Justis Chase - The Magic of Pleasure

March 22, 2017 | Author: Cami Moisei | Category: N/A
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Once you have read and understood this powerful material designed to help you to understand and use the universal law of like attracting like, you will be free to manifest into your life the kind of love, work and prosperity you have always wanted. If you would like to attend a powerful Justis R. Chase Workshop and learn the secrets of using the power of Like attracting like in email to: [email protected] Find out how you can use this power more effectively and quickly using new and powerful techniques only taught in the workshop. You can also watch these powerful techniques online by going to www.justischase.com Here you will find links to attending a “virtual” Manifestation program. I do ask for a donation ($25) towards bandwidth and paying for others to attend. This Manifestation program is exactly what you would hear if you attended a live program, so if you are unable to attend or can’t travel please check out the Manifestation program on the site. You can find it by following the link that says “Free Manifestation Program.” As well for those of you who are interested in increasing your financial fortunes then please feel free to check out “Justis’s money secret” and the Money Magic course, again available at www.justischase.com Now enjoy the Magic of Pleasure and all the best in your life…

The Magic of Pleasure Manifest the experience The Truth about how people produce miraculous results in their lives.

This book is dedicated first to my Mother who passed away on September 27, 2002. She was untiring in her support of my work and my efforts and she will be sadly missed. As well I want to thank my family and friends without whom I would never have been able to write this. I want to thank my sister Janis Burmeister for her inspiration and Marilyn Seib for helping me to stay in the pleasure paradigm. I also have a very special thanks to Kathy and Don and all the people at Mystic Java for the best cookies, coffee and chai around, and for letting me sit for hours at my special table so I could write this book.

Table of contents

The magic of being alive......................................................................................................5 Creating magic in our lives................................................................................................10 What’s pleasure all about anyway? ...................................................................................14 They myth of want vs. the magic of living in the enchanted now. ....................................21 How want and worry and fear control us...........................................................................24 The beginning of the new world? ......................................................................................37 The bag of dirt................................................................................................................44 The myth that success is based on behaviour. ...............................................................45 Changing criteria................................................................................................................51 Making magic ....................................................................................................................54 Overcoming others influence.............................................................................................58 Goals only work if applied from the pleasure paradigm. ..................................................64 The tragic truth of how we create poverty in our lives......................................................67 Are your surroundings toxic? ............................................................................................72 How hard is it for you to be happy?...............................................................................74 Why are we so afraid of change for the better? .............................................................76 Is the paradigm of pleasure actually just positive thinking?..............................................79 Making the change easier. .................................................................................................82 The hidden obstacle to the paradigm of pleasure: Imprints...............................................87 We are not the cause of our fuzzy thinking. ......................................................................91 Uncovering imprints. .........................................................................................................93 Stepping into the pleasure paradigm..................................................................................97 Our personal stories and how it impacts on our shift to pleasure. ...................................105 Releasing the pain and struggle. ......................................................................................112 The paradigm of nothingness...........................................................................................114 Overcoming the fear of pleasure......................................................................................116 Changing the world we know. .........................................................................................122 Information ......................................................................................................................125

The magic of being alive Imagine if you could wake up one day with the knowledge of how you could get anything and everything you ever wanted. Just think what your life would be like. Imagine what it would be like if you found out how to constantly create wealth, happiness, excitement and joy in life, every day. Just think for a moment how different your life would be. No more worries about bills, relationships, losing or gaining weight. In fact, no more worries at all. It’s hard for most of us to imagine a life like that. That's not because it is impossible for us to live like that. It's because we have been trained to manifest unhappiness, poverty and sickness into our lives. Unknowingly, we have been taught ways of thinking, being and acting that lead us automatically to pain, disillusionment and a joyless life. This book is about how to turn all of that around. It is about how to recognise a magical part of you that has gone unnoticed. You will learn what has really been responsible for your inability to manifest joy, pleasure and happiness into your life. The transition will be very easy once you understand what has been happening to you and why. This book is about changing your behaviour, your life and your world in such a way as to make you feel wonderful, full of high self-esteem and happiness. I am going to

show you how to magically produce abundance, pleasure and the manifestation of what you want in your life all the time. You will learn how to actually live a life that will produce everything you need and want. Don't worry if you are grounded in doubt or have already tried many ways to produce changes in your life that didn’t work. I know you will be able to manifest whatever you want in your life because you are already producing, magically, in your life what you don’t want right now. I will show you the principles that you are already using-without knowing it--to produce want, lack and negative experiences. You will learn that you already have the power to manifest whatever you want in your life. The only problem has been that, up until now, you have not been aware of how to use this power. In not understanding this power, you automatically used it to create unhappiness and sorrow. Because you already have the power to manifest what you want, there is no need for you to learn how to manifest. All you need learn is how to control this power that you already possess. When you discover how easy this power is to use and how much fun it is to use it, you will begin using it automatically all the time and it will respond by giving you what you want. It will allow you to reach your greatest goals and dreams, and you will have more fun doing it than you can imagine. Using this power will change everything in your life. You will automatically begin to produce what you want, just as automatically as you manifest the things you don’t want in your life right now.

If you have ever said "Why me, what did I do to deserve this?" this book will give you the answers you sought, and you will have the answers you need to bring what you want into your life. Does it all sound too fantastic to be true? I challenge you to read on. You have nothing to lose except poverty, unhappiness and a joyless existence. I am going to start by immediately giving you the secret that I am talking about. Once you fully understand how to use this principle, your life will change. I am sure that you have heard of this principle. In one form or another, it is in the Bible and many other religious texts. It is the guiding principle at work in the Golden Rule ("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"). It is as constant a principle as exists. I call it the universal "like attracts like" rule. I am sure you are familiar with this principle in many forms. It sounds very simple when you say it, but once you understand it, it will give you the reason why your life has been the way it has been. It will also give you the answers to how the successes and the failures of your life have happened. Have you struggled with poverty, bad relationships, unhappiness, weight, drug addiction or other problems in your life? Understanding and living this principle will allow you to miraculously change your life almost instantly. If you are a student of New Age thinking you will have heard about like attracting like in many forms, but it is not enough to simply read or hear about it. You must understand what it means and how to actually apply it, to have it work for you. You may know the principal of like attracting like by other names like "sow and you shall reap." The name you call it is not important. What is important is understanding

how this magical principle actually works. It is my hope that, by reading this book, you will learn how to apply this universal principal to produce everything you want and need in your life, automatically. Before you rush into thinking that merely reading this book will create the miracles in your life let me warn you of the "intellectual trap." All too often, we use our intellect to keep ourselves imprisoned where we are in our present thinking and understanding. It's not enough to talk about knowledge and understand it intellectually. Remember that knowing how to ride a bicycle always involves learning and practice. This is no different. This book is about using the secret of the Pleasure Paradigm. When you learn to step into the paradigm of pleasure, the process of manifestation will automatically create what you want rather than what you don’t want. To illustrate, let me use the old adage of "buy low, sell high". We have all heard this saying a number of times. Any time a person sells anything for a profit, they must have bought it for less than they are selling it for. The "buy low, sell high" adage has been used as the basic truth of how to make money in business. The problem people have is not in understanding this principle, but in putting it into practice. Understanding and knowing a principle does not mean you can use it. The same is true of the universal like attracts like rule. We all understand that teenagers would rather spend time with their peers. The poor seem more comfortable with the poor, and the rich seem more comfortable with the rich. We know that educated people tend to gravitate towards people of equal education. Throughout our lives we see examples of how this universal process works. Yet, for most of us, just like the "buy low

and sell high" principle, we are totally at a loss to understand how to use it correctly. The truly sad part of the Universal Like attracts like rule is that most of us don’t realise that we have used it to bring poverty and unhappiness to our lives. This book is about changing all of that forever. It is a guidebook that tells you how to use the like attracts like rule in your everyday life. It is an instruction book that shows you specifically how to make the like attracts like rule begin to work for you, rather than against you. This book will show you how to attract money, relationships, love, joy, excitement and miracles into your life, every day. It will also tell you why you have attracted what you presently have in your life and--more importantly--how some of the most basic ideas in our society are contributing to your creating what you don’t want rather than what you do want. You will learn how the very people you have turned to for help in making your life work—spiritually, financially and in relationships--have unwittingly put you on the wrong path. It's a path that has and will lead you automatically to lack, sickness and fear. Ultimately, it will lead you to the emptiness and hopelessness that's so common in our society. North American society is filled with abundance and opportunities for joy, happiness and prosperity. However, most people are unhappy, unhealthy and experiencing pain rather than the kind of joy and excitement that we all long for. We all seek and drive ourselves towards what is commonly called success, but for most people the struggle is never ending. We sacrifice our time, our talent, our health and our relationships for this elusive commodity that most people cannot even define.

Success is a paradox. It is the first block to living in pleasure every day and getting everything you want. What I call "success" is the result of a myth. I want to show you how seeking success without living in the Pleasure Paradigm has made it impossible for people to get what they want and to appreciate what they have. To understand how we have cheated ourselves out of our birthright of pleasure, we need to examine the principal of like attracting like. You need to understand how this principle is operating in your life right now.

Creating Magic in our lives If we are to be really happy and manifest a wonderful, full and enriching life we must become conscious of how we create magic. We must learn how we can manifest what will give us the most pleasure in our lives. Anything less is cheating us out of what makes life worth living. First, we must realise that we can create our lives so that we can live every day in happiness, bliss and contentment. If we are to truly be happy we have to unlearn the lies that we have believed. Those lies have kept us unhappy, disillusioned and in pain. Let's start with the biggest of these lies, the lie about our ability to achieve success and how we do it. Everywhere we go we are bombarded with the idea that gaining more success is the key to getting everything we want. That's tagged to the idea that we must want more,

and that we must burn with desire. Books professing to teach us how to be more successful in our work, our relationships and our health surround us. We are constantly told that if we are to be happy and live the kind of lives we want, we must first be more successful than we presently are. We are taught to live in want and desire instead of in pleasure, thankfulness and joy. We are told we must master difficult techniques if we are to have our relationships, health or jobs work for us. We are taught to believe that only when we have mastered these techniques will we be able to get what we want. Only when we have reached some far off level of "success" will we be filled with pleasure and contentment. We are taught that living an enchanted life is only for the rich and special people of the world, and we believe it. We are told that we are not good enough to reap the pleasure and happiness we want. Healers tell us, when a healing fails, that we didn’t believe enough. New Age leaders tell us that the problem is that we don’t live spiritually enough to deserve happiness. We are taught to beat ourselves up when we do not succeed as we think we should. We are taught that we don’t have what we want and need because we are not good enough spiritually, financially, or in our relationships. We are brainwashed into believing that our personal lack is responsible for our lack of success.

Then, when we seek help with the bad feelings created by our belief in this lie of powerlessness and lack, we are told the reason we feel bad is because we are not good enough, or that we don’t believe enough. That reinforces the negative energy. We believe the lies when we are told that we will be happy, rich and loved if only we could learn to do what we are told. However, the real lesson we are learning is that we are not good enough to live an enchanted life. We think that we don’t deserve to live our lives in pleasure. We are told over and over that until we learn to meditate better or develop our psychic abilities or get more money or a new relationship, we will not be happy. We are told that the reasons we do not experience our lives as magical, enchanting voyages into a bright and prosperous future is that we don’t have the ability, that we don’t believe in ourselves. Soon, we feel worse and create even more negative energy. We are taught to feel undeserving and unfulfilled by the very people who profess to teach us to love ourselves and to feel better about ourselves. We are told that only when we reach some mystical level will we be able to live our lives the way we want. We are told that only when we are the way others want us to be will we be allowed to be happy and live magical enchanted lives full of pleasure and bliss and fulfilment. That is a trap designed to make us feel inadequate. By focusing on what we don’t have--and what we can’t seem to get--keeps us creating negative energy. That energy produces like for like. No matter how high we climb on the success ladder, we are taught that there is always more success to be gained before we can reach the place where we

can rest. We never reach the place where we can enjoy the fruits of our labours, and where we can feel fulfilled, loved and full of joy and enchantment. The success sellers have led us to believe that, if we are to be successful, we must be different from the way we are. We have been taught that without want and desire to lead us to success, we cannot be happy. The sellers of success, the success gurus, the misguided New Age teachers and others have cheated us out of most of our pleasure by teaching us that that we need to have need and want in our lives. We have then set our goals and lived our lives out of want. The universe, using the "like attracts like" law, has multiplied and returned to us the energy we have given it. To live your life the way you were meant to live you must get pleasure back into your life. That is what this book is all about. It is not about achieving success in what you do but in creating ongoing pleasure in how you live.

What’s pleasure all about anyway? It is our natural right to be happy and filled with pleasure. It is our birthright to live magical and enchanted lives. When we are able to live this way, we naturally achieve the results that we want and need. As we have already discussed, like attracts like. When we increase pleasure in our lives, the money, relationships and experiences that will further increase the magic in our lives, come to us automatically. As fundamental as it may seem, if we fill ourselves with thankfulness, happiness and pleasure, we deliver to the universe the seeds of pleasure. In planting those seeds, we reap a harvest of pleasure and all things that give us more pleasure. That is why the world’s religions tell us to practice forgiveness and thankfulness. It is why negative emotions are so bad. It is not just the pain of negative emotions; it is the negative energy we plant. This negative energy, once planted, returns to us as pain, sickness, fear, and unhappiness. For centuries, we have unwittingly used this method to create lives of poverty, want and pain. It is how we create any pain, unhappiness or want in our lives right now. By following the suggestions and exercises laid out in this book, you will begin to experience more pleasure than you ever thought possible. You'll discover more excitement in living, and more bliss, achievement and can even have better health. In

short, your life will take on a magic you could not have imagined before. Every morning will be like waking in an enchanted garden. Every evening will give you cause for thankfulness. All of your needs will be met effortlessly. You will no longer have problems with weight, lack of money or bad relationships. The universe truly does respond to the energy we plant. I realise that a lot of what I am saying will seem as if it is difficult if not impossible to do. Most of us have been taught that personal pleasure is bad. That somehow feeling good is bad. We have been taught that experiencing pleasure is not spiritual, that it is not proper to put your own pleasure first. Yet we all are drawn to and want desperately to live enchanted lives. Creating pleasure is not only good for us individually; it is also essential if we are to change our lives and the world in general. The negative feelings you have experienced in your life--your feelings of need, dismay and want--have been the seeds you have planted, and that even now you are reaping. You must take the steps to create a place for pleasure to exist in your life all the time. You are meant to live an enchanted life. It is your right. But, it is equally your choice to create pain, unhappiness and want in your life. The universe does not care what you plant; it only returns—multiplied--what you plant. Like attracts like. Plant carrots and you will reap carrots; plant peas and you will reap peas.

What you thought was your need and drive for success has really been a drive for pleasure, magic and enchantment in your life. I hope that you can see that now. By seeking success, the energy of want and need were planted. Automatically, these negative feelings have been returned to you. In achieving the things you want, your greatest enemy has been your own negative energy. You sought success by planting seeds of neediness and want. That has kept you from pleasure. It has kept you unhappy, unwell, and unfilled. This concept of success that includes worry and want and lack has created the physical realities of want worry and lack in our lives. Striving for success has stolen the magic from our lives. We must not blame ourselves; blame only creates more negative feelings. We must understand that it is not our fault. To truly understand what happened, we must first see what has happened to us and how it has happened. Once we understand why we are want- and need-oriented, it's easier for us to turn to pleasure. Until you know the trap, you cannot free yourself. If we are to finally reap the rewards, to live our lives in magic and filled with pleasure, we must understand the nature of what has happened to us, and why.

