Kaizen Presentation
Short Description
Kaizen Presentation...
A Tool of Total Quality Management for Continuous Improvement
Mechanical Mechanical Engineering Department S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat tushardesaisnit!gmail.com
The Model of Total Quality
The Model of Total Quality
Total Quality Management-The Building Blocks
TQM depends on this building block (g!" #hich together determines the strength and safety of the organization!
What Does Kaizen Mean?
To modify, to change
ZEN Think, Think, make good, make make good (for the better)
Kaizen Means Improement! "rad#a$, order$y, and contin#o#s Kaizen improement Kaizen means contin#o#s improement in %orking $ife Kaizen &ngoing improement ino$ing eeryone &ngoing Make it easier 'y st#dying it, and making the improement thro#gh Make e$imination of %aste !
What Does Kaizen Mean?
It means gradual, unending improvement, doing “little things”
better; striving for ever-higher standards.
Kaien does not involve large investments
!""ording to #asaa$i Imai % man& other 'ualit& e(perts “Kaien
has been the $e& to )apan*s "ompetitive su""ess.”
+suall& applied to multi-dis"iplinar& teams similar to
"ir"les. he distin"tion being, /ualit& 0ir"les are
groups of people
doing similar or$
hilosoph& of "ontinuous improvement "on"erning all
and their parti"ular tas$s and all levels ithin
the organiation.
What Does Kaizen Mean? A system
%hich generates and imp$ements ideas regarding improement %hich come from the emp$oyees!
*orma$ recognition of the need for contin#o#s improement and p$ans to achiee it are no% a part of a$$ +#a$ity systems!
The Kaizen phi$osophy needs to 'e app$ied to a$$ aspects of a '#siness!
A too$ to he$p improe +#a$ity and prod#ctiity
Kaizen, a phi$osophy, a strategy, a progrmme an inherent part of the T-M process, he$ps to improe +#a$ity of goods serices of an organization!
.ontin#o#s improement /or Kaizen0 is the phi$osophy of contin#a$$y seeking %ays to improe operations!
Kaizen means improement ongoing 1 contin#o#s neer ending improement ino$ing eeryone in %ork $ife!
Why .ontin#o#s Improement?
2apid changes in techno$ogy
Increasing %or$d3%ide competition
"ro%ing cost of defects and fai$#re
Kai+en Kai+en, the core concet of TQM, is a
cost effecti.e cost
result oriented techni/ue result 0hich hels to 0hich to identify root causes of inefficient 0orking and offer systematic aroach to change the attitude of eole to eliminate causes of roblems in the rocess to leading to imro.ement in /uality of outut and to miraculous organi+ational changes1
Kai+en signifies ste by ste gradual gradual large number of continuous imro.ements no matter ho0 small 0hich should be taking lace all the time in e.ery rocess in.ol.ing e.eryone from management to 0orkers1 in.ol.ing
Si"e of improement
Small improements# Small steps$
Major improements #%ig steps$
%asis of improement
&onentional 'no(ledge #&onentional 'no( ho($
Technology or e)uipment #Technological *rea' through$
Main resource
+ersonal inolement
Money inestment
+eople inoled
Many people
fe( champions
Improe the process +rocess oriented
Improe results/esult oriented
Een in slo( economy #Slo( gro(th economy$
Mainly in good economy #0ast gro(th economy$
5apanese KAIZEN actiities, indiid#a$ or gro#p, %ork ro#nd the fo$$o%ing themes!
