Jyotish and Progeny

December 26, 2016 | Author: R.R.Desai | Category: N/A
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Jyotish and

Progeny © Sri Jagannath Center

According to Shastras, the soul of a person does not rest in peace after his death, if he is not blessed with a son - Maitreya, BPHS (1-3)


by Sarajit Poddar Jyotish Guru, Sri Jagannath Center January 28, 2003, 23:09, Singapore

Introduction In human life, the birth of children occupies a very prominent place. The parents find their own image in their children and see the progression of their lineage though the future of their children. The mother has to pass through nine months of grooming of the infant, with all it takes, which a mother can better understand and the results are still uncertain. Many of them are born still, many of them are born with incapability and many get eradicated from their very start of journey. Every thing has a very profound impact on the parents and their future. Prognosticating the sex of the unborn child has been a matter of concern in the recent years, where the foetus are killed when they are substantially grown and had their identity as a human child inside the womb. If the sex of the child is not what the parents want, they were brutally extricated. Thanks to the medical science that it can’t say anything about the sex of the child before it grows up substantially and help the parents to decide in advance whether or not to have a baby. This is where Jyotish comes to rescue. Because it can see the path much ahead of the time, it can forewarn the parents about the future possibilities and help them in making a conscious decision. The more important thing of all is that Jyotish can give remedies, when it judges the possibilities are more negative than positive. Such remedies not only eradicate the root of the problem, but also prepare the parents to boldly face the impending dangers. In the forthcoming portions, we shall study, how to prognosticating the birth and life of the children and the remedies to address the impending difficulties and danger to the parents and child.


Fertility of the Parents 

If the lord of the 5th in the Rasi chart is placed with Mercury, Venus or Saturn, there is problem is procreation as these three planets tend to obstruct the naisargika putra karaka Jupiter.

In Female Horoscope, Moon and in Male horoscope, Sun and Jupiter becomes the key controller progeny in the saptamsa and thus the procreation. If they are badly placed, being afflicted, or placed in the Maraka Sthana in the Saptamsa, this can show problem or denial of progeny

Strong influences of the fiery element (Mars, Sun) on the fifth house. This can happen due to conjunction, aspect of parivartana of the 5th house / lord. This can be overcome by increasing the dominance of Jala Tattva on the 5th. (COVA, Page 199)

Jaimini Says Sun, Rahu and Jupiter in the 9 th shall indicate many Sons, which is also mentioned by Parasara who indicates that the Sun, Rahu or Jupiter will give illustrious son. (Sanjay Rath, J.S. 1.4.25)1

The Moon in the 9th house gives one Son. (J.S. 1.4.26)

The ninth in odd sign indicates many children and Vice versa.2 (J.S. 1.4.29 - 30)

Lack of Fertility  The method of Deha given by Maharishi Jaimini in Upadesha Sutra is infallible in predicting the fertility or procreative ability of the native. Pt. Rath explains this in the following words“This method is based on the Rasi chart. Determine the arudha padas of the third and ninth house from the Lagna and the Sun. The arudha padas of the 3 rd and 9th from the Sun (AS3 and AS9) constitute the ability to sustain the Atma (soul- signified by Sun) in the form of Sperm (i.e., the sperms should have life in them). The arudha padas of the third and ninth from the Lagna (A3 and A9) constitute the physical ability to procreate. If the Sun is in the 2 nd, 6th, 8th or 12th houses from any of these padas, the same can be damaged resulting to infertility. Similarly, if Venus and Mercury conjoin these padas, they produce infertility. If either of these two padas is not damaged, childbirth is delayed and not denied. If the padas from Lagna are afflicted as above, medical attention is required and the astrologer should not attempt remedial measures unnecessarily. However, if the affliction is from the padas from Sun, then astrological remedial measures are necessary.”



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Mercury, Saturn and / or Venus in the trines to the saptamsa Lagna tend to deny children (J.S. 1.4.24).Mercury and Saturn are eunuch planets and in saptamsa Lagna deny fertility. Venus, on the other hand causes association with too many thereby depleting the chances for progeny. However If both planets giving children (Sun, Rahu, Jupiter and Moon) and those denying children (Mercury, Saturn and Venus) are present, a child will be born after some delay. (J.S. 1.4.27)3 Stressing the point Pt. Rath says in COVA (page 175) that, if Saturn, Venus and Mercury are in trines “alone”, then the native is barren irrespective of all yogas in the birth chart. This is an overriding rule.

