Jyotish_Jyotish Manthan - Shah_ Anil

April 12, 2017 | Author: Jyotish Freedom | Category: N/A
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JyotishGnyata ( Astrologer)

I had strong tunes in my mind to go for Astrology, a long way back since 1990. Right from very beginning, I had special magnetism towards this field. Mainly, my guessing nature and anxiety to know about future and nature of human being are solely responsible to lead me towards the deep study of Astrology. Actually, my readers of “Jyotish Manthan” (in Gujarati) have responded and motivated me to translate this book into English, especially for those NRIs, who are across the world. This book is designed to be useful to all students of Astrology, from beginners to more advanced practitioners and help them to develop an integrated, synthesized approach to understanding the Astrology. Interested students would get to know, how classical astrology can enrich their understanding of the planets, signs and houses. They would learn how to identify key themes in the chart and how to relate the different aspects and elements together to gain a holistic understanding of the birth chart-and of the individual. In real sense, this book could be a solid foundation for serious Astrology students. I have written this book, as far as possible in a very lucid and practical style, with a

reader point of view that all can enjoy whether one believes in Astrology or not. I do expect and would welcome creative feedback from all of my friends, well- wishers and readers. Anil Shah (Astrologer)

By the grace and blessings of almighty God, I have been able to express, my sincere thanks and gratitude to all of the well wishers, who have helped me out for converting my already published Gujarati book “Jyotish Manthan” (in the year 2012) into an English version . I am sincerely grateful to my better half Mrs. Nayana Shah who inspired me to keep writing up. My wife ever provides me warmth support and encouragement for my entire venture in this direction to write up something new on Astrology. I ever find blessings of my loving mother and elder brother Ashok Shah for my any enterprise in public interest. I am always grateful for their ever best wishes for me. My family members: I am extremely grateful to my both married daughters, Chaitali Mehta (USA) and Nikita shah (USA) respectively for their sincere co-operations and valued contributions of time for my endeavour. They both supported me, whenever I needed help in dilemma with my computer skills. Without their support this book would not have been published so faster and smoothly. I am equally thankful to my both the son-in laws, Harshit Mehta and Malav Shah respectively, for their kind and warmth support in this work. My childhood friend /buddy, Mr. Vijay Shah, presently in Houston /Texas has been continuously helping me out and motivating me for web marketing and worldwide reputations, especially among NRIs spread over the countries like USA, UK and Australia. I am exceptionally grateful for his valued services and dedications of time, regards to publication of this book in such a stylist way.

Last but not the least, I express my sincere and humble gratitude towards www.createspace.com for guiding / helping me out and allowing me to upload my book on www.amazon.com. I am extremely thankful to www.google .com for getting me some picture images in support of my articles, necessary for better presentation and entertainment. Finally, I am also thankful to all of my regular readers and NRI Astro-students at my web blog www.anilshah19.wordpress.com who ever gave me positive suggestions and feedback wherever necessary." Thanks.

The purpose of the book is to provide information and entertainment. The Author and Publications shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained in this volume, applied in a personal or professional manner.

(A)Jyotish Manthan. 1 Astrology and principles of ‘Karma’… 2 Introductions of Vedic Astrology.. 3 Importance of Ascendant Lord in horoscope Chart 4 Progressive planets – Saturn 5 Employment and the planet Saturn 6 Successful Partnerships 7 Job and business

8 Education and Astrology 9 Planets and housing benefits 10 Impact of retrograde planets 11 Fourth and Tenth house of Horoscope chart 12 Fashionable pretty women and planet Venus 13 Study about the king of planets – The Sun 14 Conjunctions of Sun with different planets 15 Aspect relationship of Moon with other planets 16 Results of Dasha – Antar Dasha 17 Probable Diseases based on different signs 18 Probable Diseases based on Naxatra /Constellation 19 Key to succeed in business

(B) Marital life 20 Remedies for immediate wedding 21 When will be betrothal or wedding? 22 Disharmony –Divorce - Remarriage 23 Extra marital affairs 24 Personality of life partner. 25 Palmistry ‘marriage lines’ and marital happiness

(C)Children and education related matter 26 Children and fifth house of natal chart. 27 Educational decisions by natal chart. 28 Boom and recession in share & Stock market.

(D) Astrological Microscope 29 Astrological microscope...” If and Then “- 1 30 Astrological microscope ...” If and Then “- 2 31 Astrological microscope ...” If and then “-3 32 Auspicious and Inauspicious Astrological ‘Yoga’s –1 33 Auspicious and Inauspicious astrological ‘Yoga’s – 2

(E) Significant Auspicious-Inauspicious Yoga 34 Dhana Yoga

35 Astrologically who could be Millionaire? 36 Lottery Yoga 37 Chandala Yoga 38 Angaraka Yoga 39 Shapita Dosha / Yoga 40 Scare of Mangal Dosha 41 Court Matter and penalty 42 Imigrations and Astrology 43 Love Yoga and love affairs 44 Win and Defeat in the War 45 Painful ‘Saturn-Sun ‘Yoga 46 ‘Kal Sarpa Yoga’... not so scary

(F) Transit of different planets in the universe 47 How would be today? / Transit of Moon through different houses 48 Transit of sun through different houses and its effect 49 Transits of Mars in the universe and its effects 50 Role of Ketu in Astrology 51 Effects of Ketu in different houses 52 Role of Rahu in Astrology 53 Effects of Rahu in different houses 54 Effects of Rahu at seventh house of natal chart. 55 Transit of Jupiter in different houses and its results. 56 Role of exalted Jupiter in different houses of and its results

(G) Numerology & Astrology 57 Numerology and Human life - (1) 58 Numerology and Human life - (2)

(H) Misc. matter 59 A mole on the different parts of the body and Astrology 60 Eyes and your personality

61 Principles of Horary chart 62 Gemstones and Astrology 63 You and your style of signature 64 Walking style and your personality 65 Vastu Shasta and destiny


Jyotish Manthan

1. Astrology and principles of Karma

We find some people are millionaires and some are beggars. We find where there is lots of wealth and assets but there we find no child in the family to eat and enjoy! Some where we find number of persons in the family but they are deprived of money and short of food grains to satisfy their day –today’s hunger! Some where we find everything with native like, money, wealth, house, vehicle, children, family etc... But then the person is not enough healthy to enjoy all these things or not having deserved or trustworthy child to look after his lifetime hard earned money or setup business and thereby remains far away from desired mental happiness. In short, everywhere we find disparity or anomaly. Why the world looks so strange ! One is happier while another one is quiet unhappy! It looks that nothing is happening in the world as per the desire and will of the person. When it goes beyond one’s expectation, then we need to think that why it so in the universe and why such things are happening! A human being has no option but to act within the law of nature and has to believe, sooner or later, the fundamental principles of nature, that “As you saw. so you rip! “ If your sow throne, you obviously would get thrones...and not mangoes! So finally at right time you get and enjoy the result or face consequences as per your karma /deed as depicted In Hindu’s great poem “ Bhagavat Gita “. There are three types of Karma (Deeds). 1. Kriyaman 2. Accumulated 3. Destiny 1. Kriyaman karma: Whatever you do and act in this present life is called is kriyman. 2. Sanchit /Accumulated karma: The karma for which you have yet not received results in this life, they are considered as ‘Sanchit karma’ 3. Destiny karma: It is said that one has to take birth as to enjoy or suffer as per one’s Sanchit /Accumulated karma / deeds, which have been accumulated in the past birth...is called destiny / fortune to be enjoyed or suffered in the present life ! In short it is said that a human is the architect of his own fortune. He /she can create his/her own destiny

So the proverb, “Beauty weeps and fortune enjoys” in other way is justified! Whatever karma, good or evil, one has done in past birth, has to bear the effects or enjoy results, we call as fortune or destiny other way and accordingly, “those who smile on Saturday, will weep on Sunday “.Thus, to smile or weep is nothing but the result of our own good or evil deed of past life. It is also undisputed fact that Great emperors like Changish khan; Sikandar, Akbar, Hitler, and Churchill have also sought for guidance of astrology for fighting in wars. Nowadays most of the politicians seek for an advantage of astrological guidance for winning elections. Astrology helps to get information about the Good or evil deeds/karma of past life which are reflected at the 5th place of one’s horoscope chart. As we know one’s past is unchangeable and that is why we see that a seasoned guilty person or criminal is often ever excused by the judge, despite of his repeated requests, same way great God never forgives such guilty persons all time. In Astrological terms, it is said that if in native’s horoscope chart, Jupiter or lord of ninth house / ‘Bhagyesh ‘does not aspect at Ascendant or Moon, then particular person /native has to face the consequences of evil deeds that he/she has done in past! It does not make any difference even if native, later on exercise for extensive sacred Havan / Yagna or Shanti Puja ..! That is why it is called as per Gujarati proverb... “ સમય સમય બળવાન ,ન)હ મ+,ય બળવાન કા. અજ12ન 34િટયો વહી ધ+ષ વહી બાણ “ So this Astrology is a divine science that lets people know about their good and evil accumulated deeds and ever inspires people to go for hard work and navigate their upcoming life. So, if we have good enough knowledge about our future, we could conquer planets, if we wish, and go for remedial measures to please the great God by our good virtues..!I think, for the great divine and humble Astrology, if we could spend some amount of time and wealth for its bonafide promotion and development, we would be able to save this precious ancient science and heritage of India being underestimated and joked by some people!

2. Introductions to Vedic Astrology Vedic astrology is one of the oldest forms of astrology. It evolved over 5,000 years ago and is based on a body of knowledge known as the 'Vedas,' which translates to 'knowledge' or 'wisdom,' and is referred to as Jyotish -- the 'light of the heavenly bodies'. Today, Vedic astrology is acknowledged as one of the most powerful forms of astrology in practice and is followed by millions around the world. While Western astrology is known for its emphasis on the psychological nature and personality of the individual, Vedic astrology's primary focus is on predicting cycles and events of the future, putting more emphasis on understanding when certain events are likely to take place. Vedic astrology gives a better view of: a person's karmic tendencies and when such tendencies are likely to manifest for that person through a unique system of planetary time cycles, called 'Dashas,' for which there is no corresponding method in Western astrology. One of the aphorisms offered by this body of knowledge is: 'Avoid the danger that has not yet come.' The planets in Vedic astrology are referred to as 'Grahas ' and ancient scriptures refer to them as the lords of karma and destiny. It is believed that the birth chart of an individual is based on their past karma, which is bestowed upon them by the nine planets. However, it is not Vedic astrology's purpose to replace an individual's responsibility to decide what is best for them. The role of astrology is to make one aware of the presence or absence of certain tendencies, and should be used as a tool for making better decisions. Ultimately, the purpose of astrology is self-knowledge, self-awareness and improvement. Vedic astrology follows the same combinations of the houses, signs and planets as those in Western astrology. But for those of us familiar with the Western birth chart, there will be many differences. The Vedic birth chart is square, instead of the round chart wheel of Western astrology. The houses, signs and planets also take on different meaning under Vedic astrology. The more recently discovered outer planets -- Neptune, Pluto and Uranus are not considered in Vedic astrology for the purposes of interpreting a chart, however, the Lunar Nodes are. The North Node is known as Rahu and the South Node as Ketu. Each planet is also given rulership over a particular sign of the zodiac and it is referred to as its lord. The ruling planet transfers a large part of its influence upon the sign it rules, and is referred to continuously in chart interpretations. Planets form the centre point of Vedic astrology. Another major difference between the two is that Western astrology uses the Tropical Zodiac, which is based on the equinoxes. The beginning of the Tropical Zodiac or its

first degree of Aries is always with the spring or vernal Equinox. Vedic astrology uses the Sidereal Zodiac which tracks planetary movements against the actual movement of the stars, and the first degree of Aries or the start of the Sidereal Zodiac starts approximately 24 degrees ahead of that of the Tropical Zodiac. So unless you were born between the 15th or 20th of any month, you will find that your Western Sun sign and ascendant, as well as some of the planets are moved back by one degree in your Vedic chart. Western astrology considers the Sun as the centre of our universe, and therefore the most significant influence in our lives. Vedic astrology, on the other hand, uses the Moon and the 27 constellations of the Moon -- called the Lunar Mansions or Nakshatras -- as the primary source of predictive techniques. The Sun represents one's soul while the Moon represents one's mind. Both are important, and both have a significant place in astrology. Vedic science also recognizes that there are four aims or purpose in life - Kama, Artha, Dharma and Moksha. Kama literally means desire and signifies our need for emotional and sensory happiness in life. Artha can be translated as wealth, and relates to the fact that each one of us must have sufficient means to function happily in life. Dharma is our need for recognition in life, since we all need to be acknowledged for whom we are and what we can do and contribute. Moksha means liberation or freedom and it represents our need for spiritual growth - we all must seek to go beyond who we are until we become one with all.

Vedic Birth Chart

This House has always been considered as the most malefic house of all. It is the most important factor behind longevity, as well as any life threatening situations. This house signifies diseases, death, longevity, psychic ability, knowledge of psychology, fear, misfortunes, inheritance, gain from in-laws, gain from your spouse, finances through unfair means, internal sex organs, mental pain, obstacles, property of your partner, etc. As the house of joint resources, it represents the possessions that are not earned, but obtained through relationships and inheritance. It rules your partner's money and indicates the problems that may arise in a partnership through the handling of money. For a woman, it may indicate the alimony they will receive and for a man the money he might have to pay. The parts of the body indicated by this house are the pelvic, bones, and external genitalia. This is a House that signifies Moksha or final liberation. The Ninth House -- The House of Destiny -- Luck and Sudden Gains The Ninth House signifies your base values, ideals and principles. It represents your father, and his fate can also be read from this House. It shows the authorities that inspire us like a father or boss, and important personalities. It shows the benefits given by stalwart figures that guide you, like a teacher or guru. This is the House of destiny and luck and a strong placement here blesses you with sudden gains, unexpected good luck and pushes the fortunes of your life to much greater heights than expected. Vedic astrologers view this House as the realm of grace -- it reveals our deeds of virtue in present and in past lives.

This House signifies the father, preceptor, religion, higher education, publicity, learning, faith, wisdom, prosperity, intuitive power, providential help and divine worship and foreign travel. This is very auspicious House in the birth chart, also known as the House of fate or destiny. It indicates previous karmas, spiritual life and attainments, pilgrimages, temples and religious beliefs. It is also represents long-range goals, planning and long distance travel. The parts of the body indicated by this house are hips, thighs, female arteries and the sacral region. This is a House that signifies your good deeds and is a House of dharma or duty. The Tenth House -- The House of Karma -- Your Profession and Career As the house of action, the Tenth House signifies your active 'karma,' which relates to your ideal career. It also shows the status that you are capable of achieving in this life. This House indicates the type of profession you gravitate towards and whether you will be successful at it or not. It shows the skills and tendencies that you can exploit. Your career picture is completed by examining the strength of this placement, and how it relates to the placement of other planets in your chart. This house signifies career or vocation, profession, occupation and business, status, power, achievements including promotion, profits, permanent positions and advancements in career. It reveals whether success will come easily, or if it will be the result of life-long struggle and toil. It also is connected to the profession, affairs of state or of the large-scale operations. Body parts indicated by this house are knee joints, patellae, bones and joints, hair, nails and your skeleton in general. This is a House of artha or wealth. The Eleventh House -- The House of Gains -- Income and Cash Flow The Eleventh House represents income or gains -- that which bring us growth or increase. It indicates anything we possess or find increase through. It relates to cash in flow, motivations, hopes and dreams as well as the clout of powerful friends. It specifically rules major desires and ambitions and indicates whether they will be fulfilled. This is the house of abundance and all planets gain strength when located here. This house relates mostly to our material gains and our ability to overreach or extend ourselves in quest of it. It also shows us how we relate to groups of people, our friendships, community participation, and what we gain ultimately in life -- how much of our desires are fulfilled and whether we are satiated This house indicates friends, groups, profits and gains, goals, hopes, dreams, aspirations, elder brother, elder sister, emotional attachments, love affairs, social success, fulfillments and realization of desires. This is the house of achievements of goals and objectives and is also referred to as the house of hopes and wishes. The parts of the body indicated by this house are legs, the left ear, teeth and ankle. This is a House of karma or desire. The Twelfth House -- The House of Gains and Liberation The Twelfth House deals with matters related to sorrow, limitations and detachment. It

indicates confinement in small places such as prisons, hospitals, monasteries, etc. It represents the loss of money through bad investments, emergency expenses or a wasteful nature. It also represents you compulsive journeys into foreign countries, which may not turn out to be pleasant. It signifies the pleasures of the bed, though this may not mean physical union of deep love and commitment. Representing decrease, wastage and decay, the Twelfth House also signifies expenditure and wastage of resources. It is an unfavorable house and causes challenges in your life. Planets located here weaken, but you are offered liberation and the deeply spiritual concept of detachment. This House signifies enlightenment, expenditure, confinement, lawsuits, imprisonment, loss, debts, hospitalization, conjugal relations with opposite sex and life in a foreign land. It also relates to the subconscious mind, emotional problems, secrets and deceptions. The body parts indicated by this house are the feet, left eye and legs. This is also a House that signifies Moksha or liberation.

3. Importance of Ascendant Lord / Lagnesh in Horoscope

The Ascendant has great importance in the native’s Horoscope chart. Ascendant means the place # 1 at horoscope chart. Importance of Ascendant Lord automatically increases if it is positioned at angles /trines position of the chart, i.e. at position # 1, 4 7 and 10 or at position of # 1, 5 and 9. If Ascendant Lord is under influence of benefit planets and exalted, then it will give high benefit value. If Ascendant Lord remains weak and polluted at weak places (# 6 th, 8th or 12th) of horoscope chart, then it gives malefic results. Like, an emperor looks charming under his royal umbrella; Ascendant also stays as a roof and strengthens the native’s Horoscope Chart. The importance of Ascendant Lord depends upon and varies with its positions at the Birth chart of native. Even at a glance, strength of Horoscope Chart could be studied by position of Ascendant Lord in the chart. That is why; the Ascendant Lord has an utmost importance in Astrology. So Ascendant is like a glowing ornament of “Janam Kundli “ If in the horoscope Chart, number 1 is placed at the first place, then it is said to be Aries/Mesh Ascendant, so its Ascendant Lord will be Mars. If in the horoscope chart, number 2 is denoted in the first place, then it is said to be Taurus/Vrushabh Ascendant .So its Ascendant Lord will be Venus. If in the horoscope chart, number 3 is denoted in the first place, then it is said to be Gemini/ Mithun Ascendant. So its Ascendant Lord will be Mercury. If in the horoscope chart, number 4 is denoted in the first place, then it is said to be ‘Kirk ‘Ascendant. So its Ascendant Lord will be Moon If in the horoscope chart, number 5 is denoted then it is said to be Leo/Sinha Ascendant. So its Ascendant Lord will be Sun. If in the horoscope chart, number 6 is denoted in the first place, then it is said to be Virgo/kanya Ascendant and its Ascendant Lord will be Mercury. If in the horoscope chart, number 7 is denoted in the first place, then it is said to be Libra / Tula Ascendant and so it’s Ascendant Lord will be Venus. If in the horoscope chart, number 8 is denoted in the first place, then it is said to be

Scorpio Ascendant. So its Ascendant Lord will be Mars. If in the horoscope Chart, number 9 is denoted in the first place, then it is said to be Sagittarius / Dhan Ascendant .So its Ascendant Lord will be Jupiter. If in the horoscope chart, number 10 is denoted in the first place, then it is said to be Capricorn / Makar Ascendant and its Lord of the first place /Ascendant will be Saturn. If in the horoscope chart, number 11 is denoted in the first place, then it is said to be kumbha / Aquarius Ascendant and its Ascendant Lord will also be Saturn If in the horoscope Chart, number 12 is denoted in the first place then it is said to be Min / Pisces Ascendant and its Ascendant Lord will be Jupiter. Now, we will discuss about Ascendant Lord’s position in natal chart at different places and how it will affect to native’s life. If Ascendant Lord is in the first place of chart, then the person could be well built, healthy, strong decisive and courageous. He might be the owner of land and property. If Ascendant Lord is in 2nd place, then the person might have long life, rich and well care taker of family. If Ascendant Lord is in 3rd place, then the native might have nice brothers, friends. Native could be religious and enterprising. If Ascendant Lord is in 4th place, then the native lives long-life, and could have household assistants, vehicles, parent’s well support .Native could be attractive and extensive care taker of mother. If Ascendant Lord is in 5th place, then the native could be a nice social worker, adventurous, truthful, prompt decision taker and may have wealthy children. If Ascendant Lord is in 6th place, then the native gets favour from maternal side. Native fights against foes and diseases. If Ascendant Lord is situated in 7th place, then the native may be handsome /beautiful, smart, clever and might have charming spouse too. If Ascendant Lord is situated in 8th place, then the native could be weak, passionate, long lived and wealthy person. If this Ascendant Lord and Ascendant are conduct with any malefic planet/s, native may be extravagant and may suffer from some eye relating problem. If Ascendant Lord is situated in 9th place of chart, then the native could be bright, famous, auspicious doer, religious and may have extensive touring and travelling life all over the nation and abroad as well. If Ascendant Lord is in 10th place of the chart, then the native gets benefitted from ruler government, father and profession as well. If Ascendant Lord is at 11 th place of chart, native could be impressive and learned

person. He/she gains benefit and support from friends. He/she may have son/s. If Ascendant Lord is situated in 12 th position, then native could be arrogantly, extravagant or wicked, immigrant and dirty person. In nutshell, Ascendant Lord becomes auspicious or inauspicious. It depends upon the aspects of benefic or malefic planets while posited in particular position of the natal chart. Native could be prominent and prosperous person when Ascendant is situated at angles or trines of the chart.

4. Progressive planet –Saturn By experiences, so many things have been written on planet-Saturn in Astrology. This planet plays an important role in human life because this planet moves very slowly. It changes signs approximately at every two and half years and it affects for longer period. It takes like 30 years to complete cycle of 12 signs. Therefore its routine transit through every sign has got definite significance. Now let me outline something about Saturn’s actual profile. .Saturn is strong, sterile, slow, icy cold, protective, rigid, fearful and a mysterious planet

and influences on numerology number 8. Black, dark Blue and dark Brown is colours of Saturn. It influences on muscle, garbage. It is powerful at evening time and in west direction. Its gemstone is Blue sapphire/Nilam and metal is iron. . It represents Lord Brahma or Shiva People born under zodiac sign Capricorn and Aquarius or born on Saturdays show their good or bad behaviour depending upon the favourable or unfavourable position of planet Saturn. Planetary period of Saturn or Saturn sada sati can remain active in ones horoscope for 2.5 years or 7.5 years. Saturn has been allocated 19 years of Vimshottari dasha System. It is shows hostile relationship. In Astrology, Saturn is considered to be beneficial if it is in its own sign or when considered as natural malefic planet in Vedic Astrology. Saturn is friendly with planet Venus but for sun, moon and Mercury, it it takes up the sign of Jupiter .Benefic Saturn makes person trust-worthy, sincere and honest. But on the other hand if Saturn is malefic in ones horoscope, then it causes delays, dispute, difficulties and disharmony. It passes through all zodiac signs very slowly than any other planets. It is said to be the chief governor of connectivity.

Nature of planet Saturn: Planet Saturn represents seriousness, thoughtfulness, loneliness alertness, seriousness, harshness, causing delays in work, toughness and feeling less, miser, destruction, mathematics, patience, practicleness, tolerance, economy and bachlorness. Saturn is benefic in its planetary cycle /Dasha or Sada sati for those natives whose Saturn is strong ,exalted and unaffiliated in natal chart .Saturn affects to native substantively when it transits through moon by 1 degree higher or lower distance. Saturn travels only 1 degree in three months. On the other side, Saturn helps making progress spiritually and philosophically to native. ! If Saturn is exalted in horoscope and stays in signs having earthy element ( like Taurus ,Virgo and Capricorn ) then natives makes progress firmly but slowly !. Especially it shows definite progress after 36 years when it posited at ninth place of nativity. It gives better result while in its planetary cycle. Those natives, who have weak Saturn in their birth chart, are recommended to wear Blue Sapphire in silver, having weight of 3 carets. Important thing is that, it has no side effects and is cheaper. ! In this ongoing article, I have tried to explain how other planets affect in a different way when they transit in universe/cosmos

through the Saturn of native’s birth chart /horoscope .Readers will excuse me if you had experienced in other way . 1... When sun transits through Saturn of nativity, then it brings the end of old activity / work and beginning of new activity. There could be a little journey. Native may meet with your girl friend.etc... 2 ...When Moon transits, then it brings lots of activity with success .Gets health recovery .May meet a person of choice who could be very beneficial! 3....When Mars transits then it brings new activity , money , journey to a new place, or returns to home if out of home. Brings new friendship, change in job and sometime brings maintenance expenses for own house and vehicle... 4....When Mercury transits then, it brings illness for some time, and new short time relation with unknown person. There could be rainy days for a while. 5...When Jupiter transits then, it brings happier days for native. Brings a time for buying property .Sometimes brings expenses related to house and illness in the family. 6...When Venus transits then, it brings the end serious illness.

enmity/hostility .Sometimes brings

7... When Saturn transits through chart’s Saturn (by approximately at 30 years) then, it brings the end of career or some activity or sometime brings changes in thoughts and incline towards retirement. 8...When Rahu /North Node transits, then such movement brings the nice result for native. It also brings deep interest towards Astrology and increases extra workload .Although it brings little bit laziness but over all native makes progress. 9...When Ketu /South Node transits, then it brings some activities for native. Brings sometimes possibility of demise or loss of money to the member of family! Especially Saturn when posited at 3rd, 6th, 9th, Place in nativity raises the obstacles in the progress of native’s life. However Saturn situated at 16 to 21 degree in any sign of native’s horoscope chart is proved beneficial. Saturn remains exalted at, Libra zodiac sign and therefore imparts best results. It is also seen that mostly world all great politicians are born under this Libra zodiac sign .They are intellect and have great maturity. It has been observed that transit of Saturn in universe/cosmos while in Gemini, Cancer, or Leo zodiac sign, brings changes in ruling of state /national government power

5 Employment and the planet Saturn

Now a day’s terrorism, corruption and the population are the main issues and challenges of India. Apart from that unemployment and poverty have been the biggest and prime threats of India, yet to overcome. Under such circumstances, Astrology comes forward to opt out for the suitable sources of income to survive and useful guidance .In this chapter I would like to highlight the significance and influence of Saturn for human employment. Significance of Saturn If we think of universe, we would accept that all the planets except Saturn are working as executives. Only Saturn is working like subordinate/assistant. The Sun is acting like a king of all planets, while the Moon behaves like a queen of the universe. It only issues ordinances! The Mars is like a military officer and the Mercury behaves like a prince. The Jupiter and The Venus behave like king’s secretaries and at last ,the Saturn..,the only a planet, works like an obedient servant who ever follows other planet’s instructions as desired and that is its specific quality ! That is why some great astrologers believe that Saturn itself is a creator of all actions of human life. As per their opinion Saturn’s sign wise motion and its conjunctions/ aspects with different planets in universe decide the human livelihood .Logic behind this, is that the Saturn in human nativity works as Lord of 10th house (Karmesh) and 11 th house (Labhesh) as well. That is why the position of planet Saturn in natal chart should always be taken in to account to forecast when we think about human’s source of income and livelihood/employment. Let us study the influence of Saturn’s zodiac sign wise in native’s birth chart Saturn of Aries (Mesha) zodiac sign: In this sign, Saturn becomes debilitated but such natives get Metal, Mechanics, Engineering branch related government job or profession and get their employment.

Mostly, Aries’s Saturn is seen in Engineer’s horoscope. Saturn of Taurus (Vrishbha) -in horoscope, brings employment for native through luxurious and light comfortable works. Native gets benefited from equipment, cosmetics, garments and five star hotel related profession or bank and finance related activities. Saturn of Gemini (Mithun) -Brings employment through accountant, Clerk / Cashier, or Tele-communication like activities; Native gets co-operations and love from friends; such natives are intellect and business persons. Natives are benefited through other social activities. Sometimes they get income through reading, writing or journalism. Saturn of Cancer sign (Karka) A person born under this sign remains associated with activities like tours and tourism, soft drinks, music, or textile industry gets employment. They come across many ups and downs in their life. The native gets co-operation from people and become famous in religion and art. Sometimes native gets income from activities like agriculture, gardening or may become florist. Saturn of Leo sign: A person born under such horoscope either becomes government officer or gets income through government related liaison works. Native is found skilful and smart enough in his /her activities and thereby gets reputations like an owner or executive. Of course they struggle initially, but settle and succeed later on, if they keep patience. Saturn of Virgo: The natives born with Saturn in Virgo sign could be intellect, clever, good businessman, well conversant, social and may get income as accountant or economist. Such natives are found interested in commercial work and get income through real estate related work. They might have a mixing nature and good analytical and commercial skills. They are interested in real estate including buying and selling of properties. Saturn in Libra Sign: This kind of person makes money from bank sectors, cosmetics as well as luxuries items. Conjunctions of Saturn with other planets just help natives to employ in government or in private sectors. We will not forget here that Libra zodiac sign is Saturn’s exalted sign and competent to get native an executive position. Sometimes Saturn of Libra sign makes native either an attorney or a magistrate. Native may be a film star or a talented artist. Saturn of Scorpio:

Saturn of Scorpio sign brings employment for native from sectors like mining, engineering, agricultural, electrical goods, interior designing, mechanical instruments, computers, land, buildings and subjects like philosophy and astrology. Saturn of Sagittarius sign: When native is born with such Saturn positioned in Sagittarius sign, gets income from forest products, wooden products or in association with spiritual organizations. Often, He has to face several obstacles. He also manages to have an employment through courts, secret agency or legislature related affairs. By virtue of his logical skills and argumentative expertness, he could also earn income in judiciary system. Native succeeds in spy related activities. Saturn of Capricorn sign: -Brings employment or business for native by way of sales and purchase of specific commodities like soft drinks and food products under tours and travelling type of activities... Saturn of Aquarius sign: -Brings executive employment for natives through their deep analytical and research work or consultancy work. Such natives are often found as psychologists, skilled managers, administrators, professors or as guide as well. They are idealistic and intellect persons by nature. Such types of dignities are independently taking their decisions and mostly do not like other’s interference in their work. Saturn of Pisces sign: -Brings employment for native through law, history, religion or medicine related affairs. Saturn, conjunct with Jupiter influences native to be a person like a skilled publisher, doctor, principal, saint, guide or a priest of temple or church like organization by virtue of sincerity and honesty;. They ever try to settle down at nearby pilgrim places. They ever get support and co-operation from their friends. Influences of Saturn on conjunctions with / aspects at other planets in respect of earning and employment of native: 1 Saturn + Sun: Saturn and Sun are inimical to each other. However, the conjunctions/aspects of Saturn with Sun helps native to become successful in politics and government services after overcoming due hindrances and struggle. Such natives become expert in metallurgy. 2 Saturn + Moon: Such conjunctions/aspects leads native to change his/her activities very often. Natives get scared of hard work but are found benefited from sectors like literature, art, music, tourism or soft drinks. Such persons could be little lazy and imaginary by nature.

3 Saturn + Mars: Such conjunction brings succeed for native after overcoming obstructions, denials and delays by hard efforts. Native earns money and prestige from Mechanical and Engineering sectors. Native could be owner of a factory. 4 Saturn + Mercury: Such type of conjunction brings employment through economical, commercial and intellectual works for natives. These kinds of natives are very polite, gentle and quiet by nature. They are reluctant to hard work. 5 Saturn + Jupiter Such types of conjunction / aspect of Saturn with Jupiter are the best for natives who become famous and eternal by their specific and exotic deeds. 6 Saturn + Venus: Such combination brings happiness and success in the later part of native’s life. Specifically, luck favors them after their marriage. They get benefited from all types of luxurious items. It brings happiness and comforts for native /spouse in respect of money, land, building and vehicle like properties. 7 Saturn + Rahu Such relations bring employment for native through film or theatre industry, automobile industry or by activities like book publications. Sometimes such horoscope could make native watchman or security guard too! 8 Saturn + Ketu Such conjunction brings least benefits even after working hard. Such natives live their life like great saints.

6. Successful Partnership There is a basic difference between business & service. In a service/job, one has to work based on his skills and has to contribute his time for which he earns remuneration in the form of a salary and other perquisites. Whereas, in a business a person applies his mind, knowledge, maturity, valuable time, capital, contacts and relations as well. Real merchant, first looks at his past year balance- sheet, regulates his accounts and then enterprises accordingly for the ensuing years in the favorable circumstances for his business. . In Indian Astrology, mutual relations and transactions play an important role. As we see , at the time of marriage , horoscopes of bride and groom are matched with each other, likewise between two partners / owner - servant / among subordinates, their

compatibility are checked to avoid undue hassles and for easy going of the business with unique harmony . Instances of many private mercantile banks in Kutch-Saurashtra or Mumbai zone are seen, wherein two partners/families have been working together since more than 25-30 years and they mutually share sizeable profits in their business. Likewise, astrologically following table could be experimented to make a successful partnership. No. Moon Sign Matching and benefic Sign 1

























Sagittarius Sagittarius,Aries,Leo,Cancer,Scorpio

10 Capricorn Capricorn,Taurus,Aquarius,Gemini,Virgo 11 Aquarius Aquarius,Gemini,Capricorn,Libra,Virgo, 12 Pisces


As we all know that, Moon sign of the native is always determined on the base of Moon’s position in the sign in the horoscope at the time of native’s birth. If owners of the commercial firm follow the above stated table and select their partners ,staff-employees / associates as per the ‘ matching and beneficial sign ‘ to their respective moon’s sign , then it would be very easy and positive approach to establish nice mutual relationships with due benefits. In case, where native’s Moon sign differs to his/her name sign, then Moon sign is, preferably, taken into account.

7. Job and business

Eighty % of the people in the world are ever curious to know about one’s occupation i.e. one would either go for job or business! Horoscope chart of the native could shed light on such matter and helps to guide. 6th and 11th house of horoscope chart is related to job affair. 10th house represents independent profession. When in the nativity, 6th house is occupied by natural benefic planet/s or Lord of 6th house is exalted or posited in own house or is conjunct with / aspect by benefic planet, then native remains very comfortable, fortunate and is gradually making progress in job. Native gets success in his independent business if 10th house or lord of 10th house is well placed (either at angular or at trine position) and afflicted by the natural benefit planets, or any malefic planet is retrograde at 10th house. Sun at angle represents government job. Native earns through job, if lord of sixth house is posited in /aspect at 2nd house (house of wealth/Dhana) or in 11th house (House of gains/Labha). When lord of 10th house ,lord of 11 th house or lord of 6th house is associated with or aspects at sixth house of nativity, it produces ‘ service Yoga ‘ and native gets employment through job. Before firmly predicting about independent business in respect of native, numbers of Dhana Yoga and Raj yoga in nativity should be accounted for. However, it firmly depicts independent business for native, if lord of angular position and lord of trine position i.e. “Yogkaraka Grah” are same and situated at 10 th place of horoscope chart.

8. Education and Astrology

Importance of education has been increasing day by day. Knowledge is such an invaluable treasure that neither could be stolen nor king can snatch it away from .Even siblings can not part with unwillingly. On the contrary, knowledge ever multiplies on utilization. Everybody wishes to have a high academic degree. Gets respected and thereby conquer the top of employments. Astrology ever helps you to know about the academic level and the extent of educational degree, talent, skill and accomplishment that may native have in a particular sector. The fifth house / position in the birth chart represents about the native’s intellect level. This position is important for acquiring normal level of education. Thereafter fourth position/house represents higher educations. Second house /position of the horoscope belongs to speech and mastery in academic career .Native shows keen interest in research work if this second house is strong and unafflicted. 10th house of nativity is studied for success /failure in exam. Moreover, ninth place of birth chart is also significant as it is also a 5th place from 5th house of birth chart which is associated with religion and education as well. Native is intellect and literate when such places are well positioned, conjunct or aspect by the auspicious planets like Jupiter, Moon and Mercury. When Mercury is aspect by Jupiter, then native’s instinct/intelligence gets right decision under the influence of Jupiter/knowledge. When Jupiter is associated with /aspect by Mercury and 9th house ,native earns highest educations and reputations in society. If Jupiter has good sight on Mercury then it gives suitable terms to intelligence and also teaches how to use knowledge. If Mercury of Jupiter is associated with 9th position then person gets best education and develops great reputation in society. If Mercury is the lord-of 5th house in natal chart ,and is aspect by natural benefic planets, then native could be clever, courteous and intellectual. Native may have sharp intelligence, if 5th house is flanked by auspicious planets and Mercury is also positioned at 5th house of the chart. Strong Mercury brings in good oratory

talent for native. Native could have poor memory power if malefic planets like Saturn and Rahu are positioned at 5th place or Mercury is placed at weaker place like 6th,8th or at 12th place in birth chart. Weather native would complete his/her study and gets degree ? Astrology answers to this question by 4th house of horoscope. Native become clever and literal if lord of 4th house is well positioned and unafflicted at 4th place .There could be delay , obstacles and difficulties for native to get degree when lord of 4th house is situated at weaker place ( like at 6th,8th or 12th ),associated with or aspect by malefic planets. ...Jupiter and Mercury are indicators /significatiors of knowledge and intelligence respectively and therefore these two planets should be strong enough. Native becomes well educated and qualified when Jupiter and lord of 5th house are stronger in birth chart . Native becomes clever and brilliant when 5th house or lord of 5th house is associated with Ascendant –lord. It has been ever a very puzzling matter for every parents and students to choose a proper stream for their future higher studies and career . We will discuss here how Astrology could help in giving proper guidance in this matter. In the modern era , there are different branches for educations are available and that is why the detailed studies related to the concerned planets are necessary for selecting proper academic stream/line .The planets positioned or associated at 5th house represent about native’s special likings towards particular stream /line of studies.


