Jyotish Hora Makarand No Sanskrit.

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Text with Translation and Notes By H.K. THITE

INTRODUCTION "Hora Makarand'- seems to have been penned by the author with a view to synthesizing views of various earlier writers ranging from Parashara to Satyacharya and Varahamihira Needless to mention that in the historical chronology of writers on astrology, Varahamihira is most authentic and presents a both platform for further research and allows modifications of interpretations to suit the contemporary terms. And this text should be seen as another further step in this direction initiated by Varahamihira. The text does present some very original and useful views for use of divisional charts, ashtakvarga, and span of life besides offering rare clues on natal, horary and transit horoscopes. To sum up, it would not only help evaluate the status of Indian astrology as it existed a few centunes ago but would also introduce some new concepts insights and observations valuable and useful, both for the researcher, or scholar the student. The very human touch makes things imperfect. And so is this translation of Mine. Please do not hesitate to help me improve it further by pointing out improvements to the publ ishers but for whose efforts this book would not have seen the light of the day. The text of Horamakarand is of great value to the scholars of astrology as well as to the students as it has been composed after studying the work of great sages. H.K. THITE


Pet the rising Sun looking like a glittering snake hood on the eastern mountain or like a tender leaf on a day tree or a Lotus In the skylake gives us power of speech. / /1 / /

Let the Goddess Bharati ( Saraswati) who looks like a garland of whit flowers and who herself is a science and who looks amongst the shcolars like a female swan in the lake known as Manssarovar, get success. Similarly the Sun and the other planets in the constellation and also the Lotus feat of my holy teacher get success. 11211

li Though I have composed this (Hora Makarand) afterstudying carefully the various subjects in the astrological works of the sages like Badarayan. Vashistha, Parashara, etc. with my scantier understanding, the credit of it goes to those sages. 11211

Let the delightful knowledge in the charming verses'from the work of Varahamihir remove the darkness away from my Moon like heart and give happiness to all and be succsssJHAH

Why my verses (in Hora Makarand) like a sound of humming bees wondering over a fully bloomed Lotus due to the rays of the full Moon, will notgive happiness to the earsofthe scholars? 11511

Like a humble bee devoted to the Lotus feet of my father I, Gunakar, now collect the sweet honey (Makarand) from the bunch of flowers like faultless Hora Books of the ancient sages. //6//

There is no alternative for a human being to know as to-how and when he will earn money for his livliehood, wealth and prosperity and how he will overcome the difficult situations in life, except astrology. / /7//

There is no one else other than astrologer who can read, with the help of the principles of astrology, as to what has been written by the god almighty on the forehead of a man, //8//

This astrology illuminates the good or bad deeds of the past births with the help of Dasha system of the planets like Sun, chronologically, just like things in the dark become visible in the light of a lamp //9//

Some sages think that the word "Hora" is derived from the word "Ahoratra" by dropping the first alphabet "A" and the last alpha-

bet "Tra". Some other sages think that the point between the horizen and ecliptic is "Hora". While some other think that one half of the sign is "Hora". • //iO// End of Preface.

CONTENTS 1." 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 36. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

Convcntion.il Terms 1 Traits and Predominance of Planets II Non-Human Births 25 On Conception Etc. 31 Birth Conditions 47 Factors of Span of Life 59 Cancellation of Yogas of Short Life Created by Moon 69 Cancellation of Evil Effects Caused by all Planets 76 Span of Life 80 Ruling and Sub-Ruling Periods 86 Sub-Ruling Periods 96 Astakavarga 104 Nature of Profession 113 Rajayogas 116 Nabhasa Yogas 125 Voshi, Veshi and Ubhayachari Yogas 132 Lunar Yogas 134 Combination of Planets and Ascetic Yogas 139 Traits of Astcrisms (Nakshatras) 143 Moon in different Signs and their Results 147 Planets in Signs and results 153 Effects of the Rays of Planets 160 Aspects of Moon 166 Results of Planets in various Houses 174 Planets in Vargas 179 Karnkas 184 Anislita or Misfortune 186 Female lloroscopy 192 Death 200 Results of Decanate 206 Unknown (Lost) Horoscopes 214 Appendix: Additional Information About Decanates 220


Limbs of God Almighty (Kalapurusha)

The limbs of the God almighty, allotted to the twelve signs are as follows ARIES: Head, Taurus: Face, Gemini: both arms, Cancer; Heart, Leo: Stomach, Virgo; Waist, Libra: below navel, Scorpio; genital organs, Sagittarius: both thighs. Capricorn: both knees, Aquarius: shanks. Pisces: Feet. //I// Commentary:- The limbs as above of God almighty are indicated according to signs. If the signs are with the malefics or aspected by the malefics they should be considered as afflicted and if the signs are with benefics they should be considered without affliction. Description of Twelve Signs


Hora Makarana

A man with the thighs like a horse and a bow in his hand is a description of the sign Sagittarius Two fishes with the faces near the fails of each other is the description of the sign Pisces. A lady with a Lute in her hand and a man with a Mace in his hand is the description of the sign Gemini. A man going to fetch water with an empty vessel on his shoulder isthe description of the sign Aquarius. A ten years girl with fire in one hand and food grains in the other hand sitting in a boat is the description of the sign Virgo. A man sitting with a balance in his hand isthe description of the sign Libra. A creature with a face of deer and the remaining part of the body that of a crocodile is the description ofthe sign Capricorn. The descriptions of the remaining signs (i.e. Aries Taurus, Cancer, Leo and Scorpio) are according to their nature and resemblances (of the animals and creatures in Sanskrit Language). //2knd 311 Strength of Planets in Signs

The Lord ofthe six signs from Leo in sequence is Sun and the Lord ofthe six signs from Cancer in reverse is Moon, The planets In the signs owned by the Sun get strength while the planets in the signs owned by the Moon become soft (without strength), //4// The Signs 01 Sun and Moon.

After observing the brave nature of the sign Leo the Sun owned it and due to his watery nature the Moon owned the watery signCancer (which is also nearer to Leo). Commentary The Sun shines with splendour In the sky during the day time and the sign Leo is also dignified and bright one. This is the reason why Sun owned Leo. Similarlyjust like Sun shines during the day time the Moon shines in the sky like a king at night. The sign Cancerthough watery, is aiso royal and, therefore Moon owned it. On this basis it can be said that the signs Leo and Cancer are brave and roval. //5//

Conventional Terms


Acquisition of Houses by Mars etc

After acquisition of houses by Sun and Moon the other five planets approached them for allotment of houses. The Sun and the Moon allotted one to each of them out ofthe remaining signs. Accordingly, Mercury got Virgo and Gemini, Venus got Libra and Taurus, Mars got Aries and Scorpio, Jupiter got Sagittarius and Pisces and Saturn got Capricorn and Acquarius. //6// Lords of Signs and Navamamsha.

Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter arc the Lords of the twelve signs in order and also lords of the signs in Navamamsha respectively. One sign is of3() degrees and one Navamamsha is of 3 degrees 20 Kalas. The first Navamamsha of the signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer, is that of Aries; Capricorn. Libra and Cancer respectively. The Navamamsha of signs Leo etc., are also in the same Order. (l.C. for Leo-Aries, for Virgo-Capricorn, for Libra-Libra and for Scorpio-Cancer. Similarly for Sagittarius - Aries, for Capricorn-Capricorn, for Acquirius-Libra and for PiscesCancer). mu Classification of Signs and Directions.

II The signs Aries etc. are classified as Male and Female and cruel and tender alternately. They are further classified as movable, fixed and duel and are allotted East, South, West and North directions, respectively. //8//


Hnra Makarand




Moviiblc etc.


Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scropio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Cruel Tender Cruel Tender Cruel Tender Cruel Tender Cruel Tender Cruel Tender

Movable Fixed Duel Movable Fixed Duel Movable Fixed Duel Movable Fixed Duel

East South West North East South West North East South West North


Hora, Drekkana and Dwadashatmha

In the odd signs (i.e. Aries etc.) Hora is that of Sun fiom 1 to 15 degrees; and that of Moon from 16 to 30 degrees; while in the even signs (i.e Taurus etc.) Hora is that of Moon from 1 to 15 degrees and that of Sun from 16 to 30 degrees. One third part of sign is cal led drekkana and their lords in due order. 11911 Commentary One third of the sign is called Drekkana. The first Drekkana of the sign is of the same sign lord (from ) to 10 degrees) the second Drekkana of the sign is that of the sign lord 5th from it (fiom 11 to 20 degrees and in case of Aries it is Sun the Lord of Leo), the 3id Diekkana of the sign is that of the sign lord 9th from it (fiom 21 to 30 degrees and in case of Aries it is Jupiter the lord of Sagittarius). Different Opinions About Hora and Drekkana.

Conventional Terms


Some astrologers consider the first Hora of the lord of the sign and the second one that oftheLord of the sign 11 th from it. As regards Drekkana they consider the first Drekkana that of the lord of the sign, the second one that of the lord of thetweith sign from it and the third one ofthe lord ofthe eleventh sign from it. //I0//

According to some astrologers the lords ofthe first, second and third Drekkanas in fixed signs are that ofthe lords of the Nincth, first and fifth signs. In respect of movable signs they are ofthe lords ofthe first, fifth and nineth signs from them and regarding duel signs they are of the lords of the fifth, nineth and first signs from them. (This view has not been accepted by all astrologers). /AM Saptamasha and Vargottam Indication

Each sign when divided into seven parts is called Saptamasha. Each sapiamasha is of four degrees and seventeen Kalas. In odd signs the lord ofthe first saptamsha is that of the same sign and in even signs the lord ofthefirst saptamsha is that ofthe seventh sign from it. The remaining Saptamshas in each sign are in order. In' shadvargas if sign bebngs to the lord ofthe same sign in the Varga it is called vargottama or if it is the same in Navamamsha it is cal led vargoctamamsha. //12/1 Commentary: The lord ofthefirst Saptamsha in odd sign Aries is Mars and thereafter, oftheremaining Saptamshas are Venus, Mercury in order. The lord ofthefirst Saptamsha in even sign-Taurus is the lord of the Seventh from it. i.e. Mars and thereafter, Jupiter Saturn etc. in order. In Shadvargas, if the sign h .'longing to the lord is the same in the Varga it is called Vargo.nma and in case of Navamamsha it is called Vargottamsha. Triiiishanisha and Their Lords


Hora MaKarana

Fault sign is of 30 degrees of which in odd signs the lord of first five degrees is Mars, second five degrees is Saturn, the lord of iOto i 8 degrees is Jupiter, Lord of 18 to 25 degrees is Mercury and the lord of 25 to 30 degrees is Venus and in respect of even trimshamsha the order is in reverse. //!3// Commentary : In each sign there are 30 degrees. When it is divided into 30 parts each part is called trimshamsha. The method of calculation of Trimshamsha is quite different from that of other vargas. In odd signs the first five degrees is Aries Trimshamsha and its lord is Mars. The second from 5 to 10 degrees is Aquarius trimshamsha and its lord is Saturn. The third is from 10 to 18 degrees is Sagittarius Trimshamsha and its lord is Jupiter. The fourth from 18 to 25 degrees is Gemini Trimshamsha and its lord is Mercury. The last from 25 to 30 degrees is of Libra Trimshamsha and its lord is Venus. Inthe even sign the first five degrees is Taurus trimshamsha and its lord is Venus. The second from 5 to 12 degrees is Virgo Trimshamsha and its lord is Mercury. The third, from 12 to 20 degrees is Pisces Trimshamsha and its lord is Jupiter. The fourth from 20 to 25 degrees is Capricorn Trimshamsha and its lord is Saturn and last from 25 to 30 degrees is Scorpio Trimshamsha and its lord is Mars. Names of Saptavargas.

Graha (Kshetra), Hora. Drekkana Saptamsha. Navamamsha. Dwadashamsha, and Trimshamsha are seven vargas in one sign (Raslii). The strength of each of these Varga should be considered diminishing in order. Names of 12 Signs

Conventional Terms


Aries isaiso called Krlya, Taurus is called Tavuri, Gemini is called Jita, Cancer is called Kulir, Leo is called Leya, Vrigo is called Pathona, Libra is called Jook, Scorpio is called Kaurpya. Sagittarius is called Taukshika, Capricorn-is called Akokera, Aquarius is called Hridroga and Pisces is called Antya. Sign of Exaltation and Debilitation of Planets.

The exaltation sign of Sun is Aries, of Moon is Taurus, of Mars is Capricorn, of Mercury is Virgo, of Jupiter is Cancer, of Venus is Pisces and of Saturn is Libra. The degrees of deep exaltation are of Sun -1 Oth degrees in Aries, of Moon 3rd degree in Taurus, of Mars 28th degree of Capricorn, of Mercury 15th degree of Vrigo; of Jupiter 5tl. degree of Cancer; of Venus 27th degree of Pisces and of Saturn 20th degree of Libra. The seventh sign from the sign of exaltation is the sign of debilitation and 180th degree from the deep exaltation degree is the deep debilitation degree ofthesaid planet. /A5//,16//17// Names of 12 Bhavas

Tanu, Dhana, Sahaja.Suhruta. Suta, Ripu, Jaya, Mrityu, Dhrama. Karma, Aaya and Vyaya are ihc names of the 12 Bhavas in order (in addition to these names) Saplam Bhava is called Dyuna, Madan.


Hota MaKarana

Mada, Dyoona, Jamitra and Asta. The fourth and eighth Bhavas are called Chaturastra. The tanu Bhava (ascendant) is called Kalpa. The third Bhava is called Sahaja and Vikram. The second Bhava is called Swa andKutumba. The Ripu Bhava (sixth) is called Kshata. Shatkona and Arigraha, Eighth Bhava is called Randhra. Tenth Bhava is called Maan. Meshurana. Nabha, Aaspada, Aadnya and Karma, lire firth Bhava is called Traydya, Kona, Tanaya Dhee. The twelth Bhava is called RiiTa, Antya. All these are the special names of Bhavas. Qth Bhava is called Tapa, Triirikona and Navamsha. The third Bhava is called Dushchikya. The eleventh Bhava is called Bhava. Rudra, Upantyabha. //18//, /A 9//. //20// Mooltrikona Signs and Names of 4th Bhava n Names of the 4th Bhava are Patala, Hibuka, Sukha, Veshma, Chaturtha and Ambu. Sun's Mooltrikona sign is Leo; Moon's Taurus; Mar's Aries; Mercury's Virgo; Jupiter's Sagittarius; Venus's Libra and Saturn's Aquirius. » Mooltrikonamsha and Upachaya Sthana

In respect of Moon Oto 3 degrees in Taurus are exaltation and the remaining 27 degrees are Mooltrikona. In respect of Mercury 0 to 15 degrees in Virgo are exaltation, 15 to 20 are Mooltrikona and the remaining are of his own as lord of the sign. In respect of Sun, Mars. Jupiter. Venus and Saturn 0 to 20 degrees arc Mooltrikona and the remaining 10 degrees ai e of their own being the lords oftlie signs which are mentioned in stanza above.. The 3rd, 6th. 10th and 11th houses fiom ascendant are called "Upachaya". //21 //. //22//. //23//

Conventional Terms


Kcndra, Panaphar, Aapoclccm and Trikona

Ascendant. 4th. 7th and I Oh houses are called Kendra, Kantak and Chatuslaya. Next four houses to them (i .e. 2,5,8. & Jl)are called Panaphar and next four to them (i.e 3,6.9, & I2)arecalled Aapocleem. 5th and 9th houses are called Trikona. Strength of signs in day-night, Shccrshodaya, Pnsthodaya and Gandanta signs.

Leo, Virgo,Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces signs get strength in Daytime and also called, including Gemini, Sheershodayee. Signs Aries, Taums. Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn get strength in the night, and except Gemini are called Prishthodaya signs. The sign Pisces is called Ubhaydayee. Pristhodayee are Rising by hinder part, Shirshodayee are rising by head and Ubhayodayee is rising by both head and tail and therefore cal led accordingly. The signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are called Gandanta signs. Ascension of Signs

The ascension of sign Aries is 200 Palas; of Taurus 240 Palas; of Gemini 280 Palas; of Cancer 320 Palas; of Leo 360 Palas; of Virgo 400 Palas of Libra 400 Palas of Scorpio 360 Palas; of Sagittarius 320 Palas; of Capricorn 280 Palas; of Acquirius240 Palas; and of Pisces 200 Palas. Commentary : Cancer Leo, Virgo Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius are the sign of Long ascension while the remaining are of short ascension. Whether tffe limbs ofthehuman beings or animals are short or long etc. are considered according to the short or long signs indicating the limbs. In the horary astrology whether the road on which any article is lost is a small, narrow or a highway etc. can


Hora Makarand

be indicated by the signs. The Colours of Signs.


The colours indicated by the signs are:Arics-red; Taurus - White: Gemini-Green Parrot Colour, Cancer-Blackish red; Leo-darkishwhite; Virgo-variegated colour: Libra-blackish; Scorpio-golden; Sagittarius-Yellowish: Capricorn- brownish; Acquirius-darkish brown like mongoose; and Pisces - like a normal fish colour. The directions indicated by signs are according to the directions indicated by their lords. //27// Commentary In the horary astrology the colour ofthe absconding thief or anybody in mind and the direction of his residence is indicated by the sign. The colourofthe items of trade which will be beneficial also can be indicated by the sign. Thus ends the First Chapter about Rashibheda of Hora Makarand Composed by Gunakar.


Each planet is supposed to be a Karaka or significator of certain events in life. The following are the main Karakas of Kalapurusha Sun - Soul: Moon - Mind; Mercury - Speech; Mars and VenusSexual happiness; Jupiter- Braveness with wisdom and happiness: Saturn - Sorrow and Misery. The Sun and The Moon are Kings; Mercury - Prince; Mars Commander-in-chief; Jupiter and Venus are Ministers and SaturnServant. //I// Commentary: In the astrological field the universe is personified. The term Aatma-Soul representing the traits ofthe Sun has many connotations. In the first instance, It is self i.e. the person to whom the birth chart belongs. It is Aatma - soul, that keeps the whole human system going. The parts or limbs of body are indicated by the signs. If those signs are occupied by their lords or aspected by him or by benefic planets, the indicated limbs are healthy. Similarly, the planets indicating Aatma, mind, power, speech, wisdom, sex


Hora Maxarana

etc. are with strength in the horoscope they indicate the trait. Jfthe concerned are, powerless they indicate loss. Colours and Directions of Planets.

The colour ofthe Sun is Red (Copper); the Moon-white: MarsRed (Blood-red); Mercury-Blue (it should have been dark green); Jupiter-Bright yellow; Venus - mixureofall colours and Saturn Black. Directions of planet. Sun - East Venus - South East Mars - South Moon - West North Saturn - West Jupiter - North East Mercury - North Note:-Rahu indicates West South. //2// Commentary : On the basis of the strength of the planets the colour ofthe native and in horary astrology the colour of thethief or the person in mind should be predicted. The powerful planet in the quadrant indicate the labour room or the direction of the article lost orthe direction of athief orthe direction of travel indicating gain. Bcncfic and Malefic Planets

II3II The Sun, Mars, Saturn, waning Moon (new Moon) and badly associated Mercury are evil or malefic planets and waxing Moon (full Moon), Jupiter, Venus and well associated Mercury are benefic or good planets. /BU Commentary :- If the malefic planets are powerful at the time of birth the native is arrogant sinful and hot tempered, and if the benefic planets are powerful the native is good natured, mild and thoughtful.




of Planets

Castes of Planets

Venus and Jupiter are Brahmins. Sun and Mars arc KshatriyaMoor and Mercury are Vaishya and Saturn is of mixed caste or lowei caste. UAH CommentaryThe planet who is powerful at the time of birth 01 time horoscope indicate the caste of the native or thief or the person in mind. Divisions of Planets According to Vedas & Sex

Mars is the Lord of Samved, Venus is the lord of Yajurved, Jupiter is the lord ofRigved, Mercury is the lord of Atharvaved. Saturn and Mercury are eunuch, Moon and Venus ate female planets while Sun, Mars and Jupiterare male planets. //5/r Commentary:- Vedas should be determined according to castes ofplanets and sex should be detemrined according to planetary positions. The planets at the time of query indicate the sex ofthc thief or the person in mind. Significators

The Sun is a significator or Kanaka of father. Moon that of Mother: Mars that of Brother; Mercury that of Mother's brother; Jupiter that of son; Venus that of wife (happiness from wife) and Saturn that of servant. According to Yavanacharya the planet Moon indicates service or business; Jupiter indicates happiness; Venus indicates sexual happiness and Saturn indicates oldage. 11611 Commentary If the planets, significators of father mother etc. are powerful at the time of birth or query or are aspected by benefics, the happiness is indicated htm the person/persons signified.


Uora Makarand Significator Gods

The Sim indicates Agm God. (fire). The Moon indicates Vamn God. The Mars indicates Skanda God. The Mercury indicates God Vishnu. The Jupiter indicates God Indra. Venus indicates Goddess ludrani and the Saturn indicates God Bralimadco. //7// Commentary The planet who is unfavourable at the time of birth or query, his significator God or Goddess should be worshipped as a remedy. A person who desires to travel should worship the signilicatorGod or Goddess before travel so that his journey would be profitable and happy. Traits of Sun cfc.

The Sun has honey coloured eyes, neither tall nor short with scanty hair and broad square shape. 1 le is good looking and is with wisdom. He is with proportionate limbs with blackish red in colour. I Ie is thoughtful and constitutionally bilious. //8// Traits ofMoon.

The Moon has weak constitution with white in colour He has short black hair and lotus like attractive eyes. 1 le is beautiful young and sexy in nature. He has plenty phlegm and wind. I lis body contains plenty of blood. He is learned and gentle in speech II9II Traits ofMars.

The Mars has fierce glance, short body and weak but fair and brave complexion like fire. He is impartial, hot tempered and of destmctive nature. He is young, cruel, bilious, red in colour and has honey coloured eyes. //10//

Traits and Predominance of Planets


Traits of Mercury

The Mercury is medium in shape, with dilated veins and greenish in complexion. He is cheerful imperious and has love for arts. He has honey coloured eyes and is with sweet tongue . Constitutionally he is having all the three humours i.e. wind bile and phlegm. //I Ml Traits of Jupiter

The Jupiter is strongly built with short fatty body. He is yellowish and fair in complexion with tawny eyes and phlegmatic. His voice is like a lion and is always cautious. He is a learned and highly intellectual. . H\ HI Traits of Venus

The Venus has a pleasing body with big eyes and fatty arms like an elephant and also walks like an elephant He is strongly built with phlegmatic and flatulent constitution and is with curly hair. He is handsome charming in appearance like a watery cloud in the sky. His nature is imperious and is after material enjoyments. //I 3// Traits of Saturn

The Saturn is black in colour with tawny eyes, thin and tall body with dilated veins and big nails. He is hot tempered, dirty. dull and lazy with aged appearance with windy humour. //I All




Coninienniry :-The planet with strength at the time of Dirth indicate the appearance etc. Similarly, the appearance of a thief can be predicted on the basis of a strength of planets in the time horoscope. As legards a query about disease or illness, the lord of the Navamsha in the ascendent may be considered for diagnosis according to his strength for the purpose of prediction. Clothes, metals and precious articles of Planets and Places.

The cloth attributed to the Sun is coarse; to Moon it is a new one: to Mars it is a cloth of which corner is burnt; to Mercury it is one which is cleaned by washing: to Jupiter it is neither new norold;to Venus it is strong one and to Saturn it is very old. As regards metals and precious articles, the Sun representscopper; the Moon-gems; the Mars-gold; Mercury - brass; JupiterSilver; Venus-pearls and Saturn-iron. The places indicated by planets are :The Sun resides in temples, the Moon resides in Watery places. The Mars resides in places near fire. The Mercury resides in places of amusement. The Jupiter resides in treasury. The Venus resides in harem. The Saturn resides in filthy places or heap of earth. //15/ CommentaryPlanets with strength indicate the clothes used on the bed or used by the pregnant lady at the time of deliver)1. In query the cloth worn by the thief should be predicted accordingly. The stolen property or Maternity home, House ofthe thief etc may also be predicted according as per the strength ofthe concerned planet. Tastes of Planets

Traits and Predominance of Planets


The Sun represents pungent taste. The Moon represents saltish taste. The Mars represents bitter taste. The Mercury represent mixed taste. The Jupiter represents sweet taste. Venus represents sour taste. The Saturn represents astringent taste. II\6II Commentary The planets with strength at the time of conception indicate the taste ofthefood articles desired by her during the period of pregnancy. The planets with strength at the time of query indicate the taste of the meal desired. Planetary Friendship

The Sun treats Jupiter as friend. The Moon treats Mercury and Jupiter as friends. The Mars treats Mercury and Venus as friends. The Mercury treats all planets except Sun as friends, the Jupiter treats all planets except Mars as friends. The Venus treats all planets except Sun and Moon as friends. .The Saturn treats all planets except Sun, Moon and Mars as friends. This is the view of some of the astrologers. II] 111 Natural Friendship etc. of Planets.

The natural friendship etc. is given in the following table Moon Mercury Jupiter Vtnus Planets Sun Mars whom it Moon Moon Sun Saturn Sun Venus CorKidcrs Mars Mercury Jupiter Stu Moon Mercury Sun as friend. Jupiter Mars Mercury Moon whom it Vaus Mercury Moon considers Saturn Sun Venus as enenn whom it Mercury Saturn Saturn Salunt Mars Mars considers Jupiter Jupiter Venus Venus as neutral Saturn Mars Jupiter

Saturn Venus Mercury Sun Moon Mars Jupiter


Hora Makarana Tcmporan- Friendship

According to Satyacharya the planets which are neithei tnends not enemies are equal or neutral. (They are mentioned in the above table). The planets in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 1 Oth, I Ithand I2tlisigns from any other planet become the latter's temporary friends and in the remaining houses viz. 5th. 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th of thegiven planet acquire temporary enmity. Commentary Due to the temporary friendship and temporary enmity the nature of friendship and enmity changes as follows:Permanent Friend + Temporary Friend = Bosom Friend. Permanent Friend +Temporary enemy = Neutral. Permanent enemy + Temporary enemy = Bitter enemy. Permanent enemy + Temporary friend = Neutral. Permanent Neutral + Temporary friend = Friend Permanent Neutral +Temporary enemy=enemy //18&I9// Satyacharya's Opinion.

According to Satyacharya the lords of the signs in the 2nd, 5th, 9th, 8th and 4th houses from the Mooltrikona sign of a planet become his natural friends. The lord ofthesign of exaltation also becomes his natural friend. The lord of the remaining signs become his enemies. 7/20// Commentary Leo is the Mooltrikona sign of Sun. Moon being the lord of the !2th house from Leo becomes a friend of Sun. Similarly, Aries and Scorpio are the 4th and 9th signs from Leo. Their lord Mars therefore becomes a friend of Sun. The sign Aries is the sign of exaltation of Sun and therefore Mars is his friend. The signs Sagittarius and pisces being the 5th and 8th from Leo. their lord Jupiter becomes a friend of Sun. The signs 2nd and 1 llhfrom Leoare Virgo and Gemini. Mercury being the Lord ofthe 2nd house becomes friend of Sun. while







being the lord of the) I th house is his enemy. Thus Mercury becomes neutral to Sun. The lords ofthebth. 7th, 3rd and I Gh houses i.e. Capricorn, Aquirius. Tauras and Libra i.e. Saturn and Venus become natural enemies of Sun. Taurus is the Mooltrikona sign of Moon Leo is 4th sign firm Taurus and therefore its lord Sun is a friend of Moon. The 2nd and 5th signs firm Taurus are Gemini and Virgo and therefore, their lord Mercury becomes a friend of Moon. 7th and !2th signs from Taunts are Scorpio and Aries, Mars being the lord of 12th house foam Taurus becomes a friend of Moon while being the lord of the 7th house becomes his enemy, Thus Mars becomes neutral to Moon. The Sth and 1 1th signs from Taurus are Sagittarius and Pisces, Jupiter being the lord oftheSth house becomes a friend of Moon while being the lord of 11 th house becomes his enemy. Thus Jupiter becomes neutral to Moon. Similarly, the 6th sign firm Taurus is Libra and the other sign Taums is the sign of exaltation of Moon. Thus Venus becomes neutral to Moon The ''th and 1 Oth signs from Taurus are Capricorn and Aquarius. Saturn being the lord of the 9th house becomes a friend of Moon while being a lord of I Oth house becomes his enemy. Thus Saturn becomes neutral to Moon. In this way the friends, enemies and neutrals may be found out. Planetary Strength

A sign occupied by its lord or a friend of its lord or aspected by them or a sign occupied by Mercury or Jupiter or aspected by them is considered as endowed with positional strength. Else the signs should be considered without strength. The signs Aries, Taurus. Second half of Sagittanus and first half of Capricorn are quadruped. The signs Gemini, Virgo, Libra and first half of Sagittarius are biped. The sign Scorpio is centiped while the signs Cancer, second half of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are watery signs i.e. without feet. //21 //




Strength ot Signs In Direction Ana Time

The bipea signs get strength in the ascendent, the centiped signs get strength in the 7th house, the signs without feet get strength in the 4th house and quadruped signs get strength in the 10th house. If these signs are occupied by their lords get additional strength and become Mahabali. In addition, ifthe biped, quadruped and centiped signs are in the quadrant and occupied by their lords also get strength. mn Aspects Between Planets.

All planets aspect the 3rd and 1 Oth with 25% strength; 4th and 8th with 50% and 5th and 9th with 75% strength. All planets aspect 7th in full, while Saturn aspects 3rd and lOlh, Mars4th and 8th and Jupiter 5th and 9th in full in addition to their 7th house aspect. The planets become productive in the proportion of these aspects. //Bfl Individual Strength The strength ofthe planets is in the order given below Saturn is the weakest then, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Sun Is the strongest ofthe lot. 1. Directional Strength Jupiter and Mercury get strength in the ascciident. Moon and Venus in the 4th, Saturn in the 7th and Sun and Mars in the I Oth house. 2. Kalahalu (Kalabala means temporal strength). The Moon, Mars and Saturn are powerful during the night. The Sun, Jupiter and Venus are powerful during the day. Mercury is always powerful. Planets in their

Traits and Predoiiuitrture

of Planets 21

Dora, week days. Months and years are said to be powerful. Comincntary;- Here Hora represent ! /24th part of the day. The |slhora is ofthe day lord, and thereafter the second is that ofthe 6th planet from the day lord and in this order all Horas are calculated. 3. Chcstabala: (Chestabala is motional strength). The Sun and the Moon in the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taums and Gemini which constitute Uttarayana (Sun's northenly course) and Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn in retrogression or m conjunction with the (full) Moon get Chestabla. Commentary :- The planets with the Sun are combust and those with the Moon said to be in Samagam, The planets other than Sun and Moon, if are in conjunction, it is called Planetary fight. The planet that has more northern declination is considered as Victor and gets Chestabala. The planets other than Venus who has Southern declination are treated as defeated and are without chestabala. 4. Sthanabala. (This is positional strength). A planet get positional strength as a rcsult of its occupying a particular house in the horascopc. A planet gets Sthanabala in its exaltation, own house, Mooltrikona, friendly house, Swagrahi and in own Navamsha. The above are the four types of strengths and their ffuitfulness has been elucidated in Brihat Jataka and are mentioned here for information. The planets who are in their exaltation, in their own signs in Mooltrikona signs give prosperity and increase wealth. 1 f they are in the signs of friends and bosom friends make the native happy and give fame wealth from the king etc., and in case of his own Navamsha give fame. The planets, if aspected by the benefics having strength, make the native wealthy, famous leader, handsome and calm. A native having female planets in the male si jns with male planets arc having male planets are female signs w tfh female planets with strength gets respect from the people and happiness. He is skillful in arts and is of pleasing nature but timid. A planet who has directional strength takes the native to that


Ihirti MaKarand

direction and oestows him wcalili. vehicles onuiiiicm.s and happiness. The planets who get full Chestabala give the native some times a power from the government and happiness, wealth and success. A bcnelic plnnet. i("retrograde, bestows t!ic native kingdom and wealth and malefic planet, irretrograde makes the native suffer from bad habits and he wanders aimlessly with calamities.)(these malefics are in their own signs, in Mooltrikona signs or in the sign of exaltation, they give material happiness, strength and success. A planet with Kalabala ( temporal strength) bestows the native landed property, vehicle like an elephant, wealth and courage to defeat his enemies. The planets who arc the lords ol'the year, month, day increase the happiness of the native in that year, month orday and bestow wealth and fame in their Vimshottari Dashas. A planet getting the strength of a fortnight bestows wealth, jewels, clothes, gold, landed property and sexual happiness and power to defeat the enemy. A planet with full strength bestows kingdom, and anything the native is dreaming for. They make the native moralist, handsome, worshiper of God and Brahmins and learned. The benefics with strength bestow ornaments, clothes, temporal and sexual happiness. The malaficswith strength make the native sdllsh. suffer from had habbits, addict and wicked and attracted to women. A native with male planets in male signs is of fighting nature, cruel and foolish. A native, with the female planets in the female signs is mild, timid and enjoys temporal happiness through Slowcrs. perfumes, and clothes etc. A native with benefics in female signs is of a quarrelsome nature and is after temporal happiness. Conditions of planets like Deepta Avastha etc.

