bogor pada Krisis Ekonomi (Nutritional Status of Underfive Years Children during Monetary Crisis at Bogor District)/Dewi Permaesih et. al.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 1824
703 Uji Hayati Limbah Katalis Industri Pengilangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi serta Efeknya terhadap Jaringan Hati dan Ginjal Mencit/Mus musculus Galur Australia (Bioassay Test of Spent Catalytic's Cracking of Petroleum Refinery Industry and the Effect on Liver and Kidney Tissues of Mouse/ Mus musculus of Australian Strain)/Yuniar Widiarini; Nani Djangsih; Titin Hartati P.-- J. Toksikologi Indon., 1 (1) 2000 : 48-57
INFANT WELFARE 709 Hubungan Status Gizi Ibu dengan Kesehatan Bayi yang Disusui melalui Pendekatan Imunoglobulin (The Relationship between Nutritional Status of the Mother and the Baby Health whose Breastfeed by Immunoglobulin Approach)/Saleh Alkatiri.-- Medika, 26 (2) 2000 : 80-91
INFANT 704 Penatalaksanaan Syok Hipovolemik pada Bayi dan Anak (The Management of Hypovolemic Shock in Infant and Child)/Evi Kamelia.-- Medika, 26 (10) 2000 : 656-660
710 Sebaran Karakteristik Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah (The Characteristics of Low Birth Weight Infant)/R. Suradi; S. Rohimi; A.R. Tumbelaka.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 24 (2) 2000 : 77-81
705 Pengembangan Formula Makanan Anak Batita Menggunakan Pangan Tradisional Dadih Susu Sapi (Development of Food Formula Based on Fermented Cow's Milk
711 Penatalaksanaan Infeksi Saluran Reproduksi Penyakit Menular Seksual dengan Pendekatan Sindrom (The Management of Urogenital Reproduction Infection, Sexually Transmitted Diseases by Syndrome Approach)/Sjaiful Fahmi Daili.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (3) 2000 : 168-175
Mengkonsumsi Obat Golongan Salisilat, Faktor Risiko Sindroma Reye : Enceophalopati pada Anak Usia Sekolah (Herpes Disease, Influenza, Chicken-pox and the Consumption of Salycilate and Risk Factor of Reye's Syndrome : The Enchelopathy on School Age Children)/Faisal Yatim.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 74-75
712 Antibodi Antisperma: Apakah Benar-benar Berperan dalam Kasus Infertilitas ? (Antisperm Antibody : It is Really Contributed in Infertility Cases ?)/Arjatmo Tjokronegoro.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (6) 2000 : 271-273
718 Sistim Informasi Kesehatan: Penyakit Gigi dan Mulut menurut International Statistical Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10 (Health Information System : Dental and Oral Diseases Based on International Statistical Classification of Diseases/ICD-10)/Tintin Farihatini.-- Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi : Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 : 113-128
INFERTILITY, MALE 713 Aspek Psikososial Infertilitas pada Pria (Psychosocial Aspects of Male Infertility)/ Stevanus Ingwantoro.-- Jiwa, 33 (1) 2000 : 97-107
INSECTICIDES 719 Evaluasi Dua Jenis Tumbuhan, Buah Kelerak dan Daun Orang-Aring sebagai Insektisida terhadap Nyamuk Aedes aegypti di Laboratorium (The Evaluation of Two Type of Plants, Kelerak Fruit and Orang-aring Leaf as an Insecticide against Aedes aegypti in the Laboratory)/Nunik Siti Aminah; Chairul.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (7) 2000 : 382-385
714 Infertilitas dan Gangguan Fungsi Seksual pada Pasutri Hubungannya dengan Keharmonisan Keluarga (Infertility and Sexual Function Disorders on Husband and Wife, its Related to the Family Harmony)/ K.M. Arsyad.-- Dexa Media, 13 (2) 2000 : 1214,34 715 Varikokel sebagai Penyebab Infertilitas pada Pria (Varicoceles as a Cause of Infertility in Man)/Julius Ch. Yapri.-- Ebers Papyrus, 6 (3) 2000 : 117-124
720 Penentuan Dosis Insektisida Talstar (Bifenthrin) terhadap Vektor Malaria [The Determine of Talstar (Biphenthrin) Dose against Malaria Vectors]/Barodji; Sustriayu Nalim; Soelarto.-- Medika, 26 (4) 2000 : 221225
INFLAMMATION 716 Pendekatan Multifaktorial pada Proses Inflamasi (Multifactor Approach in Inflammation Process)/J. Hudyono.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (3) 2000 : 180-182
721 Pengujian Efikasi Insektisida Startox A dan Startox L terhadap Nyamuk Anopheles sp. (The Efficacy Test of Startox A and Startox L Insecticides against Anopheles sp.)/Mardjan Soekirno.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 27 (12) 2000 : 683-688
INFLUENZA 717 Penyakit Herpes, Influenza, Cacar Air dan
729 Redefinisi Konsep JPKM (Redefinition of the Health Care System (JPKM) Concept)/ Pujiyanto.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (7) 2000 : 374-376
INSECTS 722 Insects Allergic Reactions/Hoedojo.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti , 19 (2) 2000 : 75-81 INSULIN RESISTANCE 723 Insulin Resistance Revisited/Pintoko Tedjokusumo; Sunarya Soerianata.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (4) 2000 : 188-191
730 Sistem Pembiayaan Kesehatan melalui JPKM (Health Cost System by the Health Insurance)/Azrul Azawar.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (5) 2000 : 253-259
INSURANCE, HEALTH 724 Asuransi Kesehatan dan Akses Pelayanan Kesehatan (Health Insurance and the Access to Health Care Services)/Hasbullah Thabrany; Pujianto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (6) 2000 : 282-289
INTERNAL-EXTERNAL CONTROL 731 Studi Pendahuluan Hubungan Perbaikan Kembali Prestasi Belajar dan Lokus Kontrol pada Siswa di SMPN di Surabaya (The Correlation between Re-correction of Learning Performance and Locus Control on Junior High School Pupils in Surabaya : A Preliminary Study)/Betty Marga; Lestari Basoeki Soeharjono; Hendy Muagiri Margono.-- Jiwa, 33 (1) 2000 : 29-47
725 JPKM dan Pemberdayaan Dokter di Indonesia (Managed the Health Care System (JPKM) and the Physician Contribution in Indonesia)/Azrul Azwar.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 191-197
INTESTINAL DISEASES, PARASITIC 732 Intestinal Helminthic Infections in Primary School Children in Matraman, Jakarta/Sri S. Margono et. al.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 27 (12) 2000 : 676-678
726 JPKM dan Problem Adverse Selection [Managed the Health Care System (JPKM) and the Adverse Selection Problem]/Hisma Murti.-- Medika, 26 (4) 2000 : 250-253
INTRAUTERINE DEVICES 733 Proportional Hazard Model : The Precision in Estimating Return of Fertility among Post IUD's Users/Djaswadi Dasuki.-- Indon. J. of Clinical Epidemiol. & Biostatistics, 7 (1) 2000 : 3-7
727 Kesiapan Pemberi Pelayanan Kesehatan (PPK) dalam Pelaksanaan JPKM sebagai Dasar Penyediaan Paket Pelayanan Kesehatan : Suatu Kajian Pengembangan JPKM di Kabupaten Sidoarjo [The Readiness of Health Care Providers to Implementing the JPKM Program : A Reviewed on JPKM Program Development in Sidoardjo)/Mindo E. Sinaga.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy ., 31 (63) 2000 : 19-29
INTRAUTERINE DEVICES, COPPER 734 Analisis Kelayakan Pemasangan Alat Kontrasepsi dalam Rahim Jenis Copper T 380A saat Seksio Sesarea di RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung (The Analyzed of the Feasibility of Copper T380A Intra Uterine Device during Cesarean Section at Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung)/Marzuqi Sayuti; Rustama Natakusumah.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 24 (2) 2000 : 104-108
728 Perlu Perombakan Jaminan Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Masyarakat (It's Needed a Change to Managed the Health Care System)/Hasbullah Thabrany.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (4) 2000 : 165-168
Rimbawan et. al.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 107-115
IODINE 735 Beberapa Metoda Penetapan Kandungan Iodium dalam Bahan Makanan (Several Methods to Determine the Iodine Concentration in Food Preparation)/Suryana Purawisastra; Sihadi.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 27 (12) 2000 : 700-702
742 Studi Konsumsi Iodium (1) dan Selenium (Se) Serta Kaitannya dengan Status Iodium pada Anak Sekolah Dasar di Daerah Pantai Endemik dan Non Endemik GAKI (Iodine and Selenium Consumption and its Relationship with Iodine Status of School Children in Endemic and Non Endemic Coastal Areas)/ Rimbawan et. al.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 93-106
736 KIE Plus untuk Penanggulangan Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Yodium/GAKY (Education, Information and Communication to Prevent the Iodine Deficiency)/Endi Ridwan.-- Medika, 26 (1) 2000 : 54-57
743 Urinary Iodine Concentration and Iodized Oil Capsules Distribution among Pregnant Women/ Djoko Kartono et. al.-- Maj. Gizi Indon., (24) 2000 : 17-23
737 National Survey on Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD) 1996-1998/Muhilal et. al.-Maj. Gizi Indon., (24) 2000 : 1-7
IODIZED OIL 738 Pengaruh Penambahan Natrium Propionat, Jenis Kemasan dan Lama Penyimpanan terhadap Kandungan Iodium dan Mutu Permen Jelly Rumput Laut/Euchemma cattonii (The Effect of Sodium Propionate Addition, Type of Packaging and Duration of Storage on Iodine Content and the Quality of Seaweed (Euchemma cattonii) Jelly Candy)/ Rina Warastuti; Evy Damayanthi; Cesilia Meti Dwiriani.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 62-68
744 Urinary Iodine Concentration and Iodized Oil Capsules Distribution among Pregnant Women/ Djoko Kartono et. al.-- Maj. Gizi Indon., (24) 2000 : 17-23 IRON 745 Kebutuhan Ibu Hamil akan Tablet Besi untuk Pencegah Anemi (The Need of Iron Tablet on Pregnant Women to Prevent the Anemia)/ Fitrah Emawati; Yuniar Rosmalina; Susilowati Herman.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 92-98
739 The Profile of Iodized Salt Use in the District Level in Indonesia/Dewi Permaesih et. al.-Maj. Gizi Indon., (24) 2000 : 25-31
746 Prediksi Peningkatan Kadar Hb pada Anak Bawah Tiga Tahun Anemia setelah Mendapat Intervensi Zat Besi di Desa Pagelaran, Ciomas Bogor (Prediction of Hemoglobin Elevation on Anemia after Iron Intervention in Under Three Years Children : A Study at Pagelaran Village, Ciomas, Bogor)/Sri Muljati et. al.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 86-91
740 Public Awareness and Participation in their IDD Elimination Program in Indonesia/ Sunawang et. al.-- Maj. Gizi Indon., (24) 2000 : 9-16 741 Status Selenium (Se) Anak Sekolah Dasar di Daerah Endemik dan Non Endemik Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Iodium/GAKI (Selenium Status of School Children in IDD Endemic and Non Endemic Areas)/
ISCHEMIA 747 Pola Titer Antibodi Antikardiolipin pada Strok Iskemik Akut Usia Muda (The Pattern of
Anticardiolipin Antibody Titer in Young Acute Ischemic Stroke)/Syahrul; Jusuf Misbach; Nanang Sukmana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (2) 2000 : 75-88
754 Hamaturi : Dari Ginjal atau Saluran Kemih Bagian Bawah (Hematuria : Original from Kidney or Lower Urinary Tract)/Sudung O. Pardede.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (7) 2000 : 340-345
ISOENZYMES 748 Eksplorasi Potensi Elektroforesis Isoenzym (Exploration of the Electrophoresis Potency of Isoenzyme)/Ruben Dharmawan.-- Nexus, 13 (2) 2000 : 48-52
KIDNEY CALCULI 755 Batu Ginjal Kalsium Oksalat, Aspek Etiopatogenesis dan Peranan Inhibitor (The Relationship between Kidney Calculi, Etiopathogenecity Aspect and the Inhibitors Contribution)/I Gde Raka Widiana.-- Medika, 26 (7) 2000 : 445-453
ISONIAZID 749 Efek Isoniasid terhadap Kontraktilitas Jantung Kelinci (The Effect of Iosinazid through Contractility of Rabbit Heart)/Peter Kabo.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (1) 2000 : 21-25
750 The Intropic Effect of Isoniazid on Isolated Atria of Guinea-Pigs/Peter Kabo.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (1) 2000 : 18-22
756 Diagnosa dan Penatalaksanaan Gagal Ginjal Akut pada Anak (The Management and Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Failure on Child)/ B. Susanti Dewayani.-- Medika, 26 (10) 2000 : 642-646
KIDNEY FAILURE, ACUTE 757 Drenase Bilier Interna pada Ikterus Obstruktif yang Lanjut Dapat Memicu Kejadian Gagal Ginjal Akut (Internal Biliary Drainage on Obstructive Jaundice Cause of Acute Kidney Failure)/Soemarko et. al.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw ., 16 (1) 2000 : 6-11
751 Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Propanolol Plus Isosorbide-5-Mononitrate vs. Sclerotherapy in the Prevention of Variceal Rebleeding in the Prevention of Variceal Rebleeding/Hirlan; Isa A.R.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (1) 2000 : 13-16
758 Gagal Ginjal Akut pada Anak (Acute Kidney Failure on Child)/Alok Adi Purnama; Adrian Umboh.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (11) 2000 : 508-515
JOINT DISEASES 752 Penyakit Sendi dan Kelumpuhan Rematik yang Berobat ke Poliklinik Rawat Jalan Reumatologi RS Pirngadi Medan 1991-1999 (Joint Disease and Rhematoid Arthritis Found at the Rhematology Polyclinic, Pirngadi Hospital, Medan by the Year 1991-1999)/OK. Moehad Sjah.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 217-219
759 Leukemia Limfositik Akut dengan Gagal Ginjal Akut (Acute Kidney Failure on Acute Lymphocyte Leukemia)/Riadi Wirawan et. al.- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (10) 2000 : 491496
KIDNEY 753 The Effect of Ramadhan Fasting on Kidney Function among Elderly Patients/Siti Setiati et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (1) 2000 : 23-28
KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION 760 Monocyte Chemoatractant Protein-1 in Glomerular Disease and Renal Transplan-
tation/Wiguno Prodjosudjadi.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (1) 2000 : 13-17
766 Laporan Pendahuluan : Induksi Persalinan dengan Misoprostol Intravagina (Labor Induction with Intravaginal Misoprostol : Preliminary Report)/Dini Danukusumo; Supardi A. Walujo; Azwin Saat.--Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (4) 2000 : 122-123
KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES, PRACTICE 761 Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Mahasiswa Akademi Perawat & Perawat serta Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran dalam Masalah Merokok (Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Smoking Habit among Medical Students, Nursing Academy Students and Nurses)/Tjandra Yoga Aditama.-J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (2) 2000 : 60-63
LACTOSE INTOLERANCE 767 Malabsorpsi Laktosa pada Anak (Lactose Malabsorption on Child)/Edi Setiawan Tehuteru.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti , 19 (1) 2000 : 137-142
762 Studi Evaluasi Dampak PMT-AS terhadap Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Gizi Anak (Evaluation of the Impact of School Feeding Program through the Nutritional Knowledge, Attitude and Practice)/Dadang Sukandar; Ikeu Tanziha.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 113-118
LARYNGEAL NEOPLASMS 768 Computed Tomography Based Staging in the Carcinoma of the Larynx/Sarita Mangu et. al.- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (3) 2000 : 217-220 769 Papiloma Laring yang Mengalami Degenerasi Maligna Menjadi Karsinoma Sel Skuamosa (Laryngeal Papilloma Converting to Squamous Cell Carcinoma)/W. Suardana; Made Tjekeg.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (109) 2000 : 169-172
LABOR 763 Hubungan Lama Persalinan dan Keintiman Suami Istri dengan Skor HDRS pada Wanita Postpartum (The Correlation between Duration of the Labor and Husband-Wife Relationship with DHRS Score in Postpartum Women)/Budi Pratiti; Moetrarsi Firngadi; Sumarni DW.-- Jiwa, 33 (2) 2000 : 151-161
LARYNGOSCOPY 770 Laringoskopi Direk sebagai Sarana untuk Mengeluarkan Benda Asing Ditrakea pada Anak-anak (Direct Laryngoscopy as a Method to Expel the Traceal Foreign Body in Children)/Wiratno.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (4) 2000 : 205-208
764 Studi Pola Persalinan dalam Pencanangan Gerakan Safe Motherhood di Pedesaan (Study of the Delivery Pattern on Safe Motherhood Movement in the Village)/ Asyhari Asyikin.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 27 (12) 2000 : 689-692
LARYNX 771 Trauma Laring (Larynx Trauma)/Hartono Abdoerrachman.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (5 Bag. I-suppl.) 2000 : 24-29
LABOR, INDUCED 765 Keberhasilan Induksi Persalinan Kehamilan Lewat Bulan : Prediksi Skor Bishop (The Successfulness of Labor Induction in Uncomplicated Prolonged Pregnancy : Prediction with Bishop Score)/Hary Tjahjanto; Anantyo Binarso M.; Untung Praptohardjo.-Media Medika Indon., 35 (3) 2000 : 117-126
LASERS 772 Proses Penyerentakan Birahi (Birahi Massal) dengan Superovulasi melalui Metode Penembakan Laser pada Titik Reproduksi Domba Betina Lokal/Ovis Aries (Process of
Ovulation Together by Superovulation Using Laser Puncture in Reproduction Point on Female Ovis Aries)/RTS Adikara.-- Meridian, 7 (2) 2000 : 115-118
779 Pengaruh Pencemaran Pb (Plumbum) terhadap Kesehatan dan Lingkungan (The Effect of Plumbum (Pb) Exposure through the Health and Environmental Health)/Satmoko Wisaksono.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 203-205
773 Laser untuk Kesehatan (Laser due to Health)/Soeharnoto.-Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw ., 16 (2) 2000 : 39-43
LEARNING 780 Pusat Sumber Daya Pembelajaran/PSDP (Learning Resources Center/LRC)/Johana J. Sarra.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy ., 31 (62) 2000 : 14-17
LATEX 774 Cytotoxicity of Jutropha Curcas (Euphorbiaceae) Latex on Fibroblast by MTT Assay/Fazwishni Siregar; Siti Mardewi Soerono Akbar.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (4) 2000 : 253-257
LEGISLATION 781 Hukum Kesehatan dan Undang-undang Kesehatan (Health Legislation and Health Laws)/Amri Amir.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (3) 2000 : 164-167
LEAD 775 Hubungan antara Pajanan Timbal dengan Ensefalopati dan Kanker Otak (The Correlation between Lead Exposure with Encephalopathy and Brain Cancer)/M. Winarti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (2) 2000 : 91-96
LEGISLATION, MEDICAL 782 Aspek Hukum Wajib Simpan Rahasia Kedokteran (The Law Aspects of Concerning the Secrets of Medical Records)/Amri Amir.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 251254
776 Hubungan Pemaparan Khronik PlumbumUdara, Plumbum-Darah Ibu, Plumbum-Darah Anak terhadap Perkembangan Motorik Anak Terlahir di Pemukiman Pesisir (The Relationship among Pb-air, Maternal Pbblood, Child Pb-blood and the Child Motoric Development at Costal Areas)/ Amin Husni.-Media Medika Indon., 35 (4) 2000 : 175-182
LEIOMYOMA 783 Miofibroma dan Miofibromatosis (Myofibroma and Myofibromatosis)/Diah Rini Handjari; Saukani Gumay.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (2) 2000 : 127-133
777 Pengaruh Pajanan Timbal pada Fungsi Pendengaran (The Influence of Lead Exposure on Hearing Function)/Siswarti Adnan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (3) 2000 : 153-157
LEPROSY 784 Berbagai Alternatif Rejimen Obat Kusta (Several Alternatives of Regiment of Leprosy Agent)/Sri Linuwih Menaldi; Endang ER.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (6) 2000 : 317-319
778 Pengaruh Pb. terhadap Kesehatan Pekerja (The Effect of Plumbum through the Health Worker)/Hardiono.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy ., 31 (62) 2000 : 6-9
785 Karakteristik Osteomelitis pada Penderita Kusta (The Characteristical of Osteomyelitis in Leprosy Patients)/Jufri Latief et. al.-- Maj. Orthopaedi Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 4-8
786 Gambaran Klinis dan Laboratoris Leptospirosis di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dan RS Persahabatan, Jakarta (Clinical Feature and Laboratory Finding of Leptospirosis in Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo and Persahabatan General Hospital, Jakarta)/Herdiman T. Pohan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (2) 2000 : 86-90
792 Aplikasi Metoda 'Pengalaman Hidup' di Dalam Penelitian Kualitatif (Application of Life Experiance Method in Qualitative Research)/ Sulistiyawati Hoedijono.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti , 19 (1) 2000 : 7-12 LIPIDS 793 Hubungan Infeksi Helicobacter pylori dengan Profil Lipid Penderita Gastritis Kronis (The Association of Helicobacter pylori Infection and Lipid Profile in Chronic Gastritis)/ Hantyanto Noriswanto; Siti Nurdjanah; Suhardi.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (3) 2000 : 185-191
787 Leptospirosis at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo and Persahabatan Hospital Review of 104 Cases/Iskandar Zulkarnain.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (4) 2000 : 271-275 LEUKEMIA, LYMPHOCYTIC 788 Leukemia Limfositik Akut dengan Gagal Ginjal Akut (Acute Kidney Failure on Acute Lymphocyte Leukemia)/Riadi Wirawan et. al.- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (10) 2000 : 491496
794 Profil Lipid dan Ketebalan Dinding Arteri Abdominalis Tikus Wistar pada Injeksi Inisial Adreanalin Intra Vena (IV) dan Diet Kuning Telur 'Intermitten' : Penelitian Pendahuluan (Lipids Profile and the Thinkness of Arterial Wall of Abdominal of Wistar Rat Using Adrenaline Intra Venaous and Yolk Eggs Intermitten Enteric Diet)/Awal Prasetyo; Udadi Sadhana; Ika Pawira Miranti.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (3) 2000 :149-157
789 Metotreksat Dosis Tinggi pada Pengobatan Intestif Leukemia Limtoblastik Akut Anak (High Dose Methotrexate in Intensive Treatment of Acute Lymptoblactic Leukemia on Child)/Khainir Akbar.-- Medika, 26 (3) 2000 : 172-175
LIPOPROTEINS, LDL 795 Small and Dense Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) sebagai Faktor Risiko Penyakit Jantung Aterosklerosis (Small and Dense Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) as a Risk Factor of Coronary Atherosclerosis)/H. Djanggan Sargowo.-- Medika, 26 (1) 2000 : 20-25
LH 790 The In Vitro Peifused Rat Ovary: The Significance of the Folliclestimulating Hormone and Luteinezing Hormone Ratio on Steroid Release/Triono Soendoro.-- Medika, 26 (1) 2000 :12-15 LIDOCAINE
796 Struktur Molekular dan Peran Biokimia Lipoprotein Densitas Rendah serta Proteksi terhadap Modifikasinya (Molecular Structure and Biochemical Roles of Low Density Lipoprotein, Protections against its Modifications)/Sri Rahajoe Asj'ari.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (8) 2000 : 389-392
791 Perbandingan Mula dan Lama Kerja antara Lidokain, Lidokain-Bupivakain dan Bupivakain pada Blok Epidural (The Comparison of the Effect of Lidocaine, Lidocaine-Buvacain and Buvacain in Block Epidural)/Marwoto.-- Media Medika Indon..35 (1) 2000 : 7-11
Pulmonology Persahabatan Hospital)/Faisal Yunus.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (2) 2000 : 6468
LIVER 797 Uji Toksisitas Zat Warna Makanan Rhodamine terhadap Jaringan Hati Mencit (Mus musculus) Galur Australia (Toxicity Test of Food Color Additive-Rhodamine on Liver Tissues of Mus musculus Australian Strain)/ Pipih Siswati; Juli Soemirat Slamet.-- J. Toksikologi Indon., 1 (3) 2000 : 18-27
