Jyotish_The Mystery of Rahu in Horoscope
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Dedicated to My late father Shri Sita Ram Sharma Who learnt his astrology in the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Delhi when the late K.S.Krishnamurthy who conducted some classes in the late fifties and where I learnt my astrology in the late eighties in the better organized astrology courses run by K.N.Rao and his team.
Dedicated also to
Rahu Who is in the lagna of both the author and his guide In 1995 when the book was completed.
Acknowledgements and Thanks to:
A friend who asked us to give the manuscript of the book to Mr. Narendra Sagar who in turn took keen personal interest in fast production of the book to be part of the teaching material of Mr. K.N. Rao's fifth visit to USA in November 1995. To Mr. and Mrs. K. Subhas and his children and their neighbours in the Saraswati Kunj Complex who looked after me during the night long sessions I had to spend at the house of my guide, K.N. Rao when this book was being finalised. To that unknown generous donor of Calcutta who gifted to K.N. Rao a laser printer on which this manuscript could be got ready fast enough to solve a technical problem the floppy of a difficult programme had created for us. To my elder Sister, Rekha who helped me understand the finer etymological nuances of some Sanskrit terms all these months when I was struggling with some expressions. To all my colleagues on the teaching faculty of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Astrology classes and the group of astrology research students.
INTRODUCTION K.N. RAO Rahu and Ketu are referred to in the sacred literature as the demons who consumed nectar and became immortal. In all books of astrology of India they are referred to but have rarely been praised. Yet not enough literature on Rahu is available. This book is an attempt to show the effects of Rahu in a horoscope. The mystery that Rahu represents is what must be unravelled. Shiv Raj Sharma worked hard on the manuscript of the book but for some reason or the other it could not be finalized. Then in the last week of September, 1995 I sat down to finalize it. Since it was done under my guidance it was my moral duty to bring to a fruitful completion a work which should have been published more than one year ago. Shy, very original and creative in his approach, Shiv Raj had struck me as an astrologer capable of sharp observations as became evident when I edited his paper on marital tension in the book I edited, "Advanced Techniques of Astrological Predictions." From 1993 when my spell of intense writing of astrological books started I had decided that neither nor my colleagues will produce the type of run of the mill books that other writers were writing. It had to be analytical, condensed, illustrated with technical discussions of horoscopes and should be written in direct and easy way. Wherever possible there should be neat tabular arrangement of the subject matter even if it took more space. The first one I wrote on this line was "Astrology, Destiny and the Wheel of Time which is also being brought out from the USA where it has been hailed as the best book yet to come out on Vedic astrology. In writing a technical book on astrology of this type I could not have depended on anyone other than a very competent person to do technical editing of the book. An astrology book needs both technical and language editing. The English . we write in India is neither British nor American but our own brand which we call 'Hinglish'. Yet in presenting it, clarity of technical details should not get blurred anywhere was the problem. I have the supreme advantage of many of my junior colleagues, who were also my students some years ago, doing it all better than any publisher of astrology books could ever have. I gave my books turn by turn to many of them to see the technical discussion. The person I depended upon most was Shiv Raj Sharma. He took my manuscript and
brought to me a long list of suggestions which would improve my book technically. I felt very grateful to him. The best way of repaying it was, I decided to make him produce a superbly technical research on Rahu. My instinctive judgement would not go wrong was what I was sure about. Then Shiv Raj came out with the manuscript of this book. I decided to edit it thoroughly, rewrite some parts and arrange his material in a series of tables for standard reference. Thus I repaid my debt to him. The book he has produced will become an ill11l1ortal classic is what I could see. Read it and see whether you have ever read a book or a research on the Vimshottari dasha of this standard. With this book alone Shiv Raj has reached the top rung of writers of books of astrology. The rearrangement and the rewriting has of course been done my me. The material and' research is his totally. My guidance from time to time has been rather intense and, I am sure, very well directed. He has shown his class as a researcher No older writer, living or dead, can say that he could have done the job better . It is not a vain tribute I am paying it. Read it and discover the truth of my statement. I have given to Shiv Raj from time to time part of my own original findings on Rahu which he has tested and incorporated in the book. That is the art of mutual sharing we believe in, in the researches we produce. I am very sure that after reading this book, readers will be able to use Rahu in more original ways for their predictions than they have done so far. But before I come back to this book, which I will describe as one of the finest books to have been written in this century on Vedic astrology, let me refer to some other aspects. I had hardly imagined in 1990 that what was started as a good and well planned effort to teach astrology in a new and modem way would have succeeded so well as to attract the best of the intellectual classes of our society. As the number of students grew and as the higher elite of the society started getting attracted to our classes, there got created a need to. think of a new crop of teachers who could meet the demands of the students with first rate academic background. I simultaneously planned three strategies: the first was to hold all student seminars in which the teachers were not· allowed to partlctpate except as spectators. It was resented by many of old teachers who were now getting afraid of being outshone by the new crop of students who would soon become teachers. The second plan
was to produce a collection of research papers, called the Advanced Techniques of Astrological Predictions to which students contributed highly technical papers showing the uses of higher techniques of astrology which had not been explored by any living veteran astrologer in this century. It was amazing to see young and bright students enter and do research in that area. The third plan was to draft from among the bright students some new teachers who could be put on the teaching faculty. It was necessary to catch this batch young and make them write books on astrology in a more organized way and produce. original researches. Dr. Charak came out with his Varshaphal and Medical Astrology and Elements of Vedic Astrology in two volumes and Col. A K Gaur with his Professions. Rajiv Jhanjhi and N K Sharma's Yogini Dasha is the first ever book on the use of this dasha, a totally original and fundamental research.
The need for very original and fundamental research in Hindu astrology has already been there but there were handicaps to overcome. Only three persons in the century could be said to have contributed something original by way of some original research. There was Meena whose Nadi astrology later led to the development of it as the Krishnamurthy Paddhati. And finally Sheshadri Iyer had his notable contribution in his New Directions. In the meantime they formed in the United States of America, the American Council of Vedic Astrology to which I was invited first in I993 as the chief guest, later in June I994 to teach Jaimini astrology and again in Novemeber I994. I then told them that I would not be available in future for their conferences. I was interested more in intensive teaching spread over three or four days and not a one day workshop at the fag end of the conference.
This led to a demand from by the ACVA that I groom young and bright teachers for teaching Vedic astrology in USA in future. Keeping that as one of the many aims of creating and consolidating the academic group of astrologer. I have by now launched five other youngsters into the writing of serious books of astrology, most of it original research. Not the moralizing tone of the puritanical and hypocritical pandit, not the mediocrity of the successful mercenary writer of books.
What then is an astrological research and how does this book of Shiv Raj Sharma fit into the most modern and revolutionary concept of research in astrology is what we must ask and answer. I must and have to do it because this new type of research is my idea which I have been demonstrating since 1985 in my writings, though in private teachings I had done it many years before also. Let us therefore, look at the astrological scene of India in this century and the spate of astrological writings, the tremendous popularity of astrology and the dominance of mediocrity and quackery in astrology as the printing press helps one build up one's own image hiding all his failures and even serious technical flaws. As the printing press had made translations available to hundreds of readers during the renaissance in Europe so had the printing press which had come to India in the end of the last century made many astrological books available in translations in many Indian languages. No part of the country was without the new astrologer who learnt the subject not in the guru-shishya tradition but through books. It created greater awareness but more and more quackery and dangerous mediocrity. Till now that lingers, that ugly tradition. It is the guess of many that out of ten thousand practicing astrologers, only one knows astrology as it should be learnt and practiced. It is an exaggeration? Not let cite some instances to show how glib generalizations get mistaken for good astrology. The new astrologer who is out of guru shishya traditions is a mere book worm who has learnt his astrology from wrong books and from authors who never had scientific outlook or the ability or zest to do research. The easy availability of such translations produced more quack astrologers but created a large awareness about the scientific method of astrology. What was a gain was the appreciation that astrology was not black magic but a very well developed science. What was a loss was that anyone could become as astrologer without any training or any licence. That trend continues. Yet it must be said that early translations of astrological classics were better done though poorly printed on bad paper than the modern ones which are done by scholars with dubious scholarship of Sanskrit. Subrarnanya Sastri, Rarnkrishna Bhatt among older astrologers who wrote in English, were along with Chidambara Ayyar and others fine scholars of Sanskrit had god command over English. They wrote very well but never believed in illustrating their translations.
