Jyotish for Astrologers

March 28, 2017 | Author: Nill Salunke | Category: N/A
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# Jyotisha for Astrologers Dr. Suresh Chandra Mishra 2

Classics on astrology provide us with several yogas, viz. Raja yogas, Dhana yogas, Samnyasa yogas, yogas for various fields of education and for means of livelihood. Surprisingly, they are rather miserly in mentioning the yogas that confer astrological wisdom upon the native. In fact, it is only for the good of the world that the sages have handed down the Sharstras or various bodies of knowledge. However, it was not customary in ancient India for a sage to provide his own introduction in detail. The sages and the Acharyas, in all modesty, did not speak much about • The placing of the their own personal endeavours. But what should have grahas has not restrained them from discussing the yogas that would make a been talked about native an astrologer? Whatever be their reason, we feel it is by the ancient the call of the hour that we should understand certain astrological principles that favour astrological wisdom in a acharyas. native. • It is the endeavour As we have mentioned, the classics do not give us clear of the author to combinations for one being an astrologer. The few references, make the reader that are there, are scattered here and there and we have to understand the find them with some effort. outcome of the

malefic grahas.

Natural Malefics: The Initiators of Jyotisha


The consideration of malefic grahas as conferrers of astrological wisdom on a native may seem rather irrational, here, since it is Jupiter, Venus and Mercury that come to mind once a mention is made of Jyotisha. However, as a matter of fact, the malefics play an important role in granting astrological wisdom.






understand the illeffects



malefic planets in an



Classics reveal that a malefic in a strong and favourable disposition can make the native adept in mathematical calculation, a knower of Mantra and of Jyotisha. Parashara, while dealing with the Kaarakamsha chart, states that a strong malefic with the AK (Atmakaraka), in the second or fifth house gives rise to the inclination as well as sufficient knowledge of Jyotisha, etc.

common language.



MA, PhD, Jyotisha Acharya, Astrologer & Palmist, Authored many books on Jyotisha and Palmistry





The relevant quote is as follows:

vxquk f'kf[kuk okfi tkrks xf.krrÙofor~A That is: ‘Rahu or Ketu (in the houses 1 or 2) makes the native a scholar in Ganita or Siddhanta Jyotisha’. We must remember that the knowledge of Jyotisha is deeply related to mathematics. Astronomy or the Ganita Jyotisha which is now known as astrophysics. In ancient India, Bhaskaracharaya, Brahmagupta, Kamalakara, Varahamihira, Keshava, Aryabhatta, etc., were better known as Ganitavit (proficient in calculations). The planetary combinations cited in respect of the AK are equally well applicable to the natal as well as the navamsha chart. A proper blend of spirituality, knowledge of Ganita and deep observation and analysis of life, make the native a perfect astrologer. Therefore, the yogas to be discussed here should be checked similarly in the lagna, the navamsha and the Moon chart. Malefics in the trikona houses give similar effects. Thus:

dkjdka'kkr~ f=kdks.kLFks equs ozwQjxzgksn;sA eU=krU=kfonka o;ksZ tk;rs tkrdks /zqoe~AA xf.krT;ksfr"ks 'kkL=ks fuiq.k% f'kf[kfu Le`r%AA That is: ‘In house 5 or 9 of the Kaarakamsha chart, a malefic planet puts the native in an exalted position amongst the knowers of Mantra and Trantra (proper and systematic study of the discipline). Particularly Ketu in any of these houses makes the native inclined more towards Ganita Jyotisha. Ketu being the most malefic planet represents malefic planets in general. Parashara establishes that the Sun, Mars, Satrun, Rahu and Ketu are progressively more malefic while the Moon during combustion is labelled the most malefic.

