Just a Delivery.pdf

May 23, 2018 | Author: Rob | Category: Bank Vault
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 JUST A DELIVERY    E    R  H  E   R    T  U S C  O P E A D V E  N




��om� to �t�ersco�� ! ��i exitin� a��entur� i �our �re� intro�ucion to a wor�� o� ��er�un� �icoriana. ��� a��entur� i �ei�n�� �or a team o� �our to ix �ow-�ev�� �aracer (1s t�rou�� 3r� �ev��). ��� ��a�er �aracer wi�� �av� a �an� to ex�erien� t�� �antasi rea�m o� �t�er�a�, a w��� a �et t�eir  �in�er �irt� in t�� �o�iti o� t�� a�ternat� �icorian a�� o� 1984 — i� t�� � �on’t �et �i���� in t�� �roe.




he haracer are given an opportunity to help deliver a pakage for an old private inveigator. Tey mu find the pakage and ultimately deide who hould poe it. Several agenie want the pakage and try to get it through diplomay, theft, or fore of arm.

ere i a quik referene table o you an ee all of the enounter at a glane. Pg   — the module page number that the enounter i found on. ype  — thi indiate if the enounter i a trap (), puzzle (P), diplomati (D), or ombat (C) enounter. Enounter — the key adverarie or loation in the enounter. Italiized name are laed GM haracer. CR  — the hallenge rating for that enounter.

Characters As the Gamesmaster, you should read and beco me amiliar with the adventure beore running it. Also be aware o the player character s’ backgrounds and inuences. Characters with the Criminal inuence may already know Burk Foreright or the Grey Death. Charac ters with the Military inuence may have heard o Doming o. Characters with the Academic inuence may know the Flat Riders. Wealthy characters may start with a considerable array o weapons, but you can limit their use. For instance, characters cannot  take weapons into Bradord and Barclay’s Bank,ensuring they will have ewer weapons or the rst encounter. Also, the constabulary will take a dim view o the players, wherever they go, i they are equipped like a small army and will seek to conscate such weapons. This adventure should take only a ew days o in-game time. This limits the amount o time characters have to attempt to purchase weapons. Jeee: I any character has signicant wealth — say, a Wealth bonus o at least +20 — he can start play with a car and the driver Jeeves. Jeeves’ stats can be ound near the end o the adventure. The car should be the property o one o the characters’ parents with Jeeves working or the amily and asked to watch out or that character’s well-being. Jeeves may also prove useul in other capacities, as mentioned throughout the adventure. GM Chcte: Statistics and description o all the GM characters in “Just a Delivery” appear at the end o the adventure.







Walker’s Pub




The Flat Riders




Bradord and Barclay’s Bank








Thugs at Greywall’s at




The Grey Death




Ray Domingo



he adventure begin when the haracer meet with Edion Greywall at hi retirement flat in London. (Te initial ontac i up to the Gamemaer. Perhap Greywall i already aquainted with one or more of the haracer, either a an ally or foe, or hi reputation a a notoriou inveigator in hi day ha piqued the haracer’ urioity.) He reide in a lai offin of a flat, with room for a bed, a few dreer, and a table with ome malfuncioning equipment on it. Tere i a metal frame balony but no fire eape. He doe, however, keep a upply of liquor nearby, quite again rule, and he’ll readily hare thi with the haracer. Greywall reveal, with ome elf-importane, that age i finally reeping up on him, and he want to take are of ome looe end, yet he an no longer do o by himelf. He tell them of a

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ery done. My old partner, ble hi oul, hid the pakage. Te addre i hidden in Walker’ Pub, in the Sope, on the bak of the mirror behind the bar. It’ a plae where haker oialize and trade eret. It’ a good plae to learn a thing or two. I hope you guy have your own Sope tab o you an get there, beaue I’m ure not  giving you any.”

Greywall’s Flat Metal Balcony Table

SCALE =5ft


door opens out






1006      s      r        i      a        t         S








f the haracer ak where the pakage i to be delivered to, Greywall ay he’ll inform them after they get the pakage. (He know where he want them to deliver it; he i ju being overly rypti and autiou.)

 pakage that he want delivered, and he play it up a omething of great importane. (Te acual ontent of the pakage i entirely up to you, but it hould be important, perhap more than even Greywall realize.) Unfortunately, Greywall doe not know where the pakage i. Hi deeaed partner acually hid it year ago. After a round of drink , he reveal that the loation of the pakage i written on the bak of a mirror in Walker’ Watched and Followed The characters spend the adventure watched and ollowed. As they meet dierent groups, these groups try to keep  tabs on the party. The package is important and worth the efort o ollowing it and the people who control it. Once the PCs visit Walker’s Pub in Part 2, Flat Riders will be watching the party. The Flat Riders use technology to ollow them at a distance. They watch through binoculars rom zepcars, rom ar-away apartment windows or rom a zeppelin that Earnest Pink co-owns. They always have an escape route planned, giving them a +10 bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks or the purposes o escaping. The Flat Riders can rig lights to icker on, or of, in a seemingly random way, so the characters can be better observed. Earnest Pink wants to know about this package, but so ar he’s simply curious. The Flat Riders have Search and Spot checks o +4

Pub, whih i in the Sope. (Greywall i the only one who know how to deipher the ode the pakage i written in, but he doe not tell the haracer about thi at thi time.)

“I’ve got a pakage need delivering. I don’t  plan on paying you, but if you want in on the whole how with lot of acion, it’ there  for the taking. If you do thi proper, you an build a rep for yourelf and maybe name your own prie down the road. I’m too old and too meed up to get the delivwhen ollowing the group in the city and are unlikely to ollow the group outside o city — there aren’t enough available escape routes. Ater the characters enter Bradord and Barclay’s Bank in Part 3, Burk Foreright sends thugs to ollow the characters as long as they are in the southern parts o the Great Metropolis. These people know the streets and are dicult to lose. Working  together within the city, they have Hide, Knowledge (current event s), Move Silently, Search, and Spot checks o +10. This check bonus drops to +5 in the northern hal o  the Great Metropolis and to +2 outside o  the city. They are reluctant to leave the city unless Foreright decides getting the package is o great importance. I the characters encounter Ray Domingo and/or the Grey Death, more people will  take an interest. Domingo sends servants to ollow the party. (These use the same tac tics and statistics as the thugs.) The Grey Death watches the party itsel.


he haracer are free to explore and learn more about the Great Metropoli and Edion Greywall. At ome point, they will want to viit the Sope and viit Walker’ Pub. Ti i a hane for the GM to plae people in the pub who an provide more information to the haracer, or even plant eed for ubequent adventure. How the haracer get to look at the bak of the mirror behind the bar i up to them. If they art a fight or break the mirror, they may not be welome bak into the pub without an apology. Earne Pink i ju a likely to how them the bak of the mirror if they ak and explain their reaon, ju out of heer urioity.

Scope Tabs


 Greywall explain to the harater, they eah need a Sope tab, a mall drug-ontaining pill to get into the Sope. Tere are other method of entering the Sope but Sope tab are the imple. A Sope tab alter the ate of oniou thought, allowing the uer to mentally appear in the Sope a an avatar until he wihe to leave. Te haracer eah need a Sope tab to the ity of Haven. However, Sope tab are illegal. One of the haracer mu make a DC 10 influene hek with the Crime or Street influene, or a DC 15 High Soiety hek to loate a dealer willing to ell them a Sope tab

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Streetmap GM Characters SCALE =20ft


Gentleman’s Club



Bradford  & Barclay’s

High Society Store










Characters, both those the players control and those the GM controls, are important in Ethecope . The statistics and descriptions or all GM characters in this adventure appear at the end.


Burk’s Warehouse



Lumber Warehouse

Grain Storage



Fire Dept.


Entering the Scope Te Sope tab diolve under your tongue and the real world fall away almos immediately. Tere i a green haze and a moment of diorientation and then you find yourelf sanding on a green-grey obblesone sreet in the Sope with your fellow. Te Sope reemble the Great Metropoli — to a point. Inredible

Greywall’s Flat

Brass Apartment Fittings Carpenter Co.


to Haven. Te dealer i able to ell them one or two Sope tab for eah member of the party. Te DC for the aquiition hek i 15 (but remember that thi doe not lower the buyer’ Wealth rating unle he take 20 to purhae it). Characer an add their rank in Crime or Street influene to the aquiition hek to purhae Sope tab. One a haracer uefully purhae one Sope tab, the re of the tab an be purhaed for the ame prie, and the other haracer don’t need to make hek.  Jeeve: If the haracer do not have the neeary influene or otherwie annot get Sope tab, Jeeve an upply them.

