Jyotish How K P Pinpoint Events Prasna K HARIHARAN

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Sothida Chakravarthy ]yothish Sironmani Ln. K. HARIHARAN S/o Sothidamanmm, Jyothish Marthand Prof. K. S. KRISHNAMURTI Director K.P. STELLAR ASTROLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE MADRAS.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Page Astrology and Acquisition of immovable property 1 Events in Professional Career 9 Outcome of Tamilnadu Assembly and Parliamentary 23 Elections 28 Mismatched marriage caused by malefic Mercury 42 Time of marriage 49 Will I borrow? 54 Seventh house and its significance Twin births and significance of the sub 59 54 When will the first child be born? The miracle that is K.P. 68 74 Educational qualification and a suitable Job 82 Return of missing son 87 When can I pay the balance? Can I have a child? 93 95 Change of residence and transfer Higher studies 97 Success in medical examination and voyage overseas 103 Labour problem 108 111 Foreign assignment

ASTROLOGY AND ACQUISITION OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY Astrology in old India occupied prime place in the hearts of the people in the land as the only science of human understanding. They had reached dizzy heights in this subject as records reveal. They had a complete understanding of the essence of time in relation to the individual and the universe around him and built up a predictive method of uncanny accuracy which was passed on, from age to age, by guru-sishya parambara by word of mouth. This continuity was broken at later times and consequently we were completely deprived of the prophetic utterances of our great personages in this field. Due to the protracted efforts of the late Prof. Krishnamurti and the research scholars around him, many impurities accumulated in middle ages and unwarrantably added into their texts by omitting true principles taught were removed by and by and presented in a codified manner. The conventional Indian Astrology having nothing in common with the best methods for which the ancient savants were renowned and having become sterile and useless is waiting to be given a decent burial. Why ? Because it lost sight of the I uni-solar concept of nakshatras and its innumerable parts and substituted it stealthily with undesirable and useless things. Astrology's growth can be ensured only by careful cleansing of the dirt of unscientific knowledge. I was called upon, in the latter half of 1983, to prepare a correct chart of a child using the scientific method of casting adumbratedinKRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI which I did by consulting the best reference book of Prof. S. Balasundaram, his UNIVERSAL TABLES OF HOUSES, and the excellant 10-year

MAHABALA PLANETARY EPHEMERIS. The chart I made is presented for discussion here. Birth date:

18th September 1983

Time of Birth : 9 - 10 a.m. Indian Standard time shown by the watch


Coimbatore, long. 76° - 58' East and 11° - 00 North

(A) Birth Horoscope :

VI 15-13

VII 14-31

VIII 13-50 Rahu 26-34

Fortuna 24-09-28 v 13-49


Nirayans Rasi Ayanamsa (K.P.) 23° - 31'

Moon 15-47-28 IV 12-34






Ncpt. 2-58

Ketu 26-34 II 13-50 lira (R) 12-04 Jup. 11-14

Ase. 14-31 Sat. 8-46 Pluto 4-35

IX 12-48

x 12-34 Mars 29-05 Venus 29-48


Xl 13 ·i',. Mere. (Ret.) 26-16 - - -


Sun 1-09

XII 15-13

Balance of Moon Mahadasa (nnjor period) in Vimsbonari Mabadasa : 5 years 7 months 26 days.

The heavenly connections forged between children and their parents are also revealed from a reading of their respective birth maps in astrology. From a perusal of innumerable horoscopes of individuals, we have also been led to believe that the birth time is correct if the planets conjointly ruling the lagna point have, in some manner, such relationship with the Moon. For this, the Moon's location by sign nakshatra, sub etc. and the

aspect it receives from others are taken into account. The sub and inter lords of the lagna are very material for the purpose. The truth of this deduction has been verified. In the chart taken up for dealing here, Rahu, Ketu and Venus have been observed to control the lagna point as nakshatra, sub and inter portion. Rahu is in Venus sign Rishaba and Mars' nakshatra Mrigasira, Ketu is placed in the sign of Mars and the nakshatra of Mercury. Venus, on its part, is in the sign of the Moon and nakshatra of Mercury. Venus is also raplly conjoined with Mars in Moon's sign and both are in Saturn's sub in excellent trinal or 120° aspect with Ketu, Mars and Venus are found, by aspect, to have connection with the Moon and Saturn. The planets coruling the cuspal point on the lagna have thus established, according to the KP scheme, connection with the Moon, thus confirming the correctness of the time of ushering in of the child.

[Although, according to Astrology's dictum, heredity is not the only factor leading to birth but an important factor which determines the biological make up of a person, it has been seen that there is a correlation between the birth sky of a child and that of his parents. Birth ensues, as Astrology avers, because every person comes into the world physically only at such lime when the cosmic conditions concur with the child's predetermined karma. The vehicle for such expression is provided by the parents who are destined, by their own individual ka•ma, to inherit only such a child at that time, thus creating a sort of earthly interconnection between them. In fact, the inseparable bond of relationship must have been laid right at the time of coition and conception nine months earlier for birth


~:~t ____ H_o_us_e__


-t:=-:== oo-

t Ase. Node


Placed in the zodiacal part of planet ruling

Des. Node Ketu Uranus (Herschel)

By "sub"


By 'inter' on cusp

11,12 10






3,7 1

7,11 2,6, 10 1,5,9 3


Nakshatra Nakshatra NakshatraHouses Sign lnll!I" -sub occupied (Nrrayana) (Upanakshatra)


2/7 9/12 1/8 4/5


Neptune Pluto

By sign -----;·


Budba GlllU






Ho!ISC(s) ruled

--- ---- ---- -

~:n ~dra

Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn



4,6 2, 4,8




4 10 11


2 10 12

(R) =Retrograde (Vakra gathi)

Sun Moon




Venus Saturn

I Moon



Saturn S11.tum Ketu

Saturn Sun


Mercury Rahu Mars Mercury

Saturn Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter

Rahu Rahu

8 2 2

l~:us Mars



Jupiter Jupiter Saturn Saturn Sun


Jupiter Venus



Venus Venus








itself is only the outcome of the act of impregnation. It must be borne in mind, however, that the root cause of birth is not physical heredity alone as may be wrongly supposed. Were it so, really speaking, why are all persons not being able to satisfactorily account for wide d iffereaces between children born of the same parentage ? And if the heredity factor is exaggerated out of all proportion, it holds good only for the present life and not for future births in every case. As the discoveries of modern science have themselves testified, the cosmic rays from the distant stars and planetary bodies apparently affect heredity too even creating new species. Conception being the generation of human seed of which the birth is the fmished product, astrology has always held strongly to the belief in the existence of an inter-relationship between the former and the latter, provided by the interchange or the places of the ascendant at epoch and the Moon at birth and, likewise, of the Moon at epoch and the Ascendant at birth. This will throw many possibilities, as to what connection the Moon at birth (corresponding lo the lagna point at epoch) has with the mother's birth chart, for instance whether her chart points a clue 10 lhe Moon longilude of the child and many such factors. The lagna stands for the child in question in his early days and this corroborates that lhe 9th house represents one's father because the lagna becomes the 5th reckoned from the 9th denoting him; can we apply this maxim to the 5th house from the 4th (the 8th) which indicates her and see what connection it bears to the Moon? Taking this horoscope, ii is found that Venus, Moon, Rahu and Mars corule the 8th cusp. Venus and Mars are in Moon's sign with Mars aspecling the Moon in Saturn's sign and Moon's nakshatra and Saturn in Venus sign and Rahu's nakshatra. This requires to be tested in many other charts. Theoretical enunciations, however, must be constantly tested on

the touchstone of practice and accepted only when proved. Quoting fromthis book and that can go on for endless years but such knowledge is not coupled with wisdom. Wisdom comes only from practical application alone. An examination of the subs of the 4th house and of the 9th which have to do with the mother and father shows Rahu and Mercury respectively as such lords. Rahu, in the chart illustrated occupies Mars nakshatra. It was explained that mother's nakshatra was Mrigasira of Mars and of the father's nakshastra was mentioned as Mercury. This point also requires to be probed more closely so that there is clarity beyond the shadow of all doubts.

What struck me immediately after the map was made by me was that before the end of Saturn bhukti in the Moon's mahadasa the family of this child must acquire a ready built house. To this prediction, the grandfather of the child commented that there was no such idea in their mind at all as they already have a house in their possession. What however happened was that they purchased a house, as exactly predicted by me, in January 1985 when the dasa was of lhe Moon, the bhukti of Saturn and anthara of Jupiter was in force and thanked me for my outstanding prediction. Coming events cast their shadows before,as the wise rightly say. On first glance, I noticed that the Moon was lord of the 4th by nakshatra and it was seen in the 4th house almost near the cusp of the house. Saturn who also ruled the 4th was no doubt in the 12th. the main house for expenditure or investment, but in its exaltation with aspect from Mars from Kataka, a Moon sign again. Saturn is controlled by Rahu as the nakshatra lord and by Jupiter as the lord of the sub as well as inter portion. Jupiter is

almost near the 2nd cusp in Saturn's nakshatra and Moon's sub (Salum and Moon have strong 4th house connection and also ruled the bhukti and dasa running). The 4th was co-ruled by the Moon, Rahu and Saturn and the 12th was presided over by the Moon, Jupiter and the Moon again as the nakshatra, sub and inter lords in that order. Expenditure shown by the 12th, in the final analysis, comes only through the planet posited in the nakshatra of Saturn in 12. Jupiter is the only planet stationed in the nakshatra of Saturn, lord of 4 in 12. It is almost an axiom in KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHA TI that the so called dus sthanas 6, 8 and 12, even when tenanted by so called malefics, are not unable to offer desirable results if posited in the nakshatra, sub, inter etc. of planets beneficial to the chart under consideration. Saturn is in 12 but in Venus sign, Rahu's nakshatra, and Jupiter's sub and inter di visions. Venus is in the 10th, Rahu is an agent of Venus by being placed in Venus' sign all alone in Mars' nakshatra, and Jupiter is powerful by standing near the 2nd house. In KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI scheme, a planet in the nakshatra of another is stronger than the latter to affect the farmer's house affairs. So, Jupiter was stronger than Saturn, lord of4in 12. KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI is clearcut in its precepts and practices. How can it afford to fail by following true principles ?


Everyone has to engage in some calling in order to establish his place in society and achieve social status or to earn a livelihood. The tenth house in any individual's chart the trigon of houses consisting of the 10th, 2nd and 6th represent the temporal status of the native embracing his actions, honour and credit, business or professional standing and position in society (10th), the service rendered by him, his health comforts and subordinates (6th), and money earned by such personal effort (2nd) shows the focus of that individual's external situation in society, indicating his place as expressed in the keyword 'honour*. It represents goodwill, general or established credit, and every possible manifestation of honourable condition among men together with all efforts to establish prestige. It also designates authority - the power established by the successful individual in building a high degree of personal integrity, or in developing a superior professional place for himself, but it is no less the social compulsion to which the specialist as well as everyone else must submit. The 10th designates all those in aulhority over the native, that is to say, those who issue orders to which The individual must conform, not only superiors placed above him in rank but also the sociopolitical entities for which they speak, that is the Government, the corporations or business concerns. This mansion also identifies vocation which is :iequently the result of the individual's ambition and is the determinant, to a great extent. of his social status.