Influence of different planets at 5 place of natal chart.. 1 If Sun is positioned at 5th place or aspecting at ,then native makes average progress in educational lines. Native could be either clever or negligent at times. Native may have interest in politics too. 2 If Moon is positioned at 5th place, native will show talent and progress in subjects like arts, writing and literacy. 3 If Mars is placed at 5th house , native takes interest towards subjects like Electrical, Mechanical, Geology, Agriculture, Medical, and Pharmacy . 4. If Mercury is strong or well placed at 5th place ,native may shine out in the sectors like Account ,Mathematics, Commerce, Computers and Journalism. 5.If Jupiter is strong or well placed at 5th place in native’s horoscope ,it brings in keen interest in the subjects like Statistics, Science, Economics, Teaching ,Spirituality etc. 6.Well placed Venus at 5 th place brings in progress for the subjects like Electronics, Fashion design ,Arts ,and Sexology. 7.Well placed Saturn brings in progress for native in subjects like Engineering, Botany, International languages, History and Electrical pursuits. 8.Rahu at 5th house of nativity ,brings in attractions for sectors like Art and Politics. 9.Ketu at 5th house of nativity, brings in average progress in the subjects like Research and Technical pursuits 10.Native gets succeeded at less efforts if lord of angle / lord of trine ( Yogkarta Grah) is well placed at 5th house of birth chart.. 11. Relationship of 5th house with Mars and Mercury makes native proficient in Maths and Accountancy whereas Mars, Venus and Moon relationship brings progress in Chemistry. Conjunction of Moon and Venus brings intrest in Knitting and Sewing. Native achieves high ranked position in research sector. For Engineering line ,relationship of Saturn with Mars or Sun are significant .Native gets succeeded in occult subject like Astrology ,if planet Mercury is at angle ,lord of second house is strong and a benefic planet is well placed at 5th house. Conjunction of Jupiter and Moon at angle or trine position brings benefits in Astrology and religious rituals as well. If 9th place is occupied by Jupiter and is aspect by Moon and Saturn, native gets succeeded as an Attorney or Advocate .Association of Mars and Saturn brings success in Automobile sector. When lord of 5th house is situated at 6th /8th/12th place of the chart or Jupiter and Mercury is afflicted , it is found that native is not succeeded in getting desired results in

his /her studies despite of hard efforts ! Major or minor planetary cycle of the planet like Jupiter should be calculated for success in study .If such planetary cycle is not coming across through student life, native has to face difficulties in achieving degree despite of presence of the benefic combinations in birth chart ! Native faces obstacles and does not get desired results in studies ,if lord of 9th house is situated at 8th place or lord of 5th house and Jupiter are weak in the birth chart. .. And finally ,last but not the least ,..pray and worship the Goddess of study “ Saraswati Devi “ could be fruitful to have desired success !

9. Planets and Housing benefits:

As we all know that, bread, cloths and shelter are the basic necessities of human life. It has become a mere dream for medium class people to have their ‘sweet home’ because of gradual increase in populations and simultaneously, day today’s inordinate hike in the prices of land and building materials in the city. So, it is very hard to imagine about the

housing for poor people and their feelings in this hiked prices. If we look at railway platform or footpath of cities, we would find number of people lying and sleeping around, whereas on the other side we may find only two persons ,” Mr.& Mrs.” sharing a big house having 10-12 rooms with a separate outhouse accommodations for their maid servant ! See what a discrimination and disparity of nature! Money is very important factor to build up or to buy own house. Sometimes, it is seen that a person is not able to buy a house for want of enough budget or sometimes, somehow manages to buy a house but indulged in some litigation! Some people spend their whole life in the ancestral housing property, while sometime; they change their locations every now and then! Some people live in slum area while some in a posh area. “Oh God why is so happening! “...Everybody wants to ask question like this to almighty God! I think, we could sort out the answer relating to such existing disparity and discrimination with the help of astrological media. Native gets comforts relating housing affairs when in his nativity chart ,4th house ,Lord of 4th house and planet Mars ( indicator / significator for land- building affair ) are strong or placed at angular/trine position and afflicted by natural benefic planets. If, all above three components are placed at 6th,8th,or 12th house of horoscope chart or situated in enemy’s house , then it would bring some hardships for native while buying house .It is also possible , that sometimes native is deprived of in getting his dreamed house in life! Many astrologers accept planet Venus, as a significator/ indicator for housing affairs .Actually, the Venus is like a planet of luxury and entertainment. Today, rich families are found with full of such luxuries and for that, astrological point of view strong Venus in their nativity is accountable. This fact supports that only such natives enjoy comforts and happiness in modern bungalows, in whose birth chart 4th house, lord of 4th house and Mars with Venus are strong and well placed. For the happiness of house and property: For happiness and comfort related to housing affairs, the Lord of 4th house should be well placed /positioned in native’s chart as under: ..If Lord of 4th house /Chaturthesh (in horoscope) is: 1. -in association with of ascendant-lord (Lagnesh) in the ascendant, it brings house related ease and happiness for native without extra efforts. 2. -In mutual disposition with Ascendant lord (“Private Yoga “ ), it brings housing benefits for native.

3. -Well aspect, unaffiliated and strong in nativity, then native gets benefited in respect of housing affairs in nativity. 4. - Positioned at 12th house of the birth chart, then native stays in old or rented property. 5. - positioned at angle in the 1,4,7,10th house or positioned at trine in 1,5,9th position of birth chart, then the native enjoys a big and beautiful house. 6. -situated at 6th ,8th ,or 12th position and thereby is weak , then native is suffering and facing problems in his/her residence due to ill-planets. 7. -positioned at 6th house or aspect by malefic planet, then native could have property nearby residence of enemy or his property could be damaged or possibly, native may himself demolish his property! 8. -At 8th position of natal chart, then native could be homeless or his/her movable property/vehicle could be damaged. 10...At 12th position, then native may stay in a rented property or stays abroad. Possibly, native resides in a property, away from his parents. 11.- posited in 4th house with significator Mars in movable signs (Aries,Cancer,Libra,and Capricorn ) ,then native could possess many houses but if they are positioned in fixed signs ( Taurus,Leo,Scorpio ,Aquarius ),then native might stay in one and the same property throughout the entire his /her life period. Moreover... If 4th house is occupied by / aspect by Rahu, then native may loss related to house property.


12. If Ascendant-lord and lord of 4 th house /Chaturthesh, both are well placed in the 4th house of the chart, then native may gain benefits suddenly, from his/her house property. 13.If lord of 4th house /Chaturthesh is strong ( exalted / own housed /unaffiliated ) and is

situated in the 3rd house / position of natal chart, then native may have large ,well-built house with fascinating balconies . 14.If lord of 4th house /chaturthesh is exalted or in friendly sign or an exalted planet is positioned in 4th place/house and lord of 9th house ( Bhagyesh) is also positioned at angle places (1,4,7,10 ),then native might have a nice colorful house. Above mentioned planets and their conjunctions/aspects (Yogas) are of very common typed, wherein the position of Lord of 4th house /Chatuethesh is more emphasized. It is quite obvious that there may not be perfectly identical conjunctions/aspects of the planets as discussed herein, even though such types of conjunctions/aspects and positions are guiding enough and of utmost importance to study about native’s comfort and happiness related to house property.

10. Impact Of Retrograde Planets

Retrograde planets are more significant than direct moving planets for astrological forecasting because of their evil impact. So there could be wrong and misleading predictions, if retrograde phase of planets are not taken into considerations before forecasting. As a result, concerned Astrologers are sometimes, put in funny and awkward situations. Even in modern Astrology, detailed research or analysis pertaining to the impacts of retrograde planets are not described very well or analysed, though it is very necessary and evitable! Retrograde planets are considered stronger but most of the astrologers do not take into account while forecasting from horoscope, so it has become difficult for the common and primary readers to have appropriate knowledge related to the exact nature of retrograde planets. So, we will discuss briefly, herein this ongoing article about the impacts of retrograde planets. We see in the cosmos / universe that the transit of the Sun and the transit of the rest of the planets are not in the same direction. All these planets are sometimes found on the north side of Sun’s transit or on the south side .Every planets have different daily transit. Although the transit of Sun and the Moon is pretty straight and they are always moving forward in their respective orbit through zodiac sign. So they are called direct

planets. Since the planets like Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are gradually moving forward in their orbit / Rashi Chakra, they are called direct planets. They are called retrograde planets when they are moving backward. The transit of Rahu and Ketu are always retrograde. The mean speed of planet is called medium. If planet is moving at slower speed than mean speed, then it is called Mand Gati /slow motioned planet . Saturn is called as slowest motioned planet because Saturn takes 30 months to complete one zodiac cycle. If the motion of planet is faster than the mean speed, it is called ‘Sheegrah moving ‘/ fast moving ‘planet. Moon is known as Sheegrah /fast moving planet because it takes only 2-1/4 days to complete one Rashi /zodiac -sign cycle. Dear readers, we know that the Sun takes 30 days to change every sign; Moon takes 21/4 days, Mars takes 45 days, Mercury and Venus take around 25 days to change the sign. Saturn takes around 2 and a half years , Jupiter takes approximately 13 months to change zodiac sign while retrograde Rahu /ketu takes 18 months to change sign in a backward /clockwise direction. Generally Mercury transits retrograde when it stays 25 degree away and Venus moves retrograde when it stays 40-45 degree away from the Sun. That is why these two planets, Mercury and Venus, travel retrograde when they transit at next sign / 30 degree away from Sun. Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn move retrograde when they transit at 6th, 7th, 8th or 9th place away or 145 to 245 degree away from the Sun. Mercury moves retrograde approximately three times in a year, Mars and Venus move retrograde twice in a year. Retrograde motion of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn could be studied and observed with the help of horoscope and almanac (Panchang). Impacts of retrograde planets: Great Pandits / celebrities of ancient times like Kalidas, Ramnujacharya and Kalyan Varma have responded and tried to explain positively related to the impact of retrograde planets. As per recent astrologers, when benefic planet turns retrograde, it gives good result and when malefic Planet turns retrograde, it gives negative impact. Astronomical observations and detailed study of different Horoscopes enable to derive the following inferences and predictions in respect of behaviour of retrograde planets. 1. Any retrograde planet posited in own sign, exalted sign or in friendly sign, will influence like in debilitated sign. 2. Any retrograde planet posited in debilitated sign will influence like in exalted sign. 3. Natural benefic planet remains always benefic, even if it often moves retrograde. It does not matter where it is posited. Irrespective of its position in the chart, it ever produces auspicious results for concerned sign. It does not matter, if it is posited in enemy’s sign. However, It also influences good results for the sign where it aspects at in the natal chart. 4. Retrograde malefic planet is believed to produce inauspicious results and particularly it affects with respect to its position in the concerned sign and with respect to the sign,

where it aspects at, respectively during its major/minor planetary cycle. 6. If the lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th house is positioned in either one of the houses and is retrograde, it produces “Viprit Rajyoga” and brings in good /auspicious results for native. 7. If a planet is retrograde and combust, it is not capable of giving good results even if it is exalted, debilitated or in own zodiac sign. 8. When retrograde benefic planet functions, as lord of house and significator as well, it will produce auspicious results as exalted planet and will increase the amount of good results. 9.If in horoscope, two retrograde planets are positioned together in any house, and out of two, one is debilitated, it is considered as producer of good / benefic result , but another one ,which is not debilitated, becomes powerless/weak and produces little bit evil results related to concerned house in its major/minor planetary cycle.

11. 4th house and 10th house of horoscope

Nine planets of Cosmos and Twelve houses of horoscope construct the future of human being. 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th places are the angles of horoscope. Angles are the significant components for astrological forecasting. Primarily, the Position of every planet in the chart is the central matter. Angles, especially highlight over longetivity, health, parents, spouse, deeds and happiness related pursuits. We will try to obtain information associated to 4th and 10th position of horoscope in the ongoing article. 4th house / Position/place : 4th position of horoscope depicts information related to mother, fixed property, house ,vehicle, animal , agriculture, personality ,humanity, pleasure, relatives ,joint domestic family life ,north direction, chest and last phase of human life etc. Moon and Mercury are the significators of 4th place of birth chart. Let us study about the influences of different planets at 4th house of horoscope.

1. Sun (at 4th place /house): Native may suffer from chest /heart pain or heartburns if the sun is placed at 4th house. These problems may persist till 32 years. It influences mental stress, opposition, aggression and unrest to mother. 2. Moon: -Brings good results if Moon at 4th house is strong / exalted or in own house or in friendly sign. It is not capable of giving good results, if it is debilitated or in enemies sign or associated with Saturn, Rahu or Ketu. It could carry little hard time for mother, although imparts usual comforts to native in respect of land-house and vehicles. 3. Mars: -Strong Mars brings apex pleasure as regards to agriculture, land-building and vehicle etc. If Mars is debilitated, or in the enemy’s house or afflicted otherwise, causes disharmony and quarrels in the family. It indicates little hard time for native’s parent at the age of 8thyear. 4. Mercury: -Position of Mercury at 4th house, brings instability as regards to land, building and vehicle. If Mercury is afflicted by Rahu, ketu,or Saturn ,native faces problems as regards to pleasure of vehicle and keeps native away from being house owner. Brings disharmony and conflicts among relatives and family members. 5. Jupiter: Native becomes owner of classic residence, immense land property and excellent vehicles, If lord of 4th house is strong or associated with Venus / Moon in horoscope. However afflicted Jupiter by malefic planet/s is not capable of giving auspicious results, although provides protection against longevity problems and brings development as regards to career. 6. Venus: Native enjoys all type of luxuries like, prestigious garments, high class ornaments, jewellery, and tasty dishes to eat in life, if Venus is at 4 th house and 4th house is strong as well. Native possesses excellent dwellings and classic vehicles. 7. Saturn:

It brings good results for native, if Saturn at 4th house is exalted or in own house. However, it produces rubbish struggle and conflicts for native at work place .Indicates tough time for father. It is benefic for mother, If 4th place is occupied by zodiac sign of ascendant lord. However association of Saturn with lord of 8th house at this place is not capable of producing good results for native’s mother. 8. Rahu: Rahu at 4th house may cause chest pain, heart trouble, severe disease, family conflicts and stress to mother. It produces ordinary community transactions. Influences bodily ache, deception, damage and breach of trust. It also brings dissatisfaction and vagueness as regards to land-building, vehicle and property pursuits. 9. Ketu: Ketu at 4th house of birth chart causes, stress, anxiety, disturbances. Native does not enjoy the pleasure and happiness related to friends, mother and residence for a longer period. Native is pleased by intimates, if Ketu is well placed in Sagittarius or Pisces sign. 10th house: Tenth house in horoscope represents profession, occupation, trade, father, savings, Karma, character, international recognition, power, fame, rank, authority ,joints ,knees etc. Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are significators for tenth house. Let us have information about the influences of different planets when they are posited at tenth house of the nativity. 1. Sun at 10th position – It brings progress in political career, popularity and reputations. 18th year of age could be significant / beneficial for native. If Sun at 10th house is weak and afflicted by malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu or Ketu, native faces obstructions, delay and denials in occupation. It causes hard time for father. Native does not have glowing status in the society. 2. Moon: – Native becomes intelligent, religious, virtuous and popular. 27 th year of age could be sensible. Native faces obstacles and suffers big loss or damage in business / trade if Moon at tenth position /house is debilitated or afflicted by planets like Saturn, Rahu or Ketu. It causes problems in earning money, if 10 th lord (lord of 10th house) is weak in birth chart of native. 3. Mars: – The native becomes popular, bright, brave, passionate, donator, mighty and bears hard working personality at work. If Mars is debilitated in the Cancer sign or is associated with Rahu / ketu or Saturn, then native faces several obstacles at work. Native may get indulged in to evil activities. Native might get good results at the age of 18.

4. Mercury: – The native becomes self sufficient, socialize, polite, prosperous, virtuous and accurate. At the age of 28, he might suffer some bodily pain. Native visits pilgrim places, exercises donation and perform good deeds, if Mercury is in Gemini or Virgo sign. If Mercury is in enemy’s sign or associated with/afflicted by malefic planets, native performs mystic activities and becomes non-virtuous person. 5. Jupiter: – Native becomes truthful, kind, noble, reputed, performer of auspicious deeds, religious, and donator. Earns respects in the family. Native gets inauspicious results, if 10th lord is weak or afflicted by malefic planets. It produces obstacles in religious works and donations etc. 6. Venus: Native becomes courageous and fortunate, if Venus is associated with / aspect by natural benefic planets likes Jupiter, Moon, or Mercury. Native enjoys several types of auspicious results along with domestic luxuries. If Venus is afflicted by malefic planets, native faces obstacles at occupation. Especially, native’s 27th year of age could be problematic. 7. Saturn: – Native experiences ups and down in profession. If Saturn is afflicted by malefic planets, it causes sizeable loss of capital and makes indebted. Native faces social disrespect and people oppose. It brings mental disharmony with mother, wife and business partners as well. Native experiences uncertainty regards to residence. Native Performs auspicious deeds at the age of 25th year. 8. Rahu: Native becomes famous, fearless and dedicated to other’s work. Native suffers pains, keeps him / her away from performing virtuous deeds. Native faces obstacles at work, if Rahu at 10th position/house is afflicted by malefic planets. Native exercises evil deeds at work. He may have difference of opinion and mental dissatisfactions with father or may not have father’s affection. Native may enjoys power and privileges, if Rahu is in Taurus /Gemini sign. 9. Ketu: – Native becomes pious, religious and gets isolated from society. Native loves everybody. Native beats enemies, if Ketu is in Scorpio/Sagittarius. Native may have “ ( Gas ) Vata and kafa ( Cough ) originated diseases. Native might face

undue problems and obstacles at profession, if ketu is afflicted by malefic planets. Thus, influence of planets positioned at fourth and tenth house of nativity are significant at glance. For accurate predictions ,detail study in respect of aspect /associated planets at 4th and 10th houses, position of Chaturthesh , Karmesh in the birth chart need to be exercised along with the study of ”Navamansh Kundali” and “Dasmansh Kundali “.

12. Fashionable pretty woman and planet Venus: Planet Venus behaves like a secretary of all the planets. It is 25.7 million miles away (Shortest distance) from the Earth. Its numerical number is 6 and is a feminine planet by nature. Planetary period / Vishomttary Dasha of Venus are 20 years. It stays nearly 30 days in one zodiac sign and 11 days in one ‘ Naxatra ‘/(constellations) . It remains strong at 4th house of birth chart i.e. at north direction. It is the lord of Taurus and Libra sign. It is exalted in Pisces sign ruled by Jupiter and debilitated in Virgo sign ruled by Mercury. The Venus behaves friendly when associated with Mercury, stays aggressive when afflicted by Saturn or Rahu and inimical with planets, like Moon, Sun and Mars. Venus , the planet of love and beauty , is the significator of marriage, engagement, divorce, luxury, love affairs, music, art, games, dancing, acting ,drawing, painting,

ornamentation, ( such as perfumes, cosmetics, jewellery, fine fabrics ) admiration and overseas tour. Moreover, obesity, Diabetes and sickness related to ear is also studied regard to Venus with the help of this planet. Venus becomes Yoga karaka / lord of angle and lord of trine in respect Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendant. It brings good results in Nakshatras like Ashlesha, Jyestha, Revathi, krutika, Swati and Adra, while it gives negative results in Nakshatras like Bharni, Purva, Phalguni, Purvashadha, Mrugashirsha, and Ghanishtha.

Venus – As a feminine planet After having outlined about the nature of Venus, we shall now study the influence of Venus and its conjunctions at different position of birth chart with respect to beautiful and gorgeous women. It is not possible to have romantic mood and pursuits about the magnetism of beautiful and stunning women without the Venus planet. It is none other than planet Venus who can offer such prettiness. Only planet Venus brings charming personality like lord Krishna for male native and creates high levelled artists ( like hero-heroine, painter, musician, singer etc.) Perhaps the beauty of the spring season exists in the nature, is only because of exalted Venus! Actually, the beauty of Venus has the honesty and not the mere show up activities! It would not have been possible for a great poet like Kalidas to write up and create great poetries without the influence of Venus. Venus is also responsible for the figure and vital measurement of attractive women (like 36’’-24’’-36’’). Beauty without the essence of Venus is just like wine without toxicity! Thus, the Venus is like a king of all ravishment. It ignites sexual desires when Venus is associated with Mars and such desires of female native go beyond control when Venus gets conjunct with Mars and Mercury. Venus brings attractive eyes for women when associated with Mars and Moon. Women get an art of fashion designing and talent of cat walking on ramp as model. Venus is responsible for women’s instable and appealing smile. It always produces vibrations of magnetic attractions. Venus becomes violent in the company of Mars and Mercury. Compassion of the Venus is rather selfish. In case of disappointment in love, Venus behaves unreasonably. Venus in conjunction with Saturn reveals vulgarity. Venus influenced native, enjoys quietness in the company of opposite gender. Generally the Venus is calm and cool. Venus is very motivating and jubilant planet which creates artists and develops their talent. Maker of ‘Malavya Yoga ‘, planet Venus is very noble to make native wealthy. Venus brings control over Jupiter’s fake sanctity when conjunct with Jupiter while

Jupiter tries to create perfect human by controlling over the extravagancy of Venus. Venus is like a unique artist who ever tries to drag the native from depression and makes his/her life alive and enjoyable. It brings fascinating beauty, curly hair, attractive/ ‘ Minaxi ‘ eyes along with stout posture for women / female native , If Venus is in exalted / own sign or in friendly sign. It brings proficiency in lyric, music, and poem and enhances drammitacal and acting talent. Such natives possess beauty oriented eyesight and they ever like to enjoy all these types of pleasant amenities in life. Native possesses sugary voice, kind interaction, soft speech and good manners. It causes weakness relating to female gender in male nativity, when such feminine and “Yoga karaka “(lord of angle cum lord of trine) Venus afflicts with ascendant /first house of birth chart. Such natives are charming, talkative, scary, soft spoken and non confrontational. Now let us study about the impacts while life elevator Venus conjuncts with other planets. Exalted (Pisces sign) / own sign (Libra) Venus at angle produces “Malavya Yoga “. This fortunate placement of Venus will bestow on native extra ordinary strength of will. Native not only will possess physical strength but also will have the charming personality and courage of convictions .Native would be learned person, wealthy, renowned, high profiled talented artist and respected by all. Venus + Mercury: It gives good-looking eyes, attractive oratory, and intellectual thoughts along with attitude to deceive others when Venus is afflicted by Mercury. Venus + Sun: It decreases sexual power, attractions towards opposite genders and brings inertness in marital life of women when Venus is afflicted/associated with the Sun. Especially in the birth charts of lifelong single women, such type of conjunction is observed. Venus + Jupiter: This combination brings control over unbounded desires. It induces intense writing command and fine art talent. Association of Venus with Jupiter in women nativity brings graciousness and talent of making friends. Venus + Mars: The affliction of Venus with Mars inflames the feelings and desires. Such combination produces limitless opposite sexual attractions resulting into inter-cast marriages and extra marital affairs. Venus + Saturn:

Affliction of Venus with Saturn brings weirdness in the native’s marital life. It causes unhappiness in their domestic life. Such combination sometimes brings unfair relationships with lower class persons like servant, car driver, and somehow gets married without the consent of parents or gets delay in marriage /engagement. Venus + Moon: This fortunate combination of Venus with Moon gives lovely spouse to native. It imparts lovely speech. Such natives mostly enjoy all sorts of physical comforts and pleasure in their life. Thus, we see that all above Yogas / conjunctions bring specific destiny for natives by birth itself and that could be studied and analyzed with the help astrological media. Feedback and suggestions, if any, are welcome to this article.

13. Study about the king of planets ...The Sun

In mythology, Sun has been considered as the king of all planets. All planets are revolving around the Sun. Our Earth is also one of them. Sun is the administrator of universe. It is considered as a soul. It has got several other names too. It is also known as Bhaskar, Helly, Bhanuman, Diwakar, Prabhakar, Dinesh and Arun etc. By nature, the Sun is virtuous and reddish black in colour. It is considered as evil planet having masculine/male zodiac sign, fiery element. Leo sign is considered as its own sign (Swagruhi). It is called exalted when posited in Aries sign at 10 degree. The Sun in Libra is in the sign of its fall status and is called debilitated sign. Moon, Mars and Jupiter are its friendly planets. Mercury is neutral to Sun. While planets like Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are inimical to Sun. 22nd, , 23rd and 24th year of native could be very fortunate. The Sun aspects at straight way by 180 degree at its 7th position / house of chart. The Sun influenced natives are usually kind, patient, remarkable and humanitarian by nature and that is why it brings strong body structure, medium height, few hair, yellowish eyes, and Pitta nature for native. They live glittering life. They possess striking personality. The Sun is considered as a significator of eyes among body parts. It causes eye problems to native, if the afflicted Sun is positioned at twelfth house in enemy’s sign and the Moon is positioned at sixth place. The sun is considered stronger, if it is positioned in exalted sign, own sign, friendly sign or at 10th place of birth chart. Its gemstone is Ruby / Manek. The soul is considered potent and sacred, if the Sun is strong in the natal chart. It is advisable to hold Ruby gemstone, preferably on Sunday, for the complacency of the Sun. Unafflicted, strong and well placed Sun influences luminosity, personality, power, paternity, Pitta nature and that is why Leo ascendant natives are orthodox, stubborn, firm, practical and irate persons. They always lung for leadership, prestige, status, and priorities for popularity in their life. Such natives exercise expedience, imitation and have extra ordinary courage because of fiery element.

14. The conjunctions of Sun with different planets.

The Sun in Aries at 10 degree is well placed, as Aries is the sign of the Sun’s exaltation (Uchcha Rashi) and Libra is the sign of fall. It gets debilitated (Neecha Rasi) in Libra sign at 10 degree. Moon, Mars and Jupiter are its friendly planets. It is inimical to planets like Venus, Saturn and Rahu. It affects to native’s reputation, brings difficulties in Government job and difference of opinion with father, if in the horoscope, the Sun is posited in debilitated sign or in Aquarius or Capricorn sign of enemy planet Saturn . Now, let us study about the Aspects / /Conjunctions / ‘Yuti ‘/Association of the Sun with different planets: (1) Sun +Saturn: Association of Sun with Saturn brings disharmony in relation with father and requires family sacrifice. (2) Sun + Venus: Native becomes musician, intellect, famed personality and status in society, If the Sun and the Venus conjunction (Yuti) is unafflicted and well placed. (3) Sun + Mercury: Such ‘Shubha Yuti ‘/ association helps native to acquire high academic degree, wealth and practical nature at work. Native holds good business dealing power. (4) Sun + Moon:

Native gets deprived of parental pleasure, if the Sun is associated with Moon in horoscope. Native lives the aimless life. However, becomes famous in religious sector. (5) Sun + Mars: Native could be a Doctor / Surgeon, if this combination is unafflicted and auspicious. However, native may be hot tempered (6) Sun + Rahu: When Sun afflicts with Rahu, it give rises to ‘Grahan Yoga’ and thereby native has to struggle hard throughout the life. (7) Sun + Mercury + Venus: Auspicious / unafflicted association of Sun with Mercury and Venus makes native wealthy. Native becomes smart, mathematician, and an excellent businessman, if the planet Mercury is ahead of the Sun by degree in the same sign or in the next zodiac sign.

15. Aspect relationships of different planets with the Moon:

Moon is like a queen among all planets. It is 0.238 million miles away from the Earth. Its lord is Neptune. It is a significator of Astrology. Moon is watery (associated with the element water) feminine planet. It has influence over white color, blood, North West direction and water bank. Its gemstone is Pearl. It is instable and ‘kapha ‘(cough) by nature. It is powerful by night time and at 4th house of natal chart. It is a significator of 4th house of horoscope. Its ‘Vishomtari Dasha’ / planetary cycle lasts for 10 years. It stays for 2 and a quarter day in one zodiac sign and one day in constellation (Nakshatra).

However, Moon signifies beauty; courtesy, white colour and virtues (Satwa Guna) .Women impassioned natives are more influenced by Moon. It loves luxury and deliciousness. Since it influences over blood, blood is affected when Moon is afflicted. Due to its imagination energy , it also signifies poem, literature,mental,weakness,madness,insanity,mania,love,feelings,heart,travel,thoughtlessness and hypnotism etc. Yuti: Now, we shall discuss about the effects of Moon and its aspects / conjunctions. (Sanskrit word-Yuti) of Moon with other planets in this chapter: When more than one planets are within orb ( plus or minus 7 degrees ) of another planet, in the same sign, it is called conjunction /association (‘ Yuti ‘ in Sanskrit ).This ’Yuti’ /conjunction is very significant for astrological foretell. All the important Yogas like Raj yoga , Lakshmi Yoga , Daridra Yoga ,Gaj-Kesari Yoga that take place in horoscope are mainly due to ‘Yuti’/conjunctions of Moon with other planets . e.g. Conjunction of Moon and Mars give rise to ‘ Lakshmi Yoga ‘ and Moon and Jupiter give rise to ‘ Gaj –kesari Yoga’ which brings happiness ,wealth, reputation and luxury for native. 1. Moon + Sun: Our Astrologers have viewed the conjunction / aspect of the Sun with any planets, little bit differently because the planets placed in the same sign nearby the Sun at particular degree distance ( within orb , plus or minus 7 degrees ) are overshadowed under the light of Sun and thus nearby planets become combust. Thereby their power of giving benefic results gets debilitated. In other way, we may say that aspect of Sun with any planet, including Moon is unable to produce benefic /good results. Conjunction / Yuti of Sun with Moon is called ‘Amavasya ‘. Physically, this Yuti does not produce health wise auspicious results. Such natives who have Sun and Moon Yuti /association in their natal chart, are weak and slim. Their eyes are weak. They wear spectacles. Usually they are introvert by nature. They avoid to be socialized. Their introvert personality brings religious and high mentality. On the other side, opposition aspect of Moon with Sun is called ‘Full Moon’ and that gives auspicious results. ‘Full Moon day’ born natives are opened minded and extrovert. They are healthy and have remarkable personality. Such natives could conquer all the peaks of success physically, if other planets do co-ordinate. 2 Moon +Mars: Moon-Mars association is called ‘Laxmi Yoga’. When Moon is in conjunction with Mars, “the planet of action and aggression”, native becomes busy and thereby, makes progress and acquire wealth. This Moon and Mars association performs ‘Laxmi Yoga’, especially in Cancer, Capricorn and Sagittarius zodiac signs. Although mentally, this combination does not render any good results. This Yuti, sometimes, brings shortcomings of Mars like anger, insensibility, and egotism in native. Because of the

greater amount of anger, native often abuses and shows carelessness towards his intimates and worsens the mutual relationships. However, native regrets later on! MoonMars conjunction at 6th, 8th, or at 12th house of natal chart does not produce any benific results for physical health. 3. Moon +Mercury: Association of Moon with Mercury, “the significator of speech and intellect”, produces auspicious results. Natives born with such Yuti /association in the horoscope are generally, loving, emotional, polite, and courteous and have interest in religious and intellectual activities. They are much more attached with academic studies and languages. They often make progress in literature sector. Here, I would like to remind you that both, Moon and the planet Mercury, come easily under the influence of each other. Moreover, individualities of both differ to each other. Moon is friendly to Mercury, while Mercury is inimical to Moon. We know that, Moon represents mind, whereas Mercury indicates intelligence. So when both these planets (Moon and Mercury) are afflicted by malefic planets, it depicts intellectual or mental weakness and native may suffer from psychopath! 4. Moon + Jupiter (Association / Yuti of Moon and Jupiter). Jupiter is the “Greater benific “planet and its association with any planet promote the benific power of the planet. Jupiter-Moon or Jupiter –Venus Yuti / conjunction brings whitish colour, attractive personality and obesity for native. Such association /Yuti of Moon with Jupiter in the birth chart are referred to as “Gaj-Keshari Yoga“in astrology. Such natives become intelligent, practical, and rich. They are highly regarded in the family. Since the Jupiter is Satwa Guna ( virtuous ) by nature , such natives are kind ,mild , religious and respecting the elders .Natives remain well balanced in happy or unhappy moments of life. In our Vedic astrology, Apart from conjunction of Moon with Jupiter, the square or opposition aspect of Moon with Jupiter is also considered as “GajKeshari Yoga”. This auspicious aspect / Yuti give all sorts of happiness-comforts and success in the life. 5.

Moon + Venus (Association of Moon with Venus).

Venus is the planet of art, beauty , luxury and pleasure .Native born with such type of conjunction / Yuti of Moon with Venus brings in interest for the native like dance, music, acting, drawing and sculpture. Such natives have whitish and attractive face. Their main speciality is to dress in as per modern fashion .They believe in modern fashion. They love to look attractive and to be attracted by others. They would like to enjoy radio listening, watching TV / movies, and spending time mostly where fashionable public is visiting. Although Moon and Venus are inimical to each other, they both being of water element, are little bit alike in nature and therefore their aspect (conjunction or Yuti /opposition conjunction or Prati-Yuti) ever produce benefic results. 6. Moon +Saturn (Association of Moon and Saturn referred to as ‘Visha Yoga’) :

Since Moon and Saturn are inimical to each other, association of Moon with planet Saturn ever produces largely malefic results. Saturn is the natural malefic planet and ‘Tamoguni ‘by nature. Natives born with such ‘Visha Yoga’ / Yuti (Association) in horoscope are timid, suspicious, jealous and orthodox by nature. Mainly their hesitant status brings hindrance in the progress. Such natives are physically and mentally unhealthy. They often become the victim of diseases like common cold, cough, asthma and breathiness. As such their decision taking power is very weak; they hardly perform any work at ease. 7. Moon + Rahu / Ketu (Association / conjunction of Moon with Rahu / Ketu): Normally Rahu-Ketu offers result as per the lord of zodiac sign, where they are posited in the birth chart or like the planet with which it is associated. Generally it gives melafic results for that particular position or for associated planet. Although it is believed at physical and spiritual point of view, both Rahu and Ketu could generate benific results It brings glowing success in the life, if Moon is aspect by Rahu at the angle of native’s birth chart. Such natives possess impressive personality. Although such conjunctions, if taking place at 6th, 8th or 12th house of horoscope, they produce malefic results. Ketu is considered as a significator of beatitude (bliss) and is believed that Ketu at 12th position of birth chart brings bliss for native. Like association of Moon with Rahu, association of Moon with ketu also, produces malefic and negative result.

16. Results of Major planetary period (Maha Dasha) / Minor Planetary period. (AntarDasha):

We shall now try to study the general principles relating to outcome / results of Major planetary period and Minor planetary period in this Chapter. (1) In Vedic astrology or Jyotish the dasha or long period ruler and the bhukti /antardasha or short period ruler seem to have their greatest impact in terms of the houses they rule over and occupy. Generally, Major planetary period produces results mainly with reference to its occupied planetary position in the progressed chart. It also produces benefic or malefic results for the places where it aspects and for the places to which it belongs to as a lord /owner. If the planet (whose dasha is in progress) is benefic, it produces benefic /positive results and if the planet is malefic, it produces malefic /negative results. (2) If the planet (malefic /unfortunate or benefic / fortunate) is the lord of angle or trine place of the birth chart, it gives benefic and favourable results. It produces malefic and negative results if the planet (whose dasha /antar-dasha in progress at a time) is the lord/owner of the 2nd , 6th, 8th, 11th, or 12th place. (3) If the planet is the lord of 2nd or 7th, house of natal chart, it gives inauspicious results in its Major/minor planetary period (dasha / antar-dasha). (4) It produces auspicious results in its Major/minor planetary period, if the planet is in exalted, own sign (Swa-Rashi) or in friendly sign. (5) Major or Minor planetary period of the debilitated planets or lord of debilitated places influences malefic or unfavourable results. (6) Minor planetary period (Antar-dasha) of malefic planet produces unfortunate results under the Major planetary period ( Dasha )of benefic planet. (7) Generally all auspicious and new works can be initialized during the Major planetary period of benefic / fortunate planet. (8) Major planetary period of unfortunate planet causes damages, retrogression or downfall, sorrow and failures.