Often reading those books one sees good deal of vaguenese in their own understanding of Sanskrit stanzas. Here then was a first rate crisis. Those who knew both Sanskrit and English well were not scientific in their exposition of astrological classics. They merely translated them without themselves understanding many portions of those books. There were others like Suryanarain Rao whose zeal to popularize astrology was laudable but whose limitations and poor knowledge of both Sanskrit and astrology was very evident in their books. This trend has continued for seven decades except the three exceptions. Meena's Nadi astrology, Krishnamoorthy paddhati and Sheshadri Iyer's New Directions. Then the centre of original and fundamental researches shifted to Delhi when I published my original replicable and statistical researches and created a team which believes in absolutely modem type of research. It is not merely a fundamental and original research. It is also original in the methodology of its presentation. This reaches a very high stage of development in the present work of Shiv Raj Sharma on Rahu.
In northern, eastern and some parts of western India came along with astrology the dangerous trend of overemphasizing the shanti aspect (propitiation) through stones, talismans, and. many weird and esoteric practices. What Parashara has prescribed is only prayer, charities and yagnas. But now the emphasis is on the business of a jeweller and the stones he sells. Astrology is a cottage industry in some places, a medium scale one somewhere but is neither a vidya nor a science for the practising majority. Men like me who learnt astrology through tradition, from my mother, and later from yogic tradition from Yogi Bhaskaranandaji, were totally non professional amidst those in the world of astrology who were editing, writing, talking and charging exorbitant fees. The tricks of business employed by that group was a shock to me when I came to know of it. But who can fight it? The big names you hear are mostly of those who are technically very deficient. I will not quote from some of the books they have written to show what I mean by their being technically deficient. I have tried the techniques given in their books. I have met them, discussed with them, invited them to come to our classes and present their research. Not one of them
had the courage to come to our research group and get tested their so called researches. They were afraid that it would expose their mediocrity and technical deficiency. The veneer of respectability they had would have been tom off. Slowly I discovered that in the world of astrology there were more frauds than perhaps in any other field It is a hard statement, a harsh reality, an unpleasant truth which except me no other astrologer will have the courage to state so clearly. If in so doing I create more enemies I do not mind it. Someone has to do this, if the reformist fervour is to catch the new entrants in the field of astrology it must start with the warning that they will meet more frauds here than in any other field. I must make it clear that it will be no different in the USA where I now can claim to know good deal about what is happening in the world of astrology there. It will be no different in Europe or other places. If Vedic astrology is spreading there after being accepted in a scientific spirit it is because of the great work done by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Prabhupad of the Krishna Consiousness Movement and other Indian gurus who have spoken of the great astrological tradition of India but without being able to demonstrate how it was great Then came the American Council of Vedic Astrology and the great foresight of Dr.David Frawley, the open though critical appreciation of Vedic astrology of Robert Hand, the giant in western astrology, the modest scholar like Robert Schmidt whose humility is what the great God has not given to many others. But I have tremendous capacity to love and I admire and love the American zest to learn with an open mind astrology of India which I do not find established Indian astrologers having at all. India will take many decades to get rid of the dogmatic astrologers and the blossom of a totally refreshingly modem style.
A general introduction given here must follow with a very clear statement of the objects of producing this research. To start with I must state that in the delay in the writing of the book there existed many reasons. The first was the opposition of the senior group when they came to know from me that Shiv Raj Sharma was producing a very novel type of research on Rahu under my direct guidance. In doing this my choice of Shiv Raj was predecided after I saw his penetrating analysis in arranging the vast material on Rahu scattered in different astrology books when he started collecting them and writing them down painstakingly in his slow and exquisite writing in tabular form as I wanted him to do it. I must therefore, first speak of the special features of this style of presenting an astrological research. The Tabular Arrangement
This is the first ever book being written where the predictive out. lines given in different astrological classics are being given in a tabular form. It will take more space but give such extraordinary clarity as is not seen in any other book of astrology. It is not easy to cull out material from at least as many as eight books and arrange them in a systematic manner. Shiv Raj had done in a descriptive manner. I rearranged it all in a tabular form because I wanted this book to become a standard reference book on Rahu. Arranging the rich material Shiv Raj had collected with extraordinary and meticulous attention to principles of the interpretation of the position of Rahu in different houses, the results of the mahadasha of Rahu and results of the sub-periods of Rahu in the mahadasha of other planets was not easy. It took me ten nights of work to arrange the first seventy pages in tabular form. Shiv Raj not merely agreed with me that it was very clear and very good, but went to the modest extreme of suggesting that I and not he should be called the author of the book. I refused to do it because all the work had been done by him. I only rearranged it as I thought was better and the need for the modern scientific minded reader. May be someone will accuse us of filling the book with too many tables. But then my answer to that charge is, if this arrangement helps them become more efficient in understanding how dashas are to be used, particularly according to the Parashara tradition, it was better to do that.
Illustrations In my books I have criticized other writers of writing books without giving enough horoscopes to show how the principles being expounded applied to given horoscopes. We have used through mutual consultations that we must illustrate as many points as possible and still keep the book within some limits. In that sense it becomes the best ever book written on a Mahadasha by any astrologer. I benefited myself quite a lot while I was reananging all this material, rewriting it, and choosing horoscopes from own vast data to illustrate them.
The illustrations given in the book of both types, the good and positive side of Rahu and the well known negative and destructive side of Rahu. Every planet has to perform all the three activities of creating (the Brahma principle); of preserving (the Vishnu principle) and the destructive principle (the Rudra principle). Unless all the three sides of a planet in a horoscope is understood the interpretation of a horoscope is bound to be lopsided. This approach ensure that the negativity of a horoscope is not stressed always. There is always that silver lining. What is true in human life must be true in a horoscope as well. Let it be understood through a horoscope. In my own horoscope when I was about to begin the sub period of Rahu in the major period of Saturn, my friend astrolores predicted disaster for me. I told them that my Rahu fell under a great exception and that in Saturn Rahu I would achieve something great including international fame. Look at my horoscope. HOROSCOPE
Rahu Jupiter
BH Example!
Lagna, ·Ketu, Mars,Ven Mer, Sun Moon
Here note that Rahu is in a Kendra from Saturn which is in the rashi of Jupiter. Then see that Rahu is aspected by two exalted planets, Jupiter and Mercury. Finally, Rahu in the 6th from both the lagna and the Moon is aspected by Jupiter which is known as an astalakshtr! yoga (the eight fold blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity and fame. I was then on deputation to the Delhi Municipal Corporation (1981 to 1985). I produced four surplus budget successfully for the very first time in the history of the Corporation and also earned international fame as an astrologer, as a speaker and writer. I also got invitation to go to Germany as a financial expert to speak on Financial Controls in a Civic Body which I had to decline because my mother, sick then, would die, astrologically. She died in December 1984. No one can ever master astrology. But our finer techniques of astrological predictions cannot improve unless we discussed through presentation our predictions as case studies. I started doing this for the very first time in the world. Others have not followed it up yet though I have been doing it for over fourteen years and have done so in all the sixteen books I have written so far. Similarly in another case a prediction was given by persons that the sub period of Ketu in Jupiter dasha would prove disastrous. I predicted that it would prove excellent and get him a good job better than the best one he has ever had. See the horoscope. HOROSCOPE Saturn
BH Male Example2
Lagna, Mer, Ve, Jupiter Mars, Sun
My simple argument was that Ketu was in a trine both from the lagna and the lord of the Mahadasha, Jupiter. Besides, the as-
pect of Jupiter, the lOth lord on Ketu clearly indicated a better job. It being in the 9th house, it would involve change of place also.