So, why have our paths to success been filled with need and want? Everyone I have ever interviewed, worked with or talked to defines success as being happier, richer and in many cases thinner than they are. In short, having what they do not have in the present. It is not success itself that causes the problem; it is how we attempt to achieve success. When we concentrate on want and forget to enjoy the present moment, success becomes like gold fever. It infects us and leads us to do what we would not normally do. Because this kind of desire for success is always future oriented, it takes us out of the moment. It robs us of any pleasure we have now. As long as we strive in this way, as long as our goal is to want more or to desire more, blotting out the joy of the present, as long we make desire our goal, it is like constantly seeking tomorrow. We remain in a state of wanting and needing, unable to appreciate what we have. By doing this, we rob ourselves of our moment-to-moment pleasures. Our tomorrow never comes. It is always just that "day away." Likewise, success is always tantalisingly close, but constantly just out of reach. Whether we realize it or not, we seek desire rather than the success itself. We live like the gold seekers, in poverty and want, wet and cold but unable and unwilling to abandon the fruitless search. Striving for success in this manner creates in us a constant nagging need, a want for something we never seem to be able to reach no matter what we do or what we

acquire. That is why so many of us seek the advice of the success gurus. Like an addiction, we seek more of what causes the problem. It's a never-ending circle that eventually burns us out or throws us into disillusionment. When I talk to people who are rich and powerful, they talk about how their continued desire for more. Financial success has not brought them pleasure; they feel that their lives hollow. Though they have money and power, somehow the feelings of true success have eluded them. Those who are less financially well off strive to serve the same two masters, want and desire. The only difference is that the rich have at least the earmarks of success, money and power. They are no better off than the poor. Both caught in the web of the success paradigm… the web of desire and want. In truth, the myth of success has engulfed both the rich and poor alike. Both the rich and poor suffer the same, each has pain, unhappiness and a lack of enchantment in their lives. That is why so many of the rich and famous turn to drink and drugs. If only they knew that what they seek so desperately cannot be obtained until they make the shift to the pleasure paradigm. They must be willing to be thankful and enjoy what they have. If a person is to achieve a magical, enchanted and pleasure-filled life, seeking success through desire and want will not work. That is why both the rich and poor believe that success has eluded them. These people dream daily of something they don’t have. Rich or poor, they feel unsatisfied because they don’t live magical lives. They don’t have enchantment, passion and pleasure in their moment-to-moment existences. Because of this, they put more pain and want into the universe… and it is returned to them again and again. Instead of using

the principal of like attracting like to attract what they desire, they instead bring pain and unhappiness into their lives. Imagine what it would be like if you learned to attract a world filled with magic. Imagine living in a world of total pleasure everyday, a world of bliss and enchantment. In North America, we have failed to realise is that it is the striving for success that has caused our break with experiencing enchanted and magical lives. Instead of experiencing the moment-by-moment bliss of life, and the magic of being alive, we engage ourselves in doing what we don’t want to do in the name of success. Regardless of the success we seek--money, possessions, or even enlightenment--we focus on our wants and desires somewhere far in the future where success will miraculously happen… we hope. We have come to believe in the false hope that there will be success "tomorrow." However, tomorrow never comes and there is never success today – we overlook it, even when we achieve it! There is only the painful regret for what we have missed. Instead of living lives of joy, we live lives filled with true success while focusing on what we don’t have. All the while, we keep sending into the universe the energy—and seeds—of struggle, pain and want.

Striving for success by using want and need has always been our enemy. Because it makes us focus on what we don’t have, it has robbed us of the single most important thing that we as human beings were meant to experience: Pleasure and magic in the moment.

They myth of want vs. the magic of living in the enchanted now We want all experiences because they will give us some sort of pleasure. Pleasure is a feeling we can only experience in the moment. Want and need is a vaporous, futurepaced expression. It is an adjective turned into a thing. Some how we have tried to turn success into something we can have rather than a measurement. The success gurus have emptied our pockets of money, our bodies of health, and our minds and souls of pleasure, magic and contentment. They have driven us away from pleasure and towards ruin, physically and mentally, by teaching us to create the emotions of want, pain and need. These emotions have gone out into our universe to be returned to us. As human beings, we need to be constantly in touch with pleasure if we are to be healthy and happy. Our bodies and immune systems work well only when our bodies and minds are in contentment, and when we feel pleasure. Only when our relationships are harmonious and our jobs fun, do the physical and mental systems of the human body work at their peak. When we are in pleasure, our days and nights are spent in bliss rather than worry, discord and sickness. When we are in pleasure our bodies are alive and well. We are taught to believe that living in bliss and pleasure can only happen once we become free from want and worry. We are taught we must be successful in our religions or spiritual lives. We are taught that we always need more money and more possessions. We have given up the idea that we can have total pleasure living where we are, and in our present conditions. We have forgotten that, without changing our lives or conditions, we can live in magic and enchantment. We are led to believe that only monks and mystics have the ability to live in bliss every day. This is one of the great lies within the success myth.

All of us can live in that wonderful place where our lives are totally in pleasure. We can discover that place where we are rich in every sense of the word. Then, we are able to live each and every day to the fullest in joy, harmony and health, free from want. How is such a world possible? The answer is simple: You have to move from living your life in the want paradigm to living in the pleasure paradigm. Over the following pages, I will go into detail explaining what you need to do to unleash this magic into your life. I will teach you, step by step, exactly how to exchange the myth of want for the joys of pleasure and an enchanted life. You can be free from the struggles of the past. You will learn how to remove feelings that have prevented you from creating pleasure in everything around you. You will learn to let pleasure open the doors of plenty in all areas of your life. As you learn and practice the information in this book, you will begin to experience the magic of pleasure. You will experience abundance flowing into your life. You will manifest more money, better relationships, better health; everything you enjoy will begin flowing into your life effortlessly. The best place to start this process is in understanding how the old was built. We have built a temple to a dead god that will not help us gain what we want in our lives. The names of this god are want and worry and fear. We must learn that, until we decide to step into the magic of pleasure, the universe will continue to give us what it has given

us in the past. We must change paradigms and teach others to do the same if we are to save our world.

How Want and Worry and Fear control us. Let's start with an exercise. First, sit down in a comfortable quiet place for a few minutes where you won’t be disturbed. Read the instructions below and then, once you are familiar with them, close your eyes and do the exercise. Exercise: Imagine for a moment that you are totally happy, that the sensations in your body are the sensations that you associate with pleasure and contentment. Feel the feelings you feel when you are relaxed and confident and able to handle all the life situations around you with ease. Imagine your life as if you were living in a mystic swirl of magic and enchantment, a place where the universe surprised you at every turn with some new and wonderful experience. Step into this world of enchantment in your mind. See what things would look like through your eyes as you experienced this. Hear what you would be hearing and smell the smells and feel the temperature of the air. Experience as fully as you can the wonderful world of pleasure. Sit back for a moment and let yourself experience this feeling. Enjoy the comfort and relaxation of being in a position where you are worry free. Let yourself experience being comfortable safe and protected. A place where your every whim is attainable by merely enjoying the life around you a place where nothing can be taken from you, a place of complete safety. Notice how you experience this world around you. Notice the energy that seems to permeate you. Feel how in this moment everything seems good. Experience how clear your mind is and how much energy you are feeling as you experience contentment and

relaxation and pleasure in the moment. Let yourself feel how good pleasure feels, how good it is to know that you are protected and looked after. Now, allow your awareness to switch to your present surroundings. Begin to think of how you would like things different. Begin to think of what you would normally worry about. What you would fear and what you would want and need. Notice if in these thoughts there is a little voice inside of you telling you that this proves you can’t be successful, or something like that. If you have such a voice, what is your particular voice saying? Is it telling you that to reach your goals you would need to be more worthy? That you would need to be richer, thinner, or have a better job? Or perhaps it says that you need better luck? Does it remind you of other failures as well? If you suggest to that voice that you can just relax and trust the universe to give you, what you want what does it say? Does it tell you that living a magical and enchanted life is beyond you somehow? Perhaps it is telling you that living your life in pleasure would be wrong, at least until you prove your worthiness. Does it want you to try harder to be more successful, while at the same time telling you that you will never be? Notice how you really feel when you listen. It is uplifting? Does it make you feel pleasure? My guess is that it does not make you feel good. In fact I would guess that you would love to live in the first experience, where you are free of fear, worry and need. We can do that. We can live in such a world. It is possible and I will showing you how to handle your "inner critics" later in the book. For now, just notice how disruptive these inner critics are. See how our belief in the reality of need and want and worry has really led us to feeling bad most of the time.

Now go back to that wonderful place. If the voice is bothering you there, tell it that for the moment you want to pretend that you could have the feelings of enchantment and relaxation. Then, allow yourself to step back into that wonderful place. Experience the wonderful feelings of having confidence and contentment, the feeling of pleasure and magic in your life. Would it be good to live like this all the time? Would you enjoy it? Is this feeling something that you would like to experience more often? All the time? This is how you could be living your life in every moment. You could be confident that you can handle every situation. You can enjoy the challenges around you while feeling powerful and in control. This is living as it is meant to be. Now let that little voice come back. Let it tell you that you are not successful. Let it tell you what it has wanted to tell you. Let it explain how, if you only had more money, a bigger house, a better relationship, better health, less weight, more spirituality, then you could be happy. Notice how, as it talks, you can feel the negative energy building in you. Is it any wonder that these feelings are powering more negativity? This is why your self-confidence is low, why you feel anxiety, and why you can’t lose or gain the weight you want. Living in these negative feelings, listening to those inner critics day in and day out… that is what has programmed your life.

Perhaps you aren't totally convinced yet. You still believe that seeking success through need and worry is the way to go. Maybe you have spent a lot of money taking courses that have taught you how to "manifest" success in your life, or you have spiritual or religious beliefs that seem to contradict what I am saying. Let me give you another example to help illustrate this point. Those of us who are or have been overweight have experienced, firsthand, the difficulties in going to the gym if there are people there who are not as overweight as we are. We feel self-conscious and we feel bad. We are unmotivated and those inner voices tell us that we can’t achieve our goals, or that we will never be thin so why bother. But what if we appeared at the gym door in a completely different paradigm, the paradigm of pleasure, so we only were aware of our having a great time? If we were totally pleasure oriented in dancing or moving, do you think the gym would generate the same feelings of self-consciousness and negative emotions? We both know the answer to that. Of course it would be different. This is the difference between living in the context of the pleasure paradigm as opposed to the worry and anxiousness paradigm. To have the effect that I am talking about, you must not merely change your thinking or goal; you must change the paradigm you live out of. To believe that you can create the pleasure-filled life you want by being more want- or needoriented is the success myth. Coming from the success paradigm, you will begin to want and the negative feelings will creep in. You must instead change paradigms. You must shift from wanting success to enjoying and experiencing pleasure each moment, and in everything you do. Only when you have made the paradigm shift will the world begin to automatically manifest what you want.

Why can’t you just change goals? Why can’t you just stay in the want or success paradigm? It is because any talk of success or goal setting without changing paradigms will almost immediately cause you to think of what you don’t have. It will bring to mind what you need or desire. This is what drives the negative energy: Our constant state of wanting, of lack, of thinking of what we still "need" to be successful. Even if you are comfortable and relaxed, moments after any mention of success, any mention of having more money, having a nicer place, a better partner, anything that moves you to begin to want, will create the negative energy. Even wanting more pleasure will cause the energy shift. That is why simply changing goals is not enough, why positive thinking is not enough. You must switch paradigms to begin to manifest effortlessly what you want in your life. This leads me to a danger you must be aware of. This is the danger of working with someone who has not achieved the paradigm shift himself or herself. Without adequate experience in this new paradigm you can easily be swept even further back into the negative energy cycle of the success paradigm. If this happens you will become more and more aware of what you don’t have. This awareness of lack can intensify and, as it does, your confidence will subtly be eroded.

That is the reason that so many people crash a few days after hearing a motivational speaker, often feeling worse then they did before the speaker or trainer worked with them. Anything that causes you to desire, to wish for or need will create a further decent into negative energy. You will begin to wonder if you are capable of fulfilling your "success dreams". As you begin to doubt your abilities to achieve your desired results, the negative energy will build. It will create a vortex of negative manifestation around you. When this happens, at best you will experience a need to "do more" or "be more." At worst, you will find yourself dropping into depression or fear. As this happens, the energy and manifestations returning to you will "prove" that you are unable to get the success you want. This is what happens to so many of us when we try to achieve our dreams. Instead of reaching our goals, we slip into a kind of depression where more and more negative energy is created, resulting in more and more negative manifestations. This is the reason people find it so difficult to do goal exercises. An example would be the very cyclic nature of the results of diets. Most diets are mute testimony to this massive failure of using success as the criteria for creating the results you want in your life. Everywhere the diet success gurus proclaim that "you will be successful" and strive to teach the person how to "master" eating this or that. They try to make us more successful at counting calories, or doing exercises. Yet the grim reality

is that very few people actually reach their goal. Our population is becoming more and more obese as we observe the ongoing failure of diets. We have been misled. We all want to live lives filled with magic and enchantment. The problem is the road map we have been given will never take us where we want to go. The myth is that results are achieved in life by going after success, which we translate into wanting and needing. The truth is that results are automatically given to us by the energy we put out. We have to learn to put out the right kind of energy or the law of like attracting like will work against us every time. We must learn to shift from the paradigm of success to the paradigm of pleasure. Without that shift, our efforts at change and creating more happiness in our lives will not work. Of course, this does not mean that you give up success, on the contrary, it assures success. It is the desperation caused by want and need that creates the negative energy. In that negative energy, you won't achieve and enjoy true success: success where you can be happy moment to moment, and where you can live in love and happiness and joy. When you go after pleasure, your mind and body react by supplying health and vitality, and by inviting into your life the energy that will attract the things you enjoy! But why are we so off track? Let's look at the motivations that power and have powered our slide into producing negative energy. We already know that we all would far rather feel pleasure, contentment and selfconfidence than lack of confidence or pain. Yet, we are constantly buying into the beliefs that produce failure and pain in our lives. These beliefs are sold to us by people who do not have our best interests at heart.

If we are to understand how the success paradigm continues to flourish, we must realise that behind these false beliefs there is a success industry that is intent on selling us the illusions of need, want and desire. We fail to realise that if success books and programs actually worked, we would already be happy and successful. We would be achieving the results we want daily. We would be living in pleasure. Instead of admitting that the paradigm of want and need does not work, the proclaimers of this dead system prefer to blame us--the victims--by saying that we do not want the success enough or that we are don’t work hard enough at it. Yet so many people fail to understand that it proves nothing but that what we are being sold will not work. We go to seminars and workshops that only produce temporary feelings of control or escape. The negative feelings always return. We watch videos and television programs that tell us to love ourselves and yet we hate ourselves more daily. Our children are overcome with negative feelings to the point that they feel forced to kill themselves or other students. Our workers are enveloped in such negative feelings that they are unable to perform their jobs. We live in a world of escalating crisis where the

spectres of want, need and hate grow daily. September 11th 2001 has shown us how deeply and how widely these beliefs go. North America is not the only continent that holds these negative beliefs. Unless we begin making the shift, the negative energy around the world will slowly move us closer and closer to a future we dare not even imagine. But there is a way out. To make the shift to where we can truly experience pleasure and begin to manifest what we want and love in our lives, we must understand that we have to give up wanting and needing. We need to learn to believe and to have faith in our abilities again. The truth is: We cannot achieve success by wanting and needing because wanting and needing only produce the illusion of an achievable success. No matter how much "success" we accumulate we will always want more if we stay in our present paradigm. We must learn to enjoy and love what we do daily so that success can come to us. The illusion that wanting and needing will motivate and drive us has been sold to us. Its purpose is to force us to buy more, to sell us courses and other products, and to keep us in the success paradigm. As long as we believe that we need to change ourselves, and that we need to be different people… as long as we believe that we are not good enough as we are, we will continue to be stuck in the success paradigm. We don’t need to be different or do better. All we need do is abandon the success paradigm with its unreachable goals, and step into the pleasure paradigm. Once we do this, the energy that we produce will return to us in the form of what we genuinely need and want. This is a law of the universe. All things work this way. The universe will manifest for us the kind of experiences and situations that will enable us, that will

empower us and will create abundance in our lives. The good news is that we can create magical and enchanted lives, and what we desire will automatically be drawn to us. Our problems have been in our lack of understanding of the law of attraction. If we are to fully break down the old paradigm we must learn that success by want and need is an industry created to sell products and services to us. Success is offered to us as if it offered the answers to our fears and needs, but it is incapable of helping us. We have to learn that it is as much an industry as fast food or the marketing of new cars. If we are to live pleasured lives surrounded by wonder and enchantment, we have to abandon the false paradigm of success. Instead, we must embrace the paradigm that will create positive feelings within us. It is only then that the universe will receive the building blocks for peace, love and pleasure. Why has no one told you this before? It is because most people earn their livings clinging to the success myth. They keep their world bearable by clinging to the distractions of need and want. They feel the fear deep within themselves. They let want and need drive them from facing the primal fear that lurks within them. They are afraid to change, even afraid to step off the merry-go-round of consuming and need and want. We are bombarded daily with advertisements to make us believe the success myth. Many spiritual teachers have tried to lead us to a better understanding by telling us not to put our faith in earthly treasures, to live in the moment. But, because those masters spoke from a different paradigm--the paradigm of pleasure--we failed to see what they were actually saying. Instead, we thought that creating more spirituality though the success paradigm would help us be more spiritual. We believed that wanting and needing more spiritual awareness would naturally lead to more spirituality. In truth, that only