Work improement
Working Enironment Improement
6rocess Improement
Machine capa'i$ity improement /Minim#m do%n time0
Improement in prod#ction aids /5igs, fi7t#res, too$s etc!0
Improements in serice areas 1 office %ork
-#a$ity improement
Improement in c#stomer serice and c#stomer re$ations
Improements for ne% prod#cts /ideas0
Improement in the 89MAN indiid#a$s capa'i$ities
#ase-2 Before Kai+en
A ool (shee di) 0as used to remo.e insects from the shee3s bodies1 4e had to ush the heads of the shi do0n to submerge them into the 0ater mi5ed 0ith insecticides1 After Kai+en
A it 0as made at the bottom of the ool1 This meant the shee 0ould submerge their heads by themsel.es1 To 6cause the shee to dee their heads3 rather than 6make them di their heads31 7orm a mechanism to achie.e a fa.ourable situation that arises automatically rather than comulsorily1 This leads to better 0ork1
B!8T 4A9 T$ #$"T$& I8 T$ !&IMI"AT! T:! "!!; 7$ #$"T$&
#ase-< i.er "ile
Before Kai+en
Traffic 0as hea.y on the main street along the i.er "ile1 Making a left turn from the south 0as esecially difficult1 After Kai+en i.er "ile
from the south first makes aright turn and then makes a %-turn1
8!'AAT! A"; ;II;! !8TI#TI! #$";ITI$"8
#ase- Before Kai+en
#asing 0ith metal head
#asing 0ithout metal head 'roducts 0ith defects There 0ere t0o tyes of battery casings> those 0ith a metal head and those 0ithout1 These t0o tyes 0ere not searated and 0ere running together on the con.eyor belts1
#asing 0ith metal head
After Kai+en
"on-defecti.e items only #asing 0ithout metal head
magnet ensures only castings 0ith metal heads run on the belt1
#&A88I79 A"; 8!'AAT! %8I"? A MA?"!T
#ase-@ Before Kai+en
&ums of sugar
ibrating screen
4ooden stick 8ugar 0ith remaining lums
&ums of sugar, mo.ing o.er a series of .ibrating screens, 0ere beaten 0ith 0ooden sticks1 &ums still remained1 After Kai+en
&ums of sugar
olling bar A
stationary bar is rolled on the screen1 The lums are crushed bet0een the screen and the bar1
;$ IT Q%I#K&9 A"; %"I7$M&9
#ase- Before Kai+en
The ball of yarn 0as rolling about freely 0hile grandma 0as knitting1 After Kai+en
A basket 0as set u so that the ball of yarn stayed inside1
8TABI&I8ATI$" B9 8T$A?! I" A #$"TAI"!
#ase-C Before Kai+en 4ooden container contains @ items
&- shaed ies 0ere stored inside a container, all iled u and difficult to handle1
After Kai+en
A secial rack 0as de.ised to store the &-shaed ies1
84IT#: &!"?T:4I8! '&A#!M!"T T$ #$884I8! '&A#!M!"T
#ase-D Before Kai+en
'iette 0ashing 0as done by hand under 0ater from the ta1 This 0as .ery inefficient1
After Kai+en
A container 0as de.eloed to 0ash se.eral iettes at the same time1 This meant many iettes could be 0ashed simultaneously1
'!7$M 8IMI&A TA8K8 T$?!T:!
#ase-E Before Kai+en
!lectrical 0ork on steel to0ers 0as dangerous 0hene.er 0orkers droed tools1
After Kai+en
4orkers 0ere instructed to 0ear belts and to lace their tools under their belts1
4:!" 4$KI"? I" :I?: '&A#!8, A&4A98 K!!' 9$% :A";8 7!!
#ase-2 Before Kai+en
;ra0er keys
I sometimes left my office desk dra0er keys at home and had to return to get them1
After Kai+en
#ar key
I ut my car key and the desk dra0er keys onto the same key ring1
;ra0er keys
'!!"T %"4ITTI"? MI8TAK!8
Ad.antages of Kai+en Kaizen, is an emp$oyee3friend$y techni+#e and has many adantages! /:0 Ens#res incrementa$ '#t contin#o#s improement in +#a$ity, prod#ctiity, safety, c$ean$iness and machine #ti$ization! /;0 8e$ps to prod#ce improed and consistent prod#ct and serice +#a$ity! /0 Caria'i$ity .ontro$ and 6reention
Method of KAI!" Imlementation>-
The fo#r approaches to imp$ement the Kaizen at the %orkp$ace are descri'ed 'e$o%! /:0 .ontin#o#s Improement earning /;0 Indiid#a$ Kaizens /Instead of p#shing prod#cts into the market /p#sh method of man#fact#ring0 hope that c#stomers %i$$ '#y them, find o#t %hat potentia$ c#stomers need dee$op prod#cts that meet or e7ceed their needs e7pectations!