This person got a big job in a bank. Jupiter represents bank also. It being the lOth lord it had to be something significant professionally. THE POSITIVE SIDE OF RAHV
Finally the best feature of the book is to see the two sides of Rahu both in causing child births and denying also. Like this there are many other areas in which Shiv Raj had worked. But I cut it out as the volume was becoming too large, and to dense. It is better to write a small book with maximum lucidity. I also edited out. the use of many divisional horoscopes which he had done in a rather complex way. They were brilliant but his techniques are too subtle and complex for many readers to follow. Sometime later he may do it and enlarge this book. Our aim has been to make Rahu Venus periods. The last chapter, the Rahu Venus and Venus Rahu periods are absolutely brilliant researches. We discussed them rather elaborately and decided to include three aspects of these periods Here to follow the classics blindly is to run into disaster. There are periods of Rahu Venus which: (a) Bring about untold misery. (b) Then are spells of extreme prosperity. (c) Between these two extremes, there are fast changing events, which can be traced through changing sub sub periods. It was necessary to deal with this aspect. So a full research on this was justified. I must say .that I have rarely enjoyed so much joy in editing a book as this one.
We in India have none of the facilities in writing books as they have in the USA where excellent computers, good reference material and spell checks of their programmes helps them edit a book early. Some of the US progranunes we use in India does not help us as we use British English. The American spell checks have a very limited use for us. Similarly what they call granunatik in their progranune is based on American usages. Those of us who have spent a lifetime in writing English as Englishmen have taught us, find it difficult
to make a mental switch the keenness of Americans to learn astrology of India properly and also their appreciation of those Indians as can communicate well with them fium the stage. Yet for an Indian, however, successful he may be in USA it is a mental switch over fium one type of intellectual response as we get in India and the different type as we get in USA. There in USA the spell of concentration is generally of one hour. Then there should either be dilution or a break or a session of jokes. But the facility available in the USA in their far better organized classes are something which we in India must envy. And Americans must envy the Indian's concentration to understand the discussion of a horoscope mentally, without it being drawn up either on the board or shown through an over head projector. 1HEDELAY
This book was due to be published in 1993 but Shiv Raj was too busy with his office work. Then like a typical Hindu householder he had his own domestic duties. Our academic group consists of people for whom astrology is not a source of income or earning but a pure academic pursuit. Yet he has done it inspite of those difficulties. Finally it struck me as amusing when this book did come to logical conclusion that Shiv Raj was writing on Rahu which moves in a retrograde way. While his other colleagues were writing fast enough, he has had to wait so long to complete it. Rahu takes eighteen months to change a rashi of the zodiac and Shiv Raj too has taken eighteen months to complete this magnificent book.
K.N.Rao. F-291, Saraswati Kunj
Patparganj Plot No 25 Delhi II 0092 October I2, 1995 Delhi.
AUTHOR'S PREFACE After the long introduction by my guide K.N.Rao. I have nothing more to say. He has helped me in all ways. I suggested to him that he should be the author and I his helper. But he insisted that since the work was done substantially by me, my name must be there as the author. The fact that he is mentioned as guide and editor was enough he said. In fact it is much more than that. How many pieces of mine he has rewritten keeping awaking for ten nights, four with me, is what I know. He is a very hard task master. He would not allow me to fall behind his tight schedule. Apart from learning the art of writing of a book, planning it from the initial stages, I have learnt the value of writing at least five hundred words per day. Over a period of time, a book gets completed in this manner. Rahu's role in mundane astrology is a very great and v1rgm area for research in modem times. Since this is a book on natal astrology and not mundane that area has not be entered here at all. Then there is the role of eclipse in mundane predictions which is where Rahu's effects are clearly made use of for predictions. In the Advanced Techniques of Astrological Predictions (edited by K.N.Rao) R.C.Sharma, an engineer in the railways, has dealt with the professions connected with Rahu, but mainly with engineering professions. Rahu's professions for our age is a fascinating area in which I have done some researches. If and. when that is complete I will publish them. Rahu's role in a politician's life deserves a special research again. In marriages, Rahu has the well known stamp of it all over if it influences the marriage houses and their lords. From unorthodoxy to non conformism in love affairs or disturbance is apparent unless such a Rahu is controlled by a benefic. That will need a fuller treatment and separately. It being well known this has only been referred here in the book. It is going to be a continuing research on Rahu. I have not used more than one third of the material I have already with me as the book may become too heavy. It can be done in a separate book later. It must be stated here that the role of the nakshatras in which Rahu is placed has its own importance but we are not going deeply
into It m this book. Towards the end in the chapter on conclusions we will give some instances to show why nakshatras have a very useful role to play. In the classical astrology of Hindus the factors that must be taken into account in the assessment of a horoscope is manifold which stage by stage will be as follows: (a) The house in which Rahu is placed fium the lagna. (b) The nature of the lord of that house. (c) The nature of the nakshatra in which Rahu is situated. (d) The navamsha in which Rahu is placed. (e) The mutual relations between Rahu and other planets in a horoscope. This five fold approach is all that we propose dealing with in this book. I had written the manuscript using many divisional horoscope and showing the deeper meaning of the aspects of Rahu. My guide told me not to do. It would become too tough and too dense was his advice. The subject must always be introduced in easy states was his most valuable advice. He insisted that I must first of all state the classical principles. Then go further and show how they applied to given horoscopes. Finally he showed me how Rahu could be used as clincher for a snapshot predictions. In this book I have followed his advice strictly. A book must be classical in approach and fundamental and original in research was his advice. I must say that I have benefitted fium his advice. Then he showed me how many of tougher pieces should be rearranged and written. I had given in the early examples many complex principles and a deep composite approach which he teaches in his class rooms. Yet for the general reader, who is not well trained in classical astrology and in the scientific methodology of research all that would have become heavy. The entire book had to be rewritten, his showing me how it could be done. At many stages when I suggested that he should be called the author, he reprimanded me saying that it would amount to plagiarizing which is a common habit with guides in all scientific disciplines. That ugly tradition must be put an end to. Yet if my open acknowledgment of his great guidance was there and my own name as the author of the book, it would become an example of sterling intellectual honesty. That is true in the case of K.N.Rao who is the
only astrologer who has written pieces after pieces for many other astrologer writers without allowing the readers to know that it was his research. In this case the research is largely mine, the writing and illustrations together with valuable notes are his. So for all practical purposes he is the joint author, the main author according to me, of this book. He gets annoyed when I keep saying this. In the class room when he teaches he always draws up charts and the principles of astrological interpretation in a tabular form. It condenses for us the principles in so lucid a way that there is no confusion left in our minds. One of his favourite methods of interpreting the Vimshottari mahadasha which I have followed in this book throughout is given here. A standardized method of interpretation the Vimshottari Mahadasha
The Positive Side Exalted in rashi or navamsha or in moolatrikona, own or friend's house. Or in trikona, kendra, 3 or I 1. Strong Well placed in graha in navamsha bala and other divisional horoscope
Well placed from the lagna and the dasha lord.
Factors to be Examined
. Condition and Position
The Negative Side
Weak, debilitated combus~ defeated in a planetary war. Placed in 6,8,I2 or 2,7 which can be dangerous in some cases. Weak ill placed in I.The strength in terms of graha bala and ista and in graha navamsha kasta phala. bala and other 2. If graha bala is not divisonal available do such an exam horoscope ination in relevant divisional horoscopes 3. Do both if graha bala is available.
of the dasha and antar dasha lords to be examined from the lagna and from each other
The mutual position of Ill placed fu:m the running mahadasha the dasha lord. lord and the antardasha lord.
I followed his advice strictly and have arranged the classical principles in series o.f tables which can act as a ready reckoner. It is for this reason that this book contains a novel and tabular presentation of classical principles given in analytical way. After I saw the
arrangement of my material in tabular form I discovered that so much could be said in so brief a way and yet the essential principles are not lost sight of. This has a further advantage. If transparencies of all these tables are prepared and used in a class room for teaching, students will get a very clear and easy grasp of these principles. In that sense it does become the first ever book in which a mahadasha has been explained in a totally new, innovative and inimitable way. The wish of my guide is that in future our teaching methods will have to patterned on the model being presented here. It is easier said than done. It has taken me months of labour to search all the material from different books and condense them in the form in they are being presented. Once such a labour is undertaken, the result is doubly rewarding. I can myself refer to them for understanding some basic principles which I may miss otherwise. For instance see the following two horoscopes in which only some planets have been given to illustrate what I mean.
