Jyotish_Nine Planets and Twelve Bhavas_M.N. Kedhar

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Nine planets and twelve bhavas their effect on Human life


(coNTENT~ Introduction Desh Kaal Patra S.no.



Position of the Sun in Twelve Bhavas



Position of the Moon in Twelve Bhavas


Position of the Mars in Twelve Bhavas



Position of the Mercury in Twelve Bhavas



Position of the Jupiter in Twelve Bhavas



Position of the Venus in Twelve Bhavas



Position of the Saturn in Twelve Bhavas



Position of the Hahu in Twelve Bhavas



Position of the Ketu in Twelve Bhavas





INTRODUCTION This IS fourth volume on Predictive Astrology g1vmg a systematic analysis, in judging and interpreting a horoscope. Besides books on Mathematical Astrology, Astronomy, General topics on Astrology (Karma Theory, use of astrology in modern scientific era, Medical science and Astrology etc.) authored by the faculty members of the Delhi Chapter I of Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (Regd.) Madras have been published with the help ofBharatiya Prachya Evam Sanathan Vigyan Sansthan. No Royalty or remuneration have been claimed by any author or any benefit derived out of such writings. All the books published so far have been appreciated by students, lovers of Astrology and thefacultymembers ofotherchapter'sofiCAS (Madras, Bangalore, Khammam, Secw1dcrabad, J aipur, Kanpur etc.). The Hindi version of these books is also available. There is a great demand for these books. The present volume consists of principles collected from different classical books. These principles are explained with the help of a large number of practical i11ustrations. The interpretation of these princivles or their applicability are explained after taking into consideration the modern scientific developments in the world. There can be differences of opinion among scholars or lapses on my part. Suggestion for imvrovcment is always welcome. It is very difficult to collect horoscopes having similar planetary positions. All illustrations have been taken from personal collection of horoscopes. The data as far as possible, contains the life events that could be disclosed. The lovers of astrology will be grateful to those whose horoscopes have been used for practical illustrations along with personal events of their life. As the horoscopes i11ustrated here are for the propagation and development of astrology I an sure the donors would gracefully accept. There had been stiff opposition, considerable delay and difficulty in the printing of this book, because of adverse planetary positions in transit. There is a continuous demand for the books of Sansthan from the readers. With their good wishes more such books will be published in future.

Many techniques have been employed in interpreting the effect of the planetary positions. The interpretation of the effects of any planet in a particular bhava can be made on the basis of:1 GENERAL Characteristics of Planets KARAKA - Planet which is Karaka for the Bhava. Characteristics of bhavas (Houses) Characteristics of the Karaka for that bhava. For example : Analysis of lOth house of a chart is given as under :Situation : Jupiter posited in Cancer. the tenth house-The judgement and delineation of the tenth house will depend upon the following principles. Characteristics of Jupiter : Brown eyes and brown hair, tall body, fat, masculine, benefic, bright, yellow colour, devotion, progeny, religious fervour, essence ofknowledge and wisdom etc. KARAKA --Jupiter is karaka for second, fifth, ninth, tenth and eleventh houses. Characteristics ofBhava : X house represents Profession, livlihood, actions, father, etc. Characteristics of the Karakas for the bhava - Mercury, Sun, Saturn Jupiter and Mars are the kCJraku::; for tenth house. The characteristics of all of them may be thought of. Lord of the X house: The Moon. The characteristics of the Moon, her position in the chart should also be considered. The above principles are given for judgement of the tenth house for the profession of the native. For other results ofthe bhava, in addition to the above principles, a few other points are to be considered. For example if we want to know about the father ofthe native, the karaka Sun, 9th from Sun, 1Oth from lOth, 9th from !Jth house etc. will hav to he taken into consideration. SPECIFIC II (a) Taking into account the lordship ofthc houses owned by planet :In the above example, Jupiter is the lord of third and sixth house posited in tenth. (b) The position of planet and the lord of the bhava where it is posited Jupiter is posited in friend's house, exalted and in a powerful kcndra. (c) *PAC with other planets :Jupiter is not aspected by any planet and also does not aspect any other planet say except Rahu posited in sixth. (d) Characteristics of the sign of that bhava : Cancer is watcry,cven and • PAC means Position, aspect and Conjunction.


