Kadwa's Homeopathy Clinic Case Diary

December 9, 2016 | Author: abckadwa | Category: N/A
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Here We have documented more than 1700 cases that involve serving more than 4000 patient visits....


Sr. No. Patient Name Problems Reported Remedy Name Date Details Sr. No. 1 : Patient : 443 recurring fever, pain in calves due to cold at night, weakness Calc Carb 200, Rhus Tox 30, kali phos 30, silicea 200 07-10-2010, 13-12-2010, 21-12-2010, 05-01-2011, 02-03-2011, 10-03-2011, 22-03-2011, 28-04-2011, 08-05-2011, 13-05-2011, 15-06-2011, 10-08-2011, 28-09-2011, 07-10-2011, 22-10-2011, 30-10-2011, 04-11-2011, 03-12-2011, 06-12-2011, 21-12-2011, 23-12-2011 128jn recurring fever, pain in calves due to cold at night, weakness high blood pressure inspite of taking meds worried about future He was given Calc Carb 200 as constitutional and Rhus for calves pain. He reported normalizing of his BP and absence of his calves pain.

He attributed BP normalising to his BP meds and absence of calves pain to change in weather. 13-12-2010 He again complained about his calves pain and said that there is no response from Rhus Tox. He is again given Calc Carb 200. 21-12-2010 He did well for 2 days on calc carb 200. Then he stopped taking mukta vati and there was aggravation overall. Now he is again given calc carb 200 five doses. 05-01-2011 He complained again about his leg pain and said that there is no relief. He is given Silicea 200, calc carb 200 12-01-2011 He got some relief in his leg pain. He complained of knee pain on the back side. He is asked to take Sil 200. 02-03-2011 he is passing many loose stools a day after taking some allopathic meds. nux vomica 30c thrice a day 10-03-2011 swelling in foot that was injured long back rhus arnica 30c twice a day, symphytum 200 once a day 22-03-2011 got relief in swelling and pain. swelling gone, there is pain on exertion rhus arnica 30 once in 2 days symphytum 200 once in 4 days 28-04-2011 thinks that his foot has swelled (no sweling in reality) nerve pain of leg burning sensation loose stools every 2-3 days arsenic alb 30 08-05-2011 throat ulcers nartrum mur 30 5 doses over 3 days cyst near anus calc fluor 30 2 pills a day

13-05-2011 some relief in throat ulcers and cyst. remedies continued. 15-06-2011 body pain due to rainy season calc carb 200 rhus arn 30 10-08-2011 leg pain at night calc carb 200, symphytum 200, rhus 200 28-09-2011 He complained of toothache worse touch. He has a blocked nose at night staphysagria 200, calc fluor 30, fp km 6 07-10-2011 leg pain worse cold. calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 22-10-2011 leg cramps at night yograj guggulu 30-10-2011 He has abdominal pain all over abdomen. He has eaten very few diwali items. He is asked to take 5 doses of the following remedies at 12 hr gap in sequence. No need to to go for next remedy if any remedy works. nux vomica 200, calc carb 200, lyc 200 He is also given some 15 ml kumari asav with water. 04-11-2011 abdominal problems are corrected complains of night sweats Arsenic Alb 200 5 doses. 03-12-2011 pain in left testicles knee pain he got relief on yograj gug for his knee pain yograj guggulu, shilajeet rasayan vati -

06-12-2011 he got relief in pain in his testicles severe pain in left leg at night rhus tox 200 21-12-2011 He feels that his nerve is pinched and he has lot of pain. rhus tox 200 23-12-2011 He got some relief. Now he feels pain in his left hand and his pain when he does some exertion. arsenic alb 200 five doses. yograj guggulu Sr. No. 2 : Patient : 1433 pain at heels lyc 200, rhus arn 30, nux vom 200, ratanhia 30, hamamelis 30 01-08-2011, 28-08-2011, 29-09-2011, 18-10-2011, 22-12-2011 128jn pain at heels first movement difficult lyc 200, rhus arn 30 28-08-2011 pain 70% relieved. rhus arn 30 once in three to four days. 29-09-2011 He got total relief. He is provided with some rhus arn 30 to be taken on need basis. 18-10-2011 he complained of extremely painful, bleeding piles there are many small knots formed at anus nux vom 200, ratanhia 30, hamamelis 30 22-12-2011 pain in leg worse rest rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 3 : Patient : 577 toothache staphysagria 200, calc flour 30, mag phos 30 13-02-2011, 22-12-2011

128jn toothache with shooting pain always and worse eating. staphysagria 200, calc flour 30, mag phos 30 22-12-2011 He did well on the remedies. the remedies are repeated on the recurrence of his problems Sr. No. 4 : Patient : 522 moving pain in lower extremeties Puls 200, rhus tox 30, arnica 30, calc carb 200, silicea 200, lyc 200 18-01-2011, 23-01-2011, 06-02-2011, 06-03-2011, 02-04-2011, 01-08-2011, 29-09-2011, 22-12-2011 128jn moving pain in lower extremeties prefers cold surroundings mild disposition palpitations on quarelling passes 2-3 stools a day burning soles of legs Puls 200 23-01-2011 She reported 10-12% relief in her pain. rhus arn 30 for few days and if no result again pulsatilla. 06-02-2011 She reported relief in her burning soles. Whenever she puts her foot on a cold floor, she has a radiating pain in her leg. Only one leg is affected. She is given Calc Carb 200 and Silicea 200. 06-03-2011 She did well for burning sensation and radiating pain due to cold floor walk her pain is reducing but no significant reduction lyc 200 02-04-2011 pain is still there in the knee and around ankle irritability has increased Sulphur 30 02-07-2011 now she has pain centerd only at her heels yograj guggulu, chandraprabha vati

01-08-2011 she has severe burning and sweating after taking ayur meds. she is asked to take amla juice. 29-09-2011 She got relief ultimately on rhus arn 30. Though each remedy taken changed her pain in some way or other. 22-12-2011 She sweats a lot if a temperature rises a little. She also has pain in her upper back. pulsatilla 200 4 doses Sr. No. 5 : Patient : 1778 toothache staphysagria 200, calc flour 30, mag phos 30 22-12-2011 128jn toothache with shooting pain always and worse eating. staphysagria 200, calc flour 30, mag phos 30 Sr. No. 6 : Patient : 442 knee pain, stiffness after sitting in one position Rhus Tox 200, Calc Carb 200 14-12-2010, 23-01-2011, 10-10-2011, 21-12-2011 128jn knee pain, stiffness after sitting in one position Rhus Tox 200 23-01-2011 He said that he had relief for 20 days after taking the remedy. He reported pain in knee while going upstairs. Calc Carb 200 5 doses 10-10-2011 knee pain worse winter yograj guggulu 21-12-2011 He does well on remedies. He has some pain after remedies are stopped. rhus tox 200 on alternate days, stop on relief then again start.

Sr. No. 7 : Patient : 1245 body pain nux vomica 200, ruta 200 23-05-2011, 14-06-2011, 19-12-2011 teliya since 2 yrs haing pain in hands, legs, upper / lower back. all day over worse exertion can't apply pressure while washing constipation after taking harmonal pill lazy menses 8 days early, 2 day normal flow, some flow on 3rd day, no clots nux vomica 200, ruta 200 14-06-2011 she got relief in her constipated bowels. no relief in body pain. she dislikes milk since 7-8 years. nux vomica 200 to be taken if constipated rhus arn 30 chandraprabha vati, yograj guggulu 19-12-2011 She did well for her body pain and other muscular issues on the ayurvedic remedies she has taken. Now she is free of pain. She did lot of reading for doing her M.Phil. She feels pain in her eyes. nux vomica 200 five doses, ruta 200 on alternate days after nv. Sr. No. 8 : Patient : 1367 poor eye sight phosphorus 200 14-06-2011, 19-12-2011 teliya demonstrates very high level of efficiency and endurance in discharging responsibility assigned by a social organisation of volunteers phosphorus 200. 19-12-2011 It seems that he has not improved in his eye sight. He was groping when he was asked to bring chair from a poorly lit room. He never feels tired and never has any pain. He feels uncomfortable today though no effect on his appetite, BM etc. Nux Vomica 200 five doses.

Sr. No. 9 : Patient : 837 abdominal gases, high bp, pain worse sitting sulphur 200, nux vomica 30 03-03-2011, 25-03-2011, 19-12-2011 teliya abdominal gases, high bp, pain worse sitting religious bent of mind sulphur 200, nux vomica 30 25-03-2011 got some relief in numbness, short breath, stiffness no relief in burning in abdomen sulphur 200, nux vomica 30 19-12-2011 He is feeling uneasy, gaseuous, burning in abdomen after taking spicy food and local chyavanprash. nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 10 : Patient : 593 piles, pimples sulphur 30, sulphur 200, fp km 6, bryonia 30, silicea 30, calc carb 200, nux vomica 30, calc fluor 30, rhus arn 30, calc carb 200 12-10-2010, 27-11-2010, 11-02-2011, 05-04-2011, 28-04-2011, 28-05-2011, 20-06-2011, 05-08-2011, 24-09-2011, 05-11-2011, 15-11-2011, 19-12-2011 teliya piles since 2 months pimples since 7-8 months, now more sweats more, oily face throat pain while swallowing since 2 days thirsty for cold water hard stools, large stools irritable mood, headache at present 27-11-2010 piles stools first hard then soft headache sulphur 200, fp km 6 11-02-2011 mouth bitter, headache, body pain some problem of piles

sulphur 200, fp km 6 05-04-2011 back pain worse movements cystic acne bryonia 30, silicea 30 28-04-2011 headache, constipation, urticaria Sulphur 200 backache ruta 30 cystic pimple silicea 30 28-05-2011 again complaining of back pain. calc carb 200, ruta 30 20-06-2011 headache, piles after allopathic medication for fever hard stools, protruded mass nux vomica 30, calc fluor 30 05-08-2011 pain in extremeties due to cycling. rhus arn 30. 24-09-2011 pain in extremeties nux vomica 30, rhus arn 30 05-11-2011 chest pain while coughing calc carb 200 pain while working rhus arn 30 15-11-2011 relief in chest pain no relief in cough headache nux vomica 30 19-12-2011 He has body pain. No other issues.

nux vomica 30, rhus tox 30 Sr. No. 11 : Patient : 1686 knee pain lyc 200, rhus arn 30 09-11-2011, 22-11-2011, 19-12-2011 teliya knee pain in both legs less pain when gets up, increases on exertion constipated bowels due to allopathic meds started since 4-5 years short breath on going upstairs less thirst prefers cold surroundings prefers hot food retired person more hunger feel better 7 pm onwards upset at 11 am lyc 200, rhus arn 30 22-11-2011 He reported 10% relief in knee pain. He has constipated bowels, also has polyuria. nux vomica 30, yograj guggulu 19-12-2011 He is having good BM now. He still has polyuria. Knee pain is there though it is somewhat less. rhus arn 30 chandraprabha vati Sr. No. 12 : Patient : 1777 acute cough, backache lyc 200, phos 200, rhus arn 30 17-12-2011, 19-12-2011 17-12-2011 productive cough prefers cold surroundings irritable mind regular menses, since 2-3 months late by 10 days due to allopathic meds 3-4 days, normal bleeding, day 1 thick then thin. clots sometimes

neck and back pain after sprain more on left side headache from neck to head good BM less thirst Lyc 200 five doses rhus arn 30 on need for pain 19-12-2011 There is relief in pain. She has dry cough now and it seems she has smell of food eaten while coughing. Phosphorus 200

Sr. No. 13 : Patient : 1596 warts, cyst thuja 30 09-10-2011, 28-11-2011, 02-12-2011, 19-12-2011 teliya suffering from breakout of warts more on face also has a cyst on lower back also back pain and stiffness in the morning thuja 30 28-11-2011 He is suffering from fever and nausea. nux vomica 200 02-12-2011 Now he doesn't have fever or nausea. He is suffering from cough now. He is a heavily indebted man and pledges his properties for ridiculous sum of money. Hyoscyamus 200 19-12-2011 He got relief in his cough on Hyos. Still he gets cough when he is exposed to cold. Hepar Sulph 200. He reports relief in warts. Thuja 30 Sr. No. 14 : Patient : 1464 cough, polyuria

calc carb 200, fp km 6 28-08-2011, 04-09-2011, 11-09-2011, 18-09-2011, 02-10-2011, 09-10-2011, 23-10-2011, 30-10-2011, 06-11-2011, 20-11-2011, 27-11-2011, 04-12-2011, 11-12-2011, 18-12-2011 ssk 28-08-2011 she recovered from fever and now having cough and polyuria. she has a history of profuse menses. she had dementia during fever. she was on nux vomica 200 before that. calc carb 200, fp km 6 cp 1, yg 1. 04-09-2011 she at times gets relief in her urine continence. she is asked to be regular in taking chandraprabha vati. she has cough. she finds relief in cramping pain in her back, body pain, itching. nux vomica 30 and fp km 6 daily twice. 11-09-2011 she got relief in her cold. pain continues to be less. she has problem with urine continence on and off. she has also some warts appearing on her face. nux vomica 30, fp km 6, thuja 30 once a day. 18-09-2011 she reported red eruptions with too much itching she says that she get cramps in her back at times. sulphur 30 for 3 days twice a day then ruta 200. 02-10-2011 She did well in urticaria. Now she is coughing a lot calc carb 200, fp km 30 yograj guggulu, chandraprabha vati 09-10-2011 She is having nocturnal polyuria she is doing well for her teeth and gums on calc fluor 6x and silicea 6x lyc 200, rhus arn 30 23-10-2011 cough, cramplike pain on left side rhus arn 30, causticum 200

30-10-2011 she has no relief in her polyuria she has a develpoed a crack between her toes due to washing legs many times she has tiny warts growing on her face. silicea 30 in the morning and thuja 30 in the evening 06-11-2011 She is having short breath which she didn't have since starting the treatment. she got no relief crack between her toes body pain after long pillion ride on bike polyuria continues calc carb 200, sabal serrulata 6, rhus arn 30 20-11-2011 trayodashang guggulu, chandraprabha vati 27-11-2011 morning stiffness rhus tox 200 04-12-2011 morning stiffness better, skin breakout like ant bites nux vomica 30 for decoupling apis 30 11-12-2011 Apis worked like a charm. She is relieved of her skin breakout within a day. She reports cough, polyuria. arsenic alb 30 18-12-2011 She complains of body stiffness and pain due to cold weather. rhus tox 200 Sr. No. 15 : Patient : 1465 knee pain, swelling in feet Calc Carb 200, rhus arn 30, Lycopodium 200 28-08-2011, 02-10-2011, 16-10-2011, 23-10-2011, 13-11-2011, 20-11-2011, 27-11-2011, 04-12-2011, 11-12-2011, 18-12-2011 ssk 28-08-2011 she did well on symphytum for her swelling in fractured leg. now she has a swelling in feet.

she does well on lyc 200 for her acidity. Calc Carb 200, rhus arn 30, Lycopodium 200 02-10-2011 She did well in her journey and had no problems. Since 2 days her hand has swelled. lyc 200, rhus arn 30 16-10-2011 She spat blood due to acidity and then got relief she still has swelling in her hand calc carb 200, lyc 30, rhus 200 23-10-2011 She reported no relief in her acidity, her hand is also swelled. Natrum Sulph 6, Causticum 200 13-11-2011 She reported problems with her eye sight. Otherwise doing well, she is also taking allopathic medicine for her acidity. calc carb 200, phos 30 20-11-2011 calc phos 6x 27-11-2011 She complains of acidity and pain. Lyc 200, Rhus Tox 200 04-12-2011 She has much pain at night. There is no swelling on the right hand which suddenly cropped up months back. chelidonium 30, causticum 200 11-12-2011 She is having much pain in her ankles. rhus tox 200, nux vomica 200 She has problem with her burping. There is no red color eructations but still she has eructations. lycopodium 200, rhus tox 200 Sr. No. 16 : Patient : 1547 anal fissure, warts, abdonimal gases lycopodium 200, thuja 30

18-09-2011, 02-10-2011, 06-11-2011, 27-11-2011, 18-12-2011 ssk he did well for his anal fissure on thuja 30 and calc fluor 30. now he reports abdominal gases and pain due to travelling long on two wheeler. lycopodium 200, thuja 30 02-10-2011 He did well on the remedies. Now he doesn't have any problem of fissure. He has extremely red and sore nose. Sulphur 200, Trayodashang Guggulu for back pain 06-11-2011 He got some relief in his red and sore nose but couldn't sustain the relief. He felt improvement in his back pain. sulphur 200, natrum carb 30 Trayodashang Guggulu 27-11-2011 He reports that he has some problem with his fissure. He is doing good for his back pain. thuja 30, calc fluor 30 trayodashang guggulu 18-12-2011 He got substantial reduction in his fissure problem. Now he feels that very slightly. Concerned about reddening of face in sun. This problem aggravates in winter. He does well for his back pain on trayodashang guggulu. thuja 30 in the morning. sulphur 30 at night. trayodashang guggulu Sr. No. 17 : Patient : 1549 nail affection Graphites 200, myristica 30, hepar sulph 200 18-09-2011, 25-09-2011, 09-10-2011, 16-10-2011, 30-10-2011, 13-11-2011, 27-11-2011, 11-12-2011, 18-12-2011 ssk She did well for her thumb nail affection on silicea and myristica but couldn't hold her gains. She did well for her heel pain and headache on Lycopodium 200. She was also given Trayodashang Guggulu for her headache and neck pain which has been substantially relieved. She has also something like nail infection in both her big toes.

She is has attained her menopause 6 months ago. Graphites 200 25-09-2011 The reduction in swelling is reported. But pus is oozing out. myristica 30 09-10-2011 nail does better and again relapses very painful to touch hepar sulph 200 pain in lower extremeties lycopodium 200 16-10-2011 she did well but it is not fully resolved hepar sulph 200 to be taken daily myristica if there is pus formation 30-10-2011 hepar sulph daily for nail affection yograj guggulu for knee pain 13-11-2011 she did well on hepar sulph but couldn't see the cure she hits her finger against tap while washing water and that is one reason why nail is not healing calc sulph 200 27-11-2011 She didn't do well on calc sulph 200. Hepar Sulph 200. 11-12-2011 She is continued on Hepar Sulph 200. 18-12-2011 She reports pain in affected nail. ammonium carb 200 Sr. No. 18 : Patient : 1550 jaw pain Staphysagria 200, Calc Fluor 30, rhus arn 30, nux vomica 30 18-09-2011, 09-10-2011, 11-12-2011, 18-12-2011

ssk he said he did well on Staphysagria 200 and not that well on calc fluorica 30. he is provided with 9 doses of staphysagria 200 to be taken as a set of 3 doses with 12 hour gap. he is asked to take only 3 doses a week as far as possible. Staphysagria 200, Calc Fluor 30 09-10-2011 rhus arn 30, nux vomica 30 11-12-2011 she is having cough after cold is treated with english medicines. phosphorus 30. 18-12-2011 There is recurence of cough. Hepar Sulph 200. Sr. No. 19 : Patient : 1565 borderline motility, borderline sperm count natrum mur 1m 25-09-2011, 18-12-2011 ssk takes very light meals in the morning can't pass urine in presence of others like at a public urinal sad and submissive listens to sad songs natrum mur 1m 3 doses. 18-12-2011 he didn't get any increase in his sperm count. There was reduction in his sperm count from 30 million to 9 million. lyc 30 every alternate day. Sr. No. 20 : Patient : 1440 hyperhidrosis, morning stiffness, deafness puls 200, lyc 200, sulph 200, calc carb 200, sil 30 21-08-2011, 04-09-2011, 11-09-2011, 25-09-2011, 23-10-2011, 18-12-2011 ssk 21-08-2011 She got relief in her morning stiffness on Pulsatilla 200 and rhus arn 30. Then she got relief in her hyperhydrosis on Sulphur 200. She also did good on cp1 and yg 1.

She said that her ear is always wet. She inserted a straw of paper into her ear and showed that it became wet. She is given 5 doses of Calc Carb 200 followed by silicea 30 in the morning and evening for few days. 04-09-2011 she reported relief in her ear wetness and it's itching. she complains of cramps in her calves. lyc 200, rhus arn 30 11-09-2011 She tested with a paper pipe in the morning, she has much wetness in her ear. She got no relief in her leg cramps. Calc Carb 200, Silicea 200 yg 1. 25-09-2011 she got relief in her ear problem. she also has relief in sweating. she has too much morning stiffness. lycopodium 200, rhus tox 200 23-10-2011 body pain after exertion ineffectual desire to pass urine rhus arn 30, nux vomica 30 18-12-2011 She feels pain in chest at the middle. It is like a pulsating pain, but mild. No other issues now. Lycopodium 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 21 : Patient : 1446 barking cough, vertigo, body pain pulsatilla 30, sito 1 21-08-2011, 11-12-2011, 18-12-2011 ssk barking cough, vertigo, body pain aggravation since 15 days regular menses, 2 days, normal bleeding lacks appetite white tongue works as a cook pulsatilla 30, sito 1

11-12-2011 She did well for her cough on the remedies. Now she has pain along her viens in her hands. She also has some vertigo. She also has backache and pain in lower extremeties. pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 (or rhus arn 30??) 18-12-2011 She got relief in her uneasiness like vertigo and pain in viens. She still has pain in her lower extremeties. Rhus Tox 200 if she has pain in viens, Pulsatilla 200. Sr. No. 22 : Patient : 1447 white discharge calc carb 200, fp km 6, hydrastis 6 28-08-2011, 18-09-2011, 25-09-2011, 02-10-2011, 30-10-2011, 11-12-2011, 18-12-2011 ssk white discharge always sometimes thin, sometimes thick not an acrid discharge it is also present during menses menses 2 days early, 5 days, 3 days good amt of bleeding Dys on first day, abdominal pain calc carb 200, fp km 6 18-09-2011 She got 50% relief in her white discharge. She said that her menstrual flow was not affected. calc carb 200, fp km 6, chandraprabha vati 25-09-2011 she said that she is having more white discharge after taking chandraprabha vati, she is worse than earlier. she is asked to stop chandraprabha vati and take calc carb 200 with breaks. she has to repeat calc carb 200 in set of 3 doses with 12 hour gap. 02-10-2011 She did well for her leucorrhoea on calc carb. She is suffering from vertigo and weakness. She also has some hardening of her abdomen on the right side. hydrastis 6 for vertigo calc carb 200 for leucorrhoea on need 30-10-2011

She is taking calc carb 200 on need and doing well. calc carb 200. 11-12-2011 she is doing well on chandraprabha vati. 18-12-2011 She reports severe pain in her back. She also has problem of leucorrhorea which responded well to calc carb 200. rhus tox 200. calc carb 200 on need. Sr. No. 23 : Patient : 1448 lack of appetite Pulsatilla 200, Rhus Arn 30, Lycopodium 200 28-08-2011, 18-09-2011, 25-09-2011, 20-11-2011, 18-12-2011 ssk She had a severe backache one month back. There was relief after taking some injections. regular menses, 5 days, 3 days normal bleeding. white discharge since 8 days. less thirst Pulsatilla 200, Rhus Arn 30 18-09-2011 She reported good relief in white discharge etc from Pulsatilla 200. She said the second remedy didn't work well. She says that she is again suffering from white discharge since 2 days. She said that she passed clots during her menses before taking the remedy which was corrected by the remedy. Pulsatilla 200 5 doses followed by chandraprabha vati. 25-09-2011 she has pain in groin and back after doing exertion. She is having white discharge after starting chandraprabha vati. she is also having palpitations. pulsatilla 200, lycopodium 200 20-11-2011 She had white discharge after doing lot of physical exertion like walking etc. Puls 200 18-12-2011 She again has same problem. Pulsatilla 200

Sr. No. 24 : Patient : 749 accident effects, anal mass Rhus Arn 30, Calc Fluor 30, calc carb 200, Rhus 200, Arnica 200, kali carb 200, nux vomica 200, lyc 200 27-01-2011, 01-02-2011, 02-03-2011, 07-03-2011, 22-03-2011, 16-05-2011, 24-05-2011, 28-05-2011, 01-06-2011, 12-06-2011, 26-06-2011, 29-06-2011, 05-07-2011, 11-07-2011, 18-07-2011, 27-07-2011, 06-08-2011, 18-08-2011, 11-10-2011, 26-11-2011, 03-12-2011, 15-12-2011, 18-12-2011 teliya She fell and hit her head very badly. Rhus Arnica 30. 01-02-2011 She feels better after Rhus Arnica 30. Now she says that she has a mass protruding at anus. calc fluorica 30 02-03-2011 right shoulder numb ankles of both legs pain backache prefers cold surroundings profuse sweating surgically removed her uterus as she bled a lot; report says uterus cracked calc carb 200, rhus 30, calc fluor 30 07-03-2011 She sprained her back and developed abdominal pain while taking water out of a reserviour with a big vessel. She was limping. Arnica 200, Rhus 200 22-03-2011 again sprained her leg. rhus arnica 30 16-05-2011 she finished her rhus arn 30. again sprained again given. 24-05-2011 pain at tail bone and lower back keeps home very orderly suffered from continous menstrual flow for 3 months in past kali carb 200

28-05-2011 she did well on kali carb 200. she is asked to take three doses of kali carb 200 on need basis everytime she has a relapse. 01-06-2011 she is having vertigo worse morning pain in calves and viens of hands nux vomica 200 12-06-2011 she is suffering from abdominal disorders after eating outside. nux vomica 200 26-06-2011 pain at upper back calc carb 200, rhus tox 200 29-06-2011 she says no respite in shoulder pain, her shoulder burns there is relief in hand pain she applies jerks to hand for relief in shoulder pain. lyc 200, 5 doses in 2 days. 05-07-2011 she got some relief in shoulder pain. she again complains of back pain. kali carb 200 11-07-2011 she is feeling feverish, pain in her body, very painful small of back started after eating at a party function nux vomica 200 18-07-2011 she has pain in her hand. better applying jerks and pressure mag phos 200, rhus arn 30, yg 1 27-07-2011 she sprained her back, also has tingling arn 200, rhus 200 06-08-2011 groin, abdomen, back pain nux vomica 200 18-08-2011

she fell down and hurt herself. most probably fainted. kali carb 200, rhus 200 ledum 200 sd for insect bite. 11-10-2011 rhus arn 30, calc carb 200 26-11-2011 pain at small of back kali carb 200, ruta 200 03-12-2011 She got relief in her back pain. She complains of pain in her hand. Trayodashang Guggulu 15-12-2011 She complains of pain in her right hand and upper back She has tingling in these parts. The pain and tingling is spreading from right to left. lyc 200 five doses, silicea 200 on alternate days after lyc. trayodashang guggulu 18-12-2011 She fell down while cleaning her toilet and hurt her hand. rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 25 : Patient : 745 piles calc carb 200, fpkm 6, nux vom 30, collinsonia 30 27-01-2011, 15-03-2011, 17-03-2011, 21-05-2011, 31-05-2011, 18-12-2011 teliya piles since dasara, reduced after allopathic treatment bleeding while passing stools stools are soft due to laxative first stool hard, needs straining flare up during menses menses regular, 4 day bleeding, profuse no clots, red backache, congestion burning sensation in throat prefers cold surroundings 12 pm to 2.30 pm worse better morning, night sweats more

calc carb 200, fpkm 6 15-03-2011 feels feverish, suffering from cold, short breath calc carb 200, fp km 6 17-03-2011 no relief, episode started after she went to a social event. she is allergic to sun. nux vomica 30 21-05-2011 swelling at anus calc carb 200, collinsonia 30 31-05-2011 there is some relief but not much nux vomica 200, ratanhia 30 18-12-2011 pain in throat after treatment of cold and cough by allopathic meds. calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 26 : Patient : 659 tongue ulcers, leg ulcers, knee pain, back pain Rhus Arn 30, Sil 200, Calc Carb 200, Phos 30, Sil 30, Puls 30, Nux Vomica 200, Ruta 200 16-11-2010, 30-11-2010, 25-12-2010, 09-01-2011, 27-01-2011, 13-02-2011, 18-02-2011, 07-03-2011, 17-03-2011, 11-05-2011, 21-05-2011, 21-07-2011, 12-08-2011, 27-09-2011, 31-10-2011, 09-11-2011, 11-11-2011, 18-12-2011 teliya She has a hole in her tongue. She can't eat anything spicy due to this as it causes lot of irritation. She has seen many doctors but of no avail. Rhus Arn 30 30-11-2010 no imprvement noted. legs feel paralyzed. worse after working in water Silicea 200, fp km 6 09-12-2010 She is having boils on her legs since she gave birth to her first child. calc carb 200 -

25-12-2010 history of piles phosphorus 30 09-01-2011 Nux Vomica 200 single dose reported some improvement in backache, mouth ulcer no respite in knee pain. worse standing sil 30, puls 30 27-01-2011 She still suffers from protruded mass while passing stools. She also has knee pains. Nux Vomica 200, Ruta 200 13-02-2011 knee pain ruta 200 18-02-2011 mouth ulcers, stiffness in extremeties (there was relief here earlier) backache, polyuria Silicea 200 07-03-2011 piles, mouth ulcers, legs pain relief in stiff legs she is taking allopathic meds for BP etc. nux vomica 30, ruta 30 17-03-2011 she fell down and hurt her knee rhus arnica 30 11-05-2011 cramps in foot, there are boils also, the affected region seems to be tender. silicea 200 21-05-2011 haemorrhoids, knee pain nux vomica 200, ruta 200 21-07-2011 boils on legs, knee pain lyc 200, rhus 30 12-08-2011

knee pain some relief in polyuria sulph 200, calc carb 30 27-09-2011 she reported that she has relief in her tongue ulcers now and can eat some spicy food. she has short breath on exertion and also knee pain. calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 31-10-2011 acute cold, knee pain, toothache calc carb 30, silicea 30 09-11-2011 swelling in feet, knee pain after exertion Graphites 200, Ruta 200 11-11-2011 chandraprabha vati for polyuria at night 18-12-2011 She didn't take chandra prabha vati as skin erupted. She is having knee pain. rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 27 : Patient : 176 constipation calc carb 200, lycopodium 200, kali mur 30 21-09-2010, 09-10-2011, 20-10-2011, 29-10-2011, 25-11-2011, 04-12-2011, 18-12-2011 128jn constipation, no other problem calc carb 200 09-10-2011 She has constipated bowels talks a lot and seems to be dictatorial lycopodium 200, kali mur 30 20-10-2011 she did well on kali mur 30 she is asked to take kali mur 30 every alternate day. 29-10-2011 She is doing well for on kali mur. She is leaving for a journey. She is provided with kali mur 30. She is also give lyc 200 to be taken on need.

25-11-2011 She did well on kali mur 30. kali mur 30 once a day for 15 days. 04-11-2011 She is not responding to kali mur 30. Sulphur 200 3 doses followed by kali mur 30. 18-12-2011 She did well on Sulphur followed by Kali Mur. She has passed many stools today. Nux vomica 30 followed by kali mur 30. Sr. No. 28 : Patient : 1764 bump on forehead after applying sindhur arsenicum album 30 11-12-2011, 18-12-2011 ssk bump on forehead after applying sindhur arsenic alb 30 twice a day for 3 days 18-12-2011 There is substantial reduction in bump. One dose of arsenic alb 30 at a gap of every 2 days. Sr. No. 29 : Patient : 1765 loss of appetite, weakness pulsatilla 200, chelidonium 6 11-12-2011, 18-12-2011 ssk She reported relief for her boil like eruptions on her palms and soles under the influence of calc carb 200 and silicea 200. She has less appetite since she has recovered from her jaundice months back. She feels much weakness if food is delayed. She also feels nausea at times. She has a mild disposition. pulsatilla 200, chelidonium 6 18-12-2011 She reported improvement in her appetite. She feels well now and doesn't have nausea. She is asked not to take any remedy.

Sr. No. 30 : Patient : 1766 cold and cough calc carb 200, fp km 6 11-12-2011, 18-12-2011 ssk the baby girl has recurring cold and cough. she again has caught cold after arrival of winter. calc carb 200, fp km 6 18-12-2011 She is doing well after taking the remedies. Sr. No. 31 : Patient : 1767 headache lycopodium 200 11-12-2011, 18-12-2011 ssk The 18 yo girl did well on lycopodium 200 for her suppressed menses earlier. She complains of headache. lycopodium 200 18-12-2011 She complains of cough and cold. She is an irritable girl. sulphur 30 for 5 days. Sr. No. 32 : Patient : 1769 cold and cough calc carb 200, fp km 6, lycopodium 200 11-12-2011, 18-12-2011 ssk chronic cold temperature rises fast in fever yellow discharge calc carb 200, fp km 6 18-12-2011 30% relief. very naughty kid lycopodium 200, fp km 6

Sr. No. 33 : Patient : 1771 constipated bowels nux vomica 30 18-12-2011 ssk constipated bowels no BM for 2, 3 and more days. There is an urge but no BM. regular menses, 4 days, normal bleeding, no dysmenorrhoea irritable lady prefers cold surroundings nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 34 : Patient : 1772 cold and cough pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 18-12-2011 ssk smiling and active baby cold and cough everyone wants to cuddle her good BM pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 35 : Patient : 1773 loss of appetite, weight loss silicea 200, carduus mar 6 18-12-2011 ssk he had typhoid in the month of june for 20 days he had 64 kg wt then, now 56-57 kg loss of appetite, he belches if he takes water or saunf passes stools twice a day mucus in stool sweats more he gets pimples on nose silicea 200, carduus mar 6 Sr. No. 36 : Patient : 1774 swelling in legs, bone affection calc carb 30, calc fluor 30 18-12-2011 ssk

swelling in legs, bone affection calc carb 30, calc fluor 30 daily doses over 15 days. Sr. No. 37 : Patient : 1739 upper and lower back pain rhus tox 200, pulsatilla 200, ruta 30 04-12-2011, 18-12-2011 ssk 04-12-2011 upper and lower back pain, leg cramps worse morning hot tears from eyes regular menses 2 days, normal bleeding good BM Rhus Tox 200. 18-12-2011 She didn't get any relief. She has hot tears in eyes and prefers cold surroundings. pulsatilla 200, ruta 30

Sr. No. 38 : Patient : 1740 pain in feet at the back side calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 04-12-2011, 18-12-2011 ssk pain in feet at the back side worse exertion lot of thirst eats only rice prefers cold weather calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 18-12-2011 He got relief in his foot-pain on the first remedy itself. He has started eating chapati to his mother's utter surprise. He reports of insomnia and his mother says it is difficult to take him out of his bed. He also has abdominal gases. Lyc 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 39 : Patient : 615 numbess, pain and tightness in extremeties

conium 200, calc carb 200, rhus arn 30, mag phos 30, thuja 200, apis 30, lyc 30, sulphur 30 20-10-2010, 01-11-2010, 18-11-2010, 29-11-2010, 21-02-2011, 03-03-2011, 08-03-2011, 16-03-2011, 17-03-2011, 28-03-2011, 18-04-2011, 27-04-2011, 09-05-2011, 14-06-2011, 24-06-2011, 09-07-2011, 14-07-2011, 25-07-2011, 10-08-2011, 14-09-2011, 20-09-2011, 30-09-2011, 30-10-2011, 04-11-2011, 12-11-2011, 25-11-2011, 29-11-2011, 09-12-2011, 17-12-2011 teliya operated 4 months back for malignant cyst in breast tingling in lower extremeties pain in lower extremeties hands and wrists pain heaviness and swelling when gets up eructations after meals constipated palpitations pain in abdomen conium 200, fp km 6 01-11-2010 muscular and bone affections from an accident that took place decade ago she reported relief in her tingling calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 18-11-2010 stiffness in lower extremeties after sitting rhus 200 29-11-2010 extremeties feel heavy, no tingling piles set to flare up in the coming time swelling on feet conium 200, calc carb 200, rhus 30 21-02-2010 she travelled by a car and feels tightness in her legs due to journey. rhus 30 arn 30, calc carb 200 if rhus fails to give substantial relief. 03-03-2011 she throws food taken a day back in the morning after having tea. she also has pain and tightness in her legs mag phos 30, rhus tox 30 for 4 days calc carb 200 3 doses if there is no relief again mag phos and rhus after that 08-03-2011

vertigo while lying down tingling on rise conium 200; fpkm 6 16-03-2011 She don't have any vertigo now. She feels tightness in her legs worse morning. rhus tox 200 every night 17-03-2011 throwing up after fast. calc carb 200, mp 30 28-03-2011 feels constipated feels tightness in lower extremeties lyc 200, rhus 200 18-04-2011 she is doing well on meds. lyc 200, rhus 200 she reported tightness in lower extremeties as if someone is pulling down her lower extremeties. thuja 200, rhus 200 09-05-2011 She is worse after a journey. calc carb 200, rhus 200 14-06-2011 she doesn't throw in the morning now. she doesn't have swelling in her feet. she has pain in her feet after exertion for her son's marriage. calc carb 200, rhus tox 200 24-06-2011 reported relief. now having haemorrhoids and backache. aesculus 30 09-07-2011 she said tingling in lower extremeties is back feels like ants crawling pain is also there calc carb 200, rhus 200

14-07-2011 no relief in tingling anal swelling conium 200, collinsonia 30, hk 1 25-07-2011 She got no relief in itching around her vagina. It itches like ant bites. apis 30 10-08-2011 She got flare up in her piles. She also has sour eructations. lyc 30, sulph 30 14-09-2011 She has swelling in her feet. Her feet are very painful and she can't walk more than 100 metre. Calc Carb 200, Rhus 200 20-09-2011 She got no relief in swelling. She is also having flare-up in her piles. phosphorus 200, apis 30 30-09-2011 She had some relief in swelling and haemorrhoids. She feels that her legs are very tight. lyc 200, rhus 200 30-10-2011 relief in swelling on feet and haemorrhoids legs feel tight and there is tingling calc carb 200, rhus 200 04-11-2011 tingling in legs, feels tight platina 200 5 doses 12-11-2011 she feels legs are very tight anf someome is pulling them down. lyc 200, rhus 200 25-11-2011 She reported relief in her leg pain. rhus arn 30 29-11-2011

She reported flare-up, all improvement gone. rhus 200. 09-12-2011 She is asked to take rhus tox 200 on need. 17-12-2011 She did well on the remedy. rhus tox 200 Sr. No. 40 : Patient : 625 cramps, ball like sensation in throat, abdomonal pain Puls 200, Ruta 200, Mag Phos 30, Lyc 200, Staphysagria 200, lyc 200, fp km 6, phos 30, nux vomica 200, calc carb 200, millefolium 6, rhus tox 30 26-10-2010, 09-11-2010, 20-11-2010, 30-11-2010, 05-12-2010, 28-12-2010, 25-01-2011, 08-01-2011, 18-02-2011, 28-02-2011, 13-03-2011, 27-03-2011, 17-04-2011, 05-05-2011, 30-05-2011, 14-06-2011, 16-06-2011, 29-06-2011, 22-07-2011, 19-08-2011, 23-09-2011, 01-11-2011, 18-11-2011, 17-12-2011 teliya since 4-5 months cramps at chest and back intermittently. there is a ball like sensation in throat rising from below passing gases relieve pain on left side of abdomen since 11 yrs very irritable, forgetful menses every 25 days or 3 weeks one and half day flow, few clots present, dark red stools loose once a day likes fan on in the night right hand pain since 4-5 yrs dry skin puls 200, ruta 200, mag phos 30 09-11-2010 she reported improvement in intermittent cramps, ball like sensation, abdominal gases, abdominal pain on the left side. no change in menstruation stools somewhat regularized no change in tingling she moves her hand while sleeping to get pain relief puls 200, rhus 200, mag phos 30 20-11-2010 green color loose stools yesterday night and today morning. she is having desire to eat a lot but refraining palpitations

single dose of Puls 200 given 3 doses of Lyc 200 provided. 30-11-2010 post operative abdominal pain staphysagria 200 mp 30 cf 30 05-12-2010 cold, cough and hoarse throat first movement of foot is difficult after rest Puls 200 fp km 6 28-12-2010 complained about her hand pain she feels her hands stiff lyc 200, rhus 30, ruta 30 25-01-2011 all complaints resolved. months old skin affection on nose tip. Berb Aq 6. 08-01-2011 some improvement in skin condition. Ber Aq 6. 18-02-2011 suffering from cold Puls 200. 28-02-2011 irritability, headache in the evening cold lyc 200, fp km 6 13-03-2011 reported excellent relief on lyc 200. complains of hand pain ruta 30, mag phos 200 27-03-2011 she got ulcers on her tongue after taking a bettle leaf with lime. She ate ice-cream after that. phos 30 17-04-2011

pain in hand worse night cramps in calves of legs no issues with digestion Puls 200, Ruta 30, Rhus 30 05-05-2011 no releif in hand and back pain. lyc 200 3 doses followed by.. ruta 200 in the morning and mag phos 200 in the evening. 30-05-2011 she got no relief in her hand pain, knee pain, calves pain. no other complaints she sleeps in an air cooled room calc carb 200, fp km 6 14-06-2011 she got some relief in her hand pain. she got constipated after eating processed stale food. lyc 200, rhus arn 30 16-06-2011 she got fever yesterday night and was feeling chilly. nux vomica 200 29-06-2011 menses appeared after 1 and half months there has been menstrual flow since 8 days she also passed one big clot calc carb 200, mil 6 22-07-2011 constipation though stools are loose, she opted for allopathic treatment for her menstruation problems Lyc 200 19-08-2011 Hand Pain, profuse menses, suffered severe dysmenorrhoea and was hospitalised Calc Carb 200, Ruta 200 23-09-2011 She had profuse flow for three days during her last menses. Her menses are due now, she is having pain in lower extremeties. She says that first movement of her leg causes severe heel pain. This is worse morning.

calc carb 200, rhus tox 30 01-11-2011 no heel pain, feet pain, abdominal discomfort cough worse night calc carb 30, phosphorus 30, fp km 6 18-11-2011 pain in pelvic region probably due to injection given long back. The pain is like a pricking pin. Ledum 30 6 doses. 17-12-2011 constipated bowels, abdominal pain, short breath, pain in legs lyc 200, kp 6 Sr. No. 41 : Patient : 650 stye, diarrhoea, short breath calc carb 200, sil 200, rhus tox 30, fp km 6 13-11-2010, 25-11-2010, 06-12-2010, 25-02-2011, 24-03-2011, 02-04-2011, 18-04-2011, 09-06-2011, 12-06-2011, 18-11-2011, 21-11-2011, 13-12-2011, 17-12-2011 teliya stye, swelling of eye-lid painful, stinging pain thirsty for a glass of water frequently short breath very weak, tendency to obesity calc carb 200, silicea 200 (on need basis) 25-11-2010 passing loose stools, watery abdominal pain since yesterday night calc carb 200 06-12-2010 severe pain in extremeties irritability headache nose blocked, white nasal discharge She reported relief in her short breath due to the medicines she has taken earlier. She said her body responded well to meds. calc carb 200, rhus tox 30 25-02-2011 cold, white nasal discharge

she breathes thru mouth at times calc carb 200, fp km 6 24-03-2011 cough, cold, short breath, weakness calc carb 200, fpkm 6 02-04-2011 affecions due to a minor accident rhus arn 30 18-04-2011 reported improvement. calc carb 200 single dose kali sulph 6 1 pill alternate day 09-06-2011 swelling of cheek due to tooth affection phos 30, cf 30 at a time thrice a day for few days until pain is gone. 12-06-2011 she got relief in her tooth pain. she is having vertigo since today morning she didn't have her menarche, she is 14 now. she doesn't have constipated bowels. Puls 200. 5 doses. 18-11-2011 h/o recurring boils, pus affection of gums She has fever in the afternoon She has some discharge of leucorrhoea daily. She is not yet having her menses just some spotting Lycopodium 200 21-11-2011 She didn't have problem of sudden heat and sudden chills. She didn't have lecorrhoea since yesterday. fp km 6 13-12-2011 She got her menses and has no leucorrhorea now. She has pain in her abdomen. Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 17-12-2011 She again reports pain in abdomen and did well with fp km 6.

Sr. No. 42 : Patient : 591 back pain, hand pain, short breath on going upstairs ruta 200, rhus 30, causticum 200, fp km 6, sulphur 30, ruta 30 12-10-2010, 26-10-2010, 21-11-2010, 11-02-2011, 26-03-2011, 27-04-2011, 20-06-2011, 08-10-2011, 18-11-2011, 17-12-2011 teliya back pain, hand pain, short breath on going upstairs right hand pain polyuria at night spine bent causticum 200, rhus 30 26-10-2010 ruta 200 rhus arn 30 26-11-2010 acute problems, loss of taste, weakness puls 200, rhus 30 11-02-2011 diarrhoea puls 200, fp km 6 26-03-2011 itching at a spot on foot. back pain along spine sulphur 30, ruta 30 27-04-2011 common cold, back pain pulsatilla 200(5 doses), ruta 200 (daily) 20-06-2011 back pain calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 08-10-2011 pain in upper back, can't bend calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 18-11-2011 lower back pain calc carb 200, rhus arn 30

17-12-2011 She did well on the remedies. She has finished the remedies. She took rhus arn 30 with breaks as instructed. calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 43 : Patient : 614 numbness, warts, vertigo Puls 200, Rhus 30, Lyc 200, Rhus 200, Thuja 30, Nux Vomica 200, calc carb 200, rhus 30 20-10-2010, 16-11-2010, 25-12-2010, 03-02-2011, 08-02-2011, 01-03-2011, 18-03-2011, 24-03-2011, 22-04-2011, 21-06-2011, 09-07-2011, 31-07-2011, 14-09-2011, 17-12-2011 teliya tingling in right hand pain in knee, back stiffness in morning son died 2 yrs ago no headache after afternoon nap nausea after meals burning sensation in knee knee pain always palpitations sweating puls 200, rhus 30 16-11-2010 no change reported in any symptom there is relief in burning sensation at knee she fell down in street due to sudden loss of power in limbs nausea before meals, right sided complaints lyc 200, rhus tox 200 25-12-2010 headache, feverish and chilly vertigo no relief in her numbness knees not burning, some knee pain nux vomica 200 03-02-2011 same complaint as above without chilliness lyc 200 5 doses 08-02-2011

she got relief in her headache. she has lots of warts on her neck that appear after scratching. thuja 30 for 10 days twice daily. 01-03-2011 she said that no wart popped off but at the same time that affected area didn't itch and didn't have any fresh wart. her numbness and leg pain is as it is. she has nausea in the morning polyuria with much thirst calc carb 200 single dose, thuja 30 18-03-2011 she got relief in polyuria.. no wart popped off. she has swelling in her right foot on and off. A circular area on the left foot burns. graphites 200, rhus 30 24-03-2011 pain in knee worse sitting relief in earlier symptoms of burning and swelling pulsatilla 200 5 doses 22-04-2011 knee pain, wart itch causticum 30 21-06-2011 she did well on causticum 30. now abdominal upset due to stale food lyc 200, nux vomica 200 if needed 09-07-2011 vertigo in the evening, sweating lyc 200, calc carb 200, kp 30 31-07-2011 headache, boil like pain for minutes in left foot. lycopodium 200, calc carb 200 14-09-2011 she has pain in knees after exertion for shri mahalaxmi festival. lycopodium 200. rhus arn 30 17-12-2011 She has pain and stiffness in her legs. Lyc 200, rhus arn 30

Sr. No. 44 : Patient : 497 severe cold and cough with redness in eyes nux vomica 200, nux vomica 30, natrum sulph 6, sulphur 200, gelsemium 200, sitopaladi churna 04-01-2011, 18-02-2011, 06-04-2011, 14-04-2011, 09-05-2011, 01-07-2011, 06-07-2011, 13-09-2011, 20-09-2011, 22-09-2011, 27-09-2011, 12-12-2011, 17-12-2011 128jn severe cold and cough with redness in eyes nux vomica 200 18-02-2011 He is having barking cough after eating ice balls at school. nux vomica 30 06-04-2011 fever nux vomica 30 14-04-2011 loose motion 3-4 times a day nux vomica 200 at night natrum sulph 6 twice a day 09-05-2011 he did well on the earlier meds. he is going out of station. he is provided with nux vomica 200 in case he gets fever or loose motion. 01-07-2011 feverish, cold and cough nux vomica 200 06-07-2011 circular eruptions on hands and legs only along the circumference no itching disappear and re-appear elsewhere on it's own Sulphur 200 13-09-2011 aphonia due to eating irregularities and shouting slogans nux vomica 30 20-09-2011

cold and cough relief in earlier complaints nux vomica 30 for cold with sneezing later sulphur 30 for cough 22-09-2011 He is having fever. No body pain just slight headache. He has a tendency to catch fever whenever there are exams. He is also having cold and cough. gelsemium 200 sitopaladi churna 27-09-2011 he could'nt recover from fever on gelsemium 200 and was given allopathic medicines which did him good. now he is having blocked ears after making a journey through wind. calc carb 200 12-12-2011 He is having cold Nose is blocked, there is a discharge when he sneezes He sneezed more in the morning Nux Vomica 200 17-12-2011 He reports some relief in his cough and cold. He has a new issue. He has pain in his ears. He is given 5 doses of calc carb 200 to be taken at 5 hour interval. Later he has to taker 5 doses of Lycopodium 200 at 12 hour interval for his lack of attentivess in studies. Sr. No. 45 : Patient : 449 severe pain in the toe next to the little toe of left leg Silicea 200, Silicea 1M, Silicea 6x, Ars 30, Sulphur 200, Nitric Acid 30, Chionanthus 6, Staphysagria 200, hekla lava 6 20-11-2010, 05-12-2010, 10-12-2010, 15-12-2010, 07-01-2011, 09-01-2011, 12-01-2011, 15-01-2011, 28-01-2011, 29-01-2011, 05-02-2011, 06-02-2011, 09-02-2011, 14-02-2011, 21-02-2011, 07-04-2011, 06-09-2011, 31-10-2011, 01-11-2011, 05-12-2011, 06-12-2011, 11-12-2011, 12-12-2011, 17-12-2011 128jn 20-Nov-10 Silicea 200 and Rhus Tox 200 were given as the pain was very severe. Next day only Sil 200 was given. 5-Dec-10 The pain returned so a single dose of Silicea 1M was given. 10-Dec-10

Another dose of Silicea 1M was given as the pain returned. 15-Dec-10 Silicea 6x was started as it seemed that Silicea 1M may be needed repeatedly. So 6x potency was opted. There was no relief at all, so Silicea 200 was given in the evening and at bedtime. It was also given twice for another 2 days. He his responding well for his headache (a chronic problem decades old) to the doses of Silicea 200 and Silicea 1M. He is asked to take calc phos 6x and ferrum phos 6x as follow-up remedies. 07-01-2011 Ars Alb 30 single dose as the patient became anxious at a spot on his leg. He also had winter urticaria. 09-01-2011 Suphur 200 dose for constipated bowels in the morning. Anal pain was also reported. 12-01-2011 Nitric Acid 30 5 doses. NA 30 helped in constipation initially but later bowels were again constipated. 15-01-2011 Chionanthus 6 had good effect on constipation on the first day. anal pain is not there. 16-01-2011 Chionanthus 6 Excellent bowel movement on next day. 28-01-2011 He started having severe headache after attending a marriage and eating his lunch there. He is asked to take Thuja 200 3 doses. 29-01-2011 He did well for some time on his headache. He reports severe toothache. He is asked to take silicea 6x and bc 23 for few days. 05-02-2011 Severe toothache and gum affection due to eating raw onion. Thuja 200, Staphysagria 200, silicea 6x, bc 23 Severe headache started after taking Thuja which was immediately relieved by Staphy. 06-02-2011 Silicea 200, Mag Phos 30, Calc Flour 30 pain at night with profuse salivation. phos 30, bc 23, silicea 6x

07-02-2011 thuja 200 Staphysagria 200, bc 23, silicea 6x 09-02-2011 Staphysagria 200, bc 23, silicea 6x 14-02-2011 He ate some hotel items like snacks, toasts and his gums and inner cheek (only left side, where there is tooth ache got affected) started bleeding. It was not bleeding in drops but the surface got affected. He applied gycerine to the area. 15-02-2011 The affected area healed under the influence of glycerine but due to irritation of gycerine or something else the affected gum swelled very badly. He was asked to take the following allopathic medicines... Ketorol - DT Synthocilin - 250 He also took Mercurius Sol 30 thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours. His tooth pain reduced considerably and also his swelling in gum. 16-02-2011 Ketorol - DT Synthocilin - 250 Mercurius Sol 30 thrice a day 21-02-2010 inflamed, red, swollen gum and mouth cuts. phos 30 07-04-2011 gum and tooth affection hekla lava 6 06-09-2011 Cefpodoxime antibiotic Nimesulide antipyretic and analgesic Rabeprazole Sodium photon pump inhibitor sudarshan churna laxmi vilas ras

calc carb 200 for ear pain, it responded well lyc 200 just to see whether the patient responds positively for constipation etc. sulphur 200 burning at anus antimonium crud 200 food poisoning, anal burning anal burning responded well calc carb 200 mid night aggravation, severe throat pain nux vomica 200 chilly, effects of food poisoning rhus tox 200 alternated with Nux as there was severe pain in extremeties. belladonna 200 throat pain, thirstless, hot head silicea 200 severe nasal coryza arsenicum album 200 chilly, severe nasal coryza 31-10-2011 severe radiating pain in left toe worse descending stairs. silicea 200 4 doses at 12 hourly gap 01-11-2011 feeling chilly one dose of arsenic alb 30 05-12-2011 painful cysts in the folds of buttocks silicea 200 06-12-2011 relief in headache relief in cysts silicea 200 11-12-2011 He has redness on his gum after brushing it much to remove the stuff stuck there the gums are painful bc 23 12-12-2011 silicea 30

phosphorus 200 he ate some stuff that was later found to have been affected with fungal infection. ars alb 200 17-12-2011 He attended a seminar at a hotel. The food quality was not good and he overate sweets. He had rumbling in bowels twice but couldn't clear his bowels. He was constipated in the morning too. Nux Vomica 200. Sr. No. 46 : Patient : 1776 allergy to dust, fumes phosphorus 200, fp km 6 17-12-2011 teliya cough allergy to dust, fumes also has problems after much exertion good and regular BM likes milk, banana not timid but mild and loving prefers cold surroundings forefeet pain always, leg pain doesn't likes spicy, likes sweets vomitting relieves cough prefers cold water, less thirst phosphorus 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 47 : Patient : 450 Itching and papular eruptions in thighs, cold, cough, boil on ear, eczema on hand Hepar Sulph 200, Nux Vomica 30, Pulsatilla 30, silicea 200, calendula 200, nux vomica 200, sulphur 200 11-10-2010, 12-12-2010, 02-01-2011, 03-01-2011, 05-01-2011, 06-01-2011, 01-02-2011, 03-02-2011, 16-02-2011, 17-02-2011, 08-04-2011, 17-06-2011, 23-06-2011, 23-06-2011, 14-10-2011, 13-12-2011, 15-12-2011 128jn He reported boil on his ear. He was given few doses of Hepar Sulph 200 and that cured the boil. He also had itching and papular eruptions in his thighs at the same time which also got relieved. 12-12-2010 He reported to be suffering from fever and cold. He was again given few doses of Hepar Sulph 200 and he responded well. 02-01-2011

He reported acidity and sour belching. He was given Nux Vomica 30. 03-01-2011 He reported relief in acidity and said that he is suffering from loose motions. He is given Puls 30 thrice a day for one day. He reported relief on the next day. 05-01-2011 He reported swelling of big toe due to cold. He is is also having sticky stools. Silicea 200 06-01-2011 He is given his constitutional Hepar Sulph 200 as he is also reported boils in thighs. Hepar is a good remedy for chillblains. 01-02-2011 loose stools bael murabba 03-02-2011 Bleeding due to shaving. Calendula 200 16-02-2011 He had loose motion and had to come back from park. He felt weak. He did well on a dose of Nux Vomica 200. 17-02-2011 Again loose motion, again nux vomica 200. 08-04-2011 Cough Hepar Sulph 200 17-06-2011 eczema on hand Sulphur 200 internally Sulphur 1x ointment externally. 23-06-2011 loose motions due to food poisoning stale fruit juice was taken poor quality food at mess arsenic alb 30 vomitting in afternoon, felt better nux vomica 200 also took allopathic meds and recovered in one day.

14-10-2011 boil like eruption on ear hepar sulph 200 13-12-2011 He reports backache. rhus tox 200. 15-12-2011 He reports relief in his backache after taking rhus tox 200 once for 2 days. He is asked to stop the medicine and see whether complete relief takes place under the influence of doses already taken. If there is a replapse he may repeat the remedy likewise ie 2-3 doses. Sr. No. 48 : Patient : 639 fever, dry cough Nux Vomica 30 28-11-2010, 15-01-2011, 05-07-2011, 17-10-2011, 14-12-2011 teliya suffering from fever, weakness, loss of appetite, nausea nux vomica 30 15-01-2011 suffering from dry cough nux vomica 30 05-07-2011 suffering from dry cough nux vomica 30 17-10-2011 suffering from dry cough nux vomica 30 14-12-2011 constipated bowels, cough in morning nux vomica 200, hydrastis 6 Sr. No. 49 : Patient : 733 boils on legs, eyesight problem, urticaria Hepar Sulph 200, Phos 200, Rhus 200, Sil 200, Graphites 200, Nux Vomica 30

06-01-2011, 11-01-2011, 17-01-2011, 21-01-2011, 08-02-2011, 16-02-2011, 20-02-2011, 26-02-2011, 04-07-2011, 02-08-2011, 12-08-2011, 15-09-2011, 23-09-2011, 17-10-2011, 30-10-2011, 14-12-2011 teliya 06-01-2011, he reported weakening of eye sight due to cataract and retinal affections. He has complaints of recurring boils. phos 200 3 doses 11-01-2011, morning pain and stiffness rhus 200 17-01-2011, pus affections on finger tip silicea followed by hepar sulph silicea given to antidote possible hepar aggravation 21-01-2011, urtica urens 6 for urticaria 08-02-2011, boils and swelling on legs Graphites 200 16-02-2011, swelling on legs gone took hepar sulph 200 for cough after narmada bath and did well on that. now having urticaria 20-02-2011 phos 200 3 doses Graph 200 3 doses 26-02-2011 eye, skin, urticaria arsenic alb 30 04-07-2011 break-outs on legs is quite under control. he got few boils on hand. he is asked to take hepar sulph 200 and then wait and watch. 02-08-2011 he is having thick discharge from his eyes in the morning. it is not like the continuous thin discharge that he had earlier. Phos 200 3 doses at a gap of 12 hours. 12-08-2011 he is suffering from cold, cough and fever. there is a fresh round of eruptions. hepar sulph 200 followed by mercurius sol 200.

restricted to 5 doses of each. 15-09-2011 He is leaving for a journey to a cold place. Hepar Sulph 200 for cough if need arises. Crot Tig 30 for skin eruptions. Carbolic Acid didn't do anything. 23-09-2011 He did well in Calcutta. He misplaced his meds and now again having cough. hepar sulph 200, crot tig 30 17-10-2011 He did well for cough but no relief in ulcers. he says that carbolic acid helps in itching and he takes that on need. 5 doses of lachesis 200 phos 200 for discharge from eyes 30-10-2011 Lachesis didn't help his skin problems. He is still having elevated bilirubin, it is 1.17 He eats lot of fried foods and is warned strictly against that. calc carb 200, lyc 200, hepar sulph 200 14-12-2011 He took allopathic meds that didn't help. allopathic meds for reference... CEFDIEL is an antibiotic. It is used to treat certain bacterial infections of the nose, throat, chest, ears or skin. Atarax tablets contain the active ingredient hydroxyzine, which is a type of medicine called a sedating antihistamine. Levocetirizine (as levocetirizine dihydrochloride) is a third-generation non-sedative antihistamine, developed from the second-generation antihistamine Crotorax Cream (Crotamiton) is a scabicide or antipruritic drug used to treat scabies, as well as the irritation and itching of skin caused by chicken pox, insect bites, dermatitis, and sunburns. Retapamulin is used to treat impetigo (a skin infection caused by bacteria) in children and adults. Retapamulin is in a class of medications called antibacterials. It works by killing and stopping the growth of bacteria on the skin.

