Jyotish Predicting Marriage Trivedi

April 22, 2017 | Author: KALSHUBH | Category: N/A
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MdLdula Trivedi T. Prakash Trivedi

Foreword" Oy DAY A SHANKER (Hon'y Consultant Editor of "The Times of Astrology")

Contents 1,



Hmdu Marriage In the Mirror of ^The Purpose of Marriage: Origin & Development +Ambit of Marriage * Marriage Ceremony Elementary principles of the seventh 1h * Planets in the 7 house &marriage facility * Lords of varies house, placed in the 7lh house * Significance of sign falling in the 7,,, house ^Lord of the 7th house placed in various Bhavas * Planetary aspects on the 7ir' house & their effects





Significance of Navamsa Chart • Best use Navamsa chart for the correct judgment of marital aspects


•Navamsa showing chaste and faithful wife 4,

* Venus and Mars in Navamsa *Navamsa and Multiple marriage Venns: the Karaka Indicator of Marriage • Venus placed in different houses • Judgment of qualities and appearance of wife by the • Venus of the seventh houses * Venns and lord of the 7th house


•Combination of Mars and Venus, and Rahu • Mutual exchange of sign or Navamsa by Mars and Venus 5.

Roleof Jupiter in •Jupiter in the 7!": malignant for marriage



•Jupiter-Mars nexus and marital affairs 6.

Matrimony and evils of Mars (KujaDosha) Mangaldosh : myth or reality ^Authoritative views: Mars in different houses •Nullifying ill effects: Some opinions


•Weighing ofKuja Dosha ^Mathematical calculation ofKuja Dosha 7.

Mars in eight for females. •Grave for female: Mars in the 8lh house


* What does Mars do after marriage? • Who will be harmed more, the husband or wife? 8.


10, 11.


Mercury and Marital affairs •Significators of mercury • Role of mercury in various fields of life •Mercury and the 7m house Matching of horoscopes • Horoscope matching: not a play *Nakshatra Melapak •Destructive Constellations •Graha Melapak • Bhava Melapak • Agreement of horoscope A novel approach for multiple marriage A perspective on the prospective spouse V


291 317

• Moon sign and lagna of prospective spouse •Birth Constellation oflife partner •Direction and distance of the life partner •Family status of the prospective spouse *The beauty and Structure of prospective wife A perspective on matrimony: Late or never • Market factors: extra astrological consideration •The planetary cansatives Timing Marriage •Rules propounded by sages and scholars •To find out year and month of marriage •Method evolved by Mr^H.R. Shanker •Novel approach for timing of marriage by Mr, K.N. Rao •According to Tajuk Shastra ^Transits *Significanceof 4th house in timing marriage Star & Sterility • Children: Cementing Bond •Sterility in the Male • Failure in the Female Element of Love and Matrimonial Variable. •Since the Dawan of Time* The Astrological Perception • When will the love surface ^Summing up • Love marriage • Love Relationship • Secret Love marriage • Delayed Love marriage • Inter-Caste love marriage • Inter-religion Love marriage • Love marriage in lower caste • Love marriage in Higher Caste • Love marriage in Same Caste * Marriage within Relations •Unsuccessful Love marriage •Marriage Against Love marriage Determinants of • Planetary trespass into happy marriage • Basic Principles tending Separation


•Timing Separation • Second Marriage • Murder of the Native 'A few important observations Pointers to Carnality • Kama : Allusions to Godly Instincts • Venus: Sexual Magnetism • Mars: Questions OfPassion • Bhavas • The Twelfth House • Signs •Scorpio: Intensity and strength • Astrological Pointers to Carnal Tendencies • Planetary Tendencies towards Carnal Pleasure • Role of Venus in Adultery •Mars in the 7'" house • Role of Mars and Venus in Carnality •Role of Mercury in Carnality •Role of Venus & Saturn in Relationship •Adultery with the consent of Mother •Native is lesbian • Husband and wife both fall in Adultery • When husband and wife both fall in Adultery vi

• Lord of 2nd house or venues • Madan Gopal Yoga • Matrugam Yoga • Shodaresangama Yoga • The sun and Jupiter check adultery Misogamous Role ofSun & Saturn (When Sun and Saturn both work against Marriage) StreeJatak (Peculiarities ofFemale Horoscope) • Lagan Vichar • Saptam Bhava Vichar • Who will Die Earlier: Husband or wife •Combination for Widowhood: Vaidhavya Yogas ^Timing Windowhood • Sabhagya Yoga + Combinations for a Good wife in the horoscope of male *Pativratapatni Yoga •Pativarata Nari Yoga in female charts •Griha Lakshmi Yoga • Vish Kanya Yoga •Prevention of Vaidhavya Yoga or Vish Kanya Yoga •Santari Yoga Mars in 5'" and marital maladies Muhurta •Electing Time of Marriage • A few important pointers to Muhurta or Marriage • Following Lunar Months should be chosen for marriage •Inauspicious Date of marriage •Best Lunar Days for Marriage * Best Days for Marriage •The Best Nakshatras of Marriage •Yogas, • Guru Bala for Girls • Surya Bala •Chandra Bala • Ten Dosha in Muhurta for Marriage • Vedha dosha • Cancellation ofVedha dosha •Paat Dosha • Yuti Dosha • Kranti Samya dosha •Latta Dohsa • Ekangil Dosha • Budha Panchak Dosha • Dagdh Tthi Dosha • Dpgaraha Dosha • Pamitra Dosha Appendix Luminaries and Venus • Association Of Venus with Sun and Moon •Venus in Leo in Various Sign • Moon in Various signs in opposition to Venus • Venus in various signs in opposition to Moon • Sun Venus Conjuction • Moon Venus Conjuction Predicting Month of Marriage PREDICTING MONTH OF MARRIAGE • Sub Period for Marriage • Month of Marriage Akhand



•Akhand Saubhagya Yoga ofFemale



Publishers' Note about this book Nishkaam Peeth Prakashan is very happy to bring out the esteemed authors' firstbook's Second completely revised and Enlarged Edition of in English entitled as 'PredictingMarriage'. The authors have discussed the Navamsas occupied by various Planets inmost of the illustrations wherein, the authors themselves have described the position o/Navamsas/orimportant planets necessary for their findings. However, dear readers of the First Edition requested that they found difficulty in comprehancing the astro-analysis in absence of the Navamsa Charts. Thus, in this new edition, not only Navamsha Charts are given but also the Dashamsha charts that would help the esteemed readers in making further researches on their own for other important aspects of life such as Profession, prosperity and happiness with the help of these Divisional charts in traditional way, in case they consider necessary to do the same for their further study of the subject with any of the illustration. The size ofthe illustrations is widened to make it more reader friendly. A lot of space is keptblankin thebook against almost each of the horoscope to enable the readers to make their own notes on the spot while reading the book. Thus, this book may be used by the research scholars as an ideal work-book on the subject. The authors have followed Lahiri's Ayanamsa only. However, it is found by us that the de-tails discussed by the authors like Navamsa position etc. o/a planet, does not get changed even if the Lahiri's Ayanamsa is replaced with Krishnamurthy's or Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa being very close to Lahiri's Ayanamsa. The illustrations are pro-vided with, therefore, in the book with the horoscopes prepared with Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa by the help of computer software to facilitate all the readers including the followers of K.P. as well as Sri Sauatan Jyotish to do further researches in the Divine field of Astrology. Live! long!! Astrology!!! -Publishers.


FOREWORD By Daya Shanker

It was a great occasion of joy and pride when 1 accepted the offer of the authors to write the foreword for their first big book in English 'Predicting Marriage'. They have already given Aayam






"Vaivahik Vilamaba ke Vividh Chintan",



"Vaivahik Sukh : Jyotishiya Sandarbha" &- "Shairu Shaman" in Hindi and Shaman" in two Volumes &


"Astrology for Life" in English also to the world of

Astrology, covering, almost all important aspects of life but profession being under preparation. Late Dr. B.V. Raman, almost a synonymous with astrology since a few decades in India, wrote the foreword for their first book "Vaivahik Vdamba ke Vividha Aayam Evam Mantra". Had Dr. B.V. Raman not left for his heavenly abode before the publication of this book "Predicting Marriage", the first one in English by the authors, I am sure, this foreword would have also been written by him only as he alone could have done full justice to the authors who, since long, have been associated with him seeking his humble guidance like other outstanding contributors to his illustrious magazine, The Astrological Magazine. It is the authors' love & affection that they requested me to write the foreword which was supposed to be written by Late Dr. B.V. Raman, else, there is hardly anything which can suggest even a slightest match between Late Dr. .B.V.Raman & myself except that that I am also married to the lady having the gracious name, Rajeshwari like Dr. BV. Raman. Obviously, there is no match to Dr. Raman & the void created by him is difficult to fill in. Nevertheless, the mission left by Prof, K.S. Krishnamurthy, Dr. B.V.Raman & Shri R.Santhanam, has to be taken care of by the capable persons like Rajeshwari Shanker, the Editor of "The Times of Astrology" and T.P. Trivedi ji & Mridula Trivedi ji, the authors of this book through their original researches backed by experience as well as the principles of Astrology propounded by our great seers & Acharyas since inception of the Vedic Astrology. I had a privilege to go through the monumental research work of the authors contained in "Predicting Marriage11 prior to its publication. I also had a privilege to discuss with the authors a few things contained in this book. It is immaterial whether, I agree or not on a few researchful findings of the authors, but / must congratulate them to have courage & conviction to slate that Jupiter does not influence Mars favorably as mentioned in the classical text books to have cancellation of Kuja Dosha. 1 reserve my opinion on this issue & 1 am sure, the readers come across the other views on this very issue off and on through "The Times of Astrology" ix

under the able editorship of Rajeshwari Shanker ji who can not remain silent over such topics for a long in the interest of the esteemed readers & scholars of the divine science. However, it is noteworthy, that this finding of the authors, found favour of the founder editor of "The Times of Astrology" in which, the same was published for the first time. Creative discussion always enriches the subject. Way back In 7990 when 1 was posted in Luc know, this bookwas u nderprepamtion.

During one of such discussions,

I suggested that in India at!east we could not ignore the fact that marriage is also related to the happy home of the natives. The happy home Is signified by 4th house & its loss house, the 12th to 4th, is 3rd house in a horoscope. My experience had been that, broken marriages or breaks in married life or divorces and Judicial/forceful separations are signifiedhy 3rd house. We may not predict such events correctly & with precision without taking 3rd house into account. Now, if this is the case, how can we ignore 4th house while predicting marriage? I requested to the authors to look into it as till that time, I vras restricting mys elf to decipher divorces or separations only with the help of 3rd house & did not venture into this new proposition. The authors were very much in making of this book and they alone experimented with this proposition of considering 4th house while predicting marriage. / am more than glad, to hold that the creative flashes from cosmos capturedby our minds transcend the limits of Time & can create sometimes History in any field Including Astrology, the divine science. This book is, undoubtedly, a compendium on Marriage & allied subjects in Astrology and full of rare experiences & case studies not found anywhere in any book. It will not be hyperbolic if I say that the world of Astrology is going to receive this compendium for the first time only as there is available no such book so complete in every sense of marriage. "Predicting Marriage" was simply great, fascinating & complete in its first edition itself. However, the three new Chapters in the Appendix- such as "Venus and Luminaries", "Akhand Saubhagya Yoga" and "Predicting The Month of Marriage" are icing on the Cake in this second Edition apart from its size, shape and presentability in view of its reader friendliness. I pray to God to bestow more vigour, insight, intuition & desire to serve the whole population of the world, to Smt. Mridula Trivedi & Shri TP. Trivedi, the authors so that more & more such onerous tasks can be completed by them. I wish all success, prosperity & good things to them.

-Daya Shankar LR.S. Hon'YConsultant Editor "The Times of Astrology"


Marriage is the most sacred social event and a pious bond between two souls. It is a landmark in one's life which brings 'bouquets' for some while 'brickbats' for some others. It can fill life with everlasting joy or can be the begining of the end of happy life, 'Curiosity regarding marriage and life thereafter is therefore, sometimes takes the shape of anxiety. Only. Astrology is capable of meeting such queries. By suggesting suitbale solutions, astrology can definitely provide solace to the anxious minds by predicting precisely the possible outcome, and offer help to overcome certain planetary evils, lessen the maladies and soothe the feelings. Like all sciences, or arts, if one may call it, astrology too is a subjective study. This is because words and thier connotations change with time. For example, marriage, and a monogamous marriage at that, would have absolutely different meaning in the life of a man than it would have in a polygamous society. Nawab wazid Ali Shah, who is said to have 365 wives, one for each day in a year could not have realised the importance of marriage more than taking a vitamin pill. Classics have given Sutras to see for multiple marriages through Astrology. But sutras of Yore cannot be applied verbatim in modem times. Today neither it is economically viable nor socially and legally advisable or permissible to maintain a fleet of wives. Therefore, the same sutras will not conform to decipher the same results today. Likewise, various yogas have been enumerated in the scriptures describing marriages at the age of one, two, three, four year etc. But this may not be acceptable in any society today. These rules or aphorisms newer & modern interpretation lest they lead to falliscious conclusions. We have studied various combinations for marriage and its different aspects and have presented them in the present book Predicting Marriage & Remedies. Many of the older rules have lost their relevance in the present society and their interpretation needs to be revised as we emphasised above. It has been our sincere endeavour to find the meaning of such rules or aphorisms relevant to the present times, and to maintain their authenticity. It has been done on the basis of scientific analysis of thousands of birthcharts in our study. The market is flooded today with a number of books on astrology discussing various aspects of marriage. Apart from the classical works, most of the books are repetitions of sutras without caring about their interpretations suitable to Modem days. Those compilations may prove to be commerically viable for the authors and publishers but certainly not to their gullible readers. The Astrological Magazine, edited by Late. Dr. B.V, Raman had been the pioneer in astrological research. New observations and research oriented articles xi

had been the salient features of this magazine. We are highly incfebted to Rev. Babuji, Late Dr. BV. Raman, who had always been a source of inspiration to us. Our first article was published in The Astrological Magazine way back in 1982 and since then, in our overall astrological Journey of over 35 years, we have examined thousands of marriages, verified sutras on nativities, and have written more than 300 articles published in various journals, mostly on marriage. Various scholars of astrology have also done extraordinary and wonderful research work on different facets of marriage. We felt that a lot of work still remains to be done on this topic. The best we could find out of our study of so many cases of marriages, we have sincerely endeavoured to encompas in "Predicting Marriage" therefore. Study of this book will surely enable our readers to understand the science of astrology in a different way applicable in modem context.

A few Keen readers may not agree with some of our

observations at first instance. However, when they

apply the findings on

nativities, certainly they will find those useful, correct and rewarding. We have made an honest effort to trace the missing links of practical horoscopy related to marriage in this treatise. It gives us immense satisfaction that our findings have been widely appreciated and acclaimed by many great scholars of India. Horoscope matching for marriage is a serious business and the rules therefore have been handed down to us by our ancient sages, who wrote innumerable treatisess on the rare art, summing up their life long experiences and keen observations. We have tried to study the maximum number of ancient works related to marriage and have even gone through the commentaries made by eminent scholars from time to time, including the latest ones published periodically in "The Astrological Magazine" and "The Times of Astrology". Going through numerous works and practical experience, we realised that horoscope matching is not just point matching, as it has been made out to be. We have come across cases where over 90 percent of the points were perfectly matched and still the marriage did not last long. At the same time, there are cases of extremely happy married life by the God's grace with least number of matching points. If tabulating points and matching them with the would be spouse's horoscope had been the sole purpose and intent of horoscope matching the computer would do the job perfectly. We have elucidated the importance of point-matching, the pitfalls that the readers must watch for, and the degree of reliance that ought to be placed on such match-making. We have modified the traditional system of matching of horoscopes for a happy, Long lasting, married life full of love, Joy, loyalty and devotion to each other. We have suggested that Nakshatra Melapak may be ignored to some extent, provided Bhava Melapak and Graha Melapak are present. Kuja Dosh, another handy whip that the pundits use to cow down their clients xii

has been explained at length. Marriages solemnised and cleared by some wayward pundits have been found to be seriously infected with Kujadosh, while, at times, horoscopes rejected by many pundits have been found to be reasonably compatible. Mathmatical calculation of Kujadosh and its use in horoscope matching has also been explained with live examples. Presence of Mars in 5th house in case of females, giving rise to Kujadosh has been our recent research finding. It can also cause disturbances in married life, very much similar or even more in other accepted positions of Mars for Kujadosh, This has been proved by a number of live examples. The chapter Mars in Vth house has been included in the later part of this work as chapter 20 to make the study exhaustive on the effects of Mars on Marriages & Married life. If is widely believed that the aspect or association of Jupiter with Mars neutralises Kujadosh, However, in our research we found the results contrary. In a number of cases, of almost all lagnas, we found that married life was full of tregedy in spite of the influence of Jupiter on Mars either by way of conjunction or aspect, particularly when Mars and Jupiter were placed opposite to each other. We collected about 370 horoscopes where Jupiter was placed opposite Mars and the native was Mangali, In most of the cases it caused havoc and married life was disrupted. On the strength of these case studies we have not found favour with the accepted view and submitted our humble observation that adversities caused by Mars in Mangali persons, do not subside under the influence of Jupiter,

On the contraiy. Mars gets a

boost and Mangal-dosh gets

enhanced. This observation was first published in "The Times of Astrology" edited by Late Mr, R.Santhanam. Top scholars of the country like Dr. P,S. Sastri, Mr.H.R. Shanker, Mr. P.S.Iyer, Mr. K.N.Rao, Mr. M.D. Trivedi and Dr. Nimai Banerjeehave taken a note of it. The students of astrology may verify this finding by their own experience and application. Timing of any event is an extremely difficult exercise. Predicting the precise period of marriage is no exception. The prediction of timing of marriage accurately is the test of our ability, experience and knowledge and above all, method of interpretation. To the existing set of rules for timing, we have added an important and useful instrument and that is the consideration of fourth house in our analysis. The fourth house is related to mind. A desire to own someone and be responsible to him or her, comes under this house. That is the reason we have taken fourth house into account for timing marriage. It has indeed given us excellent results in our forecasts. This chapter also contains observations and formulae laid down by many eminent scholars of astrology, Navamsa Chart is a very important aid for astrological predictions and its help, must be taken at the time of analysis of any birthchart -particularly when tt is being analysed for marriage. Most of the authors of in astrology, seldom consider Navamsa, as well as longitudes of planets, their direct and retrograde movement etc. While doing so, they are not doing justice to this sublime science xiii

of astrology. There are only a few, like Late Babuji Dr, B.V.Raman who had never dealt with a single horoscope withoutWe have devoted a chapter on Navamsa and of its interpretation and how we can make its best use for predicting the timing of marriage. We thankfully acknowledge the help we have taken from old issues of The Astrological Magazine and

"The Times of

Astrology" in writing exhaustively on Navamsa, The chapter entitled A Perspective on Prospective Spouse deals with the rules to work out Rasi, Lagna, Nakshatra etc. of the would be life partner. The art of foretelling the physical and facial appearance of the would be spouse, direction and distance of the house of the would be partner, family background, nature of occupation etc. have been explained with examples. Delay in materialisation of marriage makes the parents worried and the candidate dejected. It causes much tensions specially to girls. Many beautiful and highly educated girls or respectable families lose their charm and enthusiasm for marriage due to inexplicable delay and obstacles in marriage. There are various sutras on this subject. We have presented all these in a brief and useful manner for the convenience of our readers. The intensity of influence of Saturn over the luminaries, the 7th or 2nd house, Effects of retrograde planets and excessive distance between the Sun and Venus are also very vital though more than often neglected factors in diagnosis of delay. This chapter is a very useful part of predictive and remedial astrology. Planetary relationship is still a great secret of astrological science. The more we understand it, the more success we achieve in our practical observations. We have always given great importance to this aspect in our study or analysis of that birthcharts. The planetary nexus should be judged in the light of modem social structure. Though polygamy was prevalent in ancient times, now, more than one marriage is not so common these days. The set up and sturcture of marriage keeps on changing with time. We have dealt with these aspects in the chapter A Novel Approach to Multiple Marriages. Children are cosmic cohesive force between husband & wife & contribute much more than any thing else towards the happy married life. Hence, an exclusive chapter Star & Sterility is also included in this work to make it complete from all corners. One should also know the dement of love & other matrimonial variables becides children. If a few variables are missing, it may beocme difficult to pull on marriage or married life. Initially, how love & afffections, play a role in marriage & married life, is a separate study but without chapter on this exclusive topic, no work on marriage can be said complete. The readers may find the chapter 15, Very much fascinating & thrilling with the live cases disussed therein. One can not close his eyes also from the side of the closure of a married life. xiv

Decreasing tolerance even in India, had caused in general, a thinking towards Divorces. The chapter "Determinants of Divorce", may enlighten lot of new comers in Astrology, We hope, it will not base the seniors in Astrology, There is a very thin demercating line between a refined aalmic pleasure (Anandam, transcendental joy) & sensuous pleasure which remains at the level of body only. Nevertheless, the carnality affects the married life & an astrologer has to decipher from the horoscope to this extent. The chapter "Pointers to Caranality" has to be adopted carefully as the intention to include this chapter in this work is not to hurt anybody not well versed in deep rooted knowledge of Vedic Astrology. The new comers may read it for fun only till they get their predictive skills enhanced to the advanced level. There has been a separate branch Of Indian Astrology by the name of "Stree Jatak" or female Horoscopy. The principles contained therein are also to be interptreted with caution in Modem days. The chapter on STREE JATAK will help the readers in nndertanding these principles in right prepective. The efficacy of electing the auspicious time or Muhurta for marriage is proven from the time immoriaL Not that, thai Muhurta can change the course of the fruits to enjoy out of the marriage, but certainly, it helps in channelising the energies of the couple in reaping the fruits of their Karmic actions in previous incarnations to achieve the Goal of their life in a suitable manner without hurting much the society as such. A brief discussion on Muhurta is in line with the intentions of the authors to make the work as far as possible, complete one covering all the aspects of Marriage & married Life. We are highly grateful to Dr. Rakesh Asthana, who has carried out most of the calculation work of birthcharts and has arranged the chapters in a proper* sequence. Dr. Asthana, who is the Chief Medical officer, devoted time to edit this work thoroughly despite his innumerable professional engagements. The book in present form owes its existence to Dr. Asthana mainly, who is a close family friend and well wisher of the authors. We will fail in our duty, if we do not mention here the name of Great Soul, "Smt Rajeshwari Shaker", the present editor of the illustrious magazine "The Times of Astrology" founded by Late Shri R.Santhanam. She has not only achieved the heights of the divine science, Astrology', By opening, a publication division of TOA, she has opened a new arena for all research minded astrologers & scholars to gel their books published under her auspices. Nishkaam Peeth Prakashan, a publication division of TOA is serving the cause Of Astrology in a great way & we are proud of being priveledged authors to get this work published by the same. May God bless her & bestow more & more energy & grace to go on smoothly in her great mission of serving the cause of Astrology, through the Magazine TOA as well as N,P,P,. We realy owe our all sincere gratitudes to her & wish success in all of her endeavours. xv

Lastly, we thank our readers who have given us this unique opportunity to write for them. The appreciation of our writing by thousands of readers has really given us great encouragement, energy and inspiration to express our obsevations and to share our views with them. The readers are the best judge and evaluators whose satisfaction and appreciation would be the biggest treasure for us. - Mridula Trivedi T. Prakash Trivedi




Sex is the most basic instinct of practically all Jiving beings. The whole creation is in a way the manifestation of the explosive yet regenerative energy inherent in this instinct. The invisible force worldng behind the attraction between two beings of opposite sexes is nothing else but this instinct. Human civilization

and culture have

tried to contain this


instinct in the form of marital relationships. The idea to discipline the desire for togetherness born of this instinct lies at the very foundation of the "concept of marriage. In fact marriage is

the socially disciplined

expression of th sexual instinct. Marriage leads of family and family is the primary unit of society. Family is the school,, laboratory and workshop for the institutions and ideals of society. Marriage is the initial commitment for family. It's importance, therefore, is indutable. Marriage alone provides sexual gratification, emotional stability, economic security, personalty growth, social sustenance and development and adequate scope for the preservation of cultural values and beliefs all at once. It is no wonder then that Grihasthashama has been accorded the pride of place, for its multifarious utility and importance, in the Indian culture. Manusmiriti applauds it in the following words : "3jan tjrij rTSIT



Thf 3TT^FTT: I 1


Predicting Marriage I Eipf^


^ ^FCTPf; TPTc^f ^^BQRTT f^'

I |"(M.S. 3.77-79)

that is, "just as all creatures depend on air for their life, similarly all Ashramas are based on the Grihasthasharama. Since the Grihastha (the house holder) assists the other three Ashramas with knowledge and food it is the Grihasthashrama which is the best and highest. The person who desires happiness in this world and in paradise should follow the Grihasthashrama. Persons with weak constitution cannot sustain it." From this it is clear that marriage is the focal point of all social activities. Synonyms for Marriage - Right from the vedic age upto the present time several synonyms for marriage have been in vogue, such as (1) Vivah, (2) Vahatu, (3) Udvah, (4) Panigrahan, (5) Vedan, (6) Parinaya, (7) Upyaman. All these terms described some one ritual of the marriage ceremony but with the passage of time came to be used as synonyms formarriage itself. Different sages like Aparark, Sayana, Katyayana, Parashar, Yogyavalkya, Yash, Panini and Manu validated marriage as a ceremony and way of life through usage of these terms. But the most widely used term remains "Vivah". To accord the status of wife to a young woman all the ceremonies right from betrothal to sighting the Saptarishi taken together are called "Vivah" ormarriage:TO? VWPT: Mlk114|: : TTTmR: crePT: I' The Institution of Marriage ; Origin and Development - According to Proof. Kaney (Vivah or marriage is a "Samskara" or ceremony which maintains the contnity of progeny and unites a man and a woman through self-discipline, selfsacrifice and cooperation leading to fulfilment in life. But this body of thought did not take shape in a day. The history of the development of human civilization and cultures is inseperably women with it. The primitive man knew nothing but his natural instincts in Mahabharata when Pandu motivates kunti for "Niyog" ("begetting children from a man other than one"s husband with the consent of the latter) he quotes the episode of Shwetaketu in which uninhibited and free sexual conduct being accepted and endorsed by society has been mentioned. "TOBJcIT:



Hindu Marriage in the mirror of time cTRTf


^"kwid ^Tpt



% Ejrf: ^TSTWcf I I ERfSTI




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SFTT^cTT ft 'TT^: f^ldl'tdm

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qFf cT®n TfuTT: I r(Maha../Adi 113,7,7)

that is 'women were uncontrolled in ancient times. They were sexually free and promiscuous. In those days it was not considered sinful to have other men apart from the husband. This was the convention of that time. Even sages have acknowledged and respected this convention. The Uttarkurus still follow this convention. This eternal convention is suitable for women/ But this primitive system which supported freeand uncontrolled sexual unions and a marriage-less society changed, albeit gradually. At some prudent point in the long journey of human civilization the institution of marriage came into being. The natural urge of sexual gratification between the two members of opposite gender, the need of having a familyand setting up a some, the desire to perpetuate the Vansh or lineage, the need to life together with a feeling of belonging and possession and, last but not the least, the notion of the formal division of labour all went into the birth of the institution of marriage and family. It was already pretty well-developed 30 thousand years before Christ. A host of Indian and western socialogists and anthropologists have admitted the gradual development of the institution of marriage. In India, too, by the times of the Rigvedic society marriage was firmly established. Some scholars believe Shwetketu, the son of sage Uddalaka, to be the founder of this institution. But shwetketu himself supported his ideas with quotes from the 'Shruti': 'cmrf^r



It is, therefore, proper to assume that the institution of marriage is the ultimate fruition of natural human intelligence and prudence. Today it is found in almost all human societes with various cultural differences. In India Manu and Shatrupa are considered the first human married couple $



Marriage, since times immemorial, has been recognised more as a religious


Predicting Marriage

than social institution in India. That is why even now it is performed as a religious and ceremonially integrated act. The Smritikars have recognised eight types of marriages :



that is - Brahma, Daiva, Aarsha, Prajapatya, Aasura, Gandharva, Rakshasa and Paishacha. These types have been classifed into two categories 1. Recommended 2. Not recommended The first four are recommended and the rest are not recommeded. They can be described in brief as in the following 1. Paishacha - This was the worst and the lowest type of marriage. According to sages like Gautama, Vishnu, Yagyavalkya, Devala and the Aashvtayana Grihyasutra this type of marriage takes place when a girl who is asleep intoxicated or in a swoon is forcibly abducted, raped and then married with. This uncivilized and barbaric type of marraige was not prevalent anywhere except in primitive tribal societies. According to Manu "^clf BrTT JFfclf TT TFl



I 1"

2. Rakshasa - Vishnu and Yagyavalkya believe this type of marriage to be born of warfare. In the opinion of Menu TAB ftJAB xf f^TAB B BW


qfBBf FTcfl RISfffr

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that is-abducting a girl who is weeping and lamenting after killing or wounding her family/relatives is the Rakshasa marriage. Treating women as part of the loot in a battle was a practice of barbaric cultures. Even now, though, in many civilized communities the bridegroom simulates abduction of the bride as part of the marriage situals. In bygone ages it was an act of valour, specially for the warrior class - the Kahstriyas (Righveda : In certain cases the girl gave her tacit consent and her abduction, then, was a symbol of power and bravery i.e. 12-

(B. TfJ. 324) ^ tfafrurerecf

3- aidPJtT: I (Sk. Pu. 123.62) He should marry at a suitable age THTf T R-dRl I d^lld ^mr^f

dWdR'JFBJ I' (Bliav. Pu.)

Manu includes children also alongwith the wife in this process of becoming complete SdiqHq

Principles of the Seventh house


According to Parashar, the seventh house is indicative of marriage. As against this, Kalidas in his celebrated book, "Uttar Kalamrit; assigns 7th house for deducing matters regarding sexual organs. According to the author, the planets in the 7th house, decide the construction and sensitivity of his or her sexual organs. The social discipline born out of an individuaP's need for companionship & love, and the urge to procreate, is known as marriage. Marriage is the turning point in one"s life. Both, the individual's marriage and his later life, are ruled by the seventh house. The 7th house is undisputedly stated to be the most important house. Although seventh house throws light on some other areas of life besides marriage, we shall consider only its influences on marriage. The Seventh House - In the first step the planets in the seventh house should be considered, thereafter the sign of the seventh house should be studied and then the aspect of different planets on the planet posited in this house. The influence of different planets on the planets posited in the seventh house, also produce significant effects. The Lord of the Seventh House - The lord of the seventh house plays an important role. Its position, aspects of other planets on it, its conjunction, the planet with whom the lord of the 7th house is positioned, whether it is rising or setting, is to be considered. Karak Grab or Significator (Planets which accentuate some aspect of life) The Karak Grah of 7th house for males is Venus, while for females it is Jupiter. The understanding of Karak Grah or the pertinent planet, and aspects of other planets on respective Karaka, Venus or Jupiter, is of utmost importance. A planet displays different characteristics depending upon the house it is in and at the degree it is placed in the house. Accordingly the results vary. Some planets give auspicious results, others bad. The following is the description of what different planets do in different circumstances. Sun : Not honorable - The position of Sun in the seventh house has not been described by the sages as favourable. The wife of such a native remains disease-ridden though she may hail from a good and respectable family, having good looks. The marriage of such a native is delayed. In the case of males, such a native does not respect his wife. His mind is clouded with aversion for his wife. Such native is not upright. He tends to develop physical contacts with other eves. Till about 25th years of his life this feature governs his normal life. However, the native may remain loyal to his wife under certain conditions for example, if Sun is in its own sign i.e. Leo. The native gets drawn towards other women only when the Sun is placed in enemy"s sign, or is conjoined with malefics or"papi" planets, or is in the house of debility (neech rasigat).

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Predicting Marriage

The native" s wife, meanwhile, develops her personality and succeeds in subjugating the native. This causes discomfort and failure of marriage. If the Sun, posited in the seventh house, is within the influence of malefics, the native is subjected to disrespect and discomfort from the Government. In this position, the native has to pay monetary penalty, because the native prefers sedition and treason and he is thoroughly exposed. If there are other favourable indications, the native escapes abroad. Mantreshwar in the third Sloka in the Eighth Chapter of his "Phaldeepika" states that the native suffers agony and physical pain, anguish and disease, if Sun is posited in the 7th house. This is also borne out by our experience. This position of the Sun affects marriage, marital life and character. The marriage is often delayed. This is due to the fact that the Sun is a fiery planet and its position in the 7th house deprives the native of control over his lustful nature. Being subject to excessive sensnal enjoyment, he invariably yields to his carnal desires. No single woman satisfies him nor does he want to be so controlled. In such a situation the native, knowing his habits, resists marriage and instead passes his life in physical contact with several women. He is, therefore, dispossessed of marital bliss, dignity of character and social prestige. Varah Mihir states in his "Brihat Jatak" that mostly such a native is run down by ladies. According to "Sarawali", such a native is characterless. His face lacks lustre and glow. He treats women as an instrument of enjoyment and hence has no respect for them. "Horasar" states that such a native is of unsettled mind and has no peace. Moon Gives Doe-eyed Wife - A male native ought to be considered fortunate if Moon is posited in the seventh house. His would be wife is of fair complexion and doe-eyed. Her mien is charming and lovely, but she is fickle minded. She is endowed with physical beauty. But, despite his wife being beautiful, such a native is always in search of other women. These facts find support in the "Phaldeepika" of Mantreshwar. According to him, the wife is extremely beautiful and fortunate. There is harmony and attachment between the husband and the wife. If the Moon is waning, the native is unfriendly and abrasive to women. He is narrow minded and spiteful. The native is handsome polite and naturally attracted towards women. But he cannot continue good relations with them for long. The native is generally proud, irreligious lustful, greedy, flatterer and jealous. He could be a chronic romantic and finds solace in the eve"s company. He takes frequent flights to his fancy world to gain mental satisfaction. Speaking in measured words is his speciality. He does not easily let out the secrets of his inner self. According to Bhrighusutram, if Moon is debilitated, the marriage is solemnised in the 32nd year of life. If Moon is aspected by the malefics the native

Elementary Principles of the Seventh house


gets veneral disease from physical contacts. This disease is not of permanent nature and the married life of the native is satisfactory. Brihat Jatak states that such a man always craves for love. According to "Saravali", though the native is handsome, lust and passions cloud his personality. If Moon is debilitated, the native" s wife is sickly and the cause may be found in a blood disease. If Moon is full, conjoined with strong planet and is in Taurus, the native leads a happy married life. If the lord of seventh house is conjoined with strong and dignified planets, the native establishes extra marital relationships. Moon is also indicative of the nature of the native's, wife. If Moon is in its own sign, the disposition of native's wife could be manly. Mars : Impediments in Happiness -Sages have in general condemned position of Mars in the seventh house saying it causes impediments in married life. Mars in the seventh house keeps the native weak, sickly, poor, subdued by the enemies, engrossed in imaginary anxieties, jealousy and hatred. Mars incites anger and takes away peace. Consequently the native suffers losses. The situation can, however, he improved by some remedial measures. Under the influence of Mars, the native gets frequent bouts of anger and loss of self-control. This affects his marital life. His patience tapers off. However, the native"s wife, is said to possess great courage in life. Mars posited in the 7th and adversely affected by planetary conjunction fosters contact with two women. Mars in its own sign and posited in 7th indicates undesirable results, besides marriage at a tender age. The native shows a liking of young girls, and flirts around most of his life with girls. The eves, on the other hand look down upon him. If Mars is in the sign of a malefic planet, his wife will suffer grief. If Mars is posited with benefic planets his wife could be defective. If Saturn is placed with Mars, the native would be involved in reprehensible actions. Mars with Ketu in 7th house makes one extremely lustful, even perverted. If Mars is with its enemy planet, in some of the cases the wife may die early. Benefic aspects may check evil results. If Mars is in its own house or is in exaltation, the wife would be of fickle mind, seductive, crooked, and secretive. This condition, however, ensures monogamy, if Mars is with malefics, second marriage may take place. The native could have pain in the waist. A fact worth mentioning is that the Mars in the seventh house, brings great trouble or loss of partner to the native in the 32nd year. Mars in the 7th house causes extramarital relationships. According to "Bhrigusutra", if Mars in the 7* house is aspected by Saturn, the native may even have oral sex.. If Mars and Rahu are in the same position, the native has sexual perversion and even sex with his servants.


Predicting Marriage

"Saraavali", "Brihatjatak", "Bhrigusutra".

"Brihatparashara", have all

delineated that Mars posited in the seventh house causes early death of the native"s wife, or has to suffer lasting separation. This is subject to two conditions*.(i) If the Mars is in the seventh house, in its own sign or in exaltation, the wife, instead, thrives. The yog also enhances marital bliss. (ii) If the benefic Jupiter is aspecting the 7th house and the Mars, the native"s Wife has a long life. More effects of Mars and detailed exposition of its evils are discussed in the chapter on "Kuja Dosha". Mercury: Intelligence and Honour - The sages have described the position of Mercury in 7th house as quite beneficial. The native"s wife has sharp intelligence and is industrious. She hails from a high family, has an unshakeable faith in ancient Indian traditions and culture in the matter of marital life. She accepts the supremacy of her husband, and carries out his will. But she may be talkative. Such a native is honoured by the State and wins laurels. Bhrigusutra says that if Mercury is posited with Mars either the native or his spouse suffers acutely in life. This yog causes disease in stomach. If Saturn, Rahu or Ketu are posited with Mercury either the husband or the wife may die. The conjunction of Venus or Jupiter with Mercury in the 7th house has been held auspicious. The^onjunction gives dignity to the wife of the native. She is beautiful and worthy to be admired. She would be quite beautiful and make the marital life happy. Such wife inspires the native to reach the pinnacle of success. If Mercury is in Gemini or Virgo Bhadrayog takes place. This yog endows the native with strong physique. The native has strength, his chest is fleshy and the body muscular. He lives a long life, helps himself and others. He is dignified and likes attractive clothes. The wife of such a native is graced by Lakshmi and Saraswati. But she may not be equally graceful. In fact she has often been found less beautiful. The point to note is that all this comes true only when Mercury posited in the 7th house, is aspected or influenced by the benefics. If Mercury is influenced by the raalefics, the wife comes from an ordinary or even lowly family and her conduct is undesirable. Mercury is rated to be an important planet. It causes sexual weakness and affects the personality of the native. The native lacks sexual desire, though his wife"s beauty is markedly attractive. If Mercury, posited in the 7th house of a girk's horoscope is conjoined with malefics, or aspected or influenced by them, the husband dies an early death. This aspect of Mercury takes away the beauty of the wife. The native suffers from an incurable disease.

Elementary Principles of the Seventh house


It has been proved by experience that the position of Mercury in the 7th house causes marriage of the native in the 24th year, or awards a good vehicle. Jupiter ; Wise and well-mannered - An unblemished Jupiter leads to good fortune, fame, comfort etc. such a native is polite sophisticated, reputed, cultured, mannered and has a magnetic personality. He is an able son of a proud father and achieves much more than his father. He is optimist and attains good position in his life. He is conscious of others and respects their feelings more than his own anxiety. The wife of the native is a replica of beauty and character. But the native hardly thinks about the purity of character. Such a native proves to be a good householder and has a tender heart. He receives immovable property from his wife"s side. His sons are able and handsome. If Jupiter is in exaltation, or, in its own sign and is posited in the 7th house, the native believes in monogamy in accordance with the Indian traditions. He thrives under the benefic influence of his wife and achieves distinction, reputation and comfort in the 34th year. If Jupiter is posited in the 7th house and if the lord of the 7th lacks strength, or is conjoined with malefics, or Jupiter is afflicted with malefics, the beauty consciousness of the native lures him into a lustful life. Consequently he develops many extramarital relationships. Jupiter in the 7th house of a native having Capricorn ascendant is considered exalted but because of the lordship of twelfth and the third houses, it looks like a "papi or malefic planet. Explaining this fact, Kalidasa in the fourth chapter of "Uttar Kalamrit" has written that Jupiter will give good results to the native even though it is the lord of the third and the twelfth houses. This is logical because Jupiter being in the 7th house and its own or exalted sign. "Hamsa Yog", is automatically established. The native bom in this yog has lotus, fish, conchshell sign on his feet indicative of affluence and supremacy. This native is Ml of beauty is popular and has a magnetic figure. He has a chaste heart. People are attracted towards him. He has unshakeable faith in religion. He is more fortunate than his father. He is liberal by nature. His wife is learned and knowledgeable. The wife of the native, due to her forsight, often guides her husband. In the true sense, she is Ardhangini or better half. The native is of good character and is not influenced by any evil. Venus : Cause for Lust - The Karak planet for marriage is Venus while the 7th house depicts marriage and related affairs. It is an established fact of astrology that if the Karak planet of a house is in that very house, the circumstances lead to uncommon character. Accordingly, the Venus in the 7th house causes some irregularities in marriage and the marital life. The marriage of such a native

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Predicting Marriage

becomes a subject for gossip. The marriage is celebrated in an exceptional manner. The wife of the native has to be extremely beautiful and qualified. If the Venus is not influenced by papi planets, or malefics, the marital life passes off smoothly and in an ideal way. Venus being posited in the 7th House incites lustfulness of the native. He is seeped in love and lust. He loses his virility and wastes his potency in sexual matters. If the Venus is within the influence of the malefics, the virility is lost due to some venereal disease. Because of excessive desire for sexual pleasures, the native remains unsatisfied even after having a number of women. The native is fond of wine and women. He draws many persons around him due to specialities of his character and conduct. If such a native undertakes some venture, with women, he gets exceptional success. Venus, posited in the 7th house and influenced by malefics, indicates separation or death of the native's wife, especially if the Venus is posited in the 7th house in Scorpio. If such a Venus is in Neech sign or is conjunct with malefics, his wife is sure to die early and the native contracts a second marriage. The number of second and subsequent marriages depends upon the malefic conjunctions that the Venus in 7th has. If Venus is conjoined with benefics, and is exalted in the 7th house and is also influenced by benefics, the native's in-laws may be quite influential. The native earns reputation and wealth from his wife's parents. He gets prestige and wealth in good measure. His life is virtually abed of roses and he is often surrounded by beautiful women. Venus in exaltation, and in the 7th house, gives rise to "Malavya Yoga" which, in turn, endows the life of the native with comfort. He leads a good life with worthy children and a wealthy wife. His body is able to withstand adversities, he is handsome, has reputation and is educated. In respect of women, the native cares more for other women that his own wife. In spite of all this the marital life of the native is not affected as he skilfully circumvents all these relations. The conjunction of Jupiter with Venus in the seventh house further enhances the auspicious events. In these circumstances both, the native and his wife, are good examples of character. The beauty of the wife is uncommon and delightful. All the sages have declared the conjunction as excellent.