Traits and Predominance of Planets 23 A planet in exaltation is in Deepta A vasilur, a planet in his own sign, is in Sw astha Avastha; A planet in his tnend's sign is in I larshita Avastha: A planet in the sign of abenefic or its Navamsha is in ShantaAvastha. A planet with M lustre is in Shakta Avastha; A planet in combustion is in Vikaia Avastha; A planet in the debilitation sign is in Dcena Avastha; A planet in conjunction with malefics and aspected by another malefics is in Peedita Avastha: Accordingly. there are 8 different Avasthas of planets. Jf24// Note :-1 n some books there are 9 or even 10 Avasthas given with some different names. The effects ofthe 8 Avasthas arc given below. These effects will materialize particularly during major periods (Mahadashas) of planets concerned. Results in 8 Avathas

1. Deepta Avastha :- In this Avastha, the native becomes brave and gets kingly status and defeats his enemies, lie gets wealth, enjoyment in full with a vehicle like an elephant (now luxurious car) and temporal happiness. 2. Swastha Avastha ;- In this Avastha, the native gets home landed property, jewels, food and financial gains,. He becomes a commander in chief surrounded by followers or an officer who defeats his enemies. 3. Hershita Avastha ;- In this Avastha. the native gets gold, clothes, cosmetics, enjoyments in full from wife and wins his enemies with his charming nature.


lloni Makarand

4. Shanta Avastha In this Avastha. the native gels eiiioxineiuin M as a householder and wealth. 1 le is voluptuous in nature and also religious. 5 Slr.ikt:! Avastha:- In this Avastha. the native ucis temporal enjoyment of different nature like clothes, (lowers etc. and leads his voluptuous life with his wife veiy happily. 6. Dcena Avastha In this Avastha. the native is deformed, loses his property and money and leads pitious life. 7. Vikala Avastha In this Avastha, the native loses his position, money and is being troubled by his enemies. 8. Peedita Avastha •- In this Avastha, the native loses his wife, money and leads a sorrowful life and suffers from diseases. He also wanders aimlessly in grief in different parts of nation. // 25262111 Ayana and lords of Panch Tatwas

Years, Ayan (half year), Ritu (Season - Vasant, etc.). Month, fortnight, day and Muhurtha should be calculated from Sun. (Note;- Here Muhurtha indicates a ]/30th part of aday). The lords of Agni (fire), Prithavi (earth), Aakash (sky), Jala (water) and Vayu (wind) are Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn in sequence. //28// Nature of Planets (Guna)

Sun, Moon and Jupiter are Satvik (Philosophical and Philanthropic), Mercury and Venus are Rajas (Imperious and arrogant Mars and Saturn are Tamas (Hot tempered, wild and lazy). The Gunas of theplanets should he determined on the basis of their degrees in the concerned signs. //29// Thus ends the Second Chapter about discription of planets of Hora Makarand composed by Gunakar.


In the Dirth chart, ifthe malefic planets are very strong and the hcnifics are very weak and (the important planets) Saturn and Mercury are in quadrant (kendra) or in the ascendent or aspecting the ascendent the birth should be declared as non-human birth The Moon occupying the dwadashamslia denotes the species of the non-human being. Ifthe Moon is in the Dwadashamasha, indicating non-human being, the birth dcfinalely is that of a non-human-bcing. //I// Commentary :-Beasts, birds, water animal species, trees, serpants s#c., ae to be treated as non-human being forthis purpose: '• Ifmaleficsi.e. Sun. waning (ksheen) Moon, Mars, Mercury with malefics and Saturn are powerful in the horoscope and if benefics i.e. Jupiter, Venus and waxing Moon are without strength, the sign in Dwadashamsha indicating the non-human species, (i.e. Aries for Ram, Taurus for ox, Leo for Lion etc.) should be predicted. Otherwise, birth should be predicted that of a biped "human be"'8 • Ifthe malefics arc powerful, benefics are without power of one of the important planets (i.e. Saturn and Mercury) is in the




quadrant and the Moon is in the Dwadashamsha indicating nonhuman being, the birth oflhespecies is that ofa non-human birth. 2.1 f the malefics are powerful, benefics are without power and the Moon in the Dwadashamsha indicating non-human being and either Mercury or Saturn is in the ascendent or aspecting the ascendent a non-human birth is to be predicted. Ifthemalafics are powerful, benefics are without power and either Mercury or Saturn is in the quadrant, ascendent or aspecting the ascendent but. if the Moon is not in the Dwadashamsha indicating non-human hinlv.then the birth of human being (biped) should be predicted. Example Suppose the malefics are powerful, benefics without power and cither Mercury or Saturn is in the quadrant or in the ascendent or aspecting ascendent at the time of birth and if the Moon is in Arics-Dsvadashamsha, birth of Ram, sheep Is to be predicted; if it is Taurus Dwadashamsha, birth of an ox, a cow, a mnleor female buffalo isto be predicted; ifthe Moon is in Cancer Dwadashamsha, a birth of a crab, tortoise, alligator etc. is to be predicted; ifthe Moon is in Leo Dwadahamsha, a birth ofa Lion, Jackal, elephant, dog. cat, etc. isto be predicted; ifthe Moon is in the Scorpio Dwadashamsha a birth of a Scorpio, serpent, cobra, rat poisonous species, etc. is to be predicted; ifthe Moon is in the Dwadashamsha ofthcsecond half of sign Sagittarius, a birth ofa horse, donkey, pig, etc. should be predicted; ifthe Moon is in the Dwadashamsha of first halfofsign Capricorn, a birth ofa deer, wild cow, elk hare etc. is to be predicted (according to some astrologers, birth of different types of trees arc to be predicted); if the Moon is in the Dwadashamsha of sign Pisces, birth of fish and watery species is to be predicted. The number of species born may be determined as indicated by the Dwadashamsha in the ascendent.

Inthe birth chart ifthe malefic planets are strong and occupy their own Navamamsha and benefics are weak and without strength



and occupy Navamamsha of their enemies and. if the ascendent sign is non-human and ifthe lords of the Dwadashamsha of the Moon and ascendent are non-human, then the birth should be declared as non-human. II2II Limbs of Birds and Beasts

In the case of bodies ofthe beasts the sign Aries represents the head. Taurus mouth and neck, Gemini two front feet and shoulders. Cancer abdomen and back, Leo chest. Virgo ribs. Libra the base ofthe tail, Scorpio is rectum, Sagittarius the backside feet, Capricorn the generative organ and testicles, Aquarius buttocks, and Pisces the tail proper. 11311 Commentary ;- In case of birds two wings should be considered, as if two front feet of beasts. The signs as mentioned above represent the parts of body and their strength or weakness or deteriorai ion should be considered according to the strength ofthe signs representing them like human being. Colour of Beast Born.

The colour ofthe bird or beast should be ascertained on the basis of the planet in the ascendent or the planet aspecting the ascendent or the lord ofthe Navamamsha of the ascendent, if many planets arc aspecting the ascendent, many colours should be determined, the strongest among them determines the main colour. The planet in the 7th house determines the colour of the lines on the back. If there are many planets in the 7th house, the colour should be determined on the basis of the strongest planet amongst them and in respect of other planets, colours should be determined


Hora Makarand

on the basis of the colours represented by planets. //4// Commentary The colour of the bird or beast should be determined on the basis ofthe planets in the ascendent. In case there is no planet in the ascendent it should be predicted on the basis ofthe planets aspecting the ascendent and in case there is no aspect of any planet on the ascendent the colour of thebirds and beasts should be determined according to the Navamamsha in the ascendent. The Colours of Planets;-The Sun and Mars represent red colour, Moon-white, Mercury-grey, Jupiter-yellow, Venus-mixed colour and Saturn-black. It is mentioned in 'Saravali' that the planets, if occupy their own signs with the Navamamsha of other planet or occupy sign of author planet but Navamamsha of its own sign, are able to produce their colours. Birth of Birds

If in the birth chart, there is the ascendent with the Navamamsha of movable sign and "bird decanate" or there is a powerful planet in the ascendent in the Gemini or Virgo Navamamsha and in any of the Yogas, Saturn, either occupies the ascendent or aspects it, a birth of abird takes place. 11511 Note:-" Bird decanates are 2nd and 3rd decanates of Libra, 1st decanate of Leo and 1st decanate of Aquarius. In some books instead of 3rd decanate of Libra, 2nd decanate of Gemini is mentioned as bird decanate. Commentary ;(1) If the above mentioned "bird decanates" are occupied by Saturn or aspected by Saturn, a birth of abird on the earth should be predicted while if it is occupied by Moon or aspected by Moon, a birth of a watery bird should be predicted. (2) If any powerful planet occupies ascendent with movable Navamamsha and is with the Saturn or is aspected by Saturn, a

Non-Human Births


birth of abird on earth should be predicted. (3) If any powerful planet occupies ascendent with Navamamsha owned by Mercury (i.e Gemini or Virgo) and is with Saturn or is aspected by Saturn, a birth of a bird on earth should be predicted and is with Moon or aspected by Moon, a birth of watery bird should be predicted. Note It is necessary to note that the whole thing is subject to the basic conditions specified in the first two stanzas of this chapter regarding strength of malefics and the debility of benefics etc.) Birth of Trees

The trees on the land and the trees aside the watery places are the two types oftrees. The watery signs are Cancer, second half of Capricorn and Pisces. (Scorpio and Aquarius are related to water i.e. Jalashrayee signs). The remaining signs are connected to earth If the ascendent, Moon, Sun and Jupiter are weak a birth ofatree may be predicted. The trees will belong to the land orto the watery region depending on whether in the ascendent the navamamsha rising belongs to sign denoting land orto one denoting water. The number oftrees will be determined by the number of houses the lord of theNavamamsha m the ascendent is away from the ascendent 1161. / Types of Trees

It the lord of theNavamamsha in ascendent is Sun the tree is of a type that is strong in core such as black wood tree etc. 1! it is in the Moon, the tree is full of juice like sugar-cane or a soft wood tree like Dcvadartl (species of pine) etc Ifit is Mars, the tree will be

30 thorny one like Babul Khaironreesuiili hi®rtaste like Necm. It it is Mercury, it would represent frees that bear no fruits. If it is Jupiter, it would represent trees like Mangoes. ] Fit is Venus, it would represent trees giving (lowers w iih fragrance like Lily. If it is Saturn, it is of most inferior type tree. HIII Trees and Their Soil

1 ("the lord of the Navamamsha in the ascendent is a benefic planet but placed in a malefic sign, it denotes the growth of a beautiful trees in a bad soil, lion the other hand the said lord is a malcllc planet and occupies a good sign it denotes a growth of abad tree in a good soil. Nttturally,the malefic planets, if are in malefic signs, will produce bad trees. The number of Navamamshas intervening between the said lord's own Navamamsha and that occupied by him determine the numbers of types of trees produced. //8// Thus ends the Third chapter on Non-human Birth in Hora Makarand composed by Gunakar.


Mars and Monn are the cause fix bringing about monthly course in women. When in the ease of women, if Moon occupies Apachaya houses (i.e. I st,2nd 4th.5th. 7th, 8th. 9th and 12th) from her natal Moon and is aspected by Mars in transit the period of menses starts and she becomes capable of conceiving, olherw ise the menses are considered fruitless. In such a case, if the husband has a Moon in his Upachaya houses (i.e. 3rd. 6th. 1 Oth and 11 th) from his natal Moon and is aspected by Jupiter, the union ofa husband and wife brings about a pregnancy. I f. how ever, the Moon is not aspected by any planet then union will not take place. ///// Commentary Ladies get menses after 12 years of age. The above principle will be applicable after that age only. This principles should not be applied to children, old persons, persons with diseases (stcrllejniptcnt) etc. Moon is a watery planet and Mars is a fieiy planet. Due to their aspects (Mare aspect on Moon) the bile in the blood of ladies gets motion and the ladies net menses everv month.




Manner ot Cohabitation

IftheMoon is aspected by Mars, the cohabitation will be w ith a shrewd man; if aspected by Sun, it will be with a servant of a king (Rajashrita); if aspected by Saturn itwill be with a disadvantageous servant and if aspected by all malefics the woman becomes prostitute. 11211 Commentary At the time when a woman gels menses first, if in her horoscope in the Apachaya house (i.e. lst,2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th)from her natal Moon, the transit Moon is aspected by Mars, the woman should be considered suitable for pregnancy. If the planetary position is not as mentioned above and if at menses period Moon is in the 3rd, 6th, 1 Oth and 11 th houses from the natal Moon, the woman is not likely to get pregnancy. At the time of cohabitation after the menstrual period ofa woman is over, if in the hososcope ofaman the transit Moon is in the 3rd, 6th, 1 Oth or 11 th house from the natal Moon, aspected by Jupiter, the woman would cohabit with her husband. If aspected by Mars she would cohabit with a shrewd person; if aspect by Sun, she would cohabit with a servant ofaking and if aspected by Saturn, she would cohabit with unreliable servant. If all the malefics Sun, Mars and Saturn aspect the Moon the woman would become a prostitute. This prediction is in respect ofthe first menstruation of a woman and in a very rare cases it can operate in subsequent period in life, since this is mainly in respect of first menses ofa woman. Nature of Cohabitation

On Coni-c/uion cic


The nature of the sign in the 7th house at the time ot cohabitation indicate the nature of a man. I f the sign (in the 7th house} is occupied oraspected by malefics the cohabitation will he in quarrelsome mood. Ifthe 7th house is associated with or aspected by benefic planets at the time of cohabitation it wiil be with pleasure and jokes etc. and if, both malefic and benefic planets associate or aspect the 7th house, the cohabitation will be with quarrel as well as with pleasure. II3II Coinincntary :- The 7th sign from the ascendant at the time of conception or birth or query indicate the mood at the time ofcohabitation. ifthe sign is occupied by malefic or aspected by malefic planet cohabitation is quarrelsome, if it is with benefic or aspected by benefic planets it is with pleasure and jokes and if it is with both benefic and malefic or aspected by both benefic and malefic planets the mood at the time of cohabitation will be mixed i.e. with quarrel and pleasure. Possibility of Pregnancy.

Ifthe Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars are located in their own Mavamamsha in the Upachaya houses (i.e. 3rd, 6th, 1 Olh or 11 th) from the natal Moon of a man or a woman or if Jupiter is in the ascendant or 5th house or 9th house, the pregnancy is predicted. HAH Commentary :- In any of the twelve houses in the horoscope at the lime of cohabitation if. Sun, Venus, Moon and Mars are located in their own Navamamsha in the Upachaya houses from the natal Moon of a man or woman, the pregnancy docs take place. Not only this but even only Sun and Venus also arc in their own Navamamsha, the pregnancy takes place. I fat the time of cohabitation there is no possibility of the planetary position mentioned above.


llora MaKarana

the Jupiter in the ascendant. 5th house or 9th nouse denotes the possibility ofprognancy. Why No possibility of pregnancy

The above mentioned planetary positions are of course of no avail to impotent people just like a mirror to a blind man. II5II Effect of Saturn And Mars At Conception II6II if. at the time of cohabitation, in the 7th house from Sun, Saturn and Mars are located, a man suffers from disease and if Saturn and Mars are in the 7th house from the Moon, a woman suffers form disease. ifMnrsand Saturn are located In the 2nd and i2tli houses from the Sun, they denote a death of a man and if Saturn and Mars are located in the 2nd and 12th houses, from the Moon, they denote a death ofa woman. Similarly if. one ofthe planets (i.e. Saturn and Mars) is located with the Sun and the other aspects the Sun, it denotes a death of a man and if one of these Planets (i.e. Saturn and Mars) is located with Moon and the other aspects the Moon, it denotes death ofawoman. 7/6// Father etc. How Affected

In case of conception in day time, Sun should be treated as father and Venus as mother. In case of birth in night time Saturn, should be considered as father and Moon as mother. Similarly, these planets denote the relatives of father, etc. If the birth is in daytime Saturn, denotes uncle and Moon mother's sister and if the birth is in night trine. Sun denotes uncle and Venus denotes Mother's sister.

On Conception etc. If Sun in day time is in the odd signs, he is bcncficto the father ami if iic is in the odd sign in (he nigln. he is hcnclicto the uncle. Similarlv 'f- during the day time conception. Vcmis is in the even sign, he is benefic (othe mother and if. in the night lime. Venus is in the even signs, he is benefic lo the Mother's sister. During the night time conccpiion. if Saturn is in the odd signs, lie is benefic to the father and if, in the dtiy time, he is henellcto uncle. And if, in the nMit ftwe conception Moon is in the even signs, he is benefic to the mother and in the day time conception, he is benefic to the mother's sister. Ifthere happens to be difTcrcnt position of above mentioned planets, it should be considered as unfavorable to Mother, father, etc. inn Commentary In case of pregnancy or delivery, during day time Sun should be treated as father, Venus - Mother, Saturn-uncle and Moon aunt. In this way the relations ofchild arc indicted by these planets. In the horoscope at conception lime or at birth, if it is during da\ time and Sun is in odd signs and Venus is in even signs, the embryo or the child is conducive lo both father and mother. Similarly, at that lime, if Saturn is in odd signs and Moon is in even signs, they are conducive both to uncle and aunt (Mother's sister). In case of pregnancy or delivery during night time. Saium should be treated as father, Moon-Mother, Sun-Uncle and Venus - aunl. In the horoscope at conception time or at birth time, if Saturn is in odd signs and Moon is in even signs the embryo or the child is conducive to father and mother. Similarly, at that lime, if Sun is in odd signs and Venus is in even signs they arc conducive to Uncle and aunt. Father etc. When Affected

The planets indicating father and mother become fruitful in


Hora Makummi

full il the pfegnmicy or Dirth is in the first partofday or night, if it is in the middle part of day or night the results will be good or bad (i,e mixed) and if it is in the last part of day or night, the results are very bad. //8// Commentary:- The planet indicating father and mother etc. as specified earlier are in the specified signs during day or night they give results in the first part ofiheday or night, mixed results in the middle part oftheday or night and very little results in the last part ofthe day and night. The pianets Indicating the parents as specified earlier, if change the signs during day or night, bestow bad results in full in the first part oftheday and night, mixed results in the middle part and very bad results in the last part. Yogas for Woman's Death

If at the time of conception, many malefic pianets arc about to enter the ascendant which is aspected by planets other than benefics, and if the ascendant is aspected by Moon in the vvancing fortnight or Mars and is occupied by Saturn, the pregnant woman dies. //9// Commentary In the 12th house from ascendant at the time of conception, if there are malefics (in their last degree just about to enter the ascendant) in front of (i.e. Sammukh) ascendant at conception which is without any aspect of benefic planets but aspected by waneing Moon (in the Krishna Pakslia) or Mars and is occupied by Saturn, the pregnant woman dies. 2nd Yoga for Woman's Death

Ifat the time of conception, Moon and the ascendant are both hemmed in between malefics and the Moon and the asccn-

On Conception etc.


dant are not aspected by any benefic planet, death takes place of the Woman conceiving along with the embryo. 11]()// Example Suppose a woman conceived in Aries ascendant and sign Pisces is occupied by Saturn and Mars while Rahu occupies Taurus, the sign Aries is hemmed between malefics (Papkartari); Similarly if Moon is in the Gemini and Sun in the sign cancer, the Moon and the ascendant are hemmed between two malefics and, therefore, the woman conceived will die along with theembryo. 3rd Yoga for Woman's Death

I f at the time of birth malefic planets occupy the 4th house either from Moon or from ascendant and the Mars in each case is located in the 8th house or if Mars and the Sun occupy the 4th and the 12th houses respectively and the Moon is weak, in all those three yogas, the woman loses her life and the pregnancy. II] Ml Death Due To Instrument.

If the ascendant and the 7th house are occupied by Mars and Sun respectively at the time of conception, the death of thewoman takes place as a result of injury and pain due to a stroke from instrument. II] 211 Development of Embryo and Lords of Months

At the time of conception i.e. in the first month the nature of embryo is a mixure of seminal fluid and blood. In the second month (this mixture), it gets solidity. In the 3rd month, it gets hands and

Hora Makarand


feet. In the tourth month, the bones are created. In the fifth month, it gets skin, and in the sixth hair, in the seventh month, it gets movement and memory. In this process the embryo develops. The lord in the first month of embryo is Venus, the second month is Mars, the third month is Jupiter, the fourth month is Sun. the fifth month is Moon, the sixth month is Saturn and the seventh month is Mercury. These are the lords of the seven months from conception. II] 3// Nourishment and Deterioration of Embryo

Ifthelord ofthe month from conception is powerful and is in exaltation, the embryo gets nourishment in that month and if the lord of the month if afflicted by malefic, or is in debilitation or is hemmed between two malefics or is combust, it results in abortion. II\AII Commentary :- The lords are assigned to each month from conception. Ifthelord ofthe concerned month is afllictcd.the abortion is likely in that month. If all the lords are powerful, the embryo get proper nourishment. Example :- Suppose a woman gets pregnancy on Capricorn ascendant on lOthday in the waxing fortnight in "Chaitra" month. Let us find out whether embryo will get nourishment or result in abortion. SlUI Mats Merait) y


Moon (upitlT

N Horascopc at Conception :- The lords ofthe month are 1-Venus. 2-Mars. 3-Jupiter. 4-Sun, 5-Moon. 6-Satum and 7-Mcrciiry.

On Conception etc.


The lord of the first month Venus is afflicted in the 3rd house and also is combust which is the cause of abortion m the first month. II] 5// Note The lords of the8th, 9th and 1 Oh months are the lords of ascendant, Moon and Sun respectively. Abortion

If Saturn and Mars occupy the ascendant of conception but are behind from the degree of ascendant the embryo deteriorates resulting in abortion or if Moon occupies the sign of Saturn or Mars and is aspected by them indicate abortion. 1/5II Commentary If at the time of conception, Saturn and Mars occupy ascendant or if the Moon occupies, Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn or Aquinus and is aspected by Saturn and Mars, it results in abortion. Maturing Delivery

I f benefic planets occupy the 5th, 9th, 7th, 2nd, 4th or I Olh houses from the Moon or the ascendant and there are malefics in the 3rd and 11 th houses from the Moon or the ascendant, the pregnancy matures without trouble if strong Sun is also aspecting the ascendant or Moon. // 16// Note :- Instead of Sun, the aspect of Jupiter also helps the maturity of pregnancy. Sex of Child.


Hora Makarand

1 fat tne time ot conception, the ascendant, Moon. Sun and Jupiter are strong and occupy odd Navamamshas in odd signs, the birth will be ofa Male and ifthe ascendant, Moon, Sun and Jupiter occupy the even Navamamshas in even signs, the birth will be ofa female. //I 111 Note While considering sex, out of the ascendants either from birth or from conception should be considered for determination of sexofchild. Multiple births and


Ifstrong Sun and Jupiter occupy odd Navamamshas in odd signs a birth would be ofa male and if Moon, Venus and Mars occupy even Navamamshas in even signs, the birth will be ofafemale. Similarly if,Sun, Jupiter, Moon, Venus and Mars occupy mutable signs and are aspected by Mercury, twins will be born. .JIWI Birth of Male and Female

I n the horoscope, if any strong male planet occupies quardrant and nis own Navamamsha and own Varga signs or sign of exaltation and is aspected by a male planet, the birth would be ofa male and, female planet aspected by female planet the birth would be of a female. Similarly, in the absence of above situation, if Saturn occupies odd signs in the horoscope except ascendant, the birth would be ofamale. Accordingly, on the basis ofthe strength of the

On Conception etc.


planets, the decision of a male or female child should be amved at. In other yogas the birth would be that of eunuch. //19,20.21// Eunuch

The following are the six yogas for the birth of eunuch 1) hi the horoscope, if Moon is in the even sign and Sun is in the odd sign and aspect each other. 2) If Saturn is in even sign and Mercury is in odd sign and aspect each other. 3) If Mars is in odd sign and Sun is in even sign and aspect each other. 4) If the ascendant and the Moon are in odd signs and Mars from even sign aspects them . 5) If Moon is in even sign and Mercury is in odd sign and Mars from any sign aspects both of them. 6) If Venus, ascendant and Moon occupy maleNavamamsha.//22'/ Commentary In Ayurveda they have given six eunuch yogas. In astrology the indication ofenunch yogas mentioned above may be considered properly according to the strength of planet and if it is found that in the above eunuch yogas, there is a mixed bhava (Substance) then it would be a male or a female and when there is absence of such male and female yogas then only these six yogas may be considered. Note The first yoga can be only by aspect of Sun and Moon. Moon in the even sign will not aspect Sun in the odd sign. Multiple Births (two)

Births of twins are on the following three yogas




1) The Moon ana Venus should occupy even sign and at the same time strong Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and ascendant should occupy odd sings; or 2) The Moon and Venus and strong Mercury, Mars. Jupiter and ascendant are in even signs: or 3)The ascendant and Moon should be in even signs but be aspected by male planets. #23// Multiple Births (three)

There will be three births in case the lagna and the planets occupy mutable signs and are also aspected by Mercury who should be in his own Navamamsha (Gemini and Virgo). Sex composition of triple birth would be ) In the horoscope, if Mercury is in the Gemini Navamamsha, there will be two sons and one daughter. 2) If Mercury is in the Virgo Navamamsha, there will be two daughters and one son. 3) If the planets occupy the Navamamsha of Gemini or Sagittarius and the aspecting Mercury occupies the Navamamsha of Gemini all the three would be male. 4) Ifthe planet occupy the Navamamsha of Virgo or Pisces and the aspecting Mercury occupies the Navamamsha of Virgo all the three would be female. H1AII Multiple Births

I fin the horoscope, if Sagittarius ascendant is in the last (Sagittarius) Navamamsha and all planets with strength are in any sign but in Sagittarius Navamamsha, aspected by Mercury and Saturn, there will be multiple births. //25//

On Conception etc.


Commentary The above yoga should be considered m the birth chart or chart at the time of conception or qucrry and after due consideration, a decision about births of male, female, enunchs, twins, three children may be arrived at. Abnormal


I f Mercury is strong in the 5th or 9th house and the remaining planets are weak, the child bom will have more hands, feet, faces etc. (i.e. two heads, four hands, four feet etc.) or the parts have abnormal developments. II26II Dumb etc.

It Moon is in Taurus and aspecting malefic planets, occupy the Sandhi (thelast Navamamsha of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces) the native loses speech. If there is good aspect also on the Moon, he picks up speech after much time. 1121 If Blindness etc.

In the Leo ascendant, if there are Sun and Moon aspected by Saturn and Mars, the person bom is blind. I fin such a case there is influcnceonthe ascendant of both benefic and malefic planets, the eyes arc small and some what as closed. If Moon is in the 12th house, aspected by malefics, it causes loss of lefteye. 1 f the Sun is in the 12tli house, aspected by malefic, it causes loss of right eye. //28// Commentary;- If the Sun or the Moonin the sign Leo is aspected by Saturn or Mars the nght eye and left eye in order is squint.


Hora Makarand

Similarly, Sun and Moon are aspected by both oenefics ana maietics Hie right eye and left eye in order, become contracted or half closed. The above yogas of dumbness, blindness and squint eye etc. will not affect the native completely if the concerned planets are aspected by benefic planets. Birth with Teeth or Hunch Backed etc.

When in the chart, Mars and Saturn occupy the sign of Mercury or occupy Navamamsha of Mercury, the child born will have teeth from the very birth. If Moon occupies Cancer in the ascendant and is aspected by both Mars and Saturn, one becomes hunch backed. H19II Lame and Deaf

if Pisces Ascendant is occupied by Moon and aspected by Saturn, Mars and Sun, the native becomes lame or crippled, and if Moon occupies last degrees of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces signs (Sandhi Rashi) and their Navamamsha along with malefics and is not aspected by benefics, the native becomes deaf. II30II Short and Without Head and Feet.

In Capricorn ascendant, if last Navamamsha (Virgo) is aspected by Saturn, Moon and Sun, the native is dwarf sized, and ifth3three decanates of the ascendant are associated with malefics, the native will be devoid of arms-feet or head. //3MI

The inauspicious results of the malefics become less effective to the native, if they arc aspected by benefics and the benefics give

On Conception etc.


M auspicious results. The native gets mixed results in the yogas of both benefics with malefics. //32// Time of Delivery

It is said that the ascendant at birth will be 7th or 1 (Jth firm that which was at the time of conception. This view, however, has not been accepted by all. The number of Dwadashamsha sign present in the longitude of Moon at the time of conception will give the sign in which Moon will be at the time of birth in the I ()lh month from the month of conception. //33// Abnormally Delayed Birth

The Navamamsha oftheday, night or both day and night (i.e. Sandhi) at the time of the conception, indicates the Navamamsha ofthe day, mght or both day and night Sandhi ofthe delivery time as it is the same Navamamsha. I f the ascendant, at the time of conception, is in the Navamamsha of Saturn and if Saturn is in the 7th house, the dehvery will be after 3 years. //34// Delivery after 12 years

If the Moon, at the time of conception, is in the ascendant in the Navamamsha of Saturn and Saturn is in the 7th house, the delivery will be after 12 years. 113511 Direction of Delivery etc.

If the sign of ascendant at the time of conception is one




which rises from the head, the delivery will be from heaa; if it is one which rises with the hinder part first, the delivery will be from the feet first and ifthe sign is both (Ubhayo dayee)the delivery will be from the hands first, and ifthe ascendant is aspected by benefics the delivciy will be normal. //36// Thus, ends the Fourth Chapter on conception etc. in Hora Makaranda composed by Gunakar.