He is itching a lot, new boils still forming, watery discharge from eyes. Hepar Sulph 200 4+3 doses, 4 now, 3 after Phos. Phosphorus 200 3 doses. Sr. No. 50 : Patient : 581 abdominal disorders, frozen shoulder lyc 200, mag phos 30, Colchicum 30, Rhus Arn 30, chelidonium 30, kali phos 6, carbo veg 30, nux vomica 30, calc carb 200 11-10-2010, 18-10-2010, 25-10-2010, 04-11-2010, 11-11-2010, 30-11-2010, 30-12-2010, 03-01-2011, 19-01-2011, 19-02-2011, 20-02-2011, 22-02-2011, 04-03-2011, 08-03-2011, 11-03-2011, 14-03-2011, 27-03-2011, 06-04-2011, 07-05-2011, 21-05-2011, 27-05-2011, 05-06-2011, 07-06-2011, 16-06-2011, 20-06-2011, 22-06-2011, 24-06-2011, 01-07-2011, 14-07-2011, 05-08-2011, 08-08-2011, 19-08-2011, 25-09-2011, 12-10-2011, 24-11-2011, 30-11-2011, 03-12-2011, 08-12-2011, 13-12-2011 teliya gases, left hand pain, frozen shoulder belching after pressing hand, belching relieves lyc 200, mag phos 30 18-10-2010 relief in gases, belching left hand pain, frozen shoulder continues with marginal relief relief in palpitations Colchicum 30, Rhus Arn 30 25-10-2010 abdominal gases lyc 200, chelidonium 30 04-11-2010 She reported overall relief. She is feeling prostrated due to exertion. All her pains are better and she is overall better. She says that her nerve pain in leg is also better about which she didn't talk earlier. kali phos 6 11-11-2010 She is doing well overall. chelidonium 30 amd kp 6 one dose every alternate day 30-11-2010 abdominal pain at navel and at the right side belching no flare up in other complaints Sulphur 200 and Calc Carb 200 on need basis -

30-12-2010 She is feeling tightness at chest. There is no pain anywhere. She has been irregular in her meal timings and eating irregular items. Calc Carb 200, Kali Mur 30 03-01-2011 She is suffering from severe cold, feeling feverish. Earlier complaints corrected. Gelsemium 30 19-01-2011 She was not having any problems. Since 2 days she is having stiffness and heaviness on left side and upper and lower extremeties. Chest pain may be due to exertion. calc carb 200, rhus 30 20-02-2011 She did well on calc carb for her chest pain She is belching lyc 200 22-02-2011 She has relief in her belching. She has problems only in the upper abdomen. Carbo Veg 30 and Mag Phos 30 04-03-2011 some abdominal problems due to diet irregularities. lyc 200, carbo veg 30 08-03-2011 she complains nerve pain in her left hand. Sulphur 200, chelidonium 30 11-03-2011 headache, cold, throat irritation nux vomica 30 14-03-2011 cough, chest pain while coughing calc carb 200, fp km 6 27-03-2011 back pain on left side, weakness calc carb 200, mp 30 06-04-2011

uneasy pain at ribs, weakness, under stress calc carb 200, KP 30 07-05-2011 belching, hand pain, nerve pain, choking at ribs lycopodium 200, mag phos 30 21-05-2011 again uneasy due to abdominal gases lycopodium 200, mag phos 30 27-05-2011 heaviness in chest muscle and hand on left side feels bloated at chest calc carb 200, carb veg 30 05-06-2011 overall relief. forepart of soles sore. stools hard. seems that some mass is protruding. calc carb 200, cf 30 07-06-2011 heaviness at chest lyc 200 16-06-2011 she got relief in heaviness at chest and soreness of feet it is rainy season and she has pain in her left hand calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 20-06-2011 very thick but fluent nasal discharge very often gelsemium 30 22-06-2011 very weak, facial pain, feverish, loss of appetite lyc 200 24-06-2011 reported relief on lyc 200. improved on appetite, facial pain, feverishness still not 100%. dulcamara 30 01-07-2011 polyuria, leg pain from back to heels, worse left side reeling under domestic problems, hub is on death bed.

lyc 200, rhus 200 14-07-2011 fore feet pain, left shoulder stiff and painful. it is raining calc carb 200, rhus 30 05-08-2011 calc carb 200, kp 30 08-08-20111 She got relief from Calc Carb 200. 19-08-2011 Uneasy abdomen, chest muscles painful calc carb 200, lycopodium 200 25-09-2011 she has pain at ribs she is losing balance while walking lyc 200, rhus arn 30 12-10-2011 she got relief in her tendency to fall she has pain in ribs lyc 200, ruta 30 24-11-2011 calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 30-11-2011 She did well for her cramps in calves, her appetite also improved by half chapati. Today she is having some vertigo. She didn't have any vertigo when she was taking calc carb. Calc Carb 200 six doses. 03-12-2011 She is doing well in her leg pain and vertigo. She had no vertigo during this period. Chandraprabha Vati 1 - 1 Carbo Veg 30 0 - 1 08-12-2011 She is burping after she had some heavy meals Lycopodium 200 13-12-2011

She has a fluttering sound in her right ear. likes to press her body, feels better on burping pulsatilla 200 sd mag phos 30 Sr. No. 51 : Patient : 1755 pain in legs and knees symphytum 200, mag phos 6x 13-12-2011 128jn He suffers from severe pain in his knees and legs. He can't walk much as severe pain makes him sit down. He had been given rhus tox 30, gnaphalium 1M, bryonia 30 in the past which didn't help. He got benefit on mag phos 6x but couldn't get any relief on mag phos 30. symphytum 200 one pill a night, mag phos 6x 3 pellets in the morning and evening. Sr. No. 52 : Patient : 1528 barking cough, pain in extremeties calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 13-09-2011, 12-12-2011 128jn 13-09-2011 barking cough, pain in extremeties the episode started with cold and cough cold corrected by english meds, now barking cough calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 sitopaladi churna 12-12-2011 He is again having episode of barking cough He also has some pain in lower extremeties. He is seen as scratching his head. calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 sitopaladi churna Sr. No. 53 : Patient : 945 white spots on face puls 200, fp km 6, cina 200, calc carb 200, rhus arn 30, pulsatilla 30 07-05-2011, 31-05-2011, 22-09-2011, 26-09-2011, 01-11-2011, 12-12-2011 teliya white spots on face prefers cold weather

less thirsty irritable at home, gentle with friends no issues with BM puls 200, fp km 6. 31-05-2011 He seems to be doing well. White spots are decreasing. He is given Cina 200 for deworming. 3 doses a week for 2 weeks. 22-09-2011 pain in legs due to jumping rhus arn 30 throat mucus calc carb 200 27-09-2011 he has swelling of lymphatic node on neck. there is substantial reduction in his cough no pain in legs nux vomica 30 01-11-2011 suffering from cold good bowel movements mild disposition pulsatilla 30 12-12-2011 red eruptions appeared on feet, it's painful. lyc 200, sulphur 30 on need Sr. No. 54 : Patient : 595 headache, vision trouble nux vomica 200, pulsatilla 200, nux vomica 30, gelsemium 30, sulphur 30, Calc Carb 200 12-10-2010, 18-10-2010, 26-10-2010, 29-10-2010, 13-12-2010, 14-01-2011, 28-02-2011, 04-03-2011, 05-03-2011, 16-03-2011, 21-03-2011, 04-04-2011, 24-04-2011, 01-05-2011, 01-06-2011, 24-06-2011, 13-07-2011, 18-07-2011, 22-07-2011, 27-07-2011, 14-09-2011, 02-10-2011, 10-10-2011, 08-12-2011, 12-12-2011 teliya headache at forehead, temples starts at 9,10 pm and lasts upto sleep mild headache when gets up vertigo after getting up for a while irritable

thirsty, takes one glass water every 5 minutes toothache when takes cold water stiffness and pain in feet when gets up strains while passing stools hard stools nux vomica 200 18-10-2010 photophobia worse morning and at bed time all her earlier symptoms are better nux vomica 200 26-10-2010 photophobia since 4-7 pm nux vomica 200 only 2 doses 29-10-2010 peeling of skin of palm of hands itching, burning she is thirstless now puls 200 13-12-2010 ribs pain while coughing headache swelling of left feet after minor accident rhus 30, arnica 30 14-01-2011 headache, photophobia nux vomica 30 6 doses 28-02-2011 headache, eye pain nux vomica 30 6 doses 04-03-2011 headache, fever, eye pain nux vomica 200 05-03-2011 She got some relief in cough, still having fever she is thirstless and feeling calm Puls 200 Gesl 30 if Puls 200 don't work -

16-03-2011 hurt her finger rhus arnica 30 thrice a day hypericum 200 twice a day 21-03-2011 itching and swelling of vagina sulphur 30 thrice a day until relief. 04-04-2011 There is no relief in vaginal itching. Now flatulence, loss of appetite, nausea Calc Carb 200, Lyc 200 (if needed) 24-04-2011 She got relief in her vaginal itching. She doesn't remember whether she got relief on calc carb or lyc. now she is having pain at her waist bone due to a hit while playing. the affected region is green in color and there is much pain. rhus arn 30 01-05-2011 vaginal itching, burning while passing urine hyperhidrosis calc carb 200. 3 doses. 01-06-2011 pain at top of head worse touch may be some injury rhus arn 30 24-06-2011 constipated bowels, cold, hand injured can't move without pain calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 13-07-2011 stiffnness and feverishness injury as a broken glass hits rhus arnica 30, calendula 200 18-07-2011 vaginal itching, burning sensation while passing urine calc carb 200 22-07-2011 she is irritable and having eye pain. she is crying. nux vomica 200 5 doses over 2 days.

27-07-2011 same problem with less intensity reported nux vomica 30 14-09-2011 she is feeling very weak. calc carb 200, fp km 6 02-10-2011 vaginal itching water causes irritation, blisters abdominal pain calc carb 200 10-10-2011 got relief in itching now throat pain while swallowing fp km 6 08-12-2011 fever, cold, cough, chilly, good BM, thirsty nux vomica 30 12-12-2011 not chilly, weak, loss of appetite, nausea Got relief on nux vomica 30, but symptoms changed. pulsatilla 200, fp km 6

Sr. No. 55 : Patient : 601 vertigo, piles, nail affection calc carb 200, phos 200, sulphur 30, fp km 6, silicea 200, ruta 200 14-10-2010, 19-10-2010, 04-12-2010, 20-10-2011, 22-10-2011, 31-10-2011, 05-11-2011, 15-11-2011, 26-11-2011, 12-12-2011 teliya vertigo with pain at vertex while taking meals menses every 3 weeks, thick red, profuse no clots worried numbess calc carb 200, fp km 6 19-10-2010 relief in vertigo, back pain, cramps in abdomen while passinfg stools

pain in lower extremeties morning stiffness piles painful and burning, continues for long stools hard, strains while passing irritable thirst for cold water burning sensation in stomach abdominal pain on right side phos 200, km fp 6, sulphur 30 04-12-2010 She is having some pus formation at finger tip. Silicea 200 20-10-2011 left tonsil inflamed, white color, pain with ear pain too painful extremeties, feverish burning sensation worse evening mouth sores white in color calc carb 200, lyc 200, km 30 22-10-2011 She reported excellent relief in her throat pain. She was having too much pain at night. Now there is relief. She still has burning sensation in her body. She said she didn't get relief on calc carb, then took calc, lyc and km all at a time. So relief is due to Lyc and KM. She responded well to Silicea 200 for her finger boil earlier. Lyc 200 (5 doses), Sil 30, KM 30 repeated doses 31-10-2011 She has back pain since 4 yrs after she delivered a baby. It is worse morning. She was having severe haemorrhoids problem earlier. She says she has no problem after taking the remedies as her bowels are moving very nicely. kali carb 200 (5 doses), rhus tox 200 (follow-up remedy to be taken at night) kali carb 200, rhus tox 200 05-11-2011 got no relief on the remedies. reports a 2 mo symptom of chest pain forgotten due to other prominence of other symptoms no ear pain now, also there is substantial relief in throat pain she has a problem in swallowing at times lyc 200, rhus arn 30 -

15-11-2011 She reports that some throat pain is back. She said that she faints during her menses. This is an old problem. She feels down due to her family reponsibilities. lyc 200, sil 30 26-11-2011 Again has some throat pain, only right side still feels feverish, has back pain Lyc 200, KM 30 trayodashang guggulu 12-12-2011 she reports that she didn't bleed much like usual in her menses. she does't feel feverish but still has back pain she has some pain in jaw on the right side, no throat pain Lycopodium 200, ruta 200 Sr. No. 56 : Patient : 1752 varicose viens, obesity, pain worse rest pulsatilla 200, rhus tox 200 12-12-2011 128jn varicose viens, obesity, pain worse rest first movement after rest is difficult, worse when keeps legs hanging down prefers cold surroundings less thirst mild disposition, home maker passes stools 2-3 times a day, soft stools pulsatilla 200, rhus tox 200 Sr. No. 57 : Patient : 1775 backache pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30 12-12-2011 teliya backache worse sleep, stooping lower back always, upper sometimes non bleeding piles prefers cold surroundings less thirst, pot water mild disposition good BM attained menopause

h/o normal bleeding, 3-4 days suffers from hot flashes with sweating occasionally pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 58 : Patient : 1753 pigmentation on face Sepia 200, Berb Aqua 6 12-12-2011 128jn pigmentation on face irritable dispostion no issues with menses more thirst she complains that she is not gaining weight Sepia 200, Berb Aqua 6 Sr. No. 59 : Patient : 1754 urticaria sulphur 30 12-12-2011 128jn The old lady did well on silicea 30 for boil on her foot. She also does well on rhus tox 30, arnica 30 for pain in her extremeties. She has been registered as a patient for around 2 years. She takes rhus arn 30 on and off for her pain. Sulphur 30. Sr. No. 60 : Patient : 1687 belching lyc 200, carbo veg 30 09-11-2011, 22-11-2011, 12-12-2011 teliya belching worse evening, empty stomach starts at 6 to 7.30 pm and continues upto 9.30 pm dry belching constipated bowels less appetite, abdominal gases lyc 200, carbo veg 30 22-11-2011 He did well for his belching. He feels improvement in his bowel movements. There is reduction in constipation.

Lyc 200, carb veg 30 12-12-2011 He continues to do well. He has some chest pain when he belches more. lyc 200, carbo veg 200 Sr. No. 61 : Patient : 1435 swelling on eye lids. kali carb 200, rhus arn 30, Lachesis 200, Hydrastis 6, Rhus Tox 200 21-08-2011, 28-08-2011, 30-10-2011, 06-11-2011, 13-11-2011, 20-11-2011, 04-12-2011, 11-12-2011 ssk 21-08-2011 strainful eyes, eye-lids swollen worse morning worse left eye left hand pain varicose viens no issues with BM sweats due to heat Kali Carb 200 28-08-2011 She reported some relief in her eyes, very marginal relief. she always has pain in her hand. she is going to a cold place where she thinks that she may suffer from morning stiffness. rhus arn 30 30-10-2011 She reported too much pain on her left side. She says that her chest is painful to touch at left side. Her eyes appear to be protruding, worse left. Her symptoms started with her menopause. 5 doses of Lachesis 200 followed by hydrastis 6 daily. 06-11-2011 She reported relief in her pain on left side and also her eyes look better. She says that she has much stiffness on getting up. She is given rhus tox 200 as follow up to lach. Futher dosing of lachesis to be reviewed next week. 13-11-2011 She got relief in her morning stiffness on rhus 200 She is asked to take 5 doses of Lachesis 200 at a gap of 12 hours. She is asked to take rhus 200 on need

20-11-2011 She had to take rhus tox 200 as she suffered from morning stiffness. yograj guggulu, rhus arn 30 04-12-2011 She did well on the remedies. She has much itching on her feet. rhus arn 30, yograj guggulu, haridra khanda 11-12-2011 She is doing well overall. Still she feels eyes are popping out from sockets. She also has problems with movements of her hand. Symptoms are prominent on left side. lachesis 200, rhus tox 200 yograj guggulu Sr. No. 62 : Patient : 1436 knee pain, insomnia, constipation lycopodium 200, nux vomica 200, ruta 200 21-08-2011, 28-08-2011, 25-09-2011, 16-10-2011, 23-10-2011, 13-11-2011, 11-12-2011 ssk she suffers from knee pain, insomnia, constipation. she had swelling on her knee that reduced after taking yg, tg and tr g. she has a strange sensation in her abdomen unless she eats something. lyc 200 5 doses, nux vomica 200 daily twice a day thereafter. 28-08-2011 she reported relief in her strange sensation. she sometimes gets proper sleep and at times she doesn't get good sleep. She has a tough time falling asleep. she is worse in her knee after standing. ruta 200 in the morning, nux vomica 200 at night. 25-09-2011 she is barely able to stand due to knee pain. nux vomica 200 chandraprabha vati, yograj guggulu 16-10-2011 calc carb 30 chandraprabha vati, yograj guggulu 23-10-2011

she declined to take cpv and yograj guggulu and returned her tabs. ruta 30, causticum 200 13-11-2011 She again asked remedy for her pain, she said that she is having severe back pain. Lycopodium 200 trayodashang guggulu 11-12-2011 She doesn't have insomnia in winter!! She is also having regular bowel movements. She has much pain in her knees, can't stand for long. rhus tox 200 Sr. No. 63 : Patient : 1471 joint pain calc carb 200, rhus 200 04-09-2011, 18-09-2011, 02-10-2011, 09-10-2011, 30-10-2011, 11-12-2011 ssk 04-09-2011 joint pain, can't fold legs, knee pain hyperhidrosis loss of eye sight pain worse exertion tingling, pain worse working in water short breath neck pain, vertigo once in 2 months constipated bowels urine supressed sometimes palpitations menopause at 44 h/o regular menses, profuse bleeding, clots hairloss calc carb 200, rhus 200 18-09-2011 She had some relief in tingling and suppressed urine. She didn't report any major relief but agreed that something happened. calc carb 200, carduus mar 6 02-10-2011 She did well in her tingling by 50%. She is also having good bowel movements. She reported pain in her joints calc carb 200, rhus arn 30

09-10-2011 She has relief in short breath She has body pain yograj guggulu 30-10-2011 She has short breath and tingling again due to exertion calc carb 200, carduus mar 6 yograj guggulu 11-12-2011 She did well on the remedies. She also reported satisfaction with yograj guggulu. She has much trouble while rising from ground after sitting for some time. She also has warts. She also had relief in short breath which is again giving her some problems. calc carb 200 5 doses, thuja 30 repeatedly

Sr. No. 64 : Patient : 1449 constipated bowels lycopodium 200, ruta 30 28-08-2011, 25-09-2011, 09-10-2011, 30-10-2011, 20-11-2011, 04-12-2011, 11-12-2011 ssk 28-08-2011 tingling in extremeties worse rain right leg sprains while walking obese abdominal pain on right side constipated bowels she is upset from 4 pm to 6 pm. lycopodium 200, ruta 30 25-09-2011 she got relief in her tingling abdominal and right leg pain on lycopodium 200. But she said that the complaints slowly came back. she also has burning in soles where there was some relief on lycopodium 200. she is also advised to take amalki rasayan 1/2 tsp in the morning and afternoon. 09-10-2011 she did very well, got very good bm reported losing abdominal fat feels energetic burning in soles back after few days of taking lycopodium no abdominal pain

eye discomfort lyc 200, ruta 30 30-10-2011 doing good some abdominal problems due to festival treats. Eye strain due to work. lycopodium 200, ruta 30 20-11-2011 lyc 200, rhus arn 30 04-12-2011 lyc 200, rhus arn 30 11-12-2011 She could do well on rhus arn 30 lyc 200, ruta 200 Sr. No. 65 : Patient : 1462 heel pain worse morning lyc 200, rhus arn 30, carbo veg 30 28-08-2011, 11-09-2011, 16-10-2011, 30-10-2011, 04-12-2011, 11-12-2011 ssk 28-08-2011 heel pain worse morning sour belching, abdominal burning lack of appetite eyes itch headache neck pain hiperhydrosis scanty menses with 2 months gap lyc 200, rhus arn 30 11-09-2011 She got good relief in her heel pain. She has no substantial improvement in her appetite and abdominal tightness. Lyc 200, Carbo Veg 30 16-10-2011 she has substantial relief in her heel pain earlier due to pain she used to cry she says that her stomach did well on carbo veg but she wants something for her stomach now lyc 200, carb veg 30

30-10-2011 she is doing well overall. she said that her improvement in appetite has taken place but still she feels at times distension of abdomen. lyc 200, carbo veg 30 04-12-2011 She fell down and fractured her hand. She also has some heel pain now. Lycopodium 200, Symphytum 200 11-12-2011 She is not doing 100% well for her heel pain as earlier. She also has pain in her fractured hand. rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 66 : Patient : 1246 white spots on face nux vomica 200, sepia 200, hamamelis 30, nux vomica 30 24-05-2011, 11-06-2011, 06-07-2011, 20-07-2011, 07-08-2011, 28-09-2011, 24-11-2011, 10-12-2011, 11-12-2011 teliya white spots on face constipated bowels hard stools, often small size dry stools, if long thick abdominal pain worse morning, night head cramps on walking, on putting foot on ground prefers cold surroundings regular menses, 3 days, normal flow, dys worse start of flow, bright red, no clots irritable disposition less appetite, prefers spicy, sour nux vomica 200 11-06-2011 she got major relief in abdominal pain she used to have regular pain in morning and evening earlier now she has abdominal pain only at times she didn't have her menses, the due date has passed she is passing blood with her stools there is no relief in white spots on her face bowels are not constipated now she used to eat milk with curd in past for many years she takes non-veg every 15 days and likes it

she eats monaco biscuits with milk. she is asked to discontinue all this with immediate effect. sepia 200, hamamelis 30 06-07-2011 relief in abdominal pain. no respite in white spot on face. eats lot of pani puri nux vomica 30 twice a day for 3 days then only once at night 20-07-2011 10% relief in white spots. No abdominal pain now. nux vomica 30. 07-08-2011 some relief in white spots. Cramps in head in the morning started again just few days back. Only few instances. Nux Vomica 30. 28-09-2011 She reported 50% relief in white spots. No abdominal pain now and there was only one instance of cramp in head Nux Vomica 30 one pill a day. 24-11-2011 cough and cold. there is some reappearing of white spots after eating mutton nux vomica 30 10-12-2011 She is passin blood in stools, passing many stools a day. She has pain at anus after passing stools. Nux Vomica 200, Hamamelis 30 She reported that she got relief in her painful menstruation after starting homeopathic treatment. 11-12-2011 She said she somehow lost the first bottle. Then said she didn't have any bleeding and asked whether the first one was for bleeding? It seems she has taken the remedy for someone else with same symptoms by telling that the bottle is lost. Sr. No. 67 : Patient : 1616 hyperhydrosis, insomnia lycopodium 200, sulphur 30 30-10-2011, 06-11-2011, 13-11-2011, 20-11-2011, 11-12-2011

ssk hyperhydrosis, insomnia pain in joints cervical spondilytis lycopodium 200, sulphur 30 06-11-2011 She reported some relief in her anxiety on lyc 200. She got no relief on Sulphur 30. She also has neck pain, back pain and pain in lower extremeties She undergoes sweating spells that finish in minutes. silicea 200, trayodashang guggulu 13-11-2011 She didn't get any relief on the remedies. calc carb 200, lyc 200 20-11-2011 She got some relief but as always negligible. Her symptoms change suddenly, they come and go especially anxiety with perspiration Phosphorus 200, Carduus Mar 6 11-12-2011 She did well on the remedies for her panic attacks which reduced by 50%. She has much pain in her tooth after she did some dentistry work. Staphysagria 200, Helka Lava 6 Sr. No. 68 : Patient : 1682 constipated bowels, pimples lycopodium 200, silicea 200 13-11-2011, 27-11-2011, 11-12-2011 ssk constipated bowels, pimples timid girl did well for her corn on silicea 200 earlier lycopodium 200, silicea 200 5 doses of lyc now, if no change 5 doses of sil 200 next week. Doses to be taken 12 hours apart. 27-11-2011 She did well for her pimples. She is still constipated. lycopodium 200, silicea 200 11-12-2011

She complains about her pimples and constipated bowels. berb aqua 6. Sr. No. 69 : Patient : 1741 headache Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 04-12-2011, 11-12-2011 ssk rifght sided headache if she is tense or gets up early this is 3-4 yrs old good BM gets tense, weeps menopause since 1 yr h/o regular menses, 5 days, less bleeding prefers cold surroundings headache in sun doesn't take breakfast takes lunch at 3 pm, dinner at 11 pm Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 11-12-2011 She got no relief at all. The fever receded under the influence of allopathic meds. natrum mur 30 Sr. No. 70 : Patient : 1768 headache, blocked nose pulsatilla 200, rhus tox 200 11-12-2011 ssk cold and cough headache at temples and above eyes nose blocked throat pain, pain in extremeties worse morning good BM prefers warm surroundings mild disposition menses regular, 4 days, nornal flow pulsatilla 200, rhus tox 200 Sr. No. 71 : Patient : 1763 wart on neck pulsatilla 200

11-12-2011 ssk history of scanty and delayed menses, corrected with allopathy less thirst short breath mild disposition tendency to obesity swelling on neck that worsens on movements pulsatilla 200 Sr. No. 72 : Patient : 1770 cold calc carb 200 11-12-2011 ssk the patient responded well to calc earlier after nux, rhus and other remedies failed. suffering from cold calc carb 200 Sr. No. 73 : Patient : 1732 suppressed menses for 15 days Lycopodium 200 20-11-2011, 11-12-2011 ssk 20-11-2011 She did well for her leg pain on Lyc 200 in the past She has been suffering from hair-loss and constipation. suppressed menses for 15 days Lycopodium 200 11-12-2011 She got her menses on Lycopodium 200. She asks remedy for her hairloss. She is asked to use mahabhringraj hairoil produced by medical division of gitapress gorakhpur. Sr. No. 74 : Patient : 1756 headache lyc 200, fp km 6, nux vomica 200, chelidonium 6 28-11-2011, 09-12-2011 teliya whole head pains chronic, flared up since 2 days

feels like her head is tearing apart. good BM pimples since one month thirst is less but sips much water while fetching in the evening prefers open air regular menses, 4-5 days, profuse menses fears a lot short breath on exertion panic attacks, worse warmth 09-12-2011 She got no relief in her headache. She said that her headache has started after she took ill a month back and took allopathic medicines for that. She said that the doctor said that she had problems with her liver. nux vomica 200, chionanthus 6 Sr. No. 75 : Patient : 1757 headache natrum mur 200, rhus arn 30 28-11-2011, 09-12-2011 teliya severe headache, gets relief in headache after vomitting headache since birth mild disposition good BM much thirst sweats a lot high BP menopause since 4 yrs h/o 5-6 days menstrual flow, profuse, regular menses short breath likes much salt back pain natrum mur 200, rhus arn 30 09-12-2011 She got relief in her headache. She says it is a miracle. She has been taking continuosly taking allopathic meds for years. Zinetac and Combiflam rhus arn 30, natrum mur 200 on need Sr. No. 76 : Patient : 633 cough, fissure, anal swelling Sulphur 200, Graph 30, Thuja 200, Calc Fluor 30, silicea 200, aesculus 30, lycopodium 30, sulphur 30

28-10-2010, 30-10-2010, 04-11-2010, 14-11-2010, 05-12-2010, 05-01-2011, 18-02-2011, 19-05-2011, 20-05-2011, 13-06-2011, 30-06-2011, 13-07-2011, 20-07-2011, 06-08-2011, 14-08-2011, 14-09-2011, 23-09-2011, 02-10-2011, 08-12-2011 teliya suffering from cough chronic problem of fissure digestion and constipation problems severe pain while passing stools sulphur 200, fp km 6 30-10-2010 prefers warm weather tonsilitis when cold/cough rhus 30 04-11-2010 indurated abdomen Graph 30 14-11-2010 fissure, piles tingling in feet after sitting acidity, digestion issues thuja 200, calc fluor 30, sil 30 05-12-2010 tonsilitis, bleeding gums silicea 200, cf 30 05-01-2011 He complained of hard stools after taking allopathic treatment for cold and cough. Nux Vomica 30 18-02-2011 fissure, anal swelling thuja 200, calc fluor 30 19-05-2011 pain near penis on movements ie on walking etc. nux vomica 200 few doses, rhus arn 30 20-05-2011 he did well on nux for some time, then there is a relapse. the pain is worse sitting and wearing jeans. Nux Vomica 200, Shilajeet Rasayan Vati -

13-06-2011 he got relief in his pain around penis only on nux vomica 200. so there was no need to take shilajeet rasayan vati. silicea 200 30-06-2011 got no relief from silicea 200. he also has a problem of prolapsus ani. Sulphur 200, aesculus 30 13-07-2011 there is day long pain at anus, worse sitting sulphur 200, ratahnia 30 20-07-2011 acute cold, cough, weakness nux vomica 200, calc carb 200 if needed 06-08-2011 barking cough, worse night anal fissure graph 200, calc carb 30 14-08-2011 he got relief in his fissure. graph 30, calc carb 30 14-09-2011 he has burning sensation at anus for some time while passing stools lyc 30, sulph 30 23-09-2011 He got some relief in his pimples. He has burning after passing stools for 15 minutes. Now he doesn't have anal prolapsus. Sulphur 30, Calc Carb 30 02-10-2011 rhus tox 30, arnica 30 for pain after applying starting kicks to start the scooter nux vomica 30 for anal pain 08-12-2011 He is again problem with his anal fissure. He did well for his fissure since his last dose. The flare up may be due to eating spicy. calc carb 30

Sr. No. 77 : Patient : 888 soles of feet pain, digestion issues lycopodium 200, fpkm 6, calc carb 200, hydrastis 6 21-03-2011, 08-05-2011, 27-06-2011, 23-07-2011, 06-12-2011 teliya soles of feet pain worse while walking becomes red, stinging pain anal and abdominal pain while evacuating bowels constipated bowels and abdominal pain takes an allopathic tablet regularly menses regular, 7 days, normal flow backache before menses for 1 day and on 1st day of menses prefers cold surroundings worse during 3 to 4.30 pm loss of appetite lycopodium 200, fpkm 6 08-05-2011 hand injury due to falling in the bathroom. arnica 200, rhus 200, ruta 200 27-06-2011 she got relief in her sole pain no major relief in other complaints. calc carb 200, hydrastis 6 23-07-2011 lyc 200, card mar 6 06-12-2011 She asked remedy to pre or post pone her meses. She is declined remedy. Sr. No. 78 : Patient : 709 piles calc fluorica 30, calc carb 200, rhus arn 30, rhus 200 24-12-2010, 15-03-2011, 10-05-2011, 25-06-2011, 06-07-2011, 28-07-2011, 10-08-2011, 20-09-2011, 03-10-2011, 08-11-2011, 13-11-2011, 06-12-2011 teliya She got 80% relief in her piles (non-bleeding, protrusion of mass). She is asked to take calc fluor 30 every alternate day. 15-03-2011

She responded well to her constitutional remedy calc carb 200 for cramps in her body. her menstruation was painless after that. she has calves pain at night. she has some relief from mp30 kp30. she is given rhus 200. 10-05-2011 she got relief in her complaint and there is some relapse in past few days. rhus 200, mag phos 30 in alternation of sets of doses. 25-06-2011 got more relief from rhus than mag phos. feverish leg cramps dysmenorrhoea during the latest period calc carb 200, rhus 200 06-07-2011 feeling feverish, pain in extremeties rhus arn 30 28-07-2011 she had some pain during menses. she is having cramps in calves calc carb 200, rhus tox 200 10-08-2011 she has itching without eruptions. lyc 30, sulph 30 20-09-2011 She is not responding to calc, rhus and kali phos, mag phos for pain in her legs at night. yograj guggulu 03-10-2011 She did well on yograj guggulu for her leg pain. yograj guggulu 08-11-2011 cold and cough, throat irritation, acidity Silicea 200 13-11-2011 boil like swelling on upper lips ars 30 06-12-2011

She had to take antibiotics for her boil. She is not doing well for her knee. She had her menses within 15 days but flow was not much. ruta 200, yograj guggulu Sr. No. 79 : Patient : 609 knee pain, tooth pain, fever rhus 30, km fp 6, puls 200, cf 30, phos 30, nux vomica 30, rhus 200 18-10-2010, 23-10-2010, 06-11-2010, 29-11-2010, 02-01-2011, 04-01-2011, 12-01-2011, 13-01-2011, 12-03-2011, 04-04-2011, 14-04-2011, 29-04-2011, 02-07-2011, 05-07-2011, 29-07-2011, 15-09-2011, 08-10-2011, 09-10-2011, 12-10-2011, 19-10-2011, 30-10-2011, 27-11-2011, 06-12-2011 teliya calm, loving and caring dry cough in early morning knee cap pain morning stiffness, pain lessens later as a person likes morning digestion ok sleep, appetite, sweat normal rhus 30, fp km 6 23-10-2010 strange taste in mouth like that of alum puls 200 06-11-2010 thin nasal discharge, cold, cough and weakness puls 200 29-11-2010 sprained his back, left side affected rhus tox 200 02-01-2011 tooth ache, swelling cf 30, phos 30 04-01-2011 relief in above but still not fully ok mp 30, fp km 6 12-01-2011 cough, body ache worse rest started since afternoon

acidity, loss of appetite puls 200, km fp 6 13-01-2011 passed many loose stools, feeling chilly episode started after eating stale food. nux vomica 30 12-03-2011 bitter mouth, knee pain pulsatilla 200, rhus arnica 30 04-04-2011 not so minor accident calendula 200, hypericum 200, rhus arnica 30 14-04-2011 He recovered from the accident. He is having stiffness and pain Rhus 200 29-04-2011 He is having pain in his foot due to exertion. rhus arn 30 02-07-2011 acidity, itching of legs lyc 200, urt urens 6 05-07-2011 got relief in acidity, no relief in itching. sulphur 30, haridra khanda 29-07-2011 tooth ache, severe reaction from allopathy, mouth raw and sore. phos 30, calc fluor 30 15-09-2011 sneezing, thin nasal discharge he made a journey when cold winds were blowing pulsatilla 200 few doses with 12 hour gap if no relief arsenicum album 30 08-10-2011 severe nasal discharge he feels that calves are stiff

calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 09-10-2011 no relief ars alb 200 to be taken first thereafter Pulsatilla 200 12-10-2011 cold gone, now cough sitopaladi churna 19-10-2011 productive cough worse 1 am to 2 am in the night also in the morning pain in inner knee cap of left leg finger pain due to painting phosphorus 200, rhus arn 30 30-10-2011 Mild cough and cold Sitopaladi Churna 27-11-2011 He is having cold after travelling in a cold climate. Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 sitopaladi churna 06-12-2011 He has some asthmatic suffocation and feels pressure in his abdomen sometimes after bouts of cough. carbo veg 200. Sr. No. 80 : Patient : 1762 cold, morning stiffness rhus tox 200 06-12-2011 teliya cold pain in extremeties stiffness worse morning works as house-maid nose blocked since 2 days menopause since 10-15 yrs mild disposition.

lot of thirst rhus tox 200 Sr. No. 81 : Patient : 1761 chokes while eating lyc 200, fp km 6, kali carb 200, np 6 26-11-2011, 05-12-2011 teliya chokes while eating since 2-3 years earlier it was mild, now much 0.5 to 1 glass every 1.5 hr water cause distension of stomach fears a lot starts in sleep examination anxiety constipated with soft stools non formed stools prefers rainy season fears thunderstorm doesn't sweat at all back pain worse morning worse 5-7 pm 05-12-2011 no major change in any symptom there was some relief in constipation now there is much distension of stomach there was also an attack of severe back pain kali carb 200, np 6 Sr. No. 82 : Patient : 1634 boil on sole of foot silicea 200 07-11-2011, 10-11-2011, 12-11-2011, 05-12-2011 camp boil on sole of foot silicea 200 He did well on silicea. He had a chronic problem of IBS and irritability. He did well on Nux Vomica 30. He came with a boil on his palm after Nux. It abated fully with calc carb 30. He is again advised Nux for throat pain.

Sr. No. 83 : Patient : 1694 knee pain, corn, toe nail affection ant crud 200, ledum 200, rhus arn 30, ruta 200, trayodashang guggulu 15-11-2011, 20-11-2011, 25-11-2011, 30-11-2011, 05-12-2011 camp He had a painful corn on his palm. It got cured with a single dose of Antimonium Crud 200. He had had injury while playing kabaddi. He develops pain in his knee if he sits for long. He couldn't get relief on rhus tox 30 and arnica 30. He was also given Ledum 200 later which didn't help. He was given Trayodashang Guggulu in the morning and evening. He was also asked to take Ruta 200 once a day. He reported relief on this scheme of medicine. He has a problem of discharge of pus/blood from his nail of big toe. This is happening since an injury years back. Ledum didn't help. He has some relief on Silicea 200. Sr. No. 84 : Patient : 1696 vertigo followed by vomitting Pulsatilla 200 05-12-2011 camp The lady had vertigo followed by vomitting. She has attained her menopause and she has a mild disposition. Pulsatilla 200. Sr. No. 85 : Patient : 1722 Cough hepar sulph 200, nux vomica 30 02-12-2011, 05-12-2011 camp A man came with much anger and frustration for his cough which declined to respond to continuous allopathic medication for 10 days. He said that if he doesn't have relief in his cough he will be a patient of tuberculosis by the time he reaches his home after finishing his camp. Hepar Sulph 200 There is 40% relief. Nux Vomica 30. There is total relief. Sr. No. 86 : Patient : 1727

thick discharge from eyes euphrasia 30 04-12-2011, 05-12-2011 camp The pt reported thick discharge from eyes. He also has much lachrymation that won't allow him to open his eyes in the morning euphrasia 30 He reported relief. He is asked to continue with the remedy. Sr. No. 87 : Patient : 1454 first stool hard calc carb 200, fp km 6, nux vomica 30, nux vomica 200 28-08-2011, 25-09-2011, 16-10-2011, 23-10-2011, 04-12-2011 ssk 28-08-2011 first stool hard, has pain while passing stools late in walking fears at night calc carb 200, fp km 6 25-09-2011 he got no relief from the remedies he is very irritable nux vomica 30 16-10-2011 he got relief in his pain while passing stools on nux vomica 30. now he is feeling feverish nux vomica 200, fp km 6 23-10-2011 He got relief in his feverishness and cold and cough. He is also doing well in his constipation. Nux Vomica 30 on need. 04-12-2011 He is having good BM. He is having some cough and cold. Nux Vomica 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 88 : Patient : 1466 post chikungunia pain puls 200, rhus arn 30, lycopodium 200, rhus tox 200 28-08-2011, 25-09-2011, 16-10-2011, 04-12-2011

ssk 28-08-2011 pain in thighs, knees, both legs stiffness on sitting and walking all affections started after chikunguniya 5-6 yrs ago menses scanty, pale, no clots headache above eyes, eye pain too. (that was the only symtom relieveing after puls, ruta, rhus 200). Puls 200, rhus arn 30 25-09-2011 she has pain and stiffness worse rest lycopodium 200, rhus tox 200 16-10-2011 she feels uneasy at 11 am reported relief in body stiffness she does lot of sewing work and puts strain on her eyes sulphur 200, ruta 200, rhus 200 04-12-2011 She got relief in her feelings of uneasiness at 11 am She is having stiffness in her body worse morning rhus tox 200 Sr. No. 89 : Patient : 1459 lack of appetite, weakness calc carb 200, rhus arn 30, lyc 200 21-08-2011, 28-08-2011, 18-09-2011, 04-12-2011 ssk 28-08-2011 lack of appetite, weakness since 1-2 months regular menses 4-5 days, excess bleeding. morning stiffness worse rain, cold. calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 28-08-2011 She did well for her morning stiffness on the first remedy. She has no improvement in her appetite. She is given three doses of Lycopodium 200. 18-09-2011 She said that her appetite improved by one chapati. She said that she has good menstrual flow after taking the remedies.

Actually she was expected to report decrease in her menstrual flow, but she reported the contrary matter with satisfaction ! calc carb 200, fp km 6 04-12-2011 She is again having pain in her extremeties. calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 90 : Patient : 1569 chronic nasal catarrh, passes stools many times a day calc carb 200, fp km 6, cocculus 30, ledum 30, pulsatilla 200 09-10-2011, 20-10-2011, 29-10-2011, 25-11-2011, 04-12-2011 128jn chronic nasal catahrr, passes stools many times a day somewhat irritable works on a sewing machine calc carb 200, fp km 6 20-10-2011 She did well on calc carb for her IBS and cold. She started that she visited rest room only twice as compared to 6 earlier and now she is doing that twice. She is asked to take one pill of calc carb 200 every alternate day. She should stop if she gets relief. She also has motion sickness and she is asked to report back on that after taking a test journey. 29-10-2011 She did well on calc carb for her loose stools many times a day. She is provided with some more calc carb as she leaves for a journey She is asked to take cocculus 30 for her motion sickness one pill before half an hour and one during the journey if needed She also reported that she fears sitting in a giant wheel and also has recurring mouth ulcers. On that basis she is also asked to try borax 30 for motion sickness if cocculus doesn't work. 25-11-2011 She did well on cocculus and didn't have any vomitting during journey. She has a sensation of ant bite at the place where she was injected years back. ledum pal 30 04-12-2011 she got no relief on ledum pal. she also suffers from white discharge

it takes place before as well as after menses, also she has it all time. pulsatilla 200 Sr. No. 91 : Patient : 1430 fever calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 25-07-2011, 27-10-2011, 04-12-2011 128jn fever slim boy intelligent boy calm and quiet heavy rains weather calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 27-10-2011 He is suffering from cold and cough calc carb 200, fp km 6 04-12-2011 He his suffering cold and having nasal discharge. Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 92 : Patient : 1453 abdominal pain, insomnia sepia 200, fp km 6, nux vomica 200, calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 28-08-2011, 16-10-2011, 13-11-2011, 04-12-2011 ssk 28-08-2011 slight white discharge always abdominal pain worse exertion gets angry too much regular menses, 2 days constipation, hard stools insomnia sepia 200, fp km 6 16-10-2011 she got some relief sepia 200, fp km 6 she has toothache calc fluor 30 triphala guggulu -

13-11-2011 she had an acute fever and was taking many allopathic meds. She still feels feverish nux vomica 200, fp km 6 04-12-2011 She says that she has a lot of numbness in her legs when she sits for long. She has pain in her joints after working on sewing machines. calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 93 : Patient : 232 throat irritation, feverish, constipated ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, kali phos 30, nux vomica 30, rhus tox 30, ars 30, silicea 30 27-09-2010, 02-10-2010, 24-11-2010, 02-12-2010, 17-03-2011, 28-03-2011, 25-06-2011, 01-08-2011, 16-08-2011, 26-09-2011, 28-11-2011, 04-12-2011 128jn throat irritation after fever ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6 02-10-2010 She did well on fp km 6. She said that she still feels feverish and has pain. She is given Kali Phos 30. 24-11-2010 feverish, bowels are not clear, irritability Nux Vomica 30c thrice a day 02-12-2010 insipid mouth feverish chilly pain in extremeties nux vomica 30 rhus tox 30 ferrum phos 6 kali mur 6 17-03-2011 she feels feverish nux vomica 30 28-03-2011 earlier she had chills 2-3 times a day, now she has only once ars 30 25-06-2011

now she doesn't get any chills she is feeling constipated and feverish she gets menses every 2 months or so, less to normal flow, 6 days nux vomica 200, arsenicum album 30 if needed. 01-08-2011 she shivers. Her hair stand on it's end. ars alb 30 16-08-2011 She got relief in her shivering. She has hardening of skin of her finger joints she is having headache silicea 30, nux vomica 30 26-09-2011 she did well on silicea 30. now again she is feeling chilly. she is asked to take 5 doses of arsenic alb 200 if there is no relief she has to take 5 doses of silicea 200 after that. 28-11-2011 She is feeling heaviness as she didn't have menses since 2+ months. She is again feeling chilly. Graphites 200, Arsenic Alb 200 04-12-2011 She is in good health now but she didn't have her menses. She also has some cold and cough. Pulsatilla 200. Sr. No. 94 : Patient : 1700 headache and nausea nux vomica 200 04-12-2011 camp 15 yo boy is having headache and nausea nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 95 : Patient : 1710 abdominal upsets nux vomica 200 20-11-2011, 28-11-2011, 04-12-2011 camp

He is a hypochondriac and thinks that swelling in his feet may be filariasis. He is having occasional abdominal upsets due to some serious disorders. He did well on Nux Vomica 200. nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 96 : Patient : 1742 cough with chest pain Lycopodium 200, fp km 6 04-12-2011 ssk age 11 yrs cough with chest pain constipated bowels less thirst Lycopodium 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 97 : Patient : 1716 toe pain, cough lyc 200, calc carb 200, aconite 200 27-11-2011, 29-11-2011, 02-12-2011, 04-12-2011 camp He has a pain in his big toe that has been affected by gout. He complains of cough. Lycopodium 200. The pain in big toe is gone. But there is no relief in cough. Calcarea Carb 200. He reports that there was relief in cough initially but it has come back. Aconite 200. Here aconite was a reckless prescription, it antidotes Lycopodium. He got fever and took allopathic medicines. He also got back "pulsating" pain in his big toe. If belladonna was given instead of aconite it would have done wonders. Sr. No. 98 : Patient : 1614 nocturnal enuresis, itchy spot on foot sulphur 30, equisetum 6, calc carb 200 29-10-2011, 04-12-2011 128jn nocturnal enuresis, itchy spot on foot the girl is irritable and fiery she talks back to anyone and bossy with her friends sulphur 30, equisetum 6

04-12-2011 she did well in her itching but not in her nocturnal enuresis. calc carb 200, equisetum 6 Sr. No. 99 : Patient : 1691 cronic cough pulsatilla 200 04-12-2011 128jn chronic dry cough not a barking cough passes stools thrice a day (chronic) wedded 15 days ago mild disposition not much thirst prefers cold surroundings pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 sitopaladi choorna Sr. No. 100 : Patient : 1627 cold with nose and throat affected arsenic alb 30 07-11-2011, 27-11-2011, 03-12-2011, 04-12-2011 camp cold with nose and throat affected drinking water causes cold prefers order and discipline arsenic alb 30 He has to take allopathic meds for his problems. He did well for a minor injury on rhus arnica 30. He did well for a thorn pricked in sole of his leg on ledum 30 where silicea 200 didn't work. Sr. No. 101 : Patient : 1738 boil on lower lip silicea 200 04-12-2011 ssk boil on lower lip that bursts eventually discharging water and again forms. this is going on since one year sweats more

never wears sweater silicea 200 Sr. No. 102 : Patient : 1632 throat irritation and cold extremeties calc carb 200 07-11-2011, 01-12-2011, 03-12-2011, 04-12-2011 camp throat irritation and cold extremeties calc carb 200 He approached at the fag end of the camp with fever like symptoms. He was given nux vomica 200. It only helped in his headache and no other symptom. Calc Carb 200 didn't work when it was given again. Silicea 200 worked and he felt better. Nux was also taken for headache. He was asked to take Sitopaladi Choorna. Sr. No. 103 : Patient : 803 burning eyes, watery discharge from eyes, fearful Phos 30, Gels 200, Nux 30, Nux 200, Sulphur 30 12-02-2011, 16-02-2011, 19-02-2011, 26-02-2011, 11-03-2011, 24-03-2011, 19-04-2011, 19-09-2011, 26-09-2011, 03-10-2011, 24-11-2011, 03-12-2011 teliya watery discharge from eyes irritable, fears a lot insomnia, problems with first sleep and also later 16-02-2011 photophobia fistula in ano - no issues sweats a lot in summer Gelsemium 200 19-02-2011 leucoderma spreaded after taking calcium tablets for treatment of accident affections in the past worse in sunlight, insomnia, pain over eyes nux vomica 30 26-02-2011 concerned about ptosis. overall doing well. gels 200 -

11-03-2011 cold, eye-brow pain in spots nux vomica 30 24-03-2011 feeling feverish, worse in the heat of sun doing well for ptosis Nux Vomica 200 twice a day for 3 days 19-04-2011 burning sensation on outer thigh, worse by touch of cloth Sulphur 30 19-09-2011 Neck pain only in a small area on left side Phosphorus 30 26-09-2011 He got relief. He had earlier pain while making movements, now he has pain in his jaw while he lays on bed at night the pain is worse chewing, also he has lot of agony due to his mother's behaviour. Staphysagria 200, calc fluor 30 03-10-2011 pain due to travelling, sleep disorders nux vomica 30, rhus arnica 30 24-11-2011 again episode of tooth and facial pain. Staphysagria 200, Hekla Lava 6 03-12-2011 there is a relapse after good improvement Staphysagria 200, Hekla Lava 6 Sr. No. 104 : Patient : 1705 blocked nose, throat irritation pulsatilla 200 11-11-2011, 03-12-2011 camp The gentleman has blocked nose in night. He has a mild disposition. Pulsatilla 200. The remedy worked, now he has throat irritation. Pulsatilla 200.

Sr. No. 105 : Patient : 1729 migraine, pain due to injury, shoulder pain at night nux vomica 200, rhus arn 30, trayodashang guggulu, causticum 200 11-11-2011, 23-11-2011, 27-11-2011, 03-12-2011 camp The pt got injured while travelling. He was having pain in his left arm due to injury. He also has migraine headache. Nux Vomica 200, rhus arn 30 He did well for his headache. He developed pain on the other side though he had relief in the pain at the side of injury. trayodashang guggulu He had relief in pain. But still pain is there, worse night. causticum 200 He got relief in his pain. But after finishing the remedy he feels that it may again start. causticum 200 contd. Sr. No. 106 : Patient : 1750 fever, high bp, cough ars 200, phos 200 20-11-2011, 03-12-2011 camp He got fever and was feeling chilly He was also having high BP Arsenic Alb 200 He got relief in his high bp but he was still feeling feverish. He took allopathic medicines. He said that he is having cough when he sits in a cold room. His heart goes for others and on that basis.. Phosphorus 200 Sr. No. 107 : Patient : 748 short breath, pressure at chest calc carb 200, carb veg 30, rhus arn 30, calc fluor 30 27-01-2011, 07-02-2011, 08-03-2011, 19-04-2011, 23-05-2011, 06-06-2011, 10-08-2011, 25-10-2011, 14-11-2011, 19-11-2011, 28-11-2011, 02-12-2011 teliya She is suffering from short breath. BM is fine She feels that she is not able to pass gases and gets breathing problems. calc carb 200, carb veg 30 -

07-02-2011 She reported 80% relief in her short breath. BM became finer. Gas linked chest pressure was resolved. Rhus Arn 30 given for pain in lower extremeties Calc Carb 200 3 doses to be taken on need basis. 08-03-2011 rhus arn 30 for knee affections due to accident Calc Carb 200 3 doses to be taken on need basis. 19-04-2011 She is doing well in her short breath, she didn't take the meds that were provided on need basis. She is doing well for her pain on Rhus Arnica 30. She is having some pain after exertion. Rhus Arn 30 23-05-2011 there is a relapse in her short breath calc carb 200 for knee pain rhus arn 30 06-06-2011 she fell down and injured her knee rhus arn 30 for injury calc fluor 30 for cataract / tooth pain calc carb 200 to be taken only if there is asthamatic trouble. 10-08-2011 She is free from her asthamatic troubles Rhus Arn 30 for knee, calc fluor 30 for cataract cf 30 also helps her tooth pain. 25-10-2011 Cough with expectoration calc carb 200, fp km 6 sitopaladi churna 14-11-2011 She didn't react favorably to sitopaladi churna and got burning sensation in her food pipe. She reported that cough has reduced. She is again having asthmatic trouble from which she was virtually free in the past after starting the treatment. calc carb 200

if calc don't work.. she has a h/o less menstrual bleeding except at menopause when she had profuse bleeding. puls 200 19-11-2011 Calc carb worked well. Puls did no good. Calc Carb 200 one pill alternate day. 28-11-2011 She got relief in her cough. She still has short breath. Calc Carb 200 one pill a day. 02-12-2011 She wants complete relief in her short breath. Carbo Veg 30 twice a day. Sr. No. 108 : Patient : 1747 cough, insomnia due to cough Phosphorus 200 30-11-2011, 02-12-2011 camp severe cough insomnia due to cough less thirst phos 200 worked for his cough, it reduced substantially. he has problem of skin peeling off on his palms Lyc 200 Sr. No. 109 : Patient : 1709 knee pain, prostate affections rhus arn 30, nux vomica 200 15-11-2011, 20-11-2011, 24-11-2011, 02-12-2011 camp This old gentleman has a complaint of knee pain. He was given a single dose of Rhus Tox 1M and he got good relief. The he walked a lot and again had swelling on his knees. He is given few doses of Rhus Tox 200. He said that he passes urine at night twice and has burning. He is asked to take Nux Vomica at night for that problem. He is also asked to take rhus tox arnica 30 for his knee pain. Later he was asked to take Nux Vomica only at alternate days. nux vomica 200, rhus arn 30

Sr. No. 110 : Patient : 1703 back pain and knee pain rhus arn 30, calc carb 200, lakshadi guggulu 15-11-2011, 01-12-2011 camp He has a complaint of back pain and knee pain after an accident 6 months back. rhus arn 30 He did well on the remedy. He is given calc carb 200 for cold. It also looks well for his knee pain. He was asked to continue the remedy and was also asked to take one tablet of Lakshadi Guggulu everyday. Sr. No. 111 : Patient : 1744 nasal poypi, blocked nose pulsatilla 200, calc carb 200, kali nit 30 15-11-2011, 29-11-2011, 01-12-2011 camp He presented with complaint of blocked nose. Pulsatilla 200. The remedy didn't help. He then said that he has nasal polypi and yellow mucus was seen blocking his nose. Calc Carb 200 The remedy cleared mucus from his nose. Kali Nit 30 The remedy is given in repeated doses as a follow up remedy. Sr. No. 112 : Patient : 1704 throat pain, cough, short breath calc carb 200, carbo veg 30 29-11-2011, 30-11-2011, 01-12-2011 camp He came with complaints of throat pain and cough. Calc Carb 200 He did well on the remedy and said that he also has an old problem of wheezing. He sweats when he coughs. Carbo Veg 30. He did well on the remedy but asked for a miraculous remedy like another patient who recovered fully in 3 doses. He was explained that miracle happens when the remedy perfectly matches the symptom totality and it doesn't happen in all cases. In some cases recovery takes time.

Sitopaladi Choorna Sr. No. 113 : Patient : 1712 low bp, anxiety lycopodium 200, chandraprabha vati, nux vomica 200 20-11-2011, 22-11-2011, 01-12-2011 camp He said that he has low bp. He was given chandraprabha vati and possibly lycopodium 200 on the basis of his symptoms. He reported constipation after taking some herbal concoction. He is given three doses of Nux Vomica 200 at a gap of 12 hours. He reported relief on chandraprabha vati. Sr. No. 114 : Patient : 1695 severe pain in calves Arnica 200, Nux Vomica 200, Trayodashang Guggulu 27-11-2011, 29-11-2011, 01-12-2011 camp He had severe back pain after stretching his legs very painfully in the course of Yoga. He was given a single dose of Rhus Tox 1M which didn't help him. He was given allopathic medicines later. Later he was given two doses of Arnica 200 and he had some aggravation. He was also taking Trayodashang Guggulu. Later he said that some improvement seems to have happened. He has pain in his calves worse morning. He is asked to take Nux Vomica 200 in the morning and evening for 3 days and assess the impact. Sr. No. 115 : Patient : 1758 distended abdomen, hands shiver natrum mur 200, rhus arn 30 01-12-2011 teliya abdomen distended since 2-3 days. fever at 3.30 pm yesterday and today. no fever now at 7.30 pm. mild cramps in occiput he is tense now a days eating outside 8-10 days weakness some constipation stools are less prefers cold surroundings less thirst

hands shiver post jaundice 4 yrs back left shivers more. natrum mur 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 116 : Patient : 1746 weakness, dust allergy nux vomica 200 20-11-2011, 25-11-2011, 30-11-2011 camp he was suffering from too much weakness. he has stone in his left kidney no pain now he gets very angry if he loses his calm which he generally maintains. nux vomica 200 He did well. He had relapse in his symptoms after exposure to dust. Nux Vomica 200 Again he recovered nicely. Sr. No. 117 : Patient : 1661 cough, throat pain phosphorus 30, lyc 200, rhus arn 30 11-11-2011, 12-11-2011, 20-11-2011, 25-11-2011, 30-11-2011 camp cough, throat pain phosphorus 30 12-11-2011 got relief in cough hand pain due to exertion while playing rhus arn 30 constipated bowels lyc 200 Later he came for cough again and he reported that he has surgically removed cyst on his kidneys. calc carb 200 He developed pain in his lower back and got relief on rhus tox 200. He was also given Dulcamara 30 on the suggestion of another homeopath. Sr. No. 118 : Patient : 1692 wheezing calc carb 200, hekla lava 6, fp km 6 10-11-2011, 15-11-2011, 20-11-2011, 25-11-2011, 30-11-2011

camp The agriculturist from Karnataka He came with a problem of wheezing He got instant relief with calc carb 200. He had slight cold and cough. He was given fp km 6. He had some tooth pain. He did well on Hekla Lava 6. He had some tightness at chest. He did well on calc carb 200. He came with cough. He was given fp km 6. Sr. No. 119 : Patient : 1711 urticaria pulsatilla 30, graphites 30 08-11-2011, 12-11-2011, 15-11-2011, 25-11-2011, 30-11-2011 camp He reported severe itching on his abdomen and showed the homeopathic remedy that he is taking daily. He is a cool minded gentleman. It was concluded that he is proving sulphur. He was asked to take the remedy that he has been taking. He was given three doses of Pulsatilla 30. He reported complete relief in his abdominal itching after few days. He has a chronic ithing in the folds of his private parts for which he started homeopathic treatment. The main complained stayed as it was and the itching started elsewhere after the treatment. Now the reactionary itching is gone but the original itching is as it was. He was asked to take Haridra Khanda. Haridra Khanda didn't help. He was given graphites 30 twice a day for three days. He later said that he gets relief when he washes affected region with warm water. So graphites worked but credit went to the warm water. He decided against taking any treatment further for his problem. Sr. No. 120 : Patient : 1631 cold and cough nux vomica 30, silicea 200, hepar sulph 200 07-11-2011, 25-11-2011, 27-11-2011, 30-11-2011 camp cold and cough took allopathic remedies 15 days back, now has a relapse

nux vomica 30 He did well on nux vomica 30. He later developed painful boils on his buttock. He did well on Silicea 200 followed by Hepar Sulph 200. Sr. No. 121 : Patient : 1706 cold, feverishness, urticaria calc carb 200, ars 30, lyc 200, sulphur 30 08-11-2011, 15-11-2011, 20-11-2011, 25-11-2011, 30-11-2011 camp The gentleman presented with complaint of cold and feverishness. He prefered warm surroundings and had much thirst. Calc Carb 200. The remedy worked well for him. But he got itching in his waist. Ars Alb 30 The remedy didn't help him much. Lyc 200 The remedy stopped his itching but it was back again. Sulphur 30 He got relief. Sr. No. 122 : Patient : 1745 numbness in right thigh and constipation lyc 200, nux vomica 200, calc carb 200 15-11-2011, 20-11-2011, 25-11-2011, 30-11-2011 camp He is worried for his son's condition He has developed numbness in right thigh He is having constipated bowels Lycopodium 200 The remedy didn't help. Nux Vomica 200 The remedy didn't help. Calc Carb 200 He got some improvement in his bowel movements. The affected numb part has burning sensation now. But still the part is completely numb. few more doses of calc carb. Sr. No. 123 : Patient : 607 cold, cough, loss of appetite, adhd Sulphur 200, Calc Carb 200, Lyc 200, fp km 6, cina 200, natrum mur 30

16-10-2010, 30-10-2010, 07-11-2010, 22-11-2010, 10-12-2010, 22-12-2010, 30-12-2010, 18-01-2011, 25-02-2011, 02-03-2011, 08-03-2011, 13-04-2011, 02-05-2011, 11-05-2011, 12-05-2011, 22-10-2011, 20-11-2011, 29-11-2011 teliya cold and cough every 15 days. nose blocked, yellow discharge loss of appetite doesn't pass stool in the morning foul smelling stools strains while passing stools sleeps on stomach operated for hernia mild disposition less thirst, for cold water Sulphur 200, fp km 6 30-10-2010 now he passes stools daily earlier used to pass alternate day foul smell continues doesn't strain while passing stools acute cold calc carb 200, fp km 6 07-11-2010 He is hungry but doesn't eat satisfactorily. haughty behaviour, white nasal discharge lyc 200, km 30 10-12-2010 he is passing stools daily, his appetite has improved he is doing well, behaviour has also improved. still stools are offensive Sulphur 200, fp km 6 on need basis for cold 22-12-2010 acute remedies for accident and minor wound below chin calendula 200, rhus tox 200 25-12-2010 complains of stomach pain after eating at a marriage reception. nux vomica 30 30-12-2010 He complains of stomach pain and weakness. He passed many stools yesterday, now goes to washroom but can't evacuate he also has nausea

calc carb 200, fp km 6 18-01-2010 eating well, again haughty, having cold lyc 200, fp km 6 25-02-2011 cold, white nasal discharge haughty, less appetite lyc 200, km 30 02-03-2011 had vomitting day before yesterday. loose stools complaints of earlier visit also persist grinds teeth there is no distension of abdomen since many past visits. cina 200 08-03-2011 catches cold after eating some junk cold stuff. loss of appetite calc carb 200, fp km 6 13-04-2011 cold due to eating ice-cream calc carb 200, fp km 6 appetite has improved due to meds. 02-05-2011 he is feeling feverish due to journey. having red eyes and body pain. natrum mur 30 one pill thrice a day. Cina 200 for deworming. 11-05-2011 swelling of eyes there was itching also before taking allopathic meds. sulphur 200 3 doses. 12-05-2011 two doses of sulphur 200 to be given tomorrow in case he makes no progress euphrasia 30 thrice a day from day after tomm. 22-10-2011 He is suffering from cold. He has a thin nasal coryza. He is short in height compared to what his age is.

Silicea 200, Kali Mur 30 20-11-2011 passed many stools during the day. calc carb 200, carduus mar 6 29-11-2011 headache, abdominal pain calc carb 200, hydrastis 6 Sr. No. 124 : Patient : 1730 feverishness nux vomica 200 15-11-2011, 29-11-2011 camp Patient complains of feverishness. patient with feverishness nux vomica 200 he did well. 15 days later he came for throat irritation and cough. nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 125 : Patient : 1158 cramps in legs, stiffness rhus tox 30, arnica 30, nux vomica 200 20-05-2011, 24-05-2011, 09-11-2011, 17-11-2011, 28-11-2011 camp cramps in legs, stiffness rhus tox 30, arnica 30 24-05-2011 again he was on fast, he exerted and he got bad cramps in the night nux vomica 200 He reported severe acidity. Nux Vomica 200. He got no relief. Lycopodium 200. He got no relief and started allopathic treatment. He was asked to take one Omez daily for 30 days. i asked him to stop immediately. He stopped after taking it for 4 days and later didn't have any acidity. He did lot of exertion and again had severe cramps nux vomica 200

Sr. No. 126 : Patient : 667 hairloss, profuse and early menses Lyc 200, Chion 6, Calc Carb 200, Sulphur 30, Mag Phos 200, Belladonna 200, Pulsatilla 30, KM 30, Kali Carb 200 22-11-2010, 23-11-2010, 10-12-2010, 17-12-2010, 22-12-2010, 08-01-2011, 18-012011, 28-01-2011, 07-02-2011, 16-02-2011, 25-02-2011, 28-02-2011, 08-03-2011, 2903-2011, 31-03-2011, 13-04-2011, 20-04-2011, 29-04-2011, 11-05-2011, 12-06-2011, 08-10-2011, 05-11-2011, 19-11-2011, 28-11-2011 teliya hairloss digestion not good nausea constipation suffocated feeling in chest burning in chest, abdomen food feels to be there for long loss of appetite headache starts at vertex spreads to occiput menses not regular since 2 years menses every 15 days, passes huge clots less thirst prefers cold surroundings sweats a lot fears at night, on clashes Lyc 200, chionan 6 23-11-2010 very severe headache, nausea relief in digestion reported Belladonna 200 10-12-2010 before oct 5, no menses for 4 months oct 5 4 days oct 17 4 days nov 8 5-6 days nov 25 5-6 days dec 7 profuse bleeding She didn't have headache and nausea. No relief in digestion issues, hairloss. She is having excess menstrual bleeding as her main complaint. Sulphur 30, Calc Carb 200, Millefolium 6 17-12-2010 She reported acute flare-up in her headache. She is given Calc Carb 200, her constitutional remedy

Bell 200 provided to be taken on need basis. 22-12-2010 white discharge after menses cracks on soles of foot skin affections on legs due to cold weather Silicea 30 08-01-2011 Menses started on time. Normal flow. complains of severe hairfall and constipation. later she reported profuse bleeding on day 3 corrected by mellifolium 6. Selenium 6 28-01-2011 severe headache, white discharge, constipation lyc 200, bell 200, mp 200 07-02-2011 constipated, severe headache, bogged down by her condition Calc Carb 1M, KP 30 16-02-2011 constipation, headache lyc 200, mp 200, bell 200 25-02-2011 no headache, comprehension improved no menses, leucorrhoea started BM not good Pulsatilla 30, km 30 28-02-2011 There is a complete relapse in headache. No any other improvement. Lyc 200, mp 200, belladonna 200 08-03-2011 She got her periods. Bleeding increased after a good start. It is still continuing though not that profuse now. She also has severe headache. Millefolium 6, belldonna 200, mag phos 200 29-03-2011 complains of pain in extremeties from back to knees some leucorrhoea, no headache KP 30 twice a day

31-03-2011 Vertigo on turning vomitting in the morning Low BP Kali Carb 200 13-04-2011 headache, nausea, pain in lower extremeties, constipation kali carb 200, nux vomica 30 She had profuse menses starting on 01-03. 3rd and 4th day flow was profuse She took Milefolium 6 and got the flow controlled. 20-04-2011 she is having headache, constipation, leucorrhoea calc carb 1m, belladonna 200, mag phos 200 29-04-2011 she is doing well overall. she feels on the basis of pain in her extremeties that her periods are due but not appearing. she is provided with lyc 200 to be taken after few days she is also give mp 200, bell 200 for headache and mil 6 for stopping her bleeding on need basis. 11-05-2011 she got her menses, todays the third day and the flow is moderate. she is having terrific headache. she is asked to take three doses of calc carb 1M. In case she gets agg from calc carb 1m and bleeds in excess she is to take Milefolium 6. Bell 200 may be taken as follow up for headache if needed. 12-06-2011 she is having too much pain in her groin. she has not passed stools for 2 days. calc carb 200 followed by lyc 200 if needed. 08-10-2011 severe pain in lower extremeties yograj guggulu 05-11-2011 She has severe headache, pulsating pain, unbearable took painkiller but got no relief belladonna 200, mag phos 200

19-11-2011 She is having headache that started at neck. She always has constipated bowels Lyc 200, card mar 6 28-11-2011 She got relief in her headache. Now she is again having headache. Lycopodium 200, Chion 6 She is having her menses. She is also given millefolium 6 in case she has profuse menses. Sr. No. 127 : Patient : 1749 throat pain calc carb 200, nux vomica 200 20-11-2011, 28-11-2011 camp The patient complained of throat pain. He is a fat patient with big belly. Calc Carb 200 He later came with minor throat irritation. He said that he got relief on calc earlier. He is given nux vomica. Nux was decided to know whether it can work as follow up to calc for clearing up a minor problem. Nux Vomica 200 The patient's response to Nux is not known. Sr. No. 128 : Patient : 1637 skin eruptions, abdominal gases Sulphur 200, Kali Mur 30 07-11-2011, 12-11-2011, 25-11-2011, 28-11-2011 camp skin eruption on feet abdominal gases, chest pain, short breath due to gases symptom start at 11 am upto 3-4 pm Sulphur 200, Kali Mur 30 12-11-2011 He got relief in his condition overall. km 30. He reported relief in his condition on kali mur and was given more kali mur. He had some cervical pain for which he was given tryodashang guggulu. He was continued with kali mur.