(9) Major or Minor planetary period of the “Yoga karak “(Lords of both, angle and trine places) planet and “Atma karak “planet (strongest planet in terms of degree in the sign of natal chart) brings fortunate results for native. (10) Major planetary period of the afflicted planet becomes unfortunate and unafflicted/ well placed planet becomes fortunate. (11) It is not all time true that major planetary period of malefic planet will ever produce unfortunate result. It could also produce benefic or fortunate results even if the malefic planet is the lord of angle or trine or ‘Yoga karak’ in horoscope. (12) If natural/functional malefic planets are posited at debilitated positions in horoscope (6th, 8th, or 12th place), their Major /minor Planetary period could produce benefic and positive results. We could forecast /predict more closely, if we take into account, the transit of the planets in the cosmos /universe simultaneously.

17. Probable diseases based on different zodiac signs

Vedic astrology has got an answer about the probable disease that may have, to different zodiac signed natives. Since ancient times, there has been a relationship between Astrology and Science of Ayurveda.( Science of traditional Hindu alternative medicine, involving balancing three bodily humours of wind/ vaat, bile/ pitta, and phlegm/ kapha ) It was little bit mandatory to know about astrology along with the study of Ayurveda for the Ayurvedic doctors. Since then, Indian Vaidyaraja /Ayurvedic doctors have been utilizing Astrology for diagnosis purpose of diseases in Ayurveda. Indian Medical Science strongly believes that the root cause of all diseases is mainly due to the disorders and irregularities that are taking place day today in human being nature.Ayurvedic doctotors/Ayurvedacharyas or Ayurvedacaryas have also prescribed three elements for human physical nature and structure. 1 Wind / Vaat element 2. Bile / Pitta element 3. Phlegm / kapha or Cough element Our nature is consisted of these three elements. An individual becomes victim of any diseases upon, any changes (decrease or increase) in the equilibrium of above three elements that takes place as per the seasonal weather. Humane being could stay healthy, if the proportion of these the elements in the body are ever maintained. Since the astrology has also acknowledged these three elements as root cause of diseases, it suggests the principles for the diagnosis of diseases on the basis of the planets that affect (increase / decrease) the power of elements. In the featured article, a modest attempt has been made to highlight briefly about the probable diseases at a primary level that may happen to any natives, based on different zodiac signs as below. The above referred zodiac signs and related diseases /problems are only illustrative. It

may not be perfect but to arrive at closer diagnosis, study of other factors like Naxatra (constellation), Planets, and element of zodiac sign is evitable. However, positive feedback on such article from our .


Zodiac Sign

Probable related Disease/s



Injuries on face/head, Fire accident, Migraine, Kidney, Headache.



Boils,Constipation,Tonsil,Throat infection,Angena,Diabetes,Galpacodia,



Common Cold, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Hand injury etc.



Stomach, Indigestion, Cold-cough, Inflammation etc.



Bodyache, eye, Heart, Brain, Spinal chord etc..



Intestinal infection or inflammation,Appendicitis,Cholera,Dysentry,Diahorrea, Constipation etc.



Skin, kidney stone, Urination,



Backache,Scurvy,Kidney stone, Urinary irritation, Reproductive organs, Blood contamination.



Typhoid, Joints pain,Rhumetism,Paralysis



Common-cold, Cough, Skin diseases etc..



Anemia, Knee, Heart, Blood contamination. etc



Insomnia (loss of sleep), Joints pain, Acidity etc..

18 Probable diseases based on Nakshatra /Constellation

Dear students, we acquired information about probable diseases related to readers is always welcome and appreciated. concerned zodiac sign in previous chapter. Now let us have information about probable diseases related to concerned Nakshatra /Constellation of sign as below.

Probable diseases /Health problems No. Nakhshatra (Name in sanskrit ) 1 Insomnia, Gas, head ache Ashwini 2






Laziness, Eye problem, skin disease, fever Eye problem, Irritations, Pain in abdomen, insomnia, diabetes Headache, Restlessness, Stress, Migraine, Skin disease, sadness



Blood contamination, Diabetes, Brain fever. ( Tridosh )



Fever, Insomnia, Tridosh



Headache, fever, back pain/ katishul



Cold ,fever, and cumbrous diseases, Body pain



Body pain due to leg problem ,and painful fatal diseases



Headache, gastric problem, Blood contamination



Common fever, eye/ vision problem ,


Body ache, backache, fever, Eye problem


U. Phalguni Hasta



Major/minor problems due to several types of diseases.



Skin diseases.



Body pain, Back pain





Constipation, Anorexia ,abdomen pain, Diabetes

Body pain, Headache, fever Acidity/Bile , Parkinson’s disease, restlessness, Psychiatric disease, insanity



Tridosh/Sannipat ( Brain fever ) , abdomen and oral diseases



Parkinson, headache, diabetes, stomach pain, other cumbrous disease



Trodosh /Brain fever, Aids,Contagious diseases ,Urinary problem,



Parkinson, Mutrakacchha /Urinary disease, Fever



Vaatjvar, Brain fever,High B.P, Bone fracture



Diabetes, High B.P, Heart ,Skin,


P. Bhadra

Anxiety,Brain fever,Headache,



Anemia, Gas, Dental diseases, Fever



Ear, Wind, Bile, Hysteria ,eye , Feet pain, Kidney,

19. key to succeed in business

It is necessary for individual to have satisfactory return / earning to his/her invested money, time, energy, and labour, at a time when the money has become the almighty power like God in the universe! So, first of all, one should exercise proper selection of his/her business as per one’s horoscope. God has equally gifted intellect power, physical power and enterprising power to everyone and these can be easily understood by the study of one’s horoscope. One could bloom his /her own destiny if the God gifted power is utilised in a proper direction and that is what a successful person does and succeeds. He /she could also save the extra money, time and energy if he/she wishes. Since the 10th house of birth chart constructs one’s destiny, it is called the house of profession (Karma) /occupation including trade and therefore, is given special significance in the Vedic astrology for livelihood. Now let us follow the below given table according to the position /place of zodiac sign and their respective lords. Position no.

Zodiac sign

Lord of zodiac sign

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio

Mars Venus Mercury Moon Sun Mercury Venus Mars

9 10 11 12

Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pieces

Jupiter Saturn Saturn Jupiter

If we observe and follow the above table, we could get to know about the placement of particular zodiac sign and its lord of sign respectively in the birth chart. If the lord of 10th house is well placed and unafflicted / benefic in horoscope, select the field of livelihood /occupation accordingly. Right here, I am trying to suggest the recommended occupations /trades with respect to the placement of planet and zodiac sign at 10th place of birth chart of native. Sr. No.

Zodiac Sign / Lord of Zodiac Sign Recommended business /Trades ( at 10th position of Birth Chart )


Aries OR Scorpio / Mars


Taurus OR Libra /Venus


Gemini OR Mercury

4 5




Tobacco and Tobacco products ,Minerals , Color and Chemicals, Dyes or Dyes products, Pharmacy Gold-Silver ,Cosmetics, Entertainment, Hotel--Restarunt, Photography /

Press - Publication, Film - Dramma Commission agent, Banking, Tours - Travels Cancer / Moon Petrol pump/ Gas Station, Soft drink ,Bakery, Dairy product Leo / Sun Politics, Grocery, Jewellery, Advocacy Share & Stock Sagittarius OR Pisces / Education, Religious rituals ,Banker/ Shroff, Jupiter Astrology Stationery Capricorn OR Aquarius / Saturn Foundary, Real estate ,Gas, Minerals, Electricity, Machines-Mechanics.

(B) Marital life

20 Remedies for immediate wedding:

Life is full of struggle. There is nobody on the universe that has not come across ups

and downs in the life. We could know about whatever types of happiness and unhappiness are there in the life with the help of astrology. All the aspects / events of the life are divided into the twelve houses of horoscope in astrology. Marriage is a very important event of life. We could learn about marriage /partnership mainly from the 7th house of the birth chart.1st, 2nd, and 9th house of birth chart should also be considered in to account for detailed marriage aspect. 1s t house represents about self expression, physical body, overall health and vitality and therefore it is very significant. The 2nd house relates to the post marriage family. The 7 th house signifies the married life.9th house is relates to destiny. Every events of the life are related to destiny/luck and therefore 9th house of horoscope is being given more importance at the time of marriage. 4th house relates to happiness of joint family. 5 th house of horoscope should be studied for issue/offspring /expansion matter of family after marriage. 5th house or lord of 5th house is related to the Major/minor planetary period of particular planet at the time of marriage. If the marriage is taking place during the Major or minor planetary period of the lord of 5th house, native is benefited by having child/children, soon after marriage and that is why the importance of lord of 5th house is significant at the time of marriage. Since the 8th house is related to auspicious function, 8t h house of natal chart is also studied at the time of marriage. As 8 th house of horoscope relates to longevity, it is advisable to study about 8th house of a native when marriage is planned in the family.2 nd house from ascendant indicates about new family of native likewise, the 2nd house from 7th place means 8th house of the natal chart, represents the new family of native’s spouse. In the ongoing article, we shall discuss briefly about several experienced and risk free remedies for the prompt and on time wedding of marriage appetent natives (boy or girl). Probably in the case if girls, sometimes we observe slight delay in the marriage settlement, in the circumstances, following remedies are suggested for the parents and family guardians of the daughter to prevent, so called delay in wedding settlement of their daughters. (1) Girl/daughter could be insisted by parents to wear yellow dress along with a silky handkerchief on Thursday and white dress on Friday. Proposals for wedding from highquality family could come within 4 weeks of continued experiment. The girl’s garments /dresses need not be new one but at the same time, as far as possible it is advised not to be repeated. ( 2 ) It is recommended that when girl’s family members visit boy’s family for first time for matrimonial purpose, a girl might keep her hair untied/free and should not tie up /knit up her hair until they all return to home. (3) If an appetent girl is eligible and due for marriage, by chance attends marriage

functions, she needs to apply little portion of bride’s henna on her hands. (4) For marriage at an early date, a girl should observe fast (Vrat) for 16 Mondays and worship Lord Shiva at temple. Such exercise will help her bring suitable wedding proposals. It is believed that aggrieved Lord ShaniDev could also be pleased by worshiping Lord Shiva, being the master of Lord Shani. (5) The regular reading of the chapter on God-Goddess ‘Shiv-Parvatiji‘s wedding under ‘the Bal-kind of Rama Charit-Manas ‘by the appetent girl is recommend. (6) The marriage appetent boy or girl is recommended to worship Lord Shiva at temple (Exercise water transfusion on Shivling and chanting “Oum Namah Shivay “ ) on every Friday for at least 7 weeks. This could generate the possibilities of good marriage proposals. (7) Wedding Hindrances could be overcome, if boy or girl exercises water transfusion (Jal-Abhisheka) experiment at the root of ‘Pipla tree ‘for 43 days. ( 8 ) To fascinate lovely boy /girl for marriage, bachelor boy or maiden girl needs to hang up attractive crystal ball /’Zummar’ over head in the bedroom. Care should be taken, that legs or head is not facing to the door of bedroom while sleeping! (9) Since the Jupiter is significator of marriage, Jupiter should be artificially strengthened, if it is weak in the horoscope of native. Yellow Sapphire or Topaz, a recommended gemstone should be worn on the ‘Tarjani’/ Index finger at right hand of native on Thursday, to overcome undue delay in marriage. Yellow sapphire/Topaz needs not to be worn along with blue Sapphire /Neelam or Gomed/Cat’s eye (gemstone for Rahu). (10) If the planet Saturn is found obstructing marriage aspects in the natal chart, following preventive remedial measures to minimize the influences of evil planet like Saturn should be performed. (a)- Exercise 16 Mondays fast/Vrat (b)- Perform 11 beads/nests of “Om Namah Shivay “chant. (c)- Worship /Pray for Lord Hanuman. (d) –Worship Lord Sun / SuryaDev to quiet the anger /indignation of Saturn / Shani Dev, because the Sun is believed to be the father of Saturn. (e) - Chant Mantras / Japa for Lord Sun/SuryaDev or Gayatri Devi. (f)- Perform pure and sweet watered transfusion to Pipala tree and exercise seven times circumambiency (Parikramaa) around Pipla tree on Saturday.

21 When will be betrothal or wedding?

In the current era of technology, the marriage of our children is one of the burning issues of human society. Despite of unceasing search for the suitable life partner, this problem is still unresolved. However, it is becoming easier day by day to solve this problem with the help of technology like internet and website, although it is not feasible for all the classes of society. Even educated class of the society is also unable to grab full advantage because of their unfamiliarity with current and new technology. In the present featured article, I have tried to show you some astrological Yoga when probable time for marriage of native could take place. –During the Major or minor planetary cycle (dasha-antar dasha) of Venus. ! 1– Transit of Jupiter in the universe through 3 rd, 7th, or 11 th place of lunar chart (Moon Chart /Chandra Kundali) of native, strengthens and increases the possibilities of marriage. ! –Transit of Jupiter through or its aspect at the planet Venus as a significator of seventh house (Saptam karak) of nativity. ! –During the Major / minor planetary period (dasha) of Lord of seventh house (Saptmesh) of horoscope. ! –During the transit of Jupiter in the universe, through the ascendant. ! –During the transit of Jupiter in the universe through the Lord of seventh house of horoscope (Saptmesh). ! –During the Major/minor planetary period of lord of the zodiac sign, occupied by the ‘Saptmesh’ in natal the chart. ! -During the Major/minor planetary period of the planet positioned at seventh house or the planet aspecting at seventh house of natal chart. ! During the Major /minor planetary period of Lord of 2nd house (Dhanesh).

! –During the Major planetary period of lord of the zodiac sign, situated at 7th place from the Venus. ! When the transit of Jupiter in the universe is favourable, both, in Ascendant chart and Moon chart as well, probabilities of native’s marriage increases. ! Chances of marriage are bright when Jupiter is Lord of 7th house of natal chart (Saptmesh).

aspecting at 7th house or

22. Disharmony- Divorce -Remarriage

Sometimes we see that, appetent marriageable aged boys and girls get frustrated when they do not find their liking life partners on time and such puzzled natives ever used to consult astrologers to know about probable time of their marriage along with solutions, if any as per natal chart. There are other types of natives too, who are already married but somehow, not leading to happy life, also approach to astrologers and try to know the reason along with the solution if any, for their unhappy marital life. Now, what are the reasons that generally obstruct, delay, disturb and cause disharmony in marriage pursuits have been, so far figured out after the extensive analytical studies of several birth charts as under. Position of 7th house, Lord of 7th house / Saptmesh and Venus in natal chart are main aspects of marital life. Planet Mars also influences little bit to marital life, and therefore it becomes utmost necessary to study about the significance of wife/female character as the Venus and the Moon in the horoscope of male native and significance of husband/male character as the Jupiter and the Sun in the horoscope of female native. (1) Native may not enjoy happy marital life, if the 7th house of natal chart is occupied by /aspect with /flanked by evil /malefic planets and not conjunct with or aspect with

benefice planet/s. (2) It could be unfortunate marital life, if Saptmesh / Lord of 7th house are situated at 6th, 8th or 12th house of horoscope. In the same way, it is also not good for leading happy marital life, when Lord of 6th, 8th or 12th house is situated in 7th house or aspecting at 7th house. ( 3 ) Marital life of native may not be peaceful and comfortable, if the Lord of 7th house or the significator of wedding life-Venus is ill-placed ,debilitated, combust, inimical ( enemy’s sign ) or under the influence of malefic /evil planets like Mars, Saturn and Rahu . (4) It shows lack of happy marital life, if Ketu is positioned at 7th house of natal chart or Lord of 7th house / Venus is afflicted by ketu. ( 5 ) It depicts crack to happy marital life, if in the natal chart of female , the Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn zodiac sign ,or combust ( by Sun ) or in enemy’s sign or under the influence of malefic planets or there is ‘ Jupiter – Rahu ‘conjunction / Vipra-Chandal inauspicious Yoga. (6) It is not auspicious for happy marital life, when the Sun is debilitated in Libra zodiac sign or enemy’s sign or at weak places like 6th, 8th or 12th house of natal chart. (7) Position of Sun at 7th house of birth chart is also not considered auspicious and favourable for happy marital life. In the present era, most of the astrologers, generally grant consent for the marriage of boy and girl on the base of their horoscope’s match making score (Gunank) /total score of compatibility points, but I personally believe that, this is not enough. I have experienced and witnessed several cases wherein the match making score (Gunak) of boys and girls were already matched, even though their marital life is not happy. Therefore, I would suggest you , not only to check match making score but also to examine the influence of all benefice and malefic planets aspecting at the 7th house of birth chart of both, the boy and girl as well , before the marriage. Divorce and Re- Marriage : What are the planetary combinations for second/re-marriage in horoscope? 1. There should be dual sign rising in seventh house 2. Seventh Lord needs to be placed in dual sign like Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. 3. Venus needs to be in dual sign. 4. There should be influence of malefic planets on seventh house or Lord of seventh house.

5. There should be placement of more than two planets in eleventh house. When will second marriage take place? Second /Re-marriage could take place 1. or Lord.

-During the Dasha-Antar-dasha of 9th Lord or planet(s) relating to 9th house

2. or Lord.

-During the Dasha-Antar dasha of 3rd Lord or planet(s) relating to 3rd house

Second marriage example Birth chart: 9(Ascendant) 7 12 7 7(R) 11(R) 7 3



Divorce 1) The agents of divorce are generally, planets Mars, Rahu and Ketu. If these are malefic for the chart.... and associated with the houses and/or significator of marriage in birth chart and/or Navamsa with enough severity..could invoke a divorce during the and Dasa/ Antar-dasha / or a transit of the divorce agents. 2) Saturn.....contrary to some misperceptions, is NOT a divorce agent on his own. Shani dev will only run your nose in the ground, trouble, torment, make you feel clipped and choked and bend and beat you completely into submission.....but not BREAK you on his own. His objective is not to break.... but to take the body through pains without breaking..... and cleanse the soul. Other planets, if afflicted and associated with marriage might give various types of troubles in marriage but not divorce IMO. 3) Triggers for Divorce: If the agents of divorce ( item-1) are at work...the following triggers must be kept in mind: a) Periods of 8th Lord or planet posited in the 8th or transits of divorce agents through 8th house....may throw up the divorce like situation..Such as an exposition of an affair or a major fight / disagreement firming the decision in the mind of partners for a divorce. b) 12th is the house of destruction and losses (to self) and 6th is the 12th from the 7th house.

Periods of lords of 6/12 or planets seated in 12th/ 6th and/ or transits of divorce agents through the 6/12 may cause the physical / legal separation. However, the execution of a divorce is a loss/ destruction of marital concerned.

life and native

4) Second marriage: There are more than one theories but the ones that make senses to me and validated are: a) 2nd house is the primary house for second marriage.....as it is 8th (house of death) from the 7th house. So the 2nd marriage is pretty much the death of the first marriage legally or emotionally or sexually. b) A strong second house will give a second marriage easily after a divorce. Even in the absence of a legal divorce......a marriage like strong relationship of having a mistress or 2nd wife is indicated by the second house. So, if there are strong divorce agents at work.... and even if there are no divorce agents at work, but the main marriage house/ lords / significators are severely afflicted and 2nd house is strong enough, it could lead the possibility of second marriage. Bear in mind this is an indicator...and many other factors are at work. So don't jump up merely at seeing a strong 2nd house....but rather take it as preliminary evidence to investigate more.

23. Extra marital affairs

Since the ancient era, planning for different sacraments has been formulated In the Indian culture for human uplift, progress and development. These sacraments are playing significant role in building up human personality at the different phases of life. Among the significant sixteen rites, wedding is also considered as a sacred rite and integral tie up. Marriage is made with the commitment to be faithful to each other in witness of sacred flames /fire and thereby bride is acquiring the supreme status as a life partner and domestic wife (Home maker).Numerous noble sentiments are lying in such sacred obligation / marriage. We could derive interpretation from the study of native’s horoscope that why inequality, characterless, adultery, divorce, and extra marital relationships like problems are originated in a sacred marriage obligation. Birth chart is the X-ray of human life. It is like the mirror to know the human life in its actual form .Birth chart /natal chart is a map of how the planets were aligned in the sky when a person (native) was born .A birth chart presents an astrological blueprint for a person’s life .Birth chats helps to make out the native exactly from inside. Twelve houses of horoscope cover the entire journey of human life. Fifth house depicts about cumulative good or evil deeds of past life. First house or ascendant represents the current life, whereas ninth house relates to next birth. The first house is called an ascendant and it represents our physical bodies and overall health /vitality. Owner or the Lord of the first house / ascendant is called ‘Lagnesh’ or ascendant Lord. This Lagnesh is the captain of our life boat. It is our administrator or director of life. The planets positioned or aspecting at first house and the position of Lagnesh in the birth chart help us to know about the unique personality, appearance, nature and likings of native. Moon of the horoscope signifies the native’s mind. Position of Moon in the natal chart determines the status of mind. It is a significator /indicator (Karaka) of mind. Conjunctions /partial afflictions of evil planets like Saturn, Rahu, Mars or Ketu with Moon are not auspicious, because they disturb and insecure the status of mind. Thus, we get to know all about the weak or strong morale of native by the position of Moon in horoscope. The Sun of the horoscope represents the soul, self confidence, shine, and illumination of native. Sun is the king of planets. It is self illuminated. All other planets also acquire

brightness from the Sun. Conjunctions/afflictions (Yogas) of Sun with malefic planets like Rahu, Saturn, Mars or Ketu are inauspicious. These associations are not benefic. Sun-Rahu conjunction causes ‘Grahan Yoga’ Sun-Shani Conjunction causes ‘Visha-Yoga’ and Sun-Mars conjunction causes ‘Angarak Yoga ‘. Sun depicts Soul, Moon-depicts Mind, Ascendant depicts Physical body etc. Mercury depicts Intellect etc. Jupiter depicts Wisdom, understanding, sense etc. Mars depicts Human work power, passion, action etc. Venus depicts lust, sexual desire etc. Saturn depicts darkness, occult /subtle science etc. Seventh house of natal chart stands for life partner/spouse. This house presents about entire personality of spouse. Mostly, presence of Mars in this place is not auspicious. Rahu and ketu are the spiritual /mysterious planets. In astrology, The Moon’s north Node is called as the Dragon’s head and south node is called as Dragon’s tail but they are not the actual planets but the vice planets in the strict astronomical sense. Conjunction /affliction of Rahu - Moon and Rahu-Sun make the mind and soul mysterious and polluted. Conjunction of Saturn-Moon and Saturn-Sun also detriment mind and soul which is called as ‘Visha-Yoga.’ Conjunction of Jupiter-Rahu produces malefic ‘Chandal Yoga’. Partial conjunction of Mars-Venus enhances the intensity of passion. As the Sun represents about the character, the affliction of natural malefic planets with Sun, degrades the character of native. -1st house / ascendant represents self expression, vitality, nature, personality, appearance, and decision. -4th house relates to character. Aspects or conjunction / association of natural malefic planets with this place, demolish the character of female native. Presence of Saturn, Mars or Rahu is significant for extra marital relationships/affairs of the native. -5th house relates to the cumulative deeds of past life and impulses of intense romance. -7th house of birth chart tells about husband-wife. -8th house suggests sexual organs and let native feel about his/her sexual life. Afflictions of malefic planets with this place cause exhaustion in sexual life. -10th house of male horoscope describes occupation, profession, trade, character, fame, recognition, Karma etc. Presence /aspects of evil planets at 10th house denigrate /detriment the reputation of native.

-12th house of represents bed pleasure and enjoyments. Presence or aspects of malefic planets at above referred positions, placements of their Lords at debilitated /weak places, and aspect of ascendant lord and lord of seventh house with malefic planets cause imparity and disharmony in marital life, and thereby resulting into extra marital affairs! Especially conjunction or aspect of Saturn, Rahu, or Mars with the Moon makes the native’s mind weird. When the Moon is positioned at weak/debilitated places like 6th, 8th or 12th house or not having directional strength, leading natives to go for extra marital relationships! Conjunctions or aspects of Jupiter-Rahu, Venus-Saturn, and Saturn-Rahu attract malefemale natives for extra marital relationships and create imparity in their sexual life. Conjunction or aspect of Moon-Venus makes the native’s mind romantic and lavish. Such heterogeneous relationship leads to the illusion of diversity and produces extra marital relationship. Thus conjunctions of Mars, Venus, Saturn, and Rahu at 1 st, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 10th or at 12th houses cause extra marital affairs. Such association / aspect of Moon with Mars give rises to severity of mental passion, magnetic attraction. When such identical planets aspects are taking place in mutual horoscopes, it leads to magnetic attraction, infatuation, and passion at both (boy and girl) ends. If in the birth chart, Moon is afflicted, the mind is affected and so the karma and character are affected. Once the morality is crossed, limit line (for female called “Laxman – Rekha “) of life is also overlooked and thereby native creates external / illegal marital affairs. Native lives immoral life, when depleted /declined Moon is situated in afflicted 7th house of natal chart. It produces immoral relationships with related females like sister- in- law and aunt when the lord of 9th house, Moon or Venus of horoscope is afflicted by malefic planets. It could lead native towards voluntary immoral sexual conduct when, (1)- Venus is positioned at 7th place from Moon Or (2)- Saturn is at 7th place from Moon Or (3)- There are inauspicious conjunctions / Yogas taking place at 3 rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, or 12th position of birth chart like, (A) - Rahu-Jupiter (Chandal Yoga), or (b) - Rahu-Saturn (Shrapit Dosha) or (c)- Sun-Moon (Graham Yoga) or (d) - Saturn-Moon or Saturn-Sun (Visha Yoga) or (e)- Venus-Mars (Chanchal Yoga).

More over following conjunctions / aspects also lead to extra marital affairs like... (4)- Conjunction of Rahu-ketu with Venus at 7th places. (5)-Conjunction of Saturn with Mercury at 8th house affects male native and proves him sexually weaker. Spouse of such natives, sometimes prefer to extra marital relationships for sexual happiness. (6)-Mars is equally responsible for the creation of disparity in sexual life. If Mars is positioned at 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house of horoscope, it gives rise to “Mangal dosha “. Such ‘Mars Dodha’ is called “at head “(or ‘Paghadiye ‘in Gujarati language ) for male natives, and at body (“Ghatadiye”) for female natives respectively. Dominant effect of Mars’s sexual power influences over male native’s head and therefore it is advisable to match the position of Mars of boy’s horoscope with that of girl’s horoscope to counter balance the malefic effect of each other’s Mars. In short, such heterogeneous conditions could be eliminated, if the compatibility of both boy’s and girl’s horoscope are matched for Vedic astrological point of view. It threats only, in cases, where marriages are approved on the base of compatibility / match making score.

24. Personality of life partner Besides natives, their parents, friends, and relatives are always anxious to know about the marital life of native along with nature, appearance , character and entire personality of ‘ would be spouse ‘. In the present culture, especially educated male and female youngsters are, now much more conscious about their ‘would be life partner ’. In the present featured article, the attempt has been made to focus the light over the nature and the personality of life partner briefly. We could estimate about the personality of life partner, if following main aspects of the native’s birth chart is studied properly. (1) Status of Lord of seventh house. (2) Zodiac-sign and Naxatra /constellation of seventh house. (3) 4th and 12th house of natal chart. (4) Planets positioned at seventh house. We shall now, discuss about the above four aspects, one by one. (1) Status of Lord of Seventh house in horoscope: It represents marriage, spouse, sex, pleasure, distant & foreign travel, business, partners, wishes, haughtiness, public, court matter, social matter etc. This house is also called ‘kalatra bhuvan / Spouse house’. Significator of seventh house for female is Venus, whereas Jupiter is for male native

respectively. Initially, let us start and try to know about the probable characteristics of life partner /spouse by the position of Lord of seventh house /’Saptamesh’ in different houses of (male) native’s horoscope. (1) Seventh lord in first house / ascendant: If seventh lord is positioned at first place or ascendant, the native remains interweaved in his wife. His wife could be beautiful. He may hate other women. (2) Seventh Lord in second house: If seventh Lord is positioned at second house, native is benefited financially from his wife side. (3) Seventh Lord in third house: Native’s wife may not be long lived if the seventh Lord is a malefic planet and situated in third house of the nativity. (4) Seventh Lord in fourth house: Native ever tries to be comfortable with his wife and make her happy by fulfilling whatsoever she desires and wishes. (5) Seventh Lord in fifth house: Native gains happiness by his educated and intellectual wife, if the seventh Lord is positioned at fifth house of native’s birth chart. (6) Seventh Lord in sixth house: Native’s wife could behave like an enemy and combative by nature, which could lead to court matter. She may be persistently ill. (7) Seventh Lord in seventh house: Native enjoys perfect happiness of conjugal /marital life. Native could love, long lived, bright and clean minded by nature, if seventh Lord is positioned in the descendant / seventh house itself in the nativity. (8) Seventh Lord in eighth house: Native may remain bachelor / unmarried or may not be long lived, if gets married. If eighth house is afflicted by malefic planets, native may go for extra marital affairs and cause the unhappiness in life. (9) Seventh Lord in ninth house: Native’s wife / spouse could be religious, virtuous, and disciplined. (10) Seventh Lord in tenth house: Native’s wife remains under the kind control of her mother-in-law. Native gains monetary benefit, economical assistance at occupation and full happiness from his wife. (11) Seventh Lord in eleventh house: Native’s wife could be devoted, virtuous, beautiful, morale and sober. Pregnancy period of native’s wife may be little bit painful. (12) Seventh Lord in twelfth house: Native may have extravagant spouse. Spouse could be harsh by nature. Wife could leave house and the family anytime. Anytime in the life, he may face separation from his wife.In short, while forecasting about the happiness of marital life, it is advisable to analyze the benefic planets (responsible to minimize the inauspiciousness and maximize the auspiciousness of results) situated in or aspecting at seventh house along with the simultaneous study of Lord of seventh house. Especially, Lord of seventh house positioned at trine or angle tends to give more benefic results. (2) Zodiac sign –Naxatra (constellation) at Seventh house: Aries and Scorpio ascendant finds Libra and Taurus zodiac sign at seventh place respectively. Lord of both, these two zodiac signs, at seventh place is Venus; therefore

their spouses /opponent characters possess same nature and disposition, like that of Venus. This character /spouse could be good looking, styled, socialized, sweet tongued but self centered, skilled ,luxurious , scepter ( royal ) , fond of wearing beautiful dresses / ornaments and may have interest in art, literature, music, dance, cookery. Although seventh house of above both the ascendants (Aries and Scorpio) possess same zodiac sign of Venus, there could be some special differences in the nature of both corresponding opponent characters /spouses. Libra natives like the variety as Libra is a movable sign. Such natives are equitable, frank, generous, religious, and nice by nature and ever try to help others, where as Taurus sign is a fixed sign, Taurus zodiac sign personalities / spouses are somewhat different to that of Libra personalities. Taurus natives have tendency to stick to their work until finished. They are family oriented, responsible, tolerant, courteous, and fond of preparing variety of dishes in cooking. For accurate predictions of ‘Naxatra / constellation, Lord ‘of seventh house / sign should be also minutely studied. For example, Libra zodiac sign is consist of three Naxatras /constellations like Chitra,Swati and Vishakha whose lords are Mars, Rahu and Jupiter respectively.Thus,it is true that spouse might have Venus typed characteristics, if seventh house/descendant is occupied by Libra zodiac sign. But, if the Libra sign is spread over from 00-to 6.40 degrees only, then it presents the Chitra Naxtra and its Lord will be Mars, and so to say that native’s corresponding spouse might also possess the Mars influenced nature like amateur, sexy , funny, quick and aggressive life style along with Venus influenced quality. (3) Fourth and twelfth house: Astrologer’s prediction also matters on the fact, that the planet positioned at 4th and 12th house belongs to which zodiac sign and is the Lord of which house of horoscope. However the occupation of benefic planets at 4th house ever depict about the nice personality of spouse. Venus and Moon gets the directional strength at 4th house of nativity. For example, if Jupiter is positioned at 4th house of birth chart, native gets matured and contented life partner. Native also enjoys the best bed pleasure. When malefic planets like Mars, Sun are placed in 4th house, native gets uncontested, over ambitious and confrontational life partner. Likewise, 12th house of horoscope tells about the life partner in respect to sexual satisfaction. (4) Planet positioned at seventh house: Benefic /malefic planets posited at seventh house of birth chart also help out to identify the individuality of life partner. So it could be more useful for accurate forecast and guidance, if we do not overlook the auspicious influence of benefic planets like Jupiter, Moon, Venus and inauspicious influence of malefic planets like Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu posited at seventh house.

25. Palmistry ‘Marriage lines ‘ - And Marital happiness

‘ In the present article, we would take the help of palmistry to get to know about the native’s marital life and pertaining to his / her offspring in case of non availability of natal chart. (1) We can get to know about marital life from the marriage lines of palm. These lines are placed in the mount of Mercury, located near heart line. These marriage lines could be more than one in number. Those natives who have marriage lines above the heart line, mostly ( 96-97 % ) get married on time and those who have their marriage lines located down under the heart line , remain unmarried or have very late marriage . It is auspicious for marriage when these lines are tiny and running straight. When the marriage line is located closer to the heart line, it reveals that an individual will marry at an early date in young age and if the marriage line is located closer to the base of the little finger, it reveals that the person will have late marriage in the life. (2) However, the palm marriage line is a tiny line but cannot be overlooked because it has a huge impact on individual’s life. It is not as deeply etched into the palm as the lifeline or the heart line. As per one theory , it is believed is that , lines are occasionally changed during the course of a lifetime and the palm reading of marriage line could be read differently at different stages of a person’s life. For example, a spouse is killed accidentally; the person falls in love and remarries. In that case the marriage line would reflect accordingly and show two lines! To view the marriage line or lines, place the palm sideways. This placement allows the best view of the marriage line that initiates on the outer palm and runs toward the ring finger. The marriage line is short and faint. Use a flashlight if needed, to read the detail of the marriage line. The marriage line is located somewhere above the heart line and the base of the little finger. The heart line is the deep line that runs vertically from the same side of the palm as the marriage line. The location of the marriage line is as significant as its form. If the marriage line is located nearer to the base of the little finger, it suggests that the person

will marry late in life. If the marriage line is located closer to the heart line, it depicts that an individual will marry in young age at an early date. The type of ‘Marriage lines ‘will reveal the types of marriages: (a) -If there is only one long, and unbroken line is there, it is understood that the individual will have one marriage, monogamous, no children. (b) -If the line has vertical slash marks, it will reveal the number of children. For example, one slash mark suggests one child. Two slash marks suggest two children and so on... (c) -If there is more than one marriage line, it would reveal that the individual will have more than one marriage. The deepest line will represent the most meaningful marriage. (d) -If the line has a fork at its ends, then it would represent that the marriage may ultimately end in divorce or death. ( e ) -If A marriage line that begins, has a break, and then restarts again .., it would reveal that the individual will marry, might face some kind of separation and then, again later on reunites. (f)- If the marriage line is running to heart line, native gets married quickly. (g)-If the marriage line is inclined to down side, spouse could be unhealthy. (h)-If marriage intercepts any fate line, there could be obstacles in native’s life. (I)- If any one of the dead end branch of marriage line, touches the heart line, native remains more inclined and attracted towards her sister–in-law rather than his wife. Dear readers, above these are the least, but not the last, few instances illustrated as illusions for formal study only. Actually, Palmistry is a wide and unique different science to that of Vedic astrology, but helps us to know about the character and personality of native in absence of his/her natal chart.


Children matter

- Education-Share Stock related

26.Children and fifth house of natal chart:

Fifth house of birth chart relates to abdominal part of the men and uterus part of women organs. Women conceive fetus in the uterus. Fifth house is one of the trine places of birth chart which represents love, affection, marriage, emotions, children, entertainment, charity, intelligence, maternity, pilgrimage, and past birth virtue, etc In the forgoing article, we shall discuss briefly about the probable results derived from the fifth house and its corresponding signs of natal chart. It is advisable to study about the position of Jupiter as a significator, Lord of fifth house and planets posited in fifth house along with the horoscope chart of spouse for accurate predictions. The under mentioned table will suggest the probable nature of the child /children as per the zodiac sign at fifth house of the birth chart of native.