Getting Out



building reth up toward a green louded ky. Te deign are more fantai than reality, ome defying the normal law of phyi. It i not rowded, but there are people of all hape a nd ize walking along the reet or moving in range vehile. Everyone look healthy and rong and rih. Some people are giant, other have glowing white angel wing. A lady made of tranluent gla i walking down the reet. People fliker in and out of exiene a they enter and leave the Sope. A hint of mint touhe your noe.


 ppearane:  Characer initially appear a themelve. A a fullround acion, they an hange their appearane with a Sope Reiliene hek. Minor hange, uh a olor, faial feature, or hair length, require a DC 10 hek. Moderate hange, uh a gender, ize, ethniity, or glowing eye, require a DC 20 hek. Major hange, uh a seie, appendage, or wing, require a DC 30 hek.

Players might wonder how their charac ters can get out o the Scope i they are on a tab trip. Four possibilities exist: • Wait or the tab to wear of, which could take hours. • Force your way out through sheer willpower (unlikely or 1st-level characters, as doing so requires a DC 35 Scope Resilience check). • Kill your avatar (which leaves you a bit staggered and bewildered when you wake up, as usual or dying in the Scope). • Construct an exit point, which requires 20 minutes and a DC 14 Scope Use (either immersed or remote) check.

Examining the Sope: Sope Awarene replae Spot, Lien, and all Dexterity-baed hek. Characer interac with the world a if it were the real world. Tey an ee people hiding and hear people neaking up on them, but they ue their Sope Awarene to make thee hek in the Sope.

Walker´s Pub


alker’ i a rui little rereation of a pub that burned down in Cornwall, if you believe the ign out front. It ontain a little bit of hiory in it oy onfined sae and it never eem to fill up no matter how many Sope rider moey on in. Earne Pink run the plae and i eemingly there all day long, even day a week, leading many to seulate about who or what he i. A haker’ delight, Walker’ i an information orehoue and afe meeting plae with ome impreive eurity afeguard. For inane, a it i loated

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Storage Room

Mirror Storage Room Bar SCALE

Booth and table

=5ft  table and chairs door opens out


Main Entrance

Walker’s Pub

in a type E environment, patron mu walk to the pub, hene it name. (See Chapter VI: Te Sope in the Etherope ore book for more information.) Walker’ Pub i a hort walk from where the haracer initially arrive. A DC 10 Sope Awarene hek allow a PC to sot the pub. Combat in the Pub:  Beide Earne Pink, a number of Sope rider are hanging out in the pub when the PC arrive. Ue the at for a Flat Rider (at the end of the adventure), although not all of the oupant are acually member of that group. Loation of the Pakage:  On the bak of the mirror i a et of number. Te number provide the loation and eurity ode of a afety depoit box at a private bank in the Great Metropoli, Bradford and Barlay’. A DC 10 Reearh hek allow a PC to diover thi information. Getting the Number: Te player haracer have a number of option to diover the number on the bak of the mirror. Te mo raightforward i to lay wae to everything in ight, though doing o attrac a lot of attention and the enmity of any Sope rider the PC blow bak to Prime Reality. Another option i to imply ak Earne to look at the bak of the mirror. Earne i amiable but uriou; part of hi buine i to know eret, and if the PC ak to look at the mirror, he

look a well, though he doen’t know what the number mean. He ak many queion of the PC, ome of whih they may not be able to anwer. A DC 10 Diplomay hek onvine him to allow the PC a look, but they need a DC 25 Diplomay hek to get them off their bak afterward. A third poibility i to dirac Earne (and the lientele) in order to neak a peek. For inane, haracer might alter their avatar to appear to be onabulary member, or they might age a fight outide the pub, drawing people’ attention. Clever player will think of many other way to reolve thi problem; reward intelligent reolution.


alker’ Pub Layout (Haven City): Walker’ ha a ingle bar in the bak with barool, two orage room, and a number of table and booth for uomer. Beide the mirror behind the bar are ontemporary art piee dislayed on the wall. Te mok window look out on different ecion of the Great Metropoli. Tee window acually erve to warn Sope rider if anyone i approahing their loation outide of the Sope, but few uomer know thi and thoe that do are unlikely to reveal thi eret. Sometime when a new uomer ome in and it down near a window, the view outide hange.

Sope Rider: Dubbing themelve the Flat Rider, thi band of tehnogeek, headed by Earne Pink, art following the haracer after they viit Walker’ Pub. Tey are named after a program they developed that allow them to jump from flat to flat within the Sope. Tey ue binoular and other tehnology to follow the haracer. Tey avoid phyial enounter, but the average at of a Flat Rider appear at the end of the adventure ju in ae. Te Flat Rider are imply intereed in the haracer, but their preene an add a ene of paranoia and onsiray to the game. Tey are alo a reoure and potential ally hould the haracer find and ontac them; otherwie, the Flat Rider only wath and reord the haracer’ acivitie through the adventure. Te Flat Rider are a eretive organization. A DC 20 Intelligene or Street influene hek i required to ontac a Flat Rider. However, if the harater ue Walker’ Pub to try to ontac a member, the hek i automatially a ue.



radford and Barlay’ i a private bank in an old brik building. It i highly eured with two guard out front and a ho of eurity inide. Te interior i well deorated indiating the finanial atu of thi bank. It boa deep red arpet and velvet overed eat. Gue are given tea and treated a nobility. Ti i a hane for the haracer to experiene the air of nobility, but they mu be dreed properly, in omething at lea approximating formal wear. Tey annot ju ome waltzing in off  the reet ill bleeding and arrying an aortment of weapon. A DC 15 Diplomay hek or DC 10 High Soiety influene hek at a gentlemen’ lub or imilar loation an get them temporary lothing. (If they beat thi DC by 10 or more, they an keep the lothe.)

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Other Business

Vault A

Vault B







   s    m    o    o    r    e    t   a   v    i    r     P

7 8 9 SCALE =5ft

Stairs Private Teller- A





Roman Pillars


Tellers door opens out

   s    s    e    n    i    s   u     B    r    e     h    t     O

   n    e     d    r   a     G


Art Display Kitchen


  e   n  c   r  a    t    E  n   a   i  n    M

Bradford & Barclay Bank

If the haracer send too long or give up trying to get the pakage, Greywall will exert himelf and appear in peron to make ure they get it, although he omplain bitterly. Te bank’ proprietor take the haracer to a pluh and private booth where they an examine the ontent of

a afety depoit box that ontain the pakage. Combat in the Bank: Combat inide the bank i a bad idea. Many low-level uomer, many low-level guard and everal high-level guard (10th level and higher) are ationed within. Tey are well armed and armoured and hould

be able to ubdue the party without diffiulty. Teir at are not inluded a thi i not intended a an enounter loation. Te map i provided in ae haracer ue ealth and ubtlety to ae the box. Bradford and Barlay’ Layout (the Great Metropoli):  Te bank ha two vault, both ate-of-the-art, a mall kithen to erve gue, two bank of teller, and two private room. Stair lead up to loked door that open into the bank owner’ private flat. Around the lobby are a number of deep ouhe and lounge hair for gue. Getting the Good: With the right lothe, manner, and the number from the bak of the mirror at Walker’ Pub, the PC hould have no trouble aeing the afety depoit box and euring the pakage. Te boxe at Bradford and Barlay’ are anonymou, requiring only a eurity ode (loated on the mirror) to ae. PC run into problem if they are rude, if they and out, or if they talk loudly of thi myeriou pakage (other people get uriou, too). Te Pakage: Te pakage i an old, wide, guet flap-over briefae made from brown addle leather that i o worn it i almo white in ome plae. It i firmly rapped hut, and it weight, hape, and texture ugge it’ filled with paper. Te bag i waterproofed with a fine leather liner. It’ alo loked (DC 25 Engineer (mehanial) hek to open). Te briefae i filled with paper that ontain information about Lord Edion Greywall and hart hi relation to the rown — a path that i aggeringly hort. Te paper ate that he i ome 20 peron removed from the throne. A DC 10 Knowledge (ivi or hiory) or Reearh hek quikly diern that thi i a omplete fabriation. (Some haracer may believe they have diovered ome great royal eret, but the Gamemaer hould make it lear after minimal inveigation that thi i not the ae.) Tee paper hide the true information in ode. A DC 30 Reearh hek will deipher the information. A DC 20 reveal ome information, perhap the gi of the meage, at the Gamemater’ diretion. Te haracer hould need to take thee paper to omeone