r=kkoZQHkkSe'ku;ks jkgq% osQrqfuZ'kkf/i%A {kh.k'pSrs lnk ikik% iki% iki;qrks cq/%AA Hence, houses 1, 2, 5, 9 and 12 are important for Jyotisha, when malefic planets are placed therein. The sage adds further that such a malefic falling in ‘sight’(certainly not in conjunction) of another malefic inspires bad intentions in the profession, while a benefic aspect increases nobility. Parashara states:


ikilaohf{krs r=k rU=kfuxzkgdksa Hkosr~A 'kqHkSfuZjhf{krs r=k tkrks¿uqxzkgd% lnkAA (20)




That is: ‘A malefic in a trikona duly aspected by another malefic manifests indecency in astrological profession while the same under a benevolent aspect inspires honesty, nobility and strong desire to serve mankind.’ It may be clarified here that the word Tantra is now misunderstood for witch-craft, but this Sanskrit word basically means the broad, pinpointed and systematic study of a discipline. In the classics of Jyotisha,the word is widely used for Ganita Jyotisha.

Essence ●

The professional education should be deduced from the houses 1, 2, 12, 5 and 9 from the lagna. As we mentioned earlier, the term lagna covers the Moon chart and the navamsha too.

The Kaarkamsha too should be similarly used as Parashar and Jaimini both stress upon the importance of Kaarakamsha for profession.

Malefics strongly disposed in houses 1, 2, 5, 9 and 12 confer good and proper knowledge of Jyotisha.

It coveys that a good and decent astrologer is born when several malefic planets, free from malefic aspect, occupy any of the above houses.

Similarly a malefic conjunct with another malefic (s) and in no way aspected by a malefic puts the native in exaltation in the field of Jyotisha.

Rahu or Ketu either in house 3 or 11 does not hamper the positive effects.

These malefic Grahas in their strong dispositions are extolled.

Rashi of a malefic in the above mentioned houses initiates the inclination to study Jyotisha while malefic effect therein is better for the betterment of knowledge.

Strong Malefic in Kendra When we attentively study the description of Mahapurusha Yogas in the BPHS, we find that the Ruchaka (formed by Mars) and Shasha (formed by Saturn) natives are described as Mantravit, Mantra Kushala, Randhravedi (a capable analyst), Shastrartha vedi (knowing the real extract of the Shastra). The Malavya and Hamsa (formed by Jupiter and Venus) do not contain any of the above qualities while the Bhadraka (by Mercury) native is again ranked as Yogavit, Shastravit and Sudhee (a scholar). It may be noted that Mercury qualifies to be a malefic with malefics.


A strong malefic in a Kendra, in any way connected with the lagna, supports scholarly education in a given Shastra.

It makes the native use his specific knowledge in an exalted way.

With such combinations, native does not follow the beaten track and is able to analyze the subject for current affairs for the benefit of people.

A malefic Mercury in Kendra makes the native comprehend the Shastra. (21)



Upa-Graha: Another Supportive Factor


Parashara labels Dhooma, Vyatipaata, Paridhi, Indrachaapa, Upaketu and Gulika as malefic. The sage mentions:

vizdk'kxzgk'pSrs nks"knk% ikfiu% Le`rk%AA In general, these factors happening to be in upachaya houses (3, 6, 10, 11) are beneficial for the native. In such dispositions, they make the native intelligent, educated, liberal, clear, soft at heart and a noble human being. In addition, they also tend to confer astrological and scriptural wisdom on the native. Let us see what sage Parashar has to say about them: ●

Dhooma in the fourth from lagna also inclines the native towards deep knowledge in a given discipline.

prqFksZ¿f/xrs /wes loZ'kkL=kFkZfpUrd%A ●

Vyatipaata or Paata in the ninth gives rise to the quest for varied intellectual disciplines. The sage uses the word Bah Shruta meaning that the native is equipped well with practical application of knowledge rather than being merely bookish.

Paridhi or Parivesha in houses 1 and 10 makes the native Vidvan (scholar) and Sarva Shastrartha Paarangat (scholar of Vedic disciplines).

fo}ku~ lR;jr% 'kkUr%--------A ifj/kS n'kes izkIrs loZ'kkL=kFkZikjx%A ●

Similarly the Chappa in houses 7 and 9 and Upaketu in houses 1, 2, 5 and 9 confer on the native scholarly wisdom and education in oriental Vedic streams.