10 Vocation is not, however, determined from the 10th house alone. The 2nd and the 6th houses have also some 120 degree or trinal relation in regard to this matter. The sixth house indicates the degree or phase of worldly attainment conceived to arise from native's own work or labour or from servants or persons employed by him or those placed in positions subordinate to h im. Its keyword is 'service' ruling as il does •work' and 'toil' of all sorts. In so far as an individual subordinates himself to anything, whether it is a person or an ideal, his activities are identified here. Labour or work, properly speaking, is movement towards an achievement in social status. The sixth-house service, most certainly, is of a voluntary kind rendered for a consideration, that is done with a motive such as wages or commission. The sixth house has been found to have its primary rulership over the adjustments tha I must be made by each individual as he creates his social place in life or as he works to maintain or improve it This not only indicates the process of readjustment as such, but the need for it, or maladjustment in general, so that the sixth embraces every activity in which anyone participates as a conscious misfit

The 2nd house reveals the potentials of the native's general social position, being the house of finance. It shows the native's state of riches or poverty. Of all tangible things, money is probably the most spiritual or social, since it is the most general or universal medium of community experience. It is necessary to fulfil all our lawful pleasures. Money does everything and everyone needs it, even those who despise it "It is not money that is the root of all evil", as a wise man puts it, "but the love, the excessive selfish, covetous love of money".


The 2nd is also related to trade or business dealings. The 2nd house, thus, has as much connection with an individual's vocation as the other two, namely the 10th and the 6th. And so, in considering matters concerning occupation, the houses 2, 6 and 10 should be associated and considered in combination. In accordance with the principle which lays down that the bbava which stands in twelfth (vjraya) to any bhava tends to destruct the affairs falling within the latter's purview, the 5th and 9th houses which become the twelfth reckoned from the 6th and the 10th would seem to show changes in conditions of service such as Lransfers,.;;pells of absence from the work place and so on. If the 3rd house, which is the twelfth to the 4th representing one's home or residence, is also involved, it may necessitate change of residence and change of place along with transfer to a new surrounding. In analysing a horoscope for ascertaining the time when

one will enter into employment or get advancement or change from one position to another a gainful, it is essential to consider the various houses connected in combination. Not only the planets who signify these houses by lordship or sign occupation should be taken into account but also all those who tenant their constellations, the latter being even more imporant than the former according to the findings of the author of Krishnamurli

Padhdhali. More than all, the cusps of these houses need to be paid special attention, the planets presiding over these as lords or co-lords such as nakshatra, 'sub', 'inter' (or sub-sub). The horoscope of a person who was once placed in employment under government is presented below with the purpose of acquainting the readers with the way the stellar

12 astrologica~thod

enunciated in the masterpieces known as 'Krisbnamurti Padhdhati' and how accurately it minors the Course of events in the career history of the possessor of the chart.

I: Birth Details Place of birth

9°-52' North/78" 7' East

ffime of birth

1.21 a.m. (LMf) or 1-38-32 a.m. (ISl)



Bo61< Ref.

Uitive1Sal Tables of Houses

II. Horoscope

rSu.n 19-28 Men:·. 13-25 HI 12-38


IV 14-23




VI 9-03


• Ketu 26-48 Venus 9-19 1IJ 8-40 !-

VII 6-14

Nirayana Rasi

VIII 8-40 'Lagna 6-14

Rabu 26•48

...... Jup,25-03 XU9-03

XJ 12-43


Moon 7-39

oc 12-38 Sal. 24-27 (Ret)

Balance of Rahu Dasa at birth : 10 years, 8 months 2 days.

n 111. Planetary significations Hou.se(s)


Deposited in the

D~itecl in tub of i






Mood Mars Mercury

Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu




8 .7 4/11

9 4.


619 3/12 5/10 112

A&Clll .o~,! Sun ~gent of Venus and' Jupiter


3 10 2 SS9 8.

Qwo;o~t°"'"PY...: 0wo;"!I




8 8 9 10 8 4 3



t fit 3/12


Occupy ing

3/10 7

619 3/12



2 8 9 8 3 10 8 3

j• 2



@ @

by association with Venus in the same sign and by aspect from Jupiter

SS Rahu is not only in Sun's sign all alone but is also in Sun's star and sub. R1huis thus a powetful agent of the Son.

IV. Planets co-ruling the cusps

Cusp of house 11 VI

x v IX

Sign lord Saturn Mercury Venus Venus Mercury Jupiter

Star lord Rahu


Moon Moon Saturn

Sub lord Jupiter »

"lt'rcury kan11

Rahl.a Man:


The Sub-lord of the 10th cusp is Mercury. It is the 6th sign lord, placed in the 3rd and in the constellation of Saturn, lord of :. The lord of the constellation tenanted by the lord of the sub on the cusp of the 10th not only aspects the 6th house but is also himself the 6th lord. The sub lord of 10 Mercury, is also conjoined with the Sun, chief governor for profossion.

Every house embraces certain affairs and these are activated when the conjoint period of planets related to the house operates in due time as per Vimshottari dasa and when the ephemeral transits at that point of time work in harmony. A friendly or bcncfical planet to an individual can render help only when his period ensue in Vimshottari dasa etc. Similarly a planetary foe cannot render harm unless its period, subperiod and so on operates for that individual according to his birth indication. According to the middle-time Indian astrological texts, a bhava 's prosperity is inferred from the bhava lord, the planets associated the bhava lord, the planets aspecting it, the planets actually posited in the bhava, the planets aspecting the bbava, the planet ruling the navamsa occupied by the lord of the bhava and so on and so forth. In the crystal clear scheme of Krishna murli Padhdhati, the method of reckoning The planetary signification is clear and simple and follows a set pattern free from any ambiguity. The main finding of Krishnamurti Padhdhati is that planets promote not only the affairs of the houses signified according to their sign lordship, occupation or aspect but also those of the houses signified by occupation and ownership by the lord of the constellation tenanted. In addition to all these, every planet has a singular significance related to the matters of that house over which it has control by virtue of co-ruling.1ha1 house LUSp as lord of the 'nakshatra', 'sub' and

15 'inter' etc. In this view, Krishnamurti Padhdhati enumerates the principles for ascertaining the significators of a house as follows: A)

Planet tenanted in the nakshatra of the occupant of the bhava.


Planet is posited in the bhava in question.


Planet tenanting the nakshatra of the bhava sign lord.


Planet tenanting the nakshatra of the bhava star lord.


Planets owning the bhava by sign and nakshatra on the cusp.


Planets conjoined with or aspecting the significators and/or the bhava.

The nodes, Rahu and Keto, affect not only the bhava occupied and the bhavas signified by the lord of the constellation tenanted but also those owned by the planet they are in association with or those signified by the planet in whose sign they are placed without any association. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, as they say, and the principles of the Padhdhati have been proved right whenever applied to various horoscopes. Applying these principles to the hososcope illustrated, the various significators are : 2nd House : Salum governs this mansion, and Mercury is situated in one of Saturn's nakshatras. Keto and Venus are stationed here with no planets in any of their nakshatras. Jupiter :&om the 10th aspects the 2nd house as well as Keto and Venus there. 6th House :

There is no planet found here. Its lord is Mercury in whose constellation Sun is placed. Jupiter :&om

16 the 10th and Saturn from the 9th aspects the 6th house. 10th House : The tenth is occupied by Jupiter and owned by Venus. Jupiter and Keto are in Jupiter's nakshatras, with no planets in Venus nakshatras. Of course, Keto is conjoinjed with Venus. 5th House :

This Segment is under the governance of Venus. There are no planets in this part and no one in Venus' constellations.

9th House :

Saturn occupies this house which is owned by Mercury. Moon is also in the 9th. Mercury is seen in Saturn's nakshatra and Sun in Mercury's. Rahu is Sun's agent being in Simha all alone, and also in Sun's star. Sun also occupies the 3rd. Rahu also receives aspect from lord of 5, Venus, so that Rahu is a strong sign 1 I icator of the 9th as well as the 5th.

3rd House : Sun and Mercury tenant this mansion. Rahu is in Sun's star and Sun itself in Mercury's. Jupiter who occupies this is also its owner, and Keto is in Jupiter's star and is also aspected by Jupiter. The native took up employment for the first time when the dasa of Jupiter, bhukti ofKetu and anthra of Jupiter was running. On the day of entry into service - 12-6-1947, Thursday ruled by Jupiter dasa and anthra lord, the Moon was transiting the 2nd house in Jupiter's star in conjunction with Keto, bhukti lord and in trine (120 degree) to the radical position of Jupiter. Mercury, lord of the 6th was transiting the 6th house, the Jupiter's star and sub in trine (120degree) aspect to both Jupiter and Keto radical.Sun was transiting the constellation of lord of 11, Mars, and sub of Jupiter placed in 10th at birth, in trine 120 degree to natal Jupiter as well as natal Keto. (As the Sun was lord of the 8th, an evil house, at birh, its inharmonious aspect should be



favourable. Lord of 2, Saturn, then transited in its own star in Kataka in trine 120 degree aspect to the radical position of Mercury, lord of 6, as well as to the cusp of the 11th at birth. What is more important, the dasa and anthra lord was in retrograde motion in transit as at birth, but Jupiter ws conjunct his radicalposition and was in its own star and sub of Ke tu, bhukti lord. At birth, both Jupiter and Ketu were in harmonious trine aspect and by transit also Jupiter formed the same aspect to Ketu. Bhukti lord, Ketu, transited the 10th house in the constellation of lord of 2, Saturn, and sub of lord of 10, Venus. On 2-8-1948, a day ruled by the Moon, the person was transferred on promotion. He was then undergoing Jupiter dasa, Venus bhukti and Moon anthra. Jupiter and Venus are occupant and ownerrepectively of the lOthhouse. Moon is associated with Jupiter in the same sign and is in close trine aspect with Venus, lord of 10, and the cusps of the 6th house and the 2nd house. Besides, the Moon tenants the nakshatra of Rahu (Star lord of houses 2, 6 and 10. Venus, bhukti lord, is also placed in Rabu's nakshatra. Moon is the asterism lord of house 5 and 9 and is also a significator of the 9th by occupation. So, Moon's anthra saw the transfer of the person along with the promotion involving rise in emoluments and status. By transit, the dasa lord Jupiter was retrograding in the 11th house in the star of Mercury, lord of 6, and Jupiter's sub. Bhukti lord as well as lord of the 10th, Venus, transited in Rahu's Star trine to its natal position and Moon's. Bhukti lord was also in conjunction with anthra lord. The Sun transited the sign of anthra lord, Moon, the star of lord of 2, Saturn and sub of Jupiter. On 10-7-1960, when the gentleman was running the conjoint period of Saturn, Mercury and Rahu, he was promoted for a second time. The dasa lord, Saturn, owned the 2nd and was placed in the constellation of Mars, lord of 11, at birth. The

bhukti lord, Mercury, ruled the 6th and was stationed in the constellation oflord of the 2nd and the dasa, Saturn. Again, both Saturn and Mercury were in the sub of anthra lord, Rahu, at birth. I l must be emphasized here that Rahu was the constellation ruler of the cusps of the 2nd, 6th and 10th at birth and by dint of this connection Rahu becomes a powerlul significator ofhouses 2, 6 and 10. By transit, the dasalord, Saturn, was in the constellation of the 10th lord, Venus and the sub of Jupiter, an occupant of the 10th. Transiting Saturn was in trine aspect to the transit position of Mars, lord of 11, and within the orb of trine to the radical Rahu's position. The bhukti lord, Mercury, was transiting through the 6th in the dasa lord's constellation. The anthra lord, Rahu, was conjunct his natal position by transit, wherefrom it was within the orb of trine to transiting Saturn as well as transiting Mars, lord of the 11th at birth. In this case again, as at the time of entering into service, the Sun is in evil asr ~r• •o the dasa lord, Saturn. At the same time the Sun is also sextile, a beneficial aspect, to Rahu, anthra lord. The subject of aspects is interesting and has eluded many lending astrologers. Some hold that the square and opposition are evil, others hold that it is not so much the quality of the aspect the produces influences, favourable or therwise as Ihe sign from which, and the planet by which, the aspect is made. In practical horoscopy, I have found that the square, quincunx and apposition are by no means unfavourable, and also that strong aspects (all multiples of 30 degree) are exciting influences. In the present case, the Sun transits in the 6th, a connected house, in the star of Jupiter occupying the 10th and in the sub of Mercury, lord of the 6th, in conjunction with the 10 lord Venus, the 10th lord was transiting the 6th in the constellation of Jupiter placed in the 10th in the radis.