Later he came back for more sulphur and kali mur. He was all in praise for sulphur and kali mur. He said that he had sweating in night which he attributed to trayodashang guggulu. He is asked to take only trayodashang guggulu once a day instead of twice. Sr. No. 129 : Patient : 1731 pain in back, strange pain in head nux vomica 200, rhus tox 200, bryonia 200, ledum 30 15-11-2011, 24-11-2011, 26-11-2011, 28-11-2011 camp nux vomica 200 rhus tox 200 he got relief, later reported pain worse rest rhus tox 200 he said that he can't bear touch on his head and there is a strange sensation. He has back pain possibly because of injections taken years back. bryonia 200, ledum 30 He reported total relief in his head sensation but increase in his back pain. Pain is worse rest and he has to change his posture. rhus tox 200 Sr. No. 130 : Patient : 1483 back pain rhus arn 30, calc carb 200, silicea 200 28-08-2011, 27-11-2011 ssk 28-08-2011 back pain rhus arn 30 27-11-2011 skin on palms peels off calc carb 200, silicea 200 Sr. No. 131 : Patient : 1743 eyes red, pain in eyes with continuous discharge calc carb 200, fp km 6 27-11-2011 ssk eyes red, pain in eyes with continuous discharge body pain with stiffness constipated bowels calc carb 200, fp km 6

Sr. No. 132 : Patient : 594 itching of soles, pain in lower extremeties Lyc 200, kali mur 30, nux vomica 200, nux vomica 30, silicea 200, Graphites 30, Ruta 30, phos 30 12-10-2010, 31-10-2010, 09-11-2010, 11-11-2010, 03-01-2011, 15-01-2011, 05-02-2011, 06-03-2011, 18-03-2011, 22-03-2011, 05-04-2011, 15-04-2011, 26-04-2011, 14-05-2011, 06-06-2011, 06-07-2011, 18-07-2011, 30-07-2011, 14-09-2011, 30-09-2011, 01-10-2011, 08-10-2011, 19-10-2011, 26-11-2011 teliya severe itching of soles acidity, severe bloating after meals vertigo, sweating, palpitations hot and cold sensation in body started after death of husband lower extremity pain on left side numbness of extremeties hard stool prefers cold weather, becomes uneasy in hot weather occipital pain, pulsating pain lyc 200, kali mur 30 31-10-2010 Vertigo after exertion heaviness of head due to cold rest aggravates pain in feet Nux Vomica 200 09-11-2010 sour belching, sour eructations, stomach bloated vomitting and loose motion since early morning nux vomica 200 11-11-2010 abdominal bloating, old pain of left leg calf is back lyc 200, ruta 30 03-01-2011 throat irritation, itching of soles of feet at night, feverish lyc 200, fp km 6 15-01-2011 feverish, headache, weakness nux vomica 30 05-02-2011 itching of soles, left leg pain

lyc 200, ruta 200 06-03-2011 pain under ribs, hard stools, itching soles Lyc 200, kali mur 30 18-03-2011 she is having fever symptoms since morning, chilly, no digestion issues, very weak, fearful, irritable nux vomica 30 22-03-2011 abdominal gases, leg pain lyc 200, fpkm 6 05-04-2011 patches on soles of feet silicea 30, lycopodium 200 15-04-2011 She says that if she takes meds her soles of feet don't itch. She is having mouth ulcers that has made swallowing difficult. she also has leg pain. Graphites 30, Ruta 30 26-04-2011 Again her soles of feet are itching. She doesn't have other complaints. She has eaten brinjals and gawar beans. She is asked not to do that again. Lyc 200, fp km 6 14-05-2011 feverish since 11 am nux vomica 30 06-06-2011 abdominal gases, sweating lyc 200 06-07-2011 she is having throat sores, can't eat anything spicy without much burning. phos 30 18-07-2011 knee pain, itching soles lyc 200, ruta 30 -

30-07-2011 she is suffering from fever. Nux Vomica 30, Ars Alb 30 She was asked to take Nux first and then Ars. She reported on the following day that she recovered by taking nux. 14-09-2011 she has itching in soles of her feet and she is also having pain in her leg. lycopodium 200, ruta 200 03-09-2011 She is suffering from abdominal gases, nausea and feeling feverish lyc 200, and if lyc don't work nux vomica 30 01-10-2011 She did well on lyc 200. Now km 30 as follow up for constipation. 08-10-2011 peeling of soles of feet silicea 200 19-10-2011 no relief from silicea 200 graphites 200 followed by lyc 200 (on need) 26-11-2011 She got no relief on the suggested remedies for her itching on feet. She took some herbs and got the relief. Now she reports pain in her legs, worse left. lyc 200, ruta 200. Sr. No. 133 : Patient : 643 fever rhus tox 30, nux vomica 200, calc carb 30, calc carb 200, rhus tox 200 01-11-2010, 03-11-2010, 19-11-2010, 31-07-2011, 09-10-2011, 26-11-2011 teliya sore nose, eye lids, eye corners forehead pain throat irritaion, pain while swallowing dry throat ears feel stuffed painful extremeties worse rest less thirst 5-12 glasses a day rhus 30 03-11-2010

there is no relief patient is chilly, angry and strains while passing stools. Nux Vomica 200 19-11-2010 weakness, shoulder pain, left leg pain, nasal bone affection calc carb 30 31-07-2011 calc carb 200, rhus 200 09-10-2011 he is having cough after fever nasal bone affection calc carb 200, sil 30 26-11-2011 He did well after the last remedies. Again he is having cold. calc carb 200, sil 200 Sr. No. 134 : Patient : 1759 throat pain, cough calc carb 200, fp km 6 26-11-2011 teliya throat pain short cough constipated bowels, move once in 2-3 days can't concentrate on studies less appetite prefers cold surroundings late in walking calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 135 : Patient : 1760 barking cough with expectoration calc carb 200, fp km 6 26-11-2011 teliya barking cough with expectoration bm once in 2-3 days the girl is active calc carb 200, fp km 6

Sr. No. 136 : Patient : 750 body pain rhus arnica 30 28-01-2011, 12-11-2011, 25-11-2011 teliya menopause 4 yrs back H/o regular menses 4 day menses normal bleeding no problems during menses prefers warm surroundings likes to be covered body pain, belching worse after exertion, morning stiffness sweats less rhus arnica 30 12-11-2011 after taking allopathic meds, these are the symptoms (side effects).. tongue burns, can't eat spicy, since one month appetite is good thirst is more, on glass every 15-30 minutes calm mood good BM nux vomica 30 for the current acute. rhus arn 30 on need as she works as a maid. 25-11-2011 She did well for her mouth ulcers on nux vomica 30. She is having much pain in her extremeties. pain is worse night. calc carb 200, rhus tox 200 Sr. No. 137 : Patient : 690 cold and cough, numbness, sinus headache calc carb 200, fp km 6, calc carb 1m, kp 30, rhus arn 30 06-12-2010, 31-12-2010, 12-01-2011, 05-03-2011, 16-03-2011, 21-05-2011, 09-06-2011, 24-06-2011, 25-09-2011, 25-11-2011 teliya cold, cough, hands and legs pain, numbess, sinus headache numbness after working in water heaviness in extremeties during rest

menses regular, three days, more bleeding red, sometimes blackish, no clots stomach distension on first day of menses prefers warm surroundings worse during evening insomnia, first sleep, someties later stools hard, doesn't feel like emptied the bowels cramps in legs before menses sweats more calc carb 200, fp km 6 31-12-2010 numbness gone. pain reduced after taking medicines, now retunred due to exertion. Unable to sleep, looks feverish, there is pain in joints. calc carb 200, fp km 6 12-01-2011 She said that numbness is back after washing clothes. She did some extra work. She is having good sleep now. calc carb 200, fp km 6 05-03-2011 pain in extremeties, bone pain worse exertion; worse rest; morning better cough; rattling in chest calc carb 200, fp km 6 16-03-2011 she again complains of cold. she got relief in all her complaints on earlier medication. she feels that her symptoms like bone pain are set to come back calc carb 1m, fp km 6 21-05-2011 nerve pain in leg when stoops down abdominal distension and hardening she reported decrease in her menstrual flow which was profuse earlier. calc carb 1m, fp km 6 09-06-2011 headache, insomnia, neck pain after attending a public function. bitter taste in mouth calc carb 200 (8 doses), kp 30 24-06-2011 cold, acidity

doing better in insomnia, headache etc. calc carb 200, kp 30, np 6 if needed for acidity 25-09-2011 She has pain in her extremeties after lot of hard work She painted her house She said that she still has reduced menstrual flow at normal level. rhus arn 30 25-11-2011 headache, leg pain, cold, insomnia calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 138 : Patient : 1725 high bp, frozen shoulder nux vomica 200, rhus arn 30, rhus tox 200, ledum 200, symphytum 200 14-11-2011, 17-11-2011, 22-11-2011, 25-11-2011 camp A 50 yo gentleman got his BP checked up in the course of health check-up for getting registered at the camp. He was told that his systolic blood pressure is 160 and he should take allopathic medicines for controlling his BP. He got angry and said that he will prefer to die than taking the allopathic medicines!! He asked for homeopathic medicines. He was having constipated bowels. Nux Vomica 200. He got relief in his constipation and his BP reading was 150. He felt feverish. He also has a chronic problem of frozen shoulder after his accident long back. Rhus Tox 200. He got relief in feverishness. There is no help in frozen shoulder. Ledum 200. It didn't help in frozen shoulder. Symphytum 200. It helped to some extent for his frozen shoulder. Sr. No. 139 : Patient : 1663 sneezing, snoring calc carb 200 11-11-2011, 15-11-2011, 25-11-2011 camp sneezing, snoring calc carb 200 He reported relief in his sneezing from which he has been suffering for years.

He developed severe cold for which again calc carb 200 was repeated in a set of 5 doses. He was given fp km 6 as follow up for minor cold and cough. He has skin eruptions on his legs where socks are worn. He is given Haridra Khanda for that. Sr. No. 140 : Patient : 1728 migraine nux vomica 200 15-11-2011, 25-11-2011 camp The patient complains of a chronic migraine. He got relief on nux vomica 200. He later have had relapse which again responded to Nux 200. Sr. No. 141 : Patient : 1676 buttock pain, numbness, abdominal upset arnica 200, rhus tox 200, nux vomica 200 10-11-2011, 13-11-2011, 15-11-2011, 20-11-2011, 25-11-2011 camp buttock pain, numbness after lifting a flower plant block years back arnica 200, rhus tox 200 abdominal upset due to change in diet nux vomica 200 He was later given 5 doses of calc carb 200 that substantially reduced tingling in his feet. It was followed up with trayodashang guggulu. Later he suffered cold and cough for which he was given nux vomica 200 and sitopaladi churna. Sr. No. 142 : Patient : 1648 cervical spondylitis lycopodium 200, ruta 200 09-11-2011, 25-11-2011 camp cervical spondylitis weeps on happening of social events against his notions constipated bowels snuffle lycopodium 200, ruta 200 He did well on Lycopodium for his sticky stools and overall he

didn't have any flare up in his symptoms during the camp. Sr. No. 143 : Patient : 1714 punctured wound ledum pal 200, calendula 200 25-11-2011 camp patient's big toe was slit by a razor blade ledum pal 200, calendula 200 Sr. No. 144 : Patient : 1708 knee pain, sticky discharge from eye calc carb 200, rhus arnica 30 17-11-2011, 21-11-2011, 25-11-2011 camp the patient who is a 60 yr old gentleman presented with a complaint of knee pain rhus arn 30 He got some 20-30% relief. He said he has discharge of thick liquid from his eyes. Calc carb 200 He got relief in his knee pain and his discharge from eyes. He used to apply ointment on his legs for leg pain which resulted in skin allergy. The skin allergy also went away as he stopped applying the ointment. Sr. No. 145 : Patient : 1717 painful and swelled palm after some injury symphytum 200, rhus arn 30, nux vomica 200 10-11-2011, 15-11-2011, 20-11-2011, 25-11-2011 camp The patient has a painful and swelled palm after some injury. He did well on Symphytum 200 and rhus tox 30, arnica 30. Later he also did well on Nux Vomica 200 for his cold, cough and throat irritation. Sr. No. 146 : Patient : 1751 feverishness, throat irritation, chronic vertigo nux vomica 200, calc carb 200 15-11-2011, 25-11-2011 camp He complained that he feels that he may soon be sick. Nux Vomica 200.

He got throat irritation after eating sweets and ice-cream at a party. He sweats a lot in the summer, he can't bear winter too when there is too much cold. He is totally bald and started getting bald at an early age. He is an obese person and has also undergone bypass surgery for heart Calc Carb 200 He need not take any antibiotics for his throat irritation. Another homeopath suggested nux vomica 200 for his chronic vertigo. It is not clear whether he is a calc or nux. Sr. No. 147 : Patient : 1718 headache, feverishness, cough nux 200, calc 200, fp km 6, bry 200 09-11-2011, 11-11-2011, 15-11-2011, 25-11-2011 camp A bulky fellow appeared with the chief complaint of headache and some symptoms of feverishness. All his symptoms were acute. Nux Vomica 200 raised his headache to unbearable levels. He got total relief in his headache on Calc Carb 200. He then had cough which didn't respond to fp km 6 and allopathic cough syrup (which he took on his own). He was finally given Bryonia 200, but his response to bryonia is not known. Sr. No. 148 : Patient : 1721 throat hoarse, feverishness, hand injury, discharge from eyes calc carb 200, phos 200, rhus arn 30 09-11-2011, 11-11-2011, 15-11-2011, 25-11-2011 camp A fat looking 65 yo gentleman appeared with complaints of hoarse voice and feverishness. Calc Carb 200 He did well on the remedy. He has profuse watery discharge from his eyes. Phosphorus 200 He did well and said that he had thick discharge from his eyes in the morning which improved considerably. But as he has walked in open air there is aggravation in watery discharge from his eyes. Phosphorus 200 He says that there was no discharge from eyes in the morning but his eyes seem to be yellow.

He also hurt his hand as someone sat with full force on his hand. A pen held in the hand was broken. He is asked to wait and watch his eyes position. Rhus Tox 30, Arnica 30 He later said that he got relief in his eyes, he didn't have any jaundice and enjoyed good health. There was also relief in his hand though not fully ok. rhus arn 30. Sr. No. 149 : Patient : 1662 cough, body pain bryonia 200 11-11-2011, 15-11-2011, 25-11-2011 camp cough, body pain prefers cold surroundings bryonia 200 He reported relief in his constipation. calc carb 200 He reported relief in his calves pain. switched to allopathy. pulsatilla 200 He was given puls as he choked during his sleep. Sr. No. 150 : Patient : 1715 cough phosphorus 200 24-11-2011 camp He reported problem of troublesome cough. He suffered hair loss in his youth time and now he is bald. He has a loving disposition. 3 doses of Phosphorus 200 cured his cough. Sr. No. 151 : Patient : 1489 leg pain, tingling calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 23-07-2011, 04-08-2011, 30-10-2011, 23-11-2011 teliya pain from back to foot on right side tingling no issues with BM less appetite h/o profuse menses, regular, 8-10 days pain, tingling, all time

calc carb 200, rhus 30, cp 1 04-08-2011 she did well on calc carb 200 but lost her gains on rhus. calc carb 200 3 dose set that may be repeated yg 1 30-10-2011 She says that her tingling is back. Calc Carb 200 9 pills. Repeat set of 3 pills on need. 23-11-2011 calc carb 200 didn't help her. She is given Trayodashang Guggulu. Sr. No. 152 : Patient : 677 constipation, less appetite Lyc 200, fp km 6, arsenic alb 200, nux vomica 30 25-11-2010, 22-10-2011, 30-10-2011, 23-11-2011 teliya boil on lower lip constipated, passes stools every 2-3 days stools loose now most of times normal less thirst sweats a lot feels better in morning, worse after 1 pm upto 6 pm no abdominal gases sleepy Lyc 200, fp km 6 22-10-2011 She is having nasal discharge due to cold. menstruation details noted... 5 days, 3 days normal, then less; earlier used to be more Arsenicum Album 200, fp km 6 30-10-2011 She got no relief. She complains of blocked nose in the morning and sneezing. She also doesn't have good bowel movements ie constipation nux vomica 30 23-11-2011

pimples, abdominal gases, as a person worse after-noon. calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 153 : Patient : 583 back ache, heaviness in extremeties Sepia 200, Rhus 30, Nux Vomica 200, Rhus Tox 200, Nux Vomica 30, Lyc 200, Belladonna 200, calc carb 200, collinsonia 30 11-10-2010, 30-10-2010, 31-10-2010, 02-11-2010, 19-11-2010, 23-11-2010, 27-12-2010, 30-12-2010, 31-12-2010, 07-01-2011, 04-04-2011, 29-04-2011, 17-05-2011, 20-06-2011, 10-07-2011, 17-08-2011, 24-09-2011, 05-11-2011, 23-11-2011 teliya sewing work backache at night, right leg feels heavy pain in knees, ankles, small joints worse morning abdominal gases after meals irritable irregular menses 3 day bleeding, thick, red piles Sepia 200, Rhus 30 30-10-2010 headache at occiput, vertex, temples, forehead prefers cold surroundings pain in extremeties Nux Vomica 200 31-10-2010 She reported overall relief. She is asked to take the remaning doses of the remedy with her. 02-11-2010 She complained of headache. She is given Nux Vomica 200 twice a day for 4 days. 19-11-2010 headache, roaring in ears, weakness no menses since 3 months. Sepia 200, Nux Vomica 200 23-11-2010 No respote in roaring in ears and headache. She did lot of sewing work. Belladonna 200. 27-12-2010 She is feeling feverish. There is stiffness and pain in her extremeties, worse morning.

Nux Vomica 30. 30-12-2010 She did all the housework during the day. Now she is suffering from vertigo as she is observing fast. Nux Vomica 200. 31-12-2010 She reported relief. Nux Vomica 200. 07-01-2011 She is having backache and hand pain, worse rest. Rhus Tox 200 5 doses. 04-04-2011 foot pain worse exertion, washing clothes vertigo, tinitus calc carb 200, rhus 30 29-04-2011 There is relief in other complaints except tinitus Lyc 200 (3 doses) Belladonna 200 on need basis sarivadi vati 17-05-2011 tinnitus, overworked, worried calc carb 200, belladonna 200 20-06-2011 weakness and body pain after exertion and mental stress calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 10-07-2011 pain at anus with some swelling and protrusion Nux Vomica 200, Collinsonia 30 17-08-2011 ringing in ears calc carb 200, kp 30 24-09-2011 back pain, vertigo, tinitus, feverish calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 05-11-2011

weakness, tinittus calc carb 200, kp 30 23-11-2011 knee pain, pain in right shoulder, becomes numb at night rhus tox 200, calc carb 200 Sr. No. 154 : Patient : 279 bone affections after accident Symphytum 200, rhus 30, arnica 30, nux vomica 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, nux vomica 30c 06-10-2010, 25-10-2010, 11-11-2010, 22-11-2010, 26-12-2010, 29-01-2011, 30-01-2011, 25-06-2011, 14-07-2011, 25-07-2011, 28-07-2011, 01-08-2011, 17-09-2011, 13-10-2011, 16-10-2011, 20-10-2011, 04-11-2011, 15-11-2011, 23-11-2011 128jn bone affections after accident swelling of finger restricted mobility of finger calc phos and calc flour should be considered. 25-10-2010 the remedies worked very well. she could move her finger completely and the bone also looked like becoming normal. she was suffering from severe cold. She appeared to be a chilly patient and given Nux Vomica 200. She is also asked to take ferrum phos 6 and kali mur 6. 11-11-2010 She is asked to take Symphytum 200 and Calc Flour 30, Rhus Arn 30 on alternate days. 22-11-2010 She reported watery diarrhoea after journey and heavy meals outside. She is feeling chilly and weak. She is given Nux Vomica 30c every 2 hours and asked to take less doses as she makes progress. 26-12-2010 There is no pain and stiffness in her hand now. The bone appearance is also 50% normalized. She is asked to take Rhus Arn 30 daily and Symphytum 200 on alternate days. 29-01-2011 She is asked to take the following remedies once a day in alternation... calc phos 200 symphytum 200 silicea 200 -

30-01-2011 She is having fever, feeling chilly, also has throat irritation. Nux Vomica 200 25-06-2011 abdominal upset after eating kachori nux vomica 200 14-07-2011 urticaria after eruption of hives severe itching, can't help scratches sulphur 30 - one pill every 2 hours hk 1 1/2 tsp every two hrs 25-07-2011 she is having cold, cough and fever. she got complete relief in her urticaria. nux vomica 200 28-07-2011 she got relief in sneezing etc but asked for some more pills for that. nux vomica 200 01-08-2011 she still has cough. she is feeling weak. calc carb 200, fp km 6 17-09-2011 she is having white discharge after taking allopathic medicine for delaying her periods. she has not gotten her menses and it is overdue now. she is having back pain and also getting some spotting. nux vomica 200 5 doses if there is no relief sepia 200 5 doses. 13-10-2011 She got her menses though not satisfactory she also got relief in her leucorrhoea She is down with fever and cold nux vomica 200 16-10-2011 fever gone eyes painful acute back pain at times sepia 200 -

20-10-2011 severe throat pain calc carb 200, kali mur 30 04-11-2011 cough with expectoration calc carb 200 if no relief nux vomica 200 15-11-2011 cold due to exposure to cold wind calc carb 200, fp km 6 23-11-2011 cold with sneezing worse in morning nux vomica 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 155 : Patient : 1723 cold and feverishness belladonna 1m, calc carb 200, apis 200 18-11-2011, 20-11-2011, 23-11-2011 camp A patient appeared with cold and feverishness complaints and was given Belladonna 1M by another homeopath. He reported back that there was no relief. He is thirsty, prefers warm surroundings, bothered by day to day tensions. He has a habit of catching cold whenever season changes. Calc Carb 200. He reported relief in all his symptoms of feverishness. He said that he has difficulty in passing urine. The homeopath who suggested Belladonna was back. He commented that calc has caused supression. He gave Apis. My point was that if calc has supressed, it should be antidoted. How Apis can be given to a person who is chilly and thirsty. The homeopath shouted back that he knows the theory of supression, he knows Materia Medica and also knows that Apis works for urethritis. Now as he knows everything I kept my mouth shut. Sr. No. 156 : Patient : 1690 nausea without vomitting nux vomica 30 23-11-2011 128jn nausea without vomitting good BM irritable and thin child

nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 157 : Patient : 1702 burning micturation, fever, short breath Lyc 200, Nux 200, Sulphur 200, Calc Carb 200 20-11-2011, 21-11-2011, 22-11-2011, 23-11-2011 He reported burning micturation, his symptoms were less thirst Lyc 200 He had no burning micturation but he has fever. Nux Vomica 200. He did well on Nux Vomica 200 and also took some allopathic medicines. Again burning micturation. Sulphur 200 Later he reported his chronic problem of short breath while climbing upstairs. Calcarea Carb 200. He didn't have complete relief on homeopathic remedies and used allopathic medicines throughout for cough, cold and fever. He was in his good health and recovered his rigour fast. Sr. No. 158 : Patient : 1719 gum pain after tooth extraction silicea 200 hekla lava 6 11-11-2011, 13-11-2011, 20-11-2011, 22-11-2011 camp The gentleman 60 yrs old asked for silicea 200 for his gum pain after tooth extraction. This was his homeopath's suggestion. He was given remedies like Staphysagria and later calc fluor which didn't work. Silicea 200 worked. Later Hekla Lava 6 also worked. Sr. No. 159 : Patient : 1602 recurring fever, hyperhydrosis, burning in throat lyc 200, fp km 6 17-10-2011, 18-10-2011, 21-11-2011 teliya 17-10-2011 throat burning recurring fever, recurs at anytime of the day small piticules that itch a lot regular menses, generally late by 8 days 2 days menstrual flow pain in extremeties during periods

palms and soles sweat less thirsty calm but timid, father is an addict and unemployed, mother suffers lots of hardships good BM lyc 200, fp km 6 18-10-2011 esr (wintrobe) 40 mm first hours ( 0-20 is normal) but 40 is not significantly high. Haemoglobin is 7.20 against the normal of 11-16.50 for girls of 18 21-11-2011 cold hands and feet sweating on palms and soles cold, white and thin nasal discharge can't bear cold surroundings pain in hand due to working in water calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 160 : Patient : 1726 fever nux vomica 200, calc carb 200 19-11-2011, 20-11-2011, 21-11-2011 camp He presented with hot palms and it was found after checking that he was running temperature of 101 C. There was no pain in body. He was worse in the morning and couldn't feel like getting up. Nux Vomica 200. He had his temperature coming down by 1 C. He had a chronic problem of bronchitis earlier for which he did well by doing yoga regularly. He felt that there was congestion in his lungs. Calc Carb 200. He reported that there was some relief in his chest congestion. Calc Carb 200. He reported that he is free from his fever. He was asked not to take any medicine and the residual effect of fever will get cleared under the influence of the earlier dose of calc carb 200. Sr. No. 161 : Patient : 1461 tingling, right hand pain rhus arn 30, lyc 200 28-08-2011, 06-11-2011, 20-11-2011 ssk 28-08-2011

tingling, right hand pain. backache since 4-5 months regular meses, 2 days, scanty flow, no clots, pale. good BM works as a maid tingling worse evening worse cold rhus arn 30 06-11-2011 She said that she has many fears in her mind She also has haemorrhoids intermittently. lyc 200, rhus arn 30 20-11-2011 She can't tolerate working with warm water She got no relief from earlier remedies. pulsatilla 200, rhus arnica 30 trayodashang guggulu Sr. No. 162 : Patient : 1442 painful periods, mouth ulcers, pimples pulsatilla 200, silicea 200, mag phos 200, nux vomica 200, borax 30 21-08-2011, 28-08-2011, 25-09-2011, 02-10-2011, 20-11-2011 ssk 21-08-2011 she said that she did well for her pimples on puls 200. she didn't get any relief in her menstrual cramps. puls 200 5 doses. sil 200 to be taken on need basis for mouth ulcers. 28-08-2011 she is asked to take mag phos 200 one pill at a gap of every hour during her periods if she has menstrual cramps. 25-09-2011 she has ineffectual desire to pass stools when she has menstrual colic. she has yellow colored mouth ulcers in her mouth nux vomica 200, if no relief borax 30 for mouth ulcers only mag phos 200 and nux vomica 200 for menstrual colic 02-10-2011 She got relief in her mouth ulcers on nux vomica. She also has a less problematic menstruation. She used nux and mag phos. Now she has chest pain due to dancing.

rhus arn 30. 20-11-2011 She got good relief in her dysmenorrhoea on nux vomica 200 and mag phos 200. She is provided some remedies to be taken on need. Sr. No. 163 : Patient : 1480 pain in extremeties, backache pulsatilla 200, rhus 30 04-09-2011, 18-09-2011, 09-10-2011, 20-11-2011 ssk pain in extremeties backache upper and lower good BM good appetite tingling in extremeties h/o TB h/o regular menses, 4 days, no dys pulsatilla 200, rhus 30 18-09-2011 She had some relief in her tingling and nothing else. Phos 200, rhus arn 30 09-10-2011 she reports that tingling in her extremeties is back puls 200, rhus arn 30 20-11-2011 She has pain in her back and extremeties. puls 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 164 : Patient : 600 cough, cold, knee pain rhus 30, puls 200, fp km 6, calc carb 200 14-10-2010, 28-10-2010, 01-12-2010, 05-02-2011, 08-03-2011, 12-03-2011, 28-03-2011, 01-04-2011, 14-05-2011, 11-06-2011, 12-06-2011, 27-06-2011, 21-09-2011, 08-10-2011, 12-10-2011, 19-10-2011, 30-10-2011, 08-11-2011, 20-11-2011 teliya dry cough with night aggravation painful and stiff extremeties normal stools thirstless, thirst for cold water tingling in soles of feet

prefers cold surroundings mild disposition more pain in the morning neck, back, knee, shoulders rhus 30, fp km 6 28-10-2010 reported relief in dry cough and some relief in pain. she is suffering from severe cold with nasal discharge. Puls 200 01-12-2010 She reported relief in her cold on Puls 200. Now again she is suffering from the same problem and given Puls 200. 05-02-2011 rhus 30 for knee pain. 08-03-2011 she passed many stools today. she is also having abdominal cramps. puls 200 12-03-2011 She is having knee pain after exertion. she travelled by rail and climbed up and down the bridges rhus arnica 30 28-03-2011 She has tingiling and heaviness in her legs if she sits her legs hanging down. Puls 200, rhus arn 30 01-04-2011 there is some relief in tingling but not a major one it is worse if she puts her feet on cold floor or works in water calc carb 200 14-05-2011 stiffness in back after getting up in the morning rhus tox 200 11-06-2011 throat irritation puls 200 12-06-2011

some relief but not upto satisfaction. calc carb 200. 27-06-2011 soreness due to journey rhus arn 30 calc carb 200 3 doses to be taken if there is no relief. 21-09-2011 red eruptions on abdomen and left leg lycopodium 200 08-10-2011 knee pain rhus arn 30 12-10-2011 cold, profuse nasal discharge pulsatilla 200 19-10-2011 tingling in legs, episode of vertigo calc carb 200 30-10-2011 There is cold weather going on and she reports tingling and knee pain. calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 08-11-2011 She got relief in her tingling. But she feels that it is coming back. She has cracks in toes due to working in water. Silicea 200 yograj guggulu 20-11-2011 pain due to exposure to cold weather rhus tox 200, calc carb 200 Sr. No. 165 : Patient : 1645 leg pain, short breath calc carb 200, fp km 6 06-11-2011, 20-11-2011 ssk thigh, knee, calf uneasy at night short breath on exertion, ascending stairs

skin on arches of feet peeling off earlier it was peeling off on soles, not now there was intense intching earlier, not now now itching sometimes good BM prefers cold surroundings not much appetite thirst one glass every half an hour calc carb 200, fp km 6 20-11-2011 He had no relief on the medicines. causticum 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 166 : Patient : 1610 lecorrhoea, pain in calves, can't bend while sitting with legs folded pulsatilla 200, rhus tox 200, kali carb 200 23-10-2011, 06-11-2011, 20-11-2011 ssk lecorrhoea, pain in legs, can't bend while sitting with legs folded pulsatilla 200, rhus tox 200 06-11-2011 She got relief in her pain in legs. No relief in back pain. The relief in leg pain was effected by rhus tox 200. kali carb 200, rhus tox 200 20-11-2011 She is having cough. She passes urine whenever she has bouts of cough. She had relief on causticum in later doses as she feels that her cough is loosened. causticum 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 167 : Patient : 1701 weakness nux vomica 200, calc carb 200 18-11-2011, 20-11-2011 camp He was given Nux Vomica 200 as he was feeling very weak. Later when he didn't have any relief he was given Calc Carb 200. He did well on calc but then had to take allopathic medicines after having fever.

Sr. No. 168 : Patient : 1733 soft tiny black warts thuja 30, rhus arn 30 20-11-2011 ssk soft tiny black warts too much on eyes, neck, abdomen stiffness if sits for long she fell down and then the stiffness started right leg affected more left knee pain good BM burning in throat regular menses 2-3 days normal bleeding back pain before menses also on first day only asthmatic when walks worse cold thinks a lot thuja 30, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 169 : Patient : 1734 abdominal pain lyc 200, fp km 6 20-11-2011 ssk abdominal pain while eating good BM prefers cold surroundings shouts a lot lyc 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 170 : Patient : 1735 numbness in extremeties conium 200, rhus arn 30 20-11-2011 ssk hands, legs go numb, worse morning also while sitting insomnia hands feel heavy at night good BM left side abdominal pain widow since 30 yrs

upper and lower back pain conium 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 171 : Patient : 1736 skin eruptions, haemorrhoids sulphur 200, aesculus 30 20-11-2011 ssk skin eruptions on feet since 4 yrs haemorrhoids since 8-10 yrs. now bleeding anal prolapsus good BM sulphur 200, aesculus 30 Sr. No. 172 : Patient : 1737 leg pain, back pain calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 20-11-2011 ssk leg pain, back pain worse draft of air abdominal gases worse afternoon upto 4 pm constipated bowels menses every 2-3 months, 5 days, profuse bleeding more thirst good sleep worse cold surroundings calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 173 : Patient : 1724 tennis elbow, painful boil rhus arn 30, belladonna 1m, silicea 200, lachesis 30 15-11-2011, 17-11-2011, 19-11-2011 camp he developed tennis elbow after an injury. rhus tox 30 arnica 30 he developed a boil on his leg belladonna 200 the boil didn't wither Silicea 200 the boil withered then again inflamed Lachesis 30

Sr. No. 174 : Patient : 1030 itching of eye sulphur 30, nux vomica 30 15-05-2011, 23-05-2011, 12-11-2011, 18-11-2011 camp itching of eye sulphur 30 23-05-2011 weakness due to summer heat nux vomica 30 He reported severe morning stiffness. rhus tox 200 He felt like being very sick after lot of exertion. nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 175 : Patient : 684 boil in armpit Silicea 1M, calc carb 200, fp km 6 28-11-2010, 08-12-2010, 01-10-2011, 18-11-2011 teliya boil in armpit passes stools thrice a day passes stools after meals normal stools, yellow normal sweat ambi-thermal 08-12-2010 He reported that the boil disappeared after taking the remedy. Now the boil appeared again. He is asked to take 2 pills of Silicea 1M whenever boil appears. 01-10-2011 He reported that his problem of recurring boils is solved now. he is a thin man and he rushes stools after meals calc carb 200, fp km 6 18-11-2011 Boils recurred. Silicea 1M. 6 doses. A set of 3 now and another later.

Sr. No. 176 : Patient : 1624 throat pain nux vomica 200 07-11-2011, 08-11-2011, 15-11-2011, 17-11-2011 camp throat pain nux vomica 200 08-11-2011 reported 10% relief he is having knee pain due to physical exertion calc carb 200 6 doses, rhus arn 30 He did well for his knee pain on rhus arn 30. He healed his minor wounds on calendula 200. He got relief in his cough on Hepar Sulph 200. Sr. No. 177 : Patient : 681 no stools passed for 3 days Calc Carb 200, kali mur 30, rhus arn 30 27-11-2010, 28-01-2011, 09-03-2011, 16-11-2011 teliya passes stools daily stools soft small pieces sweats more prefers cold surroundings short breath irritable stools not passed since 3 days Calc Carb 200, kali mur 30 28-01-2011 he met a minor accident and has bruised his hand he has less appetite rhus arnica 30, calc carb 200 09-03-2011 vertigo in school at around 1pm loss of appetite craves tea, dislikes fruits nux vomica 30, fp km 6 16-11-2011 white ulcers in mouth visits washroom 4-5 times a day.

slim boy looks weak calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 178 : Patient : 58 stiffness of knees and pain under the knee cap rhus tox 200c, mag phos 6x, cal phos 6x, nat sulph 6x, Puls 200, Sil 30 15-07-2010, 01-10-2010, 14-08-2011, 30-08-2011, 16-11-2011 128jn The patient has not reported any relief so far. 01-10-2010 She said that she developed some sores in her mouth. She is asked to stop all medicines and take Silciea 30c thrice a day for 3 days and see how that affects her overall in next 3 days. 14-08-2011 She has pain in her knees, legs and ankles. She suffered heavy bleeding for 10 years before her menses ceased at an age of 55. Now she is 70. Calc Carb 200 five doses at a gap of 12 hours and report after 8 days. 30-08-2011 She reported after one week of taking the remedy for the first time that she got total relief in pain and then she has the pain rising gradually. She was asked to repeat the 5 doses and wait for a week. She reported today that she has been taking the remedy and the pain has increased after stopping the remedy. She is asked to continue the remedy for another 5 doses. 16-11-2011 She is doing well on calc carb. She was walking within her house during diwali. Now she is again having pain in her knees. She had taken calc carb 200 12 days back. She is asked to repeat that. She is also taking yograj guggulu. She reported that swelling on her knees is gone, muscles at the back of knees are gaining good form day by day. Earlier all muscles were shrinked. Sr. No. 179 : Patient : 889 vertigo, headache Pulsatilla 200, Nux Vomica 200 21-03-2011, 27-06-2011, 15-11-2011 teliya

menses every 2 months since 4-5 months 2-3 days, less bleeding upper and lower back pain vertigo on exertion mild disposition worried about her conditions Pulsatilla 200, Nux Vomica 200 27-06-2011 she works as a maid. she got relief in her complaints on earlier meds. she is again having vertigo and pain in extremeties. also has haemorrhoids. calc carb 200, collinsonia 30 15-11-2011 constipated bowels feverish nux vomica 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 180 : Patient : 849 abdominal pain, physically stunted growth calc carb 200, fpkm 6 07-03-2011, 15-11-2011 teliya abdominal pain, physically stunted growth navel displacement calc carb 200, fpkm 6 15-11-2011 ulcerated tongue at tip constipated bowels nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 181 : Patient : 618 knee pain, boil on toe silicea 200, rhus 30, puls 200 23-10-2010, 02-11-2010, 10-12-2010, 05-01-2011, 08-02-2011, 08-03-2011, 25-03-2011, 15-04-2011, 23-04-2011, 28-07-2011, 29-09-2011, 04-10-2011, 12-10-2011, 15-11-2011 teliya pain in knee boil on toe of left leg sweats less mild disposition borderline diabetes

taking meds for BP Sil 200 Sul 200 if Sil didn't work 02-11-2010 first movement difficult rhus 30 10-12-2010 She came back with her above complaint after getting relief for few days. Puls 200, Rhus 200 05-01-2011 Same complaint, remedies repeated. 08-02-2011 Same complaint, remedies repeated. 08-03-2011 relief reported. remedies repeated to facilitate balance recovery 25-03-2011 relief reported. remedies repeated to facilitate balance recovery 15-04-2011 there is a flare up in knee pain. remedies repeated. 23-04-2011 she had relapse early on this time. she responds well to puls 200 but not that well to rhus 30. she is asked to take puls 200 on need basis. puls 200 28-07-2011 she has burning sensation while passing urine. it seems that she has a vaginal thrush. she took just one pill of an ayurvedic remedy and this thing started. she also has cold and she gets relief on sneezing. puls 200 6 doses 29-09-2011 she got relief in her latest complaints on Pulsatilla. Now again she is having knee pain after lack of exercise and eating irregularities 04-10-2011

She reported decrease in her swelling but needs more remedy. 12-10-2011 There is relief in knee swelling but she has pain worse morning rhus tox 200, pulsatilla 200 15-11-2011 She had a severe pain in her toe which got corrected after taking rhus tox 200. Now she is having cold. Pulsatilla 200, Rhus Tox 200 Sr. No. 182 : Patient : 1707 itching sulphur 30 15-11-2011 camp The patient reported itching on his waist area where he ties knot of his dhoti. He did well on Sulphur 30. Sr. No. 183 : Patient : 1591 throat discomfort, short breath, gall stones calc carb 200, hydrastis 6 29-09-2011, 25-10-2011, 15-11-2011 teliya throat discomfort, short breath, gall stones wants to get mucus out from throat, nothing comes short breath since 15 days gall bladder stone six months back got herpes calc carb 200, hydrastis 6 25-10-2011 He is hawking a lot. He had some relief with earlier meds but didn't report in time. calc carb 200, fp km 6 15-11-2011 He got relief in his hawking He tested himself for diabetes. He is having gasting blood sugar 275. he has an episode of vertigo. lyc 200, fp km 6 chandraprabha vati Sr. No. 184 : Patient : 1689

less appetite, bitter taste in mouth Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 15-11-2011 teliya less appetite, bitter taste in mouth sometimes prefers cold surroundings mild disposition Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 185 : Patient : 1699 throat irritation and nux vomica 200 15-11-2011 camp He responded well to Nux Vomica for his throat irritation and chilliness. He also has complaint of haemorrhoids. Sr. No. 186 : Patient : 1693 cold and body pain Arsenic Alb 200 15-11-2011 camp He is a chilly person and suffers from cold and body pain. He did well on a single dose of Arsenic Alb 200. Sr. No. 187 : Patient : 1642 thick phlegm, bores nose nux vomica 200 08-11-2011, 15-11-2011 camp thick phlegm, bores nose works as a contractor constipated bowels nux vomica 200 He has to take allopathic medicine later after doing well on nux vomica for some time. Later he was also given merc sol which didn't work. Sr. No. 188 : Patient : 1720 boils on leg silicea 200 15-11-2011

camp He asked for silicea 200 for his boils on legs that have healed substantially on silicea 200 given by his earlier homeopath. Sr. No. 189 : Patient : 1713 wound on scalp calendula 200 15-11-2011 camp patient slit his scalp due to hitting his head against tap while bathing. calendula 200 Sr. No. 190 : Patient : 1582 swelling on cheek due to insect bite ledum 30, belladonna 200, equisetum 6 28-09-2011, 15-11-2011 teliya swelling on cheek due to insect bite ledum 30 15-11-2011 nocturnal enuresis very haughty boy h/o febrile siezures when he was a tiny tot belladonna 200, equisetum 6 Sr. No. 191 : Patient : 780 productive cough, urine dribbles calc carb 200, fpkm 6, Puls 200 04-02-2011, 10-02-2011, 14-11-2011 teliya productive cough, worse night triggers if eats something odd backache, knee pain short breath on exertion urine dribbles while coughing irritable menses only for 2 days 10-02-2011 calc carb didn't work. She also has problem of profuse leucorrhoea which she didn't tell earlier and she got no relief from calc carb.

Puls 200 5 doses. 14-11-2011 She got relief in her leg pain on rhus at another centre. She didn't get relief in her cough on Puls, kali carb. again comes with cough.. causticum 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 192 : Patient : 1688 itching on fingers, belching lyc 200, rhus arn 30 14-11-2011 teliya itching on fingers, heels, palms worse summer, rainy season feels like ants are crawling 1/4 tsp sendha namak + 1 tsp sugar in 1 glass water helps her in acidity dry belching weakness 2 meals a day lyc 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 193 : Patient : 1698 headache, cough, less appetite phos 30, puls 200, lyc 200 10-11-2011, 12-11-2011, 14-11-2011 camp He is a 16 yo lively and smart boy. He was having headache and did well on Pulsatilla 200. He did well on Phos 30 for his cough. He was given Lycopodium 200 to improve his appetite. Sr. No. 194 : Patient : 1650 mucous in stools, ineffectual desire nux vomica 200, nux vomica 30 11-11-2011, 14-11-2011 camp mucous in stools, ineffectual desire nux vomica 200 He reported good relief in his stool and bowel movements for which he has been taking allopathic medicines for months without any relief. 14-11-2011

He is asked to take Nux Vomica 30. Potency stepped down as it was decided to repeat the remedy for some period looking at the physiological nature of his complaint. Sr. No. 195 : Patient : 1438 offensive leucorrhoea, irregular menses hepar sulf 200, sepia 200 21-08-2011, 28-08-2011, 13-11-2011 ssk 21-08-2011 good BM irregular menses with a gap of 2 - 2.50 months. 5 days bleeding, normal bleeding, bright red, sometimes clots. prefers cold surroundings very irritable very much thirst for sips at a gap of few moments. dry cough hepar sulph 200 5 doses. cp 1. 28-08-2011 she didn't take the homeo remedy regularly. She didn't notice any change in her leucorrhoea. She is asked to take 5 doses of Sepia 200 now. 13-11-2011 She has not had her menses since 2 months Sepia 200 Sr. No. 196 : Patient : 1477 lack of appetite calc carb 200, fp km 6, rhus arn 30 04-09-2011, 11-09-2011, 18-09-2011, 09-10-2011, 23-10-2011, 13-11-2011 ssk 04-09-2011 lack of appetite since many years knee pain regular bm menopause at 40 h/o regular menses, 4 days, normal, no dys calc carb 200, fp km 6 11-09-2011 She reported some 25% improvement in her appetite. She also has some improvement in short breath. There is no change in her knee pain.

rhus arn 30. 18-09-2011 She reported relapse in her short breath and appetite. She got no relief in her knee pain. calc carb 200, fp km 6 09-10-2011 got good relief from calc, fp km improvement in appetite no short breath fp km 6 calc carb 200 only if suffers short breath 23-10-2011 carduus mar 6, calc carb 200 13-11-2011 she is doing well, appetite has also improved carbo veg 30 Sr. No. 197 : Patient : 1505 urticaria with hives lycopodium 200 11-09-2011, 13-11-2011 ssk urticaria with hives h/o acidity, warts lycopodium 200 haridra khanda 13-11-2011 he gets hives after taking meals and hives go away within 1-2 hours nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 198 : Patient : 1455 nocturnal enuresis Sepia 200, Equisetum 6 28-08-2011, 13-11-2011 ssk 28-08-2011 nocturnal enuresis constipated bowels Sepia 200, Equisetum 6

13-11-2011 She eats a lot and lot of veggies she eats she was earlier passing urine twice a night, now once lyc 200, equisetum 6 Sr. No. 199 : Patient : 1568 mouth sore silicea 200, calc carb 200, nux vomica 200 29-09-2011, 13-11-2011 128jn 29-09-2011 mouth sore after eating chili bhujia. obese person heavy menstruation silicea 200, calc carb 200 13-11-2011 abdominal pain at navel after eating outside nux vomica 200, calc carb 200 Sr. No. 200 : Patient : 1545 protruded mass at anus, tooth pain lycopodium 200, calc fluor 30 18-09-2011, 02-10-2011, 06-11-2011, 13-11-2011 ssk protruded mass at anus, tooth pain mouth sore after exertion lycopodium 200, calc fluor 30 trayodashang guggulu 02-10-2011 She got no relief in her back pain after exertion. ruta 30 twice a day for 3 days then once a day 06-11-2011 She reported relief on ruta 30. ruta 200 every alternate day. 13-11-2011 She said that she actually got immense relief on tryodashang guggulu and wants the same remedy.

Sr. No. 201 : Patient : 1546 leg pain, paralytic affection, knee pain nux vomica 30, rhus tox 200, causticum 30 18-09-2011, 02-10-2011, 06-11-2011, 13-11-2011 ssk 18-09-2011 he did well for his severe pain in legs on causticum and rhus tox. he also did well on nux vomica 30 and arg nit 200 for using bathroom many times a day. nux vomica 30, rhus tox 200 02-10-2011 He is given causticum 30 and rhus tox 200 for knee and leg pain. 06-11-2011 he drags his feet while walking nux vomica 30 13-11-2011 he is moving on his legs inside his house all day and doing his work on his own. he has stopped taking pain-killer meds right after his first visit he reports urticaria, he is chilly and keeps himself wrapped. arsenic alb 30 Sr. No. 202 : Patient : 1680 urticaria with swelling sulphur 200, arsenic alb 30 13-11-2011 ssk urticaria with swelling sulphur 200, arsenic alb 30 Sr. No. 203 : Patient : 1681 short breath, gagging cough Phos 200, fp km 6 13-11-2011 ssk short breath, gagging cough soft mannered boy physical weakness couldn't get any relief on western medicines, did well on Phos earlier Phos 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 204 : Patient : 1678

thin nasal discharge pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 13-11-2011 ssk thin nasal discharge prefers moderate surroundings feels ocassionally that her pelvic viscera is exerting downwards pressure pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 205 : Patient : 1683 alcoholic, boils on gums silicea 200, nux vomica 30 13-11-2011 ssk alcoholic, boils on gums silicea 200, nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 206 : Patient : 1684 short breath, cough, distended abdomen calc carb 200, sitopaladi churna, hydrastis 6 06-11-2011, 13-11-2011 ssk 06-11-2011 short breath, cough, distended abdomen calc carb 200, sitopaladi churna 13-11-2011 She reported some relief in her distension of abdomen. Sitopaladi Churna raises her rattling in chest. calc carb 200, hydrastis 6 Sr. No. 207 : Patient : 1679 sweating on palms, nocturnal enuresis calc carb 200, equisetum 6 13-11-2011 ssk sweating on palms, nocturnal enuresis calc carb 200, equisetum 6 Sr. No. 208 : Patient : 1586 nose blocked, dysmenorrhoea pulsatilla 200, fp km 6, mag phos 200

16-10-2011, 13-11-2011 ssk nose blocked at night cough in the evening good BM prefers cold surroundings irritable at home regular menses, three days, normal bleeding dysmenorrhoea worse 11 am to 1.30 pm 13-11-2011 She did well for her cold and dysmenorrhoea on the given remedies Again she is having cold with thick nasal discharge. Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 209 : Patient : 642 acidity, morning stiffness Thuja 1M, Myristica 30, Lycopodium 200, phosphorus 30 01-11-2010, 15-11-2010, 26-11-2010, 05-12-2010, 19-12-2010, 11-01-2011, 14-01-2011, 15-01-2011, 19-01-2011, 30-01-2011, 04-02-2011, 08-02-2011, 24-02-2011, 15-03-2011, 18-03-2011, 03-04-2011, 09-05-2011, 15-05-2011, 19-05-2011, 26-05-2011, 12-06-2011, 20-06-2011, 21-06-2011, 01-07-2011, 04-07-2011, 12-07-2011, 18-07-2011, 27-07-2011, 08-08-2011, 12-08-2011, 22-09-2011, 26-09-2011, 10-10-2011, 25-10-2011, 12-11-2011 teliya burning in chest, acidity watering eyes joints, extremeties pain backache constipation - sticky stools, strains thirsty for large qty of water tonsilitis doesn't like sour, likes sweet and spicy starts on fear episodes many warts on body piles problem in the past loss of appetite, takes meals only in the evening 15-11-2010 constipation after journey nux vomica 200 26-11-2010 He is doing very well on Thuja 1M. Very good relief in morning stiffness. Aconite 200 for fear episodes.

05-12-2010 fp km 6 for cold and cough 19-12-2010 Thuja 1M 31-12-2010 accident took place. arnica 200 rhus 200 hypericum 200 calendula 200 11-01-2011 Sil 200 for non-healing wound Rhus 200 for stiffness 14-01-2011 painful piles nux vomica 200 15-01-2011 Thuja 1M for piles 19-01-2011 Anal abscess is the diagnosis, there is no problem of piles Sil 200 for pain, wound and abscess 30-01-2011 to antidote ill effects of allopathic medication. Nux Vomica 30 04-02-2011 Calc Sulph 200 as pus has found the vent but not fully discharged. 08-02-2011 Ars Alb 200 for ferverishness 24-02-2011 feverish and having cold after visiting a hill station Gels 200, calc sulph 200 every alternate day 15-03-2011 thuja 1M for stiffness after rest calc sulph 200 for anal abscess.

18-03-2011 Myristica 30 thrice a day for 3 days every week. 03-04-2011 vertigo any time lycopodium 200 09-05-2011 vertigo and dizziness while driving lycopodium 200 15-05-2011 thuja 1 m 3 doses for stiffness 19-05-2011 foul smell from left nostril sulphur 30 26-05-2011 there is some relief in foul smell. sulphur 200. 5 doses. 12-06-2011 foul smell at nostrils gone 50%. throat irritation after getting wet. calc carb 200, fp km 6 20-06-2011 watery eyes like allium cepa phosphorus 30 21-06-2011 anal abscess reappeared myristica 30 01-07-2011 relief in anal abscess eye pain makes faces to relieve eye pain lyc 200 04-07-2011 his earlier complaints per latest post are corrected. palpitations, loss of nerve on some triggers like altercations, warnings. kali phos 30 -

12-07-2011 no relief from kali phos 30, it rather aggravated reported relapse in earlier problem of stiffness in toes Thuja 1M 18-07-2011 not feeling well. only 50% relief in morning stiffness. rhus arn 30 27-07-2011 he has body pain and stiffness after keeping one posture for a long time calc carb 200, rhus 200 08-08-2011 stiff neck, joints still painful lyc 200, tg 1 12-08-2011 chest pain, back pain worse rainy weather. thuja 30 22-09-2011 he gets short of breath while going upstairs. he is asked to start mukta vati instead of the allopathic tablet for his high BP. calc carb 200 26-09-2011 He got no relief. He is concerned too much about his high BP. Lyc 200 5 doses. He didn't tolerate mukta vati and said that his anus swelled after taking mukta vati. 10-10-2011 rhus tox arnica for minor sprain in leg 25-10-2011 fistula is active again and painful myristica 200, rhus arn 30 12-11-2011 he responded well for fistula to myristica 200. again there is some pain myristica 200, hypericum 200 Sr. No. 210 : Patient : 641 skin eruptions on legs

calc carb 200, calc carb 1m, pulsatilla 200, silicea 200, gelsemium 30, rhus tox 200, sulphur 30 01-11-2010, 15-11-2010, 26-11-2010, 11-01-2011, 12-01-2011, 08-02-2011, 15-03-2011, 03-04-2011, 09-05-2011, 15-05-2011, 19-05-2011, 26-05-2011, 11-06-2011, 20-06-2011, 23-06-2011, 18-07-2011, 27-07-2011, 08-08-2011, 14-08-2011, 22-09-2011, 12-11-2011 teliya skin affections started with burning soles prefers cold surroundings keeps soles open at night skin complaints since 10 years abdominal gases insipid mouth once in 7 days joints pain, backache, knee pain, sole pain thirsty for cold drinks doesn't prefers sweets, prefers spicy calc carb 200 15-11-2010 she reported some relief in burning soles, itching etc. There is no relief in joint pain. She is provided with 3 doses of Calc Carb 200 to be taken on worsening of symptoms. calc carb 200 26-11-2010 There is some relief in itching and burning. The skin that is peeled off burns more. Calc Carb 1M 05-12-2010 Pulsatilla 200 11-01-2011 The skin has become indurated. calc fluor 30 12-01-2011 She feels her head stuffed with cold. Gels 30 08-02-2011 feverish with joints pain rhus tox 200 15-03-2011 joint pain recurred after relief calc carb 1m, rhus 200 -

03-04-2011 calc carb 1m, rhus 200 09-05-2011 relapse in skin symptoms calc carb 1m (three doses) 15-05-2011 calc fluor 30, phos 30 for tooth pain 19-05-2011 no relief in skin symptoms. lyc 200 5 doses. 26-05-2011 there is no problem if she doesn't scratch. if she scratches skin is peeled and burns a lot. sulphur 30. 5 doses. 11-06-2011 there is a creeping sensation underneath the affected skin calc carb 1m. 20-06-2011 ks 6 23-06-2011 amla juice and haridra khanda 18-07-2011 palms and soles burning a lot calc carb 1M 27-07-2011 no relief calc carb 1M 08-08-2011 Crot Tig 30 14-08-2011 She reported some relief in her boils on Crot Tig 30. the remedy continued. 22-09-2011 she is having body pain.

rhus tox 200, chandraprabha vati 12-11-2011 for eruptions on legs and feet crot tig 200 Sr. No. 211 : Patient : 448 watery diarrhoea calc carb 200, nux vomica 200, kali phos 30, rhus arn 30, silicea 200, chandraprabha vati 17-12-2010, 16-02-2011, 18-02-2011, 06-04-2011, 26-04-2011, 09-05-2011, 22-08-2011, 26-08-2011, 11-09-2011, 13-09-2011, 20-09-2011, 22-09-2011, 27-09-2011, 22-10-2011, 12-11-2011 128jn watery diarrhoea pain in knees pain in lower extremeties after a minor accident she is in her menopausal stage chilly constitution had profuse and long lasting menses in the past 3-4 years calc carb 200, nux vomica 200 16-02-2011 She again complains of watery diarrhoea. Nux Vomica 200 she has taken as she had that with her. It didn't help. She is given 5 doses of Calc Carb 200. 18-02-2011 She is having vertigo. She got relief in diarrhoea. kali phos 30 06-04-2011 leg pain calc carb 200, rhus arnica 30 26-04-2011 she is having a boil on her toe due to her new foot-wear silicea 200 09-05-2011 her toe boil has healed completely. she is given rhus arnica 30 for her knee pain. calc carb 200 if she has loose motion during her stay outside nagpur. 22-08-2011 The lady presented with a complaint of severe menstrual bleeding.

She is given 5 doses of calc carb 200 over 2 days and one dose of millefolium 6 every hour. she is also asked to take one tablet of chandraprabha vati twice daily after meals. 26-08-2011 she reported relief in her condition. she has one pill of millefolium 6 and it seems that her bleeding may again rise she is again given more millefolium 6 and some 3-4 doses of calc carb 200. she said that she tapered down the dose of milliefoium 6 as she got relief. she also got relief in her weakness and she was happy to take chandraprabha vati. 11-09-2011 she took both the remedies in alteration and her periods ceased within 2 days. now she has pain in her kness and also whole body. rhus arn 30. 13-09-2011 she did well on rhus arn 30 for her pain. chandraprabha vati 20-09-2011 ear pain after journey where ears exposed to cold winds. calc carb 200 5 doses. stop on relief. 22-09-2011 She got substantial relief. She lost one pill. She is asked to take one pill every alternate days. She is given 3 pills. calc carb 200 27-09-2011 she got total relief in her ear complaints now she says that her heel pains when she walks a lot. calc fluor 30 chandraprabha vati 22-10-2011 she says that her soles pain when she makes the first movement she is feeling feverish at any time with breaking of sweat she also has pain in her extremeties lyc 200 5 doses rhus arn 30 twice a day for few days and on need. 12-11-2011 She is going on duty as a volunteer

She is provided with 5 doses of Lyc 200 if she has a sweating problem like earlier. She is also asked to take a pill of rhus arn 30 in the evening Chandraprabha Vati Sr. No. 212 : Patient : 1677 throat irritation, constipated bowels nux vomica 200, rhus arnica 30 12-11-2011 camp worked as a top level engineer throat irritation, constipated bowels nux vomica 200 injury and painful hand after that rhus arnica 30 Sr. No. 213 : Patient : 1665 calves pain, constipated bowels, knee pain calc carb 200 07-11-2011, 12-11-2011 camp 07-11-2011 calves pain, constipated bowels, knee pain calc carb 200 12-11-2011 He reported relief in knee pain and calves pain. too much cold due to sleeping under fan constipated bowels calc carb 200 Sr. No. 214 : Patient : 1660 loose stools, thin nasal discharge, heaviness in head nux vomica 200, fp km 6 07-11-2011, 10-11-2011, 11-11-2011, 12-11-2011 camp 07-11-2011 loose stools after journey nux vomica 200 10-11-2011 thin nasal discharge, heaviness in head nux vomica 200 earlier complaint is resolved.

11-11-2011 reduction in thin nasal discharge, but still exists fp km 6 12-11-2011 no complete relief in thin nasal discharge sanguinarina nit 30 Sr. No. 215 : Patient : 1653 abdominal disorders worse night nux vomica 30 11-11-2011 camp abdominal disorders worse night also worse afternoon nap better post afternoon and evening gall bladder removed in the past nux vomica 30 He did well on nux initially but later had to take allopathic remedies for his cold. Sr. No. 216 : Patient : 1673 general stiffness, minor wound calc carb 200, rhus arn 30, calendula 200 07-11-2011, 11-11-2011 camp general stiffness, minor wound calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 11-11-2011 minor wound calendula 200 Sr. No. 217 : Patient : 1649 throat hoarseness Phosphorus 30 11-11-2011 camp throat hoarseness Phosphorus 30

Sr. No. 218 : Patient : 1647 morning stiffness rhus tox 200 11-11-2011 camp morning stiffness rhus tox 200 Sr. No. 219 : Patient : 1651 recurring stye Pulsatilla 200 11-11-2011 camp recurring stye mild disposition good BM prefers cold surroundings Pulsatilla 200 He did well on Pulsatilla 200 and reported complete relief in his stye over the preiod by repeated dosing. Sr. No. 220 : Patient : 1652 cough, less appetite nux vomica 200 10-11-2011, 11-11-2011 camp 10-11-2011 cough, less appetite nux vomica 200 11-11-2011 reported relief nux vomica 200 took more pils as a dose, he is given more and also explained that taking more pills won't make the dose strong. Sr. No. 221 : Patient : 1697 less appetite, pimples lyc 200, silicea 200 08-11-2011, 10-11-2011 camp He is a 16 yo timid boy with less appetite, less thirst, pimples on face.

He reported good improvement in his appetite and some improvement in his pimples on Lyc 200. Later he was given Silicea 200 and that reduced his pimples further. lyc 200, silicea 200 Sr. No. 222 : Patient : 1666 fever, chilliness, stiffness, pain in knee rhus 200, nux 200 10-11-2011 camp fever, chilliness, stiffness, pain in knee rhus 200, nux 200 He was asked to take rhus tox 200 in the night in case he develops fever with joint pain. He did so in the night and recovered from fever. Sr. No. 223 : Patient : 1668 body pain, cough and cold nux vomica 200, rhus tox 200, calc carb 200 09-11-2011, 10-11-2011 camp 09-11-2011 body pain, cough and cold nux vomica 200, rhus tox 200 30% relief 10-11-2011 rhus tox 200, calc carb 200 Sr. No. 224 : Patient : 1672 thin nasal coryza, chilliness arsenic alb 30, calc carb 200 08-11-2011, 10-11-2011 camp thin nasal coryza arsenic alb 30 10-11-2011 relief in nasal coryza throat irritation chronic problem calc carb 200 -

chronic problem of tightness at chest and abdominal gases. He got excellent relief on few doses of Lyc 200 followed by many doses of Carbo Veg 30. Sr. No. 225 : Patient : 1655 whooping cough drosera 200 10-11-2011 camp whooping cough drosera 200 Sr. No. 226 : Patient : 1658 osteoporosis, hair loss phosphorus 200 10-11-2011 camp osteoporosis, hair loss phosphorus 200 Sr. No. 227 : Patient : 1659 acidity, sour eructations nux vomica 30 10-11-2011 camp acidity, sour eructations worse morning irritable disposition nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 228 : Patient : 1664 chilliness, throat irritation, body pain nux vomica 200 10-11-2011 camp chilliness, throat irritation, body pain nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 229 : Patient : 1654 calves pain, tooth pain calc carb 200, cf 30, mp 200

10-11-2011 camp calves pain, tooth pain calc carb 200, cf 30, mp 200 Sr. No. 230 : Patient : 1656 knee pain rhus arn 30 09-11-2011 camp knee pain rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 231 : Patient : 1667 fungus at tip of penis Nux Vomica 200, Sulphur 200 09-11-2011 camp fungus at tip of penis was a dare devil man who did everything with low level passions Syphilium 1M single dose helped him in the past now also reported weakness Sulphur 200 Sr. No. 232 : Patient : 1674 sprain in back rhus 200, arn 200 09-11-2011 camp sprain in back rhus 200, arn 200 He later came for cough, he was given nux vomica 200. Sr. No. 233 : Patient : 1657 severe cramps in hands causticum 200 09-11-2011 camp severe cramps in hands while lifting weight, doing surya namaskars causticum 200 He got releif in his cramps but attributed it to doing exercises!!