Gulika in the tenth confers great knowledge of the Shastra, dedication to the pious profession, involvement in rituals and self-discipline, says Parashara.

iq=kkfUor% lq[kh HkksDrk nsokXU;pZuoRly%A n'kes xqfyosQ tkrks ;ksx/ekZfJr% lq[khAA Association and Aspect in Kendra ●

In this connection, a malefic particularly in a kendra, turns stronger when in association of a benefic.

Picking up the tenth house (the strongest Kendra), the Saravali provides some important clues in this connection as follows:

Mars associated with the Sun confers sufficient wisdom of Jyotisha and lines on various body parts with convincing rationale. The Saravali states:


HkkuqHkkSZelesr%---------T;ksfrfoZn% izoqQ;kZYyk{kf.kdkaLrkfdZdka'pkfiA (22)




Mercury and Saturn combined make the native famous for his writings on his chosen discriplines:

lkSE;% lkSjlgk;%--------- [;kra fo|kpk;Z iqLrdfyfiys[;dkja pA ●

Combination of the Sun and Venus in kendra is also known for the knowledge of Shastras and practical application of that. It is in the Saravali:

'kkL=kdykfuiq.kefr&/ZuokgulkS[;lEiUu%AA ●

Malefics in the tenth strongly placed as well as aspected by benefic Graha(s) make the native a doctor, an astrologer or a Pundit:

ikiSuZHkLryhLFkS% lkSE;xzgohf{krS% iztk;UrsA oS|iqjksfgrx.kdk%------------AA Some other important combinations/aspect in a rashi falling in Shubha Panchaka (in any house), conferring astrological wisdom on the native , are culled form various classics as follows: ●

Rahu followed by the Moon in the same rashi;

The Moon and Jupiter;

The Moon and Venus;

Jupiter and Saturn;

Mars and Venus;

The Moon in the sign of Mercury and aspected by Mercury or Mars; Mars in Mithuna or Kanya with aspect of Mercury;

Lagna or the Moon aspected by Mercury; Mars, Saturn and Rahu or Ketu.

Majority of vargas ruled by Mercury or Jupiter particularly in the tenth;

The fifth lord with Rahu or Ketu;

The Moon with Jupiter/Venus and Saturn;

The Sun and Mercury in houses 2, 12 or in a Kendra or a Trikona.

In this connection, the following aspcets/relations are also important: ●

AmK rendering aspect to the lagna;

AK receiving full aspect from Jupiter or Venus;

AK and AmK in mutual Kendras;

LNL (Lagna Nakshatra Lord), lagna lord and AK in mutual Kendra.

Jupiter, Venus, Saturn: The Author of Renown


Combinations as mentioned above become more effective when Jupiter, Venus or Saturn duly support the yoga forming element. Knowing and writing of the Shastra are two different (23)




things like a good science teacher and a scientist. Teaching or explaining a subject lucidly is one thing and writing a magnum opus quite another. These latter are labeled as Shastrakaara or author of renown. Varaha Mihira mentions:

lqjxq#'kf'kgksjkLok£d}"Vklq /eZs xq#jFk u`irhuka ;ksxtLrhFkZÑRL;kr~A uoeHkoulaLFks eUnxs¿U;Sj}"VSA That is: ‘Along with Jupiter in the ninth house, Saturn rendering its aspects to the lagna, the Moon and/or Jupiter gives rise to an author of renown, provided there is a Raja yoga in the chart. With a potent Rajayoga, strong Saturn in the ninth receiving no aspect may also produce the same result.’ Let us comprehend the statement. Here the ninth house represents the three trikonas, i.e., 1, 5 and 9. This combination becomes more effective, when the native is born in Kark, Dhanu or Meena lagna, but also remains effective for other lagans, when Jupiter, the Moon and/or the lagna receive aspect from Saturn. The longevity, status, recognition and quality of writing are adjudged in accordance with the presence of Raja yoga. Let us grasp the concept with examples pertaining to the milestones in the history of Vedic Astrology. Example-1: Sudhakar Dwivedi: March 26, 1860 AD; 07:13 hours IST; near Varanasi (25°N20’; 83°E00’) ●

Malefics occupy trikona and kendras.