Birth when Father is away

In the birth chart, if the ascendant is not under the aspect of Moon, the birth will be in the absence of father and if Sun is in the former sign of (he 1 Qh house (i.e. 9fli or 8th houses) form the ascendant in movable sign, the father of thechild wii! not be m the foreign countty. //!// Commentary :-If the ascendant is not aspected by Moon and if Sun is on the former sign of 1 Qh house i.e. 9th or 8th house in the fixed or duel sign, the father will be in the province but will not be present near the child

Father is not present in the house at the time of deliveiy also, when the ascendant is occupied by Saturn or the 7th house by Mars or when the Moon is located in between Mercury and Venus (i.e. in the 12th and 2nd house fiom Moon) or Moon, Mercury and Venus occupy one sign. //2//


Hora Makarana Serpentine Influence

If the ascendant belonging to the malefic planet is occupied by malefic planet or the Moon is with a malefic planet in the decanate of Mars and in the 2nd and 12th houses fiom the Moon if the benefic planets are located, the person bom is a serpent and if the Moon is in the sign of malefic planet, the person bom is one enveloped by a serpent 11311 Commentary1st decanate of Aries, 2nd decanate of Cancer, 3id decanate of Leo, 1st decanate of Scorpio, 2nd decanate of Sagittarius, 3rd decanate of pisces are the decanates of Mars and in these decanates, if Moon with malefic planet is located between two benefic planets, the person bom is a serpant and if he is a waning Moon (Ksheen) in the sign of malefic planet in the decanate of Mars, the child is enveloped by a serpant. > Birth With Enveloped by Umbilical Cord

If the Aries, Taums or Leo ascendant is occupied by Saturn, and 7th house by Mars, the part of thebody indicated by the ascendant is enveloped by Umbilical Cord. • HAH NoteSigns, symbolic of human Limbs are given in 1 st Chapter, Twins in the Wromb.

If the Sun is located in an animal sign (Aries, Taurus, Leo, latter portion of Sagittarius, or the I st half of Capricorn) and the rest of the planets are strong and located in mutable signs, there are twins m the womb. 1 (5//

Birth Conditions


Bastard Birth

If there is no aspect of Jupiter on the ascendant or Moon or there is no aspect of Jupiter on Sun and Moon, located in one sign, the birth should be declared, without doubt, as bastard. II6II

IftheSun, Moon and Jupiter arc in debilitation the birth should be declared as bastard; or if these planets occupy ascendant and are aspected by Saturn or if Moon and Venus are located in the ascendant and the Saturn is aspected by benefics the birth should be declared as bastard. I nil Father in Foreign Country etc.

Hmalefics are in malefic signs (i.e. I,5,8,10and ) l)and are located in the 2nd, 5th, 7th and 9th houses from Sun, the father ofthe native should be in another country or in bondage in his country or a traveller. But this should be predicted on the basis ofthe position of Sun (i.e. if Sun is in a movable sign, the father will be in a foreign country, if in a fixed sign, he will be in his own country and if in duel sign, he will be travelling.) II8II Birth Surroundings etc.

IffullMoon occupies her own sign (Cancer) along with Mercury and the fourth house is occupied by other malefic planets or if the water sign (Cancer, second halfof Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) is in the ascendant and a full Moon is located in the 7th house, the birth takes place in a boat. II9II


Hora MaKarana

If full Moon is located in the ascendant In a watery sign or is aspecting watery sign in the ascendant the birth takes place in the water (i.e. in a boat) or near the seashore or the bank ofthc river or tank; or if a full Moon is located in the watery sign in the ascendant or 4th house or 1 Oth house, the birth takes place in a boat (i.e. above water). //10// Birth in Prison etc.

Saturn occupying the 12th house from the ascendant and Moon (i.e. Moon in the ascendant), if aspected by malefic planets, denotes birth in Prison and Saturn occupying the sign Cancer or Scorpio in ascendant, ifaspected by full Moon.denotes birth in a pit etc. (underground). //I Ml Birth in Temple, Playground, etc.

Saturn in the ascendant occupying watery sign aspected by full Moon, Sun and Mercury' denotes birth on sandy soil, in Temple and on play-ground respectively (i.e. ifaspected by full Moon on-sandy soil, ifaspected by Sun-in Temple and ifaspected by Mercury-on playground). //12// Birth In Palace, Religious Places, etc.

3 f Saturn occupies male sign in the ascendant and :i) If is aspected by Mars, the birth takes place on burning grounds; ii) If is aspected by Moon and Venus, the birth takes place in the

Birth Conditions


beautiful and charming places; m) 1 f is aspected by Sun. the birth takes place in a palace (or government house), a temple or a cowshed; iv) According to Satyacharya etc. if is aspected by Jupiter, the birth takes place near a sacrificial alter (places related to religious rituals). miff Place of Birth

The place of birth is determined fiom the ascendant and the Navamamsha in the ascendant. If the sign and the Navamamsha in the ascendant are movable, the birth is in the way; if it is fixed ascendant with fixed or own Navamamsha, the birth is in the house itself and if it is duel sign with duel Navamamsha, the birth is near or around the house. ! UAH Commentary :- As between the sign and the Navamamsha in the ascendant, the result should be declared on the basis of the stronger between the two, and it Navamamsha in the ascendant is weak, the decision should be declared on the basis of degrees of the sign in the ascendant. Abandonment of Child by Mother etc.

1 f Mars and Saturn are located in the 5th or 9th and Moon is in the 7th, a child bom is separated from its mother. In case the Moon in such a condition is aspected by Jupiter, the child. even if forsaken by its mother, goes into the hand of somebody else and lives in comfort fir long. Similarly, if the Moon is with the malefic planet or aspected by malefic planet, the given up child dies. //15//


II or a Makarand Death of Given up Child etc.

If the ascendant is occupied by Moon, aspected by malefic planet and Mars is in the 7th house or Saturn, aspected by malefic planet, is in the 11 th house from Mars, the given up child dies; and if the said Moon is aspected by benefic planets, the person of thecaste indicated by the strong benefic planet gets the child which lives in his house and if the Moon is aspected by malefic planet, the person of inferior caste gets the child and has short hfe. //)6// Birth in Father's or Mother's House, etc.

If the significator fix mother and her side i.e Moon and Venus are strong and influence the ascendant, the birth takes place in mother's house and if the planets representing father as significator i.e. Sun and Saturn are strong and influence the ascendant, the birth takes place in the house of paternal relations i.e. father etc. If benefic planets occupy their sign of debilitation and also debilitated in Navamamsha, the birth takes place on the bank of ariver, on the wall ofafort or a cavity in; a big tree. IIJ 7/1 Birth in Forest etc.

If the benefic planets are in debilitation and do not aspect the ascendant occupied by Moon or there is no aspect of three benefic planets on the ascendant occupied by Moon, the birth takes place devoid of human habitation (dcnce forest). If in the 7th or 4th house from the Moon more than three malefic planets are located, it will be very painful to the mother (perhaps cause death). //18//

Birth Conaitions


Birth in Darkness etc.

If in the chart. Moon is in the Navamamsha {10&I 1 )ownea by Saturn or Navamamsha of watery signs {Cancer and Pisces) in the 4th house with Saturn or aspected by Saturn, the birth takes place in darkness (i.e. where there is no lamp). Similarly, the 4th house or 1 Ofh house from the said Moon is occupied by benefic planets, the delivery will be normal and if the4lh and 7th houses are occupied by malefic planets, the delivery will be painful. III9II Death of Mother

Ifin the horoscope the Sun is with the malefic planets and is in the I Oth house from the Moon with Saturn or aspected by Saturn or in the 4th house Venus is with the malefic planets also with the Saturn or aspected by Saturn it denotes death ofthe mother. Similarly, if the birth is in the night and Mars Is located in the 5th or 9th house from Venus and is aspected by malefic planets, it denotes death of the mother. //20// Delivery House and Direction of Door.

The delivery house is indicated by the strong planet in the horoscope. If Sun Is strong, it is mainly made of 'tldlimber or old one without proper shape, if Moon is strong .nd waxing it is a newone. if Mars is strong, it is (Partly) burnt, if Mercury is strong, it is a one painted by artists and with paintings, if Jupiter is strong it is a


Hota MaKarand

good and strong one, it Venus is strong, it is a new charming and beautiful with paintings; and if Saturn is strong, the house is good but old one. Likewise are the descriptions of the houses where deliver}' of child could take place. The strong planet in the quadrant or the strongest planet among all the planets or the sign in the ascendant indicate the direction of the door of the delivery house. I!2\ll Number of Floors and Doors of House

There will be two, three or four doors to the house, if Jupiter in exaltation, is located in the 1 Oth house and if theJupiter is'in Sagittarius in the 1 Oth house or is in Gemini, Virgo or Pisces signs in the lOthhouse, there will be two floors to the delivery house. JI22II Direction of Delivery House

The signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius or Navamamshas of these signs in the ascendant denote East; signs Capricorn and Leo or their Navamamshas denote South; sign Taums or its Navamamsha in the ascendant denote West and the signs Gemini. Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces or their Navamamsha in the ascendant denote North direction. 111311 Direction of Cot etc.

The signs Aries and Taurus represent East, Gemini, South East, Cancer and Leo represent South and Virgo South West direction. The Libra and Scorpio represent West and Sagittarius North West, and Capricorn and Aquarius represent the North direction and Pi-

Birth Conditions


sees North East direction. The direction ofthebed occupied by the w onian dehvering the child is indicated accordingly. The feet ofthe cot are according to the nature of thesigns in the 3rd. 6th. 9th and I2(h houses. Any sign out of these signs is occupied by malefic planet, a leg of the cot in the direction indicated by that sign is broken, and if the signs in the 3rd, 6th. 9th and 12thare duel signs and any one of them is occupied by malaficplanet the side ofthe cot indicated by the sign is a broken one and uneven. HI All Number of Midwives etc.

The number of women attending etc. on the mother of the child should be determined from the number of planets located in between the ascendant and the Moon. Out of this number, those in the delivery room will be represented by the number of planets in the half of the Zodiac from the ascendant to the 7th house while outside would be represented by the planets in the other half. Some teachers on the contrary are of theopinion that half of the Zodiac comprised of 7th to ascendant houses represents the number of women in the delivery room I f the planets in the horoscope are in debilitation the woman delivering the child sleeps on the floor. Ill 511 Nature of Lamp in Delivery Room etc.

The sign in the ascendant indicates the type of wick in the lamp and the Moon indicates the oil in the lamp. If the sign occupied by Sun is movable the lamp was in motion and if it was fixed sign the lamp was stable. If the Sun is strong at the time of birth and is aspected by Saturn the oil etc. in the lamp was of good quahty or else it was o fin ferior quality. HI 611 Commentary ;-If the ascendant is powerful it indicates that the




wick in the Lamp was good. I f Moon is strong, it denotes that the oil in the lamp was full, and the sings movable, fixed or duel denote the condition of lamp. i.e. w hether it was In motion or otherwise. If the Sun is aspected by Saturn, it denotes that oil etc. in the lamp was full. Note In view of the availability of electricity now the position may change as oil for lamp in that case is not required. Caste and Appearance of Child

The body ofthechild born will have the Characteristics of the planet, who is the lord of the Navamamsha of the ascendant, or it would be like the strongest planet in the ascendant. The lord of the Navamamsha ofthe sign occupied by Moon indicates the colour of the body. This should be, however, considered on the basis of the race, caste and the country in which the birth takes place. Commentary :-Thc people bom in Kashmir are white in colour while those born in Karnataka are blakish in colour. This aspect should be considered before predicting colour of child. Limbs and Decanates

Each sign In the Zodiac is divided into three equal parts of 10 degrees each. Each part is called decanate. If there is the 1st decanate in the ascendant, the ascendant will be treated as head 2nd and 12th houses wil I be right eye and lefteye, 3rd and 11 th as

Birth Conditions


right eat and left ear 4th and 10th as nose. 5th and 9th as cheeks, 6th and 8th chin and 7th as face. These organs will always be of the right side and the left side accordingly i.e. from I.si to 7th right side and form 12lhto 7th in reverses left side. ITthere is the 2nd decanate in the ascendant, the first house will represent throat, 2nd and 12th will represent shoulders, 3rd and II th will represent arms, 4th and I Oth will represent back side of the body, 5th and 9th will represent heart, 6th and 8th will represent breast (lira) and 7th will represent navel. Iflhere is the 3rd decanate in the ascendant the 1st house will represent the region below navel (including bladder), the 2nd and 12th will represent organs of generation and rectum, the 3rd and 11 th wil I represent testicles, the 4th and 1 Oth wi 11 represent hips, the 5th and 9th will represent knees, 6th and 8th will represent calf of legs and the 7th will represent feet. The sign containing malefic planet or aspected by malefics the part ofthe body indicated is affected by wound and if it is influenced by benefic planet or its aspect, it denotes moles etc. If at the time of birth, the planets Sun etc. are in their own signs and own Navamamsha, in the fixed sign in the houses indicating organs by decanate, the native have some mark or wound from birth and in other yogas it indicates the marks, wounds soot etc. acquired in later life. //28,29,30V/ Cause of Wound

The sign containing malefic planet, denotes wound in the part of body. Ifit is Sun, the wound will be from a wood or animal; if it is waning (Ksheen) Moon, itwill be from homs of an animal; if it is Mars it will be from fire, weapon or poison; if it is Mercury, itwill be by earth; if it is Saturn, itwill be from stone or wind clc.//31//




Places of Scar, Moles etc.

The signs with Sun and Moon in the horoscope occupying the nouses representing the limbs ofthe bodyofKalapurusha indicate the organs affected by scars, wound, moles etc. either from birth or later in life. //32// Definately Acquisition of Wound etc.

If Mercury is with three other planets either benefic or malefic in any house in the horsoscope it definately causes injury to the organ indicated by that house in the Kalapurusha horoscope, if the planet responsible for the wound etc., is in the 5th, 6th or 9th house and if it is with or aspected by a benefic planet, it will be a mole or soot. , 1/33/ Thus ends the Fifth Chapter about birth conditions of Hora Makarand composed by Daivdya Gunakar.


The classification of span of life has been made by the old sages in two diffeient categories. The first one is YOGODBHAV i.e. due to the different types of yogas and the second in AN1YAT i.e. which is unsettled. The first one is divided Into four different sub categories while the second one is divided into five different sub categories. //I//

(I )Rishta (without calamity), (2) Param (Maximum) (3) Niyat (fixed) (4) Amit (that cannot be measured) arc the four sub categories of Yogodbhav type and (I )Pind. (2) Amshaja (3) Nisarga (4) Saptamsha and (5) Mishra are the five sub categories of Arayat type. //2//

I f in a Horoscope, Sun is strong, he gives Pindayu; if theascendant is strong it gives Amshajayu; if Moon is strong, he gives Nisargayu. if Sun. Moon and ascendant all the three are without strength, they give Saptamshayu. These are the types of span of live they 1 give. //3//




If (1 )the Sun, Moon and the lord of the sign occupied by Moon and (2) Sun. Moon and the lord of the sign occupied by Sun and (3) Ascendant, (all the three) have equal strength they indicate mixed span of life. There are 12 such different types of Yogas in sequence. I/A/I

If waning Moon (within 72 degree from Sun) is in the ascendant and in the signs other than Aries, Taurus and Cancer and is aspected by malefic planets, the child born is without span of life. (Aayurheen). //5//

Ina Horoscope, ifthe Moon is in anyofthe houses viz. 1st, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th and is with malefic planets and is not with strong Mercury, Jupiter or Venus or aspected by them, the child dies. 1161!

The child dies if in a Horoscope, ifthe waning Moon (i.e. within 72 degrees from Sun) is in the ascendant and the malefic planets occupy the quadrants and the 8th house. 117/1

Ifthe child is bom at sunset (or Sunrise or midday) and (he ascendant is in the Hora of Moon and all the malefic planets are in their last Navamamsha, the child is Alpayu (short life). Similarly, if the Moon occupies quadrant along with malefic planet and each quadrant is occupied by malefic planet, the child dies. //8//







If the sign Cancer or Scorpio is in the ascendant and all malefic planets arc located between the cusp of the 10th house and the cusp of 4lh house and all the benefic planets are located between the cusp of thc4th house and the 1 Oth house, the child dies. 11911

The child dies, if at located in (1) the 6th and the (2) the 2nd and the (3) the 2nd and the (4) the 6th and the

the time of birth all the malefic planets are 12thhouses; 8th houses; 12thhouses; and 8th houses.

U] 0//

The child dies, if Moon is in the 1 st or 4th or 7th or 8th house and is between two malefic planets (Kartari) and is not aspected by any strong benefic planet. II]MI

The child dies, ifallthe malefic planets occupy the 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 1 Oh houses from the Moon and all benefic planets occupy 6th, 8th and 12thhouses from the Moon. //12//

The child dies immediately, if the Moon is located in the houses other than ascendant or 7th house and is not aspected by benefic planet and if (1) Sun is in the 7th house and Saturn is in the ascendant; or (2) Mars is in the ascendant and Sun is in the 7th house; or (3) Sun is in the ascendant and Saturn or Mars is in the 7th house. //13//


I lor a MaKarana

The child dies immediately, if malefic planets are in the ascendant, 7th house, 8th house and the Moon is located in the 12th house (according to Saravali, Moon should be Ksheen i.e. within 72 degrees from Sun) and there are no benefic planets in the quadrants. Similarly, the child dies, if the ascendant, 12thhouse, 9th house and 8th house are occupied by Saturn, Sun, Mars and Moon respectively and are not aspected by Jupiter. //14// Commentary:- According to Saravali the Moon in the 1st yoga should be ksheen. Secondly, these are two different Yogas and therefore, arc mentioned accordingly.

The child dies if, in a Horoscope, in the 5th, 9th and 8th houses strong malefic planets are present and are without any aspect from benefic planets and the ascendant is occupied by either by Sun or Moon. //15//

The child dies along with his mother, if the 7th and 8th houses arc occupied by malefic planets and also are aspected by malefic planets. It the malefic planets are aspected by benefic planets, the child is a sickly child from the birth. II]6//

The child dies along with his mother, if Moon is eclipsed at the time of birth and the ascendant is with malefic planet and the Mars is in 3th house. Similarly, the native dies, due to injuries of weapon if the Sun is eclipsed at the time of birth and the ascendant is with malefic planet and Mars is in the 8th house. II] IH







Commentary According to Jatak Panjat both mother and child die due to weapon. ffSun is in the 1 Oh house atthe time of birth, in the sign Aries or Scorpio or Capricorn or Aquarius and is aspected by malefic planet, it indicates death ofa native. //IB//

In the case of Aristha Yogas, where period of death is not predicted, the death may be at the time of next transit of Moon in the same sign. Or when any strong malefic planet transits the ascendant duly aspected by malefic planet, it would cause death, within a period of one year. II] 9//

It Moon is either in the 6th house or in the 8th house atthe time of birth duly aspected by malefic planet it causes immediate death of a child. Ifthe Moon in the position slated above is aspected purely by benefic planets, with equal strength the child dies atthe age of 8 years and the same Moon if is aspected by the benefic and malefic planets of equal strength, the child will die at the age of4 years. In case the strength of the planets aspecting is different, the period may be finalised by calculation after considering their strengths. //20//

If at the time of birth, the benefic planets are in the 6th and 8th houses aspected by retrograde malefic planets and are not aspected by benefic planets, the child will die within one month. Ill Ml




Ifalthetime of birth, Moon is in the quadrants in Amavasya Yoga (i.e. in conjunction with Sun), aspected by Saturn and Mars, the child dies w ithintwo years; and the same Moon along with the lord of the ascendant if is In 8th house without aspect of any benefic planets and with the aspect ofaii malefic planets, the child would die within 3 years. //22//

At the time of birth, if Sun. Moon and Mars are with Saturn. Jupiter and Venus respectively in each house together, the child dies at the age ol"5 years. 1123/1

The death takes place in the months indicated by the lord ofthe decanate of the ascendant, if placed in the sign of his enemy. Similarly, it the lord ofthe Navamamsha rising in his ascendant and lord ofthe ascendant are placed in the sign of their enemies, the child dies within the months indicated by them. //24// Commentary This Yoga is in respect of the decanate and Navamamsha rising in the ascendant. In Phaladeepika, the Yoga given in respect of decanate and Navamamsha in Chapter XV11/2 and 3 is different which is as follows: 'Ascertain the Rashiand Navamamsha occupied by {l)the Lord ofthe8th house (i.e.64th Navamamsha), (2) Gulika. (3) Saturn or (4) Lord of 22nd decanate (counted from the ascendant). When Saturn transists that Rasi or Navamamsha or trangular position, death may take place. Find out the lord ofthe decanate that is rising and also the lord of the 8th house and that of the 22nd decanate. When Jupiter transits the Rasi or Amsha occupied by any of these three planets or its trangular position, death may take place." From the ulxwc. it wi 11 be seen that for this purpose, the 22nd decanate







and 64th Nsvamamsha vv hich are rising in the 8th house and which are called 'Khar' are required to be considered and. therefore, there seems to be some mistake in this Yoga

The child dies, within I6days it at the lime of birth. Saturn is in the ascendant aspected by malefic planets. If Saturn is with malefic planets the child dies within one month IfSalurn is neitherwith the malefic planets nor aspected by them, the child dies in one year. Ifat the time of birth. Sun and Moon are with Mercury and aspected by malefic planets, the child dies within 11 years. //25//

The child dies, at the age of 6th or 7th year if Sun, Saturn and Mars are In the ascendant and Moon without strength is located in the 7th house and is not aspected by Jupiter. //26//

The child dies within 5 days, if at the time of birth, Moon without strength (Ksheen i.e. within 72 degrees from Sun) is located in cruel signs with malefic planets and is also aspected by Rahu. 7/27//

The child dies within one month, if at the time of birth Sun. Saturn and Mars are located in the ascendant or in the 8th house. I2SII

The child dies within 6 or 8 months, if at the time of birth Moon without strength (Ksheen), is in the ascendant and in the 2nd and 12ilv house malefic planets are located but without benefic planets or without their aspect. II29II




The child dies within one month, if the lord of the 1 loraof the ascendant is in the 7th house with malefic planets or lord of the ascendant is in the 8th house with malefic planets without any aspect of benefic planets. //30//

The child dies within 4 months, if the lord of the ascendant is in the 8th house aspected by a malefic strong planet. Similarly, if the lord of theascendant along with Sun and Saturn is in the 8th house and if Venus is also located along with them, the child dies within the period indicated by the sign in the 8th house. II3MI

The child dies within two months, if the child is bom on the star in the ascendant on which the Comet is also risen. II32II

The child dies at the age of 9 years, it the lord of the ascendant is a malefic planet and is also in the Navamamsha of Moon and occupies 12th house from frie Moon and if the ascendant is aspected by malefic planet. II33II

The child dies within 3 years, if in a Horoscope, Jupiter occupies 8th house either in the sign Aries or Scorpio and is aspected by any planet other than Venus. The child dies within two years, if retrograde Saturn is located either In the 6th or in the 8th house and is aspected by Mars. 1/3411







The child dies within 9 years if in a horoscope, Saturn is with Sun and Moon. //35//

The child dies within one year, if only one malefic planet is located in the 8th house in the enimical sign and is aspected by malefic planet. II3611

The child dies within 6 years, if Venus occupies either 6th or 8th or l2llihouse in the sign either Cancer or Leo, and is aspected by all malefic planets. 113111

The child dies within 4 years, if Mercury is either in the 6th house or in the 8th house in sign Cancer and is aspected by Moon at the time of birth. //38//

The child dies within 7 years, if the ascendant is in any of the decanates viz, Sarpa, Nigada, Pasha and Pakshi with malefic planets, without the aspect ofthelord ofthedecanate, 113911 Commentary 1 st decanate of Scorpio, 2nd decanate of Cancer and 3rd decanate ofPisces are called Sarpa decanates. The 1st decanate of Capricorn is called Nigada. 2nd decanate of Scorpio is called Pasha; and the 1st decanate of Leo is called Pakshi,

1 f at time of birth. Rahu is in the quadrants aspec-tcdby malefic planets the child dies within 10years. According to some sages, the child dies within 16years. 1/401/




1 tat the time of birth, the lord ofthe ascenoant and the lord ofthe sign occupied by Moon are in 6th or 8th house and are combust, the child dies in the >car indicated by the sign occupied b> the lord of ascendant

'Hie child dies within 9 years, il'Moonis in the sign Gemini or Virgo with Sun and Mars without aspect of bcnefic planets. //42//

Afterthe rise of Comet, it is followed by Meteors, Storm and Meteorite. A child bom thereafter in the Muhurthas viz. Raudnaand Satpadies immediately. //43// Commentary:- Raudra Muhurtha starts from Sunrise and is up to 4 Ghatikas (96 minutes) and Sarpa Muhurtha starts after Sunset and is upto 2 Ghatikas (48 minutes).

JfMoon is in sign Aries in 8 degrees, in Taurus in 9 degrees. In Gemini in 22 degrees, in Cancer in 22 degrees, in Leo in 5 degrees, in Virgo in 1 degree, in Libra in 4 degrees, in Scorpio in 23 degrees, in Sagattarius in 15 degrees, in Capricorn in 20 degrees, in Aquarius in 21 degrees and in Pisces in 10 degrees, the child dies in the year indicated by their degrees. //44// Thus ends the Sixth Chapter of Factors of Span of Life of Hora Makarand composed by Gunakar Daivadnya.


ii The short life yoga created by Moon is cancelled if. (1) Full Moon is aspected by all the planets: or (2) Full Moon is in the Navamamsha ofthe sign of his friendly planet or he is exalted and in both these yogas, if Moon is aspected by Venus: or (3) Waning Moon (Ksheen i.e. within 72 degrees from Sun) is in benefic Vargas and is also aspected by hcneficplanets. //1 //

The short liicvoga created by Moon is cancelled and the child gets long life is if. (1) Benelic planets are located in the 6th. 7th and 8th houses from Moon w ithout any aspect of malefic planets; or (2) Moon is in its own Trimashamsha along with benefic planets. //2// Commentary:- Inthefirst yoga, according to Saravali. the benelic planets in the 6th. 7th and 8th houses from Moon should also not be




with maieflc planets

The short life yoga created by Moon is cancelled if (1) Full Moon is located in the Dwadashamsha of benefic planet; 01 (2) Moon is in the signs of bcncficplanets and is not aspected by malefic planets but is aspected by the lord ofascendant. In these yogas the child gets long life. //3//

The short life yoga created by Moon is cancelled, ifMoon is located in the sign of malefic planet but is aspected by the lord of the said sign and is also in the Saptavargas of thesaid planet. In such a yoga the child gets long life. //4//

The short life yoga created by Moon is cancelled in the manner in which the darkness vanishes due to sunrise, if the lord of the ascendant is strong and is aspected by benefic planets or his friendly planets. Similarly, the short life yoga is cancelled, if the lord ofthe ascendant is located in the ascendant and is aspected by ail the benefic pianets. II5II

The short life yoga created by Moon is cancelled, if Moon occupies his sign of exaltation or his own house or his friend's house or the Vargas of benefic planets and is aspected by benefic planets. In such case even ifMoon is in his Ksheen position (i.e. powerless) short life yoga is cancelled Or ifthe said Moon is in his own Vargas, or with benefic pianets and is not with mclefic pianets or aspected h\ malefic planets but aspected by benefic planets, the short life

Cancellation of Yogas of Short Life Created by Moon 71 yoga is cancelled in the manner in which the lion kills the elephant. 7/67/

The short Irfeyoga created by Moon is cancelled if, (1) Jupiter is located in the 1 0th house from Moon and Mercury and Venus are located in the 12th house finm Moon and in the 1 Oh and 11th house from the lord of ascendant, malefic planets are located; (2) Moon is in one of the houses viz. 3rd, 4th, 6th, JOth and 11th aspected by beneftc planets; or (3) The lord of the ascendant is strong and Sun is in the ascendant. ma

The short life yoga created by Moon is cancelled if Jupiter or Mercury or Venus is strong and is placed in the quadrants; or any malefic planet is in quadrant in the degrees of his deep exaltation. 11211

The short life yoga created by Moon is cancelled if; (1) All benefic planets are in Vargottamposition; (2) All benefic planets are in their own signs; or (3) All malefic planets are in the Vargas of benefic planets and also in the signs of benefic planets. II9IJ

The short lite yoga created by Moon is cancelled, in the manner in which a person reciting Vedas destroys sin, if allthe malefics are in the signs of their friendly planets and all the benefics planets arc in irdnitle. // 10//




The short life yoga created by Moon is cancelled, ifthebirth is in the night lime and Moon is in the sign of deep exaltation; or he is in his own house or in his own Vargas or deep exaltation degrees and aspected by his friendly planets. Ill Ml

The short life yoga created by Moon is cancelled if, (1)The Moon is located in the constellation of either Ashvini or Krittika or Pushya; or (2) Tripuskar yoga is created; or (3) Full Moon is in Vargottama position. //12// Commentary:- A Tripuskar yoga is created if Sunday, Tuesday and Saturday happens to be on the Tithisviz., 2nd, 7th and 12thand Moon happens to be in one of the constellation of Krittika, Punarvasu, Uttar phalguni, Vishakha, Uttarashadha. Purvabhadrapada on the above Tithis.

The short life yoga created by Moon is cancelled, if Moon happens to be in the 2nd or 3rd Charana of Pushya or in the 2nd Charana of Rohini constellation and aspected by benefic planets. //13//

The short life yoga created by Moon is cancelled in the manner in which a very strong wind destroyes watery clouds, if Moon is embezzled by Rahu in the signs Aries and Cancer in the quadrants and is aspected by benefics. //I A//

The short life yoga created by Moon is cancelled, if Moon occupies one of die signs viz. Pisces, Libra or Acquarius in the house 3rd,

Cancellation of Yogas of Short Life Created by Moon 73 6th or 11 tli house in the horoscope: Sim i larly, if the strong Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are located in the trine the\ also cancel the short life yoga created by Moon. //15//

A child is protected from all evils or distresses if all planets are located in the invisible part of the horoscope i.e., firm 1st to 7th houses. //16//

A child is without calamity if it is bom in the evening and on the yogas viz Bhadra (i.e. Vishti Karana), Vyatipat. Vaidhriti and the three Gandantas (i.e. Tithi Gandanta, Nakshatra Gandanta and Rashi Gandanta). 11] Hf

The child is without evils and saved from the calamities in the following two yogas: (1) 1 T Sun in exaltation is located in 3rd, 6th or 11 th house from the ascendant; (2) I f all the planets are located in 3rd, 6th, 10th or I Jth house firm the ascendant. //18//

The child is saved from calamities if: (Dl f two or three or more planets are located after the distance of one sign firm the ascendant or the Moon; (i.e. in the alternative houses) or (2) The strong Jupiter in his own sign is located in the 4th house aspected by strong Moon. 11] 911

The child is saved firm calamities, if three planets each arc located


Hora Maxarana

in the 2nd and 12thhouse fmm ascendant, which become temporary friends. I HQ II Commentary: Planets in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th, 1 I th and ! 2th sign from any other planet becomes the latter's temporary friend. Tins principle seems to have been considered here.