leads us closer to fear and pain. Living in joy is the only way that we can experience life the way it is meant to be lived. It is only by living in harmony and pleasure that we can experience the world supporting and uplifting us. We hoped that reading books on prosperity or goal setting would lead us out of our constant manifestation of negative experiences. None of this will work, because unless we abandon the success paradigm and step into the pleasure paradigm we will continue to create the same negative energy. This negative energy will draw like to like and we will continue to manifest negative experiences such as pain and sickness. We must give up want and fear forever. The only way to do that is to begin to enjoy the now to make the shift to the pleasure paradigm. The success paradigm is slippery. It lures good meaning people into its false beliefs. There are many who, because of the pain they feel, simply think that they can overcome the pain by attempting to help others or by selling products or services that—in turn--support the success paradigm. The result is the same. No matter why we buy products that represent want and need, and no matter what type of consumers we are, if we live within the success paradigm we will become sick and unhappy. We will be robbed of magic in our lives. Our illusionary need to dwell in the future where we hope to have more has been turned into the driving force behind a success consumerism. Without our belief in the success gurus' claims that having more is the ultimate goal, we would not have entered the trap we now reside in. It does not matter if your goal is to be more spiritual, wealthier, or even happier. The result will be the same as long as you reside in the

success paradigm. It is the paradox of life to understand that, by being happy in the moment and living in pleasure in the now, you are guaranteed all that you want and need. When advertisers aim their commercials at us, they are tapping into the artificially created success myth. It does not matter whether they are selling a pilgrimage to India or a new car. The principle is the same and it has directed us deeper into the paradigm of success. That is why the pilgrimage or new car only gives pleasure for a short time: Each purchase only postpones the need for our next purchase. It is why we take endless seminars and workshops attempting to learn the "secret" that will free us. We are not addicted to buying, or seminars or learning; we are trapped in the wrong paradigm. From it, the universe can only return negative manifestations. Is it any wonder that our world is experiencing crisis after crisis, that there are global problems and increased crime? We are creating these negative manifestations of fear and want by staying in the success paradigm. Our only hope is to free ourselves and step into a new paradigm, the pleasure paradigm. The success paradigm is driving us into a world unfit to live in. We are manifesting what our energy has created. Unless we stop, we will surely create a world fit for no one to live in. We are being robbed of a life filled with magic and enchantment, and we are robbing our children of a world they could enjoy. Instead of experiencing joy and contentment, we live our lives feeling unsatisfied, and unable to even create a minimal level of satisfaction. We don't realize that we live in this festering pool of negative energy that is manifesting more and more negative experiences for others and ourselves. We are engulfed by the paradigm of success and it is drowning us as a society.

If we are to truly live our lives in magic and pleasure, and achieve true happiness, we must come to grips with the illusion of success and see it for what it is. We have to learn to understand how this illusion has robbed us of our ongoing pleasure in return for some far distant goal that will never be reached. Once we understand how success works, we can turn from the illusion to true success and enjoyment of life. We will be free to achieve our goals, and to find and enjoy relationships. Until we step into pleasure, we will be caught in the ever downward negative manifestations that are presently spiralling out of control. These negative energies of want and need will create a more negative environment for us to live in; that will only lead to disillusionment, unhappiness and further erosion of our self-confidence. We must choose a better path.

The beginning of the new world? We now come to the most exciting part of this book. Now we can start to re-build ourselves in a way that will automatically create the kind of life we want. We are at the gateway to a new world. It is a magical world filled with pleasure enchantment and freedom from want. To step through this gate, we must be willing to abandon the paradigm of success in favour of the paradigm of pleasure. You have already begun to do this by simply understanding what the paradigm of success is actually doing. However, this is not enough. If you are to walk through the gate and begin to experience the garden of pleasure, you must also understand a second illusion. This is the illusion that has kept us prisoner in the paradigm of success for thousands of years. It is the illusion of emotion. The illusion of emotion is the belief that emotions are connected to life events. It is the idea that we can only feel certain ways when certain events happen. We think that the only way we can feel pleasure is to be loved, have enough money, or travel, or… any other number of excuses. We begin to believe that these outside factors cause our emotions. This is how we are trapped by the advertisers and the sellers of need and want. They teach us that our wants and needs will be fulfilled if only we "purchase" what they sell. We believe that we will feel better about ourselves as soon as we can get more, but then we want more and more. This is the illusion that the paradigm of success uses to keep us prisoner. It teaches us that outside factors control the energy that we put out. We're taught that having a new car or a better relationship will cause us to put out positive energy. It is this illusion that makes us say we cannot be happy until something else happens. This is why

be think that we cannot put into the universe the energy that will manifest what we want, because we do not yet have want we want. It is the height of insanity and yet we embrace it as if it was a truth. We must learn our emotions are not connected to experiences. They are connected to the paradigm we live in. Our emotions are based on the way that we think! For example, some people can be ecstatic just by getting up and being able to see the sunrise. There are others that cannot be happy unless a litany of criteria is met. When these two kinds of people meet and discuss what makes them happy, the second group fails to realise that they have given themselves and their power over to outside events and situations. Only when situations are "just right" can they feel happy. When you think that outside experiences or forces control your emotions, you are firmly in the grasp of the paradigm of success and--of course--you will want and need. You will believe that getting what you want and need will free you from the fear and negative thoughts and energy. But, it will not. It simply feeds the negative energy. Let me relate a story of two young boys. The two boys lived on a farm and were at the age that they felt they should be allowed to try driving the car. One day the parents went out and left the boys alone. They knew that their parents would be gone for at least an hour or two so; they conspired to drive the car while their parents were out. The first boy got in the car and began to drive it around. As he drove the car, it sputtered and jerked as he attempted to control the clutch and the gas. With each jump of the car his heart beat faster and the pleasure rose in his chest until he was laughing out loud. Each stall was a chance to start the car again and practice starting. Driving was the most fun he had ever had.

Soon it was his brother’s turn. His brother got in the car. The experience itself was identical. Again the car shook and stalled, but this brother found himself cursing under his breath. At each jerk of the car and inappropriate clutch release, his anger at himself and the car rose. He compared himself to others he had seen driving. As he did, his longing to be able to drive like them turned his emotions from frustration to red hot anger. As he continued around the farmyard, his lack of control of the car was magnified by his anger. With each jerk of the car, his confidence dwindled. By the time he pulled up in front of the barn to let his brother have another turn, he was ready to quit. He stomped out of the car, kicking the door as he went. How many of us approach life like the second brother approached driving? Many of us diminish ourselves when we try something new. When we see what some else has manifested into their lives, don't we often feel angry and jealous? Is it any wonder that we fill our universe with anger and resentment daily? So many of us live our lives like the second brother. We put into the universe emotions not connected to the event at all. They are emotions we have learned from the paradigm of success: Emotions like anger, jealousy, arrogance, hate and perfectionism. Emotions that when expressed create negative energy. Is it any wonder that so many of us who experience these emotions on a daily basis also have health problems or life problems? The universe will only return and magnify the energy that is given to it. That is the law of the universe Without the belief that he must be successful, the second boy would have enjoyed the ride as much as his brother. The first boy simply experienced the pleasure of driving, of stalling, and of having to restart the car. The second boy drove with the want and need

of success as his goal. In doing so, he robbed himself of his pleasure in driving just as we rob ourselves of our pleasure in life. By living in the paradigm of success the boy prevented the magic that swirls around him from happening. He put out want, fear and failure for the universe to return to him, and it did. How many of you have created problems in your lives because you tried to be successful instead of using the experience to create pleasure for yourselves? At the heart of every failure is the illusion that there can be success through want and need! As long as want and need are the criteria there will always be failure. We have come to believe that we cannot have success unless we have want and need. That we can not set goals and enjoy the goal setting, that we can not enjoy where we are and be motivated to move ahead to become better. Failure and success are two sides of the same coin. That is why it is so hard for us to relinquish the idea of failure in our lives. We understand unconsciously that if we release failure we must also release the want and need of success. We don’t understand that failure and want and need are the same illusion, and that illusion is created by the paradigm of success. But what if we are unable to make even the first move from the paradigm of success? What if want and need is so important to us that we cannot bring ourselves to even consider abandoning them? Let's begin by understanding how the illusion is created that want and need are so important.

For us to choose success over pleasure, we our minds must determine that success is more important. Let's examine for a moment how this came to be and why it seems so natural for us to believe that the paradigm of success is the correct one. The reason for this, like so many things, is that it is the way things have been. To better understand what I mean let's go back to the roots of want and need conditioning, to the roots of the success paradigm and how it became linked to our idea that wanting and success go together. Since the dawn of time, we as a species have had to have ways of determining what is important in our lives. I would assume that in the beginning we all had a pretty good idea of what was important our own survival, such as food, shelter, warmth, and procreation. During this time, our dominance in the group was dictated by strength and expertise in hunting and gathering. But as time went on we shifted to a more agrarian way of life. Once we no longer were hunter-gathers, our ancestors had to find other ways of deciding who was most important in the community. Who would be leader? Who would get the choicest mate, or the best home site? As violent conflict could (and probably did) result in injury and even death, it became obvious that the community shouldn't lose its best and strongest in internal conflicts. (This is evident in most other species, which rarely fight to the death.) Some other methods of proving dominance had to be found.

At first, size and strength were the obvious choices, but as we evolved we began to use other symbols of dominance. Birthright became a way of determining who would be leader. In some societies this method flourished. If you were not the king or chief, property became a medium of determining your position in society. How many pigs or cows you had became more important than how tall you were. This has continued today. Almost everyone would agree that obtaining and showing ownership of dominance markers determines status for most people today. Ownership of things like money, late model cars, and the ability to travel, places the holder of these markers higher in status. Those that hold these status markers are held in higher esteem. So, it soon became obvious that there was a huge market in selling the dominance markers themselves. It was also apparent that people would purchase any instructional material that claimed to tell them how to achieve the money necessary to buy these dominance markers. As we have adopted wealth and success rather than happiness as our dominance markers, those without wealth (and thus success) have developed deep wants and needs. This is the reason so many people feel so impotent in our modern world. Even those that are rich are not immune. Although they have acquired symbols of dominance, someone else always has a higher level and more dominance. There is no longer any safety in the pecking order. Each of us has an innate knowing in regard to these symbols of dominance and their impotency. This is why we strive to improve our dominance factor (success)

through continued acquisition of money and belongings. We hope to create for ourselves a sense of shelter and thus arrive at some level of security in our lives. Success though want and need will never give us the pleasure and safety that we crave. No matter what we get, as long as we choose the paradigm of success, we will always want more and create negative energy by doing so. Because this negative energy comes back to us, often destroying what we have built, we worry that what we have may be taken from us. The energy that we put out almost guarantees it. In our quiet moments, each of us dreams and desires for the magic of childhood to return. We long for our wishes to be fulfilled and our lives to be exciting and happy. But we have been brainwashed into believing that this magical life is a myth. We left it behind, and trudge through our lives with a sense of fear and pain. So what can we do about this? How can we change what we do and how we do it? The answer lies in how we experience life. It's all in how we learn to give off the magic sparks that will automatically attract into our lives what we desire, including more pleasure, more money, and better relationships. To live your life from the pleasure paradigm, you must understand that the way you have been attempting to get your life to work is wrong. It is not wrong to want to live in pleasure, to have as much money as you want, and as much love and contentment as you want. What is wrong is the way you have been attempting to get these things. As I said earlier, if the success gurus were right, then anyone who could read would already be rich and happy. Clearly, they are not.

The bag of dirt There is an old story of a magician who told farmers that he could magically transform their crops if they would buy his bag of magic dirt. The instructions were plain once a person bought the dirt. They were to walk around their field each day sprinkling a small amount of the magic dirt with them. The magician prospered as the dirt seemed to work until one day a boy noticed the magician collecting ordinary dirt and putting it into his bags ready to sell. When confronted as to how the magic worked the magician simply shrugged and said, "They are farmers. When they walk around the field they automatically pull weeds and tend their crops. The magic is in getting them to want to walk around the fields each day". Our modern fields are the offices and businesses of today. They are where the magicians offer us bags of dirt to keep doing what we don’t want to do. But unlike the farmers of yesteryear, we don’t want to farm these modern buildings. We do it because we have been sold a bag of dirt called the need for success. We strive for success while denying ourselves the joy of living in the moment and experiencing joy and wonder. Our inherent need for security, love, possession, in short, dominance, has been turned against us to aid the corporate sales machine in selling us what we don’t want and what will ultimately destroy our lives and our world. We are kept so stressed and busy that our relationships fail, our health fails and our lives become hollow and hopeless. The sellers of success know that if a product can be redefined to be a dominance symbol, people will pay a far greater price for it. All of this has taught us that we need a constantly escalating income to purchase dominance symbols if we are to stay ahead of the others in the pack and of course a high income in itself becomes the most important dominance symbol.

The myth that success is based on behaviour To sell success, it became important for the success marketers to be able to accomplish two things. First they had to convince people that everyone who wanted to could achieve dominance. To do this effectively, they knew they must define new differences between people to account for some of them having dominance and some not. They could not tell the truth that manifestation was the result of energy. They had to create a new myth that they could sell. In our modern world as we previously mentioned, something other than size and strength had to be created as the "key to dominance" and thus pleasure. This something had to be available to everyone and it had to be sold to us as the single thing that--if possessed--would give us dominance. This "something else" was behaviour. It was postulated that if the same behaviour a "successful person" used could be adopted, then the outcome of success would be a sure thing and all the symbols of success could be purchased. This of course sounds very good on paper, but like so many other myths surrounding the success paradigm it simply is not true. That most people in North America still believe it is a true testament to the sales job that the marketers of this myth have done. Because so many of us believe that behaviour--not energy--creates our environment, we have created a trap for ourselves. We have concentrated on behaviour instead of energy. Let me give you an example of how behaviour can be so easily mistaken as the key to success.

In the late 1980s in Central British Columbia, Canada there was a housing boom. Every house was going up in price. Every person who bought and sold a house could make money, and they did. I knew one particular person who became a very successful Realtor and earned substantial income (dominance points). Soon he was convinced of his own "success" and began examining his behaviour to discover the secret of his success. He wanted to become a success trainer and had decided that his own behaviour--considering how well he was doing--would be a great model. I would like to point out that this is not at all unusual. Often when a person perceives themselves to be successful, they attribute it to their behaviour alone and spend a great deal of time and energy trying to figure out what behaviour they have that makes them superior. Soon, the Realtor had everything ready and he opened up a shop teaching others to adopt his behaviours. Unfortunately, by the time he had opened his training business the housing boom had ceased. Not only did his students not succeed, but soon his own Real Estate business was in serious trouble. Within a year he was out of the Real Estate business altogether. This story illustrates that success is not created by behaviours. The person who always seems to be in the right place at the right time, and effortlessly achieves what they want, has puzzled us all. These people are examples of living in pleasure. Their outflow of pleasure energy is returned to them, multiplied by the universe.

The great news is that this type of experience can be achieved by all of us. By the time you have finished this book, your life will have already begun to change. You will not have to change your life. The energy you put out by stepping into the pleasure paradigm will automatically begin to deliver to you whatever will bring you pleasure. Like will attract like and, as a result, the events and experiences you manifest in your life will automatically change. Living in pleasure and the energy that it produces will bring success into your life. You no longer have to fight with life, or to attempt to "will" success to come to you. There is no more need to struggle or fight with anyone or anything, including fighting with your own body. By putting out the energy that is associated with pleasure, you will automatically begin to draw to you what you want. The universal energy and law of like attracting like will automatically put you in the right place at the right time. Behaviour cannot do that. Adopting new behaviours based on needing or wanting will not change the energy we put out. It is the energy that controls what comes back to us, not our behaviours. A lot of money and time have been spent selling us the "behaviour myth." Many of us have actually bought that myth that says that success will come to us once we change our behaviour to that of the successful person. When we go to any success course, the trainers immediately tell us--overtly and covertly--what we should think and do. Yet they fail to understand that what we think and do is not the problem, but the paradigm we

do it from. If we continue to think and do from a paradigm of want and need, we will continue to put out negative energy. It does not matter that the behaviours behind needing and wanting have changed; the fact that you are using a new way to need and want does not matter. If this was not a great enough injury, by the trainers giving us this message of "not being good enough," our unconscious minds begin to learn that what we are doing is not good enough. This message reinforces our fear and negativity. This fear and negativity creates more negative energy and that negative energy draws to it more negative experiences. This negative energy that we continually produce keeps us from living in magic and experiencing an enchanted life. The success paradigm programming becomes a selffulfilling prophecy drawing us toward more negative experiences. It is now time for us to do an exercise. For this exercise we must sit quietly and have about ten minutes of privacy. Again, please read over the instructions and then do the exercise. First think of some activity or experience where you were filled with joy, excitement and happiness. As you begin to think of this experience let your mind take you back there. Go back as if you were reliving it again. See it through your own eyes, seeing again what you saw, and hearing what you heard. Let yourself begin to experience the wonderful feelings of excitement and pleasure. As you feel the pleasure allow yourself to settle into it and as you do so squeeze your thumb and forefingers together. Doing this will to act as a reminder to get you back to the feelings a bit later.