AK (Saturn) and the LNL (Ketu) in fourth house.

Lords of 1, 5, 9 (Mars, Sun and Jupiter) in mutual kendras.

Mars in the 9th aspected by Jupiter,





Lagna lord, AmK and the ninth lord in mutual kendras,

Saturn receives aspect from Mars,

The Sun and Mercury are associated in the 12th.

The Moon and Venus are combined.


The native was the HOD in Jyotisha; a scholar, author having more than 20 works to his credit written in Sanskrit, and English as well. The then Government of British India conferred Mahamahopadhyaya (MM) on him for his outstanding service to the Vedic astrology and astronomy.

Example-2: Shankar Balakrishan Dixit: July 21, 1853; 04:09 hours IST; near Pune. (18°N32’; 73°E52’) ●

Saturn, Mars and Rahu are in the same rashi. Mars and Rahu are conjunct on the same degree, and also aspected by Jupiter (lord of 7 and 10).

Fifth lord Venus is aspected by Saturn (lord of 9).

The Sun and Venus in Kendra from the Moon.

AK (Mars) and the LNL (Rahu) are associated.

AK and the AmK (Venus) receive aspect from Jupiter.

Jupiter and Venus, Mars and Rahu, and the Moon and Mercury are conjunct in the navamsha.

The native wrote his valuable work, viz., Bharateeya Jyotisha, Jyotirvilaasa in Marathi/ Hindi and Indian calendar in English. His works are still relevant and highly useful for all Jyotisha students as well as for researchers. Especially, his Bharatiya Jyotisha is the pathfinder for knowing chronologically the evolution in Vedic astrology.






Example-3: Sri Venktesh Ketkar; January 12, 1854; 19:10 hours IST: near Bagalkot (16°N11’; 75°E42’) ●

Saturn and Rahu are conjunct in Vrisha rashi in house 11.

AK as well as the fifth lord Mars is aspected by the AmK as well as the ninth lord (Jupiter).

Mars aspecting the fifth and the ninth houses.

Jupiter aspect the Moon.

AK and the LNL (Saturn) are in mutual Kendras.

Malefics in Kendra, trikona and the second house.

Native is born in Karka lagna aspected by Saturn.

Mars aspects Venus.

The Moon in the rashi of Mercury and aspected by Mercury itself.

The native started writing on astrology, when he was about 22 years, in few English and French journals and his wisdom in the subject was highly praised as well as accepted globally.

He wrote his magnum opus in Sanskrit, viz., Jyotirganitam (1898 AD) and two other works, viz., Ketkeeya Ganitam (1899 AD) and Viajayanti (1900 AD). Till date, these three are widely used for all sorts of astrological calculations, ephemeris and panchanga computation all over India. He is the father of Chitrapaksheeya Ayanamsha that was later updated only by Mr. N.C. Lahiri. And he was the man who successfully convinced all the learned astrologers of his day to follow the Drig Ganitam (planetary longitudes as visible in the sky rather than by mere bookish calculation). He died on August 3, 1930. He and Sri Lokamanya Tilak were the prime personalities who established the concept of Niryana zodiac. Successive generations of astrologers remain beholden to him for his contribution of astrological wisdom.






Example-4: Sri Mukund Daivajna; November 9, 1887; 08:04 hours IST; Srinagar (Garhwal) (30°N13’; 78°E47’)

Rahu, Saturn and the waning Moon in ninth.

The Sun and Jupiter are conjunct on the same degree,

AK (Moon) and the AmK (Sun) are in mutual Kendras.