The child is saved from calamities, if all planets are placed in benefic Navamamsha in the horoscope either in the houses classified as Aapolceem ti.e. 3rd, 6th, 9th. and 12th) or Panaphar (i.e. 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11 th) or Quadrants (i.e. 1 st, 4th, 7th and 1 Oth.) 1121 //

The child is saved from calamities, if one benefic planet occupies ascendant and the remaining quadrants (i.e. lst,4th, 7th and 1 Oth) are occupied by two planets in each house, and the 7th house is occupied by waning Moon (i .e. Ksheen). HUH

The child is saved from calamities, if the rising sign in the ascendant is Abhijeet (i.e. sign Capricorn from degrees 6-40-5 to 21-0000) and if Jupiter is located in 5th, 7th or 9th house from Sun and the quadrant is occupied either by Mercury or Venus. 112211 Note:- Abhijeet a star is located between constellations Uttarashadha and Shravana.

The chrld is saved from.calamitiesif: (1) A quadrant is occupied by Venus in his own sign and own Navamamsha and is either aspected by Moon or Mercury; or (2) Either 5th house or 9th house is occupied by Mercury in his own sign and own Navamamsha and aspected by Venus; or (3) Jupiter is located in the ascendant in his sign of exaltation and in his Navamamsha. I HAH

Cancellation of Yogas of Short Life Created by Moon 75 Thus ends the Seventh Chapter of Cancellation of Yogas of Short life created by Moon, of Hora Makarand, composed by Gunakar Daivadnya.





If Jupiteris in the ascendant, powerful in Shadavargas and without combustion, he cancels all the evils of the native created by planets in the manner in which the planets become invisible in the bright Sun. 77 V/

If the ascendant is in the signs of benefic planets, with benefic planets or aspcclcd by bcncfic planets and benefic planets are strong and malefic planets arc without strength in the horoscope, the evils created by planets is cancelled in the manner in which the wife has no voice when she is with her husband. I all

If the benefic planets are located in bcncfic Vargas and malefic planets are also in bcnclic Vargas aspected by benefic planets, they cancel the evil effects of the native in the manner in which the God Vishnu takes away all the evil when worshipped by folded hands. ' IBU

Cancellarion ofEvit Effects caused by all Planets 11

The evil effects of thcplanets are cancelled; (Dir Rahu is placed in the 3rd. 6th or I I th house from the ascendant aspected by benefic planets ; similarly (2) if all the planets are in Shecrshodavcc signs w llh strength. All Note Gemini. Leo. Virgo, Scorpio and Aquarius are Sheershodayce signs.

The evil effects ol the planets are cancelled (1)if a strong benefic planet is located in the ascendant and is also aspected by benefic planet; or (2) if the ascendant is aspected by malefic planet and any malefic planet is located in Parivesha (i.e. in his own house, own Amsha etc.) //5/ /

The child bom is kept away from all the evil effects, if all the planets are strong and located in the houses owned by them, and the sky is frill of mild fragrance without dust and the clouds are glittering and also the time is auspicious. 11611 Note :- Such a situation is generally at the time Ol abirth of great Sages.

The evil effects ofthe planets are cancelled, if the birth of a child takes place at the time of rising of Saptarshi (Ursa Major) and Agastya (Canopus) in the manner in which the butter melts with the heat of fire Hli/




IfRahu occupies ascendant in the sign Aries, Taurus or Cancer, the evil effects of the planets are cancelled. Similarly, if at the time of birth the strength ofthcbenefic planets is comparatively more, the evil effect of early death is cancelled. //8//

The Sages predict the span of life as 30 years, ifthe benefic planet is strong and is in the quadrant and if there is no planet in the 8th house. However, if the benefic planets are aspecting the said benefic planet in the quadrant, the span of life would be 40 years.II9II

The native lives 100 years, if Jupiter is in the ascendant in the sign Cancer and Venus is in the 4th, 7th or 1 Oth house. Similarly, if Jupiter is in his own sign and in his own decanate (i.e. in the sign Sagittarius or Pisces), the native lives for 77 years. //10//

II The native lives for 60 years, ifthe ascendant is occupied by full Moon in the sign of his'exaitation and the benefic planets are in their own sign. Similarly, if Jupiter is in the ascendant in exaltation and the benefic planets are in the 5th and the Oth houses the native //11// lives for 80 years.

If Jupiterand Moon are strong in the horoscope and there is no planet located in the 8th houses from the Moon and malefic planets are located in 3rd, 6th, IQh and I Ithhouses from the ascendant //I HI the native lives for J00 years.

The native lives for 70 years if Jupiter is located in the ascendant and all other benefic planets occupy the quadrants and the 8th house

Cancellation of Evil Effects caused by all Planets 19 either from the ascendant or from the Moon is without any planet. 7773// Thus ends the Eight Chapter of Cancellation of Evil Effects caused by All Planets, of Hora Makarand composed by Gunakar Daivadnya.


For the purpose of life span, the Pindayu years ofthe Planets ate 19years.25 years. ISyears, 12years, 15 years,21 years and20 years in respect of planets viz. Sun, Moon Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn respectively. Full years may be taken, if the planet is in deep exaltation and if the planet is in extreme debilitation half of the years may be taken. If the planet is neither in deep exaltation nor in extreme debilitation and is in between, the years may be calculated proportionately and the Pindayu years of the planet may be arrived at. //I//

For the purpose of life span. Nisargayu years of theplanets are 20 years. 1 year. 2 years. 9 years. 18 years. 20 years, and 50 years in respect of theplanets viz. Sun. Moon. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn respectively, as told by the scholars. 112II





The Plndayurdaya should De calculated as follows First take the sign. Amsha. Kala and Vikaia oriheconcerned planet. Then deduct the degrees of deep exaltation from it. If the remainder is less than 6 signs, it may again be deducted from 12 signs and then be converted into Kalas. (In case the remainder is morethan 6 signs it may be converted into Kalas). Thereafter, multiply it by the years of Pindayu and then devide it by 21600. (i.e. 12 signs x 30 degree x 60 Kaias = 21600). This will give Pindayu. Inthesame way, Pindayu of each planet should be calculated and the total of it will give the life span. II3II

If themalefic planets are located in the 12th, 11 th 1 0th, 9th, 8th and 7th houses, the years of Pindayu being given by the concerned planet may be reduced as follows : (1) Full years for the planet in the 12th house, (2)i.rd years for the planet in the 1 1th house, (3) j-rd years for the planets in the 10th house, (4) 1 th years for the planets in the 9th house, 4 (5)4-th years for the planets in the 8th house (6)-^"th years for the planets in the 7th house. •Similarly, ifthe benefic planets are located in these houses, the years to be reduced are \I2., 1/4, 1/6, 1/8, l/IOand 1/12 respectively, from the Pindayu. In case any one of these six houses is occupied by two or more than two planets, these malefics or benefics, only one of them, who is the strongest, will lose years as malefic or benefic. This is the opinion of Satyacharya. Similarly, Manittha Daivadnya has opined to take mixed life span. //4//




Mofthe life is to be reduced ifthe planets, other than Saturn and Venus, are combust. The method of calculation of span of life is the same in respect of Lagnayurdaya. Pindayurdaya. Saptamshayurdaya and Naisargikayurdaya. //5/ /

!fiord oftheNavamamsha in the ascendant is strong, the life span will be according to the years of Navamamsha. Similarly, ifthe planet is in hisown house the lifespanwill be according tothesaid sign.- Ifthe planet is in other house the period may be arrived at by way of calculation. In the case of Lagnayurdaya if the planet is retrograte or in the enemy's house he reduces l/3oftheyears he is to give. II6II

tfthe ascendant is occupied by a malefic planet, convert the ascendant into Kalas, multiply it by the years ofthe planet and then divide the result by 21600. This result is to be deducted from the Pinda years. In case the malefic planet in the ascendant is aspected by the benefic planet then the half the result is to be deducted from the Pindayu ofthe planet. This, however, is to be done in respect of Nisargayu, Pindayu and Saptamsha-yurdaya. (It should not be done m case of Anshayrdaya.) //?//

When Anshayu of a planet is to be considered, multiply the said Anshaoflheplanet by 3 and devide it by 10. Convert the remainder into years, months, and days and ghatikas. If the years are





more than 12 years dcvidcthem by 2 and the result is the Anshayu of the planet. //8//

In case where Anshayu is to be calculated, if the planet is in retrogration or in the sign of exaltation, the life should be tripled. Similarly, If the said planet is in Vargottam Navamamsha or in his own sign or decanate, the years of life are to be doubled. This Is the view of Satyacharya. According to Varahamihir, when the planet is retrograte, in the sign of exaltation, in his own sign, Navamamsha or decanate, the years are required to be doubled or tripled but instead it should be tripled because bigger multiplier is required to be taken. //9/i

According to Jeeva Shamia, the deep exaltation degrees ofapianet should be deducted from the sign and degrees of the planet. Ifthe remainder is less than 6 signs, it should be deducted again from 12 signs. Then the result should be multipled by 8641 and dcvided by 504. Then the life in days is the result which may be converted into years. //10//

The following are the opinions about types of calculation ot life span: (1) According to Yavanaeharya. it is of 12 types : (2) According to Manittha, it is of lOtypes : (3) According to Parashara, it is of 8 types in Dasha system. (4) According to Siddhasen, it is of 6 types. (5) According to Dcval, it is of 4 types.

84 (6) (7)



According lo Shrce Vishnu Gupta, it is of 3 types. According to Satyacharya, it is of 2 types. II] Ml

There are different types of methods of calculation of life span told by old Sages such as : (1) Nisargajanya (2) By way of system of Vimshottari Mahadasha, Antardasha, vidasha etc. (3) Rashisandnya (4) Bhavajanit (5) Yogodbhava (6) Drishtija (7) Ashtakavargaja (8) Horadivargaja (9) Pratyabdajanya etc. Out of the above, the first seven are famous. (i.e. being considered) i //12//

The Nisarga Dasha Is of 120 years out of which Moon gives 1 year, Mars 2, Mercury 9, Venus 20, Jupiter 18, Sun 20, and Saturn 50 years. The Daivadnyas say that planets confer to the native the life according to their strength in their Dasha. Il]2/f

The maximum span of life or human being and elephant is 120 years and 5 days; for horse 32 years, for ox 24 years, for goat 16





> ears, tor camel and donkey 25 \ears and for dog and eat it is 12 years. Their life span may be calculated on the same lines as being done is respect of human being. ' //I4// Thus ends the Ninth Chapter of span ol lifeof Hora Makaranda composed by Gunakar Daivadnya.


The first ruling period in the Dasha system is that of cither ascendant or Moon or Sun who ever is the strongest amongst the three. The next in order will be that of the planets in the quadrant trom the Dasha lord, then will come the Dasha oftheplanets in the Panaphar houses from the Dasha lord and then of the planets placed in the Aapocleem houses from the Dasha lord. This is the order in this Dasha system In case there is no planet in the quadrant from the Ascendant or Moon or Sun as stated earlier (for deciding Dasha lord) the second Dasha that of the planets placed in Aapocleem houses should be taken. //I// Dasha of Planet to be taken according to the calculated years only.

The lite span of the Dasha lords should be arrived at after calculation, because the planets give their results in their Dasha only. Illl!

Ruling and Sub-Ruling Periods


How to decide first Dasha among equally meritted planets?

If in the quadrants etc. two or more than two planets are located, the Dasha of the strong planet should be taken first; and in case where the planets are ofequal merits the planet who has contributed greatest number of years to life will have the dasha first. When the planets are of equal merits in both these createria, the one who has risen first will have the precedence in the matter. //3// Antradasha

The planet located with the Dasha lord takes away half of the period of theDasha lord as its sub period. A planet in the 5th or the 9th house from the Dasha lord has 1/3 rd oftheperiod of Dasha as its sub period. A planet in the 7th house from the Dasha lord has l/7th ofthe period of Dasha lord as its sub-period. A planet in the 4th or the 8th house from the Dasha lord has 1/4 th ofthe Dasha lord's period as its sub-period. Thus the planets including the Ascendant lord have their sub-periods. HAH

The strong planet alone gives the results of Aantar Dasha (i.e. results of sub-period) when more than one planets are located in one house, 1151/ How to calculate Sub-Periods '

Having determined the fractions of the main ruling period for the various planets located in the houses enum-;rated with reference to the Dasha lord, their proportion ofthe mun ruling period should be worked out as mentioned above. These will be their subperiods. !I6II




Whose sub-period should come first ?

The first sub-period ofthe lord ofihcMahadasha is to be taken followed by the sub-periods in order as mentioned above arc taken. Some Sages are of the opinion that the sub-periods should be in the order of Dasha as mentioned in lirst stanza arc taken. HIH Commentary :- The order of sub-periods will be as follows. The first the Dasha will be of its lord, then the one with it; next, the one in the 5th or 9th from it, then the one in the 7th from it and the last one will be oflhcplanet in the 4th or 8th from the Dasha lord. Ilencficor Malefic Dashas

The planets in exaltation, in his own sign, in his own Navamamsha, in his friend's house or in the Navamamsha of his friend are strong and give good results in their Dashas. Similarly, the planets mentioned above if are aspecfed by benefic planets or arc with benefic planets also give good results in their Dasha. In case they arc in other houses or with malefic planets or aspected by malefic planets they give adverse results. //8// Dasha Results

The lord ofthe Dasha starts giving very good results from the beginning of Dasha i f, the lord ofthe Dasha is in the ascendant or in his friend's house or only in the houses of benefic planets and their Navanamsha etc. Shadvargas; Or if the lord ofthe Dasha is in the 3rd, 6th, 1 Oth or 11 th houses (i.e. Upachaya houses) from the ascendant or the Moon sign. Similarly, the native gets good results of

Ruling and Snb-Riding Periods


Dasha ifMoon is located in tricndlyhouse from the lord ofDasha or in exaltation of in Mooltrikona sign, or in Upchaya houses (3.6,10.1 1) or in 7th house. In other cases, the native gets bad results of Dasha. //9// Special Name ofDashas.

In the movable sign of ascendant, the Dasha of ascendant in the first decanate is Pujya (best), in the second decanate it is Sama (medium) and in the third decanate it is Heephala (worst). If the ascendant is mutable, the Dasha of the ascendant in the 1 st decanate will be Heephala (worst), in the 2nd it will be Sama (medium) and in the 3rd it will be Pujya (best). In the case of thefixed sign in the ascendant, Dasha in the 1st decanate will be Adhama (worst) in the 2nd decanate it will be Pujya (best) and in the 3rd decanate it will be Sama-Madhyama(medium). Some are of the opinion that in case of mutable sign in the ascendant, the results of the entire Dasha of the ascendant should be considered as bad. //10// Results ofDasha according to names

A planet located in a position of his point of deep exaltation and that of extreme debilitation is termed as Avarohini and if the lord of the Dasha is m his friend's house or in exaltation or in his own Navamamsha, it is Madhyama. In case the lord of Dasha is located in between the extreme debilitation and the deep exaltation, the Dasha is named as Arohini (mounting up) and in case the lord of theDasha is in the Navamamsha of his enemy or in his extreme debilitation, the Dasha is named as Adhama. Ill Ml Commentary :- Avarohini Dasha gives bad results, Madhyama gives medium results., Aarohini gives good results and Adhama gives extremely bad results,




Good Or Had Dashas

The Dasha results ofaplanet that is strong (by exaltation, or by occupation of Mooltrikon sign or his own sign or a friendly sign) but who occupies a Navamamsha that is its debilitation Navamamsha or one belonging to its enemy, give mixed results i.e. both good and bad results (i.e. Madddhyama). Similarly, if the planet is completely without strength the Dasha is called Rikta means which takes away everything from the native. Planets which arc strong (by house and sign position etc.) and are located in the Navamamsha in their exaltation sign, give good results to the fullest extent within Dasha. Planets occupying inimical sign and inimical or debilitation Navamamsha, give adverse results. JI\2Ji Deciding good or bad results on the basis of location of Moon at the time of beginning of Dasha.

If at the start of any (sub-period) Dasha, Moon is located in the sign Cancer, the Sub-period will be conducive to honour, wealth and comforts. IfMoon occupies the signs Aries or Scorpio, it indicates some flaw in the nature of his wife. If Moon occupies the sign of Gemini or Virgo, it indicates acquisition of mixed education, and wealth. If it is sign Leo, it indicates the operation in forests Jungles. If it is sign Taurus or Libra it indicates gain of grains from agriculture. If It is in sign Capricorn or Acquarlus, it gives a bad wife and if it is the sign, Sagittarius or Pisces sign, it indicates the honour, wealth and comforts. II]lit Favourable - Dasha of Sun.

Ruling and Sub-Ruling Periods 91 In the main or sub ruling period of Sun, one acquires wealth, nails (i.e. nails of tiger etc.). ivory, tiger skin and God. He becomes liercc.has to travel a lot (on roads), comes in contact with kings (high officials), engages m war. he also engages himself in aggression. frequent ambitious undertakings, becomes famous and gets wealth from forests and jungles and mountains. /714/7 Unfavourable Dasha of Sun.

If the main or sub period of Sun is adverse, one gets into trouble due to weapon, lire etc. and physical trouble to belly, eyes, heart and of bile and excessive cohabitation. The hunger and thirst give rise to the diseases. His wife, children, brothers and servants also get trouble. . //15// Favourable Dasha of Moon

During the beneficial Dasha of Moon, a person gets Mantra and good advice from Brahmins, gets surgarcane juice and its products, milk.and its products, clothes, flowers, food and sesame, etc. and with efforts wealth. Similarly, he is of aforgiving nature and also worships God and Brahmins. He also is intellectual famous and accumulates wealth. //16// Unfaovourablc Dasha of Moon

If the main or sub period of Moon is adverse, one feels lazy and sleepy. He may lose wealth and honour. His own men may become worst enemies. He may get female progeny. II] 7// Favourable Dasha of Mars.

A favorable Dasha of Mars brings in wealth by crashing away enemies, from kings (or government), brothers, land (or house).




ram. goat ana animals giving wool. I Ic inayalsoearn wealth from poison, stock of wapons. gold, copper. Aloe wood. etc. He also earn money from gambling and lottery. II] 81/ Unfavourable Dasha of Mars.

I ("the main or sub-period of Mars is adverse, it indicates quarrels with wife, son, brothers, servants, trouble through the diseases of blood, fever, bile, also through the contacts of other women, gets into the company of sinful people, gets interested in acts of immorality and inimical relations with elderly persons and preachers. //19// Favourable Dasha of Mercury

Inthe favourable period or sub-period of Mercury, one gets wealth through duties as messengers or pleader, friends, elders and Brahmins, bell metal, gold, land, horses, mules, etc. He gets happiness trough religion, intellect, good fortune and craftsmanship. II20II Unfavourable Dasha of Mercury

If the main or sub-period of Mercury is adverse, one uses curt language, has to put in much labour, gets into captivity, is worried mentally, and sufferers form all the three humours, i.e. Wind, Bile and Phlegm. He also suffers from typhoid. Ill]// Favourable Dasha of Jupiter. The favourable period of sub-period of Jupiter gives honour of being a minister, and good moral qualities, advisory capacity, legal acumen, favour from king or government, study ofspiritual literature and reciting of Mantras and acquisition of weaith through them.

Ruling and Sub-Rulmg Periods


It also brings about the aeqisiton of gold, horses, elephants, and clothes. He is also powerful and intelectual and gets honour. 112211 Unfavourable Dasha of Jupiter,

If the mam or sub-peiod of Jupiter is adverse, there is posibility of disease of ears and head. He is afraidof king and his oficials. He always suffers hom grief and lamentation and loses fit and also suffers form quivering. Favourable Dasha of Venus

The favourable period or sub-period of Venus gives wealth from king and also wealth fiom hidden treasure The native is absorbed m music and dances of courtesan and sexual pleasures. He also gets vehicles, clothes, precious stones and also knowledge. ' Unfavourable Dasha of Venus

If the main or sub-period of Venus is adverse one engages himself in the enmity of elderly people fiom the family, the government, wife, servants. He is always in the company of bad people and suffers fiom fevers and troubles acquired due to travelling. 10511 Favourable Dasha OfSaturn

During the favourable Dasha of Saturn the native acquires asses, camels, birds, and unchaste old women. He gains fiom iron, lead and inferior grains. Similarly, he is appointed as head ofthe town or district, etc., for the purpose of administration. //26// Unfavourable Dasha Of Saturn




Ifthe mam or suo-penod of Saturn is adverse one becomes captive and suffers form diseases and litigation. He loses family, wife and also vehicles. He suffers from arthritis and the like troubles from wind humour. He quarrels with his children and servants and is addicted to gambling etc. 112111 How Planets affect limbs?

The element fire is related to appearance and concerns eyes. Therefore, events related to eye sights will be in the Dasha of Mars or Sun. The element Earth is related to smell and it is experienced through nose, the planet involved is Mercury. Hence, when there is usual contacts with good or bad smells, it should be understood that the Dasha or sub-period of Mercury is running. The element of sky is related to the hearing and when the disease relating to cars is experienced, the Dasha or sub-period of Jupiter is deemed to be in operation. The element of water is related to the taste which has relevance to tongue (Mukha). During the period of having enjoyment of unusually good or bad food the Dasha of Moon or Venus should be considered. The element of Air is related to the sense of touch concerned with our skin. When events concerning disease of skin or soft touch arc in evidence, it should be understood that the Dasha or sub-period of Saturn is in operation. Thus if the lords out of the five elements, are strong, they give good results in respect of conditions related to that planet and if are weak, they create problems.//28// Good or bad results of a Planet in the same Dasha

Ruling and Sub-Ruling Periods


1 fa planet in its Dasha or sub-period indicates good results in a particular matter in one way and bad results in the same matter in another way i.e. in one way it indicates acquisition of gold and in another way loss of gold, none too good or bad results will be felt, or which is more in comparison will survive and other will be eliminated or additional result will accrue. Iftwoor more planets have similar results they will give their results in their Dashas. They will not destroy results of each other or have clash. II29II

The articles indicated by the planets, the profession etc. and the results created due to the occupation of houses by the planets or their aspect will accrue in the Dasha or sub-period of the concerned planet. //30//

The time of birth, in Ghatis, day, month, year should be added to the year, month, day,.Ghatis, ofthe Dasha and after reviewing the horoscope with accurate ascendant and detailed planetary position, the results of the Dasha may be predicted according to the principles of astro logy. //31// Thus ends the Tenth Chapter of Ruling and sub-ruling periods in Hora Makarand Composed by Daivadnya Gunakar.


Sub-Periods of Moon, Mars and Mercury in Sun's Period

The native gets good health, wealth, great enjoyments and pleasures and he destroys his enemies during the sub-period of Moon in the main period of Sun. The native gets 'Vidrum* Jewel, friendship with the officials of the king and victory over a very powerful horse (a warrior mounting a very powerful horse) during the sub-period of Mars in the main period of Sun. The native suffers from painful skin disease like leprosy and ring worm, itch, etc. during the sub-period of Mercury in the main period of Sun. //I// Sub-Periods of Jupiter, Venus and Saturn in Sun's period

The native acts much wealth and «ood health and sets rid of

Suo-Ruhng Pcriotls


poverty, diseases and sins during the sub period of Jupiter in the main period of Sun. The native gets trouble from sharp pain, fevers, diseases to head etc. f ie is deprived of sexual pleasures and has to serve bad people during the sub-period of Venus in the main period of Sun. The native gets troubles from the government ol'llcials, enemies etc. and also from excessive excitement and becomes poor during the sub-period of Saturn in the Main period of Sun. //2// Sub-periods of Sun, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter in Moon's period

The native gets wealth from government officials due to his bravencss and suffers from tuberculosis during the sub period of Sun in the mainpcriodof Moon. The native suffers from bile, blood diseases, loss of hair, loss of money and has a fear of bums during the sub period of Mars In the main period of Moon. The native gets wealth and happiness and enjoyment from horses, elephants and cows during the sub-period of Mercury in the main period of Moon. The native gets elephants, horses and enjoyment from them, wealth, clothes and ornaments without any efTorts. in the sub-period of Jupiter in the main period of Moon. 11311 Suh-Pcriod of Venus and Saturn in Moon's Period

The native gets ornaments, vessels, boats, etc. and wife during the sub-period of Venus in the main period of Moon.




The native suffers from diseases, and separation from memoers of his family, bad habits, etc. and he becomes more affectionate during the sub period of Saturn in the main period of Moon. //All Sub-Periods of Sun, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter in Mars' period

The native gete wealth from wild daring and honour from the king for success in the battle during the sub-period of Sun in the main period of Mars. The native gets wife, jewels and friends and profits from trade of pearls during the sub period of Moon in the mam period of Mars. The native suffers from enemies and loss from elephants and horses during the sub-period of Mercury in the main period of Mars. The native gels kingdom (high post in government), with wealth, full gratification of his desires and implicit faith in religion during the sub-period of Jupiter in the main period of Mars. « II5II Sub-Period of Venus and Saturn in Mar's Period.

The native suffers from fevers, likely battles and bad habits and loses money and becomes unhappy during the sub period of Venus in the main period of Mars. The native suffers due to the destruction of family, servants and domestic animals during the sub period of Saturn in the main period of Mars. II6II Sub-Periods of Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter in Mercury's Period.

Suo-Rulmg Periods


The native gets the Kingdom along with elephants, horses ana infantry in the sub period of Sun in the main period of Mercury. The native suffers bss of vehicles drawn by animals and fears from elephant. He also suffers from leprosy and loss of one of the limbs of the body during the sub period of Moon in the main period ofMercury. The native suffers from headache during the sub-period of Mars in the main period ofMercury. The native gets reputation and health. He becomes a Minister without opposition and enjoys command. He also becomes religious minded during the sub-period of Jupiter in the main period of Mercury. //7// Sub-Periods of Venus and Saturn in Mercury's period.

The native becomes religious minded and worships God and religious heads and also honours the guests. He also gets ornaments and jewels as desired and clothes. He also gets his bst articles. Thus he gets in the sub-period of Venus in the main period of Mercury. During the sub-period of Saturn in the main period of Mercury the native gets a woman other than his wife and becomes immoral and hot tempered. //8// Sub- Periods of Sun, Moon, Mars and Mercury in Jupiter's Period.

During the sub-period of Sun in the main period of Jupiter, the native gets favours from king and religious heads. He gets success in discussions and also sports. He becomes courageous and defeats enemies.




During the sub-penod of Moon in the mam period ot Jupiter the native gets kingly status and nobility. 1 le defeats his enemies and also is healthy. I le comes in contact with many ladies. During the Sub-period of Mars in the main period of Jupiter the native becomes famous and brave and defeats his enemies in the battle, l ie also gets wealth. During the sub-period of Mercury in the main period of Jupiter, the native gets elephants and horses. II9II Sub-Periods of Venus and Saturn in Jupiter's period.

The native gets meagre means of livelihood and is practically poor. He though is troubled by his enimics, lives his honest life (Vcpropjccvi) during the sub-period of Venus in the main period of Jupiter. The native becomes a gambler, addict of liquer, arrogant and is fallen and also is in acompany of prostitutes during the sub-period ofSaturn inthe main period of Jupiter. HiOli Sub-perolds of Sun, Moon, Mars and Mercury in Vcnus's Period.

The native gets trouble in the breast, cheek, and eyes and is also afraid of government officials during the sub-period of Sun in the main period of Venus. The native gets trouble to his nails, teeth, head and also suffers from jaundice during the sub-period of Moon in the main period of Venus. The native yets land from the government and suffers from the diseases concerning bile and blood during the sub-period of Mars in the main period of Venus. The nati\e iictsuliat he desires and also inoncv during the sub-

Sub-Ruling Periods


period of Mercur}' in the main period of Venus. 11 j ill Sub-Periods of Jupiter and Saturn in Venus's Period

The native gets high post in government, money, satisfaction and happiness and religious nature during the sub-period of Jupiter in the main period of Venus. The native gets the post of the head of a village or the head of a country. He also gets money and brothers. He comes in sexual contact with an old woman in the sub-period of Saturn in the main period of Venus. HXIH Sub-Periods of Sun, Moon, Mars and Mercury in Saturn's period.

The native suffers a loss of wife, children and money and always worried during the sub-period of Sun in the main period of Saturn. The native suffers from quarrels and loses wife, relatives and friends in the sub-penod of Moon in the main period of Saturn. The native goes abroad and also suffere from different diseases and pain during sub-period of Mars in the main period of Saturn. The native gets status, fame, success, happiness, money, and knowledge during the sub-period ofMercuryin the main period of Saturn. 11] 3// Sub-Periods of Jupiter and Venus in Saturn's period.

The native gets happiness from his wife and the village and he serves good people m the sub-period of Jupiter in the main period of Saturn.




The native gets wile, money and the number of his friends increases. i le is happy and also gets kingdom (status of a king) during the sub-period of Venus in the main period of Saturn. //I AH Special Rules For Ruling and Sub Ruling Periods.

There is a possibility of death or trouble from the enemies or diseases in the sub-period of malefics in the main period of malefics. //15// Special Effect of Sub Period of Saturn In Mars Period.

There is a possibility of death in the sub-period of Saturn in the main period of Mars ofthe native even though according to his horoscope, he has long life. The person having short life will definatelydie in such period. //I6// Special Rule For Time of Death

The native will die in the period (Mahadasha) of malefic planet located in the 6th house or in 8th house in the sign of malefic planet having an inimical aspect ofthe malefic planet who is also located in the sign of malefic planet. HJHf

According to Satyacharya, the native will definately die in the period (Mahadasha) of the lord of the ascendant, during the subperiod (Antardasha) ofthe planet inimical to him. 11}8// Vitiating of evil effect of Dasha

The evil effect ofthe lord ofthe main or sub-period get vitiated if at

Sub-Ruling Periods


the time ot the beginning ofthe Dasha. the Dasha-lord is strong in Shadvarga, or is aspected by benelic planets, or is in the houses of benelic planets or in the signs of bosom Tricnds, or in their Shadvargas. II]9II Vitiating of evil effect-Yoga no.2.

The evil effect ofthe main period of the planet gets vitiated ifthe sub period, in the main period of the planet who is without strength, is that ofa strong planet or is ofa rising planet. //20//

The cs'ii effect of death is removed, if the sub-period (Antardasha) is that ofa planet who has become victorious in Graha-Yuddha and is also shining or who is in his sign of exaltation or in his own sign or in the sign of his bosom friend. HUH Thus ends the Eleventh Chapter of Antardasha of Hora-Makaranda Composed by Gunakar Daivadnya. Thus ends the first part of Horamakaranda.