"Mantreshwar". "Garga" and others, while explaining the position of Venus in the 7th house state that such a native keeps mental, verbal and physical relationship with other women. Experience also lends credence to this although "Sarawali" opposing this statement opines differently. If Venus is with the Moon in the 7th house and the conjunction is not influenced by Saturn or Rahu the fortune of such a native is enviable and the wife of such native is exceptionally beautiful. Venus posited in the 7th house

Elementary Principles of the Seventh house


begins to influence from very tender age. The native gets the blissful contact of women at the age of 14 to 17 years. The conjunction with or influence of some other planets on Venus have been described by some writers as evil. The conjunction of Venus and Saturn indicates infidelity and faithlessness in the native and his wife. Both lead an unchaste life. The conjunction of Venus and Mars, Venus and Rahu or Venus and Ketu in the 7th house is quite inauspicious and not appreciated. Such natives lead an indulgent life and their marital life is condemned by worthy men. Saturn : Factor for delay - The position of Saturn in the 7th house of a native makes the life full of mystery. If the Saturn is in own sign or in exaltation, the marriage takes place at the right age, otherwise the native has a very delayed marriage. He is dominated by his wife. The native is clever, cunning and selfish. He has sexual relations with widows or those separated from their husband. The native succeeds in politics due to his cunningness and double speech. Such a man earns fame abroad. The wife of the native is skinny and may be older than the native or may appear older. Her body may have burn or cuts and cannot be rated as beautiful. Generally, Saturn in the 7th house gives more than one marriage. If the Saturn is posited with Ketu, the native has marital relations with married women older than him. The position of Saturn with Mars in 7th makes the native a sexual pervert who indulges in oral sex. Conjunction of Saturn with the Venus makes the native run after prostitutes. The conjunction of Saturn with Rahu is most undesirable. According to "Brihatjatak" such a native is humiliated by the eves. "Phaldeepika" states that the Saturn posited in the 7th house incites the native for physical contact with women of loose character, causes him to undertake aimless travels and deprives him of happiness. Such a hapless native is not in harmony with his wife, and stays with her for brief periods If the Saturn in the 7th has delayed marriage, the marriage may mateialise in the 37th year. Such a native has ill will towards woman and has no respect for his wife. If the Saturnis conjunct with the Venus, the woman would be certainly inclined to have ugly ways. The position of Saturn in the 7th house is not auspicious or conducive to well being. If the Saturn is conjoined with Rahu or Mars or Ketu or Sun the life of the native is sapped by lasting discomforts. The Sun conjoined with the Saturn destroys harmony in married life, leading to frequent quarrels with his wife. Nevertheless, such a couple maintains an apparent poise. Only "Shash Yoga" which is caused by the Saturn posited in the 7th house either in Libra, Capricorn or Aquarius gives success to the native. The native with this yoga attains high and very important position in life, though his character draws frequent gossips. The Saturn posited in the 7th house generally

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Predicting Marriage

keeps the hind side of the body sick and weak. Rahu - The position of Rahu in the 7th house is not conducive to well being. The native suffers from venereal disease or diabetes, throughout his life. He is lustful and has sexual relations with widows. The wife has excessive bleeding during menses. His second wife suffers from Jaundice and liver troubles. In the matter of wife, the native is not fortunate. His wife is dominating and spendthrift and accordingly causes problems. There is no harmony between the husband and the wife. If the Rahu is with malefics, the wife suffers from multiple physical troubles, suffers most during the 37th year of age. The only mitigating effect comes if Rahu is conjoined with a benefic. According to "Phaldeepika", the native loses his wealth, reputation and comforts because of his wife. He wastes his wealth because of women. If the Yoga is auspicious the native leads a comparatively peaceful life after the death of his wife. Rahu makes the native indisciplined and without control. If the right state of the Sun or the Saturn is associated with Rahu, he drifts away from his wife leading to legal separation. If the Rahu is aspected or influenced by the Jupiter, the bad effects of Rahu are mitigated. In such a situation only one marriage takes place. Ordinarily the marital life is happy. The native abides by his wife but keeps his extremist habits. He is troubled by hidden diseases throughout his life. Ketu - Ketu is generally of the same nature as Rahu, Ketu posited in the 7th house, affects happy married life mostly due to outside enemies. The couple seldom enjoy a peaceful life. The nature of the wife is quarrelsome and irritable. Long drawn out struggle with the enemies drains out monetary resources. The native has hydrophobia. He likes outside jaunts and is always anxious to meet new women. He cannot concentrate on one subject. The 7th house posited Ketu harms the wife at the age of 3 7, If the Ketu is conjoined with the Mars or Saturn, the wife commits suicide. She is scared by water. The wife remains sick, gets irritated on flimsy pretexts. She suffers from skin diseases like boils etc. Ketu if posited in the 7th house in Scorpio sign causes acute troubles during her periods. If adversely affected Influenced by malefics, the problems are compounded and such a defiled Ketu is indicative of rumour or malignant growth in the uterus of the woman. The uterus has to be operated upon if the Sun or Saturn influence Ketu. Ketu cannot be described beneficial. It uses all its power to destroy the marital life of the couple. None of the sages have favoured it in the 7th house. These are some of the general results of the planets in the 7th house. There will be a marked variation in the results depending upon other factors such as

Elementary Principles of the Seventh house


the signs in which they are placed, elements or earthy, fiery, airy and watery nature of signs and lordship of these planets, will result into variation of the above mentioned notes. We will be discussing specific results on our researchoriented observations separately. THE LORDS OF VARIOUS HOUSES, PLACED IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE Lordships of houses play a vital role in astrology. The same planet placed in the same house can give different results depending on its ownership. Thus the planets which are placed in the 7th house make, or mar the efficacy of the 7th house. Here we will try to elaborate on the results of lords of various houses, placed in the 7th house. The readers must note that the inherent nature of the planet who owns a particular house is also equally important. Suppose the Saturn is the lord of the 12th and is placed in the 7th. This may result in separation. Mars as the lord of the 12th house may cause adultery if it falls in the 7th house and Jupiter as 12th lord in the 7th will cause foreign travel. This is just one of the factors which should be taken into consideration in the judgement of the 7th house. There are other factors also which should be carefully judged to reach a correct conclusion. For example, the placement of the lord of the 7th house in various houses, the Navamsa obtained by the 7th lord, the inherent nature of the 7th lord and the sign occupied by it. The planets who are conjoined with or aspecting the 7th house and its lord also have a great bearing upon the results of the 7th bhava. The planets who are conjoined, or aspecting, or influencing the 7th house in one or the other way, either by mutual exchange of houses, of Nakshatras, or Navamsa etc. should be judged properly by looking into their nature and lordship. Here we will discuss the nature of the result when the lords of the various houses occupy the 7th house. These results should be properly and intelligently deduced after considering the other aspects etc. One should not hurry, for it may lead to wrong conclusions. L Lord of First house in the Seventh - Paaraashara has mentioned that the wife will not live for long. She may die early. If the planet is a natural benefic, the individual will wander aimlessly. He will facepenury and be dejected, If the planet is strong and well disposed, the native will become a king or equivalent. This means that he will be very powerful and prosperous and will have to do much travelling. The native will go abroad if other factors of foreign travels are also present. He will lead a licentious life or may become the puppet in the hands of his parent-in-laws. In the later part of his lifehe may get detached with the worldly affairs and lead an ascetic life. Many a times one gets married more than once. Illustration No. (Horoscope No. 1) - The lord of the lagna Saturn is in the 7th house and is afflicted by the Sun. This resulted into two marriages. The first

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Predicting Marriage

marriage took place on 17.11.76 and divorce took place on 2.2.89 after the birth of two children. The second marriage took place on 21.4.90. The second wife left the native a month after the marriage. Thus the native lives without a wife in spite of two marriages. He wanders aimlessly. The affliction of the 7tb lord Moon may also be noted who joins the 8th house in association with Mars under the mutual aspect of the Venus and Mercury. The aspect of Jupiter over the Lagna lord did not kill the wife of the native. In a similar case where Lagna lord was unaspected by Jupiter, the first wife died leaving two children. Second marriage took place thereafter. 2. Lord of Second House in the Seventh - One may become a doctor. He and his wife both may be adulterous if malefics join the 2nd lord in the 7th house. The character of the wife of the native will be suspect. The subject will waste money on sensual pleasures. If the 2nd lord joins the 7th house with the strong 7th lord placed in own house, there will be influx of wealth and also of frequent journeys to foreign countries. Such a native will do well in business, If the Rasi, the Navamsa and the Nakshatra held by the 2nd lord happen to be feminine, the native may earn money through his contact with women. In our experience the lord of 2nd house may beco-me a killer for the wife or husband of the native, provided it is afflicted. In one case of Taurus lady the 2nd lord, Mercury, was in the 7th house in association with the 7th lord, Mars and Ketu. The marriage took place in October 1987. The husband committed suicide in January 1989. The reason was the physical affair of his wife with a Muslim boy even after marriage. In another case of Geniini ascendant, the lord of the 2nd house, Moon, fell in the 7th house.-The wife of the native died after second delivery. In another case of Cancer native, the placement of the 2nd lord in the 7th house, killed the first wife. In all these cases, the character of the native was also suspected. 3. Lord of third house in the seventh - This Is not an auspicious position. The matters related with the 7th house may not be pleasant. The native will incur the displeasure of superiors, rulers and authorities. The union will be unfortunate. The 7th house governs public relationship of the native and also business matters etc. The lord of 3rd house cannot be appreciated here. If the 7th lord joins lagna, a brother may settle in a foreign country and help the native. There maybe a danger to life during travelling. This position may also cause a tendency to steal.

Horoscope No. 1 (29/01/1948 Time07:00:00 Day Thursday Place Manmad Sfl Sanalan Ayanamsa 22:52 20:15:00 North Long 74:29:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmeCorr -0:32:04


Avakahada Chakra Gan.... : Manushya Yonl Mooshak Nadi : Madhya Varan : Kshalriya Vashya : Vanchar Varga ^ Shwan Yunja : Madhya Hansak(Tatva) Agni Name Alphabet Too-Tushar Paya(Rast-Nak) Iron-Silver Hora : Saturn Chaugharia ^ IWvega

denial Time .:14:56:50 Hrs £q.of Ifme 0:12:52 Hrs Sunrise :7:10;47 Hrs Sunset :18:19:01 Hrs Samvat : 2004 Saka : 1869 Month : Magna Paksh : Krishna Trthi at Sunrise..: 3 Nakshatra : P Phalguni Yoga : Atigand Karan : Bava

Vlmsottari Venus: 3Y5M160 Rahu 16/D7/1974 16/07/1992 Rahu 28/03/1977 Jupiter 22/08/1979 Saturn 28/06/1962 Mercury 14/01/1985 Ketu 02/02/1986 Venus 02/02/1989 Sun 27/12/1989 Moon 28/06/1991


Yogini Ulka : 1Y0M 14D 29/01/1948 12/02/1979 Ulka 11/02/1949 Sidha 12/02/1956 Sankta 12/02/1964 Mangla 11/02/1965 Pingla 12/02/1967 Dhanya 11/02/1970 Bhramri 11/02/1974 Bhadrika 12/02/1979

Nirayana Bhava

[Pin -R Rasi













Cap Leo Leo Aqu Sco Aqu Can Ari Lib Tau Vir Can

15:11:03 24:21:29 11:58:35 1:29:41 27:56:22 20:32:17 27:15:44 26:50:25 26:50:25 29:40:02 20:03:56 21:01:54

Sat Sun Sun Sat Mar Sat Mon Mar Ven Ven Mer Mon

Mon Ven Ket Mar Mer Jup Mer Sun Jup Mar Mon Mer

Jup Mer Mer Mer Sat Jup Jup Sun Ven Sat Ket Ven

Man Ket Ven Jup Sat Mer Ven Rah Ven Rah Rah Sat

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag

11.38:44 18:00:39 23:24:52 23:48:33 19:52:58 14:36:02 11:38:44 18:00:39 23:24:52 23:48:33 19:52:58 14:36:02

Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup

Mon Rah Mer Ven Mon Rah Sat Ven Mar Jup Mer Ven

Mar Sun Mar Sat Ket Ket Mon Mar Mar Sat Ven Ven

Ket Ven Rah Jup Mon Ven Sat Sun Rah Jup Mon Jup

an don 4ar tier [up ten Sat ah Ket lira fep lu


-R -R -R -r -R -R

^ortuna; Leo 20;49;10 Lagna Chart Rah

Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal

Navamsa Chsrt Sun X \SaX Jup \ 2 Nv12S Ket 3XVen 1 X11

Ura Mar 4 Nap

Mer Ven/ \ \11/ 12X Sun 10

10 Plu

/ \9/8Ju I X P

Sal Ru


2U' \

W 12X Sun

\V " Mer Vg jUp


5X 7 e\Mer Ura N. yX

X9 R«h e^v won

Daaamsa 7 Ket

Ura 2 X Set 4 PluVeNep / /


I \ / \ \ /MarManXl Nep

Rah 1

7 Ket

Ura 2 X Mar 4 Sal X 6

Mer\10y/ llXX Sal Sun yX\

8 yXpiu Rah XX7 / x Ufj

/5\ Nep Man 1

X. 3 X5 Von Jup/2\ Ket / 4\ Jup


5 2

Predicting Marriage

IllustrationNo. (HoroscopeNo.2)-The native was born in Capricorn ascendant. The lord of the 3rd house Jupiter is exalted in the 7th house. Happy results should be expected. But it was just the reveres. Note 7th lord"s conjunction with Rahu in Rashi and Navamsa. This beautiful lady met with many tragedies in her conjugal life and finally separated. She is now dependant on others. People are unhappy with her. In another case of Virgo born female Minister, the lord of the 3rd house, Mars, fell in the 7th house in Pisces whereas 7th lord Jupiter occupies Lagna. She got married on 30.479 at 21 years of age. She was leading a very unhappy married life. She visited abroad a number of times and had her primary education there. 4. Lord of fourth house In the seventh - The subject will be endowed with a high class education. He will sacrifice patrimony. He will keep silence in the assembly. This is generally a good disposition and the native will possess land, house, vehicle and property. If 4th lord falls in a movable sign in the 7th house, the native will earn his livelihood from a far-olf place from his birth. If the sign is a fixed one, he will earn his living and his birth place. 5. Lord of Fifth house in the seventh - This is also a good disposition of the 5th lord. The individual will possess a charming personality. The sons of the native will live in foreign country and will earn name, fame, honour, recognition and distinction due to their merits. In case of an affliction to the 5th lord, one son may die abroad. The native will be happy and prosperous, learned and renowned. He will be devoted to his employer, will be honest and truthful. He will be firm In disposition. If the 5th lord is in the 7th with the 7th lord, the native will be benefited by his sons trip to a foreign country and his residence will also be there. The native will enjoy the company of learned and pious persons. Many times this combination results in a love marriage, especially if the concerning planets are Mars, Venus or Moon. 6. Lord of 6th house In the seventh - This is an adverse disposition and denies martial happiness. The native will be honourable, famous, virtuous, adventurous and wealthy. Apart from unhappiness in the conjugal life, the native will also be unhappy with his children. His wife will be inimical to him. It has been observed in a number of cases that the occupancy of the 6th lord in the 7th house deprived the native of his conjugal bliss. The native sufferedseparation or his wife was sickly or the relations with wife remained tense. In fact this depends upon the particular planet which owns the 6th and falls in the 7th house. The nature of that planet plays a vital role. For example Sun, Saturn and Rahu have a separatist tendency. Their placements in the 7th house may cause divorce. In addition to this, the ownership of the other house also plays a role in respect to the 7th house. Placement of the 7th lord, conjunctions, aspects, their Navamsa, associations and mutual exchanges or their hemming in between benefics or malefics also play a role in the effect produced by the 7th house.

Horoscope No. 2 28/04/1956 Time 01:50:00 Day Saturday Place Dehradun Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22: at 30:19:00 North Long 78:03:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time CoiT -0:17:48


Vimsottari Mercury: 16Y11M 13D i Rakshas Ketu : Mrig 11/04/1973 Adya 11/04/1980 Vjpra Ketu 07/09/1973 ■ Keetak 08/11/1974 Venus : Sarp Sun 15/03/1975 Anlya 14/10/1975 Moon r Jal 12/03/1976 : No-Naunihaal Mars 30/03/1977 : Go!cf-Copper Rahu Jupiter 06/03/1978 : Sun Saturn 15/04/1979 ,• Amrrt

Avakahada Chakra

SWerialTime 15:55:20 Hrs Eq.of time :0:02:22 Hrs Sunrise :5:40:01 Hrs Sunset :18:51:25 Hrs Samvat : 2013 Saka : 1878 Month : Vaisakha Paksh : Krishna Tithl at Sunrise..: 2 Nakshatra : Jyestha Yoga : Parlgh Karan : Vishti

Gan. Yoni Nadi Varan Vashya Varga Yunja Hansak(Tatva) Name Alphabet Paya{Rasi-Nak) Hora Chaugharia

Planets Rasi





Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

Ari 14:32:33 Sco 16:42:08 Cap 15:10:03 Tau 4:19:12 Can 28:39:46 Tau 29:14:55 Sco 8:09:28 Sco 15:17:33 Tau 15:17:33 Can 5:27:16 Lib 5:50:02 Leo 3:08:03

Mar Mar Sat Ven Mon Ven Mar Mar Ven Mon Ven Sun

Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Mar Sat Sat Mon Sat Mar Ket

Ven Jup Mer Mer Jup Mon Sat Mon Sat Ven Mon Sat Ven Ven Jup Sat Jup Mon Mer Mer Mon Rah Sun Rah

-R -R









Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Cap Pis Ari Tau Gan Gem Can Vir Lib Sco Sag Sag

23:52:52 5:29:16 10:36:56 7:59:30 1:28:32 25:07:30 23:52:52 5:29:16 10:36:56 7:59:30 1-28:32 25:07:30

Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mer Mon Mer Ven Mar Jup Jup

Mar Sat Ket Sun Mar Jup Mer Sun Rah Sat Ket Ven

Mar Mer Sat Ven Mer Mer Mar Mer Sat Ket Ven Mer

Ven Mer Mon Ven Jup Rah Ven Ket Sat Sat Mar Rah

Fortuna: Leo 26:02:27 Lagna Chart Sun

\11/ 12)^3

Mon 9X 11 / loX^^ Mer


2 Mar XI Plu 12

Dasamsa 7 Nap

Van 2 X Jup 4 Ura Ye Mar Mey^Sn. /5\ / \ / PIu t Rah Sat Mon


Ven 2 Ket y Sat 8 Mon V


\ Rah /

Ket 3 X Ure


3XJup 4 Plu V7 3X. /3X

\%M9r XX Mar

Ura \ / Nep Sun 5X 7 / 6 X. Ven Ysat PfXv /

XC9 jup SXmoo Nep Xj


Predicting Marriage

Generally placement of the 6th lord in the 7th house, leaves the character of the wife suspect. If the planet is afflicted, the wife may die early. If the lagna lord also falls in the 7th with the 6th lord in a hermaphrodite sign, the native may be a eunuch and may not be able to perform sex. There will also be trouble with disrespectable women. 7. Lord of seventh house in the seventh - The native will possess a charming and handsome physique. Generally women will be attracted towards him. His wife will be dignified and will belong to a reputed family. But if the lord is afflicted, it will result in denial of marriage and friends. There will be loss of money in marriage negotiations. He will suffer from rheumatism or arthritis. 8. Lord of eighth house in the seventh - The health of the native"s wife will suffer or she may not live long. The health of the native may also suffer from diseases. He may go to a foreign country if the lord of the 7th house is also conjoined, but at the same time he may have to face many problems and suffer a disease abroad. If the planets are strong and well fortified, the native may go abroad on a diplomatic mission and may even win laurels. Parashara writes that the native will have two wives. If the 8th lord is conjoined with malefics in the 7th house, the native will suffer a downfall in his business i.e. there will be problems in earning his livelihood. It is believe that this combination gives difficulty and problems in married life of the native. There may be misunderstandings between the husband and his wife. The spouse will be sickly and prone to diseases. He or she may be subjected to difficulties, unpleasant surprises and dangers. The native may pretend to be God-fearing, but may be uncouth actually. Stealing may be his most favourite passtime. In short the placement of the 8th lord in the 7th house is undesirable. For persons bom in cancer ascendant the lord of 7th and 8th house will be Saturn. In that case, the placement of the 8th lord Saturn may not be so adverse as in the case of Gemini ascendant. In both cases Saturn will be the ruler of the 8th house. 9. Lord of ninth house in the seventh - This is a fortunate position of the 7th house as the house of fortune is itself involved. One will be lucky in respect of women. He will be blessed with a virtuous wife who will become famous. Native will attain happiness only after marriage. His fortune will smile on him and he will get financial status. The native may go abroad provided other combinations also support him. The father of the native may also prosper abroad. If there is a mutual exchange between 7th and 9th lords, the native, working in the name of his wife, shall earn repute and recognition. The native will be particularly rewarded if the concerned planet be the Sun, though in that case the importance of wife may be ignored. If Moon or Venus becomes the lord of 9th house, the native will enjoy the company of a number of charming young ladies, in any case the family life will be happy and prosperous. If the 7th house is -well-disposed and the lord thereof is unafflicted, the wife will be dedicated

Elementary Principles of the Seventh house


to the native and will possess high moral values. She will be deeply attached to her husband. 10. Lord of tenth house in the seventh - The native will be blessed with an understanding wife who could assist him in his work. The native may be famous for his style of working and could be a good go-getter. Such a native will thrive in business, especially a partnership or a joint venture. The subject may be involved in vices and may suffer a loss of reputation, if the JOth lord is afflicted. The native may also go abroad on diplomatic mission. His wife will be virtuous, eloquent, faithful and religious. The 10th lord, if placed in the 7th house with the 7th lord, will enable the native to earn recognition and distinction abroad. His wife will come from a good and reputed family. She will be a working woman or would assist her husband in his work. The individual would visit shrines, holy rivers and religious places. If the concerned planet is Moon, the native will deal in transport. If the combination falls in airy signs the native may become a pilot. If fiery sign is involved, he may be in the Railways. In earthy signs, the combination may lead the native to automobiles. If the JOth lord is afflicted the native will not get the desired success and will suffer poverty. The wife of the native, in that case, will be quarrelsome and would come from an uncultured family. If the 7th house is afflicted by Mars, she will leave the native during the adverse period. 11.Lord of eleventh house In the seventh - Such a native will be dominated by his wife. He would gain from his wife and her relatives. He will be liberal, virtuous and a sensitive man. He may be affluent, but may lack wisdom. He may not be good at money matters and may be thrifty and his investments may go waste. He would have a strong liking for girls and could be laughed at for his overtures. If the eleventh lord is afflicted, the native may be lured by women having loose character. The native may have more than one marriages if the 7th house is a common sign and Mercury and Jupiter are involved in the combination. If the lord of the Jlth house is well-disposed and well-fortified the native will get married once, with a nice and beautiful girl from a rich family. He will always get money, presents, articles and valuables from the family of his wife. If there is a mutual exchange between the 7th and Uth lord, native will earn his livelihood through business and not by service. He will generally carry the orders of his wife. 12. Lord of twelfth house in the seventh - This is an undesirable combination for a happy family life. The J2th house signifies Josses and separations. The wife may come from a poor family. The conjugal life will be unhappy and may ultimately result separation. Late in life the native may take to asceticism. His health will be poor and he may fall sick due to any phlegmatic trouble. The native will be devoid of learning and property. He may have to incur expenditure on account of his wife, either on her sickness or litigation with her. If the I2th

5 6

Predicting Marriage

lord is posited in the 7th house with the 7th lord, the wife of the native may have to face danger. She may also die if the Marak period for wife is running else he may live abroad. If benefics aspect, the wife will suffer crisis of money in spite of acquisition of wealth. If malefics afflict, the native will wander aimlessly, shall not get comforts and will get tired. He will be full of sorrows and his family life will be destroyed by slanderous talks. He will face numerous problems relating to the 7th house, such as loss of business and indulgence in other irrelevant activities. The possibility of liaison is more when the 12th lord is either of Venus, Moon or Mars and is afflicted in the 7th house. Separation may easily be predicted if the Sun or Saturn own the 12th house and join the 7th in association with Rahu or the 6th lord. J am illustrating a case below to show that placement of the 12th lord in the 7th house may result in separation, provided the 7th lord or 7th house is afflicted. Illustration No. 2.3. (Horoscope No. 3) - Th native is a qualified woman and runs a beauty parlour. Her marriage was considerably delayed due to the affliction of the lord of the 7th house, Saturn. She got married in th 32nd year on 27.1.89 during the sub-period of Mercury in the major period of Mercury who is the lord of 2nd and 11 th house and is placed under debilitation in the 8th house. Soon after marriage, she came to know about the fraud played on her in marriage. She came back to her house within ten days after facing a lot of mental and physical torture. Finally she sought legal divorce in November 1991. The placement of the 12th lord Moon in the 7th house is responsible for the divorce as Moon is placed in the sign of Saturn, Aquarius and the 7th lord,Saturn is retrograde and afflicted due to mutual aspect with Mars. C. Significance of signs falling in seventh house:1. Aries - If Aries falls in the 7th house, that is the Lagna is Libra, the spouse will be cruel, wavering minded, a sinner and greedy. He would be liked by wicked people because of his unrighteous deeds. He may have lack of selfrespect and could stoop to begging. 2. Taurus - Nice couple, polite, kind-hearted, humble, gentle, pious, high moral values, coward, God-fearing and respectful to Brahmins, Pandits and religious persons. 3. Gemini - The spouse will be rich and well-natured. She would be humble, beautiful modest and will have many virtues. 4. Cancer - This is a good sign in the 7th house for Capricorn Ascendant. The wife or wives will be pleasing and good-natured, prosperous, lucky and blessed with conjugal bliss. 5. Leo - The native will get a bold wife. She will be of wavering mind,

Horoscope No. 3 te 29/03/1957 Time 15:12:00 Day Friday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:59 .at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmeCorr ^0:06:24

Panehang Siderial Time Eq.of time Sunrise Sunset Samvat Saka Month Paksh Tfthi at Sunrise. Nakshatra Yoga Karan

Avakahada Chakra

3:31:42 Hrs - 0:04:54 Hrs 6.02:32 Hrs 18:20:30 Hrs 2013 1878 Chaitra Krishna 13 P Bhadrapad Shukla Vishti

Gan Yoni Nadi Varan Vashya Varga Yunja Hansakffatva) Name Alphabet Paya(Rasi-Nak) Copper-Copper Hora

^ i i i

Manushya Simha Adya Shoodra toansv Mesha - Antya Vayu Say-Sainjlt i Moon

Vtmsottarl Jupiter; 12Y0M22D Mercury 20/04/1988 21/04/2005 Msrcury 17/09/1990 14/09/1991 Ketu Venus 15/07/1994 Sun 22/05/1995 Moon 20/10/1996 17/10/1997 Mars Rahu 06/05/2000 Jupter 11/08/2002


Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

Pis Aqu Tau Pis Vir Pis Sco Lib Ari Can Lib Leo

-R -R -R -R -R -R -R

29/03/1957 04/04/1992 Bhramri 04/04/1960 Bhadrika 04/04/1965 Ulka 04/04/1971 Sidha 04/04/1978 Sankta 044D4/1986 Mangla 04/04/1967 Pinglg 04/04/1989 Dhanya 04/04/1992

Nirayana Bhava

Planets Pin -R

Yogini Bhrsmri : 3Y 0M 5D













15:26:19 23:16:55 14:13:45 24:19:58 2:23:46 11:17:38 21:17:06 27:24:45 27:24:45 9:55:41 8:51:00 5:19:11

Jup Sat Ven Jup Mer Jup Mar Ven Mar Mon Ven Sun

Sat Jup Mon Mer Sun Sat Mer Jup Sun Sat Rah Ket

Jup Sat Jup Rah Jup Mon Ven Ven Mon Ven Jup Mar

Mer Mar Sat Rah Sun Rah Mer Rah Mon Mer Jup Ket

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can

4:08:24 0:16:38 0:07:33 2:16:16 4:22:51 5:06:45 4:08:24 0:16:38 0:07:33 2:16:16 4.22:51 5:06:45

Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon

Ket Sun Mar Jup Ket Sun Mar Jup Ket Sun Mar Sat

Mon Rah Mer Rah Mon Mer Ven Mon Ket Jup Ven Sat

Sat Mer Mer Mer Mer Mer Sat Ket Ven Ven Sat Rah

Navamsa Chart

Fortuna: Cancer 11:59:00 Lagna Chart

Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

Rah yS2 \ ^0n 4\( Mar




102* Men*

Ke?? eo-



\s jX 7 Ven


Nep\ / rVpiu 5 Rah/ \




11 Mer)

/ JUP 6 X.10 Sun y/ /Nep Kei\ Dasamsa

Sat 6

2 Mar



Nep Rah

2 Mar

Sal 6

9X II XI Ket 12 /l0\ Men y/ \ / Ven ^ Mer Sun Se2r 42*


^ Nep 9 Ket 10X 12 /itN. X /an Setx >

I 3


v. Mar X2 tXJup Sun x

5 B

Predicting Marriage

audacious, shabby and have a vast array of friends. Her voice wili be harsh. She may be lean and have few children. Generally daughters will be more in number, marital happiness will be short lived. 6. Virgo - The wife will be charming, modest, will be blessed with riches, prosperity and happines. She will be loving honest and a smart lady. However, she may not have any issues 7. Libra - The wife will be stout, pious, devout, charitable and of varied qualities and character. She will be blessed with many issues. 8. Scorpio - The native will have a miserly, lazy and unloving wife and her character will be suspect. 9. Sagitarius - The spouse will be ignorant, harsh, bereft of devotion or rules and regulations and stalwart like the native. 10 Capricorn - The wife will be devoted, chaste, honest, prosperous and will have high moral character. 11. Aquarius - The wife of the native will be very dutiful, steady, pious and she will be devoted to God and Brahmins. She will be inclined to charity. She will be happy but may believe in pomp and show. 12. Pisces - The spouse will not be good looking and will be of an evil mind. She will be bereft of religion, love, affection and moral values. She will be quarrelsome. The progeny will also be equally bad as the wife. These are very general results of the various signs falling in the 7th house. These should be regarded just as guiding rules while making a judgement about the seventh Bhava. Planets who occupy the 7th house play an important role in 7th house judgement, particularly according to houses owned by them and aspects and conjunction influencing those planets. Similarly, the placement of the lord of the 7th and the Navamsa position of these planets should be judged in addition to the significator, Venus, for reaching at the correct judgement regarding the 7th house. D. The Lord of Seventh House Placed in Various Bhavas 1. Lord of the Seventh house placed in Lagna - The native will be skillful. He will be interested in other's as well as his own spouse. He will be a person of low morals and will lack courage. He may be wicked, with the degree of, Wickedness depending upon the amount of affliction. He may also suffer from windy complaints and may not keep his words. He will be happy, prosperous and will destroy his rivals. The native may marry someone who has, been known since childhood, or has been brought up in the same family. The partner might have even played with the native during school days or might have met her quite early in life. The native will be intelligent and quite aware of the consequences of his actions. If the 7th lord is Venus, the native will be quite

Elementary Principles of the Seventh house


sensual and may have clandestine relationships. This kind of placement awards an intelligent life partner. Travelling is frequent. 2. Lord of the seventh placed in 2nd house - The subject will have many wives, or develop hush-hush relations with, a number of eves depending upon other factors. He will certainly gain money from his wife. The prosperity of such a native will have a gradual enhancement after marriage. Kalyan Varma says in ''Saravali" that the wife may be combative, bilious, unhappy, disobedient, childless but intelligent. The person may be fickle minded and will always be in search of sensual pleasures. If a dual sign falls in the 2nd house, more than one marriage may he predicted. If the 7th lord is afflicted in the 2nd house, the earnings may be by unethical means, such as flesh trade. He may even use his wife provided the 7th lord is heavily afflicted in the 2nd house by conjunction or aspect of malefics. If the lord of 7th house joins 2nd with the 2nd lord, the native will get much wealth in marriage. He may get married during the dasa-bhukti of the 2nd or the 7th lord. The marriage may take place with a working, girl who will bring in regular income. The native may earn money through a partnership, an agency in a distant land. If afflicted, the death of either of the partner may be evident during the period of the concerning planet. If there is a yoga for a Jong life, separation with wife is quite likely during the period of the lords of the 2nd and 7th house. If the lord of the 2nd house falls in the 8th house from Navamsa Lagna, the native's wife may not die and he may marry another woman at a distant place. The wife may be too greedy and miserly and may even make his husband suffer. She may not even care for her family reputation where her interests clash. 3. Lord of the seventh house placed in 3rd - Parashara opines that placement of the 7th lord in the 3rd house may be bad for children. There may, generally be, loss of children. The possibility of a living son may be remote. However, the daughters may survive, and may bring happiness to the native. The sons may even die unless the 5th house and Santankarak Jupiter is strongly disposed off. This is a fortunate position for brothers. They may prosper in foreign country. If the 7th ford is afflicted in the 3rd house and is without any banefic aspect,, or association, one may indulge in an immoral relation with the wife of the younger brother, or with a remote sister, cousin or daughter of a maternal uncle. Prosperity of brothers may be hampered in case of affliction of the 7th lord. The native will be self-reliant and friendly to relatives. In case the placement of the 7th lord in the 3rd house with the 3rd lord,, the native"s wife will hail from a reputed family. The father-in-law will be fortunate and well placed. Nevertheless, the life of a brother or a sister may he threatened during the dasa-bhukti of the afflicted lord of the 3rd house. If the malefic effects are powerfull, the second marriage may take place, but


should be

considered only as an additional factor for second marriage, and not as a

6 0

Predicting Marriage

rule. The wife will be emotionally in favour of her co-boms than those of her husband. She will be bold, and at times cruel. 4. Lord of the Seventh Placed in the 4th - One gets a fortunate and a nice wife & leads a happy married life. The subject owns a number of vehicles and acquires a high educational qualification. The native may have an indecent, mean & immature life-partner if the lord is afflicted. He will have to face innumerable problems of account of property matters, lands, houses & vehicles. If 4th lord is afflicted by Rahu or Ketu, the wife's character may be suspect. Much will depend upon the inherent nature of the 4th lord whether it is benefic or a malefic. The partner will be submissive, kind, adjusting and of cheerful temperament if the concering planet is auspicious. Otherwise the case may reverse. The native will be truthful, religious and intelligent. He may also suffer from dental problems. According to Rama Dayalu, the wife of the native will be respected for her chastity and devotion towards her husband (native). She will be modest. If the 7th lord joins the 4th lord in the 4th house, much travelling is expected. The domestic life of the native will be happy. However, if 4th house is afflicted, the mother of the native will suffer crisis. Her health will suffer and she may even die. The native will get due returns and the due respect because of his high education and will be assigned suitable job. He may go abroad to serve. If 4th lord is well fortified, the native will buy a nice car, a beautiful house and real estate during the period of the 4th lord. 5. Lord of the Seventh placed in the Fifth house - The native will be honourable and a man of principles. He will always be delightful and will be blessed with wealth. But this is not an encouraging disposition in respect of marriage and marital life. The conjugal life will be seldom satisfactory. Problems regarding children will also be there. There may either be less of progeny or unhappiness on account of children. It has often been observed that mutual exchange of 7th and 5th lords have denied marriage. The native will be virtuous, wealthy, honourable and happy. However, the happiness in respect of marriage and children will be absent. The native will get the company of great men and will always be in high spirits, If the 7th lord is severely afflicted in the 5th house, the native's wife may beget children from others. Birth of illegitimate children may take place if Mercury also afflicts the 5th house in one or the other way (Mercury is the illegitimate son of Moon). Daughters will be born if the 7th lord is under the influence of benefics and malefics both. Illustration No. 2.4 (Horoscope No. 4) - This horoscope belongs to a famous lady of international repute. She is one of the richest in the country running many industries. She is one of the charming & pretty women and was educated in London. She was born with Pisces ascendant. The lord of the 7th house,

Horoscope No. 4 ^ate 05/08/1960 Time 21:02:00 Day Friday PfaceChennai Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:02 ^at 13:05:00 North Long 80:18:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmeCorr -0:08:48

Panchang Siderial Time . Eq.of time Sunrise Sunset Samvat Saka Month Paksh Tithl at Sunrise. Nakshatra Yoga Karan

Avakahada Chakra

17:49:56 Mrs - 0:05:55 Mrs 5:56:11 Mrs 18:33:05 Hrs 2017 1882 Sravsns Shukla 13 Uttarasadha Priti Gara

Gan.. Yonl Nadi Varan Vashya Varga Yunja Hansak(Tatva) Name Alphabet Paya(Rasi-Nak) Copper-Copper Hora

Manushya Nakul Anlya Kshatriya Manav Ntaoshak Antya Agni Bhay-Bhairav Mercury

Vlmsottarl Sun :4Y8M17D Mars 24/04/1975 23/04/1982 Mars 20/09/1975 07/10/1976 Rahu Jupiter 13/09/1977 23/10/1978 Saturn Mercury 20/10/1979 Kelu 17/03/1980 18/05/1981 Venus Sun 22/09/1981

Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

-R -R -R -R

Can Sag Tau Can Sag Leo Sag Leo Aqu Can Lib Leo






Mon Jup Ven Mon Jup Sun Jup Sun Sat Mon Ven Sun

Mer Sun Sun Jup Ket Ket Ven Ven Jup Mer Rah Ket

Ven Rah Ven Mar Ven Ven Rah Sat Sat Jup Mer Mer

Rah Jup Sat Mer Ven Sal Mar Ven Ven Rah Mon Ven

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Degree 20:08:21 29:31:27 9:14:24 0:59:51 1.0456 2:15:54 20:04:08 22:46:54 22:46:54 27:49:56 13:24:38 12:03:04

05/08/1960 18/11/1994 Sankta 18/11/1966 Mangla 18/11/1967 Pingla 18/11/1969 Dhanya 18/11/1972 Bhramri 18/11/1976 Bhadrika 18/11/1931 Ulka 18/11/1987 18/11/1994 Sidha

Nirayana Bhava

Planets Pin -R Rasi

Yoglnl Sankta : 6Y 3M 120







Pis 3:54:15 An 8:29:01 Tau 8:13:14 Gem 4:38:42 Can 0:49:20 Can 29:53:59 3:54:15 Vir Ub 829:01 Sco 8:13:14 Sag 4:38:42 Cap 0:49:20 Cap 29:53:59

Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Mon Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat

Sat Ket Sun Mar Jup Mer Sun Rah Sat Ket Sun Mar

Sat Jup Ven Ven Mar Sat Sat Rah Ven Mon Rah Sat

Mer Ven Sun Mer Sat Jup Ven Mon Ven Ven Ven Jup

Fortuna: Leo 13:17:21 Lagna Chart

Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal 2£'

36*Ma^ Ket / 10/ 1 Si1 X10 1 Mev

Ke2a- Mar 2

Navamsa Chart NPlu M«r Rah n. 8 5 X3 Sa./

\ X X X Kal Men 11 Xx1 ^ ^XlO Nv Nep A 12\jup ^X Sun -Xlira Mar x. Daeamsa

UraX / Mer4x' Sun/ 5\ / Plu \ /Van Rah

Jup 9 Mon A Ven Sat / Rah

Sat 9 Mon Ura\ Mer4\ n V Sun/ 4 / Plu \ Van Rah


/ 8 Jup

PI 12' Ra2y

X10 X X Nep 1 iXXjup 9 UraX/ X^ X. piu x^ yMer 12 Rah/XMon 6 \ / \ Kat

Neia* Ba-


6 2

Predicting Ma rriage

Mercury, joins the 5th house in association with the 6th lord Sun. We have discussed above that the Placement of the 7th lord in the 5th house is adverse for marriage and progeny. The native whose birth chart has been illustrated here married at 21 years of age in one of the richest family of India. Still she is not leading a happy marital life. She has no issues and in fact childlessness has created a void in her life. If the lord of 7th house falls in the 5th house with the lord of the 5th, or there is a mutual exchange of the 5th and 7th lords, there may he acute unhappiness both in respect of spouse and children. There may be separation due to misunderstandings, or the children may die, if not denied completely. A mishap may result in loss of children. If benefic effects are strong over the 5th house, the native may be blessed with one or two daughters. If Rahu, Saturn or Sun is involved with the 7th lord in 5th by conjunction or aspect, the possibility of divorce becomes grave due to the separative tendencies of these planets. The adverse affect may be further enhanced if the 7th lord falls in the 6th, 8th or 12th place from Navamsa Lagna. If the 5th lord fall in the 6th, from Navamsa Lagna, the children may be sickly and also be frequently hospitalised. If the affliction of the 7th lord in the 5th house with 5th lord is very adverse and the 5th house is heavily afflicted in addition to Santan Karaka Jupiter, the children may even be murdered unfortunately. If the 5th lord falls in the 12th house from Navamsa Lagna, the children may suffer because of enemies, thieves or smugglers, by being used by them in their gangs, if the signs of poverty are also present the children may be compelled to do begging. Judgement should be made intelligently. If children, both male and female, do exist, the native is sure to suffer due to misconduct and ill-behaviour of the children towards him. Illustration No. 2.5 (Horoscope No. 5} -This horoscope belongs to an extremely close relative of the author. She was the mother of ten children. She got married when she was 16 year old. The placement of the lord of 7th house, Mars, in the 5th house resulted into early, but unhappy, married life. Her husband was more than ten years elder to her and it was his second marriage, (first wife having died). She was not allowed to visit her parents for about 24 years after marriage, and passed a torturous married life, all due to the placement of the 7th lord in the 5th house. The 5th lord, Saturn, is well disposed in the Lagna in its sign of exaltation. Mars who joins the 5th house obtains Vargottam Navamsa and is unafflicted as there is no malefic aspect or conjunction. This resulted in the birth for seven sons and three daughters. The first son and a daughter expired in childhood. None of her son rose to desired status and remained unsettled even late in life. Her husband expired on 22.10.69 and she had to pass a miserable life until she died due to a heavy myo-cardial infraction on 19.8.86. Some of her children tortured her to the extent that she died of unbearable tension which caused heart ailments. She had to support many of her children till the end of

Horoscope No. 5 1/1924 Time 05:37:00 Day Sunday Place Chandausi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:32 at 28:06:00 North Long 77:50:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:18:40


Vimsottari Mercury : 8Y 2M 6D Deva Venus Gaja 15/01/1938 Antya 1501/1958 Vipra Venus 16/05/1941 Jalchar Sun 17/05/1942 Simha Moon 15/01/1944 Poorva 17/03/1945 Mars Jsl 16/03/1948 Cha-Cha ndan Rahu 15/11/1950 Jupiter Gold-Gold 15/01/1954 Saturn Mars 15/11/1956 Mercury Labha

Gan Yon) Nadi Varan Vashya Varga Yunja Hansak(Tatva) Name Alphabet Paya(Ras!-Nak) Hora Chaugharia

Siderial Time 8:29:55 Mrs Eq.of time ,0:16:14 Hrs ,6:36:13 Hrs Sunrise Sunset 17:28:26 Hrs Samvat : 1981 Saka 1846 Kartika Month Paksh Shukla Tithi at Sunrise.. 12 Revati Nakshatra Yoga Vajra Karan Taitila

Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

-R -R -R -R

09/11/1924 1401/1957 Ulka 15/01/1927 Sidha 15/01/1934 Sankta 1501/1942 Mangla 1501/1943 Pingla 14/01/1945 Dhanya 15/01/1948 Bhrami 15/01/1952 Bhadrika 1401/1957

Nirayana Bhava

Planets Pin -R

Yogini Ulka :2Y2M 5D

Avakahada Chakra














Lib Pis Aqu Sco Sco Vlr Lib Can Cap Aqu Can Gem

23:46:33 25:09:01 15:29:12 2:03:16 28:47:55 15:03:55 13:56:46 26:11:36 26:11:36 25:11:04 29:58:22 20:52:49

Ven Jup Sat Mar Mar Mer Ven Mon Sat Sat Mon Mer

Jup Mer Rah Jup Mer Mon Rah Mer Mar Jup Mer Jup

Sat Rah Ven Rah Sat Jup Mer Jup Jup Mer Sat Jup

Jup Mer Ven Sat Ven Sun Jup Jup Jup Rah Jup Yen

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir -

10:21:14 9:20:09 10:13:29 12:34:33 14:48:47 14:30:40 10:21:14 9:20:09 10:13:29 12:34:33 14:48:47 14:30:40

Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer

Rah Sat Ket Mon Rah Sat Ket Sun Rah Sat Ven Mon

Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Rah Sat Ven Jup Mar Ven Jup

Rah Jup Ven Sat Rah Sun Ven Sat Rah Mer Sat Mer

Fortuna: Pisces 11:43:41, Lagna Chart

Navamsa Chart

Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

/A \Mer Jup/ \ Ven / \ 8 / Rah \6/ gX/ Sun Sat Vs




xy V/ 9VSun 7 Mar Vs ^ \ Sat /

QKet 10

/ \ \ Nep 4 Rahy

Mar\ / 11

X Ura/i2\ X Mon \


Jup Mer


\/ X3 Plu


^ Dasamaa

m io

Nap 4 Rah

Sat X N. Plu NapiX V 11 / \ 9/ 12>c 10 X9 Rah

4i3- Ma:\

/A. / Sat Sun


\ JU291 22' Mar

Su24 Sail

cicT ci".