AK and Venus are in the same rashi in navamsha.

Saturn in ninth is devoid of any aspect.

The lords of 2, 5 and 9 are in mutual Kendras.

LNL (Saturn) and the ninth lord (Moon) are associated.

Mars aspects the lagna and the fifth.

The native wrote about 41 books on astrology, e.g., Ayurnirnaya, Ashatakavarga Maha Nibandha, Bhava Manjari, Jataka Bhushan, Nashta Jatakam, Prasava Chintamani, etc., out of which the first four were translated and exhaustively commented upon for the first time (during 1982-1985) from his Sanskrit manuscripts by us . Sri Sampurnanand, the then Governor of UP, felicitated the native, for his outstanding service to the astrological literature, with the title Abhinav Varah Mihira’. The native died in early seventies. Example-5. Sri B. Surya Narayna Rao: February 21, 1856; 12:09 hours IST; Chicacola (South India) (18°N18’, 83E54’).





The lords of 2/5 and 9/10 houses (Mercury and Saturn) exchange their rashis.

Mars in 5 and Rahu in 12.

The Sun, Jupiter and Mercury in Kendras.

The Moon and Jupiter in mutual Kendras.

Saturn aspects the Moon.

The Sun, Venus, Mercury and Saturn are conjunct in the navamsha.


The native is the founder of the Astrological magazine which was later taken care of by his grandson, late Dr. B.V. Raman. Example-6: B.V. Raman: August 08, 1912; 19: 43 hours IST; Bangalore

Analysis ●

Lords of 1, 5, 9 (Saturn, Mercury, Venus) are in Kendra.

Saturn and the Moon are associated and aspected by Jupiter,

Rahu in second house.

Mars, Mercury and Venus are combined in a Kendra.

The native rejuvenated the magazine (Astrological Magazine), that was started earlier by his grandfather, after a lull of decades. He wrote some highly useful books for students and founded the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS) for conducting astrology classes all over India. A great contribution of his was to have brought and popularised Vedic astrology amongst the English knowing masses not only in India but all over the world.





;ksx esykid% dqaMyh feyku esa bldk egÙo ,oa mi;ksfxrk


izks- 'kqdnso prqosZnh 3 oSfnd T;ksfr"k esa fookg ls iwoZ ,d vifjfpr ;qxy (yM+dk vkSj yM+dh) osQ lq[ke; nkaiR; thou ij fopkj djus osQ fy, ftl izfof/ dk vkfo"dkj ,oa fodkl fd;k x;k gS] mldks esykid dgrs gSaA esykid 3 izdkj dk gksrk gSµ u{k=k esykid] xzg esykid ,oa ;ksx esykidA u{k=k esykid osQ ekè;e ls vifjfpr ;qxy dh izÑfr ,oa vfHk#fp;ksa esa lekurk dk] xzg esykid }kjk muosQ vkilh laca/ksa esa ?kfu"Brk dk vkSj ;ksx esykid }kjk bu nksuksa esa ,d nwts osQ fy, mi;qDrrk dk fopkj fd;k tkrk gSA lq[kh nkeiR; thou osQ fy, esykid dh Hkwfedk dk ltho fp=k.k] ldkrkRed o udkjkRed ;ksxksa osQ ckjs esa lVhd tkudkjh lksnkgj.k izLrqrA

nkaiR; lq[k dk fu/kZj.k djus esa ;ksx esykid dh Hkwfedk% esykid osQ izlax esa vkt ;ksx esykid dks Hkqyk fn;k x;k gSA oqQaMyh feykrs le; osQoy v"V owQVksa dk fopkj ,oa eaxyh ;ksx dk fopkj dj esykid dk fu.kZ; dj nsuk T;ksfrf"k;ksa dh vknr lh cu x;h gSA bl fo"k; esa ;g è;ku esa j[kuk pkfg, fd v"VowQV fopkj] ftldks u{k=k esykid dgrs gSa vkSj eaxyh nks"k&fopkj ftldks xzg esy&feyki dgrs gSa] bu nksuksa osQ fopkj dh nkaiR; thou esa ek=k bruh lh Hkwfedk gS fd buosQ }kjk Hkkoh oj&o/w dh izÑfr ,oa vfHk#fp;ksa esa lekurk ,oa vkilh lacaèkksa esa ?kfu"Brk dk iwokZuqeku gks losQ] ftlls ;g fu.kZ; fd;k tk ldrk gS fd mu nksuksa dk lkFk fdrus yacs le; rd pysxkA