Sr. No 1

Zodiac sign Aries

Nature / characteristics of native's Child / Children



Nice, Elegant, Genteel, Potent



Genteel and Independent



Reputed, Noble and Rich



Potent, Powerful, Fierce but Clement



May have more baby girls, Less baby boys



Nice, Happy, Elegant , Genteel and Efficient



Polite , and Religious


Sagittarius Virtuous, Knowledgably, Powerful

Impious, Brutal, Characterless ,and Unhappy





competitor, Recipient of state official honor Ugly looking, Impious, Lazy, Harsh, Brutal, Impotent, Unkind Serious, Patient, Truthful, Famous and Pious



Wealthy, Unhealthy, Devoted to father

27. Educational decisions by natal chart:

Native’s educational pursuits could also be decided with the help of astrology. It suggests that which educational stream could be the right choice for native and whether the selected stream would get him / her desired success in future. Mainly, fifth house of horoscope is studied for native’s general educational pursuits. Fourth house represents native’s studies up to college / bachelor degree level only (after 12 th standard). Sometimes, 2nd house of natal chart is also studied for educational purpose. Eleventh house is the house of wealth for Tenth house (House of profession / karma). So the house of gain (eleventh house) is taken in to account while computing the result on performed deeds.

Level of education matters on the posited planets in the above referred houses; their Lords, and of course, the Jupiter as a significator. When in the nativity, the fifth / fourth house or its Lord is well placed and unaffiliated, it produces benefic results and native easily acquires the higher educations. If fifth house is weak by placement, strength and afflicted by the malefic planets, then it gives hard time, obstruction, denial and delay in the above matters. Native faces extra obstacles, when 2nd house and Jupiter is afflicted with malefic planets. It gives auspicious results regarding native’s education when Lord of 2 nd,4th and 5th house is in exalted sign, own sign or friendly sign or posited at trine /angle position and aspect by benefic planets. A weak student gets failure and clever student gets worse result than expected during the inauspicious transit of malefic planets (like Saturn and Rahu) through 5th house or Jupiter. It brings unfavourable results when Saturn in natal chart is weak by placement and strength or major/minor planetary period (dahsa / antar – dahsa /Panoti /evil days) of Saturn is underway. Arts line /Stream: Native tends to choose Arts stream, if planets like Moon, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are positioned at Ascendant / trine / angle or these positions are occupied by the corresponding signs of above planets. Moon is like the outline of native’s mind and itself signifies lovely imagination. Jupiter is like spontaneous knowledge. Mercury signifies literature, author, journalist etc. and Venus is itself like a poem. Jupiter is related with Sanskrit language and Rahu is related with English language. Association of Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter relations depict Economics field. Conjunction of Saturn-Moon leads to native towards psychology. Commerce Line / Stream: Native gets success in Commerce stream, if conjunction of Saturn and Mercury takes place at ascendant / house of body (Tanu Bhav) with Moon or without Moon. Saturn denotes modesty. Saturn is like a teacher cum accountant. Mercury relates to Accounts and Statistics as favourite subjects. Well placed planets in natal chart helps native for becoming Chartered Accountant or M.B.A. Science Line / Stream: Affliction of Mars with Mercury, Jupiter, and Moon or with ascendant in natal chart induces native to succeed in Science stream. -Conjunction of... (a) Mars-Saturn depicts Chemistry line /Stream (b) Sun-Jupiter depicts biology line. (c) Mars –Mercury depicts Physics. (d) Mars relates to Chemical /Electric matter and Saturn represents Steel. If Mars is well placed and strong enough in horoscope, native could be Chemical /Electrical Engineer. Mars- Saturn conjunction ever represents engineering line. (e) Conjunction of Moon-Venus produces Civil Engineering and Architect line. Association of Mars with Moon at 4th house of birth chart produces civil Engineering

line for native and leads to earn lots of money as an Architect by way of drawing house maps and designing building structures (f) Conjunction of Mars with Lord of 4th house depicts automobiles matter (g) Conjunction of Mars with Mercury induces interest towards computer field. (h) Mars +Venus + Mercury conjunctions depict field relating to Computer screen printing. (I) Well placed Jupiter +Mercury + Venus relations, bring journalism (j) Mercury is significator of speech /attorney and sixth house relates to enemy / hostility. So native could be advocate/attorney, if the fifth house / Lord of fifth house or Jupiter as a significator of fifth house are aspect by Mercury and sixth house of natal chart. (k) Sixth and Eighth house of natal chart pertains to health and disease respectively. So native could be a Doctor /Surgeon, if sixth /eighth house of birth chart is related with 2nd/5th/9th/10th / 11th house or it’s Lord of house. Worship / Veneration for academic attainment: (1)- Exercise one time fast on Thursday. (2)- Taste yellow edible item before start of meal. (3)- Hold gemstone of Yellow Sapphire/ Pokhraj / Topaz in golden ring at index finger of right hand on Thursday.

28. Boom & Recession in Share-Stock market

There are four types of work in share-stock market. (1) Investment of money in the public issue of the company. (2) Speculation or trading futures. (3) Buy & Sale of the shares and book the profit on price hike. (4) Earn brokerage /commission by making buys & sales. (1) Investment of money in the public issue of the company: Basically, the Lord of the fifth house should be strong in the natal chart for such matter. There should be conjunction or aspect of Lord of the fifth house with Lord of wealth ( 2nd house ) / Lord of fortune ( 9th house ) or Lord of gains ( eleventh house ). It brings auspicious results and gains through the investment in public issue for native, if these conjunct planets are posited at trine or angle of natal chart. It becomes more beneficial when benefic planets are posited at fifth house and aspect by benefic planets in the progressed chart (universe /cosmos). At that time, it would be better if, Major /minor planetary period of benefic planet or fifth Lord is undergoing. (2) Speculation or futures trading: Generally, all speculators are enterprising. It could bring nice progress, if Lord of fifth house / merits is conjunct with illusory vice planet Rahu. Native achieves lot, if 3rd house (house of courage) is stronger and unaffiliated. It brings gains if, ascendant Lord, Sun and Mars are powerful in the native’s natal chart. However, native needs to be cautious when Lord of 10th house ( karmesh ) / Lord of 9th house ( Bhagyesh ) / Lord of 5th house( house of merit ) or Lord of ascendant is positioned at 6th,8th or 12th house. Incautious natives, sometimes may incur lose after rendering such enterprises. So, it is advisable for native/speculator to step up on the ladder of share –stock market after due study of planetary position of his/her natal chart and progressed chart only. (3) Buy & Sale of the shares and book the profit on price hike: Smart and patient native /investor buys the shares when share-stock market is bearish and book the profit by selling , when market is bullish. 6th house of such native / investor should be studied. It gives best results when Lord of 6th house is aspect by or conjunct

with Lord of wealth / Lord of fortune/lord of gain or lord of eighth house. (4) Earn brokerage /commission by making buys & sales: Planet Mercury is required to be well placed, strong and unaffiliated in the natal chart of share brokers for earning brokerage or commission. Especially, 6 th house of natal chart should be associated with benefic planet/s and conjunctions of sixth Lord with Lord of ninth house (Bhagyesh) and Lord of 10th house (karmesh) need to be strong and auspicious. Influence of strong, well placed and unaffiliated Sun in the horoscope of native /sharebroker could get him/her well reputation in the stock-market. Ascendant and the Sun are always strong and benefic in the natal chart of a successful share-broker. Now, we shall investigate the principles and figure out that which planets are actually responsible for the bullish or bearish storm / trend in the stock market. (1) Principle # 1: Share market shows a bullish trend; whenever planet Saturn is moving retrograde in the universe. Refer ephemeris and figure out the day and year when Saturn is moving retrograde. (2) Principle # 2: Consider it as a bullish time in share market, when Saturn is in conjunct with or opposite conjunct with planets like Sun, Mars or Rahu in the universe /cosmos. (3) Principle # 3: It is a bearish / recession time in share-stock market when planet Saturn is in conjunct with /associated with Mercury, Jupiter or Venus in the universe/cosmos. (4) Principle # 4: It is a bullish time in the share –market when planet Saturn transits through Aries, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn or Aquarius zodiac sign in the universe. (5) Principle # 5: Native could be benefited in the share-stock market, if some aspects of astrology are observed. Native should know first about the strongest planet of his/her natal chart and accordingly he/she should buy or sell the share scripts to book the profit. For example: - Native should try to buy /sale shares related to Petro-chemical or Electronic Company, who’s Mars, is the strongest planet in horoscope.

- Native should prefer to invest in Pharmaceutical or Government companies, if the Sun is the strongest planet in his/her natal chart. -Native should go for cosmetics and vehicle companies, if Venus is strong in natal chart. -Native should invest in the manufacturing companies like cold-soft drinks and edible products, if Moon is powerful in the horoscope.


Astrological Microscope

Astrological Microscope “If and Then” -(1)

(1)… If Mars is auspicious at the fourth house of nativity, then native is benefited from land-building related matter (2)…Native is benefited by commission –contract, if Mars is positioned at 3rd place of birth chart. (3)…Native gets nice bother hood relationships, if Mars is well placed and auspicious at third house of the natal chart. (4)…Native may suffer from blood-pressure problem, if Sun and Mars is in opposite conjunction with each other in natal chart. (5)…Native could be donor, if Jupiter and Mars is in opposite conjunction with each other. (6)...If Mars is positioned at fifth house of natal chart, it produces ‘offspring / Yoga’ (baby boy- ‘Santan Yoga’) for native. (7)…Native could have religious and spiritual inclinations, if Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is taking place at 1st, 4th, 9th, or 10th house of natal chart. (8)…Native could be advocate or attorney, if Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is taking place at 6th, 8th, or 12th house of natal chart. (9)…Native becomes argumentive and skilled in debate, if there is Sun-Mercury conjunction in natal chart. (10)…It brings gas / indigestion trouble, discredit, mental unrest and poor decision power for native, when the Sun is debilitated in the native’s horoscope.

30. Astrological Microscope “If and Then “(2) (1)…Native acquires success at every field, if the Sun is posited at tenth place from the Moon or the ascendant in the natal chart. Native earns fame, reputation, high ranking in government and wealth. Sun is the significator of father. It depicts the glorious career of native’s father, if it is auspicious and well placed at 10th house of natal chart. (2)…Native earns popularity in sports if, fifth house or lord of fifth house is unafflicted and auspicious or aspect with / related to Mars in natal chart. (3)…Native achieves glory and success, if Jupiter or Venus is positioned at angle or trine in the birth chart. (4)…Native earns world famous reputation, if Mercury is auspicious and well placed in fifth house of natal chart. (5)…Native earns fame at police or military sector, if Mars is positioned in sixth house of natal chart. (6)…Native earns success, fame and respect, if Sun is positioned at 3rd, 6th, 10th, or 11 th place of natal chart. (7)…Native earns wealth, property, public honour, if the auspicious Moon is positioned at 4th house/ angle of natal chart. (8)…Native enjoys happy life, influences on people and benefited by friends, if Venus is placed at 8th,9th,10th or 11th house of natal chart.

(9)...Native becomes powerful, eminent and popular, if Saturn of exalted sign or own sign is positioned at ascendant, 10th or 11th house of natal chart. (10)…It affects and brings changes in native’s family life, social life, working or professional life when Saturn transits through Sun of horoscope or aspects at Sun from 180 degrees away (7th house). -It could bring auspicious changes if Saturn - Sun are strong and well placed in natalchart.-It brings disrespect, difficulties, loss of money, failure at occupation, physical or mental pain etc., If Saturn –Sun are weak and afflicted in natal chart.

31. Astrological Microscope “If and Then “…. (3) (1)…Native could be a secretary or famous and wealthy person, If Rahu is posited at 6th or 12th place from Moon in native’s birth chart. (2)… It makes native victorious and financer, if Rahu is positioned at sixth place/ Trika (debilitated) place from ascendant in birth chart. (3)…There could be disharmony and dispute in native’s marital life, if the Sun or Venus is positioned at seventh place from ascendant. (4)…There could be trouble in native’s marital life, if Lord of seventh house is positioned at sixth, eighth or twelfth house of natal chart. (5)…There could be fragile marital life, if Saturn or Saturn-Mars conjunction is there in ascendant of native’s birth chart. (6)…There could be unexpected incident in the native’s life, if Mars-Rahu conjunction is taking place at the seventh house of natal chart. (7)…It brings premature ‘Marriage Yoga’ for native, if strong /auspicious Venus is in ascendant or close to ascendant (at 2nd or 12th house) of birth chart. (8)…it brings premature /early ‘Wedding Yoga’ for native, if Venus is exalted in Pisces zodiac sign in the horoscope. (9)… There could be difference, either in appearance or height of husband and wife, if the ascendant belongs to Leo, Cancer, Capricorn or Aquarius in the natal chart. (10)…Native gets nice and genteel wife, if the Moon is positioned at seventh house of natal chart. (11)…Native gets married with a beautiful wife at an early date, if strong Jupiter is positioned at seventh house of natal chart. (12)…Native’s spouse could be fierce and dominating, if Mars is posited in seventh house of natal chart.

(13)…Native may have feeble /weak children related (offspring) happiness, if the Lord of fifth house is posited in sixth, eighth or twelfth house of natal chart.

32. Auspicious and Inauspicious Astrological ‘Yoga ‘- (1)

In Vedic astrology, a powerful planetary relationship is known as Yoga or “Union”. In the present article, we shall discuss about the results relating to different ‘Yogas’ taking place in the natal chart. There are certain astrological combinations /conjunctions (Astrology Yogas) that can exist in a kundli. These astrological combinations (Yogas in Astrology caused by different planets aligning in different houses and satisfying other conditions, are known

to exist in certain groups of people, through thousands of years of research. Hence, it is well established that these astrological Yogas would lead people to be inclined towards certain activities or destined to certain deeds Sometimes, it is seen that native is not enjoying the auspicious result, though there is certain Yoga seems to have taken place in the native’s birth chart and thereby he/she starts losing confidence in such Yogas and astrologer. At this juncture, I would like to advise all such natives, not get frustrated but to keep patient up only. Natives do get results of Yogas at particular time, especially during the major or minor planetary period of ‘Yoga-karaka’ planet of birth chart. Moreover, the strength of planet in the birth chart is also an important matter. By the way, we should not forget that, the Yoga of nativity is producing positive results only, when ‘Yoga-karaka’ planet is strong and unafflicted. Let me clarify what is ‘Yoga-karaka’ planet here? Planet is said to be ‘Yoga-karaka’ when it becomes the Lord of an angle and a trine, both at a time in the natal chart. In Vedic astrology, it is considered as the most benefic planet in the horoscope because of its house rulership. For example, Venus becomes the ‘Yoga-karaka’ planet in a Vedic chart with Capricorn rising, because it rules both, fifth and tenth houses of birth chart at a time. Generally, the planets are classified into two groups namely, benefic and malefic as follows. Natural Benefic Planets: Full Moon (Moon near Purnima), Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are considered to be benefic planets by nature. Natural Malefic Planets: Sun, Mars, Saturn, No Moon (Moon near Amavasya) Rahu and Ketu are considered to be malefic by nature. Generally, Moon and Mercury are not always benefic. Full Moon i.e. the Moon near ‘Purnima ‘is considered to be benefic, while ‘No Moon’ i.e. Moon near ‘Amavasya ‘is not believed to be benefic; Similarly, Mercury is like a neutral planet. So, when Mercury is placed with benefic planet, it is considered to be benefic and if placed with malefic planet, it is considered to be malefic. In other words, nature of Mercury depends on the nature of planet, influencing it. It should be remembered that all natural malefic planets do not always produce negative results. Similarly, all natural benefic planets do not ever produce positive results. Good or bad impact depends on several other factors, like ownership, placement, aspect etc. Apart from that, planet becomes auspicious or inauspicious, because of their ownership of certain places of horoscope. Lord of angle or trine becomes auspicious, regardless the planet is weather malefic or benefic. Lord of Trika / debilitated places/houses (6th, 8th, and 12 th) and 3rd or 11th places /houses ever produce auspicious results.

Generally, Lord of ascendant and trine places produces benefic results. Malefic planets produce auspicious results when they are Lord of angle places. Lord of 3rd, 6th, 8th and 11th houses ever becomes inauspicious. Here are some important and worth knowing Yogas outlined, which could be very useful in forecasting /predicting. (1) Raj yoga: (a) …Conjunctions of ‘angle Lord ‘and ‘trine Lord ‘in the birth chart give rise to benefic results of Raj Yoga. (b) …Yoga karaka planet of the natal chart brings the auspicious results of Raj yoga. (c) …Conjunction of ninth Lord and tenth Lord brings the best results of Raj Yoga. Native gets high ranking, power, fame and prosperity when above type of Raj Yoga is taking place in natal chart. The presence of Raja Yoga in natal chart could make the native, like a king or a ruler or an equivalent to him. The person under the influence of Raja Yoga gets immense amount of wealth, becomes highly affluent; and attains imperial and majestic status in the society. (2) Pancha MahaPurusha Yoga : A look at the Pancha MahaPurusha Yoga in astrology and its effects; Do you have Pancha MahaPurusha Yoga in your Kundli (natal chart)? ‘Pancha MahaPurusha Yoga’ is said to occur when any of the five planets among Mercury, Mars, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter is strong enough i.e. Positioned near to the point of their exaltation and is placed either in the Lagna / ascendant house or in an angle position from the planet Moon; this planetary combination leads to the formation of Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga in a Rashi/Kundli. There are Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas which are formed due to these five planetary combinations. Ruchaka Yoga, Bhadra Yoga, Hamsa Yoga, Malavaya Yoga and Sasha Yoga are called as the Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas and the one, who born in these Yogas is called as 'Pancha Mahapurusha'. 'Pancha' stands for five and 'Mahapurusha' stands for great man. The Yoga with the same name makes a similar impact on its native. The presence of Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga in a person's Rashi/birth chart makes an influential impact on the native's horoscope and eventually, on the life. The relationship matter, professional matter, and the matter concerned with the name, fame and affluence of the native gets affected by the presence or absence of this Yoga. Persons who have Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga in their Rashi /birth chart are gifted with exceptional and distinctive skills, strengths, Excellency, majesty, glory and wealth. (a) Ruchaka Yoga :

Ruchaka Yoga is said to occur when the planet Mars is positioned in angle / Kendra house i.e. first, fourth, seventh or tenth house, and is lying either in its own sign of Scorpio or Aries, or lying in its exalted (Uchcha) sign of Capricorn. This planetary combination leads to the formation of Ruchaka Yoga in a Rashi/birth chart. The presence of Ruchaka Yoga in a natal chart makes native courageous, arrogant, aggressive, loyal, conqueror, well known, generous, biased, and someone who possess physically power, scarlet complexion and a striking body. The person under the influence of Ruchaka Yoga also lives long, becomes rich, has lots of strength and vitality, and is knowledgeable of traditions and customs. He/she is completely faithful and dutiful towards his/her elders, Gurus and Brahmans. Such person develops the leadership traits in him/her and thus attains the status of a king or a ruler or a head of people or someone equivalent to them. He/she also has an eager to get always into contests and fights. He/she always conquer over his/her enemies. The native of this Yoga holds interest in adventure activities, especially those who can bring him/her name and appreciation. The native lives up to at least seventy years. (b) Bhadra Yoga : Bhadra Yoga is said to occur when the planet of Mercury is placed in its own sign or in its exalted sign, and occupies itself in a Kendra/angle either form the ascendant or from the Moon. This planetary combination leads to the formation of Bhadra Yoga in a Rashi / birth chart. It is one among the five Yogas combinations under Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga. The presence of this Yoga in natal chart makes the native strong, powerful, good physique with a face like lion, well developed chest, well balanced limbs and lives a long life with fame and name. As far as other traits are concerned, the native of this Yoga will be reserved, introvert, gracious, attractive, helpful to relatives, intellectual, scholarly and wealthy. The native possesses skilled with various arts and sciences. (c) Hamsa Yoga: Hamsa Yoga is said to occur when the planet Jupiter resides itself either in its own sign or in its exalted sign along with placing itself in an angle / Kendra house. This planetary combination leads to the formation of Hamsa Yoga in a Rashi (sign) / birth chart. It is among the five Mahapurusha Yogas that Jupiter constitutes. Due to the presence of Hamsa Yoga in a natal chart native becomes spiritual, religious, famous, kind, liberal, virtuous having good fate, high moral values with clean mind. Such natives develop sturdy physique, beautiful tone of voice and are relished (liked) by others. The life partner of such natives could be very attractive and good looking. Native might own all the amenities for a comfortable life. Native respects to his/her preceptors and Gurus. Native becomes long lived person (around at least 82 years). The native’s

legs may have some kind of spots like conch, fish or lotus. (d) Malavya Yoga Malavya Yoga is said to occur when the planet Venus positions itself in its own sign or in its exaltated sign, and in an angle / Kendra house. This planetary combination leads to the formation of Malavya Yoga in a Rashi /birth chart. It is among the five planetary combinations or five Yogas of Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga that stands for human greatness. The presence of Malavya Yoga in a person's Rashi /natal chart makes the native long lived person (at least up to 70 years of age). The person dies at a sacred place. The native, as an impact of this Yoga becomes enormously rich and wealthy with all the pleasures, comforts and luxuries in his life. This Yoga also brings recognition, status, erudite and determination to its native. The native under the influence of Malavya Yoga gets a sturdy physique, resolute by mind, lives a happy family life with wife and offspring, is gifted with serene (calm) sense-organs, is highly righteous /virtuous and generous, and possess motor vehicles. Such person holds attraction, charisma and a certain appeal among the opposite gender. Because of this, other persons hold jealously of native. (e) Sasa Yoga: Sasa Yoga is said to occur when the planet Saturn positions itself in a Kendra/angle which is either its own sign or its exalted sign. This planetary combination leads to the formation of Sasa Yoga in a Rashi. Sasa Yoga is among the five Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas that stands for human greatness. The presence of Sasa Yoga in a person's Rashi results in making the native live like a king or a ruler or someone equivalent to them. The native under the influence of this Yoga possesses a doubtful personality, is unfair in character, is highly lustful, rich and famous, gets all the delights of life, and has the tendency to desire for the wealth of others. Though, the native after dissatisfaction from his sex life move towards spirituality. As an impact of Sasa Yoga, the person is also going to be mean, nasty, impolite and impious. The native will also be devoted to his mother and motherland. Such person also has number of followers, along with several servants working under him. They also have the power to identify the fault of other people. The person holds strong chances of making a profession out of police force or armed forces. 3) Anapha Yoga: Anapha Yoga is said to occur when any planet other than Sun, Rahu or Ketu is placed in the twelfth House from the Moon. Anapha Yoga occurs in a native’s natal chart. Anapha Yoga is considered to be related to giving. Thus the natives of Anapha Yoga become generous and have more expenditure. The effect of the Anapha Yoga makes a native king, generous, honest, renowned, charismatic, gracious having good status, sense for happiness and love for dresses. Such a person will live a healthy life.

(4) Sunafa Yoga: Sunapha Yoga is said to occur when any one of the planets other than Sun, Ketu and Rahu is positioned in the second house from the planet Moon. This planetary combination leads to the formation of Sunapha Yoga in a Rashi / birth chart. The presence of Sunapha Yoga brings in huge financial profits, and immense amount of wealth and affluence in his life. The person under the influence of this Yoga is highly intellectual, intelligent, and he gets lots of fame, name and reputation in society. The native of this Yoga lives a life like a king or a ruler. The impact of Sunapha Yoga gets stronger on its native if the benefic planets are positioned in the second house from the planet Moon. Though, in case where one or more than one malefic planets are residing in the second house from the planet Moon, the impact of this Yoga either gets lessen or gets completely neutralized. (5) Durdhara Yoga: Durdhara Yoga is said to occur when any one of the planets other than Sun, Ketu and Rahu is positioned in both places of natal chart like, the second house and twelfth house from the planet Moon. The presence of Durdhara Yoga brings in wealth, comforts and happiness. (6) Kema druma Yoga : Kema Druma Yoga is said to occur when there is no planet positioned in either second house or in the twelfth house from the planet Moon; or when there is no association of the planet Moon with the other planets apart from Sun, Rahu and Ketu; The presence of ‘ Kema Druma Yoga ‘ in a natal chart results in making the native remains deprived of any form of education, intellectualness, prosperity, healthiness and knowledge. As an impact of this Yoga, there are many complexities and difficulties in the native's life with lots of miseries. Such a person remains highly reliant on others and sometimes also engages himself in the immoral acts. The native also becomes filthy, unclean, distressed, outrageous, knave and a cheater. The native also remains devoid of the pleasure of wife, children and mental peace. However, it is believed that if the planets of the native are residing in the angle/s from the ascendant or from the Moon; or when Moon is placed either in angle or is in conjunction with another planet or the planet Jupiter is aspecting at the Moon, then ‘Kema Druma Yoga’ gets defused. (7) Chandra Adhi / Lagna Adhi Yoga: Chandra Adhi Yoga /Lagna Adhi Yoga is said to occur when the benefic planets Jupiter, Venus or Mercury occupy themselves in the sixth, seventh and eighth House from the Moon /ascendant in a natal chart , Chandra Adhi Yoga / Lagna Adhi Yoga is formed. It is considered as one of the most important combinations in the natal chart. Adhi Yoga is considered as an equivalent to Raja Yoga. Adhi stands for 'first', and as a result of this Yoga, the native becomes a pioneer or leader. It makes a person gracious and reliable.

The native might live a long, healthy, happy life with lots of luxury, comfort, prosperity and would conquer over his/her rivalries. (8) Gaja Kesari Yoga: Gaja-Kesari Yoga is said to occur when the planet Jupiter occupies the angle / Kendra from the planet Moon, i.e. the first, fourth, seventh or tenth house; This planetary combination leads to the formation of the auspicious Gaja-Kesari Yoga in a birth chart. Another combination that causes this Yoga is when Jupiter is placed in a quadrant from the ascendant, with Moon being in conjunction with or is aspect by benefic planets which are neither residing in the sixth house nor they are combust. Gaja and Kesari stands for elephant and lion, which are the leaders of jungle. Thus the presence of this Yoga in a person's birth chart makes a similar impact. The native of this Yoga as an impact becomes rich, wealthy, intellectual, clever, gracious, concluded, and someone with good merits and attributes. The native owns a good luck, long life and lifelong reputation because of Gaja-Kesari Yoga. It is also believed that a person under the influence of this Yoga may build villages and towns. This Yoga also protects the native from the vicious effects or results. (9) Vesi Yoga: Vesi Yoga is said to occur when all the planets exclusive of the Moon, positioned themselves in the second house from the Sun. This planetary combination leads to the formation of Vesi Yoga in a natal chart. The impact of Vesi Yoga on a person depends on the nature of planets positioned in the second house from the Sun, i.e. whether they are benefic planets or malefic planets. In case of benefic planets, the presence of Vesi Yoga in a person's kundli / horoscope is called as ‘ Subha Vesi Yoga ‘ , and it will result in making the native rich and fortunate. The native will also be joyful, happy, righteous, honourable, unbiased, generous, lazy, noble and renowned in society. The person under the influence could have tall appearance, a balanced frame of mind and good remembrance power. On the health front, the native will have an average wellbeing. When the malefic planets are in the second house from the Sun, the Yoga is called as ‘ Pap (evil) Vesi Yoga ‘ , which brings in the opposite impact what a Subha Vesi Yoga brings to its native. : (10) Vosi / Vasi Yoga Vosi Yoga is said to occur when all the planets exclusive of the Moon, positioned themselves in the twelfth house from the Sun. This planetary combination leads to the formation of Vosi Yoga in a Rashi / birth chart. The impact of Vosi Yoga on its native depends on the nature of planets positioned in the twelfth house from the Sun, i.e. whether they are benefic planets or malefic planets. In case of benefic planets, the native as an impact of this Yoga will get immense name,

fame and reputation. The native will also be wealthy, healthy, prosperous, joyful, liberal and progressive. Such person also possesses a religious and virtuous nature. In case of presence of malefic planets in the house, the native will be devoid of all that. (11) Ubhayachari Yoga: Ubhayachari Yoga is said to occur when all the planets apart from Moon positioned themselves in both the second house as well as the twelfth house from the planet Sun; or when both Vesi Yoga and Vosi Yoga exists in a native’s natal chart. These planetary combinations lead to the formation of Ubhayachari Yoga in a birth chart. The impact of the Ubhayachari Yoga on its native depends on the fact that whether benefic planets are positioned in the two houses or the malefic planets. In case of benefic planets residing there, the Ubhayachari Yoga's presence results in making the native wealthy, highly statured and someone who has plentiful of pleasures in his life. The person under the influence will also be erudite, powerful, famous, eminent, passionate, and someone with a striking appearance. Such Ubhayachari Yoga person will also have good relatives, lives a life equal to a king or someone equivalent to them, holds potential to tackle with great responsibilities, and carries a balanced frame of mind. In case of a malefic planet positioned in the house, the Ubhayachari Yoga, native as an impact gets poor and low on status. He also faces numerous troubles in his life. (12) Amla-kirti Yoga: Amla-kirti Yoga is said to occur when unafflicted benefic planet is positioned at tenth place from Moon in the natal chart. Native acquires international fame and reputation, if this Yoga exists in his/her natal chart. (13) Laxmi Yoga: Laxmi Yoga is said to have occur when conjunction of Mars with Moon takes place at one of the angles of natal chart. Such type of Yoga remains very benefic and impressive provided when this conjunction is benefic, taking place at angle, the degree of Mars is higher than that of Moon’s degree in the sign, and Moon is in its exalted sign or own sign. Impact: Native could be wealthy but instable, naughty and unstable minded by nature. Native behaves rudely with his/her mother. Sometimes, native may earn money by performing evil deeds. (14) Parvat Yoga: Parvata Yoga is said to occur when a benefic planet is positioned in angle places / Kendra house (i.e. first, fourth, seventh or tenth house) and the sixth house and eighth house are either engaged by the benefic planets or they are completely empty; or when the lord of the first house and the lord of the twelfth house position themselves in common Kendra /angle place of the birth chart (i.e. first, fourth, seventh or tenth house) and benefic planets are aspecting at them.

These planetary combinations lead to the formation of Parvata Yoga in a Rashi /Kundli. The presence of Parvata Yoga in a person's Rashi /natal chart results in making the native wealthy, affluent, prosperous, highly lucky, generous, zealous, fanatical, erudite, moderate and thoughtful. The native as an impact of Parvata Yoga develops likeness for learning various subject matters. (15) Shubha Kartari Yoga: Shubha Kartari Yoga is said to occur when an ascendant / house is flanked by (i.e. at 2 nd and 12th place) benefic planets, like Jupiter, Mercury and Venus in a natal chart. Shubha stands for auspicious. The Yoga with the same name makes a similar impact and proves to be favourable for native. The presence of Shubha Kartari Yoga in a natal chart results in making the native rich, affluent, powerful, brave, bold and unafraid. The person under the influence of this Yoga lives a long healthy life with no diseases or ailments. Such person attains success in life on the basis of his own virtues and worth. He will not have any enemies or rivalries to deal with. (16) Pap kartari Yoga: Pap kartari Yoga is said to occur when the malefic planets like Saturn, Sun, Rahu, Ketu and Mars are positioned on both sides of an ascendant / house. (‘Pap’ stands for evil and 'Kartari' stands for scissors). Such native could be impious, mendicant (beggar) and, filthy.

33. Auspicious / Inauspicious outcome of Astrological ‘Yoga ‘- (2)

In the present article we shall discuss about some other ‘Yogas’ taking place in nativity. (1) Shankh Yoga: Sankha Yoga is said to occur when the lord of the ascendant is strong, and the lord of the fifth house and the lord of the sixth house are positioned in the cardinal houses from each other; or when the lord of the ninth house is powerful, and the ruler of the ascendant and the lord of the tenth house are positioned in the mutable signs. Outcome/Impact: These planetary combinations lead to the formation of Sankha Yoga in a natal chart. Due to the presence of Sankha Yoga in a person's birth chart, native becomes ethical, moral, principled, gentle, generous, and like someone who engages him/herself in praiseworthy and admirable deeds. The native could be highly knowledgeable of scriptures, and learned in sciences. He is keen on pleasures and delights. Such native gets a good life partner and kids. He possesses lands, and leads to live a long life up to a good time. (2) Laksmi Yoga: Lakshmi Yoga is said to occur when the ruler /Lord of the ascendant or Lagna is strongly disposed, and the ruler of the ninth house is lying in its own sign, or in an exaltation sign or at Trikona /angle or cardinal house. Outcome/Impact: This planetary combination leads to the formation of Lakshmi Yoga in a Kundli /birth chart. Lakshmi, which is considered as a Goddess of wealth in Hindu mythology, brings the same auspicious outcome with the Yoga of her name. The presence of Lakshmi Yoga in a natal chart results in making the native rich, wealthy, and prosperous with lot of fortune, material treasures and pleasures in life; The native becomes charming, attractive, proficient, gracious, righteous, erudite

(learned), well known, and an important person with a high social status. The children of such person could be highly intellect and brilliant. (3) Rajju Yoga: Rajju Yoga is said to occur when all the planets of natal chart are in Cardinal Signs. (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) Outcome: Native could be beauteous, volatile, ugly, malevolent and overseas travelling person. (4) Mushal Yoga : Mushal Yoga is said to occur when all the planets are in fixed signs. (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) Outcome: Native could be famous, farmer, wealthy, jolly, and beloved of state official. Native may have baby boys. (5) Nala Yoga: Nala Yoga is said to occur when all the planets are in mutable signs. (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) Outcome: Native becomes prosperous, state honoured recipient. Native acquires gems like diamond and ruby. (6) Mala Yoga: Mala Yoga is said to occur when all benefic planets are positioned /shattered in any one of three angle places of the natal chart. Outcome: Native enjoys nice friendship, becomes parents of baby boys, acquires vehicles, jewellery and likes to show interest at makeup and dressing work. ( 7 ) Sarpa Yoga : Sarpa Yoga is said to occur when all malefic planets are positioned/shattered in any one of three angle places (out of four) of natal chart Outcome: Native could be fierce, poor, sleep patient, proudly and stimulant. (8) Chhatra Yoga : Chhatra Yoga is said to occur when all the seven planets (except Rahu-ketu) are positioned serially/in order without any break from seventh house to ascendant of a natal chart. Outcome: Due to the presence of this Yoga in a natal chart, native becomes rich, kind, generous, happy, and possesses intellectual, moderate and cheerful personality. (9) Chatus Sagara Yoga: Chattus Sagara Yoga is said to occur when all the benefic and malefic planets are positioned in all the angle / Kendra houses of a natal chart (i.e. in first, fourth, seventh and tenth place). Outcome: Native earns name and fame, wealth, prosperity, property, power, and own property and jewellery. (10) Vasumati Yoga : Vasumathi Yoga is said to occur when the benefic planets are positioned in the ‘ Upa-Chayas’ places like, third, sixth, tenth or eleventh house, either from the ascendant or from the planet Moon. Outcome: Vasumati stands for richness. Native earns immense wealth and affluence through his sheer hard work and efforts. The native will never be reliant on others for anything. With the growing age, the native's wealth will also grow day by day, and he will gain more prosperity in his life. (11) Maha bhagya Yoga : Maha bhagya Yoga is said to occur when Jupiter, a significator of fate, aspects at Lord / ruler of ninth house from 180 degrees. Outcome: Native acquires wealth and achieves success at his occupation. (12) Gola Yoga: Gola Yoga is said to occur when all the planets are in conjunction and

are positioned exclusively together in one sign. Outcome: The first planetary combination that causes Gola Yoga is a rare one i.e. usually not found easily in any birth chart. Native could be strong, powerful but poor, lazy, lethargic, filthy, unclean, unhappy and dejected. Such a native may remain engaged in evil acts and may have associations with low profiled people. The native may not live long life due to presence of this Yoga. (13) Yuga Yoga: Yuga Yoga is said to occur when all the planets are positioned in two signs /places of the natal chart. Outcome: The native (person) under the influence of this Yoga remains poor, pretender, phony, hypocrite, filthy, messy, untidy, unidentified, and a slothful / idle personality. (14) Sula Yoga: Sula Yoga is said to occur when all the planets are positioned in the three signs /places of birth chart. Outcome: Native under the influence of this Yoga remains poor, cruel, ruthless, irritable, short-tempered, brave, bold, angry, inexcusable, annoyed, disappointed, lazy and miserable person. However, he attains victory in war and may have injury marks of war on his body. (15) Kedar Yoga: Kedara Yoga is said to occur when all the planets including (including Rahu-Ketu) are positioned in the four signs / places of natal chart. Outcome: Native under the influence of this Yoga remains virtuous, upright, modest, passive, charitable, generous, honest, wealthy, and a firm follower of traditions and religion. The native is always ready to undertake a righteous job or a truthful task under his belt. (16) Pasa Yoga: Pasa Yoga is said to occur when all the planets are positioned in any of the five signs. Outcome: The person under the influence of Pasa Yoga earns enormous amount of affluence and wealth in his life through ethical moral ways or he could be poor, unfortunate, talkative, crook, deceiver if planets are not well placed. (17) Damini Yoga: Damini Yoga is said occur when all the planets are shattered / placed in any of the six signs/places of natal chart. Outcome: The native under the influence of this Yoga enjoys happiness in respect of wealth and off-spring. Native remains serious, knowledgeable, fierce, excellent, generous, meritorious and virtuous person. (18) Veena Yoga: Veena Yoga is said to occur when all the planets are positioned / shattered in any of the seven signs / places of natal chart. Outcome: The native under the influence of this Yoga remains wealthy, tactful, happy, knowledgeable person, nutrient for several people .Native is fond of music, singing and dancing.