M: qrqwt:


^ ^ 11

A retrograde planet is as strong as in its sign of exaltation. A planet associated with a retrograde gets medium strength. A planet retrograde in its sign of exaltation behaves like a debilitated planet. Similarly a debilitated planet exhibits I.

the results of exaltation if it is retrograde. Thus we see that a retrograde planet if exalted in Rasi but debilitated in Navamsa, in fact gives the results of debilitation. Similarly a retrograde debilitated planet placed in the Navamsa of exaltation sign, will give the result of an exalted planet. THE BEST USE OF NAVAMSA CHART FOR THE CORRECT JUDGEMENT OF MARITAL ASPECTS. Navamsa Kalatra Saukhayam 1. If the lord of the 7th house is placed in the Navamsa of its debilitation, the spouse will be unwise, uncultured and will not be good. The matter could be further spoilt if the 7th lord is stronger than that of Lagna, and gets a Neech Navamsa in conjunction with a malefic planet. 2. If the lord of the Navamsa, occupied by the 7th lord, is a malefic planet, the wife will be cruel and unkind. She will not be noble or generous. The situation will be further deteriorated if the lord of the 7th house is associated with malefics. 3. If the 7th house falls in the Navamsa of Mars in case of males or if the 1st house of a female falls in Navamsa of Mars and the Navamsa lord occupied by the 7th lord is weak or eclipsed then the wife will be either a maid servant or will become vicious in her youth and will be abandoned by her husband. 4. If the Moon occupies the first or seventh house and obtains the Navamsa of the Sun, the wife will be wicked. 5. If the lord of Navamsa occupied by the 7th lord be in conjunction with a malefic, the wife of the native will be voloptuous. If 7th lord occupies the

7 4

Predicting Marriage

Navamsa of its debilitation, a person gets a bad wife. She will be unchaste if the Navamsa lord is afflicted by the association or aspect of malefics. 6. If the 7th lord be Moon i.e. the Lagna be Capricorn and Moon be in conjunction with malefics, or be aspected by malefics or joins an evil Navamsa, the wife of the native will be wicked. Illustration No. 3.1.( Horoscope No.8) - In this birthchart the lord of the 7th is Moon which gets Sun's Navamsa and is influenced by malefics like Mars and the Sun in Navamsa. The above rule is applicable here. The native got married during the sub-period of Saturn in the major period of Saturn ( from9.5.86 to 12.5.89) on 8.4.87. This was more or less a kind of love marriage which took place under compulsion. The wife of the native managed a friendship with the native and established all kinds of relation. She entered in the family way as he had never thought of that union to be converted into marriage. The ethics and moral values compelled the native to marry with the same woman. Navamsa showing chaste andfaithful wife 7. The native will marry a chaste, faithfulgirl if the 7th lord falls in the Navamsa of a benefic Planet. The lord of the 10th house should also be strong and well disposed. 8. If Venus or the 7th lord obtains the Navamsa of exaltation the wife of the native will be dignified. The wife will hail from a respectable family even if the 7th lord gets Neecha Navamsa, provided the 7th lord is stronger than that of Lagna. 9. If the 7th lord falls in a benefic Navamsa and is also associated with benefics, the wife will be virtuous, chaste, dutiful and dignified. 10. If the 7th lord be Moon and Moon & Venus obtain the Navamsa of benefic planets, the wife of the native will be good and charitable. 11

. If the lord of the 7th house falls in a benefic Navamsa and a benefic

planet lends its favorable aspect on the 7th lord who in turn joins a quadrant, the wife will be devoted and will be religious. She will be dignified, of high morals and will be loyal to her husband. Navamsa Position of Planets from Atmakaraka Planet 12. If the Jupiter and the Moon are placed in the 7th house from the Navamsa position of the Atmakaraka planet, the wife will be beautiful and charming. 13. If the Saturn occupies the 7th house from the Navamsa position of the Atmakaraka planet, the wife will be quite older than the native. 14. If the Mars occupies the 7th house from the Navamsa position of the Atmakaraka planet, the will have defective limbs. 15. If Mercury is placed in the 7th house from the Navamsa position of the Atmakaraka planet, the wife will have many qualifies. She will be very intelligent. These positions of planets from Atmakaraka planet in the Navamsa Chart should be taken only as guidelines and should be applied with the caution, considering other indications in birth chart.

Horoscope No. 8 06/1071946 Tlfll© 15:21:00 Day Sunday Place Najibabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:51 it 29:37:00 North Long 78:19:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tlma COIT - 0:16:44


Avakahada Chakra

Sidarial Tune 16:02:06 Hrs Eq.oftima :0:11:39 Hrs Sunrise. :6:13:41 Hrs Sunset :17:56:04 Hrs Samvat : 2003 Saka : 1868 Month : Asvina Paksh : Shukla nthi at Sunrlsa..: 10 Nakshatra : Dhanishtha Yoga : Dhrati Karan : Vanij

Gan Voni Nadi Varan Vashya Varga Yunja Hansak(Tatva) Name Alphabet Paya(RasLNakJ Hora Chaugharia-..

^ Rakshas : Slmha : Madhya : Vaishya Jalchar : Marjar Antya »: Bhocmi Gaa-Gagan : Gcld-Copper - Mercury .j: Rcga

Vlrrsottari Mars: BY10M29O Jupiter 05/09/1971 05/09/1987 Jupiter 23/10/1973 Saturn 06/05/1976 Mercury 12/08/1978 Ketu 18/07/1979 Venus 18/03/1982 Sun 05/01/1983 05/05/1984 Moon Mars 12/04/1985


19:41:11 Sun Vir Mon Cap 23:29:46 Mar Lib 15:07:17 Mer Lib 4:53:49 Jup Lib 9:25:46 Ven Sco 1:50:18 Sat Can 14:12:30 Rah -R Tau 20:57:06 Ket ■R Sco 20:57:06 Ura -R Tau 28:54:56 Nep Vir 15:40:01 Can 20:09:40 Plu



Mer Mon Sat Mar Ven Rah Ven Mar Ven Rah Mar Jup Mon Sat Ven Mon Mar Mer Ven Mar Mer Mon Mon Mer










Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Cap Pis Ari Tau Gem Gem Can Vir Ub Sco Sag Sag

26:28:16 7:50:08 12:33:08 9:44:32 3:16:36 27:12:07 26:28:16 7:50:08 12:33:08 9:44:32 3:16:36 27:12:07

Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mer Mon Mer Ven Mar Jup Jup

Mar Sat Ket Sun Mar Jup Mer Sun Rah Sat Ket Sun

Jup Ket Mer Ven Ven Ven Jup Ven Sat Ven Sun Sun

Sat Jup Rah Mer Mon Mon Sat Ven Jup Sat Jup Ket

Ket Kef Mar Jup Ket Mer Sun Sun Jup Mer Rah Jup Rah Ven Ven Mon Ven Sat Sat Ven Sat Sat Ven Rah

Navamsa Chart

tuna : Gemini 0:16:50

■ a


'Pte 16/02/1948 Time 23:26:38 Day Monday PllCt BIJnor Sri Sanatan Ayenemia 22:52 at 29:22:00 North Long 76:09:00 East Zona 62:30:00 East Tim# Corr -0:17



Avakahada Chakra

Sldarlal Time .;8;51:49Hra Eq.ofllma :• 0:14:17 Hrs Sunrise :8:58:20 Hrs Sunsst :18:05:08Hn Samvat : 2004 Sake : 1889 Month : Magha Pakah. :■ Shukla Tfthl it Sunrise..: 6 Nakahatra : Bharanl Yoga : Brahma Karan : Gara

Manuahya Oa]a f/adhya Kahafriya Chatuapada H-Ifl Pootvl /gnl Loo-Loonaah Copper^old Jupiter Lahha

Oan Yonl Nadl Varan Vaaliya Varga Yunja Hanaak(Tatva) Name Alphabet , Paya(Raai-Nak) Hora Chaughirla

Nirayana Bhava

Planets Pin -r


Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

Aqu Ari Leo Aqu Sag Pis Can Ari Lib Tau Vir Can

-R -R -R -R -R -R


Vanua; ITVIOMSO Bhadrlka ; 9Y 2MIBD Moon 2O/12/10M 18/02/1948 04/08/1982 20/12/1976 Moon 21/10/1987 Bhadrika 04A)6/1991 04/05/1957 Mrs 21/08/1066 Ulka Rahu 20/11/1989 Sldha 03/06/1984 Jupiter 22/03/1971 Sankta 03/05/1972 Situm 20/10/1972 Mansla 04/03/1973 Mercury 22/03/1974 Plngla 04/08/1978 Ketu 21/10/1974 Dhanya 04/06/1976 Venus 20/06/1978 Bhnmrl 04/08/1982













4:06:53 18:06:19 5:25:31 10:59:00 1:08:37 13:03:47 25:45:07 24:58:44 24:58:44 29:18:41 19:49:41 20:35:31

Sat Mar Sun Sat Jup Jup Mon Mar Ven Ven Mer Mon

Mar Ven Ket Rah Ket Sat Mer Ven Jup Mar Mon Mer

Ven Mar Mar Sat Ven Rah Rah Mer Mer Sat Ket Ven

Sat Mon Ven Mer Ven Rah Sun Mar Rah Mar Ven Jup

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S 10 11 12

Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir

14:23:59 13:28:02 14:44:46 17:37:44 20:00:33 19:15:10 14:23:59 13:28:02 14:44:46 17:37:44 20:00:33 19:15:10

Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer

Rah Sat Ven Mon Jup Mer Ven Mon Rah Mer Ven Mon

Mer Rah Ven Sat Jup Ket Ven Rah Ket Mer Rah Mer

Sat Sat Jup Jup Jup Mer Rah Ven Mar Mar Mar Jup

Nsvamta Chart

Fortuna: Sagittarius 28:23:26 Lagna Chart Mon Rah \

Nirayana Shava Challt-Cuapal 7 M R


/ \




\8/ \8 / Jup sV^Ket 7 VsMif

Sat Plu

Sis* Urz* / \

/ S X Ket 7

X / Xfhj Vr \12 / X10S Jup 1XS«1 11 x® Mar 2


KilXRih 8 Sun



\ / X5




X/Urt Mon\ Daaamaa



XIPlu 4 Sat:

Sun tO Mar X Ssl 4 Mar

\Sun Van/X. 2

XJ / Sun\/ \/ llVMon 1 RahVa Wer/i2\ / 2 \ Ura

Venll^Mon 1


x \ Mer 2

\| Nep 2\y

j I

Ktfs114' ■

S \10/Reh


XX j Nep 8


Venus: the






Illustration No.43 (Horoscope No.l2);-This birth chart belongs to a very unfortunate woman. She got married on 13.6.69. Her parents married her to a person of high social standards but the parents of the husband had more financial expectations. She had to lead a torturous life and was treated like a maid servant. Ultimately she escaped from her husband house and sought divorce in December 1984 i.e. after 15 years of marriage. Let us examine her birthchart where the Lagna lord is placed in the 6th house in exaltation sign Pisces and is hemmed in between malefics like Rahu and Sun. The lord of the 7th house Mars is retrograde and aspects Venus, Mercury and the Sun. The placement of Lagna lord and 7th lord should either be a triangular or quadrangular even sextile, but khadastak and Dwidwad positions of these two planets are always bad. In this case lagna lord Venus and the 7th lord Mars are situated in unwanted Khadastak position in Rasi and Navamsa charts. This adversely affected her marital life. Lord of the 7th house Mars obtains the Navamsa of Venus. This is a negative factor. The Mars, Saturn and Rahu play adverse role in the Navamsa or sign of Venus and it becomes worst if Venus also obtains the Navamsa of Mars or Saturn. Let us now consider the placement of other planets in relation to Venus. Mars is situated in the 6th house, Ketu in the 8th and the Sun in the 12th house, which resulted in unhappy married life of the native. The malefic should not join 6th, 8th and 12th houses from Venus. Now consider the 7th lord Mars, which happens to be a Marak for Libra ascendant. The 4th and 6th houses from Mars are vacant. In the 7th house the worst enemy of Mars i.e. Mercury is placed. In the 8th house from Mars, Venus is placed, afflicted by Papakartari Yoga. In Navamsa chart Venus is hemmed in between both the luminaries i.e. the Sun and Moon. When we judge any of the houses in a chart, the Navamsa chart must also be taken into consideration with equal importance and weightage. If Lagna lord is placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th from the lord of any particular house, the good effects of that house can be hampered. In the present case Mars is the lord of 7th and the Lagna lord Venus is placed in the 6th house from Mars, which is quite adverse and therefore marred the happiness of her marital life. We have explained the combinations for adverse marital life. But in the present case divorce took place. How should we differentiate between an unhappy marriage and the failure of marriage? In fact the Sun, Saturn and Rahu have separate tendencies. If these planets too have an influence over the 7th house, unhappiness in married life will result ultimately in a divorce. Here Rahu occupies the 7th house and Saturn aspects the 7th house. Both have a tendency for divorce. The Lagna lord and Karaka of marriage Venus are hemmed in between Rahu and the Sun, which also confirms the separation aftermarriage. The separation took place after 15 years of marriage. Jupiter's aspect over the 7th house, the 7th lords Mars and over the 9th house is responsible forthe delay in separation. Exalted Venus and its placement in own Navamsa made her cling on to her miserable married life for 15 long years.

PredfctingManiage She got married on 13.6.69. in the sub-period of Jupiter and the major period of Mars. Mars is the lord of the 2nd and the 7th houses and falls in the llth house and the Navamsa of Venus. Therefore it strongly indicates that the marriage should take place in the major period of Mars. Jupiter aspects the 7th house as well as the 7th lord Mars. It has obtained the Navamsa of 7th lord Mars. Therefore the marriage is indicated in the sub-period of Jupiter and the major period of Mars. The separate tendencies and adversities are indicated by various planets as we have mentioned. Rahu occupies the 7th house; therefore, the separation could take place in the Mahadasa of Rahu. It actually came in evidence in December 1984 when sub-period of Ketu which is in the Rahu's Nakshatra was running on this unfortunate lady, who is now living with her parents and brothers. If Venus is strong and owns the 7th house, its position in the 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th house is favourable as it brings prosperity and happiness after marriage. On the contrary if a weak Venus owning the 7th house occupies 8th or 12th house, marital happiness can be curtailed. It must be made clear that a good Venus or 7th lord will not give good results, if they are posited in TRIK house, even if they occupy their own exaltation or friend"s sign of Navamsa. If Venus conjoins a malefic and 7th lord too is a natural malefic and occupies either the 5th or the 9th house, the marriage will take place at a distant place. If Venus joins the lord of 7th house and both are suitably placed, there will be a number of wives. The number of wives may be as many as the number of planets conjoined with Venus and the planets lending their full aspect on Venus. If Venus joins the lord of 2nd, 6th or 7th and thoLagna is under the influence of malefic planets, the person flirts with the wives of other people. If Venus owns the llthhouse, it indicates happy union with women who will offer him money. If there is exchange of lords of the 7th house and 9th house, one derives fortune after marriage and if either of the planet is Venus, the native derives luck by working in the name of his wife. If Venus is conjoined with Saturn, one prospers through women. Women will patronize his profession. There will be increase in wealth through the patronage of women. However, opposition of Venus and Saturn is regarded as adverse. Placement of Venus in the Vargas of Mars and the aspect of Mars on such a Venus make the native addicted to others" wives. So is the case with females. The word addicted has been used here to denote physical relations and not love even if he or she pretends to love the other partner. Combination of Mars and Venus - The combination of Mars and Venus is not regarded well in a birth chart so far as the character and chastity of woman is concerned. We have seen innumerable disasters where this combination had sepeatedly. We have repeated by mentioned that the Sun, Saturn and Rahu have separate tendencies whereas Mars and Venus attract each other and create passion, lust and adultery. Let us see what happens if Rahu conjoins with Mars and Venus in the Lagna itself.


the Karaka

indicator of Marriage 93

Combination of Mars, Venus and Rahu - This combination results in an extreme sexual indulgence and false promises of marriage. If the combination is in a girl's horoscope, she will start going through all kinds of physical enjoyments at a very tender age. She develops sexual relations with the person. She loves and would regard him her husband. Unfortunately ithas generally been observed that boy and girl fail to marry despite having relations with each other for years together. We have seen that such infatuations usually result in a naught. They lost interest, or one of them lost interest in the other and inspite of the persuasion by the other, the marriage did not take place. Rahu separated them. In all such cases the sufferers and losers were the natives who contained this combination of Mars and Venus and Rahu in their horoscopes.

Predicting Marriage lllustratioii No. 4.4 (Horoscope No. 13) - In this chart of a female the presence of Mars, Venus and Rahu may be noted in the Lagna. She belongs to a respectable family. She fell in love with a boy who was not even properly employed when she was 17 years old. This was during the Saturn/Venus period and this affair gradually resulted into sexual relationship. It lasted till the end of Saturn/Rahu period. The boy at last refused to marry her after dragging the affair till Saturn/Rahu period. Both the planets have separate tendencies. Therefore, they were separated and the girl had to face a lot of disgrace, humiliation and agony. The Jupiter, lord of the 7th house, is well placed in the 11th house in a friendly sign and his own Navamsa. Such a beneficial and strong Jupiter is aspecting not only the 7th house but also the lord of the Lagna, Mercury. Mars/ Venus and their conjunction with Rahu are so adverse that even a beneficial Jupiter could not help materialize her marriage with the boy she loved. At 32 years of age, she is still unmarried though the karaka of marriage Venus, the lord the lord of the 7th house Saturn and the lord of the llthhouse Mars are in their own Navamsa. Except the Sun and Moon all planets fall in their own Navamsa. All these planets failed to overcame the adversities created by the combination of Mars and Rahu. Mars and Venus in Lagna - Mars and Venus are extremely sensual. This combination has a special reference to the ascendants ruled by Mars and Venus i.e. Aries, Taurus, Libra and Scorpio. One makes contacts with a number of women and obviously marital life and conjugal happiness suffers.

Horoscope No. 13 {ate 28/07/1964 Ti me 02:40:00 Day Tuesday Place Delhi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:06: at 28:39:00 North Long 77:13:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tim© Corr -0:21:08



Avakahadl Chakra Gan Yonl Nadl Varan Vashya Varga Yun]a Hanaak(Tatva) Name Alphabet Paya(Rasi-Nak) Hora Chaugharia

SldarlalTlma .:22:41:10Hrs Eq.oMlma >0:06:26 Hrs Sunrise :5:40:56 Hrs Sunset :19:13:53 Hrs Samvat : 2021 Saka : 1086 Month : Sravana Paksh : Krishna Tfthi at Sunrise..: 3 Nakshatra : Satabhisha Yoga : Shobhan Karan : Bava

- Rakahaa : Ashwa Adya ^ Shoodra : f/anav : Mesha - AnXya Vayu Soo^Sooraj : Silver-Copper ^ Mercury : Shubh

Rahu: 1Y0M 7D Situm 03/02/1982 03/02/2001 Saturn 06/02/1985 Mercury 17/10/1987 Ketu 26/11/1988 Venus 25/01/1992 Sun 06/01/1993 Moon 08/08/1994 Mars 16/09/1995 Rahu 23/07/1998

Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nap Plu


-R >R -R -S




Can Aqu Gem Lao Ari Gem Aqu Gem Sag Leo Lib Leo

11:43:26 18:52:25 4:57:29 7:25:25 29:20:59 1:46:27 10:32:20 8:34:25 8:34:25 15:06:52 21:57:35 19:31:56

Mon Sat Mar Sun Mar Mer Sat Mer Jup Sun Van Sun

28/07/1964 28/10/1997 Dhanye 28/10/1964 Bh ramri 28/10/1968 Bhadrika 28/10/1973 Ulka 29/10/1979 Sidha 29/10/1986 Sankta 29/10/1994 Mangla 29/10/1995 Pingla 28/10/1997

Nirayana Bhava

Planets Pin

Yoglnl Dhanya : 0Y3M1D



Sat Mon Rah Man Mar Sun Kat Rah Sun Rah Mar Mer Rah Sat Rah Rah Ket Jup Ven Ven Jup Sat Ven Rah





Mer Mer Mon Mon Rah Sat Sat Mar Van Mer Sat Ven

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Gem Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sag Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari

1 18:54 24 21:35 18:01:29 15:34:04 19:02:32 26:17:13 1:18:54 24 21:35 18:01:29 ! 5:34:04 19:02:32 26:17:13





Mer Mar Mer Jup Mon Mar Sun Van Mer Mon Ven Jup Jup Ket Jup Ven Sat Mon Sat Rah Jup Mar Mar Ven

Mer Mer Mer Sun Mer Kat Van Mar Mer Va n Ket Ket

Rah Ven Jup Sun Rah Jup Mon Ket Mer Van Jup Rah

■tuna: Capricorn 8:27:53 Lagna Chart

Navamsa Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal 1v MasRas* Ver ■n 224-

1275* JU29M&r\ 4 / \ 2 / Sun Ura SX^Mar 3 Ven Vl Jup

Uia\3/ \1/ Moi®" 4 V Mar 3 VenV12 101. Ma/\ Rah /\

X Mar / 7\ PI" / RahX6 yS Sun VanN^s ura v Sat 10 tlX.











Dasamsa Pin 5 \ /\ /E \/ \/Mon p|u Ne 7 9 P X X11 /8\ Kat /lo\Sat

11 Mon . / , / )M0Sat 9\

Mer Uns4ir P|20'

X, Mer /^jX^ep Sety^ Reh\. 4 / X 2X 5\X Sun Ven XXi Manx X XX

XX Kot Xll y ici\piu Ura JupX

Predicting Marriage Illustration No.4.5( Horoscope No.14) - The native got married on 29.5.64 with an unattractive simple lady. They have three sons. The native had liaison with a number of women and was successful in developing relations with a princess, who has been a minister in the Govt. There is a big difference of age about 20 years. This relationship brought about a disaster in the lives of four persons of the two families. However, those knowing astrology, could easily understand the truth at the very first appearance of this horoscope. In Navamsa Mars and Venus aspect each other which played the havoc. Mars and Venus in the 7th house - Combination of Mars and Venus is certainly adverse in the 7th house and Mars marital happiness. Usually Mars and Venus do not exhibit very adverse results in their respective signs but in other sign, the conjugal happiness is lost. Many disputes and frequent tiffs make their life hell. He/she is of loose morals, if the 5 th house is also afflicted or contains the lord of TRIK houses or the lord of the 5th joins any of the TRIK houses. One should not rely upon girls who have Mars-Venus combination in the 7th house. Mars and Venus always give rise to carnal desires particularly in he 7th house. If this combination takes place in the sign of Mars or Venus, marital life will not be much disturbed, provided there is no other planet interfering in the affairs. If Mars and Venus join the 7th house along with the 7th lord other than Saturn and Mercury, the adversity will be reduced but immoral conduct will persist.

Horoscope No. 14 07/01/1941 Time 03:05:36 Day Tuesday Place SUtanpur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22l46 it 26:l5:00North Long 82:04:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tim© COIT-0:01:44

Vlmsottari Ketu : 2Y11M 0D Gan : Deva Sun Yoni j Ashwa 09/12/1983 Nadi : Adya 08/12/1969 Varan : Kshatri Kshatriya Sun 27/03/1964 Vashya ^ Chatuspada Chatus Moon 26/09/1964 Varga ^ SImha 01/02/1985 Mars Yunja j Poorva 26/12/1965 Rahu Hansak(Tatva) Agni 15/10/1966 Name Alphabet ChO-CI ChoChoIukya Jupiter 27/09/1967 Saturn Gold-Gold Faya(Rasi-Nak) : Gold-G 02/08/1968 Mercury Hora : Mercur Mercury 08/12/1968 Ketu Chaugharia : Shubh

Panchang Sidarial Time . Eq.oftime Sunrise Sunset Ssmvst Saka Month Paksh Tithi at Sunrise.. Nakshatra Yoga Karan

Avakahada Chakra

10:08:08 Hrs -0:05:46 Hrs 6:52:01 Hrs 17:22:58 Hrs 1997 1862 Pausa Shukla 8 Asvini Sidha Kautava

Planets Pin -r


Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat -R Rah -R Ket -R Ura -R Nep -R Plu -R

Sag 23:26:17 Ari 7:46:27 Sco 8:37:32 Sag 20:41:21 Ari 12:59:03 Sco 28:29:52 Ari 15:07:39 Vir 12:45:11 Pis 12:45:11 Ari 29:36:42 Vir 4:54:25 Can 10:47:37

Yoglnl Bhramri ;1Y8MM> 07/01/1941 08/09/1974 Bhramri 08/09/1942 Bhadrika 08/09/1947 Ulka 08/09/1953 Sidha 07/09/1960 Sankla 07/09/1968 Mangia 08/09/1969 Pingla 08/09/1971 Dhanya 08/09/1974

Nirayana Bhava












Jup Mar Mar Jup Mar Mar Mar Mer Jup Mar Mer Mon

Ven Ket Sat Ven Ket Mer Ven Mon Sat Sun Sun Sat

Sat Jup Ven Jup Mer Sat Ven Rah Mar Rah Sat Sun

Rah Jup Mon Mer Jup Mer Mer Sat Ven Jup Jup Me r

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib

1:52:51 1:34:52 3:37:50 7:10:08 9:17:53 7:30:07 1:52:51 1:34:52 3:37:50 7:10:08 9:17:53 7:30:07

Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven

Jup Ket Sun Rah Sat Ket Sun Mar Sat Ket Sun Rah

Rah Ven Sat Rah Ven Rah Jup Mer Sat Rah Ven Rah

Jup Rah Mer Jup Jup Mar Mer Jup Sat Ven Sat Sat


Navamsa Chart

rtuna: Aquarius 16:13:01 Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuspal

Lagna Chart


Sal S

Mar Man Jup Sat Ura


\ /War 10X


7 ^/Nepf

Nv / Yen ye

v/8\ t/ loX Wsr Van V6Rah


Mon 3 y /Cl

Jup 4

C^f 7 Ket y: \^Piu N.

\Sun Mar/ \

Sun Mer/ \

/ Nw


Sun S



1 Reh\y

X^Ven Nop

Dasamsa \ 2 Ketl2X /1\ /SatUraX /Jup MonXy

Ven Mar



/\ 2

/jup M«i\/


5 Napy

Y4 Plu

MarX 5 Sat Reh /



Predicting Marriage Illustration No.4.6(Horoscope NO. 15) - Presence of Mars and Venus may be noted in the 7th house in Sagittarius. The lord of the 7th Jupiter aspects the 7th house from Lagna. Mars and Venus both obtain the Navamsa of Mercury, She confessed maintaining a regular physical relationship with her young tutor for years. Jupiter's aspect on the 7th house. Mars and Venus confirm this. She got married to a handsome businessman but her carnal habits created disturbances soon after her marriage in 1987. Venus and Mars association results in happy marital life. Venus should not be ignored and Venus should be careftilly judged corresponding to the horoscope under reference. Conjunction of Mars and Venus in the 7th house is adverse for chastity, but generally happy marital life is indicated by this combination provided the birth takes place in any of the sign ruled by Venus or Mars. Usually the chastity is spoilt at an early age, 16 and 18 years. Marital life will also be happy if the lord of the 7th house is Jupiter and aspects the 7th house from Lagna. In case of Saturn or Mercury the marital life will not be happy if Mars, Venus fall in 7th and 7th lord falls in Lagna. Mutual Exchange of signs or Navamsa by Mars and Venus - When Mars is posited in the Navamsa of Venus and Venus is posited in the sign of Mars, the native will be adulterous. If the same combination is present in woman's horoscope, she will take paramours and prefer them to her husband. If the Mars and Venus exchange their Navamsa sign in a woman's chart, she may have a long lasting physical relationship with some one she loves.

Horoscope No. 15 15/11/1965 Time 20:37:00 Day Monday Place Allgarh Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:07 t 27:54:00 North Long 78:04:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:17:44

Avakahada Chakra

Vimsottarl Marcury : 7Y7M290 Gan ^ Rakshas Vanus. ^ Maqar Yoni 15/07/1980 Anlya Nadi 15/07/2000 - Vpra Varan Venus 15/11/1983 Vashya 4 J al char Sun 14/11/1984 Varga ^ Shwan Moon 16/07/1986 Yunja .: Madhya Mars 15/09/1987 Hansak(Tatva) . .: Jal 14/09/1990 Name Alphabet Day-Daivendra Rahu Jupiter 15/05/1993 Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-SItver Saturn 15/07/1996 Hora Mercury Mercury 16/05/1999 Chaugharia - Roga

Panchang SiderialTima 53:57:15 Hrs Eq,of time :0:15:26 Hrs Sunrise :6:40:21 Hrs Sunset :17:24:09 Hra Samvat : 2022 Saka : 1887 Month : Margshlrsh Paksh : Krishna Tithi at Sunrise..: 7 Nakshatra : Aslesa Yoga : Brahma Karan : Balava

Planets Rasl


Ub Can Sag Sco Gem Sag Aqu Tau Sco Leo Ub Leo

29:55:29 23:59:23 7:52:50 22:21:54 7:00:44 17:03:13 17:22:10 11:38:45 11:38:45 25:47:24 26:44:18 25:00:32


Yoglnl Bhramri : 1Y9M 19D 15/11/1965 05/09/1999 Bhramri 05/09/1967 Bhadrika 04/09/1972 Ulka 05/09/1978 Sidha 04/09/1985 Sankta 04/09/1993 Mcngta 05/09/1994 Pingla 04/09/1996 Dhanya 05/09/1999

Nirayana Bhava N-L










Ven Jup Mon Mer Jup Ket Mar Mar Mer Rah Jup Van Sat Rah Ven Mon Mar Sat Sun Ven Ven Jup Sun Ven

Mon Mar Jup Mon Rah Mon Van Mar Mon Mer Ven Mar

Sat Ven Sat Mar Jup Ket Ket Ket Sat Sal Ven Mar

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Gam Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau

18:10:12 10:57:48 6:10:17 6:07:40 10:44:24 16:02:57 18:10:12 10:57:48 6:10:17 6:07:40 10:44:24 16:02:57

Mar Mon Sun Mer Van Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven

Rah Sat Ket Sun Rah Sat Ven Mon Mar Sat Ket Mon

Mon Sun Rah Mer Sat Jup Rah Mon Mon Mer Sat Sat

Mon Ven Sat Mar Sat Ven Rah Ven Sat Ven Mar Mer

Navamsa Chsrt

Fortuna: Pisces 12:14:06 Lagna Chart

Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal



^/Sat 12 llir \


/ \

Plu\4 / sYjup 3


■ \


\ 2 /


I Mon | Ura/>

Rair 1218*




Sun 3 Mar \ Nep /'

9 Jup

6 VX / SN. yen X 7 \ X / Ket X.


Sun\/ \/ 7^ Mar 9 VenVusat Nop/6\ /ioN. /Mar Ke\ / Ket Mer

^ Nep Sun

Mar / \ i/8\ / VKI\ Mar Mer

p,u X / XX Ura 1y^X ® Xx ^ Rah/2 Nep ./ / Ven \ /Sat Sun X

Horoscope No. 9 ate 26/01/1957 Time 09:09:00 Day Saturday Place Urmao Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa at 26:32:00 North Long 80:30:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tlftie Corr -0:

Avakahada Chakra


Gan Yoni Nadi Varan Vashya Varga Yunja Hansak(Tatva) Name Alphabet Paya(Rasi-Nak) Copper-Copper Hora

Siderial Time .;17:21:40 Mrs Eq.of time 0:12:35 Hrs Sunrise :S:57:06 Hrs Sunset ;17:44:08 Hrs Samvat : 2013 Saka : 1878 Month : Magha Paksh Krishna Tithi at Sunrise..: 11 Nakshatra : Jyestha Yoga : Dhruva Karan : Balava

^ Rakshas Wr)g : Wag : Adya Vipra Vipra : Keet Keetak I Mrig Antya : Antys Jal Yaa-' Yaa-Yatendra ^ Mars

Vlmeottari Mercury : 11YaM90 Venus 06/10/1975 06/10/1995 Venus 05/02/1979 Sun 05/02/1930 Moon 06/10/1981 06/12/1982 Mars 06/12/1985 Rahu Jupiter 06/08/1988 Saturn 06/10/1991 Mercury 06/08/1994


Yoglnl Bhadrika :3Y5M8D 26/01/1957 06/07/1991 Bhadrika 05/07/1960 Ulka 06/07/1966 Slffie 05/07/1973 Sankta 05/07/1981 Mangla 06/07/1982 Pingla 05^)7/1984 Dhanya 06/07/1987 Bhramri 06/07/1991

Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R














Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

Cap 12:56:09 See 20:49:45 Ari 5:31:13 Sag 19:24:00 Vir 8:39:02 Sag 23:37:52 Sco 18:44:47 See 3:28:45 3:28:45 Tau Can 11:54:20 Lib 9:35:13 Leo 6:46:15

Sat Mar Mar Jup Mer Jup Mar Mar Ven Mon Ven Sun

Mon Mer Ket Ven Sun Ven Mer Sat Sun Sat Rah Ket

Rah Ven Mar Rah Ven Sat Ket Sat Sat Mon Jup Rah

Mer Sat Mon Ven Rah Rah Sun Sat Mer Ven Ven Ket

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Aqu Arl Tau Tau Gem Can Leo Lib Sco Sco Sag Cap

23:44:07 2:37:50 3:05:45 28:11:57 22:08:00 19:01:57 23:44:07 2:37:50 3:05:45 28:11:57 22:08:00 19:01:57

Sat Mar Ven Ven Mer Mon Sun Ven Mar Mar Jup Sat

Jup Ket Sun Mar Jup Mer Ven Mar Jup Mer Ven Mon

Sat Ven Sat Sat Sat Ket Sat Ket Rah Sat Sat Mer

Jup Mer Sat Sat Mer Jup Jup Mer Mon Sat Sat Rah


-R -R -R -R

Navamaa Chart

Fortuna: Capricorn 1:37:42 Lagna Chart Mar

2r Ma«'


i24* \m 2




Nirayana Bhava Chaltt-Cuapal

Sat 8 Mon

v 3/ 4X Mar 2

33Key 42r

10/V8n X9 \Sun \

11 Ket Mar 8X. Urr





Rah X 5 /ven lu

Ura 3 Mar 10X Xii Set/ 11 / Ket Mc>n




\ Rah /

4 \ Piu Ura \


N. s

8 Mer \X WRah Ura 3V 5 Vs Set /4\ Jup / 7\Mon Nop \

V^2 Jup


Venus: the Karaka Indicator of Marriage


Illustration No. 4.7.(Horoscope No.9) - This horoscope belongs to an extremely beautiful, fair, smart and bold lady who got married on 30.1.75 and has been blessed with two daughters. She is the wife of a senior officer whose remarkable performances and courage are some of the landmarks for his organization. The lady is not loyal to her husband. She had carnal relationship with the younger brother of her husband. They have been living like husband & wife since 1983, as soon as Mars Bhukti in the major period of Venus began. Their relationship resulted in a daughter, an illegitimate child. This charming young woman was born under Aquarius ascendant, which falls in the Navamsa of Taurus. Mars is in the Taurus ascendant while Venus occupies the 7th house of the Navamsa chart in the sign of Mars. Thus Venus falls in Mars Navamsa Scorpio, while Mars obtains the Navamsa of Venus, that is Taurus. In Rashi chart Mars and Venus are placed in the 3rd and llthhouses respectively, which also show the carnality with a brother like person, in this case her brother-in-law. During her childhood her servant also abused her when she was quite innocent. Like us, the readers will also be surprised to know the unbelievable truth that the lady was shocked when we told her during an astrological inquiry that she possessed Akhand Saubhagya i.e. the death of her husband will take place only after her death. A few others had made a contrary forecast. She personally wished an early death of her husband so that she could live happily with her lover. A woman has irrepressible passions if her Lagna is Taurus between 3/20 and 6/40 or Libra between 13/20 and 16/40. It means that if the Lagna is ruled by Venus, but obtains Navamsa of Saturn, the intensity of passion will go beyond control leading to adultery. We have found that this holds well in all such cases where Lagna is ruled by Venus or Saturn and falls in the Navamsa of Saturn or Venus respectively. In the above example too it may be noted that the woman was born in Aquarius Lagna which has fallen in the Navamsa of Venus. That is the cause for extreme passion and involvement in her immoral acts. Venus is a planet, which is deeply related to marital bliss, love affairs and if perverted, to immoral acts. While examining a horoscope for marital happiness, we must look into the overall disposition of Venus. We should not reach hurried conclusions. Many times Venus may not have any relation with the 7th or the 2nd houses, still its consideration is quite important to reach a correct conclusion about the state of the marital life. #


Role of Jupiter in marriage












most benefic. It represents grandeur, learning, patience and mercy, fanplay and is, therefore, called "Guru" in the astrological parlance. Its presence in a house promotes benefic influence in that house, and reduces the faults associated therewith. If Jupiter owns a triangle, joining one of the angles, it is highly beneficial. However, through a natural benefic, it is said to behave otherwise in some extraordinary situations. For example when: (i)

It owns a kendra (kendradhipati)

(ii) When situated in a house for which it is a significator? When Jupiter owns a kendra it suffers from Kendradhipati Dosh, unless, of course, it is placed in its own sign. Whenever Jupiter owns a kendra, it automatically becomes the lord of two kendras i.e., Pisces and Sagittarius and the other two kendras viz. Gemini and Virgo are owned by Mercury. If Jupiter is situated in a house for which it is a Karaka, or significator, it effects adversely to the native. Thus, if it is posited in the house of children or wealth, it causes many hardships. Largely, however, Jupiter is understood to impart to the native wisdom, intelligence, and all the satwik qualities of good breeding, respect and dedication to religion, customs, traditions and charity. Therefore, Jupiter is regarded as a priest or minister of Devtas and is an inspiration for Satkarma or good deeds to be performed by the humans. The planet is said to produce best results in its exaltation sign. Cancer. However,







in our experience Jupiter gives most auspicious results in Leo, not in Cancer. This may, of course, be debated. Jupiter is placed in a quadrant in Cancer, Sagittarius or Pisces, comstitutes Hamsa yoga giving the native sterling qualities, noble behaviour and subtle thinking and makes him a king or king-like. The yoga is well defined in our ancient texts. The Link Breaks - Where Jupiter Weakens - In this chapter we intend driving home a point that Jupiter has a deceptive nature in some respects. In our study of astrological practice for over two decades we have come to the conclusion that traditionalists have over emphasised the benefic and malefic effects of Jupiter and Saturn respectively. If we may be permitted to express our understanding of the situation, based in actual case studies "and observation, Jupiter is not always sacrosanct nor Saturn so banal as has been made out to be. We have observed that Jupiter"s placement in the fifth house affects children. In the present chapter our attempt is to evaluate Jupiter and its corresponding maligancy when positioned in the Seventh house, under certain specific conditions. The Classical View - First let us see that results the classical texts and authoritative sages ascribe to Jupiter in the Seventh house. Dr. B.VRaman, an authority on the subject, has noted in his book, "How to judge a Horoscope" that * Jupiter in the seventh house makes the subject kind-hearted. * the native gets a virtuous, good-looking and chaste wife and gains are achieved through and after matrimony. *the subject attains high level of education. * he is sensitive to other"s feelings. * he has a speculative mind and does well in the field of agriculture. * he is inclined to go on pilgrimages to distant places. * he will be superior to his father in qualities, and *the native will be blessed with worthy sons. Saravali states that Jupiter in the seventh house makes one a good speaker, poet, head of village/institution, knowledgeable, intelligent, fortunate, kind and noble, famous and superior to his father. Vaidyanath says that Jupiter in the seventh gives a beautiful wife, incites envy in parents and teachers. His wife is virtuous and is blessed with worthy sons. If the Jupiter is placed in a debilitation sign. Capricorn, the wife dies or is abused by a Brahmin, according to Vaidynanth.


Predicting Marriage

Garg says that the Jupiter in the seventh house gives only one wife. He gets bed-pleasure like a king. He is handsome and intelligent. Brihat Jatak describes that such a native gets married at 22 years of age. He takes interest in studies, becomes a minister and is polite. He is blessed by his father and is loved by his wife. Parashar says that such a Jupiter awards a position in the army and lot of wealth. Gopal Ratnakar holds that such a person is proud and able. He has a chaste wife. He has business relations with high class persons and that such a Jupiter promotes business. Narain Bhatt mentions that Jupiter in the seventh house makes one disinterested in his own wife. He is intelligent, rich and best among his brothers and sisters. He is handsome. Hilla Jatak holds absolutely a different opinion. According to it the Jupiter in the seventh house results in early marriage, precisely at 12 years of age. Phaldeepika opines that such a native will get a good

wife, will be blessed

with children and will be more generous than his father. Chamatkar Chintamani says the native will be highly intelligent. He will not care for women, except his own. Bhrigu Sutramspecifies that Jupiter in the seventh house gives high education and makes the native a thinker (Chintak). He is said to have frequent financial gains and his wife is learned, chaste and devoted to her husband. If Jupiter in the seventh house is associated with benefics or posited in

own or exaltation

signs, the native will have only one wife. He will be attached to her. He will gain wealth through his wife. He will be happy and will earn great honours in the 34th years of his life. These are the views expressed in different texts. Most of the results described are similar. However, there are common denominaters; native is superior to his father in virtues; gets married at 12-22 years of age, receives honour at 34th year, gets a chaste wife, at times is subject to jealousy of father and teacher, gets one wife only, is handsome, polite and possesses sterling qualities, is generous, happy and is blessed with worthy children. As can be seen, almost all the authors describe Jupiter as auspicious in seventh house. The sages should not be criticised. Many of them were endowed with an inner vision and siddhis to adjudge the behaviour of various heavenly bodies. Varah Mihira was said to have the Surya Siddhi. The sages have rightly described these results for a particular position, and most of these results are manifest when Jupiter falls in a odd sign or male signs. However, good results of the position of Jupiter in the seventh house do not

Role of Jupiter in Marriage


accrue when Jupiter is placed in the seventh in the even signs or female signs. In that case adverse results are obtained. A. Jupiter in the seventh House in Watery Signs i.e. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces(for Capricorn, Taurus & Virgo Lagnas). A1 Jupiter in the Seventh in Cancer - For Capricorn ascendant Jupitor gets exalted in the Seventh Bhava and forms Hamsa Mahapurusha Rajyoga. Here it owns third and twelfth house. Kalidasa has described in "Uttar Kalamrit" -

That is, the native will be productive, good to others, prosperous rich and educated etc. If Jupiter joins its exaltation sign Cancer. Kalidasa has not mentioned anything about the matters related with the seventh house even in the Sloka. But exalted Jupiter in the seventh gives a good and chaste wife. She is dedicated to husband and elders, advises her husband like a Guru, is beautiful, full of virtues, learned etc. But in the 34th year some devastation takes place in marital life, either the wife dies or she gets separated due to some reason. Kalidasa has mentioned in "Raghuvansh Kavya" that Induvati wife of the king Aja i.e., mother of king Dashrath died at the age of 34 years when a flower from the Veena of Narad fell on her chest, while Narad was moving in the sky.