LUNG NEOPLASMS 804 Aplikasi Klinis Petanda Ganas Serologis pada Kanker Paru (Clinical Application as a Serological Wild Symptom in Lung Cancer)/ M. Syahril Mansyur; Anwar Jusuf; Lia G. Partakusuma.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (4) 2000 : 167-171
LIVER FAILURE 798 Kerusakan Hati Akibat Pemberian Parasetamol pada Mencit Swiss (Liver Demage Caused of Paracetamol Therapeutic Use on Swiss Strain Mice)/Poppy Lintong et. al.-- Maj. Kedokter. Univ. Samratulangi, 2 (2) 2000 : 209-218
805 Experience of Treatment of Lung Cancer Patients Using Paclitaxel and Carboplatin/ Anwar Jusuf et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (1) 2000 : 43-48
806 Pemantauan Kadar Petanda Ganas Cyfra 21-1 dan Neuron Specific Enolase (NSE) pada Penderita Kanker Paru yang Menjalani Radioterapi (The Evaluation of Tumor Marker Cytra 21-1 and Neuron Specific Enolase (NSE) in the Lung Carcinoma Patients that had Radiotherapy)/ Ermita Magdalena et. al.- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (4) 2000 : 145-155
799 Aspek Ergonomi Faktor Risiko Nyeri Pinggang (Ergonomic Aspects of the Risk Factors of Low Back Pain)/K. Tirtayasa.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (109) 2000 : 114-119 LUNG 800 Faal Paru pada Obesitas (Lung Function in Obesity)/Pasiyan Rahmatullah; Jaowenny Lindajana Lolo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (5) 2000 : 224-230
807 Pengaruh Kunyit Putih (Curcuma alba) terhadap Perkembangan Tumor Paru yang Diinduksi Benzo(a) Piren pada Mencit/Mus musculus [The Effects of Kunyit Putih (Curcuma alba) on the Develompent of Benzo(a) Pyrene Induced Lung Tumours in Mice/Mus musculus]/Nurmawati Rasyid et. al.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (4) 2000 : 249255
LUNG DISEASES, FUNGAL 801 Infeksi Jamur di Paru (Pulmonary Mycosis)/ Wibowo Suryatenggara.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (3) 2000 : 92-93 802 Jamur Paru sebagai Penyebab Batuk Darah (Pulmonary Mycosis as a Cause of Hemoptysis)/Ismid D.I. Busroh.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (3) 2000 : 109-114
LUNG VOLUME MEASUREMENTS 808 Hubungan antara Jenis Pekerjaan dengan Penurunan Volume Ekspirasi Paksa Satu Detik Pertama pada Pekerja Mebel Kayu X di Jakarta (The Relationship between Type of Works and Lung Capacity in the First Second on Workers in X Furniture Industry at Jakarta)/Martiem Mawi.-J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 19 (1) 2000 : 38-44
LUNG DISEASES, OBSTRUCTIVE 803 Gambaran Penderita PPOK yang Dirawat di Bagian Pulmonologi (Profile of COPD Patients Who Admitted to Department of
Asmara.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw ., 16 (2) 2000 : 29-34
LUPUS 809 Pengamatan 8 Tahun terhadap Kontrol Vaskulities Rematoid dan Remisi Bebas Terapi Vaskulitis Lupus (An Eight Years Observation of Long-Term Control of Rheumatoid Vasculitis Under Maintenance Therapy and Treatment-Free Remission of Lupus Vasculitis)/J. Darmawan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (7) 2000 : 358-362
MALARIA 815 Anopheles sundaicus Vektor Malaria di Daerah Pantai Bekas Hutan Mangrove di Kecamatan Padang Cermin, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan, Indonesia (Anopheles sundaicus as Malaria Vector at Mangrove Deforested Coastal Areas in Padang Cermin Subdistrict, South Lampung Regency, Indonesia)/N. Sushanti Idris-Idram et. al.-Bul. Penelit. Kesehat ., 28 (3&4) 2000 : 481489
LUPUS NEPHRITIS 810 Lupus Nephritis among Children in Indonesia/Husein Alatas.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (4) 2000 : 265-270
816 Deteksi Spesies Parasit Malaria yang Menginfeksi Manusia dengan Teknik PCR (Detection of Malaria Species which Infected to Human by PCR Tehnique)/Indri Safitri.-Dexa Media, 13 (3) 2000 : 10-14
LYMPHOMA, NON-HODGKIN 811 Limfoma Malignum Non Hodgkin pada Hidung dan Sinus Maksilaris (Non-hodgkin Malignum Lymphoma on Nose and Maxillary Sinus)/Bidasari Lubis; Nelly Rosdiana; Adi Sutjipto.-- Medika, 26 (3) 2000 : 191-193
817 Low Performance of Doctors and Health Personnel in Malaria Treatment in North Celebes : Base Line Data towards Evidence Based Health Care/Gunawi L.;Suryawati S.;Tjokrosonto S..-- Indon. J. of Clinical Epidemiol. & Biostatistics, 7 (1) 2000 : 19-21
812 Penanganan Lymfoma Non Hodgkin Saluran Cerna (The Management of Digestive Nonhodkin's Lymphoma)/Ruyandi Hutasoit.-Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (42) 2000 : 12-22
818 Malaria pada Kehamilan (Malaria in Pregnancy)/Johanis Manginte.-- Medika, 26 (10) 2000 : 639-641
LYSOSOMES 813 Defisiensi Protein Kinase C akan Menghambat Pembentukan Granula Lisosom Makrofag Mencit Balb/c In Vitro (Deficiency of Protein Kinase C could Inhibit Lysosome Granules Formation of Macrophages Mice Balb/c)/Adi Prayitno; Noerhayati Soeripto; Widya Asmara.-- Nexus, 13 (1) 2000 : 32-38 MACROPHAGES
819 Penentuan Dosis Insektisida Talstar (Bifenthrin) terhadap Vektor Malaria [The Determine of Talstar (Biphenthrin) Dose against Malaria Vectors]/Barodji; Sustriayu Nalim; Soelarto.-- Medika, 26 (4) 2000 : 221225
814 Interaksi antara Konsentrasi Bisidolylmaleimides dengan Waktu Terpapar pada Mobilitas Makrofag Mencit Balb/c (The Interaction between the Bisindolylmaleimides Concentration and the Time Explanation of the Balb/c Mice Macrophage Mobility)/Adi Prayitno; Noerhayati Soeripto; Widya
820 Review Malaria di Puskesmas Samigaluh II, Kabupaten Kulonprogo, DIY, 1998 (Malaria Review at Samigaluh II Community Health Center, Kulonprogo District, Yogyakarta, 1998)/Hadi Suwasono et. al.-- Medika, 26 (4) 2000 : 216-220
Surabaya)/Rahayu.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (3) 2000 : 89-94
MALARIA, FALCIFARUM 821 Malaria Falsiparum dengan Komplikasi Gagal Akut (Falciparum Malaria with Acute Failure Complication)/Iwan Purnawan.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti , 19 (1) 2000 : 1-6
MALPRACTICE 827 Perlindungan Hukum bagi Dokter terhadap Masalah Kelainan dan Resiko Pasien dalam Perkara Tindak Medik/Medical Mal Practec (Law Protection for Physician against the Malpractice)/Sarmili Haryono.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 206-210
822 Recrudescence of Malaria Falciparum Detected with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and not with In-vivo Microscopy/ Soesanto Tjokrosonto.-- Indon. J. of Clinical Epidemiol. & Biostatistics, 7 (1) 2000 : 25-27
828 Tanggung Jawab Hukum Rumah Sakit Bila Terjadi Kesalahan/Pelanggaran dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan (Hospitals Responsibility if There is any Malpractice)/ Ngesti Lestari.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 16 (2) 2000 : 56-59
823 Relationship between Nutritional Status and Parasite Density in Malaria Falciparum Cases in Tombatu, Minahasa, North Sulawesi, Indonesia/ Mohammad Rudiansyah; Soesanto Tjokrosonto; Drajat Boediman.-- Indon. J. of Clinical Epidemiol. & Biostatistics, 7 (1) 2000 : 13-15
MANDIBULAR CONDYLE 829 Deteksi Fraktur Kondilus (Detection of Condylar Fracture)/Asti Arumsari.-- Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi : Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 : 77-82
MALOCCLUSION 824 Penentuan Derajat Keparahan Malaoklusi dengan Menggunakan Occlusal Index dan PAR Index (Malocclusion Severity Assessment Using Occlusal and PAR Index)/ Pambudi Rahardjo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 33 (3) 2000 : 109-111
MANDIBULAR DISEASES 830 Abses Subkutan pada Angulus Mandibula Akibat Komplikasi Molar Pertama Rahang Atas Kanan yang Gangren (Subcutaneous Abscess at Right Angelus of Mandible Caused by Complication of Gangrene at First Molar of the Right Maxilla)/Bambang Surjanto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 33 (4) 2000 : 133-135
825 Perbedaan Harga Diri Remaja Lanjutan Suku Sunda yang Mengalami Maloklusi pada Tingkat Pendapatan Keluarga Berbeda di Bandung (The Performance of Adolescences with Dental Malocclusion on Sundaness in Some Differences of Economic Condition in Bandung)/Bergman Thahar.-- Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi : Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 : 150-157
MASS FRAGMENTOGRAPHY 831 Analysis of Turmerone Derivatives in Volatile Oil Isolated from Curcuma longa L (Gas Chromatographic-Mass Spectrometric Approach)/Retno S. Sudibyo.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (2) 2000 : 72-76
826 Prevalensi Malaoklusi Geligi Penderita Adenotonsilities Obstruksi di Bagian THT RSUD DR. Soetomo Surabaya (The Prevalence of Dental Malocclusion of Patient with Adenotor Obstruction at ENT Department of RSUD Dr. Soetomo
832 Gas Chromatogrephic-Mass Spectrometric Analysis of the Main Component of Volatile Oil Isolated from Curcuma Zedoaria Rosc/
Retno S. Sudibyo.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (1) 2000 : 39-44
(The Profile of Maternal Mortality at Fatmawati Hospital during January 1997 August 1999)/Supardi A. Walujo.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (4) 2000 : 132-135
MASS MEDIA 833 Aktivitas Ibu dalam Organisasi dan Paparan terhadap Media Massa dalam Penyimpangan Positif Status Gizi Anak Balita (Mother's Activities in Organization and Mass Media Exposure Related to Positive Deviation of Nutritional Status in Under Five Children)/ Sihadi; Sandjaja; Sudjasmin.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat ., 28 (3&4) 2000 : 453-459
MAXILLARY FRACTURES 839 Perawatan Fraktur Maksila Vertikal dan Horizontal dengan Interosseous Wiring (The Management of Vertical and Horizontal Factures of the Maxilla with Interosseous Wiring)/Bambang Widjanarko.-Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi : Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 : 27-30
MASSAGE 834 Pengaruh Fisiologis Massage terhadap Pembekuan Darah dan Fibrinolisis (The Effect of Physiology Massage through the Fibrinolysis and Blood Coagulation)/ Angelheart Joy Maynard Rattu.-- Maj. Kedokter. Univ. Samratulangi , 2 (2) 2000 : 228-238
MAXILLARY SINUSITIS 840 Diagnosis Sinusitis Maksilaris Tuberkulosa (Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Maxillary Sinusitis)/Robert A.H. Hasibuan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (45) 2000 : 22-25
841 Limfoma Malignum Non Hodgkin pada Hidung dan Sinus Maksilaris (Non-hodgkin Malignum Lymphoma on Nose and Maxillary Sinus)/Bidasari Lubis; Nelly Rosdiana; Adi Sutjipto.-- Medika, 26 (3) 2000 : 191-193
835 Faktor Prognosa dan Risiko Kematian Maternal pada Pre-eklampsia-Eklampsia (Prognosis Factor and Maternal Mortality Risk in Women with Pre-eclampsia and Eclapmsia)/Heriyono; Djaswadi Dasuki.-Berita Kedokter. Masy., 16 (1) 2000 : 33-39
842 Penanggulangan Terbukanya Sinus Maksilaris Akibat Ekstraksi Gigi Posterior Rahang Atas (The Management of Opened Maxillary Sinus Caused by Upper Jaw Posterior Tooth Extraction)/Setyo Harnowo.-Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi : Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 : 110112
836 Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kematian Maternal di Kotamadya Bitung (Factors Related to the Maternal Mortality in Bitung)/Freddy W. Wagey.-- Maj. Kedokter. Univ. Samratulangi, 2 (2) 2000 : 219-227 837 Peran Dokter Perusahaan Pertanian dalam Menurunkan Angka Kematian Ibu (The Physician's Role in Agriculture Firm to Decrease the Maternal Mortality Rate)/ Samsriyaningsih Handayani.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 721-724
843 Resistensi Beberapa Kuman Penyebab Sinusitis Maksila terhadap Ampisilin di SMF Kesehatan THT RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang (The Bacterial Resistance Caused of Maxillary Sinusitis against Ampicillin at Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang)/Muyassaroh; Suprihati.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (2) 2000 : 73-76
838 Profil Kematian Maternal di RS Fatmawati pada Bulan Januari 1997 - Agustus 1999
Surrounding)/Sitti Fatimah Syahid; Nur Ajijah; Cheppy Syukur.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 65-68
MEASLES 844 Pengembangan Program Immunisasi Campak WHO di Wilayah Asia Tenggara (The Development of WHO Measles Immunization Program in Southeast Asia)/ Sriana Azis; Sri Endreswari.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 739-743
850 Pemanfaatan Obat Asli Indonesia untuk Pengobatan Hiperurisemia dan Gout (The Advantage of Indonesian Traditional Medicine through Hyperuricemia and Gout Therapy)/Suprapto Ma'at.-- Meridian, 7 (1) 2000 : 47-64
MEASLES VACCINE 845 Hubungan antara Anemi dan Status Besi dengan Status Imunitas pada Anak yang Mendapat Vaksinasi Campak (The Relationship between Anemia, Iron Status and Immune Status of Children Vaccinated with Measles Vaccine)/Susi Suwarti et. al.-Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 80-85
851 Pemeriksaan Mikrobiologi Jamu Gendong (Microbiological Examination of Traditional Drugs)/Lestari Handayani; Suharmiati.-Medika, 26 (7) 2000 : 424-428 852 Pengaruh Pemberian Air Perasan Rimpang Jahe terhadap Farmakokinetika Propranolol pada Tikus (Effect of the Ginger rhizomes Juice through the Pharmacokinetics of Propranolol on Rats)/Arief Rahman Hakim; Lukman Hakim.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (1) 2000 : 10-16
MEDICAL RECORDS 846 Aspek Hukum Wajib Simpan Rahasia Kedokteran (The Law Aspects of Concerning the Secrets of Medical Records)/Amri Amir.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 251254
853 Pengaruh Pemberian Perasan Rimpang Jahe (Zingiber officinale, Rose) terhadap Farmakokinetika Salisilat pada Kelinci (The Effect of Ginger rhizome Juice on Salicicylate Pharmacokinetics in Rabbits)/Nining Sugihartini; Lukman Hakim.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (3) 2000 : 136-141
MEDICINE, TRADITIONAL 847 Drafting Paten Obat Tradisional dan Permasalahannya : Bengle dan Jambu Biji sebagai Studi Kasus (Patent Drafting of Traditional Medicine and its Problem : Zingiber purpureum and Psidi guava as a Case Study)/L. Broto S. Kardono.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 125-128
854 Pengaruh Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) untuk Meningkatkan Nafsu Makan pada Penderita Anoreksia Primer [The Effect of Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb Powder as an Appetite Stimulant among Anorexic Patients]/ SW. Setianingrum; Edhie Santosa Rachmat.- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (7) 2000 : 332339
848 Obat Tradisional Ditinjau dari Aspek Toksikologi (Traditional Drugs : Reviewed from the Toxicological Aspect)/Amir Syarif.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 748-749
849 Pemanfaatan Bengle sebagai Obat Tradisional : Studi Kasus di Beberapa Daerah Sekitar Bogor (The Advantage of Bengle as a Traditional Medicine : A Case Study in Several Areas in Bogor and
855 Rare Case of Melanoma Studied for its Histopathological Features in Indonesia/ Achmad Tjarta et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (2) 2000 : 93-99
Pascamenopause yang Senam Secara Teratur dan yang Tidak Teratur (Decreasing of Blood Glutathione and Increasing of Methemoglobin Concentration after Physical Fitness Test on Post Menopause Women who Exercise Regularly and Irregularly)/Yoni Astuti et. al.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 8 (3) 2000 : 63-71
MENOPAUSE 856 Pengaruh Pemberian Terapi Hormon Pengganti Estrogen terhadap Indeks "Stiffness" Arteri Karotis pada Wanita PascaMenopause (The Effect of Estrogen Replacement Therapy through the Stiffness Index of Carotial Artery in Post Menopausal Women)/Susi Herminingsih et. al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (3) 2000 : 122-128
METHOTREXATE 862 Metotreksat Dosis Tinggi pada Pengobatan Intestif Leukemia Limtoblastik Akut Anak (High Dose Methotrexate in Intensive Treatment of Acute Lymptoblactic Leukemia on Child)/Khainir Akbar.-- Medika, 26 (3) 2000 : 172-175
857 Peranan Latihan Fisik terhadap Kepadatan Tulang Kaitannya dengan Wanita Menopause (The Impact of Physical Fitness through the Bone Density Related to Menopause)/Suharyuni.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 2 (4) 2000 : 148-152
863 Radikal Bebas sebagai Prediktor Aterosklerosis pada Tikus Wistar Diabetes Melitus (Free Radical as an Atherosclerosis Predictor on Diabetes Mellitus Rat)/Zainal Musthafa; Gatot S. Mawrence; Arifin Seweang.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (127) 2000 : 30-31
858 Sikap Pasien Mental terhadap Usaha Penyembuhan (The Attitude of Mental Disorder Patient through the Recovery)/ Hanafi Muljohardjono; Sasanti Yuniar.-- Jiwa, 33 (3) 2000 : 229-237 MERCURY POISONING 859 Minamata Mengancam Anak Indonesia ? (Is Minamata Treaterning Indonesian Children ?)/Juli Soemirat; Mindriany Syafila; Dian Anggraena.-- J. Toksikol. Indon., 1 (1) 2000 : 13-19
MICROSURGERY 864 Bedah Mikro Perkembangan dalam Bedah Rekontruksi (Microsurgery : Development in Reconstructive Surgery)/Gwendy Aniko; Thendeus Octavianus Hari Prasetyono.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (9) 2000 : 418-427
METHANOL 860 Identitas dan Aktivitas Anti Fertilitas Ekstrak Metanol dan Salah Satu Komponen Daun Benalu (Dendrophthoe petandra L Miq) pada Mencit Jantan [The Identity and Antifertility Activity of One Compound from the Methanol Extract of the Leaves of Dendrophthoe petandra L Miq on Male Mice]/G.N. Astika.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (2) 2000 : 116-121
MIDWIFERY 865 Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Pelatihan Ketrampilan Kegawatdaruratan Obstetri dan Neonatal bagi Bidan Desa di Kabupaten Wonosobo, Jateng (Evaluation of the Implementation Training of Neonatal and Obstetrical Emergency to Midwifery at Wonosobo, Central Java)/Agung Suhadi; Mohammad Hakimi.-- Medika, 26 (3) 2000 : 148-152
METHEMOGLOBIN 861 Penurunan Kadar Glutation Darah dan Peningkatan Persentase Methemoglobin Setelah Uji Kesegaran Jasmani pada Wanita
866 The Impact of a Quality Assurance Program on Midwife Performance of Conducting History Taking and Physical Examination/Ali
Ghufron Mukti.-- Indon. J. of Clinical Epidemiol. & Biostatistics, 7 (1) 2000 : 8-12
the Effectiveness of Oral Misoprostol and Oxitocyn Infusion for Cervical Ripening)/ Binarwan Halim.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 24 (2) 2000 : 82-87
867 Paradigma Sehat Tantangan dalam Pelayanan Kebidanan Prima (Health Paradigm as a Challange to became the Obstetrical Primary Services)/H. Aman Nasution.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy . Indon., 28 (6) 2000 : 339-343
MOLAR 874 Abses Subkutan pada Angulus Mandibula Akibat Komplikasi Molar Pertama Rahang Atas Kanan yang Gangren (Subcutaneous Abscess at Right Angelus of Mandible Caused by Complication of Gangrene at First Molar of the Right Maxilla)/Bambang Surjanto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 33 (4) 2000 : 133-135
MIGRAINE 868 Depresi pada Penderita Migren (Depression in Migraine Patients)/Ezther Haryanto; MS. Hartono; MN. Jenie.-- Jiwa, 33 (4) 2000 : 305-319
MOLECULAR STRUCTURE 875 Struktur Molekular dan Peran Biokimia Lipoprotein Densitas Rendah serta Proteksi terhadap Modifikasinya (Molecular Structure and Biochemical Roles of Low Density Lipoprotein, the Protections against its Modifications)/Sri Rahajoe Asj'ari.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (8) 2000 : 389-392
869 Profil Kepribadian Penderita Migren dan Nyeri Kepala Tegang (Personality Profile of Migraine and Headache Patients)/Tatia A.; MS Hartono; MN. Jenie.-- Jiwa, 33 (4) 2000 : 293-303 MIKROBIOLOGY 870 Pemeriksaan Mikrobiologi Jamu Gendong (Microbiological Examination of Traditional Drugs)/Lestari Handayani; Suharmiati.-Medika, 26 (7) 2000 : 424-428
876 Monocyte Chemoatractant Protein-1 in Glomerular Disease and Renal Transplantation/Wiguno Prodjosudjadi.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (1) 2000 : 13-17
MINERALS 871 Contents of Disease Related Minerals of Foods in West Java/Hermana; Mien Karmini.- Maj. Gizi Indon., (24) 2000 : 65-71
MONOPHENOL MONOOXYGENASE 877 Penentuan Aktivitas Spesifik Tirosinase dari Jamur Merang (Determination of Tyrosinase Specific Activity of Volvariella volvaceace)/ Wuryanti; Darmin Sumardjo; Haris Budiatna.- Media Medika Indon., 35 (3) 2000 : 113-116
MISOPROSTOL 872 Laporan Pendahuluan : Induksi Persalinan dengan Misoprostol Intravagina (Labor Induction with Intravaginal Misoprostol : Preliminary Report)/Dini Danukusumo; Supardi A. Walujo; Azwin Saat.--Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (4) 2000 : 122-123
MORBIDITY 878 Upaya Menekan Morbiditas dan Mortalitas pada Penderita Luka Bakar dengan Nutrisi Enteral Dini (The Effort to Decreasing the Morbidity and Mortality in Burn Patients by the Early Enterable Nutrition)/Theddeus Octavianus Hari Prasetyono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (9) 2000 : 428-435
873 Uji Komparatif Effektifitas Tablet Oral Misoprostol dengan Infus Oksitosin untuk Pematangan Serviks (Comparative Test to
Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi : Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 : 113-128
MORTALITY 879 Pengaruh Krisis Ekonomi terhadap Kasus Kematian di Bangsal Anak RSUD A.W. Sjahranie, Samarinda (The Impact of Monetary Crisis through the Mortality Case at Pediatric Ward A.W Sjahranie, Samarinda) /Indra Tamboen.-- Medika, 26 (1) 2000 : 3941
MULTIPLE MYELOMA 885 Perbandingan Daya Hambat Pertumbuhan Sel Mieloma antara Maserasi Benalu Duku dan Benalu Teh dengan Metotreksat (The Comparison of the Efficacy to Inhibit Myeloma Cells between at Duku Benalu and Tea Benalu Versus Metotrexate)/Roostantia Indrawati; Mochamad Lazuardi; Ratna Sofaria Munir.-- Ebers Papyrus, 6 (1) 2000 : 13-21
880 Pengaruh Minyak Atsiri dan Ekstrak Bengle terhadap Mortalitas Tribolium casteneum (The Effect of Essential Oils and Extract of Zingiber cossumunar on the Mortality of Tribolium casteneum)/ Bariyah Baringbing; Hernani.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 97-99
MUTAGENICITY TESTS 886 Kajian Keamanan Propoksur dan Dietiltoluamida: Uji Efek Mutagenik Menggunakan Sistem Mutasi Balik (Reviewed of the Safety of Propoxur and Diethyltoluamide : The Mutagenic Effect Using Reverse Mutation)/Sri Endreswari; Ida Kristiani.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 750-753
881 Upaya Menekan Morbiditas dan Mortalitas pada Penderita Luka Bakar dengan Nutrisi Enteral Dini (The Effort to Decreasing the Morbidity and Mortality in Burn Patients by the Early Enterable Nutrition)/Theddeus Octavianus Hari Prasetyono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (9) 2000 : 428-435
887 Resistance Pattern of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis of First-Line/Tjahjani Mirawati Sudiro et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (3) 2000 : 153-156