19 On 19-6-1964, the native was transferred. At that time, the dasa of Saturn, the bhukti of Venus and the anthra of Mercury was in operation. The dasa lord, Saturn, was a significatorofthe 9th at birth by occupation. Venus ruled the 5th, the twelfth to the 6th, and occupied the constellation of Rahu, agent of a planet placed in the 3rd. Mercury signifies the 9th house by lordship and the 3rd house by occupation. No wonder in the conjoint period of Saturn, Venus and Mercury the event of transfer materialised. Remember also that the planets co-ruling the dasa, bhukti and anthra periods were lords of 2, 6 and 10 by sign. By •ransit, the dasa lord, Saturn, was in its own sign, constellation of Rahu and Saturn's sub conjunct the radical position of Venus, bhukti lord Lord of 3 and 12, Jupiter, transited the star of Venus, bhukti lord, and sub of Saturn, dasa lord, in Ihe 4th house. The transfer involved change of duties and place. Both the bhukti lord, Venus and anthra lord, Mercury, transited through the 5th house, both these planets in harmonious trine aspect to the planets placed in the 9th at birth- Venus to Moon and Mercury to Saturn. Venus and Mercury, it may be remembered, ruled the 5th and 9th houses at birth. On 20-6-1966, the native was transferred back to his original position. He was then running the dasa of Saturn, bhukti of the Sun anthra of Saturn. The Sun was a significator of the 3rd and 9th houses at birth, the former by occupation and the latter by constellational position in Mercury's stars. The Sun at birth was also aspected by Saturn from the 9th. By transit, the dasa lord was in its own constellation and sub of Mercury, lord of9. The bhukti lord, Sun, transited the 5th house, square to the transiting position of the dasa lord.

20 On 10-6-1967, during the dasa of Saturn, bhukti of Moon and anthra of Jupiter, the person was again transferred. Saturn and Moon are occupants of the 9th and Jupiter ruled the 3rd at birth. By transit, Saturn was in the constellation of the 9th lord, Mercury, and in Mercury's sub in the sign of anthra lord, Jupiter. Moon, bhukti lord, transited Jupiter's constellation Punarvasu in conjunction with Mercury, lord of the 9th. Anthra lord Jupiter was in the sign of bhukti lord and the star of dasa lord, by transit. On 1.10.1970, during the conjoint period of Saturn Rahn-Saturn-Jupiter, he had another marked rise in career. The dasa lord transited in retrogression in harmonious aspect to the bhukti lord, Rahu's natal position. The bhukti lord, Rahu, transited the sign of dasa lord and its own star and sub in trine to the radical 10th cusp. Lord of the 6th,Mercury, transited over the radical position of bhukti lord, Rahu, in trine aspect to the transiting position of the dasa lord. The Moon transited the radical position of the dasa lord, Saturn, in Mars' star. Jupiter was exactly over the cusp of the radical 10th house in Rahu's star. Significantly, the 10th lord transits in the 10th itself and over the radical position of Jupiter. The person had promotion again on 28-3-1973. At this lime, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury co-ruled the vimshottari period as dasa, bhukti and anthara lords respectively.

Saturn, dasa lord, transited the asterism (constellation) of lord of the 10th, Venus, and the sub of Saturn and in mutual aspect with Jupiter in the 10th house. Transiting Jupiter was in conjunction with Mars, lord of the 1 Olh and was himself aspected by transiting Saturn. Mercury had just then turned direct, by transit of course, and it was in the dasa lord's sign and the bhukti

lord's nakshatra and sub.On its part, the Sun transited the natal position of the lord of the 6th, Mercury, the lord of the anthara, in dasa lord's nakshatra and bhukti lord's sign in trine (120 degree) to the radical 11th cusp. The lord of the 10th bhava, namely Venus, too transited the dasa lord's star in the bhukti lord's sign. The foregoing discussion serves to show the complete validity and truth of the principles of the stellar theory lucidly expounded in Krishnamurti Padhdhati book series available with as also the Messrs. Krishnamurti Publications, Madras l other invaluable books available with them. Years back, I was about to give up astrology as of hopeless value when, even after a patient and persistent study and analysis of the astrological scheme taught in the numerous Indian traditional texts (apparently) incorrect middle-time interpolations of true astrological sayings learnt by people, centuries after century from their preceptors who, in turn, got them from sages of yester years by word of mouth spread over 25 years or more, my predictions failed both as to the nature and time of events. At this juncture, by a quirk of benevolent fate, I had the privilege of bumping unexpectedly on the distinguished scholar Prof. Balasundaram at New Delhi who kindled my flagging interest and lighted the torch in me, truly speaking. From then on, I had evinced greater and greater interest, thoroughly studying and applying only the principles of KP for predictive purposes and found it yielding, surprisingly, about 80 to 85 percent success as against barely 15 to 20 percent achieved earlier by me by recourse to traditional ways. I am gratified, no doubt, by the results obtained by using the Krishnamurti Padhdhati astrological method, but still these are less than enough. As a

22 research scientist myself, 1 should endeavour to advance KP still further and see the loopholes in the predictive art still remaining to be plugged. Relentless zeal and effort are called for in the direction of perfecting and enriching the soil of stellar astrology further for the benefit of human kind No science is ever fully perfect at any stage, astrology being no exception, but while all other sciences advance as a consequence of relentless research done day in and day out, would it be prudent on our part to allow the divine science of stellar system known as Krishnamurti Padhdhati to stagnate and eventually wither away merely for want of sustained research efforts on the part of KP scholars ? Certainly not

OUTCOME OF TAMILNADU ASSEMBLY AND PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS Elections to the state Assembly of Tamilnadu and Indian Parliament are scheduled to be held in last week of May 1991 and all are watching with interest as to which party would form the Government at the centre and in our state. In this context, we were furnished with the birth details of Ms. Jayalalitha, the supremo of AIADMK by an AIADM K follower. Though we could not vouch for the birth lime, the ruling planets worked out for the time of analysis of the chart and some of the past events of her life testify to the accuracy of the birth time. Hence, an analysis is made based on this chart as to the scope of her electro I victory. At the outset, we would like to stress that we have no bias for any political party and this analysis is purely in the academic interest of our followers. The birth details, as stated, are as follows:Venus21-56

x 12-5

··--Slill 11-38 rr:: 10-29 Mere. (R) 2-48

VIII 12-18

XI 15-13



Born: 28-2-1948

Lagoa 16-27-55 ---


u 12-18

at 14-15 His. (lSl) at Madras Lat: 13N 4' Long 80 E 17 Bala nee of Ketu Dasa

Sat (R) 24-59

3 years 7 months 0 days

2-16 Moon 6-33-13 m 10-29

AIM 29-17

VII 16-27-55 For.11-23 Jup. 2-7

XIII 16-56 Ura. 29-5 ·-

VI 16-56

Ketu24-54 v 15-13

Mara (R)

IV 12-5 Nep. (R) 19-32


House Cusps :Starlord Sublord Planets :Starlord Sublord Rahn



















Mercury Mars








gna (I


Mercury Mercuf] Venus

Mercury Sun





Mercury Rahu




















: Venus






: Moon





In, the horoscope erected for study by me, the lagna sublord, Venus, is in 10 in exaltation in her congenial sign, Pisces (Meena). Lagoa sublord in such a high position always assures high status in life. Keto, her nakshatra lord, deputises for Venus 11$

it is in the sign of Venus (fhulam). Venus is in the star of

Mercury associated with Sun, the sublord of Venus. Her 5th lord, Venus is in 10 indicating correctly her status as popular cinema star, as indicates cinema, drama, opera, entertainment etc. Venus in the star of Mercury in 8 and Keto in 5 indicates her break with the cinema linP and switching over to

25 politics. 5th house indicates politics and the position of Venus also confirms her entry to politics. Sublord of the 5th cusp, Keto deputises for. Venus in 10 indicating leadership, and Keto is also in 5 showing clearly her career as a movie artist and politician of fame. Keto is in the star of Jupiter in 6 indicating success in these lines, as Jupiter is in bis own house, aspecting the 11th, the house of success, and the lords of 2 and 11, the houses of finance and net gains. Jupiter indicates that she has to contend with

strong enemies in her political life. Sub lord of the 10th cusp, Moon, is'fn semi-square with Neptune in Kanya, a planet for cinema career. Moon is also aspected by 1upite'r. Lord of 7 (fine arts). Moon is in the star ofKetu in 5 (cinema) and sub ofRahu in 11, denoting grand success as i\ represents Mars, lord of 6 and 11 in 3. Rahu connects all the upachayasthanas in one stroke, due to its placement in the star of Venus in 10. For a successful politician, houses 1, 2, 3 ,5, 6, 9, 10and 11 should be well fortified with the planets Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and 'Saturn being well connected with them. In this &arl, Mars is lord of 6 and 11 in 3. It is in the star of Keto in 5, acting for Venus in 10. Mercury, the winged celestial messenger, is lord of 1 and 4 in 8 but in the star of Mars, discussed above. Jupiter is lord of 7 and 10 in 6 in the star of Keto in 5. Venus is lord of 5 and 12, in 10 in the star of'Mercury in 8 and in the sub of Sun, lord of 3 in 9. Saturn is lord of 8 and 9 in 2 in the star of Mercury in 8 but in the sub of Rahu in 9. Hence, except Venus and Saturn which are weak, almost all other planets are placed strongly showing successful political life.

She is now running the Vimshottari Dasa of Mars and Bukthi of Mercury from 31-3-1991 to 26-3-1992. Mars in the star of Ketu in 5 (acting as an agent of Venus in 10 and in the sub of Venus well posited) promises a highly favourable period. Though bukthi lord Mercury is in 8, it is in the star of Mars and sub of Venus. As elections are going to be held during this bukthi, this lady is destined to come out victorious in the electro] battle ahead. She is likely to witness the resounding victory of her alliance in the impending poll, if we take cue from the position of Fortuna. She will form the Government in the state. She has already suffered a vehicle accident in February 1990 during Saturn bukthi, Saturn anthra in Mars Dasa. Saturn, as lord of 8, in the star of Mercury in 8, has caused this accident. Since the sublord Rahu is in 11, acting on behalf of Mars, lord of 11 in 3, show escaped with some injuries. Mars is aspecting her Iagna sub lord Venus as well as her 6th house, the house of injuries. Her Bth cusp starlord is Moon without any planets in her constellation, thus being a strong significalorof houses 2 and 8 Moon is in association with Mars in 2. Sublord of 8th cusp, Rahu is in the beneficial 11th house receiving the aspect of benevolent Jupiter but he is in the constellation of Venus and sub of Mercury. Both Venus and Mercury are receiving The aspect of Mars. Venus is also in the constellation of Mercury in 8. These formidable combintions indicate accidents and even attempts on her life. In this context, the position of Uranus in 8 from AIM Lagna and Neptune in 12 (the house of treachery and deception) are important. Even now, recently, it was reported in the press that her vehicle used for election propaganda was damaged due to and accident. Mercury, lord of 4 , indicating vehicles, in the


star of violent Mars in a fiery sign is the cause of this type of mishaps in her life till Mercury's bukthi is over. Hence it is advisable to take utmost care during her vehicular journeys.