Sr. No. 234 : Patient : 1402 fever, mouth and tongue sores nux vomica 200, mercurius sol 200, kali mur 30 13-07-2011, 08-11-2011 128jn fever irritable disposition chilly nux vomica 200 07-11-2011 mouth and tongue sores she is having too much saliva more thirst crumbling tooth profuse menses for 6 days dysmenorrhoea for 2-3 days during menses mercurius sol 200, kali mur 30 Sr. No. 235 : Patient : 1354 fever due to physical exertion, leg pain Pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30, sulphur 30, silicea 200 07-06-2011, 08-06-2011, 22-07-2011, 07-09-2011, 08-11-2011 128jn fever due to physical exertion girl with mild disposition Pulsatilla 200 08-06-2011 fever gone severe leg pain rhus arn 30 22-07-2011 she has severe itching on her legs, there is some blood too due to itching. sulphur 30 07-09-2011 fever and cough prefers open air pulsatilla 200 08-11-2011

mouth sores, red in color silicea 200 Sr. No. 236 : Patient : 590 nausea, hungry but can't eat, bitter mouth nux vomica 30, calc carb 200, kali phos 6, bryonia 30, fp km 6 15-02-2011, 18-02-2011, 04-03-2011, 12-07-2011, 13-07-2011, 17-07-2011, 07-08-2011, 07-09-2011, 29-10-2011, 08-11-2011 128jn nausea, hungry but can't eat, bitter mouth nux vomica 30 18-02-2011 her vomitting has not stopped. she has suffered a lot in her life and now wants everything fine. she beats her dil on quarelling calc carb 200, kali phos 6 04-03-2011 vomitting has stopped dry cough feels that could get relief on mucous extraction chest pain bryonia 30, fp km6 12-07-2011 backache due to lifting more weight. rhus arn 30 13-07-2011 took the medicine in excess ie more pills per dose, so more given. repored some relief 17-07-2011 vomitting, watery diarrhoea after eating outside nux vomica 200, calc carb 200 07-08-2011 finger of right hand gets locked in the morning rhus arn 30 07-09-2011 no relief in finger affection. rhus arn 30 29-10-2011

cold and cough as she gets up early morning for a religious procession calc carb 200, fp km 6 07-11-2011 she still gets up very early and suffers from cold and cough due to that. she has stiff fingers in the night that become normal in the day. calc carb 200 (6 doses), fp km 6 trayodashang guggulu Sr. No. 237 : Patient : 1669 chill, throat irritation, polyuria nux vomica 200 08-11-2011 camp chill, throat irritation, polyuria nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 238 : Patient : 1670 knee pain, cold due to change in weather calc carb 200, rhus tox 30 08-11-2011 camp knee pain, cold due to change in weather calc carb 200, rhus tox 30 Sr. No. 239 : Patient : 1671 throat irritation nux vomica 200 08-11-2011 camp 08-11-2011 throat irritation nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 240 : Patient : 1644 chills, night shivers nux vomica 200 08-11-2011 camp chills, night shivers won't take rest, will keep the schedule nux vomica 200

Sr. No. 241 : Patient : 1639 eye pain, feverish calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 08-11-2011 camp eye pain worse when it is cold in the morning and evening throat chokes catches cold whenever there is change in weather chilly constitution calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 242 : Patient : 1640 abdominal gases, constipated bowels lyc 200, km 30 08-11-2011 camp abdominal gases, constipated bowels first stool hard feels that his chest is tied with a rope lyc 200, km 30 Sr. No. 243 : Patient : 1685 boil like eruptions on palms calc carb 200, silicea 200 08-11-2011 teliya red color eruptions on palms of both hands both soles also peel off sweating on palms, soles regular menses, sometimes late by 8-15 days. menstruation details: 4 days, normal bleeding, few clots, backache and right leg pain pain on first day 2 hours after menses start prefers cold surroundings good BM short breath on going upstairs calc carb 200, silicea 200 Sr. No. 244 : Patient : 1675 constipated bowels, body pain Nux Vomica 200, Berb Vul 6 08-11-2011

camp constipated bowels, body pain also kidney stone though painless for the time being Nux Vomica 200, Berb Vul 6 Sr. No. 245 : Patient : 1641 throat phlegm white in color lyc 200, kali mur 30 08-11-2011 camp throat phlegm white in color constipated bowels very softspoken lyc 200, kali mur 30 Sr. No. 246 : Patient : 1630 cough at midnight hepar sulph 200 07-11-2011, 08-11-2011 camp cough at midnight hepar sulph 200 08-11-2011 He did well on the remedy. Probably he took all the pills at a time and asked for more. He did well on nux vomica and hepar sulph and didn't need any allopathic medicines. Sr. No. 247 : Patient : 1643 pus in finger due to nail cut myristica 30 08-11-2011 camp pus in finger due to nail cut myristica 30 Sr. No. 248 : Patient : 802 short breath, constipated bowels Lyc 200, nux vomica 30, Phosphorus 200, Carduus Mar 6, conium 200 12-02-2011, 22-02-2011, 06-03-2011, 15-03-2011, 29-03-2011, 19-04-2011, 30-04-2011, 07-05-2011, 24-05-2011, 07-06-2011, 27-06-2011, 07-11-2011 teliya

short breath, constipated bowels lyc 200 3 doses 22-02-2011 NV 30 in follow up 06-03-2011 He got diarrhoea and constipation in alternation after takin nux. He is given Phos as he has a mild nature. Carduus Mar 6 given in follow-up. One pill a night. 15-03-2011 ruta 200, gels 30 29-03-2011 Nux Vomica 30 take for 2 days then stop and again start 19-04-2011 pain in extremeties worse exertion bryonia 30 30-04-2011 staggers while walking conium 200, ruta 30 burning sensation in abdomen lycopodium 30, carbo veg 30 24-05-2011 selenium 6 daily one pill for senile weakness 07-06-2011 selenium 6 helped him. he is asked to take nux vom 30 for one day and selenium 6 for 3 days and continue like that. 27-06-2011 now he is constipated. nux vomica 30 yrg, cpv 07-11-2011 loss of appetite had an episode of diarrhoea nux vomica 30

Sr. No. 249 : Patient : 801 chronic mental and physical problems nux vomica 30, Lyc 200, calc carb 200, rhus 200, Ruta 200, Graphites 200, Nux Vomica 30 12-02-2011, 22-02-2011, 06-03-2011, 15-03-2011, 18-03-2011, 29-03-2011, 19-04-2011, 30-04-2011, 07-05-2011, 24-05-2011, 07-06-2011, 13-06-2011, 27-06-2011, 02-08-2011, 07-11-2011 teliya chronic mental and physical problems undergoing allopathic treatment for a long time she had improvement in her leg stiffness with Nux Vomica 30. also some improvement in BM with nux vomica 30 nv 30 twice a day 22-02-2011 She has relief in stiffness of her legs. There is no other significant relief. Lyc 200 3 doses NV 30 in follow up 06-03-2011 heaviness in extremeties Calc Carb 200; rhus 200; nux 30 15-03-2011 she developed psychosis about 25 yrs ago after having some quarreling with her hub. she suffers from weakness in her knees she got relief in her leg stiffness and partial relief in constipation from medicaton upto now. puls 200, nux vomica 30 trayodashang guggulu 18-03-2011 she is asked to take nux vomica 30 daily at night. trayodashang guggulu daily. 29-03-2011 Argentum Met 200 in the morning Nux Vomica 30 at night 19-04-2011 tingling, swelling, heaviness in lower extremeties Graphites 200, Rhus Arn 30, Nux Vom 30 30-04-2011 Ruta 200, Phytolacca 30 -

07-05-2011 she did'nt do well on the remedies. She is having swelling and numbness on her feet. Graphites 200, Nux Vomica 30 24-05-2011 again same complaints reappeared. same remedies given. 07-06-2011 she took some allopathic treatment but got no relief. she is having swelling in her feet and her feet are too heavy to be moved graphites 200, causticum 30 13-06-2011 no relief. nux vomica 30 twice a day. 27-06-2011 she got relief in swelling on her legs. no relief in weakness, she staggers on walking. nux vomica 30 yograj guggulu, chandraprabha vati 02-08-2011 Still staggers, feels better by putting her legs in warm water. calc carb 30 07-11-2011 rhus arn 30, nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 250 : Patient : 1611 pain in right leg phosphorus 200, rhus arn 30 25-10-2011, 07-11-2011 128jn takes regularly english medicines for high bp amiable disposition bald prefers cold surroundings pain in leg worse sitting Phosphorus 200 5 doses, rhus arn 30 daily stop dosing if there is relief trayodashang guggulu 07-11-2011

he is doing well, now he can sit for 15 minutes squatting on the ground and then the pain starts. the improvement started gradually and not immediately after taking phosphorus. reported miraculous cure of his father's knee pain who was a very rich man on a very cheap medicine. calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 251 : Patient : 1635 abdominal distension, stiffness in legs nux vomica 200 07-11-2011 camp abdominal distension, stiffness in legs abdominal distension better evening after loosening clothes stiffness in legs better walking again tingling in legs nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 252 : Patient : 1636 toothache after extraction Ignatia 1M, Spigelia 200 07-11-2011 camp toothache after extraction better chewing worse night, while taking rest tobacco addict Ignatia 1M, Spigelia 200 He did well on the remedies. Sr. No. 253 : Patient : 1625 cough, constipation nux vomica 200 07-11-2011 camp cough, constipation effects of journey nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 254 : Patient : 1638 blocked nose at night pulsatilla 200 07-11-2011 camp

blocked nose at night mild disposition prefers moderate surroundings less thirst pulsatilla 200 He did well on Pulsatilla. Sr. No. 255 : Patient : 1626 anal mass, no bleeding or pain calc carb 30 07-11-2011 camp anal mass, no bleeding or pain calc carb 30 Sr. No. 256 : Patient : 1620 itching in thighs Sulphur 30 07-11-2011 camp itching in thighs sulphur 30 Later he was given silicea 200 as there were some pustules present on scrotum and he didn't respond to Sulphur. Sr. No. 257 : Patient : 1628 urticaria, constipation, sneezing nux vomica 200 07-11-2011 camp urticaria, constipation, sneezing nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 258 : Patient : 1629 loose stools due to taking some herbs nux vomica 30 07-11-2011 camp loose stools due to taking some herbs nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 259 : Patient : 1621

headache due to abstaining from smoking nux vomica 200 07-11-2011 camp headache, vertigo due to abstaining fron smoking nux vomica 200 He took the remedy few times and got good relief. But for the reasons best known to him he decided not to take the homeopathic remedy. Sr. No. 260 : Patient : 1622 cervical spondilytis calc carb 200 07-11-2011 camp cervical spondilytis chilly patient did somewhat better on rhus tox in past pain is more in the form of uneasiness rather than pain following a specific pattern calc carb 200 He did well on trayodashang guggulu. He is a homeopath who does self prescribing and takes many remedies for pulsatilla, arsenic alb which he thinks fit for his symptoms. Sr. No. 261 : Patient : 1623 sneezing after eating banana nux vomica 200 07-11-2011 camp sneezing after eating banana nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 262 : Patient : 1633 headache and cold extremeties calc carb 200 07-11-2011 camp headache and cold extremeties calc carb 200 Sr. No. 263 : Patient : 588

fever, leucoderma, abdominal pain pulsatilla 30, Ars Trisulph 30, Puls 200, natrum mur 30 14-02-2011, 15-03-2011, 29-03-2011, 25-04-2011, 30-05-2011, 05-07-2011, 31-07-2011, 06-11-2011 128jn fever mild disposition pulsatilla 30 15-03-2011 ars trisulph 30 for leucoderma 29-03-2011 abdominal pain Pulsatilla 200 25-04-2011 she got relief in her abdominal pain she says that her leucoderma shows no respite ars trisulph 30 30-05-2011 she says that her leucoderma is showing some signs of improvement ars trisulph 30 one pill in the morning and evening a gap of 3 days after every 7 days 05-07-2011 mouth sores natrum mur 30 31-07-2011 ars trisulph 30 06-11-2011 she reports mouth ulcers also some swelling on throat natrum mur 30

Sr. No. 264 : Patient : 1646 vertigo, pain due to accident nux vomica 30, rhus arnica 30 06-11-2011 ssk vertigo

constipated bowels, hard stools she fell down few months ago has back pain since then, also some rib pain nux vomica 30, rhus arnica 30 Sr. No. 265 : Patient : 820 tonsilitis, cough and cold pulsatilla 200, km fp 6, cina 200, calc carb 200 24-10-2010, 06-11-2010, 01-12-2010, 06-01-2011, 18-02-2011, 23-03-2011, 25-03-2011, 30-06-2011, 17-07-2011, 14-08-2011, 05-11-2011 teliya timid white spots on face pustules hoarseness of voice nasal discharge barking cough enuresis less thirst, for cold water tooth decay pulsatilla 200, km fp 6 06-11-2010 overall improvement thin nasal discharge pulsatilla 200, km fp 6 01-12-2010 again some cold and cough Puls 200; cina 200 for deworming 06-01-2011 tonsils pain while swallowing and otherwise yellow thin nasal discharge calc carb 200, fp km 6 18-02-2011 less appetite, stomach pain after meals calc carb 200, fp km 6 23-03-2011 abdominal pain while eating runny nose - yellow discharge Pulsatilla 200, fpkm 6 -

25-03-2011 tonsilitis calc carb 200 30-06-2011 white spots on face for deworming cina 200, fp km 6 17-07-2011 coughing bout in the morning. nasal discharge. white spots on face puls 200, fp km 6 14-08-2011 white spots on face cina 200, fp km 6 05-11-2011 white spots on face pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 266 : Patient : 944 itching on cheek with a piticule sulphur 30, silicea 30, myristica 30, hepar sulph 200, cina 1m, phos 200, fp km 6, phosphorus 200 06-05-2011, 16-05-2011, 21-05-2011, 31-05-2011, 15-06-2011, 22-06-2011, 02-07-2011, 05-07-2011, 19-07-2011, 15-09-2011, 22-09-2011, 13-10-2011, 15-10-2011, 05-11-2011 teliya itching on cheek with a piticule prefers cold surroundings joyful and intelligent sulphur 30 16-05-2011 no itching. the piticule is as it is. sil 30 daily one dose 21-05-2011 the piticule has grown in size. myristica 30 twice a day 31-05-2011 no change. some new piticules seem to have cropped.

hepar sulph 200 on every alternate day 15-06-2011 no change. he suffers from voice hoarseness whenever he takes cold drinks calc carb 30 followed by thuja 30 22-06-2011 eruption of tiny boils all over these also itch. sulphur 30 02-07-2011 nausea, bowels constipated for 2 days. calc carb 200, lyc 200 05-07-2011 did well on calc carb. now cough. calc carb 200, sitopaladi churna 19-07-2011 cold and cough calc carb 200, sito 1 15-09-2011 worms, anal itching cina 1M 4 doses, fp km 6 22-09-2011 throat hoarseness due to shouting slogans cough phosphorus 200, fp km 6 13-10-2011 swelling at a node on neck on the left side nux vomica 30 15-10-2011 vomitting, feels down calc carb 200, fp km 6 05-11-2011 abdominal pain, nausea calc carb 200

Sr. No. 267 : Patient : 617 headache, tooth pain, abdominal gases lyc 200, mag phos 30, nux vomica 200, ruta 30, calc fluor 30 22-10-2010, 16-11-2010, 05-01-2011, 13-03-2011, 22-06-2011, 05-11-2011 teliya headache on vertex and at sides fearful, pressure at ribs gases, irritable tooth pain Lyc 200, Mag Phos 30 16-11-2010 He reported some problems due to undertaking a long journey. Nux Vomica 200, Mag Phos 30 05-01-2011 pain in back in the morning BM not satisfactory Lyc 200, Ruta 30 13-03-2011 tooth affections, constipated bowels, overall uneasiness lyc 200, calc fluor 30, mag phos 200 22-06-2011 acidity, neck pain, belching lyc 200, mag phos 30 05-11-2011 constipation, neck pain lyc 200, ruta 30 bald spots in head phos 200 3 doses after finishing above meds. Sr. No. 268 : Patient : 1748 throat pain Arsenic Alb 200 04-11-2011, 05-11-2011 camp He is having throat pain He took antibiotics for 2 days. He also has a chronic ptyregium He prefers warm surroundings Arsenic Alb 200.

He did well on the remedy. He said that after taking the remedy his throat pain increased and then decreased. He has good energy level after taking the remedy and he did all his exercises. He is given few more doses and it is explained to him that the remedy should be taken only when there is no improvement taking place from earlier doses. He is also asked to take homeopathaic treatment for ptyregium in his city. Sr. No. 269 : Patient : 624 numbness, acidity, leucorrhoea, toothpain nux vomica 200, calc carb 200, Ruta 30, rhus arnica 30, kp 30 24-10-2010, 16-11-2010, 29-11-2010, 24-12-2010, 07-01-2011, 17-02-2011, 09-03-2011, 17-03-2011, 05-04-2011, 11-04-2011, 14-04-2011, 05-05-2011, 22-06-2011, 04-11-2011 teliya tingling on the back side of the right shoulder elbow pain of right hand aggravates in morning elbow pain only after straining acidity like burning of food pipe headache at vertex extends to occiput and upper back better by motion, rest aggravates belching often menses profuse, no clots, thin blood, dark red prefers cold surroundings acidity started after root canal treatment nux vomica 200, rhus arn 30 16-11-2010 journey aftermath. nux vomica 30. 29-11-2010 She reports crawling sensation. On 17th she had 4 day bleeding. On 27th she got spotting. She fears a lot, gets tense and also has white discharge. Calc Carb 200, Ruta 30 24-12-2010 She responded well for her leucorrhoea to Calc Carb 200. She now reports soreness in throat, mouth ulcers, acidity. Stiffness and cramps in body, left side affected, breast affected. 07-01-2011 She reports urine infection. She says that her toes itch without any eruptions. She is asked to see whether she improves under the influence of Calc Carb 200. If she doesn't she should take Silicea 30.

17-02-2011 toothache, else is fine staphysagria 200 calc fluor 30 mag phos 30 09-03-2011 no toothache, other tooth affections also better leucorrhoea calc carb 200 sprained back rhus arnica 30 17-03-2011 Again toothache staphysagria 200 calc fluor 30 mag phos 30 relief in leucorrhoea 05-04-2011 neck pain, back pain, acidity, insomnia nux vomica 200 11-04-2011 pain in back and lower extremeties, worse rest rhus 200 14-04-2011 cough, leucorrhoea, affections after getting wet and applying mehandi to hair calc carb 200, nux vomica 200 05-05-2011 sensitive to noise after her daughter shouted loudly into her ear. calc carb 200, silicea 200, nux vomica 200 in that order one by one. 22-06-2011 she got no relief in her ear problem even after allopathic medication. relapse in earlier problem of left side pain in body calc carb 200, kp 30 sarivadi vati 04-11-2011 she is having her periods and suffering from severe backache. calc carb 200 toothache mag phos 30

Sr. No. 270 : Patient : 1606 constipation lyc 200, kali mur 30 23-10-2011, 28-10-2011, 04-11-2011 128jn constipation worthless existence everyone thinks that he is a burden lyc 200, kali mur 30 28-10-2011 He responded well to the remedy and now having bowel movements daily. He has a problem of abdominal gases after lunch lyc 200 3 doses at 12 hr gap then km 30 daily 04-11-2011 He was constipated to the extent that he was not able to pass stools for days. Now he passes stools daily though still feels constipated He also complains of abdonimal gases. lyc 200, kali mur 30 Sr. No. 271 : Patient : 1615 cold due to getting up early in winter calc carb 200, arsenic alb 30 04-11-2011 128jn cold due to getting up early in winter calc carb 200, arsenic alb 30 Sr. No. 272 : Patient : 616 cystic acne, black dis-coloration Silicea 200, Berb Aq 6, Natrum Mur 30 22-10-2010, 01-11-2010, 10-02-2011, 08-03-2011, 18-04-2011, 18-05-2011, 03-06-2011, 19-07-2011, 03-11-2011 teliya cystic acne only on cheeks pus formation severe itching after washing sun aggravates stools/digestion good menses regular, 3 days, abdominal pain, leg pain for first day menses normal, scanty, no clots, red, thin hands legs pain, she feels as if pressed inside forget things, unable to recollect

fearful, palpitations sleep normal sweats less skin of face oily as a person morning better, evening worse prefers warm surroundngs, open air pain in extremeties Silicea 200 3 doses 01-11-2010 reported relief in pimples and pain in extremeties 3 doses provided to be taken on need basis 10-02-2011 Berb Aq 6 for discolouration of face. Sil 200 6 doses provided to be taken on need basis. 08-03-2011 She didn't have any need to take Silicea 200. Berb Aqua 6 2 pills every alternate day Sil 200 6 doses provided to be taken on need basis. 18-04-2011 Puls 30 6 doses. Sil 200 for cystic acne on need basis Berb Aq 6 if no relief on Puls 30. She got black color affections in face. There is substantial and satisfactory relief in cystic acne. 18-05-2011 The black discoloration on face is worsening, There is good relief in pimples. The lady has an oily skin. Natrum Mur 5 doses to be taken now. Sil 200 to be taken on need basis. 03-06-2011 natrum mur 30 worked. black discoloration responded well. natrum mur 30, silicea 200 provided to be taken on need basis. 19-07-2011 black spots appeared again. natrum mur 30 silicea 200 provided if acne comes also asked to take amla juice -

03-11-2011 severe headache at the top of head on back side. She can't bear any touch. Pulsatilla 200, Belladonna 200 Sr. No. 273 : Patient : 612 worm infestation, white spots on face Cina 200 18-10-2010, 02-11-2010, 31-07-2011, 03-11-2011 teliya worm infestation irritable anal itching cina 200 02-11-2010 white spots on face cina 200 one dose every 3 days 31-07-2011 cina 200 03-11-2011 cina 200 Sr. No. 274 : Patient : 636 constipation, headache, anxiety attacks alumina 30, calc carb 200, rhus arnica 30, mag phos 30 31-10-2010, 29-11-2010, 15-12-2010, 03-02-2011, 01-03-2011, 20-04-2011, 12-05-2011, 20-08-2011, 10-10-2011, 13-10-2011, 18-10-2011, 03-11-2011 teliya abdominal pain below navel gases swelling on head after accident chionanthus 6 29-11-2010 no stools passed since 3 days no desire to pass stools got relief in headache, palpitations alumina 30 15-12-2010 She is put on Sulph - Mag Phos - Calc Carb

She got relief in her headache after sulphur and also from Calc Carb. She is passing stools regularly now. She is provided with 6 doses of Calc Carb 200 as she is going to her sister's home at Nashik. She is asked to take Mag Phos is case she has belching. calc carb 200 03-02-2011 She got headache and anxiety attack after a gap of many weeks. She is provided with Calc Carb 200 to be taken on need basis. 01-03-2011 she got swelling and pain in her little finger of right hand after doing lot of sewing work. pain is worse rest and better movements she also has pain in her leg if she sits long by folding her right leg rhus arnica 30 20-04-2011 Rhus Arn 30, Symphytum 200 for hand affection. 12-05-2011 She did well on arn rhus 30, symphytum 200. she has 50% relief. the same remedies are given. she is also given calc carb 200 in case she gets panic attacks, constipation or headache. for the acute problem of acidity that she is suffering from now, she should take lyc 200 if calc carb 200 doesn't help. 20-08-2011 She reported that she has a healthy hand now and it's problems are over. She has some issues with her menses now like early menses and profuse bleeding. Calc Carb 200, Lyc 200 (if needed) 10-10-2011 she is suffering from a barking productive cough calc carb 200, fp km 6 13-10-2011 triphala tablets for bm and improving appetite 18-10-2011 Cough is back. calc carb 200, lyc 200 03-11-2011

She had palpitations and lyc 200 worked for that. She also had loose motion then which also responded to lyc 200. She is suffering from cold and constipation. calc carb 200, km 30 Sr. No. 275 : Patient : 1486 abdominal pain calc carb 200, fp km 6 20-07-2011, 02-11-2011 teliya right sided abdominal pain worse before meals rushes toilet after meals short breath calc carb 200, fp km 6 02-11-2011 she did well on remedies. now again she has abdominal pain calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 276 : Patient : 893 swelling in knee, pain worse rest pulsatilla 200, rhus arnica 30. pulsatilla 1m 22-03-2011, 02-11-2011 128jn swelling in knee, pain worse rest pulsatilla 200, rhus arnica 30 02-11-2011 pain worse rest first movement is difficult better applying strong pressure pulsatilla 1m single dose , rhus arnica 30 Sr. No. 277 : Patient : 646 migraine headache, cold and cough nux vomica 200, fp km 6, calc carb 200, KP 200 07-11-2010, 16-11-2010, 11-12-2010, 11-03-2011, 05-04-2011, 25-04-2011, 29-04-2011, 02-08-2011, 26-09-2011, 01-11-2011 teliya migraine starts at vertex after fast, or taking less water or after exposure to sunlight. short nap gives relief, doesn't want to meet people during headache. likes rainy season and winter season

always dry cough nose blockage worse during morning abdominal gases joint pains, hip joint worse at night and after sleep much thirst every half hour, one hour nux vomica 200, fp km 6 16-11-2010 same remedies given again. 11-12-2010 He is suffering from cold and cough after returning from a very cold climate calc carb 200 11-03-2011 pain in legs lyc 200, arnica 200 05-04-2011 rushes bathroom after meals, insomnia calc carb 200, kali phos 200 25-04-2011 he is concerned about the stomach pain calc carb 200, kp 30 29-04-2011 body pain, flatulence lyc 200, rhus 200 02-08-2011 rushes toilet after meals insomnia calc carb 200 26-09-2011 He has severe mouth sores and there is much pain in his lower extremeties. borax 30, calc carb 200 01-11-2011 he came with the same complaint of mouth sores though intensity is less. borax 30, calc carb 200 Sr. No. 278 : Patient : 660

pica calc carb 200, fp km 6, nux vomica 30, puls 30, sil 30 16-11-2010, 11-03-2011, 05-04-2011, 25-04-2011, 29-04-2011, 02-08-2011, 26-09-2011, 17-10-2011, 17-10-2011, 01-11-2011 teliya pica calcium deficiency hale and hearty calc carb 200, fp km 6 11-03-2011 fever that comes back repeatedly taken lot of allopathic meds lack of appetite nux vomica 30 05-04-2011 watery motion, boil on nose puls 30, sil 30 25-04-2011 cold pulsatilla 30 29-04-2011 cold, epistaxis pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 02-08-2011 Puls 30 for cold 26-09-2011 cold, thick nasal discharge pulsatilla 200 17-10-2011 lack of appetite after allopathic medication for fever nux vomica 30 17-10-2011 elder brother has severe cough sitopaladi choorna he has been substantially cured of his lecoderrma from herbal treatment. The herbalist has asked him not to take the homeopathic remedy. 01-11-2011

He is suffering from cold. calc carb 30 Sr. No. 279 : Patient : 640 pimples, constipation, irritability Lycopodium 200, Berb Aq 6, calc carb 200, ks 6 20-02-2011, 09-03-2011, 28-03-2011, 18-04-2011, 07-05-2011, 18-05-2011, 03-06-2011, 20-06-2011, 11-07-2011, 12-08-2011, 18-10-2011, 01-11-2011 teliya pimples, constipation, irritability Lycopodium 200, Berb Aq 6 09-03-2011 no constipation now berb aq 6 daily for 5 days then alternate day 28-03-2011 big pimples reacted favaourably small ones still persisting sweats a lot at palms of hands calc carb 200, ks 6 18-04-2011 calc carb 200 1 dose kS 6 1 pill every alternate day. 07-05-2011 constipation, flare up in pimples lyc 200, berb aq 6 18-05-2011 stomach disorders due to eating at receptions lyc 200 3 doses kaishor guggulu, mahamanjishtadi kadha as follow up. 03-06-2011 shirni has increased, some itching too. passing 2-3 stools a day. calc carb 200 3 doses, ks 6 one pill on alternate day 20-06-2011 stools are corrected pimples have also decreased shirni spreading on back, says KP 6 is helping KP 6 one pill alternate day, Calc Carb 200 on need basis

11-07-2011 doing well for pimples on amla juice acute cold calc carb 200, fp km 6 12-08-2011 vomitting, fever calc carb 200 18-10-2011 sweating on palms white spots are again breaking out calc carb 200 01-11-2011 got relief in shirni. abdminal upset, constipation, itching in thighs lyc 30, sulphur 30 haridra khanda Sr. No. 280 : Patient : 689 food is lying in throat for a long time after eating Puls 30, Nux Vomica 30, pulsatilla 200, lycopodium 200 04-12-2010, 01-11-2011 teliya the doesn't have the feeling that her food has comfortably moved from her stomach to her intestines. she is belching a lot passing stools many times a day stools different each time no menses after starting allopathic treamtent for TB she has a mild disposition and had regular menses earlier. Puls 30, Nux Vomica 30 01-11-2011 abdominal and back pain at sides menses irregular, very painful, only spotting instead of flow, 2-3 days good bm prefers cold surroundings doesn't have close friends less thirst sweats more pulsatilla 200, lycopodium 200

Sr. No. 281 : Patient : 698 Hair-loss, profuse menstrual bleeding Pulsatilla 200, Calc Carb 200, fp km 6, ruta 30 11-12-2010, 25-12-2010, 27-01-2011, 17-03-2011, 31-10-2011 teliya constipated bowels loose stools back pain since 1 year menses regular, 4-5 day variation 3 days, normal flow, no clots prefers cold less thirst, likes cold drinks hair loss 25-12-2010 She is passing loose stools she rushes bathroom after meals worried about her economic condition she reports that her hair loss is arrested calc carb 200 27-01-2011 she is again having same problem with her BM after doing well on the remedy calc carb 200, fp km 6 for cold 17-03-2011 again some problem. also backache. calc carb 200, ruta 30 31-10-2011 She is having profuse bleeding every 15 days and opted for allopathic treatment. Now she is having bleeding piles. calc carb 200, collinsonia 30 Sr. No. 282 : Patient : 638 lack of appetite, urticaria Nux Vomica 200, Ars Alb 200, Ars Alb 30 31-10-2010, 08-11-2010, 20-02-2011, 05-07-2011, 29-07-2011, 12-08-2011, 17-10-2011, 31-10-2011 teliya lack of appetite irritable digestion, excretion ok. Nux Vomica 200

08-11-2010 He didn't notice any change after taking Nux. Ars 200, Chelidonium 30 20-02-2011 Ars 30 for urticaria 05-07-2011 deepak stomach upset after eating samosa. mouth burn as the samosa was hot. cantharis 200, nux vomica 30 29-07-2011 neck pain due to using motorcycle for long trips. rhus arn 30, trayodashang guggulu 12-08-2011 deepak fever, cough and cold nux vomica 200 17-10-2011 deepak ears blocked due to cold after exposure to lot of dust nux vomica 200 31-10-2011 deepak effects of journey still felt nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 283 : Patient : 694 alcoholism, constipated bowels Quercus Q, Nux Vomica 30, Rhus Tox 200 09-12-2010, 11-12-2010, 25-12-2010, 17-03-2011, 31-10-2011 teliya has abdominal pain Quercus Glandium Q 11-12-2010 constipated bowels nux vomica 30 25-12-2010

responded well to nux 30. pain in extremeties after cycling Rhus 200 17-03-2011 Sulphur 200 for constipation and irritability capsicum 30 as follow up 31-10-2011 abdominal pain, loses steam after hawking in morning and evening nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 284 : Patient : 697 haughty behaviour, wound on sole of foot due to a nail Lyc 200, KP 30, Calendula 200, Hypericum 200, fp km 6, rhus arn 30 11-12-2010, 25-12-2010, 12-08-2011, 31-10-2011 teliya haughty behaviour doesn't like to study wants to study per his whims doesn't like going to school Lycopodium 200, KP 30 A nail was pierced in the sole of his foot. calendula 200, hypericum 200 he is asked to take above remedies first 25-12-2010 suffering from severe cold behaviourally doing well under the influence of Lycopodium 200 fp km 6 12-08-2011 pain in extremeties rhus arn 30 31-10-2011 He is feeling chilly and having pain in his extremeties. silicea 30, rhus arn 30 He was doing well in his studies after lyc but now there are serious clashes in his family and he bound to suffer. Sr. No. 285 : Patient : 1619 backache, leucorrhoea, abdominal gases lyc 200, fp km 6

30-10-2011 ssk backache, leucorrhoea, 4-5 days if she gets tense, thick, not acrid abdominal gases irritable dry skin in winter regular menses, 4-5 days, normal bleeding Dysmenorrhoea at the start of menses less thirst lyc 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 286 : Patient : 1605 teeth pain, dysmenorrhoea staphysagria 200, kali phos 30, carbo veg 30 18-10-2011, 30-10-2011 teliya teeth pain worse chewing throat pain, chest pain abdominal pain above navel good BM thirst much regular menses, 3 days, less flow, clots present blurring of vision backache, weakness during menses. staphysagria 200, kali phos 30, carbo veg 30 30-10-2011 headache at vertex worse sleeping backache is there still she says that there is huge relief in headache compared to earlier. initial relief in tooth pain, some relief i eye relief in acidity she has morning stiffness Staphysagria 200, rhus arn 30, carbo veg 30

Sr. No. 287 : Patient : 1617 cough and cold calc carb 30, silicea 30 30-10-2011 ssk cough and cold height short of age

calc carb 30, silicea 30 Sr. No. 288 : Patient : 1618 height short of age silicea 30 30-10-2011 ssk height short of age silicea 30 one dose every alternate day. 5 doses. Sr. No. 289 : Patient : 268 burning sensation in fingers Puls 200 02-10-2010, 22-10-2011, 29-10-2011 128jn burning sensation in fingers mild disposition thirstless typical house-wife pain in extremeties after sitting for long time She has been operated for hysterectomy as she had irregular and profuse menses. 22-10-2011 urticaria without any eruptions, worse winter she took some multi-vitamins and got rid of her burning sensation in fingers. Puls 200 29-10-2011 She reported that after taking the remedy itching got worse for few days and then it reduced substantially. She is provided with 5 doses of Pulsatilla 200 to be taken only when there is a relapse in her symptoms. She should not disturb the working of earlier doses unnecessarily. Sr. No. 290 : Patient : 1607 extreme back pain calc carb 200, rhus arn 30, staphysagria 200, calc fluor 30, phos 30, bc 23 24-09-2011, 24-10-2011, 29-10-2011 128jn extreme lower back pain is visibly in too much pain old gentleman in his eighties

is worried for his domestic problems calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 24-10-2011 He reported relief in his backache. Now he feels recently that some pain is there after doing well for one month. He also has a toothache worse touch of tongue calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Staphysagria 200 3 doses for toothache. 29-10-2011 He didnt get any relief in his toothache. He doesn't have any back pain. he is asked to take.. calc fluor 30, phosphorus 30 at a time 4 times a day if this doesn't help... bc 23 3 tabs 4 times a day Sr. No. 291 : Patient : 474 constipation, tingling in feet, knee pain, back pain calc carb 200, rhus arnica 30 26-12-2010, 16-05-2011, 10-06-2011, 09-09-2011, 28-10-2011 128jn constipation, tingling in feet, knee pain, back pain calc carb 200, rhus arnica 30 16-05-2011 same complaints calc carb 200, rhus arnica 30 10-06-2011 he said that the first remedy cleared his bowels and asked for the same remedy again. he is 94 yrs old and it is obvious that he has a relapse in his symptoms. calc carb 200, rhus arnica 30 09-09-2011 calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 28-10-2011 calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 292 : Patient : 261 abdominal pain, indolence, short breath while going upstairs, leg pain Calc Carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, nux vomica 200

01-10-2010, 20-10-2010, 14-06-2011, 10-07-2011, 20-07-2011, 27-10-2011 128jn abdominal pain, indolence, short breath while going upstairs, leg pain Calc Carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6 20-10-2010 She reported that she got relief from the earlier treatment. Now she is suffering from blocked nose. She is irritable. She is prescribed Nux Vomica 200 and ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6. 14-06-2011 nose blocked, feverish nux vomica 200 10-07-2011 She is suffering from headache, cold and cough. nux vomica 30 20-07-2011 she doesn't have headache but she has cold. calc carb 200. 27-10-2011 She is suffering from cough, headache and slight cold. irritable girl nux vomica 200 and if needed calc carb 200. 5 doses of each remedy. Sr. No. 293 : Patient : 1612 irregular bm lycopodium 200 27-10-2011 128jn 27-10-2011 doesn't have bowel movement in the morning he has many worries about his family and money lycopodium 200 Sr. No. 294 : Patient : 1613 acidity, cold, neck pain after spicy food, back pain after travelling nux vomica 30, rhus arnica 30 25-10-2011, 26-10-2011 128jn 25-10-2011

acidity, cold, neck pain after spicy food nux vomica 30 back pain after travelling for 5 days rhus arnica 30 26-10-2011 got relief in his acidity symptoms immediately thinks he may have problems at night after irregular spicy meals nux vomica 30 back pain is reduced but still there rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 295 : Patient : 1608 diarrohea after heavy dinner nux vomica 200, podophyllum 30, bael murabba, kutjarishta 24-10-2011, 26-10-2011 128jn she is a 35 yo lady who works as a high level executive with a brilliant academic record. she took heavy meals in her dinner and also ate 1 tsp raw pea flour. she started passing watery stools at 2 am onwards early morning. she passed watery stools first at 60 minutes interval and then at 30 minutes gap. She was feeling chilly and tired. She was asked to take 1 dose of Nux Vomica 200 at 5.45 am She no more felt chilly and tired after nux vomica 200. She passed watery stools after 1 hour. She was asked to repeat a dose of NV after she passed another watery stool. She was fed electral water throughout. Later she was asked to take Bael Murabba and Kutjarishta. She was also asked to take podophyllum 30 one pill every hour when she passed one more watery stool. She was doing well on Podophyllum 30. But she passed 2-3 stools in the morning of 26th. She is given a single dose of Arsenicum Album 30 after which she is doing well. Sr. No. 296 : Patient : 732 profuse anal bleeding, menorrhagia, urticaria calc carb 1m, ham 30, calc fluor 30, utica urens 6, lyc 30, collinsonia 30 05-01-2011, 10-01-2011, 15-01-2011, 18-01-2011, 22-01-2011, 27-01-2011, 04-02-2011, 10-02-2011, 24-02-2011, 07-03-2011, 11-03-2011, 16-03-2011, 23-03-2011, 31-03-2011, 21-05-2011, 08-06-2011, 18-06-2011, 24-06-2011, 06-07-2011, 27-07-2011, 11-08-2011, 16-08-2011, 27-09-2011, 13-10-2011, 25-10-2011 teliya 05-01-2011,

she again passed profuse blood after total relief for one day. She reported that the size of protruded mass reduced by 50%. She was given Calc Carb 1M and Ham 30. Now she is given calc fluor 30 in addition to hamamellis 30. She is also asked to take Usheerasava. 10-01-2011, calc flour 30, ham 30 15-01-2011, she is doing well on the remedies as far as her anal bleeding is concerned. She had bleeding for only 2 days after strarting the treatment. She had severe cold which abated on it's own. urt urens 6 for urticaria 18-01-2011, relief in urticaria ham 30, cf 30 twice daily instead of thrice 22-01-2011, urtica urens 6 27-01-2011, she reported normal menses and is pleasantly surprised. There is no anal bleeding too. 04-02-2011, she had bleeding for 2 days, some 100 and 50 ml. It was like a small fountain of blood dripping on her foot. She is asked to take ham 30, cf 30 thrice a day. She is also given Millefolium 6 in case it is needed. Urti Urens 6 for urticaria 10-02-2011 She reported that her bleeding has stopped. She has a flare up in her urticaria. She is given Ars Alb 30 for that. 24-02-2011 no issues during the reporting period she took allopathic meds for her urticaria twice and it is under control she didn't take usheerasava for 5 days. she is asked to take following ayur meds... stri rasayana vati ashokarishta ham 30, calc fluor 30 07-03-2011 She has short breath when climbing upstairs feeling very weak Calc Carb 1M ayurvedic meds to contiune in follow up 11-03-2011 urticaria urtica urens 6

16-03-2011 she got no relief in her hives. lyc 30 23-03-2011 she responded well to lyc 30 for hives. she is provided six doses of lyc 30 to be taken on need basis. 31-03-2011 hives are back. rest is ok. sulphur 30 21-05-2011 profuse anal bleeding controlled and stopped by Calc Carb 1M. Now the protruded mass is always outside anus and is lot painful. collinsonia 30 08-06-2011 the mass is not painful now and it doesn't remain outiside as mentioned in her earlier visit. she got her menses late by 10 days and suffered profuse bleeding Calc Carb 1M 3 doses, Millefolium 6 to control aggravation that may be triggered by Calc Carb 1M. 18-06-2011 she bled 50 drops for 3 days. aesculus 30 hamamelis 30 only if there is bleeding 24-06-2011 no pain, no bleeding. anal mass not decreasing in size. calc fluor 30 twice daily aesc 30 if there is pain hamamellis 30 if there is bleeding 06-07-2011 she has pain around navel anal mass not reduced in size, no pain or bleeding calc carb 1m 27-07-2011 Sil 30 daily once for 8-10 days. It is expected to work on the anal mass. -

11-08-2011 Rhus 200 for joint pain. Mil 6 provided in case she suffers profuse mentrual bleeding 16-08-2011 She tears her anal mass and bleeds while passing stools. Calc Carb 1M, Hamamellis 30. 27-09-2011 She is doing well. No anal bleeding, no short breath. Now complains of black discoloration of skin and skin dryness. She has pain in her feet when she sleeps and the pain goes away when she sits or stands. This troubles her at odd hours of night. Lycopodium 200 5 doses. 13-10-2011 Her symptom of feet pain is taken care of by lycopodium 200. she was prescribed thuja looking at her anal cyst and many warts on body. Now she reports pain at buttocks and urticaria. sulphur 30 25-10-2011 severe pain around anus, the semi-circle at the back side. no problem with cyst, no bleeding calc carb 1M, Hypericum 200 Sr. No. 297 : Patient : 1463 short breath from little walking calc carb 200, cp 1, sulphur 200, sepia 200, nux vomica 200 28-08-2011, 04-09-2011, 11-09-2011, 18-09-2011, 09-10-2011, 16-10-2011, 23-10-2011 ssk 28-08-2011 short breath from little walking like going to bath room. h/o profuse bleeding during menses for 8 days. prefers cold surroundings no pain hyperhidrosis once in a month. white patches on hands and feet. calc carb 200, cp 1 04-09-2011 she reported no relief either in her short breath or vertigo. she declines to take chandraprabha vati. lyc 200 single dose today. sulphur 200 3 doses at a gap of 12 hrs starting tomorrow. she said that her white patches responded well to sulphur when she was 15.

11-09-2011 She reported 25% relief in her short breath on Sulphur. She is noticing improvement day by day on the 3 doses she has taken. She is asked to take 4 doses of Bryonia 200 for her Vertigo and start back Sulphur 200 only 3 doses if that affects her recovery in short breath. 18-09-2011 She reported that Bry did nothing for her. She again took Sulphur and was doing well till yesterday. She had severe breathlessness for few minutes yesterday and she is not doing well after that. She is just marginally better now after starting the treatment. She is asked to take a single dose of Sulphur 200 whevenever she gets relapse in her symptoms. 09-10-2011 as she has white spots on her body, vertigo worse motion worse from cold irritable asthmatic she is put on Sepia 200 16-10-2011 she got relief in her asthma but no relief in vertigo nux vomica 200 23-10-2011 she got relief in her vertigo but after 2 days she again relapsed in her symptoms. no relief in short breath she feels her feet cold in winter winter aggravates her asthma but she as a person prefers winter. calc carb 30 Sr. No. 298 : Patient : 1571 anal cyst, warts, strange symptoms calc carb 1m, thuja 30, Staphysagria 200, Collinsonia 30 09-10-2011, 23-10-2011 ssk she is doing well for her cyst on calc carb 1m. she had a strange problem at night, she has pain in her feet when she sleeps and it disappears if she sits or stands. she did well for this problem on lyc 200. she reports that many warts are cropping up..

thuja 30 23-10-2011 After taking thuja her strange symptom disappeared. Another one appeared, she has pain at her buttocks after passing stools. She also feels constriction at her anal passage. She couldn't get relief on Sulphur though she don't have any itching now. Staphysagria 200, Collinsonia 30 Sr. No. 299 : Patient : 36 always slight cold, pain after working, leg pain at night, early menses, profuse menses, spotting, nails peel off calc carb 30, calc carb 200, rhus tox 30, arnica 30, kali mur 6c, ferrum phos 6c, kali phos 30, calc carb 1m, Gels 30 01-08-2010, 11-08-2010,26-08-2010, 19-09-2010, 27-09-2010, 05-10-2010, 11-11-2010, 14-12-2010, 25-01-2011, 21-02-2011, 07-03-2011, 07-09-2011, 12-09-2011, 23-10-2011 128jn Easily offended Arguing Irritable Worried Ear Nose Throat Neurological Muscular Pain Reproductive System No Sleep complaints Normal Sweat After-noon Aggravation Warm surroundings and open air Normal Thirst ?? Dysmenorrhoea Menorrhoea Complaints during menses The lady seems to be troubled by her son's education and day to day worries. She does'nt seem to be hostile to her husband. 11-08-2010 The patient reported relief in the following... 1. Continuous slight cold 2. Dysmenorrhoea 3. Leg pain 26-08-2010

The patient is doing well on her main complaints. She reported some other complaints like... 1. itching on face 2. red rashes inside mouth 3. nose allergy She was given kali mur 6c and ferrum phos 6c to be taken twice a day each in alteration. 19-09-2010 She had periods on time and the flow was just a bit more. She had severe cramps all over the body now there is pain in calves only when she takes rest after completing her work. She was given Mag Phos 30 in the morning and Rhus Tox 30 in the night for few days and was asked to stop taking that if there is a relief. 27-09-2010 She reported some relief in her problem. No other problem reported. She was given Mag Phos 30 in the morning and Calc Fluor 30 in the night for few days and was asked to stop taking that if there is a relief. 05-10-2010 She is suffering from same problem. There is no relapse in her main problems - profuse menses and leucorrhoea. Kali Phos 30 at bed time every day. 11-11-2010 She reported some what more bleeding this time after regular menses in the past twice. She is given three doses of Calc Carb 200 at a gap of 12 hours. 14-12-2010 She reported that she had her menses earlier though flow was normal. She is having a haemorrhoidal growth that is non-bleeding. She is asked to take calc flour 30 daily and she is provided with calc carb 1m to be taken on need basis. 25-01-2011 cold and cough body pain gels 30, fp km 6 Her menstruation problems are under control and she has not yet taken calc carb 1m. 21-02-2010 She has cramps in her body. She has no menstruation complaints. 3 doses of Calc Carb 200 followed by Kali Phos 6. 07-03-2011 She got no relief in her cramps.

mag phos 30, kali phos 6 07-09-2011 she has problem of leg pain at night rhus 200, calc carb 200 12-09-2011 she has taken third dose of calc carb 200 only yesterday. she is reporting back that there is no relief. kali phos 200, rhus tox 200, mag phos 200 24-10-2011 She did well on yograj guggulu and she has also taken calcium supplements prescribed by her orthopad. She is having vaginal itching. calc carb 200 5 doses followed by yograj guggulu. Sr. No. 300 : Patient : 1609 mentally dwarfish baryta carb 30 23-10-2011 ssk 23-10-2011 mentally dwarfish baryta carb 30 Sr. No. 301 : Patient : 1599 stiffness in legs, polyuria lycopodium 200, rhus tox 200 22-10-2011 128jn 22-10-2011 stiffness in legs, can't sit with legs folded has diabetes, nocturnal polyuria good thirst suffers regular business anxiety needs straining for BM, first stool hard likes milk lycopodium 200, rhus tox 200 trayodashang guggulu, chandraprabha vati, shilajeet rasayana vati Sr. No. 302 : Patient : 576 pregnancy care

kali phos 6x, calc fluor 6x, calc phos 6x, mag phos 6x, symphoricarpus racemosa 200 11-02-2011, 19-10-2011, 21-10-2011 128jn pregnancy care kali phos 6x, calc fluor 6x, calc phos 6x, to be taken regularly with a gap of one week after every 3 weeks mag phos 6x, for pains better by pressure symphoricarpus racemosa 200 for vomitting (morning sickness) 19-10-2011 She didn't take any of the above remedies. She earlier reported of profuse menses for which she was suggested calc carb 200. She took the remedy and became pregnant shortly after, though it was planned that way and the remedy did nothing wonderful. She has a severe tonsilitis pain and advised calc carb 200 and silicea 200 for that. 21-10-2011 She took the allopathic medication and now has a relief in her tonsilitis. She is asked to take silicea 200 once a week, kali mur 30 on alternate days and calc carb 200 on flare-ups. Sr. No. 303 : Patient : 1398 warts thuja 30, calc carb 30, calc carb 200, kali phos 30 01-07-2011, 16-07-2011, 01-08-2011, 20-08-2011, 13-10-2011, 16-10-2011, 20-10-2011 128jn warts thuja 30 twice a day daily 16-07-2011 he noticed some 25% reduction in wart but his statement is not convincing. he sweats a lot prefers sout taste enhancers like pickles he is a fat person with belly calc carb 30 01-08-2011 wart on face appears to have reduced in size. other warts as they were. calc carb 30 daily once. 20-08-2011 no noticeable change

thuja 30 twice a day 13-10-2011 he removed warts surgically now down with weakness after recovering from fever also has dry cough calc carb 200, kali phos 30 sitopaladi choorna 16-10-2011 he has relief in cough now reports loss of appetite nux vomica 200 20-10-2011 recovers appetite on nux vomica 200 now morning cough nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 304 : Patient : 1588 left side of body emaciates calc carb 200, trayodashang guggulu 20-10-2011 128jn left side of body emaciates irritable constipated bowels late in walking calc carb 200 5 doses, trayodashang guggulu one tab a day Sr. No. 305 : Patient : 1587 knee pain, constipated bowels calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 20-10-2011 128jn knee pain, constipated bowels pain worse exertion calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 306 : Patient : 649 loss of appetite, mouth ulcers Puls 200, fpkm 6, lyc 200, silicea 30, calc carb 200 10-11-2010, 19-11-2010, 30-11-2010, 11-01-2011, 28-01-2011, 23-07-2011, 19-10-2011

teliya loss of appetite mouth ulcers had jaundice a month back stomach distended, painful around navel pain on left side of abdomen less thirst, for cold drinks loving, caring, mild painful extremeties at night intellectually dwarfish Puls 200, fpkm 6 19-11-2010 His stools are regularized. No other changes. Lyc 200, fpkm 6 30-11-2010 stools still regularized. no cold. has appetite but can't eat due to mouth ulcers. gums bleed. silicea 30 11-01-2011 blocked nose, suffering from cold. pulsatilla 30, fp km 6 28-01-2011 abdominal pain, cold Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 23-07-2011 cold and cough calc carb 200, fp km 6 19-10-2011 abdominal pain at navel worse pressure good BM death of father Puls 200, fpkm 6 Sr. No. 307 : Patient : 1603 shrini (white spots) lyc 200, berb aqua 6 18-10-2011 teliya shirni (white spots) spreading below neck on a large scale

also some spots on elbow bends 2 stools a day feels bowels are constipated, applies pressure prefers cold surroundings sensetive to noises worse 4 to 6 pm sweats less thirst is good lyc 200, berb aqua 6 Sr. No. 308 : Patient : 1604 feverish in the evening, chest pain, acute cold calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 18-10-2011 teliya feels feverish in the evening body pain, weakness chest (not breast) pain at a spot she was hit by a ball years back prefers cold surroundings likes sweets acute cold, nasal discharge good BM irritable, short breath going upstairs menses regular, 4-5 days, normal flow less thirst calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 309 : Patient : 926 raised skin, brown patches Lachesis 200, lycopodium 200, lachesis 1m 17-04-2011, 08-05-2011, 23-05-2011, 23-07-2011, 17-10-2011 teliya raised skin on body may be neurofibrosis patches of brown color no itching regular menses 3-4 day flow, normal flow, brown/red, thick, severe dysmenorrhoea on the first day flow ameliorates BM once a day, at times 2-3 times a day less thirst irritable, suspicious lazy, weak less appetite short breath on exertion

vertigo Lachesis 200 5 doses 08-05-2011 She is not having vertigo but now she is not going to college and don't see any role for medicine in that. she noticed no change in her appetite and menstruation. lycopodium 200 23-05-2011 she reported improvement in her appetite now she eats 1/2 - 1 chapati more compared to earlier. she didn't have any bleeding during her menses she is not having vertigo now. lachesis 1m. 23-07-2011 now having menses. loss of appetite. vertigo is back. lycopodium 200 amla juice, aloe vera juice 17-10-2011 She did better after starting aloe vera juice and amla juice in her weakness and vertigo and also irritability. She noticed improvement in her appetite. There is no improvement in her skin symptoms, rather there is some worsening. She was also give berberis aqua 6 for 15 days. She has pain during all days of her menstruation now. She observed earlier clots in her menses, no clots now. thuja 30 Sr. No. 310 : Patient : 655 backpain after accident Arnica 200, Rhus Tox 200, Ruta 200, Rhus Arnica 30 16-11-2010, 05-04-2011, 29-04-2011, 17-10-2011 teliya backpain worse stooping, morning accident 3 months ago worse since one month Arnica 200, Rhus Tox 200, Ruta 200 05-04-2011 She got relief from earlier remedies. Now again some back ache. rhus arnica 30

29-04-2011 she gave the following details.. dysmenorrhoea during her periods less flow, 3 day flow typical house-wife back pain and hand pain worse morning Pulsatilla 200, Rhus Tox 200 17-10-2011 no backache now. hairloss amalki rasayan 1/2 tsp everyday puls 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 311 : Patient : 592 pain, obesity, short breath, leucorrhoea, dark menses with clots silicea 200, symphytum 200, rhus 30, fp km 6, nux vomica 200, calc carb 200, rhus 200, sulphur 30, sabina 30, mp 200, berb aq 6, kali mur 30, lyc 30 12-10-2010, 27-10-2010, 29-10-2010, 08-11-2010, 05-12-2010, 13-12-2010, 16-02-2011, 02-03-2011, 18-04-2011, 28-04-2011, 24-05-2011, 30-05-2011, 27-06-2011, 09-07-2011, 14-09-2011, 21-09-2011, 23-09-2011, 04-10-2011, 11-10-2011, 17-10-2011 teliya slipped from a height 20-25 days ago unable to walk straight on affected foot walking aggravates sweats more vertigo when gets up after sitting long headache starts at occiput and spreads to vertex silicea 200, symphytum 200 27-10-2010 headache, irritability, abdominal pain, severe cold rhus 30, fp km 6 29-10-2010 abdominal pain gone nose blocked, eye discharge acrid, nasal discharge bland prefers warm surroundings menses lasts five days normal flow that is thick, blackish and with clots palpitations, tingling in extremeties shortness of breath while going upstairs calc carb 200 -

8-11-2010 no food taken since morning feeling nauseous, short breath 05-12-2010 joints too much painful overall relief in tingling, palpitations, short breath no change in menstruation rhus 200 13-12-2010 intense itching, burning desires cold applications sulphur 30 16-02-2010 white discharge with membranous shredding calc carb 200 02-03-2011 cough; headache her other complaints are better, she is taking ayurvedic meds.. 1. stri rasayana vati 2. chandraprabha vati calc carb 200, fpkm 6 18-04-2011 leucorrhoea started. relief in other complaints. she is asked to continue her ayur meds. eye sight blurred at night. calc carb 200, fpkm 6 28-04-2011 She got a punctured wound on her leg due to getting hit by a tile. ledum 30, calendula 200 she reported relief in her leucorrhoea 24-05-2011 wart on face. sabina 30 one pill in the morning and evening for 5 days and after that one pill a day. 30-05-2011 On second day of her periods, she is having abdominal cramps. She is having this problem only for the first time. she has a normal menstrual flow now. she has profuse white discharge on the day preveeding her menses no white discharge or less white discharge at other times. calc carb 200, mp 200

27-06-2011 she got fever, feels chilly doing well in her gyaenec complaints calc carb 200, fp km 6 09-07-2011 itching with eruptions on hands wart on face silicea 30, hk 1 14-09-2011 small facial pimples good relief in leucorrhoea, no issues with menses calc carb 200, berb aqua. 6 21-09-2011 she has while mouth sores. silicea 30 23-09-2011 She got no relief in mouth sores. Now she also has cold. kali mur 30 04-10-2011 she fell down and got injured rhus arn 30 11-10-2011 minor injury due to an iron rod ledum pal 30, calendula 200 17-10-2011 itching on hand with tiny piticules like a spider affection home remedy for spider affection didn't work lyc 30 Sr. No. 312 : Patient : 30 fatty lever, painful eyes lycopodium 30, chelidonium 6x, natrum sulph 6x, kali mur 6x, nux vomica 200c, Rhus Tox 30, lyc 200, carbo veg 30, carduus mar 6, Lyc 1M, phos 30, calc fluor 30 15-05-2010, 12-09-2010, 22-09-2010, 19-10-2010, 08-12-2010, 22-12-2010, 19-01-2011, 08-06-2011, 25-06-2011, 17-10-2011 128jn The patient took the medicine and reported relief. Then he asked for high cost medicine!!

12-09-2010 Lycopodium 200 2 doses 22-09-2010 3 doses lycopodium 200 Kumari Asava 19-10-2010 He complained that he has joint pains worse by rest and he is also feeling feverish. He is given Rhus Tox 30 and fp km in alteration. 08-12-2010 He said that he was feeling feverish and chilly. He is given Nux Vomica 200. He said that sometimes after dinner he has severe problems, he thinks that the gases are causing pressure at his chest and he becomes very uneasy. He is provided with Lyc 200 and Carbo Veg 30, to be taken one after other under such conditions. 22-12-2010 He did well on lyc 200 and developed symptoms when ran short of it. He is asked to take carduus mar 6 daily and lyc 200 on need basis. He is also given a dose of Lyc 1M. 19-01-2011 He complained of toothache that is worse eating. phos 30, calc fluor 30 08-06-2011 he got his leg fractured and an ankle cap and a rod is fitted in his leg. there is sweling in his leg on exertion. there is some reappearance of the wound too that was healed. rhus arnica 30, symphytum 200, calendula 200 25-06-2011 wound healed, swelling reduced now complains of back pain due to travelling on uneven road also anxiety rhus tox 200, lyc 200 17-10-2011 feels pressure at chest due to abdominal disorders lyc 200 Sr. No. 313 : Patient : 1580

abdominal pain lycopodium 200, hydrastis 6 17-10-2011 128jn abdominal pain mostly under ribs sometimes lower abdomen also lycopodium 200, hydrastis 6 Sr. No. 314 : Patient : 19 Cold and Cough Phos 30, Puls 30, calc carb 200, lyc 200, hepar sulph 200, fp km 6, nux vomica 30, rhus tox arnica 30 02-08-2010, 30-11-2010, 23-12-2010, 02-02-2011, 10-02-2011, 10-03-2011, 16-03-2011, 21-03-2011, 07-06-2011, 07-10-2011, 14-10-2011, 16-10-2011 128jn Mild Ear Nose Throat No Sleep complaints Excess Sweating Always Worse Cold surroudings and open air Normal Thirst ?? Menses normal The patient got relief in her cough and reported severe cold. She was prescribed Puls. After that she reported no change in her cold and also told that her cough came back. She was asked to switch back to Puls. 30-11-2010 She reported about excess sweating, palpitations, swelling of feet in the morning, pain in legs agg by exertion she is not having her menses since 4 months, before that she had profuse and early menses. She is given calc carb 200 and also provided with lyc 200 23-12-2010 She did well on Lyc 200. She is provided with 6 doses of lyc 200. 3 to be taken now and 3 later on need basis. 02-02-2011 She is having dry cough that is worse night. She is feeling very chilly. Hepar Sulph 200, fp km 6 -

10-02-2011 She is having loose motion due to overeating at a party. nux vomica 30 10-03-2011 pain in extremeties, worse rest, also worse movements, exertion was also there in the morning rhus arnica 30 16-03-2011 she has pain in calves not joints as reported earlier. lyc 200 3 doses. 21-03-2011 She got relief on Lyc 200. She has a relapse. She is again given Lyc 200 and asked to take 3 doses a week ofcourse if needed. 07-06-2011 she is again having pain in her calves as she did lot of walking She disclosed in her third or second last visit that she has a childhood burdened with emotional issues due to her father's irresposible behaviour and mother's hardships for making money. lyc 200 07-10-2011 has severe burning in food pipe lyc 200 5 doses , nat phos 6 later 14-10-2011 severe cold nose is continuously flowing gelsemium 30 16-10-2011 no relief in severe cold pulsatilla 200, sulphur 200 Sr. No. 315 : Patient : 1583 urticaria on hands and legs Nux Vomica 30, Haridra Khanda 16-10-2011 ssk urticaria on hands and legs passes stools every alternate day he scratches and that leaves scars after healing

worse morning very irritable prefers cold surroundings Nux Vomica 30, Haridra Khanda Sr. No. 316 : Patient : 1584 pimples, constipated bowels, offensive stools Sepia 200, fp km 6 16-10-2011 ssk constipated bowels, stools sometimes formed other times unformed offensive stools menses every 20 days, 3-4 days, profuse bleeding, clots present dysmenorrhoea leg pain, back pain, groin pain prefers cold surroundings pimples, fus filled irritable tingling in extermeties Sepia 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 317 : Patient : 1585 calves pain, leucorrhoea, profuse menses, short breath calc carb 200, fp km 6 16-10-2011 ssk 16-10-2011 nose blocked worse night calves pain, worse night leucorrhoea, not acrid profuse menses, regular menses, 5 days, dysmenorr on first day short breath calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 318 : Patient : 1601 chronic cold, feels drowsy nux vomica 200, fp km 6 15-10-2011 teliya 15-10-2011 chronic cold constipated bowels irritable disposition busy man

kharra addict worse morning, better afternoon nap, evening nux vomica 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 319 : Patient : 1600 loss of appetite, insomnia, boils breakout calc carb 200, silicea 200 15-10-2011 teliya high bp heart disease no appetite in the morning first meals at 12 noon insomnia light sleeper, first sleep difficult, breaks many times constipated bowels sometimes formed stools, other times unformed knee pain, calves pain, feet pain one nostril blocked, cold starts with thin nasal discharge then thick prefers cold surroundings boils break out on legs mostly left calc carb 200, silicea 200 Sr. No. 320 : Patient : 1573 needle pricking pain in feet, neck pain Phosphorus 200 12-10-2011 128jn needle pricking pain in feet, neck pain Phosphorus 200 3 doses Sr. No. 321 : Patient : 582 hard eruption on legs calc carb 200, lyc 200, nux vomica 30, fp km 6 11-10-2010, 11-03-2011, 29-03-2011, 08-04-2011, 29-09-2011, 12-10-2011 teliya since six months hard eruptions on legs, no pus itching sometimes nightly leg pain constipation calc carb 200, lyc 200, fp km 6 11-03-2011

cough and cold nv 30, fp km 6 29-03-2011 loss of apptetite, abdominal pain once after eating. pain in extremeties Nux Vomica 30, fp km 6 08-04-2011 pain in left leg and sole of feet lyc 30, fpkm 6 29-09-2011 pain in legs, constipation calc carb 200, rhus 30 12-10-2011 calc carb 200, rhus 30 Sr. No. 322 : Patient : 1577 eyes burn, short breath calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 09-10-2011 ssk 09-10-2011 attained menopause h/o regular menses, 7 days, profuse eyes burn short breath leg pain calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 323 : Patient : 1578 goes to bathroom after meals calc carb 200, fp km 6 09-10-2011 ssk goes to bathroom after meals calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 324 : Patient : 1451 hairloss, anger silicea 30, phosphorus 30, silicea 200

28-08-2011, 25-09-2011, 09-10-2011 ssk 28-08-2011 hairloss, anger petite girl silicea 30 25-09-2011 phosphorus 30 6 doses mahabhringraj hair-oil 09-10-2011 minor peeling of skin of palms hair loss silicea 200 Sr. No. 325 : Patient : 1572 stye pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 09-10-2011 ssk 09-10-2011 stye good bm attained menarche at 11 no short breath pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 326 : Patient : 1570 fears at night, thunderstorm phosphorus 30 09-10-2011 128jn 09-10-2011 fears at night, thunderstorm cold and cough phosphorus 30, fp km 6 Sr. No. 327 : Patient : 1576 heart palpitations, fears lyc 200, rhus arn 30 09-10-2011 ssk fears a lot due to hypothetical fears

obesity short breath heart patient, suffered heart attacks constipated bowels feet swell, can't rise after sitting thyroid insomnia lyc 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 328 : Patient : 1595 cramps in shoulders, short breath pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30 09-10-2011 teliya cramps in shoulder, chest, left side good BM regular meses, 3 days, less bleeding short breath on exertion prefers cold surroundings tingling in extremeties more thirst pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 329 : Patient : 1597 hives, urticaria Sulphur 30, Calc Carb 30 09-10-2011 teliya very terrible breakout of hives with intense itching suffers from vertigo before start of menses has PMS issues Sulph 30, Calc Carb 30 Sr. No. 330 : Patient : 1598 headache nux vomica 200 09-10-2011 teliya 09-10-2011 headahce worse morning after getting up then reduces and again rises in the evening good BM nux vomica 200

Sr. No. 331 : Patient : 1579 back pain, leg pain, ataxia Arsenic Alb 200, rhus arn 30 09-10-2011 ssk back, thighs, knees, calves pain since 12 yrs loses balance while walking regular bm sweats less chilly patient, doesn't tolerate cold worried due to deaths in family high BP Arsenic Alb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 332 : Patient : 725 diarrhoea calc carb 200, fp km 6, lyc 200 03-01-2011, 05-01-2011, 25-02-2011, 08-03-2011, 13-03-2011, 08-10-2011 teliya irritable diarrhoea, passed 3-4 stools calc carb 200, fp km 6 05-01-2011 very haughty, doesn't listen to elders wants the thing she likes come what may no diarrhoea now lyc 200 25-02-2011 grits teeth, abdominal pain, cold cina 200 5 doses 08-03-2011 loss of appetite, cold pulsatilla 30 13-03-2011 cold, clinginess, less appetite lyc 200, fp km 6 08-10-2011 recurring cold and cough calc carb 200, fp km 6

Sr. No. 333 : Patient : 669 scanty menses Pulsatilla 1M 22-11-2010, 29-09-2011, 06-10-2011 teliya prefers everything cold/warm drinks very less water, cold water menses scanty, thick mild disposition Puls 1M 2 pills once a week for 3 weeks 29-09-2011 rhus arn 30 for wrist pain 06-10-2011 did very well for wrist pain also got relief in finger stiffness, there is still swelling in finger rhus arn 30, symphytum 200 Sr. No. 334 : Patient : 1593 hiccoughs while eating pulsatilla 200, mag phos 200 06-10-2011 teliya hiccoughs while eating regular bm puls type irritability pulsatilla 200, mag phos 200 Sr. No. 335 : Patient : 1594 breathlessness and fear calc carb 200, arnica 200 06-10-2011 teliya 06-10-2011 accident took place about 7-8 yrs ago good bm fearful mind on breathlessness prefers open air after attack of breathlessness father is asthmatic calc carb 200, arnica 200

Sr. No. 336 : Patient : 1369 black discoloration of face ars alb 30, rhus arn 30 17-06-2011, 06-08-2011, 04-10-2011 teliya black discoloration of face worried about some domestic responsibilities good BM knee pain ars alb 30, rhus arn 30 06-08-2011 he got no relief on black affections on face. he got some relief in his knee pain. graphites 30, rhus arn 30 04-10-2011 no relief in black spots there is no knee pain now nowadays constipated bowels lycopodium 30 on alternate days Sr. No. 337 : Patient : 1592 pain in extremeties, insomnia calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 04-10-2011 teliya acute cold pain in extremeties worse night laying in bed constipated bowels, soft stools normal appetite less thirst prefers cold surroundings menses ceased at 50 2-3 months profuse bleeding h/o regular menses, more bleeding insomnia worried calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 338 : Patient : 1555 heel pain, leg pain lycopodium 200, calc fluor 30

17-09-2011, 03-10-2011 teliya 17-09-2011 heel pain in left foot worse morning also on rest pain only while walking backache, thighs, knees upto ankles regular menses, 4-5 days, more bleeding One year back she got her menses only once in 3-4 months h/o bleeding piles, protruded anal mass prefers cold surroundings sleepy and drowsy during the day abdominal gases lycopodium 200 5 doses, calc fluor 30 for few days 03-10-2011 She got no relief from the above remedies. calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 339 : Patient : 1556 red skin eruptions on exposure to sun Pulsatilla 200, Haridra Khanda 17-09-2011, 03-10-2011 teliya red skin eruptions on exposure to sun mild disposition gets spotting before start of menses sweats a lot Pulsatilla 200, Haridra Khanda 03-10-2011 She got no relief from the above remedies sulphur 30 Sr. No. 340 : Patient : 1557 upper back pain thuja 200, yograj guggulu 17-09-2011, 03-10-2011 teliya 17-09-2011 upper back pain worse night good BM no pain in the morning on getting up

offensive smell due to hyper-hydrosis very duty consciousness doesn't like raw onions warts on body thuja 200, yograj guggulu 03-10-2011 He got relief in pain. Thuja 1M, trayodashang guggulu Sr. No. 341 : Patient : 1589 leg sprained rhus arnica 30 03-10-2011 teliya 03-10-2011 leg sparined rhus arnica 30 Sr. No. 342 : Patient : 1590 cold, back pain pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30 03-10-2011 teliya watery discharge from nose good BM quiet disposition lower and upper back pain worse morning prefers cold surroundings sweats in armpits pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 343 : Patient : 1574 depression, negative thoughts Nux Vomica 200, Kali Phos 30 02-10-2011 ssk depression since 12 yrs started when her baby was aborted in the nineth month she gave birth to her daughter 2 yrs after that eventhough she prefers cold surroundings, she has worst depression in winter negative thinking

She takes sertraline serta 50 worse alone regular menses, 3-4 sometimes 4-8 days, 3-5 days early normal bleeding depression not affected by menses can't tolerate tensions worse morning, better rest Nux Vomica 200, Kali Phos 30 Sr. No. 344 : Patient : 1575 nausea, hyperhydrosis, headache calc carb 200, nat phos 6, mag phos 200 02-10-2011 ssk nausea worse morning, no vomitting hyperhydrosis obesity headache at vertex good BM menarche at 11 regular menses 4 days Dys Menorr. worse flow, first 2 days hives calc carb 200, nat phos 6, mag phos 200 Sr. No. 345 : Patient : 462 ulcers on tip of tongue, throat pain Merc Sol 200, Gelsemium 200 23-12-2010, 26-01-2011, 27-01-2011, 09-08-2011, 20-08-2011, 02-10-2011 128jn ulcers on tip of tongue, throat pain Merc Sol 200 26-01-2011 She is suffering from vertigo. She has low BP. Gelsemium 200 27-01-2011 She reported some improvement in her condition. She is given shilajeet rasayan vati and chandraprabha vati. 09-08-2011 vertigo kali carb 200

chandraprabha vati 20-08-2011 slight vertigo chandraprabha vati 02-10-2011 cold and cough scanty menses for 1-2 days works as a house maid prefers cold surroundings blocked nose pulsatilla 30 Sr. No. 346 : Patient : 1363 acidity Puls 200, MP 30, Berb Vul 6, Lyc 200, nux vomica 200 11-06-2011, 17-08-2011, 14-09-2011, 29-09-2011 teliya acidity burning at chest can't lie supine worse night good BM High BP meds daily calculi in left kidney Puls 200, MP 30, Berb Vul 6 17-08-2011 The patient felt better on the treatment for his acidity and kidney stone. Lyc 200, Berb Aq 6 14-09-2011 He has pain in body at night. he also has abdominal pain on left side. he doesn't have any pain or burning while passing urine now. nux vomica 200, berb aq 6 29-09-2011 he did well also got relief in back pain. nux vomica 200, berberis vulgaris 6 Sr. No. 347 : Patient : 999 lameness in legs, neck pain

lycopodium 200, rhus 30, Calc Carb 200, Rhus 200 09-05-2011, 19-05-2011, 24-05-2011, 09-07-2011, 25-07-2011, 24-08-2011, 29-09-2011 teliya lameness in both legs neck pain prefers cold surroudings dry skin regular menses, 4 days , normal flow abdominal pain during menses leg pain worse night mouth ulcers, constipation lycopodium 200, rhus 30 19-05-2011 panic attack whole abdomen pain pain worse in hot weather constipated bowels she got relief in dry skin and lameness. no other relief. calc carb 200, ruta 200 24-05-2011 she says that she doesn't have abdominal pain now but there is worsening of chest and back pain. she is worse morning Lyc 200, Rhus 200 09-07-2011 she is having leg pain. no other complaint. calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 25-07-2011 She has skin problems since summer. She thinks that it is skin burns. Lyc 200, Sulph 200 24-08-2011 She got no relief in her skin condition. She gets headache due to watching TV. Haridra Khanda Silicea 200 5 doses. 29-09-2011 nausea, feels like vomitting nux vomica 30, lycopodium 200

Sr. No. 348 : Patient : 644 feeling tired Nux Vomica 200 02-11-2010, 24-02-2011, 29-09-2011 teliya felt weak after doing exertion 2 days ago was also feeling chilly slept in huge covers and recovered overnight chronically suffers from low appetite no major left-over now burps when takes food a bit more Nux Vomica 200 24-02-2011 fever at afternoon, appetite normal, chilly, weak Gels 200 29-09-2011 leg pain worse walking eyes close due to heaviness calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 349 : Patient : 1537 fever pulsatilla 200 06-09-2011, 26-09-2011 128jn he is a jolly kid always brimming with energy he doesn' t like to sleep covered he is suffering from fever he is not very mild says his mother pulsatilla 200 26-09-2011 he got relief on Pulsatilla 200. now he is having cough. he is given fp km 6c twice a day and asked to take Pulsatilla 200 if that doesn't work. Sr. No. 350 : Patient : 1566 cracked skin on both palms graphites 30 26-09-2011 128jn

cracked skin on both palms prefers cold surroundings upset in the afternoon ocassionally has hard stools seems to be a silent person retired from government service feels lot of pain if washes hands with cold water graphites 30 twice a day for 3 days Sr. No. 351 : Patient : 1567 ithching on hands sulphur 30 26-09-2011 128jn age 40 menses every 2-2.50 months very irritable lady itching on hands sulphur 30 twice a day for 3 days Sr. No. 352 : Patient : 1372 pimples on face pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30, calc carb 200 18-06-2011, 04-07-2011, 09-07-2011, 25-07-2011, 16-08-2011, 14-09-2011, 26-09-2011 teliya pimples on face prefers cold surroundings thirsty a lot numbness in extremeties, backache worse working in water regular menses, 3 days, normal flow, groin pain before and during menses back stiff in the morning no issues with BM headache feel good in afternoon, evening Pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30 04-07-2011 she got some relief in her pimples. no relief in tingling in hands, feet and headache. calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 09-07-2011 itching worse taking bath

haridra khanda 25-07-2011 She didn't get any relief in her itching from haridra khanda. She got good relief in her back ache from earlier remedies. The skin on her face also improved. Now a days she is having upper back pain and she needs to rest her back against chair. Lyc 200 5 doses at a gap of 12 hours next week, Sulphur 200 5 doses at a gap of 12 hours 16-08-2011 She reported that Sulphur put an end to her itching. Now she has too much tingling in her extremeties and feels lameness. She also has headache. Calc Carb 200, Nux Vom 30 14-09-2011 swelling on gland on neck calc carb 200, fp km 6 26-09-2011 She got relief in glandular swelling, now complains of backache. rhus arn 30 calc carb 200 provided in case she has tingling in her hands. Sr. No. 353 : Patient : 902 warts on face causticum 30, antimonium crud 30, thuja 30 28-03-2011, 11-04-2011, 17-04-2011, 08-05-2011, 23-05-2011, 11-06-2011, 23-07-2011, 26-09-2011 teliya warts on face painful wart on nose small ones on throat no issues with BM prefers moderate surroundings causticum 30 11-04-2011 He got no relief. the wart on nose has turned as a thorny wart now constipated antimonium crud 30 17-04-2011

The big wart on nose seems to have cracked. It also has less pain now. The small warts on throat are reported to be increasing in number. 08-05-2011 he is reported to have some relief. thuja 30 and antimonium crud 30 repeated. 23-05-2011 one pill each of thuja 30 and antimonium crud 30 in the morning and evening. antimonium crud 30, thuja 30 11-06-2011 he has relief in little warts that were all set to grow on his throat. earlier he used to suffer from severe acidity, now there is no such problem after taking remedies. antimonium crud 30, thuja 30 23-07-2011 all small warts disappeared. one big one is holding. acidity, scratches head. calc carb 30 26-09-2011 haridra khanda for itching. Sr. No. 354 : Patient : 702 itchy scalp, uses washroom after meals Calc Carb 200, China 6, arsenic alb 200 19-12-2010, 26-09-2011 teliya herpes 4 yrs ago great itching of scalp passes stools 4-5 times a day uses washroom after meals left abdominal pain on pressing incontinence holding stools prefers warm surroundings sweats more Calc Carb 200, China 6 26-09-2011 he did well for his abdominal complaints but no relief for itching of scalp. he is detected as hiv positive in the first test and asked to check his cd 4 count. he is undergoing severe anxiety. arsenicum album 200 5 doses.