882 Plastisitas Peta Somatropik pada Korteks Motorik (The Plasticity of the Somathropic Map in Motor Cortex)/Ginus Partadiredja.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (6) 2000 : 304-311
MYCOSES MOUTH Thermocycling Machine Simulator Mulut (Thermocycling Mechine, Simulator)/Archadian Nuryanti.-Kedokter. Gigi (MIKGI), 11 (4) 2000 :
888 Pengambilan dan Pengiriman Bahan Klinik ke Laboratorium untuk Diagnosis Mikosis (Collecting and Sending the Clinical Specimen to the Laboratory to Diagnoses of Mycoses)/Irma S.M. Delima.-Ebers Papyrus, 6 (4) 2000 : 201-210
883 Rongga Mouth Maj. 61-62
MOUTH DISEASES 884 Sistim Informasi Kesehatan: Penyakit Gigi dan Mulut menurut International Statistical Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10 (Health Information System : Dental and Oral Diseases Based on International Statistical Classification of Diseases/ICD-10)/Tintin Farihatini.-- Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah
MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION 889 Aneurisma Ventrikel Kiri, VSD dan Mitral Regurgitas Akibat Miokard Infark Akut (Left Ventricular Aneurysm, VSD and Mitral Regurgitation Caused by Acute Myocardial Infarction)/Paul Tahalele et. al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (4) 2000 : 198-201
Narcotics Abuse Parmadi Siwi Jakarta Year 1998)/Nurhayati; Sudarto Ronoatmojo.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 101-107
890 Kejadian Efek Samping Terapi Trombolitik pada Penanganan Infark Miokard Akut di Unit Emergensi Kardiak RS. Fatmawati (The Incidents of Side Effect on Thrombolitic Therapy through the Management of Acute Myocardial Infraction at Cardiac Emergency Unit, Fatmawati Hospital)/Titis Widowati.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (5) 2000 : 177-179
896 Pengobatan Penderita Pencandu Narkoba di Surabaya dengan Akupunktur (The Management of Narcotics Dependence by Acupuncture in Surabaya)/IGN. Darmawan Budianto.-- Meridian, 7 (1) 2000 : 13-16
897 Profil Keluarga Adiksi Narkoba dan Deteksi Dini (Family Profile of Narcotics Dependence Patient and its Early Detection)/Al Bachri Husin.-- Seminar Workshop Bebaskan Anak Bangsa dari Ancaman Narkoba, 2000 : 1-6
891 Miofibroma dan Miofibromatosis (Myofibroma and Myofibromatosis)/Diah Rini Handjari; Saukani Gumay.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (2) 2000 : 127-133
892 Miofibroma dan Miofibromatosis (Myofibroma and Myofibromatosis)/Diah Rini Handjari; Saukani Gumay.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (5) 2000 : 239-244
898 Aspek Neurologik Ketergantungan Opiat (The Neurological Aspect of Opium Dependence)/ Nurmiati Amir.-- Jiwa, 33 (4) 2000 : 367-378
MYOPIA 893 Hubungan antara Intensitas Cahaya dan Sikap Kerja dengan Kejadian Myopia pada Pekerja Kimono di Peliatan Ubud Gianyar (The Relationship of Light Intensity and Working Posture with Myopia in Workers of Kimono in Feliatan, Ubud, Gianyar)/Ni Ketut Niti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (109) 2000 : 141-145
899 Faktor-faktor yang Berperan pada Ketergantungan Opioid (Factors Related through the Opioid Dependence)/Nurmiati Amir.-- Jiwa, 33 (3) 2000 : 269-277 900 Kasus-kasus Endokarditis Akibat Penyalahgunaan Narkoba (Endocarditis Cases Caused by Narcotics Abuse)/Anna Ulfah Rahayoe.-- Seminar dan Workshop Bebaskan Anak Bangsa dari Ancaman Narkoba, 2000 : 1-4
NARCOLEPSY 894 Aplikasi Akupunktur Anjing yang Menderita Narkolepsi : Studi Kasus (The Application of Acupuncture on a Dog Diagnosed with Narcolepsy : A Case Report)/Anita Asali.-Meridian, 7 (2) 2000 : 119-122 NARCOTIC DEPENDENCE
901 Napza dan Permasalahannya pada Remaja (Narcotics and its Problem in Youth)/Linda T. Maas.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (7) 2000 : 371-373
895 Gambaran Karakteristik Penderita Penyalahgunaan Obat di Rumah Perawatan Anak dan Penyalahgunaan Narkotik Pamardi Siwi Jakarta 1998 (The Description of Characteristics of Medicine Abuse Sufferers at Housecare of Juvenile Delinquent and
902 Penanganan Over Dosis Narkoba di UGD (The Management of Over Dose Narcotics at the Emergency Unit)/Ganda P. Sibabiat.-Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (44) 2000 : 21-25
Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (45) 2000 : 7-12
903 Penatalaksanaan Penyalahgunaan Napza (The Management of Narcotics Abuse)/Dwi Karlina.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (45) 2000 : 13-21
910 Karsinoma Nasofaring : Penatalaksanaan Radiodiagnostik (Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma : The Radiodiagnostical Implementation)/ Abdul Rasyid.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (8) 2000 : 399-404
904 Pengaruh Ecstasy bagi Kesehatan Jiwa dan Raga (The Effect of Ecstasy through the Physical and Mental Health)/I. Nasution.-Media Medika Indon., 35 (2) 2000 : 93-98
911 p53 Protein Over Expression in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Indonesian Patients/A.N. Kurniawan; Anthony S-Y Leong.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (3) 2000 : 209316
905 Pengenalan Alat Deteksi Dini dengan Uji Lab Narkoba On-the-spot (Introducing the Early Detection Tools Using On-the-Spot Narcotics Laboratory Test)/Benny Kurniawan.-Seminar dan Workshop Bebaskan Anak Bangsa dari Ancaman Narkoba, 2000 : 1-2
912 Pengobatan 8 Kasus Karsinoma Nasofaring Stadium Lanjut dengan Radiasi dan Paklitaksel sebagai Sensitisasi Laporan Pendahuluan (Chemoradiation Therapy in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma with Paclitaxed as Radiosensitizer)/Averdi Reozin.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (12) 2000 : 540-543
906 Zat Narkotik dan Adiktif yang Digunakan oleh Para Pasien Pengguna Zat di RS Khusus Hurip Waluyo (Narcotic and Adhitive Matter Use on Substance Abuse Patients at Hurip Waluyo Hospital)/Chatidjah Satriyo Wibowo.- Jiwa, 33 (3) 2000 : 261-268
913 Symptoms and Signs of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma : Clinical Parameters for Diagnosis, an Analysis of 166 Cases/ Maesadjie Tjokronagoro.-Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (2) 2000 : 119-125
NASOPHARYNGEAL NEOPLASMS 907 Concomitant Use of Sandwich Neo Adjuvant and Adjuvant Chemotherapy CAP Regimen + Conventional Radiotherapy for Treating Local Advance Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma/ Maesadjie Tjokronagoro.-Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (3) 2000 : 201-207
914 Tipe Epstein Barr Virus Berdasarkan Analisis Molekuler Gena EBNA pada Penderita Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma di Yogyakarta (Type of Epstein Virus Barr Based on Analyzed of EBNA Gene Molecular in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patient in Yogyakarta)/Harijadi; Aris Haryanto; Wijayanti.-- Berita Kedokter. Masy ., 16 (1) 2000 : 3-8
908 Epidemiologi dan Etiologi Karsinoma Nasofaring (Epidemiological and Etiological of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma)/Ramsi Lutan; Indra Zachreni.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 224-226
NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS 915 Sensitivitas Kuman Neisseria meningitidis yang Diisolasi dari Jamaah Haji Indonesia terhadap Beberapa Antibiotik (The Sensitivity of Neisseria meningitidis to Several Antibiotics from Indonesia Pilgrims Haj)/
909 Karsinoma Nasofaring yang Menyebar ke Sinus Maksilaris dan Retro Orbita (Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Expansion to Maxillary Sinus and Retro Orbital Areas)/ Robert A.H. Hasibuan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. 78
Muljati Prijanto et. al.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat ., 28 (2) 2000 : 429-434
Breast Cancer Cell on Mus mucullus L CH3)/Yun Astuti Nugroho; Budi Nuratmi; Suhardi.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (127) 2000 : 15-17
NEOPLASMS 916 Akupunktur pada Cancer Cachexia (Acupuncture Treating Cancer Cachexia)/Koosnadi Saputra.-- Meridian, 7 (2) 2000 : 76-81
NEPHRITIS 923 Nefritis Bakterial Fokal Akut pada Anak (Acute Focal Bacterial Nephritis in Children) Husein Albar; Syarifuddin Rauf; Thomas Harry Adoe.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (7) 2000 : 353-357
917 Efek Dadih terhadap Kanker yang Diinduksi dengan Benzopirene (The Effect of Fermented Cow's Milk (Dadih) through the Inducted Cancer by Benzopirene)/M.H. Mukhtar; I. Made Sugita; Elza Gustanti.-- J. Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi , 5 (1) 2000 : 14
NEPHROTIC SYNDROME 924 Remisi Lengkap Proteinuria dan Remisi Bebas-Terapi Sindrom Nefrotik : Pengamatan 10 Tahun (Complete Remission of Proteinuria and Treatment Free Remission of Nephrotic Syndrome)/John Darmawan.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (6) 2000 : 312-316
918 Hospital Based Cancer Registry in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta/Wilfried Herdin Sibuea et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (3) 2000 : 181-203
925 Sindrom Nefrotik (Nephrotic Syndrome)/ Poltak Hutagalung.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (44) 2000 : 1-10
919 Kehamilan dengan Tumor Intrakranial (Intracranial Tumor in Pregnancy)/Riani Indiyarti; Sri Erni Istiawati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (9) 2000 : 442-446
NEUROLEPTIC MALIGNANT SYNDROME 926 Sindrom Neuroleptik Maligna dengan Disregulasi Sistem Saraf Simpatik (Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome with Neuro Sympathic System Disregulation)/Theresia MD. Kaunang.-- Jiwa, 33 (4) 2000 : 379-389
920 Penatalaksanaan Tumor Testis pada Masa Kini (The Management of Testis Tumor Nowaday)/Anreas Anri L.; Sabilal Alif.-Medika, 26 (3) 2000 : 176-181
NEUROLOGIC MANIFESTATION 921 Terapi Kanker pada Tingkat Molekuler (Cancer Therapy in Molecullar Level)/ Rochestry Sofyan.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (127) 2000 : 5-10
927 Aspek Neurologik Ketergantungan Opiat (The Neurological Aspect of Opium Dependence)/Nurmiati Amir.-- Jiwa, 33 (4) 2000 : 367-378
922 Daya Hambat Benalu Teh (Scurulla atropurpurea BI. Danser) terhadap Proliferasi Sel Tumor Kelenjar Susu Mencit (Mus musculus L) C3H (Scurulla atropurpurea BI. Danser Blocker through the Polyferation of
928 Analisa Pengaktifan Neutron dan Manfaatnya dalam Bidang Kedokteran (The Analyzed of Neutron Activity and its Advantage in Medical Sector)/Mukhlis Akhadi.-- Medika, 26 (1) 2000 : 42-45
Kecamatan Leuwiliang, Kabupaten Bogor (Nutrition Content and Food Safety Aspects of School Feeding Program at Melati Preliminary School and MI Uli, in Cibeber II Village, Leuwiliang, Bogor District)/Dwi Retno Handayani et. al.-- Media Gizi dan Kel uarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 172-176
NITRIC OXIDE 929 Location and Distribution Pattern of Nitric Oxide Synthesizing Neuronal Cells in the Digestive Tract and Urinary Blander of Mice/ Ahmad Aulia Jusuf.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (4) 2000 : 240-247 930 Pengaruh Pemberian Terapi Hormon Pengganti Kombinasi Dosis Rendah terhadap Kadar Nitric Oxide pada Wanita Pasca-Menopause (The Effect of Low Dose of Hormone Replacement Therapy through the Nitric Oxide on Post Menopausal Women)/Muharam Bastari et al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (4) 2000 : 177-183
935 Gizi bagi Manusia Usia Lanjut (Nutrition in the Elderly)/Sihadi.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (7) 2000 : 400-403 936 Kajian Mutu Gizi dan Uji Biologis Minyak Goreng Nabati (Nutrients Content and Biological Test of Vegetable Oil)/Ali Khomsan.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarg a, 24 (2) 2000 : 116-122
NITROGEN 931 Peningkatan Kadar Nitrogen Monoksida pada Penderita Penyakit Jantung Koroner dengan Perlakuan Enhanced External Counterpulsation (Increasing the Nitrogen Monoxide Level on Coronary Heart Disease Patient by Enhanced External Counterpulsation)/ Bambang Budiono et. al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (1) 2000 : 16-20
937 Kandungan Gizi dan Analisis Biaya Makanan Kudapan PMT-AS di Desa Cibatok II dan Desa Sukamaju, Kabupaten Bogor (Nutrient Content and Cost Analysis of School Feeding Program in Cibatok II and Sukamaju Villages, Bogor)/Hardinsyah; Maria Ekawati; Lilik Kustiyah.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 119-125
NUCLEAR MEDICINE 932 Penggunaan Teknik Nuklir dalam Bidang Kedokteran serta Risikonya bagi Kesehatan (The Usage of Medical Nuclear Technique and its Risk to Health)/Nurlaila Z.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (7) 2000 : 363-367
938 Kecukupan Gizi, Berat dan Tinggi Badan Anak Sekolah Penerima PMT-AS di Daerah Pantai dan Pegunungan NTT (Nutrient Adequacy, Body Weight and Body Height of the Children Who’s Joint the School Feeding Program at Coastal and Highland Areas of East Nusa Tenggara)/Hardinsyah; Endah Wulandari; Retnaningsih.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 177-187
NURSING 933 Partisipasi Aktif Rumah Sakit dan Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi dalam Pengembangan Keperawatan Profesional yang Islami (The Active Participation of Hospital and Education Institutions to Develop the Islamic Professional Nursing)/Azrul Azwar.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (3) 2000 : 129-131
939 Manajemen Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Zat Gizi bagi Lansia (The Management of Nutritional Intake in the Elderly)/Noor Edi Widya Sukoco; Puti Sari H.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 31 (63) 2000 : 36-43
NUTRITION 934 Aspek Gizi dan Keamanan Pangan PMT-AS di SD Melati dan MI UIi, di Desa Cibeber II,
940 Masalah Gizi di Indonesia Suatu Tantangan Abad ke-21 (Nutrition Problem in Indonesia :
A Challenge in 21st Century)/Savitri Sayogo.- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (2) 2000 : 61-62
terhadap Media Massa dalam Penyimpangan Positif Status Gizi Anak Balita (Mother's Activities in Organization and Mass Media Exposure Related to Positive Deviation of Nutritional Status in Under Five Children)/ Sihadi; Sandjaja; Sudjasmin.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat ., 28 (3&4) 2000 : 453-459
941 Nutrisi Klinik : Pengembangan Ilmu dan Penerapannya bagi Pelayanan Kesehatan (Clinical Nutrition : The Science Development and its Implementation in Health Services)/ Sri Rahayuningsih; Soemilah Sastroamidjojo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (9) 2000 : 409-412
947 Dampak Krisis Moneter terhadap Pola Pengeluaran, Status Gizi dan Kesehatan (The Impact of Monetary Crisis through the Expenditure Pattern, Nutritional Status and Health)/Hendra Budiman; Liling Pudjilestari.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 27 (12) 2000 : 693-699
942 Peranan Gizi dan Pola Asuh dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Tumbuh Kembang Anak (The Contribution of Nutrition and Infant Care Pattern to Increase the Quality of Child Development)/Husaini Mahdin Anwar .-Medika, 26 (2) 2000 : 104-111
948 The Effect of Economic Crisis on the Nutritional Status of Indonesian Pre-school Children/Atmarita et. al.-- Maj. Gizi Indon., (24) 2000 : 33-41
943 Peranan Konsumsi Ikan dalam Kecukupan Gizi dan Pencegahan Penyakit Bayi dan Balita : Studi Kasus di Daerah Rob Semarang Utara (The Contribution of Fish Consumption on Nutrition Adequacy and Disease Prevention on Underfive Years Old: A Case Study in Rob Area, North Semarang)/ SA. Nugraheni.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (3) 2000 : 127-132
949 Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Status Gizi Balita Indonesia (Factors Influencing through the Nutritional Status on Underfive in Indonesia)/Ratih Oemiati.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (7) 2000 : 404-406 950 Gambaran Perubahan Status Gizi Anak Balita Gizi Buruk Pengunjung Klinik Gizi Bogor (Profile of the Nutritional Status Changes on Malnutrition Children who Visiting the Nutrition Clinic at Bogor)/Sihadi et. al.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat ., 28 (1) 2000 : 392-398
944 Peranan Nutrisi dalam Mengatasi Stres (The Role of Nutrition to Overcome Stress)/Puspa Handayani; Dian Pratiwi.-- Ebers Papyrus, 6 (4) 2000 : 177-187 NUTRITION DISORDERS 945 Hasil Uji Kelayakan Kasus Gizi Buruk sebagai Indikator Kejadian Luar Biasa Kurang Pangan di Masyarakat (Results from the Feasibility Study on Severe Malnourished Cases as an Indicator of Outbreak of Food Shortakes in the Community)/Syarifudin Latinulu; Vita Kartika; Basuki Budiman.-Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 48-57
951 Gizi Ibu dan Anak di Kota Surakarta setelah Krisis Ekonomi (Maternal and Child Nutritional Status after Economic Crisis in Surakarta)/Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi.-- Nexus, 13 (2) 2000 : 58-61 952 Hubungan Kuantitas dan Kwalitas Pengasuhan dengan Status Gizi Anak Bawah Lima Tahun di Desa Rancamaya Kota Bogor (The Relationship Mothering and
NUTRITIONAL STATUS 946 Aktivitas Ibu dalam Organisasi dan Paparan
Nutritional Status of Under Five Children at Rancamaya Village, Bogor)/Meirita; Dwi Hastuti Martianto; Euis Sunarti.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 23-27
Krisnatuti; Retnaningsih.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 190-197 958 Kinerja Posyandu dan Status Gizi Anak Balita di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman Propinsi Sumatra Barat (The Performance of Integrated Health Service and Nutritional Status of Under Five Children in Padang Pariaman Subdistrict, West Sumatera)/ Kasmita et. al.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 1-10
953 Hubungan Umur dengan Status Gizi Calon Pengantin Wanita di Kabupaten Brebes Jawa Tengah Tahun 1999 (The Correlation between Age and Nutritional Status on Bride in Brebes, Central Java by the Year 1999)/ Sandra Fikawati; Hermawan Sabdono.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (5) 2000 : 292-295
959 Lingkar Paha sebagai Indikator Status Gizi pada Anak Usia 6-12 Tahun di SD Anjasmoro I-II Semarang (Upper Arm Circumference as an Indicator of Nutritional Status on Child Age between 6-12 Years Old at Anjasmoro I-II Primary School, Semarang)/ Puji Leksono Putranto; Wahyu Rochadi.-Media Medika Indon., 35 (4) 2000 : 193-196
954 Hubungan Status Gizi Ibu dengan Kesehatan Bayi yang Disusui melalui Pendekatan Imunoglobulin (The Relationship between Nutritional Status of the Mother and the Baby Health whose Breastfeed by Immunoglobulin Approach)/Saleh Alkatiri.-- Medika, 26 (2) 2000 : 80-91
960 Nutritional Status of School Children and Underfive Children of Mountatinous Area of Malang, East Java Indonesia/Adi Heru Sutomo.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 123-124
955 Hubungan Status Konsumsi Energi dan Status Gizi Anak Umur 6-18 Tahun Penghuni PSA di DKI Jakarta Tahun 1999 (The Relationship between Energy Consumption Status and Nutritional Status of 6-18 Years Old Orphanage Children in Jakarta 1999)/ Mochamad Rachmat; Ratna Djuwita.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 28-38
961 Relationship between Nutritional Status and Parasite Density in Malaria Falciparum Cases in Tombatu, Minahasa, North Sulawesi, Indonesia/ Mohammad Rudiansyah; Soesanto Tjokrosonto; Drajat Boediman.-- Indon. J. of Clinical Epidemiol. & Biostatistics, 7 (1) 2000 : 13-15
956 Keragaan Status Gizi Anak Sekolah Dasar Penerima Program PMT-AS di Daerah Inpres Desa Tertinggal (IDT) di Lampung Selatan (Nutritional Status Profile of Elementary School Children Receiving School Feeding Program in Less Developed Village Areas)/ Sukati; Muhamad Saidin.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat ., 28 (1) 2000 : 377-382
962 Status Gizi Anak SD di Desa Tertinggal (Nutritional Status of Primary School Children in Less-Developed Villages)/Hardinsyah et. al.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 11-22
957 Kinerja Penyelenggaraan PMT-AS, Status Gizi dan Prestasi Belajar Anak Sekolah Dasar (The Management Performance of School Feeding Program, Nutrition Status and School Achievement of Primary School Children)/Dina Leovita Titisari; Diah
963 Status Gizi Anak Sekolah di Daerah Pendamping dan Bukan Pendamping PMT AS (Nutritional Status of School Children in
Supervised and Non-Supervised Locations of School Feeding Program)/Henny Hajatuddin et. al.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 37-42
Children its Correlation with the Degree of Obesity)/Dedi Subardja; Ponpon S. Idjradinata.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (12) 2000 : 533-539
964 Status Gizi Anak Sekolah Penerima dan Bukan Penerima PMT-AS yang Diukur dengan Dinding/Wallchart (Nutritional Status of School Feeding Program Member Compare to Program Unmember on Primary School Children Measured by Wallchart)/Rita Y. Reviyanti et. al.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 30-36
970 Hubungan Pola Makan dan Pola Aktivitas Fisik dengan Obesitas Primer pada Anak (The Relationship between Feeding, Physical Activity Pattern and Primary Obesity in Children)/Dedi Subardja et. al.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 123-131 971 Prevalensi Obesitas pada Murid Taman Kanak-kanak di Sepuluh Sekolah di Kota Surakarta (The Obesity Prevalence on Kindergarten Children at Ten Kindergartens in Surakarta)/Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi.-Nexus, 13 (1) 2000 : 27-31
965 Status Gizi Balita di Kabupaten Bogor pada Krisis Ekonomi (Nutritional Status of Underfive Years Children during Economic Crisis at Bogor District)/Dewi Permaesih et. al.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 1824
OBSTETRICS 972 Kebutuhan Evidence-Based Medicine untuk Pendidikan, Penelitian dan Pelayanan Obstetri-Ginekologi di Indonesia (The Need of Evidence-Based Medicine through the Education, Research, Obstetric and Gynecology Services in Indonesia)/ Mohammad Hakimi.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 24 (2) 2000 : 69-76
966 Studi Evaluasi PMT-AS terhadap Kesehatan dan Status Gizi Anak (Evaluation Study of School Feeding Program due to Health and Nutritional Status in Children)/Ali Khomsan.-Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (1) 2000 : 103107 OBESITY 967 Daya Kembang Dada pada Individu-individu dengan Kelebihan Berat Badan (Chest Expansion Capasity in the Individuals with Obesity)/Pasiyan Rahmatullah.-Media Medika Indon., 35 (1) 2000 : 17-21
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 973 Bahan Kimia Beracun dalam Industri dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Pekerja (Chemical Poisons Substance in Industrial Sector and its Effect through the Workers)/Satmoko Wisaksono.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (5) 2000 : 274-277
968 Faal Paru pada Obesitas (Lung Function in Obesity)/Pasiyan Rahmatullah; Jaowenny Lindajana Lolo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (5) 2000 : 224-230
974 Pengaruh Pb. terhadap Kesehatan Pekerja (The Effect of Plumbum through the Health Worker)/Hardiono.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy ., 31 (62) 2000 : 6-9
