!n t0s ase te appellants a ontrate to supply t0m3er to te responent to 3e el0&ere at te s0te o4 te sawm0ll to 3e erete 3y te responent5 Te t0m3er was el0&ere 0n tree lots5 Te learne tr0al uge 4oun tat te 2n lot o4 197 logs an 8 o4 te 22 logs 0n te -r lot were not el0&ere to te responent as tey were umpe at a 0stane o4 more tan :.. 4eet 4rom te sawm0ll5 Te learne tr0al uge ga&e ugment 4or te appellant 4or ;9792581 3e0ng te 3alane ue uner te ontrat an also aware amages to te responent on 0s ounterla0m 4or 3rea o4 ontrat 4or te sum o4 ;1-19258.5 H*+, 0sm0ss0ng te appeal 0n respet o4 te la0m an allow0ng te appeal 0n respet o4 ounter*la0m 3y
reu0ng te amount< 0t was te uty o4 te responent 0n t0s ase to ta=e reasona3le steps to m0t0gate te amage5 Tere was no nee 4or te responent to a&e gone to te e>pense o4 3uy0ng logs 4rom elsewere wen te logs were ly0ng a 4ew unre 4eet away 4rom te sawm0ll an all tat was re?u0re was te a0t0onal e>pense 4or aul0ng tem up to te sawm0ll5 Te appropr0ate amages to 3e aware to te ounterla0m was te appro>0mate ost o4 aul0ng te logs to te sawm0ll w0 amounte to ;1...5 C%-*- *.** /0 Brace v Calder +179:, 2 @B 2:Payzu Ltd v Saunders +1919, 2 KB :71 Finlay (Fames) & Co Ltd v ! "#i$ %oo ong %' +1929, 1 KB 8.. Pil$inton v ood +19:-, $ . FEDERAL COURT
;2.88571 3ut su3et to a ounter*la0m 4or ;-9652. 4or amages ar0s0ng 4rom a 3rea o4 ontrat 3y te appellants5 Te learne tr0al uge 4oun tat te appellants +,, . 'L/ at 0
el0&ere some 191- u30 4eet o4 t0m3er &alue at ;2:91-57. an tat te responent a pa0 to aount o4 some sums amount0ng to ;16.815- 0nlus0&e o4 an a&ane epos0t o4 ;:...5 Aor0ngly e entere ugment 4or te appellants 4or te outstan0ng 3alane o4 ;972581 an osts5 C0t regar to te ounter*la0m te learne uge aware amages 0n te sum o4 ;1-19258. o4 w0 a sum o4 ;1299258. was 4or loss o4 pro40t ar0s0ng out o4 te 4a0lure to supply 1.72 u30 4eet o4 t0m3er 3e0ng te 044erene 3etween te ?uant0ty agree to 3e el0&ere an te ?uant0ty atually el0&ereD an a sum o4 ;2.. 4or e>tra ost 0nurre 3y te responent 0n 0r0ng a trator to aul logs w0 a 3een plae ontrary to te terms o4 te ontrat at some 0stane 4rom te s0te o4 te sawm0ll5 Te 4ats o4 te ase are as 4ollows5 Te appellants a&0ng o3ta0ne a oness0on to ut an remo&e t0m3er 4rom P0tas "state at Ka3atasan ontrate uner te a4oresa0 agreement to supply to te responent su t0m3er tey temsel&es 0 not re?u0re 4or e>port namely ampor seraya o3a sulu an selengan 3atu to te e>tent o4 not less tan -.... u30 4eet 3ase on te measurements mae 3y te )orest epartment 4or te purpose o4 ollet0ng royalty5 !t was agree tat te logs were to 3e el0&ere at te s0te o4 te sawm0ll to 3e erete 3y te responent 0n P0tas "state on a l0ene to 3e o3ta0ne 3y te appellantEs 4rom te )orest epartment5 !t was 4urter agree tat on el0&ery an aeptane o4 any ?uant0ty o4 t0m3er te responent soul pay -.F o4 te pr0e at te agree rates w0t0n - a ys o4 el0&ery an te 3alane w0t0n tree alenar monts 4rom ate tereo45 Su3se?uently te appellants appl0e 4or an o3ta0ne a l0ene 0n te0r name to 3u0l an operate a sawm0ll an te responent 3u0lt te sawm0ll at a s0te mutually osen 3y te part0es5 Te s0te osen was near te on4luene o4 te Ka3atasan R0&er an a tr03utory an lose to te GPen=alanG or plae 4rom w0 te appellants 4loate te0r e>porta3le t0m3er to te sea5 $onse?uently te spae 4or ump0ng te logs lose to te sawm0ll was a&a0la3le on one s0e o4 te sawm0ll only te oter tree 3e0ng too lose to te water4ront5 Beause o4 t0s pro3lem te ?uest0on arose at te tr0al as to wat was a reasona3le 0stane 4rom te sawm0ll 4or te logs to 3e epos0te 0n orer to onst0tute el0&ery Gat te s0teG as st0pulate 0n lause - o4 te agreement5 Te learne tr0al uge el tat a 0stane o4 :.. 