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ASTROLOGY IS THE EYE OF WISDOM-1 KN RAO 3 August 2007, 7:47 PM (English translation of an article of K.N.Rao in Hindi about his Jyotish guru, Yogi Bhaskarananda) K.N. Rao It was in 1941 that my mother had taught me astrology. But in 1969 a Yogi had explained to me that astrology was the eye of wisdom. Passing through narrow streets of a fort like locality on the scooter of Natu Bhai I had my first darshan (glimpse) of my astrology guru, Yogi Bhaskaranand. I neither knew that he was an astrologer nor that he wrote and spoke extremely beautiful English. I had gone to have a darshan of a Yogi about whom Natu Bhai had given an entirely description; it was as though Jesus Christ had reappeared on this earth of ours. A Christian bishop had suddenly stopped on the road once after seeing. Natu Bhai had not told me that his locks of hairs were golden, soft like butter, and curly. I remembered the reaction of Bernard Shaw who after seeing the hair of Rabindranath Tagore had wished if only he too had such hair. My eyes instead of getting riveted on his lustrous face were invariably above it. Physical beauty has rarely attracted me. But it was a divine sight. His widow sister used to serve him. Only two souls lived in that mansion like house in which perhaps the rays of the sun could never reach. Not hot in summer, not cold in winter. Was a cave of the Himalaya lifted and placed in a narrow street of Ahmadabad?My name being Rao (not a name from the Hindi speaking area) it was natural that he began conversation in English. Being a Gujarati himself he spoke haltingly in Hindi. But like a torrential flow was his literary and beautiful English. Using difficult words had become natural with him for two reasons: he had done B.A.(Hons) in English literature and was so steeped in the writings of Sri Aurobindo that long sentences had become a habit with him. What was it in him that left an impression on me ? His exquisite conversational ability or mature spiritual wisdom? For 40 years he had done sadhana, scriptural studies and astrology in the caves of the Himalayas. He hailed from a prosperous family and was a baal brahmchari (a celibate from childhood). Once, when during the course of conversation in our small group, he started his discussion of a horoscope, I, as though, was irritated. My mother was my first jyotisha guru but when I saw other astrologers I found them dogmatic, half-educated, uncouth and fear-arousing cheats. Even today that is my impression. Descending from metaphysical heights, he came to discussing astrology, which has been described as apara vidya. I was surprised and my reaction did not remain unnoticed by him. Dr. B.V. Raman had given him (my Jyotish Guru) a span of life of 90 years according to his astrological calculation perhaps because his Atmakaraka, Moon, was in the 9th house with Jupiter. But he himself had said, "I will take samadhi as soon as the mahadasha of Mercury will begin."

"B.V. Raman's analysis is wrong", he said proceeded to explain it astrologically thus Horoscope 1. The lagna and the 8th lord, Mars, is debilitated. 2. The 10th lord is not in kendra. 3. The 3rd lord, Mercury is in the 8th house and retrograde. 4. Mercury is a maraka for Mesha lagna. 5. Mercury, the 2nd lord from the Moon, is placed in the 12th from it. 6. After the dashas of Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter and Saturn, the dasha of Mercury will be the 7th. In the Vimshamsha, Mercury is the 12th lord, time for samadhi and sadhe saati will be on. Yogi he was and used to say, "Do bhajans. Bhajan is the medicine for all ailments and suffering". His hints about my horoscope; He used to say, "Yours is Tula lagna and Mesha navamsha and mine is Mesha lagna and Tula navamsha.' 2. My 9th lord (Jupiter) which represents the Guru is on your 5th lord (Saturn) both in Dhanu. 3. Your Moon is in the 11th from my Moon, which shows the possibilities of your fulfilling my incomplete work.

Gajakesari Yoga If human life is a half-told story of stifled sobs, the company of a Yogi is the perfume in it of a flower. In this horoscope (of Yogiji) that flower is the Gajakesari yoga in the 9th house. Both Jupiter and the Moon are in blemishless condition here. There is no aspect of any planet on it nor any conjunction. The 4th lord in the 9th is the ashram and there is Jupiter here. But what is the ashram of a guru? A scholar has explained, "Aa-Samantaat Shramah" the place where all types of labour is to be done. Is there any place fulfilling such condition?

Mars in the 4th Sick of the politics of the ashram he had come back to Ahmadabad. His Guru had assured him that he would appear after his samadhi (death). Such divine hope assumes the shape of life's effulgence. Perhaps this had happened in Jupiter-Mars (1966-67) which he wanted to erase from his memory. But subtle hurts are unbearable, particularly if they come from a person whom you venerate. Jupiter and Mars are 6/8 here. In the crematorium like silence of his house,in Jupiter-Rahu (1967-69) he, as though,

wanted to live down that memory. Two currents flowed in his life side by side, to stop that interminable flow of his sobs and the unbroken spells of meditation which was like the flow of oil. Saturnine detachment became strong as soon as the mahadasha of Saturn started. Deep thinking in his cloistered life was very natural now because in the Vimshamsha both Saturn and the Moon are in the 9th house. As his sadhana deepened he started getting disinterested in astrology. When he did the discussion of any horoscope, he paid attention to two aspects invariably. When and how will Life-Force flow and the spiritual side. This is the essence of jyotisha which is a truth-based preaching.

Blessings Were someone to ask me if I have seen anyone's blessings give fruits a hundred percent I will say, without a moment's hesitation,"Yes, my Jyotish guru's". The aspect of Jupiter on his Ketu in the 5th house had given him such supernatural power that he did not need astrology anymore. Who came to him why and with concealed motive--he knew all that. I must have taken at least one hundred astrologers to him. He blessed only a young girl that jyotisha will be a divine eye for her, which came out correct. Others are the shopkeepers in a bazaar minting money like street ruffians. Last Darshan: In 1988, he once rang me up from Neetibag and said, "Will you not come to meet me? We will not meet after this." When I met him last, he was passing through the antardasha of Jupiter in the mahadasha of Saturn. He had faraway looks, the past had disappeared from his life and it was only the Luminescent Present that remained. Eyes were, as though, inebriated, it was that God-intoxicated condition which Meerabai described: Friends drink and dance, I, without drinking, dance. Quaffed have I God's Love, Incessant is inebriation now Dyed I am, in God's splendor.

On 12 April 1991 singing a bhajan in his Ahmadabad ashram he fell into the immortal slumber of ultimate Samadhi. SPIRITUAL ASTROLOGY One day he gave me a manuscript and asked me to home, open it and edit it. Back home, I opened it and found that it was a book on astrology! I hesitated but when I started reading it, I found subjects like Jyotisha and Karma, Jyotish and the flow of Life Force, Jyotish and Yogic Psychology. Then there were many aphorisms of predictive astrology based on his own experience. My mother had not taught me spiritual astrology. And now I began to learn that "Jyotish is para vidya, the eye of wisdom, demonstrable knowledge, not a bread winning subject."

My book, "Karma and Rebirth in Hindu Astrology" is based on his analysis and discussion. He had given up astrology in the last years of his life and someone stole that manuscript also. I had to, therefore, write on this subject as I have acknowledged in the preface to that book. And one day he predicted, after discussing my own horoscope that after doing astrology on international stages, I will renounce life. His was the physical frame of a Yogi, the diet of a Yogi, the sleep of a Yogi and the selfcontrol of a Yogi. He never fell sick. Once he had said, "Whatever may be the ailment, do fasting and drink the water of the Ganga. Everything will be cured." And then when I was transferred to Patna he had said, "in eastern India, particularly in Bihar, there will be a revolutionary agitation. I will make such a muhurta for you that amidst raging fires all round you, you will not be hurt." It was a blending of mundane and muhurta astrology. Things happened as he had predicted. Between 1972 and 1975 there was the agitation of Jaya Prakash Narayan and I witnessed violent incidents every day. "These fellows cannot even grasp the horoscope of Indira Gandhi". He had said once. "She will trample on everyone and becoming a powerful leader, will become an immortal leader of history." Those days almost every astrology had written that Indira Gandhi could become M.P. (Member of Parliament) but never P.M. (Prime Minister). I have written in my book, the Nehru Dynasty that he had said many times that Indira Gandhi was making all-important announcements in muhurtas and nakshatras preferred by Tantriks. I have given many illustrations."This becomes very fatal. Such karma destroys whole family. It is now proven correct historically. First her son, Sanjay Gandhi(23 June 1980), Indira Gandhi herself (31 October, 1984) and Rajiv Gandhi (21 May 1991) died violent death. Perhaps, the flickering flame of the Nehru Dynasty will glow again, but dimly, when Sonia Gandhi enters politics. It is now clear that from 1966 to 1984, Indira Gandhi was a powerful and unparalleled Prime minister. Esoteric Astrological Combinations          

Connection of 5th and the 9th lords (PAC) is the upward sublimation of the Life Force.(Auspicious) Connection of the 6th and 9th lords/houses is ingratitude. (Inauspicious) Benefic association of the 2nd house lord (the place of ethical conduct in Astanga Yoga) gives moral support. (Auspicious) Malefic concentration in the 2nd house or with its lord gives birth to a liar and a cheat.(Inauspicious) If the 5th lord has no aspect or conjunction of any planet it is good for meditation on the Supreme. (Auspicious) Aspect of a malefic on a retrograde 5th lord gives birth to a villain. (Inauspicious) A good Jupiter without andy aspect or conjunction gives stable idealism. (Auspicious) A badly aspected Jupiter converts concealed lack of idealism into hypocrisy. (Inauspicious) Detachment giver Saturn is best when alone. (Auspicious) " Saturn associated with or aspected by planets is bondage as in my case", he said once. (Inauspicious)

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The 11th house which is the house of gains is also the house of bondage. It is good if the 11th lord is afflicted as it increases spiritual thirst. (Auspicious) An auspicious 11th house or lord being a strong kama trikona is the illusion of or the Maya. (Inauspicious)


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MK PATHAK 28 August 2007, 12:38 PM

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This is the horoscope of a serving Major, now Colonel, of India Army. He had come to me sometime in August last year (2005), totally frustrated as despite possessing excellent credentials, he was being denied promotion to the rank of Colonel for a long time. As is the system in Indian Army, Selection Boards are constituted and the Board goes through the confidential records of eligible candidates and then gives its recommendation for Promoting them or otherwise. This Major,according to his brother who is my colleague, always had an outstanding record in his career and this denial of promotion was resulting in despair bordering on almost looking for a job elsewhere. When he came to me, he was serving an organisation on deputation and this posting was considered to be a prize posting in the army circles. Despite possessing experience in battle-field and winning medals, the next promotion still eluded him. Have a lookat the horoscope. Pisces lagna withMars in the second house. Tenth lord in the tenth house along with eleventh and twelfth lord and both planets are retrograde. Sixth lord‘s placement in the fourth house and placement of third and eighth lord in the fifth house. Fifth house has retrograde Mercury.  Three planets in the horoscope are retrograde. Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury. He came to me along with his younger brother. His younger brother had taken a prediction from me and the prediction was fulfilled. Perhaps this could be the reason for him to have desperately tried seeking time and pressured me into accommodating him.  He has two daughters. One was born on 9-7-90 and other was born on 6-11993. Dasha running at the time of birth of the first daughter was Jupiter/Saturn/Jupiter. A look at the birth chart would suggest that Jupiter and Saturn both don‘t connect directly with the fifth and the ninth house. Jupiter is lagna lord. But a look at Saptamsha would tell you that Jupiter is aspecting fifth house and Saturn is lagna lord. Saturn (R) was transitting in Sagittarius and Jupiter in transit was in Gemini. Mars was in Aries and Moon was in Capricorn.

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This horoscope has tenth lord placed in the tenth house. As such the conditional dasha of Parashara which needs to be applied here is Chatursheeti Sama dasha on which my colleague, Shri Naval Singh has produced an excellent book. Tenth lord is placed in the tenth house. Dasha running at the time of birth of first daughter is Mercury/Venus (in which conceivement took place) and Mercury/Saturn when the baby was born. The second daughter was born on 6-1-1993. Dasha running at that time was Jupiter/Ketu/Venus. In Chatursheeti Sama dasha it was the dasha of Mecury/Sun. Both these events were being explained conveniently by the horoscope and the dasha sequence satisfying the astrologer in me that the chart on which we were working was a correct one. He came to me when Saturn/Mercury/Venus was running. Retrograde eleventh and twelfth lord‘s dasha was running. This planet is placed in the tenth house along with tenth lord. Tenth lord is also retrograde. Antardasha running was of fourth and seventh lord Mercury, again retrograde, but in the fifth house with Venus, third and eighth lord whose pratyantar was running. Has he come to me seeking an answer to some abnormal delay in his professional pursuit or promotion? Is there someone working against his interest in the corridors of power that matter? Is he thinking of changing his job now? If these questions cross my mind then can I be faulted. He narrated the sequence of events and asked me the question, will I be able to stay in job?. On inquiry, he revealed that thrice when the number of vacancies were good, still his name could not be cleared by the Board. He naturally thought that some superior of his had given him a bad ACR resulting in his detention in the same post. He approached his seniors but in vain. Now another board was constituted and his name was there in the panel of candidates to be considered for promotion but there was only one vacancy this time. Now after having been rejected by the Board when there were good number of vacancies, he was naturally apprehensive of his promotion as now there was only one vacancy. When he came to me he was on deputation. Deputation in government circles mean that the person is working at a place which is not his parent office. Confirming the dasha results of twelfth lord Saturn again. Now the big question? Will he or will he not? Saturn/Mercury/Sun will start in December and run upto January, 2006 when the dasha will change to Saturn/Mercury/Moon. Saturn in the tenth house, Mercury in the fifth house (seventh lord), and Sun aspecting tenth house and being aspected by tenth lord. Moon, fifth lord in the eleventh house of recognition and aspecting fifth house. Board was to sit sometime in January, 2006. Both Sun and Moon were promising. Chatursheeti Sama dasha was also considered. Jupiter/Mars. Jupiter, tenth lord and Mars, ninth lord in the second house. Wonderful. Things were looking good now. A look at dashmansha revealed that Jupiter is the seventh lord of navamsha placed in the seventh house and Mars is sixth and eleventh lord of dashmansha, placed in the sixth house of fight. Saturn in Cancer and Jupiter in Libra in transit were influencing the ninth lord and the second house of Major. Till how long will retrograde planets in the tenth house keep troubling him? How many times will he have to undergo the same cycle of rejection and dejection? No. I thought now the time has come when Jupiter and Mars will have to fulfill their roles of tenth and ninth lord and grant him luck when I knew that by saying so I would be giving out a prediction which is against all odds. Remember there was only one vacancy this time.

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Still I gave my opinion as, 'the time is good and it is favourable for you this time'. Sometime in March, 2006 on reaching home one evening after classes at Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan, I received a telephone call from my friend whose brother‘s chart was this. He said, 'Manoj, thanks. Brother got promoted to the rank of Colonel this February and he had called me up to convey his thanks to you. But on that day when he had come to you for consulting his chart and after your reading, he did not look or sound very convincing as he had virutally lost all hopes of promotion and more so because the competiton this time around was the toughest'. Jokingly, I remarked, 'tough only get going when the going is tough'. But inwardly, I was relieved. Look at retrograde tenth lord, eleventh lord, seventh lord and you will start understanding the frustrations, delays and repeated denials in professional advancements though the candidate in question was always handpicked for special assignments in his professional career. This is how the planets reveal the joy and sorrows, pains and gains but deliver what is promised by the prarabdh at the right time in your life.


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DR. BS GOEL 2 November 2007, 3:35 PM

Our ancient classics on astrology have condemned the debilitated (Neecha) planets while all exalted (Uccha) ones have been praised. But in practical horoscopes sometimes results are to the contrary. We see a lot of horoscopes of many persons with debilitated planets and they have achieved high status in life, while many with horoscopes with exalted planets have not done well in life. Why it is so? It is because no horoscope should be analysed just on the basis of single positive or negative factors. The over all disposition of the horoscope and the inter-knitting of planets and rashis in the various houses of the horoscope is the most important factor in delineating a horoscope. Given below are the horoscopes of a couple in which the 10th lord is debilitated, and destiny took them to Indian Revenue Services in the same batch and also to marry happily. It is a romance of debilitated 10th lords Indeed.

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Medical doctor by profession, the writer is a very active member of the research group which he joined after passing our two year course in astrology.– Editor


The Horoscope at a glance (Jan 10, 1956, 0100, Delhi) This person is born with vargottama Tula lagna with a balance of Mercury dasha at birth and Ketu and Venus to follow which are yogakarkas in this horoscope.  A prominent feature that would need close look is that in this horoscope all the yogakaraka planets are well placed and are inter-connected through conjunction, inter-change or aspect. It can be seen thus.  1. Venus, the lagna lord, with Mercury, the 9th lord, is in 4th house with digbala.It is a combination of the trikona lord (Mercury) and the kendra Lord Venus which as lagna lord is both, trikona and kendra lord. So here Mercury and Venus are well placed in 4th house in sign of

Saturn, another yogakarka. The 4th house is the house of simhasana, which literally means the throne of a king. In modern parlance, it should mean a good status in life.  2. Further, these two planets, Mercury and Venus, are being aspected by its dispositor, Saturn, who is the lord of 4th and 5th and, is the best yogakarka for this lagna. In this way Saturn is also connected with Mercury-Venus and, in fact three planets (Saturn lord of 4th and 5th, Mercury lord of 9th Venus lord of lagna) are well connected to each other forming a strong Raj yoga.  3. The Moon, the 10th lord, is with Saturn in the 2nd house, along with Mars lord of 2nd and, of the 7th another, kendra, Since malefic lord of the kendra are good. So conjunction of Mars with Saturn is another less potent rajayoga. The Moon is lord of 10th is again conjunct with Saturn and Mars and is again involved the rajayoga.  So in fact, all the rajyoga planets, Saturn, Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury are related to each other by conjunction and aspects and are involved in causing a powerful Rajyoga and Dhanyoga combinations.  Further, with all the rajyoga planets are connected with Rahu in Vrishchik who will behave like Mars and other planets associated with it. So in a way, Rahu will also act under the direction of yogakarka plants.There is also exchange of 3rd and 11th which, among other things, indicates that the native will earn money through his own efforts.  Saturn and Jupiter lord of 5th and 6th and Jupiter and Mars lord of 6th and 7th are in kendra from each other which is further a Rajyoga and Dhanyoga combinations.  Then the royal planet Sun is placed in Dhanu rashi aspected by Jupiter (also in exchange) so the Sun is under great benefic influence of Jupiter. Further there is Uoobhayachari yoga, which is a good yoga for prosperity and happiness.  In this horoscope the Moon the 10th lord a

yogakaraka planet is debilitated with a clear-cut Neechabhanga rajyoga, as Mars its dispositor is associated with the Moon. So the Moon is further involved is Neechabhanga Rajyoga. Gaja Kesari

Yoga, Amla Yoga, Vishitsha Yoga, Kedar Yoga, Vasumati Yoga, Chandra-Mangla Yoga are also present. These are all benefic yogas for happiness and prosperity.

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According to Bhavaratha Ratnakar for Tula lagna, Jupiter the lord of 3rd and 6th is also a yogakaraka planets. Mutual position of Moon/Venus at 3/11axis is another Rajyoga according to Parashara. Further, if Karka rashi is aspected by Venus and Jupiter the native will earn great fame as per Jataka Tatwa. Here the Karak rashi falls in 10th house and is aspected by Venus and Mercury. Examination of horoscope from Moon Lagna The examination of a horoscope, when done from the Moon, helps in the analysis of a horoscope. The conjunction of Moon and Mars lord of 9th and 1st, exchange between Jupiter and Sun lord of 2/5 and 10th and the aspect of Mercury Venus to the 9th house are the few good points to note from Moon lagna In the Navamsha the above said rajyoga are little diluted but present is other forms. The lagna is vargottama. The lagna lord Venus is debilitated and is in the 12th house, but in exchange with Mercury in 8th house so there is an exchange of 8th and 12th house lords coming under Vipreeta Rajyoga, On the other hand this is again a combination of lagna and 9th lord as in birth horoscope. Mars and Saturn again yogakaraka planets are well conjunct in house of gains, the 11th house, the house of Sun, where Sun is in exchange with Mars lord of 2nd. So there is a strong dhanayoga of exchange between 2nd and 11th, which is further strengthened by the presence of Saturn and Ketu.

Moon in the navamsha has improved and is in Jupiter's sign and is also aspected by Jupiter, causing gajkesari yoga both in the birth horoscope and the navamsha.

Rahu is also well placed in the 5th house in a sign of Yogakaraka and is further aspected by Saturn/Mars/Jupiter. Now comes the Dashamsha, for the fructification of the above said rajyogas it is necessary to examine dashamsha, the chart of profession. In the dashamsha the lagna is again Tula, vargottama*. The best part of it is that all the yogakaraka planets which we have discussed above will remain the same and if they are well placed the person will shine well in his profession. Let us examine. Mercury and Moon lord of 9th and 10th are well placed in the 4th house aspecting the 10th house.The dispositor Saturn, lord of 4th and 5th again a rajyoga karaka planet is in exchange with Mercury. Lord of 9th, 10th, 4th and 5th are in association, a very stong rajyoga indeed. The lagna lord Venus is well placed in 9th house and is aspected by Saturn by 10th aspect, So here again Saturn/Mercury/Moon/Venus are very well associated. The Mars and Sun lord of 2nd and 11th are conjunct together in 11th house so the very well formed rajyogas are being reinforced by strong dhanyoga combinations in rashi, navamsha and dashamsha charts. No wonder the native was selected for Indian Revenue Services in 1981 and may reach to the top in the hierarchy of Taxation. There are other good and bad combinations in the horoscope pertaining to other aspects of life, but I have not discussed them here as this article is limited to the 10th house of the person.The other events explained here are to see the correctness of the horoscope and to demonstrate the composite approach in anlaysing a horocope. Examination of the horoscope – Jaimini There are strong Jaimini rajyoga, which are marked in the chart they are 6 in the birth horoscope and 3 in the navamsha and again 4 in the dashamsha. The AK and Amatya Karak are 2/12 in birth chart but 3/11 in navamsha and dashamsha. The Amatya Karaka is in exchange with Putra Karaka the Jupiter the natural benefic. The Amatya Karaka is well placed and is not in any bad aspect, which indicates good

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rise is life and service. The effects of all these rajyogas will be analysed through the Jaimini Char Dasha also in composite approach. Selection in Indian Revenue Service (IRS) in May-June 1981 1. In Vimshottari Dasha Ven/Mon/Sat all the 3 planets are yogakaraka for this horoscope and are well placed and connected in Rashi, Navamsha and Dashamsha Venus is with Mercury lord of 9th and Saturn and Moon are together in 2nd house. 2. In Chara Dasha Mina/Mithuna, the dasha is of Mina in 6th house, the house of competitions. It is aspected by Amatya Karak Sun. Thre are no bad aspects on it from here the Amatya Karak is in 10th house i.e in Dhanu so this rasi dasha is good for career. 3. The antar dasha is of Mithuna the 9th house which is again aspected by Amatya Karak with no other bad aspects. The 10th house from here is again Meena rashi which has already been explained. As all the rashi are well apsected by Amatya Karaka, and the Amatya Karaka is in 10th from rashi dasha. This dasha is quite competent to give the benefic results. Hence the native was selected for civil services. Note that the Amatya Karak is in relation with Jupiter the Putra Karak. 4. In transit Saturn was in Kanya, 11th from Moon with 36 points in SAV and 5 points in BAV. Jupiter was also in 11th from Moon i.e the Kanya with 6 points in BAV and 36 SAV. From here Jupiter aspects the dasha lord Venus and the Mina rashi hence gives good result. 5. Both the main planets viz Saturn and Jupiter are in 11th from Moon, hence are expected to give over all good results in reference to the running Dasha. Marriage on 22nd April 1982 1. In Vimshottari dasha Ven/Mon/Ven was running. Venus is natural karaka and Moon is in 2nd house along with Mars the 7th lord. 2. In Chara Dasha of Mina/Karka and Mina/Kanya, the Karakamsha Lagna axis. Karka rashi is aspected by Dara Karak and 7th lord Mars hence marriage has taken place. 3. In transit Saturn was in Kanya aspecting 7th lord Mars. Jupiter was in Tula aspecting 7th house. So Saturn and Jupiter both are blessing the marriage. Birth of Daughter on 15th August 1986 1. In Vimshottari dasha it was Ven/Jup/Jup, Venus the lagna lord associated with Saturn the 5th lord is fully competent to give children. The Antar Dasha lord Jupiter is natural significator placed in 11th house aspecting the 5th house and is being aspected by Saturn the 5th lord. 2. In Jaimini Char Dasha, 5th house from Mina rashi is Karka which is being aspected by 5th lord Saturn. Transit Saturn was in Scorpio passing over 5th lord himself Saturn. Jupiter was transiting in Kumbh in the 5th house itself, so the child was born. Birth of Son on 11th June, 1988 1. In Vimshottari dasha it was Ven/Jup/Mon running. This is same as explained above but here Moon is posited in 2nd house along with Saturn the 5th lord. 2. In Chara Dasha Mesha/Karka the Jupiter natural significator and also Putra Karak is placed in 5th house so the child birth is quite possible. Again the Karka rashi is aspected by Saturn the 5th lord from Karka, the 5th house is occupied by Saturn himself. 3. In transit Saturn was in Dhanu in 3rd house is aspecting the 5th house. 4. Jupiter was in Mesha aspecting natal Jupiter the 5th lord from Moon and natural significator so it is well explained. Promotion as Dy. Commissioner Dec 89 1. In the Vimshottari Dasha it was Ven/Sat/Mer, all the three yogakaraka are in line so every thing can be very clearly seen.

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2. In Char Dasha Mesha/Kanya, from Mesha the 10th house is Makar where Atma Karak is posited aspected by Dara Karaka, Putra Karaka and 5th lord Saturn. So a strong 10th house. Antar dasha rashi Kanya is aspected by Amatya Karak and the 10th from Kanya in Mithuna which is again in aspect to Amatya Karaka. Antar dasha rashi is 10th from Amatya Karaka. Here therefore promotion is explained. 3. In transit Saturn was in Dhanu over the 10th lord from Moon viz Sun. Jupiter was in Mithuna aspecting the Sun. * I have expanded the vargottama concept to the other divisional charts also like Navamsha.

WHAT STARS FORETELL FOR SANJAY DUTT ABHA SHARMA 21 November 2007, 5:32 PM Sanjay Dutt born: July 29, 1959, 14:45 HRS. Bombay As per the birth details (if the birth data is correct) available to us through the book written by his sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Dutt, the memories of our Parents.

              Analysis of the Horoscope  Imprisonment  Lagna chart: "Bandhan Yoga" made by equal number of planets in 2nd and 12th house.  Also "Bandhan Yoga" at 3/11

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axis from Moon. Navamsha: No "Bandhan Yoga" from Lagna and Moon. Dashmansha chart: "Bandhan Yoga" made by equal no. of planets in 2nd and 12th house. "Bandhan Yoga" at 4/10 axis, 2/12 axis from Lagna. From Moon "Bandhan Yoga" at 3/12 axis. DASHAS: Vimshottari dasha running at present and for next 6 months Jup / Ven / Jup: From 12.7.2007 TO 19.11.2007 Jup / Ven / Sat: From 19.11.2007 TO 21.4.2008 Jup / Ven / Mer: From 21.4.2008 TO 6.9.2008 Jup / Ven / Ketu: From 6.9.2008 TO 2.11.2008

With Scorpio Lagna rising, Jupiter is in Libra in 12th House & Venus is in Leo in the 10th House conjoined with Mars. A retrograde Saturn is in second house in Sagittarius. No planet is aspecting Saturn.

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Jaimini Char Dasha running: Sagittarius / Taurus up to 28.5.2008 Sagittarius: The Dasha of Ups and down. Gnathikaraka Saturn is in Sagittarius sign & AMK (Amatyakarark) is in 8th house, indicating struggle and hindrances in career due to conspiracies made by enemies and people of film industries as Rahu and Ketu are aspecting Sagittarius sign. AK (Atmakaraka) Jupiter is in 11th house from Sagittarius sign, indicating gains in life, PK (Putrakarka) Sun is in 9th from Sagittarius indicating the native's daughter doing well in Sagittarius dasha. Taurus: From Taurus sign AK Jupiter is in 6th and AMK Mercury is in 3rd indicating period of efforts and initiatives in this dasha. Aquarius: From this sign AMK is in 6h house and AK is in 9th house, indicating progress in life, but struggle in career. Transit: 1. Leo afflicted by Saturn and Ketu. 2. Sun again afflicted by Saturn on 16.10.2007 for one month. 3. Rahu and Ketu's transit on Leo /Aquarius signs axis till 28.4.2008. PREDICTIONS Profession 1. Imprisonment, Problems, Breaks, scandals in profession for next two years. 2. Position maintained as a Bollywood star personality though recurring hinderance in work. 3. Money inflow continued in Oct-Nov'2007 4. Struggle to give hit movies till May'2008. 5. Very good time period for getting awards from Aug'2009 6. He is going to face severe problems in career for next 6 to 7 months. HEALTH: 1. Bad health, Bad period from Oct'07 onwards till Nov'07 for heart troubles and high B.P. etc. 2. Heart troubles, stomach, are indicated. MARITAL LIFE, Spouse and Money matters: 1. His third marriage will get publicly acknowledged before Nov'2007 end. 2. Marital matters crucial from Dec'07 to April'2008. COURT CASE Related to partnership matters, foreign relations/ deals, tensions & bad for next two year time period making the native involved in court cases. Imprisonment to continue till Aug'2009 at least for the next two years till transit of Saturn is there on natal Venus and lagna lord Mars in Leo. Chances of imprisonment in antardashas of Venus and Sun under Jupiter to continue. (27 October 2007) From: A To: [email protected]> Subject: Re: Is he also your favorite? Date: Sat, 03 Nov 2007 15:25:08 IST Namaskar Sir, ........Regarding Sanjay Dutt's Bail enquiry, in today's newspaper it has come that Supreme Court has given the 20th Nov'07 as the date for his bail application. He is at present in the Yarvada jail.

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I hope my article on his present imprisonment and a minimum imprisonment period for next one and a half years has been able to clearly justify the astrological reasons for the same. Warm regards Yours affectionately. Abha On 27 Oct 2007 14:03:23 -0000 "knrao" wrote DATE OF BIRTH OF SANJAY DUTT, THE ACTOR Mr. and Mrs. Dutt, the memories of our Parents By Namratta Dutt Kumar, Priya Dutt Published By Lustre Press, Roli Books Reference Page 57:―29th July 1959, This was the most important day of my life. I arrived at 2:45 p.m. O‘ clock at Beach Candy Hospital, Nursing Home, Bombay.‖ Yours, K.N.Rao.