MISMATCHED MARRIAGE CAUSED BY MALEFIC MERCURY The niceties of KP. are brought to the fore in The case of the tragic maniage of a youngman and I would like to dwell on the principles of K.P. for denial of a smooth manied life in this article. The unfortunate youngman, who is well-mannered and was strictly a bachelor till his maniage, was bora on 9-2-1954 at 8-40-0 Hours ( .S.T. in Badula (Sri Lanka) Lat 6° N 59' & 81 ° E 5'. In thts age when sexual morals are very loose with younger generation, this youth was meted out a cruel treatment by fate though he was not contaminated by the vices of sex till bis first night. I knew him for the past four years and he also has some knowledge of traditional astrology and he also analysed the horoscope of his would be wife and compared it with his own chart besides the astrologers who showed green signal for this maniage. But it is an undeniable fact that when bad time is running for a person, he will not be able to contact an astrologer and gel proper advice to ward off the evil impending. This proved to be correct fully in his case. Though he wanted to meet me and discuss about the maniage alliance, he did not do so as I was away from Coimbatore at that time and till the maniage was over, I had no news of it at all. But, alas, he lived with his newly wedded wife for about 2 months only. He could not tolerate her manners and way of thinking and he found her most incompatible with his wavelength of thinking. According to him, she was highly materialistic and had an overdose of sexual urge, which was abominable to him. Hence she left this youth about 2 months after marriage, taking all her jewels. The horoscope of the male, cast through K P,


folh""" :-


Lagna 3° 44' 18"



IV 4° 22' 44"

7° 14'

7° 14' 25• 'Jupiter

Uranus 26° 47'

23° 18'

Kei.29° 32'

Moon 10*39'

Mercury 13° 45' 5•



1° 16' 44"

0° 37' 59"


Ven 29° 10' ' Sun26° 44'

KP. Bhava Chan Ayanamsa 23" 7' 11"

. ------1





Rahu 29° 32' 30" x 4° 22' 44"


0° 37' 58"

XI 1° 16' 44" IX 7° 14' 25" Mars 6°31'21*

Sat. 16° 10'


7° 16' Nep 2° 53'


3° 44' 18"

Lagna - Saturn star, Saturn sub : 7th Cusp - Sun star, Saturn sub. 7th Lord Mercury - Rahu star, Mercury sub. 11th Cusp -

Sun star, Jupiter sub.

Let usanalyse the 7th cusp. It is in Sun star (lord of 6th) and Saturn sub (lord of 11 in 8). Though Venus is in 11, she is only 2° away from Sun, thus attaining combustion. Sublord Saturn in 8 aspecting Rahu and in the star of Rahu, thus being a strong significator of 10 can cause such a havoc in marital life. 11th Cusp sublord Jupiter is in 3, in the star of Moon, 5th lord in 2. Moon in 2 is good but he is a strong significator of 4 (being in the star of Ketu) and further the full malefic aspect of Satum from 8 brings the influencible Moon under the control of Saturn. These are clear indications of the rough weather in conjugal life.


I had already indicated to my friend somewhere in 1987 that his marital life will not be a bed of roses.

The wife of this young man was born on 16-4-1965 at 6-6-0 Hours l.S.T. at 9* N 58, and 78° E 10'. She is endowed with high educational qualifications and is born in Chithirai star in Tbulam Rasi and Mesha Lagna. Her horoscope is as follows:

112° 34' s1·


Jupiter 5° 18' 19"

1° 20' 14"

Memny(R) 20" 4' 17"



2° 33' 26" Ven. 3• 33'

23° 8' 54• lll 2'1' 54' 44•




26° 11' 41"


26° 30' 42" Satmn 19° 55' 8"

24" 23' 32"

KP.Bhavaam BaJance in Mars Dasa 1 year 6 months 3 days.

XI 24° 23' 32"


Mais (R~ 15° 32 1 5 II


17° 52' 8" VI 26° 30'4i9


f Ne (R) 1X 25° s6· 29° 54' 44" Ketu Moon 3" 18' 46~ 23° 8' 54" VII vm 2° 34' st· 1° 20' 14"


x 26° 11' 42"



Looking at the chart of the lady, 1 came to the conclusion that the birth time of my friend is wrong. It is not enough if the

chart is erected strictly according K.P ., but the correctness of the chart should be verified with the help of sub lords of the various cusps, which are the unfailing indices of the fate. The Lagna sub

31 lord should ~ connected with the Janma Rasi and Janma Nakshatra Lord, by conjunction, aspect, stellar position or even by significant western angular aspects like trine, sextile, square etc. Thus the Janma Nakshatras of all blood relatives will tally when analysed in this manner with the sub lords. Similarly the 7th cusp sub lord clearly indicates the Janma nakshatra Lord and Rasi lord and sometimes the Lagna Lord of the partner. Though I use the method of Ruling Planets to correct the birth time of the person at the time of casting the chart, as the beginners in K.P. think it is not an easy job to fix the Lagna and other cusps with Ruling Planets alone. After checking the ruling planets of the close relatives, the life events, disease of the native or his parents, etc., should also be checked with the help of sub lords. In such an analysis, lagna sub lord may prove correct but the 7th Cusp may not respond to the Janma Nakshatra of the partner and in such cases, the birth times should be rectified and adjusted to tally. If the right sub lord on the relevant cusp is not caught, then the predictions will be off the mark. A person was predicted by me while analysing his chart that his recently born child would be having some deformity and he admitted it and narrated that the child's right hand had only two fingers and also it fell short of the normal length. When the child's chart was cast throngh Computer at Jupiter Astro-Computer Center, Coimbatore, the lagna was found to be Cancer (Kataka) and Lagna sub lord was Mars in 11 in the star of Moon in 11 also in exaltation. The Mars did not have any malefic aspects etc. The child was stated to be born at 2-20 p.m, and this time was given by the surgeon of the hospital, where the delivery look place. I altered the birth time to be 2-21 p.m. and the Lagna sub lord happened to be now Rahu in Kumba, in the 7th Bhava. Though Rahu is 7, as he is representing Saturn, 8th lord, such a congenital defect is possible only when born when Rahu is the sub lord ofLagna. Such minute analysis throngh sub lords is the sheet-anchor of K.P., which is

not available in any other system. To illustrate this type of analysis more in detail, let us take the horoscope of our Guruji K.S.K. His 7th Cusp sub lord is Moon situated at 7° 52' in Capricorn, the Lagna being in 11 D in the same sign. His wife was bora in Jyeshta Nakshatra (Sign owned by Mars and star owned by Mercury). His Moon was in the sub of Moon in Mercury's sign. The connection is self-explanatory. Analysing this way, for the birth time of my friend, the 7th Cusp sublord Saturn is not connected with Mars, the Janma Nakshatra Lord and Mars is also the Lagna, lord, thus making Mars the primary Ruling Planet of his wife. If the sublord of 7th Cusp is Mercury, then Mars is aspecting Mercury. Note that Mars is also lord of 2 (family) in 8th Bhava, though in his own sign, thus giving 9th house results also to some extent One important point which strikes anyone accustomed to this way of analysis is that Mercury and Venus have no planets in their constellations. This has to be noted first in any KP. chart to assess the potency of planets. Now the fate of this young man is portrayed more aptly. Sub-lord of the 7th Cusp, Mt.:._.ay is in 12 As Mercury is having no planets in its constellations, he is a significatorof7 and now the rule that significator of 7 also being significator of 12 correctly indicates the havoc in marital life. Here the coincidence is that Mercury is also lord of 7 and thus doubly strong to offer 12th house results. As the significator is in 12, it is my friend who is the cause of separation. Actually he asked her to go to her parents' home to allow him peace of mind. If the significator had indicated 6, then his wife would have gone out in a huff. Whenever sublord of 7th Cusp is also lord of 7 and if there is no planet in the constellation of such a planet, then the position of this planet in 6, 12 or 4 or 10 will cause - separation. Hence ihe birth time of my friend was altered as 8-45-0 Hrs. LS.T. and the revised K. P. Chart is given below•-





































i 501t.f.5211


N 5°31'38" Uranus (R) 2£0 46'43"

III go 27'7* Jupiter 23° 17' 59"

go 37* 4g" Moon 10° 42' 14"

Ketu 29" 32' 35•

-· Mercury 13° 45' 22"


2° 2g•34n

xn t--1° 58' 2"-·Venus 29° 10' 17•

K.f. Bhava Olan Balance of Ketu Dasa 1 year 4montbs 25 days


VI 1° 58' 2"

Sun 26° 44' 15"

~20 2g• 34_"+-290~03 511

X S" 31 ' 3g"



. [ Satum __ jl

IX go 27' 7"

16° 10' g" VIII go 37' 48" . Neptune (R) 2° s3• s1·


6° 31' 28"



-- -


s· 10' 52" .

34 II
































I checked up with many life events. He is getting a substantia] salary, for his average education. The sublord of the 2nd Cusp is Jupiter in 3 in the star of Moon in 2 and in the sub of Sun in 11. Saturn's aspect to Moon may rise a doubt as to the inflow of the income, but this only indicates entangk1 •• ..:nl of money, arrears not being paid in time etc., Jupiter being lord of 10 (exalted in Navamsa) shows the receipt of income through salary. Sublord Sun is the star of 3 and 11th Cusp. His sublord of the 8th Cusp is Rahu, who is in the star of Sun (lord of 6) in 11. The position of Sun in 11 will save him from any accident But whether there will be any accident in his life has to be checked and in this connection, the sub lord of 8th Cusp, being a malefic, in the constellation oflord of6 (injury to body, aihnent etc.) is not good and hence he is destined to meet with some severe accidents. He admitted that he had one worst accident in which he narrowly escaped. Rahu is an agent of Jupiter in 3, which is again aspected by Mars from 8th. This confirms an accident in life. With reference to his job, he is connected with exploration of oil in the sea and for the time 8-40 a.m. the sublord of 10th Cusp Moon,whereas now the sublord is Mars. As he is


to check and maintain the electrical installations in the place where he works, Mars correctly indicates the department he works. See that Mars, strong in his own and watery house, posited in the star or Saturn (oil) and sub of Mercury (far of places). He is regularly going to his work place which is about 1000 miles from his residence and perhaps due to the sublord Mercury in an airy sign, he goes by flight for his job and returns home by the same mode of conveyance. The aspect of Mars, the sublord to Mercury indicates the line of his duties (electrical work). See that 10th lord Jupiter is also getting the aspect of Mars from a watery sign. He is virtually floating on the ocean throughout a month. According to this revised chart, the mischief of 7th Cusp sublord Mercury was analysed above. Further this Mercury is also in the star of Rahu in 10, which is again aspected by Saturn, as lord of 11, from the evil 8th house. Mercury strongly signifies 7, 12 and 10 which are all detrimental to the smooth marital life. The lady's Moon is in Libra-Thulam and that of the male in Mesha. This is what is known as the Sama-Sapthama position, acording to traditional system, a configuration showing beautiful mental agreement between the partners. vVhen many poruthams do not agree, if there is Sama-Sapthama, the lack ofagreements are compensated by the Samasapthama alone. If the poruthams are analysed, most of them agree and even those not agreeing come under the exception of Sama-Sapthama and thus they also agree. But see the effect of Sama-Sapthama! Let me digress here to the German system of Astrology called Mid-Point System, propounded by the famous German Astrologer Herr Ebertin. His system is known for the half-sums i.e., adding the planetary longitudes or sensitive points lite Lagna and 10th Cusp and dividing them by two. The resultant