Hold this experience for at least thirty seconds, continuing to hold your thumb and forefinger together. Once the thirty seconds are over, or as soon as you feel yourself losing the experience, let your thumb and forefinger relax and allow yourself to float back. Doing this will create an experience link that you can use to get back to the feelings you were feeling. You will need to repeat this procedure as many times as necessary until you can recall the actual feeling of pleasure when you squeeze your thumb and forefinger together. If it seems not to work at first, just try it again. You are learning a new skill, so you may need to give it more than just one try. Once you have this reminder established you will use it to "remind" yourself to go back to a feeling of pleasure at any time that you are having difficulty feeling good. Here's an example: Perhaps you dislike washing the dishes or cleaning up. Each time you do this task you find yourself slipping into negative thinking and thus negative energy. To use your new reminder, as you approach the task, squeeze your fingers and thumb and let the feelings of pleasure begin to flow into you. As the wonderful feelings begin to manifest look around at the task and let the task begin to become associated with the feelings of pleasure. This may take four or five times before it "takes" automatically, but soon you will find that just beginning (or thinking of) the task results in the positive feelings that you need. Remember the two boys and the car. No experience means anything in particular. The associations that we create with the experience let us know if we enjoy it or hate it. By using this exercise to re-link internal feelings of pleasure with outside tasks, you are teaching your brain to re-program itself so it automatically links pleasure to your

activities. Most of the problems we have in enjoying life can be attributed directly to our inability to control our own internal processes. By systematically using this exercise, you will be able to re-program pleasure into any activity that you do. You might ask, "Is the extra work of reprogramming your self really necessary?" Only you can say.

Changing criteria If we are to live our lives surrounded by magic, joyous and full of pleasure, we need to begin experiencing the world around us differently. You have already started doing that by reading this book and doing the exercise you just finished. Sometimes though, it is not that we cannot experience pleasure in a task. It is that we choose not to. Why would we do that? The answer is simple; you have made other things more important than pleasure. You may even have decided that pleasure is not important and that things that give you pleasure are to be avoided. Sound strange? Not really. Many of us have been trained to believe that putting our own pleasure first is a bad thing to do, and that we will be thought of as thoughtless or worse. The truth is that you have to decide that pleasure is important. The reason our world is in the situation it is can be traced directly back to negative energy. Nothing creates negative energy faster than resentment, pain and worry. These things are the direct result of our not putting pleasure first. A rule we should be very aware of is that what we concentrate on multiplies. It’s the like attracting like again. Whatever is most important in our lives will begin to control our lives. If you find that worry and fear are too important to you, often the problem is that the importance of pleasure in your life is too low. Pleasure must become one of our most important criteria. To help you understand this concept, let's talk about how decisions are made and how the importance of criteria plays such a crucial role.

The paradigm we live in is controlled by our decisions. If something is at the root of true want, pain and lack, it's the person’s decision-making strategies. We are often locked in the worry and need paradigm because of the decisions we have made, and continue to make daily. To make a decision, we must have criteria that we use to decide. That is, what we use to decide what is most important compared to something else. If I am going to the store to buy a lamp for a corner of my home, I must know how much room I have in that corner. I need to know how much light I want, what type of light I want and where I want it to shine. If a part of the ceiling slants down in that corner and I only have three feet of clearance, then purchasing a lamp requiring six feet of clearance simply will not work. As you can see, the information on which I base my decisions are the important part of getting a lamp that will do what I want. The same is true in our lives. We use criteria that we judge our decisions against. By living in the success paradigm, we have been taught to use "success" as the criteria. We are taught to ask ourselves if something will make us more successful. As children we are taught to go for the right answer rather than a creative answer, shutting down our creativity and teaching us to always use success (what the teacher wants) criteria. Our parents tell us to get the training for the right kind of job so that we can be more successful. Again, we are taught to use success criteria. Our teachers or parents

rarely ask us what will give us the most pleasure. Often we encounter great resistance to openly telling ourselves to make decisions based on what will give us the most pleasure. Instead we are constantly aware of the pressure to conform to what will be or appear successful. We are told it is better to be a doctor or lawyer than a writer, that it is better to be an engineer than an artist,or an architect rather than a musician. Yet by doing this we are often guaranteeing that we will not achieve happiness, joy and bliss in our lives. By choosing what supports the success paradigm, we send out into the universe negative energy that returns to us multiplied in the form of illness, disillusionment and fear. That is why so many professionals try dropping out of the "rat race." Though they have money, they can not create the pleasure they so dearly need in their lives by staying in their profession. But, leaving behind the "rat race" is not the complete answer. The only answer that will actually produce the kind of results they want is stepping into the pleasure paradigm.

Making Magic Most of us have heard of the idea that we are responsible for what happens in our lives. Many people dismiss this idea simply because they cannot understand how they could have any bearing on what is happening around them. Until we fully understand how the universe manifests for us, we cannot hope to understand how to move from a position of victim to a position of control. The problem is that the whole idea of how we are responsible has never been fully explained. What being responsible really means is that we are responsible for what kind of energy we put out and that in turn is returned to us in actions and events. All too often I have encountered people who dismissed the idea that we have any control of what happens. If they do have an idea that they can have some control, they often think that they must learn spells or meditations. They think that leaving some magical techniques will produce the results that we want in our lives. No matter what we try for most of us we simply cannot get the results we want. Until we learn to control our minds, and to control the energy we plant in the universe, how can we hope to control what grows from the seeds that we plant? The true key is to let the universal power produce the results for you. We have been taught that we can only trust ourselves, instead of developing trust in the universe

and the energy we put out. Yet, at the same time, we like to give lip service to the idea that there is universal intelligence regardless of what we call it. Even though we speak of this intelligence, it seems that we fail to trust it. This dichotomy is exaggerated by the need of the success salespeople to have something to sell. Most of them do not know that you can just have the universe deliver by simply changing energy. If this were known there would be nothing to sell. Special spells would not be necessary; hours of meditation dedicated to changing your circumstances would not be necessary. Instead it would be like attending a birthday party. You would only have to show up at the right place and at the right time, and everyone there would give you what you wanted. Yet the universal power of like attracting like works even better than the party. We do not need to do extensive exercises to have the universe deliver to us what we need and want. When we are filled with pleasure, when we are living our lives in enchantment and magic, we are automatically sending outward to the universe the very thought energy and vibrations that will result in the universe delivering to us--multiplied of course--what we have sent out to it. The magic is in letting the universe deliver to you. So often it is our very efforts in trying to create magic in our lives that prevent the magic that is already there from happening. The reason that we live devoid of magic in our lives is that we try so hard to create it. We set success in creating magic in our lives as the goal and fear getting that success at the same time. By dwelling on the fear of not getting, we unleash all of the negative thoughts, vibrations and karma into the universe to be returned to us. Is it any wonder that so many practitioners have created frustration, pain, lack and failure for

themselves? By using the success paradigm of want and need, even in spiritual matters, the same results happen. We put out negative energy by wanting, desiring and needing… and that negative energy returns, creating more want, need and pain in our lives. Many of us are familiar with the writings of ancient masters and teaching of enlightened ones who talk of simply letting life unfold for us. But instead of letting life unfold in pleasure, we find ourselves doubting… and then creating negative energy by creating so many doubts. We don’t trust ourselves and we don’t trust the universe. The simple truth is that the universe always returns what is put out to it. We do not need dances or drums or magic spells. Of course, we can use them, but only if we use them to increase our pleasure and positive energy. To put our faith in the symbol is to put our faith in a false god. We need only remember that the positive energy we produce is responsible for manifesting good in our lives. To even suggest that you need be good at, rather than having fun in an activity, is proof that the practitioner is locked in the success paradigm, and reason for you to go elsewhere. People with no training or spiritual awareness produce results automatically in their lives just the same as those with years of training. Each of us is constantly producing experiences in our lives based on the energy we put out. The law of like attracting like is pervasive in our world. We have been taught to ignore what is obvious around us. Instead of learning from what actually happens, we are taught that some complicated ritual is needed to produce the results we want. We need no special instructions or rituals to create magic and enchantment in our lives. We can live in a world where what we need and want is automatically produced by

the universe and delivered to our doors. All we need do is allow ourselves to step into the pleasure paradigm, and leave the negative energy of the success paradigm behind. You already produce magic in your life. There is no doubt of this. You already live an enchanted and magical life; the only problem has been that you did not know it because you did not understand: Your energy that produces the results in your life. You did not realise that by living in the paradigm of success, need and want, you were actually putting out negative energy and this negative energy was fed back to you. Like attracts like. The solution to allowing what you want into your life is as easy as sending out pleasure, happiness and love. The key to beginning your voyage into the wonderful world of abundance is as close as your stepping into the paradigm of pleasure. There is no need for you to be healed or to receive enlightenment before you can do this. The universal law will work regardless of what you do or what you have done. Like will always attract like. You change your life by putting out the energy of pleasure, abundance and love. The universe always delivers like for like. It is the universal law.

Overcoming others' influence We already understand how using the paradigm of success has created a negative effect on our lives. So how are we to disengage from the success paradigm when our friends, family and teachers embrace it so unrelentingly? Others do influence us. That is why, if we are to change our world for the better, we must switch to the paradigm of pleasure. Many of us have a great deal of trouble coping with the influence of others. Just as we have been programmed to live within the paradigm of success, we have been similarly programmed to listen to others. This starts when we are small and continues through the school system and into our adult lives. We are taught not to trust our own intuitions or feelings. Often we know that we should or should not embark on a course of action, but are influenced by others to abandon our own inner knowing in favour of their instructions or wishes. One of the greatest stumbling blocks is other people’s opinion. If we are going to be controlled by others' opinions, ideas and instructions we will never reach the stage where we will automatically manifest abundance. This part of the book is about diminishing the power that other people have over you. By using the methods described in this chapter you will be able to return your equilibrium to what it should be: A place where you can and do listen to others, but have the ability to decide for yourself

regardless of what they say or do. The aim is to be able to decide in favour of pleasure and magic instead of what others would lead you to believe. Each of us knows our own path. We do not need help in deciding the direction we must take. The universe offers that knowledge to us. The problem is in listening to our own inner guidance. We must learn to quiet the inner critics and outer chatter of those locked in the success paradigm if we are to fully actualise ourselves. Let's begin by going to the exercise. First let me first explain what this exercise does and how it does it. Understanding the process will go a long way towards automatically producing the results you want from this exercise. The purpose of this exercise is to lower the power that outside influences have on you. After you have done this exercise a few times, you will find that you no longer have any problem with assertiveness. You will automatically do what is in your best interest. But, I want to assure you that you will not become egotistical and self-centred. This exercise will only prevent others from influencing you to abandon your shift into the pleasure paradigm. This exercise is a way of restructuring how your brain reads levels of importance. The best way to think of it is to imagine that you are resetting levels, much as you might reset the lighting levels in your home by adjusting a rheostat. Read the entire instructions, and then sit quietly and do the exercise. Step one: The first step is to think of something that you know is very important. As you imagine it vividly squeeze your thumb and finger together. Use the opposite hand from the one you used in the previous exercise. The more vividly you can imagine the situation

the harder you should squeeze your finger and thumb. As you leave the imaginary scene let the pressure on your finger and thumb decrease until they are no longer touching. Repeat this five times with a short (30-45 second) break in between. During this break make sure that you look around at your surroundings, listen to any sounds that might be present and become aware of the temperature of the air around you. You want to create a mental "buffer" zone between each step. Step two: Think of something that you know is of little or no importance to you. This time as you vividly imagine the situation squeeze your thumb and SECOND finger together. As in the previous situation, let the power of your imagination drive the pressure of your thumb and second finger. When you imagine the situation strongly you squeeze strongly. When the imagined situation diminishes you lesson the pressure on your fingers. Do this five times with the same breaks between, just as you did in step one. Step three: During this step vividly imagine a dimmer switch in your mind. This dimmer switch represents the switch that controls how important things are to you. When you have the switch vividly imagined, turn it up all the way to its greatest intensity. Once you have it turned as high as it will go, squeeze your thumb and forefinger together as you did in the exercise where you though of something very important to you. Tell yourself that when the switch is turned this way the situation or "thing" you are thinking of will be "turned up" to being most important. Leave the switch turned up for a few moments (4560 seconds) while you concentrate on what the switch turned up full means.

Now turn the switch down all the way. As you do release your thumb and forefinger and tell yourself that you are now turning down the importance switch. When you get the switch turned to the very dimmest it will go, squeeze your thumb and second finger together. As you do, imagine the switch now being set on the least important setting. Let yourself feel the difference between when it is set high and when it is set low. Allow yourself to imagine the situation of little importance. Continue concentrating for a few moments (45-60 seconds). Now release your fingers and let yourself relocate back to the here and now. You are now ready to begin shifting the importance of situations, people and things in your life. The actual shifting process. The first thing that we are going to shift is the importance of success in your life. As we have already discussed it is important that you release the need to be successful if you want to automatically allow abundance into your life. Relax again and let yourself breath slowly and deeply for a few moments. Once you are feeling relaxed and comfortable again, begin to vividly imagine the dimmer switch. Once you have it vividly imagined, think of want and need and let With the dimmer switch, automatically begin to turn down the level of importance that want and need has in your life. Don’t just think of financial want or need, think of want and need in general in your life. Let the importance of want and need in relationships, money, gaining or losing weight, being appreciated… all of these move downward.

Now take a break; breathe deeply. When you are ready, let's do the second part of this exercise. Start by relaxing and then, as you continue to relax, vividly imagine the dimmer switch turning up your pleasure. Allow the switch to be turned up to where it is very important. Don’t make it more important than life or safety, but it should be as important as want and need were in the past. When you have finished, imagine the switch being locked in that position. Let yourself drift back to your normal state of consciousness, knowing that you have begun a process that will automatically begin to bring total abundance into your life. Let yourself rest for a few minutes and--as you do--imagine yourself in the situations where you would have had difficulty choosing pleasure in the past. Let yourself automatically find pleasure in those activities and situations that would have been neutral or worse before. Let yourself experience how different it will be to be in those situations now. Allow yourself the pleasure of discovering how wonderful you feel and how wonderful it is to be free of the stress of always doing well, of always competing. Experience the bliss of noticing the magic around you. Let yourself feel the joy of experiencing the moment as it unfolds in all its glory. Now begin to return to your normal waking state. Let yourself become aware of the sensations on your skin and the smells and texture of the air as it moves in and out of your lungs. Let your eyes comfortably rest on those objects in your line of vision. Allow

what you see to be seen in a way that makes you think you are seeing it for the first time in this new way. Notice the textures and designs, the flow of the shapes and colours. Take the time to really enjoy the moment as you rest comfortably becoming accustomed to the change you have created for yourself. Take the time to enjoy. Laugh if you want, smile. Express the feelings that are there. Many of you may well feel quite different for a few minutes. This is natural for people as they step into the magic of living in the moment in joy and magic. Let yourself enjoy the sensations and feeling you now have, let them roll through your body and mind. Know that you can now begin the magical transformation into a world where good comes to you automatically. Welcome to this wonderful and a new world. It is a world where you will begin experiencing bliss, excitement, joy and magic in each moment. You are on your way. The universe is nurturing. It will give to you what you put out. Like attracts like, and you have begun to put out into the world joy and abundance. It is only a matter of time before the universe will begin supplying you, as is the law, with manifestation of the energy you have put out. Enjoy. Relax. The struggle is over and you have taken your first steps towards a life that most can scarcely imagine. A life filled with pleasure, abundance and joy.

