Kali Group

March 13, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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The Relationship of Remedies: Kali Group  NATIONAL  NAT IONAL JOURNAL OF HOMOO!A HOMOO!ATH" #$$% Mar & Apr 'OL III III NO #( )r A*it Kul+arni 'Kali Relationship Of Remedies The su,*e-t of relationship of remedies is one of the most fas-inatin. and one of the most ne.le-ted aspe-ts in homoeopathi- pres-ri,in.( Its utilit/ in -lini-al pra-ti-e is profound in terms of dis-rimination re0uired for the sa+e of arri1in. at the simillimum out of the flan+ and in terms of follo23up of a -ase 2here a ph/si-ian has to use the 2ide armamentarium3.i1en:

i( ii( iii( iii(

the the en1i en1iro ronm nment ental al inpu inputs ts ou outt of the the int inter er3a 3a-t -tio ion n the diseas diseasee potent potential ial e4erti e4ertin. n. its its influ influenen-ee o1er o1er tthe he indi1 indi1idu idual al and and the the rem remed edia iall funfun-ti tion onal alit it/ /(

Remed/ relationship is nothin. ,ut the 1arious relations that are shared ,et2een remedies at man/ aspe-ts5 fa-ets5 dimensions5 le1els5 phases and se-tors( To fathom relations in its depth5 a homoeopathi- ph/si-ian must ha1e follo2in. re0uisites: i( The -on-e -on-ept pt of simi similar larit/ it/:: de.rees de.rees and and le1els le1els of simi similar larit/ it/66 the 0ualit 0ualitati ati1e 1e aspe-ts aspe-ts of similarit/( similarit/( The -on-ept of relationship is a -orollar/ of the -on-ept of similarit/( ii( The +no2 +no2led led.e .e of Mate Materia ria Medi Medi-a -a in its its depth depth66 per-ei per-ei1in 1in. . the port portrai raitt in its its totalit/( iii( iii( The -on-e -on-eptu ptual al unders understan tandin din. . of data data in Mater Materia ia MediMedi-aa 1is373 1is3731is 1is hard hard fa-t fa-ts6 s6 -on-eptual portrait ori.inal data3,ase( i1( The +no2le +no2led.e d.e of of anatom/ anatom/55 ph/si ph/siolo./ olo./55 , ,io-hem io-hemistr istr/5 /5 ps/-holo./ ps/-holo./55 p ps/-hi s/-hiatr/ atr/55  ,iolo./5 ,otan/& 8oolo./5 ph/si-s5 ph/si-s5 -hemistr/ et-: -o3relations of -on-epts arri1in. out of these allied fa-ulties 2ith Materia Medi-a( 1( The +no2 +no2led led.e .e of lo.i lo.i-al -al and and philo philosop sophihi-al al fa-ul fa-ulti ties es 1i9 1i9 The The +no2le +no2led.e d.e of of miasms5 sus-epti,ilit/5 sus-epti,ilit/5 disease et-( Types Of Relationship  %( Analogue:  a( omethi omethin. n. that that ,ears ,ears an analo./ analo./ to some somethi thin. n. else( else(  ,( An or.an or stru-ture that is similar similar in fun-tion to one in another +ind of ;or.anism95 ,ut is of dissimilar e1olutionar/ ori.in( -( imilar imilar or e0ui1al e0ui1alent ent in -ertai -ertain n respe-ts5 respe-ts5 -lose -lose enou.h enou.h to ,e -ompar -ompared ed ;/n( A+in5 ( Intercurrent: If the status 0uo -ondition is maintained5 the -ase -omes to a standstill5 a remed/ interpolated & interposed in ,et2een5 rouses the 1ital for-e to steer the s/stem to2ards re-o1er/( The inter-urrent remed/ should not ne-essaril/ ,e a nosode( 4amples: Tub Tub in  in a -ase of pneumonia p neumonia 2ith dela/ed resolution or re-urrent  pneumonia6 Thyroidinum Thyroidinum in  in a -ase of Urti-aria 2ith famil/ h&o th/roid disorder( ?( Miasmatic: Miasms are the mor,id -onstitutions5 2hi-h ma+e the s/stem 1ulnera,le and de1elop -ertain traits5 tenden-ies5 diathesis et-( Hen-e a stru-tural fault has to ,e -orre-ted at the -onstitutional le1el 2ith the appropriate anti3miasmati- treatment( The miasmati- ,lo-+ a-ts as an o,sta-le a.ainst re-o1er/( The patient patient and the the dru. dru. in in Materia Materia Medi-a represent !sora /-osis Tu,er-le /philis( The remed/ must -o1er not onl/ on l/ the manifestations ,ut also the underl/in. miasmati- state( Hen-e miasmati- relations are e4tremel/ important( It .i1es us the assessment of la/ers and follo23up .uidan-e( 4ample: Gels Gels is  is psori-5 Kali-c, psori-5 Kali-c,  Arg-m are  Arg-m  are s/-oti-5 Sil, Calc-sil Calc-sil are s/-oti-5 Sil, Caust  are  are psoro3s/-oti-5 ;li+e Sul 9955 or a psoro3s/philiti- ;li+e Psor  ;li+e  Psor 9 or a s/philo3s/-oti- ;li+e Plb, ;li+e Plb, inc9( inc9( @( Inimical / Incompatible: ome in*urious effe-ts 2ere o,ser1ed ,/ pres-ri,ers after the administration of some remedies ;li+e a -omple4 dissimilar disease9(
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