969 Hiperinsulinemia sebagai Indikator Gangguan Metabolisme pada Anak Obes Primer dan Hubungannya dengan Status Obesitas (Hiperinsulinemia as an Indicator of Metabolic Complication in Primary Obese
975 Risiko Pekerja di Sarana Kesehatan yang Berhubungan dengan Bahan Kimia Berbahaya (Some Risks through the Workers
who Work in Health Facilities Releated to Hazardous Chemicals)/Satmoko Wisaksono.- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (3) 2000 : 140-145
Approach)/Retno S. Sudibyo.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (2) 2000 : 72-76 981 The Contents of Volatile Oil Isolated from Kaempferia Galanga Rhizomes, Mass Spectroscopic Approach/Retno S. Sudibyo.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (3) 2000 : 142-149
OCTREOTIDE 976 Indikasi Penggunaan Octreotide pada Pembedahan : Pengalaman di Surabaya (The Indication of the Usage of Octreotide in Surgery : The Experiance in Surabaya)/ Soetamto Wibowo.-- Medika, 26 (4) 2000 : 237-241
982 Gas Chromatographic-Mass Spectrometric Analysis of the Main Component of Volatile Oil Isolated from Curcuma Zedoaria Rosc/ Retno S. Sudibyo.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (1) 2000 : 39-44
OFLOXACIN 977 Efektifitas Ofloxacin Tetes Telinga pada Otitis Media Purulenta Akuta Perforata di Poliklinik THT RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang Uji Klinis, Spektrum, dan Uji Kepekaan Kuman Aerob (The Effectiveness of Ofloxacin Ear Drops on Purulent Otitis Media at ENT Polyclinic Dr. Syaiful Anwar Hospital, Malang : Clinical Test, Spectrum and Sensitivity Test of Aerob Bacterium)/Rus Suheryanto.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (128) 2000 : 49-51
983 Komponen Kimia dan Efek Antibakteri Minyak Atsiri Kulit Buah dan Daun Jeruk Kasturi/Citrus Microcarpa Bunge (Chemical Components and Antibacterial Effect of Essential Oils from Fruit Hull and Leaves of Cirus Microcarpa Bunge)/Yuliliasri Jamal; Praptiwi; Andria Agusta.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (2) 2000 : 77-85 984 Komponen Kimia Minyak Atsiri Pala Maba/Myristica succedanea [Chemical Components of Essential Oil of Pala Maba (Myristica succedanea)]/Andria Agusta.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (2) 2000 : 103-110
OILS, VOLATILE 978 4-Butylmenthol: A New Sesquiterpene Found in the Volatile Oil Isolated Kanferia Galanga Rhizomean and its Biosynthesis Consideration/Umar A Jenie; Retno S. Sudibyo.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (3) 2000 : 168-173
985 Pengaruh Minyak Atsiri dan Ekstrak Bengle terhadap Mortalitas Tribolium casteneum (The Effect of Essential Oils and Extract of Zingiber cossumunar on the Mortality of Tribolium casteneum)/ Bariyah Baringbing; Hernani.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 97-99
979 Aktivitas Antibakteri Sediaan Obat Kumur Berisi Minyak Atsiri Daun Sirih (Piper betle Linn) dan Analisis Komposisi Minyak Atsirinya [Antibacterial Activity of Gargle Preparation Containing Volatile Oil of Sirih (Piper betle Linn) Leaves and Its Chemical Composition]/Masykur Rachmat; Mae Sri Hartati W.; Subagus Wahyuono.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (4) 2000 : 235-240
986 Uji Toksisitas Akut dan Subkronis Minyak Atsiri Temu Kunci Boesenbergia pandurata (Roxb.) schlecht [Acute and Subchronic Toxicity Test of Essential Oil of Boesenbergia pandurata (Roxb) Schlecht]/Kusnandar Angggadireja et. al .-- J. Toksikologi Indon., 1 (1) 2000 : 33-47
980 Analysis of Turmerone Derivatives in Volatile Oil Isolated from Curcuma longa L (Gas Chromatographic-Mass Spectrometric
Basic Science to the Clinical Application)/Egi Edward Manuputty.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (12) 2000 : 555-564
OLIGOCHAETA 987 Analisis Senyawa dalam Ekstrak Cacing Tanah (Lubricus rubellus) dan Efek Aprodisiaka [Analysis of Compounds in Earthworm (Lubricus rubellus) Extract and its Aphrodisiac Effect)/Sasmito.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (4) 2000 : 224-233
ORTHODONTICS 993 Perawatan Multidisiplin pada Kasus Ortodonti Rumit (Multidisciplinary Treatment of Complicated Orthodontic Cases)/Ratna Arifzan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 33 (4) 2000 : 152-155
OLIGOSPERMIA 988 Aktivasi Respons Imun di Dalam Traktus Reproduksi Pria : Penyebab Azoospermia (The Activation of Immune Response in Male Tractus Reproduction : Caused of Azoospermia)/Arjatmo Tjokronegoro.-- Ebers Papyrus, 6 (4) 2000 : 151-169
994 Perawatan Ortodonti pada Orang Dewasa (Orthodontics Therapy in Adolescence)/ Niniek L. Pratiwi; S.K. Poerwani B.S.-Medika, 26 (10) 2000 : 661-663 ORTHOPEDICS
989 Keampuhan Kontrasepsi Testosteron yang Menyebabkan Azoospermia dan Oligozoospermia pada Pria Subur (The Effectiveness of Testosterone Contraception Caused Azoospermia and Oligozospermia in Fertile Men)/Vivit Vidyawati; Nukman Moeloek.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (8) 2000 : 385-388
995 Sitogenetika dan Genetika Molekular dalam Bidang Onkologi Orthopaedi (Cytogenesis and Molecular Genetics in Oncologycal Orthopaedics)/Errol Untung Hutagalung.-Maj. Orthopaedi Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 1-3 OSTEOARTHRITIS 996 Efek Akupunktur pada Osteoartritis Lutut (The Effect of Acupuncture through the Joint Osteoarthitis)/Mitzy Dharmawirya.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (129) 2000 : 45-48
ORAL HYGIENE 990 Hubungan antara Tingkat Pendidikan dan Pengetahuan Ibu dengan Gambaran Kebersihan Gigi (The Relationship between the Mother's Education and Knowledge through the Dental Hygiene)/Remita Adya Prasetyo; R. Darmawan Setijanto; Adi Hapsara.-- Maj.Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (4) 2000 : 140-144
997 Manfaat Suplementasi Asam Lemak Tidak Jenuh Omega-3 pada Penderita Osteoartritis (The Benefits of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Supplementation for Osteoarthritic Patients)/ Rawan Broto; Poerwono Rahardjo.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (2) 2000 : 105-110
ORBITAL NEOPLASMS 991 The Risk and Benefit of Partial Excision and Total Excision after Orbitotomy Procedures/ Supartoto A.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (3) 2000 : 179-183
998 Profil Penderita Osteoartritis Sendi Lutut Berdasarkan Kriteria Altman yang Berobat di Puskesmas Banjarejo (The Profile of Patient with Joint Osteoarthritis who Take Medicine at Banjarejo Community Health Center Base on Altman Criteria)/Muljadi Hartono.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (129) 2000 : 30-33
ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION 992 Transplantasi Organ : dari Ilmu Dasar ke Aplikasi Klinik (Organ Transplantation : From
OSTEOPOROSIS, POSTMENOPAUSAL 1006 Osteoporosis Pasca Menopause, Proses Terjadinya, Pencegahan serta Pengobatannya (Post Menopausal Osteoporosis, its Process, Prevention and Therapy)/Ali Baziad; Isnani A. Suryono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (2) 2000 : 101-109
999 Struktur Rawan Sendi dan Perubahannya pada Osteoartritis (Structure of Anxious Joint and its Change to become the Osteoarthritis)/ Harry Isbagio.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (129) 2000 : 5-8 OSTEOMYELITIS 1000 Karakteristik Osteomelitis pada Penderita Kusta (The Characteristical of Osteomyelitis in Leprosy Patients)/Jufri Latief et. al.-- Maj. Orthopaedi Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 4-8
OSTEOSARCOMA 1007 Extraskeletal Osteosarcoma pada Dorsum Pedis (Osteosarcoma Extraskeletal in Dorsum Pedis)/ Errol Untung Hutagalung et. al.-- Maj. Orthopaedi Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 6166
OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE 1001 Analisis Finansial Terapi Osteopatik Manual (OMT) bagi Perawat Medis di Suatu Rumah Sakit di Indonesia [A Financial Autocome Analysis of Osteopathic Manual Therapy as an Adjunct to Typical Medical Care in an Indonesian Hospital]/Melainie Cameron.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (12) 2000 : 549554
1008 Kecepatan Diagnosis Biopsi Aspirasi Jarum pada Osteosarkoma (The Diagnosis Velocity of Needle Biopsy Aspiration in Osteosarcoma)/Basuki Supartono; Errol Untung Hutagalung.; Sutjahyo Endardjo.-Maj. Orthopaedi Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 50-60
1009 Post-Irradiation Osteosarcoma: A Case Report/U. Hutagalung; Basuki Achmad; R. Susworo.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (4) 2000 : 281-285
1002 Metabolisme Kalsium dan Pencegahan Osteoporosis (Calcium Metabolism and the Prevention of Osteoporosis)/Liliana SJ.-Ebers Papyrus, 6 (1) 2000 : 33-42
OTITIS MEDIA, SUPPURATIVE 1003 Osteoporosis Akibat Steroid (Osteoporosis Cause of Steroid)/Bambang Setiyohadi.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (129) 2000 : 27-29
1010 Efektifitas Ofloxacin Tetes Telinga pada Otitis Media Purulenta Akuta Perforata di Poliklinik THT RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang Uji Klinis, Spektrum, dan Uji Kepekaan Kuman Aerob (The Effectiveness of Ofloxacin Ear Drops on Purulent Otitis Media at ENT Polyclinic Dr. Syaiful Anwar Hospital, Malang : Clinical Test, Spectrum and Sensitivity Test of Aerob Bacterium)/Rus Suheryanto.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (128) 2000 : 49-51
1004 Osteoporosis dan Pencegahannya (Osteoporosis and its Prevention)/Siti Annisa Nahonni.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (12) 2000 : 565-569 1005 Patogenesis dan Aspek Klinis Osteoporosis (Pathogenecity and Clinical Aspect of Osteoporosis)/Sidartawan Soegondo.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (6) 2000 : 359-362
OVERDOSE 1011 Penanganan Over Dosis Narkoba di UGD (The Management of Over Dose Narcotics at
Emergency Unit)/Ganda P. Sibabiat.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (44) 2000 : 21-25
1018 Pengalihan Perhatian sebagai Usaha untuk Mengurangi Persepsi Rasa Nyeri (Distracting the Patient Interest as a Mean to Decrease Perception of Pain)/Jenny Sunariani.-- J. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (3) 2000 : 85-88
OXYGEN 1012 Hubungan Penurunan Pulsa Oksigen dengan Perubahan EKG pada Uji Latih Kardiopulmonal (The Correlation between Reducing of the Oxygen Pulse and ECG Pattern in Cardiopulmonal Excersice Test)/Farial Indria et. al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (1) 2000 : 10-15
PAIN, POSTOPERATIVE 1019 Pertimbangan Anestesia pada Cedera Akut Medula Spinalis dan Terapi Nyeri Pasca Bedah (The Anesthesia Consideration on Medulla Spinals Injuries and Post-operative Pain)/Bambang Wiroprawiro.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (5 Bag. I-suppl.) 2000 : 20-23
1013 Korelasi Senyawa Oksigen dan Kualitas Semen Manusia (Correlation between Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and Quality of Human Semen)/Sudjarwo; Noor Cholies Xaini; Aucky Hinting.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (10) 2000 : 456-459
PALLIATIVE CARE 1020 Pengembangan Radiofarmaka untuk Perawatan Paliatif Kanker Tulang (Radiopharmaceutical Developments for the Palliative Treatment of Bone Cancer)/ Rochestri Sofyan.-- Maj. Kedokter . Indon., 50 (10) 2000 : 472-477
OXYGEN INHALATION THERAPY 1014 Terapi Oksigen (Oxygen Therapy)/Irwan Tjandra.-- Medika, 26 (8) 2000 : 531-535
PANCREATITIS 1021 Penatalaksanaan Pankreatitis Akut (The Management of Acute Pancreatitis)/Laksana; A. Nurman.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (128) 2000 : 37-40
OXYTOCIN 1015 Uji Komparatif Effektifitas Tablet Oral Misoprostol dengan Infus Oksitosin untuk Pematangan Serviks (Comparative Test to the Effectiveness of Oral Misoprostol and Oxitocyn Infusion for Cervical Ripening)/ Binarwan Halim.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 24 (2) 2000 : 82-87
PAPILLOMA 1022 Papiloma Laring yang Mengalami Degenerasi Maligna Menjadi Karsinoma Sel Skuamosa (Laryngeal Papilloma Converting to Squamous Cell Carcinoma)/W. Suardana; Made Tjekeg.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (109) 2000 : 169-172
PACLITAXEL 1016 Experience of Treatment of Lung Cancer Patients Using Paclitaxel and Carboplatin/ Anwar Jusuf et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (1) 2000 : 43-48
PARALYSIS 1023 Akupunktur sebagai Terapi Paralisis (Acupuncture for Paralysis)/JF.Kushardjito.-Meridian, 7 (2) 2000 :100-105
PAIN 1017 Aspek Klinis Nyeri Neuropatik (Clinical Aspect of Neuropatic Pain)/Muhammad Nahruddin Jenie.--Medika, 26 (12) 2000 : 776-780
PARATHION 1024 Karakteristik Migrasi Radioisotop Pemancar
Beta dari C-14 dan P-32, Paration dan Pupuk Fosfat di Dalam Tanah Sekitar Reaktor Kartini (Characterization of Beta Emission Radioisotopes of C-14 and P-32 from Parathion and Phosphate Fertilizer in Soils Surrounding Kartini Reactor)/Hasniati; Zainul Kamal.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (2) 2000 : 111-115
Increase Patients Satisfaction in Private Dentist Practices)/Tritana Gondhoyoewono.-Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi : Kumpulan Makalah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 : 71-76 PATIENTS 1030 Profil Pasien Unit Gawat Darurat Rumah Sakit Jiwa Pusat Banjarmasin Periode Mei sampai dengan Agustus 1999 (The Profile of Patient in Emergency Unit Patients at Banjarmasin Mental Hospital during May until August 1999)/Yulizar Darwis; Tjhin Wiguna.-Jiwa, 33 (1) 2000 : 5-12
PARENTERAL NUTRITION 1025 Profil Penggunaan Nutrisi Parenteral (NP) serta Masalah yang Dihadapi untuk Menerapkan Penggunaan NP Secara Rasional di Ruang ICU RS Fatmawati, Jakarta (The Profile of Parenteral Nutrition Consumption Regarding to Some Problems in the Application of Rational Use of Parenteral Nutrition in Intensive Care Unit, Fatmawati Hospital)/Eddy Yusuf; Aziza Nuraini; Nurgani.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (6) 2000 : 209-213
PEANUTS 1031 Pengaruh Cara Pengolahan Kacang Tanah (Arachidis hypogea L) terhadap Mutu Minyak Lemak [The Influence of Processing Methods of Peanut Seeds (Arachidis hypogea L) to the Quality of Oil]/Sumarmo.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (4) 2000 : 194-204
PARENTERAL NUTRITION, TOTAL 1026 The Correlation between the Content of Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) Solution and Metabolic Complication/Eddy Yusuf.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (6) 2000 : 202208
PEDIATRICS 1032 Pemberian Polifarmasi pada Pasien Anak di Denpasar (Polypharmacy in Pediatric Practice in Denpasar)/G.M. Aman.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (109) 2000 : 159-162
PARKINSON DISEASE 1027 Surgical and Non-Surgical Intervention for Speech Rehabilitation in Parkinson Disease/ Heru Hendrato; Steven Gray.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (3) 2000 : 168-174
PEPTIC ULCER 1033 Pengobatan Tukak Lambung Akibat Toksisitas Asetosal pada Tikus Wistar (The Treatment of Peptic Ulcer Caused by Acetyl Salicylic Acid Toxicity on Wistar Rat)/Elin Sukandar; Endang Kumolasasai; Ni Made Sukamiasih.-- J. Toksikol. Indon., 1 (2) 2000 : 29-38
PATIENT SATISFACTION 1028 Rumah Sakit sebagai Unit Pelayanan bagi Kepuasan Pasien (Hospital as a Services Unit toward Patients Satisfaction)/Poltak Hutagalung; Remmy J. Leimena.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (42) 2000 : 5-11
PERCEPTION 1034 Persepsi, Motif Berprestasi dan Problem Emosional Pelatih Palang Merah Remaja (Perception, Prestation Motive and Emotional Problems of the Cadres of Palang Merah Remaja)/Sri Woroasih et. al.-- Jiwa, 33 (2) 2000 : 143-149
1029 Usaha Meningkatkan Kepuasan Pasien pada Praktek Dokter Gigi Swasta (The Effort to
1035 Persepsi dan Perilaku Mencari Pengobatan Penyakit Menular Seksual di Kalangan Ibu Rumah Tangga (Perception and Medicine Seeking Behaviors of Married Women Regarding to STDs)/Made Dharmadi; A.A.G.P. Wiraguna; Ketut Tangking Widarsa.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (109) 2000 : 146-153
1036 Healing Comparison of Suturing Flap Repositioned and Applying Periodontal Pack after the Modified Widman Flap Procedure/ Envelope Technique/Widowati Witjaksono; Soekamto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 33 (4) 2000 : 167-169
1041 Interaksi Obat dengan Makanan, Rokok dan Alkohol (The Interaction of Food and Drugs, Cigarette and Alcohols)/Wakdi.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 255-258
1040 Tingkat Keracunan Pestisida pada Tenaga Penyemprot Pertanian dan Perkebunan di Jawa Timur : Pengamat di 9 Dati II Tahun 1998 (The Level of Pesticides Poisoning on Worker Spraying at the Farming Area in East Java)/ Budi Utomo; Juda Hari S.; Slamet Rihadi.-- Medika, 26 (7) 2000 : 420-423
1042 Kajian Sistem Logistik Obat: Berbagai Pertimbangan dalam Reformasi Kebijakan (Reviewed of Drugs Logistic System : Some Consideration in Capability Reform)/Budiono Santoso.-- Medika, 26 (7) 2000 : 454-461
PERIODONTITIS 1037 Analisa Efektifitas Penggunaan Splin Sementara pada Perawatan Gigi Goyang oleh karena Kelainan Periodonatal (Analysis of the Effectiveness of Temporary Splints in the Treatment of Movable Teeth in Periodontal Disease)/Mohammad Rubianto.-Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (3) 2000 : 115-118
1043 Penanganan Over Dosis Narkoba di UGD (The Management of Over Dose Narcotics at Emergency Unit)/Ganda P. Sibabiat.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (44) 2000 : 21-25
PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASES 1038 Akupunktur untuk Terapi Gangguan Pembuluh Darah Perifer pada Diabetes Mellitus (Acupuncture Treating Diabetic Peripheral Vascular Diseases)/ Hendromartono.-- Meridian, 7 (1) 2000 : 17-22
1044 Tinjauan Juridis Perdagangan dan Transaksi Jual Beli Obat di Dalam Negeri (Reviewed of the Juridical Right of Transaction and Marketing of Drugs in Domestic Areas)/H. Abdul Muis.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 259-263
PERITONEUM 1039 Pola Kuman dan Uji Kepekaan Kuman Cairan Peritoneum pada Apendisitis Perforasi di RS Dr. Kariadi Semarang antara Mei 1998-Mei 1999 (Bacterial Culture and the Sensitivity Test of Peritoneal Specimen on Perforated Appendicitis During May 1998 to May 1999 at Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang)/ Sri Mulyono; I. Riwanto.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (2) 2000 : 77-80
1045 Viagra: Aman untuk Penderita Penyakit Jantung Koroner (Viagra : Safe for Coronary Heart Disease Patient)/Fadilah Supari.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 243-248 PHARMACISTS 1046 Opini Kepuasan Konsumen terhadap Pela-
yanan Apotek dan Peran Apoteker (The Opinion of Consumer Satisfaction toward the Pharmacy Services and the Pharmacist Role)/Achmad Fuad Afdal; Lily Musnelina.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (6) 2000 : 214-217
Mahadi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 221-223 PHOBIC DISORDERS 1053 Fobia Sosial di Sebuah SMP di Makassar (Social Phobic at a Junior High School in Makasar)/Fanny Wijaya; Denny Thong.-Jiwa, 33 (1) 2000 : 21-28
PHARMACOLOGY, CLINICAL 1047 Farmakologi Klinik pada Usia Lanjut (Pharmacological Clinic of Elderly)/I. Nasution.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (3) 2000 : 159-162
PHOSPHATES 1054 Karakteristik Migrasi Radioisotop Pemancar Beta dari C-14 dan P-32, Paration dan Pupuk Fosfat di Dalam Tanah Sekitar Reaktor Kartini (Characterization of Beta Emission Radioisotopes of C-14 and P-32 from Parathion and Phosphate Fertilizer in Soils Surrounding Kartini Reactor)/Hasniati; Zainul Kamal.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (2) 2000 : 111-115
PHARMACY 1048 Opini Kepuasan Konsumen terhadap Pelayanan Apotek dan Peran Apoteker (The Opinion of Consumer Satisfaction toward the Pharmacy Services and the Pharmacist Role)/Achmad Fuad Afdhal; Lily Musnelina.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (6) 2000 : 214-217
PHYSICAL FITNESS 1055 Pengetahuan, Perilaku Berolahraga dan Status Kesegaran Jasmani Warga Kelurahan Kebon Manggis Umur 20-39 Tahun, Jakarta Timur, 1998 (Knowledge, Behavior and Physical Fitness Status of 20-39 Age Group Population at Kebon Manggis, East Jakarta 1998)/Ch. M. Kristanti; Julianty Pradono.-Bul. Penelit. Kesehat ., 28 (2) 2000 : 435-446
1049 Pemberian Polifarmasi pada Pasien Anak di Denpasar (Polypharmacy in Pediatric Practice in Denpasar)/G.M. Aman.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (109) 2000 : 159-162 PHENOBARBITAL 1050 Pengaruh Senyawa Hidroksipropil-BetaSiklodekstrin terhadap Kelarutan Fenobarbital (The Influence of Hydroxypropyl-BetaCyclodextrine in Phenobarbital Solubility)/ Dewi Isadiartuti; Suwaldi Martodihardjo.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (4) 2000 : 205-208
1056 Penurunan Kadar Glutation Darah dan Peningkatan Persentase Methemoglobin Setelah Uji Kesegaran Jasmani pada Wanita Pascamenopause yang Senam Secara Teratur dan yang Tidak Teratur (Decreasing of Blood Glutathione and Increasing of Methemoglobin Concentration after Physical Fitness Test on Post Menopause Women who Exercise Regularly and Irregularly)/Yoni Astuti et. al.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 8 (3) 2000 : 63-71
PHENOL 1051 Isolation and Characterization of Phenolic Compound from Leea aculeata BL./Deddi Prima Putra et. al.-- J. Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi , 5 (1) 2000 : 11-14 PHENYLENEDIAMINES
1057 Peranan Latihan Fisik terhadap Kepadatan Tulang Kaitannya dengan Wanita Menopause (The Impact of Physical Fitness through the Bone Density Related to
1052 Para-Phenyelenediamine-Cat Rambut yang Kontroversi ? (Phenylenediamine, the Controversies Hair Color )/Irma D. Roesyanto
Menopause)/Suharyuni.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 2 (4) 2000 : 148-152
Services in Indonesia)/Azrul Azwar.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 713-720
1058 Validitas Indeks Kesegaran Jasmani Modul Susenas 1995 pada Kelompok Umur 20-39 Tahun (Validity of Physical Fitness Index at the 20-39 Age Groups from the Module of National Socio Economy Survey Questionnaire 1995)/Julianty P. et. al.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat ., 28 (3&4) 2000 : 490-499
1064 Peran Dokter Keluarga dalam Penatalaksanaan Pasien Serangan Jantung dan Otak (The Role of Physician Family in the Management of Heart and Brain Arrest Patients)/Azrul Azwar.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 76-79 PHYSIOLOGY
1065 Physiology of Ejaculation/Susilo Wibowo.-Media Medika Indon., 35 (1) 2000 : 33-49
1059 JPKM dan Pemberdayaan Dokter di Indonesia (Managed the Health Care System (JPKM) and the Physician Contribution in Indonesia)/Azrul Azwar.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 191-197
PLANT EXTRACTS 1066 Efek Spermatisida Ekstrak Daun Kembang Sepatu (Hibiscus rosa Sinensis L.) terhadap Kualitas Sperma Manusia in Vitro (Spermaticide Effect of Hibiscus rosa Sinensis L. Leaf Extract through the Sperm Quality)/Endang Purwaningsih.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi , 8 (3) 2000 : 13-18