Goals only work if applied from the pleasure paradigm So, the universe is now supposed to deliver the goods to you right? But how do you know what goals you should make? What do you want right now that would let you make the goals that will bring what you want into your life? After all, the goals you set determine the directions our lives take…right? Wrong! The paradigm we make the goal from is as important as--in fact, more important than--the goal that we set. After all, goals are only a method of keeping our mind focused. If we pick goals that do not give us pleasure--goals that are for others or for an end that we do not believe in or want--then we are wasting our time. Setting goals is necessary, very necessary. In fact without goals we will drift aimlessly with no direction and without a method of appreciating what the universe gives to us. If our goals really represent what we desire--our truest wishes and dreams--then thinking of our goals (one of the main reasons we have them in the first place, to keep them front and centre in our minds) will bring us pleasure. The main reason that goals don’t work for people is because they don’t use the process the right way. Just as you or I might hit a tree if we failed to learn to steer a car, so it is with goal setting. Many people create the exact opposite of what they desire through the use of goal setting. They do this by approaching goal setting from a place where thinking of their goals brings them pain, fear, upset or worry. If you approach goal setting that way, the universe will manifest exactly the energy you are putting out. Having a goal simply makes sure that you keep your mind focused. If the energy is bad, so will be the outcome.

So how should we make our goals? As I said, it is vitally important to pick goals that will bring us pleasure ,joy and happiness. It is so important that your goals cause you to be energised and filled with joy. If you have positive goals and work with them every day, memorise them, and keep them foremost in your mind, you can not but help to be happy, content and filled with pleasure. Unfortunately, when most people create goals they simply can not believe that the goal can actually be reached. They don’t have the capacity to separate themselves from what they see and hear around them. Instead of giving the universe a positive and wonderful energy, they are putting out the negative energy of not yet having. When goals work, it is because the person enjoys totally the goal and the end result of the goal. They are willing to live in a world where reaching the goal makes them happier, healthier and better. In short they are working from the pleasure paradigm. What makes goals work is simply living in the pleasure of the moment. To have your goals succeed, all you need to do is enjoy what you do and the universe will immediately begin to recycle pleasure back to you. Remember, the secret is like attracts like. Put out positive energy and you will get back positive manifestation. The universe will give you pleasure if you put out pleasure. There are many books, tapes and excellent programs on goal setting. If you are to live in pleasure, goal setting is a skill that you must master. But you must master it in a way that supports pleasure and the pleasure paradigm.

Have you noticed how many times the greatest and most wonderful things that have happened, seem to happen by chance? That chance meeting on the street, that book you picked up, the corner you didn’t turn down… all of these decisions come from somewhere outside of yourself and they are always right. Goals help us produce the energy that we send out by allowing us to focus that energy. As many of you already know, we become what we think of. If you set goals and use them to think of negative, fear based imaginings, these imaginings will come to pass. It is a universal truth. If we use our goal setting to keep our minds collected and focused on positive, life-affirming goals of pleasure, the universe will give us that just as easily. Like a computer, the universe is waiting for us to input the data that it will work with. Our goals are the data that the universal computer uses, and the energy behind the goals is what guides the output. If our goals represent fears or longings that create negative energy, the universe will put out negative results. If we step into the pleasure paradigm and use it to guide us in our goal setting, the universe will deliver to us exactly what we are energising. Goal setting is important, but setting goals from the success paradigm is worse than not setting goals at all. If you want to have the kind of results in your life that will enrich you and make you happier, you must set your goals from the pleasure paradigm.

The tragic truth of how we create poverty in our lives Poverty's root cause is like attracting like. The question I am most often asked is: How can I get out of poverty if I don’t have any money? To answer this question, we have to look closely at what the universe is actually responding to when we create poverty in our lives. Create poverty? I can hear some of you beginning to fidget. You might be thinking that everything I said so far makes sense, but there is no way that you created the poverty you are feeling at the moment. After all, it is not your fault that the plant closed or there are no jobs in your field. You did not cause the downturn in the economy or cause your business to fail….did you? If we go back to what I have said about success in general, you will realise that as long as you are seeking or wanting, you will be generating negative thought patterns and negative thought patterns beget negative reality. How does that equate to poverty? Imagine for a moment that you "feel" poor. You will begin, at the unconscious level, to think of the things you want but can’t afford. One of the reasons that poverty is so painful is because it conjures up so much want. In fact we often call poverty "living in want." We already know that if you are putting out want and pain, the universe will begin to deliver it directly to you, like for like. You will begin to manifest in your life more want and pain, which of course will create even more want and pain… which

becomes a never-ending cycle. By feeling the pain of poverty and want, we create a cycle of more want. Remember: The universe does not care what you manifest. If you put out want, fear and negative thoughts you will reap want, fear and a negative reality. This will, in time, increase your poverty. The saying that "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer" is true on a universal level. Many believe that the rich are to blame for poverty in our world, but it is not the rich that trample the poor into the ground. There is no need for them to do that. The poor do it themselves by putting out want and negative energy. The universe answers in kind, as it always does. But what if you are poor now? What if you are living in want? What if you don’t have enough to eat and you don’t know how you will pay your bills? Does that mean that you are permanently trapped in an ever-escalating cycle of poverty? The sad truth is that, unless you change your paradigm, you are. The paradigm you are living in is the reason that you find it so hard to replace poverty with abundance, even when you get good breaks. I am sure you have read of the lottery winners whose lives have been made even more miserable by winning lotteries. One study I read said that many lottery winners are back where they started--or worse--within fourteen months. So what can you do? Again, pleasure comes to the rescue. You cannot have negative thoughts when you are in pleasure. When you are experiencing the world as a source of pleasure, you put out pleasure and pleasure begets pleasure. Of all the emotions or states that anyone can experience, I have found that pleasure is the only one that

systematically produces positive results across the board. By this I mean: If you aim at pleasure as your constant state, you will manifest money, good relationships, fun experiences and good people into your life. The question is, how do you create the feelings of pleasure you need when you are dead broke? The first step is to simply acknowledge that universal intervention can and does happen all the time. Believe that the universe can bring into our lives what we want and need, and we don’t have to do all kinds of special things for it. Most of the things that have happened in our lives have happened out of the blue. We didn’t know we were going to move, or meet our spouse, or divorce… or make any of the major life changes that most of us have experienced. The universe has intervened numerous times on our behalf. To really come to grips with the universal like attracts like concept, it is important to understand that we have been producing the poverty in our lives. It is equally important to really understand that we have not been producing it with our actions, but rather with our thoughts and our energy. That is why getting out of poverty is such a problem for so many people. We have been taught that our actions create or change our reality. In truth, it is what we put out into the universe--in energy form--that creates or manifests our world. If we put out fear and poverty, like will attract like and we will attract poverty into our lives regardless of our actions. That is why we are so often frustrated by the lack of results when we try to get out of difficult situations. A friend first introduced me to this principle in regards to poverty. She worked in the helping field and charged a considerable amount for her work. She was always in

great demand and had a number of people who would come to her on fixed or limited incomes. She seldom dropped her prices for these people, and I found myself in conversation with her one day about this. She pointed out to me that it was the client’s very attitudes of need that were continuing to create poverty in their lives. The reason she held her prices firm was to allow the people to come to the realisation that the universe would produce the money if the people felt it was important and joyful for them to see her. And sure enough, when she instructed them in how the universe actually worked, they indeed did manifest the money, and she prospered as well. She explained to me that if a person felt that they could not afford something, they were sending the energy of lack into the universe, and of course like would attract like. She liked to work with people to get them to understand that they could afford things if they changed the way they put energy out into the universe. I know that poverty is a very difficult paradigm to leave behind. The poverty paradigm is at least as compelling as the success and want paradigm, and actually is part of it. Once we have learned to let pleasure be our main criteria in life, and we seek out pleasure in everything, including poverty, we immediately begin to manifest circumstances and people into our lives that change our situation. Without making the shift to the pleasure paradigm, nothing you do will make a difference in your money situation. I hate to inform you that if you are living in the poverty paradigm, it will not change things if you take training, move to a new province or state… or anything else for that matter. What will change things--what will create the kind of abundance you want in your life--does not require re-training or other massive changes in your life. You must change what you put out to the universe. Remember,

regardless of what energy you put out into the universe, the universe will return it back to you, manifested, like for like. Of course, you can still re-train or do things to better your situation. But, you must change how you think as well as changing your actions.

Are your surroundings toxic? You have decided that the best thing to do is to make the shift to that new paradigm of pleasure. You are ready to start and you are excited. The problem is that there are people and surroundings around you that seem to be stopping you. I have worked with thousands of people over the last 25 years and, through all of my work, the single biggest factor in stopping a person in their shift to a new paradigm is environment. Let me give you an idea of how important environment can be to some people, especially if they want to succeed and live in pleasure. A couple of doors down the hall from my office in Victoria, a young fellow opened a new company. Over the next couple of years, I had the opportunity to spend quite a bit of time with him. One of the very powerful factors he had going for him was his ability to cut any person or circumstance out of his life if they were producing negative energy for him. He ended up with a limited number of friends, but the people around him supported him totally. I think that this was one of the reasons for his very rapid success. His ability to locate energy drains in his environment and then do something about them was phenomenal. So, what does that have to do with stepping into a world where you create what you want rather than what you don’t want? A lot! Almost everyone I know has people and situations around them that drain their energy to a lesser or greater degree. Sometimes it's a spouse or friends; sometimes it's neighbours or work. Regardless of the cause, the result is the same. You end up feeling bad and putting negative energy out into the universe, and of course the universe returns negative manifestations to you.

Now before you go heading off to the divorce court, I am not implying that you have to run out and get new friends, spouses or jobs. In some extreme circumstances, that may be necessary but there are easier ways of dealing with negative energy. The first way of dealing with the negative feelings of others or a negative environment is through the use of the exercise earlier in the book. You will recall that you can change the way you experience feelings in different circumstances. This same exercise can be used on what we might call toxic environments or people. Let's take a few minutes to examine how the negative influences of others actually affect you. Let's find out if the people around you are actually toxic to your pleasure. We can begin by examining how other people and situations really impact you and the kind of energy you put out to the universe because of them. Take a few moments and list all the people you come in contact with on a daily or weekly basis. Once you have the list take a few minutes and beside each of their names put a "P" for positive or an "N" for negative to indicate what type of influence they are on you. What if you don’t know how they influence you? Take a few minutes to remember how you feel when you are with them. Do they talk about negative things? Do they continue to complain about what is happening in their lives or the world? How do they feel about their chances of success and getting what they want? Take your time. Remember that you are looking for clues as to how your environment is impacting you. Most people live daily in a state of disillusionment with their spouses, friends and work, while constantly wanting what they don’t have. All of this combines into a huge

amount of negative energy that is streamed out to the universe. The universe then returns like for like and the situation becomes worse until the person just gives up or burns out. Have you ever wondered why there is so little magic in people’s eyes when you pass them on the street? Has it crossed your mind to ask why so many people with access to so much abundance could be so filled with disillusionment? Have you ever wondered where all the negative energy comes from? We have not found why we manifest negative experiences and emotion in our civilisation because we have been unable to look outside of the success paradigm. Instead, we have unknowingly contributed to our own unhappiness. We have learned to abandon today’s pleasure for tomorrow’s success and we end up constantly wanting. Is it any wonder that our lives seem empty and our experiences have no life or zest within them? Most people are not living in the now, so how could they feel something wonderful happening? Simply, they are not there. They are off in the future, swallowed by the success paradigm, and seeking some far-off reward while ignoring the joys of today. For most of us it is no wonder that we attract negative results. Our minds are full of worries and negative thoughts, and we are constantly in a state of want brought on by the success paradigm that we live in. How hard is it for you to be happy? How high are your goal posts set? By that I mean: How much does it take to make you happy? Are you one of those people who could only be happy if the sun is shining, the bank rates are just right, you lost that extra 20 pounds and you got a raise?

Do you set the standards by which you can be happy so high that no normal human could achieve them? Too often, our definitions of what we need to be happy and pleasure-filled, get in the way of happiness. Imagine if all it took for you to be really happy with life was being able to get up out of bed and go to work. You do that every day. No doubt you are thinking that you need more than that to make a difference in your life. After all how could just that make you happy? Perhaps a change in perspective would give you the answer. What if you had been paralysed from the neck down and suddenly were able to stand and walk, able to return to work? Would that not be cause for celebration, a reason to be happy? Of course it would. We add to the problems of our toxic environment by giving ourselves a lack of perspective. We are conditioned to want more than we have, to take the perspective that what we have is not enough, and--because it is not enough--we should be unhappy. We are taught to ignore the pleasure we have in our lives right now. We think that if we enjoy what we have--if we really get pleasure out of it--we will lose our ambition and our drive to get more. Have you ever stopped and asked yourself why you want more? What is it about "more" that makes it so appealing? We strive and work for a result without even understanding why we want it or what it will give us. Often, it takes a tragic accident that removes our ability to have a normal life, that make us understand how magical and pleasurable our lives have been. For some people, it takes losing their legs to understand how wonderful it can be to simply walk. Our conditioning in the success and need paradigm is so great that it seems we are unable to be thankful for all that we presently have. Instead, we constantly want more.

This leaves us dissatisfied and angry. Is it any wonder the universe returns to us opportunities to experience dissatisfaction and anger? Unless we are willing to move to the pleasure paradigm, we will continue to get negative manifestation in our lives. We will continue to have the experience of hating our jobs and hating our lives. The only answer is to change paradigms. To experience the world as a place filled with pleasure and good. To do less is to turn your back on the wondrous life you could be living. The joy and pleasure of the moment is available to everyone who makes the conscious choice to switch to the pleasure paradigm. Why are we so afraid of change for the better? I can almost hear some of you say that all of this sounds great, but what about all the bad things going on in the world. Aren't they real? Don’t I have to worry or these bad things could happen to me? What about fear? Do you fear the world? Have the evening news and the messages that are broadcast from every corner of our globe convinced you that the world is dangerous? When you think of the world, do you think of dangerous people and how easy it is to be cheated and robbed or even killed? If you think constantly of such negative things, no doubt you have lots of experiences with life being like that. You have probably been robbed or badly treated, or know others who have experienced negative situations. When you put out fear, you get fear in return. When you send out the energy that the world is dangerous, the universe will return like for like. Your world will become dangerous. If you think like this, is it any wonder that your world seems dangerous and frightening?

If this is the kind of energy you constantly put out, you are not being paranoid in fearing your neighbour; you have set the stage for your neighbour to make you a victim. If you put the energy into the universe that the world is bad, the universe will return the physical manifestation to you as sure as the sun rises each morning. You should be afraid that your fears will manifest because that is how the universe works. The universe returns like for like. You have to learn to think in terms of pleasure. This is the only way out of fear. Don’t let past experience be your guide. All past experience proves that negative energy begets negative results. Think instead of moving into the new paradigm. Think of how wonderful it will be and what you will gain. It is only by experiencing pleasure on a daily basis that we will change our world, for our children, our neighbours, and ourselves We all have experienced pleasure and know that it is possible to feel pleasure. Do it now. Start feeling pleasure at the thought of work, at the thought of your wife or husband. Start feeling excitement today for the pleasure you will encounter. Put out pleasure and you will draw to you the experiences that will bring pleasure back into your life. If having money brings you pleasure and you experience pleasure with the money you have, you will put that energy into the universe and money will return to you. Understand that seeking and enjoying pleasure will change your world. This is the essence of this book as well as my work with individuals. When I work with people individually, my work is always in helping them to abandon the methods of thinking that have held them in the success want and need

paradigm. I want them to learn to experience pleasure in the moment, and to live in pleasure all the moments of their lives.

Is the Paradigm of Pleasure actually just positive thinking? Now I want to sidetrack you for a moment and talk about something that many of my clients have confused with the pleasure paradigm. Many have wondered if positive thinking is the same as shifting to the paradigm of pleasure. Though positive thinking sounds great, it actually is part of the success paradigm. In some cases it actually contributes to the toxic nature of your surroundings in the same ways that want and need do. It is a disguised method of making you feel bad. Let me give you an example of how positive thinking can lead you further into the success paradigm. Positive thinking is often used in conjunction with goal setting; when people are unable to keep positive, they give up on goal setting and positive thinking. The first real problem with positive thinking is that most people are incapable of it. The reason for this is that the very nature of the phrase "thinking positive" implies that there is some unpleasant or negative situation going on that requires them to think differently about a given situation. We don’t need to be told to "think positive" in the face of great joy, excitement and pleasure.