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What’s in the Package? So, what’s in the package? Well, that’s up to you. Ideally, it should contain something to urther the PCs on to the next adventure you have planned. Some suggestions: • A treasure map leading to a Lemurian arteact or a cache o Incan gold. • Embarrassing secrets (heavy-duty blackmail odder) about the queen or other member o the royal amily. • A map and documents showing all the major hideouts o the Northumbrian Republican Movement, as well as  their storehouses o weapons and underground pamphlet printing acilities. • A sophisticated program that would allow an expert Scope user (DC 40 Scope Use (immersed) check)  to take control o the Scope city o Haven, trapping all the avatars within it and preventing them rom returning to Prime Reality. • Plans or a devastating new ethertech weapon. • Evidence damning a villain the PCs are  trying to bring to justice. • Proo that a certain German man is actually the legitimate heir to the British throne. • Notes about a new device, called an Ether-Prime Analogue, that supposedly moves items created in Etherspace to Prime Reality. The notes are vague and incomprehensible, but scrawled in the margin is the name “Dr. Sullivan Bennett,” and an address in the Great Metropolis.

ele to deipher them. Te ontent of the information i up the Gamemaer. Keep in mind that everal facion are onerned enough to want thi information very badly. Te GM i free to tailor the seifi of the information to hi ampaign and haracer. Enounter One (Random Mugging): Shortly after leaving the bank, the haracer are aaulted by thug who try to rob them. Ti i a random mugging,

Window Drapes      s      e      v        l      e        h      s        k      o      o        B

Desk Burk’s Office

SCALE =5ft door opens out Wooden Crate

Burk’s Warehouse but the haracer may usec there i more to it. Te robber wathed the haracer leave the bank. A good Spot hek and Sene Motive hek may give haracer early warning thi enounter i about to take plae. Tere i one thug for eah haracer. Unle the harater urrender whatever good they are arrying, inluding the pakage if they have it, the thug fight until half their number are dead or dying. See the end of the adventure for their atii. Attempt on Edion Greywall’ Life: Shortly after the enounter with thug, Edion Greywall i attaked, although the haracer may not learn thi for ome time, if at all. Burk Foreright, one of Greywall’ enemie who know more than he hould about the pakage, learn that the haracer have taken the pakage out of the bank. He aume it will be delivered to Greywall and o he trie to have Greywall killed. Greywall remain in hi flat until the haracer return there or until two week later when hi rent i overdue and hi body i diovered. Without medial attention, he will die within a few hour. If the haracer return to Greywall ’ from the bank, they have the opportunity to ave him. If they hurry bak, they will have a fight on their hand. Tere are two thug per haracer, eah of them armed with a knife. Tey will flee at any point if there are more haracer able to fight than thug. Greywall die in 5 round unle the PC do omething to help him.

Burk Foreright’ Warehoue (the Great Metropoli):  Burk send muh of hi time in a warehoue, not too far from Greywall’ flat. Te haracer may enounter it by aident or through ome minor inveigation after Greywall’ aaination attempt. A DC 15 Criminal or Street influene hek allow a haracer to determine the loation of Foreright’ warehoue. Guarded by two thug outide and 210 thug inide working a employee or labourer, the warehoue i sare and utilitarian. Ti offie i in a mall, eond-ory room aeed by a narrow et of air with no handrail. Foreright greet gue from behind a heavy oak dek engraved with kull. (Ti provide a +2 irumane bonu to hi Intimidate hek.) All manner of illegal good are ored in the warehoue, ranging from Sope tab to illegal zepar part.

PART 4: WHERE TO DELIVER THE PACKAGE After the haracer leave the bank, they do not immediately know where to deliver the pakage. If they return immediately to Greywall ’ flat, they will be in a poition to ave him, in whih ae he will tell them where to deliver it. Otherwie, they will find him dead. However, a earh of hi flat (DC 20 Searh hek) will turn up note about

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Domingo’s Manor Guest Room




Targets for shooting 

Bathroom (water closet)

Guest Room

Master Bedroom

Guest Room Bathroom

Stove Servants Quarters

Servants Quarters

Servants Quarters

Servants Quarters

Servants Quarters

Servants Quarters

Servants Quarters

Kitchen Secret Entrance

Double Staircases

 Q S   u  e r  v   a  a r  n  t    e  t   r   s   s 


Trophy Room


D  e  s  k  

Dining Hall SCALE =10ft door opens out

Main Gate

where the pakage i to be taken. Alo, Earne Pink in Walker’ Pub, or poibly another patron, knew Greywall well enough that he mentioned the pakage and where he would like it to go. Greywall wanted the pakage delivered to Ray Domingo, a big-time game hunter who live in Dover. Domingo ha the influene and onnecion neeary to go publi with the information in the pakage and urvive the politial baklah and reultant aaination attempt that would follow. Ray Domingo’ Manor (Dover): Ti manor i et in the ountryide urrounded by low-inome houing and farm. Te building i two orie high, dominated by a large dining hall. Oppoite the hall i a trophy and game room, deorated with all kind of animal head and a omplete uffed tiger. Tere i a kithen, oat loet, and ervant quarter on the fir floor. Te eond floor ha three large gue room, a maer bedroom, and a mall library, whih primarily ontain book on animal and hunting but alo ome obure book on the oult, proured from South Afria. A large wall at the top of the airae dislay a wide array of armour and weapon; sear, bow, word, and even an old elephant gun. Te third floor ontain a mall room that funcion a a olarium and obervatory. Domingo’ mire ha planted a number of flower here. Enounter (Grey Death): Any effort to reearh, loate, or viit Ray Domingo in Dover will eventually tip off the Grey Death, a dark organization that ha a peronal grudge again Domingo for hooting their one fifth member. Te Grey Death will end a third party, Bori Demetri, to talk to the haracer. Demetri i a mall-time ganger from Ruia trying to make it big in Europe. (Ue the atii for a thug for Bori.) He know the Grey Death hired him, but hi Englih i bad and he know little about the Grey Death. Demetri will pretend to help the haracer loate Ray Domingo, but hi goal i to determine if the haracer are going to help or aue trouble for Domingo. If he feel the party i going to help Domingo — or if, a i likely, he ene no agenda on their part — the Grey Death will take

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no hane: Tey will ambuh and try to kill the party. If they think the party intend to aue Domingo trouble, they will follow the haracer and try to ai them, but only in the bakground. Te Grey Death i not willing to onfront Domingo direcly.

PART 4A (OPTIONAL): RAY DOMINGO Ray Domingo i a rih Spaniard who ha lived mo of hi life in Dover. He ill ha a Spanih aent and i a large, hardy man with a thik mouahe and monole who drink a prodigiou amount of port. He doe not know about the pakage. If the haracer make no effort to ontac him, there i little reaon for him to make an appearane. One he doe beome involved, he an be a powerful ally, or enemy.

WRAPPING UP THE ADVENTURE More petty thug and gradually better hit men and diplomat ome out of the woodwork the longer the haracer have the pakage. When they deliver it to any facion involved, the adventure an be alled finihed. Te haracer may need to explain that they do not have the pakage anymore, or the other facion may imply find out. An artile may appear in the newsaper deribing the fallout of the haracer’ acion. Te haracer have likely reated both allie and enemie. Te following ecion deribe ome poible outome for the adventure, baed on what the haracer do with the pakage. Keeping the Pakage: Te harater may hooe to keep the pakage and try to onvine other that the pakage wa deroyed or delivered to a party who will not admit poeion. Tey haracer may even keep the pakage and imply weather a onant barrage of diplomat and aain in the ame way Greywall did. Whatever the out-

ome, the adventure hould end with ome kind of reolution. Te bulk of the effort to retrieve the pakage end when it beome obviou the party i keeping the pakage. Te Gamemaer hould review the ontent of the pakage with the haracer, a well a their option hould they hooe to deliver it at a later time. Ti i a low-level adventure, o poeion of the pakage hould only jeopardize low-level haracer. One the haracer get into mid-level, attempt by other to retrieve the pakage will op altogether. It’ not important enough to tangle with a mid-level group to retrieve. Delivery to Ray Domingo:  Domingo i arrogant enough to aept the pakage and not even onider any kind of remuneration. He will ac diintereed in the pakage to enourage the haracer not to ak for anything. If the haracer ak for payment, one mu win an oppoed Diplomay hek with Domingo (hi Diplomay modifier i –2). If the haracer win, Domingo will offer that haracer a ingle weapon of their hoie or the hane for all the haracer to ome along with Domingo on hi next hunt. He onider the latter a great favour to beow on anyone. Delivery to Foreright:  Foreright obviouly want the pakage — he’ willing to kill for it. He might be a riminal, but he i a buineman and a good one. He will offer the haracer favour. Tee inlude getting any item requiring an aquiition hek of DC 15 or lower for free, getting the haracer into a ingle high oiety ball or lunheon, a meeting with an important peron or better aommodation within everal blok of Foreright’ warehoue. If any haracer haggle hard and an beat Foreright at an oppoed Diplomay hek (hi Diplomay modifier i +5), Foreright will offer a zepar for the pakage. It i olen property, of oure, but virtually untraeable. Foreright may approah the haracer in the future for other buine deal, unle the harater are too hone. Delivery to the Flat Rider: Te Flat Rider do not partiularly want the pakage. Tey may already have the information or it may not be related to them. Still,

