Jyotish_Best Way to Use Shad Bala - K. Jaya Sekhar

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Best way to use

SIIlli) BALA Defining Intrinsic Karmic Structure

K. Jaya Sekhar

Contents Page 1. 2. 3.

Prologue Introduction JYOTISH The Science, Philosophy and Psychology

Part I 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.



Analyzing the Shad Bala Scheme

The Shad Bala Scheme Critical Analysis Example Chart Jay System a General rules and Delineation


03 05 13 17 21

Part II System J aya: Use of each Bala 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Naisargika Bala Drik Bala Sthana Bala Kaala Bala Ayana Bala Yuddha Bala Dig Bala Chesta Bala

27 31 37 47 53 57 59 65

Part III Evolving Life: Bhava Bala-Ishta and Kashta Phalas 17. 18. 19. 20.

Bhavas Houses Bhava Balas Ishta and Kashta Phalas Parihaara

73 75

85 89




Vedic Astrological Counseling


Part IV Professional Readings 22.

Reading No. 1



Reading No. 2


Part V Kaarakat was 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

Nava Grahas Planets Dwadasa Bhavas Graha and Bhava combinations System Jaya-Rules at a glance Epilogue Index

125 139 153 157 167 169

Prologue ,1955

"I was a client of your Dad. He was such a great help. I always consulted him. May his soul rest in peace! I was told that you are also an Astrologer. I have a problem. I wonder if you can guide me", said the forty year old lady who thought that Astrological guidance was a wonderful thing, a Divine gift to humanity, something that every sensible person should seek. "I shall try." The reply of the young Astrologer (I was 23 then) did not inspire confidence in her. Unlike the father who bore all the marks of the trade, a big red vermilion mark on the forehead, prayer beads of different shapes, size and material in the neck, diamond ear studs, precious gems set in rings on the fingers, flowing silk robes, this young Astrologer was in a designer shirt, striped tie, a picture of self-confidence. He had blue eyes but his skin betrayed he was Indian. "I know you graduated in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry" she continued, "I never thought you would take up this career. But tell me do you honestly believe in this Astrology stuff?" That was straight forward enough. "No!" answered the young astrologer, looking particularly

nowhere. A startled expression on her face, the annoyed woman quizzed, "But then why did you take up this career?" "I am like a bar tender serving exotic cocktails to those who enjoy drinking, but a teetotaler himself, who does not believe there is pleasure in drinking." A big laugh, "that'sa good one". He laughs too.



*** The lady had passed away two decades ago having been a loyal client for three decades to the once young Astrologer.

*** 2005 This was a young girl, wearing jeans loosely buttoned below the umbilical. Apiece of the sleeveless top seemed to have been deliberately tom to expose the stomach region. Her surname betrayed her Indian ongms. The Astrologer wore a designer shirt and matching polka dot tie. Now bald, with a prosperous paunch and speaking in a matter-of-fact way he said, "A happy marital life is not your cup of tea. In any case not this boy. Go ahead with your plans of interior designing. That's where your success and happiness lies." When the girl heard it, there was a twitch on the lower lip and an expression of disappointment. She had known this boy, whom she fondly referred as "this Guy," for a couple of years. She had only come to enjoy an astrological consultation, just to be assured the companionship would be wonderful; that they would be voted the happiest couple at the local club anniversary in a few years. She mused, "How nice if the words of the Astrologer prove to be totally untrue. Anyway they are not always correct." In an assumed seriousness she asked, "How much do you believe in this Astrology stuff?".

"Unfortunately. ... the damstuff works! Astrologer, looking straight into her eyes.


promptly answered the Vedic

Half a century is time long enough to develop conviction. Thank Heavens! Conviction came at least before senility set in (lam 73 now).

Introduction Sage Paraasara in Chapter 27 of the Brihat Paraasara Hora Sastra gives the system of calculating Shad Bala, the six strengths of planets in a horoscope in 40 Slokas. He gives six criteria for calculating the strength of a planet in the Rasi Chart. Some of them have sub-criteria, making a total of 18 calculations to be made for each planet. Sage Paraasara gives the minimum value of strength for each of the planet to be capable of delivering the benefic or positive results. Only seven planets out of the nine are roped in while Rahu and Ketu escape being subjected to this calculation process for obvious reasons. From the totals for each planet, the relative position of strength, rank of the planet can be easily seen. The Vedic Astrologer has a grand table of figures which impresses the client, who makes no sense of it, but presumes the astrologer does. In Sloka 38 Paraasara succinctly states "Whatever results have been stated with respect to a Bhava will come to pass only through the strongest planet." He states the obvious with aplomb. This brief enigmatic sentence is supposed to explain the complete use of the painfully lengthy calculations (before computers came to the rescue of Vedic Astrologers) of Shad Balas. As the returns from these grand tables are very l~ttle compared to the work put into it, Shad Balas are hardly used by many Astrologers, though they continue to adorn the Pages of Horoscope Charts. There is need to know how to use them in the best way possibl~. But why the Shad Bala System? Paraasara explains fully the factors to be taken into consideration, the method of interpretation and making predictions in the preceding twenty six chapters. It is the art of synthesizing the various factors that helps the astrologer



to crystallize the results. If the various factors could be synthesized mathematically and an indicator figure arrived at, it could be much easy for an astrologer. In Shad Bala Calculation no new factor is brought in. The same factors that are normally taken into consideration and synthesized are tak~n in Shad Balas. Units and weightings are given for each of these factors and a more scientific, precise method is evolved for the benefit of the astrologer. My considered opinion is that Shad Bala is a complete system for astrological study by itself and not something to be used along with the normal procedure of study of a chart. The actual calculation of the Units ofBala under various heads and such other fundamentals are briefly given. This is not a book of basics. I go straight to the subject so that the "skillful and intelligent" astrologer, who is a habitual investigator, can enjoy more of this addiction. I have attempted to explain what Intrinsic Karmic Structure (LK.S) is and how it could be seen from the Shad Balas using my system. From my experience of making predictions for my esteemed clients during half a century, I find that astrological predictions on various aspects of life could be made more accurately, applying the relevant rules given by me for each Bala The rules to use Shad Bala in assessing a chart and make fruitful delineations have been evolved making use of the knowledge of mathematics and grammar, space and time, geography and logic. Dedicated research work, seasoned with secret traditional principles, garnished with modem methodology and presented in a scientific style, this book, "System Jaya, Best way to use SHAD BALA," is served to astrological gourmets for their pleasure.

JYOTISH The science, philosophy and psychology

Rationale of ]yotish Dr. Percy Seymour, lecturer at Plymouth University and Researcher at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich and member of the Royal Society of Astronomers, which was pleased to dismiss astrology as a pseudo-science, differed with them and claimed that "movements of the Sun and Moon and planets can influence the brains of unborn children in measurable ways. He put it in a more poetic way in his book The Scientific Proof of Astrology: "It means the whole solar system is playing a symphony on the earth's magnetic field. We are all genetically tuned to receive a different set of melodies from this symphony." The pertinent question is why different set of melodies for each individual from the same symphony? Why does he Universe behave the way it does? Why does the solar system play a symphony? Vedic philosophy proposes that the Source ofthe Universe is Conscious, that is to say there is a Universal Consciousness, which may be called Supreme Consciousness. (Parama Atma). Universal Consciousness is infinite and pervasive potential energy. Universal Consciousness (Parama Atma) is obviously·aware, knows, feels and wills. The Universe has evolved its own laws. The laws of the Universe are therefore evolved as per the Will of Uniyersal Consciousness. Energy may change to matter, matter may change to energy but nothing is lost. Every entity follows the cycle of birth, existence and death. This cycle may extend from a few seconds to millions of years depending on the entity. These two laws are based on the



fundamental concept of equilibrium. Equilibrium implies that every action has a reaction. When a ball strikes a wall with a certain force, the wall restores the equilibrium by allowing the ball experience the same force to rebound. Any action that maintains the equilibrium of the Universe and its constituents, respects the laws, the objects and the purpose of the Universe is said to be an act of Dharma- supporter of the Universe. Thus Dharma sustains the Universe. All contrary actions constitute Adharma. Any act in Dharma or Adharma initiated by an individual creates disequilibrium. The Universe sees to it that the initiator realizes the rebounded consequence so that equilibrium is restored. The rebounded consequence of an act of Dharma is called Punya Phala and of Adharma Paapa Phala. The collective name for rebounded consequences in general is Karma. Infinite numbers of Individual Conscious Units (Atma) can emerge out of this Universal Consciousness. Individual consciousness consists of three layers. To be Conscious is to be aware, to know, to feel and to will. Pre-conscious alludes to the mental process of knowledge, information, feelings that exist outside the realm of normal conscious mind but are easily brought into the conscious mind (Memory). The Subconscious or Unconscious alludes to the mental process of instincts and thoughts and feelings that an individual may not be aware of but nevertheless exist in the mental process and propel normal conscious function. The mental function of Individual Consciousness has three distinctive aspects. The central aspect is the awareness, the "I" concept known as Aham. The functional aspect of the mind that records all information from all the sense organs enabling the formation of neuron pathways and memory is called Manas. The third aspect of the mental function is the Budhi, the discrimination,



the will to act, the choice making and deciding aspect based on intention and motivation.

The Karma Theory I am obliged to digress into a brief explanation of the Karma Theory. Every thought, word and deed of an individual has the capacity to create disequilibrium in the Universe. When the individual realizes the consequence, equilibrium is restored. This is the law of the Universe and the Universe has the will and the process of enforcing the law. The rebounded consequences are mostly realized by the individual in the same life. However a few consequences, for lack of suitable circumstances may not be realized in the same life. Until they are realized equilibrium is not restored. The Universe ensures the individual is reborn at a particular place time to a specific father and mother so as to eventually realize whatever consequences are to be realized. This is briefly the Karma Theory. Action and consequence squarely rest on the shoulders of the individual. By equating Karma to Destiny the theory is turned upside down. The simple fact is that Karma means action and since every action has a consequence it also means the consequence of an action. The theory eloquently demolishes the concept of destiny, if that concept supposes that some super power sitting somewhere in the beyond programs every minute of an individual's life. On the other hand Karma Theory states that "You are the Captain of your ship, the master of your life. It is you who are writing your future. You have a Free Will and you are using it at every instant. You are thinking, speaking and acting according to your own free will and desire. Once you have thought in a specific way, spoken or acted in a self chosen ~y, voluntarily or involuntarily, you have indeed



chosen the consequences too." When you proudly pronounce, "I take thee as my lawful wedded wife (or husband)", have you not chosen the consequences that will follow by such a choice for several years? You have made your bed and you shall lie on it. What you would experience in the following years consequent to this freewill decision is called "Sanchita Karma". Who created this Karma? If it turns out to be a bed of roses you are happy that the gamble paid off. If it turns out to be a bed of thorns, you create the fantastic concept of Destiny and blame it. We need "something else" to be blamed when our Free Will Choices tum sour.

A few of our self created "sweet or sour" consequences may not be realized in the same life. The Atma necessarily takes on another body and these few unrealized consequences become the "necessarily realizable consequences" for the new life. This "opening balance" of necessarily realizable consequences is called "Prarabda Karma." Since these are consequences of actions done in a past life which are not remembered, it is easy to blame a "Destiny" or attribute to "Fate". When one is not prepared to accept consequences of his own free will; decisions and choices made just a few days or a few years back, how can one accept the personal authorship of the consequences of decisions, choices and actions made in the past life? Destiny comes handy to blame. Karma theory states that where there are rights there are also responsibilities. Since you are given the right to enjoy free will and you are the author of your thoughts, words and deeds, you also have the responsibility to reap the consequences of your free will choices. Time is no criteria to reap the fruits and consequences .It could be reaped instantly, a little later, and much latter or if the body in which the Atma exists perishes, in the next body in which the Atma is reborn.



A crime does not cease to be a crime simply because it was done six years back, sixty years or a hundred and sixty years back. Prarabda Karma, the Karmic Debt created in past life (lives), has to be reaped. In this case one seems to be helpless as the action has already been done. The good or bad has to be taken. But this is just a small part. What constitutes the major part of life is the Sanchita Karma, the Karma one creates every minute, every day, now in this present life, through thoughts, words and deeds. It is this that essentially decides the conditions of ones life- success or failure, happiness or misery, good health or ill health. Now that we know that our own Free Will defines the course of our life, the question arises why then do we use our Free Will to make choices that cause failures, suffering, pain and misery? It is because each one of us has a personality, character and nature of our own. The neuron pathways that form the basis of our judgment and choices begin formation even when in the womb of the mother. The way the father and mother nurture the infant therefore creates these basic neuron pathways. These form the basis, the yardsticks to measure and judge other messages we receive as we grow. Society, education and early experiences in life (based on the region in earth one is born and the historical epoch one is born) help build the bundle of neuron pathways that make us think, speak, act or react in particular ways. The individual structure is formed. What we call Free Will is the freedom for the individual to think, speak and act as per this individual structure. This is the intrinsic action structure or stf'l!!ture that creates the consequences, course of events in life. I call this the Intrinsic Structure, the contours and colors, the texture and design of the individual nature and personality. We love our structure so much that we do not have the Will to change

XV Ill


it. How often have we heard people say "Well, that's me." How often has a boy told his fiancee "You have to love me as a whole and accept me as I am." One man goes ballistic if his wife comes home from office a few minutes late. No amount of explaining the extra work in the office or the traffic jams or the unexpected party would convince him. He thinks he 'knows' the real reason. Another man simply asks his wife the next morning "When did you return home from work last night, honey, some unexpected birthday party?" He too seems to know the harmless reason. It's all in the structure of the "Free Will". Every individual has some "properties" like every metal has its own properties. The "Will" emanates out of the core property of the individual, an inner personality structure, the Intrinsic Structure. It is this structure that enables one to exert the Will in a particular way, which the individual naturally considers "Free Will". By exerting this Free Choice one determines the course and therefore the consequences of life. This course and consequence is Karma. The irony of it is that without Free Will, Karma could never be created or realized! When an individual is born to certain parents in a particular country at a specific epoch a pattern of neuron pathways are established in the infant brain. They form the basic contours of this Free Will. The individual is unaware of these contours. The eye cannot see itself! It is pertinent here to mention certain recent researches. Elizabeth Spelke, Harvard University psychologist and winner of William James Fellow Award in 2000 researched into the knowledge of babies, who cannot yet talk, walk or even crawl.



She propounded a theory, though controversial as of now, that all human beings are born with certain cognitive skills (as against nurtured skills) that help them make sense of the world around. These cognitive skills she says, underlies everything we learn throughout our lives. This inner knowledge- which she calls "core knowledge." unifies us as a species as well as distinguishes each individual in the species as the core knowledge need not be the same or of the same level in all. She says, "Even for adults most of what we know, that lets us negotiate the world, guide our choice of paths through the environment... even what we say as we are conversing- most of that is unconscious... we operate on richly structured cognitive systems that aren't usually accessible to introspection ... most of our cognitive workings are built on core knowledge that we had as babies." While this "core knowledge" theory goes through the spasms of scientific delivery let us go into Vedic Philosophical concepts. I am not for a moment suggesting that Spelke's work supports either philosophical or astrological theories. Her "core know ledge" is related to basic cognitive skills. All I say is that if there is the possibility of investing millions of dollars in methodical investigation, as we do in medicine and psychology, the theory that the Karmic Record may also be part of this "core knowledge" with which a baby is born, may be proved to be true. All Karma is created by ones own Budhi. Acts of Dharma or Adharma are created by one's own Budhi as it is the seat of all intention and motivation. When the life cycle of an individual comes to an end, the Individual Consciousness (Athma) leaves the physical structure. There is no more the concept of "I" identifying with that specific entity. As there are no sensory organs there is no aspect of Manas.



However Budhi aspect of the mental function continues to exist in the Individual Consciousness. It is as though the Budhi with all its records of actions envelopes the Individual Consciousness. Thus the Individual Consciousness is wrapped up in the mass of Karma recorded in the Budhi. The Individual Consciousness which is thus enveloped is called Jeeva Athma. Jeeva means "with life". It is so called because the Individual Consciousness has to come back to life in another physical structure on this earth to realize the unrealized rebounded consequences. Thus it can be seen the Karmic record of an individual exists in the Budhi aspect of the individual, in the unconsciousness itself. It is there as the "Core Knowledge" at the time ofbirth, if I may borrow Spelke's nomenclature. In the context of Vedic Astrology, my own nomenclature would be Intrinsic Karmic Structure. The individuals own Budhi, intention, motivation, choices and decisions are guided when necessary to enable the individual to realize the karma, Puny a Phala or Paapa Phala. Needless to state that, each individual Karmic Structure is unique. It is the same solar symphony but the individual melodies are different. The question is how to identify the facets of this individual Intrinsic Karmic Structure.

The Vedic Astrologer Maha Rishi Paraasara makes some very pertinent statements in Slokas 39 and 40 of Chapter 27, in his Brihat Paraasara Hora Sastra. "The Astrologer who is skillful and intelligent, who is a mathematician, grammarian, having knowledge of space and time, geography and logic and who has conquered the senses will be competent to make fruitful predictions."



An Astrologer should be skillful and intelligent. The other qualifications for an Astrologer to make successful predictions are knowledge of: !.Mathematics 2.Grammar 3.Logic 4.Geography 5.Control over the senses and 6.The Philosophical knowledge of Space-Time. Wow! MahaRishi Paraasara seems to suggest that the system does not fail; only an incompetent astrologer fails. 1. The need for a Vedic Astrologer to be good at mathematics is obvious. 2. Why Grammar known as" Vyakarana" in Sanskrit Literature? Explaining Vyakarana in my book "VEDIC LITERATURE, a brief explanatory chronological compendium," I said, "To get at the expressed and unexpressed or implied substance of a sentence or Sloka, knowledge of grammar is necessary". Meanings of words alone are insufficient. Since works of ancient sages were meant only to be "aide memoir" for the Guru and not school text books. Most of the time, the real meaning is sometimes hinted, often implied but mostly hidden. 3. The proper application of a rule can be done only if one has a sense of Logic. An astrologer without a sense of logic tends to pervert the application of the rule. 4. By Geography the sage is referring to the Ascendant, which is dependent on Latitude and Longitude. Space is the Zodiac and Time is the relative time notation used on earth. In Shad Bala the Bhavas (Houses) which are based on the Ascendant degree are important. An astrologer must have a certain level of astronomical knowledge to appreciate the mathematical part of Vedic Astrology. A thorough understanding of the principles of Astronomy is what Paraasara is hinting.



5. Paraasara mentions "control of the senses." One who has control over the senses has the capacity to be objective. An astrologer should make objective interpretations strictly based on the rules and not subjectively based on personal prejudices, psychological fixations, petty likes ap~ dislikes, political attitudes, religious morality and social convictions. A true Vedic Astrologer does not mince words, does not beat about the bush and does not merely paint a personality picture which you would very much like to identify yourself with. Vedic Astrology gets to the brass tags of life, deals with every aspect of life, the real events and situations that comfort or confront you. 6. The Philosophy of Space and Time: The Atma is the eternal, unchanging, unpolluted part of the Universal Consciousness present in every individual. Atma is the continuing basic, pure identity life after life. The body, which is physical matter, is born, grows, mutates, transforms, degenerates and dissolves. Whenever a body perishes the Atma within takes on a new body- Saamagri- and emerges on earth in a specific geographical location- Desa- at a specific epoch- Kaala- to realize the Residual Karma - Nimitta of the past life (lives). For every new life there is a concurrence of these four factors. The elaborate theory of Universal Equilibrium, popularly known as the Karma Theory, gives the rationale for the birth of an individual at a particular instant synchronizing with a certain planetary pattern.

Forecasts and Free Will Vedic Astrology is not fatalistic .It is a Forecast of life .It is just like the weather forecasts rain, storm, tsunami or sunshine; like national economic, agricultural, industrial forecasts; forecasts of epidemics and election results.



Most of these forecasts prove accurate because they are based on factors found statistically correlated to these. There are certain fundamentals from which an individual's life evolves. These fundamentals exist in the Universe. No life is full of good health with attractive features, a sharp intelligent and creative mind, long life with physical and mental abilities present till the last day of life, a happy marriage with a rich, charming, pleasant, successful companion, healthy, obedient, grateful and successful children, a pleasant job with increasing income leading to riches, a comfortable home, a luxury car making life a poem of pleasure and happiness. Life in reality is a mixture of success and failure, pleasure and pain, attainments and disappointments. One has to first accept this fact of life. But note that accepting does not mean "resignation to fate". How can one take medicine to cure oneself if one does not first accept that one has a disease? The attempts to cure may work or fail. This is the second fact to be accepted. The Vedic Astrologer lets you know all the facts oflife, positive and negative. That is the Life Map, to help you in the long journey of life. What do you do when you set out on a long journey for example in a car? You first get the weather report for the week, rains, storms, snow fall, strong winds or clear skies; You get the road map, the highways, auto routes, village roads, bypasses and subways; Then you get the news connected with road works, diversions, obstructions, traffic bottlenecks, accidents along these routes on the radio.

Can you stop or remove any of these existing things indicated along your journey?



No. But when you know these things in advance you prepare yourself. For example you take your rain coat, your rain boots, an umbrella, you drive slowly, you are alert to road signs and signals, you choose round-about routes, you try to circumvent the obstacles, you patiently wait till bottlenecks are ~leared, you stock enough food and water for the extra long hours of travel, you put in every effort, try your best, use your intelligence, resourcefulness, knowledge and experience at every stage of difficulty along the route. Eventually you reach your destination. Had you not known these obstacles and not prepared yourself probably you would not reach your destination. It is also possible that you reach your destination very late, exhausted and feel it was not worth it. It is also possible you arrived but missed the important interview, the function or appointment. All the same you could not have abandoned the journey. The journey of life cannot be abandoned. There are three types of people. There are some who do not want to know anything of their life good or bad or even if they know do not want to venture or try. Why? Because they are afraid to try - "Trying" means they may have to give up their pet obsessions, likes and dislikes and their psychological comfort points. One cannot get something for nothing. They have to discover and modify the hidden traits of character, nature and behavior. They must be prepared for sacrifice, patience, persistence, and strong effort to gain the good or overcome the bad. These people consider astrological forecasts as fatalistic and imagine a conflict between a non-existent Fate and an unsure Free will! Some proceed, responding in a haphazard way to positive situations, missing most of them, being unprepared. They are also stunned and suffer increasingly when they meet with negative



situations, as they had not expected them and flounder on their journey through life. Knowing the positive and negative aspects of the long journey of life well ahead, some prepare themselves to take full advantage of the positive aspects and make every effort, including courage, confidence, persistence, sacrifice, spiritual repentance and redemption to overcome the negative aspects and reach their destination. Vedic Astrology is meant for such people. Vedic Astrology forecasts the true road conditions and provides the guide map of life.

