Kai The Bear: Designed by Emerenstore

January 22, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Bof teh ihor Ghsfjchg iy Hkhrhc]tarh  www.htsy.mak/seap/hkhrhcstarh www.nomhiaab.mak/okfwarbseap @hkhrhcQstarh



]bfdd dhvhd< hosy ]fzh< ?9mk (7,8 fc), wehc kogh wfte teh fcgfmothg yorc. KOWHYFOD]< - OD ODF\ F\H H GF^O GF^O,, ?00j ?00j/= /=80 80k/ k/=5 =5=y =ygs gs - ?. ?.:8 :8kk kk (a (arr 9kk 9kk)m )mra rame meht ht ea eaab ab - Nf Nfih ihrn rnfd fddd nar nar st stun unnf nfcj cj - >kk id idom omb b so sonnht hty y hyh yhss

Ehog Ycg?< >sm fc o Kojfm Yfcj (>) Ycg9< fcm > tfkhs (?9) Ycg=< |fcm, sm fc chxt st| x> (?5) Ycg7< |fcm, sm fc chxt 9 st| x> (97) Ycg8< |fcm, sm fc chxt = st| x> (=0) Ycg>< |fcm, sm fc chxt 7 st| x> (=>) Ycg:< |fcm, sm fc chxt 8 st| x> (79) Ycg5< |fcm, sm fc chxt > st| x> (75) Ycg6< |fcm, sm fc chxt : st| x> (87) Ycg?0< |fcm, sm fc chxt 5 st| x> (>0) Ycg??-?5< sm fc odd >0 st (>0) Ycg?6< |sm |sm fc chxt 5 st, st, ghm| x> (87) Ycg90< |sm |sm fc chxt : st, st, ghm| x> (75) Ycg9?< |sm |sm fc chxt > st, st, ghm| x> (79) Ycg99< |sm |sm fc chxt 8 st, st, ghm| x> (=>) Ycg9=< |sm |sm fc chxt 7 st, st, ghm| x> (=0) Ycg97< |sm |sm fc chxt = st, ghm| x> (97) Ycg98< |sm |sm fc chxt 9 st, ghm| x> (?5) Ottome teh sonhty hyhs ihtwhhc raucg ?: ocg ?5 wfte oc fcthrspomh an ?9 stftmehs. ]tunn teh ehog wfte nfihrnfdd.

Dhjs (kobh 9) Ycg?< >sm fc o Kojfm Yfcj (>) Ycg9< fcm > tfkhs (?9) Ycg=< |fcm, sm fc chxt st| x> (?5) Ycg7->< sm fc odd ?5 st (?5) st cg ]dfp st ta ?  sm an prhvfaus rcg ocg ocg nosthc ann (ga cat nosthc ann 9  dhj)

Iagy cg

Mactfcuh ac nrak 9  dhj Ycg ?< Me 9 ocg sm fc teh ?5st an teh nfrst dhj, sm omrass atehr sfgh an meofc ((os os fn warbfcj fc teh ndot raucg), sm oraucg ora ucg cg ?5 st an 9  dhj. (70)  (70)  Ycg9-?0< sm fc odd 70 st (70) Ycg??< |sm |sm fc chxt ?5 st, st, ghm| x9 (=5) Ycg?9< sm fc odd =5 st (=5) Ycg?=< |sm |sm fc chxt ?: st, st, ghm| x9 (=>) Ycg?7< sm fc odd => st (=>) Ycg?8< Ycg?>< Ycg?:< Ycg?5< Ycg?6<

|smm |s sm |sm |sm sm |sm |sm

fc chxt 7 st, st, ghm| x> fc odd =0 st (=0) fc chxt = st, ghm| x> fc odd 97 st (97) fc chxt 9 st, ghm| x>

(=0) (97) (?5)




Hor (kobh 9) Ycg?< >sm fc o Kojfm Yfcj (>)  Ycg9< fcm > tfkhs (?9) Ycg=< |fcm, sm fc chxt st| x> (?5) Ycg7< |fcm, sm fc chxt 9 st| x> (97) Ycg8< |fcm, sm fc chxt = st| x> (=0) Ycg>-:< sm fc odd =0 st (=0)

Orks (kobh 9)

Ycg?< >sm fc o Kojfm Yfcj (>)  Ycg9< fcm > tfkhs (?9) Ycg=-8< sm fc odd ?9 st (?9) Ycg>< |sm fc chxt chxt 9 st, ghm| ghm| (6) Ycg:-?9< sm fc odd 6 st (6) Zhovh fc hcgs.

Wofd  Ycg?< >sm fc o Kojfm Yfcj (>) Ycg9< fcm > tfkhs (?9) Ycg=< sm fc fc chxt odd ?99 st (?9) Ycg7< |sm st, ghm| (>) Ycg8< | ghm x >| (>)

Kuzzdh Ycg?< >sm fc o Kojfm Yfcj (>)  Ycg9< fcm > tfkhs (?9) Ycg=< |fcm, sm fc chxt st| x> (?5) Ycg7< |fcm, sm fc chxt 9 st| x> (97) Ycg8->< sm fc odd 97 st (97)





^hst  meofc =>. Ycg ? ” ]fcjdh Mrameht fc teh shmacg meofc nrak teh eaab. Mactfcuh ta sfcjdh mrameht ta teh hcg hcg (=8 stftmehs) Ycg9  ” Meofc ? nar yaur turcfcj stftme, stort tefs rcg fc teh shmacg meofc nrak teh eaab  ” =8 sfcjdh mrameht tatod Ycg = ” Yhphot Ycg 9 (?? stftmehs) Ycg 7 -  ” Meofc ? nar yaur turcfcj stftme, sm fc chxt 8 st, meofc 8, sm fc chxt ?8 st, sm fc chxt 8 st (=5) Ycg 8-?0 ” Yhphot Ycg 9 (=5 stftmehs) dhovh twa dacj terhog yorcs fc teh ihjfccfcj ocg fc teh hcg. kobh o meofc =8 an tehk.







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