they will take the pakage if it i offered to them. If a haracer an make a DC 10 Diplomay hek, the Flat Rider an be negotiated into offering ome Sope tab in exhange for the pakage. Delivery to the Consabulary: Te haracer might think to take the pakage to omeone in law enforement. However, they’ll find little intere. Te onabulary will take it but will not pay anything for it. Neither will they inveigate the pakage to deipher any hidden meage in it. If the haracer an prove there i omething of importane in the pakage and if one haracer make a DC 20 Diplomay hek or DC 15 Conabulary influene hek, the onabulary will offer the haracer a flat they typially ue for witnee at a heap monthly rate (aquiition DC 5 every month). Delivery to the Grey Death: Te Grey Death i not intereed in the pakage unle they learn that Ray Domingo i uppoed to get it, or that he want it. In that ae, they will go to ertain length, inluding trying to kill the haracer, to try to get the pakage. Tey may negotiate for the pakage, eseially if the haracer have hown they are ronger, but they will try to rip the haracer off by offering them hoddy merhandie or heque that boune. A haracer an ue Sene Motive oppoed by the Grey Death’ Bluff hek (+1 modifier) to determine the Grey Death i untruworthy. Delivery to Bradford and Barlay’: Having held the pakage for everal year, the bank’ owner would expre ome minor intere. Tey an offer a great deal for it, but thi i unlikely; a haracer would have to win an oppoed Diplomay hek (both bank owner have a +15 Diplomay modifier for thee purpoe). A failed hek by the harater mean the owner are mo likely to offer no more than a good uit or two, a mall loan, or the ervie of their bank. Winning the oppoed Diplomay hek hange thee offer to formal wear for the party or a gift of an item with an aquiition hek of DC 20 or le and (with either previou gift) the ervie of the bank. Going Publi:  Ti i poibly the wor hoie, but it may be the mo hon-

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ourable. It depend on what the Gamemaer deide i in the pakage. Te haracer will have little trouble finding a newsaper intereed in publihing the ory, but the paper will not pay for it. Ti i a good way to make a lot of enemie without making many friend, exept within the pre. Domingo may be angry if he ee that the pakage wa uppoed to be delivered to him and wa not. Foreright may ak the haracer for a ut beaue they piked up the pakage in hi diric (paying thi would redue two haracer’ Wealth modifier by 1). Depending on the ontent of the pakage, other offended group may ome after the party. Tee reperuion ould alway happen later, no matter who the haracer give the pakage to — after all, that peron ould deide to go to the pre himelf. Experiene Reward: At the end of the adventure, haracer hould gain experiene for any GM haracer they defeated in ombat. Tey alo gain experiene for ertain ituation. If they peaefully gain ae to the bak of the mirror in Walker’ Pub, grant them experiene a if they had overome a CR 2 enounter. Te ame i true for peaefully getting the pakage out of the bank and for ontacing the Flat Rider. Saving Greywall’ life i worth the experiene of a CR 4 enounter. Getting through the adventure without anyone dying — allie or opponent — i worth XP a if they overame a CR 5 enounter.



GM CHARACTERS Burk Foreright


urk i a big man who ha enjoyed a few too many parie. He i overweight and trie to ut bak, but long hour in the Sope and hi buine resonibilitie keep him from doing more exerie. Hi peronal phyiian i too ared to seak muh of it. Burk ha big, thik lip and a deep, ommanding

voie, and he’ killed at uing it to get what he want. Hi kin ha deteriorated and i poked; he weat profuely if he perform any acivity. Ti i from extended Sope ue and expoure to old, poorly inulated equipment that ha only reently been replaed. A DC 10 Knowledge (mediine) hek allow a haracer to reognize the ondition. Ti hek gain a +2 ynergy bonu from eah kill if the haracer 5 or more rank in Sope Awarene, Sope Reiliene, Sope Ue (immered), or Sope Ue (remote). Burk trie to dominate any ituation. If he need to, he will ue hi Frightening Preene. He doe omething with hi mule and tip hi head o that a hadow fall aro hi fae in uh a way to give him a horrifi, demoni appearane. It i o unnerving that mo people who have een it never want to be in hi preene again. Some have gone o far a to ugge he mu be part demon, but that i aburd… right? Burk i uually alm and olleced and poeed of a polite demeanour. Ti an vanih in a eond if he i not in ontrol of a ituation or ha been greatly offended. Hi fae darken and he beome a old-blooded killer. Burk i a elf-made man and proud of it. He i the head of a mall mob with it finger in a number of pie. If you take the time to lien, he will tell you how hi diplomati kill and intimidation got him arted haking down loal buinee. Ti expanded into protecion and loan harking. He now own everal mall buinee — a few night lub, a mall bed and breakfa, a library (of all thing), and a pawn hop. He ha a aff of twenty odd hoodlum and aoiate of varying kill and talent, and he ontrol hipping over everal ity blok. He know what i being hipped and take a ut f rom it. When he i not immered in the Sope, Burk thoroughly enjoy uing hi verbal kill. He love to haggle and negotiate, and when thing go our, he i equally pleaed to all upon hi oniderable talent in intimidation. Hi reputation built on a pile or orpe and threat, Burk ha ignifiantly inreaed hi anding and wealth, making numerou enemie in

the proe. It i a good thing mo of them are dead. Burk Foreright (Savant 10): CR 10; Medium humanoid (human); HD 10d6+40; hp 81; Ma 16; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; Defene 14, touh 13, flat footed 14 (+3 la, +1 armour); BAB +5; Grap +8; Atk +10 melee (1d8+3 nonlethal, unarmed rike) or +8 melee (1d6+3/19–20, riket bat) or +5 ranged (2d4, pepperbox revolver); SQ –; Val progre/tenaity, AL elf; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +9; Ex 0; Str 16, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 14, Wi 14, Cha 15. Sope Avatar: HD 10d6+30; hp 67; Ma 15; Init +2; Defene 17, touh 17, flat footed 15; BAB +8; Grap +10; Atk +12 melee (1d8+2 nonlethal, unarmed rike) or Full Atk +12/+7 (1d8+2, unarmed rike); SV Fort +9, Ref +9; Str 14, Dex 14, Con 15. emplate: Criminal (Intimidate). Skill:  Bluff +9, Diplomay +17, Engineer (mehanial) +4, Intimidate +17, Inveigate +17, Knowledge (urrent event) +15, Knowledge (linguiti) +15, Sope Awarene +17, Sope Ue (immered) +17, Sope Ue (remote) +17, Sene Motive +17, Spot +7. Influene: Conabulary +6, Crime +13, Street +6. Feat:  Attentive, Brawl, Combat Expertie, Frightful Preene (DC 17), Improved Brawl, Improved Diarm, Iron Will, Literate, Peruaive, Sope Raider, Simple Weapon Profiieny, inkerer, oughne (body), oughne (avatar). alent: Exploit weakne, immered program rafting, improved program rafter Sope kill, program rafter Sope kill, lingui, plan, trik. Poeion:  Criket bat, pepperbox revolver, light underover hirt, zepar, briefae, formal lothing, fine oat, portable Sope point, a variety of Sope tab pattern for pleaure domain and other itie. Wealth: +23.

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Earnest Pink


t i widely believed that Earne Pink i an Etherope  program, gho, demon, or ome other upernatural reature, but he i not. Whil he doe send a lot of time in the Etherope, he ue allie and program to maintain the appearane of alway being at hi pub, Walker’ Pub. Earne i “off the radar” outide of the Sope. Tere are no reord of hi reidene, birth, family, employment, or otherwie. Earne did omething important for the highe level of Parliament, and thi wa their reward. It i extremely unlikely the haracer will enounter Earne outide of the Sope, but within the Sope, hi loation i ommon knowledge. Earnes Pink (Savant 5):  CR 5: Medium humanoid (human); HD 5d6+10; hp 29; Ma 14; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; Defene 12, touh 12, flat footed 12 (+2 la); BAB +2; Grap +3; Atk +3 melee (1d4+1 nonlethal, unarmed rike) or +3 melee (1d6+1, lub) or +2 ranged (1d4+1/19–20, knife); SQ –; Val progre/progre, AL the Flat Rider, family; SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +7; Ex 0; Str 12, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 16, Wi 14, Cha 14. Sope Avatar:  HD 5d6+10; hp 29; Ma 14; Init +2; Defene 14, touh 14, flat footed 12; BAB +2; Grap +5; Atk +5 melee (1d4+3, unarmed rike); SV Fort +4, Ref +4; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14. emplate: Profeional. Skill:  Diplomay +10, Diguie +6, Engineer (etherteh) +11, Engineer (rucural) +11, Inveigate +11, Knowledge (urrent event) +11, Knowledge (myial philoophy) +11, Reearh +11, Sope Awarene +10, Sope Reiliene +10, Sope Ue (immered) +11, Sope Ue (remote) +11. Influene:  Parliamentary +8, Civi +3, Churh +3. Feat:  Combat Expertie, Combat Martial Art, Defenive Martial Art, Influential (Parliamentary), Iron Will, Maer Engineer, Minor Cybernaughti App (Sope jak), Simple Weapon Profiieny. alent: Improved program rafter Sope kill, immered program raft-

ing, program rafter Sope kill. Poeion:  Earne ha a eret flat in a preigiou building. Hi living quarter are well diguied and oked with the mo advaned elecroni money an buy. A lot of it i blak market, but ine he never entertain gue, it i hardly a onern to him. Wealth: +12.

