Kalayaan Power Plant

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Kalayaan Power Plant - Philippines, 1999-2004

 The Project is fnanced by IMPSA (Argentina) under BROT (B uilt, Rehabilitate, Oerate, Trans!er) Trans!er) agree"ent #ith $P% $ational Po#er %ororation&

 The Plant consists o! t he construction o! the ne# 'alayaan PSP Stage II #ith a caacity o! *+ M- re.ersible u"ing/generating units& The rehabilitation o! the t#o eisting %aliraya and Botocan hydroo#er lant o! 0 M- and 1 M-, resecti.ely, is also included in the !ra"e o! the %B' roject&

 The 'alayaan u"ed storage lant i s the frst o! this tye in the Philiines, built to ro.ide "uch needed ea2 o#er caacity to the 3u4on electric electric grid& The Project Project "a2es use o! the head a.ailable a.ailable bet#een the uer %aliraya reser.oir reser.oir,, o! +0 "illion "0 caacity, built in the 516s to !eed a traditional hydroo#er hydroo#er lant, and 3aguna de Bay, a huge huge natural lagoon o! brac2ish #ater& #ater& The frst stage, co""issione co""issioned d in *7+0, is e8uied e8uied #ith t#o *1 M- re.ersible re.ersible units& units&

This roject roject #ill reali4e reali4e the second stage,

constituted by a ne# enstoc2 and o#erhouse, as #ell as associated structures&

In its fnal confguration (si stages), the roject #ill include the !ollo#ing structures9

 T#o  T#o inta2e structures on the shore shore o! the eisting %aliraya reser.oir and rele.ant rele.ant aroach channels:

Si outdoor steel enstoc2s, ;&1 " dia"eter, *&0 2" long, #ith a ter"inal bi!urcation:

Si sha!t o#erhouses, e8uied #ith * re.ersible ead (generating "ode)9 bet#een +;& and ?+&1 ":

= @ischarge (generating "ode)9 bet#een ;&; and ;*&5 "0/s:

= $o"inal caacity (generating "ode)9 *1 M- (*+ M- !or the nd stage)  *:

= >ead (u"ing "ode)9 bet#een 7*&1 and +5& ":

= @ischarge (u"ing "ode)9 bet#een 55&+ and 5+&? "0/s:

= $o"inal caacity (u"ing "ode)9 *5 M-  *&

Signifcant technical asects o! 'alayaan roject are related to the high ratio bet#een the enstoc2s length and the a.ailable head& In order to achie.e a satis!actory satis!actory !re8uency regulation, it #as necessary necessary to enlarge and oti"i4e the enstoc2 dia"eter& dia"eter& @etailed studies ha.e been carried out to .eri!y the hydraulic conditions into the enstoc2s, esecially the bi!urcations, during the hydraulic transients&

Description of Actual Services provided y the Sta!"

= Toograhical Toograhical and geological in.estigations

= >ydrological analyses and reser.oir oeration studies

= uantity and cost esti"ates, construction lanning

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