1060 Masalah Kesehatan Masyarakat di Indonesia Ditinjau dari Aspek Pendidikan, Penempatan Tenaga Kesehatan dan Hukum (The Problems of Public Health in Indonesia : Reviewed from Educational, Physician Recruitment and Law Aspect)/Mindo E. Sinaga.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy ., 31 (62) 2000 : 33-38
1067 Evaluasi Dua Jenis Tumbuhan, Buah Kelerak dan Daun Orang-Aring sebagai Insektisida terhadap Nyamuk Aedes aegypti di Laboratorium (The Evaluation of Two Type of Plants, Kelerak Fruit and Orang-aring Leaf as an Insecticide against Aedes aegypti in the Laboratory)/Nunik Siti Aminah; Chairul.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (7) 2000 : 382-385
1061 Peran Dokter Perusahaan Pertanian dalam Menurunkan Angka Kematian Ibu (The Physician's Role in Agriculture Firm to Decrease the Maternal Mortality Rate)/ Samsriyaningsih Handayani.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 721-724
1068 Penelitian Antiinflamasi dan Toksisitas Akut Ekstrak Akar Carica papaya L pada Tikus Putih (The Study of Anti-inflammatory Agent and Acute Toxicity of the Extracts of Carica papaya L. Root on White Mice)/Adjirni; Sa'roni.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (129) 2000 : 42-44
1062 Perlindungan Hukum bagi Dokter terhadap Masalah Kelainan dan Resiko Pasien dalam Perkara Tindak Medik/Medical Mal Practec (Law Protection for Physician against the Malpractice)/Sarmili Haryono.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 206-210
1069 Pengaruh Ekstrak Akar Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Pasak Bumi) terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Testosteron, LH dan FSH pada Tikus Jantan Sprague Dawley [The Effect of Eurycoma longifolia Jack Extract to Increases
PHYSICIANS, FAMILY 1063 Pemanfaatan Dokter Keluarga dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan di Indonesia (The Advantage of Physician Family on Health
the Testosterone, LH, and FSH Level on Male Sprague Dawley Mice]/ Taufiqurrachaman; Susilo Wibowo.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (2) 2000 : 81-86
Abru precatorius Linn through the Prematogenesis and the Change of Chromosome Structure on Fertile Male Mice)/Siti Nur Djannah; Koentjoro Soehadi; Gde Nyoman Astika.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (4) 2000 : 213-223
1070 Pengaruh Ekstrak Kulit Buah Citrus aurantifolia Swingle terhadap Kontraksi Trakea Marmot Terisolasi yang Diinduksi Histamin in Vitro : Penelitian Pendahuluan (The Effect of Citrus aurantifolia Swingle Pericarp Extract on the Histamine-induced Contraction of Isolated Guinea Pig Trachea)/R. Irawan.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (128) 2000 : 25-32
1075 Uji Efek Anti Inflamasi Akut Ekstrak Etanol Daun Jambu Biji (Psidium guayava L Myrtaceae) pada Tikus Putih Dewasa [The Effectiveness Test of Acute Anti-inflammatory Activity of the Leaves Extract of Psidium guayava L. Myrtaceae on Male Adult Albino Rats of the Wistar Strain]/Sri Gunarti; Nelly C. Sugiarso.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 1-3
1071 Pengaruh Ekstrak Laos (Alpinin galanga L.) terhadap Mortalitas Tribulium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) [The Effect of Galanga Extract (Alipinia galanga L.) through the Mortality of Tribolium castaneum]/Bariyah Baringbing; Tri Lestari Mardiningsih: Ma’mun.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 122-124
1076 Uji Efek Anti Ulser Ekstrak Etanol Daun Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava L) pada Tikus Putih Dewasa (The Effectivity Test of Antiulcer in the Extract of Psidium guajava L. on Adult White Mice)/H.M. Alisyahbana; Nelly C. Soegiharso.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 46
1072 Pengaruh Minyak Atsiri dan Ekstrak Bengle terhadap Mortalitas Tribolium casteneum (The Effect of Essential Oils and Extract of Zingiber cossumunar through the Mortality of Tribolium casteneum)/ Bariyah Baringbing; Hernani.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 97-99
1077 Uji Efek dari Ekstrak Bakau Rhizophora mucronata untuk Mempercepat Pembekuan Darah dan Uji Efek Toksinnya (The Effectiveness and Toxicity Test of the Extract of Rhizophora mucronata to the Blood Coagulation)/Pemsi Nona Wowar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Univ. Samratulangi , 2 (2) 2000 : 239-244
1073 Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Akar Bikat (Gnetum gnemonoides Brongan) terhadap Fertilitas Mencit Jantan (Mus musculus L) Galur Swiss Webster [The Effect of Gnetum gnemonoides Brongan through the Fertility of Male Mice/Mus muculus L]/Hari Santoso.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (5) 2000 : 288-291
PLANT OILS 1078 Kajian Mutu Gizi dan Uji Biologis Minyak Goreng Nabati (Nutrients Content and Biological Test of Vegetable Oil)/Ali Khomsan.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarg a, 24 (2) 2000 : 116-122
1074 Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Biji Saga (Abrus precatorius Linn) terhadap Prematogenesis dan Perubahan Gambaran Kromosom pada Tikus Jantan Putih Fertil/ Rattus norvegicus [Effect of the Extract of
1079 Pengaruh Cara Pengolahan Kacang Tanah (Arachidis hypogea L) terhadap Mutu Minyak Lemak [The Influence of Priocessing Methods of Peanut Seeds (Arachidis hypogea L) to the Quality of its Oil]/
Sumarmo.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (4) 2000 : 194-204
1085 Daya Hambat Benalu Teh (Scurulla atropurpurea BI. Danser) terhadap Proliferasi Sel Tumor Kelenjar Susu Mencit (Mus musculus L) C3H (Scurulla atropurpurea BI. Danser Blocker through the Polyferation of Breast Cancer Cell on Mus mucullus L CH3)/Yun Astuti Nugroho; Budi Nuratmi; Suhardi.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (127) 2000 : 15-17
1080 Pengembangan Destilasi Minyak Pala (Myristica fragrams Hout) untuk Meningkatkan Mutunya (The Developing of Myristica fragrams Hout Destilation to Increase its Quality)/Adek Zambrud Adnan.-J. Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi , 5 (1) 2000 : 26-31
1086 Efek Anti-Histamin Daun, Kulit Batang, Kulit Akar dan Buah Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava Linn) pada Ileum Marmot Terpisah [Antihistamine Effect of Leaf, Steam Bark and Root of Psidium guajava Linn on Marmot Ileum]/R. Sumastuti.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 158-171
PLANT STEMS 1081 Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Senyawa Aktif dari Kulit Batang Callophyllum soulattri Burm. F. (The Characteristics and Isolation of Active Compound from Callophylum soulattri Burm F. Steam Bark)/Elidahanum Husni; Iwan Soediro; Komar Ruslan.-- J. Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi , 2000 : 23-25
1087 Efek Anti-Histamin Rimpang dan Daun Bengle (Zingiber purpureum Roxb) pada Ileum Marmot Terpisah (Anti-histamine Effect of Rhizome and Leaf of Zingiber purpureum Robx on Marmot Ileum)/R. Sumastuti.-Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 153-157
PLANTS 1082 Isolasi Senyawa dari Korteks Aegle marmelos Menggunakan Pelarut Petroleum Eter (Isolation of Compounds of Aegle marmelos Bark Using Petroleum Ether as the Solvent)/Sugeng Riyanto; Mohd. Aspollah Sukari; Mawardi Rahmani.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (1) 2000 : 17-24
1088 Efek Bahan Sterol dalam Biji Lamtoro Gung terhadap Kadar Testosteron Mencit Jantan (The Effect of Sterols of Lamtoro Gung Seeds through the Testosterone of Male Mice)/Rina Priastini; Johannes Hudyono; Budiman Hartono.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 149-152
1083 Pengaruh Zat Pengatur Tumbuh terhadap Pertumbuhan Rimpang Bengle (Zingiber purpureum Roxb) secara Kultur Jaringan (The Contribution of Growth Substance System through the Growth of Zingiber purpureum Roxb Growth)/Heru Sudrajat; Saryanto; Wahyu Jokopriyambodo.-Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 91- 93
1089 Evaluasi Aktivitas Antibakteri dan Antioksidan serta Pemeriksaan Fitokimia Daun Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava L) (Evaluation of Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity and Phytochemical Examination of Psidium guajava L.)/Andini Sundowo et. al.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 4-9
PLANTS, MEDICINAL 1084 Aktivitas Antibakteri Rimpang Bengle (Antibacterial Activity of Bengle Rhizome/ Zingiber purpureum Roxb)/Lenny Sutedja; Linar Zalinar Udin.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 61-64
1090 Indeks Terapi Perasan Rimpang Bengle
(Zingiber purpureum Roxb) sebagai Analgetika pada Mencit Betina (Therapeutic Index of Bengle (Zingiber purpureum Roxb) Rhizome Squeezing as anAnalgesic in Female Mice)/Arief Nurrochmad; Imuno Argo Donatus.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 76-80
1096 Pemanfaatan Bengle sebagai Obat Tradisional : Studi Kasus di Beberapa Daerah Sekitar Bogor (The Advantage of Bengle as a Traditional Medicine : A Case Study in Several Areas in Bogor and Surrounding)/Sitti Fatimah Syahid; Nur Ajijah; Cheppy Syukur.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 65-68
1091 Isolasi dan Identifikasi Senyawa Bioaktif Daun Nerium Indicum Mill (Isolation and Identification of Bioactive Compound Isolated from the Leaves of Nerium Indicum Mill)/Mae Sri Hartati W.; Subagus Wahyuono; Wayan T. Artama.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (2) 2000 : 86-95
1097 Penelitian Aktivitas Biologik Infus Benalu Teh (Scurulla atropurpurea BI. Danser) terhadap Aktivitas Sistim Imun Mencit (Study on Biological Activity of Scurulla atropurpurea BI. Danser Infusion through the Activity of Immune System on Mice)/M. Wien Winarno; Dian Sundari; Budi Nuratmi.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (127) 2000 : 11-14
1092 Kajian Awal Potensi Bengle (Zingiber purpureum Roxb) sebagai Hepatoprotektor (Priliminary Study of Bengle (Zingiber purpureum Roxb) as Hepatoprotector)/Irma Suparto et. al.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 116-118
1098 Penetapan Kadar Tanin Beberapa Kultivar Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava L.) Koleksi BPTO Tawangmangu (Determination of Tannin Level in Several Psidium guajava L. Culture in BPTO Tawangmangu Collections)/ Slamet Wahyono; Sutjipto; Moch. Nurhadi.-Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 29-31
1093 Manfaat Obat Bahan Alam dan Akupunktur pada HIV/AIDS (The Advantage of Natural Herbs and Acupuncture as Alternative Therapy for HIV/AIDS)/Suprapto Maat; Agustin Idayati.-- Meridian, 7 (2) 2000 : 82-92
1099 Pengaruh Infusum Daun Jambu Biji terhadap Aktivitas Motorik Mencit dengan Menggunakan Kandang Aktivitas pada Mencit (Effect of the Infusion of Psidium guajava L. Leaves through the Motor Activity on Mice Using the Activity Stable)/Sri Purwaningsih; Dripa Sjabana.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 32-34
1094 Manfaat Sari Buah Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava L) dalam Meningkatkan Kadar Hemoglobin, Jumlah Eritrosit dan Trombosit Darah pada Tikus yang Dibuat Anemia (The Advantage of Psidium guajava L. Juice to Increases the Hemoglobin, Erythrocyte and Blood Thrombocyte Level in Anemia Mice)/ Azizahwati.-Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 36-39
1100 Pengaruh Infusum Daun Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava L.) terhadap Otot Polos Usus Kelinci (Effect of the Infusion of Psidium guajava L. Leaves through the Intestinal Plain Muscle of Mice)/Lestari Dewi.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indoonesia, 2000 : 35
1095 Manfaat Tanaman Johar (Cassia siamea Lamk) untuk Penyakit Hepatitis [The Advantage of Cassia siamea Lamk for Treating Hepatitis Infection)/Bambang Wahjoedi.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 2 (6) 2000 : 218-224
Tea Benalu Versus Metotrexate)/Roostantia Indrawati; Mochamad Lazuardi; Ratna Sofaria Munir.-- Ebers Papyrus, 6 (1) 2000 : 13-21
1101 Pengaruh Kunyit Putih (Curcuma alba) terhadap Perkembangan Tumor Paru yang Diinduksi Benzo(a) Piren pada Mencit/Mus musculus [The Effects of Kunyit Putih (Curcuma alba) in the Develompent of Lung Tumours Induced by Benzo(a) Pyrene on Mice/Mus musculus]/Nurmawati Rasyid et. al.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (4) 2000 : 249255
1106 Prospek Buah Pucung Pangium edule sebagai Larvisida dan Penangkal Gigitan Nyamuk (The Prospect of Pangium edule as Larvasidal and Insecticides)/Nunik Siti Aminah et. al.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (5) 2000 : 284-287
1102 Pengaruh Perasan Daun Ngokilo (Gynura procumbens Lour. Merr.) terhadap Aktivitas Sistim Imun Mencit Putih (The Effect of Ngokilo Leave (Gynura procumbens lour Merr.) through the Activity of Immune System on White Mice)/Djoko Hargono; M. Wien Winarno; Ayu Werawati.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (127) 2000 : 22-29
1107 Tumbuhan Obat untuk Mengobati Pembesaran Prostat Jinak (Medicinal Plants as a Therapeutic Use through the Prostatic Hyperplasia)/M. Wien Winarno; Djoko Hargono.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 112-114
1103 Pengaruh Senyawa Antihepatotoksik dalam Infusa Herba Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.) terhadap Efek Toksik Aflatoksin B1 (20 ug/ml) pada Hepatosit Tikus (Rattus norvegicus) Terisolasi [The Effect of Antihepatotoxic Substances through the Toxic Effect of Aflatoxin B1 in Water-extract of Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.) Herbs in Suspension of Rats Hepatocytes]/Sri Suharmi; Wiryatun Lestariana.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (2) 2000 : 91-95
1108 Uji Analgetik Infus Rimpang Lempuyang Pahit (Zingiber americana BL) pada Mencit Putih (Analgetic Test of the Infusion of Zingiber americana BL on White Mice)/ Pudjiastuti; B. Dzulkarnain; Budi Nuratmi.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (129) 2000 : 39-41 1109 Uji Daya Antelmintik Perasan Rimpang Bengle (Zingiber purpureum Roxb) pada Cacing Ascaris suum secara Invitro (Activity Anthelmintic Invitro of the Squeeze of Zingiber purpureum Roxb Juice against Ascaris suum)/Sri Gunarti; Erwin Mayangsari.-Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 104-108
1104 Pengaruh Ukuran Serbuk dan Konsentrasi Larutan Penyari terhadap Hasil Ekstrak Total dan Kadar Tanin Daun Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava L) (The Influence of Spore Size and Detect Solution Concentration through the Tannin Level and Total Extract of Psidium guajava L.)/Wahyu Jokopriyambodo; Heru Sudrajat; Djumidi.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 18-22
1110 Uji Efek Anti Ulser Ekstrak Etanol Daun Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava L) pada Tikus Putih Dewasa (The Effectivity Test of Antiulcer of the Extract of Psidium guajava L. in Adult White Mice)/H.M. Alisyahbana; Nelly C. Soegiharso.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 46
1105 Perbandingan Daya Hambat Pertumbuhan Sel Mieloma antara Maserasi Benalu Duku dan Benalu Teh dengan Metotreksat (The Comparison of the Efficacy to Inhibit Myeloma Cells between Duku Benalu and
PLANTS, TOXIC Uji Ketoksikan
1111 Akut Oral Rimpang Temu-
giring (Curcuma heyneana) pada Tikus [Acute Toxicity Test of Rimpang Temugiring (Curcuma heyneana) on Rat]/Imono Argo Donatus; Sudarsono; Edhie Santosa Rachmat.-- Medika, 26 (7) 2000 : 429-431
Mulyono.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (128) 2000 : 9-12 PNEUMONIA 1117 Keselarasan Pneumonia Radiologik dengan Klasifikasi World Health Organization/WHO (The Accordance of Radiological Pneumonia through the World Health Organization Classification)/Magdalena Sidhartani.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (3) 2000 : 143-147
PLAQUE ASSAY 1112 Modifikasi Proses Arterosklerosis Penggunaan Preparat Statin untuk Regresi Plak (The Modification of Artheroclesosis Process through the Usage of Statin Preparate to Plaque Regret ion)/Djanggan Sargowo.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (4) 2000 : 192-197
1118 Pandangan Baru Pneumonia Atipik dan Terapinya (The Current Consept on Atypical Pneumonia and its Therapy)/Zul Dahlan.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (128) 2000 : 5-8
1113 Modifikasi Proses Aterosklerosis, Penggunaan Preparat Statin untuk Regresi Plak (The Modification of Atherosclerosis Process, through the Usage of Statin Preparate to Plaque Regretion)/Djanggan Sargowo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw ., 16 (2) 2000 : 44-49
1119 Peranan Pendidikan Ibu dan Pekerjaan Orang Tua serta Faktor-faktor Lingkungan dengan Kejadian Pneumonia pada Anak Balita di Kabupaten Banjarnegara (The Role of Mother Education, Worked of Parents and Environmental Factors Compare to the Incidence of Pneumonia on Infant in Banjarnegara)/Elisabet Cucuk Prasetyaningsih; Djauhar Ismail; Suharyanto Supardi.-- Berita Kedokter. Masy ., 26 (2) 2000 : 73-81
PLASMA 1114 Mencari Konsentrasi Optimal Plasma Sitrat Manusia untuk Identifikasi Staphylococcus aureus melalui Uji Koagulase (Finding the Optimum Concentration of Human Citrate Plasma to Identification of Straphylococcus aureus by Coagulase Test)/Dame Joice Pohan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (44) 2000 : 11-13
1120 Pola Kuman Pneumonia pada Penderita di RSUP Dr. Sardjito 1995-1998 (The Pattern of Bacterial Caused of Pneumonia in Sardjito General Hospital, 1995-1998)/Barmawi Hisyam; Eko Budiono.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (3) 2000 : 161-164
PLASMODIUM BERGHEI 1115 Sekresi Reactive Oxygen Intermediates oleh Makrofag Peritoneum Mencit yang Diimunisasi selama Infeksi Plasmodium berghei (Secretion of Intermediates Reactive Oxygen by Peritoneal Macrophages on Immunized Mouse during Plasmodium berghei Infection)/Mahardika Agus Wijayanti.- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (2) 2000 : 77-82
POISONING 1121 Tingkat Keracunan Pestisida pada Tenaga Penyemprot Pertanian dan Perkebunan di Jawa Timur : Pengamat di 9 Dati II Tahun 1998 (The Level of Pesticides Poisoning on Worker Spraying at Farming Area in East Java)/Budi Utomo; Juda Hari S.; Slamet Rihadi.-- Medika, 26 (7) 2000 : 420-423
PLEUROPNEUMONIA Efusi Pleura (Parapneumonia Pleura
1116 Parapneumonia Effusion)/Djoko
of Blood Glutathione and Increasing of Methemoglobin Concentration after Physical Fitness Test on Post Menopause Women who Exercise Regularly and Irregularly)/Yoni Astuti et. al.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 8 (3) 2000 : 63-71
POLIOMYELITIS 1122 Penelitian Serologis Poliomyelitis pada Anak Sekolah Dasar di Ambon dan Palu (Serological Study of Poliomyelitis on Elementary School Children in Ambon and Palu)/Gendrowahyuhono.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (3) 2000 : 153-156
POTASSIUM 1128 Pengaruh Penambahan Potassium Bromida pada Larutan Pengembang terhadap Kontras Foto Rontgen Gigi (The Influence of the Addition of Potassium Bromide in Developing Solution to Make a Contrast Effect for the Radiograph Result)/Lysy Octavia; Suhardjo; Azhar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi (MIKGI), 11 (4) 2000 : 70-72
POLIOVIRUS VACCINE, ORAL 1123 Pengaruh Sanitasi Lingkungan terhadap Pembentukan Antibodi Anak setelah Pemberian Vaksin Polio Oral (The Influence of Environmental Sanitation through the Antibody on Child after Oral Poliovirus Vaccine)/Gendrowahyuhono.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 214-217
POVERTY 1129 Pemanfaatan Data Antropometri Gizi untuk Penentuan Sasaran Program Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (The Usage of Nutritional Anthropometrics Data for Targeting of Poverty Alleviation Program)/ Herman Sudiman et. al.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 25-36
POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION 1124 Deteksi Spesies Parasit Malaria yang Menginfeksi Manusia dengan Teknik PCR (Detection of Malaria Species which Infected to the Human by PCR Tehnique)/Indri Safitri.- Dexa Media, 13 (3) 2000 : 10-14 1125 Recrudescence of Malaria Falciparum Detected with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and not with In-vivo Microscopy/ Soesanto Tjokrosonto.-- Indon. J. of Clinical Epidemiol. & Biostatistics, 7 (1) 2000 : 25-27
PRE-ECLAMPSIA 1130 Faktor Prognosa dan Risiko Kematian Maternal pada Pre-eklampsia-Eklampsia (Prognosis Factor and Maternal Mortality Risk in Women with Pre-eclampsia and Eclapmsia)/Heriyono; Djaswadi Dasuki.-Berita Kedokter. Masy., 16 (1) 2000 : 33-39
POSTMENOPAUSE 1126 Pengaruh Pemberian Terapi Hormon Pengganti Kombinasi Dosis Rendah terhadap Kadar Nitric Oxide pada Wanita Pasca-Menopause (The Effect of Low Dose of Hormone Replacement Therapy through the Nitric Oxide on Post Menopausal Women)/Muharam Bastari et al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (4) 2000 : 177-183
1131 Hubungan Kadar Trigliserida Serum pada Umur Kehamilan Kurang dari 20 Minggu dengan Risiko Terjadinya Preeklampsia pada Primigravida (The Correlation between Triglyceride Serum Level in Gestational Age Under 20 Weeks and the Risk of the Incidence of Preeclampsia in Primigravida)/ I.B.M. Kartha; N. Sudira; K. Gunung.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 24 (2) 2000 : 8892
1127 Penurunan Kadar Glutation Darah dan Peningkatan Persentase Methemoglobin Setelah Uji Kesegaran Jasmani pada Wanita Pascamenopause yang Senam Secara Teratur dan yang Tidak Teratur (Decreasing
1132 Kadar Asam Lemak Tidak Jenuh Rantai Panjang Plasma pada Pre Eklampsia (Long 97
Chained Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acid Level in Pre-eclampsia)/Rini Pramesti et al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (4) 2000 : 171-176
Consumption Pattern of Risk Food and Hypertension in Pregnant Women at Outpatient Unit of Griya Husada Hospital)/ Didik Budijanto; W. Dwi Astuti; Watum Mu'inah.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 234-238
1133 Peran Seksio Cesaria terhadap Penurunan Morbiditas dan Mortalitas Perinatal pada Ibu dengan Preeklampsia dan Eklampsia (The Role of Cesarean Section to Reduce the Prenatal Mortality and Morbidity among Women with Pre-eclampsia and Eclampsia)/ Tri Joko Winarno; Djaswadi Dasuki.-- Berita Kedokter. Masy ., 16 (1) 2000 : 15-23
1139 Ibu Hamil: Apa yang Terjadi di Balik Keluhannya ? (Pregnant Woment : What's Going on Behind Her Sigh ?)/Solehan Catur Rahayu.-- Medika, 26 (10) 2000 : 671-675 1140 Kebutuhan Ibu Hamil akan Tablet Besi untuk Pencegah Anemi (The Need of Iron Tablet on Pregnant Women to Prevent the Anemia)/ Fitrah Emawati; Yuniar Rosmalina; Susilowati Herman.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (23) 2000 : 92-98
1134 Prediktor Klinis untuk Kematian Perinatal Kasus Pre-eklamsia – Eklamsia (Clinical Predictors of Prenatal Mortality in Preeclampsia-Eclampsia Cases)/Heriyono; Djaswadi Dasuki.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 32 (3) 2000 : 165-171