Why do people consult an astrologer? It is mostly for the wrong reason. To be assured that their Free Will choice was the right one, to secure the stamp of celestial approval through the astrologer for their self chosen acts. Sometimes it is to overcome feelings of guilt, as after all the Stars were responsible for their actions! But mostly it is to hear pleasantries. The astrologer who gives them what they want is certainly a Fortune Teller. Only an emotional urge, or the ego, or a fantasy is satisfied. There is no illumination. When is the need to consult an astrologer? To know one's Dharma, to fulfill one's Dharma and to be in the path of Dharma at all times and situations. For this one needs to know the Intrinsic Karmic Structure. This rev_eals both the positive and negative aspects of ones inner personality, nature. It reveals our potential which has to be taken advantage of. But more important it reveals where our weaknesses are, where our drawbacks and deficiencies are. By knowing the factors that lead one to creating and realizing negative Karma, there is the possibility of changing these structural problems. By succeeding in changing



these one succeeds in avoiding creating and realizing negative Karma in life. We need also to fulfill our duties and responsibilities in life in the right way. We need to know if we are in the right track. We need to know if we are making the right choice and at the right time. We need to know if we should take up certain responsibilities or not. We need to know the legitimate limits to our fantasies. It is better to put in the best effort and succeed in the area of our potential than wasting a whole life attempting something for which there is no potential but only an illusion. It is only when you consult an astrologer, who is intelligent, objective, having the capacity to articulate the truth in a positive, optimistic and encouraging way, there is illumination that is JYOTI. When one understands the Intrinsic Karmic Structure within, then one understands the reason within ones own self, which is responsible for creating more and more negative Karma. By trying to modify or control if not overcome this structure the negative Karmic consequence could be minimized. This is enlightenment. Jyotish - Vedic Astrology - brings this enlightenment.

PART .. I Analyzing the Shad Bala Scheme

The Shad Bala Scheme I.

Naisargika Bala (Natural Strength)


SthanaBala (Space strength)

a. Uchha bala b. Saptavarga Bala c. Oja-yugma-rasiamsaBala d. Kendra Bala e. Drekkana Bala


Exaltation Seven Vargas Odd-even -Rasi-Amsa Square signs Decanates

Kaala Bala (Time strength)

1. Nathannothana Bala 2. Paksha Bala 3. Thribhaga Bala 4. Abda Bala 5. Masa Bala 6. Vara Bala 7. Hora Bala 8. Ay anaBala 9. Yuddha Bala Dig Bala (Direction strength)

DrikBala (Aspect strength)

ChestaBala (Movement strength)

Day/night Fortnight One third day/night Year Month Weekday Hour Equinoctial War



The Shad Balas actually take into consideration 18 Balas Ashtaadasa Balas. They are the indicators of the positive strengths of planets based on 1. Natural Brilliance or Intrinsic Energy 2. Space 3. Time 4. Geographical Direction 5. Aspect and 6. Movement. In Vedic Astrology we have 1 Graha Kaarakatva (Planetary significations) and 2 Bhava Phala (House significations). Each planet signifies certain aspects of life. The dominant Kaarakatva of Sun is Father. This is known as Sthira Kaarakatva fixed signification. But Sun's significations are not limited to father alone. Sun signifies the self, confidence, determination, enterprise, level of success, fame, political power and influence, social popularity and achievements in life. These are all the Kaarakatvas of Sun. (see appendix for further description of Kaarakatvas of planets). Similarly take the second Bhava (House). It signifies the financial status, the earning capacity, income and expenditure, general family happiness, nature of death and speech capacity among other things. These are the House Significations. (See appendix for further details). Paraasara gives a minimum Strength that a planet should have in each Bala as well as the minimum total that a Planet should have in all the six Balas to be positively effective. When the strength of the planet is more than the minimum its capacity to deliver results increases. Obviously the more units of strength a planet gets over and above the minimum the more effective it becomes. Lower than the minimum value makes the planet ineffective. On the other hand its effect is negative when less than the minimum. When the Bala is much less than the minimum required the planet is not only ineffective but can also be destructive.

Shad Balas- A Critical Analysis Since there is no way of measuring the Bala of a planet in absolute terms, in reality the measure we take is relative. We need a base unit. Paraasara takes the Natural or Intrinsic strength of Sun, the leader and strongest of the planets to be 1 Rupa or 60 Virupas. Since there are seven planets the next powerful planet Moon is given a strength In less than Sun, which works out to be 51 .42 Virupas. Thus we have relative strengths only. We actually establish a ranking from 1 to 7 starting with Sun having rank 1. In Vedic Astrology, the planets are written in the order Sun



Mercury Jupiter

Venus and









This is the normal order but this is not the order in which their Natural Strength or Intrinsic Energy radiates. Next to Sun and Moon comes Venus and it ranks 3rct. Then comes Jupiter followed by Mercury. The natural malefic planets Mars and Saturn follow in that order. Thus the Naisargika (natural) positive energy ranking of planets is as follows: Sun 1

Moon 2

Venus Jupiter 3 4

Mercury Mars 5 6

and Saturn. 7

Though in all tabulations the usual order of planets is used we should always remember the Natural Bala Ranking order of the planets. Let us study the allotment of minimum Bala for the planets under each head by Paraasara. This could help us to understand what's on his mind. A few simple additions and subtractions and



some critical analysis can reveal a lot more than what appears on the surface in the Slokas- Verses of Paraasara.

1. Minimum Planetary Bala Table* Planets Sun Moo

60 Sthana 165 Kaala 50 Dig 35 Chesta 112 422 Total Naisar

51.42 133 30 50 100 364.42



17.16 96 40 30 67 250.16

25.74 165 50 35 112 387.74

Jup -

34.26 165 50 35 112 39626



42.84 133 30 50 100 355.84

8.58 = 240 - 953 96 40 = 290 30 = 265 67 - 670 24158 = 2418


* Paraasara does not give any minimum for Drik Bala for each planet Paraasara gives the minimum Shad Bala Value for each planet as: Su Min req: 300













= 2400

This minimum total for each planet is mentioned as the minimum total for Shad Balas, which means it includes Drik Bala values. The very small difference of 18 Virupas or .31 Rupas between the two totals is because it is difficult to allot precise individual Balas so that the total comes to exactly 40 Rupas = 2400 Virupas.

The grand total of the minimum Balas for the planets for Five Balas is equal to the total of the minimum required for the Six Balas! What is the mystery? Let us take a look at the values allotted by Paraasara. In table 1 the total of the minimum for the Five Balas for Sun is 422 V. But the minimum total for the Six Balas that Sun has to get to be strong


Shadbalas - A Critical Analysis

enough to deliver positive results is 300 V, which is much less than the total of the minimum for Five Balas. This can mean that the Drik Bala of Sun which he has not given, should be -122 V. The other unlikely possibility is that Paraasara presumes that Sun normally has substantially lower than the minimum in one or more of the Balas. In a similar way we can calculate that for Moon the Drik Bala . has to be -4.43V for Mars Drik has to be + 49 .86V for Mercury Drik has to be+ 32.29V for Jupiter -6.29, for Venus -25.86V and for Saturn + 58.43V Though Paraasara is totally silent about minimum Drik Balas, we can presume these are the values. If the Drik Balas of the planets are taken as above and included in Table 1 showing minimum values the mystery is solved. It can be seen in the following table.

2. Table of minimum for the Six Balas Planets Sun Moo Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Naisargika 60 51.43 17.14 25.71 34.29 42.86 8.57 133 96 165 165 133 96 Sthana 165 Kaala 30 40 50 30 40 50 50 Dig 50 50 35 30 35 35 30 Chesta 112 100 67 112 112 100 67 Drik -122 -4.43 49.86 32.29 -6.29 -25.86 58.43 Total 300 360 3(Q 420 390 330 300

Tot - 240 - 953 - 290 - 265 - 670 - -18 = 2400

We get exactly the Shad Bala Totals given by Paraasara.

What's on Paraasara's mind? Probably Paraasara thought it necessary to leave this work to the ''skillful and intelligent" astrologer. This alone is not the purpose. He is obviously calling attention to an important principle related to planetary energies.



Adding the negative Drik Balas which are for Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Venus, we have 122 + 4.43 + 6.29 + 25.86 = 158.58V Adding the positive Drik Balas which are for planets Mars, Mercury, Saturn, we have 49.86 + 32.29 +58. 43 = 140.58V The difference is the small 18 V or .31 R as in the minimum totals shown previously.

The idea seems to be that the strength of the positive aspects nearly cancels the strength of the negative aspects. In this ideal case the totals ofthe minimum required for the planets in five Balas are same as the totals of the minimum required for six Balas. The implication is that Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus even when they have only the minimum in each of the Five Balas are capable of receiving negative planetary aspect energy and yet retain their Minimum Shad Bala strength to be effective. On the other hand Mars, Mercury and Saturn even when they get the minimum in each Bala still need some more positive energy from planetary aspects to secure the minimum Shad Bala value to deliver positive results. The above critical analysis based on the way Maha Rishi Paraasara presented the subject it is clear that the individual Bala values have to be rectified by taking into account the Drik Bala effect on them. This modification is done by adding the Drik Bala Values to the Individual Bala Values. When we calculate the Sthana Bala values for the planets this represents the apparent values. When the aspect energy values, which are Drik Bala Values, are added we get the real or absolute effective Values. Only these values are to be used when delineating the individual Sthana Bala Values. Similarly for Kaala Bala Values the Drik Bala Values have to be added to obtain the real effective values of Kaala Bala. Individual delineation of Kaala Bala has to be done only on these values.


Shadbalas - A Critical Analysis

However Dig Bala values, unlike Sthana and Kaala Bala are not affected by the Drik Bala or aspect energy values, just as Naisargika Values, being fundamental energy for all charts to be used as a standard, are not to be modified by aspect energy. The cardinal square points, the ascendant, the mid pointsof the fourth, seventh and tenth Bhavas are all 90 degrees apart from each other are powerful points of space in the horoscope and when certain planets come into conjunction with these potential power points, their energy cannot be affected by the aspect energy of another planet. Hence the Dig Bala Values are taken as real energy values without any modification. Similarly Chesta Bala also is related to power points in space, such as the apogee and perigee and the energy of planets conjunct these positions or relative distance from these points. The power derived by the planets situated in space relative to these points is not affected by the aspect energy of other planets. Hence Chesta Bala Values are taken as they are for individual delineation. This critical analysis forms the essentials of calculation m System Jaya.

3. Planet's Bala Ranks Sun Naisargika

Moo 2







96 40 30 67

165 50 35

165 50 35


133 30 50 100








313 233





165 50 35

Sthana Kaala Dig Chesta

Ven 3

Sat 7

133 30 50 100

96 40 30 67

Other 4 Balas (leaving Drik) 1






While Naisargika has 7 ranks, other Bala totals have only 3 ranks. Sun, Jupiter, Mercury take 1st rank, Moon and Venus take 2nd rank, Mars and Saturn take 3rd rank. Let us now summarize the results of the critical study of the Bala Values given by Paraasara and t&e·implications. 1.

Drik Bala plays a very important role. The ascendant moves about one degree every four minutes. Similarly the values of planetary mutual aspects change continuously modifying planetary energies. This creates a changing matrix of energies to suit the subtly changing karmic structure for each birth.


Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Moon have intrinsic strength, in that descending order, to absorb some negative planetary aspectenergy and still maintain their minimum, positive energy. Saturn, Mars and Mercury, in that descending order, need some more positive planetary aspect-energy to secure their minimum Shad Bala potential.


The Sthana Bala has the highest value, about 4 times the basic N aisargika Bala. These two Balas get 50% of the total of the Shad Balas.


After Sthana Bala, the descending order of the other Balas is Chesta, Kaala and Dig Balas. Sthana and Chesta have 1523V out of total of 2418V for the Shad Balas.


Leaving Naisargika and Drik Balas, when the totals of the remaining four Balas are taken we find Paraasara has established only three ranks, which means planets in the first three ranks only need to be considered as really potential planets.

Shadbalas - A Critical Analysis



Paraasara gives importance to Ayana Bala, which is part of Kaala Bala as he mentions minimum Ayana Balas for planets separately. Obviously its special status has something to do with its special use.


Apart from this Paraasara develops the concept of one planet usurping the rank of another. This will be fully explained later.

With this preliminary knowledge we are now in a position to go ahead with understanding System Jaya, the best way to use each of the Shad Balas. In this system the values of the Shad Balas with their sub-values alone are not sufficient for delineation. We need to understand the implications of those values. With the help of an example chart, I shall explain the rules and their application making the best use of Shad Balas in System Jaya.

Example Chart Chart of Lady Diana born on 01-07-1961 at 18h 45 GMT at Lat: 52N50, Long: 0 E30. Planetary Longitudes: Asc Moo Mer(R) Ven Rah

Sco Aqu Gem Tau Leo

25:05:24 01:42:32 09:53:07 01:04:56 04:43:58


Ma Ra

16:20:44 08:19:42 11:46:49 04:29:50 04:43:58

Ju As Su Sa



Gem Leo Cap Cap Aqu

Su Me

Mo Ke Sa Ju

Sun Mar Jup(R) Sat(R) Ket



Ve Me







Sun 60 2

Moo Mar 51 17 -26 19

Mer 25 - 11


Ven 34 42 -19 7

Sat 8 -19

Sthana Bala Ochcha Saptavarga Oja Yugma Kendra Drekkana

37 39 30 30 0

29 86 0 60 0

3 116 30 60 15

28 112 30 30 0

2 41 15 15 0

48 150 30 60 0

38 136 15 15 0









26 15 0 0 30 0 0

33 89 0 0 0 0 0

33 15 0 0 0 0 0

60 15 0 0 0 0 0

26 44 60 0 0 0 60

26 44 0 15 0 0 0

33 15 60 0 0 45 0

Tot Kaala (7) 71 Ayana 119

122 47

48 44

75 59

190 5

85 54

153 56

0 Tot Kaala(9) 190

0 169

0 92

0 134

0 195

0 139

0 209

Kala Bala Nathonnatha Paksha Tribhaga Abda Mas a Vara Hora


Example Chart

Dig Bala 25 Chesta 0 Shad Bala 415 In Rupas 6.92 Min. Req: 5 Ratio: 138 Relat. Rank 4


42 40 22 0 412 419 6.87 6.99 6 5

4 47 425

44 51 381

49 34 563

13 54 469


6.36 9.39


5 1.56 2














Dasas Mars Dasa from 01-07-1961 to 06-02-1964 Rahu Dasa from 06-02-1964 to 06- 02-1982 Jupiter Dasafrom 06-02-1982 to 06- 02-1998 Bukthis Bukthis of Rahu Dasa 19-10-1966 Rahu 14-03-1969 Jupiter 19-01-1972 Saturn 07-08-1974 Mereu 26-08-1975 Ketu 26-08-1978 Venus 20-07-1979 Sun 18-01- 1981 Moon 06-02-1982 Mars

Bukthis Jup Sat Mer Ketu Ven Sun Moo Mar Rah

of Jup Dasa 26-03-1984 07-10-1986 12-01-1989 19-12-1989 19-08-1992 07-06-1993 07-10-1994 13-09-1995 06-02 1998

The Usual Procedure: The ranks based on the Total Bala values of planets are considered. The planet that gets the highest Value is first rank and so on. This is a very superficial way. It is not a precise



way of establishing ranks. Suppose a planet A secures 200V and another planet B secures 150 V. We conclude that A is stronger than B and will deliver the results of the Bhava. This is only apparent strength. We should know what the minimum for each planet in that specific Bala is. Suppose the minimum for A is 150 V and forB 75 V Then A has secured only 133 times the minimum and B has secured 2 times the minimum. It is intrinsically stronger than A. Hence B gets the better rank than A and is in a better position to deliver the Bhava Phala, because according to Paraasara it is the strongest planet that will bestow results. To establish the proper strength we need to find the ratio.

System Jaya Procedure Naisargika Bala raking is the same for all charts. It is the Basic Ranking based on the Natural Planetary Energy. Since Paraasara has not given minimum Balas for Drik Bala no ranking is made for it. Ranks are therefore given for the remaining four Balas only. Ratio and Rank: Divide Bala secured by minimum Bala requiredfor the planet to get the ratio. When the planet secures exactly the required minimum Bala the ratio is 1. If it secures less than the required the ratio would be less than 1 and if it secures more than the required, the ratio would be more than 1. On the basis of these ratio values the ranks are fixed starting with the highest value as rank 1.

From the Shad Bala values calculated and tabulated for the example chart, for a clearer understanding we prepare seven Basic Bala Tables, showing the rank by strength of the planets in each one of 4 Shad Balas and also the individual Bala ranks, total Shad Bala ranks and Bala totals ranks. The astrologer then has a clear picture of the planetary strength matrix for the individual and can delineate the Intrinsic Karmic Structure. The analytical tables for the example chart are as follows: Note: ''x" in all the following tables indicates that the planet, has not secured the minimum value required for that Bala.



1. Sthana Bala Planets






Mar Mer 224 200

Drik Bala




Net Bala (1 +2) 139




Ratio* Ranks





Sat 202
















133 221



133 1.12









Sat 153


* Obtained by diving values in 3 by those in 4. 2. Kaala Bala Planets


1. Kaala B ala


Mar Mer

Moo 122



Jup 190







3Net Bala(l+2)






4.Min. req.



67 40

-19 134









50 3.42



Net Ranks








Jup 44














2.Drik Bala


* obtained by diving values in 3 by values in 4

3. Dig Bala Planets B ala secured Min required Ratio

Sun 25 35 71



Mar Mer 42 4 30 35 1.4 0.11





40 50

*Obtaining by dividing values 1 by 2.



System Jaya Procedure

4. Chesta Bala Planets Bala Secured Min Req. Ratio Rank

Sun Moo 119 89 112 100 1.06 0.89 2x 1

Mar Mer 47 22 67 112 0.32 0.41



Jup 51 112 0.45

Ven 34



100 0.34

Sat 54 67 0.80 3x

Ayana Bala for Sun and Paksha Bala for Moon are used.

5. The four Bala Ranks table Planets Sthana Kaala Dig Chesta



6x 4 5x


Mar Mer 1 5



4x 2x







6 7x 5x

7x 3 2 4x

2 5 3x 6x

3 2 6x 3x

Mer 7.08 7 1.01 6

Jup 6.36 6.5 0.97 7x

Ven 9.39 5.5 1.7 1 1

Sat 7.82 5 0.56 2

6. Shad Bala Total's Rank table Planets Total secured* Min Required Ratio Totals Rank

Sun 6.92 5 1.38 4

Moo 6.87 6 1.14 5

Mar 6.99 5 1.39 3

* Here we take the total of all the six Balas and not limit to the four Balas, Sthana, Kaala, Dig and Chesta. Though Naisargika is the same for all it is included in this total. Also Drik is included as the general modifier. Since each Bala has a minimum total, these totals with their ranks and the totals actually secured in the example chart and their ratio and ranks are tabulated as follows.



7. Bala-Totals Rank Table Name of Bala Naisargika Sthana Kaala(7) Dig Chesta

Min Total 240 953 290 265 670



Basic Rank 5 1 4 3 2

Secu. Total 240 1299 750 217 208

Secu. Ratio 1 1.36 '2.59 0.82 0.31


Total Excess secured 2714-2418 = 296 Excess in percentage is 296 X 100 = 12.24 % 2418

Secu. Rank 3 2 1 4x 5x

General Rules and Delineations Rule 1 Irrespective of a planet being a natural benefic I malefic or functional benefic I malefic, the Bala of a planet represents its posltzve energy that invigorates its own significations (Kaarakatvas) and positively activates the related significations of the Bhava in which it is situated. However Shad Bala is related more to Graha Kaarakatva (Planetary significations) than to Bhava Phala (House significations). Bhava Phala is better interpreted synthesizing all planetary influences on the Bhava, though the main Phala is indicated by the strongest planet situated or influencing thatBhava

Rule 2 Only planets securing the first three ranks in the Balas are considered having effective positive energy out of the 7 ranks, provided the planet also secures the minimum requiredfor that specific Bala.lfthe planet does not get the minimum required,for that specific Bala then the higher rank by itself has no positive energy significance.

Specific rule for Individual Bala Ranks table

Rule 3

If any planet secures rank 1 or 2 or 3 in two or more of the four Balas, that planets energy becomes the key energy in the psyche of the individual. In the event two planets get this distif!ction the planetary energies have to be synthesized to give the delineation.



Rule4 In the Shad Bala total~ rank table if natural benefic planets (Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Moon) are in ranks 1,2,3 life will be smoothly successful. If natural malefic planets, Saturn, Mars and Sun, get these ranks, success will be achieved with much difficulty; sometimes after a long and hard struggle.

Rule 5 In Bala total's rank table when Sthana leads the success is stable and long lasting. When Kaala supercedes, it indicates success is only for a time, probably limited to good Dasa or success may even be like a flash in the pan.

Rule 6 The more distortion in the ranks of Bala Totals the more would be the individual distortion ofthe values or objects oflife. The serenity of life, stability, continuity of success gets disturbed on account of certain illogical conclusions or extreme attitudes and abrupt decisions.

Delineation - based on Tables 5, 6 & 7. Four Bala Ranks Table From table 5 since planet Mars gets the distinction of being in the first two ranks in two of the four Balas, the Karmic psyche is to be aggressive, vengeful and prone to violent reactions to disagreeable persons or situations. This creates a lot of negative Sanchita Karma in this life, which could be well avoided. Instead Mars being the prominent planetary energy acts of courage, adventure could enable the person to earn a lot of good will and therefore a lot of positive Sanchita Karma.

General Rules & Delinations


Shad Bala Totals In the example chart, table 6, Jupiter gets rank 7x, which means it's not only in the last rank but has also not secured the minimum energy. Venus, Saturn and Mars get the first three ranks. Two natural malefic planets Saturn and Mars get the 2nd and 3rd ranks while a natural benefic Jupiter gets the least and highly negative rank. Life will be like swimming against the tide. Destinations may be reached but the going is not smooth. Challenges and obstructions dog the path frequently. Jupiter being the weakest, Divine Blessing or Guru's Guidance is minimal. This is also an indication of bringing into this life a higher level of PrarabdaKarma - Opening Balance Karma. Bala Total Ranks Table

In table 7 of the example chart, though the total secured by all the Balas is higher than the total of minimum required for the Balas (12.24 %) we note that Dig Bala and Chesta Bala are far below the minimum, reducing their effectiveness in the chart. Also Kaala gets the highest rank followed by Sthana, Dig and Chesta in that order. This is almost a topsy-turvy situation as far as the totals are concerned. Because Sthana and Chesta are given ranks 1 and 2 respectively by Paraasara. The first relates to Space and the second to Space/ Time. Dig and Kaala, Space and Time Balas respectively get ranks 4 and 5. The fifth goes to the basic Nai"sargika Bala. First· we conclude that success is related to Time. There will be periods of extreme success and achievement. The Inner Karmic Structure would be to lay more emphasis on certain aspects of life to the total negligence of other aspects. Strong feelings of



possessiveness and prejudice distort decisions and choices in life. Obviously the Bala Totals indicate that the Intrinsic Karmic Structure is to create a topsyturvy situation in life by making extreme choices.

Intrinsic Karmic Structure I reproduce here the three paragraphs of General Delineation. "Since two planets Mars and Jupiter get the distinction of being in the first two ranks in two of the four Balas, the Karmic psyche is to be aggressive, vengeful and prone to violent reactions to disagreeable situations. This creates a lot of negative Sanchita Karma in this life, which could be welt avoided. Instead Mars being the prominent planetary energy acts of courage, adventure could enable the person to earn a lot of good will and therefore a lot of positive Sanchita Karma. Life will be like swimming against the tide. Destinations may be reached but the going is not smooth. Challenges and obstructions dog the path frequently. Jupiter being the weakest, Divine Blessing or Guru's Guidance is minimal. This is also an indication of bringing into this life a higher level of PrarabdaKarma - Opening Balance Karma. Success is related to Time. There will be periods of extreme success and achievement. The Inner Karmic Structure would be to lay more emphasis on certain aspects of life to the total negligence of other aspects. Strong feelings ofpossessiveness and prejudice distort decisions and choices in life. Obviously the Bala Totals indicate that the Intrinsic Karmic Structure is to create a topsy turvy situation in life by making extreme choices."