Edison Greywall


reywall i an aging private inveigator. He i about average height and weight, although hi alt and pepper hair and agg ing eye quikly reveal hi age. He ha a oft mile and wear taeful outfit that are far behind the urrent trend. He never beome agitated or exited even during houting or gun play. He ha done and een it all and he i tired of it. Greywall ha a bum knee, whih aue him to walk lowly with a ane. He laim it wa beaue of a gunhot wound, but it i imply old age reeping up on him. Edion Greywall (Broker 1): CR 1; Medium humanoid (human); HD 1d6–2; hp 4; Ma 7; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; Defene 13, touh 12, flat footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 armour); BAB +0; Grap –2; Atk –2 melee (1d3–2 nonlethal, unarmed rike) or –2 melee (1d6–2, ap) or +2 ranged (2d4, pepperbox revolver) SQ –; Val honey/progre, AL family, elf; SV Fort –2, Ref +3, Will +1; Ex 0; Str 6, Dex 14, Con 7, Int 11, Wi 11, Cha 12. Sope Avatar: HD 1d6+1; hp 4; Ma 12; Init +0; Defene 10, touh 10, flat footed 10; BAB +0; Grap +0; Atk +0 melee (1d2, unarmed rike); SV Fort +1, Ref +0; Str 11, Dex 11, Con 12. emplate:  Profeional (Civi, Parliamentary, Churh) (Knowledge (Civi)). Skill: Bluff +5, Diplomay +7, Engineer (hemial) +2, Engineer (rutural) +6, Forgery +4, Intimidate +3, Inveigate +6, Knowledge (urrent event) +4, Sene Motive +6. Influene:  Churh +2, Civi +4, Parliamentary +2, Criminal +1. Feat: Attentive, Maer Engineer, Peruaive, Simple Weapon Profiieny. alent: Ear to the ground (Civi). Poeion:  Pepperbox revolver


with 24 round, light underover hirt, Sope tab (Walker’ Pub). Wealth: +12.

Flat Riders


lat Rider ue aliae uh a Red32, Smokeak, EntryPoint, KungFuMaer, Agent10, BringDownTeSyop, and o forth. In any diuion, they ini on being alled by their “uer name” and do not reveal their true name, going o far a to ini their uer name i their real name. Flat Rider (Savant 2): CR 2; Medium humanoid (human); HD 2d6–2; hp 7; Ma 8; Init –1; Spd 30 ft.; Defene 10, touh 10, flat footed 10 (–1 Dex, +1 la); BAB +1; Grap –1; Atk –1 melee (1d4–2 nonlethal, unarmed rike); SQ –; Val Progre/Progre, AL the Flat Rider, Sope rider; SV Fort –1, Ref –1, Will +3; Ex 0; Str 7, Dex 8, Con 8, Int 16, Wi 14, Cha 12. Sope Avatar:  HD 2d6+4; hp 13; Ma 14; Init +2; Defene 13, touh 13, flat footed 11; BAB +2; Grap +5; Atk +5 melee (1d4+3, unarmed rike); SV Fort +3, Ref +4; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12. emplate: Aademi. Skill:  Engineer (etherteh) +8, Engineer (mehanial) +8, Forgery +8, Inveigate +8, Knowledge (urrent event) +8, Knowledge (hiory) +8, Knowledge (myial philoophy) +8, Knowledge (natural philoophy) +8, Reearh +8, Sope Awarene +9, Sope Ue (immered) +10, Sope Ue (remote) +8. Influene:  Aademi +4, Oult +2. Feat:  Attentive, Combat Martial Art, Sope Raider, Simple Weapon Profiieny. alent: Program rafter Sope kill. Poeion:  Blue ollar or uniform lothing, knife, miellaneou gadget. Wealth: +20.

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eeve i an optional haracer who an be inluded a a driver for haracer wealthy enough to afford a ar and driver. Jeeve i a lai polite manervant with a variety of ueful kill that may ai the haracer. However, Jeeve i not very good at navigating around town and will often require the aiane of haracer in determining where he i going. Ti i the fir lue that Jeeve may not be a hauffer by profeion. He i retired MI-6 and killed in the ue of firearm, although he i not urrently armed.  Jeeve i the Gamemaer’ olution to odd problem. He keep a number of thing in the ar, inluding sare lothing, bandage, drug and other mediine, and all manner of miellaneou item. He i happy to be of ervie.  Jeeve ue no other name and avoid the onabulary and any ort of publiity. He i retired and doe not want any of hi old enemie to know hi preent whereabout.  Jeeve (Enginaught 5): CR 5; Medium humanoid (alpha, human); HD 5d10+30; hp 62; Ma 16; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; Defene 16, touh 15, flat footed 14 (+2 Dex, +3 la, +1 armour); BAB +3; Grap +3; Atk +3 melee (1d3 nonlethal, unarmed rike) or +3 melee (1d6 nonlethal, ap) or +5 ranged (2d4, pepperbox revolver); SQ –; Val loyalty/loyalty, AL employer, England; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +5; Ex 0; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 18, Wi 18, Cha 18. Sope Avatar:  HD 5d6+20; hp 40; Ma 12; Init +0; Defene 10, touh 10, flat footed 10; BAB +0; Grap +0; Atk +0 melee (1d3, unarmed rike); SV Fort +4, Ref +4; Str 18, Dex 18, Con 18. emplate: Offier (Diplomay, Navigate). Skill:  Diplomay +8, Lien +12, Knowledge (urrent event) +12, Knowledge (mediine) +8, Munition +12, Pilot (ivilian) +12, Pilot (military) +4, Spot +8, Survival +12. Influene: Intelligene +4, Military +8. Feat: Advaned Firearm Profiieny, Civilian Vehile Operation (land), Peronal Firearm Profiieny, Simple

Weapon Profiieny, oughne, Vehile Expert. alent: Damage reducion 2/–, robu. Poeion: Light underover hirt, formal uit (driver’), and Sope tab (Walker’ Pub). In ar: Camera, 4 formal uit, fake ID, 4 roll of duc tape, fir aid kit (glove box), 4 pair of handuff, lokpik (ar opening kit and lokpik et), deluxe mehanial tool kit, medial kit, andard binoular, road atla, battery flood torh, dried ration, 10 liter of water. Wealth: +22.

The Grey Death

he Grey Death i a group of four aain who work for large buinee hoping to beome more prominent. At thi point, they’re willing to do ju about any work. Tey wear buine uit and trademark grey loak or rainoat, and typially ue knive or hort word to do their work, although they’re quite apable of uing firearm if neeary. Tey have been areful enough in the pa that the onabulary doe not know who they are, but if they ould be tied to everal reent murder, they would beome wanted men. Grey Death Member (Puruer 1): CR 1: Medium humanoid (human); HD 1d8+1; hp 9; Ma 12; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; Defene 15, touh 14, flat footed 13 (+2 Dex, +2 la, +1 equipment); BAB +0; Grap +1; Atk +2 melee (1d6+1 nonlethal, unarmed rike) or +1 melee (1d4 +1/19–20, knife) or +2 ranged (2d6, andard piol) or +2 ranged (2d8, hotgun); SQ; Val Loyalty/Detahment, AL elf/employer; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1; Ex 0; Str 12, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 11, Wi 10, Cha 12; Sope Avatar: HD 1d6+1; hp 7; Ma 10; Init +0; Defene 10, touh 10, flat footed 10; BAB +0; Grap +0; Atk +1 melee (1d6 nonlethal, unarmed rike); SV Fort +1, Ref +0; Str 11, Dex 10, Con 12. emplate: Criminal (Intimidate). Skill: Hide +6, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (taci) +4, Move Silently +6, Sene Motive +4. Influene:  Crime +2, Conabulary +1, Street +1.