fdarq ;fn mu nksuks esa ls dksbZ ,d vYik;q] jksxh] uiqald] oaè;k] nfjnz] lU;klh] O;fHkpkjh] ;k pfj=kghu gks] vFkok muesa ls fdlh ,d dh oqQaMyh esa fo/ok] ;k fo/qj gksus dk ;ksx gks] rks mu nksuksa dh izÑfr ,oa vfHk#fPk esa lekurk vkSj vkil esa ?kfu"Brk gksus ij Hkh] D;k mudk nkaiR;thou lq[kh jg ldrk gS\ blfy, osQoy u{k=k esykid ,oa xzg esykid ns[k dj fookg dj nsuk lq[ke; nkaiR; thou dh xkjaVh ugha gSA blh fy, egf"kZ ;kKoYD; us nkaiR; thou osQ leLr igyqvksa dk fopkj dj] viuh dkyt;h jpuk esa ;g Li"V :i ls funsZ'k fn;k gS fd fookg osQ fy, oj&o/w dk pquko djrs le;] muosQ u{k=k esykid ,oa xzg esykid osQ lkFk&lkFk] muosQ ;ksx esykid dk vfuok;Z :i ls fopkj djuk pkfg,A ;ksx esykid esa Hkkoh oj ,oa o/w dh oqQaMfy;ksa esa fuEu fyf[kr 15 ;ksxksa dk fopkj djuk vko';d gksrk gS% 3


T;ksfr"kkpk;Z] ,e-,-]ih-,p-MhiwoZ&vè;{k&T;ksfr"k foHkkx ,oa Mhu&osnosnkax iSQdYVh] Jh ykycgknqj 'kkL=kh jk"Vªh; laLo`Qr fo|kihB (29)