The results of planets which the old sages have explained in respect of Gochar system on the basis of transits of planet over 12 houses (Bhavas) from the Moon sign which are actually different in respect of each individual born under the same Moon sign due to various reasons. / /1 //

The sign in w hichthe Moon is located at the time of birth or quary is called Janma Rashi (i.e. Moon sign.) The signs which are occupied by the planets and the ascendant do give their results. Similarly, the sign in the ascendant also gives results. The human being t here fore, gets good or bad results from 8 signs (i.e. 7 houses occupied by 7 planets from Sun to Saturn and the ascendant) and the good or bad results arc known to the native (through this Astakavarga System) HI 53// Commentary: From Aries to Pisces, there are 12 signs and Sun to Saturn (i.e. Sun, Moon. Mars, Mcrcuiy, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn)



are their lords. In this system, these 7 planets are considered. It is a fact that the sign of ascendant is the base ofthe horoscope. It has its own importance in this system Therefore, for prcdicition along with the Vargas of? planets, the 8th Varga ofthe ascendant is also considered. II3II Suryastakavarganka

The Sun in the following houses gets good results: 48 From Sun situated in the houses viz. 1,2,4,7,8,9,10,11(8) From Moon situated in the hosues viz. 3,6,10,11. (4) From Mars situated in the houses viz. 1,2,4.7,8,9,10,11,(8) From Mercury situated in the houses viz. 3,5,6,9,10,11,12.(7) From Jupiter situated in the houses viz. 5,6,9,11. (4) From Venus situated in the houses viz. 6,7,12. (3) From Saturn situated in the houses viz. 1,2.4,7,8,9,10,11.(8) From the ascendant situated in the houses viz. 3,4,6,10,11,12. (6) Chandrastakavarganka When Moon in transit, is located in the following houses counted from its position in the natal chart, gives good results: 1141/

The Moon in the followinghouses gets good results: From Sun From itself From Mars From Mercury From Jupiter

3,6,7,8,10,11. 1,3,6,7,10,11. 2,3,5,6,9,10,11. 1,3,4.5,7,8,10,11. 1,4,7.8,10,11,12.

(49) (6) (6) (7) (8) (7)





The Saturn in the following houses gets good results ; From Sun Rom Moon From Mars Rom Mercury From Jupiter From Venus Rom itself From Ascendant

1,2,4,7,8,10,11. 3,6,11. 3,5,6,10,11,12. 6,8,9,10,11,12. 5.6,11,12. 64142. 3,5,6,11. 1,3,4,6,10,11.

(37) (7) (3) (g) (6) (4) (3) ao (5) // 10//

Lagnastakavarganka (Parasharai The ascendant in the following houses gets good results; - (49) From Sun 3,4,6,10,11,12. (6) Rom Moon 3,6,10,11,12. (5) From Mars i4/yo4i. (5) Rom Mercury 1.2,4,6,8,10.11. (7) Rom Jupiter 1.2.4,,1041. (9) From Venus 123.44.8/), ^ From Saturn 12,4,6,10,11. (6) From Ascendant 3,6,10,11. (4) Commentary:- The information regarding "Lagnastakav^rganka" is obtained from "Parashari" and is included in this book. In view of this, there is no Sanskrit verse fix this Astakavarga, Nature of results in Astakavarga.



In this way, the charts should be prepared and vertical lines should be drawn in the square giving good results in the houses menhoned above. The places not mentioned are bad forthe concerned planet After taking into consideration the good and the bad results rendered by the planet, the decision be arrived at and the prediction either good or bad are made accordingly. If good effects are more, they give good results and if bad effects are more, the prediction of transit are made accordingly. The planets in their own or friendly signs, signs in Upachaya houses (3.6,10,11), in Mooltrikona signs of exaltation, give good results, while the planets in their debilitation signs or in inimical signs, give bad results. //I Ml The planet in exaltation gives full results, in Mooltrikona Sign gives 3/4th result, m his own sign gives Ml result, in the sign of bosom friend 7/10 rcults. in the sign of his friend 1/4 results, in the sign of

Ilnni Makarana his equals ^sama) 1/8 rcsull. in his inimical sign 1/16 result, in the sign of his bitter enemy 1/32 result and in the sign of debilitation zero result. A table showing the strength of Planets lAilll. Mnol- Own Iricmf r.qual Knt-my Bluer iioL»r IVH trienrmy lila)ion Vona cmi .1 0 :i 7 0 Dcptccs 30 21 13 ] n 30 0 30 0 45 52 0 56 Kala Vikab 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 13 0 Inthe above manner, the old sages have given guidelines for prediction of good or bad results and the basis of the calculation of strength of planets according to their position as exaltation etc. //m The Sun and Mars in transit give good results immediately, the Jupiter and Venus give results in the middle period of transit, and the Moon and Saturn give good results in the last portion of transit. The Mercury gives results in the entire period of transit. //14// The Sun is the ruler of head and face, the Moon is the ruler of throat and Heart, the Mars is the ruler of chest and back side, Mercury is the ruler of all joints and fingers, Jupiter is the ruler of waist and thighs, the Venus is the ruler of genital organs and testicles and Saturn is the ruler of anus, lithe lords of the limbs as mentioned above in the natal chart are occupying bad houses and also «re afflicted, there exists some trouble to the limbs and if they arc occupying good houses and with benefic aspects etc., they give good results, in the same way, the results may be assessed at the time of query and for travel. //I5,I6J7// Commentary: The utility of Astakvarga system is important for assessment of strength of planets and houses for the purpose of predicting or anticipating important events of lifeand forecasting the results in transit. This system is a part of predictive astrology and has been given in almost ail important old books including Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra. Itis a fact that in Gocharsystem, the transit results are obtained with the help of thcsign occupied by the Moon. Itis, however, a fact that in that case the ascendant is altogether ignored. Thus the Gocharsystem is incomplete forob-



raining results. It is also a fact that the horoscopes at birth should be considered along with those with Moon and Sun horoscopes as mentioned in Sudarshan Chakra system. In this system however, the strength of all the planets is considered. In this Astakavarga System 8 charts are required to be drawn i.e., 7 charts of 7 planets as mentioned in stanzas from 4 to 10 above and the chart of the Ascendant as shown above which is required to be added (as mentioned in Brihat Parashar Hora ShastraPart II Chapter 1, Stanzas 65 to 71), In South Indian System they use "O'tDot orBindu) while in the North Indian System including Gunakar 1 'i.e. vertical lines are used for showing the good results of the planet in the respective square of Astakavarga. The maximum Rekhas in one house can be only 8 i.e. 7 of 7 planets and the 8th is that of the ascendant. The planet while in transit gives results according to the number of Rekhas obtained by him in his Bhinnastakavarga. Ifthere is a Rekha in that house of the planet in transit and at the same time, in the 5th and the 9th houses from the ascendant there are more than 5 Rekhas in each of them and there is also a Rekha of the lord of thesign and a karaka or the signs of his friends or bosom friends, the percentage of good results increase accordingly. For good results each house must have 5 or more Rekhas. The Lagnastakavarga is useful in finding out the favourable time. There arc 1 ZLagnas (Rising signs) in a day. The auspicious time can be found out with the help of that Lagnastakavarga Table. If there are 5 or more than 5 Rekhas at the time when the sign rises in the east, it gives good results if selected for performance of event. This is useful for deciding the time of travel also. This system was very common in the past and is included in almost all old books including Parashar Hora. Gochar predictions were being made with the help of this system. In feet the Brahatjataka and Saravali do not contain the System of Gochar but contains this system of Astakavarga. This is an independent system and for obtaining results (1) Bhinnastakavarga (2) Bhinnastakavarga after reduction (3)




Satvastakavarga (4) I'raslarasiakavarga and there alter, after Shodhan. Yogapinda are obtained for the purpose of prediction. Thus ends the Tw el vcth chapter on Astakavarga of Mora Makarand composed byGugakar Daivadnya.


The planets in the i Oth house from the ascendant or from the Moon indicate the person from whom the native gets income. IftheSun is located in the 1 Oth house, he gets income from father; if it is Moon he gets income from mother; if it is Mars, he gets income from enemies; if it is Mercury, he gets income from friends; if it is Jupiter, he gets income from brother; if it is Venus, begets income from his wife; if it is Saturn, he gets income from servant. The lords of Navamamshas in which the lords of the 1 Oth house from ascendant, Moon and Sun arc located indicate the profession. //!//

Ifthe aforesaid Navamamsha (i.e. of the lord of the 10th house from ascendant, Moon and Sun) lord is Sun, the living will be from grass, gold, wool and medicine, etc. ifthe said lord is Moon, the living will be from agriculture, counch, pearls and alike with the help of womenfolk, if it is Mars, the income will be from metals



iike brass, iron, copper, red chalk, sulphuretotarsenic, protession connected w ith fire, engines, metallic oxide, gold smithy, etc. weapons and courage (i.e. Army). If it is Mercury, the living will be earned from writing books, like history, editor ofa news paper, etc. mathematics, by reading Puranas, poems, dramas etc. or handicraft etc. If it is Jupiter, it will be by a profession of a priest or worshipping gods etc. as a learned man, or mines ofjewels etc. If it is Venus, it will be from co\s s. bulfaloes, the ornaments the utencils ofsilvcr, jewels like diamonds, clc. Ifitis Saturn, the living will be from hard work, labour, killing of animals etc. and as low class handy worker etc. 1121/ Modes of Earning Livelihood.

The lord ofthe Navamamsha occupied bythe lord ofthe 1 Oth house from the ascendant indicate the profession. 11311

1 f the planets (lord ofthe Navamamsha occupied by the lord of the 1 Oth house etc.) occupy friendly sign, or their own sign, or inimical sing, the income will be from the persons indicated by them, and if the Sun is strong or is in exaltation the native earns his livelihood through his own efforts. Similarly, ifthe benefic planets occupy the ascendant, 2nd house and the 1 1 th house, they are considered as instrumental in giving income from different sources. HAH Fortune in Native Place or in Foreign Country.

The Oth house from the ascendant and the Moon is called Bhagya Sthana (house indicating fortune). Ifthis house is occupied or

Nature of Profession aspccicd by the lord of thesign. the native will have his tonune in his birth country or place and if this house is occupied by other planets or aspected by other planets, the native will have his fortune in the other countries/places other than his native place. Ifthebenefic planets are in exaltation and the 9th house from Moon Is occupied by strong planets, the native is a fortunate one and if malefic planets are in debilitation and the 9th house from Moon is occupied by powerless planets the native Is unfortunate and unlucky. II5II Commentary: Inthe Chapter IV ofManasagari on Bhagyodaya Laxanam, it is stated that if the 9th house is occupied by Sun as its lord, the fortune ^e will be22, if Moon, itwill be24, if Mars, itwill be 28, ifMcrcuryJt will be32, ifJupiter, itwill be 16, ifVenus, itwill be 25. and If it is Saturn, itwill be 36. {For blooming of fortune, the planet should be in its own sign of 9th house). Thus Ends the Thirteen Chapter in Nature of Profession in Horamakarand composed by Gunakar Daivadnya.


32 Types ofRajayogas

IJ at the time of birth tour planets viz., Sun, Mars. Jupiter and Saturn are all in their signs of exaltation in quadrant they form four types ofRajayogas and out of them, if any three planets arc in exaltation and are in the quadrants from each other, they form twelve Rajayogas. Thus in total there are 16Rajayogas. (According to Brihatjataka, one out of these four planets three-are in exaltation and one to be in the ascendant and the remaining planets may be in other houses). Out of the above four planets, if any two of them arc in exaltation and occupy quadrants and the Moon is located in the sign Cancer, twelve Rajayogas are formed and if out of them one is in the ascendant or in the quadrant in exaltation and the Moon is located in the sign Cancer, four types of Rajayogas are formed. This makes the total 32 types q/'Raja-yogas. //I// 22 Rajayogas

If the ascendant or Moon is in Vargottamamsha and four planets

Rajayogas other than Moon are aspecting them, they form 15 Rajayogas; if 5 planets are aspecting them they form 6 Rajayogas and if 6 planets are aspecting them they form one Rajayoga. Thus they in total form 22 Rajayogas. IOJI Commentary : The ascendant and the Moon form 22 Rajayogas each which make the total of 44; and these 44 Rajayogas considering 12 ascendants and 12Moon signs form 528 Rajayogas. 8 Types of Rajayogas

(1) If Sun is in Aries,Moon in Taums and Saturn in Acquarius each one form 3 Rajayogas for each ascendant; (i.e. one sign should be ascendant). (2) If Mercury is in Gemini sign. Mars in Scorpio and Jupiter in Pisces, each one form 3 Rajayogas, for each ascendant; (3) If Moon and Saturn are in exaltation in the ascendant (i.e. either Taums or Libra) and Sun and Mercury occupy Virgo sign, Jupiter is in Cancer, Mars is in Aries and Venus is in Libra, they form 2 Rajayogas. 7/3// Commentary :-The 8 Rajayogas will be as follows; (1) Aries Ascendant with Sun and Moon in Taums and Saturn in Acquarius; (2) Taums Ascendant with Moon and Sun in Aries and Saturn in Acquarius; (3) Acquarius Ascendant with Saturn and Moon in Taums and Sun Aries; (4)Gemmi Ascendant with Mercury and Mars in Scorpio and Jupiter in Pisces ; (5) Scorpio Ascendant with Mars and Jupiter in Pisces and Mercury in Gemini; (6)Pisces Ascendant with Jupiter and Mercury in Gemini and Mars in scorpio;




(7) Taunis Ascendant with Moon. Sun and Mercury in Virgo, Jupiter in Cancer. Mars in Aries and Venus in Libra : and (8) Libra ascendant with Saturn. Sun and Mercury in Virgo, Jupiter In Cancer, Mars in the Aries and Venus is in Libra i.e. Ascendant. These arc 8 Types of Rajayogas which are formed as mentioned above. Two Types of Rajayogas

I fthe ascend ant Capricorn is occupied by the exalted Mars along with Saturn, Sun and Moon are in Sagittarius, it creates one Rajayog and secondly, ifthe ascendant Capricorn is occupied by exalted Mars along with Moon and Sun is in Sagittarius it form another Rajayog. A person bornon these yogas becomes a famous king with strength and renowned qualities. HAH

Ifthe ascendant Aries is occupied by Sun and Jupiter is in the sign Sagittarius, and the seventh house is occupied by Saturn and Moon, it creates Rajayoga. A person born with this yoga becomes a king who with his strength destroys enemies. II5II

IftheTaurus ascendant is occupied by Moon and Sun is located in the 4th, Jupiterin the 7th and Saturn is in the 1 Oth house, a Rajayoga is formed. A person bom on this yoga becomes a king who protects his subject with his strength. 11611

3 fthe ascendant Capricorn is occupied by Saturn with Moon in the third house Mars, in the 6th House Mercury in the 9th house and in the 12th house Jupiter is Jocatcd. a person bom on this Yoga

Rajayogas oecomes a King with strength like Arjun (from IviahaDharat). HIH Two Types Of Rajayoga

If the ascendant Virgo is occupied by Mercury, Jupiter along with Moon is located in Sagittarius and Mars is in Capricorn; and if the Pisces ascendant is occupied by Venus, and Jupiter along with Moon is located in Sagittarius and Mars occupies Capricorn; these two types of Rajayogas arc formed. A person born on these Yogas becomes a king whose footprints are worshipped by other kings for thousands of years. /78//

ifthe ascendant is Virgo occupied by Mercury in exaltation, and Jupiter, Moon and Venus are located in Sagittarius and Saturn along with exalted Mars occupy Capricorn, a Rajayoga is formed and the native becomes a king who travels with glory on elephant amongst with the other kings around him. 11911 Two Types of Rajayoga

(1) If Moon is located in Pisces ascendant. Sun in Leo, Mars in Capricorn and Saturn in Acquarius, it creates Rajayoga. A native bom with this Yoga, becomes a king who gains victory over his enemies. (2) If Mars is in Aries ascendant, Jupiter is in Cancer or if Mercury is in the ascendant and Jupiter is in Cancer the native bom becomes king who gains victory over his enemies. II) 0//

If Jupiter is in Cancer ascendant and Sun is in Aries and Moon,


Hora Makarand

\/enus and Mercury are in the I i th house (in Taurus) the native becomes king who defeats his enemies. II) Ml

If Saturn is in the Capricorn ascendant and the signs viz., Aries. Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Libra are occupied by their lords, it forms a Rajayoga and native bom on this Yoga becomes a king who rules the land surrounded by the seven seas. Jill//

IfMercury is in the Virgo ascendant, Venus Is in Gemini, Mars and Saturn are in Capricorn and Moon is in Pisces it forms a Rajayoga. The native becomes a king who extinguishes the families of his enemies. //13//

The persons bom on the preceding Rajayogas, even if born in the families of low status, become kings. In case such persons are from the families of the kings, they will definately enjoy the kingdom. The persons who are bom on the Rajayogas which are mentioned hereafter, they become kings ifthey are bom in the families of king and if they are not from the families of kings, they get a status just like a king. //14//

If at the time of birth, three planets are in exaltation or in Mooltrikona In strong position, the person born in the family of aking becomes king and if he is from other races, he will be fortunate. IfMoon is m Taurus ascendant, Saturn in his sign ofexaltation, (Libra), Jupiter is in Sagittarius and all the remaining planets are in the 11th house, a person bom on this yoga, if is from afamilyofking.be-


Rajayogas comes a king.

II] 5//

I f Moon is in the Aries ascendant and Jupiter m Sagittarius, Sun m Leo, Saturn in Acquanus, and Mars in Capricorn a Rajayoga is formed. If the native bom on this yoga is from the family of a king, he becomes king and if he is from the other status he enjoys the position of a king and is fortunate. II] 6//

1 f Venus occupies his own sign (i.e. Libra) in the 4th house, Moon in the 91h house and the other planets are in the 3rd house, ascendant and 11 th house a Rajayoga is formed. The person bom on this yoga is, if from the family of aking, becomes king. If Mercury is strong in the ascendant and the 9th house is occupied by the benefic planets and the other planets are in 3rd, 6th, 9th, 1 Olh and 1 Ith houses, the person' bom becomes a king if he is from the family of aking. II) 111

I f 1 Qfti house is occupied by Sun and Moon, Jupiter is located in the 4th house, Saturn is located in the ascendant and the remaining planets are in the 1 I th house the person becomes a king if he is from the family of aking. II) ill

if the ascendant is occupied by Jupiter, the fourth house is occupied by Sun and Venus, second house by Mercury and Mars and Moon and the eleventh house is occupied by Saturn, the person bom becomes a king if he is from a family ofa king. 111911




Ifthe ascenaant is occupied by Mars ana Saturn, 7th nouse by Jupiter, 4th house by Moon. 1 Oh house by Sun, 9th house by Venus and the 11 th house b\ Mercury the person bom becomes a king if he is from a family ofa king. 7/20//

In case the ascendant is Vargottam and the lord of the ascendant is strong in all the six divisions (Shadvarga) and the ascendant is aspected by three (Karakas) planets, the person becomes a king if he is from a family ofa king. IflMI

ifatthe time of birth, three benefic planets are strong in six divisions (Shadbala) and are not with malefic planets and are in the quadrants (1,4,7 and I Oth houses) they create a Rajayoga. HUH

Ifatthe time of brith Moon is in deep exaltation point and the benefic planets are located in the quadmnts and are not with the malefic planets it creats strong Rajayoga. II23II

(fatthe time of birth, a strong Moon is in the aspect of Jupiter and three panels are in their Navamamsha but not in the inimical sign or the signoftheirdebilitation, it creats a very bright Rajayoga. //24//

ifatthe time of birth Mars is in Aries ascendant along with Moon and Jupiter, the person bom becomes a king oftheland surrounded by three seas. //25//



H e person is bom with Capricorn ascendant and the full Moon is loaded in the sign Cancer, Sun is in the 4th house. Mercury is in the 6th house, Jupiter is in the Kith house, and Mars is in the third house, he becomes a king who protects the entire earth in the manner in which he protects his capital. HI611 Com men tary; In this yoga Sun is mentioned twice. It is stated once in the 4th house and in the second time it is mentioned in the 3rd house. Mercury is mentioned to be in the 6th house. This situation is not possible as the maximum distance (Parain Inantara) between Sun and Mercury is 28 degrees and therefore, Sun can he either in the 5th house or 6th house or the 7th house. With Capricorn ascendant, the 4th house is Aries which is the sign of exaltation of Sun. Thus Mercury should be in the 5th house as the third house will be Pisces which is the sign of debilitation tor Mercury. So let us consider the position as Sun in the 4th house and Mercury in the 5th house, which would be more appropnate.

A person bom with Mars in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer, and Venus in Pisces becomes a king. Similarly, if Aries sign is m the ascendant occupied by Sun, Jupiter in the 11 th house, and Saturn and the Main are in sign Libra at the time of birth, the person bom becomes a king.

If at the time of birth, the lord of the ascendant is strong (in Shadavarga) and is located in the ascendant and Venus. Mercury and Jupiter are aspecting the full Moon, a king is bom. //28//

If at the time of birth. Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus are in the 11 th house. Mars is located in the 7th house and Jupiter in the 9th house, the native becomes a brave king. I09II


Hnra Makarand

1 f at the time of birth, Moon is aspectedby all the planets and if in the Navamamsha horoscope, Sun, Moon and Venus are aspected by Jupiter, the native become a king (i.e. lord of theearth). //30// Timing Of Rajayoga

The Rajayoga will be fruitful in the ruling and sub-ruling periods of the planet situated in the J Qh house or the planet who is strong and is in the ascendant or any other strong planet in the horoscope. 1 f the planet effecting the Rajayoga happens to be in the inimical sign (i .e. sign of bitter enemy) or in debilitation, his period or sub-period will fetch no good results. The period is named as "Chhidra'7/31// Cancellation of Rajayoga

According to Parashara if, at the time of birth neither the ascendant nor the Moon sign is aspected by any planet, the Rajayoga is cancelled. //'32//

If at the time of birth, all the planets are in the inimical signs, not in the Vargoltamamsha and in the signs of debilitation and also in the debilitation sign in Navamamsha. Rajayoga is cancelled.//33/ Thus ends the Fourteenth Chapter of Rajayoga of Horamakarand , Composed by Gunakar Daivadnya.



If all pianets are in movable signs a yoga namely'Rajjuis fonnea. Ifallthe planets are located in fixed signs 'MusaTyogais fonned. Ifall the pianets are in common signs 'NaT yoga is formed. These are the three Aashraya Yoga which are narrated by Satyacharya. / / I / /

ir(all) the benefic planets are located in three Kendras (quadrants) the 'Shraja!(Mala) yoga is formed and ifoccupied by malefic planets 'Ahi' (Sarpa) yoga is formed. These are two yogas as slated by Parashara, 11211

Ifallthe pianets occupy only two adjoining Kendras 'Goda'yoga is formed. If allthe planets are in the asccndantand the 7th house 'Shakat'yoga is formed. I fallthe planets are in4thand 10th house a 'Khaga' or 'Vihanga'yoga Is formed. If all the planets occupy the three trines i.e. ascendant, 5th and 9th houses, they form a 'Shringataka' Yoga. //3/ /




If all the planets mentioned in 'Shringataka' Yoga arc only in the 5th and 9th houses, '1 lab" yoga is formed. Ifbenefic planets are. as told in Shakat Yoga, occupy asccndanl and the 7th house and the malefic planets arc, as told in 'Vihanga' Yoga, occupy 4th and lOlh house, they form 'Vajra' yoga. Contratoryto it, ifallmalefic planets occupy the ascendant and the 7th house, and all the benefic planets occupy the 4th and the 1 Oih house a 'yoga' yoga is formed, ifallplanets i.e. benefic and malefic planets occupy all the quadrante a 'Sarasija' (i.e. Kamal)yogais formed. Ifallthe planets occupy Panaphar and Aapocleem houses (i.e. all the planets occupy the houses other than quadrants) "Vapi'yogais formed. HAH

Vajra and Yava yogas as stated over here by me are merely on the basis of the old yogas as narrated by Sages. But how Mercury and Venus could be located in the 4th house from Sun in these yoga is a matter of doubt. II5II

Ifallthe planets occupy the fovr houses beginning from each quadrant, the four Yogas formed arc as follows : (1) Ifallplanets occupy 1 st, 2nd ,3rd and 4th house' Yupa'yoga; (2) Ifallplanetsoccupy 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th houses 'Shar' Yoga; (3) Ifallplanetsoccupy 7th, 8th,9thand lOth houses 'Shakti'Yoga; (4) Ifallplanetsoccupy 10th, Uth, 12th and ascendant 'Danda' Yoga isfonned. Similarly, in all the seven house counted from the ascendant upto 7th house, if there is one planet in each house 'Nauka' yoga is formed. If each of the seven houses counted from the 4th house

A'ahhasa Yogas


upto 10th house are occupied by seven planets, 'Kuta'yoga is formed. Ifalleach of the seven houses counted from the 7th house upto ascendant are occupied by 7 planets, 'Chhatra" yoga is formed; and in all the seven houses from the I Oth house upto 4th house are occupied by each of the seven planets "Chapa' yoga is fonned. II6II

As has been told earlier about ^Nauka'or 'Chhatra' Yoga, ifeach of the seven houses from other than quadrants arc occupied by seven planets 'Ardha Chandra' Yoga is formed. (There will be such 8 Yogas). ifallthe planets occupy the 6 houses counted from 2nd to 12th (i.e. 2nd,4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th),'Samudra'Yogaisformed and if thisyoga is formed from ascendant (i.e. 1st,3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11 th) 'Chakra' yoga is formed. IPH Commentary : The common heading "Nabhasa" yogas include three main types of yogas which in all are 32 in numbers: (1) Aakriti yogas which are 20 in number deal with the position of planets in different houses; (2) Ashraya yogas which are 5 in number deal with the position of planets in different; Signs and houses (as explained in Verse No. 25 in this chapter) (3)Sankhya yogas which are 7 in number deal with the question of the number of houses occupied by all the planets.

Aakriti yogas have been explained earlier. Now Sankhya yogas are being stated; When the seven planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn) occupy any seven houses one after the other, 'Veena' yoga is formed, if they occupy six houses one after the other, 'Daamini'yoga is formed, if they occupy any five houses, one after the other, they form 'Paasha" yoga, if they occupy any four houses one after the other they form 'Kedar' yoga; if they


Hora MakaramJ

occupy any three houses one after the other they form Shool' yoga; if they occupy any two houses one after the other they form ' Yuga" yoga and if allthe seven planets occupy only one house in the horoscope they form the * Go 1'yoga. These yogas are formed if they arc not in any way contradictory to the earlier yogas. //8// Results of Yogas.

Raju ; The native will be cruel, wanderer in his own country as well as in other countries and will be of envious nature Mu.sal ; The native is famous and liked by government officials. He has many servants and children and gets wealth and foodgrains, Nala : The native loses an organ of his body or has additional organ. He is rich and efficient in his undertakings. 119II

Shraja :The native enjoys many comforts in life. He is happy and has many wives. Sarpa ;The native is poor and suffers much in life. The Aashraya yogas become ineffective if the yogas 'Yava' etc. (i.e Aakriti Yogas) are mixed with other yogas as in that case those mixed yogas become effective. If there are no such mixed yogas these (Aashraya) yogas, become effective. //I0// Following are the results of theyogas menhoned against them :

Gad a ;The native is engaged in performing rehgious sacrificial rituals in earning and in enjoying wealth and is a great singer. Shakata :Thc native earns fiom driving carts and his wife is a bad woman. He is Stupid, diseased, without friends and also without money.

Nabnasa Yogas


Vihanga : The native acts as a messanger, is also a wanderer and easily engaged in quanels and also lives by teaching the art of exibitionoflove. Shringataka : The native is brave and is liked by the persons like kings. He likes battlefield and is happy and wealthy. II] HI

Hal :The native is engaged in agriculture, is a servant and eats more. He is abandoned by his family and is unhappy. Vajra The native is happy and comfortable in old and early days. He is handsome, healthy and very brave. 11] 21/

YavafThe native is famous, religious, wealthy and happy in middle age. KamahThe native lives highly comfortable and happy life. He also becomes virtuous and wealthy king. ///4//

Vaph The native is happy for any considerable period at a time, accumulates wealth but is, greedy and is not charitable. YupafThe native is engaged in performing religious sacrificial rituals. He is generous, virtuous and has self realision. //15//

SharaThe native bom on this yoga, has control over jails, a manufacturer of weapons, inclined to ki II, accumulates wealth and is also evil minded and conducts secret planning. Shakti: Inthis yoga, the native is engaged in mean acts, He is unhappy, without money, and is facing troubles but bold in battle and lazy. //16//




Danda;The native bom in this yoga is devoid of dear relatives and earns by low work. Nauka The native is famous but miser and lives on the things produced in water and also on water and has ups and downs in life, Koot: The native bom on this yoga tells lies and also is in charge of Jails and is a miser. II) 111

Chhatra ;The native bom on this yoga is liked by government official, brings comforts to his relatives and is short and happy in old age. Chappa :The native is in charge of jails and is very brave. He is a cheat and also gives shelter to the thieves. He leads happy life in early and old age, II] 8//

Ardhachandra; The native bom on this yoga is wealthy and popular with attractive features. He is a commander and is liked by the people ofthestatus ofaking. Samudra: The native bom on this yoga is wealthy and powerful like a king. He is strong, famous and has many enjoyments in life and also children. //19//

Chakra; The person bom on this yoga is a king on whose lotus feet many kings bow their heads and who is a lord of the land surrounded by the sea. //20//

Vccna : The native bom on this yoga is efficient in actions and is fond of dance and music and is also happy.

Nabhasa Yogas


Ihiiinuni .The native bom on ;his yoga is engaged in doing good things toothers. He is liberal and rearer to animals. //2I//

Paasha : The native born on this yoga is talkative and likely to be imprisoned. 1 Ichas brothers and lives with servants. Hehasa liking for work but devoid of good qualities. HUH

KedarThe native bom on this yoga is wealthy, happy and likes to help others. He always speaks truth and lives on agriculture produce. Shout; The native bom on this yoga is valient and is always successful on the battlefield but suffers from injuries and wounds. The native is lazy and destitute. HUH

Yii};a:The native is without children, and without money. He is mean minded and unorthodox. GoIatThe native bomon this Yoga is poor, unclean, without knowledge, lazy, without honour and always unhappy. HI All

Three Aashraya yogas and two Dala Yogas (which arc also part of Aashraya yogas), twenty Aakriti yogas and seven Sankhya yogas makes thirty-two Nabhas yogas. They arc connected to time and 1 figures. II25II

Satyacharya and all other Sages say that all these (Nabhas yogas) figures related yogas become effective in their Dashas and Aantardashas. (i.e. Main periods and sub-periods). //26// Thus ends the fifteenth Chapter on Nabhas Yogas in Hora Makaranda composed by Gunakar Daivadnya,


( f planets other than Moon are located in the 12th house from the Sun, 'Yoshi" yoga is formed. If they are located in the 2nd house ikm the Sun,' Veshf yoga is formed and if they are located both in the 2nd and the 12th houses from the Sun, !Ubhayachar' yoga is formed. The results of these yogas will be explained afterwards. //I// Commentary; There seems to be some mistake in the yoga where it is mentioned in the text that the planets 'including Moon' which actually should have been planets 'excluding Moon". With a view to facilitate the readers the correct combination oftheyoga is given in eng 1 ish version.

The native bom in the Voshi yoga is of wavering mind and there is no consistency in his speech, and of dim sight. There is a bend to the upper part of the body. He always looks down wards while walking. He is always unsuccessful in spite of great efforts. 11211 Commentary: Similar version is given in Jatakabharanam to some extent. The results given in Saravali and Parashari are different which areas follows;

Voshi, Veshi, and Ubhayachari Yogas


Saravali; There is no consistency in his speech though he has strong memory. He is industrious honest and is just like a king. He is bulky in the parts above waist and is squint eyed. Parashari; One bom with Voshi yoga will be skilful.charilablcand endowed with fame, learning and strength

The native bom in Veshi yoga is squint eyed, he speaks good and to the point He is industrious,honest, intelligent and strongly built. II3II

The native bom on Ubhayachari yoga will be evensighted, with handsome body, honest, thoughtful and not too high. He is just 1 ike a king with many servants and having brothers and enjoys lifey/4/ Thus ends the Sixteenth Chapter of Voshi, Veshi, Ubhayachari yogas of Horamakarand composed by Gunakar Daivdnya.