For female charts, the ninth should be considered and for male charts the fifth for determining procreative successes. (Sanjay Rath, J.S.)

Mars’s and Saturn’s influence on the trine to the Saptamsa Lagna show that the native will have Adopted Child or Dutta-Putra4. Pt. Rath says, Mars and Saturn are karaka for the younger and elder brother respectively and could indicate begetting a child through a kinsman as the native many lack procreative abilities or otherwise. It also indicates marriage with a divorcee/widow who already has children from a pervious wedlock.

Denial of Children due to Curses (COVA, Page 172) The denial of children could be due to curses incurred in the past birth. These have been elaborately listed in BPHS along with the remedial measures and include Brahma Shapa (curse of priest / astrologer), pitri Shapa (curse of father or elderly paternal relative), Matri Shapa (Curse or mother or someone from mother’s family), Shatru Shapa (Curse of enemies) etc. Let us examine the Brahma Shapa to understand the underlying principles. The conditions for this curse are as follows:

a. Rahu in the signs of Jupiter: Rahu represent the curses of past birth and is hence a karmic control planet. In the signs of Jupiter it shows the curse due to priest, judge, astrologer or all persons signified by Jupiter.

b. Jupiter conjoined or aspected by Mars and Saturn: Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn owned by Saturn and become marana karaka in the 3rd house signified by Mars. These planets aspecting Jupiter can block it to the extent of denying (Mars) or delaying (Saturn) the fruits of Jupiter, i.e., Children. Simultaneously, the ninth lord should be in the 8th house to confirm that curse. If this condition is not fulfilled, remedial measures shall work easily.

c. Sun, Moon or Jupiter and the fifth lord, placed in the eighth house with Malefics: Jupiter, the karaka of the fifth is called Brahmanaspati (the fruits of Brahma) and hence, the Sattvik planets Sun, Moon or Jupiter will represent Saints, Brahmins and



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learned men respectively whose placement in the 8th house (curses) with malefic will deny progeny.

d. Jupiter in the fifth house conjoined or aspected by the 6th lord: The 6th house being the 2nd from the house of children, 5th, is maraka for children. So the placement of the marakesh, sixth lord in the house of children, with Jupiter (already showing loss), will constitute a curse from a Brahmin due to anger or enmity (shown by 6th lord’s involvement). These curses occur in any trine. If in the ninth house, they afflict the father and fortune of the native and if in the Lagna, they afflict the name and life of the native.


+-----------------------------------------------+ |As Ju | | |Ra Md | | | | |Gk | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |Mo | |Su Ve | | | |A9 | | | |AS3 | | | | | | | | | |-----------| Rasi |-----------| |SaR | |Me | |A9 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |Ke AL |HL GL | |Ma | |AS9 | | |A3 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------+ |Ju AL |Ve |Su GL |Mo Ma | | | | |Ke | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Saptamsa | | |-----------| |-----------| |SaR | D-7 |HL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |As Ra |Me Md | |Gk | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------+


Number of children 1. The number of children can be found out by counting the Navamsa gained by the 5th lord. For e.g., the 5th lord is placed in Virgo Rasi and Gemini Navamsa. Counting from Gemini (Navamsa) to Virgo Rasi [Virgo (6) - Gemini (3) = 3], we have four signs, i.e., the 5th lord has to gain three Navamsas to reach Virgo or upto three children should be anticipated (COVA- Page 190). This is however a crude method can can be used with extreme care. Max. no. of child = Rasi sign – Navamsa Sign Pt. Rath says that, for this method to work, the 5th lord should be placed with the Jupiter (Karaka for Navamsa). However, from an illustration given in Page 200 of COVA, we see that this is not a necessary condition. Here Mars is not associated or aspected by Jupiter, but the Lagna is aspected by Jupiter from the 7th, through Rasi and Graha Drsti both. Here we might conclude that for this method to work, Jupiter should be strongly placed in the horoscope and influence the factors of progeny.