1- vYik;q ;ksx] 2- jksxh ;ksx] 3- uiqald ;ksx] 4- O;fHkpkjh ;ksx] 5- nfjnz ;ksx] 6- la;klh ;ksx] 7- larkughu ;ksx] 8- fo/qj ;ksx] 9- cgqfookg ;ksx] 10- fo/ok ;ksx] 11- oaè;k ;ksx] 12- oqQyVk ;ksx] 13- fHk{kq.kh ;ksx] 14] e`r oRlk ;ksx ,oa 15- fo"k dU;k ;ksxA bl fo"k; esa ;g lnSo è;ku esa j[kuk pkfg,] fd bu 15 ;ksxksa esa ls dksbZ Hkh ,d vosQyk ;ksx nkaiR; lq[k dh dYiuk dks /jk'kk;h djus osQ fy, i;kZIr gSA ;ksx esykid D;ksa% vkt u{k=k esykid ,oa xzg esykid dk fopkj dj 'kknh djus osQ ckn ifr&iRuh osQ chp oSpkfjd erHksn] dyg ,oa laca/ foPNsn osQ lSadM+ksa ekeys lkeus vk jgs gSaA esykid dk fopkj djuk ,d mÙkjnkf;Roiw.kZ dk;Z gS] ftldks vkt 5&10 feuVksa esa iwjk dj fn;k tkrk gSA vke rkSj ij yksx daI;wVj ls eSp esfdax dk fizaV] fudky dj ;k iapkax esa Nih esykid lkj.kh ls oj&o/w osQ xq.k ns[k dj vkSj oqQaMyh ls eaxyh nks"k ,oa mldk ifjgkj ns[k dj pqVdh ctkrs&ctkrs vifjfpr ;qokvksa osQ HkkX; dk iSQlyk dj nsrs gSaA blh vkèks&v/wjs fopkj dk ifj.kke gS fd oqQaMyh feykus osQ ckn Hkh nkEiR; lq[k dh dYiuk fnok LoIu esa cny jgh gSA oLrqr% v"VowQV ,oa eaxyhnks"k osQ vk/kj ij] oj&o/w dh izÑfr ,oa vfHk#fp;ksa esa lekurk dk ewY;kadu dj] ;g fu.kZ; fd;k tk ldrk gS fd ifr&iRuh osQ :i esa budk lkFk fdrus le; rd pysxkA ¯drq mudk ;g lkFk] vFkkZr~ mudk nkaiR; thou lq[ke; jgsxk] ;k nq%[ke;] bldk Kku djus osQ fy, ;ksx esykid dk fopkj djuk vko';d gSA ;ksx esykid esa loZizFke fopkj.kh; vk;q ;ksxµ^iwoZek;q%ijh{ksr~*A bl fl¼kar dks js[kkafdr djus okys oSfnd T;ksfr"k osQ vkpk;ks± dk ;g loZlEer er gS] fd oj] ;k o/w dh oqQaMyh esa vYik;q ;ksx gksuk] mudh oSokfgd ik=krk dk lcls cM+k nks"k gSA ftldh mez gh de gks] mlosQ lkFk fookg djus ls nkaiR; lq[k oSQls feysxk\ bldh dYiuk ek=k eu dks >d>ksjus osQ fy, i;kZIr gSA oLrqr% vYik;q ;ksx esa fookg djuk oS/O; dks vkeaf=kr djus osQ leku gSA vr% fookg osQ fy, oj] ;k o/w dk pquko djrs le; loZizFke mldh vk;q dk vkSj fo'ks"k dj vYik;q dk fopkj dj ysuk pkfg,A bl izlax esa ,d LokHkkfod iz'u mBrk gSS fd vYik;q ;ksx okys yM+osQ dk fookg djuk pkfg,] ;k ughaA bl fo"k; esa ;g dguk gS fd yM+osQ dh oqQaMyh esa vYik;q ;ksx gksus ij mldh vk;q dk fu.kZ; fdlh ;ksX; fo}ku ls djk ysuk pkfg, vkSj fiQj vYik;q ;ksx okyh yM+dh ;k mlosQ leku mez okyh yM+dh ls mldk fookg fd;k tk ldrk gSA bl izdkj fopkj ,oa fu.kZ; osQ vk/kj ij oj dk pquko djus ls oS/O; dh laHkkouk ls cpk tk ldrk gSA vYik;q ;ksxksa esa vk;q dh vf/dre lhek 40 o"kZ gksrh gSA tUe ls 16 o"kks± dh vof/ ckykfj"V dh gksrh gSA vr% vYik;q ;ksx esa thou dh vof/ 17 o"kZ ls 40 o"kZ rd dh gks ldrh gSA bu vYik;q ;ksxksa dk o.kZu ,oa foospuk izk;% lHkh tkrd xzaFkksa esa feyrs gSaA ;gka oqQN vuqHkwr ;ksxksa dk mYys[k fd;k tk jgk gS% (i) doZQ osQ uoka'k esa 'kfu gks vkSj ml ij xq# dh n`f"V gks] rks tkrd dh vk;q 16 o"kZ dh gksrh gSA (ii) feFkqu osQ uoka'k esa fLFkr 'kfu dks yXus'k ns[krk gks] rks tkrd dh 17 osa o"kZ esa e`R;q gksrh gSA (30)