MAlE Birth Horoscope Example 3
Lagna Jupiter
Moon Rahu Moon Rahu
MAlE Birth Horoscope Example 4
In the first case Moon is with Rahu in the house of Mars. In the mahadasha of Rahu which this person has been running in 1995 cobras appeared twice in his house and had to be killed. The cobras stood up on their tail dangerously and hissed. In the second again both the Moon and Rahu in the house of Mars are aspected by Mars. He was bitten by a cobra but survived after a prolonged treatment. Rahu represents snake is what the classical text states, Mars represents the sting or the bite and the rashi of Mars makes such a bite or sting doubly dangerous. It is how a research should be done. The classical principle will merely state that in the dasha of Rahu the fear of snakes exist. From our original research we find that Mars too must join it with the Moon. The Moon represents the liquid, in this case the poison of the cobra and Mars the bite of a snake. I must state it emphatically that after an intensive research I have not found Rahu giving results different from what has been mentioned in the classics. Yet the interpretation becomes elusive because the toughest element of prediction in Hindu astrology is the art of synthesis which has been explained in K.N.Rao's "TimingEvents through the Vimshottari Dasha". To say I am most grateful to K.N.Rao, my guide for everything is not a full expression of my reaction to the pains he has taken to get produced this book after guiding, editing, rewriting some pieces. He even gave me some valuable horoscopes from out of his personal collection of about fifty thousand horoscopes with events noted. I do not know whether any other astrologer has such a rich collection in his possession. To say that I have now been able to complete a book which should have been written one year ago is to say that if my guide had not driven me hard I could not have completed it.
Address B-5/381 Yamuna Vihar, Delhi-110053.
Shiv Raj Sharma
HOROSCOPES IN THE BOOK Index to tables with astrological points discussed No. Birth Chart Male/ Female
Divisional Horoscope
Notable Points
Ashtalakshmi Yoga favourable period
Jupiter Ketu
Proved good professionally.
Rahu in the sign of Mars
Cobras enter the house
Rahu in sign of Mars
Snake bite
Rahu in Aries
Rahu in 5th house
Good education. marriage and children.
No children. Affliction.
Rahu in the 4th
Good career and marriage
Rahu in the 3rd
Youngest among siblings.
Rahu in the lith
Eldest child of parents.
Rahu in 7th
BHINL Marriage
Rahu with 5th lord
Rahu linked to the 12th
BHINL Hospitalization
Rahu's assocwhon with 5th/7th
BHINL Marriage and children.
Rahu in 5th and lagna
BH/NL Marriage
Excellent education.
Rahu in 9th
BH/NL Father's elevation.
Rahu and Moon
BH/NL Mental tension
Rahu and Moon
BH/NL Marital tension.
Rahu in the 5th
BHINL Marital tension.
Rahu in lOth
More male children
No Birth Chart Male/ Female
Divisi- Notable Points anal Horoscope
Guru chandala Yoga BH
Mild variety
Rahu influences 5th BH
Rahu in lOth
Career after struggle
Good education
Rajiv Gandhi
and authorship
- 27
Rahu in 4th
Became a Priest.
Need for balanced view.
Business losses
- 30
Prosperity to husband.
Rahu -Mars
Gain of land.
Death of father
Professional Rise
Professional Rise
Foreign Travel
Quirks of Destiny
Child loss and gain
Engagement called off
Good studies
C. Raja
Rahu with 5th lord
Female children and Guru chandal yoga
Jupiter gripped by RKA
Female children and guru chandal yoga
go pal achari 41
- --
J.L Nehru
Afflicted Jupiter
BHINL Male issues, guru chandal yoga I
No. Birth Chart Male/ Female
Division a! Horoscope
Notable Points
Disinclination to have children
Jupiter gripped by RKA
Abortions to wife and death of daughter
Late marriage and only one daughter.
Afflicted Jupiter
Jup worst affliction BH
49 50
Only daughters
Preversion of mind and mishaps to children.
Jup RKA but benefic
Guru chandal yoga toned down
51 IF
Jup. RKA
Only child
53 {y1
Rahu's transit
Birth of child
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
57 IM 58
I Guru
chandal a Bad for him and children.
Indira Gandhi
Rahu and curses
RKA's transit
No child
No. Birth Chart Male/ Female
Divisianal Horoscope
Notable Points
Mahatma Gandhi
66 Sajay Gandhi same
67 M
Big post
68 F
Death of brother
69 F
70 M
BH/NL/D-1 Mixed fortunes
Death of mother
73 M
Rahu- Ven-Jup-Sat
74 M
Rahu Dasha
Foreign residence and business
Using Nakshatras
Excellent Education
76 M
Using Nakshatras of Rahu etc.
Foreign culture
77 M
Distinction in studies
Rahu Dash a
Spiritual Blossoming
Abbreviations Used in the Book (see bibliography also at the end for the books refered to) FOR HOROSCOPES BH
For birth horoscope
for Navamsha
Navamsha Lagna
for Drekkana or Dreshkona
for Saptamsha
for Dwadashamsha
For Mahadasha (Major Period)
for Mahadasha Lord
for Antardasha (Sub period)
for Antardasha Lord
for Pratyantaradasha (Sub-Sub-Period)
for Rahu Ketu Axis
for Transit of planets
General Introduction about tbe new trends in research by K.N. Rao. Special Introduction written for the book by K.N. Rao.
Author's Preface
Table of 77 Birth Horoscopes and 23 Divisional Horoscopes (to show researches on Rahu with specific reference to its good and bad results.)
Abbreviations used.
Legends and Lores about Rahu
Prayer to Rahu
What One Must Know about Rahu
What Astrological Classics Say about Rahu ..... from Mansagari mainly with a comparative study of the results of Rahu from the Lagna and the Moon
Results of Rahu in Different House and the Results of tbe Mahadasha of Rahu in different Classics ..... ..from Jatakabharam, Sarvartha Chintamani, Phaladeepika, Uttar Kalamrita.
Laghu Parashari and Brihad Parashara Hora Shastra Separate and special combinations given in Bhavarth Ratnakar
7 8
Consolidated Table and a Bird's Eye View of All the Results Snapsot Predictions on the basis of Rahu's Position ...... Rahu at a glance dynamically Mahadasha of Rahu-a Detailed Treatment according to ..... Mansagari, Sarvartha Chintamani, Phaldeepika, Uttar Kalamrita. A birtd's eye view of Rahu 's different conditions like exaltation, moolatrikona friend's house, netural's. A standaridized Approach according to Parashara - I ...... .to the interpretation of the Mahadasha of Rahu and the Antardsha of other planets. A Standardized Approach according to Parashara - II . ....... .to the results of Rahu's antardasha in the Mahadashas of other planets
24 27
Some Researches
Guru Chandala Yoga and its Variations
Transit of Rahu and the Birth of Children
Rahu Associated with Curses for Child Birth
Rahu and Fatality: (a) Results of its dasha and transit. (b) Rahu Venus and Venus Rahu Periods: the promises and the dangers. (c) Use of Divisional Horoscopes (d) The Effects of the Nakshatras in which Rahu is
The Placement, Occupations, Conjunction of Rahu and Aspect on it. Rahu's Role in Psychological Evolution.