Sr. No. 355 : Patient : 1548 swelling in ankles, short breath calc carb 200, rhus arn 30, carbo veg 30 18-09-2011, 25-09-2011 ssk uterus removed 10 yrs back after uterine fibroid. she bled profusely then. lipoma on body. swelling in ankles and at other parts of body short breath calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 25-09-2011 she got relief in her short breath. there is no relief in hyperhidrosis and acidity carbo veg 30 yograj guggulu mukta vati for high bp Sr. No. 356 : Patient : 1544 acidity, constipation, scanty menses lyc 200, natrum phos 30, nux vomica 200 17-09-2011, 25-09-2011 128jn acidity, constipation, scanty menses lyc 200, natrum phos 30 25-09-2011 She has relief in acidity, no relief in back pain. She also got her menses just like earlier i.e. very scanty She has no relief in her constipation too. She has ineffectual desire to pass stools. nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 357 : Patient : 1542 irritability, recurring mouth sores nux vomica 30, fp km 6, arsenicum album 30, phosphorus 30 17-09-2011, 23-09-2011, 25-09-2011 128jn irritability, recurring mouth sores constipated bowels doesn't eat if food is not as per her liking or someone shouts at her

she has just attained her menarche and had bleeding for 5-6 days. she didn't have any dysmenorrhoea. nux vomica 30, fp km 6 23-09-2011 she has huge red patches in her mouth the patches look like bleeding and there are no bumps the patient informed that slowly these patached turn into big ulcers arsenic 30 followed by phosphorus 30 in the morning and evening 25-09-2011 She got no relief in her mouth sores. She is given calc carb 200 and silicea 200. She is also asked to take carbo veg 30 if the earlier remedies don't work. Sr. No. 358 : Patient : 1581 foot pain, short breath calc carb 200, silicea 200, calc fluor 200 25-09-2011 teliya pain radiates from ankle to foot worse walking since 5-6 months does all household work regular menses, once she didn't get her menses for 5-6 months, her menses started after she did the cataract surgery now menses are irregular, appear after 1.50, 2.50 months 3 days, less bleeding, thin, red, no clots constipated bowels needs straining, changeable color, small stools prefers cold surroundings short breath headache urine incontinence face puffs up, fingers swell h/o profuse menses tooth loose, toothache cataract developing in the second eye. calc carb 200, silicea 200, calc fluor 200 Sr. No. 359 : Patient : 1534 vertigo, low bp, headache above eye-brows Lycopodium 200, chandraprabha vati, Sulphur 200, Calcarea Carb 200

15-09-2011, 17-09-2011, 23-09-2011 128jn vertigo, low bp, headache above eye-brows palpitations when there are domestic upsets constipated bowels Lycopodium 200, chandraprabha vati 17-09-2011 she got some relief in vertigo. she has a severe cold now and there is a fluent nasal discharge. her bowels are still constipated she is asked to take Sulphur 200 followed by Calc Carb 200 if there is no relief. she is also asked to commence chandraprabha vati. 23-09-2011 she says that she did well only on lycopodium 200. no other remedy has helped her. she is also concerned about taking chandraprabha vati as it's taste is awesome. she is again given 5 doses of lycopodium 200 to be taken at 12 hrly gap. she is also asked to take chandraprabha vati. Sr. No. 360 : Patient : 1563 cough kali carb 200, fp km 6, sitopaladi choorna 23-09-2011 128jn she has a baby 13 month old. she is very irritable and talks back. she works as a teacher and speaks for hours. her menses started 10 months ago and she has profuse menses for 3 days. she prefers cold surroundings kali carb 200, fp km 6, sitopaladi choorna Sr. No. 361 : Patient : 1241 swelled cheek and tooth pain lyc 30, calc fluor 30, nux vom 30, nux vomica 200, lyc 200, carbo veg 30, sulphur 30 21-05-2011, 25-05-2011, 31-05-2011, 16-06-2011, 27-06-2011, 06-07-2011, 19-07-2011, 25-07-2011, 04-08-2011, 22-09-2011 teliya swelled cheek and tooth pain right cheek h/o abdominal gases lyc 30, calc fluor 30 2 pills each thrice a day until relief

25-05-2011 she got relief in her swelled cheek and tooth pain. she is feeling nauseaous after being with her extended family. nux vomica 30 31-05-2011 Again vomitting after coming back from a public function. nux vom 200 5 doses if no relief lyc 200 5 doses 16-06-2011 abdominal pain after eating outside. lyc 200, kali mur 30 27-06-2011 now headache after attending a public function. lyc 200, nux 200 if needed 06-07-2011 hicough, filled with fear lyc 200, carbo veg 30 19-07-2011 body pain, thin white nasal discharge, throat irritation fever, no issues with BM pulsatilla 30, fp km 6 25-07-2011 she is feeling chilly and feverish. She got some relief in cold but no complete relief. ars alb 30. 04-08-2011 acidity and belching lyc 200, carbo veg 30 22-09-2011 vaginal itching, nose red and sore internally there is relief in the earlier complaints of belching and acidity sulphur 30 Sr. No. 362 : Patient : 1562 uric acid, thyroid disorders calc carb 200, trayodashang guggulu, yograj guggulu 21-09-2011

teliya uric acid, thyroid disorders 20 kg weight gain in 3-4 months short breath on walking, weakness pain at tail bone sweats in excess cramps in calves prefers cold surroundings good BM upper, lower back pain calc carb 200, trayodashang guggulu, yograj guggulu Sr. No. 363 : Patient : 1535 short breath, chronic cold, skin affections Sulphur 200, Calc Carb 200, fp km 6, rhus arn 30 15-09-2011, 20-09-2011 128jn short breath, chronic cold, skin affections catches cold if few drops of water enter nose sensetive to cold food items and cold climate in general. Sulphur 200, Calc Carb 200, fp km 6 20-09-2011 He got good relief on the remedies for his asthma and cold. He danced for hours at his college programme and complains of left side chest pain. He complained that pain is like a cramp and worse while studying !! rhus arn 30 one dose each in the morning and evening for 3 days. Sr. No. 364 : Patient : 1560 senile dementia, offensive anacardium 200 19-09-2011 teliya 19-09-2011 senile dementia, offensive anacardium 200 Sr. No. 365 : Patient : 1561 stye, constipated bowels calc carb 200, silicea 200 19-09-2011 teliya 19-09-2011

stye in left eye pimples on face constipated bowels, doesn't move 5 days in a week menarche at 14 almost regular menses, 3 days, normal bleeding, no Dys prefers cold surroundings worse from 3-4 pm sweats more hard stools, needs straining calc carb 200, silicea 200 Sr. No. 366 : Patient : 1379 irritability, constipation calc carb 200, fp km 6, lyc 200, Equis 6 22-06-2011, 28-06-2011, 06-08-2011, 19-09-2011 teliya irritability, constipation fearful calc carb 200, fp km 6 28-06-2011 bump on head with some bleeding after a minor road accident. calendula 200, rhus arn 30 06-08-2011 abdominal pain calc carb 200, puls 30 19-09-2011 polyuria and anal burning Lycopodium 200, Equis 6

Sr. No. 367 : Patient : 1553 acidity, constipated bowels nux vomica 30 18-09-2011 ssk fever 10 days back acidity constipated bowels eating irregularities Nux Vomica 30

Sr. No. 368 : Patient : 1554 knee pain, cracking sound in joints calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 18-09-2011 ssk knee pain cracking sound in joints of shoulders, knees and ankles good appetite she suffered profuse bleeding in her menopause calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 369 : Patient : 1474 hives worse legs, palms sulphur 200, urtica urens 6 04-09-2011, 18-09-2011 ssk hives worse legs, palms very itchful less thirst sulphur 200, urtica urens 6 18-09-2011 haridra khanda

Sr. No. 370 : Patient : 1482 post fever weakness, cough nux vomica 200, kali phos 30, cp 1, sito 1 04-09-2011, 18-09-2011 ssk post fever weakness, cough earlier he reported night-fall problem. did well on nux and cp 1. now again having that problem since 2 days. nux vomica 200 6 doses, kali phos 30 15 doses, cp 1, sito 1 18-09-2011 He did well on the remedies. He says that he had an accident and now he has tingling in his extremeties due to that. rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 371 : Patient : 1478 right leg pain worse walking

rhus arn 30, Lycopodium 200, Yograj Guggulu 04-09-2011, 18-09-2011 ssk 04-09-2011 right leg pain worse walking rhus arn 30 18-09-2011 He got some relief and then again he went back to his old position. Lycopodium 200 Yograj Guggulu Sr. No. 372 : Patient : 1559 vertigo Patient walked out 18-09-2011 teliya 18-09-2011 vertigo chronic regular menses 4-5 days patient got irritated on asking her menstruation details and warned that she will go out if such useless questions are asked. she was asked to go out. she went out. her hub complained in low voice what a doctor i am, asking anything, of no use.. Sr. No. 373 : Patient : 1551 painful extremeties, tingling calc carb 200, silicea 200 18-09-2011 ssk painful extremeties shoulder, thigh down regular menses, 2 days profuse menses mouth ulcers calc carb 200, silicea 200 Sr. No. 374 : Patient : 1552 neck pain since 1 yr lycopodium 200, chandraprabha vati 18-09-2011 ssk 18-09-2011 neck pain since 1 yr

wrist pain vertigo knee pain regular menses 3 times in 2 months profuse bleeding for 2 days concerned about her financial liabilities good BM except once a week short breath lycopodium 200, chandraprabha vati Sr. No. 375 : Patient : 1558 pimples on hands, back Lycopodium 200, Silicea 200 17-09-2011 teliya 17-09-2011 pimples on hands, back hyperhidrosis chest pain once a week for 10 minutes, quite severe Lycopodium 200, Silicea 200 5 doses each with a gap of one week. Sr. No. 376 : Patient : 1543 rushes to bathroom after meals calc carb 200, fp km 6 17-09-2011 128jn 17-09-2011 petite constitution wants to gain weight rushes to bathroom after meals calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 377 : Patient : 807 pimples, feverish, haughty lyc 200, silicea 200 13-02-2011, 04-08-2011, 19-08-2011, 17-09-2011 teliya pimples, feverish, haughty sweats a lot lyc 200, silicea 200 04-08-2011 He got relief in acne on his back. He also got relief in sweating.

He is somewhat constipated after journey. lyc 200, silicea 200 19-08-2011 lyc 200, silicea 200 17-09-2011 he got good relief in his pimples. lyc 200, silicea 200 Sr. No. 378 : Patient : 505 Toothache gelsemium 30, staphysagria 200, calc fluor 30, rhus 30, arn 30, rhus tox 200, phos 200 20-12-2010, 10-01-2011, 27-01-2011, 31-01-2011, 10-02-2011, 31-07-2011, 16-08-2011, 06-09-2011, 17-09-2011 128jn He is suffering from cold due to extreme cold weather. gelsemium 30 10-01-2011 He got relief in his cold. Toothache worse chewing staphysagria 200, calc fluor 30 27-01-2011 He sprained his back. rhus 30, arnica 30 toothache is not there. 31-01-2011 He reported 75% relief due to remedies. He is provided with some rhus arn 30. 10-02-2011 He is again given some rhus arnica 30. 31-07-2011 he is unable to put his right leg on ground while squatting on the ground. similarly he is unable to raise his leftt hand. rhus tox 200, tg 1 16-08-2011 he reported 70% relief. same remedies continued.

he said that the tooth that was loose earlier has become fixed now. 06-09-2011 rhus tox 200 tg 1 17-09-2011 phos 200 3 doses rhus 200 daily one dose at night trayodashang guggulu Sr. No. 379 : Patient : 1541 dry skin inflamed red on feet sulphur 30, silicea 200 16-09-2011 128jn dry skin inflamed red on feet severe itching leads to worsening there has appeared a put filled piticule likes to crack jokes very much stressed in his business sulphur 30 in the morning and evening, silicea 200 at night Sr. No. 380 : Patient : 1539 extreme weakness after college pulsatilla 200 16-09-2011 128jn extreme weakness after college in the month of july she had uti and the weakness started after that she has three day normal menstrual flow she has more bleeding when she is stressed she has become irritable now a days but she cools down quickly. pulsatilla 200 she is asked to keep the following remedies ready... silicea 200 calc carb 200 lycopodium 200 cantharis 30

Sr. No. 381 : Patient : 1540 cracked skin on palms, short breath calc carb 200 16-09-2011 128jn cracked skin on palms, short breath h/o regular menses without any significant issues. she has menses every 15 days few times and then every 3 months and then her menses ceased. calc carb 200 Sr. No. 382 : Patient : 1538 abdominal distension Lycopodium 200 15-09-2011 128jn abdominal distension after eating appetite is normal though not much constipated bowels menses regular, 3 day normal low, no dysmenorrhoea Lycopodium 200 Sr. No. 383 : Patient : 1536 throat irritation, short breath Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 15-09-2011 128jn cares too much for her children throat irritation after eating pickles short breath on exertion good Bowel Movements regular menses, now less flow Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 384 : Patient : 1533 mouth ulcers, cold and cough calc carb 200, silicea 200 15-09-2011 128jn bowels not constipated severe mouth ulcers that remain for 7-15 days disappear for same period and again come back.

cough during day time calc carb 200, silicea 200 Sr. No. 385 : Patient : 809 affections of wry neck and accidental fall Rhus Tox 30, Arnica 30, phosphorus 30, calc fluor 30 18-02-2011, 20-02-2011, 01-04-2011, 15-06-2011, 17-06-2011, 19-07-2011, 13-08-2011, 15-09-2011 teliya affections of wry neck and accidental fall Rhus Tox 30, Arnica 30 20-02-2011 there is improvement Rhus Tox 30, Arnica 30 01-04-2011 He got relief in his neck pain, swelling still remains. He has tooth pain and the gums are irritated on eating spicy phos 30, calc fluor 30 15-06-2011 abdominal pain after eating outside belching lyc 200, mp 30, nux vom 200 17-06-2011 he did well on lyc 200 but not on mag phos 30. he again did well on nux vomica 200. nux vomica 200 19-07-2011 fever, cold and cough nux vomica 200, fp km 6 13-08-2011 slight cough not a barking cough nux vomica 200, sito 1 15-09-2011 Neck pain, back pain while sleeping. rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 386 : Patient : 1492

body pain, headache calc carb 200, ruta 200, fp km 6 25-07-2011, 14-09-2011 teliya lower back pain neck pain, headache since 15 days headache starts at right temple feels there is a weight on head works as a paper binder first there is neck pain then headache knee pain worse right leg thigh, knee, calf pain, worse night, fluctuating since 2 days acidity abdominal pain below ribs upto above navel bowels constipated 5 days a week regular menses, 4 days, normal bleeding, vertigo 4-5 days before start of menses pain worse winter, rain better morning, worse evening weakness warts chronic cold, can't eat sour items calc carb 200, ruta 200 14-09-2011 She got relief from calc carb 200 so didn't come for a long time. Now she is having allergy to sour food items. calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 387 : Patient : 770 pain at tail bone rhus arnica 30, ruta 200, bryonia 30, nux 30, lyc 200, staphysagria 200, calc fluor 30 31-01-2011, 06-02-2011, 13-02-2011, 03-03-2011, 13-03-2011, 27-03-2011, 20-04-2011, 10-05-2011, 12-06-2011, 04-08-2011, 14-09-2011 teliya pain at tail bone, wosrse exertion rhus arn 30 06-02-2011 burning gone. pain remains. ruta 200 13-02-2011 He did well on remedies. rhus arnica 30, ruta 200 -

03-03-2011 He is now having pain, says there is no relief. burning sensation gone pain worse movements bryonia 30 twice a day 13-03-2011 worse after coition nux 30 27-03-2011 nux worked. some more nux 30 provided. 20-04-2011 doing well on Nux Vomica 30. takes it on need basis. 10-05-2011 abdominal disorder due to over-eating not responding to nux 30. lyc 200 12-06-2011 lyc 200 worked for his abdominal disorders. nux vomica 30 provided to be taken on need basis for backache. actually he is having enough nux vom 30 but just asked more as he wanted to pay fees. 04-08-2011 pain at tail bone nux vomica 30 chandraprabha vati 14-09-2011 He is having tooth pain worse chewing, nearby area is also painful. staphysagria 200, calc fluor 30 Sr. No. 388 : Patient : 1353 mouth ulcer natrum mur 30, silicea 200, rhus arn 30, calc carb 200, fpkm 6 08-06-2011, 01-07-2011, 12-09-2011 128jn mouth ulcer h/o passing some blood in urine sweats a lot less appetite

natrum mur 30, silicea 200 01-07-2011 blocked nose due to cold, feverish pain in hand worse morning nux vomica 30, rhus arn 30 12-09-2011 cold and cough calc carb 200, fp km 6 sitopaladi churna Sr. No. 389 : Patient : 1385 walks on heels, can't rest her forefoot on ground calc carb 200, gels 30 10-06-2011, 08-09-2011 128jn did hysterectomy after bleeding profusely for many years she had uterine fibroids and the surgeon did the hysterectomy. she had sciatic pain and operated for that and her problem of disability to rest forefoot on ground started. calc carb 200 08-09-2011 it is very strange that she can push a weight with her forefeet but she can't rest herself on her forefeet. gels 30 once daily. Sr. No. 390 : Patient : 575 loose stools, rattling in chest puls 30, pulsatilla 200 10-02-2011, 08-09-2011 128jn loose stools, rattling in chest puls 30 08-09-2011 always has cold discharge from nose prefers cold surroundings pulsatilla 200 Sr. No. 391 : Patient : 1431 severe leg pain after playing 'kanche' for long rhus arn 30

20-07-2011, 07-09-2011 128jn severe leg pain after playing 'kanche' for long rhus arn 30 07-09-2011 severe pain in legs better applying strong pressure fever rainy season is at peak, it is damp everywhere. calc carb 200, rhus tox 200 Sr. No. 392 : Patient : 1476 alcoholism, abusive towards wife nux vomica 200 06-09-2011 128jn alcoholism, abusive towards wife worse in the evening until he sleeps in the morning also has an unpleasant mood. nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 393 : Patient : 1469 abdominal swelling, knee pain, back pain natrum mur 1m 29-08-2011, 06-09-2011 128jn she suffered profuse uterine bleeding 1.5 yrs back. now she has suppressed urine. acidity constipation, taking allopathic laxatives daily. swelling from ribs to navel. she had swelling before removal of her uterus, rather it was more then. right knee is swelled a bit. bleeding was bright red with clots. painless menses h/o rushing bathroom after meals prior to constipation. also suffers from heart, bp and diabetes. short breath sugar 160 backache natrum mur 1m three doses. 06-09-2011 she reported relief in her supressed urine, constipated bowels. she noticed no change in her swelling.

she says that she was doing very well till yeterday and she is having all problems starting today again. apis mell 30 and chandraprabha vati twice a day Sr. No. 394 : Patient : 1475 barking cough with whole body shaking calc carb 200, belladonna 200 05-09-2011 128jn 05-09-2011 the baby was coughing so hard that her whole body trembled when she had bouts of cough. it is damp everywhere due to the rainy season. calc carb 200, belladonna 200 in alternation sitopaladi churna. Sr. No. 395 : Patient : 1470 knee pain, headache, chest pain calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 04-09-2011 ssk 04-09-2011 knee pain, headache at vertex neck pain better hot applications chest pain sometimes short breath on exertion abdominal gases menses ceased at 40. h/o regular menses, 4 days, 3 days profuse hyperhidrosis palpitations widow since 12 years pain worse cold, damp weather calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 396 : Patient : 1441 strange skin eruptions lyc 200 21-08-2011, 04-09-2011 ssk she did well on Lyc 200 and Aloe Vera juice and amla juice. She got relief in her vertigo and weakness. She got no relief in her skin symptoms. she is not regular in her menses. lyc 200

04-09-2011 doing well on aloe vera and amla no respite in skin affection berberis aquafolium 6 Sr. No. 397 : Patient : 1472 morning stiffness, constipated bowels nux vomica 200, rhus tox 200 04-09-2011 ssk morning stiffness, constipated bowels heavy work load at office point finger pain recently nux vomica 200, rhus tox 200 Sr. No. 398 : Patient : 1473 constipated bowels, suppressed urine lycopodium 200, cp 1 04-09-2011 ssk constipated bowels, suppressed urine less thirst foamy urine answers back good appetite lycopodium 200 5 doses, chandraprabha vati Sr. No. 399 : Patient : 1479 body pain, weakness lyc 200, rhus arn 30 04-09-2011 ssk body pain abdominal pain above navel feels weak can't walk lyc 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 400 : Patient : 1445 backache worse damp weather thuja 30, pulsatilla 200 28-08-2011, 04-09-2011 ssk backache worse damp weather black spots on covered skin (abdomen and back) since 5-6 months.

good BM small warts regular menses, 2 days, 4-5 days early. thuja 30 04-09-2011 she is running fever. her back pain has disappeared since 2 days. but she says that it happens often and doesn't want to give any credit to the remedy. she is having sour eructations but she is also observing many fasts. pulsatilla 200 (few doses) , thuja 30 Sr. No. 401 : Patient : 1481 backache, knee pain, extremeties shiver causticum 30, rhus arn 30 04-09-2011 ssk backache, knee pain, extremeties shiver good BM warts appearing facial muscles weak white spot apppearing over abdomen and legs causticum 30, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 402 : Patient : 872 fever pulsatilla 30, pulsatilla 200 13-03-2011, 13-07-2011, 30-08-2011, 04-09-2011 128jn little girl with cheerful disposition abdominal pain fever pulsatilla 30 13-07-2011 fever pulsatilla 200 30-08-2011 the girl is having fever and also thick discharge from nose. pulsatilla 200 05-09-2011 She got relief in her fever. She has some thick nasal discharge. Pulsatilla 200

Sr. No. 403 : Patient : 492 severe bleeding while passing stools, profuse menses calc carb 1m, hamamellis 30 01-01-2011, 02-01-2011, 05-01-2011, 30-08-2011 128jn severe bleeding while passing stools, profuse menses there is a big outgrowth that extrudes while passing stools and results in severe bleeding. 02-01-2011 She had a good motion in the morning. In the afternoon she again had a bad motion with lots of bleeding. She is asked not to take the third dose of calc carb 1m and start hamamellis 30. 05-01-2011 She reported that there was no bleeding on 4th and again heavy bleeding on 5th. She said that the size of mass has reduced by 50%. The bleeding didn't restart after stopping as it used to be earlier. She is given Calc Fluor 30 in addition to hamamellis 30 and she is also advised to take Usheerasava. 30-08-2011 She had bleeding 2-3 days back, it stopped with 2 doses of calc carb 1m. she is having bouts of sneezing and feeling feverish. nux vomica 200. Sr. No. 404 : Patient : 170 Severe Constipation, Fearful, Acidity Lycopodium 200, Nux Vomica 200, Ferrum Phos 6, Kali Mur 6, Chionanthus 6 19-09-2010, 03-10-2010, 31-10-2010, 16-11-2010, 23-11-2010, 03-12-2010, 30-08-2011 128jn Severe Constipation, Fear, Acidity Severe Headache at vertex Lycopodium 200 Aloe Vera Juice and Amla Juice 03-10-2010 She said no change. Then she said she didn't have palpitations and fear. She is given Nux Vomica 200, Ferrum Phos 6, Kali Mur 6. 31-10-2010 She seems to be doing well on 3 tsp Aloe Vera juice. She is not taking homeo remedies after she had an accident some 10 days back. She is asked to take Chionanthus 6 every alternate day. She should continue with Aloe Vera juice. 16-11-2010 She reported problem with her bowel movement and headache. She is given Lyc 200.

23-11-2010 She again reported the problems of constipation and headache. She is given Lycopodium 1M. 03-12-2010 She complained about her headache. She is having bowel movements every 3 days. She says her severe headache is back. She has burning sensation in her abdomen. She has been suffering hicoughs. Sulphur 200 Mag Phos 30 Calc Carb 200 30-08-2011 anal itching, abdominal pain after eating between ribs and navel. lycopodium 200, carbo veg 30 Sr. No. 405 : Patient : 31 Boils on legs with thin discharge Hepar Sulph 200 15-05-2010, 11-09-2010, 01-01-2011, 13-02-2011, 30-08-2011 128jn Hepar Sulph was prescribed looking at the mental frame of the patient and it worked. Later he was asked to take it in the high potency. 11-09-2010 He said that Hepar Sulph 200 worked well than Hepar Sulph 1M. So he was asked to switch back to Hepar Sulph 200. He was asked to take Sulphur for itching. There should be a gap of 4-5 days between Hepar Sulph and Sulphur. The remedy should not be repeated within 15 days. 01-01-2010 In addition to Hep Sulp 200, he is also put on .. calc - lyc - sulph and also asked to take calendula 30 Now he complained about back pain and stiffness worse in the morning.. rhus tox 200 5 doses ruta 200 5 doses 13-02-2011 He is suffering from cough and fever. He is asked to take Hepar Sulph 200. 30-08-2011

wakes up for passing urine from deep sleep cp 1 boils on legs controlled by hepar sulph 200 but he wants complete relief. carbolic acid 30 Sr. No. 406 : Patient : 1458 pimples, short breath calc carb 200 28-08-2011 ssk 28-08-2011 pimples short breath on ascending stairs regular menses, 5 days, profuse good BM calc carb 200 Sr. No. 407 : Patient : 1444 chest pain on right side. rhus arn 30 28-08-2011 ssk chest pain on right side. back pain worse exertion. worse afternoon. some morning stiffness. rhus arn 30. Sr. No. 408 : Patient : 1460 abdominal pain on left side nux vomica 200, chelidonium 6 28-08-2011 ssk 28-08-2011 very irritable abdominal pain on left side prefers cold surroundings nux vomica 200, chelidonium 6 Sr. No. 409 : Patient : 1450 calf pain, hair thinning calc carb 200, fp km 6 28-08-2011 ssk

28-08-2011 calf pain, hair thinning calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 410 : Patient : 1467 pressure at chest while working nux vomica 30 28-08-2011 ssk 28-08-2011 pressure at chest while working nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 411 : Patient : 1457 pimples, weakness calc carb 200, fp km 6 28-08-2011 ssk 28-08-2011 pimples regular menses, 5 days, excess bleeding less appetite prefers cold surroundings feels tired from 4 pm to 7 pm good BM short breath calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 412 : Patient : 1510 acute fever etc, lack of appetite Nux Vomica 200, fp km 6, Sulph 200, Phos Acid 30 10-08-2011, 24-08-2011 teliya 10-08-2011 fever, cough, cold since 4-5 days. passes stools daily doesn't eat food, only milk very irritable Nux Vomica 200, fp km 6 24-08-2011 There is no change in his appetite. He behaves very irrationally and offensively. Mother is no way willing to give credit to homeopathy for correcting his fever.

Sulph 200, Phos Acid 30 Sr. No. 413 : Patient : 1511 pain in legs, cramps, joint pain calc carb 200, ruta 30, nux vomica 200 10-08-2011, 24-08-2011 teliya pain in lower extremeties - thighs, knees, fore part of leg cramps in extremeties joints of hand pain soles and palms pain menses irregular profuse bleeding after delivery h/o 2-3 days, regular, scanty constipated bowels prefers cold surroundings, backache calc carb 200, ruta 30 24-08-2011 She got no relief in her symptoms. nux vomica 200 twice a day.

Sr. No. 414 : Patient : 1532 affections of enlarged nasal bone calc carb 200, silicea 30 23-08-2011 teliya sneezes after climate change, dust, fumes worse cold season eyes become red works as a civil contractor good BM, sweats more, good sleep passes 2 stools in the morning, 1 in the evening needs straining nasal bone is overgrown calc carb 200, silicea 30 Sr. No. 415 : Patient : 658 tooth neuralgia, constipation, acidity Belladonna 1M, Staphysagria 200, Phos 200, Lyc 200, arnica 200, ruta 200, rhus 200, arnica 200, tg 1, rhus arn 30

02-12-2010, 19-12-2010, 27-01-2011, 08-03-2011, 23-05-2011, 10-07-2011, 12-07-2011, 16-08-2011, 22-08-2011 teliya severe tooth neuralgia Bell 1M only 4 doses twice a day Staphysagria 200 2 doses twice a day 19-12-2010 Staph worked and neuralgia done. now complains of acidity Phosphorus 30. 27-01-2011 Again acidity also constipation that is chronic Phos 200 08-03-2011 for chronic constipation lycopodium 200 23-05-2011 fingers lock while lifting a bucket he had a major accident 7-10 yrs back arnica 200, ruta 200 10-07-2011 fell down, hurt knee pain worse rest, can't bend knee rhus 200, arnica 200, tg 1 12-07-2011 got excellent relief rhus arn 30 once a day at night 16-08-2011 he suffers from stiffness after sitting. rhus 200 in set of 3 doses. 22-08-2011 no relief in stiffness. calc carb 200, yograj guggulu Sr. No. 416 : Patient : 1530 No timely BM, forgetful lycopodium 200

21-08-2011 teliya No timely BM stools hard, bowels constipated less thirst for room temperature water forgetfulness, loss of confidence tingling in right shoulder worse rest eyes heavy in the morning lycopodium 200

Sr. No. 417 : Patient : 1531 dysmenorrhoea, constipated bowels lycopodium 200, ruta 200 21-08-2011 teliya 21-08-2011 backache one day before start of menses groin pain this is worse since 4-6 months prefers cold surroundings menses get delayed by 4-8 days constipated bowels irritable menses 5-6 days, 3-4 days profuse, then normal lycopodium 200, ruta 200

Sr. No. 418 : Patient : 1437 post fever weakness nux vomica 30 21-08-2011 ssk post fever weakness pain in back, extremeties. also has short breath. everything started after recovery from fever. seems that she is having ill effects of allopathic medication. nux vomica 30 in the morning and evening. Sr. No. 419 : Patient : 1456 nasal catarrh arsenicum album 30

21-08-2011 ssk 21-08-2011 eyes become red and watery nose blocked and thin discharge also. throat irritation regular menses 4-5 days, normal bleeding arsenicum album 30 Sr. No. 420 : Patient : 1452 mucus like discharge from ear Pulsatilla 200, Silicea 200 21-08-2011 ssk 21-08-2011 mucus like discharge from ear regular menses, 3 days Low BP daily good BM prefers cold surroundings can't observe fast Pulsatilla 200, Silicea 200 Sr. No. 421 : Patient : 1443 paralysed lady with pain and stiffness rhus arn 30 21-08-2011 ssk paralysed old lady - 80+ age. she fell down and is suffering pain rhus arn 30. Sr. No. 422 : Patient : 1439 pain in leg after an accident rhus arn 30 21-08-2011 ssk 21-08-2011 pain in leg after an accident rhus arn 30 one pill twice a day. Sr. No. 423 : Patient : 1529 old wrist injury

lyc 200, rhus 30 21-08-2011 teliya hand hit and scratched against stone in a minor accident tingling, local paralytic affection sometimes, thumb is affected problem worse in cold acidity, abdominal distension, heaviness occipital headache, cramps h/o regular menses, 3-4 days, normal bleeding recently there is excess bleeding thirst for sips of pot water Lycopodium 200, rhus arn 30 chandraprabha vati, yograj guggulu Sr. No. 424 : Patient : 1526 watery nasal discharge calc carb 200, nux vom 30, cp 1 20-08-2011 teliya watery nasal discharge watery eyes heaviness in head eyes itch uterine fibroid induced bleeding, uterus removed prefers cold surroundings good BM sleepless sweats more passes urine at short intervals calc carb 200, nux vom 30, cp 1 Sr. No. 425 : Patient : 1527 recurring boils Silicea 200 20-08-2011 teliya recurring boils cute little girl asked to take remedy for 2 days on each recurrence. silicea 200. Sr. No. 426 : Patient : 1506 pain in extremeties, burning throat

lycopodium 200, rhus arn 30 05-08-2011, 20-08-2011 teliya 05-08-2011 pain in extremeties burning in throat belching, feverish knee pain lyc 200, rhus arn 30 20-08-2011 He has panic attacks after few days with no ascertainable cause. He got no relief in chronic symptoms, his feverishness is gone. Carbo Veg 30, Aconite 200

Sr. No. 427 : Patient : 1501 hyper hidrosis, burning sensation in abdomen natrum mur 30, fp km 6, Sulphur 30 31-07-2011, 20-08-2011 teliya 31-07-2011 h/o paralysis sweats while eating not otherwise natrum mur 30, fp km 6 20-08-2011 He got no relief in sweating. He has burning sensation in his abdomen. It appears to him that it is on skin and not internal. Sulphur 30 Sr. No. 428 : Patient : 1493 pimples on face, abdominal pain lycopodium 200, chelidonium 6, pulsatilla 200, silicea 200 25-07-2011, 20-08-2011 teliya pimples on face, itch 2-3 times a day. abdominal pain in liver area, worse left side likes oily food items yields to pressure tactis chest pain, cramps irregular menses every 1.50 months lycopodium 200, chelidonium 6 -

20-08-2011 menses supppressed for more than 15 days. All her earlier complaints resolved. She is also having blisters on her scalp Pulsatilla 200, Silicea 200 Sr. No. 429 : Patient : 1525 fever nux vomica 200 20-08-2011 teliya 20-08-2011 the child is suffering from fever he is an irritable boy. nux vomica 200. Sr. No. 430 : Patient : 870 Menorrhagia, Dysmenorrhoea, Body pain, headache calc carb 200, rhus 30, silicea 200, belladonna 200 12-03-2011, 17-04-2011, 25-07-2011, 20-08-2011 teliya profuse menstrual bleeding menses 8 days early 3-4 days spotting then profuse bleeding for 4-5 days. blackish red, sometimes many, other times few clots groin pain, extremeties pain earlier and during menses headache allover head, somtimes throbbing stiffness in morning worse cold and wet surroundings weakness, short breath no issues with BM cramps in chest and body worse morning, better evening leucorrhoea, lumpy, acrid, always calc carb 200 main remedy, rhus 30 body pains, silicea 200 boils, belladonna 200 headache 17-04-2011 She got relief in all her complaints. She says that there is a relapse of late as she didn't appear at the scheduled time for reporting. -

25-07-2011 short breath, constipation, itching Calc Carb 200, rhus 200 cp 1, yg 1 20-08-2011 pain in heels Lyc 200, rhus 30 Sr. No. 431 : Patient : 911 rushes bathroom after meals calc carb 200, fpkm 6 02-04-2011, 02-05-2011, 05-06-2011, 28-07-2011, 20-08-2011 teliya rushes bathroom after meals less appetite passes stools 2-3 times a day cold and cough pain in extremeties irritable disposition calc carb 200, fpkm 6 02-05-2011 there is improvement in his appetite and other symptoms. still he rushes after meals. calc carb 200, fp km 6 05-06-2011 there is overall improvement still he goes to bathroom after meals sometimes calc carb 200, fpkm 6 28-07-2011 calc carb 200, fpkm 6 20-08-2011 China 6, Calc Carb 200 Sr. No. 432 : Patient : 912 weakness, irritability calc carb 200, fp km 6 02-04-2011, 02-05-2011, 28-07-2011, 20-08-2011 teliya weakness, irritability calc carb 200, fp km 6

02-05-2011 she showed some improvement on her meds but now she is down with fever, weakness, sweating. calc carb 200, fp km 6 28-07-2011 calc carb 200, fp km 6 20-08-2011 boils on skin silicea 30 Sr. No. 433 : Patient : 913 profuse menses, leucorrhoea Calc Carb 200, fp km 6 02-04-2011, 02-05-2011, 05-06-2011, 28-07-2011, 20-08-2011 teliya urticaria slight temperature fullness on eating a little bad breath low BP, weakness menses regular, late by 2-3 days 7 days flow, profuse for 3 days thin blood, red, clots present on 3rd day leucorrhoea always, not during menses thick, not acrid Calc Carb 200, fp km 6 02-05-2011 she had relief in her urticaria and lecorrhoea, also some relief in bad breath. calc carb 200, fp km 6 05-06-2011 now she says that her profuse menstrual flow has reduced but she still suffers from leucorrhoea Calc Carb 200, fp km 6 28-07-2011 Calc Carb 200, fp km 6 20-08-2011 She has a relapse. Calc Carb 1M, fp km 6

Sr. No. 434 : Patient : 871 calves pain, lack of appetite lyc 200, fpkm 6, Bryonia 30 12-03-2011, 17-04-2011, 25-07-2011, 20-08-2011 teliya age 45 calves pain lack of appetite mouth sometimes bitter some constipation prefers cold surroundings no sweating worse 12-4 pm short breath, weakness lyc 200, fpkm 6 17-04-2011 He got relief in his complaints. Now he has cough and short breath. He is also irritable. fpkm 6, Bryonia 30 25-07-2011 He has short breath on walking. He also has pain in extremeties. Calc Carb 200, rhus arn 30 20-08-2011 no substantial relief lyc 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 435 : Patient : 869 cough, headache, abdominal pain calc carb 200, fpkm 6 12-03-2011, 17-04-2011, 25-07-2011, 20-08-2011 teliya age 10 yrs cough with expectoration always coughing worse morning headache over eyes abdominal pain worse eating also after applying pressure at navel dry skin on neck itches all over day short breath on exertion thirsty, drinks water frequently

calc carb 200, fpkm 6 17-04-2011 She got relief in nearly all her complaints except short breath. She had swelling on two nodes of her neck. One appears less swelled now. calc carb 200, fpkm 6 25-07-2011 She is doing well but she still has swelling in her nodes. Calc Carb 200 20-08-2011 excess appetite, prefers sweets, boils on head lyc 200, sil 200 Sr. No. 436 : Patient : 637 stye, dysmenorrhoea, cold Puls 200, Mag Phos 6x, KM 30, KP 6 31-10-2010, 08-11-2010, 23-11-2010, 20-04-2011, 03-06-2011, 20-08-2011 teliya prefers cold surroundings less thirsty mild disposition regular menses, 4 days, normal flow, dark red abdominal cramps during menses feels sleepy pimples stye in right eye Puls 200, Mag Phos 6x 08-11-2010 She is suffering from intense cold. Earlier there was nasal discharge, now her nose is blocked. tulsi vati, laxmi vilas ras Pulsatilla 200 23-11-2010 She has throat pain when she spits. kali mur 30 20-04-2011 She got pimples due to summer. Puls 200, KP 6 03-06-2011 she is having lot of hard pimples on her face.

worse hot weather some burning too on the affected skin sulphur 200 4 doses kaishor guggulu, mahamanjishtadi kadha 20-08-2011 She is getting her menses late. She is also suffering dys now a days after a long gap. Pulsatilla 200. Sr. No. 437 : Patient : 1524 little ulcers in mouth Baryta Carb 30 19-08-2011 teliya little ulcers in mouth uvula elongated dry mouth, wants to spit, cough studied upto 12th class Baryta Carb 30 Sr. No. 438 : Patient : 1523 forgetfullness, constipation lyc 200, carduus mar 6 19-08-2011 teliya pimples leave scars, not much pimples passes stools often small stools, soft stools can't remember what is read prefers cold surroundings doesn't sweat in excess feels drowsy lyc 200, carduus mar 6 Sr. No. 439 : Patient : 841 throat irritation, feverish nux vomica 30, fp km 6, calc carb 200, phos 30, cf 30, silicea 200 05-03-2011, 11-06-2011, 12-07-2011, 19-08-2011 teliya throat irritation, feverish loss of appetite prefers cold surroundings white nasal discharge

cough nux vomica 30, fp km 6 11-06-2011 cold and cough due to sleeping in open in a cloudy weather calc carb 200 12-07-2011 gum swelling, tooth decayed phos 30, cf 30 19-08-2011 pus filled boil on nose silicea 200 Sr. No. 440 : Patient : 1522 urticaria / hives lycopodium 200, sulphur 200 18-08-2011 teliya urticaria / hives hard skin after eruptions now started on face earlier on back, thighs and abdomen earlier stayed for 2 hrs after attack, now always worked as exe engr with NMC never constipated doesn't prefer cold surroundings but likes open air lycopodium 200, sulphur 200 Sr. No. 441 : Patient : 1419 stiffness and pain in right hand with swelling rhus arn 30 17-07-2011, 18-08-2011 128jn stiffness and pain in right hand with swelling worse exertion she responded well earlier to rhus arn 30 and got 50% relief. rhus arn 30 18-08-2011 Again she got 50% relief. She is again given rhus arn 30. yograj guggulu, chandraprabha vati

Sr. No. 442 : Patient : 1420 keloid formation, hard eruptions all over body calc carb 200, silicea 30, silicea 200 17-07-2011, 18-08-2011 128jn keloid formation, hard eruptions all over body keloids itch, hard eruptions don't hard eruptions more on covered parts of body chilly patient, likes rain calc carb 200, silicea 30 should wait for 4 days after 5 doses of calc carb 200 12 hrs apart should take silicea 30 twice a day thereater if gets no relief. 18-08-2011 She did well on siliea 30 for her itching of keloids. She got 50% relief. She is asked to repeat silicea 200 on every significant relapse. Sr. No. 443 : Patient : 925 tigling in head, extremeties nux vomica 30, fpkm 6, calc carb 200, rhus 30 17-04-2011, 04-07-2011, 18-08-2011 teliya tigling in head, extremeties mouth not bitter weakness sun affections appetite normal nux vomica 30, fpkm 6 04-07-2011 she got no relief from earlier meds. the undue stress on sun affections led to making a wrong prescription. calc carb 200, rhus 30 18-08-2011 She felt better on these remedies. Lyc 200, rhus 30 Sr. No. 444 : Patient : 823 weight gain, spondylytis, numbness, low BP Lycopodium 200, Rhus 30, arn 200, rhus 200, conium 200

02-02-2011, 01-03-2011, 23-05-2011, 07-06-2011, 08-06-2011, 16-06-2011, 20-06-2011, 18-08-2011 teliya weight gain after taking some allopathic meds T-6 vertibral gap worse stooping, movements tingling in right extremeties, head, headache menses 5 days early Dys before menses low BP, vertigo hub undergoing myloma treatment Lycopodium 200, Rhus 30 01-03-2011 less menstrual flow, for only one day body pain worse rest no relief in tingling pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30 23-05-2011 she has stiffness and pain in her leg, may be a sprain. it is very acute pain, she is limping arn 200, rhus tox 200 07-06-2011 she is having headache, neck pain and pain in her lower extremeties she suffered a mental blow as her son failed in his BE Exam. Lyc 200, MP 200 08-06-2011 She is asked to take Calc carb 200 in case Lyc 200 and MP 200 don't give her relief. She is to continue MP 200 after finishing 3 doses of Calc Carb 200. 16-06-2011 she reported relief in chest pain from calc carb 200. now she is having headache. bell 200, mp 200 one remedy to be taken at a time and it's response to be assessed. 20-06-2011 headache, belching, low BP calc carb 200 ars 30 shilajeet rasayan vati, chandraprabha vati 18-08-2011

leg pain due to cold flooring rhus 200, conium 200 Sr. No. 445 : Patient : 670 many stools a day Sulphur 200, Nux Vomica 200, Arnica 200, China 6 23-11-2010, 26-12-2010, 18-02-2011, 05-03-2011, 24-03-2011, 16-07-2011, 17-08-2011 teliya mouth ulcers passes stools thrice - morning, 2 pm, 7 pm sits 15-30 minutes each time irritable sweats less prefers warm surroundings abdominal pain while making movements thirst for large qty of water Sulphur 200, fp km 6 26-12-2010 He is feeling chilly, has not passed stools today. no mouth ulcers, takes long time to evacuate nux vomica 200 08-02-2011 He passes loose stools too much and too long, feels chilly in abdomen. China 6. Occipital headache after being hit by friends Arnica 200 05-03-2011 rushes bathroom after meals 200 ml bleeding during stools since 2-3 days mother explained severity of the symptom calc carb 200 24-03-2011 abdominal pain while coughing nerve pain calc carb 200, fpkm 6 16-07-2011 acute cold, facial pain due to pimple calc carb 200, silicea 200 17-08-2011

episode of vomitting calc carb 200 Sr. No. 446 : Patient : 1374 eats a lot of curry, angry boy nux vomica 200 18-06-2011, 06-07-2011, 14-07-2011, 27-07-2011, 11-08-2011, 16-08-2011 teliya eats a lot of curry, angry boy also likes non-veg very irritable and rude task master gets up at 6 am thirsty a lot nux vomica 200 06-07-2011 he has started taking less curry, has abdominal pain at navel. sulphur 30, 6 doses 14-07-2011 abdominal pain around navel calc carb 200 not concentrating on his studies kali phos 30 27-07-2011 He is having extreme leg pain and taking rest. rhus tox 30 11-08-2011 acute episode of food poisoning from eating outside now over. lycopodium 200 16-08-2011 stomach pain sulphur 200, acid phos 30

Sr. No. 447 : Patient : 604 gushing diarrhoea podophyllum 30, natrum sulph 30, Sulphur 200 15-10-2010, 25-12-2010, 16-08-2011

teliya since 2-3 months suffering from loose stools. loose stools like mesh, after first stool passes only water. abdominal pain on right side bitter mouth burning below ribs podophyllum 30, natrum sulph 30 25-12-2010 pain in right abdomen rushes bathroom and passes diarrhoea Sulphur 200, podophyllum 30 16-08-2011 burning in soles of feet at night and while walking Sulphur 200 Sr. No. 448 : Patient : 1521 joint pain while taking rest Pulsatilla 200, Rhus Tox 200, cp 1 15-08-2011 teliya fever since 3-4 days. she appeard wrapped in a shawl when we were perspiring without fan pain in hands, legs tingling worse left hand normal sweat regular menses 1-2 day bleeding. 3 kids prefers cold surroundings joint pain after work while taking rest worried for future good BM suffocated Pulsatilla 200, Rhus Tox 200 chandraprabha vati Sr. No. 449 : Patient : 1520 acidity, stomach gets distended Nux Vomica 200, Sulphur 200 14-08-2011 teliya bhindi, tea leads to acidity red eyes

stomach gets distended Nux Vomica 200, Sulphur 200 Sr. No. 450 : Patient : 1518 cyclical fever, shivers, gutkha addict arsenicum album 30 14-08-2011 teliya 14-08-2011 cyclical fever, shivers, gutkha addict arsenicum album 30 Sr. No. 451 : Patient : 1519 constipated bowels, calves pain at night calc carb 200, kali phos 30 14-08-2011 teliya constipated bowels, calves pain at night calc carb 200, kali phos 30 Sr. No. 452 : Patient : 783 weakness, short breath calc carb 200, fp km 6, rhus arn 30 04-02-2011, 20-06-2011, 18-07-2011, 14-08-2011 teliya weakness, short breath tendency towards obesity very much worried profuse menses, earlier had more profuse low haemoglobin calc carb 200, fp km 6 20-06-2011 she did well on the remedies now complains of hypo-thyroidism, backache. calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 18-07-2011 she got her menses 11 days early. calc carb 1M, Mill 6, CP 1 14-08-2011 she got her menses early.

controlled by millefolium 6. calc carb 1M SD Sr. No. 453 : Patient : 1513 migraine headache Pulsatilla 200, Nux Vomica 200 13-08-2011 teliya migraine headache insomnia worse morning house wife, good cook scanty menses, just one day mild disposition Puls 200, Nux Vomica 200 Sr. No. 454 : Patient : 1514 hyperhydrosis calc carb 200 13-08-2011 teliya warts on rise hyperhydrosis abdominal gases, bad smell prefers cold surroundings mild disposition calc carb 200. Sr. No. 455 : Patient : 1515 abdominal pain, rushes to bathroom after meals Sulphur 200, Calc Carb 30 13-08-2011 teliya abdominal gases after meals cramps, rushes to stools sticky stools, not formed since 1 year doesn't sweat much, only after exertion. Sulphur 200, Calc Carb 30

Sr. No. 456 : Patient : 1516 throat affection, worms

Cina 200 13-08-2011 teliya throat affection, worms pain after swallowing irritable sweats a lot Cina 200 Sr. No. 457 : Patient : 1517 premature greying of hair lycopodium 200 13-08-2011 teliya premature greying of hair good BM, hard stools loose motion, vomitting during menses severe dysmenorrhoea prefers warm surroundings no sweating lycopodium 200, fpkm 6 Sr. No. 458 : Patient : 815 urine affections after surgerical operation causticum 30, sulphur 200, nux vomica 30, cantharis 30, nux vomica 200, hamamellis 30 21-02-2011, 27-03-2011, 10-04-2011, 01-05-2011, 26-05-2011, 04-08-2011, 13-08-2011 teliya urine affections after surgerical operation causticum 30 27-03-2011 urticaria with black spots dry skin urine dribbling after surgery for stricture no issues with BM does whatever he wants prefers cold surroundings remains awake if sleep breaks sulphur 200 5 doses 10-04-2011 He didn't have any itching yesterday. Since today afternoon there is too much itching Sulphur 200, Nux Vomica 30

haridra khanda itching started after taking allopathic medication 01-05-2011 He becomes virtually free from itching at times. He is now given cantharis 30 as also has some urinary problem. Nux Vomica 30 is also provided. 26-05-2011 he did well on nux vomica 30. cantharis didn't work nux vomica 30 daily twice a day stop on relief 04-08-2011 anal bleeding without any pain. nux vomica 200, hamamellis 30 13-08-2011 bleeding stopped on Nux Vomica 200. Still he has been taking hamamellis 30. He is asked to take Hamamellis 30 only there be need. He also benefitted in his skin rash due to Nux 200. Nux Vomica 200 6 doses, Hamamellis 30 Sr. No. 459 : Patient : 1468 joint pain calc carb 200, puls 200, rhus 30 11-08-2011 128jn 11-08-2011 joint pain in hands and feet pain in big joints only stiffness in morning, upper and lower back pain. there is no pain in joints in the morning tingling in extremeties headache on stress no issues with BM regular menses, 8 days delay, 3 days, 2 days normal flow 1st day abdominal cramps, stiff legs worse rain, cold calc carb 200, puls 200, rhus 30 Sr. No. 460 : Patient : 1512 stiff after sitting hands, legs pain, stiffness

10-08-2011 teliya hands, legs pain, stiffness sometimes in the morning worse sitting good BM rhus 200 yograj guggulu Sr. No. 461 : Patient : 865 rattling in chest, runny nose, watery nasal discharge Lyc 200, fp km 6, Puls 200, Thuja 30 14-03-2011, 27-03-2011, 01-07-2011, 10-08-2011 teliya rattling in chest, runny nose, watery nasal discharge worse afternoon sneezing worse morning needs to strain while evacuating less thirsty mild mannered, haughty with mother Lyc 200, fp km 6 27-03-2011 He is still having nasal discharge. His mother says that the stuff that has been suppressed is coming out. Puls 200, fpkm 6 01-07-2011 moles spreading all over body. thuja 30 10-08-2011 urticaria with red eruptions. lyc 30, sulph 30. Sr. No. 462 : Patient : 792 productive cough, short breath calc carb 200, fp km 6, Pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30 10-02-2011, 17-04-2011, 26-05-2011, 08-06-2011, 10-08-2011 teliya cough, short breath heavy expectoration menses regular, 2 days, normal bleeding irritable

mild temperature preferred calc carb 200, fp km 6 17-04-2011 She says that she got relief from the meds but her problem is back. She also has severe back pain before menses now her problems are worse in summer calc carb 200, fp km 6 Puls 200 on need basis. 26-05-2011 She got excellent relief in her short breath. there is no change in her back pain it is not clear whether Puls 200 helped her calc carb 200, fp km 6 yogiraj guggulu, chandraprabha vati 08-06-2011 She said that she still can't stand any sour items. She is asked not to take these items She has lot of back pain and leg pain. Pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30 10-08-2011 calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 463 : Patient : 1509 fissure imflamed after 10 years thuja 30, calc fluor 30 09-08-2011 teliya fissure imflamed after 10 years hard stools needs straining problem started with itching acidity, abdominal gases worse 5 to 7.30 pm thuja 30, calc fluor 30

Sr. No. 464 : Patient : 1396 cold, skin itching, hair-fall calc carb 200, fp km 6 01-07-2011, 14-07-2011, 22-07-2011, 09-08-2011 teliya

cold sneezing after seasoning food skin itch regular menses, 4 days, normal flow Dys before and during first 2 days working lady with mild disposition fore-feet pain due to rainy season forgetful hair-fall calc carb 200, fp km 6 14-07-2011 There is a relief. Now relapse after heavy rains. She is given the same plan. calc carb 200, fp km 6 22-07-2011 she reported relapse due to heavy rains. she is asked to take calc carb 200 3 doses on each relapse and follow it with fp km 6. 09-08-2011 she is doing well on fp km 6 as compared to calc carb 200. Sr. No. 465 : Patient : 1397 cold with nasal discharge pulsatilla 30 01-07-2011, 06-07-2011, 12-07-2011, 01-08-2011, 09-08-2011 teliya cold with nasal discharge girl angry at home and mild otherwise pulsatilla 30 06-07-2011 She had a boil on hand. The boil healed but the skin is balloned and rough. White spots in finger nails. Black skin affections on fingers. silicea 30 12-07-2011 She has pain due to walking stairs. There is no change in her skin. Calc Carb 200, Calc Fluor 30 01-08-2011 She is suffering from cold. Puls 30, Calc Carb 30. 09-08-2011

She shouts on her mother for petty issues. Lycopodium 30, fp km 6 Sr. No. 466 : Patient : 1508 blood in stools calc carb 200, hamamellis 30 08-08-2011 teliya blood in stools more bleeding in summer this started after eating fish a year back short breath, worse ascending hard stools, applies pressure pain after passing stools for 2 minutes doesn't sweat much Calc Carb 200, Ham 30 Sr. No. 467 : Patient : 1434 painful red buttock cyst silicea 200, myristica 30 08-08-2011 128jn painful red buttock cyst silicea 200, myristica 30 Sr. No. 468 : Patient : 894 Paralysis attack causticum 30, rhus tox 200, argentrum nit 200, nux vomica 30 24-03-2011, 31-03-2011, 25-04-2011, 21-06-2011, 08-08-2011 teliya paralysis attack 12 years back history of loose motions 10-12 times a day since 20 years of age paralysis of tongue, 5 yrs and 10 yrs back passes stools thrice a day eats 1 chapati and little rice chilly constitution worse morning, better after 12 O Clock can sleep for only 2-3 hrs after taking trica. toes become stiff at night, very painful swelling of feet, since one year causticum 30, rhus tox 200 He got relief in his swelling on legs. The swelling on his toes still remains

All allopathic meds to be continued in addition to homeo meds Trika Erino Amlopin Panper 25-04-2011 He is doing well. There is good relief in pain and he is walking more comfortably causticum 30, rhus tox 200 mag phos 30 for hicoughs. 21-06-2011 doing well without any meds now. the meds did their job and he is meds free now. he passes stools many times a day he doesn't lift his leg while walking and doesn't walk like a normal person argentrum nit 200, nux vomica 30 08-08-2011 He did well on the meds. He was virtually pain free. He is back from a long journey. causticum 30, rhus tox 200 Sr. No. 469 : Patient : 906 constipation, piles, toothache lycopodium 30, calc fluor 30, carbo veg 30, lyc 200 31-03-2011, 25-04-2011, 21-06-2011, 08-08-2011 teliya constipated bowels piles, protrusion of mass tooth pain lycopodium 30, calc fluor 30 25-04-2011 she did well on the remedies. she is also given mag phos 30 for her belching. lycopodium 30, calc fluor 30 21-06-2011 relief in piles no relief in belching takes allopathic meds for toothache. lyc 200, carbo veg 30 08-08-2011 she has belching, no other issue.

nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 470 : Patient : 695 non bleeding piles, vertigo, anal itching Nux Vomica 200, Calc Fluor 30, Sulphur 200, Sulphur 30, Nux 30 10-12-2010, 19-01-2011, 10-02-2011, 17-02-2011, 23-02-2011, 09-03-2011, 06-08-2011 teliya non-bleeding piles strains while evacuating 30 min to 60 min before passing stools has pain itching before stools, also at night backache starts at 9 am stiffness, pain after sitting in pooja abdominal cramps, before/after meals prefers cold surroundings belching in the morning nux vomica 200, calc fluor 30 19-01-2011 anal itching itching at a patch on forehead where tilak is applied relief in piles Sulphur 200, urtica urens 6 10-02-2011 vertigo numbness and heaviness of extremeties uneasiness Nux Vomica 200 17-02-2011 vertigo Sulphur 30 23-02-2011 cramps in legs at night constiopated bowels abdominal cramps relief in vertigo Nux Vomica 30 09-03-2011 he is having itching at his lower back, vertigo, anal itching his legs/knees are painful when he raises from a chair sulphur 200, ruta 30

06-08-2011 leg pain and swelling after minor accident symphytum 200, rhus arn 30 constipation nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 471 : Patient : 654 pimples due to face lotion nux vomica 200 14-11-2010, 06-08-2011 teliya eruption of pimples on face after applying face lotion at saloon. constipated, sits for long time, strains, hard stools irritable nux vomica 200 06-08-2011 wet cough and cold after getting wet many times. calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 472 : Patient : 1507 agg in rheumatism post chikun guniya 5-6 yrs back rhus tox 200 05-08-2011 teliya agg in rheumatism post chikun guniya 5-6 yrs back she also met a minor accident she has a hole in her heart. rhus tox 200 Sr. No. 473 : Patient : 1503 hives and urticaria lycopodium 30, rhus arn 30 02-08-2011, 04-08-2011 teliya hives with too much itching eructations after heavy meals pain below ribs shoulder and joint pain works as a cook at 5 places h/o heavy bleeding, 5 days loss of appetite

lycopodium 30, rhus arn 30 04-08-2011 haridra khanda Sr. No. 474 : Patient : 789 dandruff, hairloss Calc Carb 200, Graphites 200, Lycopodium 200 06-02-2011, 13-02-2011, 03-03-2011, 04-08-2011 teliya dandruff, hairloss skin is not oily normal bm periods regular 5 days, normal flow, no clots, red irritable sweats more, some short breath needs fan always Calc Carb 200 13-02-2011 She is asked to take Graphites 200 if there is no relief from Calc Carb 200. 03-03-2011 parents say that the girl didn't have her menses since 2-3 months. she always watches tv. she is very haughty and reactive lycopodium 200 04-08-2011 She got relief in dandruff and it started again. She gets angry if provoked and not otherwise. lyc 200 5 doses if no effect pulsatilla 200. Sr. No. 475 : Patient : 760 boil below thumb nail silicea 200, lycopodium 200, myristica 30 31-01-2011, 12-02-2011, 03-03-2011, 27-03-2011, 20-04-2011, 10-05-2011, 12-06-2011, 04-08-2011 teliya boil below thumb nail pus formation red swelling since 4 yrs

silicea 200 12-02-2011 knee pain, leg pain she reported improvement in swelling silicea 200 03-03-2011 there is burning at the edges of thumb if chilly powder comes in it's contact. she has pain in her legs and soles of feet while standing lycopodium 200 5 doses 27-03-2011 She got relief in her leg and sole pain for 15 days and then again she is having the problem. She is also having some problem with her thumb. 20-04-2011 She is again having problems with her thumb. Myristica 30 Lyc 200 3 doses on need basis for sole pain. 10-05-2011 she got relief on myristica 30. it is continued. she is having abdominal disorders due to over-eating lycopodium 200 3 doses, myristica 30 12-06-2011 she is having relief in her foot pain she is having less appetite now a days now she has headahce when she lies down she didn't have this problem while taking remedies though it is a chronic problem her thumb affection was also under control with myristica 30. lycopodium 200, myristica 30 04-08-2011 headache, neckpain, thumb affection lycopodium 200, myristica 30 trayodashang guggulu Sr. No. 476 : Patient : 1504 weakness, headache, fever Calc Carb 200, rhus arn 30

02-08-2011 teliya weakness, headache, fever constipated bowels left sided backache Calc Carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 477 : Patient : 787 leucorrhoea worse before menses calc carb 200, fp km 6, lyc 200, sulph 30, sulphur 200, ruta 30 05-02-2011, 16-02-2011, 11-03-2011, 14-05-2011, 27-05-2011, 02-08-2011 teliya irregular menses most times late sometimes early 3-4 days normal bleeding with clots red (pink) lumpy more white discharge 1-2 days before periods it is always there, during preiods also short breath on going upstairs prefers cold surroundings passes 2-3 stools a day sweats more calc carb 200, fp km 6 16-02-2011 she reported relief in leucorrhoea, but she wants to check it before start of menses fp km 6 11-03-2011 she is doing well for her lecorrhoea she has heart palpitations as foolish thoughts haunt her lyc 200, fp km 6 14-05-2011 she has red eruptions on her body. she is a tobacco addict and has burning in her stomach sulphur 30 7 doses, fp km 6 27-05-2011 red eruptions on body, itchful constipated bowels, leg pain sulphur 200, ruta 30 -

02-08-2011 She has a relief in her leucorrhoea but she still suffers from that before start of menses. She has menses every 1.50 months. She is having pain in her right leg. calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 478 : Patient : 914 recurring mouth boils, dysmenorrhoea silicea 200, Pulsatilla 200 02-04-2011, 26-04-2011, 02-08-2011 teliya recurring mouth boils, dysmenorrhoea on the first day of menses mild disposition silicea 200 26-04-2011 backache yesterday morning heavy head with pain in the after-noon weakness Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 02-08-2011 She did well for her headache and backache on Puls 200. Now she is suffering from Dysm on first day of her menses, pimples there is some relief in mouth ulcers Pulsatilla 200 5 doses.