1141 Kehamilan dengan Tumor Intrakranial (Intracranial Tumor in Pregnancy)/Riani Indiyarti; Sri Erni Istiawati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (9) 2000 : 442-446
1135 Preeclampsia-Eclampsia as the Single Disease and the Reproductive Risk Factors/ Djaswadi Dasuki.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (2) 2000 : 97-103
1142 Malaria pada Kehamilan (Malaria in Pregnancy)/Johanis Manginte.-- Medika, 26 (10) 2000 : 639-641
PREGNANCY 1136 Dampak Pemaparan Kokain pada Masa Prenatal terhadap Kehamilan, Fetus, Bayi dan Perkembangan Anak (The Effect of Cocaine Exposure on Prenatal through the Pregnancy, Fetal Condition and Child Development)/Dharmady Agus.-- Jiwa, 33 (2) 2000 : 195-203
1143 The Outcome of Pregnancy among Graves Women Treated with PTU/Ali Imran Mukhsin et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (4) 2000 : 258264
1137 Dampak Pemberian Biskuit Multigizi pada Pertambahan Berat Badan Ibu Hamil (The Effect of a Multi-nutrients of Fortified Biscuits on Weight Gain of Pregnancy)/Hardinsyah; Dodik Briawan.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 132-137
1144 Peluang Kepesertaan Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) dalam Model Pembiayaan Ibu Hamil dan Ibu Bersalin serta Faktor Penentunya (The Opportunities of Fertility Couple Participants in the Financing Model Development through the Maternal Health Services and its Determinant Factors)/ Sarwanta.-- Medika, 26 (8) 2000 : 488-492
1138 Hubungan antara Pola Konsumsi Jenis Makanan Berisiko pada Ibu Hamil dan Kejadian Hipertensi di Unit Rawat Jalan RS. Griya Husada (The Correlation between
1145 Penerapan Analisis Jalur dalam Menentukan Pengaruh Langsung dan Tidak Langsung
terhadap Frekuensi Pemeriksaan Kehamilan (Determine of Direct and Indirect Influence through the Frequency of Pregnancy Test)/ Sarwanto; Widya Ayu Puspita.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (2) 2000 : 67-71
in the Estimate of the Event)/Oktavianus Ch. S..-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti , 19 (2) 2000 : 70-74 PROGESTERONE 1152 Pengaruh Diet Berbeda pada Spermatozoa Monyet Jantan Macaca fascicularis yang Mendapat Kombinasi Androgen dan Progesteron sebagai Kontrasepsi Laki-laki [The Influence of Male Hormonal Contraceptive on Spermatozoa of Macaca fascicularis (Cynomolgus Monkey) at the Different of Diet Status]/Sutyarso.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (2) 2000 : 63-70
1146 Risiko Hipertensi Kehamilan pada Ibu Hamil di Unit Rawat Jalan RS Griya Husada (The Risk to have a Hypertension in Pregnant Women at Outpatient Unit of Griya Husada Hospital)/Didik Budijanto; W. Dwi Astuti; Watum Mu'inah.-- Medika, 26 (12) 2000 : 769-772 1147 Stroke in Pregnancy a Case Series in Medan/Aldy S. Rambe; Darulkutini Nasution.- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 248-250
PROGNOSIS 1153 Faktor Prognosa dan Risiko Kematian Maternal pada Pre-eklampsia-Eklampsia (Prognosis Factor and Maternal Mortality Risk in Women with Pre-eclampsia and Eclapmsia)/Heriyono; Djaswadi Dasuki.-Berita Kedokter. Masy., 16 (1) 2000 : 33-39
PREGNANCY, ECTOPIC 1148 Gynecological History, Contraceptive Use and the Risk of Ectopic Pregnancy: An Indonesia Case-Control Study/Bastaman Basuki.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (1) 2000 : 49-57
PROPANEDIOLS 1154 Pengaruh Propilen Glikol terhadap Kelarutan Semu Teofilin dan Kofein (The Influence of Propylene Glycol on Theophyline and Caffeine Apparent Solubility’s)/Akhmad Kharis Nugroho; Suwaldi Martodihardjo; Tedjo Yuwono.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (3) 2000 : 161-167
PRESCRIPTIONS, DRUG 1149 Nama dan Ragam Obat sebagai Faktor Kerasionalan Pemilihan Obat yang Diresepkan (Name and Type of Drugs as a Rational Factors in Choosing the Prescription Drugs)/OK. Moehad Syah et. al.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 212-216
PROPIONIBACTERIUM ACNES 1155 Activity of Macrophage-Lymphocyte Interaction Induced by Corynebacterium Parvum after Blood Transfusion in Animal Model/Mochammad Hatta.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti , 19 (1) 2000 : 23-28
1150 Penulisan Resep Rasional 1 Masalah dan Alternatif Solusinya menurut Metode Groningen (Writing the Rational Prescription : The Problem and its Alternative Solution Using Groningen Method)/Abraham Simatupang.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (44) 2000 : 14-20
PROPORTIONAL HAZARDS MODELS 1156 Proportional Hazard Model : The Precision in Estimating Return of Fertility among Post IUD's Users/Djaswadi Dasuki.-- Indon. J. of Clinical Epidemiol. & Biostatistics, 7 (1) 2000 : 3-7
PROBABILITY 1151 Peranan Probabilitas dalam Meramalkan Suatu Peristiwa (The Probability Contribution
1157 Pengaruh Pemberian Air Perasan Rimpang Jahe terhadap Farmakokinetika Propranolol pada Tikus (Effect of the Ginger rhizomes Juice through the Pharmacokinetics of Propranolol on Rats)/Arief Rahman Hakim; Lukman Hakim.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (1) 2000 : 10-16
1162 Pengaruh Kekurangan Protein Pasca Kelahiran terhadap Lebar Sel Predetin Gigi : Studi Eksperimental Histologis pada Tikus (The Influence of Protein Deficiency on Postnatal through the Growth of Predentin : Study on Histological Examination in Rats)/ Pinandi Sri Pudyani.-- Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi: Kumpulan Makalah Tumbuhan Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 : 64-70
PROSTATE-SPECIFIC ANTIGEN 1158 New Cutoff Point of Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) and PSA Density (PSAD) to Enhance Diagnostic Specificity for Prostate Cancer (Pca) in Country with Low Prostate Cencer Incidence/Djoko Rahardjo; Siti Tersiani Kamil Gardian.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (1) 2000 : 3542
PROTEIN-ENERGY MALNUTRITION 1163 Hubungan Ketersediaan Suberdaya Keluarga dan Tingkat Keperdulian Ibu dengan Status Kurang Energi Protein (KEP) Anak Balita (The Relationship between Family Resource and Mother's Care with Protein Energy Malnutrition Status of Under five Children)/ Amakiah Ekasari; Euis Sunarti; Dwi Hastuti Martianto.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 11-16
PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA 1159 Karakteristik Penderita Pembesaran Prostat Jinak di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dan RS Sumber Waras, Jakarta, Tahun 1994-1997 (Profile and Characteristically of the Patients with Benign Prostate Hyperplasic in Cipto Manunkusumo National Central Hospital and Sumber Waras Hospital, Jakarta, between 1994-1997)/Djoko Rahardjo; Ponco Birowo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (2) 2000 : 81-85
PROTEIN KINASE C 1164 Defisiensi Protein Kinase C akan Menghambat Pembentukan Granula Lisosom Makrofag Mencit Balb/c In Vitro (Deficiency of Protein Kinase C could Inhibit Lysosome Granules Formation of Macrophages Mice Balb/c)/Adi Prayitno; Noerhayati Soeripto; Widya Asmara.-- Nexus, 13 (1) 2000 : 32-38
1160 Tumbuhan Obat untuk Mengobati Pembesaran Prostat Jinak (Medicinal Plants as a Therapeutic Use through the Prostatic Hyperplasia)/M. Wien Winarno; Djoko Hargono.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 112-114
PROTEIN P53 1165 p53 Protein Over Expression in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Indonesian Patients/A.N. Kurniawan; Anthony S-Y Leong.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (3) 2000 : 209316
PROTEIN C 1161 Respons yang Buruk terhadap Protein C Aktif (Activated Protein C Resistance)/ Rahajuningsih Setiabudy; Megawati Widjajahakim.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (3) 2000 : 145-152
PROTEINURIA 1166 Remisi Lengkap Proteinuria dan Remisi Bebas-Terapi Sindrom Nefrotik : Pengamatan 10 Tahun (Complete Remission
of Proteinuria and Treatment Free Remission of Nephrotic Syndrome)/John Darmawan.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (6) 2000 : 312-316
1172 Penatalaksanaan Penyalahgunaan Napza (The Management of Narcotics Abuse)/Dwi Karlina.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (45) 2000 : 13-21
PRURIGO 1167 The Role of HLA-Antigen in Prurigo Hebra/ Siti Aisah Boediardja et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (4) 2000 : 223-231
PUBERTY 1173 Dampak Latihan Jasmani yang Berat pada Masa Pubertas Atlet Muda (The Impact of Hard Physical Fitness in Young Athlete on His/her Puberty Aging)/Charles Darwin Siregar.-- Dexa Media, 13 (2) 2000 : 6-11
PSYCHIATRY 1168 Penelaahan Trans dan Hubungannya dengan Hipnosis serta Manfaatnya dalam Psikiatri (Trans Study and Its Related to Hypnosis and the Advantage through the Psychiatry)/Stevanus Ingwantoro.-- Jiwa, 33 (2) 2000 : 185-193
PUBIC SYMPHYSIS 1174 Symphysiolysis Pubis after Delivery Associated with Rupture of Urethra and Bladder Prolapsed (a Case Report)/ Sofyanuddin.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (4) 2000 : 145-147
PSYCHOMOTOR PERFORMANCE 1169 Status Psikomotor Anak Usia di Bawah Tiga Tahun yang Menderita Anemia setelah Mendapat Intervensi Zat Besi dan Pola Pengasuhan Terarah (Psychomotor Status of Anemic Toddlers after Having Iron Intervention Together with Focused Caring)/ Sri Muljati et. al.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat ., 28 (1) 2000 : 383-391
PUBLIC HEALTH 1175 Dampak Krisis Ekonomi terhadap Aspek Demografi Kesehatan di Sumatera Utara (The Impact of Monetary Crisis through the Health Demography in North Sumatera)/Heru Santosa.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 205-209
PSYCHOTHERAPY 1170 Perbandingan Efektivitas Terapeutik Psikoterapi dan Farmakoterapi untuk Menurunkan Skor Kecemasan (The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Psychotherapy Therapeutics and Pharmacotherapy through Reduce the Anxiety Score)/Aris Sudiyanto.-- Jiwa, 33 (3) 2000 : 239-252
1176 Masalah Kesehatan Masyarakat di Indonesia Ditinjau dari Aspek Pendidikan, Penempatan Tenaga Kesehatan dan Hukum (The Problems of Public Health in Indonesia : Reviewed from Educational, Physician Recruitment and Law Aspect)/Mindo E. Sinaga.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy ., 31 (62) 2000 : 33-38
1177 Tinjauan Aspek Kesehatan Penduduk di Sekitar Wilayah Ekosistem Leuser Propinsi Sumatera Utara Tahun 1999 (Reviewed of Health Aspects in the Community at Surround of Leuser Ecosystem, North Sumatera by the Year 1999)/Yusniwarti.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (128) 2000 : 52-55
1171 Gambaran Klinis Keracunan Ectasy: Laporan Beberapa Kasus di Rumah Sakit Swasta Medan (Clinical Findings of Ecstasy Intoxication : Report on Several Cases Found in Private Hospitals in Medan)/Umar Zein.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (11) 2000 : 500503
Roentgen Photo)/Suhardjo.-- Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi : Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (DIKEGI), 2000 : 15-20
PYRIDOXINE 1178 Kekurangan Vitamin B12, B6, dan Asam Folat Mempercepat Proses Aterosklerosis (Deficiency of Vitamin B12, B6, and Folic Acid to Accelerate the Aterosclerosis Process)/Syarif Husin.-- Medika, 26 (2) 2000 : 92-94
1184 Pengaruh Penambahan Potassium Bromida pada Larutan Pengembang terhadap Kontras Foto Rontgen Gigi (The Influence of the Addition of Potassium Bromide in Developing Solution to Make a Contrast Effect for the Radiograph Result)/Lysy Octavia; Suhardjo; Azhar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi (MIKGI), 11 (4) 2000 : 70-72
QUADRIPLEGIA 1179 Rehabilitasi pada Penderita Tetraplegia (Rehabilitation on Tetraplegia Patient)/Peni Kusumastuti.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 2 (5) 2000 : 191-198
1185 Peran Radiologi pada Kasus-kasus Trauma (The Role of Radiology in Trauma Cases)/ Luqman A. Saptogino.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (5 Bag.I-suppl.) 2000 : 47-50
1180 The Impact of a Quality Assurance Program on Midwife Performance of Conducting History Taking and Physical Examination/Ali Ghufron Mukti.-- Indon. J. of Clinical Epidemiol. & Biostatistics, 7 (1) 2000 : 8-12
RADIOTHERAPY 1186 Concomitant Use of Sandwich Neo Adjuvant and Adjuvant Chemotherapy CAP Regimen + Conventional Radiotherapy for Treating Local Advance Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma/ Maesadjie Tjokronagoro.-Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (3) 2000 : 201-207
RADIATION 1181 Penelitian Pemanfaatan Film Badge sebagai Alat Monitoring Dosis Radiasi pada Pekerja Radiologi di Rumah Sakit Umum di Jawa Tengah dan Bali (Study on the Advantage of Badge Film as a Toll to Monitor the Radiation Dose through the Workers at Radiology Unit in General Hospital in Central Java and Bali)/I Ketut T. Riyasa; R. Mulyono Notosiswoyo.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 745-747
1187 Densitas Mikrovaskular Tumor sebagai Faktor Prediktor Respons Radioterapi pada Kanker Sel Skumosa Serviks (Microvascular Tumor Density as a Predictor Factor of Radiotherapy Response to Cervical Squamous-cell Cancer)/Saroyo et. al.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 24 (2) 2000 : 109-116
RADICULAR CYST 1182 Pola Imunopatologik Proses Kesembuhan Kista Radikuler (Immunopathological Pattern of the Healing Process of Ridicular Cysts)/ Mandojo Rukmo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (4) 2000 : 156-162
1188 Pemantauan Kadar Petanda Ganas Cyfra 21-1 dan Neuron Specific Enolase (NSE) pada Penderita Kanker Paru yang Menjalani Radioterapi (The Evaluation of Tumor Marker Cytra 21-1 and Neuron Specific Enolase (NSE) in the Lung Carcinoma Patients that had Radiotherapy)/ Ermita Magdalena et. al.- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (4) 2000 : 145-155
RADIOGRAPHY 1183 Beberapa Faktor pada Pengolahan Film yang Dapat Mempengaruhi Kontras Foto Rontgen Gigi (Several Factors in Film Processing which Influencing to Contras of Dental
Education, Research, Obstetric and Gynecology Services in Indonesia)/ Mohammad Hakimi.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 24 (2) 2000 : 69-76
RADIUS FRACTURES 1189 Terapi Fraktur Radius Distal dengan Cara Percutaneous Pinning Trans - Styloid di RS. Fatmawati (Therapy on Distal Radius Facture by Percutaneous Pinning Trans-Styloid at Fatmawati Hospital)/ Ahmad Basuki; Lukman Shebubakar; Soelarto Reksoprodjo.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (5) 2000 : 170176
1195 Prinsip Dasar Beberapa Metode Penelitian Cepat : RAP; Rapid Survey; REM (The Basic Principle of Several Rapid Research Methods : RAP; Rapid Survey; REM)/Didik Budijanto.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (3) 2000 : 132-135
REPRODUCTION 1190 Aktivasi Respons Imun di Dalam Traktus Reproduksi Pria : Penyebab Azoospermia (The Activation of Immune Response in Male Tractus Reproduction : Caused of Azoospermia)/Arjatmo Tjokronegoro.-- Ebers Papyrus, 6 (4) 2000 : 151-169
RESINS 1196 Kondisi Eksotermis pada Beberapa Ketebalan Bahan Hard Direct Reline Resin (Exothermic Condition on Several Kinds of the Hard Direct Reline Resin's Thickness)/ Toeti Malanie Widjoseno.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (4) 2000 : 170-172
1191 Pengetahuan dan Pandangan Remaja Wanita tentang Kesehatan Reproduksi (The Knowledge and Perception of Female Adolescence about Reproduction Health)/ Subagyo Martodipuro.-- Medika, 26 (3) 2000 : 158-165
1197 Perbedaan Kekuatan Perlekatan Geser Resin Komposit pada Dentin Potongan Transversal dan Sagital (The Difference of Shear Nond Strength of Composite Resin to Dentin Perpendicular and Parallel Cutting)/Sri Kunarti; Sudarjani; Darmadi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (4) 2000 : 145-147
1192 Preeclampsia-Eclampsia as the Single Disease and the Reproductive Risk Factors/ Djaswadi Dasuki.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (2) 2000 : 97-103
RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS 1198 Diagnosis Laboratorium Infeksi Chlamydia Pneuminiae pada Saluran Pernapasan (Laboratory Diagnostic of Chlamydia Pneumoniae Infection in Respiratory Tract)/ Ratna Ariantini; July Kumalawati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (4) 2000 : 200-207
REPRODUCTION TECHNIQUES 1193 Proses Penyerentakan Birahi (Birahi Massal) dengan Superovulasi melalui Metode Penembakan Laser pada Titik Reproduksi Domba Betina Lokal/Ovis Aries (Process of Ovulation Together by Superovulation Using Laser Puncture in Reproduction Point on Female Ovis Aries)/RTS Adikara.-- Meridian, 7 (2) 2000 : 115-118
1199 Pengaruh Pencucian Sputum terhadap Pola Penderita Infeksi Saluran Napas Bawah Non TB (The Effect of Washing Sputum Method Pattern on Non TB Lower Respiratory Tract Infection)/Muhardi Jabang et. al.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (3) 2000 : 94-108
RESEARCH 1194 Kebutuhan Evidence-Based Medicine untuk Pendidikan, Penelitian dan Pelayanan Obstetri-Ginekologi di Indonesia (The Need of Evidence-Based Medicine through the
1200 Peran Sparfloksasin pada Pengobatan Infeksi Saluran Napas Bawah di Komunitas
(The Role of Sparfloxacin in the Treatment of the Community Lower Respiratory Tract Infections)/Hadiarto Mangunnegoro et. al.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (4) 2000 : 156-160
RETINOBLASTOMA 1206 Pendekatan Diagnosis dan Tatalaksana Retinoblastoma (Diagnostically Approach and the Management of Retinoblastoma)/ Bidasari Lubis.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 227-229
1201 Pola Bakteri Aerob Saluran Napas dan Kepekaannya terhadap Antibiotika, 19981999 (The Pattern of Aerobic Bacteria on Respiratory Tract and Their Sensitivity to Antibiotics, 1998-1999)/ Amin Soebandrio.-J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (2) 2000 : 69-74
REYE'S SYNDROME 1207 Penyakit Herpes, Influenza, Cacar Air dan Mengkonsumsi Obat Golongan Salisilat, Faktor Risiko Sindroma Reye : Encephalopati pada Anak Usia Sekolah (Herpes Disease, Influenza, Chicken-pox and the Consumption of Salycilate and Risk Factor of Reye's Syndrome : The Enchepalophaty on School Age Children)/Faisal Yatim.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 74-75
RESTAURANTS 1202 Hubungan antara Faktor Individu dan Lingkungan dengan Persepsi Konsumen terhadap Kafe Tenda di Taman Monumen Nasional DKI Jakarta (The Relationship between Personal and Environment Factors and Consumer's Perception toward the Tent Cafe in Monas Park, Jakarta)/Rini Andriyani; Asep Rustiawan; Lilik Noor Yuliati.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 39-47
RHEUMATOID 1208 Pengamatan 8 Tahun terhadap Kontrol Vaskulities Rematoid dan Remisi Bebas Terapi Vaskulitis Lupus (An Eight Years Observation of Long-Term Control of Rheumatoid Vasculitis Under Maintenance Therapy and Treatment-Free Remission of Lupus Vasculitis)/J. Darmawan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (7) 2000 : 358-362
1203 Penelitian Makanan pada Beberapa Restoran Disekitar Asrama Haji DKI Jakarta (Study on Foods which Served in Restaurants Surround the Asrama Haji DKI Jakarta)/Noer Endah Pracoyo et. al.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 69-73 RESUSCITATION
1204 Terapi Cairan untuk Resusitasi Pasien Traumatik (Fluid Therapy through the Resuscitation in Traumatic Patient)/S. Sunatrio.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (5 Bag.I-suppl.) 2000 : 51-69
1209 Dampak Pengobatan Rinitis Alergik terhadap Asma (The Impact of Rhinitis Allergy Therapy through the Asthma)/Heru Sundaru.-- Dexa Media, 13 (4) 2000 : 5-10
1205 Penanganan Ablasi Retina Rhegmatogen dengan Retinopeksi Pneumatik : Laporan Kasus (The Management of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment with Pneumatic Retinopexy : A Case Reports)/ Angela Nurini Agni; Yanuarius Priyo Triyono.- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (2) 2000 : 135-141
1210 Uji Toksisitas Zat Warna Makanan Rhodamine terhadap Jaringan Hati Mencit (Mus musculus) Galur Australia (Toxicity Test of Food Color Additive-Rhodamine on Liver Tissues of Mus musculus Australian Strain)/ Pipih Siswati; Juli Soemirat Slamet.-- J. Toksikologi Indon., 1 (3) 2000 : 18-27
Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (42) 2000 : 1-4 1217 Perbandingan Tiga Cara Biakan Salmonella Typhosa Salmonella paratyphosa A, dan Salmonella paratyphosa B sebagai Penunjang Diagnosis Demam Tifoid (The Comparison of 3 Media Cultures Salmonella typhosa, Salmonella paratyphosa A and Salmonella paratyphosa B as a Diagnosis Support in Typhoid Fever)/CL. Retno Hartini.- Nexus, 13 (1) 2000 : 1-8
RIFAMPIN 1211 Penentuan Kinetika Eliminasi Rifampisin Dosis 300 mg dan 600 mg Menggunakan Data Urin (Determination of EliminationKinetic of 300 mg and 600 mg Rifampicin Using the Urine Data)/Fasich et. al.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (2) 2000 : 96-102 1212 Penentuan Parameter Farmakokinetik Rifampisin Dosis 300 mg dan 600 mg Menggunakan Data Darah (Determination of the Pharmacokinetic Parameter of 300 mg and 600 mg Rifampicin Using the Blood Data)/Fasich et. al.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (3) 2000 : 115-119
SALMONELLA TYPHI 1218 Validitas Pemeriksaan Uji Aglutinin O dan H S.typhi dalam Menegakkan Diagnosis Dini Demam Tifoid (The Validity Test of Anti O and H Agglutinin S. typhi to Diagnose of Typhoid Fever)/Sylvia Y. Muliawan; Lucky Hartati Moehario; Pratiwi Sudarmono.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti , 19 (2) 2000 : 82-86
ROOT CANAL PREVARATION 1213 Daya Potong Aksial Reamer Tipe K pada Saat Preparasi Saluran Akar (The Axial Forces of Reamer K Type During Root Canal Preparation)/Soegijanto.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (3) 2000 : 150-153
SANITATION 1219 Pengaruh Sanitasi Lingkungan terhadap Pembentukan Antibodi Anak setelah Pemberian Vaksin Polio Oral (The Influence of Environmental Sanitation through the Antibody on Child after Oral Poliovirus Vaccine)/Gendrowahyuhono.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 214-217
RUPTURE 1214 Symphysiolysis Pubis after Delivery Associated with Rupture of Urethra and Bladder Prolapsed (a Case Report)/ Sofyanuddin.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (4) 2000 : 145-147
1220 Perilaku Kebersihan Lingkungan Siswa Sekolah Dasar Dihubungkan dengan Pengetahuan Kebersihan Lingkungan dan Persepsi tentang Pengawasan Guru (Environmental Health Behavior of Elementary School Children Related to the Knowledge and Perception of Children and Control from the Teachers)/S. Mulyono.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy ., 31 (62) 2000 : 10-13
SALIVA 1215 The Influence of Saliva Flow Rate and pH on Denture Stomatitis Prevalences/I Gede Winasa.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (3) 2000 : 103-105 SALMONELLA 1216 Perbandingan Penggunaan Media Rambach dengan Media Salmonella-Shigella, EMB dan Endo Agar (The Comparative Study between Rambach Mediator Using SalmonellaShigella, EMB and Endo-Jelly Mediator)/ Dame Joice Pohan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak.