Rahu Periods And Spiritual Blossoming
Rahu in Sarpa Dreshlwna
THE LEGENDS AND LORES ABOUT RAHU A brief account of what is given about Rahu and Ketu in the sacred literature of India is being outlined here. It is useful to know it because the sacred literature of India contains not merely the account of planets and myths associated with them, but also gives us valuable clues which sharpen our astrological perceptions. The best researches in astrology can be done if we took seriously the stories about these planets, unravelled the mysteries, looked deeper into the stories, found richer astrological content than what is apparent and applied the principles so gleaned to horoscopes before us. Nectar or amrita was churned out of the ocean (the story of Sarnudra Manthan). Poison too had come out with the nectar. That lethal poison could have destroyed the entire life on the earth. Lord Shiva quaffed it off. He stored it in his neck as a result of which it became blue which is why one of the names of Lord Shiva is Lord Neelakantha. It was decided to distribute the nectar to Gods and strengthen them against their fight with rakshas (demons). Without anyone noticing it at once, Rahu and Ketu who were demons, joined the gods and partook of that nectar. When Lord Vishnu carne to know of it, further serving of nectar was not given to Rahu and Ketu. But they had enough consumed enough nectar to become immortal like gods. The Sun and the Moon had noticed this deceitful act of Rahu and Ketu and complained to Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu pierced the abdomen of Rahu and chopped off the head of Ketu. But they did not die as they had become immortal. The Sun and the Moon had reported against Rahu and Ketu to Lord Vishnu. But they had become immortal now. They prayed to the Almighty to include them in the galaxy of planets. Their wish was granted. But they harboured ill will towards the Sun and the Moon who had reported against them. Note: From this story the relation between the luminaries, Sun and Moon and Rahu and Ketu gives us rich materiaf to work on for our research.
The Mystery of Rahu in a Horoscope
The Skanda Purana story of Rahu is a repetitiOn of the same with one difference. Gods and Demons had decided to churn the ocean to extract nectar. The emphasis is that demons were as much a part of the effort to chum the ocean as gods. When nectar was got, Lord Vishnu decided to give nectar only to gods, not to demons. Rahu came to know of this decision. He assumed the shape of a god and entered the group of gods to drink nectar. Lord Vishnu cut off the head of Rahu.
PRAYER TO RAHU Oriental scholars both of India and of the west hardly know that the stotras or Sanskrit hymns, poems, stanzas or poetical compositions give valuable clues, mostly predictive astrological clues about the planets. Here is a very fine, celebrated poem on Rahu with English transliteration and the meaning given below it Rahurdnava Mantri Cha Simhikachittanandah Ardhakayah Sada Krodhi Chandradity Vimardanah (1) Giver of happiness to Simika ( his mother ), minister of demons, half-bodied, Rahu is the tormentor of the Sun and the Moon. Roudro Rudrapriyo Daityah Swarbhanurbhanur Bheetidah Graharajah Sudhapayi Rakatikshyabhilashuka (2) Terrible looking, devotee of Lord Shiva, king among planets, immortal because he has drunk nectar, Rahu who frightens the Sun feels happy when he is worshipped at night. Kaaldrishti Kaalroopa Shri Kantha Hridayaasrayah Vidhuntudah Saimhikayo Ghorarupo Mahabalah (3) His sight is death-inflicting: his looks are Death-like: he resides in the heart of Lord Neelakantha: has made the Moon lustreless. The son of Simhika is a powerful. Grahapeedakaro Dranshtri Rakta netro Mahodarah Panchavimsati Namaani Smritava Rahum Sadanarah (4) He who tonnents planets, has big whiskers, has blood red eyes, big bellied (hard to satisfy) these are the twenty five names of Rahu. Yeh Pathet Mahati Peeda Tasya Nashyati Kevalam Arogyam Putramtulam Shriyam Dhanyam Pashumtatha(5) He who recite these names, overcomes his troubles by a mere recitation of these names, gets sons, good health, prosperity, agricultural and cattle wealth. DadatiRahustasmai Yah Pathet Stotram Uttamam Satatam Pathet Yastu Jeevat Varsham Shatam Narah(6) He who recites this stotra constantly gets his wishes fulfilled and lives up to the age of one hundred years. That is ,the fruit of reciting this hymn.
WHAT ONE MUST KNOW ABOUT RAHU Known as a malefic, the deity represented by Rabu is Adishesha (the great serpent on which the earth rests, the great gravitational energy) according to Parashara. According to a recent astrological book known as the La! Kitab, Rabu represents Bhairava, the destructive subordinate of Lord Shiva. Certain facts one must know about Rabu for good and successful predictions are: T. He is the incarnation of Lord Varaba (For the propitiation of Rabu worship of Varahaavtara is prescribed. Jayadeva's Dashavtara Stotra is the worship of all avatars for full propitiation of all planets. 2. He represents the South West direction. 3. Always in retrograde motion (sometimes is also direct), Rabu stays in one rashi for one and half year and has a daily motion of about three minutes. 4. In the planetary cabinet Rabu is given the portfolio of the limy.
5. Rabu represents leprosy and skin disease. 6. Rabu represents mleccha or an outcaste. 7. Rabu lives in snake holes. 8. Rabu has a good height and a long body. 9. Rabu represents metals. 10. Rahu's colour is black or blue, but always with smokiness
m tt. II. Rabu's habit is to utter falsehood and degrade others
12. Among cereals, Rabu represents urad (lintel). 13. Rabu represents suicidal cases or cases of hanging. 14. Among plants, Rabu is the bush. 15. Among precious stones Rabu is gomez.
What one Must Know about Rabu 16. Rabu causes windy complaints in the body. 17. Rahu is material gain. 18. Rahu is Tamas guna. 19. Rahu gives effect of evil spirits. ,
RAHU'S .EXALTATION/DEBILITATION ETC., . (see details in later chapters)
Lord of which nakshatras.
Taurus(Parashara) Gemini(Parashara) Scorpio (Parashara) Ardra (Gemini) Gemini (Others)
Aquarius (Others) Sagittarius (Others) Swati (Libra)
Owus Kumbha
(Parashara) but Virgo according to others.
Satabhisha (Aquarius)
Friends are: Mercury, Venus. and Saturn. 21. ASPECTS: There has always been a controversy about the aspects of Rahu. Many writers feel that since it is a shadowy planet it cannot have any aspect. But many others use the aspects of Rahu for their predictions. Different writers give aspects of Rahu thus: a. The 5th, 7th,9th and the 12th according to some.' b. The 5th and 7th according to others. c. Others take only the 5th, 7th and the 12th. 22. Propitiation or Shanti of Rahu (a) To ward off the evils of Rahu worship of Goddess Durg:i. Someone recommends worship of Lord Shiva or Bhairava. (b)
Fasting on Saturday.
WHAT CLASSICS SAY ABOUT RAHU BASED ON MANSAGARI FROM THE LAGNA (The notes being given in this table are based on our own observations which will be illustrated later.) FIRST HOUSE
Generally does not give good resnlts but gives courage to undertake any work. Has blood shot eyes and gives inclination for violence. Note: It has been observed that streaks of unorthodoxy associated with Rahu gives courage to be a non confonnist.
Good in a financial sense but not good for other purposes. One may live but in the ''houses of people of different racial, ethnic or caste background (The word low caste is a wooden translation in modern context). Inclinations to indnlge in thieving and meat eating. Note: The word low caste used in the translation shonld be given expanded meaning. It has been observed that Rahu in the second house gives interrupted, never continuous flow, of money.
..... '.:..
FOURTH" material for research.
Promotes ~appiness good for valour but siblings may die, not survive. • N ~te 1: It has been observed that. Rahu in the thiitd house makes one either the youngest or the I . eldest of siblings, or in its own sex. (See some instances.) Note 2: If Rahu in the third house is with other planets this rnle shonld not be applied. Generally not good here: Some interesting predictive hints are given here: a) The native may live a house constructed away from the place of one's native land. These days it wilf mean in a house away from the place of one's birth. b) Such Rahu with' "another malefic may live in a foreign country.
What Classics Say About Rahu Based on Mansagri from the Lagna
See illustrations.
c) May have only one daughter. Note: Rahu in the 4th has been seen to give at least one daughter. d) His wife may be slim.(A strange principle which needs observing.)
FIFTH See illustrations.
Not good. a) Rahu and Moon here show death of a son after birth. Note: It may not be death but an incurable disease to a child. b) He may become owner of other's house. c) Only one son may live and that too handicapped.
Good. Destroys enemies. Note: A person with Rahu in the 6th house will rarely be without enemies who, however, get vanquished.