THE ART OF PREDICTION - THE PLAIN ASTROLOGICAL APPROACH 1 KN RAO 7 May 2008, 3:01 PM What we teach in the classes we run is a plain approach to predictions first based on the birth horoscope and mainly springing from the birth horoscope. The varga charts are referred to for confirmation not for the main prediction. Use only a seven karaka scheme of Jaimini and use Chara dasha as I have shown repeatedly. The chances of astrology getting perverted in these days of website astrology, television gibberish which passes for astrology and the greedy emphasis on shantis/ upayas or remedies is great. When I told this to some people who have not studied in the BVB they asked me to illustrate it and that is what I will do in this series.

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Vimshottari dasha Mercury-Jupiter-Rahu from 28 Jan 2008 to 31 May 2008 CHARA DASHA Vrisha- Dhanu- Makara from 13 April 2008 to 14 May 2008.

It is the horoscope of a woman journalist who have been getting astrological consultations from me for herself and her husband for some years now. She had to leave her job for some months to look after her child. She now wanted to get back to her journalistic life. She asked me sometime in March 2008 about it. In the Vimshottari dasha it was Mercury-Jupiter-Rahu from 28 Jan 2008 to 31 May 2008. Mercury is aspecting the second house and the lord of the antardasha, Jupiter is in the eleventh house from Mercury. The pratyantara dasha lord Rahu is in the 4/10 axis from Jupiter, second from Mercury. Now see the dashamansha Mercury is in the tenth house while Jupiter is the tenth lord and Rahu too is in the tenth house. It is a good period for her to come back into her journalistic life. In Jaimini‘s Chara dasha it is Vrisha- Dhanu- Makara from 13 April 2008 to 14 May 2008. Vrisha has the amatyakaraka, Sun, from Dhanu the AMK aspects the eleventh house but as soon Makar pratyantara dasha would be reached, it would be aspecting the tenth house. I asked her to try for a job right now and she should land a job before the end of May. She rang me up to tell me that she had got a very good job in a weekly to be launched soon under the editorship of famous editor who till last month was editing a daily from Delhi. She was happy as the job would give her ample opportunity to look after her child and also get back into active journalism. She rang me up and asked me for an urgent consultation. Both in Shillong and Calcutta and later in Delhi I got horoscopes of people who were doubtful about their birth details, having lost their original horoscopes during their migration in 1947 from the riot torn areas of what now are Pakistan and Bangladesh. It was so in her case also. But the memory of someone in the family helped her retrieve her birth details is what she told me. In the case of women, most people in northern India rarely kept correct birth details those days when she was born. A woman was a ―disposable commodity‖ who would enter her husband‘s house and could be neglected unlike the boy, has been and continues to be the favoured child of the family. It is the view of many even now. Was the horoscope correct?

Karakamsha lagna is Simha and Putrakaraka is Mercury with Jupiter showing pure inclination towards humanities, not science during her student days. Before any prediction is given it becomes the primary consideration. In such cases, just note down the birth details as are passed on and do not indulge in exercise of correcting it which can be done later. The birth horoscope and the navamsha showed either a bad marriage or no marriage. Not married she said. What had she studied is what I was interested in finding out myself without her telling me as that is invariably a good starting point of the verification of a horoscope. Moon, an artistic planet, unafflicted in the eleventh house aspects the fifth house. The fifth lord, Mars is with Sun and Venus. Karakamsha lagna is Simha and Putrakaraka is Mercury with Jupiter showing pure inclination towards humanity in her studies. What should the predominant influence of fifth house and its lord with artistic planets mean? Education in fine arts ? That was the question I asked. She had done MA (music) she said. Was it classical I asked because of the influence of Jupiter on the putrakaraka. Yes, classical Hindustani music she said. But does she do any business ? Yes she said, in clothes.

The dashamansha will work. I can proceed to give her some predictions on this horoscope without correcting her birth time. She knows some astrology and had some doubt whether hers was Vrischika lagna or Tula. She was confused about the ayanamsha to be used that was another question. When such a case comes up note the prominent features of the horoscope and the dasha and antardasha of three or four past years, see the dasha antardasha in Vimshottari and Chara dasha and ask some striking question. The lagna, Vimshottari dasha and Jaimini karakas of people born at the same time will remain the same. To distinguish one from the other, divisional horoscopes need to be prepared. But as far as the person before you is concerned, first verify whether this horoscope is fitting into his/her pattern of life.

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In 2004, it was dasha of Jupiter Mercury. In Chara dasha it was the dasha of Vrisha and Kumbha. Atmakaraka is in Vrisha. It coincides with Jupiter-Mercury dasha in the eighth house. The antardasha starting from Kumbha is significant. Kumbha is eighth from Karakamsha in Karka. Then the antardasha of Makara and then of Dhanu do not seem to be happy period in her life. Remember the warning I have given repeatedly given about the Dhanu dasha. Dhanu is also sixth from Karakamsha and eighth from Atmakaraka-- dangerous in three ways. From 2003 Rahu and Saturn were transitting in Vrisha and Mithuna. All this appeared to be bleak. Yes. She had a fatal disease in this period. Medical astrology ? What could this be she asked me ? I said that I cannot say and do not believe in medical astrology as all the doctor students whom I asked to work on medical astrology has been hundred percent failures. They only learnt from me from the period of onset of sickness and its outcome and even wrote articles or books. Their own contribution to medical astrology is a big zero. Then there are other non-medical astrologers reeling off wild ―researches‖ on various diseases particularly diabetes and heart attack. All these are untested and unproven mostly wild and boastfully loud pieces paraded as researches. She told me about the disease and she survived is what she told me. You can even try Dwisaptati Sama Dasha on which Manoj Pathak has done excellent and original research. It was Rahu-Mars both in the seventh house with heaviest affliction with the added aspect of Saturn. Then other events can be verified as they will fall in a pattern in a sequence. That is chara dasha and the seven karaka scheme for you. Ayanamsha lunatics She had some confusion about ayanamsha.Use only Lahiri ayanamsha and do not get lost in the lunacy of the claims of others about their ayanamsha which is unproven, untested and wild. Remember government of India has settled this in 1956 and another meeting convened by the Human Resources Ministry had reapproved the Lahiri ayanamsha in March 1994 attended by Dr. Raman who had the mortification of seeing his ayanamsha being rejected by the entire gathering of panchanga makers of India attending that meeting. It was a three day conference which I had to conduct on the insistence of Dr. Raman and Pandit Sukhdeo Chaturvedi. Dr Raman never uttered a single word in all those three days in defence of his ayanamsha. Then one day came a fellow with the claim that he had discoverd a true ayanamsha and that Lahiri was wrong. He had looked sane till he started talking nonsense. I asked him to convince a) a gathering of astrologers who make panchangas and b) the Human Resources Ministry which he has failed to do. Addressing a gathering of students after disturbing their classes is not the right approach to win a battle.

But how can a lunatic get convinced? But he pours his vituperation and shows his low upbringing. Like all lunatics he thinks that he is a genius and world is not listening to him. A student had asked me once when I told about my encounters with ―revolutionary ayanamsha propounders‖, ― How many ayanamsha fanatics have you met ?‘ My answer was at least five. Out of them the only to suffer financial loss was Dr.Raman but he did not abuse others who rejected his ayanamsha like the upstarts who keep springing up once in a decade. Dr. Raman created enormous difficulties for me when he prescribed his books based on his ayanamsha for the astrology course I had shaped and was running! This was a tricky and devious way of trying to keep alive his ayanamsha after his death. This was Raman‘s fourth attempt in five years between 1989 and 1994. If you are doing astrology seriously you must be prepared to meet these ayanamsha lunatics somewhere or the other sometime or the other. I told this woman that her lagna was Vrischika and that she should use only Lahiri ayanamsha. Just hear the rantings of the ayanamsha lunatics if you cannot avoid them and forget it.

THE ART OF PREDICTION - THE PLAIN ASTROLOGICAL APPROACH 4 (revised) KN RAO 1 June 2008, 7:05 PM She had come with her father to meet me and took some predictions. She was running the mahadasha of Rahu in the fourth house with the tenth lord Saturn. The antardasha was of Ketu in the tenth house. Time for career rise. The coming pratyantara dasha from March would be of Mars in the twelfth house. In Chara dasha it would be Meena Kumbha Vrisha from February 2008. Amatyakaraka in the twelfth house like Mars in the twelfth house in Vimshottari dasha is showing a foreign posting. Read this letter. From: Pgi [email protected] To: knrao .com Subject: Re: P's birth details Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 20:13:55 IST Dear Sir, In the first week of October 2007 I had come to visit you along with my dad. At that time you had told me that I am likely to be transferred to a country outside India but within the

same firm. The same happened recently. In the last week of March -08 I relocated to London and am sending this mail to you from London. I wanted to ask you ...... Thanks & kind regards








Venus Sun Saturn Jupiter Moon Mercury Mars Now remember she had come with her father and she is a Hindu girl. She did not ask what she wanted to and I never told her. She has asked it now. What is her question ? Remember, Mars is also the seventh lord. She has someone in her life and she did not open out in the presence of her father. It is obvious. From Vrisha the darakaraka, Mars is also aspecting the seventh house. Postscript: I put the question here about attraction towards someone outside her country of birth and also the person being outside her caste, a consideration which becomes important for Indians, particularly Hindus. She answered it thus. From: P To: knrao l.com> Subject: Re: P's birth details Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 16:37:27 IST I met somebody based out of London through an arranged marriage proposal in the first week of January '08 while I was in India. This person is outside my caste. We kept in touch over mail and phone. Though, after I relocated to London, he has been very confused and we haven't met except two or three times. Other than that there is nobody else. regards P

On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 11:41 AM, knrao wrote: P, Are you in love with someone outside your caste etc ? K.N.Rao.

THE ART OF PREDICTION - THE PLAIN ASTROLOGICAL APPROACH 5 : IS IT SICKNESS OR PROMOTION? KN RAO 23 June 2008, 8:53 PM All that astrology means for some people who learn the subject is their own and the horoscopes of their family members. Inspite of my discouraging it, no one seems to stop except those who become professionals and trade in the misery of their clients by talking of Kaal Sarpa Yoga and remedial measures to earn quick money fabulously. Very few get interested in it and try to do honest research and replicate it as some student of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan do it.

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 80-53 19-50 27-07 5-43 3-08 29-53 10-29 21-04 53 PK BK AMK GK DK AK MK The difference in the case of this woman is that she learnt astrology to understand some problem of her life which she discussed with me. For the purpose of this piece, let it suffice to state here , that she wanted to know about some health upset because when she came to me it was dasha of Rahu-Jupiter from July 2007. Jupiter dasha worried her. I asked her to examine it pratyantara by pratyantara.

The pratyantara dasha was of Mercury. In the dashamansha, this pratyantara dasha lord is in the seventh house of attainment of position which is the seventh house. In the birth horoscope it is in the second house of some gains Jaimini‘s chara dasha should confirm it is my instruction to these people after examining it in detail through Parashari methods to avoid the confusion that gets created by Jaimini‘s Karakas because they will not change for some days and will be common to many horoscopes of people born around the same time, days etc. Jaimini dasha is of Dhanu-Vrischika upto 24 June 2008. Here the Amatyakaraka,Mars is aspecting the tenth house, Simha from Vrischika. It is a period of promotion. All that she had seen in her horoscope was the antardasha of the sixth lord in the fifth house and her period of some sickness because she had to have a medical check up after the antardasha of Jupiter started. When she came to me I told her that it was a time of promotion for her. She is government servant in an ordinary position and had ruled out her chances of ever getting even a routine promotion. But today (20 May 2008) she came to tell me that she had been selected for a special training after which she would get a promotion. How had I predicted it she asked. Simple I said and explained it as given here. Jupiter in the fifth house shows education, in this case training preceding her promotion. Always examine it first from Parashari angle in detail and then check through Chara dasha and the seven karaka scheme. This double check is what I call the composite technique and it is very simple, with more than eighty percent success except in the case of politicians who turn our world upside down. There a different approach to their horoscopes. When you are obsessessed with your own horoscope, your astrology does not progress and the danger is that your morbidity will increase. (20 May 2008)

BIRTH HOROSCOPE : A WINDOW INTO OUR KARMAS MANOJ PATHAK 24 March 2009, 8:57 AM Generally, astrologers have to closely examine the questions connected with the Karma (Actions). The modern man of today does not believe in birth, accumulated karmas of pastlife, and karmas acquired in this birth and Astrology. He, like Krishna, delivers the definition of "AHAM KARTA" (I am the Doer), and understands that whatever he does, its

consequences, success or failure are bounded through his own efforts; and, if, in such times you are asked that what is the connection between Jyotish and Karma? And to write an article on the subject, then does it not appear to be a very complicated subject. . Because, if any explanation about this is available, then it is given in chapter 2 to 5 of Bhagawat Geeta, where Bhagwan Sri Krishna explained to Arjun about - discrimination between Karma Yoga, Sankhya Yoga and Karma, Sanyas, Bhakti yoga etc, and told that Karma yoga is the most simple and feasible way to attain salvation, and to become one with God. Again he said that ‗as a calf recognizes his mother in a herd of cows, similarly the action performed in previous lives easily find the individual for auspicious or inauspicious karmas, and when the right time comes, confer the results on them accordingly. In short, we can take this intricate observance as "Karma Siddhanta." We must have been participants before also in this never-ending discussion. But, never the inferences of these discussions were such, as to establish this fact wholly. Then what is the way to understand this? How can we enquire into this complicated subject, and after investigation if we find that, yes, we have to endure the past-life actions into this life also, then how can we correct them or maintain their auspiciousness, we will search the measures for that. Before proceeding any further, first let us come to an understanding that, what this birthchart, Kundli (horoscope) or Tippana is, and what is its connection with the Karmas of an individual. There are 12 houses in a birth-chart. These houses begin from the Ascendant or Lagna house (first house). The Lagna (Ascending sign) is that sign which is rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth of that individual. So now, this Lagna and the sign occupied by Lagna has established an intimate relationship with this particular person. The second house is of family (Kutumba) and Speech. The third house denotes younger brother / sister, courage, and efforts. The fourth house represents mother, property and comforts. The fifth house denotes past-life karmas, children and spiritual practices (mantra-siddhi). So, our Rishis have fixed a house, among other houses of the birth-chart, to past-life karmas, that is, to assess the qualities of our accumulated karmas. Hence the 5th house of the horoscope, which is a trine (trikona) also, is very significant to estimate the quality of the chart. In a horoscope – four houses are called Angles (Kendra), and three houses are called Trines (Trikona), and planets posited in these houses are considered to be strong. Out of these, the Lagna or Ascendant is such a house that is considered both as a Trine, as well as, an angle. Hence, the Ascendant becomes more significant from both ways. After the fifth, the sixth house governs the diseases and enemies. The seventh house is the house of marriage and spouse; the eighth house denotes longevity, and the ninth house represents religion, luck and fortune and prarabdha (destiny). The 9th house is 5th from the 5th house and is the most powerful trine. Besides others, things concerning father are also seen from this house. Hence, the three trines of the horoscopes have intimate connection with your present and past-life karmas. The set up of the houses is done like this only. The tenth house denotes karma. Here the karma means career or profession. This is the meaning of 12 houses of the birth-chart. Now, the nine planets of these 12 houses relate to one or the other house. The house, in which Moon is placed, is known as the Rasi house (Moon sign). And, Rasi is the second important component to know the auspiciousness or inauspiciousness of the effects of planets. Hence, in a horoscope, the Lagna and the Rasi become very significant for a particular person.

In the horoscope, out of 12 houses, 6 are visible and 6 are invisible. Now, look at the 5th house, which is the house of past-life actions that tell us about what we have brought forth in this life, and what will be our mien / condition in this life, is the house of past-life Punya or meritorious deeds, which are not before us, which we cannot see but only feel; and who all can feel, astrologers and wise persons, come in the invisible part of the horoscope. The 9th house, which is the house of fortune, Guru, father, religion, or in other words is the house of reckoning / accounts (lekha-jokha) of this life, comes in the visible part of the horoscope. Now, can you understand from this a little of the purport of pre-decided ordinance. That, which is invisible, which is not before you and which you cannot see, but which has very significant and complete connection with every incident of your life, is situated in the invisible part; and which is known to society, apparent before everyone, and the religion you follow living in society, is present in the visible part of the horoscope, the 9th house and to cap it all, these two houses, the 5th and the 9th houses, of the birth-chart are the strongest houses, and ups and downs in life, in many ways, mostly depend on the strength of these houses. This was an effort to introduce you to the houses of the birth-chart (horrorscope), and to make you understand that the horoscope has very deep connection with the past, present and future of an individual. And it is said that, who else can ever know about the past, present and future of a man except the Rishis and astrologers. Only the present is revealed to the man. The past and future is covered under the Veil of TIME, which ignorant persons can neither know nor recognize, and carry their ignorance in the form of "AKAM KARTA" (a doer). Have you ever made an effort to think that why you are born in a particular family? Why a man and a woman became your parents and why you got brother-sister? You got married; a stranger, a girl born and brought up in a distant family suddenly enters your life. You have children. Did you perform all this as a doer (Karta). Could you select your parents? Could you choose your brother-sister? You can say that you chose your wife yourself, but thereafter, could you select your children? You could know the sex of the fetus with the help of the modern equipments, but did you know that what kind of life this conceived life will have to endure. If you are a doer, you must have been aware of all this. But how helpless doers we are. We do behave in a very ostentatious way to be a doer, but how ignorant, how foolish and in such a unrestrained way. In other words the doer is someone else? Then who is that Doer? How can we know Him and recognize Him? Do we have any system? You are getting education. In one institution many students receive education from one teacher. Out of those students, some are very intelligent, some are average and some lag behind. This arrangement is karmic, or divine / destined, or of doer, who will decide this. You must be remembering that a few years back, the age-limit for Indian Administrative Services was suddenly increased. Because of this increase in age-limit, some students who could not qualify earlier passed this paramount service examination and got eminent postings. Or, in the life of a successful person some sudden incidents happen, which takes him back in life instead of forward. The modern doers of today have no such instrument to see or measure such happenings. If anybody does have such an instrument, it is with an astrologer, who can see the events many years before through the medium of birth-chart. The astrologer can forecast about your father, your mother, youngsters, your children, or other relatives. So, eventually, what does it mean? Does this mean that human life is totally pre-destined? And if it is so, then

what can be the difference between man and a mechanically operated robot? Only this, that the man has a throbbing heart, which is sympathetic, perceptive, and beats, and the robot does not possess anything like this. But, this is straying away from the subject. You must have had astrological consultations on many occasions, and found that an astrologer is a person who is capable of peering in to your past, present and future and sensing your pre-destined life through your horoscope, explains it to you. Here we are talking only about an expert astrologer, not about the hypocrites found in every nook and corner. In a birth-chart, when two or more planets relate to each other, it is known as yoga. Both auspicious and inauspicious yogas are present in a birth-chart. The conjunction of beneficial planets causes auspicious yogas and conjunction of malefic planets form inauspicious yogas. Besides this, when lords of the 5th and the 9th houses combine with any other planet; they impart auspiciousness to that planet also. The 5th and the 9th houses are known as trines, and are considered to be extremely auspicious houses, this we have mentioned before also. Then, can we say that auspicious yogas present in a horoscope indicate the meritorious deeds done in past- life, and the planetary periods, which ascertain the time of happenings in the lifetime, shows man the time to enjoy the fruits of these virtuous deeds and past-life actions, which an astrologer can understand through the horoscope, various Vargas, and other astrological parameters. It is mentioned also: Jyotisha madanam sakshad yantajjanamatiinndriyam, Pratitam bhavata yena puman veda paravaram. It means that, which is beyond the region of five sense organs, and which can know the past, present and future hidden in the womb of time – that is Jyotish Shastra (Astrology), which is created by you. Shukadev Ji said this to Maharishi Gargacharya. This verse is also referred from the book " Karma and Punarjanma" written by Shri K.N. Rao, only to indicate that Jyotish Shastra is the only such Shastra, which is capable of understanding past, present and future verbatim, in other words, only this Shastra can define Actions or Karmas.

EVIDENCES OF THE EXISTENCE OF HINDU TEMPLES IN AYODHYA KN RAO 1 July 2009, 9:46 AM For those who are interested in following the controversy relating to the the existence of Hindu temples, some of the thousands of arguments advanced before the government of India from time to time, particularly when the Shri late Sri Chandrasekhar was the prime minister here are some small pieces. WHERE WAS EVIDENCE IN OTHER CASES ELSEWHERE IN THE WORLD ? No one in the world has demanded evidence for the sacred character of the mosques on the

Temple Mound in Jerusalem. Is it proven that the Dome on the Rock or the Al-Aqsa mosque was built over Mohammed's footprint in the rock? Is it true that Mohammed landed there after a journey through heaven on a winged horse? No one has questioned the ground on which the Muslims hold these places to be sacred. And so, even the Israeli government upholds the right of the Muslims to their sacred places. 2. Similarly, the grotto in which Jesus is believed to have been born is protected as a place of pilgrimage for Christians. The belief that Jesus was born there is neither theologically important nor historically verified. Yet, the Christians' right to their sacred place is upheld without questioning. Like followers of other religions, we do not need to offer a justification for considering that very site sacred. Did Babar visit Ayodhya ? This seeming "argument from silence" has been conclusively explained by Mrs Beveridge in her English translation (Babur Nama in English) Babar reached the Ayodhya area on March 28, 1528 and camped there for a short period to settle the affairs of Awadh. Unfortunately, in all known copies of Babar's diary, there is a break in the narrative between April 2 and September 18 of 1528 The loss of these pages could have occurred during the storm on May 17,1529, or during Humayun's stay in the desert after 1540 Any reference to the destruction of the Ram Janmabhoomi temple would logically have to be found in those missing pages. Archaeological Discovery Archaeologists have recovered variety of Islamic Glazed Wares, which are dated to different periods between the 13th and 15th centuries. Evidently, the temple belonged to the period immediately before the construction of the mosque. In the early 16thcentury when the mosque was built at this very place, the builders of the mosque used a number of blackstone pillars from the old temple existing here. Some of these pillars have been found used as load bearing pillars for the arches of the domes of the mosque. Art-historical studies of these pillars show that they bear a large number of images of gods and goddesses, such as Yakshas, Devakanyas, Dvarpalas and Ganas, and sacred motifs, such as the purnaghata, lotus, hansa and mala, all of which belong to the Hindu iconography. Ayodhya Mahatmya The existence of a Ram-Janmabhoomi shrine at Ramkot, marking what was believed to be birthplace of Rama, and held by the Hindus as one of their holiest spots on earth in the 12th-13th centuries, is well attested by its description in the Ayodhya Mahatmya, a sacred Hindu text forming part of the Vaishnava Khanda of the Skanda Purana. The Ayodhya Mahatmya narrates the supreme glory of the Ram Janmabhoomi shrine situated to the west of Lomash Ashram and north of Vasishtha Kund, specially for offering worship on this spot on Ram Navami day, Rama's birthday. Astronomical\Astrological evidence An inscription of 467 A.D. testifies to the installation by a devotee of the image of "Chitrakutsvami- Anantashayi" referring to both Rama & Vishnu. The same practice is indicated by an inscription found at Ayodhya which says that the Gahadval king Chandradev visited Ayodhya on 23rd Oct. 1093 on a pilgrimage on the occasion of a solar eclipse when he bathed in the Saryu and performed the worship of Vasudeva the protector of the three worlds. (see the horoscope for this day) Historians do not know astrology or astronomy and those debating this issue either do not know this subject or do not use this most valid arrgument which can be checked astronomically. For instance, one English historian of the medieval history of India disputed

the date of birth of Akbar, the moghul emperor even when the horoscope of the emperor cast by the Hindu astrologer Jyotik Rai is given in Akbar Nama. I had referred to it in my arguments in the Supreme Court of India when I was fighting the case for astrology.

If only on the basis of the planetary position given the English historian had cared to take the help of an astrologer he would easily have seen that the undisputed date of birth was 15 October 1542 and not some date of November of the same year as he stated.

ART OF PREDICTION 8 - THE FUNNY FEEDBACK KN RAO 24 September 2009, 4:27 PM Someone should do a research on how yoga, spiritual sadhanas of India, jyotisha and ayurveda have travelled westward from the middle of last century perhaps, and have now become a part of the lives of some, a tiny percentage of the populations of those countries. A very intelligent man of East Asia whom I had met twice in USA during my tours had told me that (he had observed) after the New Age movement had attracted some generations of young people, eastern traditions had started becoming a trend as he called them. I emphasise ―trend‖ in the west. First it becomes a fad, and then if it continues for two decades it becomes a trend and a way of life with them. Ofcourse, these are also means of livelihood of some of them. A trend becomes a part of their civilization finally, he observed. But when people of Asian countries come to me and discuss these subjects I am not suprised at all. In recent years many Japanese seem to have taken to these rather seriously as I found after many Japanese started meeting me to take astrological consultations. Japan taking these seriously does not surprise me as between India and Asian countries mutual accepance of some of cultural, religious and eastern systems of medical disciplines must have been common historically for many centuries as Buddhism spread. Out of all these, yoga in a physical sense, meaning hatha yoga, got accepted more widely I guess. One Japanese who met me recently and has been doing hatha yoga seriously took an astrological consultation. I do not remember whom I told what after scrutinising their horoscopes. Yet, some of them give me good feedback from time to time. Sometimes, some notes I scrible against their horoscopes pasted in my records, does help me in recalling what I had told them.

The feedback comes through email now and not through postal letter which was most common before the computer, internet and sms messages have made communication fantastically fast but has created new types of English which Englishmen may themselves not understand. An example Here is one which amused because of the contents of the letter. With these Japanese my language of communication is English which they have started picking up now. Read the letter first. Feedback of p47 2009 Part I Monday, 24 August, 2009 6:08 PM From: "[email protected]" To: [email protected] Dear respected Guruji Shri K.N. Rao, Namascar How are you? I hope your eyes get well now. My name is H. p47 2009 part I ..... Nov 1971 13/33 Yokohama Japan This is my feedbck of your telling 28 May 2009. You told me "Job is wating in Japan" In two month I did some action to find job. But nothing. So I decided to training again in India from next month and feedbck to you "job is not wating". Just I write email you, suddenly my phone ringing and yoga teacher job is coming! What is this? You make this miracle? I already apply yoga training next month, so I promised do that job back to Japan next year. Your telling was right. The job place is near temple which have My grandfather and grandmother's grave. I feel they help me finding job and appriciate them. I hope this information also useful verification for horoscope I‘m very happy! Thank you very much! Sincerely, H. AK-Moon AMK-Sun BK-Jupiter MK-Saturn PK-Mars GK-Venus DK-Mercury Vimshottari Dasha Rahu-Sat-Ven from 6 Aug 2009 Chara dasha Simha-KarkaVrischika from 28 Aug 2009

Astrological analysis The reading was done in May as he says and the feedback came in August. The reason is very clear. See the change of pratyantara dasha between May and August.

In RahuSaturn Mercury he took the reading and in Rahu Saturn Venus he got the job back home. Saturn in the fourth house in his horoscope is the twelfth lord showing his foreign connections and it is this planet which brings him to India. Venus pratyantara dasha begins from 6 August 2009 aspecting his own house in the birth horoscope and the chaturthamsha which has to attract him to his native place, his homeland, Japan. In Chara dasha in Simha Karka period with matrikaraka in the tenth house from Simha aspected by amatyakaraka should attract him towards a job in his own homeland. Double transit In transit Saturn already aspecting the fourth house (Parashari aspect) and Jupiter from Makara would also aspect (Parashari aspect) completes his story of homeward journey. The language of the letter is what struck me as funny. We in India have our regional brands and pronunciation of English. In USA, I got used to American English. Australians have their English and accent. But funny English with its vast variety is the monopoly of non English speaking countries. Once I was giving a reading to Japanese woman who did not know a word of English and had brought an interpreter. To verify her horoscope, I put a question about an incident of her teenage years. ―Yes‖ said the interpreter ―She says that at that age she lost her virgin‖. I understood what was being conveyed and the Japanese must have congratulated himself for his successful work. The letter I have quoted reminds me of that incident. (1 Sept. 2009) PS: I am not surprised because while whole of my life I have enjoyed funny English in India with regional variations, let me quote from a letter circulating in the internet three more samples of Japanese pieces. Something Funny..............? - Wonderful English from Around the WorldTokyo hotel's rules and regulations: GUESTS ARE REQ UESTED NOT TO SMOKE OR DO OTHER DISGUSTING BEHAVIOURS IN BED. In a Tokyo bar: SPECIAL COCKTAILS FOR THE LADIES WITH NUTS. Hotel, Japan: YOU ARE INVITED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE CHAMBERMAID.


From March-April issue of Journal of Astrology 2010 In one category, we have the deeply entrenched opinions of rationalists and scientists. Their views are the easiest to predict as there has been no change in them during past 300 years. These scientists and rationalists can be called the hard-liners obstructing the progress of astrology. Barring a few, they answer everything to do with astrology in stereotyped statements ―Astrology has no scientific foundation for its tenets.‖ ― It is an ancient superstition that survives only in the minds of gullible people who lack any knowledge of scientific methods‖. They denounce everything to do with astrology as fraud. Their assessment is an inherited one. It is a prejudiced one. It was perhaps shaped by revolutionary changes that the industrial revolution brought in mindsets. Religious considerations, snobbery, imperialism, were the other offshoots of these changes that influenced their attitude towards astrology and of course the bias against astrology, inherent in English thought also had a role to play. Apart from this category of hard-liners, we have the second category of moderates who are agnostic-they judge astrology to be valid if predictions they are given come true. Equally, they turn critical when they come across a fraudulent astrologer or a wrong prediction. A third category is of those with a blind faith in astrology, they are convinced that astrology always work. When the predictions go wrong it is either due to a wrong birth details provided or a casual analysis by the astrologer. Historical perspective To get to the root cause of differing views on astrology, we need to understand the developments through history. Science or Superstition? by H.J. Eysenck and D.K.B. Nias, is a rare book in the English language that has made an attempt to present a balanced view. It needs to be clearly understood that considering the limitations of Western astrology and absence of any collective effort to test through research the principles of Hindu astrology statistically and scientifically earlier, a realistic picture could not have been got. However, the effort is commendable. Historical Facts Quote from the book ― The kind of astrology we are familiar with was developed at the royal court in ancient Babylon and for a long time was closely associated with the fortunes of the Mesopotamian ruler. It was practiced by priests of the highest order, with any kind of criticism being unthinkable because it could imply criticism of the king or even of the gods themselves. The process of astrology loosening its close bonds to absolute power and becoming more accessible to the broader populace was therefore also accompanied by increasing criticism and opposition. This opposition can be roughly split into three groups: the theologians, the natural scientists and the philosophers. The theological criticism had its origins within Judaism, the oldest of the three monotheistic religions. Judaism was the most outspoken critic of astrology. During the Greek and Babylonian exile the Jews came into contact with the sources of astrological teachings. Many of their religious prophets, including Moses and Jeremiah, considered astrology to be star worship. This was seen as being in defiance of the dominant theological conviction that only permitted worship of what was considered to be the one true God - Jaweh. The Old Testament therefore contains many passages which condemn astrology.