Horoscope No. 16 1/1931 Time 09:45:00 Day Tuesday Place LouisTrichardi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22: 23:01:00 South Long 29:43:00 Easr Zone 30:00:00 East Tim© Corr - 0:01:08

Avakahada Chakra

Ranchang Sktaria] Time 13:53:06 Hrs Eq.of tima :0:13:29 Hrs Sunrise :5:08:52 Hrs Sunset :18:26:40 Hrs Samvat : 1988 Saka : 1853 Month : Kartika Paksh : Shukla Tithi at Sunrise.,: 14 Nakshatra : Krlttlka Yoga : Parigh Karan : Vishti

Gan. Yoni Nadi Varan Vashya Varga Yunja Hanaak(Tatva) Name Alphabet Paya(Ra9hNak) Hora Chaugharia

: Rakshas : Mesh .r lotya - Kshatriya Chstuspada Garuda : Poorva Agni Aa-Aayush : Iron-Gold Moon Char

VImsottavi Sun : 5Y8M SD Rahu 31/07/1954 31/07/1972 Rahu 12/04/1957 06/03/1959 Jupiter Saturn 13/07/1962 Mmty 29/01/1965 Kelu 17/02/1966 Venus 16/02/1969 Sun 11/01/1970 Moon 13/07/1971


Yogini Ulka : 5YBM 6D 24/11/1931 31/07/1967 Ulka 31/07/1937 Sidha 31/07/1944 Sankta 31/07/1952 Mangla 31/07/1953 Pingta 31/07/1955 Dhanya 31/07/1958 Bhramri 31/07/1962 Bhadrika 31/07/1967

Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r














Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Kel Ura Nep Plu

Sco Ari Sco Sco Can Sco Sag Pis Vir Pis Leo Gem

8:25:16 27:22:12 25:29:10 27:46:48 29:36:27 28:07:02 27:07:01 11:12:26 11:12:26 23:11:59 15:15:39 29:19:20

Mar Mar Mar Mar Mon Mar Jup Jup Mer Jup Sun Mer

Sal Sun Mer Mer Mer Mer Sun Sal Mon Mer Ven Jup

Ven Mon Rah Jup Sat Sat Sun Men Mar Men Ven * Sun

Ven Mon Ven Rah Rah Sal Mer Rah Rah Ven Mer Kel

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 30 31 32

Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag

11:46:54 6:51:56 5:34:58 7:44:15 10:45:34 12:14:24 11:46:54 6:51:56 5:34:58 7:44:15 10:45:34 12:14:24

Sat Sal Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup

Mon Rah Sat Ket Mon Rah Sat Ket Sun Rah Sat Ket

Mar Rah Mer Jup Mon Sat Mon Rah Mer Rah Sun Mer

Ven Rah Mer Jup Mer Rah Mer Ven Ven Mer Mer Mon

-R -R -R -R

Navamaa Chart

Fortuna: Cancer 0:43:51 Nirayana Bhava Challt'Cuapal

Lagna Chart




piu aVKtt



Av Sir Mc^ Uray1 12/ Rah/

Sat / g /Mir V8>'

Un\^. 12V RtiyS

m Sat SrS / .9 /m Ve Mtc 7iy / \v«n

10 Un Nip aX 7 X9 yS 9 v. Rih yS 8 / Sun xy X Dsaamaa


*X 3 Pin


4 X8 Ket Jup / 6 \/ Nep \] Ket

Ven Mer ■■ Mar Sun il ■■


Mon 1

7 Sun

3 \ Jup / 9

\Mof> Ni^Z \ 10/ RahllxJup Q Mr 12 PluX8«l 8 Sun 1X 3 Xa Kit Ven/2 \ Un / ♦ \







I am illustrating the following horoscope where Jupiter joins the seventh house in Cancer Illustration No. 5.1

(Horoscope No.16) - This horoscope belongs to a

multimillionaire of India who is living in London in connection with his business. He rose to this position by his own efforts. He had a very good wife but he divorced her in 1964 when he came to know that the last son of the native belonged to a famous Tantrik, the fact that his wife had also accepted. This divorce occurred when the native was running under Rahu-Mercury period in 1974.

Horoscope No. 17 ^ato 21/12/1919 Time 08:48:00 Day Sunday Place Bareilfy Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa at 28:20:00 North Long 79:24:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:


Vlmsottaii Yogini Mercury 10Y11M 5D Bhadrlta: 3Y2M17D : Rakshas Rahu : Mrig 25/11/1980 09/03/1954 : Adya 26/11/1996 09/03/1990 : Vipra Rahu 08/08/1983 Bhadrika 09/03/1969 : Keetak Jupiler 01/01/1986 Ulka 09/03/1965 : Mrig Saturn 07/11/1988 Sidha 08/03/1972 : Antya Mercury 27/05/1991 Sankta 08/03/1980 Jal 14/06/1992 Mangla 09/03/1961 Yaa-Yatendra Ketu 14/06/1995 Pingla 09/03/1983 Venus : Gold-Copper Sun 08/05/1996 Dhanya 09/03/1986 : Vanus Moon 07/11/1997 Bhramri 09/03/1990 : Char

Avakahada Chakra

SiderialTime 14:30:11 Hrs Eq.of time :0:02:19Hrs Sunrise :7:01:13 Hrs Sunset :17:18:44 Hrs Samvat : 1976 Saka : 1841 Month : Fausa Paksh Krishna Tlthl at Sunrise..: 14 Nakshatra : Jyestha Yoga : Shool Karan : Shakuni

Gan Yoni Nadi Varan Vashya Varga r Yunja Hansak(Tatva) Name Alphabet Paya(Rasi-Nak) Hora Chaugharia

Planets Pin Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Yen Sal Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

Nirayana Bhava

-R Rasi




Sub S-S

Sag Sco Vir Sco Can Lib Leo Sco Tau Aqu Can Gem

5 43:51 21 25:34 18 34:14 14 03:38 25 15:30 20 58:48 19 11:49 2 06:26 2 06:26 6 04:17 18 42:37 14 25:04

Jup Mar Mer Mar Mon Yen Sun Mar Yen Sat Mon Mer

Ket Mer Mon Sat Mer Jup Yen Jup Sun Mar Mer Rah

Rah Ven Mer Rah Rah Jup Rah Rah Jup Mon Ket Mer


-R -R -R 41

Rah Ket Mon Ket Mer Ven Mer Sat Ven Sat Ven Sat








Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag

1:00:21 91)3:49 16:25:51 17:28:46 12:57:37 6:10:26 1:0021 9:03:49 16:25:51 17:28:46 12:57:37 6:10:26

Sal Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup

Sun Rah Sat Ven Mon Mar Jup Ket Mon Rah Sat Ket

Rah Jup Jup Mar Rah Mon Mar Jup Sat Sun Rah Rah

Mon Sal Rah Rah Mer Sat Mer Mar Ven Mon Rah Sat

Navamaa Chart

Fortuna: Sagittarius 16:42:04 Nirayana Btiava ChalK-Cuapal

Lagna Chart

/\. \6/ x. 4 y 7XN0p 5 X3

Fortuna; Virgo 23:56:03 Lagna Chart

Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal



^Nep Sal/

\Kat Van/ >





N«pV4 Plu


V 7 ax

X Moriar X ;Jup Venx \

K,l\/ 8It SV MM/10 /S\ Mon Sat

5JS' 1/


N.1 X Xt2Mon xx

Jup 42r Ver

327* Naifl'

5 9 X\ XX10 ^Un /s\Ptu Mer x x Sun\


Predicting Marriage

C. Jupiter's Placement in Fiery Signs in the Seventh House i.e._Aries, Leo and Sagittarius (Libra, Aquarius & Gemini Lagnas). We have observed that Jupiter in the seventh house is auspicious in airy signs but malefic in watery signs. Let us now analyse the behaviour of Jupiter in the seventh house in fiery signs. Cl Placement of Jupiter in the Seventh House in Aries Illustration No.5.8. (Horoscope No. 23) - The native is a qualified electrical engineer. He served as Chief Engineer in JJL Cements till 36 years of his age. He possessess a dashing, dynamic and captivating personality. Any decent girl, of what so ever high level will have desire for such a lifepartner. His intelligence and foresightedness has been properly blended on 9.5.77 with a beautiful, fair and tall girl, who blessed the native with two daughters and one son on 3.2.1978, 31.5.82 and 11.9.84 respectively. The marriage took place during Saturn-Mercury period. We have repeatedly specified the importance of the fourth and ninth house and their lords in timing marriage. Here Saturn owns the fourth and Mercury owns the 9Th house. The purpose to illustrate this case is to show the presence of Jupiter in the seventh house in Aries, a fiery sign. Jupiter resulted in a good looking wife who belongs to a rich family but the native is extremely unhappy on account of his miserable married life due to undesirable behaviour of his wife. In the horoscope of the native, Jupiter is placed in the seventh house in Aries and the seventh lord Mars falls in the Lagna Libra, Mars and Jupiter have a mutual aspect over each other. The native extremely loved his wife and never took even the least interest in any other beautiful girls who were roaming around him. But on the other hand self oriented and indecent behaviour of his wife was full of self-ego and pride. She did not pay due regards to her parents-in-law and her husband. That resulted into gradual bitterness in the married life of the native. Both husband and wife are now leading quite an unhappy and miserable conjugal life, full of unaccountable tensions. If Jupiter provides everlasting marital happiness why the native is so unhappy with his wife? It is not so that Jupiter in the seventh house essentially results into a high class conjugal happiness. Of course Jupiter in the present case proivded a beautiful and extremely chaste wife to the native, but her quarrelsome nature has marred the marital happiness.

Horoscope No. 23 te 20/07/1952 Time 12:45:00 Day Sunday Place Jabalpur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:56 at 23:10:00 North Long 79:57:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr-0:10:12


Avakahada Chakra

SiderialTime .:8:26:5l 8:26:51 Hrs Eq.of time 0:06: -0:06:13 Mrs Sunrise :5:36:4: 5:36:43 Hrs Sunset :18:56:< 18:56:01 Hrs Samvat : 2009 Saka : 1874 Sravana Month : Srav Paksh : Krisl" Krishna Tithi at Sunrise..: 14 Nakshatra : Ardrj Ardra Yoga : Vyaghat Karan Vishti

Gan Yoni Nadi Varan Vashya Varga Yunja Hansak(Tatva) Name A'phabet Nga-Gyanchand Paya(Rasi-Nak) Hora

^fenushya Shwan Adya Shcxxira fk^anav Maijar Madhya Vayu :

Silver-Silver Sun

Planets Rasi





Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep PlU

Can Gem Lib Leo Ari Can Vir Cap Can Gem Vir Can

4:33:49 16:10:50 17:19:38 0:40:37 24:00:39 11:34:21 16:32:40 28:42:21 28:42:21 22:06:54 26:06:16 27:29:59

Mon Mer Ven Sun Mar Mon Mer Sat Mon Mer Mer Mon

Sat Rah Rah Ket Ven Sat Mon Mar Mer Jup Mar Mer

Mon Sat Ven Rah Ven Ket Ket Mer Mer Mer Mon Sat Sat Ven Sat Ven Sat Ven Sat Mer Rah Mar Jup Mon


House Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12







10:29:29 Lib Sco 9:38:50 Sag 9:57:29 Cap 11:26:34 Aqu 13:20:19 Pis 13:34:23 Ari 10:29:29 Tau 9:38:50 Gem 9:57:29 Can 11:26:34 Leo 13:20:19 Vir 13:34:23

Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer

Rah Sat Ket Mon Rah Sat Ket Sun Rah Sat Ven Mon

Sat Ven Sat Mar Mer Rah Sat Ven Jup Mon Ven Rah

Sat Sat Mer Sat Sun Sat Sun Mer Mon Jup Ven Sun

Navamaa Chart Mon y 11 10 Kit 12^>/ P'U N.

Fortuna: Virgo 22:06:29 Lagna Chart


Nirayana Bhava ChalK-Cuapa) eio* 7i£>' JU2V

/ N^Nflp Sat/



■Cwtr 1

/ \Nep Sat \ 8 / \ 8 / ex Ma; 7 X5

\8 / x5 Mer

f Rah 10 X Van 4 Sun \ \ /\ A Mer \ / \Ket / \ / \ /Won 1 llX X3 Rah /^2\ jup /2\Ura / '

20*7/1952 02/11/1987 Mangla 02/11/1952 Pingla 02/11/1954 Dhanya 02/11/1957 Bhramri 02/11/1961 Bhadrika 02/11/1966 Uka 02/11/1972 Sidna 02/11/1979 Sankta 02/11/1987

Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R

V/ fl War 7

Yoginl Mangla :0Y3M 130

Vimsottari Rahu : 5Y1M 260 Satum ]5A)9/1973 15/09/1992 Saturn 1809/1976 Mercury 29/05/1979 Ketu 0707/1980 Venus 07^09/1983 Sun 19/08/1984 Moon 2003/1986 Mars 29/04/1987 Rahu 0503/1990

Rah 10


X Van 4 War

Ur« xT


s. y/tSun Daaamaa y\K*i Jup y XH /10X PlU y/ ManaSXUra NepX/e Mon \


X Wav 115* 210*



HX 1 X 3Mon / 12\ Jup / 2\sun

\M Sat



/\ 4 / 3 X Von RaXv A

Xe Mar



Predicting Marriage

Illustration No. 59. (Horoscope 24) - This is the birthchart of a goodlooking, fair and well-educated girl of 31 years, who is unmarried so far inspite of sincere efforts. She was born in Libra ascendant with absolutely unafflicted Jupiter in the seventh house. The father of the native expired on 16.11.88, who had made all the possible efforts as long he was alive. She has five brothers who too have failed to find a suitable match for her up to now. For Libra Lagna, placement of Jupiter in the fiery sign Aries should not be regarded as auspicious for early marriage, particularly for females. Jupiter owns the third and the sixth houses here and, therefore, it becomes a malefic in the seventh house. We have discussed that Jupiter's occupation in Martian signs is most underisable for a happy married life. In another case of Libra ascendant with Jupiter in the 7th house in Aries and Saturn in the Lagna in its exaltation sign wheatish complexion. But she started sufferig from acute rheumatic trouble so severe so as to restrict her movement completely. There is no improvement inspite of the best treatments available with the Medical Science. As such the native is suffering mentally because his marital bliss has been paralysed due to illness of his wife. In few other cases the same combination has delayed the marriage. Observation - Thus Jupiter "s placement in the seventh house in Aries devoids the native with marital bliss due to one reason or the other. The health of the partner may be questionable if afflicted by Saturn or Rahu, and her nature will be quarrelsome if Jupiter is afflicted by Mars or Ketu. However, one gets a chaste and beautiful wife or husband, as the case may be.

Horoscope No. 24 ^ate 03/01/1965 Time 02:59:45 Day Sunday PJace Gonda Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa Lat 27:08:00 North Long 81:58:00 East Zone 8230:00 East Time Corr -0:


Avakahada Cha^ra


Siderial Time :9:46:50 Hrs Gan : Yoni ^ Eq.oftime 0:03:59 Hrs Nadi ^ Sunrise :6:53:28 Hrs Varan Sunset :17:16:50 Hrs Samvat : 2021 Vashya : Varga Saka : 1886 Month : Pausa Yunja : Hansak(Tatva) Paksh : Krishna Tithi at Sunrise..: 15 - Amavasya Name Alphabet Dhaa-Dharmeodra Nakshatra : Purvasadha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Yoga Dhruva Karan : Kinstughna Copper-Copper

Manushya Vanar Madhya Kshalriya Manav - Sarp Antya Agni

Venus: 10Y11M18D Moon 22/12/1981 23/12/1991 Moon 22/10/1982 Mars 23/05/1983 Rahu 21/11/1984 Jupiter 23/03/1986 Saturn 23/10/1987 Mercury 23/03/1989 Ketu 22/10/1989 Venus 23/06/1991



19:11:32 19:21:18 1:1328 27:02:23 23:05:39 Jup -R Ari Ven Sco 25:05:57 Sat Aqu 8:21:23 Rah -R Tau 29:52:25 Ket -R Sco 29:52:25 Ura -R Leo 21:39:12 Nep Lib 26:15:40 PIu -R Leo 23:09:40

Jup Jup Mer Mar Mar Mar Sat Ven Mar Sun Ven Sun


Sub S-S

Ven Rah Ven Rah Sun Jup Mer Jup Ven Sat Mer Rah Rah Rah Mar Sat Mer Sat Ven Jup Jup Ket Ven Sat

Mer Ket Jup Ven Sun Mer Sun Jup Jup Rah Jup Mon



Asc 2

Lib Sco

8 9 10 11 12






2639:02 26:09:45 27:57:10 1:18:04 3:33:18 2:05:03 26:39:02 Tau 26:09:45 Gem 27:57:10 Leo 1:1834 Vir 3:33:18 Lib 2:05:03

Ven Mar Jup Sat Jup Mar Mar Ven Mer Sun Mer Ven

Jup Mer Sun Mar Sat Ket Ven Mar Jup Ket Sun Mar

Ven Jup Mon Mer Sat Ven Ket Jup Ven Ven Sat Ket

Ven Jup Sat Rah Sat Jup Mer Jup Jup Mon Mer Sun

Navamaa Chart

Fortuna; Libra 26:48:47 Lagna Chart Jup

\Mer Van/ \ Ket / Mon\8 / 0^ Nep 7 Sun/ \

03/01/1965 05/11/1997 Sidha 05/11/1968 Sankta 05/11/1976 Mangla 05/11/1977 Pingla 05/11/1979 Dhanya 05/11/1982 Bhramri 05/11/1986 Bhadrika 05/11/1991 Ulka 05/11/1997

Nirayana Bhava

Planets Pin -R Rasi

Yoglnl Sidha :3Y10M1D

Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal






v /Plu

Ju2r 727' |\Mon Sun /srKef/ XMsrKef/ \z/ 9X Ven 7

826' RiJO4

Da«amta Sat 11

s t11


1 A A3 /12 \ jup /a\

R«h Kat Van Mar




Ura 5 Mar

Horoscope No. 25 ate 21/04/1 957 Time 03:52:03 Day Sunday PlaceKanpur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:60 at 26:28:00 North Long 80:41:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:07:16



Avakahada Chakra

Sklerial Time .:17:39:42 Hrs Eq.of time :0:01:01 Hrs Sunrise :5:40:58 Hrs Sunset :18:32;01 Hrs Samvat : 2&i4 Saka : 1879 Month Vaisakha Paksh :* Krishna Tithi at Sunrise..: 6 Nakshatra : Purvasadha Yoga : Sidha Karan : Bava

Gan Yoni. Nadi Varaa Vashya Varga. Yunja Hansak(Tatva) Name Alphabet Dhaa-Dharmesh Paya(Rasi-Nak) Hora

Nfenushya Vanar Madhya Kshatriya Manav Shwan Antya Agni Gold-Copper Jupiter

Yogini Sldha :0Y3M 5D

Venus ;0Y9M2D Pahu 22/01/1981 23/01/1999 Rahu 05/10/1983 Jupiter 28/02/1986 Saturn 04/01/1989 Mercury 24/07/1991 11/08/1992 Ketu 12/08/1995 Venus Sun 05/07/1996 04/01/1998 Moon


21/04/1957 27/07/1986 Sidha 27/07/1957 Sankta 27/07/1965 Mangla 27/07/1966 Pingla 26/07/1968 Dhanya 27/07/1971 Bhramri 27/07/1975 Bhadrika 26/07/1980 Ulka 27/07/1986

Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r














Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

Ari Sap Tau Ari Vir Ari Sco Lib Ari Can Lib Leo

7:33:19 26:09:41 28:23:26 25:33:12 0:01:07 9:12:31 20:40:53 26:44:20 26:44:20 9:54:49 8:15:22 5:00:35

Mar Jup Ven Mar Mer Mar Mar Ven Mar Mon Ven Sun

Ket Ven Mar Ven Sun Ket Mer Jup Sun Sat Rah Ket

Rah Ket Sat Mer Rah Jup Ven Ven Sun Ven Rah Mar

Mar Mon Mer Jup Sat Rah Jup Ven Mon Mer Ven Jup

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Aqu Ari Tau Gem Gem Can Leo Lib Sco Sag Sag Cap

29:57:23 8:03:34 7:37:06 2:20:36 26:26:54 24:06:25 29:57:23 8:03:34 7:37:06 2:20:36 26:26:54 24:06:25

Sat Mar Ven Mer Mer Mon Sun Ven Mar Jup Jup Sat

Jup Ket Sun Mar Jup Mer Sun Rah Sat Ket Ven Mar

Man Jup Ket Ket Ket Mar Rah Rah Ket Ven Ket Mar

Sat Sat Sat Jup Mer Man Sat Ven Mar Sat Sat Man

-R -R

-R -R

Navamsa Chart

Fortuna: Scorpio 18:33:44 Lagna Chart Sun Mer Ven Ket

Nirayana Bhava ChalM-Cuspal

VenV2 Mer xv sun y\ Ket/

10/ VeMon

^Mar 2

8 Sat

Ura 1


Plu X/Sun 3 VenX/l Rah y/X

Sue' 38' 2a' Ve®* Me^' Ke^?Masa* \Mef Ven/\ \ Ket / \



War 6 UraXc

7^0 Sal / a

Dasamsa Kat 6


12 Rah


Ke! 8

12 Rah


/\ y\ / 8\ Jup / I0\ Mon \ / Ura \ I Ket

8\ Jup /10 \ / Ura i 6t2Moir 5e*

N. Wer UraX9 > 10X Reh / ^

X.Vftn Won 8

^^6 5


2 Nap12X X4 XIX /3XKel X\sXMar Sat SunXX S/







Illustration No.5.13 (Horoscope No-28) - The native was a man of versatile personality. He was extremely successful engineer and a gazetted officer. People of various walks of life sought his valuable advice whenever they were in trouble. The native got married during the sub-period of Jupiter in the major period of Mercury. The native lost his wife during ketu Mahadasa. Two of their children also died with in this Mahadasha of ketu. The second marriage took place during the sub-period of Jupiter in the major period of Ketu. Thus both the marriages took place during the sub-period of Jupiter (in the major period of Mercury and ketu respectively). Mercury in the Lagna and Jupiter in the 7th for persons of Gemini ascendant results into more than one marriage. The second married life was also not a happy one due to various reasons. He did not allow his wife lo go to her father"s abode for 24 years after the marriage due to severe annoyance on certain points. The native was father of six alive sons and two daughters. He was a rich and famous person and built number of properties. Most of the results of Jupiter's placement in the 7th house in Sagittarius as mentioned above under "observation" hold good in the presents case.


Predicting Marriage

Illustration No.5.14 (Horoscope No. 29) - The native of this horoscope got married on 132.60 with a very handsome and smart person. Her father was an IA.S., but the husband was in the business dealing with waste-paper cuttings etc. She was unhappy due to repeated failures of the business undertakings of her husband. She belonged to a rich and highly educated family but had to pass her married life in crisis. She was blessed with only one female child who was bom on 15.64 and was married on 28.7.94. Marital life of the native is below average as far as conjugal bliss is concerned. However, her husband is devoted absolutely to her and is loyal. After facing lot of finanical crisis she started a "Cookery Institute" and thus assisted him in running her home. Here Jupiter"s placement in the 7th house in Sagittarius may be noted.

Horoscope No. 29 10/09/1937 Time 01:00:52 Day Friday Place Ja'pur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:43:34 it 26:53:00 North Long 75:50:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0.26:40


Vimsottarl Jupiter :15Y2M11D Saturn 21/11/1952 21/11/1971 Saturn 24/11/1955 Mercury 04/05/1958 KeOi 12/09/1959 12/11/1962 Venus Sun 25/10/1963 25/05/1965 Moon Mars 04/07/1966 10/05/1969 Rahu

Avakahada Chakra Gan YonJ Nadi Varan Vashya Varga Yunja Hansak(Tatva) _ Name Alphabet Tae-Taerath/Tifak Paya(Rasi-Nak) Hora

SkJarlalTima ..23:47:53 Hrs Eg.oftima 0:02:31 Hrs Sunrise :6:10:32 Hrs Sunset :1B:37:21 Hrs Sam vat : 1994 Saka : 1859 Month : Bhadra Paksh : Shukla Trthi at Sunrise..: 4 Nakshatra : Visakha Yoga : Endra Karan : Balava

Rakshas Vyaghra Antya Shoodra Manav Sarp Madhya Vayu Silver-Copper Mercury

-R Rasi

Sun Leo Mni Lib Mar Sco Mer Mr Jup Sag Ven Can Sat Pis Rah Sco Ket -R Tau Ura -R Ari Nep Leo Plu Can



23:57:17 20:40:06 24:10:35 3:01:08 24:46:58 18:51:19 10:09:03 16:57:55 16:57:55 20:46:51 25:53:46 6:50:37

Sun Ven Mar Mer Jup Men Jup Mar Ven Mar Sun Mon

N-L Sub S-S Ven Jup Mer Sun Ven Mer Sat Mer Mon Ven Ven Sat


Sat Jup Jup Mer Rah Rah Sat Sat Mer Sun Ket Mar Ven Mer Mer Ket Sat Mon Jup Mer Ket Ket Mer Jup


8 9 10 U 12






Gem 15:59:55 8:59:54 4:11:08 3:58:17 825:34 13:44:37 15:59:55 Cap 8:59:54 Aqu 4:11:08 Pis 3:58:17 Ari 8:25:34 Tau 13:44:37

Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven

Rah Sat Ket Sun Rah Sat Ven Sun Mar Sat Ket Mon

Ven Mar Ven Rah Mon Sat Sat Ven Rah Mon Rah Sat Sun Mer Ven Jup Ven Sat Sat Ket Jup Ket Rah Mon

Lagna Chart I

Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal iiv


1214Set (\ven Plu/' N,|>

>/ 3 Sim/V Mer 6

Ket / .2 / I Ven Xl Ura Plu


6 Suny Nep s X/ X/ Si! Ket 3X 5 X7 4 X^ y/ flX^ra S X.y/ ft" X^ y/

1 Ura \ \

PI7' 2* Vaic'


12 Set

12 Sat


Mon7y / ®

m Mon

Nw Mir \l2X XjO/Rah Mon iVfMir 11 >/\. >/Xven v

l Saiov , 104- j\ Van / Su^\4 / Nep/ \

MonTY 0 /e\ Jup /Mar Rah\ / Rab Mar


Navamsa Chart

Fortuna: Lao 12;42;44


10/09/1937 17/07/1973 Dhanya 16/07/1940 Bhramri 16/07/1944 Bhadrika 17/07/1949 Ulka 17/07/1955 Sldha 17/07/1962 Sankta 17/07/1970 •Mangla 17/07/1971 Pingla 17/07/1973

Nirayana Bhava

Planets Pin

Yogini Dhanya : 2Y10M 5D



Jup / Rel\ / M ■ R 1 6■


Sit 11 Sun 1X / 2X

S Jup 2

\/ X4

1 Nw Ru S /Mon NiXv/kH


N Mir

Horoscope No. 30 ato 30/10/1960 Time 21:13:00 Day Sunday Place Delhi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:02:57 at 28:39:00 North Long 77:13:00 Easl Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:21:08


Avakahada Chakra

SiderialTima . 23:27:41 Mrs 0:16:20 Hrs Eq.of lima Sunrise 6:33:05 Hrs Sunset. 17:36:20 Hrs Samvat 2017 Saka 1882 Month Kartika Shukla Paksh Tithl at Sunrise. 11 Nakshatra P Bhadrapad Yoga Vyaghat Karan Bava

Gan Yoni Nadl. Varan. Vashya Varga Yunja Hansak{Tatva) Name Alphabet Daa-Daamodar Paya(Rasi-Nak) Hora

^ Manushya Slmha AJya Shoodra Manav Sarp Antya Vayu SiVer-Copper Sun

Vlmsottarl Yoglnl Jupiter : 7Y 6M 26D Bhramrl: 1Y10M 14D Mercury 28/04/1987 30/10/1960 27/04/2004 14/09/1994 Mercury 24/09/1989 Bhramri 14/09/1982 Ketu 21/09/1990 Bhadrika 15/09/1967 Venus 22/07/1993 Ulka 14/09/1973 28/05/1994 Sidha Sun 14/09/1980 Moon 28/10/1995 Sankta 14/09/1988 24/10/1996 Mangla 14/09/1989 Mars 13/05/1999 Pingla 15/09/1991 Rahu 18/08/2001 Dhanya 14/09/1994 Jupiter Nirayana Bhava

Planets Pin -R














Sun Lib Mon Aqu Mar Gem Mer -R See Jup Sag Ven Sea Sat Sag Rah -R Leo Ket -R Aqu Ura Leo Nep Lib Plu Leo

14:10:25 27:05:29 22:47:52 0:17:39 7:44:34 17:51:22 20:21:56 21:09:56 21:09:56 2:17:53 15:45:46 14:39:41

Ven Sat Mer Mar Jup Mar Jup Sun Sat Sun Ven Sun

Rah Jup Jup Jup Ket Mer Ven Ven Jup Ket Rah Ven

Mer Ven Sat Mon Jup Mer Jup Jup Jup Ven Ven Ven

Sal Mon Ven Kel Jup Rah Sat Ven Ven Sal Mon Jup

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Gem Can Can Leo Lib Sco Sag Cap Cap Aqu Ah Tan

12:03:25 4:41:50 29:08:31 28:09:22 2:34:15 8:51:03 12:03:25 4:41:50 29:08:31 28:09:22 2:34:15 8:51:03

Mer Mon Mon Sun Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Sat Mar Ven

Rah Sat Mer Sun Mar Sat Ket Sun Mar Jup Ket Sun

Sat Sat Sat Mon Ket Ven Mer Sat Sat Ven Ven Ven

Rah Mon Man Ket Mer Mar Ven Rah Man Sat Mer Rah

Navamta Chart

Fortuna: Libra 24:58:29 Lagna Chart

Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuspal 113-

Sun N8d/n X11 / 12X


12^ 7

Mir 1 KstX^ \. Un Nv \ Rah\4 T/T3

4 XX XX jT 3 N. M«f yS 5 Vy /MOft PKJ N

RsS\4 S Ura4XQ^r 3 P!u/\



Dasamsa v 6 X 12 1 \ /\ A Rah \ / \ / Ura Sun\ / \ /Mon piu 7VJup 9 SatVn Ne P/8\ Ao\M /Mar Ven\ / \ Ven Mer

Nep Sun



Nep\/ Mer7V 9 Sun/ s\ Set / Jup Vari\ y Vow 64MfrS-


X loVet

Now Suw 53-

n. Mon Pkj\3 / 9X Van/ (Mar 10






\ /


4 MeO

Sun\ A iiX 1 X3 Sat JUP/ 12 Xy / 2 X j/Htb Nap\X







Illustration No.5.15 (Horoscope No. 30) - This is an unique case where Jupiter in own sign Sagittrarius in the 7th house resulted into divorce on the very first day after marriage. The Jupiter is associated with 8th lord Saturn whereas 6th lord Mars occupias the Lagna and aspects Saturn and Jupiter both. There is a mutual aspect between Mars, Saturn and Jupiter i.e. the 6th, 8th and 7th lords. Retrograde Venus(?) falls in Martian sign Scorpio under Papakartari Yoga formed by the Sun and Saturn. We have repeatedly said the Jupiter-Mars opposition enhances Kuja Dosha as inthe present case. One thus becomes stronger Magali to face more adverse marital life. In this case Saturn's association is further adverse. Jupitor could not be of any help. We are not aware so far if there was a second marriage. We have thus seen the Jupiter's placement in own sign Sagittarius in the 7th house, does not bless the native with happy prosperous and long lasting marital life. However, this gives a good character of the spouse though the moral values of the native may be questionable. Two marriages are also possible depending upon various other supporting factors. Even in the best cases the amount of attachment lacks and marital life is below par. D. Placement of Jupiter in the seventh House in Earthy signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) Observation - Jupiter "s placement in earthy signs in the 7th house produces best results in the matters of the 7th house particularly the married life which will be extremely good, loving and peaceful. The wife will be beautiful, chaste, sincere, well-varsed in all affairs, well-educated, intelligent, influential, polite, well-mannered and sweet-tempered. She will be dedicated and dutiful and will take due care of everybody at home. She will beget good progeny and will also bring wealth by virtue of her fortune. The good results described about Jupiter's placement in the 7th house in various texts pertain mostly to its position in earthy signs in the 7th house. D1 Jupiter's placement in the 7th house in Taurus - The persons who are born in Scorpio may have Jupiter in Taurus in the 7th house. Jupiter owns 2nd and the 5th house and is benefic for Scorpio ascendant. Taurus is owned by Venus and Jupiter is inimical to it. Even then Jupiter in earthy sign makes one practical and adjustable even in adverse circumstances. The wife will have all the good qualities as detailed above. The married life will also be quite happy provided Jupiter in the 7th house is unafflicated and the lord thereof is also well-disposed.


Predicting Marriage

Illustration No. 5.16 (horoscope No. 31)

- She is daughter of an ordinary

businessman but was fortunate enough to get married to the only son of multimillionaire. Her husband is looking after many industries and one of the industries of biscuits and won the award for the best biscuits factory. She got married on 29.7.87 and 1.1.92. She is very beautiful, spiritual, noble, good adviser, dedicated to her and is highly skilled in art and has various other qualities too ; Thus Jupiter in the 7th house in Taurus is very auspicious for all matters of the 7th house i.e. spouse and marital happiness.

Horoscope No. 31 J 9/09/1964 Time 12:20:00 Day Saturday Place Farrukhabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23 at 27:23:00 North Long 79:35:00 East Zone 82.30:00 East Time Corr -0:11:40


Avakahada Chakra


Gan YonI Nadi Varan Vashya Varga Yunja HanaakfTatva) Name Alphabet Paya(Rasi-Nak) Hora Chaugharia

SidarialTime ..*12:01:10 Mrs Eq.oftima :0:06:10 Hrs Sunrise :5:59:57 Hrs Sunset :1B:10:34 Hrs Samvat : 2021 Saka : 1886 Month : Bhadra Paksh : Shukla Tithl at Sunrise..: 13 Nakshatra : Dhanishtha Yoga : Dhrati Karan : Taitila

Rakshas : SImha : Madhya : Shoodra : Manav : Maiiar r Antya Vayu Gay-Gairik : Sron-Copper : Moon : Char

Mars: 1Y8M19D Jupiter 09/06/1984 09/06/2000 Jupiter 28/07/1986 Saturn 07/02/1989 Mercury 16/05/1991 21/04/1992 Ketu 21/12/1994 Venus 09/10/1995 Sun 07/02/1997 Moon Mers 14/01/1998

Nirayana Bhava

Planets Pin Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu


-R -R -R -R



Vir Aqu Can Leo Tau Can Aqu Gem Sag Leo Lib Leo

3:15:09 3:23:24 9:23:44 15:26:11 2:59:30 18:34:45 6:44:29 4:40:02 4:40:02 18:21:37 22:42:52 21:19:44



Mer Sun Sat Mar Mon Sat Sun Ven Ven Sun Mon Mer Sat Rah Mer Mar Jup Ket Sun Ven Ven Jup Sun Ven



Sat Sat Ven Mar Ven Jup Ven Ket Jup Rah Ket Ket Rah Rah Ven Mer Mon Ven Rah Rah Sat Van Jup Sun

House Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12



See 25:30:40 Sag 27:30:52 2:39:20 Aqu 7:13:08 Pis 7:15:53 Ari 2:36:02 Tau Tau 25:30:40 Gem 27:30:52 Leo 2:39:20 virr 7:13:08 Lib 7:15:53 2:36:02 See





Mar Mer Jup Sun Sat Mar Jup Sat Mar Ket Ven Sun Ven Mar Mer Jup Sun Ket Mer Sun Ven Rah Mar Jup

Rah Mon Ket Mer Rah Jup Rah Ven Ven Ket Rah Rah

Ven Rah Mer Sat Sun Mon Ven Rah Mer Mon Sat Ket

Navamsa Chart

Fortuna: Aries 25:38:55 Lagna Chart

NIrayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal 5r


19/09/1964 • 18/03/1999 Pingle 18/03/1965 Dhanya 17/03/1968 Bhremri 17/03/1972 Bhadrike 18/03/1977 Dike 18/03/1983 Sidha 18/03/1990 Sankta 18/03/1998 Mangla 18/03/1999

63* Juv 72r


Kst 2 SI,

.7/ I Mar x 8 Sun Van

SitV/ 7 Nap


Sqt- Mon/\ Mor / \ Monll Sat 5 Mar \ < /\ / p,u \ / \ / \/ \ /M,r 12 2 X X4 /1\ jup /3\y«n ' \ / R«h \

Rah 8 Mon

Mer Ura Plu


2 /X Mar Reh / 3 \ur«

Sun N«»' la12r


n',,, Urn' Pb1'

Horoscope No. 32 14/02/1954 Time 02:25:00 Day Sunday PJaceJodhpur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:57 t 26:18:00 North Long 73:08:00 Easf Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:37:28

Avakahada Chakra

Panchang Siderial Time Eq.of time Sunrise Sunset Samvat Saka Month Paksh • Tithi at Sunrise. Nakshatra Yoga Karan

Gan Yon! Nadi Varan Vashya Varga Yunja Hansak(Tatva) Name Alphabet Nga-Gyanchand Paya(Rasi-Nak) Hora

11:20:56 Hrs - 0:14:21 Hrs 7:16:42 Hrs 18:27:00 Hrs 2010 1875 Magha : Shukla 11 Ardra Priti Bava

Manushya Shwan Adya Shoodra Manav Majjar Madhya Vayu :

Iron-Silver Mercury

Vlmsottarl Rahu: 5Y10M0D Saturn 16/12/1975 15/12/1994 Saturn 19/12/1978 Mercury 28/08/1981 Ketu 06/10/1982 Venus 06/12/1985 Sun 18/11/1986 Moon 18/06/1988 Mars 28/07/1989 Rahu 03/06/1992

Planets Pin


Sun Men Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

Yoglnl Mangla : 0y3M27O 14/02/1954 12/06/1989 Mangla 12/06/1954 Pingla 11/06/1956 Dhanya 12/06/1959 Bhramri 12/06/1963 Bhadrika 11/06/1968 Ulka 12/06/1974 Sidha 12/06/1981 Sankta 12/06/1989

Nirayana Bhava





Sub S-S








Aqu Gem Sco Aqu Tau Aqu Lib Cap Can Gem Lib Leo

1:40:41 15:40:41 9:17:55 19:48:21 23:28:40 .5:15:49 16:23:14 0:45:16 0:45:16 26:47:05 3:01:25 0.49:13

Sat Mer Mar Sat Ven Sat Ven Sat Mon Mer Ven Sun

Mar Rah Sat Rah Mar Mar Rah Sun Jup Jup Mar Ket

Mer Sat Ven Sun Ven Jup Mar Ven Mar Rah Sun Sat Ven Jup Rah ^Ven Mar Jup Ven Ven Ven Ven Ven Ven

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem

17:22:25 18 14:06 22.01:59 2625:03 27:30:55 23 59:12 17:22:25 1814:06 22 01:59 2625:03 27:30:55 23 59:12

Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven

Mer Ven Mon Jup Mer Ven Mon Rah Mer Ven Mar Jup

Mer Rah Ven Ket Jup Sat Sat Mon Sun Ket Jup Mer

Sun Rah Sat Sat Mon Jup Rah Mar Mer Jup Mon Mer

Leo Vir Lib

Fortuna; Aries 1:22.25 Lagna Chart

\ / \Nep Sat/ \ 9 / \ 7 / RehoVMar 8 X6

Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspai


■ 62 1 \ R^fi 11 Sun\ 9y Mericn/ Van/ >

717* Juw


Navamaa Chart Rah Van Sat\lO> s®/N5p 11X Moo / ^ />v Sun vMar 12

6 Mar


Dasamsa Sun 11 Mar

12X /1

Rah | /

5 Plu

2 X4 Ket Jup /3Nl \ /Ura Mon\


Nep Set

2 Jup V4 plu /



1 i7*

/ 3 \ ■BUI \ /Ura Kel\

\. UraV10/ 11 x Suni /


s^en 12 Sal\Q Ox X 2\

Moiy/ X / x7 Ma^ yr 0


8 Ral^) Xx® Jup / 4\Mar







Illustration No. 5.17 (Horoscope No. 32) - We are illustrating one more case of Jupiter in Taurus in the 7th house. The native is an engineer. The native got married on 22.11.78 to a good looking, well educated and loving wife during the sub-period of the 2nd and 5th lord Jupiter, who occupies the 7th house, in the major period on Saturn who owns 4th house and is exalted and obtains own Navamsa. Jupiter obtains the Navamsa of its exaltation. The native has quite satisfactory married life and has been blessed with two sons who were born on 10.1.80 and 2.2.82 during the sub-period of

Mercury and Ketu

respectively, in the major period of Mercuiy. Aspect of Mars over Jupiter has caused certain problems due to ill health of the wife, but most of the evils of Mars have been properly balanced in the birth chart of the wife of the native.


Predicting Marriage

D2 Placement of Jupiter in the 7th house in Virgo - For Pisces ascendant, Jupiter owns the JOth and Lagna and the placement in the 7th house in Virgo gives good results. Seventh house is Badhak Sthana for Pisces ascendant. Jupiter may, therefore, become cause for the late Marriage. The Partner may be known to the native prior to marriage because Jupiter is Lagnadhipati and falls in the 7th house. The wife will be virtuous, dutiful sincere and will be employed in bank or school i.e. in any financial or education institution. She will be good looking, chaste, religious, well-educated, intelligent and logical. In case of affliction two marriages are also possible. Jupiter is inimical to Mercury and if Mercury joins Lagna, there will be a probability of two marriages. Illustration No. 5.18 (Horoscope No. 33) - The native is a sub-inspector of police. He got married with a slightly plumpy girl on 7.1251 i.e. during RahuRahu period and was also blessed with a daughter during the same Bhukti of Rahu. The married life of the native is quite happy. Both have feeling of love for each other. The wife is a teacher in a Govt. College. D3 Placement of Jupiter in the 7th house in Capricorn - For Cancer ascendant Jupiter is the ruler of the 6th and 9th house and gets debilitated in the 7th house. The lordship of the 6th house is adverse towards the health of the life partner. Married life is generally happy and there is also risk to the fortune after marriage. The wife will be sickly but virtuous and spiritually inclined and will be blessed with good children.