Feat: Brawl, Simple Weapon Profiieny, rak. alent: San. Poeion:  Knife, andard piol with 12 round, 12-gauge hotgun with 10 round, light underover hirt, blak buine uit, grey loak, briefae. Wealth: +2.



hug” for thi adventure are average folk who are deserate or immoral enough to have turned to rime to make a living. Tey do not have muh wealth and are motivated by the hane to gain a better ation in life, even if they mu rik their life to do o. Ti give them a lightly better than average morale. Tey may ik around in a fight even when their omrade have been lain. However, one it i obviou that the battle annot be won, they will flee in the wor way, even harming their allie to improve their hane of eape. Tey have little loyalty exept to money. Example Name (M): George, Hubert, Ivo, John, Oliver, Peter, Will, Roger, Teobald. Example Name (F): Albreda, Alie, Beatrie, Ellen, Gundred, Mabel, Olive. Tug (Combatant ordinary 2): CR 1; Medium humanoid (human); HD 2d8+4; hp 13; Ma 14; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; Defene 13, touh 13, flat footed 12 (+1 Dex, +2 la); BAB +2; Grap +4; Atk +4 melee (1d6+2, lub) or +3 ranged (1d4+2/19–20, knife); Val detahment/ enthuiam, AL elf, family; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0; Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wi 8, Cha 12. Sope Avatar: HD 2d6+2; hp 9; Ma 10; Init –1; Defene 9, touh 9, flat footed 9; BAB +0; Grap +0; Atk +1 melee (1d6, unarmed rike); SV Fort –1, Ref +0; Str 10, Dex 8, Con 12. emplate: Criminal (Intimidate). Skill: Bluff +5, Intimidate +5, Spot +3. Influene: Crime +4. Feat:  Brawl, Simple Weapon Profiieny. Poeion:  Club, knife, blue ollar or uniform lothing, a pair of worn hoe or boot. Wealth: +2.

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Ray Domingo

he haracer may feel that Domingo i a “good” peron beaue he wa reommended by Greywall. Domingo i a killer and the diincion between animal target and human target i a fine line for him. He ha erved a a oldier and often mention that human target were muh more hallenging. Domingo an turn into an enemy of the party in the time it take to ok bak the hammer of hi heavy elephant gun if he i greatly offended or if the party, or anyone ele, inform him of the pakage and then the party refue to give it to him. Domingo ha had hi eye replaed with ybernaughti. Many people believe that a terrible aident o him the ue of hi natural eye. Ti i not true. He intentionally had them replaed o he ould hunt better at night and improve hi auray. When hunting, Domingo often arrie a modified diruption rifle, a treaured poeion. Ironially, Domingo i not that good at hunting, at lea not ompared to ome profeional out there. He ha the wealth to give himelf ertain advantage and ertainly he may appear fearome to the haracer, but hi bakground i moly melee ombat and military rategy, omething that he regret. In emiretirement, he send a muh time hunting a he an. He ha gone o far a to hunt loal — not to kill them, ju to ee how long he an tail them without being een. Ray Domingo (Combatant 5): CR 5: Medium humanoid (alpha, human); HD 5d8+10; hp 36; Ma 15; Init +6, Spd 30 ft.; Defene 16, touh 15, flat footed 14 (+2 Dex, +3 la, +1 equipment); BAB +5; Grap +8; Atk +8 melee (1d3+3 nonlethal, unarmed rike) or +8 melee (1d6+3/19-20, mahete) or +7 ranged (2d10, diruption rifle) or +7 ranged (2d12, 12-gauge hotgun); SQ –; Val honey/tenaity, AL hunter, elf; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1; Ex 0; Str 16, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 13, Wi 11, Cha 7. Sope Avatar: HD 5d6; hp 20; Ma 10; Init +4; Defene 10, touh 10, flat footed 10; BAB +0; Grap +1; Atk +1 melee (1d3+1, unarmed rike); SV Fort +0, Ref +0; Str 13, Dex 11, Con 10.

emplate: Offier (Navigate). Skill: Lien +4, Spot +8, Survival +8. Influene: Military +8. Feat: Far Shot, Improved Initiative, Peronal Firearm Profiieny, Quik Draw, Quik Reload, Simple Weapon Profiieny, rak. alent: Controlled fire, ombatant ybernaughti app (ybernaughti eye, low-light viion). Poeion:  Large diruption rifle with ope, uppreor, laer ight, illuminator (torh), and 60 round of ammunition, 12-gauge hotgun with 40 round, mahete, leather jaket, zepar, military uniform, medial kit, bakpak, range-finding binoular. Wealth: +22.



hapter VIII: Gamemaering in the Etherope  ore book ha a number of reature and GM haracer you an add to thi adventure to make it more exiting. Additional Facion:  You an build any number of additional facion intereed in the pakage. Eah fac ion hould have a ingle 5th- to 10th-level member and a number of 1-level member the haracer may enounter. Tey mu have a motive for wanting the pakage baed on what it ontain, or what they think it ontain and a reaon for diovering it exiene. A the haracer explore and try to learn more about the pakage, they aidentally tip off uh group. Enounter in the Sope:  Beide other Sope rider, the haracer an enounter reature native to the Sope or program in the Sope. Sope glithe and Sope firewal l are good low-level enounter for haracer, eseially if they try to break into another area of the Sope where they are not wanted. A lungrath i a good arting demon if you want the haracer to get a tae. Sope and Non-Sope: You’re doing your job right if all the player are engaged and all the haracer have a hane to do the thing they like to do.


Some haracer in a party might have a variety of Sope kill, while other don’t. Suh a party might break up to aomplih tak in different way. In thee ituation, improvie ool thing for all the haracer to do; allow their idea to be good one. For example, the PC might leave one of their member in the Prime Reality to guard their bodie while the re of them go to Walker’ Pub. o make the entinel feel ueful, have a mall group of thug attak. A party might end a ouple of it Sope expert into Ray Domingo’ manor to take ontrol of hi eurity meaure. Te adventure doen’t mention what eurity meaure he ha seifially, but allow the haracer to diover everal gun emplaement around hi ground that they an ontrol from the Sope. However, they have to defeat a few Sope glithe to gain ae to them, and if they fail, they alert Domingo to their preene — and he an ue the gun again them.



therope  i baed on the Open Game Liene, whih ue a popular die alled a d20. Many other game out there alo ue d20 (and mo ay o on the over omewhere), o you might be familiar with the yem. Ti etion introdue you to the asec that are unique to Etherope. Welome to Modern:  If you are familiar with fantay roleplaying game that ue d20 (uh a thoe involving dragon), you already know a lot about the yem. If thi i alo your fir time playing in a game et in the modern era, you hould familiarize yourelf with the following new game element in the Etherope book: exellene point, defene bonu, ma (Maive Damage), and wealth.

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Playtesting Notes One o the most successul elements o the playtest was the accents. Everyone brought their own British accent to  the t able and the Gamesmas ter had to do several diferent ones. Ater a night o polite, very civil voices, the harsh, loud, angry voice o Burk Foreright cut  through the players with the appropriate efect.

New Elements in Etherscope

he following asec are unique to Etherope. Whether or not you are familiar with other modern-era game, thee are new. Value and Allegiane: Etherope doe not ue traditional alignment. Inead, it ue the ombination of value and allegiane to determine a peron’ moral ode. Value:  Chooe one virtue and one vie. Te virtue and vie ome from the ame li of Vicorian value, but taking a value a a virtue or a vie mean omething different. Te li inlude: bravery, detahment, enthuiam, honey, loyalty, patriotim, progre, and tenaity. AL (Allegiane):  Chooe one major allegiane. You may alo hooe one minor allegiane. Allegiane inlude, but are not limited to: a peron or group, an organization, a nation, or a belief ytem. You hooe the partiular of an allegiane. Te Gamemaer may grant you a +2 Cirumane bonu to Charima-baed kill hek when dealing with omeone who ha the ame allegiane (ee Chapter II: rait), but the main purpoe of allegiane i a a tool for roleplaying. Where do your haracer’ loyaltie lie? Exellene Point: You an send an exellene point to re-roll a ingle die roll, “max out” any one given die roll (automatially get the highe poible number) before the roll i made, or acivate an ability that require an exellene point. You gain 3 exellene point at

1 level (or ju 1 if you are an epilon or delta human) and an additional point every odd level. Tee point repreent the amazing power of the human sirit and only player haracer and seial GM haracer get them (ee Chapter II: rait). Soial emplate: You oial template repreent your bakground and oial anding. Wealth:  Purhaing item doe not lower your wealth unle you take 20. In the Etherope etting, it i diffiult to raie or lower your wealth. Tere i little room for limbing the oial ladder.