Because positive thinking reinforces that something bad is happening or about to happen, it means that the individual has already gone wrong. Once a person discovers (and this happens very quickly) that they need to start thinking positively about a situation, they are already in fear, anger, upset, or dissatisfaction. Instead, move to a paradigm where there is no need for positive thinking, and where everything is positive. When you know that the universe is going to be unfolding in ways that will always give you what you want and need, there is no need for positive thinking. Keep focused on the fact that so much pleasure is around us. Life is not good or bad. Life simply is. We make it good or bad, and we create the energy that brings forth more of what we have been experiencing. It is easy to imagine yourself feeling contented while sitting and watching a sunset, while you sip a cup of coffee or share a glass of wine with a friend. It is just as easy to imagine being overcome with pleasure at the feeling of a lover’s hand caressing you gently. There are many degrees of pleasure. As long as you feel good, you are in pleasure. When you switch to the paradigm of pleasure, the most important thing that will happen is that you will suddenly be aware of the levels of pleasure around you. You'll be free to enjoy them. This will change the way that the universe manifests itself for you. It is wonderful to experience the joy of smiling and being smiled at, to feel pure pleasure talking to someone, to be able to communicate and touch someone else at a deep level, to enjoy the shifting colours of light in your office, to look at the world each day as if you had woken up from blindness.

When living in the paradigm of pleasure, all things begin to bring pleasure. As they do, the universe responds by bringing into your life that which would give you even more pleasure. It will begin to manifest money, relationships, people and situations, all of them pleasurable. You won't wonder any more if a person is right for you; you will bring into your life only people who are right for you and who will give you pleasure. You will not hate your job; your job will change so you can enjoy it, or you will be given a new job. It will be a job that gives you pleasure because the universe must return like for like. If you put pleasure out into the universe, the only things that can be returned to you are things that increase your pleasure.

Making the change easier Still a question remains: What will I miss if I switch paradigms? I have often been asked this. Some clients believe that by shifting they might lose something valuable. I respond by asking what they would lose if they fell in love. The person will often look at me for a few moments and then ask what I mean. I then explain to them that changing paradigms is simply falling in love with life. It's falling in love with the experiences we have on a day-by-day basis. It's falling in love with humanity. It has been said that love is all there is, but if you are unable to experience the love that swirls around you, then it might as well not be there. We are so caught up in the success myth that we forget that the whole reason we are doing what we do is to increase the pleasure in our lives. Why would we want to have a new car, a better home, a loving mate, and a good job? The reason is obvious. It is to get the pleasure that we deserve. Yet the success paradigm itself has prevented us from getting that pleasure. I can assure you that the fear you feel is not real. The only real message that fear can give you is the realisation that what you are doing is not working. Feeling fear is natural; your mind is telling you that you have not done this before. You do not lose your ability to achieve or your ability to make money or have good relationships when you shift paradigms. The pleasure paradigm enhances your life in ways that you never though would be possible. It enriches your life in ways that change you forever. You won't have

to strive any more. After all, if the universe simply returns like for like and you are living in the pleasure paradigm, pleasure will come to you naturally. If you set goals from the pleasure paradigm, if you enjoy the process of achieving what you want and you live in pleasure, your goals will manifest automatically because like attracts like. The goals that you have set that will bring you pleasure, will automatically be brought into your life. You no longer have to be in control of the universe to feel safe or to make it perform. You can give up your fear, your self-doubt and your need for control. You already know that this works because you have experienced it daily since you have been on this planet. You have watched it working. You have watched your complaining friends attract more negative experiences into their lives. You have watched other people magically manifest opportunities, seemingly with no effort. You wonder why they are so happy all the time, and why they are getting all the breaks while the rest of us have to put up with the dregs of life. Make it easier on yourself by accepting the reality of like attracting like, and then begin to govern your life from that concept. You already know how hard life can be when you are consumed by want and need. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I am not asking you to become a recluse or give up your religion or beliefs. If you get up at three in the morning to meditate, all I am asking is that you do it with total joy and pleasure. If you want to keep your job I’m not asking you to leave it. Just use the exercises in this book to replace the negative paradigm of success, want and need with the positive paradigm of pleasure… the magic of pleasure.

The shift is much easier when you accept that pleasure is what life is all about. If you are resisting the idea of pleasure being at the heart of what you want, examine that belief. Let's examine this common belief that we should not live in pleasure by looking at some of the ways my students have come up with to argue against pleasure. As you will see, it is our misguided idea of pleasure that is at fault. I remember one of my students coming to me and saying, "Justis, I don’t think that what you are saying can be true. What about people who devote their lives to others, or people who risk their lives for someone else, perhaps a stranger? That is living for others, not pleasure." "Do they want to risk their life for a stranger?" I would ask. "What do you mean 'do they want to'? They know they had to." "Why did they have to?" "They couldn’t live with themselves; they believed that that it is more important to try to save a life…" I stopped them in mid-sentence and said what they meant was that they would not be happy if they didn’t at least try. To not help would be the opposite of pleasure. They could not be happy in the future, knowing that another human being died while they stood by. Would you agree? The student nodded.

"So, they could not get any pleasure out of life if they didn’t do what they needed to do. Taking the chance to save that person made them feel good. "Many of us move away from pain rather than towards pleasure. Because these people expressed this way of getting pleasure as 'moving away from pain', they have forgotten that in doing so they move towards pleasure. It is like sitting in a boat with seats facing forward and backward. To those sitting in the back they are moving away from the dock; to the people facing towards the front of the boat, they are moving out further into the water. The boat is still moving away from the dock and out into the water, regardless of the perspective of the people sitting in it. What this means is saving someone gave those people pleasure." Often, we are our own worst enemies because we have labelled pleasure as something decadent or evil. Because of this, we are afraid or embarrassed to admit that we do what we do for pleasure. This is often the work of imprints, which will be discussed later in the book. Pleasure is the reason we do everything we do. We are pleasure-seeking beings; the only difference between us is how we seek that pleasure. That is the beauty of stepping in to the paradigm of pleasure. When you accept the paradigm of pleasure, you also accept the universe giving you whatever will enrich your life the most. You will begin to receive from the universe that what will give you the most pleasure. Because you are putting out the energy of pleasure, the universe must return multiplied pleasures to you. If money is a true source of pleasure for you, you can be sure that the universe will translate the pleasure you send out, into money when it

comes back. If friends and family are pleasure for you, the universe will multiply your friends. The true magic of living in the paradigm of pleasure is not just that you feel so good each and every day. It is that your every dream will come true, delivered to your doorstep by the magic of pleasure and the power of the universe.

The hidden obstacle to the paradigm of pleasure Imprints The advantages of living in the paradigm of pleasure are obvious to you by now. Despite this, you may have a small voice (or chorus of voices) telling you how difficult it would be to live like that, or even that you don’t deserve to happy every day. For some people, they even say it is bad to live in pleasure. No matter what your personal voices tell you, it is not your true self telling you these things. We are all perfect just as we are. What we hear in our heads is what I call "imprints." These imprints are actually holographic equivalents of people in our lives. They were created while we were growing up and during significant emotional events, both bad and good. They are created by a process that the scientific community calls "modelling." I discovered the existence of these imprints while working with some of my more difficult clients. The clients understood the necessity of changing paradigms, but something was undermining them. Each time they tried, they would find themselves sabotaging their own efforts. It was as if there was some part of them that did not want them to make the switch. I learned through working with the client’s unconscious that, indeed, the imprints did not want the person to be happy. Part of the individual wanted to sabotage the person. It wanted to sabotage, not because of some malicious need (though in some cases I did find a malicious intent - such as in cases of abuse and/or violence), but because in most cases the imprint simply did not agree with the idea of the client living their own lives. Because of our ability to model so well—that is, to copy others' behaviour traits-it soon became apparent to me that my clients had actually internalised, within

themselves, copies of significant people. These copies included the beliefs of the modelled person, the ideas of right and wrong. In short, the thinking and belief patterns were copies of the original person. Because the imprints had been made when the person was very young--and in most cases while the client was in a subservient position--the client believed that the imprint had power over them. What that meant is that, when the imprint "spoke up," the person whom it occupied had no choice but to follow the imprint's instructions. This was regardless of the fact that the instructions or behaviour had negative consequences for the individual. The individual was programmed to listen and obey the imprint. In fact, most people operating under the influence of imprints actually say they that it is as if they had no control over their own behaviours. (Abusers, many smokers and many people attempting to lose weight are prime examples of how imprints control us.) Each of us has experienced the power of imprints when we find our mothers or fathers "telling" us--inside our heads--that some specific behaviour must be or must not be carried out. Most of us would agree that we learned many negative ideas about ourselves when we were young. Even though we have grown and now know— intellectually—that the things we learned can’t be true, the nagging voice of the inner critic (imprint) still exists to torment us. Even in cases where the parent is dead, imprints continue to ridicule, berate and destroy our self-confidence. A model of the imprint exists in our minds as a holographic construct, and continues to control our behaviours . In working with hundreds of people, I have found that in almost every case, any person who professes to have no control over their behaviour they want to stop (or start) is actually under the control of an imprint.

The significance of this is paramount in switching to the pleasure paradigm. Most often imprints (derived from our parents and others who do not believe that pleasure is a positive thing) have no understanding the benefits of switching to the pleasure paradigm. Thus, if an imprint does not want you to be happy because of old religious beliefs or the idea that pleasure is somehow bad, they will attempt to sabotage your efforts to step into the pleasure paradigm and to live your life in pleasure. Here's an example of how powerful an imprint can be: Take for instance a person who has been abused as a child. Research has shown that someone who has been abused is more likely to abuse. From a logical approach, it makes sense that someone with the negative experience of having been abused should be less likely to abuse. But because the abuser is "imprinted," the subject of the imprint will abuse. Let's take a look at other situations where the person does not get a chance to imprint the individual. If a person is attacked in a park, they are more likely to avoid walking in a park than to go out and attack people. The same would be true if someone was in a car accident. It is far more likely that the person will be afraid of riding in cars than to jump into a car so they could ram someone. But, if we add the component of imprinting, the story changes dramatically. In the abuse example, as the person is being abused, they imprint their abuser. This imprint includes the power the abuser has over them. This abuser then exists at the unconscious level as an imprint waiting for the right stimulus to bring it to the surface. When the circumstances are right the imprint uses the "host's" body to do what it wants to do. Because of the power difference that has been modelled at the time of the

imprint's creation, (the imprint, as I mentioned, was modelled to be stronger than the host) the host is powerless to stop the imprint from controlling his or her actions. I have found in my years of working with imprints that when a person uses a language pattern that indicates dissociation combined with loss of control, imprints are almost always present. For example, if a person said they were unable to control their weight or smoking I would strongly suspect imprints at work. On the other hand, if the person said they really liked smoking and didn’t want to quit, that would indicate that they were in control. When imprints are present, people often describe it as if someone else has taken control of their bodies or minds and they are forced to sit powerlessly by while the "controller" uses their body. This is what makes it so difficult for many people to change. It is not because the shift is hard but because a part of them is sabotaging the shift. Over the next few pages we will explore in more detail how imprints have stopped us from moving easily into a pleasure paradigm. More importantly, you are going to learn what to do about it so you are free at last to step into the pleasure paradigm. You will learn what it means to live without your inner critic, and to be free from the incessant chatter that goes on in our heads.

We are not the cause of our fuzzy thinking. The first problem is the confusion that comes from a person thinking that he or she is at cause when, in fact, the imprint is. Many of us have become so accustomed to the voices in our heads (the imprints) that we assume they are our own voices. We often have more than one imprint talking at the same time and attribute the noise to our inability to focus or quiet our minds. In truth, the imprints are arguing and attempting to gain control over us. That makes us feel confused. Until we learn that these voices and urges are not us--that they are imprints of others whom we have modelled--we will be unable to stop them. We must understand that it is our fathers and mothers and aunts and uncles, teachers and employers, people who want to control us, that are speaking. Only then will we be able to detach their power and begin living our lives as we want, without them. When a person understands that living in pleasure is the best choice and attempts to live that way, only their imprints will whisper that it will not work. Though we are taught by both modern psychology and New Age thinking that we are totally responsible for our actions and thoughts, we have to come to realise that our thoughts have come from somewhere. If they (our thoughts) are not in our best interests-and that means giving you more pleasure than pain--they are generated by imprints. To understand how devastating it can be to a person living with imprints, imagine an inner critic constantly telling you that you cannot achieve pleasure, or that enjoying pleasure on a day-to-day basis is wrong. Inner critics often tell us we are not deserving of pleasure, that we are bad people and that we cannot achieve what we want in life.

For a person with an inner critic, no matter how hard they try to change, the inner critic continues to repeat negative things to them. No matter what they do or what they achieve, the imprint will continue to tell them that they are not good enough or that they do not deserve what they are getting. Often it will tell them that they are selfish to think of pleasure for themselves. Think for a moment how ludicrous it would be to have part of you telling yourself you are selfish to get pleasure. Yet it is easy to understand this behaviour when you consider that the one doing the talking is actually an internalised holographic imprint of a parent or teacher. What the imprints are really saying is that they would like you to do what they want. They are trying to convince you that what they think is more important than what you think. What makes imprints so difficult to deal with is that we often mistake them for us. We think the confused thinking and differing values and beliefs are ours. We begin to doubt ourselves and wonder why we are of "two minds" over so many things. In truth we are not of "two mind". There is only our mind and their mind. By freeing ourselves of these imprints, we are able to easily slip into the new paradigm and enjoy our lives in ways that are hard to imagine until we make the shift. Once we are free of the imprints, we are free to slip easily into the paradigm of pleasure. We are able to experience the magic of having each and every day unfold in ways that support us and gives us pleasure. We will begin to truly live in bliss and joy each day of our lives, knowing that the universe will give us what we need and want.

Uncovering Imprints You want to have the best that the universe can deliver. You would like to have pleasure rather then pain or disappointment in your life. Yet, you find yourself unable to fully step into living from the paradigm of pleasure. In almost all cases, imprints are disguised within us. We know that something is wrong, but we can’t seem to put our finger on what is causing the problem. So how would you know if imprints were the cause of your difficulties in reaching the kind of pleasure, joy and happiness that you deserve in life? If we remember that imprints are actually holographic representations of the people that we modelled, we can often recognise the same ideas, beliefs, habits, behaviours and opinions as the original. They are, in effect, copies of the original person they were modelled from with the exception that they don’t age, and they never die. If you find yourself acting like an uncle or a father, it is the work of an imprint. Because an imprint does not have a body and uses the host’s, it is common for a person to find themselves eating or smoking when they don’t want to, while feeling as if they just were not there when they did it. This is the reason that so many people with habit control problems are so unsuccessful at changing them. They don’t have a habit problem, they have an imprint problem. This also explains why treatment of many behavioural problems is so difficult and fraught with what seems like sabotage. This is the major reason that people find it so hard to change. The problem is that they are not, in a very true sense, the person who needs to change; the imprints require

the change. Without changing the imprint, the behaviour will return, as you can testify if you have ever struggled to quit smoking, change behaviour or weight. All of us have imprints. There is not a single person walking the earth today that did not accumulate some imprints during his or her youth. The question is: Have the imprints imprinted with absolute power and do they cause you to do things that are destructive or negative? One of the most profound differences that I found when I rid myself of imprints was hearing internal silence for the first time. It was bliss not to have the confused self-talk going on in my head. To be able to think for myself was wonderful. Many mystical religions and teachings talk about the advantages of clarity of mind. Clearing your self of imprints will not only let you enter into this new paradigm of pleasure with ease, it will give you the secondary benefit of being released from the voices in your head (your constant self-talk). Once the imprints are cleared, they cannot continue to attempt to get you to do what is best for them. You will be free to what is best for you and as a result will feel a freedom that you have never felt before. Another signs that you are "infected" with imprints is if you have a great deal of difficulty in "knowing your own mind". When it seems that part of you wants to be free

to let the universe deliver what you want, but there is some other part of you that seems to object to this, an imprint is present. After all, who would not want to have everything universe could deliver in the way of happiness, joy and pleasure? For the imprint, your happiness is not as important. It is likely to want to have its own happiness fulfilled. Because it has very different criteria for what is happiness, it will create an instant conflict within you. It will want you to abandon what will make you happy in favour of what will make it happy. One of the questions that many people ask is why an imprint of a parent, teacher or significant person would not want us to be happy and joyful? The answer to this lies in human nature itself. Each of us seeks happiness and joy; the question is, how do we do it? As we have already discussed, it is possible for a person to connect any type of activity to the emotion called pleasure or joy. It is this ability to "hook" emotions to actions that is at the root of the problem with imprints. Our values and beliefs are the key to the methods we use to "hook" pleasure to events. If we believe that others are more important than us, our happiness will be automatically linked to that belief. With a belief like that, we will feel content and happy if we are involved in self-sacrificing behaviours. Now if this is how you seek happiness that is well and good, but what if a parent sought happiness that way and they had a child that grew up and was not willing to sacrifice themselves for others. The imprint of the parent would immediately jump up and begin any number of techniques to get the child to conform to what the parent thought was the "right way"(the techniques that worked best to control the child).