Horoscope No. 33 07/08/1957 Time 21:35:00 Day Wednesday PlaC9Varanasi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23 Lat 25:20:00 North Long 83:00:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:02:00


Avakahada Chakn

SWerialTime , 18:40:38 Hrs -0:05:44 Hrs Eq.oftlmai Sunrise 5:28:54 Hrs 18:38:14 Hr* Sunset Samvit 2014 Saka 1879 Month Sravana Paksh Shukla Tithl at Sunrise.. : 12 Nakshatra Purvasadha Yoga Vishkumbh Karan Kaulava

Gan..... Yonl Nidi Varan ^ Vashya : Varga : Yunja Hansak(Tatva) Name Alphabet Dhaa-Dharmendra Paya(Rasi-Nak) Copper-Copper

Manushya Vanar Madhya Kthilrlyt Manav Sarp Antya AflOl

Vlmiottarl Vtnut: 10Y4M28D Rahu 05/01/1991 04/01/2009 Rahu 17/09/1993 Jupiter 10/02/1996 Saturn 17/12/1999 Mercury 06/07/2001 Ketu 24/07/2002 24/07/2006 Venus 18/00/2000 Sir Moon 18/12/2007

Planets Pin -R


Sun Can Mon Sag Mar Leo Mer Leo Jup Vir Ven Leo Sat -R SCO Rah -R Lib Ket -R Ari Ura Can Lib Nep Pfu Leo

Yofllni Sidht ;3Y7M22D 31/03/1990 31/03/2028 Sldhi 30/03/1997 Sankta 30/03^00$ Mangla 31/03/2006 Pingla 30/03/2008 Dhanya 31/03/2011 Bhramri 31/03/2015 Bhadrika 30/03/2020 Ulka 31/03/2026

Nirayana Bhava













21:51:26 19:43:35 6:38:35 18:31:46 7:05:59 22:08:40 14:41:35 22:20:37 22:20:37 14:46:23 7:00:54 6:37:15

Mon Jup Sun Sun Mer Sun Mar Ven Mar Mon Ven Sun

Mer Ven Ket Ven Sun Ven Sat Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket

Sun Rah Rah Rah Ket Sat Rah Sat Sat Rah Rah Rah

Jup Ven Mer Jup Ven Sat Mon Mer Mer Mar Jup Mer

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu

20 51:25 25 15:32 22 12:38 16 19:47 1139:52 ■12 16:31 20:51:25 25 15:32 22 12:38 16 19:47 -|^:39:52 2 16:31

Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat

Mer Ven Mon Rah Sat Ket Mon Jup Mer Ven Mon Rah

Ven Mer Ven Ven Mon Mer Ven Mer Sun Mon Mar Sat

Sat Rah Sat Rah Mer Mon Sun Jup Ven Mar Ven Jup

Navamsa Chart

Fortuna:Leo 18:43:34 LagnaChart


Nirayana Bhava Chalrt-Cuspal

Nep X ^ /Ura XS /N. Sat

Jup 12 X Sun 10 Kezr 2K'

Rah 1


Ket 7 VeiO • X. /Mon Xe / 5 xMer

MarX 12

\11/ Vio

Sun Ura

\y 2XKel 12

\/ X10


Daaamsa 9 Mon

: 3 X 9 Mon \ \ xx /I ^ar \ / \ / Mer Sun \/ \/ Ven 4yC 6 X® Sat pjy Ura/5\ jUpH /7\ /VanPluX /. \ —/Mar Mar\/NapRah\ Jup


Nep Rah

v 9?? Sai5-


Mon /^Xw UraX. ® /^ ^ 4^Hah 2




825' Razs' Na?'

1 //^ XQ2Van

5 e/Set Sun

11 Mar/ 8


PKj^S. y MarX/

^ Nap

Horoscope No. 34 ^ate 05/11/1926 Time 23:27:50 Day Friday Place Rampur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:34 at 28:48:00 North Long 79:03:00 East Zone 62:30:00 East Time Corr-0:13:48

Avakahada Chakra

Panchang SiderlalTlme .:2:10;52 Hrs Eq.of time :0:16:23 Hrs Sunrise :6:29:46 Hrs Sunset :17:24:50 Hrs Samvat : 1983 Saka : 1848 Month : Kartika Paksh : Krishna Tithi at Sunrise..: 15- Amavasya Nakshatra : Visakha Yoga : Sobhagya Karan : Kinstughna

Gan Rakshas Yoni Vyaghra Nadi Antya Varan Shoodra Vashya Manav Varga Sarp Yunja Madhya Hansak(Tatva) ~ Vayu Name Alphabet Tee-Teerath/Tilak Paya(RashNak) : Iron-Copper Hora - Moon

Planets Degree



Sub S-S

Lib Lib Ah Sco Cap Lib Sco Gem Sag Pis Leo Gem

19:59:29 21:37:08 18:09:50 13:11:41 25:34:28 16:03:26 4:12:08 16:0232 16:0232 3:18:43 4:15:01 23:17:29

Ven Ven Mar Mar Sat Ven Mar Mer Jup Jup Sun Mer

Rah Jup Ven Sat Mar Rah Sat Rah Ven Jup Ket Jup

Mar Jup Rah Rah Rah Ven Sat Ven Sun Rah Mon Sat


-R -R -R -R

Mon Rah Rah Jup Ven Rah Ven Rah Mer Mar Sat Rah



Asc 2

Can Leo

8 9 10 11 12




Sub S-S

17:4637 11:55:52 10:10:03 1235:33 16:05:34 18:11:57 17:46:07 Aqu 11:55:52 10:10:03 Pis Ari 122533 Tau 16:05:34 Gem 18:11:57

Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer

Mer Ket Mon Rah Sat Ven Mon Rah Sat Ket Mon Rah

Mer Mer Mon Sat Jup Rah Sat Sat Ven Mer Sat Mon

Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal

lO^y Mew Ura

\ Nap / \Plu Rah \s/ \z/

Sun 7 Mon

8 X

1 Mar


X iSUra

Jud \


y 9 \ Jup /ll\ / Ket \ / \ Sat Mer

Ven Mon Sun

Rah Ven Rah Jup Sun Rah Jup Mar Mer Mar Mer Mon

Navamsa Chart

Fortuna: Cancer 19:23:46 Lagna Chart

25/06/1962 25/06/1998 Dhanya 25/06/1965 Bhramri 25/06/1969 Bhadrika 25/06/1974 Ulka 25/06/1980 Sidha 26/06/1987 Sankta 26/06/1995 Mangla 25/06/1996 Pingla 25/06/1998

Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Lira Nep Plu

Yoglnl Dhanya :2Y7M19D

Vimsottari Jupiter :14Y CM 20D Venus 27/11/1983 27/11/2003 Venus 28/03/1987 Sun 27/03/1988 Moon 26/11/1989 Mars 26/01/1991 Rahu 26/31/1994 Jupitef 26/09/1996 Saturn 27/11/1999 Mercury 27/09/2002

11 w

\5 / (yOtep 4 //eV€n\ Sun 7 Mon V \ Set / K« 8y y' /

1 Mar

10 Jup

Xl /II

N. /


5"' Maiv Sa**

M02r Su20 Vew 4iy

Daaamaa Nep n. \ 4y Mar JK Sat 5 X3 8 Rah Ura X

Jup 2 Mony \ Ket y/ 11



/\1 Sun Ven








Illustration No. "5.19 (Horoscope No. 34) - Jupiter falls in the 7th house in Capricorn. The native was General Manager of Unchahar Thermal Power Project. He has a good and sincere wife but she remains sick and is of weak constitution. Marital life is quite happy. We may sum up as below, what Jupiter does in the 7th house, if it is posited there I.It causes obstruction in marriage provided other powerful combinations do not overcome it. It may be noted the Jupiter's presence in the 7th house can delay the marriage but it never denies the marriage. 2. In most of the signs. Jupiter's placement in the 7th house provides a beautiful wife or a handsome and smart husband. 3. If Jupiter 7th house synchronising with even or female signs, the marital life will be below par. The wife will dominate and have influence over husband. In male or odd signs, Jupiter gives better results as far as happiness of conjugal life is concerned. 4. If Jupiter falls is Gemini, Leo or Aquarious in the 7th house there will be obstruction in the birth of male children. If son is born then worries will start. 5. In watery signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, Jupiter exhibits his worst nature and causes great damage to marital life. That may result in separation, illegal relationships, deaths and other adverse developments between the couple. 6. If Jupiter falls in Libra or Sagittarius in the 7th house, there is likelihood of two marriages. Many a times, we have observed that this combination results in the native keeping a concubine in addition to his wife. However, it is possible only when other supplementary combinations for adultery support it. 7. Jupiter's placement in certain male signs does not damage the marital life seriously but treatment towards wife is inhuman. Such persons do not care for their wives even a bit, though in presence of others, they pretend to adore and love their wife too much. 8. In case Jupiter joins the 7th house in martian sign Aries or Scorpio and Mars aspects Jupiter, the marital life becomes most unbearable. 9. Presence of well fortified Jupiter in the 7th house presents a man with a chaste, beautiful and fair-complexioned wife. But the native gets involved with other women who behave with him almost like his wife. He makes contacts only with beautiful girls, married women or spinsters, who will fulfill his desires regularly for many months or few years. 10. If Saturn and Jupiter aspect each other in connection with Lagna and the 7th house, physical problem like rheumatism, gout backache, poverty and difference of opinion will remain present. Husband will be deeply involved with other women and will face defamation also, if he has Libra ascendant.


Predicting Marriage

11. In case of affliction of the 7th house by other combinations of malefic nature alongwith Jupiter in the 7th house, it will be an error to predict good about Jupiter's influence over there. We have discussed the results of the placement of Jupiter in the 7th house for all the sings and ascendants. The benefic results of Jupiter, as have been described, are mostly for earthy signs. Jupiter produces the worst results in the 7th house in watery signs. It is remarkable to note that even the exalted Jupiter in the 7th house produes adverse married life and the debilitated Jupiter causes happiness A remarkable point with respect to Jupiter is its relations with Mars, over which we have worked quite seriously, Jupiter is regarded always a benefic so much so that aspect or association of Jupiter can cancel the Kuja Dosha. We have found this impractical in our day to day observations. We will now be discussing this unique relationship of Jupiter and Mars in relation to happiness of married life. It is most essential to understand the behavior of planets at a particular point of aspect and conjunction. Let us also see how do Jupiter and Saturn behave together when they lend their aspect over each other or if they conjoin. This will make our study of the 7th house more scientific and correct. JUPITER-MARS NEXUS AND MARITAL AFFARIS Unlike friends, though friends - The computation of planetary positions and weighing of their relative strengths is a task that arrives at a high degree of accuracy provided due care is taken with respect to all astrological factors. As observed elsewhere in this book, several operational factors have to be taken into account concerning the planets while judging a horoscope. There are certainly a few traditional interpretations which yield to certain definitive, down-to-earth and practical predictions, forming the guiding principales for most of the practitioners of astrology. Among the many intriguing problems and aspects of esoteric astrology, the nexus of Mars and Jupiter is held very important. Their mutual stationing, nature of aspect, and ownership of Mars and Jupiter are usually considered auspicious. This is based on the views that Jupiter's high degree of wisdom influencing Mar"s agressive pride acts as encouragement to the latter to move ahead in wisdom and bold action. In actual cases, the result often proves quite opposite. Especially, much depends on the signs on which Mars and Jupiter are posited. A mistake in taking this into consideration introduces elements of inaccuracy. We may take here one example. The relationship between Mars and Moon is considered good. Both are friendly to each other. But do they yield good result when aspecting each other? Mars is debilitated in Moon"s sign, while Moon is debilitated in Mars" sign. Likewise, with Saturn and Sun. Sun is debilitated in Libra, while Saturn







gets exalted in it. Similarly, Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn, while Mars gets exalted in it. Here an attempt has been made to enquire into the queer aspect of this quite unfriendly behaviour exhibited by staunch friends Mars and Jupiter. The general understanding is that Mars and Jupiter are good friends. That Jupiter's aspect on or conjunction with Mars reduces the evils caused by the malefic nature of Mars. Kuja Dosha, for example, is considered as cancelled if Mars is associated with Jupiter or is aspected by it. However, blindly following this as a rule leads to miscalculations. Kuha Dosh is not cancelled or mitigated if Jupiter provides its aspect to Mars. If we examine the nature of Mars and Jupiter we will find that Mars is exalted in Capricorn where Jupiter gets debilitated, while Juipiter's exaltation sign is Cancer where Mars is debilitated. This incicates that they are not actually friendly, though they show signs of friendship.

-Tfi. -4/28 Mars actualy has twin streaks. It is aggressive and short tempered. These play havoc in various forms in the native's life. These faults cause accidents, injuries, fires, burns and hatred. They give rise to personality defects which actually tend to harm the native himself. Ultimately, they also prove very costly to those persons who remain in close association with such persons. On the other hand, the good points in favour of the Martian persons is that they are bold and frank. With Jupiter the opposite is the case. For total lack of patience and tolerance in Mars, Jupiter exhibits remarkable tendency in holdings on the itself against the onslaughts of misfortunes. The ascendance of Jupiter means that the subjet is gentle, sober, wealthy, intelligent and blessed with happiness and children. He has a saintly temprament and possesses a lot of patience and tolerance. These opposite natures of Mars and Jupiter have made pundits to proclaim that Jupiter nullifies all evils of Mars or to certain extent minimise them. Thus, Jupiter's placement in Lagns counteracts all evils : W^/pTTcfr

Tf^TT TnpvT


I I ^TT.




Predicting Marriage

The classics have mostly opined that the native having Mars and Jupiter together in his birth chart will be an artisan, vedic scholar, an intelligent and voluble person. The native will be fond of using weapons


|| TTT. - 15/14 '

Our own experience and interpretation of actual happenings in lives of some natives has made us to come to conclusion that though Mars and Jupiter are friends, the result of their actions is often adverse. They are together like the legendary triumverate of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the creator, the preserver and the destroyer, existing next to each other, but each facing in opposite direction. So is the condition of Mars and Jupiter, together back to back, each looking in the other direction : Janus faced. This curious nature of their interrelationship and its effect on a native"s life is a matter of serious consideration. Mar's Influence : The Sinner's Wink - Mars is violent and fearless planet excessively proud of itself and aggressive to all intents and purpose. When Mars is positioned along with Jupiter, Who is considered a "Guru" among planets, the aggressive nature of Mars does not permit Jupiter to exhibit its goodness to full extent.


The friendship of Mars and Jupiter may be seen as that between a criminal and a saint. Under the nefarious influence of the criminal, most of the good qualities of the saint get subdued, if not cancelled altogether. Mars, on the other hand, gets a lot of shelter from Jupiter, the large-hearted planet. Underneath this easily acquired shelter, Mars exhibits its worst nature resulting in much hardship and harm to the native. When Mars is conjoined with or when it opposes Jupiter is totally curtailed. Jupiter then confers its auspicious effect on only those areas of life which are beyond the pale of Mars. Any area, where Mars has no role to play, will not be deprived of the beneficence of Jupiter and, in fact, Jupiter will not be a hindrance to Mars in such martters. Jupiter may be seen, in fact, as provoking Mars with its endless preaching and sermonising. Contrary to the view popularly held view, we therefore, cannot blindly conclude that Jupiter checks the evils of Mars. In fact, being friends, it unwittingly aids and abets Mars in its evil designs at places. Wanted to do Wrong : Role of Mars - Now, if Mars occupies the sign ruled by Jupiter, i.e., Sagittarius or pisces, it will damage the house as is its wont. It is difficult to change one"s nature unless one is kept under strict administrative control like that of the Sun. Jupiter lacking in ability at administrative control, Mars takes over the reins when posited in Jupiter's sign.







Again, if Jupiter is placed in the sign of Mars, good result should not be expected from that house. It is like a sage residing in a ruffian"s house due to which the good qualities of the sage are somehow subdued on accound of ruffianMs activities. There is much difference in the effects of Mars residing in the sign of Jupiter and Jupiter residing in the sign of Mars. In the former case, the damaging effects of Mars are observed while in the latter, the benefic effects of Jupiter are curbed. This, in our view, makes for a curious and complex case of friendship between Mars and Jupiter. For those who are not able to accept it easily that Jupiter and Mars are hot good to the native if they dispose each other. We would like to put it in a different way for them to understand the significance. In Vedas Jupiter is named as Brihaspati and Mars as Angarak. The nomenclature Brihaspati is derived in Samskrit from Brih, Dhatu which basically implies expansion. So the main significance of Brihaspati is expansion of everything which is aspected by it. In astrology the Jupiter is treated to be the most benefic planet and all virtuous things are assigned to it. Friendship, is, undoubtedly, nothing but a very virtuous thing and it cannot happen that Jupiter can betray the friendship with a friend like Mars. Such is the commitment of the friendship of Jupiter. But we all know that no such virtuous and pious commitments are attached in astrology to Mars. Therefore, it happens that whenever Jupiter aspects Mars, it helps Mars to get its all qualities extended to the maximum extent. If Mars becomes the dispositor of Jupiter then it is the Jupiter who looses everything to Mars and gets characterised himself as Mars. Hence it is crystal clear that whenever unblemished Jupiter aspects Mars it creates all situations conducive to the expansion of the fullest KujaDosh in a nativity. Therefore, our experience

is not contrary to the logical conclusions of the astrological

principles and attributes of both the planets - Jupiter and Mars. In another instance, if Jupiter occupies its own sign but is aspected by Mars, there will be some evil effects. If Mars occupies its own sign, much of the expected auspicious effects of Jupiter will be suppressed. If Mars occupies its own sign and Jupiter aspects its, Mars is very perturbed and it has a tendency to display its harmful nature. The increase in Mars" tendency to harm in such a combination is directly proportional to the degree of aspect. The greater the aspect the greater is the danger of disaster in the native"s life. In this connection, Saravali notes STrt: djlllJll





Predicting Marriage

If Mars occupies Sagittarius, the native will receive many wounds, shall be emaciated, will be harsh in speech, shall be crafty, alienated, a warrior endowed with chariots, elements and armymen. He will throw arrows on enemies army from his chariot, be happy with hard work, will lose his happiness and suffer many losses, and will not honour elders, Kalyan verma hints that Mars, if in Pisces, does not favour the native.


^ ^



ffvfmtrTl WIT

I 11




Should Mars be in Pisces at the time of one's birth, the person will be troubled by diseases, will have indifferent children, will live in foreign lands, will be insulted by his own relatives, will lose all his money on account of cunning and deceicful disposition, will be depressed in spirits, shall be very miserable. Will disrespect elders and Brahmins, shall be unkind, will try to gauge other's desires, will be fond of others praise and become famous. Thus, Mars gives malefic results in the signs owned by Jupiter because of its inherent nature. The doing of Mars cause upheavals in the life of the native and may even become a cause of total destruction of the man. There is a great need to understand this if such a ruling of planets exists is one's birth chart and take the remedial measures in all respects. Habits of Grandeur: Stand of Jupiter-What happens when Jupiter occupies the sign of Mars? TOT^T:




i (I 27/57

Should Jupiter occupy its own sign and Mars lends its aspects on it, the native will get injured in war, will be of cruel nature, will tortune and harm others and will loose children. We observe that when Jupiter occupies Martian sign or Mars occupies Jupiterian sign or even if they are aspected by their dispositors, the results will be on the adverse side as far as family life, health and children are concerned. The exact results will depend upon various other factors such as the house


Predicting Marriage

occupied, Lagna, aspect of other planets etc. The nature of planets so posited should be carefully interpreted on the basis of placements. Jupiter is unabe to exhibit talents whenever it is in contact with or is under the influence of Mars one way or the other. Mostly, Jupiter "s Karakatwa is married under such positions and malefic nature of Mars gets chanced depending upon the house occupied. So, it is evident from the above that when Mars and Jupiter get influenced by each other, either by aspect or by the placement in each other's signs, Mars' influence will predominate over that of Jupiter. Authoritative Version - The following instances are noted as corroboration of the above views regarding the mutually inimical position of Mars and Jupiter when linked to each other. Astrologers before the time ofVarah Mi him, in fact considered Mars and Jupiter as mutually inimical. It was Varah Mihira who first adopted a different stand tried to yoke a friendly knot between Mars and Jupiter and this has been wrongly persisted to this day. But if we look into the opinions of the famous astrologers evenof this period, we find that they have rejected the stand ofVarah Mihira. Kalyan Verma finds faults with Varah Mihira's "Hora Tantra", Jagdeva, in his monumental "Jatak Chandrika", does not give much credit to Varah Minihra and accepts the stand of Yavaneshwara. Accordinlgy, the combinations of Mars and Jupiter or the mutual aspect between them creates in natives desire of acquiring wealth or makes their nature jealous, greedy and ambitious. If the combination takes place in the sign of Mars or Saturn i.e. Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn or Aquarius, the native becomes rebellious and resentful and becomes controversial inspite of having several resources and energy at his command. Vaidyanathsays that if Jupiter falls in 7th house in the sign owned by Mars or Saturn, the native will have affairs with other women. The conjunction of Mars/Jupiter or Mars/ Saturn is also responsible for various involvements with opposite sex. Dr. B.V. Raman has also mentioned in "Three Hundred Important Combinations" that an exalted Jupiter if posited in Lagna opposite to Mars, which occupies the 7th house, Mati-Bhanga Yoga is caused i.e., one loses his wisdom. The founder of the Astrological Magazine and author of many


books. Prof. Suryanarain Rao, has also described in "Satyoga Majari" under the heading "Various Forms of Imprisonment". (1) If Kuja (Mars) joins the 7th and Guru (Jupiter) occupies Lagna the person will suffer from brains diseases;







(2) Jupiter/Mars association curtails the accumulation of wealth even if in good position. This combination of Mars and Jupiter is particularly bad for marital life, spouse, progeny and for the health of the children. One should never think that evils of Mars get cancelled by the aspect of Jupiter. Similarly, if Mars and Jupiter are related to each other in respect to the 5th house, one will have to undergo serious mental torture on account of progeny. Jupiter-Mars opposition in the 5th and llthhouses will be the cause of death of young child or the denial of happiness is respect of children. Incase of many other good factors and where the Lagna is quite storng, one may have only female issues. If Jupiter and Mars are related or have a mutual exchange of houses in respect to 5th , 6th, 8th or 12th houses, denial of happiness from children is to be expected. How to Read the Rules - All the verses of Saravali discussed in this chapter denote either the results of Mars under influence of Jupiter or the results of Jupiter under the effects of Mars. However these rules cannot be applied verbatim and must be seen in their complete perspective. In the Sloka No. 17 and 18 of Chapter 25 of Saravali it is written of Mars occupying Sagittarius (a) "The native receives many wounds and shall be emaciated." This does not mean that one would receive wound and his body will be emaciated if Mars in Sagittarius occupies any of the twelve houses of the horoscope. These results should be expected when Mars in Sagittarius occupies Lagna., the 6th or 8th i.e., this part of the rule is applicable for Sagittarius, Cancer and Taurus ascendants only. (b) "The native"s speech will be harsh" - This is true for Scorpio ascendant. Under that position, Mars will occupy 2nd house in Sagittarius resulting in harshness of his speech. (c) "The subject will be crafty, alienated, a warrior or an armyman." This part is applicable if Mars in Sagittarius falls in the 10th or 4th house i.e., it true for Pisces and Virgo ascendants. (d) "He will throw arrows on enemies" forces" or in modern parlance inflict grave losses on the army through today's methods. This part is applicable for Mars in Sagittarius in the 6th house i.i. for Cancer ascendant. (e) "The native will lose his happiness and money due to anger and will not honour elders." This part of the Sloka is applicabe if Mars in Sagittarius occupies 4th house and Lagna to some extent i.e., for Virgo and Sagittarius ascendants.


Predicting Marriage

Thus we see that any position of a planet needs to be properly and precisely defined lest unnecessary mistakes creep in. In the Sloka No.6 of Chapter 27 Kalyan Verma describes about the results of Jupiter in Scoipio. He writes that so placed Jupiter gives many wives. Bhattotpal also has the same opinion. This is applicable for Jupiter in Scorpio in the 7th house. Jupiter in the 5th in Scorpio may bestow few sons only, as the author writes. So placed Jupiter also gives diseases and other difficulties. This should be read for Jupiter in Scorpio in the 6th or 8th house. Similarly. Mars in Jupiterian sign under the aspect of Jupiter keeps the native devoid of wife. This means that if Mars falls in the 7th house or the 2nd house, identical to the sign of Pisces or Sagittarius, under the aspect of Jupiter, the native will not get marital bliss or may not get happiness from wife or may not get married at all. Before conforming the results of any nativity, other factors and placements must also be taken into account. In this chapter, an attempt has been made to evaluate the finer aspects working in relation to planets in various positions. Such rendering also establishes thatMars' evils are enhanced under the influence of Jupiter while Jupiter does not exhibit its good qualities under the influence of Mars. This is the essence of the Sloka and views of Sages as quoeted in the chapter. In our own experience, we have come across cases where even exalted Jupiter in the 7th house and exalted Mars in Lagna have created severe difficulties in the native's life. Generally, this placement of Jupiter in Cancer is treated very beneficial for marital life. Similarly, we have invariably noticed thatMars in the 4th house in any sign and Jupiter in the 10th house results in separations, sometimes temporary but mostly permanent, If Mars is tenanted in the 11th house and Jupiter is opposite to Mars in the 5th house, the native is found to suffer loss of young children or children will be altogether denied to him. The following adversities have been recorded during our practice of astrology which indicate severe losses under the baneful influence of the undesirable MarsJupiter conjunction. It may be noted that there are beneficial results also out of such configurations but overall the native ends up in heavy losses. 1. The conjunction bestows authority on the native and provides him with good job, but his/her employment is not permanent. The native may get transferred frequently or may have to switch over form one job to another. 2. The accumulated wealth is lost and one suffers from diseases, wounds and operations. Even deformities of limbs may occur if Mars occupies a Jupiterian sign and is aspected by the Moon. If the aspect is powerful. Deformation of limbs will exist right from birth. If not so powerful, a deformity in some form or the other is likely to strike at a later stage of life. If Mars, stationed in a







Jupiterian sign is aspected by Saturn, there will be physical deformation, lack of happiness and will follow religion different from his own. 3. This combination is most undesirable from the point of progeny, particularly if the 5th house is afflicted due to the placement of either Jupiter or Mars in it while the other is in opposition to him. If the affliction is powerful there may not be any children or the children will not live for long after birth or the pregnancy may end up in miscarrage. If the aspect or conjuntion of Jupiter and Mars is not so strong, only female children will be born in the beginning. If at all the native is blessed with a male child, it will be late in life. One sad and common feature of this combination of Jupiter and Mars is the death of a young son or sons, if they are born in the first place. 4.The native will have contacts with highly placed officers and ministers, etc. If the Mars-Jupiter combination occurs in Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio, the native will be blessed with many children. The fortune will shine at the age of 28 or thereafter. This combination causes much evil if found in female signs. Either there is a break in education or it is not completed. The native is liable to be a liar, will backbite his associates, will be proud, selfish, arrogant and will not fulfil his commitments. In male sings, marriage is either delayed or he marries twice. 5. If Mars and Jupiter conjoin in the 7th house or are placed under the aspect of each other, synchronised with the 7th house, there will be a second marriage after separation from the first spouse. If the conjunction takes place in a female sign, many difficulties will crop up in the settlement of marriage and during childbirth. 6. If Mars, Jupiter and Venus are placed in a quadrant from each other, there will be serious porblems like separation, death murder or total curtailment of marital happiness. 7. For Virgo ascendant, if Mars occupies the 7th house (i.e. the sign of Jupiter, Pisces) the wife's life will be short. There will be danger to the life of the wife during the Mars' Dasa. Also this period will be generally full of miseries. For Aries and Virgo ascendant, if Jupiter is stationed in a Martian sign, the native will not live for long. 8. It is believed that Kuja Dosh is nullified if Jupiter aspects Mars or conjoins it. We have tried to discuss earlier in the chapter how Kuja Dosh is enhanced if Jupiter opposses it and more so if Mars is in Jupiterian sign. Thus Kuja Dosh should be taken to be more powerful when Jupiter and Mars in opposition and Venus is in a quadrant to them or is associated with either of them, particularly with reference to the 7 th house. Even if Mars, Venus and Jupiter are associated, there will be discord in marriage. There are certain exceptions that we have found in our observations. For


Predicting Marriage

instance, the evils of Mars remain very much under control when the Sun also comes into picture. If Mars and Sun are associated and conjoin Jupiter or are placed in opposition to Jupiter, one may not expect destruction or disaster. Even if Mars occupies Leo, its evil effects will be kept in check. The placement of Mars in Jupiterian sign or the placement of Jupiter in a Martian sign casuses damage in certain aspects of life but if Mars comes under the influence of the Sun either by aspect or conjunction, good results are assured. Conclusions on a Strange Astrological Relationship - the relationship between Jupiter and Mars chiefly and adversely influences the state of health (especially deformities). Different case histories cited in the following discussion establish the veracity of the fundamental principles, as elaborated above. What needs to be stressed is that caution is very much needed in selecting the match for matrimony when the horoscope of the prospective match shows a queer relationship between Mars and Jupiter. The conclusion regrarding the chart can only be arrived at safely after judgement of the sign, house, ownership, aspect and association of the two planets. The nature of results will vary according to the position of Mars. Afew cases of various positions of Mars in opposition to Jupiter are quoted as below. Illustration No.5.20 (Horoschope No.35) Mars in 2nd Challanges Jupiter - See that is placed in 2nd house opposite to Jupiter. Jupiter joins Martian sign, Venus is also in a quadrant to them. The rule is applicable. Her husband was a doctor. He committed suicide on 19.3.85 due to family quarrels, within three yeaij of the marriage. The lady of this horoscope is now leading a very miserable life.

Horoscope No. 35 te 19/07/1952 Time 11.23.00 Day Saturday PItCBHardoi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22: at 27:23:00 North Long 80:06:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tjmfl Corr -0:09:36

Vlmsottari Mara: 1Y6M 130 Jupltar 02/04/1972 02/04/1988 Jupiter 21/05/1974 Saturn 01/12/1976 Mercury 09/03/1979 13/02/1980 Ketu Venus 14/10/1982 Sun 02/06/1983 Moon 01/12/1984 Mars 07/11/1985

Avakahsda Chakra


Gan : Deva Yoni ^ Sa/p Nadi Madhya Varan : Shoodra Vashya : Manav Varga Marja/ Yunja - Poorva Han8ak(T8tva) vayu Name Alphabet Kfi^KIShor Paya(RaiLMfl5c) : Copper-Gold Hora : Mercury Chaugharia : Udvega

SkJerlal Tima „7:01:17 Hrs Eq.oftlma >0:06:09 Hrs Sunrise :5:27:33 Hrs Sunset : 19:03:60 Hrs Samvat : 2009 S8ka : 1874 Month : Sravana Paksh... : Krishna Tlthi at Sunrise..: 13 Nakshatra : Mtigalra Yoga Dhruva Karan : Gara

Planets Pin -R Rasl


Can Gem Lib Can Ari Can Vir R Cap p Can Gem Vir Can

3:33:17 3:25:22 16:54:04 29:53:59 23:51:19 10:16:1^ 16:28:44 28:46:10 28:46:10 22:03:07 26:05:37 27:28:08


19/07/1952 30/06/1982 Sankta 30/06/1954 Mangla 30/06/1955 Pingla 30/06/1957 Dhanya 29/06/1960 Bhramri 29/06/1964 Bhadrika 30/08/1969 Ulka 30/06/1975 Sidha 30/06/1982

Nirayana Bhava Sub




Degree 20:40:48 19:19:03 19:44:46 21:10:25 22:47:41 23:10:39 20:40:48 19:19:03 19:44:46 21:10:25 22:47:41 23:10:39





Mer Ven Mar Jip Sat Sat Jip Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun

Mon Rah Mer Ven Mon Jup Mer Ven Mon Jup Mer Ven

Ven Mar Ven Jip Sun Sat Ven Rah Ket Jif) Mon Sat

Ven Rah Sun Ven Rah Mar Jip Ket Ven Sun Sat Mon

Navamta Chart

Fortuna; Leo 20:32:54 Nirayana Bhava Chsllt-Cuapal

Lagna Chart

SIR* JUS*' mm \ / a\ Sat / V/ \5 /Mar en* ay^War ^X4

:y sV S«

/ ^





\ Ura / "•2

f mam 3M' I


/ /\Ven


\ Rah OX /II




21^ Mair

X p,u X Nsp\9 / 10>< Jifl) 8 Ura/\

X4 x 3 \ Rah Ven


Predicting Marriage

Illustration No. 521 (Horoscope No. 36) Mars in 4tli Challanges Jupiter - The native is a smart and talented engineer in R.D.S.O. in Lucknow. He got married in 1980 with the daughter of Managing Director of L.S.C.ED. But they were issueless upto 1985 when they lost all hopes of begetting children. Gradually this feeling of never becoming a father overwhelmed the native who started disliking his wife. Thereafter, this created lots of serious problems in both the families which eventually resulted in separation. In this horoscope, the native has a minor Kuja Dosha due to placement of Mars in the 4th house. The aspect of Jupiter on Mars aggravated the evils of Kuja Dosha so much that they have been separated. It should be taken for granted that Jupiter-Mars opposition in a horoscope will create serious problems and losses in marital life. In case of such natives the partners should also have similar afflictions.

Horoscope No. 36 to 17/03/1954 Time 18:01:00 Day Wednesday Place Muzaffamagar Sri San atari Ay anams>^^|


Avakahada Chakra Gan : Rakshsa Yonl : Mooshak Ned I : Ankra Varan...... ...: Kanalrlya Vashya : Vanchar Varga .: Mooshak Yunja : Madhya HansakfTatva) Agni Name Alphabet May-Mais! Paya{Rasl-Nak) : Gold-Silver Hora : Mars Chaugharia : Labha

Siderial Tlmaa ^SMeiSSHrs Eq.oftime 0:08:35 Hrs Sunrise :6:29:05 Hrs Sunset : 18:28:53 Hra Samvat : 2010 Saka 1875 Month : Phalguna Paksh Shukla Tithi at Sunrise. ise..: 13 : Magha Nakshatra Yoga : Dhrall Karan : Gara

Vimsottari Yoglni Bhadrika : OY 9M 20D Ketu: 1Y1M16D Sun 17/03/1954 04/05/1975 03/05/1981 06/01/1986 Sun 21/08/1975 Bhadrika 06/01/1955 Moon 20/02/1976 Ulka 05/01/1961 27/06/1976 Sidha Mars 06/01/1968 21/05/1977 Sankta 06/01/1976 Rahu 10/03/1978 Mangla 05/01/1977 Jupiter Saturn 20/02/1979 Pingla 06/01/1979 Mercury 27/12/1979 Dhanya 06/01/1982 Ketu 03/05/1980 Bhramri 06/01/1986


Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R





Sub S-S

Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

Pis Leo Sco Aqu Tau Pis Lib Sag Gem Gem Lib Leo

3:25:31 11:10:57 25:45:46 9:09:16 25:25:36 14:46:25 15:43:38 29:02:40 29:02:40 26:05:21 2:29:13 0:05:32

Jup Sun Mar Sat Ven Jup Ven Jup Mer Mer Ven Sun

Sat Ket Mer Rah MarSat Rah Sun Jup Jup Mar Ket

Sat Sat Rah Jup Rah Rah Ven Mar Sun Ket Ket Ket

-R -R -R -R -R -R

Sat Jup Sun Sat Ven Mar Mon Ven Jup Mar Sat Ven








Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Aqu Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Leo

28 17:20 2542:36 2604:35 27 50:56 2932:27 002:09 28 17:20 2542:36 2604:35 2750:56 29 32:27 002:09

Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Sun

Sun Mar Jup Mer Sun Mar Jup Mer Ven Mar Jup Ket

Mon Rah Ket Jup Rah Mer Ven Rah Ket Jup Mon Ket

Ven Ven Mar Rah Jup Mer Sat Ven Sun Rah Mar Ket

Navamsa Chart

Fortuna: Aquarius 6:02:46 Lagna Chart

Nep\6/ /VMon Sat / \

\4/Ura PluVj / \ Kat

Nirayana Bhava Chaiit-Cuspal

102S' 928* n XSal Nbd/ \Phi Mon 195 723\ 6 X \ 5 / M6r7X


Ptu iX 3 2 Nv Ket / Ura nv s


Xs 4\J^P Mon

Dasamsa Mar 6

2 Jup

Ura 2 Ket

Rah 6

4>(Mer 2 11

Rah9Y Xl /Mo\ Mer /l2\ / \ /Ven Sun


Nep Sat

gVSun 11 Ven Vi jup /ll\ /l2\ \s 42i' Haw




yWar' 11 Ura

MB 3w Saw Ne^'

8 Vx Rah/ 7\Mon /^X.10 9 \






Predicting Marriage

Illustration No.5.22 (Horoscope No. 37) Mars in 7th Challenges Tupiter - See that exalted Mars joins 7th house. Jupiter occupies Lagna in the exaltation sign. Both Jupiter and Mars are exalted and aspect each other in this position. This position, even of exalted Jupiter and Mars could not check the ruin in the marital life of this most beautiful and talented girl. She got married with an engineer in February 1975. This was a love and intercaste marriage. After a continuous tension for 5 years in their marital life, the wife divorced her husband. We can see that Kuja Dosha is enhanced due to opposition of Jupiter, resulting in the miserable married life, trouble and disaster.

Horoscope No. 37 ate 05/11/1954 Time 23:50:00 Day Frfday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:57:5§ Lat 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 32:30:00 East TlmOCorr -0:06:24^


Avakahada Chakra

SfderlalTime .:2:41:2 2:41:21 Hrs :0:16:25 Hrs Eq.oftime :0:16:2 Sunrise :6:19:4 :6:19:46 Hrs :17:20:04 Hrs Sunset :17:20: Sam vat :: 2011 Saka :: 187t 1876 Month :: Karti Kartika Paksh :: Shukla Shu} Tlthl 81 Sunrise..: 9 Satabhisha Nakshatra : Sata Yoga : Dhn Dhruva Karan : Taitil Taitila

Gan Yoni. Nadl Varan Vashya Varga Yunja Hansak(Tatva) Name Alphabet PayafRasLNak) Hora Chaugharia

Rakshas Ashwa Adya Shoodra Manav Mesha Antya Vayu Saa-Samlr : [ron-Copper Salum ^ Shubh j 1 i

Vlmsottarl Rahu : 9Y 2M 2BO Jupiter 04/02/1964 04/02/1980 Jupiter 24/03/1966 Saturn 04/10/1968 Mercury 10/01/1971 17/12/1971 Ketu 17/08/1974 Venus 05/06/1975 Sun 04/10/1976 Moon 10/09/1977 Mars

Pin -r








Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

Lib Aqu Cap Lib Can Sco Lib Sag Gem Can Lib Leo

19:50:20 13:09:04 17:08:43 6:22:41 6:45:57 4:39:21 19:12:12 14:14:57 14:14:57 4:44:21 3:27:50 3:42:02

Ven Sat Sat Ven Mon Mar Ven Jup Mer Mon Ven Sun

Rah Rah Mon Mar Sat Sat Rah Ven Rah Sat Mar Ket

Mar Mer Sat Mon Mer Sat Mon Ven Mer Sat Ven Mon

Ven Ven Mar Ket Rah Mon Sun Rah Sat Mar Rah Mon

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12

-R -R -R -R

05/11/1954 22/05/1989 Dhanya 21/05/1956 Bhramri 21/05/1960 Bhadrika 22/05/1968 Ulka 22/05/1971 Sidha 22/05/1978 Sankta 22/06/1986 Mangla 22/05/1987 Pingla 22/06/1989

Nirayana Bhava



Yoglnl Dhanya :1YeM14D



Can 23:14:41 18:24:27 Leo 17:31:13 Vir 19:49:24 Lib Sco 22:40:17 Sag 23:57:39 Cap 23:14:41 Aqu 18:24:27 Pis 17:31:13 Ah 19:49:24 22:40:17 Tau Gem 23:57:39





Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer

Mer Ven Mon Rah Mer Ven Mon Rah Mer Ven Mon Jup

Mon Rah Sat Mar Mon Sat Sun Man Mer Rah Sun Mer

Ven Rah Jup Ven Jup Jup Ven Rah Mon Sun Sun Mer

Navamsa Chart

tuna: Scorpio 16:33:26 Lagna Chart


Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal

Ket V^Nep

12 X MO" 19 Sun / \

\ Mer

1020' 1123* Ket


\:/\ 3 V/ eV Jup Ura /Hep\


i^Sun 7 Mer^ \. Set /




\ /

/ \ / Sun 7 Van x k


Nep Sat Mer Sun

RahaV ID /9\ fAon / Mar \ >

" Vsi*






/ Vl2

VansX^ /Sx. Mar / / Rah \ / Mon \ ^ r Ven

\ / \lJra Jup/ 9 MeX 5 / \ 3/ Ur^" Sat aVpju 4 y(2 Ket Ju?*


\.XReh UraVeX\ Daaamsa




X. Nep yTK Plu / \a y/ \8 / V8n Mer 7 4 y x S x. / Rah \ 1 SiO Vir 12:38:05 Jup Leo 27:50:45 Ven Leo 18:31:10 Sat See 7:33:25 Rah -R Sco 6:38:21 6:38:21 Ket -R Tau Can 13:39:41 Ura 6:53:14 Lib Nep 6:55:11 Plu Leo

Mer Sat Sat Mer Sun Sun Mar Mar Ven Men Ven Sun

Mar Rah Jup Mon Sun Ven Sat Sat Sun Sat Rah Ket

Sat Sun Jup Rah Mon Rah Ket Mer Mer Rah Rah Rah

Jup Sat Sat Sat Sat Jup Mon Rah Jup Sat Rah Ven

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib

11:09:58 11:22:36 14:12:08 18:10:58 19:51:59 17:13:58 11:09:58 11:22:36 14:12:08 18:10:58 19:51:59 17:13:58

Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven

Sat Ket Mon Rah Mer Ven Mon Rah Sat Ven Mon Rah

Mon Rah Sat Jup Jup Sat Mon Mon Ven Mon Mon Ven Mar Rah Sat Ven Rah Ven Rah Rah Sun Ket Ven Mer

Fortuna: Pisces 29:12:24 Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuepal

Lagna Chart

\ \ / 10 X Sat / \


\ /Mar Reh Vg / N^un


Monll MarX^Ven 5 Jupy v /\ / Jup \ / \Plu / Ven \/ \/ Plu 1 2y 2 Y4 Ura / l\ Kd / 3\

Rah Sat


./ \ Rah Sat/

/ v. ^/Nep MmO)/ a XB / \ / \sun / \ / \ ^Mar 11

Navamaa Chart X Ura XXVsn Sun / \ ^ / \ Sat S NepXa X X® X Rah ©X' 7




Urn* 914'

Xjup 5 /

Kel nXMar 1 MerX^ Plu 12 N. ^x 2 X Mon X X x

X X.