Not good. Loss of wealth, extramarital relations, . if many' planets then his spouse will be harsh and ill behaved. N01E 1: The aspect of Jupiter on such Rahu gives excellent married life. NOIE 2: Rahu in the 7th is a general well known factor for unorthodox marriage or unorthodox relationship or extramarital relationship. Yet it should not be overemphasiZed as it more often than not gives business partners with different racial or national background.
Good only for financial matters otherwise unfavourable. 1bieving tendency, defamed and is generally aggrieved. Note: It can disturb married life, give esoteric experience, and creates some complication in the region between thighs.
Is bad. Quarrelsome, does lowly acts, unlucky, fear of enemies. Note: It has been found to be bad. It promotes some unorthodoxy, gives foreign travels invariably, particularly if in Cancer. In chara rashis such travels start very early in life, in sthira rashis late and in dwiswabhava rashis spasmodically.
The Mystery of Rahu in a Horoscope TENTH
Good but makes a person sensual. unlucky. takes initiative and does some spiritual thinking, fickle minded and cruel. Note: If aspected by malefics one can become very egotistical. Note: If unaspected it can give deep missionary tendencies. Note: People with Rahu in the lOth house have to be careful about their jobs if the lOth lord is not in a happy position. One such person with the 1Oth lord debilitated. and with Rahu in the 1Oth house aspected by Saturn was caught embezzling money. He was nearly dismissed from his job but he escaped by resigning early. Note: Persons with Rahu in the lOth house generally have more sons is our observations.
ELEVENTH Material for research.
Is good. (a) Is skilled in the use of weapons Note: In modem times it can apply to surgeons and doctors. (b) The native is beautiful and kind-hearted Note: Beauty should be seen with reference to other factors. Kindheartedness should be examined along with the happy condition of the fourth house and its lord. (c) Lives in a foreign country. Note: Lives in a place away from birth place. (d) May not have a son or happiness from a son Note: It is the 8th house from the 5th house. It applies to first child, it has been observed. A son born after does not suffer. (e) Can be the eldest or youngest of siblings or in its own sex
Illustrations available.
Not favourable. a) Religion, money and wife desert him Note: It is an extreme statement. b) There is defect in nails Note: Here the 12th house and Rahu have been used for nails which can be a valuable piece of research for medical astrology. c) Lives in a foreign country. Note: Away from the place of one's birth as in the case of J3.ahu in the 4th house seems very certain.
What Classics Say About Rahu Based on Mansagri fium the Lagna From the above it seems that Rahu in 1,2,3,6,8,10 and 11 are generally favourable. In the other houses, 4,5,7,9 and 12 it is not favourable. Rahu in Mesha: Rise and Fall Lagna Mars 7-26 4-38 ~up 1-38 Rah 9-29 Sun 18-47 Venus Mer 17-44 00-59 A Politician I. ~ahu in the. 12th hous( f2/3June 1930 5-10 a.m. 1ST Lat 12N 52 Moon Long: 074 E 53 . 6-33 Example 5
~at (R 17-40
Ketu 9-29
He was in Mars Ketu period in June, 1974 he was arrested and lodged inside a jail and even tortured. Later when his Rahu dasha started he became cabinet mimster in the central government of India. Rahu in Aries did give him a rajayoga but for a brief period, as being with the 12th lord, Mars, he also caused his downfall in 1979 when Rahu Jupiter period started. Rahu in 5th and Education Moon 8-24 Rahu
Jupiter 2-34
Sat (R) 21-46 Lagna 17-37
Female Aug20, 1965 6p.m.Delhi Exarnple6 Ketu 17-08
Mars 6-38
Mer (R) 28-54 Sun 3-53
Yen 7-48
Here Rahu in the 5th house which is Taurus, with exalted Moon gave her good education, marriage and children in its dasha.
The Mystery ofRahu in a Horoscope Afflicted Rahu in the 5th house.
Sun Mars Keto
Sat 1--
Male Rahu in 5th Example?
Here see afflicted Rahu in the 5th house and Sat's aspect on the 5th lord. He has no children. Rahu in a kendra with Jupiter and aspect of benefic. Sun
Male Rahu in the 4th with a benefic ExampleS
Rahu Jup
Moon Keto
Here Rahll in the 4th house aspected by a benefic and Jupiter gave him a career and also marriage. Rahu as a Protector What is call arista or malefic effect of planets are cancelled by Rahu if certain conditions are fulfilled: (a) A well aspected Rahu in the 3rd, 6th or the 11th house wards off evils and becomes a strong protector. (b) If Rahu is in the 3rd, 6th or 11th house and all planets are in sheershodaya rashis (rashis which rise from the head, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius.)
What Classics Say About Rabu Based on Mansagri from the Lagna
RAHU'S PLACEMENT FROM THE MOON (TREAT THE MOON AS THE ASCENDANT AND JUDGE). Manasagari deals with the position of planets from the Moon and gives very specific results. From the Ascendant F rom the Moon c ontrastmg s tu d y See details given earlier) First House
Good in the beginning of life but at the end of life, is not so conspicuous in the same way
Not good but gives courage to take initiative.
Second House
Not good. Deprivations of money, honour and happiness.
Not good generally but good financ;ally but not earned in scrupulous ways. Can be a meat cater.
Third House
No mention
Good for valour but bad for siblings.
Fourth House
Gives grief to parents
Fifth House
Not good. Obstructions fear of drowning
Not good.lt can give agonizing experience with children one of whom may die in tragic way
Sixth House
Good for financial positic n
Good. Destroyer of enemies
Seventh Hou.se
Gives grief to parents
Not good, loss of wealth and extra marita! relations. If such a Rabu is with many other planets the spouse is harsh in behaviour business partner
Eighth House
Not mentioned.
Ninth House
Good in the beginning of life but at the end of life not so conspicuous in the same way
Not good. May live away from the land of one's birth. Note: Generally gives at least one daughter Nate : His spouse • may be slim.
Good financially otherwise bad.
Bad,quarrelsome, indulges in lowly acts, is not lucky and fear of enemies
The Mystery of Rahu in a Horoscope
Tenth House
Good in the beginning in life but at the end of life is not so conspicuous in the same way.
Good.Has spiritual inclinations and is also a wanderer, not lucky.
Eleventh House
Not good. Loss of honour wealth and happiness.
Good for one own self but not for children and siblings
Twelfth House
Good for financial gains.
Not favourable Note: This can be a period of foreign travels. Note: There is some defect in nails.
Rahu in some rashis which happen to be in quadrant or trine fium the lagna is said to be good. (a) In Gemini or Virgo (both the houses of Mercury, his friend) if Rahu happens to be in a trine or quadrant from the lagna, it,proves very beneficial. (b) If Aries, Taurus or Cancer happens to be the ascendant with Rahu in it, it is good. This special position of Rahu should be understood through the table given below, for auspicious results. If Rahu is in Gemini Not applicable
If Rahu is in Virgo
ARIES in Lagna with Rahu TAURUS m Not applicable Lagna with Rahu Quadrant and Trine GEMINI Not applicable CANCER in Lagna with Rahu Not applicable LEO Quadrant VIRGO Trine Not applicable Quadrant Not applicable Trine Quadrant
Not applicable
Half benefit
Quadrant Not applicable
Trine and Quadrant
LIBRA Not applicable Not applicable SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS Quadrant CAPRICORN- -!rine AQUARIUS-'-- Not applicable PISCES Quadrant
Full benefit Benefit No benefit Full benefit Half benefit No benefit Full benefit Half benefit Half benefit Full benefit
THE DASHA RESULTS The Dasha Results of Rahu as given in Mansagari can be summed up thus: 1. Rahu-Mercury, Rahu-Venus and Rahu-Jupiter are generally good periods while other sub periods in the major period of Rahu are not very favourable.
2. The Sub-period of Rahil in the major period of any other planet is not good. NOTE: In the joint discussions I have had with my guide, K.N.Rao, the following tentative formulations are worth considering: (a) Rahu Mercury can be periods of mental aberrations. (b) Rahu-Venus periods are most difficult to predict. Examples will be given.