Building Your Avatar


bility Sore:  In the Sope, ue your Intelligene ore for your avatar’ Strength ore, your Widom ore for your avatar’ Dexterity ore, and your Charima ore for your avatar’ Conitution ore. Sope Die:  Your la determine your die ize for your avatar. All bae lae ue d6 hit die. Advaned lae have their own Sope die that may be

higher. Certain la trait an hange your Sope die ize (ee Chapter I: Characer). Hit Point: Determine your hit point normally. Ue your avatar’ Conitution ore a the modifier, not your regular Conitution ore. Ma:  Ue your avatar’ Conitution ore to determine your Maive Damage ore. Init:  Ue your avatar’ Dexterity modifier (your Widom modifier) to determine your initiative. Feat uh a Improved Initiative modify your avatar’ initiative normally. Defene:  Your Defene Bonu i dependent on your rank in Sore Awarene. See able 6-3: Avatar rait Value by Skill Rank (reprinted below for onveniene). BAB: You bae attak bonu i baed on your Sope Ue (immered) kill. See able 6-3: Avatar rait Value by Skill Rank. Grapple:  Determine your Grapple modifier normally, but ue your avatar’ Strength modifier and bae attak bonu. Feat uh a Improved Grapple apply.

TablE 6–3: avaTar TraiT valuEs by skill ranks Ranks in Skill

Base Attack Bonus

Base Saving Throw Bonus

Defence Bonus










































































































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Attak Bonu: Your attak bonu for eah weapon i alulated normally uing your avatar’ Strength or Dexterity ore (depending on if it i melee or ranged) and i modified by feat uh a Weapon Fou or Weapon Speialization normally. Damage: Determine damage normally but ue your avatar’ Strength ore inead of your own. Remember that you annot bring equipment into the Sope from the real world. Saving Trow:  Your bae Fortitude ave i determined by your rank in Sope Reiliene, and your bae Reflex ave by your rank in Sope Awarene. Your Will ave remain unhanged. Equipment: Your gear doe not travel to the Sope with you, exept ybernaughti, o real-world armour doe not modify your avatar’ Defene Bonu. (Program that reate armour an inreae your Defene Bonu.) What doe not hange?:  Your Intelligene, Widom, and Charima, level, la, and Will ave do not hange when you enter the Sope. Tee at are not inluded in an avatar’ at blok only beaue they do not hange. You ill have Intelligene, Widom, and Charima ore in the Sope; you imply ue your original ore. A Sope avatar sat blok with quik note:


ope Avatar:  HD 1d6; hp 6; Ma (avatar’ Con); Init (avatar’ Dex); Defene (Defene bonu (Sope Awarene on able 6-3) + avatar’ Dex + equipment program), touh 10, flat footed 10; BAB (Sope Ue (immered) on able 6-3); Grap (BAB + avatar’ Str); Atk +(BAB + avatar’ Str or Dex) melee or ranged (damage, weapon); SV Fort (Sope Reiliene on able 6-3), Ref +(Sope Awarene on able 6-3); Str (Int), Dex (Wi), Con (Cha).



or your onveniene, here are four 1-level haracer that your play-

er an immediately pik up and begin playing. Let your player know that they are ertainly free to alter asec of thee haracer, ubjec to your approval.

Sneevly Smite, Academic Human Scoundrel


eription:  Sneevly i the welleduated on of a lower-upper la engineer, Sir Reginald Smite. Sir Reginald i a rare ue ory of a brilliant middle la engineer entering the lowe rank of high oiety beaue of reognition of hi etherteh invention. He earned a knighthood late in life. Some onider the Smite to be undeerving of their atu, but Sir Reginald wa mart enough to hold patent that gained him oniderable wealth, whih he ha ued to thoroughly eduate hi on. Sneevly i omething of an inveigator and i well vered in Sope ue. He ha been eduated in all the proper hool, but he ill uffer from the igma of not being “proper” high oiety. Ti ha made him omewhat rebelliou, omething hi father worrie about. Sneevly ha a reputation a a brawler — a blak mark again hi good name at partie, but a point of pride in boxing and men’ lub irle. Unknown to hi father, he’ developed a paing intere in the oult, a hobby that ha given him ome ontac he feel may better eure hi poition in high oiety. No fool, Sneevly know he need to remain in high oiety if he i to live out the life he ha planned for himelf. He want to know eret and gain power. He i definitely intereed in a politial areer, although that i a dead-end propec in England without ome rather aggering onnecion. He i onidering moving to Ameria, where he might make the onnecion he need to return and take a eat of power in England. Sneevly Smite (Soundrel 1): CR 1; Medium humanoid (human); HD 1d6; hp 6; Ma 11; Init +0, Spd 30 ft.; Defene 13, touh 12, flat footed 12 (+1 Dex, +1 la, +1 equipment); BAB +0; Grap +0; Atk +0 melee (1d6+3/19–20, riket bat) or +1 ranged (2d6, andard piol); SQ Sope rider kill; Val enthuiam/bravery; AL elf, ompan-


ion; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2; Ex 3; Str 10, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 15, Wi 15, Cha 15. Sope Avatar: HD 1d6+2; hp 8; Ma 10; Init +4; Defene 13, touh 13, flat footed 11; BAB +1; Grap +3; Atk +4 melee (1d6+2, unarmed rike); SV Fort +4, Ref +4; Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15. emplate: Aademi. Skill: Bluff +6, Engineer (mehanial) +6, Hide +6, Knowledge (hiory) +8, Reearh +4, Sope Awarene +6, Sope Reiliene +6, Sope Ue (immered) +6, Sope Ue (remote) +6. Influene: Aademi +4, High Soiety +1, Oult +2. Feat:  Aademi, Brawl, Peronal Firearm Profiieny, Simple Weapon Profiieny. Poeion:  Long trenh oat, andard piol, box of 16 round, riket bat, light underover hirt, knife, having kit, pen light, road atla, onealed arry holer, zip-tie handuff (25), duc tape, ranger pak. Wealth: +20.

Quincy Clark, Officer Alpha Combatant


eription: Deended from three generation of military men and women, Quiny ha been eduated in a imilar manner with a modern twi: Hi seialty i ombat in the Sope. Not a rong, or fa, or tough a other member of hi family, Quiny ill learned to defend himelf with hi fi. It i when he fir viited the Sope, however, that he ame into hi own. Here hi fighting kill are muh improved, and he find himelf more than a math for hi ibling. Quiny ee a promiing future in the military in a seialized quad that patrol the Sope. Reognizing hi phyial inadequaie in the Prime Reality, Quiny doe not heitate to pik up a firearm to even the odd. He imply i not allowed to arry around the kind of firepower he would like to have hi hand on. Quiny Clark (Combatant 1): CR 1; Medium humanoid (alpha, human); HD 1d8+1; hp 9; Ma 12; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; Defene 11, touh 11, flat footed 11 (+1 la); BAB+1; Grap +1; Atk +3 melee (1d6 nonlethal, unarmed rike)

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or +3 melee (1d6+1, bra knukle) or +2 ranged (2d10, diruption rifle); SQ ombatant Sope kill (Sope Awarene and Sope Ue (immered)), alpha trait; Val bravery/loyalty; AL ompanion, the Queen; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +2; Ex 3; Str 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 17, Wi 15, Cha 13. Sope Avatar:  HD 1d6; hp 7; Ma 13; Init +2; Defene 13, touh 13, flat footed 11; BAB +1; Grap +4; Atk +6 melee (1d6+3, unarmed rike); SV Fort +2, Ref +4; Str 17, Dex 15, Con 13. emplate: Offier (Diplomay). Skill: Bluff +4, Diplomay +5, Pilot +2, Sope Awarene +6, Sope Reiliene +3, Spot +6, Sope Ue (immered) +7. Influene:  High Soiety +2, Intelligene +2, Military +4. Feat:  Brawl, Improved Brawl, Simple Weapon Profiieny. Poeion: Military uniform, bra knukle, medial kit, hoe polih, omb, ap, lighter, tin of igar, flat key, ued opera tiket, wallet, military identifiation, fake ID, poket knife. Wealth: +22.