Dasamaa X XSat Rah MarX a .X X. x^

n. Ven / \/ /O

p|7101«* Vaio*

Nep 9XPIu

/ 1 \ / 3 \ / Kel \ / Ura \



\/ 12^/




SunX^ S 11 xX Vaiy^uX^^ Kat

7 X/3 1

x^5 Mar 4


X^^ S xv X^2\. X J^p X

Horoscope No. 40 09/04/1952 Time 12:04:00 Day Wednesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:: at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zona 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24


Avakahada Chakia Gan j i Yoni Nadi. Varan i Vashya .: Varga Yunja -■ Hansak(Tatva) .. Name Alphabet Poo-Purushonam Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Hora :

SidarialTima 1:07:23 Hrs Eq.of time 0:01:38 Hrs Sunrisa ;5;50:30 Hrs Sunset :18:26:03 Hrs Samvat : 2009 Saka : 1874 Month : Chartra Paksh : Shukla Tithi at Sunrise..: 14 Nakshatra : Hasta Yoga : Dhruva Karan : Vanij

Deva Mahish Adya Vaishya Manav Mooshak Madhya Bhoomi Copper-Silver Venus

Vlmsottarl Moon : 7Y 6M 23D Rahu 02/11/1966 01/11/1984 Rahu 15/07/1969 Jupiter 09/12/1971 Saturn 15/10/1974 Mercury 03/05/1977 Ketu 21/05/1976 Venus 21/05/1981 15/04/1982 Sun Moon 15/10/1983

Planets Pin -R Rasi Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Van Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

-R -R

-R -R -R -R -R

Pis Vir Lib Pis Arl Pis Vir Aqu Lao Gem Vir Can

Yoginl Sankta :6Y0M18O 09/04/1952 28/04/1986 Sankta 28/04/1958 Mangla 29/04/1959 Pingla 28/04/1961 Dhanya 28/04/1964 Bhramri 28/04/1968 Bhadrika 28/04/1973 UiKa 29/04/1979 Sidha 28/04/1986

Nirayana Bhava












26:25:24 13:14:49 24:09:49 19:40:09 2:21:29 6:12:44 18:05:33 6:40:48 6:40:48 17:11:20 27:26:42 26:16:13

Jup Mer Van Jup Mar Jup Mar Sat Sun Mer Mer Mon

Mar Mon Jup Mer Ket Sat Mon Rah Ket Rah Mar Mer

Jup Rah Mer Van Van Mer Mar Rah Rah Ven Jup Jup

Sat Van Ket Van Sat Sun Kat Rah Mer Mer Mon Jup

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Can Can Leo Vir Lib Sag Cap Cap Aqu Pis Ari Gem

3:05:16 26:40:19 23:44:27 25:20:10 29:33:17 2:43:35 3:05:16 26:40:19 23:44:27 25:20:10 29:33:17 2:43:35

Mon Mon Sun Mar Van Jup Sat Sat Sat Jup Mar Mar

Jup Mar Ven Mar Jup Ket Sun Mar Jup Mer Sun Mar

Rah Mon Mer Jup Sat Jup Rah Kat Mon Mar Ven Mer Sat Sat Jup Mar Sat Jup Rah Ket Rah Jup Van Van

Navamaa Chart

rtuna: Sagittarius 19:54:41 Lagna Chart



Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal Nap 6X JU2*


Set /

V2 Mar

IB Jyp 1 Mon

\ Kel / Mon\ 5 / Sat 6\(piu 4 Nep/\ Mar 7

924' Ra7* 1 Jup


\/ Yl2Mer 1l\sun Rah \

6X 10 X. 12 Ura -X11 N. XMor R«h\ XpIu Sun

sVpiu 4 /



Msr G Nep X Jup 12 Sun v / Mer X11 loNVen

Mer /N, / 2 yX Xv 12yX Mar 3X Jup Rah XllNap 4

10 Von

Rah \ SX

7 Ket Ura








Illustration No.5.25. (Horoscope No. 40) - This horoscope is of an excutive officer of U.P.D.E.S.C.O. This marriage was an inter-caste as well as an interreligion as the girl was Christian and the boy a Hindu. The couple met while they were studying in the University. The boy proposed to the girl which she willingly accepted as the boy appeared exceptionally simple, interested in his studies and did not belong to a very highly placed family. A court marriage was solemnised on October 19, 1978, but this was not revealed to their families. On 22nd April 1979, the boy's father arranged a marriage which was solemnised according to Arya Samaj rites. Prior to second marriage, both boy and girl were in deep love with each other and did not leave each other even for a minute.


The husband of the girl nevertheless had the tendency to be attracted towards any girl he saw. He kept drifting from the wife towards extra-marital affairs neglecting the wife and leaving her at the mercy of her in-laws. There were many fights basically with the family. They are at the moment separated practically, though the boy's parents are trying now to get back the girl the repent for their misdeeds. The position of Mars in the 4th house may be noted in opposition to Jupiter. It is clear that thus Mars Dosh has been enhanced to a considerable extent. So, Mars alone will not cause so many evils as and when there is also an opposition of Mars by Jupiter. Therefore, following conclusions are established :A. Should Mars occupy Jupiterian sign Sagittarius or Pisces the results will be disastrous. B. Should Jupiter occupy Martian sign Aries or Scorpio the results will be quite unhappy. C. Should Mars occupy Jupiterian sign and is also aspected by Jupiter, the greater havoc will be there in respect to the house having Mars. Here Mars comes under the provocation through well-intentioned influence of Jupiter. D. Should Jupiter occupy Martian sign and is also aspected by Mars the results are near fatal and evils are evident. And if Mars and Jupiter, related to each other, have by-combination, combined or square influence, on Venus, Marital disharmony is sure to be there. As such, following points should be kept in mind while commenting on the relationship of Mars and Jupiter ;1.Jupiter is exalted in Cancer where Mars is debilitated. On the contrary Mars is exalted in Capricorn where Jupiter gets debilitated. 2. Jupiter does not harm Mars, but Mars harms Jupiter. If Mars gets stationed


Predicting Marriag e

in Jupitarian sign, there will be certainly one or the other loss due to the malefic nature of Mars. 3. Similarly if Jupiter occupies Martin sign, he will not be able to exhibit his good qualities due to the terror of Mars. 4. Mars does not speak to Jupiter or allow Jupiter to benefit the native in those areas which are under the control of Mars. Thus the native will be affected by Jupiter "s goodness only in those areas where Mars has nothing to do and are out of the area of Mars. 5. Mars and Jupiter are peculiar friends. So Jupiter does not check the evils of Mars. Under such a position when Jupiter (Guru) is with Mars, Mars gets encouraged to harm more and more because of Jupiter's friendship and shelter. 6. We have observed that though Jupiter and Mars are friends but they are opposite in nature. Mars in the sign of Jupiter is more harmful than in any other again. Similarly Jupiter in the sign of Mars should not be treated as good. We are referring all this in context to the 7th house in particular. So if both of them come in contact either by aspect or association, there is bound to be harm. Mars in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house causes Kuja Dosha which is treated as bad for matrimonial happiness in one way or the other. If Jupiter is also associated with so placed Mars, Kuja Dosh is enhanced and not cancelled or minimised. 7. If Venus, Mars and Jupiter are in quadrant from each other, the havoc after marriage will come with great intensity. 8. Sun is the kindest of all the planets. It is honoured for discipline and strict control. Jupiter and Mars both are friends of the Sun. So, when the combination of Jupiter and Mars is under the influence of the sun, the evils or Mars are very much minimised. 9. If Mars and Jupiter are placed together or in opposition to each other, the native must get married to a person having similar affliction in her or his horoscope.


Matrimony and evils of Mars (KUJA DOSH)











man's life into 16 Sanskaras of which marriage is the central. After marriage, man enters into Grihasta Ashram which is the pivot on which rest all our social institutions and customs. A householder not only performs his duties towards his family, he replies to all soical debts and keeps the wheels of society moving. The married life is not only upholding individual intersts but on it also lies the burden of raising a worthy next generaton. All this is implicit in our familiar structure. Therefore, marriage in Indian customs is not a physical or soical contract alone, but a sanctified event. It is witnessed by the Panch Mahabhuta, nine planets, thirty-three Koti Devas, Parijan and Purjan and is blessed by Lord Saptapadi through the chanting of Vedic Mantras. So solemnised, the marriage unites the bride and the bridegroom for seven births, both vowing to help each other and share alike the joys and sorrows together. It is sad to note these and several other aspects denoted by the Indian marriage are getting dim. Yet one may take heart in the fact that Indian people are resilient. Perhaps when the novelty of the new life is faded, we will reinforce our own ways of life. At least individually we can subscribe to a view of life that embraces modernism but does not leave its own virtues. Mangal Dosh - (Myth and Reality) - As a consequence of our receding faith in our highly developed science of astrology, or even due to creeping of superficiality in our outlook, our consultation of a horoscope is guided by sheer negligence and ignorance. A cursory definition, a ruling by an astrologer and


Predicting Marriage

the die is set for boy or girl. A true picture is never presented before parents to know as to what is in store for their wards in future. Astrologer may take from few hours to few days to plot his chart to know about a particular effect. Again tallying of a person's horoscope with his/her prospective partner to examine if or not they cancel each others evil influences is by no means an easy task. This factor should be of a prime consideration before the mariage, only to avoid problems or a series of problems which the couple have to face after mariage. If this factor is not taken into consideration at first instant then it often becomes too late to do anything about iL As for Mangal Dosh afflicting a couple, it may be stated here that there are more myths than reality prevalent in this respect More often unscrupulous, illogical and immature judgements are passed resulting in untold turmoil and anguish for the concerned person which is totally wastefull. It must be kept in mind that if astrological mathematics go wrong, mischievous or incomplete calculation of avilable facts and figures upset the entire forecasting mechanism and give a completely wrong picture. Instead of the malady being cured or minimised a person is only lost in the maze of the problems. It is, therefore, necessary that the term Mangal Dosh be first understood. Also known as Kuja Dosh because the planet Mars is involved, Mangal Dosh though resulting in unease and adversities is not always fatal, as it is made out by numerous astorlogers and later day theorists. There are proven remedial measures in the form of hymns and chants that reduce, if not nullify, the intensity of the evil in the life of a couple. There are psychological explanations, which we will discuss later, to clarify how and why these hymns prove effective in countering the Mangal Dosh. All the same as per our own wide, ranging study of a particular case of Mangal Dosh operating in a couple" s life, except in some severe cases, we have found that it is rarely that it results in death of a person or of the spouse. Fatality is not ruled out, but it is not a rule with Mangal Dosh. In fact, the five ancient Indian authoritative texts on astrology do not even take up a systematic treatment of the subject and it is left to a later day south Indian Book to broach the topic in any definitive detail. Though these texts - the Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra, Jatak Parijat, Sarawali, PhalDeepika and Prasna Marg - do discuss threadbare the effectsand ills of Mangal Dosh, but it is passing alongwith several other astrological factors governing a person"s life. The result of a confusing stand on Mangal Dosh is often, anon-Mangali subject is declared Mafrgli on the basis of the birth chart without taking into account related factors that may have reduced or even totally, cancelled out the Mangal Dosh. The search for a matching Mangali suitor begins with distortion of the available facts which becomes disastorous in the future. In the case of girl particularly, this plays a havoc because she will have fewer suitors to choose from. Then the balancing mechanism having been distorted from the beginning,

Kuja Dosh


wrong partner will be finally selected. This is the least unpardonable. Worst, sometimes, the parents of the girl in desperation resort to falsehoods in getting wrong horoscope prepared, compounding the entire problem. It rests, therefore, with all those connected with astorlogy as also the conerned party/parties to carefully ascertain the parameters of Manga! Dosh operating in a particular case before laying out the case of an individual. This exact charting of the Manga! Dosh pattern in all its manifestation is the starting piont of the present investigation. Mangal Dosh: Some Home Truths - Manga! Dosh, as will be discussed late, is casused chiefly by adverse positioning of the planet Mars, but other planets like Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Sun also cause the affliction in certain position. The net Mangal Dosh for any person is defined by Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Sun and by certain cancellations effected by favourable planets and favourable positioning of certain planets which reduce the intensity of Mangal Dosh, sometimes rendering it almost ineffective. Nerverthless Mangal Dosh once discovered to be present in one's birth chart, invariably affects the personality, the outlook and the destiny of the person and those nearest to him. . With the result the person needs to pay special attention to this affliction, train his mental affectations to counter evil emanations - instincts - and mould his thoughts in patterns that conform to successful living. This can be achieved through a proper understanding of his own Mangal afflicted psychology, which is driving him towards a particular aggressive and aggravated behaviour harmful in the end, and through comparing himself with the psychology of others who live a benign but progressive life, easily surmounting the difficulties that come in the way. Mars, considered the most malefic planet as faras Manga! Dosh is considered, has been regarded by astrologers since the times immemorial as the worst culprit. Largely, Mars is at its cruellest when it occupies Lagna, 2nd, 4th, 7th or 12th house. Some scholars also add the 8th house in the list. The prediction in Bhave Deepika of Kerala says ^

cfrdt 1

I But scholars regard this statement, that the spouse of a Mangali native dies, with a pinch of salt. Large scale experience also proves that this is not properly interpreted. Another Sloka states

(Jemini Aphorism, 1.2.26) If Ravi and Rahu are with Atmakarak in the Navamsa chart and they are also aspected by Mars, one burns his own house or helps others to burn theirs.


Predicting Marriage

Kalidasa explains in "Uttara Kalamrita" that Kuja Dosh should be considered from Lagna, Moon or Venus depending on which is the strongest. Manteshwar also holds the same view in "Phaldeepika". EFt

cZI^ -g



wW ^

Narad Samhita mention that Kuja Dosh should be considered for the sign of Mars as reckoned from Venus. Jatak Parijat, Agastaya Samhita find Kuja Dosh present in 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses. Sarvartha Chintamani also suggests Kuja Dosh in 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses, whereas Narada Samhita takes Lagna also in consideration. Mantreshwar says that Ketu should also be regarded as Mars. A few classics like "Vachaspatyam" suggest that Kuja Dosh should only be considered if Mars joins 8th house and nowhere also.lt Mars is debilitated, combust or joins inimical sign in 8th house there is no Kuja Dosh. This means if Mars joins 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house in the horoscope of the boy as well as the girl, Kuja Dosh gets cancelled. Mars position should be reckoned from Lagna, Moon or Venus. This brings marital happiness, wealth, prosperity, health and friends etc.

This means that if Mars joins 1st, 2th, 4fh, 7th, 8th or 12th house in one of the matching horoscope and Saturn occupies either of these houses in the other birth chart, Mars Dosh gets cancelled Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Sun are raalefics. For the consideration of Kuja Dosh these planets are to examined and reckoned from (i) Lagna; (ii) Moon; (hi) Venus, the significator. Some more aphorisms which have been considered elsewhere in this chapter during categorisation of the Dosh are quoted below. Our sages had deep vision and intuitive power, though there are some contradications in their enunciation on these aspects of Mangal Dosh. In practice most of these aphorisms turn out to be true and reveal deep psychological understanding of the subject afflicted by different positions and various kinds of set-up ofpanets, Lagna, Navamsa etc. Today all we have to do is to grasp where these particular aphorisms apply and in which case they do not hold good.




Kuja Dosh


Should Mars occupy an adverse place with reference to Lagna, Moon or Venus, adversity during life is certan. Should Mars happen to rule at about the time of a contemplated marriage, wisdom dictates that we put off the proposal till the Dasa is over. If it comes at old age or had alrealy come in childhood, it may be ignored. czmzpf


fl-qwrTol ufl^dl^dl "T


^Icf I

*iRlRfcl" RTf^lfri ^TT; I I

Should in the nativities of a couple, Mars occupy the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or the 12th house with reference to Lagna, the Moon and/or Venus equally (i.e. in both of them) the couple will live for long, be wealthy, beget children and possess friends. Should only one of them be so, he is often afflicted with death. So says great Rishis like Atri.

cF^ ^TFT f^Tm: WTrT ^ "qpi f^NrT:


Should Mars occupy the 4th or the 7th house indentical with Aries, Cancer, Scorpio or Capricorn, Kuja Dosh does not arise. It is of benefic disposition.

cT^ RR f^TRT: VRtl



Should Mars occupy the 1st, 2nd, 4th, Sth house in movable signs, then he becomes innocuous. In other signs he is a malefic.

^ qlqsRtl ^



Should Mars occupy any of the above five houses but is accompanied by the Moon, Jupiter or Mercury the Dosh does not arise. When aspected by them, one should not even think of any harm. d'^

^ riHl^d f^fxFtT^c!


dHI^ VnT dHlP^RK


The unit of Dosh counted from Lagna is I, from the Moon 3/4 and from Venus ]/2. Should they synchronise, then they should be treated from Lagna alone. So say the great Rishis. Tpfjt qR TRt qRt Trf f^fhTuT





Should the rulers of the 2nd and the 7th houses be malefics, they cause harm to the wife. Should marlefics occupy the 7th or the Sth house they harm the husband.


Predicting Marriage

Mars in the 7th or the 8th house fetches one fullunit of Dosh for women; for men one unit in the second and the 7th from Lagna, 3/i from the Moon and 1/2 from Venus. Rahu should be treated at par with Mars (in the matter of Dosh). Saturn and Gulika fetch 1/4 Dosh. The Sun there fetches 1/2 Dosh. Should Jupiter aspect them or be exalted, the evil effects are curtailed to half. i 3PrRcH«ll

^TT^: I ^fcf TRlf ^TcTT

| [ (Garga Samhita)

A malefic planet in the 7th house of the male chart, when occupying own or exaltation house and with full rays bestows an ideal wife who belongs to a reputed family and bears good character and has qualifications. However, if it is debiltated or is combust it gives a wife, who is a flirt and lacks character.

Mars, when debilitated or occupies enemy house in the 7th, kills the wife and gives second marriage. Should, however, the house be its own, exalted or aspectd by benefics if gives a good and fortunate wife. ■


^ ^TSPr Trsar^T



i If Venus or Jupiter is disposed in Lagna or the 7th house and Mars is weak, Kuja Dosh becomes ineffective. If Mars is placed in the sign owned by Saturn, evils of Mars get neutralised.

Kuja Dosh


Authoritative Views on Mangal Dosh - The views of Brihat Jatak, Sarawali, Jatak-Parijata and Phaldeepika about the position of Mars in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses are significant guides to the entire mystery. MARS IN THE FIRST HOUSE Brihat Jatak - The subject will have an injured limb. Sarawali - Jatak will be cruel, courageous, dull, short-lived, egoistic, valiant, will have injured body, otherwise good looking, if retrograde wavering. Jatak Parijat - The person will be cruel, daring, wandering, very fickle and sickly. Phaldeepika - The subject will have an injured limb, will be short lived, cruel and adventurous. Comments - By Lagna, a person individuality, body constitution, character, childhood, health and vitality is decided. Laganasth Mangal denotes angry nature, physical warmth, blood complaints, accident, mental excitement, confusion in thoughts. Health is affected and the man has no control over his stubbornness and arrogance. The 7th and 8th houses are also aspected by Lagnasth Mars. As a result many harmful effects are withnessed in individuaP's physical health, house, property and age. Thus Lagnasth Mangal affects a man'^ life with Mangal Dosh. If Mars is placed with Moon or weak Venus, the same type of afflictions are to be expected. MARS IN THE SECOND HOUSE Brihat Jatak - The person will eat food. Sarawali - Poverty, bad food, deformed face, depending upon bad people, devoid of knowledge. Jatak Parijat - The subject will be engaged in wandering in pursuit of mettallurgy and agriculture, hot tempered. Phaldeepika - The Jatak will be ugly faced, deviod of learning and wealth, will be dependent on bad people. Comments - The thorough investigation of

family, countenance Dakkhin

Netra, eloguence, cause of death etc., is done by the placement of Mars in the second house. Due to full aspect (Puma Drishti) of Mars from second Bhava on fifthBhava, there will be loss of Dhan (finance) and progeny. Drishti Nikshepe on 8th house and 9th house (Bhava) causes damage to health and luck respectively. There is a saying in Sanskrit OO TOT

'4T 4V'vr| riTtf -O

*Tcffe djfcCdK TJri:




^ dKHM: j |

The Second Bhavasth Mangal unually deranges the health of life partner and


Predicting Mar ring

increases undesirable problems in the family. Generally under this position of Mars difference of opinion between couple, family quarrels and money problems prevail. MARS IN THE FOURTH HOUSE Brihat Jataka - The subject will have no happiness and will be of troubled mind. Sarawali - Devoid of relatives, garments, food and house without vehicle, unhappy and will be living in other "s house. Jatak Parijat - The person will have little connections with relations and will be a henpecked husband thogh valiant and unconquered by women. Phaldeepika - The person is without friends, mother, lands, happiness house and vehicles. Comments - In the matter of marital aspect the 4th house is called Sukh Sthana (happiness) also. Pleasure objects like house, land vehicle, household goods (utensils and furniture etc.), mental harmony are an accordance of this Bhava only. Although fourth Bhavasth Mars is a good disposition of immovable property, this position is malefic for the stability of happiness and peace. From here Mars casts full aspect on seventh Bhava on account of which it becomes impossible to establish proper equation with the life Partner. Preceptors have explained harmful effects (Mars Dosh), caused by fourth Bhavasth Mars. Here evil of Mars is only 5%. So one having Mars in the 4th house is said to be a light Mangali. Under this position of Mars, stubborrness, hot temperament and lack of ability of adjustment with each other causes damage to marital life. MARS IN THE SEVENTH BHAVA Brihat Jatak - The subject suffers humiliation at the hands of women. Sarawali - The subject" s wife dies, troubled by diseases, following bad path, unhappy, sinful life devoid of wealth. Troubled mind and charmless body. Jatak Parijat - Jatak will be quarrelsome about women and fond of war. Phaldeepika - The person is born to do improper acts, suffer afflictionthrough diseases, wanders on roads and loses his wife. Comments - For marriage considerations this is the main Bhava. The marital happiness, harmony, physical appearance, nature, amorous relations etc. of the partner are deduced from this bhava. As a result of this configuration factors like, decline in health of spouse, impediment in marital happiness, uncertainty of occupation etc., are manifested. Mars' disposal here influences Lagna and Dhana Bhava on account fo full aspect due lo which financial loss, deformities in family, character decline, accidents, boils and pimples etc. occur. Spouse is of superb beauty, but of pugnacious nature. Mars of Aries, Seorpio, Capricorn,

Kuja Dosh


Aquarius Rasi enforce the possibility of second marriage. By nature Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Scorpio and Leo Rasis make the Mars native intelligent, arrogant, grumpy, adulterer (mostly with consent of the spouse) and unfriendly. Mars" presence in the 7th house causes heavy Kuja Dosh where the effect of Mars is 100%. This type of Mangli persons must not ignore Mars while matching birth charts for the purpose of marital life. MARS IN EIGHTH BHAVA Brihat Jatak - If in the Nidhan Bhava, Jatak will have limited number of issues and will have defecive eye sight. Sarawali - Diseased, short-lived, unattractive body, doer of bad deeds, grief stricken. Jatak Parijat - The native will be plain in attire, rich and possess authority over a multitude. Phaldeepika - The person will have a deformed body, will be poor, short lived and cursed by people. Comments - Since obstacles, impediments, calamities, life process, sorrow and cause of death are represented by this bhava, this position of Mars is the ultimate limit of Mars Dosh. Total destruction of marital happines should be understood from this Bhava position. Agonies and maladies destroy physical appearance. There is a strong posibility of widowhood due to death or murder of the spouse of the person having eighth Bhavasth Mars. The native may have to endure mental agony, wrath of family and social contempt. If this Bhava is placed with or aspected by Venus and Jupiter, the problems become more terrible. Mar's disposition here casts Purna Drishti on Kutumb Bhava. Consequently, one has to bear the household and financial loss. According to Parasara, there is financial loss and defeat. Mostly all the shastrakara have interpreted this position as the most malefie. Such natives collect illegal wealth, are fond of eating good food and suffer from diseases like pneumonia, blood pressure, boils, cuts, injuries, accidents and have to undergo operations etc. Besides diseses, Mars in the 8th house in the female horoscope damages Mangalya (Saubhagya) of a lady. Destructions are caused due to seperation or death. MARS IN THE TWELETH BHAVA This Bhava signifies expenditure, travelling, bed-pleasure, purchasing power, enjoyment, sleeplessness etc. Due to Purna Drishti on seventh Bhava Mars becomes directly responsible for hindrance in the marital happiness, health of spouse and dissipation. Mentality to oppose Bandhu (brother, friend, relation) develops. There is decline of control over sex life. The native intends cruelty, fault-finding-contemptuousness, blemish of others and courts trouble with


Predicting Ma triage

others. The natives of this Yoga are excessive eaters, short tempered, rebellious and debauch. There is wealth loss and poverty in life. There is excessive fury of agonies and maladies like accident, suicide, headache, migraine, blood complaints and indigestion. According to Kalyan Verma the native is eye patient, corrupt, disgraced, wife"s murderer and criminal. However, one is not considered strong Mangali if Mars joins the 12th house. Only 50% Dosh of Mars should be taken into account while weighing Kuja Dosh. The number of malefic results are maximum in Scorpio and Capricorn. In Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Cancer and Pisces, the rate of malefic re suits are medium and in Gemini, Libra and Aquarius it is less. NULUFYING ILL-EFFECTS : SOME OPINIONS Before making a final decision of Kuja Dosh on any native, the disposition and combination (the Yog) of all planets, Rasis and Drishti, should be studied thoroughly in detail. A minute negligence in the study of the details will bring extremely fallacious predictions. In reference to Man gal Dosh astrologer should always study deeply on the following combinations. It is widely believed that in these dispositions there are no residual Mangal Dosh as they get cancelled with the influence of benefic factors in the birth chart (a) If Mars is in fourth or seventh Bhava and Aries, Cancer, Scorpio or Capricorn signs fall in these houses. (b) If Mangal is disposed with strong Moon, Jupiter or Mercury in Lagna, second, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth Bhava. (c) If Taurus or Libra signs fallin seventh or fourth Bhava having Mars. (d) If Gemini or Virgo sign falls in the second house occupied by Mars. (e) For Leo Lagna, if Mars joins seventh house. (f) If Mars of own sign is in seventh, fourth, eighth or twelfth Bhava. (h) If Mars joins the fourth house identical with Libra or Taurus. (i) If eighth house Mars is in Sagittarius or Pisces. (j) If twelfth house Mars is in Virgo, Gemini, Taurus or Libra. Special Comments based on our own experience - There are so many position of Mars, where the Kuja Dosh appears to be cancelled according to many research scholars. These views vary from scholar to scholar, but our experience is that evils of Mars never get cancelled fully. The evils may at the most get reduced or minimised if corrective measures are undertaken. We have observed Mars doing harm in all positions. So it is our sincere advice that we should not neglect Kuja Dosh. The intensity can and should be properly judged and weighed. For example. Mars in Leo in the J2th house will not be as harmful as Mars in Cancer in the 7th or 8th house. Evils of Mars or Kuja Dosh as discussed earlier are often wrongly understood by the common man that if a non-mangali gets married to a mangali partner,

Kuja Dosh


he or she will die as a result of that marriage. This is absolutely a false and misguiding view. If any of the partner dies or separation takes place, this does not necessarily mean that either of the couple has Kuja Dosh. There are many other combinations of planets leading to unhappy married life, discord and disharmony. We cannot blame Kuja Dosh only for all cases of tragedy in married life. Many writers have dealt with KujaDosh at length as applicable for each ascendant. An essence of that is presented in this chapter. These two points should always be kept in mind First, the position of Mars, where this has been said to be cancelled, neutralised or becomes ineffective. If so placed Mars comes in opposition to Jupiter or in association with Jupiter, the evils of Mars should be treated as many times increased. Several case studies have proved it. This is dealt with in detail in the chapter-Re-understanding of Jupiter in Marital Life. The second point worth considering is the position of Saturn in opposition or in association with Mars. This will also enhance the evils of Mars. Under such conditions, rules of neutralisation of Kuja Dosh do not hold good. MARS - FIERY AND MALEFIC It can thus be seen that Mangal Doshis generated by malefic planets occupying certain positions at the time of the birth of an individual. In this the planet Mars or Mangal is the most fiery and depressing and hence the most feared. Astrologers of the world over see Mars as a heavenly body ever seeking collision with other planets and thereby affecting the mentality and behaviour of the individual it affects. Such subjects are affected in their inherent and in-built psychological make-up and not only themselves suffer in their life time, but cause incalculable miseries in the life of those they are intimate with, the spouse, for example, but others also. In extreme cases their tendencies and evil influence cause fatal injuries resulting in the death of those who are in close contact with them. This psychological basis to Mangal Dosh is widely accepted as one important aspect of the malady. There is an interesting astronomical account as to how Mars came to be considered the most fearsome of heavenly bodies. This study was carried out by a Russian scientist who compared ancient accounts of cataclysmic event on Earth and came to certain conclusions. According to ImmanuelYelikovsky in "Worlds inCollission" (1950) the planet Venus which had two close brushes with Earth in 2000 B.C. and 1400 B.C. (approximately a few years plus or minus) made its third wayward visitation in the orbit of Mars this time on March 23, 687 B.C. Mars being one eighth of the size of Venus was pulled out of its orbit into a new path in direct confrontation with Earth. The Earth was tilted off its axis, so much so that the old calender of 12 months of 30 days each had to be redrawn into a 365 days year. In VeIikovky"s


Predicting Marriage

words N

'Although Mars did far less damage than Venus had some seven centuries

eariier, it now became a dominant fierce god in the pantheon on Man's heavenly forces, Velikovsky studying the Old Testament and other texts, relates that in 687 B.C, the Assyrian King Senna Cherib marched against Hezekiah, King of Judah, planning to capture Jerussalem. On the evening of March 23, the first night of the Behrew passover. Mars unleashed a blast from heaven that, according to the Book of Chronicles left King and 185000 men of the invading army dead. That same night the Chinese recorded a great disturbance in the sky. Stars fell like rain, the Bamboo Books report. The Earth Shook. Accounts of these cataclysmic events have been found recorded in faraway lands as Greece, Egypt, China, India and Mexico and appear to be therefore authentic versions. Thus Mars came to be associated wilh war and for Romans, who celebrate March 23 as Mars Day, it became the God of War. The personality of persons born when Mars is in transit becomes war like, hot-headed inclined towards collision and destruction. Hence the astronomical basis behind the concept of Mangal Dosh. Mars and Venus in a particular birth chart cause innumerable passion related problem leading to love marriages, multi-love affairs, demeaning of character resulting in unhappiness, break-ups of marriages and sometimes death of the spouse. Sexual aberations and marital disharmony are the results of the evil nexus between Mars and Venus, The above astronomical study relating to Venus confronting Mrs seems to support this theory. In sexual matters, Mars represents passion, creative force, circulation of vital force etc. Venus denotes the actual perception of the sexual act and attainment of pleasurable sensations. This seems to be corroborated by the astronomical account of the historical conjunction between Mars and Venus as given above. In contrast, Neptune and Ketu cause coldness and inactivity in sexual matters. If they afflict Mars and Venus they cause resistance to sexual matters, WEIGHING OF KUJA DOSH) - After witnessing rempant misconception and misguidance on the subject we took up the task to find out a safe method of chariting out the correct coordinates of this affliction. Numerous


have suffered

due to


and/or incomplete

interpretations of the birth chart. We became deeply concerned to see that if a clear calcualationof the influence of Mars evil is possible, a mathematical approach for the same should be adopted for the benefit of all. During our subsequent investigations and case studies using these methods, we have discovered to our utmost satisfaction that our predictions, matching of charts and ways of aleviating the evils have met with a high degree of success.

Kuja Dosh


These ate discussed in greater detail herewith. The most important aspect of the method is that not only it helps in a careful matching of prospective partners, it enables an understanding of the influence of Kuha Dosh in all its manifestations in one's life so that one can go about first setting his own house in order. The first rule in matching a Mangali native with a Mangali native of the opposite sex is that Looking into the two horoscopes alone is not enough, the effect of the Dosh and its consequences according to the Bhava have to be taken into account. Secondly Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu all are counted as cruel planets-all leading to Mangal Dosh. But their strength is relative. Depending on which house they are placed in the authentic birth chart, their strength varies. Their comparative investigation in any particular case is necessary. For example Mars (Mangal) place in Uchch Rasi (Uchch Rasisth Mangal) is less defining there than when it is placed in Enemy Rasi (Satni Rasisth Mangal) or Neech Rasi (Neech Rasistha Mangal). Thirdly, the good and bad effectes of all the planets are interchanged and intensified or reduced as a result of Bhava, Rasi, Drishti etc. Their weightage, effectiveness and destructive powers can be accurately calculated by the following method to get the net result of Mangal Dosh in any native. This understandably requires a series of investigtions into the horoscope of the native. MATHEMATICAL CALCULATION OF KUJA DOSH The following paragraph gives at a glance the Mangal Dosh as obtained by the planets" placement in various houses and Rasi. In this it is assumed that Mangal Dosh is maximum in Jst, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th Bhava, The contamination of Mangal, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu is 75% in these places. Sun indicates only 50% Dosh Bal in these Bhavas.

Predicting Marriage


Friendship Table





on Sign

tion Sign





Moon, Saturn, Sun





Mercury Venus

Jupiter Mars, Moon




Sun, Me-


rc ury



Saturn Sun,Mo Mars













Mars, Jupiter,



Sun, Mo-


on, Mars









Mercury, Venus



Sun Mo-




Mercury, Libra







Sun, Mercury




on, Mars



Aquarius Gemini


Mercury, Venus


on, Mars



on, Gemini


Mars, Jupiter


Venus, Saturn

Kuja Dosh


Table of Mathematical calculation for Kuja Dosh

. , H


^ &$th




fHh& 2nd

Saturn, Mars




f*& 2nd

f.h& 2nd

Saturn, Sun

























Incomplete balancing of Manga! Dosh spells disaster. Therefore, the ghT's and boy"s horoscopes should be scanned thoroughly and the Dosh determined mathmatically. If in either case the aptitude of Mangal Dosh does not exceed more than 25% the marriage can be settled. This figure is opined by renowned authority in these matters - Dr. B.V. Raman. Parents often act in haste when it comes to arrangement of the marriage of their daughters espcially. This is really a criminal neglect on their part as it sometiems involves, wilful distortion of the horoscope to suit a particular match. There can be no pardon for this misdeed. If there is Mangal Dosh and it is kept secret and no remedial measures are undertaken it inevitable leads to destruction of marriage, as well as, at times loss of life or limb. There is much distress, dis-


Predicting Marriage

satisfaction among partners, even hatred and intolerance develop for each other. At its fury, Mangal Dosh becomes murderous. Suppose Mars joins 8th houses in one horoscope and in the 4th house of the matching partner, then half of the evil effects of former will be cancelled and half will remain present under such a position. Mars Evil are balanced by Saturn, Rahu and Ketu to 75%. It Mars joins 7th house in one horoscope and Saturn joins 1st, 7th, or 8th house the evils will be neutralised upto 75%. But if Saturn occupies 2nd, 4th or the 12th house, only 37.50% of evil will be reduced and the remaining 62.50% will be effective. The Sun is also regarded as a malefic planet. If the Sun is posited in either of 1 st, 7th or 8th house, 50% of evil of Mars will be cancelled. If Sun joins 2nd, 4th or 12th house, only 25% evil will be balanced.

Horoscope No. 6 e 20/07/1948 Time 20:28:00 Day Tuesday Place Faizabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22 at 26:46.00 North Long 82:08:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr'0:01:28

Avakahada Chakra

Panchang SiderialTime .:16:19:43 Hrs Eq.of time :- 0:06:12 Hrs Sunrise :521 ;07 Hrs Sunset : 18:54:07 Hrs Samvat : 2005 Sake : 1870 Month : Asadha Paksh : Shukla Tithi at Sunrise..: 14 Nakshatra : Uttarasadha Yoga : Vishkumbh Karan : Bava

Gan Voni Nadi Varan Vashya Varga. Yunja Hansak(Tatva) Name Alphabet Paya(Rasi-Nak) Hora Chaugharia

: j i : : : :

Manushya Kskul Antya KshaUiya Mansv Mooshak Antya Agni Bhay-Bha]rav : Go!cKk)pper : Sun - Labha

Vfmsottari Sun : 4Y BM 210 Mars 11/04/1963 11/04/1970 Mars 08/09/1963 Rahu 25/09/1964 Jupiter 01/09/1965 Saturn 11/10/1966 Mercury7 08/10/1967 Ketu 05/03/1968 Venus 05/05/1969 Sun 10/09/1969

Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

Can Sag Vir Gem See Gem Can Ari Lib Gem Vir Can

20/07/1948 07/11/1982 Sankta 07/11/1954 Mangta 07/11/1955 Pingla 07/11/1957 Dhanya 07/11/1960 Bhramri 07/11/1964 Bhadrika 07/11/1969 Ulka 07/11/1975 Sidha 07/11/1982

Ni ray ana Bhava

Planets Pin -R Rasl

Yogini Sankta :8Y3M17D




Sub S-S








4:53:18 29:30:05 9:06:02 15:07:02 27:16:59 2:07:20 29:33:58 17:58:39 17:58:39 5:20:14 17:33:48 21:09:50

Mon Jup Mer Mer Mar Mer Mon Mar Ven Mer Mer Mon

Sat Sun Sun Rah Mer Mar Mer Ven Rah Mar Mon Mer

Sat Rah Rah Rah Ven Jup Ket Mer Jup Sun Ket Mon Sat Rah Mar Ven Sun Ket Sun Mer Sat Jup Ven Mer

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap

3:12:44 13:24:40 17:00:48 13:53:48 7:46:56 2:37:18 3:12:44 13:24:40 17:00:48 13:53:48 7:46:56 2:37:18

Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat

Mar Sat Ven Mon Rah Jup Ket Mon Rah Sat Ket Sun

Ven Rah Mon Jup Rah Rah Sun Rah Ven Rah Jup Jup

Mon Jup Mer Jup Mer Ven Rah Ven Mer Mer Jup Mon

Fortuna : Cancer 27:49:31 Lagna Chart

Nlrayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

3^ Raia10/ XQMon \

Sun Sat Plu

414' Ki


SE9 \10/ 63" XSMon Sus-


Navamsa Chart Ura /X Rah /

X.8 ^V8 Mon sx Van 7 & Sun PRj 10 MerllX 1 X3 h /12\ /2 \ /Set KetX / X /Jup Mar X / Dasamsa

Yen 2 U/a

8 Jup

8 Jup


zVM 12


\ / \ / Ven3V 5 V? Kflt Mar/ 4\ / eX / Plu \ / \ . /Sun Sat\/ NaP Mar\I Mar Y T"^ ^eP Jup


Jup y/


MsrSV S Y7 Kel /z\ Mar /b\ / Plu \ / „ \ /Sun Sal\/ NeP \ Jus?Kca* IQir Si?'

Yen 3



Ura 4/\Mon 6 RifO\e Mar S




Horoscope No. 41 Date 24/01/1941 Time 03:35:00 Day Friday Place Agra Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:46 at 27:09:00 North Long 78:00:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TimeCorr-0:18:00

Vlmsottaii Yogini Mercury: 4Y8M 170 Bhedrika : 1Y4M190 Venus 12/10/1952 24/01/1941 12/10/1972 14/06/1973 Venus 11/02/1956 Bhadrika 14/06/1942 11/02/1957 Ulka Sun 14/06/1948 Moon 12/10/1958 Sidha 14/06/1955 Mars 12/12/1959 Sankta 14/06/1963 Rahu 12/12/1962 Mangla 14/06/1964 Jupiter 12/03/1965 Pingla 14/06/1966 12/10/1968 Dhanya 14/06/1969 Saturn Mercury 13/08/1971 Bhramri 14/06/1973

Avakahada Chakra

Panchang Siderial Time .:11:28:22 Hrs Eq.oftlme 0:11 ;53 Hrs Sunrise .7:09:09 Hrs Sunset .:17:50:36 Hrs Samvat : 1997 Saka : 1862 Month Magha Paksh : Krishna Tithi at Sunrise..: 11 Nakshatra : Jyestha Yoga : Dhruva Karan : Kaulava

Gan Yonl Nadi Varan Vashya Varga Yunja Hansak(Tatva) Name Alphabet Paya(Rasl-Nak) Hora Chaugharia

: Rakshas : Mng : Adya j Vipra Keetak - Mng Anlya Jal Yee-Yugesh : Gold-Copper Saturn - Udvega


Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R






Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

Cap Sco Sco Cap Ari Sag Ari Vir Pis Ari Vir Can

10:46:01 26:18:05 20:07:48 19:09:57 13:52:09 19:44:48 15:18:49 11:08:29 11:08:29 29:23:41 4:45:04 10:24:53

Sat Mar Mar Sat Mar Jup Mar Mer Jup Mar Mer Mon

Mon Mer Mer Mon Ven Ven Ven Mon Sat Sun Sun Sat

Mon Mer Jup Jup Ven Rah Mer Jup Ven Mon Rah Sun Ven Mer Mar Mar Mon Mar Rah Rah Rah Sat Sun Mon

-R -R -R -R -R


House A so 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12







Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib

18:47:16 19:54:17 24:05:18 28:37:14 29:30:19 25:38:57 18:47:16 19:54:17 24:05:18 28:37:14 29:30:19 25:38:57

Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven

Mer Ven Mar Jup Mer Ven Mon Rah Mer Sun Mar Jup

Ket Rah Mar Ven Sat Mer Mer Mar Mar Mar Sat Mer

Mon Mon Mon Mer Rah Sat Mar Sun Mon Jup Rah Sat

Navamsa Chart

Fortuna: Libra 4:19:20 Lagna Chart

Nirayana Bhava ChalK-Cuspal

Jup Sat Ura

8 \T/ \ / Mar\ ®/ \77 /Nap 1l)V Mon Mar V© Sun/\ /xRah

6 Van) \surt Mar/ \ / \ 0/ v/ loVMon 8 MarVe /

\ 11

Mar Sun

Ven /


Mar Mon

/jup RahX2

x. Dasamaa

\^Nep 5 Rah)

\ / Jup \ / 12 2 X X4 Slx 1 \ / 3 \ / Ura X / Plu \


N8p\l0/ ItXUra 9 Won/\


\ ^ XioX 12X Mar Monx x

XX 4 r PHJ \ Vtn NapXx



Xa Sat ^ x

Kuja Dosh


Illustration No. 6.1 (Horoscope No. 6 and 41) - The horoscope of the boy and girl were matched. Sufficient points were obtained, but this marriage resulted in serious disaster. The cuouple were married on 24.11.1968. Soon after the marriage unbearable situations were created for the girl. The circumstances became so critical that the husband discarded her. Her doting father could not bear the tragedy and due to this sudden shock passed away soon thereafter. An examination of the girl's horoscope reveals that the lord of the 7th house Sun joins 6th and Mars joins 8th house in the most inimical sign Virgo. The 7th house is hemmed in between malefic planets resulting into a Papkartari Yog. A very strong Kuja Dosh is present in the horoscope. Such types of Kuja Dosh often cause separation, accident to husband or even death, if one gets married to a non-Mangali partner. This is especially true for females as the 8th house belongs to her Mangalaya or Saubhagya. In the present case the couple were married during Mars Mahadasa and Rahu Bhukti, when Jupiter was transitting in the girf's 7th house. They were separated immediately thereafter. After a long course and observation of remedial measures they were reunited on 5.3.1976 during Rahu-Sun period i.e. her 28th year. Mars" effects get automatically inffectiveby 27th year of age. Thus in the 28th year reunion took place. KUJA DOSH AS GIVEN IN THE MALE AND FEMALE CHART PLANETS




60 points

90 points


75 points

Sun Rahu Ketu 60 points

165 points

If we examine the Kuja Dosh alone in both these horoscopes, it appears balanced to acceptable limits. But the evils of Mars as shown above i.e. in conjunction with the evil of Saturn, we find that the Kuja Dosh of male is 60 points against 165 points of the female. Kuja Dosh of the female is 275% stronger than that of the male. This unbalanced Kuja Dosh is the cause of havoc. Thd husband met with two serious accidents after the marraige, first on 23.3.1973 and the second on 7.10.1975, due to which his left leg got fractured resulting into a parmanent defect. Ths leg was operated upon and a few bones were cut short. Thus, Mars in the 8th house in the most inimical sign Virgo separated both for seven years and also gave a defective leg to the husband.