In ancient Rome there were many prominent opponents of Astrology. Astrology was influenced by the Stoics who were strong advocates of determinism. They believed that everything follows a natural course which human beings, according to their inherent nature, must follow. According to this worldview astrology is limited to recognizing the inevitable, and this led many intellectuals – including stoics – to reject it. Leading figures such as Cicero, Horace, Pliny the Elder, Seneca and Tacitus rejected standard astrological practice and questioned the connection between the heavenly bodies and events on Earth. The opposition to astrology grew further with the spread of Christianity. The dominant theological conviction was that God was the ultimate power to which humans should willingly submit. This led to a rejection of the belief that the stars could influence fate. Those church leaders and Popes tolerant towards astrology remained in the minority. Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas became influential mediators between theology and astrology. They both rejected prognostic astrology because it was incompatible with free will while at the same time accepting astrological influences in other areas such as the physical body and even a person's character. But their argument did not lead the Church to reconsider its position towards astrology. On this subject the current Catholic catechism states: ―The hidden motive of many who turn to astrology is to gain access to hidden powers. This stands in conflict with the loving reverential esteem which we owe only to God.‖ The reformer Martin Luther was one of astrology's most outspoken critics despite having initially had an open mind on the subject. There are several different versions of Luther's natal chart in circulation which supporters and opponents of Luther refer to when arguing their case. Luther rejected astrology and attacked it polemically after both the failure of one of his own prognoses concerning the downfall of the Papacy and of several prophesies made by his friend Melanchton. During the Enlightenment, astrology came increasingly under fire. Not only theologists but also scientists turned their back on it. Up until that time prominent scientists, among them Johannes Kepler and Tycho Brahe, were actively involved in astrology; and not only for financial reasons as is often claimed by present day scientists. These new opponents not only saw a conflict with the issue of free will, and they claimed that science alone was capable of giving an adequate explanation of the world and ultimately the universe itself. From this time astrology was seen as unscientific and unprovable. (Science and Astrology). It was claimed that the signs of the Zodiac and the houses were static and therefore irreconcilable with cosmic laws, according to which the universe is constantly evolving. During the Renaissance (a cultural movement in Europe between 14th and 17th century), almost, all the great scholars are said to have studied astrology, it was not until Renaissance that the scientifically-minded one became more and more hostile. The English language took birth from Greek and Latin, with Canterbury tales of Geoffrey Chaucer towards the end of the 14th century AD. So the language had the selection from Greek and Roman culture of that time and very little of its own. Every century had believers and nonbelievers, People‘s mind too has a destiny but perhaps with more freedom.

There always will be believers and nonbelievers. Pythogoras - 580 BC was one of the leading advocates of astrology; whereas Hippocrates, born 460 BC and called the father of modern medicine, is said to have specifically dissociated himself from it. Plato and Aristotle, who lived during the fifth and fourth centuries BC, accepted the astrologers‘ belief in the influence of the stars Galen born in AD 130, who was to become the father of experimental physiology wrote a book on prognostication of disease by astrology. He believed that the position of stars played an important role in the dosage off medicine to be prescribed. The brilliant mathematician and inventor, Giroliamo Cardon – 1501 was also an astrologer. Carl Jung, the well-known psychoanalyst, wrote a book entitled The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche, in which he said: had the astrologers (with but few exceptions) concerned themselves more with statistics and questioned the justice of their interpretation in a scientific spirit, they would have discovered long ago that their statements rested on precarious foundation. Jung himself carried out a statistical survey, one of his few scientific endeavors, on astrology and married couples. Clearly the Western astrology was lacking and could not have stood the statistical and scientific tests when Jung organized the survey. In 1970 a questionnaire about an astrological study was sent to 1000 members of the American Psychological Association, chosen at random. The psychologists were asked to rate the quality and the scientific merit of the study, which was concerned with the question of whether planets at birth are related to subsequent vocation. It is alleged that incorrect and manipulated results were presented by vested interests. Determined more by prejudice than a genuine desire for knowledge, 186 scientists and 18 Nobel prize winners signed on a document without even caring to scientifically examine based on the principle of certainty and quite forgetting the statement of Herbert Spencer ― There is no bar to knowledge greater than contempt prior to examination‖. In 1975, an advertisement in the renowned American Journal "The Humanist" condemned astrology. The publication sparked interest among journalists, and BBC reporters wanted to interview some of the Nobel Prize winners concerning their own personal views regarding astrology. However, they refused to be interviewed, the reason being that they had not looked into the matter in any detail. In 1977 a Gallup poll reported that over 30 million Americans believed in astrology. The inappropriateness of such learned scientists attempting to combat astrology by using the weight of their academic reputations has been criticized by the eminent philosopher of science, Paul Feyerabend. Feyerabend suggests that the fifteenth century Roman Catholic Church made a more cogent argument against witchcraft (in the classic Malleus Malificarium) than the skeptics were able to make against the underlying principles of astrology. He poses an interesting rhetorical question : ―Why 186 signatures if one has arguments?‖ Where does one draw the line? Can both the proponents and skeptics of astrology be wrong"? Arthur M. Young, when asked one evening, why he found astrology of relevance today, Young stated it very simply, ―Astrology connects us to the realm of mythos.‖

In 1996 astronomers at the ―Council of German Planetaria‖ called for astrology to be banned in adult education centres. In their declaration they stated that: ―public educational establishments which are financed with tax payers money have an obligation to portray astrology as it really is, namely as superstition and a pseudo-religion‖. Such a degree of intolerance, which runs completely contrary to the spirit of the Enlightenment, is often typical of the opponents of astrology. Among the most common criticisms of astrology, based on ignorance concerning modern astrological practice, are the following : -Western Astrologers work with incorrect ―constellations‖ (in this respect see precession, tropical zodiac). -Hindus follow the fixed zodiac and consider the precession of eqinoxes. -Apparently, astrologers remain completely unaware of the discovery that the Earth orbits the Sun and not the other way around as was previously widely believed (on this point see geocentric world view). ―The secret and trick of astrology is simply the way in which it combines the unrelated and isolated rational spheres of social psychology with astronomy but it is just that unconnectedness.‖ It needs to appreciated that astrology is more than a science. It is divine science. It can only be understood by people with faith and years of study. Astrologers recognize the role of free will and realize that it is not hundred percent destiny that we are governed by. The stars incline, but they do not compel. They know for these reasons a prediction does not always hit the bull‘s eye. They are able to understand the nuance of a fuzzy prediction, without a specific yes or no. This quality and texture of a fuzzy prediction is difficult for the unidimensionally scientific and statistical mind to appreciate. Astrology constitutes not the beginning but revival of a science. It can be said with a fair amount of confidence that with the present day emphasis on replicable research, astrology can stand the statistical and scientific test with a greater degree of success now than in the past few hundred years.

JAMINI ASTROLOGY - HOROSCOPE ANALYSIS - QUEEN ELIZABETH II KN RAO 11 November 2010, 2:43 PM QUEEN ELIZABETH II Birth of sibling Birth of her only sibling Margaret or Countess of Snowdon Princess Margaret was born on 21 August 1930 in Scorpio-Simha with BK Venus aspect ing the third house from Simha and in dreshkona where Venus is in the third house from Simha. Chara Dasha Capricorn 21-04-1926, Sagittarius 20-04-1928, Scorpio 20-04-1929, Libra 21-04-1931, Virgo 21-04-1935, Leo 20-04-1941, Cancer 20-04-1945, Gemini 20-04-1957, Taurus 20-04-1966, Aries 20-04-1975, Pisces 20-04-1984, Aquarius 20-04-1986, Capricorn 2004-1994, Sagittarius 20-04-1966, Scorpio 20-04-1997, Libra 20-04-1999, Virgo 20-042003

Marriage- She was married on 20 November 1947. Karka -MeshaVrischika which has darakaraka. Cancer is the seventh house from her lagna and is aspected by DK Saturn and also has DKN. In the navamsha lagna there is DKN in Karka while the pratyantara dasha of Vrischika has DK Saturn. Birth of children 1. Prince Charles 14 Nov 1948, Elizabeth gave birth to her first child, Prince Charles, on 14 November 1948,( Karka-Meena which has PK). From Karka the fifth house receives the aspect of Jupiter the sthira Putrakaraka. In Saptamsha Mercury the PK is in the fifth house aspecting the natural PK Jupiter. 2. Princess Anne 15 Aug 1950, A second child, Princess Anne, was born on 15 Aug 1950. Again in Karka but Makar antardasha which is aspected by PK Mercury in the Saptamsha. 3.Prince Edwards was born on 19 Feb 1960, in Mithuna mahadasha which is aspected by Mercury (PK) and Kumbha antardasha from where the fifth house has the aspect of PK. He must have entered his mother‘s womb in the antardasha of Meena which has PK. 4. Edward Mountbatten-Windsor was born on 10 March 1964, It was Mithuna mahadasha aspected by PK and Simha antardasha from where the fifth house Dhanu is aspected by PK. I have discussed these events in my book Planets and Children using Vimshottari dasha and the double transit of Jupiter and Saturn. Proclaimed Queen ―On 6 February 1952, they had just returned to Sagana Lodge, about 100 miles (160 km) north of Nairobi, after a night spent at Treetops Hotel when word arrived of the death of Elizabeth's father. ― It was Makar Dhanu Kumbha dashas with BK aspected by Sun natural significaor for father. Note: How BK combined with Sun the natural significator for father shows the event of her father‘s death. There is no need for an eighth karaka as some softwares have and have confused many lovers of Jaimini astrology. She was proclaimed the new queen as both AK and Amk aspect the tenth from Kumbha. She and the Duke of Edinburgh moved into Buckingham Palace. Fourth house is aspected by both AK and AmK in the same dasha. Coronation 2 June 1953 It was Karka mahadasha from where AK and Amk aspect the eleventh house and Tula antardasha with both Atmakaraka in the fourth house of raj simhasana or the royal throne and Dhanu antardasha which is the rashi of rise and fall and from Dhanu the ninth house of dignity gets aspected by both Atmakaraka and Amatyakaraka. A bad year ―In 1992, which Elizabeth termed her annus horribilis, meaning horrible year, two of her

sons separated, her daughter divorced, and a severe fire destroyed part of Windsor Castle. Revelations on the state of her eldest son Charles's marriage continued, and he divorced in 1996. ―(from the internet) It was the period of Kumbha-Dhanu which is aspected by PK and from where the seventh house has Rahu. In the Saptamsha,(Karka lagna) Dhanu antardasha is the sixth house. It is worse as the PK is in the twelfth house (Vrischika twelfth from Dhanu) DK and GK are in the sixth house showing trouble to her children making it a horrible year for her. NOTE : I make use of different vargas and the researched Chara dasha along with exalted and debilitated planet is shown in the riskiest prediction of my life given to a former prime minister of India ,Chandrasekhar. It has been mentioned in the biography of Chandrasekhar of the late Hiralal Chaubey with a mention of how I corrected the lagna itself of Chandrasekar and predicted his rise to the post of the prime minister of India. It is given also in my website www.journalofastrology.com (see Articles).

JAMINI ASTROLOGY - HOROSCOPE ANALYSIS - RAJIV GANDHI KN RAO 11 November 2010, 3:16 PM Birth of sibling Birth of Sanjay 14 Dec 1946 Simha which has BK Moon along with so many other karakas, in the antardasha of Vrischika from where the third house is aspected by BK. His younger brother Sanjay Gandhi was born. Chara Dasha Leo 20-08-1944, Virgo 20-08-1956, Libra 29-08-1957, Scorpio 20-08-1967, Sagittarius 20-08-1969, Capricorn 20-08-1977, Aquarius 20-08-1984, Pisces 19-081992

Death of Sanjay Gandhi In Makar-Simha-Karka (15 June 1980 to 2 July 1980) his brother Sanjay Gandhi died in an air accident. From Makar which has DKN, BK Moon is in the eighth house. Simha has BK and in dreshkona from Karka BK Moon is in the sixth Dhanu the rashi of accidents. Karka is the eighth house from Karakamsha which is Dhanu. Note: Remember, it is safer to use pratyantara dasha in the relevant varga chart. Education Went to UK for studies in 1961 in Tula-

Meena and Kumbha. From Tula fifth house gets aspected by Rahu showing a technical education. From Meena it is again Rahu in the fifth house. From Kumbha the fifth house it is Saturn in the fifth house aspected by Mars showing technical education which is engineering in this case. But from Tula the fifth house does not show good education in this period and Rajiv could not get any degree. Love affair and marriage Love affair-―In the January of 1965, he met Italian Antonia Maino in Varsity restaurant in Cambridge.‖ It was Tula Karka. From Karka there is Ketu with DKN in the seventh house. It is a foreign girl with whom he fell in love. Marriage 25 Feb 1968 in Vrischik Karka and Vrisha. Vrischika is aspected by DKN. From Karka DKN is in the seventh house. From Vrisha the seventh house receives the aspect of DKN Birth of Rahul Gandhi 19 June 1970 Dhanu Tula Makar. Dhanu is the fifth house of the birth horoscope,Tula is aspected by PK Jupiter and for finer timing see the saptamsha where from Makar the fifth house is aspected by PK Jupiter. Birth of Priyanka Wadhera 12 Jan 1972 Dhanu which is the fifth house, Simha which has PK Jupiter and Mesha from where PK is in the fifth house. In Saptamsha from Mesha PK Jupiter aspects the fifth house. Mother killed Prime Minister after mother‘s death 1984 October In Kumbha Meena Karka his mother was killed. Saturn MK is aspected by Mars who is also DK in the eighth house from Kumbha. In the birth horoscope Meena shows MK Saturn in the fourth house aspected by Mars which is DK and that is the dual use of DK here. Karka is the eighth house from Karakamsha which is Dhanu. In dwadashamsha, from Karka, the natural significator Moon falls in the eighth house. In Makar-Simha-Karka his brother had died and now in Kumbha Meena Karka his mother was killed. Prime Minister But from Karka pratyantara dasha, AK Mercury, Amk Venus and the remaining three other karakas aspect the tenth house and he was sworn in as prime minister by president Zail Singh. Killed 21 May 1991 In Kumbha-Makar-Vrischika he was killed. From Kumbha DKN aspects the seventh house. Makar antardasha has DKN and remember the dual use of DK and DKN. Vrischika is aspected by DKN. In August 1990, I shared with readers of the Times of Astrology, an astrological journal, my research in the most difficult dasha in astrology, the Kaal Chakra dasha. With Jaimini‘s Chara dasha, as I am the first ever astrologer to show how predictions can be made, so too with the Kaal Chakra dasha I had done that. To illustrate, I had taken Rajiv Gandhi‘s horoscope and had discussed it ten months before Rajiv‘s death. After the death of Rajiv Gandhi, newspaper men thought with their usual ignorance that no astrologer had predicted this tragic event.

Then a very decent journalist of the Times of India, Vandana Mandlekar, contacted me and after examining all the evidences, wrote in the Times of India, June 6, 1991) the following : ―In all fairness sample these hints... K.N. Rao analysing Rajiv Gandhi‘s horoscope in the August 1990 issue of the Times of Astrology wrote: ―The Pisces-Sagittarius period (June 6, 1990 to August 20, 1991) is a period of Simhavlokan, a period of total change in his political style of functioning... a time of risks and dangerous dare-devilry, a cataclysmic change which can be both fatal and spectacular‖. Rao emphasises that he had detected a primary maraka indicating death) in the June 1990 to August 1991 period. Then why did Rao word it so cautiously in his interview to another magazine in April? (―There will be attempts on the lives of big leaders‖ is all he said). He did not want to invite the provisions of the Anti-Terrorist Act, he explains. The Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act ironically passed by the Rajiv Gandhi government in 1987, has become the proverbial aunt Sally for astrologers now. The act, for the first time, lumped stargazers with terrorists to declare that action would be taken against whoever ―predicts, prophesises or pronounces or otherwise expresses, in such manner as to incite, advise, suggest or prompt, the killing or the destruction of any persons bound by oath under the Constitution...‖ Thus, an astrologer predicting Rajiv Gandhi‘s assassination would have been liable to a minimum of seven years‘ imprisonment. – The Times of India Rajiv Gandhi‘s death was seen by me by applying some other dashas of Jaimini (the Sthira dasha, particularly), and also the Vimshottari dasha. But the application of the Vimshottari dasha was purely classical, not the extension of the Atmakaraka of Jaimini to the Vimshottari.

JAMINI ASTROLOGY - HOROSCOPE ANALYSIS - MAHATMA GANDHI KN RAO 11 November 2010, 4:13 PM Impressions of Gandhi ? You might well ask for someone‘s impressions of the Himalayas. George Bernard Shaw Mahatma Gandhiji‘s life is well documented yet the information available about his sons is scanty. Let some known events be traced through Chara Dasha. Chara Dasha Libra 02-10-1869, Scorpio 02-10-1881, Sagittarius 01-10-1892, Capricorn 01-10-1896, Aquarius 02-10-1898, Pisces 03-10-1905, Aries 02-10-1916, Taurus 03-10-1922, Gemini 03-10-1927, Cancer 03-10-1931, Leo 03-10-1943, Virgo 02-10-1954

Tula dasha (1869 to 1881) was spent in primary education but those being days of child marriages, talk of his marriage also began in this period as Darakaraka, Mercury is in the lagna, Tula, upapada is in Vrischika and DKN is aspecting Vriscika.Vrischik period was to begin at the age of thirteen next. Vrischika (1881 to 1892) He was married in this period at the age of thirteen (date of marriage is not known) as both DKN and Upapada are here. Upapada being the pada of the twelfth lord, he went to London for studies and studied law as is clear as the PK Saturn is aspected by Jupiter, the planet of law. In the dasha of Vrischika aspected by dharma guru Jupiter and AK from the ninth house, he discovered in England the richness of the Indian scriptures and from them on made the Bhagvat Gita as the source of his greatest inspiration in life. He studied all religions but the presence of Rahu in the ninth house with his AK had adverse influence and ―He returned from England in 1891 very much a ―brown sahib.‖ It being a rashi which contained his PK he also became the father of four sons whose dates of birth with dasha can be seen here. Father’s death The family faced severe economic problems after Karamchand‘s death in 1885. It was Vrischika Karka period. Karka has Atmakaraka which is period of changes and troubles and has GK Sun also the natural significator for father aspecting the ninth house from here. Children Hiralal Gandhi-1888 Vrischik has PK Saturn and is aspected by PK, natural putrakaraka, Jupiter. In the antardasha of Mesha which has has the aspect of PK Mahatma‘s first son was born. Manilal Gandhi- 1892 In Dhanu from where the fifth house is aspected by PK and in the antaradasha of Vrischika has PK, his second son was born Ramdas Gandhi -1898 In Makara and antaradasha of Mesha which has the aspect of PK his third son was born. Makara is aspected by PK. Devadas Gandhi- 1900 in Kumbha-Vrisha or Mithuna his last son was born. In Saptamsha, Mithuna is aspected by PK. Dhanu period 1892 to 1896) From Dhanu Amatyakaraka is aspecting the twelfth house along with Atmakaraka and Rahu. But he had struggled for a career as the Amatyakaraka is in the sixth house from Vrischika. Soon the dasha was to change. The aspect of Rahu brought help from the Muslim friends who had South African connections. From Dhanu there is Gnathikaraka, Sun in the tenth

house and Gandhiji‘s struggles with racist Englishmen who had thrown him out of a first class railway compartment became history and the great turning point of his career including his imprisonments in South Africa. From Dhanu, the third house of struggles and valour, receives the aspects of so many karakas, AK.Amk,BK,MK and DK. This led to satyagraha as his weapon of fight against the white men, first in South Africa and later inIndia. Makar Period (1896 to 1898) The struggles continued in this period with Gnathikaraka,Sun, aspecting the third house from here, Meena. Kumbha (1898 to 1905) His struggles, writings, imprisonments caught wide international attention. The tenth house receives the aspect of AK and Amk and the Gandhiji the world came to know was now a formidable personality. This was a period of intense introspection with so many karakas aspecting it.The somnolent yogi in him was rising to assert and the young Mohandas who had eaten non vegetarian food, stolen cigarette stubs, stolen money was full of remorse. The close degrees of Mars and Venus in his lagna without the admonishing presence of GK had let to uncontrolled sexual passion in his early youth. The fifth house of pratyahara was now blossoming transforming the ―sinning‖ Mohandas into a Mahatma. Meena period from 1905 to 1916 With Jupiter the planet of dharma and Amatyakaraka and Atmakaraka Moon both aspecting the ninth house he took Brahmacharya and had no sex and also began to emerge on the national scene as the successor to the great leaders preceding him, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bipin Chandra Pal, C.R.Das and Gopal Krishna Gokhale. He was becoming India‘s political dharma guru and got world fame with satya and ahimsa as the weapons of struggle in the fight for India‘s freedom. Towards the end of this dasha he decided to come back to India and fight for freedom with his satyagraha and ahimsa his two famous weapons and bamboozle western people for whom he had now developed an attitude which is expressed thus: Mahatma Gandhi was once asked what he thought of the Western civilization. He said he 'thought it was a good idea'. Meena is a moksha rashi and its dasha shaped Mohandas Karamchanda into the Mahatma the world knows of. Mesha (1916 to 1922) This rashi contains his Amatyakaraka and Gandhiji had become an amatya among Indian politicians in the truest sense of the term. ―Gandhiji and Kasturba arrived in India and were given a welcome they had not anticipated. Gandhiji was not aware that his reputation had preceded him. He became a national leader on arrival. Gopalkrishna Gokhale, Gandhiji‘s political mentor in India, advised Gandhiji to spend a year traveling around India learning about the problems and making contact with the people. After his travels, he started an ashram at Bochraj in Gujarat and later was induced to visit Champaran in Bihar. The emissary of the poor and exploited peasants of Champaran was so persistent that Gandhiji could not refuse him. When Gandhiji went there and saw the conditions, he was shocked beyond belief and launched a legal campaign that forced the British farmers to abandon their exploitation and give relief to the peasants. It was his first significant and major victory in India achieved through non-violence. This incidence catapulted Gandhiji to the national scene. (From the internet) Vrisha (1922 to 1927) See how many Karakas including AK and Amk are aspecting the tenth house from here. Mahatma Gandhi had become so powerful a mass leader that Louis Fisher an American journalist had written in his Inside Asia that the British rulers were not realising that Mahatma Gandhi had become so powerful that he had only to shake a finger for the British Indian empire to collapse.

Mithuna (1927 to 1931) Mahatma Gandhi has moulded out of common clay so many leaders and had become an unchallenged leader of leaders but Gnathikaraka aspecting the tenth house from here created from this period onwards so many opponents openly in Mohd Ali Jinnah and his Muslim League and turncoats like Mohd Iqbal the song writer whose Sare Jahan se accha Hindustan Hamara is a national song. Iqbal had now become a proponent of Pakistan. Karka (1931 to 1943) The rashi dasha which contains Atmarakara is a period of intense tribulations, challenges, rise and fall, glory and failure and all that is recent history with the divison of the country becoming inevitable. Notable here among so many great events is the year 1942 Quit India Movement started on 9 August. In Karka Simha with Rahu, Mars, Venus, Moon, Mercury aspecting the tenth house, the struggle for freedom of India was at its peak, leaders in jail and the British army was getting annihilated by Hitler‘s armies led by the brilliant general Rommel. Simha (1943 to 1954) Notice Darakaraka from Tula and DKN from Makara aspecting this house. Kasturba Gandhi died on 22 February 1944 in the mahadasha of Simha which is aspected both by DK Mercury and DKN in Makara. India was partitioned in the antardasha of Makara with so many karakas including Mars in the tenth house from here accompanied by worst communal riots between Hindus and Muslims and the greatest mass migration in human history. And worst of all in Simha which is aspected both by DK and DKN, antardasha of Makara which has DKN and the pratyantara dasha of Mesha which has DK in the seventh house, the Father of the Nation was shot dead. I was a teenager then, and when the news reached us my father fainted. We fasted that night, weeping. I saw him, served him a volunteer in Sewagram where my father covered his tours as a journalist for twenty two newspapers of the world. The light had gone out-that light which had shone on the nation with a spiritual effulgence which can rarely be believed my modern generation of Indians. Let me end this piece by quoting Albert Einstein. ALBERT EINSTEIN SAID : Generation to come , it may be, will scarce believe that such one as this ever in flesh and blood, walked upon this earth.

R.SANTHANAM - A MEMOIR - JAIMINI SERIES KN RAO 23 November 2010, 6:15 AM Written for Journal of Astrology and syndicated to other websites Sometime in 1983 or 1984 a young Sikh working in a bank came to me with a proposal for becoming the editor of an astrological magazine which he would start, he said, if I became its editor. I declined the offer on many grounds: first I was in government service and would have to take official permission to accept it which I would not seek. Second, I was very busy with heavy office work and in the evenings I had too many politicians to attend to

as they consulted me about their family matters and political careers. And, when I said that anyone wanting to start an astrological magazine must have some knowledge which he did not have. But he persisted, came to me many more times and one day, finding me totally unwilling to accept his offer asked me to suggest someone who could become the editor. I told him the name of one astrologer whom I had not met but who I had learnt had shifted to Delhi from Calcutta. Some weeks later, one day when in the evening we were having our aarati after evening puja with a gathering of some eight or ten friends, a dark, short man joined it and after the puja was over, introduced himself to me as R.Santhanam and thanked me for suggesting his name for the editorship of the proposed astrological magazine. But Santhanam laid down a condition that he would accept it if I promised to contribute articles regularly to it. I agreed. That moribund magazine, Your Astrologer, had made no impact with Santhanam having quarrels with the owner about some payments, one of the many unpleasant episodes of his life. Santhanam gave me his horoscope and asked for some predictions and I predicted that he would become famous nationally and internationally but should avoid negative view of ......Why? He asked me and I told him to see the degrees of Mars and Rahu in his ninth house afflicting an exalted Jupiter. Then a bad exchange of the sixth and ninth lords was bad for his dealings with higher placed people. It was an exchange of Atmakaraka and Gnatikaraka. He did not agree with me when I told him that it also showed his differences with his father who was a priest in the world famous Tirupati temple where he was born. I looked deeper into his horoscope and said that he could have an unorthodox marriage late, say around the age of thirty one. He said that he had married in 1975 a girl from Kerala who was a non- Brahmin. He neither told me nor did I ask him if it had estranged him from his own family members. He also told me that he had two sons from the marriage. In 1985 when I was transferred to Bhubaneshwar as Accountant General of Orissa, he wrote to me that he had decided to start an astrological journal of his own, The Times of Astrology and took a promise from me that I would contribute articles to it regularly which I did till 1990. His brief experience with Your Astrologer had taught him the tricks of the trade. I wrote to him and later even told him that instead of looking like a rival to the Astrological Magazine, he should plan to seek writers in northern India and popularize the lesser discussed astrological techniques like chakras. Give the astrological world something different, something desperately needed like researches in other dashas, get articles written in Hindi by experienced astrologers of northern India and get them translated. The vast unexplored, untapped legacy of Hindu astrology has to be brought to the surface which I did later when K.K.Joshi wrote his book on Kota Chakra and Shalini Dhasmana on Patakirista Chakra etc. But he persuaded some of the well-known contributors to the Astrological Magazine (leaving me because I had promised to be a regular contributor) and was threatening to become a rival of Dr. Raman against whose giant stature, he was always appearing very puny. During this period one day he saw an important man in hotel industry at my place who came to consult me. I introduced him as an astrologer. Back home that man rang me up and asked me if he could appoint Santhanam his hotel as an astrologer. I asked him to contact Santhanam and ask for his willingness as Santhanam needed lot of help being in financial distress as I had guessed correctly. What about his proficiency in English and Hindi was the question this man had asked me and I told him that Santhanam had a very good ability to pick up languages fast. In fact he

knew five or six languages at least, Tamil, Telugu, English, Hindi, a bit of Bengali and Malayalam. Santhanam accepted the offer and prospered but he was tied down to Delhi and could not travel to other places to collect astrological books and manuscripts for which he had an unquenchable thirst. Let me narrate some events of his life through Chara dasha as I knew from the bits which he told me, very parsimoniously for some reasons. Vrischika dasha (1944 to 1952) He was brought in the temple atmosphere because of which he knew something of rituals and knew the importance of worship. Tula dasha (1952 to 1958) He had some schooling and also studied some classical language which was Sanskrit with Jupiter aspecting his fifth house from Tula. But he got distracted from studies as the afflicted Jupiter showed. The smattering of Sanskrit he picked up was not enough to help him translate Devakeralam into English for which he was heavily dependent on some Sanskrit knowing pandits whom he is said to have paid at the rate of five rupees per shlokas. Kanya dasha (1958 to 1963) He passed matriculation and discontinued his studies unlike his brothers who made good professional careers. But he became an excellent stenographer and could type fast on typewriters as the computer had not come into Indian lives then. Date of birth May 21,1944 Time - 20:20, Tirupati, India Vrischika 1944 -1952, Tula 1952-1958, Kanya 1958-1963, Simha 1963-1966, Karka 1966-1969, Mithuna 1969-1979, Vrisha 1979-1990, Mesha 1990-1993, Meena 1993-2001 Vimshottari mahadasha : Sun dasha ending 29th July 1949, Moon July1959, Mars July1966, Rahu July1984, Jupiter Antardashas: Jup-Jup 16 Sept 1986, Jup-Sat 29 March 1989, Jup-Mer 05 July 1991, Jup-Ketu 10 June 1992, Jup-Ven 09 Feb 1995, Jup-Sun 28 Nov 1995, Jup-Moon 29 March 1997, Jup-Mars 05 March 1998