PART II System Jaya - use of each Bala

l.Naisargika Bala (Natural Strength)

Planetary Bodies have Natural Strength based on their brilliance or radiant energy. Obviously Sun is the strongest of Planets. It is followed by Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and Saturn in that order. The unit of strength is assigned to the planets in a descending order taking the maximum positive strength of Sun to be 60 Virupas that is 1 Rupa. The decrease is presumed to be equal from planet to planet since we are assessing only relative values. Hence we reduce at IJ71h value assigning 51.13, 42.85, 34.28, 25.70, 17.14, 8.57 Virupas of positive energy respectively to Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and Saturn in that order. Adding up the values the total for the seven planets is 4 Rupas (239 .67V). This natural strength is the same for all charts when we calculate the Shad Balas, wherever the planets are in the Rasi Chart. Adding these values simply increases the totals of the Balas of the planets by the same value in all charts. Then why mention these natural values at all? What is the use of these natural values which are the same in all charts? The purpose of giving the Naisargika Bala Ranks, which is the same for all charts, is to enable the Astrologer to compare the Total Shad Bala Ranks, which are different in each chart, with them. On analyzing the Values and order in Naisargika Bala the following points are clear. 1.

The luminaries contribute the most positive energy, 60 + 51.13 = 111.13 out ofthe total of240, which is 47%




Natural malefic Saturn has lesser positive energy than natural malefic Mars.


The combined strength of the natural malefic planets Mars and Saturn is 25.71 just equal to the positive energy of Mercury. Obviously their positive energy is minimal.


Venus intrinsically has more positive energy than Jupiter or Mercury among the benefic planets.


Jupiter is intrinsically stronger than Mercury but less than Venus.

These points have to be born in mind by the Astrologer even when ordinarily interpreting a chart as they relate to the fundamental planetary energies. Rule 1. If the luminaries have more than the minimum required Shad Bala Rupa and are in the first three ranks, the chart is above average in planetary energy. This energy can give the positive aspects of courage, confidence, determination and will power because of the solar energy; imagination, creativity, intellectual and emotional strength because of lunar energy. This indicates a person born with a lot ofpositive Prarabda Karma. The Sun indicates Will and the Moon indicates Inclination. Their strength indicates there is Will Power and the Inclination to use it to overcome the tendency to create Negative Sanchita Karma.

Rule 2 Naisargika Bala is the yardstick to judge the Shad Balas. It is important to note that the Naisargika Balas of planets are not in the usual order of the planets, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn. In Naisargika Bala Venus comes third in rank

Naisargika Bala


followed by Jupiter. Mercury comes next to Jupiter followed by Mars and Saturn in that order. This standard rank order is given to help us realize which planet has usurped the rank of which planet and therefore usurped the Kaarakatva of that planet. Rule 3

A planet displaced from its Naisargika Bala Rank in the total Shad Bala ranking, losses its significance in its Natural Kaarakatvas and/or Sthira Kaarakatvas (significations). The planet that usurps its rank holds sway over these Kaarakatvas. (Chara Karakatvaas are not involved here). In the example chart Naisargika and Shad Bala Total ranks are as follows: The planets in order: Sun Moo Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Naisargika ranks








Shad Bala Ranks








(table 6) This may be called the Usurpation table From the above table we note: Sun rank 1 degrades to 4 Moon rank 2 degrades to 5 Ven rank 3 upgrades to 1 · Jup rank 4 degrades to 7 Mer rank 5 degrades to 6 Mar rank 6 upgrades to 3 Sat rank 7 upgrades to 2

Delineation: Naisargika Bala



The fall of the ranks of the Luminaries indicates the person will find it difficult to cope with negative Prarabda Karma. Venus upgrades itself to rank 1 which belongs to Sun. Sun signifies self-confidence, determination and will power. Venus represents relationships, marriage or companionship. Hence these become the dominant aspects of life. Only if the person has the 'subjectively' right relationship, marriage or companionship, she will be able to face life confidently. Confidence and will power are directly related to relationship or companionship and exerted in that direction. The emotion oflove, the desire to love and be loved is the driving force of I.K.S. (Intrinsic Karmic Structure) Saturn upgrades to 2 belonging to Moon. This signifies that the mind and psychology gets dominated by the energies ofSaturn. There are some obsessions related to the sick, morbid, downtrodden, depressed, animals, prisoners in the mind. The creativity and imagination are spurred more in these directions. Saturnine stubbornness persists in all psychological fixations and is hard to be removed. Properly harmonized this Intrinsic Karmic Structure can help build positive Karma in this life. For example Karma Yoga, the Yoga ofselfless service to all is a harmonious activity. Mars rises to rank 3 a rank that belongs to Venus. Emotions, impulse, anger, violence, vengeance, the significations ofMars dominates relationships. There is a strong desire to react, to rebound with greater, force, when love is unrequited. This tendency in the Karmic Structure has to be controlled. If uncontrolled a lot of negative Sanchita Karma is created in the process of reacting to normal negative situations in life, which should be faced in a constructive way.

2. Drik Bala (Aspect Strength) It is necessary to understand Drik Bala before we go to other Balas. Drik Bala is like a moderator. As the seven planetary positions create the Inner Karmic Structure of an individual, it is the planetary aspect values that make the subtle adjustments in planetary energies customizing them to be in tune with each individual's Karmic record. Let us understand the aspect phenomena. In Vedic Astrology, there is always a mutual aspect between planets. A planet aspects any other planet that lies anywhere from 30 degrees in front to 60 degrees in the rear of it. Its energy impinges upon any planet lying in this range of 270 degrees in the Zodiac. The strength of this aspect is related to the longitudinal distance. There are certain distances however where the strength is maximum. On either side of this peak aspect ·energy point, the aspect strength decreases.

Rules ofAspect Energy When the planet receiving the aspect is at a distance of 180 degrees from the planet that gives the aspect, it receives the maximum Drik Bala. It is equal to 60 Virupas. When this distance is either 90 degrees or 172deg 30mts or 210 degrees the value is 45 Virupas. When the distance is 75 deg or 120 deg or 165 deg or 240, the strength is 30 Virupas. There i.s no Drik Bala effect on a planet placed between 0 to 30 deg and between 300 to 360 deg from the planet that gives the aspect energy. Consequent to this aspect energy phenomenon, the aspect energy graph is not increasing or decreasing symmetrically.



Based on the rule given above we can tabulate the aspect energy as follows. At 30 degrees is 0 Virupas Gradual increase At 75 degrees is 30 Virupas Gradual increase At 90 degrees is 45 Virupas Gradual Decrease At 120 degrees is 20 Virupas Gradual decrease At 150 degrees is 0 Virupas Gradual increase At 165 degrees is 30 Virupas Gradual increase At 172.30 degrees is 45 Virupas Gradual increase At 180 degrees is 60 Virupas. Gradual decrease At 210 degrees is 45 Virupas. Gradual decrease At 240 degrees is 30 Virupas Gradual decrease At 300 degrees is 0 Virupas The aspect energy which a natural malefic planet gives is- and a natural benefic planet gives is +. When a planet receives the energy ofboth malefic and benefic planets the net value is taken.

Drik Bala


From the above we realize the following points: 1.

The relative position of the planets in the Zodiac is important for Drik Bala; it is related to Zodiacal Space. Since planets are constantly moving an aspect value exists at a particular point of time only. Hence Drik Bala is also related to Time. Drik Bala is the modifying factor for both Space and Time and therefore moderates the other Balas.


The Drik Bala is one important indicator of Prarabda Karma, positive or negative with which one is born. When all the Drik Bala values of the seven planets are added up, the value ideally should be zero. When the net Drik Bala of all the seven planets is a minus value it indicates that malefic planetary aspects on the planets are more than the positive aspects. This has to be interpreted as "life has many challenges for you". On the other hand if there is a net plus value of Drik Bala the indication is that the moment of birth synchronizes with aspects that enhance the positive energy of planets. This may be interpreted as "Good fortune may come your way unasked" which means greater success and happiness in life.

DrikBala Rule 1 Drik Bala has to be used to modify, refine and fine tune the SthanaBala or KaalaBala values ofplanets by adding it to them and secure the effective Sthana and Kaala Balas. These effective values alone have to be used for delineating Sthana and Kaala Balas.



Rule 2

If one or more of the planets Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Moon receive positive aspect energy, proportionately there is greater success and achievement related to that planet's Kaarakatva. If one or more of the planets Saturn,' Mars and Mercury receive negative energy, proportionately life will be full of challenges in matters related to those Kaarakatvas.


If there is a large minus value it is an indication of a long life! The contrary is not true. This concept of Drik Bala related to longevity should be used in conjunction with other rules of determining longevity.

In the example chart Drik Balas are 2 -26 19 11 -19 7 -19. The net Drik Bala of all planets is: +39 - 64 =-25, a little less than half a Rupa. Not much of negative value. Only Sun and Venus receive positive aspect energy while Moon (max -26) and Jupiter receive negative aspect energy. Fortunately Mars and Mercury receive positive aspect energy while Saturn receives strong (-19) negative energy.

Delineation - Drik Bala. Following a life of Dharma, controlling negative reactions, being more optimistic and constructive can lead to greater happiness and help overcome challenges of life without further aggravating the situations. Sun and Venus receive net positive aspect energy. Success in the direction of social power and position and physical beauty, popularity is part of the good Karma. Saturn receives net negative

Drik Bala


aspect energy. Health, particularly chronic conditions form part of negative karma. Considering planets individually, Mars receives a net positive aspect. Courage and assertiveness help in performing good actions. Mercury receives net positive aspect energy. There is articulation in expression and theatrical talent. Moon receives high negative aspects. This indicates psychological problems comingfrom the mother. Jupiter receives high negative aspects. This indicates challenges to family happiness and less rapport with children.

3. Sthana Bala (Space Strength)

There are five sub-strengths to be calculated in this Bala. Their total represents the Sthana Bala. A. Uchha Bala (Exaltation Strength): Sthana means place. Here the place is the Zodiac belt through which the planets orbit in Space. This Space is charged with interstellar energies. This energy level is not uniform throughout the space. There are certain points where the inter-stellar energy, enhances the planet's energy tremendously when it occupies that precise point. This point in the Zodiac is considered Uchha Sthana, point of exaltation for the planet. This gives the planet the maximum energy of 1 Rupa or 60 Virupas for its strength. As it moves away along the path of the Zodiac this strength proportionately decreases and becomes Zero at the point exactly opposite, 180 degrees away. This is its point of debilitation. Thereafter as it moves the strength proportionately increases till it is 1 Rupa at the point of exaltation.

B. Saptavarga Bala (Strength of Seven Divisional Charts) The energy of a zodiac sign is related to the energy of the background constellations that make up that sign. A planet is said to rule a sign when its energy is basically harmonious with the energies of that sign. This sign is considered its own sign SwaKshetra. Each planet has ownership over two signs except Sun and Moon. It is found that out of the two signs ruled by a planet one sign bestows more power. It is like a reservoir of energy and whenever the planet traverses, it helps the planet recharge itself. This sign is called the Moolatrikona Sign for the planet. Moolatrikona is a word taken from the Tantric tradition. In the



Yantra diagrams there is a basic equilateral triangle- trikona, in the centre of which is placed a dot- hindu. It represents the potential energy enclosed in the basic triangle- Moo/a Trikona. The sign that is a Moola Trikona Rasi for a planet is therefore the sign which encloses the potential energies relateg to the planet.

Another way to understand this name is that a planet owns two signs and is exalted in one sign. These three points form a triangleTrikona. The exaltation sign is the Vertex- Uchha Trikona. The stronger of the two signs it owns, one is the foundation ( base) sign- Moola Trikona, and the other sign is own comer- Swa Trikona. When the planet moves over the Moola Trikona it gets recharged. A planet in the Moola Trikona space gets strength of 45 Virupas and in Swa Kshetra gets 30 Virupas. Planets are repositories of not only possible thermal, gravitational, electro-magnetic and nuclear energies but also yet several undiscovered subtle energies. All planets do not have the same energies or the same proportion of these energies. However some of them have some common energy that creates a kind of harmony and acts as a mutual stimulant. At the same time some energy of one planet may be totally contradictory to the energy of another planet. These planets become mutually depressants. Thus we have planetary relationships, such as friends, enemies and neutrals, a concept familiar to Vedic Astrologers.-It is obvious that when a planet is traversing the space which is the Swa kshetra of a friendly planet- Mitra Kshetra- it has more positive energy than when traversing a space in the zodiac owned by a neutral planetThatastha Kshetra or enemy planet space - Satru Kshetra. In a specific horoscope a planet that is friendly could become extremely friendly because it is placed in relatively comfortable

Sthana Bala


distance from the planet (the 2nd, 3rd, 41\ lOth, ll'h and 12'h signs from the sign in which the planet is placed) Then the sign owned by such extremely friendly planet becomes Ati Mitra Kshetra for the planet. Thus we have four possibilities here. A planet can be placed in a sign that is Ati Mitra Kshetra (sign owned by an extremely friendly planet). It can be placed in a Mitra Kshetra (sign owned by a friend) It can be placed in a Tatastha Ksetra (sign owned by a neutral planet). It can be in a Satru Kshetra (sign owned by an enemy planet). The strengths respectively allotted are, 20, 15, 10 and 4 Virupas. In any Rasi chart the Sthana Bala of each planet can be determined in Virupas based on the above allotment. But the position of a planet in the Rasi chart alone does not give the real picture of the planet's Sthana Bala. Vedic astrology has what are known as Shodasa Vargas, Sixteen Divisional Charts. If you know how to use these divisional charts you don't need to read my book "System Jaya, Best way to use SHODASA VARGAS - The whispering campaign of planets". (To be published shortly) A magnet has polarized magnetic energies, north and south close to its ends. If you divide it into two parts, each part becomes an independent magnet with the same spread of energies and the poles at both ends. Divide the magnet into as many pieces as possible and each is a homogenous, complete magnet by itself with the poles at its ends. The energies in a zodiac sign follow the same principle. Divide it into two parts; each is a homogenous part representing the energies of the Zodiac. Divide it into as many parts as you desire and each part forms a homogenous Zodiac form.



However the homogeneity of the magnet and the zodiac is not the same. Paraasara explains the nature of this homogeneity in the sixth chapter on Shodasa Vargas. For the Purpose of Sthana Bala, Parasara takes only seven divisional chart, Rasi, Hora (2nd), Drekkana (3rct), Saptamsa (ih), Navamsa (9th), Dvadasamsa(12th), and Trimsamsa (30th). Why only these seven out of sixteen? While the Rasi represents the total life evolution of an individual, the remaining six divisions specifically deal with wealth, health, progeny I partner, parents and karma respectively. These six almost fix the parameters of ones life potential. The strength of each planet in each of these seven Vargas is first determined based on kshetra principle and strength values are allotted as explained earlier. The seven values are then added up to get the Saptha Varga Bala for each planet.

C. Oja YugmaRasiAmsaBala (Odd-Even-Rasi-Navamsa

Strength) . Polarity or the dual principle started with creation itself or with evolution. Adam and Eve were there together at the start. Describing the start of evolution, Sankya Philosophy based on the Vedas, mentions the dual principle present in the Source of evolution as Purusha (the non-evolving) and Prakriti (the evolving). The male-female, electron-proton, matter- anti matter, positivenegative principle always existed in Time and Space. So does this principle exist in the energies of the Zodiac of twelve signs. Starting with Aries as the male energy and Taurus the female energy, alternately the energies are set in the twelve signs. This energy in the zodiac sign spaces impacts on the planet and either enhances or reduces its positive energy. Oja signs -odd signs such as Aries (1st), Gemini (3rd), Leo ( 5th) etc., and Yugma signs, even signs

Sthana Bala


such as Taurus (2nd), Cancer (4th), Virgo (6th) etc., impact on the planets differently. The Navamsa is therefore the most important divisional chart. It assumes significance in this context as the N avamsa represents the partner. Hence the Oja and Yugma consideration is extended to this divisional chart as well. Venus and Moon being female planets and Yugma Rasis- even signs, being female signs, when these planets are situated in these Rasis they acquire some strength. Paraasara allots 15 Virupas. Sun, Mars and Jupiter being male planets get 15 Virupas when in Oja Rasis - odd signs which are male. Parasara gives the benefit of doubt (or male chauvinism?) and puts Saturn and Mercury in the male planet category for this purpose. Male Planets in Yugma Rasi, that is even signs, get no strength. Female planets in Oja Rasis, that is male signs, do not get any strength.

D.KendradiBala (Angular Strength) : The ascendant degree is the power point related to the birth of the individual. In Vedic astrology this point is Mid-Point of the first house. In the equal house system this point in each successive sign is the mid point of the successive houses. Since the square aspect is the most import;ant positive aspect in Vedic Astrology, when any planet is situated at the square point from the ascendant point, it receives additional strength contributed by the power point of birth, the ascendant. In other words the ascendant is taken as another benefic planet giving its positive aspect energy at the square points. Obviously any planet situated at the ascendant point or the square points from it, gets the benefit of this positive energy.



Paraasara considered the additional strength secured by a planet at these points as 60 Virupas. Thus a planet at the mid points of the 1st, 4th, 7th and lOth houses secures space strength of 60 Virupas. This positive energy reduces to 30 Virupas if the planets are away by one house from these points that is in succeeding houses. Hence the planets situated at the mid points of the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th houses receive 30 Virupas. Ifthey move further and are situated in the 3rd, 6th, 9th or 12 houses (cadent houses) they get only 15 Virupas. Thus Kendradi Bala indicates the strength of a planet based on its relative placement in the Zodiac from the Birth Power Point, which is the Ascendant Degree in the zodiac. This point is not only related to the precise Time of birth but also Space, the Geographical location of the place of birth. Though in principle the planet should be at the precise mid point of the house to derive the strength, normally the planet is allotted the corresponding strength as long as it is within the house. F. Drekkama Bala (Decanate Strength):

In Sankya Philosophy, the reason for evolution is the presence of the Gunas in Prakrithi (The evolving energy). Gunas means intrinsic fundamental qualities of energy. These Gunas are Rajas (Force), Tamas (Inertia) and Satwa (equilibrium). These intrinsic qualities exist always in Time and Space being the cause of evolution. They are more apparent in the mental qualities of human beings. There are some whose mental qualities are marked by force, action, assertion. These are dominated by Rajas. Some are lethargic, indifferent. They are dominated by Tamas. Sages and spiritual personalities who are neither elated at material wealth and success nor depressed at failures and disappointments are dominated by

Sthana Bala


Satwa. These qualities are present in Space as well. In fact in each Zodiac sign these three qualities are present. In the first ten degrees of a sign there is Rajas, the second ten degrees Satwa and in the last ten degrees is Tamas. The area of equilibrium Satwa is in the center between the active first ten and the inactive last ten degrees. Thus Paraasara allots 15 Virupas of strength for planets of force Sun, Mars and Jupiter situated in the first ten degree space ( P 1decanate) of any sign. Moon and Venus, planets of beauty and serenity get 15 Virupas when situated in the middle ten degrees space of any sign in the Zodiac. Saturn and Mercury, eunuch and hermaphrodite planets respectively derive 15 Virupas in the last ten degrees of the sign. Sthana Bala is the sum of: A. Uccha, B. Saptavarga, C. Oja Yugma Rasi Amsa, D. Kendradhi and 5. Drekkana Balas. Sthana Bala rules Rule 1 A separate table is prepared. The modifying Bala, Drik Bala is added to the Sthana Bala Values. The net values are calculated. The ratio between these values and the minimum required is determined. The Effective Ranks are then established.

Rule2 The planet that secures the first rank in the Sthana Bala ranks and the Bhava in which it is situated_ indicates the area of life where the person's ego lies and is likely to meet with greater success, name,fame and consequent material prosperity.



Rule 3 The planet that secures the second rank and the Bhava in which it is, indicates the person's psyche, where peace of mind, and emotional happiness lies. This is the area where the person is likely to take initiative and use creativity. this is because the first and second ranks are related to the significations of Sun and Moon in the Naisargika Bala ranks.

Rule 4 The Planet that secures the third rank and the Bhava in which it is situated gives the insight into the matrimonial and companionship prospects, being the rank of Venus in the Naisargika Bala. The effective Sthana Bala values are as follows:

Planets Secured Drik Bala Net Bala Required Ratio* Ranks

Sun Moo Mar 137 175 224 2 19 -26 139 149 243 165 133 96 0.84 1.12 2.5 6x 4 1

Mer Jup 200 73 11 -19 211 54 165 165 1.28 0.33 3 7x

Ven 288 7 295 133 2.21 2

Sat 202 -19 183 96 0.91 5

* Obtained by diving values in 3 by those in 4.

Delineation - Sthana Bala: Mars secures the F 1 rank and is situated in the 1oth Karma Sthana, house of profession. Venus secures the second rank and is situated in the Kalatra Sthana, house of companionship. Using the rules we have to interpret in the example chart that the 1Oth Bhava in which Mars (rank.l) is situated has all its positive energies

Sthana Bala


activated. This indicates that professional activity, social position will prove to be the most successful aspect in life for the person. There is an inner structure that decides in favor of exposing to risks and choosing challenging, adventurous and arduous professional activities. Wearing police, pilot or military uniforms not only satisfy the ego but also prove to be advantageous. The 7th Bhava in which Venus (rank.2) is situated has all its positive energies activated. This indicates the person's dreams, desires,fantasies and visualization are essentially related to the companionship. Beauty and pleasure are the essence ofthe psyche. Contentment and emotional happiness zs centered on companionship. However in this table Mercury usurps the 3rd rank the Nisargika rank ofVenus. Matrimonial dreams are emotionally unfulfilling. The realization ofthese dreams has a sterile ambiance. It is like imagining, visualizing a mirage and chasing it all through life.

4. Kaala Bala (Time Strength) Kaala Bala is Time Strength. There are nine Time Factors, 1 .Dina-Rathri, 2.Paksha, 3.Tribhaga, 4.Varsha, 5.Maasa, 6.Vaara, 7 .Hora, 8. Ay ana and 9 .Yuddha. These respectively take into consideration factors as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Birth time between Sunrise and Sunset (day) or between Sun set and Sunrise (night) Birth time during bright half of the month or dark half of the month Birth time during which one third part of the day or night The year of birth The month of birth The week-day of birth The hour of birth The equinoctial movement of the planet and Strength of the victor in a planetary war

In the chapter of SHAD BALA, actually the first seven are explained under Kaala Bala by Paraasara. Then he describes Naisargika Bala. Then strangely reverts back to the remaining two factors that belong to Kaala Bala; accidental or intentional? I am sure Parasara is not prove. to such memory lapses. What's the message implied? The last two have to be classified as separate supplementary calculations and used only under certain circumstances.

In System J aya only the first seven factors are taken to get the Kaala Bala.