degree is called the midpoint of the two longitudes. For instance, instead of the usual Lagna, we can take the longitude of Lagna and 10th Cusp, add them and divide the sum by two. This is known as Ascendant/Meridian or AIM Lagna, a subsidiary Lagna from which we can analyse the chart as we do usually. In practice, this AIM lagna offers brilliant results which are not visible in the usual analysis. In this chart, Lagna in the revised chart is 355° 10' 52" and 10th Cusp is at 245° 31' 38". Adding the two, we get 600° 42' 30". Halving this amount, we get the AIM Lagna at 300° 21' 15" or 0° 22' Kumba. Now we can analyse the chart If this is to be analysed in K.P., then the cusps of the other houses should be found out for the Lagna 0° 22'. Otherwise mere star positions of planets will indicate the events to a good extent See as per this analysis that the Lagna Lord Saturn is in 9 in exaltation in the star of Rahu in 11. 10th Lord Mars in a watery sign in his own sign in domal dignity. According to this analysis, 7th lord Sun is in 12 with Venus, lord of 4 and 9. Venus is from Sun by 2° 26' only, and thus her combustion at the hands Sun is really effective. Though it is sa id that Venus and Saturn do not lose their powers on account of combustion, 1 find in practical experience that the karakatwa and the matters denoted by Venus suffer to some extent Here she is the kalathrakararka and a general indicator of marital happiness. The combustion seems lo have really worked. In analysing the chart with AIM Lagna, only the traditional rules should be applied as mentioned by Maharishi Parasara. But analysis through Placidian or Topocentric method of House Division with NM. Lagna should be given a fair trial - extensively to come to definite conclusions. In the methods of Herr Ebertin, he used only Lagna and the 10th Cusp (Meridian) and no other houses were recognised. He recognised multiples of 45° aspects as having great powers


to ignite some results, depending upon the nature of the planets involved in such aspects, without considering the planets involved in such aspects, without considering the ownership of them. But I fmd th al considering the ownership of planets pays rich dividends. For instance, in his system of Mid-Points, Mars/Saturn indicates death and grievous injuries etc., and I find that for one person born in Simha Lagna, when Jupiter crossed this point in his chart, he got married, because Saturn is lord of 7 and Mars, lord of 4 and 9 (auspicious events). Now coming to the topic ofporuthams, Mr. Herr Eberlin has devised a system known as Contact Cosmogram, with a disc with 90° circle to see the suitability or otherwise of two parties intending to get married etc. In this disc the 45° aspects, which are known as hard-angle aspects, are seen clearly and it is easier to find out which planets are in 45° aspects with others. But if a circle is drawn and explained, it may not be easily comprehensible for the readers, particularly for those who are not acquainted to this method of interpretation by circular diagrams. Mr. KM. Kharegat, the late celebrated Astrologer, who explained this method, took the liberty of slightly altering the Circles into liner graph lines. As the aspects are multiplies of 45° like 45, 90, 135 and 180, the 360° Zodical circle of our usual chart should be reduced to a 45° Zodical circle. For this, he gives the following advice : 1.

If a planet is in aries (Mesha), Cancer (Kataka), Libra (Thulam) or Capricorn (Makara), the actual degree held by the planet is to be retained


If a planet is in Taurus (Rishaba), Leo (Simha),

Scorpio (Vrischika) or Aquarius (Kumba). Then if the degree of the planet is less than 15°, add 30° and if more than 15° then subtract 15° from it


In the remaining four signs, uniformly add 15° to the degree of the planets found in it

1 will illustrate with the example chart of my friend. His Sun in the natal chart is at 20° 44' in Makara. As it is in Makara, no modification is needed. Next take Moon. It is in 10° 42 '. As it is in Mesha, no modification of the degree held by it Coming to Mars, it is at 6° 31' in Vrichika. As per the rules of Ebertin, as Mars is having its degree, less than 15, add 30° and thus its revised or new degree =36° 31 '.Mercury is at 13° 45' in Kumba, hence its degree also becomes 43° 45'. Rahu is at 26" 32' and as per the rules, 15° is to be added, hence its new degree becomes 41° 32'. If you work out the new degrees for all the planets, they are as follows for The young man (on the left hand side) and for his wife (on the right hand side):-

Male Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Uranus Neptune Lagna MC


= = = = = = = = = = = =

26° 44'


10° 42'


26° 31'


43° 45'


8° 18'


29° 10*


16° 10'


44° 33*


41' 47'


2° 54'


20° 11'


20° 32'


= = = = = = = = = = = =



3° 19'

0° 33' 35° 4' 35° 18'

3° 34' 4° 55' go


2° 53' 26°


1° 20' 41° 12'

(10th Cusp) Now if a scale is taken and allowing 1 inch for 5 degrees and a line is drawn for 8.5 inches for 45s and the new degree are

39 plotted on it marking the planets also, then you get one person's chart in this new method ready for analysis. Similarly draw another line below this and note the new degrees of planets beneath this line, wh ile the new planets' position are noted above the first line for male. The contacts between planets assume significance in this method and the meanings of the contacts are given by Mr. Herr Eberlin in his book "Combinations of Stellar Influences". The contacts between Venus and Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Mars etc., are unfavourable. Similarly the MC or Lagna of one party should not have any contact with malefic planets of the other. For instance, the contacts between the planets in our two example charts are as under t

Female Sun and Uranus Moon and Venus


= =

Rahu Neptune


Neptune Jupiter



(note the interchange) Mercury and Jupiter


= =

Mars Uranus

Most of the contacts are bad. There is not even one good contact indicating amicability and lasting love between the partners. Neptune always stands for cheating, disappoinlmenl, illusion, mystery, drugs, drama, dreams, crooks, tricksters etc. Note Sun (individual) of female is in contact with Neptune of the male and Neptune of the female contacts the Sun of the male, with an interchange. Moon and Venus also of the female contact Neplune of the male. Rahu's contact of Jupiter is the only moderately good conduct Rahu signifies sexual union, union with other persons, blood relations partnership, friendship,


courtship and things where a team-work 1s involved. The Mercury and Jupiter of the female contact the Mars of the male, which is bad. Again the M.C. (10th cusp) of the female contacts the Uran us of the male. Uranus is the karaka for sudden changes and actions, revolution, reforms, anarchists, revolutionists etc. Mr. K. M. Kharegat makes a subtle distinctio11 between the Ascendant and M. C. The former represents personality, environment and relations with others by a person and the M.C. signifies the individual I, ego consciousness and Ihe aim in life. But the ascendant or Lagna is lhc person as others see him or the personality he has presented to others in sociely but the M.C. is the person is really in his inmosl being. Hence the contacts of MC are very important and see the MC of the female contacts Uranus of the male, igniting a sense of revolt in the mind of the husband. I would like to emphasize here !hat the new planetary positions that arc meeting at the same point make 45° aspects. Such experimentation with new methods of prognostication are really rewarding. Whether my friend will have two marriages is to be probed now. He was married on 7-9-1989 around 10 a.m. whenhe was running Moon dasa, Venus Bukthi and Venus anthra. Moon is lord of 5 in 2 (family) in the star of Ketu in 4, representing Mercury, lord of 7. Moon is Salum sub in 8. Though Saturn is in 8, he is aspecting 2 and is in lhe star of Rahu, an agent of Jupiter, who is a strong significator of 2 (fainily), and II as there is no planet in the constellation of Jupiter. Venus is in the constellation of Mars, 2nd lord in 9th sign in his own house. 7-9-1989 is a Thursday, ruled by Saturn's star Anurada. Venus was in the sign Thula in the star of Mars (2nd lord) and sub u f Mercury (7th Lord).

K.P. lays down that there are two or more marriages for a person, when the sub lord of 7th Cusp is Mercury and/or posited in the star of Mercury or a planet in the star of Mercury or a dual sign and also when the 7th cusp sub lord is a significator of 2. The second condition is most often given the go-by by many KP. followers. So it is more important that the second condition is satisfied to have two marriages. Here the 7th Cusp sub lord is Mercury and he is in the star of Rahu and sub of his own. Mercury is aspected by Mars, lord of 2. Rahu is an agent of Jupiter, who is the sub lord of 2nd cusp. Hence this indicates a second marriage. 2nd Cusp sub lord should also be probed in this aspect. It is Jupiter in the constellation of Moon, lord of 5 in 2. If this sub lord is appreciably connected to 11 only, then it indicates a keep and not a legal wife. Hence my inference is that he will love a lady known to his family already and marry her again.


TIME OF MARRIAGE - HOW STELLAR ASTROLOGY EFFECTIVELY EXPLAINS ? I. Introduction Marriage signifies the unison of two souls together. Years pass after marriage, but still the sweet memory of the first day of conjugal meeting lingers on. Honey-moon is in ever green memory even in old age. Astrology must record this sweet experience and must be able to say when the happy time of marriage will come in the life of a man. Krishnamurti Padhdhati records this aspect of life with more accuracy than any other astrological system exlanl in the modem times. How truly K.P. reflects the event is illustrated here. II. Chart

A. Birth details : 1.

Place of Birth

Lat. 22°-33N.;

Long. 88°-23'E. 2.

Time of Birth

4-21 a.m. ::: 4-44-30 a.m. LS.T.


Dale of Birth

28th April 1923.


Day of Birth



B. Nirayana Rasi Chart:-

Ase. 28° 46' Venus 9° 90'


13° 58'

11 Cusp 1°19' -- -·


Ketu 25° 26'




XI Cusp 18° 19'

I _.....


Jupiter (R) 21° 22'


Rahu 25° 26'

' Moon2° 28' Saturn (R) 22° 35' VII Cusp


Balance of Sun Das:" atthe tirne of birth 3 years 4 months 20 days

Table ofCusps :I

Cusp - Pisces






Cusp -Taurus



Cusp -




Cusp - Cancer






Cusp - Virgo


VIII Cusp -






Cusp -


Cusp - Sagittarius



Cusp - Capricorn



Cusp - Aquarius


D. Vimshottari Dasa Das a




























3 -5-1956 15-10-1956 Rabu

3-5-1956 27-05-1956

E. Planetary occupationPlanet

Lord of constellation

Lord orSub

1. Sun



Lord of Sub Suh Moon

2. Mercury




3. Mars




4. Ra bu




5. Moon




6. Sarum(R)




7. Jupiter (R)




8. Ketu




9. Venus









13. VII Cusp


Sa tum


12. Xl Cusp






F. Bhava Chart-

VI Bbava l\scendant : Pisces 28°. 46' I Bhava Sun

II Bhava Mercury Mars

VII Bhava XII Bhava

Rahu Moon Saiurn (R) Jupiter (R) Ketn Venus

Planetary significations r---


Planet 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Sou Mercury Mars

Rahu Moon Saturn Jupiler Keto Venus U Cusp VU Cusp


Note :-

Lord of the Constellation 12 1 6 12 1 6 7 7 6 1 2 6

Lord of Sub

Lord of Sub Sub

23 10,1 10.1 4.7 10,1



12 2 7 1








2 7 1 7 12 12

2,3 6 5 2,3 6 5

12 7 7 2 7 12

10,l 10,1 11,12 6 8,9 5




10,1 11.12

6 2




10,l 6 11,12 4.7 10,1

6 10,1

23 23

Rahu deputises for Sun due to its occupation of Leo sign, ruled by Sun ; Similarly Ketu represents Saturn as it is in Aquarius, a sign ruled by Saturn.