Simha dasha (1963 to 1966) Sometime during this period he got a small job as a stenographer and moved out of Tirupati as he told me. Karka dasha (1966 to 1969) He moved to Calcutta where he got a better job and spent his spare time studying astrology. Mithuna dasha (1969 to 1979) His astrology progressed fast and he became intimate with late H.R.Shankar and that versatile academician-astrologer, Y.Keshav Menon, who encouraged his astrology and asked him to write articles for the Astrological Magazine of Dr. Raman to whom he introduced this young writer. Both Shankar and Menon were well known contributors to the Astrological Magazine. Menon who was a freedom fighter, a professor had taken astrology seriously and had settled down in Calcutta, helped young astrologers. It was he who mooted the idea of an all India astrological association which others took up seriously. Under Menon‘s tutelage,

Santhanam developed the habit of making some original observations which in later years took an attractive shape in his column ―Research Capsule‖, one of the best astrological features of the Times of Astrology. During this period, he met a Malayalee girl whom he married. Marriage and sons Marriage in 1975-76 Mithuna (DK) Tula (DKN) Sons: His son was born in 1979 end of Mithuna and beginning of Vrisha which has Putrakarka, Sun. Second son was born in Vrisha Makara the fifth house has PK Sun. In Mithun-Karka (1977-78) he took a major decision to translate books of astrology and showed his remarkable ability to pick up languages fast and he could read and speak Hindi with a rare fluency. Excellent aspects of Atmakaraka and Amatyakaraka on the fifth house from Karka helped him retain his zest for new astrological techniques by increasing his predictive tools which went on increasing at amazing speed till his death in 1997. The Vrisha period from 1979 to 1990 was the peak of his career as both Atmakaraka and Amatyakaraka are aspecting his tenth house from here. He decided to leave Calcutta finally, migrate to Delhi, become a full time professional astrologer and translator of astrological books of south and northern India, particularly the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra of Sita Ram Jha which he decided to bring out in two volumes. A quarrel with the publisher led to his personal decision not to produce the second volume which came out later when Ranjan publishers persuaded another translator to finish it. During this period he also bought a house as MK is aspecting the fourth house from Vrisha. In Vrisha Karka he became an astrologer in a hotel. In Vrisha Vrischika (1983-84) YOUR ASTROLOGER was started but there was a quarrel between him and his employer. In Vrisha Tula (1984-85) with GK in the tenth house he had many quarrels with his publisher. He left and the magazine closed down. He decided to start the Times of Astrology. Mercury and Venus are in Mrityubhaga. Extend the application of this to the rashis these two planets own and watch events in their antardasha. Sometime during this period Dr. Raman said that there was no authentic and expurgated edition of the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. Santhanam reacted badly to this statement and took it as an attack on him because he was known as the translator of the BPHS. I tried to convince him that it could not be an attack on him but a general remark which most of made and shared as there were many versions of BPHS with different shloka numbers. There were so many absurdities in BPHS like Sun in the twelfth house for Tula lagna giving a life of one hundred years, the Adhan lagna method never coming out correct, in the dasha results speaking of Venus or Mercury being in the sixth or eighth from Sun. Like the famous commentators of Jaimini differing, there were different versions of BPHS some giving aspects of Rahu some ignoring. In Bengal, I have seen astrologers talk of the twelfth aspect of Rahu. Santhanam took it as an attack on him personally. I never succeeded in convincing him that it was not and could not be so. He only agreed with me on one point that we should take

some hints from these books and do our own research in a very practical way and produce convincing results. It was not necessary, I insisted, to quote commentators as final authorities as they had their own differences like doing Chara dasha for women in a way different than for men. Try and see which works. In the age in which we live, it is the practical and replicable results that matter. I told him that I had never accepted Raman ayanamsha but have said repeatedly that it was he who created a big national and international stage for Hindu astrologers and that he , being a very practical astrologer, knew what to accept and what to ignore, not sticking to dogmas of astrology. But Santhanam had a mind totally closed and he decided to attack Dr.Raman not on academic grounds but even for the donations he received and the foundation he had created. I told him, and he knew that when in 1983 there was a concerted attack on astrology in the English press in Delhi under the editorship of Khuswant Singh and B.G.Verghese, Dr. Raman had asked me to defend astrology, a situation extremely precarious and embarrassing for me because I was imprisoned in the government service conduct rules. I did it alone, with no astrologer even helping me. I was an unknown man in the world of astrology and had no interest in getting known at all. Destiny forced me and then I had seen from close quarters how mean, petty, selfish, low minded astrologers were, never fighting for the cause of astrology but fighting each other. How was Santhanam better than the other vulgar man running what he called an astrological journal and writing vituperative pieces against astrologers not prepared to declare him the greatest astrologer of the world? Santhanam was not alive when in 2003; exactly after twenty years again I had to fight the battle for astrology in the Supreme Court, all alone, an ailing man without any help from any astrologer. The astrological community is a shameless community talking hypocritically of the legacy of rishis but behaving in a very petty, low and mean manner always. It had become extremely unpleasant. There was crassness, low and mean mentality in some of his writings which made some pages of his magazine look like a charnel house as my Christian friends called it. Can astrologers avoid taking to the low road so desperately to seek fame? So far it has not been so. Read the internet discussions which create more disappointment and disgust than happiness. There are more Santhanam's now crawling all over the internet. Vrisha-Karka (1987-88) Mercury and Venus are in Mrityubhaga. Extend the application of this to the rashis these two planets own and watch events in their antardasha. He wrote some anti-Raman articles in his magazine hitting him below the belt. I told him that technical differences of academic level would be welcome and would stimulate new lines of inquiry while his writings became a reflection of his own bitterness. He did not agree with me and wrote more such pieces. Gnatikaraka from Karka aspecting the tenth house from Vrisha made it extremely unpleasant. In Mesha period he was a well-known as a translator never a distinguished astrologer. Mesha Tula (end of 1991) Mercury and Venus are in Mrityubhaga. Extend the application of this to the rashis these two planets own and watch events in their antardasha. One day Santhanam dropped into my house after I had retired from service and could entertain

some controversial politicians more freely, being free now from the bondage of government‘s conduct rules. Just as he was entering, a politician in news those days was leaving saying ―I could not avoid it.‖ Santhanam recognized him and after his departure asked me if I could give him his horoscope. I hesitated but on his insistence told him that I could give it to him if he did not use it in his magazine and did not discuss the horoscope till some years after the controversy he was involved in, died down or was forgotten. He promised me that he would not use it but in the next issue of his magazine he displayed it prominently and discussed it. It embarrassed me. The politician rang me up and told me that I had betrayed his confidence and in turn I told him what happened and apologized to him. Some days later, Santhanam rang me up and asked me for the horoscope of a more important politician. I refused to give it. Again, some more days later, he wanted the horoscope of a politician of Madhya Pradesh who was in news in a very big way. I again refused it. Santhanam‘s poorest record of mundane predictions and such large failures had earned him a bad reputation as a poor predictor. He had the transparent honesty not to claim under a cloak credit for any prediction not given like his senior fraudulent contemporary running another journal from Delhi. In some of the subsequent issues he started writing against me. Our relations were soured when he asked me to prescribe the Times of Astrology for our students. I told him that we had not even prescribed the Astrological Magazine. We never met after that. No wonder his collection of horoscopes of important men was poorest, unlike Dr. Raman‘s or even mine. He depended heavily on me but never had the morality to keep his word that he would not betray confidences. We drifted apart and I now became a target of his scurrilous writing for which I never cared. For some days, the ―Delhi bug‖ as I call it bit Santhanam. He began giving sensational predictions like writing that Sonia Gandhi, now that Rajiv was shot dead in 1991, would run away from India. He even started predicted the exact number of seats a political party would secure in an election on a supposed research based on Ashtakvarga all of which went wrong except perhaps in the case of Nagaland which was approximately correct being more an intelligent guess. He thought that the Kaal Prakashika was the final word on mundane astrology and used the solar ingress chart of April every year for his annual predictions. His weakness was mundane astrology in which he did not get much success but in individual natal astrology, he did give some good predictions to some people. It was later that he decided to do some work on Nadi astrology. Santhanam continued to do excellent work in Meena period. He was at his best as a discoverer of nadi astrology. His Devakeralam was a major contribution but he did not seem to understand the secrets of nadi like the late C.S.Patel or Bhrigu by the late K.C.Saxena among the people I had met and known. I had met C.S.Patel only once, never discussed nadi but his writings are there to show his depth of knowledge. K.C.Saxena who came to my house very regularly seemed to reach a stage of very deep understanding of what he called the science of Bhrigu astrology.

A belief shared among some astrologers is that those go into the understanding of nadi or Bhrigu astrology meet with tragic fate and most of them have a short life, which I did not accept. Yet when K.C.Saxena died, this belief spread more and some people asked me why did not believe it. I said in that case, even those doing non-Bhrigu astrology should also suffer. That difference continues till this day. If Santhanam had lived long he might have revived nadi astrology in a big way but the curse said to be attached to it, killed him said a young friend of mine who has understood Bhrigu rather well. Death Meena- Oct 1997 Meena-Tula (DKN) Mithuna (DK) Mercury and Venus are in Mrityubhaga. Extend the application of this to the rashis these two planets own and watch events in their antardasha. Jupiter afflicted with GK and aspected by Sun in the ninth house led to differences of opinion with his father and also to an unorthodox marriage which can be seen in many more ways. But in this dasha, the heavily afflicted fifth house with Jupiter so heavily afflicted took its toll on his health. I remembered an incident. An Angust shastri, those who can read the thumb and sometimes give amazing predictions was at my place when Santhanam dropped in, perhaps in 1984. I introduced him and asked him if he would be interested in having his thumb read. He agreed. The angust shastri said that he had met with an accident during the last one year. Santhanam said he had and it was Vrisha Dhanu in 1983. I will say it to the credit of Santhanam that he kept his mind open on such subjects and did not pass his usual quick cynical remarks as he did about others, particularly the Delhi women whom he seemed to hate for their ultra-modern way of living. The angust shastri as usual told some negative things only and referred to no achievements. After Santhanam left, the angust shastri told me that he would not live to be a sixty year old man and that he would die of an ailment of stomach when he was away from his family. I did not know how to react and how seriously to take this prediction. I remembered it in 1997 when the news of Santhanam reached me. He was the one astrologer who would have given to young astrologer‘s immense material for research on nadi astrology if he had lived. Was the curse associated with nadi or Bhrigu astrology true, I asked myself.

INDIA'S INEFFECTUAL FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION KN RAO 13 June 2011, 8:09 PM My old joke that Delhites compensate their lack of sense of humor with a stronger sense of rumor is now stale because even rumors do not circulate now. Every rumor is becoming truth and rumor has no place in a society awash with gossip and corruption. It does not rankle anymore as surfeit of stories of corruption is the accepted stuff of day to day life now. There is no raging fury against it. The stories appearing in the media and the television channels make no impact because of the belief that ultimately it turns out to be a

story of a thief accusing a robber, the noise accompanying and ineffective speechifying by the spokesmen of different political parties, particularly in English television channels is dismissed cynically by everyone as ineffective. (INDIAN INDIFFERENCE TO CORRUPTION AND THE COMING ECLIPSES) India‘s greed will be a story fitting into the patterns of its episodes of corruption as the eleventh is afflicted. --Pakistan will have its foreign plots and, interference of USA already exposed, in news. Will the world change? No. Old villanies will get draped in a new half visible attire only (2 Dec 2010) The above predictions based on the horoscopes of India and Pakistan are already fulfilled as after the start of the Hindu New Year has begun an agitation , ineffectual though it has been so far, against corruption in India. In Pakistan USA intervened effectively and killed Osam bin Laden and is continuing to interfere more effectively now. In the meantime what should have been an honest debate has already degenerated into a hate- spreading, fact-disorting, blatant lying campaign by Congressmen against anyone who even hints that the staggering money Indians have in Swiss banks are of Congress leaders. It is why some of the spokesmen of this party have become drain pipes of the party emitting the garbage of their mind and heart in an aggressive self-defence. Fight against corruption How the fight against corruption shaping in India is the question uppermost in the minds of Indians. First make a briefest survey. Brief history I was seven year old boy, not able to read English newspapers but as the son of a staunch Congressman, famous founder editor of pre inde- pendence era of a Congress newspaper, the Na- tional Herald, Lucknow, I had heard the name of Khurshed Framji Nariman a great fighter against corruption of Englishmen in Bombay. He could not compromise with corrupt Congressmen even in 1938, was overlooked for the chief ministership of Bombay in the brief honeymoon Indians, mainly Congress leaders, had with power even during the British rule in 1938. B.G.Kher was preferred and many people never excused Congress leaders for this decision. Nariman now remembered through Nariman point in Bombay had clearly said that the Congress party did not believe in idealism but was pragmatic politically. It is the party which has ruled India longest that can corrupt institutions and perpetuate a system which is beyond repair. The Congress has ruled, as a single party, from 1947 to 1977, then from 1980 to 1989 and from 1991 to 1996 and then has been leading a coalition from 2004 till now (2011) and is in power. Inevitably since then (1938) till now the Congress party has evolved as: Mata of corruption, Pita of corruption, Bandhu of corruption, Sakha of corruption Other political parties of India have adopted this policy of the Congress arty. To fight against this one has to be a Jai Prakash Narayan not a weak Ramdeo, who is vulnerable on many counts. Anna Hazare, a true Gandhian, is of course an effective tapasvi and is bound to achieve some success--only ―some.‖ Why ? Because Indian politicians will never decide to commit suicide collectively. They have strong survival instincts and know how to destroy the

checks and balances of the Indian constitution to save themselves. This is clearly visible in the horoscope of the Congress Party. In the Nehru era there was enough corruption though he himself was clean in this matter. His autocratic streaks led him to defend men like Krishna Menon (inspite of the Jeep Scandal) his favorite but victimize Pratap Singh Kairon or even Babu Sampoornanand who attacked Nehru‘s hypocrisy openly and with evidence often. A foreign writer Ronald Segal in Crisis of India, a book which was banned in India, had already established that in India the businessman, politician and bureaucrat has formed an unbreakable triad of corruption. Indira Gandhi, who did some good for the poor and was a patriot, was exposed in corruption scandals by Arun Shourie when he edited the Indian Express. Indira justified corruption by describing it as a universal phenomenon and her period was full of scandals from Nagarwala, Lalit Mishra, Tul Ram, Maruti (for her son Sanjay Gandhi) and countless ones. Lalit Mishra was described by many as the chief corruptor of that era by his critics and enemies till he was assassinated. Rajiv Gandhi who started as a ―Mr.Clean ended up as the most corrupt prime minister till date. His death has left that uninvestigated though on the internet there are circulating lot of accounts of deposits of Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi widely. http://www.bharatswabhiman.com/forum/ viewtopic.php?f=6&t=188 It is this from where the anti-corruption movement, which the government is trying to throttle, originated and is now a big national issue. Anna Hazare has influenced the elitist classes and Baba Ramdeo, the masses in this movement which cannot die down in the remaining period of the mahadasha of Sun in the Indian Independence of horoscope. There may have been no agitation at all in India if Julian Assange had released the information in his possession. People were expecting Julian Assange of Wikileaks to reveal the Indian names in Swiss accounts but he has been delaying it as he has been offered a swap deal, as he says. Black money in Swiss banks mainly from India: Julian Assange - ET Bureau Apr 27, 2011, 03.43am IST----NEW DELHI: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Tuesday said there was more Indian money in Swiss banks than any other nationality, sparking off renewed demands from the Opposition for disclosure of the names of account holders and bringing back black money. "Yes, there are Indian names in the list," Assange told a television channel. Assange disclosed that he was being offered a swap deal for handing over the details of Swiss banks and their secret account holders list. He said WikiLeaks had an offer through a third party that if it returned the data, then whistle blower Judith Elmer would be set free. He revealed this when asked when the information will come out as people across India have been waiting to know."Well, let me tell you what has happened in relation to that. Normally, we only deal with anonymous sources. Mr Elmer and his legal team for reasons of their own, which I do not understand, decided to have a public press conference. He then returned to Switzerland and was immediately imprisoned. While an investigation is taking place he is still in prison at this moment. Also read a blog passed on to me http://ramanan50.wordpress.com/2011/01/23/indianblack-money-in-swiss-banks1400-billion-dollars- inr-63000000000000/ - Tuesday, January 18, 2011 - If Wikileaks exposes Indian accounts in Swiss Banks- This has confused the famed Indian Looters who reportedly have approximately $1456 billion, of loot stashed away in the Swiss ‗ Blood Money Treasury ‗.This amount is more that the illegal funds of the next five countries put together. If this amount is brought back to India, and distributed, every Indian Household will get about 2.5 lakh rupees each as stated by Ram Jethmalani. I

had written about the true ECONOMIC CONDITION OF INDIA in March last year. Now most probably some of the prominent looters are likely to be unmasked. http://www.prophet666.com/2011/01/if-wikileaks-exposes-indian-accounts-in.html It is not known if Julian Assange has decided not to disclose it after accepting a tempting deal. Foreign money of Indians in Swiss banks is the largest has also been stated by Assange. The agitation in India started because of such information flowing in through the internet. It is so because in the Indian Independence horoscope and also of the Congress Party foreign money, whether deposited in tax havens or from remittances from abroad or foreign aid are permanent features. Horoscope of India -- Lagna 07-46, Rahu 05-44, Sun Mahadasha from 8 Sept 2009 to 8 Sept 2015 Horoscope of Congress Party--- Lagna 15-01, Moon 15-06, Rahu 16-47, Dasha running Jupiter-Saturn from 12 April 2011 to 23 Oct 2013

India’s horoscope Note the proximity of the degree of the Lagna and Rahu. That explains the pseudo secularism of India. And the aspect of Mars and Saturn on the fifth house a negative implication also. On the positive side it is the preference Indian students have for technical education, engineering with emphasis on IT. I had made this prediction on this horoscope more than thirty years ago. Here the twelfth lord Mars is in the second house and is aspected by Jupiter, the eighth and the eleventh lord in the sixth house aspecting the tenth, twelfth and the second houses. Jupiter as the eighth lord is secrecy, and as the eleventh lord gains. Jupiter is also the bank. The clear inference of foreign money of all types flowing into and out of India is drawable in this case. In the present Sun-Rahu period itself because Rahu is in the eleventh house from Sun or at any rate in Sun Jupiter because Jupiter is the eleventh lord, some legislation on this matter is bound to be placed before the Indian parliament.

The eclipse of 15 June 2011 falling on the lagna of the Indian Independence horoscope confirms these sinister implications and shows terrorism, war like situations also. It is a combination of an earthquake also most likely in western India. Sudden cloudburst and torrential rains can be expected any time now. The horoscope of the Congress Party Note the proximity of the degree of the Lagna and Ketu and of Moon and Rahu. Saturn is transitting on the Moon Rahu combination adding to the internal panic and chaotic thinking of the party which first decided to send four ministers to meet Baba Ramdeo and later sent police to destroy his tent and cane his followers in Ramlila ground. In any horoscope if the fifth lord is debili- tated or has a debilitated planet and the fifth house has affliction (double affliction is worse) or comes under the influence of sixth and /or eighth lord, the mind can get perverted or become delusional is a well known astrological principle. In this case there is debilitated Mars in the fifth house and the fifth lord, Moon is in close conjunction with Rahu. The debilitated retrograde second lord Mars aspecting the twelfth lord, the twelfth lord Saturn aspecting his own twelfth house and Jupiter also aspecting this house shows the foreign financial connection of the Congress Party which is why it is the Congress leaders who must throttle the move- ment about foreign money with a firm hand. Firm because Saturn in the sixth house is showing its vindictive attitude in clearest terms. It will not be a surprising if in this period Congress party itself brings out a watered down bill on foreign money as Saturn as the eleventh lord must show some legislation. Or, it brings to light the money of others, other than Congressmen, to score a vital point against the Opposition. The full vehe- mence of Saturn in the sixth house will become fully visible in this sub period of Saturn. It is clearly a year of chaotic thinking and some unimaginable tragedy for the party. The Hindu New Year 2011 The Hindu New Year 2011 which started from 3 April and will last upto 22 March 2012, as many as five planets are in the sixth house of strikes, agitations from Tula lagna. They are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter aspected by Saturn from Kanya making it a fierce fight by strikers. There can be many other strikes including health problems and accidents. Add to it the transit of Ketu over the natal Rahu of the Independence chart and Rahu over natal Ketu aspected by Saturn and you can apprehend some tense terrorist activities and border tensions which the government may use to divert the nation‘s attention from the agitations. Ketu in Vrisha also shows a national emergency like panic. On this horoscope of India more than one hundred spectacular predictions have been made by late Hardeo Sharmaji of Vishwa Vijay Panchanga Dr. B.V.Raman and, ofcourse, me. In the eighties of the last century I had made may successful predic- tions in the Vishwa Vijay Panchanga about the Ketu and Venus dasha and of the violence in the dasha of Ketu long before terrorism in Punjab had started and the assassination of Indira Gandhi had taken place. To ignore the horoscope of an inde- pendent nation and make predictions is to jump into a dark valley of utter ignorance. That is no astrology but obsessive stupidity of the worst kind. Then on 16 November 2011 when Saturn enters Tula and once again Saturn Jupiter opposition takes place, the far reaching changes for which the foundation was already laid

down in the earlier Saturn Jupiter opposition from Kanya and Meena will acquire a new vigour and bring out or create a ground for a substantial change in the national scene.

VISHWANATHAN ANAND AND GLORY KN RAO 2 June 2012, 4:31 PM (Written on 1 June 2012 at 11/04 pm) Viswanathan Anand lashes out at his critics Published: Friday, Jun 1, 2012, 19:46 IST, New Delhi | Agency: PTI In a rare display of irritation, Viswanathan Anand, who has just won his fifth world title, today hit out at chess great Gary Kasparov and other critics for suggesting that he lacked motivation. "I think that this is the first time I have played a match where so many people seemed to have negative opinion about my play. And the thing is I do not think I lacked motivation," Anand said about his clash with Israel's Boris Gelfand, whom he beat in Moscow on Wednesday to win his fifth world title. 42-year-old Anand told NDTV in an interview from Moscow that Kasparov "keeps talking about my age" but Gelfand was slightly older at 44. http://www.dnaindia.com/sport/report_viswanathan-anand-lashes-out-at-hiscritics_1696903 ====================== The reason for writing this piece is the above statement of Vishwanathan Anand. Long after giving up chess, I had read a story of Stefan Zweig about a chess player who had given up playing chess because he felt that a day‘s play went deep down in the subconscious---- one discovered that the mind was getting split into two--the white half( pieces) and black half( pieces.) I felt amused and felt that it was a true description as two games I have played, chess and bridge, are like addiction. There ofcourse was the great story of Munshi Prem Chand, Shatrang ke Khiladi, in Hindi which we read in our school days. Most of the ranked chess players I had seen were like people lost in a semi trance, oblivious of even their immediate surroundings. I had read lot of chess literature and played on my chess board most of the brilliant games of world champions, most of them Russians, who from the days of Botvinnik (1946) till 1972 had dominated the world scene of chess till Bobby Fisher had snatched it away from Boris Spassky. But then again it returned to Russia till India‘s Vishwanathan Anand snatched it away from them first in the year 2000 and later from 2007 till date, winning four times consecutively. That may be the cause of unhappiness of Russians against Vishwanathan Anand. In my younger days I played the games of world champions, when available in full notation, on my chess board, though in the pre-internet days only few were available. First came into our chess careers as a great inspiration, the great Alexander Alekhine, a Russian exile. Then Paul Keres who never won a world championship as far as I know. The Botvinnik-Smyslov games dominated world scene for some years and we could get them in printed form, play them and see why Botvinnik was an iron logician. For a brief while, before I gave up chess totally, came the rare brilliance of Tal, again a Russian, always suffering from a bad health because of his constant smoking, dissolute life.

Had he the gift of a good health perhaps he would have become the greatest chess player of world. Above them all was Capablanca voted as the greatest chess player. But now comes the claim of Kasparov, who has given up chess and has created an antiPutin front in Russian politics. Kasparov‘s famous opponent Karpov engaged him in long duels over a period of many years. A debate is going on now about Kasparov being the greatest ever chess player. And I vaguely remember that once when Kasparov was asked whether Kramnik was the player who would dethrone him, he is said to have pointed to Vishwanathan Anand as a threat to his supremacy. That proved prophetic in 2007 since when Anand has been a world champion. Indians are proud of it mainly also because this most complex game, known as chaturanga, is India‘s gift to the world. Travelling to west Asia, it came to be known as shatrang or shahmati and in Spain as eschess, later as chess. And in the changes they made in the west, the opening pawns can move two columns initially and the mantra (minister) or vazeer became queen which was done by durbaris (courtiers) to flatter some powerful queen of some western nation. I have not played a single game of Vishwanathan Anand on the chess board though it is now available in notation on the internet, yet I have followed his career and tried to search his horoscope which I did not get except his date of birth and some events of his life. I thought that I would work on it when the recently reported match between him and the gentleman player, Gelfand, a Russian, now an Israeli citizen, were going on. Anand‘s date of birth given was 11 Dec 1969 and some events were: ---Married in June 1996 ---A son born on April 9, 2011 fourteen years after marriage. ---Has a brother and sister elder ---Father was in railways On this basis I quickly fixed Tula (Libra) lagna 03/18, vargottama and decided to work on it. But then seeing the speed with which the television channels were covering the news of the world championship contest between him and Gelfand that instead of working on it I remained glued to the news, the online display of the moves and commentaries, and decided to adopt a well-known short cut--- see it from natal Moon which is in Dhanu. The place of birth is Mayiladuthurai but I adopted Chennai here not getting the correct latitude and longitude of this place. Dasha during the championship Rahu-Jupiter-Mercury during this period in Vimshottari Mesha Tula Kumbha in Chara Dash From his Moon in transit Saturn was in the tenth house and Jupiter in Vrisha (Taurus) aspecting the tenth house. No one asked me for the prediction and I gave none. Indians are swayed by IPL cricket more than this great world event in which an Indian was attacked verbally by what

Chidanand Rajghatta described in the Times of India thus. =============================== The Times of India - Viswanathan Anand shows the heart of a champion in winning fifth world title - Chidanand Rajghatta, TNN | May 30, 2012, 10.06PM IST They trash-talked him, ridiculed him, and wrote him off. They said he had slowed down, lost his flair and chutzpah, and become conformist and traditional in his play. But Viswanathan Anand took on everything the Russian-Israeli chess mafia and his growing band of critics threw at him and emerged on top yet again on Wednesday, winning the world chess title for the fifth time, and shutting up detractors for now.‖ ==================================== The dasha of Rahu in the third house from Moon but in the fifth house from the lagna and antardasha of Jupiter, the sixth lord, in the lagna but eleventh from Moon, on this basis as favorable I figured out. I did not have the horoscope of Gelfand. On this basis, the thinnest basis I thought Anand would win. Or was it the wishful thinking of an Indian ? In retrospect, what I worked on, his horoscope, is here, subject to correction if my data is wrong.

WATCH HIM RISE: PRANAB MUKHERJI KN Rao 15 June 2012, 4:58 PM 15 Jun, 2012 , 11.24AM IST Presidential poll 2012 The UPA has officially announced Pranab Mukherjee as their presidential candidate. Congress president Sonia Gandhi made the announcement today. Times of India. The mahadasha of Saturn is generally the best for politicians in a democracy if it owns the lagna, seventh or the tenth house and is involved in conjunction with the lagna, fourth, tenth , eleventh house and/or also aspects the tenth house or the tenth lord or the fourth house and the fourth lord or is exalted as it was in the case of Indira Gandhi , George Bush the former president of USA, his father H.W.Bush, Chandersekhar, a former Indian prime minister even Amitabh Bachchan the actor, Deve Gowda former prime minister, Gulzari Lal Nanda and scores of others. Years ago, when I was given this horoscope by him and was asked to keep it confidential, I wrote an article in the Star Teller of November 2004 WATCH HIM RISE without disclosing his name or any further details. That was the briefest article I ever wrote. There a story seemed to end, a hint given was forgotten. Then when the newspapers started talking about him being the favorite for the post of president of India in 2012, elections for which are to be held in the second week of July, I had to request the Star Teller editor to send me a copy of the article. I had concluded the article saying “As the year 2004 approaches the end, his luck should be stronger than ever before. (Written on 10 September 2004).

From 20 September 2011, his antardasha of Venus in the mahadasha of Saturn started--that enigmatic period in which , as the saying goes in Hindi, one becomes a raja from rank or a rank from raja meaning becomes a beggar from the position a king or a king from the position of a beggar meaning rises very high or sinks. It was the horoscope of Pranab Mukherji, the present finance minister, and the choice of the UPA II for the post of the president in the July 2012 election for that highest post. The date of his birth given in different websites as some date in December of that year is wrong. The mention of his name for presidential election made me dig out his horoscope from my records. One noting there is that the marriage of his daughter was fixed for December 1987. More important, his wife (born in 1938), Smt. Geeta (Suvra) Mukherji is a singer of Rabindra Sangeet. I checked to see if she would become the first lady after her husband becomes the president of India. The answer was positive. The date of marriage noted was 13 July 1957. Mr. Mukherji is the fourth child of his parents with two sisters and one brother elder to him and three sisters younger. Mrs. Mukherji is the first child of her parents and has a younger brother. As to the elections, I do not have the horoscopes of the other contestants in the race. From the newspaper reports and television discussions, there appears to be no doubt about his getting elected easily.

An astrological analysis may be only a formality in these circumstances but still a glance can be had at the dasha and possibilities. First at a glance: the transits Saturn in transit is on his tenth lord, Mars, in Kanya and Jupiter from Vrisha is aspecting it which is very favorable. And it is also the tenth house from his birth Moon in Kanya. From his wife‘s lagna (Dhanu) Saturn is in the tenth house aspected by Jupiter from Vrisha. Her antardasha is that of Sun in the tenth house. I am not revealing her horoscope. Coming back to the horoscope of Mr.Mukherji, he is passing through the dasha of Saturn Venus in the eighth house with Mercury. Venus as the fourth lord is the simhasana or throne and as the eleventh lord gain. In the eighth house of surprises which is what happened as his name became a sudden and surprising choice as the newspapers say. Saturn in the eighth house generally disrupts a career and even when it gives a position in a surprising way, that career is brief or cut short as happened both in the cases of Gulzari Lal Nanda who was prime minister twice for a brief period, once after the death of Nehru and later after the death of Lal Bahadur Shastri, though he had long enough stint as a minister at the center. The career of FDR was cut short in his fourth term; though he had long three terms as the president of USA. The elections will be fought in Saturn-Venus- Moon and the pratyantara dasha lord, Moon is in the sixth house in the lagna and the tenth house in the dashamansha. In Chara dasha it will be Simha dasha from where AmK Mars‘s aspects the eleventh house while Jupiter, the planet denoting the president generally in mundane astrology, aspects the tenth house (Jaimini aspect). The antardasha is Kanya which has the Amatyakaraka and the pratyantara dasha will be Vrisha from where the fifth and tenth houses show dignity, the dignity of the first citizen of India. There is a negative side to it also. His wife‘s health does not seem to be good at all in this period. It seems to be deteriorating gradually and may be worse at the end of this year and next year. If seen more closely, the health of Mr. Mukherji itself may not be good in 2014. Will he complete the term? At the moment, he seems to be winning the election very easily.