Sr. No. 479 : Patient : 910 knee pain, swelling calc carb 200, rhus 200, Kali Carb 200, nux vomica 30 02-04-2011, 06-04-2011, 13-06-2011, 22-06-2011, 02-08-2011 teliya knee pain more on left side, both legs affected swelling at the top of the knee pain, swelling worse morning stiffness, worse rest, first movement difficult black spots on face anything that pricks on skin leaves a mark constipated bowels leg complaint worse morning, cold as a person prefers cold surroundings

cramps in legs insomnia menses appear 5-6 days early 3 days flow, profuse for 2 days more thirst for water calc carb 200, rhus 200 06-04-2011 no change on calc carb 200. Kali Carb 200 provided as there is white swelling on knee. 13-06-2011 she is having too much pain. she took allopathic meds and then came back as there was only short term relief she has constipated bowels nux vomica 30 chandraprabha vati, yograj guggulu, triphala guggulu 22-06-2011 she got relief on meds. she told the complete story. she has constipated bowels as she eats potato often. she is asked to exclude potatoes from her diet. she also suffers from insomnia. nux vomica 200 and symphytum 200 in alternation. 02-08-2011 she has no knee swelling now. she still has insomnia and constipation nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 480 : Patient : 622 cough, vomitting, short breath calc carb 200, fp km 6, rhus arn 30 23-10-2010, 14-03-2011, 02-08-2011 teliya coughs too much, more in the early morning vommits after coughing hard stools prefers warm surroundings short breath after exertion calc carb 200, fp km 6 14-03-2011 she is feeling feverish, nauseaous, weak. calc carb 200, fp km 6 -

02-08-2011 She suffers from pain in extremeties at night calc carb 200, rhus 30 with breaks Sr. No. 481 : Patient : 1502 body pain lycopodium 200, rhus arn 30 01-08-2011 teliya thin constitution lost hub in accident home maker prefers solitude likes tv serials too much less appetite lycopodium 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 482 : Patient : 1485 hard eruptions on elbows and knees, acne silicea 200, nux vomica 30, sulphur 30, silicea 30 18-07-2011, 01-08-2011 teliya hard eruptions on elbows and knees earlier there was itching it is not there now facial pimples constipated bowels 2-3 days per week soft stools, strains less appetite, brings tiffin back palpitations on being stressed prefers cold surroundings, dislikes rain regular periods, 3 days early, 4 days, 2 days profuse 2 days scanty, dys on third day, vertigo, leg pain on first and second day mouth ulcers motion sickness Sil 200, Nux Vom 30 01-08-2011 She got some relief in her pimples on her face. She reported some improvement in her appetite. She got relief in mouth ulcers. But they again came back and again went away. She also has itching on her skin of late. Sulph 30 for 3 days twice a day silicea 30 one dose daily.

Sr. No. 483 : Patient : 855

right shoulder and left knee pain Puls 200, rhus arnica 30, Rhus 200, Calc Carb 200 25-02-2011, 11-03-2011, 25-03-2011, 08-04-2011, 11-04-2011, 22-04-2011, 19-05-2011, 27-06-2011, 01-08-2011 teliya swelling of left foot cracking noise in left knee left knee swelled since 4 months shoulder joint pain morning stiffness insomnia prefers cold surroundings tingling in hands and legs Puls 200, rhus arnica 30 11-02-2011 She got relief in shoulder pain. remedies repeated. 25-03-2011 No relief in complaints of lower extremeties Puls 200, Rhus 200 08-04-2011 sweeling of leg decreased stiffness in fingers knee swelling is less by 25% due to the treatment calc carb 200, rhus 200 11-04-2011 vertigo at noon burning pain in a spot on knee lyc 200 22-04-2011 She reported relief in her swelling, stiffness and knee pain. Rhus 200 every day 19-05-2011 agg in symptoms due to sleeping in open in a cloudy weather calc carb 200, rhus 200 27-06-2011 again rainy weather, again feverish, painful extremeties worse moring calc carb 200, rhus 200

01-08-2011 knee pain and swelling short breath heaviness in limbs Calc Carb 200, Rhus Tox 200 Sr. No. 484 : Patient : 189 nausea, body pain, feverish, vertigo, boil in armpit bryonia 30, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, Silicea 200, Gelsemium 30 22-09-2010, 31-10-2010, 03-01-2011, 08-01-2011, 31-07-2011, 01-08-2011 128jn nausea, body pain, feverish, vertigo bryonia 30, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6 She didn't come for work on 23rd. She reported on 24th that she is ok and resumed her work. 31-10-2010 She is having a boil in armpit. She is given Sil 200. 03-01-2011 She was suffering from cough and cold. She is given gelsemium 30. 08-01-2011 She was coughing a lot. fp km 6 given. 31-07-2011 cold, cough, headache gels 30 01-08-2011 no relief calc carb 200 Sr. No. 485 : Patient : 1500 headache, body pain calc carb 200, rhus 30 31-07-2011 teliya headache all over wet cough pain in extremeties worse wet weather h/o profuse menstrual bleeding calc carb 200, rhus 30

Sr. No. 486 : Patient : 586 itching on foot ars 30, fp km 6, rhus 30, calc carb 30, hyp 200, nux vomica 30, nux 200, calc carb 200 11-10-2010, 19-10-2010, 29-10-2010, 03-01-2011, 12-02-2011, 04-03-2011, 12-03-2011, 13-03-2011, 03-04-2011, 13-07-2011, 21-07-2011, 26-07-2011, 31-07-2011 teliya prefers (not warm) cold itch on foot feverish thirsty for large quantities of water ars 30, fp km 6 19-10-2010 chest in pain after bathing in a water tank. worse rest and motion rhus arn 30 ars alb 30 alternate day 29-10-2010 peeling of skin on palms and soles small piticules that itch a lot. calc carb 30 03-01-2011 fever yesterday, now ok. fp km 6. 12-02-2011 He hurt his smallest toe. It pains a lot on something touching. hyp 200, rhus arn 30 04-03-2011 He has throat pain worse swallowing. nux vomica 30, fp km 6 12-03-2011 cold, cough, throat pain nux vomica 30 13-03-2011 vomitting after eating at a marriage reception and taking tomato soup nux vomica 200 03-04-2011 pain in extremeties worse rest

rhus 30 13-07-2011 rushes toilet after meals, passes stools many times a day injury as let wounded by a broken glass calc carb 200, calendula 200 21-07-2011 cough, throat and chest pain while coughing there is some relief in rushing to bathroom after meals calc carb 200, fp km 6 26-07-2011 He has no chest pain while coughing but cough is there. phos 30. 31-07-2011 No relief. The problem of rushing after meals is back. calc carb 200, natrum sulph 6 Sr. No. 487 : Patient : 320 throat pain while swallowing, short breath while going upstairs calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, Pulsatilla 30 31-10-2010, 25-04-2011, 05-05-2011, 05-07-2011, 31-07-2011 128jn throat pain while swallowing, short breath while going upstairs pain while drinking or eating academic performance above average calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6 25-04-2011 red eyes, fever, affections due to hot weather nux vomica 200 05-05-2011 she seems to have a relapse after doing well on Nux Vomica 200. Pulsatilla 200 looking at her mild disposition and hot weather affection. 05-07-2011 cold with nasal discharge, wet kerchief Pulsatilla 200 31-07-2011 fever, vertigo, cold with nasal discharge, wet kerchief Pulsatilla 200

Sr. No. 488 : Patient : 1432 tooth pain after decay, swelling in cheek calc fluor 30, phosphorus 30, staphysagria 200 29-07-2011, 30-07-2011 128jn tooth pain after decay, swelling in cheek pain while chewing calc fluor 30, phosphorus 30 30-07-2011 there is some relief in pain, no relief in pain while chewing staphysagria 200 Sr. No. 489 : Patient : 1499 back pain, left leg pain Lycopodium 200, Rhus Tox 200 30-07-2011 teliya pain in left leg and small of back since 3 yrs fingers stiff in the morning body stiffness after he sits for passing stools good BM acute flare-up since 5 days. sound sleep prefers covered sleep Lyc 200, Rhus 200 Calc Carb 200 SD Sr. No. 490 : Patient : 1378 cold calc carb 200, fp km 6 22-06-2011, 30-07-2011 teliya cold in rainy season mild manners constipated bowels fearful calc carb 200, fp km 6 30-07-2011 fever calc carb 200, fp km 6

Sr. No. 491 : Patient : 1498 abdominal pain calc carb 200, cina 200 29-07-2011 teliya 29-07-2011 abdominal pain worse eating mild disposition prefers cold surroundings sweats more good appetite calc carb 200, cina 200 Sr. No. 492 : Patient : 1422 intense itching, ankle swells Nux Vomica 30, Sulphur 30 08-07-2011, 29-07-2011 teliya intense itching, ankle swells sweats too much backache always drowsy, may be due to allopathic meds for urticaria menses every 3 weeks, 3 days, less bleeding, blackish thick constipated bowels cold, cough, fever 2-3 days before menses white mouth sores Nux Vomica 30, Sulphur 30 29-07-2011 She had no relief in her itching. She says that Haridra Khanda didn't work. She feasted on brinjals disregarding the restriction. She got relief in her ankle swelling. She didn't have fever or mouth sores before menses. Sulphur 200, Calc Carb 200 Sr. No. 493 : Patient : 997 short breath, dry cough, cramps in back pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30, calc carb 200, fp km 6, cf 30 09-05-2011, 28-05-2011, 21-06-2011, 28-07-2011 teliya short breath, dry cough, cramps in back pain in viens h/o less menstrual bleeding every 3 weeks. pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30

28-05-2011 h/o profuse menses every 15 days for 3-4 years constipated bowels urine incontinence - passes urine before reaching bathroom. gums swell cramps in back severe dry cough, unbearable cramps in back while coughing she had sprain in her back that got corrected after taking the meds prescribed earlier. calc carb 200, fp km 6, cf 30 chandraprabha vati, sitopaladi chooran, yograj guggulu 21-06-2011 no relief in urine incontinence there is relief in cramps in lower back on the right side relief in cough lyc 200 trigger dose, silicea 30 on alternate days rhus arn 30 daily 28-07-2011 Polyuria, constipated bowels nux vomica 200, rhus arn 30 chandraprabha vati, yograj guggulu Sr. No. 494 : Patient : 867 headache, weakness in limbs Phos 200, fp km 6 14-03-2011, 02-05-2011, 05-06-2011, 28-07-2011 teliya headache, weakness in limbs eye pain irritability works as a truck driver becomes very tense worse morning Phos 200, fp km 6 02-05-2011 he got relief in nearly all his complaints but he had jaundice. he recovered from jaundice by taking some herbs. he is asked to chelidonium 6 daily and Phos 200 on need basis. 05-06-2011 suffering from weakness and feels feverish at night lyc 200, fp km 6

28-07-2011 he is suffering from weakness. he is very irritable and has taken lot of allopathic medicines. nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 495 : Patient : 932 acidity, bloody eructations, gouty arthritis lyc 30, rhus arn 30, causticum 30, ruta 200 21-04-2011, 11-05-2011, 05-06-2011, 04-07-2011, 28-07-2011 teliya acidity, bloody eructations, gouty arthritis body pain limb pain in the limb not fractured vommits dark red blood in eructations in the morning lyc 30, rhus arn 30 11-05-2011 she is having too much pain in her knee there is cracking sound in knee and pain is un-bearable ruta 200, causticum 30 daily lyc 30 for acidity whenever needed 05-06-2011 suffering from leg and knee pain acidity is under control now. rhus arn 30, lyc 30 (to be taken on need basis) 04-07-2011 swelling in fractured leg symphytum 200, rhus arn 30 28-07-2011 swelling on her fractured leg increases and decreases. she also has some pain due to gout symphytum 200, lycopodium 30 Sr. No. 496 : Patient : 736 constipation, pruritis, painful lower extremeties Sulphur 200, Calc Carb 200, Lyc 200, Nux 30, Rhus 200, Ruta 200, Causticum 30, sito 1 10-01-2011, 15-01-2011, 18-01-2011, 22-01-2011, 27-01-2011, 31-01-2011, 22-02-2011, 24-02-2011, 07-03-2011, 23-03-2011, 19-04-2011, 09-05-2011, 28-05-2011, 08-06-2011, 14-07-2011, 27-07-2011 teliya

10-01-2011, constriction of anus severe constipation severe itching at a point on scrotum Sulphur 200 15-01-2011, some relief in constipation and itching there is a relapse due to irregularity in meds Sulphur 200 18-01-2011, back pain due to overlifting he reported relief in abdominal problems he also has chest pain when he has abdominal problems rhus tox 200 22-01-2011, calc carb 200, ruta 200 27-01-2011, He is suffering from severe pain in left leg along the line of the outer thigh. He is suffering from diarrhoea and belching a lot. There is lot of numbness and loss of sensation in the affected leg, he can't bear pressure. Lyc 200, Gnaphalium 1M, Carbo Veg 30 31-01-2011, . lyc relieved all earlier symptoms severe cough at night nux vomica 30 22-02-2011 acute cough after returning from a journey. There is some problem with lower extremeties. lyc 200, nux vomica 30 24-02-2011 stiffness and numbness rhus arnica 30 ayur meds prescribed... ashwagandharishta trayodashang guggulu chandraprapha vati 07-03-2011 He did well on the remedies. He has no pain. There is a paralytic affection in his left leg.

He is taking nux vomica 30 whenever he has cough. causticum 30 23-03-2011 he is having knee and leg pain after walking 5 km daily for 8 days. rhus arnica 30 thrice a day causticum 30 at bed time 19-04-2011 Constriction at anus, constipation. no itching Sulphur 200 5 doses 09-05-2011 he is leaving for journey. He is given 6 doses of Sulphur 200 to be taken on need basis. 28-05-2011 he is not able to move toes of his lef foot beyond a limit. causticum 30 08-06-2011 toe stiffness still there. deafness, this is an old problem not reported earlier Calc Carb 200 14-07-2011 productive cough causticum 30 sito 1 27-07-2011 He got no relief from causticum 30 and sitopaladi churna. He has taken allopathic medicines. Nux Vomica 200 if needed. Nux Vomica 200 Sr. No. 497 : Patient : 1496 severe backache calc carb 200, rhus 30 26-07-2011 teliya severe backache loss on strength in left leg worse after sitting, after getting wet at swimming pool worse 12 pm to 3 pm better morning very irritable

calc carb 200, rhus 30 Sr. No. 498 : Patient : 1497 sticky stools, black spots on back lycopodium 200, ruta 30 26-07-2011 teliya 26-07-2011 sticky stools since 2 months, constipated bowels black spots on back lycopodium 200, ruta 30 Sr. No. 499 : Patient : 1495 headache, abdominal pain Sulhpur 200, fp km 6 26-07-2011 teliya headache starts over eyes and spreads all over. slight headache after getting up increases at 11 am receded from 2-3 pm abdominal pain on left side always worse eating since childhood abdomen soft to touch hard stools, long stools, thick, brown, offensive abdominal pain while passing stools constipated bowels sour belching after meals once or twice prefers cold surroundings sweats less normal appetite much thirsty regular menses, 4 days, normal bleeding abdominal pain all 4 days pain in extremeties worse exertion, backache indolence Sulphur 200, fpkm 6 Sr. No. 500 : Patient : 1494 obesity, weakness, abdominal gases kali carb 200, fp km 6 25-07-2011

teliya obese after delivery of child abdominal gases if takes oily food menses regular 3 days, 2 days normal irritable feels weakness kali carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 501 : Patient : 1377 upper back pain, neck pain lycopodium 200, bryonia 30 22-06-2011, 30-06-2011, 08-07-2011, 25-07-2011 teliya upper back pain, neck pain worse movements, evening lycopodium 200, bryonia 30 30-06-2011 there is only 10% relief. neck pain, vertigo still there. he had warts on his face earlier and also in armpits and on neck warts on face cleared to some extent by homeopathic treatment warts are still there on other parts he also has problem of recurring kidney stones. he has a total loss of libido and physical power calc carb 200, mp 30 shilajeet rasayan vati, chandraprabha vati, yograj guggulu 08-07-2011 Phos 200, Rhus Arn 30 25-07-2011 No significant change. Phos 200, Rhus 200 Sr. No. 502 : Patient : 1491 corn like eruptions on left sole antimonium crud 30, silicea 30 24-07-2011 teliya corn like eruptions on left sole pain as if something is striking against very irritable at home no issues with BM menses regular, 3-4 days, groin pain, leg pain

dys starts a day before and remains for one day normal flow, no clots thristy insomnia doesn't sweat much antimonium crud 30, silicea 30 Sr. No. 503 : Patient : 901 fever, throat pain, chronic cold nux vomica 200, fpkm 6, calc carb 200, rhus arn 30, kali bich 200, ars 30, sito 1 27-03-2011, 10-04-2011, 24-04-2011, 01-05-2011, 15-05-2011, 26-06-2011, 10-07-2011, 24-07-2011 teliya fever throat pain since 2 days cold, cough worse morning watery discharge from eyes prefers warm surroundings very irritable loss of appetite due to fever bitter mouth thirsty a lot nux vomica 200, fpkm 6 10-04-2011 watery discharge from nose and eyes after eating cold cream of milk she responded well to nux vom 200 and had relief in fever and other symptoms nux vomica 30, fpkm 6 24-04-2011 she got no relief from nux 30. she said that she has profuse menses for 3 days and less menses for next 2-3 days. she has a difficult childhood under step mother she has pain in extremeties too. she sneezes a lot and has profuse thin nasal discharge nux vomica 200, calc carb 200 later if nux doesn't work. 01-05-2011 she had some relief on calc carb 200. she said nux vom 200 didn't give any relief. she is asked to take 3 doses of calc carb 200. followd by rhus tox 30 for 3 days. 15-05-2011 she has some relief in headache and bodypain. no relief in sneezing and nasal discharge after some initial relief kali bich 200, ars 30

26-06-2011 she did well on the remedies the problem started again as it is cold damp weather now kali bich 200, ars 30 laxmi vilas ras, tulsi ghan vati 10-07-2011 again kali bich 200, ars 30 asked to stop use of sour spices immediately sito 1 and ayur remedies suggested earlier 24-07-2011 kali bich 200, gels 200 Sr. No. 504 : Patient : 1490 pain in extremeties rhus arn 30 23-07-2011 teliya pain in extremeties may be due to sleeping on cold floor rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 505 : Patient : 1352 sneezing, blocked nose nux vomica 200, calc carb 200, fp km 6 08-06-2011, 01-07-2011, 23-07-2011 128jn sneezing, blocked nose he works as a scavenger he is asked to take 5 doses of the remedy at a gap of 12 hours and repeat the remedy in the same manner after few days if needed. nux vomica 200 01-07-2011 again sneezing as usual after getting wet in rain calc carb 200, fp km 6 23-07-2011 relapse after getting wet. calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 506 : Patient : 1291 left hand pain, frozen shoulder pulsatilla 200, rhus arnica 30, lyc 30

28-05-2011, 08-06-2011, 01-07-2011, 23-07-2011 128jn left hand pain, frozen shoulder started since 2-3 days neck siffness 3 days menses, normal flow, backache one episode of menses appearing within 15 days. regular BM pulsatilla 200, rhus arnica 30 08-06-2011 she reported relief in her problems. there is some relapse due to exertion. she said she did well on puls 200 compared to rhus. pulsatilla 200, rhus arnica 30 01-07-2011 constipated bowels, throat irritation lyc 30 23-07-2011 again hand pain. rhus arn 30, puls 200 if needed. Sr. No. 507 : Patient : 1375 fever after getting wet pulsatilla 200 16-06-2011, 23-07-2011 128jn girl with mild disposition fever after getting wet pulsatilla 200 23-07-2011 throat pain on opening mouth wide. silicea 30 she is asked to take rhus 30 if she runs fever. Sr. No. 508 : Patient : 1376 pimples, shyness, inferiorty complex lycopodium 200, kali sulph 6, calc carb 200, fpkm 6 20-06-2011, 23-07-2011 128jn pimples, shyness, inferiorty complex lycopodium 200, kali sulph 6 -

23-07-2011 he did very well on pimples, 70% relief. tonsilitis affection. calc carb 200, fpkm 6 Sr. No. 509 : Patient : 1488 chronic mucus, rattling chest calc carb 200, fp km 6 22-07-2011 teliya chronic mucus rattling chest worse morning warts blood sugar 185 deformed nails black hard stools, needs to strain short breath climbing upstairs prefers warm surroundings passes urine 4-5 times at night swelling in feet, forefeet, left affected more worse evenining more thirst calc carb 200, fp km 6 sito 1, cp 1 Sr. No. 510 : Patient : 1425 constipated bowels, leg pain lycopodium 200, rhus arn 30 12-07-2011, 22-07-2011 teliya constipated bowels, leg pain irritability due to business worries lean person hot constitution, takes bath many times a day in summer backache lycopodium 200, rhus arn 30 22-07-2011 cold and cough after viral fever. Sulphur 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 511 : Patient : 773 cramps in chest and back, numbness Pulsatilla 200, Lyc 200, fp km 6, phos 200, rhus 200, rhus arn 30

02-02-2011, 16-02-2011, 01-03-2011, 13-03-2011, 23-05-2011, 11-06-2011, 17-06-2011, 23-06-2011, 22-07-2011 teliya cramps in chest and back on the right side whenever she coughs or sneezes tingling in hands, legs pain in hand since 2 days menses either regular or late by 2-15 days 3 days, less bleeding, clots present abdominal gases, no constipation Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 16-02-2011 no relief in any symptom except abdominal gases Lyc 200, fp km 6 01-03-2011 she got relief in tingling she has pain in lower extremeties worse exertion calc carb 200, fp km 6 13-03-2011 constipation, abdominal cramps, loss of taste loss of appetite, feverish lyc 200, fpkm 6 23-05-2011 she is having abdominal cramps she has hand pain due to carrying child in her arms lyc 200, ruta 200 11-06-2011 she has no relief in her hand pain. having less bleeding during her periods also less appetite now. Pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30 17-06-2011 swelling after injury to head ledum 200, hypericum 200 relapse in hand pain worse morning puls 200 rhus arn 30 to continue 23-06-2011 got relief in injury complaints hand pain worse morning, doesn't like applying pressure

phos 200, rhus 200 22-07-2011 severe cold calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 512 : Patient : 723 knee pain, headache silicea 200, nux vomica 200, rhus tox 30 02-01-2011, 30-01-2011, 13-03-2011, 16-07-2011, 22-07-2011 teliya knee pain joint pain worse cold headache half short breath normal bowel movements prefers warm surroundings silicea 200, nux vomica 200 30-01-2011 feels frustrated, depressed knee pain worse first movement some relief in headache nux vomica 200, rhus tox 30 13-03-2011 not depressed now still has some episodes of headache takes allopathy for that sometimes foul smell of mouth knee pain reduced due to summer nux vomica 30 16-07-2011 migraine headache, burning sensation worse spicy food epispode started after eating food outside nux vomica 200 22-07-2011 loss of appetite, blank feeling had an episode of low bp, was hospitalised nux vomica 200, cp 1 Sr. No. 513 : Patient : 1487 white discharge

Pulsatilla 200 21-07-2011 teliya white discharge since surgery for the removal of appendix thick, vaginal pain during discharge but not afterwards vaginal swelling no blisters, no itching non bleeding anal fissure burning at anus regular periods, 3 days, 1st day profuse, 2nd day less, 3rd scanty no white discharge during menses right sided headache and neck pain sometimes palpitations prefers cold surroundings short breath on exertion abdominal pain pimples Puls 200, Amla Juice, Aloe Vera Juice

Sr. No. 514 : Patient : 718 cold and cough, blocked nose Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6, ars alb 30 28-12-2010, 27-01-2011, 09-03-2011, 15-03-2011, 21-07-2011 teliya cold and cough, blocked nose agg at night, better morning Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 28-01-2011 again same problem Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 09-03-2011 she had fever and took some allopathic meds. now no fever but she is shivering arsenicum album 30 15-03-2011 she did well on ars alb. she also took crocin. now she has cold as she also had earlier puls 200, fpkm 6 21-07-2011 cold and cough

puls 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 515 : Patient : 631 headache Lachesis 200, lyc 200, rhus tox 200 27-10-2010, 21-05-2011, 21-07-2011 teliya headache always on right side, sometimes full prefers warm surroundings summer ameliorates morning agg. constipation sweats more menses every month, scanty flow only for one day. Lachesis 200 21-05-2011 she got relief in her headache from Lachesis 200. her last menses appeared in the month of jan 11. severe leg pain now. lyc 200, rhus tox 200 21-07-2011 feverish, pain in extremeties acidity rhus arn 30, lyc 30 Sr. No. 516 : Patient : 1380 burning sole pain more at night calc carb 200, kp 6, conium 200, nux vomica 30 22-06-2011, 20-07-2011 teliya burning sole pain more at night short breath heart patient recently constipated an acute not a recurring problem calc carb 200, kp 6 20-07-2011 the remedies helped her in her cramps in legs and knee pain. she is not taking allopathic pills for insomnia now. her main problem is vertigo. conium 200, nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 517 : Patient : 886 very irritable at times

sulphur 200, kali phos 30, gels 30, nux vomica 200 18-03-2011, 13-04-2011, 20-04-2011, 07-06-2011, 13-06-2011, 27-06-2011, 20-07-2011 teliya gets angry, very angry sometimes talks big, talks loud sulphur 200, kali phos 30 13-04-2011 weakness, redness in eyes, highly irritable constipated bowels, burning eyes uneasy head less appetite acute episode wrt many symptoms Gels 30 20-04-2011 burning in eyes constipated bowels uneasy head insomnia Nux Vomica 200, Kali Phos 30 07-06-2011 scratches head, forgets easily, procrastinates calc carb 200, kp 6 13-06-2011 he somehow lost his remedies, given again. 26-06-2011 treatment continues.. lyc 200, kp 30 20-07-2011 spermatorrhoea, insomnia, head hot sulphur 200 cp1, yg 1 Sr. No. 518 : Patient : 1484 chronic problem of recurring wry neck calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 18-07-2011 teliya chronic problem of recurring wry neck political leader obese person

no issues with BM. calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 519 : Patient : 1428 headache, chest pain, burning sensation at ribs lyc 200, bry 30 17-07-2011 teliya headache, chest pain, burning sensation at ribs. good BM, daily once chest pain worse movements lyc 200, bry 30 Sr. No. 520 : Patient : 1429 loss of energy calc carb 200, kp 30 17-07-2011 teliya loss of energy since yesterday having lot of business tension pain in extremeties worse exertion worse after 11 am constipated since 2 days, good BM otherwise sweats more calc carb 200, kp 30 Sr. No. 521 : Patient : 1418 knee pain, tooth pain due to irregular growth calc carb 200, hekla lava 6 17-07-2011 128jn knee pain, tooth pain due to irregular growth menses every 3 weeks since past few months menses every 2 months 4 days flow, profuse fat person constipated bowels insomnia calc carb 200, hekla lava 6 Sr. No. 522 : Patient : 346 fever, chilliness, pain in extremeties, blocked nose, suppressed menses, anticipatory anxiety nux vomica 200, rhus tox 30, sulphur 200, pulsatilla 200, gelsemium 200, rhus tox 200 11-11-2010, 24-11-2010, 02-12-2010, 25-01-2011, 15-07-2011 128jn

fever, chilliness, pain in extremeties nux vomica 200, rhus tox 30 24-11-2010 She has itching at her anus and vagina. She has a history of not having menses for six months and then she has very profuse menses. She is provided three doses of Nux Vomica 200 and Sulphur 200. 02-12-2010 She responded well to Sulphur 200. She is again provided with 6 doses of Sulphur 200 to be taken three doses at a time. 25-01-2011 The girl compalined of cold, her nose is blocked, she prefers cold surroundings she has not had her menses since three months she is irritable worried about her exam due next month Pulsatilla 200, Gelsemium 200 15-07-2011 she is having fever and severe pain in extremeties. rhus tox 200 Sr. No. 523 : Patient : 1427 cystic pimples on face, shirni (white eruptions) silicea 200, ks 6 13-07-2011 teliya cystic pimples on face, shirni (white eruptions) good BM good sleep prefers cold surroundings doesn't sweat in excess leg pain on exertion silicea 200, ks 6 Sr. No. 524 : Patient : 1403 throat irritation, blocked nose nux vomica 200 13-07-2011 128jn throat irritation, blocked nose eating irregularities nux vomica 200

Sr. No. 525 : Patient : 1404 pain in thigh, can't straighten nux vomica 200, rhus tox 200 13-07-2011 128jn pain in thigh, can't straighten suffered from temperature and had a relapse after recovery naughty contacted an allopathic doctor and was referred for diagnostic tests. liver tests, kidney tests and spleen tests done. the patient's father works as a labourer. he spent 1000 rupees on tests and then got his son admitted to a hospital people don't have any faith in sweet pills!!! Sr. No. 526 : Patient : 835 paralysis attack 6 months ago causticum 30, kali phos 6, calc fluor 30, lyc 30, Lyc 200, Rhus 200, lachesis 30, lachesis 200 02-03-2011, 11-03-2011, 12-03-2011, 15-03-2011, 25-03-2011, 01-04-2011, 14-04-2011, 22-04-2011, 30-04-2011, 09-05-2011, 14-05-2011, 20-05-2011, 22-05-2011, 29-05-2011, 06-06-2011, 12-06-2011, 18-06-2011, 28-06-2011, 04-07-2011, 13-07-2011 teliya paralysis attack 6 months ago right side affected Historical Data observed fasts constipated bowels; move once in 3 days dispirin, crocin, combiflam taken heavily ambi thermal Now chilly passes urine once an hour constipated bowels, move once in 3 days homesickness no body pain menses regular, 3 day, no clots, normal bleeding, red She is taking Cardace 5 mg and Olsair 50 mg for her BP. causticum 30 11-03-2011 She reported pain in her right hand shoulder. So recovery seems to be setting in.

kali phos 6 12-03-2011 She is having tooth pain as the physiotherapist applied some shocks to her jaws. calc fluor 30 twice a day ayur meds to be taken before meals... rasaraj ras swarna makshik bhasma giloy sat prawal pishti ekangweer ras 15-03-2011 constipated bowels after change in homeo remedies causticum 30 re-started 25-03-2011 causticum 30, kp 6 daily twice a day staphysagria 200 one dose for 2 nights She has swelling in hand, also pain, but still no movements 01-04-2011 She is moving her fingers in sleep. She gets constipated for 2 days after every 3 days. She used to fear a lot for her daughter and son. Lyc 30, KP 6 Lyc 30 on need basis. 14-04-2011 She is uttering few words. she is moving her fingers and hands while asleep she is constipated at times Lyc 200 in the morning, Rhus 200 at night 22-04-2011 she is doing well on ayur meds, lyc and rhus. her bowels are moving properly. she has reported overall improvement. Lyc 200 in the morning, Rhus 200 at night 30-04-2011 she got constipated and started aloe vera and amla juice. she did well on that for her constipation. 3 doses of Lachesis 30. 09-05-2011 she is reported to have passed black stools after taking lachesis 30..

she is also sweating in her head which she didn't do in the past. No remedy given, lachesis 30 given already allowed to work. 14-05-2011 she is doing well she changes her sleeping posture but is not moving her right hand when awake. she is not passing black stools now. causticum 30 20-05-2011 she is having polyuria. ferrum picricum 6 twice a day for 7 days 22-05-2011 she is provided with three doses of lachesis 200 to be taken if she has constipation. there is relief in her polyuria. she is walking more comfortably and keeping her foot straight now as a normal person 29-05-2011 She had good bowel movements after taking lachesis 200. she is asked to take kali phos 30 in the morning and evening now. she is to take Lachesis 200 3 doses if her bowels don't move. 29-05-2011 she has good bowel movements after taking lachesis 200. she is to take lach 200 only when her bowels don't move kali phos 30 in the morning and evening 06-06-2011 she is having good BM, so Lach 200 was not taken. kp 30. 12-06-2011 She is not having good BM. No BM today. If there is no BM tomorrow, she is to take Lachesis 200, 3 doses. She discontinued taking Aloe Vera which she is asked to resume. 18-06-2011 She got her BM regularized only after taking Lachesis 200. kali phos 30 twice a day daily. 28-06-2011 good bm. shivers due to cold at times. can hold another person's hand with her paralyzed hand but can't release it. There is stiffness in her fingers at this point. rhus tox 200 at bed time. 04-07-2011

did well for her stiffness on rhus 200. some more rhus 200 given. 13-07-2011 She is again constipated. She has taken Lachesis 200 just 4-5 days ago. Lyc 200 3 doses and Rhus 200 if there is stiffness. Sr. No. 527 : Patient : 1426 motion sickness, nightfall nux vomica 200, cpv 1 12-07-2011 teliya motion sickness, nightfall irritable nux vomica 200, cpv 1 Sr. No. 528 : Patient : 1414 leg pain, boils silicea 200, rhus arn 30 05-07-2011, 12-07-2011 teliya leg pain boils erupt throat irritation good BM tobacco smoker Silicea 200, rhus arn 30 12-07-2011 He thinks that his erection should lost long. He is told that here sex related advice is given only to married people. He said that he is set to marry after 2 months and wants things right by then. Nux Vomica 200 cpv Sr. No. 529 : Patient : 596 ringworm , cough and cold, pimples sulphur 30, silicea 200, gels 30, gels 200, nux vomica 30, nux vomica 200, dulcamara 30, lycopodium 30 12-10-2010, 20-10-2010, 15-11-2010, 18-11-2010, 22-11-2010, 16-12-2010, 28-12-2010, 15-02-2011, 08-04-2011, 23-04-2011, 07-06-2011, 27-06-2011, 12-07-2011 teliya ringworm very much itching

constipated stools at times hard work oriented, irritable pimples sulphur 30, fp km 6 20-10-2010 first stool hard then soft constipation pimples itch calc carb 200, fp km 6 15-11-2010 There is no change in pimples after taking calc carb. Now silicea 30 given for the same 18-11-2010 There is relief in pimples. He is suffering from throat irritation. Gels 30 keeping in view his ongoing exams and insomnia. 22-11-2010 He reported relief in throat irritation. pimples flared up. sil 200, berb aq 6 16-12-2010 silicea 200 3 doses 28-12-2010 suffering from cold gels 200 15-02-2011 throat irritation cough with chest pain, cold nux vomica 30 08-04-2011 throat irritation, irritability, feverish nux vomica 200, gelsemium 30 23-04-2011 suffering from acidity, throat irritation, cold fanlike motion of alae nasi. lyc 30, nux 30 later if needed -

07-06-2011 sneezing weakness after exertion for brother's marriage cold due to getting wet, happens always calc carb 200 27-06-2011 again got wet, again suffering from cough and cold dulcamara 30 12-07-2011 throat irritation due to eating oily food lyc 30, nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 530 : Patient : 1424 acidity, digestion Pulsatilla 200, NP 30 11-07-2011 teliya burning sensation around navel happens any time, in the morning, after meals since 5-6-10 years!! stools sometimes loose sometimes thick never constipated menses every 3 weeks, 2 days, normal flow, thin flow with clots latest menses ended yesterday - 5 day, thick flow, profuse with clots prefers cold surroundings house wife has papitations when altercations take place Pulsatilla 200, NP 30

Sr. No. 531 : Patient : 1383 hot flashes, deafness, knee pain Pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30, Lyc 200, Sulph 200, yg 1, cpv 1 23-06-2011, 11-07-2011 teliya soles of feet burn knee pain, cramps in legs worse rest bores ear, intense itching internally deafness no issues with BM prefers cold surroundings, can't bear warmth menopause since 2 years, hot since then

h/o regular menses, one week early, 3 days normal bleeding Pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30 11-07-2011 There is relief in her stiffness. No relief in any other symptom. Lyc 200, Sulph 200, yg 1, cpv 1 Sulphur 5 doses to be taken next week only if there is no relief from Lyc 200 5 doses Sr. No. 532 : Patient : 1423 painful, non-bleeding piles nux vomica 200, ratanhia 10-07-2011 teliya stools hard, small size painful, non-bleeding piles worse after stools, lasts long no constipation prefers cold surroundings nux vomica 200, ratanhia Sr. No. 533 : Patient : 1391 sensation like pins pricking calc carb 200, silicea 200, cpv 28-06-2011, 04-07-2011, 09-07-2011 teliya there is a sensation like pins pricking on right leg for few moments every 30 minutes earlier she had this problem on a minor scale and it was corrected by another hompath. This problem cropped up earlier at the begining of summer. burning sensation in throat menstruation history - 3 day normal flow, regular menses without any dysmenorrhoea calc carb 200, silicea 200 (if needed) 04-07-2011 her right calf is stiff, she got relief in her problems due to meds. Most probably Calc Carb 200 worked, there is a relapse now. calc carb 200, silicea 200 09-07-2011 she came back few days back asking for more silicea 200. she is asked to take calc carb 200 with her and report back after few days. she is doing well on calc carb 200, the stiffness and pain reduced. Chandraprabha Vati Sr. No. 534 : Patient : 813 pain in ribs after falling, many stools a day

rhus tox 30, arnica 30, nux vomica 30, lyc 200 21-02-2011, 11-05-2011, 26-05-2011, 08-07-2011 teliya pain in ribs after falling passes stools 5-6 times a day rushes after meals since taking allopathic medicines for pain rhus tox 30, arnica 30, nux vomica 30 11-05-2011 wrinkles on face and foot hairloss menses ceased at 42 excess bleeding during menopause for 2-3 years. 5-8 days, profuse before that regular menses, normal bleeding irritable no sweating prefers cold surroundings bulimy likes sweet dishes, oily food vertigo when gets up, while working since 15 days lyc 200 26-05-2011 some relief in vertigo. no relief in other symptoms. lyc 1m 08-07-2011 chest pain due to barking cough calc carb 200, fp k m 6 sitopaladi churna Sr. No. 535 : Patient : 900 chronic urticaria Sulphur 30, natrum mur 30, sulphur 200, calc fluor 30, silicea 30 27-03-2011, 10-04-2011, 01-05-2011, 11-05-2011, 26-05-2011, 08-07-2011 teliya BM good meals intake normal prefers cold surroundings highly irritable Sulphur 30 thrice a day for 3 days then stop, again start if needed. 10-04-2011

dry mouth, dry throat, dry lips natrum mur 30 4 doses a week 01-05-2011 She did well for all her symptoms on Natrum Mur 30. She is also taking haridra khanda. she is asked to take natrum mur 30 for 2 days a week and report back after 2 weeks. 11-05-2011 she is not having major relief. natrum mur 200 and later sulphur 200 if needed. 26-05-2011 she got relief but can't tell which remedy worked. she had been operated for some boil/cyst and now has issues with the scar tissue. sulphur 200, calc fluor 30 08-07-2011 no urticaria now. hardening of scar tissue silicea 30 Sr. No. 536 : Patient : 662 cough, short breath calc carb 200, fp km 6, calc fluor 30, phos 30, staphysagria 200, rhus arn 30 19-11-2010, 24-03-2011, 14-06-2011, 08-07-2011 teliya coughs while speaking prefers open air better in the evening, worse 11am burning sensation in left side of chest short breath after cycling apprehensive vertigo after exertion calc carb 200, fp km 6 24-03-2011 tooth decay and pain worse night, intermittent pain calc fluor 30, phos 30 14-06-2011 he is suffering from headache. he got good releif in his toothpain, his earlier complaint. calc carb 200. 5 doses. -

08-07-2011 hurt his penis. it is aslo swelled. can't bear any touch. staphysagria 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 537 : Patient : 1401 cervical spondilytis Phos 200, rhus arn 30 06-07-2011 128jn cervical spondilytis no issues with BM Phos 200, rhus arn 30 trayodashang guggulu, yograj gugguly, chandraprabha vati Sr. No. 538 : Patient : 1421 cuts between toes silicea 200, fp km 6 06-07-2011 teliya cuts between toes due to working in water good BM menopause since 1 yr no issues with menses earlier cuts worse rainy season sweats more silicea 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 539 : Patient : 1415 itching at tip of penis sulphur 30 05-07-2011 teliya itching at tip of penis can't avoid itching, becomes worse after sulphur 30 Sr. No. 540 : Patient : 1416 backpain due to accident, rushes bathroom after meals calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 05-07-2011 teliya backpain due to accident, rushes bathroom after meals calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 541 : Patient : 1417 constipation

nux vomica 200, carduus mar 6 05-07-2011 teliya constipation nux vomica 200, carduus mar 6 Sr. No. 542 : Patient : 1400 cold, cough, irregular menses, profuse menses whenever appear, constipation lycopodium 200, fp km 6 05-07-2011 128jn cold, cough, irregular menses, profuse menses whenever appear, constipation lycopodium 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 543 : Patient : 1408 tingling in feet, acute cold phosphorus 200, fp km 6 05-07-2011 teliya tingling in feet, acute cold eats only spicy items doesn't like milk had leg pain in the past not now prefers cold surroundings creative and artistic phosphorus 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 544 : Patient : 1409 constipated bowels, eruptions on legs calc carb 200, fp km 6 05-07-2011 teliya constipated bowels, eruptions on legs cold, stuffed nose, breathing through mouth calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 545 : Patient : 1410 hyper-acidity, headache, throat irritation calc carb 200, np 30 05-07-2011 teliya hyper-acidity, headache bouts of throat irritation passes stools daily regular menses, 4 days, normal bleeding, much abdominal pain during menses

worse night, better morning low BP 70/50 prefers cold surroundings, ambi thermal headache at vertex calc carb 200, np 30 Sr. No. 546 : Patient : 1411 cold with nasal discharge Pulsatilla 200 05-07-2011 teliya cold with nasal discharge mild disposition Pulsatilla 200 Sr. No. 547 : Patient : 1412 cough, leg pain calc carb 200 05-07-2011 teliya cough, leg pain pain after playing at shakha calc carb 200 sitopaladi churna Sr. No. 548 : Patient : 1413 backache upper and lower Sepia 200, Rhus Arn 30 05-07-2011 teliya backache upper and lower after exertion menses scanty appear after 2 months very irritable Sepia 200, Rhus Arn 30 Sr. No. 549 : Patient : 1399 cold, cough, irregular menses Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 05-07-2011 128jn cold, cough, irregular menses mild disposition menses every 2 months, no menses since 3 months Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6

Sr. No. 550 : Patient : 930 pain in leg after a minor accident Rhus Arn 30 19-04-2011, 05-07-2011 teliya pain in leg after a minor accident Rhus Arn 30 05-07-2011 back hurts due to sitting for long hours concerned about his financial conditions hoarse voice since birth daughter is scheduled to be operated surgically for the problem best known to the surgeon constipated bowels lyc 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 551 : Patient : 839 stiff legs and hands rhus 200, calc carb 200, stram 200, tarentula 200 04-03-2011, 25-03-2011, 19-04-2011, 05-05-2011, 25-05-2011, 09-06-2011, 05-07-2011 teliya stiff legs knee downwards stiff hands elbow downwards her extremeties are too stiff, just can't bend there is no pain rhus 200 25-03-2011 she seems to be emaciating in her limbs calc carb 200 19-04-2011 she got relief in her stiffness below knees. Other extremeties are still stiff. Calc Carb 200 3 doses 05-05-2011 calc carb 200 3 doses now, 3 later on need basis stramonium 200 3 doses if calc carb 200 fails to work. 25-05-2011 she said that she got some relief from stram 200. no relief from calc carb 200. she is given 3 doses of tarentula hisp 200 she is also provided with 6 doses of calc carb 200 to be taken on need basis. tarentula 200, calc carb 200 -

09-06-2011 stiffness due to cloudy weather rhus tox 200 05-07-2011 rhus 200 worked, she is not able to do household chores. rhus 200 one pill every alternate day. Sr. No. 552 : Patient : 1406 knee pain and swelling, backache calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 04-07-2011 teliya knee pain and swelling, backache sometimes pain in thighs and calves backside of left leg behind heels pain good BM h/o regular bleeding, 8 days, excess flow, red with clots morning stiffness calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 553 : Patient : 1407 non-bleeding piles, anal itching Sulphur 200, fp km 6 04-07-2011 teliya non-bleeding piles, anal itching passes stools 2-3 times due to constipation the affected anus has become soft history of high blood sugar level now under control lower back pain takes alcohol and enjoys meat Sulphur 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 554 : Patient : 1405 copious white mucus in throat nux vomica 200, rhus 30 02-07-2011 teliya copious white mucus in throat thick white, slightly red, worse afternoon good BM recurring weakness every month craves fresh air, chilly when fan is on nux vomica 200, rhus 30

Sr. No. 555 : Patient : 1394 forefeet pain, headache, trembles lyc 200, rhus arn 30 01-07-2011 teliya forefeet pain, headache, trembles eats more salt pulsating pain in fore-feet headache at vertex as if someone is applying pressure both problems since one year trembles while altercations prefers cold surroundings worse evening lyc 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 556 : Patient : 1395 finger joints pain, tingling in left hand pulsatilla 30, rhus arn 30 01-07-2011 teliya finger joints pain, tingling in left hand acute problems... burning eyes whole body burning, sensations like insect stings attained menopause 6 yrs ago... h/o regular, 3 day menses, normal flow, Dys before start of menses upto 2 days of menses pulsatilla 30, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 557 : Patient : 882 loss of appetite, hair loss, constipation calc carb 200, fp km 6, nux vomica 200, silicea 200 17-03-2011, 28-06-2011, 01-07-2011 teliya loss of appetite, hair loss, constipation abdomen distended no abdominal gases calc carb 200, fp km 6 28-06-2011 he said he did better on nux vomica 200. he also has cystic acne that leave scars. he has bursted one acne and that is draining. few doses of silicea 200 and later few doses of nux vomica 200. -

01-07-2011 he didn't have any relief he has taken silicea 200 he is asked to take berb aq 6 for 3 days and nux vomica after that. If there is no relief, he should take hepar sulph 200. Nux is expected to help him overall. Sr. No. 558 : Patient : 895 cough, pain in extremeties Phosphorus 200, Rhus Tox 30, Kali Phos 30, dulcamara 30, fp km 6 24-03-2011, 22-04-2011, 01-07-2011 teliya cough only during the day also having cold pain in extremeties worse rest not doing well since 8 days sometimes gets irritated Phosphorus 200, Rhus Tox 30 22-04-2011 He got relief in his cough on Phos. He is having weakness and vertigo due to exertion. Kali Phos 30 01-07-2011 nowadays after rains of last week, it is dry and days are hot. feverish after getting wet dulc 30, fp km 6 Sr. No. 559 : Patient : 1390 hands shiver, constipation, acidity causticum 200, mag phos 6x, natrum phos 6x 30-06-2011 128jn hands shiver, constipation, acidity causticum 200, mag phos 6x, natrum phos 6x Sr. No. 560 : Patient : 1389 pimples itching and having pus sulphur 200, silicea 200 29-06-2011 128jn pimples itching and having pus prefers cold surroundings

sweats a lot pimples discharge pus when popped lot of burning constipated bowels he is advised to abstain from eating non-veg and brinjals 5 doses of sulphur 200 at a gap of 12 hours if there is no relief 5 doses of silicea 200 next week Sr. No. 561 : Patient : 1392 occipital headache, cramps on left side at the back of head calc carb 200, rhus 200 29-06-2011 teliya occipital headache, cramps on left side at the back of head latest menses 1.50 months back, normal flow profuse bleeding for 15 days in feb insomnia, first sleep difficult severe leg pain, left leg more, calves pain good BM prefers cold surroundings sweats more calc carb 200, rhus 200 Sr. No. 562 : Patient : 1393 black spots on feet arsenic alb 30 29-06-2011 teliya black spots on feet no itching, burning has lot of anxiety due to business prefers warm surroundings arsenic alb 30 Sr. No. 563 : Patient : 941 severe itching sulphur 30, urtica urens 6, calc carb 200, kp 30 26-04-2011, 09-05-2011, 29-06-2011 teliya severe itching since 5-6 days no issues with BM likes spicy food prefers cold surroundings

sweats more, nightly aggravation sulphur 30, urtica urens 6 09-05-2011 he did well on the meds. he thinks urtica urens 6 worked better he is also advised to take haridra khanda. 29-06-2011 he did well on homeo remedies for itching now he has ear blockage after some water slippage into it. the problem started 2-3 days ago. right ear affected. his hair are greying. calc carb 200, kp 30 mullein ear drops. Sr. No. 564 : Patient : 1564 black patches on body haridra khanda, rhus arn 30, silicea 200 22-09-2011, 27-06-2011 teliya black patches on body since 2-4 years good BM some knee pain, back pain doesn't sweat sensation like ant bites on patches haridra khanda 27-06-2011 she got no relief on haridra khanda she is having body pain she says that her surgery stitches done at 40 yrs back have some discharge now. she also has discharge from her ears rhus arn 30 in the morning and evening silicea 200 at night Sr. No. 565 : Patient : 1387 chronic thin nasal discharge calc carb 200, pulsatilla 30 27-06-2011 128jn good BM chronic thin nasal discharge

calc carb 200, pulsatilla 30 Sr. No. 566 : Patient : 1388 circular itchful patches lyc 30, sulphur 30 27-06-2011 teliya circular itchful patches since 4-5 days constipated bowels regular menses, 5 days flow, dys on the first day of menses stiffness in calves prefers cold surroundings lyc 30, sulphur 30 Sr. No. 567 : Patient : 703 white spots on cheeks, abdominal pain calc carb 200, fp km 6, pulsatilla 200, Mag Phos 200, nux vomica 30 23-12-2010, 07-01-2011, 03-03-2011, 14-03-2011, 18-03-2011, 27-06-2011 teliya white spots on cheels hard stools, needs to strain, large stools short breath, weakness menses 4 days, profuse bleeding, just attained menarche abdominal pain once a week irritable disposition sweats less fears awaken her at night fingers stiffen due to cold calc carb 200, fp km 6 07-01-2011 She complained about cold. She doesn't have stiffness in fingers now She is not having hard stools and not straining There is some relief in short breath calc carb 200, fp km 6 03-03-2011 she has good BM now and no abdonimal pain and short breath. she didn't have her menses since december she has pain in her legs pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 14-03-2011 menses appeared.

today is 4th day. flow profuse, not profuse now, abdominal cramps better applying pressure Mag Phos 200 18-03-2011 throat irritation nux vomica 30 27-06-2011 feverish, chilly no hard stools now, no short breath and weakness generally she prefers cold surroundings Puls 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 568 : Patient : 1386 knee pain and swelling after accident bryonia 30, ruta 30, rhus arn 30, hyp 30, symphytum 200, phosphorus 200 16-04-2011, 26-06-2011 teliya he fell down and his scooter fell on his feet his knee hurts and he limps there is swelling on knee at the end of the day during exertion looking at the motion modality, bry 30 and ruta 30 twice a day was given at the begining later he was asked to take rhus arn 30 and hypericum 30. from the very begining he was asked to take a pill of symphytum 200 on every alternate day he was also asked to take one tablet of the following meds in the morning and evening trayodashang guggulu and lakshadi guggulu 26-06-2011 he did well on the later remedies ie rhus tox and hypericum. he is stil not 100%. rhus arn 30 one pill in the morning and evening daily except sunday, calc phos 6x 2 tablets thrice a day, symphytum 200 one pill alternate day phos 200 one pill in the morning and evening every sunday trayodashang guggulu and lakshadi guggulu Sr. No. 569 : Patient : 1371 skin affections on penis, thighs and back sulphur 30 16-06-2011, 23-06-2011 teliya skin affections on penis, thighs and back since few months no issues with BM

less appetite thristy a lot doesn't sleep covered. sulphur 30. 5 doses now and 5 in next week if there is no substantial relief. 23-06-2011 got some relief asked to take sulphur every 2 days with a gap of 2 days. stop on substantial relief haridra khanda Sr. No. 570 : Patient : 1384 knees stiff after sitting, constipated bowels lyc 200, rhus arn 30 23-06-2011 teliya knees stiff after sitting swelling of right knee constipated bowels choking at throat lyc 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 571 : Patient : 1381 alcoholism nux vomica 200 23-06-2011 teliya feels very angy inspite of expressing anger prefers moderate weather prefers spicy food, doesn't like sweets constipated bowels, some straining needed, sometimes sticky stools becomes very nervous for some moments and again nervousness goes away cherry plum, aspen, white chestnut nux vomica 200 one pill in the morning and evening for 10 days Sr. No. 572 : Patient : 1382 cold and cough calc carb 200, fp km 6 23-06-2011 teliya cold and cough rushes wash room after meals calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 573 : Patient : 1366

itching without eruptions on both legs Sulphur 30 13-06-2011, 22-06-2011 teliya itching without eruptions on both legs prefers cold surroundings never sleeps covered appears to be irritable 5 doses of Sulphur 30 at 12 hrly gap 22-06-2011 he got some relief. haridra khanda sulphur 30 Sr. No. 574 : Patient : 1290 cramps in knees, soles and all over body kali carb 200, nux vomica 200, thuja 30 28-05-2011, 20-06-2011 teliya cramps in knees, soles and all over body can't stand, walk kali carb 200 yogiraj guggulu, chandraprabha vati 20-06-2011 having very less appetite and also feeling weak. a wart between ber toes has been slit due to injury nux vomica 200, thuja 30 Sr. No. 575 : Patient : 1373 cold, cough gelsemium 30 18-06-2011 teliya cold, nasal discharge feverish worried too much about wife's health gelsemium 30 Sr. No. 576 : Patient : 1368 pimples on face natrum mur 30, silicea 200 17-06-2011

teliya pimples on face worse sun pimples have black heads and there is a yellow discharge if pimple is popped thirsty a lot prefers cold surroundings some itching natrum mur 30, silicea 200 first nm and then sil after 1 week if no relief from nm. Sr. No. 577 : Patient : 1370 extremeties and back pain calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 16-06-2011 teliya extremeties and back pain doesn't feel like working gets tired easily pain around left shoulder, worse night can't sleep due to pain prefers cold surroundings low BP worse evening lameness in lower extremeties after low BP sweats a lot, fasts a lot Calc Carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 578 : Patient : 771 low bp, nausea, vertigo, weakness lyc 200, fp km 6, rhus arnica 30, nux vomica 30 01-02-2011, 28-02-2011, 18-04-2011, 16-06-2011 teliya low bp nausea, vertigo works on sewing machine waekness after exertion short breath on going upstairs regular menses, 2 days, less bleeding, pale and scanty, red prefers warm surroundings worse 1.30 to 3.30 pm sweats less less appetite lyc 200, fp km 6 28-02-2011 she reported overall improvement in appetite, vertigo etc, even she observed change in her menstruation.

she has back pain due to sewing work. she is given rhus arn 30 for that. she is a tobacco addict. she says if she doesn't take tobacco ber bowels get constipated. she is asked to take nux vomica 30 for her withdrawal symptom. rhus arnica 30, nux vomica 30 18-04-2011 less appetite, cramps in calves, right side headache Lyc 200, nux vomica 30 16-06-2011 vertigo worse exertion lyc 200, kali phos 30 Sr. No. 579 : Patient : 1365 boil on forehead pulsatilla 200, silicea 200 12-06-2011 teliya boil on forehead menses late 8-15 days sometimes by 2 months 4 day normal flow, some abdominal pain during menses on first day mild disposition pulsatilla 200, silicea 200 Sr. No. 580 : Patient : 1364 boil on nose silicea 200 12-06-2011 teliya boil on nose good BM watches TV a lot silicea 200 Sr. No. 581 : Patient : 942 right hand pain, short breath, heel pain calc carb 200, rhus arn 30, puls 200, cf 30 29-04-2011, 25-05-2011, 12-06-2011 teliya 56 yrs right hand pain worse exertion, works as a maid heel pain (left) at bottom, side and back, worse motion obese person history of 4 day profuse menses every 3 weeks short breath

calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 the lady didn't have any relief in any respect. she is a very mild and smiling lady puls 200, cf 30 12-06-2011 again she got no relief in any of her symptoms. the part of hand that is painful is also swelled. bryonia 30 twice a day for 2 days then stop and again start. Sr. No. 582 : Patient : 1361 thigh pain, soles of feet sore Pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30 11-06-2011 teliya thigh pain, soles of feet sore worse morning good BM h/o regular menses, 4 days normal flow Pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 583 : Patient : 1362 headache, cramps in head nux vomica 200 11-06-2011 teliya headache, cramps in head worse loss of sleep doesn't feel fresh in the morning afternoon nap relieves first sleep at night is difficult good BM nux vomica 200 at night for 5 days. chandraprabha vati, shilajeet rasayan vati Sr. No. 584 : Patient : 656 leg pain, back pain - varicose vien Puls 200, Calc Carb 200, rhus tox 200, graphites 200 16-11-2010, 29-11-2010, 09-12-2010, 07-01-2011, 04-03-2011, 30-04-2011, 28-05-2011, 11-06-2011 teliya pain from thighs to toe tips each stool different mild disposition prefers cold surroundings

less thirst, for cold water backache Pulsatilla 200 29-11-2010 There is a relapse. She sleeps in a air cooled room. Calc Carb 200 09-12-2010 diarrhoea after 3 sweets and 3 cups tea she reported 40% relief in pain there is a relapse since 2 days. calc carb 200 07-01-2011 She reported relief. cc 200, if no relief in backache rhus 200 04-03-2011 She got relief in her backache on Rhus Tox. She don't have backache now. She has pain in her hands worse exertion She has 4-5 days menses, heavy bleeding, red, no clots single dose of lyc 200 for vertigo. calc carb 200 30-04-2011 calc carb 200 28-05-2011 she said lyc 200, calc carb 200 not working for any symptom. she lost bottle containing rhus 200. she is given rhus 200 and ars 200. only few doses of ars 200. rhus 200 daily twice for few days. 11-06-2011 she did well on calc carb 200 and also ars alb 200. she is having loose mucousy stools she has also missed her preiods. she is given calc carb 200. If calc carb 200 doesn't help she is asked to take Graphites 200. 5 doses. Sr. No. 585 : Patient : 1360 left knee pain Lyc 200, Rhus Arn 30 09-06-2011 teliya

left knee pain since 2-3 months worse sitting menopause since 2 yrs h/o regular menses, 4 days, normal flow short breath due to exertion good BM loss of appetite Lyc 200 at night 5 days, Rhus Arn 30 thrice a day, daily Sr. No. 586 : Patient : 1359 nocturnal enuresis lycopodium 200 08-06-2011 teliya nocturnal enuresis feeble mind constipated bowels, sits long for evacuation lycopodium 200 Sr. No. 587 : Patient : 1358 peeling of skin and other affections graphites 30 08-06-2011 teliya peeling of skin on palm of right hand some begining on left hand both thighs also affected dry skin affections regular menses, 2 days, normal flow, thick, black clots weeps on minor issues left ovary removed in childhood she weeps on minor issues distended abdomen abdominal gases neck pain, back pain worse exertion graphites 30 Sr. No. 588 : Patient : 927 throat irritation, pain in extrremeties Calc Carb 200, fp km 6 17-04-2011, 26-05-2011, 08-06-2011 teliya throat irritation, pain in extrremeties hawks a lot and gets expectoration