(f) oice by ;ata>-
The +#a$ity too$s s#ch as contro$ charts, histograms, 6areto diagrams, r#n charts etc! %i$$ proide rea$istic 'ackgro#nd for co$$ecting the data th#s he$ps in ana$yzing the pro'$ems %ith facts!
(g) ariability #ontrol and 're.ention>Ask GWhy?H fie times to identify the reason for occ#rrence root ca#se of a pro'$em and to aoid @#st treating the effect of the pro'$em!
Methods of Kai+en Imlementation
(a) #ontinuous Imro.ement &earning
&earning, creati.ity and inno.ation are essential comonents of continuous imro.ement rocess1
TQM can act as a .ehicle for transformation and ro.ide oortunities and rocesses for change1
(b)Indi.idual Kai+ens
A morale booster1
JThinking 0orkers3
!5amles are> Imro.ements in one3s o0n 0ork 0orking en.ironment 0orking machines and rocesses Higs and tools office 0ork roduct /uality roduct sa.ings in energy, material and other resources sa.ings ideas for ne0 roducts customer ser.ices and customer relations, etc1 customer 41
(#) ?rou Kai+en or Quality #ontrol #ircles The kaizen team #ses a ten step proced#re 'ased on neer ending 6D.A cyc$e! 8mall ?rou Acti.ities
-#a$ity .ontro$ .irc$es Zero Defects moements #ggestion gro#ps Mini think3tanks afety gro#ps 6rod#ctiity committees MF& gro#ps etc! A ';#A #9#&!
(d)4orksho Acti.ity The committee records, categorizes ana$yses the $osses re$ated to ario#s categories as represented in Table1 'roduction or 'roducti.ity
ero ;efects 'rogramme1
Increase through Imro.ement in labor roducti.ity1 Imro.ement in energy roducti.ity1 Imro.ement in material roducti.ity1 Imro.ement in $!!1 Imro.ement in attaining effecti.e man-hours1 By analy+ing #ustomer comlaints1 In house reHections In house scra, re0ork, reair etc1
#ost eduction
Through educing cycle time1 educing labor cost1 educing cost on maintenance1 educing energy consumtion1 Increase in $!!1
;eli.ery ;ates
Maintain deli.ery dates1 Increase $!!1 educe bottlenecks1 educe re0orking rerocessing etc1 educe fre/uent design changes
To achie.e +ero accidents1 To imlement safety rules1 To identify safe actions1 To take correcti.e actions to a.oid future accidents1
Morale Building
To build morale of emloyees bring commitment to 0ork1 To imro.e team building, in.ol.ement and articiation in circle acti.ities1 To ro.ide encouragement to generate Kai+ens1 To gi.e recognition re0ards for indi.idual Kai+ens, suggestions imro.ements carried out1
KAI!" ?!MBA G"em'aH means %orkp$ace and GkaizenH means improement! .ommon s#'@ects of Kaizen "em'aB The specific foc#s areas for the Kaizen "em'a are as fo$$o%sB
/:0 Improement in methods /;0 Improement in %ork content /0 2ed#ction in re%ork /0 2ed#ction in errors J mistakes /40 aing in po%erJenergy /:0aing in f#e$ /::0aing in space /:;0aing in $ime /:08o#sekeeping Alicability Adatability In this approach, peop$e are conditioned to 'ecome Kaizen conscio#s, i!e! +#a$ity and prod#ctiity are '#i$t into the peop$e! They 'ecome improement conscio#s, for 'oth f#nctiona$ and cross3f#nctiona$ pro'$ems! They make #se of commonsense, creatiity and pro'$em so$ing too$s to dea$ %ith pro'$ems!