movable sign, representing wells, tanks etc., plants, shrubs and trees, fast walking, fond of wealth, occult tendencies, benefic sign, social etc. (e) Characteristics of the lord ofthat bhava :The Moon is the lord oftenth house. The Moon represents mother, corpulent body, mind, mental disposition, flexible nature, unstable mind, heart, alcohol, milk, agricultural products etc. The position of Jupiter in (Cancer) the tenth house will therefore indicate that the native will be pious, religious, educated, skilled in shastras, devoted to God, calm, friendly, successful in his pursuits, will look after well being of others, attached to brothers and sisters etc. Jupiter being '.onl of the third and sixth house in tenth, shows high position in service due to his own efforts and will face many obstacles etc. which he will overcome. The position oflord of tenth say in lagna again favours the good results of the tenth house. Moon in kendra from Jupiter causes GAJ KESHAARI YOGA The effect of Cancer, Libra, Moon, Jupiter and Venus are to be considered for predicting the tenth house for a comprehensive analysis. In this book, the discussion about the results produced by the position of a planet in diffrent bhavas discussed to show that the principles given in classical texts are giving results. Such position of planets have not been described, In Prashara Hora Prashara has always talked about the combinations, position of planets in rashi or vargas, P.A.C. connection of planets and their results. In practice also it is seen that the results of the position of planets depend upon the relation of other planets and their interrelationship etc. The author firmly believes that Almighty will help all of us in learning this divine science thoroughly ~o enable us to propagate astrology in a scie3ntific manner.



DESH KAAL PATRA "For if astrology is a science and is to take its proper place, the first necessity is to dissipate by an appeal to the empirical mind ofthe general public as well as oftlze sceptical thinker the great ma.~.~ of unenquiringprejudice which now exists against it." SRI AUROBINDO

The position of planets in different bhavas or the position of the lord of one bhava in another bhava will have different effects. We have already discussed characteristics of planets and signs, the effects of position of planets in twelve signs, the signs of exaltation, debilitation, the planetary awasthas and their effects, different yogas and Raj yogas. We are supposed to study the chart for the prediction, taking the overall effect of the planetary positions on the basis of the discussions made in books I, II, and III, together with the position of planets in different Bhavas. For example Sun mAries makes the native active, intelligent, impulsive, irritable, pioneering etc. because Sun is in a fiery sign and is exalted. If Sun is taken in the first house of any birth chart, the native becomes healthy, suffer eye-disease, will be fond of daring deeds, careless, bald headed and of strong will. A question can be raised here regarding the position of SUN i.e. the Sun is in first bhava, but which sign (such as friend's, enemy's, own house etc), this will make all the difference. The effects of the situations of the planets are to be taken into consideration before any prediction is giVen. The position of lord of one bhava in another bhava simply indicates connection between the two, forming good or bad yo gas. This aspect is already discussed and the students can interpret the effects of such positions after studying the earlier volumes. This book is based on the descriptions given in various classical texts and modern literature on astrology. These principles arc illustrated with examples and the comments of the author. The methodology adopted is to present the classical dictum, the actual events that happened and explanations for any variation. The astrologer will apply the classical principles taking into account the modern developments of the society (DESH, KAAL and PATRA).


Position of the Sun in 12 Bhavas SUN-- Indicates father, king or Government service, trees, timber, chanting hymns, medicine, metal works, copper, fire arms, fire, poison, forests etc., eyes, vitality, ego, royal, money lending, will power, authority, wool, skin, silk cloth, statesman, soul, magistrate, physician, amhasodor etc. (i) The Sun in 1st house- The native will be sick in childhood, will have eye trouble and disturbed life. He will be unlucky, issueless and will travel more. -- Mansagari The native will have scanty hair, bot disposition, be impetuous and tall in stature. He will have soiled eyes and lean and thin body.Hewill be cruel, impatient, and will suffer loss of children. -- Pbaladeepika The native will have less hair (on the bead), be lazy in function, given to anger, will have prominent personality, be honourable, will have weak sight and coarse physique, be courageous, impatient and unkind. He will be tall in stature. He will face trouble on account ofwife and children. He will suffer from windy and bilious diseases etc. -- Saravali He suffers from eye diseases, though has good health. He will be wise, of good conduct, highly intelligent, speak less, wander away from native place, will be dignified, devoid oflearning etc. ·- Bhrigu I le will have political success, stately appearance, lazy in work, fond of daring deeds, bot constitution, careless of reputation, strong will, caprice, not combative and pioneering. - Dr. B. V. Raman Sun a fiery planeti n logna will give good health, courage, s lately appearance, scanty hair, eye trouble etc. The first bouse is perhaps taken to be Aries (being the first house of KAAL PURUSHA). But the position of Sun in first house will not always give similar effects. It also depends upon the sign oftbe first house. Sun in Aries or the Sun in Scorpio will not give the similiar results, because Aries is a fiery, moveable