Horoscope No. 35 ,16 19/07/1952 Time 11.23:00 Day Saturday Place Hardoi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:56:0 .at 27:23:00 North Long 80:06:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:09:36


Vlmsottarj Mars: 1Y8M 13D Jupiter 02/04/1972 02W1988 Jupiter 21>05/1974 SatLin 01/121976 Meroty 09031979 Ketu 13021980 14/101982 Venus 02/08/1983 Sir 01/12/1984 Mbon 07/11/1985 Mars

Avakahada Chakra Gan Yoni Nadi Varan Vashya Varga Yunja HansakfTatva) Name Alphabet Paya(Rasi-Nak) Hora Chaugharia

SiderfalTime .:7;01:17Hrs Eq.oftime > 0:06:09 Hrs Sunrise :5:27;33 Hrs Sunset : 19:03:50 Hrs Sam vat : 2009 Saka : 1874 Month -: Sravana Paksh : Krishna Tithi at Sunrise..: 13 Nakshatra : Mrigsira Yoga : Dhruva Karan : Gara

Deva ^ Sarp Madhya i Shoodra Manav Ma^ar ^ Poorva Vayu Kea-Kishor : Copper-Gold ^rcu/y Udvega

Planets Pin

Yoginl Sankta: 1Y11M 100 1907/1952 300^1982 Sankta 30/06/1954 Margla 3Q061955 Pingla 30/06/1957 Dhsnya 29061960 Bhramri 29061964 BhacH^6 Ura / 3 X Rah X 5\ Dasamsa


>CMer 6 Sun ^ 2 Van X 1XXKei 11

12V Rah 2 Ura V4 Sat

I^QRah 2 ^3X4 1

1 Ket

Ven Jup Mar


\ / ]Plu\ \ /Sal Mon




8 Mar)

Ura Sun 3XMer 8 RahyK. 7 v/4 X. //6 xNep /Mon Sai\ / Pfu X

Horoscope No. 46 late 09/11/1952 Time 13:45:00 Day Sunday Place H/Ieerut Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:56: Lat 29:00:00 North Long 77:42:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmeCorr -0:19:12

Avakahada Chakre


Can : Rakshas Yoni : Ma^ar Nadi Antya Varan : Vipra Vashya : Jalc^iar Varga : Shwan Yunja : Maiiya Hansak(Tatva) Jal Name Alphabet Dco-Doo^ay Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Gold-Silver Hora ^ Sun Chaugharia : Shubh

SiderialTime .:16:39:35 hfcs Eq.oftime 0:16:10 Hrs Sunrise :6:39:04 Hrs Sunset :17:26:51 Hrs Samvat : 2009 Saka : 1874 Month : Margshirsh Paksh : Krishna Tlthi at Sunrise..: 7 Nakshatra : Asiesa Yoga : Shukla Karan : Balava

Vimtottari Mercury 12Y 0M 6D Moon 16/1.1/1997 17/11/2007 Moon 17/09/1998 Mar$ 16/04/1099 Rahu 17/10/2000 Jupiter 16/02/2002 Saturn 17/09/2003 Mercury 15/02/2005 Ketu 16/09/2005 Venus 16/05/2007

Planets Rasi




Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

Lib Can Sag Sco Ari Sco Vir Cap Can Gem Vir Leo

23:56:25 20:34:24 27:39:06 16:44:37 22:50:35 29:10:41 28:29:23 23:56:19 23:56:19 25:29:11 29:26:13 0:16:21

Ven Mon Jup Mar Mar Mar Mer Sat Mon Mer Mer Sun

Jup Mer Mer Ven Sun Mon Mer Mer Ven Sat Mer Sat Mar Sat Mar Mar Mer Mar Jup Mer Mar Sat Ket Ket

-R -R -R

08/09/1907 08/09/2023 Bhramri 08/09/1901 Bhadrika 07/09/1606 Ulka 08/09/2002 Sldha 08/09/2009 Sankta 08/09M17 Mangla 08/09/2018 Pingla 07/09/2020 Dhanya 08/09/2023

Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R


Yog In! Bhramri :2Y9M280










Mer Jup Rah Mer Ven Mon Mer Ven Ven Sat Rah Mon

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap

8:51:31 19:51:29 22:34:30 18:30:00 11:5425 6:56:30 8:51:31 19:51:29 22:34:30 18:30:00 11:54:25 6:56:30

Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat

Rah Mer Ven Mon Rah Sat Ket Mon Jup Mer Ket Sun

Jup Ven Sat Mer Sat Mer Jup Ket Sat Mer Mer Mer

Jup Mon Ket Sun Mar Jup Mon Sun Ven Sat Ven Sat

Navamsa Chart

Fortuna: Scorpio 5:29:30 Lagna Chart

Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

\6/ MarN/? Jup

\10/ Ket 11X Mar Van 12







\ /





x /

9 Mar

XVen 8 Mer :


lUra 3 V ^ X ^ Rah I X4\ piu /sV /won Ket\ /Nep SaX | Sat





Van Mar

Nap 6 Sat



8 Van /Sun



Dasamsa Sun / Vea


x*, Won Ket\ /NeP Set SU24Ve»* 923* 1019Mair

Plu 5X 7 /e \ Kst /Mon Mar\ /


Kuja Dosh Illustration No. 6.4 (Horoscope No, 45 and 46)

193 - Marriage

between Mangali

and non-Mangali natives leads to unhappy life normally. The husband is Mangali while the wife is not. But both are leading happy life. The husband has his Mars in the I2th house whereas the wife has her Mars in the 1 Ith house. PLANETS












135.00 points 78.75 points



The above weighing of the horoscope show that the Kuja Dosh of the husband is J70% stronger than that of his wife. Generally so much variations should not be permitted. In this case the wife has various kinds of physical sufferings i.e. she does not enjoy a good health most of the time. But on a general note the husband and wife are happy. So, if one is Mangali by Mars and the evils are balanced in the other chart by Saturn, Rahu, Ketu etc., the marriage should be permitted upto a varitation of 150%. Anyway marriage cannot be avoided in love marriage etc., and the couple must be prepared to suffer certain losses - money, health and mutuality. Under this compulsion marriage may be allowed upto 199% variation. If the Kuja Dosh in one horoscope is double or more than the other, the marriage will cause serious damages, discords, deaths, heavy losses of health, wealth and harmony. Dr. B.V. Raman,however,does not permit a mariage where variation of Kuja Dosh exceeds 25%. WHO WILL BE HARMED MORE In illlustration 1, we see that wife is a stronger Mangali and she suffered a miserable life and separation for seven years. In illustration 2, we see that the husband is stronger Mangali and suffered continuously from mantal torture due to the acts of his wife and ultimately committed suicide. In illustration 3, we see that the wife suffered widowhood as she was a stronger Mangali. In the fourth case, the wife"s health problem is there though the husband is stronger Mangali. But in all the above cases the partners suffered in one way or the other. Our experience shows that the individual with heavier Kuja Dosh suffers more. Kuja Dosh relates directly with the mind, whether one acts or speaks rashly or suffers passively. Due to behaviour of others, the violence to the mind is more in his/her case. Accident, suicide, anxiety, distress are all forms of mental suffering caused by Mangal Dosh inherent in a person's psychology due to his birth at a particular point of time and place. He/she needs to make some remedial redressal.



Grave for Females

: The position of Mars in a horoscope bears

considerable significance fronn many angles. The presence of Mars Dosh may cause marital delay, discord and disharmony, unless suitably matched. Sometimes some kind of Puja and effective "Mantras" are also required to curtail the evils of Mars. Presence of Mars Dosha in a female horoscope is as such not desirable. In our experience placement of Mars in the 8th house is the worst disposition. Here in a few cases illustrate how Ashtam Mangali girls fare poorly in marital matters. Dr. B. Surya Narain Rao has mentioned in "Stree Jatak" that the 8th house form Lagna must be consulted for marital life and widowhood. In a woman's chart the 8th house from her Lagna reveals sexual passions, her husband's character, her fortune and general happiness. Dr. BY. Raman has also repeated this fact in "Hindu Predictive Astrology" Chapter XXX on female Horoscopy, that marital happiness must be adjudged from the 8th house. From 7th house passion, her husband's and her own character and fortune should be determined. Dr. BY. Raman has pointed our following combinations for widowhood 1. Conjunction of the lords of 7th and 8th house with malefic combinations. 2.Rahu and Moon in the 8th house will evil aspects. 3. Lord of the 7th house with Saturn and aspected by Mars, 4. Moon and Rahu in the 8th house and the lord of the 7th house with

Mars In Eighth house for Females


Saturn aspected by Mars. 5,The conjunction of the lords of 1st and 8th houses in her 12th house with a malefic aspect of Mars on the 8th house. 6. The 7th house and its lord between two malefics without any beneficial aspect. In the horoscope of males, presence of Mars in the 8th house is not so harmful as in the case of females, particularly in respect to the marital happiness. Before preceding further it would be worthwhile to enumerate other results of Mars if it occupies 8th house in any horoscope. This position is an such bad for longevity and natural death. As Mars lends aspect over the second house, so usually eye porblemds arise. Eighth house represents the 8th part of the body, so there will be Urinary troubles or problems in reproductive organs, piles or fistula or boil in anus may be expected. There is a fear of fire, injury or cut etc. There will be innumerbale physical complaints, rheumatism and often a disturbed family life and only few children. One will usually be devoid of true friends, whild many friends may turn inimical. He will have to face obstacles in his endeavours and success will be attained only after a hard labour. This is not a good disposition for father's longevity as 8th house is 12th from 9th. v

Itis well known that the 8th house governs "Mangalaya" or marital happiness

of females. A girl should be treated as strongest Mangali if Mars is positioned in the 8th house of her horoscope. As regards the Kuja Dosh in the female native, we have observed that presence of Mars Dosh in the 8th, 7th and the Lagna mostly causes havocs. Severity of Mars Dosh is maximum when Mars is in 8th house. Mars often causes obstructions to a timely marriage. What does Mars do after Marriage - A few of the probabilities of presence of Mars in 8th house in respect to marital life are given below 1. There will be seperation from husband, if marriage has taken place around 21 years. There will be a reunion or reconciliation around 28th year or, otherwise there will be a litigation after marriage and will be finalised around 28th year, 2.The husband may receive some injury due to accident or his health may suffer seriously. Mental troubles to husband are most likely to take place. 3.The husband will expire soon after marriage in a tragic way or will suffer seriously. 4.There will be serious danger in very unbalanced marital life. Exact nature of the sorrow depends on the exact set up of planets and needs study and practical experience. Who will be harmed more, the husband or wife - Kuja Dosha must be got balanced while matching the horoscope as per table given in our book



Vilamb Ke Vividh Ayam Evam Mantra". If the difference is around 25%, the marriage will be happy. There will not be much harm even if 50% difference is there. But in a diference of more than 50% of Kuja Dosh, marriage should not be permitted. If a heavier Kuja Dosh is present in the horoscope of wife, the wife will suffer more. She will have to face trageides of life. If the husband has a


Predicting Marriage

heavier Kuja Dosha, he will suffer more. Generally one"s Kuja Dosh harms the partner but the tragedy is to be suffered by the affected person more heavily. Illustration No.7.1 (Horoscope No. 47) - This is a case of a beautiful girl who has Mars in her 8th house. Her marriage took place on 7.8.88. She suffered seperation soon after and lived with her husband only upto 13.8.88 i.e. for seven days. The girl's marriage took place during Rahu Venus period on 7.8.88 when Jupiter transited over her 7th house and radical Venus. She was 22 years of age at that time. Presence of Mars caused this tragedy of seperation within a week. Jupiter "s association with Mars in the 8th house could not nullify the evils of Mars, on the other hand it expedited the same. She was tortured by her father-in-law very much. The husband also misbehaved with her parents. The husband is an engineer and is living in U.S.A. He is not at all Mangali (Bom on 7.9.69 at 8.00 hours at Delhi). Had there been proper matching of the horosopes, this tragedy would not have occured. Mars in the Mercurian sign gives worst results. After this tradgedy, she met me for reconciliation and to change the mind of her husband. I advised her a few measures which she did with sincerity and devotion. This girl had never done any kind of Puja earlier. Only after performance of a few Mantras for a month, she talked happily with her husband on telephone. He was happy to talk to her and even asked her to write to him. I have noted in six cases that the husband went into mental depression after marriage with a woman with Ashtam Mangal Dosh. I am illustrating one such case here.

Horoscope No. 47 05/07/1966 Time 17:00:00 Day Tuesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23 at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:


Avakahada Chakra Gan : Deva Yonl : Vanar Nadl : Anlya Varan : Valshya Vashya : Jalchar Varga : Mafjar Yunja Antya Hansak(Tatva) Bhooml Name Alphabet Kho-Khoya Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Copper Hora : Moon

SiderialTlme .:11:45:40 Hr» Eq.oftime 0:04:22 Hrs Sunriae '.5:18.55 Hrs Sunset 19^)2:37 his Samvat : 2023 Saka : 1888 Month : Sravana Paksh : Krishna Trthi at Sunrise..: 3 Nakshatra : Sravna Yoga : Vlshkumbh Karan : VlShtl

Vlmtottarl Moon 2Y3M26D Rahu 31/10/1975 31/10/1993 Rahu 13/07/1978 Jupiter 06/12/1980 Saturn 13/10/1983 Mercury 01/05/1956 Ketu 20/05/1987 Venus 19/05/1990 13/04/1991 Sun Moon 12/10/1992

Planets Pin Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu




Gem Cap Gem Can Gem Tau Pis Tau Sco Leo Lib Leo

19:51:37 20:14:14 3:01:58 14:57:59 19:56:22 17:30:03 6:31:42 1:04:22 1:04:22 23:08:50 26:27:46 23:04:05



Sub S-S







Mar Ven Ket Sat Ven Ven Jup Jup Mar Mon Sat Jup Mer Rah Rah Mon Mar Ket Sat Mon Ket Mer Sat Sun

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Sco Sag Cap Pis Ari Ari Tau Gem Can Vir Lib Lib

22:20:41 23:51:00 28:26:15 2:58:02 3:27:44 29:15:08 22:20:41 23:51:00 28:26:15 2:58:02 3:27:44 29:15:08

Mar Jup Sat Jup Mar Mar Ven Mer Mon Mer Ven Ven

Mer Ven Mar Jup Ket Sun Mon Jup Mer Sun Mar Jup

Mon Mar Sat Jup Mer Sat Rah Sun Sun Mer Rah Rah Ven Mer Sat Jup Sat Mer Jup Rah Ven Mar Sun Mer

53' 828* 1 4y |\ Mon \ 9 IOX

Flu 5 Una

Sat12 VVen 2 Rah V4 Mer Mon / 1 \ /i \ / \ / Jljp \ / \/Mar Sun\


Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal

Van Rah

MonOX Kat 8




Navamaa Chart

Fortuna: Gemini 22;43:17


05/07/1966 28/09/2001 Mangla 26/09/1966 Pingla 28A)9/1968 Dhanya 28/09/1971 Bhramri 28AD9/1975 Bhadrika 28/09/1980 Ulka 28/09/1986 Sidhd 28/09/1963 Sankta 28/09^001

Nirayana Bhava

Mer Rah Sat Mon Mer Mar Mon Sat Mer Rah Ven Mon Jup Sat Ven Sun Mar Jup Sun Ven Ven Jup Sun Ven

Lagna Chart

Yoglnl Mangli :0Y2M 23D

JupNjl/ 12XR«h 10 Sun/X

RaiVeiv 722'

Urt 7 Mir \ Ru / Nep 2/\Mon 4 Ven

iXSun 2 MarV4 / 1 /'3 \^,u Ven R2]\ / Mer \ 122- i 1229* Nese' 113*


Dasamsa \Mon UraRah Set / X P(u X \ 10 X \12/ X XJUP 11 iX X9 /\ X \ Sun

f Sa! 12




Ur^3103' Ven \ X 3 X NepX 4\ ' X Kal \ X Mar Mer

Horoscope No. 48 15/11/1955 Time 13:22:00 Day Tuesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:58:4^ tat 26:50:00 North Long 80:64:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24^

Avakahada Chakia


Gan Yoni Nadi. Varan ^ Vashya Varga Yunja Hansak(Tatva) Name Alphabet Paya{Rasi-Nak) Copper-Copper Hora

SidarialTime .: 16:50:06 Mrs Eq.of time :0:15:31 Mrs Sunrise :6:26:47 Hrs Sunset :17:14:52 Hrs Samvat : 2012 Saka : 1877 Month : Kartika Paksh : Shukla Tithi at Sunrise1 Nakshatra : Anuradha Yoga : Atigand Karan : Bava

: : ^ : : :

Deva Mrig Madhya Vipra Keetak Sarp f^Aadhya Jal Nee-Neeraj

: Jupiter

Vlmsottarl Saturn :11Y11M0D Mercury 16/10/1967 15/10/1984 Mercury 14/03/1970 Ketu 11/03/1971 09/01/1974 Venus Sun 15/11/1974 16/04/1976 Moon 13/04/1977 Mars Rahu 31/10/1979 Jupiter 05/02/1982




Sun Lib 29:11:29 Sco 0 18:12 Mon Mar Vir 28 08:12 18 07:36 Mer Lib 6:50:36 Jup Leo Sco 18:32:38 Ven 0 37:43 Sat Sco Rah -R Sco 24:28:43 Ket -R Tau 24 28:43 9 20:04 Ura -R Can 5 52:55 Nap Lib 5 34:10 Plu Leo

Ven Mar Mer Ven Sun Mar Mar Mar Van Mon Ven Sun

Jup Sun Sat Ven Mar Sat Rah Mon Ket Rah Mer Mer Jup Mar Mer Rah Mar Rah Sat Ven Mar Mon Ket Rah


15/11/1955 19/05/1990 Bhramri 19/05/1958 Bhadrika 20/05/1963 Ulka 19/05/1969 Sidha 19/05/1976 Sankta 19/05/1984 Mangla 19/05/1985 Pingla 20/05/1987 Dhanya 19/05/1990

Nirayana Bhava

Planets Pin -R

Yoglnl Bhramri :2YSM3D









Sat Ven Sat Mon Ven Sat Rah Jup Jup Jup Jup Rah

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap

13:00:09 22:55:21 25 00:52 20 54:45 1441:15 10:23:55 13:00:09 22 55:21 25:00:52 20 54:45 14:41:15 10:23:55

Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat

Rah Mer Ven Mon Rah Sat Ket Mon Jup Mer Van Mon

Mer Ven Mon Mer Mer Mar Ven Sun Ket Mon Sun Mon Mer Jup Sun Jup Mer Rah Ven Sat Ven Jup Mon Jup

Fortuna: Aquarius 22;06;52 Lagna Chart

Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspai


Navamsa Chart Rfth x. Van Nit N. 9/ Mar12>^3 Sal SxUon /Sun Jupx.Ket X^ Dasamsa Ket 2

X Ven 8 Won 1 / \ / Jup . / \ Sat / PIU \ / \ /^eP 3\^Jup 5 PluVf/Mer / 4 /6 \Sun Ura \ / Mar \ Mar >* Nep Rah Sat Mer Ven Mon Sun

Ket 2

8 Rah ; /

Sun 12ia /2C Sun 7 Mer a 5 Ptul

XMon Plu / v. 4 Ven 5X 3

2 > 1


820* Mon / Jup Mer / \ Nep / \ 8 / \ 7 /Sun V'eVen 10X Sa! 7 / \Rah / V

4 Ura

Rah 6


Sat 12 Mar \ Kel /

Sun T/C 9 yAJt Jup B \. Mer y/ 1o\ / / Nap Ura\



5 Piu ,

1 \ Mar

Nep Jup Sat ■ Mer Sun

Yoglni Ulka : OY1M 24D

22S ■ Sa2 1

130* | JuisNei MQio*25*Sur

(Sun 7 Ura^X'Mer 1 MojO N. XeXsat/ Plu SyXyMier 10 VenX/ 1tNv \ / Rah X

Mars In Eighth house for Females


Illustration No.7.8 (Horoscope No. 53) - This is the horoscope of a Mangali girl which is similar to the previous horoscope. This girl is related to me as elder sister's daughter. I told my sister that she had Ashtam Mangal mutually aspected by Saturn. Therefore, her marriage will be delayed till 28th year of her age. I advise her to look for her daughter a Mangali boy, having a balanced Kuja Dosha, Ultimately, a boy working with her in a bank as P.O himself proposed to her. Her mother directed him to see me with the horoscope. 1 found that Kuja Dosh was equally balanced. Jupiter's association with 9th lord Mercury and aspect of both over the 7th house made it possible though with much difficulty. She got married nicely on 16.11.86 and is leading a very happy married life inspite of presence of Ashtam Mangal in her horoscope. 1 illustrate this case to explain that astrological assistance in matching horoscope can be of great use. Many say that Kuja Dosh works only till 28th year of age. I agree with it but only partial Kuja Dosh gets reduced after 28th year of age. Saturn and Jupiter's aspect or association with Mars increases Kuja Dosh.

Horoscope No. 54 ale 26/08/1956 Time 04:08:00 Day Sunday Place Delhi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:59:27 at 28:39:00 North Long 77:13:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:21:0e

Panchang Sklerial Time .:2:03:30 Hrs Eq.oftime :• 0:02:04 Hrs Sunrise :5:56:44 Hrs Sunset :18:49:13 Hrs Samvat : 2013 Saka ; 1878 Month : Bhadra Paksh : Krishna Tithi at Sunrise..: 4 Nakshatra : Asvini Yoga : Gand Karan.. : Kaulava

Gan Yoni Nadi Varan Vashya Varga Yunja Hansak(Tatva) Name Alphabet Chu-Churamani Paya(Rasi-Nak) Hora

: Deva j Ashwa - Adya Kshalriya i Chatuspada : Simha - Poanra Agni : Copper-Gold : Jupiter



Sun Leo Mon Ari Mar -R Aqu Mer Vir Jup Leo Ven Gem Sat Sco Rah -R Sco Ket -R Tau Ura Can Nep Lib Plu Leo

9:40:33 0:10:41 29:08:45 6:17:46 16:59:19 23:59:01 3:43:35 10:26:00 10:26:00 11:29:56 5:14:47 5:26:59



Sun Ket Mar Ket Sat Jup Mer Sun Sun Ven Mer Jup Mar Sat Mar Sat Ven Mon Mon Sat Ven Mar Sun Ket










Sat Ket Sun Mer Mon Mer Sat Sun Mon Mon Sun Mar

Mer Sun Sat Rah Mer Mer Mer Mar Jup Sat Sat Ven

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem

15:43:51 9:47:37 7:53:28 10:06:00 13:51:15 16:04:51 15:43:51 9:47:37 7:53:28 10:06:00 13:51:15 16:04:51

Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer

Sat Ket Sun Rah Sat Ven Mon Rah Sat Ket Mon Rah

Jup Sat Ven Jup Rah Sun Sat Jup Ket Sat Rah Ven

Ket Mer Ven Mar Mer Ket Sat Ven Sat Ven Mar Rah

Fortuna: Pisces 6:13:59 Lagna Chart Mon


Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal


\Sijn Jup > \ Plu X \5/ Mer GyMJra 4


Moo* ICpo* /

\y V2 Ket \ 1 Mon . -

- (uep 7








Navamsa Chart ssUra^ RBhyS \9 7 .X toV Nep 8 X6 Jup / / < Ven 2 X^Mofi


>\A 3 7 ^Mer Sun\

Daaamsa Sa] 7 Rafr

1 Ket

X Rah

\ Rah Sat

Keio* 1114*

\Mer Jui)/^\Ura Very' 51a

\ S Sat\ / 8 X Rah/gX

26/08/1956 06/08/1992 Bhramri 06/08/1960 Bhadnka 06/08/1965 Ulka 07/06/1971 Sidha 07/06/1976 Sankta 07/08/1986 Mangla 07/08/1987 Ping [a 06/08/1989 Dhanya 06/08/1992

Nirayana Bhava

Planets Pin -R

Yoglni Bhramri : 3Y11M 10D

Vlmsottari Ketu : 6Y 10M 26D Venus 23/07/1963 23/07/1983 Venus 22/11/1966 Sun 22/11/1967 Moon 23/07/1969 Mars 22/09/1970 Rahu 22/09/1973 Jupiter 23/05/1976 Saturn 23/07/1979 Mercury 23/05/1982

Avakahada Chakra


/X 5

Mer ^S,X/3 Ura

3X X Mar


Sun B 2 y Nep X / \ /Mon 9/C 11 X.1 >/l10 12\Ket XJup VenX X'^ X.

Mars In Eighth house for Females


Illustration No.7.9 (Horoscope No. 54) - In this horoscope of Mrs. Maneka Gandhi, one can see that she is Ashtam Mangali. Mars is posited in the 8th house in Saturn" s sign Aguarius, but Jupiter aspects Mars mutually from 2nd house. Jupiter"s aspect could not elimate Kuja Dosh of Mars. Maneka Gandhi and her husband became an unfortunate victim of an air crash. She had to face the curse of widowhood at quite a young age. There was a time when she and thousands of country men thought Mr. Sanjay Gandhi would become the Prime Minister of India after Mrs. Indira Gandhi. But destiny lay else where which dragged down the prospective Prime Minister's wife on the road, She had to leave the Prime Minister's house. The Mangali girls should observe few time-tested remedial measures in existence for reduction of their miseries to get success in their marriage. "Savitri" and "Mangla Gauri Vrats" are advised for girls with Ashtam Mangal, "Kumbh Vivah" may also be performed to nullify the original taints of the Mars" affliction, but this must be performed under proper guidance. #


Mercury and Marital affairs

The dualist Mercury has a significance no less than Jupiter but it is neglected or is endowed with very little importance as compared to him. Mercury rules over faculty of brain, wisdom and intelligence, logic and power of understanding. The mind is of the foremost importance, Being an itellectual planet, Mercury can give highly intelligent, ingenious and analytical brain while afflicationof Mercury, on the other hand, under certain specific conditions, mean, loss of mental power resulting into insanity. Age of Mercury according to sign under occupation - Mercury behaves like a boy (Kumar Awastha) if it is posited in Gemini, libra or Aquarius. It provides a great desire of learning throughout the life, unexpressable enthusiasm and love and curiosity towards knowledge of different subjects and their various branches. Such persons have a powerful mental inclination towards acquisition of knowledge and to understand the logic and complications. They are also easily provoked to anger and passion, and talk too much. They try to make other convinced by their own views and with logic. In Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, Mercury is dealt as a youth (Tarun Awastha). Natives having this position of Mercury are most knowledgeable persons. They have a clear and wide understanding of many subjects. They are mostly experts but such persons are also very proud of their knowledge, who do not usually compromise with the circumstances. They are aggressive and can easily get involved into quarrel and can create a dispute, as they cannot tolerate their opposition or even their criticism. They are very passionate too. Mercury attains maturity in Praudha Awastha in Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. This is a good disposition of Mercury as it provides balanced thoughts and firm ideas. The thoughts are not changeable and there is no vacillation of ideas. He advises appropriately and correctly. He is not proud of knowledge as such he never misuses his intelligence.

Mercury and Marital affairs


Mercury reaches its old age or Vriddha Awastha in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces signs. This is not a good disposition of Mercury in general. They mostly misuse their brain power. They do not perform their duties in a righteous manner. They have a tendency to criticise and try to find fault in others and are mostly expert in that. They use their intelligence for the adverse causes. Significance of Mercury - Mercury is the significator of speech, intelligence, expression, discrimination, educaton, learning, knowledge, mathematics, accounts, logics, medical knowledge, profession, writing, publishing, leafy trees, ability, trade, business, printing work, composition, memory and remembrance, poetry, sculpture, astrologer, author, chief servant, clerk, teacher, neighbours, advocate, broker,brain, lungs,hands, tongue, stomach, leprosy and leucoderma, post and telegraph services, bank, insurance, translator, typist, mills, railway services and chartered accountant or accounts officer etc. The branches of education signified by Mercury - Mercury is the Karaka of eudcation in general and in particular it signifies mathmatics, dance, teaching, medical science, astrology, grammar, examinations and tests, acts and law, palmistry, psychology, typing, trignometry, calculus, engineering-maths, expert of finger prints etc. Mercury also signifies ambassadors of the country, policy making, compromise, accumulation of wealth, minister and secret documents etc. Profession which come under the control of Mercury 1. Writer, author, poet, Editor, novelist and story or essay writer. 2. Teacher, lecturer, professor, research scholar and inventor. 3. Astrologer, palmist, expert in occult sciences like numerology and face reading etc. 4. Trader, businessman and manufacturer. 5. Registrar, peshikar vendor (reader to Magistrate) and stamp seller. 6.Publisher, printer, compositor, proof reader and typist. 7. Tailor, engineer, measurement taker and statistician. 8. Post master, clerks, services of posts and telegraph departments. 9. Sculptor, artist, dancer, speaker and debator. 10. Logicians, Homeopath and Ayurveda. Mercury is a complicated planet - Similarly its study and accurate judgement of its results are also very tough. Mercury gets heavily influenced by the planets who are associated to it either by opposition or conjunction, aspect or by mutual exchange of signs. Role of Mercury in various fields of life - Mercury plays vital role in the life of every native. It has a specific role over certain events of life which are mostly kept secret. In a few charts when we come to know about the occurences that are outcome of the position of Mercury, we get astonished and at times our views also change about that particular person. I am trying to draw the attention of the readers towards following aspects of life where Mercury has to play a key role:

Mercury and Marital affairs


I. Adoption of child 2. Illegitimate birhts 3. More than one marriage 4. Concubine, keeps. 5. Mental depression of insanity. 6. Brilliance, intelligence, observations, logics, power of experssion and interpretation. 7. Jmpotency. 8. Adultery. 9. Affliction of nervous system, brain haemorrhage, nervous disorder or even breakdown and paralysis. perception andunderstanding.

10. Skin infections, sense of sight,

11. Nervous system, solar plexus, bowels, arms,

mouth and tongue. 12. Travelling and journeys, transfers and professional promotions. 13. Teaching, writing, poetry, mails and correspondence. 14. skill, methodical way of work, strong and retentive memory, logical thinking, researches and profession etc. Out of all the nine planets. Mercury is nearest to the Sun. The diameter of Mercury is 3200 miles and it revolves around the Sun within 88 days. Mercury is said to be an illegitimate child of Moon. Since Mercury is a young, Prince the person born under the influence of Mercury generally possess a youthful appearance. Mercury is neutral, dualistic, cold, moist, convertible and eunuch planet. It is combust within 8° 30' of the Sun and in no case Mercury is beyond 28° from the Sun. It is said to bestow best results while leaving the Sun. Strong and well placed Mercury is a great asset to any horoscope. That will provide immense intelligence, astonishing way of justifications of actions and undertakings, perfect logics, correct interpretations and art of expression, powerful speech and power of grasping the complications, Mercury provides good skill and strong and retentive memory, methodical way of working, account keeping and systematic manners. Mercury is the chief planet to be considered first of all for education. An afflicted Mercury can create havocs. One may be a great liar, cheater, decepter, corrupt, mad or insane. The Sun and Venus are friends while

Moon is inimical to Mercury, Mars,

Saturn and Jupiter are treated as neutral. However, we have observed that Mercury should be treated as an enemy of Mars. Mars is inimical to Mercury. Both show adverse influence when they come in contact with each other. Here, we propose to deal with the role of Mercury over the matters of the 7th house only. Mercury mostly exhibits its results in the 32th year. Mercury and the Seventh House - If Mercury is the lord of the 7th house, i.e. when the Lagna is ruled by Jupter, Mercury will automatically own the 7th house and in that case, if Mercury joins a malefic, specially Mars and obtains the Navama of its debilitation or inimical Vargas or Mercury is combust and alongwith it such an afflicted Mercury fall in the 6th or the 8th house as the 7th lord and is also hemmed in between malfics forming papkartari Yoga, the wife of the native kills him, pathetically inch by inch and cause misery to the whole family. Suppose Mercury owns 7th house and it is conjoined with Mars in the 8th house, Saturn joins 7th house and Rahu 8th house and Mercury obtains the Navamsa of Mars. If such a combination is present in the horoscope of a native it may be understood that the actions of the wife will be responsible for his unnatural and untimely death.

Mercury and Marital affairs


Mercury and Jupiter in the 4th house show conjugal happiness provided they are related with the 7th or 2nd houses and are absolutely unafflicted. Mercury, Venus and Saturn, if placed together in the 7th house, make the native adulterous. In case Mercury owns the 7th and joins Venus and Saturn, in one way or the other, the native will be attracted towards wives of others. Mercury has a very specific role to play in the matters of the 7th house. If Mercury joins the 7th house and the dispositor of Mercury is well placed, it provides the native the art to win hearts of women and natural ability to cleverly impress and attract women towards him. He will always be favoured by women of his own choice. Mercury in the 7th house provides an intelligent wife. She likes to be well dressed and is well qualified. She may not belong to a high family but will have quarrelsome nature. Mercury in the 7th house attracts the native towards other"s wives. He gets inspiration and strength to work in the association of females and loves them too, depending upon the exact situation. Mercury curtails the longivity of wife, if posited in the 7th house for persons born under Scorpio ascendant. Whenever Mercury indicates liasion with a woman in any horoscope, it will be with a young woman because Mercury is regarded as kumar. It may also indicate prostitution under certain specific aflictions. Placement of Mercury in the 7th house without affliction provides an intelligent and good looking wife whose breasts are well developed and proportionate. She also begets goods number of children. If Mercury is associated with Jupiter in the 7th house, the native will be fortunate to get a good wife and enjoy sex with a number of other beautiful women. If Venus is accompained with Mercury in the 7th house, the native will be liked by innumerable beautiful females. In most of the cases, presence of Mercury in association with Mars in the 7th house has played havoc. If Mars and Mercury are present anywhere in the horoscope, the results will be inauspicious. If Mercury is Markesh i.e. lord of the 2nd and 7th houses and joins the 7th house in association with Mars, the death of the husband by one way or the other, will be in evidence soon after the marriage.

Mercury and Marital affairs


Illustration No. 8.1. (Horoscope No.55) - This is the horoscope of a beautiful daughter of a Superintending Engineer who is bom Taurus ascendant. The lord of the Lagna Venus joins the 8th house and obtains the Navamsa of Mars. The lord of the 2nd and 5th house Mercury is associated with the lord of the 7th and 12th house Mars in the 7th house. Ketu has also accompanied Mars and Mercury. There is mutual aspect between Mars and Saturn and both of these planets are in their own signs but they fall in the 8th house in the Navmsa Chart. Thus 7th house is heavily afflicted by Mercury which resulted into suicide by her husband soon after marriage. She was married in October 1987 and with in one year her husband committed suicide due to shock he received by learning that his wife was lustfully involved with a Mohammedan boy since her childhood and she was continuing carnal relations even after marriage. She got married and suffered widowhood during the sub period of Jupiter in the major period of Jupiter. Jupiter is a malefic for Taurus ascendant and joins the sign of Mercury. It is the dispositer of Mercury. Mars and Saturn join the Navamsa of Jupiter in the Stir house from Navamsa Chakra. The 2nd house deals with happiness of family life and 8th house governs Mangalya of a lady. Both these bouses are afflicted, under Rashi and Navamsa chart both, by Jupiter. Jupiter "s Dasa proved fatal for her husband. Fifth house deals with emotions and sensual thoughts, whose lord Mercury is associated with the 7th lord Mars in the 7th house. The girl, therefore, in her childhood fell in love with a Mohammedan boy during Rahu Mercury period which damaged her conjugal bliss. Unfortunate part was that the relationship continued even after marriage. Certain amount of defamation of the girl has only made her shameless to son-.o extent.

Horoscope No. 55 ta 02/11/1965 Time 19:42:00 Day Tuesday PIaC9Aligarh SriSanatan Ayanamsa 23:07 t 27'.54:00 North Long 78:04:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tim©Corr -0:17.44

Ptnchang SiderialTime . Eq.oftime Sunrise Sunset Samvat Saka Month Paksh Tlthl at Sunrise.. Nakshatra Yoga Karan

Avakahada Chakra

22:10:50 Hrs 0:16:26 Hrs 6:30:42 Hrs 17:31:47 Hrs 2022 1887 Kartika Shukla 9 Dhanishtha Vradhi Kaulava

Gan Yoni Nadi Varan Vashya Varga Yunja Hansak{Tatva) Name Alphabet Paya(RasF-Nak) Copper-Copper Hora

: ^ : : ^

Rakshas SImha Madhya Shoodra Manav Majjar Anlya Vayu Goo-Gunakar Jupiter

Vimsottarl Mara: 3Y 4M 0D Jupiter 05/03/1987 05/03/2003 Jupiter 22/04/1989 Saturn 04/11/1991 Mercury 09/02/1994 Ketu 15/01/1995 15/09/1997 Venus 06/07/1998 Sun 04/11/1999 Moon 10/10/2000 Mars

Planets Pin -R Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

-R -R -R -R









Lib Aqu Sco Sco Gem Sag Aqu Tau Sco Leo Lib Leo

16:49:48 0:18:47 28:06:46 7:20:05 7:52:41 3:26:06 17:29:03 11:50:45 11:50:45 25:16:01 26:15:03 24:43:35

Ven Sat Mar Mar Mer Jup Sat Ven Mar Sun Ven Sun

Rah Mar Mer Sat Rah Ket Rah Mon Sat Ven Jup Ven

Ven Mer Sat Ket Rah Sun Sun Mar Mon Mer Ket Mer

Sat Ket Sat Ket Ket Mer Mon Mon Ket Rah Jup Sun

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari

23:35:09 17:20:40 10:49:24 7:31:40 10:04:37 17:26:42 23:35:09 17:20:40 10:49:24 7:31:40 10:04:37 17:26:42





Ven Mar Mer Rah Mon Sat Sun Ket Mer Mon Ven Rah Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Mon Sat Rah Jup Sat Mar Ven

Mar Ven Sun Rah Mon Sun Mar Mar Mon Rah Ven Mar

Jup Ket Mer Mar Mon Sun Jup Mar Ket Sat Mer Rah

Navamaa Chart

tuna: Virgo 7:04:08 Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal

Mor y/Kal\a/ 5 7X MonX X vUn a

■ Jup

02/11/1965 16/10/2000 Pingia 16/10/1966 Dhanya 16/10/1969 Bhramri 16/10/1973 Bhadrika 16/10/1978 Uika 16/10/1984 Sidha 17/10/1991 Sankta 17/10/1999 Mangle 16/10/2000

Nirayana Bhava


Lagna Chart

Yoglni Pingia :0Y11M13D

y 4

X / X3 S X.

PIUX^P 2 V«n

/ Jup 9

\y 4V Rah 2




Xl Rih s 12\ \ / sit x \x Mir Sun

Daaamaa Ura 5 Plu X Sa IIMon

\/ 8 MerVio \/ aVMar /7\ Sun Nep

Ura 5 Pkj

11 Sal



X X.

Kei /X^P glr SunBXMar 8 VenXlWon


Sit XI Ne



/Nep\ Mer Ket


12\ura Sun \

Horoscope No. 56 :e 15/01/1948 Time 17:28:28 Day Thursday Pface Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:52 at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmaCorr -0:06:24

Panchang Siderial Time . Eq.oftime Sunrise Sunset Samvat Saka Month Paksh : Tithi at Sunrise. Nakshatra Yoga Karan

Avakahada Chakra

0:57:30 Hrs - 0:09:07 Hrs 6:58:23 Hrs 17:32:42 Hra 2004 1869 Pausa Shukla : 4 Satabhisha Variyan Vishti

Gan Yoni Nadi Varan Vashya Varga Yunja Hansak(Tatva) Name Alphabet Paya(Rasi-Nak) Hora Chaugharia

Vimsottari Rahu '.4Y4M 29D Saturn 15/06/1968 15/06/1987 Saturn 18/06/1971 Mercury 25/02/1974 Ketu 06/04/1975 06/06/1978 Venus Sun 19/05/1979 Moon 17/12/1980 Mars 26/01/1982 02/12/1984 Rahu

; j

Rakshas Ashwa Adya Shoodra Manav Masha : An?ya Vayu Soo-Soora) : Iron-Coppar : Venus Shubh

Planets Pin -R Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu


-R -R -R -R -S -R

Yoginl Dhanya : 0Y 8M 25D 15/01/1948 10/10/1981 Dhanya 10/10/1948 Bhramri 10/10/1952 Bhadrika 10/10/1957 Ulka 11/10/1963 Sidha 10/10/1970 Sankta 10/10/1978 Mangla 11/10/1979 Pingla 10/10/1981

Nirayana Bhava














Cap Aqu Leo Cap Sco Aqu Can Ari Lib Gem Vir Can

1:23:13 16:43:48 14:25:35 8:56:43 25:17:59 3:56:30 28:15:52 28:09:46 28:09:46 0:05:00 20:07:20 21:20:31

Sat Sat Sun Sat Mar Sat Mon Mar Ven Mer Mer Mon

Sun Rah Ven Sun Mer Mar Mer Sun Jup Mar Mon Mer

Jup Ven Ven Ven Rah Ven Sat . Mon Ven Mer Ket Ven

Jup Sat Rah Jup Ket Jup Mer Ket Sat Mer Jup Mer

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Can Can Leo Vir Ub Sag Cap Cap Aqu Pis Ah Gem

1:01:07 24:28:54 21:18:35 22:44:13 27:03:13 0:28:39 1:01:07 24:28:54 21:18:35 22:44:13 27:03:13 0:28:39

Mon Mon Sun Mer Ven Jup Sat Sat Sat Jup Mar Mer

Jup Mer Ven Mon Jup Ket Sun Mar Jup Mer Sun Mar

Mar Rah Jup Sun Ven Ket Rah Rah Jup Mon Sun Mer

Mer Jup Sun Mon Mon Jup Mon Jup Mon Sat Sat Ven

Navamsa Chart

Fortuna: Leo 16:21:43 Lagna Chart

Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspaf



\5 X 6Nep 4

Ket Nv3 / X2

Ura 7 \ Mar / \ 5/ Nap 6\; Sat

\ Mar Sal/

\ Ura / \ 3 / 1 Sat Flu NA Plu


NepsVpiu A

/Ura QSun 10 Mar Vii Ket/gV /

. \ /ven Mon > JU25' Kesa1 527'

C Ura 3

V!x VenX/iORah





MonX x x X Mer 4X\ 6 XX3 K8x 5 XSm x 7 xep

Mercury and Marital affairs


Illustration No. 82 (Horoscope No. 56) - In the present chart Mercury is the lord of the J2th and 3rd houses and occupies the 7th house in association with the Sun. Lord of the 7th house Saturn is posited in the 1st house. Thus Saturn is retrograte in Cancer Lagna and the Sun and Mercury are placed in the 7th house. Mercury obtains the Navamsa of its debilitation in association with Saturn. Position of Mercury in the 7th house and its placement in the Navamsa of Jupiter has resulted in two marriages of the native. The first marriage took place in 1974 and second marriage on 29.11.85. In this chart, the Lagna, Mars, the Sun and the Moon obtain Vargottara Navamsa. The planet responsible for two marriage is none other than Mercury.

Mercury and Marital affairs


Illustration No. 83 (Horoscope No. 57) - The study of this horoscope shows that the native was born when Leo was rishing in ascendant. Mercury is the lord of the 11th house alongwith Ketu. Mercury obtains the Navamsa of Saturn in association with Saturn. The 7th house is hemmed in between malefic planets Saturn and the Sun. Generally under this combination marital happiness is denied. The marriage of this girl took place on 13.12.87 during Venus Moon period. She was blessed with a daughter on 16.10.88 after a major operation. The marital life of this girl was extremely unhappy and full of tensions due to undesirable behaviour of her husband. Inspite of innumerable efforts of the father of the girl, the girl failed to get conjugal bliss. Ultimately they have seperated in 1990 and the case of seperation is going on in the court. Presence of Mercury in the 7th house and Pap Kartari Yoga shows that the seperation will be granted to her and she will be able to get remarried. There may be other combinations for remarriage but the role of Mercury for the second mariage cannot be denied. One important point which we want to make clear is about the complication of the 7th house. Placement of planets in the 7th house may result into happy marriage. Divorce, unhappy married life, more than one marriage, carnal relationship, illegitimate wife or concubine and delay or absolute denial of marriage. All these aspects are worked out by looking the position of planets in respect to the 7th house, whether the marriage of the native will be delayed or it will be completely denied or she will be low moral character or she will have unhappy married life or she will be divorced or she will have more than one marriage or she will suffer from widowhood or she will die herself. We have mentioned these points clearly in the different chapters of this book. It may be noted that afflicted Mercury in respect to 7th house will result into unhappiness of married life or second marriage, exactly depending on the situation and association of Mercury. In this chart Mercury is 2nd lord and obtains Vargottam Navamsa. Lord of the 7th house Saturn is placed in the 6th house with debilitated Jupiter. The lord of the Lagna, Sun, occupies the 8th house. Mars lends his aspect over Saturn and Juptier. Due to Pap Kartari Yoga around 7th house, she was destined to lead unhappy married life. Presence of Mercury in the sign of Saturn alongwith Ketu suggests that the native will get married again after obtaining seperation from her first husband. Saturn has a separative tendency and Mercury will bring the second marriage.