(19) Daaridra Yoga : Daridra Yoga is said to occur when Lord of eleventh house is positioned at Sixth, eighth or twelfth house of natal chart. Outcome: The native under the influence this Yoga remains poor, indebted and performs evil deeds. (20) Karodadhipati Yoga : Karodadhipati Yoga is said to occur when house of wealth, (Dhanesh) is in angle and is aspect by house of fate (ninth house), Lord of profession (karmesh) is in own sign and positioned at angle / trine position. It does not matter if ascendant is not strong. (21) Directon for acquiring wealth: Native is always benefited in the direction, where the Lord of eleventh house / house of gain is placed. ‘Labhesh’ /


(Lord of eleventh house) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sun



North West













-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(22) Sarva Sampattivaana Yoga: This Yoga is said to occur when the Lord of wealth (second house) and planet Jupiter is positioned at 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th or 10th house of natal chart. Outcome: Native becomes prosperous. (23) Maha Daridra Yoga : This Yoga is said to occur when house of fortune / ninth house (Bhagyesh) is positioned at 12th house (and is not exalted sign / in own sign) house of expense / twelfth house (Vyayesh) is positioned at 2 nd house and malefic planets are posited in 3rd house of natal chart. Outcome: Native lives in poverty throughout the life. (24) Durbal Deha Yoga : This Yoga is said to occur when Ascendant Lord is positioned at 6th, 8th or 12th, house and conjunct with malefic planets.

Outcome: Native remains weak and unhealthy. He does not enjoy health happiness. (25) Pushta Deha Yoga : This Yoga is said to occur when Ascendant Lord is positioned at cardinal signs like Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn and is aspect by benefic planet. Outcome: Native lives happy life in all respect. Native possesses sound health and hefty physic / body build up. (26) Garbhapata Yoga: This Yoga is said to occur when malefic planets like Sun, Rahu, Mars and Saturn are positioned at fifth house. Outcome: There are chances of miscarriage / abortion. (27) Shighra-Projtpati Yoga : This Yoga is said to occur when fifth house is occupied by Aries, Taurus or Cancer zodiac sign and / ketu is positioned at fifth house. Outcome: Native acquires offspring /child or children without delay. (28) Heart Disease Yoga : This Yoga is said to occur when the three planets like Sun, Jupiter and Saturn are together at fourth house of natal chart. (29) Dant-Rogi Yoga : This type of Yoga (Dental disease) is said to occur when conjunction of Jupiter-Rahu (Chandal Yoga) is taking place at an ascendant / first house. (30) Jyotish Yoga : Jyotish Yoga (‘Astrology Yoga’) is said to occur when planet Mercury is positioned at trine and Lord of second house /wealth i.e. ‘Dhanesh’ is well placed / strong at trine or angle place of natal chart. Native could be one of the best astrologers. (31) ‘Bhagyodaya Yoga’ at abroad : This type of Yoga is said to occur when first house / ascendant is occupied by cardinal sign, ascendant lord is positioned in cardinal sign and house of fortune/ninth house/ Bhagyesh is placed in cardinal sign along with Moon. Outcome: Native becomes fortunate and makes progress in abroad. (32) Yashvaan Yoga : This type of Yoga is said to occur when Jupiter or Venus is positioned at tenth house or Lord of tenth house / karmesh is a benefic planet. Outcome: Native earns fame and glory. ( 3 3 ) Apa Yasha Yoga: This type of Yoga is said to occur when malefic planet is positioned at ascendant / first house, tenth house of natal chart is aspect by malefic planet/s and Lord of tenth house / karmesh is weak and not well placed. Outcome: Native gets defame and disgrace (34).Pradhan Mantri ( Prime Minister )Yoga : This type of Yoga is said to occur when conjunction /association of Ascendant Lord ( Lagnesh),Lord of fourth house, ( Chaturthesh) and Lord of ninth house ( Bhagyesh) taking place at tenth house of natal chart. Outcome: Native could be Prime Minister.

(35) Sannyaasi Yoga: This type of Yoga is said to occur when five planets are positioned at 8th house of natal chart. Eighth or twelfth house of natal chart needs to be aspect by planet Jupiter. Outcome: Native becomes ascetic (hermit). Native earns fame and reputation. (36) Akhand Samrajya Yoga : This is one type of strong and auspicious ‘Gaj-Kesari’ Yogas. Such type of Yoga is said to occur when an ascendant is occupied with sign like Aquarius or Taurus, Bhagyesh / Labhesh / Dhanesh (any one of three) is well placed at angle from the Moon, and Lord of eleventh house is Jupiter in the natal chart. Such type of Yoga exists in the natal chart of great celebrity of millennium, Shri Amitabh Bachchan. Outcome: Native becomes famous and enjoys long life with full of affluence, power, wealth and prosperity through the life.

(E) Significance of auspicious and inauspicious Yoga

34 “Dhana Yoga” (combination for wealth)

Generally, it is said to occur Dhana Yoga when second house of natal chart is occupied by benefic planets or sign but that is not good enough. Occupation of malefic planets like Saturn and Rahu in second house (house of wealth) may also help native to become rich person. Every person in this earth barring a few saints all want wealth. This is because wealth brings social security, enjoyments and all comforts of this world. It is seen that maximum number of people are poor or earn just sufficient to make a decent living. In fact the rich of the world are listed. This fact alone is enough to show how few people are really rich. So we can classify the humanity in different groups such as: - Enormously Rich, Very rich, rich, well to do, upper Middle class, Middle class, Poor, Very poor and extremely poor. It is not that people do not put in sufficient efforts to acquire wealth. Where wealth is

concerned no occupation is forbidden for the human being. He can adopt honest straightforward means for making money or adopt impious ways of crime. The Karmic effects of the past of an individual for acquiring wealth are reflected in the native’s birth chart by Dhana Yogas or absence of them. Mainly, 2nd, 6 th and 10th houses are primary and 7th and 11 th house are secondary for Dhana Yoga considerations. 2nd House in a horoscope signifies self generated wealth, 6th through loans, and 10th through employment. If the 2nd is strong money comes by inheritance and investment. If 6th house is stronger than 2nd and 10th house, money comes by as interest on lending. If 12th house is becomes very strong, then the native borrows but never repays fully, thereby always remains in debt. If 10th house is stronger than 2nd and 6th house, then the native might make money at all times through various means. The Dhana karakas or significators of wealth are Sun and Jupiter. So to begin with, the simple rule is that both Jupiter and Sun should be well placed in the horoscope to be wealthy. Another important rule is that "Sun’s chief rival, Saturn should not be in the second house or aspect at /conjunct with second house/Lord of second house from the ascendant or the Moon." This is a must condition for’ Dhan Yoga’. Significance of each planet for’ Dhan Yoga ‘: -Rahu: Although, Rahu could give such results, only when it is exalted. Saturn is considered as a significator of poverty. -Saturn: Strong and well placed Saturn produces lots of wealth where as weak or debilitated Saturn leads to poverty. Saturn is beneficial; If Saturn belongs to Capricorn or Aquarius sign in the house of wealth/second house of natal chart. -Jupiter: Jupiter is a significant planet for having wealth happiness. Unless, the Jupiter is strong, and it is worthless despite of several ‘Dhan Yogas’ in natal chart; Jupiter is significator of wealth, fate and son. So, position of Jupiter needs to be studied well in advance before the analysis of other powerful planetary relationship /union in the ‘Janam Kundli’ i.e. birth chart. -Venus: Venus is the most important planet, as it a significator of pleasure, sex, luxuries and all type of enjoyments that are necessary for financial happiness and comforts in the life. -Moon: Though Moon is an auspicious planet, it is not a sharp significator / indicator for Godess Laxmiji (wealth).Moon is an unstable /fast moving planet and thereby becomes the significator / reason for the instability of Goddess Laxmiji (wealth). -Mercury: Planet Mercury is not of that much importance. Although it is significator of

business and therefore position of Mercury is also studied sometimes, for mercantile profit and loss. -Mars: Planet Mars has nothing to do with money matter. Even though union/ relationship of Mars with planet Moon, Jupiter and Rahu is significant for the purpose of acquiring wealth. -Another general principle is that the any Lord of angle or trine, posited in the house of wealth (second house) would lead to give auspicious results, regardless of the fact that the planet is benefic or malefic. -Position of ketu /Sun/Mars/Saturn or Rahu in the house of wealth is considered inauspicious but it is auspicious if related malefic planet is exalted or in own sign. -Native could not be rich if any planet/s is/are situated in the twelfth house or house of expenses ( Vyaya Bhava).He has to lose everything finally, even if he/she earns. Especially, native remains financially unhappy, when planet like Sun,Mars,Saturn or Rahu is in twelfth house and is neither in exalted nor own sign. -It is said to occur ‘Nirdhan Yoga’ i.e. native remains poor throughout the life when Lord of second house (Dhan bhava) is positioned at twelfth house or Lord of twelfth house (Vyaya bhava) is positioned at second house of natal chart. -Fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) and even zodiac sign (like Taurus, Scorpio) in the second house of natal chart is important for the wealth happiness and its stability. -It is said to occur strong ‘Lakshmi Yoga’ when Jupiter or Venus is positioned in second house or Second house is aspect by Jupiter or Venus. -Native never faces financial problem throughout the life, if Lord of second house (Dhanesh) is placed at trine or angle position of natal chart. Financially, native remains very sound and enjoys the life fully, especially when Lord of second house is posited at ninth or tenth house of natal chart. -Any retrograde planet positioned in second house will tend to provide the excellent happiness in respect of financial matter. Native acquires life time affluence when any Lord of trine or angle is posited in second house of nativity -Native gets excellent riches when Jupiter is positioned at sixth or eighth house of natal chart and aspects at second house. -Native enjoys outstanding wealth happiness when Venus is placed at second or twelfth house of natal chart. Venus is more beneficial and admirable when it belongs to Taurus or Libra zodiac sign in the natal chart. Here are few more aspects with ‘ifs & buts ‘that generating ‘Dhan Yogas’ for detailed information: 1) If the lord of the ascendant is in 10th House the native will be richer than his parents.

2) The same will apply, if the 10th lord is in the ascendant. 3) If Jupiter is placed in 9th or 11th house and Sun is in the 5th house, the native becomes rich 4) If lord of 2nd house and the Lord of 9th house are in mutual reception, native becomes rich person 5) If Sun is in 6th house or in 11th house, the native could be a rich person. 6) If Dhanesh / 2nd Lord are in 8th house, native becomes rich by self-efforts. 7) If Moon & Jupiter or Moon & Venus are in 5th house, the native becomes rich 8) if Mercury happens to be in Aries or Cancer sign, the person becomes rich. 9) If 7th house is occupied with Mars or Saturn and 11th house has any planet other than Ketu, the person will earn huge wealth by doing business. If Ketu is in the 11th house, he may earn through foreign agency 10) If the 7th house has either Mars or Saturn, and the 11th house is occupied with Saturn, Mars or Rahu, the person earns wealth by sports, Gambling, Commissions, rent, lawyer's fees etc. 11) If Rahu, Saturn, Mars or Sun is in the 11th house, the native becomes rich gradually. 12) If all the angles are occupied by planets OR All trines are occupied by benefic planets OR All "Oopachayas" (3rd, 6th, 11th house) are occupied by Malefic planets, the native becomes exceedingly rich 13) If planet JUPITER is in CANCER, Sagittarius, or Pisces sign, and the Lord of 5th house is in the 10th the house, the native may become rich by the support of son/daughter. 14) Association of Mercury + Jupiter + Venus in any house, enables native to earn money by religious and ritual means (Purohit, Pundit, Astrologer, Preacher, Head of religious institutions etc). 15) Association of Mercury +Venus + Saturn in any House, enables the person to earn money by business leadership.

16) Lords of 6,8,12 join 6, 8, 12 or 11th house, the native becomes suddenly rich.

35. Astrologically, who could be millionaire? Native would certainly make advancement, if there are formations of requisite planetary relationships (Yoga/combinations) related to happiness, progress, prosperity and wealth attainment in the natal chart, regardless the native’s birth in an ordinary family. In the present article, we shall discuss briefly about the benefic planets in the horoscope that makes the native millionaire. 1. As we know, first house is called an ascendant. Native’s natal chart becomes potent to the extent of number of benefic planets positioned in the ascendant, i.e. more the benefic planets in the ascendant, more potent, is the birth chart. 2. Fifth house relates to the merits of past birth. Strength of planet Jupiter is significant, i.e. exalted, own sign or debilitated Jupiter in natal chart would determine the volume of native’s merits in the present life. Native is said to be born with extra ordinary fate when Jupiter is posited along with Moon in ninth house or house of fortunate. 3. Generally, all planets positioned at sixth, eighth or twelfth house of natal chart are considered debilitated and inauspicious. However, as usual there are always some exceptions. 4. Position of Jupiter at sixth house is considered benefic because it aspects by 120 degree at tenth house (house of profession) and second house (house of wealth) of birth chart which benefits to the native and take him to the route of progress. 5. Eighth house of natal chart signifies inheritance. So when any benefic planet is positioned in this house, it aspects at second house (house of wealth) by 180 degree (seventh vision) and gives rise to economical benefits to native. 6. Twelfth house is called the house of expenses. Except planet Venus, position of all planets in this house is considered inauspicious. Only Venus is able to produce benefic results in this place. Venus could make a native millionaire and wealthy person. 7. It is said to occur ‘Lakshmi Yoga’ when conjunction of Venus and Moon is taking place in any house except sixth, eighth or twelfth house of birth chart. 8. Native might earn wealth, with ease and least efforts unexpectedly, if conjunction of Mars and Rahu is taking place in any benefic house (1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, or 10th, ) of natal chart. 9. Native makes excellent progress when more than three planets are in exalted or own sign in the birth chart.

10. It is said to occur ‘Raja Yoga’ when Rahu or Saturn is positioned at tenth house from ascendant which take him/her on to the route of progress. If Rahu or Saturn is in exalted sign, it takes native on the top of the success at an early stage of life. However, position of planet Saturn at tenth house in Libra (Exalted) or Capricorn sign (own sign) is not always producing benefic results, it may, sometimes downgrade the native 11. Vipareeta Raja Yoga is said to occur when a planet, which is the lord of a Dusthan/ Trika/ debilitated house i.e. the sixth, eighth or twelfth house, positions itself in any other Dusthan/ Trika house. This type of planetary combination leads to the formation of Vipareeta Raja Yoga in a natal chart. Vipareeta stands for the upturned, reversed or converse. The Yoga with the same name makes a similar positive impact on its native. The presence of this auspicious Vipareeta Raja Yoga in the natal chart produces an unpredicted positive ascend in native’s life. The person would earn fortune through various sources. The native under the influence of this Yoga might develop the ability to grab and utilize the chances that comes his/her way suddenly. The native might have a royal look, possess commanding abilities, and memorized for his/her achievements and feats. However, the native would always be devoid from mental peace. It brings auspicious results like happiness, prosperity, wealth and evolution for native, if others auspicious planetary relations / Yogas, like Raj Yoga, Lakshmi Yoga, Amala Kirti Yoga, Akhand Samaarjya Yoga are present in the birth chart. E.g. Let us study the birth chart of real millionaire person. Mr. Bachchan:

a. Ascendant is Aquarius. b. Birth sign is Libra. Moon is in ninth house .So his fate is blistering and twinkling as a film star in the film industry since last more than 25 years. c. Jupiter is positioned at tenth place / at angle, from Moon. Jupiter is in exalted sign

(Cancer) at sixth house (anabolism position) of horoscope, so formation of all type of auspicious Yogas like Gaja kesari Yoga, Hamsa Yoga, Akhand Samrajya Yoga and Amala Kirti Yoga are taking place at a time in his birth chart and that is why native (Mr. Bachchan) is succeeded in gathering wealth in abundance, become a respectable person in society and his fame is world wide spread. d. Jupiter positioned at sixth house, brings victory over enemies and diseases for him. e. Benefic Jupiter aspects at second house (house of wealth) by 120 degree (ninth house aspect) from sixth house of natal chart, which brings great amount of wealth for native throughout the life.

36. Lottery Yoga

Importance of ‘Lakshmi ‘or wealth is ever significant. Wealth could be of two types. One which is acquired through hard work, intelligence and virtues. Another type of wealth, which is gained with at ease and without performing hard work. Every Human tries to exercise all sort of tricks to acquire money at their best. But some people are determined to generate the money by hook or crook. They take short cut to get the money at ease. So, such people do not hesitate to perform any kind of frauds,

deception,dishonesty, banned and illegal works to earn the money. Actually, Lakshmi / riches is what, which leads us to achieve the aim of our life. But, acquisition of Lakshmi / wealth is related to fate. Every human is enjoying his/her life as per his/her own deeds of present life and past life as well. We will see in the present article, how astrology helps us to know in advance that who might have unexpected and sudden gains of wealth through lottery! In the natal chart (horoscope), second and eleventh house are significant for studying wealth and gain respectively. - It is said to occur ‘Lottery Yoga ‘… -When the Lord of second house and Lord of eleventh house is conjunct in the birth chart. - When the Lord of second house (house of wealth /’Dhanesh’) is positioned at fifth house in its exalted sign. -When the Lord of eleventh house (house of gain / ‘Labhesh’) is positioned in its exalted sign. -When Dhanesh (Lord of second house) and Labhesh (Lord of eleventh house) aspect each other. -When Lord of ninth house (Bhagyesh) and Lord of second house (Dhanesh) are positioned at fifth house, the chances of winning lottery are bright. The fifth house relates to inclination (past birth), merit and good quality deeds (karma) of native. It is believed that fifth house of horoscope is found well placed and stronger in case of the natives who have performed excellent deeds in their past birth. Jupiter is the significator of fifth house. Moreover, we get to know about a sudden ‘Lakshmi or lottery Yoga’, intellect, popularity, higher studies, children, and emotions etc. by the status of fifth house of birth chart. We could easily estimate about the financial status of person/native, if benefic planet is positioned at the fifth house of natal chart. However, good or evil deeds of past birth would play an important role for happiness and unhappiness in the present life of a native. Native with ‘Lottery Yoga’ in the horoscope remains enough fortunate to enjoy wealth happiness.

37. ‘Chandala Yoga’

Mostly, person is seeking for astrological help when he /she is confused and looking for the answers of some questions like... -“When my physical desires would be accomplished? ”.. -“When will I acquire financial happiness? ” .. -“What are the remedial measures? etc. Astrology is such a science as could focus highlight over above referred questionnaires and reconcile the matter satisfactorily to the great extent. In the present article, we shall discuss about the ‘Chandala Yoga’ and its remedial measures to get rid of this inauspicious Yoga. What is Chandala Yoga? : It is said to occur when Jupiter and Rahu conjunct or aspect each other in the natal chart. This Yoga is considered very inauspicious Yoga in the astrology. This is not a favourable combination. In a sphere of life, native might face lot of hindrances and obstacles. Native could be an agnostic (atheist/non-believer in God)) and difficult person to live with and may not be liked by his /her kinsfolk (relatives). He may be associated with lower class of people and respectable for them. Results of Jupiter-Rahu …. Conjunction (Yuti) /opposition (Prati-Yuti): 1. Native incurs loss at the age of eighth or twelfth year, if conjunction/ opposition /aspect of Jupiter with Rahu take place at first, second, fifth or ninth house of horoscope. There could be disharmony in marital life. Native incurs odd and extra expenses in respect of family members and sometime bears loss in connection to his illegal business activity. 2. Native might face humiliation and loss of wealth, if Jupiter is positioned at second house and aspects at malefic planets like Rahu, Mercury, Venus and Saturn, positioned at eighth house of natal chart. 3. Native remains ill-fated and his / her life stays unstable, if Jupiter is associated with Rahu in Taurus, Gemini, or Libra zodiac sign at the third house of natal chart. 4. It could scratch up the marital life of native, when Jupiter, from tenth house, aspects at Rahu, placed at fourth house in Aries, Cancer, Leo or Scorpio sign. It

causes trouble relating to real estate and business matter. 5. Native may counter problems regards to offspring, share-stock and education matter, if Jupiter and Rahu is positioned at fifth place and afflicted by malefic planets. 6. Native could be deposed, officially punished or falsely disgraced, if Jupiter is associated with Rahu / Ketu at sixth house (house of enemy) or twelfth house (house of expenses) of natal chart. 7. Native may have physical relationships with low caste woman or widow, fraud with partners and fake money earning, if Jupiter and Rahu are positioned at seventh house in enemy sign and afflicted with natural malefic planets like Mars, Mercury and Venus. 8. It causes unrest in the marital life of native, if Jupiter is associated with Ketu at eighth house and afflicted Rahu is positioned at second house of natal chart. Native may be short lived person and suffer from disease, enemy and maternal relatives’ pursuits, if Lord of eighth house as the significator of life is positioned at eighth or twelfth house in enemy sign. 9. Native could be, deceived by friends and indebted, if Jupiter and Rahu are associated at the eleventh house of natal chart. 10. Native may earn by forged deeds and lose money, if occurrence of ‘Chandala Yoga’ (Jupiter+ Rahu) is under the influence of malefic planets, taking place at twelfth house of natal chart. Remedial measures: (A).Gemstone of Jupiter i.e. ‘Pokharaj’ /Yellow Sapphire is suggested to be worn on Thursday, at the index finger of right hand in the ring of Gold. Weight of gemstone should be 3 to 4 carets. (B).Perform 38000 ‘Jupiter Chants’ (Guru Mantra) on Thursday through learned Brahmin/priest.

38. Angaraka Yoga

It is said to occur ‘Angaraka Yoga’ when planet Mars and Sun associate together or conjunct with each other in any house of birth chart. Native’s behaviour could be arbitrary, hot & wrathful, wicked and egoistic because of ‘Angaraka Yoga’ in horoscope. Such type of natives invite the trouble by themselves and get harassed. Conjunction (Yuti) of Sun and Mars is auspicious, if taking place at third, sixth, ninth, tenth or eleventh house of natal chart. Intensity of malefic effects gets decreased, if Sun-Mars conjunction is under the influence of Jupiter in the natal chart. Native makes progress in succession. Generally, conjunction /union of Sun –Mars makes native debtor. Native gets victimized of several diseases. Native may meet with vehicle accident. Diseases relating to skin and bones cannot be denied. General principle of science like “two negatives make one positive “ is not applicable to ‘Angaraka Yoga’, on the contrary there is ever possibility of destructive activity and conspiracy with greater intensity when two enemies like Sun and Mars meet together in one sign of the natal chart. It is stated as ’Angaraka Yoga ’ because both planets ,Mars and Sun belong to fire element and therefore, the conjunction of these two planets lead to demolish especially, the marital life of female native. Angaraka Yoga brings hazardous and violent effect in the native’s life, if conjunction of Sun-Mars is taking place within the distance of two to eight degree. The caustic and rigorous effect gets reduced gradually with the increase in ‘conjunction distance’ (more than 8 degree) between the planets Mars and Sun in the same sign. However, Retrograde Mars remains more dangerous in such type of association /Yuti. Mars as the Lord of third and sixth house in ‘Virgo ascendant ‘natal chart, becomes strong’ Marak ‘(killer) and causes more inauspicious results. So as, with the Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces ascendant horoscopes, Sun produces same type of malefic effects and therefore Sun-Mars conjunction brings more inauspicious results in above situations. Remedies: It is advisable to chant/recite 40,000 and 28,000 Mantras of Mars and Sun respectively or get chanted by the learned, sacred, contented and non-addicted Brahmin /Priest.

39. Shrapit Dosha / Yoga

In the present article, we shall discuss about Shrapit Dosha. Shrapit Yoga is also called Shrapit Dosha. Literary meaning of the word "Shrapit" is like; somebody is cursed because of his /her evil deeds of past life. Shrapit Yoga is said to be formed when Saturn and Rahu are related in a natal chart like... 1. Saturn and Rahu are in the single sign or conjunct with. 2. Saturn and Rahu are in opposition (i.e. both planets are 180 degrees away from each other). 3. Saturn glances at Rahu by third or tenth aspect. The native is also stated to have born under the influence of ‘Shrapit Yoga’ if the same planetary position referred as above exists in ‘Chalit Kundli ‘. If the degrees of Rahu are higher than that of planet Saturn in the said planetary conjunction (Shrapit Dosha), it will generate several invaluable virtues for native like sacrifice, courtesy, asceticism, truthfulness and frankness. But, if the degrees of Saturn are higher to Rahu’s degrees in horoscope, it would bring immoralities like stubbornness, atrocity, dictatorship, gambling, guile, adultery etc. Planet Saturn is spiritual and occult by nature on one side while on other side it is cumbersome, painful, brutal and vindictive. It causes delay at all the works in the native’s life. Sometime, it downfalls the native after elevating him on the top of the career. It could take native away nearly to the beggarly circumstances. It brings unhappiness relating to friends, spouse, offspring and money. It makes native lazy. As

Saturn being natural malefic planets, it ever influences over wicked, evil and ugly people. While Rahu as a vice planet, producing illusion in native’s mind. It always scares to native. It affects to native’s health and wealth pursuits. Native’s becomes narrow minded. According to the Nadi astrology, a person having this type of combination in nativity "collects money secretly even without knowledge of government (black money)". It causes untimely and accidental death. For example, we may find such type of combination in majority of horoscopes of the people born in the year 1978/1979/1980. I think, we need to ask them questions like ‘’ are they all cursed? Or were those years cursed? “, and try to seek for right answers! It is interesting that the planets Saturn and Rahu, both are mutual friends of each other and are responsible and significator for this “ Shrapit Yoga “. Let us study briefly, how their friendship produces “Shrapit dosha” effects to the native’s life when they are associated in each sign / house of the natal chart. If’ Shrapit dosha’ taking place at... (1) First house: It adversely affects to native’s physique, health, childhood, eyes, vitality, intellect, and face complexion. It brings rudeness in attitude, delay, denial and obstruction, in every work. It gives dark color to the body. (2) Second house: Native might experience lack of money, family expansion and matters relating to right eye, speech and teeth. Native remains solitary, reserved, indulged in family problem and money matter. (3) Third house: Native ever gets frustrated relating to his / her destiny. Such native remains deprived of happiness relating to siblings. They have to venture and exercise their own efforts to overcome several hindrances to come forward and become wealthy in the life. (4) Fourth house: Native experiences adverse circumstance relating mother, house, relatives, and happiness in respect of marital life matter. (5) Fifth house: Native may face adverse circumstances related to abdominal disease, offspring, spouse, and academic hindrances. Native faces infamy and public critics, if ‘Shrapit Yoga’ is Ketu based. (6) Sixth house: Native often gets harassed from enemies and suffers from diseases. Native is sometimes, ignored, humiliated and disrepute from maternal relatives side. Native could be allegated or face breach of trust.

(7) Seventh house: There could be disharmony with respect to age, opinion and attitude with life partner and business partner as well. Native’s marriage is often delayed. It brings disreputation in business partnership and yields fewer amounts of riches. Marital life is disturbed due to difference of opinion and remains unhappy. (8) Eighth house: It brings chronic illness for native.32nd year becomes crucial. Native needs to be cautious from toxic and lethal insects or creatures. Planet Saturn is the significator of eighth house. (House of longevity) (9) Ninth house: A wheel of fortune turns by 30 years of age and becomes fortunate. Although, this period may not be that much lucky for native’s father. Relationships with lower classed people play a vital role in native’s life and sometimes get benefited by such relationships. (10) Tenth house: Native remains poor. This type of ‘Shrapit Yoga’ brings down fall from the top of the career. Native remains unaffiliated with father or paternal side. Native, of course acquires better position by his talent. Native possesses Vaat (gas) nature. (11) Eleventh house: Native’s wheel of fortune turns after 32 years of age. Native is benefited and comforted by the abroad relatives and relations. Native acquires wealth but remains unhappy and discontented with children. (12) Twelfth house: If the ‘Shrapit Yoga ‘is taking place at twelfth house of natal chart, natives ever remains economically concerned. They have never enough bank balance. Their leniency and benevolence lead them to poverty. Virtues like sacrifice, tolerance and reclusion might cause unhappiness in the life. It is also said to occur “Shapit Dosha” when Saturn aspects at Rahu or Rahu aspects at Saturn in the horoscope. We all know that Planet Saturn glances at any planet or house by third, seventh and tenth house aspect, while Rahu glances at any planet or house by only seventh house aspect. “Shrapit Dosha” caused by mutual aspects of Saturn and Rahu produces lesser amount of evil affects rather than caused by their conjunctions in the horoscope. The malefic effects of ‘Shrapit Dosha ‘gets diluted, if other benefic planetary relations/Yogas exist at the time of birth. Mostly, all the great astrologers unanimously agree that native has to face, more or less, several hindrances related to education, marital life, health or venture and success pursuits, if there is ‘Shrapit Yoga’ in the birth chart. Remedies: (1) Worship - Mantra Jap or the sacrificial act for Lord Shiva, preferably on Monday, is considered as an easy and cogent remedy for reducing the effect of “Shrapit Dosha”.

(2) Chant 1.25 lakhs Jap / Mantras of “ Maha-Mrutyunjaya Mantra” or perform through learned and sacred Brahmin / Priest, preferably on ‘ No-Moon day ‘ falls on Monday or Wednesday or Shivaratri.

40. Scare of ‘Mangal Dosh ‘

It would not be an exaggerated statement that ‘the scare of Mangal Dosh panics more than the actual Mangal Dosha in the natal chart’. Actually speaking, whatever the opinions exist related to Mangal Dosha, they seem to be illusory and shadowy ! As per the prevalent principle, it is called Mangal Dosh, when Mars is positioned at first, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house of the Vedic astrology Ascendant chart. . A person born in the presence of this condition is termed as a Manglik. Astrological survey says that 42% natives have Manglik Dosh in their birth charts. This condition is astrologically believed to be unfavorable for marriages, causing discomfort and tension in relationship, leading to severe disharmony among the spouses and eventually to other bigger problems. This is attributed to the "fiery" nature of Mars, the planet of war. Therefore, it is advisable that a girl with Mangal dosha in her horoscope should preferably marry with a boy having Mangal dosha in his horoscope. If Mangal not posited at 1-4-7-8 or 12th house, Saturn should be posited at one of the above house of

birth chart for their happy and long lived marital life. Apart from Mangal dosha, compatibility score of both, boy and girl, based on Naxatra of Moon is also required to be matched. The negative effects of Mangal dosha get neutralized, if a Manglik person is born on Tuesday or two Mangliks marry each other. The negative effects are believed to be neautalized by each other. However, Mars is not the only planet in Vedic Astrology that impacts the relationships. Actually, these effect should be seen in a broader perspective of overall astrological compatibility. There is also a belief that the negative consequences for a single-Manglik marriage could be resolved, if the Manglik person first performs a ceremony called a ‘kumbh Vivah’, in which the Manglik "marries" a Banana tree, or a Peepal tree, or a silver or gold idol of the Hindu God Vishnu. The evil effects of Manglik Dosha could be reduced with the help of astrological remedies, which would generally include the application of Poona, Mantras, Gemstones and Charities. However, these remedies are different for different individuals depending upon their horoscopes. An increasing number of individuals are, now a day, placing less emphasis on Manglik dosha, during the selection of a life partner, as evidenced from the data from online matrimony sites. However, there is still a pretty large following of people who give credence to Manglik Dosha.

41. Court matter and penalty

Twelfth house of natal chart depicts expenses, losses, theft, debt imprisonment, Moksha, poverty and court matter .This house also helps us to take decision in respect of native’s marriage and his / her settlement in abroad.

As we know that, twelfth house is known as House of expenses while Lord of the twelfth house is known as ‘Vyayesh’ in Vedic astrology. Study of twelfth house of natal chart helps us to predict whether the native may face court matter and/or penalty. Native may undergo court matter and/or penalty, at least once in the life if, 1. - Rahu or Ketu is positioned at twelfth house of natal chart. 2. - Kal-Sarp Yoga, Solar eclipse/ Grahan Yoga or Lunar eclipse/ Grahan Yoga taking place at twelfth house. 3. - Sun-Saturn conjunction or opposition conjunction taking place at twelfth house. 4.-Lord of twelfth house is afflicted. Position of the Lord of the twelfth house (Vyayesh) in the horoscope, decides the matter /subject of court case that native may face.Occupation or aspect of benefic or malefic planets at the eleventh house of natal chart decides whether native would win the court matter.If the eleventh house of natal chart is occupied or aspect by benefic planets, the chances of winning the court case are bright for native. Whereas, occupation or aspect of malefic planets at eleventh house ever influence the defeat for native in the court matter.

42. Immigration and Astrology

For every person, Importance of work place remains equally significant as the native place of the person. Problems like poverty and unemployment are weakening the society of India. So, the Indian youngsters are looking for option to get job and business in abroad. Someone is willing to migrate abroad for study purpose where as someone is taking tour to visit foreign countries to enjoyment purpose only, while others are dreaming and planning to settle for ever in different countries for their career purpose. So, it would be very interesting to know that which planets in the horoscope are really responsible for emigration. (A) Ascendant / Rising sign is ever significant in the horoscope. The planets positioned at the ascendant as well as the position of the ascendant Lord depict the desires, aspiration, ambition and expectations of the native. (B) Third house signifies short journey and new venture. (C) Ninth house (house of fortunate) describes distant travel or emigration for study (D) Study of twelfth house along with ascendant /first house is essential for those natives who desire to settle abroad. (E) Position of Lord of third house, Lord of ninth house (Bhagyesh), Lord of twelfth house (Vyayesh) are also needed to be analyzed along with the position of Moon, the significator of tours and travels. (F) Positions of planet Venus and vice planet Rahu in natal chart are also studied when foreign countries are visited, only for entertainment purpose. Now, we shall discuss about the position of planets, required in horoscope for the emigration purpose.

(1). Native should have strong desire for emigration and for that he/she should be prepared to leave motherland and family. We may have an idea from the rising sign (ascendant) of horoscope and figure out whether the native is really committed to migrate or is in dilemma. However, moveable sign of ascendant (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) gives rise to primary Yoga for emigration. (2. More numbers of planets are required to be in moveable signs of natal chart. (3).Moon, the significator planet for tours and travelling, needs to be in one of the moveable signs or in one of the watery element signs (Cancer, Scorpion, and Pisces) or in its exalted sign (Taurus). (4). Position of Rahu at first, seventh, tenth or twelfth house in the horoscope also inspires native to emigrate. (5).Native emigrates, if the ascendant Lord is at first, third, ninth or eleventh house in moveable sign. (6).Native emigrates if Bhagyesh (Lord of ninth house) is positioned at third, ninth or twelfth house of natal chart. (7).Native emigrates, if ascendant Lord (Lagnesh) and Lord of twelfth house (Vyayesh) or Vyayesh and Bhagyesh (Lord of ninth house) are in *mutual reception in horoscope. (Parivartan Yoga: It is the Exchange of Signs between Two Planets known as * “Mutual Reception”. It is said to occur when planet-A occupies the sign of planet-B and simultaneously Planet-B occupies the sign of Planet-A.) (8). Native stays away from motherland, if malefic planets are positioned at fourth house of natal chart. (9).Native is inspired to have job or business abroad, if conjunction of Bhagyesh (Lord of ninth house) and Vyayesh (Lord of twelfth house) is taking place at house of profession (tenth house). (10).Native emigrates for higher studies, if exalted or own sign - Jupiter is positioned at ninth house. (House of fortunate) (11).Planetary transit (Gochara) of Rahu in cosmos at first, seventh, tenth or twelfth house of natal chart produces chances for visiting abroad. (12).Native could settle abroad, if strong / exalted Rahu is positioned at Twelfth house and malefic planets are positioned at fourth house of natal chart. (13).Native cannot settle abroad, if the native’s Moon in the horoscope gets afflicted and debilitated by the aspect of malefic planets. (14).Native’s tour remains joyous during the major / minor planetary period of ascendant Lord, Lord of third house (Parakramesh), Lord of ninth house (Bhagyesh) and Lord of twelfth house ( Vyayesh ).