(c) Rahu-Moon periods can be periods of melancholia, depression and other agonies. (d) In the major period of Saturn and sub-period of Rahu is generally difficult. Note: Rahu major periods and sub periods need closed examination .. Aspects and association of other planets and their ownership should be scrutinised closely. JATAKABHARANAM
Jataka Bharanam gives to Rahu enough importance. The results of Rahu in different houses and different rashis as given in the Jatakabharanam are as follows. 1st House
Mixed Results
Evil thinking, diseases but victory in fights.
2nd House
It can give
bad speech habits, be bad for money and cause poverty occasionally.
The Mystery ofRahu in a Horoscope
14 3rd House
overcome. Sacred duties are Fear is performed. On the negative side, it proves bad for siblings can cause penurious situations. Such a position can make one a killer of animals.
4th House
Grief from family.
5th House
Devoid of happiness and there can be stomach pain.
6th House
Enemies are destroyed. Gives wealth, courage and strength. 1t gives the companies of mlechhas, or men -of other races, castes and suffers from back pain.
7th House
Bad for spouse or girl or boy fiiends. Spouse can be diseased and of bad temper.
8th House
But can cause pain in sexual organs.Destructions and physical handicaps.
9th House
Promotes irreligious tendencies and leads to dimunition of happiness.
lOth House
Destroys enemies. Less happiness from father, uneven luck and windy complaints.
11th House
Gives profits, happiness, victory.
12th House
Diseases of eyes, wounds in feet
1t gives mixed results in Taurus and Pisces.
Notable 1: Rabu is kendra or quadrant from the birth ascendant if aspected by malefics proves bad in the lOth or the 16th year. Notable 2: Rabu in the 3rd,6th and ll th houses aspected by benefics is strongly l!rotective. Notable 3: H all planets are in shirshodaya rashis and aspect Rabu it· becomes a strong protective shield. Notable 4: H the ascendant is Aries, Taurus or Cancer with Rabu in it becomes a strong protective shield. Jatakabharanam does not refer to the results of the dasha of Rabu in various houses.
Dasha Results
Sarvartha Chintamani is the only book which singles out Rahu as an excellent planet in certain ways. It gives fame and gives the crown or high position(Chattrakaraka word used) Six valuable points given by this book for the interpretation of the results of the subperiods of other planets, particularly of malefics in that of Rahu give us sound predictive basis. Table 1 Results Expected 1.
If Rahu is in the lagna the sub-period of a malefic is bad.The sub-period of a benefic is good.
If Rahu is in the 6th,8th or the 12th house fium the lagna,the sub-period of a malefic is bad. NOIE No. mention has been made of the sub-period of a benefic here. It is only the sub-period of a malefic that is said to be bad. It has been seen that the sub-period of a benefic generally is fium good to very auspicious in the results it gives.
If Rahu is in the 4th, 7th or the lOth the sub-period of a malefic is bad while that a benefic is good.
If Rahu is in the 5th or the 9th then the sub-period of a malefic proves bad and that of a benefic good.
If Rahu is in the 3rd or the II th then the sub-period of a malefic gives good results in the beginning but proves bad in the end.
If Rahu is in the. 2nd the sub-period of malefic proves bad but that of the benefic gives good results. Note: It has not been mentione~ if the sub-period of a benefic aspected by a malefic and in the 6th,8th or the 12th position from Rahu proves bad. Our experience is the such ill-placed benefic is rather tricky and deceptive to interpret.
Some Observations
1. The sub periods of malefics in the major period of Rahu has not been favoured for good results except when Rahu is in the 3rd and the 11th. Here also the sub period gets divid~d into two clear periods: the beginning proves good but the end is deceptively bad. 2. The sub period of a benefic is either neutral or good it ap-
The Mystery of Rahu in a Horoscope
pears. In our experience it has not been so. Case studies given later will raise some important questions. 3. An ill associated or ill aspected benefic may not tum out to be good is our experience. Rahu as a Protector
Sarvartha Chintamani gives to Rahu's special protective role in three ways: Rahu is kendra from the lagna without arty aspect from a benefic, it is not protective. Note: If aspected by a benefic it proves protective. (b) If Rahu is in the 3rd, 6th or the II th and is aspected by a benefic, it becomes a strong protector. (c) If Rahu is in Aries, Taurus or Cancer he becomes strongly protective. Note: It should be observed whether these rashis fall in the 6th, 8th or the I2 house from a lagna. It has been seen to be giving good results even in such cases.
Dasha Results
Table 1 From Phaladeepika Association of Rahu If Rahu is with benefics or in the houses of benefics, its results in Rahu mahadasha are generally good and auspicious. If with malefics or malefics rashis it proves bad in the mahadasha of Rahu. Note: Astrologers emphasizing the nagativity of Rahu should remember that the bad results manifest only in the dachas and are not life long happenings. Placement (Specially notable points in five houses. See detailed table later) The principle given about association will get modified according to the placement of Rahu. Rahu in the 3rrl house
Gives courage. Note It has been found to be very good for extra curricular activities and spon generally
Rahu in the 4th house
Gives long life to the mother. Also rajayoga in its mahadasha. Note Generally it has .been found to be correct if there is benefic association.
Rahu in the 5th house
Produces rajayoga It can give rare insight into complex subjects of study if other promises exist in the horoscope in its own mahsdasha. Note it is the house of diplomacy and thinking. The means adopted to achieve all things are seen to be dubious generally. Note The 5th house has been taken. for higher education not the 4th house.
Rahu in the I Oth house
Is a producer of rajayoga in its own mahadasha Note It may lead to an erratic career yet phil-
anthropic work as in the case of Mahatma Gandhi. It may tum out to very dubious if aspected by a malefic. Rahu in the lith house
It is again an excellent house for Rajayoga Note It has been generally seen that it
yields more money, some occasional honours but not an excellent rajayoga
The Mystery of Rahu in a Horoscope
In Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces
Here three houses have been singled out for auspicious results by ,the Phaladeepika. Note It is very interesting to note that the 6th, 8th and the 12th house of the natural zodiac have been singled out
Sub Period
The sub period of Venus in the major period of Rahu proves very good. Note: Our research shows that it is dangerous to make predictions about this period without a very thorough examination. Note: Rabu Jupiter and Rahu Mercury periods have been praised as good. Rahu Venus or Venus Rahu can be both good and bad in the sense that there can be danger from poison, fire or disease. Other sub periods have been described as bad.
UTTAR KALAMRITA Uttara Kalamrita of Kalidas gives a very special treatment to the dasha of Rahu. Some of the salient' points mentioned can be mentioned briefly thus.
A benefic Rahu (with benefic or in benefic houses) gives very auspicious results, like money, pilgrimages, religious knowledge and traveL
A malefic Rahu, can cause disease, snake bite (food poisoning or even strong reaction from allopathic medicine) danger from enemies, fire and weapons.
If Rahu or Ketu is posited in the 5th or the 9th house and is associated with the 2nd or the 7th lord, it becomes a maraka and causes death.
The result gets reversed if Rahu or Ketu are in the 2nd or the 7th houses and are associated with the 5th and or the 9th lord it gives money and prosperity.
If Rabu or Ketu are in the 2nd or the 7th house while the lords Of those houses are with the malefic lords of the 3rd, 6th or the II th houses, the latter lords become death inflicting. Note The theory of dispositors comes into play h.ere.
Dasha Results 6a 6b
If Rahu or Ketu are in dual signs; and I if they or their dispositors are associated with rajayoga producing planets or aspected by them they bestow money and prosperity in their dashas. 2. If they are also associated with the 6th, 8th, or 12th lords such a promise gets weakened. They also do some harm to brother and mother's side. Note For the first time a very clear exposition of the dispositors of Rahu and Ketu are brought into play. We thus has to examine not merely Rahu and Ketu but itlso their dispositors.