Paraasara has given separate minimum Ayana Bala values for each planet. Therefore he intends this Bala should be treated separately from Kaala Bala. It has its own significance and use. The minimum Kaala Bala Values he mentions are therefore the minimum values for the seven Kaala B~la factors only. As for Yuddha Bala, it does not exist in most of the charts and so its values in most cases are Zero for all planets. Where Yuddha Bala prominently affects the value of Kaala Bala of a planet the astrologer should take that fact into consideration in fixing the rank and interpreting that planet. Since Kaala means Time this Bala relates to fruition of an effort, timing of an event. The Rasi is like the tree while the Navamsa indicates the fruits. The Vedic Astrologer studies both the charts and first decides whether certain events, situations, or opportunities are only possibilities or there is a greater chance of actually materializing. The Vedic Astrologer has the wonderful system Vimsottari Dasa. Combining the Dasa, Sub-Dasa periods and the transits, the period most likely for the materialization of an event can be determined. In so doing the Kaala Bala of the planet is the most important factor. After the Kaala Bala Values are calculated, the values obtained are compared with the minimum values and effective ranks are established. The Drik Bala Values have to be added to the Kaala Bala Values. Drik Bala is important for Kaala Bala as well. Aspects approach and recede in course of time. Hence aspects are related to Time. Aspect strength needs to be taken into consideration to find the net Kaala Bala of a planet. Only after having the Effective Kaala Bala ranks of the planets, they can be utilized rationally for timing of events, interpreting Dasa and Sub-Dasa results more accurately.

Kaala Bala


Kaala Bala rules Rule 1 Natural Benefic planets in the first three ranks give the benefic results oftheir Kaarakatvas during their Dasa or Sub-Dasa or Sub-Sub-Dasa depending on the nature of the event.

Rule2 Natural Malefic planets in the first three ranks give results apparently beneficial but eventually leading to much difficulty or bring success only after lot of hardships and difficulties.

Rule3 Natural benefic planets in the last three ranks especially if they do not secure the minimum value required create delays and obstructions in all matters connected with their Kaarakatvas and in the Phalas (Results) ofthe Bhavas in which they are situated during their periods.

Rule 4 Natural malefic planets in the sr\ 6th or th rank especially if they have not secured the minimum will bring highly negative events during their Dasa, Sub-Da~a or Sub-Sub Dasa period. The fruits may be denied.

In the example chart a separate Kaala Bala Table has been prepared and it is as follows.



Table: Effective Kaala Bala Ranks Planets

Sun Moo Mar Mer Jup

l.Kaala Bala 2.Drik Bala 3Net Bala(l+2) 4.Min. req.

71 122 2 -26 73 96 50 30 1.46 3.2 3 7

Ratio* Net Ranks

48 19 67 40 1.68 6






86 50 1.72 5

171 50 3.42 1



85 7 92 30 3.1 4

153 -19 134 40 3.36 2

* obtained by diving values in 3 by values in 4 Jupiter, Saturn and Moon are in the first 3 ranks in Kaala Bala Table.

Delineation - Kaala Bala. In the example chart the Dasa at birth is Mars for just 2 years 7 months and 8 days. Since Mars in the tenth sign moves to the ninth it indicates the period following the birth brought some anger, mentally aggressive attitude of the father during this period. The next Dasa is ofRahu. Rahu is in the sign ruled by Sun and zs conjunct with Mars. Sun as the depositor and Mars in conjunction, have the lowest rank in the table. Since Shad Bala is not calculated for Rahu we take these planets as indicators. The health and emotions are negatively influenced during this period. In reaction·to wounded ego and emotional setbacks health could get effected. Since father is one of the Kaarakatvas of Sun during this Dasa the interaction or impact of the father is negative leading to psychological, emotional and physical problems. The next Jupiter Dasa of sixteen years is the most important positive period in the life of the individual as Jupiter has Rank 1 in

Kaala Bala


Kaala Bala table. This Dasa starts on 9-2-1982 and ends on 9-21998 from about age 21 to 37./n the Rasi Chart Jupiter as lord of the second and fifth is also a benefic (yoga karaka) fonhe person. Thus Jupiter Dasa or its Sub-Dasas could always prove to be positive. These positive events could be related to the Kaarakatva of the planet. Financial status, material gain, power and authority, marriage and family life, children, name, fame and popularity are all Jupiter's Kaarakatvas. Placed in the third during this period the mental attitude is optimistic, ambitious and confident. It aspects the seventh house activating the matrimonial aspect and bringing fruitful developments in this connection. Having the first rank, during this period The Karmic structure provokes the ego. Most of the decisions and actions in this period will be prompted by real or imagined feelings of hurt ego being situated in the third with Saturn. A lot of egoistic behavior could bring self destroying or irrational decisions and actions during the sub-periods of natural malefic planets of ranks 5, 6 or7 in Kaala Bala. The next Dasa is of Saturn, (She did not live to experience) age 37 to 56. Saturn secures a high rank and is placed in its own sign in the 3rd and associated with Jupiter. Saturn being a natural malefic and for Scorpio Ascendant not a very helpful planet it may not shower all the benefits. However having a high rank in the Shad Bala it gives whatever maximum positive energy it can. It certainly gives positive results in all the positive Kaarakatvas it represents. On the Karmic level a strong Saturn leads one to obstinacy and persistence, the autocratic route to power and popularity. A feeling of denial and frustration always persists and has to be overcome. Otherwise negative Karma could be created by



developing jealousy, seeking excessive indulgence, during Saturn's periods. Some important dates of events: Kala Balas: Sun 7. Mar 6. Jup L Rah (Sun) 7. 24-02-1981 Engagement announced: Rah-Mar( 7 -6) 29-07-1981 21-06-1982 15-09-1984 09-12-1992 28-08-1996 31-08-1997

Married Prince Charles: Birth of Prince William: Birth of Prince Harry: Separated from Husband: Divorce finalized: Violent death abroad:

Rah-Mar Jup-Jup Jup-Sat Jup-Sun Jup-Rah Jup-Rah

(7-6) (1-1) (1-2) (1-7) (1-7) (1-7)

Note that only the birth of children took place in sub periods of planets having Ranks 1 and 2. Engagement and Marriage took place when the Dasa and Bukti planetary Kaala Balas were the lowest and the break up also when the Sub period Planetary Kaala Bala was the lowest.

4a. Ayana Bala (Equinoctial Strength)

Some astronomical knowledge is necessary to understand Ayana Bala. As Sun moves along its path, the ecliptic, on about March 21st it is on the intersection of the ecliptic and the celestial equator (terrestrial equator extended into space). This point is known as the equinox, the 0 degree of the sign Aries. Subsequently its motion along the ecliptic is in the north of the equator. Hence it has a northern declination. On June 21 it reaches the maximum northern position point. It is called the summer solstice. This coincides with Sun entering sign Cancer in tropical system (Sayana system). Then it descends but it still has northern declination till September 21 on which day it crosses the equator once again and starts the southern declination. This point of intersection is also called the equinox, the 0 degree of Libra. The Sun continues its orbit in the southern declination till it reaches the lowest point on the 21st of December. This point is called the winter solstice. This coincides with Sun entering Capricorn in the tropical longitude system. Thereafter it continues to have southern declination but moves in a northerly direction till March 21 . There may be a difference of one or two days in these dates year to year. The maximum declination that Sun reaches is 23 deg 27 min south or north. The other planets in their orbit follow the same pattern but as their orbits and velocities differ they have their own declinations at any instant. In Vedic tradition the six months when Sun moves from the ' lowest point in the south of the celestial equator to the highest point in the north of it is considered an auspicious period. These six months are called the Uttaraayana of Sun During this period day by day the energy of Sun gets closer and closer to the North



Pole. The period is auspicious for all material affairs and for starting of new ventures. The following six months are auspicious for spiritual affairs, rituals, religious functions. These six months are called Dakshinaayana. This is exclusively related to the apparent movement of the Sun. Uttaraayana period starts from the time Sun starts moving towards the North Pole from the Tropic of Capricorn and ends when it reaches the tropic of Cancer. The period is important for Muhurtha (fixing auspicious time). In Vedic astrology the Ayana Bala rules however take into consideration the northern and southern declination of planets. The celestial equator is the reference. Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Venus moving in the north and so having northern declination are considered having positive energy. When having southern declination they are negative. Moon and Saturn are positive when having southern declination and negative when having northern declination. Mercury is always positive. Paraasara further wants the Ayana Bala of Sun thus obtained to be doubled to enhance its positive energy value. An interesting point is that Paraasara gives the mm1mum required for Sun, Jupiter and Mercury as 30 V, for Moon and Venus as 40V and for Mars and Saturn as 20V These are more or less the lowest requirements when compared to other Balas. Ayana Bala Obviously has less impact on the Shad Balas. Its independent affect is of greater significance. The Ayana rules coupled with the rule related to the six month movement of Sun, provides an insight to the purpose and use of Ayana Bala. It also explains why Paraasara gives separate minimum Ayana Bala values, though it is normally included in Kaala Bala.

Ayana Bala


Ayana Bala rules

Rule 1 Ayana Bala is used to assess the fruits of planetary transits. The natural benefic planets in the first three ranks in Ayana Bala give maximum positive results related to their Kaarakatvas and the Bhavas in which they are in transit. The natural malefic planets in the last three ranks give maximum negative results related to their Kaarakatvas and the Bhavas in which they are in transit.

Rule2 Natural benefic planets in the last three ranks gzve some negative energy, and stronger negative energy if they do not secure the minimum required as well. Natural malefic planets give some positive energy if in the first three ranks, but are ineffective if they do not secure the minimum required. The positive results are obtained after much effort and difficulty.

Rule 3 Ayana Bala is also used in Prasna. The Pransa Chart may be evolved by whatever process the astrologer chooses. The Ayana Bala for that chart has to be prepared. The Planet signifying the issue involved in the question has to be decided from the Prasna chart. The Ayana Bala of the planet signifying the issue indicates, depending on the nature of the issue, the number of hours, days, months or years for the resolution or fruition of the issue.



The Ayana Bala Table for the example chart is as follows.

Planets Ayana Min Req Ratio Rank

Sun Moo Mar Mer Jup 44 59 5 119 47' 30 4

40 1.18

20 2.2






54 40


30 0.17

56 20








Delineation- Intrinsic Karmic Structure On 3Ft August 1997 we note she is in Jupiter Dasa- Rahu Bukthi. The important transit on that day was of Jupiter 20D26 in Capricorn, Venus 22D in Virgo. Rahu-Ketu are in the same Karmic axis as at birth. In Vedic astrology Gochara, transits are consideredfrom the Moon Sign. Her Moon sign is Aquarius. In the Ayana Bala Rank Chart the maximum negative influence comes from Jupiter as it has a Rank 7x with Moon and Venus following in ranks 6 and 5 respectively. For her Scorpio Ascendant as lord of7th and 12 Venus is also a Maar aka. On thatfateful day Jupiter was transiting the 12thfrom Moon, and aspects the 8th from Moon where Venus was transiting. Moon was transiting the 7'h almost in opposition to natal Moon. Venus, Moon and Jupiter the planets having 5, 6, 7x ranks in Ayana Bala crash the natal Moon with a three pronged attack transiting the 12th, 7'h and 8th signs. On that fateful day, the Sub - Period

is Rahu (Depositor-Sun) Sub- Sub period is of Sun Transit of Jupiter lth from Moon Transit of Venus gth from Moon Transit of Moon ih from Moon

-Rank 7 -Rank 7 -Rank 7x -Rank 5 -Rank 6

(Kaala Bala) (Kaala B ala) (Ayana Bala) (Ayana Bala) (Ayana Bala)

What a synchronicity of planetary energies and human evolution! Shad Bala numbers speak!

4b.Yuddha Bala (Battle Strength)

As for Yuddha Bala the adage "two is company and three is a crowd" holds good even for planets occupying a sign. But planets are not considered to be at war unless four of them crowd in one sign. The planet advanced farthest in the sign is the Victor and gets 60 Virupas. Since such situations are rare generally planets get no values at all under Yuddha Bala. Moreover Sun and Moon are not considered in this war being the King and Minister in the Planetary Court. Yuddha Bala rules Rule 1

If any planet is a Victor the only point to be considered is that it dominates the affairs of the Bhava in which it is situated. The Victor planet is more assertive in the Bhava in which it is situated. The Kaarakatva of the planet is not affected by the Yuddha Bala rank. It is the Bhava Phala that is influenced. Rule 2

The principle of Yuddha Bala is that the planet at an advanced degree in the sign is stronger and therefore has greater sway over the affairs of that Bhava. This principle could be used even when there are only two planets and no war in the conventional sense of astrology.

In the example chart Saturn and Jupiter are in the third sign. Saturn is the lord of the sign and Jupiter is debilitated and hence relatively Saturn is strong in the sign. When interpreting the third Bhava affairs and we take into consideration that Saturn is the



lord of the third Bhava and Jupiter is situated in the third Bhava. The Bhava Phala has to be interpreted taking the sway of Jupiter on the third Bhava, though it ranks 7 in the total Shad Bala ranks. Saturn though lord of the third Bhava and has a Shad Bala Rank 2, lags behind Jupiter. Its influence on tqe .Bhava Phala is minimal.

5Dig Bala (Direction Strength) Planetary Strength by Direction is related to Geography, one of the subjects an astrologer has to know. Paraasara in Chapter 3, Slokas 35-38 explaining planetary significations gives the directions signified by the Bhavas of a chart and the directions ruled by the planets. This is the basis for deciding the Dig Bala of planets. Table .I Bhavas and Directions First Bhava (Ascendant) Second Bhava Third Bhava Fourth Bhava Fifth Bhava Sixth Bhava Seventh Bhava (Descend) Eight Bhava Ninth Bhava Tenth Bhava Eleventh Bhava Twelfth Bhava

East South East - East South East - South South South West - South South West - West West North West- West North West- North North North East - North North East - East

Table.2 Planets and Directions: Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn

East South North- East West

Moon Mere Venus


North- West North South- East


Table.3 Dig Bala Table Planet Jupiter, Mercury Sun, Mars Saturn Moon, Venus




Dig Bala Bhava First Bhava (Ascendant) Tenth Bhava. (Zenith) Seventh Bhava (Descendant) Fourth Bhava (Nadir)

Let us look at the three tables critically. The first table relating to the Bhavas and the directions is astronomical. Since Ascendant is the point rising on the east at the time of birth, the fourth house which will be at the Nadir would be in the South, the descendant opposite to the ascendant at West and the tenth house at the Zenith in the North. The second table gives the planetary lords of the directions. Sun rules the East, Mars the South, Saturn the West, and Mercury the North as indicated in Vedic Astrology texts. Taking these two tables into consideration we would logically conclude Sun as the Lord of the East, should be strong in the Ascendant which is the zodiac degree that rises on the eastern horizon. It is the first Bhava and related to the East. Mars as lord of the South should be strong in the fourth Bhava at the Nadir, Saturn as lord of the West should be strong in the seventh Bhava descendant, and Mercury as lord of the North, the Zenith should be strong in the tenth Bhava. But the Dig Bala table.3 given by Paraasara does not follow this logic!. Table 1 is astronomical- Zodiacal direction. Table 2 gives the planetary lordship of the geographical directions. These are used essentially in Vaasthu. (I explain this fully in my fourth

Dig Bala


coming book, "VAASTHU VEDA" Making Heavenly Homes) Obviously the two are not directly related. In Dig Bala Table 3, Paraasara gives the planetary strengths related to Horoscope directions limiting to the 4 Kendra directions. These are used in Vedic Astrology to determine the Dig Bala Strength of the Planets. In Vedic Astrology we have Graha Karakatvas (Planetary significations) and Bhava Phalas (House significations). When a planet, whose significations more or less coincide with and are in harmony with the house significations, is situated in that house, then naturally its strength increases. In practical life individuality as seen in the mental attitude and spirit identifies the person. Mercury and Jupiter represent these. Hence these planets are stronger in the Ascendant related to the individual personality. Mother and domestic comfort are related to the fourth house. Moon and Venus represent these as their Kaarakatvas. Hence Moon and Venus when situated in the fourth are strong. Burdens, responsibilities, restrictions and adjustments start with marriage, seen in the seventh house. Saturn represents these Kaarakatvas. Hence Saturn is strong in the seventh house. Power, authority, confidence and soul satisfaction belong to the professional activity ofthe individual, which is the tenth house. These Kaarakatvas are ruled by Mars and Sun. Hen.ce Mars and Sun are strong when in the tenth house. This is the basic concept in the Dig Bala Table. When Mercury and Jupiter are in the precise degree of the ascendant they get 60V strength. When Moon and Venus are exactly 90 degrees from the ascendant degree they get 60 V, Saturn at 180 Degrees from the ascendant, Sun and Mars at exactly 270 degrees from the ascendant get 60 V. This strength decreases proportionately



as they move and attains vale Zero at the exact opposite of their points of strength. While keeping the minimum Dig Bala required at half a Rupa, that is 30 Virupas for Mars and Saturn, Paraasara raises the value to 35 for Jupiter, Mercury and Sun. For the planets Moon and Venus he allots 50 Virupas as Dig Bala minimums.

Dig Bala rules Rule 1 Having determined the Dig Bala Strengths the information however is used to decide the favorable Geographical Directions for activities in life as per table 2 of Dig Bala. The geographical direction related to the planet having more than the minimum required Dig Bala and attaining the first rank indicates the direction in which the individual may have to move within the town of birth or to another town, state in the country or another country from the place of birth for success, material gain and professional achievements.

Rule 2 The Planet that occupies rank 2 indicates the geographical direction in which the person may find increased mental energy, peace and creative capabilities.

Rule3 The planet that occupies rank 3 indicates the direction in which the person may find the compatible karmic partner I companion in life.

Dig Bala


Rule4 The geographical direction indicated by the planet which occupies any one of the last three ranks in Dig Bala, especially the planet that does not secure the minimum required will prove to be unproductive and moving in that direction would be a futile exerczse.

RuleS The planets having the first three ranks in Dig Bala are more capable of giving positive results of their Kaarakatvas.

Rule6 The Dig Bala positions represent the Athma, Matru, Kalatra and Karma Sthana. They are respectively the Self, Mother, Partner and Professional points in a horoscope. Paraasara states that the total Minimum for seven planets is 265. If the total of the Dig Bala Values is around 360 V (Five planets can have the maximum Dig Bala of 60 Veach). The other two have 30 V. The horoscope certainly assures personal achievements, domestic happiness and successful relationship.

Note that astronomically Mercury and Venus cannot be 90m degrees away from Sun. Hence in a chart if Sun attains full Dig Bala these two planets caimot also attain full Dig Bala. The other four planets can secure max Dig Bala.



In the example chart, taking Dig Bala: Planets l.Bala 2.Min reqd. Ratio(l/2) Ranks


Moo Mar Mer

25 35

40 50 0.8 4x




42 30 1.4 1




4 35

44 35

49 50

13 =217


1.26 0.98

30 =265 0.26






There is an unusual situation here where 5 planets have not secured the minimum Dig Bala required whatever their rank by Value. This gives a very limited option. Mars gets the first rank. Geographic direction of Mars is the South.(table.2) The person has a greater level ofsuccess by moving in a southern direction from the home, home town, district or country. Having professional activities and making investments in a place or country in the south could bring a lot of material gain, social popularity, name and fame in the profession. Health could also be better living in a southern direction. Mars in the lOth sign moves to the lith Bhava. Jupiter rules the Geographical North East.(table.2) Hence North East or East-Northeast could prove to be better direction to move and settle down for greater mental peace and spiritual contentment, creative capability and a successful home life. (Jupiter is in the 3rd Bhava)

6. Chesta Bala (Motional Strength)

This is the strength of a planet based on it movement. Chesta Bala of Sun is its Ayana Bala itself. Chesta Bala of Moon is its Paksha Bala. The Chesta Bala of each of the other five planets is calculated as follows: Find the average of the planet's mean and true longitudes. Deduct this from its Apogee point. If after deduction the value is more than 180 deg then deduct this value from 360. Divide the remainder value by 3. The result gives the Chesta Bala in Virupas for a planet. Double these values are taken as practicale values. This rule is similar to the Oocha Bala rule in Sthana Bala. The longitude of the planet is deducted from the point of exaltation and divided by 3 to get the Oocha Bala. Here the average of the true and mean longitude of the planet is deducted from the Apogee point. Astronomically the Apogee is the point in the Zodiac where the planet is farthest from earth. If the planet is at the perigee (nearest to the earth) the distance of the apogee would be 180 degrees from the perigee. Dividing this by 3 we get 60 Virupas or 1 Rupa, the highest Bala. It is obvious that when a planet is farthest to the earth at the time of birth its Chesta Bala is highest for the individual. This means the positive energy of the planet operates for the benefit of the individual when the planet is farthest from earth. As it comes nearer, the malefic influence seems to increase. Paraasara gives the Minimum Chesta Bala for Sun, Jupiter Mercury as 112 V, for Moon and Venus 100V and for Mars and Saturn 67V. Paraasara intends that Chesta Bala values should be highest next only to Sthana Bala. The importance of Chesta Bala



is obvious. It is related to the energy of the Planet in relation to its apparent velocity. ( Space!fime) From the above analysis we note that: 1. The Chesta Bala of Sun and Moon having been considered in Ayana Bala and Paksha Bala respectively, these values are not repeated in Chesta Bala. Chesta Bala is calculated for the remaining five planets Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn and tabulated. 2. Paraasara has ensured that these planets secure more than one Rupa having given the minimum for Mars and Saturn as 67 Virupas while the maximum goes up to nearly 2 Rupas. The intention seems to increase the importance of these planets while making Sun and Moon play a passive role.

Chesta Bala rules Rule 1

If we take the other meaning ofChesta which means "behavior" the use of this Bala becomes clearer. Chesta Bala indicates the behavior pattern of an Individual. How one acts and reacts to situations. The ''free will or knee-jerk" response to situations and opportunities leads one to the creation and realization of Karma.

Rule 2 Sun is Will and Moon is Mind. These are the two platforms on which the Chesta Bala of the other five planets fulfill their Kaarakatvas, The negative energy creates a perverted logic and self-inflicting decisions in the mind (Moon). The individual develops unreasonable attitudes and obstinacy which is euphemistically called determination and will power (Sun) The

Chesta Bala


consequence is creation and realization ofbad Karma. The Positive energy instills real will power, determination, patience and perseverance leading to creation and enjoyment of good Karma.

Rule 3 On the practical and material aspects of life the Chesta Bala is related to timing of movement, such as immigration to another town or country. Any important travel, launching a project, -making a move to achieve an object should be done when the planets in the ranks I, 2, 3 are in favorable transit or in their sub-sub periods. If done during the transits ofplanets in the ranks of5, 6, 7 through relevant signs from Moon or during their sub-sub period could lead to failure and loss.

Paraasara gives eight types of apparent movements of planets that should also be considered and gives certain strength values for each one of them. Vakra- Retrogression 60V Anuvakra- Retrograde in the previous sign 30 V Vikala- Stationary state 15 V Manda- Slower than normal 30V Mandatara- Much slower 15 V Sarna - Normal 7.5 V Chara- More than normal· 45V Atichara- Faster in entering the next sign 30 V

To get the effective Chesta Bala Values, either the Chesta Bala values of the five planets are doubled or these apparent movement values are added and the net values are taken as effective values. The best would be to prepare both tables of effective values and delineate on the basis of the more optimistic values!



This information of apparent movement is normally available in an astronomical ephemeris. However retrogression being the most important for astrologers this is generally given in software programs. Hence this has to be taken into consideration when assessing the Chesta Balain case there .are planets in retrogression. In the example Chart the Chesta Bala table is as follows. The Ayana Bala of Sun and the Paksha Bala of Moon are placed in the table instead of placing Zero.

Mar Mer Jup




l.Ch. Bala Doubling Min req. Ratio


22 44 67 100 0.89x 0.65x 4x 7x


112 1.06 2


47 94 112 0.84x 5x

51 102 112 0.91x 3x



34 54 68 108 100 67 0.68x 1.61 6x 1

It is interesting to note that Saturn secures the first rank and Sun the second rank. The other planets do not get even the min required. Mercury, Mars and Venus are the highest afflicted in this Bala.