Ill. Analysis Marriage means an addition to the family, hence the second house steps into Consideration. Conjugal relationship is denoted by the seventh house.



The 7th also rules contractual relationship. The 11th house indicates permanent tie of friendship. Marriage includes all these three. Hence let us consider the houses 2, 7 and 11 together. The second house is occupied by Mecury and Mars. Mercury governs Ashlesha, Jyeshta and Revathi. Mars governs Mrigasira, Chitrai and Dhanishta. No planet is in the constellations. So let us analyse the lord of the second house. Venus is lord of 2. Venus governs Bbarani, Pooram and Pooradam. Rahu is in Pooram and Sun is in Bharani. Take Rahu and Sun. The seventh house is occupied by Jupiter(R). A retrograde planet delays; hence delay in marriage is indicated. Jupiter governs Punarvasu, Visakam and Poorvapathra. Jupiter in Visakam and Ketu is in Poorvapathra. Take Jupiter and Ketu. The eleventh house is not occupied by any planet. Saturn 1s lord of 11. Saturn governs Pushyam, Anusham and Uthrapalhra. Only Venus is in Uthrapathra. Take Venus. Therefore Rahu, Sun, Jupiter, Ketu and Venus are the significators for marriage of this native. Of all these planets, Rahu, being a node is very strong more so because it has assimilated single handed the effect of all the three houses to be judged for marriage. How ? Rahu is in sign of Sun a significator for marriage. Moreover it is in the constellation of Venus, lord of 2, who is a strong significator, being in the constellation of lord of 11, especially when there is no occupant of 11th Bhava. Ra bu is further in the sub of Mercury, occupant of 2 and lord of 7 and in the sub sub of Jupiter, who is occupant of 7th Bhava and a significator, because of its position

47 in Visakam, a constellation ruled by itself. Hence it is deduced that Rahu is very strong and that the native will be manied in Rahu Dasa. The longitudinal distance between Sun and Rahu is 131°-28' which is applying sesqui-quadrate (135°) ; therefore Sun will not co-operate with Rahu in giving the effect of marriage. Similarly the longitudinal distance between Rahu and Keto is 180°, which amounts to opposition, and which is decidedly bad ; hence Keto also will not co-operate with Rahu in their conjoined period to give the effect of maniage. (Please refer to 1 Reader-Casting the Horoscope, page 112 ;Evil aspect among two planets who are the significators of the same matter do not co-operate-join hands to give a particular effect). The longitudinal distance of Venus and Rahu is 166° 26', hence good ; therefore it will co-operate with Rahu in giving good effect, especially when both are the strong significators for marriage. The native ran the Dasa of Rahu from 18-9-1943, but marriage materialised only when Venus Bhukti ran from 6-4-1955 to 6-4-1958. Only Venus is in the sub sub ofRahu and Rahu is in the constellation of Venus ; hence it can be easily deduced that Venus will co-operate with Rahu to give the effect of maniage. The maniage took place on 22-5-1956, when the native was running the Dasa of Rahu, Venus Bbukti. Rahu Anthea and Rahu Sookshma. Rahu came thrice' because of its strong influence. The day was ruled by Mars, occupant of 2 in the radical chart On this day Sun was transitting Krithikai, a constellation ruled by Sun, who is a significator for maniage. Moreover it was trasiling in 2nd Bhava from the radical chart

48 Moon was transitting Swathi, a constellation ruled by Rahu, a strong significator for marriage. Moreover it was also transitting in the 7th, Bhava from the radical chart The marriage began in Sagittarius ascendant, ruled by Jupiter, a significator for

marriage ; it lasted upto Aquarius ascendant. at the peak point of marriage (12 midnight), Ascendant was rising in Capricorn 28°-15', which is again 11th Bhava from the radical chart. Then thereafter ascendant also trasnsited Sathayam constellation, ruled by Rahu. Hence the accuracy of Krishnamurti Padhdhati in regard to pinpointing the date and time of marriage is verified.


WILL I BORROW ? It was on 6-9-1990 morning when a bosom friend of mine

peeped in. I received him and when at ease, he narrated his problem. He wanted to book a house in Lucknow Development Authority. He was running pennyless these days whereas the last date for registration was only upto 8-10-1990. Within this date he had to manage registration fee i.e. either Rs. 30,000 or 20,000 or 10,000 for HIG/MIG/UG house respectively. He had innate longing to book a H.l.G. House, for which he intended to borrow the sum i.e. Rs. 30,000 from either of his three friends. Since he wanted an answer in yes or no, I exploited Gulbarga Theory. He gave me No. 32 out of 249 for friend number one. 32 falls in Taurus, Moon Star, Jupiter sub. The ruling planets on 6-9-1990 at 8-59 a.m. at Lucknow were Day Lord



Libra, Mars star, Mercury Sub


Pisces, Saturn Star, Saturn Sub.

Here the sublord of 32/249 Jupiter is neither starlord of ascendant nor of Moon. Hence the answer was in negative - that I hold him. For the friend number two, he gave me No. 157/249. 157 falls in Scorpio, Saturn R Star, Jupiter Sub.

50 Ruling planet on 6-9-1990 at 9-13 a.m. l.S.T. at Lucknow. wereDaylord



Libra, Mars, Star, Venus Sub


Pisces, Saturn R.Star, Saturn R. Sub

Again, the sublord of 157/249. Jupiter was neither starlord of the ascendant nor of Moon. Negation was conveyed to him. For third friend, he gave me number 115/249. Ruling planets on 6-9-1990 at 9.19 AM. I.S.T. Lucknow.





Libra, Mars, Star, Moon Sub


Pisces, Saturn R. Star, Saturn R sub.

This time too, the Jupiter could not happen to be either asc. starlord or Moon star lord. I told him the fmal negation. A bit frustrated, he went back and emerged the very next day with a face, hovered by fresh air of expectations. He told that the thirty thousand repees loan from one person might be a heavy amount, so he had modified his query that time. Now his query was, shall I be able to borrow lbe sum i.e. 30 or 20 or 10 thousand rupees from any of the three persons. The query was slightly complicated, hence I thought it helter to cast a horary chart for which he gave the No. 204/249.

51 -.

Moon 18.06


II 03.22



v 00.18

IV 06-22 Mars 09-33 .

VI 24.29


I 23.20

07.09.1990 Friday 9-45 a.rn. I.S.T. 26-55' N 80 - 59' E 23.37 Ayanamsa No. 204/249 Harary chart:


Krisbnarnurti Padhdhati

Jupiter 10.26 Ketu 11.38

VII 23.20

Venus 6.10 Sun 20.40 Fort. 20.46 Mercury 22.37R

1138 Sat.25.18 R/S XII 24.29 Nep. 18.16 R/S Urs. 12.00 R/S XI 0.18







.. PLANET Sun Moon

Mars Mercury Jupiler Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Fortuna Uranus Neplune


- --

- '




- - --


Venus Jupiter Mercury Mercury Venus Sun Saturn Venus Saturn Sun t Rahu Ketu Mercury Venus Moon Mars Moon Saturn Venus Jupiler Ketu Mercury Venus Rahu


I 11





Saturn Ketu Sun Mars Jupiter Mercury

Mars Saturn Jupiter Mercury Mercury Mercury Mars



Sa tum


Ra bu

Rahu Mercury Ketu Mercury

ill IV






Ketu Venus

For analysis, I took the sublord of the VI cusp. It was Mercury. Mercury was retrograde which disappointed me at first

52 instance, but since it was quick moving of small planet that frequently became direct within 16 days, I proceeded. Mercury was lord of Vlth lhe house of loans. Mercury was in the star of Venus. Venus gave results of 7,4,9 firstly, and being in Ketu star who conjoined with Jupiter, it also gave results of houses 6 (position) 2, 11 and 12 (cusp lordship) and 3, 6, 11 (cusp star lordship). Required houses 2, 6and 11 were signified, but as per K.P. sub decided. Mercury was in Saturn's sub where Saturn as lord of 1 and as starlord of 2 and 10 was tenanted in 12. Further, Saturn was retrograde and was about to become stationary and of September. Mercury was to take the direct course on 18.09.1990. Mercury signifies correspondence, sending agent and borrowing in instalment. I told him that he would have to correspond or send agent and he might gel the loans frommore than one person because Mercury shows plurality. Again, Mercury being in Saturn's sub caused punarpboo, but since Saturn also signified 2nd cusp as starlordship, it favoured by getting the loans from one Saturnian too. Mercury showed that one or two Mercurian will give him the loans. About time, I told him that before 18.09.1990, he must correspond and after 24.09.1990, when Saturn would take a direct course, he might expect some favour. Also, I told him that Saturn's XII house signification would also bring its unfavourable result He was off with some uncertain mood. He visited me on 22.10.1990 in a gay mood. After thanking me he told that he had sent letters to all the three. The first one had not responded till the day, the second one had called him whose letter reached only after 18.09.1990 and the third one had sent a sum of ten thousand rupees on 28.09.1990 i.e. after

53 24.09.1990 when Saturn took a direct course. He visited the second one on 03.10.1990 who gave him ten thousand rupees on 06.10.1990. Thus, he had received twenty thousand repees, he easily got himself registered in L.D.A. for a MIG house on 08.10.1990. About the first one, who had not replied even after getting the letter, my friend snapped all ties with him by sending him a second letter.

It may be amazing as to bow only the VI cusp sublord told all this ; but for an honest K.P. Student, this is very simple and easy thing.


SEVENTH HOUSE AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE In July 1987, a friend of mine wanted to know when the marriage of bis sister-in-law (bis wife's cousin sisler) would take place. I asked him to get a number between 1 and 249 to be given by the girl. He obtained the number 105 given by the girl, by post as she was slaying at her native place Vizianagaram. Taking the number, I have prepared the following Horary Chart as per K.P ." System (advanced stellar astrology) on 4-8-1987 al 1.CB p.m. at Hyderabad and predicted lhal her marriage would lake place in March 1988.

I Vlll 28-19-431 Rahu 11-31-04

l VJ

Jupiter 5-44-56 lX 29-19-43



I x 29-19-43 I


-'- -

XI 29-19-43




-- -




I 29-13-20




Venus 12-37-17 Sun 17-49-45 Mars 24-39-16 XII 29-19-43




Mere. 1-50-24

IV 29-19-43 Saturn (R) · 21-07-22 \ Moon 6-52-33



Ketu 11-31-04 u 28-19-43

m 29-19-43 _L

KP. Ayanamsa : 23-34-49 Sa tum Dasa Balance 13 y. 11 m. 04 days.


I have taken 2, 7, 11 houses for consideration, as the 2nd house represents addition of a family member, 7th house is lhe house of matrimony and 1 l lb bouse is for fulfihnent of her desire. House position : Cusp I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII.

Star Lord Sun Mars Jupiter Mercury Sun Mars Jupiter Mercury Sun Mars Jupiter Mercury

Sub Lord Rahu Saturn Sun Saturn Rahu Saturn Sun

Star Lord Mercury Saturn Mercury Jupiter Ketu

Sub Lord Mercury Mercury Rahu Rahu Rahu Mars Venus Mercury Mars


Rahu Saturn Sun Salum

Planetary Position :Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn (R) Rahu Ketu


Mercury Saturn Moon



2nd House 1.

There are no planets occupied in the 2nd house.


Bhava Lord is Mercury.