2. This can also be seen from the planets aspecting the 5th by Graha or Rasi Drsti. Riders The number of children is limited by the Rahu - Ketu axis, unless Jupiter is strongly placed in the D-1, to eliminate all the putra Dosas. (COVA, Page 184) Birth of Twins: The signs Aquarius and Scorpio have two lords each and hence if they happen to be the house of child/ pregnancy, they can indicate twins. Most standard texts prescribe the involvement of the Signs Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio or Aquarius for the birth of the twins. Illustration: In the chart of the standard nativity, the 5th lord Moon is in Aquarius Rasi and Pisces Navamsa, which shows that there are possibilities of 11 children, however while we count from Pisces we have to stop in Taurus, because Gemini is occupied by a node. Thus the maximum no. of children is limited to 2 only shown by the signs Aries and Taurus. Lets go to Saptamsa for more details. 1st child: The Saptamsa Lagna is in an Odd sign and hence the counting shall be in a zodiacal manner. The 1st child is shown by the 5th lord Mars, placed in Gemini with Moon and Ketu. 2nd child: The 2nd child is shown by the 7th lord Mercury. Mercury is placed in Scopio and has exhange. Scorpio generally shows female child being an even sign. Due to the exchange of planets, it indicate male child. Its worthwhile to note that the 6th lord, the maraka is aspecting Mercury, showing that the child shall face terrible condition and can face death. However, due to Graha Dristi of Jupiter on Mercury and Rasi Drsti on the Lagna, the child is saved.


Sex of children Rasi Chart For matters concerning children, the placement of the fifth lord and the planets should be seen from the Jupiter, the naisargika putra karaka. If there are planets in strengths from the Jupiter, they can indicate the number and nature of the children. The placement of the fifth lord from Jupiter will indicate the extent of gains from Children etc.- Pt. Sanjay Rath (COVA, Page 169) Normally for determination of sex of the child, the chart of the father is a better indicator. (COVA, Page 188)

The Saptamsa The timing of birth of Individual children, their nature, abilities and fortune is seen in the Saptamsa chart. This has been explained in detail by Maharishi Jaimini Upadesha Sutras. (COVA 8.6.1) Counting The first child is seen from the 5th house counted zodiacally or anti-zodiacally depending on whether the Lagna is ODD or EVEN5. The subsequent pregnancies are seen from every third house6 (Manduka Gat7i). Thus if an odd sign ascends in the Saptamsa, the individual pregnancies are seen in the 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th etc. If an even sign ascends in the saptamsa, the individual pregnancies are seen in the 9th, 7th, 5th, 3rd and so on. (COVA) After the Manduka Gati reached the point of start, the sequence of jumps would repeat again, which can’t be allowed. To counter this problem, the next sign arrived at is by Crawling the sign. For illustration, after the jump sequence reaches from 5th to 3rd, the next sign after 3rd would be 5th again, thus here the jump doesn’t progress to the 5th, but the 4th there in, where the frog is supposed to be crawling, than jumping as there is no space for jumping, 5th house, being already considered. “Thus the order of pregnancy becomes 5-7-9-11-1-3-4-6-8-10-12-2. For even sign the sequence becomes 9-7-5-3-1-11-10-8-6-42-12.”

The nodes generally indicate the last child. For exapmple, if Rahu is in the 7 th or joins the seventh lord, the native may have two children. (Jaimini Sutras) 5

Pt. Sanjay Rath in Jaimini Sutras (purport of sutra 1.4.31) Umpteen interpretations have been given for this but of no avail. Nilakantha interprets ‘tadesha’ to mean upapada and its lord however it means that the third from the sign arrived at by counting (as per ‘kramat’) Again panchmamsa (= 657/12 = 9 Rem) indicates that for an even sign ascending the 9 th house lord indicates the first pregnancy while for a male sign ascending the fifth house lord indicates the first pregnancy. ‘Kramat’ in the present context means Manduka gati or the frog jump. Thus if the first pregnancy is from the 9th house, the subsequent children will be from the lord of the 7 th, 5th, 3rd 1st etc. respectively (the frog jump is to the third sign). Instead, if the first Pregnancy is from the 5th house, the subsequent children with be judged from the lord of the 7th, 9th, 11th, etc.



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