Delineation- Chesta Bala There is always a strong Knee-jerk reaction to situations and events, or negative and apprehensive reaction to situations. Better sense prevails much later. This is because enemy Saturn usurps the first rank of Sun and Sun usurps the rank of Moon. There is a strong will bordering on obstinacy and self-negation. The psychology is to see the opposite in any situation. Moon having gone down to rank 4x illusions prevail and there is an obstinacy to


Chesta Bala

create the world offancy as far as emotional and sentimental affairs are concerned (Venus 6x and Mars 7x). Since Mars (rank 7x) is the planet with the maximum negative energy, travel, important moves could prove disastrous in the sub or sub periods ofMars in any Dasa. Physical injuries are indicated when Mars (rank 7x) transits 6 1, 8 1h or 12 1h from Ascendant. Romantic moves could end up in emotional disaster if made when Mars transits, 5th' thor lfh.

On that fateful day, 31st August 1997 Mars was transiting the 12th house from the ascendent. Three planets Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are retrograde in the chart. If 60 V are added to the Chesta Bala of these planets and presuming normal motion add 7.5 V to the other planets except Sun and Moon we have

Sun Planets l.Ch. Bala: 119 2.Retro Value Totals 119 Min req: 112 Ratio: 1.06 Ranks 2


Mar Mer Jup




22 7.5 29.5 67 0.44 7x

34 7.5 41.5 100 0.41 6x

54 60 114 67 1.70

89 100 0.89 Sx

47 60 107 112 0.95 4x

51 60 111 112 0.99 3x


Adding the retrogression strengths has not improved the situation. Only Mercury which is retrograde improved its rank to 4x at the cost of Moon. This only confirms the original delineations.

PART-III Evolving Life Bhava Bala - Ishta & Kasta Phalas

Bhavas Houses Margaret E. Home in her excellent text book, The Modern Text Book of Astrology says " ... the houses carry the meaning of the signs into practical every day affairs ... " Hart De Fouw and Robert E Svoboda, in their book Light on Relationships put it succulently " The rasas you create from your Bhavas, is often determined by the choices that your current and evolving internal physical, mental and emotional groves encourage you to select". The amendment, based on philosophy, I would like to make is "groves, as programmed to realize specific karmas." The Janma Graha Kundali - planetary positional freeze at the moment of birth - synchronizes with the Intrinsic Karmic Structure of the individual. This structure constitutes the elements of "Free will" for the individual. As a result of using this "Free Will" in thought, speech and action , the various departments of life, the everyday life of the individual evolves in a certain way. The way the various departments of life evolve is judged from the houses Bhavas. One of the vexing problems for astrologers the world over seems to be the method of house division. Charts for those births nearer to the equator are less problematic than charts for those born in higher latitudes. Paraasara advocates the Equal House Division. This is the most widely used ancient system. However while astrology is a totally separate branch of knowledge, it cannot escape the fact of being related to Astronomy. There is an impact of astronomy but astrologers should try to keep it within limits. There is no need to import astronomy to justify astrology is a science, a method which became the pursuit of astrologers for several centuries, particularly



in the west. There are ephemeredes and books of Tables of houses, that give the Saayana or Niraayana house boundaries astronomically calculated, ·which however do not coincide with the Bhava Madyas we use now. I am told that at some period of time, astrologers in their anxiety to m~ke astrology look scientific evolved almost fifty five systems of house division ! What astrology needs is statistical proof of synchronicity between planetary configurations and evolution of individual life. The ascendant and therefore the descendant are fixed taking into consideration the Time of birth (longitude) and the Place of birth (latitude). The mid heaven, the Zenith and therefore the opposite point the Nadir, are also points related to the Time and Place of birth and therefore have to be taken into consideration. Once these four points are fixed, we arrive at the four important points in the chart. On trisecting the four quadrants formed by the four points, we get eight points that- eventually form the Bhava Madyas of the 12 houses of the chart. However the boundaries of the houses with these Madyas do not coincide with the boundaries of equal houses. For all Bala calculations, whose rules logically evolve from astronomy, I feel it is necessary to use the Bhava Madyas as obtained by fixing the four important points in the chart. For all astrological delineation however I use the equal house divisions and the Bhava Madya lords as obtained by Equal House Division. There is no dichotomy in this. It simply works. Only statistical research can prove it. Similarly I use Vimsottari Dasa system for timing of events in life but I use the Ashtottari system when a Prasna Kaala chart is used instead of the birth time chart. God willing, in some book, I shall explain why I do this.

Bhava Balas Paraasara gives three values to be estimated for each House. They are Bhavadipathi Bala, Bhava Dig Bala and Bhava Drishti Bala.

2. Bhavadhipathi Bala This is the strength of the Lord of the House. The mid point of the House falls in a sign. The Lord of that sign is the lord of that House. The Shad Bala of that planet is taken into consideration. These values need not be separately calculated as all planetary strengths are calculated in Shad Bala calculations and those Bala Values are taken as the Bhavadhipathi Bala. For example the Bhavadhipathi Balas of Princes Diana for the twelve Bhavas starting from the first House are: 419 469 469 381 419 563 563 412 415 425 563 419

2. Bhava Dig Bala Paraasara says that a sign or part of a sign being human, aquatic, animal and insect is most powerful when in the 1st, 4th, 1Oth and 7th house directions respectively. In exactly the opposite directions their potential is zero. A Bhava secures the Maximum Strength of 60 Virupas if it is the 1st house with mid point in sign Gemini or Virgo or Libra or Sagi (0-15) or Aquarius. (Human signs)

if it is the 4 1hhouse with mid point in sign Cancer or Capricorn (15-30) or Pisces. (Aquatic signs)


if it is the sign)



house with mid point in sign Scorpio (Insect

if it is the 1Qth house with mid point in sign Aries, Tau~s, Leo, Sagi (15-30), Capricorn (0-15) (Animal signs) Consequently a house secures the minimum strength of 0 Virupas if it is the ih house with mid point in sign Gemini or Virgo or Libra or Sagi (0-15) or Aquarius. (Human signs) if it is the 1Qth house with mid point in sign Cancer or Capricorn (15-30) or Pisces (Aquatic signs) if it is the 1th sign)

house with mid point in sign Scorpio (Insect

if it is the 4h house with mid point in sign Aries or Taurus or Leo or Sagi (15-30) or Capricorn (0-15). (Animal sign) For example if Gemini is the sign ruling the mid point of the first Bhava, the Bhava Dig Bala is 60sh. If Gemini is the sign ruling the mid point of 2nd house, the Dig Bala comes down by 10 units to 50 and then if Gemini is the mid point of 3rd house the Bhava Dig Bala is 40 and so on till it comes to be the mid point of ih house (which is 6 houses away) when the Bhava Dig Bala is 0. Hence the strength value reduces by 10 V for every sign away on either side of the sign of maximum strength and the value is 0 V in the opposite sign. Based on this we can evolve a simple formula to calculate the Bhava Dig Bala.

Bhava Balas


a) Find the difference value between Bhava number and the Bhava number in which it has the maximum strength. b) Find the difference between this value and 6. Multiply this by 10 and the result is the Bhava Dig Balain Virupas. For example the 9th Bhava mid point in a horoscope falls in the sign of Cancer. We note from the above given rule Cancer has a maximum strength in the 4th Bhava. The difference is 5. The difference between 5 and 6 is 1. Multiply 1 by 10 and we have 10. Hence the strength of the 9th Bhava having its mid point in Cancer is 10 V. In these days of computer calculations I find many people, including astrolgers are disinclined to perform even simple calculations. For their benefit I have calculated the Bhava Dig Balas of all the Twelve Bhavas having any one of the twelve signs as ruler. The following table is a ready reckoner. All you have to do is see the ruling sign of a Bhava in the first left column and then note the Value against it under the relevant Bhava. That is the Dig Bala of the Bhava. You can find the twelve Dig Bala Values and tabulate them.





























10 20


40 50 60




10 20


40 50 60







10 20 30






50 40









10 20


40 50 60











10 20 30











10 20 30



Scorp Od-15d





40 50


50 40 30










10 20 30







10 20


40 50 60







10 20


40 50 60








50 40












10 20 30








50 40









10 0

15d-30d Sagi

Od-15d Capri



10 0

10 0

Bhava Balas


Critical analysis of Bhava Dig Bala On careful examination we note that the scheme results in only one Bhava securing the maximum of 60 V in any one horoscope. Unless the Houses are much skewed up it is not possible for the other acceptable signs to fall in the right houses to give it the maximum strength. It is therefore important to study which Bhava has secured this value 60 V. The Bhavas securing 50 and 40 are also important. The Bhava strength starts waning once it reaches 30 which is the mid way value. Those Bhavas securing 30 or less obviously are not the departments of life of the individual that would prove prominent. The philosophical message is loud and clear. A person could have the best in only one aspect of life. There are no "all-rounders" in the game of life. Rule 1

The Bhava securing the maximum Virupas will prove to be the most important aspect of life for the individual. The next important being the departments of life indicated by houses securing 50 and 40V.

In the example chart the Bhava Balas are: 3










Bhava Madyas

Sco CaQ Aga Pic Ari Tau Tau Can Leo Vir Lib Sco

A.dhipati Bala

419 469 469 381 419 563 563 412 415 425 563 419

lhava Dig Bala 0









30 40





5.8 33







Bala 25




The 4th, gth and 11th Bhavas secure 60, 50 and 40 V respectively. The Home & environment, fortune and fame and social status are the important and successful departments of life. The 1s\ 5th, and 12th Bhavas receive the least- of 0, 10, 10 V respectively. These Bhava Phalas, at·lt~ast some of these Phalas which do not have other planetary support will prove disappointing in life.

3. Bhava Drishti Bala. Planets give aspect energy to the mid points of Bhavas just as they give to other planets. The same rule and method to calculate planetary Drishti Bala is used to calculate the Bhava Madya Dristi Bala, the aspect strength on the mid point of a Bhava. Natural benefic planets make an aspect that ispositive and natural malefic planets make an aspect that is negative. The net value represents the Drishti Bala of Bhava. The rules for calculating aspect strength are a little complicated with six formulas. Depending on the degrees between the planet that gives its aspect and the Bhava Mid point which receives the aspect, the formula has to be chosen. No planet aspects another planet or point in the zodiac, within a distance of 30 degrees or beyond a point 300 degrees in front of it. It is first necessary to find the 12 Bhava Mid Points. The distance

of each planet to each of the mid point has to be calculated. Based on this distance value in degrees and minutes, the appropriate formula has to be used. Instead of choosing a formula once the distance is known the Drishti Bala co uld be directly obtained without any calculation from the following ready reckoner table I have provided.

Degrees -..,








2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9

...s!"'(:! I:Q (:!



..:::: I:Q


50 . 60




























5 10













0.5 5.5 10.5



36 44.5 39.5 34.5






















1.5 6.5 11.5



38 43.5 38.5 33.5









7 12













2.5 7.5 12.5



40 42.5 37.5 32.5






















3.5 8.5 13.5



42 41.5 36.5 31.5









9 14













4.5 9.5 14.5



44 40.5 35.5 30.5























260 270 280 290 20

15 10


49.5 44.5 39.5 34.5 29.5 24.5 19.5 14.5 9.5 4.5 49






48.5 43.5 38.5 33.5 28.5 23.5 48










18.5 13.5 8.s· 3.5 18




47.5 42.5 37.5 32.5 27.5 22.5 17.5 12.5 7.5 2.5 47










46.5 41.5 36.5 31.5 26.5 21.5 16.5 11.5 6.5 1.5 46










45.5 40.5 35.5 30.5 25.5 20.5 15.5 10.5 5.5 0.5

Bhava Drishti Bala Rules l. For Jupiter's aspect on a Bhava Madya, when angle is 120 or 240 add 30 units; for Saturn when angle of aspect is 60 or 270 add 45 units; for Mars when angle is 90 or 210 add 15 units to the values in the above table. 2. For Jupiter and Mercury take full aspect value. For the rest of the planets take only one fourth of the value into consideration. 3. Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon are always taken as benefic (+) and Saturn, Mars and Sun as Malefic (-).



Critical Analysis of Bhava Drishti Balas The intention of Paraasara for the use of Drishti Bala is clear if we note that he has advised us to use the full Dristi Balas of Jupiter and Mercury and only one fourth of the Drishti Balas of the rest if the planets for assessing the Bhava Drishti Balas. This indicates that the planet of spiritual energy Jupiter and intellectual discrimination Mercury as benefic plantes in a horoscope can help an individual. Any negative qualities in the Intrinsic Karmic Structure of an individual leading to difficulties in any department of life (Bhava) can be reduced effectively by the aspect energy of these two planets. I have found Dristi Bala, aspect energy linked to Prarabda Karma, the Karmic consequences that come from the past life(s). Often we do not see an apparent reason such as a wrong decision or an irresponsible action of the individual, resulting in certain experiences. The negative Drishti Bala is an indicator of the area in life where there could be such negative experiences.

Rule 2 The Bhava receiving the maximum Drishti Bala gives the Bhava Phala abundantly. The Bhava(s) securing the lowest may prove to be barren lands.

Rule 3 In the event of a Bhava securing a negative Drishti Bala there is a Karmic challenge which the individual may have to meet in some or all the departments of life indicated by that Bhava. Obviously the full positive energy of Jupiter and Mercury as well as the other benefic planets has been eclipsed by just one

Bhava Balas


fourth of the negative aspect energy of the malefic planets on that Bhava. It can be seen from the Bhava Bala Table of the example horoscope that the highest Drishti Bala is on the 1Oth Bhava and then on the 9th Bhava. When 9th Bhava has high scores in both Dig and Drishti a person has greater chances to be fortunate in winning fame and popularity. The lowest Drishti Bala is for the 4th. There is an apparent contradiction as the Dig Bala Value for the 4th is the highest .But System Jaya, rule 3 helps the astrolger give the proper interpretation. The proper interpretation would be "There is negative Prarabda Karma whichb prevents the individual from enjoying the positive and prosperous parental or personal domestic environment for reasons beyond control".

BhavaBhala Totals In my system the totals and their relative ranking is of no use. They do not help the astrologer to make any specific observation. The Bhavadhipathi Bala values have already been taken into consideration when interpreting the planetary Shad Balas. However they should also be taken into consideration when predicting the Bhava Phalas. It is the individual Values obtained under the Bhava Dig Bala and the Bhava Drishti Bala that help an astrologer make useful and critical observations. The various Bhava Kaarakatvas results can be more accurately predicted taking into consideration these values. When the reading of the twelve houses are made, I suggest that the astrologer keeps beside him the table of Bhava Balas also and assess the fruits of the Bhavas, taking these values into consideration.


1. 2. 3. 4.


The Planet or Planets in the Bhava Lord of the Bhava, its strength and placement Bhava Dig Bala Bhava Drishti Bala

Synthesizing these and giving results of Bhava Phala can increase the accuracy of the readings to a surprisingly high level.

Ishta Phala & Kashta Phala Sanskrit is a dynamic language. One word has many meanings and one has a choice of several words to mean the same thing. Ancient sages therefore significantly chose their words leaving it to the intelligent reader to realize why a certain word was used. Benefic planets are referred as Subha Graha and malefic planets as Asubha Graha. Similarly benefic results are referred as Subha Phala and malefic as Asubha Phala. Paraasara has used these words most of the time. In connection with the Bala calculation he uses the words Ishta Phala and Kashta Phala which is normally interpreted as good results and bad results. Ishta in Sanskrit essentially means "that which is desired", though it is not wrong to say it also means good. Similarly Kashta means difficult. Phala generally means fruit and can be interpreted also as result. Therefore the words Ishta Phala and Kashta Phala could mean "Desirable Fruits" and "Fruits obtained with great Difficulty". If we use these meaning the conventional interpretation of Ishta Phala and Kashta Phala as planets giving good results and bad results does not sound very logical. When blessing a person Spiritual people say "Ishta Phala Siddirasthu" which is "May you realize your desires". Planets that have a high level of Ishta Phala are those that can help one realize their desires. Those that have a high level of Kashta Phala are planets that make it difficult for one to realize their desires. They may not deny the fruits but make the achievement difficult. Great effort, patience and persistence are required. I have explained that Space and Time are the two main factors that form the basis of Planetary Energy. Sthana Bala, Space energy



has Oochha Bala as the leading Bala. A planet in its point of exaltation in the Zodiacal Space has the maximum Spatial Energy. In Kaala Bala that is Time energy, the Chesta Bala has great significance. It is the energy of apparent relative movement. It is also related to the arc of retrogression·. Paraasara takes these two, the most important ones related to Space and Time. (See Shad Bala- Critical analysis Planets Bala Ranks- point 4.) For a planet the maximum Oochha Bala is 60 V and Chesta is 60 V. If we need to have an index number involving both Balas for the planet, the best is to take the Product of these Balas. That would be 60 X60 = 3600. However we need to keep the maximum Bala at 60V or 1 Rupa. Hence if we take the square root of this value we have Square root of 3600 = 60. This maximum cannot be exceeded. For planets having lesser Oochha Bala and Chesta Balas the same formula can be used. That number gives the significant value of strength of the planet that combines the Space Energy and Time Energy. That strength is called Ishta Phala. Since 60V is the maximum Oochha Bala if we deduct the actual oochha Bala of a planet from 60 we get the quantum of negative Space energy of the planet. Similarly since the maximum Chesta Bala for a planet is 60, if we deduct the actual Chesta Bala of the planet from 60 we get its negative Time energy. If we multiply these negative energy values and then fmd the square root of that value we get the Kashta Phala. The very method of calculation gives a clear idea of how to use and interpret these values.

Ishta Phala & Kashta Phala


Rule 1 Planets having higher Ishta Phala indicate the areas where the person would realize desires easily. Planets having higher Kashta Phala indicate areas where the person has to put in a lot of effort, face many obstacles with patience and determination for realizing desires. These areas are those related to the Graha Kaarakatvas.

Rule2 Ishta Phala and Kashta Phala values are to be used when judging Dasa results and not Bhava Phalas. In a Dasa/ sub of a planet having High Ishta Phala (30 sh or above) the desires if any related to the Kaarakatva of the planet would be realized easily. During the Dasa! Sub of a Planet with high Kasta Phala (30sh or more) any desire related to the Kaarakatva of the planet will be realized with great difficulty.

Rule 3 Ishta Phala and Kashta Phala can be used in Prasna as well. Find the Dasa/ Sub and Sub-sub lords for the time of the question. If all the three lords have higher Ishta Phala the desire will be fulfilled immediately.lfonly two have higher Ishta Phala, the desire will be realized with some delay. If only one has higher Ishta Phala, there will be undue delay .. If all three have higher Kashta Phala the desire may not be realized.

PARIHAARA Redemption Parihaara is the process of redemption, relieving us of the accumulated negative karma through alternative methods. The Negative Karmic Debt is repaid not by experiencing the painful consequences but by performing sincere, disciplined, spiritual effort. The spiritual process deeply involves the "self. When we discover a planet's energy needs to be increased there is a method of Prayer procedure which is as follows.



Sun Moon

Red Sun Orange Mon

Mars Red Mercury Green



Jupiter Blue

Wed Thurs

Venus White Saturn Black

Fri Satur



Mantra Beeja Weeks

sreem East N.West rum South urn North yam

neem sam

so om 7 12 a urn

gam kleem





S.East West

urn sem

gum vaam

9 oom 20 kleem 19 vam 24 yam 22

The hour just before Sunrise is the best. Sit facing the east after attending to your constitutional needs, washing up and wearing clean clothes. Light an oil lamp or candle. Have a glass of drinking water nearby. Light some incense. Keep a fruit and a few flowers in front. Take three deep breaths. Relax. Take a couple of sips of water. Close your eyes. Free your mind from any disturbing thoughts. Choose the Beeja Manthra for the particular planet you need to energize. Repeat the Manthra slowly, with deep concentration. You can pronounce the Manthra audibly. If you can pronounce it



internally also, known as Japa, you can do so. Concentration is important. There should be no disturbance till you complete the set prayers. A Prayer Maala consists of 108 beads.AMaalaofCrystal beads is best suited for this purpose. Rudraksha beads are also suitable. Each time you repeat a Beeja Manthra once, move one bead. Thus you would repeat the Manthra 108 times once you complete a Maala. Repeat the same process just before sunset. Thus you would repeat the Manthra 216 times a day. In a week you would repeat the Manthra 1512 times. In 7 weeks it would be I 0,584. This is the minimum for Sun. In 24 weeks the Beeja Manthra for Venus would be repeated 36,288 times. During the entire period you should be vegetarian and avoid any intoxicating drinks. If unavoidable, sex with legal partner is permitted. Visit to a cemetery is not advisable. One can attend to regular professional, domestic and social activities. Women should abstain during the menstrual period as the inner subtle energies are in a disturbed state at that time. The total number of times is important. Hence if days are missed the period is extended by as many days. Do not do the ritual when you. are not able to concentrate, when in sorrow or depression, when sick or in physical pain. You need to concentrate on the sound of every syllable. Learn the correct pronunciation, the structure, style and sound of the Manthra from someone who knows the right way of saying it. Remember it is a ritual, positive repentence, a compensatory spiritual activity, a sacrificial offering to the Universe.

Vedic Astrological Counseling Vedic Philosophy says your life is in your own hands. You are the Captain of your ship. Your ship sails the way you steer it. May be there are a few unseen blocks in your path but these have been placed there by your own actions in this or past life. Being aware of them helps you to steer clear of them. Jyotish makes you aware of them. The turns and twists in this life are of your own making. Only few of us are ready to acknowledge and say "I made it". We prefer to blame an unknown, undefined, un-authored factor and call it "Destiny". By revealing why and how you make the wrong turns and twists, so that you can avoid them, Jyotish helps you to eventually reach the Happy Shores. An astrologer has to be a philosopher of life not a religious priest or preacher much less a moral policeman. In Vedic Philosophy Lust, Anger, Miserliness, Illusion, Arrogance, Pride, Exhibitionism, Boasting, Attachment, Hatred, Envy, Jealousy and Egoism are the negative motivators in human nature. They subtly influence the Budhi- discrimination, choices, and decisions made, actions planned and performed by an individual. These hidden qualities lead a person towards disappointment, frustration, pain, sorrow, ill health, losses and unhappiness eventually. (Bhagavat Gita) These get embedded because of the four factors related to the birth of an individual: The. Father, the mother, the country and the epoch (social, educational imd cultural environment.) They are instinctively integrated in the individual so that he makes such decisions, choices and actions that lead to the realization of Prarabda Karma, the Opening Balance Karma. But unaware of the embedded qualities the individual acting or reacting on their prompting creates further negative Karma in this life and reaps a lot of these negative consequences.

When the planetary energies point out to the possibility of some of these motivations getting embedded in the psyche, the discrimination of an individual, the astrologer has to advise the client to at least keep them under control, if not totally overcome them. Vedic Astrological Readings are not pleasant word pictures of character potential. The readings present a clear picture of how life would evolve practically in all aspects. The astrologer finds it often difficult to say things that may not be pleasant. When there is something pleasant the astrologer could be straightforward in the statements. But when something is unpalatable, the astrologer need not be abrupt, rude and shocking. There is need to say things in a palatable way, in a way the client feels the situation is a~ceptable. However it should be noted that the Vedic astrologer should not lie. Vak Suddhi- purity of word- should be maintained. For example if there are indications that marriage could be denied for an individual, the astrologer could say. "It is true the majority seek to enter the institution of marriage. The motivations differ. But marriage is not a fundamental necessity, it is a social institution. There are some individuals who have different objectives and goals in life. They are made to achieve different things. Your chart is one such. You don't need to waste time running after women (or men). Your professional achievements are so brilliant that you have no time to spare for domestic chores and responsibilities. In any case the planetary energies are heavily loaded for professional achievements and against relationship in the specific form of marriage."