Sun, Mars, Saturn are in the constellations of the Bhava Lord, Mercury.

7th House 1.

Rahu is deposited in the 7th house.


There are no planets in the constellations of the occupant, Rahu.


Bhava Lord is Saturn.


Venus, Moon, Rahu arc m the constellations of the Bhava Lord, Saturn.


The 7th cusp is strongly aspected by Mars by eighth sight

I Ith House 1.

Mercury. Venus, Sun, Marsare the occupants in the 11th house.

Sun, Mars, Saturn are deposited in the constellations of Mercury. There are no planets in the constellations of the other occupants, Venus, Sun, Mars. 3.

Bhava Lord is Mercury.


Sun, Mars, Saturn are deposited in the constellations of Mercury.


B. Ruling planets at the time ofjudgement. 1.

Lagna Sign Lord


(Libra 27-00-10) 2.

Lagna Star Lord



Lagna Sub Lord



Moon Sign Lord



Moon Star Lord



Moon Sub Lord



Day Lord


Therefore Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Mercury arc lhr Ruling Planets. As Jupiler is not a signifirator (directly) he is rejected and the Venus, Mars, Saturn and Mercury arc the common planets in (A) & (B).

C. Judgement. According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati if the Sub-Lord of the 7th cusp or Ihe Lord of the constellation in which the Sub-Lord of the 7lh cusp is deposited is the significator of 2 or 7 or 11 lh house, marriage is promised.

In lhe present case. 7th cusp sub-lord, Sun is deposited in the 11th house in the constellation and sub of Mercury is also deposited in the Ill h house and is the Lord of 2nd and l lth houses. Mercury is not only the occupant of the 11 lh house but also the lord of 2nd and 11th houses and posited in the sub of Rahu who is occupant of 7th house. Thus Mercury is the strongest significator. So marriage is promised

C>. Timing of the event. At the time of the judgement, the Dasa running is Saturn Dasa, Mercury Bhukti, Jupiter anthara upto 17-10-1987. As Jupiter is not a significator, his Anthara period is not considered.


Next Saturn's Anthara which runs upto 20.3.1988 has been taken into consideration and it is predicted that the marriage would take place in March, 1988 as the transit ofDasa, Bhukti and Anthara Lords also agrees by that time. Eventhough the Dasa Lord and Anthara Lords, Saturn is in retrogration at the time of judgement, he is a strong significator of 2, 7 and 11 houses and is posited in the star of Bhukti Lord, Mercury who is another strong significator of 2 and 11 houses and is in direct motion. Our guruji has pointed out emphatically that Saturn whenever he is a strong significator, no doubt he delays and drag the matter but tends to take the credit for himself and gives fruitful results during his Bhukti or Anthara periods. This is found to be true in all predictions. In this case Saturn comes into direct motion from 20-8-1987 onwards and the marriage will take place after this date only. The prediction came true and the marriage took place on 11-3-1988 and her parents felt very happy for my prediction as the girl was aged 30 years and they have seen many matches which have not materialised earlier and were worried about her marriage.


TWIN BIRTHS AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE SUB When we study twin births charts within a few minutes difference at the same place, a lot of difference will be recorded. The following case of twin births born at Jeypore on 3.1.1990 with a difference of 10 minutes whose birth charts are prepared. The lagna, the planetary position remain same in both charts but one suffered from ill health, the other passed away shortly after birth. Why is it so 7 A study of the following charts will reveal that the diametrically opposite effects experienced are due to the cuspal changes and the planet holding sway over cusps as as sub lord. Here I am furnishing the both the charts. A comparative study of the two charts will reveal that the sub lords of the cusps of houses in the two births are different. Otherwise the horoscope especially the planetary position, the sign the lagna and other house cusps and constellations as the different houses are the same. As Moon position in birth charts has not varied very much, the Vimshottari Dasa, Bhukti and Antara in both the cases also remains almost the same.

ANALYSIS: The sub lord of the ascendant in Chart 'A' is Venus, who is lord of Xfth house, which is Bhadhakastana to (moveable sign horns) and stationed in VII the marakastana. So the sublord is evil to span of life, but the constellation tenented by Venus is Moon and sublord is Rahu, the constellation lord Moon is lord of lagna in IX th house, and the sublord Rahu through occupant

in• Vllth (Marakastana), but signifiator of Vth and Xtb being occupant in Mars Star. Hence the Venus signifying the houses I and lX, the sublord signifying V and Xth. The houses I, V, IX and Xth are very good for longevity, even though the Ven us Bhadhakastanadhipalhi in Marakastana is very bad, but here the Venus itself cannot give the results of VII and XJ as there are planetes in Venus Star. According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati the Planets will give results as per their stellar positions. Hence Venus is a benefic to the native, though the child is to suffer with so many complications, but he will survive. Chart No. 'B' (i)

The sign lord of ascendant is Moon occupant in YIU lh house (a house of Danger) in the star of Saturn in Vllh Disease and lord of Vllth death, and lord of VIII th. all the 3 houses arc detrimental to health and longevity and the lord of lagna Moon is in the sub sub of Ke tu occupant in llnd Marakasthana. The Ketu being occupant in Leo, all alone, lake the agency of Sun who has gone in Vllh and conjoined with lord of Vil and VIII Saturn. Here the signification of Sun also not good as Sun is tenanted in Venus star Rahu Sub, both are on Vllth cusp. Hence the sub lord Ketu in whose sub the lagna lord occupied is spoiled. Hence the Moon lord of lagna cannot protect the child from death.


The star lord of lagna is Saturn a natural malefic and being lord of VII and VllJlh in Vlth in the starof Venus occupant in Vllth and lord Bhadhakastana Xllh, Hence, Saturn is number one malefic to close the life of the child.



The final and deciding factor for span of life is the sub lord of lagna cusp. The sub lord is Mars. Let us see the strength of Mars. Mars is lord of V and X in Vth. Jt is very good to prdmote the span of life of the native, but as per Krishnamurti Padhdhati the stellar position will reveal the facland deciding factor. The Mars is not able to give the results of V and Xth houses as there is planet in Mars star (namely Rahu). So Rahu will give the results of V and X, Mars can give the results only in which constellation andsub Mars tenanted. The Mars is in Mercury star and sub and sub sub of Rahu. The Mercury lord of Xllth Mokshasthana in Vllh Disease and conjoined with Venus lord of Bhadhakastana on Vllth cusp. Hence the Mars can give the results of VI, VII and X. th and also aspecting Vlllth (Danger) XI Bhadhakastana XII Mokshastana, with above signification Mars is very strong enough to close the life of his child. It is promising infant death.

ll1e child passed away on 29/30.5.1990 night al 3 a.m. al time of Dasa of Saturn Bhukti and Antara of Venus and Sukshma of Jupiter is running. The day being Tuesday (Mars). The star was Ashlesba (Mercury), the lagna was al 10 degrees of Mesha, the sign lord is Mars and star lord Ketu. the

Now let us see how these planets ruling at the time of demise are connected with death. The Dasa lord Saturn is in Vlth lord of VII and Vll in Venus star lord of Xlth Bhadhakastana on VII cusp. The bhukti and antara lord Venus is in Vllth cusp lord of Xhh both Maraka and Bhadhaka houses. The Sukshma lord is Jupiter, lord of VI in Xlth in Rahu star in Vllth in the sub of Saturn lord of VII and VIIJ in Vlth. The day lord Mars is significator of Vt, VII and

62 Xlllh houses. The star lord on the day of death is Mercury lord of Xlllb Vlth conjoined with Venus lord of XIth in Vllth cusp lagna lord Mars already discussed and star lord Keto is occupant in 11 house and agent of sun a significator of Vil and VJ and Xlth houses. All the above planets are Karakas for death and jointly operated lo close the life of the child. The lime of death will be indicated by the lord of VIII th. the lord of Vlllth is Saturn, who is in Jupiter sign Dhanus in Venus star. Hence the combination of Saturn, Venus, Jupiter are connected with lord of Vlllth. The period of death also Saturn dasa Bhukti and antara of Venus Sukshma of Jupiter operated. Transit at the time of demise of the child. Lagna rising in Mcsha (Mars) star lord ofKetu. Moon is in mercury star Jeyshta.

Sun in Venus sign (Taurus) Moon star, Jupiter sub in Xlth house. Mars Jupiter sign Saturn star and sub. Jupiter Mercury sign in Xlllh house, Rahu star. Venus Keto star Rahu sub. Saturn Sun star Jupiter sub Ail the planets arc transitting at the time of demise in the signs, stars and sub of signification of 2, 7, 11 and 12th houses

only. The difference between the preparation and analyse of the horoscope on traditional system and krishnamurti Padhdhati stellar system is to be well understood by the readers. On the


traditional system, the Lagna and the planetary position in the above 2 birth charts would be the same, whereas in the Krishnamurti Padhdhati stellar system, the Lagna sublord is different causing one die and the other to survive, owing to Lag. sublord's connection within the star and sublord in which it is deposited. It goes without saying such minute factor which brings about varying results in a short space of time can be predicted and the principles of Krishnamurti Padhdhati stellar system only.

WHEN WlbL THE FIRST CHILD BE BORN? People come across happy occasions in their lives with the blessings of God. One such occasion is marriage. The purpose of marriage is living in the company of another person with a permanent tie of friendship in sharing the ups and downs of life. The sanctity of marriage lies in total understanding between the couple and leading a religious and holy life. Marriage is otherwise termed as legal bondage. Life does not stop with marriage. Man fmds happiness in having a child or children to make life enjoyable, Whether the couple want a child or not they are answerable to several questions from relations and elders in the family regarding their having a child soon after marriage. As days and months pass by, especially when the couple desire to have a child, they become anxious when conception does not occur. Thus they begin going to doctors to check up their fertility.

The subject querent was anxious to know when would be her first child delivered ? Smt. M. Uma, my colleague was married in February 1990. The question was put to me on 25-5-1990, and I took up the investigation of the same on 25.5.1990 itself at 11.23 a.m. IST at Madras. The number given


between 1 -249 was 197. The cuspal and planetary positions were as follows

Venus 0.23 Mercury 16.36 IV 21.14

XI 20.19

Mars 155

Sun 10.09 v 18.27 Moon 20.54

T Vl 14.16 Jupiter 1749


II 15.59

V1l 11.53.20 Keto 17.13

Number: 197

Dale: 25-5-1990


Day: Friday Time: 11.23 a.m. Place : Madras

Rahu 17.13

111.53.20 Saturn (R) 1.24


VIII 15.59

_l XI 18.27

Xll 14.16

x 21.14


Star lord

IX 20.19


Sub Lord


Sub lord




































66 We have to judge the V cusp for the birth of a child. Here the V cusp sub Lord is Mercury. Mercury is in the ill in the star of Venus in Ill. Mercury is in the sub of Moon in the V. Moon is in its own star and thus becomes a powerful significator of the

V. Smt. M. Uma will certainly have a child. XI cusp sub Lord is also Mercury and hence consolidates the birth of a child by way of strongly signifying the V and also fulfdment of the desire. The II house tells of additions in the family. Here the II cusp sub Lord is Venus, posited in the Ill. Venus is in the star of Keto representing Moon in V. Venus is also in the Sub of Keto again representing Moon in V. Hence the II cusp sub Lord assures addition in the family by way of progeny signified by the

v. II Cusp Sub Lord Venus is in the Sub ofKetu is in the star of Mercury in the ill. Keto is also in the Sub of Mercury in the ill. Mercury by tenanting a Venusian star again signifies the ill.