and odd sign whereas scorpio is a watery, fixed and even sign. The principles laid by the classical texts should be interpreted after taking into consideration the characteristics etc. of the signs, planets and houses. First house of natural zodiac is Aries whose lord Mars is friend ofSun. Therefore all good results are attributed to the position of Sun in lagna or first house. ,.----·Lugna

I>OH: May 3,1941


Vcn SaL JupiLcr Mercury ~--->~un.~---~

Chart 1 Male

TOI:I: 06:13 o.m POB: Mur.zofTur



A'dC. 2909' 19'10' Sun Moon nr Mars 27'59' Mercm·y 15'3]'





Venus Saturn

22'45' 2413' 8'01


Balance ofJupiter 2y- 6m- 29d The native suffered due to liver trouble and wounds in head in the ch11dhood. He had effect oflunacy and is suffering from T.B. since 1970. He married in 1978, has a daughter and son. DOB: Aprill-4,1972 TOB:06 am FOB: Delhi As c. Sun Moon Mars Mercury


Venus Saturn

3'-4 18'07' 10'13 14'40 16'17 10'39



Ju pitm



0'54 0'40'


Balance ofKetu 5y - 4m - 20d She is an artist, very good at painting, graduated, married to an engineer on 5-5-1992, got a daughter on 21-2-1993. The father is a businessman. The husband faced difficulties in setting his career. He has joined some service recently.


.Jupiter (Hl





DOll Alli,'I.I"L26, 1963 TOB : 06:30 am POB: Delhi


--Saturn (H)

Chart 3 Female

·-- -Kclu


29'05' 8'40' Moon 26'00' Mar~ 25'17 Mercury 6'0' Jupiter 25'41' Venus 7'50' Snlllrn 25'41' Rahu 26'19' Sun


Sun Venus Mars Mercury

Balance of Jupiter 8y- 9m- 18d She is a Political science graduate. She did two years secretarial course - 1984-85, married on 5-12-1987, got son on 5-10-1988(caesarean case). She had worked earlier from 10-4-1987 to 20-4-1 988, then resigned and joined regular service on 21-4-1 988. The above three illustrations show the results depending upon the position ofSun in\agna. Inthesecases the Sun is either exalted orin own sign. The results vary .In first case Sun is the lord of fifth, posited with Venus (enemy, lord of second and seventh), Saturn (enemy, lord of tenth and eleventh) and Mercury (friend, lord of third and sixth houses). Here affliction of Sun (lord of fifth house) didnot give good results, as in the second and third case. Therefore we can conclude that the results depend upon the overall position of all the planets. The position of planet in a bhava gives certain tendencies which are subject to modifications, because of the sign and P.A.C. connections with other planets. Refer charts 45,47,48,50 and 54. (ii) The Sun in II house - The native may not have wife and children, the weak constitution and poverty may cause him distress. He may be rich if he does business connected with iron and copper. He will not have domestic happiness. -- Mansagari The person will not be learned, will be shameless and will stammer while speaking. -- Phaladeepika The native will be having servants and quadrupeds, may suffer facial diseases, will be deprived of happiness, poor and may lose money due to wrath of king or through thieves. -Saravali He suffers from diseases ofmouth. In 25th year wrath ofGovt. and loss ofwcalth. He will stammer. - Bhrigu Diseased face, ugly, losses from prosecutions, good earnings, inclined to waste money, bright speech, well educated, scientist, will stammer, peevish temper and

may face danger in 25th year. Dr. B. V. Raman Sun represents ego, fuel, fire, weapons, poisons etc. and being a planet for separation, if posited in the second house (the house of immediate family i.e. wife and children or a smallerHUF, a house of speech, representing face and mouth and earnings etc.) will not give wife and children. It will give disturbed family life, facial disease, stammering etc. Second house ofnatural zodiac is Taurus, whose lord Venus is enemy of Sun. Therefore the position of Sun will be bad in second house. Second is house of wealth, the lord of second is enemy of Sun, the position of enemy will deprive the native of wealth and happiness or we may say he will have heavy expenses or may lose money. S:r