PRESIDENT PRANAB MUKHERJI KN RAO 25 July 2012, 5:46 PM Two trips outside Delhi and outside India in the month of June gave me only three or four days after the second week to write any piece for the website and two pieces were written.

After returning, adjusting the body clock and wishing to see the results of the presidential elections, I waited and then decided to write this piece. Pranab Mukherji has been sworn as president at 11/27 am today 25/7/2012. Work on this horoscope. The reviews which appeared showed that I have wasted my time in telling some people that website birth details are not reliable. I have written about it many times. Here are two instances. ATAL BEHARI VAJPAI - HOW MANY HOROSCOPES? In the year 2000 a biography of his came out in Hindi giving these birth details with Vrischika lagna and birth details as 25 Dec 1924. After that I revealed these all birth details which I had since 1996, as now it was not a secret anymore. I do not know why even now people argue about his year of birth being 1925 or 1926. See some websites. SHRI ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE [BHARATIYA JANATA PARTY - LUCKNOW (UTTAR PRADESH) Father's Name - Shri Krishna Bihari Vajpayee, Date of Birth - 25 December 1924 , Place of Birth -Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh) , Marital Status – Unmarried, Educational Qualifications - M.A. (Political Science) Atal Bihari Vajpayee (The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition 2008 Columbia University Press)- Atal Bihari Vajpayee , 1926-, Indian politician, prime minister of India (1996, 19982004). Atal Bihari Vajpayee (Britannica Concise Encyclopedia): Atal Bihari Vajpayee (born Dec. 15, 1924, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India) The Library of Congress Overseas Office: Atal Bihari Vajpayee, 1926-...Atal Bihari Vajpayee, born on December 25, 1926 in Bateshwar in Uttar Pradesh, is the Prime Minister Till he was the prime minister, even the website of the Indian parliament was showing his birth year differently and now it has been corrected. Lal Bahadur Shastri Dr.B.V.Raman, Hardeo Sharmaji, Suryanarain Vyasji used his horoscope with 9th October as the date and so did Sri Iranganti Rangacharya recently. In the souvenir brought out on Shastriji‘s death anniversary some years ago, Moon is shown in Kanya in the horoscope given, while on 2 October 1904 it will be in Mithuna. Website data is undependable Some hurried comments show that readers do no read the article intelligently and some do not seem to know astrology well enough. See two instances : 1. Mars is in Virgo, a dual rashi. How Mars can aspect 11th house which is Sthira Rashi? 2. Mars Amatyakaraka (in Kanya) aspects the eleventh house from Simha whose dasha is referred to. Another comment was why the prediction was not made earlier. I have referred to my article of 2004 in which I had said WATCH HIM RISE. I have already said that it was an article published in the Star Teller of November 2004. The prediction was given eight years before. What was the reason ? Kanya dasha was starting from 2005 and here there is Amatyakaraka. IN THE EARLIER PIECE I had written some personal details noted in my records after meeting both husband and wife, Mr and Mrs Mukherji and done astrological reading and here are some wild guesses by some that the birth details are inaccurate!!

==================================== Years ago, when I was given this horoscope by him and was asked to keep it confidential, I wrote an article in the Star Teller of November 2004 WATCH HIM RISE without disclosing his name or any further details. ************************************** The mention of his name for presidential election made me dig out his horoscope from my records. One noting there is that the marriage of his PRESIDENT PRANAB MUKHERJIdaughter was fixed for December 1987. More important, his wife (born in 1938), Smt. Geeta (Suvra) Mukherji is a singer of Rabindra Sangeet. I checked to see if she would become the first lady after her husband becomes the president of India. The answer was positive. The date of marriage noted was 13 July 1957. Mr. Mukherji is the fourth child of his parents with two sisters and one brother elder to him and three sisters younger. Mrs. Mukherji is the first child of her parents and has a younger brother. Now follow some well-known events: 1. In 1984 after the death of Indira Gandhi he, as the senior most member of the Congress Party having become a cabinet minister during the time of Indira Gandhi should have become prime minister. Giani Zail Singh invited Rajiv Gandhi. 2. After the death of Rajiv Gandhi, he could not become prime minister again. 3. In 2004, Sonia Gandhi preferred Manmohan Singh. Someone had then asked me if Pranab Mukherji would never rise higher, being a senior cabinet minister already. Higher has to mean either becoming the prime minister or the president of India. I WROTE THE ARTICLE THEN AND SAID THAT HE WOULD RISE. THE PREDICTION WAS MADE IN 2004, AND IN 2012, I ONLY REFERRED TO IT. LET ME CLARIFY I WAS NOT MAKING A PREDICTION AFTER SRI PRANAB‘ NAME WAS ANNOUNCED FOR THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS. IT WAS MADE MUCH EARLIER. In navamsha both AK and Amk and PK aspect each other mutually. The reason is obvious and the dasha was favorable. CORRECTION I had two horoscopes and the wrong one was posted in the earlier piece for which I am sorry. The actual time noted in my records in my own handwriting is: 1 February 1935/ 17/23 MIRATI BIRBHUM DISTRICT LAGNA KARKA 14/11 I use horoscopes of celebrities, big and famous people very cautiously because of a very terrible experience I had with the birth details of Babu Jagjiwan Ram once. I use only those which are given to me by the person concerned or his son, daughter or wife or even husband in the case of female celebrity and am asked to keep it confidential for some time or years. After that only I use them, if necessary in my articles without betraying confidences. For example, I have not disclosed the horoscope of the retired president Smt.Pratibha Patil and have seen wrong horoscope of hers used in different places. So it was in the case of the late Bhairon Singh Shekhawat when he was contesting for the post of the president against Pratibha Patil, as the following letter will clarify. From: knrao [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: I am waiting Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 23:57:10 IST

Dr.Saheb, I am still waiting for your mail. Please also clarify if you had given to other astrologers the same birth details of Shri Bhairon Singh Sekhawat as you gave me, which was different from the one used in many newspapers. Yours, K.N.Rao. From: R. S. R. [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: predictions Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 14:31:24 IST Dear Sir, Same DOB was given to other astrologers. Almost all predicted the victory. It was only you who clearly predicted no chances for his victory. With Regards, ..... Kumari D\O Dr. R.S.R. This was about the late Bhairon Singh Shekhawat and the correspondence with his doctor who is continuing as the doctor also of the present vice president seeking re-election, Shri Ansari. Knowing the trickiness of politicians, I asked him whether the same birth details (that which appeared in different journals and website were different) were given to all astrologers or not. I know from my experience that politicians ―oblige‖ astrologers by giving to different astrologers different birth details about the same individual. In the case of Shri Pranab Mukherji I havealso mentioned some family details in the earlier piece on him. Let me mention that I met Shri Mukherji and his wife twice personally more than two decades ago when I got this horoscope. Significant and notable in the case of Shri Mukherji is that lagna was not changing if the birth place was different but the degrees would; Jaimini Karakas were not changing and so the Chara dasha of Kanya was appearing clearly to be the period of his rise and later, Simha from where Amatyakaraka aspects the eleventh house, still more important for his career. People forget some elementary principles of interpretation. Saturn in the eighth house of politicians, as in the case of Shri Gulzari Lal Nanda, late Chandrasekhar, the late Indian prime and in the case of Shri Mukherji is mostly the case of opportunities denied and one rare opportunity becoming significant but not durable. There are other such combinations as can be in the horoscopes of Lal Bahadur Shastri, Charan Singh and Gordon Brown. Karka lagna explains the missed chances of Shri Mukherji and the same eighth house is the cause of worry for his wife‘s health, if you know about it. In news is another important man to whom, on his correct horoscope, I have predicted success. Already on the website some wild guesses, like in the case of Shri Mukherji of his having been born on 11-12-1935 08-49-20 hrs. have been made.

Also remember that when horoscopes cast by astrologers is given to you and the birth time is mentioned without clarifying whether it is IST or LMT, verification of life events becomes necessary. Do not use the horoscopes of India‘s famous men, in politics or in the cinema world mainly unless fully assured by a trusted friend astrologer or the person himself and burn your fingers. Even the mother of Emperor Akbar misled people with the birth details of her world famous son, if you know and read history. English historians not knowing astrology arrived at a wrong date. If the horoscope of Akbar by Jyotik Rai in Akbar Nama was seen and the date calculated astronomically, the correct date would have been arrived at.

MY EXPERIENCE WITH NADIS SHANKAR G HEGDE 15 September 2012, 9:05 PM Long back when I was in Mumbai, I think around 1996, I had sent my thumb prints to "Agastya Nadi" but they could not find my Nadi leaf after revealing my mother's name and date of birth also. Few years back I tried the same in Delhi with same nadi & it repeated. In 2001 I had sent the thumb print of mine with my friend who is very close to owner of "Shiva Nadi". The owner himself opened my nadi and the reading came as "He has other divine people to guide so don't predict anything" Then I consulted a reader in Bangalore itself, who was a Muslim from Tiruvannamalai. He was a practicing lawyer also. He used to visit Bangalore after every 15 days. He had "Kakai (Crow)- Bhujanga Magarshi Nadi" (I never heard of any sage having the name Kakai! ) In Tamil they use "Ga" for "Ha" So Maharshi is Magarshi in Tamil. 5-6 people were in queue. During 2000-2002 my appointments were booked for 2-3 months because of my TV programs & I felt the pain of waiting at that nadi reader‘s office for the 1st time! Then he called me inside & predicted few things correctly. I was getting late for my evening pooja and I asked him how much he earned per day. He told he charged as per nadi & he was charging Rs/- 80 for 30-40 minutes. I booked his whole day on a fine date by paying 2.5 times more than what he used to earn per day. On that day he shared many secrets related to nadi. He told me that they have a "Jeeva" nadi where lines keep on changing and that Jeeva Nadi guides the readers when which bundles should be carried to which city. We discussed many things. He showed me how to trace out the proper Nadi leaf by using the dots appearing on thumb prints. Then as per my request he started reading Prashna Khanda. My question was related to mantra siddhi and predicting the horse races!!!! The nadi instructed me to visit a place having the name Suvarna Katte near a town having a name of a queen. We could not understand which place it was . He was a chain smoker, tobacco chewer and drunkard also. Suddenly he told that it should be a place named as "Arasikere" which is present in our state. Again he sat for reading after praying and reciting mantraas. This time nadi was clearer. It gave the name of a temple, name of a family as well. It told that in that family three brothers were present and amongst them the middle person was a practitioner of astrology and mantra Vidya which he learnt from Kerala. They have three amazing books kept in a red colour silk cloth at their home. The name of that person started with alphabet "V". The family was facing problems and by paying some money I was instructed to purchase those amazing books/manuscripts. Nadi instructed me

to worship those manuscripts and after 1 week I could see the number of winning horses, whenever I required just by keeping my palm on manuscripts!!! My friend Mr.Aital was also with me while getting all these readings. Next day I sent Mr.Aital to Arsikere town from where he called me telling that such a temple was present (an old Lakshmi Narasimha temple) in a village called as "Kanakatte". I asked him to go there. (Kanaka=Suvarna=Gold) He went to that village & temple. The family was taking care of that temple. (Till today also) when Mr.Aital asked about the members of the family he came to know that the 2nd or the middle brother's name was Vijaya Kumar who learnt astrology from Kerala as told by Nadi !!. But on that day Vijaykumar was not present in the village. So on a fine day I hired a taxi and went to that place with my friend. We visited the temple first. Mr.Vijaykumar was present and he himself explained the history of the temple. His sister in law recognized me and they invited us to their home. In fact that was the needed. They gave us badam milk. After talking about my TV shows Vijay ji himself told that he learnt astrology from Sh.Podwal from Kerala. I asked him to predict about me as he told that he could predict just My Experience with Nadis by using the time of consultation. He asked me to tell a number. I said 9. He told that my Lagna was Aries and rashi was Yoga karaka one and revealed correctly as Pusya star Cancer Rashi! Again he asked to tell me a number and I said 18. He told that our family was tensed about the delay of my sister‘s marriage. Yes! It was correct. Then my friend Mr.Aital asked him to reveal his birth star. He also told a number. Vijay ji correctly predicted his star as last one the Revati. He predicted many things about me and few of them were known to me only. Aital ji asked him when he would get married. Vijay ji warned him not to test him and correctly predicted that he was already married and had a daughter. I realized that he had "Karna Pishachi Siddhi". I asked Vijay ji. He refused and told that it is all because of his worship related to Goddess Lakshmi ji! I was bit annoyed by his answer as there were not even four good chairs to sit also!!. The person having the siddhi of Lakshmi ji would have become the Kubera! Then Vijay ji told me that I would have become the world's number one astrologer if somebody had not done black magic on me! (Remember that I was just 30 years old then who could hardly become even the top class astrologer of world without experience of decades) He told that he could prove the black magic done on me at that spot itself and I asked to do the same. He asked his sister in law to bring a brand new match box, which she brought and gave to me. It was new! Then he asked to keep that box on the floor which I did. Then he asked to move the box a bit. I did. Then he asked to open the box and I was surprised to see only three sticks in the new box! Then Vijay ji asked me where I had kept my footwear. I said "outside" he asked me to go & see there. There were many sticks fallen on my footwear!! Aital ji asked him to predict something about his current situation at that time.. Vijay ji asked him to bring some water in a bowl which he did. Then Vijay ji asked Aital ji to cover the bowl with a paper and it was followed. After some time he asked to remove the paper and bowl was empty! Vijay ji told Aital ji that it was his situation at that period!! Then I thought it was time to come to the purpose of the visit & asked Vijay ji about three manuscripts covered by a red silk cloth. It was time for Vijay ji to be amazed and he asked me how I came to know about them? I revealed about the Nadi's prediction!

He opened them and I saw three manuscripts written in old Tamil. One was related to Yantras, another one was related to medicines and the last one was related to Prashna or horary system. I asked him to give them to me for money. He interacted with his brothers and demanded Rs.2.5 lakhs! I quickly calculated the prashna chart and my intuition was saying no no no! Somehow I convinced him that I would pay 10 times more than what he demanded if the purpose of buying the books for horse race was fulfilled. He agreed. I gave him Rs. 10,000/- as token amount. I was feeling as if I had conquered the entire world! From there Aital ji came back to Bangalore & I went to my native place. I told all these to my Guru ji of native place. He laughed at me and brought out many such manuscripts from the temple to show me and advised me to not to believe such things. After a couple of days I returned to Bangalore and started worshiping manuscripts through poojas. After a week I kept my palm on them to know the winning horses of that day but nothing appeared as revealed by Nadi ...Still I continued... nothing... Meanwhile Vijay ji called me from a nearby place from Bangalore and asked about the money. I told nothing was working with those manuscripts as told by Nadi. On the phone itself he revealed that I just met a big owner of horses whose name started with "D" then he revealed the full name Dayanand! He told that he was going to dig out some hidden treasure and would be back after a week. If nothing worked with me he had asked to return the manuscripts. He also predicted the winning number of horses for next racing day! All of them went wrong!! (Not in 1-2-3-4 places also) All his future predictions given to me failed. I consulted the Nadi reader again by booking his 1/2 day. Nadi laughed at me & told me "You are a fool. Instead of buying the books you must have learnt his mantra siddhi" They were kshudra mantras. Karna Pishachi & Kutti Chattan! How could I seek such siddhis for which offering non veg and liquors are must? I returned the manuscripts through Aital ji and lost Rs. 10K & stopped visiting all Nadis and such mantriks..... Then came the year 2009! My family was doing Kashi Yatra. I was in Banaras. TV9 asked me to come to participate in a big show related to Indian General Elections with Daivajna Somayaaji and Pundit Bhanuprakash Sharma ji of Sreeranga Pattanam near Mysore. I cancelled train tickets & booked flights to Delhi 1st and from Delhi to Bangalore. I sat with KNR ji and discussed many things to predict for elections. From Airport directly I went to studio. (Read Indian Election Scene-2009 a joint article written by me and KNR ji). TV9 and we waited for Somayaji ji but he didn't come. The shooting shifted for next day. I came to my house. Meanwhile I reported about the development to KNR ji. Next day shooting started & for my surprise Vijaykumar ji from Kanakatte had come to attend shooting!! I could not recognize him but he made me remember all past incidents! Eighty percent of predictions given by Vijay ji, Bhanupraksh ji went wrong reverse proved correct in my case as I had clearly predicted victory for UPA, Victory for many MP

candidates even Mr. Manmohan Singh ji becoming PM for the second time.!!!.........So it is always better to study astrology in a systematic way rather than running behind Nadis is my humble opinion. After my predictions proved up to 80% correct, Vijay ji congratulated me and revealed about his siddhies which he had misused. Bhanupraksh ji has been earning around INR 25lakh per month now a days though he can't check D-9 also. What to say? My Experience with Nadis-Part 2. From March 2012 to June 2012, few relatives of mine visited a reader of Agastya Nadi around my native places & gave me the feedback on phone that his readings were impressive. The major thing was that he could tell names of parents, spouse & number of siblings. So I thought of inviting him to my place and he agreed! I felt as if I had conquered the world!! Last week he came here with around 20-22 bundles of manuscripts of Agastya Nadi. I had planned for a best research related to Nadi as they use thumb impression to trace out Nadi leaf of any person where there remains the basic chart of the person including his written fate, names of parents spouse,( if married). I wrote a mail to Sh.K.N.Rao ji to guide me for a best research as it was a rare opportunity to file thumb prints of different Ascendants along with planetary positions etc. in a systematic way by using modern technology. Rao ji simply wrote me back to give my opinion after a month. Mr.M.Swamy, the reader kept the bundles in a small pooja room present in the ground floor of my premises which I have been using as my office premises. Out of three rooms two rooms were given to him. I gave one room to them for keeping the bundles and another for his reading purpose. He instructed me that none should enter the pooja room once he keeps the Nadi Manuscripts in that room and I agreed. I started with my own case after both of us finished poojas. With utmost faith I gave several thousands of rupees to him apart from following few traditions of consulting an astrologer. He took my thumb impression and briefly explained me that there remains few rekhas (lines forming some symbols) like Shankha rekha, Manimukuta rekha, Meru rekha and they are 108 in numbers. Apart from these rekhas few dots guide them to trace the proper bundle andrelated palm leaves were his claim. He brought 1 bundle & opened that after prayers. He started asking questions to me which can be listed thus. Q1 Whether your father‘s name is related to lord Shiva? Answer. No. Q2.Are you self-employed? Ans2.Yes. Q3) whether your father‘s name is related to lord Vishnu? Ans3 No. Q3 Are you living with your wife and parents now? Ans Yes. After asking every 1 or 2 questions he kept on turning leaves of the bundle. Q.Whether your mother‘s name is related to god-dess Parvati? A.Yes.

Q.Parvati itself on any resembling name? A.Exactly Parvati. Then he told that the bundle has no my nadi leaf & brought another bundle. Q.Is your wife working? A.Yes. Q. Is she working for government? A No. Q Is your rashi (Moon sign) a dual sign? A.No. Q.Are you born in the month of December or January? A.No. Q.Is your sign (Moon sign) a chara (movable) sign? A.Yes. Q.Chara means Mesh, Karka, Tula, Makar, Is it Mesha? I REALISED IT THAT IT JUST ―COLD READING‖ WELL KNOWN TO SCIENTISTS. I JUST STOPPED HIM & REVEALED THE NAMES OF MY FATHER, MOTHER, WIFE and SON. Even I gave him my full birth details & asked him to call me once he gets the nadi leaf of mine. I still believed that there remains a nadi leaf which contains basic chart with few written destiny/predictions. My intention was to get predictions from that. After around 30 minutes he called me as he got the nadi leaf related to me. I sat in front of the reader but there was no chart. When I asked about the same the reader told that they were in written format and not in diagrams like a chart. He revealed my basic chart along with the name of my parents, spouse and son. Funnily my exalted retrograde Mars was in Aquarius as per nadi. Then after offering prayers to sage Agastya and lord Shiva he gave me predictions which I can reveal here in brief. ―I am destined to live a high class life which will be continued till my end. Now my age is 42 and next 3 years which are 43.44.45 will prove very good in my life. My son will have a marriage as per his wish and will have all comforts. My span of life was above 85 years but because of some bad deeds of last life and problems of planets I may suffer again and again from ill health for which, remedies are required. This was my last life and I would get moksha ―. Here I know 1 prediction was certainly wrong as my span of life is not up to 85 years. I have used many methods like Amshayu, Pindayu etc apart from many regular Parashari & Jaimini methods to calculate my span of life & my calculations were almost correct when my guru ji‘s supernormal powers, which he uses once in a while revealed the same with just few months difference. Then Moksha??? God knows. My next experiment was Mr.Ajay ji. Same cold reading repeated in his case also but after getting the nadi leaf he predicted that one of his daughters was sick. When Ajay ji showed more interest in that case he even told that she would die within 1.5 to 2 years if remedies are not done. (These are the method of exploitation to get more money for remedies) Other predictions were almost 90% same which he gave to me except the prediction of Moksha.

Next person was my close friend who is also a partner in our software company. The same cold readings repeated and same predictions like given to me except moksha. Then I asked my friend to put a question to reader. He asked a question related to change of job and which company he would join amongst 2 where he got selection. When the reader had gone to bring Prashna Khanda bundle, I asked my friend to behave strictly. He opened the leaf & told that my friend would join a company for which he gave interview 23 days back. (We had revealed that 1 interview was attended by him 23 days back and another 7 days back.) On the spot itself I realized that his prediction related to future went wrong. As my friend had refused to join that company as i had advised him to not to join! My prediction was he would get better opportunity soon which proved correct. Here my quest was related to casting the chart or revealing the planetary positions in the basic chart. After knowing the date of birth & Moon Sign along with birth star any good astrologer can mentally calculate the position of Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Rahu, and Saturn. But revealing the position of Venus, Mercury and Mars very quickly is not so easy. So thought somehow the reader gets a leaf where planetary combinations are present. Next day two women, friends of my wife came to consult & I gave them few strict instructions. He could not trace the leaves of them as the names of their parents were rare. For example one name was ―Gaviyappa‖. In Kannada Gavi=cave and Appa=Father! No god‘s name matches with this name. So after using 11-12 bundles also he could not trace the leaves. Another case was my wife‘s own elder sister. There was confusion about her month of birth. June or July 1st or 2nd 1969. After doing cold reading from about nine bundles he could not trace out the name of my mother in law‘s name as her name is Kusuma. Again this doesn‘t match with any goddess‘s name. Then we revealed the name, ourselves and in the next bundle he got the leaf & revealed the lagna as Capricorn. The time of birth was not known to us. He revealed that he could trace it by using sookshma nadi which costs more for reading & we agreed. After few minutes he came out from that closed room and gave the time as 19-35 (7-35PM) which was giving Dhanu Lagna!! Moreover he revealed her birth star as Shravana. (For 2nd of July 1969). But the jyotish software was showing Dhanishta which had begun many hours earlier! Next day I broke the promise and entered his room by pushing them while he was supposed to bring another bundle after cold readings for a person and I found that he was using an almanac! He was caught red handed. The secret behind telling the planetary positions were traced by me! In between I asked for the reader‘s birth details & he gave that to me. DOB-9-4-1973, 00:25 IST, Mayanur, Tamil Nadu. Lagna/Ascendant-Dhanu/Sagi: 19 degree 35 minutes. Within 2-3 minutes I gave him many predictions. As usual I started from dreshkona (D-3) & asked him whether his mother conceived for 5 times and 3 are alive. He said yes. I asked him whether he is the 1st son. He said yes. Before his birth his mother lost 2 major pregnancies and he is the 1st son of 3 sons. Then I used D-1 & D-12 as my usual style to give further predictions. I asked him whether his father was working for printing press or for any factory where chemicals were manufacturing. He said his father worked for a paint factory. I asked whether he could not complete graduation. He said he dropped education at the final year of graduation. I predicted that his marriage took place at the age of 31 Years; He said it was in

his 32nd year of age. Then I predicted that he had no children or after many difficulties only 1 female child must have born. Again it proved correct! He got a female child after 3-4 abortions to his wife. Finally I asked him that he had a concubine. He asked me (With lot of hesitation) why? Any dosham is there? I just laughed and stopped there. He was asking me how I could predict all those or the computer predicts all such things? That is all my experience about this so called Agastya Nadi.

INDIA'S PAINFUL HISTORIC TURN KN Rao 19 September 2013, 9:31 PM The worst I feared, those painful episodes I have watched many times in my life is now a reality, a very painful reality in Indian history with a very incompetent central government headed by Manmohan Singh controlled by Sonia Gandhi in power at the centre. Sonia‘s interest in India‘s welfare and peaceful progress is being questioned repeatedly or is at least not proven anytime anywhere in these nine years since 2004 when she became India‘s most powerful woman. She was never interested in India and after her marriage in 1968 she had not even applied for Indian citizenship till 1982 is being said by her critics.I am referring to the following prediction of mine . ==================================== Changes adverse to the interest of USA and Israel will have all the provocative ingredients of a major war in that region after Rahu moves into Vrischika and later Saturn and Rahu join in Tula. World awaits with anxious and abated breath these developments. That is the time when India will find herself in the grip of a religious frenzy, communal in tone and violent in expression and Pakistan will undergo a great change. BERLIN MOVEMENT IN ARAB WORLD - 30 January 2011, 1:37 PM KN RAO ==================================== Three predictions were given: 1) Ingredients of a major war in west Asia and with the Syrian crisis what we will witness now or some years later is a major Shia Sunni war with western powers and Russia and China behind them, taking sides supplying arms etc. Further remarks: The seeds of the war have been sown. A compromising attitude of Assad after USA and Russia ask him to surrender chemical weapons or keep them under UN control will only be temporary truce. The war between the forces of Assad and the opposing Sunni terrorists will not stop. 2) The change in Pakistan is the victory of Nawaz Sharif and his brother the known patrons of terrorists inspite the overtures to improve relations with India. 3) The worst in the context of India and the subject of this article, is the communal frenzy in many places reaching a climax in the incidents in month of September 2013 in Muzaffarnagar, so near Delhi with all the promises of radical change of position of different communities in their relation with each other affecting distinctly the general elections of India in the coming year. Let me explain first astrologically through some earlier examples to which I have been a personal witness why Saturn Rahu combinations creating such frenzy briefly through some examples. First example: 14 Mar 1945 My teenage had begun and I was reading newspapers, being the son of journalist, that being the only source of information in those pre internet, pre television days. Journalism

was dignified in those days of missionary journalism contrasting starkly with the mercenary journalism of later decades in its ignominious climax now. There was the agitation for Pakistan, the worsening attitude of Hindu Muslim relations, the odd behaviour of my Muslim class mates some of them even claimed to be of ―Arab ancestry‖ inspite of dark complexion was both hilarious and obnoxious. Communal frenzy was reaching unprecedented levels of hatred mutually between both communities. Jinnah was the hero of teenage Muslim friends of ours while freedom fighters led by Mahatma Gandhi ours. The year remembered for the Direct Action Day which ultimately led to the inevitability of the formation of Pakistan. It was called by Mohammad Ali Jinnah on 16 August 1946 which led to great great Calcutta killings resulting later in massacres in Noakhali of Hindus and of Muslims in Bihar. There was no point of reconciliation. Later, in my researches in mundane astrology I could understand the astrological explanation. Saturn and Rahu together in Mithuna was the main explanation then. I saw it repeatedly many times as I crossed my teens, entered adulthood and later in middle age and old age I saw it repeating. It is why in 2011 I warned about communal frenzy when Saturn and Rahu were to conjoin in Tula in 2013. And now we have heard terrible stories of Muzaffarnagar ,UP.‘s Godhra. It later led to the terrible Direct Action Day of 16 August 1946. What happened that day in Calcutta has often been talked of. In 1967-69 during my Calcutta posting, one of them in Brabourne building opposite to a mosque from the great Calcutta killings were said to have begun aroused my curiosity. Some Bengalis, senior to me in age, who were in Calcutta in August 1946 gave me had heard first hand about it. The reaction in Noakhali where Hindus were killed and then in Bihar in Chapra and other places has been reported, recorded and is now a half forgotten chapter of Indian history. In the October 2013 issue of the Journal of Astrology there is a well researched article of Maneeza Ahuja and that can be referred to for more understanding of this Saturn Rahu phenomenon and the type of frenzy it unleashes.