11 the Moon with reference to the Sun is in angle etc. (i.e. Kendra, Phanaphar and Aapocleem) a native gets wealth, skill, knowledge, intelligence, wisdom and humility. These results however, will be respectively 1 in Ic. medium and excellent. This has been told by old Saues like Varahamihir, Manithha. etc. This means, ifthe Moon is in quadrant from Sun. little results, if in Phanphar houses medium results and if in the Aapocleem excellent results. //I//

in the case of day birth, if the Moon, placed in own Navamamsha or in bosom fnendly Navamamsha and aspected by Jupiter, one will be endowed with wealth and happiness. One bom in night time will enjoy similar effects, ifthe Moon is in own Navamamsha or bosom friend's Navamamsha having aspect of Venus. / fill

Adliiyoga; I f benelic planets occupy 6th. 7th and Sthhouses counted Horn the Moon Adliiyoga is formed. According to the strength of the participating planets, the native concerned will be either a king or a Minister or an Army Chief and becomes prosperous and enjoys life. I le has no enemies and is healthy. /73/ I

Lunar Yogas


Commentary: Some of the astrologers interpret this yoga as that the benefic planets viz. Mercury, Jupiter and Venus should be separately located in each house from the Moon i.e. 6th, 7th and 8th house. Butthis is not correct. There will be 7 types of such Chandradhi yogas as follows: Ifallthe three benefic planets are localed(i) in the 7th house. (ii) in the 6th house. (iii) in the 8th house. (iv) in 6th and 7th houses. (v) in the 7th and the 8th houses. (vi) in the 6th and the 8th houses; and (vii)inthe6th, 7th and 8th houses. Sunapha, Anapha, Durudhara and KcmadrumaYogas:

If there is a planet other than the Sun, in the 2nd house from the Moon, Sunapha Yoga and in the 12th house Anapha yoga is formed, if in the 2nd and 12th house, from the Moon there are planets other than Sun, a Durudhara yoga is formed. If there is no planet in either in the 2nd house or in the 12th house from the Moon and if there is no planet in the quadrant from the Moon and also from Mercury is not located, a Kemadruma yoga is formed. But if there are planets in the 4th and the I Oh house from the Moon, Kemadruma yoga is not formed. Commentary: Some people say that this yoga is formed with reference to the planets located from the Navamamsha sign of the Moon i.e., if planets are located in the 2nd or 12th house from the sign occupied bythe Moon in Navamamsha. Butthis view is not agreed to by the people. //4//

There are 31 types of Sunapha yogas and 31 types of Anapha yogas, and there are 1KOtypes of Durudhara Yogas and if planets'


Horn Makarand

placements are considered accordingly these different yogas can be understood. 11511 Results of Sunapha Yoga

A person bom on Sunapha yoga acquires wealth through his own efforts. He is a king or equal to king in status endowed with intelligence, wealth and tame and is ofagood temper. He is a head of a religion, with dignity and becomes commander of tire army. 11611

A person bom on Anapha yoga will rule over others. He is of good character, famous with sweet tongue, enjoys comforts of life and is happy. .Though he is a man with authority, he has no pride. IllII Commentary; According to Parashari and Brihat Jatak a person bom on Anapha yoga is also free from diseases. Results ofDurudhara Yoga

A person bom on Durudhara yoga is wealthy and rich, and possesses conveyances. He is intelligent and of good behaviour. He will enjoy pleasures in life and be charitable. He supports his femily. //8// Results ofKemadruma Yoga.

A person bom on this yoga, even if he is bom in royal family, is poor, wicked, meanminded, and miserable. He becomes mcssangcr and behaves just opposite to people. He is devoid of wife, friends, clothes and money. I 191 I

Lunar Yogas


Formation of Sunapha etc. due to other Planets and results thereof:

1 f Sunapha. Anapha and Durudhara yogas are formed due to Mars, the native is full of ambition, bravery and wealth and also zeal. If these yogas arc formed due to Mercury the native is wealthy, happy and honoured by king. He is also with good power of speech, and an expert in arts. //I0//

11 Sunapha, Anapha andDumdhar Yogas are fonneddue to Venus, the native will be enjoying other's money and will be doing work as a servant in many places. II]Ml Commentary: In this text the results of Jupiter and Saturn are not given. Moreover, the results about Venus given in Brihat Jataks are different. For the information of readers the results about Jupiter, Venus and Saturn as given in Brihat Jatak are reproduced below :JUPITER : if the above yogas are formed due to Jupiter the native enjoys comforts and wealth He is religious and is in good books ofa king. VENUS ; I f the above yogas are formed due to Venus the native is given to sex, is very rich and lives in luxury. SATURN ; 1 f the above yogas are formed due to Saturn the native enjoys other's wealth, house, clothes, conveyances, engages himself in many activities and is a leader of agroup of people. From the above, it will be seen that the result given for Venus are actually those of Saturn. Thus it is felt that there should be one or two stanzas between the 1 st line of stanza 1 I and its second line giving results about Jupiter and Saturn are missing. Moon the Protector




Ifthebirth taKes place at night in the fortnight after New Moon and if the birth takes place in the day time in the fortnight after full Moon and ifthe Moon is loeated in the 6th. 8th and 12th houses from the ascendant duly aspected by benefic as well as malefic planets, he protects the native from all the calamities in the manner in which the father protects his son. This is the opinion of Yavanacharya. II]2I! Results of Planets if are in Upachaya or Other Houses From Moon.

If alithe natural benefic planets are loeated In Upachaya houses (3rd, 6th, lOthand 1 I th)from the ascendant or Moon the man is extremely wealthy and rich. Ifthebirth is during daytime and the Moon is inthe invisible half and similarly, ifthebirth is during nighttime and the Moon is in visible half, it gives good results i.e. comforts and riches. If it is opposite (i.e. birth during nighttime and the Moon is in the invisible halt and the birth is during daytime and the Moon Is in the visible half) it gives bad results. //13// Thus ends the Seventeenth Chapter of Lunar Yogas in Hora Makaranda composed by Gunakar Daivadnya.

CHAPTER XVIII COMBINATION OF PLANETS AND ASCETIC YOGAS The results of the combination of theother planets with the Sun

{I) Sun with Moon makes a person employ himself in Machine work, stone work or who knows divine substance. (2) Sun with Mars makes a man engaged in crime. (3) Sun with Mercury makes a man efficient in arts. (4) Sun with Jupiter makes a man of fierce temparament and always engaged in the service of others. (5) Sun with Venus makes a man engaged in weapons and colours and earning as its dealer. (6) Sun with Saturn makes a man a dealer (of metals and utensils) and earning out of it. //I// The results ofthe combination of theother planets with the Moon.

(1) Moon with Mars makes a man a dealer in liquor. He is engaged in gambling, pottery and ladies, and earns out of it. This combination is not condustive to the long life of his mother.


Hora Makarana

(2) Moon with Mercury makes a man to be after earning money and have a sweet tongue. (3)Moon w ith Jupiter makes a man victorious over enemies He is of wavering mind and wealthy. (4)Moon with Venus makes a man dealing with clothes (i.e. sale, tailor, manufacture, dyeing etc.) (5) Moon with Saturn shows that native is a son of amother who had married second time. //2&3// The results ofthe combination of the other planets with the Mars.

(1) Mars with Mercury makes the native deal in pickles, herbs, skins of trees, flowers, leaves, rosins, oils, and wrestling. (2)Mars with Jupiter makes a man even king, a Brahmin, or a rich person or Jagirdar. (3) Mars with Venus makes a man a wrestler, a rearer of cow, indulging in other women, or a gambler. (4) Mars with Saturn makes a man miserable, a iicr neglected by people. He some how manages expenditure of his family y/4&5/ The results ofthe combination of theother planets with the Mercury are as follows ;

{1) Mercury with Jupiter makes a man lover of music and dance and a wrestler. (2) Mercury with Venus makes a man clever in speech and iamindar. (3) Mercury with Saturn makes a man clever in deceiving others and transgresser of good laws. 11611 The results of The Combination of other Planets With Jupiter are As Follows :

ComDinamn ot Planets ana Ascetic

Yogas 141

(1 )jupiterwith Venus makes a man highly educated, rich with manyqualities. and has agood wife and children. (2) Jupiter with Saturn makes a man barbar, a potter, a cook or a carpenter. 1/7// The results ofthe combination of Venus with Saturn.

If Venus is with Saturn, the man has short sight and his wealth increases as a result of contract or service with women. He is clever in writing books or in painting. //8// Ascetic Yoga

Iffour or more planets are situated in any one sign and are strong 'Sanyas' yoga is constituted. The strong planet amongst the four will give Sanyas according to the variety indicated by the said planet. The Sun will makes him Tapas (Austerities), Moon will make him Kapalika, Mars will Make him red clothed Sanyasi, Mercury will make him 'Dandi' (with staff) Aajivaka, Jupiter will make him Bhiksu, Venus will make him 'chavahaT and Saturn will make the Kshapanaka. These are the types of Sanyas yogas each planet will be able to give if he is strong amongst all. II9II

Iftheplanets causing Sanyas Yoga are combust the yoga is cancelled. If they are powerful the Sanyas should be predicted according to their properties. The Sanyas Yoga is cancelled in their Dashas ifthe planet is vanquished in the planetary war. Similarly, if the planet causing Sanyas yoga is defeated by other planets and aspected by them, the person cannot get Sanyas inspite of his repeated requests. //10//




Iflord otthe sign occupied by Moon Is not aspeaeo oy any pianet and only Saturn is aspecting or the iord of thesign occupied by Moon is without strength and aspected by Saturn. Sanyas Yoga will be considered to have been constituted. II]Ml

IfMoon is located in the decanate of Saturn or is in the Navamamsha of either Mars or Saturn and is aspected by Saturn alone. Sanyas Yoga is constituted. //12//

If Jupiter. Moon and ascendant are aspected by Saturn and Jupiter occupies 9th house, the man will take to sanyas even when there is a Rajayoga in his horoscope making him a king. Similarly, if Saturn occupies 9th house unaspectcd by any other planet a king will get Sanyas. Thus ends Chapter Eighteenth of Combination of Planets and Ascetic Yogas of Hora Makaranda Composed by Gunakar Daivadnya.


Ashvim .A person bom on Ashvini Nakshatra is handsome, takes interest in embellishing his body with excellent clothes, and is precautions and intelligent. Sharnnl: A person bom on Bharani Nakshatra is firm ofdecision, truthful, leads a happy life but depends upon fate and he is precautious. //I//

Krittika: A person bom on Krittika Nakshatra is glutton, with a dominating personahty but is m love with other women. Rohini; A person bom on Rohini Nakshatra is truthful, sweet tongued, clean and handsome. Mriga: A person bom on Mriga Nakshatra is happy, clever, quick, timid, intelligent, wealthy and with enjoyments. Ardra; A person bom on Ardra Nakshatra is deceitful, ungrateful, cruel and proud. / Till


Hora Makarana

Punarvasu; A person bom on Punarvasu NaKsnatra Is solemn, happy, and satisfied with little success. He is of good character with no good memory and feel thirsty too often. Pushya: A person bom on Pushya Nakshatra is handsome, wealthy, solemn, learned and religious. H3II

Ashlesha: A person born on Ashlesha Nakshatra is sinful, ungrateful, deceitful, selfcentred and eats anything indiscriminately. Magha: A person born on Magha Nakshatra is with wealth and many servants. He worships parents and God. He is great industrialist and lives a happy life. HAH

Poorva Phalguni; A person bomon Poorva Phalguni Nakshatra is generous and handsome. He travels more and speaks less. He is a government servant. Uttara Phalguni: A person bom on Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is favourate of all, earns livelihood through the use of education, lives a comfortable life with enjoy-ment. 71511

Hasta: A person bom on Hasta Nakshatra is spirited, handsome, shameless and is a thief. Chitra: A person bomon Chitra Nakshatra is adrunkard or runs a wine shop. He wears a variety of clothes and garlands and has good looking big eyes. Swati :A person bomon Swati Nakshatra is engaged in trade, is sweet tongued and lives a religious life.






Vishakha A person bom on Vishakha Nakshatra isjeaious. greedy, active, and with strong memory. He is helpful and has a sweet tongue. //6/ /

Anuradha: A person bom on Anuradha Nakshatra is wealthy and feels hungry too often. He is roaming always in other countries. Jycstha: A person bom on Jyeshta Nakshatra is glutton, always roaming has less number of friends, is contented and has religious knowledge. Moola; A person bom on Moola Nakshatra is always after money and physical enjoy-ment. //?//

Poorvashadha: A person bom on Poorva-shadha Nakshatra is respected, and has steadfast friends. He is proud and remains in a happy mood. Uttarashadha; A person bom on Uttara-shadha Nakshatra is submissive religious. He is grateful and has many friends and relatives. //8//

Shravana: A person bom on Shravana Nakshatra is liberal, wealthy and famous and happy. Dhanishtha: A person bom on Dhamshtha Nakshatra is charitable, wealthy, full of valour, lover of music and greedy. 11911

Shatataraka: A person bomon Shattaraka Nakshatra is addicted to vices, talks in clear tone, destroyer of enemies, courageous, indiscreet and others cannot have control over htm. //107/




Poorvabhaarapada: A person born on Poorva-onadrapaaa Nakshatra is won over by his wife or without wi le, unhappy, greedy, intelligent and wealthy. Uttiirahhadrapaila: A person born on Uttarabha-drapada Nakshatra is eloquent in speech, and happy. He has children and overcomes his enemies. He is religions minded. II] I//

Revafi: A person bom on Revati Nakshatra has all organs in healthy conditions, has attractive qualities,. His personality is full of valour and clean and wealthy. Thus are the results of the 27 Nakshatras. Ifthe Moon is very powerful they become more fruitful. Thus are the results of 27 Nakshatras. Ifthe Moon is very powerful they become highly powerful. Thus ends the Nineteenth Chapter on Traits of Asterisms in Hora Makaranda Composed by Gunakar Daivadnya.


One havmg Moon in Aries, has copper coloured round eyes. Generally he likes to eat things in hot condition. He is given to sex,, is easily pleased, and has many travels. His body is streaky and has marks of injury. Me is full of valour. He appreciates service of others. He has bad nails and is eldest amongst brothers. He treats even superior persons as inferior and is satisfied with whatever he gets. He has a self respect. //I// Moon in Taurus and its results.

One having Moon in sign Taurus is very good looking, walks playfully.has big shoulders and face. He has mostly female issues and is prone to trouble of phlegm. He has stead fastfnends and is happy in youth and old age, He eats more and has good digestive power. He is generous but unhappy. He is the eldest brother. //2//




Moon in Gcmtm and its Results.

One bom having Moon in sign Gemini, is fond of Women, is efficient in the exercise of ihescience of sex, has eyes of black colour. He knows Shastras (religious literature), is handsome, has keen intellect, and has curly hair. He is jocular in spirit, familiar with gambling, has a capacity to know other's mind. He has a beautiful body, talks, sweetly, interested in eating sweet things. He knows music and dancing and has raised nostrils and becomes to some extent eunuch due to excessive sex. II3II Moon in Cancer and its results

One bom with Moon is cancer walks very quickly and in a zigzag way, has a raised waist, is influenced by women, has true friends, has know ledge of fate (i.e. astrology). He has many houses (residences), suffers from financial ups and downs like the Moon, possesses small body with thick neck. He can be won through persuation. He is beloved of friends and frequently visits watery places fordiving into or swim in the water. //4// Moon in Leo and its results.

One born with Moon in Leo is full of anger. He is with thick chin, bmadface, tawny eyes. He has very few children, and is opposed to women in general. He likes to visit jungles and mountains and to eat meat. He is much troubled by diseases of chest (parts between two hands) belly and teeth and those relating to mind. He cannot

Moon m differma signs and their Results


control hunger and thirst. He is a giver of alms, full of valour and of steadfast mind, proud disposition and is devoted to his mother J/5// Moon in Virgo and its results

One bom with Moon in Virgo is somewhat weak in the region of arms and shoulders which are large. He is happy and is with a clear and truthful speech, he is adept in arts (Handicrafts etc.) He is religious and scientist. He has more daughters and less sons He has a very keen interest in sex, has occasion to get house and wealth belonging to others. He walks playfully with pleasing glances. He is devotedly attached to the articles of others. 7/6// Moon in Libra and its results

One bom with Moon in Libra is devoted to the service of deity. Brahmins and Sadhus. He is intelligent, clean in dealings and is under the influence of his wife. He has a tall and thin body with high nose and weak and quavering limbs, He is prone to diseases and is wealthy , and efficient in the sale and purchase of idols of gods and beautiful birds. He does good to his family and relatives but is foreshaken by them. He has brothers and helps them. 7/7// Moon in Scorpio and its results.

One bom with Moon is Scorpio has tawny big eyes and chest with round legs and is devoid of father. He is a subject to disease in infancy and is favoured by Government. He has marks offish and


Hora MaKarana

birds on his hano ana teet. He is cruel ana is sinful in private (not openly). //8// Moon in Sagattarius and its results.

One bom with Moon in Sagittarius has athickface and neck. He enjoys eternal wealth and is generous in charity. He is wise pow erfuland a good speaker. His hands, teeth, ears and nose are thick. He is industrious and knows some art. He has hunch in the region of shoulders and has bad nails. He is wise and religious and poet but opposed to his relatives. He can be tackled through love and reconciliation. II9II Moon in Capricorn and its results.

One bom with Moon in Capricorn is ever loving his wife and sons, shows himself out-wardly as religious, is thin below the waist, which is also thin. He has good looking eyes and acts favourbaly to requests He is fortunate and lazy, subjectto suffering from cold. He is powerful and takes interest in literature (poetry). He is greedy, sexually attached to such an old women which cannot be believed. He is shameless and pitiless. //I0// Moon in Aquarius and its results

One bom with Moon in Aquarius will have long neck like that ofa camel, long nerves all overthe body. He is tali and rough in form covered with hair, broad feet, waist, belly, face, thighs and legs. He will be hard hearted and will desire other's wives and money and

Moon in different signs and their Results 151 commit smtul deeds. He will be fond of lloucrs, and perfumes and friends. He will be able to endure stress of walking long distances on the roads. //II// Moon in Pisces and its results

One bom with Moon in Pisces will have proportionate body and limbs and fair appearance and beautiful ey es. 1 le will be engrossed with women and clothes. He will usurp other's wealth and enjoy water products. He has projected nose and big head. He will defeat his enemies but yield to women. He will be learned and enjoy hidden treasure. //12// Moon sign results, when Possible

Hie maximum results which one can get should be considered on the basis ofthe strength ofthe Moon sign, its lord and the strength of the Moon taken together. The variation may be made according to the strength of Moon. The principle should be followed henceibrth. II) 2/1 How person of each sign should be treated by others?

1) A person with Moon in Aries sign should not be given reply at any time. 2) A person with Moon in Taurus sign should not be trusted at any time. 3) A person with Moon in Genvni sign should not be brought at his residence by anybody any time. 4) A person with Moon in Cancer sign should not be consulted




any time. 5) A person with Moon in Leo sign should not Pe conquered any time. 6) A person with Moon in Virgo sign should never be considered for fraudulent activities with him. 7) A person with Moon in Libra sign should not be considered fit tor trade activities with him, 8) A person with Moon in Scorpio sign should not be ccsidered fit lotalk with. 9) A person with Moon in Sagattarius sign should not be considered fit to quarrel with or fight with. 10) A person with Moon in Capricorn sign should considered unfit to have relations with. He should be kept away. 11) A person with Moon in Aquarius sign should never be removed from the place occupied by him. 12) A person with Moon in Pisces sign should not be posted at place where things arc given in charity. //14,l5&f6// Thus ends the Chapter Twenty of Moon in different signs and their results, in Horamakarand Composed by Gunakar Daivadnya.


One having Sun in Aries is famous, clever, widelytravelled, and earns through weapons. If the Sun is in the degrees of highest exaltation and is with benefic planets he will get maximum good results. One having Sun in Taurus earns his livelihood through trade of cloth and scented goods. He is opposed to women and is efficient in singing and instrumental music. One having Sun in Gemini is learned, knows astrology and is wealthy. One having Sun in Cancer is engaged in doing labour, spends his rime in travels (on roads) and is troublesome.


Hora Makarana

One having Sun in Leo is fond of jungles, mountains, cow sneds ana is powerful but foolish. One having Sun in Virgo is engaged in writing w ork. Iheniture. mathematics. He has a womanish body and appearance. One having Sun in Libra is engaged in preparing liquor, constant travelling. He is a gold smith (manufacturing gold ornaments) and is involved in unbecoming deeds. One having Sun in Scorpio is courageous, living on earnings through poisonous articles (drugs etc.). efficient in use of weapons and its quality tests. One having Sun in Sagittarius is honoured by good people. He is fierce, a doctor and efficient in composing Shastras. One having Sun in Capricorn lives on the wealth of others. He is foolish and engaged in unbecoming trade, He has a loss of wealth and is greedy. One having Sun in Aquarius is engaged in unbecoming actions. He is bereft of sons and also good luck. One having Sun in Pisces earns through the articles connected with water such as pearls, coral, conch shell, plants having flowers with fragrance and garden lands. I le gets love and respect from women. He has many friends as well as enemies and is learned. //I to 5// Results of Mars in Signs

One having Mars in Aries or Scorpio in his own signs is much travelled, trader, commander of Army, a thief and wealthy. He has an injury on his body. He gets honour from government. He has a trouble to the testicles.

Planets in Signs and Results_


One having Mars in (Taums or Libra) is well dressed, under the influence of his wife and adulterous. He knows magic tricks, is timid and opposed to friends. One having Mars in the signs be Mercury (i.e. Gemini and Virgo) is impatient, greedy. He knows the Arts or music and war. He is afraid of sons and friends. He is expert in handicraft. One having Mars in the sign of Cancer gets wealth through the vocations like navy, merchant's ship, etc. He is intelligent, wealthy, may lose a limb and is a bad person. One having Mars in the sign Leo is without wealth. He is capable of bearing much trouble, moves in jungles and has few sons and less happiness fiom wife. One having Mars in the signs of Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisces) is famous, fearless and a minister in the Government. He has many enemies and few sons. One having Mars in the Sign of Saturn (Aquarius and Capricorn) is afflicted with troubles, poor, wanderer, aliarand is fierce. Mars in Capricorn makes the native a king or equal to the king in status, gets much wealth and many sons. //6 to 9// Results of Mercury in Signs

One having Mercuiy in the signs of Mars (Aries and Scorpio) is a gambler, drunkard, liar, a thief and is devoid of wealth. He has a bad wife. He takes debts and iSwithout affection. One having Mercury in the signs of Venus (Taums and Libra) is liberal, scientist, and devoted to his Gum. He has many wives and sons and has much wealth. He is virtuous and honoured by the


Hora MaKarana

people. One having Mercury in the sign Gemini is happy, profiieientin Arts, talks more. He is brilliant in sciences and has a sweettongue. His body looks like a burnt body. One having Mercury in the sign ot Cancer earns his income through watery occupations, watery products and grains. He is enemy to his own people. One having Mercury in the sign Leo is opposed to women, devoid of wealth, happiness and sons. He wanders much and is given to sex. He is dishonoured. One having Mercury in the sign Virgo is liberal. He has many good qualities, is happy and forgiving. He is tactful and fearless. One having Mercury in the signs of Saturn (Capricorn and Aquarius) is an artison, in debt, troubled by his enemies and works for others (i.e. employed by others ) One having Mercury in the sign Sagittarius is honoured by the king and one having Mercury in the Sign Pisces is efficient artison and is an efficient servant. //10,l I,12,I3// Results of Jupiter in signs

One having Jupiter in the signs of Mars (Aries and Scorpio) becomes Superintendent of Police etc. or senior high officer in anny. I le is wealthy. He has many wives, sons and many good qualities. I Ic has many good servants, and is forgiving and munificent and generous. One having Jupiter in the signs of Venus (Taurus and Libra) leads a happy life He is wealthy, is having sons and is favourate of his friends. One having Jupiter in the signs of Mercury(Gemini and Virgo) gets

Planets in Signs and Results


rmmstership. He has large number of members of family, many sons and many friends. He is quite wealthy and has a good number of servants. One having Jupiter in Cancer is blessed with jewels wealth and comforts. He gets happiness from wife and happiness in general. One having Jupiter in Leo becomes a commenderof army. He also gets all what has been stated for the sign Cancer earlier. One having Jupiter in his own signs (Sagittarius and Pisces) will be aking, or a Minister or subordinate king (Mandlika king). One having Jupiter in Capricorn the native perfonns unbecoming actions. He has a very little wealth and leads a miserable life. One having Jupiter in Aquarius gets the results as has been stated for Jupiter in Cancer. //14 and 15// Results ofVenus in Signs

One having Venus in the signs of Mars (Aries and Scorpio) becomes adulterous and loses his wealth and becomes poor. He brings bad name to his family. One having Venus in his own sign (Taums and Libra) becomes wealthy by his own efforts, is famous and respected by government. One having Venus in Virgo engages himself in unbecoming deeds. He is best amongst his brothers and brave. One having Venus in the Sign Gem ini is engaged in efficient service of the king (government), and fond of fine arts, and is competent. One having Venus in the signs of Saturn (Capricorn and Aquarius) . is handsome. He is under the influence of his wife and keeps sexual relations with virgins. One having Venus in the sign Cancer has two wives. He is timid.

Hora Makarand miserable and proud. One having Venus in the sign Leo gets wealth through wife, gets happiness from wife and has less sons. One having Venus in the sign Pisces is handsome, wealthy and honoured by king (government). One having Venus in the sign Sagittarius is honoured (for his high qualities) byall. • //I6&I7) Results of Saturn in Signs

One having Saturn in the sign Aries looks like his mother. He is deceitful, devoid of his friends and wanderer. One having Saturn in the sign of Mercury (Gemini and Virgo) is shameless, devoid of sons, miserable, unhappy and poor. He becomes chief security officer or head of heads. One having Saturn in the sign Cancer is foolish. He loses his mother early, suffers from trouble in teeth, has no sons and wealth. One having Saturn in the sign Leo is not of good character. He is devoid of happiness and is a bearer of burden. One having Saturn in the sign Scorpio is likelyto be killed.orto be imprisoned. He is unsteady and merciless. One having Saturn in the sign Taurus is having many wives, is adulterous, having sexual relations with ladies which cannot be imagined, and having much less wealth. One having Saturn in the sign Libra is famous. He is the head of a village orcityorafighting uniland respected by the army.

Planets in Signs and Results


One having Saturn m the sign of Jupiter (Sagittarius and pisccs) is airuslcd servant of the government and is blessed with a good wife and good son and is wealthy. He is a head ofa village or a city. One having Saturn in his own signed (Capricorn and Aquarius) runs after wealth and women belonging to others. He is chief of a village ortown. He lias dim sight. He is always dirty, arrogant and gets steady wealth. 77)8,19,20&217/

The good and bad results of any ascendant in association with the sign are sim i lar to those being given by the Moon in association of those signs. This is the opinion of theold sages. Similarly, while considering the results of any Bhava (house in the horoscope) it should be done on the basis of location of its lord Le. the sign in which he is located, the concerned Bhava in which he is placed, and the lord of the sign in which the lord of that concerned Bhava is posited and their strength etc. 102II Thus ends the chapter Twenty one of Planets in signs and Results in! lorn Makaranda composed by Gunakar Daivadnya.

CHAPTER XXH effects of the rays of planets Number of Rays of Planets

When the Sun etc. are in their deep exaltation point, their Rays are as under:Sun - 10, Moon -9, Mars - 5, Mercury -5, Jupiter - 7 Some sages consider Rays of Moon as 11. Not some but almost all consider the Rays of theplanets as 7 each. I (Gunakar) consider it appropriate to take Rays of planets as 7 each. //I// Method to calculate rays.

The following is the method to be adopted for ascertaining the proportionate number of Ray s:Deduct the debilitation sign of the planet whose Rays are to be ascertained, ftom the longitude (Spasta graha). In case the remainder is more than 6 Rashis (signs), then it should be deducted from 12 signs. The remainder should be multiplied by the number of the Rays of that planet mentioned above (in the first stanza) and the product should be divided by 6. The result will denote the number ofthe Rays of that planet.




of Planets


The Rays are nil when these planets are in their deep debilitation. ' ran Example:Let us take the longitude of Sun (Spasta graha) as sign 10, degrees 5, Kalas 13 and Vikalas 32. Now let us find out the Rays of sun. The deep debilitation point of Sun is 6-10-00—00. If the longitude oftheSun mentioned above is deducted firm this, the product will be 8-4-46-28. This being more than 6 signs it should be further deducted firm 12 signs which comes to 3-25-13-32. Now let us multiply this by 7 (Gunakar takes 7 Rays of each planets). The product will be signs 26, degrees 26, Kalas 34, and Viakalas 44, Now let us devide this product by 6. The resultant 4-24-25—47 are the Rays ofthe Sun. In the same manner Rays ofthe other planets may be calculated. Commentary; Parashar has given the number of Rays as mentioned in stanza one. However, the total number of Rays given in all the classical books is 49. Acharya Manindha has expressed importance of these Rays and maintains, like Parashar. Maya, Badarayana that the Rays should be taken as mentioned in stanza one. However, as mentioned above by Gunakar. Kalyanavarma and others are of theopinion that these Rays should be taken 7 for each of the planets. The Rays may therefore, be calculated as explained in the above example.

As mentioned in second stanza the rays of the concerned planet should be calculated. If the said planet in Dwadashamsha is in his own sign, in the tiicrid's sign or in his sign of exaltation the Rays obtained may be doubled. In in the 6th and 10th house planets, other than Saturn and Venus are combust their Rays should be considered as zero. 11311 Commentary ;In Saravali, it has been mentioned that the planet if is in his friend's Dwadashamsha, the number ofRays obtained should be doubled. In respect ofthe planet in his own Dwadashamsha. retrograde or in his sign of exaltation the number of Rays obtained should be tripled.