4eet 4rom te sawm0ll was te l0m0t w0t0n w0 te logs soul a&e 3een el0&ere to onst0tute el0&ery at te s0te5 'ong Kee Su0 te manag0ng partner o4 te appellant 40rm epose at te tr0al tat 0s ompany a el0&ere 81.69 u30 4eet o4 t0m3er to te responent 0n - lots namely te 1st lot ons0st0ng o4 2. logs measur0ng 1-.- u30 4eet 0n Mar 1968 te 2n lot ons0st0ng o4 197 logs measur0ng 2.9- u30 4eet at te en o4 May 1968 an te -r lot ons0st0ng o4 22 logs measur0ng 29- u30 4eet 0n June 19685 !n regar to te 1st an te -r lots 'ong Kee Su0 proue e30t notes s0gne 3y te responent a=nowleg0ng ree0pt o4 te same 3ut 0n regar to te 2n lot e proue a e30t note w0 was not s0gne 3y te responent5 Te w0tness a&erre owe&er tat te responent a aepte el0&ery o4 te 2n lot o4 logs 3eause tey were measure 3y an o4400al o4 te )orest epartment only a4ter e a selete tem5 Te tr0al uge el tat te appellants a 4a0le to el0&er te 2n lot o4 logs Gat te s0teG 3eause tey were umpe at a 0stane o4 more tan :.. 4eet 4rom te sawm0ll5 !n regar to te -r lot o4 22 logs te responent am0tte el0&ery o4 17 logs only measur0ng 17. u30 4eet5 Tese logs were sa0 to a&e 3een towe own te Ka3atasan R0&er to Kuat 4or el0&ery to anoter sawm0ll operate 3y te responent at a plae alle Se?uat05 Te responent as not ross*appeale an tere4ore tere 0s no 0spute 0n t0s appeal regar0ng te el0&ery o4 2. logs an 17 logs measur0ng 191- u30 4eet5 Te ?uest0ons ra0se 3e4ore us were<
1) 1)
weter te tr0al uge was ust040e 0n ol0ng on te e&0ene tat te 2n lot o4 197 logs an 8 out o4 te 22 logs 0n te -r lot were or were not el0&ere to te responentH an weter te tr0al uge was ust040e 0n assess0ng amages at ;1-19258. on te 3as0s o4 loss o4 pro40tH
!n regar to te ?uest0on o4 el0&ery o4 te 197 logs te learne uge 0n ol0ng tat tey were not el0&ere Gat te s0teG too= 0nto ons0erat0on te 4at tat te appellants were partly respons03le 4or reat0ng te pro3lem o4 spae 3y agree0ng to te s0te were te m0ll was ereteD tat tey =new 4rom te &ery 40rst tat
Page 8
te m0ll was e?u0ppe w0t a w0n apa3le o4 aul0ng logs 4rom a 0stane o4 :.. 4eet onlyD an tat 0n a3out July 1968 tey sol te0r 0nterest 0n te t0m3er oness0on to anoter ompany =nown as te K0na3alu $ompany togeter w0t te0r trator w0 was 4ormerly use to aul te t0m3er to te &00n0ty o4 te sawm0ll as te wor= progresse5 Tus te learne uge appears to a&e ons0ere w0t are e&ery aspet o4 te e&0ene an we an 40n no reason 4or 0sagree0ng w0t 0s 40n0ng +,, . 'L/ at 1
tat te 2n lot o4 197 logs was not el0&ere to te responent at te s0te o4 te sawm0ll5 !n regar to te 8 logs apart 4rom te reasons g0&en 3y te learne tr0al uge te e30t note ">030t P5 learly sows tat esp0te te a=nowlegement o4 ree0pt o4 22 logs 3y te responent only 17 logs were towe to te responentEs sawm0ll own te r0&er5 o e&0ene was alle to pro&e tat te rema0n0ng 8 logs were e&er el0&ere to or remo&e 3y te responent5 Ce aga0n see no reason to upset a 40n0ng o4 4at 3y te tr0al uge5 !n regar to te la0m 4or amages ar0s0ng out o4 te sort*supply o4 t0m3er 0t 0s lear 4rom te e&0ene tat a te appellants el0&ere te 2n lot o4 197 logs at te s0te o4 te sawm0ll te total amount el0&ere woul a&e 4ar e>eee te m0n0mum re?u0rement5 !t 0s not en0e tat 197 logs were umpe some 0stane away 4rom te sawm0ll5 Tere 0s also no ou3t tat te logs were measure 3y te )orest epartment an te appellants a pa0 te royalty on tem5 Te 3rea o4 ontrat 0n t0s ase was not a repu0at0on o4 te ontrat as a wole 3ut a 4a0lure to el0&er one ons0gnment w0t0n :.. 