Astrological counseling is an art that demands of an astrologer confidence in the subject, precision in calculation, clarity in thinking, humane outlook, fluency in language and diplomacy in expression without resorting to outright lies and unabashed flattery. Obviously as Paraasara clearly states an astrologer has to be "skillful and intelligent"

PART-IV Professional Readings

Professional Reading No.1 Marylyn Monroe born on 1st June 1926, at 9h30 at Los Angeles, California, USA. Stage 1. Prepare Rasi, Navamsa Charts, Shad Bala & Vimsottari

Dasa periods.















Mo Ke





Ke Ju



Planetary Longitudes: Planet Ascendant Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Satum(R) Rahu Ketu

Sign Cancer Taurus Capricorn Aquarius Taurus Aquarius Aries Libra Gemini Sagittarius

Degree 18:27:57 17:37:09 26:15:58 27:54:24 13:57:10 04:00:03 05:55:31 28:37:01 24:00:31 24:00:31

Dasas Mars Dasa from Rahu Dasa from Jupit Dasa from SaturDasa from

01-06-1928 to 16-11-1931 to 16-11-1949 to 16-11-1965 to

16-11-1931 16-11-1949 16-11-1965 16-11-1984


Dasa Bukthis


Dasa Bukthis

Rahu Jupit Satur Mere Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars

29-07-1934 22-12-1936 29-10-1939 17-05-1942 05-06-1943 05-06-1946 29-04-1947 28-10-1948 16-11-1949

Jupiter Saturn Mercur Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu

04-01-1952 17-07-1954 22-10-1956 28-09-1957 29-05-1960 17-03-1961 17-07-1962 23-06-1963 16-11-1965

Professional Reading


Shad Bala Table Bala Naisargika Drik Ochcha Saptavargaja Ojayugma Kendra Drekkana

Sthana N athonnatha Paksha Tri Bhaga Abda Mas a

Vara Hora

Kaala(7) Ayana Yuddha

Kaala(9) Dig Chesta Shad Bala

In Rupas Min Req Ratio


Sun Moo Mar Mer Jup 51 17 25 34 60 -34 -12 -2 -1 -21 47 27 50 19 9 112 78 80 90 118 15 15 30 0 15 30 30 30 60 30 15 15 0 15 0 204 200 200 182 148 46 13 13 60 46 22 74 22 37 22 0 0 0 60 60 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 0 60 0 0 0 99 148 96 143 144 116 57 49 25 13 0 0 0 0 0 215 197 121 200 157 47 24 46 38 5 0 1 34 0 33 526 439 405 448 359 8.76 7.33 6.76 7.47 5.99 5 5 7 6.5 6 1.75 122 135 1.06 0.92 1 5 3 6 7

Ven 42 5 57 127 15 60 0 259 46 37 0 0 0 0 0 84 44 0 128 1 28 466 7.77 5.5 1.41 2

Sat 8 7 57 46 30 60 0 194 13 22 0 0 0 0 0 36 53 0 89 33 53 386 6.43 5 128 4



Stage 2. Prepare all the Tables for System ]aya. 1. Drik BaJa Planets: Strength

Sun -2

Moo -34

Mar -12

Mer -1

Jup -21





Malefic aspects strength = -70 Benefic aspects strength = 12 Life starts with a high Prarabda Karma, Debit Balance. 2.Shad BaJa Totals Rank table Planets: Sun Moo Mar Total secured 8.76 7.33 6.76 Min Required 5 6 5 135 Ratio 1.75 1.22 Totals Rank 1 5 3

Mer 7.47 7 1.06 6

Jup 5.99 6.5 0.92 7x

Ven 7.77 5.5 1A1 2

Sat 6.43 5 1.28 4

Usurpation: In this Shad Bala table Sun maintains its Ft rank. Venus upgrades to 2nd rank from 3'd while Mars upgrades to 3'd rank from 6th their Naisargika ranks. Moon down grades to 5th Mercury down grades to 6th and Jupiter down grades to th

Professional Reading


3. Bala-Totals Rank Table Name of Bala Naisargika Sthana Kaala(7) Dig Chesta

Min Total 240 953 290 265 670



Basic Rank 5 1 4 3 2

Total Secured 240 1423 1107 194 149

Ratio 1 1.49 3.81 0.73 0.22


3 2 1 4x Sx


Kaala Bala Supercedes Sthana Bala

4. Effective Sthana Bala Planets:





Secured: Drik Bala Net Bala Required Ratio: Ranks

204 -2 202 165 1.22 5

200 -34 166 133 124 4

200 -12 188

182 -1

96 1.95 3

181 165 1.09 6

Jup 148 -21 127 165 0.76 7x



259 5 264 133 1.98 2

194 7 201 96 2.09 1

5. Effective Kaala Bala (7 factors) Planets:

Sun Moo· Mar





l.Kaala Bala 2.Drik Bala Net Bala(l+2) Min. required Ratio Net Ranks

98 -2 96 50 1.92 6

142 -1 141 50 2.82 3

143 -21 122 50 2.44 4

83 5 88 30 2.93 2

35 7 42 40 1.05 7

147 -34 113 30 3.77 1

95 -12 83 40 2.07 5



6. Ayana Bala Planets: Ayana Min Req. Ratio Rank


Moo 49 40

116 30 3.9 1

Mar 25


20 125



Mer 57 30

Jup 13 30

Ven 44 40




20 2.65





Sat 53

7. Dig Bala Planets: B ala secured Min required Ratio Rank:

Sun 47 35

Moo 24 50 0.48 5x

134 2

Mar 46 30

Mer 38 35





Jup 5 35 0.14 6x

Ven 1 50

Sat 33 30

0.02 1.10 7x


8.Chesta Bala Planets: Ch. Bala Doubling Min req. Ratio Rank



Moo 74

112 1.03

100 0.74



Mer 1 2

Jup 34 68

Ven 28 56

Sat 53

112 0.60

100 0.56



112 0.03






Mer 6 3 4 5x

Jup 7x 4 6x 6x

Ven 2 2 7x 5x

Sat 1 7 3 1

Mar 33 66 67

106 158

9. Individual Bala Ranks Table Planets: Sthana Kaala Dig Chesta

Sun 5 6 2 2

Moo 4 1 5x 4x

Mar 3 5 1 7x

Professional Reading


Stage 3. Delineations Intrinsic Karmic Structure A Vedic Astrological reading for the person born on 1st June 1926 at 9h 30 at Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

You are blessed with nerves of steel by the Universe. When life is full of challenges and unexpected twists and turns, failures and frustration one needs nerves to face these and steer through. Fortunately you have the resilience to come out of adverse situations again and again. (Table. 1) This power comes naturally because of your strong Will Power and courage of conviction. You possess a high level of physical energy. Your mental energy is however extremely strong in the areas of your own desires, convictions and philosophy of life. Profits, gain through your enterprises, is one area where your desires will center but you may be forced to create a lot of negative Karma through such a conviction and personal concept of values in life. You should strike a balance between material gain and moral values. (Table. 2-Sun rank 1) Your psychology, sub conscious concepts get linked with love, romance, sex, luxury, art and creativity. These are the elements essentially related to your.d!?ep inner thoughts and sub conscious drives. What gets you into trouble is developing obsessions in this direction. You will be uncontrollably pulled in these directions. It is in this area you will have to really use your will power and know where to draw the line. Even a good thing in excess can be harmful. You may want to have the cake and eat it too. Total control ofyour psychological urges is the key to your happiness. Most negative Karma and suffering originates in these areas. (Table.2-



Venus usurps rank 2 ofMoon and placed in sign of Mars, Nakshatra of Ketu, receives aspect of Saturn) There are good times and bad times for every one. In your case the difference is that they could be extreme and beyond control. It may be a Karmic debt you have to ·pay but good times amply compensate and you may soon forget the intensity of the bad times. You should learn to forget because bitter memories and psychological impact of bad times can prevent you from enjoying the goods times. Life could become unstable though your own behavior. (Table .3. Kaala Bala supercedes Sthana Bala and Chesta -behavior- Bala of 2nd rank becomes 5x) Two aspects that dominate your life are home and profession. The extreme good and bad periods in life will be mainly related to these aspects. You link up these two aspects in your decisions. Probably you need to develop the capacity to keep these aspects separate to ensure success in profession and contentment at home. (Table.4. Saturn rank I, Venus rank 2, in 4th house, I oth house axis) Planetary Cycles:

During the first five and half years ofyour life you seem to pay up the major part of your Karmic debt. But your happiness in life depends on your escaping the psychological impact of the experiences ofthis period and avoiding feelings of bitterness. (Table 4 Mars rank 5). The next phase till you are twenty three and a half helps you emerge as a potential creative artist establishing communication and rapport with public. (Table .4. Rahu in sign of Mercury and Mercury in sign of Venus) The next phase of sixteen years keeps you no doubt in the higher levels of fortune and professional success but it is the emotional aspect, the matrimonial aspect that you should manage with prudence, self-control and

Professional Reading


avoid impulsive moves which could be responsible for your disillusionment, deception, of life. Avoid self-created miserynegative Sanchita Karma- in the emotional and sentimental aspect of your life. (Table4. Jupiter lord of 9th and 6th placed in 8th in sign of Saturn and Nakshatra of Mars has rank 4) You then enter another phase of life when you may have to pay up Karmic debt from age 39 to 58. (Table 4 Saturn rank 7) Planetary Transits:

The eighth sign and eighth house relate to sex. In your chart Mars a malefic for your ascendant and a planet of aggression is situated and the eighth sign Scorpio is hemmed between two malefic planets. Jupiter being in the 8 111 house and having rank 7 in the Ayana Bala its transit over these signs or aspect to these places indicate a Karmic experience, which can be physical or sexual. Protection from such abuse is needed during 1934, 1935,and 1936 when such a transit takes place. Saturn enters your ascendant sign in your 20th year ofage when the career could be launched. A very prosperous andfortunate period starts for you. It will be a great struggle but worth the effort. (Saturn exalted aspects 1oth has rank 1 in Sthana and rank 2 in Ayana) Jupiter and Mars zn the 8th house of longevity indicate the possibility of risk to life in Jupiter Dasa- Mars Bukthi.1962 is the year when such combination occurs besides Jupiter transits the 8th house. (Jupiter being the lord of the 9th for Cancer ascendant generally is considered a powerful benefic that could prevent risk for life. However Jupiter in the Shad Bala has rank 7x, Sthana Bala 7x, Ayana Bala 7 becoming incapable).



Practical Guidance: It would be advisable for you to move to a direction in the south from your place ofbirth, residence, town, district or country, for better success and happiness. If for some reason that is not possible, move away in an Eastern direction. The NorthwestSoutheast axis is the worst leading to serious psychological problems and emotional disappointments respectively. (Table 6. Mars rank 1, Sun rank2 and Moon rank6, Venus rank 7x).

Psychological Counsel: Maturity of mind is when one recognizes the irrelevant compulsions and illogical obsessions in behavior.Nothing prevents you from developing mental maturity in handling important decisions in life, determining the course of your life and making your choices. You do have the physical and mental energy, only you have to canalize it in the right direction. Avoid reacting to past experiences with bitterness at any time of life. You should resolve inner conflicts, and avoid compulsive obsessive behavior. Only those who have self-esteem behave in a way that leads to elevation materially, peace mentally and contentment emotionally. There is no reason why you shouldforsake self-esteem. (Tables 7and 8. Saturn rank 1, in Chesta and Sthana Balas and Sun 2nd rank in Chesta and Dig Balas. Two mutually inimical planets- Sun planet of self esteem gets 2nd while Saturn gets rank 1).

Parihaara - Redemption You need to compensate the energies of Jupiter and Moon. Yellow Diamond or Topaz for Jupiter and Moonstone or Pearl for Moon worn constantly in a pendant touching the heart region could

Professional Reading


provide you the missing subtle energy. They could be worn in the same pendant as Jupiter and Moon are friends. Alternatively you could wear these precious gems set in a single ring, open setting, on the index finger of your left hand. (Moon and Jupiter on left side of body). Your strongest Shad Bala planet is Sun and has a value of 8. 76 Rupas. Jupiter has 5.99 Rupas, less by 2.77 Rupas. Hence you need to wear a Yellow Diamond or Topaz ofminimum 2.77 cts weight. Similarly the Pearl has to be of 8. 76-7.33--1.43 cts weight. If you desire a serious compensatory ritual, repeat the Manthra rum sam aum for 12 weeks and um sreem kleem for 19 weeks with the help of a Crystal Maala (see chapter Parihaara)"



Shad BaJa Twins Lady Diana and Marylyn Monroe Twins born almost at the same time obviously will have the same Rasi and Shad Bala Values, Ho,w~ver philosophically being two different Jeeva Atmas, they have different Karmic evolution. Hence though astrological parameters may be the same, the Karmic Life pattern may be totally different. The few minutes or seconds of difference in the longitude of Moon may sometimes have the secret for the difference, which only an intuitive astrologer can decipher. Similarly those born at different epochs may have parallel patters of Karmic evolution. I chose the charts of Lady Diana and Marylyn Monroe as examples in this book not because they are the two most glamorous ladies of the twentieth century. It is also not because I had been traveling in the West for over a quarter century. It is because there is relevance for the subject of Shad Bala. Look at the Rasi charts and there is nothing common in them. But look at their lives. They had childhoods that had serious psychological problems. They launched their world famous public positions at the age of twenty. Both strived hard to become role models or icons in their own way. Both had unhappy marital and sentimental lives, felt cheated and tried in vain to secure that elusive true harmonious love. Both died at the age of 36! The circumstances of death became debatable for both. Look at the Shad Bala System: Four planets Moon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter have the same ranks 5,3,6,7 respectively in both Shad Bala totals. Four planets Sun, Moon, Mars and Saturn have the same ranks 2,4,6,1, respectively in both Chesta Bala (behavior). Most surprising the Bala Totals Ranks for both is exactly

Professional Reading


the same 3, 2, 1, 4x, 5x, for Naisargika, Sthana, Kaala, Dig and Chesta Balas! They are like Shad Bala Twins. The Shad Bala tables of both on analysis demonstrate the relevance of Shad Balas. Salutations to the genius of Maha Rishi Paraasara!

Professional Reading No.2 Astrologers normally take the horoscope of some famous person who is no more, and analyze the chart to show how astrology works. Since everyone knows most of the aspects of life of the famous person it is easy to convince the readers or members of the audience how these can be easily seen from the rules of astrology. But then this is post- mortem astro-analysis. This is an inevitable weak point in presentation. Sometimes it looks as if the astrologer selectively uses the rules that suit the situation. For the next chart a different set of rules are used to justify the events, obviously because the first set does not seem to work in the ~econd chart. So they are conveniently overlooked. This makes astrology look most unscientific. This has lead to the dubious compliment paid to Vedic Astrology that anything can be seen in any horoscope chart in Vedic Astrology! To avoid this in my teaching seminars, before any aspect of life is studied, I always list out all the rules first very clearly and precisely. Then I ask the students to analyze any chart on the basis of those rules. If a majority of the rules apply in a chart then the result surely follows. This is also what I did with the two examples. I will now take the chart of a younger person who has a long life before him. Most of the readings are obviously yet to happen. As and when they come. t9 pass they will be sound proof of SYSTEM JAYA for the future generations. I give a complete study of the chart which includes the Intrinsic Karmic Structure, study of the twelve houses and counseling. This is done to show that the use of the Shad Balas is a complete, sufficient and effective process by itself for Astrological Chart Reading.



Mathematically inclined astrologers who desire to be more precise and who are not afraid to make the proper use of Jyotish as a science of enlightenment for the benefit of the client can specialize in this system as Maha Rishi Paraasara intended. Let us take the Chart of Prince Williams, born on 21st June 1982 at 21h 03 in Paddington London.

Me Ve

Su Mo Ra



Mar Mer Sat


Rasi Ven Mon Ke As


Sa Ma




Nirayana Longitudes (Lahri Ayanamsa.) As......... .Sag : 3:58:29 Sun. ....... .Gem: 6:29:51 Moon. ..... .Gem: 11:20:14 Mar........ Vir : 15:35:50 Mer. ....... Tau: 15:21:40

Jup(R) ... Lib: 6:52:55 Ven. ....... Tau: 2:03: 15 Sat ....... Vir: 21:54:00 Rah .... .Gem: 19:37:47 Ket. ....... .Sag: 19:37:47


Professional Reading

The Shad Bala values calculated on the basis of the popularly used Sripathi Paddathi are as follows

Shad Bala Table for Example Chart Jup



42 -12 48

8 -11 50 75 0 60 0 185 40 58 60 0 30 0 0 188 38 0 226 24 34 468


51 17 25 34 +6 -10 -10 -11 47 15 20 29 86 78 78 108 15 0 0 30 15 30 60 60 0 0 15 15 208 154 128 213 40 40 19 60 1 1 116 58 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 201 98 61 141 14 0 25 58 0 0 0 0 201 123 119 156 "39 52 6 40 0 41 32 42 507 379 303 476 8.45 6.32 5.05 7.93 7 6.5 6 5


lA 1.26 0.72 122

Bala Name


Naisargika Drik

60 -3 41

Ochcha Saptavarga OjaYugma Kendra Drekkana

Tot.Sthana Nathonnatha Paksha Tribhaga Abda Mas a Vara Hora

Tot Kaala(7) Ayana Yuddha

Tot Kaala Dig Bala Chesta Shad Bala In Rupas Min. Req: Ratio:



15 60 15 258 19 58 0 0 0 0 0 77 119 0 197 19 0 532 8.87


Moo Mar Mer






30 15 0 232 19 1 0 15 0 0 0 37 54 0 91 52 22 429

7.16 7.81

5.5 5 13 1.56 4 2



System Jaya: Subsidiary Tables: 1. Sthana Bala Planets Bala secured Drik Bala Net Bala Min Req: Ratio: Rank




258 -3 255 165 154 4

208 6 214 133 1.61 3

154 128 -10 -10 144 118 96 165 150 0.71 7x 5




213 232 -11 -12 202 220 165 133 122 1.65 2 6

185 -11 174 96 1.81 1


Sthana Balafirst three ranks Sat, Ven, Moon, Last Mer

2. Kaala Bala Planets Bala secured Drik Bala Net Bala Min Req: Ratio Rank







77 -3 74 50 1.48 5

201 6 207 30 6.9 1

98 -10 88 40 2.2 4

61 -10 51 50 122 6

141 37 188 -11 -12 -11 130 25 177 40 50 30 2.6 0.83 4.42 2 7x 3


Kaala Bala First Three ranks Moon, Sat, Jup. Last Ven..

3. Dig Bala Planets Sun B ala secured 19 Min Req: 35 0.54 Ratio: Rank 6






39 50 0.78 5

52 40 6 30 35 35 1.73 0.17 1.14 1 7 2

52 50 1.04 3

24 30 0.8 4


Dig Balafirst three ranks Mar, ]up, Ven. Last rank Mer.

Professional Reading


4.Chesta Bala Planets Sun Bala Secured 119 112 Min Req: Ratio 0-97 2 Rank

Moo Mar Mer Jup Ven 116 41 32 42 22 112 112 100 67 100 1.16 0.61 0.28 0.37 0.22 7 1 3 5 6

Sat 34 67 0.50 4

Chesta Balafirst three ranks Moon, Sun, Mar. Last Ven 5. Individual Bala Ranks Table Planets: Sthana Kaala Dig Chesta

Sun 4 5 6 2

Moo Mar Mer 3 5 7x 1 4 6 5 7 1 1 3 6

Jup 6 3 2 5

Ven 2 7x 3 7

Sat 1 2 4 4

Jup 476 7.93 6.5 122 6

Ven 429 7.16 5.5 13 4

Sat 468 7.81 5 1.56 2

Moon gets 1st Rank in two of the Balas. 6. Shad Bala Ranks Table: Planets Shad Bala In Rupas Min. Req: Ratio: Rank

Sun 532 8.87 5 1.77 1

Moo 507 8.45 6 L4· 3

Mar Mer 379 303 6.32 5.05 7 5 126 0.72 7 5

Sat upgrades to rank 2 Moon degrades to rank 3 Mar upgrades to rank 5 Venus degrades to rank 4 Jupiter degrades to rank 6



Both malefic planets Mars, Saturn upgrade and benefic planets Jupiter, Venus and Moon degrade. 7. Ranks of totals of each Bala Min Name of Bala total Naisargika 240 Sthana 953 Kaala(7) 290 265 Dig Chesta 670 Total 2418

Basic Rank 5 1 4 3 2

secured total 240 1378 803 232 448 3101

secured secured ratio Rank 4 1 1.4 1 2 2.8 5 0.9 3 0.6

Secured total is 24 % higher than the minimum required 8. Ayana Bala Planets: Sun Bala Secured 119 Min Req 30 Ratio 4 Rank 1







0 40 0






30 1.93

30 .5 6

54 40 1A 4


13 5



19 3

Sun, Mercury and Saturn secure the first three ranks 9. Drik Bala Planets Sun Bala Secured -3

Moo 6











Total Positive = 6 Total Negative= -3 -10-10-11-12-ll =-55 Negative Drik Bala extremely high compared to positive.