In the Dwaaasnamsha horoscope, ifthe concerneo planet is in the sign of his enem/ or the sign of his debilitation, the Rays ofthesaid planet should be taken after dividing them by 16. i,e jjth Rays should be taken. Iflhcplanet is retrograde, the Rays should be doubled and ifthe said planet has becomejust direct, the Rays to be taken arc l/8thofthosearrived at. HAH Results of the Rays

In the birth chart ofthe native, ifthe total number ofRays is upto 5 the native will be unhappy, defeated, devoid of friends, poor and a bad person. His thoughts arc wicked. //5//

In the birth chart of the native, if the total number of Rays are between 5 and 10 the native will be a servant or wanderer in foreign countries. He has to wander from door to door for food. He is without lustre and unfortunate. II6II

in the birth chart ofthe native, if the total number of Rays are oetween 11 and 15. the native will be religious, a good man and brings good name to his family. lilll

'nthe birth chart ofa native, ifthetotal number of rays are between 15 and 20; the native will be wealthy, most respected in the family, famous, renouned and always being respected by his people. //8//







In the birth chart ofthe native if the total number of Rays are between 20 and 25, the native will be of favourable fortune, determined, learned and landlord. //9//

In the birth chart of the native if the total number of Rays are between 25 and 30, the native will be furious, protected by the king, gets wealth from king, happy, honoured by the king and becomes a minister. //10//

in the birth chart ofthe native ifthe total number of Rays are 31. the native becomes superior, famous and liked by king and ifthe number of rays are 32 the native becomes the collecter (i.e. in charge of about 500 villages.). II] Ml

Ifthe birth chart ofthe native ifthetotal number of rays are 33 or 34. the native becomes owner of about lOOOto 3000 villages.//I2/

In the birth chart ofthe native ifthetotal number of Rays are 35, the native becomes owner ofacircle (i.e Mandal), and has a huge treasury (wealth), Ifthe Rays are 36 the native becomes owner of one lakh villages and ifthe Rays are 37 the native becomes owner of three lakhs of villages II) 3//

In the birth chart of the native ifthetotal number of Rays are 36, the native has a very big amount of wealth and he is owner of four lakhs villages. He is fortunate and enjoys life. //14//


Hora MaKarana

Inthe birth chart ofthe native, iflhctotai number of Rays are 39, the native becomes a king with valour. //15//

In the birth chart of the native, if thetotal number of Rays arc 40, the native becomes a king ofthe land surrounded by the sea and whose fame is spread upto the heavenly ganges. //16//

Inthe birth chart ofthe native, iflhctotai number ofRaysare41, the native becomes a king of the land between two seas. He is loved by his subject and has no enemies. 11] 7//

hi the birth chart ofthe native having thetotal number of Rays 42 or 43 becomes king of the land covered by three seas and iflhe Rays are 44 the native becomes king of the land covered by the four seas. These kings worship the god and Brahmins and arc endowed with virtues and excellences. II]

Inthe birth chart ofthe native, if thetotal number of rays are 45, 46,47 or48 the native become a respectful soverign king ofthe land in which Peninsulas are also covered and he rules the kingdom and protects it with his own strength. The native bom with thetotal number of Rays 49 becomes a sovereign ofthe land including the seven peninsulas and protects it. He is just like Indrai.e. the king of Gods. He is famous, eminent and the ladies from the kingdom of

165 God sing the songs of his fame. //19// Thus ends the Chapter Twenty two of the Effects of the Rays of Planets of Hora Makaranda composed by Gunakar Daivadnya.

CHAPTER XXm ASPECTS ON MOON The results of ilie aspects of planets on Moon in various signs are as follows

Moon in Aries (1) When aspected by Mars makes one a king (holding status as a king). (2) When aspected by Mercury makes one a learned man. (3) When aspected by Jupiter makes one almost equal lo a king. (4) When aspected by Venus makes one having good qualities. (5) When aspected by Saturn makes one a thief.

Aspects on Moon


(6) When aspected by Sun makes one poor (without wealth). Moon in Taurus (1) When aspected by Mars makes one a poor (without wealth). (2) When aspected by Mercury makes one a thief. (3) When aspcctcd by Jupiter makes one who is honoured by people. (4) When aspected by Venus makes one a king (holding a status of aking). (5) When aspected by Saturn makes one wealthy. (6) When aspected by Sun makes one a servant. Moon in Gemini (1) When aspected by Mars makes one a treader of weapons. (2) When aspected by Mercury makes one a king (holding a status ofa king). (3) When aspcctcd by Jupiter makes one a learned man. (4) When aspected by Venus makes one fearless. (5) When aspected by Saturn makes one a weaver. (6) When aspected by Sun makes one a poor (without wealth). Moon in Cancer (1) When aspected by Mars makes one a warrior. (2) When aspected by Mercury makes one a poet. (3) When aspected by Jupiter makes one a learned wiseman. (4) When aspeced by Venus makes one a king (holding a status of aking). (5) When aspected by Saturn makes one a dealer in weapons. (6) When aspected by Sun makes one having some sort of disease in the eyes. Moon in Leo. (1) When aspected by Mars one becomes a king (holding status of aking). (2) When aspected by Mercury one becomes an astrologer. (3) When aspected by Jupiter one becomes wealthy. (4) When aspected by Venus one becomes a dng (holding a status ofa king). (5) When aspected by Saturn one becomes a barber. (6) When aspected by Sun.one becomes aking (holding a status of aking).


Hora MaKarand

Moon in Virgo. (1) When aspected by Marsone lives on wile's earning. (2) When aspected by Mercury one becomes a king (Holomg a status of a king). (3) When aspected by Jupiter one becomes a commander-in-chief ofArmy. (4) When aspected by Venus one becomes efficient alrounder. (5) When aspected by Saturn one lives on wife's earning. (6) When aspected by Sun one lives on wife's earning. Moon in Libra (1) When aspected by Marsone docs unbecoming acts. (2) When aspected by Mercury one becomes a king {holding a status ofa king). (3) When aspected by Jupiter one becomes a goldsmith, (4) When aspected by Venus one becomes shrewd. (5) When aspected by Saturn one does unbecoming acts. (6) When aspected by Sun one does unbecoming acts. Moon in Scorpio I) When aspected by Mars one becomes a king (holding status a king). i)When aspected by Mercury the native is a son of two fathers (i.e. he may be an adopted child. 3) When aspected by Jupiter one becomes obedient. \) When aspected by Venus one becomes a dyer. 5) When aspected by Saturn one loses some limb ofthe body. 3) When aspected by Sun one is poor (without wealth). Moon in Sagittarius 1) When aspected by Marsone isdeceiftul. licrandselfish. 2) When aspected by Mercury one isachicfin his community. i) When aspected by Jupiter one becomes a king (holding status ofa king). y When aspected by Venus the native supports many people. 5) When aspected by Saturn one is deceitful, liar and selfish. 5) When aspected by Sun one is deceitful, liarand selfish. Moon in Caprieom (1) When aspected by Mars one becomes a king (having status of

Aspects on Moon


a king;. (2) When aspected by Mercuiy one becomes a king (having status ofa king). (3) When aspected by Jupiter one becomes a king (having status ofa king). (4) When aspected by Venus one becomes a learned man. (5) When aspected by Saturn one becomes wealthy. (6) When aspected by Sun one becomes poor (without wealth). Moon in Aquarius (1) When aspected by Mars one is adulterous. (2) When aspected by Mercury one becomes a king (having status ofa king). (3) When aspected by Jupiter one has status equal to a king. (4) When aspected by Venus one is adulterous. (5) When aspected by Saturn one is adulterous. (6) When aspected by Sun one is adulterous. Moon in Pisces (1) When aspected by Mars one is sinful. (2) When aspected by Mercury one is a joker. (3) When aspected by Jupiter one becomes a king (having status ofa king). (4) When aspected by Venus one becomes a learned man. (5) When aspected by Saturn one is sinfuJ. (6) When aspected by Sun one becomes sinful. II] to 6// Commentary: In Saravali more detailed information about the Results of the aspects of planets on Moon in various signs have been given.

The results of the aspects of planets on Moon in various signs have been mentioned above. But if Moon occupies the ascendant in the signs other than Cancer and Taums and is aspected by the planets the results are inauspicious. Naturally, Moon in the other signs in other houses will give above mentioned results. //7//


Hora Makarand

There are two Horas in the ascendant, (one is Cancer Hora and the other is leo Hora). Their lords are Moon and Sun. If Mooms located in the Hora of Sun and the planets in the Hora of Sun aspect Moon, or if theMoon is located in his hora i.e. Cancer and the planets in the Hora of Moon aspect Moon, the results are good. This principle may be adopted in respect ofdecanates etc. //8//

The lord ofthesign occupied by Moon in the birth chart, if aspects Moon, the native becomes a landlord or a king (status of aking). Similarly ifthe Moon is aspected by the lords of thedecante ofthe fhendly signs the native becomes wealthy. The benefic results have been explained when Moon is being aspected by benefic planets in various signs. The same results may be taken as valid in respect of Moon when occupies Dwadashamsha. II9II Navamamsha Results

Aspects on Moon


The results of the aspects of planets on Moon in Navamamshas are as shown below : Navamamshas of Mars: IfMoon occupies the Navamamshas ofMars i.e. sign Aries or Scorpio and is aspccted (1) by Sun. the native becomes aprotcctcr of acity (2) by Mars, one becomes prone to taking life of others. (3) by Mercury, one becomes a wrestling (or efficient fighting) (4) by Jupiter, one becomes a king ( or with status of aking) (5) by Venus, one becomes wealthy. (6) by Saturn, one becomes quarrel some. Navamamshas of Venus: If Mooioccupies Navamamsha of Venus i.e. signs Taums or Libra and is aspected (1) by Sun, the native is a fool. (2) by Mars, the native is adulterous. (3) by Mercury, one is familierto literature (poetry) (4) by Jupiter, one becomes a poet. (5) by Venus, one is indulging in luxunes. (6) by Saturn, the native is adulterous. Navamamsha ofMercury: If Moon occupies Navamamsha of Mercury i.e. signs Gemini and Virgo and is aspected (1) by Sun. the native is a wrestler. (2) by Mars, the native is a thief. (3) by Mercury, the native is a good poet. (4) by Jupiter, the native is a minister. (5) by Venus, the native is a vocal musician. (6) by Saturn, the native is engaged in handicraft. Navamamsha of Moon: IfMoon occupies his own Navamamsha Le. sign Cancer and is aspected :(1) by Sun, the native has a short life. (2) by Mars, the native is miser. (3) by Mercury, the native is an ascetic. (4) by Jupiter, the native is a prominent person.


Hora Makarand

(5) by Venus, the native is brought up (or nourished) oy women. (6) by Saturn, the native is involved in much labour. NavamanshaolSun: If Moon occupies Navamamshaof Sun i.e. sign Leoand is aspected (1) by Sun, the native becomes full of anger. (2) by Mars, the'native becomes favourite of the Government. (3) by Mercury, the native becomes the owner of treasuries. (4) by Jupiter, the native is a man in authority. (5) by Venus, the native is without a son. (6) by Saturn, the native is one who is engaged in highly cruel acts. Navamamsha of Jupiter: If Moon occupies navamamsha of Jupiter i.e. signs Sagittarius and pisces and is aspected (!) by Sun, the native is a famous person. (2) by Mars, the native is expert in planning Military Strategy. (3) by Mercury, the native is well up in jokes. (4) by Jupiter, the native wi II be a minister. (5) by Venus, the native will be eunuch. (6) by Saturn, the native wi 11 be after money. Navamamsha of Saturn: If Moon occupies Navamamsha of Saturn i.e. signs Capricorn of Aquarius and is aspected by :(1) by Sun, the native will have very few sons. (2) by Mars, the native will have enough wealth. (3) by Mercury, the native will be very unhappy, (4) by Jupiter, the native will be proud. (5) by Venus, the native wii I be doing things which arc good for his family. (6) by Saturn, the native wi 11 be beloved by bad women. The results, when Moon occupies Navamamsha of various planets and is aspected by various planets, arc stated above. In the similar manner, the results when Sun occupies various Navamamsha and is aspected by various planets should be considered.//(0 to 15.//

Aspects on Moon


The good results stateo in respect ofthe occupation by Moon ofthe various Navamamshas are the best w hen Moon is in Vargottama. are medium when Moon is in his own Navamamsha and are interior when Moon is in the Navamamsha of other planets. The results of malefic planets should be taken in opposite direction i.e. inferior, medium and best. Similar results should also considered in respect of Sun and Ascendant. //16//

Incase the lord ofthe Navamamsha sign in which Moon is placed is strongest, it would give full results both of sign and that of aspect. But ifthe Moon is without strength in the Navamamsha, results of the sign only should be considered. //1-7// Thus ends the Chapter Twenty three of Aspects on Moon in Hora Makaranda composed by Gunakar Daivadnya.

Chapter XXTV RESULTS OF PLANETS IN VARIOUS HOUSES The results of the Sun occupying houses

Sun If Sun is in the Ascendant, the native is valient, given to procrastination and with trouble in eyes. If Sun occupies sign Aries in the Ascendant, the native becomes wealthy but with eye trouble. If sun occupies sign Leo in the Ascendant, the native suffers from night blindness, if Sun occupies the Sign Libra in the Ascendant, the native is blind and poor. IfSun occupies sign Cancer in the Ascendant, native has defect in the eyes. //I//

(1) IfSun is in the second house, the native is rich but loses wealth as a result of some action against him by government, and he has some disease in the mouth. (2) If theSun is in the third house, the native is with strength and is valient.


of Planets





(3) I f the Sun is in the 4th house, the native is comfortless and mentally worried. (4) I f the Sun is in the 5th house, the native is poor and without son (5) I f the Sun is in the 6th house, the native is powerful and defeats his enemies. (6) If the Sun is in the 7th house, the natives is defeated at the hands of women. (7) Ifthe Sun is in the 8th house, the native is having less number of sons and is diseased in the eyes. (8) If theSun is in the 9th house, the native is happy, wealthy and has a son. (9) Ifthe Sun is in the 10th house, the native is happy and valient (10) I f the Sun is in the I 1 th house, the native becomes very rich. (I l)lftheSun is in the 12th house, the native falls from power. The results of the Moon occupying houses

If Moon occupies any sign other than Aries, Taums and Cancer in the Ascendant, the native becomes dumb, mentally deranged, dull, blind, low status, deaf and is lacking a member. If however. Moon is placed in Cancer or Taums in the Ascendant, the native becomes rich while ifthe sign occupies is Aries the native has many sons. The Moon occupying 2nd to 12th houses; The results ofthe Moon occupying houses from 2nd to 12th are as follows; (1) Ifthe Moon is in the 2nd house, the native has a large family. (2) Ifthe Moon is in the 3rd house, the native is cruel. (3) I f theMoon is in the 4th house, the native is happy. (4) If theMoon is in the 5th house, the native has sons. (5) If theMoon is in the 6th house, the native gets many enemies




and is of delicate health. He Is fierce and lazy and is with less ofappetite and sexual power. (6) IftheMoon is in the 7th house, the native is jealous and over sexed. (7) ifthe Moon is in the 8th house, the native is fickle minded and is afflicted with diseases. (8) If theMoon is in the 9th house, the native is with sons friends and wealth. (9) IftheMoon is in the 1 Oth house, the native is successful in his undertakings and is religious, intelligent and valiant, (10) I f the Moon is in the 11 th house, the native is famous. (11) Ifthe Moon is in the 12th house, the native is low in status and is deformed. Mars in 12 houses: II Mars occupies the Ascendant, the native receives injuries in the body. If he is in the 2nd house, the native eats coarse grains and it he is in the 9th house he is wealthy. In the rest of the houses Mars gives results like Sun.

Mercury in 12 houses: Mercury In the Ascendant makes one learned, in the 2nd house makes the native rich, in the 3rd highly wicked, in the 4th learned, in the 5th a minister in the 6th native is without enemies, in the 7th religious, in the 8th famous due to good qualities. Inthe restofthe houses Mercury gives results like Sun. //8 &9//

Jupiter The results of the Jupiter in the 12 houses are as follows : Jupiter located in the Ascendant makes the native learned, in the 2nd house, a good speaker, in the 3rd wealthy, in the 4th liappy. in the 5th intelligent, in the 6th one without enemies, in the 7th the native excels his father, in the 8th engaged in unbecoming deeds in

Results of Planets


various Houses


the 9th, the native practices austerities, in the I Oh nch in the 11 th much wealthy and in the 12thmakes the native wicked. //Ifl//

Venus The results of the Venus in the 12 houses if the Venus is located in the Ascendant, the native is adept in sexual matters and is happy. If Venus is in the 7th house the native is fond of quarrels and sex and in the 5th house, the native is happy in life. In case of location of Venus in the rest of the houses, the results are like Jupiter except that Venus in the sign Pisces makes the native rich. , /11 Ml

Saturn The results of the Saturn in the 12 houses If Saturn occupies the Ascendant in the signs other than Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, the native is poor, suffers from diseases in infancy, unclean, lazy and overpowered tysex. If the Saturn occupies Ascendant in the signs Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius, the native is like a king in status and ruler of village and is having handsome body I f Saturn is in the signs Sagittarius or Pisces in the Ascendant, the native is learned. In case of location of Satum in the other houses, he gives results like the Sun. //I2&I3//

Full results ofthehouses (i.e. Bhavas) are given by the planets if they are in the signs of their exaltation, in their own signs, in Mooltrikona signs or the signs of their friends. The results of the




houses are nullifies ifthe planets are in the signs of deoilitation, of their enemies or combust. The planets in the signs of equal (i.e. Sama) planets, give normal results. Inthe houses with benelic planets they increase the results ofthe houses. Ifthe benelic planets arc in the 6th, 8lh and 12lli houses along with the malefic pianets, they spoil the house. //14 & J 5 // Quantity of Results of Houses due to strength of planets.

A planet in exaltation gives full results, one in its Mooltrikona sign gives three fourth, that in its own sign gives half, one in friendly sign gives one fourth, one in enimical sign gives less and one located in its sign of debilitation or when combust by being with the Sun it gives nil result. The results of malefic planets should be considered as opposite. //16// Thus ends the Chapter Twcnts Fourth of Results of planets in Various houses, of Mora Makarand composes by Gunakar Daivadnya.

CHAPTER XXV PLANETS IN VARGAS Results of tlic Planets in Own Houses, Friend's Houses, in Sign of Exaltation. Dcliilitation etc.

The results ofthe planets in thcirovvtl houses, in their fnends houses, in the signs of their exaltation and in the signs oftheir debilitation are as follows: Own Houses If only one ofthe planets is located m its own sign, the native has the status only in the family in which he is bom. Iftwoplanets in the horoscope are in their own IDUSCS, the native bom is one prominent amongst his own relatives. If three planets arc in their own houses, the native bom is one who is prominent amongst his relatives (community). If four planets are in their own houses, the native is a rich man; if five, he leads a happy life, if six, the native gets a dignity just like a king and if seven, the native is actually a king (i.e. holds and uses the powersjust like a king.)




Friend's Houses Ifthere is only one planet In a friendly sign, the native lives on the wealth of others; of two he is helped by his friends,; of three, the native gets help from his relatives; of four, the native gets help from his brothers; of five, the native is a head of Mandal (i.e. group of people); of six, the native is commander ofthearmy and if seven, the native becomes a king (gets a status ofa king). Exaltation and debilitation In the horoscope, if there is one planet in exaltation and is aspected by its friend, the native becomes a king (i.e. gets a status ofaking), wealthy and has many friends. One can imagine, if more than one planets are in exaltation with aspects oftheir friendly planets to what greater extent they will be fruitful to the native, if in the horoscope, the planets are in their debilitation or in the houses oftheir enemies, the native becomes poor, devoid of all comforts, arrogant, diseased, sinful and is always in pain and leads a painful life in imprisonment. Commentary: It is necessary to consider the position of planets in Navamamshas while considering the results of the planets in exaltation or in debilitation. It is also necessary to consider the Neechbhang Rajayogas, sign of debilitation orcnimicalsignetc. He gives good results if he has got many points in Astakavarga. Thus it is absolutely necessary to consider all the authoritative opinions in the matter before arriving at any result ofthe planet before prediction. // 1 to 3 //

Satyacharya says that the Aquarius Ascendant is not auspicious. Yavanacharya says that only the Aquarius Varga in Ascendant is Inauspicious. However, Vatsyayana says that the Aquarius Ascendant or its Amasha in the Ascendant cannot be inauspicious and that the statements (of Satyacharya and Yavanacharya) are oxtra-vagant. //4//

Planets in Vargas


Ifthenatural malctlc planets in odd signs in a horoscope occupy the 'Hora'ofSun ,the native becomes famous, persevering, powerful. healthy and brave. //5//

If natural henefic planets occupy the even signs in Moon Hora, the native will be gentle, handsome, happy, with good luck, sinless and is having good speech. 11611

If malefic planets in even signs are in Sun's Hora and benefic planets in odd signs are in Moon's Hora above mentioned results are of medium effect. The malefic planets in even signs are in Moon's Hora and Benefic planets in odd signs are in Sun's Hora, they will not give above results. IllII

If Moon is located in the decanate belonging to him or to his Mend, the person bom will have nice qualities, and very good appearance and if Moon occupies the dencante of his enemies, the native will have bad quahties and bad appearance. The decision about the results, however, may be arrived at after taking into consideration the nature of thedecanate. //8//

Ifthedecanate occupied by Moon is 'VyaT (serpent), the native will have aggressive temperament. Ifit is a 'bird' decanate, he is a wanderer; of Moon occupies decanate 'Udyata Ayudha' the native is cmel and ifthedecanate occupied by Moon is Animal' the native will have sexual relation with other ladies (wives of others). H9II Note: The nature of decanates is being given in Chapter XXX and Appendix.


Hora Makarand

The following arc the results of the Moon when it occupies the Navamamshas ofthetwelve signs; One having Moon in Aries Navamamsha has a stealing habit; if there is Taurus Navamamsha, he enjoys a happy life. If it is Gemini, the native is learned, if it is Cancer, the native is rich; if it is Leo, the native is a king; if it is Virgo the native is eunuch; if it is Libra the native is valiant; if it is Scorpio, the native is a poor burden bearer; if it is in Sagittarius, the native is a slave; if it is Capricorn, the native is sinful; if it is Aquarius, the native is cruel and if it is Pisces the native is fearless. These results are for Moon other than "Vargottama", In case of Vargottam Navamamsha the native will be a leader in his field. The results of the Moon in Dwadashamsha should be taken from the results of theMoon as in the twelve signs. 11] QH Trimshamsh Results

Mars in his own Trimshamsha gives the native many wives, and he speaks truth. He is handsome with luster and has ornaments of decoration on the head (as an honour). Saturn in his Trimshamsha gives death to wife, adultery, cruelty, and sonow. He has to stay at differcntplaces due to adultery. If Jupitcris in his Trimshamsha, the native is worshiped by many. He is successful, enjoys hfe, industrious and has some disease in respect of his private parts. If Mercury is in its Trimshamsha, the native will be intelligent and endowed with artistic ability. He is cunning and knows handicraft.

Planets in Vargas


He Is valient and also generous and is a poet if Venus is in its Trimshamsha, the native is having good health, favourable fortune, much comforts, much wealth and many sons. He is handsome with a most charming body but cruel. II] hof 211 Trimshamsha Results of Sun and Moon.

If'Sun occupies Trimshamsha of Mars, the native is valiant; if occupies Trimshamsha of Saturn he is cruel, if in Trimshamsha of Jupiter, he has many good qualities; if of Mercury, the native leads a good life and if of Venus, the native is handsome. IftheMoon is in the Trimshamsha of Mars, the native has normal health, if of Saturn, the native is of attaking nature; if of Jupiter, he is wealthy; if of Mercury, he is learned and if of Venus, the native is loved by all. 1/14/1 Thus ends the Twenty fifth Chapter of Planets in Vargas in Hora Makarand Composed by Gunakar Daivadnya.


ii Ifplanets are exalted, are In Mooltrikona signs or in their own signs and at the same time mutually in quadrant and especially in the 1 Oft from each other, they are said to be Karakas. //!//

If Moon is in sign Cancer in the Ascendant, Sun in Aries, Saturn in the Sign Libra and Mars in the Sign Capricorn, the planets become mutually Karakas being in the I Qh from each other. tmi

The birth should be considered to be lucky and Auspicious, ifthe Ascendant is Vargottama (i.e. the sign of the Ascendant is the same thatoftheNavamamsha) and beneflc pianets are in the 2nd house from the Sun and if the planets occupy quadrants which in that case become Karaka of each other. HhH

The planets in the 4th house and in the 1 Oft house from the planet occupying the Ascendant, all of them become Karakas.



The planets in tlie 4th house and in the I Oth house Irom the planets in exaltation, in Mooltrikona and in their own houses become Karaka due to friendship forthat time (Tatkalik Mitratva). UAH

If the planet Jupiter, the lord of the Ascendant and the lord ofthe sign occupied by Moon, are located in the quadrants they bestow felicity during the middle portion of life. The planets occupying the signs "Prishthodaya", "Ubhayodaya" and "Shecrshodaya" give their results in the last (l/Grdjportion, middle (1/3 rd) portion and first/1 /3 rd) portion of their Vimshottari Dasha respectively. II5II Thus ends the Twenty sixth Chapter of Karakas in Horamakranda Composed by Gunakar Daivadnya.


If the filth and the seventli houses firm the Ascendant and the Moon are ow ned by the benefic planets and occupied by them, or aspected by them the native will be happy ftom his children and his 11 wife. (These houses will prosper). ///// If sign Virgo in the Ascendant is occupied by Sun and Saturn is in the 7th house i.e. sign Pisces, the native loses his wife. Similarly, if Mars is in the 5th house (with this combination) there will be a loss ofson.

The learned persons consider Ascendant and the sign occupied by Moon as Ascendant and consider the Bhavas i.e., Tanu, Dhana etc., firm both of them, for the purpose of prediction. The Bhava (i.e. house), if is occupied by its lord or is aspected by benefic planets, or occupied by benefic planets gets strength. If this position is not there, the concerned Bhava is without strength. L 'fill

Anishiaor Misfortune


Ifthemaietlc the planets occupy 4th and 8th houses from Venus the wife of flic native dies due to fire. IfVenus has malefics on both the sides, the wife ofthcnative dies due to fall, and Venus in neither with nor aspected by benefic planets, the wife of the native dies due to fastening. //3//

The husband and wife will have one eye each when the Sun and the Moon are in the 6th and 12lh houses from the ascendant. When the Sun and Venus occupy one out of the fifth, seventh or nineth houses, the native has a wife with defective limb or limbs. //4//

The Satum in the Ascendant and Venus in the 7th in Gandanta (i.e. on Rasi Sandhi) and the 5th house is without the benefics or without aspect of benefics, the wife ofthe native is barren. II5II

The native born with malefics in the Ascendant, 7th house and the 12th house and with Kshccna Moon in the fifth house, is without wife and children II6II

JfVenusis in the 7th house in the Navamamsha of Mars or Saturn (i.e. sign Aries, Scorpio. Capricorn and Aquarius) and aspected by them, the native is fond of other women. Similarly, if in the horoscope the Saturn and Mars along with the Moon occupy the 7th house, the native and his wife will be adulterous. //7//

Ifthe Venus and Moon are together and the Sun and Mars are in the 7th house from the Ascendant, the native is without wife and children.




If female ana male planets arc together in the 7th house from the Ascendant and if they are aspected by the benefic planets, the native gets married late inlifc. (i.e. inoldage.) //8//

IfMoon Venus and malefics arc in the 1 Oth house. 7th house and 4th house respectively, they indicate extinction ofthe family. IfSaturn is in the quadrant, in the dccanatc in which Mercury is located and if Saturn aspects Mercury, the native becomes a sculptor (shilpi). IfVenus in the i2th house is in the Navamamsha of Saturn, the native is a son of a servant-maid and if Sun and Moon are in the 7th house aspected by Saturn the native performs disregarding acts. //9//

If malefic planets aspect Venus and Mars occupying 7th house, they indicate hernia ofthe intestines and descent into the scrotum. Similarly, when Moon is In the Navamamsha of Cancer or Scorpio and is with malefic planets, the native will have adisease related to the genitals. Moon in the Ascendant and Sun in the 7th with Saturn and Mars in the 2nd and ! 2th houses respectively, the native having this position in the horoscope will suffer from leprosy. //10//

Moon in the I Oth, Mars in the 7th and Saturn in the 2nd from, the Sun indicate defective limbs (ormissing ofalimb orso). Sun in Capricorn and Moon between the two malefics give rise to asthma, tuberculosis, enlargement of spleen or tumorous in the abdomen. II] Ml

Amshta or Misfortune


When Sun and Moon exchange their signs in Oirth chart or Navamamsha or it they arc together either in Cancer or Leo, the native suffers from inordinate and raging thirst or he is lean. II) 2J!

When the Moon is in the 5th Navamamsha of Sagittarius (i.e. Leo or in the Navamamsha of Aries, Cancer, Capricorn or Pisces and is with or aspected by Mars and Saturn, the native suffers from leprosy: and if the said Moon is aspected by benehc planets, the native suffers from itches or emption or irritation. //] 3//

When there ae Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus or Capricorn signs either in the 5th house or in the 9th house only aspected by or with malefic planets, the native suffers from leprosy. //14//

When Sun, Moon, Mars and Saturn ae located in the 2nd, 6th. 8th and 12th houses in any manner, the native loses his eye sight by the aggravation of the Dhatu indicated by the most powerful planet amongst them. //15// Commentary: Dhatu means wind, bile and phlegm.

When Sun, Moon, Mars and Saturn ae in the 3rd, 5th, 9th and 11 th houses without an aspect of benefic planets, they give rise to deafness and if these planets are in the 7th house, they create disorder or damage to teeth. //16//

When the Moon is with Rahu in the Ascendant and malefic planets (Mars and Saturn) are in the 5th and 9th houses, the native suffers




from possession Dy evil spirit. Similarly, if Sun is with Rahu in the Ascendant, the native becomes blind.

Jupiter in the Ascendant and Saturn in the 7th house make the native suffer from the complaints of wind. Similarly Jupiter in the Ascendant and Mars in the 7th house give rise to insanity. II] 8//

Saturn in the Ascendant and Mars in the 5th, 7th or 9th house cause insanity. Similarly, week Moon and Saturn in the 12ih house cause insanity. /19f

The lord of the Navamamsha occupied by the Moon, the Sun the Moon and the Jupiter, ifall ofthcmare in their signs of debilitation in Navamamsha or in the signs of their enemies in Navamamsha, the native becomes a slave. 1 f the above position is in respect of one planet the native is a slave; only in respect of earning livelihood, iftheabove position is in respect of two planets, the native will be sold as slave; if the above position is in respect of three or four planets, the native wi 11 be from the family of heriditary slaves. //20//

I f Aries sign in the Ascendant is aspected by malefic planets, Ihe native born will have ugly or repulsive teeth. Ifthe signs in the Ascendant are of malefic planets or Taurus or Sagittarius and arc aspected by malefic planets, the native becomes bald-headed. The Sun in the 5th or in the -9th house aspected by malefic planets, gives weak eye sight. The Mars in the 5th or 9th house aspected by malefics gives the native defective organs.

Anishta or A hsjnrlune


The Saturn in the 5th or the 9th house aspected by malefic planets results in many diseases to the native. //2 ///

When malefic planets are located in the 2nd, 5th, 9th and 12th ,the native gets imprisonment as per the nature of the sign. Ifthe birth is in Bhujanga, orNigada or Pasha decanate and ifthe sign represented by these decantes is aspected by strong malefics, the confinement is according to the nature of the sign. HI HI

If Moon and Saturn are together in the horoscope, the speech of the native is harsh. If the Moon and Saturn in one sign are aspected by Mars, the native suffers tmm hysteria and if these Moon and Saturn are with halo -a luminous ring around them, the native suffers from consumption (Tuberculosis). When the Sun, Saturn and Mars are in the I Oh house and are not aspected by benefic planets, the native becomes a servant. When there is only one planet out of them, the native becomes superior servant, if there are two of them, the native becomes ordinary servant and if there are three planets, the native becomes inferior servant. HUU Thus ends the Twenty seventh Chapter of Anista or Misfortune in Hora Makranda Composed by Gunakar Daivadnya.