Second example: 1962 Indo China War The other such event I had been witnessed to in 1962 posted in Shillong during the great astagrahi eclipse poohed poohed by Nehru, the prime minister. Nehru mocked at it and planets shocked him when on 20 October Indo Chinese war broke out, Nehru suffered humiliation, then had a stroke of paralysis early 1963 from which he never recovered and died in May 1964. I was witness to the panic in the nation and in the state of Assam where I was posted. On the day of the Indo Chinese war on 20 October 1962 the planetary position of Saturn Ketu opposed to Mars and Rahu at eleven degrees was ominous. Indian astrologers as usual created a panic as though it was a day of pralaya. But an eclipse in a chara rashi and its effect for about eighteen months was emphasized by senior and experienced astrologers. 1968 Rise of Communists and Naxalites Indira Gandhi was the prime minister at the centre with a minority government supported by communists which gave to communist in West Bengal its fullest advantage. A central government employees strike of 1968 in Calcutta saw frenzied strikes and gheraos. We had to face it with no help from the central government. So much loss of sanity in national life and such sense of insecurity we faced as officers in central government offices in Calcutta was to be experiences to be believed. We survived it is all that can and should be said now. Saturn, Rahu, Mars and Ketu all at eleven degrees opposed to each on the Karka Makar axis , the lagna Makar being the one used for India from ancient times gets tested here. This axis along with Vrisha and Vrischika are periods of historical and historic events in Indian history. It was the period of the rise of the communists in West Bengal and Jyoti Basu and the Naxalite movement led by Charu Mazumdar and Kanu Sanyal. Total break down

of office discipline, unending strikes and gheraos was all that happened in Calcutta. I was a personal witness to all that chaos for two years during my posting in Calcutta. --------Unstable governments of VP Singh, later of Chandrasekhar leading to elections in which Rajiv Gandhi was killed and P.V. Narasimha Rao formed a Congress goverment , a single party government , but with no clear majority was the political story. Worse was the economic panic as we are witnessing in 2013 which saw stock of Indian gold being pawned. Later came the reforms of Manmohan Singh and Narasimha Rao the prime minister through series of schemes of liberalization saved the nation and ushered in a new era. Why blame Narendra Modi ? Men, leaders and their followers, are only impelled by what planets dictate. I had noticed in early 2002 that Saturn and Rahu were going to conjoin and was predicting the moods of frenzy in the nation which I repeated in 2011 writing about Berlin Movement. If bhava charts are cast Saturn and Rahu had come closer much earlier in 2002, earlier than 27 February when the Gujarat riots took place. Use any bhava method, Sripati or Equal House division, these two planets will be together in all cases. That is the mood of frenzy which I noticed unfailingly and always warn the students whom I teach and also write about sometimes as I did in 2011. The Godhra riots took place and Muslims and the Congress party used it as an election slogan against Modi and Sonia Gandhi went to the extent of calling him Maut ka saudagar in an election speech with her raucous unmusical Italianized accent of Hindi in one of her ugliest speeches, a written text, which she reads out on all occasions. Those who criticize Modi should read this which appeared in the Times of India.‖‖The rate of deaths (per communal riot) also puts UP ahead of others. While Maharashtra clocked a rate of 12.8% and Madhya Pradesh 15.8%, UP had a rate of 24.8%. The national average for the period stands at 15.6%.‖ ―‖Interestingly, Gujarat, with the blemish of one of the worst communal riots recorded in independent India's history, pales in comparison to UP and the two other states. Since 2005, Gujarat recorded 508 incidents of communal violence (less than half of the three states), and had a death toll of 56 with an effective rate of deaths of nearly 11%. ( http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Communal-riots-deadlier-in-UP-than-inotherstates/articleshow/22527589.cms) Muzaffarnagar 2013 was another Godhra Now what has happened in Muzaffarnagar was another Godhra according to many. Let me quote from what a Muslim from Muzaffarnagar said in Saudi Arabia to an Arab news agency. Here there can be no question of any news being doctored by Indian politicians for the ―paid‖ news of Indian newspapers which are known for their disgraceful partisanship. The Arab News Agency report - Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle, East News, Opinion, Economy and more. Wednesday, 18 September 2013, Dhulka'edah 12, 1434 Tumultuous journey for Muzaffarnagar Hajis ?

New JEDDAH: Irfan Mohammed, Published — Wednesday 18 September 2013 Around 1,900 pilgrims from the Muzaffarnagar district in Uttar Pradesh in India have begun landing in Madinah. Residents of the district, who recently suffered communal riots, took Saudia flights from New Delhi, which is the nearest airport to their hometown....Many of these pilgrims are still in a state of shock following the recent incidents of mob violence.....They also commended the support offered by Hindu community members, who helped them pass through the neighborhood safely when they saw the pilgrims in religious attire. .......―The violence in Muzzafarnagar is similar to the Gujarat carnage of 2002,‖ he said.....Musheer Ahmed, another pilgrim, said: ―We still can‘t believe that our area was rocked by riots. This is a district that remained unaffected even during the partition of the country in 1947 or the Babri Mosque demolition in 1992.‖ Mohammed Ghayub said: ―It is unfortunate that the Samajwadi Party, which was supported by the Muslims, has betrayed us since coming to power.‖ NOTE: Here a Muslim of Muzaffarnagar is saying in Saudi Arabia to an Arab news agency that Muzaffarnagar violence was similar to Godhra carnage of 2002. The Predictions made on the Hindu New Year horoscope of 2013 were Let some notable points be seen in this horoscope: 1) India has not known tsunami disasters as Japan has. But this year, India can fear a devastating earthquake followed by a tsunami. 2) Mass deaths visible in this horoscope will be caused also by some disease which may be a water borne disease. 3) The state governments and the government will be found wanting in coping with these disasters leading to mass disillusionment demanding a change in the government. 4) Corruption which is the burning issue in the election everywhere now apart, the issue of the protection of women is becoming a national issue in the election after the most publicized Delhi rape case of 16 December 2012. 5) In the Indian Republican horoscope (not given here) the Mahadasha of Jupiter in the eleventh house is a period of some good law coming in this period and such measures as will protect women. INDIAN ELECTIONS 2013 - 2014 KN RAO. 26 January 2013, 9:05 PM Kedarnath tragedy, Muzaffarnagar communal riots and many other events need not be recounted to prove that we are passing through a difficult year and it is the pre election year. It was predicted that 2013 would be a bad year for the Congress party in January this year. In the three major state elections to be held this year in Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh and Rajasthan the poll survey have predicted a clear victory for the BJP, acceptable astrologically. At the time of these elections Narendra Modi will have entered a favourable antardasha of Jupiter in the available but unconfirmed horoscope now circulating among astrologers. Congress party will improve But from January 2014 the position of the Congress party improves very distinctly and BJP too will be in a favorable position but not too strong though coupled with a good period in the horoscope of Narendra Modi it is moving into a favorable period. These can be examined later when the dates of general elections are declared. The Painful Turn But what is the painful historic turn the nation awaits ? Narendra Modi, a rare iconic national figure now catapulted to the national stage as the prime ministerial candidate of the BJP is

also a polarizing influence in a big way. Inspite of his attractive achievements in economic sphere, his critics and opponents will continue, as they have done, to tarnish his image with communal colours. The freedom fighters of pre independence era were our iconic heroes, Gandhiji, Nehru and later the members of the Nehru dynasty the last being Rajiv Gandhi. Narendra Modi is the rarest of the rare Indians rising from a poor family and reaching such iconic heights and such terrible controversies at the same time. Whether you like him or not, you cannot ignore him. He attracts and repels, bewitches, enthralls and also arouses terrible hostility among one and all. He has to become an inevitable polarizing influence: a new energy is invigorating the nation, a great rising hope of reform and a terrible fear of an era of ruthlessness if he comes to power, rather a rather stupid reaction in a democracy where a prime minister is only an elected figure. The communal tensions unleashed in Muzaffarnagar is only the beginning of a tense period in Indian history of 2013-14. Saturn and Rahu in the third house of the new year horoscope aspected by Mars conjoined with the twelfth lord Moon is the danger of international conspiracy against India. This can be understood without being elaborated.

ISLAMIZATION OF PAKISTAN KN RAO 5 November 2007, 11:28 AM Those two fortnights of 1977 Those days in 1977, I used to work deeply on mundane astrology unlike these days when I have lost interest and do not prepare enough data. The two fortnights referred to in 1977 in the horoscopes given below both India and Pakistan were to undergo radical changes. India had its first non-Congress government in the Janata Government after the March elections and Pakistan had a more radical change when Zial-ulHaq became a military dictator and immediately came out with his policy of Islamization of Pakistan with USA encouraging it fully to fight the Soviet troops in Afghanistan.

See the influence of Mars on the tenth house and the tenth lord in the chart of 14 June 1977 and Mars is in the tenth house both in the birth chart and the navamsha in chart of 1 July 1977 The rise of Talibanism and of Osama bin Laden can be traced to this period. The armymullah combination, the favourite combination of Pakistan politics was in full bloom from this period till September 2001 when USA found its own policy it had encouraged for twenty four years becoming a menace for it and the world. But it was too late. What you sow you have to reap--be in an individual karma or collective karma. Zia was popular with a policy which appealed to masses and mullahs and had a mass base and approval. Now the same USA expects Musharraf to undo all that and lose the popular support of masses and mullah. Musharraf has to lose the mullah base, the mass base, the religiousfundamentalst base to please Americans and displease majority of illiterate and semi-illiterate Pakistanis. He has to displease the educated Pakistanis who want freedoms and a dose of secularism after acting against the judiciary and gagging the media. He is rudderless depending on the slender loyalty of the army only. He is the most pitiable head of a state. It is why the change of dasha in the horoscope of Pakistan is a landmark to

be watched. How safe then is Musharraf himself ? In an emergency when the press is gagged rumours that spread fast do lot of damage and create panic. No wonder, we will have spate of rumours and fears now from Pakistan. After Jupiter moves into Dhanu on 24 November 2007, some of the curbs on the media may be relaxed. This emergency itself may be lifted soon because an inconvenient judiciary has been got rid of by Musharraf. But none of these combinations will prevent the terrorists becoming more menacing. Musharraf knows that India and USA will want him to remain in power and be powerful. It would have been helpful if we had his horoscope to predict with confidence. But then remember that we have entered the predicted dangerous period of 2007-2008. But when the press is suppressed, rumours become wild. "No coup against me" 11/5/2007 2:50:05 PM IN CONTROL: Musharraf has rubbished aside the reports that he has been placed under house arrest

WHEN RAHU ENTERS THE MIND POLITICIANS WALK ON THEIR HEADS..AN OLD PREDITION KN RAO 29 July 2007, 5:14 AM Crystal Ball/K N Rao Old Rediff Predictions I lost most of my records of published predictions but some which could be rescued are being reproduced here. Those days I got correct horoscopes of politicians and reasonably truthful feedback from them which was gave me a very high percentage of successful predictions. These days I am out of touch and mostly avoid politicians. K.N.Rao. I had never heard of Michael Jackson till my nephew told me about him. In order to avoid looking antiquated, I told him that Elvis Presley ruled the roost in my time. And added that, during our youth, the music that appealed to the heart held sway. Unlike today, when the music appeals to regions below the heart. Rahu does the same thing in an individual‘s horoscope. In Indian politics, Rahu has become more effective than Elvis and Jackson combined.

I remember a south Indian government servant shivering when his boss had asked him to come with a file for discussion at Rahu kalam, a time which south Indians believe is astrologically inauspicious. I had to assure him that it would be all right. He came back a happy man — his boss was pleased with the work he had put in on the file. Bengalis believe in what is called the barbela between 2.30 pm and 5 pm on Thursday. It is said to be the most inauspicious time of the week. The United Front decided to hold its meeting to elect a new leader during this time, hoping that it would remove many road blocks. The death of Biju Patnaik led to the postponement of the meeting. Lucky, a Bengali astrologer will say. The first road block was the Left Front‘s resolution that Sitaram Kesri withdraw his party‘s stake to form the government. The second is Deve Gowda‘s ambition to continue as caretaker prime minister till the general elections are held. And the third is godman Shivaji Maharaj‘s attempt to make Laloo Prasad Yadav the prime minister of India by performing a ‗satellite yagna.‘ Laloo, the self-proclaimed leader of secularist forces, wants to become prime minister through a yagna. Deve Gowda‘s yagna failed to save him. Yes, it is the ‗secular ists‘ who are getting yagnas performed to ensure the fulfillment of their political ambitions, while the ‗communal‘ BJP is talking about the constitutional propriety of inviting a defeated United Front to form the government again. Rahu is laughing. See his role. 1. The horoscope of August 15, 1947, has the Venus-Rahu dasha. Rahu, who in transit in lagna and, in transit in the 5th house of the mind, is in a riotous mood. 2. In the horoscope of Republican India (26 January, 1950), the mahadasha is of Rahu and antardasha of Jupiter aspect the 5th house of the mind. 3. The horoscope of the Congress party shows the Rahu-Saturn dasha, with Rahu in the 5th lord of the mind. While in transit, he instigated Kesri to have a go at Deve Gowda. 4. Kesri‘s horoscope shows the Venus-Rahu dasha. Rahu, in the 10th house of action, provoked him to remove Deve Gowda. 5. Deve Gowda‘s horoscope shows the Venus-Rahu period. Rahu, in the 8th house, is deluding him into believing that he will continue as caretaker prime minister till the end of Kaliyuga. Besides, both Rahu and Ketu are gripping his 5th lord of the mind and the Moon. In such cases, modern astrologers recommend psychiatric treatment. Crystal Ball

The Five Foundations of Jyotish Over the years I've heard many teachers of jyotish or Vedic astrology talk about what are the necessary components that students need in order to be able to practice jyotish successfully. I have been especially influenced by K.N. Rao and Hart DeFouw who are, in my experience, the two most accomplished teachers today in the East and West respectively. I realized that it would be helpful to gather a list of these essentials to help students develop a solid foundation to their study.

Learning any discipline, whether it is jyotish, music, medicine etc., is like embarking on a mountaineering expedition. It requires a strong desire to reach the destination, skill, and commitment. Just like there are ten essentials for the mountaineer - pocketknife, first-aid kit, matches, map, compass etc., there are five essentials for the study of jyotish. The five essentials are: 1) Technical Proficiency Jyotish is a science that has its own set of academic requirements. For instance, it requires the memorization of a large body of technical information. There's no way around it. Just like the pianist needs to memorize scales until they become second nature, the jyotishi or astrologer needs technical information at the forefront of his or her awareness when analyzing a chart. The jyotishi must be able to give a clear, logical explanation of the conclusions they've made about a chart. For example: "This person has a strong likelihood of children. The 5th house, representing children, is unaspected by malefics, and Jupiter, a benefic and the significator of children, aspects the 5th house. Jupiter also gains strength by being in a Hamsa Mahapurusha Yoga in the 1st house in its own sign. Also, the 5th lord is located on an angle in a friend's sign aspected by Venus, a benefic. You can also see this pattern repeating itself from chandra lagna, and in the Navamsa chart, etc." This may sound complicated but it is actually only basic chart interpretation skills. In addition to memorizing the basic technical information, K.N. Rao strongly recommends that students learn to do many calculations manually, like the dashas and divisional charts, instead of relying on computer software programs. A jyotishi's initial focus should be to develop technical skill and clear, interpretive logic. If the jyotishi relies on computers for all calculations and on intuition for chart interpretation they may never develop a substantial level of technical proficiency. 2) Continual Practice It's not enough just to memorize technical information - it must be applied over and over to as many charts as possible. No matter how many workshops one attends or theoretical books one reads nothing can replace experience in chart interpretation. One drop of practice is better than an ocean of theory as they say. The jyotishi doesn't have to give readings to get experience. He or she can do retrospective research by studying past events in anyone's chart without the pressure of having to give an accurate reading or offering sound advice. For example, it's helpful to analyze charts of actors who have won an Oscar, or friends who have received a promotion at their job. It's also helpful to analyze the charts of celebrities or individuals who epitomize specific character traits. There are also books and astrological journals with example charts that one can study. By getting into the habit of continually studying charts, for instance 3 or more per day, one's understanding of jyotish will accelerate dramatically. 3) Jyotish Guru

Inevitably while studying jyotish questions arise that can only be answered by someone with more experience. The jyotishi needs a teacher or jyotish guru available for this purpose. A guru is someone who dispels confusion and brings clarity. "Gu" means shadow or darkness, while "ru" means to disperse or remove. Jyotish is based in an oral tradition. Traditionally, the student would sit with their guru for long hours reciting jyotish texts, discussing principles, and studying charts. Over time the student acquires the refined discernment of their teacher. There is no replacement for this kind of one on one tutoring with a qualified teacher. Hart DeFouw tells the story of a Taoist master who was asked, "What is the definition of a master?" The Taoist master replied, "A master is someone who started earlier than you." A jyotish guru does not need to be a famous or legendary personage. Of course this is ideal, but it is not always possible. Finding a suitable teacher is a function of our karma. Personally I feel very fortunate to have met my jyotish guru Sri K.N. Rao and to be connected to his lineage of teachers. At the least your teacher needs to be more experienced, easily accessible, and able to dispel your confusions. 4) Spiritual Practice Jyotish is a spiritual science that cannot be learned only through technical academic study. At some point in one's development the jyotishi needs to combine both intuition and intellect in order to interpret the symbolic language of astrology correctly. Intuition is developed through spiritual practices. Traditionally, the jyotishi would be initiated into the worship of a personal deity or ishta devata who would help illumine their intuition. For instance, Vedic astrologers often worship Ganesha because he is considered the patron deity of jyotish. Deity worship is the devotion to a specific aspect of God and is not idol worship, which is a common misconception. Whether one chooses to perform puja (worship), chant mantras, meditate, pray, recite affirmations or do any other practice, what is important is to have a rich inner life that cultivates a state of calmness and clarity of mind from which intuition springs. It is usually recommended to commit at least 20 minutes twice a day to spiritual practices, preferably at sunrise and sunset. Jyotish literally means the "lord of light," but is often translated as the "science of light." "Jyoti" means light, which refers to the luminosity of the stars and planets. However, since our outer reality is a reflection of our inner reality, the light also refers to the light of God within. The jyotishi needs to be attuned to the inner spiritual light in order to interpret external phenomenon clearly. "Astrology is a revelatory science and it is revealed not by aggression but by faith and surrender to the divine," K.N. Rao says. 5) Ethical Orientation The jyotishi can experience inner light while doing spiritual practices but if his or her actions are not ethical then his or her clarity of mind suffers. Jyotish was brought forth by great sages for the welfare and benefit of humanity. When the jyotishi has the same attitude, and their primary motivation is to benefit and serve others, then he or she can be the most effective. The Dalai Lama says, "The key to ethical behavior is the concern for the welfare of others." Here's just one quote, among many others, that indicate that the original intention

of Jyotish was for the welfare of others: Maharishi Parashara said: O Brahmin! Now, after making obedience to Lord Shiva, I shall describe the Kala Chakra Dasha. Whatever was related by Lord Shiva to Goddess Parvati is being explained by me for the use of sages to be utilized for the welfare of the people. - Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra ch46, v52-53 K.N. Rao emphasizes the need for an attitude of service when he says, "Fundamentally, true astrology begins only when one feels reasonably secure both inside and outside. Then only is one able to imbibe an attitude of service – which is the crucial key to unlocking the treasure of any Vidya (knowledge) such as astrology." Astrology, like counseling, is a helping profession. Jyotish is also a powerful predictive system. A jyotishi's words can strongly influence others for better or for worse. Therefore, he or she needs to evaluate whether what they say and how they say it is ultimately helpful. Certainly, instilling fear in others through fatalistic statements is not helpful. In addition, promoting expensive remedial measures unnecessarily in order to benefit the jyotishi financially is unethical. Ultimately, how the jyotishi handles their relationships with clients is their own karmic responsibility. "Always remember the four 'mahavakyas' (great axioms) of astrology - have faith; be diligent and practice patience; humbly learn from your mistakes, and live a life of service. Then the divine lotus of astrology will open in you." - K.N. Rao Quotes From Classical Jyotish Texts From Sage Varahamihira in the Brihat Samhita: "The astrologer must be clean, efficient, bold, eloquent, possessed of genius, sincere, not timid in assemblies, not to be overpowered by fellow students, expert, well versed in the art of performing rituals of both curative and preventive types and suggesting remedial measures." From Sage Parashara in the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra: Teach this supreme vedanga jyotish shastra only to one who is gentle and amiable, devoted, truthful, brilliant and well known to you. Only that person, who possesses adequate knowledge of time and the positions of grahas and nakshatras, can understand this Hora Shastra. Only that person, who has complete knowledge of the Hora Shastra and who is truthful, can make correct favorable, or unfavorable predictions." (Ch. 97)

Astro-Profile: Venus Williams's Big Comeback Created: 05 July 2005

"Excellent. Well done." - K.N. Rao

Venus Williams - Tennis Star Birth Data Birth Name: Venus Ebone Starr Williams Birth Date: June 17, 1980 Birth Time: 2:12 PM PDT (+7:00) Birth Place: Lynwood, California USA Latitude: 33 N 55; Longitude: 118 W 12 Lahiri Ayanamsha: -23:34:53 Planetary Positions Asc 19° 57' Virgo Sun 3° 12' Gemini Moon 4° 05' Leo Merc 27° 22' Gemini Venus 29° 09'R Taurus Mars 24° 21' Leo Jup 10° 31' Leo Sat 27° 12' Leo Rahu 27° 59' Cancer Ketu 27° 59' Capricorn

Over the last two years Venus Williams had become a disappointment. The former #1 women's tennis player in the world was on her way out, or so everyone thought. She hadn't won any major championships, her ranking had tumbled to #16, and she was plagued with numerous injuries. Fashion and interior design became her thing, not tennis. That story recently changed. In May she won her first tournament in a year in Turkey, and then remarkably she went on to win the year's biggest tournament at Wimbledon on July 2nd! This was her 3rd Wimbledon singles championship, but this year she was hardly anyone's bet to win, being seeded a low #14. The year before she had lost in the 2nd round. This year, however, Venus was arguably the brightest planet in the sky again, practically overnight. How can this dramatic comeback be explained astrologically? In order to understand what's happening now we have to first understand her natal horoscope. The dashas and transits, the main tools for prediction in Vedic astrology, activate the promises inherent in the natal horoscope. Let's first take a look at what the stars and planets say from the moment of birth.

Natal Chart Analysis Bhadra Mahapurusha Yoga in the 10th house Venus Williams has Virgo rising with the ruler of Virgo, Mercury, in the 10th house in it's own sign in Gemini. This gives her a career orientation and a powerful career at that. How powerful? This is a Bhadra Mahapurusha Yoga ('yoga' here means planetary combination) because Mercury is on an angle in it's own or exalted sign. 'Maha' means great and 'purusha' means human being. This is a planetary combination that gives her exemplary qualities of Mercury. The classical texts praise this yoga with descriptions like, "The person is physically strong and healthy, with long arms, commanding stature, a gait with the majesty of an elephant, face like a lion, broad chest and shoulders, and proportionate limbs. The voice is sweet and impressive. The person is virtuous and learned, of a stable mind and very intelligent. Independent in all undertakings, judicious, extremely wealthy, blessed with comforts etc." This certainly describes her quite well. This yoga happens to fall in the 10th house elevating her career, status and bringing fame. And if this wasn't enough Mercury is also Vargottama, meaning it stays in Gemini in the Navamsha chart (9th divisional chart), which further strengthens Mercury. Gemini is an agile, versatile and quick sign, which describe her athletic ability. Mercury is also conjunct with the Sun, a royal planet, but not too closely so it does not combust (burn up) Mercury. The Sun gains directional strength or 'Dik Bala' in the 10th house, which further enhances the status, recognition, leadership, domination and career success. The Sun is also the 12th lord in the 10th house, which can indicate a number of things success in foreign countries, or a career that changes frequently, or goes in spurts. For Venus it looks like a combination of these. It can also indicate working for oneself because of the need for a flexible, independent work schedule. She's recently started her own interior design company. Malavya Mahapurusha Yoga in the 10th house from the Moon Overall she will become successful quite easily at whatever she does because of the

strength of Mercury in her chart, which again is the 1st and 10th lord in the 10th house. Her success is reinforced by Venus being in it's own sign of Taurus in the 9th house, which is also the 10th house from the Moon, an important alternate ascendant. This creates another Mahapurusha Yoga, Malavya Mahapurusha Yoga, from the Moon, which further enhances her potential for career success. This is significant because she has been in a Venus mahadasha or planetary period for most of her life, from age 5-25. She has been quite accustomed to being successful from an early age and became a professional tennis player at age 14. Venus in it's own sign in the 9th house gives her a strong sense of her dharma or life purpose, in her Venus mahadasha. The 9th house is a house of 'dharma' along with the 1st and 5th houses. Venus is also her 'Atmakaraka' or indicator of her soul since Venus is the planet with the highest degrees in any sign. For so many reasons is it any wonder that she's so interested in fashion and design and that her name is Venus?!

Vipareeta Raja Yoga You'll notice that she has 4 planets in the 12th house. At first glance you may be surprised to see this in the chart of a world class celebrity. The 12th house is a house of loss, expenditure, isolation, and planets placed there are generally considered weak. However, this is actually a special Raja Yoga or 'Royal' Yoga called Vipareeta Raja Yoga formed when the ruler of a dusthana house, the 6, 8, or 12th house, is placed in another dusthana house. The classical texts praise this yoga as well by saying, "This confers learning, longevity, fame and prosperity. The person will have illustrious friends, be successful in all ventures, a conqueror of foes, and a great celebrity." Again you could say that this describes Venus to a "T." Raja Yoga, Chandra-Mangala Yoga and Gajakesari Yoga This Vipareeta Raja Yoga is enhanced significantly because the Moon is one of the four planets in the 12th house. When you make the Moon the ascendant, several Raja Yogas are formed, by the combining of the lords of the 4th, 5th, 7th and 9th houses. Raja Yogas give career rise and overall success.

This also forms a Chandra-Mangala Yoga because Mars and the Moon mutually aspect one another, being conjunct in the 12th house. This contributes to her ability to earn money easily and accumulate wealth even though it is in the 12th house of losses. Lastly, this also forms a Gajakesari Yoga because Jupiter is in an angular position from the Moon, being conjunct in the 12th house. 'Gaja' means elephant and 'kesari' means lion - the two kings of the forest. This yoga gives strength and leadership. Jupiter, Mars and the Moon are also natural and temporal friends with the Sun, the ruler of Leo in the 10th house, so these yogas increase in strength by virtue of being placed in the sign of Leo. Leo, the Royal Sign of Leadership Another important point is that Leo is a sign of royalty, authority and leadership and is the best sign for competitors according to K.N. Rao. Often times you'll see athletes with strong planets in Leo. Venus's 4 planets placed here give her a tough competitive edge and ability to dominate. Interestingly, if you look at Venus's 3rd house of younger siblings (the sign of Scorpio) you'll see that the 4 planets in Leo are in the 10th house from the 3rd house. This shows that her younger sibling, Serena, also has a powerful career and is a tough competitor. Both Venus and her sister Serena have their Moon's placed in Leo in their natal charts. The Drekkana Chart (3rd Divisional Chart) Incidentally, I believe that Venus must be born at least 14 seconds after 2:12 pm because this would change her Drekkana chart (3rd divisional chart) ascendant from Capricorn to Taurus. This is the divisional chart that describes siblings. From Taurus rising Cancer is the 3rd house, which becomes the ascendant of Serena, her next younger sibling. From Cancer, Mars is in the 10th house in its own sign of Aries forming a Ruchaka Mahapurusha Yoga. Mars is also conjunct Saturn and aspected by Jupiter which is placed in its own fire sign of Sagittarius. These strong influences in fire signs describe Serena's fierce competitive drive very well. In one interview Venus said, "I want to become as tough a fighter as Serena." Below are the two Drekkana charts with before 2:12:13 pm on the left and after 2:12:13 pm on the right:

Drekkana Charts

Venus and Serena on the cover of Time Magazine - Sep. 3, 2001

Dasha and Transit Analysis By this natal chart analysis you'll see that it is because of the strength of these planetary positions that she has the confidence and inherent ability to dominate and be successful. In a recent interview she said, "I knew it was my destiny to be in the winner's circle. There were times along the way when I didn't make it there. But I felt my destiny was definitely to win big titles, win lots of titles." If this is the case then what happened over the last two years? Why the slump? What planetary indications represent this? First let's step back and see the big picture of her dasha scheme and then focus in on the last two years. Venus Mahadasha - Getting Established As a Leader 20 years: April 1985 to April 2005 Venus is a temporal benefic for Virgo rising because it rules the trinal 9th house. It is also in the 9th house in it's own sign of Taurus as mentioned. The 9th lord and/or the 9th house gives progress, growth, learning, travel, and fortune. From the Moon, Venus is in the 10th house giving Malavya Mahapurusha Yoga as previously discussed. Venus is also aspected closely by Saturn the 5th lord forming a Dana Yoga between the 2nd, 5th and 9th lords who are all wealth giving planets (the 5th and 9th houses are houses of Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth). This gives her focus, discipline, perseverance, and helps her get established as a leader. Saturn aspecting Venus also reveals the tension with her father, her tennis coach, because Saturn is also the 6th lord representing conflict with the 9th

lord, representing the father. Venus/Sat and Venus/Mer Sub Dashas - Achievements 6 yrs: Feb 1998 to Feb 2004 These have been her two most successful sub periods yet, resulting in wealth, fame and success. Why? Saturn and Mercury are both involved in beneficial yogas, as discussed, that will become activated in their sub dashas within the Venus mahadasha. They are both natural friends of Venus when you consider the two families of planetary friendships: Venus, Saturn, Mercury as opposed to Jupiter, Mars, Sun and the Moon. Both Saturn and Mercury's ruler or dispositor is placed in the 10th house of career success. Saturn in Leo is ruled, or disposited by the Sun who is placed in the 10th house. Mercury is its own dispositor, since it's in its own sign of Gemini in the 10th house along with the Sun.

Looking at the mahadasha lord as an alternate ascendant is an important method taught by my teacher, K.N. Rao. In this case, when you make Venus in Taurus an alternate ascendant, then Venus becomes the 1st lord in the 1st house, with both Mercury and Saturn ruling the 5th and 9th trinal houses respectively. This makes them both temporal benefics from Venus in Taurus and indicates that these sub dashas will be very beneficial. Saturn's aspect onto Venus from Leo then becomes the 9th and 10th lord aspect to the 1st lord. This forms a spectacular Raja Yoga between Venus and Saturn. Her Venus/Saturn dasha from Feb 1998 - April 2001 was her best period ever. In 2000 she had a 32 match winning streak and won both the singles and doubles (with her sister Serena) at Wimbledon, the US Open, and the Olympics! Venus summed up her 2000 triumphs well by saying, "I guess I've graduated to a different level where I can be like some of the greats." Transit of Saturn in Gemini - Injuries 34 months: July 2002 to May 2005 This transit of Saturn through Gemini conjunct the Sun and later Mercury represented facing her own limitations (Saturn) regarding her body which is represented by the Sun, significator of the 1st house and the ruler of the 1st house, Mercury. Injuries plagued her her wrist, stomach and shoulder. Saturn from Gemini also aspects, with it's special 3rd aspect (sextile), to Leo and her 4 planets - Moon, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. This aspect especially to Mars, the 8th lord, and Saturn, her 6th lord, represented accidents and injuries in addition to the challenges presented by Saturn's transit through Gemini over the Sun and Mercury. She went against the advice of her father and played with injuries and later regretted it because it only served to prolong her recovery. The sign of Gemini, her 10th house, receives 42 sarvashtakavarga points in the ashtakavarga system, which is phenomenally high. Below 20 points is considered weak, above 30 strong, and above 40 very strong. This generally strengthens her 10th house and indicates that transits will be very beneficial through her career house. Saturn's transit in Gemini contributes 6 of the 42 points, which is a very high number (8 is the highest possible which is very rare) and represents that overall this was not as detrimental a transit over the Sun and Mercury as it could have been. This is a clue that this time period during Saturn's transit in Gemini did not represent the end of her tennis career as many speculated.