43. ‘Love Yoga’ and love affairs The word ‘Love’ having four characters is one of the most charming and beautiful words of the English dictionary and human life as well, and thereby the title of the present article is so romantic, familiar and thrilling. There are so many types of the love relationship exist in the universe like, brother-sister love, friendship love, parents-children love, husband-wife love and animal love etc. Apart from all types of love, youth and adult-hood love has been all time very special and full of romance. More or less, all middle aged boys and girls, men and women lung for love and might have experienced to some or greater extent. In the present article, we are going to discuss about the ‘love and love Yoga’ astrologically only. We shall try to figure out with the help of astrological media, that what are the planetary positions in horoscope, responsible for producing, mere infatuation or real divine love for native. We shall try to know whether native’s love could be resulted in to marriage or it would be an unsuccessful love story! There could be love events in the native’s life…. (1). If Rahu is positioned at ascendant or first house of natal chart. (2).If first, fifth, seventh or ninth houses of the natal chart are mutually inter-related in the natal chart. (3) (a)-The first house relates to self expression or type of the individual personality. (b)-Fifth house relates to love affairs or any romantic relationship that does not involve a contractual commitment or where the individuals /natives do not live under the same roof. (Once two people either get married or move together, it becomes a seventh house relationship) (c) -Seventh house is the house of marriage. It represents relationships with spouse / life partner or business partner. (4).If Mars is positioned at fifth / seventh house or in conjunction with Lord of fifth house or Lord of seventh house. (5).If Venus is positioned at ascendant /seventh house or in conjunction with ascendant Lord /Lord of seventh house. (6). If Mars-Moon or Mars-Venus conjunction is taking place at above three places/houses of natal chart, love may be resulted into a sacred marriage relationship

(7).There could be divine love, if Venus belongs to Pisces sign, positioned at twelfth house or Venus is in conjunction with Moon or aspect by Moon in the nativity. (8).Love affairs get resulted in to a sacred marriage, if Lord of fifth house and Lord of seventh house are in mutual reception in the birth chart. (9).Native might fall in love ‘at first site’ (glance), if Mars - Saturn conjunction is taking place at either fifth or eleventh house of natal chart. When native faces failure and /or obstacle in love affairs? (1).Native may face delay, denial or obstacles in love affairs, if Saturn and Rahu are in conjunction with or aspect by each other at first, fifth or eleventh house of natal chart. (2).Native’s love affair may not be converted into marriage relationship, if eleventh house (house of gain) of natal chart is afflicted by or under the influence of malefic planets. (3).Native may face several obstacles in love relationship or relationship may remain unfinished, if Saturn is positioned at second place from Moon in natal chart.

44. Win and Defeat in the War

The human has been struggling and fighting hard since primordial time for his own survival or for satisfying hunger and acquiring physical happiness. It is usually seen that, some ugly minded people ever enjoy getting to torment and enslave other straight forward and gentle people but when the limit of tolerance is ended, human group also gets ready to face atrocities and creates war. There are two types of persons in the world. (1).Some one is ever abused becomes victimized of atrocities and remains defeated throughout the life. (2).While another one, by the grace of God, has no enemy and enjoys the entire life without any fear. This is all happening about, subject to the planetary positions of the nativity. So, let us discuss the nature of all planets astrologically regards to the violence, war, victory and defeat etc. Sun: Sun, being sigificator of power, position and fiery element (triplicate), remains hot and often gets angry when certain disciplinary principles are not observed. It is also religious by nature. Moon: Moon is peaceful and thoughtful planet. It is a significator of treaty and agreement. Mars: Mars is like violent, bilious, researcher and scientist. Mars influenced person ever estimates as timid person, to the Moon influenced person. It possesses good logic power. It maintains law and order. It produces modern weapons to defeat enemies. Mercury: Mercury is business minded and matured planet. It always prefers to have friendship with everybody. Mercury is aware of all the consequences caused by fight or war and court matter. Jupiter: Jupiter is like a life guard and significator of life. It never desires and offers war but maintains mercy and affection towards all kind of animals. It shows politeness, modesty, and wisdom. Jupiter ever trys to save own prestige and respectability. Venus: Venus looks quiet planet but it is the master of demons. It is greedy and selfish. It leads to animosity between two groups for its own benefit. It instigates for war. It provides excuses to weak people for undue fighting.

Saturn: It is like criminal, addicted, Panic maker, dictator, thick-headed, life destroyer, ignorant, stupid, simper and rowdy planet. It is a significator of toxin. It fights for pleasure and for contentment of others. Although, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are life donor signs but when Saturn transits through these signs, it brings destruction under its influence and unrest is transmitted. However, the transit of planet Mercury and Jupiter bring the formation of peace and protection. When Mars is under the control of Jupiter, (i.e. when Mars is aspect by Jupiter’s fifth / ninth House aspect) Jupiter utilizes the power of Mars to the advantage of human welfare. Same way, Mars controls the Saturn and utilizes the power Saturn (while it is under the fourth or eighth House aspect of Mars).At the same time, the invention of the modern machinery and weapons for life guards takes place to cope up with the natural disaster and attack from enemies. Mars is the significator of research, science and chemicals. It believes in making progress. Saturn takes the disadvantage of Mars when Mars is under the third house aspect of Saturn and thereby leads to the production of lethal weapons for destructive purpose. Possibilities of war increase when Jupiter and Mars come under the influence of third house aspect of Saturn. At the same time, pretty small rumour could turn out to be explosive and spread over terror. Rahu: Rahu is having irritable, Tamoguni and Saturn type nature. It is a significator of black -magic art, chemical, toxic medicine, trickery, distrust, betrayal, diplomatic policy, suspicious work, and suspicious location. Rahu brings and brings back the sudden impact. Ketu: Ketu has Mars like nature. It is a significator of stubbornness, unexpected troubles, hasty nature and having own style of working. Above war inducing planets bring the possibilities of defeat and victory as per their strength in the natal chart, during their transit and operating major/minor planetary cycle/period. Moreover, sixth house signifies foes and competitors in the birth chart. It is also called the house of enemies. Mars and Saturn are the significators of this place/house. Mars keeps native away from enemies, competitors and compliments the victory. While the planet Saturn scares of enemies and induces the defeat. Friendly Planets of Mars, like Sun and Jupiter could fetch victory for native. While planets inimical to Mars, like Venus and Saturn take defeat for native. Auspicious planetary positions (Yogas) that bring victory in the war: (1).Association (conjunct /aspect) of Mars, Sun, Moon or Jupiter with ascent/ascendant Lord or sixth house/Lord of sixth house brings triumph for native.

(2).If Lord of sixth house is debilitated or combust or positioned at 29 or 0 degree in the sign of natal chart, it could bring the win. (3). If Saturn is debilitated or combust with Sun or under the special house aspect of Mars or Jupiter, it could bring the victory. (4).Association of Mars with sixth house or Lord of sixth house fetches the success in war. For example: We could study the natal chart of Shri Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who had achieved great success in his profession as an attorney or Barrister. Birth Chart of S. V. Patel: 4, 7, 2, 10, 7, 7, 7, 10, 10, 4 (Position of Ascendant/ planets in the numbered house Ascendant/Sun/Moon/Mars/Mercury/Jupiter/Venus/Saturn/ Rahu /Ketu)


Above chart shows that exalted Mars in the above natal chart, aspects at the Cancer sign / ascendant - Ascendant Lord, i.e., The Moon is positioned in exalted / Taurus sign. - Sixth house (House of enemy / competitor) is occupied by Sagittarius sign. Lord of Sixth house, Jupiter is associated with Sun in Libra sign. So he lived as a successful and winning person in his profession. (Rule # 1 above applies here) - Saturn is conjunct with exalted Mars in Capricorn sign. We salute to his struggle for numbers of years as a freedom fighter for his motherlandIndia. Inauspicious planetary positions/ Yogas that cause defeat in war / from enemies: (1) It causes defeat if planet Venus , Saturn or ‘ Marak Graha’ is associated with ascendant or Lord of ascendant or Lord of ascendant is posited in sixth, eighth or twelfth house or is becoming debilitated in natal chart. By the way, what is Marak Grah? The planet is said to be ‘Marak Grah’ when it is becoming the Lord of sixth, eighth or twelfth house, but not becoming the Lord of any angle or trine in the natal chart. (2) It causes defeat for native, when Venus or Saturn is associated with sixth house or Lord of sixth house or Saturn is posited in sixth, eighth or twelfth house. (3).It may cause defeat for native, when Saturn is positioned in its own sign (Capricorn, Aquarius) or in the sign of Venus (Taurus, Libra) or in sixth, eighth or twelfth house of the natal chart. For example: We can take the natal chart of (Ruler of the kingdom—Mysore) Tipu Sultan for study.

Birth Chart : 9, 8, 1, 11, 8, 2, 7, 8, 5, 11. Above chart shows that, ascendant Lord is positioned in sixth house and sixth house (House of enemy) is aspect by Saturn. Venus, the Lord of sixth house is posited in Libra sign. Saturn is placed at twelfth house. Though Tipu Sultan was a brave solder and ruler, he was killed in the war! (Rule No # 2 above applies here).

45. Painful ‘Saturn-Sun’ Yoga

Planets conjunction, opposition, mutual aspect and mutual reception play significant role in the progress and crumple of human life. Actually speaking, nobody is free from the influence of planetary effect. Whenever in the nativity, benefic planets are well placed, strong, and unafflicted, they tend to provide happiness, gain, success, fulfil of desires and early settlement in life but whenever malefic planets are afflicted, they tend to cause obstructions, accident, miseries, humiliation, and serious setback like situation. It causes hitches, struggle, conflict, disrespect, family or social unrest, paternal injure and collision with Government officials in the life, if Sun and Saturn are associated /afflicted by one or other way, in the natal chart. In Vedic astrology, planet Saturn is considered as a son of the Sun. However, their relationship is not alike father and son. They are inimical to each other. Sun: Sun is the significator of soul, power, right, reputation, respectability, heart, eyelight, character, self, wealth, personality, religion, fortunate, state authority, karma, high position, father, headache, Indigestion, and leucoderma disease Sun is also considered to be the significator of ascendant (first house), ninth house (house of fortunate) and tenth house (house of karma /profession). Saturn: Planet Saturn is the significator of sixth, eighth and twelfth house of horoscope, which signifies inauspicious aspects of the life like greed, sorrow, difficulties, pain, injury, labour, illness, old age, sacrifice, retirement and detachment.

” Yama” is its nick name. It rules over death. It also rules over leg, bones, dent, skin, hair, weakness, blindness, fracture, paralysis and gas (Vaat) related diseases. As such Sun signifies bile (Pitta) and Saturn signifies (gas) Vaat, their inauspicious relationship ever produces Vaat-Pitta related diseases. It causes impact like scabies, hair getting white, wrinkles on face, dry skin, and burns in the body etc. Sun is the king of planets and indicator of state authority. While Saturn represents populace, labor and suppressed class therefore Sun-Saturn relationship causes movement and conflict with state authority for vested interests. Saturn being the enemy of the Sun, it makes native, a revolutionary person and induces conflict with Government officials or higher authorities when it associates with the Sun, the significator of state authority. As such the Sun and the Saturn are inimical to each other and Sun being significator of tenth house of natal chart, their conjunction or aspect with each other at tenth house brings extra liabilities for native at younger age. Native remains deprived of glory and reputation. Native gets victimized of injustice which often leads him/her to take leadership for movements and strikes. So native has to suffer displeasure and anger of senior officers in Government job. Native might face allegations and could be suspended or dismissed from job. Sun as the significator / indicator of first place/ nature: So Sun-Saturn relationship in the natal chart makes native impulsive, calculative, egoistic and narrow minded. Native is suffering from prejudice and suspicious nature and thereby makes his/her own life miserable. Native is unable to maintain fair relationships with friends-relatives in his/her commune and at occupation because of such type of nature. Sun is as the significator of ninth house (house of fortune/destiny): As a result, native could be misfortunate because of such Sun-Saturn relationship. Native might face obstacles on his/her destiny path and has to remain on back foot. Native often faces change of place at occupation or gets persistent transfer with change of location in Government job and disheartened. Sun as the significator of father: Though Saturn is son of the Sun, both are inimical to each other. So conjunction of Sun-Saturn causes clash and conflict with father. Native gets isolated from his/her father. Native may have loss of father’s happiness at the younger age, if mutual aspect of Sun-Saturn takes place in natal chart. Sun is considered to be the significator of husband in female birth chart. So conjunction with or aspect of Saturn at Sun causes disharmony and difference of opinion in marital life of female native. Female native may marry to an elderly male person. Sun-Saturn conjunction or aspect relationship in a male horoscope denotes that male native gets married at older age or may have extra marital relationship. He might get valentine of younger age. Thus Sun-Saturn combination produces inferior levelled relationships. Sun-Saturn relationship in the natal chart may cause anaemic condition for native. Native

gets blockage in blood circulation route because of the contraction in the blood vessels and heart muscles. Veins get stretched. Native’s hands and feet get tingled. Bones remain weak. Native might suffer from low blood pressure problem and spinal ache. Such type of relationship of Sun-Saturn may endanger the life. Sometimes, it could lead to abnormal death for native. Native may, for a time, experience imprisonment in the life. Sun-Saturn relationship in the natal chart induces native to venture into the political field. However, it is not apposite for attaining the political power when Sun and Saturn, both are inimical to each other. It becomes more difficult to maintain the power, even if it is attained by chance. Native has to observe ups and collapse. Such native is found fearless, valiant but creates numbers of rivals and opponents because of his/her haughty, egocentric inflexible, stubborn, combative and uncompromising nature. It makes native brave, strong and impressive, if Sun and Saturn, both the planets are exalted or in own sign while they conjunct with or aspect at each other in the natal chart. Native attains higher rank position when planets are stronger. However, it also brings better results even if Sun-Saturn conjunction takes place at trine of the birth chart. It influences inauspicious and malefic results in the native’s life under the major-minor planetary period of Saturn-Sun. It brings major changes in the life of native, when the Saturn of the cosmos (Gochar) transits through the sign, where Sun is positioned in the natal chart. Sun and Saturn, both need to be stronger in natal chart for auspicious changes. However, it produces inauspicious results if they both are weak by placement and strength. In short, it generates family and social changes in native’s life and brings changes at work and occupation as well, during the opposite conjunction or transit of Saturn through the Sun of natal chart. It could cause trouble, problems, and loss of riches, failures at job / occupation, disgrace, disrespect and detainment for native. Such natives who have Sun-Saturn conjunction or aspect relationship in their birth charts, need to take utmost care when Saturn returns to the same position in the horoscope(during transit in the universe) and take precautionary and remedial measures in advance.

46 ‘Kaal-Sarpa Yoga’... not so scary

The ongoing article is all about the questions like, what is ‘kaal-Sarpa’ Yoga? How does it influence our factual life? Why do natives get scared of? Etc. It is my humble endeavour to eliminate all such undue confusion, despair and prevalent scare from reader’s point of view about ‘ Kal Sarpa Yoga ‘and present the article in a unique way to guide and help them out in a right way. Hope, this article would be acknowledged positively by my all the beloved readers. It is very unfortunate in our country that, instead of eliminating and guiding properly about the extensive horrifying impact of “Kal-Sarpa Yoga’, some materialist astrologers are giving undue importance and trying to charge more money by forecasting in a improper way from the natives, who have blind trust over such Yoga/Dosha. Now, we shall try to see exactly, what is ‘kaal-Sarp Yoga’? It is said to occur “kaal Sarp Yoga “when all the planets other than the outer planets like Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are hemmed / positioned between Rahu-Ketu and half of the chart is unoccupied by planets. Motion of the Rahu/ Ketu is always retrograde through the sign. These two vice planets always transit in retrograde/backward motion from other seven planets. The Sun and others planets transit from East to West direction, while Rahu-Ketu transit in reverse direction to other planets i.e. they both move from West to East direction in the universe.

Basic features: We find under mentioned basic features in the life of native having ‘Kaal-Sarp Yoga’ in the natal chart. (1) This Kaal Sarp Yoga is considered to be dreaded yoga that can cause one’s life to be miserable. 'Kaal' symbolizes for time while 'Sarpa' symbolizes for snake or viper in Kaal-Sarpa, which in a way refers to the bad destiny that the native has to go through, as an impact of the Yoga. The presence of this Yoga in a natal chart induces the native to go through lots of struggle and confliction in the first half part of his life. The person remains under misery and sorrow. It is also believed that the Kaal Sarpa Yoga has the ability to turn a rich man to a poor person as it has the power to annul the best result of the mightiest Dhana Yogas. (2) Natives come forward and attain the tops of the success by their own hard efforts in the life, so sometime; this Yoga is also called “Sangharsh (struggle) Yoga”. -For example: Late/Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, L/ Dr.Radha Krishnan, Shri Morari Bapu, Nurjahan, Shri Ranchhodlal. L/ Shri Dhirubhai Ambani, L/ Shri V. Shantaram, L/ Mr. Abraham Lincoln, L / Shri Ashok Kumar, Shri Dilipkumar. Lata Mangeshkar, L/ Mussolini from Italy, Raja Baldevdas Birla L/ Shri Harshad Mehta Etc… All these great personalities/celebrities, who have/had Kaal-Sarpa Yoga in their birth chart. They all struggled hard and achieved a great height of the success in

their life. (3) Kaal Sarpa Yoga has nothing to do with money matter or grace of native, if ascendant Lord and Lord of second house are strong enough in the natal chart. (4) Kaal Sarpa Yoga influences maximum amount of physical wealth to native if, by virtue of past birth merits, exalted or own sign Jupiter /Venus/Moon is positioned at angle in the natal chart. There are twelve types of Kaal Sarp Yogas as per the twelve zodiac signs. All Kaal Sarpa Yogas are not inauspicious. At least Eight, out of twelve kaal Sarp Yogas are considered to be auspicious. Mainly, there are two divisions of Kaal Sarpa Yoga. (1). Kaal Sarp Yoga of Visible Axis / hemisphere: It is said to be called so, when Rahu is positioned at first house/ascendant and Ketu is positioned at seventh house. Here the motion of the Rahu remains retrograde as ever and transits anticlockwise i.e. From ascendant to 12th house, 11th house… and so on, towards seventh house. (7th house to 1st house of horoscope is called as visible hemisphere of horoscope.) (2).Kaal Sarp Yoga of invisible Axis / hemisphere: It is said to be so, when Rahu is positioned at seventh house and Ketu is positioned at first house/ascendant in the natal chart. Here Rahu transits from seventh house to sixth, fifth and so on. (1st house to seventh house is considered as invisible hemisphere) Actually, there is a vast difference in the results between these two types of Kaal Sarp Yogas: (A) Impacts of invisible Axis /hemisphere ‘Kaal Sarp Yoga’: (a) It brings difficulties and pain for native and his/her family. (b).Native often faces blockage on his way of destiny. (c).It affects substantially, if Rahu and Ketu are strong enough in this type of Yoga. (d). Native might matter on children issue. Native gets delay for having kids pleasure. (e).Native could be victim of betrayal and deception. (f). Loss of money may occur. (g).Perhaps, it affects to the longetivity of native, if this type of Kaal Sarp Yoga is related to the second and seventh house of natal chart. (B). Impacts of visible Axis / hemisphere Kaal Sarp Yoga: This type of Kaal Sarp Yoga brings sudden money gain, pretty good job, profession, power and benefits for native. Native is religiously benefited and gets him/herself

spiritually developed. Thus here, in this case, the result is positive and contrary to the all impacts of kaal Sarp Yoga (A), that occurs in invisible hemisphere. General predictions related to all the twelve houses: (1) It is called “Anant kaal Sarp Yoga” when Rahu and Ketu are placed at first and seventh house respectively in the natal chart. It brings mental unrest, instability, court issue, disharmony in marital life and loss at partnership venture for native. It makes native a liar, wicked wit, fraudulent person. (2) It gives rise to “kulik-Kaal Sarp Yoga” when Rahu and Ketu are positioned at second and eighth house respectively in the birth chart respectively. It brings unrest, affray, extra ordinary expenditure, and caustic language. It is advisable not to ever trust on such native’s promises, as the speech represents the second house of natal chart. (3).It gives rises to “Vasuki-Kaal Sarp Yoga” when Rahu and Ketu are placed at third and ninth house respectively. It affects to native’s fate, abroad tour, documentary agreement, and sibling relationship. It also makes native atheistically. (4).It gives rises to “Shankhpal Kaal Sarpa Yoga” when Rahu and ketu are placed at fourth and tenth house respectively. It brings affliction for mother, problems related to real or movable property, bother, loss in business or affects paternal happiness. (5).It gives rise to,”Padam Kaal Sarp Yoga”, if Rahu and Ketu are positioned at fifth and eleventh house respectively in the natal chart. It causes problems related to offspring, miscarriage, loss at lottery and speculation, betrayal from friends, and injury at hands. (6).It gives rise to “Mahapadam Kaal Sarp Yoga” if Rahu and Ketu are positioned at sixth and twelfth house respectively. It brings victory over rivals, enemies, and diseases. Native may have distrustful personality. This Yoga could bring failure in love for native. (7).It gives rise to “Takshat kaal Sarp Yoga “when Rahu and Ketu are positioned at seventh and first house respectively in the natal chart and all other seven planets are in between them. This brings loss at partnership or disharmony in marital life. It may cause occult disease or tendency to suicide. (8).It gives rise to “ Karkotak kaal Sarp Yoga” when Rahu and Ketu are placed at eighth and second house respectively in the birth chart, It could bring the possibilities of long illness, accident, operation, untimely death, death by poison or occult diseases for native. (9).It gives rise to “Shankhchuda Kaal Sarp Yoga”, when Rahu and Ketu are positioned at ninth and third house of natal chart. It could have an evil effect on destiny, troubles at Government work or at journey and might concern about paternal happiness. (10).It gives rise to “Ghatak Kaal Sarp Yoga” if Rahu and ketu are positioned at tenth and fourth house respectively in the natal chart. It could lead to unexpected troubles for

native or separation from parents. (11).It gives rise to “Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yoga” when Rahu and ketu are positioned at eleventh and fifth house respectively in the natal chart. It causes ear pain or heart problem. It could lead the difference of opinion with elder brother. Native may have to stay away from his/her motherland. (12).It gives rise to “Sheshnaag Kaal Sarp Yoga” when Rahu and Ketu are positioned at twelfth and sixth house respectively in the natal chart. It makes concealed enemies. It leads the possibilities of detainment, court issue, eye surgery or difficulties while in long journey for native. Above Yogas are mainly observed under the major or minor planetary cycle of Rahu or Ketu. Especially, it influences malefic effects when Saturn’s Sade Sati /Panoti is going on or Rahu gets afflicted in the universe/Gochar. The’ kaal Sarp Yoga’ occurs in visible hemisphere, uplifts the native on the top of the success. It enables the native to become hero from zero. Native could be millionaire in the Kaal Sarp Yoga that takes place in visible hemisphere of natal chart only, but at the same time, gets reversed results in invisible hemisphere of birth chart. Breach of the Kaal Sarp Yoga: Kaal Sarp Yoga gets violation if. (1)- Raj Yoga, Dhana Yoga or Kirti Yoga exists in natal chart. (2)- Rahu is associated with Mars. (3)-Rahu is conjunct with other planets and they are ahead of Rahu by degrees in the same sign. (4)-At least, one of the planets is not hemmed between Rahu-Ketu Axis and hemisphere. (5)-Gaj-Kesari/ Malavya/ Ruchaka/ Shasha/ Bhadra Yoga is taking place at one of the angles of the natal chart and accordingly if the Jupiter/Venus/Mars/Saturn/Mercury respectively, is placed in its exalted sign or in own sign. The Rahu-Ketu is always moving in reverse direction from other planets in the universe. Kaal Sarp Yoga occurs, only when other planets are moving towards the mouth of dragon head/ Rahu in its retrograde transit. But if any one of the planets is not moving towards/entering the mouth of Rahu, then Kaal Sarp Yoga is said to be violated and ineffective. (* Planets like Uranus, Pluto and Neptune are not to be taken in to account while computing Kaal Sarpa Yoga) Preventive Remedial Measures for Kaal Sarpa Yoga: Here are some preventive remedial measures to perform and minimize the influences of

the planets. But apart from that, I would say, it is more essential for native, to ever trust in God. However native may. (1)- Perform Jaap / chanting of Rahu-ketu and make donations. (2)- Perform Mantras of “Aum Namah Shivay”. (3)- Perform rites for Gayatri Mantras. (4)- Keep belief for family goddess. (5)-Observe Wedensday; upload trefoil (Billie) leaves on Lord Shiva in the month of “Shravan”. When not to perform ‘kaal Sarpa Yoga’ rites? (1) It is advisable, not to perform any type of Kaal Sarp Yoga rites when, marriage, sacred thread (Janoi) or Vaastu is going to take place in your family in near future. (2) Kaal Sarp Yoga rites need not to be performed by ill person or pregnant women. Something special for Kaal Sarpa Yoga: Mainly, under mentioned three options are often becoming true, when the kaal Sarp Yoga is taking place in the natal chart. (1).Native might be wealthy by the age between 42 to 46 years. OR (2).Native finds the end of his/her career by the age between 42 and 46 years. OR (3).Native gets confused about his/her future by the age 42 to 46 years. Moreover, it is also mentioned in the Vedic astrology that the native becomes abundant wealthy and prosperous when the formation of “Kaalamrut Yoga” takes place i.e. Ketu is positioned at eighth house from ascendant in the natal chart. This type of Yoga takes place only in the visible hemisphere of natal chart. Finally, I reiterate that nobody needs to be scary or frightened by such “kaal Sarp Yoga”/ Dosha. Its name by itself seems only scary. This is the Yoga that could bring major changes in the native’s life after 42 years. However, “Kaal Sarp Yoga” is a very special and unique Yoga that often finds place in the horoscopes of mainly, ethnic kind of personalities, social workers, patriotic persons and glory recipients.

(F) Transition of different planets in the Universe

47. How would be my today? / (Transit of Moon through different houses)

Astrology helps us know that how our today would be passed on. On the basis of Moon’s transit in the universe, in a particular zodiac sign, on a particular date, we could easily figure out about day- today’s forecast. We could get to know easily about routine questions like” either the particular day for anybody would be an auspicious or inauspicious? Weather particular work would be accomplished or not? How would be native’s economical, family and mental status on a particular day? However, for that detailed and extensive astrological study is not required. Only the thing is that, we need to know about the zodiac sign of the particular day and have to figure out the position of Moon’s transit in the cosmos and the natal sign on particular day. For example: (A) .Like, yours zodiac sign is Taurus and if it is Cancer sign for that day, you are trying to look for the future, then it is said that Moon is transiting at third place from your sign i.e. Taurus. Because Cancer sign is at a distance of three signs like, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer. (B).If your natal sign is Gemini and the Moon is also transiting in the Gemini sign on the day, then it is said that Moon is transiting in the first place from your sign. Accordingly, we would see that, how would be the particular day when Moon is transiting through different houses from your natal sign as under. (1).It produces auspicious results when Moon transits through the first house from natal / birth sign. It is considered as pleasant and blessed time. (2).It brings inauspicious results when Moon transits through second house from natal sign. Financial transactions needs to be carefully performed, otherwise, there may be loss of money. (3).It brings success and triumph when Moon transits through third house from natal sign. (4).Native may experience emotional pain and fear, if Moon transits through fourth house from natal sign. (5).Native may experience fear, mental tension, affliction and pain, if Moon transits through fifth house from natal sign. (6).Native may experience positive change regards to health, if Moon transits through sixth house from natal sign. (7).It brings family peace and happy time, if Moon transits through seventh house from natal sign. (8).It brings inauspicious time for native when Moon transits through eighth house from natal sign. It could produce physical and mental tension. Be aware of undue controversy with anybody. (9).It causes health related concern while Moon transits through ninth house from natal sign. It gives hard time. Native has to face obstacles and struggle.

(10).Native acquires desired success, fulfils all type of expected responsibilities and occupation, if Moon transits through tenth house from natal sign. (11).Native spends his time in pleasure, enjoys metal peace, success and economical gains, if Moon transits through eleventh house from natal sign. (12). Native incurs extra expenses, faces economical loss, if the Moon transits through twelfth house from the natal sign. Native has to be pretty careful during this time. In short, transit of Moon remains ever auspicious and brings grace, respect, glory and happy marital life when it transits through first, third, sixth, seventh, tenth and eleventh house from natal sign, while it produces inauspicious results, when transits through second, fourth, fifth, eighth, ninth and twelfth house from natal sign. Native may face illness, economical loss, physical pain and botheration.

48. Transit of Sun through different houses and its effect:

Ancient saints have shared solar circular orbit into 12 equal parts, which are called zodiac signs. This orbital distance is accounted for as an area of 360 degrees. That means each sign is placed at a distance of 30 degrees from another sign. The Sun stays 30 days in each sign and takes one year to complete the zodiac / circulation of 360 degrees in its orbit. Herein, we shall discuss briefly, relating to the impact/result inflicted by the Sun while

its zodiac / 360 degrees orientation in the cosmos. Transit through : (1).Native acquires respect and grace when the Sun transits through first house /ascendant of natal chart. (2).Native faces unexpected troubles and loss, if the Sun transits through second house of natal chart. (3).There could be gains, increase in the extent of pleasure and happiness, procurement of auspicious news and retreat of enemies, if the Sun transits through third house of natal chart in the universe. (4). Native acquires pleasure, fixed property like, house-vehicle and succeeds at every effort when the Sun transits through fourth house of natal chart. Native finds health improvement with regards to his/her parents. (5).Native finds difficulties during the journey, physical fatigue and faces obstacles at academic sector when the Sun transits through fifth house of natal chart. (6).Native finds improvement in the health or maintains the health and win over rivals and enemies, when the Sun transits through sixth house of natal chart. (7).Native experiences marital discord, rational passion and angry mood, when the Sun transits in the universe through seventh house of natal chart. (8).Native might suffer from illness and experience the panic of enemies and weapons, when the Sun transits through the eighth house of natal chart. (9).Natives might receive abroad related auspicious news, success at job or occupation and organize for tours or pilgrimage, when the Sun transits through ninth house of natal chart. (10).Native acquires many types of benefits, enjoys happiness and success, benefited in business and gets improved business relationships, when the Sun transits through tenth house of natal chart. (11).Native gets desired gains in business and improved friendly relationships, if the Sun transits through eleventh house of natal chart. (12).Native faces hindrance in business, nuisance from enemies, transfer of job at undesired place or organize for tours and travels, if the Sun transits in the universe through twelfth house of natal chart. In short, transit of the Sun through first (ascendant), third, fourth, sixth, tenth and eleventh house from ascendant of natal chart remains ever auspicious, whereas transits through second, fifth, seventh, eighth, ninth and twelfth house from ascendant remains inauspicious.

49. Transit of Mars in the universe and its effect:

Dear readers, initially, let us have some introduction for the planet Mars before we discuss relating to its transit in the universe. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest planet in the Solar System. Named after the Roman God of war, it is often described as the "Red Planet", as the iron oxide prevalent on its surface gives it a reddish appearance. Mars is like a commander among the planets. It is 141.5 million miles away from our Earth. It influences over red colour. Its numerology number is 9 and it is the indicator of military science. It has Tamo-guni, fiery-element, and Pitta nature. The Mars fires our emotions, but he also powers our mental endeavors and communicative skills. The red planet governs energy, strength, courage, life-force and expansion. Mars is the cosmic engine of growth. A masculine planet of instinctive, Mars governs male relationships and associations, risktaking inclinations, and the physical challenges we are likely to encounter. The word "martial" refers to the upright and soldierly, yet violent. Although traditionally classed as a malefic (evil-doer), Mars, when well-placed, endows powerful energy and an unconquerable will to succeed. When poorly-placed or badly aspect, Mars can signal accidents, injuries, anger, rage, warfare and other forms of violence, according to the inclinations of the sign and house concerned. Mars generates acute conditions, burns, blisters, cuts, infections and inflammations; A force of fertility and reproduction as well as destruction, Mars shows that sometimes we need to destroy in order to create: to tear down, in order to build a-new. Mars gets directional strength at tenth house (South direction) of natal chart. It is significator of third and sixth house. Red coral is the Gem stone that generates positive power for Mars. Mars stays approximately 45 days in each sign and nearly 20 days in

each Naxatra (constellation). It has ‘Vishottari Dasha ‘period for 7 years and ‘Ashtottari Dasha’ for 8 years. So, now let us see briefly, how the transit of Mars in the universe, influences on human life while it changes each sign at every 45 days. Transit through : (1).It could bring physical pain, dental pain, mental and social worries, threats of weapons, surgery, and shocking news, if the Mars transits through first house of natal chart. Native may perform some immoral or criminal act in anger and could get injury. (2).There could be possibility of abdominal surgery, oral disease, accident, family clashes, loss of money or marital separation, if the Mars transits through the second house from the ascendant in nativity. (3).Native beats the enemies, benefited through travelling, gains from brother, acquires success, wealth happiness and riches, makes progress every way, develops better relationships, feels positive change in fate and remains enthusiastic when Mars transits through third house of natal chart. (4).It brings unrest, unhappiness, obstacle in occupational progress, estate concern, pain in chest when Mars transits through fourth house of natal chart. Native, as far as possible, need not move from his/her real property by own and make other changes as well, during this time. (5) It brings mental stress, gets off mood in study. Native often performs avoidance (risky venture) and incurs loss, faces love failure, causes afflicts to offspring, if the Mars transits through fifth house of natal chart. (6).Native acquires victory over enemies, wins against rivals in the court issue, benefited in wealthy pursuits, and succeeds in ventures and relief from diseases. There could be a successful surgery on body by this time. Native gets favor from his/her boss and seniors in the job and from the maternal side as well, during this auspicious time when, Mars transits through sixth house of natal chart. (7). There could be increase (augment) in the nuisance of opponents, concern about court issue, difference of opinion with life partner, business partner and among family members as well. Other events may also take place like conflicts, separation, obstacles in journey, mental stress when the Mars transits through seventh house of natal chart. (8).Native might incur unexpected expenses, face struggles and obstacles, experience financial crisis, concern about health, suffer from pain in lower part of the body, if the Mars transits through eighth house of natal chart. Native needs to be careful from accident, stay away himself from clashes and argumentation or get ready to face unexpected and undesirable events in the life by this time. (9).Native experiences failures, faces obstacles on destiny path, causes afflict to father, comes across obstacles during journey when the Mars transits through ninth house of natal chart. All travelers need to take extra care during this time. (10).Native may face obstacles and difficulties at occupation, may have variance with

senior officers in job, may incur loss in business on account of his/her wrong decisions and may have cumbersome time for parents, when the Mars transits through tenth house of natal chart in the universe. (11).It is said to be overall an auspicious time for making progress when the Mars transits through eleventh house of natal chart in the universe. Native gets benefited by and cooperated from friends and relatives. Native acquires progress in job or business, gains property related monetary and wealth benefits, procures equipments of advancement, enjoys success in love and romance and gets health happiness. (12).It causes diseases, accident, family clashes, loss of money, conflicting events among siblings and other relatives, eye related problems and court matter issues when the Mars transits through the twelfth house of natal chart in the universe. Such transit of the Mars could influence the probabilities of some physical injuries and surgery as well. There could be unexpected troubles or loss in wealth, if the thoughtful decisions are not taken by this time.

50. Role of Ketu in Astrology

Ketu is the dragon's tail or bottom half of Rahu and is known as the planet that represents the Moon's southern axis or southern point. Ketu signifies our karmic past and brings about/causes obstacles that occur in our life. Like Rahu, Ketu is also an imaginary planet or a node that is positioned opposite Rahu. The constellations covered by him are Ashwin, Magha and Mool. The North node is called Rahu and the South node is known as Ketu. It is believed to represent the tail of demon. The South node or Ketu is regarded as a point of difficult Karma from his past life where a person reaps the results of his selfish and egoist deeds of the past. The other side of Ketu represents the tendency towards Moksha or liberation and mastery of secret and mysterious knowledge. Rahu and Ketu are famous for giving sudden and unexpected results. Both Rahu and Ketu are the parts of the same demon. Both are 180 degree apart. When Ketu, Sun and Moon lie in the same zodiacal longitude, lunar eclipse takes place. Rahu has special enmity with Sun and Ketu with Moon. Profession-wise, magicians, medical parishioners, astrologer and doctors are ruled by

Ketu. Both Rahu and Ketu, the imaginary nodes, are the mysterious forces and show karmic and spiritual influences in the birth chart. Like Rahu, Ketu also does not rule any zodiac sign since it has no physical appearance. Our Rishis/Saints have allotted Sagittarius sign as the house of exaltation for KETU. Some scholars think Ketu is exalted in Scorpio. Likewise it is debilitated in Gemini or Taurus. Ketu is considered strong in Jupiter sign. Ketu feels comfortable with Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Rahu. Ketu is neutral to Jupiter. His enemies are Mars, Sun and Moon. Ketu is the planet known for spirituality. The person influenced by the planet is gifted with spiritual achievements. Period allotted to Ketu Mahadasha is seven years. His Gemstone is Cat`s eye (Lahsunia). Ketu, if placed favorably in horoscope, brings a lot of luxury, wisdom and intuition to a person. If unfavorable, he causes unnecessary depression, poor concentration, boundless worries, anxiety and ghost related problems. Transit of Ketu through first,third,sixth,ninth,tenth and eleventh place from native’s natal zodiac sign brings the auspicious results where as transit from second, fourth,fifth,seventh,eighth and twelfth house causes inauspicious impacts.