The astrologers consider male and female equal for the purpose of prediction on the basis of birth chart and tell them the results accordingly. Some of theresults which a woman cannot enjoy by or for herself should therefore, be attributed to her husband. Anything about her husband is to be derived from the 7th house of her birth chart. From the 8th house in her horoscope, the death of her husband should be predicted. From an Ascendant and the Moon in the horoscope of the female, the physical happiness she may get firm her husband should be predicted. //I//

If the sign in the Ascendant and that occupied by the Moon are even signs, the woman will be modest and if these are aspected by benefic planets, she is virtuous. 1 f the Ascendant and the Moon signs are odd signs she has a masculine form and nature If these signs are with or aspected by malefic planets she will be sinful. 1011 Commentary : The modesty of the women and sinfulness cannot be predicted only on the basis of thcrules mentioned above. Here

Female Horoscopy


the lords of the signs are not considered which can change the entire picture. It is a fact that the predictions should never be based only on single aspect. Before predictions, the astrologers should take into account all the rules contained in this book.

Results of Trimshamsha in Signs of Ascendant and Moon. If the Ascendant or the Moon occupies the signs of Mars the results ofthefive Trimshamsha, in that sign will be as follows; (1) In the Trimshamsha of Mars, the female will be immoral even as a virgin. (2) In the Trimshamsha of Saturn, the fcmalewill be rogue. (3) In the Trimshamsha of Jupiter, the female will be worthy and virtuous. (4) In the Trimshamsha of Mercury, the female will be adept in conjuration. (5) In the Trimshamsha of Venus, the female will become unchaste after marriage (i.e. Dasi) I f the Ascendant or Moon occupies the signs of Venus, the results of the five Trimslianishas in that sign will be as follows; (1) I n the Trimshamsha ofMars, the female will wicked. (2) I n the Trimshamsha of Saturn, the female will be skilled in aits. (According to Sage Parasharis the female v iII remarry). (3) 1 n the Trimshamsha of Jupiter, the female will have good qualities. (4) In the Trimshamsha of Mercury, the female will be famous for


Hora Makarana

good qualities. (5) In the Trimshamsna ofVenus. the female will remarry. (According to sage Parashari the female will be well known and be possessed of excellent qualities). If the Ascendant or Moon occupies the signs of Mercury, the results ofthefive Trimshamsha in that sign will be as follows: (1) IntheTrimshamshas of Mars, the female will be full of guile. (2) IntheTnmshamsha of Saturn, the female will be having good qualities. (3) Inthe Trimshamsha of Jupiter, the female will be chaste. (4) In the Trimshamsha of Mercury,the female will be inflamed with lust, (5) In the Trimshamsha of Venus, the female will be Impotent. Ifthe Ascendant orthe Moon, occupies the sign of Moon the results ofthefive Trimshamshas in that sign will be follows: (!) In the Trimshamsha of Mars, the female will be self willed and uncontrolled (2) In the Trimshamsha of Saturn, the female will be expert in handicraft. (According to Parashar, she will be widow) (3) In the Trimshamsha of Jupiter, the female will be gifted with all good qualities. (4) In the Trimshamsha of Mercury,the female will be of bad character, (According to Sage Parashar, she will be skilled in Arts and handicrafts) (5) IntheTrimshamsha of Venus, the female will be unchaste and of loose character. Ifthethe Ascendant or the Moon, occupy the sign ofSun the results ofthefive Trimshamsha in that Leo sign will be as foilows:(1) Inthe Trimshamsha of Mars, the female will be unchaste woman, (2) In the Trimshamsha of Saturn, the female will be masculine in nature. (3) In the Trimshamsha of Jupiter, the female will be a queen. (4) lntheTrimshamshaofMercury,thefemalewill be having sexual

Female Horoscopy


relations w Ith an abstruse person. (5) In the Trimshamsha of Venus, the female will be harlot (prostitute). Ifthe ascendant or the Moon occupy the signs of Jupiter the results ofthefive Trimshamsha in that sign will be as follows: (1) Inthe Trimshamsha of Mars, the female will be endowed with many good qualities. (2) In the Trimshamsha of Saturn, the female will be having little desire for sex, (The exact meaning is a female with surprise} (3) IntheTrimshamsha of Jupiter, the female will be having many good qualities. (4) In the Trimshamsha of Mercury, the female will be a holy and saint woman (5) In the Trimshamsha of Venus, the female will be having little desire for sex If the Ascendant or the Moon occupies the signs of Saturn the results ofthefive Trimshamshas in that sign will be as follows (1) In the Trimshamsha of Mars, the female becomes a servant (i.e. Dasi). (2) In the Trimshamsha of Saturn, the female is wicked. (3) In the Trimshamsha of Jupiter, the female is devoted to her husband. (4) In the Trimshamsha of Mercury,the female is barren (5) In the Trimshamsha of Venus, the female is fond ofa low man. The trimshamsha results may be considered accordingly on the basis ofthe strength of trimshamshas. //3to HI Commenfary: Such results ofTrlmshamshas in the chapter of female horoscopy have been given in Sage Parasharis, Brihat Jataka, Jatak Parijata and such classical books. They differ in respect of some of the Trimshamshas results in the same sign. The reason might be anything. The main reason, perhaps, might bethatthe classical books are in the form of poerty and the verses thus composed were to be in one ofthe meter forms given in the Grah Gocharadhyaya of Brihat Samhita. The words were being molded by the composers to suit the verse which sometimes were interpreted differently.




It is a fact that Tnmshamshas are required to be examined carefully. The order of Trimshamsha in odd signs is Aries, Capricorn, Sagittarius. Gemini and Taums while in the even signs it is Libra, Virgo, Pisces, Aquarius and Scorpio. It is not only the lord of Trimshamsha sign has to be considered, but we have also to examine the concerned signs owned by them. Moreover, for the purpose of prediction many other points are required to be considered and therefore, these rules should never be applied blindly. Before prediction the strength of the Ascendant and the Moon is required to be ascertained. Moreover, if the Ascendant is in one Trimshamsha and the Moon in another, the results have to be modified. Sage Parashara is of the view that the Sun horoscope also should be considered along with these other two and therefore, has given Sudarahana Chakra system in Parashan. The other points which need special attention are the consideration of the 5th and 7th houses, their lords, their placements and their mutual relationships. The results of thcTrimshasha may therefore, be modified after taking into consideration all these points.

Ifthe Saturn and Venus are in the Navamamsha of each other and have mutual aspect or if the signs Libra and Taurus are in the Ascendant with Aquarius Navamamsha at the time of birth, the woman gets satisfaction of sex from female like male an tl gets her lust calmed. Hill

When the 7th house firm the Ascendant and the Moon are without strength or not occupied by a planet or occupied by the powerless planets and are not aspectcd by benefic planets, the husband ofthe female will be mean. If the Mercury and the Saturn are in the 7th house, the husband will be impotent, if the 7th house, has movable sign, the husband will be always travelling. If thesign is fixed, the

Female Horoscopy


husband will stay at home (i.e. not travelling) and if it is a common iigll. the husband w ill be both travelling SOIUCtimcsand at home for the remaining period. //W

I r the Sun is in the 7th house, the female will be rejected by her husband: if Mars is in the 7th house, she becomes widow in the childhood; and if Saturn is in the 7th house, she becomes old (without maniagc). These results should be predicted when the Sun. Mars and the Saturn are aspected by malefic planets or are in the Navamamsha of malefic planets. //I0//

Many malefic planets in the 7th house make the female widow. Benelic and malefic planets in the 7th house give her second marriage. If there arc strong malefic planets in the 7th house and aspected by benefic planes, she will be rejected by her husband. 1 f the Venus and Mars exchange their Navamamshas (in any sign and in any house) or if both of them along with Moon occupy the 7th house she becomes adulterous as instructed by her husband. Ill Ml

IfMoon and Venus occupy the Ascendant in the signs owned by Saturn or Mars and are aspected by malefic planets, the native female will commit adultery along with her mother. When the sign in the 7th house is in the Navamamsha owned by Mars and is aspected by Saturn the sexual organ of the female is diseased. If the Navamamsha oflhcsignm the 7th house is ofabenelic planet, the woman will be loved by her husband. //12//


Hora Makarand

The nature ofthehusband on the basis of the signs or Navamamshas in the 7th house is as follows; (1) If owned by Sun, the husband will be mild in sexual act. (2) Ifowned by Moon, the husband will be passionate but mild in sexual act, (3) If ownedby Mars, the husband will be cruel and will be after other women. (4) Ifownedby Mercury, the husband will be intelhgent and learned. (5) 1 f owned by Jupiter, the husband wi II be good and could control his passions. (6) Ifownedby Venus, the husband will be handsome and loving. (7) If ownedby Saturn, the husband will be old and extremely foolish. Ill 3/1 Commentary : The 7th house may be faim the Ascendant or from Navamamsha Ascendant but more powerful sign will indicate the results. In all these cases 7th house must not have any planet.

The following are the results on the basis of the planets in the ascendant; (1) If Moonand Venus are in the Ascendant, the woman is after happiness though she is jealous. (2) If Moon and Mercury are in the Ascendant she is skilled in fine arts, happy and has a good character. (3) If Venus and Mercury are in the Ascendant, she is beautiful. (4) If Moon, Venus and Mercury are in the Ascendant, she has much wealth and great happiness. (5) If Moonis in the signs Virgo, Leo, Scorpio or Sagittarius, she will have few sons. //I4//

Female Horoscopy


Ifthere is malefic planet m the 8th house, she will be widow. But the age is indicated by the lord of theNavamamsha occupied by the lord oftheBth house. (The age of woman when husband may die). I f the 2nd house is occupied by bencfic planet, she dies before her husband. When Satumis of moderate strength, and when Venus, Mercury and Moon are without strength and Sun, Mars and Jupiter are powerful and when the Ascendant is in an odd sign, the woman will be adulterous. (In Jatakabharanam it is stated that the woman in this yoga becomes like a wise man). The word used here is Parushini while the word used in Jatakabharanam is Purushpragalbha'). Ill 51/

If the sign in the Ascendant is even and if Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury are powerful, she becomes famous, learned in many sciences (i.e. Shastras) and becomes aBrahmavadini (Philosopher). II) 61/

A malefic in the 7th house makes the woman renounce the world (Sanyas) if there is also a planet in the 9th house. The nature of this Sanyas is indicated by the planet in the 9th house. These results should be considered during wedding, while in a search of abride or when a query in that connection is made and should be considered intelligently. Ill HI Thus ends the Chapter Twenty Eight of Female Horoscopy in Hora Makaranda Composed by Gunakar Daivadnya.

CHAFFER XXIX DEATH Reason of Death and there after.

It is said that the disease which may be the cause ot death of a native is indicated by the nature of the planet aspecting the 8th house. People are ofthcopinion that the part ofthebody indicated by the 8th house, suffers which may cause the death. / /1 //

When the planets viz., Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn occupy the 8th house, the death is due to fire, water, weapon, fever, disease thirst and hunger respectively. The planet causing death if located in a movable sign, the death will be outside the birth place or country i.e. in foreign land; ifthe planet is in a fixed sign, the death will be at home and if it is common sign, the death will take place while travelling. 11111 Commentary: Sun brings about diseases by the derangement ofthe humour, bile and air. Moon causes diseases arising from the exicitcd air (valla) and pheigm.A full Moon and the Moon in a watery sign, disturbs phclgm only. Mars gives rise to diseases arising from disturbed bile. Diseases due to the troubled state of all three humours are brought about by the Mercury. Jupiter and Venus generate tlis-



eases of air and phelgm. Samm causes diseases from the deranged air and bile. When disturbs bile more than air, Saturn excites air lo a greater extent than bile. Jupiter indicates more of phelgm and little of air. A strong Venus denotes troubles of phelgm while the weak Venus shows excitation of air. This information is useful when many planet's aspect the 8th house when there may be many diseases before death. That time a decision as to which planet and the humour indicated by him may cause death can be taken with a view to give proper treatment to the native's disease.

When Sun and Mars are in 4th or 1 Oh house, a death is by stones, (i.e by strike of stone). If Saturn is in the 4th house, Moon is in the 71h house and Mars is in the 1 Oh house, the death is by falling into a well. ' //3//

When the Sun and Moon are located in sign Virgo and are aspected by malefics, the native is killed by his own people. If the Sun and Moon are together in the sign Pisces, the native dies by drawing. //4//

If Saturn is in the Sign Cancer and Moon is in the Sign Capricorn, the native dies due to abdominal dropsy. IftheMoon is in the signs of Mars with malefic Navamamsha, the native dies due to fire or weapon. If ihcMoon is in the sign Virgo, in the Navamamsha of malefic planet, the death is due to inordinate and raging thirst or complications in blood. IftheMoon is in the sign owned by Satumr in the Navamamsha of mclefies,the death is due to ropes or fire or fall. mii




When the 5th and the 9th houses have malefics w ho are not aspected by benefics, death is &om bondage. Ifthedecanate rising in the 8th house are Sarpa or Nigada or pasha, the death is due to bondage. 11611

1 f the Saturn is inthel Oth house and either Sun or Mars is in the 4th house, the native dies of severe pain. Iflhemalefics along with weak Moon occupy. Ascendant, 5th house or the 9th house, the native dies due to severe pain. If in the 4th house Sun is located and Mars along with weak Moon occupy the 1 Oh house, the native dies due to severe pain and if in this position, there is an aspect of Saturn, the death is due to beating by wooden stick. IflH

When weak Moon, Mars, Satumand the Sun occupy 8th, 1 Olh. Ascendant andlhe4th respectively, the death results ftomblows of wooden rod. 1 f these planets are in the 1 Oth, 9th. Ascendant and 4th respectively the death is due to smoke or fire or bondage or blows on the body. //8//

1 f Mars, Sun and Saturn are located in the 4th, 7th and I Oh houses respectively, the death is finm weapons or fire or anger ofthe ruler. When Saturn, Moon and Mars are in the 2nd, 4th and 1 Oh houses respectively, the death is finm the worms arising firm sores or wounds. H9U



If theSun is in the I t Mi house and the Mars is in the 4th house, the death is fiom a fall from due to trouble from a conveyance. If Saturn. Moon and Sun ate in the Ascendant while Mars is in the 7th house, the death is due to trouble from machinery. If Mars is in the sign Libra, the Moon is either in the sign Capricorn or Aquarius and Saturn is in the sign Aries, the native dies in an bitter and injurious smell. Similarly, if weakMoon occupies J Oth the house. Sun occupies the 7th house and Mars occupies the 4th house, the native dies in an infuriousand deadly smell. //I0//

If Mars and Venus aspect the weak Moon and if Saturn is in the 8th house, the person dies from warms, fire or weapons due to which the private parts are diseased and the native suffers from severe to pains before death. II] Ml

If the Saturn is in the 8th, Mars and Sun are in the 7th and weak Moon is in the 4th house, the death is fiom birds. If theSun, Mars, Saturn and Moon are respectively in the houses viz., I st. 5th, 8th and 9th the native dies by falling fiom the top of thcmountain, or fiom the wall or below the wall, or by lightening or thunderbolt. 11] HI

The scholars in astrology say that the 22nd second decanate indicate the nature of death. Death is caused by the nature of the lord of the decanate or by the nature of the owner of the sign having that decanate. (i.e. the lord of the 8th house). II] 3//




Death takes place in areas similar to the sign occupied by the Navamamsha lord or the planets in that sign or planets aspecting the sign. The place of death may also be predicted on that position. //14//

The time of death is to be known from the number of Navamamshas yet to rise after birth. Ifthelord of the Ascendant aspects it. the time should be doubled and if it is aspected by benefics, the time should be tripled. //15//

The results ofthe decanate rising in the 8th house which may cause death would be according to the nature and qualities of the said decanate. Ifitis Agni decanate, the body is reduced to ashes. Ifit is Jala decanate, the bodywill be moist. Ifitis Misra decanate, the body will be dried and if it is Bhujanga decante, the body wil I be in the excretion and urine. As for the past and future births, one should refer greater works in the matter and use the information tactfully. //16/A

Jupiter brings the persons from Devaloka, Moon and Venus bring persons from Pitruloka, Sun and Mars bring the people from Tiryakaloka and Mercury and Saturn bring the people from Naraka. Similar is the position after deaths, as indicated by the planets. //1 7//



Find the stronger between the Sun and the Moon Note the decanates. The lord of that decanate reveals the world from where the native has come. As per the decanate occupied by the most powerful between the Sun and the Moon we have to find the high, middle or low status the native was having in previous birth. II) ill

If there arc planets in the 6th, 7th, and 8th houses one of thcplanet which is powerful indicate the native 'existence after death. Similarly, the lord of therising decanate in the 6th and 8th, indicate the existence after death. 111911

When exalted Jupiter is in the 6th or 8th in the quadrant or when Jupiter is in the benefic Navamamsha in the sign Pisces and other planets are without strength, the native attains Moksha. IflOII Thus ends the Chapter Twenty ninth of Death in the Hora Makaranda composed by Gunakar Daivadnya.


The first aecanate of the sign Aries is a man with a white cloth round his waist. He has dark complexion. He pretends to protect with and uplifted axe. He has red eyes. He is capable to give protection. The second decante ofthesign Aries is a woman with horse face and has a pot-belly, she is thirsty and single footed. She is with red clothes and fond of food and ornaments. The third decante of thesign Aries is a man with hot temper and cruel, fond of work and is a skilled worker. He is unprincipled and has a stick lifted up and has put on red clothes. ///to 3// Decanates of Taurus





The first decanate of the Sign Taums is a woman with torn ringlets. She is fond of food and ornaments and has potbelly and burnt clothes. She is thirsty and has longing for a man. The second decanate of the sign Taurus is a man having knowledge oftheland. grains, houses, cows, ploughing, cars and carts. He is hungry, goat faced, wears washed clothes and has his shoulders like the hump of an ox. *' The third decanate ofthe sign Taums is a man with an elephant like body. He has white teeth and his legs are like a deer named Sharabha. He has yellowish colour and his hair are of a colour of a deer. Thus says Yavanacharya. Decanates of Gemini

The first decanate of the sign Gemini is a woman fond of needle work and ornaments. She is beautiful wears good clothes and ornaments. Her hands are lifted up, she has attained puberty and is without children. The second decanate of a sign Gemini is a man with an armour with a bow. He lives in garden and is armed with weapon and shield. He has a facelike thatofa Garuda (an eagle). He worries about children, ornaments and wealth. He is a brave man. The third decanate ofthe sign Gemini is a man ornamented, having gems and is armoured with bow and amiws and with shield. He is




always busy with some work. He is skilled in dancing drumming and arts. ///to 9// Decanates of Cancer

The first decanate ofasign Cancer is a man having fruits, roots and leaves. He has a body of an elephant. He resides in sandle trees in forest. His neck is that ofa horse and legs arc like Sharabha animal (like deer). The second decanate of a sign Cancer is a woman whose head is with lotus flowers. She has serpants. She has full blown youthfulncss,\she lives in a forest on the branches ofa Palasha tree and she is crying. The third decanate of the sign Cancer is a man covered with serpants. He has flat face and has ornaments. He is crossing the ocean in a boat in search of ornaments of his wife. Decanates of Leo

The first decante of thesign Leo is a man on the tree called Savari along with vulture, jackal and a dog. He leaves his parents has a dirty clothes and is always crying due to grief of separation from parents. The second decanate ofthesign Leo is a man whose body is like





that of a horse. His head is covered with white garlands. He wears the skin of adeer and covers himself with a Kambal (blanket). He is fierce like a lion. He has a bent nose and is with bow and arrow. The third decanate of thesign Leo is a man with the face of abear. He behaves like a monkey. He has a long beard and curled hah. He holds a stick, fruits and flesh. //13 to 15// Decanates of Virgo

The first decante of the sign Virgo is a woman with a pot full of flowers. He covers her body with dirty clothes; and she is going to her elderly person for obtaining wealth and clothes. The second decante of the sign Virgo is a man with a pen. He has a dark complexion. His head is tied with a cloth. He counts profits and loss. His body is full of thick hair. He has a big bow. The third decanate ofthe sign Virgo is a women in whitish colour. She is covered by a white washed clothes. She is tall and she has pot in her hand. She is going to the temple and has a side glance while going. //16 to 18// Decanates of Libra.

The first decanate of the sign Libra is a man who holds the scale


Hora MaKarand

and is weighing ana measuring with scale He is clever In weighing and decides the price ofthe big stacks. He is going through the market. The second decanate ofthe sign Libra is a man with a face of a vcllure. He is hungry and thirsty. He holds a pot. He is worrying that something might have fallen. He thinks of his wife and children. The third decanate of the sign Libra is a man decorated with gems. He has a golden quiver and arrow and armour. He frightens animals like deer in the forest. He is like kinnar. He holds fruits and flesh in his hands. //19and20// Decanates of Scorpio

The first decanate ofthe sign Scorpio is a woman (who is naked and) who has no ornaments and who is coining to the shore from a great ocean. She is beautiful woman whose feet are bound by serpants. The second decanate ofthesign Scorpio is a woman. She is fond of home and happiness for the sake of her husband. She is covered by serpants. Her body looks like a tortoise and a pot. The third decante ofthe sign Scorpio is a lion. He has a flat and broad face 1 ike a tortoise. He frightens dogs, jackals and pigs. He protects localities having sandle-wood trees. //21 to 23// Decanates of Sagittarius





The first decanate of tliesign Sagittarius is a man with a human face and the body of ahorse. He has a bow in his hand. He resides in a hermitage and protects sacrificial items and Sages. The second decante of the sign Sagittarius is a beautiful woman having a colour ofa glittering gold. She picks up gems from the ocean. She is always in a Bhadrasana. The third decanate of the sign Sagittanus is a man with a long beard. His complexion is like that oftheCharnpak (yellow) flower and gold. He is sitting on white Hiranyasana (in a majestic posture) and uses silk and deer skins; and holds a stick. (Danda). 1124 to 261/ Decanates of Capricorn.

The first decanate of thesign Capricorn is a man having a cruel face. His body is like that ofa pig, covered with hair. His teeth look like those of crocodile. He holds yokes, nets and chains or bondigcs. The second decanate of the sign Capricorn is a woman skilled in arts. She has broad eyes like the petals ofa lotus. She is greenish dark. She searches all kind of clothes. She wears iron earings. The third decanate ofthcSign Capricorn is a man with a body like that of aKinner. He has a woolen blanket (Kamhal). He has a quiver, bow and arrows. He earned a pot decked with precious stones on the shoulder. //27 to 29// Decanates of Aquarius


Hum Makarand

The first dccanate of the sign Aquanus is a man with a face like that of avulture He is a disturbed as he desired to have oils, wines, water and food in large quantities. He has a woolens blanket (Kambal) and silk clothes. He is a good man. The second decanate of the sign Aquarius is a woman covered with dirty clothes who carries pot on her head. She also drags iron in a burnt cart near the cotton trees (Shalmali). The third decanate of thesign Aquarius is a man with dark complexion. His cars are covered with long hair. He wears a crown and wanders with iron pots filled with sinnamon (Dalchini), flowers and juice. //30to32//

The first decanate of thesign Pisces is a man wearing ornaments. He has in his hand sacrificial vessels,pearls, gems and conch. He crosses the ocean in a boat in search of jewels and ornaments of ladies. The second decanate of thesign Pisces is a woman who is more teautiful than a Champak flower (yellow flower with sweet fragrance). She is surrounded by her attendants. She sails in a boat wonderfully decorated with long flags, and coming towards the coast. The third decanate of thesign Pisces is a man who is naked and





crying in a pit in a forest and whose body is covered by serpants. iHis mind is distracted by thieves and fire. //33 to 36// Thus ends the Chapter Thirty of Decanates in Hora Makaranda composed by Gunakar Daivadnya.


Iftheperson does not know his iime of birth or the lime of his conception the Ascendant has to be decided as per the Ascendant rising at the lime of query. The birth should be considered in Uttarayana, if the first hora rises and in Dakshinayana, if the second hora rises. II] II Commentary : Uttarayana is the period from the entry of the Sun in the sign Capricorn till his departure from the sign Gemini. The remaining period of six months is Dakshinayana.

Take the rising Dwadashamsha of Jupiter at the time of query. After considering the sign and Dwadashamsha occupied by the Jupiter his position at the time of birth should be considered. The age of the querist must be guessed from the appearance of the querist. If Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter are strong in decanates. Ri!ii(season) should be counted from Shishira and davs from the Sun.

Unknown (Lost) Horoscopes


It Rim (season) does not come in the concerned Ayana, they should be taken alternately i.e., for Varsha, Vasant Ritu should be taken; for Sharad, Grishma Rjtu should be taken and for Hemant, Shishir Ritu should be taken and vice versa. 112 & "ill Commentary :There are six Ritu in a year and two months in one Ritu which are as follows; Vasant Chaitra and Vaishakah (Spring) Grishma Jyeshtha and Ashadha (Summer) Varsha Shravana and Bhadrapada (Rains) Sharada Ashvina and Kartika (Autumn) Hemanta Margasira and Pausha (Autumn) Shishira Magha and Phalguna (Winter)

There are two months in one Ritu. If the Ascendant at the time of query is in the first decanate, the first month of thcRitu should be taken. If it is in the second dec ante, the second month should be taken and if is in the third decanate, it should be divided into two sections and then the month should be decided accordingly. Some are of the opinion that Tithi should be considered on the basis ofthe degrees of the Sun. If the Ascendant is indicative ofthe night, the birth should be considered to be in day time and if it is indicative of day, the birth should be considered to be in the night. The time should be considered by the difference of 10 degrees. // 4 & 5//

Some Acharya say that the (uner month should be determined by the sign occupied by the Moon in Navamamsha sign. Some say that the querist should be asked to touch any part of his body and on


Hora Makarana

friat basis, the position of the Moon should be found out; or some say that the powerful amongst the Ascendant, 5th house, and the 9th house is the sign indicative ofthe Moon. Note the distance from the Ascendant at the time of query to the sign occupied by the Moon. The position ofthe Moon wil I be in that sign which will be equal to that number (ofthesign). IftheMoon is in the sign Pisces, the Moon wi 11 be in that sign at the time of birth. On the basis of the articles of food, figures (of animal) and sounds at the time of query can also determine the position ofthe Moon that might be at the time of birth ofthe quarist. //6 & HI

ffthe Ascendant at the time of query is in the even sign from the sign occupied by the Sun, the birth is in the latter period (in six signs) and if it is in the odd sign, the birth is in the earlier period (in six signs) and each sign should be considered to be of five degrees. J/QI/

The rising Navamamsha at the lime of query wi I! be the Ascendant at the time of birth or count from the decanate of the Asecendant at the time of query to the decanate occupied by Sun. Count this from the Ascendant at the time of query and we would get the Ascendant of thequerisl at his birth. Take the longitude of the planet in the Ascendant orthat of the most powef ul planet in the chart and muliply it by Chhayangula and divide it by 12. The remainder counted from the sign Aries gives Ascendant at b i rth; or the Ascendant will be seventh i f the querist is sitting, it will be fourth from the Ascendant of the query ifthe quarist is lying down; if he gets up it will be tenth from the query

Unknown (Lost) Horoscopes


ascendant and if he asks the question while standing, the ascendant of the query and at birth are the same. //9and 10 /, Commentary : Eight Yava make one Angula which is approximately 3/4th ofan inch. Yava is a grain.

Take the Ascendant of the time of thequery in degrees, kala etc and multiply them by the digits as shown below in respect of signs and planets'. Signs (a) for Taums and Leo by 10, (b) for Gemini and Scorpio by 8; (c) for Aries and Libra by 7; (d) for Virgo and Capricorn by 5 and (e) for remaining signs, they are to be multiplied by their own number i.e. for Cancer by4, for Sagittanus by 9, for Aquanus by 11, and for Pisces by 12. Planets If there are any planets in the Ascendant of the time of query, the multiplying digits are as follows: For Jupiter 10. for Mars 8, for Venus 7, and for Sun, Moon, Mercuiy and Saturn, it is 5 each. This must be done with signs and if a planet is in the Ascendant, it must undergo this procedure as a mle always. IhMl

The Ascendant must be multiplied as mentioned above by multiplier of signs as well as planets after converting Ascendant into Ghatika. The results thereafter, must again be multiplied by seven and divided by 27. The remainder is the star at the time of birth. This when divided by 9 we get Ista Ghati and Pala. Similarly, the year, month etc. can be found out by their own multipliers and divisors. JI\HI


Hora Makarana

In the same manner trom the Ascendant of thetime of query the Bhavas houses indicating brothers, friends, children, wife and enemies can also be indicated and the constellation can be found out. II) 3//

To find out year, Ritu, month etc. the Ascendant at the time query should be multiplied by 10; if multiplied by 8 then we can get fortnight and Tithis. If multiplied by 7, we can get day and night and star and for obtaining Ista Ghati etc. or Ascendant, it should be multiplied by 5. //I All

Note the letters (Syllables) of thereal name of thequerist. Multiply it by two and add to it by Chayangulas then we get the time Further, divide it by 27 and count the remainder; the result is the birth constellation (Nakshatra). //) 511

The constellation can be found out firm the direction of theface of the querist. The figures firm east, south east, south and so on to north east are 2,3.14,10,15,2!,9 and 8. Multiply it by 15 and add the number ofthe direction i.e. for east one etc. and divide it by 27. Count by remainder fiom Dhanistha to get the constellation at the time of birth. 11] 61/ I have given different methods regarding lost horoscopes. A good student should accept farm that which he finds to be correct after examination.

Unknown (Lost) Horoscopes


Thus ends Chapter Thirty one of Unknown Horoscopes in HORA MAKARAN DA composed by Gunakar Daivadnya.


I All the decanates of benefic planets are relating to water, while all the decanates of malefic planets are relating to fire. The watery decanates, if are occupied by malefic planets, and fire decanates if arc occupied by benefic planets they give mixed results. //I / / Mild Decanates

The first decanate, ofthesign Gemini and Pisces middle decantes of the signs Cancer and Sagittarius and the last decanate of the' sign Virgo are mild in nature. / fill Decanates with Fruits, Flowers & Precious Stones

The first decante ofthesignCancer is related to fruits and flowers and the first decanate of Fibra and the middle decanate ofthesign Sagittarius is related to the precious stones treasury. //3// Roudra Decanates

Additional information about decimates


The following decanates are termed as "Roudra";The first and the last decanates of the signs Aries. Capncom and Scorpio; all the three decantes of the sign Aquarius; the last decanate of the sign Gemini and Libra; the middle decanate of the sign Pisces and the first and second decanate of the sign Leo. UAH Uclyatayudha Decanates

The following decanates are termed as "Udyatayudha" All the three decanates of thesigns Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius; the first and the last decanates of the sign Sagittarius; the second and the last decanate of the sign Libra and the last decanate oflhesign Leo. HSU Sarpanigad Decanates

The last decanate ofthe signs Cancer and Pisces and the first and the second decanates of the sign Scorpio are termed as "Sarpanigad" 7/6// Vyada Decanates

The following decanates are termed as Vyada The first and second decanate of the signs Scorpio and Aquarius; the last decanates of thesigns Cancer and Pisces; the first and the last decanate ofthe signLeo; the first decanate ofthe sign Capricorn; the second and the last decanate of the sign Libra. Ifllt Pashadhar and Pakshi Decanates

The first decanate ofthesignTaurus, and the first and last decanate ofthesign Capricorn are termed as Pashadhar.




The secona and the last decanates ofthe sign Libra; the first decanate of iliesign Leo: and the first decanate of the sign Aquarius are termed as bird (Pakshi).

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