The fi.e L8tes Kai+en Mo.ement 21 8eiri ( 8traighten u )
Work3 in 3progress 9nnecessary too$s 9n#sed machinery Defectie prod#cts! 6apers and doc#ments! Differeentiate 'et%een the necessay and the #nnecessary and discard #nnecessary -
!5amle> - A comany recei.es a comlaint from his customer that the goods are not recei.ed by them1 4hy 4hy techni/ue is used as follo0s>(i) 4hy 0ere the goods not disatched by timeG The goods 0ere not (i) acked in time1 (ii) 4hy 0ere the goods not acked in timeG The roduction 0as not comleted in time (iii)4hy 0as the roduction not comleted in timeG 8ome modifications 0ere made in the roduct features1 (i.)4hy 0ere the modifications madeG
(d)alue 8tream Maing The uni/ue maing concet hels to .isuali+e the station cycle times in.entory at each stage (4I') mano0er mano0er information flo0 across the suly chain,etc1 alue adding acti.ities> The 0ork or acti.ity for 0hich the customer is 0illing to ay1 "ecessary "A acti.ities> Administrati.e o.erheads like reorting, checking, suer.ising, controlling, re.ie0ing co-ordinating1 "A acti.ates or 4aste> 4ork, 4ork, 0hich neither adds nor enables .alue, .alue, either to the customer or to the organi+ation1
(e)Total 'roducti.e Maintenance (T'M)
T'M is an aroach for otimi+ing the roducti.ity of manufacturing e/uiments
through systematic e/uiments maintenance in.ol.ing emloyees of all le.els
to re.ent all losses to
achie.e achie.e
+ero defects,
+ero breakdo0ns,
+ero accidents and
+ero ollution in the entire roduction system life cycle1
(f) 8e.en $ld "e0 Tools of Quality These tools are /uite helful in collection, analysis, interretation resentation of data1
1even %ld Tools of Quality2 3
#heck sheet :istogram, 8catter diagram, 7lo0chart 'areto diagram, #ontrol chart #ause effect diagram1
Affinity dia1 Affinity Tree dia1 Tools of Quality23 Tree 1even )e# Interrelationshi dia1 Acti.ity net0ork dia1 Matri5 dia1 'rioriti+ation matrices, ';'# etc1
(g) 'oka -9oke (Mistake !rror 'roofing)
NokaO meaning Ninad.ertent Ninad.ertent errorsO yoke means Nto a.oidO together they mean as N!rrorMistake roofingO or fool roofing together 0ork rocess system to eliminate inad.ertent errors1
'oka- 9oke 0orks on follo0ing illars
%se source insection
Minimi+e the time to carry out correcti.e action 0hen abnormalities aear1
!mloy mistakes roofing de.ices ( called 'oka 9oke) .i+1 sensors, transducers, limit s0itches ,metal detectors etc1
esect 0orkers 1 They are human beings not the rogrammable machines1
The other techni/ues of Kai+en are IT, '$M, 8M!;, 8'#, suggestion schemes, .isual management, 0ork standards etc1
'oka- 9oke 0orks on follo0ing illars
%se source insection
Minimi+e the time to carry out correcti.e action 0hen abnormalities aear1
!mloy mistakes roofing de.ices ( called 'oka 9oke) .i+1 sensors, transducers, limit s0itches ,metal detectors etc1
esect 0orkers 1 They are human beings not the rogrammable machines1
The other techni/ues techni/ues of of Kai+en Kai+en are are IT, IT, '$M, 8M!;, 8'#, suggestion schemes, .isual management, 0ork standards etc1
Benefits of Kai+en
!nsures incremental but continuous imro.ement in /uality, roducti.ity, safety, cleanliness resources utili+ation1 educes 0astes, "As, re0orks, reHections loss of energy, man machine o0er1 :els to roduce imro.ed consistent consistent roduct roduct ser.ice /uality1 ?enerates rocess oriented thinking1 ?enerates Attacks boredom monotony of of reetiti.e 0ork1 Imro.e emloyees3 morale brings commitment to 0ork1 Imro.e Brings about alignment bet0een obHecti.es of organi+ations Brings those of its emloyees1 !mloyees are e5ected to imlement imro.ements at their o0n !mloyees 0ork laceP hence it leads to emo0erment of emloyees etc1
Bhat k1 8hridhara, N Total Quality Management- Te5t #asesO, :imalaya 'ub1, Mumbai,
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