SARCOMA, SYNOVIAL 1221 Synovial Sarcoma/Charles A. Simanjuntak; Didik Librianto.-- Dexa Media,13 (3) 2000 : 59
Jawa Tengah (Deficiency of Selenium Inhibit the Absorption of Iodine on Goiter Patient at Srumbung, Magelang, Central Java)/ Jasmaini Iljas et. al.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (6) 2000 : 336-338
SCLEROSIS 1222 Sklerosis dan Atrofi Hippokampus pada Epilepsi Parsial Komplek Intraktabel (Sclerosis and Hippocampal Atrophy in Intractable Temporal Lobe Epilepsy)/Zainal Muttaqin.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (4) 2000 : 213-218
1227 Status Selenium (Se) Anak Sekolah Dasar di Daerah Endemik dan Non Endemik Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Iodium/GAKI (Selenium Status of School Children in IDD Endemic and Non Endemic Areas)/ Rimbawan et. al.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 107-115
SCLEROTHERAPY 1223 Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Propanolol Plus Isosorbide-5-Mononitrate vs. Sclerotherapy in the Prevention of Variceal Rebleeding in the Prevention of Variceal Rebleeding/Hirlan; Isa A.R.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (1) 2000 : 13-16
1228 Studi Konsumsi Iodium (1) dan Selenium (Se) Serta Kaitannya dengan Status Iodium pada Anak Sekolah Dasar di Daerah Pantai Endemik dan Non Endemik GAKI (Iodine and Selenium Consumption and its Relationship with Iodine Status of School Children in Endemic and Non Endemic Coastal Areas)/ Rimbawan et. al.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 93-106
SEAWEED 1224 Pengaruh Penambahan Natrium Propionat, Jenis Kemasan dan Lama Penyimpanan terhadap Kandungan Iodium dan Mutu Permen Jelly Rumput Laut/Euchemma cattonii (The Effect of Sodium Propionate Addition, Type of Packaging and Duration of Storage on Iodine Content and the Quality of Seaweed (Euchemma cattonii) Jelly Candy)/ Rina Warastuti; Evy Damayanthi; Cesilia Meti Dwiriani.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 24 (2) 2000 : 62-68
SELF MEDICATION 1229 The Decision Making Process in Health Seeking Behavior in Rural Java, Indonesia/ Naniek Kasniyah.-- Indon. J. of Clinical Epidemiol. & Biostatistics, 7 (1) 2000 : 22-24
SEEDS 1225 Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Biji Saga (Abrus precatorius Linn) terhadap Prematogenesis dan Perubahan Gambaran Kromosom pada Tikus Jantan Putih Fertil/ Rattus norvegicus [Effect of the Extract of Abru precatorius Linn through the Prematogenesis and the Change of Chromosome Structure on Fertile Male Mice)/Siti Nur Djannah; Koentjoro Soehadi; Gde Nyoman Astika.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (4) 2000 : 213-223
1230 Persepsi Sehat dan Pola Pencarian Pengobatan Masyarakat Kumuh Daerah Pelabuhan : Studi di Daerah Tanjung Perak (Health Perception and Medical Seeking Pattern in Poor Communities at Bay Areas : Study at Tanjung Perak)/Didik Budijanto.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 27 (12) 2000 : 653-657 SEMEN 1231 Korelasi Senyawa Oksigen dan Kualitas Semen Manusia (Correlation between Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and Quality of Human Semen)/Sudjarwo; Noor Cholies Xaini; Aucky Hinting.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (10) 2000 : 456-459
SELENIUM 1226 Defisiensi Selenium Menghambat Absorsi Iodium pada Penderita Gondok (GAKI) di Kecamatan Srumbung Kabupaten Magelang
SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES 1237 Infeksi Saluran Reproduksi, Penyakit Menular Seksual pada Dua Klinik Keluarga Berencana di Jakarta Utara (Urogenital Reproduction Infection and Sexually Transmitted Diseases at Two of Family Planning Clinics in South Jakarta)/Sjaiful Fahmi Daili et. al.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 87-89
SEROLOGY 1232 Analisa Hasil Pemeriksaan Serologi Penderita Tersangka DBD Dewasa dari RSCM Jakarta, Oktober 1997-Desember 1998 dan Pembahasan Diagnosa DBD di Lapangan (The Analysis of Serological Test Result of Patient with Dengue which Take Medicine in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital during October 1997 until December 1998)/ Faisal Yatim; Diana Siti Hutauruk.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 736-738
1238 Penatalaksanaan Infeksi Saluran Reproduksi Penyakit Menular Seksual dengan Pendekatan Sindrom (The Management of Urogenital Reproduction Infection, Sexually Transmitted Diseases by Syndrome Approach)/Sjaiful Fahmi Daili.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (3) 2000 : 168-175
SESQUITERPENES 1233 4-Butylmenthol: A New Sesquiterpene Found in the Volatile Oil Isolated Kanferia Galanga Rhizomean and its Biosynthesis Consideration/Umar A Jenie; Retno S. Sudibyo.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (3) 2000 : 168-173
1239 Penatalaksanaan Penyakit Menular Seksual dan Persepsi terhadap Upaya Penanggulangan PMS di Jakarta, Surabaya dan Manado (The Management of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and the Perception through the Effort to Prevent the STD in Jakarta, Surabaya and Manado)/Charles Surjadi.-- Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 7 (1) 2000 : 1-20
SEX DISORDERS 1234 Infertilitas dan Gangguan Fungsi Seksual pada Pasutri Hubungannya dengan Keharmonisan Keluarga (Infertility and Sexual Function Disorders on Husband and Wife, its Related to the Family Harmony)/ K.M. Arsyad.-- Dexa Media, 13 (2) 2000 : 1214,34
1240 Persepsi dan Perilaku Mencari Pengobatan Penyakit Menular Seksual di Kalangan Ibu Rumah Tangga (Perception and Medicine Seeking Behaviors of Married Women Regarding to STDs)/Made Dharmadi; A.A.G.P. Wiraguna; Ketut Tangking Widarsa.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (109) 2000 : 146-153
1235 Problema Seksual pada Ejakulasi (Sexually Problem in Ejaculation)/Ridwan Harahap.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 230231 SEX HORMONES 1236 Pengaruh Perbedaan Komposisi Pakan terhadap Kadar Hormon Seks Monyet Jantan (Macaca fascicularis) yang Disuntik Kombinasi Androgen dan Progesteron [The Effects of Different Diets toward the Sex Hormones in Cynomologus Monkey (Macaca fascicularis) Injected with the Combination of Androgen and Progesterone]/Sut yarso.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (3) 2000 : 120-127
1241 Suatu Studi Hasil Skrining Penyakit Menular Seksual pada Darah Donor Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin dan Kelompok Umur di UTDPMI Cabang Surakarta (A Study on Screening Test Result of Sexually Transmitted Diseases of the Volunteer Donors Admitted to Transfusion Unit of
Indonesia Red Cross Solo Branch)/Dinne Fitriah; Jb. Suparyatmo.-- Nexus, 13 (1) 2000 : 14-19
Syndrome in the Perspective of Enviromental Epidemiology)/Sukar et. al.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (5) 2000 : 260-266
1242 Validasi Pemeriksaan Infeksi Menular Seksual secara Pendekatan Sindrom pada Kelompok Wanita Berperilaku Risiko Tinggi (Validation of the Syndromes Approach for the Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Women with High Risk Behavior)/Endang R. Sedyaningsih et. al.-Bul. Penelit. Kesehat ., 28 (3&4) 2000 : 460472
SKIN AGING 1248 Kulit Proses Penuaan dan Penundaannya (Skin Aging and its Delayed)/Misnadiarly.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (6) 2000 : 347-350 1249 Pedoman Perawatan Kesehatan Kulit dalam Rangka Penundaan Proses Penuaan Dini (The Guidelines of Skin Health Care in Order to Delay the Skin Aging)/Misnadiarly.-- Dexa Media, 13 (3) 2000 : 28-32
SHOCK 1243 Penatalaksanaan Syok Hipovolemik pada Bayi dan Anak (The Management of Hypovolemic Shock in Infant and Child)/Evi Kamelia.-- Medika, 26 (10) 2000 : 656-660
SKIN CARE 1250 Pedoman Perawatan Kesehatan Kulit dalam Rangka Penundaan Proses Penuaan Dini (The Guidelines of Skin Health Care in Order to Delay the Skin Aging)/Misnadiarly.-- Dexa Media, 13 (3) 2000 : 28-32
1244 Terapi Cairan pada Hipovolemik Syok (Fluid Therapy in Hypovolemic Shock)/Oloan SM Siahaan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 236-240
1251 Imunitas Mukosa : Hubungannya dengan Kelainan Kulit (Mucosal Immunity : Its Related with the Skin Anomalies)/ Marsetyawan HNE Soesatyo.-- Dexa Media, 13 (4) 2000 : 11-14
1245 Hubungan antara Kadar Kortisol Plasma dengan Tingkat Keparahan Penyakit dan Risiko Kematian pada Penderita Syok Septik (The Relationship between Plasma Cortisol Levels with Severity of Illness and the Death Risk on Patient with Septic Shock)/Paulus Wiyono; Suharjo Pardjono; Suharjo Broto Cahyono.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (3) 2000 : 155-159
1252 Mekanisme Hipersensitivitas dan Kaitannya pada Patogenesis Panyakit Kulit (Hypersensitivity Mechanisms and its Related to the Pathogenesis of Skin Diseases)/ Sudigdo Adi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (4) 2000 : 208-215
SHOULDER JOINT 1246 Reconstruction of the Shoulders Joint by Vascularized Fibular Head Brafts after Bone Tumor Resection-Case Report/M. Ruksal Saleh et. al.-- Maj. Othophaedi Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 16-21
1253 Pola Kelainan Kulit pada Penderita Diabetes Melitus Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit Sumber Waras (The Pattern of Skin Lesions of Diabetic Out Patients at Sumber Waras Hospital)/Magdalena Mardiono; Junarti K. Setiabrata.-- Ebers Papyrus, 6 (4) 2000 : 171-176
SICK BUILDING SYNDROME 1247 Sick Building Syndrome dalam Perspektif Epidemiologi Lingkungan (Sick Building
1254 Risiko Relatif TPA Bantar Gebang terhadap Terjadinya Penyakit Kulit dan Penyakit Diare [The Relative Risk of TPA (Garbage Destruction Processing Area) Bantar Gebang through the Incidence of Skin Diseases and Diarrhea]/Bambang Sukana et. al.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (5) 2000 : 267-270
1262 Surgical Procedures Implemented in JapanIndonesia Collaborative Study of Skin Cancer/Ever Poetiray et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (2) 2000 : 81-86 SMEAR LAYER 1263 Terlepasnya : Lapisan Smir pada Permukaan Akar setelah Pemberian Larutan Tetrasiklin Hidriklorida (The Removal of Smear Layer on the Root Surface after Tetracycline Hydrochloride Solution Application)/Ernie Maduratna.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (3) 2000 : 106-108
SKIN NEOPLASMS 1255 A Clinical Study on Skin Cancer in Indonesian Patients/Mochtar Hamzah et. al.-Med. J. of Indon., 9 (2) 2000 : 77-80 1256 Epidemiological Characteristics of NonMelanoma Skin Cancer in Indonesia : Preliminary Results/ Setyawati Budiningsih et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (2) 2000 : 106111
SMOKE 1264 Pengaruh Asap Rokok terhadap Hiperaktiviti Bronkus pada Anak (The Effect of Cigarette Smoke through the Hyperactivity of Broncho in Children)/Helmia Hasan; Sudarsono; Makmuri MS.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (2) 2000 : 75-80
1257 Histopathological Study on Basal Cell Carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Skin/Mpu Kanoko et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (2) 2000 : 87-92
SMOKING 1265 Analisis Kecenderungan Gingivitis pada Perokok (The Analyzed of Gingivitis Tendency in Smokers)/Niniek L. Pratiwi; Didik Budijanto.-- Medika, 26 (12) 2000 : 760763
1258 Molecular Pathological Changes Induced by Ultraviolet Light during the Development of Skin Cancer/Masato Ueda et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (2) 2000 : 118-122 1259 Planning and Implementation of JapanIndonesia Joint Study of Skin Cancer/ Santoso Cornain; Masamitsu Ichihashi; Yoshiyuki Ohno.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (2) 2000 : 63-69
1266 Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Mahasiswa Akademi Perawat & Perawat serta Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran dalam Masalah Merokok (Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Smoking Habit among Medical Students, Nursing Academy Students and Nurses)/Tjandra Yoga Aditama.-J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (2) 2000 : 60-63
1260 Prevalence Study of Sun Protection Behavior/Practices in Several Representative Population Samples in Indonesia/Yoshiyuki Ohno et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (2) 2000 : 112-117
SODIUM GLUTAMATE 1267 Pengaruh Pemberian Monosodium Glutamat Per Oral terhadap Spermatogenesis dan Jumlah Anak Tikus Putih Jantan Dewasa (The Effect of Monosodium Glutamate Per Oral on Spermatogenesis and the Number of
1261 Risk Factors of Skin Cancer among Indonesian Population/Joedo Prihartono et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (2) 2000 : 100-105
Children of Male Adult Albino Rat)/ Nizamuddin.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 8 (3) 2000 : 93-113
Imunologis (Some Aspects about the Totality of Spermatozoa : Reviewed from Immunological Aspect)/Arjatmo Tjokronegoro.-- Dexa Media, 13 (2) 2000 : 28-34
SPECTRUM ANALYSIS, MASS 1268 The Contents of Volatile Oil Isolated from Kaempferia Galanga Rhizomes, Mass Spectroscopic Approach/Retno S. Sudibyo.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (3) 2000 : 142-149
1274 Efek Spermatisida Ekstrak Daun Kembang Sepatu (Hibiscus rosa Sinensis L.) terhadap Kualitas Sperma Manusia in Vitro (Spermaticide Effect of Hibiscus rosa Sinensis L. Leaf Extract through the Sperm Quality)/Endang Purwaningsih.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi , 8 (3) 2000 : 13-18
SPEECH 1269 Surgical and Non-Surgical Intervention for Speech Rehabilitation in Parkinson Disease/ Heru Hendrato; Steven Gray.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (3) 2000 : 168-174
1275 Pengaruh Paparan Gelombang Ultrasonik terhadap Motilitas Spermatozoa (The Effect of Ultrasonic Wave Exposure through the Sperm Motility)/Mufied Wibisono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 16 (1) 2000 : 17-20
SPERMATOGENESIS 1270 Pengaruh Ekstrak Bawang Putih Secara Intra Peritoneal pada Spermatogenesis Tikus Putih : Suatu Studi Pendahuluan (The Effect of Garlic Extract by Intra Peritoneal on Spermatogenesis of White Rat : A Preliminary Study)/Jarot Subandono; Sumarno; Kustiwinarni.-- Nexus, 13 (2) 2000 : 45-47
1276 Uji Banding Berbagai Masa Inkubasi pada Kapasitasi in-vitro Spermatozoa Manusia (A Comparative Study of Incubation Period in Invitro Capacitating of Sperm)/Julius Ch. Yapri.-- Ebers Papyrus, 6 (2) 2000 : 65-72
1271 Pengaruh Pemberian Monosodium Glutamat Per Oral terhadap Spermatogenesis dan Jumlah Anak Tikus Putih Jantan Dewasa (The Effect of Monosodium Glutamate Per Oral on Spermatogenesis and the Number of Children of Male Adult Albino Rat)/ Nizamuddin.-- J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 8 (3) 2000 : 93-113
SPIRAMYCIN 1277 Determination of the Specific Fragment-Ions of Erythromycin and Spiramycin by Pyrolysis Mass Spectroscopy/Umar A. Jenie.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (3) 2000 : 127-133 SPLINTS 1278 Analisa Efektifitas Penggunaan Splin Sementara pada Perawatan Gigi Goyang oleh karena Kelainan Periodonatal (Analysis of the Effectiveness of Temporary Splints in the Treatment of Movable Teeth in Periodontal Disease)/Mohammad Rubianto.-Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (3) 2000 : 115-118
1272 Peningkatan Efektivitas Kombinasi Desogestrol dengan Testosterom dalam Menekan Spermatogenesis (Increasing the Affectivity of Combined Desogestrel and Testosterone in Suppressing Spermatogenesis)/Rahayu Yekti; Nukman Moeloek.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (11) 2000 : 516-521
SPONDYLITIS 1279 Sensitifitas dan Spesifitas Infection pada Penderita Tuberkulosa Tulang Belakang di Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung Juli 1998-Oktober 1999 (Sensitivity and Infection
SPERMATOZOA 1273 Berbagai Aspek tentang Keutuhan Membrane Spermatozoa Ditinjau dari Sudut
Specifity in Spondilytis Tuberculoses at Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital during July 1998 until October 1999)/Iwan Budiman Anwar et. al.-Maj. Orthopaedi Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 42-49
STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS 1285 Mencari Konsentrasi Optimal Plasma Sitrat Manusia untuk Identifikasi Staphylococcus aureus melalui Uji Koagulase (Finding the Optimum Concentration of Human Citrate Plasma to Identification of Straphylococcus aureus by Coagulase Test)/Dame Joice Pohan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (44) 2000 : 11-13
1280 Spondilitis Tuberkulosa dengan Klasifikasi Frankel C Keberhasilan Program Rehabilitasi (Spondilities Tuberculoses with Francle C Clarification, the Successful of the Rehabilitation Program)/Suharyuni .-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (5) 2000 : 188190
STEROIDS 1286 The In Vitro Peifused Rat Ovary: The Significance of the Folliclestimulating Hormone and Luteinezing Hormone Ratio on Steroid Release/Triono Soendoro.-- Medika, 26 (1) 2000 :12-15
SPONDYLITIS, ANKYLOSING 1281 Gambaran Klinis dan Pengelolaan Ankylosing Spondylitis (Clinical Feature and the Management of Ankylosing Spondylitis)/Riardi Pramudiyo.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (129) 2000 : 20-24
1287 Osteoporosis Akibat Steroid (Osteoporosis Cause of Steroid)/Bambang Setiyohadi.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (129) 2000 : 27-29
SPORTS 1282 Vitamin E dan Respons terhadap Latihan Olahraga (Effect of Vitamin E and the Response to the Sports)/Ahmad Fuad Afdhal.-- Medika, 26 (2) 2000 : 123-124
STEROLS 1288 Efek Bahan Sterol dalam Biji Lamtoro Gung terhadap Kadar Testosteron Mencit Jantan (The Effect of Sterols of Lamtoro Gung Seeds through the Testosterone of Male Mice)/Rina Priastini; Johannes Hudyono; Budiman Hartono.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 149-152
SPUTUM 1283 Pengaruh Pencucian Sputum terhadap Pola Penderita Infeksi Saluran Napas Bawah Non TB (The Effect of Washing Sputum Method Pattern on Non TB Lower Respiratory Tract Infection)/Muhardi Jabang et. al.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (3) 2000 : 94-108
STOMACH ULCER 1289 Sakit Mag yang Menahun dan Tukak Lambung Perlu Dipertimbangkan adanya Infeksi Helicobacter pilori (Acute Gastritis and Stomach Ulcer it Should be Considered Cause by Helicobacter pilori Infection)/ Between Lutam; Faisal Yatim.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (6) 2000 : 351-353
STAF DEVELOPMENT 1284 Strategi Belajar Mengajar Student Centered Learning : Proses Belajar Otak Kanan dan Otak Kiri dalam Mempersiapkan Sumber Daya Manusia di Abad ke 21 (Strategy of Learning and Teaching in Student Centered Learning : Learning Process of Right and Left Brain to Prepare the Good Human Recourse in 21st Century)/Arjatmo Tjokronegoro.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (12) 2000 : 527-532
STOMATITIS, DENTURE 1290 Denture Stomatitis : Penyebab dan Pengelolaannya (Denture Stomatitis: The Etiology and its Treatment)/Hadi Soenartyo.-Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (4) 2000 : 148-151
1291 The Influence of Saliva Flow Rate and pH on Denture Stomatitis Prevalences/I Gede Winasa.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (3) 2000 : 103-105
1297 Pengelolaan Obstruksi Saluran Nafas Atas pada Kasus-kasus Bedah Mulut (The Management of Upper Airway Obstruction in Mouth Surgery Cases)/Evy Indriani Vyati; Arfiandri Roesly.-- Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi : Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 : 89-94
STREPTOCOCCUS MUTANS 1292 Protein Spesifik Steptococcus Mutans 1 (c) Lokal sebagai Protein Imunogenik (Specific Protein of Local Streptococcus Mutants 1 (c) as Imunogenical Protein)/Indah Listiana Kriswandini.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (4) 2000 : 129-132
SUTURES 1298 Healing Comparison of Suturing Flap Repositioned and Applying Periodontal Pack after the Modified Widman Flap Procedure/ Envelope Technique/Widowati Witjaksono; Soekamto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 33 (4) 2000 : 167-169
STRESS, PSYCHOLOGY 1293 Peranan Nutrisi dalam Mengatasi Stres (The Role of Nutrition to Overcome Stress)/Puspa Handayani; Dian Pratiwi.-- Ebers Papyrus, 6 (4) 2000 : 177-187
SYNAPSES 1299 Basis Morfologis dari Fisiologi Sinapsis Kimiawi pada Susunan Saraf Pusat (Morphological Bases through the Physiology of Chemical Synapses in Central Nerve)/ Ginus Partadiredja.-- Medika, 26 (10) 2000 : 648-655
SUBSTANCE ABUSE 1294 Gambaran Karakteristik Penderita Penyalahgunaan Obat di Rumah Perawatan Anak dan Penyalahgunaan Narkotik Pamardi Siwi Jakarta 1998 (The Description of Characteristics of Medicine Abuse Sufferers at Housecare of Juvenile Delinquent and Narcotics Abuse Parmadi Siwi Jakarta Year 1998)/Nurhayati; Sudarto Ronoatmojo.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (2) 2000 : 101-107
TAENIASIS 1300 Infeksi Eksperimental Taenia saginata pada Sapi Bali (Experimental Infection of Taenia saginata in Bali Cattle)/Nyoman Sadra Dharmawan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (110) 2000 : 240-243
1295 Zat Narkotik dan Adiktif yang Digunakan oleh Para Pasien Pengguna Zat di RS Khusus Hurip Waluyo (Narcotic and Adhitive Matter Used on Substance Abuse Patients at Hurip Waluyo Hospital)/Chatidjah Satriyo Wibowo.- Jiwa, 33 (3) 2000 : 261-268
1301 Prevalensi Taeniosis dan Sistiserkosis di Banjar Pamesan, Desa Ketewe, Gianyar, Bali (The Prevalence of Taeniosis and Cysticercoids in the Hamlet of BR. Parmesan, Village of Ketene, Gianyar, Bali)/Putu Sutisna; I Nengah Kaptil; Rossanna Rodrigues-Canul.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (110) 2000 : 226-234
SUCCINYLCHOLINE 1296 Peranan Kelainan Butirilkolinesterase terhadap Metabolisme Suksinilkolin (The Role of Abnormally Butyrylcholinesterase through the Metabolism of Succinylcholine)/ Elly Herwana.-- J. Kedokter . Usakti , 19 (1) 2000 : 113-121
TANNINS 1302 Penetapan Kadar Tanin Beberapa Kultivar
Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava L.) Koleksi BPTO Tawangmangu (Determination of Tannin Level in Several Psidium guajava L. Culture on BPTO Tawangmangu Collections)/Slamet Wahyono; Sutjipto; Moch. Nurhadi.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 29-31
Perkembangan Mutakhir Fisiologi Fungsi Testis : dari Organ Sampai Gen (The Current Issue of the Physiological Testes Function from Organ to Gene)/Wuryantari; Nukman Moeloek.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (8) 2000 : 377-384 TESTOSTERONE
1309 Efek Bahan Sterol dalam Biji Lamtoro Gung terhadap Kadar Testosteron Mencit Jantan (The Effect of Sterols on Lamtoro Gung Seeds through the Testosterone of Male Mice)/Rina Priastini; Johannes Hudyono; Budiman Hartono.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 2000 : 149-152
1303 Kekuatan Impak Resin Akrilik Heat-Cured dan Self-Cured setelah Direndam Larutan Teh Hitam (Impact Strength of Heat-Cured and Self-Cured Acrylic Resin in Immersion of Black Tea)/Elly Munadziroh; Muslita Indrasari.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (3) 2000 : 95-98
1310 Pengaruh Ekstrak Akar Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Pasak Bumi) terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Testosteron, LH dan FSH pada Tikus Jantan Sprague Dawley [The Effect of Eurycoma longifolia Jack Extract to Increases the Testosterone, LH, and FSH Level on Male Sprague Dawley Mice]/ Taufiqurrachaman; Susilo Wibowo.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (2) 2000 : 81-86
TECHNOLOGY, MEDICAL 1304 Health Technology Assessment/HTA : Suatu Pengantar (Health Technology Assessment : an Introduction)/Santoso Soeroso.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (6 Bag.2-suppl.) 2000 : 78-86 TENNIS ELBOW 1305 Fisioterapi pada Tennis Elbow Tipe II (Physiotherapy on Type II Tennis Elbow)/ Suharto.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (129) 2000 : 34-35
1311 Peningkatan Efektivitas Kombinasi Desogestrol dengan Testosterom dalam Menekan Spermatogenesis (Increasing the Affectivity of Combined Desogestrel and Testosterone in Suppressing Spermatogenesis)/Rahayu Yekti; Nukman Moeloek.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (11) 2000 : 516521
TERATOGENS 1306 Teratogesitas Embrio Tikus setelah Paparan Medan Listrik Frekuensi Rendah (Teratogenesis of Rat Embryos after Exposuring by the Low Frequency of Electrical Field)/Arief Tq Moch; Okid Parama Astirin.-- Nexus, 13 (2) 2000 : 62-68
TETANUS TOXOID 1312 Factors Associated with Tetanus Toxoid (TT) among Pregnant Women, in Saparua, Maluku, Indonesia/Betty Rosohermiatie; Midori Nishiyama; Kimihiro Nakae.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 765-767
TESTIS 1307 Penatalaksanaan Tumor Testis pada Masa Kini (The Management of Testis Tumor Nowaday)/Anreas Anri L.; Sabilal Alif.-Medika, 26 (3) 2000 : 176-181