Now two conditions are laid down: if Rahu/Ketu are in movable signs and in benefic houses or are conjoined with the lords of trines, their dasha proves very fruitful. Note It is never possible for both Rahu and Ketu to be both in movable signs and benefic houses. If the axis is Aries!Li· bra, Cancer/Capricorn, Libra!Aries or Capricorn/Cancer one of the houses must be malefic. Yet since one of the houses is a benefic, it should be examined if the planet in the benefic is associated with the trinal lord from the lagna. Such Rahu or Ketu proves excellent in many ways.
If RKA are in malefic houses but aspected by benefics, they still become killers.
If RKA is in 6th, 8th or 12th houses conjoined with the lords of those houses or with maraka lords, they cause bodily injury or ailment. Note. It is one of the finest principles or timing the periods of sickness. It has not been seen to fail.
If RKA becomes a killer by position or association, it becomes fatal.
lfRKA in the 6th, 8th or 12th houses have the association of kendra or trikona lords, they becomes auspicious mostly but at the end cause disease or even death
If RKA in 3 or or trikona lords If on the other 7th lord all that
II or 1,4,7,10 and has the association of kendra they promote prosperity. hand they are associated with the 2nd or the promise is destroyed, even death.
RAHU ACCORDING TO MAHARSHI PARASHARA LAGHU PARASHARI For generations astrologers have usea the condensed principles of Parashara given in the classic known as the Laghu Parashari, which K.N.Rao has given in an analytical form in his book Astrology,' Destiny and the Wheel of Time. Rahu has been dealt with pithily and lucidly thus. Rahu and Ketu being CHAYA graha ( shadowy planets ) they will: a) Give the results of the sign in which they are. stance in Scorpio it will have be like Mars.
For in-
b) The lordship of the houses in which they are will affect. For instance if Rahu is in Scorpio and Mars is debilitated Rahu will get affected by the debilitated Mars. If Rahu is associated with other planets it shares the results of those planets also. HOUSES 1. They are neutral in 2,12,4,7,10th houses. 2. Benefic in 1,5,9. 3. Malefic in 3,6, 11. 4. If in the 8th, it is very bad. Expected Results of Rahu's Mahadasha 1. In benefic houses or with benefics Rahu and Ketu act like benefics. 2. trikona.
They produce good results if associated with kendra and
3, If in kendras or trikonas but unaspected, they produces good results. 4. They get kendradhipatya dosha if their rashi lords are benefics.
5. If on the other hand if their rashi lords are of kendras are malefics, they produces good results. BRIHAT PARASHARA HORA SHASTRA In this magnum opus of astrology, the greatest principles of predictive astrology are given. It is for this reason that there is no astrologer in the world who understands even one third of this greatest astrological classic. It is the jurisprudence of astrology laying down those principles around which predictive techniques are shaped. The Parashara Hora Shastra states that Taurus is the sign of Rahu's exaltation, Gemini its moolatrikona sign and Aquarius its own sign. What will be the results of the mahadasha of Rahu? a) If exalted, in moolatrikona or with a yogakaraka or being aspected by a yogakaraka or with a lord of kendra or trikona or in the lith house, the results are good. b) If Rahil is in the 8th or the 12th or with maraka planets or in debilitation it can be bad. Note: In the dasha of Rahu in the 12th house there can be a major change or even movement to foreign or far off place. The Sub Period of Rahu a) If in Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio or Sagittarius, the Rahu/Rahu would be good. b) If such a Rahu is in 3,6, 10 or II and has connection with benefic planets, its sub period will be good. c) If such a Rahu is in the 8th, 12th or 2nd or 7th and associated with a malefic, its sub period will be bad. The Mahadasha of Rahu and the Antar Dasha of Other Planets a) If the antardasha lords from the lagna are in kendra, trikona, exalted, in own sign II th house or exalted Navamsha, the period will give good results. b) If the antardasha lord is in the 6th, 8th or the 12th fium the lagna, is associated with malefics, it will prove bad.
The Mystery of Rahu in a Horoscope
c) If the antardasha lord is a kendra or a trikona or the II th house from Rahu it will prove gainful. d) If the antardasha lord is in 6,8,12 from Rahu or in 2nd or 7th from Rahu it is not helpful. FROM BHAVARTHA RATNAKAR
One of the rare classics, the Bhavartha Ratnakar is an extraordinarily inspiring and refreshingly innovative astrological classic which gives the spiritual side of Rahu in a horoscope. It concentrates on four lagnas to explain it. To start with, favourable Rahu is said to be the one placed in the 4th,5th, I Oth or the II th house. Similarly, Rahu in Taurus is said to be in its house of exaltation, while Gemini and Cancer have been treated as its moolatrikona houses. If the lagna is
Rahu in the lOth Mars and Jupiter in Capricorn. Note: The 9th house becomes significicant
If Saturn and Rahu are in the 5th house and Mercury and Jupiter in the lith house Note: The 5th house becomes significant
In Rahu is ill the lOth and Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Mars are in Aquarius
Note: The 5th house becomes significant
Sagittarius If Rahu is in Leo and Mars and Sun in Aquarius
Note: The house becomes 9th significant
Results of Rahu in Different Houses The placement of Rahu in different houses has been given an entirely new and different meaning in this classic. First House
If Rahu is associated with the lagna or the 6th lord in the lagna, there is fear of animals, reptiles. Note: It leads to accidents, reactions caused by strongmedicines is our experience. It is a valuable point in medical astrology.
One will get food according to the circumstances one is placed in. Note: Such persons do not get the food of their choice always.
Rahu According to Maharshi Parashara
Gives valour aud courage. Note: It is a good combination for distinction in sports
Gives Rajayoga in its own sub period. Note: We have seen it happening in other sub periods in major periods of Rahu as well. See the famous example of John F Kennedy later.
Gives au ability to fathom the secret and know the inner meauing. Note: Rahu in the 5th house favours there are other afflictions to the 5th lord it cau give perverted thinking aud
thoughts of others diplomacy. aud if house or the 5th crookendness.
If Rahu is associated with the langa or the 6th lord in the 6th house, there is fear of auimal aud reptiles. Note: It leads to accidents, reactions caused by strong medicines is our experience. It .is a valuable points in medical astrology.
Gives skillfulness aud confers fame aud. prosperity.
No mention has been made.
Generally what been said about holy deeds may become applicable.
Gives Rajayoga in its own sub period. N ole: We have seen it happen in other favorable sub periods of in the major period of Rahu as well.
Same as for the lOth house.
Same as for the lOth house. Note: It is only here that we have seen Rahu in the 12th house being spoken of so favorable. We have the instance of a very successful politiciau of au Indian state where it happened.
Death of Father in Rahu Dasha a) One's father may died in the sub p~riod of Ketu, Saturn or Sun in the major period of Rahu if such facility exists. b) Death can also take place in the sub period of Rahu -in the major period of a malefic mahadasha.
CONSOLIDATED TABLE We can summarize what we have seen in these eight classics about Rahu in two tables for a ready reference Abbreviations have been used for the books referred:
2 Books
Good or mixed periods in bhavas
3 Good or mixed periods in rashis
1,2,3,6, Aries, 8,10,11 Taurus .Gemini, from lagna. Cancer, From the Virgo Moon: 1,6,9, 10,12 Note: 'This is the only book which talk~ of favourable points from the Moon.
1,3,6 11
Taurus Pisces
4 Good
Good sub
sub periods in Rahu dasha
periods of Rahu in other dashas
Jup,Mer, None Ven sub periods in Rahu Mahadasha
6 Arista
Cancella Notable lion of Arista
I. Rahu in 3,6,11 as peeted by benefics
2.Rahu in the lagna if it is Aries, Taurus or Cancer. 3.Rahu in 3,6,11 aspect of both malefics and benefics from sheersho daya rashis.
No No mention Mention
Same as in the Mansagari (2 and 3)
Rahu gives courage
Consolidated Table
Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Sagitt., Aqu., Pisces
Benefi No sub das- Menha ntion lords for all bhavas except the lith house where the AD of malefic can also be good.
Rahuin kendra not as peeted by benefics.
Same as Rabu in MS has been called as chatrakaraka.
3,4,5, 10,11
Virgo, Scorpio Pisces
Jup, Ven Mer in the dasha of Rahu
Rahu mabad asha& Venus sub period or
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