Calc Carb 200, fp km 6 26-05-2011 good relief Calc Carb 200, fp km 6 calc carb 200 to be taken only when there is a relapse. 08-06-2011 she is suffering from pain in her lower extremeties rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 589 : Patient : 781 pus filled eruptions on right hand silicea 200, hepar sulph 200 04-02-2011, 08-06-2011 teliya pus filled eruptions on right hand too much itching red pustular eruption also has mouth ulcers at times silicea 200, hepar sulph 200 08-06-2011 mouth ulcers silicea 200 Sr. No. 590 : Patient : 1357 red rashes nux vomica 30, urtica urens 6 07-06-2011 teliya red rashes itch and also worse itching menses regular 1 - 11/2 days, normal bleeding, normal consistency dys before start of menses worse morning, vertigo and weakness nux vomica 30, if no relief urt urens 6 Sr. No. 591 : Patient : 1344 painful pus affections at finger tip myristica 30 05-06-2011, 06-06-2011 camp painful pus affections at finger tip myristica 30 -

06-06-2011 he did well. he alternated one pill of myristica 30 every 15 minutes with the remedy given by another physician. he is asked to alternate one pill of myritica with one pill of another remedy and take only 3 doses of each in a day. Sr. No. 592 : Patient : 1348 prabandhak with tonsilitis calc carb 200 06-06-2011 camp prabandhak with tonsilitis worse cold weather pain on swallowing and also less pain otherwise calc carb 200 Sr. No. 593 : Patient : 1349 pain and stiffness in legs lyc 200, rhus arn 30 06-06-2011 camp pain and stiffness in legs worse squatting on the ground for 15-30 minutes constipated bowels lyc 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 594 : Patient : 1355 pain at back of heels worse first movement lyc 200, rhus arn 30 06-06-2011 camp pain at back of heels worse first movement constipated bowels works as a school teacher lyc 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 595 : Patient : 1350 weakness, feverish nux vomica 200 06-06-2011 camp weakness, feverish nux vomica 200

Sr. No. 596 : Patient : 1351 feverish after getting wet calc carb 200 06-06-2011 camp feverish after getting wet calc carb 200 for warts he is asked to take Thuja 30 twice a day for a month and see how that affects. Sr. No. 597 : Patient : 978 shoulder pain, joint pain, leg pain, abdominal gases worse empty stomach carbo veg 30, rhus arnica 30, lycopodium 200, mag phos 30, calc carb 200, chel 6 11-05-2011, 13-05-2011, 23-05-2011, 24-05-2011, 06-06-2011 camp shoulder pain, joint pain, leg pain, abdominal gases worse empty stomach carbo veg 30, rhus arnica 30 13-05-2011 he has constipation and belching his pain is better applying pressure lycopodium 200, mag phos 30 23-05-2011 symptoms like weakness, dizziness worse evening some relief in other symptoms. calc carb 200, chel 6 24-05-2011 his bp is 108/86. he is asked to take some salt and sugar with water. 06-06-2011 he complains of pain in his shoulders and arms rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 598 : Patient : 411 pain in teeth, vertigo staphysagria 200, bc 23 10-12-2010, 17-12-2010, 16-05-2011, 06-06-2011 128jn pain in teeth worse eating heart patient sensitive person staphysagria 200, bc 23

17-12-2010 He reported significant relief in his tooth pain. He said that most of the relief was given by Staphysagria. He is again provided with three doses of Staphysagria 200. 16-05-2011 vertigo worse sleeping, morning after rising from bed nux vomica 200 and later conium 200 if needed. 06-06-2011 he got relief in his vertigo. now there is a cracking sound when he moves his neck rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 599 : Patient : 365 profuse bleeding, uterine fibroid Calc Carb 200, Pulsatilla 200 25-11-2010, 26-11-2010, 06-06-2011 128jn profuse bleeding, uterine fibroid periods after 3 months irritation of food pipe abdominal pain on right side white discharge before periods pain radiates from big toe of right side upwards. she is worse in the morning and better in the evening. constipated bowels 26-11-2010 She didn't notice any improvement. The flow was profuse at night... She is advised to take Puls 200 after that thlaspi 30 after that trillium 6 after that Ammonium Mur 30. 06-06-2011 the earlier remedies didn't help nux vomica 200 at night hypericum 200 on need basis for radiating nerve pain. Sr. No. 600 : Patient : 1347 dry cough worse night, talking calc carb 200 02-06-2011, 05-06-2011 camp

dry cough worse night, talking calc carb 200 05-06-2011 there is relief in cough while talking now. there is still severe cough at night. calc carb 200 Sr. No. 601 : Patient : 1071 cough, nose blocked, throat pain, constipation nux vomica 200, lycopodium 200, graphites 30 17-05-2011, 24-05-2011, 30-05-2011, 05-06-2011 camp cough, nose blocked, throat pain, constipation nux vomica 200 24-05-2011 a part of leg pits on pressure constipated bowels lycopodium 200 30-05-2011 no relief in pitting graphites 30 05-06-2011 got relief in a itchy black patch that he has on his leg. pitting has also reduced to some extent he is asked to take the remedy for 3 days whenever he has relapse in his symptoms. Sr. No. 602 : Patient : 1293 eczema dry, weeping, worse sour items sulphur 30, sulphur 200 29-05-2011, 01-06-2011, 05-06-2011 camp eczema dry, weeping, worse sour items sulphur 30 01-06-2011 there was relief and then a relapse sulphur 200 05-06-2011 he did well on 30 and not 200. sulphur 30

Sr. No. 603 : Patient : 1311 body pain, throat irritation, cough worse night, scanty mucus bryonia 200, calc carb 200, phos 200 01-06-2011, 04-06-2011, 05-06-2011 camp body pain, throat irritation, cough worse night, scanty mucus bryonia 200 04-06-2011 mucus loose now. calc carb 200. 05-06-2011 now there is no cough at night phos 200 Sr. No. 604 : Patient : 1312 wound on knee, ribs pain due to injury calendula 200, rhus arn 30, nux vomica 200, silicea 200 01-06-2011, 02-06-2011, 05-06-2011 camp wound on knee, ribs pain due to injury calendula 200, rhus arn 30 02-06-2011 blocked nose, some cough, constipation nux vomica 200 05-06-2011 wound not healing silicea 200 Sr. No. 605 : Patient : 1335 burning at ribs, sour belching lyc 200, np 30, nux vom 200 03-06-2011, 05-06-2011 camp burning at ribs, sour belching lyc 200, np 30 no relief nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 606 : Patient : 1342 acidity, abdominal gases, eructations, worse afternoon lyc 200, natrum phos 30

05-06-2011 camp acidity, abdominal gases, eructations, worse afternoon lyc 200, natrum phos 30 Sr. No. 607 : Patient : 1343 problems with steel rod fitted in hand long back rhus arn 30 05-06-2011 camp problems with steel rod fitted in hand long back rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 608 : Patient : 1234 loose motion twice, some reddish black discharge, had been suffering from recurring fever, abdomen feels heavy china 200, acid phos 30, arsenic alb 30 26-05-2011, 27-05-2011, 27-05-2011, 28-05-2011, 29-05-2011, 31-05-2011, 05-06-2011 camp loose motion twice, some reddish black discharge, had been suffering from recurring fever, abdomen feels heavy china 200 27-05-2011 he reported relief, asked to continue 27-05-2011 again passed some lose stools acid phos 30 to be taken in alternation china 200, acid phos 30 28-05-2011 passed some loose stools ars alb 30 29-05-2011 passed some loose stools china 200, acid phos 30 31-05-2011 passed loose stools in the morning once a day china 200, acid phos 30 05-06-2011 no loose stools now. he had a fever and did well on the homeo remedies given by another physician.

he is asked to continue the remedy by taking it at larger intervals. Sr. No. 609 : Patient : 1356 wart in armpit thuja 30 05-06-2011 teliya wart in armpit wart growing in size no pain prefers cold surroundings sweats less thuja 30 Sr. No. 610 : Patient : 1345 abdominal pain around navel calc carb 200 05-06-2011 camp abdominal pain around navel calc carb 200 Sr. No. 611 : Patient : 1346 boils on face, hyperhidosis silicea 200 05-06-2011 camp boils on face, hyperhidosis silicea 200 Sr. No. 612 : Patient : 977 minor injury, leakage of prostatic fluid rhus arnica 30, lyc 200, calendula 200, bryonia 30, nux vomica 200, bryonia 200, Hepar Sulph 200, nux vomica 200, silicea 30, euphrasia 6, bryonia 200 10-05-2011, 12-05-2011, 13-05-2011, 16-05-2011, 17-05-2011, 19-05-2011, 21-05-2011, 24-05-2011, 26-05-2011, 27-05-2011, 01-06-2011, 03-06-2011, 05-06-2011 camp minor injury, leakage of prostatic fluid rhus arnica 30, lyc 200 12-05-2011 calendula 200 for a minor cut rhus arn 30 for minor swelling due to injury 13-05-2011

he says that his foot pain is not there now as it used to be earlier. Earlier it used to be always. Now he has foot pain worse movements. he says that constipation has reduced but not been eliminated. bryonia 30 16-05-2011 nux vomica 200 for thin nasal discharge 17-05-2011 bryonia 30 as he is having leg pain due to exertion 19-05-2011 did well on hay fever symptoms, now again talks about leg pain rhus arn 30 21-05-2011 agg in cold and cough relief in leg pain bryonia 200 24-05-2011 dry cough, chilly patient foot pain doing physical exercises hepar sulph 200, rhus arn 30 26-05-2011 did well on hs. some more given. 27-05-2011 cough not yielding nux vomica 200 01-06-2011 cough, foot pain silicea 30 03-06-2011 eye red and painful euphrasia 6 05-06-2011 fever after sitting in sun bryonia 200 Sr. No. 613 : Patient : 921

back pain lycopodium 200, rhus arnica 30, gelsemium 200, calc carb 200 06-04-2011, 21-04-2011, 11-05-2011, 05-06-2011 teliya burning and pain at lower back worse afternoon, evening better morning BM normal thirst normal, pot water pain better morning pain better movements, worse rest lycopodium 200, rhus arnica 30 21-04-2011 He responded well to the meds. Pain in back is not there in the afternoon. He feels very sluggish in the morning Nux Vomica 30 11-05-2011 he ejaculates easily with little provocation while being with his fiancee. neither lyc 200 nor nux vom 30 helped. his back pain is not there now. Gels 200 3 doses now and another 3 after one week if needed. 05-06-2011 he is having back pain as he did sitting for long hours he has no relief in early ejaculation calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 614 : Patient : 1339 head heavy, abdominal gases, stressed lyc 200 02-06-2011, 04-06-2011 camp head heavy, abdominal gases, stressed worse 4 pm lyc 200 04-06-2011 he got relief he is quite stressed. he is asked to stop the remedy on substantial relief. lyc 200 Sr. No. 615 : Patient : 1340 dry cough, throat pain

bryonia 200 04-06-2011 camp dry cough, throat pain bryonia 200 Sr. No. 616 : Patient : 1341 2 yr girl cries while passing stools sulphur 200 04-06-2011 camp 2 yr girl cries while passing stools sulphur 200 Sr. No. 617 : Patient : 1191 throat irritation, cough, cold bryonia 30, silicea 30, myristica 30, rhus arn 30 21-05-2011, 23-05-2011, 24-05-2011, 29-05-2011, 03-06-2011, 04-06-2011 camp throat irritation, cough, cold bryonia 30 23-05-2011 small boil with yellow mouth on buttock silicea 30 24-05-2011 boil has grown bigger, it appears to be full of pus. myristica 30 29-05-2011 growth of boil arrested, boil subdued myristica 30 03-06-2011 elbow pain due to injury worse rest rhus arn 30 04-06-2011 boil worsening after stopping myristica myristic 30 for boil rhus arn 30 for elbow pain Sr. No. 618 : Patient : 1042 itching on soles of feet

sulphur 30, sulphur 200, urtica urens 6 15-05-2011, 21-05-2011, 30-05-2011, 04-06-2011 camp. itching on soles of feet sulphur 30 21-05-2011 complaint solved. now hands itch sulphur 200 30-05-2011 some itching is back sulphur 200 04-06-2011 again itching urtica urens 6 Sr. No. 619 : Patient : 1316 pus filled boil on chin myristica 30, silicea 200 01-06-2011, 02-06-2011, 04-06-2011 camp pus filled boil on chin myristica 30 02-06-2011 boil bursts remedy to be continued until pus is fully drained. 04-06-2011 boil is drained. silicea 200 Sr. No. 620 : Patient : 1325 summer affections nux vomica 200, bryonia 30 02-06-2011, 04-06-2011 camp summer affections nux vomica 200 04-06-2011 no relief in cough

bryonia 30 Sr. No. 621 : Patient : 1307 early morning acid reflux nux vomica 200, natrum phos 30 31-05-2011, 04-06-2011, 04-06-2011 camp early morning acid reflux 2.30 to 3.00 am acid reflux, vomitting throat chokes, vertigo burning sensation nux vomica 200, natrum phos 30 04-06-2011 earlier problems relieved. now throat irritation and chilliness nux vomica 200 04-06-2011 he says that he was worse after afternoon sleep for some time though he is not feeling chilly now asked to continue with nux vomica 200. Sr. No. 622 : Patient : 1337 ear pain, deafness, bronchitis worse cold calc carb 200, silicea 200 04-06-2011 camp ear pain, deafness, bronchitis worse cold calc carb 200, silicea 200 Sr. No. 623 : Patient : 1338 blood in mouth when gets up Phos 200, Carb Veg 30 04-06-2011 camp blood in mouth when gets up throat mucus can't be swallowed so bad. teeth crumbling and yellow. Phos 200, Carb Veg 30 bio-chemic combination bc-23 advised. Sr. No. 624 : Patient : 986 body pain, feverish bryonia 30

11-05-2011, 04-06-2011 camp body pain, feverish bryonia 30 04-06-2011 throat irritation bryonia 30 Sr. No. 625 : Patient : 1207 dry throat, productive cough, constipated bowels nux vomica 200, calc carb 200, gelsemium 30 22-05-2011, 27-05-2011, 03-06-2011 camp dry throat, productive cough, constipated bowels nux vomica 200 27-05-2011 productive cough, weakness calc carb 200 03-06-2011 eye lids heavy cough, watery discharge from nose bowels constipated calc carb 200, gelsemium 30 Sr. No. 626 : Patient : 1115 severe headache, vertigo, cold nux vomica 200, sang nit 30 18-05-2011, 29-05-2011, 03-06-2011 camp severe headache, vertigo, cold nux vomica 200, sang nit 30 29-05-2011 got excellent relief in his problems advised to take remedies only on need basis nux vomica 200, sang nit 30 03-06-2011 severe heel pain can't bear pressure on heels lyc 30, calc fluor 30 Sr. No. 627 : Patient : 1132

throat irritation, tough mucus bryonia 30, bryonia 200 19-05-2011, 03-06-2011 camp throat irritation, tough mucus bryonia 30 dry cough bryonia 200 Sr. No. 628 : Patient : 1106 itching, hives sulphur 30, calc carb 200, apis 30, lyc 200, sulph 200, kali sulph 6 18-05-2011, 21-05-2011, 24-05-2011, 25-05-2011, 27-05-2011, 30-05-2011, 03-06-2011 camp itching, hives sulphur 30 21-05-2011 red rashes spread all over body and then receded. bee sting like feeling, constipated bowels calc carb 200, apis 30 24-05-2011 he said he did better on sulphur 30 compared to Apis. he is given lyc 200 and the next remedy in line is Sulphur 200. 25-05-2011 no relief from lycopodium 200 sulphur 200 27-05-2011 there is relief in itching. some fresh eruptions appeared on hands and bends of legs. kali sulph 6 30-05-2011 there is relief in itching kali sulph 6, haridra khanda 03-06-2011 itching has increased again. sulphur 200. 5 doses. Sr. No. 629 : Patient : 1174 non bleeding piles , very painful nux vomica 200, calc flour 30, sulphur 200., ratanhia 30, collinsonia 30, ham 30, mill 6

20-05-2011, 22-05-2011, 25-05-2011, 28-05-2011, 30-05-2011, 03-06-2011 camp non bleeding piles too much pain at the time of evacuation and thereafter nux vomica 200, calc flour 30 22-05-2011 he got no relief from the remedies. sulphur 200, ratanhia 30 25-05-2011 pain after evacuation is not there evacuation very painful there is bunch of grapes like protrusion ratanhia 30, collinsonia 30 28-05-2011 doing well in pain now constipated Nux Vomica 200 used as intercurrent remedy 30-05-2011 bowels cleared. some anal bleeding hamamelis 30, millefolium 6 03-06-2011 doing well in his main problems reported old problem of pain in right pelvic girdle worse first movement rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 630 : Patient : 1328 frozen shoulder calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 03-06-2011 camp left hand can't be raised with ease since 5-6 months started with an injury constipated bowels large stools most times calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 631 : Patient : 1329 painful boil on forehead belladonna 200, silicea 30 03-06-2011

camp painful boil on forehead belladonna 200 single dose, silicea 30 thrice a day for 3 days Sr. No. 632 : Patient : 1330 dry cough, throat irritation, sticky stools lyc 200 03-06-2011 camp dry cough, throat irritation, sticky stools lyc 200 Sr. No. 633 : Patient : 1331 passing many stools a day lycopodium 200 03-06-2011 camp passing many stools a day summer affections, mucus in stools lycopodium 200 Sr. No. 634 : Patient : 1332 patient with some swelling above neck on left side calc carb 200 03-06-2011 camp patient with some swelling above neck on left side h/o tonsilitis obese person calc carb 200 Sr. No. 635 : Patient : 1333 minor cut on fingers while working calendula 200 03-06-2011 camp minor cut on fingers while working calendula 200 Sr. No. 636 : Patient : 1334 skin eruptions due to summer heat natrum carb 30, silicea 200 03-06-2011 camp skin eruptions due to summer heat

natrum carb 30, silicea 200 Sr. No. 637 : Patient : 1264 throat irritation bryonia 30 28-05-2011, 03-06-2011 camp throat irritation bryonia 30 03-06-2011 now mild cough bryonia 30 Sr. No. 638 : Patient : 1336 dry cough, many loose stools calc carb 200 03-06-2011 camp dry cough worse night, loose stools, earlier many now few, rushes after meals calc carb 200 Sr. No. 639 : Patient : 1179 throat irritation, weakness, cough worse sleeping bryonia 200, myristica 30, silicea 200 20-05-2011, 02-06-2011, 03-06-2011 camp throat irritation, weakness, cough worse sleeping bryonia 200 02-06-2011 pus affection at finger tip myristica 30 03-06-2011 pt suffers from diabetes. did some progress with myristica 30. silicea 200 Sr. No. 640 : Patient : 1180 insomnia, cough, tight mucus, fever, throat irritation, passes stools 4 times a day nux vomica 200, ferr pic 30, carbo veg 30, merc sol 200, phos 30, pulsatilla 200 20-05-2011, 21-05-2011, 24-05-2011, 26-05-2011, 01-06-2011, 03-06-2011

camp insomnia, cough, tight mucus, fever, throat irritation, passes stools 4 times a day nux vomica 200, ferr pic 30 21-05-2011 some relief in complaints. he was hospitalized for a day due to fever. chronically he passes 3 stools a day. soft stools. bleeding gums. carbo veg 30 24-05-2011 red soreness in inner nose swelling of another gland on throat merc sol 200 3 doses 26-05-2011 nose affection corrected stomach doing well chronic problem of bleeding gums phos 30 01-06-2011 passing many (2-3) loose stools a day feeling feverish mild disposition. prefers cold surroundings pulsatilla 200 03-06-2011 the remedy worked. he is asked to repeat the remedy whenever needed. Sr. No. 641 : Patient : 1107 hit leg very hard while playing arnica 200, ruta 200 18-05-2011, 03-06-2011 camp hit leg very hard while playing arnica 200, ruta 200 03-06-2011 throat pain, cough bryonia 30 Sr. No. 642 : Patient : 1303

swelling at ankle, red eruptions over body natrum carb 30, rhus arn 30 31-05-2011, 01-06-2011, 03-06-2011 camp swelling at ankle, red eruptions over body natrum carb 30, rhus arn 30 01-06-2011 eruptions gone. some relief in ankle. remedies continued. 03-06-2011 relief. remedies continued. Sr. No. 643 : Patient : 1304 tough mucus, burning micturation bryonia 200, cantharis 30, sulphur 200, millefolium 6 31-05-2011, 01-06-2011, 03-06-2011 camp tough mucus, burning micturation bryonia 200 01-06-2011 relief in throat, no relief in burning micturation cantharis 30 03-06-2011 anus burns few drops of blood passed in stools hyperhidrosis sulphur 200, millefolium 6 Sr. No. 644 : Patient : 1324 protection from summer heat natrum carb 30 02-06-2011 camp protection from summer heat natrum carb 30 Sr. No. 645 : Patient : 1256 boil on thigh silicea 200 27-05-2011, 02-06-2011

camp boil on thigh silicea 200 02-06-2011 some signs of deterioration recently otherwise the boil was aborted. silicea 200 Sr. No. 646 : Patient : 1326 dry cough, nasal discharge, obese person calc carb 200, sang nit 30 02-06-2011 camp dry cough, nasal discharge, obese person calc carb 200, sang nit 30 Sr. No. 647 : Patient : 1327 headache, throat pain, body pain bryonia 30 02-06-2011 camp headache, throat pain, body pain bryonia 30 Sr. No. 648 : Patient : 1160 cough, chest pain bryonia 30, nux vomica 200, calendula 200 20-05-2011, 02-06-2011 camp cough, chest pain bryonia 30 02-06-2011 head tight, pain in extremeties, constipation some minor cut from injury nux vomica 200, calendula 200 Sr. No. 649 : Patient : 1098 body pain, throat irritation, burning eyes, some cold bryonia 30, rhus tox 30, mill 6, hekla lava 6 18-05-2011, 27-05-2011, 02-06-2011 camp body pain, throat irritation, burning eyes, some cold bryonia 30

27-05-2011 body pain worse rest, blood drops in spits rhus tox 30, mill 6 02-06-2011 boil on lip and another on gum hekla lava 6 Sr. No. 650 : Patient : 1047 loose stools and summer effects nux vomica 200 16-05-2011, 02-06-2011 camp loose stools and summer effects nux vomica 200 02-06-2011 headache, constipated bowels nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 651 : Patient : 1221 very painful bruised wound due to sports injury calendula 200, hypericum 200, bryonia 200 24-05-2011, 26-05-2011, 02-06-2011 camp very painful bruised wound due to sports injury calendula 200, hypericum 200 26-05-2011 now no pain, only very mild wound calendula 200 02-06-2011. feverish, tough mucus, feels hot internally, body pain worse lower extremeties bryonia 200 Sr. No. 652 : Patient : 1314 pus filled boils silicea 200 01-06-2011, 02-06-2011 camp pus filled boils silicea 200 -

02-06-2011 he can walk comfotably as the boils have calmed down. remedy to be repeated until there is substantial relief. Sr. No. 653 : Patient : 1298 productive cough calc carb 200, Phos 200 30-05-2011, 02-06-2011 camp productive cough h/o aural discharge when he has heavy cold body pain worse evening haemorrhoids, no protrusion of mass calc carb 200 02-06-2011 cough at night Phosphorus 200 Sr. No. 654 : Patient : 1319 red eruptions all over due to heat natrum carb 30 02-06-2011 camp red eruptions all over due to heat natrum carb 30 Sr. No. 655 : Patient : 1320 painful finger incised injury calendula 200, hypericum 200, silicea 200 31-05-2011, 02-06-2011 128jn painful finger incised injury calendula 200, hypericum 200 02-06-2011 wound healed substantially skin indurated back pain silicea 200 Sr. No. 656 : Patient : 1321 painful incised injury due to mirror glass calendula 200, hypericum 200 02-06-2011 128jn

painful incised injury due to mirror glass calendula 200, hypericum 200 Sr. No. 657 : Patient : 990 throat pain, hoarseness of voice phos 200, ferrum picricum 30, wyethia 30, lycopodium 200 12-05-2011, 19-05-2011, 23-05-2011, 25-05-2011, 02-06-2011 camp throat pain, hoarseness of voice worse exertion, shouting slogans phos 200, ferrum picricum 30 19-05-2011 the remedies worked. wyethia 30 23-05-2011 he said Phos 200 worked best for him. Phos 200 25-05-2011 abdominal pain, nausea, hyper-hidrosis loss of appetite lycopodium 200 02-06-2011 pain under ribs left side abdominal pain decrease in appetite bowels not cleared fully nux vomica 200, chelidonium 6 Sr. No. 658 : Patient : 1009 weak eye-sight Phosphorus 200 13-05-2011, 02-06-2011 weak eye-sight demonstrates good spirit of working as a volunteer. Phosphorus 200 02-06-2011 swelled cheek due to tooth affection phos 30, calc fluor 30 thrice a day for 2 days Sr. No. 659 : Patient : 1079 cough, fever, throat irritation

bryonia 30, sulphur 200, hamamelis 30 17-05-2011, 01-06-2011 camp cough, fever, throat irritation bryonia 30 01-06-2011 anal bleeding some burning and itching at anus sulphur 200, hamamelis 30 Sr. No. 660 : Patient : 1317 productive cough nux vomica 30 01-06-2011 camp productive cough nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 661 : Patient : 1318 hives, itching sulphur 200, natrum carb 30 01-06-2011 camp hives, itching sulphur 200, natrum carb 30 Sr. No. 662 : Patient : 1300 left testicle swollen lycopodium 200 30-05-2011, 01-06-2011 camp left testicle swollen swelling increased due to physical exercises no pain, pain if wrapped tight sonstipated bowels, strains throat irritation some chest pain if bowels are not cleared prefers cold surroundings anxiety due to dreams, some one helds him in the dream less thirst fears being alone lycopodium 200. 5 doses. 01-06-2011 he got relief in constipation

swelling has reduced a bit throat irritation reduced gets vivid dreams and wakes but also gets back to sleep placebo Sr. No. 663 : Patient : 1109 constipation, acidity, headache nux vomica 200 18-05-2011, 01-06-2011 camp constipation, acidity, headache nux vomica 200 01-06-2011 some loose stools and mentally agitated nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 664 : Patient : 1171 feverish bryonia 200, nux vom 30, rhus arn 30 20-05-2011, 29-05-2011, 01-06-2011 camp feverish bry 200 29-05-2011 He is having some groin pain. nux vomica 30 01-06-2011 leg pain due to physical exercises rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 665 : Patient : 1323 severe leg pain nux vomica 200, rhus arnica 30 01-06-2011 teliya severe leg pain radiating from toes upwards irritable diposition alcoholic / non-vegan feet swelled nails deformed nux vomica 200 at night rhus arn 30 in the morning

pain worse night, walking nux vomica 200, rhus arnica 30 Sr. No. 666 : Patient : 1053 cough, cold, sneezing nux vomica 200, bryonia 30, merc sol 200, silicea 200, nux vomica 30 16-05-2011, 17-05-2011, 19-05-2011, 21-05-2011, 25-05-2011, 01-06-2011 camp cough, cold, sneezing nux vomica 200 17-05-2011 did well on nux vomica 200 didn't fell ill after feeling chilly now dry cough, dry stools bryonia 30 19-05-2011 relief in cough, remedy repeated. 21-05-2011 reported some nux symptoms. nux vomica 200 25-05-2011 ear pain, nothing visible merc sol 200 01-06-2011 discharge from a red piticule in external ear and also from inner ear. silicea 200 03-06-2011 testicle pain, feverish Sr. No. 667 : Patient : 1310 leg and knee pain rhus arn 30 01-06-2011 camp leg and knee pain rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 668 : Patient : 1043 throat irritation, cough, ear pain, hoarseness bryonia 30, arnica 200, bryonia 200

15-05-2011, 20-05-2011, 01-06-2011 camp throat irritation, cough bryonia 30 20-05-2011 ear pain possibly due to injury arnica 200 01-06-2011 hoarseness, sore throat bryonia 200 Sr. No. 669 : Patient : 1144 constipation, chest burning lyc 200, natrum phos 30, phosphorus 200 19-05-2011, 01-06-2011 camp constipation, chest burning lyc 200, natrum phos 30 01-06-2011 hair fall feels hot from inside has lot of concerns for others sharp features phosphorus 200 Sr. No. 670 : Patient : 1313 dry cough, worse night, morning, blocked nose nux vomica 200 01-06-2011 camp dry cough, worse night, morning, blocked nose nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 671 : Patient : 1294 white coated tongue, bitter mouth, blocked nose, slight cough nux vomica 200 29-05-2011, 01-06-2011 camp white coated tongue, bitter mouth, blocked nose, slight cough nux vomica 200 01-06-2011 got some relief.

remedy continued. Sr. No. 672 : Patient : 1315 pus filled boils on face silicea 200 01-06-2011 camp pus filled boils on face silicea 200 Sr. No. 673 : Patient : 992 ear pain calc carb 200, nux vomica 200, fp km 6, bryonia 30, natrum carb 30 11-05-2011, 16-05-2011, 19-05-2011, 31-05-2011, 01-06-2011 camp ear pain without visible affections calc carb 200 16-05-2011 ear pain corrected. dry cough, cold, nose blocked nux vomica 200, fpkm 6 19-05-2011 chest pain while coughing bryonia 30 31-05-2011 red pustular eruptions, intense head scratching calc carb 200 01-06-2011 no relief in pustular eruptions nartrum carb 30 04-06-2011 no relief in itching lycopodium 30. 5 doses. if no relief sulphur 30. 5 doses. Sr. No. 674 : Patient : 859 leucorrhoea calc carb 200, fp km 6 13-03-2011, 01-06-2011 teliya girl is 11 years old

leucorrhoea since 3 years abdominal pain sometimes breat pain, chest pain calc carb 200, fp km 6 01-06-2011 the girl did well on the remedies got good relief in leucorrhoea, abdominal pain she is asked to take fpkm 6 daily and calc carb 200 on need basis. Sr. No. 675 : Patient : 860 legs and hands pain sepia 200, fpkm 6, rhus arn 30 13-03-2011, 01-06-2011 teliya leg pain thigh downwards hand pain arms downwards menses evert 40-45 days less bleeding, 2 days, clots, thick and thin very irritable sepia 200, fpkm 6 01-06-2011 She is having severe pain in her extremeties in the morning and evening. she is very irritable sepia 200, rhus tox arnica 30 Sr. No. 676 : Patient : 1308 varicose viens ars alb 30, calc fluor 30 31-05-2011 camp varicose viens chilly person covers body even in hot weather walks a lot works as a pracharak bronchitis ars alb 30, calc fluor 30 Sr. No. 677 : Patient : 1309 itchful eruptions on feet and hands sulphur 30 31-05-2011 camp itchful eruptions on feet and hands works as a driver

sulphur 30 Sr. No. 678 : Patient : 1148 feverish, body pain, choking throat, sneezing bryonia 30, kp 30, nux vomica 200 19-05-2011, 21-05-2011, 31-05-2011 camp feverish, body pain, choking throat, sneezing bryonia 30 21-05-2011 earlier problems corrected. now weakness. kp 30 31-05-2011 some residual weaknes nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 679 : Patient : 1085 loose stools, thigh pain due to injury, left side headache calc carb 200, rhus 30, nux vomica 200 17-05-2011, 19-05-2011, 31-05-2011 camp pt with loose stools, thigh pain due to injury calc carb 200, rhus 30 19-05-2011 no loose stools, no thigh pain left side headache nux vomica 200 31-05-2011 painful eruptions on throat externally thigh pain worse sitting calc carb 200, rhus 30 Sr. No. 680 : Patient : 1302 acid reflux at 3-4 pm lyc 200, natrum phos 6 31-05-2011 camp acid reflux at 3-4 pm dry cough, sometimes headache lyc 200, natrum phos 6 Sr. No. 681 : Patient : 1143

nose blocked, weakness, pain in leg may be due to injury nux vomica 200, rhus arn 30 19-05-2011, 31-05-2011 camp nose blocked, weakness, pain in leg may be due to injury nux vomica 200, rhus arn 30 He did well on Nux Vomica for his complaints. He was also given Nux at some other time and he responded well. nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 682 : Patient : 1010 epistaxis aconite 200, fpkm 6, milefolium 6 13-05-2011, 31-05-2011 camp aconite 200 single dose, fpkm 6 twice a day, milefolium 6 if fpkm doesn't work 31-05-2011 fpkm 6 milefolium 6 once a day Sr. No. 683 : Patient : 1305 swelling on little finger of right hand due to injury rhus arn 30 31-05-2011 camp swelling on little finger of right hand due to injury rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 684 : Patient : 1306 belching on empty stomach nux vomica 30, mag phos 30 31-05-2011 camp belching on empty stomach nux vomica 30, mag phos 30 Sr. No. 685 : Patient : 1145 blocked nose, affections after taking juice, throat irritation, constipated bowels, headache nux vomica 200, kali mur 30, arnica 200, calendula 200 19-05-2011, 22-05-2011, 23-05-2011, 31-05-2011 camp

blocked nose, affections after taking juice, throat irritation, constipated bowels, headache nux vomica 200, kali mur 30 22-05-2011 hit his head and injured, there is bleeding and pain on forehead arnica 200, calendula 200 23-05-2011 there is no pain in the wound wound has dried substantially there is no change in constipation lycopodium 200, calendula 200 31-05-2011 constipation lyc 200 Sr. No. 686 : Patient : 991 headache, neck pain and constipation. nux vomica 200, sulphur 200 12-05-2011, 31-05-2011 camp headache, neck pain and constipation. nux vomica 200 31-05-2011 burning and itching due to skin break outs. sulphur 200 Sr. No. 687 : Patient : 1297 throat pain, initial stage of cold bryonia 30 30-05-2011 camp throat pain, initial stage of cold bryonia 30 Sr. No. 688 : Patient : 1129 burning, itching on hands and legs sulphur 200, calc carb 200, Phosphorus 200 19-05-2011, 22-05-2011, 25-05-2011, 30-05-2011 camp burning, itching on hands and legs sulphur 200 22-05-2011

40% relief. more doses provided to be taken only after proper assessment if there is improvement on earlier doses no more doses needed. 25-05-2011 not doing well any further short breath on running, change of weather Calc Carb 200 30-05-2011 there is relief in outbreaks on hands but there are outbreaks on legs Phosphorus 200 Sr. No. 689 : Patient : 1299 abdominal cramps, wry neck calc carb 200, rhus tox 200 30-05-2011 camp abdominal cramps, wry neck calc carb 200, rhus tox 200 Sr. No. 690 : Patient : 1277 boil with pus on lower lip silicea 200 29-05-2011, 30-05-2011 camp boil with pus on lower lip silicea 200 30-05-2011 did well. remedy continued. Sr. No. 691 : Patient : 1301 throat irritation bryonia 200 30-05-2011 camp throat irritation bry 200 Sr. No. 692 : Patient : 1322 soles of feet sore, knee pain, calves pain lyc 200, kp 30, cf 30 30-05-2011 teliya soles of feet very sore

knee pain, calves pain back pain loss of appetite nausea constipation, dry stools, small size regular menses every 3 weeks only one day, less bleeding, no clots painful extremeties during menses thirsty a lot for cold water prefers cold surroundings ball sensation in abdomen fears a lot lyc 200, kp 30, cf 30 Sr. No. 693 : Patient : 1280 cold and cough bryonia 200 29-05-2011, 30-05-2011 camp cold and cough since 2 months facial pain after taking juice body pain bryonia 200 30-05-2011 no relief from bryonia 200. nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 694 : Patient : 1198 dry skin due to summer heat, itching lycopodium 200, sulphur 200, silicea 200, hepar sulph 200, rhus arn 30 21-05-2011, 23-05-2011, 28-05-2011, 29-05-2011, 30-05-2011 camp dry skin due to summer heat, itching lycopodium 200 23-05-2011 relief, severe burning in armpits, thighs sulphur 200. 28-05-2011 relief in burning. now boils erupted silicea 200 29-05-2011

silicea did nothing hepar sulph 200 30-05-2011 hepar sulph 200 worked. bump on leg due to hit of a stick rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 695 : Patient : 1040 pain in abdomen, some loose stools, ineffectual desire nux vomica 200, sang nit 30 15-05-2011, 30-05-2011 camp pain in abdomen, some loose stools, ineffectual desire nux vomica 200 30-05-2011 he did well for his complaints. then he had thin discharge from his nose and did well on sang nit 30. now again he is having thin discharge, again sang nit 30. Sr. No. 696 : Patient : 1120 red pimples on feet, minimal watery discharge at times, itching Sulphur 200, hepar sulph 200, silicea 200 19-05-2011, 19-05-2011, 20-05-2011, 21-05-2011, 24-05-2011, 30-05-2011 camp red pimples on feet, minimal watery discharge at times, itching Sulphur 200, hepar sulph 200 19-05-2011 20-05 asked to continue with sulphur 200 as he reported relief on that. 20-05-2011 deformed toe nail is a concomitant silicea 200 21-05-2011 relief on silicea 200, to be continued. 24-05-2011 legs cleared, one boil on hand and two on thighs sulphur 200, silicea 200 30-05-2011 boils cleared except one on foot

sulphur 200 if needed, silicea 200 Sr. No. 697 : Patient : 1225 noise in ear, also some discharge at times Calc Carb 200, silicea 200 25-05-2011, 27-05-2011, 30-05-2011 camp noise in ear, also some discharge at times he is a physiotherapist a bit obese Calc Carb 200 27-05-2011 there is some relief. the patient is asked to wait and watch. he should take 3 doses of calc carb 200 on relapse. 30-05-2011 he reports some discharge from his ear. silicea 200. 5 doses. Sr. No. 698 : Patient : 879 extremeties pain, vertigo, nausea calc carb 200, fp km 6 16-03-2011, 30-05-2011 teliya extremeties pain, vertigo, nausea since 2-3 days vertigo worse morning irregular menses 6 days, profuse, blackish, with clots calc carb 200, fp km 6 30-05-2011 She is reported to have relief in her symptoms like vertigo and body pain. She says that her menses still don't appear for 2 months and they are profuse for 5-6 days whenever they appear. calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 699 : Patient : 1295 vertigo in the morning or after eating irregularities nux vomica 200, kali phos 30 29-05-2011 camp vertigo in the morning or after eating irregularities nux vomica 200, kali phos 30

Sr. No. 700 : Patient : 1296 boils on skin silicea 200, sulphur 200 29-05-2011 camp boils on skin if silicea 200 doesn't work sulphur 200 to arouse the reactionary forces silicea 200, sulphur 200 Sr. No. 701 : Patient : 1278 scalp itch a lot sulphur 30 29-05-2011 camp scalp itch a lot sulphur 30 Sr. No. 702 : Patient : 1279 boil on forehead myristica 30 29-05-2011 camp boil on forehead myristica 30 Sr. No. 703 : Patient : 1211 muscle pull while performing a flying kick arnica 200, rhus tox 200, bryonia 30, ruta 30 22-05-2011, 29-05-2011 camp muscle pull while performing a flying kick arnica 200, rhus tox 200 29-05-2011 now pain is worse movements bryonia 30 and later ruta 30 Sr. No. 704 : Patient : 1281 bruised injury on knee calendula 200, rhus arn 30 29-05-2011 camp bruised injury on knee calendula 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 705 : Patient : 1051

very painful injury to big toe calendula 200, hypericum 200, ledum 200, rhus arn 30, silicea 200, rhus 200, nux vom 200, phos 30, ruta 30 16-05-2011, 17-05-2011, 20-05-2011, 23-05-2011, 24-05-2011, 28-05-2011, 29-05-2011 camp very painful injury to big toe calendula 200, hypericum 200 17-05-2011 calendula 200, hypericum 200, ledum 200 20-05-2011 leg pain worse jumping wound healed substantially, no pain now rhus arn 30, calendula 200 23-05-2011 now new wound while playing some mud inside the bruised wound also severe leg pain worse evening calendula 200, hyp 200, silicea 200 24-05-2011 joint and lower extremeties pain, worse morning nux vomica 200, rhus tox 200 28-05-2011 got relief nux vomica 200, rhus tox 200 29-05-2011 legs very painful on walking, jumping advised not to jump phos 30, ruta 30 in alternation Sr. No. 706 : Patient : 1061 cold, headache, short breath nux vomica 200, rhus arn 30 16-05-2011, 28-05-2011, 29-05-2011 camp cold, headache, short breath nux vomica 200 -. 28-05-2011 leg sprain

rhus arn 30 29-05-2011 thick mucus, throat pain nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 707 : Patient : 1292 corn, acidity, fatty cysts lyc 30, thuja 30 29-05-2011 camp corn, acidity, fatty cysts lyc 30, thuja 30 Sr. No. 708 : Patient : 1178 constipation nux vomica 200, sulphur 200 20-05-2011, 21-05-2011, 24-05-2011, 29-05-2011 camp constipation nux vomica 200 22-05-2011 no relief in constipation red pimple eruptions, itching, painful philosopher sulphur 200 24-05-2011 relief in painfulness of pimples on hand pimples erupted on face silicea 200 29-05-2011 silicea 200 didn't work hepar sulph 200 given Sr. No. 709 : Patient : 1147 cough, breathing uneasiness, thin nasal discharge bryonia 30, nux vomica 200 19-05-2011, 29-05-2011 camp cough, breathing uneasiness, thin nasal discharge bryonia 30 29-05-2011

throat pain, headache nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 710 : Patient : 891 boils after shaving, pain in extremeties, eyes water hepar sulph 200, rhus arn 30, euphrasia 30 21-03-2011, 13-05-2011, 29-05-2011 128jn boils after shaving hepar sulph 200 13-05-2011 pain in extremeties, eyes water rhus arn 30, euphrasia 30 29-05-2011 severe abdominal problems like acidty culminating in vomitting disturbed sleep if food not taken on time nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 711 : Patient : 1270 pins prick in throat, relief in fever, body pain bryonia 200 28-05-2011 camp he came yestedday with many complaints. now got relief in some complaints bryonia 200 Sr. No. 712 : Patient : 1271 knee painful on touch, can't walk rhus arnica 30 28-05-2011 camp knee painful on touch, can't walk rhus arnica 30 Sr. No. 713 : Patient : 1272 itching on hands sulphur 30 28-05-2011 camp itching on hands sulphur 30 Sr. No. 714 : Patient : 1273

loss of appetite, drowsiness calc carb 200 28-05-2011 camp earlier came for ear pain and other complaints did well on nux vomica. loss of appetite, drowsiness calc carb 200 Sr. No. 715 : Patient : 1274 severe pain due to leg injury rhus arn 30, ruta 30 28-05-2011 camp severe pain due to leg injury rhus arn 30, ruta 30 Sr. No. 716 : Patient : 1275 boil, injury pain silicea 200, rhus arn 30 28-05-2011 camp boil, injury pain silicea 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 717 : Patient : 1276 mouth ulcer, summer affections natrum mur 30 28-05-2011 camp mouth ulcer, summer affections natrum mur 30 Sr. No. 718 : Patient : 1086 insomnia, thin nasal discharge, constipated bowels nux vomica 200, lyc 200, rhus arn 30 17-05-2011, 19-05-2011, 28-05-2011 camp insomnia, thin nasal discharge, constipated bowels nux vomica 200 19-05-2011 no relief in constipation lyc 200 28-05-2011

neck stiffness rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 719 : Patient : 1227 thick discharge from nose, red eye with pain and burning nux vomica 200, kali phos 200 25-05-2011, 28-05-2011 camp thick discharge from nose, red eye with pain and burning runs a bizz of agri and milk nux vomica 200 28-05-2011 vertigo, weakness, painful extremeties kali phos 200 Sr. No. 720 : Patient : 1232 passed stools thrice, sticky stools, abdominal pain on right side, black patch on nose lyc 200, graphites 30 26-05-2011, 28-05-2011 camp passed stools thrice, sticky stools, abdominal pain on right side, black patch on nose lyc 200 28-05-2011 no abdominal pain now sticky stools many times a day graphites 30 Sr. No. 721 : Patient : 1254 drools merc sol 200 27-05-2011, 28-05-2011 camp drools. merc sol 200 28-05-2011 vertigo in the morning, legs shiver kali phos 30 Sr. No. 722 : Patient : 1161 pain in testicwounds won't heal, pain in testicles calendula 200, silicea 200, calc carb 200, nux vomica 200

18-05-2011, 20-05-2011, 21-05-2011, 25-05-2011, 28-05-2011 camp non healing wounds calendula 200, silicea 200 20-05-2011 pain in testicles had been operated for hydrocele and tumors. calc carb 200 21-05-2011 weakness and vertigo nux vomica 200 25-05-2011 non healing wound, one healed. silicea 200 not given as it may also affect testicles which don't have any pain now. calendula 200 28-05-2011 calendula didn't work also some pain in testicles calc carb 200, silicea 200 Sr. No. 723 : Patient : 1287 short breath, knee and calves pain, warts Pulsatilla 200, Thuja 30 28-05-2011 teliya short breath, knee and calves pain, warts in ear, eye pain worse morning, evening, during rest prefers cold surroundings since 2-3 months menses didn't appear h/o regular menses, 3-4 day early, 3 day, normal flow, Dys on first day of menses mild disposition less thirst Pulsatilla 200, Thuja 30 Sr. No. 724 : Patient : 1288 Dysmenorrhoea pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 28-05-2011 teliya Dys starts at 15 days before menses since 7-8 months

sometimes 4-5 days before menses groin, back, extremeties pain, nausea Very severe dysmenorrhoea for first two days of menses 4 days flow, normal flow, few clots, not very thick blood, red feels drowsy, weak headache worse rest joint pain passes stools 3-4 times a day pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 725 : Patient : 1289 groin pain, back pain, polyuria lycopodium 200 28-05-2011 teliya groin pain, back pain, polyuria since 6th may knee pain, heel pain, thighs, calves pain can't do walking, exertion regular menses, very less flow constipated bowels prefers cold surroundings headache worse stress, panic lyc 200. 5 doses. Sr. No. 726 : Patient : 1261 head pulsates on coughing, body pain, feverish, nose blocked bryonia 30 28-05-2011 camp head pulsates on coughing, body pain, feverish, nose blocked bryonia 30 Sr. No. 727 : Patient : 1262 testicles hurt while playing arnica 200 28-05-2011 camp testicles hurt while playing arnica 200 Sr. No. 728 : Patient : 1263 boil between eye-brows silicea 200 28-05-2011 camp

boil between eye-brows silicea 200 Sr. No. 729 : Patient : 1235 burning in urination, polyuria cantharis 30, lyc 200, np 30 26-05-2011, 28-05-2011 camp burning in urination, polyuria cantharis 30 28-05-2011 relief in earlier problem complains of acidity, burning sensation in chest lyc 200, np 30 Sr. No. 730 : Patient : 1265 severe stiffness, pain after sports injury rhus 200, arnica 200 28-05-2011 camp severe stiffness, pain after sports injury rhus 200, arnica 200 Sr. No. 731 : Patient : 1266 throat affections bryonia 30 28-05-2011 camp throat affections bryonia 30 Sr. No. 732 : Patient : 1267 constipated bowels, abdominal gases at evening nux vomica 200 28-05-2011 camp constipated bowels, abdominal gases at evening nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 733 : Patient : 1268 eye itch, burn sometimes nux vomica 200 28-05-2011 camp eye itch, burn sometimes

nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 734 : Patient : 1269 black skin on leg that itch lyc 200 28-05-2011 camp black skin on leg that itch lyc 200 Sr. No. 735 : Patient : 1259 dry cough, knee pain worse rest nux vomica 200, rhus arn 30 27-05-2011 camp dry cough, knee pain worse rest nux vomica 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 736 : Patient : 1260 body pain, headache nux vomica 200 27-05-2011 camp body pain, headache nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 737 : Patient : 1230 severe headache since morning, throat irritation, watery discharge from nose nux vomica 200 26-05-2011, 27-05-2011 camp severe headache since morning, throat irritation, watery discharge from nose nux vomica 200 27-05-2011 did well in headache, body pain feels very tired cold not yielding he is asked to continue with the remedy Sr. No. 738 : Patient : 1076 pain due to sports injury rhus arnica 30, bryonia 200 17-05-2011, 27-05-2011 camp pain due to sports injury

rhus arnica 30 27-05-2011 body pain, throat pain, pins prick, feel feverish bryonia 200 Sr. No. 739 : Patient : 1078 white coated tongue, dry mouth, throat irritation bryonia 30 17-05-2011, 27-05-2011 camp pt with white coated tongue, dry mouth, throat irritation bryonia 30 27-05-2011 didn't take bry 30 nux vom 30 Sr. No. 740 : Patient : 1123 yellow discharge from nose, sore throat pain nux vomica 200, sang nit 30, bryonia 200 19-05-2011, 27-05-2011 camp yellow discharge from nose, sore throat pain bryonia 30, sang nit 30 27-05-2011 throat pain, cough bryonia 200 Sr. No. 741 : Patient : 1208 throat pain, irritation, wet cough bry 200, nux vomica 200, kali mur 30 21-05-2011, 27-05-2011 camp throat pain, irritation, wet cough bry 200 27-05-2011 headache, cold worse morning white mucus from nose nux vomica 200, kali mur 30 Sr. No. 742 : Patient : 1282 swelling at groin thuja 200, lycopodium 30

27-05-2011 teliya swelled abdomen back stiffness heaviness in body, leg pain skin burns lipoma painful worse cloudy weather in summer, exertion prefers cold surroundings h/o regular menses much thirst first sleep easy, second is difficult 2 roti and little rice twice a day worse 12 pm to 5 pm thuja 200, lycopodium 30 Sr. No. 743 : Patient : 1283 menstruation problems lycopodium 200, fp km 6 27-05-2011 teliya menstruation problems back, groin and extremeties pain from 2-3 days before start of menses back pain, groin pain during meses bleeding very less, 50% compared to earlier sleepy acidity, chest burning lycopodium 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 744 : Patient : 1284 abdominal pain, painful extremeties, short breath on exertion calc carb 200, fp km 6 27-05-2011 teliya abdominal pain, painful extremeties, short breath on exertion calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 745 : Patient : 1285 passes stools after meals calc carb 200, fp km 6 27-05-2011 teliya passes stools after meals calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 746 : Patient : 1286

sore scalp after accident calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 27-05-2011 teliya she met an accident 1 yr back she feels her scalp is sore and doesn't allow pulling her hair calc carb 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 747 : Patient : 1102 weakness, boil due to shoe pinch nux vomica 200, silicea 200 18-05-2011, 27-05-2011 camp weakness, boil due to shoe pinch nux vomica 200, silicea 200 27-05-2011 weakness, throat irritation, eye burning nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 748 : Patient : 1110 constipation, nose blockage nux vomica 200, myristica 30, silicea 200 18-05-2011, 27-05-2011 camp constipation, nose blockage nux vomica 200 27-05-2011 the patient was given myristica 30 for his pus filled non-healing wound now there is no discharge of pus from wound also having cold and cough silicea 200 Sr. No. 749 : Patient : 1252 muscle pain, lethargy, good appetite, pain worse sitting nux vomica 200, rhus arn 30 27-05-2011 camp muscle pain, lethargy, good appetite, pain worse sitting nux vomica 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 750 : Patient : 1253 body pain, barking cough bryonia 200

27-05-2011 camp body pain, barking cough bryonia 200 Sr. No. 751 : Patient : 1111 bleeding gums carbo veg 30, phos 200, silicea 200 18-05-2011, 20-05-2011, 27-05-2011 camp bleeding gums carbo veg 30, phos 200 20-05-2011 no relief. silicea 200 27-05-2011 got relief in bleeding gums silicea 200 Sr. No. 752 : Patient : 1255 itching on hands, chronic problem sulphur 200 27-05-2011 camp itching on hands, chronic problem sulphur 200 Sr. No. 753 : Patient : 1186 ulcer on tongue, swelling on testicle corrected by allopathy, weakness nux vomica 200 20-05-2011, 27-05-2011 camp ulcer on tongue, swelling on testicle corrected by allopathy, weakness nux vomica 200 27-05-2011 complaints resolved. now burning sensation after meals at throat, chest joints pain worse rest nux vomica 30, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 754 : Patient : 1257 throat pain, body pain

nux vomica 30 27-05-2011 camp throat pain, body pain nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 755 : Patient : 1258 dry cough, throat pain, body pain bryonia 30 27-05-2011 camp dry cough, throat pain, body pain bryonia 30 Sr. No. 756 : Patient : 1154 pain at root of nose, constipated bowels, thin nasal discharge nux vomica 200, sang nit 30 19-05-2011, 26-05-2011 camp pain at root of nose, constipated bowels, thin nasal discharge nux vomica 200, sang nit 30 26-05-2011 some complaints are there though intensity is less. nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 757 : Patient : 1247 watery discharge from nose, throat irritation, cough worse night, exertion, dry stools bryonia 200 26-05-2011 camp watery discharge from nose, throat irritation, cough worse night, exertion, dry stools bryonia 200 Sr. No. 758 : Patient : 1248 jaw pain due to tooth decay phos 30, calc fluor 30 26-05-2011 camp jaw pain due to tooth decay phos 30, calc fluor 30 Sr. No. 759 : Patient : 1249 cold, blocked nose, productive cough, headache since morning, body pain Nux Vomica 200 26-05-2011

camp cold, blocked nose, productive cough, headache since morning, body pain no issues with BM Nux Vomica 200 Sr. No. 760 : Patient : 1250 hoarseness of voice, cough Phosphorus 200 26-05-2011 camp hoarseness of voice, cough Phosphorus 200 Sr. No. 761 : Patient : 1251 red patch on neck, too much burning, itchful but refrains from scratching sulphur 30 26-05-2011 camp red patch on neck, too much burning, itchful but refrains from scratching sulphur 30 Sr. No. 762 : Patient : 1231 pain in throat while swallowing, dry cough, weakness, heaviness in the head in the morning nux vomica 200 26-05-2011 camp pain in throat while swallowing, dry cough, weakness, heaviness in the head in the morning nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 763 : Patient : 1222 throat irritation, wet cough, worse morning, exertion nux vomica 200 24-05-2011, 26-05-2011 camp throat irritation, wet cough, worse morning, exertion nux vomica 200 26-05-2011 there is relief nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 764 : Patient : 1233 swelling on throat, dry mouth, much thirst, nose blocked nux vomica 200

26-05-2011 camp swelling on throat, dry mouth, much thirst, nose blocked nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 765 : Patient : 1127 passes stools after meals, 4 stools a day Pulsatilla 200, calc carb 200 19-05-2011, 21-05-2011, 26-05-2011 camp passes stools after meals, 4 stools a day Pulsatilla 200 21-05-2011 minor relief from Puls 200. calc carb 200. 26-05-2011 he got releif in his problem as long as he was taking meds. the remedy is repeated. take three doses and then review. calc carb 200 Sr. No. 766 : Patient : 1226 dry cough, some cold, throat irritation bry 200, nux vomica 200 25-05-2011, 26-05-2011 camp dry cough, some cold, throat irritation bry 200 26-05-2011 now wet cough, worse night ear pain nux vomica 200

Sr. No. 767 : Patient : 1126 throat irritation, sneezing nux vomica 200, natrum mur 30, kali mur 30 19-05-2011, 24-05-2011, 26-05-2011 camp throat irritation, sneezing nux vomica 200 24-05-2011

mouth ulcers natrum mur 30 26-05-2011 no releif ulcers white in color kali mur 30 Sr. No. 768 : Patient : 1229 constipation, dry stools, dry cough, tough mucus, chest pain bryonia 200, lycopodium 200 25-05-2011, 26-05-2011 camp constipation, dry stools, dry cough, tough mucus, chest pain bryonia 200 there is no relief in chest pain. lyc 200 Sr. No. 769 : Patient : 675 nocturnal enuresis Puls 200, Eq 6 24-11-2010, 26-05-2011 teliya calm, no fears at night no physical complaints sweats more regular BM prefers cold surroundings Puls 200, Eq 6 26-05-2011 severe leg pain pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 770 : Patient : 1224 no control on BM Sulphur 200, Nux 200, Lyc 200 25-05-2011 camp the girl has no control on her BM she is irritable and unorganised she passed soft and unformed stools she has good control over her urination Sulphur 200, Nux 200, Lyc 200

Sr. No. 771 : Patient : 1228 pain at roof of mouth and throat merc sol 30 25-05-2011 camp pain at roof of mouth and throat merc sol 30 Sr. No. 772 : Patient : 1157 abdominal gases lyc 200, silicea 30, silicea 200 20-05-2011, 23-05-2011, 25-05-2011 camp abdominal gases lyc 200 23-05-2011 eruption of boils on face silicea 30 25-05-2011 there is relief in a small boil big boil not yielding silicea 200 Sr. No. 773 : Patient : 1216 sticky stools generally, now loose stools, some cold, cough, weakness pulsatilla 200 23-05-2011, 25-05-2011 camp sticky stools generally, now loose stools, some cold, cough, weakness generally thirstless pulsatilla 200 25-05-2011 got relief in stools. has been asked to continue the remedy for his cold and cough. he should taper down the dose on relief. pulsatilla 200 Sr. No. 774 : Patient : 788 abdominal pain, suppressed menses Pulsatilla 200, Pulsatilla 1M 06-02-2011, 04-03-2011, 25-03-2011, 19-04-2011, 05-05-2011, 25-05-2011 teliya abdominal pain

swelling on 11th jan not having periods since 2 months history... preiods started at 11 yrs of age periods every 2 months 4-5 days flow normal no clots she had severe dys for 2-3 days in old days prefers cold surroundings strong sense of smell Pulsatilla 200 04-03-2011 she got her menses on 23-02 4-5 days, less bleeding few clots, red she has acidity due to allopathic meds for TB Pulsatilla 200 25-03-2011 Her menses are overdue. Puls 200 5 doses to be taken after waiting for few days. 19-04-2011 She got her menses on 04-04. She got abdominal cramps during menses which corrected on taking allopathic meds. Only one tablet was taken. She has pain in legs at night and she feels worse due to heat. Puls 200 5 doses provided to be taken if menses don't appear on the due date. 05-05-2011 she didn't get her periods. Pulsatilla 1M 3 doses. 25-05-2011 she got her periods after Puls 1M. 3 doses of Pulsatilla 1M provided to be taken after a week if her menses don't appear on the due date. Sr. No. 775 : Patient : 907 paralysis calc carb 200, causticum 30, lachesis 200 01-04-2011, 23-04-2011, 25-05-2011 teliya operated for a tumor on a gland at neck. He was paralyzed during the operation. He can speak only after taking some efforts He has no constipation but someone informs that he takes chooran drinks a lot of water appears to be an obese person

doesn't react very readily to others he did some treatment to his teeth as there was loss of enamel. he takes more lime with bettle-leaf. calc carb 200 5 doses 23-04-2011 his wife reported the following.. no effects observed from taking calc carb 200. he works as an engineer at Municipal Corp eventhough he is paralysed. he gets depressed sometimes due to his conditions and weeps. he has expectations from his family members he also had an epileptic attack once. causticum 30 one pilll once a day also the ayur meds.. trayodashang guggulu, chandraprabha vati 25-05-2011 no change in any way lachesis 200 3 doses chandraprabha vati and tray. guggulu to continue. Sr. No. 776 : Patient : 974 wrist pain, itching on cheek, blocked nose ruta 200, sulphur 30, nux 200, sulphur 200 10-05-2011, 13-05-2011, 18-05-2011, 25-05-2011 camp wrist pain, itching on cheek, blocked nose ruta 200, sulphur 30 13-05-2011 nux vomica for constipation as he is a high level organiser. 18-05-2011 constipation is relieved but ithcing is not. Sulphur 200. 25-05-2011 relief in itching but not total relief. Sulphur 200 Sr. No. 777 : Patient : 842 puls 200, cf 30joint pain Pulsatilla 200; rhus arnica 30 05-03-2011, 25-05-2011 teliya

menses every 6 months 42 yrs 3 days, normal flow, red, no clots mild disposition prefers cold surroundings sweats more joint pain, wrose rest Pulsatilla 200; rhus arnica 30 25-05-2011 she asks for meds for her joint pain. Pulsatilla 200; rhus arnica 30 Sr. No. 778 : Patient : 1044 knee pain, first movement after rest is difficult rhus arnica 30 15-05-2011, 24-05-2011 camp knee pain, first movement after rest is difficult rhus arnica 30 24-05-2011 stiff neck worse rest rhus arnica 30 Sr. No. 779 : Patient : 1220 pain after injury arnica 200, ruta 200 24-05-2011 camp pain after injury arnica 200, ruta 200 Sr. No. 780 : Patient : 1156 throat irritation bryonia 30, bry 200 20-05-2011, 24-05-2011 camp throat irritation bryonia 30 24-05-2011 there was a relief for day or two and again relapse bryonia 200

Sr. No. 781 : Patient : 1128 throat pain while swallowing, difficult mucus bryonia 30, bryonia 200, fp km 6 19-05-2011, 24-05-2011 camp throat pain while swallowing, difficult mucus bryonia 30 24-05-2011 no relief in tough mucus. throat pain reduced. bryonia 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 782 : Patient : 1223 exremely painful yellow boil below scrotum belladonna 1m, hepar sulph 200, myristica 30 24-05-2011 camp exremely painful yellow boil below scrotum belladonna 1m, hepar sulph 200, myristica 30 Sr. No. 783 : Patient : 1101 severe headache, vertigo, cold, worse stooping, thin coryza nux vomica 200, sang nit 30, lycopodium 200, carbo veg 30 18-05-2011, 20-05-2011, 24-05-2011 camp severe headache, vertigo, cold, worse stooping, thin coryza nux vomica 200, sang nit 30 20-05-2011 did well on nux and not later nux vom 200 24-05-2011 burning at ribs and abdomen lycopodium 200, carbo veg 30 Sr. No. 784 : Patient : 1188 heel pain worse morning, constipated bowels lyc 200, ruta 30 20-05-2011, 24-05-2011 camp heel pain worse morning, constipated bowels lyc 200, ruta 30 24-05-2011

aggravation due to parade ruta 30 and if no relief lyc 200 Sr. No. 785 : Patient : 1212 pain in back, feels that someone is pulling is back down arnica 200, ruta 200, Phos 200 23-05-2011, 24-05-2011 camp pain in back, feels that someone is pulling is back down arnica 200, ruta 200 24-05-2011 no relief. Phosphorus 200. 5 doses. Sr. No. 786 : Patient : 1213 throat pain, worse swallowing, body pain bry 200 23-05-2011 camp throat pain, worse swallowing, body pain bry 200 Sr. No. 787 : Patient : 1214 choking at throat, belching, pain at ribs, h/o ulcer lyc 200, mag phos 30, hydrastis 6 23-05-2011 camp choking at throat, belching, pain at ribs, h/o ulcer lyc 200, mag phos 30, hydrastis 6 Sr. No. 788 : Patient : 1215 bleeding piles nux vom 200, ham 30, cf 30 23-05-2011 camp bleeding piles nux vom 200, ham 30, cf 30 Sr. No. 789 : Patient : 1184 red rashes all over body, intense itching, thin nasal discharge sulphur 200, gelsemium 30 20-05-2011, 23-05-2011 camp red rashes all over body, intense itching, thin nasal discharge

sulphur 200 weakness, loose stools gelsemium 30 Sr. No. 790 : Patient : 1217 severe itching in thighs sulphur 200 23-05-2011 severe itching in thighs sulphur 200 Sr. No. 791 : Patient : 1218 throat irritation, blocked nose nux vom 200, fpkm 6 23-05-2011 camp throat irritation, blocked nose nux vom 200, fpkm 6 Sr. No. 792 : Patient : 1219 throat hoarseness, cough Phosphorus 200, ferr pic 30 23-05-2011 camp throat hoarseness, cough Phosphorus 200, ferr pic 30 Sr. No. 793 : Patient : 1018 abdominal pain near navel nux vomica 30, calc carb 200, ham 30, cf 30 14-05-2011, 23-05-2011 camp abdominal pain near navel stools somewhat loose today stools are at times constipated otherwise nux vomica 30 23-05-2011 loose stools 3-4 drops of blood twice in stools works as a school teacher pain at anus, some itching, burning some protrusion of mass abdominal pain at navel not now. calc carb 200, ham 30, cf 30

Sr. No. 794 : Patient : 1133 acidity, constipation, ulcer Phosphorus 200 19-05-2011, 23-05-2011 camp acidity, constipation, ulcer Phosphorus 200 23-05-2011 got relief on Phos 200. he is asked to repeat 3 doses on need basis. Sr. No. 795 : Patient : 1200 feverish, feeling hot, headache, dry cough bry 30, rhus arn 30 21-05-2011, 22-05-2011 camp feverish, feeling hot, headache, dry cough bry 30 22-05-2011 knee pain due to falling down in bath room rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 796 : Patient : 1206 summer throat bryonia 200 22-05-2011 camp summer throat bryonia 200 Sr. No. 797 : Patient : 1194 sneezing, blocked nose, throat irritation, abdominal gases lyc 200, km 30, nux vom 200 21-05-2011, 22-05-2011 camp sneezing, blocked nose, throat irritation, abdominal gases lyc 200, km 30 22-05-2011 if progress continues km 30 if there is a relapse nux vom 200

Sr. No. 798 : Patient : 1153 throat irritation, watery discharge from nose, throat mucus nux vomica 200, sang nit 30 19-05-2011, 22-05-2011 camp throat irritation, watery discharge from nose, throat mucus nux vomica 200, sang nit 30 22-05-2011 only throat mucus is there nux vomica 200 daily dose Sr. No. 799 : Patient : 1203 throat ulcer nat mur 30 21-05-2011 camp throat ulcer nat mur 30 Sr. No. 800 : Patient : 1193 cough, fever, boils on skin bry 200, silicea 200 21-05-2011 camp cough, fever, boils on skin bry 200, silicea 200 Sr. No. 801 : Patient : 1190 cold, headache, blocked nose, constipated bowels nux vomica 200 21-05-2011 camp cold, headache, blocked nose, constipated bowels nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 802 : Patient : 1195 runny nose, dry cough bry 30 21-05-2011 camp runny nose, dry cough bry 30 Sr. No. 803 : Patient : 1209 burning at ribs, constipation

lyc 200 21-05-2011 camp burning at ribs, constipation lyc 200 Sr. No. 804 : Patient : 1237 swelling of legs, stiff calves, knee pain, heel pain calc carb 200 15-05-2011, 21-05-2011 teliya swelling of legs, stiff calves, knee pain, heel pain cracked heels worse morning, worse rest h/o regular menses, profuse leucorrhoea severe backache with swelling calc carb 200 21-05-2011 she did well on the remedy. she is provided more calc carb 200 to be taken on need basis. Sr. No. 805 : Patient : 1210 headache, dry nose nux vomica 200 21-05-2011 camp headache, dry nose nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 806 : Patient : 1242 backache at tail bone lyc 200, ham 30, ruta 30 21-05-2011 teliya backache at tail bone constipated bowels, anal bleeding 4-5 drops of blood after stools first stool hard, painful 5-10 minutes of siting cause backache regular menses, 2 day bleeding, less flow, no clots prefers cold surroundings daily BM lyc 200, ham 30, ruta 30

Sr. No. 807 : Patient : 1243 obesity, constipated bowels, distended abdomen calc carb 200 21-05-2011 teliya obesity, constipated bowels, distended abdomen stomach gets full with eating a bit more likes eggs, dislikes milk regular menses, 3-4 days, normal flow, clots present h/o uterine bleeding for continous 3 months (aug 2010 to oct 2010) corrected by homeo remedies calc carb 200

Sr. No. 808 : Patient : 1244 constipated bowels, hard stools, irritability nux vomica 200 21-05-2011 teliya constipated bowels, hard stools, irritability nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 809 : Patient : 1196 grain like eruptions on right leg, itch a lot sulphur 30 21-05-2011 camp grain like eruptions on right leg, itch a lot sulphur 30 Sr. No. 810 : Patient : 1197 left hip pain, black color stools, passing stools in noon instead of morning nux vom 200, rhus tox 200 21-05-2011 camp left hip pain, black color stools, passing stools in noon instead of morning nux vom 200, rhus tox 200 Sr. No. 811 : Patient : 1189 peeling of skin on hands and also on back of hands calc carb 200 21-05-2011 camp peeling of skin on hands and also on back of hands calc carb 200

Sr. No. 812 : Patient : 1199 throat irritation, watery discharge from nose sang nit 30, bry 200 21-05-2011, 21-05-2011 camp throat irritation, watery discharge from nose sang nit 30 21-05-2011 bry 200 Sr. No. 813 : Patient : 1192 skin affections due to summer heat, tough mucus in throat, constipation lycopodium 200 21-05-2011 camp skin affections due to summer heat, tough mucus in throat, constipation lycopodium 200 Sr. No. 814 : Patient : 1201 pain in ankle while bending rhus arn 30 21-05-2011 camp pain in ankle while bending rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 815 : Patient : 1202 dry cough, fever bryonia 30 21-05-2011 camp dry cough, fever bryonia 30 Sr. No. 816 : Patient : 811 backache, sweating of palms and soles, accident affections calc carb 200, rhus arnica 30, lyc 200, phyt 30 18-02-2011, 21-05-2011 teliya backache had many accidents decade ago, months ago, days ago menses regular, 4 days, normal bleeding Dys before menses, some during menses prefers cold surroundings

sweating of palms and soles. calc carb 200, rhus arnica 30 21-05-2011 burning sensation in abdomen and abdominal cramps breast pain before menses backache lyc 200, phyt 30 Sr. No. 817 : Patient : 1023 body pain, abdominal pain while sneezing, constipation, cold bryonia 30, arnica 200, calc carb 200, sang nit 30 14-05-2011, 19-05-2011, 20-05-2011 camp body pain, abdominal pain while sneezing, constipation, cold bryonia 30 19-05-2011 got relief in above complaints now ear pain, some external swelling arnica 200 20-05-2011 no relief in ear pain he suffers from some swelling and pain whenever he catches cold. calc carb 200, sang nit 30 Sr. No. 818 : Patient : 1131 weakness, leg pain, back pain Phosporus 200, Lycopodium 200 19-05-2011, 20-05-2011 camp weakness, leg pain, back pain Phosporus 200 He had breathlessness. He was given Carbo Veg 1M and Natrum Mur 1M. He responded well. 20-05-2011 pain in extremeties constipation Lycopodium 200 Sr. No. 819 : Patient : 1181 red eruptions all over body, itching, constipation, gas sulphur 200 20-05-2011

camp red eruptions all over body, itching, constipation, gas sulphur 200 Sr. No. 820 : Patient : 1182 throat pain, constipation, back pain nux vomica 200 20-05-2011 camp throat pain, constipation, back pain nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 821 : Patient : 1183 dry cough bryonia 200 20-05-2011 camp dry cough bry 200 Sr. No. 822 : Patient : 1159 red eruptions, no itching now silicea 200 20-05-2011 camp red eruptions, no itching now silicea 200 Sr. No. 823 : Patient : 1185 watery discharge, throat irritation bryonia 200 20-05-2011 camp watery discharge, throat irritation bry 200 Sr. No. 824 : Patient : 1124 skin burn on back due to summer heat, itching, constipated bowels, abdominal gases lyc 200 19-05-2011, 20-05-2011 camp skin burn on back due to summer heat, itching, constipated bowels, abdominal gases lyc 200 20-05-2011 he had some improvement. same remedy continued.