TETRACYCLINE 1313 Terlepasnya : Lapisan Smir pada Permukaan Akar setelah Pemberian Larutan Tetrasiklin Hidriklorida (The Removal of Smear Layer on
the Root Surface after Tetracycline Hydrochloride Solution Application)/Ernie Maduratna.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (3) 2000 : 106-108
THROMBOLYTIC THERAPY 1319 Kejadian Efek Samping Terapi Trombolitik pada Penanganan Infark Miokard Akut di Unit Emergensi Kardiak RS. Fatmawati (The Incidents of Side Effect on Thrombolitic Therapy in the Management of Acute Myocardial Infraction at Cardiac Emergency Unit, Fatmawati Hospital)/Titis Widowati.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (5) 2000 : 177-179
THEOBROMINE 1314 Sintesis Turunan N1-Alkil Teobromin dan Uji Aktivitasnya sebagai Relaksan Otot Polos Trakea (Synthesis and Studies on Tracheal Smooth Muscle Relation Activities of N1-Alkyl Theobromine Derivatives)/Hilda Ismail et. al.- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (1) 2000 : 45-56
THROMBOPHLEBITIS 1320 Trombosis Vena Dalam/TVD (Deep Vein Thrombosis)/Ismail.-- Maj. Orthopaedi Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 23-41
THEOPHYLLINE 1315 Pengaruh Propilen Glikol terhadap Kelarutan Semu Teofilin dan Kofein (The Influence of Propylene Glycol on Theophyline and Caffeine Apparent Solubility’s)/Akhmad Kharis Nugroho; Suwaldi Martodihardjo; Tedjo Yuwono.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (3) 2000 : 161-167
THROMBOXANE A2 1321 Kadar Prostasiklin, Tromboksan A2, dalam Tonus Vaskular Arteri Umbilikalis pada Bayi yang Menderita Pertumbuhan Janin Terlambat (Prostacycline and Thromboxane Concentrations in Vascular Tones of Umbilical Artery on Baby with Intra Uterine Growth Retardation)/Muhammad Ma'mun et. al.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (3) 2000 : 115-121
1316 Profil Pelepasan Zat Aktif pada Sediaan Lepas Lambat Tablet Teofilin dengan Menggunakan Gelatin (Profile of Drug Release in Sustained Release Theophylline Tablet Using Gelatin)/Fita Rahmawati; Tedjo Yuwono.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (4) 2000 : 241-248
THYPOID 1322 Perbandingan Tiga Cara Biakan Salmonella Typhosa Salmonella paratyphosa A, dan Salmonella paratyphosa B sebagai Penunjang Diagnosis Demam Tifoid (The Comparison of 3 Media Cultures Salmonella typhosa, Salmonella paratyphosa A and Salmonella paratyphosa B as a Diagnosis Support in Typhoid Fever)/CL. Retno Hartini.- Nexus, 13 (1) 2000 : 1-8
THORACIC VERTEBRAE 1317 Penentuan Individu pada Penggal Kepala dengan Kongruensi Vertebra (Individuation in Decapitation with Vertebral Congruent)/Etty Indriati.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (3) 2000 : 147-154 THROMBIN 1318 Pembentukan Trombin pada Penggunaan Heparin Berat Molekul Rendah (Nadroparin) pada Penderita Angina Pektoris Tak Stabil (Thrombin Generation through the Usage of Low Molecular Weight of Heparins on Unstable Angina Pectoris Patient)/Ronally Rasmin; Sunarya Soerianata; Irmalita.-- J. Kardiol. Indon., 25 (2) 2000 : 68-74
1323 Validitas Pemeriksaan Uji Aglutinin O dan H S.typhi dalam Menegakkan Diagnosis Dini Demam Tifoid (The Validity Test of Anti O and H Agglutinin S. typhi to Diagnose of Typhoid Fever)/Sylvia Y. Muliawan; Lucky Hartati Moehario; Pratiwi Sudarmono.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti , 19 (2) 2000 : 82-86
Postnatal through the Growth of Predentin : Study on Histological Examination in Rats)/Pinandi Sri Pudyani.-- Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi: Kumpulan Makalah Tumbuhan Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 (TIKEGI), 2000 : 64-70
TINEA 1324 Efektivitas dan Keamanan Krim Butenafin 1 Persen vs Krim Bifonazol 1 Persen pada Tinea Kruris dan/atau 2 Buah Rumah Sakit (The Effectiveness and Safety of 1 % Butenafine Cream VS 1 % Bifonazole Cream in Tinea Cruris and Corporis Randomized Double Blind Study in 2 Hospitals)/ Djoko Widodo; Muhammad Julwan Pribadi; Iskandar Zulkarnain.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., Indon., 50 (5) 2000 : 219-223
1331 Pengaruh Penambahan Potassium Bromida pada Larutan Pengembang terhadap Kontras Foto Rontgen Gigi (The Influence of the Addition of Potassium Bromide in Developing Solution to Make a Contrast Effect for the Radiograph Result)/Lysy Octavia; Suhardjo; Azhar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi (MIKGI), (MIKGI), 11 (4) 2000 : 70-72
1325 Terbinafine 1 Percent Cream Versus Bifonazole 1 Percent in the Treatment of Tinea Cruris/Made Swastika Adiguna.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., Indon., 50 (3) 2000 : 128-131
TOOTH BLEACHING 1332 Pemutihan Kembali Gigi yang Berubah Warna dengan Tehnik Bleaching (Tooth Bleaching in Discoloring Teeth by Bleaching Technique)/Gabriella Aditya.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti , 19 (1) 2000 : 29-37
TOBACCO 1326 Interaksi Obat dengan Makanan, Rokok dan Alkohol (The Interaction of Food and Drugs, Cigarette and Alcohols)/Wakdi.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 255-258
1333 Pengaruh Bleaching Intrakoronal terhadap Kebocoran Tepi Semen Seng Fosfat dan Semen Ionomer Kaca Tipe III pada Pengisian Akar (The Effect of Intracoronal Bleaching through the Microleakage of the Interface of Zinc Phosphate Cement and Type III Glass Ionomer Cement in Root Canal Obscuration)/ Wigyo Hadriyanto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi (MIKGI), (MIKGI), 11 (4) 2000 : 67-69
1327 Kampaye Anti Rokok di Indonesia "Tantangan dan Stategi" (The Campaign of Anti Smoking in Indonesia : The Challenge and Strategy)/Achmad Hudoyo.-- J. Respirol. Indon., Indon., 20 (2) 2000 : 81-84 1328 Serba Serbi Rokok (About Cigarrete)/Dwi Karlina.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., Indon., 18 (45) 2000 :26-31
TOOTH EXTRACTION 1334 Penanggulangan Terbukanya Sinus Maksilaris Akibat Ekstraksi Gigi Posterior Rahang Atas (The Management of Opened Maxillary Sinus Caused by Upper Jaw Posterior Tooth Extraction)/Setyo Harnowo.-Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi : Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 (TIKEGI), 2000 : 110112
TOLUENE 1329 Pengaruh Pajanan Toluen pada Pendengaran (Toluene, Induced Hearing Loss)/M. Winarti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., Indon., 50 (10) 2000 : 478-485 TOOTH 1330 Pengaruh Kekurangan Protein Pasca Kelahiran terhadap Lebar Sel Predetin Gigi : Studi Eksperimental Histologis pada Tikus (The Influence of Protein Deficiency on
1335 dalam
Meningkatkan Efektivitas Pembersihan Plak Gigi pada Anak Usia 6-8 Tahun (The Influence of Briside of Toothbrush to Increase the Effectiveness of Dental Plaque Cleaning in Children Aged between 6-8 Years Old)/Iwa Sutardjo Rus Susdarso.-- Dari Bandung Untuk Khazanah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi: Kumpulan Makalah Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (TIKEGI), 2000 (TIKEGI), 2000 : 45-53
1341 Uji Toksisitas Zat Warna Makanan Rhodamine terhadap Jaringan Hati Mencit (Mus musculus) Galur Australia (Toxicity Test of Food Coloring Additive-Rhodamine on the Liver Tissues of Mus musculus Australian Strain)/Pipih Siswati; Juli Soemirat Slamet.-J. Toksikologi Indon., Indon., 1 (3) 2000 : 18-27
1336 Perilaku Menyikat Gigi Penduduk Indonesia Susenas/SKRT 1995 (The Attitude of Tooth Brushing in Indonesian Communities Based on Household Health Survey 1995)/Yuyus R.; Ch. M. Kristanti.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., Indon., 28 (7) 2000 : 407-410
TOXICOLOGY 1342 Obat Tradisional Ditinjau dari Aspek Toksikologi (Traditional Drugs : Reviewed from Toxicological Aspect)/Amir Syarif.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 748-749 TOXOPLASMA
1343 Keberadaan Toxoplasma gondii di Jaringan Plasenta Dideteksi dengan Teknik PCR dan Hubungannya dengan Cacat (Toxoplasma gondii in Placenta Tissue Detected by PCR Technique and its Related with the Handicapped)/Teguh Wahju Sardjono et. al.-Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., Indon., 11 (1) 2000 : 616
1337 Pengaruh Pasta Gigi yang Mengandung Ekstrak Daun Sirih terhadap Pertumbuhan Plak Gigi (The Effect of Toothpaste Containing the Extract of Betel Leaf Upon Plaque Growth)/Chiquita Prahsanti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi , 33 (4) 2000 : 127-128 TORTURE 1338 The Psychiatric Aspects of Torture Victims as a Challenge to the Medical Education/A. Prayitno.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti , 19 (2) 2000 : 60-64
TOXOPLASMOSIS 1344 Antibodi Anti Toxoplasma pada Ayam Kampung (Gallus domesticus) di Jakarta [Antibody Anti Toxoplasma of Domestic Chicken (Gallus domesticus) in Jakarta]/Adi Priyana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., Indon., 50 (11) 2000 : 504-507
TOXICITY TESTS 1339 Uji Ketoksikan Akut Oral Rimpang Temugiring (Curcuma heyneana) pada Tikus [Acute Toxicity Test of Rimpang Temugiring (Curcuma heyneana) on Rat]/Imono Argo Donatus; Sudarsono; Edhie Santosa Rachmat.-- Medika, 26 Medika, 26 (7) 2000 : 429-431
1345 Patogenesis Ensefalitis Toksoplasmik (Pathogenesis of Toxoplasma Encephalitis)/ Lisawati Susanto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., Indon., 50 (10) 2000 : 466-471
1340 Uji Toksisitas Akut dan Subkronis Minyak Atsiri Temu Kunci (Boesenbergia pandurata (Roxb.) schlecht [Acute and Subchronic Toxicity Test Atsiri Oil. (Boesenbergia pandurata (Roxb) Schlecht]/Kusnandar Anggadireja et. al .-- J. Toksikologi Indon., Indon., 1 (1) 2000 : 33-47
1346 Preliminary Study : Sensitivity and Specificity of Immunocytochemistry Diagnosis for Toxoplasmosis on Spontaneous Abortion/ Umayah et. al.-- Indon. J. of Clinical Epidemiol. & Biostatistics, 7 Biostatistics, 7 (1) 2000 : 16-18
1347 Serebral Toksoplasmosis (Cerebral Toxoplasmosis)/Tjipto Harijono.-Dexa Media, Media, 13 (4) 2000 : 32-36 1348 Serebral Toksoplasmosis pada Seorang Pasien dengan Tes HIV Negatif (Cerebral Toxoplasmosis in Patient with Negative HIV Test)/Tjipto Harijanto.-- Medika, Medika, 26 (4) 2000 : 260-261
1353 Hubungan Kadar Trigliserida Serum pada Umur Kehamilan Kurang dari 20 Minggu dengan Risiko Terjadinya Preeklampsia pada Primigravida (The Correlation between Triglyceride Serum Level in Gestational Age Under 20 Weeks and the Risk of the Incidence of Preeclampsia in Primigravida)/ I.B.M. Kartha; N. Sudira; K. Gunung.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., Indon., 24 (2) 2000 : 8892
1349 Pengaruh Ekstrak Kulit Buah Citrus aurantifolia Swingle terhadap Kontraksi Trakea Marmot Terisolasi yang Diinduksi Histamin in Vitro : Penelitian Pendahuluan (Effect of Citrus aurantifolia Swingle Pericarp Extract on the Histamine-induced Contraction of Isolated Guinea Pig Trachea)/R. Irawan.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., ., (128) 2000 : 25-32
1354 Does Increased Troponin-T in Patients Undergoing Percutaneus Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty Have Any Clinical Significance ?/Dasnan Ismail.-- Med. J. of Indon., Indon., 9 (3) 2000 : 157-160 TUBERCULOSIS 1355 Diagnosis Sinusitis Maksilaris Tuberkulosa (Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Maxillary Sinusitis)/Robert A.H. Hasibuan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 Indon., 18 (45) 2000 : 22-25
TRACHEOTOMY 1350 Petunjuk Praktis Trakeotomi (The Practical Guidelines of Tracheotomy)/Sardjono Soedjak.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., ., (128) 2000 :18-21
1356 The Involment of the Private Practitioners on TB Control Program through DOTS Strategy : A Discourse/Merdiasd Almatsier; Fachmi Idris.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., Indon., 50 (11) 2000 : 497-499
TRIBOLIUM 1351 Pengaruh Ekstrak Laos (Alpinin galanga L.) terhadap Mortalitas Tribulium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) [The Effect of Galanga Extract (Alipinia galanga L.) through the Mortality of Tribolium castaneum]/Bariyah Baringbing; Tri Lestari Mardiningsih: Ma’mun.-- Seminar Nasional XVI Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, Indonesia, 2000 : 122-124
1357 Kinerja Pengobatan Program Pemberantasan TBC Strategi DOTS di Provinsi Sumsel, Jabar, Jateng, dan Sulteng 1998-1999 (The Therapy Performance of Tuberculosis Control DOTS Strategy in South Sumatera, West Java, Central Java and Central of Sulawesi by the Year 19981999)/Nasrin Kodim.-- Medika, Medika, 26 (8) 2000 : 493-504
TRICHURIS 1352 Teknik Biakan Telur Trichuris trichiura dalam Larutan Formalin 1% dan Kalium Bikromat 2,5 (Eggs Culture Technique of Trichuris trichiura in 1% Formalin Solution and 2.5 Calium Bicarbonate)/Rizal Subahar.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., Indon., 28 (5) 2000 : 300-311
1358 Penularan Tuberkulosis di Lingkungan Keluarga Penderita Ditinjau dari Cakupan
Vaksinasi BCG dan Faktor-faktor Lain (The Transmition of Tuberculosis in Patient Member Family : Reviewed from BCG Vaccine Seize and Other Factors)/Kusnindar Atmosukarto; Bambang Sukana; Suharjo.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 758-761
1359 Sepuluh Masalah Tuberkulosis & Penanggulangannya (Ten Problems in Tuberculosis and its Prevention)/Tjandra Yoga Aditama.-J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (1) 2000 : 8-12
1366 Resistensi M. tuberculosis terhadap Obat Anti Tuberkulosis Bahan Baku dan Obat Generik di Bagian Patologi Klinik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran/RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung (The Resistancy of M. tuberculosis to the Pure and the Generic Antitubercular Drugs in the Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine Padjadjaran University/Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung)/Hotman Sinaga et. al.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter ., (127) 2000 : 49-53
1365 Pengobatan Rasional Tuberkulosis Resisten Multi Obat (The Rational Treatment in Multidrugs Resistance Tuberculosis)/Johanis Manginte.-- Medika, 26 (8) 2000 : 505-509
1360 Spondilitis Tuberkulosa dengan Klasifikasi Frankel C Keberhasilan Program Rehabilitasi (Spondilities Tuberculoses by Francle C Clarification, the Successfulness of the Rehabilitation Program)/Suharyuni .-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (5) 2000 : 188190
TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY 1361 Terapi Presumtif Dini Tuberkulosis pada Penderita Talasemia Major dengan PleuroPerikarditis (Early Presumptive Therapy of TB on Major Thalassemia with PleuroPericarditis)/Tansil Syafiuddin et. al.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (9) 2000 : 447-451
1367 Deteksi Molekuler Tuberkulosis Paru (Molecular Detection in Pulmonary Tuberculosis)/J.F. Palilingan.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (1) 2000 : 32-37 1368 Efektivitas Pengawas Menelan Obat pada Konversi Dahak Penderita Tuberkulosis Paru : Kajian antara Petugas Kesehatan dan Tokok Masyarakat di Kabupaten Pekalongan (The Effectiveness of Drugs Taking Supervisor on Sputum Conversion in Lung Tuberculosis Patient : Reviewed about Health Worker and Community Leader in Pekalongan)/Sutanto Setiabudi; Barmawi Hisyam; Dibyo Pramono.-- Berita Kedokter. Masy ., 2000 : 95-101
1362 Tuberkulosis dan HIV (Tuberculosis and HIV)/ Eddy Surjanto.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (1) 2000 : 46-50 1363 Tuberkulosis Sistem Saraf Pusat di RSUP Dr. Sardjito, Yogyakarta (Central Nervous System Tuberculosis in Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakarta)/Siti Musfiroh; Sekar Satiti.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (3) 2000 : 173-177
1369 Peranan Pemeriksaan Antibodi IgG terhadap Pathozyme-TB Pathozyme-Myco untuk Diagnosis serta Evaluasi Pengobatan Tuberkulosis Paru (The Role of IgG Antibody Examination against Pathozyme-TB and Pathozyme-Myco to Diagnosis and Eva-
TUBERCULOSIS, MILIARY 1364 Imunopatogenesis Tuberkulosis Milier/ Kabat.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (4) 2000 : 161-166
luation of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Treatment)/Syarifuddin Hamdi et. al.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (1) 2000 : 13-22
Demam Tifoid (The Validity Test of Anti O and H Agglutinin S. typhi to Diagnose Typhoid Fever)/Sylvia Y. Muliawan; Lucky Hartati Moehario; Pratiwi Sudarmono.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti , 19 (2) 2000 : 82-86
1370 Peran Uji Serologis ELISA Kp90 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis terhadap IgA dalam Diagnosis dan Evaluasi Respons Pengobatan Tuberkulosis Paru di RSUP Persahabatan (The Role of ELISA Serological Method with Anti Kp90 Immunoglobin a (IgA) Antibodies in Diagnosis and Evaluation of Tuberculosis Treatment Response at Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta)/Dwi Syanthi Andiasari et. al.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (4) 2000 : 138144
ULTRASONICS 1376 Pengaruh Paparan Gelombang Ultrasonik terhadap Motilitas Spermatozoa (The Effect of Ultrasonic Wave Exposure through the Sperm Motility)/Mufied Wibisono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 16 (1) 2000 : 17-20 ULTRAVIOLET RAYS 1377 Biologically Effective Doses of Ambient Solar-UV Radiation in Indonesia and Japan/ Nobuo Munakata et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (2) 2000 : 123-128
1371 Stability of Drug Susceptibility during Anti-TB Chemotherapy in Pulmonary Tuberculosis the Emergence of Transient Drug-Resistance during Anti TB Chemotherapy/R.A. Handojo.- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (1) 2000 : 23-26
1378 Molecular Pathological Changes Induced by Ultraviolet Light during the Development of Skin Cancer/Masato Ueda et. al.-- Med. J. of Indon., 9 (2) 2000 : 118-122
1372 Stability of Drug Susceptibility during Anti-TB Chemotherapy in Pulmonary Tuberculosis/ R.A. Handojo.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (3) 2000 : 120-123
UREA 1379 Form Pembuatan Granul Pupuk Urea dalam Bentuk Lepas Lambat (Production Form of Urea Granule as Fertilizer in a Sustained Release F)/Marchaban.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 11 (1) 2000 : 57-64
1373 Tuberkulosis Paru pada Orang Tua (Lung Tuberculosis in the Elderly)/Priyanti ZS Ratnawati.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 20 (1) 2000 : 38-45
UREAPLASMA UREALYTICUM 1380 Ulasan Kasus-kasus Klinik, Penatalaksanaan Penyakit dan Patogenisitas Ureaplasma Urealyticum (Review on Worldwide Clinical Cases, Disease Management, and the Pathogenesis of Ureaplasma Urealyticum)/ Felix Melchizedech Mesak; Nana Suhana.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (3) 2000 : 158-163
TYPHOID 1374 Demam Tifoid yang Tidak Respon terhadap Kloramfenikol dan Siprofloksasin Serta Berkembang Menjadi Meningitis (Typhoid Fever Resistances to Choramphenicol and Ciptofloxacin May Cause Typhoid Meningitis)/Azhari Gani; Yosia Ginting; T. Banctiar Panjahitan.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 33 (4) 2000 : 244-247
UREASE 1381 Pengaruh Konsentrasi Kuman terhadap Kecepatan Hasil Tes Urease dengan Media Solid (The Effect of Bacteria Concentration through the Time Urease Test Using Solid
1375 Validitas Pemeriksaan Uji Aglutinin O dan H S.typhi dalam Menegakkan Diagnosis Dini
Media)/Harijono Achmad; Saniah.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw ., 16 (2) 2000 : 35-38
Siregar.-- Maj.Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (42) 2000 : 36-42
1382 Symphysiolysis Pubis after Delivery Associated with Rupture of Urethra and Bladder Prolapsed (a Case Report)/ Sofyanuddin.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (4) 2000 : 145-147
1388 Fakta dan Tantangan dalam Virologi Kedokteran dengan Penekanan pada Vaksinasi dan Pengobatan (The Fact and Challenge in Medical Virology Stressing on Medicated and Vaccination)/Agus Sjahrurachman.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 221-227
URETHRITIS 1383 Studi Perbandingan Azithromisin dan Doksisiklin untuk Pengobatan Uretritis NonGonore (The Comparative Study of Azithromycin and Doxycycline against NonGonore Urethritis)/Wresti Indriatmi B. Makes et. al.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 762-764
VAGINOSIS, BACTERIAL 1389 Reducing Bacterial Vaginosis by Avoiding Vaginal Douche among Massage Girls/Tri Nur Kristina.-- Media Medika Indon., 35 (1) 2000 : 23-25 VARICOCELE
URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS 1384 Infeksi Saluran Kemih (Urinary Tract Infection)/Poltak Hutagalung.-Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 18 (43) 2000 : 15-21
1390 Varikokel sebagai Penyebab Infertilitas pada Pria (Varicoceles as a Cause of Infertility in Man)/Julius Ch. Yapri.-- Ebers Papyrus, 6 (3) 2000 : 117-124
1385 Infeksi Saluran Kemih Kompleks di Poliklinik Ginjal Anak Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta (Complicated Urinary Tract Infection in Renal Polyclinic for Children at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Central National General Hospital, Jakarta)/Taralan Tambunan et. al.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 50 (8) 2000 : 372-376
1392 Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Konsumsi Sayuran pada Anak Pra Sekolah, Desa Sicanang Kecamatan Medan Belawan Kotamadya Medan (Factors Influence of Vegetables Consumption on Pre-school Children at Sicanang Village, Medan Belawan, Medan)/Evawany Aritonang.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (7) 2000 : 394-399
1391 Efek Imunologik IgG dalam Serum dan Plasma Seminal pada Pria Pasca Vasektomized Men (The Immunologically Effect of IgG in Sera and Seminal Plasma from Vasectomies Men)/Bambang Wasito.-J. Kedokter. Yarsi, 8 (3) 2000 : 19-29 VEGETABLES
1386 Hubungan antara Gangguan Cemas dengan Urtikaria Khronik pada Pasien yang Berobat Jalan (The Correlation between Anxiety and Chronicle Urticaria in Outpatients)/Dany H. Ludong; Moh Syauki; Veni Hadju.-- Jiwa, 33 (2) 2000 : 111-134 UTERINE
1387 Tinjauan Fungsi Tuba Fallopi Uterina Manusia (Reviewed of the Function of Human Fallopian Uterine Tuba)/Marisi H.
Fakta dan Kedokteran
1393 Tantangan dalam Virologi dengan Penekanan pada
Vaksinasi dan Pengobatan (The Fact and Challenge in Medical Virology Stressing on Medicated and Vaccination)/Agus Sjahrurachman.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (4) 2000 : 221-227
1399 Vulvovaginitis Gonore pada Anak (Vulvovaginitis Gonorrhea on Child)/Junarti Karmadi; Magdalena Mardiono.-- Ebers Papyrus, 6 (1) 2000 : 43-46
1394 Vitamin A, Perkembangan Penggunaannya dalam Terapi/Pencegahan (Vitamin A, its Usage Development in the Therapy and Prevention)/Parwati Setiono Basuki.-Medika, 26 (2) 2000 : 95-103
1400 Warfarin Terapi Perkembangan Pengobatan Antikoagulan (Warfarin the Development of Anticoagulant Therapy)/Maria Lesilolo.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (6) 2000 : 233-241
1395 Kekurangan Vitamin B12, B6, dan Asam Folat Mempercepat Proses Aterosklerosis (Deficiency of Vitamin B12, B6, and Folic Acid to Accelerate the Aterosclerosis Process)/Syarif Husin.-- Medika, 26 (2) 2000 : 92-94
1401 Ventilasi Mekanik : Aspek Penyapihan (Mechanical Ventilation : The Weaning Aspect)/Iskandar.--Medika, 26 (8) 2000 : 515519 WHEELCHAIRS 1402 Kursi Roda yang Bukan Sekedar Kursi Beroda (Wheelchair)/Lestariana Aryanti.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati , 2 (5) 2000 : 184-187
VITAMIN E 1396 Rendahnya Kadar Vitamin E dalam Darah sebagai Salah Satu Faktor Risiko Terjadinya Katarak Senilis : Kajian di RSUP Dr. Sardjito dan RS Mata Dr. Yap Yogyakarta (The Low Vitamin E Level on Blood as a Risk Factor for Senile Cataract : a Study at Dr. Sardjito General Hospital and Dr. Yap Eye Hospital, Yogyakarta)/Wijanarto Joeniarto; Suhardjo; Agus Supartoto.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter ., 32 (3) 2000 : 193-199
WOMEN 1403 Aspek Psikososial Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan (The Aspect of Psychosocial Convulsion through the Women)/Amel Yanis.-- Jiwa, 33 (4) 2000 : 359-365 1404 Masalah Terselubung pada Wanita Usia Lanjut (Hidden Problems in the Elderly Women)/H. Yunizaf.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 24 (2) 2000 : 117-120
1397 Vitamin E dan Respons terhadap Latihan Olahraga (Effect of Vitamin E and the Response to the Sports)/Ahmad Fuad Afdhal.-- Medika, 26 (2) 2000 : 123-124
1405 Kerja Bergilir (Shift Work)/Gerry Silaban.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 28 (1) 2000 : 732-735
1398 Vulvovaginitis Ginokokal pada Dua Anak Bersaudara (Gonococcal Vulvovaginitis in Two Young Sisters at Denpasar General Public Hospital)/Rusyati LM.; Swastika A.; Wiraguna AAGP.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 31 (110) 2000 : 244-247
1406 Kerja Fisik dan Respons Beberapa Hormon (Physical Work and Hormones Response)/
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