Horoscope No. 57 ate 27/03/1961 Time 16:08:12 Day Monday PJ3C0 Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23 Lst 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmeCorr -0:06:24


Avakahada Chakra

SiderialTime .4:20:18 Mrs Eq.oftlme 0:05:30 Hrs Sunrise :6:04:42 Hrs Sunset :18:19:32Hrs Samvat : 2018 Saka : 1883 Month : Chaltra Paksh : Shukla Tithi at Sunrise,.; 11 Nakshatra : Aslesa Yoga : Sukarma Karan : Vishti


Gan Rakshas Yoni i Nadi : Anlya Varan : Vipra Vashya Jalchar Varga ^ Shwan Yunja Madhya Hansak(Tatva) Jal Name Alphabet Dee-Deepak Paya(Rasi-Nak) : [ron-Sitver Hora z Mais Chaugharia i Labha

Mercury : 13Y2M 11D

Bhramn : 3Y1M 8D

07/06/1981 07/06/2001 Venus 07/10/1984 Sun 07/10/1985 Moon 08/06/1987 ^ 07/08/1988 oa/08/1991 Jupiter 0^4/1994 Satum 07/06/1997 Mercury 07/04^000

27/03/1961 04/05/1996 Bhramn 04/05/1964 Bhadrika 05/05/1969 Ulka 05/05/1975 Sidha 05/05/1982 Sankta 05/05/1j$0 Mangla Pingla 05/05/1993 Dhanya 04/05/1996

Nlrayana Bhava

Planets Pin





Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

Pis Can Gem Aqu Cap -R Ari Cap Leo Aqu -R Can -R Lib -R Leo

13:28:26 19:38:57 18:30:47 16:41:20 9:00:03 5:08:23 5:19:07 12:52:41 12:52:41 29:04:01 17:45:27 13:04:44

Jup Mon Mer Sat Sat Mar Sat Sun Sat Mon Ven Sun











Sat Rah Mer Ven Rah Mon Rah Ven Sun Ven Ket Mar Sun Mer Ket Mer Rah Mer Mer Sat Rah Sun Ket Mer

Sat Ven Jup Sat Jup Sat Mer Jup Ket Sun Jup Sat

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Leo Vlr Lib See Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can

14:45:18 11:46:06 12:01:48 13:51:12 15:26:10 15:54:06 14:45:18 11:46:06 12:01:48 13:51:12 15:26:10 15:54:06

Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon

Ven Mon Rah Sat Ven Mon Rah Sat Ket Mon Rah Sat

Ven Mar Sat Rah Ven Sat Ket Mon Mer Rah Ven Jup

Jup Ven Rah Mer Ket Sat Mar Mer Ven Mar Ven Ven

rtuna: Sagittarius 20:55:49 Lagna Chart

Nlrayana Bhava Chalrt-Cuspal Vas9124

1014* \Mon Rah / NPJu UraX

\ / \Ura Mon / \ / 5 \ X . \ 6X ♦ \4 X r Mon Plu Nap 7 X Rah Va Mar Ura

Navamsa Chart Plu Rah/ N4 ^X N*X 5 XN ^Sun 8 2 vary X Mon 9 XioN / Ket

11 Sat

/Mer 12 Mar\ LiKep Ura Ji* \ Dasamsa


gVMer 11 Ket Vi van /io\ Jup SarV / Sun \


6ieP\X \X 11 jur SX X1 Sas* Saj/ioX Mar / 12\ / Ka! \ Xen Sun 414*

Neia* 3124 |

VlO/RshUraXS / Ipx^Mar 9 Sal Sun 12 Nap IX 3 2 Nv Kat Van x X

6 Mon X£ 4 Mer

Mercury and Marital affairs


Illustration No. 8.4. (Horoscope No. 58) - The native is a mutimillionaire and is involved in manufacturing of PVC pipes. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant. In this birth chart, Mercury and Venus are placed in the 7th house. Mars is posited in the Lagna. Thus Mars Mercury and Venus are opposite to each other. Mars, Jupter, Saturn and Mercury are retrograde. Mars obtains Vargottam Navamsa. Sun who obtains its own sign, obtains the Navamsa of its exaltation. Saturn is retrograde in the sign of debilitation and therefore as per rule of retrograde planets it will exhibit the results of its exaltation. The moral character of the native is quite doubtful due to opposition of Mars and Venus in respect to Lagna and 7th house. The marriage of the native took place on 23.6.1959 during Jupiter-Jupiter period. The first wife died on 13.6.82 leaving two children. The second marriage took place on 17.2.86 during Saturn Venus period with an extremely beautiful girl who was 22 years younger to the native. Juptier and Mars are aspecting the 7th house. Why the wife of the native should

die? Why

should there be two marriages? Mercury


'responsible for Jwo marriages in this case. Mercury obtains the Navamsa of Juptier. Therefore, the native brought this girl in his house by making her his wife. Opposition of Mars and Mercury or their association makes the relations of a person with a woman other than his wife, if these planets are related to the 7th house in one way or the other. In case of favourable aspect or influence of Juptier over there, the relations with other woman may come in a respectable position in the shape of another wife of the native.

Horoscope No. 58 te 19/08/1939 Time 17:30:00 Day Saturday Place MAHUA Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:45:1 .at 21:46:00 North Long 72:11:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr-0:41:16

Panehang SiderialTime » Eq.ot time Sunrise Sunset Samval Saka Month Paksh Tithi at Sunrise.. Nakshatra Yoga Karan

Avakahada Chakra Gan Yoni..... Nadi Varan... Vashya Varga Yunja Hansak(Tatva) Name Alphabet Paya(Rasi-Nak) Hora Chaugharia

14:36:29 Hr$ -0:03:45 Hrs 6:21:22 Hrs 19:08:25 Hrs 1996 1861 Sravana Shukla 5 Chltra Shubh Kaulava

Rakshas Vyaghra Madhya Shoodra Manav Mrig Madhya Vayu Raa-Rakesh Copper-Iron Venus Amrit

Vimsottari Mars: 1Y11M4D Saturn 25/07/1975 24/07/1994 Saturn 28/07/1978 Mercury 06/04/1981 Ketu 15/05/1982 Venus 15/07/1985 Sun 27/06/1986 Moon 26/01/1988 Mais 06/03/1989 Rahu 11/01/1992

Planets Pin Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu


-R ■■R R ■R •■R R


28/11/1974 28/11/2010 Mangla 28/11/1975 Pingla 27/11/1977 Dhanya 27/11/1980 Bhramri 27/11/1984 Bhadrika 27/11/1989 Ulka 28/11/1995 Sidha 28/11/2002 Sankta 28/11/2010

Nirayana Bhava







2:51:02 Leo Lib 2:59:24 Cap 1:18:21 Can 19:28:54 Pis 15:20:42 Can 28:05:54 Ari 8:29:28 8:40:18 Lib Ari 8:40:18 Ari 29:10:47 Leo 29:17:28 9:00:52 Can

Sun Ven Sat Mon Jup Mon Mar Ven Mar Mar Sun Mon

Ket Mar Sun Mer Sat Mer Ket Rah Ket Sun Sun Sat

Ven Ven Jup Ven Jup Sat Jup Jup Jup Mar Rah Ven

Mer Ven Jup Ven Sat Sat Ven Jup Ven Mon Rah Rah

Asc 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12



Cap Aqu Pis An Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag

5:40:26 11:61:56 17:46:38 18:48:15 15:06:28 9:31:13 5:40:26 11:51:56 17:46:38 18:48:15 15:06:28 9:31:13





Sat Sun Sat Rah Jup Mer Mar Ven Ven Mon Mer Rah Mon Sat Sun Ket Mer Mon Ven Rah Mar Sat Jup Ket

Mer Sat Mer Rah Jup Jup Mer Mer Sat Mon Jup Sat

Ven Mar Rah Sat Sun Ket Mer Ven Jup Mer Jup Sat

Navamsa Chart

Fortuna : 1Pisces 5:48:48 Lagna Chart

Yogini Mangla :0Y3M9D

Mdr / 10 Ara Rsh V9 /V Mer \Nftp

Nirayana Bhava Chaiit-Cuspal

Sat Ket Ura

\7 Jup12X Mar 10

fl Jup^5

W Vs

3X Ket/ 4 /


X7 Mon S X/ Plu N. Daaamsa

/Sat t Katy/Rah 7 Mon

XMer Ma/^ RahV >7 X.6 9xMon 7 X5 Sun Ve/w/ y7 X. 8



/\^ef 4 VenA6 / 3\ / 5 \ / \ /^ep Sun \

Cxira 10



y7 X. y7 pfu 11/\ 1 y\3 Ket /l12 X. Jup yX2 \ S9t s s Nep Xy

Mercury and Marital affairs


Illustration No, 85 (Horoscope No, 59) - She is the daughter of a Senior IAS officerand is extremely beautiful, tall fairandpossesses atractive personality. She got married on 27.2.91 to very handsome Railway Engineer. She is strong Mangli because Mars is posited in 8th house in Saturnine sign in association with Rahu. Mercury who is the lord of the 12th and 3rd houses joins the 7th house in Capricorn. Saturn lends its aspect over his own 7th house. Presence of Mars in the 8th house resulted into unhappy married life. One surprising feature at the time of Vidai was that she did not have a single tear in her eyes as she was extremely happy and full of pleasure. After a month, when she came to us on her first return to her parent" s house, we noted that there was a non-stop flow or tears from her eyes. Within one month she lost about half of her charm. Anyway we arranged certain preventive measures for her. Now she is leading almost a satisfactory family life. Her husband is also strong Mangli and 27 points were matching. Still the unhappiness of the married life resulted due to the presence of evil Mercury in the 7th house. We called Mercury evil because it owns the 12th and 3rd houses and is hemmed in between malefic Sun, Rahu and Mras and is being aspected by Saturn. During her school days, she started liking a boy who was related to her. Both were living in the same house. They used to study late in night, in a seperate room on the first floor. Her parents and sister lived on the ground floor. The native and her relative who used to study jointly developed carnal relations between them. This immoral act continued for years together. Similarly she developed physical relations with two other persons which lasted for months tegether. In the present case, who expect Mercury should be hold responsible for such immoral character of the native? presence of Mercury in the 7th house should be properly judged, if afflicted. If the Mercury is exalted or unafflicted, it will result into a very happy married life, fully dedicated to the spouse. In that case person will be blessed with a highly learned and intelligent wife or husband, as the case may be.

Horoscope No. 59 ^ate 29/12/1969 Time 20:27:00 Day Monday Place Baraut Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:10 at 29:06.00 North Long 77:15:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TimeCorr -0:21:00


Avakahada Chakra

Siderial Time ..:2:37:33 Mrs > 0:01:68 Hrs Eq.oftime Sunrise .;7:15:28 Hrs .:17:30:33 Hrs Sunset Samvat 2026 Saka 1891 Month Pausa Paksh Krishna Tithi at Sunrise. ,: 5 P Phalgunl Nakshatra .: Ayusman Yoga Karan .: Gara

Gan Yoni Nadi Varan Vashya Varga Yunja HansakfTatva) NameAfphabet Paya(Rasi-Nak) Hora Chaugharia

: : j ^ 4 4 :

Manushya Mooshak Marihya Kshatriya Vanchar Shwan Madhya Agni Taa-Tamn : Silver-Silver 4 Mercury : Roga

Vimsottari Venus: 12Y2M28D Moon 2803/1988 29/03/1998 Moon 2701/1989 Mars 2808/1989 Rahu 27/02/1991 Jupiter 23/06/1992 Salum 2701/1994 Mercury 28/06/1995 Ketu 23/01/1996 Venus 27/09/1997

Yogini Uika :3Y8M2D 29/12/1969 0209/2003 Uika 0109/1973 Sdia 0109/1980 Sankta 0109/1988 Mangla 010^1989 Pingla 0209/1991 Dhanya 01/09/1994 Bhramri 01/09/1998 Bhadrika 02/09/2003

Nirayana Bhava

Planets Pin -R














Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Piu

Sag 14:33:20 Leo 18:30:11 Aqu 17:17:09 Cap 4:08:02 Lib 8:49:01 Sag 8:17:02 Ah 8:54:12 Aqu 21:01:43 Leo 21:01:43 Vir 15,30:47 See 6:38:07 Vir 4:12:57

Jup Sun Sat Sat Ven Jup Mar Sat Sun Mer Mar Mer

Ven Ven Rah Sun Rah Ket Ket Jup Ven Mon Sat Sun

Ven Rah Ven Sal Jup Jup Jup Jup Jup Jup Mer Sat

Jup Jup Mer Sun Jup Mer Mon Ven Ven Rah Rah Mon

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem

22:56:22 17:32:30 16:16:51 18:38:53 21:56:55 23:37:45 22:56:22 17:32:30 16:16:51 18:38:53 21:56:55 23:37:45

Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer

Mer Ven Mon Rah Mer Ven Mon Rah Sat Ven Mon Jup

Mon Mar Sat Mon Sun Sat Sun Sun Jup Rah Ven Sat

Mer Jup Mer Sat Sat Rah Jup Mar Mon Jup Sat Jup

-R -S -S


Fortuna: Pisces 26:53:13 Lagna Chart

Nirayana Bhava Chaiit-Cuspai

Navamsa Chart N-Mer Pluy/ Xv N. 11 y/ X. 9 > Mar 12>c 10

Sas' 1015"


1122' \Ket Mon / XUraPlu/

\ Men Key \ Piu\s/ eV Ura / \ Jup 7

\3 j 4 X2 /\

Jup 6X

1 Sat

Nap BY 10 yi2 Mer /9\ Mer / / Sun Ven\ /Rah MaXl Ura / x/ ^ Plu I




Ura 2/\.




Kei Mon


Dasamsa Xy y^.XyNep Rahy Xy8 / X Ura Jup 9Mar sO>

Nep 7

ay io yi2sat 9\ War /ll\ / Mer \ / Rah \ 52r Ktr

4t9* Jus*




4 M8ly

MonX// /^ Sal 11X i Xs Vaiy^XxSun / X Ket \ X \

Horoscope No. 60 11/04/1951 Time 23:51:00 Day Wednesday Place BiKaner Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22 at 28:01:00 North Long 73:22:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:36:32

Avakahada Chakra

Panehang Skleriai Time 12:31:05 Hrs Eq.oftlme > 0:01:17 Hrs Sunrise :6:18:26 Hrs Sunset :18:57:42 Hrs Samvat : 2008 Saka : 1873 Month : Chaitra Paksh : Shukla Tithi at Sunrise..: 5 Nakshatra : Mrigsira Yoga : Shobhan Karan : Balava

Gan...... Yoni Nadl Varan Vashya Varga Yunja Hansak(Tatva) Name Alphabet Paya(Rasl-Nak) Hora Chaugharia

^ ^ j z .: : : : z

Deva Sarp Madhya Vaishya Chatuspada AArig Poorva Bhooml Wo-Vyom Gold-Gold Jupiler Char

Planets Rasi





Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

Pis Tau All Ari Pis Tau Vir Aqu Leo Gem Vir Can

28:08:15 27:49:07 8:05:56 15:10:01 4:49:53 2:48:29 4:23:47 25.35:48 25:35:48 12:50:25 25:10:26 24:34:37

Jup Ven Mar Mar Jup Ven Mer Sat Sun Mer Mer Mon

Mer Mar Ket Ven Sat Sun Sun Jup Ven Rah Mar Mer

Sat Sat Jup Rah Jup Mer Ven Mer Sat Mar Jup Rah Sat Mar Mer Sat Mer Sat Mer Ket Rah Mer Rah Jup

-R -R

11/04/1951 02/08/1984 Sankta 02/08/1956 Mangla 02/08/1957 Pingla 02/08/1959 Dhanya 02/08/1962 Bhramri 02/08/1966 Bhadrika 02/08/1971 Ulka 02/08/1977 Sidha 02/08/1984

Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R

-R -R -R

Yoglnl Sankta : 5Y3M21D

Vlmsottari Mare: 4Y7M220 Jupiter 03/12/1973 03/12/1989 Jupiter 21/01/1976 Saturn 03/08/1978 Mercury 08/11/1980 15/10/1981 Ketu 15/06/1984 Venus Sun 03/04/1985 Moot 03/08/1986 Mars 10/07/1987









Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12

Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco

2:01:47 5:05.00 11:10:17 15:32:52 14:39:58 9:15:09 2:01:47 5:05.00 11:10:17 15:32:52 14:39:58 9:15:09

Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar

Ket Sun Rah Sat Ven Sun Mar Sat Ket Mon Rah Sat

Ven Sat Sat Jup Ven Ven Ket Sat Sat Jup Ket Ven

Jup Jup Ket Mer Jup Sat Ven Rah Jup Rah Mon Jup

Navamaa Chart

Fortuna: Aquarius 1:42;3d Nirayana Shava Chalit-Cuspal

Lagna Chart Mar Mer

Mar SisMess*

Mon Van




V / 3X yV

V M 6 al M SB






V / ^ x 11 y^V Sat

XUra 10 Van ;


\V Jup 5 X y

7 y< .y Kat



Daaamsa . Sun 12 Jup X

^Sun 12 Mar

6 Sat 1

\ /\ /I Mar \ / / 3 1X Xs Ket Mar/2\ ura X4\


/MonVen\ /

Sat Nap

Plu \

8 Nep

MerV / 25*

Ven/2\ ura / Mon \ >


Z8" «Vet

Ven Plu VlOyX \. 8 XMon llSXjup 6 yX? Rah yX n. n. Ura 12


6 Marb

Ptu \

ins* BHB

Ket lX^®r


Sap 0:04:22 Hrs Sunrise :5:10:55 Hrs Sunset :19:02:37 Hrs Samvat : 2023 Saka : 1888 Month : Sravana Paksh : Krishna Tithi at Sunrise..: 3 Nakshatra : Sravna Yoga : Vishkumbh Karan : Vishti

Gan Yoni Nadi Varan Vashya Varga Yunja Han5ak(Tatva) Name Alphabet Paya(Rasl-Nak) Copper-Copper Hora

Deva Vanar Antya Vslahya Jalchsr Marjar Antya Bhooml Kho-Khoya » Moon

Vimsottari Moon : 2Y 3M 26D Rahu 31/10/1975 31/10/1993 Rahu 13/07/1978 Jupiter 06/12/1900 Saturn 13/10/1983 Mercury 01/05/1986 Ketu 20135/1987 19/05/1990 Venus Sun 13134/1991 Moon 12/10/1992


Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

05/07/1966 28/09/2001 Mangla 28/09/1966 Pingla 28/09/1968 Dhanya 28/09/1971 Bhramri 28/09/1975 Bhadrika 28/09/1980 Ulka 28/09/1986 Sidha 28/09/1993 Sankta 28/09/2001

Nirayana Bhava

Planets Pin

Yoglni Mangla :0Y2M 23D














Gem Cap Gem Can Gem Tau Pis Tau Sco Leo Lib Leo

19:51:37 20:14:14 3:01:58 14:57:59 19:56:22 17:30:03 6:31:42 1:04:22 1:04:22 23:08:50 26:27:46 23:04:05

Mer Sat Mer Mon Mer Ven Jup Ven Mar Sun Ven Sun

Rah Mon Mar Sat Rah Mon Sat Sun Jup Ven Jup Ven

Mar Ket Ven Jup Mar Sat Mer Rah Mar Sat Ket Sat

Ven Sat Ven Jup Mon Jup Rah Mon Ket Mon Mer Sun

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Sco Sag Cap Pis Ari Ari Tau Gem Can Vir Lib Lib

22:20:41 23:51:00 28:26:15 2:58:02 3:27:44 29:15:08 22:20:41 23:51:00 28:26:15 2:58:02 3:27:44 29:15:08

Mar Jup Sat Jup Mar Mar Ven Mer Mon Mer Ven Ven

Mer Ven Mar Jup Ket Sun Mon Jup Mer Sun Mar Jup

Mon Sat Sat Rah Sun Rah Ven Sat Sat Jup Ven Sun

Mar Jup Mer Sun Mer Rah Mer Jup Mer Rah Mar Mer

■tuna : Gemini 22:43:17 Lagna Chart

Navamsa Chart Nirayana Bhav'a Chalit-Cuspal Rar Ve^a* 722-


ven Rah




Won Ox Ket 8

Sa112X Ven 2 Rah X 4 Mer /5\ Mar Sun

Ven Rah 122'





Mer X4 3 XPiu I

^x 122&* Nese113-

n. 9 / X.3 Mar

yx0^ 7 / N. PlU






Dasamsa \Men u™/\. Rah Sat / \ Piu y x 10 yu \12/ x y J p 1 11 X X9 y X / \ Sun

Sat 12






Plu 5 Ure


jup v i / 12XRah sunt N.


Van X / \ / 3X 5 X? Napy^4\ / ftX X Ket X. X X Mar MarXX

Horoscope No. 66 te 07/09/1960 Time 08:00:00 Day Wednesday Place Delhi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23: at 28:39:00 North Long 77:13:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:21:08


Avakahada Chakra

SiderialTime .:6:43:34 Mrs Eq.oftime :0:01:57 Hrs Sunrise :6:03:17 Hrs Sunset : 18:34:34 Hrs Samvat : 2017 Saka : 1882 Month : Asvina Faksh : Krishna Tithi at Sunrise..: 2 Nakshatra : U Bhadrapad Yoga : Gand Karan : Gara

Gan : Manushya Yoni : Gau Nadi : Madhya Varan : Vlpra Vashya : JaJchar Varga : Simha Yunja Antya HansakfTatva) Jat Name Alphabet Jha^ihunjhun Payg(Rasi-Nak> : Copper-Gold Hora : Moon Chaughana : Amrit

Vimsoltari Yogini Saturn : 5Y 6M 29D Bhadrika: 1Y5M 19D Ketu 0ami983 07/09/1960 0804/1990 2&02/1993 Ketu 0409/1983 Bhadrika 25/02/1962 03/11/1984 Uka Venus 2602/1968 Sin 1103^1985 Sidha 26021975 Moon 10101985 SanWa 25/02/1983 08/03/1986 Mangla 26/02/1984 Mars Rshu 27/031987 Pingla 25/02/1986 02/03/1988 Dhanya 2502/1989 Jip'ter Saturn 10/04/1969 Bhramri 25/02/1993

Planets Pin



Sun Leo Pis Mon Mar Tau Mer Leo Sag Jup Ven Vir Sat -R Saq Rah Leo Ket Aqu Can Ura Lib Nep Plu Leo

Degree 21:24:58 12:44:58 29:17:21 27:52:17 1:12.04 12:13:58 18:50:13 22:32:19 22:32:19 29:49:30 13:59:24 13:08:05


Nirayana Bhava N-L

Sun Ven Jup Sat Ven Mar Sun Sun Jup Ket Mer Mon Jup Ven Sun Ven Sat Jup Mon Mer Ven Rah Sun Ket



Jup Mon Mar Ven Sat Mar Mon Sat Ven Sun Rah Jup Rah Sat Sat Ket Sat Ven Sat Jup Mer Jup Mer Sat








Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo

16:32:34 14:55:29 15:23:40 16:57:49 18:38:43 19:01:31 16:32:34 14:55:29 15:23:40 16:57:49 18:38:43 19:01:31

Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Men Sun

Mon Rah Sat Ven Mon Rah Sat Ven Mon Rah Mer Ven

Sat Ket Jup Mon Mer Mon Jup Ven Jup Ven Ket Rah

Ven Jup Sat Mer Mon Ven Rah Sat Mar Sat Ven Mer

Navamsa Chart 'XVen Jup / X Kel Y

tuna : Aries 7:52:34 ,

Lagna Chart

Ntrayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

2 Bis-

/ \Sljn Mer/ / NPIuRah/ V/ \5/ 8 x Ven 6 x4 Ura NepK


Jup 9 Sat

10 )2 /\ A2Mar Plu /ll\ Mon /1\ Ket \ / \ Ven

915' Ma29' \Sun Me; / xRahVen/p V/ V/Piu Jup S^Nep 5 V4 ■ Sal 9 X ^ 1 V / \ /I P|13 * \ / \ / l219^ Slj2r \/ \/ I2 Ms; Ra23" /ll\ / l\ Me^a Man Kel 2i53iy




Ura I1 ^ep


6X 8 XlO Sal y 9X. / Rah \ / Mer X XSun Mon \X ^ Dasamsa \ X \ Ket Ven . Jup\ 6X^^ \^6X''^ Ura 9XXMaf 7 Plu X \ XX

Nepil^X ■ RahXv H X Sun Mon


X\3 Sal 2 MerX \

Predicting Marriage MATCHING POINTS BOY -> P.Trr

IK-'iffYlWPi-'I i*rrvi Wi^.-1■ ^Mi*immaiT-'Mn i :■» Rcfiini lM.iin|M.an W-Tt\ P.sua IP. vuu S53 Mafhs [gjl ES3 16% 22% 30% 2? 20 34 D4% 9% 10% 12% 23% 22% 23%

2V/i 1 I

T«n Rohru Tauns M.SIrt


26% 114%





18% 126%


nag 23











101/2 1241/3


18% 27%




23% 122% 126







23% 111%

21% J9




11% 113%
















27% 20%



24% 127

21% 19






















151/2- 11%



191/2 124%



14% 119% 20%

18% j2sJ0Sun 9 Wsp X / Ura \ / w Ven \ Mon Rah\/ \ Dasamsa

Suzo* ^

V2x IX

JU13" 3^.


Ket. 2

/8\ /Sat Rah\ 623RaiaSay

Mer WarV 3 Jup 4\QPlu Sat / n.


Mer Sun JupPIu/ 3 \ / \4 / \2 / 5/x Men Ura V-i /\ 12 Mar


06/08/1956 17/07/1990 Dhanya 16/07/1957 Shramri 16/07/1961 Bhadrika 17/07/1966 Ulka 16/07/1972 SIdha 17/07/1979 Sankta 17/07/1987 Mangla 16/07/1988 Pingla 17/07/1990

Nirayana Bhava

Planets Pin

Yoglni Dhanya :0Y11M9D

\10/ X9 Jup Rah 8 Mar \ Nep Z

f 519' Nes-

Ura y/ Mon


S*y\7 Mer

N. X \?lu


Horoscope No. 69 ate 20/10/1942 Time 08:30,00 Day Tuesday Place Kota Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:47 at 25:11:00 North Long 75:58:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -1:26:08


Avakahada Chakra Gan Yoni Nadi Varan Vashya Varga Yunja HansakfTatva) Name Alphabet Paya(Rasi-Nak) Hora Chaugharia

Siderial Time :8:55:29 Mrs Eq.oftime :0:15:04 Hrs Sunrise :7:27:55 Hrs Sunset :18:63:59 Hrs Samvat : 1999 Saka : 1864 Month : Asvina Paksh : Shukla Tithi at Sunrise..: 11 Nakshatra : Satabhisha Yoga : Vradhi Karan Vishti

Vimsottari Rahu : 8Y 11M 5D : Rakshas Saturn : Ashwa 25/09/1967 : Adya 25/09/1986 : Shoodra Saturn 28/09/1970 : Manav Mercury 07/06/1973 : Mesha Ketu 17/07/1974 : Antya 16/09/1977 Venus Vayu Sun 29/08/1978 SeB-Seetaram 29/03/1980 : Silver-Copper Moon Mars 08/05/1981 : Sun Rahu 14/03/1984 : Roga

Yoglni Dhanya :1Y5M26D 20/10/1942 16/04/1977 Dhanya 16/04/1944 Bhramri 16/04/1948 Bhadrika 16/04/1953 Ulka 16/04/1959 SkJha 16/04/1966 Sankta 16/04/1974 Mangla 16/04/1975 Pingla 16/04/1977

Nirayana Bhava

Planets Pin -R














Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

Lib 3:15:13 Aqu 13:23:00 Vir 28:36:43 Vir 17:48:02 Can 1:32:47 Vir 26:18:37 Tau 19:10:18 Leo 10:08:26 Aqu 10:08:26 Tau 11:09:11 Vir 7:47:15 Can 14:22:24

Ven Sat Mer Mer Mon Mer Ven Sun Sat Ven Mer Mon

Mar Rah Mar Mon Jup' Mar Mon Ket Rah Mon Sun Sat

Ven Mer Sat Mer Rah Jup Mer Sat Jup Mar Ven Rah

Mon Mon Ket Mer Rah Jup Jup Ven Mar Mar Ven Ven

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Lib SCO Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir

16:26:44 15:37:15 16:24:02 18:36:52 20:48:03 20:29:16 16:26:44 15:37:15 16:24:02 18:36:52 20:48:03 20:29:16

Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer

Rah Sat Ven Mon Jup Mer Ven Mon Rah Mer Ven Mon

Ven Jup Mon Mer Jup Ven Mon Jup Ven Ket Jup Ven

Jup Mer Rah Mon Ket Jup Rah Rah Jup Ven Mer Ven

-R -R -R -R

Navamsa Chart

rtuna: Aquarius 26:34:31 Lagna Chart

Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal

716' /\Mar Mer / / \Nep/en/ . \8/ \6/ JUP 9 X Sun 7 X 5Rah| Plu

Uri 816 ■ Sai || Mar Sun / \ Ven / \8/Nep




Nep S Nv 12 X Ura 1 Mon 11

Kit N,10/



3 X. 5 y\7 Sun Ssl yS 4 Von yr Xjup Ran\yS Mar Dasamsa

Plu 4 Jup McnX / nY ^y\2\ /



\ / X3 / 2\

Man 10 Kel

4 Rah

Ura Ket zY'jup t2

11* > /iz\ lira


/ Venl


Xlra Sat 1162i6SU3-

Plu \ Nep Ay(, Sat / 5

/ Sun Xa 7 \Rah

Horoscope No. 70 ate 28/04/1947 Time 05:15:00 Day Monday Place Delhi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:51:38^ at 28:39:00 North Long 77:13:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:21:08.


Avakahada Chakra Gan Yoni Nadi Varan Vashya Varga Yunja HansakfTatva) Name Alphabet Dad-Daamodar Paya(Rasi-Nak) Hora

SiderialTlme 19:14:20 Mrs Eq.oftime 0:02:15 Mrs Sunrise 5:46:19 Mrs Sunset : 18:52:01 Mrs Samvat 2004 Saka 1869 Month Vaisakha Paksh Shukla Tithl at Sunrise.. : 7 Nakshatra Pushya Yoga Shool Karan Bava

^ : : ^ ^ :

Deva Mesh Madhya Vipra Jalchar Shwan Madhya Jal

: Iron-SiKrer ; Mercury

Vimsottari Saturn 2Y 8M 4D Ketu 31/12/1966 31/12/1973 Ketu 29/05/1967 Venus 28/07/1968 Sun 03/12/1968 04/07/1969 Moon 01/12/1969 Mars 19/12/1970 Rahu Jupiter 25/11/1971 Saturn 03/01/1973


Yogini □hanya : 0Y5M2D 28/04/1947 28/09/1980 Dhanya 29/09/1947 Bhramri 29/09/1951 Bhadrika 28/09/1956 Ulka 29/09/1952 Sidha 29/09/1969 Sankta 29/09/1977 Mangla 29/09/1978 Pingla 28/09/1980

Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R














Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu

Ari 14:00:12 Can 14:47:14 19:32:04 Pis Pis 25:39:31 Sco 1:51:10 Pis 10:34:05 Can 9:36:53 Tau 9:51:56 Sco 9:51:56 Tau 26:28:18 Vir 15:50:57 Can 18:07:23

Mar Mon Jup Jup Mar Jup Mon Ven Mar Ven Mer Won

Ven Sat Mer Mer Jup Sat Sat Sun Sat Mar Mon Mer

Ven Rah Ven Rah Rah Sun Ven Ven Ven Jup Sat Mer

Mar Mar Ven Ven Jup Jup Sal Mer Sat Sat Sat Jup

Asc 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Ari Tau Gem Gem Can Leo Lib Sco Sag Sag Cap Aqu

3:10:50 5:32:06 0:49:17 24:16:51 20:03:39 22:26:02 3:10:50 5:32:06 0:49:17 24:16:51 20:03:39 22:26:02

Mar Ven Mer Mer Mon Sun Ven Mar Jup Jup Sat Sat

Ket Sun Mar Jup Mer Ven Mar Sat Ket Ven Mon Jup

Sun Mer Mer Mer Ven Sat Ven Mer Ven Mer Ket Sat

Rah Ven Mon Ven Mar Mer Mon Mer Ven Ket Rah Ket


-S -S -R

Navamsa Chart

rtuna: Cancer 3:57:51 Lagna Chart


Rfcayana Bhava Chaft-Cuspal 1


R3hUra/\ er Mar V / \ Ven / \2/ \l2/ 3 a Sun 1 X11

2aRaio* UrM' Mer Mar Rail via/ \ Ven / \ 2 / \ll/ 3x Sun 1 X 10

C Jup 4 Sun Ur


x Xsai


X. 7



>/i1 Mar 10


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Predicting Marriage

Nakshatra Melapak For Mental Compatibility - In Nakshatra Melapak, which is very commonly known and adopted for judging the compatibility of the boy and girl for the purposes of marriage, there are in all 36 matching points. A minimum of 18 points must match for declaring prospects of a successful marriage, In fact, we take Moon for all purposes while judging compatibility. Moon indicates mental configuration and the structure of mind. Simply matching by Nakashatra means mental compatibility e.g. we take Gana for sobriety or harshness of nature, Yoni for sexual compatibility of the person and Nadi is considered for the purpose of long life, intelligent and healthy children and so on. Graha Melapak : Element of Chance - There must be a compatibility and matching between planets of both the prospective partners. Kuja Dosh comes under this consideration. Planets Sun, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Mars are taken up for this purpose. Several factors ruling the position, combination etc. of the target and associating planets are taken into account. In the chapter dealing with Kuja Dosh this factor has been discussed in detail. Bhava Melapak : Where do the planets reside? - Bhava Melapak is a new consideration we are introducing here as one essential factor in conjugal life. The factors studied under Nakshatra Melapak must also be judged in the light of Bhavas of each horoscope, it is quite often observed that despite a number of matching in Nakshatra Melapak one is not blessed with chldren. Jf the house of progeny is weak in the horoscope of one partner, the other partner must have a strong 5th house and Jupiter. Again, if there are malefic and evil indications for married life, a partner should be selected with similar affliction of planets that neutralises the evil effects of the malefi" planetary combination in the other partner. These come under Bhava Melapak. The matching and suitability of the ascendant or Moon sign which comes under Bhava Melapak should also be judged properly. If the girl of Taurus ascendant gets married with a boy of Scorpio ascendant, the marriage will generally be happy and lasting. Dr. B.V Raman specifies that if the 7th house of one partner becomes the Lagna of the other partner or if one's Moon sign becomes the Lagna or 7th house of the other or vice-versa, it is a good indication for lasting and happy married life. A matching in any one direction may not assure a happy married life. There must be at least 50% matchig points in all the three factors i.e. Nakshatra, Graha and Bhava. Where Minds Meet: Nakshatra Melapak - Our sages have given maximum importance to Moon as it is nearest to the earth. Mental compatibility and adaptation between husband and wife during difficulties, obstructions, wants and unfulfilled ambitions, are important factors for a happy married life. Jf both partners do exhibit mental agreement, many, problems of life can be solved without increasing the rifts between them. The couple may be poor, issueless, having health problems or afflicted with other misfortunes, joblessness etc but under mental compatibility or Nakshatra beneficence, they will not quarrel with etach other and, on the contrary, will inspire each other.

Matching of the horoscopes


In olden days, there use to be no tensions and worries of the sort we encounter today. People were not so much driven by unending ambitions to reach higher and higher, to become richer than the richest, or of getting children to excel in all the fields of life. Nor were there as many disappointments. Married life meant, at that time, a happy union. There were set norms that were to be followed which took proper care of an individual's life, education and upbringing of children etc. without putting undue presseures on them. Today, the parameters of a happy maixied life are entirely different.


couple must be sufficiently rich, should be blessed with children, preferably both the partners should be well occupied in case of middle class families, they should both be fortunate for each other, bring for each good luck, money and property and should be blessed with admirable children all this in addition to all kinds of mental adjustments from either side. However, we can only assume that in a particular case, a couple will fend for other in daily life's needs and adjustments. In our discussion here we deal with Nakshatra Melapak which concerns the mental aptitude of the partners to respond to each other's requirements of understanding and adjustments. Given 36 points of possible compatibility score, Nakshatra Melapak has been divided into eight parts, each carrying a certain number of points. These are Vama (1 Point); Vashya (2 points); Tara (3 points); Yoni (4 points); Grahamaitri (5 points); Gana (6 points); Bhukut (7 points) and Nadi (8 points). Vama Kuta - The sages have categorised men into four castes depending upon their lineage and determining their occupations, which were more often in accordance with their ability, intelligence, strength etc. Thus Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra, all

these four castes perform

different duties and play seperate roles of responsibility in the society. The signs Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer represent the highest developmental stages of man i.e. Brahmins. Leo, Sagittarius and Aries indicate the second rung for Kshatriyas; Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn represent the Vaishyas; and Gemini, Libra and Aquarius stand for Shudras. In marriage, a girl of higher Vama or caste should be married to a boy of lesser development or of equal development, moon-sign wise. This was so decreed because the girl's abilities to work must be either more or equal to that of her husband for the happiness of married life. Only one point has been allotted to this Kuta. Vashya Kuta - Two points have been given to Vashya Kuta. This is important for the

degree of magnetic control or amenability, the wife or

husband would be able to exercise on the other. Persons born in Aries are amenable for Leo and Scorpio borns. Persons of Taurus are amiable towards Cancer and Libra; of Gemini towards Virgo; Cancer towards Scorpio; Sagittarius towards Virgo; Scorpio towards Cancer, Sagittarius towards Pisces; Capricorn towards Aries and Aquarius; Aquarius towards Aries; and Pisces towards Capricorn.


Predicting Marring e

Tara or Dina Kuta - Three points to Tara or Dina Kuta are allotted, The constellation of the boy should be reckoned from that of the girl and that principal should be divided by 9- In case the balance remains either 2, 4, 6, 8 or 0 it is good. Yoni Kuta - Yoni Kuta is mainly concerned with sex life of husband and wife. There must be a compatibility between both of them where the sex is concerned. In case one is over sexed and other's response is low, differences are bound to crop up. All the constellations have been divided into male and female constellations and certain names have been fixed for the Yoni allotted to that particular constellation. Mainly we have to see that two persons of same Yoni i.e. male or female should not get married. If both will haye male Yonis there will be lot of quarrels for sexual incompatibility. In case both have female Yonis the amountof incompatibility will be lessbutstill there will not be desired satisfaction. It is always advised that a male having a male Yoni should be married with a woman having a female Yoni for adaptability. In case the husband is of female Yoni and the wife is of male Yonh the wife will exhibit more sexual desire, Graha Maitree Kuta - As it is evident from its very name Graha Maitree, the consideration is on the friendship of the lords of the Moon sign of boy and girl. If lords of the Moon sign of husband and wife remain friendly, the married life will also be happy and they will live as friends. If their lords are inimical both will have differcnes of views and will quarrel on small issues. There will certainly be differences leading to conflicts, dissatisfaction, misunderstandings and possible seperation. They may live together under the same roof, but their attitude will not be of husband and wife towards each other, if their matching points are not sufficient. In the matter of matching Graha Maitree, temporary friendship should not be taken into account. Only permanent freindship should not be considered and five points are given to Graha Maitree Kuta. If both are having friendship of the Rashi Lords, they willbe sincere and will try to sacrifice their own interest in the interest of his or her partner. In case Graha Maitree does not exist between the lords of Moon sign of the boy and the girl, the Navamsa Chart should be looked into. Also should be seen if the Navamsa lord occupied by the Moon of boy and girl are friend then Maitree Dosha is automatically abolished. Gana Kuta - Each Nakshatra has been allotted certain Gana according to its characteristics. There are 3 Ganas, Deva, Manushya and Rakshasa. These Gana Kuta generally signify the inherent nature and resultantbehaviours of the concerned person. One who is born in a Nakshatra of Rakshasa Gana will be of harsh and cruel nature. Persons born in Deva Gana will be kind hearted, sober, sensitive, gentle, in Manushya Gana willbe ptecticat submissive, hardworking, intelligent and desirable. If a person of Rakshasa Gana gets married to a person of Deva Gana, there will be many differences in their inclinations and behaviour resulting into frequent rows, disturbances, misunderstadings and unhappiness- Similarly, a Manushya Gana nautnre should preferably marry a Manushya Gana or a Deva Gana nature and vice-versa. A person of Rakshasa Gana should not marry Deva Gana or even Manushya Gana, The Nakshatra of Mannshaya, Deva and Rakshasa Gana are listed below

Matching of the horoscopes


(i) Deva Gana : Ashwani, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Sravan, Revati. (ii) Manushya Gana - Bharni, Rohini, Aridra, Poorva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Poorva Shadh, 4 uttarashadh Poorva Bhadra, Uttara Bhadra. (iii) Rakshasa Gana - Krittika, Ashlesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha, Jyestha, Moola, Dhanishtha, Shatbhisa. So, Gana determines the nature and behaviour of a native, while the compatibility or Yoni shows a suitable adjustment in the sex life of the couple, Nadi Doshi refers to progeny, while Bhukut is important for all general materialistic comfrot, health and mental adaptability. Bhu Kuta - Bhu Kuta has been considered as one of the vital points for marriage compatibility as seven points are alloted to it. Whether the Rasis yield a benefic result or adverse is defined under Bhu Kuta. The Moon sign of the boy and girl should not be 2nd and 12th of each other, 6th and 8th form each other or 5th and 9th from each other. However when the Moon sign of both are 3rd and 11th from each other. 4th and 10th from each other, they are treated as good positions, Khadashtak (6/8) is supposed to be the worst because it concerns the health and life of the native. In case of Dwidwadesh position of the Moon sign, there will be disbalance of economy. In case of 5/9 position, there will be problems regarding children and hteir learning aptitude. Every Moon sign has been allotted certain "element" Which again determines their basic urges and responses. Thus Aries, Leo and Sagitarius are fiery elements. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces watery elements, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are earthy element, while Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are airy element. If both are of same element there will certainly be misunderstandings and quarrels or conjugal life will be absolutely harsh. Suppose one is born in Aries and the partner is born in Leo or Sagittarius, both will have a fiery temperament and the result will be conflict and harshness in marital life. In other cases, there may be excessive coldness or sobriety which may become a negative factor for a happy marital life. The 9th and 5th Rasis are also concerned with religious activities. The couple may be so inclined towards religious activities sincerely, loyalty to traditions, customs, love for meditation, spiritualism etc. due to which they may not like to indulge in sex, love and material attainments.In such cases there will, at times, be harshness in married life or the problems of children may become a source of worry. The Bhu Kuta Dosha should notbe taken into account if Khadashtak position of Rasi is present but the lords of both are the same. For instance, if Aries and Scorpio are 6/8 from each other but the lord of both are ruled by Venus; or Capricorn and Aquarius are governed by Saturn though they are 2/12 from each other. Bhu Kuta Dosh should not be taken into account in such cases. If Nadi Dosh is absent inthe horoscope of boy and girl the importance of Bhu Kuta Dosh will become very less. Nadi Kuta - It is mentioned in our ancient books that there are three general ailments in us i.e. Vat (winds), Kapha (phlegm) and Pitta (bile). All the 27


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