Venus/Mer/Sat and Venus/Ketu Sub Dasha - Worst Slump September 13, 2003 to April 25 2005 These were the hardest sub dashas of all. The day after she started Venus/Mercury/Saturn her half-sister, who was her 3rd oldest sister, was shot and killed. The 7th house, the sign of Pisces, represents the 3rd oldest sister because the 11th is the next oldest, the 9th the 2nd oldest, and the 7th the 3rd oldest. From the 7th house Venus, the dasha lord rules the 8th house, the house of death. Mercury the sub dasha lord rules the 7th house, which is a maraka (killer) house. Saturn the sub sub dasha lord rules the 12th house, the house of loss and is conjunct Mars, the planet of violence in the 6th house of accidents. Venus/Mercury/Saturn could not be a good dasha for her 3rd oldest sister. This began a cycle for Venus of grief and disillusionment. Saturn represents grief and its transit in Gemini was approaching her Mercury in her 10th house causing her to evaluate and question herself (1st lord) and her career (10th lord). A few months later she began her 14-month sub dasha of Ketu, which began in February 2004. The press during this time speculated that she had lost her motivation, confidence and desire to win. She seriously contemplated retirement. These are typical traits of a Ketu dasha. We become disillusioned with the status quo and begin looking outside of our normal experience. She became attracted to other life directions like interior decorating and fashion while her injuries required her to convalesce.

Sun Mahadasha Sun Sub Dasha- The Big Comeback April 25 2005 to Aug 13 2005 The first sign of a significant astrological event that could indicate a comeback was simply the ending of the Venus/Ketu sub dasha at the end of April, 2005. Ketu is a reflective, contemplative planet. It is the moksha karaka or significator of spritual liberation and is not interested in worldy fame and success. Usually people's level of motivation and drive is at an all time low. Ketu dashas often lead people into simplifying their lives, convalescence, retreat, isolation, exploring in unusual directions etc. It is often a time of inner work or inner preparation for a creative phase that follows Ketu dashas. This is because Venus dashas (creativity) always follow Ketu dashas (unless it's a Venus/Ketu sub dasha which is followed by Sun mahadasha). The second indication of a comeback is that the 6-year Sun Dasha came next. The Sun, as we have seen in our natal interpretation, is conjunct the 10th lord Mercury in the 10th house where it gets directional strength. Because of this the focus shifts again to career success. The Sun benefits by association with such a strong Mercury as explained earlier. There are modifications to this because the Sun rules the 12th house but let's save that discussion for later. The third indication is that on May 27th Saturn left the sign of Gemini by transit. The influence of Saturn in the 10th house tightly conjunct Mercury her 1st and 10th lord and aspecting Mars and Saturn in the 12th house was heavy and burdensome especially in a reflective Ketu sub dasha. She felt the pressure to recover her health to 100% so she could return to her old form. This became a huge weight that was lifted at the end of May. In an interview after winning Wimbledon she said, "I have to thank God for letting me be healthy."

The fourth indication is that on June 5th Jupiter went direct by transit in her ascendant after being retrograde for 4 1/2 months. Jupiter was now approaching her ascendant degree, which is one indication for improved health, happiness, and overall success. Jupiter also receives an extremely high 7 ashtakavarga points in Virgo, which further enhances the positive qualities of this transit. The 5th indication is that the double transit of Jupiter and Saturn (click here to read my article on the subject) was now in her ascendant and 5th house, two dharma houses that fuel her to progress and move forward in her life purpose, because Jupiter and Saturn were both aspecting these houses by transit. This improves her health and self-confidence (1st house) and creative, dynamic self-expression (5th house). Having the dashas and major transits lining up to indicate a comeback allows us to now look more deeply at the other transits, particularly of the mahadasha lord, the Sun, or to the Sun by other planets. This is a subtler consideration that shouldn't be emphasized early in one's analysis because it doesn't carry the weight as do the dashas and major transits. Here's the 6th indication. Isn't it amazing that on the day of her Wimbledon final with Lindsey Davenport that the Sun was transiting in Gemini, her 10th house?! As mentioned earlier, her 10th house of Gemini gets an incredible 42 sarvashtakavarga points, the most of any of her houses. This strengthens transits through this house tremendously. The Sun contributes a very high 6 binnashtakavarga points making the Sun's transit between June 15th and July 16th in Gemini very powerful and helpful for her to win a major Grand Slam event. It's interesting to note that the Wimbledon tournament is always scheduled while the Sun is in Gemini, which is one reason she's had such a history of success there. She won it in 2000, 2001 and was runner up to her sister in 2002, 2003. 2004 was her Ketu sub dasha with a difficult transit of Saturn as we‘ve discussed. And now she's won again in 2005. "You never know what life is going to throw at you, and each and every day I just expect the Sun to come up, that's all, these days," she said.

I understand Venus! Spoken well by someone with the Sun overhead at birth in the 10th house! Now your Sun dasha is also up for the next 6 years! Will the Big Comeback Really Last? Is Venus really back as the brightest star in the firmament? Or was this just the luck of a few good transits? No, the Sun dasha is significant. She will be more in the media. The Sun is with Mercury in the 3rd sign of Gemini. Did you know that her and Serena have started their own reality TV show and will have cameras following them off the court? They've also written their own book entitled 'Venus and Serena: Serving From the Hip: 10 Rules for Living, Loving, and Winning.' These are all Gemini and Mercurial activities. She will be more and more in the visible limelight again. What about being on the top of the tennis ranks again? What concerns me is that the Sun is the 12th lord and debilitated in the Navamsha chart. She is also in the beginning of a Sadhe Saati period (Saturn within 45 degrees° of the Moon). These are the modifications of the Sun dasha time period that I mentioned earlier. Sun as the 12th lord indicates that in her Sun dasha there would be a break in her career, and her public image would change. I don't see her completing her Sun dasha as a tennis pro. I think this is a short lived comeback actually. In her Sun Mars dasha after February 2006 she could revisit some old injuries. Why? Because the Sun is the 12th lord and debilitated in the Navamsa, as mentioned, which could generally indicate challenges with health in her 6 year Sun dasha. In addition, Mars is the planet of injury and accidents and is the 8th lord conjunct with the 6th lord Saturn. Looking at it from the dasha lord, the Sun, as the ascendant, Mars is the 6th and 11th lord, which are both houses of injury (the 11th house is the 6th house from the 6th house), and is conjunct Saturn the 8th lord. Saturn's transit at this time will also be aspecting her ascendant degree more closely from Cancer by transit which could indicate challenges with injuries. Saturn's transit is also in the 12th house from her Moon, which could represent being held up and frustrated. I don't think it's a major setback however, because Mars is involved in exceptional yogas in the sign of Leo, which is a strong sign for Mars as discussed earlier. If I were to make a prediction I'd say she will retire from tennis in her Sun Saturn dasha after March 2008. Saturn will be transiting through Leo, her 12th house of loss, where it receives a very weak 0 ashtakavarga points and will be aspecting her natal Moon, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. She will be experiencing both her Saturn return and her Sadhe Saati period as previously mentioned. The Dashamsha Chart (10th Divisional Chart) This can also be seen in her Dashamsha chart (10th divisional chart), which is the divisional chart pertaining to one's career. In this chart, her current dasha lord, the Sun, happens to also be her 10th lord of career for Scorpio rising. This is in addition to the Sun being the significator of the 10th house (career) as well as the 1st house (body) in any chart. The Sun is placed in the benefic 9th house aspected by Jupiter, which indicates progress in her career in her Sun dasha. However, the Sun is also aspected by two malefics, Mars and Saturn. Mar's aspect, as the 1st and 6th lord in its own sign in the 6th house, could help her defeat her competitors in her Mars sub dasha. However, as the 6th lord it can also represent injuries. It's not extreme because Mars is strong on its own sign and creates a Raja Yoga with the Sun, being a combination of the 1st and 10th lord. Saturn's aspect is more

challenging because it is a natural enemy of the Sun and is a temporal malefic for Scorpio ascendant, in addition to being a natural malefic in any chart. This again confirms that her Saturn sub dasha after March 2008 could represent a break or change in her career.

Dashamsha Chart I think she knows that tennis is rather short lived which is one reason why she's already exploring other businesses and career choices. In a recent interview she said, "Tennis is what I do, it's all-consuming. But at the same time I have to realize this is just one part of my life, this is only one stage of my life, and I'll move on from this one day." In any case, Venus' future is bright and she will gradually become more spiritually and metaphysically oriented which is indicated by 4 planets, especially the Moon (mind) and Jupiter (spirituality), placed in the 12 house of spiritual depth. She is now in the dasha of her 12th lord, the Sun, and will enter a Moon mahadasha in April 2011. Her Mother, Oracene Price, said during an interview on the Oprah Winfrey show, "Venus is very deep. She's always been that way. I remember when she was a baby—she would go off into space, and then she'd come back. I'd say, 'What in the world is this little girl thinking about?' Wherever Venus' orbit has taken her, it has led her to dizzying heights of success and fame in a span of a few short years. But isn't this just what we should expect from the brightest planet in the sky?

What About Malefics in Strength in Angles? Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 25 October 2005

The following question is in reference to the Vedic Astrology Diary article entitled, Ted Bundy and Malefic Planet in Angles. Question: According to K.N. Rao in the article, The Value of Benefic Planets in Angles, malefics in kendras (angular houses 1, 4, 7, 10) bring about "a malicious, ill-equipped, dishonest, poor scholar with either no sound

knowledge or ill-digested knowledge." However with reference to the above article (chart of Ted Bundy), Mars is in his own house (4th house - Scorpio) in the Rasi (natal) Chart. Isn't that a good signature for Mars, 4th lord in the 4th house? mcsun (Mr Curious) Answer from Vaughn Paul: It's a good point you are making and a good question. Mars is in its own or exalted sign on an angle forming a ruchaka mahapurusha yoga, which gives Mars strength. This is a good example of how the strength of planets can be misleading. Mars is obviously strong, as the 4th lord in the 4th house. Not only is it its own sign of Scorpio, it is in one of the angular houses, which are houses of power and strength. Mars also gets 1.30 shad bala points which is quite high. When a malefic planet is in strength does it mean it will act more benefically? No, this is not necessarily the case. In the chart of Adolf Hitler, you'll see that he also has a ruchaka mahapurusha yoga with Mars in the 7th house in the sign of Aries. Please see the Online Course sample Lesson 6 entitled, The Essential Meaning of the Houses, to see Hitler's chart. I've seen many charts of a debilitated Mars where Mars acts quite benefically. K.N. Rao says that debilitated planets can give humility. By contrast, exalted planets or planets in strength can act arrogantly. I think this was the case with Ted Bundy. Mars is strong, so Mars's traits are strong. Mars in Scorpio can give secretive, manipulative, cunning, sex-crazed, aggressive or violent tendencies. Mars also gets the additional conjunction of Ketu, another secretive, fiery, and manipulative planet. I think that what shows the criminal tendencies the most is that the Sun, Moon, and Mercury join Mars and Ketu in Scorpio. The Sun is the lagna lord and the indicator of personality, the Moon is the mind and emotions, Mercury is the intellect. These are all the key personality indicators in the chart falling under the infuence of strongly placed malefic planets in kendras.

The Value of Benefic Planets in Kendras (Angles) Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 22 October 2005

Sometimes it appeared [Swami Paramananda Saraswati] gave upmost importance to benefics in kendras (angular houses 1, 4, 7, 10): one, two, or three. A horoscope without any benefic in kendra would get compensated to some extent if benefics aspected kendras. The Vishnu sthanas (kendras/angular houses) showed nobility and benefics reinforced such noble approach to the divine subject of astrology. An astrologer with only malefics in kendras was a malicious, ill-equipped, dishonest, and poor scholar with either no sound knowledge or ill-digested knowledge, in which he would combine inferior siddhis (powers) more, and astrology less. This is known as shoola (thorn) yoga. They have unhappiness in their families with their children and wife etc. reprinted with permission Note by Vaughn Paul Manley: As a general principle, the more the benefic planets (Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Moon) influence the key locations in the chart the better. This includes the Vishnu sthanas or kendra houses (1, 4, 7, 10) and Lakshmi sthanas or trikona houses (1, 5, 9), the lagna(ascendant) lord, Moon and Sun. This will modify the negative impact of having malefics in kendras.

Ted Bundy and Malefic Planets in Angles Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 23 October 2005

In the previous post I quoted K.N. Rao as describing many negative characteristics of malefic planets (Mars, Saturn, Rahu/Ketu and the Sun) in kendras (angular houses 1, 4, 7, 10). Here is the Vedic astrology chart of Ted Bundy, the infamous serial killer of the 1970's who was eventually executed for his crimes. Notice how he has Mars, Rahu, Ketu and the Sun in kendras. He has a total of five planets in Scorpio, which is a malefic rasi (sign) ruled by Mars, a malefic planet. Scorpio is also a secretive, intense and violent rasi which becomes even more so when Mars and Ketu are located there, two fiery planets. There are two benefic planets, Mercury and the Moon, located in Scorpio. However, both of these planets are weak by nature because they take on the characteristics of the planets they are associated with. In addition, the Moon is not only debilitated in Scorpio but it is weak by being dark or a new Moon. Ted Bundy was known as the "Poster Boy" of serial killers. He was handsome, charming and would lure young beautiful woman to have sex with him, and then violently murder them. Notice how he has Jupiter and Venus conjunct in Libra. Venus is strong in Libra and is very outgoing, attractive, and charming.

Natal Chart of Ted Bundy

Quiz: Is this the Chart of a Criminal? Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 26 October 2005 Based on the previous articles on 10/26/2005 and 10/23/2005regarding the criminal tendencies in the chart of serial killer Ted Bundy, please analyze the following chart and vote in the web poll below - Is this the chart of a criminal? How is this chart the same and different than Ted Bundy's chart? Find out the answer tomorrow, with an explanation.

Chart #1 - Quiz Chart

Quiz Answer: Is this the Chart of a Criminal? Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 28 October 2005

Quiz Answer: Maybe sometime in his life. Most people picked answer #4 in the web poll 'Maybe sometime in his life,' which is correct.

However, in the first part of the day most people had picked 'Yes, definitely.' This is the chart of a good friend of mine so it was fun to call him up and tell him that "Most people think you're a criminal!" which he thought was hilarious.

Chart #1 - Quiz Chart This is the chart of a middle-aged man who is a very successful self-made businessman. He was able to retire in his late-forties after selling two multi-million dollar companies - a property management firm as well as a security guard company. In his teenage years he sold drugs, which was the extent of his criminal activity. He's extremely ambitious by nature and easily takes on leadership roles. He also can be very tough and uncompromising, for instance, when it comes to firing an employee. At the same time he's known as a sensitive, caring person with a strong interest in occult or mystical knowledge. He's deeply spiritual with Ketu within a few degrees of the Moon, his ascendant lord. His criminal activity was in his Moon dasha from age 12 till age 22. Also, during that time he began a regular practice of meditation, which he has sustained for more than twenty five years.

Chart #2 - Ted Bundy's Natal Chart Both his chart and the chart of Ted Bundy, the serial killer, have many similarities as well as significant differences. Both charts have a very strong Mars in its own or exalted sign in an angular house forming a ruchaka mahapurusha yoga. This indicates that Mars's qualities will predominate such as ambition, aggression, assertiveness. Both charts have the conjunctions of Mars, Ketu, and the Moon. Mars and Ketu are both fiery planets which further heightens the fiery qualities that Mars represents. The Moon represents the mind and in both charts is closely aspecting both Mars and Ketu within a few degrees. Ketu represents secret or occult activities that are outside of the norm. A main difference is that my friend has the feminine water sign of Cancer as a rising sign, while Bundy has Leo rising which is a masculine, fire sign. Cancer is a sensitive and caring sign, while Leo is a self-centered and ambitious sign. Leo is much more likely to be insensitive, dominating and impulsive which are prerequisites for criminal behavior. We have to give primary importance to the ascendant which is the 'stamba' or pillar of the chart. Another obvious difference is that Bundy has this conjunction of Mars, Ketu and the Moon in the 4th house while my friend has it in the 10th house. The 4th house is a private and secretive house while the 10th house is the opposite. It's in the visible portion of the sky, giving a very public disposition. Bundy's criminal activity was all secretive and covert. Even people who knew him didn't suspect his secret serial killer life. Scorpio is also an obsessive, intense sign. With Bundy's 5 planets there - Mars, Ketu, Moon, Sun, and Mercury - these qualities become extreme and excessive.

Clairovoyance and Vedic Astrology Written by K.N. Rao Created: 08 November 2005

The best planetary combinations for clairovoyance, or evensiddhis (spiritual powers) are: a) Connection of Ketu with Jupiter, involving the 5th house and its lord, the 8th house and its lord, or the 12th house and its lord. b) The second best is, the same combination as above without the involvement of Jupiter. c) The third best is Ketu in the 12th house without any aspect, Moon in the rashi (sign) of Saturn aspected by Mars, or in the rashi of Mars aspected by Saturn, with Jupiter influencing the lagna (ascendant) or lagna lord exactly. The best example I have seen to date, though I have not succeeded in collecting the horoscopes of other gifted saints, is that of my own Guruji (Swami Paramananda Saraswati). Note the combinations.

Swami Paramananda Saraswati's Natal chart

Swami Paramananda Saraswati's Navamsha chart a) Ketu in the twelfth house aspected by the 5th and the 8th lord, Jupiter. b) In the navamsa, as also in the birth horoscope, the Moon comes under the influence of both Saturn and Mars. Since very early in his life he took to sannyas (renunciate vows) and maintained the pure spiritual life throughout, and went rising higher and higher. Clairovoyance was one of his supernormal achievements, or siddhis. reprinted with permission

Marakas: The 'Death-Inflicting' 2nd and 7th Houses Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 20 October 2005


the Discussion

Board - 7/09/03

Question:, I had an interesting thought on the 2nd house, which is known as being a "maraka" or death-related house in Vedic Astrology. You mention in an article that the 2nd is the 12th from (loss of) the 3rd, with the third being a house of longevity (the 8th from the 8th). At the same time, the 2nd is the 2nd from (gain of) the 1st house, with the 1st showing life and longevity. This would at least seem to almost cancel out the death-causing component of 2nd house-ruling planets in Vedic Astrology. What do you think? Answer by Vaughn Paul: It‘s a great question. You‘re right, in Vedic astrology, surprisingly enough, the 2nd house and the 7th house are considered maraka or death inflicting houses. The logic being that the 8th house is the house of longevity, which makes also the 8th from the 8th, or the 3rd

house, as you mention, also a house of longevity. Taking the principle that the twelve house from any given house represents the loss of the indications of that house, then the 2nd and the 7th houses represent the loss of longevity or death. That makes sense enough. However, the problem comes, as you mention, about trying to understand how the 2nd house or the gain of the 1st house, which represents the birth of the body, or life, can also represent death. You‘d logically think it would be just the opposite if indeed the 2nd house from a given house represents the further fulfillment of the indications of that house. Three things come to mind. The first being that my general experience is that astrological indications don‘t cancel each other out. There could be instances where that‘s the case but I usually find that both indications take effect at once. James Braha also talks about this. I‘d be curious to know if that‘s also your experience? I chock it up to the fact that we lead complicated lives and a lots happening. For instance, someone could die when they‘re just starting to make a lot of money! Both could happen when the 2nd house is strongly active in the chart. The second point is that while the 8th is a house of longevity, it is also a house of death, being like Scorpio in the natural zodiac. Taking the principle that the houses opposite one another reflect the meanings of that house, then the 2nd house also carries the dual characteristics of the 8th house in that it can give longevity or death depending on the nature of the planets involved. So it‘s one of those tricky interpretations that can mean the opposite of what you‘d logically expect. For instance, like how Saturn, the planet of death, is notorious for giving longevity when placed in the 8th house, the house of death. Maybe this is an example of two opposing indications canceling each other out – the death of death gives life. The third point is that the 2nd house is a transitional house in that it represents the death of the night being just below the eastern horizon. The planets in the 2nd are about to give birth when they move into the 1st house on the eastern horizon. The other transitional houses on either side of the horizons generally cause difficulties particularly to one‘s health – the 12th (above the eastern horizon), the 8th (above the western horizon) and the 6th (below the western horizon). So in this sense, the 2nd house has a transitional quality and can cause difficulty to one‘s health. Of course, the death of the night is generally considered a positive transition. For this reason, I generally consider the 2nd house as less of a death inflicting maraka house than the 7th house. Especially when you consider that planets in the 7th are just about to ―die‖ by dropping below the horizon into night, the 7th makes more sense as a dangerous maraka house. That's kind of a long winded answer but it's such a great question and the logic seems so confusing that it seemed worth it to look at it closely.

Example of a Maraka Planet's Influence Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 21 October 2005

This is a chart of a client who died of cancer in August, 2005. She was in a Mercury-Venus-Ketu Vimshottari dasha period. She began her 17 year Mercury mahadasha in 1999, which began a period of decline of her health.

The 2nd and 7th houses are maraka, or death-inflicting houses. Notice how Mercury is in the 7th house. It, therefore, becomes a maraka planet simply by its location in the 7th house, and a Mercury mahadasha could indicate her final mahadasha period. Mercury is also conjunct the Sun, the 2nd lord, another maraka planet. This reinforces the death-inflicting potential of a Mercury mahadasha. She was diagnosed with Cancer in 2002 in a Mercury-Ketu period. She had a successful surgery in that year and didn't have a relapse of her cancer until the fall of 2004 in her Mercury-VenusSaturn period. As soon as Saturn transited into Cancer, and aspected her lagna, and was opposite her Sun and Mercury she had the relapse. Notice also how Venus is in the 8th house, the house of chronic illness, struggle and death. Looking at Venus from two alternate lagnas, the Sun, and mahadasha planet, Mercury, Venus is in the 2nd house, a maraka house. She struggled for about 10 months with various kinds of medical treatment but to no avail. She died a peaceful death while Saturn was within 7 degrees of both her lagna and Sun by transit.

The Chart of a Professional Psychic Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 12 November 2005

Here's the Vedic astrology chart of a man who, like in yesterday's article, has also been a professional psychic for more than twenty five years. Notice how he has three planets in the 8th house, Venus, Ketu and Mars. Mars and Venus form a raja yoga in the 8th house as the rulers of the 4th and 5th houses respectively. This gives tremendous success and status in 8th house matters like psychic development and metaphysical studies. K.N. Rao says that, "Planets in the 8th house, have a very substantial role in [clairvoyant] visions, the range and frequency almost unlimited." This has been the case in this man's life. He has been a very popular psychic and has given more than 10,000 readings in nearly 30 years.

Notice also how there is a parivartana yoga or an exchange of signs between the Sun and Venus, who are the rulers of the 8th and 10th houses respectively. Venus is in the Sun's sign of Leo, while the Sun is debilitated in Venus's sign of Libra. This creates a powerful connection between the 10th house of career and the 8th house of metaphysics. He was in a Jupiter mahadasha from 1973 to 1989 during which time he began his career as a psychic. Again K.N. Rao says that clairvoyant visions happen most in the dashas or sub dashas of planets in Pisces or Cancer. In this case, this man has Jupiter in Pisces and during Jupiter's dasha he had many such clairvoyant visions. This also continued through his Saturn mahadasha. Saturn is closely aspected by Jupiter in Pisces. It's interesting to note that these last two charts of psychics both have their ascendants in earth signs, which must help to balance their otherwise other-worldly natures in the practical world.

The Effect of Aspects of Malefic Planets Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 16 November 2005

In Vedic astrology it's important to look closely at the aspects. All planets aspect the 1st and 7th house from themselves. Mars, Saturn and Jupiter also have special aspects. Mars also aspects the 4th & 8th, Saturn aspects the 3rd & 10th, Jupiter aspects the 5th and 9th from themselves. As a general rule, aspects from malefic planets will oppose the indications that are represented by the planet or houses it aspects. For instance, malefic aspects to the 5th house or 5th lord or signficator of the 5th house, Jupiter, will oppose, delay or make child birth difficult. If there are several malefic aspects then it may prevent child birth altogether.

However, it's easy to get into the trap of thinking that malefic aspects are entirely bad. Our life experience shows us that it's never that black and white. Every aspect, no matter how "bad", has some potentially positive effect. For instance, when I was getting my masters degree in counseling psychology I studied the charts of a lot of psychotherapists. I learned that a very high percentage had malefic aspects to the Moon, especially Saturn and the Moon. (Notice how the Saturn Moon opposition is found in the chart of His Holiness the Dalai Lama) This showed me that therapists own emotional challenges increased their empathy and sensitivity towards other's suffering. It also helped them understand the mechanics of the mind/emotions and made them good therapists. My teacher, K.N. Rao, points out that the malefic aspects from Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu indicate technical skill especially when aspecting the 5th house, 5th lord and/or Mercury. They may deny child birth but there are other gains like a career in engineering for instance. Also malefic aspects to the ascendant, ascendant lord, Moon, Sun add to this technical inclination.

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Temporal Malefic Planets in the 10th House Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 16 December 2005


the Discussion



Question: I need a clarification on one of the points you had made on the last quiz entitled, Rise or Fall in Career? on 12/13/2005. The horoscope has Aries Lagna for which, Mercury, as the lord of 3rd and 6th houses, is a functional malefic. However, you have explained that Mercury being conjunct with Sun is capable of giving good results in its antardasha. It is much more logical to assume that as a functional malefic, it would be more inclined to give difficulties in career during its antardasha. - Indira Answer by Vaughn Paul: Mercury is a significator of the 10th house of career along with the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn. In this chart, Mercury's signification as a career giver becomes reinforced by being located in the 10th house of career with the Sun, and aspected by Jupiter, two other signficators of career. This must be noted separate from Mercury's temporal malefic rulership for Aries lagna, as the 3rd and 6th lord.

The Sun rules the 5th house, and Jupiter the 9th house, two houses of Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth. Both of these planets of wealth aspect Mercury. From the alternate lagnas of the Moon

and Sun lagnas, Mercury becomes a temporal benefic, by becoming the ruler of the 9th house. Weighing these factors along with what has been mentioned on 12/13/2005, offsets the malefic status of Mercury as the 3rd and 6th lord in the 10th.

Natal Chart

Oprah Winfrey's Chart with Venus Combust Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 06 March 2006

Here is the Vedic astrology chart of the popular TV talk show host Oprah Winfrey. Notice how Venus is within 10 degrees of her Sun. This is called combustion in Vedic astrology, which is said to harm or 'burn up' the planet because of its proximity to the heat of the Sun. In Oprah's case Venus is considered deeply combust because it is within 1 degree. When a planet is combust it harms the external significations of the planet, but not the internal. It's a misconception that combustion entirely harms the planet. For instance, when Mercury is combust it can increase intelligence, which is an internal signification of Mercury, but the skin, nerves, lungs may be harmed, which are external significations. Venus combust, on the other hand, can increase creativity, but it can also harm marriage. It is not uncommon to see people with combust Venus that have delayed marriages, or unconventional relationships, like homosexual relationships. In Oprah's case she has never been married, which is unusual for someone so admired and successful. However, she has had a long term relationship, since 1986, with Stedman Graham, a motivational speaker and CEO of a management & marketing consulting firm. It is rumored that the couple hardly see each other because of their independent lifestyles and busy schedules. Combustion can be tricky to interpret correctly. For instance, in Oprah's chart Venus rules her 10th house of career. No one could justify saying that her career has been harmed because Venus is combust. She's had a phenomenal career. The Oprah Winfrey Show has remained the number one talk show for 19 consecutive seasons. Also, no one could claim that her beauty has been harmed, which is an external signification of Venus. She won the Miss Black Tennessee beauty pageant at age 18. Obviously there are other factors that modify combustion. Notice, how Venus is involved in multiple raja yogas, or royal combinations of planets, formed with the Sun and Jupiter as the rulers of the 10th, 1st and 5th houses respectively. Venus also exchanges signs with an exalted Saturn in Libra. Viewing the chart from the alternate lagnas, the Moon and Sun, Venus is again involved in raja yogas, which reinforces Venus's strength. Combustion is just one factor that needs to be considered in the analysis of the chart as a whole.

Rahu and Ketu Giving Raja Yoga Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 11 March 2006

There is an important quote in the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra,ch. 36., that explains how Rahu and Ketu can give a raja yoga: If the shadowy planets Rahu and Ketu are situated in an angle or a trine, are in a conjunction with or are aspected by the angular lord or the trinal lord, even then they are raja yoga karakas (indicators of raja yoga). - translated by Girish Chand Sharma The following example chart shows how Ketu becomes a raja yoga karaka by being located in a trinal house and aspected by two angular lords, the Moon and Saturn, rulers of the 10th and 4th houses respectively.

The Fifth House Key Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 27 March 2006

The 5th house is well known as the house of children, however, when our concept of children expands to mean creativity, what we produce, "our babies," our inherent talents we gain a broader understanding of its significance. The sage Parashara lays emphasis on the 5th house as the house of education and intelligence. We can see what a person will be interested in studying by the 5th house and 5th lord. As a dharma house it represents what inspires and motivates us, and gives us a sense of purpose. It is also the 3rd house from the 3rd house. The 3rd house is the house of hobbies and interests. As the higher octave of the 3rd house it represents our strong interests. The 5th house corresponds to the 5th sign of Leo, which is commonly known as the sign of creative self-expression. The 5th house is also known as the house of purva punya or past life merit. It represents where we have developed talents, skills, and gifts from a past life. It's important to direct our efforts towards our strengths and talents, which the 5th house represents. K.N. Rao emphasizes the 5th house for career and educational counseling. See the following quote from chapter three of his book, Yogis, Destiny and the Wheel of Time: "In a series of horoscopes I have tested career patterns, talents, gifts - normal and supernormal, by focusing on the fifth house and the fifth lord from the Lagna (ascendant) and the putrakaraka of Jaimini."

Status and Recognition and the 11th House Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 10 April 2006

The 11th house is commonly known as the "house of gains." It is the 2nd house (money) from the 10th house (career), which indicates that it represents the gains or income from our profession. It is also a public house because it resides in the visible or public quadrant of the sky overhead along with the 9th and 10th houses. As one of the three kama houses (3, 7, 11) it corresponds with the air signs or social signs. For these reasons, the 11th house is also a house of status and recognition. Favorable planetary influences on the 11th house and 11th lord can represent someone with a strong position of influence. The following is a chart is of a University Professor who has taught for over forty years. Her position is about as solid as one could hope for in a job. Notice how Venus, the 11th lord, is in its own sign of Libra, on an angle in the 4th house, aspected by yogakaraka Mars, the lord of the 5th and 10th house. She began teaching at the beginning of her Jupiter mahadasha, which was followed by her Saturn mahadasha. Jupiter and Saturn are both in the 11th house and form a raja yoga between the 7th and 9th lords. Looking at these planets from the alternate lagnas, the Moon and Sun, they again form raja yogas between the 5th and 7th lords in the 9th house. Her Jupiter and Saturn dashas (16 years and 19 years respectively) combined represented 35 years of recognition and status as a professor. They are also located in Taurus, which is a stable, steady, fixed earth sign. Now she is in a Mercury mahadasha, with Mercury exalted in the 3rd house. She is now spending a good deal of her time writing. If you look at Mercury from the Moon, Sun, or dasha lord Mercury then Mercury is the 1st and 10th lord exalted, conjunct the 11th lord Moon. This again shows the continued pattern of status and recognition that she has enjoyed since the late 60's.