Sr. No. 825 : Patient : 1187 cough, weakness, throat irritation bryonia 200 20-05-2011 camp cough, weakness, throat irritation bryonia 200 Sr. No. 826 : Patient : 1103 neck pain, hand pain due to injury arnica 200, rhus tox 200, Phos 200, ruta 200 18-05-2011, 19-05-2011, 20-05-2011 camp neck pain, hand pain due to injury arnica 200, rhus tox 200 19-05-2011 no releif from the remedies. phos 200. 20-05-2011 some relief from phos 200. ruta 200 Sr. No. 827 : Patient : 1162 pain at right thigh joint bryonia 30 20-05-2011 camp pain at right thigh joint worse movements did well on gokshuradi guggul earlier bryonia 30 Sr. No. 828 : Patient : 1163 body pain, cough, dry mouth bry 30 20-05-2011 camp body pain, cough, dry mouth bry 30 Sr. No. 829 : Patient : 1164 some skin on leg pitting on pressure lyc 200, natrum mur 30

20-05-2011 camp some skin on leg pitting on pressure lyc 200, natrum mur 30 Sr. No. 830 : Patient : 1165 painful loose tooth, gum boil calc fluor 30, phos 30, hekla lava 6 19-05-2011, 20-05-2011 camp painful loose tooth calc fluor 30, phos 30 20-05-2011 gum boil hekla lava 6 Sr. No. 831 : Patient : 1166 protection from summer heat bry 30 20-05-2011 camp protection from summer heat bry 30 Sr. No. 832 : Patient : 1167 vomitting, fever bryonia 200 20-05-2011 camp vomitting, fever bry 200 Sr. No. 833 : Patient : 1168 cough, fever worse night bry 200, nux vom 200 20-05-2011 camp cough, fever worse night bry 200, nux vom 200 Sr. No. 834 : Patient : 1169 milia, itching bry 200, sulphur 200 20-05-2011 camp

milia, itching bry 200, sulphur 200 Sr. No. 835 : Patient : 1170 mucus in throat nux vomica 200 20-05-2011 camp mucus in throat nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 836 : Patient : 1119 vertigo on stooping, shivering, rattling mucus, weakness, would while playing nux vomica 200, calendula 200 19-05-2011, 20-05-2011 camp vertigo on stooping, shivering, rattling mucus, weakness, would while playing nux vomica 200, calendula 200 20-05-2011 again some nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 837 : Patient : 1172 soft tumor in cheek calc fluor 30 20-05-2011 camp soft tumor in cheek calc fluor 30 Sr. No. 838 : Patient : 1173 throat irritation, blocked nose, loss of sleep nux vomica 30 20-05-2011 camp throat irritation, blocked nose, loss of sleep nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 839 : Patient : 1155 throat irritation, cough bryonia 30 20-05-2011 camp throat irritation, cough bryonia 30

Sr. No. 840 : Patient : 1175 fever, headache, tough mucus bry 200 20-05-2011 camp fever, headache, tough mucus bry 200 Sr. No. 841 : Patient : 1176 skin eruptions due to heat Sulphur 200 20-05-2011 camp skin eruptions due to heat Sulphur 200 Sr. No. 842 : Patient : 1177 constipation, boil in mouth lyc 200, sil 30 20-05-2011 camp constipation, boil in mouth lyc 200, sil 30 Sr. No. 843 : Patient : 1084 sour belching, good BM, thumb pain after injury, cough Pulsatilla 200, MP 30, Rhus Arn 30, Sang Nit 30 17-05-2011, 20-05-2011 camp sour belching, good BM, thumb pain after injury Pulsatilla 200, MP 30, Rhus Arn 30 20-05-2011 cough sang nit 30 Sr. No. 844 : Patient : 995 swelling over body lycopodium 200 08-05-2011, 20-05-2011 teliya swelling over body less urine sweats more no issues with BM regular menses, 2-3 days, normal bleeding every 25 days

chest congestion due to abdominal problems. lycopodium 200 20-05-2011 she reported improvement on lyc 200 like decrease in her swelling. she is provided with more lyc 200 to be taken on need basis. Sr. No. 845 : Patient : 996 ulcers on lip, hyper-tension, hyperhidrosis natrum mur 30 08-05-2011, 20-05-2011 teliya ulcers on lip, hyper-tension, hyperhidrosis natrum mur 30 20-05-2011 some relief is reported. More Natrum Mur 30 given. he is asked to take it twice for 3 days and then stop. Sr. No. 846 : Patient : 1007 anal bleeding, bright red blood nux vomica 200, hamamelis 30, mil 30, bry 30, rhus arn 30, calc carb 200, ruta 30 13-05-2011, 14-05-2011, 20-05-2011 camp anal bleeding, bright red blood no constipation nux vomica 200, hamamelis 30, mil 30 14-05-2011 he didn't pass blood with first stoll but passed 5-6 drops with second stool. hamamelis 30, mil 30, bry 30 20-05-2011 chronic back pain calc carb 200, ruta 30 Sr. No. 847 : Patient : 1137 runny nose, thin watery discharge, hoarseness of voice sang nit 30, bry 30 19-05-2011 camp runny nose, thin watery discharge, hoarseness of voice sang nit 30, bry 30 Sr. No. 848 : Patient : 1138

burning of nose skin sulphur 30 19-05-2011 camp burning of nose skin sulphur 30 Sr. No. 849 : Patient : 1139 body pain, throat irritation bryonia 30 19-05-2011 camp body pain, throat irritation bryonia 30 Sr. No. 850 : Patient : 1140 mouth ulcer on inner cheek, hyper-hidrosis natrum mur 30 19-05-2011 camp mouth ulcer on inner cheek, hyper-hidrosis natrum mur 30 Sr. No. 851 : Patient : 1204 throat irritation bryonia 30 19-05-2011 camp throat irritation bryonia 30 Sr. No. 852 : Patient : 1205 vertigo, earlier headache aconite 200 19-05-2011 camp vertigo, earlier headache aconite 200 later he was given nux and he did well on that. Sr. No. 853 : Patient : 1141 stools at times hard, at times soft, hicough, chest burning nux vomica 30, carbo veg 30 19-05-2011 camp stools at times hard, at times soft, hicough, chest burning

nux vomica 30, carbo veg 30 Sr. No. 854 : Patient : 1142 thin nasal discharge, eye pain sang nit 30, sulphur 30 19-05-2011 camp thin nasal discharge, eye pain sang nit 30, sulphur 30 Sr. No. 855 : Patient : 1121 throat pain, feverish, body pain bryonia 30, wyethia 30 19-05-2011 camp throat pain, feverish, body pain bryonia 30, wyethia 30 Sr. No. 856 : Patient : 1122 pain in testicles nux vomica 200 19-05-2011 camp pain in testicles nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 857 : Patient : 1118 body pain, thin nasal discharge, throat irritation bryonia 30 19-05-2011 camp body pain, thin nasal discharge, throat irritation bryonia 30 Sr. No. 858 : Patient : 1146 throat irritation, mouth ulcer nux vomica 200, natrum mur 30 19-05-2011 camp throat irritation, mouth ulcer nux vomica 200, natrum mur 30 Sr. No. 859 : Patient : 1130 cuts and boils on soles of feet silicea 200 19-05-2011

camp cuts and boils on soles of feet silicea 200 Sr. No. 860 : Patient : 1088 sneezing, throat irritation, thin nasal discharge, vertigo nux vomica 200, kali mur 30, lycopodium 200 17-05-2011, 19-05-2011 camp sneezing, throat irritation, thin nasal discharge nux vomica 200, kali mur 30 19-05-2011 now vertigo, constipation. other complaints relieved. lycopodium 200 Sr. No. 861 : Patient : 1149 only dry cough, red rashes sulphur 30 19-05-2011 camp only dry cough, red rashes sulphur 30 Sr. No. 862 : Patient : 1150 black raised spots on feet, sweats more graphites 30 19-05-2011 camp black raised spots on feet, sweats more graphites 30 Sr. No. 863 : Patient : 1151 vertigo, thin nasal discharge nux vomica 200, kali mur 30 19-05-2011 camp vertigo, thin nasal discharge nux vomica 200, kali mur 30 Sr. No. 864 : Patient : 1152 heaviness in head, body; shivering nux vomica 200 19-05-2011 camp heaviness in head, body; shivering

nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 865 : Patient : 1125 throat pain, headache, blocked nose nux vomica 200 19-05-2011 camp throat pain, headache, blocked nose nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 866 : Patient : 1092 watery nasal discharge, sneezing, good BM nux vomica 200 17-05-2011, 19-05-2011 camp watery nasal discharge, sneezing, good BM nux vomica 200 19-05-2011 relief reported. some more doses provided to be taken on need basis. Sr. No. 867 : Patient : 1134 minor cut calendula 200 19-05-2011 camp calendula 200 Sr. No. 868 : Patient : 1135 summer affections with nux symptoms nux vomica 200 19-05-2011 camp summer affections with nux symptoms nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 869 : Patient : 1136 summer affections with nux symptoms nux vomica 200 19-05-2011 camp nux vomica 200 summer affections with nux symptoms Sr. No. 870 : Patient : 1006

stye, nausea, epistaxis Pulsatilla 200 13-05-2011, 15-05-2011, 19-05-2011 camp stye, nausea, epistaxis regular BM Pulsatilla 200 15-05-2011 weakness after exertion, stye Pulsatilla 200 19-05-2011 Pulsatilla 200 for stye Sr. No. 871 : Patient : 1112 weakness, fever, throat irritation, abdominal dis-orders nux vomica 30 18-05-2011 camp weakness, fever, throat irritation, abdominal dis-orders nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 872 : Patient : 1113 headache, cold, fever arnica 200, rhus tox 200 18-05-2011 camp headache, cold, fever arnica 200, rhus tox 200 Sr. No. 873 : Patient : 1114 throat choking, sneezing nux vomica 200 18-05-2011 camp throat choking, sneezing nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 874 : Patient : 1104 body pain, cough, cold bryonia 30 18-05-2011 camp body pain, cough, cold bryonia 30

Sr. No. 875 : Patient : 1116 body pain, chest pain bryonia 30 18-05-2011 camp body pain, chest pain bryonia 30 Sr. No. 876 : Patient : 1117 cough, throat irritation, belching, some cold lycopodium 200, carbo veg 30 18-05-2011 camp cough, throat irritation, belching, some cold lycopodium 200, carbo veg 30 Sr. No. 877 : Patient : 1105 throat pain, headache due to coughing bryonia 30, sang nit 30 18-05-2011 camp throat pain, headache due to coughing bryonia 30, sang nit 30 Sr. No. 878 : Patient : 1099 non-healing wounds, thin nasal discharge, cold silicea 200, calendula 200, nux vomica 200, sang nit 30 18-05-2011 camp non-healing wounds, thin nasal discharge, cold silicea 200, calendula 200, nux vomica 200, sang nit 30 Sr. No. 879 : Patient : 1100 abdominal pain, back pain, difficulty bending forward, gas, sprained leg lyc 200, arnica 200 18-05-2011 camp abdominal pain, back pain, difficulty bending forward, gas, sprained leg lyc 200, arnica 200 Sr. No. 880 : Patient : 1108 productive cough with throat irritation bryonia 30 18-05-2011 camp

productive cough with throat irritation bryonia 30 Sr. No. 881 : Patient : 1096 summer affections, hip joint pain Nux Vomica 200, Ruta 200 18-05-2011 camp summer affections, hip joint pain Nux Vomica 200, Ruta 200 Sr. No. 882 : Patient : 1097 constipation, abdominal gases, back pain worse first movement lycopodium 200, ruta 30 18-05-2011 camp constipation, abdominal gases, back pain worse first movement lycopodium 200, ruta 30 Sr. No. 883 : Patient : 1095 sports injury, constipation rhus arn 30, nux vomica 200 18-05-2011 camp sports injury, constipation rhus arn 30, nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 884 : Patient : 1091 body pain, tough mucus from throat, feverish bryonia 30 17-05-2011 camp body pain, tough mucus from throat, feverish bryonia 30 Sr. No. 885 : Patient : 1031 weakness, minor headache, some burning in eyes, indolence nux vomica 30, bryonia 30 15-05-2011, 17-05-2011 camp weakness, minor headache, some burning in eyes, indolence nux vomica 30 17-05-2011 got relief in headache. now dry throat, cough, chest pain

bryonia 30 Sr. No. 886 : Patient : 1093 nasal discharge, breathing problems bryonia 30 17-05-2011 camp nasal discharge, breathing problems bryonia 30 Sr. No. 887 : Patient : 1094 skin irritation Sulphur 200 17-05-2011 camp skin irritation Sulphur 200 Sr. No. 888 : Patient : 1077 throat irritation, nasal discharge, feverishness nux vomica 200 17-05-2011 camp throat irritation, nasal discharge, feverishness nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 889 : Patient : 1070 constipated bowels, burning sensation from left abdomen to throat, expectoration lycopodium 200, nux vomica 200 17-05-2011 camp constipated bowels, burning sensation from left abdomen to throat, expectoration lycopodium 200, nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 890 : Patient : 1054 throat irritation, cold bryonia 30 16-05-2011, 17-05-2011 camp throat irritation, cold bryonia 30 17-05-2011 relief reported... dose tapered down

Sr. No. 891 : Patient : 1080 cough, throat pain, cold bryonia 30 17-05-2011 camp cough, throat pain, cold bryonia 30 Sr. No. 892 : Patient : 1081 ear pain, throat pain while swallowing calc carb 200, kali mur 30 17-05-2011 camp ear pain, throat pain while swallowing calc carb 200, kali mur 30 Sr. No. 893 : Patient : 1082 vertigo after taking allopathic meds nux vomica 200 17-05-2011 camp vertigo after taking allopathic meds nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 894 : Patient : 1083 throat tightness, nose blocked at night, body pain nux vomica 200, bryonia 30 if needed 17-05-2011 camp throat tightness, nose blocked at night, body pain nux vomica 200, bryonia 30 if needed Sr. No. 895 : Patient : 1072 heaviness in head, body pain, throat pain, cold, dry stools bryonia 30 17-05-2011 camp heaviness in head, body pain, throat pain, cold, dry stools bryonia 30 Sr. No. 896 : Patient : 1073 minor wound on scalp after injury, nose ulcer, chest congestion during sleep silicea 200, nux vomica 200 17-05-2011 camp

minor wound on scalp after injury, nose ulcer, chest congestion during sleep silicea 200, nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 897 : Patient : 1074 breathlessness, nose blocked, feverishness, sneezing, cough nux vomica 200 17-05-2011 camp breathlessness, nose blocked, feverishness, sneezing, cough nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 898 : Patient : 1087 red color small grain eruptions, itching sulphur 30 17-05-2011 camp red color small grain eruptions, itching sulphur 30 Sr. No. 899 : Patient : 1075 blocked nose, body pain nux vomica 200, silicea 200 17-05-2011 camp blocked nose, body pain nux vomica 200, silicea 200 Sr. No. 900 : Patient : 1089 itching on soles of feet sulphur 30 17-05-2011 camp itching on soles of feet sulphur 30 Sr. No. 901 : Patient : 1090 red rashes, itching, leg pain sulphur 200, ruta 200 17-05-2011 camp red rashes, itching, leg pain sulphur 200, ruta 200 Sr. No. 902 : Patient : 975 red eyes with some heaviness, burning bryonia 30

10-05-2011, 17-05-2011 camp red eyes with some heaviness, burning bryonia 30 17-05-2011 summer affections, leg pain bryonia 30 Sr. No. 903 : Patient : 1003 piles with bleeding and protruded mass nux vomica 200, hamamelis 30, calc fluor 30, nux vomica 30 12-05-2011, 17-05-2011 camp piles with bleeding and protruded mass nux vomica 200 single dose hamamelis 30, calc fluor 30 2 pills each thrice a day 17-05-2011 there is no bleeding now. just some traces of blood protruded mass still there nux vomica 30, calc fluor 30 Sr. No. 904 : Patient : 610 affections due to accident rhus 30, arnica 30, syphilinum 1M, Nux Vom 200 19-10-2010, 17-05-2011 teliya accidental fall while working hips/back painful as he fell on that side rhus 30, arnica 30 17-05-2011 alcoholic, started taking liquor after a gap of 2 years. eralier he used to drink in the evening and create scenes at night syphilinum 1M single dose nux vom 200 one dose every 3 days Sr. No. 905 : Patient : 1057 throat irritation, dry stools, body pain bryonia 30 16-05-2011 camp throat irritation, dry stools, body pain

bryonia 30 Sr. No. 906 : Patient : 1058 pain below right ear, h/o tonsilitis, constipated bowels, some weakness calc carb 200, fp km 6 16-05-2011 camp pt with pain below right ear, h/o tonsilitis, constipated bowels, some weakness calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 907 : Patient : 1059 throat pain while swallowing, passes stools thrice a day nux vomica 30 16-05-2011 camp throat pain while swallowing, passes stools thrice a day nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 908 : Patient : 1060 boils on legs silicea 200 16-05-2011 camp boils on legs silicea 200 Sr. No. 909 : Patient : 1048 heaviness in head, throat irritation, passes stools thrice a day nux vomica 30 16-05-2011 camp heaviness in head, throat irritation, passes stools thrice a day nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 910 : Patient : 1062 an ulcer on inner cheek, loss of appetite, sun burn on back, un-healed wound silicea 200, nux vomica 200 16-05-2011 camp an ulcer on inner cheek, loss of appetite, sun burn on back, un-healed wound silicea 200, nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 911 : Patient : 1063 throat irritation, weakness, internal heat bryonia 30 16-05-2011

camp throat irritation, weakness, internal heat bryonia 30 Sr. No. 912 : Patient : 1064 choking at throat, sneezing nux vomica 200 16-05-2011 camp choking at throat, sneezing nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 913 : Patient : 1065 thin nasal discharge, sneezing, bowels constipated to some extent, probs due to sleeping in open. nux vomica 200 16-05-2011 camp thin nasal discharge, sneezing, bowels constipated to some extent, probs due to sleeping in open. nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 914 : Patient : 1066 sore nose, thin coryza, some cough bryonia 30 16-05-2011 camp sore nose, thin coryza, some cough bryonia 30 Sr. No. 915 : Patient : 1067 throat pain nux vomica 200 16-05-2011 camp throat pain nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 916 : Patient : 1068 polyuria, drop by drop, burning in urine, incomplete nux vomica 200 16-05-2011 camp polyuria, drop by drop, burning in urine, incomplete nux vomica 200

Sr. No. 917 : Patient : 1239 swelling in joints, short breath pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30 16-05-2011 teliya finger joints of left hand swelled (only big joints) first joint swelled more no issues with BM. short breath on exertion menopause at 40 h/o regular menes, 4 day normal flow, no dys mild disposition prefers cold surroundings pain worse rest less appetite pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 918 : Patient : 1240 headache, lower extremeties pain natrum mur 200, kali mur 30 16-05-2011 teliya headache, lower extremeties pain since 2-3 months now aggravated constipated bowels hub died in heart attack one month ago menopause since 1 yr ear and throat pain since one month neck pain, back pain insomnia urticaria h/o regular menses, 3-4 days Natrum Mur 200, Kali Mur 30 Sr. No. 919 : Patient : 1069 nasal discharge, constipated bowels, throat irritation bryonia 30 16-05-2011 camp nasal discharge, constipated bowels, throat irritation bryonia 30 Sr. No. 920 : Patient : 1049

thin nasal discharge and constipation nux vomica 200 16-05-2011 camp thin nasal discharge and constipation nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 921 : Patient : 1050 cold, insomnia, constipation, hyper-hydrosis nux vomica 200, natrum mur 30 16-05-2011 camp cold, insomnia, constipation, hyper-hydrosis nux vomica 200, natrum mur 30 Sr. No. 922 : Patient : 1035 body pain, feverishness, back pain, abdominal pain at night, throat irritation bryonia 30, later nux 200 if needed 15-05-2011, 16-05-2011 camp pt with body pain, feverishness, back pain, abdominal pain at night, throat irritation bryonia 30, later nux 200 if needed 16-05-2011 he did well on bry 30. so he didn't take nux. again some bry 30 given. Sr. No. 923 : Patient : 1052 throat irritation, body pain bryonia 30 16-05-2011 camp throat irritation, body pain bry 30 Sr. No. 924 : Patient : 1046 severe sprain arnica 200, rhus tox 200 16-05-2011 camp severe sprain arnica 200, rhus tox 200 Sr. No. 925 : Patient : 1022 burning at ribs, belching mag phos 30, carbo veg 30, nux vomica 30, pulsatilla 200

14-05-2011, 15-05-2011, 16-05-2011 camp burning at ribs, belching mag phos 30, carbo veg 30 15-05-2011 he got some 60% relief in his complaints. now he reports of throat irritation due to butter milk. mag phos 30, carbo veg 30, nux vomica 30 16-05-2011 thin nasal discharge, throat irritation, fine BM Pulsatilla 200 Sr. No. 926 : Patient : 1055 fever, headache, body pain bry 30, nux vom 200 later if needed 16-05-2011 camp fever, headache, body pain bry 30, nux vom 200 later if needed Sr. No. 927 : Patient : 1056 migraine and summer affections nux vomica 200 16-05-2011 camp migraine and summer affections. nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 928 : Patient : 457 burning while urinating, redness around urethra, often catches cold, enuresis, vommits on eating sour calc carb 200, equisetum 6, cina 200 19-12-2010, 30-01-2011, 16-05-2011 128jn burning while urinating, redness around urethra, often catches cold, enuresis, vommits on eating sour likes sour things like dahi, orange calves pain at night fidgety, keeps her hands and legs in motion calc carb 200, equisetum 6 -

30-01-2011 She doesn't pass urine in bed if her mother gets her up at 2 o'clock every night. Earlier she used to do enuresis inspite of that. she has no burning while urinating. she didn't vomit while coughing. she is no more fidgety at night. she grinds her teeth at night. cina 200, equisetum 6 16-05-2011 tooth grinding cina 200 if needed for cold, cough etc. calc carb 200 Sr. No. 929 : Patient : 323 migraine headache, acidity, obesity, coldness of feet, pain in feet, abdominal gases, palpitations nux vomica 200, natrum mur 200, calc carb 200, cocculus 30 04-11-2010, 16-05-2011 128jn migraine headache, acidity, obesity, coldness of feet after that pain in feet, abdominal gases, palpitations prefers cold surroundings typical case of modern lifestyle menses last for 3-4 days, color dark always regular sometimes late by 5-15 days. migraine headache before menses aggravation from sun nux vomica 200, natrum mur 200 16-05-2011 overall remedy calc carb 200 migraine headache worse sun heat nux vom 200 motion sickness cocculus 30 Sr. No. 930 : Patient : 1039 pain after minor injury rhus arnica 30

15-05-2011 camp pain after minor injury rhus arnica 30 Sr. No. 931 : Patient : 1027 throat irritation, dry stools bryonia 30 15-05-2011 camp throat irritation, dry stools bryonia 30 Sr. No. 932 : Patient : 1041 heaviness in head and some injury lycopodium 200, rhus arn 30 15-05-2011 camp heaviness in head and some injury lycopodium 200, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 933 : Patient : 1238 tingling in hands, legs, stiffness in hands sepia 200 15-05-2011 teliya tingling in hands, legs, stiffness in hands menses regular 3 days irritable, seeking divorce from hub sepia 200 Sr. No. 934 : Patient : 1028 cold, bit feverishness bryonia 30 15-05-2011 camp cold, bit feverishness bryonia 30 Sr. No. 935 : Patient : 1029 hyper-tension, headache, some cold in nose nux vomica 30 15-05-2011 camp hyper-tension, headache, some cold in nose he is asked to take allopathic meds for high bp.

nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 936 : Patient : 1024 throat irritation, dry stools, sore nose, cough, hoarseness bryonia 30, bryonia 200 14-05-2011, 15-05-2011 camp throat irritation, dry stools, sore nose, cough, hoarseness bryonia 30 15-05-2011 some relief bryonia 30 28-05-2011 some relapse after feeling good. bryonia 200 Sr. No. 937 : Patient : 1045 constipation, neck pain, tiredness, back pain nux vomica 200 15-05-2011 camp pt with constipation, neck pain, tiredness, back pain nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 938 : Patient : 1025 throat irritation bryonia 30 15-05-2011 camp throat irritation bryonia 30 Sr. No. 939 : Patient : 1032 weakness, loss of interest nux vomica 200 15-05-2011 camp weakness, loss of interest nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 940 : Patient : 1033 itching, constipation sulphur 200 15-05-2011

camp itching, constipation sulphur 200 Sr. No. 941 : Patient : 1034 boil due to foot wear silicea 200 15-05-2011 camp boil due to foot wear silicea 200 Sr. No. 942 : Patient : 1026 minor cut during sports calendula 200, hypericum 200 15-05-2011 camp minor cut during sports calendula 200, hypericum 200 Sr. No. 943 : Patient : 1036 vertigo, constiopation, low bp, abdominal cramps, heaviness in head lycopodium 200, nux vomica 200 15-05-2011 camp vertigo, constiopation, low bp, abdominal cramps, heaviness in head lycopodium 200, nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 944 : Patient : 1037 abdominal gases lycopodium 200, kali mur 30 15-05-2011 camp abdominal gases lycopodium 200, kali mur 30 Sr. No. 945 : Patient : 1038 throat irritation, nose pain bryonia 30 15-05-2011 camp throat irritation, nose pain bryonia 30 Sr. No. 946 : Patient : 1016 minor injury, constipated bowels, acidity after taking pain killer

nux vomica 30, rhus arn 30 14-05-2011 camp minor injury, constipated bowels, acidity after taking pain killer nux vomica 30, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 947 : Patient : 1017 constipated bowels, difficulty in working lycopodium 200, km 30 14-05-2011 camp constpated bowels soft stools finds it difficult to implement lycopodium 200, km 30 Sr. No. 948 : Patient : 1015 cold and cough, body pain, burning eyes, constipated bowels bryonia 30, nux vomica 200 14-05-2011 camp cold and cough, body pain, burning eyes, constipated bowels bryonia 30, nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 949 : Patient : 1019 tongue ulcer, burning eyes, feverish, constipated bowels bryonia 30, natrum mur 30 14-05-2011 camp tongue ulcer, burning eyes, feverish, constipated bowels bryonia 30, natrum mur 30 Sr. No. 950 : Patient : 1020 itching at thighs sulphur 200 14-05-2011 camp itching at thighs sulphur 200 Sr. No. 951 : Patient : 1021 dry stools, body pain, worried for father aconite 200, bryonia 30 14-05-2011 camp

dry stools, body pain, worried for father feeling hot inside, no temperature externally aconite 200 sd , bryonia 30 Sr. No. 952 : Patient : 1005 body pain, feverish, constipation, cough bryonia 30 13-05-2011, 14-05-2011 camp body pain, feverish, constipation, cough bryonia 30 14-05-2011 He got relief on bry 30. Bry 30 continued. Sr. No. 953 : Patient : 1014 right back pain worse rest rhus arnica 30 13-05-2011 camp right back pain worse rest rhus arnica 30 Sr. No. 954 : Patient : 1011 loose motion, tongue ulcer Pulsatilla 200, Natrum Mur 30 13-05-2011 camp loose motion, tongue ulcer Pulsatilla 200, Natrum Mur 30 Sr. No. 955 : Patient : 1012 thin nasal discharge Pulsatilla 200 13-05-2011 camp thin nasal discharge mild disposition good BM Pulsatilla 200 Sr. No. 956 : Patient : 1013 itching in thighs, no boils sulphur 30 13-05-2011

camp itching in thighs, no boils sulphur 30 Sr. No. 957 : Patient : 1008 feverish, weakness, morning aggravation nux vomica 200 13-05-2011 camp feverish, weakness, morning aggravation nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 958 : Patient : 1004 throat and body pain bryonia 30, nux vom 200 (if needed) 13-05-2011 camp throat and body pain bryonia 30, nux vom 200 (if needed) Sr. No. 959 : Patient : 993 abdominal pain nux vomica 200 12-05-2011 camp abdominal pain after eating omlet. nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 960 : Patient : 984 rhinitis, headache Nux Vomica 200, fp km 6, calc carb 200 10-05-2011, 12-05-2011 128jn rhinitis, headache irritable short nap makes better sedentary life style Nux Vomica 200, fp km 6 12-05-2011 he got no relief in nasal discharge and headache. now he also has cough. calc carb 200 laxmi vilas ras 2 tablets twice a day Sr. No. 961 : Patient : 988

abdominal gases, constipation, cold lycopodium 200, kali mur 30 12-05-2011 camp abdominal gases, constipation, cold lycopodium 200, kali mur 30 Sr. No. 962 : Patient : 989 body pain, eye burning, constipation nux vomica 200, bryonia 30 12-05-2011 camp body pain, eye burning, constipation blocked nose, insomnia abdominal pain nux vomica 200, bryonia 30 (if needed) Sr. No. 963 : Patient : 506 pimples, breast pain, breast fibroid Calc Carb 200, Berb Aq 6, silicea 30 11-01-2011, 12-05-2011 128jn periods regular, 2 day flow, thin sometimes thick flow slightly more, more pimples during menses breast pain starts 8 days prior to period and remains upto period. there is a soft, moveable fibroid in breast, size of a big pea tingling in hands, burning on face during summer thirsty for water prefers warm surroundings 12-05-2011 She didn't take her meds regularly. Now she has flare up in her pimples on face, there is red color skin eruption at other places. she has more and constant breast pain now. calc carb 200, silicea 30 Sr. No. 964 : Patient : 982 back pain, stomach distension, head feels heavy due to cold calc carb 200, kali mur 30 11-05-2011 camp back pain, stomach distension, head feels heavy due to cold

Sr. No. 965 : Patient : 983 minor wound calendula 200 11-05-2011 camp minor wound calendula 200 Sr. No. 966 : Patient : 979 abdominal gases, belching lycopodium 200, mag phos 30 11-05-2011 camp abdominal gases, belching lycopodium 200, mag phos 30 Sr. No. 967 : Patient : 985 sneezing nux vomica 200 11-05-2011 camp sneezing temporary relief from allopathic meds. nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 968 : Patient : 980 burning at chest, acidity lycopodium 200, nux vomica 30 11-05-2011 camp burning at chest, acidity lycopodium 200, nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 969 : Patient : 987 boil on hand with swelling silicea 200, ledum pal 200 11-05-2011 camp boil on hand with swelling may be due to insect bite silicea 200 (repeatedly) , ledum pal 200 (single dose) Sr. No. 970 : Patient : 981 intense itching and burning during summer, hyper-hidrosis Natrum Mur 200, Sulphur 200

11-05-2011 camp intense itching and burning during summer, hyper-hidrosis Natrum Mur 200, Sulphur 200 Sr. No. 971 : Patient : 587 finger injury calendula 200, hyp 200, nux vom 30, pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30 11-10-2010, 13-11-2010, 12-12-2010, 21-03-2011, 11-05-2011 teliya cut her finger while cooking nail is also affected calendula 200, hypericum 200 13-11-2010 backache hands and legs pain worse rest headache - temples, vertex, forehead feels chilly often suffers from such episodes works in a shop rhus 30, fp km 6 12-12-2010 headache, vomitting, ghabrahat most likely after taking food at function nux vomica 30 21-03-2011 suppressed menses separated from hub who is an alcoholic swelling in legs when kept hanging down pain in extremeties worse rest pulsatilla 200, rhus arn 30 11-05-2011 she got her menses after Pulsatilla 200. Now she is having extreme pain in lower extremeties. Puls 200, Rhus 30 Sr. No. 972 : Patient : 1236 first stool hard, numbness in big toe, suffered mental shock causticum 30 10-05-2011 teliya first stool hard, numbness in big toe, suffered mental shock

causticum 30 Sr. No. 973 : Patient : 1002 red blotches on face sulphur 30 10-05-2011 camp red blotches on face not much itching 5 doses of sulphur 30 over 3 days. 13-05-2011 there is substantial improvement. one dose of sulphur 30 every alternate day. Sr. No. 974 : Patient : 976 minor wound rhus arnica 30, calendula 200 10-05-2011 camp minor wound and bruise rhus arnica 30, calendula 200 Sr. No. 975 : Patient : 964 tooth pain, headache worse shouting calc fluor 30, phos 30, staph 200, mag phos 30 09-05-2011, 10-05-2011 camp tooth pain, headache worse shouting calc fluor 30, phos 30 10-05-2011 no relief tooth pain worse chewing staph 200, mag phos 30 Sr. No. 976 : Patient : 968 loss of voice, insect bite phosphorus 30, ledum 200 09-05-2011 camp loss of voice, insect bite phosphorus 30, ledum 200 Sr. No. 977 : Patient : 969 feverish, cough

bryonia 30 09-05-2011 camp feverish, cough bryonia 30 Sr. No. 978 : Patient : 970 acidity after some sensitive food item nux vomica 30, natrum phos 30 09-05-2011 camp acidity after some sensitive food item nux vomica 30, natrum phos 30 Sr. No. 979 : Patient : 998 weak digestion, extreme fatigue lyc 200, fp km 6 09-05-2011 teliya weak digestion, extreme fatigue loss of appetite nausea, fullness of abdomen periods always 8-15 days late 4 day flow, normal flow for 2 days. abdominal gases lyc 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 980 : Patient : 971 anal swelling, white spots on skin, wrose after-noon lycopodium 200, fp km 6 09-05-2011 camp anal swelling, white spots on skin, worse after-noon lycopodium 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 981 : Patient : 1000 constipation, abdominal gases, irritable, acidity lyc 200, kali mur 30 09-05-2011 teliya constipation, abdominal gases, irritable, acidity lyc 200, kali mur 30 Sr. No. 982 : Patient : 1001 constipation, alcoholic

nux vomica 30 09-05-2011 teliya constipation, alcoholic works as a truck driver nux vomica 30 twice a day for 2 days then break and again resume if needed Sr. No. 983 : Patient : 972 throat irritation, cough, expectoration due to lassi chaaj nux vomica 30 09-05-2011 camp throat irritation, cough, expectoration due to lassi chaaj nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 984 : Patient : 973 sneezing nux vomica 200 09-05-2011 camp sneezing nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 985 : Patient : 946 swelling, sweating, taking lot of allopathic meds nux vomica 30, natrum mur 30 09-05-2011 128jn swelling, sweating, taking lot of allopathic meds she is asked to take nux vomica 30 first, if there is no relief she should take natrum mur 30. Sr. No. 986 : Patient : 962 epistaxis, pain in eye due to a foreign particle sulphur 30, fp km 6 09-05-2011 camp epistaxis, pain in eye due to a foreign particle sulphur 30, fp km 6 Sr. No. 987 : Patient : 963 irritability, constipation, abdominal gas nux vomica 200, kali mur 30 09-05-2011 camp

irritability, constipation, abdominal gas nux vomica 200, kali mur 30 Sr. No. 988 : Patient : 779 brown spots on hand and all over body Thuja 1M 04-02-2011, 09-05-2011 teliya brown spots on hand and all over body menses appear regularly 3 days normal bleeding thick blood knee, leg pain worse night Thuja 1M 09-05-2011 she said she got no relief. she has menses every 3 weeks now. she is much worried about her career now. ars alb 30 twice a day for 3 days. Sr. No. 989 : Patient : 965 hand injury, some minor wound on the palm of hand silicea 30, calendula 200 09-05-2011 camp hand injury, some minor wound on the palm of hand silicea 30, calendula 200 Sr. No. 990 : Patient : 966 swelling of toe, constipated, sleepy, difficulty while passing urine lycopodium 200, urtica urens 6 09-05-2011 camp swelling of toe, constipated, sleepy, difficulty while passing urine lycopodium 200, urtica urens 6 Sr. No. 991 : Patient : 967 throat irritation, food allergy, constipated bowels nux vomica 30 09-05-2011 camp throat irritation, food allergy, constipated bowels nux vomica 30

Sr. No. 992 : Patient : 956 pain in leg worse folding rhus tox 30 08-05-2011 camp rhus tox 30 Sr. No. 993 : Patient : 957 pain in neck worse rest rhus tox 30 08-05-2011 camp pain in neck worse rest rhus tox 30 Sr. No. 994 : Patient : 958 backache, distended stomach nux vomica 200, ruta 200 08-05-2011 camp backache, distended stomach nux vomica 200, ruta 200 Sr. No. 995 : Patient : 959 nail pierced in sole of foot calendula 200, hypericum 200 08-05-2011 camp nail pierced in sole of foot calendula 200, hypericum 200 Sr. No. 996 : Patient : 960 throat irritation due to change in weather nux vomica 30 08-05-2011 camp throat irritation due to change in weather nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 997 : Patient : 961 abdominal gases, acidity lyc 200 08-05-2011 camp abdominal gases, acidity lyc 200

Sr. No. 998 : Patient : 943 joint pain pulsatilla 200, rhus tox 200 30-04-2011, 08-05-2011 teliya small and big joints pain backache no issues with BM irregular periods late by 10-15 days 3 day flow, less bleeding, thin, with clots no white discharge random pain around navel and left abdomen knee pain and also small joints pain more pain in winter pain starts at evening and continues upto morning no sweating sweats a lot better afternoon, worse evening pulsatilla 200, rhus tox 200 08-05-2011 she had no pain during the day on Puls 200. She had pain all day and night on Rhus 200. Puls 200 Sr. No. 999 : Patient : 949 leg pain after movements, affections due to journey Bryonia 30 08-05-2011 camp leg pain after movements, affections due to journey Bryonia 30 Sr. No. 1000 : Patient : 950 pain in extrmeties worse rest rhus tox 30 08-05-2011 camp pain in extrmeties worse rest rhus tox 30 Sr. No. 1001 : Patient : 951 wrist pain, can't bear any load ruta 200 08-05-2011

camp wrist pain, can't bear any load ruta 200 Sr. No. 1002 : Patient : 994 mouthful blood when gets up carbo veg 30 08-05-2011 teliya mouthful blood when gets up blood appears at the gaps of tooth, seems to be oozing from gums one tooth has decayed regular menses, 4 days, normal flow heavy dyemenorrhoea, takes pain killer no sweating history of piles, flare-up after delivery Carbo Veg 30 twice a day for few days when there is an episode of mouthful blood. Sr. No. 1003 : Patient : 952 loose motion during journey nux vomica 200 08-05-2011 camp loose motion during journey nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 1004 : Patient : 953 constipation during journey nux vomica 200 08-05-2011 camp constipation during journey nux vomica 200 Sr. No. 1005 : Patient : 954 warts thuja 30 08-05-2011 camp warts thuja 30 Sr. No. 1006 : Patient : 955 pain in lower extremeties, constipation lycopodium 200, ruta 200 08-05-2011

camp pain in lower extremeties, constipation lycopodium 200, ruta 200 Sr. No. 1007 : Patient : 651 epileptic attacks Lyc 200, Kali Phos 6, Kali Phos 30, Lyc 1M 14-11-2010, 28-11-2010, 28-12-2010, 15-02-2011, 26-03-2011, 05-05-2011 teliya the problem started in june 2007 prostration follows the attack severe headache goes to sleep after bath, sweats in sleep sometimes vommits after the episode irritable pulsating headache, better by pressure Lycopodium 200 28-11-2010 attack on 18-11 for 2-2.5 minutes attack on 25-11 for 2-2.5 minutes Lyc 200, Kali Phos 30 28-12-2010 2 attacks on 09-12 for 2-2.5 minutes attack on 17-12 for 2-2.5 minutes Lyc 200, Kali Phos 30 15-02-2011 01-01 1 17-01 2 05-02 1 10-02 1 11-02 2 Lyc 200, KP 6 3 doses of Lyc 200 now another 3 on need basis one pill a day after 2 days 26-03-2011 28-02 1 5-03 1 16-03 1 3 doses of Lyc 200 now another 3 on need basis one pill a day after first lot of lyc 200 is finished -

05-05-2011 the pattern of epileptic attacks is as follows... 29-03 1 07-04 1 22 apr 1 25 apr 2 lyc 1M 3 doses , followed by kp 6 Sr. No. 1008 : Patient : 947 severe back pain since 7 yrs sepia 200, rhus arn 30 04-05-2011 128jn 32 yrs back pain since 7 years (after one month of delivery) marketing executive pain worse exertion, lifting weight regular menses, 3-4 days, normal flow, normal thickness, no clots averse to cold weather irritable sepia 200, rhus arn 30

Sr. No. 1009 : Patient : 948 throat pain, feverish calc carb 200, fp km 6 04-05-2011 128jn worried about present and future fearful, irritable obese prefers cold surroundings sweats more calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 1010 : Patient : 706 cough, cold, worm affections Lycopodium 200, fpkm 6, cina 200 21-12-2010, 12-02-2011, 02-05-2011 teliya cough worse during day haughty child thirstless

watery discharge from nose Lycopodium 200, fpkm 6 12-02-2011 worm affections like loose stools, irritability cina 200 02-05-2011 pica calc carb 200 3 doses now and 3 later after one week if needed. Sr. No. 1011 : Patient : 851 headache, watery eyes, body pain Lycopodium 200, rhus arnica 30, nux vomica 30, Selenium 6 08-03-2011, 23-03-2011, 01-04-2011, 11-04-2011, 30-04-2011 teliya body temperature raised headache, watery eyes, acrid discharge worse afternoon constipated stools, hard, black, changeable stools complaints since 1-11/2 yrs body pain, joint pain; worse rest chest pain while coughing prefers cold surroundings fears a lot for work not done burning and pain after passing urine dribbling of prostatic fluid Lycopodium 200, rhus arnica 30 23-03-2011 He got relief in chest pain and burning/pain after urination. He got no relief in other symptoms. He didn't say anything about prostatic fluid earlier nux vomica 30 01-04-2011 No relief reported on Nux Vomica 30. He is given Lyc 200 to be repeated on need basis. 11-04-2011 He got relief in some symptoms like feeling hot, chest pain, pain after urination But there is no relief in other symptoms. Lyc 200, Selenium 6 30-04-2011 status quo. he lost selenium 6 bottle so could take only lyc 200.

lyc 200, selenium 6 Sr. No. 1012 : Patient : 939 painful extremeties, nausea, vertigo bryonia 30 26-04-2011 prarthamik painful extremeties, nausea, vertigo pain worse motion bryonia 30 Sr. No. 1013 : Patient : 940 pain after physical exertion rhus arnica 30 26-04-2011 prarthamik pain after physical exertion rhus arnica 30 Sr. No. 1014 : Patient : 936 burning eyes, feverish, loose motion Nux Vomica 200 26-04-2011 prarthamik burning eyes, feverish, loose motion affections due to over-heating otherwise task master Nux Vomica 200 Sr. No. 1015 : Patient : 937 feverish, loose stools, weepy pulsatilla 30 26-04-2011 prarthamik feverish, loose stools, weepy affections due to overheating pulsatilla 30 Sr. No. 1016 : Patient : 938 short breath, weakness calc carb 200, fp km 6 26-04-2011 prarthamik short breath, weakness calc carb 200, fp km 6

Sr. No. 1017 : Patient : 934 skin eruptions sulphur 30 23-04-2011 teliya got skin eruptions 9 months back as rashes rashes converted to spots later prefers cold surroundings no issues with BM regular menses, 4-5 days, normal flow, Dys on first day not of mild disposition sulphur 30 5 doses Sr. No. 1018 : Patient : 746 headache nux vomica 200, lycopodium 200 27-01-2011, 14-03-2011, 23-04-2011 teliya headache worse summer vommits menses used to be 8 days early, for 4 days, normal bleeding mneses suppressed since 5-6 months can't bear sunlight nux vomica 200 22-02-2011 She had a migraine attack. It couldn't be coped with Nux Vomica 200. She had to take allopathic medicines. She took Nux 200 simultaneously. She is asked to do the same in future. nux vomica 200 13-03-2011 she again had migraine attack. she has suppressed menses fears abound lycopodium 200 23-04-2011 she got excellent relief from lyc 200 in her bowel movements and sense of well being. she has muscular pain in chest after exertion which she tried to attribute to lyc 200. she had a protruded anal mass that got corrected after taking lyc 200. rhus arn 30 for muscular pain Sr. No. 1019 : Patient : 763 hot flashes, insomnia, knee pain, numbness, neck pain calc carb 200, fp km 6, puls 200, rhus 30, lyc 200, kp 30, Calc Carb 1M, Belladonna 200

31-01-2011, 12-02-2011, 01-03-2011, 16-03-2011, 25-03-2011, 22-04-2011 teliya hot flashes profuse menses for 4 yrs insomnia headache knee pain, back pain neck pain, tingling in hands swelling of soles soft stools needs to strain uneasy early morning calc carb 200, fp km 6 12-02-2011 She reported some relief in her sleep and headache. There is no change in knee pain, backache. She is thirstless and could be said to be of mild disposition. puls 200, rhus 30 01-03-2011 she has some relief in headache and insomnia her lower extermeties complaints are more on left side but she has intense nerve pain in the right leg recently she feels always hungry wakes up at night due to sweating, also sweats in day time sometimes lyc 200, fp km 6 16-03-2011 She has no relief in episodes of night sweating. She always feels hungry. She got some relief in her fears. her pains worsened. lachesis 200, rhus arnica 30 25-03-2011 again insomnia. some relief in night sweats calc carb 200, kp 30 22-04-2011 relief in insomnia, some relief in knee pain. starts sweating on getting up from sleep. Calc Carb 1M, Belladonna 200 Sr. No. 1020 : Patient : 933 watery discharge from eyes Phosphorus 30 22-04-2011

teliya watery discharge from eyes obscure vision mild disposition prefers cold surroundings pain in extremeties Phos 30 twice daily for 5 days stop earlier if there is relief. Sr. No. 1021 : Patient : 856 eye twitching Nux Vomica 200, Mag Phos 30, Ruta 30 11-03-2011, 25-03-2011, 08-04-2011, 11-04-2011, 22-04-2011 teliya twitching of left eye constipated bowels irritable Nux Vomica 200, Mag Phos 30 25-03-2011 bowels moving nicely no change in twitching passing blood in stools nux vomica 200 mp 30, ham 30 one pill twice a day 08-04-2011 he is not passing blood in stools good BM twitching also less at times irritability has reduced Nux 200, MP 30 11-04-2011 cramping pain in back Ruta 30, other remedies to be stoppped 22-04-2011 He got relief in his eye twitch and cramping pain on Ruta 30. He is given Ruta 30, one pill a day. Also asked to take a test dose of Rhus 200. Sr. No. 1022 : Patient : 928 burning of soles of feet Calc Carb 200, Silicea 200 18-04-2011, 20-04-2011

teliya burning of soles of feet insomnia excess sweating stout and short worse hot weather calc carb 200 20-04-2011 He sweats a lot at soles of feet. He is provided Sil 200 in case Calc Carb 200 doesn't help. Sr. No. 1023 : Patient : 931 not able to conceive Pulsatilla 200 20-04-2011 teliya 5 yrs back copper t was installed removed one year back not able to concieve menses regular 2 days, normal flow, no clots, red, dark, thin no issues with BM prefers sweet dishes worse evening prefers cold surroundings less thirst Pulsatilla 200 Sr. No. 1024 : Patient : 838 less appetite, pain in extremeties puls 200, fpkm 6, rhus 30 04-03-2011, 19-04-2011 teliya less appetite pain in extremeties prefers cold surroundings less thirst prefers cold drinks irritable puls 200, fpkm 6 19-04-2011 She is having pain in her hand at night. puls 30, rhus 30 Sr. No. 1025 : Patient : 929

pain in extremeties, back Pulsatilla 200, Rhus Arn 30 18-04-2011 teliya pain in extremeties, back worse rest, worse morning Good BM, good appetite chillblains in winter mold disposition menses 2 days early, 2 day flow, less flow, no clots, thin flow 2 daughters, 1 son. youngest one 6 yrs old. Pulsatilla 200, Rhus Arn 30 Sr. No. 1026 : Patient : 935 obesity, hyperhidrosis calc carb 200 17-04-2011 128jn obesity, hyperhidrosis calc carb 200 Sr. No. 1027 : Patient : 645 acidity, knee pain, cold Nux Vomica 200, Lyc 200, Carbo Veg 30, Rhus Arn 30, Silicea 200, Antimonium Crud 30 03-11-2010, 14-11-2010, 02-12-2010, 25-12-2010, 17-01-2011, 05-02-2011, 10-02-2011, 04-04-2011, 15-04-2011 teliya burning in stomach something stuck up at below the ribs since two months some abdominal gases worried about personal issues low bp, vertigo Nux Vomica 200 reported relief in constipation and burning no noticeable relief in abdominal gases and feeling like something is stuck up. lyc 200, carbo veg 30 02-12-2010 pain in knee after exertion. while resting after exertion Rhus Arn 30 25-12-2010 He is feeling feverish, chilly, uncomfortable at stomach

nux vomica 30 17-01-2011 feeling feverish, cold, knee pain at back of knee nux 30, rhus 30 05-02-2011 uneasy at chest below ribs, acidity Lyc 200 3 doses 10-02-2011 Cold and chilliness nux vomica 30 04-04-2011 heel pain at the back and at the corner Silicea 200, Lycopodium 200 15-04-2011 heel pain in left foot at the back and corner antimonium crud 30, rhus arn 30 Sr. No. 1028 : Patient : 923 acidity, morning stiffness nux vomica 200, natrum phos 30 11-04-2011 teliya acidity sour mouth when wakes up sour eructations worse 11am to 4 pm irritable, prefers cold surroundings sweats more knee and calves pain, worse rest at night nux vomica 200, natrum phos 30 Sr. No. 1029 : Patient : 924 red burning eyes, headache Nux Vomica 200, Sulphur 200 11-04-2011 teliya red burning eyes, headache at temples acrid discharge from eyes constipated since 2 days otherwise good BM irritable Nux Vomica 200, Sulphur 200

Sr. No. 1030 : Patient : 844 cold, feverish gelsemium 30, fp km 6, calc carb 200 05-03-2011, 10-04-2011 teliya cold, watert nasal discharge, worse afternoon sneezing worse evening prefers cold surroundings more thirsty weak after exertion watery discharge from eyes gelsemium 30, fp km 6 10-04-2011 black eruptions on feet thin nasal discharge weak and meek can't do much exertion abdominal pain sometimes after meals calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 1031 : Patient : 908 eruptions on face lyc 200, fpkm 6, silicea 30, carbo veg 30 01-04-2011, 08-04-2011 teliya eruptions on face itchful yellow then red leaves scars acidity, constipation 2-3 days a week lyc 200, fpkm 6 08-04-2011 reported relief in itching and constipation there is increase in size of pimples silicea 30 for cystic acne carbo veg 30 for acidity Sr. No. 1032 : Patient : 922 pain, stiffness, ataxia Nux Vomica 200, Rhus Tox 200 08-04-2011 teliya suffered from jaundice Hepatitis E in 2007

left sided problems numbness in extremeties pain radiates at penis abdominal gases constipated bowels very much thirst worse in the morning Nux Vomica 200, Rhus Tox 200 Sr. No. 1033 : Patient : 915 throat irritation nux vomica 30, fp km 6 05-04-2011 teliya cough sometimes dry, sometimes wet throat sound while sleeping arrogant, particular, active 68 yrs nux vomica 30, fp km 6 Sr. No. 1034 : Patient : 916 boil on buttock silicea 30 05-04-2011 teliya boil on buttock that burst mild disposition silicea 30 Sr. No. 1035 : Patient : 917 circular ithcy pathes arsenic alb 30 05-04-2011 teliya circular ithcy pathes regular BM mild disposition, anxiety prefers warm surroundings better morning, evening good appetite arsenic alb 30 Sr. No. 1036 : Patient : 918 weakness, pain, tingling Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 05-04-2011

teliya menses 3 day early 3 day flow, less flow, thick, blackish mild disposition, less thirst weakness good BM pain in extremeties worse movements tingling in hands, legs, head Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 1037 : Patient : 919 weakness, headache, extremeties pain Phosphorus 200, fp km 6 05-04-2011 teliya weakness, headache, extremeties pain doesn't eat roti likes rice irritable summer affections Phosphorus 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 1038 : Patient : 920 alcoholism, cramps in foot nux vomica 30 05-04-2011 128jn alcoholism, cramps in foot nux vomica 30 Sr. No. 1039 : Patient : 769 burning sensation in right leg, painful sole lycopodium 200, fp km 6, nux vomica 30 31-01-2011, 01-03-2011, 16-03-2011, 04-04-2011 teliya burning sensation in right leg, painful sole on stepping and also on hanging down constipated bowels, soft stools irritable wants things in order 01-03-2011 relief in leg pain latest menses didn't appear fully constipation with abdominal gases lyopodium 200, fp km 6

16-03-2011 she got relief in her problems. she is flatulent (relapse) and sneezes a lot in the morning. she got menses to her satisfaction. nux vomica 30 04-04-2011 leg injury, swelling, wound, fever rhus 200, hypericum 200, ledum pal 200 Sr. No. 1040 : Patient : 410 profuse menses every 15 days, cough, cold, summer exhaustion calc carb 200, fp km 6 09-12-2010, 02-04-2011 128jn profuse menses every 15 days, cough, cold calc carb 200, fp km 6 02-04-2011 bleeding has reduced and menses are coming on time summer exhaustion calc carb 200, fp km 6 Sr. No. 1041 : Patient : 909 pimple like eruptions nux vomica 30 01-04-2011 teliya pimple like eruptions on face takes spicy meals nv 30 every alternate day Sr. No. 1042 : Patient : 873 vertigo, short breath nux vomica 200, kali phos 30 15-03-2011, 01-04-2011 teliya vertigo 65 yrs age nux vomica 200, kali phos 30 She has a problem of short breath on exertion She got relief in her vertigo. She also had relief in her constipation after taking her meds. Calc Carb 200, Nux Vomica 30

Sr. No. 1043 : Patient : 905 cold, cough, weakness calc carb 200, fp km 6 31-03-2011 teliya cough since 8-15 days cold, dry nose since 2 days tonsilitis throat irritation stunted physical growth talks back stools somewhat offensive lack of appetite pain in extremeties in the evening thirsty for large amounts of water worse morning and evening, better 10.30 am Sr. No. 1044 : Patient : 874 dry cough calc carb 200, fpkm 6 15-03-2011, 31-03-2011 teliya age 55 years widow since 7 yrs dry cough worse evening worse cold menstruation history 4-5 days, more bleeding, red, no clots, slight groin pain tends to obesity short breath after exertion calc carb 200, fpkm 6 31-03-2011 She started productive cough after taking the meds. She is not relieved by the productive cough. She also has aggravation in her short breath. puls 30 for few days if no response within few days, Phos 30 for few days. Sr. No. 1045 : Patient : 903 heart trouble since 2 yrs Nux Vomica 30 29-03-2011 teliya heart trouble since 2 yrs

70% blockage in 2 arteries heaviness in heart BP readings...110-60, 150-95, 135-90 metaloc 50, excel 50, ramcare 5 ASP Atorva Constipated needs to take tea, chooran, walk for evacuation prefers moderate surroundings takes tension easily irritable at home and at outside Insomnia at night, could sleep only at 5 AM No sweating Nux Vomica 30 twice a day for 2 days then stop and restart Arjunarishta, Mukta Vati Sr. No. 1046 : Patient : 904 abdominal pain, cold Nux Vomica 30c 29-03-2011 teliya abdominal pain, cold Nux Vomica 30c thrice a day Sr. No. 1047 : Patient : 816 weakness, constipated bowels, less appetite Calc Carb 200, fp km 6, phos 30, calc flour 30, hamamellis 30 22-02-2011, 15-03-2011, 29-03-2011 teliya weakness, constipated bowels, less appetite Calc Carb 200, fp km 6 15-03-2011 had fever with chilliness, allopathic meds taken. nux vomica 30 29-03-2011 He did well on Calc Carb 200. Now he complains of passing blood in stools. He also has toothache. Calc Carb 200 Ham 30 Phos 30 and Calc Fluorica 30 for toothache Sr. No. 1048 : Patient : 899 throat irritation, constipation lyc 200, fpkm 6 27-03-2011 teliya

throat irritation hoarseness if eats something cold phlegm in throat worse morning takes extra efforts to take phlegm out stools hard, large, needs to strain loose motions since 2-3 days, now ok. nausea, belching relieves sneezing worse morning menstruation 6 months back late by 7-10 days, 5 days, thick flow with clots. Dys for first day menstruation now since 2 instances earlier by 4-6 days, no bleeding, no dysmenorrhoea prefers moderate surroundings less thirst pimples

Sr. No. 1049 : Patient : 810 non-bleeding piles, protrusion of mass, anal swelling Nux Vomica 200, calc fluor 30, ratanhia 30 13-02-2011, 18-02-2011, 06-03-2011, 27-03-2011 teliya non bleeding piles protrusion of mass, swelling burning and pain for 2-3 hours after stools hard stools, constipated, gas trouble history of menstruation... regular menses 4 days normal flow, no Dys issues sneezes in the morning, nose blocked at night water y discharge from nose Nux Vomica 200, calc fluor 30 18-02-2011 piles very painful, protruded mass is causing constriction. ratanhia 30 06-03-2011 she has itching at her urethra due to taking (she thinks) some herb. complaints of piles relieved to a good extent blocked nose is clear, there is relief in other allied issues too. Sulphur 200 three doses over 2 days

After that Calc Flour 30 in morning; Ratanhia 30 in evening 27-03-2011 she didn't have any problem for last 8 days. now again she is having some piles problem. she is sneezing again. cf 30, nv 30 Sr. No. 1050 : Patient : 866 abdominal cramps, many loose stools a day Pulsatilla 200 14-03-2011, 27-03-2011 teliya abdominal cramps, many loose stools a day if eats more 3-4 days menstrual bleeding, normal, no clots, red, no Dys mild disposition swelling in limbs worse before menses Pulsatilla 200 27-03-2011 She got relief in her abdominal problems. But had an episode of vomitting yesterday night. She is also having acidity. Pulsatilla 200 Sr. No. 1051 : Patient : 755 leg pain, many stools a day, nasal coryza Sulphur 200, Ars Alb 30, Calc Carb 200, Rhus 30, Lyc 200, carbo veg 30 30-01-2011, 17-02-2011, 27-03-2011 teliya pain in... thighs < knee
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