51. The Effects of Ketu in Different Houses

Now, we shall see the effects of Ketu’s position in different house of natal chart in the forgoing article as hereunder As we know, Rahu and Ketu are also known as Dragon’s head and Dragon’s tail. They are considered the nodes of Moon, or shadowy planets because they don’t have

physical bodies. The two planets move backwards or are retrograde and give sudden and unexpected happenings in life. Their effects are modified for better or for worse depending on if they are by themselves or conjoined with other planets. Usually the effects of Rahu are considered like that of Saturn and Ketu like that of Mars. Following are the effects of Ketu in various houses in the Horoscope. This is basic information and all planets are affected by degree, conjunctions, aspects on them, placement among other things. Ketu in the First House: The person has a sharp intelligence but if Jupiter or Mercury doesn’t aspect the planet, the full potential of the person may not be fulfilled. It gives restlessness, discontentment and in spite of hard work, struggles continue financially. In Capricorn, Scorpio, Aries and Aquarius when the position will be less detrimental, Ketu tends to create many problems. It affects conjugal happiness also. A person with this placement is often exploited by others. Ketu in second House: It gives financial ups and downs, health troubles in the throat and dental region, obstructs education and makes the person inclined to use foul language when angry... Family tensions will abound. If Ketu is strong and well placed then there will be opposite results and many financial gains. Ketu in the third house: This placement makes the person strong and intelligent, with a lot of mental and physical toughness, but also mental stress due to disputes that occurs from time to time. It gives success and long life but the upper part of body especially, the arms may be prone to injury. Ketu in the fourth House: Unless Ketu is well placed; it can give losses through real estate, affect mother’s health adversely. It affects studies and causes family tension and breaks in education. Ketu in the fifth house: This will give loss of first pregnancy to a woman unless husband’s horoscope is strong. Even then it will give a difficult pregnancy or difficult delivery. It makes one prone to stomach troubles if badly placed, and affects relationships with children. Ketu in the sixth house: This gives strength, determination, name and fame. A person with this placement can overcome any adversity or opposition. It does predispose the person to piles and fistula or other private organ infection and affects eye sight adversely. Early childhood is usually not happy. Ketu in the seventh house: This gives danger from water and gives attachment to a partner not accepted by family. It can also give hernia or other intestinal infections.

Stomach area is weak. It gives mental worry, losses from theft, but Ketu in Scorpio in the seventh could be beneficial. Ketu in the eighth house: Unless in one of its benefic signs, this position affects longevity adversely. It gives financial losses, quarrels and opposition from loved ones. If Ketu is well placed in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo and Scorpio it will give gains. Illness in the area ruled by the sign Ketu is, in the eighth house, may occur. There will a be a tendency to have extra marital flings. It also makes a person accident prone. Ketu in the ninth house: Gives troubles to father and paternal relations, but gains from foreigners. This position affects family ties adversely, especially with male siblings. If joined with benefic planets, the negative effects might lessen. Ketu in the tenth house: This gives popularity, brilliance and stamina. The person will always overcome his/her ill wishers and will travel far and wide. Ketu in the eleventh: This gives financial gains but affects progeny adversely. Number of children may also be limited. Ketu in the twelfth house: This is an adverse location for finances. Conjugal happiness is impaired.

52. Role of Rahu in Astrology

All the planets, which I have discussed above, have physical and visual existence. But Rahu and Ketu have no physical shape. These are the imaginary points in the sky. But even then, Rahu is considered most powerful and has been allotted the status of a planet by our Rishis/Saints and seers. Mostly, Rahu confers malefic effect. He/Rahu is considered a dirty planet indicating laziness, filthiness, delays and hurdles. He stays for 18 months in a zodiac sign. In Hindu mythology there is an interesting fiction that describes how Rahu and Ketu came into existence. Once both, the Gods/deity and the demons agreed to form an alliance to produce nectar that could give them immortality. Nectar was to be obtained by churning the ocean. In the process, nectar was churned out. When the nectar was being served to the gods, a demon, disguised as a God, and sat between the Sun and the Moon in an attempt to acquire the nectar. The demon was recognized by the Sun and the Moon who complained of the demon to Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu immediately severed his head from his chakra. But the demon had already consumed enough nectar to make him immortal. The head of the demon, known as Rahu, became immortal. And the remaining corpse of the demon was known as Ketu. Ever since, Rahu and Ketu became the strong enemy of Sun and Moon. Sun and Moon eclipses occur due to Rahu and Ketu who swallow up Sun and Moon when they come near to them. In this way Rahu and Ketu take their revenge from Sun and Moon. In Vedic astrology Rahu and Ketu are known as two invisible planets and they are strong enemies of the Sun and the Moon. Rahu and Ketu are actually the astronomical points in the sky respectively, called the north and south lunar nodes. The places of intersection where the Moon`s path meet the Sun`s path is known as North Lunar Node and South Lunar Node respectively. Thus, the relation of Rahu and Ketu with Sun and Moon has been described through the language of symbol in Hindu mythology. Rahu is a powerful and malefic planet. This is a favourable planet of the politicians. He gives them great opportunity and power to rise in the politics through any means fair or unfair. He also rules over thieves, jail, magicians, snake, poison and isolated places etc. Rahu has also the power to confer sudden wealth. Being a shadow planet, Rahu has not been allotted any Zodiac Sign. Even then, Rahu

exalts in Taurus Sign. If placed negative in a horoscope, he can create confusion, depression and emotional imbalances. On the other hand, he also has the power to make a person wealthy and popular. During his transit or Maha Dasha (Major planetary period), a person is more prone to fall prey of black magic. He is powerful when placed in 3rd, 6th and 11th house of a horoscope.

53. Effects of Rahu in Different Houses:

In this column I will be discussing the effects of Rahu in various Houses. Rahu in the first House: In the ascendant, it can affect health and gives a serious, repressed and willful nature if badly placed. The combination affects marriage and married life adversely. Rahu in Aries, Taurus or Cancer in the ascendant is considered auspicious and in Leo give financial success. Rahu in the second house: Rahu in the second house affects eyesight, and gives friction in the family. It affects the throat region and gives financial ups and downs unless Jupiter aspects it in a beneficial way. If well placed, it can give gains by science and education, but also enemies and first half of life is full of stress and struggles. Rahu in the third house: Rahu is considered good in the third house and gives spiritual and academic gains. It gives good relations with loved ones, intelligence and gains in business, but a loss of a sibling. Sudden and unexpected events in life may take place. The person appears strong outwardly but is weak inwardly. This combination is not good for siblings. Such a person faces criticism while airing his views and ideas. It may give ear troubles.

Rahu in the fourth house: Rahu in the fourth house gives sudden gains through real estate and in general, it stresses relationships with siblings. It makes one prone to chest and stomach disease. Rahu in the fifth house: This makes one prone to stomach troubles, gives abortions and stresses. It may cause stomach pain. Native has limited progeny. Rahu in the 6th house: This placement gives a long life but stress from ill wishers. There will be some trouble in the lower abdominal area. Early period of life is stressful. The person is lucky for father and paternal relatives. It gives strength, energy and determination and the ability to pull through tough times. Rahu in the seventh house: This give troubles in personal life, can cause death of spouse or divorce if badly placed, and affairs with people from different ethnic groups. In a man’s horoscope, it shows gynecological troubles and abortions to wife. It gives gains through women but affects virility and impairs marital happiness. Loss of money through women is also indicated. Rahu in the 8th house: It gives scandals, legal troubles and health problems. If joined by Moon it can give mental and glandular disorders. There could be often financially crisis in the life. Rahu in the 9th house: This improves mental qualities and gives academic and professional success if well placed. It gives good intuition and foreign residence. Spouse may be a bit of a shrew (quarreling) and there may be stress with paternal relatives. Rahu in the tenth house: Rahu in the tenth house gives great literary and artistic abilities and wide travels. It gives success in business and also name and fame. The number of children is limited. It gives a number of relationships. Rahu in the eleventh house: This position gives name and fame and learning but a limited number of progeny (offspring), ear trouble and foreign travel.

Rahu in the twelfth house: This gives prosperity and a helpful nature but relationships with initial frustration and then success.

54. Effects of Rahu at seventh house of natal chart In this column, I will let you know briefly about the effect of Rahu when posited in seventh house of natal chart of male or female as hereunder. (a)-Native generates another relationship, after leaving previous relationship unfinished when Rahu, alone is posited in seventh house of natal chart. (b)-Conjunction of Jupiter-Rahu at seventh house leads to a weak marital life. (c)-Conjunction of Rahu-Venus at seventh house brings inter caste marital relationship and poor character for native. (d)-Conjunction of Sun-Rahu at seventh house brings more than one relationships for native. (e).Conjunction of Moon-Rahu causes incurable disease for native. (f).Conjunction of Saturn-Rahu causes delay in marriage for native. Native may marry with a person of elderly age. Effect of Rahu at seventh house in different sign:

(1). Rahu in Aries sign: Native could be wrathful and courageous. Native may suffer from incurable disease. (2). Rahu in Taurus: Native may have feeble (weak) character. (3).Rahu in Gemini: Native may have more than one marital relationships

(4) Rahu in Cancer: Native may have relationship with person of younger age. (5). Rahu in Leo: Native might have impressive personality (6). Rahu in Virgo: Native may have more than one relationship. (7). Rahu in Libra: Native may go for inter caste marriage. (8). Rahu in Scorpio: Native may have untimely or accidental death or may suffer from incurable disease. (9).Rahu in Sagittarius: Native might face wedding interruptions; spouse could be short /small in height. (10) & (11).Rahu in Capricorn and Aquarius: Native may have relationship with elderly persons. (12).Rahu in Pisces: Native could be Religious.

55. Transit of Jupiter in different houses of natal chart and its results

Jupiter is regarded as the best of benefic planets in astrology and this is because he is symbolic of Guru or teacher who gives his best to his students. All good qualities are attributed to Jupiter. He is wealth, He is Gold, He is Wisdom, He is discretion, He is the protector and He is giver of divine grace. He symbolizes gold and he is of Golden color. Jupiter rarely produces inauspicious results. Almighty Jupiter is the part of God and his majesty is unique. He is symbolic of growth and expansion in Vedic astrology. He owns two houses of Zodiac; Sagittarius and the Pisces. Jupiter is a male planet, so he prefers Pisces to Sagittarius, which is a female sign. He symbolizes the merits of previous incarnations. His occupation of 1st, 5th, and 9th houses in an Indian horoscope are considered as most auspicious placement as he can aspect the other two houses from all the three places.

He is a friend of Sun, Mars and Moon; He is neutral with Saturn and Venus. Mercury and, Rahu are his enemies. Ketu is neutral. A person born in a Jupitarian sign as the ascendant, will be just, charitable, magnanimous, virtuous and rich; they do not know to deceit. They will be ambitious to grow and expand and will try to gather as much knowledge as possible. They will be good teachers. Stature: Their stature will be tall with a, long and strong legs, fair complexion majestic personality, All religions and religious places are represented by Jupiter. So the occupation given by Jupiter is Judge, pleader, Preacher, bank manager, cashier, writer, journalist, economist, minister, counselor etc. Diseases: If Jupiter becomes Lord of sixth house, one will be affected by blood, liver disease. Gall stones may form. They are fond of over eating food and become the victim of obesity and accompanied problems. Diabetes is surely connected with Jupiter. Astrology and astrologers come under Jupiter’s blessings. He is the deity ruling Yellow sapphire and Topaz. He is the ruler of Thursday. Indian astrology holds the great Jupiter in very high esteem. Jupiter ever produces the positive and benefic results during his transit through any sign / house or aspects at any sign / house. According to the study of astrologers, Jupiter is an influential and a benefic planet. It is a planet of knowledge, which has its influence on mind, soul, education, marriage, wealth, etc. Jupiter has different results on individuals according to its transit in different houses. Jupiter's transit through the First House: If the Jupiter transits through the first house in the birth-chart and native are making plans for marriage, then the marriage is definitely on cards. Transit of Jupiter through this house, makes an individual physically and mentally fit. It helps a person achieve success in his work and is economically beneficial for him. It opens new areas of income. It provides respect and honor to an individual in the society as well as success at the work front. Due to the aspect of Jupiter, individual may have increased interest towards spirituality and in social services. In this state, the individual may have a busy schedule in life and considers him superior to others. Jupiter's transit through the first house may give rise to conflicts in the individual's family life. -Jupiter’s Fifth /seventh/Ninth house Aspect: - Fifth house aspect, brings children related good news. -Seventh house aspect brings marital harmony in native’s life. -Ninth house aspect brings shining destiny and fortunate. Jupiter's transit through the Second House:

Jupiter's transit through the 2nd house makes an individual economically strong. Increase in income can be accompanied by a rise in expenditure. As a result, he may continue to remain mentally disturbed. The individual may also have an impressive and influential personality. He will gain respect and honor in the society and happiness from his children but the overall happiness level from the family will be average. Property related decisions will also be beneficial for him. During this phase the individual will be more inclined towards spirituality and religious work, because Jupiter represents religion. Jupiter’s Aspect: - Fifth house aspect at sixth house reduces the probabilities of diseases, -Seventh house aspect reduces nuisance from enemies and rivals for native, -Ninth house aspect converts every endeavor into destiny. Jupiter's transit through the Third House Jupiter's transit in the 3rd house has a positive impact on health, as well as on academics, literature and philosophy. Your work will be recognized and will speak about your generosity. Your high thinking will get you respect and honor in your personal and professional life. Your old friends will also be very supportive. You will get opportunities to meet new people and establish friendly relations with them. Traveling is also possible and will be blissful. Jupiter’s Aspect: -Fifth house aspect brings marital harmony, -Seventh house aspect brings favor in luck, -Ninth house aspect brings gains and favor from friends. -Jupiter's transit through the Fourth House If Jupiter transits through the 4th house you will have good fortune. Happiness and prosperity may flourish in your family life. Due to the arrival of happiness in your life, you may have many expectations. You may be satisfied mentally and will have a healthy body. You will make profits in business and will have good economic status. When Jupiter transits through this house, it means your pending projects and assignments will be completed. You may come to a definite decision regarding any vehicle or property. You may get benefits from your in-laws and may fulfill your needs through your intellect and hard work. Jupiter’s Aspect: -Fifth house aspect brings spirituality and philosophy in native’s life,-Seventh house aspect brings success at work front,-Ninth house aspect brings auspicious expenses. Jupiter's transit through the Fifth House When Jupiter transits through the 5th house, it provides positive results. Because of its

influence, a person may be more inclined towards different areas of knowledge, also in music and writing. You will be keen to have in-depth study of astrology, philosophy and literature. You may get attracted and fall in love with the person of opposite sex. Due to the influence of the transit, people who may have the desire to get children will be fulfilled. It is also beneficial for economic matters. You may get support from the people who may be associated with politics and government. It is a good time for success and promotion in your work. You will get support and happiness from your children. Jupiter’s Aspect: -Fifth aspect brings new opportunities for making progress and long pleasant journey, -Seventh house aspect brings new joyous and beneficial events, -Ninth house aspect brings charm and increase in the vitality of native’s life. Jupiter's transit through the Sixth House When Jupiter transits through the 6th house, it gives an average result. You may get health related problems and mixed effects on your mental status. Your hard work will help you get good position in your job or business. Your enemies will not face you and will not cause any conflict at the work-front. You will have economic benefits and an increase in income, although, expenditure will also increase, so, economic balance is the necessity in this situation. However, due to your investments and spending for benedictory (feastful) work, you will remain happy and will get family support. Jupiter’s Aspect: -Fifth house aspect brings power and importance for the public persons. -Seventh house aspect brings auspicious expenses and favor related to immigration matter. -Ninth house aspect brings stability in financial matter. Jupiter's transit through the Seventh House When Jupiter transits in the 7th house in your birth chart, it is in a very benefic position. It creates marriage Yoga for the unmarried. It will have a good effect on your married life and gives a sweet relationship between husband and wife. It is also beneficial for progeny, which means you will be blessed by children. Your respect and honor will be increased in the society. If you are jobless, you will get a job soon. During this transit you will get success and promotion in your job or business. Economic conditions will get improved and you will have many sources of income. Your expenditure will also get increased but still you will be happy and excited. Jupiter’s Aspect: -Fifth house aspect brings unexpected help and favor from friends, -Seventh house aspect brings increase in the vitality of native’s life. -Ninth house aspect promotes venture and brings pleasant journey

Jupiter's transit through the Eighth House This phase will produce average results. You will be physically fit but you will be mentally disturbed and unstable due to the effects of the Jupiter's transit in the 8th house. If you do not keep a control on yourself, anger and frustration may hamper your peace of mind. Enemies will not try to face you; therefore, you will achieve success in your work. You will be appreciated for your work and you will continue to work hard. You will have a moderate economic status but may get a surprise source of income. You will be supported by government and will be successful. Jupiter’s Aspect: -Fifth house aspect provides aim of life, brings auspicious expenses, -Seventh house aspect brings stability in financial matters, -Ninth house aspect brings auspicious decisions relating to house property and other events may take place in the family. Jupiter's transit through the Ninth House When Jupiter transits through the 9th house in your birth chart, it makes you physically and mentally fit. You will be energetic, happy and your all pending work will be successfully done. You will be inclined towards religion and work spirituality. At work front, you will get some new projects which will get you benefits in the future. You may get promotion or new work related responsibilities during this transit, which could be highly beneficial for you. There will be an increase in wealth and you will be respected in the society. Jupiter’s Aspect: -Fifth house aspect brings zeal and increase native’s immunity, -Seventh house aspect brings auspicious venture and short pleasant journey, -Ninth house aspect brings romance in the life and gain in share-stock market pursuits. Jupiter's transit through the Tenth House Transit of Jupiter in the 10th house will help you achieve success at the job front or business. Due to its influence, you will have good relations with the people from politics and of government which will help you to reap benefits in life. There will be peace in the family and you will have a great married life during this transit. You will get benefic results regarding money and wealth. Due to the influence of Jupiter's transit, respect and reputation in the society will increase. You will achieve success in your work through your hard work and dedication. Jupiter’s Aspect: -Fifth house aspect brings family harmony and financial increase, -Seventh house aspect brings favor for property related deals, -Ninth house aspect brings auspicious news from maternal side and wins over rivals and diseases. Jupiter's transit through the Eleventh House

When Jupiter transits in the 11th house, the economic conditions become stronger. You might get new sources of income which could be economically beneficial for you. This period may get you success in business or if you are doing a job, then your position would become stronger. You may also get a promotion in your job. You will have a busy schedule due to the heavy workload. Your respect and admiration in the society will increase and mentally you will be happy and satisfied. Jupiter’s Aspect: -Fifth house aspect brings increase in charm and enthusiasm in the life, leads to advantageous and joyous travelling, -Seventh house aspect brings children related progress, warm romantic relationship, -Ninth house aspect brings marriage time/Yoga for native and harmonious relationship with business partner. Jupiter's transit through the Twelfth House When Jupiter transits through the 12th house, your physical and mental fitness will remain average. You may, sometimes, fall sick but there is no possibility of a serious malady. Your mental status will also be at comfortable level but sometimes you may get tense and restless. Jupiter's transit will get you benefits in money matters but you will always be prepared to invest in the benedictory work. You will achieve success in your work but you have to work hard for achievements in life. During this period, there are possibilities for traveling which will definitely have future benefits. Your hard work will win you respect and credit in the society. Jupiter’s Aspect: -Fifth house aspect (at fourth house of natal chart) brings auspicious settlement related to house and vehicle like properties, -Seventh house aspect (at sixth house of natal chart) brings new opportunities at job front, health improvement. Native wins over competitors. -Ninth house aspect (at eighth house of natal chart) brings spirituality in life, sudden gain through inheritance property or business partnership.

56. Role of exalted Jupiter in different houses of natal chart and its results

According to Vedic astrology, Jupiter is said to be exalted in a horoscope when it is placed in the sign of Cancer which in simple words means that Jupiter gains maximum strength when placed in Cancer compared to its placement in all the other signs. An exalted Jupiter is associated with many good things by many astrologers and it is believed by a number of Indian astrologers that an exalted Jupiter always works positively in a horoscope and it brings good results for the native which is not the case in actual practice and an exalted Jupiter can work positively as well as negatively in a horoscope depending upon the other deciding factors and overall tone of the horoscope. The word exalted simply relates to the strength of Jupiter in horoscope and it does not relate to the nature of Jupiter in most of horoscopes and accordingly an exalted Jupiter placed in different houses of a horoscope can give benefic as well as malefic results depending upon the nature of Jupiter as well as the overall tone of the horoscope. Jupiter is said to be in own sign when it is placed in Sagittarius and Pisces sign. Jupiter is said to be debilitated when it is posited in Capricorn sign, means Jupiter gains minimum strength compared to its placements in all other signs. In this ongoing article, we will discuss some of benefic as well as malefic effects which can be experienced when an exalted Jupiter is placed in different houses of a horoscope. (1) .Exalted (Cancer sign) Jupiter posited in first house of natal chart: Native could be handsome and may have impressive personality but not have sound health. Native may have first baby boy and then baby girl. Fifth house aspect brings extra interest in study. Seventh house aspect at seventh house brings happy marital life for native with modest difference of opinion. Ninth house aspect brings favour in destiny by 24 years. (2).Exalted Jupiter in second house: It causes lack of family happiness, requires extra labour and hard work in middle age and produces great amount of wealth. (3). Exalted Jupiter in third house: Makes native aggressive and more adventurous. Native remains unpredictable. He/she may disrepute his/her prestige. Native could be smart and able to discern (tell the difference). (4).Exalted Jupiter in fourth house: Fourth house represents mother, happiness, heart, fixed property etc. So the exalted

Jupiter could cause afflict for the native’s parents, they often stay apart from parents. Though they are urbane and polished, they usually do not share their personal secrets with anybody, so they seem mysterious. (5).Exalted Jupiter in fifth house: It brings success after initial interruption, failure in love, nuisance at job front and sometimes, first baby girl child. (6). Exalted Jupiter in sixth house: It brings disrespect at work place and non-co-operation, despite of stable and prosperous maternal side. However, native remains healthy, bits rivals, wins in court issues and benefited from foreign affairs. (7). Exalted Jupiter in seventh house: Both husband and wife, might be nice looking by appearance, but may have difference of opinion in their marital life which could separate them from each other in life. (8).Exalted Jupiter in eighth house: Native might have plumper (sound) body, climacteric by the age 32-40 years, legacy and auspicious time for business. (9).Exalted Jupiter in ninth house: After facing due struggle, fortune favours the native, right away from the mother land. Native could be a good orator or preacher. (10). Exalted Jupiter in tenth house: Native may have lack of paternal happiness. Native may carry early responsibilities at young age. Native may get official perquisites like, cozy house and vehicles etc. Native may get private properties. (11).Exalted Jupiter in eleventh house: It brings pause in regular receipt of gains, but compliments nice friends. (12).Exalted Jupiter (Cancer sign) in twelfth house of natal chart: It brings auspicious expenses in native’s life. Sometimes it makes native, a spiritual person. It brings inheritance by will for native.

(G) Numerology

57.Numerology & Human life – (1)

Numerology is the study of numbers and the occult manner in which they reflect certain aptitudes and character tendencies, as an integral part of the cosmic plan. Each letter has

a numeric value that provides a related cosmic vibration. The sum of the numbers in your birth date and the sum of value derived from the letters in the name provide an interrelation of vibrations. These numbers show a great deal about character, purpose in life, what motivates, and where talents may lie. Experts in numerology use the numbers to determine the best time for major moves and activities in life. Numerology is used to decide when to invest, when to marry, when to travel, when to change jobs, or relocate. I'm not claiming that this article is going to make you an expert that all these questions can be answered, but we can at least get you on the way. Numerology is an important aspect of astrology, which helps in determining the life and future of a person through numbers. Numerology is used to determine the thought process, life, future, career path etc. of an individual through the medium of numbers and mathematical calculations. In simple terms, it deals with the predictions in relation to numbers. It is also known as Anka Vidya, Sankhya Shastra, Anka Shasta (Statistics) etc. Numerological calculations are based upon the characteristics of nine planets, i.e., Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Uranus, Saturn, Venus, Neptune including Moon and Sun. The roots of numerology can be traced back some 10,000 years to Egypt, Greece, and with the contribution of Pythagoras, it got its significant place in the world. Numbers are a part of each day that rises and sets. Pythagoras explaining the importance of numbers, said, “Number rules the universe’’. Statistics is another science for studying the numbers. It comprises of facts, figures, calculation of incidents etc. But Statistics is totally different from Numerology. Numerology mainly was discovered and created based on the nine planets in the Milky Way. The basic numbers are also between 1 and 9. The numbers above 9 are the multiplication of the numbers between one and nine. Based on the 7 creative planets in the Milky Way, numerology was created by giving ruling power to each planet for a particular number. As Uranus and Neptune have no power by itself the ruling of these planets are given to Sun and Moon in addition to their existing numbers. The ruling of each numbers by the concerned planets is given below. Sun Moon Jupiter Mercury Venus Saturn Mars

1&4, number 4 is representing the planet Uranus. 2&7 number 7 is representing the planet Neptune. 3 5 6 8 9

The above mentioned 7 creative planets are guiding the life on the earth and reflection of Spirit (Soul). Numerology is a spiritual subject. It is not the science to find the lucky numbers of each

man and entity. Those findings could be correct up to some extent but not fully. With numerology we can find the birth and re-berth theory of spirit and mankind. The karmic effects due to the deeds of man in every birth is said to be carried forwarded to the next birth. Following are values of each alphabet. A–I–J–Q–Y 1 each B–K–R 2 each C–G–L–S 3 each D–M–T 4 each E–H–N–X 5 each U–V–W 6 each O–Z 7 each F–P 8 each Please note number 9 is not given to any alphabets. From the date of birth, we can find the personality and karmic boundary of a person and or entity. See the example below. A date of birth like 1-7-1970, we can calculate the following manner. Number 1, the date is the basic number. When we calculate the date, month and year, we get 1+7+1+9+7+0=25 and 2+5=7. Thus we get a compound number 7. Now we got basic and compound number 1/7. The basic number is the personality of a person or entity. The compound number is the karmic reflection or limitations of boundary. The luck of a person or entity is calculated from the name number. We will, now analyze the name, MADHAVAN THAMPI according the alphabetic values given above. M(4)A(1)D(4)H(5)A(1)V(6)A(1)N(5) =27 = 2+7=9 T(4)H(5)A(1)M(4)P(8)I(1) =23 = 2+3=5. In this calculation Madhavan, we got a compound number 27 and single number 9. For Thampi we got a compound number 23 and single number 5. When we add the single numbers 9 and 5, we again get a compound number 14 and single number 5. Compound numbers and single numbers have different features and effects. When we study the basic and compound numbers of a date of birth and single and compound numbers of a name value we will be able to understand the personality, karmic boundary and luck of a person or entity. By changing the spelling of a name, the luck of a person or entity can be changed. The numbers between one and nine are separated and categorized to make relative groups. Here are some tables that could be useful for astrological prediction and guidance: Table-(A): Friendly and inimical Numerology numbers: Number

Friendly Numbers

Enemy Number




























Table-(B): Relationship between Numerological numbers and Gemstone:


Compound Numbers 10,19,28,37,46



3 4 5 6 7 8 9

12,21,,30,39,48, 13,22,31,40.49 14,23,32,41,50, 15,24,33,42,51 16,25,34,43,52, 17,26,35,44,53 18,27,36,45,54,





Ruby, Red Spinel Pearl, Moonstone(" Moti " Moon ) Jupiter Yellow Sapphire, Topaz Uranus Gomed,"Akik" Mercury Emerald Venus Diamond, White quartz Neptune Pearl,"Majroo" Saturn Blue Sapphire,Nilam Mars Red coral

- --Rahu Hessonite,Gomeda - ----Ketu Cat’s Eye -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Table / C …Relationship of Numerology number with the Element and Nature. Number Element Nature 1,5,7 Watery Rajsi 2,4,8 Fiery Satvik 3,6,9 Airy Tamsi

With the help of above tables for Numerological numbers from 1 to 9 and the basic characteristics of all planets, we shall try to know about the human nature in the forth coming chapter.

58. Numerology and Human life - (2) In the present article, we shall study, how your numerological matters on human nature as hereunder. Numerology number 1: The natives who are born on the dates like 1, 10, 19, or 28 of the any month are independent, stubborn, dutiful and leader at every front of their work. As the number 1 belongs to the Sun, they remain bright, like the Sun and therefore honored or privileged by their authorities and dependents as well. Numerological number 1, as per table # 3 as above, represents watery element, such natives are transparent, independent, imaginative, and truth speaker. Numerology number 2: Those who are born on the dates like 2, 11, 20 or 29 of any month have “Satvik” typed nature. As the number 2 belongs to the Moon, natives possess characteristics like Moon. Accordingly they are found like soft, imaginative, unstable, sensitive, timid, shy, follower, fond of travelling and socialized persons. Such natives remain interested in acquiring glory, fame, reputation, wealth and making journey. They remain busy in social, public and women oriented activities. They ever provide coolness like the Moon, to the persons having fiery element nature. As far as possible, they need to stay themselves away from the persons having numerological number 8. Numerology number 3: Those who are born on the dates like 3, 12, 21 or 30 of any

month are independent because of having bilious (“Tamsi “) typed nature and airy element. They are like honest, dutiful, firm minded, self confident and ambitious persons. They are truthful, peaceful, judicious and fair. They ever fight against injustice. They may have indigestion and gas related health problems. They need to stop eating bilious food Numerology number 4: Those who are born the dates like 4,13,22,31 of any month have ‘Satvik’ typed nature and out spoken because of their ‘fiery element’. So, they get more hidden foes rather than friends. Natures of these natives are found quite contrary to the natives who have numerology number 2. They are known as quarrelsome persons because of their nature. They ever try to establish their own opinion instead of accepting Theology, Jurisprudence or other rules/clauses of the universe. They remain busy with their so called social or religious reformation activities. They may undergo surgery once in a life. They are advised to be cautious from fire or accident. Numerology number 5: Those are born on dates like 5, 14, and 23 of any month have ‘Rajsi’ typed nature and water element. They are generous but rigorous by nature. They often face ups and downs in the life. As they are generous businessmen, they could easily earn money. They have got sharp intelligence. They are adventurous and valiant so they easily get the way out. They have many good friends. Friends are often benefited by their company. Fortune favors them with respect to their abroad deal or immigration. Numerology number 6: Those who are born on dates like 6, 15, or 24 of any month have bilious typed nature and airy element. Such natives are luxurious, charming and gorgeous. They easily fascinate the persons of opposite sex. They are usually lucky, amusing, romantic and fond of music and drawing. They ever like power to rule over others because of their firm minded nature. They can earn and spend the money easily as well. They need to have control over bilious food. It could be beneficial, if they immigrate or make long journeys. It is advisable for them to stay away from the persons having numerology number 1. Numerology number 7: Those who are born on dates like 7, 16, or 25 of any month have “Rajsi” typed nature and watery element. Their nature is different and more fortunate to the persons having numerology number 2.They are like benevolent person. They could succeed to get respect and reputations, provided they respect their own thoughts. They are fond of studying about occult science, astrology and spiritual science. Such natives could be good authors or poets because of their quiet nature. They are isolated and imaginative persons. They may have water based diseases like Typhoid, Meningitis or bone related problems. Numerology number 8: Those who are born on dates like 8, 17 or 26 of any month are of “Satvik” typed nature and therefore they are like benevolent persons. They always come forward to help needy persons and fully justified the work on hand and get it finished. They are interested in religious and spiritual activities. They remain busy in public service and virtuous activities. They could be victorious and get respect. They need to stop taking hot eatables, as far as possible and stay themselves away from the

persons having numerology number 1. Numerology number 9: Those who are born on dates like 9, 18 or 27 are of “Tamsi “(bilious) typed nature and airy element. They ever lung for respect- reputation, gains and for that, such natives are working very hard. They speak language rudely. Their situation remains unstable. They face frequent ups and down and hardship in young age. However, such natives become happier in the later part of the life. They are firm mined, generous and adventurous. They are lacking happy family or marital life. They need to be cautious from fire, water or vehicle accident. They may have to undergo major/minor surgery once in a life. Apart from that, we could also figure out major-minor planetary period, blood group, our day-today’s ‘what’s up’ and about horary chart with the help of numerology. Predictions based on numerology are more accurate rather than palmistry and Vedic astrology.

(H) Misc. matter

59. A mole on the different parts of the body and Astrology

An introduction to Moles

A moles means a permanent small dark spot on the human body. Moles are found on parts of the body and can be of honey color, red, black and sometimes whitish and pa color.

It is nature's creation and has definite meaning .Since ancient days moles are used as identification marks. The ancient civilizations considered moles as significations of fa the personality of a person

. The study of moles is an ancient art of astrology and is called "Moleosophy" The moles reveal our nature and destiny; they have a story to tell about our previ and present birth. They also reveal important aspects of our lives. The Science of

deserves propagation for the benefit of humanity. One can avert a misfortune by warned by the effects of moles on one's body.

In astrology, each Zodiac sign dominates a particular part of the body as su below: No Zodiac sign Body Part 1 Aries


2 Taurus

Face,Neck,Throat,Right eye and Nose

3 Gemini

Arms,Shoulders,Right Ear, Upper Ribs, Right hand

4 Cancer

Chest, Breast, Stomach,Elbow,Joints and Lungs

5 Leo

Heart,Liver,Belly,Back side

6 Virgo


7 Libra

Private parts,Uterus,Lumbar region

8 Scorpio

Testicles,Groins and scrotum

9 Sagittarius Thigh, Legs and Hips 10 Capricorn Knees, Nails and knee Cap 11 Aquarius

Legs, Ankle, Left Ear and Teeth

12 Pisces

Feet, Toes, Left Eye

The moles on different body parts indicate the Zodiac sign by which the person dominated. Moles are found by birth. But it is observed the moles appear also during time. They disappear, change their size or color which indicate change of fortune mole is called a ‘Wart’; it can be of any color and is a good sign subject to its placem The effects of moles have many a times been verified and found correct. The moles are also related to palmistry. Sometimes moles are hereditary

The significance of moles differs between males and females. Generally, the moles ar considered to give auspicious results in males, if they are found on the right side and females on the left side.

In case of moles, the following points are interesting to note:

1. If the number of moles on the right side of the body is more than on the left side th auspicious and denote more of male children whereas daughters will be more, if more are found on the lefts of the body. 2. Less than twelve moles on the body are benefic. 3. Moles on the right side of the body are auspicious. If an individual has moles close together, he will have two serious love affairs or may married twice.

When two moles exactly balance each other, such as moles on both knees, both chee they indicate a person of dual nature. In almost every case, the person will be under t influenced of the dual signs of Pisces an Gemini, etc

It may be true that all spots on the body need not be moles and may not be necessary that every mole should signify a particular fact or character. Color-of-Moles: There are six types of moles based on their colours.

1.Honey 2.Emeralden 3.Green 4.Red 5.Light-brown 6.Black Black-moles-are-very-common. Honey/brown-moles-are-very-auspicious. Emerald-green-colored-moles-are-auspicious. Red-colored moles are very auspicious. Light brown moles are auspicious but of negligible extent. Black moles are inauspicious. Eyes If the mole is present at the corner of eyebrow, it can be inferred that the per traveling. Hence, such eyes are also called traveler’s eyes. When the moles are situa center of the eyebrows, such people have a very sophisticated approach towards style. They are more concerned about materialistic gains in their life and have a goo of maintaining a good status in Society. They easily attain a good position in their c this reason, these moles are called fortunate moles. However, when the moles a under the eyes, such people can have several problems in their love life. These called crying moles, as these people are usually sad due to their unfortunate experienc

Another prominent position of the moles is below the eyebrows. The persons who h moles are very attractive and sexy. These people are known to have multiple partn opposite sex at one time. These moles are called philanderer’s moles.

Moles on forehead These moles are very lucky ones. If the mole is present on the middle of the forehead the third eye of Lord Shiva. The intelligence level of such people is very high. They composed, foresighted and logical in their behavior. Moles on the ears The moles on the upper part of

The moles on the upper part of the ears mean intelligence. Whereas, the moles on part of the ears mean that the person has more inclination towards having his or business.