Norma Scrann, Disenfranchised Gamma Enginaught


eription:  Norma Srann wa raied by a well-meaning gamma family —one of the few in the area who made an effort to ontribute to oiety, rather than urry ing off into the ewer underworld, a did many of their kind. From an early age, however, he howed herelf to be a rebel, and he oon tired of her family’ poverty-riken lifeyle. Seeking to find her nihe in the world, Norma tried to integrate with the gamma of Georgetown, yet he never felt a ene of “home.” Te only role he ould arve out for herelf wa a a drug-dealer, paing tab from the reet down into the ewer. Norma’ ue at thi trade led her bak to the reet of the Great Metropoli, plying her trade to the non-gamma population. She alo experimented with the Sope tab herelf and oon beame a profiient Sope uer, known a a “tab jammer.” She ha long ine given up the drug-elling trade, hooing inead

to work a an inveigator-for-hire in the Sope. Norma Srann (Enginaught 1): CR 1; Medium humanoid (gamma, human, trangeni); HD 1d10+3; hp 13; Ma 16; Init +2; Spd 30 ft; Defene 15, touh 14, flat footed 13 (Dex +2, la +1, equipment +1, ize +1); BAB +0; Grap –5; Atk +3 ranged (2d4, pepperbox revolver) or +0 melee (1d4–1, piol whip) or +1 melee (1d2–1 nonlethal, unarmed); SQ tab-jammer Sope kill, gamma trait; Val enthuiam (tab)/ progre; AL elf, Great Metropoli; Ex 3; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0; Str 8, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 15, Wi 10, Cha 10. Sope Avatar: HD 1d6+1; hp 7; Ma 10; Init +0, Defene 12, touh 11, flat footed 12 (Dex +0, la +0, equipment +1, ize +1); BAB +1; Grap –1; Atk +2 ranged (2d4, pepperbox revolver) or +5 unarmed (1d2+2, unarmed); SV Fort +2, Ref +1; Str 15, Dex 10, Con 10. emplate: Dienfranhied (Agriulture, Street, Crime) (Hide, Intimidate). Skill:  Engineer (pharmaeutial) +6, Hide +8, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (urrent event) +6, Munition +4, Pilot (ivilian) +4, Sope Awarene +4, Sope Reiliene +4, Sope Ue (immered) +8. Influene: Street +2, Crime +1. Feat: Peronal Firearm Profiieny, Sope Raider, Simple Weapon Profiieny, oughne (avatar). Poeion:  Pepperbox revolver, leather jaket, blue-ollar outfit, Sope tab (New London x2, Pleaure Domain x11, Haven x4), Sope program* (Soper’ leather, pepperbox revolver). * You need to acivate thee program with a Find Doument Sope Ue hek (DC 10) a an attak acion. Wealth: +1.

Nicholas Henson, Tradesman Fey Savant


eription:  Te hild of an aademi ruggling with debt and finanial problem, Nihola learned that he would have to make hi own way in life. However, a fir-rate eduation an buy a large amount of privilege, and Nihola made the be ue of it. Seemingly a natural in the Sope,


Nihola et up a mall hop in the Great Metropoli to ell hi ervie a a program rafter. Buine wa low to art, but regular lient have brought in a eady inome that pay for the rent of hi hop and the flat above it. Nihola ha alo beome an acive member of the Sope rider ommunity, sending many hour immered in the ity of Haven, frequenting a number of key eablihment inluding the Drum and Monkey, Nighthawk Fallen, and Walker’ Pub. Nihola Henon (Savant 1): CR 1; Medium humanoid (fey, human); HD 1d6; hp 6; Ma 10; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; Defene 12, touh 11, flat footed 11 (Dex +1, la +1, equipment +0); BAB +0; Grap –1; Atk –1 melee (1d3–1 nonlethal, unarmed); SQ program rafter Sope kill, fey trait, Sope familiar (at); Val enthuiam (Sope)/progre; AL own buine, Sope rider; Ex 3; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +4; Str 8, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 19, Wi 16, Cha 12. Sope Avatar: HD 1d6+1, hp 7; Ma 12; Init +3, Defene 15, touh 14, flat footed 12 (Dex +3, la +1, equipment +1); BAB +1; Grap +5; Atk +5 melee (1d8+4, riket bat) or +0 ranged (2d8, large piol); SV Fort +2, Ref +5; Str 19, Dex 16, Con 12. emplate: rademan (Civi, Indutry, Street). Skill: Bluff +5, Diplomay +7, Engineer (etherteh) +8, Engineer (pharmaeutial) +7, Forgery +8, Inveigate +8, Knowledge (ivi) +8, Knowledge (indury) +8, Lien +5, Reearh +8, Sope Awarene +7, Sope Reiliene +3, Sope Ue (immered) +8, Sope Ue (remote) +8, Sene Motive +5. Influene:  Civi +2, Indury +1, Street +2. Feat:  Minor Cybernaughti App (Sope jak), Simple Weapon Profiieny. Poeion:  Buine outfit, Gladone bag, Sope point (New London), Sope point (Haven), Sope program* (riket bat, large piol, Soper’ leather). *Tee program automatially acivate on jak-in. Wealth: +8.

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Ethecope  created by Nigel

McClelland and Ben Redmond. Wte: Mark Charke Deeope:  Luke Johnson Edto: Ken Hart at Decto:  Shane Hartley Ctogph:  Ethan Pasternack Gphc Dege: Shane Hartley Ptete:  Mark Charke (Richard Coles, Josh Holmes, Nathan Holmes), Ben Redmond (Mark Fair, Matt Finn, Nigel McClelland; Anne Hoath, Stephen Keightley, Stephen Price, Gary Sereno, Simon Sharp, Dominic Toghill; Richard Aitken, Alex Clark, Jay Copely, Nigel Fisher, Andrew Kenrick) Edto--Chef:  Joseph Goodman

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www.goodmangames.com Available wherever quality game are old. This printing o Ethecope : Just a Delivery is done under version 1.0 o the Open Gaming License and the System Reerence Document by permission rom Wizards o the Coast, Inc. Subsequent printings will incorporate nal versions o the license and document. Designation o Product Identity: The ollowing items are hereby designated as Product Identity in accordance with Section 1(e) o the Open Game License, version 1.0: Any and all Ethecope  and Goodman Games and Malladins Gate logos and identiying marks and trade dress; all proper nouns, capitalized terms, italicized terms, artwork, maps, symbols, depictions, and illustrations, except such elements that already appear in the System Reerence Document, as well as the terms, app, black trip, central administration tower, Centropolis, class A80, class D30, domain movement classications, cross-template inuence, cybernaught, cybernaughtic(s), cybernaughtic app, cybernaughtic attachment, cybernaughtic implant, cybernaughtic purchase point(s), dobbin, dogger, domain, dome and spire archology, enginaught, epsilon, ether balloon, ether ue, ether guns, ether jet, ether science, ethercomm, aetherdam, etheric, etheric state, etherium, ethecope,  the ethecope , etherspace, etherstorm, ethertech, excellence point(s), extra inuence, Great Metropolis, Haven, immersed scope use, jump the rails, land dreadnought, The Northumbrian Republican Movement, the Pan-European war, the prime reality, remote scope use, savage south, Schopheim, scope jack, scope point, scope processor, scope rider, scope tab, super dreadnought, system agents, tab trip, tab-jammer, upload capsule, v-prop weapons, the Wall, zep car. Designation o Open Content: Subject to the Product Identity designation above, all creature and NPC statistic blocks are designated as Open Gaming Content, all o Chapter 1: Characters, Chapter 2: Traits, as well as all material derived rom the SRD or other open content sources. Some o the portions o this book which are delineated OGC originate rom the System Reerence Document and are copyright © 1999, 2000 Wizards o the Coast, Inc. The remainder o these OGC portions o these book are hereby added to Open Game Content and, i so used, should bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE  Ethecope : Just a Delivery by Ben Redmond and Nigel McClelland, published by Goodman Games, ©2005 Goodman Games (contact in[email protected], or see www.goodman-games.com) Ethecope   and Ethecope : Just a Delivery are copyright © 2005 Goodman Games. Ethecope  is a trademark o Goodman Games. Dungeons & Dragons ® and Wizards o the Coast ® are Registered Trademarks o Wizards o  the Coast, and are used with Permission. Open game content may only be used under and in the  terms o the Open Game License. d20 System and the d20 System logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards o the Coast and are used according to the terms o the d20 System License version 1.0. A copy o this license can be ound at www.wizards.com. OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a The ollowing text is the property o Wizards o the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wiz-

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 this Licenseto includethe exacttext o the COPYRIGHT NOTICE o any Open Game Content You are copying, modiying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE o any original Open Game Content you Distribute. 7. Use o Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indica tion as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with  the owner o each element o that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner o such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use o any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership o that Product Identity. The owner o any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to  that Product Identity. 8. Identication: I you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which por tions o thework that you are distributing are Open Game Content. 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions o  this License. You may useany authorized versiono this License to copy, modiy and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version o this License. 10 Copy o this License: You MUST include a copy o this License with every copy o the Open Game Content You Distribute. 11. Use o Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name o any Contributor unless You have written permission rom the Contributor to do so. 12 Inability to Comply: I it is impossible or You to comply with any o the terms o this License with respect to some or all o the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so afected. 13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically i You ail to comply with all terms herein and ail to cure such breach within 30 days o becoming aware o the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination o this License. 14 Reormation: I any provision o this License is held to be unenorceable, such provision shall be reormed only to the extent necessary to make it enorceable. 15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards o the Coast, Inc. System Rules Document Copyright 2000 Wizards o the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Ethecope : Just a Delivery by Ben Redmond and Nigel McClelland, published by Goodman Games, ©2005 Goodman Games (contact in[email protected], or see www.goodman-games.com)

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