LRgna HaL Mar. Hahu

!\'loon Mart Mercury Jupiler Venus Sal urn Kahu




DOB ~'cb 1, 1966 TOB : 2:05 hrs POR Delhi


3'52' 17"42' 14°27' 18'29' 8'11' 5'14' 24'8' 8°13" 22'41'

Balance of Moon 6y -- 7m - 28d The native of chart 51 did MA (Political science) serving in a bank since 1978, married on 28-11-1979, purchased house in 1990, Her first mother died. She has step sister, self, two sisters.


Lagna Kctu

DOB Sept. 12. 1956 TOB: 22:56 hrs POB: Hyderabad


---· Churl 52 Female


Jupiter Moon

Sun Moon !\Iars Mercury Jupiter Venus


Vcnu• Sun

I i


Saturn Mercury




16"15' 25'55" 10'29' 17'8" 21'21' 26'20" 29° v 23'36' 28'59'

! Balance of Saturn 8y -- 9m --16d

The lady of chart No 52 has two elder sisters only. She passed MBBS in 1978 and also did MD. She went abroad in \987. Her father died in 1965, came back from abroad and attended ailing mother who suffered from hip fracture, paralytsis ultimately died ofbrain cancer. The native is still unmarried till date.

lv) Venus in V house- Venus in the fifth house gives many sons and daughters, will be respected by son-in-law, will be very rich, learned, famous actor, fond of sexy women and have clever wife. -Mansagari The native will be endowed with wealth and will be influential and famous like a king. lie will be happy because of children. He will be learned. - Phaladeepika


The native will be full ofwisdom, will be a minister or commander ofthe army, his grand mother will be long lived, will have young wife, children, respect and honour from government, wife will be full ofhappiness. lfVenus is afflicted or in the house ofmalefic or debilitated, the native will be dull headed, will have few children etc. I fVenus is with benefic or own house or exalted etc. the native will be very wise, well versed in worldly affairs. He will own conveyances and all comforts oflife. -Bhrigu The position of Venus gives happiness, sons and friends. The native will be fond of sexual union, very affluent, full ofeverything and be a ministerr orjustice. -- Saravali He will be clever, intelligent, have statesmanly ability, good counsel, danger to mother, commander, will be educated, able, sociable, kind hearted, good-natured, will have many daughters and few sons, affable manners etc - Dr. B. V. Raman The native will be an astrologer, will lose his sight due to sexual excesses, be devoid of enemies, will amass abundant wealth. The position of Venus m fifth for Scorpio, Gemini and Capricorn lagna is very good because of exaltation sign or own house. Venus in fifth will give results according to the various Ascendants and the results will differ in each case. Refer charts 8 and I 0 llahu Saturn


DOB: Sept. 6, 1945 TOB: 19:10 hrs



Chnrt 53 Male

---i rL:L.



Asc Sun Moon Mars Mercury


---Moon !Jun

Mereu !X_


I Jupiter

3"21' 2.0' 2.6'

"20'26' 6'5"

Jupiter Ve-nus Salum

2*27' 9' 24' IS"i' "2H 0 36'



Balance ofVenus 9y- 4m - 6d

The native studied and graduated in 1966. He gave tuitions in l958-59job in 1960; I changed to another job on 16-10-1962. He married on 15-7-1964, had daughters on I 13-12-1968and 13-12-1970 and asonon 16-11-1971. Joined government service in l.'r DP.uartment,bec~me insucctorin 1970,promoted as I.T.O. in October 1978. HisJ wife underwentJperatzon on ~5-5·1~~::>. He lost ln:. I
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