The result of this would be confusion, anger, and guilt and--of course--great difficulty in accepting the paradigm of pleasure. That's simply because the parent imprint would be at odds with the very concept and belief that the child should put his/her pleasure first. As you can readily understand, it does not take a radical belief difference between the host and the imprint to create internal conflict. With this in mind, it is no wonder that we have so much trouble with our internal voices and impulses. This is why so few people are actually congruent. The imprints are constantly swaying the "host's" opinion. We have all seen the problems of peer pressure on those around us. Imagine the peer pressure of the unseen others within us as they prevent us from adopting the paradigm of pleasure. Unfortunately most of our teachers, parents and significant others do not want us to choose our own pleasure. They want us to choose their pleasure instead. Any indication that the host is moving towards choosing what is best for themselves is met with great resistance by the imprint. If we are to totally embrace the paradigm of pleasure, we must learn to overcome these imprints. For more information on how to remove imprints, you can attend one of the many courses offered by Justis or his associates. Please contact them through the publisher or by emailing Justis directly at "[email protected]"

Stepping into the pleasure paradigm So you have done the exercise that allowed you to adjust your criteria so that pleasure was important to you. The next step is to explore what I call the first stage of the pleasure paradigm. How will your life be different? What kinds of things can you expect when you make the shift and how will they manifest themselves? How long will it take and when can you start to expect the results? Let's start with the most basic question: How will your life be different? The first thing that you will notice is that you begin to look at life in a new and much better way. By putting pleasure at the top of your priorities, you will look for and find pleasure in places where you didn’t think it possible before. Things will automatically begin to happen to increase the pleasure you feel as you move through time. One of the first things you will notice is that life will begin working automatically for you and you will not have to do anything special to make it happen. Chores that you hated become enjoyable. People and experiences will begin to manifest to lead you into further pleasure. In short, your life will be a lot more fun. The next most often asked question is: How do you put out positive energy on tasks or in situations where you don’t feel positive? You already have some answers to that in the exercises you have been taught in this book. You have leaned to link positive experience with tasks or situations. Go back re-read and do the exercises in that part of the book if any tasks or situations give you a lot of problems. Once you master controlling your emotions, you will easily be able to "feel good" about anything you want.

Another question is: Do our minds actually become quiet? For centuries, religious leaders of the world have taught that we must learn to quiet and control our minds. We know that a quiet and controlled mind is important because, with control, you can experience the pleasure of the moment. The fear of future consequences or past deeds won't intrude into your consciousness. Each of us has always had within us the power to change the way our world works. The problem has always been that we have never known how. We have all tried many different methods. When they fail, it is because they create states of mind that produce negative energy. When negative energy is produced, the result is always negative consequence. If you are still trying to defend the old paradigm, think of your own life. Is it full of pleasure and are you living in bliss and joy? If you are defending the old paradigm, I already know the answer: You are not. If you are still fighting with the concept itself, then the answer is simple: You simply shift into the pleasure paradigm. You simply decide to do it. By doing so, you seek out the pleasure in everything. You find ways of creating and experiencing pleasure in everything. What if you are still more concerned with what you don’t have? If you are still in the negative frame of want and need, and crying about how your life doesn’t work I offer only one question: Why argue so strongly for something that so obviously does not work?

If you are amongst the unhappy people whose lives are filled with misery, you already know that you do not have what you want. You do not get the things that give you real pleasure. Your choice is simple. You already know what doesn’t work; until you make the shift to the pleasure paradigm you are doomed to experience the negative results of your negative energy. You are like a man sitting on a tack but refusing to move because of the pain. Until you move the pain will continue. You cannot get positive from negative. The universe does not care if you do great deeds and feel good or do great deeds and feet rotten. If you feel negative about what you are doing, the universe will return the energy you put out; it does not care. That is where so many people have made the mistake. They have believed that it is what they do rather than the energy they put into doing it that makes the difference. Let me assure you, it is not the actual activities you are involved in that will manifest good or bad in your life. It is the energy that you are putting out while you are doing the activities. Now before you think this is carte blanche permission to do what you want with others, be very aware that their energy matters as well. If you do something negative to someone else, remember what we talked about earlier when we discussed toxic people and environments. You create a toxic environment if you do nasty things to other people. You might think that you are having lots of fun, but if you are creating a negative energy space in which to exist, you will be affected by it. The negative energy that you and others put out is how the universe communicates with you. What this means is this: You

must learn to put out positive energy. When you make the shift to the pleasure paradigm, you will immediately see many good things that seemed invisible to you earlier. This is one of the more difficult things to explain about shifting the paradigms. The world is not the same to you when you shift. Things that would have been unpleasant no longer are. That is why making the shift is so important. Most--if not all--the questions about how disappear when you do. The idea of negative activities is so important, and there is so much misinformation in regards to manifestation itself, that I want to talk specifically about what happens when you do negative things. Unless you are a psychopath, doing negative things to other people produces--at the unconscious level--guilt and/or remorse. As you can imagine, both of these emotions produce bad energy. Sooner or later, if you do negative things to others it will catch up with you. This is not because the universe will punish us for some specific wrongdoing, but rather because we--as human beings--have self-regulating systems. Those systems produce negative energy when we do negative things and positive energy when we do positive things. We are our own jailers and judges. It is not the universe that judges us and punishes us. Much like your own body, the universe is a self-regulating intelligence. Just as there’s an automatic, unthinking (yet wise) part of you that immediately begins to rebuild an injured part of your body, so the universe responds to your energy. There are many books and courses on manifestation. Unfortunately, most have missed the mark. That is why many people have so much difficulty getting their lives to work they way they want them to. Many people live their lives in fear of a vicious or

wrathful God, while it is their own negative energy that is creating the punishment they blame on God. Taking responsibility for your life is much more than saying you are in charge of what happens in your life. It is understanding that you are the creator of your destiny. Most of us operate from the want and need paradigm and, by so doing, create far more negative than positive energy. As a result, most of us experience far more negative manifestations than positive. This cycle has produced fear and pain for centuries. If you are to free yourself, you must understand and use your energy for positive manifestation. You do that by putting out the energy of pleasure. Once you learn to generate continually positive energy, you will begin to manifest continually positive experiences and material situations. Yes, it may seem like a lot of work to some of you, but you are not losing anything that is worth having; you are losing pain and negative manifestations. Once you understand that it is the energy you put out rather than the actions you take, you are well on your way. The difference between actions and energy is so important that I would like to give you some general examples so you can more easily identify what I mean. Think for a moment about the many unhappy people who try so hard to do good for others. They try to rescue and help others, yet these helpers seem to remain unhappy and unfulfilled. Then there are others, seemingly undeserving, who seem to live life as if it was a gift given to them for their pleasure. These people seem to glide through life without the hardships that are so often visited on the rest of us.

The reason is simple: The universe does not respond to good deeds, or good intentions. It responds to energy. So, the type of energy that returns to you is up to you. If you want your life to work and you want to live in pure pleasure, then you had better find a way to make everything you do pleasurable. You had better find a way to put out positive energy. If you do not, the result will be sickness, unhappiness, pain and suffering. In your life, you will manifest negative experiences rather than positive. The more you put out negative energy, the more negative energy will be returned to you. You must take the first step of trusting the process of like attracting like if you are to fully experience the power of the pleasure paradigm. I have been asked, "How it is possible to trust the universe enough to take this step into pleasure?" This seems like a ridiculous question. How could anyone not trust the universe? We live in an illusion that we have any control over the future. We do not know what will happen to us from moment to moment. The chance meeting on the street, a driver who makes a wrong turn and ends up a friend because he asked for directions; there are so many chance experiences in our lives that we are foolish to think that we have control or that we "know" what will happen. The truth is that most people are petrified of this unknown and uncontrolled world that they live in. They are so afraid that they can’t think. They do their best to fool themselves with illusions of dominion over themselves and their world. The truth is that we have great control over what happens to us, but most of us have failed understand how the process works.

When we learn to put out positive energy, the law of the universe will allow only positive energy to flow back to us. We no longer have to control or know exactly what will happen. We can relax, sit back and enjoy our lives. We no longer have to face life as a struggle. We can take that quiet stroll by the lake and find gold sitting on the ground. It is only our misguided belief in the want and need paradigm that has held us captive for so long in negative manifestations. We do not have to manifest anything negative in our world. We can have everything we want and need. We need only understand how to let the universe know what we want. If you think that this is not possible think back to the life you are living where pleasure is not always there. For many of you there will be only fleeting moments of pleasure. Most of us don’t even remember what true pleasure feels like. Instead we settle for minute amounts of pleasure, leaving us with only a feeble feeling of "okay." If you are serious about creating change in your life, if you are serious about having everything you want in your world, then you must abandon what clearly has not worked. How much have you studied and practised other disciplines to have your world change? How much have you paid to others to change your world and yet you still experience the old fears and pain? The reason is that you are putting out negative energy to the universe and--as hard as you might try--it will not return pleasure and good. It will return to you only what you put into it. Now think how wonderful it would be if that same steadfastness that the universe extends to you in keeping you in misery, was exhibited in keeping you in pleasure? When

you are putting out positive energy, you have to work very had not to have the world around you work. If you find this hard to imagine, it is only because you are so afraid that it might be true and you might have to admit you are wrong. You might have to abandon the old ways and accept something new and wonderful for yourself. Be thankful that you have what you have. To keep your world in chaos because of old rules that don’t work is insanity. Once you make the shift and take the first steps into the paradigm of pleasure, your world will change. The universe will begin returning pleasure to you. You will find more and more that pleasurable activities and feelings will increase and that things that detract from pleasure will disappear. Move on if you find yourself surrounded by those who continue to wallow in negative states. If you want to keep them in your life, find ways to create pleasure for them by letting them see how well things are working for you. Then explain to them why you experience the pleasures you do. Remember that the universe will return to you the energy you put out to it. If you want to have a pleasure-filled relationship and joyful friendships, take joy in what you presently have, including those less-than-perfect relationships and friendships. The universe will change them for you, or deliver to you new lovers and friends. Like attracts like. As long as you stay within the pleasure paradigm, the universe will return to you what you need and what will give you the most pleasure in life. If a friend or significant other is so negative that you simply cannot be with them, then enjoy watching them attempt to be miserable. Learn to stay in the paradigm of

pleasure regardless of what happens. Soon you will find that the universe is delivering so many wonderful, joyful events and people into your life that you will wonder why it took you so long to make the choice to live in pleasure.

Our personal stories and how it impacts on our shift to pleasure When we make our shift from success to pleasure, one of the basic things that changes is the "story" we have about the world and how it works. To understand the world around us we have to have our "story." Some people call them beliefs or even values; I like the word "story" because that word has a much more encompassing meaning for most people. Stories go far beyond what we believe or value. In fact, most of what we believe is based on our stories, not the other way around. The story that we tell ourselves to explain the world is often at the heart of any difficulties we have in shifting paradigms to the pleasure paradigm. In workshops and seminars, I often ask the participants which story they are living out of. We see, hear and feel our environment based on the meaning we give to the things we see, hear and feel. The question is, what gives the things we see, hear and feel meaning? The answer is the story that we live our lives through.

We use our stories to guide us in our behaviours and thought patterns. The stories that we have are what actually hold the success paradigm together. As long as we keep the "want and need story," we will continue to work out of the want and need paradigm. When I talk about stories, I mean the personal meanings and rules that individuals use to describe their place and how the world works. As an example, let’s examine a hypothetical conversation. Individual A, an upwardly mobile person, caught squarely in the want and need paradigm says "I am working my way up the success ladder." On their office wall they have pictures of individuals climbing difficult cliffs, hanging thousands of feet above a vast chasm. From this very small piece of information, I know that this person has a story where success is something that has to be struggled for. The poster tells me that they have bought into the idea that success does not come without great physical and emotional stress and danger. The statement of "climbing the success ladder" lets me know that the person's life story has within it elements of climbing… something that is by necessity difficult. I also note that there is not room on the "success ladder" for anyone else at the same position. Living in a story where life (success) is difficult and achievement must entail personal hardship is insane. This person will constantly be in a state of stress and fear, resulting in more stress and fear. They will see the world around them reflected in the story they have created. Relaxation will be foreign as there is always the chance of falling or being surpassed. One of the by-products of this person's story is the idea that the world

is not safe. This is illustrated by the picture that they have on the wall. It represents to them that they can fall and a fall could result in death. Because the story operates at the unconscious level, they will experience great conflict in attempting to shift into the pleasure paradigm unless they are willing to change their story. To make the shift to the pleasure paradigm, this person would have to accept the world as a safe place and the universe as giving, offering them whatever they generate. If we further examine this story, we will find that the world it represents only rewards those who struggle and strive. Because like attracts like, this person will attract struggle into their lives. The bottom line is that, as in all stories based on the want and need paradigm; this person will experience unhappiness and ultimately failure. The reason is simply that the energy put out by struggle is negative, and negative energy will return as negative experience. This person believes that to give up the struggle is to fall from the mountain. There is no relaxation nor can they achieve true happiness; true contentment and pleasure would only come from giving up the struggle, something their story will not let them do. So how do we know if the story we live will get in our way of stepping into the pleasure paradigm? The first thing is to be aware of our language. How do we use it to describe our world? Do you think of the universe being a giving provider where everything brings you pleasure, or do you think of the world as being a hostile place where you have to fight for everything you have? We are conditioned from birth to operate in the want and need paradigm, so it is not any wonder that we have adopted stories that support that wanting and needing. To

unravel these stories, you need to first understand what your story is. How are you living your life? Take a few moments and sit down in a comfortable place with a pad of paper and ask yourself these questions: What would you say to someone who told you that you didn’t need to work at something you don’t enjoy to get what you want? What would you say if someone told you pleasure was more important than "doing good?" What percentage of the time do you spend worrying about the future or feeling bad about the past? Can you accept the idea that you are perfect right now? Would you like the universe to return the emotions you feel to you? Are you willing to give up blame and anger? Would you like to live in bliss and pleasure all the time? Now think of your life as a book and answer the following questions: Are you the main character? Do you feel comfortable being the main character? Do you feel you deserve it? If not, what would you have to do to be deserving? (This can often produce an outline of the story that you live by.) What are the struggles, if any? What are the ways that you are rewarded and is there a necessity for you to "do something" to be rewarded? What is it that you must do?

Do you believe that you would find your life boring if your life were filled with only things you enjoyed? Do you think that enjoying everything in your life would diminish you as a person or somehow diminish your life? Who would be the main character in your book? What would they do? What secrets would the book reveal? What about your life would you not want revealed? How do these secrets make you feel? There is no right answer to these questions, only answers. The answers will begin to give you clues to what you story is, and how you live it. Once you have the answers to these questions, take some time and actually write down exactly what you think your life story is. What are the beliefs that hold your story together? Do you believe that you have to struggle to be a good person? Do you believe that if you are to get anything in this world that there must be a trade off of something else? Do you believe you have to give up pleasure to get what you want? As you explore the answers to these questions, you begin to understand how the story you have been living by fails to support the universe in giving to you what you desire and need. Remember, like attracts like. You will attract people and situations into your life that have the same type of story. If you believe that the world is a dangerous place, you will experience fear at a deep, subconscious level. The universe will of course return that fear to you. Soon, you

will begin to experience an overriding anxiety that seems to permeate your life. You will find that the fear is supported in the people you attract, and the combination of the fear they feel and the fear you feel will become almost overwhelming. The reason that anxiety is such a widespread problem today is that so many people seek safety rather than pleasure. They live in a world devoid of pleasure, where even the slightest pleasure is seen as something that will be snatched away like a paper in a tornado. Is it any wonder that, for most people, the world is a depressing and scary place where we require drugs (legal or otherwise) just to curb the pain? This is the legacy of living in the want and need paradigm. This is the cost of creating a story that supports the want and need paradigm rather than the pleasure paradigm. So you may be asking: What kind of story should I have if I am to slip easily into the pleasure paradigm? The answer is simply. Your story should be one where there is not conflict but pleasure. It should be a story where you are living in joy and harmony. A person who lives in the pleasure paradigm might express their life story as "Taking a pleasant stroll down by a beautiful lake and casually discovering a huge nugget of gold." The story we live is either one that supports the want and need paradigm, or it is one of effortless joy and harmony. Many of us cling to struggle as if it were something good. We have been taught since birth that struggle is good for us. But this idea is insane. What is the value of struggle and pain? If you find yourself immediately defending pain and struggle, it means your story supports struggle and pain. Unconsciously, you are in pain and in struggle.