yXus'k ,oa v"Ves'k nksuksa iki xzg gksa] os ,d nwljs dh jkf'k esa gksa] vFkok NBs ,oa 12osa Hkko esa gksa vkSj xq# osQ lkFk u gksa] rks 18 osa o"kZ esa e`R;q gksrh gSA (iv) xq# osQ uoka'k esa fLFkr 'kfu ij jkgq dh n`f"V gks vkSj mPp jkf'k esa fLFkr yXus'k dks 'kqHk xzg u ns[krk gks] rks 19osa o"kZ esa e`R;q gksrh gSA (v) osaQnz esa iki xzg gksa vkSj mudksa 'kqHk xzg] ;k panzek u ns[krk gks] rks O;fDr dh vk;q 20 o"kZ dh gksrh gSA (vi) yXu esa doZQ jkf'k esa xq# ,oa lw;Z gksa vkSj v"Ves'k osaQnz esa gks] rks 22osa o"kZ esa e`R;q gksrh gSA (vii) 'kfu 'k=kq jkf'k esa gks vkSj 'kqHk xzg vkiksfDye LFkkuksa esa gks] rks tkrd dh vk;q 26 ;k 27 o"kZ dh gksrh gSA (viii) v"Ves'k iki xzg 6osa Hkko esa gks vkSj v"Ve LFkku esa fLFkr tUe jkf'k ij iki xzg dh n`f"V gks] rks 28osa o"kZ esa e`R;q gksrh gSA (ix) panzek dk 'kfu ls laca/ gks vkSj lw;Z v"Ve LFkku esa gks] rks 29osa o"kZ esa e`R;q gksrh gSA (x) tUe yXuifr ,oa v"Ves'k f=kd esa gksa vkSj xq# 8osa LFkku esa gksa] rks 30 ;k 32 osa o"kZ esa e`R;q gksrh gSA (xi) iki xzg f=kd LFkkuksa esa gksa] yXus'k fucZy gks vkSj 'kqHk xzg ls n`"V] ;k ;qDr u gksa] rks tkrd dh vYik;q gksrh gSA (xii) v"Ves'k ;k 'kfu iki xzgksa osQ lkFk ozwQj "k"B;ka'k esa gks] rks euq"; dh vYik;q gksrh gSA (xiii) f}rh; ,oa }kn'k esa ikixzg gksa vkSj muij 'kqHk xzgksa dh n`f"V u gks] rks tkrd dh vYik;q gksrh gSA mnkgj.kµbl izlax esa vkfn 'kadjkpk;Z dh mijksDr oqQaMyh ij fopkj fd;k tk ldrk gSA mudk tUe 25 ekpZ 44 ch-lh- esa eè;kß dky esa gqvk FkkA LFkku v{kka'k 8°.29 mÙkj js[kka'k 76°.59’ iwoZ (iii)


tUe u{k=k vknzkZ HkksX; n'kk jkgq o"kZ 14 ekl 6 fnu 29 budh oqQaMyh esa ;ksx la[;k 10 ;Fkkor ?kfVr gksrk gSA budh e`R;q vYik;q ;ksx dkjd ,oa ekjd 'kfu dh egkn'kk ,oa mlh dh varnZ'kk esa 32osa o"kZ esa gqbZA ojo/w dh oqQ.Myh feykrs le; blh izdkj vU; ;ksxksa dk fopkj djuk Hkh vko';d gS] ;s lHkh ;ksx ^o`gRikjk'kj gksjk 'kkL=k esa of.kZr gSa] vLrqA (31)



# xzg&ruko&mipkj % Hkkoksa esa fNih gS ruko dh oqaQth &egsUnz ukFk dsnkj 4

ekuo thou dh ;gh foMacuk gS fd tc ls og viuk gks'k laHkkyrk gS] mldh dkeuk,a tUe ysus yxrh gSaA og mudh iw£r osQ fy, bPNqd gksrk gS vkSj rc mldh fpark çkjaHk gks tkrh gS ,oa ;g gh tkrd osQ thou esa ruko iSnk djrh gSA tSlsµtSls tkrd cM+k gksrk tkrk gS] mldh vko';drk,¡] egÙokdka{kk,¡ c
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