Moles at the tip of the nose A man with a mole at the tip of the nose is more likely to have a pleasant personality. usually charming and quite popular among the social circle. Hence, these moles charmer’s moles.

Moles on the cheeks Moles on the cheeks, especially in the lower part, indicate a good fortune and a happ life. The person with this type of mole is usually warm in nature, vivacious and has in his character. When the mole is present on the upper part of the cheeks, the pers stubborn and arrogant in nature. They are authoritative in nature and are powerful.

Moles on the chin The persons having mole on their chin are flamboyant and quite popular among th and the social circuit. They are very cheerful and talkative. Moles on the upper lips These moles are considered beauty moles in females. Persons with moles at this friendly in nature and like to socialize. These people also have very good taste in the of food and wine. These people lead a good life and have a prominent position in soc

Astrological study of the moles can tell us a lot about the person and also he prediction of the future.

(60) Eyes and your personality

The old saying goes that 'the eyes are the window of the soul', and in the ancient reading (physiognomy) the shape of the eyes is said to reveal a great deal about personality and general state of mind as well.. So let us see hereunder, what women eye shape says about her personality. Large eyes: Someone with naturally large eyes is said to have an open friendly n likes to view life from a wide perspective and enjoys plenty of variety in her life. She doesn't like to be tied down by trivial details and petty restrictions Small eyes: When someone has small eyes, she is said to be skilled at concentrating She tends to view life from a narrow perspective, so she excels at being a spec teacher, researcher or some kind of expert. She finds it difficult to open up emot strangers so it can take a while to get to know her well. Round or curved eyes / eyebrows: Someone with round eyes is said to have loving, emotional and hard working nature. Straight eyes/ eyebrows: Someone with straight eyes /eyebrows is said to be anal rational Oval eyes: Someone with oval eyes is said to be calculative person. They are of absent minded or lost in their thoughts. Almond eye: Someone with almond shaped eyes is said to be untrustworthy, se depraved mentality. Lotus eye: Someone with lotus shaped eye is said to be rich person. Cat eye: Someone with cat shaped eye is said to be wicked and evil work performer. Deer eye: Someone with deer shaped eye is said to be timid person. Bright eyes: Someone with bright eyes is said to be loving, charming, curious and They have pleasant speech. Blinking/alternating eyes: Someone with unstable eyes could to be tricky, liar, untrustworthy person. Widely spaced eyes: Someone with widely spaced eyes is said to be broad mi versatile. She enjoys discussing a wide variety of topics because she's interested in different issues and ideas. Most people with small eyes really hate regular routine. Closely spaced eyes: The person whose eyes are closely spaced, so that there is very between the inner corner of her eyes and the bridge of her nose, likes to look at lif detail and may be something of a 'fusspot'. They have a tendency to be obsessive an

minded. Regular routine is the life-blood of their day. Protruding eyes: When someone's eyes appear to swell outwards, she is enthus curious about the world. She is very versatile and is easily bored, so can find it difficu to one activity for long Deep-set eyes: The person with deep set eyes is very private and reluctant to revea her personality to others. They could be firm minded, sharp observer, virtuous ,prosp intelligent persons Upward/ascending slanting eyes: When the outer corner of someone's eyes slant upw those of a cat, the person is by nature an optimist. She knows what she wants from not afraid to ask for it. Downward/descending slanting eyes: When the corner of the eye slant downwards, t finds it hard stand up to other people. She may also have pessimistic tendencies. Unevenly set eyes: When someone's eyes aren't level, so one is higher than the other that she has an unusual and unorthodox approach to life. She has tremendous insig able to analyze situations from a unique perspective. Irises: Pay attention to the size and position of the iris within an eye. A large iris, so of the white is visible indicates someone who's very emotional, demonstrative and k white of the eyes is visible about the iris, the person is said to have a quick temper a therefore be handled with care. If the white of the eye is visible below the iris, the hard to please and has difficulty coping with life. Eyebrows: Don't forget to look at the person's eyebrows as well. These frame the give it structure. Some people, both male and female, like to pluck their eyebrows so take this into account. The stronger and longer the eyebrow, the more strength and person is said to have. She's energetic, and ambitious with a vibrant and powerful per Alternatively, someone with naturally light, thin, or short eyebrows makes le impression on the world and may also be less physically stout.

61. Principles of Horary Chart

Horary astrology, one of the oldest forms of astrology is used to answer a specific usually, but not always, involving a yes or no answer. Meaning, “of the hour”, founded on the premise that the answer to a question lies in the moment it is a existence of a problem implies that the solution also exists and is held in the m inquiry. Prashna Jyotish is used to predict an answer for the query presented by a quer astrologer. The Rising sign (Ascendant) is very important in the Prashna astrolog house and every sign has its own meaning in the Prashna Jyotish (Horary A Questioner is considered the rising Ascendant in prashna Astrology. The seventh house represents the subject of the question. The query may be rela planet that has a full aspect on the Ascendant or the planets which are strong and relationship with the Ascendant. The time of question is important in the Prashna can be a significant subject, as, how to determine the time for a question. Determination of the Prashna Time Principle of prashna Jyotish is that the time the astrologer first hears the questi considered the right time for use in Prashna astrology. If a question arises in a cur and he calls an astrologer, the astrologer should take the time he was asked the qu the time when the queries thought about it. There are similar problems in the selecting the place of the Prashna. If a queris question sitting somewhere in Jaipur on phone, and the astrologer is in New Delh should take the time of New Delhi. The other school of Vedic astrology says that place is the place where the querist is located. The answers for certain questions are difficult to get from the birth Kundly but th found easily from the Prashna Kundly. The Prashna Kindly can reveal whether a d be fulfilled or not. Prashna Kindly can give answers in either a yes or no. For examp lose in any case, Question’s related to health, or A person who has left his home w back or not and so on The principles behind the analyzing the horary chart is different in Vedic astrolog western astrology. This article is written to explain both the methods that are used. T are amazingly accurate for both the methods. In Vedic astrology - Horary Astrology is based on Hora or Hour. Its principles are the principles of Natal Astrology. Horary Astrology or Prashna Shasta in Sanskrit Prashna, question) has been practiced in India for centuries. It is a branch of Vedic which is still widely used across the Indian subcontinent. Horary Astrology hel predict the longevity, health, success, failure, love, time of marriage, divorce,

examination, job, gain by lottery or stock market, success in litigation & legacy e perfect for person who may not have his time of birth. Human beings are curious by nature. From ancient days people have wanted to kn their future. Astrology provides thorough information about future just as an U machine gives the detailed information of a child inside a mother’s womb. Astrology is based on mathematics and logic. It is a vast subject and it has many br which Horary astrology is one. Horary Birth Chart (Prashna Kundali) is a blessing to those people who don’t hav remember their birth time and date. Horary kindly is an instant kundly made by the at the time a question is asked by a native. A native’s birth time, date, and name of th required to get information about his or her life, but the process is very simple astrology. In fact, Horary Birth Chart (Prashna Kundali) is given the equal recogn significance of birth chart or kundly. Predictions from horary kundly can be obtained through two ways, one is t astrological method and the second one is the Krishnamurthy astrological method. difference is that in Vedic astrology the Ascendant is as per the time the question is a in the Krishnamurthy system as the Ascendant is calculated on the basis of the numb by the native. Prediction of future is simpler from a horary chart than a Janma kundly. It is be Janma kindly is complicated as the planetary strength, lord of the Varghs, Vimshott are determined for accurate predictions. Whereas in horary kundly, only the plac planet is important. Another specialty of Horary Birth Chart (Prashna Kundali) is the accuracy of Inaccurate birth time gives erroneous predictions of a native’s future by astrologe kundly is above such mistakes as the kundly is cast instantly at the time the question There are many communities in which people don’t make Janma kundlis. As there is curiosity to know the future, these people can satisfy their queries through hora which gives the best possible way to know their future life. It is said in mythology that Lord Brahma once approached Lord Vishnu to know astr about the karmic results and since then, Lord Brahma canvassed for astrology a universe.

How Horary chart is prepared? A Horary Chart is a chart cast for the moment that a question is asked. It is calculate a Natal Chart but at the moment the specific question is asked and not at the tim Horary is a predictive branch of astrology, meaning, it can make predictions with accuracy. This highly specialized astrological application is very ancient. It deals wit questions and replies with specific answers. The basis of the horary chart is the tim question when put to the astrologer, and from this a map of the sky is erected. Person such as your date, place and time of birth, are not needed and so, for those who do this information, horary provides a method of dealing with problems with difficult sit How should be the questioner?

The Horary chart is calculated for the time the astrologer receives and unders question. The matter must be of personal significance and meaning for the person a question, who is called the Querist (questioner). There must be a sincere and valid ne answer. First of all, as a predictor/astrologer, we need to know whether the questioner minded or clean minded. For that we need to analyze the ascendant of horary cha derived when questioner asked the question. The questioner is said to be nasty or complicated minded if, -The malefic planets are positioned in the horary chart, - The Moon or Saturn or Mercury are combust and are placed in the angles, - The Moon of the ascendant is aspect by Mars or Mercury. The questioner is said to be clean minded or straight forward if, - The benefic planets are placed in the horary ascendant, -Ascendant and descendant (seventh house) are aspect by benefic planets, -Jupiter aspects at the Moon in the horary chart.

How about, when more than one horary question is asked for? Whenever questioner asks for more than one question then, -think about ascendant for answering about the first question, -think about the position of the Moon in the horary chart for the second question, -think about the position of the Sun in the horary chart for the third question, -think about the position of the Jupiter in the horary chart for the fourth question and, -think about the position of the Venus or Mercury, whichever is stronger in the ho for answering to the fifth question. Question relates to what matter? (1). Generally, horary question could be related to the position of the Moon or ascend OR (2)-it could relate to the position of the Moon from the position of ascendant Lord o eleventh house. ( house of gain )

When could be the result /outcome for horary question? Generally(1).The questioner gets immediate (within a week time) results when horary ascendan to moveable signs like Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. (2).The questioner /querist gets delayed (after couple of month/s) results whe ascendant belongs to fixed signs like Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Sagittarius. (3).The questioner gets confused results (after two weeks) when horary ascendant b mutable signs like Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces. Yogas in horary chart for work accomplishment : (1).The ( questioner) querist’s work get accomplished ( as desired by him/her ) succ ‘Shirshodaya’ signs like Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, or Aquarius take place

sign in the ascendant or benefic planet/s is/are positioned at the ascendant in the hor

(2).The querist’s work does not get accomplished, if ‘Prishthodaya’ signs like Aries Cancer, Sagittarius or Capricorn take place in ascendant or malefic planet/s is/are ascendant.

(3).The querist faces obstacles and gets delay for the accomplishment of work if, bo and malefic types of planets are situated in horary ascendant/Prashna Lagna or Ub sign like Pisces is in the ascendant.

(4).It brings auspicious results for querist like, health attainment, acquirement of po money gains, when the ‘Prashna Lagna’ is potent or under the influence of benefic p

(5).Contrary to the above (4), It brings inauspicious results and causes health proble money, failure in work, demotion or suspension in position when the ‘Prashna-Lagn ascendant) is week or otherwise under the influence of malefic planets.

(6).Placement of at least one benefit planet in the ‘Prashna-Lagna’ is good enough to diseased person.

(7).It brings all the way success in work for querist, if benefic planets are positioned or trines and malefic planets are placed at third, sixth or eleventh house of horary cha or lost person could be guessed out weather he/she would return home under su chart.

(8).It is not all time true that placement of only benefic planets in the Prashna-Lag could bring auspicious results. Placement of malefic planets in the Prashna-Lagna c produce good results if they are in their exalted or own sign.

Malefic planets could also produce auspicious results! : It is not always true that malefic planets ever produce inauspicious and unfavorab when they ate posited in Prashna-Lagna of horary chart but it is also said that the p these malefic planets in prashna-Lagna of horary chart could be auspicious and fav certain typed of questions/problems like dispute, waxes of enemy/enemies, war etc.

Occupations of malefic planets in the Prashna-Lagna bring victory and favorable a querist but again, aspect of the malefic planet at the Prashna-Lagna /ascenda definitely bring defeat and unfavorable answer!

In respect of the question, relating to the win for prosecutor or defendant, it brings v defendant when malefic planet/s is/are posited in the descendant/seventh house and it brings wins for prosecutor when malefic planet/s is/are posited in Prashna ascendant.

- Aforesaid Yogas depict that malefic planets in the horary ascendant /Prashna-Lagna auspicious when the matter /question relates to fierce or violent karma /deed. Fi means the activity / karma which affects/harms the opponent party. For example : (1)-If the thief asks the questions ( to astrologer) like , - “Do I need to go or not to go for theft? “ -“Would it be beneficial? “ OR (2)-Someone asks question like, “Whether I would win in the court matter for the dispute?” OR (3)-A warrior asks the question like, “I am leaving for war, whether I would be able to go through the castle?” etc. In such questions, malefic planets in the horary ascendant bring auspicious and results for the querist (questioner). Same rule is applied for the questions relating to the contest or competition in the g cricket, football etc. This principle helps us to decide whether host or guest team wou Thus, I would reiterate that herein such cases (fierce deed), occupancy of malefic p horary ascendant is/ are auspicious but the aspect at ascendant is/are inauspicious. T unique principle of horary chart /science.

Question relating to immigration : Another principle also exists relating to the auspicious results with respect to th planets. Occupancy of malefic planet at fourth or tenth house of horary chart depicts a answer for questioner relating to immigration matter like, -“whether I would go abroad? ” As we know that fourth house is native’s residence and tenth house is the house of pr karma) / employment. So the occupancy of the malefic planet/s, either at fourth hous house in the horary chart takes questioner away from his /her residence and leads t new work place from his/her residence. And at last, but not the least, it is not all time fact that the moveable signs are ever a and fixed signs are inauspicious at horary ascendant. To some extent, it is only an i belief of so many astrologers. Actually, benefic or malefic outcome of moveable or fixed signs are depend questioner’s questions. Moveable sign are instable, variable, mutable or unstable by nature. That means whe questiner asks questions where he/she desires change or exemption, then moveable considered auspicious in the horary ascendant. For example: Questions like, (1) -Whether diseased person would be cured or not? (2) - Whether tourist would return or not?

(3) –Whether querist (Questioner) would go to abroad? For all such questions as above, querist ever desires change and therefore, signs like Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn produce auspicious results.

Same way, fixed signs are stable by nature. They are lacking instability or mutabilit why, when the querist asks questions about stability or fixedness, occupancy of fi like Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius in the ascendant are considered auspicious in t chart. For example : -Querist /questioner when asks the questions relating to monetary gains or acqui position, mean he/she ever desires stable money or position. For such questions, asce fixed signs are considered auspicious and ascendant of moveable signs are cons inauspicious.

62. Gemstones and Astrology


In Vedic astrology, gemstones are recommended b your horoscope. It is believed that by wearing these prescribed gemstones you can the obstacles in your chart. The cause of unhappy relationships or lack of succe astrological. Wearing a certain gemstone may turn your love life and career aroun can have a fulfilling relationship.

Gems affect the subtle energy field, which emanates (come) from every living thin our energetic and emotional habits, thought patterns, belief systems, and so on re energy pattern of a gem directly affects one's emotional and mental energies, an period of time this promotes long-lasting changes.

But the correct use of Gems is quite necessary. Gems are classified in to two types Cold. Ruby, Red coral, Diamond and Cat's eye are Hot gems whereas Pearl, Top Sapphire and Gomed are Cold in nature.

We select Gems to increase the efficiency or for removal of the deficiency. These stones act in two ways; one is by its spectrum effects and other is by radioactive effec

a ring is worn, Gem goes on continuously vibrating its power which is absorb individual aura. The protective aura thus becomes powerful to resist any (unpleasant) vibrations coming from external sources.

CAUTION: The Gems should be selected as per the Horoscope needs otherwise the reverse results.

Ruby (Manimya) Ruby is said to give name, fame, virtue, vigour, warmth and com power to its user. It also enhances the status of a person. Normal colour, it helps to cure peptic ulcer, fever, rheumatism, gout. Ladi avoid the use of Ruby as it can destroy the body luster. Ruby should in Gold.

Represents Sun, our soul


Used with Std. Weight Price(App Metal Ring finger Gold 6.5 Carats USD $100

Pearl (Moti) Pearl is used to remove the evil effects of Moon and it strengthens and increases the good sleep and cures insomnia. It also gives good cures uterine disorders, heart trouble and eye diseases, hysteria and etc. It also increases sexual strength and makes the conjugal lif removes melancholy and increases fortune. Represents


Moon, our mind Little finger

Used Metal Silver

with Std. Weight 6.5 Carats

Price (Appro USD $

Red-Coral (Moonga) It is said that Red Coral instils courage in its user. It also helps in cur related diseases. This is normally red in colour. Coral ensures happiness, recovery from diseases indicated by Mars such as feve etc. Represents


Mars, our efforts Ring finger & protection

Used Metal Silver

with Std. Weight 6.5 Carats



Emerald (Panna) It increases intelligence and brain power. It improves facultie related to brain such as memory, communication, intuition, th intellect and the ability to learn. It is advised that newly wed couple should not wear this because it impairs conjugal happiness due reduction in sexual desires. Represents


Used with Std. Weight Price Metal (Approx.) 6.5 Carats USD $150 Mercury, our Little finger Gold communication skills

Topaz Topaz is one of the most widely used gems, to help achieve better status. It is also believed that if there are obstructions in finding a match for a girl, she gets married by wearing Topaz. This is normal in colour. It improves vision, gives life security, protects one from and removes adversity, misfortune and melancholy. Represents Jupiter


Used Metal Index finger Gold

with Std. Weight 6.25 Carats

Price (Appro USD $

Diamond (Heera) It is said that the one who wears a diamond has a luxurious life. Di also supposed to enhance the name, fame and artistic quality of a also enhances sexual power, cures diabetes, diseases of urine and diseases, skin and uterine diseases. Represents Venus


Used Metal Middle finger Gold

with Std. Weight 2 Carats

Price (Appro USD $

Yellow-Sapphire (Pukhraj) Yellow sapphire gemstones are very useful in astrology and Vedic p It has many healing powers and is very important in star signs. It is this gem increase financial status. It will give wealth, good heal name, honour and success too. Represents


Used Metal

with Std. Weight

Price (Appro

Jupiter, our Index finger Gold spiritual teacher

6.5 Carats


Blue-Sapphire (Neelam) Blue Sapphire removes evil effects of Saturn. It is said that blue sap the magical power to elevate its user to a higher status from However there is a caution. Sometimes this stone may react adver suggested that Blue Sapphire should be tested for one week be wearing. It could give you everything you could desire such a wealth, longevity, happiness. It also restores lost wealth and proper improve fertility in barren women.

Represents Saturn, our duties salvation


Used Metal Middle finger Silver

with Std. Weight 6.5 Carats

Price (Appro USD $


Gomed (Gomode) This Gem is for Shadow planet Rahu. The Shadow planet Rahu is to be responsible for all sorts of delays or very late fulfilment of a Gomed can help in achieving speedy success in less time than Gomed is normally reddish-chocolate in colour. It cures diseases c affliction of Rahu and Saturn. It also increase appetite, vitality, conf health, wealth, happiness and all sound prosperity. Represents




Used with Std. Weight Price Metal (Appr Silver 6.5 Carats USD $

Cat's-Eye (Lahasunya) Cat's eye is useful for eradicating evil influences of Ketu and disea by Mars. This protects its wearer from hidden enemies, mysteriou and diseases. This is normally milky in colour. For businessmen miraculous result giving stone. It bestows wealth by secret means l racing, gambling, stock exchange market and speculations. Represents Ketu, which


Used Metal Middle finger Gold

with Std. Weight 6.5 Carats

Price (Appro USD $

represents our past karma Navagrah Ratna-Ring /Locket:

When, mostly all the planets are weak in the native’s horoscope, this ring /locket cou on the middle figure of left hand on the Sunday morning. Standard weight is (ap Carats.Navaratna is a Sanskrit word which means “nine gems” and is related to planets or Navagraha in Hindu Vedic astrology . The word Nava means ‘nine’ a means ‘gem’. Each gemstone is related to one Graha among the Navgrahas. N gemstones are considered auspicious and believed to be good for health, prosperity, and peace of mind to those who wear it. It protects against negative energies or male of planets and strengthens the positive Influences of the gems.

63. You and your style of signature


Signature reflects your nature. Signature tells about person’s branding of his character, capabilities, strength, weakness, reflections, authority, behavior pattern a public/stage/with common people. Public image is the image someone wants to office/public place. On the other hand script or handwriting reveals personnel ima way writer deals in a particular set of personality parameters, with close people and re

Signature is minimum set of letters which gives maximum information about a pe can find a lot of fellow surrounding you having entirely different images at personnel at public level e.g. someone who is very daring at public is very nervous, fearfu front/personnel level, and vice versa. People have two different images dependin difference in their handwriting/script and signature. More the difference in script v/s more the variation in two images of a person reflected in their personality.

Two images of a person can be compared with a coin. Head side of coin repre authority of a particular country like lion’s head or queen’s head. This also car authority and philosophy on which a particular country follows or wishes to tell world about them. Other side of coin that is tail side of coin carries the value of that coin e.g. 25 paisa or 50 cents. Both the sides of coin carry different images/det person. As far as symmetry is concerned, these two images can be identical to 90 per

Various signature styles you may come across in your daily life can be grouped as f !

(1).First letter in capital and in bigger size compared to other letter


This tells that writer has large PPI (Personnel Personality Index); w able to form his impression at first meeting itself. ! !

(2).Break just after first letter in the signature: ! Means a person has initial communication hitch/gap/fear/inhibition. ! Writer first name only (surname/family name missing) tells about his/h mission/vision. These people rely solely on their own strength and friends'/parent’s advise/help/guidance. Now a day these types can be found in sig of most of call center/ entertainment, media boys and girls. !


(3).First letter limited to initials, second name/surname with all the deta ! Such persons are able to create initial impression but are not able to f due to over dependence on their parents. They give less priority to the goals/vision/mission. !


(4).Legible signature: ! Tells that person is able to exercise full potential of his caliber a created his own brand in the area of his interest. Such writers are able to efficiently their personality features at public and enjoy recognition, authority, aspect of their own work. It also shows that person has clear vision/mission choice. !


(5).Curved and smooth signature: ! Tells that person is gentle, charming, flexible, outgoing, and soc Example: Film actress Shri Devi’s signature. !


(6).Signature with angular connections: ! Implies that the writer is forceful has strong personality, comp aggressive and has a strong will. See the signature of actor Amir Khan. !

! !

(7).Underscoring below signature:

Indicates that person has a healthy ego, confidence. If underline star beginning of signature then this shows that person is lucky enough since childh far as basic necessity like food and cloth and infrastructure are concerned.



(8).Underline crossing the signature at middle zone of letters: ! This is the indication of person’s sacrifices, He is not able to justify/a the outer world, self destructive nature, and inner fear. !

! ! !

(9).Many underscoring: This feature tells that person doubts his own public worth/importance.

! ! !

(10).Underlining at upper zone /above the signature: It indicates self protectiveness, spiritual / intellectual drive, leadership t

! ! !

(11).Underline below and above the signature: Writer likes to follow a predetermined line of action, he is resentful.


(12).First letter written in small case with bigger size: ! Means that person has high usable skills beneficial for others, not for h Excellent communication (loud). !


(13).Large capitals: ! Shows creativity, pride, and desire for greatness, extremely large size inner fantasies and repressed wishes. !

! !

(14).Large bottom loops: ! Indicate for strong need / desire for sexuality, money and m possession! !


(15).Small case/size capitals: ! Indicates writer doesn’t want public acceptance, modest, pride and tr relatively unimportant. !

! ! !

(16).Ascending signature: (i.e. base line going upside) Tells about optimism, ambition, and active

! ! !

(17).Descending signature: Means writer is pessimistic, depressed, fatigued, not goal oriented.


(18).Dot follows signature: ! Means that “the final word has been said and there is no more “ worl here, doubts own actions. !


(19).Dot below underline: One dot tells vigilant nature, two dot willing to get directed (good for actors). One can see Mr. Bachchan’s signature.

! !

(20). Middle name first: ! Tells that writer is giving top most priority to his hobby and sec actions, basic instinct, and drive. He lives a wandering life and is not able to faithful friends/ lasting relations. !

! ! ! !

(21).Signature placed at the center: Tells that writer is shy, wants to be in the center of things.

! ! !

(22).Signature smaller than script: Means introvert nature submissive, mild, modest, and insecure.

! ! !

(23).Signature bigger than script: Shows writer is extrovert, secure, contentious, over reactive.

! ! !

(24).First name and second name interconnected: Tells writer’s richness in character, sociability, strong parental associat


(25).Illegible deformed crawled threaded signature: ! Tells that writer has high IQ but is not able to fulfill his own visi mission. Such persons are a compromising lot at the cost of self destruction. The are common in IAS officers. / Secretaries, because their skill is used to fulfill the p motives. !


(26).Encircled signature: ! Tells writer wants to hide or shelter from society, protective behav able to utilize entrepreneurship. ! Signature written with greater speed than the script: Implies more con than actual, portrays good potential for improvements. ! Signature written with slower speed than the script: Tells that wr achieved better traits/ controls, he is reserved and careful to control his impulse. !

! ! !

(27).Vertical strokes of letters bent at the middle towards left side: Shows comparatively more attachment to mother than father.

! ! !

(28).Vertical strokes of letter bent at the middle zone towards right Tell that writer is more inclined towards his father.

! !

(29). Variable slant of letters within the signature:

Emotional disturbances, strong in fight inside the mind, un unsynchronized thought, variable moods, difficulty in getting things done in a f manner. !

! ! !

(30).Initials starting with strokes: Writer has inherited skills, can’t start things without introduction.

! !

(31).Signature with long ending stroke: ! Writer has extra energy, helps two steps extra proactively, and helps out of the way. !



64. Walking style and your personality

Every person has a unique walking style. We could identify the particular person by his gait, if we are used to see him often. The way you walk doesn’t only reflect some of your personality traits but it also reflects your current mood. If you were feeling happy then most probably you are going to have an energetic walk where walking speed becomes faster. These are the people’s general style of walk: When people feel confident and courageous they walk with wide steps and they tend to bypass their friends who are walking with them due to their higher speed. Some people exert heavy pressure while stepping on earth, not because they have a heavy body but because of persistence!! Persistent people tend to walk with heavy footsteps that exert high pressure on whatever they are stepping upon. Although persistence (determination) is good still this walking style could be an indication of lack of flexibility. Some people walk slowly dragging their feet behind them as if they have no energy to move. The lack of energy is usually associated with sad feelings or depression but it could also reflect fear or uncertainty about what is lying ahead. A Cat walk is usually an indication that the person is showy, in other words the message he is sending is “Look at me!!” The same goes for guys who move as if they are models in a fashion show. Walking with your hands in your pocket may be an indication that you are not satisfied with your body image or with your current clothes. Speedy walk: Type: 1 If you're a fast walker, you may also be a fast worker which is prized in some setting but also may be problematic if you're so fast that you forget to pay attention to certain details

or if you overlook something important. Such people feel themselves unsafe internally. They could be quick tempered persons by nature. Always Behind the Group Type 2: Lagging behind in a group sends the signal that you can't keep up or are not interested in the others, which is a problem in workplaces where team players are most Silent Sneaker Type 3: If no one knows you're coming until you've arrived, you and your hard work may go unnoticed. Slumped Over Shoulders Type 4: Walking into a room with your shoulders hunched over evokes a lack of confidence in oneself and one's abilities. Potential employers or current bosses might question their confidence in you if your walk suggests that you aren't confident in yourself. Eyes Straight Ahead Type 5: If you're known for walking with your eyes straight ahead, you're probably known as a confident and focused worker with your eyes on the future. Slow Walker Type 6: Some may be annoyed by a slow walker, assuming that they are ineffective, but certain types of jobs may appreciate it as a sign that you are thoughtful and detail oriented. Such walkers could be quiet, polite, open hearted and kind but have lack of confidence. They cannot take decision quickly. They are clever, intelligent, honest and simple by nature. They work according to their mood. They know the value of time but fail to utilize the time. They could be painter, T.V artists, or executive officer. Moderate speed walk: Type 7: Such walkers walk with firmed steps. Such walkers are very particular and accurate in their work and having serene (calm) and serious personality. They face the problems with firmness and courage. They are firm minded and high morale persons. Though they are serious by nature, they are kind and mixing by nature. They could be Businessmen, Engineers, leaders or good Journalists. As far as possible, they like to stay away from quarrel Short stepped slow walk: Type 8: Such persons are very ambitious, confident and foresighted. These types of walkers could be social worker, political leader, saint or good producer.

Careless stepped walk: Type 9: Such walkers could be arrogant, whimsy and independent by nature. They are unable to face the problems rapidly. They are lacking venture, morale and patience. They are solitary persons, so remain isolated. However, they get respect in the society because of their cleverness and intelligence. Such walkers could be singers, musicians, commission agents or good businessmen. Haphazard walk: Type10: Such walkers are selfish and calculative. They never care for society or community. They ever enjoy parent’s earned money. They may be criminal / and possibly addicted. The Zigzagged Type 11: If you find it hard to walk in a straight line, fellow and future workmates may see you as someone who is all over the map and not especially efficient. Eyes Down Type 12: People who walk with their eyes focused on the floor are not only deemed unconfident but also appear to only be focused on the here and now and not interested in what's in front of them or upcoming events.

65. Vastu-Shasta and destiny

Vastu Shastra is a powerful instrument which guides us to have a peaceful leading life when it was implemented in our premises. This science of Vastu Shastra is useful for all human beings irrespective of Caste, Creed, Religion, Nation, Male or female, Children or Elders, Students, Employees, Businessmen, Factory owners, anybody. This is a most valuable treasure of ancient Indian knowledge. The word “Vastu Shastra” means dwelling knowledge portion of a science. Vastu Shastra is a sacred science related to designing and building houses. The classical literature on Vastu Shastra is vast and scattered. Vastu Shastra, if we carefully followed in each and every aspect of the construction portion and all of our structures, bring not only just prosperity into the household but also getting eternal peace, joy, love, happiness, bliss. VastuShastra is directed at harmonizing external space with the internal space within man. Vastu aims to restore the balance between the home that is the microcosm and the cosmos that is the macrocosm, bringing health, wealth and happiness. Vastu buildings have harmonious energies. They promote stability, prosperity, happiness, and mental peace for the inmates; it can also be called as an ancient mystic science for designing and building. Vastu helps us to make our lives better and also secures us from things going wrong in future. Vastu is directional science that combines all the Nature five Elements and balances them with our structures and nature, man and material. It creates agreeable atmosphere to live or work, by taking advantage of the benefits bestowed by the Panchabhoothas of the nature. The Panchabuthas means the five basic and essential elements of the nature (Natural Powers) Vayu (Air), Agni (Fire), Jal (Water), Bhoomi (Earth) and Akash (Space). Almost and everything on earth is built from these elements, ‘Phanchabuthas’. Vastu is also based on various natural energies, which are available freely in atmosphere. “Vastu” means “dwelling place” and “Shastra” means "rules"; hence Vastu Shastra is a set of rules that tell us how to construct our dwelling places in order to positively harness energies from the five elements of nature. The purpose of Vastu Shasta is to enable man to live in harmony with the environment and with beautiful family and structure of their dream. A home is not a just a house to live. It is an extension of our mental space and reflection of our personality. Just as our aesthetic taste influences its design, decor and maintenance, similarly it too influences our moods, thoughts, bio-energy, behavior, personal and social life, recognition, professional success, in fact, each part of our life is deeply intertwined with our home. The science of Vastu helps convert the cosmic energies into material benefits for the residents of the Vastu based home. It helps us to live in harmony with nature. Nature is always great. It protects us, if we protect nature. Panchabhutas or five elements are almost treated as Heavenly Elements in Hindu mythology. Whether it is true or not we are getting so many benefits from nature or Panchaboothas. Vedic science Vastu is based and working on these Panchaboothas or five elements.

This image is only for your understanding purpose. Here you may observe the Panchaboothas . According to the Yoga Shasta, the universe is composed of two substances. One is: Akash and another one is: Prana. Everything which has a form or is the results of a combination evolves out of the akash. It is the akash that becomes the air, liquids, solids, the human body, animals, plants, etc. Everything we can touch, all the forms we see, everything that exits can be sourced to the akash. The rules of Vastu Shasta is beneficially applied to maintain balance with cosmic reality, to illuminate intelligence and to attain peace by following perfect directions, perfect magnetic fluctuation and perfect correlation of the basic five elements. These Five elements have unaccountable values in the Vastu Shastra.

This image is only for your understanding purpo Cosmic energies are all around the univer constructions are according to the principles of Va Shastra then cosmic power bless the property, construction is against the principles, then it is favourable.

Destiny of everyone is pre-determined with respect to one’s deed of past birth. We cannot change the destiny of human being but, definitely tamper with to overcome the hindrances that come along the way to make our life comfortable if we follow the certain principles according to Vastu Shasta. Vastu follows the rules of nature and accordingly favors the destiny of human. Native, if the Vastu is defective but the destiny is favorable, faces less amount of struggle. If the destiny is not good, but the Vastu is favorable, there would be fewer troubles. If, both destiny and Vastu are defective, human may never get rid of struggle in the life. Hereunder is the summarized table as per Vastu principles. I am sure, if implemented properly, it could promote stability, prosperity, happiness, and mental peace for the inmates. Summarized Table: Incarnation/Form



Balance Creativity

Central Room, Living Room, Hall, Sit out etc.


Renewal Rebirth

Fertility Children


Potent energy


Kitchen, Fire place, electric equipments, Dining area

Life and Death





Centre part

Indra Agni



Wealth Children Bedroom, Dining Room, Bathroom without toilet





Law and Justice

Nirruthi Southwest Nocturnal Deity Varuna


God of rain

Vayavya Northwest Lord of Wind

elevated flooring, Storage Fame Income Longevity

Bedroom, Officer Cabin, Storage, Heavy vehicle parking.


Bedroom, Living room,

Dining room, guest Social Life & Business, kitchen, bathroom, Moving readied stocks bedroom

Lord of Precious Wealth Career Stones and Money




North-east Immortal Elixir


room, Girls

Study, Library, Dressing Room, Placement of Money Pooja room, Meditation room, Passage door

Astrology is the divine science that can let you know what destiny holds for you. It can erase your doubts and fears, and answer your queries about career, marriage, money and life as a whole et cetera. It is the key to get rid of worrisome questions. If you wish to contact for any information, please feel free to call or E-mail us: Contact: ANIL SHAH

Anil Shah (Astrologer) Atlanta-USA

A well-known Astrologer with clients nationwide- Jyotish Gyata Shree Anil Shah (Vol. Retired Senior Accounts officer ) is a 60 year old cool personality having more than 15 years experience in Astrological field and is the synthesis of modern education & Vedic Indian values. Fascinated with the mystery of Indian (Vedic) Astrology, Anil Shah took up premature retirement from the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, Ahmadabad after 27 years of service to take up the quest to study Astrology. This quest became a passion and he decided to devote his life to help his fellow beings in making their lives happier and more meaningful. Since 1993 he opted for Astrology as a career and started as a professional consultant. He is still doing lots of study, R&D in Astrology field.

Today he is a columnist of various national and international magazines. Visit his website www.anilastro.com for more details. He has post graduated in M.Sc (Organic Chemistry) from Gujarat University, Ahmadabad “His journey began with the study of various facets of Astrology, like a degree of Jyotish Gyata from the renowned institution of India.” The unique chemistry of Astrology with Accounting, made his analysis deep rooted, psychological and practical as he experiences the questions which people ask him about their lives. With a client satisfaction rate of more than 95%, his levels of accuracy regarding specific predictions has earned him great honor, but what matters most to him is the fact that he can help people. His clients became a part of his extended family. He believes in the holistic approach of Astrology, where it can become the tool for our soul cleansing and character growth in order to achieve our goals. Please come forward and meet to connect with your future and know all about you. His valued astrological advice is available exclusively on to satisfy your curiosity. You can call, write or email him for consultancy and be prepared to be amazed. His blog www.anilshah19.wordpress.com has hosted more than 100,000 visitors since its inception. Anil Shah (Astrologer)

Jyotish Manthan A standard and knowledgeable book on Astrology in a scientific way. “Jyotish Manthan” book is like a pretty gift to the Astro-students. It has been presented as an extract of all the aspects of the life in a lucid and practical style. Compared to other books on Astrology, this book would provide accurate guidance and solid foundation for everyone who is interested in practicing Astrology quickly and with confidence. It is cool and easy to follow. There is profound astrological knowledge in this superb book, which is like a light house to look into one’s past, present and future of life. Thanks.

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