4eet o4 te m0ll ow0ng to want o4 spae5 Te ontrat pro&0es tat te measure o4 amages soul 3e te 044erene 3etween te agree pr0e an te pre&a0l0ng mar=et pr0e to te e>tent o4 te amount 0n sort supply plus transport e>penses5 Te law owe&er 0mposes a uty on e&ery person wo su44ers amages on aount o4 3rea o4 ontrat to ta=e reasona3le steps to m0t0gate te amage5 !n 2nson3s Pr0n0ples o4 te "ngl0s Law o4 $ontrat 22n "0t0on at page :.8 te 4ollow0ng passage appearstent o4 te amage ause 3y te 3rea5 'e annot la0m to 3e ompensate 3y te party 0n e4ault 4or loss w0 0s really ue not to te 3rea 3ut to 0s own 4a0lure to 3ea&e reasona3ly a4ter te 3rea5 GTus altoug te measure o4 amages 4or 3rea o4 a ontrat to el0&er goos 0s or0nar0ly te 044erene 3etween te ontrat pr0e o4 te goos an te mar=et pr0e at te t0me wen el0&ery soul a&e 3een g0&en yet 04 te pla0nt044 m0gt a&e m0t0gate 0s loss 4 or e>ample 3y any 0mme0ate purase at a low pr0e o4 goos to replae tose not el0&ere or 3y aept0ng a reasona3le o44er 4rom te e4enant to ma=e goo part o4 te loss t0s 0s to 3e ta=en 0nto aount 0n assess0ng 0s amages IBrace v Calder +179:, 2 @B 2:- Payzu Ltd v Saunders +1919, 2 KB :715 !t 0s a ?uest0on o4 4at 0n ea ase weter e as ate as a reasona3le man m0gt a&e 3een e>pete to at an e 0s not re?u0re to r0s= 0s ommer0al reputat0on Finlay (Fames) & Co Ltd v ! "#i$ %oo ong %' +1929, 1 KB 8.. or to em3ar= pon ompl0ate l0t0gat0on IPil$ington v ood +19:-, $ . 0n orer to m0t0gate 0s loss5G
!n te 0nstant ase tere was no nee 4or te responent to a&e gone to te e>pense an trou3le o4 3uy0ng logs 4rom elsewere wen te logs were ly0ng a 4ew unre 4eet away 4rom te sawm0ll 4or te mere ta=0ng an all tat was re?u0re was a0t0onal e>pense 4or aul0ng tem up to te sawm0ll5 !nstea o4 o0ng tat te responent la0ms to a&e purase t0m3er to ma=e goo te sortage an proue erta0n 30lls w0 were am0tte 0n e&0ene an mar=e ">030t 5:5 !t 0s s0gn040ant tat te learne tr0al uge 0 not re4er to tem 0n 0s ugment5 'e must a&e a a goo reason 4or 0gnor0ng tem5 Tey relate to purases mae 3etween May an August 196: an te transat0ons appear too remote to 3e onnete w0t te appellantsE 4a0lure to el0&er t0m3er 0n June 19685 Ce t0n= tat te appropr0ate amages to 3e aware 0n t0s ase soul 3e te appro>0mate ost o4 aul0ng te loge to te sawm0ll5 Te responent sa0 0n e&0ene tat 0n August 1968 a4ter te appellants a sol te0r t0m3er oness0on to K0na3alu $ompany tey o44ere to arrange w0t tat ompany to aul te logs to te sawm0ll 3ut e a reete te o44er5 'e also sa0 an ! ?uote< GTe K0na3alu $ompany wante ;1...5 ! tol tem ! oul not pay5 )0nally tey aepte ;2.. 4or aul0ng te logs5 Te trator 0 not tow te te logs5 !t 0 not go at all5G !n our op0n0on te appropr0ate amount o4 amages to 3e aware 0n t0s ase soul 3e ;1...5
Page :
Te appeal aga0nst te ugment o4 te ourt 3elow 0n respet o4 a la0m 0n te su0t 0s ere3y 0sm0sse w0t osts an we allow te appeal 0n respet o4 te ounter*la0m 3y reu0ng te amount aware to ;1... w0t te ost o4 te appeal to te appellants5 A123 L4P4 an I-2%3+ K%& C4J4 (B0&*0) onurre5 2**eal in res*ect of the claim dismissed4 2**eal in res*ect of the counter-claim allo#ed5
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