Professional Reading


Delineation Part 1

Intrinsic Karmic Structure: ].Negative Drik Bala extremely high compared to positive 2. Both malefic planets Mars, Saturn upgrade and benefic planets Jupiter, Venus and Moon degrade 3. Secured total is 24 % higher than the minimum required 4. Moon gets 1st Rank in two of the Balas

5. In the Shad Bala totals Sun is in the first rank. (Saturn usurps the position of Moon and Moon usurps the position ofVenus) A red carpet welcome awaited your arrival on Planet Earth, though you were like one of those thousands born to loving and anxious parents, you were born a prince with the definite prospect of wearing a crown unless monarchy itself is abolished.( 3, 5) Vedic philosophy says that the prospect of wearing a crown comes after accumulating fruits of several positive actions in several past lives. At the same time one cannot escape the consequences of acts of omissions and commissions of the past lives. You are no exception. (1)

But it also means you are given the ?leans, the inner structure, to meet these challenges. You do possess the necessary courage, the assertiveness, the will and determinations to carry forward your ambitions. You are also steadfast and persistent, a persistence almost bordering on obstinacy. These will be the most helpful aspects of your inner structure that help you face the vicissitudes



of your professional position, be they Royal responsibilities or other chosen activities. (2) This strong attachment to your Karmic activities, that is your professional calling and important social activities often makes you deal with other aspects of your life· in a less serious fashion. The negative aspects of the Inner Karmic structure are in your personal, sentimental and matrimonial life.(2) You have deep within you feelings or concepts of wrongs done to your mother. You may at a subconscious level want other women to undergo similar wrongs, may be a kind of compensation, may be a method to escape your own feelings of guilt, which as a child you thought you were somehow responsible for your mother's mental and emotional suffering.( 4, 2) There is need to overcome these feelings of guilt, feelings of insecurity especially in human relationships created in you. Trust in fellow beings, even in your own self gets affected. These are the difficult-to overcome aspects of your Inner Karmic Structure. Being aware of this can help you constantly monitor and maneuver your responses to situations. If you do not recognize and control this structure within, there is every chance of becoming unreasonably aggressive, retaliatory, revengeful and obsessive. Pessimistic and apprehensive you may mess up certain situations. Creative imagination and visualization are gifted talents you possess but you may over do them to the point of imaginary fears, suspicions, or even hallucinations.(4) Being aware of the negative aspects of your Inner Karmic Structure your effort should be to keep them in complete check. Most of the difficulties in personal relationships are self-created by this Structure that clandestinely influences your Free Will to

Professional Reading


make decisions and choices that eventually lead to these unfortunate situations. ( 1. Sthana Balafirst three ranks Sat, Ven, Moon Last Mer 2. Kaala Bala First Three ranks Moon, Sat, Jup. Last Ven_, 3. Dig Balafirst three ranks Mar, Jup, Ven. Last rank Mer 4. Chesta Balafirst three ranks Moon, Sun, Mar. Last Ven)

Saturn the planet in the tenth sign indicates that the Karma Sthana, the Professional (Royal) responsibilities that you undertake will be the best aspect of life. With Venus and Moon supporting you could easily be the most popular royal personage. It would be a mistake if you try to abrogate your responsibilities that you inherit.(!) This mistake is likely to be committed when Mercury cycle starts in 2029. It would be a dethroning cycle and your free will may choose such a step. (1 ,3) South, south-east and north-east directions from your place of birth will prove fortunate. You could invest or chose to live in these directions from your place of birth. If the entrance to your personal residence is south facing it could bring greater success. Unhappy domestic atmosphere may prevail if the entrance is facing north. Sit facing the north-east in your office and when you sign official papers. The bed room on the ground floor in the south or south- east direction, enabling you to sleep with the head towards the east will increase conjugal happiness.(3) You often tend to be guided by some kind of intuition or flashes. You are likely to use this technique especially in sentimental relationships. It would be unwise to depend entirely on such guidance. These flashes may indeed be emotional urges or



psychological grey areas. Try always to analyze situations, consider all factors, and come to logical conclusions before you make decisions. By all means learn the art of maintaining relationships as well as being a sport when they are broken or lost. Unrequited love or infidelity of the partner create~ a vacuum in the heart that one tries to fill with anger and revenge. That is a sure formula for self destruction. You should nip in the bud such tendencies. Relationships based on apparently similar tastes and instincts or sharing of pleasures, needs and conveniences are fragile. Relationships to be permanent need faith in values, a lot of mutual adjustment and sacrifice. Only sharing ofhearts makes love divine and the relationship life long. (4) Part 2

Evolution of life: Bhava Bala 1 Adipati Bala 476 Bhava Dig 60 Bhava Drishti 23


2 3 468 468 40 40 39 30

4 379 0 33

10 11 12 8 9 379 429 303 507 532 429 429 379 10 20 0 20 50 30 40 10







19 30

-4.8 28 64

Ishta I Kashta Phala Planets: Ishta Phala Kashta Phala lp/Kp

Sun 49.6 0.81 61.3

Moo 8.72 27.3 0.31

Mar 25.6 28.6 0.89

Mer 25.4 33.3 0.76

Jup 35.3 23.1 1.52

Ven 32.8 20.9 1.56

Sat 42 15.3 2.74

The Janma Sthana (ascendant) has the highest value in Dig Bala, The Bhagya Sthana (9th house) has the next highest.

Professional Reading


Your birth in the royal family is the best Karmic situation. Your entire success, achievement, position and popularity rest on this aspect of birth. The next best is the good fortune that goes with such a birth, which you seem to preserve, protect and enhance through skillful management of income and expenditure. Your greatest Challenge in life will be related to you professional position your responsibilities as the royal heir and as a king, you may have to face scandal, accusations that destabilize your position and popularity as well as situations that may necessitate abdication. (lOth Bahava Drishti Bala is 4.8). There seems to be a genetic predisposition to seek pleasures of the bed more under psychological necessity than genuine love and succeed in the same abundantly.( 12th Bhava Drishti Bala is +64) The indications are that most of your blessings are in the field of your Royal responsibilities. The goals you set for yourself in this direction will be fulfilled; desires in this direction will be realized. Indeed the advent of Saturn Dasa around 2010 brings the frrst rise to prominence related to your royalty. Saturn Dasa, Venus Bukthi, which is during 2018, 2019 brings the real opportunity to be a king. (Sun and Saturn secure high Ishta Phala). April 2036 to August 2038. This is a period when there could be a crisis that may force ·you to leave the seat of power. You will make choices and decisions that will eventually work for your displacement from the seat of power and authority, a period that indicates a major reversal in professional situation. The situation is created by SanchithaKarma that is Karma you create for yourself in this life through your own actions and decisions. (Moon sub cycles or sub Sun cycles in any Dasa or Bukthi could prove mentally disturbing. Mars and Mercury periods are also



disappointing periods. You enter Mercury Dasa around 2029 and the sub of Moon and Mars extend from April2036 to August 2038. Mercury is lord of your tenth It has the lowest rank in Sthana Bala and Dig Bala, both related to Space, that is position. Moon is the lord of the eighth and Mars lord of the 1th).

The most important aspect of life is health. There is a tendency to be indiscriminate in eating and drinking habits, even consuming toxic substances. This could lead to problems of heath. The stomach region, the intestines and the digestive system can be affected. Affliction of the liver could also lead to some skin allergies. There may also be a genetic condition, something you inherit from your parents. Toxins, poisons could cause problems. They could come through insect or reptile bites. Take care and protect yourself from accidents in this direction. There is indication of surgery. The stomach region and the hip region are the areas of possible surgical intervention. (Mercury in the sixth with Venus the lord ofthe sixth, Moon lord of eighth in seventh as a New Moon, and Ketu in the Ascendant sign moves to the second Bhava)

Sentimental life, companionship and marriage are the next most important aspects of life. There seems to be a strong psychological impact of both father and mother in matters of relationship. The Karmic structure leads you into quite a few affairs even clandestine relationships. Relationships will often be impulsive as though being forced under some inexplicable urge. October 2007 to March 2010 is a period of deep involvement, romance and companionship. You have a fear of matrimonial commitment and this could delay taking the plunge.

Professional Reading


In any case two serious involvements in life end up in break or

divorce. One may be marriage and the other a live-in relationship. The period Feb 2020 to September 2022 could be a period of wild emotional involvements, 2023 is an year of crisis for relationship. Marriage will be fruitful and the birth of a son seems to be strongly indicated, apart from the wild oats you sow. (Lord of seventh in the sixth, New Moon in the seventh, receiving aspect ofSaturn, Ketu in the ascendant and seventhfrom Moon, receives aspect of Mars, seventh from Venus also receives aspect of Saturn, Moon receives aspect of Jupiter which gives its aspect to the fifth house as well).

You are blessed with longevity above 90 years. If you do not keep the negative qualities of your Intrinsic Karmic Structure under check you could expose yourself to life threatening situation in 2032 and 2042. Your psyche is totally enveloped by the "neuron pathways" created by your parents. (Sun and Moon conjunct on the Ascedant Axis.) The self generated turbulent waves in your life are your subconscious efforts to find solutions to their complicated emotional equations and erase your own feelings of guilt. Your "Free Will" thinks, speaks and acts under these compulsions. The key to your success and .happiness in life is to erase these compulsions. May God give you that strength.




A. Basics 1. 2. 3. .4. 5.

It is a masculine planet. It is related to the element Fire. Fruition of an event when Sun is significant, will take place in six months . Its Vimsottari Dasa period is Six years. It moves approximately one degree per day.

B. Intrinsic qualities 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The Deity is Lord Agni (fire). It is a Satwik (equilibrium) in nature. It is pungent in taste. It is considered the king, the leader of the Solar System, Graha Mandala. It is described as having a square body, with honey colored eyes and sparse hair on the head, intelligent with good habits.

C. Related to 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15.

Its day is Sunday. The precious gem is the Ruby. Copper is the metal. Red is the color, eastern direction Its place of affinity is Temple, place of worship of God. forests, timber, dwarfs, river bank



D. Represents

16. 17.


19. 20.

It represents the Father. It is associated with government, the King, the administration, political power, the President or Prime Minister of a country. It represents the soul, self confidence, courage, health and vitality, authority, leadership qualities, royal. disposition. In the human body it represents heart, bones and energy and head, right eye, mouth. In life experiences it is related to timidity, inferiority complex, lack of authority, wickedness.

E. Astro-effects 21. 22. 23. 24.

It is a natural Mal(fic It is considered an enemy to Saturn and Venus , a friend to Moon, Mars, Jupiter and a neutral to Mercury. It is considered a great benefic for ascendants Aries, aurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aquarius. It is considered a great malefic for ascendants Gemini, Libra and Pisces.


A. Basics 1. 2. 3.

It is afeminine planet. It is related to the element water. Fruition of an event when Moon is significant, will take place in 48 minutes.

Nava Grahas - Planets

4. 5.


Its Vimsottari Dasa period is ten years. It moves approximately 13 to 15 degrees per day.

B. Intrinsic qualities

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The Deity is Lord Varuna . It is a Satwik (equilibrium) in nature. It is saline in taste. It is considered the queen, in the Solar System, Graha Mandala. It is described as having a round body, with auspicious looks, learned and having sweet speech, fickle minded and lustful.

C. Related to

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Its day is Monday. The precious gem is the Pearl. Silver is the metal. White is the color. Watery places, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans are its places ofaffinity.

D. Represents

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

It represents the Motf;er. It is associated with beauty, creativity, imagination, art, singing,fantasy, self esteem, mental states. It represents the mind, psychology, complexes, indecision, changing nature. In the human body it represents blood, liquids, hormones, chest, lungs, mammary glands, cells and the face In life experiences it is related to depressions, obsessions, phobias.



E. Astro-effects 21. 22. 23. 24.

It is a natural malefic when waning and benefic when waxzng. It is considered a friend to Sun and Mercury and a neutral to Mars, Jupiter Venus and Saturn. It is considered a great benefic for ascendants Libra, Scorpio and Pisces. It is considered a greatmaleficforascendants Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius


A. Basics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

It is a masculine planet. It is related to the element Fire. Fruition of an event when Mars is significant, will take place in one day. Its Vimsottari Dasa period is seven years. It moves approximately 30 to 45 minutes one per day.

B. Intrinsic qualities 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The Deity is Lord Agni (fire). It is a Tamasic (reactionary) in nature. It is bitter in taste. It is considered the army chief, in the Solar System, Graha Mandala. It is described as having blood red eyes, a thin middle and a lean appearance. It is liberal but given to great anger and violence.

Nova Grahas - Planets


C. Related to

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Its day is Tuesday. The precious gem is the Coral. Copper is the metal. Red is the color. Its places of affinity are fire places, such as, kitchens, furnaces, volcanoes, burning forests.

D. Represents

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

It represents the siblings. It is associated with war, army, police, protection, argument, discipline. It represents the courage, boldness, physical strength, energy, power. In the human body it represents marrow, tendons, muscular energy and Neck. In life experiences it is related to anger, violence, rupture, separations, divorces, accidents, injuries, surgery.

E. Astro-effects

21. 22. 23. 24.

It is a natural Malefic. It is considered an enemy to Mercury, a friend to Sun, Moon and Jupiter and a neutral to Venus and Saturn. It is considered a great benefic for ascendants Aries Taurus, Cancer, Leo, a Sagittarius and Aquarius. It is considered a great malefic for ascendants Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Capricorn.




1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

It is a sexually neutral planet., It is related to the element earth. Fruition ofan event when Mercury is significant, takes place in two months. Its Vimsottari Dasa period is seventeen years. It moves approximately 65 to 100 minutes per day.

B. Intrinsic qualities

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The Deity is Lord Maha Vishnu (fire). It is a Rajasic (Forceful) in nature. It is mixed in taste. It is considered the Price apparent in the Solar System, Graha Mandala. It is described as having an attractive physique, articulate in using words and speech, and humorous.

C. Related to

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Its day is Wednesday. The precious gem is the Emerald. Mercury is the metal. Green is the color. Its place of affinity is Play and sport grounds.

Nava Grahas - Planets


D. Represents 16. 17.

It represents the uncles, maternal relatives. It is associated with knowledge, education, intelligence, discrimination, Memory and Understanding. 18. It represents humorous nature, critical, analytical thinking, acting talents. 19. In the human body it represents skin and Navel. 20. In life experiences it is related to lack of discretion, foolishness, lack of memory, miscalculations. E. Astro-effects

21. 22.

23. 24.

It is a malefic only when with a malefic in the same slgn. It is considered an enemy to Moon,friend to Sun and Venus and neutral to Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. It is considered a great benefic for ascendants Taurus, Virgo, Libra and Capricorn. It is considered a great malefic for ascendants: Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces.

5. GURU- JUPITER: Planetary Profile: PROPITIATED BY PRAYERS TO LORD VISHNU A. Basics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

It is a masculine planet. It is related to the element ether. Fruition of an event when Jupiter is significant, takes place in one month. Its Vimsottari Dasa period is sixteen years. It moves approximately 5 to 15 minutes per day.



B. Intrinsic qualities 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The Deity is Lord l!'fDRA. It is a Satwik (equilibrium) in nature. It is sweet in taste. It is considered the minister in the Solar System, Graha Mandala. It is described as having a big body, tawny hair and eyes, highly learned .

.C. Related to 11. 12.

13. 14. 15.

Its day is Thursday. Its precious gem is the Golden Topaz, Yellow Diamond Gold is the metal. Blue is the color. Its place of affinity zs treasure house, money safe.

D. Represents 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

It represents children and grand children paternal grandfather. It is associated with government spirituality, philosophy, higher learning, family life, financial prosperity. It represents the higher intellect, fortune in life, happiness in family, fruitfulness in marnage. It represents fat, glands and metabolism and Nose in the human body. It is related to loss ofprestige, financial problems, difficulties in companionship, professional instability

Nava Grahas - Planets


E. Astro-effects

21. 22. 23. 24.

It is a natural benefic. It is considered afriend to Sun, Moon, and Mars, enemy to Mercury and Venus and neutral to Saturn. It is considered a great benefic to ascendants Aries, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. It is considered a great malefic to ascendants Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius.


A. Basics 7. It is a feminine planet. 2. It is related to the element water. 3. Fruition of an event when Venus is significant, takes place in fifteen days. 4. Its Vimsottari Dasa period is twenty years. 5. It moves approximately 62 to 82 minutes per day. B. Intrinsic qualities

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The Deity is Goddess Sachi, wife of Lord Indra. It is a Raja sic (F o·rceful) in nature. It is acidic in taste. It is considered the Minister in the Solar System, Graha Mandala. It is described as having a seductive body, charming looks and curly hair.



C. Related to 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Its day is Friday. The precious gem is the Diamond. Silver is the metal. White is the color. Its place of affinity is bed room, places ofpleasure and entertainment.

D. Represents 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

It represents the life companion. It is associated with marriage, companionship, sexuality, emotional joy. It represents art, creativity, love, emotions, romance, dance, beauty, flowers. In the human body it represents sexual region, glands and reproductive system and eyes. In life experiences it is related emotional suffering, lack of companionship, lack of sexual desire, lack of aesthetic or artistic sense.

E. Astro-effects 21 22. 23. 24.

It is a natural Benefic. It is considered a friend to Mercury and Saturn, enemy to Sun and Moon and Neutral to Mars and Jupiter. It is considered a great benefic for ascendants Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius. It is considered a great malefic for ascendants Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces.

Nava Grahas - Planets



A. Basics 7. 2. 3.

4. 5.

It is a sexual hermaphrodite planet. It is related to the element air. Fruition of an event when Saturn is significant, takes place zn one year. Its Vimsottari Dasa period is nineteen years. It moves approximately 2 minutes per day.

B. Intrinsic qualities 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The Deity is Lord Brahma. It is a Tamasic (inertia) in nature. It is astringent in taste. It is considered the attendant in the Solar system, Graha Mandala. It is described as emaciated, tall person, having tawny eyes, big teeth, coarse hair, limp in walk and indolent.

C. Related to 77. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Its day is Saturday. The precious gem· is the Blue Sapphire. Iron is the metal . Black or Purple is the color. Its place of affinity is discarded places, dumping grounds.



D. Represents 16.

17. 18. 19. 20.

E. 27. 22. 23. 24.

It represents longevity, grand parents, co-inheritars. It is associated with political power, authority, dictatorship, chronic conditions, slow and morbid situations. It represents long life, patience, perseverance, tolerance, and acceptance. In the human body it represents muscles, joints, teeth, hair, nails andfeet. In life experiences it is related to sorrow, solitude, slavery, drudgery, de lays, obstacles and failures. ~stro-effects

It is a natural Malefic. It is considered afriend to Mercury and Venus, enemy to Sun, Moon and Mars and neutral to Jupiter. It is considered a great benefic to ascendants Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius. It zs considered a great malefic to ascendants Taurus, Cancer,Leo,Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces.

Rahu - North Node - Planetary Profile

Propitiated PROPITIATED BY WORSHIP TO DURGA (Though not involved in Shad Bala Calculation, I give below some of the Kaarakatvas of Rahu and Ketu, as they are important for Astrological de lineation). Kingdom, large forests, mountains, Fallacious arguments, hurtful expressions, irreligious attitudes, gambling, falsehood, downward look, perplexity, Bones, enlargement of spleen, swellings,

Nava Grahas - Planets


Wind, serpent and reptiles, sharp instruments, maternal grand father, wicked person, Going abroad, traveling. Emerald. Garnet (Gomedik) Ketu - South Node -Planetary profile

Propitiated by prayer to Ganesha Doctor, hunter, practitioner of witchcraft, mendicant, lawyer. Wounds, Stomach, sore eyes, consumption, inconsistency, stupidity, hunger, boils, skin troubles, loss of appetite, poisons. Salvation (Moksha), release from imprisonment, holy river bath, spiritual knowledge, penance, silence as penance, philosophy, knowledge of Brahma, Indulgent luxuries, enemies, irresponsibility, Paternal grand father. Cat's Eye (Vaiduryam)




It is related to Birth, the conditions of birth, the circumstances prevailing at the time of birth, the location and environment.


It is related to the nature, character and personality.


It indicates the physical structure, features, the appearance, body structure such as tall, short, obese, slim, deformity.


It is related to general conditions of health, good health or afflicted health, if generally healthy or sickly.


It indicates longevity. In the first house we could see the possibilities of the person living long or there are afflictions that shorten life and to what extent.


This house is also related general luck and prosperity in life, whether the person will be able to rise in life and enjoy the good things of life or will have to suffer a lot in life.


This house is also fame, name and popularity. If the first house is strong and beneficially influenced the person can rise to high position and become famous. If afflicted there may be loss of reputation and scandals.


This house relates to the head region. The skull, brain and the seat of the central nervous system come under this house . .Head injuries, affliction of the brain and its functions can be seen here.





The planet related to this house is the


It also indicates the fa:fher's luck being the fifth house from the ninth If well blessed the first house indicates that the birth of the person is fortunate for the father and can bring some luck after the birth.


Being the tenth from the fourth, a strong and favorable first house indicates that the native may have an accomplished mother. She may secure a job or succeed in profession after the birth of the individual.


It is related to self earnings, income, revenue through various sources and acquisition of wealth. The capacity to save and build up the material position is seen here.


It is related to family conditions, especially happiness in the family of the parents, happiness during childhood, teenage and early adolescence .

. 3. It indicates the prosperous conditions in the parental home, if food, clothing, conveyances and comforts would be abundant or not. 4.

It is related learning and the capacity to learn. The efficiency of the sensory organs in helping one to learn is judged from this house.


It is related to money transactions, purchasing, spending, saving, investing, selling and gain or loss through such transactions. Impulsive spending, miserliness, or financial indiscrimination is seen from this house.

Dwadasa Bhavas - Houses



This house is also indicative if the native will enjoy a life of ease, is the person will be able to establish own family and home easily or with great difficulty.


This house is also related visual power, the capacity and health of the eyes and looks in general, the right eye in particular. The facial features and appearance, friendly or unfriendly looks, stern appearance or withdrawn and introvert appearance can be judged from this house.


This house relates to speech. It indicates the nature of a person's way of talking, whether smooth, soft and or rude and hurting, whether persuasive or dictatorial. Oratorical skills can be assessed. Habit of telling lies or speaking the truth can be judged from the second house.


The planet related to this house is Jupiter,


Being the gth from the the life partner.


It also indicates the nature of death of the individual.


it also indicates the longevity of



It is related to all types of writings, letters, personal or official

correspondence, literary works. 2.

It is related to the mental attitude, mental inclination, the

temperament whether aggressive, angry, cooperative, accommodative, agreeable or flexible.




It indicates the brothers, sisters, siblings (those born after

you) the happiness you get from them or the benefits you receive from them, the co-operation and good will that may exist between you and them. 4.

It is related to short journeys,· travel for profession or

business within the country and to nearby places. 5.

It is related to valor, ones capacity to undertake daring and

difficult tasks, timid or courageous. 6.

This house is also indicative of strength of mind, steadfastness and the capacity to stick to decisions under difficult conditions.


This house is also related to the tone and tenor of the voice,


It is related to the ear, throat region, the hearing capacity,

and any defects of the throat, trachea. The legs also come under this house. 9.

The planet related to this house is Mars.


This house also indicates the possibility of the person enjoying choice food, clothes and ornaments.


Being the ninth from the seventh it indicates the fortune of the spouse.



1. It is related to all types of Conveyances such as horses, carts, two wheelers, three wheelers, cars, planes and helicopters.

Dwadasa Bhavas - Houses



It is related to the Home, It indicates the domestic

environment, the extent of domestic comfort, the atmosphere at home and the interaction and relationship with people at home. 3.

It indicates the Mother, relationship with mother, happiness

through mother, interaction with mother, the mental emotional and psychological impact of the mother. 4.

It is related to Property matters, the possibility of profitably

acquiring properties or the possibility of legal complications through such investments in houses, agricultural lands. 5.

It is related to Educational affairs. The extent of education

the individual can attain and the quality of such education. 6.

This house is also related to the capacity of the individual to enjoy a sound refreshing Sleep. Afflictions to this house may indicate sleep problems due to psychologically disturbing domestic environment in childhood and teen age.


This house is also related to the problem of Dumbness. If malefic planets afflict this house there is possibility of Dumbness.


This house relates to the Chest region of the person. If there are malefic influences it can lead to problems of the chest region, the mammary glands, the lungs, the breathing system, the absorption of oxygen into the blood, accumulation of water in the lungs and even breast cancer.


The planet related to this house is Moon


This house being 8* from the Longevity


house indicates Father's


This house being the lOth from the Profession.


indicates Partners


It is related to the Good Karma (Poorva Punya) of the past

life or lives brought into this life to be experienced. 2.

It is related to sentimental affairs, emotional contacts, love

and romance. 3.

It is related to the birth of children, male and female, delays

and difficulties in the birth of children, loss of children either voluntarily or involuntarily, happiness though children and the possibility of a good rapport, happiness through children. 4.

It indicates the intellectual levels and talents, such as good

memory, quick grasp and understanding and capacity for repartee, ready wit. 5.

It is related to artistic talents, capability in fine arts,

inclination towards creativity, the desire to succeed as an artist, singer, painter, dancer or any form of creative work. 6.

It is related concept of god, and the deity to be worshiped

can be chosen based on the influences on this house. 7.

It is related to Manthra Siddi, the capacity for powerful

incantations in rituals that can bring results. 8.

It indicates the possibilities of success in speculation, games

of chance, lotteries and such other activities. 9.

It is also the house of pleasures and entertainment and indicates the possibility of having a pleasurable, entertaining and enjoyable life.

Dwadasa Bhavas • Houses



The planet related to this house is Jupiter,


Being the ninth form the ninth it indicates the fortunes of the father or the property of the father after the individual's birth.