Rahu and Addictions Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 24 April 2006

Rahu influenced time periods can represent phases in our lives when we are willing to explore in entirely new and unusual directions. Rahu is extroverted, materialistic, and represents foreigners, foreign experiences and strong, compulsive desires. We often find ourselves wanting to do things that are very uncustomary, so much so that people around us can wonder what got into us that we could change so abruptly. Sometimes the change can be as innocuous as a new hairdo, but it can also represent getting addicted to drugs, and other self-destructive behaviors. Rahu's influence can be reckless, bold, indiscriminate, and impulsive in its pursuit of the new and exciting. The following chart is of a woman who was in a Jupiter-Saturn- Rahu dasha while both Saturn and Rahu were transiting close to her ascendant degrees. It was during her 4 1/2 month Rahu sub sub period that she began hanging out with shady characters and became addicted to cocaine. Both Saturn and Rahu's influence in the ascendant can represent self-destructive tendencies during this time and drawing to herself negative influences.

This was a short-lived, aberrant phase of her life. When Rahu left Taurus by transit and she began the sub dasha of Mercury, which is both a natural benefic and temporal benefic as the ruler of the 5th house from the lagna and 9th house from the Moon, she gradually overcame her addiction and cleaned up her life.

Natal Chart

Transits May 25, 2002

Rahu and Mental Instability Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 25 April 2006

The transit of Rahu can represent an area of instability throughout the duration of its transit. Rahu's influence through the ascendant, for instance, can indicate a period of time where we are more willing to explore new directions and experiment as mentioned in yesterday's article. It can cause us to make sometimes radical changes in our lives. We can feel a strong desire for foreign travel, or if that's not possible, to chart new territory in one's

immediate environment. If the dashas support it, a Rahu transit can also represent a time to explore new inner terrain as was the case of the following chart. This man was in a Ven-Ven-Sun period last September when he began to explore altered states of awareness. Both Venus and the Sun are located in his 12th house which is a house of meditation, isolation, and introspection. At the same Rahu was transiting directly over his ascendant degree and he began to have hallucinations and lose mental stability. His ascendant is the sign of Pisces, which is a mystical sign to begin with, and Rahu's influence took him even further into unusual mystical states of awareness. In October 2005, when the eclipse took place in his ascendant, it became so extreme that he had to be admitted into a psychiatric hospital, which the 12th house, and the sign of Pisces, the 12th sign, can represent. However, by the time Rahu's transit was more than 10 degrees from his ascendant, after a few months, the instability was much less and he was released from the hospital. His transition into his Venus mahadasha about a year earlier marked a time when he began to focus more on his spiritual life, and has had less concern for his outer material life. Venus is in the 12th house from the ascendant and the 9th house from the Moon, which are both important houses for spiritual growth. After Rahu's transit over his ascendant degree he has been able to pursue this in a more balanced manner.

Natal Chart

Transits Sept 1, 2005

Rahu and Siblings | K.N. Rao Written by K.N. Rao Created: 12 May 2006

Rahu and Ketu are made use of so correctly for predictions both according to their presence in a horoscope and according to their dashas in the vimshottari dasha scheme. They are not planets, yet they are treated as ones, and their effects are shown through the proper study of the horoscope. The ancients must have combined their actual observation with their yogic insight, since India has always been a land of the greatest yogis in the world, to arrive at the clearest discernible results. A very simple rule may be tested. The 3rd house is the house of younger siblings and the 11th house of elder siblings. Rahu in those houses alone makes one either the youngest or the eldest of the children of the parents or the eldest or the youngest in that sex. Rahu who is the cause of an eclipse here does not allow the others among the siblings to occupy the first or the last position. Rahu, the cause of eclipses, performs the same act of eclipsing the siblings here. reprinted with permission

Rahu, Ketu and Relationships Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 21 April 2006

The influences of Rahu and Ketu, the north and south nodes of the Moon, are well known for producing a new relationship, marriage, or a change in an existing relationship during their dashas. They can cause unusual, out of the ordinary experiences that result in dramatic changes in our lives. They can represent periods of time when we have less power of free will at our disposal and are more under the influence of our prarabda karma or fate, for better or for worse. The following example charts show a dramatic example of a young couple meeting and starting a new relationship at the end of March, just a few weeks ago. The man was in his Rahu-Saturn-Ketu dasha, while the woman was in her Ketu-Rahu-Mercury dasha. They both have Virgo rising and Rahu and Ketu have been transiting through their 1st and 7th house axis. These are powerful transits for starting a new relationship, especially during dashas ruled by Rahu and Ketu. When they met they both knew they had met their destiny, instantly fell in love, and soon began making plans for marriage.

Male Natal Chart

Female Natal Chart

Transits on March 25, 2006

Samskaras, Rebirth and Prarabdha Karma Written by K.N. Rao Created: 26 July 2006

Sri Aurobindo in Karma and Rebirth in Hindu Astrology - ch. 7

One is born with one's own samskaras (mental impression or conditioning) which are of two types: one wich have been acquired in the present incarnation and the other which has been brought from the past life. Sri Aurobindo has said that it is not all the talents and all the samskaras of the past life that one brings into his present life. For instance, in the past life he may have had a great love for music, while in the present life there may be no attraction at all. The one samskara that seems to continue life after life is the spiritual samskara. It is for this reason that in the four ashram system of the Hindus, Brahmacharya comes first, in which training in spiritual and worldy disciples is given simultaneously. It is in late adulthood or old age that the spiritual training of early childhood leads to a life of detachment, and, if one is lucky, to a death with the mind attuned to the Divine. It leads to liberation, otherwise, there is rebirth. The stories of rebirth in the Puranas (sacred texts) contain the essential truth that the spiritual merit is the only imperishable merit one can have, while all the other merits of money, fame, and other worldly distinctions perish easily. The Yogas in a horoscope are the clearest indicators of prarabdha (destined karma) along with the time of birth, the birth Moon, and birth constellation. An in-depth study of a horoscope shows how one would plunge headlong into hectic activities, sin intensely, show ingratitude, and get trapped in sinister karmas. Astrology was studied only for this purpose, and counseling given was based on the one central aim of improving one's spiritual life. There are many secrets of Jyotish which are not given in books. Rishi-like astrologers first examine this aspect (prarabdha karma through yogas) in a horoscope. Astrology was studied by the rishi-like astrologers for the purpose of given counsel with the central aim of improving one's spiritual life. reprinted with permission

Jyotish, Karma, and the Practice of Kindness Written by K.N. Rao Created: 20 July 2006

in Karma & Rebirth in Hindu Astrology - ch. 7

Astrology done as part of sadhana (spiritual practice) does immense good to the astrologer himself. He sees God's laws working through the planets of a horoscope, in the dashas and yogas. In turn, the astrologer knows and shows the quirks and twists of destiny and the Wheel of Time. Karmas keep chasing you, they rise and meet you, they walk in front of you and behind you all the twenty four hours of the day. A good astrologer can see it through this super-science. He should improve his own karma first and not become a dollar-pinching consumerist of our age. Then he should explain to an intelligent consulter that karmas chase you always, birth after birth. It is heartening to read in the accounts of those who had 'out of body' experences that they discovered that kindness was all that was valued most in life after life. Belief in karma, creating a stronger belief in rebirth, leads to the improvement in the quality of life. The message of all studies of scriptures, jyotisha, and rebirth are two: do charities and believe in kindness. reprinted with permission

Whitney Houston's Rise to Fame Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 16 August 2006

Whitney Houston, one of the most successful female vocalists of all time, rose to fame in her 20 year Venus mahadasha, which began in July 1978. Notice how Venus becomes a yogakaraka planet for Aquarius rising, ruling both an angle and a trine - the 4th and 9th houses. Venus also forms multiple raja yogas with both Saturn, the lagna lord, and the Sun, the 7th lord. Additionally, Jupiter's aspect to Venus, as the 2nd and 11th lord, gives dhana or wealth producing yogas that increase her wealth and status. The peak of her fame, not surprisingly, came in her Venus-Saturn-Venus period with the release of the soundtrack for the movie, The Bodyguard, in the fall of 1992. This became one of the best-selling albums of all time. Saturn is both the ruler of her ascendant and a natural friend of Venus. It also mutually aspects Venus forming a raja yoga between the 1st, 4th and 9th lords. In the navamsha chart this pattern repeats with a vargottama Aquarius ascendant, where Saturn is again the ascendant lord and Venus the yogakaraka planet. Saturn this time forms a raja yoga with the 7th lord, the Sun, due to their mutual aspect and exchange of signs. Saturn also forms a favorable trinal relationship with Venus. In the dashamsha chart, Saturn is in Venus's sign of Taurus in the 11th house, and the 10th house from Venus. Whitney first came to fame in her Venus-Rahu period in the mid to late 1980's with her debut album that was one of the best selling albums ever. Rahu is also a natural friend of Venus and mutually aspects Venus in both the navamsha and dashamsha charts. In the navamsha chart, especially, Rahu is in a trinal house, aspected by Venus a trinal and angular lord, forming a raja yoga according to sage Parashara. Whitney's Venus gives raja yoga and its repeated, favorable connections with Saturn and Rahu in the natal chart, navamsha, and dashamsha charts show the ability to give success and fame in these sub periods especially.

Natal Chart

Navamsha Chart

Dashamsha Chart

Whitney Houston and Drug Addiction Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 21 August 2006

Drug addiction can be seen from a number of ways in the chart. First of all, the 2nd house represents what is ingested, particularly through the mouth, since the 2nd house (and the 2nd sign of Taurus) represent the mouth region - food, speech etc. Therefore, malefic planets located in or aspecting the 2nd house or the 2nd lord show a tendency towards foul or addictive oral substances like alcohol and smoking. The nodes of the Moon, Rahu and Ketu, are especially considered planets of addiction, but Saturn and Mars also can represent causing harm to one's self. Also, Venus is a planet of pleasure and indulgence and Jupiter's aspects to Venus can represent overindulgence. Additionally, the 12th house and the 12th sign of Pisces represent self-destructive tendencies, and escapist patterns. They are the most 'loose' in boundaries being mutable water and represents the dissolution of one's self, and identity. The 12th house, being a moksha house, along with the 4th and 8th houses, represent altered states of awareness. The 8th and 12th houses are also dusthana or malefic houses, along with the 6th house, which can represent illicit or illegal behaviors. in Whitney Houston's chart, Jupiter in its own sign in the 2nd house conjunct the Moon. This forms a strong gajakesari yoga in the 2nd house, which represents her tremendous singing voice and the wealth she's amassed. These might appear to be benefic influences on the 2nd house and 2nd lord that should protect her against drug addiction. However, notice how both Mars and Saturn also aspect the 2nd house, and the 2nd lord, Jupiter. Saturn particularly aspects Jupiter very closely from the 12th house. Additionally, the 2nd house is the sign of Pisces, an addictive sign under these malefic influences. Jupiter also aspects Venus in the 6th house, which shows her tendency toward indulgence. It was in her Venus mahadasha, from 1978-1998 that she began taking drugs. It's speculated that this began after her marriage with Bobby Brown in 1992, which was her Venus-Saturn dasha. Since her 10-year Moon mahadasha, which began on July 31st, 2004, her drug problem has

become common knowledge in the media. It became out of hand after Feb 2005 when Rahu transited into her 2nd house over her dasha lord Moon, and Jupiter, the 2nd lord. Fortunately, Rahu is now at early degrees in her 2nd house and quite far from the Moon and Jupiter. Saturn's transit through Cancer, while it is conjunct the Sun, and opposite Saturn, her lagna lord, is a crucial time for her recovery. Earlier this year, she was admitted to a rehabilitation program in Arizona.

Whitney Houston's Natal Chart

Whitney Houston and the Dusthana Yogas Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 22 August 2006

Dusthana means 'place of suffering.' 'Du' is short for dukha or suffering and 'sthana' means 'place.' The dusthana houses are houses 6, 8, and 12 and when the lord of a house is located in a dusthana house, the house it rules suffers. The influences of the dusthana houses often represent the most challenging karma in a person's chart. There are nine yogas that I like to call 'dusthana yogas' because it helps to remember this group of yogas. They involve the nine houses other than the three dusthana houses themselves. Each involves the lord of the house being placed in one of the three dusthana houses as listed below:

Ava Yoga – 1st lord in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house Nissva Yoga – 2nd lord in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house Mriti Yoga – 3rd lord in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house Kuhu Yoga - 4th lord in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house Pamara Yoga – 5th lord in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house Dushkriti Yoga – 7th lord in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house Nirbhagya Yoga – 9th lord in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house Dur Yoga – 10th lord in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house Daridra Yoga – 11th lord in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house When a dusthana lord is located in a dusthana house, 6, 8, 12, it is considered a raja or royal yoga, called a vipareeta raja yogathat is generally very good for one's success. Whitney Houston, the famous female vocalist, has six of the nine dusthana yogas in her chart: ava yoga, mriti yoga, kuhu yoga, dushkriti yoga, nirbhagya yoga, and dur yoga. For instance, the ava yoga is shown by the 1st lord, Saturn, placed in the 12th house of Capricorn. However, this also forms a powerful vipareeta raja yoga since the 12th lord is in its own sign in the 12th house. Saturn, her ascendant lord, also forms a raja yoga with Venus, the 4th and 9th lord as we discussed in last Wednesday's daily article. So many dusthana yogas in her chart along with her multiple raja yogas, gajakesari yoga, etc. could help to explain her complicated life and the extreme ups and downs she's experienced.

Whitney Houston's' Natal Chart

What is Guru Chandala Yoga? Written by K.N. Rao Created: 19 September 2006

What is Guru Chandala Yoga is worth exploring. First see some parameters I have evolved after seeing Guru Chandala Yoga and watching behaviors of persons who have it in their horoscopes. Parameters 1. Guru (Jupiter) must be afflicted by Rahu. 2. Or, Jupiter conjoined with Ketu is aspected by a malefic. 3. The 9th house and Jupiter are afflicted. 4. If there is a connection between the 6th and 9th lords, one of them a malefic or retrograde, and both of them forming some sort of relationship there is an element of Guru Chandala Yoga. 5. The results of Guru Chandala Yoga should be manifest most in the mahadashas or the antaradashas of Rahu and Jupiter. Though operative in the whole of life, its virulence seems to be felt most in the dashas of Jupiter and Rahu, in their mahadashas and antardashas. 9th House and Afflicted Jupiter Jupiter, representing idealism, if not retrograde and aspected by a malefic, or if weak or ill placed, must diminish or even mar one's idealism. A good, well-placed and unafflicted Jupiter is seen in the lives of those of those who stick to idealism even if their enemies increase and, also their difficulties. Jupiter represents tradition which includes respect for all gurus starting with mother, father, and mantra guru and shikshakas (teachers). It will be seen that, in all cases, afflicted Jupiter and Rahu are the central points of Guru Chandala Yoga. But afflicted 9th or 5th lords must be there to ruin the finer tradition of families, societies and even nations. The 5th and 9th houses are the houses of spiritual merit of this and the past life. reprinted with permission

A Famous Example of Guru Chandala Yoga Written by K.N. Rao Created: 21 October 2006

from Tried Techniques of Predictions - ch. 5 In the classical texts of astrology there is mention of what is known as Guru-Chandala Yoga (Jupiter with Rahu or Ketu). In Jawaharlal Nehru's (India's first Prime Minister) horoscope it is Jupiter with Ketu aspected by Mars from the 3rd house and this yoga is occurring in the 6th house of defiance. There is hardly any horoscope without some prominent malefic yoga in it, but it would manifest in a dasha associated with such a yoga. If such a dasha does not come, only in the sub-periods of such a dasha is its malefic affects felt. In the case of Nehru, the aspect of some other benefic might have helped him, to a large extent, in not treading the perilous path of blatant sacrileges, which were many. Such a Guru-Chandala yoga has to be examined to find out which lords of which houses are involved in it.

Natal Chart The 9th house is also the house of religion and tradition and the venerated one. 9th lord Jupiter here in the 6th house shows Nehru's open hostility to the established religious conventions and practices of the majority Hindu community of his own country. Till the death of Mahatma Gandhi, the effects of Guru-Chandala yoga of Nehru were not so noticeable. A few months after the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi in January 1948, being the period of Mars in the life of Nehru it manifested. Mars is the most active and direct participant in the Guru-Chandala Yoga. He was the Prime Minister of India and Mars, being the 10th lord, the effects of Guru-Chandala yoga were too blatant to please a country where the majority community of Hindus had seen their homeland partitioned, after the terrible communal riots of 1947, between Hindus and Muslims. The Hindus had strong enough reason to suspect the loyalty of Indian Muslims. Nehru had openly sided with them. Till now the this nation has not forgiven the either Nehru or his grandson, Rajiv Gandhi, for the their vacillating and pernicious stand on some Hindu-Muslim religious issues. The worst results of Guru-Chandala yoga are manifest in hypocrisy. Nehru was known to consult astrologers, yet in public statements Nehru spoke against astrology so often that pseudo intellectuals of India even today write biographies of Nehru depicting him of being against astrology. Nehru's letter to his sister, Krishna Huthessing, has been quoted by me in which he asked her to get readings about his grandson, Rajiv Gandhi. There are many more proofs which can be dug out to destroy this hypocrisy not only of Nehru but also of his biographers. reprinted with permission

Denzel Washington's Rahu Giving Fame Written by Marc Boney, M.A.

Created: 26 October 2006

from the Jyotish-List Yahoo Groups Archives The Academy Awards will take place soon (written in March 2002), and though I've only seen just a few of the performances, I've had a long time interest in the birth chart of a favorite actor of mine, Denzel Washington. He has been nominated for Best Actor. My question, naturally, is "Will he win?"

Denzel Washington's Natal Chart His chart contains a number of very notable features: An excellent Gaja Kesari yoga (by mutual aspect) comprised of the 7th lord Jupiter and the 11th lord Moon, falling along the wealth-giving 5-11 axis. Moreover, Jupiter is in the Moon's sign, Cancer, within one degree of its highest point of exaltation. A spectacular dhana yoga comprised of a conjunction between an exalted 5th lord Saturn and the 2nd and 9th lord Venus in its own sign, Libra, in the 2nd house. From the Moon in Capricorn, this felicitious combination of Saturn and Venus in Libra becomes an even more dramatic raja yoyga, being an exalted lagna lord in the 10th, with the 5th and 10th lord in its own sign/house. Whereas he made his film debut in 1980 (Rahu-Venus), he first gained fame as a actor for his starring role TV's St. Elsewhere, beginning in 1982 (Rahu-Sun) Per usual, I ask myself the question as to why these combinations in Vimshottari are giving great fame, which is mostly a matter of raja yoga and other benefic yogas in strength.

Shri K.N. Rao taught me that Rahu can give very good to spectacular results when: 1. In the sign of a benefic, particularly if that benefic (dispositor) is in a good conditon and well placed and/or is associated with Rahu itself. 2. In addition to this, if Rahu gives raja yoga by being in either a kendra or trikona and being in association with a house lord of the opposite category. Examine Denzel Washington's Rahu in the 4th house, Sagittarius, and you will see all these conditions fulfilled. His Rahu is in Jupiter's sign Sagittarius, and Jupiter is at its extreme point of exaltation in the 11th house. Rahu is in the kendra 4th house with Mercury, a trikona 1st lord, who also aspects its own 10th house, Gemini. Under such conditions Rahu could...and did...bring fame. Interestingly, it was Rahu-Sun that first brought this fame. For Virgo lagna, Parashara Hora classifies the Sun as being a purely impressionable 12th lord, giving the results of those planets with which it is closely connected. In this case, it fructifies the rajayoga given by Rahu-Mercury. Read more about Denzel Washington in: Denzel Washington's Nakshatra Exchange reprinted with permission

Habits and Karma Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 11 January 2007

The beginning of the New Year brings with it the hope of new possibilities. We get a clean slate to write our future - or at least one year of it. We make resolutions, re-organize, and sow new seeds. "We are what we repeatedly do," wrote Aristotle, the 4th century Greek philosopher. To change who we are we need to change our habits. Our habits determine our karma. Karma means action, and it also means the results of our actions. The English poet, John Dryden said, "We first make our habits, and then our habits make us" - for better or for worse. We're creatures of habit, and the good news is that we get to choose our habits. The power of intention is no small thing. It can radically change the direction of our lives, and our karma from this point forward. It's important to realize that our karma is flexible, it changes with our intentions and disciplined efforts. Isn't it interesting that Saturn is both the 'lord of karma' and the planet of discipline? Saturn likes routines and setting good habits that are sustainable for the long duration. It's often said that it takes 21 days to change a habit. However, it makes more sense to me, from an astrological standpoint, that it takes the full cycle of the Moon or about 28 days. If the Moon passes through the twelve signs, the twenty seven nakshatras, and transits over every planet, and you're still diligent with your new habit, then I would think you've got it. It's going to be easier the second time the Moon passes through the zodiac. The Moon represents our habits, particularly our habits of mind. The best time to make a committment, or a vrat, to start new habits is on the day that the Moon is transiting over your natal Moon. This is also called the Moon's transit over the janma nakshatra, birth star, or lunar constellation. It's also the recommended time for spiritual practices and retreat. I would suggest making your committment last until the Moon returns to the same position, twenty eight days later. Then your habit should 'make you', as John Dryden would say, from that point forward.

Condoleeza Rice and the Karakamsha Lagna Written by Marc Boney, M.A. Created: 22 February 2007

from the Jyotish-List Yahoo Groups Archives written May 21, 2002 I was curious to examine the planetary positions on the day Condoleeza Rice was born. Apparently no birth time is available. Someone has proposed 6:25 AM, giving Libra lagna, which may be correct, but I looked at the patterns from a different angle....that of the karakamsha lagna. The karakamsha lagna or ascendant is determined by taking the atmakaraka, or planet with the highest degrees in any sign according to the Jaimini system, and seeing what sign it is placed in in the navamsha chart. That sign becomes the karakamsha lagna in the natal chart.

Condoleezza Rice's Natal Chart

Condoleezza Rice's Navamsha Chart It seems almost certain that her Venus at 29-30 of Libra is the planet with the highest degrees. Only the Moon could potentially contest this role, depending on the exact birth time, though it is unlikely. In which case, the karakamsha lagna becomes Gemini, since this sign would be the position of the atmakaraka (AK) in the navamsha. It is interesting to note how powerful the 5th house of raja, or the authority to rule, becomes from Gemini in the birth chart. At her birth, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn were all in Libra. This puts all three trine lords in the 5th house from the karakamsha Gemini, with the 5th lord Venus in its own sign and the 9th lord Saturn in its exaltation sign. However, what struck me was that by applying the changing karaka scheme used in Jaimini, Venus becomes the AK, the Sun becomes the AmK and Saturn becomes the PK....regardless of whether you use 7 or 8 karakas. This combination of the AK Venus and PK Saturn falling in the 5th house from the karakamsha lagna is termed a Maharaja Yoga in the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (BPHS) in the chapter on Raja Yogas. It is, in fact, among the first combinations given. This chapter begins by stating that raja yogas in a chart must be seen from the birth lagna and the karakamsha lagna. It then states that Maha Raja Yoga is formed if: 1. The 1st and 5th lords exchange signs from the birth lagna 2. The 1st and 5th lords combine in either the 1st or 5th houses from the birth lagna 3. The AK and the PK combine in either the 1st or 5th house from the karakamsha lagna. AND these planets have strength, i.e. are in exaltation, own sign, aspected by benefics etc. In Rice's case, it can be seen that from the karakamsha lagna Gemini (using the birth chart not navamsha), the AK Venus and the PK Saturn combine in the 5th house, the former in its own sign and the later in its exaltation sign. It is a Maha Raja Yoga, and from what I understand about her background she was provost of Stanford University for 8 years, before getting involved in the Bush campaign and now serving as his Natiional Sercurity Advsior. This is interesting in that the combination of the AK with the Amk is given in a later chapter in BPHS as one for being an "Amatya" or advisor to the King. Of course, anyone born on this day is going to have this patterning from the karakamsha lagna used in the birth chart, so to see why this has been her particular destiny one would need the exact time to see fruitification of the Maha Raja Yoga in the dasha....and then, of course, divisional charts. Ronald Reagan had this combination of the AK and PK, only in the 1st house. (Sagittarius). When he ran his Chara dasha of Pisces, from where this combination fell in the 10th house, he becama a Maha Raja....better known in these times as President! reprinted with permission

An Example of a Pet Lover Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 08 May 2007

Our Vedic astrology chart reveils valuable information about literally every area of our lives. Since each of us are absolutely unique, what is an important area for one person is not necessarily an important area for the next person. For instance, the following chart is of a woman whose pets are extremely important to her. Pets are seen by the 6th house in Vedic astrology. In sage Rama Dayalu's classic text, Sanketa Nidhi, he says, "The sixth is also the house of animals. All good and bad about pet animals belonging to the native should be considered from this house." ch. 4, v. 52-53 This may seem odd since the 6th house is also a dusthana house and represents disease, conflicts, competition etc. Perhaps the logic of why the 6th house is the house for pets is because it is the 3rd house (friends, allies) from the 4th house (home). The 6th house is well know as the house of tenants, but of course tenants are not always friends. When I'm not sure about the logic behind a principle I rely on example charts to see if it actually works in practice. So let's see what this example shows.

Notice how in this woman's chart that the 6th lord, the Sun, is in the ascendant and very close to the ascendant degree. The ascendant or 1st house represents our self and identity, so whatever is in the ascendant is close to us, or a main character trait. This, of course, repeats from Surya lagna or using the Sun as an ascendant. Also, notice how from Chandra lagna, or the Moon ascendant, the 6th lord is again in the ascendant. Furthermore, looking at the Navamsha chart this pattern again repeats with Jupiter the 6th lord in the ascendant with the ascendant lord, Venus.

Natal Chart

Navamsha Chart An important character trait of pet lovers is that they are affectionate people by nature. Venus is the planet of affection and love, and is conjunct the Moon in her rasi or natal chart. Venus is also with the 6th lord from the Moon (the Moon itself), and is the ascendant lord with the 6th lord in the Navamsha chart. This shows the affection directed towards her pets. She loves pets so much that she sells pet accessories as a side business. This chart gives a convincing example that the rishis of India are once again correct to list the 6th house as the house of pets.

An Example of Receiving an Inheritance Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 16 May 2007

Sudden windfalls, like an inheritance, are seen in Vedic astrology primarily by the 8th house. The 8th house can bring sudden and dramatic changes, for the better or worse. It's the 2nd house (income) from the 7th house (others) so it's the house of other people's money in the form of inheritance, insurance policies, grants etc.

This is the chart of a woman who recently received quite a large inheritance in the form of several homes of a family member who passed away. She suddenly learned that her and her husband were the rightful heirs in mid January. This was her MercuryMercury-Jupiter dasha. Notice how Mercury is the 8th lord, and exalted in its own sign of Virgo. For Aquarius lagna, Jupiter owns two houses of wealth, the 2nd and the 11th, and in this case aspects Mercury very closely. This combination of the 5th and 8th lord Mercury, with Jupiter forms multiple dana or wealth producing yogas. This became activated during her MercuryMercury-Jupiter dasha which went from November 5, 2006 until March 2, 2007.

Natal Chart From the Moon, or chandra lagna, Mercury is aspected by the 8th lord Mars and conjunct the Moon, 11th lord of gains. This again reinforces the strength of her Mercury dasha to bring wealth through inheritance.

Navamsha Chart In the Navamsha chart Mercury is again exalted in Virgo, which further strengthens Mercury by being vargottama. It again forms a close connection with Jupiter, the sub dasha lord, who is the 9th lord of fortune. Lastly, Mercury is again connected to the 8th house by virtue of being aspected by the 8th lord, Mars. It's also interesting to note that Jupiter is located in the 4th house and it's aspect to Mercury indicates that the inheritance was real estate related. This pattern repeats from chandra lagna as Jupiter becomes the 4th lord aspecting Mercury. Lastly, in the navamsha chart both Mercury and Jupiter are in the 4th house from the Moon.

The Artha Trikona Houses and Wealth Written by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. Created: 12 June 2007

Collectively if planets are concentrated in the artha trikona trine of houses 2, 6, and 10, it can represent wealth in the chart. Artha is often translated as "wealth" but a better word, in my opinion, is sustenance. These house sustain us in the physical world and help us acquire the resources we need. They correlate with the earth signs, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Both the earth signs and the earth houses (2, 6, and 10) represent the productivity of our actions in the physical world. The 2nd house helps us earn money, the 6th house is one's service to others and one's job, and the 10th house is one's profession and actions in the world. They share similar traits and are different octaves of one another with the 10th house being the fullest expression. Of the artha houses only the 2nd house is truly a wealth producing house. The 2nd house from any house is a house of gains for that house, just like the 12th from any house is the house of loss for that house. For instance, the 11th house is the house of gains for one's career (10th house), the 8th house is the house of gains of one's spouse (7th house) etc. The primary dhana yoga or wealth producing houses are houses 1, 2, 5, 9, and 11. Any combination of these will produce wealth and the quantity and strength of these yogas can indicate extreme wealth. The 1st house is important because it is the foundation of one's life and one's health. It shows what comes to us, since it's the house of one's self and identity. K.N. Rao writes in Learn Hindu Astrology Easily: The lords of certain houses combine to promise gain of wealth in a horoscope. The cardinal and most important always is the lagna and lagna lord. To achieve anything in life sound health is necessary. Bad health can be a reason for poverty, lack of concentration in the work undertaken, and other misfortunes. - Ch. 12 The 2nd house is well known as the house of earning as we mentioned above. The 5th and 9th houses are lakshmi sthanas or houses of Lakshmi the Goddess of wealth. The 11th house is the house of gains of one's career as mentioned. In addition, Jupiter's position must also be seen since it's the karaka or significator of houses 2, 5, 9, and 11. I recently asked K.N. Rao about whether the 6th lord combining with a dhana yoga house lord (1, 2, 5, 9, 11) can bring wealth through 6th house matters like one's job, service, healing, conflicts, competition etc. His answer was simply 'yes'. The 6th house is tricky to interpret for wealth because it's not only an artha trikona house but a dusthana house along with the 8th and 12th houses, so it can also deny wealth and show obstacles and conflicts. To determine whether it gives or denies wealth we have to look closely at the individual case and see the strength of the planets involved. The 10th house, in and of itself, doesn't represent wealth. However, if the 10th lord is strong it certainly will lead to wealth through career especially if it combines with houses 1, 2, 5, 9, 11 or there are other dhana yogas in the chart.

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