Being XI to the V fosters the birth of a child. It is heartening to note that the query is easily answered

through Krishnamurti Padhdhati. Let me at this stage prostrate to the memory of our living GUR UJI late Sri K.S. Krishnamurti, who has handed down to us

his unfailing Krishnamurti Padhdhati in a lucid manner. Coming back to the query at hand, WHEN will the first child be bora? Our Guruji has taught us to use the Ruling Planets for the TIME of fructification of an event. The Ruling Planets at 11.23 A.M. were as follows :



Moon (Cancer)

Lagna Star


Moon Star




Day Lord


Lagna lord Moon in the sub of Saturn denotes delay. In the horary figure Saturn is retrograde and posited in the XII and confirms the delay. In the horary figure the V cusp sub Lord is connected to Moon, the fastest planet, while the Lagna cusp sub Lorcl is Saturn in the Ruling planets which is the slowest. Hence I took the transit of Sun in Taurus in the star of Moon and in the sub of Mercury for the birth of the child, i.e. on 3.6.1991. Result Readers will be happy to note that Smt. Uma has been declared pregnant by her doctor, and the delivery is expected in June 1991. As the Ruling Planets are Moon, Venus and Mercury, especially the V strongly connected with Moon indicates a female child. May lord Mahaganapathy bless Smt. Uma's family, and everyone of the readers. I thank Sri. K. Hariharan, who on behalf of all of us is leading in promoting this Divine science.


THE MIRACLE THAT IS KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI Where medical science fails, Krishnamurti Padhdhati succeeds, and it not only shows miracles but serves as an eye-opener to all those groping in the dark regarding the wonderful accuracy of advanced stellar astrology contained in Krishnamurti Padhdhati. One of the top officials (who is also my best friend) wanted me to predict the correct date and time when his wife would give birth to a child as she was in the family way. I immediately wanted to put the principles of Krishnamurti Padhdhati to test and asked him to give a number within 249. He said "245". (a) the number •245• mentioned shows the lagna in Pisces sign, Revathi nakshatra, i.e., between 22-13-20 and 23-20. This area is rnled by Guru as the sign IOJd, Budha as the star lord and Moon as the sub lord. (b) the Moon at the time of query was also passing over Cancer (Kalaka) 28° 1',which area is ruled by Moon as the star lord, Mercury as the lord of the nakshatra and Saturn as sub lord. (c) The day was Tuesday, its lord being Mars, which at that moment was in 28° 52' Vrischika, Mars sign, Mercury nakshatra and Saturn sub. Summing up (a), (b) and (c), the positions of the planets functioning as significators were : (a) Jupiter, Mercury and Moon. (b) Moon, Mercury and Saturn. (c) Mars, Mercury and Saturn.

69 The above significators immediately gave me the clue that the strongest among them were Mercury, Moon and Saturn and the date of birth of the child would be on the day when Sun will pass over Virgo sign, Hasta nakshatra, i.e., 15-40 to 17-46-00 = Mercury sign, Moon nakshatra and Saturn sub which will be only on the night of Saturday, the 4th October, 1969 and before Sun-rise on Sunday. Accordingly, I asked the gentleman to reserve a cabin in the Nursing Home, from the 4th October, 1969 and shift his wife there on the afternoon of that date.He was not prepared to heed to my advice on the ground that his family physician and the lady doctor treating bis wife for the last eight months had emphatically told him the date of birth as 27-9-1969 and accordingly all his arrangements in the Nursing Home were finalised. His family physician was also present at the party and, on hearing of my prediction, he came to argue with me. He confirmed again that the date calculated was 27-9-1969 on the basis of medical science and could not fail. I simply smiled and told the gentleman who put the query that if he could easily afford to bear the charges of the nursing home for one week unnecessarily, he could do so. I further informed him that after an hour when I would go backhome, even the correct time of birth could be given to him by me, after a detailed calculation. He accompanied me to my place and, after detailed working, 1 told him that the date of birth would be 4/5-10-1969 (Saturday night) and the time would be 2-50 a.m. (IST). He profusely thanked me for my labours. Under medical guidance, he shifted his wife to the Nursing

Home on 25-9-1969 and kept her there till 29-9-1969 but without any avail. He then came to my place on 30-9-1969 to get my confirmation again. I held to the same opinion. According to my advice, he again admitted his wife in the Nursing Home on 4-10-1969. The next morning at 6 a.m. he


came this time to congratulate me on my prediction - he was blessed with a son at 2-50 am. on Saturday night, i.e. on 4/5-10-1969, precisely as was predicted 26 days in advance.

Is it not a miracle of Krishnamurti Padhdhati ? How wonderfully the result came correct while the calculations of medical science utterly failed ? Now, for the information of the students of Krishnamurti Padhdhati I am giving below the details of my calculations on the basis of which the prediction was made.


When is the birth of the child expected ?



Time of Judgment: Tuesday, 9-9-1969. Place of Judgment : Calcutta. The number "245" represents the area in the zodiac between 22° 13' 20" and 23° 20' 00" in Pisces (Meena), i.e., Jupiter sign, Mercury star, Revathi, and in that the sub of Moon (Chandra).



Saturn (R) 1 15-11 Lagna 22-13-2D II 25-30 t--- _.....,




IV 17-30 .





13-30 Moon 29-7-43 · Ven. 20-21

Rahu 27-45 XII 14-30

r-- - -


VI 14-30 Sun 23-24 Ketu 27-45

XI 13-30




Mars 29-44 1X23-30

vn VIIl 25-30

22-13-20 Jup. 16-31 Mere. 19-05

71 Constellation lord occupied






























Note : The nodes, firstly, give the results of the planets with which they are conjoined and, secondly, the results of the lord of the sign occupied by them. Thus, Rahu represents Saturn ; Ketu is a substitute for Sun. For the birth of children, houses 2, 5 and 11 are to be taken into account The second stands for "Kutumba" or family, addition to the number of family members, etc. The fifth house rules progeny; the 11th house, its opposite, also indicates as it is in 5 counted from the seventh house (wife or husband) . Cusp of house


Nirayana longitude of the house, nakshatra lord and sub lord ruling the house

Owner of the cusp

Planets in ! •ignifica1ors similar group of

Planet in

1be bhava





25" Mesha 30'



Venus-Mercury 13° Kataka 20'




Moon Venus



l7"Makara 30'






Mercury Jupiter Saturn

Mars Moon Venus


Mercury Saturn




Common signiftcacors : Mars, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Saturn and Sun


Ruling Planets The planets who rule at the moment of judgment are : (i) Lord of the dayMars

(ii) Lord of the rasi occupied by MoonMoon (iii)Lord of the nakshtra where Moon transitsMercury (iv)Lord of the lagna at the time of the judgment Venus (v)Lord of the constellation occupied by lagnaMoon Therefore, the ruling planets are Mars, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Moon and Sun. The significators of houses 2, 5 and 11 were considered as Mars, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn. (a) Mercury, Saturn and Rahu are in the sub of Mercury ; (b) Mercury is in the nakshatra of Moon ; (c) Rahu represents Saturn ; and (d) Sun, Moon and Mars are in the sub of Saturn. As such, the strongest significators are Mercury, Moon and Saturn. It was therefore calculated that the delivery will take place when the Sun transits over Mercury sign, Moon nakshatra (Hastha) which was possible on the 4th/5th October night. Regarding the correct tirrte of birth, the position of the Moon on 4th/5th October, 1969 wJ.considered, i.e., when it would pass over the Moon sign Kataka, Saturn nakshatra Pushyam, Saturn sub and Mercury sub sub, i.e., 3° 41' Kataka, which will be only

73 at 2-50 a.m. (IST). The Ascendant at that lime will be 10° 56' in Simha, in Sun sign, Ketu nakshatra and Saturn sub. The horoscope of the child was also prepared in advance, based on the calculated data given to my friend on 9-9-1969. It is now for the learned reader to judge the merits of "KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI" as it is absolutely beyond the scope of any traditional method of astrology to arrive at such a surprisingly correct result. The proof of Ihe pudding, verily, is in the eating.



Date of birth: 15th July 1941.


Time of birth : 11-54 p.m. T.S.T.

= 12-15-36 a.m.

on 16thJuly, 1941.


Place of birth: Lat. 23.15 N. : Long. 87.54 E.


Day of birth: Tuesday.

B. Nirayana Rasi Chart :

Moon 23-37 Mars 14-32 Ketu 2-53 I-

Ascendant 12-04



Saturn 2-54 Jupiter 18-17

Mercury 13-34 Sun 29-54 Venus 23-13


Rahu 2-53

1. Sidereal Time adopted for moment of birth 19hours 47 minutes 47 seconds. 2. Ayanamsa 22.56.


c. Table Of Cusps: 1.

Cusp - Aries

















D. Dasa System : Balance of Mercury Dasa at birth: 8 yrs. 1mth20days.

Das a



Mercury Ketu


















Jupiter Jupiter






















Lortl of

in the chart

Lord ofthe Constellation




























IV Cusp



IX Cusp



XI Cusp



II Cusp



VI Cusp



X Cusp




F. Bhava Chart : Bhava 1 - Saturn Bhava I I -Jupiter Bhava Ill - Mercury ,Sun Bhava IV - Venus Bhava V - Rahu Bhava XI - Ketu Bhava XII - Mars, Moon




Lord of Constellation Occupying


Lord of Su~ Occupying Ruling






























Ke tu















Note :- Rahu is equivalent to Mercury because it is posited in Virgo, a sign ruled by Mercury ; similarly Ketu is equivalent to Jupiter as it is posited is Pisces, a sign ruled by Jupiter. II. The Query The native asks two questions : 1. Will my educational qualification be increased '.'

2. Will I get a suitable job befitting my qualification ? III. Astrological analysis

Answer to QuestionNo. 1. According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati, the educational qualifiations, especially the degrees, attained by any person are to be judged from 4th house. 9th house stands for higher studies, deep insight and an element of research too. As it amounts to realisation or fulfilment of desire, 11th house should also be considered.

78 At the time of judgment, i.e., on 8th July, 1967 at 12-15 a.m., the day is Saturday, ruled by Saturn, lord of 11 in the radical chart Jupiter, kataka for education, is transitting in the 4th Bhava, and that too in the constellation of Saturn, lord of 10 and 11. Moon is also transitting the constellation of Jupiter, lord of 9, indicating higher studies and the SUB of Saturn, again lord of 10 and 11 in the radical chart Ascendant falls in aries 1° 21 *, thus posited in the constellation of Keto, the sole occupant of 11th Bhava and in the SUB of Venus, occupant of 4th Bhava and lord of 2, one of the houses concerned with income. Hence it is deduced that the native will realise his ambition. Now let us analyse houses 4, 9 and 11 in the radical chart to come to a definite conclusion.

4th house is occupied by Venus. Venus rules Bharani, Poorva Palguni and Poorvashada. No planet is in these constellations. Similarly no planet is in the sub of Venus. Hence Venus is weak. Moon is lord of 4. Moon rules Rohini, Hastham, and Sravanam. Only Jupiter is in Rohini, so take Jupiter. But as Jupiler is occupying the sign Taurus, ruled by Venus, his natural enemy, he is also weak. 9th house is occupied by any planet Jupiter is lord of 9. Jupiter rules Punarvasu, Visakam and Poorvapathra. Keto is in Poorvapathra and Sun is in Punarvasu. So take Keto and Sun. Keto, being a node, is powerlul. Moreover. it is also posited in the sign Pisces, ruled by Jupiter. So accept Keto. But Sun is posited in 3rd. Bhava, which is 12th from 4lh, hence it cannot give increase in academic qualifi
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