Being the 11 1h from the seventh it indicates the gains, profits and net benefits that the spouse may enjoy through business ventures, investments and professional activities.


It is related to enemies and enmities and indicates the possibility of having enemies, the strength of the enemy and the possibility of vanquishing or being vanquished by the enemy.


It is related to matters of health, nature of sickness, extent of sickness, identification of specific health problems, possibility of cure, and good health.


This house indicates the ulcers, bruises and surgical scars the person may have.


It indicates the possibilities of addictions, suffering caused through addictions "leading to loss of health, loss of money, Loss of reputation.


It is related to pets and animals. It indicates the possibility of successfully rearing domestic pets, or animals for professional purposes or whether the individual will be afraid ofthem (such as when lord of 1st and 6th exchange houses).




It helps to identify the inimical, among the relatives or those around, by noting which karaka Graha is associated with the lord of this house or Bhava lord is associated with the lord of this house.


It helps identification of the specific addictions by the Graha associated with the lord of this house.


In the body this house represents the stomach region,


The planet associated with this house is Mars.


Being the tenth from the possible profession.


house it indicates the father's


It. is related to marriage and companionship, indicating the possibilities of the same.


It is related to the conditions of marital life and indicates whether the marital life would be happy, successful, fruitful and contented.


It indicates the period of marriage, the possibility of early marriage, normal marriage, delayed or very late marriage.


It indicates the spouse's characteristics, nature, temperament and qualities.


This house also indicates the possibility of divorce, rupture or separation.


This house also indicates plurality of marriages.

Dwadasa Bhavas - Houses



It is also related to the success, happiness and progress of

children. 8.

It is the house connected with business partnersJ associates in any ventures and relationships in general.


It also indicates foreign travel} the possibility of frequent journeys abroad and contacts or associations abroad.


It is the house that indicates the nature of death.


In the body it is connected with the pelvic region} reproductive and urinary system.


Venus is the planet connected with this house.


This house also indicates the mother's old age comfort being the fourth from the fourth house.



It is related to longevity of the individual, indicating short, medium, full or long life.


It is related to inheritance, legacy and gifts one may receive naturally, legally t!yough parents and other family members.


It indicates the bad Karma (Paapa) the person brings into this life which the person has to reap.


It is related to extent of difficulties and drudgery one has to undergo in this life.


It is related to the possibility of a Karmic profession.




It also indicates the spouse's earnings and finances being 2nd from the ih.


This house is related to the Planet Saturn.


In the body this house represents tpe sexual region.


It is related to the level and inclination towards spirituality.


It is related to the Present Good Karma, that is the good karma an individual would create in this life which would help him in this and future lives.


It is related to the Guru, performance of religious rituals, pilgrimages and association with religious people.


It indicates the father (or foster father), the status of father, the rapport with the father, success and happiness of the father after the birth of the individual and gains through the father.


It also indicates the father's longevity to an extent, if there would be early loss of father.

6. It is related to fortune (bhagya), that is the extent of material success and gain one would have in life, the capacity to save, invest and build up material wealth is indicated here. 7.

It is related to foreign travel, foreign contacts and the importance of such travel and contacts in ones life.


This house is also related possibilities of power and fame

Dwadasa Bhavas -Houses


politically or through ones own professional success and achievements. 9.

In the body this house is related to the thighs, hips region.


Being the 5th from the 5th this house indicates matters connected with grand children.


This house is related to the planet Jupiter.


It is related to Profession, the duty (karma) that one does in life as a social responsibility to earn his livelihood and run his family.


It indicates professional success, the level of rise m professional position, possibility of name and fame m profession.


It indicates the possibility of political positions, power and authority.


It is related paternal happiness, that is the happiness one derives through parents, performs the duties and obligations to parents including the last rites.


It is related to ambition and the determination to achieve

great things in life. 6.

This house is related to the Planet Mercury.


In the body this house is related to knees.




Being the second from the 9th it indicates the father's earnings and financial situation.


It also indicates the 'possibility of the spouse's property, particularly immovable property being fourth from the seventh.


It is related to profits, gains and net results of all ventures in life in all aspects of life.


This house also indicates nature of gain, the cause and source of such gains in life.


It is related to the social circle, friends, acquaintances, success and gain or benefit through them.


It indicates the older brothers or sisters, those born before the individual.


It is specifically related to the ears, the left ear in particular.


In the body however generally it is related to the lower legs.


This house is related to the planet Jupiter


Being the fifth from the seventh it indicates the spouse's luck and speculative fortunes.


Being eight from the fourth it indicates Mother's longevity or the individuals effect on the longevity of the mother.

Dwadasa Bhavas - Houses




It is related to losses, all types of losses in life.


It is related loss ofwealth through litigation, though inimical

action, secret maneuvers by enemies. 3.

It is related to loss of spouse that is widow or widowhood.


It is related loss of limb though accidents, injury or ill health.


It is related to foreign country, foreign travel.


This house is also related to the possibility of solitude, leading a lonely life, being companionless after separation or divorce, or by choice.


This house is also related to the possibility of leading a life of an ascetic.


It is the house of death, the house of termination, leaving of

the word, Moksha. 9.

Being the sixth from the seventh it indicates spouse's health.


In specifically is related to the eyes particularly the left eye.


In general it is related to the feet in the body.


It is related to the planet Saturn.


Father: Study 9th house from the Ascendant (Lagna) and from the Sun to judge matters related to father.


Patrimony: Study the lOth house from the ascendant as well as Sun to judge matters connected with patrimony, last rites to parents.


Profits and Gains: Study the JJih from the ascendant as well as from Sun and the Moon to judge the net profit or gain in life in all ventures.


Father's Longevity: Study JJih from ascendant as well as Sun to ascertain the longevity of father.


Mother: Study the 4th house from the ascendant as well as from Moon to judge matters of Mother.


Body Health: Study the Ascendant house and the Moon Sign to assess the physical well being.


Speech: Study the 2nd house from the ascendant and the Moon to assess the nature, capacity and quality of speech.


Sight: Study the 2nd house and the 2nd from Moon to assess the health, concentration and capacity of observance of the sight of the individual.


Wealth: Study the 2nd house f~om the Lagna and the Moon to assess the earning capacity and material wealth of an individual.




Older Siblings: Study the lith from the Lagna and the Moon to assess the happiness to and through elder brothers, sisters and material gains through them and the rapport with them.


Younger Siblings: Study the 3rd house from the Lagna and the Moon to assess the nature of relationship, extent of mutual benefit from younger brothers and sisters.


Spirituality: Study the gth from Lagna and the Moon to assess the intensity of spirituality and religious outlook of the person.


Good Karma: Study the gth from the Lagna and the Moon to assess the extent of meritorious actions, good deeds and ethical behavior in this life.


Good Karma: Study the 5th house and strength of Jupiter in the Rasi to assess Poorva Punya, the Good Karma which comes from the past life.


Courage: Study the 3rd house from Lagna and the Moon sign to assess the courage, self confidence and adventurous nature of the person.


Health: Study the 6th house from Lagna and from Mercury to assess the general health condition of the individual.


Debts: the financial indebtedness in life, the level and intensity of such financial burden, and the capacity to come out of these burdens can be assess by a study of the 6th house from the Lagna and Mercury.


Enemies: The extent of enemies one will have their power and triumph over enemies can be assed from a study of the 6th house from Lagna as well as Mercury house.

Dwadasa Bhavas - Houses



Children: Birth of children, their well being and prosperity can be seen from the 5th house from Lagna as well as the 5th house from Jupiter's position.


Marriage: Matrimonial possibilities, happiness, nature, fruits and duration of the relationship can be fully assessed by a study of both the th houses from Lagna and Moon and the Position of Venus.


Longevity: Study the 8th and 12th houses from Lagna as well as the 8th and 12m houses counted from the position of Saturn.


Foreign Travels: Study Rahu, the 71\ 9'h and 121h houses.


Settling abroad: Study the 4th house and its relationship with th ,9th and 12th houses and Rahu.


Political Power: Study Ft, gth and 1oth houses and the planets Saturn, Sun and Jupiter.


Imprisonment: Study 41h, 6th and 12th houses and the planet Saturn and Rahu.

System Jaya Rules at a Glance General Rules Rule 1 Irrespective of a planet being a natural benefic I malefic or functional benefic I malefic, the Bala of a planet represents its pqsztzve energy that invigorates its own significations (Kaarakatvas) and positively activates the related significations of the Bhava in which it is situated. However Shad Bala is related more to Graha Kaarakatva-Planetary significations than to Bhava Phala - house significations. Bhava Phala is better interpreted synthesizing all planetary influences on the Bhava, though the main Phala is indicated by the strongest planet situated or influencing thatBhava.

Rule2 Only planets securing the first three ranks in the Balas are considered having effective positive energy out of the 7 ranks, provided the planet also secures the minimum required for that specific Bala. If the planet does not get the minimum required, for that specific Bala then the higher rank by itself has no positive energy significance.

General rule for Individual Bala Ranks table: Rule3 If a planet secures rank I or 2 or 3 in two or more of the four Balas, that planets energy becomes the key energy in the psyche of the individual. In the event two planets get this distinction the planetary energies have to be synthesized to give the delineation.



General rules for Shad Bala Totals Rank Table

Rule 4

If natural benefic planets (Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Moon) are in ranks 1,2,3 life will be smoothly succf!ssful. If natural malefic planets, Saturn, Mars and Sun, get these ranks, success will be achieved with much difficulty; sometimes after a long and hard struggle.

RuleS When Sthana leads the success is stable and long lasting. When Kaala supercedes, it indicates success is only for a time, probably limited to good Dasa or success may even be like a flash in the pan.

Rule 6 The more distortion in the ranks ofBala Totals the more would the individual distortion of the values or objects oflife. The serenity of life, stability, continuity of success gets disturbed on account of certain extreme attitudes, abrupt decisions, irrational beliefs and impulsive actions. Naisargika Bala Rules

Rule 1

If the luminaries have more than the minimum required Shad Bala Rupa and are in the first three ranks, the chart is above average in planetary energy. This energy can give the positive aspects of courage, confidence, determination and will power because ofthe solar energy; imagination, creativity, intellectual and emotional strength because of lunar energy. This indicates a

System Jaya


person born with a lot ofpositive Prarabda Karma. The Sun indicates Will and the Moon indicates Inclination. Their strength indicates there is Will Power and the Inclination to use it to overcome the tendency to create Negative Sanchita Karma.

Rule2 Naisargika Bala is the yardstick to judge the Shad Balas. It is important to note that the Naisargika Balas of planets are not in the usual order of the planets, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn. In Naisargika Bala Venus comes third in rank followed by Jupiter. Mercury comes next to Jupiter followed by Mars and Saturn in that order. This standard rank order is given to help us realize which planet has usurped the rank of which planet and therefore usurped the Kaarakatva of that planet.

Rule3 A planet displaced from its Naisargika Bala Rank in the total Shad Bala ranking, losses its significance in its Natural Kaarakatvas and/or Sthira Kaarakatvas (significations). The planet that usurps its rank holds sway over these Kaarakatvas. ( Chara Karakatvaas are not involved here. Drik Bala Rules

Rule 1 Drik Bala has to be used to modify, refine and fine tune the Sthana Bala or Kaala Bala values of planets by adding it to them and secure the effective Sthana and Kaala Balas. These effective values alone have to be usedfor delineating Sthana and Kaala Balas.



Rule 2

If one or more of the planets Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Moon receive positive aspect energy, proportionately there is greater success and achievement related to that planet's Kaarakatva. If one or more of the planets Saturn, M_ars and Mercury receive negative energy, proportionately life will be full of challenges in matters related to those Kaarakatvas.


If there is a large minus value it is an indication of a long life! The contrary is not true. This concept of Drik Bala related to longevity should be used in conjunction with other rules of determining longevity. Sthana Bala Rules

Rule 1 A second table is prepared. The modifying Bala, Drik Bala is added to the Sthana Bala Values. The net values are calculated. The ratio between these values and the minimum required is determined. The Effective Ranks are then established.

Rule 2 The planet that secures the first rank in the Sthana Bala ranks and the Bhava in which it is situated indicates the area of life where the person's ego lies and is likely to meet with greater success, name,fame and consequent material prosperity.

Rule 3 The planet that secures the second rank and the Bhava in which it is, indicates the person's psyche, where peace of mind, and emotional happiness lies. This is the area where the person is likely to take initiative and use creativity. This is because the first and

System Jaya


second ranks are related to the significations of Sun and Moon in the Naisargika Bala ranks. Rule 4

The Planet that secures the third rank and the Bhava in which it is situated gives the insight into the matrimonial and companionship prospects, being the rank ofVenus in the Naisargika Bala.

Kaala Bala Rules Rule 1

Natural Benefic planets in the first three ranks give the benefic results of their Kaarakatvas during their Dasa or Sub-Dasa or Sub-Sub-Dasa depending on the nature of the event. Rule2

Natural Malefic planets in the first three ranks give results apparently beneficial but eventually leading to much difficulty or bring success only after lot of hardships and difficulties. Rule 3

Natural benefic planets in the last three ranks especially if they do not secure the minimu.m value required create delays and obstructions in all matters connected with their Kaarakatvas and in the Phalas (Results) ofthe Bhavas in which they are situated during their periods.



Rule 4 Natural malefic planets in the 5 1h, 6th or th rank especially if they have not secured the minimum will bring highly negative events during their Dasa, Sub-Dasa or Sub-Sub Dasa period. Fruits may be denied.

Ayana Bala Rules

Rulel Ayana Bala is used to assess the fruits of planetary transits. The natural benefic planets in the first three ranks in Ayana Bala give maximum positive results related to their Kaarakatvas and the Bhavas in which they are in transit. The natural malefic planets in the last three ranks give maximum negative results related to their Kaarakatvas and the Bhavas in which they are in transit.

Rule 2 Natural benefic planets m the last three ranks gzve some negative energy, and stronger negative energy if they do not secure the minimum required as well. Natural malefic planets give some positive energy if in the first three ranks, but are ineffective if they do not secure the minimum required. The positive results are obtained after much effort and difficulty.

Rule 3 Ay~na

Bala is also used in Prasna. The Pransa Chart may be evolved by whatever process the astrologer chooses. The Ayana Balafor that chart has to be prepared. The Planet signifying the issue involved in the question has to be decided from the Prasna chart. The Ayana Bala of the planet signifying the issue indicates, depending on the nature of the issue, the number of hours, days, months or years for the resolution or fruition of the issue.

System Jaya


Yuddha Bala Rules

Rule 1 If any planet is a Victor the only point to be considered is that it dominates the affairs of the Bhava in which it is situated. The Victor planet is more assertive in the Bhava in which it is situated. The Kaarakatva of the planet is not affected by the Yuddha Bala rank. It is the Bhava Phala that is influenced.

Rule 2 The principle of Yuddha Bala is that the planet at an advanced degree in the sign is stronger and therefore has greater sway over the affairs of that Bhava. This principle could be used even when there are only two planets and no war in the conventional sense of astrology. Dig Bala Rules

Rule 1 Having determined the Dig Bala Strengths the information however is used to decide the favorable Geographical Directions for activities in life as per table 2. The geographical direction related to the planet having more than the minimum required Dig Bala and attaining the firs! rank indicates the direction in which the individual may have to move within the town of birth or to another town, state in the country or another country from the place of birth for success, material gain and professional achievements.



Rule2 The Planet that occupies rank 2 indicates the geographical direction in which the person may find increased mental energy, peace and creative capabilities.

Rule 3 The planet that occupies rank 3 indicates the direction in which the person may find the compatible karmic partner I companion in life

Rule 4 The geographical direction indicated by the planet which occupies any one of the last three ranks in Dig Bala, especially the planet that does not secure the minimum required will prove to be unproductive and moving in that direction would be a futile exerczse.

Rule 5 The planets having the first three ranks in Dig Bala are more capable of giving positive results of their Kaarakatvas.

Rule6 The Dig Bala positions represent the Athma, Matru, Kalatra and Karma Sthana. They are respectively the Self, Mother, Partner and Professional points in a horoscope. Paraasara states the total Minimum for seven planets is 265. If the total of the Dig Bala Values is around 360 V (5 planets can have the maximum Dig Bala of60 Veach, two have 30V). The horoscope certainly assures personal achievements, domestic happiness and successful relationship.

System Jaya


Chesta Bala Rules Rule 1

If we take the other meaning of Chesta which means "behavior" the use of this Bala becomes clearer. Chesta Bala indicates the behavior pattern of an Individual. How one acts and reacts to situations. The"freewill or knee-jerk" response to situations and opportunities leads one to the creation and realization of Karma. Rule 2 Sun is Will and Moon is Mind. These are the two platforms on which the Chesta Bala of the other five planets fulfill their Kaarakatvas, The negative energy creates a perverted logic and self-inflicting decisions in the mind (Moon). The individual develops unreasonable attitudes and obstinacy which is euphemistically called determination and will power (Sun) The consequence is creation and realization ofbad Karma. The Positive energy instills real will power, determination, patience and perseverance leading to creation and enjoyment of good Karma. Rule3 On the practical and material aspects of life the Chesta Bala is related to timing of movement, such as immigration to another town or country. Any important travel, launching a project, making a move to achieve an object should be done when the planets in the ranks I, 2, 3 are in favorable transit or in their sub-sub periods. If done during the transits ofplanets in the ranks of5, 6, 7 through relevant signs from Moon or during their sub-sub period could lead to failure and loss.

Epilogue As a teenager I gave several performances as a Magician. The stage was my forte and applause my comfort point. I tried to become a teacher. I was one for seven years. Students were my inspiration. I tried to become a writer, poet and painter. Portraiture was my pleasure. All initial works in this direction eventually adorned the attic. I tried to become a film producer. Creation was my dream. I did produce a couple of films. I burnt my fingers. I was trying to enter one or the other of the professions I always loved. Moon and Venus in my fifth in Gemini created an obsession with art and creativity, novelty and originality. My Intrinsic Karmic Structure was playing havoc with my choice of a profession. However all the while I was thoroughly enjoying my genetic profession as an Astrologer which I started at age 22. That has been my only stable profession, only successful profession, only means of comfortable earning for over half a century now. Astrology made me whatever I am today. Probably I could have never been anything else but an Astrologer. But I discovered it too late. In the Rasi Chart the planet having the highest degrees of longitude in a sign is called the Athma Kaaraka. Mercury at 26 D 22 in Cancer is my Athma Kaaraka. The sign in which this planet is placed in the Navamsa Chart is called the Kaaraka Amsa. Aquarius is my Kaaraka Amsa. Paraasara in chapter 33- sloka 17 says, "If Saturn is placed in the Kaaraka Amsa, such a person will take up the profession of the father or family." Saturn firmly sits in my Kaaraka Amsa!

Thank you, Dad,for being an astrologer!


Abda A dharma Aham Agni Animal Signs Apogee Aquatic signs Ashtaadasa Balas Asubha Graha Ati Chaara Ati Mitra Kshetra Atma Ayana Bala Ayuh Sthana Beeja Beeja Manthra Bhagavat Gita Bhagya Sthana Bhatru Sthana Bhava Bhavadhipathi Bala Bhava Dig Bala Bhava Drishti Bala Bhava Madyas Bhava Phala Brihat Paraasara Hora Budhi


XIV XIV 125,128 76 65 75 4 85 67 38 XIV, 65 14, 55' 143 92 90 93 144 137

XI 75 77,79 80,82 76 4,58'





Celestial Equator Chara Chara Kaarakatva Chesta Bala Core Knowledge

Dasa Dakshinayana Decendant Declination Des a Dharma Dig Bala Dina -Rathri Drekkana Drik Bala

53 67 :29, 101 3,9, 15,19,20,65 XIX

15 54 59 53 XXII XIV 3 ' 9 ' 15 ' 18 ' 19 ~ 20 ' 59 47 3,40,42, '".5,6, 18, 19, 31

Ecliptic Eunuch Fortune Teller Free Will Geographical Direction Gochara Graha Kaarakatva Graha Mandala Gun as Guru

53 43 XXV XVI, 121 60,64 56 4 128 42 XIII



Hermaphrodite Hora Human Signs Insect Sign Intrinsic Karmic Structure

43 40,47 75 76

XX, 24, 30, 56, 73' 109' 116, 121 Ishta Phala 85,87' 118, 119 lstha Phala Siddhirastu 85

Japa Jeeva Athma Jyothi Jyotish


Kaala Kaala Bala

XXII 8, 18, 19,20, 23, 33,47,4 8, 86 4,21,29,34,49,51, 133 Kaarakatva Kalatra Sthana 44, 63' 142 Karma XIV Karma Sthana 44, 63' 145 Karma Yoga 30 XVI Karmic Debt Kashta Phala 85,87' 118 3,14,41,42 Kendra Kshetra 40

Labha Sthana Life Map




Maala Maasa Manas Manda Mandatara Mathru Sthana Mitra Kshetra Moola Trikona Muhurtha Nadir Naisargika Bala N athanothana Neuron Pathways Nimitta Nava Grahas Navamsa Oja Ojayugma

90 3, 14,47 XN 67 67 63' 138 38,39 37,38 54 74 3, 9, 14, 17, 27 ,29,44,47 3, 14 121

XXII 125 40 41 3, 14,40

XIV Paapa Phala 3, 14, 47 Paksha Parihara 89 XIII Parama Athma Perigee 65 Planetary Transits 105 40 Prakrithi Prarabda Karma XVI, 23, 28, 30, 33, 83,91,98 Prasna 55, 87



Punya Phala Purusha Puthra Sthana Rajas Rasi Redemption Residual Karma Rudraksha Rupa

XIV 40 140 42,43 40 89 XIV 90


Samagri XXII Sanchita Karma XVI, 22, 24, 28, 30, 119 Sankya 3 Saptamsa 40 Sapta Varga Bala 3, 37,43 Sastra XIII Sathru Kshetra 38 Sathru Sthana 141 42,43 Satwa 39, 40 Shodasa Vargas 3,9, 14, 18, 19,33 Sthana Bala 39 40,43,44 Sthira Kaarakatva 4,29,37 Subha Graha 85 * • Subha Phala 85 Summer Solstice 53 Swakshetra 37 Swa Trikona 38 Tamas Tatastha Kshetra

42,43 38, 39



Terrestial Equator Tribhaga Trikona Trimsamsa Uchha Bala Uchha Sthana Uchha Trikona Universal Consciousness Usurp Uttarayana

53 3, 14,47 38 40 3, 14,37,43 37 38 XIV

29 53

Vak Suddhi Vara Varsha Varuna Vasthu Vedas Vimsottari dasa Virupas Vraya Sthana Vyakarana

92 3, 14,47 47 127 60 40 48 5,6 147

Winter Solstice Yuddha Yugma

53 3, 14 41

Zenith Zodiacal Directions


74 60

Bibliography Brihat Parisara Hora Sastra (2 Vol) Sri Santhanam R Ranjan Publications, 16, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi-110 002 (India)

Saravali of Kalyana Varma Trans: Sri RSanthanam Ranjan Publications

Jatak Parijata of Vaidyanatha Dikshita Trans: Sri V.Subramanya Sastri Ranjan Publications

Phala Deepika of Mantreswara Trans: Sri S S Sareen Sagar Publications 72, Janapath, Ved Mansion New Delhi- 110 001 (India)

Brihat Samhita (Parts 1 & 2) Sri Ramakrishna M Bhatt Motilal Banarasidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 41 UA, Bungalow Road, Jawahar Nagar, Delhi - 110 007 (India)

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