I know this because we support where we are and what we do. If you are in pain and struggle you will be putting out the energy of pain and struggle to the universe. Give up your need for pain and struggle. Sstep into the paradigm of pleasure and begin letting the universe return to you pleasure instead of struggle.

Releasing the pain and struggle You may have reached the conclusion that the story you have been living is one that supports the want and need paradigm. You want to abandon the pain and struggle that exists in your life, but you don’t know how. How can you release the beliefs and story that you have lived with all your life? This question has a simple answer: You must simply decide to do it. You simply say, "I will enjoy everything that happens to me. I will find a way to look for the pleasure in everything and especially in those things that I want most." You decide to give up living in any state of want or negative energy. Though the answer is simple, carrying it out can be more difficult. The reason is that you are still held in place in the want and need paradigm. The want and need paradigm has within it many beliefs that hold it together, regardless of your personal story. To change the paradigm and the story, it is necessary to begin to think in different ways about the universe and life itself. Luckily, as you embrace the thoughts that I outline in this volume, the change is already beginning. Just as the want and need paradigm is held together by your basic story, so the pleasure paradigm is held together by the new story that you will weave for yourself. Like all good stories, you must have a basic premise from which to operate. You also have to have rules that the main character will follow governing his or her behaviour and thoughts. The premise you have to operate from in the pleasure paradigm is that like attracts like. You may think that you already know that, but it must be the central

premise of your story. It must be the basic underlying principal that your entire story is built upon. Your story--regardless of how you build it or what you put in it--will have, as a central rule, that if you put out positive energy you will get back positive (pleasure) energy and its real world manifestations. You will receive consequences like joy, pleasure, money, esteem, material goods and everything else that will give you pleasure. Pleasure will be returned to you when you put out pleasure. As you understand this premise, you will begin to see how wanting things you didn’t have produced desire, and that desire produced the negative feeling of longing. When you miss what you don’t have, you feel unhappy. You must learn to use happiness and pleasure to be the guide as to how to think. If you long for something you don’t have and feel bad in the present, you are putting out negative energy. If you are striving for something you want and are not enjoying the moment you are living in, you are creating negative energy, or—worse--nothingness.

The paradigm of nothingness Before I go on I want to talk about a consequence of living in the want and need paradigm for too long. Staying in the want and need paradigm offers so little pleasure and positive reinforcement that many people will slip into an adjacent paradigm. This paradigm I call it the nothingness paradigm. I first became aware of this parallel paradigm to the want and need paradigm when I had people come to me complaining that they fell like they were missing something important. They told me how they feel as if their lives were filled with nothingness. They had lived so long with wanting what they didn’t have, and receiving only negative feedback and manifestations, that they became numb inside as a defence. They were unwilling or unable to put out pleasure. Eventually the only energy they put out represented nothingness, a frightful absence of positive or negative… numbness, if you will. The universe of course returns like for like and eventually their life becomes meaningless, filled with nothingness; all of this because they have put out nothingness for years. How could they expect anything less? Nothingness is worse than the negative energy of the want and need paradigm in many ways because it is so empty. You can sometimes see the cold empty nothingness on the faces of those who have lost hope. It is a terrible thing to see and far worse to be. We cannot strive forever in struggle and want without consequences. All too often the consequences are slipping into the paradigm of nothingness. Luckily, the release is as simple as shifting to the pleasure paradigm. Simply experience the world as beautiful, magical and safe. Though simple, this shift will change the life and fortune of anyone trapped by nothingness.

When I first started living in pleasure, I would encounter a task or situation that would have been unpleasant or less than pleasurable. I was constantly amazed and surprised at how wonderful it was to be able to experience what had been unpleasant in the past, in a new and exciting way. In every aspect of my life the universe continued (and continues) to deliver what pleases me. As my pleasure in life increases, so does the return that the universe gives to me. When you choose the currency of pleasure in life, the universe returns to you what you spend. The first step is to make sure you are thankful and then step into the pleasure of enjoying what you are thankful for. By doing this you take the first step into the paradigm of pleasure, and you ensure that the universe will manifest that which will give you pleasure.

Overcoming the fear of pleasure We have touched on fear earlier, but because so many of us feel its effects so strongly, I felt it would be a good idea to dedicate a special section of the book to the discussion of fear itself. Most of us are very much aware of fear and how it affects our live. Many of us live our lives feeling an undercurrent of fear and anxiety, daily. The want and need paradigm and fear work together to compound our anxieties. As we live in the want and need paradigm, we create more and more fear in our lives. This fear is created by the want and need paradigm. It is created out of our constant wanting, the feelings of unworthiness that come from the doubt we hold inside, and the worries that we will not succeed. When we are young we start off in the pleasure paradigm. We are interested in what is happening now and how much pleasure we will get from it. As we grow into the want and need paradigm, we begin to leave the importance of the moment behind and, as we do, we look more and more towards the future. This future movement leads us further and further into wanting and not knowing if we will get. Our pleasure and happiness become dependent not on what is happening to us now, but on what will happen to us in the future. Because controlling our future becomes necessary for our happiness and pleasure, and we know we cannot control what will happen, a gnawing anxiety begins to grow with in us. This anxiety is one of the most common problems of the 21st century. The want and need paradigm causes fear. It does this because of the way we understand time in conjunction with our need to control. We instinctively know that we

cannot control the future. We use our imaginations against ourselves by imagining terrible consequences in the future. The want and need paradigm creates fear and then the fear becomes the driving motivation that propels us even further into the want and need paradigm. The more we feel unsafe in our world, the more we think that success is the answer to our growing fears. Soon we have abandoned all pleasure in the moment for the hope of securing our safety in the future. Of course this is impossible. No amount of money or strength will do anything in the face of our ultimate fear…death. When we come to grips with our two basic fears, we can begin to see our way clear to stepping into the pleasure paradigm. The first of these two fears is of course death. The second fear is our being unable to cope with what happens to us. We are taught to think of ourselves as fragile, powerless creatures, driven by the winds of chance with no ability to handle what life hands us. This is what makes us afraid of the world and of life itself. This is what drives us further and further into the want and need paradigm. We feel that we cannot stop our striving because without it, we are totally powerless. So how do we deal with our fear of the future, and fear itself? We need only step into the pleasure paradigm and live for pleasure rather than success. Remember, the universe returns like for like. What truly causes our fear is our constant stream of fear into the universe and of course it responds by giving what it has received. If we are to be rid of the fear of life, we need to put out pleasure and confidence. We need to exude it from every pore; we need to feel it in our bones.

But how can we overcome the practised fear that haunts our every moment? The only answer is to begin living in pleasure. Pleasure is one of the greatest gifts that we have. As we experience pleasure, a number of miraculous things happen. The first of these is that all other emotions disappear. We cannot feel fear or anxiety or want when we are in pleasure. The benefits are not limited to only our emotional wellbeing. Our immune systems function better. It has been reported that we think clearer, and of course we have more energy and just feel better about life in general. When you live in pleasure, your life is better emotionally, physically and spiritually. Sometimes we do not act as if we are thinking people. We are led by others who want to use our abilities and productivity for their own ends. For them, the want and need paradigm seems better, though even they would benefit from abandoning success in favour of pleasure. We have to learn to think for ourselves. We must open our hearts and minds to what is actually happening around us rather that taking the word of others. We turn on the TV at night and watch the miseries of the world unfold in front of us. We see murder, pain and unhappiness constantly portrayed as being perpetrated on the victims of the world, and we begin to identify with the victims. We begin to believe that it could happen to us. The announcer is eager to tell us how any of us are venerable to sickness, poverty and attack. We are shown over and over how dangerous the world is and how difficult it is to achieve success… and at the same time how it is our only salvation. We are never shown the results of living in pleasure. We are not informed of the like attracts like rule; we are not shown how pleasure attracts pleasure. We don't see how

the energy we create swirls into our universe to return to us. It is this lack of understanding of the basic principle of like attracting like that keeps us locked in fear. Once we understand that like attracts like, we can control what happens to us in a far better way than we ever imagined. Like a great machine that duplicates whatever is put into it, the universe returns energy made manifest. The secret of manifesting has always been available to us. There is no need for some mystical incantation if we wish to create a world filled with joy and bliss. We need only put out to the universe joy and bliss, and it will be returned. We need only put out the energy of pleasure and we will experience pleasure in our futures as the universe returns it to us manifest. Let me ask you a question: If you knew that tomorrow you would feel fantastic and will have everything you ever wanted to make you truly happy, would you fear tomorrow’s arrival? The answer to our fears lies in stepping into the pleasure paradigm and experiencing the ongoing joy and pleasure that it gives us. Once we let the universe guide us, using our own energy blueprint to guide the way, we lose our fear of the unknown. We learn to trust the universe, and our positive energy creates positive tomorrows. We learn to experience the world the way that we want it to be. We can be filled with happiness and pleasure every moment, living in thankfulness and joy. Many people I have worked with have argued against this premise. They have said things like, "What if someone very important to you dies or becomes sick?" I answer that by living in the pleasure of today, I can step into the wonderful memories I have of that person and enjoy all that we had together and feel good. I can know that as long as I

put out pleasure that the universe will return to me abundant pleasure. I will find that there are blessings in moving on without that person. I will find things to learn, and other people and other situations that will give me ongoing pleasure in life. That will continue until the day I die. Some of the people I have told this too become agitated and angry, telling me that it is wrong to continue to stay in the pleasure paradigm if tragedy should strike. They claim that I "owe" the person respect, and that respect is best given if I feel bad. I agree that most people think this way, but if a loved one dies would they really wish me bad? I think not. If they truly loved me they would want me to go on and be as happy as I could be. They would want me to continue living, not to have died with them emotionally and spiritually when then died physically. I have heard people say, yes, that is true but you should have a period of mourning to show your respect. I prefer the idea that the Irish have the idea of a wake, a joyous party to send the loved one on their way to a better place. If we truly believe that our energy is constantly returned, how could we not give positive energy to the universe at a time like the death of a loved one? That is exactly the time it will most need to be returned. Would you really demand that a loved one be unhappy simply because they are unable to accompany you on the journey we call life? Would it not make more sense to smile and bid them the best? And would they not wish you well even though you could not accompany them on the new journey as they pass to the next life? Fear of death and being unable to cope with life are manifestations of the want and need paradigm. They are the trappings of a cold and cruel world created by the energy of fear and distrust. They are not for those of us who want to live fully and

joyously each and every day. They are not for those of us who wish to live in pleasure. They are not for those who want to make the world a better place for themselves and others. If you truly want to help people, if you truly want to help yourself, you must learn to live in the pleasure paradigm. To fail to do this is to not only to abandon your own life to misery, but also to lead those you love along a course that will eventually lead to emptiness, pain and disillusionment. You own it to yourself to experience joy in your life every day. To have abundant pleasure, to laugh and smile at everyone you meet. You owe it to all those around you to contribute to the general sense of pleasure they have. We can change the world, but not through work or money. People have worked for centuries and plenty of money has been spent on changing the world, but neither work nor money have changed the world. Our world is still filled with pain and misery and want. If we are to begin changing that pain, we must step into pleasure. We must show others that the road to success leads nowhere and the trip is paid for with pain and disillusionment. We must live as examples, laughing and full of joy, for others to see and follow. Every smile you elicit, every good feeling you give returns to you. It is the law of the universe that like should attract like. This rule is unbreakable and forever. Thankfully, it cannot be escaped.

Changing the world we know. This chapter is for those of you who are concerned with helping others and changing the world we live in. For some, the pleasure paradigm might appear as being only a thinly veiled reason for selfishness. I can assure you that this is not so. When you live in pleasure you are a pleasure to be around. Selfishness is not pleasure. It comes from want and desire. It has about it the energy of pain and suffering, it leaves those around it cold and unhappy. That is not pleasure. Pleasure leaves those who come in contact with it happy and reborn. It enriches their lives and energises them. It leaves them laughing and feeling full of joy and happiness. This is not a book or a paradigm of selfishness. It is instead the only true way we can change the world for good. Throughout time, mankind has prayed for peace and joy, and for love to conquer all things negative. We have prayed for fear and sorrow to be gone and yet pain and sorrow persist in our world. For many, having pain and sorrow persist is all they need to proclaim that the world is dangerous, cruel and uncaring. They use it like a banner that they wave high to prove the existence of evil and the need for fear. For centuries this has been the only way that mankind has known. There is now a new way, a way that will change the world if you choose to embrace it and offer it to others. This is the way of pleasure, the way of joy and happiness. The universe manifests the energy that we as humans deliver to it. Is it any wonder that the world is filled with want and pain and anguish?

Our only hope for mankind is to embrace pleasure and to step into the pleasure paradigm. If we want to change the world, to make it a safe place for our children, to free us all from war and want, we must change the energy that we pour forth into the universe. We must open our hearts and minds and souls to pleasure, joy and bliss, so we can create pleasure, joy and bliss on this earth. We must teach others the way. We must show them how their own thoughts of fear and want, their very participation in the want and need paradigm, has contributed… no, not contributed, but caused the unhappiness they feel in their day-to-day lives. We must show them that, unless they change the energy they put out, they will get returned only more of the fear and pain they feel. When we move on a global scale to the pleasure paradigm, then on a global scale the world will change. When we all live within the pleasure paradigm, we will create a world that few can imagine, a world where want and disease and fear are no more, a world where each and every person can and will have what they need and want… a world of pleasure for all. Is it too much to ask? Is it too much to imagine that it could all come to pass? That we all could live in the wonder of living each day totally and fully, filled with thankfulness for what we have and pleasure at each moment? It is not impossible and it is not too much to ask. We must all step into the pleasure paradigm if our world is to survive.

As with all great things it must start small. It must start with you learning all you can about the pleasure paradigm, how to experience it and live out of it yourself. From there it will spread as you touch others with your joy and happiness. This is why "Magic of Pleasure" seminars and workshops are held across North America and soon across the world. It can be our joy to first learn how to live in the Magic of Pleasure ourselves and then to help others find the way to their own pleasure. To transform the world from a place of fear and pain we have only to give the universe positive energy… pleasure. We must learn it well ourselves and then get others to live it as well. By doing so, the world will change. We created the situations that surge around us--both personal and on the world stage--with the energy that we have put out to the universe. We can change that forever and, by doing so, we can offer our children and grandchildren a legacy unknown before in the age of mankind. We can offer them passage into the paradigm of pleasure.

Information For more information about Magic of Pleasure workshops and seminars, and other techniques for transforming your life to a state of positive energy, please go to Justis’s website at www.justischase.com. Here you will find many resources including free counselling services, the entire Manifestation program for only a small donation as well as information on how Justis made his money and a fantastic program called Money Magic.

For more information about sanctioned programs and workshops please get in touch with Justis Chase at the Magic of Pleasure ([email protected]) for a complete list of sanctioned programs and timetables. Or, visit us at our website, http://www.justischase.com


addiction...............................................17 blame....................................................15 brainwashed .........................................11 desire ....................................................16 drugs.....................................................17 enchanted life .......................................14 energy...................................................12 financial success ..................................17 financially ..............................................8 forgiveness ...........................................13 future oriented......................................16 goal..5, 16, 24, 26, 27, 28, 31, 33, 35, 39, 54, 63, 64, 78, 82 health....................................................13 Like attracts like.....................................6 magic......................................................9 manifest..................................................5 money...................................................13 needing.................................................16 negative emotions ................................13 New Age thinking ..................................6 plant .....................................................14 pleasure12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101, 103, 104, 106, 107, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124 Pleasure Paradigm..................................7 poverty .................................................13 present ..................................................16 psychic .................................................11 relationships .........................................13 self-esteem .............................................4

spiritually ...............................................8 success 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 52, 56, 57, 60, 66, 69, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78, 81, 92, 104, 105, 116, 117, 120 success ladder ......................................11 success sellers ......................................12 thankfulness .........................................13 universe ..........................................13, 14 want......................................................16 weigh....................................................14

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